'l l .lEi .10 CITY". von AIMITIONAL CITY MIMS BEE FOURTH PAGE.] BY REY. DR. MOItIIT. eo n the Academy of Music was M well Y tilled --L•Last to a lecture by "Very Rev. Dr. Moriarty, on War p en .- e ral, and Its relation to our time and country. la be lecturer was received with overwhelming T he 11$ o f applause, and throughout his discourse 0 9 attentively listened to. He enumerated, as the chief causes of war, avarice, ambition, love of cen t and thirst forglory. These were all the causes o f great misery to the human race, and never re ppoi in good to a single human being. War, when mir'aging from such causes, was reprehensible and ur iostitiable. War could be justified, thought the „ r aker, upon only two grounds, the first of which when a people, groaning under bad government, v , pita 11011 181 wicked rulers, and asserted the inalien ,bie rights of their humanity. War Was justified also ir the instinct of self-preservation. Nations when t i; e 9. went to war, after all other means failed to se. their existence, were justified in their (*Urge, r eording to all laws, human and divine. What Was pre without its privileges and comforts, and what a s9tion, unless it is able to preserve itself from its eartniesl he spaker empliatioall pronounced o or war a holy and e just war. Though y he deprecated the misery it entailed, and the loss of life and trea ore attendant upon it, he was ready to deal with it $9 a necessity. Evils are borne with patience, in tie hope that the good day may soon come. But fir evils become at last overwhelming, and p then becomes our duty o meet the emer pricy in tnanly spirit. He t made a distinction retween the justice of our war and the conduct of the The first was beyond question, the second la pentable, disgraceful, and humiliating.' He held t hat the Iva!' had poduced only two generals worthy r e the letting gratitude of the nation, and those two were McClellan end limeorans. Earth of these re reheti eloquent eulogiums, which tho audience h u gely applauded. The leourer was bitterly severe on the slave aristocracy, and the persistent efforts oldie slave power in years past to undermine the tloversmient. He could see no tangible difference goween the orintinality of Captain Gordon, who wzni executed ns a slave trader, and that of the Vir g;nin slave holders,who sell their negroes to the pee i‘le of Louisiana. The one is a bold and defiant m ei), anti the other, with as much guilt, possessing OS frankness and boldness in the execution of their girposes. San CASE OF Bunsixo. —At an early hour yePterday morning, a horrible accident occurred, by which a woman, named Bridget Dowling, and two of her children, were badly burned, so much so that both the children have since died. Mrs. Dow ling was very poor, and lived in the lower story of a house on Shippen street, above Eighteenth, with her live children, the eldest about eight or nine years old. During the night, one of the little ones being sick, the mother got up for the purpose of ad ndnistering:to its wants. She lit a candle, and un fortunately set fire to the bed clothes. In the at tempt to put the flames out, her own night-clothes Ignited, and she Was badly burnedabout her face and arms in her desperate heart-rending efforts to rave her children. A little boy and girl were shock ingly burned. The other three were rescued, but were almost autfocated with the smoke. The suffer ere were removed to the BennsyliTania Hospital. THE CATHARINE-STREET HOSPITAL.—We loan from the Catharine-street Hospital that its oupply of flannel shirts is nearly exhausted. To the ninny sick and wounded there these are necessaries. ponations arc therefore earnestly solicited. What has been done already is an earnest of what will be done. This hospital also acknowledges its indebt edness to the army committee for their monthly con hibution of the American --Messenger. CITY • ITEMS. APVE.A Is FOR TUE HOME MISSIONARY ttsettrrv.—ln another pert of our paper this morn ing the reader will find an appeal, emanating from the officers of the Home Missionary Society of the city of Philadelphia, soliciting necessary aid to ena ble that praiseworthy institution to continue its la bor of love among the poor of our city, We earnest ly commend this appeal to the sympathies of our people, rind trust that It may meet with a prompt :twilit:oral response at their hands. On Sunday eve ning, December 21st, this society held its twenty seventh annual meeting, in Trinity Methodist Epis copal Church, Eighth street, above Race, when it elected a new board . of managers—the names of the rembers being given in the advertisement; and at a regular stated meeting of the board held on last Fri day, the following named gentlemen were elected officers of the society : President, George H. Stu art; Vice President, Alexander G. Cattell; Trea surer, Thomas T. Mason; Secretary, Rudolph K. Roeffich ; General Agent, John P. Arrison, and Missionary, Albert (3. Rowland. LAI1(IE STOCK OP MUSLIM AND ARMY Goons.—We invite attention to the advertise ments of .Mr. George Grigg, in another column of our paper this morning. It will be seen that this house, No. 219 Church alley, now offers by the ease and bale a number of desirable brands of bleached muslins, standard brown Canton flannels, farmers' linen drills, jeans, brown sheeting, &c.; also, a large lot of heavy, mixed ribbed shirts, and heavy white blankets. Mr. Grigg, It will be remembered, is the proprietor of the " Philadelphia Bag Blanufactory,f , the card of which will also be found in another (return'', in which Mr. G. informs the trade that he Is prepared to supply burlap bags of all sizes, also seamless bags of standard maims, at low prices for cash. " A TRH" TO ROME, AND WHAT I SAW Tiimar:.”- . -This will constitute the subject of. a lec ture to be delivered by the Rev. 3. Hyatt Smith, this (Tuesday) evening, at the North Baptist Church, Eighth street, above Master. Mr. Smith has re. °eat'y returned from the scenes he proposes to tie• scribe, and from the st: ay leaves of his diary alreiuly given to the public, respecting his late trip to Ell- Tope end the East, we C 1 u safely promise to all who attend the lecture this evening a rich, entertaining, instructive treat. BARGAIN'S IN LADIES' IIIRS.—MCS3fB. hetes Oakford h. Son, the well-known Furriers, Nos. 834 and 836 Chestnut street, under the Conti nental Hotel, have reduled the prices of their mag nificent sets of ladies' Jitney furs, and are now, we learn, giving their customers rare bargains, not only in this, but in all the other multitudinous depart ments of their great establishment. PURE SCOWCII ALF:s AND LONDON BROWN Srour.—Mr. C. H. ]Mattson, dealer in fine family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now in store a fresh supply of all the best brands of Scotch Ales and London Brown Stout, of his own im portation, and warranted of the highest purity, for medicinal purposes. THE RING Fr:CORR.—How often are we asked the reason for the ring being usually placed upon the fourth finger. The ring-finger is more or less protected by the other lingers, and it owes to this circumstance a comparative immunity from in jury, as well, probably, as the privilege of being selected to bear the ring in matrimony. The left hand is chosen for a similar reason • a ring placed upon it being less likely to be definer? than it would be upon the right hand, The ancients, however, are said to haVe selected it from a notion that the ring linger is connected with the heart by means of 130111 C particular nerve or vessel, which renders it more fa vorable for the reception. and transmission of sym pathetic impressions, the left hand being selected be cause it lies nearer the heart; but of course, the anatomist finds no structure to account for this strange impression. The fourth linger of the left hand is most generally in the region of the heart, fingering an ideal exotic in the buttonhole of a coat procured at the One-priee Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, Phila delphia. MONTHLY CONSUMPTION OF Pnovrstoxs 711' THe AltMY.—The Union force now in the field, In round numbers, is sly/ hundred and fifty thousand inn. They consume In one month 14,6 . 25,000 pounds of pork, or 24,315,000 pounds of fresh beef; 136,994 barrels of flour; 48,7 m lauhels of beans ; or 1,950,000 pounds of rice; 1,050,000 pounds of coffee ; 2,892,000 pounds of sugar; 950,000 gallons of vinegar; 12,219 bushels of salt ; 8,560,014 pounds of potatoes. And judging by the number of uniforms furnished to offi cers alone, by the house of Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continent il, the wear and tear of Clothing is not behind - the above enormous demand Sor nn army in the Mehl. A HUNDRED ToNs or GOLD.—During the past tent there was received at San Francisco arty nine millions of dollars in gold. This amount of the precious metal would weigh a hundred tons, and would make the freight of a train of fourteen cars on a railroad. Such a heap of treasure could be Made the source of infinite good, if properly applied, as, for instance, it would keep the entire community supplied for inany years, with elegant and comforta ble garments from the Brown-stone (nothing Hall of Itoekhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut ptreet, above Sixth. ANY FORM OF CHRONIC DISEASES SllC ceoefully treated for the past six years in New York by Dr. WWI, a French physician, 832 Broadway, New York, Those/OAP:ter! with any kind of Chronic *Diseases should read Dr. Wolf's essay on the sub ject, to betrid gratis:: Sent by mail. Dr. Wolf may be consulted personally or.by letter. Worst cases of all affections of the nervous system have been radi cally cured, such as EhCUMatiatil, Neuralgia, Epi lepsy, rce. o ke.,rac. jalolOt PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. 0 EORGY. L. BULBV. ) E. C. BIDDLI, COMMITTEE OP TES Nom. .INO. ADDiviCS. LETTER BAGS AT THB NERCHANTS , OXCHANGE., PHILADKLPHIA. 