COMMISSION HOUSES. ADELPHI.A. " BAG " MANUFACTORY. BU RLAP BAGS, OF ALL SIZES, fog com OATS, COFFEE, DONE DUST, ato. • • ' • - ALSO, SEAMLESS BAGS, makes, ALL SIZES, for bale cheap, for not 0 ,..„ 0 1 delivery. GEO. GRIGG. i,10.1 No. 2119 and 221. CHURCH ALLEY. p/WEIRTON DUCK'. IN STORE, 225,000 YARDS jf S. AllAil r 10 OUNCE DUCK, Ana for sale by f'AIasII4AIVI, NIRKHAM, & CO., ist i t if. No. 230 CHESTNUT STREET. AzitAltiLESS BAGS. 2,000 CANADA A , allCottdp, l7 ounces. zAIIK'S, a KELLY'S, " LOCO ABIOSKEAG C., " NO HAMPDEN B. half Cotton. FA . bole low by (RIGG Bo EXARMSTEAD, MERCIIAKBIZE BROKERS, 10:a rio. AL STRAVVBERRY:EItreet .10TTON YARN. STPERION COTTON YARN, NO. 10. FOR SALE BY IROTHINGHAM & WELLS. oci24f rf EIIPLEY, HAZARD, & EIUTOEIINS.ON. No. 111 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. If c tILANTIC COTTON MILLS. SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. aIit.RLES AMORY, JR., de 00., 206 CHURCH ALLEY, I=! ‘_RMY GOODS. DaRK.BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK.BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SST•BLITE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT, B•O I 3NCE DUCK, 1 DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 3F.AST LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK, BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT :NS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & wELLS. Ri•lt tt MILITARY. ... . • BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGIMENT. 3ira REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. BOUNTY. LICRIIITS WANTED for the above fine regiment (the :y Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit • And In alum in Plillad.olphia.) es joining this regiment will receive the following %natio,: .4.liluliand on being mustered in 825 ^ when the company in full 50 " when the regiment is full 25 ' :mese expiration of service 75 Tula' $176 Pee but men of good character rocetved, Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNBRWEIN, Colonel. W. A. RAIWILL, Adjutant. det4-tf CONTINENTAL. CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near FIADDONF N.J. -7MBN wanted to complete Companies now needy full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fund yarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into ;: , a service of the United States. _ . . . Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are Tat, which will be assigned to young men of re. kofic , R. and who have seen service. doll-t.f EDUCATION. pLASIOCIAL AND •ENOLIS SCHOOL oP )4 11. OHEGORT, A. M.,1108 MARKET Street. Q t ellool, OF DEIGN . FOR WOMEN, 13.34 CHESTNUT STREET.The next Session of leotitation"etenineuefe Febittary let. Charge G 1.4 6.r tire of Five Months. • • • Dl M . T (l n• — • lo fiePh Harrison, Esq., President ; WC lincitueD, Esq., Vice President ; P. P. Morris, Big., ktenory and Tratemwer ; Joseph Jeans, Redwood P. Vdmer. James L. Cloghorn, David S. Brown, William %Sims. William J. Rorstman, Ell S. Price, and Charles 1.1.150i0. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL'; NEAR MEDIA, PA. Oorough course in Mathematics, Classics, Fmgllsh Tildes, he. I:litary Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, But. and Civil Engineering. nulls taken of all ages, are received at an t ime. Rai rdlng per week, 15. Tsition per quarter, .00. Par catalogues or information address Bey, J. HERVEY BATON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. ocin-tf PERSONAL. PENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY .AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers, 'sailors.' Ind the relativea of touch as are deceased, at reasonable 1711 satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon hy JAMBS FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants 4434 WALNUT Street, Ph il adelphia. Partionlar attention given to parties living at a die ool&tf MEDICAL. I TEALTH ! BEALTH.I HEALTH ! HEALTH! HEALTH HEALTH! Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Compound rup'of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, .Sveityne , s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, The Great Remedy for - The Great Remedy for The Great Remedy for ...loughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Ilronehithi, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma. Bronchitis. , Blood spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Siood-spitting, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, • Bloodspitti ag, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, IBlood.spittiug, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Consumption, Conanmpthus, ConeutoptioniZonsnm piton, Consumption, Conenmption All affections Threat,gLungs, and Breast, All affections Throat, Lungs, and Breast, ... All affections Throat, Lunge, and Breast, .• -•• 111 affections Throat, Lunge, and Breast. Swayne's Wild Cherry, • Swayne's Wild Cherry, `Bwayne's Wild Cherry, :Has done more good than &Any Medicine ever Discovered. Any Medicine ever Discovered. Any Medicine ever Discovered. Tat: V.. 1 ,4 .I`.IVMDER DAATTIA which occur annually ism Consumption and Diseases tif the Lungs and Liver . 'nNly appalling. Nearly all this dread waste of life he saved by_ a timely use of Dr. Swayne's Com ;sus, Syrup of *Wild Cherry. Even where the lungs isve heroine very much, disordered, no remedy is so et% !must. We have oettlticates of wonderful cures per- Isasst after patients had been-given up to die by Phi 'AP and Mende. Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE & "N. 330 SIXTH Street above VINE. Sold by all Onferists and dealers in Medicine. jal7-if tf lIERRING'S FRANKLINITE IRON DRILLED. hniu 'sew York Journal of Commerce, of Jan. 3,1863.1 . 111 E I'NDERSIONED were present at an experiment Purpose of testing.the drill proof qualities of a ofritRANNLINITE or CRYSTALIZED IRON, left ?!t . :i the Manhattan Bank of New York, by S. C. HER. & CO.. as drill-proof. The Iron was tasted with a n ve . e i g hth s (k,') inches in diameter, and was .I ;.:'eql readily la our presence. WM. L. JACOBS, EDWARD BURNS. GILBERT LANE 3rooklyn, Jan. 7,18&3. jalltuths-6t 6 06 .. AR4311 STREET. 606 • FINE SHIRT AND. WRAPPER. EMPORIUM. Sall Assortment of , • . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, II; GREAT VARIETY. EL'PERMR aUALITY, AND AT MODERATE PRICES. •Ci. A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W. W. KNI G HT. 14, :n:h am OO6 ARCH STREBT. 606. PUTTER Ufa PATTESON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, US *TR 'FRONT STREET, :he nttentiOn of the trade to their fresh and fell of f!tegars, Syrups. Coffneß, 1,, E GRAND RAFFLE FOR 'Tki E ~,:flue,t DOUBLE BUN in America COMPS off TO nt MARKER'S. Sportsmen, please romember.lto I V ORYTYPES.—I N THOSE EX E ,41‘,11.E1) ut DEEMER'S yon realize7your ideal of a true o'nutlful likeness; fraturee aceurate in outline, and I. 4 .exiou correct in color. SECOND Street, above Jl.s th It UMBRELLAS.-THE BEST ARE n ade nad theapeit sold at TENTH and MARKET. xe:l4'lt • SLEEPER'S. FAMILY DYE COLORS ! LIST OF COLORS: BLACK SALMON, DARK bROWN, DARK DRAB nitowN, DARK DRAE, LIGHT BROWN. LIGHT DRAB, DARK BLUR/ YELLOW LIGHT DLO& LIGHT YELLOW. ' DARK ORE _i ORANGE. LIGHT GRBBN, S M O A L O F E E B R T IN A, O._ • PINK, PURPLE, I .FRENCH BLU E SLATE ROYAL PURPLE . ~• GRiersoN, 1 'VIOLET. ~. FAMILY DYE COLORS , 11 %It r ireing Silk Woolen and Mixed Goods,Shawls. kfaig..?!fto, Ribbons, 0 loves, Bonnets, Hats Feathers, ? ADl 4m . ulildren's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear- With Derfect fast colors. A SAYING OF - 80 PER 4 CENT. 4 1 . 6 . 4 Dye.; are mixed in the form of powders consort* 1 0 :s. sre thoroughly tested, and put up to neat pack ti tot j'slr twenty-five cents you can color as many goods tot.i s 7 otherwise cost live times that sum. The pro el e,...! triple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect iiZ,..,. ill rections inside. wactuivd by HOWE StV'EVENS, For. , and De Bton. tv-4 1 4 .'s by Drug - gists and Dealers in every C ity and deagtitliksz if RETAIL DRY GOODS* UP STAIRS DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CLOTHING AND LADIES' CLOAK I , RISA:DIr MADE OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, lad-tgal E. E. 00R. NINTH and MARKET JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., Have last reteived, and are now offering. magnificent lines of ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS SEASON. aol-Sm LINENS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, A full assortment always on hand at LOW PRICES. Just received, lace-trimmed Embroidered and Mourning Muslin BONVi , and Neck-Ties, for the house and street. Also, all-linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at la cents. Also, all descriptions of Linen Handkerchiefs, for Ladies, Gents, and Children, at SPLENDID STOOK ON HAND.- All-the best makes ot Calicoes. • All the best mikes of Muslins. All the hest makes of Lineus. • All the best makes of Shootings. All the best make a of Napkins. Together with Towels, Crash, Diaper Huckaback, Bird :ye, Burlap, &c. &e. White Cambric and Jaconet, fall line. Nainsooks and Plaid Bloslins, full line. 'Winter Goods closing out. Slims is, liferinoes, closing out. Balmoral Skirts. all prices. Silk and Linen Ildkfr, nice assortment. At JOHN H. STOKES', 702 ARCH Street. AGENTS, EDWIN HALL, dr. : BRO., 26 South SECOND Street. Rave reduced the pricesiof Panel Silks, Rich Printed Dress Goods, Choice Shades of Merinoes, Beautiful Colors of Reps or Poplins, All-Wool De Lathes, All kinds of dark dress goods reduced. Also, Pine Long Brodie Shawls, Open Centre Long Cashmere Shawls, Rich new styles of Blanket Shawls. 4-4 Lyons Silk velvets, pure Silk. DRY GOODS FOB 'WINTER Rep. Poplins, • French Merinos, Colored Mousselines. rota De Soles, Foulard Silks, BlankerShawle, Balmoral Skirts, Black Silks, Fancy Silks, Bleok Bombazines, Worsted Plaids, Cheap Detainee, • French Chintzes, Shirting Flannelly, Broche Shawls, Fine Blankets, Crib Blankets. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Cassimeres for Bust Aess Snits. Cassimeres for Dress Suits. . Cassimeres for Boys' wear. Cloths adapted to every use. Boys' Clothing, ready made. Men's and BoyLANKETS. s' Snits made to order. A tiptop lot at $5. Damaged Gray Blankets at $250 and UK Horse Blankets—Army Blankets, Domestic Goods at lowest prices. TABLE LINENS. Pine Table Damasks and Cloths. The famous power-loom Table Linens. Bargains in Napkins, &c., &c. DRESS GOODS. 2.091 yards newest styles Detainee at 25C. Blue Reps, Blue Poplins, Blue Paramattas. Brown Reps, Brown Poplins, Brown Coburg* Balmorals $2.76, s3,y 5,a 815°. COOPER & CODIARD. 8. B. corner NINTH and me.sKET stream jLtbtf _ pi STEEL & SON HAVE A LARGE • assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for HO LIDAY PRESENTS. Rich Fancy Silks ; Plain Silks ; choice color*. Plain and Figured Black Silks. • Plain and Figured Rep Poplins. Plain and Figured Merinoee. • Plain Solferino Cashmeres, at 37 ;c, worth dl WINTERSHAWLS, in great ranety, MERINO SCARFS, BROCHE BORDERS. CLOAKS—Of New. and Fashionable Styles, made of Black Bearer. Frosted Beave . r, and Black Cloth. Call and examine our stock. We guaranty to give sa tisfaction, as we sell nothing but good articles, an at lower prices than they can be bought elsewhere. den Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH street. CRIB AND CRADLE BLANYP4TS. Large Criblllanketa. Pine Cradle Blankets. jal BYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH VYRE 8c LANDELL, FOURTH AND -A-a ARCH, have a fine stock of GOODS FOR FAMILY CUSTOM. Good Large Blankets. Good Linen Sheetings. Good Muslin by the piece. Good Unshrinking Flannels. Good Fast. Colored Prints. Good Table Linen and To wels. • Good Quality Black Silks. Good Assortment Colored Silks. . jal VAIBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, '-t- 1 and HOSIERY, at Wholesale Prices. The subscribers offer one of • the best selected and largest assortments of White Goods, Hosiery, and Staple Embroideries, Trimmings, &c., to be found in the city to which they re.wectfully invite the attention of the ladies. SHEPPARD, VAJ.II HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ialf.l2trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. .. •.. CHINA • AND GLASSWARE. KPER,';SY • . . • FURNISHING. CHINA . Jan) • • . 1 GLASS : ET-A.BLISHILENT, :.• • .4.64•1 , , • HOTELS 'AND SHIPPING . SU PPLIED. • & KERR; • - 320 CHESTNUT Street. pHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS-'A -a• largo varlet, for sale at low nrices by Yams adEeN & co., 924 CHESTNUT Street. deI3•UU MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND I SPY-GLASSEA for present/, or astejki Co.,JA=S W. 41 _WAN St O 95114 CHESTNUT Street. I If OPERA GL ASSES ,• OPERA GLASSES. Por pule A x i s ntn t6 a ' co SW& Cpistararr Boat. del3-tf if • • MILITARY GOODS. G W. SIMONS da BROTHER, 3/N5031-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, . FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. 