FINANCIAL AND 4XINIMEHCIAL. WIRE MONEY MARKET. PHIL A DELPTWA, FeblllarT 2 1 . 18n The Moel and mon- y circles were extremely active to day, and prim generally aro looking up. Gold opened at Be, rose steadily t 0164. and closed firm at that Ike re, with a lively demand. The cause of this ia not exactly plain, unless It ho predicated upon the extougoon of the privilege to issue legal tenders. The banking hill scams generally to be accepted as a necessary auxiliary of the present wee, and many of the banks are contamplaing a change in order to avail themselves of the ad vaitages hold out to them. Already, in Now York and Washing ton, parties have notified the Secretary of their intention to batik under the system, and, frotn the look of thing's, the comptroller end his assistants must soon be appoint -a, and set to work. Stocks generally advanced; the generally-conceded -slew that a large i-sue of legal -tenders wilt soon be made is stimulating prices, and a lively time is expected aborily at the Stock Board. Government nixes Bold up -to par, and were iu active glemand. Seven-thirties rose do IftlX ; certificates o' indebttdoess are worth R 1 ; guar. tormasters' vouchers ; old damned notes were steady ;at 163, State hoes ro , o to 102 g; city sixes advanced to 11l for 'the new, the old was steady; 107 wan bid for Catawlssa sevens; Psunsylvenia Railroad mortgages advanced g Reading sixes (1886) advanced 1 rier cent.; Camden and ..Amboy alges (1671) cold at 106 g; Schuylkill Navigation .sixes adrauctil 1; Cleveland and illahonitA Railroad second mortgages sold at psi!' Philadelphia and Erin .sixes at 100 g; Susquehanna Canal sixes sold at an :advance of 1; Elmira sevens and North Peunsslvaala bonds wore %toady, Catawisea preferred stock advanced to 24, and was la -strong demand; the common sold at 731; 01111.1 CU (lad .Atlantic preferred advanced 1; Reading was stead/ be- Awoon 41111@)16%. an advance of 1.1; Philadelphia and .13rle advanced 2; Little SchnylkUl rose ; Norristown .sold at - 60; North Pennsylvania rose Y.; Chesnut Hill 'sold at 46; Bonvor Meadow at 6014; Pennsylvania rose Ai; ; Long Island 1; Elmira common and pre -forted 16; Passenger railways were neglected; Second ;and Third cold at 61; Arch street at 27.4; Tenth and filo 'Tenth at 40, an lulvauce of 14 ; Canal stocks are growing mane in favor; Schuylkill Navigation common rose X; the preferred II; Lehigh Navigation rose 112 por share, the scrip 234; Delaware Division sold at 42; M,rrie at 16; • the preferred at 131; Wyoming at 10; Reliance Insurance •eold at 0631 ; Now Creek coal at M; Partnere' and Meehan -Im' bank at 6334. The market closed strong, after 6,000 -shares and 407,000 In bonds had changed hands, with IPriowl generally tending upward. Drexel & Co quote United States Booth, 1881 10alp10031 United States Certificates of indebtedness 90 h907,!4 'Malted Stales 7 3-10 If otee 100"1105 Quartermasters' Vouchers 4t 6 ltidls. Ordurd Orders for Certificates of,lndebtedoess 2 :1P2?4 die. e . _ . 6 1 ~.. iNi&and Notes MI ._006., ... 4p. Jay Cooke k Co. quote Government securities, arn, as follows: • trnited.States Sixes, lESS 991100 g trotted States 7310 Notes 1045 4 105 Certificates of liidobtoduess 06%' 97 4 f Quartermasters Vouchers Rift 905% Demand Notes 162401(N W Gold 1634(0161!6 ✓ ggangleniAMlVM -V E 0D 9 41:.;g0g4-ag. 5 22W 1 PVI klag.giT w O -4 2 . gle' = " OA . .b.l g-4 "11 ggg f...