CITY ITEMS. ri VE LIFE-SIZE PICTURE OF .GENERAL t tr,.Ar:.—Mr. F. Clutelrunst, the popular Pho- Nos. 704 and '706 Arch street, with dila leristie enterprise and skill has succeeded in pre • pcII tins . to the public the finest pictures of General y.J.'lellan that have yet been produced. The inag nificent life-size crayon which he has Net completed • tOW on exhibition at his gallery, and will be for a Sew days prior to its delivery to the owner. The or tes---both the vignette and the one containing the hticneral and his lady in the same picture—are aring an immense sale. His fine card pictures, ,lust produced, of the late Majors posengarten Bud Ward, of the Anderson Troop, nre also very popu. jar. Tau NEw CommAvonn-m-Chan Fight icg Joe Hooker," as be is called, if he succeeds in treating the rebel General Lee to a Waterloo defeat, will rank° lits murk , Mr. W. W. Alter, the well- ' pown Coat Merchant, of this city, has made his mail: long ago by furnishing the best Coal at the lowest prices, at his Coal Yard, Ninth street, above poplar. B u ryniou QUALITY LIQUORS FOR "MEDICI- PurnrosEs.—We invite the, attention of our readers to the fact that the purest and most reliable liquors, for medicinal purposes, can always be had at the store of Mr. C. IL Mattson, dealer in flue family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. His fine Quality of old Madeira, of the celebrated "Baal period, pure Port and Sherry, rare old Brandy, and the hest champagnes, Scotch Ales and London Prawn Stout, are all highly recommended by our }list physicians for the use of invalids. FINE MILITARY TRAPPINGS for Army and nary officers , can be had in great richness and va lirleottyerhat Oakferd Son's, , under the Continental 3[B. HirriE's splendid new ground-floor rbotograph Gallery, No, 829 Arch street,'has been a great success.' His galleries : And skylights are so c onstructed that he can takO the finest pictures, with equal facility, in all kinds of weather. DELICIOUS FRESIT CONFECTIONS.— Mr. It L. Vansant, the greatest Amerioari.confeetioner Oleg, has this, advantage over all others in the trade, that his goods are always fresh. His delicious ,Sugar Plums, Sweet Jordan Roasted - Almonds, fine French and American Mixturee, and ,a,hundred other preparations, come on his counters fresh and fragrant every morning. A CHOICE AS.SORTAtEIiT OF L'4DIES' :Funs is now selling off at Charles Oakford 8c Son's, Under the Continental Hotel, at reduced prices, AFTER BLOOMFIELD.— Agnin the year's decline, 'midst storms and floods, The thundering chase, the yellow fadino• ° Woods, Invite my song; that fain would boldly tell Of upland coverts and the echoing dell, • By turns resounding loud, at eve and morn, The plough-boy's hallo, or the huntsman's horn. In city's streets the pelting winds and rains • Recall to man his winter's aches and pains, And loudly call for clothing, thick and strong, While Stokes' " one•price” clothing is the song. Beneath the Continental' , there is sold, sure for autumn's rains and winter's cold. - Charles Stokes & Co.; flrst•class clothing, under the Continental Hotel. TILE ARMY OF THE " Fighting lee Hooker" is now in command of the. Army of the Potomac, and his appointment is expected to result in great good, General Hooker is a good sol dier, with all the gallantry and dash of a 'Murat or a y , He Is not a graduate of West Point; but his military abilities are none the less brilliant for that. General Hooker is as brave as a lion, and as dis creet as he is bold—a fact that is demonstrated by the circumstance that he prOcures his wearing appa rel at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hell o( Rockhill Sr. Wilson, Nos,. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above SINGULAR, VERY,—A few evenings, since, in our " private club," there was a learned (Renee tlon--suhject, " Bedbugs, and their remarkable tena• city of life." One a sserted, of his own knowledge, that they could be boiled and then come to life. Some had soaked them for hours in turpentine without any fatal consequences. Another, who hnd been listening RS an outsider, gave in his experience in corroboration of the facts. &la he, Talking about bedbugs is altogether foreign to the subject. The only place to procure entirely satliftiotory garments is at the'Oixe-Price Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS, 1:IT TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST 147.GHT. Otrard—Cheatnut si B It Flatherwood, N York Nr. Lewis. Washington Little, Baltimore A Harrington. Dolmens, It G Store, New York Then Cummings, New York T Miller. New York broes billowy, New York C Now York Mt Andrews & la. Chic&go Audrewe, Clifton L Brown, Worder J Amtnidon, Newyork Esmith. New Jersey T Wsee:wellur, a Ci Banker, Now York • f;ea ET Folgot, New York. (leo Parting, New York New York Chs:pmari, New York )14 ior A °loot, New York I i O'Brien, how York . I (hu a Daley, New York R PennAylvania .on Poircell, Penne C Mathews E Frn•ltn W Donald.sou, Penne .'t. Plume, Newark. N J Nast 0 W Lockman, N Y ..iordon & wt New York N. Gordo), New York ,Yr Fredericks & la Ni.. Fredericks ( Wilson, New York it 1) Taylor, Boston E Syragne. Prorld.uee, R I C), Green&wr,N ll J Criswell, narriAmrg JP Criswell. lie rri , burg Jo L Presbrey, Taunton BUM Connecticut Goo Bowden, Newark W Dickinson, Newark W W.Tollostou, Indiana J F. SeltellrPeutin Continental—Ninth a E S °lced. New YOrk Ge Narine, New York H Vanantiverp New York P. W Webb. Daithuore flee Steck. New York lover Lairrenoe t Pittsburg H King, New 1 ork D W Witsou, Indiana, PR D C Wilson, Indiana, Po Oa. bt Clark. Cincinnati, Or John H Pap, Jr, Pittsburg' rapt Denj b Blood Carrer,Salem. N J A Faiman, New Yvik C Bossa r wf, Dotion I wf. Del Ser;v4 ew Y Ayr. N Wi N ls on, Dela ork ware e I aware W Hall, Harrisburg Forcheimer do wf, N Y If McCormick, Harrisburg kJ Clog, Boston Tb•ki T Caswell, if S A IL Budd, M D, New York Utiooton New York Baurber, N,.v York 3 r VIPs. g A • Air atri„4 California ir herds, Rhode island Marietta. Pa Arnold . , Rhode Island *did T apicer. Rhoda Isla Mr-Jackson, Rhode Wand Utelfeastene, Pottsville o.lllcGanlly, \Vogt legion Pr Hoffman. New York kr.• Hoffman, Nov York 1 RTrumpy, Long island B McGuire, Washington r C Hellen. Washington t Bea nie, New Jereoy 1• Rennie, New Jersey H Kirtland. New I ork ''."`J lamb+ West Chester tekard J Rgodle, N Y gr.dee, Rio tie inueiro M Me: under, New York I.:D T Crockot & la, N C•^ . Pratt, Norwich • t .4 Porter. Coon itljegler, New York f: smith H If Pismn.W.Vrrlsburg B" 1 .1 Eve. Pen na :A Redfield, Elmira alarehanta'—Fottrth ..../re• Pittsburg •:•:uard .Toue,, Batt Ray. Conn E.bort Klott, Mattel. Chunk B !teed sou, Pittsburg 1.1, 0 Stewart, Pa S Rays, Ilr ghan co sittupp, Bucyrus, Ohio Slervino &_wife. Pa J Parke, Wasb, 1) C 'r Geo W Wissb,DC Treharu Munch Chunk P...hrer, Lanc ro, Pa 1 . ..r1d AM. Cumb Co, Pa ilinerician--Chesting t. mill er , Huntingdon, Pa • Sadler, Wilmtnitm Ei4. A' Wolff. Pottsville . tlisitord, Buffalo • . L Porter, Counectlent ' Alfred,Conueotiont Pooper, New Jersey AR Garrison & wt. A .1 i n ' Elmer, New Jer. 0 )* ' llurinn Dile. , •ter CO 41 'totem, Providence, R I PaIIOUS in t L l'eters & la, DCI CO St. Louls—Chestnut Adams. Georgetown, D C D Fraaer, New York Bacon. Laurel. Del W ..Hopithason, Boston Mag, Taunton, Siam Paley. Wlim , Del .P.OW e. New York ill Barker, New York D.Re3enlnium, N Jersey Do Tore, Boehm 11 Willett, Bangor, Me (iktle. Buffo lo Wm Warren, St Louie .11 a,tings, St Loub4 Ostmerc lal—Sixth Platt, Delaware Salience, Port Deposit it t d ' te a r y , 1 I' D u e . l e l' g t re D c e o l Kimble. Penne 4 5 If k r ie ' l l ei n s. " W Chester • t aner, Cbester en, pit Drattft, Cbe,tor co, Bare, sft Union 'C troy, Elkton. 51(1 Slates Union—Sixth lAA Snle hiPPe liAnt u.,!:gal. St Cla re ir ••her , Poott Pena 't Lot.: t!eattcaa , zu , ' 3 t I.;rt thf , n p, n ITtt, NR tlonal—Race ett Sunbury ohem .31 1 1 a . tet. wiurouNin Lcbawan I a taven 41 I 2 erS soi),Lelmoun Wi t . Vernon—Second street, albove Arob Hocks c.., Ps Owen Dash, Pennsylvania T V NY a ß gTe ti r r is l g 011 ::*lork a l';'; ': r illit:YoL l 4 3 lla ad • k t -s on — Second street, above Market. :s to StrouilsbrglJ Finch. Pittsburg Se4ford. Del Israel Walton, New Jersey .?.. Nana 11 . 4 0 . ;. : 7 ? 41; , 111 11/e—Third sty etbove CaUowh lll. Bnckaclam). IL T Tnimbower, Riebi and tn •:I i.atio'kla Hze ousekeer, Richt dtn •4. 1 1 ::‘Alyn B Milburn, liockervi!lo treeto below Ninth. James Anderson L L Springer,Reading D S Hunter , Reading Thos White & wife, 11 T Miss White,'New fork S Helfebower, Alexandria .1 W Veazey, Maryland F Stone, Massachusetts E Summer, New York C F Johnson, Now York A E Faber, New York ,F Samuels, New York Chits K Landis, New Jersey M 0 - Landis. Philadelphia J E Graetl Pine Drove, Pa Chat! B Forney, Lebanon W P Ryou, Tamaqua Wm .1 'Parvia, Pottsville M 13 James, Ringgold, Pa A Warren, New York Mrs Warren, New York H Malley. Kidd letown Jos Campbell, Middletown D &action, Washington L Stebbins, PennsylVarlia D P Dieterleb, Now York B Byers, Harrisburg P E Byers, Harrisburg J R Eby, Harrisburg M C Eby, Harrisburg J J Sands & wf Chicago Miss Sands, Chicago 0 Blight Jr,„ Philadelphia Mai I) T Everts, Maryland A Allen, New York A N Leet, New York L Roberts, Jr, New York W T Richardson„ Hass Chas 11 Hale, S A W H Knapp, Newark, N P Whitaker, Maryland W Wiley, Maryland S Fritz, Pennsylvania 11 Fritz, Pennsylvania ,1.1 Shoemaker, Harrisburg nit Chestnut streets. M C Trout, Mercer co, Pa \Y A Sueath, Baltimore R Crawford, Baltimore S Wethored, Baltimore W Id Judson, Buffalo D Norton U S A .419 Newbold ,_ Long Branch W Paterson, New Jersey W'Bradley. New York: J Whitney, Jr, California Wm S Patten & wf. N Y Mack Skinner,Chicago Miss Sk inner, Chicago Geo B Todd St wf • 3 31 naps R wf, New York Sarni J Black, N Territory Lient R W Carrier. N Y B Lasell & la, New York Coo W Frank St wf. N Y W C Darts, Baltimore B Parsons Col Olcott, NeW York 1) J Ellery, Lancaster Ceo Hayes, Buffalo Wm C Jewell, Colorado J S Clough,New York D C Murray, New York . IMrs Murray, New York Mr Sherwood, New York J A Dory New Jorsoy H . Reep, New York J 31 Hanna, New Jersey f .Coale, Jr, Baltimore S R Payson, Boston R It Haines, New York J H King St wf, New York Mrs & du, N York Miss T Smith, New York H Riples,Nev' York Smith, Jr Maine AI E Lord, New York E Flogg, Rhode Island 11. TY - ng, Jr, New York Brig Oen Torbert,_ U 8 A Dr Cordon, New Jersey N B Shaw, Washington, D C W 0 Pierce, New York A Palmer, New York C W Palmer, Now York C T Sherman, Ohio E Wash bun Mut A L 14ew ork g : II Watson, Wash, D Stanton, D 0 S F Scull Wasnington, D C Geo W Wheelwrlght,Bostort . street, below Arch. M Malone, Lancaster D 9 McKinney John Abernethy, Hartford