SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, the greet natural Bono Setter. A BRIUTIPUL cA.N. B.K es -6.6,1 by the use et nnuteoion'S EXTRAGT sag- SAPARILLA. March. Atwil,Msty, and June. are the best 1113ent7is to UFA a Blood-Purifying - remedy. Seoadvor titement. fe27-fa:m.3m STEIEWAYS UPRIGHT ORAND The numerous admirers of STEINWAY A. SON'S PIANOS. and the musical public in general. will be de lighted to see and bear the new constructed Upright or Cabinet Pianos of this Ili mat the undersigned. In CONSTRUCTION, VOLUME OF TONE, and TOUCH, they are FULL GRAND PIANOS, Mandl ng upright. The Steinways' name Is sufficient security for their last ing qualities. BLASIUS BROS., mll7-7t 1.006 CEIESTNUT Street. BURR BOURBON WHISKY Bottled by lIDOLPTIO WOLFE, NEW YORK. To THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA Per some time past, I have been solicited by the Medi cal Faculty of this city to add to my "Schiedam Aro natio Fclinapps" business the bottling of PURE noun 1301i WHISKY, which could,be relied on by the medical profession. I would have acceded to their reddest some ctime since, but found it difficult to procure a pure article. After considerable difficulty and delay, I have arranged with two distillers in Bourbon county for, a regular supply. I have also located an agent in Louisville, ffy... for the purchase of BOIIIIBON WHISKY, 4irect from (he dietillers,iwhen offered for sale in that market. The Whisky will be put up in my Schnapps bottles. And packed in cases of one dozen each, with a foe simile Of iitiniatm AttiktiltzL PIMA %SUM r. lIDOLP.IIO WOLFE, No. 221 BE AYER Street. NEW YORK, January 38th, 1683, t7notriro vraus, Esq., 22 Beaver St New 'Kock DEek;Swt: The want of Pore Liquors for Medicinal purposes hoe been. long filthy the profession, and thou .-condo at liven have been sacrificed by the use of adults- We have tested the several articles which you sent us, and consider it justly entitled to the high reputation you claim for it. • Wewould recommend you to appoint some of the re . apeetablo Apothecaries, In different parts of the United .I . .itates, as Agents for the sale of your Bourbon Whisky, ,where the profession can obtain the same when. needed efor medicinal purposes. Wishing you moss In yOrir new enterprise, We remain your obedient servants, VALENTINE MOT,T, M. D., No.l Grammy Park. J. M. -CARNOCHAN, IL D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Surgeon-in-Chief to the State Hospital, o:c., N 0.14. East Sixteenth street. ' LEWIS A. SAYRE, M. D., 790 Broadway. 'R. P. 'DEVEES, M. D.. 791 Broad way- JOSEPH WORSTER, N. D., 120 Ninth street. 'NELSON STELLE, M. D., 37 Bleacker street. :JOHN O'REILLY, IL D., 210 Fourth street. • r, . J.RAPRAEL, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Snrsvry, 'New York Medical College, Ac., 91 Ninth street, and others. 'TO , COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DRUGGISTS; AND PRIVATE FAMILIES: beg leave to inform the public I have appointed the ''.lollowlngfirms.asagenta for the sale of this Pure Boor- Liohoro samples you always be seen, and eWlil Boon be forge° by every Grocer, Druggist and Apo thecary, and hotel liAloo United States, unotrno WOLFE, 22 BEAVER Street. JOENdON, HOLLOWAY, & COWDEN, GEORGE IL ASHTON, 'NV. L. MADDOCK& GO feßl4ot THE CHEAPEST-BECAITSE BEST. Simpler hi construction, easier managed, doing work that otli.n.a fall to'do, and executing it more neatly, the GROVER 8i 'RAKER SBWIN MACHINE, Has won popular favor, and should be in LEVERY PAIXILY la - Call and Examine MACHINE AND WORE. orricz. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. mh6-101 ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Tryki. mode in the Best Manner. expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures All Goods miide to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Oxx-Patcs SVdTEX is strictly adhered to. AU are thereby treated alike. dell-ly JONES & CO-. 601 MARKET Street. RATCITALOB'S HAIR DYE 1 THE BEST IN THE WORLD. 'WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated • Nair Dye producer a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least ; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorator the heir for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly toms a ,4plendld Black or Brown, leaving the hair.. eon and beantiful. Sold by all Druggists, &o. 4 The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE• LOR, on the four sides of each box. . FACTORY, No. 81BARCLAT Street, (Bate= Broadway and 16 Bond street.) New York. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate. They creste a healthy appetite. They are au antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of ldissipation and late Lanni. They streugth on the system and enliven the mind. They prevent traumatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cord Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diaritce.ha, Cholera, and Cholera Slorbas. 'They care Liver Complaint and Nervous Ileadache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make • :.,he weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great vestoper. They are made of pure St. Croix Ram, the eels 'mated Cathay' Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or., time of day. Partlealsrly recommended to delicate per- • GOD:, requiring a gentle stimulant. . Sold.by all Grocers. Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons, F. 11. BEARE St CO.. 202 BROADWAY, New York. se24.dm M - 1 2 11tRIEID., SOUTHWICK=SIOOI/11-011 Thursday evening, the nth instant, by the Ilea. Kingston Goddard, •D. D•, James L. Southwick to Lizzie, daughter of Thomas IL Moore, Eq., allot* Oda city., 3::)l3Ean_ KNOB.—On Saturday Matting. 7th inst., at German town, Louise Wakeman, wife of Rev. I. H. Mason Muox. D. D., and daughter of Er. Burr Wakeman, of New York. Fnneral exercises will he held at the home of Aar hus band, on Tuesday next, loth inst.,_ at 3 o'clock P. M. The remains will be taken to New York for interment.** ABBOTT.—On Sunday morning, Bth instant. Mrs. Elizabeth I . Hood. wife of W. 8. Abbott, and daughter of the late Jno. M. Hood. . PEEKINPINK —On Friday. morning, the 6th Instant, 'Florence, only daughter of George and Sallie A. Perkin rine, aged 2 years and 9 months. The relatives and friends are requested to attend the funeral Oct Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the TOM deuce of her father, 677 North Eleventh stroel. • NEILL. —On the 7th instant. Joann J. daughter of Blizabeth hi. Richards, and wife of Sautes 11,11. The friends and acquaintances, and those of the family, will attend the funeral, from the hone of her uncle, J. N. Floyd, No. 125 Pine street, on Tuesday afternoon at '2 o'clock. us PEIRCE. —On the morning of the 7th instant, Susanna Peirce, formerly of Burlington, N. .7., in the 76th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of .7. J. "Pitman, on the Burlington road, near - Camden, N. ,T., on Second day, the Mk instant, at 2 o'clock P. M., with out further notice. Carriages wilt he in attendance . at the West Jersey Ferry. at Ma P. N. SMYTH.—Suddenly, on the 6th Instant, Mary Huston, youngest daughter of 'Samuel and Eliza Smyth, 'aged 2 years and 7 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from her parentss'residenee, 3339 Chestnut street, ( entrance on Salmon) street) this Morning. at 10 o'clock without further notice. • nthowAy.—ln Springfield, on 6th day, the 6th of ..941 month, Mary B. Ridgway, wife of Charles Ridgway, 2d, D., in the 70th year of her age. • The relatives and friends are restfully invited to at- - lend the funeral, to meet at the old Springfield Meeting Home, on Second day, the oth of Sd month, at 11 o'clock A. M. BOYLES. —On Saturday, the 7th instant, Helen, daughter of Jameeand Mary Boyles. Her friends, and those of the fatuity, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her parents, No. SOS North Seventh street, on Tuesday after noon the 10th Instant, at 2 o'clock. FOX.-At Nashville, Tennessee, on the 28th ult. of pneumonia, Charles H., son of Joseph Fox, in the 31st, year of his age. His relatives andfirlende of the family, are particular ly invited to attend hie funeral, from his father's rest thence,No. 1208 Spring Garden street, on Fourth day morning, the 11th instant, at 10 o'clock, without further Lotter. ••• EYRE. —On Sixth day, the 6th Instant, at Chester, Pa', William Eyre, Jr., in the 66th year otitis ago. His relatives and friends, and those of the family, are 'lnvited to attend his funeral, (without further notice) erom ht. Into residence in Chester, on Third day (Tues day) fawning, the leth Instant, to moot at 10 o'clock. Weekly Report of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE. March 7.1363. Deaths and Intemmente in the Oily OFFICE S. Philadelvhia from the 28th Of Rbroaru, to the 7th -Vare.l4lBB3. DISSAUS. Asthma. Abcess • sphyxiii..• • Ibumi mires. Apoplexy-- CaßcerStom of thercuo... ach• ..... . Croup. Conc:lotion Brain .• Lunge—. Liver..... Cholera Herbal; Child Birth. Coniiumptloo,'Lungs. Bowels Convulsions Puerperal. ..... . Cranoals. piptheria Dlarrhcea Dropsy Wale " Chest . . .... Pittithe of Brain Heart Throat...—. " Kidneys " S. S. Bowels.. Liver Dynentery Debility Effusion on Brain..• • Y•Pilnpsy Eryelpeias Fracture of Leg Fever, Congestive •• rover, Catarrh...... • WARDR. I First D Second. 1411fleveith Third 11 Twelfth 7 Fourth 9 Thirteenth 9 Fifth 16 Fourteenth. ...... Sixth 101Filleenth Sil l'eventh 161 Sixteenth.., • ....II ighth o iSeventeenth.:...l2l lothTotal. %Eighteenth 6 Deduct deaths from the country.—.. Net deaths In theca' , 278 Nativity—United Staten, MO; Foreign. CS I Unknown. 16. From the Almshouse, 12; People otColar, IS trent the country, 11. !Halos, ; Females. 