3aB4f6m A OPPENHEIMER, • TENTS, MATERIAL BOUGHT FOR CONTRACTORS. All goo& made will be guarantied regulation In size and make. ' N. B. Orders of any size tilled with despatch. ja7•tf 1,000 DOZEN HICKORY SHIRTS. 1,000 do. GRAY,IyL AND BLUE LASHIRTS. 500 do. (ASSORTED FANCY TRAVELING SHIRTS. 500 do. LOW-PRICED SHIRTS. 1,000 *. do. DENIM OVERALLS. 10,000 PAIRS COTTONADE PANTALOONS. Po) sale by BENNETT, RUCH, A; CO., lalglm Manufacturers, 217 CHURCH ALLEY PffiLADELPHII, CAR S 0 N' S- SCOTCH-PATENT SILVER-CLEANING POWDER, Warranted free from acid, and the same as used in the houses of the nobility and gentry of Scotland. It is un equalled for cleaning Gold. and Silver Plate. Looking Glasses, ete. Prepared by A. H. CARSON, waiter; from a recipe given me by the head butler to the Duke of Athol. For sale by HAZARD & CO.. Twelfth and Chestnut streets. I. TOWNSEND Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, T. BLACK, 14b 1 Chestnut streets, W. H. NAULTY, 1500 Chestnut street. • J. CLARK, Fifth and Prune streets, And wholesale by WILLIAM PARVIN, 1204 CHEST NUT Street, and CAWELL. MACK. & CO Chemists, Fifth-Avenue Hotel, New York, And Thames street, Newport, L • r All orders addressed A. H. CARSON, IYestern Sub Post Office, Philadelphia. . Jaa‘-tntlis 2m MAGNIFICENT JFWELRY FOR AL- A.,-A -mos-nnothing.. gneap Trimming Store 2126 Ma- SET Street. jai.6t* A RARE CHANCE 'TO MAKE MONEY. — A new ASH SIFTER ; can retail at $1.50, and pity DO per cent. Rights for gale. Box Mf3, Phila.' a n ph Poet Office. jal9-60, ARMY CLOTHING AND. EQUIPAGE, OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILA DELPHIA, JaUinta 21, 18113. SEALED PROPOSA_LS aro invited at this office until SATURDAY, 24th inst., at 12 o'clock DI., to furnish, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, a qugntity of TARRED PAPER, - • for packing Clothing, in the usual size sheets. Bidders will state in their proposals the price per one hundred pounds, and how soon it can be delivered. 0.,/I..CROSMA'S , . ja22, Deputy q. M. Oarieral. IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS., AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES. AND EMBROIDERIES. WHOLESALE PRICES. jaB-tf 1024 CHESTNUT STREET HOLIDAY GOODS• No. 231 CHURCH Alley, Philadelphia, CONTRACTOR AND MANUFACTURER. OF ARMY CLOTHING Of Every Description. ALSO.• HAVERSACKS. PONCHOS, CAMP BLANKETS. KNAPSACKS, and BED TICKINOS FOR HOSPITALS. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SAII.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lefari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pubito sale or rendue, on MONDAY Evening, February 2, 1563. at 4 o'clock, at Sansoin-stroot lfall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Dolt Ware Third street, at the distance of two hundred and thirty-four (24) feet five inches and a half north- WII rd from tho corner of Poplar street. (lively called Pop _ler lane) iu the late Northern Liberties, now oily of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on tho Raid. Third street eighteen feet, and in length or depth extend,' ing thence Westward, keeping the same breadth at right angles with the said Third street, one hundred and six feet. Bounded northward, southward, and westward by ground late of John Lentz, junior, and eastward by Third street aforesaid. Being the same premises which Thomas Shillingsford and Itary Louisa, his wife, by in denture bearing darn tee thirty-first day of January one thousand eight luundred nod forty-two, recorded in Deed Bonk S., N6:37, page 78. tto., granted and conveyed unto the said George Read in fee, subject to the condi tions and restrictions that he, the said George Read; his heirs or assigns, thould nut, nor would at any - time or times them:lller, erect or build, or permit or suffer, any court, or house in the form of a court, to be erected or built upon the said above granted lot of ground. [1), C.. 721; D., 'St] Debt, 55.2. - 17.50 . Bowers. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm. Read. Henry Rend, George Road, and David P Read, Execution., Sc., of George Read, deceased, and to be sold by . JOHN THOMESON..Sheri If. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 21,1861. jrit2.-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF. a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or voudue. on MONDAY Evening, February 2, NM. at 4 - o'clock. gt &mom-street Hall. All that certain brick messuage or tenement, bake hem e, and lot ground situate ou the north. side of Race or Sassafras street, between Delnware Second. and Third streets, in the city of Philadelphia afore said ; containing in breadth tact nod west twenty-four feet four and it half inches, and in length or depth north and south one hundred and nine feet and a half. Bounded westward and north Ward by ground formerly of Godfrey linga, deceased, east ward by ground former ly of Jonathan Hiles, and southward by Rite street .aforesaid. [Being thesaine premises which John Eissas ser, et ox, by indenture bearing date April third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, recorded in the office for record ing deeds, etc., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book B. D. W., No. 12, page 232, etc.,, granted and conveyed unto the said William Essen, in tee. • N. B.—The said property is sold subject to a mortgage of six thousand dollars. (#6.000.)' CD. ; D., '62.) Debt, $1,844.4e. Oehleschinger. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil liam Essen, and to-be sold by • ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Jan. 21, 1863. ja22-3t SBERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of,Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY Evening., February.% 156.1, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street,Hall, •All that certain five story brick measuage tenement, with iron fronts, and Jot .or p ore of ground, situate on the •west side of the 011 York read. now called York avenue, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-four feet four inches from the north side of Noble street. In the late Northern liberties, now the Twelfth ward of the city of Philadelphia coat:Cuing in breadth °lathe said York avenue forty feet, and in length westward be tween right lines parallel with the sad Noble street seventy•four feet two inches on the .north side. and eighty-three feetseveh inches and a half on the south side to Fifth street. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Mary Russell, westward by the said Fifth street, southward by ground or James Smith, Jr., and eastward by York avenue aforesaid. (Being the same; premises which William Nichnals, by deed dated the 17th day of June. 1818, recorded in • Deed Book R. D. 70, page 2•3, .kc., granted and conveyed to the said William Dunlap in fee.) - • (D- C.. 737 0 D., M..) Debt, WY. Geo. Sergaant. Seized mid taken in execution as the property of Wil liam Dunlap, and to be sold by • • • • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 21,18e1 ja22-3t p,,EERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ^' a writ of Levan Facies, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, February' , I.SVL at 4 o'clock, at Sftusom-street All that certain three-storied brick messmtge or tene ment and lot or piece of round , situate at the northweAt corner of Delaware Third and Green streets, in the dis trict of the Northern Liberties, formerly said city of Phi ladelphia, containin in front or breadth on the said Third street twentytbur feet, and extending in length or depth westward, on the south line thereof, along the north side of said Green street, about seventy feet and on the' north line thereof, at right angles with said Third street, seventy feet, and containiug-in breadth. on the rear or. west end thereof, about fifteen .feet; bounded northward by ground granted to John Hook, westward by; ground now or late of John Smerick, southward by said Green street, .and eastward by Third street afore said. Being the same premises which John Miller, Adam Miller, Elisabeth Miller, Mary • Miller, Maria L. Miller, and Jacob Brie!, and Sarah Angela, his wife, by inden ture bearing date the twenty.eighth day, of March. auuo Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and recorded at Philadelphia aforesaid, in Deed Book T. 11., No. 74. Page 324, granted and- conveyed unto Adam M. Snyder, party hereto, in fee. Subject to the payment of a certain apportioned yearly ground rent or sum of twenty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. [D. C., 733; D., '62..7 Debt, 5;3,59.3. Lex. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Eli zabeth Barnhold, Adam M. Snyder, and Catherine, his wife, and to be sold by JOHN' THOMPSOX, Sheriff Philmielphia, Sheriff's Office, Jantun't 21,1868. ju,22-3t • • ERIF.F'S SALE.— BY:VIRTUE- OF SH . . NJ a writ of Venditiont Exponw to me direetekwill be exposed to public - sale or vonduo, ou MONDAI Evet ning, January 5 MI, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street HO, All that certain; lot or piece of 'groundwith • the im provements city :erected' situate in the 'Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid ; commencing at the southeastwerdly corner of Front and Coral streets, thence extending eouthwardly along the east side of said Front 'street 36 feet, thence eastward on a line at right angles with the said Front Street, by around now r late.of Elijah Tyson; 45 feet, 1 inch. and % of an inch to a point, thence it'll by the same sou thwartil y about 93 feet toe Peint.Which at the distance of 62 feet, 1. incliand ,i s qllB of an 'inch, eastward from the east side of said Front street. on a line running at right antes thereto, thence uortheastwardly ou a line at right angles with Dreer street. by other ground of thesaid Elijan Tyson, 62 feet 3 and "ith inches, to the south:westwardly side of Dreer street;tnence northweatwardly along the same 75 feet, laud A's inches, to the sontlicastwardly side of said Coral street, and thence so n thwes t wardly along the same 53 feet and one-half of an inch to the east side of said Front Street, and place of beginning. Being the same lot, or piece of ground which Elijah Tyson, by a certain in; deutnre, hearing date the 6th day 'of December. A. D., All, recorded in Demi Book, It. D. W„ No. 3 page 21,. &c.,granted and conveyed unto the soh ., Charles Totem sem, in fee, reserving therefor, and tliereout, a certain yearly ground-rent charge, or sum of $153, in equal half. yearly payments, on theist 4:1,y of the months of April and October, in every year thereafter forever ; and the said Charles Townsend and wife, by a certain indenture; bearing date the .27d day of February, A. D.,13;3, en dorsed upon the above recited indenture and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 11, page lA, Ste»granted and conveyed one full, equal and undivided; Moiety, or one half part thereof, of, in, and to the said lot, or piece of ground above described, unto George W ; Etnwec hter, his hei i e and-assigns forever underand soloed to a moiety or half part of the aforesaid yearly ground-rent...and the said George Ein we-oilier and 'Wife. by indenture - bearing date the 12th day of October ; A. D . "MS,. and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyga (interalia) his; the said one fall equal undivided moiety,-or One half rpart, of,.in and .to • the afordMid , lcit or piee of ground, sut t iect as above mentioned, unto tha said! J ames McCartney ; his heirs and assigns forever: [D. C., 123; D.,• , 62.) Debt, $160;63 H. 7'. Zing. - Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles Townsend,-aud to be sold by sonv TITOMPSOII,.SheriIf: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee: January 2.1,114133..ja22-3t* RECERIFP'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OFw - a Writ of Veuditioni Expona-s, ti) n directed,wiWbe exposed to public sale or vendee , ou MONDAY Eveulng, February 2. ISB3. at 4 . 0 clock, at SansomLstreet No. 1. All that certain three-story brick messuage•or • tenement and lot or piece of ground openwhich' the same is erected, situate on the soutirside of West street, at the distance of three hundred andminety-four feet seven inches and a half eastward from the east side•of Hanover street, in the city of Philadelphia :containing: in front or breadth on ::said West street eighteen feet, and in length or depth southward between linos parallel With said Hanover street eighty-five feet; bounded east- - 'ward, south ward and westward by ground now or late' of Harrison Earl and John S. Miller. and northward by - West street aforesaid t. being the same premises which' George Reick and Margaretta, his wife,- by indenture bearing slate the twenty-sixth day of December, Al D. 3856, and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.. NO. IA page 67, &e., granted and conveyed to Philip ll:Heppe and ' Gottlieb Ilapp. as tenants in common and' not its joint tenants, and the said Gottlieb Rapp by indenture, -dated the seventh dayof Angu . st, -A. D. 