141, 1 P Westmoroland. Doc . in T Ivorpool, soon :Biirk American, Christian Port au Prince, soon lark Sea Eegle, Hawn' Port Spain, soon lirliOlary, Le Blanc Port Spain, soon :Brig Frederick Douse, Furness . I ondon, soon lirlaWni II Marts, (Br) enititieet•. ..... Cienfuegos, soon Aria' Znliekit, Flits Cienfuogos, soon Jrig Intended, Miller Havana, soon Sing Amanda Jane, Alin. dis Barbadoos, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13,1803. HIGHIS 7 21-SUN SETS 467 1 WATER S 66 Al11:1YED. • Sehr Isaac Morse, Parsons, 24 days from Turks Island, Inth salt to joint It line—vessel to F, A Solider St Co. arias S B Wheeler, Mrt 1 Burgh lin, 4 days from N York, in hollast to 1. Audenried St Co. Schr Deldlr a re, Connor, 1 day from Smyrna; Del, with 'Wheat to Jas Barrett & Sou. Schr Fannie, Vance, II days from Havana, With cigars, tlaulfes, and old iron to A Kerr. Schr Deliverance, Nightingale, 4 days from New York, 'sr ith noise to D Cooner. Schr Pathway, Compton, 7 (lays from Boston, with Rum to order. Schr J B Austin, Davis, 4 days from Baltimore, in tnillast to captain. Behr Julia Maine, Smith, 4 days from New York, With mdse to captain. Schr Frank Herbert, l's ricer, 7 days from Boston, with Puvar to Levering St. Jiro. 1 Behr Village Queen, Ilawklits, 4 days from Now York. 'With coal to City flag Co. Fehr Phrenix, Ilmorneton, S days from Portsmouth, 'With apples, Ste, to E A Solider St Co. CLEARED. Berkhoue Roam, (Br) Wit:eh, Liremool, Peter Wright & Brig Oen Boyd, HRH, Tienufort. Cupt H A Adams, Sehr Lucy L Shari), McElwee, Hampton Runde, Hunter 2 Cortou & Co. k exne Seim ld. Mullin. Chance, Baltimore, Wannemaeher & Sehr S B Wheeler, Mef;langhliu, Boeton, L . Andel:tried a Co. Schr W 11 Mitchell, Small, do do Seta Margaret, Fenton, AnnapallF, Tylor, Stone & Co. Schr Ann E Martin, Drower,w Orleans, do Erin. W E Stevenson, Means, Fortress Monroe, Ordnanco Partmout. • Str Atlantic, Trent, Washington, S Flanagan. Sir Delawaro. Wallace, Alexs udrta, Tylor, Stono.S: Co. sA ILD. 8111 P Lizzie Mites, 1)-I.t.to, to U r San Fruneinct, with 13Ch.) ‘ nu4 "at , let Lomb.' lA wharf yelterdit y M 31' M, Jo tow Or the City Ire MEMORANDA. Ship Wyoming, Burton, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 24th. Ship Sarawak, Rowland, for Philadelphia, entered for ending at UN-4, rpool 2lth ult. Bark Andrew Manderson, Thompson, hence, was at Key Weft 3d inst. unc. Bark Czarina, Treat, hence, at Montevideo 13th Nov, and remained ltith, Brig JohlClrstai,7eack,frouOntanzas for Phi ladelphia,liuzokenshirst,iBt3l 10ng76 Brig New Era, Usher, uncertain, remained at Key West 3tl lust, Brig J M Churchill, Hutchinson, hence, arrived at Montevideo 11th Nov. Brig Samuel Welsh, Ctinninghant, hence, nrrtved at N New Orleans - let lust. War I3enj Reeves, Norman, hence, arrived at Glouce ster 6th inst. Schr R .1 Mercer, Robinson, hence, arrived at Provi dence 11th inst. Stitt* Stephen Hotchkiss, Petty, at New York 11th inst. front Yocoinieo. Ott Chincoteague, in a heavy WNW gale. last foresail and split .ilh. The U S steam gunboat Montgomery, George II Pendle ton acting roaster, commanding, S daps front Mobilo bar, arrived at New York 11th lust. Belfast, Dec 22—The Christine. from Philadelphia for Portrush, which put into this port yesterday, has been on shore at .lora. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCX LAST MOAT. Continental Hotel— (lnd Boggs & wf, 11 S N W F ()bear, St Lenin • L N Tappen, Col Territory B. Robins, U Sir W E Sinn, Washington N Wall, Wash Territory D Curtis, California John It Luther, Newport Robt C Albree, Pittsburg (lon P Hamilton, Pittsburg '%V It Barnes, Pittsburg johu Scott S Iln:burgh D 13 Thomas, Tennessee .1 Eckert, Reading (1 A Nicolls, Beading A S 11011fieN, BOStOII (leo H 'Putts, Now York (leo N Eckert, Schuylkill co Robt II Little, New York S A Allen, New York N Ell maker, Jr A Caldwell; Kansas W Yellund, Baltimore Jus.Sykes, 1) C L AV Norse & wf, New York A 1) Sinclair, Boston Wm Hogg & In, Boston his Coo C Woodruff, Conn Cleo 1.1 Woodruff & In, Conn Jos It Gebhurt, Bait m AYin Richelbsrger, Ds yton Jos B Brady & wf. N York H Bernd. Connecticut 1' L Van Benmeelear,N York 5.7 Gold. New York E B Glenn, Jr, Baltimore .1 one th a n !'borne, New York (I F Opdyke, New York • L A Williams, U S Army Mrs Williams C Pother Mrs Poinor Stephen Hyatt, New York Stewart Kennedy, US N John - Anderson, New York S MeColloni, Now York \V 1' Wooldridge, Pittsburg T Hurst, New York J 1. Jackson, Now York W II Dutton, Utica. N Thus Butter, New York E M Townsend, Now York 11CYule,NewYork B Daniels, New York A C Titus, New York W S Engle, New York au° 11 Bond &In, Now York Girard Rouse—Che A 12 Sloan, Plata&Whin D(rllrihaiu 15tr Whitney W llart, Jr, Philadelphia C Scherer, Philadelphia Corry T 'Fowler, 'New York Mrs n Whitney, N A S Whitney, New Jersey H F llarkneet,New York W F A Levy.2.Now York A Holahan New York 1, Kirkpot rick. New York John 1' Doherty, N Y Mrs Dawson, New Orleans .1 F. Page, New York Mrs Warren, New York 11 A Willy. Massachusetts Barney 'Williams Mr. Harney Williams W H Paul A Geti3.', Philadelphia. T C Berney,Portiand M Allen. Aow Brunswick Aodrew Couipteek, N P II 8 Phillips, New York Sperm r and bro, Hold Welrb, 11 S A .11 V Cra yen,. New York 11 McCauley and lady, Cbnn Aaron Dissingerft Surgeon A C Watts,. U SA L Tieicklor, US A • . P Dodge a till lady, Mass Mho: Dodge, Massachusetts Mies L Sehultz, New York Miss 11 Schultz, New York J Willutans, Carlisle Jeku Martin, Carlisle W Ste rri tt, Gettysburg . James FONVIcr, 'Nana Miss E Sutton Jelfer4, N Y • W U Chaml:erlain & la, Pa Mr Thomas N Y Morchnnts'—Fourth IT At (Irmo, New York C Snip he & SiP. Pittsburg. Cant Trirtibt r. Albany, N Y (I Stew rt, Penns], E Do. ter, Bethlehem - • M1;.7, 0 C 1 eugter. Lane C F Rengior, Sr, Lancaster F Rengler„Tr, Lancaster 1' J Rom , Tamaqua A M AVluite,lthuorn J 13 Fipher, Plitladetphia Chß* H Shipicann, J Amerleam—Cheatials. T blortlnter, Wash, D C mrs ersui ry lit nd E Beehinteli & wis, Balt T M Eakimore (1 1 Boyd, Tamaqua .1 fl Morgan .1 Shinn, Washington, D C .1 M (ox, I/Mow:ire 1' Slums', St Clair .1 S Kirk, St Clair .1M Carter, New . York .1 \V Murrell, Seaford, Del 3 NV Sirman, Laurel. 'Nil E E Maryland3nekeon, Stansliory IN . Smith, Md E Il Perdue, 111,rylaud St. Louis Hotel—Cltes Di Welsh, Pittsburg Hallman, Lancaster 11 L Buck. Scranton 'l' Taylor. 'Maryland W Mist' I, Columbus, 0 J N/ Iron & la. EaMon (.1 0 Weiss, New York H .II Little, New York .1 Welali, New.Xurk N Canfield, Vermont 1. Morel y, Vermont H Prind le. Vermont 1) And rews, Vermont 1. Hayinoud, Delaware. The Union—Arch street, aboreSThl"l. E :I Muck, Bending A H Reaceek, Reading .1 Clerk, Pennsylvania Chas Wood Xexv Jersey El' Regime, Boston J Lerch, Bethlehem John CBt ssm, N Jersey Col R Ratelill. Temiaqua States Union—Sixth .1 A Davis, Allentown L Plitt Pitt.ibiirg 11 Deal. Peuna NV II Coble, Lancaster H Miller. N York D Sample, Smyrna S Dui 'S Jersey 1 Miller, Lh nva.ster Commercial hotel—S II StruagL Pol tstown 1) Yoconi, Brrks co, Pa Lima & In, Pa 13 Rickets, Elkton, lld 11 Potts, Philatl'a 3 B Chatnpion, Philad'a E li Staples, Elkton, Sergt itemple, Patina National—Race st E E Danville .18, , Ilanville A -11 Julius, Lewisburg E 11 Mack. Jonef rown Jrunas 31 Depp, Mount Vernon—Second street, above Arc E lio, , twlck SI la, Michigan John Howard, Media, Pa .1 Fleinhir. VV ash, D• C Alex Howard, Media, Pa A Long, wkFli. I) C Wm Ilapoi, Pottsville H Henry, Winchester L Long, New Jersey Chas. l I urbeiuti, Winchester E Mitchell, Now Jersey John la, ga it , Jr, Baltimore Madison House--Second St.. above Market. B 'Payson, Solesbursr, Pa 111 las C Keasbey, Salem, N Mrs Payson, Sulesburg, Pa Miss L ICeasbey, Salem, N .1 Hss A Cl. went, N J M Raleigh, Poona Stacy Brawn, Penna. Isaac 1: Vanarsiale, 31d Henry Hearne, Smyrna, Del H 11 D yckinck, 31(1 Barley Sheaf—Sccond street, below Vine. 11 D Ely, Stockton, J 'Mrs E Drab e, Easton Miss E Burton, Penns Mr Porter, Pennsylvania .1 Stackh owe. Venus, ' S Heine!. Pennsylvania J ice, Doylestown '.Vin Saunders Delaware C Rending, Hatboro Doylestown J Easy lieston, W Tomlinson & ladies, Pa C Ruhert , , Newton, Pa Lioriy. Doylestown L Fretz, Montgomery B Stackbouse, AttlebOro C Durham, Hanterdon, NJ Bald Eagle—Third st., above Callosvhl/1. W F Dennuskey, l'a L V Tradowlek, Bethlehem Jiro Donau key, Allentown Ito; Horselt, Ponusburg A S ye er, Quakertown D S Dreibelbla, Sch Revert Brown, Byberry Black Bear—Third street, above Callowhill. IV Wayne. Beni villa • Chas Leuhard, Berk co S C Stclurnetz. Lebanon co C Schrelbsr & la, Sch 1111von W Berger, Haven JUplograve & la, Pa Pilmck, Hamburg SPECIAL NOTICES. COVCIIS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and all Lung Diseases cured by McCOTIS BRONCHIAL SYRUP. To bo bud nt No. 1231 COATES Street, and all Druggists. Price 50 cents. iu.lo-3t* A REAL REMEDY. BIZANDRETIPS PILLS These Pills expel the principle of disease and increase the principle of life. Dr. Lull,uf Potsdam, who has used them twenty.years in his practice, says, "They are a vegetable compound, which invigorate, cleanse, and purify the blood, correct and regulate all the secretions; and, by purgation, dkcharge the whole mime of morbid, matter from the eystem without reducing the strength." They are admitted to be the be3t purgative and anti billion's medicine; and have not their equal for rheuma.. thqn, colds, coughs, asthma, etc., etc., and as purifiers and sweeteners of the blood they are without a rival. STATEMENT OF CAPTAIN BUL3IER, Th i t December 4, ISM. • I.7,nited Stste. Marine Artillery, at Newborn, N. C., says that his sec , aitt lieutenant, Charles R, Doane, was at tacked with typhoid fever; that he continued to grow worse, and 'MLA given up by the doctors, who had been unable. to open his bowels. Captain Balmer concluded to try a dose of ltrandreth's Pills, a medicine which he had used from his childhood lle gave seven over night, and requested the nurse to give seven more in the morning. The effect was thorough ; the delirium passed off, and the young lieutenant was easy, and evi dently wort; hotter; in the evening he was able to get up. Be took the pills a few days, continuing to im prove, and the typhoid fever was cured. Ho was then attacked with fever and agile, Again the pills were re lied upon, and they cured his fever and ague also. In a. few days ho wile fully restored to health. 