1R; Boys, 78 ; Girls, el. Deathe and interment% of aeldierg 1n the city, 11. By order of the Board of Hea lt WILIAMREAD. Health Odleer. SPRING MOURNING GOCiDS--BES- For; & SON,—Monrning Stem, Be, 915 CHEST. NOT Street, have received . Black Silks of the most desirable makes. Black and White neat Striped and Check Silks. Paris Printed Foulard Bilks. Black Winnelines, 'Taming. Bombazines. Black Crave Tan:means, Alpacas, and litohaire. lack and White Lawns Gingham", Bonaire. Black Silk Grenadines, drenadine Hasegos. Black English Crapes and Vella Shawls, Hosiery, Glossa, Parasols, Collars, Sleeves, &MG "PYRE & LANDFILL, FOURTH AND . 1 " ARCH, are opening " ' • Rock-Span Silk Shawls, Lama Shawls, long and Rgliare )3 1 tick ThMet Long •Shawis. • Blank Barege finnan!, 1 and 2 yarde Black Florentine, New Fabric, tb2B EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, aro °min_ Spring Style Drees Silks, Spring Style Drees Goode. : • ' Stripe Reis Skirting, • • Engligh Bombazine, • Flret QattlitY Gloves. 626 'IIiOTICE.—AN ANNUAL AIEETING of the stvokiloidere of the 6WEDE IRON CUM ,ANY will be hall at their Office, No. 215 I s T , ,nll. t,i.coon Street, en MONDAY, - dpril 136 L 1 q p t i g ging /Lk_ teklzk 1.11N111 1 311: 10 tec toiritti - emiltnaL !'nit. * rt TIWO,J ?OTTO, ?residua. 11.. OFFICE OP THE IFRANKFORD A.ND BOUTHWARIC PHILADELPHIA CITY I'ASSENGER RAI LROAD COMPANY, BERK'S STREET.' BELOW YOURTEL—PlittAmmrarA, March 6, }SSA, A special meeting of'the Stockholders of this Company will he held at their Mike, so SATURDAY, March 2lit, Ile'cleek A. it., to take action upon the Supplement to the Charter, approved March 4, 1863. By order of the Board of Directors: ni.o-12t CHARLES It. ABBOTT, Secretary. NOTICE.—AN EXAMINATION FOR PRIBCIPAL TRACI-UM in the Mount Vernon lirammttr School for Girls will be held at the Mount Vernon School House, .CATELVILINE Street, below Fourth, on FRIDAY, March 13, commencing at 2 o'clock P. ill„ and will be continued on the following day, WM' moucing 9 o'clock A. M. By order of the Board of Directors of the Third Section. • EDMUND POLLETT, WILLIAM V. IIIcKEAN, WILLIAM STED,MAtt, • mhill•St — Committee on Qualification of Teachers. CALEB COPE, TREASURER BE THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMIS biGN, Northeast corner of MINOR and SIXTH streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last report: Thomas Eimbor, Jr., additional ..................$ 6000 A Friend, through Thos. Kimber, Jr. , additional.. 50 00 Joseph Swift, additional 50 Geo. F. Peabody, do 25 00 Slade, Smith & Co., additional 100 CO Cabeen St Co., do 25 . 00 Thomas Richardson & Co., additional 50 00 Samuel H.ShipleY, additional 60 00 Hay & Co., additional 5 00 Rebecca. G razz, additional 50 D) Horace MoseS, additional. 20 00 William Cummings Jr Son ' 50 00 Joseph D. Brown, additional ' 100 Cash 6 0 00 0 Atom's, Wheeler & Co., additional. . 50 00 Bailey & Co., third contribution....... ... .... . . ... . 25 00 Miss Ester Steven.. 60 00 John Grigg, additional 50 00 Cash from A, Hall A. Mercer additional . 25 00 Sheppard, Van Harlingen St Arrison.addittonal••., 50 00 L. A. Coder, third contribution - 10 00 A Widow's Mite. 5 00 F. M. Janney • 500 Joseph A. Janney 15 00 0. S. Janney & Co., additional 15 CO William S. Smith & Co., additional • 23 00 Mrs. Col. Croaman.. 30 ED John A: Brown, additional. 200 00 Nathaniel Chauncey, additional 60 00 Mrs. Matilda Crothers 50 00 D. &'C. Kelly 500 00 Bunting, Jones & Co_, second contribution ti) 00 A George A. Wood, third contribution 25 00 Si. W. Baldwin & Co., fourth contribution. 150 00 Thomas Earp, additional 25 00 Cash, C.V . ,. ' 200 Estate of Alexander Muslin 10000 $155,776'23 The Sanitary Commission,Wo. 27 Sonth SIXTH Street, also acknowledges the receipt of the following donations in hospital sepp.ms since the last report: Wilksbarre Ladies Aid,2 packages, Mrs. S. B. Day,Seey. Chester Lathes' Aid, 1 package, Dirs. S. Crozer, Sec'y. Bethlehem Ladies' Aid, I package, Miss F. llneffel, Pi'es. 'Pottsville Ladies' Aid.] paeksge, Amanda Stillman, Sec. Union Sewing Associltion. 1 pkge, Miss J. P. Lewis, Sec, Church of the holy Trinity, clothing, Mrs. Win. gook nett, Secretary. Christ Church, clothing, &c.,Mrs.:Jessle Godley, Seo'y: Mrs. George Dodd, pillows, Sic. Mrs. Blies Batton, stockings. Mrs. 'Elizabeth Baker. stockings. Miss Wheeler, stockings, arc. Mise.Les. shirts. IMTHE LADIES OF PHILADELPHIA Interested in the welfere of the Sick and Wound ed Soldier, are invited to attend a meeting at the COOPER SHOP HOSPITAL, on MONDAY' AFTERNOON next, March 9, BEM at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangement+ for holding a FAIR, on or about June I, ISM. for the benefit of said Inetitulion. mb7-2t MTORN B. GOUGH WILL ,RELIVE A. FAREWELL LECTURE ON • tiOCIAL RE SPONSIBILITI' " on TUESDAY Evening next, the 10th inst., In the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tickets 25 cents. Re served seats, with coupons, - 60 cents, to be had on!y at DIARTIEN'S,6O6 CHESTNUT Street, and at the door of the Academy on Tuesday .veutog. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture at & A large part of the proceeds is for the benefit of our brave soldiers, many of whom will be present. r3w. JEFFERSON MEDIOAX.COLLEGE. —The ANNUAL COEhfENCENENT wilt be held at MUSICAL FUND BALL, on TUFSDAY NEXT, lath instant, at 12 o'clock. The Valedictory Address to the Graduates will be delivered by Professor WALLACE. The public aro invited to be present. te7-3t ROBLEY' DUNGLISON, Dean. M. THE ANNUAL MEETING Or THE APPRENTIC6B' LIBRARY COMPANY will be held at the LIBRARY, B. W. corner FIFTH and ARCH Street*, TBIRD-DAY (Tneeday)SVRNING next, the 10th install!, at 8 o'clock_ The Annual Report of the Managers 'will be read, , aad an Election of Ogicers held. TROILUS REDO WAY( &entity. 3'. ECM= Paver, Intermittent.. Remittent " Scarlet . • • Typhoid....... 'Lemon*lure Uterus.... Hydrophobia indamma r. ion Brain. • .Bronehl.. Solon. •. • Kidneys. Larynx.. Liver ... • Lungs— . . • Perito'm. •." Stem & B. " Throat. Insanity n ty Intemperance Mammas Measles Old Age fiPfaff • Rupture of Liver.... crefula Soltenim of Brain... Small Fos • tlil:porn e Kl quate' depallla .hing • nknown unemhs, WARDS Nineteenth. Twentlet h. • . • . Twouty-first ••' Twenty-second Twenty-third.. Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth.. Unknown. GRAND RALLY FOR TRH UNIONS tn,uonn or rho unconditional pf pp) Irak, ...a att t. ftwar vt anztaining tha General Goverttntela in nilliMessilitt eke prevent unholy Rebellion. Will lie held at MUSICAL FUND HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, 11th instant. o celebrate the Inamtnratton of tho NATIONAL UNION CLUB. His Excellency Governor CURTIN will preside, and addresses will be made by -' • Ills Excellency Gov. ANDREW JOHNSON, of 're". Ex-Cov. WRIGHT, of Indiana. Hon, JOSEPH P, *DOOLITTLE, of Wisconsin. lion. S.O. POMEROY, of Kansa4. lion. HENRY WILSON, of . Massachusetts. Ex-Gov. HICKS, of Maryland. Hon. SAMUEL C. COWPER, of Virginia, and other distingUlabed speakers. Let the loyal men rally in their strength, and evidence to the Traitors in the North, as well as in the South, their determination that THE UNION DIUST AND SHALL BE PRESERVED,! By order of the Executive Committee of the NATIONAL UNION CLUB, JOHN 11. DIEHL, Chairman.. B. SNYUER LEIDY, Secretary HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL.— 1,71118 - EVENING ENOCK IL SIiPPLZE Lec ture upon The Education and. Empire of 'Woman. , ' "tlckeic 25 cents. It* Previously reporled... IMTHEODORE -D. WELD, Esq r , OF Perth Amboy, will deliver a lecture on the }Rebellion nest MONDAY Evening, at 7,‘ o'clock, at the Spring Garden Institute, BROAD and SPRING GAUL DEN Streets. Admission RA cents. M. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Ills CUTBBBBT Street—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded'Soldiers. who will he received and provided for in the most comfortable manner. tree of charge. B. F. GLENN, n022-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. TIIE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE :IN.. SURANCE COMPANY, March 2.]llB3.—The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIE TEEN DOLLARS P}Rt WARE on the Mock of the Conn piny for the last ssix months, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their lent representatives. after the 9th instant. • • WILLIAM G. CROWELL. inb24l3 Secretary. MMANDAN 111101ING COMPANY --OF LAKE SUPERIOR.—The First Meeting of: the "Mandan Mining Company of Lake Superior," under its articles of association, will be held on the tenth day of March, Ha 011 cklooklA. M. at No. 14 Farquhar Building, WALNUT Street, rhiladelphia. • - B. A. HOOPES. *X . II: STEVENS, fe24-14t* Two of the Associates of said Corporation. FX. CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. FAILADELPHIA, February 'H. 1663. TO HOTEL AND TAVERN ILESPERS, RESTAU RANT, and others, desirous of selling LIQUORS by lose measure than one quart Applicants for LICENSE will apply at THIS OFFICE, as provided by act of Assembly, approved April:24, LW. on the following days, via.: WARDS. • First Monday, March 2.. lip. Second Tuesday, 3, Third and Fourth Wednesday, '.' 4, " Fifth Thursday, '. 6. ' Sixth Friday, IA 8, ... Seventh and Eighth Monday, ". 9, " Ninth and Tenth Tnesday " 10, " Eleventh Wednesaay, " - 11, " Twelfth and Thirteenthe Thursday, "11, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Friday, " 13, Sixteenth Monday, " 16, " Seventeenth Teesday, " 17, Eighteenth and Nineteenth... Wednesday, " 18. " Twentieth ...Thursday,• '' 19, " Twenty-first and Twenty- - • second Friday, ".50. " Twenty-third and Twenty , . fourth Monday, " M, " Twenty-01th Tuesday " Si, " fe7l7-to mh2s • JAMES SHAW . Clerk. IC,- OFFICE OF THE PENNSYL:FA NIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. —A special meetingor the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Fire In surance Company will be held at their office, No. 610 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY next, the 11th inst., at 12 o'clock, noon. to take into consideration the okra dteney of increasing the capital stook of the company to the amount authorized by the charter. . WILLIAM G. CROWELL, Mhs-5t Secretary. maw OFFICE OF 7.11 E SURGEON -AR. TI-T TO THR ARMY AND NAVY. PIIILADaIe [MIA, October A, 186'2. • Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the °aloe of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CICESTRUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER. Jastim Government Surgeou-krtist. rXe NEW CREEK COMPANY.