Philadelphia Markets. The Floor market is firm and rather more active; sales comprise about 4.000 bbls at 86.6107 for superfine—the latter for good Lancasior county; b7.2'®7.60 for extras, and 87.7.108 for family, chiefly good Ohio at the highest tilgure. The sales to the retailers and bakers range as above for superfine and extras, and 86.0000. 6 t for fancy briilll4li, according to quality. Rye Flour is inactive, and offered at 84.75@4y bid. Corn Meal is scarce and firm at $4 for Penna and N. 75'f ltbi for Brandywine. WHEAT comes in slowly, bat the demand is I.miical at the high rates nor entreat, Prices range at sl.7* 1.70 for Ked. and *16002 fur Wit te7the latter Or K ta tacky. Rye is wanted; P•nasylvania ta salting at PSI 106 e 14 bushel. Corn 19 firm but inactive: aut LW) ib while now Yellow sold :aft& for dry Pod Ste ford amp. Intl is selling at 91(002o 14 bushel. Oats ars unchanged: about 6,000 bushels sold at 61c for 32 lbs, and light 1.91111- aylitbla at :mg fikt It bushel moo tire. BARK—Quercl trait has advanced is small sale of Ist - 80. 1 was COTTON—Tit Urn f s very little offering, and the market Is firm, at title th, cash. for middlings. OROCERJES.—Tho market is firm and the stock on sale light. A sale of Potts Rico Sugar was made at 11.131 (a 1 114c•, New Orleans 1 . 1601131ict and 60 lilt& new emu Porto Mao atolease: at Alla IA gallon, ou the usual terms. The stock of Coffee is very light. PROVISIONS. —Holders are firm ia their views, but there is 110 i touch movement in the market. Lard is hold at lie for tea and bids. ILA hots Mess Pork It Ile . 0 1,1)1. SEEDS, —There is a moderato inquiry for Olever.seed; led letAtelv sold at tF7.?!kp7.50. and Mt bushels from se rola beetle. reeleantd at 12a it lh. Timothy is acorns at 0. 01 . 09. 70 suit Flaxseed *I 1td@3.2. 1 it Wallet. WHISK] is quiet; bbls selling at 62t6230, and 60c II gallon for (image. The following are the receipts of Floor and Crain at this port to-clay Ness York illnrkets of Yesterday. ,‘„,:m, are quiet and steady at 88.625 for rots. and 46.75 for Penns. Ilarsrevrervs. —The market for State and .Wootern Flour to about Cc boiler, with mur9 activity at the im provement. The sales are 15,000 hills at $7.0•VP7.2.5 for superfine State; 1147.6( . 01:8 fur extra Sts to ; S7.M 67.25 for onperilue Michigan, lndiana, lowa. Ohio, Sm. 87.05€0:. for extra de, Including shipping brands of round -hoop Ohio at $7.8'47.f56, and trade 'wands do at Southern Flour is firmer and in better request: sales 1500 bide at $7.7d@ 8.88 fur superfine Baltimore, and t8.4f@10.7.5 (or extra do. Canadian Flour is a little higher, with rather snore doing; sale!! Mks bhisi t:ta.tklß-7.90 for summon to good, and 87.05(09.p for extra brallflA. Rye Flour is firm, and iu modernte demand at 840 5 . 5) fur the range of flue and superfine. Corn Meal is firm and in grad demand: 5a1e."32.5 bble Brandywine at titi.osas.oo: Jersey is held at d 84 . 485. anti Puncheons 818.50. Wheat is buoyant, and one cent better, with more ac tivity at the advance. Sales 90,510 'mallets it $1.44@ 187 for Chicago Spring; 57(§1.6i for Milwaukee Club: 41.65@1.70 for Amber I nee; 81. 6801.72 for winter rod Western; 8 . 1.71. 70 for Amboy Michigan. Rye 18 quiet and firm at $1.05@1.16 for Jerooy and State. `Barley is firm and in good demand. Sales of 3,000 isnsbels good Eastern at $1.60. Oats ore firmer, and selling more freely at 61@,66 for Jersey. and 6001175 for Canada. Western, and State. Corn is firm and quite active; safest 13).000 boshels nt fisc for sound Western mixed, and Welk for unsound do. WiIISKY IS unsettled and easier; Bales 1,500 bbls at OCE&62e, clotting at the iodide rate. le:moms are dull. To Liverpool 28,000 bushels Cora at 6C60641; MOD bushels Wheat at eitl: 200 boxed Ba con at 20.5. To Glasgow per neutral, 260 tierces Lard at ITEMS: CITY CRACKERS AND CREESE.—MT. C. H. Mattson, dealer In line family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now in store a fresh supply of all the best brands of Crackers, Boston Bran; Butler, ISTIIk, Pic Nic, and Trenton Biscuit; also a tine lot of Dutchhend, Sapsago, and Cream Cheese, to which co invite the attention of our readers. THE LADIES GOING TO BLAZES.—" A big tiling' , on head dresses is about to astonish the fashionable world. Clusters of diminutive gas lights are now to spring from the tresses of beauti ful matrons; the jets will issue from burners within 'transparent shades exquisitely , cut, not larger than cherry. The• tubing is to be of gold, connected with a reservoir of the same valuable metal, which is to tie concealed in the meshes of luxuriant hair behind the head, The pressure will be applied to the tank, which Is supported by an elaborate back comb, the top of which forms a row of little gas lights. The husband will "turn on the gas," light up hie blushing bride, and usher her into her sphere of conquest; while he will himself present quite as elegant and a much more sensible appearance than that of his fiery-headed dame, provided he procures ads wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing "Ball of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Ohest mut street, above Sixth. PSEJIMICES.—One by one our prejudices give way before our self-interest. Now that the re telliba has proved more formidable than it did eigh teen months ago, we, whose prejudices were against allowing the colored soldier to share the honor of .maintaining the Union, are now not only willing, but are calling upon the Government to accept his services. No reason can , be urged against their employment except prejudice; but that prejudice is Sound to be too expensive to maintain, costing the lives of our husbands, brothers, and sons, together with millions of treasure; and self-interest, if not justice, forces us to succumb. So the prejudice once against ready-made clothing; but the conveni ence, cheapness, and style of the first-class ready- Snarl° clothing, such as is sold tit Charles Stokes & - Co.'s, under the Continental, convince our reason Snd dispel all prejudice against It. THE ItIAN-11111.LTNE11.—Ho knows the ex act spot at which the stuff should fit tightly, and 'where it should float around at will. He under stands at a glance, by the whole context of the wo man, what should be shown and what concealed. Tie is a perfect gentlemen, always fresh and clean shaved, always curled, black coat, white cravat, cambric sleeves, fastened at the wrist with a gold button. lie-officiates with all the gravity of a Melo matted who carries the future of the world shut up in one of the compartments of his brain. He is al- Moat as Satisfactory in his way as the attach4s are 'ln their way at the elegant One• Price Clothing Es tablishment of Granville Stokes, No. CO Chestnut lamer, Philadelphia, where winter garments of rib solute perfection in every respect are always ready to please an infinity of tastes. EAST METHOD Ole OBTAINING A FORTY 'Wm DOLLAn Siiwrrco Maceuxe.—Any one getting thirty new subscribers to that well-known and long established weekly paper, The Saturday Evening Pod will receive one of Wheeler & Wileonfe Forty. .live Dollar Sewing Machines gratis, as a premium. 'The Tod has just commenced a new story by the popular writer, "Marlon Harland," author of Alone, ,, "The Hidden Path," &e. For particu lars, and a view of the Sewing Machine, call at the office of the Pod, No. 319 Walnut street, Phila. foSat GEORGE Stecic s Inimitable Piano Fortes, J. E. Gould,. Beriudkand Ohestruit; CaliAthitlm ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, OP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. 'Continental—Ninth w. -0 T SuHIM Louisville C Laughlin e3eo A Paichard, Cincinnati Cordes & wf, Prue. R I .A Garrison, Pittsburg 3) Eicher. Pittsburg 3/1 1 4 Chas l'ago, Kentucky ]tire Shaler, Lexington, KY C Harris F Shenk,Lancatster J C Brooks, Chicago :B M Jackson, Pros., R I .3 Fief, Boston Watson Premien, Boston at W Officer, Chicago .7 A Robinson:Mahn, A Caldwell,Columbia Goo A Yohe,lialtimore .1 Metallic, Troy, N Y X Drn vo, Pittsburg James Getty, Baltimore 31 It Whiting „EA Bourdman, jr Boston it Coulter, Greensburg, Pa `W A Skitter, 0 reensb4, Pa .1) W Lawrence, Boston L BRIT. 11014011 .IPWales&wf,ITSA D J Brown & In, Now York (leo R Hotcbkisx, N Haven A M Zimmerman, Barrishe lifr Cowan, l'emitt B B Platt Harrisburg • .T Duffy, Sixtieth 7.;etli Bryant, llo,ton .I S Hotchkis s • W Yates, New York ••• ArL Sebring .A W Brown . :It I) Mitchell, New York Cant Jos Bush, Mass • B H Archer.Salem,N J J Buckley, Boston J McCobb guvr, Brooklyn Zits SrTraily,New York • Croolo.St Lents 'W B Bodge, Now York Runtrill,liew York 'Wm Iledile.New York 15 Findlay, Now York C B Richardson, Jr,N York C T 0 ilbort.Now York W Cummings W H Beacdes & 111,Miss D McGiltou,Thaltimore Zan; B Bond,Baltimoro Jonas Fitch & wr, Baltimore 31 It Hitt, Washington H Orris.Manohestor Niel Within Mt Chestnut. streets Mrs ITolsman, If Jersey Mies Holman, N Jersey B . IZ IN E 4TET, t P k& 88 • M Roan, Asw York C Mersbant, U 8 N MaDor Wesley Brainard A B Woodruff, N Jersey . A !i Dodd, New York air Hackett, Now York F M Babcock, New York Plieulx Babcock, N York Win Racer & lady, Ohio F Hilliard C Hafer, Lancaster L E Wnbv,Niiminaton,Dol Mrs Roberts, Harrisburg P B Thompicizoi,N York Thos B Bryson, S Suring s Ono E C aliford,Nework .1' IV & sou, Leb'n Mrs Killinger, Lobauon 0 P Senile .1 Carothers & wf, N York Miss Croigh, Chambersharg A Varela W S O'Brien. Baltimore Td Hill & wf, Pray, f E M Neil 8c la, New York Meet F M Ilalleck James Talcett, New York II 31 Shepherd, Ohio . . .Taeol, Wendell, Jr, Boston C Now York H de Lareld,Now York It I, 11 tt mb, Now York (I iI Wntuh, Hartford flea H Neldon & In, N J T, AlN'', New York 1) McDougall, New. York A Robinson & la, New York Iligelow,Jr,Necrark,N J NEhellon,Derby,Conn .70:4 MorroAeld,Baltimore E G Smyserjorlc P A Sousll,lork Amos Walker,Maine 11 S Burton & W C Sewett,Culoralo It Keller Geo 0 Levis, Chicago W Keller, St LOON N ATinch, Now York W'r Finch, New York A A Burnham, Hartford, Ct F E Potter, Boston J N Lightner, Baltimore It D Moore, Baltimore J Harsh Baltimore J E Wafts, Rochester, N Y Ali Potts, Wiub, D C . Cdrard--Chestnut Rear Adell oregory,U S N A 11 Maganca B Hoover, New York P Thardlct,Jr,New York Alien C Stimers,U BN John W Ensworth, Coon 'Geo L Cannon, Now York T L Christmas,New York T C Koyscr & la, Wuah 'rites Clyde, Baltimore • • 7.11 Shaw, Detroit, Mich I J tammhorst,St Limit +Cleo B Blancliard,Kontacky Mclntire,Ohin Stirs Molntire,Ohia 3tre Wallace, 0111 u T 1' Eagle & I a, Mu Rolla Eagle Marietta i 9 F Eagle,Marietta Airs Clark, New York ralhomns.New York W Snyder & dau Pounn i ARuatington, larriabg (leo E Crater, Washington (lee W Kassier, Col Of Nlio H Leaf, Connecticut a a Watson &_yrf, Brooklyn A A Higene, New .ler ey Geo ht Steinman, PI, Oen Wm Cooke, N Jersey 71 Vieth, Harriebarg - V7H Wood r Week, C 3 L Boston Xslw Oliver, Now York Hon T Jones Yorke, N .f John Taylor, Pa 'Wm Taylor, Pa Zan Wills & wf, PR (leo Wills, Roxbury, P:, 34 R5 108 May W y, Pa nyder treeti below Ninth. D l l Veeali U SA L S Lowis,Uniontown Maj G 11 Bardwell, Penns Mrs Banlwell, Penns. A Dissinger, Penney' vaunt Mrs Marsh, iVyomiluLPll F Potter Pottsville Wm Price:St Clair F S Hunter & la , Reading Mrs H H Mnhlenberg.Pa S Hunter & In, Scatting ' 1 N littutor. Reuling I • I A Hunter, Reading Jam T Norton, Baltimore Martin Luther, Reading 11 Mannam New York Roht Henaersou,N York %V W Gallier,Sfemphie Mrs C Ladlow. N York .1 H Mem & la, Illinois Miss Diller, Illinois 111 Fitrithitm,Philadelphin II Miller A Smith Sanil Brown, Perry co, Pa Adam Mlle at Wilson, Delaware Thns H Ilennenger,Clo, 0 L Wllmarth & la, N York S %tinder, Connecticut • 1) Potter, New Jersey J Van Reusselear, N .1 0 Dngen, Baltimore (1e0..W Cummins, Del Sire John H Barth. Balt Mrs J R Ditrenderfer, Bait 1) W Hughes, U 8 A D B Thayer, St Lottisi D B Candel, Wash,_D C Dmicomber, Wa,sli, DC Ainericen--43hearaasa Crhurl Wiloon IC York. art R Ontildle. Pit Sinn & la, Borli union .lifr Clothier It In, N • jAmit Barnett & la, Pa J Barber, W Chester- ,II ,II Lawson, Pendia AT W Acton, Salem, lr .1 JA NA I Smedley, Clie.ter J W Bo or, Columbia :D A Smith, Pottsville • FRB Stone . Balthnore .E W Stone, Baltimore • Copt W Ludwig. 