I) It Barbour, Pittsburg 0 W Roland, Pike, Pa Fred'k Lauer, Reading W D MoKinstry, MennenWit J W McKinetry, Mercerslig C B McKinstry, Marcella:l%c S Hitchcock, Conn D J Ooldenberg, Bait 8 Lay St man wife, N Y W Lilly, Penn Haven W B Brown, St Thomas, Pa street, above Fifth. David B Davin, Now Jersey B Teague, Pt Clinton Wm R Dyer, New York H D Tucker, Providence Horace Smith, New York R H Clark, Dela ware H S F AdainA L W Taylor, Berlin, MA Wm 1) Hazel, Smyrna, Del A Corbin, Connecticut H L Judd, Connecticut John J Levi James Jackman street' above Third. MIAs Connelly, St Louis Wm Taylor, Rochester, Y Charles Reed, Erie, Pa E Winer, Quebec ' A L Lewis, Dover, Del Dr GA Scott, US N Reynolds Driver, U S N Thee Morrel, Pennsylvania H W Frazer, New York DDTalmau,MD N York M Hodgson, U S X W H Hobart P RugFles, Milton, Mass John (,opp, Massillon, 0 rent, above Chestnut. B 0 Tyler, Trenton, ?of .1 N McDonald, Norristown Leedom Kirk, Chester co Robt Hodgson, Oxford, Pa G W Churchman, Penna R H Brown, Lancaster co W Bunting, Chester co Wm A Mackey, Penna 11Bwisher, Fulton co, Pa R Smith, Fulton co, Pa John Trainer, Chester co and Market' streets. Amos Dlninger, Millersburg David Breneman, Penna. Jan Adams, Princeton A Kmutser P Henderson, Pittsburg Jos Wilson, Wash, I) C Saml Johnson, Huntingdon D B Brown, New York John Williams, Norristown Peter Cmns, Jr. Penns, , eet, above Third. D D Elder J Worts, Bohm lkill Chas Kessler, Beading J R Bachman, Phillipsburg S Hartman, Phillipsburg J W Kearns, Lewistown John Preston, Lewistown H Crouse. Beading Union—Arch str Jae D Scott, Bridgepoit T llrnry, Burlington, N J L Stoner, Ohio hi Eruwein, Birmingham Mrs Low, Allogliony City Barley Sheaf—Seeoli W Rich, Pennuhlutia, S L Atkinson, Centreville th i pt it Cry von t CoutreYlllo S A Cooper, Chester co Con. c.rd, Pittsburg 11! Goforth, Newportsville J Cullen, New York li Stradling, Bucks co S Wetberill, Attleboro Miss Wethorill, Attleboro T C Nogus, Bustleton P Mitchell, Attleboro M Cooper, Pennsylvania .1 Newbold, Newtown A Daunbower, Bucks co Black Bear--Thlird st John COpp, Massillon, 0 Levi Line, Allentown A 8 Gerhard, Lancaster W Amos, Hamburg F Amos, Hamburg Chas Harper, Jenkintown Chas Finney, Hartsville W Berner, Ponosburg 10nry Holey, Pennsburg 8 II Stillwell, Feasterville s Vanartsdalen, Feaster• Thos Fullai»s,Feasterville J P Knight.Fertsterville SPECIAT.I NOTICES. 1 1 HE PHILOSOPHERS. BY. THE BARD OF TOWER BALL, 'The Philosophers of old Were in companies enrolled, And each company or "school " Had its own distinctive rule. Thus the Epicureans thought That Dame Wisdom's pupils ought - To avoid melancholy, And be always brisk and jolly. • The Stoics, meek and bumble, Thought it impious to grumble, Whatever might betide them`; And if tyrants stewed or fried them; And their smoking bodies buttered, No complaints they ever uttered. The Cynics snarled at riches. Anti made their homes in ditches, Or in hogsheads incommodious, Deeming luxury quite odious. But the Oymnosophist packs Wore no garments on their hacks; A custom indefensible, Being neither nice nor sensible, I-very much suspect That no member of that sect, Seeing TOWER HALL'S attractions, Had adhered to such queer actions, ' But had chosen a better rule, Andjoined Plato's well-dressed school. Our assortment of Ready-made Clothing is the largest in Philadelphia, and selling below market rates, TOWER HALL, No. 51S MARKET Street, BENNETT SE CO. KERn's - FURNISHING CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA BALL, 529 CHESTNUT STREET. Directly opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and glass packed in a proper manner, and warranted from breakage. to all parts orthe United States. N. B.—China decorated to order; also, initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass, ja2-1-1m S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATIOK'BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effect"' of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the e ystem and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhreha, Cholera, and Cholera Korb'''. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world; They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the mile': crated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate Person" requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Grocers, Drug ? , fists, Betels, and Saloons. P. R. DRAKE & CO., 210 X BROADWAY. New York. 4,324.6 m ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pt. ;area. All Goode made to Ordermarranted satisfactory. Our ONR-Pittog Siloam le strictly adhered to. All an thereby treated alike. JONES & 00., 604 MARKET Street BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYBf THE BEST IN' THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Die Produces a color not to be distinguished from nature: warranted not to injure the hair in the least remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for fife. GRA Y, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turn, a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, Sm. Its The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE. LOB.. on fhefour sides of each box. FACTORY, No. S 1 BARCLAY Street, (Late 299 Broadway and 16 Bowl street.) New York. my? -ly f~~~4~~~~+~~a BINDER—ROYAL—On the 20th inst., by the Rev. L. A. Albert. Jacob Binder, of philadolphia, to Miss Kate A. Royal. or Germantown. `. BOYER—COXS.—By the MIN Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D.. ou Tuesday, January 27,15 e, William Henry Boyer and Salle A. daughter of Dr. John Redmon Coxe, Jr. * BILLS—PERK.INS.—On the 17th instant, by Rev. H. E. Gilroy, Mr. Thomas Bilis and Amanda L. Perkins, al l * of this city. EVAN i—DRiPER.—On the 2 9 . a inst., by the Rev. J. C. Hyde. Henry Evans to Frances Draper, both of Camden, J. • =aim). McCONNELL.—Died, from 'wounds received at the se cond battle of Bull Run, Thomas McConnell, son of Thomas and Isabella McConnell, in the 17th year of his The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 220 German street, on Thursday morn ing, at 10 o'clock . To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. *• SMITH.--Clu the 27th inst., Mr. Charles M. Smith. Rue notice will be given of the funeral. • SOVEREIGN.—FeII, at the second battle of Bull Ran, on the 30th of August, 1362, Adjutant F. W. Sovereign, only son of the Rev. Thos. Sovereign of the New Jersey Conference. Interment at Mount Holly Cemetery, on Thursday morning, 'Mit inst.. at 11 o'clock. Exercises to be held in the chapel of the cemetery. McCULLY.—On the 27th instant, Mary 8., youngest daughter of John licenlly. Due notice of the funeral will be given. * CARMAN.—On the morning of the 28th instant, Eliza beth L. Carman. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from her residence, ell Cooper street, Camden, N. J., on Wednesday, 28th inst. at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Wood landa CemeterT. Carriages will be in waiting at Market street wharf, 1 hiladelphia. • JENKS.—On the Sth inst., in the United States Hospi tal, St. Louis, Mo., _Dr. P. Frederick Jenks. of the Ist Missouri Light Artillery, in .the 31st year of his age, youngest SOD of Dr. Phineas and Mrs. Amelia Jenks, of Newtown, Bneks county. Pa. The relatives and friends- are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his brother, George A. Jenks, on Wednesday, 29th Snot., at half past 2 o'clock. Those attending funeral will leave Kensing ton depot at 11 A. M., for Bristol, where conveyances will meet them. FORD.—On the Stith inst., Ellen, wife of Edward Ford, aged 29 years. HAFFEY.—On the 29th inst., Mary Ann Haffey, daugh ter of Ann and the late Bernard Haffey, in the I.9th year of her age. MrCARTER.-00 the 26th instant, Miss Jane McCarter, aged :ft years. lOCHABT.—On the WO. instant, Mrs. Amelia Lochart, relict of the late Nicholas Lochart, to the 69th year rot s her age. OBITUARY. • Another patriarchlof our city. has terminated his pilgrimage on earth, and departed from amongst us. It is but a short time since SAMITEL BRE= passed into eternity, at the unusual age of more than ninety-one years; and on Monday, the 19th inst., ALEXANDER ELMSLIE likewise was with drawn from this life, in the ninety-first year of his age. At the age of twelve years. in the year 1184, Mr. ELHSLTE came to this country (city) from his birth land, Scotland, and, in connection with Mr. Rolls OLD, as an apprentice, and afterwards as a part ner, was engaged as an importing dry goods mer chant, at No. 35 Chestnut street. Upon the decease of Dlr. OLDRN, Mr. ELMSLIE successfully continued the business in that place for many years thereafter. He was well known to a former generation, and equally esteemed as a man of business as a private gentleman,.and as an unpretending, sincere Chris tian. . lie was an active and useful :member of several of our nubile, institutions-:.tee Bank of North America, of which he wa ;,director; the Pennsylvania Hos pital, as is manager; and his engagements with the late Philadelphia Insuyance Company as a director, and as its president many who survive him will re member with peculiar pleasure and satisfaction—for his conduct throughout his whole career was marked unelll9:Foblty, sinceri and diligence. Until " bout a year ty,_ of his death, Mr.EcarS LIE Was daily abroad by practical de monstrations, the character ne over !sustained= which we all should follow and strive to and when at last he was confined to his room and his bed, he still gave forth the testimony of a true Christian—a firm faith in, and a hopeful,"cheering reliance on, CHRIST, as his Sanctifier and Redeeme. " Age sat with decent grace upon his visage; And worthily became his silver locks lie wore the marks of many years well spent, Of virtue, truth well tried, and wise experience." JANIIART 24, 1863. F. C. BLACK SILK S.-BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, have petted a new stock of BLACK SILKS, Including all the desirable makes and styles, from $1 o $S'5O a yard. Black Alpacas, DI to 633; cents. Black glossy Mohaire, cent.; to 41. Black all wool Sloasselines, 35 to AO cents. Do do do double widths, 75 cents to 41.75. Do English and French Bombazine=. Do Empress Cloths, Bamtheas and Turing. Dn ThibetLoug and Square Shawls, &c. VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND .8-j ARCH, have a. tine assortment of Good Glossy Black Silks. jelo Widows' Silks vrithont gloss. 'PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND -L-4 ARCH, always keep a fine fitock of Staple Household Goode. jalo Best Muslim., Linens, and Flannels. VYRE k LANDELL, FOURTH AND -A-a ARCH, always keep a full line of Mourning Shawls. jalO Fashionable Shawls. Mo REV. D. S. BURNET, OF CINCIN NATI. will preach in the Meeting House on TWELFTII Street. below Melon, THIS EVENING, at quarter before eight o'clock. Baptism at the close of the service. This will be Sr Barnet's last discourse before heleaves the city. It. CITIZENS , VOLUNTEER HOSPI TAL ASSOCIATION, BROAD and PRIME Ste., take pleasure in acknOWledj'ing the following donations for tit- week ending Jan. W.; Proceeds of a Ball, held at Broadway Hall, by the em- Pl , l' ees of Wrn. Sellers & Co.. Jan. 19th, $lll. Part proceeds of a Fair, held by three young ladies, in Chesnnt street, west of Eighteenth, $5O. Proceeds of a Fair, held at Nineteenth and North sts., by Misses Josephine Allen, Lizzie Peters, Annie ar. Clark, and Aura Bates, $ 26; and a liberal donation of shirts, drawers, &c. Proceeds of a Fair, held in the Sabbath school-room of the Alexander Presbyterian Church, Nineteenth and Green streets, by Misses Annie 31. Wilcox, Fannie Kerns, Phoebe Clark, $76. Proceeds If a Pair, held at Twenty-third and Coates streets, by Miss Lizzie Boyd and Elmira Conrad, $3/. From the 3d company Washington Grays, per Effing ham Perot, *31.60. If' From J. S. and E. L. Perot, *10; Mrs. Curtis, $10; a friend, $10; Joseph Perot, * 6: Mrs. F. Mortimer Lewis, !s:i; S. Middleton (brick work). $25; Howell St Bros., pa per hangings; C. F. Mansfield, hanging paper; John Lancaster, hemp matting; Thomas C. Cooper. 1 dozen -brooms, 4 dozen scrubbing, dust and hair bnmhes. 1 dozen combs, shoe blacking and brushes; Derby Hospital Aid Society. 11 wrappers. 26 pillowcases, Spairs slippers, &a.: Cain, Hacker St Cook, 1 car load of coal; TLOS. S. Cahill, 1 ton of coal; Joseph Rerbangh, I load of lime; J. Orne, floor oilcloth : Ladies' Dorcas Society of the First Baptist Church, al shirts and three pairs drawers hints, Relief Association, 6 flannel drawers, 3 woolen s 1 dozen wool socks. slippers and shoes ; Bethlehem Mite Society. S jars Jellies ; Mrs. Tourison, 2 muslin shirts, cakes a nd apples; *Mrs. llebbard, 8 pounds butter and basket of cakes; Chipman It White, 1 dozen brooms; Mrs. Hubbel. lot of lemons and basket of apples: thermometers, from McAllister, J. W. Queen & ,Co., and Mrs. Curtis. Mrs. (lee. J. West, shirts and muslin ; and books front J. L. Cribb and Mrs. 8. Williamson. . lt IMOFFICE OF CITIZENS' COMIIT. TER OW BOUNTY FUND, No. 505 CHESTNUT ititreetl'utLADELPHlA, January 26, Icel." All parties haying any claim or charge acaingtthii Committee will present their account on or before the Ist of FEBRUARY next to the Auditing C.onunittee. Ja26•Gt JOHN R. A DDICK, Chairman. et, above Third. Tae Potts, Lancaster I S Rowlantl L Lancaster co P Lelozetter, Lancaster Win Locher, Lancaster I street, below Vine. W Carson, Bucks co S Buckman, Doling,ton, Pa J Watson, Bucks co S ELy, Bucks co - A R W Knight, Feasterville E Paul Horsham W Kitchen, Bucks co ' 43 W Moore, Bucks co M Jarrett, Montgomery J Farrell it la, Doylestown i J Meredith, Pennsylvania T Burns, Bucks co J-Xisiter, Bucks co A'Snyder, Chester co eet, above Callowhill. Frank Buckman,' Middle twit De vid'N Bear, Oley B B Smith, Weisauburg Daniel B Loose, Reading Amos Delvers, Fox Chase Isaac E Woodraff, Allentwn W T Shaffer, Chester spring Eli Cadwalaaer, Doylestwn John Hersh, Pennsburg A. Del. Doylestown Olivet' ,Tauney, Yardleyvle Las Al Buckman, Yardleyve MD CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—THE Examination of Candidates for admission wilt commence on MONDAY. the td day of February, at 9 o'clock A. M. A candidate, to be admitted to the Examination, must be thirteen years of age; must be a resident of PHl:Wei phia, and he must have passed at least one year in ono of the Public Echuols of the First School District of Penn syl vani a. The following will be the order of Examination: MOND aY,Febrnary 2—Mensuration and Orthography. TI7I , SDAY. February 3—Theory of Arithmetic. WEDNESDAY, February 4—Grammar, Principles and Parsi IHUESDAY, February 6—Practical Arithmetic and Definitions. FRIDAY. PobruaryS—Constitution of Chd , United. States. 1a23-wfm3t NICHOLAS H. DIAHIII E, Principal. 111;> THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL, meeting or the WOMAN'S UNION MISSIONARY SOCIETY, &e., will be held on TIIURSD AY, the -29th inst., 3.14, P. M . at 1733 ARCH Street,' or on the following day, should it be stormy on Thursday. Full attendance of members desired, Addresses from clergymen ex pected. SARAH .1. HALE, k i te President. THE ANNUAL .MEETING. OF THE SOCIETY OE THE UNION TEMPORARY ROME kOR CHILDREN will be held at the HOME, Northeast corner of POPLAR and SIXTEENTH Streets, on TH.U.W.- DAY, 29th instant, at 4 o'clock P. M , at which time and place an election will be held for Board of enamel and Board of Managers to serve for three peers. jnsi-3t• D. C. McCAMMON, Secretary, M.OFFICE OF THE FULTON COAL CONPANT, No. 30 South WHEW street.—An Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, hud au Election of five Directors to serve the ensuing yer, will be held at the Office of the Company on the 2d proximo, at eleven o'clock A. M. - CHAS. d. FOLWELL, ja2B-bt Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-A.R. TO THE ARMY Aiilo NAVY, PHILADEL PHIA. October 24, 1862. . Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT &root. B. FRANK. PALMER, ja.9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. IM=.• INSURANCE COMPANY - OF THE STATE OF :PENNSYLVANIA—JAN: 26th, 1863. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder - 6 will be held at the Conmany'F, Office, Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANG E BUILD ING. on MONDAY, February 2,1863, at 12 o'clook noon. ja2G•St WM. HARPER, Secretary, MU. S. CHRISTIAN COHHISSION.— The First Anniversary of the .1 1 S. CHRISTIAN COMMIS -lON FOR THE ARMY' AND NAVY will be held on THURSDAY EVENING next, the 29th inst., at 75E a'clock;in the AC A.DEMY OF MUSIC. An abstract of the Annual Report will be presented and Addresses delivered by Bishop Simpson, Wm. E. Dodge, Esq., of New York, and several other distinguished Speakers, whose names will be announced hereafter. Tickets, limited to the capacity of tho. Academy, may be had gra tuitously on and after Monday, the 26th, at Mutton's. 606 Chestnut street. and the Tract llous.e, 929 Chestnut street. The doors will be open at .7 o'clock, and no one admitted without a ticket. GEO. H. STUART, Philadelphia, E. S. JANES, New York, CHARLES DEMOIYD, Roston, JOHN P. CROZER; Philadelphia • JOs.. PATTERSON, Philadelphia, JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, )xecutive Comittee. Tbe MEMBERS OF, THE conussroN from different Parts of the country will meet on WEDNESDAY; the 28th, at 336 P. DI, at the Rooms of the Yonng Men's Christian Association, Nos. 1009 and.'lo ILI CHESTNUT Street. ja2t 4t' r3HOMCEOPA.TITIC HOSPITAL, 1118 CIPISBERT Street.=This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received aud. provided for in the most comfortable manner, iree of charge. . 0 B. F. GLENIi, .ne22-tf Secretary of Board of Managers. r..ju. UNION CANAL COMPANY, PHICA.- 1110 DELP.HIA, Januaty.l4, 1863.-. The Annual Meet ing of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be held at No 228 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February 3d,1863, at 11 o'clock A. M. jal6-tfe3 0. THOMPSON, Secretary. M.NOTICE. —TUE - ANNUAL MEET— ING of the Stockholders of the WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the CHARTER ROLLIE, in the borough of Media, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of February, 1963, at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time and place an election will be held for officers, to serve the ensuing year, By order of the Board. ja2 4 .3-frowtfelo A. LBWIS SMITH, Secretary MPHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD.--The Annual Meeting of; the Stock holders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the office, No. 230 WALNUT Street, on Monday, the 9th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At this meeting an election will beheld for Ten Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. ' The polls will close at 2 o'clock, R M. j a 21-wfm fe9 W. ED WARD SPOFFORD. Secretary. OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, January J 2. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meeting a - the Stockholders of this Company wilt be held on MONDAY, - the second day of February,lBs3, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the RANSOM-STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the second day of March, me, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. ial3-tfe2 EDMUND Still CH. Secretary. OFFICE HUNTINGDON A N D BROAD TOP MOUVTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, 258 Sonth THIRD Street—Pstuannuent,t, Janu ary 28,1883. The Coupons due February Ist, 1563, on the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company. will be paid on presen tation at their office, (wand after that date. in 9 X-6t J. P. ARRTSBN, TreaSurer. NOTICE.—AT MEETINGS OF TELE CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held an the 6th and 9th instant, the following resolutions were p assed and ordered to be published : Resolved, That notice be given that the Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee will discontinue the payment of bounties and compensation to captains after the 31st January instant, except in such oases as they may have already obligated themselves to pay after that date. Resolved, That the Committee will, as soon as practi cable, after the Ist of February next, make a report to the subs.clibers to the Fond. Resolved, That the Committee will rey Fifty Dollars bounty to each recruit mustered in in the city of,Plllla-. delphia, on or before the Slat January instant, (exCept ing deserters, substitutes, and absentees and those who have received any bounty from the oity-of Philadelphia.) for the fellowit g—viz Segebarth's Artillery. Peyton's Cavalry, Roberts' Artillery, U. S. Regulars, U. S. Marines, Old Philadelphia Volunteer Regiments. Said payment to be made whenever the recruit is de. finitively in service in the field, or in a fort, garrison, navy yard, or ship of the United States. Resolved, That all payments under the foregoing reso lutions be made in accordance with the 'forms adopted by the Disbursing Agency THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. LORIN BLODGET. Secretary. ialo-tja3l MOFFICE OF THE - FLEE INST.!. ANCE COMPANY OF TUE COUNTY OF P.IH LADAI PIHA.