--THE annual meeting of the Stockhelliers of this Com pany will be held on WSDNSBDAY, March Ma, at 111 o'clock M. at their office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, when an election for Directors will be held. W. W. HOLLINGSWORTFI, fe7o-27m1.2917 tit* S6c re larr. COMBIONVVICAS:PH INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYBVA NIA.—Onnos, 813 CURET:WI STREET, PHILADELPHIA. February 29,7669. The business and affairs of this Company being now In process of liquidation, all parties having claims againet the Commonwealth Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania willpresent the same for M settlement and payment at this °oo within thirty days from date. By_order of tho Board of Directors, • ' • fewfrxrilm SAMUEL 8. eLOON, Secretary. THE OENTRAL EATING HOUSE, 431. Chestnut street. opposite Post Office, WILL OPEN March 10th, LW. This House will be conducted wholly on the European plan, and the choicestolands which the market can produce will be furnished to all who may be pleased to call, .and at moderate prices. The style and arrangements of this House are not to be excelled by any in this city. . Mr. (h D. PARTRIDGE, the proprietor, solicits the patronage of all those in search of a First Class Restau- h 9 2t." COPARTNERSHIP. -MIL .SA.AITTEL NEEDHAM has been admitted as a Partner in My Inetneee, from this date. THOMAS DOLLii. PHILADELPHIA, March 7. ISB3. The Viral style wtlt ba THOMAS DOLAN lc COMPANY. TnomAs Nowt. Snxt.:m. NEEDHAM. mh}i'Qt• . . TN THE ORPHANS' COUR T FOR THE err m.To poyirry o PIITLAVELPHIA.. utit.. - oririciare.rbovar,miwaid. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle" and adjust the Hewed and final account of JOHN MOTZ, Executor of WILLIAM JOHNSON, deceased, and to make distribution of tho balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his apoointme e t, on WEDNESDAY. the 13th dry of Marsh,. MI at 40 clock P. M. at his office, No. 128 South SIXTH Street, in the airy of ' Philadelphia. inh9-rawf fit J. ROBLEY ASHTON, Auditor itUMBRELLAS -THE BEST. ARE made, and neatest sold, atTEIcTIi and MARKET. m110.6t• • REIMER'S ADMIRED AND POPU LAR IVORYTYPES are unrivalled. The beauti ful attitude and natural expression of countenance are the wonder and delight of all. SECOND Street, above green. It ACARD.—THE SITBSORII3ER HAIT INO made arrangemeits with Messrs. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON will be found at their New Store,_ No. 807 CRESTNVI I Street. above EIGHTH' Street. North side ready to watt on his old friends and customers, on /MONDAY. the Sid inst. with a new and superior stock of every description or CARPETING and BEDDING, which will be offered at the lowest cash prices; A call la respectfully solicited. ROBERT B: WALKER. ' SOT CHESTNUT Street, felS-lm Above EIGHTH Street. North si de , WALL PAPERS WALL. PAPERS. Attention is invited to our new stock of Wall Pa pers now being daily received from factory; all new de• eigne for spring, which will be sold at right prices. JOHN H. LONGSTRETH, • No. 12 North THIRD Street, . Reenal Papered by edledent workmen redligni• • OuvE INVOIOE JUST retitled and for bbrr 8/811 JAB. CAR= STAIRS, 120 WALNUT. and 21 • GRANITE Btreeta. • , VARET.-200 CASES , ST. JULIEN • ' CLARET: 3net receiaeil and for Bale by OEM. •S. & JAS. CIARSTAIKS. 140. 126 WALN UT:. and :21 GRANITIC. &roots. - ntb.94f SPIEING , 00 ODS. J. M. A FLEI muccogsor to L. J. Levy & Do. 3 1 / 2 3 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPHIA, Etas emn and for sale a complete Stock of ' - NEIY STYLE PARIS DRESS GOODS, • RECEIVED THIS DAY.. RICH ORGANDIES, • RICH LAWNS, TAFFETA GRENADINES, PLAID GIiENADTNES, RICH EIVIDROID'D GRENADINES, CILENE STRIPE RUCS, MOIRE ANTIQUES. And a variety of novelties D R SS GOODS, JUST LANDED. anlo towf..4t m 4 mhiw EYRE 6; LAN DELL ARE OPENING FOR FASHIONABLE SILKS, FASHIONABLE SHAWLS, FASHIONABLE ORGANDIES, FASHIONABLE cmyrps, FASHIONABLE SKIRTINGS, TAFFETA. DE A'NNISSE, Newtoocig MOON CLOTHS FOR DRESSES, FULL LINE OF STAPLE GOODS.! m134-wfmtf iiAT RETAIL.", JAMES - R. CAMPBELL & $143 00 53,644 25 OFFER AT .MODERATE PRICES IN , 1:1-t1;1R RETAIL • DEEARTREENT, Black and Fancy Silks, Linen. Slmetings and Shirt- Black and Colored Alpa- lam ens Damasks, Napkins. "and Poplins Fantasia. Doylies, Taffeta d'Annessey. Table Clothe and Towel- Frezieh Lawns and Organ- tugs. Counterpanes and dies. Parnitnia French Chintzes and Per- WHITE GOODS. calce, Jaconetwiand Cambrian,. • Brilliants and Pignee, Soft Canibries and Nain- Spring Shawls, new , color- soaks. logs, Tarietons and Swiss Mulls, Black Thibet . and Merino Fancy Muslim and Dimities, Shawls,_ L. C.- ItandkeriddePi, Square and Long Shawls. Gloves, Hosiery-, of DRY GOODStri. desirable mhll-2m.` And a general assortment styles and qualities. TABLE raaNTENs, NAPKINS, AND -a- TOWELS, —I have now one orthe largest and best assortments of Linen Goods in the city, which l am sell ing very much less than they can be imported fbr now. One lot Union Table Damask, at 62140. One lot all linen, in spot and d a mns at One lot much heavier and wider,. all lie en, at MO. • One lot. two yards wide, do., some fine-and some very heavy., el. One lot heavy Barnsly, some beautiful patterns, at $1.12.M. One lot liner do. at. $1.55. Several pieces do. of extra fine double fistin•Darnasics, 611.50. 911.76, and O.' Those Goods arc very superior, and not much above former prices. A good collection of those heavy hand-wove Goods. Brown Damask's, all linen, at 62)ic and 75c. One lot very heavy Damask Napkins at 22. Ono lot, both Damask and Snow Drops, at $2.50. One lot Barnsly do., very line and beautiful patterns, One lot Spot and Damask Doylies, all liners at $1 per oven, One lot do. ~ much finer and larger, at $l. 25 ;per doeeu. Colored bordered and colored Doylies, for fruit, from $1.60 up. Onalot Towels; good sizo,.at One lot do., border all round, at $2.60. ae well as every variety of Towels in the market, some• of them very fine. Buckabacke, all linen, very heavy , in . all the widths. • One lot halt-bleached Hockabacks, over X. wide, all One lot Bird-ele Linen, for eltUdrees aprons, at 3IXe. Russia Crash at 14,16, la. ISX. and 20 cents, (it rmau Roll, for glass towels, in different widths. One lot Handkerchiefs, all linen,- at-$L 60. Finer do. at $1:75. One lot Fronting Linens at 12X, ,by the piece. One lot do:, finer, at. 5016, by the niece. Them are a. great bargain, being about olibprices, and not above the present price of muslin.. Also, a gsod lot of finer Linens at 6236; and one lot at 75 that is very five. There areal:Me reel.bargains anions these. Goods. GRAN VI LLII B. HAMS% 1013 MARKET Street; above Tenth. rmbf)-. JR. CASSELBERRY, 4( NORTH • EIGHTH Street, below. ARCH, will open on MON DAY MORNING numerous lots of SPRING AND SUM MAR DRESS GOODS; also, MODE AIGIt• DRAB AL PACAS, bought at the auction • store in New York on Wednesday last. it being the cloning out of a jobber's Mock by Wilmerding & Mount: All who will anticipate their wants will find the following goods well worthy their attention., and at not-much more than half the price as if they had been purchasedfront importers at the present rat os :• 100 pee. hest quality new Delains at 30 conic. GO pee. French Brocbe Plaidainglietras. 31 cents. 60 pea Shepherds' Plaid Cashmeres, 31 cents 1 case superior quality Plaid; elosembiques, SIY, cents. 1 case good quality. Spring Dress Goods, 20 cents. 3 mos superior quality. DRAB:ALPACAS, cheap. The above goods comprise allethe new shades. Several' lots rich Figured - Barone% Grenadines; 3m.. at from 31, 37,60,..and 63; some of which cost over $1 to im port last 'meson. 1 case Plaid - Valencias at 26cents. 1 case Satin.stripedblozamblwaes at 25 cents. 1 mite all-wool, doublnwidtb, Shepherds' Plaids. Stella and new Spring Plaid Shawls. • 70 dozen JOUYIN'S system, RID GLOVE.% Black, em broidered with White and Colors. *1 per Intr. A barge stock of Rid Mover, all bought at old prices. 2. cases rich-figured Brocatelles, 6-4 wide, all colors. cheap. SILKS! . SILKS! SILKS! Black and Fancy Silks ;comparatively speaking) at old prices. JIM pm. rich White Breach Brilliants at 373 E. The above goods have never been sold less than above price. 100 peg. superior quality White Plaid Marlins, 25 cents. White Jaconet and Cambric Mualtna, chum. 164 Sheeting Linens, good quality, 46.13)4. • • 7-4 and 8-4 Table Linens. cheap. - 100 Table Napkins at $l. 16. • Rich Piano Covers at old prices. MUSLINS t • MIISLINS I - Williamsville, Wameutta, Bay' Mills, Media, and all, the iv ding makes, from= cents up. 10-4 Waltham and Pepperell Sheeting by the yard, Piece, or case. . • CASSELIMRY'S Mammoth Dry Goods House, mll9-2t 43 North 'EIGHTH Street, below ARCH. ATARSEILLES COUNTERPANES.— Having clozed out an old stock, that was imported three year& ago; 1 wilt. offer them, at very nearly the price they wore sold at then; • One lot 11-4 size that measures 21( yards fall, at $6. One lot 12.4 size that measures 3 yards full, at $7.60. One lot 12.4 size that measures 33( yards fall, at 1910. The $8 ones could not he imported now for loss than $9, and are better than the kind that is selling at $lO. 