-404U"rg. '" i . a ii. -IF ;I: 6% r 4. . v ..1 , .. ; i 11. ii tr • • P . P t " . 2 - 1 • UnliiiplrAMM2 i i ti 1 M • - t- , r, r1„. 3 eeop i 5.p.4 v p - 0 roggsopnomw ii * 5' §o§§§lng§gE§§§ s. ' 4 k ikl .....v....t4s.,prairptle 4 4A 6 4 . Pt. rs..r -. ~..... t v. r Its giganallz43R§Al22 • - 0 0, ffiSONisKOMMONI r? i ', ig mgeg§igtro.gming -...! pE . F t ' w w 1 EMPAREd r i 4 1 it'gV A tISIOVH/ ," Z 'g tdtgaitiit6M§ P.O g ... i°. ...5...-0 erteepil V 1: ,fhitPA..27.IMS4MI 7T, 9 P mmwsgxlo2o.s . . o gtmiltmung - §gA !,- g Clearings. B. 44,517,851 16 .. 3,696,632 17 4,006.410 12 8,95%924 75 4,836.021 76 • .- 4,481,374 85 1112.1;1ri,244 81 $2,1 Febnuiry 16 .7 , 18... 19.... The following statement a banks of Philadelphia at vat 1839: 1932. 31,1)18337 3)3243,118 27,363,358 I 28,0`373ri 22,324,432 51.747,070 34.200,881 23,817,800 33,889351 34,823,1&C 33,6143381 49, 36 400,040 ,774,722 06,124,3401 38,7723131 .67,7137.611 97379,676 37,634,707 - 37,416,094 37,,712 137, 476 263381 37,336337 137,710,851 137,70,460 January 6 :February 3 Dlarch ta r ; l 6 7.. June t July 7 August 4 September 1 October 6 tlovember 8 December 1 .NivaryA, " le February 2. ill A. The declared value of imported merchandise at the port of New York, exclusive of dry goods, during the week ending Saturday last, was 82,605,559, to which add the Value of dry goods imported, say 81,614,018, and the ag gregate imports for the week will foot -op 184,119.577. Againet this, we exported 81,985,632 worth of produce and merchandise, and 8620, 017 in specie, in sill/4,633,624, Which allows an apparent balance of $520.017 in favor of the port, As, however, the imports are entered at their specie valuation, while the exports are returned at their valuation in currency, it is doubtful whether the trade of the week leaves any real balance iu oar favor. Phila. Stock Exch (Reported b7S.B 6LAYMA FLRST _. . 60 Lehigh Ecrip 3734 10 do 37% 10 do 38Si 60 do cash 8108 10 do 38 7:11 Little Schl lt 45 50 do 45 8000118 Os 'Bl 90311 BM) do .cash 89X 3600 do cash.loo MOO U 8 8s reg 'Bl 09 1000 d 99% 5000 City 66 New.llB 1000 d 0... soy'l ctrs.ll2 /10 d 0...:.. K. 8 0.106 R 17 113nebIl1 11 lIMX 100 do 5,i31 14 Poona II MU 925 American 0 01d....161114 87 Reading Ii 4534, 150 do cash 45,4 10) do MO 1 445 41 100 do 30 do ' cash 45. BETWERN 814.43 Peoria lia 102 UM do 102 H 60 Reading R 4.514 4020 Reading 68 '88......105 2000 t 1 'Bl reg 99Xi EfCCOND 200 Little Sabi R.... L9O 4534 90 Sohl Nav Pref. -lots 16H 11 do.. Pref. I:swu 1834 00 do.. Pref. 1:311wn 1034 2600 Clay bfahoning2m 100 26 Delaware Dlv 42 60 60 sass Lehigh Scrip ..... • 3W do 100 Cam .& All Pref.... 20 50Sehu71 Nay 8)4 do - 6 60 Calaw R PrfaillOwn MX 200 do...Prof.allOw 0'24 272 do... Pref 24 60 do...Prof..a6tvn 24 100 do—Pref.s.low a 24 116 do. —Fret 24 1006 City 8a New.ll3 SOOO. do 106)4 1000 Penna 50 102 1000 do 102)4 2000 do 10 A F 1 025, : 900 City; fli: Now .b 5.113 160 Little Bahl R.. .1).5. 4.5 'CLOSING Bid. Arked. TF 8 lin epne 1a.... RIX 100 17 S 7.30 D b1k....1C4 lOW American Gold-164 160 Phil lie old 100% 107 Do new 113 114 l'Alien co 6e R 00 enna lie .102,4 1 023 Reading R 4.5 g 41 Do b. a '80...112 115 Do •• I; '70.