—JANLARY V:116.3. At a Meeting ofthe Stockholders of the saidCo n nmui, held on MOD. AY, the 19th inst., the following gentle. Men were duly electei Directors for the ensuing year— to Wit; Charles J. Sutter, Henry Frederick St:lobar, George 3fecke. Andrew U. Miller, And at a Meeting of the Ca' CHARLES J. SUTTER' Esa ed President BE d ia26 St MILITARY. BOARD OF TRADE. RIFLE 0:1DIOIAIDIZVA 156th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA. VOW A: • BOUNTY. RECRUITS WANTED for the above fine regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit- Durand in camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this reenneut will receive the following bounties: Cash in hand on being mnsteredin when the company is fun. when the regiment is full At the expiration of service Total $176 None but men of good character received, AppiT at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CILEST?iIIT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN, ColoneL W. A. MINIM Adjutant. de24-tf IdaCONTENENIXAL CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MKN wanted to complete Companies now neuiy full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re• ferences, and who have seen service. dell-tf COPARTNERSHIPS. ......Nnev,,Ann",wwwvvinnovvvvvvvvvvwwww.""nnovv• nis S OL ITT I 0,1%.T SIP COPARTNER SHIP.-The copartnetnio heretofore existing be tween ANN W. McNEELY and CHARLES W. McNEELY, under the firm of MeNEELY & Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Ann W. McNeely retiring. CHARLES W. SVNEELY, of the late firm of McNeely & Co., and ROBERT K. McNEELY, having associated themselves under the style and firm of 1101.1ERLY & Co., will continue as heretofore, the Morocco Leather Manu facturing business at the old stand, 64 Korth FOURTH Street. They respectfully solicit of their friends and the trade a share of their patronage, and a continuance of the business relations so long enjoyed with them.. CBARLES W. EcITEELY, ROBERT K. MONEELY. Philadelphia, January 1, ISel. WS-2V FINANCIAL. U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES ! TWSN'rY-YLSit. Sig Pkit OSIIT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION Or V£ll CIVVEHNMENT AFTER FIVE TEMPI. I am instructed DT the SECRETARY dif TREA - BURY to receive rabseriDUons for the above LOAN AT PAR. Intermit. will commence from the DATE OF SITESCREP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub -Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the fret days of May and November of each year. At the present PEIMUIIt 011 GOLD. these Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent. per annum, A fan supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGBNT, No6-tmhl 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOOK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 somas THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE TEE MECEINICE' EARL STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT TEM BOARD or BROXSIM MONEY INVESTED, AND NOM AND LOANS 'NEGOTIATED ON TM • .. BEST TERMS. S . 11.4111TWE THOHAS,... STOCK ANE!.BTIJIA BROKER. No. 3151 wm.aarr STREET STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 11. S. GOVERN MINT SECIIICITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex oltuively. • Basins? Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myer? & Co .. Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., VII - 0 . 1113J‘ - )l3q. del6-3mit MONEY TO INVEST.-PERSONS ' 44 -a- wishing to make safe investments of money on the security or Beal Bstate in the State of Delaware, can ob tain all the necessary information in relation thereto by addressing B. B. COMBOVS. ja24-w&s3m Ai the Philadelphia Bank. $8,000.011 a Fa rm in C i PeAte l count t _ AN A p T ra r to jaS E. PETI'IT, 309 r wZirr area. THE PRESS.-PIIIIADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28. 1863. Robert V. Massey, John Horn, • Joseph Moore, I Henry Budd, I James N. Stone. • id Directors, held This DAY, , was unanimously re-elect lAMlN F. HORCKLRY. Secretary. MILITARY GOODS EVANS ife, HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 41.13 ARON STREET. PHILADELPHIA. SWORDS, SASHES,' BELTS,'; &C., And everything necessary for the complete outfit of ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ja27-lm G W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANSOBLSTREET HALL; PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTIMER3 OF .11:w hLRY. FINE 'SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY .VARIETY ja.B4f6m COMMISSION MOIUSES. JOHN T. BAILEY & CO. BAGS AND BAGGING OF ETERF DESCRIPTION, NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, 3a27-6ra ift PITITADELPIIIA. SEAMLESS BAGS. - LEWISTON A, MANHATTAN. HAMPDEN E, For sale, by GRIGG & HARIVISTEAD, No. 21 STRA.WEERRY Stied ARMY GOODS. DARE-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLIIE CAP CLOTHS. ' SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKE'I'S, STANDARD WEIGHT. IS-OUNCE DUCK. • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND,DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT ERGS. For' sale by FROTHINGH A Tfor & wELLS. serif tt RETAIL DRY GOODS. AF M RROIDERI, H ITE_ GOODS, E and - HOSIERY, at Wholesale Prices. The subscribers offer one of the best selected and largest assortments of White Goods, Hosiery, and Staple Embroideries, Trimmings, dm, to be found in the city, to which they respectfully Invite the attention of the ladles. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sr ARRISON, ials-12trp 100 S CHESTNUT Street. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Nos. 1 AND 3 NOETB snag STREET JOHN O. ARRISON, (FORMERLY 3. BURR MOORS,) IMPORTER AND biAIiiTFACTITRER OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES N. B.—Pertionlar attention given to the making of:Shirts, Collars, Drawers, &c FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. • J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, - 110. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, 'jal7•tf • Four doors b4low the ContinentM. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. . 4 1 4 ..•1F I 1 B by WATO mostll. REPAIRING :as. attended to, the experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. 0. RUSSELL, ja23-6m • 2SIi 'North .SIXTH Street. • . TINE AMERICAN .AND i4V., IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry. and Sil verware, at the lowest possible prices, • O. •RIISSEI.I.; jart.P3rn . . 22 North SlXTMStreet. M . IOROSOOPIO ....PROTOGRXPHIO . EL SIMONS. ifeStOTJEIER, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS ANDIMPOITEES, ..• Have just received, direct from Paris. a large assort ment of the above novel and beautiful articles, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and public metrof this city and State: together with officers.of the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings. FOR SALE TO"tHE TRADE, and to be had at all the principal jewelers, opticians and fancy stores in the city. ja&lilut a D. T. PRATT, (soccassoa TO mar 6z mamma 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly in receipt of . , ENGLISH. SWISS. AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable • styles 'and Qualities, to suit all obias l es of buyers. . nolSamif ill _ • ELI:HOLDEN; eaur ins AKERICAN A ND IMP in ORTED WATCHES, 08 JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS oe3l-45ne 7 m.einurr &met At• A URRIOAN W.A./VEX% GOLD AND SILVIIR GAME. • JOS IL WATSON, atit4m No. 346 OEESTNDT Street a WATCHES, JEW - ELIO% &O. A FRESH ARSORTHEXF AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. ' FA_RR & BROTHER, Importers. mh2C-tf 324 CHESTIWT Street, below Fourth. HOLIDAY GOODS. • pHoToGRARgia Aumpas— A . large variety for Nam= j#l . -ibasaidf 924 CRPAITNUT Strom. MICROSCOPES, - SPECTACLES, - AND spy4rAsinis, for Prlefl.,V FY. QUSEN ig _ • &Banff . 924 CHESTNUT Street. O GL ASSES , OPERA. I , " GLASSES. For sale I)7____ JAMS W. QUEEN ar CO., del3-3mlf 924 CHESTNUT Street. . LADIES? ;7 FURS. . . • LAPTPW .4 '4 l4 °Y 477.1 3 ,gs r • " • . • . .. • • eibAR 'PARETRA, No. 718 ARCH EITBERT, BELOW EIGHTH. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of fancy Furs for Ladies and Childiellk is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at" the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. 0c3.4m1f: TORS, PA., January 96. 3I ESSRS. EVANS 1E 'WATSON-- GEN7LEMEN:- In reply to your inquiry in re'ration to the SAFE pnr- chased of you, and how it stood the teet by the fire which occurred November last, we answer, oar entire factory. together with a large quantity of lumber Su and around the factory was eutirely consumed. The Safe•was in that portion of the building where the heat was most In- tensie: It contained a large amount of valuable papers, which, when the-tale was opened, were found in a per- feet condition. Although the Safe has the marks of fire on the out - Ade, we shall be able to nge ii with a littbare- Txttr of the locks Yours trills', A large assortment of the aboce Safes on hand at our No. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET EVANS 4.t WATSON. . . OLD: SILVER WANTED IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. . Highest price Maass given • ja2i-Seit BECI3.TEL; & ENO. MATESTILLS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH, LATER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS, SPICES, CIDER WINE, Am, Sm. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. - DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, '445-11tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE ST& ',JAMES M:',WizS , TOVEL, 'CLAW. Master au& in Chancery. jaSam• 113. Street Camden. N. OZARK, HOUSATONIC, HAMPDEN B, 3a24-taps ILGEYPRITZ & WHI NEW PUBLICATIONS. pIIBLISHED THIS DAY VERNER'S PRIDE. A NEW COPYRIGHT NOVEL BY MRS. HENRY WOOD, AUTHOR 9Y"EAST GYNNI." VERNER'S PRIDE ! VEIMER'S PRIDE BY MRS. HENRY WOOD. VERNER'S PRIDE:- A TALE OF DOMESTIC LIFE. By Mrs. HENRY - WOOD, Author of "East Lynne," "The Earl's Heirs," " The Channings," "A Life's Secret," "The Mystery," "The Castle's Heirs," "The Runaway Match,' etc., etc., is published this day, printed from the Author's manuscript, which was purchased by us from her at a very large price, and the work is issued here a month in advance of the publication or com pletion of the wo/k in Europe. It is coinplete in two 4arge octavo volumes of 400 pages, large type; double• column, and is printed on the finest and hest of white paler. .Price Fifty Cents a volume, in paper cover, or One'Dollar and-Twenty-thm cents in. cloth. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON 4 - BROS. 306 CHESTNUT Street:Philadelphia, To whom all orders must come addressed: Copies of "-Verner's Pride," will lieaent to any one, free of postage on remitting One Dollar to, the publisheis. Booksellers, News'gents, and. all others, will please Send en their orders at once, for what they want of this book,which will prove to be the most popular book yet written by Mrs. WOOD, far surpassing "East Lynne." .A ddress all orders at once to the publishers, -T. B. PETERSON & - BROS., 306 CHESTNUT Street; Philadelphia, And - - they will receive immediate attention, c • E E L PUBLISHED' ON TUESDAY, Jan. 27th, . • DAVID COPPER - FIELD, BY OTT ARLES DIORFNS Uniform with their elegant HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF THE WORKS OF CHARLES • ' DICKENS,. -With Designs 'by Danny and Gilbert, 4 velar 1.6m0. Ptice iwyelhim Cloth, per vol., 1. Price in Half Calf, per vol., $1.63. The designs in this work are superb, and are well worth the price aaked for the volumes. Vol. 7.-", When an ugly Old Man," &c." Desigued by Darley, engraved by Balch. VOL "Janet - i Donkeys!" Designed by. barley, engraved by Gir.seh, Vol. 3." Copperfield, Traddles, and the two elderly la, `• dies." t Designed. by Gilbert, engraved by Hirtsbiewood. Vol. 4. "Saved from Destruction." Designed by barley engraved by Pease. For sale by all Booksellers. ' jalS-2t PHOTOGRAPH A.LBI,J MS e. Of every variety of SIZE. STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE. THE CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! CARTES DE VISITE , • in endless variety, together with an immense stock of ; STANDARD'AND lIISCELLANEDUE LITERATURE,' AT TU OLD. PRICES I • A HANDSOME - P . H.E.S EN T - Accompanies every Bo& sold 1 Lovers of Choice Goods, at Low Rates, Fair Dealing, and Polite Attention, patronize the GREAT ORIGINAL GIFT•BOOK EMPORIUM, ialttf 439 CHESTNUT Stied. NEW NOVF,L.BY , THE AUTHOR OF AITkORA'YLOTD! LADY AUDLEY'S. SECRET. A NOVEL. BY MISS M: E. BR AD DON, AUTHOR OF "AURORA FLOYD," " JOHN MARCH • MONTE LEGACY," "THE L.9DY LISLE," Sc. CLOTH 75 CENTS. PAPER 50 CENTS This Novel. has caused an immense excitement in Lon don, and will have an enormous sale here. The English press pronounce it to be far superior to' " Tnr. Woman Warm," "Rum Lyn xis," or any of the celebrated'noveLs that haire made their appearance in the literary -world for the past two or three years, and the furore it 4,1 s created threatens to make for it a sale even greater Wu 'ictor. ifugo's•Leit - 4iairradasi •• • • - Published by DICK S. FITZGERAD, AlEo for Bale by all Bookseller's in this place.. • Copies of the above book sent by mail to any address, froe of postage, on receipt of the price. ja2Bmwfr3t jst • .11.UGO'S'. ; 4 41-4-11 r . LESMISETtAI3 . LES. A NEW LIBRARY EDITION In five elegant duodecimo volumes, clearly printed %rah large type, on tine white paper, beautifully bound in cloth, price one dollar per volume. . - PAR Published this day. The 'four remaining volumes to follow immediately. Every reader and admirer of "Les Miserablea" (and who has not read and admired this the grandest work of fiction ever penned), will be charmed with this New Edition, so convenient to hold, so pleasant to read, and so ornamental to the library. The thousands • and tens of thonsands who have read andtthrown aside the cheaper editions, have now an op portunity for rereading and preserving in a more • attrac tive and valuable form this superb novel, and .the,Pnb lisher believes that in thus presenting so handsome an edition of a work that has already become a classic, he Will merit the apProbatiOn of every lover of fine books. *.*Copies sent by mail fiee on receipt of price, VI, by ARLE TO N, Publisher, New York, jal . o:swif 413 BROADWAY, cor. LISPRNARD et VALENTINES -FISHER & BRO.L. Our splendid assortment of Valentines are offered to the trade on liberal terms. $lO, 815, $2O VALENTINE LOTS. -Each lot a full retail assortment. FISHER Sr BROTHER, ja2B-31.*1f 12 North SIXTH Stree 1863 -THE BRITISH. AND FO : REIGN MEDICO-CHIRITE.GICA.L REVIEW. and .Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and. Sur fferY; No. 61, for January, 1663. LONDON EDITION NOW READY. ' Terms $6 per annum, payable strictly in advance. ALSO. THE PHYSICIAN'S VISITING LIST. Published an nually, various sizes and_Prices. MEDICAL .AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Always on lviad :At low priceki. • ' LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, • • • Publishers and Booksellers, 'an No. 213 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut SEVEN Pa 1110USAND.-WILL BE " ready . THIS ItIORNING, the -Seventh Thousand of HOW A FRBE PEOPLE CONDUCT A LONG-WAR .4 Chapter from English History. By Charles J. Salle. Price 15 cents, or eight copies for one dollar. Washed by WU. S. ALFRED MAETCEN, j af).2 - . No. 600 CHESTNUT Rtreet, p.A.MPHLETS..--THE- AMERICAN 1••• Iwg.:4;L__ m M R v . Newan al ,1 LL. D. A liqqtlart —,Pa11.4. - 'l4 4111111 LIL , livered'in London, Ociooef. 4 Lis Letters on a National currency . By E. Lord. M cents. Reneck's • Report Revieireo In the Light of Pacts. 16 cents. The Future of the Colored Race - in America. By Wm. Alkman. 20 cents, Operations of the United States Sanitary Commission derma - the Campaign in Maryland: 15 cants Conditions of Peace, a' Thanksgiving Discourse, by Rev. Albert Barnes. % cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTON. jalg • 606 CHESTNUT Street. TH E • RISEN REDEEMER. - THE -L. GOSPEL HISTORY FROM THE RESURRECTION TO THX DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W. Xnisiunacher, D. D. O. THE THOUGHTS OF GOD.' By Rev. J. R. Macanfi. ISmo. 50 cents. - A TEAR WITH ST.. PAUL • OR, FIFTY-TWO LES. SONS FOR THE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR. By Chas. E. Knox. SI. . HELPS OVER HARD MIXES. Stories for Girls 40 cents. BEEPS OVER- HARD PLACES. Stories for Boys 40 cents. For sale br _ WILLIAM S. it ALFRED NASTIER. Jan No. 806 caws . nrirr street. ALECTURE - FOR YOUNG 11 - RN, Just. publiebed,price 6 cents, a new edition of the W late Dr. CULVERELL'S CELE BRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Bottom, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment, without IfiatiCtrie., is fully explained, so 88 to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal in a plain envelope, io any address, Post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamp.. Address the publishers. CH. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 BOWlfalr, New York, n04 1 3m if Post Office Box 4.666. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. W• BROTHERUBADS .01110ITILLV .. TING• LISNIRT.II , the NEW Ruttish and Ainerlearrßookejnelnding" ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY. Librarr in the eon.ntry that Includes 1111 the NEW ENGLISH. BOOKS that are not REPRINT- Memo IS per year ; dx:nionlis 113; three months;MO; onB * o ath 711 cents. or S•cents nor Any. 218 South ReS4hu PHOTOGRAPHS. ". I *.VVVVVVVrA.N.N.WWWW,WAJNOVVVWk TEE UNIFORM EXCELLENCE EVI -A- DINT in REI3IKIPS Colored PHOTOGRAPHS for xl is only produced . by careful and competent Artists, Each as found at SECOND Street, above Green. it JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, No. 908 ARCH STREET, Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, PROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO TER IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by most EXPERIE.NCED ARTISTS. Those wishing first-clasa pictures are invitod to call and examine specimens. - A choice selection of Albums, cases, and frunes, on hand. F. A. 0. &NIPS. del7-3m . • • *NATURAL EXPRESSION.AN ERMAci and ' expmssion is noticeable in 'S* lifeake Photographs in oil colon.; the beet .potiraite,iietic„ SECOND Street, above Green. War FOR HAIR . DYEING. SIVAITPOOING, or x DELICIOUS BATH. go to FOUBN • iltehl BRANCH Streets . jaNI IW VERNER'S PRIDE! No. 3.13 *INN STREET; N. Y: FRANKLIN FIRE INSITRANOE CONPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Nos. ins AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital 8100,000 00 Perpetual Premiums 1611,973 19 Lees Five Per Cent 47,148 66 896,824 63 Unexpired Temporary Premiums.. 190,581 06 Less for the portion of time oz. pared on Policies over one year.. 19,038 40 111,525 66 Surplus 921,766 11 Total • • • • ............ ••.$2.50416 33 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OP THE COMPANY ON JANUAR 1,1883, IPublished in 'conformity .with the provisions of the sixth 'section of the Act of Assembly of April 5t1:61812: • MORTGAGES. On property 'valued at over $4,000,000, first . Mortgages on Real Estate in the City and County of Philadelphia, except $l-1,629.92 la the neighboring Counties $1,993,93146 REAL ESTATE, • Purchased at Sheriff' Salmi under hfortgago claims, viz: Eight Mouses and lot, S. W. corner Chestnut and Seventeenth streets A house and lot, north side of Spruce street, west of Eleventh Two houses and lots, south side Spruce street. near Sixteenth street Five houses and lots, Nos. 521, 523, 526, 527, and 579.Dillwyn street Three houses and lot, east side Seventeenth street, south of Pine ; Hotel and lot, S. E. corner . Chestnut and Beach streets Five houses and lot, north side of George street, west of Ashton street Seven houses and lot, east side of Beach street, south of Chestnut street A house and lot, Fitzwater street, east of Ninth street A. ground rent of $3O on lot. north side Otter street; west of Leopard street 87 lots of ground. on Buckleyetreet and Quer . velle avenue, Bristol - A house and lot, south side 'Stiles street, east - of Sixteenth street . , A hohse and lot, east side Front street, north. of Cherry street, Kensington . Two houses and lots, north side Filbert street, west of Eighth street - Five houses and lot, north side Dauphin at., east of Coral street • - A house and lot, east side Sixteenth street, south of Chestnut street A. h ouse and lot, west side Bread street, south of Race street A house and lot, north side Penu . street, west of HaY-street, Pittsburg - A house and lot, south side Filbert street, - West of Sixteenth street Two houses and lots on corner of Frankford road and Auburn street, fronting on Frank ' ford road.. , ... . ... . . . Total, surteye ' d and. 'Valued at $139,322.47, east, $128,970 LOANS; Temporary em.porary Loans on . ...,•. I • oo kE'. 23 ‘2::liiateral so curtly (valued at $149,33,5) $81,625 77 STOCKS. . 0.0,000 Almshouse Loan, 5 per cent ••••• • • • • 200 shues Bank of Kentucky - Northern Bank of Kentucky...—. 100 Union Bank ofTennessee.... 1.3 " Insure. ace Company of the . BtaM - of Pennsylvania ... . 200 " Southwark Railroad Co.— . 37 " Commercial and. Railroad Bank, , • 'Vicksburg ' 300 - Pennsylvania Railroad Co. . . ... 91 -" Franklin Fire Insurance Co 24 - " Union Canal Company 2 " Continental Hotel Company WOO Continental Hotel Bonds.. ... . $lO,OOO Pennsylvania State six-per-cent. Loan of May, 1861 00,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds.. s9oo , North Pennsylvania Railroad con - pon Scrip $lOO Philadelphia City Loan $596 Philadelphia City Warrants Total market: value, $88.378.16, cost -Notes and . Bills receivable... ... Cash on hand . • Cash in the hands of agents...... REAL ESTATE. 