'They are .all very heavy, and some are b, antlfal pat terns. Honey-comb Quilts, Allendales, all sizes. ' Lancaster Quilts, all sizes. • These Counterpanes are extra cheap. GRANVILLE B. RAINES, mh9-2t 1013 MARKET Street. above Tenth. TIME. & LAIsTDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, kayo their ruttiest eseohment of Fine Black Cloths for Oents' Dress Coats, Fine Brown Cloths for Friends' goats. Bring Cassimeres for Bolts, Tweeds and Mellott* for Boys Clothes. mll7 & LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH: have a fine assortment of Spring Silks, Moire Antiques, Cheek Silks, Plain &e. , &c., fie. mita WEE '& LANDELL, FOURTH AND •-• ARCH, are now offering New Spring, lii6BB floods, comprising all the novelties of thu 8C66071: also the Rock. Spun Silk Shawls, also the Lama Shawls. mla Tr STEEL & SON, Nu: 713. exn.7ls North TENTH Street, above Coates, _ Rave now [open Mt their stock of LIGET DRESS GOODS, carried over from last Summer, which they ace selling at very low prices. We have now open a choice assortment of Spring and Summer Dress Goods of tins season's importation, which we bought early in January; consequently we are able to sell them much lower than the present retail or whole. sale.prict s. SILKS, SILKS. SILKS AT LESS THAN COST OF IhIPORTATION. Fancy Silks, at last season's prices. . Fancy Bilks, at last season's prices: Also, a largeF IGUR m D BLACK • SILKS. Neat Figured Black Medium Figured Black Silks. ' Large Figured Black Silks. Figured Black Corded Silks. A large assortment of _ PLAIN BLACK BILKR, _ • AT PRICES TEAT CAN'T BB MATCHED. 36-inch Gros de Lyons, very rich. Gros de Lyons, very rick Heavy Black Ottoman Silks. • ' • ' Plain Black Corded Bilks. • Heavy Mourning Silks. • Heavy Black Taffeta Silks. Heavy Black Gros de Rhinos. • Rich Black Moire Antiques. Heavy Black Moire Armure Silks. One -of the best assortments of fancy colored plain . 'silks in tbia city. . Plain Blue Corded Silksramall figure. Plain Green Corded Bilks, email figure. Plain Purple Corded Silks, small figure. Plain Brown Corded Silks, small figure. PLAIN PM. DB 130 ITS. The New and Rich Shade of Blue. - The Now and Rich Shade of Green. The New and Rich Shade of Purple. The Rich Shade of Gold Brown. These are all choice and desirable colors. Just open, a choice assortment of % NEW AND RICH STYLES OP • - .SILK. OREN A DI NES, Of this season's Importation. • Persons wishingtillks, this seaimn, will do well to ex amine our stock, as we have one of the best assortments in th e city, and we are selling them far below , THE PRESENT,COST OF IMPORTATION. mintAr HARDWARE. 0 . L . D P'R E S , The'stock of a WHOLESALE HOUSE, comoristag • • • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF !, ALL KINDS OF GOODS, :427 MARKET and 416 COMMERCE .131 . Mbe-lmif WOROSCOPES; 13PEOUOLES; ANA- EPT-GLABFAS, [or prerra t ivaleab • dallNhalf • • • 924. CrEaSTNtrr ftraei THE ' HARNDEN EXPRESS ARE - again forwarding daily Soidtera' freights 4 the Army of the Potomac. Oalce 607 capTxur Street. mho-21.$ THE PRESS.--PHILAPELPH RETAIL DRY G()ODS. E. & L. FOURTH. AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCS. FOURTH. AND ARCH. SPRING SALES. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, CLOSING ,OUT, AT COMMISSION BOITBgB. wELLIN 4 a, 9OFFIN t 8a 401 SAO OHE6TTI3III Offer for gale, by the Pacbage'L PRINTS, BROWN AND BLEAVIED SKEET/DM ..C.ND SKIRTINos. DRILLS, CANTON PLLNIVELIEV-._ COTTONADES, CORSET JEANS. SIUESIAS, NANKEENS. COLORED CAMBRICS, SEAMLESS BAGS. BLACK DOESKINS AND CASSIKERES. UNION CLOTHS, SATINETS. PLAID LIMEYS, NEGRO KERSEY'S.. KENTUCKY JEANS. ALSO SKY:BLUR KERSEYS, INFANTRY °Lorna ARMY FLAyfiRL$, 10 and 12-ounce DUCK. aco. des-tnvif FANCY CASSIME,E% SILK-MIXED. ALL WOOL, AND COTTON WARP. DATES' COTT6NADES, TWEEDS AND FLANNELS, 'CPEDRIC . B AND srixsrAs DOI•:SXINS AND COATINGS, -VESTINOS, STUFF GOODS, Scc., r.r... 1 . 1 )7 . th? PRQkfilvi ALFRED IL LOVE. cOMISfI6SION: MERCHANT, 2.12 CITESTIfIn STREET, tee-scircvlOt ARMY GOODS.. DARR•BLUE COAT CLOTHS, DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. - SRN -BLOB CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. - DRILLS, STANDARD WEFOITT.'- -- - BEANI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT; INGS. For sale bY FROTHINGHAII & WELLS. AeLif tf MILITARY GOODS. (1 W. SIMONS t% 33ROTHER, EINEM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHLA, MAITUTACTOREEE OP JEWELRY. FINE. SWORDS, AND . MILITARY (MODS, IN EVERY vARrErr samom MEDICAL, - "A. smile Pm an her lip--health was in' ho look; strength was kther step, and in her hande—Plautation Bitters." S4--T. : IBGO-X A few bottles of Plantation Bitters • Will cure Nervous Headache. • ' ' Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. " Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath , : •r Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affection'. Excessive Fatigue and Short Binath. ". Prtinnver the Eyes. " Mental Despondency. • " Prestration ; Great Weakness. Sallow Complexion, Weak 13 . 0we11, die: 1 . Which are th'o evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA: It is estimated that seven-tenths of all adult ailmenti • proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary secretions of the 'liver overflowing int(i .the "stomaoh, poison the entire system, and exhibit the above symp toms. After long research, we are able to present the most re markablecure for these horrid 'nfghtmareliseases, the world has ever produced. Within one year over she hundred and forty 'thousand persons have taken the • Plantation Bitters, and not an instance of complaint has came to our knowledge! It is a most effectual tonic, and agreeable stimulant, - stilted to all conditions of life. . • The reports that it relies upon mineral subatances for - its active properties, are wholly false. For the public • satisfaction, and that patients may consult their Physi cians, we append a list of its components. . Cameera BARK—Celebrated for over two hundred - years in the treatment of Fever and Agile. Dyspepsia, Weakness, &c. It (was introduced into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1610, and after wards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous price of its oumweightin silver, under the name of lesuit's Pour dere, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of France. Ifnmboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. • CASCARILLA Dang—Vor.diarrheea, 'Colic, and diseases of the stomach and beWels. Daynaniox—For inflammation of the loins, and dropsli• cal affections. CHAMOMILE Pr.owsns—For enfeebled digestion. •' LAVENDER FLowsits—Aromatic, stimulant, and toniii highly invigorating in nervous debility. • WINTERGREEN—FOE scrofula, rheumatism, fie. • Aster—An aromatic carminative, creating flesh, mus cle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, mummy, corlandsi, snake mot, &c. S. -T.-ISED--x Another wonderful• ingredient, of Sparkish, origin, lei_ parting beauty to the complexion, and brilliancy to the mind. is Yet unknown to the commerce of ttoworld, and we withhold its name for the present.. • IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE& RocarsrErt,- 28, ,1861 Messrs. P. o..Dnatts & Co.:—l haveboon a great suf ferer from Dyspepsia for, three or four years, and had to abandon my profession.' About three likaDths ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my moat .ioy, I. am now nearly a well man. I have recommended thorn in several cases, and, as far as I know. always with signal benefit. I am respectfully yours, PEITLADELPHIA. 10th Meath, 17th. Day, 1861. RESPECTED FILIEND:—My daughter has been much benefited by the use of . thy Plank:Atm'Ethers. Thou wilt send me two bottles more. Thy friend, SuurnAy . Musts CumAGO, 111., Feb. 11,1883. Meastrs. P. 7.11. DRAKE Sr Co. :—Pleikee aend *us another twelve eases of your PlantrAion Bitters. Aa a morning appetizer. they. appear•to have superseded- everything_ else, and are greatly esteemed. - Yours, &0... GAGE & WAITE. Arrangements are now completed to supply any da mend kir this article, which from lack of Government. stamp's has not heretofore been possible.. The public . may reel assured . that in no case will the . Perfectly pure stiederd of the Plantation Bitters be de-. parted from. Poen/ 'bottle bear, the fae:eimile 'of our. signature on a steel plate engrailng, or it cannot be. genuine. , Sold by all Druggists, GrocerisAnd Dealers blaraugh-. out the country. • P. IL . CO,; . . 202 BROADWAY. Mew York. • fe27-fmrra.pl.lf , • • HEALTH StpENGIII TO THE SUITERIRG. -DR. SWAYNE'S dOBSPOJND STIMP OF WILD CHERRY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco vered for all pulmonary complaints. Coughs. Sore - Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis. Has *ift.Voisis (Snitting_ Blood_).1 Short; Breath, , croup, Wasting Nicol, Pains and Sore ness. Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in. the Throat. Broken Constitution.-from the abuse of • ' calomel and other causes, till Throat Breast. • • • • . Complaints. 'Let • no disease, however bad It may be, or length of time it may have existed, • discourage pen until yon have tried thia.great bledicamentum. Wonderful cares have taken place, . 'when, to all human probability it could not be possible. The popular impression, • strengthened by .some. scientific opinions, that Consumption cannot be'cured. has no doubt hastened the death of many an Invalid, depriving . thom of the consolation of hope. Persons afflicted with Pectoral disease should be supported by every assurance of a cure. not alarm'ed by the gloomy. foreboding countenances of those around. For our part, we do not believe that Con sumption is incurable : and.letPhysicians theorise as they will, we haves mass of evidence to prove that per sons baying all the symptoms of Consumptton, cough deep, bloody expectoration,- pains and oppression, Bore throat, diarrlitea, night sweats burning fever, &crv. bare been permanently cured by ' Dr. SWAINIPS COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD" CHERRY.." A good appetite, complete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exercise. la sure to follow its use. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries is con vincingproof. Beware of all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that prepared by Swayne kSon,the original and only genuine. Dr. EtW AYNE'S Principal Office, 330 North SIXTH Street. above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. mh7-if tf puiImrTiIaBLOOD,NOT A F EW . . -A- of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have be. n made to purge it out none have been found which could equal lb effect ATE/P8 COMPOUND -, EXTRACT OF . SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges' out the humors which' make dieease.... It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the disorders that grow and rankle, in the hilted: Its extraordinary virtues are not yet wider.: lyirzfoWn.`but when they are, it will no.longer be a question what remedy to employ in the great variety ot afflicting diseases that requlre . an - alterative - remedy; Such a remedy, that could be rolled on, - has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend: Our apace here does not admit certificates to show its elnets but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick tha t has virtues stir. peoalng anything they have ever taken. . from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it and see the rapidity with which It cures. Shia Diseases, Pim ples. Pueiv,ererf Blotches. Rrtkotions. do.. are 900.3 cleaned out of the system. St. Anthosty's Pare, Rose or Erysipelas, Teller or . Bali Rheum. Scald Hefiel. Ringworm, do,, should-not be borne while they can be so speedily etfted by Aves'e ,SATOMPARILLA: • - • nr Venereal - Dteease ixpelled from the system by the pr olonged use of this Sarsaparilla, and the patient IS left as healthy. 8.8 if,beltednever had • the &se ISO. Female Diseases are caused by scrofula in the btjod. and are generally soon cured by this EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. /Riga SI per bottle, •or six bottles for $O. For all the geneses of a family physic, take AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, which are everywhere known to be the best pnrgattvethat Is offered to the. a marican Pep- Pte. Price, SE cents per box five boxes for 81. Prepared by Dr. J. C. A SR - di CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by allloreggtetedrerinsliere. fel3-fmw2in 'RYE AND FAR.-1" - Ii0F. T. ISAACS, -a- 4 Ocullist and !twist, from Leyden, Holland, is per mabently located at No. 611 PINE Street, where he Weatt all dleeasee of the - Effor Ear scieathlcally, and ourse lf curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pilu. • N. W—No charges made for examination., Ogee holm fromft to 11 0':lock A. N. iutd,2l9 7r, At. sow MONDAY. MAROIi 9..1863. jal l / 4 .4t 1 Q. ii saAlexpiA - u.r_t_ oa, SPRING: STOCK SIB AND> FANCY DRESS GOODS 1863. 'SPRING. 1863. RIEGEL; WIEST, & ERVIN, Philadelphia Merchants visiting this city to purchase Das Goons- will find oUr 'Stock large and admirably assorted, and 'at Low FIGURES.' In certain' Asses of Goods we offer hidusements to purchasers unequalled by any other. house Pallndelphia. JAMES, j RENT, • SANTEE, 85 po.; IMPORTERS AND .70BBERS OF DRY GOODS; Nos. 23D and',34l N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE. Have now oPon;their usual • LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRTGOOD9, Among which will: be found a more than usually attrao tive variety of • • I,Arims , •DRESS GOODS; / Also, a full assortment , of MERRIMACK LED CLOCI(ECO PRINTS, ADELPHI.a-MADE GOODS. • To which they invite the Bpeciat attention of cash buyers. felSam , , rau~ia• 1863 . YARD,i'GrIALIVIORE, & co.. .X.nneaters and Millers' of • SrL•KS aNn DRY GOODS, NOCP:- 611 -1 071ESTNWT AND 614• JAYNE STS., NaernoW 0ndn....0f THitil. OWN IMPORTATION; a LARGE :.401p . ...TgasTPSOME STOOK OP &D'O'NS, • ' ,• CQ„IerPRISING DBMS, 900 ST•AWL•S, AIDAONN.. GLOV2Iff, &c. •• . Also, 2401 assortment of • Wain' GOODS, LINEN'S, PURNISILLNO GOODS, ltd- BROIDERIES; AND DACE& The attention of the trade•fa•reenested. fel9-9m 1863 i. SPRING. • 1863. .J(3 , al*ES, BRIMY, 63 CO., .'No. 457 IdthitlCET, and SIM COMLIBRCI 134 N, )14•0 30w open a LARGE, AND ATTraCTP73 ROCK Adartod to the Season. _ A:so. a Full Assortment in WILM GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, &a., W..t , y,te tt . t.., '' •c S. CAT EISEN Are Pailksolaxly Invited to examine onr Stnek. fell :tr CARPETS• AND. OLIN.C.LOTES. E; -110 ASA GUERIN Lrs mimed - ids OOX OF O.A.RPETINGS,. a 474iith 701iRTIE Street, to his Where Ite a l ike to his old =skinners, and pnichasers genenny, a . LARGE .AND DESIRABLE STOCK OF • • CA.RPEt'IN.GrS4 oi all gmdes, andbest known makes. Oln CLOTHE; NATTINGS. AND WINDOW SHADES. DRY GOODS JOBBtRS. IX - PORTERS; JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. lusite the attention of Cash Bnyer:s try thoir FULL AND COMPLETE STOOlti'' Embracing Cho most desirable styles of SILKS AND DRESS CiOODS? EN ANY MARKET, MODERATE PRICES ra7-tap26 A. W. LITTLE & zdi3.2m 32$ MARKET STREET. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS; No. 47 NORTH. THIRD STREET, rart,m)npere. ousora to Abbott,• Jo:kikeEt. k Co.)- PHILADIELPAUL, fItPOBTEBB • ANT- .70BBEAS OF S• I L. K AND FANCY DRY GOODS. D R•E ao.ops, CASH BUYERS O-- V A L• T)ELAORGIX, 't!! STORE, N0..31 .. N0RT11 SECOND STREET, w.g.oraslis AND RETAIL, APP,,..TAR LOWEST PRICES. J.Z T. 35ELACROIX, No. 37 601:1TH . I SECONNNYNHNET ;'sibliooDhostnot. PJA . T,9IIES„ JEWELRY, , &o. FRESI( . :A.S . BOATICS . NT; .At.I.E3S . - 4 - 1, THAN FORMER PRICES.- ' FARR & BROTHER, Importers,' eib3 tf - .324 CIIESTNUTIStreet, below Forirth. . J. O. FtiLt - g,R, 4 Importer and Wholesale' Doaler in . , . , ...FINE , WATCHES AND JEWELRY. NO:71.1 CHESTNUT Street, • (Up-stairs, opposite . Hisonie Temple). Easiow open a • , LARDS ALID.COMPLETE STOCK. • IND R SVITS WATCHES, • HOWARD ls 00:43 FINE•AMBRICAN,WATCHNS. , acg.D.CHAH(B, 09 . 4..D_SPECTACLESILES. )iNvisanr,oAVEßy.Ditso*priai:• PRAT T,, OrgFc.PsonToPRAIT k IIBA TB• } • 60,7• fOIIESTNUT STREET, Is constantly i 6 f 0410.40 1 -. 2 . n A MERI C AA•r! i . W.kTiCtRES Of desirable stilos and fqualittes, to snit la chases of • -•-•:- IN to R. WA.TOHMN) , attailded.. by the most' exyerieaceif workmen, aneqeiY *at& lei/mated for ohe year.' ' • . L .. Q. RIISSRLZ; RA Loft ik SIXTH . Stmt. • • ELI .if 1.11 eals Dealer in flue - ' 0 - 5 • AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHER. JEWELRY. AND OLOCES, • • • 6c31-5m. , 708 MARKET Street.' 0 : 17IILLERT .FINWOrOLID PENS, THE - BEST• PEN; IN USE, NOR SALE IN Kap 'SIZES. •Adam ELI- Deitler 'nine . .I:MIMMOAN AND IMPORTED WATCHER, Jrißlant, AND CLOCKS ' • ork#l.'Y' • .408 MeitlrET•Stroat. VULA.AI9I I IIt RINGS. A lillisix . nitpent. all Bizes ind:stylek . J.. O. FULLER No.( 7X.3CITASTNUT .Btre:t. : ROGERS & BROTHER'S FINE. F. 1 12ATED WARE, spooßß, BOFJCiI. LAMM KNIVES, Bco. 0: FULLER, *No. . 7t% lb It E N .13treet. tTGIO;;" 10 . 420 I2OZ. :DUCHItSIIIS D ABLE for Teal . . 4 aIio..COTTON , TWINS , suitable toe EaSlagakers., •Eqrl4.le,*••. ••••• . • • DECCA I 4BII,II4ViiIIRON,•& EVABE, • , mbs-at • .• 441111T141 Street. ' NEW PUBLICATION& AAZAED~ BOOINTORE,_ 7742 , (TfIEBTNUT STREET, Between seymth and Eighth Streets All Books nanally to be had in a FIRST-CLASS _IPC:IORSTOELE; Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRIORS. lbe-tt WATER, ALO.OIIOL, TOB A (IC 0, BELL ON BATHSAND BATHING. The Uses of Water as a Preservative - tit Health. &e. A new eri Pion. MILLER ON ALCOHOL. Its piece and cower. LIEAIIB ON THRUSE AND ABUSE Ok' TOBACCO. MILLER AND LIEARS ON ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. The two volmnes in ono. . These are works of high . autuoritv, having been pre pared by Prpf. Miller and Lizars, of Edinburgh, for the Scotch Temperance , : League, and have passed through a large number of editions. LINDSAY &- BLAKISTON, . Publishers and Booksellers, mbD, , 2S South Sixth street, above CheStrlllt. AVOICE FROM ENGLAND. PRAYERVIJI, SYMPATFY INVOKED FOR MITE- Kfra., by the Rev. Alfred C. Thomas, Price 15 cents. Tins is a Sermon of rare excellence, and should be widely circulated. It is uoueual to End an English clergyman haying such a warm heart for nor cause, mid so thoroughlyllnderstanding our Position. Published by IVILLiAII S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, mb7 , No. St Chestnutetreol. THE PARLOR - GARDENER. A c.rtinlete Mlustrated Gnide to the cultivati!ln of Haase Plants; care of Green Muse. Mar rtinc, and i n plillifillkklll4lllNTllloll.lllllifill mobinfix ni EMT -6 PIOILTO faCo. to 611t13 ' inn6 , 6L vuhlighal. MEMORIAL OP REV. *TORN :Mc -LT-1- Do WELL, D. D., con ts int tur the Discourse preached at, the Funeral, February 18, by thd 'Roy. Morris G. Sut phen, togetherwilb the Address of the nett Drs. Hodge, Maclean, and Boardman. Price 15 cents. Published and for sate by WM. S: k ALFRED MARTIEN, mb2 ' nO6 Chostnnt street. S PECIAL:NOTIOE.-OPENED THIS DAT, a srolpndid asaortmont of Frincli and Ameri; can FRAMES for Card Pictures; Driceslo rants to xrib9-2t PITCHER'S, SOEr CHESTNUT Street. 9 . SCEN TTS.-HOTOGRAPH AL. DIMS from 2.5 Cents to 25 Dollars! The largest as sortment, handsomest styles, and lowest prices in the city! STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, all that can- be found in a first-class Bookstore, at low All of G. Gr. EVANS' PUBLICATIONS at the - OLD PRICES! Call in at the ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, fell-If 439 CITESTNUT Street. (7.I.ENERAL TOM THUMB AND LADY!--Card Portrait of Mr. and Prfro. TOM THUMB in Bridal Attire. A pietty little picture of a. Pretty Little Pair, - At the ORIGIVAL GIFT-BOOK Eivrportrum. 1017-tf .4[39 CHESTNUT Street. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. W BROTHERHEAD'S CIRO:MA- T • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and 'American Beek»; including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library it the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT• ED here. Terms 5.5 per year; six months 1X3.; three months 51.50 ; one month 71 dents, or l cents per day. 21.13 South Ela FITE Street. eel-6m PHOTOGRAPHS., CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. -CARD Pbotograpbs of over 1.000 different fancy subjects, taken from, engravings.life and from the finest Por traits of Generals. of botharmies, Statesmen; Poets, and ether eminent men. Single copies 15 cents, or WO per dozen. Orders by mailpromptly attended to on re ceipt of money. SCHOLZ &' JANOTT7,HT, • nm, South EIGHTH' btreet. 4:11 - We also sell prepared esters for coloring-Photo-- graphs taken on Albumen Paper. Price $.3.t8 a box, with reducing liquid. fe26-1m it 1.0..Y0U WANT - THE BEST' POE . - TRAITS, go to REIMER'S, SECOND Street. above Green. His life-size Photographs in oil colors for truth fulness cannot be surpassed: Made at wax • prices. SECOND Street,- above Green. It JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 906 ARCH STREET; Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC' PICTURES. FROM • THE OiIITE DE VISITS TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE. Are produced by the most RX.PERIENCED ARTISTS. Those visiting first-class pictures arelnyited to call and =amine specimen. A choice election of Alberni, =MI stud frames on _hand. P . A_ 0. KNIPIL. del7-3m A MONG THE MANY STYLES OF Photographs, REIMSR'S Colored Photographs for $1 are most popular with the public, being an accurate likeness naturals' colored, at moderate charge, SE COND Street, above Green. It PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS- A largo Variety for sale at lOw pOes,' by .JAMEB M r. QUEEN & CO., del3-.lsolf 924 CHESTNUT Street. FINANCIAL. 1: 4 04NS OF THE UNITED •STATES COUPON .AND REGISTERED BONDS DUE .188 6-20 SIX PER CENT: BONDS 16.10 NOTES, ALL SIZES, 'FOR SALE. W)4;ilosi(o3#4*lll;po)*AtAißsig , ..-0 LelA:Vii4_(*/.4_4_lll;Wai:_44 l /OaL - ABOODusq 'calm arm . COUPONS '1 340 NOT DUE A.PRIVI GOLD AND SILIMIL DREXEL & a 4 :soup Timastreo THE HIGHEST MARKET ;VALUE. PAID POE GOLD AND inis V , DLeatoßns, PEARLS, AND . 97REE PRECIOUS STONZS, G. W. SIMONS 4t. BROTHER, Manufacturing Jewellers. SAASOM-STREET-HALL, PRILADPIPH • fe2B-1m U.S. FIVErTWENTJES, OR. • TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER . own. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE .OITION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEAR& lam instructed by the SECRETARY OF TIIIITREA, WIRY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. . Interest will earaseuce from the DATE OF 81313SCRIF:. TION, and Is PAYABLE IN OOLD at the Miat, or any Bub-Treasury or Depoettory of the United Statec, on the • trot days ofdday . and November of each year. At the present PRIECUM, OE coup. these Donde yield about MORT pareari. per annum. A full supPIN always on hand. • . • J A Y. 1 - 77091K,E, • • SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 sotrrff TRIED.STREET • • PE OIAL NOTICE.. On.aza after JULY LA, 1883, the privilege of convert, dig the present issue of LEGAL-TEN:DER NOTES • INT@ reGIS NATIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (com, monis milled "Five-TWeniiee ") will cease. • - All. who wish. to invest in the pire-TwentY Loan.: mush. therefore, apply before the let of TIILY next: • JAY 000X,E, Sabectiption Agent, mhd-tif/ 114 South TIIIED , Sireet, Philads. S • HARVEY THOMAS, • STOOK - AND _DILL BROKER, • • - • ".: No. ais wirann STBrAT... • . • STOCHA and BONDS, and all kinds of It. 13. GOVERN JOINT BECURITISS bought and sold on Commission, ex eltugiVeli. • • Bushes/ Paver and Loans OIL Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. -Orders by Mall /la receive prompt attention. Refers Co Nasals. Nathan Trotter & Deo. D. Parrish, Deg., John B. Myers & Co„ Samuel B. Thomas , Sul., Enruesa, Brinley. & Co., John Thomas, Kea. dela-Ralf ' 83 000 AND . SI;OK.T9. LOAN ON .. 9 ..itkettgme, in the C4l% * AnnLTA° m - h 3 8.-PETTIT,:3OO WALNUT Street. U. S. rffrEsicit itpantaitTE. GE N 01" • BALE OF U NLT lyo s T B A T 4 A P T S E S iro: 51.Sonth TILIRD4Street, first door above Chestnut. A full slimly of all kinds of TAB• STAMPS constantly on hand. and 107 MIS in Quantities to snit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts. of S3O and sr. • Orders 14 Mall promptly attended to. Who Boars from %A.M. to 6 P.M. M. JACOB E. RIDGWAY, Smith THIRD Street. SEWING iS4ACHINES. . . SlirtiG'WEACHll!lo,:' ..! TIIE "SWAT" willEtexass rErz y mtlin • ' wriu, RIIDBL and °tier Ireltuiple Ininio'vernoutn. • Tin & FARThIitiOHIgESi coiner NINTH . 4 CHEER!" pkreeta. - tf . - ' _ _ r . . TSAWBERRY~`~PINFy r - ; EQUAL TO MALMSEY IfADEULA: Just reestved. ; . :• . • ALBERT. ,O.MOBEXATSiI DEALER IN PllO . GROORRIES. ' • teib CORN SR - ELEVENTH and vorE ffireots. (1, , P E B A GL ASSSS , 0 PERA . ‘ j (0413833 . 7 " 111116 1613. W. (=RN it Co., 'thwaixac , 92* CHTISTM stwit. WABIUNCTON AdelrioN SALE. • A ;small - MT A teltaiilii.grO.ro. OPDFCqUi.A.,) IMPPIPPIP_69I. I 43I AI-1.. WILL C_, M4ithig: IBsi irniz DB BOLD T PUBLIC At/DTIO%. o;.T. the monde. on F Stroct,lettcoenTwenty-ivstand'Tvlenti seeoPtiStreete OW WEDNESDAY MORNINO. March Mb. about EIGHTY (80) TONS OF ECArkY' IRON AGO LEATH Ell. belonging to the Quarterma,biee• Department. The Iron to be sold in lots °knot t 0,.,; Odin one chooeand (1,000) pounds. nod the Leather not lew then five hundred (80O) Pounds; with tee privilege orthe' whole. The property to be taken away within tax dale after thesale. Tunis cash. in 00 - Vornment funds. - Salo to commence at JO o'clock A. 11. CIIARLES IL TOMPKINS. . Captain. A. Q. Al• 17 S. A. J. C. AIuOITIRE Sc Ot . Auctioneers. WANTS. W A,N T E D-AN ACTIVE YOUNG man In a. wholesale cosi office. Address. with reference. " Coal." Pres* office. It* WANTED -ONE OR TWO GEN- T 2TEMBN AS BOARDERS iin a private family. Address "A. L.," Offite of The Prem ' mh9;2t• ]LENT OR ACTIVE PARTNER ka WANTED who will invest two or three thousand dollars for a half interest in on aid establiThed, lieki manufactuilne business. The money to Increase the the business and will pay well as en investment. Arti cles ma ff de used in every family. Address "SYRUP," quir 130 WA.NTED.-80ND HAND PLANS OLASS: that which: hasibeett to Balk Wlnitowe will answer. Apply to JOHN F. CARR, AO South FOURTH Street. m117.3t PRINTING MATERIALS WANT RD. .Printhg MEM:O - 1191. fon sr.:llr..l - A ii3YSIOIAN WANTED TO -TAKE apractice that, bee been eatablished for more than sixty years. Located within three hours' ride of this city. For further informttion inquire of lAMBS M. ROYAL, N. W. corner.FRONT and GRSBN Streets... mhe.-34t WAN? ED-IN A. WHOLESALE SILK HOUSE. two LADS who most hrtog nnoxcepti.,n able references. APPLY to 'S.A. M.." Press office. will•3t.' MI WANTED TO PIIRDHA.SE -A .wamodsrite sized thres-story Brick HOME, in a cen tral location. Mast have all the modern Improvements. Address "House." at this once, stating price, terms, and location. price,_ WANTED TO RENT, FROM. THE -WA flret of April next, a moderate-sired three-story BEIGE DWELLING HOUSE, in a central locality. • It most have all the modern improvements. Addreas, "Rent." at this office, stating locality and price. Jal6tt DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. -PHILADNL,PRIA. Feb. 9. . . less. • VESSELS WANTED. immediately to carry COAL to the following points : Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Nonroe_Va. . . Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD, tole-tf • Captain and Assist. Quartermaster.. BOARDING. ". A GENTLEMAN ENGA.GETYIIif MER CANTILE business wishes to engage WARD in a •ffirlyste family, where lie can have comforts of a home, eation central. Utlexcestipnahlo references given and required. Address •` Frees office. mbe-ett FOR SALE AND TO LET. COAT, _YARD .FOR SALE. -TIIE best itees- 11 , Tara in the city. Capacity for doing tgaingiVigginerbeilialzgatiPurr's:iAl• • :EOB SALE LOW—A LARGE zwaRITIOR BUILDING, gettable for . 2rutufacturing par- POEM ill rear of No, 121 Arch greet. mh7 . • AT: OMR, UM South FOURTH Street • et FOR 121.A.LkNEAlt - EIOLMESBMIG =Nand aßailroad S. tali nu, ten miles fromilibrket street,. a NEW STONE COTTAGE, with Stable and' Coach House attached. • ALSO A STONE MANSION lfla I SE.. nearly new, with Stable, Vegetable Garden, &c. For a full description and particulars, apply to B. F. GLENN. mll7 123 Singh IMBRUE Street. as FOR SALE, OR WOULD Br EX: CHANCED FOR CITY PROPERTY; A DESIRL BLB SMALL FARE. situate in New' Britain'Township. Bucks county, Pa., three miles . from Doylestown, and one and a half from New • Britain Station, on the Doylestown Railroad', containing &5 acrei, cix of which . is woodland, and tivelneadow, divided into convenient fields, watered._g.ood building, fruit, Ste Ingaire at 104 North SIXTH' Street, Philadelphia. inh7-Irre eft VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- The subscriber offers at private sale a valuable FARM, situate in New Btitain township, Thicks . county, within half a mils of the Lead Mines, - containing 803 e" Acres of good Land, 8 el which aro wood land. .This property is situated within tares ntila of Doyiestoxvo. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber. on the property, or at UPI North SIXTH Street. Ph lisdalphia. mll7-1%..* JOIN W. THOMAS. PERSONAL. 8100 BOUNTY. -- ALL SOLDIERS discharged for disability are now entitled to $lOO BOUNTY, wit.hout regard. to the length ctf eervice. Apply immediately, in person or by letter, to the United States Army and Navy Agency, S. E. corner TWELFTH. and DIANN ST Streets, Miriade) 'bin. . . LA GH . LIN & MADDOX _ . . . . . . . lii order to etecenrnodate remous who •caonot come do rink the clay, the °MCA will bo koptopen on MONDAY EVENlNGnutilloo'clock. EVENING II util 10 o'clock. . • It.' PENSIONS. -$10U 1301:1NtY AND Pay procured' and collected for soldiers. sailors, and the relatives of such aq ate deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon, by JAMES FULTON. • Solicitor for Claimant,. 