11 York street, above Fifth. T W Torrey, Sandusky, 0 11 Courtney, lku4on W P Lander, York C thing, Mason. Ind J Mossloy, Jr, ,N York E Thompson. Danbury B V Stone, Easton, Pa ' \V Ihder, Mass W Wllllsms L J Feddentan, Newtown C C Lloyd,. Newtown J 1) Robing, Maryland M Waller, Maryland St. Loula—Chestnut .7 H Durand, Sahli!' iro 'T C Drake, Kew Brunswick Ivl Lambeon, Delaware Zorn Vhudon, H Van Riper, DI N Jersey a Jr, U S - V A Ordway. II S Di - -- Chas Arnols I.l.eut W W Kunkel, U 5 A C Williams Chas S Mortimer, St Louis A J Buoknor, Jr . street, above Third. F Sheppard, Isl D. N J Jos L Bruce, Bostou Chits k French, Boston B Thayer, Boston W J Parke. Penns John 0 Reed, !bailment F Wormtoy, Puleburg .1 Hanley, Pittsburg grs Cambay h fain, Elmira It s Street, New Havon 1 A Pollack, Now York The Union—Arch street, above Third, H tGreek, Allentown S B Cloriver, Delaware oholes Wolf, Cincinnati II .31 Bolton. Now Jersey Sharp & wt. Bolero, NJ &MC 8 Holcomb. N J 'W P Ware & In, Salem, N J K D Schooner, Pottsville 1 L Hoffman, Allentown II ltosongartee Pottsville Fox Olio lintlceleY, Virginia Goo BI Stevens,S New 11:1 inplo Sheldon, Princeton, N J Merohants'—Fourtl Jas Hann, York, I'a .1 Higinbotham, Kaman] John H Morris, New Jane) Col J 0 regg & la, Wnsli'n 111 Connally, Pittsburg JrtK Ihtekin. Pittsburg YEnnUART 4—Evening. H B Rice, Ohio S A Junklns, Bridgeport, 0 AV 11 Blunter, Allentown Mr* Yertster, Allentown, Pa Thee P Harahan, N J J 'Hanger, Terre Haute John a Loh n, Easton Wm Patton, Erie, ra Jos Metcalf, Brie, re. W P Ituy field W Ii Davis, Easton, Pa Geo Sanderson, Lancaster Chas Latin, Pennsylvania R lirtulage,Wilkosbarre Jacob Robinson. Scranton E Hansen, Milwaukee Commereinl—Sixth st: J Yocum. Donglasrville B Platt, 13n tr. lo It Shei mon, Do'airare C S Cooper, Maryland .1 S Sailor, Virginia T W Evans,Reiiili lig J Mintzer, Tottbtuirn • State*, Unlon—Stxth. 1k unin.vew York White,Now York ToAor.New York Lt A 1, Atidemn, Marylnixd Vent W J Galtughor,Md Young, Content' le C 'Van Allen,New York H C Hopkins,Soulemet • D Conn, I'erry•ertlla 2.500 bbl 8.100 bus. 9,000 bus. 6,500 bus. Barley Sheaf—Seco C Longsbore, Attleboro 31 E Smith, Bucks us ,T 8 Brown, Doylestown DI E To.ylor, Tay Torevillo ail:nekton. Bucks co J 'rocker, Ali Motown E Ambler Montgomery co A illarks,'Pennsylvama IV Hrlttain, Hunlerdon, NJ W Johnson, New Jeracy 3 Frick, Pen neylvaula S \Varner. Ponnevlvanin. S Wayne co W Hamlin, Wayne co Sum 0 1' Wee, Barka co S Walker. Wayne co' - Copt C W Davenport. Pe; Nat instal—Races of J p Seidel, Panne. W L Barthrell, TunkhAn'k 1) Seltzer, • Lebanon W M Boggs, Mt Joy 1) .7 Bogor. Middleburg it W Bone, Dayton, 0 CWCuldweli, Dayton, 0 ' Bald Eagle—Third at., above Callawhlll. Y Stransbnrger, Bucks co J L Farr, Allentown A Yoh°, Bethlehem M C Berger, Bethlehem 0 F Huber, Allentown NV G Beck, Northampton AT THB MERCHANTS' SIOHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. ShipSbateninc, Oxnard Liverpool, soon Ship Belle or the Ocean, Reed Liverpool, soon Bark Edwin, Peterson I Iverpool, soon Bark Savannah, Stinson I iverpool, soon `Bark Florence. (Br) Too Port Spain, soon Bark Thomas DOWD, Duncan...., ...... Laguayra. Feb 7 Bork Emerald Isle, Stouter Barbadoes, soon Brie Korea. Stinann B•whadoes, soon Behr Lion, Creighton Havana, soon (Cormipoifdence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, Feb 3, P M. Nenrly all the veenole reported at the harbor In my lea have loft; since then a NW tricd brought to tho Breakwater twe barks—one reported to be the ttcaco, from Havana for New York. The Danish brig Pollux, from Hie, the revenue cutter Dobbin, and the Five Fa, them Light Ship remain. 'rho wrecker the schr Leo was sold to-day. The other solioouers reported ashore are only wetting wind and tide, when they will be got off. Wind west. Yours, &c, AARON ItIAESHALL. • MEMORANDA. Ship James Brown, Crabtree, was discharging at Lon don 17th nit. Ship Laucaater, Decan, was up at Liverpool 17th ult. for Philadelphia Yid. Hark Hiawatha, Ryder, hence, via Batavia, at Bang kok With Nov. Prig A 0 Cattail, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Or Wane 26th ult. Ship V . imoria Reed, Thompson, for Cardiff and New York, railed from London 18th ult. Bark Vivid Light, Eldridge, hence, was discharging at London 17th ult. Schr S V W Simmons, Williams, hence, arrived at Providence 2d Inst. Scbr Blondel, Avery, and Prize Banner, Small from New Haven for Philadelphia, at New York 3d inst. Schr Terse, Scott, from Buenos Ayres for Boston, at Bohneal Bole Ist Inst. • . Schri Sophia Ann, Smith, L A Danenhower, John Tilton, Ketcham, and Sarah Callen, Cullen, cleared at lieu' York yesterday. kW Philadelphia. Use Dr. D. JATINZ'S EXPECTORANT at once, It may save you flout Consumption. It will certainly cure the must iniefernte Coughs and Colds. HAVE YOU BRONCHITIS? Then try JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It will subdue the inflammation, relieve the cough, pain, and dUilculty of breathing, and produce a speedy cure. HAVE YOU ASTHMA T JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT will overcome the spasmo dic contraction of the wind tnbei or air vessels, and clime the ejection of the mucus which clogs them. HAVE YOU PLEURISY? By taking two or three large doses of JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT in quick succession, and covering no Nam mly in bed, the (1688.1313 will be subdued at the outset. HAVE YOU CONBUDII'TION? JAYNE'i EXPECTORANT will give you immediate relief. It cleanses the lungs from all irritating matters, while it heals and invigorates them. Thousands who have been given up by their physicians have been re stored to its use. W11001'0.113-COUGII, CROUP, and all diseases of the lungs or breast, are effectually and speedily cured by JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It is no new remedy. For thirty years it has been before the public, the demand for it constantly increasing, and the evidence of its great curative powers accumulating in our hands. Why not give It a trial? KERR'S FURNISHING CIIINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA lIALL, 829 CHESTNUT STREET, Hotels, restaurants, and :shipping supplied, China and glass packed in a proper manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parts of the United States. N. 8.--China decorated to order; also, initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass. ia24-1m 8-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They ou re Diarrhala, Cholera, and Cholera Morbria. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. Tbey ore the beet BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They aro made of pure St. Croix Ram, the cele. prated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken wits the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug. gists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. B. DRAKE Jr CO., SIOS BROADWAY, New York. seitiMkg WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair 1174 produces a color not to be distinguished from mania: warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair fox life. ORA Y, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, ,Sw. .4C4l The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE• LOR, on the four Mac of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street.) New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTNING, Or TER LATEST YYTLes., made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES• LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain 71. lures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-?Rios SYSTEM Is strictly adhered to. All •r» thereby treated alike. delS-ly JONES & C0..604 MARKET Street GARWOOD—KNIGHT. —On Wednesday , February 4th, I S 6$, by Friends cereinony, in the presence of May of Henry, Echelon W. Carwood, of Harri. °nettle, and Return C.,•deitghter of Abel Knight, of Mußica BBL both of Oluncester count', N. J. • °WIG —HALLAM:MIL—On Wednesday. Jatuutry Vdi, at the residence of the bride'„ father, by Rev. E. DP behtvolDetz, Edwin S. Young, of Baltimore, CO Sadie, eldest daughter of Mlles Hallacher, of Lances - or county, ELencaster end Lebanon county papers please copy. • LYONS—vntDEN.- , cin Monday , Febrnau •2d, In St. Peters Cherch.: r Lewcs,A)el.• by the . Rev. J Leighton McKim, Dr. B.• Lyons and 3fage C. Virden, eldest daughter of Captain Henry Virden. • • KEEN. hi Tuesday, the 3d inst., 111 r, Joseph Neon. in the tell year of his age. • 111. relatives and friewta of the family are invited to attar d hie funeral from his late residence. No. 6 North Eleventh street, above 'Wallace, on Friday morning next. the Gil, that., at 11 o'clock. HI DI:1E1.1,-1M the morning of the 4th last, or Aestrlet fever, Pauline Goddard, daughter J of Robert J. in the 7th year of herago. . Funeral from her father's rnaltionce, No. 1431 North Fifteenth street, thin (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. OILLMORE. —On Monday, 241 instant, J 11111438 C. Gill . street. below Arch. Mrs M M Dunning, Milner Y J Byrod, Halifax. Pa G D Ooodlandur, Clearfield W Oloason, New York • Gleason. Minersville John Fowls, New York Albert Puller, New York W Benjamin, Now Pork L Al Orman, Wash'n, D C Dr Hall, Pennsylvania 11 Williams & la. New York W 111 Burkot, Harrisburg Dr 0 H Markley, Laucaster Thos White, York Rtcli'd Kier. Minersville lion C Al Donovan. rhila Kra Dolisvku, rkila David W Howell, Easton T T Dwight, New York D lit Van Auken, Milford. A Nachman, New York Geo T Hinkley. New York rest. sleeve Chestnut. B almond, Chester co J Lorki LI. Jr, C hester co A Brauer, Jr, Columbia NV Adams, Baltimore ll43rnh:un & In,Choster co J .1 Brower, Bloomsburg IA BOnitug - ,Delaware co and Market streets. J A Meyer,Willininsport A Wo Pituburic J Stovoinon,Dattphia S Kinter, Dauphin 1) Berkstrewr. Poona H L Donhato, Clinton co W Drippa,Cliestor co PructauChestor co street, below Vine. D Carver, liNing, Sun, Ha G Sattorthwaile, Peal= S 9 Ely, Pennsylvania B Cin New York S Y Addis. Hartsville 'V Dyer, Doylestown E Hilglios, Bucks co . W Knight, Bucks co S Carey. A Robb, Chester co J Stackhotc, Peinta G Hibbs. Pennsylvania Miss Drake. Easton C B Ely. Bucks co T J J ann ey. Pennsylvania D Feaster, Newtown 13 8 Heston. Nowtowa reet, above Third.. A illyero & In, Ohio J Wiest, Stinerovillo S Sieber, Rending W S Sheitenberger, Penns (1 A Wii Pottsnown E H Black, Hazlutuu rect. above Market. .T Bay & Indy, Bucks co J N Lacey, Wilkosbarre IV II Norton, Rending Mudisott—Second St A Dewald,Ponngylvaula A Rundle, Penna John ICealeq, Dover, Del T Jame*, Peow , ylvanla W B Sloan, New• Jersey Mtv Sloan, New Jersey MiliS Sloan, New Jersey J McNeal & la, Juniata co Thos S Murray, New Hope J Haines & lady, Pa L Merrill, Washington JP Q Jenks.. Bethlehem • II Keeler, Wyoming co Black Bear—Third street, above CallowhilL C C Ilieutand, Pouna E Killian, Englumina H S Brown, Retuliug H Fetter, Engleovillo S N Lams, Springtown N Wagon NY Steckel, Melon Jae Fry, Allentowu Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arch F. Ellis, Pennsylvania John Wall, Lancaster A Collins, Connecticut I PRILADBLPRIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOS. R. FUROR. SAM,. E RToKRS. Conaerras OP THE Moroni GEORGE N. TaTHAM, LETTER BAGS FOR TIM WERT COAST OP if:UNIT, Copt Miller, for the sail from Ulla port ath Inst. the D S squadron and others, at the Foreign Letts r Office, or before the above date. . AFRICA.