'lSfaiket -- .. . Cost, as above.. - .; . .. Advance is value STOCKS, 84,901 0 $98,375 1 56 Market value. '• •• • • Cost, as above Advance hi value LOSSES BY FIRE LOSSES PAID - DURING THE TEAR 1863, - • $89,798 11 • • - • By order of the Board, CHAS. N. BANCKER, President Attest—SAE. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary pro. tem. DIRECTORS. [David S. Brown, Isaac Lea, Edward C. Dale, . George Fates, . ..- Alfred Filler. • BANCKER„President. ) C..DLLE, 'Vice President. !ataxy pro tern. • ja2l-wfm6t Chas. N. Bancker, • • Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, CHAS. N. . EDWAIt Jas. W. MCALLISTER, Sec T E INSURANCE COMPANY, -A- OFFICE, - No. 406 CHESTNUT Street.. ELPHIA, January 27. 186$. The following starel l e i r INSURANCE COMPANY of their condition on the -als - t day of Dec em ber, 1562, is published in accordance with an act of As• .sembiy: Capital. authorized and sub Scribed Amount paid in. ASSETS - - Dods and mortgages 'Demand loans, on collatetals• :Philadelphia City 6 per cents ;Dolled States 6 per cents Real e s tate Bills receivable 1,432 `33 Interest accrued 3 333 CO Balances due from agents, open poli cies, ,kc 4,133 92 Cash In band ' 2,324 03 Instalments on stock not called in, and for which stcckholders are indi vidually liable RECEIPTS FOR 1661 Premiums on fire risks, amounting to n 487,567 $1.1,165 16 Premiums on inland risks, amounting to 310,661 Interest LOSSES. EXPENSES. &o. Fire losses - - ,7,136 64 Expenses—rent, adveitising, taxes i Sce 2,34816 Commissions 641 15 Salaries - 1,800 00 • $12,115 95 $1,256 70 1.215 77 F. N. BUCK) President... W. L BLANCHARD, Secretary. . jll2B-wfm St Dividends Amount at risk UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE PANY OF. NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS, President. • JOHN SADIE, Secretary. • CAPITAL:AND SURPLUS $900,000. The business of this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash..principle, which is now fully recognised as the only correct principle. The law under which this Company is chartered pro vides that, if the capital should, from any cense, become impaired to the extent of $23,000, or snore, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make good such deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which affords this safeguard to pollee holders_ Dividends declared, every three .Years, the next on March 4th, 1565. Rates of premium charged by this Company are as low as 200 years' experience and the probable. future rate of interest will justify. 0. BARDENWERPKR, Agent, . JO. 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCE& Joseph- Pattersoni Esq., President Western Bank, Hon. Archibald Mclntyre Treasurer U. S. Mint, & Messrs Jay Cooke Co., B ankers. Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co.; Bankers.. Messrs. Stuart Sr. Brother , Bank street. dell)-wfm3m GIRARD FIRE AN'D MARINE INSURA4NCE COMPANY OFFICE, 415 WADA mum PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL szoo,ooo. This Company continices to• take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the hermit of the public, during the last 21.118 years, exceed :` 500,000 DOLLARS andtwe respectfully solicit its favor in the future DIRECTORS. , • I . CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. E.‘ REARM? • ABRAHAM HART, DAVID'BOYD, IR., PETER-S. HOE, of N. Y.t WM. M. SWAIN, YURIWI SHEPPARD, . JOSEPH %LAP ,P M:D., N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS DRAKE, JOHN SUPPLER. ' THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETTiThe Preeident, JAS. B. ALVORD. Secretary. . , an26tftf FAME DTBUILAN 406 CHIETNIIT StreaW F ; 11113 DIREC Francis N. Rusk, Chas. Richardson, - Henry Lewis. Jr., John 'W. liver:ran, Philip 8. Justice, 0. W. D&YRyyNCI6 R. BU CHARLES RIC: WILLIAMS I. IlL,Ver , • U. S, INTERNig, REVpNITE. AGENCY FOR Tail . "SALE OF UNITED STATES- TAX STAMP No. 57 South 7EIXD Street, Int - door aboTo Inekt4stat. A fall supply 4)1'0 MINN of MOTLiffirs STA.3I1 1 3 that have been iz tLed by the 6folonrineat fficrr sale is quantities to snit. A liberal discount allowed 011 SrTiosti]itit Of WI and up wards. - • • • Orders by Mall promptly attended to. JACOII E. RID - GI/Mir, • de9-51n No. 57 South Tift*Diffeet. UNITED STATES INTERNAL' VE NUE—THIRD COLLECTION DlSTRlCT:V."?.rsisyl yenta, comprising Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth. Roam teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the city* of Philadelphia: • NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named Dia:riot, of all persons liable to a Tax 'on Car riages, Pleasure Yachts,. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also Of all persons required to take out Licenses, having been completed, notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the. horns of 9 A. M. and 3P. 31., (Sundays excepted) at his office, Southwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW, Streets, on and after MONDAY February 2d,'lStZt, and until and including SATURDAY; the Mst day of the same soilth:___ PENALTIES. All persona who tail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Eleasure Yachts, Billiard -Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 21st of Febru ary, IS€3, will incur a penalty of ten per centnm addi tionel of the amount thereof, and costs,_asprovided for in the 19th section of the Excise Law of July 1, 1.961. All persons who, in like manner, shall fail to take out their Licenses, as requited by law, on or before the 21st of February l 63, will incur a penalty of THREE TIMES THE A3IOMIT OF., SAID LICENSES, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th sedtlon of — the Excise Law aforesaid. . . . J: Jar' MOLI:Aof the United States only recelsed. A9' No fn 'her notice will be_glyen. LLIAM J. WAL. • IGHT. Collector, jal7-iltt S. W. nor. THIRD. and WILLOW. Sta. 7r V OILY P ES: THE, :TASTEFUL -a- able of arraiieinent axed ooloring;eeen iD REIMER'S No types cannot fail to please an appre ciating public. SECOND Street, above Green. ,it LADIES'HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, Curls, Prizing, Gossamer Ventilated Wigs, Venn's,. ted Scalps of Superior Manufacture. Prices are lower than those of any other establishment BAKER'S, • No. 909 CHESTNUT Street. M . . DR FINE, PRALCTICAL.;;DEN . TIST for the last twenty , yeari, 219 VINE St., below Third, inserts the most bea utifuITEETH of the age, mounted on tine Gold, Platina, Silver, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, &c., at Prices„.for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plagged to last for life. Artificial Teeth re• paired to snit. No pain in extracting. No charges nu , til salletlai 41 is right Reference, best families. 3a19-3m MbrurMS SAFE DEPOT RE iOVILD to No. n South SEVENTH Street, near eFranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, baa secured an elegant and convenient sto re, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made). Also. Lillie 's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. L.Wie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be tarnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. • Also, particular attention Is called lo'LLUle's Cabinet Safe. for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is con. ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, and Is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. &mow; Ncrricg.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring. & Co.'s Safes, mostc.of them nearly new, end some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately, exchanged for the Dow celebrated Lilbe Safe. They will be sold at Yen low Prince. Please call and. examine. iats4.3.if !IL C. SkDLIH. &z it, 81,001 50 1,549 50 $54.703 4.3 10,603 60 75,312 03 $2,35),29103 C.:38,312. 47 123,g71:1 77 ',73g 392,116 39 ..8100,000 00 65,495 00 • 488,015 00 • • 12,886 00 8,180 00 .. 4.000 00 .. 2,600 00 311A0 00 51D7,811 S 7 6514,909 S 6 E COMPANY, NO. maul lA. ' D INSURAINCI TORS. • • I IL D. Woodruff, Geo. A West, ' John Kessler, Jr., Chas. Stokes, A. K. Rosenheira • Josef D. - _ oON, Vice Prealde4,_ • I), Secretary. Cjals-1111. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-THE GOOD-WILL AND Flxtures' of the Western Exchange Rotel, 1509 MARKET Street Philatrelphia. The preeent occupant leaves to go to his own place in the country, Ace %mine. dations for 1:10 men and 150 horses. Possession gives on the let of March. 3a28-3tc CHESTNUT -STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A valuable ,naeasuage and LOT OF GROUND, on the North side of CHESTNUT Street, twen ty-four feet east of EIGHTH Street, 41 . feet front by 176 feet iu depth to Jayne street,' Terms accommodating. APIA Y to A. B. CARVER & CO., 5a22,6t* NINTH and FILBERT Streets, ..itSPLENDID MANSION AND ea . COGRTRY SEAT FOR SALE.—The subscriber ;.11%- , offers for sale the very,elegant kiAIsISLON HOUSE, and EIGHT ACRES appurtenant thereto, situate at the corner of MAFREIM and 'GREEN Street's, Germantown. The Souse is Gn . feet square, built in the best style, with large Saloon Parlor, Dining Rooms, and Paniry; con taining a fine Fire-proof built in the wall, nod Kitcben on the first.door, four- large Chambers, L brary, end Bath Room on the second floor, and four Chambers on the third floor. The Staitzeae is 'of solid oak. There is Hot and Cold Water, with stationary 1i ashstands and Gas, in every room. The Cellar is very dry and paved throughout. The Stable and Darn are of the most durable character. There are a number of old Evergreen Shade Trees ear r"uuding the Rouse, with French Fruit Trees and Grape Vines, making it a most attractive place of resid-nce. The premises are but a few minutes' walk from the Main street arid the. Wayne Ettitioii - en' the Germantown Railroad. For further particulars'apply to - -LEWIS REDNER, ja2S-Wn22o. - - .. No.. 113 A-South-FOURT H Street. „ r i t TO LET,-THE _MACHINE SHOP, No.I33ELFRETH'S Alley. ADDIy to WETHERILL & BROTHER, ja.2l-tf . 47 North SECOND Street. 