42 b WAIN UT Street. Philadelphia.' tanoe. Particular attention given to parties thing at wil rtls oolfif PROPOSALS. TV itaranPUTY QUA RTERA/ g—PrtattA, 71.11 . March. ISS3. PROPOSALS win be received at this - office • until THURSDAY, 12th inst., at 12 o'c'ock 11.,f0r the delivery in this city, on or before the lot day of April next, of the • following articles: Five thousand "black snake" Whinii, 634 feet long: Five thousand lona four-horse Whips, (lampiel re quired; ) • Five hundred tildes Harness Leather, slaughter bideet,• to be of best quality, pure onk-tituned. The right iA re served to reject all bide deemeti too high. . ' • b. BOYD; xnh9.4i Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR HORSES AND , MULES. CRIEF QUARTER.irAgTRIVS OPPICB. • • DEPOVer ArAvantorrm. Corner gi&hteenth Rad G Streets, • Washington.-D..C.. March 4. 1933. SEALED PROPOSALS received at this °Mee until Turvdar, l'ith day or March, at 12 o'clock Br:, Tor furnishing the Government with ( Z,000 ) two thousand horeev. and (4.009) two thousand mules, of the following description, viz: CAVALRY. - - For Cavalry, (10001 ono thousand five hundred horses, from (15) fifteen to (16) sixteen hands high, between five and eight years of age. of dark colors, wall broken to the saddle, compactly built, in good nosh, and • froe from all defects. • . . MOM • FOP Attillei-g. 000) 41Te •linnared-horees.. from (163‘) fifteen and one-half to (16) sixteen hands high, between Bye sad erghtyearecle ago, of dark colon, free from all defeote, weeetroken to harness, compactly built, and to weigh not less than 1 , 100 pounds . . • MULES. . Two thousand mule• to conform to Melo . t••• • SPECIFICATIONS: , ;. ' Au. to be in mmd desk. ar.o to be (141fourmen neudi and over4n height. ALL to he !mind mrriceable mnlen for, draught pui poaes, and to be WEB-THREE AND UN DER :UNE TEARS OP AgE. - PROPOSALS.- The MU Damn and poet- office_ address of the bidder; must appear in the proposal: , lie bid- is mule in the name of a firm the matinee of al/ • the parties mist appear, or the bid 'will be considered's& the ludivid us 1 proposal of the party signing; St. - Proposals from disloyal parties. tot , not be con sidered, and en oath of allegiance mast tiocemparty each; . . . .. . Propos&le must speclry clearly w tether•the•bld• is for. Cavalry or Artillery Horses, and Ea na.cisse must - both be bid for on lloi v.ame paper. . • If any biddemishos to propose for both classes, ha must forward two distinct proposala--ono•forvaoh class,, complete in itse//---aud , having no reference to any other proposal by the same party. . '•: • . . 1P ROIt,3ICLM . ProposalS Mud be in separate envelopes. from-those for Horses, and must In no manner refer to or depend on them. , . . PropoPals mutt be 'ti,ldresfted to Colonel D. 11. ROCKER Qnartermaster 'United StatesA "rmy, Witsh ton, D. d ., and should'he plainly; marked Proponals for Horses," or " Proposals for Brutes," as the cane nmyte. • GUARANTEE: The ability of the bidder. to till. the contract, should it be awarded to him, =Alio guaranteed by two respon sible persona, whose signatures must be appended to the 'guarantee. The responsibility of the guarnntors runs' be shown hs , the official certificate of the Clork•of thonearest District Court or of the United Stites DI - Atrial, Attorney. - Bidders must be present in person when the bids are • opened, or their propoewts will not be considered • - Ronda equal in amount to one-half the sum to be re ceived on the contract. signed by thocouteactor and both of his guarantore, will be required of the successful bid der upon eliciting the contract. As the bond mart accompany the contrnot, it will be necessary for bidders te have their bondsmen with them; or to have bonds signed in anticipation and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for-bonds min boprocured upon application be-. ir g made at this office. either Personally, by letter, or by telegraph. ' ' • . FORM OP GUARANTEE. We, ' of the county of -, and State of-, and or the county of -, and State of -, do hereby gnamntee that in able to fulfil the con tract, in accordance with . the terms of his proposition, and that should his,proposition be accepted, he will at Once enter into a - contract in accordance therewith. Should the contracthe awarded him we are prepared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official cartift cats above mentioned.) INS PECTION, DELIVERY, Ito. All Horses contracted for under this advertisement will ha suhjected to a rigid inspection, and those not conform ing to the specifications will.be rejected. No .tirares will be received. The Horses must be delivered in this city within twenty days from the date of the contract, and no extension of time-will be granted on any pretext. • • c All Moles contracted for under thisadvertisement will be subjected to a rigid inspection: ra d thinienot conform ing to the specifications will be injected.-; The Mules must all ba delivered in this city within (26) twenty-five days from the data of signing the con- Payment to be made upon the completion of the 'con tract, or so soon thereafter as the Chief Qaartermaster shall be in finds. Any informality in the bid, or non-conformance with the terms of this advertieement, will insure the re jeetton of the proposal. -.- The Horses will be awarded in lots of (TO) two ban 'dred each, and the Mules in lots of (600) fire handred each, unless the Chief Quartermaster should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. - Colonel a n d Quartermaster, %MARI-Cuff%(Depot of Washington. acJili 10 . T-LY PURR. OILIFOIMA. 1104615., • • • i:Npi/j=p*, G BAP-E •BRANDY G. G. EVANS, mhß•l2tif SOLE AGENT, 421 South FIFTH Strom) PEPPER, SAtreE.-20 . 0 DOZ. PEPPER sauce; 100 dos. Continental Sauce; 60 doz. Wor cestershire Fance:' • PINE Ay paiCelf PICKLES. —WO doz half gallon Pickles; 200 dos. quart. Pickles; SOO dos. YintPlcklesOtho in bbls. bble and kits. CONDENSED midi.— 400 dos. Wm. 11. Latvia & Ero. and Borden's Condensed Milk. For sale by RHODES & wiLLTAMS, WO 101 South WATER Street ROWEN & 00 . , LITHOGRAPHERS SNI) PRINT "COIORISTS. Fonthwest corner of CHESTNUT and'IRLEVENTII SMsnts, 'aro prepared to execute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Antomaph. Map. or other Litho graphy,in the' lira soperior manner,.andbn the most reasonable terms. Photographs,,Portralts,Natural History. and Medical Plates, Maps, and MIT other description of Plates, colored in the bost-style"nd, crarrantad to givo' satiefacilora Particular attention to Coloring 'Photographs. 0c234.t. . TTNIVEREIe.,j CLOTHES.W.RINOE* .0 , -1 Saves Its Tato, to. wear of Olothes I eve r? six mouths. , , No. 1, Large Fondly Wringer MO.. With cogs. • • • No. 2, Medium I+anilyWringer....7: . •Wurranted. No. 23f, Medium Family Wringer.. $B. 'Without cogs, • No. 9, Small Painil•r Wrirdier.• ! ,. • 5: Not warranted. No Wringer win be durable without cog-yeheels. . WALCOTT .2 BURNHAIN, 721 CILESTNUTEL , .• - •• Exclusive Agents for Eastern Permsylvanta. mho-If-1m" • • . TAMES .M. . 8 AMaster7raurexEx AR s tiWt- . hitimeri. • 6ACA 4 1 0.. 11 LDP.AnCr - . • IAraPP 40.41 bietseior ANccrtnrt Bantam agent 1311101ELD. MORDAV INESING, March 9, 1931, . THIRD IR/DSCRIPTION OF THE SEASON: STRA DELLA, ' . Grand Opera by P. Von PlOtOw. , ----- tlncra or ADMISSION. itirwyed Scats In Parqnet, Parquet Cittia, or Bat. itl 00 • _am Amilr.Clrole 110.centor. .i.. s ' iaxoliftAeatre irioaks. Doontdren at 7 o'clock. Oporecommcoces at a . li AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIISKI. The o),Tersigned Committee have the pleasure to an• flounce tivst • PROFESSOR ADMAVt DicCOT, - of Wash foe:Sett. City (late Protegee; of Rhetoric and Ora tory fn the ,l'alleton and Albany Law Schools), will re peat hie gre w.- Patriotic Oration. THE LOA TIMES O? THE RBBELLION.I AND THE WAR ACAINSTZZE NATIONAL. CONSTITUTION, in the ACA DEMY OT . / MBlO . T FILMED tSJENIEO, March 12"th.1/El. Ms Excellency. ,Wearnor Gartin, Tllt pres Lie, and introduce tho Orator. Prereeds for the H i tol the nonspnate for the Sick and Wounded Soldiers. The above is the oel.b rated Oration which' wite origin • ally delivered in the Ca t , iVoi..at Washington. before the President and his Cabinet:. PIO which has been reheated fifty-fear times in the Stet, ell - Perin I venlig, John B. Divers, if ADM Briggs. henry C. Carey. William B Thonies, Jay Cooke, .4m4e J. Denten, , W. H. dshberst, • :Arbil M Cilg.horm • Jamet , L. Claghoroj //Tiro IIL Jones ; Evens Rezera.. Bales, Opole° Trott, V72'k Creator:4 2 1 PAX a Sam C. 1161 Joha ± litluted37 Wen at 8' " Doors own atat 7 o'clock. Oration to E . • TICKETS to all parts of the house. 25c,014. Reserve& Seats in ParQuette. Pargnette rirele. gad Balcory-50" IT ", Cent. Tickets for sale at - the Rosie Ste Hotels, .at the Soldiers' Fftorita/p, and at the Am of of Rusin. Holders of them-cent Tickets stn secure I" awed Sato for 25 cents extra, at Ooold's Rusk. StROYERERTIER RT a• Chestnut atrtota. on and after Tuesaa',' • Mit'. of March. _m h7-St W CHESTNUT-STREET THE. TRE. Lame and Manager ....Alt W. WHLtitilr. •GRBATECT AMBRICAi:I S I.-Arlf_ EVER. WRITTEN . • . MONDAY EVENINCi r March 9. In.coneenaeneo or the nunassa'ac, applications at Itletr Box Office tor sentoto pitrieso In his Grand Imperronation of FEDTtO. THE DEDIRICR. Dr. Bird's Splendid Drama Rill mmdm be produced WWI ITS I:MEIN ALLED OPOO TAIS'OCC6OI - 07. W. WHEATLEY as .....1 OABAREI2O. J: McCullough as.. .... Ramos. J. 0. Burnett as ...•......... Pablo. W.. 11. Leak asPalguera. . J. W. Collier as ' .....irernando. . .. G. Brake an ' .. ~...Franclaco. J. Canal! as ' ' ' ' ' " ' Mendoza. O.