—The bark Aaron I West Coast of Africa, will All letters, papers, &c, for will be forwarded, if left Phil Iphia Exchange, ou MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 5,1863. AIN RISES.... HIGH WATER 7 5-SIIN SETS ARRIVED. Fehr Water Witch, Hull, 4 days room Zloty York, with Ind,o to 'Pirelli: & Co. Srhr C Loeser, Laws, from :Now York, with incise to D Cooper. Strainer Jersoy Blue, Jackaway, 1 day from N York, with rutin° to D Cooper. CLEARED. Bark Fronk. (Br) Stnnwood. London, E A Sputter & Co. Bark Zilillinoket, Bailey, New Orleans, D S Stetson & Co. • Brig Venus, (Br) Taylor, Liverpool, P Wright & Sons. Sell'. Lydia A May, 130 or. New York, D Cooper. Srlir D R Wolfe, Dole, Newborn, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Crisis, &mean do do Seitz. SII Shrum Mayhew Port Royal, do .Selir Nellie Rose, Brock, Boston, Twells & Co. Steamer R Willing, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Ste 14 J Devinney, Bristow, Washington Thos Welt sloe, Jr. SAILED. I.lark AlexanderllcNeill, Cant Small, for London. left Bare-street wind at 1 &mock yesterdav afternoon, in taw of City Ice Boat, with a cargo consisting of 4E5 bids flour, 50 tierces beef, and 14,900 bushels wheat. SPECIAL NOTICES_ HAVE YOU A COUGH? Prenarsnl only at PAZ CHESTNUT Street. feS-2t Directly oppoeite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. BATCIIICLOR'9 HAIR DYE I THE BEST IN THE WORLD N~~~r`t~~b~~~~ 3713E3D. HARD.—At Chester, Del:mere county, Pa., Palmistry 3d, Ifltti, Charles 11. Hued, in the 2Jth your of hie Age, youngest son of the ltov. Anson B. Hard. Funeral will take Mace ou Friday, 6th instant, at. 2 o'clock P. h[., from the eminence of his rather, • . . . . . NArr.--41.1 February 4th, lley. George W. Nutt, In tie; 411th year of his ate. His relatives, friends, and hi,: hrethern of the clergy, are res,nertfully invited to attend the fitnenilovithoi4 further notice, en Friday, the Uth inst., at clock P. N., from St. /Mathew is Church, Eighteenth street and Girard itvenite. • C. . The relative) , and friends of the family arivespeclfally Invited to attend the funeral,. from his Into residence. No. 3713 Arch street, this (Thursday) morning, at 11 o'clock, without further notice. • 71.0 n. t.—On the lot Instant, Thomas E. Flora. lit the 3Tur of his age. • The rdatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend hie funeral, from his late residence, No. ritl Ogden street., this (Thursday) ofterneou,et 3 o'cloc. without farther notice. • PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5„ 1863. RANDOLFIL—On Tuesday, 3d instant, Margaret, daughter of Edmund D. and Melon K 1,. Randolph, aged El months. Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel 1141. • ROBS.—On Monday, 2,1 inst.. Mary, wife of Samuel Ross, in the 61st year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are rmtpeetrutly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, northeast corner or Fourth aad Plum streets. Camden, N. J., this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without fnrther notice. • CRAVL N.—at Jersey City, on thole! inst., Mrs. Mary B. Craven, wife of 3. Craven, in the 27th year of her a %ke relatives and friends of the family are respeet fully invited to attend her fluter:ll. from the residence of her father, Davie Davis, No. 452 Richmond mteetd, Kensington, th is (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • CRIB . AND CRADLE BLANXETS. Large Crib Blankets. Flee Cradle Blankets. jaiEYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH awl MUIR PYRE d; LANDELL, _FOURTH AND ARCH, have a lino Osoortioont of . H• . • ood Gloom. Black .. • jalD Widow' Silka without Blow'. • . IMrTHE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILA. DELPHIA.-OFFICERS lOR TUE YEAR 1E33. IntRAIDRXT, . HOE. WILLIAM M.. MEREDITH. • • • WlLll. Pi rlataT. HOBACE BINNEY. In.. JOHN B. DIVERS. A. B. BOMB. DIRECTORCI, Morton McMichael, J. I. Clerk Hare; Muer L. Olaglioro. Benj. Gerhard, to arleg Oibloano. 000, H. Baker, Joe. B. Tolvx send, Georgo Whituer. John B. Kenney, SCR}tR, ,LA.OIIORIC League are notified that the T street. will hr, oueued for II AY. February 9.18%. H. BARER. Se.retary. JAMES L. The Omhers of the Union home, No. IUB CH ESTI , III their use ea and after EON fes.4t • 011, MNOTICE TO PIIVEICIANS. OFFICE OF " BOAltll 01? HEALTH," S. W. corner SIXTH and SANSODI Streets, PutiutourittA, yebruary 3, 1863. I am directed to publish the following extracts of Act of Assembly and Ordinance of Councils, to wit: Art rif ARkanbly, January ?SOB'S, Sciethm XXV.— " Every person practising physic in the city • • • • of " PLiladoiphia, who shall haven patient laboring under " a pestilential or contagious disease, shall forthwith " maim a report in writing to the Health Officer; " and for neglecting so to do he shall be considered "guilty of a misdemeanor, and t‘ubject to ;'t fine not ex "ceedlng Fifty Dollars." OrtlillollCB of Councils, Julyll,l9ll, Scction 2. —The "Vaccine Physicians of each ward shall preserve and " keep oil hand a sufficient quantity of genuine vaccine "matter for distribution, without fee or charge, to all "practising physicist us residing within the city of Ph dolphin, lvlio may main personal applicatiOn there " for. By orderr of the Board otHealth. fee-3t WU. READ, Health Officer. OFFICE OF TEE UNION BENEVO LENT AssoCIATION. li. W. corner . EAVE.NTII and SANSOM streets. DRAB SIR: You am respectfully appealed to in behalf of the suffering Poor of Philadelphia. The season is upon - us when the einIMN of the poor call most loudly for our interposition. Their little all of last Scar's savings have been exhausted, and it may yet be many weeks before the menus of support will agate be opened to them. The blasts and snows of winter are not entirely expended, and many will yet encounter the extremes of solleting. As yet there has been no cessa tion of applications at the office for relief. Three hun dred stoves have been distributed, and not less than eight hundred tons of coal, besides wood and coke. Many thousands of garments, boots and shoes, bin ukete, and every needful - article, including provisions and medicines, liars been placed in the hands of the worthy voor tip to this time by our society, and still the cry is, we are aalferfati," "roe arc st . tfering." Although the primary object of this Society is net the bestowal of alms, but to assist the sober, industrious poor in obtain ing employment—to encournge them to support them selves—to direct them in habits of Industry and frn nobly, aad to develop alt the latent powers for good in them, still there are thousands of sick and infirm women and children who cannot labor, and other thou sands ut' able-bodied, who cannot obtain employment. To such we must come, and it is for such that you are now eanwstly asked to contribute. The Society, with its large Board of Managers and two hundred lady visitors, will give their time, as well as their means, to conduct this good v ork, and they cannot doubt the rea diness of their Christian follow-citizens also to contri• Lute of their abuudauce to the work of improving and feeding the poor. The. Collectors, Messrs. COOPER nod EVANS, will visit again the residences of such citizens as have privi leged them to do so, and will bo thankful for either first or second subscription for the season: Subscriptions cony nisi, be sent to the undersigned officers: SAMUEL H. PERKINS. President. EDMUND 'WILCOX, Treasurer, 404 Chestnut Street. JOHN HICKS, Agent, corner of Seventh and Sous= Streets. feStt MPHILADELPIIIA, January 29, 1863. At a meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FOND COMMITTBE, held this day. the following preamble andresolutlons were adopted. and ordered to be pub lished: Intreas, The Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee have advertised that they will sihmontinue the payment of bounties and premiums after January 31, instant; and 'whereas, there arc changes to be made in military mat ters by the United States and State authorities, to obvi ate evils which past experience has shown to. exist in the present mode of recruiting and sending men fate the held: therefore, Resolmd. That this Committee will not resume pay ment, under the Present system, after the Slot inst. ReBolred, Theta committee ofiive be appointed by ballot to confer with the UM ced States and State authorities on the subject ofpayirg bounties for recruits, and for the purpose of perfecting and reporting such a system as will enable the Committee to aid more effectually t the Go vernment by its funds than it is possible to do at pre- Sent. liisrolted, That the. Treasurer is hereby requested to deposit the balance of the funds with the assistant Trea surer of the United States In this city, at short call on interest, until it is required. THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman.• Loma BLOMET, Secretary. .300-8 t IMP NO TIC E.— AT THE ANNUAL Meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION STEAMSHIP COWAN Y, held February 3, 1513, tho lowing-named gentlemen were elected to serve as Dim tom for the ensuing Tear, vie: William M. Baird, A. S. Rock nor, Thomas sparks, James 1). Whetham, Thomas Webster; and, at a subsequent meeting of the Board, William M. Baird was appointed President, and William W. Ilanness Secretary and Treasurer. re:; -3t WM. W. HARKNESS. Secretary. M• AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. OF the ASSOCIATION OF TILE BOARD OF TRADE, held February 2, instant, the follosrlog named gentle men were duly elected Officers of the Association and members of the Executive Donnell for the ensuing year: President—SAMUEL C. MORTON. • Vice Presidents—DAVlD S. BROWN, JOHN WELSH, SAMUEL V. NIERRICK. Secretary of Association—WlLLl/CH C. LUDWIG. Treasurer—RlCHAßD WOOD. VSECCTIVE COUSCIL. Thomas Kimber, Jr., William L. Rehn, 14rsiel Morris, Benjamin Marshall, Joseph C. Grubb, James R. Campbell, Edmund A. Solider. Samuel W. Do Courses George L. Buzby, Bunn C. Mud. Edward C. Biddle, Algernon S. Roberts,. Jelin E. Addicks, Sofia R. Penrose, Thomas S. Fernon, I. S. Waterman, Samuel E. Stoke;, Charles Wheeler. George N. Tatham, William 0. Bedlton. James Milliken, MHOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1118 GUTHSERT Street. —This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner. aee of alliance. B. F. GLENN. no22cr Secretary of Board of Managers r:&.• OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR. TI , T TO THE ARMY AND DAVY. pH lA, October Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs. should - apply immediately at the °Moe of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government. No. IGOO CHESTNUT dtreet. B. FRANK PALMER. jag -6m Government Surgeon-Artist. OFFICE WHIITLICLIEJ. HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER HAI LUG A.l) COMPADI No, 15 South SEVENTH Street, HIAiiRIA, February 3, MI NOTICE.—NotIce Is hereby given that SUBSCRIP TIONS to the additional Capital Stock of the Company, autlerlzed by the stockholders at a general meeting, held this day, will be received from the Stockholder of the Company, and of the Minehill and Schuylkill Haveu Railroad Company until 12 o'clock, noon, of the 10th instant. 