-IC9 110 Do bde '88—.10.8 10514 Penns R. . Dig 683 e Do Ist m 85..1173i 118 111 Do 2d m 6e...114 116 Morris Canal-- 59% sox Do prfdlOs..LlW 131 • Do 6e '78.... • . Do 24=4g-109 .. ellgq ..... Do ...... Bohoyl Nav 6 BY, Do orfd ..... 163 ' Do 6e 71Y, 72 Moths It 40 41. Do 111114 Do 10a. ...... .78 80 5 Penni .• • ••• • • 17 12.14 Do 64 .. • ••• •• V% 90 Do 100.•••....111 1123 Get Nor. eo • • •o btla highh hig V V al al bda. E.... 1 80 • • .. 11 Phdlatlelphla Markets. FEBRUARY 23—Evenimc There is very little demand for Flour to-day, and the 'arket is dull, at previous quotations; about Eo3bbis • extra family sold at AL 7.9(g.8, 600 bbls fancy Ohio at age 13.60, and 960 bbls Jenny Lind family at a price kept pri vate; the sales to the retailers and bakers range at the above figures for extra family and fancybrands. $600.50 for anpertine, and $O. 76607.50 for extras, according to quality. Rye Flour is held at 93 V bbl. Corn ideal is scarce and wanted at "I 'Ai bbl for Penna. GRAIN. —There is less wheat offering, but the demand /as fallen off,and only about 3,000 busgoud Pennsylva nia red sold at 1720 in store , which price is refused by most holders. White rangesat lakg)2ooc _per bus, Rya is Arm ; Pennsylvania Is wanted at 9914100 c per bus. Corn is scarce and 0 hp, and about 9.000 bus new yellow sold at 87©138cperbtu;, the latter afloat. Oats two Arm at 6lc for 32 the; light Oats are selling at 371340 c per bus measure. BARK.—There is a good demand for (Marathon, and lot No. 1 la wanted at 6.3611 ton, COTTON. —The market is noodled and dull, and dlin_ vices nearly nominal at 00©91c li lb cash, fur mid gs , oxiScEmps.-Btocks are light, and holders Arm in \ ' their views, end very little selling; small sales of Augur and Coffee at fall prices. PROVISIONS.—hoIders are firm in their views, with rather more doing In Salted bleats and Lard at full e . • ennallaales of Moss Pork at 315016 iii bbi. • , t, gsl bus. Clover sold nt VI. 'MO) Timothy Is worth $'.76603, small sales of bbls. at 63c.. and receipts of Flour and a rain Market, Feb. 23,1863. le at Phillips' Avenue Drove week, reaching about 1,803 Ines very dull, and we again v Sikr the 100 The; Hest quality 'ton Steers selling at from frlf,(4 and common at from 6.4® The stock on sale to-day is A close sales were made at still 'vet prime cattle sold earli in io market closed very dull, and vere left over. Cows are with fair demand at from $lB to SA alancee. 8801 ; 3990 418,483 24 37(049 41 319,81184 307,:*15 SI 811.006 08 X 1.073 30 en of the 1983 nod howB the coedit lons times duels 5,6E9,728 5,881,011 5,881,11.18 5, 886,424 6,019,835 5,581,482 5,545,007 5,P19,187 0,613,160 :6,4.53,748 5,458,0 N 5,465,834 5415,758 5,393 645 4,706,180 4.612.307 4..510,750 4,544,796 4, 549 419,360 4,572, 4.5V-.680 4,3t9.708 4,272347 4,276,761 21.496,014 :31,065,' 393 1 'Sr 41,190 16,646,538 21„.16,614 24,21,644 a 4,367,762 24, -0 7,691 21,419,840 =48,714 2,611,221 27,418,M0 27,177,964 27,7:14,674 27.801,540 1M.1,89 12,018,791 27,877,M9 128.777,117 20,•-it.753 28 861,161 28,719,019 2,343406 ge Reim Feb. 23. n. Philadelphia Exchange) OkliD. b 5 50eXii3u . sq Canal Oci 30 '7OOO 10 ... II Reliance Ins MX 1880 OE. 7.50 Tr N 1318.101 1850 do eud. LO3 1100 do hlk.lO3N 11X1 New Creek 31 g 60 Nehttyl tray G3G 500 Cam St Am ai RS. lai 8 Beaver Meadow.... 66N 1 Chestnut 11111 R.— 83 180 N Penna tt 11N 76 Catawtssa 10 ni 1000 2d & 3d-sts R 81 Phila & Erie Os ....189)5 6 100 Arch-et IL 27 . . N /30 21)4 10 Phi d 10. 