1 call unon the surgeon general to see to it that a sup ply of BrundivtlCA Pill , . are among the, medicinal stores B. BRAN DRET 31. D. Principe] Mire, 204 CANAL Street, New York. For R:tle in Philadelphia by Mr. SCHAEFFER, N 0.14 North EIGHTH Ftreet, anti T. W. DYOTT & SON, No. Tr. North SECOND Street. ja.10.3 to th 3t* S-T-1860--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome erects of dissipation and late hour*. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. • They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cnre Diarrhroha, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They core Liver Complaint and NerVons Headache. They are the beet BITTERS in the wdrld. They maks the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. Titer• are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cells. mated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly rocommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug. gists, Flute's, and Saloons. P. 11. DRAKB & CO.. 2OR BROADWAY. New York. se24-03m 0 I*: - PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST arTLVA, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pi [area. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Oar OxE-T'nrcx Srxrxm is strictly adhered to. All art thereby treated alike. • del2-1Y JONES k CO., 601 HAREM Stieet. Ninth and Chestnut. Wesley Smith, New York Miss Smith, New York WT McAlpine Miss McAlpine E D Hammond M S Littlefield, Illinois. If Robinson, Dolaware S C Hall & w.f. Village Green W R Lincoln & In, halt J Fraser, Now York T II Weston & la, M'tine .1C Brodhead 1: 1%1, N roil; Miss Brodhead, Now York Com Mut lanY Mr Cawther, Canada 0 Til Hawke Dr 'Paxton Snrg DP Smith, U S N Mrs Smith Mrs Finlay and 2 nieces Mrs Nowlin, Phila Mrs Davis, Now York F. Knight, Ohio John NN'yeth & wf, Phila. EII Legott, New York . Albert Smith, NOW York F. Lonastone. New York W T Cooks &wf, Now York Alia i Lillie Iltatt, New York Miss JeSl4lO Howes, N York W F Van Wegener Wall A Dalling .1 C Tiffany, New York E P Van Dimes, New York A E Snow, New York. A North J W Chanter & wf 0 Cutts, New Roc:hello 1) D Badger, New York C Johnson, jr, Lynn, Mass &I li llood, Lynn, Mass 0 11.Tadwin. Carboudale,Pa .f E Richmond, Carbondale W J Taylor, Philnda .T T, °organ, Now York W L Waffles - , Boston J A S Dana, Portland II K Haight, Baltimore Emil Racer, Now York 11 D Gould, New York P Naylor, Now Rork Capt lilorgan, New York LIM. W WA/hoson,N York Thos J Pope, Now lurk I) F. Aikin, Albany C W Scofield, New York Id Holman, Massachusetts Jos J Killen, Pittsburg : t t, below Ninth. H Wikolf, Fillmore, NJ Miss Wikotr, Fillmore, Pi J Samuel. Dickinson, Trenton lt Fisher & lady, Philnda Mitts Fisher, Philadelphia John W NieldsLW Chester Samuel Moore, orrac, Va Samuel tilioyerrChicago John E Grab, Pine Grove Dr Kitzmiller, Pine Grove Mrs Gazzam, Philadelphia H Freeland: Lancaster co CO! Josh T Oweu, lit P Dodge and famil 3 , , %[ass C Wendell, Washing-A, D C Dr Cnyler, U 8 A N Hunter, Reading Ft A limiter, Reading 1) S Hunter, Heading. S Cole, New York P.l Nichols,Oxford, Pa D A McCulongh, Pa James Alexander, N Y S Hicks and lady, Hartford Miss Wilson, Hartford . . H Holibock, Pittsburg R C Herr, Lancaster S li Fitkine, New York A E !Feltner, New York W It Schell, New York L 0 Calvin, Philadelphia P Hallstead, Scranton W W Marsh, New Jersey M 11 Stroh, Mauch Chunk S C Adams, U S N 0 W ChidseY, Newark NiiSS Thomas, New York 0 II Henry & la, Albany C P Burke, Penna. Limit N Carroll, Peuna Fitzwater,J Norristown W B Davie, York Dr Thomas, West Chester street, below Arch. F Secnds, Bridgeton A S Taylor, Bridgeton .T R Ditreubach, Marietta B Gety, Lancaster Dr H Montgomery, Muitcy W H Good, ear, Lebanon R M Pomo, Massachusetts W Shinier, Pike co S W Campfield. Hanley NL Walker, Hamilton _ IF A Tull, Maryland st.ruet, above Flak. FI Reeser, Schuylkill Ilaveu 11 B Etout,ROading R NV Deunirozor, .1 L Blauvelt, New York R Malin & la 11 ippehimer, Reading IV 11 Gafford. Maryland Il b Montgomery, New York Dr L Trexler, Betts co Signuiud, Millerstown E B Patterson, Pottsville John A Moon., Delaware 13 .Tones, New .Tersoy NY 11 regston, New York Robt 11 Sayre, Bethlehem mit street, nb. Third. E .1 Ararat), U S H Wilton', New Jersey Mias Wikott, New Joreey F Epelleltimer, New York %V Garvin. liemnsted. T. I L Tn33•lor la. Now York (3 11 Thurston, Cameron J Starr, Baltimore A Da :man, Baltimore F 8 Treadway, New Haven .7 11 Haines, Mass C 11 Fish, Virginia City.N J S Dailey, Bridgeton, N A Cassel, 'Madison, Wis and Market streets. W E Dennis, Alabama W H Brawn, Penns J fiacli, Penns .1 glemni Etech, York co, Pm T Ellicott, rithibur g 31 J WembPrg. Y York B Wulf, N York xth St., n.b. Cheetnut. E V Chauder, Del co, Pa J Towson, Lancaster E Touson, Oxford, Pa S Darlington, Philad'a 0 \V hall Balt more .1 P Lee, 13alamore .T Lawson D 1' Baird, Clinton co eer, above Third. Elias °bold, Pa .1 M Sheldon, Fradericksb'g J Clark, Lancaster C S Birch, Reading I Jos Bousatn, Carlisle, Pa BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; Warranted not to Injure the hair in the least remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED. or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, &c. air' The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BiTCHE, LOR, on tliefottr tides of each box. FACTORY. No. Si BARCLAY Street, (Late 213 Broadway and 16 Bond street.) New York. my2&ls Ii aLLOWELL—HOJAIItE.—On tho 6th inst.. L}• the Itev. John Thompson, James S. Hallowell to Eliza beth Virginia nointre. both of Philadelphia,. • inntlt—TUATolll.ll.—On New Year's morning. Int, by Um Vey. 13, P. lleilden, of Cll7llllOll, Mr. William it. Burr, of Camden, Xi. J.. to Alias Mary E. Thatcher, of Philadelphia: 7JI=Z).. J.EFFRIES.—On the 12th .lust., James Jeffries, in the 72d year of his age, at his residence near Tioga Station. Due notice will be given of the funeral. " * GILLINGHAM —Of consumption, at Monday the sth lust., at his residence in Alexandria, Ye, Samuel Gil lingham. in the 5301 year of his age. • STRYKER.—At Lambertville, N. J., on the 11th inst.. Samuel 1). Stryker, Es q., in the 73d year of his ego. Ills friends are respectfully invited to attend his fano. , rat, on' Wednesday morning, at 10.% o'clock. BIrGIYIRE.—On nth inst., Anna lit., wife of Henry (I. 'McGuire. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend tho funeral at II A. M , Fitlh-day (Thar:Jdav), from the residence of her husband, 1304 Parrish st. * o ' 011.61/10 Abl.-4.)u the 9th instant, William 11. Gil lingham, M. D. His male friends are invited to attend the funeral from his Into residence, No. 117 North Thirteenth street, this (I'uerday) morning. at 10 o'clock. BROWN.—the the 16th of December, 1892, of wounds received at the battle of Fredericksburg, Sergeant Win. IL Brown, of Co. C, 91st Regiment, P. V., in the 27th year of his age. BOOTH.—Ou the 10th ins t " , Isaac C. Booth. aged 43 years. BISHOP.—On the 11th inst., Miss .Tine C. Bishop, in the 25th year of her age. • BURIZOWS.—On the 11th inst., Mr. James Burrows, In the Sollt year of his age. • BLACK AND WRITE BAI MORAL SNIRTINGS. , —BIack and purple Balmoral. Skirts. Gray . and Black Balmoral Skirts. Milslui and Revere Bows. Lace Sleeves trimmed purple or :black. Crape Elicits!' Crapes and Veils. • • Bound Grenadine and Crape Veils. Black all-wool Ottoman Poplins, 67X cents. Black and English Rep 6, `2.5 to 31;' cents. Just received by BESSON do SON. inl2 MOURNING STORE, WS CHESTNUT Street. TcYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. have a line assortment of . Good Glossy Black Silks. Widows' Silks without gloss. • FYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, always keep a fine stock of Staple Household Goods. • jalo Bast Muslin, Linens, anti Flannels, LYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ANClT.'always keen a full line of Mourning Shawls. jail) Fashionable Shawls. . A SAW RIP TO ROME, AIM WHAT I RE, by the Rev HY ATT tho North. Baptist Church, EIGIITH Street, above "Ain:4er. THIS EVENING, Jan. IZL Tickets 2.5 cte. Doors open at 7 o'clock. it* PIELST-DAY. OR SUNDAY-SCHOOL SOCIETY.--The Seventy-second Annual rilecting of the Society will he held on WEDNESDAY next,• at 4 I'.M.. at No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street. jal 2-3t* ALEXANDER KIR KFATI K, Secretary. MNOTICE.— A MEETING. OP TILE Stockholders of the MASONIC HALL, Manayunk, will be held WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 14, 1533, for the election of bayou Trustees. Polls open one hour, from 7 to S P. M. THOMAS FERGUSON, i a.12-M* Secretary. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. INSTRUCTION in BOOK-KEEPING in its different Inanebes,as practised by the beat accountants; pEN- Plain and Ornamental, Commercial Law. Mercantile Forum, and Calculations, &c., DAY and EVENING. jalo.3t* UNITED STATES Ii OSPITA L, BROAD and CHEERY Streets' Philadelphia.— We; the undersigned, of the above Hospital. have agreed at a special meeting togive Dr. CHARLES-S. HOOKER, Dentist, st 906 VINE Street; n vote of thanks for his past favors and kind attention to us and to all Union voluteers. He visited us when sick end wounded, and paid us every attention. His kind attention to all Union volunteers is unceasing. Ile visits them daily. We also further state that lie extracts teeth for all volun teers free ofcharge. We also further state that he 1 ,4 the only Dentist that we have ever known that would ex tract teeth for volunteers free, gratis. Soldiers, go there any hour of the night or day, and you will Lind him al ways willing and ready to do yon a favor or a kindness. It is also further agreed that the above he published in the Press. Inquirer. and Sunda ti Dixpatch. HECHT, First Virginia Cavalry. It .1, VRAZEY, } RANK SNOW. . WOMIEN. K. .1. STARK I,BY, D. D. PAGE, DAN. MILLER, .1. CLARK. T. A. COCHRAN. Broad and Cherry-street ()nerds: • E. J. BUSHEL, First Regiment Fire Znuaves; HENRY SPITLER 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers; D. YATES. 