'ISIS, and recorded in' Deed Rook A. D. 8., No. S 6, page &C., granted and conveyed all his full, equal and undivided half part of in and to the said promises, to the said Philip H. Hoppe, under and enbject, nevertheless, to the payment of yearly ground-rent of thrtx-five dollars. - be. 2. Also, all that certain three-story brickmessuage or tenement and lot. or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Third street, at the distance. of flirty-seven feet and half an inch northward front the north side of Buttonwood street, in the city of Philadelphia, ihrmerly in the district of the Northern Liberties, containing in hunter breadth on the said Third street sixteen feet. and extending in length or depth westwai d, keeping the same breadth, between lines parallel with the said But. tonwood street one hundred and seven feet to a three feet wide alley. laid out by Jonathan Carmalt. parallel with the said Third street, and leading into said Battonwood street bounded northward• by ground formerly of Jo seph Patterson, westward by said three feet wide alley, southward by ground formerly of Jonathan Carmatt, and eastward hv Third sticet aforesaid ; being the same premises that Michael Andress and Sophia, his wife, by indenture hearing date the 17th day of October,•- A.' D. 3660, and recorded in, Deed: Book A. D. B. No. 92 page, 359, &c., granted and convoyed to Philip 11. Hemxi in tee, subject with respect to the westernmost thirteen feat of the above' described lot of 'ground, to the following con ditions or restrietione: that -no buildieg exceeding ten feet in-height should ever be erected thereon, nor should any privy or necessary, blacksmith shop, tallow chan dler s shop, or stable of any description, ever be sunk or placed in the same or any part thereof, together with the common use and privilege , of the said three feet ' wide alley, as and for a water course therein. CD. C., 732; D., '62.3 Debt, 5e.114.02. Booth. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Phi lip H. Heppe, and to be sold-by • JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, January 21;1883. jells* • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE :OF a:writ of Fieri Facies,. to me directed,. will he ex posed. to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY "evening, February 2, MI at 4 o'clock, at SanSom-street All that certain three-story.brick mmsuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Third street, at the distance of one hundred and thirty-four feetsix and one-half inches southward from the south side of Colum bia avenue, in the city of -Philadelphia ; containing in front on said Third street sixteen feetiand extending in depth eastward seventy'-two feet, more or less: (Being the same premises which the Merchants' and•Mechanics' :Savings Association of Philadelphia, by indenture dated - day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, recorded in• Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 148,page 264, &c., granted and convoyed inter alia to James S.-Sintth in fee.) . . No. 2.. All that certain lot of ground, with the three three-story brick houses thereon erected,situate on the west side of Hancock street, at the distance of two hun dred and twenty-one feet live end a half inches north ward from the north side of 3fonroe street, in the citrof Philadelphia; containing in front on said Hancock street thirty-two feet, and exteuoing in depth westward•one hundred and nine feet so Perry street. [Being s the same premises whieh Andrew D. Caldwell, by indenture dated February twentieth, one thousand eight 'hundred and forty-live, recorded In Deed Book It. n, D. l No. 3-1, page 3156, trtnt ted and conveyed to James S. Smith in fee.] Suliject to a certain ground rent since extinguished. No. 3. Al that certain three-stery brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of llnnter (now called Green) street, at the distance of one hundred and , twenty-five feet ten inches westward from. Eighteenth street in the city of Philadelphin ; containing in trout on said Hamer street thirty-six feet, and. extending in• length on depth one hundred and ninety-six feet five inches to .Centre street. [Being the same premises which George G. Gardiner, John G. Pulairet, and' John C: Ca— meron, trustees, Sm., and Septinsus H. Palairet„by their attorney, George Cadwalader, granted and' conveyed' to James S. Smith iu fee reserving thereon'. a certain, ground rent (since extinguished,) by indenture dated - February eighth, one thousand eight lin mired tenth tiltY 'three, recorded in Deed Book T. 11., No. Si. page )t. Ste. fD. C., 722 t D.,'3±) Debt, hi; T. Mitchell. seized and taken in execution as the property of James Sullivan Smith, and to be sold by .Toll.' THOMPSON, Shnrifr Philada., Sheriff's Office, January 21,1863. ja22.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Fachts, to ine directed wilt be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on ISION.DAY Evening, February 2,1861. at 4 o'clock, at Sansoukst reef, I WI, A certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being its the late township of Passyunk, on the east side of the Schuylkill. Beginning at a post standing i 11,. lauttealled Sober's lane, and adjoining the land of Israel Pemlan , ion, and runs thence north sixty-three degrees &illy. live minutes, west ninety-four perches to a post standing in the lend of the said Pemberton ant other land of rho said John Sober, thence smith forty-one degree* thirty minutes, west another post stand ing in the said land of John Suber,..thence along the said land south sixty . - two degrees, east ninety-three perches to a post in the said lane, thence along the front of the said lane or road thrown out by the said John S.,her to a common lane or road thirty-Eva (Ma feet wide, torth forty-two degrees, east twenty perches to the place of beginning, containing top acres and as half acre. (Being the same premises which John Sobers, of Ken sington, In the county of Philndelphla, afore:aid, gentle man, by indenture dated the sixteenth day of September, anno Domini one thonsund seven. ?method and fifty eight, recorded at Philadelphia, in Book 11., vol page 26, &c., on the thirtietkdity of October, an no.Domin one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, granted and conveyed unto George Lesher his heirs awl itasigns for ever, and the said George Leslier being so cheroot seized in his demesne as of fee; died intestate, whereby the same descended to and became vested in his legal repre sentatives, parties of the first part in fee as tenants in com mon. . N. 13. The following described property only will be Bola under this writ: No. 1. All 11 at certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of AVltellinWon avenue and weft side of Twenty-first st reet, in the Virst ward of the city of Phila delphia, beginning at the northwest corner of said Wash ington avenue and Twenty-first street, running thence. northwardly along . the west side of .twenty-tirst street two hundred and sixty-four (%4) feet 1 , ,,m• inches, thence • northwestwardly four hundred and teu (410) feet to the east .side of Twentysecond street. thence sonthwardly along the east side of TwentY-second street two hundred anti ninety-seven (.973 feet, thence southeasterly two hundred and forty-eight (2.48) feet six Inches to the north side of Washington avenue, thence eastwardly along the north 'vide of ‘Vashington avenue one hundred :Old sixty (160) feet, to Twenty-drat street, the place of begin-. t. cortittn_lot or pieco or ground IIMI!!I on the north silo ofWashington avenue and east side of Twentletlestreet, in the First ward of the city of ' Philadelphia t containing in front : pr breadth on, WaAh-, legion avenue eightv-six (86) feet. and extending -in . length or depth of that width northwardly along th 4; east side of Twentieth street one-hundred aud twerty. seven (127) feet six inches. and on the east line th Ar e o r one hundred and seven (1W) feet, nine inches. inters or less. [D. C., 724; D. ] Debt. 6 1 .0 67 . 33 . - Thorn. Seized and taken in execution as • the ~ A zperty of William Lecher and other), and to be Rild • OWS THOMDA:ON, Sheriff. Phil adelphiatneSlTS'Ottire. January.ll, lL6i. jal-4.3l THE PRESS.-PIMADWIPIIIA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. -159., SEIERLIVEtS SALES. SE ERIFI"S SALE.-13Y VIRTUEf , .OF a writ of Alias"Vonditiont Exponag, to ;no directed, will be expo*cd to public onlo or venduc, en MONDAY Evening, rebruary 2, 18(D, nt 4 o'clock, nt SA,n4oin.scroct - All that certain lot or piece of. hind. with the build ings and itnprovements thereon erected, situate in those rens of the Twentieth and Twenty-first wards of the city of Philadelphia, which {yore formerly the township and district of Penn, and described according to a survey met; thereof °utile twenty-ninth day of January, 1816, by Henry Haines, Esquire, surveyor for the Seventh dis • tact. as follows, to wit: beginning at the point of Inter section of the southwestern lino of the Germantown road and the middle of Eighth street. thence extending north 'westwardly along the southwestern side of said Genius town road six hundred and fifty-eight feet eleven and one quarter inches to- the southeastern side of Tirrimes lane, thence south sixty-ono degree' , eighteen minutes west along the southeastern aide of said Turner's lane; one thousand eight hundred nod t weuty s three feet one and three quarter inches, thence south twenty-seven degrees seven minutes east, -by ground of Geo. F. Randelph, one thousand and twenty feet three and th ree;simirter inches to a point inn the middle of Eleventh st., thence northward along the middle Vale said Eleventh street ante nun.- dred and thirty-eight feet tea and a half Inches to the middle of Stisquelia rine avenue, thence esstwaed along the middle of saidSusqueliatina avenue liiur hundred and forty-six feet to the middle of Tenth street, thence north; Ward along the middle of said Tenth street two hundred mind seventyt-wo feet .thence eastward on a line at right, angles to the said enth street two hundred anti twenty-. three feet, thence northward on a line parallel with the said Tenth street three hundred and twel re feet to the' middle of Dauphin street, thence eastward along the, middle of said Dauphin street two hundred and twenty thri e feet to the middle of Ninth street, thence north ward along the middle of said Ninth street three hun deed and five feet, thence eastward on a line at .right an gles to, the said Ninth street two hundred and sventv 'eight feet two and one-quarter' inches to the middle of Eighth street, and Unmet. northward along the middle of said Eighth street one hundred and twenty-six feet tight and one-half inches to the place of beginning, containing thirty-two acres and Qua hundred and twenty-eight 'perches, excepting, nevertheless, and al ways reserving out of this present grant a certain strip or piece of grouud extendidg across across the above described premises, which has become vested in and is now used and °copied by the Philadelphia"; cement° wit, and Norristown Railroad Company,. as and for the purposes of the railroad, according to law, anti contain ing one acre and forty-five perches; being the RAMC pre mises which the said The. Nagleeßeal Estate ASSOCilitleo. by indenture bearing date the eighteenth day of Februa- . IT, Aunt, Domini eighteen hundred and riftyssix, and re corded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the city. of PlolaPelph la, in Mortgage Book R. D. W.. No. 31, page MI, Re., mortgaged to William R. Lejee, to secure the payment of the sum or simis of money therein mentioned, (especially excepting, however, from levy and sale un der this writ, nit that part and portion 1 of the aformid mortgaged premises, described as follows, to. wit: Bo ginniug :it a point of intersection of the southwestern line of the Germantown road and the middle of Eighth street, (as the same is .laid out and intended to be continued.) thence 'extending: northwest ward ly 'along" the south western side of the said Germantown road six hundred and fifty-eight feet eleven sad one-quarter inches, to the southeastern side of Turner's lane, thence south six ty-one degrees and eighteen' minutes west along the southeastern bide of said Turners lithe to, a point mid way between Ninth street and Tenth street, (as the Mlle are laid out and intended to 'be ,centinued,) thence Sonthwardly on n line parallel With said Ninth street and Tenth: street .respeetively,: . tp the middle of Dauphin. treet, thence two hundred and twenty three feet to he middle of Ninth street aforesaid; thence northward along the middle of said Ninth street t hreehun tired and five feet eastwaro, on a line at right angles_ to the said Ninth street two hundred