9 ALEXANDER J. DERBYSIRE, President. IM.INSURANCE COMPANY OF' THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, February 2, Val The Directors have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CENT., or twelve dollars per share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representative =, on de mand. ffe.3-10t) WILLIAM' HARPER, Secretary. ir:NOFFIOP. OF THE HAZLETON COAL. COMPANY, l'imanscriti A, February 3, ISGi. The Board of Directors of the Hazleton Coal Company have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of two dollars per share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal reprusentatives, at the office of the Compauy, No. 303 WALNUT Street, on and after the 12th inst. The transfer hooks will be closed antil the 19th last fe3-St - ALEX.. O. 0 ',NV:Secretary. KENSINGTON SOUP HOUSE, AL LEN Street, near Marlborongli, loebrnarY 2, I£4l3.—The Kensington Soup Society are 418- tribultu soup daily to the snffering and worthy poor of their (Harlot and 31r. JOHN G. HOPKINS, No. 321. North NINTri has been appointed their Agent, to solicit and receive contributions in aid of this desira ble object. Any donations. either in money wood, dour, Orvegek e';, will be thankfully received by the Managers or either of the undersigned ; ABRAHAM P. EYRE, Preeidaut, 422 RICHMOND Strew. - CHARLES M. WHIMS, Secretary, 1033 REACH Street,. above Lunrel. . . - GEORGE .T. HAMILTON, Treasurer . , Commercial Bank, S. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT Streets . : fe2.-nimes:lo • sKATING SHATLNG! SKATING.! , •-• 1 RDSIINELL'S SKATING PARK, BROAD Street-, above Colllll3bitt avenue, is now in line condition, and, being under the Immediate snporetsion of the membern of the Philadelphia Sir atiug Club, Indies may depend on being free from interruption. 'rho can; of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth-street Passenger Pailroad Company rite within one block of the Park every live ini autos. Mi nors unaccompanied by their parents will not be per patted on the ice. RF4.1313A.R13 ROOT.-7 OASES FOR maioby• ZISOLBR St SSUrni, DritsmiAt•c, • S.W. W. corner SECOND and RESS Streets.. NEAPS -FOOT BFLS. FOR sale by: • • ZIECILEIVic 11311TFI. Druggists. B.W. armor SECOND and.GREEN Streets. RENNWALEX:-S . BALES FOR SALE byZIEGLER & SAILTRi Driluggida. • • Y: 'corner SECOND aItd•OREBN Streets. • SAL :AIiDIONIAO.-4 CASKS. FOR ante by ZIEGLER & &MTH. Dinughas, . • • R.W. corm SECOND and GREEN Streets. BORAX REFINED.--30 BBLS. FOR iialetir ZIEGLER & SMITH, brumeAs. • S.W. corner SECOND and OREBN Streets. CREAM TARTAR, PURE.--8 BBLS fOr'oge by ZiEGLER & SMITH, Druggidg, - S.W. corner SECOND and GREEN Streets 0„.1.3:1E, IRISH.-5 CASKS FQR'SALE ‘-^by ZIMMER St 8111.T9, Dittorists, • E:W. corner SECOND and GREEN Streets. OLIVE 011., QTS. AND PINTS.-FOR sale by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Druggists. S.W. corner SECOND and. GREEN Streets. IPECAC. ROOT.-;-ONE OEROON' FOR *ate by • ZIEGLER SMITH, Drettclets. fli.W..conter SECOND and GREEN Streets. ,OVIDE POTASH, CONRAD'S.L-4 0161 for sale b3r ' ZIEGLER dc 8111211,Drua4etA, S.W. corner SECOND and GREEN streets. . FLOWERS OF SULPHUR.. : I7SRBLS -a- for codeby • EIEOLER & MTN, Drnallts, re3-6t* S.W. corner SECOND and aItEEN Streets. SIX CENTS REWARD.-ABSOONDED ^-" flora the subscriber, on the Ist instant. ROBERT THOMAS, an indentured Colored Apprentice. All per sons are turbid harboring or trustier him on my account. W. WHIT ALL, February 4, 1569. Efes-309 1110 FILBERT Street. 81 n- REWARD.:-LOST, JANUARY •-• 26. in Germantown, or returning to the city la 'tenor ears via Ninth :street, a Quartv-rock Revolving BREASTPIN, with Linea Collar attached. The finder will receive the above reward by returning it to No. 48 North ELEVENTH Street. - R.* 8500 REWARD FOR RECOVERY of the Goods and arrest of the Thlevaq. The Dry Goods Store, S. W. corner of Arch and Fourth ste., was entered on the night of the 28th or morning of tho 26th January, and SILKS amounting to between $4:011)0 and id MP Stolen therefrom. The above reward will be given for the recovery of the sane.fa-St `EYRE & LANDELL. EIM ER'S WORYTYPES ARE MOST natural and life-like In their coloring, 'easy and natural position, end finished with taste and elegance. SECOND Street. above Green. It WALL PATERS! WALL PAPERS?- Attention is invited to our stock of WALL PA nuts, now being daily received from factory. All new designs, for Spring eillif3X, which will be sold at right prices. JOHN H. LONGSTREI'IL No. 1R North THIRD Street. Paper Hanging dune In city or country by efficient 'workmen. tel-ffi• MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. =tom LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. G/TROSI' CURRANTS, SPICES. CIDER WINE, am. &o. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES. MA-UN' CORNER ELEVENTH AHD VIIII WATCHES AND JEWELRY. AMERICAN WATCHES Bit AMERICAN WATCHES FOR AMERICANS( THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY give notice that they have lately, issued a new style of Watch, expressly de signed for Soldiers and others who desire a good Watch at a moderate price. These Watches are intended to dis place the worthless, cheap Watches at British and Swiss manufactare, with which the country is flooded; and which were nevegexpected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufactures sent to this country. because unsaleable at home, and used here only far jockeying and swindling purposee. We offer to sell our Watch, which is of VIE BM KM BTANTIAL MANUFACTURE, AN. ACCURATE. AND DURABLE TIMEKEEPER, and in Sterling Silver cases, Hunting pat tern, at as low a price as is asked for the trashy Aneres and twines of foreign make already referred to. ; FINE AMERICAN AND ..4 , 4 1„.Z IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry, and l Sil verware, at the lewest possible prices. RUSSELL, ja23.6m 22 North SIXTH Street.- LORIN BLODGET, retary Executive Board STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex elustvely. Basinees Paper and Leans on Collateral negoolated at lotted rates. Orders by Manahan receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter &Cc. Geo. D. Parrish, Req. John B . Myer? & Co m • Sanmel B. Thomas, Esq., AMOUNT WANTED $B,OOO - 'on a FarilAin Chester conn_ty. Apply ta jab • B. rETTIT, 309 WALri UT dm& 8160w6-1 $2,000., $2,500, $3,500, AND 99.163.000 TO LOAN on CirOlortmges. AP. Ply to E. PNTTIT, , a3l . No. 309 WALNUT Sired. U. S., INTERNAL REVENUE. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX I STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, drat door above Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly on hand,. and for sale in quantitirs to suit. • A liberal discount allowed on amounts of IMO and up wards. Orders by Mail promptly attendedlo. Office Hours from 9.A. to 5 P.M. U.III : TAD STATES FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT. PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE. —The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billlardrables and Gold and Silver Plate, mid also of all persons required to take out LICENSES, 'having been completed, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that the Taxes aforesaid will he received, for the TWENTY-SECOND and TIVENTY-FIFTH WARDS of the City of Philadelphia, by WILLIAM H. MILLER anti THEODORE S. WILLIAMS, Deputy Collectors, at the office.' Laughtroth's Building. GERMANTOWN, and for the TWENTY-THIRD WARD Of said city .by DA NIEL W. GILBERT, Deputy Collector, at the office of the Collector, Frankford street, Frankfort', daily, be tween the hours of 9 A. 31. and 3 P. 31 PENALTIES. AU persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages,:Pleasure :Yacht.% Billiard Tables and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the twenty-first day of February, ISG3, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof and costa, as provided for in the 19th section of the Law bf Jnly 1, 1532. All persons who, in like scanner, shall fail to take out their 'LICENSES, as required by law, on or before the 21st of February next, will incur a penalty of ten per centnin additional on the amount thereof and THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES, in accord ance with the provisions of the 19th and 58th sections of the Excise Law aforesaid. " Money of the United States only received, No farther notice will be given. JOAN \V. COWELL, Collector. Germantown (Philadelphia), Jan. 30, 1963. ja3o-tfe2l U-I.I.TAD STATES INTERNAL REVE in --THIBD COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pennsyl vania, comprising Twelfeh, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth. Eighteenth, and Nineteenth yards of the city of Philadelphia: NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSSIENT for the above. named Dis:rict, of all persons liable to a Tax on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard 'Tables and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out Licenses, haying been completed , notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hoots of 9 A. M. and Si'. U. (Sundays excepted,) at his office, houthwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and aftt r MONDAY, February 2d, 1863, and until and including SATURDAY, the 21st day of the same month. PENALTIES. All persons who fall to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, ,and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid Slat of Febru ary, ISM, will incur a penalty of tea per centnm addi tional of the amount thereof, and costa as provided for In the 18th section of the Excise Law of July 1, 1882. All persons who, in like manner , shall fall to take out their - Licenses, as required by law, on or before the 21st of February, 18a3, will incur a penalty of THREE.TIMES THE AMOUNT OF SAID LICENSES. In accordance with the provisions of the MLR section of the Excise Law aforesaid. .. • . AZ. Money of the United States only received. air- No further notice will be given. WILLIAM J. WAINWRIGHT. Collector, Jal7-dtf . S. W. nor. TRUED and..WILLOW Sta._ FOR SOLDIERS AT REDUCED PRICES. We have named the new series of Watches, Wbf. EMERY, Boston, Mass., which name will be found on the plate of every watch of this manufacture, and is one of oar trade-marks. Sold by all respectable 'Watch Dealers in the loyal Wholesale orders should be addressed to ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Welch Company, 182 BROADWAY, It Y. ialC“s to thl3tif al l IN B WATCH REPAIRING ka.v . attended to, by the most experteneedworkmen, mid every watch warranted for one yeay. G. RIISSSLL, 1Y336m. 22 North SIXTH Street. i!1 D. T. PRATT, (BITOOESSOY4 TO PRATT at BEATH., 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS. AND AMERICAN WATCHES. Of desirable styles and Qualities, to salt eli classes of buyers. nol6-3anif lb ELI 11OLDEN, Dealer to flue AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS. 0101-6m* 70S MARKET Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. agrX A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. EASY, St BROTHER, Importers, 1nh204 3914 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. MAGNIFICENT JEWELRY FOR •AJ-1- almost nothing. Cheap Trimming Store, 2126 MARKET Street. fe2-6t. MICROSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHIC CHARMS. W. SIMONS & 'BROTHER, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND IMPORTERS, SANSOM-STREET HALL, Have just received, 'direct from Paris. a large assort-- bent of the above novel and beautiful articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and Public men of this city and State, together with officers of the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings. FOR SALE TO THE TRADE, ._ and to be had at all the principal jewelers, optic . ians, and fancy - stores in the city. - mf3-iflta FINARCIAL. rrvp.