THE CITY. The The anometer FEBRUARY 23, L 862. FEBRUARY 23, 1883. 6A.N....12pc 12M 3P.33 38 42 413 16 2.3 31 WIND. WIND. NE NNE NNW......N. MEETING OF VIE 01.1/ SOLDIEIIB OF 1812. - - Yesteitlay, the old surviivng soldiers of the war of 1812 celebrated the anniversary of the birth Of 'Washington, by a patriotic meeting, held in the Su preme Court roam. The attendance was not very Doge, owing to the bad walking, in consequence of the mow. Alderman Peter Hay presided, and John H. Frick, Eeq., acted as secretary. Captain Emertok moved that Col. Robert Carr be requested to read Washington's Farewell Address. Agreed to. Captain Emerick, on behalfof the Executive Com mittee, then presented the following preamble and resoiutionit : When the association convened, a year ago, in this place, to celebrate the anniversary birthday of the Father of his country, the immortal Washington, our heath were cheered with the confident hope, re. suiting from a series of vlotories, that the unnatural fratricidal strife, in which the American people then involved, was drawing to a °lose, anti that the restoration of the Union, in all constitutional integ rity and vigor, was • almost at the point of accom plishment. We sincerely regret that these expecta tions have not been realized, and that nothing has recently occurred that gives certain promise of an immediate termination of the struggle. Whilst our army and navy have since that time achieved seve ral splendid victories, they have also auflimed some sad reverses, and the warstill lingers on. " We trust, however, that the powerful military movements now in progress will - be completely successful, and that our next anniversary will witness the old Union re-- stored in all its constitutional vigor, and the Star- Spangled Banner gracefully waving over every city, village, and hamlet of the land. Resolved, That we regard the commemoration of this anniversary as peculiarly important at this crisis in our nation's history, on account of the in valuable lessons of purity and patriotism, so beauti fully illustrated in the precepts and example of him: who was "Bret in war, first in peace, and first in the, hearts of his countrymen.) , Resolved. That we sincerely sympathize with our gallant officers, soldiers, and sailors, in the toile, privations and perils to which they are exposed, whilst patriotically defending the Constitution and maintaining the Union, that invaluable legacy be queathed to us by Washington, and his compatriots iu arms and in council. Resolved, That in our opinion the widows and orphans of the brave men who have lost their lives in the service of their country are justly entitled to the fostering care of the Government of the Union. Resolved. That whilst we cordially approve of the general provisions of the conscription law now before Congress, believing it to be more impartial and equal than any militia law hitherto enacted, we are apprehensive that it will be regarded by some as pressing on the poor more severely thhn on the rich. Resolved, That we consider it the imperative duty of the National Government to use all the means in its power to ferret out and purdah, in the most ex emplary manner, traitors, perpetrators of the gigan tic frauds committed by unprincipled contractors, and other swindlers, whether in office or out of of fice, from the highest to the lowest, without fear, favor, or affection. Resolved, That we again most emphatically urge the several departments of Government, in making appointments to office, to give a decided preference to wounded or crippled soldiers and sailors, when otherwise qualified to discharge the duties thereof. Resolved, That the serious attention of Congress is called to the delays that occurs to applicants for bounties and pensions for the want of sufficient clerical force in the proper department; and, also, to the propriety of exempting all such claims from revenue law, which, having to be paid in advance, is extremely oppressive to many poor widows and soldiers. the resolutions were unanimously adopted, and, on motion of Colonel John S. Warner, copies were directed to be sent to the President and `ice Presi dent of the United States and the Speaker of the home of Bepresentatives. Colonel Carr then read Washington's Farewell Address, which was listened to with the closest at tention. Aft4r the tranjukction of some bininess, the meet ing adtkourned. MEETING OF THE GUARDIANS OF TILE Poon.—The meeting of the Guardians of the Poor took place yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, President Marls in the chair. The census of the Almshouse for the fortnight ending Feb. 21st, Is 2 713 Same time last year ' 2 8.21 Decrease During the past two weeks, admitted 137; born, 2; died, 27 ; discharged, 37• granted lodgings, 70; granted mettle, 150. Inmatea of the house include 1,216 males, and 1,457 females. The outdoor agent reports that since the last stated meeting of the hoard he had collected $272.50 for support cases. The, house receipts, as reported by the steward, amounted to $123. The treasurer's report stated that $1,676.85 had been paid into the ;city treasury since the last report. A resolution was passed em powering the treasurer 'to receive $159,17 from the Philadelphia Saving .Fund Society, (deposited therein by Mary Carlin,) and to give therefor an indemnifying receipt in the name of the Guardians of the Poor. A reconsideration was moved, and the resolution postponed. The resolution was then passed that the Committee on the Insane be re quested to make such arrangements in regard to the case of Mary Carlin as they may think necessary, with authority to attach the seat of the board to their receipt. The meeting then adjourned. THE SUFFERERS OF CAMP MISERY. This camp is In the heart of our city, six squares below the State House, and known as the region of Bedford street. Its inmates suffered severely during The late snow storm, and many had to lie abed all Sabbath to keep warm, and others had no bed to lie in.. One little girl dragged a large piece of lumber eight squares, bare-footed, bare-headed, and bare - Another, 'about fifteen years old, who was a good Christian girl, was given a dollar to buy a pair of shoes by the Bedford-street Missionary, but her mother took it for rent l to pay the landlord, and she was left shoeless, until another appropriation of $1.50• was made from the Charity lund for her, and her teacher of the day school bought her shoes. Yesterday morning seventy seven cellars, garrets, and tenements, were made to roar with a good coke-fire, which a Quaker gen tleman furnished, but not half the perishine were re lieved before all the fuel was gone. Donations of money, clothing, shoes, or fuel, will be thankfully received and rightly appropriated, if sent to the missionary, J. H. Beckwith, at the BUD aion house, 610 Bedford street. To BE REPEATED.—The interesting lec ture delivered on Saturday night, by Prof. McCoy, of Washington, upon "The London Times on the Rebellion" will be repeated on Thursday evening, at Musical Fund Hall. • SEIB POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Reiner.] Something about a Watch. Mary McCarty, a woman .who was arrested a short time since on the charge of cruel treatment to her infant, was arraigned at the Central Station yes terday afternoon, on the charge of the larceny of a gold watch and chain, the property of Lewis Fisher. There is a little singularity about this case. The owner of the watch was not present to testify, and it seems from the statement of Detective Levy, re fused to come. It- was stated at the hearing, that Mary McCarty gave a gold watch and chain to Thomas Defy, residing at 1207 Lombard street, to keep for her a (lay or two. An. advertisement was Inserted in a newspaper relative to a watch that had been lest or stolen, and for which a reward of $6O was offered. Mr. Deify waited upon a Mr. Robin son, the gentleman who had caused the advertise ment, as we underetatid, to be published. The at tention of the detective police was called, which re sulted in the arrest of Mary McCarty. There was not the least particle of evidence elicited that showed any criminal knowledge on the part of the accused. She says she found the watch. The case went over until two o'clock this afternoon, to afford an opportunity to the owner of the property to ap pear and prove the same. The defendant was com mitted in default of $l,OOO bail. if she really found the watch and there was a reward of $5O offered for its recovery, it would seem as though she was enti tled to it, rather than be regarded as a criminal. The whole arab. is rather a singular one. {Before Mfr, Alderman Lentz.] Descent on a Dauce•)llonse. The Police division of the First district, under Lieutenant Fuller, at a late hour on Saturday night, made a descent upon the of Jacob Sweigart, on Paosyunk road, below Washington avenue, took the alleged proprietor into custody, and captured all the inmates, numbering, • all told, forty-two persons, as follows : Alexander Marr, John Thompion, James Coates, Charles McManus; James Canty, Wm. Brown, G. W. Morrell, Michael Kane, Richard Mika, Hanna Sweigart, Mary Smith, Sarah Knorr, George- Hagan, Mary Williams, Patrick Ryan, Lewis Wall, Charles Lewis, Edw. Ryan, Anthony McManus, John Ferry, Edw. Dougherty, Wm. Cannon, Dan Jordan, Patrick Mulholland, John Carrigan, Patrick Dougherty, John Divine, Joseph Turnbull, Lawrence Mitchell, George Scott, Mary Jones, Mary Allen, Sarah Clayton, Mary Ford, Emma Williams, Mary Clay ton, Rate , Doran, Eliza Johnson, Charles Williams. Matthew Quinn, John Carney. The proprietor was held to bail in the sum of $BOO to answer, and the remainder of the party were put under bail to keep the Peace. (Before Mr. Alderman Dougherty.) Another Descent. The police of the Fourth division, under Lieut. Bowers, made a descent on the of Jas. Pendergrast, on Third street, about Race, and cap tured all the persons found therein. They were ar raigned before Mr. Alderman Dougherty, who re quired the alleged proprietor to enter ball in the sum of $l,OOO to answer. .The folloWing named parties were required to enter bail to keep the peace Thos. Dougherty,. A. Cheater, John Casey. Reed :Kelly, Henry Neale, Mary Carteret, Maggie Bishop, John Allen, Henry Powell, John :Jordan, Thomas Wakefield, Flank L. Wagner, Annie . Costello, John Wilkinson, John mayley, John Werner, Peter Her rim, Lizzie Hoffman, Melly Irvin, Wm. Jones, Johii Haas, Jane Browne, Ella Monnier Daniel Murphy, Ed. Pendergrast, Peter Pluck, Kate Ma lorry, Michael Mackin, Ann McAllister, Patrick Brady, ... Mary Brown, Susan. Dusenberry, Mary Houpt, James hlcGough, Hugh Mackin, Charles McKee, 0. Alexander, John Roaeh, Wm. Davis, Samuel Hibbs, Charles Wilson. We may state that the above descents were made because of numerous complaints made to the Mayor of Philadelphia. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania—Justices Woodward, Thompson, Strong, and Read. The following decisions were rendered yesterday morning : • • • By Tninimai, J. Chew's Appeal, (H. B. Chew's, Appeal.) From Orphans' Court of Philadelphia. Record to be remitted to correct the auditor a re. port In accordance with the.opinion of the court. Anne Chew's Appeal. frota Orphans' Court of Philadelphia. Decree afflrthed, and appeal die m:dined. By STRONG, J. Curtis vs. Longstreth. Certificate from Niei Pflug. Judgment reversed, and judgment for the plaintiff for the sum of $6OO. Yeager vs. Wallace. From the Distriat Court of Philadelphia. Judgment reversed. Saulsbury vs. The City 01 Philadelphia. From District Court of Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. BY READ, J. Bennet et al. vs. Keith et at. Thayer et al. vs. Budd et al. Two cases from Nisi Friuli. Decrees affirmed at costs of appellants. Gault vs. Salo. From District Court of Phila delphia. Judgment reversed and a venire facies da novo awarded-. THE lIKNPAIIUS AoArrisT. max& co UNCIL-MOTION TO. QUASH. In the case of Lamb itaCve. Lind et al.,.an alternative mandamus against,the defendants, mem-. bets of Select Council, compel them to meet Common Council in joint convention to elect heads of departments. Before reported. E. Spen cer Miller, Esq., for defendants, moved 0 quash the 'writ yesterday morning, but the _ court. allowed plaintiff); to amend by inserting in it the petition for , the writ. The motion to quash will be argued this mornin ' The fo g. llowing cases were argued on the Philadel phia list, which is still before the court on • third calling: No. 122, • Sloat vs. Royal Insurance Company. - Certificate to Nisi Prins. Argued by Joseph A. Clay, Esq,for plaintiff in error, and by M. P. Henry, Esq., for defendant in error. N0.;124. Sherman's Appeal. Ce.rtlorarilo Recta. tern' Court. Argued by &peSncer Miller and Charles Gilpin, Enna., for appellant. T r- neemurt declined hear Lewis o:Cassidy, Esq., foappellee. No. 127. Patten , a Appeal. Certiorari to Court of Common Plea.. Argued by John O. Bullet, Esq., for appellant; P. P. Morris, Esq .; for appellee. No. 131. North Pennsylvania Railroad Company I vs. Pitebett. Error to District •Court. Argued by M. P. Henry, Esq., for plaintiff in error, and by Arthur M. Burton , Esq., for defendant in error. Adjourned until morning, at 10 o'clock. MEDICAL. DE AFNESS. CATARRH DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS Dn. LronTniar,, a 4 St. Mark's place (Eighth Bt.), New York, can be consulted daily (Sunday' except ed), from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. Patients will not be received except during the regular office hours, unless in cases of emergency, or by special arrange ment. Parties residing at a distance are hereby in formed that a personal examination is requisite in every case before a correct opinion can be given, or appropriate treatment prescribed. Lettere of con sultation must contain tire dollars, otherwise they will remain unnoticed. Dr. LIWITILTEL'S recent work, "A Popular Trea tise on Deafness, Its Causes and Prevention,” may be obtained of Carleton, publisher, No. 413 Broad way, or of any respectable bookseller. 'Price, $l. TESTIMONIALS PROM REV. JOHN WOTTOD. D., PROFESSOR IN UNION . • COLLEGE, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. . SCHENECTADY, .I"anuNry 17, 1862. • Dn. -Ltasurnim.