9th New York Volunteers: C. H. STI WART. Ath New York State Militia; JAMES If. DIDDLE, Oneida. Cavalry; V. 11 BOLES, Oneida Cavalry; • Sergeant J. 11. CASSADY. It* THE HOME MISSIONARY SO 11C1.15TY OF TH B CITY OP P.HIGADELPHIA held its Twenty-seventh Anniversary in Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, EIGHTH Street. above Race. on SAB BATH EVENING, December 2114,1862, when the follow ing -named gentlemen were duly chosen as Managers of the Society for the ensuing year, viz; Geo. D. Stuart, • Thomas Potter, Thos. T. Mason. T. Esmonde Harper, Wilson Winton, Alexander T. Lane, Jumps Appleton, • Thomas Pedrick, Charles Santee, H. M. R immey, .Tames B. Rodgers,. - Samuel Mullen, . Robert P. King, Francis Bacon, Charles L. Ornm, Hiram Miller, James P. Butler, Tames W. Carson. Fanmel Work, Robert Grigg, Alexander G. Cattell, R. K. Hoettich, George diligent, John Wiest. Isaac It. Smith, And, at the regular stated meeting of the Board, held January flth,lSal, the following-named gentlemen were duly elected to the several offices of the Association, viz: George H. Stuart, President; Alex. G. Cattelt, Vice President; Thos. T. Mason, Treasurer,; Rudolph K. Hoc . - filch, Secretary ; John P. Arrison, General Agent; Albert G. Rowland, Missionary. This Society is much in want of funds just now to en able it to carry on its operations among the poor of our city. The demands upon it at this season of the year are always heavy and, although somewhat lighter this winter than for many preceding, ones, they are much heavier than the boeiety can meet In its present finan cially weal condition. it, therefore, through its Board of Managers, appeals most earnestly to the public to furnish it speedily with means for the prosecution of the very important work it has undertaken. Its pastlistory is known to the community. and the Board trusts that this appeal will be responded to as promptly and liberally as former ones. Donations may be sent to the Trmisurer, Mr. Thos. T. Mason, No. Market street, or to any of the officers or managers. By order of the Board of Managers. • jel3-tutlisTit* R. K. HOEFLICH, Secretary. M. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.; , •CASII ACKNOWLEDGMENT: to Jar. 10th, ISta JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer. W. P. Wilstach $lOO 00 S. & W. Welsh um 03 Thos. Richardson & Co 100 tai A. A. Hon igmacher 100 DO Jimmy Sex Bert 103 09 Edgar G. 'Driller, Baltimore, Ald Di 2.5 . Bumphreys, Roffman, & Wright 50 09 Ball W. Mercer 50 00 D. B. Sergeant. (additional) it) 00 Gm P. Smith, (additional) 50 coo Male Bible Class, St. Paul's P. E. Church 30 00 Theodore Bliss '''S 03 'Miss Sidney Paul ' ' ' 4 0 W Mrs. E P. Wi son 00 Sunday School Christ Church, Towanda, Pc, Per B. • S. Russell 20 00 Ladies Aid t•ociety. Greenpack, Perry c0., - .ra 15 75 Ellis Irwin, Clearfield • • -- 10 03 A Lady, per W. Crowell - ,: . —lO 00 A Lath. per G. II S 10 00 W. A. Blanchard, (additional) 10 00 Work, McConch, & Co 10 00 Ladies' Aid Society, Duanesburg ' N. V 7 00 Bev. A. G. Wylie scontrregatiod,Duanesburg. N. 3. 6 IM W. E. Dubois, per Mr. Thissell 5 00 James Waters, Owego, N. V VP F. K .300 A Lady - 104) Miss M. M. Allen, Pottsville, Pa 2 00 Rev. .1. L. Landis, Waverly, Luzerne Co., Pa 2 00 Mrs. 1.. K. Taylor, Pane, Minas: 3 00 F. P. Taylor, PRIM, Illinois 200 E. W. T., Puna, Illinois 1 09 IL 8., Perryville, N. J 1 00 A friend 100 Miss. Jane W. Baird, Washington, Pa 1 00 . A soldier at Falmouth 50 . . .. • • • ' Mss Alice L. Reed. Washington, Pa . 20 The ft flowing ft ow friends of the "Anderson Troop:"' " Alex Fullerton 10 CO . The Misses Summers 14, 00 Jumps Graham 4 0 00 Mr. ltowc,l 'AI (lii S. Bunting . 'A) OJ .1. Ansrach, .Tr . 5Y ) j)O Mrs. Hubbellll) 0$ . . Cash 1010 . John Field 10 U 0 airs. Dennis 10 00 Mr. Cabecn 10 00 W. Butcher - 10 00 • G. W. Gmbh 10 0/ Cash 10 03 P. W. Thomas 10 00 John Wagner • ' 10 03 Mr. Wagner 10 00 'W. Lynch 10 00 Mr. Seger 10 00 Dr. Murphy 5 03 Dr. Liens 5 00 Mrs. M. Plowman 5 00 T. Bradfield 5 00 Miss St. Clair 0 (0 Edward Taylor 5 OD 11. IV. Ross 5 (D• L. Johnson 5 (YJ John Baylis 5 00 Miss Erwin 5 00 A. 11. 'lock 5 00 C. Heller 5 iXIO J. Cresson 5 00 D. Sellers 6 (k) W. A. Arnold . - - 5 00 S Dilks 5 03 W. 11. Lowry., . $1 03 C/4:411 4 00 Cash a ou • Mr. Conway ' 2 00 • Cash 2 lka Cash - 2 00 Cash 1 00 Cash 1 00 Cash 1 00 Cush 1 IX) Cash 100 C. C. Bower • . 100 Cash, from sundry persons Al 00 . . Amount previously nekuowlodged 16,111 S S 2 1L $18,030 57 M.• HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1110 CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for in the most comfortable manner. n•ee of charge. n-tt • E. F. GLENN, 022 Secretary of Board of Manaeers. ir:C=P THERE WILL BE A MASS MEET NO held by the colored citizen~ of Ph!ladeiphia, on TUESDAY EVENING, January 13,1863, at half intst 7 o'clock, in 111.3 Second Presbyterian Church, ST. MARY Street, for the puma, e of :rivlng an expression 'of senti ment a , proving of the 'President's Proclamation in emancipating' the slaves in the States now to rebellion against the Federal Government. The service 3 of seve- Jul able and di.:tin dub-lied speakers are engaged to ad dress the meeting. The public are Invited to attend. Admittance 10 cent?, to defray expenses and publish the proceedings. By order of the c.»l»nittee: AUGUSTUS DORSEY% HENRY' WINTON. HEN RV HAR WOND, DANIEL COLL,. jalo-30 And others. NOTICE.—AT MEETINGS OF THE BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, held on the Gth anti oth instant, tne tollowing rewin:ions were passt-d and ordered to be published : Resolval, That notice let given that. the. Citizens' Bounty Fond Committee will discontinue the pa meet II bounties anti compensation to captains after the 31st January hadant, except in such cases as they may have already elf hutted themselves to pay after that date. ReBolvd, That the Committee will, as Soon as practi cable, after the Ist of February next, make a report to the subset there to the Ft. pd. . Re.sotri-4, That the Committee will pay Fifty Dollars bount3 to each recruit mustered in in the city of Phila delphia, on or before the 31,st January instant, (except ing deserters, substitutes, and absentees, and those olio have received any bounty from the eity'of Philadelphia,) for the followir g—viz: Segeba rth is A ri illery. I'm-ton's Cavalry, • Roberts' Arttlitry, • U. S. Regulars. 11. S. Marlues, Old Philadelphia Volunteer Regiments. Said payment to be made whenever the recruit is de finitively in service in the field, or hi a fort, garrison; Levy yard or chip of the United States. limol rod, That all payments under the foregotni , rcto 'talons be made in accordance with the forms adopted by the Disbursing Agency THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. LORIN BLODCET, Secretary. lalfittltal PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY—Office, 221 Sonth 1.0•111. TH Street. PHILADELPHIA, S 1663. The Board of Managers of this Company halted 'dared a Dividend of .4EVEN per cent. on the Preferred Stook, ritynhic in Cash on the lath inst.. and a Diriilond CEVEN per cent. on the Common Stack, payable in stock vu the IGih of February, free from State tar. The Dividend on the Preferred Stock will be paid to holders in New York at the office of the Parmers Loan and Trust Company, and in Boston at the office of Moisrl. .1 E. Thayer & Bre. W, H. WEBB, Secretary. THE PRESS.-PRILADELPITIA. TUESDAY. JANUARY :13..1563, OFFICE OF THE DIAMOND COAL COMPANY—NOTICH.--At a a mooting of the Di rectum held title day, a DIVIDEND OF FIFTY CENTS per share W3LK doelared,Tayable at tho Quito of the Com, rn?, No. 713 MARKET-Street, on nod after the 17th i a tent. - S. ALTER, Secretary. M. • THE-ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Sim m11011%1'14 of ALAItiIIALL SAVINGS INSTITIITH Or PHILADELPHIA." for the purpose of olectiof Officers. ke, will be held at tke nail of the I'FOSYLVAIVIA. 110 SE 111/118h, at .8 o'clock TILES hiNI;I6, (13th inst.) W.lfildAN N. LEVICK, lto • .• • Secretary. . IM7OFFICE OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND NINETEENTH SIRE! TS , ,PASSENGER. RAILWAY COMPANY, • • • • IlnitenzipitrA, January 5. ME. The Board of Directors have this dardeclared.a. Divi dend. of THIRTY CENTS per Share from the earning* of the past six .months, payable to the Stockholders. or their legal representatives. on . and after the 15th instant, clear of all taxes. ire• OFFICE OF UNION . MUTUAL RN MANCE COMPANY. Thimanar.enrA, January 5, 1863. ' At it meeting of the Board of Directors; of this Company. held this date, a DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CENT., on the - Outstanding.-Scrip, erns declared, payable tothe sorlis4toldera on demand, without deduction for taxes. is lSt JOHN MOSS, Aasiatant Secretary. OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS Street, belfqv Fourtb.—Partr,ADELrntA, January 2d. 18f13.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the .Company out of the earnings of the past six months, payable to the Stockholders ''or their lent' representatives, on and after 15th inst., clear of all taxes. The Transfer Books-will be closed until 15th inst .ia3-tl5 CHAS. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. r;3,* OFFICE OP THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT Street, .1111LADELPHIA, JAXPAR r s,lS63.—The Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months, pityable on and aßerthe 12th inst., free of taxes. 