-TWENTIES, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PEE CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. lam inetracted by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive aubscriiitiona for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SI7BSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE irf GOLD at the flint, or tuity Snhlreasnry or Depository of the United States, on the fret clays of May and November of each year. At the present velum( oir GOLD. then Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A fall supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, 81ThEICRTPTION AGENT, U.4 . sqviio4l THURD.ST.BEET. a- E. OAPr , 41 .; BON, STOOK d! NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 sorra THIRD . STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BARK STOOKS AND BONDS SODOHT AND BOLD ON commmitow AT TSB 80A2.D OF BROKERS. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS :NEGOTIATED ON THE / . 3ST TZEMS. , S . HARVEY THO M AS, : STOCK AND BILL BROKE-A. No. 31% Wal.l*DT STREET. MigaiEMaM= JACOB E. RIDCPWAY, No. 87 South THIRD Street. INTERNAL REVtNIIE. 625GOLDTHORP du CO., 62 6 Mato of 16 North Fototh street.) . . . . Manufacturers of Tee Fels, Cords, Gaspe. Fringes, Cnrizin Loop. Centre TAUB'S, Dress Trimmings, Blind Trimmings, Tapes , Braids, Neck - tics, Military Trim:tangs, eta. No- 625 MARKET street, Philadelphia. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR DYED,. in greatest perfection; at FOURTH awl' BRANCH Streets. • tat-if tf L ADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS; Curls Frizette, Gossamer Ventilated Wigs, Vaught* ted Scala of Superior Afaunfacture. Prices are lower than those of any other establishment. BATOR'S, Is6-Imo No. 909 CHSSTNErr Street. MILITARY GOODS EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY PLIRNISTIERS, No: 418 ARCH STREET SWORDS, SASTIES, BELTS, &c., And everything necessary for the complete outfit of ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ]a27-lm G W. SIMONS & BROT#Eft, sax - sou-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY COMMISSION MOUSES. ARMY GOODK, ' DARK BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. • 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY-LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND BEGET INGE. F9r sale by FROTHINGEIAM & WELLS. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA. ' Bro4IS ARCH STREET, BELOW EMMA: IMPORTER AND ifAIsaTPACTURER Or LADIAS' FANCY FURS_ My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladlee and Children to now complete, and embracing every variety th'at will be fashionable during the preaeut season. All eold at the manufacturers' prlies, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. oc3-4mif COPARTNERSHIPS. TI ISSOLUTION OF CO,PARTNER SHIP. The firm of WILSON, ANDERSON, & CERNEA is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of said firm will be settled by either Partners, at their place of business L No. 415 LIAREET Street. SAMUEL N. A W ND SE ERSOILND WSON. EDWARD DE CERNEA. Jenuari 18 % . • . • •- •:NOTWE :OF LIMITED PARTNER. . r3IUP —The subscribers hereby give notice that they have entered into limited partnership, agreeably •to the provision of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnership. Tbat the name of the firm under which said partner ship in to be conducted Is WILSON, ANDERSON. & CERNEA. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said firm, or partnership, is the Job bing of Dry Goods, and the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia. That the names of the general partners of said firm are OLIVER HOWARD WILSON SAMUEL H. ANDER SON, and EDWARD DE cEnwte, all of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia. The name of the special partner is WILLIAM W. HOLLOWAY, who resides at 13ridgeporl, Belmont county, Ohio ; that the capital con tributed by the said William W. Holloway. special part ner, to the common stock of said firm, is twenty thou sand dollars in cash. That the said partnership is to commence on the first day of January. A. D. IB'3, and is to terminate on the first day of January, A. D. OLIVER H. WILSON, SAMUEL M. ANDERSON, EDWARD DR CERNEA, • General Partners. • WILLIAM W. HOLLOWAY, jal4llot—th4t ••• Special Partner. 1 1 HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO fore existing in the name of SOUTHWICK. SREBLE. & co., Is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.) JAMES L. 1301.1ThWICIC, GEOROWit. SHABLB,_ EDWAItD A. IMBUE. Philadelphia, Dec. Slat, UN. • • • • • •• • • - VIE lIN IY VERSIGNEEATING formed a limited partnOrshiti, do make the following publication, in compliance with the law relating to limited partnerships, and the supplements thereto: / First. rho said partnership is to be conducted nnder the name and style of soirniwien . , SIIEBLE & GREENE. Second. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said rutrtnership is the WOOL BUSINMS, and MANUFACTURING OF WOOLEN GOODS. Third. T he general partners aro JAMES L. SOUTH- WlCK,restding No. 2.:n South FOURTH Street, GEORGE 11. EUEBLE, residing No. 917 FRANKLIN Street, and EDWARD A:GREENE, residing No. 11S North nvEx- MTH Street.. Fourth. The amount of capital which SETH H. STITT, the special has contribmed to the common stock :of said partnership, is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, In Cash. Fifth. The said partnership .is to commence on the first day of JantutrT.lB63, and to terminate on the thirty first day of March, A. D. MIL .TAMES L. SOUTHWICK, • . GEORGE H. SUEBLE, EDWAYII A GREENE. ssrws. &rm. ' - • lal-Htet THE' FIRM . OF_ DE OOURSEY & HAIIiLTON lithis day disseived by mutual con sent. • • , 4 SAMUEL O. DE COOKERY, • H_oc.K HAMILTON. Pkiladelphiailme.: Mat, • . . THE 'UNDERSIGNED HAVING formed a limited partnership, do make the following publication, in compliance with the law relating to limited partnerships, and the supplement thereto: First. The said partnership's to he conducted undo? the mime or firm of DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, .St EVANS. Second. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSI NESS. Titlid. The general partners in the said partnership are SAMUEL G. DE COURSEY, residing at 325 South SIX TEENTH Street, HUGH ItAmivrolv. residin.r at 144 Worth TWENTIETH Street and CHARLES T. EVANS, .rplding at 141 North TWTIETH Street. Fourth. The amount of eapttal which SETH B. STITT, the special Pittner, has contributed to the common stock of said partnership is FIFTY THOUSAND DOLDARS. in Cash. Fifth. The said ixirtnership is to commence on the first day efJanuary,lloll, and to terminate on the thirty-Bret day of December. ISTa. SAMUEL G. DE COURSEY, HUGH HAXILTO.N . • .CHARLEST. Eraiso, 3n.1.41.6t • SETH.S. STITT. .Tllll, - --UNDERSIGNED HAVING . brined a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. du make the following publication, in compliance with the law re lating to. Limited l'artnerahlia And the supplements thereto: Tire. The said Partnershipis to be conducted under. the came sad style of B. B. ILtRTOL. • Second. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said Partnership is the REFINING OF SUGAR Als.t Co MOLASSES. .77;frt: The General Partner in the said Partnership is BARNARAS BARTOL, residing at No. 72.1 South' TENTH Street. Fourth. The amount of capital which ALFRED KU SENBERG, the. Special Partner, has contributed to the common stock or said Partnership, Is ELSVEN THOU SAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. Fifth. The said Partnership is to commence on the first day of January...lSW, nnd to terminate on the thirty-tirst day of December, LW. B. 11. BAItTOL, ALFRED KUSENIVERG. NOTICE IS -HEREBY GWEN THAT N the Limited Partnership hereto hr formed between the undersigned...lAMß MINER, am! AB3IAR YOUNG, on the oth day of January, 15ei, for the transaltlon.. of the WIIOLESALE UMBRELLA ARP PARASOL BUSI- N).›S, at No. 413 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, under the fine name of" J. MINER," to terminate on the first day of Jannary. A.-D.ISK has been this day dissolved, by mutual consent. JACOB MINER, • 31.1 R YOUNG. JANUARY 13, las. . • ialfr-th44. NNOTICE.—PHILADELPHIA, FEB au- Ain"; 2, BM r-ThetOPARTNERSBEI) horatofore ex isting between THOME A. BIDDLI, HENRY J. BID DLE, and ALEXANDER. BIDDLE, Stuck mid Exchange Brokers, under the fine of Thomas Biddle.& Co., is this day dissolved by the terms of our artlciiiet of copartner ship, lu fonsequence of the death of Major HENRY J. BIDDLE. The nosiness 'will be carried on by the snrviving part hers at the same plaee and under the same name. The affairs of the old Ann will be settled by the sub scribers,. THOMAS' A. BIDDLE.; ' fe2-lm ' ALEXANDER BIDDLE: TEE COPARTNERSHIP 'HERETO fore existimt between EDWIN HALL it BROTHER is this dar dissolved, by mutual consent, LEWIS S. HALL retiring. • Te lincluei.o continued by EDWIN lIALL, under the name orEDWIN HAIL SE Co. EDWIN HALL, ir LEWIS S. R&M.. tmeAns 2, IRR. • fe2-ISt, PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 28TH, 15%1—Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership latel subsisting between George Henderson, Robt. W. Soutliniayd, Edwin Henderson, Thomm D. Henderson, and William H. Henderson, ender the firm or HENDER SON, SOUTHMAYD & CO., has been dissolved by lon gest consent. fe2-12.t V. OP ARTNEASHIP.-THOMAS HO BIER and FRANCIS S. COLLADAY are partners In our Brm from this date. .THOS. W. EVANS & CO. r _ 818 and 820 CHESTNUT Street. February 1, MI fe2-6t NOTICE.-THE UNDERSIGNED hereby piiblish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which • they formed on the 2d day of February, 1.931, to terminate on the Slot day of December, 1862, and which they have THIS DAY renewed. in compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. 1. The name of the firm under which the said Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS M. MARPLE. • 2. The general nature of the business transacted Is the buying and vending of VARIETIES and FANCY DRY GOODS, at No. 53 North THIRD Street, iathe city of Phi ladelphia, State of Pennsylvania. 8. The name of the' General Partner of said firm Is MATHIAS M. MARPLE, residing at No. in COATES Street, in the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Partner of mid firm GEORGE GORDON. residing at 540 North FOURTH Street. in the city of Philadelphia. 4. The amount of capital contributed by said George ' Gordon the Special Partner, to the common stock at the time said partnership was formed—to wit, on the 2d day of Febrnary, IEBI, wan TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. S. The said partnership is now renewed, and is to con tinue until, and to terminate on, the 31st day of Decem ber. 1864. Philadelphia, December 31. 1562. MATHIAS M. MARPLE, General Partner. • GEORGE GORDON . JOE* Special Partner. NOTICE. -THE LIMITED PARTNER, SRlP•heretofore oaisttnrt the undersigned, under the Arm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLER, expires this day, by its own limitation. PhiladelthiaDecain law 31, 1841. THEOPR.PLATE, CARL C. SCROTTLER, General Partnere. CBR. F. PLATE, • Special Partner. By his Attorney, J. THEOPIL PLATE. The undersigned continue the Importing and General Commission Entsiness, under the firm of J. T. PLATE & SCHOTTLAIR, for their own account. CARLPLAT& CPSHOrIigIL Philadelplda, January]. 1563. jal-8w DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER. SHIP.—The copartnership heretofore existing under the name of SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO. - le this - day dis solved by mutual consent, and the business of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at 61.3 MARKET Street. • P. JENHS SMITH, H. PRATT SMITH, t JNO. H. WILLIAMS. • WM. P. SMITH, Jr. Philadelphta..Dee. 1882: jallf THE. SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI NUE the DRI:IOI3USINESS, as heretofore. at the Old Stand. No: 724 MARKET Street. WM. ELLISCO_ _.