—Str: Having been cured by , you of a, discharge in en ear, which has been very of feneive of late, and as far bask as .I can remember always more or lees so ; and having been much im proved In hearing since under your care, I feel that I cannot withhold this acknowledgment from any use it may be to others, especially as I haviapplied in vain to my family phyelotan and other physicians of reputation. Yours truly, , JOHN Nan. CATARRH CURED. [mom REV. r. n. RUSSELL, LYNN, MASB.I I have been much troubled with catarrh of the worst type for some twenty years. It gradually grew worse, producing cough and hoarseness, de stroying the sense of smell, and breaking doWn my general health to such a degree as to compel me to resign my pastorate and suspend public speaking.. I made diligent use of the usual remedies, such as snuffs of various kinds, nitrate of silver, tar-water, olive-tar, and inhalations, but without any very Salutary effects. Last summer. I heard of Dr. Lightbill's successful mode of treating catarrh, visited him, and put myself under his treatment. I began immediately to improve, and this improve ment has gone on to the present time. My catarrh has gradually melted away, my cough has distk*' peared, my voice has become natural, and I am once more able to preach the blessed Gospel. Let me advise all troubled with catarrhal difficulties to ap ply to Dr. Lighthill. P. R. RUSSELL. I...x.rar, Mass., Feb. I, 1862. INSTITDTTON FOR THE DEA, AND Dunn, NEW YORK, January 7, 1862. • I have pleasure in testifying to the skill and kind attention of Dr. Lighthill, who has relieved me from a troublesome deafness, brought on by a severe cold. I shall be happy te - answer nay inquiries made by persons seeking information at my address al above. ROBERT OLIVE, Book-keeper. This may certify that, having been afflicted during the year 1856 with severe and almost total deaf ness, and having tried the ordinary medical and surgical aid, under the care of those esteemed as eminent practitioners, I was induced at last to put, myself under the care of Dr. E. B. LighthilL Ilia treatment was brief and ,successful. I was' cora- pletely restored, and the cure Is apparently perma nent. I have all confidence in Dr. L.'s skill and integrity in the diseases he makes specialtiea. JAMES CRUIKSHANK, LL. D., Editor N. X. Te2cher. ALBANY, OCt. 1, 1862. 740 WATER STREET, NEW YORK, June 6,1962 . Dr. Lighthill has succeeded in completely restoring my hearing, which was seriously impaired, although previous to applying to him I was treated by several physicians without the least benefit. Any further information I should be pleased to render on appli cation to me at my residence, 173 Second street, Brooklyn, E. D., or at my place of business, '740 Water street. WM. H. WATERBURY. NEW YORE, July 28,1662 I hereby certify that I have Buttered during many years from trouble in_hearing; onsslar at catiTh - dilfifilifidir,ind the otherio bad as to rea der Conve.,...idou-very Llghthill, of No. 34 St. ; Mark , a Plackadio In &short time, and without pain, restored to,,Me the-is—eat my ears, so that I can now hear perfectly wiell.7'J. EICO, No. 158 East Twenty-third et. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, New York, April 1, 1862. Dean SIR: I take much pleasure in testifying to the professional skill exhibited by you in your treat: meet of a case of severe inflammation of the throat and ear with which I have lately been afflicted. Upon coming under your charge I was immediately relieved, and speedily cured of a most aggravated complaint, which several physicians had previously sought In vain to mitigate. As I am somewhat of a stranger in the city, I would state that you are at liberty to substantiate my statements, if necessary, by reference to my rela tives, Mr. A. V. Stout, President of the Shoe and Leather Bank of New York, and to Mr. Everett Clapp, of the Western Transportation Company, No. 1 Cmitties Slip. • With much esteem, I am, air, Your obedient servant, FRED. K. BANKS. To Dr. LIGHTKILL, No. 34 St. Nark's Piave, N. Y NO. II DRY STREET, NEW YORK, Jan. 2, 1863 Dn. E. B. LrouTnim.—Dear Sir: It is with the kindest feelings toward you, and hoping to do ser vice to some one who is afflicted, that I forward the enclosed document to you. To whom it may concern: I am personally acquaint ed with the success which attended Dr. Lighthill's treatment in a case of discharge from the ear and chronic inflammation of the throat, and would be pleased to give further information on application. Ir. D. W. WEEKES. I placed my wife under the care of Dr. Lighthill for deafness in one ear, of nearly three years' stand ing, accompanied by constant noises. lam happy ;to state that her hearing is now entirely - restored, And the noises removed. Those residing in New York, who are desirous of further information, may apply to my brother-in-law, Captain William Ed wards, at No. 96 East Thirty-fourth street, who is acquainted with the circumstances of the case. FRANCIS GOULDY NEWBURGH, 73 Grand street, Deo. 23,1832. I have been snaring for some time with noise in my bead, and deafness. Having applied to Dr. Light hill, I havegreat pleasure in saying that he has com pletely relieved me, so that now I can hear as well as ever, and am not troubled with the noise in my head. I may also mention that a young man named Henry Laws, staying with me, was aalo afflicted in a similar manner, and Dr. Lighthill was equally sue cessfUl in his case. JOHN MURDOCK, 197 Fulton-at. Br.ooluTar, Jan. 2, 1863. Nzw YORTr t June 29, 1862. Da. LTOTITHILL—Dear Sir: I am pleased to be able to testify to the efficacy of your treatment in the case of my wife, whose hearing in one ear yousuc ceeded in restoring, after' treatment of various kinds had been applied in 'vain. I may furthermore state that•her hearing remains good up to the present time, though it is several years since she has been . . under your care. E. CLAYI3ITRGH, 141 Duane street. , . DAItY4OI3RNAL OFFICE, Nrwaux, Dec. 12,1862., Dii,:ticiEurriiit: I am happy to testify to the com plete success of your treatment, in my case, of long. standing discharge from the ears, caused by scarlet fever, and very disagreeable and annoying. The in flammation in my throat • has also entirely disap peared. 3, W. §4OOll, Local Editor. 42 Firm STIIEET, NEW Yuan, June 25,1863 Dn. Lionmuria.—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in tea tifying to the remarkable skill' and judgment you displayed in the ease of my daughter, who had been Partially deaf, accompanied by discharge from the ears since early infancy, and is now, thanks to your treatment, able to hear as well as any one, while her ears are free troll the dischaige. Although . Is nearly two years since she has been under youi care, her hearing remains as good and her ears as sound as the day she leftyou. 0. S. HOLLY. A DEAF MUTE RESTORED, TO HEARING My son, now 12 years of age, has been deaf and dumb, and a prinil of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum in this city for the pact two years. Dr. Lighthill has succeeded in restoring his hearing 'to . such a degree that he is now able to speak with facility, The success which the Doctor has had in this case has scarcely a parallel, and deserves to be exten sively known by the • „ • GAI3RIEL LOWENSTEIN, . • • • No. 176 Spring street. Niitilowsi August 15,1863. " : ' • • -Nxw Youx, June 10, 1862. Dn. LI6EITHILL—Aar Sir: Permit me to thank you most sincerely (or the invaluable services you have rendered me in restoring the hearing of my eon, who had been deaf from infancy, and who had previously been under the care of the best medical Talent without the slightest success. Respectfully, • ANSELI REMIT, 136 Sixth avenue. 413 ifotritTli STREET, NEW O.IIK, rune 6,.1862. My hearing having been impaired for a number of years,,l placed myself under Dr. Lighthill's care, who restored it after a'shott course of treatment. JAMES KENNY: .4- Further reference to parties of the highest respectability, residing here and elsewhere, on ap• pllcation. fe15413t PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOI'BING-ANDEQUIPAGIII OFFICE, corner of TWELFPII. and GIRARD Sta. PH ILATIMPITIA. FebrlllirY 21s t . SLAW D PROPOSALS ore invited at this office until 12 o clock Bl on FKIDAY, the 27th inst.; to furnish mon nit] y at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL tiro following eurplics: Ann , SrOCKIIiCS. Army Standard, to be free from . . • Shoddy._ or White Flannel, or Knit, to be Vi A' 'A ill.. } } i s n " -i ln : "r o l O il ll Gdrad tf Y l y tELTEß TENTS, India Rubber, Gutta Percha or Fainted, fully grumineted. Samples of wh ic h to be sent with the propoaals. Biddete will state in thf it monopole the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery, and also give the 111111103 of two an fficient securities, for the faithful fulfilment of the contract, if awarded. Samples of the above can be seen at Ude office. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bide. G. H. CHOSM AN, fat' . Dep. Q. M. General, 11. S. A. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFTlOD—Poti,AmimitA.2lmtFebreary,lf3fil. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until PATURDAY, 2Sth inst.. at 12 o'clock M. for the delivery in thi. city, on or before the let of April next, of TWO HUNDRED AND TEN MEDICINE WAGONS; One hun dred and Eighty to be constructed after the model of Mr. Perot and Thirty after the model of Mr. Denton- both modus to be seen at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL'iri this city. The right Is rceerved to reject till Mill deemed too high. ' G. CROSMAN, fe23-6t • DePutY.Onartermaiiter General. TIEP UTY -•-•• BAL.'S OFFICR.—Puti.souIaPHIA,2ISt Febrnary.lBB3. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until WEDNESDAY. 25th inst., :all o'clock Bl for the Im mediate delivery in this city of SEVENTY-PIyEL PAU -1.11.5, 20[30 feet, to be well made, of best quality Cotton Duck, 15-o'. Army Standard, subject to Inspection. The right is reserved to meet all bids deemed too high. fe7.3-3( A. BOY D. Captain and A. Q. M. A MY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE -L-a- OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets: PHILAIDET.PhIA, February 214 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will ha received at this office nol/112M. on THURSDAY, akh inst., tor furnishinot the following Army Books, viz: . 60 '! ENDORSEMENT AND MEMOBANDA," 7 quire demi, paged ,index in the volume. • . . 60 "ORDER BOOR'," 7 quires, domi paged, index In the book. 60 "LETTER BOOK," 7 quires, demi paged, index In the book. „ 50 " LETTERS REOEIVED," 7' quires, demi, with a tag, or extended alphabet. • . Sant lesor the above men be seen at this office. Bid( ers will state' in their proposals the time of de livery and the quantity bid fur; also, the names ;of two sufficient sureties for the faithful fulfilment of the con tract, Rewarded. • • Bidders are invite( be present at the opening of the bids. 0. H. CROSMAN, . I • fe2l-51 „...Deptity Quartermaster General_ RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE A OFFICE, PSTLA DELPHIA. February 19 . , ' SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Ofce until 12 o'clock M., on THURSDAY, 26th instant, to furnish, Promptly, at the ScouylkUl.Armenal, the following sup plies: Guidons for Cavalry, silk, complete. Drums for Infantry, do. ' Drnine, Foams, sets. Regimental Order Books. , White Bunting for Flags. Dark Blue Thread, No. 93, beat quality. Do. do do. do. 32, do. Wrapping Paper. for packing purrtowa. X-loch Yellow Silk Lace. 4 White or Gray Dome! Flannel, 6l: ounces per yard. Clinton Flannel, 6% Bootees, sewed by hand or by machinery; to be of the best Quality oak-tanned leather, and fully up to Army standard.. To be assorted in the following proportion of sizes to the 100. viz: 2 pr. No. 6; 13 pr. No. 6; 30 pr. No. 7; 40 pr. No. 8; 12 pr. No. 9; 4 pr. No. 10; 1 pr. No. 11. Bidders wilt state, in' their proposals, the quantity bid for and time of delivery; and also give the names of two sufficient securities fur the faithful fulfillment of the con- tract, if ltwardcd. Felonies of tho above can bo seen at this office. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids. G. 11. CROSIII AN, fe2o-6t Deputy Q. M. General U. S. A: pROPOSALS, FOR FLANK HO WIT. ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DRPARTMENT__ L : '• WASHINGTON, January 27, ismr. PROPOSALS will be received at thin office, until 4 o'clock P. M. on the 27th of FEBRUARY next, for furnish in" one hundred or less 21-pounder CAST-IRON HOWIT ZERS for Flank Defence. - These Howitzernwelgh, when finiabed,about 1.476 pounds each, and drawings exhibit ing their dimensions can -be seen at this office or at the United States Arsenals. They are to be subject to the regular United States inspection and proof, and none are to be received and paid for except each aa pass inspec tion and proof , and are approved by a United States In spector to be designated by this office. Payments will be made on certificates of inspection and receipts, to be given ky the inspector, and forwarded to this office. Bidders will elate the number of Howitzers they pro pose to deliver (not exceeding one hundred), the Place of manufacture and delivery, and the price per pound for the finished Howitzer; and no bid will be entertained unless it be from P. founder regularly engaged in the business, satisfactory evidence of which must accom pany the bid. Any bidder obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds,with not less than two bure ttes, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, for the faithful fulfilment of hie contract in all respects. The bonds must be acknowledged before a Judge of a court of record and the bondsmen must be certified by the Judge of a*Diattiet Court of the United States, or an Ordnance officer in charm of a United States Arsenal, to be worth the penal sum of the bond over and above all liabilities. . The right is reserved to reject all proposals if the prices RIB deemed too high, or if, for any canes, it is not deemed for the public interest to accept them. Proposals will be sealed, and addressed to "Brigadier General James W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, Washing ton, D. C." and will be endorsed "Proposals for Flank Howitzers." - J. \V. RIPLEY, feti-thstulfft Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. PROPOSALS • FOB" 13 , .10;•• AND 84 INCH CANNON. • ' ORDNANCE UIPPICIE, WAR DEPAILTIMIT, WASHINGTON, January 27, 1803. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 5 P. 31., on the 27th of February, 1E413, for furnishing 13, 10, and 8-inch cast-iron cannon, to be made tu conformi ty with drawings to be supplied by the Ordnance Depart ment, and with the following specifications: One 10- inch trial gun, is to be made of warm or cold blest char coal iron, 'to be cast hollow, and cooled from the inte rior, and to have a tenacity of metal of not less than 50,000 pounds per square inch, to be determined by test ing specimens taken from the sinking head of the gun, and from a cylinder cast from the same heat, and from metal of the same quality as that from which the gun is cast. This cylinder is to be cast on end, in dry sand moulds, and is to be 72 inches high, with an elliptical base of 24 Inchesreater and 16 Inches lesser axis. The specimens ere to te cat from . the gnu head, and a slab 4y, inches thick, from the cylinder by planesliamllel to, and equi-distant from the axis of the cylinder, and the lesser axis of the base. . . The Ordnance: , Department will test the specimens, furnish the ammunition, and prove the trial gun, which must be ready for trial as soon as possible, and not later than three months from the data of the contract. No con tract will he Riven, nor will the trial gun be paid for, unless, it shall endure a proof of 1,000 rouuds, with der vice charges of order , of which WO rounds will be with be if e -ii i lay te llifi TRunds with shells. The tasting is to required to furnish proper fact convenient ground, storage for ammunition, a butt in which the projectiles will be embedded and saved, and the requisite force for handling and firing the guns. Ali the cannon are to be made of the same quality of Iron as that of the trial gun. and the Ordnance Department is to have the right to test the iron during the process of fabrication of the cannon, for which purpose the founder Is to furnish, free of charge, at least one specimen from the head of each cannon, and slabs from cylinders, as before desoribed, at the option of the Department, not to exceed one for every ten cannon. Each cannon is- to endure the regular proof and inspection for guns of the same calibre ; and none are to bc received or paid for but such as are approved after inspection and proof, which will be received at the foundry where made. Bid ders will state the numbers and calibres of the cannon they propose to furnish on the foregoing specifications and conditions; the place where they are to be made; the time of commencing delivery and the rate of delivery per month thereafter, and the price per pound or per gun for the finished cannon. No bids will be entertained unless from founders actually engaged in the business, evidence of which must accompany the bid_ Failure to deliver at the specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the amount to be delivered at that time. Bach party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with proper sureties for its faithful fulfilment ; and a transfer of the contract to another party will cause its entire forfeiture. Bidders will be required to file with their bids a bond in the penal sum of not less tbiLla mom signed by not less than two persons, conditioned that if the bid is accepted the bidder shall comply with his proposal, and faithfully and billy perform what he proposes to undertake. The bond must be acknowledged before a judge of a court of re cord, and the bondsmen mast be certified by the Judge of a District Court of the United States, or an Ordnance officer in charge of a United Stelae arsenal, to be each worth the penal sum of the bond over and above all liabilities. The right fe reserved to reject all proposals if the prices are deemed to high, or if for any cause it is not deemed for the public interest to accept them. Proposals will be sealed and addressed to "General J. W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, 1). C. ," and will be endorsed "Proposals for heavy cannon. ' J. W. RIPLEY. fe6-theta-lOt Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. ESTATE OF WM. H. GILLINGHAM, H." D., 'DECEASED.—Letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned ; all persons indebted to the said estate are requested- to-make payment, and those having claims again et the same to present them to HANNAH S. GILLINGHAM, Executrix, No 127 North THIRTEENTH Street. Phila. Or to her attorney, • NATHAN H. SITARPLESS, 'ja2o-tu 61.* • • No. 28 North SEVENTH Street. STATP. OF THOMAS' P . i WOOD,', DS CEASED:Letters of AdmialettattOn oti the estate of THOMAS WOOD, late of the city . of Philadelphia; hag ing been granted to the undersigned; all persons in; debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them to MARIA WOOD. Adatudstmtrix, No. 825 ARCH Street. . . THOMAS S. WOOD,'Administrator, • • " No. 005 ARCH Street. PITTLAIIEI.PIII-k;' January 5, lSon. feS-tatit. " THETN. ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SAMUEL STFVENSON. The Auditor appcd.nted by tho Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JONATHAN RICHARDS, Executor of the Will of SAMUEL STEVENSON,- do ceased, and to report distribntion of the balance in bands of said accountant, will meet the parties intorost ed, for the purposes of his appointment his Office, No.. 2420 South FOURTH Street, on -WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of March, A. D. ISM, at 4 o'clock P. M. fel7-tutheet* . JAMES. W. PAUL, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ANNIE and ELLIN REILLY, Minors. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of FRANCIS COUGHLIN, Otter . dian of said minors, and to make distribution of the ha lance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, March 2d. 1663, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, S. E. corner SIXTH' and WALNUT gtreots, in the City of Philadelphia., . , D. W. .O'BRIEN, fell-tutbset• . • Auditor. TN 'THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY OD COUNTY OPPRILADELPHIA. Estate of ANNIE L. POALK, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle; and adjust the account of RICHARD O. STOTESBURY and EDWARD' L. POALK; Executors of 'ANNIE L. POALK, deceased, and to make distribution of the ba lance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, , on TUESDAY, March 3d,-18M, at o'clock P. Di, at his, of flee, S. B. corner SIXTH and , WALNUT Streets r in the City of Philadelphia. D. W. O'BRIEN, fel7-tuths 66 Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS'. COURT FOR TH$ CITY AND COUNTY 9X-P_BILADBLP.HIA. • .•Rotate ofPIEBE M. TR ELE,tnnst . 8177_ • The Auditorappointed by the Court to audit, settle: and adjust the account of LYDIA•T. TRIMBLE. and WILLIAM . TRIMBLE, executors of the last will and testament of Phebe M. Trimble, deceased, and report distribution of the balance in their hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his •appointment, on TUESDAY, March 3d,__;1463, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his once, No. 4213 WALNUT Street,Philadelphia. • fel9.4.luSnat B. H. HAINES, Auditor. 111: THE DISTRICT • COIIRT_: FOR -11-THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, of December Term, DM. No. 171 . Alias Levert Facies. H ALLEN W. PA.BO, who survived, &o. vs. The Rec tor. Church Wardene, and Vestrymen of the CIIIMCIT OF THE INTERCESSOR, owners, dm., and STEPHEN •F. BUSH, (contractors. ) • - The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the fund raised by the sale, under this writ, of. the following-described real estate, to wit: All that certain two-story brick building, and • the lot or piece of ground belonging thereto, situate on the north side of Spring Garden street, and commencing at the distance of ninety-seven feet eastward from the east side of Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Spring Garden street sixty-six feet, more or less, and in depth northward about eighty-five feet.: the lot on Which the same is erected being ninety-one feet, more or less, in front on Spring Garden street, and extending in depth northward about one hunderd feet; the building erected on the foregoing lot being a Ch urch— will attend to the duties of hie appointment on TUES DAY, the 24th day of February, 1883 at 4 o'clock P. AI., at his O ffi ce, No. 220 South•FOURTH Street. Phila delphia, when and where all persons interested in said • fund are required to present their claims, or be debarred. from Coming in upon the came. JAMES W. PAUL, Auditor. • Philadelphia, February U. ISM . • ' feEl-LOt ri 3 OFFEE! .COFFEE I! COFFEE I I The best and cheapest prepared Coffee In the city.' A trial Will convince the moat skeptical. No charge made if satisfaction is not rendered. - Prepared ao for sale at the le Steam Spice and Coffee Works, 14 and ie4.o North FRONT Rtreet. . fel4-3m HOWARD WORRELL. WILLIAM H. YEATON & C0 . ,- No: 201. South FRONT Streets' • • • Agents for the sale of the • ORIGINAL HEIOSIECN & CO. CHAMP&ONII, Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Also -1 fOO eases tine and medium grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. • CUBS :tßraudenberg , Freree'lCOGNAC.BßANDY.. Vintage 18953, bottled in Franco. 60 cares fin:est Tuscan Oil,'in flasks ;" 2 dozen in case. , ' 60 bblu flnest,quality Monongahela Whisky. 60 Mils Jersey' pple Brandy. ~ , ' 430:0e0 Havana Cigars, or tm fine. Nord & Chandon Grand Vin Imperial, "Green Seal" Champagne. Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Fort, &o. felt'-ly THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHik. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1863. LEGAL. MEIgEgS2M SMEW'S SALE.-13Y VIRTUE OP a writ of Pieri Facies, to me directed, will be OlC n(Wed to public sale or 'madam on MONDAY Evening, •March 2,11#%i, at 4 o'clock, at Samsom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, tuato on the north side of a certain thirty-feet-wido street millet Mariner street, at the distance of two.liundred and tweuty-four feet west of -Thirteenth otroet, In the late dietriet of Moyamensing, now Second ward of the pity of .Thilndelpinat containing in front or breadth on mild Tletiner street sixteen feet; and extending in length or del t of that width sixty feet, to a twenty-feet-wide-street called Poplar street. Bounded on the north by wild Poplar street, east by ground granted to Hand L. Patter son, west by ground graut,d to J. Kidd, and south by Mariner street aforesaid. [Being the 'tame promises whit h Catharine Helmuth, by indenture dated the second day of March, anna Domini 1844, recorded In Deed Book A. C. H., No. 47, pa.p4lB l , cc, granted and conveyed to James alceloakey and ThomaiManalleld, in fee; res.-rvine theremit a yearly rent or sum of eighteen dollars per annum, payable half-ye wly on the first day of the menthe of May and November. In every year thereafter, 'brevt-r, without any deduction for taxea, and for arrears of which the mime are to be woldf] N.H. On the above-described lot is erected a -story brick building. IC. P. , 32; Mar. T. 'O3. Debt, $9.9 93. W. TO. Martin.) Taken in executk n and to be sold a., the property of James McCloskey and Thomas JOIIN THOMPSON. Sheriff. .. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Yebreary 9.1363. fetl-3t• SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias irenditioni Exponan. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on AIONDAY Evening, .March 2. 1913, at 4 o'clock, at &mom-street 1181 i. All that certain lot or piece of ground, 'with the brick caftan:me or awaiting-house thereon erected, situate on the north side of Girard street, (as the some has been reduced by Ante of Assembly of the Cummonwealth of Pennsylvania to the width of eighty, feet); commencing at' the corner of - Schuylkill Eighth street, (now called Fifteenth street), in the late District of retie, now in tho city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Girard street or avenue nineteen feet" lit • inches, end exteuding in length of'dopth northward of that width ono hundred and ten feet to a tifteen-feA-wide• street laid out and opened by Benjamin Stiles in o and from said Fifteenth street. Bounded northward by said feet-wide street, southward liyaaid Girard strea ne reduced' to the width of eight') feet, eastward by ground belonging to Benjamin Stiles, and westward by" Fifteenth street aforeniud. CB ing the same promises which Theodore B. 'Witmer; executor, &c.. of the last will of Benjamin Stiles, deceased, by a certain inden ture ',ate() the gist day of May.liune'Dornint one thou sand eight hundred and filly-four,'recorded in Deed Book H.; . No. 147, page 5, &c., granted-and conveyed unto Henry T. Grout in fee; un der and subject to the ray mont of a certain mortgage debt or sum of two thou ex nil live hundred dollars to Marearetta L. Rayne, wife ct William 4. Bayne, charged on said premises by Ban. ja min Stiles,' by indenture dated August twenty-Seventh, anno Daniel one thousond eight hundred and fifty-ono, and recorded In Mortgage Book G. W. C., No. 41, page .951, &r. I Together with the free use antl.•privilega of the said Litteen-feet-wide street at all times hereafter forever. • N. D,—Gpon the above promises there is erected a three -story brick dwelling-house. . (D. C. 162; March T., '63. Debt, $lllOO. , R: C. BleMartrie.) Taken' in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry T. Grout. -. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philnda.. Sheri fi's Office. February 19, 1853. fe2o-31 SITERIFF'S SALE. -BY v.urrurE OF is writ of Venditioni Er pones, to me direotdd.ivill be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, March 2, lift, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that co tain lot or piece of ground, situate lu the district of Peon had enmity o' Philadelphia, beginning at the northeast corner of College avenue and Twenty lint street, thence exten ding eastwardly along the north side of the said College avenue three hundred and twee. ty-ntsto feet five Inches and three-eighths of au inch to a point: thence extending uorthwardly - on,a line matting atriitht angles with the said College avenue, one hun dred and twenty-five feet to is •point; thence extending westwardly one hundred and two feet one inch and three-eighths of an inch to tho; northeast corner at the bend of a certain twentv4i ve-feet-wide street; thence ex tending sonthwardly along the head of the said twenty five-feet-wide street on a line at right angles with the said College avenue to the south side of the said twenty ve-lbet-w i do street; thence extend I n g westwardly along the south side of the said twenty-five-feet-wide it reel, one hundred end eighty-four feet nix inches and three quarters to the cast side of the said TWenty-first ;street, oneltundred and sixty-five feet .to the place of begin ning. (Bring the snmepremises which. William Ruck nell, by indenture dated the twenty-ninth day of April, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. and recorded on . the fifth day of June, one thousand eight linitulted'and fifty-fotir, in Deed Book T. H., kfo. 151, page granted And convoyed unto Samuel K. Ashton, in fee reserving thereout unto the said Wil linuflatucknell, his heirs and assigns, yearly rent or sun; of six hundred dollars. payable half yearly on the first day of the months of May and November In every.- year thereafter forever.] Together with the Frei and ' common use and privilege of the said twenty-five f, et wide street, in common with'the owners and occupiers of other lots of ground bounlitng tltereon. N. B.—Samuel N. At itton, M. I). , has no interest what,. ever iu the above der eribed property. • ID. C.. 155; Mar. T. , '63.3 Debt. $l/70.90 Johnston. - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel K. Ashton. : .JOHiN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. SherilriOffice. Fob. 1$ 1803. fellitat SITERIFF'S SALE.