39.6-7 t. CHARLES W. CORE, Secretary. M. OFFICE HUNTINGDDE AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, ZS South THIRD Street—Pattangt.rubt., Dec. NBB2. OTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their office on TUESDAY, the 13th day of January. 1863, at 11 o'clock A. M. when an election held for a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. dM-tjal3 J. P. AERTSEN, Secretary. r:3;=., CORN EXC PHILADELPHIA, Nov. held . November 17th, 1562, were elected Directors of thi And at the meeting of Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER G. CATTELL, Esq., was unanimously re-elected President •, ALEX. WHILLDIN, Esq., Vice. President, N and JOH W. TORREY Costlier. no2Ertjals BOARD OF .TRADE: RIFLE AGM • . 106th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEE RECRUITS WANTED for the above' fine regiment (the only Regiment of Infantry for three years now recruit ing and in camp in Philadelphia.) Men joining this regiment will receive the following bounties: Cash in hand on being mustered in $25 when the company is full 50 " when the regiment is full ' 25 At the expiration of service ' 75 CONTINENTAL .CAVALRY. A " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDONFIELD, N. J. —MEN wanted to complete Companies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' , Bounty Fund awarded to the first Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. • . . . Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be assigned to young men of good re. ferences. and who have seem .service. dell-tf. ..• MILITARY GOODS. • w..siaciNalt-Bittno„R, WHEELEB, & WILSON • • THE WILCOX. & GIBBS. ?AMIN • • SEWING MACHINES have been greatly improved, making it ENTLRELY NOISELESS. and with Self-adjusting Hemmers, are now ready for sal. by YALEBANKS & EWING, ae27-tr 71.6 OFIESTNUT.Street.. =MI OFFIVE OP THE SURGEON-AR- Tt •T TO 'l'llE ARMY AND NAVY. Pitti.Ardtte 1•111 A, October 24, 1562. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. MD CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER. jag -tin Government Surgeon-Artist. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Managers and Contributors of the WOMEN'S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA. 'Win 1)4 hold at the HOSPITAL BUILDING, North COLLEGE Avenue and WENTT-SECON D •St met; on •TIIIIR4D AY, the 15th. //at., at :Dif I'. ' • - • B. F. HALLOWAY. 3ala.at. Secretary, OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- W. ROAD COMPANY, l'imr.AimmrmA,- January 19. NOTICE TO ETOCENOLDERS.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of thin Dummy wilt be held on MONDAY, the second day of February, NM, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the SAN SON-STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the second day of March, 18M3, nt tho Office of the Company, No. 2438 South TII IND Street. • EDMUND MI CH, Secro`ar-. . . art•?". OFFICE DIINEHILL & SCHUYL KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY, Pllll.l - Month, WM Eta At a meeting of the BOARD OF MANAGERS, held this day, 1i Seml-annnal Dividendtot FOUR PEE CENT.. (equal to Two Dollars per sham) was declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on or after the 20th inst. The Transfer Book . w i 1 1 be ctoseti until the 20th iust. jalF.-.tuthset WILLIAM 131 DDLR. Secretary OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AkiEitiCA, PHILADEL 1111A, 1114111nry 12, 1,933. THE BOAlil) ON DIDACTODS bate this day declared aaeini-anneal Dividend of SIX PEE CENT.; also, an Extra. Dividend of 81X PER CENT.. (both exclusive of all taxes,) out of the profits of the Company for the past Six 11101011 K payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on demand. CHARLES •PLATT, .Jan.l. 18e3 - •.. Liiil36t] - Secretary. OFFICE OF. THE NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILRO*D COMPANY. Pairaucc rnlA, January 12.1863: • ••: • . At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsylvania Railroad company bold This Day. FRANKLIN A. COIItLY - was elected P resident; and the following persons were elected Directore for the ea; suing year: John Brock, John Jordan, Jr., Algernon S. Roberts, J. Gillingham Fell, S. Morris Vfaln, jal2-3t . CHAS. W. r 32 PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY._Office 227 South •FOURTII Street, PHILADIMPRIA, sairwtry um . The Transfer Books of the Common Srock of this Company, opened TO-DAY, will be again closed on the .17th inst., at the close of business hours. The dividend win bo csteulated on the shares as thou stand on the books at the close of busineas on the 171 h inst., and the books •will be reopened on February 2. • • jalr4t • • E. BRADFORD, Treasbrer. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY-01.'10ms No. 227 South I+ODEIII Street, Phi ILAPRLPIOA, January 12,1863. ' At an election hold This Day by the Stockholders of this Con pany. the following gentlemen were unani mously elected to servo as Wilms for the ensuing year : PugsumBY—CHANLES B SMITH. Asa wh i ricy, MA SAO ERA R. Pratt Ncßeau„ William Sellers, . .Ino. H. Towne, F. M. Felton. I I' A. B. Borio. • TnEAstrasn—SAMUEL BRADFORD. SECRETARY—WILLIAM H. WEBB.. ' It IM.OFFICE BUCK MOUNTAIN: COAX.' CO., PHILADELPHIA, January Ist, 1863. '•'+ ICOTIOE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 320 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, Vebrunry 4th, ISM, at 11 o'clock A. M. An election for- Seven Directors. to serve the ensuing year will be held on the same day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. jai-0100.PP W3f. P. JENKS, President. MAMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE NDTRUSTCOMPANY, WALNUTStreot, South ezuit corner of FOURTH. . • PITTLATELPITIA, January S. 1563. At the annual election by the Stockholders, held on MONDAY. 'January 6, the following gentlemen were elected Tnistees: Alexander Whilldin, J. - Edgar Thomson, Hon. - James Pollock, George Nugent. Albert C. Roberts, William .1. Howard, Philip B. Mingle, And at a Meeting of said Tiustee.s, held this day, the fol lowing officers were reelected far the ensuing year: . President—ALEXANDER WIIILLDIN. • Vice President—SAMUEL WORK. • Actuary—JOHN C. SIMS. Secretary and Treasurer—JOHN S. WILSON. jarAt IMOFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT AND ARCH STREET CITY PASSENGER RAIL WAY CO.. No. 2.5e2 CALLowntia, STREET, Philadelphia, Jan • SIS 63. • The Beard of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of ONE DOLLAR per share on the capital stock of the company, payable to the stockholdets, or their legal representatives, on and after the inst. The transfer books will be closed until thelsth-inst. .ia9-tl5 JOHN T. LANGE, Secretary. M• AT A MEETING 01IF THE CONTRI BUTORS to the HOSPWAL OF THE PRO TESTAVT EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Philadelphia, held TUESDAY, January 6th um, the - following-named gen tlemen were duly elected members of the Bard of Mane gent to serve for the ensuing three years, viz : Rev. H. A. DeWOLFE HOWE, D. D. Rev. RICHARD NEWTON D D. • Right Rev. WILLIAM BACON.STEVENS; D. D: JOHN BOIILEN. • WILSON C. SWANN, M. D. • • CLAYTON T. PLATT. EDWARD HARI SHORNE, M. D. • JOHN WELSH. Attest EPHRAIM CLARK, Jr., Chairman. JNO. A. CHILDS, Secretary. • . •jai-tf .Tbe Transfer BOoks will be closed until the 15tit inst ja7•tialsS H. B. LEACH. Treasurer. Alexander G. Mitten, Christian J. Hoffman, Dell Nublit, Jr., Robert Ervien, George L. Darby. H. W. Catherwood, Edward C. Knight, William P. Cox, , William L. Maddock, Edmund A. Souder, James Steel, . Samuel T. Canby, Charles E. Wilkins. MILITARY. BOUNTY. Total None but men of good character received, Apply at HBADqUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. CHARLES ERNENWEIN, Colonel. W. A. HAMILL. Adjutant. deft-tt SANSOM-STREET HALL, P.IIILADELPEM- • • MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, 7 %. , : FINE SWORDS, ADD . . . . Inunior-goons, IN EVERY VARIETY US. lan SEWING MACHINES. STN . GEWS " . . SEWING MACETINE,. For-Family Sewing and Manufactuitig .Purposes " ' 810 CHEST UT : STREET. 11'13 . • SEWING • MACT4INgS, 6sB CHESTNUT 1,000. DOZEN.MOKORY SHIRTS.: . 1,c03 do. fOl i t l ty.lirA T A s ND BLUE FLAN -500 do. 1. AnOr s iii i ) R ,&kNCy TRAVEL -500 do. LDV N S P I N:AD MUS -1,000 DENIM OVERALLS. 10,000 PAIRS COTTONADE PANTALOONS. For sale by BEANNETT, AUCH, & CO., ja1:1-1m Manufacturers, 217 dill - 2CH ALLEY. EIMER'S IVORYTYPES ARE IR *pl en did realities. All that tends to perfect the like ness and beauty of those pictures is carefully attended to by artists of ability. SECOND Street, above Green. it O FFICE OF THE ASSFSSOR OF THE SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT, PRILADA, Jan. 11382,—PBANCIS P. HALLOWELL has been appointed, ASEISTANT ASSESSOR for. the Nintn Division of my. District.. Said Division is comprised within the limits of that portion of the Ninth ward commencing at theweat tilde ef Seventh street, extending to and including the east side of Broad street. and from the , north sidenf Mar ket street to the south side of Arch street. inclusive. • TfiOIfAS W..SWENEY„ U. 6. Assessor Second District, Penal. William C. Ludwig. 'Ellwood Shannon, Edward C. Knight., William L. Hirer, Alfred Hunt. ILLING HARE. Socretarr Samnol Work, Hon. Joseph Allison, Charles F. Heazlitt, Samuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Jonas Bowman. 'LANGE BANK, . 1862..—At the election the following Stockholders s Bank: TORREY. Cashier PHILADELPHIA 1 RETAIL DRY GOODS. L * A INT . KETS. - TWILLED ELAN SI2IIS per pair. ' 9 7„. • • • Extra heavy large warm do., W. 50 per pair. hxtra fine do., $4,50 per pair. Tory large' do., *6.&. Very superior do., Vl5O. Alao, Blankets at 50, $lO, $l2, and $l5 per pair. Only Blankets sit it 3 per Pair. Cradle and Crib Blankets, Good heavy Comfortables, $2.50 each. Persons in want of these goods will do well to exa mine, as we are determined to sell them at loss than they can be bought. R. D. k W. H. PENNELL, 012-3 t 1021 MARKET, below Eleventh. MUSLINS AND- CANTON FLAN. NE.a.