•.Dralfglate, Jel-tf Is4.44..tuutr Street. • FOR SALE CHEAP--A. BDLAR BOILER. in good order, with itiem code, eteara-gauge check-valveez ell ready .for USe. Apply to Dr. SCHINOK. 39 Diont SIXTH St. (03-St RUSSELL'S AMERICAN DIARY. MY DIARY, NORTH AND SOUTH PFEILA6ELPIIIA. One large 12nio. volume, 602 pages, eingte coltunn, large, clear type. 'Paper covers, price only Cid cents. A fine edition, bound, price $1.25. Mr. T. 0. H. P. BDRINTHAM has done a good service to the Anierichn :public, by promptly bringing out Mr. RUSSELL'S DIAR gin a handsome reprint; lot Us hope, 1) . 3^ the way, with compensation Is the author. The book ie:Certain to be widely read, not less from the in terest attaching to the writer end the subjeot; but on account of its, pichiresque Style Of narrative, which is admirable; and we believe: that :it Is a book, a wide rending of which will do good on both sides of the . Atlantic, by conveying truthful views, on many subjects still imperfectly understood. In this respect, Mr . Diary is better than his Letters were, because the Diary records principally scenes - and conversations just as they , occurred, from which the reader May draw his own inferences; and if the facts are truly stated (and we find* traces of the contrary) we must all-be content to accept the inferenceS Which follow in the minds of reasons able and 'candid men. : Wo.,af the North, certainly, do not shrink froth thiS test: The book moreevor wildserve to remove much of the obloquy which haS unjustly attached to its Wiwi, It Will be found that he has been at least a better friend of the Union than many among ourseltes; he said nothing so bitter or so hard of us its Many things Which .were said and he dared, even at. Montgomery, to lift up hiS voice against the hideousness . of a new nation. avowedly founding itself, by deliberation, upon chattel slavery as a Corner-stone. Ae ex - nosed-to the Southerners at every turn the ab eurdity of their t:ietrine, that Cotton is King, unen . winch they foolishly relied to force the great Powers . of -Europe to intervene-for their independs,:ince. The an- - SwerS he received. in Such conversation:: here faithfully. reported: will aid in opening the eyes of tho British Ras,- lie to the facts of the case. We regard the publicaaen of 'the book ae tiniely,.and despMett. very - few igpmishes, ascribable to not unuat,:aral pretudiees, the :Sather de : servos an the wigh to receive . the rare meel Of Prat so width.. Mt4ches to inidiartiality. The unmerited ithi%* which : hris,beim poured upon him Would hate been c o n sidered by rawly writers, under similar eirehm stances, as LriViting a retaliation hi kind from which Russell magnanimously abstains. - =BOS(Mi MM. - : N. B.—Be . stire to buy lIIIIINIIIatri 121 no. Bout by mail, poet mid, on. receiPt of the price. Cfe3-iuth2t • : pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Of every variety of TEE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! CARTES DE VISITE in endless variety, together with an immense stock of STANDARD AND bIISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE Accompanies every Book sold t Lovers of Choice Goode, at Low Rates, Fair Dealing, and Polite Attention, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL • • .. THE GREAT SUCCESSES ''`Wir•l;TJl3l,lSl3l2% r ia. SEASON. VICTOR 111700'S I,ES IiffSERABLES: Carleton's edition of this magnificent novel is the only complete unabridged translation. (120th thousand. -AMONG This PIINES. 'That marvelous picture of life In the eolith during Secession thnes. (34th thou ea mi. ) - ARTESIDS WARD. The richest bank of fun out, profusely illustrated. (1411 thousand.) - THE OLD MERCH &NTS OF NEW YORK. In cidents and sketches in the tires of our merchant princes. (6th edition) . . - THE SUTHERLAND& The new novel by the author of "Rutledge." OM It thousand. ) - CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH. Chas. Read's best novel. A Inanternieee. (oth thousand.) IN PRESS: SOUTRERIc FRIENDS : A new work by the anchor of "Among the Pines. ORPREUB C. EERY. PAPERS. • A second series of these humorous sketches. MARIAN Ch M% A eapltal new novel by the author of 'Lena Ricers.". ERMAN. A new e d ition of thlesnperb novel. DRIPTIERASOUT. . By Stephen C. Ramat (Acmes Mire.) Comically illustrated. VINCEUZO. .A new novel by the antbor of "Doctor ~.Antonio.? (Prom advance sheets. ) OARLETON;Pnbliaher, New. York. ST. PAUL'S :EPISTLE TO TELE...RO MARS, newly translated and explabied from a Ms sionaly point of view. Br Bishop Colenao. ' ALSO, The Spiritual Point of View ; or, The Glass Reversed; an Answer to Bishop Colenso, by M. Mahan, D. D., in one volume. ALL THE NEW BOOKS, Of a Standard Character. received as soon as publiebed, or furnished promptly to order. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, fe2 - No. OS South SIMI St., above Chestnut. 11 V, RISEN REDEEMER. --- THE 0 OSPEL HISTORY FROM THE RESURRECTION TO THE DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W. Kroramacher, D. D. E THOUGHTSTHO OF GOD.. By Rev. J. R. Media ISmo. 50 cents. A YEAR WITH ST. PAUL; OR, FIFTY-TWO LES .SONS FOR THE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR. By Chas. E. Knox. 11. HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Girls. 40 cents. HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. Stories for Boys. 40 cents. For by • WILLIAM S. & ALFRED HARTIEN. jal9 • No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. MUST THE WAR GO ON ?-AN IN QUIRY whether the Union can be restored by any other menne, and whether Peace uplm any other tombs would be safe or durable. By Henry Flanders. Pamph let 'lvo. Price IA cents. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MA.RTIEN, jaM WM CHESTNUT &reek czEiturwrniro. tißßAnins. BROTIIERNEADS • • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Booksjnoruding ALL CLASSES of Literature- This is the ONLY Library iu the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINT ED here. ... • . Terms AK per year; six months m 9; three months $150; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per, dap- 21$ South EIGHTH fittest. ~setlem . • . PHOTOGRAPHS. nivvvvv,vvvvvs.""AnhAn'An".,.. • 'REIMER'S COLORED PHOTO -R-v.GRAPFIS for 6L The' Artistic blending of fresh, natural color, with these PHOTOGRAPHS, renders them pleasing and satibfactory. SECOND Street, above Green. JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH G.A.LLERY, No. 906 ARCH STREET, • Where tb e FIVEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. • THE CARTE DR VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE. Are produced by the most - _ LATHRIENCED ARTISTS. Those wlahlas• first-class Mctares are Invited to call and examine specimen'. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand. F. A. 0. KNIPE. del7-3m ou SHOTITLD.BEE THEM. TO HAVE Y to lam fin nairtuate ides of their worth. REIMER'S Ilre-site PHOTO° LPIIS iu oil colors are superb Por traits. SECOND. Street, above Green. . PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. JAMES . • S.: ,FABLE & SON, IMPORTERS.AMD MANUFACTURERS OF OIL PAINTINGS, •• • • ' . ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT. . ' PICTURE, and • ..PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. EXTENSIVE LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS AND GALLERY OF:PAINTINGS, de3141 816 'CHESTNUT Street, Plitladelphla. 1311 . 0TOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS—A - 0 - large variety for sale at low wises by • Ii2IES W. QUEEN & co.. 9114 CEIESTMIT.Street. del3-3mlf MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND SPY-GLASSES. for preeents for sale by Ali& W. QUEEN & CO., ORott CHESTNUT Street del3-3mlf OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES. For sale by JAMES W. curEzor & 922 CHESTNUT Street del&amif LOOO DOZEN HICKORY SHIRTS. 1 000 do. I GRAY, RED, AND BLUE , FLANNEL SHIRTS. 1,000 do. DENIM OVERALLS. 10,000 FAIRS cOTTONARR PARTA.LOONB. For sale by EMMETT, Bum a co.. ifas:hu mannacavers. suer CHURCH ALLEY GROVER &BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES; These MACHINES have taken the. First Premium at the State Fairs last held is • . NEW YORK,. MISSOURI. . NEW JERSEY, KENTUCKY, OHIO, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, VIRGINIA, ILLINOIS. NORTH CAROLINA. auCHIGAN. ALABAIKA. lOWA, CALIFORNIA. INCLUDING EVERY STATE FAIR WHERE EX HIBITED IN ISM .skit- The Work made upon the GROVER & BARES MACHINE has taken the Fret Premium at every Fair in the United States where it has been exhibited to this date. . MACHINE furnished of the,same patterns and at the same price: making either the GROVER. & BARXR Stitch or the Shuttle Stitch. as customers prefer. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., ion-ft-if 730 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW PIII3LICATION.S. BURNEAMS CoiIEAP EDlTtori NOW READY, BY WILLIAM TIOWARD RUSSELL. LL. D 'L O. H. P. BURNIIAM, PUBLISHER, 113 WASITINGtog -SIZE, STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE AT THE OLD PRICES! A HANDSOME THESENT GIFT•BOOK 439 CHESTEUT Sired LOOKING . GLASSES. E7MErEI HOLIDAY GOODS. 500 do. ASSORTED FANCY TRAVELING SHIRTS. 500 do. I LOW-PRICED WHITE MUSLIN SHIRTS. CELEBRATED NOISELESS EVERYWIIBRE TRrUIIIII Alf T W.ANTED-AN ACTIVE, INTELLI GENT LAD, about 17 or LS years of an. Must be able to give good references. SHAPI4IOIf. RUE. & CO.. fer)-2t* N1f..329 baltligT Street. WANTED --A PARTNER, GENERAL or Special. with a capital of Aileen Thon4and Dollers,tomin twoyoung meu In a JOIIdINCI and COM MISSION BUSINESS, who have the same amount of capital, with a large cash-paying Penns ,. lvauia and Ohio trade. Address "A. B. C.," n t this (Asa. [fits -se TO CAPITALISTS.= FROM. $2,000 TO 0.000 WANTRO, in a Aare and profitable laz•lnavi; no competition. None but those havinu the money to invest at once need apply. I , or partiettLara, ca'.l on or THOMAS COWMAN. care or Colonel N lt. CH.Olniatill, . fea-thstisotto 41. North SIXTH Street, - • • TO WHOLESALE GROCERS.-I All now Open n,r no engagement, P.:IIAV . E.LLING FAl,t.k.hl AN AN l) COL LEGTOIi; will sell moor on Comml. , •slon or Salary, link been e.igaged• in the above biISiIICKA for 11 ree Sali‘factory reasong giiren (nr being nut of employment at tills time. awl itattnilited relerencn giveu hon. last employer. Addr.Noe , . Ran.- wold, office of The Prva.v. , WANTED—A. PA.II.I'NER WITH I T capital td" Six to Right Thouhoo4 Dollars, tit a bto.ineos :tire:A.lly established mod poring tar" pproecs. Addreos "Partner, Preo..soitice. f0.:14,5[• . WANTED—A STONE ON IsIAPOCET, •TitinD or FOURTH Streets, with Hatchway ELIA on er conveniences. Addze.s Box 12.51 Philadelphia Poet Oftice. . WANTED—BY A PERSON OF business habits, pxpPrience, and some canard, an interest in some establi•died Meratntile or Mann t.chving Business. Address "Franklin," PreB.9 ()Rice.• -gri WANTED TO PURCHASE --;A Aciamoderntc size?. three-sdory Brick HOUSE. iu a col. on! location. Mczt bave . all tho modern Improvements. Address "Honso." at this °Oboe. stating prico. terms. and location. MSI-t[ de, WANTED TO RENT, FROM . THE firat. of April next, a moderate-aired three-itory BRICK DWRT.,LI VG ROUSH, in a central locality. It moat have . all the modern improvements. Aidrefig, Root." at this office, stating locality • ud price. tels-ti CONTINENTAL CAVALRY, " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEIN wanted to complete Cozupanies now nearly full * to Set II re the Citizens' Bounty Fend awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of, go , .id. re• terencee, and who have Roan service. dell-`2.ut FOE SALE • • .