and seventy-eight feet two and one-quetter inches, to the middle- of Eighth street aforesaid • and thence northward along he middle of the said Eighth street one hundred and twenty-six. feet eight and one half inches to the place of beginning, ' with the appurtenances, which said premises the said William lt. Lejee, for the consideration' therein eltz pressed, did, by release under his hand and seal, on the twentieth day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-six, recorded on the twenty-seventh day of Jane, a. D. eighteen hundred a ndlifty-six, in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 88, page.lo2, ncquito, exonerate, and forever discharge °rand from Mellen of said mortgage. And also, all that part a uti portion of the aforesaid mortgaged premi ses described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the point of intersection of tit. westerly. line of Tenth street and the Middle of Susquehanna avenue, (as those id Tenth street and Susquehanna avenue are laid out and intended to be continued and opened t) t hence extending northwardly alonglhe esterly side of Teeth street, as the said street -is laid out rind intended to bacontinued, one thousand two hundred and forty-six feet four inertia and seven-eighths of 1112 inch to the southeasterly side of Turner's lane, thence north sixty-one degrees, eighteen minutes east, along the said southeasterly side of. Turner's lane to a Point leidivsy between Ninth street and Tenth street, as the same are laid out and intended to be continued, thence soutfrwardly on a line parallel with said Ninth Street and Tenth street, respectively (anti partly along the line of grotuad heretotore released to the Naglee Real testate Association aforesaid) to a point at a distance of two hundred and seventy-two feet northwardly from _the middle of the aforesaid Sroquelfanna avenue, thence westwardly pantile' with the said Susquehanna avenue two hundred and twenty-three feet to the middle of Tenth street, laid out as aforsimid, thence southwardly along the middle of the said Tenth street two hundred and seventy-two feet to the middle of the said Sttique ha nna avenue, laid out and intended to be opened as aforesaid, and titmice westwardly along the middle of said avenue fifty feet to the place of beginni e g, with the nppunenances,wir eh said premises, the said William R. Leice, for the consideration therein expressed, did; by release ' under . his hand and seal, on the eighteeuth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and lifty-aeven,re- . corded on the twelfth day of May, A. D. eighteen hun dred and fifty-seven, in Deed nook R. D. W.. No 1 4 7; Gage 488, dc.. acquite, exonerate, and forever discharge of and from the lien of said mortgage. And also, all that part and portion of the aforesaid mortgaged premises, de seribtd as follows, to wit: Begiuning at a point where • the middle of Twelfth street confirmed intersects the south westernmost line of the tract described in the above recited indenture of mortgage, thence extending-along said westernmost line north twenty-seven degrees, seven minutes west to a: point in the southeasterly line of Tur ner's lane, thence north sixty-one degrees eighteen min utes east a long the southeasterly line of said Turner's lane and crossing said Twelfth street, Dauphin street, and the ..Philadelphia—Genuantown, and Norristown 'Railroad, to a point in the middle of Eleventh street continued, thence southward along the middle of said Eleventh street, and recrossing said Dauphin street to the middle of a certain new street forty feet wide, laid out and in tended to be opened by the Nagle° Real Estate A.saocia tion, called Nevada street, thence westward along the middle of said Nevada street to a point in the middle of said Twelfth street. and thence southward - along the middle of said Twelfth street to- the first-mentioned noir t and place of beginning with the appurtenances, which said premises the said Wm. R. Lejee, for the consideration therein expressed; did, by release under his hand and seal, on the third day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, recorded on ninth day of :July, A. D. -eighteen hundred and sixty two. in. Deed Beek A. 0. If., No. di, page 250, Ste., ac quite, _exonerate, and forever discharge of anti from . the lien Of said mortgage. And also, all that part and portion of the aforesaid • mortgaged premises, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point at the intersec tion of the middle of Eleventh street continued,, and the middle of a certain new street forty feet wide, laid oar . by the Nnglee Real Estate Association. called Nevada -srreet, thence extending westward along the middle of Nevada street to a point in the middle of Twelfth street continued, thence southward along the middle of said Twelfth street to a poiut in the middle of another_new street forty feet wide, laid out by said Association. call ed Colona street, thence eastward from the middle of said Colona street to thelitiddle of said, Eleventh street,' thence northward along the middle' of said Eleventh 'street to the first-mentioned point and place of begin niug. with the appurtenances, which said premises the' tumid R. hmee, for the consideration thereiaex-- pressed, did, by release nnder hirlintiorand'So . a.l; on the thintieth day - of 1 ecember, A. D. eighteen hundred and kixty-two, recorded on dam of A. eighteen hundred and sixty-tares, in Deed Bonk - A.11.,'N0.—, page —, Re., ace, exonerate, and forever discharge of and from the tun of said mortgage.] N. B.—The above property will be sold as follows, to wit: No. is All those twenty certain lots or pieces of ground, situate on the north side of Susquehanna avenue, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, be ing lots numbered 590, 591. 592, 699, 594,&75, 596, 597, 596,509, 600, OD, did, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, and OJO, as laid out upon a certain plan of the estate of the Naglee Real F.state Association," as approved and recorded in the office for recording deeds, etc., in and for the city_ of Philadelphia, to Deed Book A. D, 8., No. 67,page uOlO, etc, and here described together as one lot; beginning at the northwest corner of Eleventh street and Susque ha nnwavenite, and extenning thence west along Susque hanna a.venne three hundred and forty-seven feet six inches and one-eighth of an inch to tkpoint, thence north • twenty-seven degrees seven minutes, west seventy-seven feet eleven inches and one-fourth 'of an inch to a point, thence north along the east side of Twelfth street fifty five feet, more or Tess, to a point, thence east on a line parallel with the said Susquehanna avenue ninety feet to a point„thence north at right angles seven feet to a point, thence east on a line parallel with the said avenue two hundred'. and sixteen feet to a point, theme south at right angles seven feet to a point, thence east on a line Parallel with. the said avenue ninety feet to Eleventh street, thence south one hundred and thirteen feet to the . place of beginning. No. 2 All those four certain lots or pieces of p"ound situate on the east side of Twelfth street, in the Twenty first ward of the city ofiqdradelphia,belng lots number ed 637, &SS, and . 64o, as laid out on the plan aforemen tioned, recorded as aforesaid, and here described together as one lot, beginning at the distance of one hundred and thirteen feet north trom the north side of Susquehanna avenue, and extending thence north ; containing in front or breadth on the said Twelfth street sixty-seven feet, and continuing:of that width in length or depth east ward, between - lines parallel with the said avenue ninety feet. . Z. 3. those thirteen certain lots or pieces of ground, .situate on the south side °Melons street, in the Twen ty first ward of the city of Philadelphia,being lots unto bored 573, 574, 375; 576; 577, 578, 576., 560, 561, 582, 353, 531, and 585, as laid out on the plan afore-mentioned, recorded its aforesaid, here described teacher as one lot, begin ning at the di4tance of ninety feet west from the west side of Eleventh street,.and extending thence west, con tai wing in front or breadth, on the said Colon street, two hundred and sixteen feet,. and conibming of that width in length or depth southward, between lines parallel with the said Eleventh street, sixty ANA. No. 4. All those fourteencertsin lots or pieces of ground, situate on the south side of Stuusuehanint avenue, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots numbered 610, 613 i. 612,. 613,611.615,616,617,615,619,626 621, 622, and 623, as laid' out on the plan aforementioned as recorded aforesaid,and herede , eribed together as one lot, beginning at the southwest corner of Eleventh street and Susquehanua avenue, and extending, thence west ward along said avenue- two- hundred and ninety-nine Met ten inches and seven-eighths of an inch to a point, thence south 27° 7' east one hundred and forty-seven Met six incites, thence easron a line parallel with the said Susquehanna avenue one hundred and ten feet to a point, thence north at right angles sixteen feet • six inches CO a point, thence east at right angle; ninety feet to Eleventh street, thence north along said Eleventh street ono hun dred and thirteen leer, to the place of beginning. o. 5,411 those six certain lots 0- pieces of stiound situ ate on the west side. of Eleventh street, in the Twenty first ward of the city r,f Philadelphia, being lots num bered 624, 625, 626,627, 628, and Ed% se; laid out upon the plan aforesaid, rev:in/ea:as aforesaid, and here described together as one lot, beginning at a point on Eleventh street 212 feet south of Susquehanna avenue, thence west, at right a es t :l36feet more or less, thence north 27 de grees 7 minutes.west 107 feet 2 inches and one-eighth of an inch, more or less, to a point, thence east, at right an gles with Eleventh street,lllo feet, more or less, to a: point, thence north ou a line parallel with said Eleventh street 16 feet 6 inches to a point, thence east, at right an les, 60 feet to Eleventh street, and thence south, along Eleventh street, 99'thet to the place of beginning. Ito. 6. All those two certain lois or pieces of ground situate on the west side of Eleventh street, in the Twen ty-lirst ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots nun.bered am/ ea in the aforesaid plan, recorded as nforesaid, and here described as one lot, beginning at a point on the west - side of Eleventh street three • hundred' and seventy-seven feet four inches and seven-eighths of an inch south of Smenehanna avenue, thence extending north twenty-seven degrees seven minutes west eighty-- Iwo feet two Inches and eighty-five hundredths of an such; more or less, to a point, thence east, at right angles with Eleventh street, fifty-seven feet to the said Eleventh street, thence smith along Eleventh street sixty-six feet four inches and seven-eightlis of an inch to the place of beginning- . .. No. 7. 'All those tour certain •lota or pieces of ground situate on the east side of Eleventh street, in the Twenty, first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots mini bored 4rEl, 460,461 and 462, as laid out on the plan afore . mentioned, recorded as aforesaid, and here described to gether as one lot, beginning at the distance of 113 feet north from the north side of Susquehanna avenue, mail extending thence northward to Colons street, containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street 67 feet, and continuing of that width in length or depth eastward between punnet lines with the said. Susquehanna ave. cue. on Colima street line 40 feet, and on the south line 75 feet, to the Germantown and Norristown Railroad, No. 8. All those certain five lots or piece of ground situate on the north side of Susquehanna avenue, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots numbered 453, 454, 4.55 and 4:56, .157, as laid out on the plan aforesaid, recorded as aforesaid, and here described toge ther as one lot, beginning at the distance of IS feet from the east side of Eleventh street, and extending thence along' Susquehanna avenue 116 feet and 10 inches to the westerly side of- tire Germantown and Norristown Rail road, thence north westerly along the said railroad 125 feet, more or less, to a point, thence west on a line parallel with the said Susquehnuna avenue 57 feet, to a point; thence south on 31 line parallel with the said Eleventh street 113 feet to the place of beginning. No. 9. All those seven certain lots or pieces of ground situate on the north lido of Susquehanna avenue, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadephia, being lots numbered 446,447, 448, 4,0, 450, 451, and 452, as laid out on the plan aforementioned recorded as afore said, and here described as one lot, beginning on said avenue at the distance of 72 feet west fronathe West aide of Tenth street, and extending thence latest 114 feet 6 inches and five-eighths of an inch to the. easterly side of the Germantown and Norristownjtedlroad, thence northwesterly along the said railroad> 165 feet, be the same more or less, to a point, thencs.esst on a line Pa rallel with the said Susquebanna avenue 160 feat 6 inches to a point, thence south et right angles 7-feet, thence east at right. angles 18 feet, thence sentli on a line parallel with the said Tenthistreet 113 feet, to. the. place of be ginning. Ne.lo. All those ten certaiwjat.or pieoes of ground situate on the south side of Cobiria.