- Kinar,land as •.: '' • • •• • b.. ' ..........EP rano. Madame Poniat as ''''' ' ' Juana. Mrs. J. .H.•A Oen as" Leoaor. •Orcbostral Conanotor Mr. MASH BAWLER. On TIIESD t Y SaHING. Mar.ll+P/. I' OSITIVEL r . . t. LA S'T - 71" HE. . . . EDWIN FORREST, " In b i 8 great cbaracu.r of - • FERRO, TH3 -REORRIV: • WEDNESDAY EVENIILLWGE : FIFTEb TEHN .H A ri s ENIANCE OF LUC • MACBETH is in rictir. nreterattilltr. PRICES OF ADMISSION.—?amity CULIS Dress Circle, lie cede Pazwlet,and &mart Beata In. Dross Circle 76 cents; Seats inoPtivilte - Borice each 41. Doors open at 7: Curtain rises • tqls_nlyitt . 7,s o'clock. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH-STREET TITEATRE. Businrss Agent and Trossoror • Mt DAKITRPHY. CONTINUED SUCCESS._ F_D 41 RC trV, SEVENTH NIGHT OF J WTYKES OTIL TR'S (Monday) EVENINGj.Maroh 9, OA HAMLET JoLIMVILKE strrrrr. - - lifrrhp.-11111. • Mr. A.-Bradley. Prank Drew. are Arbotigh. John Drew. Mrs. C. Henri& &it Prices as usual. Seats secured without' extra dame.. Curtain rises at 73l o'clock. HAMLET °host Peronlue First Grave Digger Leerter Quern Gertrude.... Oplnelia WALNUT -STREET THEATRE , Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A.ZiE.IffETTSOL Business Acr.nt Mr. JOHN re: DONN:J.I.X. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF' Mr. E., EDDY: THIS (Monday) EVENING., MarekV, M. • Will be presented the new Irish Drama of COLLEEN BaWN • Or, THE PRIDES OF,GAERYOSTEN r • Miles-na•Coppaleen life:Eilar, Berrie O'Moore Mrr Saber. . billy O'Connor Mrs. Ajina nowelL • Anna Chute ' . . Miss Viola Crdeger. To conelnde with the amusing Farce of PERFECTION, OR THE MAID OF biotin FEN: 'Charles Paragon " Mr. J. L. Barrett. Doors open at 7 t Curtain will rise at 7%. . AN EVENING WITH THE Ft7M`S WM. H. MAURICE AND-I‘..E. RTCHATiDSOM - will give one or their POPULAR ENTERTAINMOITS THIS EVENING (Mond Ay) at "LEY POLDT'S Itet.ats. - .11 , .. E. courier of CHESTNUT and JUNIPER strutn:'• . PROGRAMME. " Waiting and ;Watching" Richard:nth, Quarrel from Brutes and Ca.sius Drittas, FaOR ARDEON. Caseiar. MAURICE. - " Oar Union, Right or Wrong:" ISCurrce. "The Raven " (EdgarjA. Poe) Riehartis6n. "The 31azine " "Sleurim "Hamlet's Solilonny " • Richard Son. - " The. F ireman " (in Character) Macrite. "The Wild Waeoner" (Read) Piehardson - ADMISSION 23 Cents. Doom open at half nest 7 o'clock ; commence at Snrecisely. It. SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. COSNER - 4 - 1 - of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. TENTH WEEK. • WOOBROF BOTIE3ITAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS. EVERT EVENING. AN Y AF D • ON WE OONDNE S. SDAY AND SA TURDATERN • The oel ebrated I ow-trresen re Giese Steam-Engine" NO rlTOlt,' made .entirely of glass, will be in fall opera tion. All the magnificent works of-art manufactured by the Company win. he distributed gratuitously to the yisi Wm. On Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon' every Clfdd wlllzoretTo a GIFT. . . • .On PERI% Y EVENING. Mimi 1 3th. TOURNAMENT OF WIT. a SPLENDID CASE OF WORK will be given to tbe author of the worst Conundrum on any entneet The Bret nr‘senh each evening, will be a SPLENDID CASE OF GI.ASS WORN. Admission, 15 ctn. No half price. Exhibition com msocce in the evening at 3 O'clock; afternoon 04.3. ra973t. A N EVENING WITH •SH..A.K.: -Ls- SPEARS. —SELECT READINGS and RECITA"- TIONIS from SHAESPEARE. at ASSEMBLY BUILM INGS, TENTH and CUESTI4tIT, on TUESDAY Evening, March lOth, by PHILIP LAWRENCE. on which occasion he will•be assisted by his favorite Pupils, among whom_ will be found the Three Champion Readers of Philadel- Phu a Ticket. 23 cents, at Gould's. Seventh and Chest nut streets: Continence at S.. mlr9.2t. MUSICAL FUND HALL. Pupil of CARL respeetfitily informs his friends and the public that he will gtren. GRAND VOCAL AND • -MEMO - MENTAL CONCERT: TUESDAY EVENING, March 10,1S1' at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. • He will be assisted by I.Pme EERTIIA SOIIANNSEN. • Mr. FItabSEHIFC FLAMM& Mr. CHARLES SCHMITZ,' -' - Master CH ARLESR(ESE, TICR7.TS 'FIFTY CENTS, to be had at J. E. Geoid's and Andres 11Ineie Stores, and on the evening at Abe a d o cio c r iwr. . Doors open at 7 o'clock. t. Concert to commence a mh7-3t" • ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS -TEN TH and CIIESTNIIT. A3IIISEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG: " FIGNOR BLITZ Thereat MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, tetth,hla LEADED CANARY BIRDS, nil , give hie new aiud pores sr entertainments EVERY EVENING' dnrine.th weak, nounnenclng at 734 o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. ' The attractions will be marvellous: Experiments in ?SLEW: wonderful m vais r i n n e V w ei c r ay lcan e i r s a m, and the Learned Canurr Birds • Aduslataton 215 rents. Children 13 cents. • de27-t! GERMANLei. ORCITESTRA—P - ÜBLIO RESEARSALS ever= 'SATURDAY AFTERNODR, at ER 0 - elciek, at the MUSICAL FUND EALL,: CARL SENT& cominefor. Tickeis cientsC Packcgen.of five tickets I. To be had of /twill) & Co., No. 1101 Mlles:nut 'treat: J. 8.. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut; and 'et the Neil door., • • -..'ne22-tt A. SS . L . B Il Ew 'S RO7IN 43 T RfA.. 211-South .EIGTITTI Streee l . below Walnut delo-6m IPIENNSYLYANW: AO.A.Vierk, OF . -a- THE FINS ARTS • • • 1025 CHESTNUT. STBEEdri- , .:' ~.._••••• - • - • Is open daily (Sundaye cepted) from 4:K .111,46 Z. /O . AO Sha re', n minion 25 cgookents. Cnildrealiagprtee. ir 3131 FUR Is:"SIV — YORIDESP.A.TOII. LINA VIA • DELAWARE.? A. XD • „RARITAN CANAL. • • The steaihar ANTIIRACAM,, lower, , master; • 'rig load this dem, brztich D. 1.563. - • •• • Per Freight. vi will' . be ligreat 01 , ccomm000Ung terms. upply to WM. BAIRD & It" • • 13% Soutb DELAWARE Avenue. I NEwmim W EST. GB: E Ea AND VIA MEM. SPRING kitßsVa'S • NISN't On and after Monday, - 9la rah. 9th, .196.3;the Trz t icx will leave Philadelphia, - front the, Depot, - N. B. • Weir of BIORTEBBTH and eIAREBe Streets, -at 7.65 and VIM A. 111., and at I, 4.1,5. and 6.30 - P.SI., and Will Icave the corner of Thirty-first and *relict streets (VS eethhila delphia) 17- ralautop after Um starting time from xigh.- leontlL and Market streets. ___ ON SU. - 717AT8• Leave PHILADELPHIA. A. M. and 5P...M.1 t Leave WEST CHESTBP-',at S A. M. and 4.;M p. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.5.51 ct M. -and 4.16 S. M. connect at Penne3pa with baba - cat the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad' for Concord. Kennett; Oxford, &c. HRIW-*001). ; DAT 'Bnparintandeht. _ THOM:aON!B- L.ON4ON RIT . CRENER. 'EUROPEAN RANGE,' for hotels, or public lastitßtions; IN TWENTY EI.I.WICENT SIZES. •Itiniergdel phis Ranges. Hot-Air Eurnaeas, Portsbk, H rs. Low down Grates,•Fireboard Stoves, Bath Adleis; rrzhole Plates, Broilers, . Hooking Stoves, &e. ~at Wholesale and. Retail, by the mangtagturors, ORTH: CHASE. k,NORPH . ,.: -No. 209 NortInEECOND Strnet felB-wim6m 17, 1 ,0VERNKONT SAILi n -- - WILL BE El old . by onlAr• Or the War=l/Witrtment,. ak public A notion, at ALL LEQBENY .ARSE g t,AL._ l'ittelknku to the highest bidder. at 10 o'cloe7l./... 51, o t WZOIDI. DAY. March 18, 130. the foltotratg,,liniteil .84:tee:pro pair. via:- • - 89,500 ponds o 1 Scrap Iron. LOW Stee:i ar. • 34100 Powder Darrell!. LSO. %lief Keg.. • 1080 'thusaing Boxes. Teems oeah, Rz.g. R. VittedoB4RY. xnh.3-12t Major oriOrdnaliCa. UNITED STATE&LITE INSURANCIR COMPANY OP NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS„ tresident. 'JOHN EADIE; Secretany. CAPITAL AND Co on * y The business of this C.noJamy is.cctsdnatcd exank , uvelY on the cash principle,. vsjtialt is nos fully reminized as the only correct princislo. The law under which. this Comwty is chartaralinco. vides that, if the aspiasl. should, town any aasse., become impaired to the extest.„ of '&25.00a..0r more, thestookhold• ors shall be called AL= to waLas-good-suoh L asa n ay . This is the only cash uomuanY America vsnicalti n hc l a this safeguard to policy looldors.- • • Dividends declared. every. - Area year% tha nail on March 4th,1865. Rates of Premix= charged, V: this Compo,ny.a.va as low ae 200 T ears , exparience sand toe probuals fotacs rate of interest will instift 0: EXEDENWERPER; Ajent; • • No.' 414 WALNUT Street, Phkaideiphin. Joseph•Patterson,-Esq.,Preeldeni Western Bank, • Hon.•Arekibald B iel Treasurer U. R. Mint. • Messrs jay Cooke & en.. Baokors. • Messrs. Balser. lirestcakt, & Co., So.likoan•• Mosurs. Stuart '& Brother:BMA street, deleowlnft MIISCANEL,. LA-I)us' HAIR— W BRAIDS, IQS, Curls, Priselies, Gosssioar. VaudWed Wigs, vso tilated.Scelpe °trawler risserteaottue. Prices amilower than those of asa other oslablislusseat. BARSIPS, fe24-Im* . No. 9O CHESTNUT &tient. .1" . 1P-Es-—STONEW'ARF, a- , DRAIN prim e - Oist 12-3nch bori, 2-inch bore , ' `2isentsperyerd. 3 d 0... • • ..... •"?.;;F . . . . . . i -do 110.1.1r.V.`" .10. do do. 6 do . . 0,,,,,1F.: 4 4 - 60 do do. t., ! ...,, ..... -.. .. ~ . 6.5 . do . do. : Slary d v b arlety 010 0 0 1 0 11 Ma. bell . da, trap!, and hoppers. We are now P.PI• r ui ,k o Wenis,ll Pine in any granary. end on liberal tet ti ' _ t ars and those purchasing in large quantities:A t •- ; -- , RNA AI CHIMNEY TOP 3. . Vitrified Terri( 11:10 'Cilitmney Tops, plain and orna mental mental designe. MeirristitOd to stand the action of co al gee. or the 'great %,i i r t aoLglimate. A great variety cif DEN WAKES. Cotta, claastaal.• dipaiNna c all. sizes, and Pete ,. Ranging ,Ornaimsittal Garden Ta a se rr s a t u n te, T i err w a stand the syeat) - .er, luilngA Fancy Flower ro Baskets, and (la rdelL Bit MILT. Piiiladelptrta TerreQol4ll;mo ll,s - Nirr str.t 'Zil l c°&ll.svs " °°4:llJ" al l r e. )3411E1802f. 11l 4•Weett tf • - :•, i ~• • ===Ml GERMAJ:I OVBRA LAST' NICHT' JA UT ONE 'MB HAWAII' 1 67 BOGOTA! ' VTR' W 1 .14 F Ot.REST MASTER. I. RICE.. FRIA