-111y stock of these Goode is still very largo' and of every kind. Good Bleached Muslin at 16 and 18; real first-rate at 20 and 22; full yard;wide at 23; several Cases of Williamsville, Witlnstate, Torresdale's. House keeper's, and New York Mills, at prices lower than others are selling them; good Bleached Sheeting, 234 Cards wide, at 50; heavy Utica, at 62.3 i; first-rate Pillow aking, 1,4 wide, at VS; Unbleached Muslin in every quality, from 16 cents up to the very beat ; good Un bleached Canton Flannel, at ZIA finer do., at. 25; and the heaviest, at 31Mi 2 cases nearly yard wide, nd very heavy ; Bleached do., at 25; 1 envy Hamilton at SUS, worth in the market :rig; one lot heavy colored at 24; the cheapest ass(); tment of Flannels in the city, for Aid Societies and others; White, at 23; all-wool, at 35; and very heavy, at 37%. Shaker }Janet unshrinkable, and fall yard wide. Plain Gray, at .10. . Plain Red, 35, and 40. Red Twilled, at 87%. 40, 45, :ilia 50. Gray Twilled, at 45 and 60. 1 hero goods are remarkably low, being considerably less than the wholesale prices. . . GRAN VILLE B. HAINES, • jal2-6t • 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. J. CA SSELBERRY, 45 NORTH r.-• EIGHTH Street, is closing out WINTER DRESS GOODS much below tote recent low prices. The place to boy • Best American Delainis, 23 cents. Ilich Wrapper Cashmeres, 2S cents. 100 pieces superior Dross Goods, at 25 cents. Ottoman Poplins, choice shades. ' Cloth Poplin:4, 4.holre shades. - FRENCH. MERINOES.—BIuo Humboldt, Brown Ma genta, Mode, &c., Sc.,s $1.12. Rich figured ilicrinoes, 7Ac. to $l. Rich figured Detainer-, 3d to 60c. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! AU bought nt the recent Preuch Broche Long Si awls, closing out, $6 to $5O. Brodie Square Shawls, do., $1 to $2O. . Gents' Shawls, $3 to $8.50. Black Thibet Long and Square Shawls, $1.50 to $lO. WINTER MOURNING °GODS CLOSING OUT. Poplin Reps, 1 elaines, Cashmeres, Merinoes, Bombeszines, Alpacas, Tames Cloths. Cashmeres., 5.4,64, 74, end S-4 wide. 2-yards-wide black Cashmere, 81 cents. SILKS! SILKS! Dark Fancy Silks closing out. Every shade of plain Silks for Evening Dresses. Black flg,nreo Silks, cheap. All-silk rich Moire Antique, .black, Thi_place•to buy all kinds of , STAPLE oopbs. Ffeavy,unblvtched Cotton Flannels, 22 cents. Heavy Cotton' Flannels, 23 cents. Heavy " Cotton Flannels, 28 cents. Hamilton Bleached Cotton Flannel, 23 cents. Oakdale Cotton Flannels, 20 cents, by the piece. ~ Blaterville Cotton Flannels, 23 cents, by the piece. •Williamsville,Wamsutta, Bay Mills, Forestdde, Lones dale, amrl.all the leading makes of Muslims, from 2 to 3 cents per yard less than case prices. - TABLE LINENS, FL a 2 NETS, &c., Bought previous to the great rise. J.lll. CASSELBERRY'S Mammoth Dr Goods House. 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. P. S.—Just open, 400 BLLMOR.A.74, best quality; a bar gain.. LADIES' FURS. LADLES' FANCY 'FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 LECH STREET. BELOW EIGHTH. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS_ 'flip assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. oc3-4mif FURS! F.T.TBSI GEORGE F. WOMBATS, NOi 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET. HAS. NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT LADIES' Towhich the attention of thilniblie • nif/9-2in FINANCIAL. Q - :.111.13,VgY: THOMAS,.. • • . STOCK :AND :BILL BROKER, No. 3121 !WALNUT STREET STOCK'S and - BONDS/and all kinds of IL 8. 4210 1 , , 8u1l- MENT SECURITLEB bought,sad sold on Commission, ex . ... elusively.. - • - Business Paper and * Loans on Collateral negocia,ted at lowest rates. . . . .• Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq.. John B. Myers & Co.. Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. del6-Smif • joHN Q. -oXpr -a_ sox, . , Bil r Ous& & NOTE • BEPHERS, No. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, l=" "'n gTZ=M ' T ". 7nll77‘Mg . Z7VM -ST,QCKS , AND -BONDS BOTIGST AND SOLD. - cirf COMllitiSla AT THE BOARD .07. RBOXBES MpkTEY INVESTED AND NOT= AND LOANS :NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. U. S. - . FIVE-TWENTIES, • TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. • PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. . I am - 4iistruCted by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA BURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. • Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first d ays . of May and November of each year. At the present ramigna ON GOLD, these Bonds yield' about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A tall supply always on hand. • . . JAY 000K.E, . SUBSCRIPTION. AGENT, • nob-tmhl SMITH THIRD. STREET. $250,000 T ° LOAN, IN LARDS OB snrALL exotairrs, ON DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND . GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NA.TIIANS' OLD ESTABLISHIED M 011111( LOAN OFFICE, N. CORNER THIRD AND . SPRUCE STREETS, . . (Conl7 one square below the Forehange4 Advances:mesh at the lowest rates ILMOITN't WANTED B i: Ei s ,ooo.',iTE. , PA____,* In Chester csounty_.. Aitply to •E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. X2O 00 . . ° $lO,OOO, $5,00 . 0, $4,500, ,9 $4,000 and several. other , stns, to invest upon Mortgage. . . Apply to • A: FITLER, jasl4.• Conveyancer, 51 North.SlXTB Street. u. - i!p: REVENUE STAMPS. AGENCY . FOR THE SALE •• OF UNITED. .STATES TAX STAMPS, No. SI South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A. full supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been Issued by the Government for sale in quantities to suit. • .A liberal (Deviant allowed on amounts of 460 'and np• Wards. Orders by Mall promptly attended to. JACOB . E..RI.DGWAY, de9-6m No. 57 South THIRD Street. , • . F ROM NFAV YO RK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. of Jan: S,Rion • • HERRING' $ FRANRLINITE - IRON ' DRILLED. THE UNDERSIGNEB,:were present at an experiment for the purpose, of testing the drill-proof qualities of a sample offFRANKL MITE or CRYSTALIZED IRON, left with the Manhattan Bank of New York, by S. C. HER RING & CO., as drill-proof. The Iron was tested with a hand-drill. live-eighths (%) inches in diameter, and was drilled readily in our presence. WM. L. JACOBS, EDWARD BURNS. GILBERT LANE. • Brooklyn, Jan. 7, W. jal3-tuths:6t EST i A rc L E IS4T y D OVER A QUARTER . DR. SWAYNRS COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY. NO TREATMENT OR REMEDIES • have everbeen so successful in ef fectually curing disease as "Dr. S'brttrne'sreittabfe • Nu/Mines," prepared with the greatest care, under the immediate supervision of a thoroughly educated Physician. Walleye certificates of extraor dinary-cures of diseased Lungs performed by " Sioaffne'd Compoung Sllrupof Wild Merril," cases where the Lungs were very :much disordered. giv en up to die by Physicians aud friends. If the bowels are costive, or not sulaciently free, use in connection "Stcayne's Bereave. and 'Tar Pills" a great purify ing purgative, The two will cleanse out all dis ordered humors, enrich and purify the blood, remove all unhealthy bilious secretions of the stomach and bowels, causing a perfect healthy state of the Liver. • If you have cough asthma, hemorrhage or spitting of blood, sore throat, ob , structiona of the • spleen or liver, short breath, pain In the urinary organs, night sweats, nervous debility, restless nights, nay symptoms of POL. MONARY CONSUMPTION; do nut delay, but procure the above remedleA at once. 30 Years' Experience proves to the world that they cannot be excelled. "Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," " SWaYne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," " Swayne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," " EWasne's CO/ilPOlllla Syrup Wild Cherry," Carei all cotuptaints of it pulmonary mature, stimulates the Secretions of the Skin, Kidneys, and Bronchial mu cus meinbranc, has great' inllueneo over the nervous system. • Preparefrouly by DR. SWAYNE Ar SON, jal(itlmif 330 North SIXTH, above Vine, COMMISSION.. HOI7SES. VASES BLE A.CIIED 34 . PORTLAND IdUSLINS. Cases Bleallied 3 .11ANOV Zit MUSLIN& Do. do. X WARINGTON do. Do. do. 2S-inch WARWICK do. . Do. Standard:Brown CINTON FLANNELS. Do. Fanners' LINEN DRILLs', all grades. Do. Bookfold cord CORSET JEANS. Do. Thnek CA3tBRICS. Bales 4-4 People's Brown SIIEETINGS. do. Atlantic Brown DRILLS, &c., &c. For Salt at low figures net cash on delivery. GEO. GRIGG, 2 int3-tuths-t, •"5919 CHURCH ALLEY. 300 31 °zB- 14. '• NEAVT MIXED, RIBBED SHIRTS. insAvr- 111X10) PLAIN SHIRTS. fissortiti tinplitier. for itinif ilitI0011es? Ault), • , • Cases 104 Poooroli Brown Sheeting's. Cittstp 104 Hear* Whitii BlPiikets: • • For 'Die tit lo x figures. for'itit Cain on deriver*: GE0.:(4141 - G.G, jormii th s3t 219 CHURCH ALLET 'ARMY GOODS. • " ....s • • . DARE: BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. 'ARMY BLANKETS. STANDARD WEIGHT. - .10-OHNCE DUCK. • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED /MEETINGS AND SHIRT• INGS. For sale by FROTHINGHAII & WELLS: sia.au PHOTOGRAPHI 0 ALBUMS - A large yari sty for We, at low pricoo by del34 j" lgir ei2kAirlyt` Eat. MIOROSCOPS, SPEO'rACLES, AND . I J- 11 - SPY-GLASSES, for prei3ents, for sale 1y • TAMES W. QUEEN & CO., del:Wit 924 CHESTNUT Street. O PERA ' . .GLASSES., OPERA GTAASSES. For sale by • • JAMS W. atm= & CO., deli INS 4 CuESTISTIT Street. WATCHES AND. JEWELRY. AMERICAN_:.; WATCHES FOB 139LDIBRE1.. AT REDUCED PRICES. AMERICAN WATCHES POR 'ADIEItICAiTS! Tint AMERICAN WA's= COMPANY give notice that they. have lately issued a new style of Watch, expressly de signed for Soldiers Old others who desire a good Watch at a moderate price.: These Watches aro intended to dis place the worthless, cheap Watches of British and Swiss manufacture, with which the country is flooded, and. which Were never expected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufactures, sent to this country because unsaleable at home, and used here only for jockeying and &wind-ling purposes. We offer to sell our Watch, which is of THE MOST MT BTANTiAL MANUrAeTURR, AN ACCURATE AND DURABLE TIMEKEEPER; and in Sterling Silver •011.Ses!, l larding pat tern, at as low a price as is asked for . the trashy Ancree and *Lepineo of foreign make already referred to. We have named the new series of Watches, WM. Burn's - , Boston, Mass., Which name will he found on the plate of every watch of this manufacture, and is one of our trade-marks. Sold by all respectable Watch Dealers in the loyal States. 