„streetje. the Twenty:- first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots num bered 428,42, 430, 431, 432, 4:L 4 0344430, 436,. and 437,as laid out on the plan aforementitmed; recordpa as aforesaid, and here described togetlit ,f R 4 one lot, beginning at the distance of 00 feet west, iron the v.iiin side of Tenth • street, and extending thance west.l9l feet 6 inches to the 1 easterly side of the Otrytn i sh(oitm wit Norristown Rail road, thence soutliet,teor y, alert& the line of the said railroad 67 feet. more..nrlesx, to, tknit poit thence east on a. line parallel with thx.sa4Colonnstaatet 193 feet 6 inched to a. point; thence warfit an a line.parallelwith the saint i Tenth Street 60 fee:o4llle pleee.of beginning.. 1 - No.ll. All these..thirteon certain lots orpleces of grovrali simile on the noiriNsidexat„Colona stieet, in the Twenty , I •first ward of the ally or , Thilittielphia, being lots tes bored 415,416 •4411 . 44t;wi..),-.e,i, 42:,, , 423,' 414, 4alk and 427, as la , Iltriiitthe.plan.aforementioned, retie , as aforesaid.' s..ip Th adhereT described together tisonA , lot‘ •beginuina..9‘tt e dlstince of 90 feet.frome wer4sido of to Tenth st%sot,.a.llext.nding thence west .213 feet 3t inches to the e,asterle• ride of the Germantown and•Karrimown Railr , xo4thouce northwesterly 67 feet to a rioLat, thence east on a Rue:parallel with Colons street 243 feet 4.lnches , to r fr poiat,thence south itt right angles ON foot to the. 1 p.aesofbefinnhot• • . „i Nd.. 19 All those fifteen certain lots or pieces of ground' ..,-1-linftle' on the south side . of. Nevada street, -in the , Twigity:firit Ward of the city of Philitirelphtgbeing‘las numbered 1113, 304,.:111. 396, 1 1 7. 3 1 8,, MO. 4 0 2. -kg, 402, 4111. 401, 407. 402. and 407, as laid out ou the Plan aforesaid; re-. corded as aforegahl, dild here'des.pri bed 't gather at one lot, beginning at the'distance of ninety feet west front' the west side of Tenth street; anti extending lenco west. two hundred:end seveuty-tour - feet seven inches. to the easterly side of the Germantown and .Norristown /hil t mid ; thence south w esterly:alciug the line - of slid rail 3 road sixty-loam feet,, Mere Or iess,to a point t . thenci "esst:on s jinn pgraltel With -Gig Sall i.s;glU4S, litreet: Iftl SHERIFF'S SALES. • hundred and. forty4hree f• et seven inches to n point thence northward do a lila, parallel with t lie said. Tenth' sti cot tixty eel to the Nave aY beginuing. N 0.13. All those thirteen certain lots or pieces of ground, situate on the north skis of eVadtb street. in the Twenty-- 01Si ward of the city of Philatielphht, being lots ItUM bered :1t 4 7 4 ?51e * 6, :*7, 36 . 3, 3,3), and 1.02,ns laid out on the plan of .rementioned. recorded as 1'101.0141d, nod here described together as one lot, be ginning at the distance of 00 feet west .troin the west side of Tenth street, and extending thence west, containing in front. or breadth on the said Nevada street 216 feet, and continuing of that width in Length or deptlN north-- ward. betwet n parallel lines with ; the said Tenth street, 00 feet. 'No: 14. All those seven certain lots or pieces of ground situate on the east hide of Eleventh street, in the riven ty-first ward of the city of ; Philadelphia, lining tuts numbered 46G, 467, 4an,•fir, 470:471. and 472, as laid out ou the plan aforementioned. recorded as aforesaid, and here described together as one lot; beginning at the south east corner of. Dauphin and. the said Aleventh Streets. and extending thence southward along the said Ede venni rdrect'one huudred and sixteen test seven inches to a point, thence east at right angles ninety feet. thence north parallel with Eleventh street one hundred and six teen feet seven inches t Dauphin street, thence west ninety feet to the place of beginning. No. 15. All those twelve certain lots or nieces of ground, situate on the smith side of Dauphin street, in the Twen ty-lir:4%yard of the city of Philadelphia. being lot. , unto -bered 358 ..M. 360. all. 362, 304, 365. 366, 367. AS.. itud 38n, its !aid out on the plan aforementioned,.recorded as arm said, and here described together as one lot, begin ning at the distance of -one hundred and six feet nine inches, west from the west side of Tenth street, extend ing westward along said Dauphin street two hundred feet to a. point, thence south parallel with Tenth street ninety feet, thence eastward parallel with Dauphin street two buntirt d feet. thence north at right angles ninety feet to the plat* of beginning. ICo - 16. All those five certain lots or pieces of ground 'situate ou • the north side of 'Dauphin street, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots numbered 343.: 1 54, 355, 346, and 347, as laid out on the plan aforementioned, recorded as aforesaid, and de n] thed here together as one lot ; beginning at the dis tance of ninety feet east from the - east side of Eleventh street, and extending thence east, containing in front or breadth on the said Dauphin street, eighty-three feet one inch, anti continuing of that width in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with the said Ele venth street, ninety feet. . Ed: 17. All those thirteen certain lots or pieces of ground, situate on the south side of Dacota street, in the wenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots numbered , 523, 324. M. 326. 327, 328. 31 1 , WO. 331, 332, 338, 3:4, and 3, as laid out on the plan aforementioned, re corded tot'aforesaid,And here- described together as one lot, beginning at the distance of ninety feet west from the west side of Tenth street, end extending thence 'west. containing in front or breadth. on the said Deegan street two hundred and sixteen. feet, and continuing of that wldth in length or depth southward, between lines parallel with the said Tenth street, sixty feet. • No. M. All those thirteen certain lots or pieces of te on the nol o i t l t t l s o id t e i D o a d c o o tp ta h s t str,eebetiotzu lotsthe Ce n u l t-e i rs tu t a ward of the numbered 310, 311 , . 312, 313, 3 4, 315, 316, 317, 318, MS, 320, .321, and TA as. laid out on the plan aforementioned, re corded as aforesaid; and 'here described together as one Jot; liegiuning at the distance. of ninety feet west from the west side of Tenth street, and extendiug thence west, containing in front or breadth ou the said Dacota street two hundred and :sixteen feet, and continuing of that width in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with the said Tenth street; sixty feet. • 110.19. All those twelve certain lots or pieces of ground situate on the South side of Arizona street, in the Twenty , first weird of the city of Philadelphia, being lots number ed C. 211), 293,104, 21.5, `...416, 2117, 298, 289. t-,00, and 301, 'as laid out on the plan aforementioned, recorded as afore said, and here described together as one lot; beginning 'at the'distance of one hundred and six feet nine inches west from that west side of Tenth street, and extending thence westward; containing in front or breadth on the said Arizona street one hundred and ninety-nine feet three inches, and continuing of that width in length or depth' southward, between lines parallel with tho said Tenth street, sixty feet. . „ Plo.20.•All those eleven certain lots or pieces of ground, situate toe north side of Arizona street, in t liefrwenty. 'first ward of the eity of Philadelphia, being lots num bered ra; 27it. vo, 281, X 2.253, 283, 255. 2S, and 258, a 1 "aid out on the plan aforementioned, recorded as afore said' &e., and here described together as one 1.,1 ; begin :lllu tit the'distfinee of ninety feet west fro the west side of Tenth street, and extending tbene from the west, c, utal n in in front or breadth 'on the said Arizona street one hundred and eighty-two feet and eight inches, and con tinuing of that width in length or depth northward, be , tlireen lilies parallel with the said Tenth street, sixty feet. . . . . No. 21. All those foiir certain lets or pteces of ground El tnii to on the south side of York street, in the Twenty first ward of the city of Philadelphia, being lots num bered 263, 266, 267, anti 263, as laid out upon the plan afore said, recorded as aforesaid, and here described together as one lot; beginning at the distance of ninety feet west from the west aide or Tenth street, and extending thence 'west, containing in front or breiulth 'on the said York street sixty-six led seven inches, and continuing of that which in length or depth soot ween lines paral lel with the snid Tenth street ninety feet. No. 22. /11 ;be following lots or pieces of ground num bered upoit the plkn aforesaid, recorded aforesaid as fol lows: Upon tl e west side of blevenilt street, Nos. 630, 631. 892, V. 3, and G 34. Nos. 566, 537,5.513, and 539; upon - the north side of Suspielianna avenue, Zfos. 992, 443, 444;445, and No. 953; upon the - east side of Eleventh street, Nos. 463, 464, and 408, Nos. 473, 474,475, 476,477, 978, 439, 480, and 431, N 05.4.32, 433,434, 485, 436, 457, and 43i ; upon the south side of York street, No. 264; upon the north side of Ari zona street, No. 289; upon the south side' of Arizona street, No. :02: upon the north side of Dauphin street, Nos. 345, 340, 34; 0 :345, 349, 350, 351. and 352; upon the south side of Dauphin street, No. 370; upon the east side of Tenth street, Nos. 261, 262, and 263; Nos. Z.S4, 210, 211, 272,273,274.276,276, and `277: Nos. 303, 304,' 305, 303, 307, :.1113, and 3099:' Nos. 836, 537, 838, 3V, :340, 341, 312,:343, and 3443 Nos. 371; 372, :373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 373, and 379; lies. 9 40 0 1 8, 09, 410, 412, 413, and 414; Nos. 433, 4:11, 440, used • (D. C.,.7.45; D., '63. Debt, $18,016.78 W. 11. Drayton.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of the Naglee Real Estate Association, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. TliilitdelPliia,Fflictiirs Office, Jan. 21,1863. jit22.3t SHERIFFrS .SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veuditioni Fxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, •Febriutry 2,18(tt: at 4 . o'Clock. at Sansom-street All that certalMlot or Piece of ground, with the three storied brick Meantime' 01 tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Twelfth street. at the distance of sixty-seven fe..reight metes southward from thesouth side of Callowhill street,•hr Me Fourteenth ward of the city of Plilladelphia;:containtaft let front or breadth on the said Twelfth.street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward betWeau lines parallel with said Callowhill street fifty-nine feet, Bounded north ward by ground granted to Charles , Cummings east ward by a tin eo-feet-Wide alleYleatfingsouthwar:l into Carlton street, southward by grenntl;granted to George Earp, Jr., and westward by said: Twelfth: (Being the 5111110 Invokes that Jetties S. Keenl and Emily E , his wife, by indenture'bearifig date the' tWenty-third day of May, aline Domini eighteen hundred' aud'six , ty-one, and Intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and con veyed unto the said William C. Stiles fee*, under and subject to the payment of a certain mortgag,ty debt or principal sum of two thousand dollars, autt also under and subject to the payment of a certain balance. of forty dollars of another mortgage debt or_ principaf , strnr - Of eight hundred dollars..with , interest due and ro• grow du( respectively-thereon. C.:03: D. 'Si) Debt, 81,050. H. EL Phillips . Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil— liam C. Stiles, and to be sold b ' •• • JO 1 N THOMPSON, Sheriff hiladelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 21,1863. ja224, RHERIPPS . . a writ of 'Laved Facies, to me directed, wilt be ex- Posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, February 2,1663, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain messuage or tenement aid lot or piece etc - Imnd thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Reed street at the distance of forty-five feet westward `from the west side of Church street, in the district of knithwark, (now called the First ward of the city of Phi ladelphia) ; containing in front or breadth on the said ''Reed street fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward seventy feet to a certain three feet-wide alley, which extends westward from the said Church street into a certain twenty-feet-wide alley leading northward from the said Reed street. Bounded ou the north by the said three-feet-wide alley, on the east and west by ground granted to Amara,Berton on ground rent, and on the south by Reed street aforesaid. (Being the same pre mises which John W. Ciaghorn and wife, by indenture dated the sixth day of. May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 16, page 512,, Sm., granted and conveyed unto the said Patrick BUMS in fee, under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of fifty-two dol lars and fifty cents. B. B.