-BY • VIRTUA OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed.; will be ex posed to public sale or vendue. on;MONDAY Evening. March 2. ]S63, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, commencing at a point on the south side of Coates street, at the distance of ninety-two feet eastward from Twenty-third street, to the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, anti ex tending thence southwardly slond It ne righ t-andles • with said Coates street seventy-four feet ten inches and seven -eighths ; thencesouthwardir blond a this at right angles with Wallace street fifty-four feet eight inches and onc-eighth" to the north side of said. Wallace street; thence Westwartl along said Wallace street one hundred and two feet three incites and three-quarters to the east side of the said Twenty-third'strdet;;Alionce northward along said Twenty-third Street one hundred and slicteen feet four inches and seven-eighths to the south side of said Coates street, and thence along said Coates street ninety-two feet, to the place of heginning.. Bounded northwardly by said Coates! street, eastward and east vanity by ground now or late of James D. Wetham, southward by said Wallace street, acd westward by said Twenty-third street.' [Being • the eame• premises which Laura G. Callins, by indenture bearing date the thirteenth day of August, maw Domini 13)3. recorded at Philadelphia aforesaid, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 36. page 162, &e ; greeted and conveyed unto the said David B.Dirtier, in fee.l N. 11.—On the anove lot of ground are erected twelve dwelling houSes, which are partially completed, being now particularly described as follows. They will be sold in the following order, to-wit No. 1. All that certain lot-01 piece of ground, with the three-story brick mesanamy or dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the south sidd of Coates street, at the distance of seventy-six feet eight Inches eastward from the east aide of :fwenty-third street, in the Fifteenth card of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Coates street fifteen find four Inches. and extending In length or "depth southward of that width, at right-angles with said Coates street on the easterly. line thereof, seventy-one feet ten and:, a half inches, and on the westerly-line thereof sixty-cline feet nine and three-eighths inches to a.three-feet-wide alley lending westward into sald• Twenty-third street. To gether with the appurtenances, and together with free and common use and privilege of the said alley as a pas sage way ant water-course, at all limes hereafter forever. • 14. Also;'all that certain lot or plecaof grdtnd. st n. 'Creel . ; cittilligrfsVirfardNlVlSfitretkfifhtfeettiktMitreet, at the distance of sixty-one feet four inches . eastward' from the east side of said Twenty-third street contain ing in front or breadth on the said Coates'street fifteen. feet time Inches, and extending in length or depth,south ward of that width at right angles with theastid.Coates street, on the eaSterly line thereof sixty-nine feitt-nine and three -,eighths inches to a three-feet-wide alley lead ing westward into said Twenty-third street; and an the 'unduly line thereof sixty-seven feet eight • and one eighth inches. Together with the apptirtenances - and together wish the free and common use and privilege of the said alley as a passage way and water course at all times hereafter forever. No. 3. Also, ail thatcertain lot or,plece of ground with the three-story brick meseun ge or dwelling house thereon erected.- situate on the south side of said Coates street, at the distance of forty-six feet eastward from the east side of Twenty-third street; containing in front or breadth on the said Coates street fifteen feet fonrinelicts, and ex tending in length or depth southward of that width, at right angles with the said Coates street,' on the easterly line thereofsixth-seyen feet eight and one-eighth inches to a three-feet-wide alley leading westward into the said Twenty-third street,' and on the westerly- line thereof sixty-live feet seven inches. Together w the appurte nances, and together with the free and common-sue and privilege of the said alley as a passage - way acrd' water course stall times hereafter forever. - „- . No. 4. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground with the t It ree-story brick tnessuage or dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the south side of Coates street; at the distance of thirty-eight feet eight inches eastward from the east side of the said Twenty-third street. Contain ing in front or breadth on the said. Coates street fifteen feet four inches, and extending In length or depth south ward of that width, at right angles with said Coates street, on the easterly line thereof sixty.-flve feet seven inches to a three-feet-wide alley leading westward into said Twenty-third street, and on the westerly line there of sixty-three feet five and th ree-gnartor Indies . : together with the appurtenances, and together with the free and common use and privilege of the said alley as a:I4E6/W way_ and,w at er course at all times hereafter forever. 113. 3. Also, all that certain lot or piece ofground, with the three-stery brick meSsuage or d welling house there on erected, situate on the south side of said Coates street at the distance of fifteen feet four inches eastward from the east -side of Twenty.-third street;.containing in 'front or breadth on the said Coates street fifteen feet fear inches, and extending in -length or depth , south ward of that width at tight angles wills the said Coates street on the easterly line thereof sixty-three feet five and three-quarter inches to a three-feat-wide alley leading westward into said Twenty-third street, and on the westerly line thereof sixty-one feet four and A half inches; together with the appurtenances, and 'together with the free and common use and privilege-Of the said alley as a passage-way and water-eouree . at all times hereafter forever. • - - 6.' Also': alt that certain lot 'or plecir.ofigronnd, with the three-story•brick mersuage or dwelling home thereon erected, situate on the southeast corner of Coates - and Twenty-third street, • thence extending. eastward along said Coates fifteen feet four inchesi thence extend ing southward at right angles with said Coates street sixty-one feet four and a half inches to a Ulm-feet-wide alley leading westward into said Twenty-third street. thence westward along said alley. twenty-four feet and three-eighths of au inch to the east side"of said Tweuty third street, and thence northward fifty-eight feet eight and three-quarter inches to the south side of said Coates street and place of beginning; together withihe appur tenances, and together with. the free and common use and privilege of the said alley as a passage-way and wa ter-course at nit times hereafter forever.— -' .. • No. 7. Being all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage indwelling bonse• thereon erected, situate on the northeaSt corner of Wal lace street.ann Twenty-third street in the Fifteenthward of the city of Philadelphia :containinz in front or breadth on mid Wallace street fifteen feet four inches, and ex tending in 'length or depth northward of that width along said Twenty-third street fifty-fonr feet eight inches. and .one-elghth of an inch to a three-feet-Wide alley leading a ostwaid into said Twenty-third street; together with the free and common use and privilege of the said alley as passage-way and water-course at, all times hereafter forever. Also, ' •. - • • No. 5. Being all that certain lot or, piece of ground, with the three-xtory brick xnessuage or dwelling house thereon erected, rituals on the north side orWallace stied at the distance of fifteen feet four inches !eastward' from the east side of Twenty-third street; in the'Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front or breadth on the said Wallace street fifteen feetfonr inches and extending In length or depth northward of-that width between,lines 'parallel with the said Twenty third street fifty , four feet - inches and one-eighth of an inch' to a three-feet-wide 'alley leading into:gaid Tweny-third street together with • the free and com mon use an& privilege of the said' alley as a past,a,ge ; way and water-course. at all times hereafter-forever. Also, . , No. 9. Boing . all that certain lot orniece Of grcitind, with the three-story brick messnage or thinning house thereon erected, situate' on' the north aide of• Wallace street, at the distance of thirty feet eight inches.east warcl from the east side of Twenty-third Street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of 'Philadelphia:containing in front or breadth on i he said Wallace street fifteen feet four inches, and extending in length or depth northward of that width between lines parallel with said Twenty third street fifty-four feet eight inches and one-eighth of au inch to a three-feet-wide alley leading. westward. Into said Twehty-third street; together with the .freo and Corelooll Ilse and privilege of said alley as a paSaage way and water-course at all times hereafter forever. Also, • . • ' No. 10. Being all that certain lot or piece of ground. With the three-story brick Ines:maga or dwelling house thereon'ereetNl, situate on the north side.. of Wallace street at the distance of forty-six feet eastward from the east side ofTwentyLthird street, inithe Fifteenth,w,ard of the city of Philadelphia . ; containing in front or breadth' on the said Wallace street fifteen feet Peer Inches, and extending in length or depth northward of that width Letween lines parallel with said Twenty-third street fifty-four feet eight inches and one:eighth of an - Such to a certain three-feet-wide alley leading westward' into Twenty-third street; together with the free and com mon use and privilege of file said alley as a paasage-way and water-course at ell times hereafter forever. Also, No. 11. Being al Mat certain lot or piece of are rind, with the three-stem brick moulage or dwelling honse thereon erected, situate on the north side of Wallace street at the distance of mixty-oneTct..4 inches eastward frota the east side of Twenty-third street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Wallace street fifteen feet font inches, and extending in length or depth amthwird.of that width between lines parallel with said. Twenty-third street tif ty-four feet eight inches and one eighth of an Wale a three-feet-Wide alley finding westward 'into' Twenty; thud street; together with the free mid copunon use of said alley as a passage-way andwater-cdurri at all times hereafter forever.. 411P0, . . . No. it Allthat certain lot or piece of groan& trial the three-story brick meesuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north side of Wallace street at the distance. of seventy-six feet eight inches caotward from the cast side of Twenty-third street, in the Fifteenth ward f the ell y of Philadelphia: containing in front or-breadth oe said Wallace street fifteen feet four inches, and extend ing in length or depth northward of that width betw. en lhnre parallel with 'aid Twonty-third street finy-fonr feet eight inches and one eighth of an Inch to three.-feet. wide alley leading weetward into Twenty-third street: together with the free and tomnion use and privilege of: said alley as It TataNaalWay end Water-course at all times hereafter Yorever: Also. . ' . No. 13. Being ,all that certain lot ' 0:11' piece - of gronid situate on the north aide of Wallace street, at the dig.. lance of ninety-two feet eastward front the east'side of Twenty-third street, iu the Fifteenth ward of the citytif Philadelphia ,• containing in front or breadth :ou said Wallace etreet ten feet ,tree and three-quarter inches, thence extending in length : or depth northward of that width between linos, parallel with said Twenty-third' street, ou the west Dn thereof, fifty-seven feet eight and. one-half inches, aid on the eastline thereof fifty-fourfeet , eight and one-half inches, thence northweatwardly.throa feet, thence westward!) , on the rear end of said lot nine (set four and seven-eighths of au .Inch to the wont line' of said lot; together with the free and eommoiruse and privilege or a :certain , three,feet-wide , eller leading weetWard lute Twenty-third street as apassage 7 way water-course. at'all times hernotter forever. • • ,Las no interest in the above The -foregoing virertiises ,are fanitgage - of ten tffousand"dellars,' given by James A: Wetham to' llenry D. Williams; on the twenty-second day of. June: anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-two. C.... 169: ,11far.Z..'fil. a Debt. VI, NCI). Lcarartta Taken in execution null td be sold as the property of David 13. Barney, and John Baird, terra tenant, .T 01312. THOMP.2o2l,:Shoriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, February 10, 132.3. fe2l-3t. SHERIFFS SALES. RBERIFF'S SALE-BY vircruE OF a writ of Levan Yacht., to me directed, will ba expoaed to public sale or veudne, on MONDAY Banning, Diarch 2, 1913, at 4 o'clock, at Samsun-street Hall, All that et ain lot or piece of ground with the build ings thereon r rem ed, situate on the 1011th tittle of a twen ty-four-fe -wide stimt, leading from Delaware Ninth and Tenth streets, between. Carpenter • (or Tlamann) street and Priam street, in that part of the city of Phila delphia late the district of Moynmeneing, beginning at the distance of eighty-eight feet five Inches frnn the said Muth street, ao,,lttinh g in front or breadth on said twenty. four-feet-wide street sixteen feet, and in length Or depth, at right angles with said twonty-four-feet wide street forty-eight feet two inches hounded on the north by the 'aid twenty-four-feet-wida street, on the Mt and west by ground now or late of Francis C. !fermi, and on the south by ground late of James Paul% (1). ! lug the same premise. which Nathan P. Brower anti wife, by indenture dated the twelfth day of October, no nu Do mini ono thourand eight hundred and forty-six, intend ed to befrecorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Ann C. Weaver, in fee, as in and by the said recited in denture will more fully and at large appear. N. B. -On the above premises there is erected a three story brick dwelling house. (D. C.,l3l;Mar. T.,'6'l Debt, MI Lex.) Taken in execution and to he sold am the property of Ann U. Weaver. .10113 TIIOMPSOv, Sheriff. Philadelphia, nlterirsOffiee, Pohl-nary la. 186 t. SALE.-BY BAL-EY VIRTUE 01? S a writ of Lauri 'nein, to zoo directed. will be or. prised to public sale or veudno, on MONDAY Evening, Match 2,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-strcet All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of seventy two dollars, lawful: money, charged on half-yearly 15 : suing and payable by John obedwick, his heirs and assigns, on the first day of the months of April and Oc tober, clear oftsxes, &c.,out of and for all that certain lot 'Jr piece of ground, ith the buildings and improvo ments thereon erected, situate on the south side of ((overlord street, at the distance of one hundred and five feet eastward from the east side of Ninth street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of said city; containing in (runt or breadth on said Havorford street twenty-five feet, and extending in length or depth southward ono hundred feet. (Doing the same premises which the said Jere miah Bonsall and wife, by indenture bearing date the twenty-second day of September, suns Doroini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and intended to be therewith recorded, granted and conveyed unto John . Shedwick; in fee, reserving thereout the said yearly ground rent. • (D: C.,133; Mar. T.,' 68.1 Debt, 0228.5.3 F. Shippen. Taken in execution and to be sold as- the property of Jeremiah Bensall. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, February 18,1863. fon),3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 2, SGI, at 4 o'clock, at San.som-street Hall. All that Certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick incssnege or tenement thereon erected, situate on the west aid. of Eleventh street, at the distance of ninety-two (DM feet northward from the north side of Lombard street, in the bald oily; containing in front or breadth ou said Eleventh street eighteen (IS) feet, and exlcudieg in length or depth westward between 11084 at right angles therewith eighty-two feet to t twenty-feet wide street, leafing northward from said Lombard street; bounded northward by premises Into of Jacob W. Colladay, southward by ground granted and Intended to have been .glinted to David Watt, eastward by Eleventh street, and westward by said twenty feet-wide street. [Being the anise Rremises which Edward B. Bonsall, by Indenture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, &c., January 8, DM, and intend ed to he recorded forthwith, granted and convEyed unto the said Spencer Bonsai] in fee, under and subject to the pa) mod and discharge ofa certain mortgage debt. a sum of three thousand dollars, as therein mentioned, with the interest. 3. [D. C.. 1 924 Mar. T., Debt. 5.177.52. Shippen.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Spencer Bonsai]. .1011 N THOIdrSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, February 18, kiff3. felO3t kHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a wilt of Alias Levari Facies, to me ditected, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, March 2,lSfei. at 4 o'clock, at Senora-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground in the district of Richmond, iu the county of Philadelphia, situate on the southwest weirdly corner of two certain street:: coiled Almond and - -Anthracite streets; containing in front or breadth on said Almond street eighty feet, and extend ing of that biendth in length or depth northeestwardly, poraliel with said Anthracite street, seventy-five fee'. Bounded southwestwardiy by other ground of Benj. S. Janney. northwestwardly by ground granted to Bernard O'Rourke onground rent, northettotwardly by said An thracite street, and southeattwatdly by Almond street aforesaid. Being the same premises which Benjamin S. Janney and wife, by indenture dated the Ilfth day of. Ality, A.D. ISIS, recorded in the office for recording deeds is the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 76, page 434, &c., granted and conveyed unto William. Caverow in fee, reserving theroout a yearly ground rent or sum of forty-five dollars, Payable half yearly, on the first day of the months of January and July, hereafter forever. CD. C., 320; AL T., 'M. Debt. $177.N. J. B. Townsend.] Taken in exeention and to be sold as the property of William Caverow. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherirs Office, Feb. 18,19 A fe2B.-3t SHERIFIPS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF .F.L , a writ of Levarl Facia's, Wane directed, will be ex nosed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, Marcia 2,1583, M 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street 'All that certain lot or piece of ground and brick and frame mesens gee or tenements thereon erected, situate on the seat side f Delaware Fourth street, Comedy in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia. Beginning at the distance of one hundred and fitly-one feet southward from the south side of George street; thence extending eastward at right angles with the said. Fourth street, by- ground late of John Scott, deceased, one hundred' aud thirty feet four inches and a half: thence southwardparallel:with the . said .Fourth street, .by around now or late of Adam Snyder, fifty feet; thence westward at right singles with the said Fourth street, by ground late of William Arehart, twenty-eight feet: 'thence northward by the same parallel with the said Fourth street twenty feet; thence westw and by the wane at right angles with the said Fourth street one hundred aid two feet four inches and a half to the east line there of, and thence northward along the said Fourth street thirty feet to the lance of beginning. [Which said lot or piece of ground is composed of two contiguous lots or -pieces of ground which William Deal, Esq.. High Sheriff of the city and comity of Philasirtphla, on due 'and legal process Leaned out of the District Court for the city and county c f Philadelphia, seized, took in. execu tion, and sold as the property of Jacob S. Bass, and - which Samuel Allen, -Esq., then High Sheriff of the city an 1 county aforesaid ! (the term of office of the said William Deal having expired before the execution of a deed for the said premises,) by his deed poll bearing date the twentieth day of N. vember, one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-two entered among the records of said Court in Book A, Ho. 2, Mtge 123, See., granted and con veyed unto the said Edward White in fee.] N. B.—On the above premises there are erected seven three-story brick, two two-story (time, and one one story frame houses—two of said three-story bricks being erected ou said Fourth street, ant there being as en trance between sail three-story brick houses on Forirth street by which access is lila to the remaining buildings on said lot, which are erected on the Wes and rear thereof. C.D. C , 135 ; Mar. T. , '63.7 Debt, 13,030- Lex. Taken in execution and to be sold its the property of Philadelphia, HN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 18, ma. 1019-It Q.HERTFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTU, _OF wri t of 241 PltirALVANi s tliarg e gl;r ie. ,o . A ND Ax. - .4.11141iWX Ma s t 1,71 - fiti, at 4 o'cdock, at Stumm-street All that certain lot or piece of ground, with improve meats thereon erecied, - eituale in the - Nineteenth wurd.of - the. city of Philadelphia, commencing at the southeast wardly corner of Front and Coral streets, licence extend ing aonthwardly along the east side of said Front-street thirty-six feet: thence eastward on a line at right angles with said Front street by ground new or late of Elijah Tyson forty-five feet one inch and five-eighths of an inch to a point; thence, still by the same, sonthwardly ab rut twenty feet to a point, which is at the distance of fifty ttvo feet one inch and five-eighths of an inch. eastward from the east side of said Front street, on a line running at right angles there!: ; thence northeastwardly, on a line at right angles with Dreer street, by other ground of said Elbah -Tyson, fifty-two feet three and seven-eighths inches to the southwestwardly side of Dreer street; thence . northweetwardly along the same seveuty-five . feet two and one-11115Vth inches to th e sout eastwardl y side ' of said Coral street; and thence southwestwardly along the same fifty-three feet and one-half of an inch to the east side of said — Front street and place of beginning. (Being the cams lot or piece of ground which Elijah Tyson, by a certain indenture bearing date the sixth day of December, anuo Domini one thousand eight huti dred and fifty-four, recorded in Deed Book It. D. W. No. 3, page 21, am granted and conveyed auto the said owusend in fee, reserving therefor and thereont a certain yearly ground rent, charge, or sum of $133, iu equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of April and - october in every year thereafter forever; and the said Charles Townsend and wife, by a cerain indenture bearing date the twenty-second clay of February. nano Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, endorsed upon the above-recited hide'''. lure. and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 11, page 13, Atc., granted and conveyed one (nil, equal, and an divided moiety, or one-half part thereof, in, and to the said lot or piece of ground above described unto George W. Einwech ter, his heirs and assigns forever, under and subject to a moiety or half part of the aforesaid yearly ground rent; and the said George W. Einwochter and wife, by indenture bearing date the twelfth day of October, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and intended to be forthwith recorded, grant ed and conveyed (inter alia) his, the said or full, equal, undivided moiety, or one-half part of, in, and to the aforesaid lot or piece of ground, sithiect as above men tioned, unto the said James McCartney, his heirs and assigue, forever. • [D. 0.,157; Mar T.,'63. Debt, $1.16.5L Klug.) Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of Charles TownseauL JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff: Philadelphia, SberifFs Office.Febrnary 38. feligit SHERIFF'S SALE.—RY . VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditloni Espouse, to 111110 directed, will be exposed to public sale or voodoo, on MONDAY Even ing„ March 2, ltel3„al 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. No. 3. —Alt those (our four-story frame messnages or tenements, two three-story brick measuages or tenements, and let or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Franklin street, (formerly called Lawrence street.) at the distance of one hundred and nine feet three inches northward from the north side of Noble street, in the District of Spring Garden, in Penn toviship, in the county of Philadelphia, containing in Mint or breadth on the said Franklin street thirty-three feet, Including the southermost half part of a ten-feet-wide court or alley, called Clinton court, and extending In length or depth eastward on the south line thereof seventy-seven feet seven inches and three-eighths of an inch, and on the north line thereof seventy-nine feet three inches and live-eighths of an inch. Bounded southward by ground new or late of John Beckon, eastward by ground late of Gilbert AlberLson, northward by ground of which this was pest, granted or intended to have been graute to Peter Shuster, and westward by Franklin sheet aforesaid. Being the same premises which Hiram J.' Hartwell, of the city of Philadelphia, assignee in trust of the estate, and effects of George Starr, of the city of Philadelphia, house-carpenter, by indenture dated the, eighth day of March. WIMP Domini one thousand eight hundred anti forty-two, and recorded-in Deed Book G. S., No. 39. page Get, 3re., grunted and conveyed unto the said Henry August Bergmann, in fee,. together with • the use, right, and privilege of the said ten-foot-wide ' court or alloy. N 0.2. Also,all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the district of Pens beginning at a point of intereec tints of the southerly line of Pennsylvania avenue and .the easterly line of Thirty-fifth street, : as the memo are laid and continued by the Court on the plan of the said district of Penn, thence extending southerly along this easterly side of the said Thirty-tlfth street one hundred and fturtten Het -nine inches and seven-eighths of an inch to an angle of Thirty-fifth street; thence southwest ward along the southeast line of the said Thirty-fifth etseet one hundred and fourteen feat nine Hobos and seven, eighths of an tuck to the northeast line of Schuyl kill avenue, as the same isDaid down andrcon firmed as aforesaid, thence southeastward along the northeast side of the said Schuylkill avenue two hundred and eight feet, thence north fifty degrees afty-two miuutee and a half cast by ground formerly of Isaac a Loyd, yfo .,i-,-0,4 Spring Garden Water Works, three hundred and thirty-oti: feet three litchi/5 to the southerly site of said' Pennsylvania • arils and thence westwardly Meet; the senates ly aide Said Pennsylvania. ave ' nue two hundred and ninety-two fee three inches to the place of beginning. Being the same Prentees which Samuel Allen, Nseilire, High Sheriff, by Deed Ildql,dated December seventeenth, -one thousand eight hundreti a^d lifty-three, and acknowledged same day. in open District Count ; and entereirambng the records thereof In Book .B, No. 2,' page 500,• granted 'and conveyed unto H. Bergm ~ ann,:in fee • • ' • . crn:a; b56;.Mar.T.,933. ) Debt, $6,000. Johnston. • Taken in execution and to be sold 'AR the _property of Hen A: Bergmann. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia. ladelphia. Sheriff's Office, Feb. lit, 1863.. fel.9-3t SHERIFF'S ES ALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittoni Exponas' to me directed, 'will be =posed to public male or vandne, on MONDAY Evening, March 2; ?SW, at '4: o'clock,. at Sansom-street All the right, title, and interest of Henry A. Bergmann, being one equal undivided half pepeat.u or moiety of, in, 'or to all thatcertain lot or piece of ground, beginning at a' point in the north lite of Thompson- street, at• the dis ,tnuce of seventy-flve feet westward from the west side of • Thirty-second, street, as the same .is laid ont .ou the • plan of the. late' district of Penn, now in the city lot Philadelphia, containing in front or bretultlt on the said 'I bumpson street• twenty-three reet eight inches. andextending in length or depth northward on the east and west lines thereof, at right angles with said Thomp son street, two hundred and eighteen feet to ground now or formerly of William Chamberlain. Bounded on the north by said ground now or formerly of William Ctiftlll - berlain, on the west by ground-granted to'Proncis.L. .Brclun, on axe enst by ground granted to Jacob T. Heiner, and on the south by-Thompeou street aforesaid. ' [Being the some pn ntises which Charles Theis, et ux, by in denture dated the fifteenth day of August, auuo Domini • one tbouraud eight hundred and fifty, recorded in Dead , Book O. W. C. No. 7s. pao 121; Sec., granted and con-, veyed unto Philip' Blame and Burry A. Bergmann in' equal moieties as tenants in common, in Met' subject to the payment of an equal third part of a,yearly ground rent of seventy-five dollars • -N. B. —Theme is a Lager Beer Brewery on above pre mises. [ll. C. 120; Mar. T., '6a] Debt, 8600.00. Clayton & Woodirstrd. _ 'Seized and taken in execution as the-property of henry A. Bergmann and Herman A. Bergmann, and to' be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff'. trhilndelpbta. Sheriff's Office. February-18.1963. foll)-St SALE.—BY 'VIRTUE OF a wait oflesdait Facies, to . . me directed, will be ex- Posed - to: pnblie sale or.vendne, on MOND AY arch 2,.M. nt 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street All.that certain three-story brick measuage or teno scent end lot or piece of ground- thereto belonging, situ ate on the north side pf Wood street, according tp a re cent survey thereof made by the City Surveyor, at the d istance.of forty-two feet eastward from the east aide of district treet, in the said city of Philaelphia (late in the of Spring Gordon); containing l n front or breadth on the -Feld Wood street eightemr.feet; and extending northward, - between, parallel linee, .in length or depth ferty-cline feet. Bounded on the north by ground . for-' merry of Jonas Preston, and on the east by greeted fvr knerly of Boward and•Samnel Williams, on the south by Diketttd Wood street, _and on- the ground for merlY.OrNiceli- Gardner. - [Bing . the west . by which:7' 'The Preston. Retreat.. " by, indenture. dated the fouVth day of October; anno-Dominvono thousand eight hundred and llfty-four, recorded in Deed Book ,:Ncx Ipage — igranta-and convoyed unto tile said Jelin Matliick; ID. C. M: Mar. T.'63.) Debt, $1,141. J.Sergeant Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Matlack. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 13,1263 . fe19.31 SHERIFF'S SALES. ..• R I BERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF P.- a 'writ of Mitts Levari Macias, to me d'reelnd, Will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Wetting. ?larch 2,1863,at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Rat s All that certain so sin planing mill and lot or piece of ground situate in Germantown, le the Twenty—tecoad ward of the city of Philadelphia; ov the mirth wetted,' • side of Mtit atreet, at the distance al'. two hundred and ninety-six get easterly from the east side of Cumberland street, thence extending by a Hue mumble parallel with said Cumberland street by ground or st argaret - Rowan northwesterly eye hundred and twonty feet, thence by a g line runnin parallel with said Mill street by ground of Thomas Hallowell, northeasterly to the ebti of the Phi ladelybin. Germantown,' and Norristown Railroad, thence along the side of amid railroad sonthealterly to the northwest side of said Mill Street, and ammo slung the aide thereof shoot one hundred and fifty :eot south westerly to the place of beginning. • (BAug the same premiers wh i ch the said Isaiah L. Shoemaker, by inden tare bearing even date with the mortgag- upon witch thrjudgment is obtained on which this execution 'AWN!. but executed before the same, granted anu convoyed note the sa:d Spfncer Shoemaker In fun. (D. 4)., 144; Mar. T. 'WA Debt, 63,133. Clayton & Woodward. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of Spen cer Shoemaker and term tenant, and to be mold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff.. Philadelphia: ShorirsOMce.Peb. 18..113gt.• ferr-itt SHERIFF'S .SALE.--.131!: - VjaTUE ''•-• a writ of Levari Facia& to Ino divided; will bo ox posed to public sale or vondue, on AIONDAY.Reowing, W 3 March 2.1,, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-stroot Hall; All that certain lot or piece or gronnd situate OR the west side of Chestnut avenue or. Forty-second street. at the distance of one hundred and seventy fent southward from the south bitio of Spruce street, i n the Twenty-fnurth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Clic,.tnut avenue one hundred and fifty feet,and extending, in length or depth B•oltw.trti between lines at right angles thciewith, on tii; north line thereof four hunched feet, more or less, to Mill Creek.. and on the south line thereof three hundred and eighty feet, more or lees, to Mill Creek. (Being part of the game premises which Nathaniel B. Brown, trustee, by inden ture bearing date thc,eccond day of May, A. D. IS:Mend recorded in Deed Book It. D. W. No. 76, page 273. &c., granted and conveyed unto the add George R. Bak istoo, in lee; under and subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or sum of four thonsand live hundred and Mx dollars itml twenty-live Cellt% as therein mentioned, and Jason L. Fennim ore and others, trustee,, &c ,hy an in strument of writing bearing date the tenth day of De cember, A. D. 1818, and recorded in Mortgage Book A. D. 8., No. 18, page 0.18, Btc., released the premises above described, inter aria, from the lion of said recital mort gage. ) ED. C. 160; Mar. T., '6l. Debt, 5;6,000. Warrlner. Taken in execution and to be Sold as the property of George IL Blakiston. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilice, Feb. IS, 1864. Ib2)-3t RBERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 11 / 4 1 a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, • March 2, lns, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Lombard treat, beginnh gat the distance of eighteen feet westward from the west side of Twenty-third street, in the. Seventh , ward of the said city of Poiladelehial containing inirent or width ou said Lombard street six teen feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width seventy feet to a five-feet-wide, alley. Bounded eastward and westward by ground mw or late of John McCrea, northward by said five-feet-wide alloy, and southward by said Lombard street. CBelug the samepremisen which James Alcorn and wife, by inden ture dated the town day of January, anno Domini ona thousand eight hundred and sixty, nod recorded in Deed Book A. D. 13., No. 11G; page 368, &c., granted and con veyed unto the said Thomas McNeilan in foe; under and sfiliject to the payment of a certain yearly ground root or sum of sixty-six dollars, on the first days of the months of January and July, in every year forever; without de duction for taxes, &c., unto John McCrea. his heirs and assigns.) Together with the free use, liberty, and privi lege of said fve-fect-wide alley, as and for a way, pas sage, and water course , atoll times hereafter forevor. CD. 0., 80; Mar. T., '63. Debt, $575. Warriner- ) Seized and taken in execution. as the property of Thonias McNeilan,. and to besiold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. February 14 IND fel743t sHER,IFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levert Facing, to 7110 directed, will be exposed to peblic sale or vendee, on MONDAY Keening, March 2, ItKt nt 4 o'clock, at Sansorn•street Hall. .No. I. All that certain lot or piece -of groUndwitlethe brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northwardly side of a new street' laid out fifty feet wide and to be left open forever, leading westwardly trim the Frankford and- Bristol turnpik.e road, called filndison avenue. in the late district of Richmond, now in the consolidated city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of two hundred feet westward from the west wardly side of said turnpike road, and containing in front or breadth on the said Madison avenue fifty feet,. and extending in length or depth northward of that width atom. one hundred feet more or less. Bounded westward by other ground'amnted by William Morris, r., to Evan Morrie, - northward by ground of John W. ester, eastwardly by'otherund of - the said Bran Morris, and southwardly by Mad gro itmu Anlll l 9. . No. 2. Also, all - that certalu' ardr - Pleco of ground, - with the brick messnage or tenement thereon - erected, situate on the northwardly aide of Madison' avenue RP resaid, beginning at the distance of two hundred and filly feet - westward Wm the westwardly side of the said Frankford and Bristol turnpike road, and containing in front .or breadth on the said Madison avenue fifty feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width about one hundred feet, mare or lens. Sounded westward by other ground of Evan Morris, northward by other ground of John W. Nester, eastward by other ground granted by Evan blot its to William Michele's, and southward by the said Madison avenue. [Being the same premises which - Sven Morris and Afary 0., his wife, by deed dated the twenty-fifth day of hay, anno Donurd one thounend eight hundred 'and' fifty-five, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. W. D., No.. 27. page MO, etc., granted and conveyed to the said William Nicbuals in fee.; ID, C.,131; Mar. T., 'Si, Debt V,138. Geo. Sergeant.) Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Inchoate. .TORN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 15,1£01 .felast SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert FACIRS, to me diroked, will be exposed to public sale or veuclue, on MONDAY Evening, March 2, IFO, at 4 o'clock, at Sansousstreet Hall, No. I. All the following described lot or piece of ground, situate in the Newington district of the North ern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia, as consolidated, situate on the no, th side of Oxford.street, beginning at the distance of eighty-six feet. eastward of Clinton street, thence ex tending northward parallel with the said Clinton street one hundred and ten feet to a twenty-feet-wide alley, thence extending eastward along the south side thereof to Howard street, thence southward along the west side of Howard street one hundred and ten feet three And a. half inches to said Oxford street, thence one hundred and fifty-six feet two inches, more or less, to the place of beginning Bounded northward by the said twontY feet-wide alley, southward by the said Oxford street,- eastward by the said Howard street, and westward by ground granted on ground rent to IV,ll.iaut Itichner. Together with the brick building or tenement and two flame buildings thereon erected, and together with the machinery therein.- consisting of 'steam boiler, pipes, Taus, vats, stills, kettles, tubs, etc.; used in the manu facture of chemicals. , . . . - 80. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in tito_.c.ia-late Ole[rleti.nme 1.1t0d.c7 or NAM , d • Beginning at the southwest corner of .Patnam toward streets, thence extending westward along the Routh aide of Putnam street one hundred feet, thence southward parallel with the said Howard street one :hundred and four feet six inches to's twenty-feet-wide •alley, thence eastward along the north side thereof one hundred feet to the said Howard street, and theace northward along the west sido of Howard street one bemired and four feet six inches to the place of begin ' ntug. Bounded northward by Putnam street, southward by said twenty - feet - wide alley, eastward by Howard street, and westward by /ground granted or intended to have been granted to Weary Erdman on ground rent, 'being the same two lots of gromul and premises which Were granted and conveyed to the said Francis N. Buck by the - said William Coffin and wife, in imd by two se veral conveyances, to wit: the one moiety or undivided • half part, by deed dated the 3d day of February, A. D. 1653, of record in the office for recording deeds, ere., for the • city and county of Philadelphia, In Deed Book R. D. W. No. 31, page 44. etc., and the other moiety or un divided half part, by deed dated the 35th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1654, recorded in the office aforesaid, In the Deed Book T. 11. ,_llo. 175, page 421, etc., as by reference will appear. And also, all the machinery, tools, tmple meets, steam engine, etc., er whatsoever kind and de scription, ineluoutgAbe office fixtures and furniture.. • N. B.—On No. 2 is erectid a two-story brick building and also a frame building. CD. C., 354; Mar., '63. Debt, $8,112,50. Letchworth.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Francis N. Buck and Jane E. • his wife. JOHN THOSIT'SON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, February 18, 1362. fel6-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veriditioni ExPollim, to me directed, will be exposed to public Kale or metric, on 2iIOIVDA Y Evening, March 2, ISai. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-strect hall. _ . A certain lot o? piece of ground situate on the west side of Delaware Sixth street, formerly in the district of Spring Garden, now in the city of Philadelphia: begin ning on the west side of the said Sixth street, at the dis tance- of two hundred and thirty-one feet rive inched southward from the south side of Green street, and ex tending thence westward at right angles with said Sixth street sixty-seven feet to ground intended to be granted to James Laws on ground rent,thence by the same south ward twenty-three feet seven inches and three eighths of an inch to the north line of a certain street laid down on the plan of the survey of the third division of the district of Spring Garden, called Spring Garden street, thence along the north linc of said street sixty-seven feet two Inches and seven-eighths of an inch to the west side of said Sixth street, and thence northward along the west side of the said Sixth street eighteen feet to the place of beginning; being the same premises which John J. Smith, trustee, &c., by indenture bearing date the fifteenth day of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, intended to be recorded, grantediand con voyed unto 'Edward B. Garrigues, in fee, reserving thereout a yearly around rent or sum of ninety dollars, Payable half-yearly on the first days of July and Janu ary, in every year forever. - N.B—On the above premises tkere is erected a three story brick dwellinehouse. Edward B. Garrigues desires to give notice that he has no present interest in the above premises, having long since parted with the same. • [D. C., 136:11far. T., 3 Debt. $110.85. Lex. Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of 'Edward B. Garrignee . JOHN TFIO)IPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Feb. 18. Mt fel9-St RIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF S i sundry writs of Venditloni Exports's, to me directed, will be exposed to public sole or remake, on HONDA Evening, Minh 2, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at' Bansom street Hell, No. I. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick brewery building thereon erected, si tuate on the west side of Delaware Third street, at the distance of three hundred and six feet five and a half .inches northward from the northwest corner of said Third street and Poplar lane. in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the Northern Liberties; containing in front or breadth on the said Third street seventy-two feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth westward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Third,street one hundred and Mx feet more 'or less, Bounded o southward by ground now or late of John Lentz, Jr. westward portly by ground now or late of the Commissioners of the Northern Liberties and part ly by ground of Bilis Jackson, northward by ground now or I ate of Frederick Tyter,•and eastward by Third street aforesaid. Bolug• the same lot , of ground which John Lentz, jr.,and Eliza. his wife,' by tour several 'laden 'tures, one of there - bearing • date .the 26th day of dfay, 1535, and the remaining three bearing' date respectively the 20th day ofJannary,lB3s; recorded respectively in the office for recording deeds, etc.,in and for the city of Phi ladelphia, in deed books A. AL , No. 64, page 645, A. 51. No. 58, pages 0 16, 207, and MO, ;muted and. conveyed as ' four *operate lots of ground unto Frederick Dithmar, in fee, reserving out of each of the said four lots of ground unto the said John Lentz, Jr., his heirs aimlessly's, the yearly ground rent or sum of fifty-four dollars, as by reference to the said four several Indentures will more fully appear. And the said John Lentz, Jr. and wife, b y indenture bearing date the 30th day of December, A. D. -1845, recorded in the aforesaid (Ace in Deed Hoek IL L. No. 53, page 615, Ice., extinguished the said four se veral yearly ground rents of fifty-four dollars eaeli,unto : the said Frederick Dittmar his heirs and assigns forever . . No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of 'ground situate in the city of Philadelphia,' (late the township df Northern Liberties, ) in the district of Kensington and conu !v pf Phibulelphia,- at the northeast corner of NVood streetinig.; sto erald street; containing in front or breadth ou the said. NN- 7 ,;:itl street sixty feet, and extending that 'width in depth al elf:. s Emerald street, and parallel there ' with one hundred and ,!!.ftY-six feet six and one-quarter inches to 'a forty-feet-wide '...treet, called Moore street, running from Emerald to Gera; !itreet. Bounded on the north by said Moore street, on the '.!outh by said Wood street, on the east by ground of the Fate ' .Hlll estate, and on the west by Emerald street aforesaid. Thiing the same lot or piece of ground which Charles Norris and'. o 3amttel Norris, trustees, and others, by iudendu re bearing, date the high. day of April, A. D. 1848, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, etc.,in and for, the city of - Philadelphia, in Deed Book- R. D. W., No." 2, 7paatgge42B, etc.': granted •and convoyed unto the said .Fredarlck Ditlimar," his helm and 'assigns, reserving theresmt unto the said Charles. Norris et al., their heirs and assigns in trust. the yearly' ground rent: or sum of sixty dollars lawful 'money payable half-yearly. on the: first day of the months of t lilareh and September in every year. without deduction for taxes; etc., as therein expressed, CD. C., DS; Mar. T.,''63. DebtB2,2B7.Bii. Wm. 11.8mith.] Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Frederick Dithmar and Cle,,i-ge Butz. Jr. trading, etc. JOIIN TEOMPSON , Sheriff. Philddelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb: 18,1883. felib3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF a writ:of :Venditioni Exponas: to+me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Haim tag. March 2, "M., at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street Hall. . All that certain lot or• piece of ground, with the two three-storied brick dwellings thereon erected, situate on theriortb side of Olive street, beginning at the distance of one hundred and five feet six inches and seven-eighths eastward from the east side of Twelfth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Olive street forty-three feet, including a two-feet-wide alley leading northward through the lot, and in depth northward .of • that 'width forty-four • feet. except 'on the =award, where,' for the width of four feet,. the depth isterty nine feet. Tho buildings are each fourteen by sixteen' •feet. Together with the free use and privilege of the said alley as and for a passageway au I water course tu. common with the other premises. bounding thereon: i Being the southern pert of the lots Nos. 24, 23, and 26, on the. plan of the division of the real estate of Daniel. Steinmetz, deceased, of which Daniel Steinmetz and wife, by indenture dated the thirteenth day of JnlY, anno Ili one thonrand eight hundred and thirty three; - and - recorded in Deed look G. S. No. 37, -Trice -298, &c. granted' and conveyed No. 24 mite the asidJohn i Grace, n fee, and Samuel Volans - and wife, by inden ture dated the nineteenth of said July, and, recorded in said. book, page - 290, &e., granted. and conveyed No. 26 uuto -the said Jobn Grace, in fee; reserving. - payable therefor and thereout, a yearly.reut or sum of tweatY two dollars and ninety cents; and Samuel S. Paucoast, by indenture dated the nineteenth day of August. of the same year,- and recorded.' in the same book, page 2 7 5. &c.. granted and conveyed lot No. oS unto the said John Grace, in fee, -enhlect to a yearly rent or sum of eighteen • dollars ;.and -Ann, Schaffer, by Acted-dated the twenty-. • Drat day of - February, ..anue "Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, recorded In Deed Book 0. 8., No. Sic page 21143,* &c.l released'and'extingoished•the said ; ground rent of 'eighteen dollars. unto .the , said John Gruel., his hoira rm.:Nash/us .forever. 81 ; Mar: 3107.14. E. S. Caippboll.3 Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Grace, and to be sold liy JOHN THOMPSON, Sheri ff . Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Februarr 13, 1903. PAM AUCTION SALES. - 1 . 013 N B. MYERS & .00., ALTOTION v NEM Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Street • POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Vabruar 24 THIS MORNING. Y ,at ID o'clock, will be Bold by catalogue, en foot months' credit-- About 7W packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry Num, hc, embracing a gene, al assortment of prime goods, of Vity and Ea,tern inanufactnre. PEREMPTORY SALE OF PRENCI3, INDIA, GERMAN AND Bxrrisii DRY 000 b &C. ON Tll l / I thDAY MORNING, • F e i nua ry 26% at 10 o'cloek, Will be soli by catalogue, on four months' credit, Shout no PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German.and Briti s h thy goods. dro., enehrecinga large dud choice assortinont of fancy end staple articlee in silk. worated.wooleo. /iumandcatton fabrics. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & No. 4%39 MARKET'STREET. SALB THIS tTuesday):MORNINO, Feb. 21,. atlOmclock. A CARD. —The attention of pnrchasers is requested to our sale of 4.9) lots fancy and staple imp.:rted and:domes tic dry go.:ds. the morning, Tuesday, Febraury. 24. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on tour niontlis cretitt,.cons prig log a de.irable toseitinent of imasouable goods.. lioTir:ll.—lnclnd , d in sale will be found - 7-4 black clothe., drag (Veto, mobalrs. linen damask table cloths,. napkins. —Dunn cambric btlkfs, skirt fronts. fancy shirting flannel', Inamorata. linen damasks. black 'llk velvets. —jaconet, tape check and wall muslin% victoria lawns; brilliants. cotton fringes end tarlatans. NOTICE—TO DEALlitteS IN RIBBONS. THIS ALOEIIIISV, 600 cartons Nos. 4a 40 pond' de sole trimming and bon net ribbons. FANCY DRESS SILTS. An invoice fancy drone %Nice_ SALE OF ltdt'OlaTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, TIIIS MORNING, February EL at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, on' lour months' credit. 400 lota of fancy and stap; • imported, and domestic dry goods. aa- Samples and catalogues early on morning of sale:. 2,000 PIECES JACONET, CAMBRIC, CHECK, Aro) MILL MUSLIN. OF SU?) RIOR MAKE. THIS MORNING, . • . • line to extra line London jaconots. • —6-4 de do do cambric& ' . . '• 6-4 small plaid muslin's. • 6-4 tape check do. 6.4 soft mulls. books, and Victoria lawns. ' '• fine brilliants &a DOUBLE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS.DOY LIES.AND LINEN CAMBRIC, lIDIKES. —lO-4 to 21-4 double damask table cloths. do linen napkins and doylies. -- 0-8 a 3-4 plain and printed border linen cambric handkerchiefs, tine linen shirt fronts. PLAID SIHRTINUS, FLANNELS, AND BALMGRALS. 1 case extra wide fancy plaid skirtings. lease London large size balmoral skirts. LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS. THIS MORNING, 20 pieces extra quality Lyons black silk velvets XII DAMASK, &c. —O-4 Barnsl., y linen damask. —4-4 black and white checks. mobairs, bilk cnecks, &c. Black cloths, draptl'ete, Italian cloths, &c. GERMAN COTTON FRI,IGES. 15 cases super German white cotton fringes. SALE OF 600 CARTONS THIAMINE/ AND BONNET RIBBONS—JUST LANDED. THIS MORNING, Consisting of Black elk velvet ribbons. —Nos. 5 and belt ribbons. No, 13.4 white and colored satin ribbons. No. 4 corded edge, extra quality poult de sot ribbons, ruble, blue, white, maroon, lilac, green, black, Ste. —No.S do do do do do. S splendid quality corded edge bonhot ribbons, in black, white. and assorted colors.. 12 extra quality, do. 'l6, 18 22, 30, and 40, extra super do. Also, No. 1204 extra heavy eras grain black do. N. B.—All new and desirable goods, and worthy the attention of the trade. ALSO—FRENCH TARLBTONS. qv) pieces minor colored French tarletons. p ANC OAST &; WARNOOK, AIIU TIOIQBERS. No. MO MARKET Street. LAPOI POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND MI- I'ORTED DitY GOODS,. CLOTHS, CASSIMBRES, TAILORING GOODS. WHITS GOODS. &c., by cata logue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. February 25, commencing at IO o'clock precisely. Comprising about 750 lots of desirable goods, adapted to spring AMOS. Incin _ed will be found, viz: CLOTHS, CASSIMAREs, AND TAILORING GOODS. An invoice of medium to tine qualitbs black French doeskins, 6.4• French anti English black cloths, black and fancy Winans, and cassimers, kerseys, &c. Also.. medium to very lb e qualities Italian cloth, can vas. Re. BLACK VELVET RIBBONS. • A full lino of superior qualities all silk fast velvet ribbons; a full line, all numbers. EFAIBROIDEMEt, WHITE GOODS, &c. .• Also, late styles embroideries, collars, setts, bands, Re. ; linen cambric hdkf.s.sebite goods; gents' pure linen and Union shirt fronts. HOOP SKIRTS. 500 dozen ladles', misses', and children's, woven, tare and gluey tie steel spring boon skirts, for best city sales. Also. notions, portemonnaies, purees, head netts. Re. ZIT Catalogues and samples early on the morning of sale. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER, No. 202 MARKET Street, South side, above Second St. Renato. Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings Notions, kn. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN ING, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these pales. Consignments respectfully solicited from hiannfactu. rers, Importers, COMMiEIIiO/1. Wholesale, and Jobbing Rouses, and Retailers of all and every deacription of Merchandise. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, RDKFS TRIMMINGS. &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. February 26,atlflo'rlock,will be sold, delaines,plaids. paper =slips, prints, shawls. blankets, ladies' and misses' tape and cord skirts, cotton hose and half-hose; ladies' bdkfi, collars, _setts collars and sleeves• neck ties, suspenders, muslin shirts, collars, shirt fronts, trimmings, Sc. Also, wool cricket Jackets, fancy shirts, felt hats, cloth caps, bootr, tinoesoitintiere,porrnmory,jeweiry,nctuorn, writing desks, Sc. FOR SALE AND TO LET. . HERB'S 310TEL,.-HARRISBURG , FOB SALE.—The above,valnable property is offered for sale. This is a rare chance for purehasem being ac knowledged as one of the LARGEST. MOST COMMO DIOUS, AND BEST ARRANGED HOTELS in the inte rior of the State. It is located in the central part of the city, a abort distance from the depot of. the several rail roads, and within a pleasant walk of the Capitol Wind ings. The house fronts on Market street 62,4. feet, and on Third street 177 feet, the whole lot extending along Third street to Blackberry alley 210 feet, with a back brick and frame building in the rear, and all the advantages of Ground Sewerage, &c:, necessary to a complete tira des& lintel. The FURNITURE is also offered Sir sale. Terms will be made favorable. For further particulars apply to A. J. HERB, Attorney at Law, Harrisburg. MIS -f to 4t da TO BENT THE DWELLING AVlLpart of the House 1318 CHESTNUT Street. contain ing:sixteen ropily, with all the modern conveniences apply to Thomas Martin, Real Estate Agent and Collec tor, N. W. corner of FOUR= and PINE Street,, Phila delphia.. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY EFOR SALK—A desirable residence, situated on JOHNSON Street, between Green end Main streets. The lot contains ninety feet front by three hundred feet deep. The improvements are handsomely located, and consist of a doable three-story Stone House, with hall in the centre and kitchen beck, with all the conveniences of Pas water, stable, garden. & o. For farther Particulars, apply on thepremises, or to DANIBL TRUMP, first wharf below Coates street, on the Delaware. fela-10t. FOR SALE—THREE BE 4 I:U.I3'UL icaBUILDING} LOTS on Broad street, below Prime; also, three on Marshall street, below Broad, and one on Thirteenth street, below Prime. Also, a Ground Rent of WO. The large DWELLINGS, Nos. 456and459 North Fifth street, corner of Buttonwood street. A three-story brick ROUSE and LOT, Pine, near Sevr nth street, south side. A brick STORE and DWELLING, northwest corner of Fourth and Lombard streets. A brick DWELLING-ROUSE, on the east side of Mar shall street, above Buttonwood. A tbree-story brick STORE and DWELLING,. Not 170 South street. LOT running through to Carver street, with a new HOUSE on Carver street. Apply to EDMUND J. YARD Jr SON, fe27-6t 5 209 SPRUCE Street.- fp, FOR SALE OR TO LET-FOUR illEallolliSFS, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BABSON streets. mli23-tf T:O:`L`ET-A COMMODIOUS -=.DWELLING, No: 13Alfortit FRONT Street. 'Etat! moderate. Apply to WNTHERILL Ba k. -• 0c27 - tf 47 and 49 North SECOND eft TO LET-THE 11 : ACHINFJ. SHOP maL Ro.I33ELPRETRS Alley. Apply to. • ' WETNERILL & BROTHER, ja27-tf 47 North SECOND Street.. MIT W 0 GERMANTOWN 00T TAGES FOR SALE, ON EASY TERMS. • One on Wayne street. near Queen, and une on Queen street, near Wayne; both well situaed, well built, and containing every convenience. One do. corner Rittenhouse and Lehman street, with 'stable. One do. on Price street, near Chestnut Hill Railroad. One do. on hlanheint street, corner Pulaski avenue; very complete. Two do. on Pulaski avenue, also complete. One do. corner Green and Jonnson streets; splendid actuation. • CHESTNUT RILL COTTAGES FOR SALE. One on Cottage street, near the railroadepot, very cheap. One one mile from the railroad depot. 'with 6) acres of ground. Splendid large do. near Mermaid Station, with stable and Barrer, ofgrotind_L very superior property. NEAR BOLMESBUTIO. —A very large - superior Cot tage, -with stable & c.. complete, and 'IS RCM of ground. ABOVE HOT ! 'SBURG. —Two nicely-situated Cot tagmi, with every convenience, near the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad- ' FORTY-FIRST STREET AND BALTIMORE PIKE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. —A large, well-arranged, and nicely-situated Cottage, and easy of access. NEAR BUSTLETON.—A large Cottage, with good lot. cheap. •• ADHERED:NEI:MG, PERRY comm. PA.—A large, fine Brick Cottage, with 6 acresliof Land Stables, Car riage-house, &c. excellent location for a scientific academy or a first-class country. seat. BRIDGEBOROUGH N. .T.—A neat Cottage, well situ ated, plenty of shrubberr, grapes, fruit, &c., with 2% acres ofground. • BURLINGTON PIKE, N. I.