'Wholemle orders should be addressed to ROBBI.NS 8c APPLETON; iigenta for the American Watch' Company, lalo4 In Lb ISt ifs • • • ... - Nocitosooric. • - PHOTOGRAPHIC. - W..: SIMCINS'&, 'BROTEIEH. • iiractrtkittninvo.. JEWELERS AND DIEPORTERti. BANSOM-STREET HALL,: Havejuat received, direct from .Paris, a large assort ment of the above novel and beautiful articles,, em bracing a number of the most prominent clergymen and public men of this city and State, together with cams of the army and navy, presented in a variety of fancy mountings. FOR .SALE TO THE TRADE, and to be had at all the principal jewelers, opticians, and fancy stores in the city. jaS-iftno D. T. PRATT, Osinwinos To PRATT & BEATH.) • . • 607 , CHESTNUT STREET, Is sCoiitesatly Isi . 'reeiSts of AMERICAN WA-TO#ES, • • • Ot desliabk.atylee and onalitiee; to snit all el:tales of i d ELI HOLDEN, Dealer in fine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, JEWELRY, A.?.3111 CLOCKS, 0c.31-6m* 708 MARKET Street. AMERICAN WATCHES, iDr'• • • GOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON, anl-em - • • No. 396 CHESTNUT Street i d WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT L3l B / 3 THAN FORMER PRICES mb2o4l' 324 aussinruT Street, below Fourth SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF S . SALE.---BY: VIRTUE: OF a writ of Allis Levari Facia% to 'me dliected. will be exposed to public sale or vendee. ou MONDAY Evening, February.% 15d..3, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground with the eight brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situate on the north side South or Cedar street. between Ninth and Tenth streets, in the said city of Philadelphia, con taining in front or breadth on the said South or Cedar street forty feet, and in length or depth one hundred and eight feet to a thirty-six feet wide street leading from Ninth to Tenth streets, called Bonsall street.. Bounded on the west by 'ground formerly of Nathaniel. Rain, on the north by the said Bonsall street, *on the esst by ground late of. Benjamin Robinson, and on the south by the said South or Ceder. street. Being the saute premises which the said Frederick Horstman and wile, by inden ture bearing even date with a certain indenture of mort gage, viz.: November Ist, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the execution of the said indenture, and Intended thereirith to be recorded, did, for the conshleratiou money therein mentioned, part - whereof .was thereby secured, grant and convey unto the said Ootlieb Pfrom rner in fee, subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or pnneipal sum of three thousand dollars with in ••terest, secured out said premises by indenture of mort gege•given•by the said Gotlieb Pfrommer to Eliza L. rates, dated the second day of 'June, AllllO Domini one thousand eight hundred and fortysevon.and recorded in Mortgage Book A: W. DI , No. 16, page 2T2, &c. On South or Cedar street are two three-story buildings, one used as a hotel, andthe other 'has two stores in it, with a dwelling above. On Boustat street is a three story dwelling east of a court, and in the rear south two other brick dwellings, and on the west side of the court on Bonsall street is a two-story brick dwel Hug and two others in the rear of that, and under the whole is a large C lager beer cellar. [D. ~ 620; D., '62.) Debt, $3,753.75. • Parsons. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Mary l'irtunmer, executrix. &c., of Cotlieb Pfrommer, de ceased, and to be sold by JOHN . THOMPSON,Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, January ra, 1863. jun-St • • DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE - L'S OFFICEPHILAnstentA; 'human; 1.41.363. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Ants office until SATURDAY, the 17th instant, at 12 o 'clock X , for the delivery in this city on or before the slat instant, of the following articles , v ia.: • . . sive hundred sets Swing Harness (mule). • . Forty sets (4 each) Wheeling pattern two-horse Ambit lance Wheels. Twenty Portable Forges, with tools complete, No. 2, Queen Twenty Portable Forges, with tools complete, No' 3, Queen: The . hamms to be made of the bed quality " oak tanned" leather, and snbject to inspection. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A BOYD. j 813 St Captain and A.ssintaut Quartsrmas.ter. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. de22•lm' , Rimer Qt:ARTEItgARTIM'S OFFICE, Corner Eighteenth and. G streets; Wasirisirrux, D. C. January 0,350. SLUED PROPOSALS will be rece)yed at this office until Mondor, Jnnnary 19.15 3, at 12 o'clock M., for de livering in the city of Washington, et such point as the Depot Quartermaster may direct, one million (1,000,000) feet of LUMBER of the following kind and description, Nit : Seven hundred and fifty thousand (750.000)feet 4-4 or one (1) inch White Pine Common Culling's. Eighty-three thousadd three hundred and thirty-three (34,te13) feet scantliug, S by 4, fourteen feet long, (Hemlock.) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-four (M TN) feet Scantltug, 3 by 4, sixteen feet long, (Hemlock.) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three (33,333) feet Scantling, 3 by 4, eighteen feet long, (Hemlock.) All the above described to be good merchantable Lum ber, subject to the inspection or an .agent appointed on the part of the Government. All the lumber to be delivered within twenty days after signing the contract.. Proposals from disloyal partiea will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance to the U. S. Government mist accompany each proposition:* The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it he awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsi ble persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court or of the United States District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bide are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. The full name and post office address of the bidder Must appear in the proposal. Ifa bid is made in the name of a' firm the names of all the owlet , hurt appear, or the bid will be considered its the individual proposal of the party signing it. . Bonds in the , sum (Alive thousand d )112trs, signed by the contractor and both of hiS g,iiantutors, will be re quired of the, successful bidder upon signing the con tract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. Informal proposals will be rejected. Proposals 11111 A be addresi=ed to Captain EDWARD L. WART". Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, Washing ton, D. C. and should be plainly marked "Proposals for Lumber." We,.—, of the comity ofState and of and —of the county. of .and State of do hercbv guarantee that is aide to fulfil the contract in accord ance with tho terms of hie proposition, and that, should his nrorosition ho accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in occordadeo therewith. - Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become his securith.m. . . . - (To this guarantee. must Lea _ppoodcd the official certi ficate above mentioned:) EDWARD L. HARTZ, jal3-6t Captain and A. Q. M.. U. S. Army. JAMES .11:• SCOVEL, Arronamy• •LAW, Master and Examiner-in Chancery. jag -Ins •••• • 113 PLUM Street Camden, N. WILLIAM . .ATT WO OD, • . • UNDERUICER: • No. no N; 111311TH S TREET ANA*" kith. east side. , isr34kir MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES. CIDER WINE, &c., ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES, tf - CORNER RLEVENTICAND VINE ET& CRAY OR DISCOLORE D. HAIR -DTED a beautiful Black or Brown, at FOURTH aud BRANCH. jalC6iftf HOLIDAY dOODS. 182 BROADWAY, N. Y ENGLISH, • mutt FARR & BROTHER, Importers, PROPOSALS. FORM OF GUARANTEE. NEW:: PIIBLICAIIONS. PHYSIOGNOMY; OR SIGNS o P •A- • • Ghaructir t PUtiiHOLOGY, and tho Bodily Pi:mo tions • t PHRENOLOGY, or the Brain and Nervons Sys tem t PSYCHOL(HIY, the Science of the Sant; ETHNO LOGY, or the Natural History of Man, with instructions in the Choice of Pursuits, Personal linprovemon,t etc, are some of the topic' elucidated in the PHR ENOLOOI- JOURNAL AND LIFE ILLUSTRATED for 1863. ODlFffil a_year. January No . 10 cents. Address FOW LER & WELLI..3OIIBR(IAD WAY, New York, or J. E. CAPRN, OAS CH sent UT Street, Philadelphia. ial3-3t NEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS, IN elegant bindings.. • • • ' LYRA CCELESTIS, HYMNS OF HEAVEN... THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. A new and elegant • edition. THE EXCELLENT WOMAN. By W. IL Sprague. A RESENT HEAVEN. By the author of Patience of • ' • B W P AVER THOUGHTS OF A couiceßy PARSON. HACICEI'T'S SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS. LINDSAY Si ELAKASTON, Publishers, Jai ' hts florid) SIXTH. Street. above Chestnut. MR. STILLE'S PAMPHLET. READY THIS IifORNINa—ROW FREE PEOPLE CON DUCT. A LONG WAR. Svo Pamphlet. Price Is cent& Published and for sale by • . 4 : • WILLIAM S. ALFRED MARTIEN. d No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS !-THE STORY OF THE GUARD: A Chronicle of the War. By Mrs. Jessie B. Fremont, SPRINGS OF ACTION. By Mrs. C. H. B. Richards. 