• • • TO LET. .vim ' A RARE CITANCE-A STOCK OF „ (19 °N OW STAND Y 01; Aky• E-..,Pesitmtlji of re -1%,%1111'it..g 4 7Cce.sfully-e.tahlished ."u"j"" : ' f ( "".. year.''stanilitig. will dispose, on ..:74'0; , 0 cans, •my STOCK OF lH GOODS, Cc. , and loare the building. The location J. good, among the boot in Pennsylvania; accedsible to Philadelphia or the New York markets several times daily, by railroad. .An exclusive cash trade of $l5.OtX) wit., and Can be con tinued. For address and particulars inquire personally, or by note, at 14 North THIRD Street, -Ph ilatla. HANDSOME ROOM. FURNISHED A. Or no t , T;....7 . EsT. with Board, to a g.itleman and t " * l re. Ramimps nr ::Auged. Faintly private. co. 52 North Till ItTlattNTH 1411 *3- fo-1-2t6 WANTED TO REN . I-./.1 SMALL WOOLEN MILL, matlthltt for nigitinft Pott.L: Warp GoodF. AddreMl "J. Y. .' Box 21[14, Phila. delph in P. 0. , stating location. size: &c. ic4-3V F OR SALE OR TO LET. STORE No. n North THlRD.Street, with Fixtures. Inquire at Nn. 32, opposite. ' fd4-at. CI FOR SALE OR TO LET T'OR THE SILIIMER.—A new and commodious HOUSE, with from Six to Eight Acres of Ground. There is, on this Property', a lino wing of water and a beautiful spot for building, commanding a line view, and fronting on the ,Teokentown road. The above Property ie sittlitted in Abigton, a half toile from Abington Station, ou the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and a good turnpike leading therefrom. Call on C. TYSON LUICENS, nt WELDON, half mile from Abington Station. [fet.-than" FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA ULE Property and Capital Business stand. situate ou the west side of SECOND Street. No. %2, between WALNUT and SPRUCE Streets, 2B feet 2 inches in breadth on Second street, by 260 feet to depth to Le vant street, •wideniug nt the distance of 110 feet from Second street, to 00 feet of which increased width it ex tends 100 feet. The attention of capitalists acid basin e?- men is invited to title property. For particulars and terms, apply to S. W. TRACI:ARA S SON, feß-St. No. 244. South THIRD Street. EPCPORIUM, IS DELAWARE COUNTY FARM.- -0-11874 Acres; substantial and large improvements: . known as tbo 'Tyson Farm." Will keen thirty cows.• A good butt Ilea,: Pam: buildinna beautifully located. JAMES R.. CUMMINS, Surveyor, feii-gt. • Media, Delaware County: DELAWARE COUNTY FARM, known as the "Palmer Pa rin," 211 Acres, Id wood land, large and substantial buildings in good repair, beautifully located. Will keep sixty cows. - Accessible by railroad; desirable neigliboripmd; price moderate. Apply to JAIIIES R. CUMMINS, Surveyor, fey-:lt• Media, Pennsylvania. as FOR SAL E.-A SPLENDID ...b.-FARM, theta at a Railroad Station. Land of the heat quality. Building, good. Apply to CRARLES CRfil - Rgr. fe2,5,7* 600 ARCH Street. • eft ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF -a- BEAL AND PHIISONAL }STATE.—On WEDNES DAY, February% IS6I, at 12 o'clock M., on the pre mises, all that VALUABLE FARM late the property of George Pickering, dwased, situated in .BENSALEH Township, Bucks Malay, on the Road leading from Newportville to Bristol Pike, about 1X miles from the former mall fiom Neshamony Station ou Philadelphia and Trenton 'Railroad. adjoining lands of P. E. Dixmn, Martha Allen, and others, containing 101 Acres of first quality Land in a high state of cultivation, about 6 of which is wood laud, the balance tillable and divided Zito fields of conve dud size, with a stream of water running along the west side. The improvements consist of a large two-story Stone Mansion of modern structure, built in n convenient and sabstantial manner, with two Parlors, Hail, Hitting Room, and kitchen ou the ilrst floor, Milk Vault in ilte Cellar, and Pomp in the Kitchen; huge Overshot Barn, Stone Stable, high Wagon House, Wood House, Chicken House, Straw House, Herrick, and other unt Buildinits; also. a two-story Frame Tenant House and School House, excellent Wells of Water at Houses and Bern, an Apple Orchard of well-selected Fruit, also choice varieties of Practice, Pears, and Cher ries; a tine Lawn in front of the House set out with Ever greens and other Shade Trees. To persona wishing to purchase a home In the conntry, this is stAbauce seldom offered. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold the Personal Propert-L of the deceased, eonsiStina of Horses, Cows, Pigs, Bay, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, and Farm utensils. Tones at sale. feS-thstullt. WM. C. PICKERING, Administrator. PKNSIONS.-$lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers. sailors and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable an byJ d satisfactory rates. Claims cahed or advanced nava AMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants 124 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a tance. oclB-tf T)ROPOSALS FOR FLANK HOWIT PERS. PROPOSALS will be received at this oflice,. g untii 4 o'clock P.M.on the 27th of FEBRUARY next, for tarnish in one hundred or I ais ?A.:pounder CAST-IRON HOWIT ZERS for Flank Defence. These Howitzersweigh, when MAO. about l, VA pounds each, and drawings exhibit ing their dimensions can be seen at this office or at the United States Arsenals. They are to be subject to the regular United States inspection and proof, and none are to be received and paid for except such as Mit inspec tion and proof, nod are approved by a United Slates In spector to be designated by this office. Payment , will be made on certificates of inspection and receipts, to be given by the inspector, and forwarded to this office. Bidders will state the number of Howitzers they pro pose lo deliver (not exceeding one hundred), the place of manufacture and delivery, and the price per potted for the finished Howitzer; and no bid will be entertained unless it be front a founder regularly *unitized in the Lusinest, satisfactory evidence of which must accoin- Pony the bid. A°y bidder obtaining a contract will. be required to outer into boutts,with not leas titan two sure ties, in the penal sum of ton thousand dollars, for the faithful fulfilment of his contract in all respects. The ,bonds insist be acknowledged before a Judge of a court of record, and the bondsmen most be card tied by the Judge of a District Court of the United States, or an Ordnance officer in charge of a United States Arsenal, to be worth the penal sum of the bond over and above all liabilities. The sight is reserved to meet all proposals if the prices • are deemed too high,or if, for any cause, it is not deemed for the public interest to accept them. Proposals will , be sealed, and suldressvl to "Brigadier General Ju rues W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, Wit,lit ion, D. C. " and will be endorsed 'PrOPOSaI34 for Flank Howitzers. • • J. W. RIPLEY, fed-tlistulOt Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. PROPOSALS FOR 13, 10, AND 8- INCH CANNON. - - ORDNANCE Orrice, WAR DEPARTMENT, WAsatxotos. January 27, 193. PROPOSALS will be received at this oftico until 5 r. M., on the 27th of February, lEigt„ for furnishing . lil, 10, and 5-inch east-iron cannon, to be isr.tde in conformi ty with drawings to be aupplied by the Ordnance Depart =cut, and with the following specifications: One 10- inch trial Krui , is lobe made of warm or cold blast char coal iron, .to be east hollow, and cooled from the inte rior, and to have a tenacity or metal of not less than SO, COO pounds per:agnate inch, to be determined by test ing specimens taken from the sinking head of the gnu, anilfroin a cylinder cast from the same heat, and from metal of the same quality as that &um which the gun is cast. ThiS cylinder is to be cast on end, iu dry sand moulds, and ie to be 72 inches high, with an elliptical base of 24 inches ~ r eater and 16 incites lesser axis. The specimens we to t e cut front the gun head, and a slab 4,k; inches thick, front the cylinder by planes Ism:tilt:l to, and vita-distant from the axis of the cylinder, and the looser axia of the base. • . • • • D . The Ordnance Department will test the spechnenit,. furnish the ammunitiou, end prove the trial gun, which most be ready for trial as goon as possible, nud not later than threemontha from the dare ot the contract. Be con tract will be given, nor will the trial gnu be paid for, unless it shall eudure a proof of) ,000 rounds, with ser vice charges of powder, of which MO mewls will be with solid shot, and WO rounds with shells. The tooting is to be done free of charge to the contractor, but he will be required to furnish proper facilitieS air testing, such as convenient grouud, storage for ammunition, a bait in wliivlt the projectiles will be embedded and saved, and the requisite force fur handling anti firing the guns. AU the cannon are to be made of t•saine quality of iron es that of the trial gen, and the Ordnance Department is to have the right to test the iron during the process of fabrication of the cannon,. for which purpose the founder is to furnish, free of charge, at least one specimen from the head of each cannon, and slabs from cylinders, as before described, at the option of the Department, not to exceed one for every ten cannon. Each cannon is to endure the regular proof and inspection the guns of the, same calibre ; and none are to be received or paid for but such as are approved after inspection and proof, which will be received at the foundry where male. Bid ders will state the numbers and calibres of the cannon they propose to furnish on the foregoing specilimitions and conditions; the place where they 'are to be made; the time of commencing delivery and the rate of delivery per mouth thereafter, and the price per mined or per gun for the finished canuon. No bids will be entertained unless from founders actually engaged in the business, evidence of which must accompany tint bid. Failure to deliver at the specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the amount to be delivered at that time. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into heeds ' with proper sureties for its faithful fulfilment ; and a transfer of the contract to another party will cause its entire forfeiture. Bidders Will be required to file with their bids a bend in the penal sum of not less than 530,000, signed by not less than two persons, conditioned that if the bid is accepted the bidder shall comply with his proposal, and faithfully and fully perform what he proposes to undertake. The bond must be acknowledged before a judge of a court of re cord. and the bondsmen mast be certified by the Judge cf a District Court of the United States, or an Ordnance officer in charge of a United States amensal, to be each, worth the penal sum of the bond over, and above alt liabilities. The right is reserved to reject all proposals if the prices aro deemed to high, or if for any cause it is not deemed for the public interest to accept them. Proposals. ill be sealed and addressed to "General T. W. ltipley, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. Cp,"atatt will be endorsed ''Proposals for heavy canna. J. W. RIPLEY. ' fes-tlistu-lOt Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. :A11;14 S M. SOOVEL, F . • ••- ...ATTORNEY AT LAW, • • Master and Examiner in Chancery. maims • : .113 PLUM Street Camden, N. J. F AMILY DYE. COLORS BLACK SALMON DARK lI ROWN, sciatut SNUFF BROWN DARK DRAB, LIGHT BROWN. LIGHT DRAB. DARK BLUE YELLOW, LIGHT BLUE. LIGHT YELLOW , DARK GRA ORANGE, LIGHT-GREEN. `, PINK MAGENTA., - SOLFERINO, PURPIE, FRENCH BLUE SLATE, ROYAL PURPLE CRIMSON. VIOLET. FAMILY DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods. Shawls, Sm de, Dresses, R I bironB, Gloves, Bon nets, Rats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear ing Apparel, with perfect fast colors. These Dyes are mixed In the form of powders acumen. tratod, are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat pack. ages. For twenty-five cords you can color as =MT goods as would otherwise cost five times that stun. The pro. eels', is simple, and any one can nee the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 2159 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale byDruggists and Dealers to every City and Town. de3o.taths.3m if WANTS PERSONAL. PROPOSALS. ORDNANC' OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINUTON, JRREIRTY 27. 