0 & Erie R.... 375 g 127.00 N Nana m scrip 96 Norrldnwu R 63 , . AO RSI:, & 11th-ate R... 40 ICOO Reading osls IDS 1= Clev Mattoalug 2 m 100 BOARDS. 0.5 Catawlasa R Pref 21 100 do— .... Pref.. 23 1000 Cam St Araes lb. -106 X 200011 S 6s 'Bl 10) 0000 do 100 BOARD. 20001 i 884'81 100 5000 U 8 €0; reg '81,• dots 09X 28 Philo do & Brio ..... aim 1 200 Alla Vollo R . . 50 Reading • blO 41.56 4.33‘ 50 do 2 do 4131 12 Morris Canal 0) 1095 N Penna m scrip • • 23 70D 11 Poona C hat scp— 76 MN) American Rold ....Int 72 Wyoming Canal.— 10 1300 Schyl Nav 0i '72— 71.1( 100 Catavrissa . • • • 7.1 g 4000 Reading CI 'B6 10)) Is tong Island R 30 2501) S 7.30 Tr 11..blk•10414 30 Par & Mech 8k.... 113)i 276 Pi Pegna It 12 3 Morris Canal Prolc.l3l :OARDS 2000 U S 7.30 Tr N..0nd.102W, B 0 Asked. Catawlesa pea R..... 7 8 Do 2.3)1 24 Beaver Mead B. .. Gf filluehill R. •••.. 854 64 Harrisburg R.... 68 .. Wilmington R... • • Lehigh Hay 68.. Do shares.— 65 .. • Do scrip.... sig 8S) Cam & Amb R...136k Phlla dc Erie 86-10934* San &Erie 7e....111 • L lelanit R . 39,4 40 Do bonds.... Delaware Div.... Do bonds... Bprnee-street 11.• • 15X 16 ,Ohestnnt-st 14 lAroh-strest 11..• • • 2734 271( 'Race-street K .... 10 1.1 Ten tb-street B . 'Thlrteenth-st K . W Pirtle R 66 66 • Do bonds • ... .0; • 495 i !mu-street B Do bonds.... Beeond•street IL. 5O 81 Do bonds • • VIM-street It • •.. GO 83 Do bonds.... Girard College 11 B • • Little SchtLyl 8.. 4-IN 45 2,750 bbls. ELMO btuk. .3,300 bus .7,6 M bus gh, and prices are well malts Mined, with sales of 3,600 head at from 7®l,liC VOr grosid. accordlng to condition and quality. Hot:X.—There le lees demand, but prices nor/Hone high, with sales of 2,n head at from $7.26@18.2r'ii 100 lbs, net. l'ho cattle on sale to-day are from the following States RD head from PerYlvtteht. 600 heed from Ohio. 46f, bead firm Illinois, head from Delaware. 4'lle following are the particulars of the pales Barclay C. Bald win, 2S Ohio Stearn selling at from 8:14 , P)f for fair to good quality Fuller & Brother, 108 "Western Steers, selling at from Sufic fur fair to good quality. Ullman 8: Shomberg, 88 Idineaster county and Western Steers, selling at from BQIIO for fair to extra. Cochran & McCitll. 108 Western Steers, sidling at B.'S@ 111 , c for fair to good. I'. Hathaway, 60 Lancaster connty Steers, gelling at from Wine for fair to good quality. Junes McClure, 80 Western Stoma,. selling at from 800 k for fair to good: Fellheimer & Kiryin , 102 Weitens Steers, polling at from 8.4(4101.Io for fair to good. MP); Reetedy, :01 Chester county Steers, selling at from 0010 e for fair to good. R. Scott, 67 Ohio Steers, selling at from BX@llOc for fair to good. Alooney St Smith, ISO Illinois Steers, Foiling at frina 91g1 10e for fulr to g0...d, B. F. B uston,lB Ohio Steers, selling at from 8,g0)(c for fair to good. Smith di MCP, 80 Ohlo Steers, selling at from figi6c. for fair to good quality. D. Braneon, 18 Clioster county Steers, selling at from 81.08;4c, for fair to gllOll quality, CO WS AN CALVES. The arrivals and tales of rows at Phillips' Avenue Drove. Yard reached shout lno head this week, sollins at from *lB to OCM for .priageni, and s.2.3.grts head for Cow and Calf. Ohl, lean Cows are selling at $1516'00 he Id. Thera is a fair demand, ind prices are about the same as loot