—A new and well-built Cottage, Stable, &c., with 26 acres of Ground; very healthy location. SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT. —A large, fine Cot tage, with ever's , convenience, and beautiful sur roundings. Also, a large variety of other properties. • B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street& felt and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and °HMV. • dm B FOB SALE-THE FOUR-STORY Brick Dwelling House, No. 1725 VINE Street, finish ed with all late improvements; hot and cold water in Chambers; 3-story double bask buildings; two Kitchens; Lot 21 feet front by 126 feet in depth to Pearl street. Apply to SAWJEL L. CLEMENT.. fe2o-8t 226 South THIRD Street. Aft VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC ...I—BALE. —Will be sold at public sale, on SATURDAY, March 7, 1917, • that valuable and well-known Farm. situated on the Philadelphia and West Chester (direct) Railroad, at Cheyncy'e station; containing 124 acres, about ]S of which are woodland. The buildings are good and finely situated; the land the building uality, and well watered. 72 acres,.with lie on the north side of the railroad, and 52 acres on the south side, both tracts having a never-failing spring of water on them, and both lying right at the station. From the farm, on either side of the railroad, there is a splendid view of the country around, and the cars can be seen running for one mile. By purchasing a quarterly ticket the faro is very low. Persons wishing to view the pro- Polly, by taking the cars can be at the farm in one hour after leaving Market-street bridge, It will be sold alto, nether or in two tracts, to suit purchasers. Sale posi tive; to 'commence at 1 o'clock. Conditions made known •by GEO. D. CLIRTIVEY. fe2l.etntliet. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. r -- •••&—The subscriber offers at private sale a valuable Farm. situate in New Britain township, Bucka county, within half mile of the Lead Mines. containing LOX acres of good land, 6 of which are wood land. Thu property is situated within three miles of Doylestown. Call and see it, and for farther particulars apply to the subscriber, on thepropertr.• fel6-12t. .. JOHN W. THOMAS. . ANFOR SALE-DELAWARE r TY FARM, 96 acres, liambieb are heavy Utilise. - -balance in a high state of cultivation, situate. miles from Marcus Rook Station and Steamboat Landing, 21 miles from the city. Large and substantial stone , im provements, handsomely situated, and, Mee] y Vered. Also, a large nnniber of first-class . Farms in the adjoin '. hie countioe. Call and examine Register. Apply to . reit R. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. .: al FOR SALE, OR WOULD BE EX ;a -CHANGED FOR CITY PROPERTY A'DESIRA BLE SMALL FARM, situate in New Britain Township, Backe county, Pa.' three miles from Doylestown, aid one and a half from New - Britain Station,. on on the Doylestown Railroad, containing 65 acres , six or Which iswoodland, andtve meadow, divided into convenie nt woll watered, good building, fruit,A4 ;Enquire at 104 North Sixth street. Philadelphia. : FOR SALE.-7111111BAIGHTf18 olowo of the brig Thos. Walter. • diPply_iO . • • URA& B. & JAS. CLNSTAIIB.4z, . - No. L 96 WALNUT Street. TELLEVOISEN BRANDY.—AN -IN VOICE. in Bond, for sale DT CHAS. S. a JAS. CARSTAIBS, i 029 No. MO WALNUT and WI GE,LNITE AUCTION SALES. AT THOMAS & SONS, All • Nos. 139 and 14.1. &nth POCTRTEI SALE-01 1 STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, At the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock. tor- Parophlet cete4ogn each Saturday prevI6IIII. FURNITURE SALB S at the Auction Store,RVERY LIRELDAY. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. . THIS DAY. February 24, at 12 noon, at the Exchange, largo amount of Stock , ' and Seal Estate. by order of Orphans' Coroct, executors, and others. `Handbills ready. Pamphlet catalogue on Satur day, SALE OF ENGLISIT AND AMERICAN BOOKS, en varions interesting aubisets, many of them /DIEHL- Lisl/ED WITH PINE EITGRAVMOS. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. February 203, at the auctioa store, a collection of En glish end American books, on various ',objects, many of them embellished with fine engravings. Bale at Nos. LIS and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FI7ILNITURE, BOOKCASE, HANDSOME CHINA, FINE CUP GLASSWARE, dr.c. ON TB UPSDAY MORN INtr. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction t toro. the superior furni ture.lnahoony bookcal.e.rusqc aettre4 and chairs. hand awns buff cud K. Id dinner and dessert sett,line cut glass Wore. carpets. Als. • RALE FOR ACCOUNT UNITED STATES. WOOL, COTTON, AND LEATHER CUTTINGS, BALit 0, ROPE PAPER &c. ON SATURDAY MORNING, February 211, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, a quantity of wool cuttings. &c. illarbtay be examtned any time previous to sate. with. catalogues. Peremptory see. WRITING AID WRAPPING PAPERS. ON SATURDAY MORNING, rehrnary Mb. at /0 O'clock, ct the Auction Store. (won d story,) will Be 601 d ITlCllolit reaerrye— MO reams cloth paper, about 35,000 Pas. 50 reams English cap. • . gar May be examined any time proyioust to 6616. C,J. WOLBERT, AUOTION MART, • No. 16 SOUTH SIXTH prIEE:T, Between Rita and Cheatunt. The subscriber will give his attention to sales of Rest Relate, Merchandise, Household Furniture, F , ncy Goods. Paintings, objects of Art and Virtuo,&c. ; alt of which shall have his personal and prompt attention, and for which he solicits the favors of his friends. LARGE SALE. WHITE GRANITE WARE. ON FRIDAY SIORNING, Feb) nary 27, nt ID oclock at No. 16 South Sixth stroet, in loth adapted to the retail trade. 20 crates and cases first quality white granite ware, comprising a general assortment for spring vales. Jusv. landed. Also, 10 cases assorted glassware. FINE OLD BRANDIES...__WINJIS, MONG. MUSKY. GIN. as In cases and demijohns. ON TUESDAY MORNING. March 3, at precisely 11 o'clock, at No. 1Q eolith. Sixth. street. between Market and Chestnut, in, continuation of our catalogue of the 17th. a large invoice of reserved Brandies, Madeira. Sherry and Port Wines; extra old. Monongahela Whisky, Jamaica and Granada Ram. Scotch Whiskies, &c. • air Catalogues now ready. P HILIP FORD & QO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET sad 522 COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, WOES; REQ.. GANS, &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. February 26, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men'a, boy's, and youths' calf. kip, and grain boots, brogans &c. women's, MiSEION', and children's calf, kip, goat, kld,and morocco heeled boota and shoes. MOSES NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MNRCHANT, sontteast cor ner of SIXTEPanii RACE Streets. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU SHOULD CALL AT NATITANS' LOAN OFFICE. S. E. corner of SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. AT PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL sinamia PRICES. Fine gold htmtLng-case English patent lever watches, of the most approved and beet makers; open-face ditto; ladies fine gold bun g tin-case and open fine lever and. lepine watches; elegant tine gold diamond and enam elled booting-case lever watches, full jeweled; fine gold enamelled lever and lepine watches; tine gold neck, vest, and cbatlein chains; fine gold bracelete, earrings, breastpine, finger-Tinge, pencil cases and pens, lockets, medallions, charms, speaks, buckles,- scarf-pine, studs. sleeve buttons, and jewelry of eve PIEC li ry_description. n. 20 very superior double-barrel English twist fowliut, pieces, with bar locks and back-action locks; eapenor duck guns, ritleserevolvers, &c., together with _various fancy articles, line old violins, itc. Call soon. and select bargains.. M. NATHANS. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE. of a writ of sale by the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at DERBY SHIRE'S Store, No. 109 North WATER Street, on THURSDAY, March's6lB , 12 o'clock M., the Cerro of the Schooner EMMA. J. TUTTLE, consisting of 1 lthdL blukard, 2 Midi. of Ink, 31,b1s Ink. I case Lianorke. 60 pigs of Lead 5 bbls Zinc. 6 M's Soda Ash, 14 casks of Hardware, lb kegs of Nails, 14 bbls Copperas, 14 casks and Si bbla Soda, 11 bble Epsom Salts. IS bids Blacking in boxes, lot of Wire, 22 dozens Shovels, 18 dozens Spades. 400 sacks of Salt. IS sacks Saltpetre. and 23 carboys of Acids. WILLIAM MILLWAED, United States Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PMLADELPITTE, February 21, 1863. fert-St HOTELS. pRANDRETH HOUSE, -R-F Corner of BROADWAY, YORKd LIBPSNAIt) STREETS DIEM! CONDUCTED ON *us EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city earls, from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them ors constructed in suits of communicating parlors and champ hers, suitable for families and parties travelling togethag. Meals served at all boars. Single Rooms from 60 cents to $1 per day. Donbla Rooms from $1 to $2.60 Per day. deo.6m . JOS. CURTIS & CO. sIiIPPIN, G. - Ws. satt BOSTON . AND PEtildlii PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, selling from mull port on SATURDAYS, from second wharf below SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, lioatort. The sieslaihip RORILAR. Capt. Bator. from will sail from Philadelphia for Boston. on SATURDAY, Pebrael7 A, at 10 A SAME steamer SAXON, Capt. Matthews, Boston, on the DAY, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steamships forma regular be, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one half the premium charged by aa4 , veeeets. • Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip neseiPts and Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage, (having line accommodatiozut) apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., nolA 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. ataSTEAM WEEKLY TO LrirER POOL, tousling at Queenstown (Cork Hai , bor.) The well-known Steamers of the LiverPOol. New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to sail as follows : ETNA Saturday, February 2L CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, February 28. CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday. March 7. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier No, 44, North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. FIRM CABIN, 880 00rEERAGE, $32 50 Do. to London, 85 CO Do. to London, 35 50 Do. to Paris, 00 Do. to Paris, • 40 60 Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg, 37 NI Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Hotter dam. Antwerp, at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin. NM $B5, NED. Steerage from Liverpool , 840. From Qfteeng• town. $3). Those who wish to send for their friends cart buy tickets here at these rates. For further information, apply at the Company's °Nees. ' JOHN 0. DALE, Agent, fel 3.13. WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. • i ii dr in e , FOR • NEW YORK—TRIS DAY—DESPATCH AND SWIFTSUIS LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CLNAL. Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, at 21 and 6 PAH. For freight, Which will be taken on 11.00011111i0dArali terms, apply to Whi hi BAIRD & CO.. niy2l-tf MA South DELAWARE ATenna. A dr oi t FOR NEW YORK.-NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Earns* Canal. Philadelphia and Hew York Express Steamboat Cora. pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., delivertilt their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Poi tadeintils. JAWS HAND, Agent— ; sttil-tf - Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER. New York- COAX.. GOAL-UNDERSIGNED BEG leave to Inform their Mends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT fro= NOBLE-STREET WHARF. on the Delaware to their Yard Northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW &mete, where they intead to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL from the most approved mines. at the T lowest price.. our patronage Is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON & Mace 112 South SECOND Streak Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-ti MRS. JAMES BE'PTS' OELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Suss porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs...Betts, at her residence,lo3g WALNUT Street, 'Phi ladelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand in valids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only axe genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters. with teatimoniale. oaltkutheti BO WEN & C 0.,. LITHOGRAPHERS -a- 0 AND PRINT COLORISTS, Southwest corner of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streete, are prepared to ex ecute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Litho. graph y, in the moat superior manner, and the most rea sonable terms. Photographs, Portraits, Natural History, and Medical Plates, Maps, and any other description of Plates, coloret In the beet style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Particular attention to Coloring Photographs. 0c23-tf PEPPER SAUCE.-200 DOZ.PEPPER Sauce; 100 doz. Continental Sauce; 60 doz.' Wor eesterebire Sauce. FINE AM &RICAN PICKLES.-200 doz. bait gallon. Pickles; 200 doz. quart Pickles; 300 doz. pint Pickles;:also in bbls.,half bbls.. and kits. CONDENSED MILS.-400 doz. Wm_ E. Lewis & Bro. and Borden's Condensed Dill k. For sale by RIIODES & 'WILLIAMS. fel9 107 South WATER Street. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL' CLASSES.—AII acute and-chronic diseases cure& by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and, in case of a m ore, no charge le made. Prot C. H. BOLLES, the founder of thig 'nem practice, has associated with him Dr. GALL€O. wA.Y. A pamphlet containing a multitn ra. de of cer tificates of those cared; also, letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and others, will be given to any person free. , • N. B.—Medical men and. others who desire a knowledge of ray discovery .ean , enter for a full course of lectures at any time. Consaltatlon free. DRS. BOLLES, & GALLOWAY, nsso WALNUT Street... TERRA. GOTTA WARE.. Fancy Flower Fete. Hanging Vllll4lB. Fern 'Valle% with Plana. Orange Tots. ivy Vases , wit h Planta. Cassoletts Renaissanoe. Lava Vallee Antique. Consols and Cartatadea. Marble Busts and Pedestals. Brackets, all sizes. With a large assortment of other FANCY GOODS. suitable fo "CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, moat of which are manufactured and imported for our own sales, and will not be fouad at any other establishment S. A. HARRISON. dale . 1010 CHRHITIIIT Stmt. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, ac., tte. 2.600 Bbla Masa. Noe. 1, S. and B Mackerel, lato-canght fat ash, is assorted packages. Herri 2.063 ng Bble. New Eastport, Porton. Bay, and HOAK/ 2,600 Hones Liaboe,'Scaled; and No. 1 Herring. 150 Bble. new MOBB Shad. 260 Boxes Herkimer Cou nty Cheese, ate. atore and for gale bY_ '' ' - -- 111311PHY & BOONS. lal4-tf • ...._=/8 2 148 North WHAHVIL; AN INVOICE n c' "Comet" and " CreseenO:Champagne Wino, rive per ship Carl. and for ealeby JAIIRETCHE & LAVER r fee ' - 5 . 09 and 21:14. South FRONT • noTTON SAIL DUCK AND OA, gia. a all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all deo Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers., Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Fella, wide Tarpaulin; Bolting. Sail Twin ho, JOaN W. ENTRE siva VARET BRANDY-IN AJ-a- Stores. for sale b A t AS 8. & JA ift29 126 W UT St. and S. roar for, to foot ZEMI