—On the above described lot there is erected a three•storied brick dwelling house. CD. C.. 726; D.,`69.] Debt, $2BO. James W. Paul. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Pa trick Duras, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office Jan 21, 1563. ja2-9,41t HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a•writ of Venditioni Exponne, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or ventlue, on MONDAY Evening, February '?,1563, at 4 o'clock. at hansom-street Hall, All OM certain lot or piece of ground; with the five story brick hotel and other brick buildings thereon erected,' situate on the south side of High or Market street, at the distance of one hundred "and thirty four feet westwardly from the west side of Seventeenth (late Schnytkil] Sixth) street, in the city of Philidelph in; con tabling in fiont or breadth on the said High or Market street forty-six feet, and extending that breadth iu length or death southward one hundred unit seventy-six feet to Barker street. BOunded westward by tumuli! now or late of William Graham, eastwardby city lot No. 1666, sold to Thomas Pitt, iontliward by said Barker sh•ett, and northward by High or Market street. , ED O. , 714 ; D.,1e61 Debt, 61318 73. Gerhard,] Seized and taken in execution as theproperty of Elizabeth Henderson, administratrlx, Ste., of John Hen dersen ; - deceased, auk to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office; JannarY 21, 1563. ja22-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ."`-' a writ of Levari.Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, February 3,1969. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street flail, AU that certain messuage er.tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate in that parthf the city of Philadelphian,, formerly called' the borough of. Germantown: described as Mllows, viz: Beginning at a stake set for a cornerin the l ine of land belonging to the estate of Th ones Armee L, deceased, thence by the same north forty degrees fifty minutes west, nine and a half perches to the line of Jesse Leriie's land, thence by the same north forty-one degrees thirty-five minutes east, twenty-nine perches and three tenths to a corner of ground of Robert If. Thomas, thence by the same north seventy-seven degrees •east, about, sixty feet ton corner in the line of ground of Charles H. Shoemaker and Robert H. Thomas, thence by the same and partly in 'a run of water south bile degree and a 'quarter west, twenty-three and fifteen-hundredths perches to a stake set for a corner .in the middle of said run, and thence along the northwardly side of a certain fifty-feet-wide street,..called -, Armed street, continued the following course and distance_, viz: North eighty five degrees forty-five minutes. • west. eleven feet six inches, south eighty-three degrees twenty minutes, west fifty-six feet, south seventy-six degrees forty-five minutes. west fifty-three feet, south sixty-one degrees and a half, west eighty-seven teet, and south fifty and a half degrees west eighty-nine feet six inches to the place of beginning: also, • • N0..2. All that certain lot or pieede of grOund situate on ”Lintren place," in.Germautown aforesaid, beginning at a stake set for a corner of this- and ground belonging to Hannah B. Schatter, by the side of Arinatt street con tinued, thence extending along the side of said Armatt street south eighty-five degrees forty-Live minutes, east one hundred and ninety-three feet to a stake sot. for nn corner by the side of Willow avenue, thence along the sonic, north five degrees and thirty-five minutes, east two hundred and eighty-nine feet six inches to an angle, and north tour degrees and thirty-five minutes, west two hundred and eighty-five feet four inches to a stake set for a corner,' thence south eighty-five degrees and twenty-live minutes, west seventy-four feet ten Inches to a stake set for a corner by the side of a gum tree, thence north forty-six degrees and thirty minutes, west two hundred and forty-nine feet six inches to a stone set for a corner, thence south one degree and forty-fivo minutes,, east three hundred and forty-nine feet to a corner, Etienne with the line of Hannah B. Schaffer's land, north seventy-seven degrees. east sixty feet to a Corner, thence still with the name , south one degree and fine m minutes, west three hundred and eighty-two feet to the place of beginning: containing three acres and twenty-nine perches or la nd,be the same more or less. CBeiug.the same premises which George Schaffer and Hannah 8., MS wife, by Indenture betuing date the nineteenth day of May, aline Minna .eighteen hundred and fifty-six.) Recorded in the •ofii ce;. for 'recording deeds, Sze „in and for the city of Philedelphimiu Deed Book W.,- No, Si, page 274 Sm. granted and conveyed unto, the said Samuel H. Aldridge in fee; subject, to the payment and discharge of three several mortgage debts,'arnennting together to the sum of eight thousand' doltaes, With in terest to accrue and arrow due thereon. Tegether with the free use and privilefee of :the said Armatt street and of the streets connecting therewith. N. 8.--The premises above described wil=t be sold to gether and subject. to the tliree mortmeesabove men tioned, amounting in the aggregate to EsSAWor principal the interest sterned thereon: • • CD. C.; 716 : D., '62.1 De1d,f56,084.07. J. B.Trewasend. • Seized and takefuin execution as the psopartY of Samuel 11. Aldridge Smith., end to be sold by JOHN TllO-tkiN, Sheriff. Ph iladelphia.S;nerifre Office, January.l4lW33. Lja22-3t SHERIFVLS SALE,--BY R' O Ps- , a writ •ogVendifloni ExpOis tiaie d i reeted t. be exposed to.lutblic sale or 1:m412/ s pit/MOND:II E • cjar, nine,. Fehriu.m , 2;19%, at 4 crelook..a atirout4tmet ?h,. 1. All titit certain lot or piee.44of(mtuatud, with the Mr( e-stery ,hzick messuage or teMmeng thereon erected. situate on Ars south side of 3fontpmmestystreet,and oritltdt : west side eftildeventh street, in ,talabidistrict of Ifou.a, now the w.entieth ward oftbetail l ty of Phlladttpltia„ ' containiiikin front or breadth,ca . said Eleventi c alreist„' fifteen feel:Lead extending in _local or depth wcattwardt. of that - - 111.1, along the satt l l u tVwasery strnet, nerent7; six feeh, - Dohnded northw 7 case said Morlimety str eet,.:,,mitkward by otherksaviimi of the said; mil Everalti, westward ,y e7otp, , t4. lute of Charlcs. Fishy.::and eastward Ity, ©tenth street aforcsai ilie• battle prentises;Nhich, :Henry P. lifattrlieul,hr deed Alated tbo twelfth r:my,ofefftrch, auto) Jj)guar ore , theAttatut eight,flgty-nine, and recorded! in 1/ 1 ..a office for recurdina t ot..ileed,‘ &e., to Deed E,ook A, D. ,„.:iy0,67„ page &A vartted,aud 'convoyed. (inter .al hi). to Samuel ErcgejtAtt.tee, subject to rite PUTl,Of_ut u,,eattain yearly gronnit,rent or snm of forty ; oho uotaars, payable to Charles llChr,y. hisher, his hairs ft tit' . assails ; mixable in half-rairlyiramments on thq. diax- of the :wcoktbs of JantwAy A.ndZNly, in earl: nee every- year, without deduction fqr tues, &e.3 Ay Ito,?. All that,ciarttimi lot or piece° tgrqup'l i tth the three-story brick ines.nage or tenewnt tlicroon„ erected, situate tht west side. of Eleventitstfeetrit Vta nceof 'fifteen feet a/Mill ward from theaeothshleet . .. 4tgontery street, I;. t)ithilft 0/strict of, l'etm,. dig the. ontiet li ward of ti,st•city of plilladolpbl4 ; ; c:untamink 114 frost or breadth ca.t4ieislid Eleventh sprint tiftgen, feot, and tending. indengt , j, or depth .Ngosfward of that width ut right-augies. t 44 said Eleveat.h. street. seveuty-six -Boutiatdmortbward by other : ftoutdo(' the said Samuel; Everett,, smsaltwaril and Icestiritrdt by around 'late, br. Chiarlos.lioary Fisher. afcd,eastward,l4 . Eleventh sOcatt. atihrosahl... (Being the mime prtur,jaes which lles,r3. r. by deed date. thedp,riftb, slay of 41arob.,,ww. DeVtint thous:l44a ht abed and fifty-4W,, and ' recorded Deed lztis) A, No. 57. NW , .1R 'kw,' frauted and eOlteeye (inter. utial to the sa.4 SAtutol .Everett-Ati fee, auhiget to the , payMent of a certcga / ground. iiut el. sum of fur ty•oue pexat.le to Cherltni,,,Hettry..Visiter, his heirs and asst n,_ in- equal half-yearly payments, oft the first day of th,e months .of. January. And July ittetieb nod every. year, without 'de. ductiou ler Mires, &e. 11). a411:11., liebt, J. DOA.) Seised and takon In execution as the Aroperty of I :gunnel Eteerett,, audio be sold by •., • • - JADE Triomminw s .sheriff. Fit?Pl f .rtiMPfl:l l l 4 l. VOW. - iti3t-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIR . TEFF, OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponis, to me . direntod; wilibo exposed to public. sale or vendtie, on MONDAY. Evening, February 2, /803, at,4 o'clock, at litaaaom-streot No. I. All that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and the lot or piece of grJund whereon . the same is erected, situate on the north side of Laurel street, at the distance of forty-three teed cloven inches westward from rho west side of New Market street, in the Sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia: contain ing in front or-breadth on said Laurel street fifteen feet" four innhes, and extending in length ; or depth north -Ward fifty feet. [Being the same preen we4Which Janies,Lo.. gnu et ux, by indenture dated.Febr nary twenty eighth, eighteen hundred and Sixty*one, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H. . No. 7, page 384. granted and conveyed unto the said Frederick. Klemm,' in fee; subject , to the pay ment of a yearly ground rent of thirty-six dollars and sixty-six cents, being the proportion. allotted to Life above described - premises or a hirs ere nnuo I ground rent' of one hundred and eighty dullarsj No. 2. •All that certain three-story brick - messuage or tenement, brick slaughter house, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side; of liancOck street at the distance of two hundred and twenty-tiro feet northward from Masterstreet, In the city of Philadelphia, late die trict Kensington ; containing in front or breadth on said Itancork t ercet forty-eight feet, and in length or depth extending thence eastward, keeping ,the slime breadth at right angles with saki Hancock-street One hei,d red and sixty" feet to Mute)) street. Bounded north ward by greund granted William - Saylor, southward by ground granted to James Hamilton; eastward by said Clinton street, and westward by said Himeock street. [Being the same premises which George hfegee, sheriff, by Deed Poll, dated November twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entered among the records of the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia in Deed Book L. No. 2, page granted and conveyed unto the said Frederick Klemm in fee- , subject to the pay ment of a ground rent of ninety-six dollars per year. No. 3. All those certain four three-story brick zees aunges or ti nements and lot or piece of ground, situate on the southwest corner of Prankford road and Thomp son street, lately" called Phoinix street, in the Seventeenth ward of the City of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth, on said road, thirty-three feet two inches, and to length or depth extending thence westward keeping the same breadth at right angles with said road one hun dred feet. Bounded northward by said Thompson street, southward by groUnd now or lately of Horatio B. Pen nock, eastward by Franktord road aforesaid, and west ward by ground formerly of George W. Smith and Charles Ingersoll, Trustees, etc. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which J. Catlin and wile, by indenture bearing date the twenty-fourth day of February, eighteen hun dred and fifty-nine, intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto Frederick Klemm in fee.) - [D. C., 730; D.,'62.] Debt, 41,000. B. Woodward. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Frede rick Ft lemm, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January 21,1963. jag -3t FINANCIAL. JOHN C. CAPP &• SON, STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, No. 2e SOUTH THIRD STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION AT THE BORED OF BROKERS MONEY. INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS :NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TER. U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES, • OR, • • TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, • PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. lam instructed by the SECRETARY 0? THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Snb-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the drat days of May and November of each year. At the present PREMIUM ON GOLD, these Bonds yield about FLIGHT per cont. per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. nod-Mal 114 SOUTH. WEIRD STREET. S HARVEY THOMAS, ST OCM AND BILL BROKER, 42 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS alld IDONDS, and all kinds of li. S. GOVERN MENT SECULTTIES bought and sold on Commission; ex clusively. Business Paper end Loans on Collateral regoclated' at lowest rates. Orders by Mail frh all receive prompt attention. Refersio Messrs. 'Nathan ?PO ter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq John B. M'ers & Co., Samuel B. Thorea, .„ Furness, & Co., John Thomas,'.hisq. delS•Smif 1250,000 1- 4 1D.A IN LARGE OIV SMALL AMOUNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES,.J.EWELRY, ' - abiktecirtvaity DESCRIPTION. AT ISAAC NATHANS' 011) ESTABLISHIED MCVEY LOAN OFFICE, N: E. CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS. (Only one square below the Exchange.) AtlTanees made at the lowest rates, de'ift•-lia* $-2 T FIRS CLASS MO RT -7 600.. GAGE, on Market street, Ca mden. - _ F o r sale by . 6. H. GARTGEY, ja2l-Iro • 129 South FOURTH Street.• $B,OOO. —lll on a F.IB inAMOUNTI,tecoWANTEDnty ./a3 E.-PFP+IT, 309 Chester county . ^Skrrielitto WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Yet MJJMnM.~.Vwyyy AMERICAN WATCHES • FOR SOLDIERS AT REDUCED ' PRICES: AMERICAS WATCHES FOR • AMERICANS! THE AMERICiIif WATCH COWPANY give notice. that they have lately issued a new style of 'Wattch, expnsly de signed for Soldiere and others who • desire a good Watch at a moderate prise: These Watches are intended to dis place the worthlese r eireap Watches of British and BWISS manufacture, 'milli which the country is tfoOdea, and which were ne7er expected to keep time when they we're made, being reltise manufactures sent to thin country because unsaleahle• at home, and used hero only for jockeying and amitutTiwg purposes. We offer to sell-our Watch, which is of THE 408 T CUE STANTrAL MANU'AtTaTtIty, AN. ACCURATE AND.DURATZR TIMEKEEPER, anddn.Sterling Silver cases, Hunting. pat tern, at as low a wice•aa is asked for the trashy ...bacres. and Lepines of foreign make already referred to. We have named , the new series. of WitchP: Wm. ELLERT, Boston, :Mass., which name will be. round oa the plate of every ;patch of this manufacture; Studi is one of our trade-marld. Sold-by all respectable Watch Dealers in the 3oyal States. Wholesale orders should be addressed to ROBBINS a: APPLETONi Agents for the American Watch Company,- al4s to thllt if* MICROSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHIfi CHARMS. G. W. SIMONS Sa BROTUER; 3IANITFACTIIRING AMBLERS AND .11.1445RTEPAI, 5..!..4150-34.STBEET HALL, • t Havejust received, direct from Paris, a large as43rt ment of the above novel and beautiful utieles, !em bracing a number-of t3e most prominent clergymen.•' and public men of thni city And State, together with oftice:es of the army and , nay, presented in a vatietry of Matey mountings. FOR BALE TO THE, TRAI)E and to be had MI RA . the principal jewelers. opuciana auu fancy stores in the city. jag D. T. PRATT, IBUTTSSTOR TO PRATT 'k swam) ' •• 607 Gx'IItESTNUT &TRZET, Is constantatlei receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS. AZID AMEUtIOAN of desirable Styles and qualities, to salt all plasters of ELI HOLDEN, ilik Dealer Vadlase A.IIE&RICAN AND - 1151T4'WED WATCRIkS. JEWELRY, .d.l.fil . :). CLOCKS, oc3l-fear" ' 708. MARKET•St.reet. AMERIC.A,N IN WATCEESS; GOLD AID, SIIAMB CASES:.. • • 'MEL H. WATIO) . N, and em No. 326 CHEMSIIIT Street. WATUNES, JEWEZ4R 7 SC, &Q, 3.1118 M ASSORTM3OI AT LESS 7tHAN-FORME - PRICES. FARR & BROTRATE.Torten. Inh2G-tt ENI4 CHESTNUT Stmt. below Tou AA. -...••- • • • SE.WING MACIILINES: -SINGS3EV.W.. • . . Sort;WAN G . M NCI-11N For Faphily Sewing and 1174inufactur4ng.:-Pik aVek,QIig , WIKVFX SWENPTI.. Jaislui: • WaELER Sr WILSON SEWING, IS&ACIA.INES. 628 eGASTNITT STREET, PIIILAAVaira wiTA m ar, Cl-31013 . p•ACRIAPS . b*.ve gr .. role, in 11 • with Baikal satbtg Pe ari a rw.ready for sale by ' • P & &Win_ r e. 5e274.f . . . ' .715• C BFITNIIT +sweet. T . . . . . O 1f.6..YE . YOUR HAM , RFACATT: inited; and yourself beautified: so 14 FO URTH Mid BRANCH. - ; ":- . • ''' • - ...3a2k Ulf liw DR : VINE,',.: VILA - OTIOA:ls ' DEN-`_. IST far the last twenty yews% Srso VINE St., Thiftt trdarts tlltt.most boantifill' TilliTli of the 8 ge. moo nted on fine Gold. Pia Inn, SU w : r, Vulcanite. Cs). raliti, /Weber, Ike... at prices, or rie2'r ittyd 'substantial" work, more reaspnable than any dfdittrk dn. , t,hhiotty - or. State. Teeth ploggod.frAst.for I ).P.e.;Artilloal-Teetli re. Paired. o snit. ei.'nitilt../. 11 ' eXif ' 4 6 iiiii....._'.l;o , Chafeei' Oa" 0 i fiatit'S ea. all it: right;'..tintsr:taverbeet tanirtiae.• sal9.:lrs IR2 BROADWAY. Y nol&Zinif INSURANCE COMPANIES. VII PEN N S YLVAN IA COMPANY INSURANCE ON LIVES GRANTING ANNUITIES.. In conformity with an ant bf,the I.,?gtalkare. the folloiciug • STATEMENT OF THEIR ASSETS Ol'T Fat December, 1932 CAPITAL STOCK, $.590,000. • Real Estate—League Island in River Dela- Wit re • - $260,013 OF Office building, 304 Walnut street Sundry well-secured ground rents Mortgages--First mortgages on unenctim bored property -• • • Cash • Loans on call, with notes and collaterals.. Life interest.... • • ..... •• • • Debts due to Company, including advances on trust estates • STOCKS AND LOANS, viz : $375,000 U. S. Mint Deposits at 4@5 Vet. 486,000 do Cert.ficates of Indebtedness, 6 V et. 10,300 do Treasury Notes, 6 rel ct. 1.00,000. do do 7.30 10,100 Penna. 6 V et. loan. 150.752 do 5 do 125,000 do 5 do coupon bonds. 41,000 do 4.34' do 24,600'Phila.'- 5 V ct. 35,565 do 5 - Guardians. Poor. 61,000 6 do. 114,400 do 6 do Gas Loan • ' 60,000 Little Schuylkill R. 7 1 ,1 40,00' Camden & Amboy R. 6 S ct. 24,000 Del. & Raritan Canal 5 V et. 21,680 North Penna. R. 6 7 EI et. 40,000 Penna. R. 2d mortgage.. 26,000 Sun, & Erie R. 7 Vs et. 71,172 Ches. & Delaware Canal. 20,401 Lehigh Coal & Nay. 6 7 0 et. 40,000 & Erie R. 6 B ct. 5,000 Allegheny City 6 V et. • 5,000 Pittsburg 6 V et. - - 12,200 do 5 -do • 20,000 Pamilton counts, Ohio, 6 Tot. 6,000 Fayette county, Ky. do 21,400 Tennessee .5 rt cent. 5,000 do • 6 do. 10,000 Washington Gas. 23,000 Lackawanna & R. R. 10,000 Westmoreland Coal Co. 7s. 2,305 &It Nav Co. Boat Loan.„ -, • 20,000 Cleveland 4, es. R. 7s. 4ft* 161 shares do" 103 do Sch. Nirrigation Co 112 do Commercial Bank, 553 do Far. & Mechanics' Bank. 161 do Philadelphia Bank. 45 do Stataßank, Camden. 81 do Del, Bridge Co„,_Easton. 200 do .Insuranee:Co. N. America. . 20 do Penna. Railroad Co. 50 do North Penna. IL 290 do Leh. Coal &Navigation. 250 do do Scrip. 110 do Lehigh Val: eY R, 27 do do Scrip. 600 do Locust Mountain Coal. CHARLES DITTILTI WILLIAM B. HILL. Actuary. Office of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives anti" Granting Annuities, 394 WALNUT PlT]] MELPHIA., January MUG& At anElection. of the stockholders, held - on aIONDAY, IDth instant, the following gentlemen Is( re unanimously re-elected Directors for the ensuing year Charles Hutilh, William Harmer, Henry J. Williams, John R. Wucherer, Pem. Hutchinson, St. Geo. T. Campbell, Joseph Swift, . Adolph K Rorie, William H. Hart, - Samuel Norris. William S. Taux, ' Alexander Biddle, . Joshua B. Lippincott. And at a meeting of the DIRECTORS, held THIS DAY, CHARLES DUMB was unanimously re-elected Preshicnt,and WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. ja223t* WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. S T A TE,MENT UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, In conformity with a provision of its Charter. PieMims undetermined, Jan. 1, 1862 Written from Jan. 1, 1862, to Jan.l, 1883 .... • . • • lirethiums earned durintt the year ending as aboie • • • - ... .. ........... lieeetYed from interest on investments Dosses, Return Premiums, Re-intwrances,•l7. S. Taxes, Ixpenseo, and Commissions, paid diming the same period: ••• ..... •,•••••••••• 130,301 09 Bnianeerexttining $14,E58 8.5 ASSETS OF THE CO3I.r AP ANY MN. 1, 1853: $lO,OOO Pemasylvania State ss;:ii 3/0,000 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Biliroad 4,.500.00 7,000 City of "Pittsburg 6s a•• ": • w 5,90000 7,00) " " Os • • 6,300 00 14 : 610 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 1*:••••••• 14,000 00 • 10,000 City of. Philadelphia fis • • • .10,500 00 41',1550 Camden and Amboy Railroad 63 r.,530 Off 6,000 Pennsylvania Coupon Bs - • . • - 60.0 00 425 Certificate of Interest of North Pennsyl . Tanta Railroad Company - • • 68shares Philadelphia Bank • • 101 " North. Pennsylvania Railroad Company .. • 45 ". Delaware Railroad Company.... 1313' " Delaware Mutual Insurance _ Company ' Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany • • I,3,2gerA) . • 26,iSfif Scrip of Mutual Instrance Com pante» • 15:500•50' $141,100.00 BillCreezirable fe premiump 40,560 05- Cash ' ' ' •• ' • • • • • 33,753 70. " depssited with the United States • • 5,000 00• Thad the,C•3mlany thrunseitled Premiums, Sal. vaget,Wad , otber artennis • • 57,497 OF TWE:Bilolan-GE" DurEwors have declared . an Tatar rest ol•SIX.:9131b GANT. 311 the outstanding scrip, to bee* paid to the soripholdeze without deduction for taxes, pay able on de=undi• AV a inteting.ofthaikripholders of this Company, held. at their ofliee.January n. 11.333, the following gentlemen were eleetmlitn-aaryeas Eireetors for the ensuing three years S. DESTODEF.4. SAMUEL C. COOK, E.- A: EDWARD L.-CLARK. 'SS I. 0. WENT: H. F. ROBINSON, HENKY'LIWit;:JI%, NORRIS S. CUMAIINGS, *lfs with BICH)RD S SMPIII, JAS. R. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS 11K15F 4 . DAVID SALOMON, JOHN H. IRWIN,. CHAS. WHEELER, NEWHERMY A_ SMITE,. G. W. BERNKDOU, .CHARLES-VEZIN, HENRY SAMUEL, J. P. STEINER,- W3L S. BIIED, GEORGE -DEWS,. GILIPT H. NEWHALL ELLIS YI*BNALL,. • THOMAS DALLMT, Coustitxte the Board erlftreotere. RTC-HARD S: SM.T. 711, PRESIDENT. JOHN MOSS, SECRETAEY VIRE AS S CIATIO N, .INOORPO ...L) RATED MARGE 22 1820. Office. No. 3* North FIFTH Street,. Insure from loss or damage by tire, in the city of Philn delphizamly, Buildings, Household Furnitum,and Mer chandise generally. STATMIENT OF: TEE ASSETS -OF TB& ASSOCIA TION, junnary 1 1913; Published -in confOrmitc with the Provigorts of the Act of .ilisembly of April 5,1542: Ponds and..lfottgayes on Property in the city of Philadelphia only . •-4706,464 66 Ground Rents on Property in the city of Phila delphia only •• .. , , ... ,• • • 2.6334 97 Real Zdate (office Fi ft h and North itreets). • 14,V1 Ceth in:the Westara Bank 17,171:33 Cash sin 4he Bank of Northern Liberties .. 16,triS 67 Cash on hand. . . .... .. WO 34 T0ta1..,..., • TRUSTEES. GVARGE W: TRY O\, Preadout. "%Miami!. lianglton, John Cnrrow, JOh 'Sondem, George 3. Young, Peter Fritz, Joe R. Lynda), Peter A. ho7ser. Lextyt John Philirtn . Samuel Snarhawk, John Cr.ig.. Charles P. Bower. WILLIAM T.' BUTLER. Secretary ja2o-tutha r FIRE AND • MARINE , . • INSURANCE. COQ/WIT. OFFICE,. US WALNUT STREW, PH/LADHLPHIL CAPITAL , $2944000. This etenPaeY continues to take risks on the Glass% odProperty atlow.rates. The sblic can rely r..,pon its responsibility, and abilitin, to pay...3asses promptly. Its diebarsements for the berme& of theamblic, during the last niae years, exceed 500 ; 00() 3:4Ii;oLLARS andl - we respectfully solicit .Sts.favor in the future. IRET R I S. • CFAS. I. DUPOR D T, _ • Y WALKER, CLii.(lO3O,llA HN THORNLEY, . C. E. iIEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID; 'BOYD, Ja„ PETER S. HOE, of rt. TA SWAIN. NURMAN SHEPPAR - A, .3)SEPH %LAPP, MD.. N. S LAWRENCE, • AROatik.S.Datio.. JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CRAVEN. Presiignt. ' :31 GILLETT, Vice . Pretdstanl, I JAR 11: ALVORD.• Secretary .. • . an2A•int AME I.:NIStatANCE . COMPAIQrR,, 406 CIIESTRUT.Stgest. A ILADELPH IL FMB INLAND INSURANCE. IRECTORS. FrapaAs' N. Epck, R. D.,Woodrrik • Chas. Richardson, Geo. - A. West* Henry Levsis. Jr... John Kessler. . Jr., Jo.' "Evertuaa, Chas. Stokes, • ! lip S;Justinak, A. H. Rosen holm, 0. ' . Josep D. FAITA. • FR IS N. BUCK, President. ICHARDSON, 'Vice Preside • 'OILLIAffIr 4 I . 3LAN I CHARD. Secretary. Cials•lftf et a FOR SALE.-TICREE-EIGERHS of a brig Thia. Walter. tair to URA& & JAS. G. &TAM Jr., • • •.- • • rf0.151143 AtiNtriStrest.' :wilm=ll TATION COMJP.kNXI. GEO, W. CA — SS - -- St CO., PROPRIETORS.-..