4211F0R SAL E—A DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, comprising fourteen acres of Around and a brown-painted sanded brick House, containing eleven rooms, :a" large hall, and open stair way, with hot and cold water in bath-room, which is in the second story. The house, one-quarter of a mile from the river.shore, on an eminence, commands an un surpassed view of the Delaware, on which the grounds have a front of about 000 feet. The property is situated on the Wilmington turnpike. twenty miles below Phi ladelphia,, a quarter of a mile from Hollyoke, _sad one mile from Clayinont Stations, Philadelphia. Wilming ton, and Baltimore Ra!ilroad. T; is, is, good stabling and a carriage -house.. Apply to . WM. B. LODGE, . . Or to Near the premises, E. t.ANV, -ia27-12V , No. SO4 I ,VALNUT Street, Phila. ha TO LET-A LARGE AND DESI RABLE B resitlenoe fora boarding house, No. 2213 South 8R4415> Street, containing some 30 , rooms-dining room; Ail feet in length ; gas and gas fintwres in all the rooms ; water closets, bath rooms, ac.: two furnaces and extensive' kitchen, *washing and ironing rooms. _Apply on the premises, ja26-6t* trA STORE TO LET. THE SPLEN "•4',DID timar Boom, No. 231' CHESTNUT Street. Ap. ply to CjaB-tf; LITTLE, STOKES, & CO. LET---F 0 FOR' ALE OR TO hlow lek, FOR' BROAD Scree , th tweet side of h comor Colugnigoraven.4v._. _siepstrireea. --or,s, on __e w the gyoot we lama of NINTEi and. SAbbiti t a TO LET-A COMMODIOUS •maLDWELLING, N 0.1.321 North FRONT Street. Baal moderate." Apply to ,-...WEITHERILL & BRO.. 0r27-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street, GERMANTOWN .COTTAGE FOR 'AG& SALE VERY LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LEHMIM Streets, with stable and carriage house;. lot 71 by 171 fept. Also, The Philadelphia House," at Cape May, with or without the furniture. The house contains 31 cham bers, large parlor, dining room and kitchen, with bake house, - wash house, Stc.,'&c. Lot 66 by. 700 feet, and stabling for 14 horses—pleasantly situated, and will be sold very cheap. A large variety of Cottages, Farms, and MO, properties, for sale or exchange - Also, 3 Grist Mills with large and houses attached. B. F. GLcaili, 31.2;1 South FOURTH Street, delg-tf or S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. FOR' _:SALE AND EXCHANGE.-L -, A large number in the adjoining counties to snit any person wishing to purchase h good Farm. Also, a number of Fruit arms in the neighborhood of Dover, State of Delaw* Call and examine Register. Apply to . PETTIT, jal7 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE---CHESTER COUNTY FARM, containing MI acres. Convenient to Rail road Station. First-class improvements. Said to be one of the very best in that county. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal7 No. 309 WALNUT Street. la FOR SALE.-DIREREIGHTHS of the brig Thos. Walter. Apply to • CHAS. S. ot JAS. CARSTAIRS, Jr., . jal-tf No. 126 WALNUT StreeE. W AMTS. VENA.LE TRACKER . . . ....• -a- A gentleman wishes a Teacher to visit his house to teach his son, a lad who has not been able to attend school on account of health. Reference asked and given. Address "Mitchell," for three days, at the office of the North American. ja i -3t" A N ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN, WITH -t-k- an available Capital of from a to 8,000 dollars is offered a_good op_portuniq for investing same in an. ES. .TABLiSHED AND Pal. ING. BUSINESS, located on Market street. Respensible parties can obtain reliable information in relation to same by addressing Box 193 Philadelphia Post Office. ja27-3t* TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS.-AN experienced salesman, having a valuable business acquaintance, to whem he has sold goods for many years, wishes an engagement, on Commission or other wise. For interview or reference, please address D. IL F., at .The Press office.. :3t. • s IR 0 N FOUNDRY.—.THE LARGE Iron Fonndry noir ocenpledly Oo Whiteman. & Cox to rent. Possession Ist April . - Inquire' SSO ARCH Street, second stow. . • ;Jalli•nrwat WANTED -AN ACTIVE,...ENEEGB TIC, and fully competent persoaiWho has a the rough knowledge of bookkeeping, to take. charge of the Colliery and Store books of a large Coal-mining opera tion. Unexceptionable reference as to diameter and ability required. Address Box tl4lPhiladelphia P. 0. ja26 mwir3t* WANTED-A GOOD SALESMAL I in a Rat Hansa. Address "Box 1819.," Phibt delphia Post Office, with name and reference. AIM* diS WANTED TO RENT, FROM THE AWL tliit of Aril next, a moderatesized three-story BRICK DWELLI etG HOUSE, in a :central locality. It F lie t nt v a e t thaile!ote,":toatenrgnioicuriErt7grAe.VM t STEAII - -B . ARGE.- Wanted to purchase, a small PROPEL LER STEAM BARGE, iron preferred. 75 to 90 tons, or less, and not drawing over five feet of water. Address, with full particulars, -"James," Frees Office> ja•M-St* • - • • • A SEPOI4D43TORY FRONT. ROOM IS to Tainted • WO:: day, ;nt 415 . South . FIF TEENTH Street. one single room: • Ja27-7t* PERSONAL: • PENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured 'and ' collected for soldiers, sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. . Claims cashed or advanced nos bY JAMES FULTON. Solicitor for Claimants 424 wAtartrr Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis lance. oclS-U PAINTINGS,-ENGRAVINGS, JAMES S. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS . OF LOOKING GLASSES. =Tin OIL PAINTINGS,. ENGRAVINGS, • PORTRAIT; • PICTURE, and PHOTOGRAPH FRAMS. " PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. jaTkowirP, joarairia 'GLASS WABEROOMS AND fa A-1s LE RY, : O7 P A Ilsjt-IN 3, - a•istie 1316 CHESTNUT Street; Philadelpbia. EDUCATION: VVVVVV,AAA ' DUO TION: ••••• EXTRAORDINARY _ PROVISION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF BOYS. —No School hi the United States is equally well provided for the education of boys as the SCISNTIFIC AND CLASSICAL', INSTITUTE. 'CHESTNUT Street, N, W. corner of Twelfth street, third story, entrance on Twelfth street. Parents are invited to call and examine the large collections of Apparatus and the Museum of Na tural History. Lia24-7t) J. ENNIS, Principal.— LASSICAL.AND ENGLISH SCHOOL OF H. D. GREGORY, A. AL,11013 MARKET Street. iskl9-1m• . - • ' S CHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, 1331 CHESTNUT STREET.—The next Session of this Institution commems -February Ist. Charge il4 for the Session of Five Months. DIRECTOR3. — Joseph Harrison, Esq., President; Wil liam llncknell, Esq., Vice President; P. P. Morris, Esc. 1.; Secretary and Treasurer ; Joseph. Jeans, Redwood F. Warner, James -L: Claghorn, David S. Brown, William Fellers, William J. Horstman, Eli S. Price, and Charles Gibbous. is,lo-12t • VILL/GE GREEN SEMINARY.—A SELECT BOARDINN SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA., PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Cla ssics , English studies, Sc. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Stir- Purdls taken of all ages 127)!1rj sue areff_agigcd *pnwr t*.fu y g46,. • ~ • t quarter, • For ca ogees or Inforiaitton 'alma s6f. J. HERVEY BABN'ON,A.,X„ Villago Green. Pa.' . 0010-tf LEGAL. - -rf., orrAiNs , cckupz PA THE • 'AZT ANDV NTT OP AHILADELPELL • •• • ReOA° of ROBERT .11cCAGUE, deceased. The Anattor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the actsonnt filed by ROBERT DUNLAP, Jr., and GEORGE McGAgUR, Executors named in the last Will of ROBERT McCA.OI6X deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance ix the ands of the Accountants,.will meet all parties interested in the Estate to attend to his duties on SATURDAY, the ith - day of Palmist'' A. D: ma, at 3 o'clock P. M, at his Office, NO. 25S South FIFTH Street,in the city of. Philadelphia. ja2floarftest JOS. P. LOUGHEAD, Auditor:: . TTNITED STATES, , EA4TERN DI& TRIM Or - PENNSYLVANIA, SC * 7". THE PEE-QIDERT OF-THE UNITED STATES TO THE MAMMAS. OF THE . EASTERN DISTRICT OP _ •PENNSYLVANIA " ' :GREETING WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the .Eastern District.of Pennsylvania, tightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, flied in the name of the United. States of ' America, bath decreed all'persons In general who have, orpretend to have, 11713'_right,- title, or interest in 13 barrels of Whisky,in bottles, 1,000 Cigars, 17 bags Matches, 3 barrels Epsom Salts. altar:Pis of Matches. and 3 cases of Matches, part of the cargo of the schooner' Coquette, captured eve prize of war off the edits' of the State of North Carolina, r.nd brought into this port per schooner Abbey Ellen, to be monished, eited,And galled to Jud ent at the time and place u nderivri ries: and tome e a ect hereafter expressed (instice so requiring.) You are therefore chamed, and strictly en joined and commanded, that year omit not, bat that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed andpublished,intilweityorPhila. delphia, and in the Lega -intetttgencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily. all persons in general-who have, „or-pretend to have, any right, title, or interest In the said 13 barrels of Whisky, in bottles, 1,000 Cigars, 17 bags of Matches, 3 barrels of Epsom Salts, barrel barre of Matches, and cases= of Matches, to appear before- the • Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on. the Twentieth day after Publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said 13 barrels of Whisky in bottles, 1,000 Cigars, 17 bags of Matches, 3 barrels of som Salts, barrels of Matches, and 3 cases of Match es, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise. liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to Justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate,or cense to be . intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is aso intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above men tioned,'or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary,then said DisArict Court doth intend and will proceed to adlndication on the said cap ture, and may pronounce that the said' 13 barrels of Whisky, in bottles, 1,000 Cigars, 17 bags of Matches, 3 barrels of Spsom Salts, 5 barrels of Matches, and 3 cases of Matches, did belong, at the time of the capture ofthe tsame, to the enemies of the United State , . of America, and as coeds of their enemies. or otherwise, liable • and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persona so cited and intimated .in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify . to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-seventh day of JANUANI., -- A. D. 1913, and in the eighty-seventa year of the Independence of the said United States. ja o Jl.3t . G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. dipb IMIBRELLAS.—THR BEST ARE made abd cheapest sold at TES - TH and MARKET. 0.11_t• _SLEEPER'S. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUM% DIRECTOR BUSINESS AGENT NOTICF.—Seats for Wednasda,y and Friday's operas can be secured at the Box Office, GERMAN OPERA. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF THE GERMAN OPERA FIFTH' NIGHT OF THE 6EOOND SEASON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1363. First time hi Philadetrhia. STRADELL A, Grand Opera. by F. Von Flotavr. Allessandro Stradella Leonot e Dialrolio Ba 1 r o Doors open at 7 o'clock. Opera commences at 8. PRICES OF ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. Seats reserved without extra charge. Family Circle, 50 cents; Amphitheatre, 2.5 cents. FIIIIIRSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, GRAND OPERATIC. MATINEE. THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, Grand Opera by Donizetti. Tickets to all parts of the house, FIFTY CENTS each FRIDAY EVENING, January 30th.