13113. LIST or COLORS A SAVINO OF 80 PER CENT AUCTION SAL V~Mn'✓MnMn.MMMMnv WM. STERR, AUCTIONEER, roe. 719, 'nu 723 ZANE Street. SALE AT No. 716 NOR Ili EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE COATIS. sale Peremptory, on account of the gentlemen giving up hon. ekrieplng, and tRr. house to rent. NEAT HOUSEHOLD PURe ruRE, BEDDiNG. MATTRESSES, CARPETS, Bic. ON ISIONDAY MORNING'. February 9, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, w will he sold. the entire hoeliald furniture: comprising the usual . aasortment f parlor furniture. lied-room furniture, )(lichen furniture: crockery, china, asst glass wire. Al: the edict's will positively be sold by catalogue, and may he examined on the morning of Pale. N. 8.--The house, having every modern convenience. will be to rent. fns-3t• USEM 142.NTS. AMERICAN ACADE3LY OF MIISIO JAMES E. MURDOCII WILT. 0:1VP. A 11 B A 1) 1 N G, • lINTITLETT, POETRY AND PATRIOTISM. • I' AID OP THE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, ....71 - .I4I.4.IIIITIREDAY hY ENING, February 0, 18151. - .• •. ' A SHOEV•PEEFACE. stating Die object of the Rea - ing, willdelivered by Mr. MURDOCH, and each selection Will be introduced by brief reflections upon the anti - or and his eubiect, together with characteristic naecdotes of the war. PROGRAMME Poetr y and Patriotism The Fight at the Ford, or the . Battle of _ Brandywiue T B. Read The Amerietut Flag • John Rodman Drake Ou Beard the Cumberland Geo. H. Bolter , . Thu Sleeping Sentinel Anouy moue. TheOntli "'t.' T. B. RetE4. Marco Desarri. Fitz Graeae ['snook Count Candespintio Standard-bearer OW. ii. liokec Fmoration of Robert Hall's groat Ser mon on the Threatened Invasion of England by France, in the time of the First Napoleon. Our Defenders, (a War Lyric) Tickets 25 vnts. To be had at all the Hospitals, Soldiers' Reading Rooms. and Volunteer Refreshment Saloons. Alen. at J. R. Oould's Music Store. SEVENTH and CHESTNU7'. where secured seats may be had by paying cents additional, end at the Academy on the day and evening of Reading. Doors open at 74i Iteadings commute° at B o'clock. ia3D-recreh4t NE W — CRESTNITTSTREET THE Lessee and Manager.. ,!, ~,.. • Mr. W. WHEATEILT. In ronsequtaice of the unequivocal expression of the public dt.i . ire that . EDWIN FORREST Should again va in his of i gj jl 3 xt tb i a In liulwor'is vigorouittgatrii i iiitic Ploy of Ru; It .. 7 re : eat t d gENlNG. February 6, Ifire,_ JAsont, NEw DRESSzs, awl WitA enitrsty,NßlV APPoiNTALEA - Ta L add fionoreap t , • TRE POWERFUL/ 4n With width it has already bete ;Oen, _ Conductor • NARA BtAitSLat.. FRIDAY RVENINI/i Ftbniaty g. Last lime. for the present, EDWIN F0141?..;5T, In kis grand impersonation of the CARDINAL DUKE. t 1 S p AT a tllt ra t n i ce f A C I I O 3 , February 7th. The Fourth A ppearance MR. 11AOKETT - PRIOkS OF ADMISSION. Family Circle. tortns Circle Paranet and Secured Seats In Dress Mole Seats in Private Bch Doors open B 4 7. CuGuri ain rises at-7%. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. Business Azent Mr. JOHN T. DA? NELLY. FOURTH AND LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF THE GREAT COMEDIAN, MR. SETCHBLL THIS (Thursday) EVENING. February S. IRK Will be presented Dickens' great Story, dramatized, of DOMBEY AND SON. _ . Ca tats Cattle -- Mr. Setchell To be followed ht. the laugh fof FREIctII BREAKFAST. _ . . Sprigains .. . To conclude with the Drama. of TEE TODDLES. Timothy Toodles Mr. D. Sitcholl. Doors open at 7; Curtain will rise at 7.34. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH-STREET THEATRE. Bug :less Arent and Treasurer SOS. D.MURPHY. UNDIMINISHED SUCCESS! FIFTH AND LAST WEEK OF MR. AND MISS CAROLINE RICIIINGS. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING.) Balfe's grand Operatic Legend, SATAIN ELLA SATANELLA: Or. The Power of Love. lifts C. RICHINGS As SATANELLA and 101.1.4 M. Mr. PETER MERINOS As BERNARDO and MUMMIES. For Scenery, Music. &c., see bills. Air Seats secured 'without extra cbaren. A FTERN 00 N• CONCERT FOR CHILDREN. —THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY, by t6e,egaeetofseveral forniiies, will give a Concert at BAN DEL AND BAY D N HALL, on SATURDAY. All will 'appear—ASA. LIZZY, ABBY, FREDDY, and Little DEN.N.ff Admission, 10 cents for Children. Adnits 2.5 cents. Doore open at 234 o'clock. Concert at 3 o'clock. fel-3t* 03? Itl N ASTI° EX H I BITION.—TH E FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the PUPILS of Prufeasors HILLEBRAND LEWIS' G vmA'Astriar will bac niece on 9111JEEDAY EVENING, Febraary sth, at the kIIaJCAL FUND HALL, to commence at 1' o'clock. PROGRAMME Lboice Nude d Selectfon s. Calisthenic and Gymnastic Exercises. Gymnastic Performances upon the fallowing apparattist Single Bar, Rings, Hope, Ladders, Dumb-bells ' Paral lel Bat F, Orchestra, Feats on Double Trapeze, and rTra , mid itl Groupings. Ticket; SS cents Can be had at the Gymnaalitm, N. E. corner of ARCH and NINTH, and at the Hail on the evening of the Exhibition. fe3-3t. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—FlFTH WEER AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE BOHEMI AD TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING; AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER ISOONS.—At each Entertainment..the celebrated low-. pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely of Glass, will be in full operation. On FRIDAY Eve ning. February 6th, a Spier.. id Case of Work will be Siven to the author of the Conundrum on the Glass team Engine. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—The First Present, each eve nin will be a Splendid Case of Glass Work. Admission, IS cents. No half price. Exhibition commences in the Evening at 8 o'clock. Afternoon at 3 o'clock. . fel6te ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. SIGNOR BLITZ. Thegreat MAGICIAN and VENTRLIXIIIIST, with ids LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will kiwi his new and. popular Entertainments EVERY 'EVENING daring the Week, commencing at 734 o'clock t and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be marvellous experiments In Magic• wonderful powers In Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission cents. Children 13 cents. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER NOON at :134 o'clock, atiethe MUSICAL FUND HALL, Carl Bentz, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of 8 tickets, sl—to be had of Andre & Co., 1104 Chestnut street ; J. R. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the ball door. n027-tf HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA_ NEW OFFICE 214 South EIGHTH St., below Walnut. del4Bm PENNSYLVA,.NIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS 10 9 .5 cifEsTrarr STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. Id. till I P. M. Admission 75 cents, Children half price. Shares of stock. *3O. 019 DIEDICAL. D R. SWAYNE2S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY- THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN ITN GREAT SDPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER REMEDIES. THE OR/GINA.I, AND GENDINETHEPAIIATION The reputation of this mealtne is now. so well esta blished that liberal . mindedmerlin the medi cal profession throughout the Union recommend it to their patients- as the very best of all ten ediesfor Pulmonary Complaintsand General Debility,.aud in curing Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood; Whooping' Gough,. pain in the Sole or Breast, Sore Throat, Difficulty in Breath • ingcseafeltitr Hon. or ie • Throat, Breast, or loins's. HEDI CIN B H A) B R R OBTAINED. k IEIGNER MO ED REFUTATION! OR _ _ IN PULtiIoNANS DISEASES of the most alarming character, "Swayne's ComponuiLSynip of Wild Cherry . '" effects permanent cares. A stubborn Cough. Sere. Throat, Night Sweats.. Bronchial Affections are quickly cured. Declining years of aged. persons will be greatly benefited; it ma as a strengthening alterative. For disturbed, restless uitelds, keep it by the bail-side; its. use will ~vive repo -'e . if the bowels are costive . take au occasional dote of 31/WAYNE'S PILLS." Proparst only by Dr..SWAYNE soN t 33tr North. SIXTiI Street, above Tine. Sold by all Druggists throughout. the United Stales- ja3l-iftf BROWN'S BRONCEEIAIL TROCEEES, for Coughs, Colds,. and Irritated Throats, areofferad, with the fullest confidence in their efficaay. They have, been thoroughly tested,.and. maintain the good reputa tion they have justly acquired! Ai thkre are image (tong. be gore to onriaN the genuine at FREDERICK" BROWN'S Drug and Chemical Store,Pf. E. cor. CHEST NUT and FIFTH t.treets. . Also, Mutter's Cough Syrup, Wistar's Cough Lozenges. .prepnred from original prescriptions. V:YE AND EAR.-PROF. J. ISAACS, -A- 4 Oculist and Aortal, from Leyden, Holland, is per manently located at No. 511 PINE Street, where he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cures— If curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain N. B.—No charges made for examMation.. Office hours from to II o'clock A. M. mid 2to7P. M. jaSkim• ,f;va.) Ar.1.)3 GIRARD FIRE AND MABINZ ENSITRAIICE. COM:I'ANT 017104 4L5 WALNUT STREET, PHLLADEUSILL CAPITAL IMMO4:S9OO. This Company continues to take risks on the eater classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the Diet nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS nnS.wo reePectihily solicit its favor in the future. • DIRECTORS. CHAS . I. DUPONT, JERRY WA JOHN W. CLAOHORN. JOHN THORIM, C. K HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD,. Ja., PETER 8. ROE, of N. Whl. M. SWAINFURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP . JE. D., N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLER. . THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President ..SAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. avAtitr E COMPANY, NO. INSURAN F CO CHESTNUT Street. lUILAD Pr 2.11 AND INL DDIEC ILPHIA. ..ND INSURANCE. non. Francis N. Buck, ' RD. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, Oeo. A. West, Heury.liewis, Jr., John Ressler, Jr., John W. Eyerman. Chea. Stokes, Philip S. Justice, I A. H. Rosenholm, 0. W. Davis, I Josep D. Sinn FRANCIS N. BUCKPresidont. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice ?resided, _ WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Us:IMM EPLILIdE'S SAFE DEPOT RE. MOVED to No. 21 South savEirra Street. near ranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for. past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand • large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made). Also, Lillie s-, Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locke will bo furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention ie called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, be. This Safe to cos," ceded to surpass In style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, and is the only one tlust lit strictly fire and burglar proof. Snout NOTICIL—i have now on band say OLT , Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them n, I DOG and some forty of other makers, comprising a 00Elntal tasortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged 10014 sow celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at!vemp low prices. Please call and examlne. iaayif 8-TgliiSif44 Aaonymona T a Sir. D. &Ached!.