-.Thp attention. of chants and and Shippers of Philad i alphia is.direoted, to bee opontag of a NEW FRElGHT•liiNE,betweent thia otti and 2iew York. We are prepared to offer 7b3ough,Roceipts.for Treights between the cities of Philnd i ofplais,_aniliXess Vork, and points ERA thereof, via — tle.V.)Eß'AltThk, poat MOUTH." All Goode entrusted to, ong chaxin will meet with prompt despatch and caighal.handt. Freight received in PAVLADELP Aat tboCompany's Pier, third Wharf atovA 1414:* eak, and. in NEW YORE at Pior No. 23. Norm, foot of' MURRAY Street. _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ Frpight received le, Plille&lphie bef4ro 4P. M. will be delivered at the Pier in . New or the Bellowing day„ and ,Freight Now 'York belbre 4 P. M. will ),e • delivered at the PlesiriPhiladelphia the following doy. :For furtherparticniam rates of freight. &c., apply 't , o • GEO. B. aIcCULLOH, (formerly o}`Biehop Simons. & Co.) Freight Agent 050e,136.N WHARVES. Philadelphia. • WM. F. GRIFFITTS: Jr., la2olra (formerly with Leeeli & Co.) General Mielytec, dt li • tIgkRELLAS.— , THE -MM. -ARE - mode,- and eheapeet sold, at T.F i rtit p. 11IAR NET.:(in17-6t) SLEEPER'S. rI.II.AM GNE WINE,--AN INVOICE of "Via Royal" and " Orteu 864.1" OhainPagm' Wine, to arrive, and. fol- SUN 115 . JAIIRETGER & LAVERGNE, - • in? • • " uO3 Sad 304 Swab 1811 n SOW. 70R,741 . 196,5:3'2 NE, • 1:242.',75 • 1,474 84 51,863,050 49 51.276,256 36 'Prezident. $444-11 4g 137,415 97 $181,363 46 $137,519 89 7,1:39 0.5 144,6.52 94 18270,899 in JANcr ART 6,1888 jall-416t-that4t $785,082 12 UN lON fktiLN,SPOR. AMUSEMENTS. MUSICAL FUND HALL. GRAND VOCAL AND CPECRESTRAI4 CONCERT. By the. ARTISTES, CI{OIWS, AND ORCHESTRA, GERMAN OPERA TROUPE, Under the direction of CARL ANSCITUTZ, THURSDAY EVENING, Januttry22,l363. ..43' The 2.1.-and Piano, 'bade by Steinway & Sans, Kerr yorl,:, has been kindly fninished by Metifirs• 81-21M66 8T,'.15., ICW Chestnut street. The fol Jawing eminent Want wilt assist Atcans. • HARTMAN, - CARL WOLFSCHN„ DOEHLER. RIETZEL, AND PRAFELt COM/UM:O FE PROGRAMME PART L 1. Symphony, No. 4—The Consecration of Sounds r PART I. Largo—Deathly Silence, pre- citrus to the Creation of Sounds • Allegro—Animation, after the same —Natural Sounds—Uproar of the Elements PART 11. Cradle Song; Dance; Sere " mak., PART - 111. Martial MUsie—Dep.rture for Battle; Sadness of those,left Be hind ; Return of the Vidor ; Song of Praise. • PAW7' IV. Funeral Music ;Consolation in TearS. 4 2. Song--The Standard Bearer MR. HARTMAN. 3. Fantasia Appasionato,for Violin MR. DOEHLSR 4. Overitire7-The Siege of Corinth.. PAM' IL L Fantasie for Plauo , —Solos, Chorus and Orchestra . . . CARL WOLPSOHN, AND THE CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA OF THR GERMAN OPERA. 2. Arlo--" binytha F. Von Flotow Mit LOTTI, (By Particular. Request.) 3..Duetto for the Flute and French Horn— L'Relaire - Halevr. MESS}, S. RIETZEL and PRAM.. 4. lifarch and 6tiorns—" Tannhauser" ' - ORCHESTRA, Doors, open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence; at 8. precisely. " TICKETS 50 CENTS EACH, To be had at the Aciodelny of Music, Gould s, eornerof Seventh and Chestnut streets, aud on the Evening at ties door. - FRIDAY FNENIEG, .TAIIUARY 23. - Second Night of the Second Season. • JEAN DE PARIS. Comic Opeia by Boielilieu. ADOLPH BIRGFELD BLISIHESS AGENT itt22-1t • WALN U TSTREET THEATRE, Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A.' GARRETTSO2. Business Agent.< Mr. JOHN T. - DONNELLY. LAST NRUIT RUT ONE OF MR ANT) MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Jarmary 23, ISM, Performance will commence with the Drama of IRELAND AS IT WAS, OR THE MIDDLEMAN. Ragged Pat . • lir. Barney Williams. Judy 07rot Mrs. Barney Williams. To be followed by . the new BarleAmm„ entitled TIM MAGIC' SORB. Prince Doloroso... .. . ....... Barney Williams. To conclude with the Farce of - THE IRISH TUTOII. Dr. O'Tool. ....... .. .. Mr. Barney Williams, Doors open at'6.l4; Curtain will rise at 7. • _ MRS. JORN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer..... . . .. JOS. D.MITEPHI, TRIUMPH UPON TRIUMPH: THIRD WEEK. . -. THIRD 'WEEK. OF MR. AND MISS CAROLINE nuciaaras. TONIGHT, and EVERY NIGHT, THE ENCHANTRESS. - - - - - Stella, the. Enchantress • .111iss C. Riehings. Pamir, the Pirate . Chief .. .. --Mr. peter Ricb.inire. For full particulars ofii.M.USIC, &c., see the BILLS • FRIDAY EVENING FIRST RRNEFIT IZVF MR. PETER RICIIINGS. Al I r Prices as usual. , Seats secured six days in advance. . . CLASSICAL SOIREE: THE SECOND OF TAB S_ER.I .t: BY MESSRS- CROSS ADD JARVIS; 1ILT: DE GTV'ES NEXT SATURDAY EVENING', Stlnkary' 24, 1563, AT TriE FOYER OP THE ACADEMY OP:MUSIC. PROGRAMME. Crand Quininor for Piano and Wind Instnnnents • •-• • - Bars Solo . . MR. TAYT OR. Solo Plauo—TranEcribed by ITenaelt..:::: MR. :I ARVIS. • Andante andr.:::.: Polonaise in C, for Piano and Violoncello Grand Duo for two Pianos—R&M% • • Quintette in C. String..... Programme and Tickets at Mnsic St ores Tickets- $l. A EitiE NB )1 BUIBDINGS:-GLOPX MS SUCCESS' OF WOODIMFF'S ORIGINA BOHEMIAN TROUPE OP GLASS BLOWERS, EVER EVENING, and on WEDNESDAY and' SATUSDA AFTERNOONS. The great•Olass SteanvEngine "MONI TOR" will le In full operation at each entertainment. The greatest wondef of the World: All the par lor ornaments, made by the BoliCrifianSi distri bulk among the audience. .EVurY one will haver ts , chance of obtaining' a unique aticr Talusible•preaent. A &mission 15 cents. half On FRIDAY EVENING,,Taanary . 2II, a spleorlid CAS* 9F WORK ir , ll he given to the authotof the boar PA EN' on the GLASS STEAM-WG1N71.....11.. in-1W! EE ‘‘TRI.IIE OF _ASI4 . "• T • . . Huitmator rourt • Will give their • • AT BA kVA' at. A sr'TA.l, ,V. • - wirier EIGHTH. and GREEN Stress, • • Orr TIiUILSDAY,:Jr..n..22, • Aso" Lizzie, Abbey, Erectly. and "_, Little Diinaiiti."" Fang-nig Ake Songs of Union and Freedom.' l'articolan in erogramnies alder A* 'Concert' Aimiasion3,cents. Children 15 tents, • Doors openypil Ceneezt at S o clock. preciseiy. . jaW•lt" A SEIEM BLY BEOLDINGSTMIII . . AND' CF. 4 ,,TATNTIT. Ys :difUSEATNTS FOR OLD AND TOMS*. SIGNOR The ramt MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEARNAT CANARY' BIRDS, will - dve h is new and popular Intertainments EVERY kEVENIN4tring the Week, cogAmencing at 7M o'clock and Watt :MAY and SATURDAY afternoons at a The attractions will be marvellous: expeements in Made.; wdndeVal.' powerscs in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canaryllirds in their DOW characters. Admission 25 cents. Childrenl3. cents, _ CIERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. - PUB. LIC over ySATURDAY AFTER. NOON at 3% o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Carl Sent 2, cvn_ductor. Tickets 26 cents. Packages of if tickets, sl—to . 5e had of Andre k Co.. 1101 Chestati street ; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Cheatnnt, and at Ike HASSLER'S ORCHESTRA NEW OFFICE, • 214 Southg)ll4l7)llj., jlelow Walnut. VENNSYLTANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ART_ ,S 1025 CEIkeTICOT STREET, Is open daily Sundays excepted) from 9A.IL MI P.M. Admission 2$ cents. Children half price. Shares of stock, (230. • 279 LOST AND. FOUND✓ ; OT . IOR-LOST, ON SATURDAY ;_ evening, the 19th lust., on the last up-train on the . North Pennsylvania.. Railroadi between Philadelphia ' and-6 arynedd; a POON.BT-BOOK, wish gum-elastic clasp or band, containing about Five Dollars in money, and a Pr .missory Note, dated - December 1562 ; and payable : in ninety Jaye, drawn by . El iz,abeth Turner uud. Win. H. Rich% in favor of r.:•Shaw, or order, for Fifty OM), and so • hilr'papers of no value except to the owner.. All perS s are cautioned against • dating saittuote, it baying never been endorsed by the payee. y person finding the above.will be suitably reward " ed by returning theurto either of the undersigned. - ALBERT EItADFIELD, Norristown, ja22:l-127-.3t* Attorney for A. F. SElAW,VwynedaL! LOST FARTIF/ OAT E.-. OF CITY. LOAN,- No. 316.-. dated ...Tannery with, MO, in the name of John Perr;.and•Maria Moore, In trust for Maria. 3100re,40r5700. Ariplication has been made for renewal of Certificate. Joe2iUtidirns] • JOHN PERRY. $1 0 00.L . 0.. s e ". ct , w—Tere sfainFWO.E. Street, NEW :YORK, on SATURDAT, , Mt Instant— vie: • Mt:Mated States 8 Per Cent. of IESIi-for 4100, convene.- esiarbed.• 4144.. Fear Bonds Ohio Licking County.. Noe.. 4", 57. 5 31,000 each.; 40 and 63, Wk.:if:tell. Fifteen do Detroit, Monkoe. tyyl.To)edoltaiLroad. Noe.. M.O to 371, 6SI, Rail one number not. known, +SLOW each. Allabove have Con Pons. Nine Brie stua Kalamazoo Railroad Bonds '31.000 eacb, - Nos- 116 . 07 . OS. 99.100. UO,. Me:lM aoia.ll3, ana-bal loved to be dated March Ist„ IE2. Bond and Noartgage of Fred. AV, - $1,000; favor of A.,. N. Sewell. *5,600 United States Six I'er Cent: Two-year Certificitea favor of Henry Delafteld ; net ertolorsed: B-366. to'NE:el,ooo each • 31.000 —631; ts•ts 2.1 x t i• .... LOA C-336 40 Vll, 10) each ' 130ud Ceziral Ohio Itailroad, 1000 No. 148:. THREDI Comma. 'rho abo7straward will he Dahl by HIsTIVIY3SELA.FIELP, . No; 6 :West..V3IITEERTH Street NEW—YOU:. 0: -iieLLOWING. DE, ••A-a scribed Drafts, maile44lrist September to the.untler signed.3l,ring failed to fuse to hand, application will benitimi to the respective afelhwuries for thole:4o.ot riew Drafts: Drati drawn by S. 37 .. ..1,W1.agent of Penn Hieing Co., upon &impel St. to 0-, oesmftry. Plsfladel :l'ia ate Auk mi 50th:16622, No. 131.. 0 . the order of .a..t.K - Daris, for '317. Drift drawn by S.,:Wilalll., agent of Penu,bli ping Co. upon. Samuel 31. Dity Seceehtt7, Philadelphia, dated. Sp% 10tb, 1662, NO. 2(4 . 44he order of Anse, .L 0 EdWards, for 11011,• lasift drawn by C. Be Dottie, agent of Central Alining Co.„ upon Jamee Treasurer, Nr..x ‘ Tork, dated, Sat. 15t.18,02, No. bia,4o.ldie order of Gartigellaineg. for: raft drawn .17. John. Uren, agent of Copper Falls. Mining Co , upolSibliaria H. Osgood, Treasurer, Boston, 1766, to the order of R. J. Judd, for Ettl e fls l . Six drafts drAit&by A. C. Davis, age ,of Amygdaloid, "3110ing Co., unnt.ity 31: Drexel, Treasurer, Philadelphia, •uuinbered rwspedively 1258, 1611, 1612. 1066 • Staff, and 12115.- =Coach for $5. THEOD ORE 31.1 b & CO., delo-61* • 113 North 1711111 D Street.. FOR SALE AND TO LET. N.,,,,,....v.,..",,,,,,....,..........., CHESIL - IAT . STREET P;R.(ITERTY, FOPS ikirriv valitable =wage and SOT OP. 'GROOM?) on.t Oljortb side of CE,WEUT Street, twen ty-four feet ens of IGHTH Street, Trout by T 76 Ost. 'in depth telayme street, Terms accommodating. • Apply_to A. I. , .;CARVER & CO.; . itt?.. • NINTH and FILBERT - Streets.. iffiiVATE ' , ..S...P,R A PERTY.—WiII be sc'A al t Private Sale, * the • 'under:dame:L. FARM, contv4piintf abobt ifty titres ot: • SoOdtwahle laed. divided int./ s eeni-ortient.'fiejtiAaudln a geed, ;gate of cultivation. situated in lie village of Dopuptowq. 'Exeter townshii•, eon4ty, Pa. This. Pkverty is within couvenicavdieta nee 0f:12W , , schools, u tick ul:sgo. of worship. t and ,sone mi)e di.4tittic from the: .Reading 1•11 road. 14eateti ,only.73.nßcs_frota Ate. city of eading. The inapwveinents thar.eon erected are :t TWO-STORI STONE 11/4.ELLINO-I.l#l:lSL'cuniaining. 3 reemo, O . kitchen, and, ?tidy, dn the ' first !Igor, and, a . ) rosin RNA an entry on, the second floor; iiFood tartly stone and istrti:f.frame, and othei•fiecer4saty tat- This place v, - euld is: a very di:sir:ibis locattoa, for a Physician. The twins abate -*di be easy - . Person*. • wishier, to view the p.iorieViy.can de i‘o by caNiult au the, undersigned, residiudeu the prow. kW J .S2-3t* • SAMI3I I PIIIWPS. • • iv.iorrak . A . YOUN ft% acquatote43 with the__Doreostici...aail. FapsY Dra; Goods busine4sovishes a WIJATIO:i, to.titke cusrge,oe u, a stock, examine, or! bay pods. Best of rat•reference. Address "S, • :;fp.:l3o3'3leith"FlFSV Street, jagAs: TXIM VA, • $1 009)* 11 " P4l-33 ' . N'T . 9 ,D.--Att.excelletst onPoatit t uity to soap. in a beantilal end e,tioasNe 13 - aolagsa lft West. wgl yield the layester on to two iltonsaa‘ l l (IP aroWstaaaX. One liaviAg a practtala knovzhNlP-at'Sr•ear.EnAjnng and Mach into7rcf rrc4, Dfur,rprincLutetunnx,cfpunnaMe re ference, For further xafortrottioo, MAIMS 4 Asat," this office. )01-60 WANTED -A GOOD hi a .Hat Rouse. Addreas ccßox, VD." Flinn-. delphia POS4 . OMCE., with name and reference. iaXo.2t* in WANTED TO RENT, Tr ROAE THE. MaL ;brat of .fszertl next 'lt motteralesixed three•story BRICK. DWI - 4114G lidtJSE. in 3 1 c*llt ral h ' ealit t n flied rlave , the modern improvotnents. rale. " Itetet," . t this effice;statimi I.lo4ity• end pric.. ja'ls-tf • WIATERIA.Let . -.FOE MINCE PIES. - Maj. LORE.; AND SULTANA RAISINS. • CITRON: cuitniers, SPICES, CIDER WINE, &c.. &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS; DEALER IN PINE GROCRirii, tel&lf tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND Vl= 87$. tf WILLIAM N. ATT WOOD. UNDERTAKER, • . No. 119:N. EIGHTH STREET, • , Arch. 9i151 4g,g, CARL A riSOlll3 :Z. ..Liudpaintner. Vieuxtemps. ~.....R09~iai Z. Van Beetkovan. R. Waggez. acethorea. Atozazt ...Weber ..Schubetto% •••• •Chopin. .‘Tha , berg. Beethoven. i3AStt