—Last Night of the Opera. Benefit of C AIsiSCIIUTZ. AMERICAN ACADEMY 01 11 MIISIO. GERMAN OPERA. _ GRAND GAL & NIGHT, In aid of the CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL, Corner of WASHINGTON Avenue and BROAD Streets, oiv SATURDAY-EVENING, January 31st, 1883. Tickets to be had of the Committee ja2S NEW -CHESTNUT-STREET THEA TRE. • Sole Loesee and Manager. W. WHEATLEY. (Also, of Niblo ' a Garden, Hew Yora .) WElMESDA T lEl r ritn i J o al i lary 28, 1863. In this Theatre, during the present season, of MR. 11A OKETT, who will appear in hls world-renowned impersonation of FALSTAFF, Shakes Kare's greateSt COMIC creation his hitorie4.l, play of KING HENRY THE FOtIWVII, Including the "Battle of Shrewsbury 'and the Death of Rota pur." Mr. W. WHEATLEY 0.5. PRANCE H AL. his Asia appearancethis season. The', will be, supported by Messrs. L. H. Showell, C. Eingsland, W. H. Leak J. Carroll , G, Becks, J. W. Col lier, J. Martin, Carland, Getmon, Ward, Mrs... H. Allen. Miss Mary Wells, Miss Josephine Henry, Sec. Conductor. Mr. MARK HASSLER The play vi ill be presented in this Theatre for the first time, with New. Scenery, New Dresses, and Appoint ments. . . THrItSDAT EVENCNO, January 29, The Third Appearance of EDWIN FORREST this season, in his great and classical imPer6ortation of VIRGINIUS Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 7K PRICES OF ADMISSION. Family Circle 25 rents. Dress Circle 50 cents. Parquet and Secured Seats in Dress Circle 75 rotate. Seats in Private Boxes, each 81 Tickets maybe procured at the Box Office from 9 A. M. till SP. bl. for the whole of the present week. ja2B W A LNUT-S TREET THEATRE._ Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIRD NIGHT OF MR. J. B. ROBERTS. THIRD AND LAST NIGHT OF BELPHEGOR. THIS (Wednesday); EVENING, January 28. MSS, Will be acted the Great Drama of BELPH EG OR, THE i+IOIINTEBANK. Bel ph egor Mr J. B Roberta Duke i e Monthazon ' Mr. B. Young Madeline Mrs. Anna Cowell To conclude with the laughable farce of ICI ON PARLE FRANCHISE. Mr. Spririns Mr. S. Ramie Mrs. bpriggins Mrs. Thayer " Doors open at 6Y.; Curtain will rise at 7. , CONCERT HALL—L AR GE SA- ,LOON.--CHESTNIIT St.. above Twelfth.— ROBERT BELLER, vus AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. NEW MIRACLES. PROGRESSIVE PHASES OP SECOND MGM And a brilliant PIANO-FORTE MELANGE Admission. Si cents. First Illusion at 8 o'clock. A Grand Matinee on SATURDAY, at 3P. M. .Adodesiost. for Children. 15 cents. . USW . • RS.JOBAN DREW'S AROH-STRIEST THIATRE. Bast *O6B Agent and Treasnrer........__ Dlanagnr. TRIUMPH UPON TRIUPH. • HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY NIGHTLY. FOURTH WEEK. FOURTH WEER, OF MR. AND MISS CAROLINE RICHINGS. . • MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING. THE ENCHANTRESS. Stella. the Enchantress Miss C. Richings. Remit - , the Pirate Chief ....Mr. Ater Richtge. For full particulars of MUSIC, SCENERY. &c., &a., see the BILLS. . . FRIDAY, MISS RICHINGS' BENEFIT ar Prices as usual. Seats secured six days In advance. BENEFIT OF PENN 'RELIEF' ASSO CIATION FOR SICK AND WOIINDEDSOLDIERS. The WITCH fF SON FAMILY. "TRIBE OF ASK," will give a CONCERT at the Hall of the Spring Garden Insti tute, corner of BROAD and SPRING. GARDEN Streets for the toned t of the above Association, on FRIDAY EVENING January 30th. AU will a_mear. Admission. 25 cents. Doors open at 7. Concert at- wo'hlock. ja27-4t5 READING AND RECITATIONS BY Mrs. CECILE RUSH, for the BENEFIT OP TUB SICK ANEWOUNDED SOLDIERS at Spring Garden Institute, BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. on THURSDAY EVENING, January 29th. . Tickets, 25 cents; to be had at the door,. and: at 104 N. SIXTH St. Doors oven at 7. Reading at & • Ja2T-3t* ASSEMBLYSSEMBLY BUILDINGS: -GLOM- OILS SUCCESS OF WOODROFFE'S BOHEMIAN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING. AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS.—At each Entertainment, the celebrated low pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR will be in full ci t cm e rgi v n. e l i A ng 'V a na o ab e tgoll a nti o o n n wie4lubilidsts_t and ribatel Sa turday Afternoons ati.4 o'clock. On. FRIDAY Wednesday - January 30th, a Spleno id Case of 'Work will be given the author of the best,Conundrumortthe Glass StearnEnr e. Wort_ Present,. each evening, a Splendid Case of Glass Admission,ls cents. No half price. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF CAPTAIN 'WILLIAMS' GREAT WHALING VOY AGE, AT LECTURE R0(41 OFCONCERT HALL, 'rickets 25 cents, or live for SI. REMEMBER SATURDAY AFTERNOON. INSTrr uTION 'FOB THE BLIND.— EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at asi IN ?L Ad mission WM? CENTS. Store .to. 11 South 'EIGHTH Street • . •del7-vrtf ASSEMBLY BITELDINGS---TENTH A AND CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG ' • SIGNOR I3LITZ, The great MAGICIAN and ffMII4:IQIYIST, with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and 'muter Entertainments EVERY "EVENING during the Week, commencing at 73‘ o'clock and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be marvellous:- experiments in Magic wonderful powers in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. de27-tf fI,ERMANIA ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER NOON at 5% o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, Carl Bentz, conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packs ges of S tickets, *l—to be had of Andre Ze Co., I]O4 Chestnut street ; .1. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. n027-tf HASSLER'S ORcHESTRA.--- NEW 2I4- South EIGHTH St., ° belg l iiralnut. delll6m P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTIPTT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. 11. till 5 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Sharesief dock, WO. . . • .• • • • . MEDICAL. A .TA.T.,voi.x,..itemiol.NE . . NO FAMILY SHOULD' BE WITHOUT IT • SWAY B'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY • . • - . Have you Cough, Sore 'Throat, Weak Breast? Have you Bronchitis, Asthnin? - Rive you Weak Nervei, Disturbed Sleep? Have Liver ComplAint, Blood Spitting? Hare you Pains, side,-beast. Have you any sympteme of Consumption ? Clergymen, Physicians, all Public Speakers, say I 'Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry" gives that vigor to the voice which cannot be obtained from any other remedy. For all Pulmonary Complaints, the aged and debilitated, it is truly valuable. Thirty years' experience, and its increasing popularity, are conTillei tag proof- . - 6 • • • • = NICVet SWEATS, GREATDEBILiTY, We think there never has been a medicine which hart given such universal satisfaction as "Dr. SwavnesCont .......i .sivrtin.of Wild Cherry." It has stairs:4d night. ---hwi ulcers of the kings, raised pu....... , sweats, deep-se... - -- thoge...w.ho were fast declining wttn g..,... when wetiMete when all other meant proved unavailing. 4 44,Vg;kaRiV;VA):3,401,0tV.Vi; A DOSS OF DE-. SWASNIed SAILSAPA. AND TAR PILLF„ once or twice a week, Will cure the most obstinate Head ache, Fever, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Costiveness .BilionsnesF, Female Diseases,' &c. They are a great blood-purifying' purgative. Where there is headache, pain, or sorextesli of the body accompanying your cold or cough, take a dose or two of these Pills, in connection with the Wild Cherry. It will remove the clinically. Prepared only by Dr. SWAYN3 & SON, 330 North .SIXTH Street, above VINE. Sold by' all Druggists. ja244f tf .:AYER' S SARSAPARILLA IS A CON centrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla; so combined With other substances of still greater 'alterative power vs to afford an effective antidote for diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from Simmons complaints, and that one 'which will accomplish their cure must prove of im mense service to this large class of our affilatedlellcrsv citizens. How dempletelythis compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following com_plaints: . SCROFULA. AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND SRITPTTYR DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES. TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SY PHILITIC AFPECTIONS i MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY. NEURALGIA OR TIC DOLOREITX, DEBILITY, DTSPEPSTA„ AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, HOSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S Fria. and indeed the whole class of complaints arising. from haws= OP rim . . This compound - will be found a great promoter of health when taken in the spring to expel the foul hu mors which fester lathe blood at that season of the year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disor ders are nipped to the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions. if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels of the 4body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitia ted blood whenever you Bud its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when yon find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Sven where no particular disorder is felt,people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with the pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsa parilla for one dollar. Most of these have been (rands upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any. Sarsaparilla, lint often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which good the market, until the name itself is jostly despised._ and bas become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irre sistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended, to cure. .Preiared by Ds. S. C. AYER & CO., Lowell. Massa chusetts. price 31 per bottle: Six Bottles in one pack-.. age, $5. Sold by J. M. MARIS kW., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN: : delo-wtrobu EAR-PROF. AND J. ISAAOS, E YE Oculist and Anrist, from Leyden, }Tolland, is per manently located at No. 511 PINE Street, where he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically. and mues— li curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain • N. B.—No charges made for examination. Office hOnvi, lwm Stoll O'clock A. IL and 2 to 7 P. M. jaS-Sm• RENNESSRY BRANDY.-AN IN CDICB inbonded stores., for sale by CHAS S. & JAS. CARSTAIRS, .1b27 No. k 6 WALNUT and 31 GELNITE C. ANSChuTZ. ...ADOLPH BIROFELD. HERR LOTT/ HERR WET NTALCH ~.MADAME JOH ANNSBN ti HERR QUINT IiF.RR GRAFF