16mo. $l. MEMOIRS OF THE REV. NICHOLAS MURRAY, D. D. (Kirwan.) By Samuel I. Prime. 12mo. SIM. MEMOIRS OF 'MRS. JOANNA BETHUNE. By Rev. George W. Bethune, D. D. 12mo. $1.25. BROADCAST. By Rev. Nehemiah Adams. 'Brno. *l. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTI EN, deBo . No. GOG Cif E 4TNITT Street. A Ll' "OTURE ' FOR YOUNG MEN.- Just published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, Inducing De bility; Nervonenees, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c: The radical mode of treatment, Without medicine, is fully explained, so ae to enable every one to be hie own physician at the least .possible expense. " A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, Post-paid, on receipt of six cente, or two postage stamP6. Addrees the publishers. • CIL d. .C. KLINE & CO., • 127 BOWERY, New York, 12644111 if,.. Post Office Box 4.sffit Lattisii) Ft% 14e2 4,1t1 1 Dkzfl • ivvr BRO'nuiRELEAD'S_. • • TRIO 7TER;LRY.--411 the NEW English and American Books including ALL CLASSES of L i terature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes alt the NEW ENGLISH BOORS that are not REPRINT ED here. • Terms $5 per year; six months $3; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 2.ILS South EIGHTH Street. eeBBm SA/WV AA NVV\A",,VVVVVVNAISIVVI.A , VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-LA SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, &c. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keerdrig,So2- vagina, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, $2.2.5. • • Tuition per quarter. $6.00. For catalogues or information address Rev..T. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. oclo4f A T REIMERS :GALLERY,YOU . WILL - L-1 - get for 4.1.06 a fine and naturally Colored Photo graphs, pictures that cannot fail to please the most criti udgmeut. SUOND Street, above Green. JUST. OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 906 ARCH STREET, • Where the lINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. . Those wishing tirst.class pictures are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, C 3568, and • &mien, - on hand. . - . F. A. 0. KRIM del7-3m • • NO COUNTERFEITS 'PASS' SO OUR, -L I RENT as thoie "ConnterfeiC.Presentments." MMUS supe rb Lifelike Portraits, life-size Photographs In oil colors, at reduced prices. SECOND Stzeet,.abo vs Green.. ... • UNITED STATES HOTEL,, HARRIS- ItDRO, PA-;REETETED AND RENOVATED—LW. TEN EYCK, Proprietor.—This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished throughout its parlors 'and chamberS, and is now ready.for the re ception of guests for tbe winter season. The travelling public will And the UNITED STATES HOTEL the most convenient, In. all particulars, of any Hotel in the State Capital, on account of. its access to the railroad, being immediately between the two great de• pots in this city. HARRISBURO, .Tan. N, ISM. ja3D-18t • IiDtRANDRETH HOUSE, ' IL° Corner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENARD STREETS', NEW YORK. CONDUCTED. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city cars, from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed in suits of communicating parlors and oham. hers, suitable for families and parties travelling together. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 perday. Double Rooms from $1 to s2.6o.per day. • de2-6m 305. CURTIS & co. INSURANCE COMPANIES. A . NNUAL STAT.gMENT, - QtRARD. FM AND MARINE. INSURANCE CO., For the year eudingg Dec. 515t,1862. .01Reit . 415 WALNUT Ftteet; Schuylkill Nay. • - • • • • " • CAPITAL. 8200,000. • NO MARINE RISKS TAKEN. Premiums received during the year Amount received for interest during the year nol64mit Premiums determined. . .. $65,927 SS • • ' DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, occurring during the • year $.21,357 613 Paid. for. reinsurance and returned premien:is. Paid for counniKsions, $6,*32 70—ex peuser; $13,537 ES—includingtruxes, salaries, office expenses, and cou iributions 2/3,170 rx3 ASSETS AND' SECURITIES. Cash in bank and on hand--59,.350 62 Cash. at Pittsburg and other agencies 6500 00 Temporary and call loans. • 8,723 15 824,773 77 . . Bonds and . mortgages 110,50043 17 S. loan's, Camden and A mboY, Phila. City loans, Penna. 11. R., . North Penna. R. R., Delftware R.R bonds, and bank stocks 5,210 00 Bills receivable, and other securities he'd as collateral CoMmtrativeStatement of Premiums and Loe* . es fur .1X1.3: YEARA:. Premiums received. Loaves paid. In 18534 870,341:36 $.32,453 SI 1E6.5 - - • 39.673"18 62,754 73 7656 40,(144 20 20,873 04 1857 42,721 39 22,197 32 1.5.58 46,407 06 16,878 10 ]SS9 59,194 51 49,046 47 IS6O KVA 66 62,601 S 3 1661 70,074 49 60,739 64 1662 613,371 37 21,3:77 68 The prem i nms exceed losses *193,943.79. Out or this balance the current expenses and ditrl.. dends have been paid by the Company. Dining this period changes have taken place, making it necessary to limit our business in certain districts. Tho Directors have managed the Company with a view of making it entirely safe for the iusuring•public, Its success speaks for itself. Numer, us companies have withdrawn from business in consequence of the vicissitudes of the times. DIBECTOIti. JERRY. DUPONT. . PETER S. HOE. of N. Y., WALKER, WM. AL SWAIN, JOHN W.ICLAGIIORN, FURMeN SHEPIARD, JQHN .TBORALEY, TBOS. DRAKE, C. F. - 11EAELITT, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D., • `AB KARAM HART, N. S. LAWRENCE, DAVID BOYD, Jr., -• PORN SUPPLE& , • THOMAS CRAVEN, President. • . • A. S. GILLETT, Vibe President. .TAREA'p. ArA - rran, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA • FIRE IN_, aURANOS COMPANY. In conformity with the Act o f Assembly of April sth, The?, this Company publish the following list of their as sets, viz: Mortgages, being all first mortgages in the city of Philadelphia 5ip184,930 :Mortgage in the city of rittiburg ..... SAO Mortgage in Bucks county 5,000 . • - $477,300 00 Bills Receivable ' . ' 30,000 03 Real state - • • ' 30,000 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company Loan 9,810 36 Camden and Amboy Company Loan - - 20,403 55 Chesapeake and Dehrtrape ':anal Loan 8,0)250 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Loap 17,370 50 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Loan • 24,600 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Loan 10,00000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 200 shares.. 9,103 75' Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Mount Joy Rail road 0,425 Olt United States Loan; 7.30 20,000 00 United States Loan, 5.20, 6 per cent 10,000 00 Pennsylvania State Loan - • 16.000 00 Philadelphia City Sixes . ' 41,332 00 Philadelphia Clty'Elves 4 . ,083 55 . .Cincinnati City t r iVeli ' a,672 50 Pittsburg oi:3 -Sixes 5,531 00 Philadelphia Bank, 7:34 shares 24,340 23 Bank of North America, 100 shares 10,000 00 •Western Bank 21) shares • 11,00001 Girard Bank, ) 1 25 Antres 6.60100 Franklin Fire Insurance Company, hi shares. 2:X7_ 7_3 Manayunk Gas COMpany, 20 shares ' ir,M 41 Cash es hand 40,303 33 8932.918 10 • M. G. CROWELL, Secretary. JANUARY 1.1503. . . jai)* GIRARD FIRE AND MA.RINS OFFICE. 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This CompanY continues to take risks on the SSW classes of Properly at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. .Its disbursements for the banal of the Public, during the last nine years, exceed • , 500,000 DOLLARS andtfre respectfully solicitits favor In the tater • -DIRECTORS. OHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER ¢. CLAGHORN, JOHN TFIORNLEY ' C. 8.. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, • DAVID BOYD/s., PETER S. HOE._ of N. Y.i WM; -M. SWAIN: FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP. AL D.. .N. S LAWRENCE, WM. C. BUD3IAR, JOHN SUPPLER. THOUS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President JAS. B. ALVORD; SeeretarY. anSiftf FA_ME INSITRAN - 11 - 408 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INL • DIREC F. N. Buck, ' E. D. Woodruff• Chas. Richardson: John Kessler, Jr.,i Henry• Lewis Jr.. • • P. 8. Justice, t• Alex.•Whilidin, • • •• - Witshington Jones, West,• • • . • -Chas. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Eyerman, FRANCIS N. BU K President. • CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President. mrivr4Ants I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Imlde-iftt FAMILY- DYE COLORS 1 BLACK. SALMON, DARK BROWN SCARLET SNUFF BROWN DARK DRAB. LIGHT BROWN; LIGHT DRAB, 'DARK BLUE YELLOW. LIGHT BLUR ,: LIGHT YELLOW. DARK GREEN. • • ORANGE, LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA. PINK SOLFERINO PURPLE, FRENCH BIIIUE SLATE, ROYAL PURPLF, CRIMSON, VIOLET. FAMILY. DYE COLORS, For dyeing Silk, Woolen and 'Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wear lag Apparel, 'with perfect fast colors. A SAVING OP SO PER CENT These Dyes are mixed in the form of powders concen trated; are thoroughly tested, and put up in neat pack ages.. For twenty-five cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. The pro cess is simple, and any one can use the Dyes with perfect success. Directions inside. Manufactured by . 110 WE & STEVENS, 258 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every City and Town. de3o-tntba-3m if T HAM:. . BRAIDS, , WIGS, Curls, Frizelts. GossturterNentUated intre. Ventila ted Scalps of Superior Manufacture. Prides are lower than those of cur other establishment_ BAKER'S. 3a6.lta* No. 909 caßsTxuy Street. EDUCATION. PHOTOGRAPHS.. ,HOTELS. $43,912, 37 43,942 37 140,100 00 - --3305,06126 $563.77231 $369 0 913 62 INSMUNCE COMPANY 9APITAL $200,000. E COMPANY, NO . lINSMIANC- TORS. LIST OF .COLORS JkAni'vknewwwwww*.nnesevv ,,,,,,, *•". ADIE4IO9N • ACADEMY OF MUSIC. C. AT SCHUTZ FIRST OPERA OF THE SEASON TUIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, JANUARY 1:1, F. VOX kLOTOW'S GRAND OPERA. THE PAIR AT RICHBIOND Subi4criMiorisserveii Seats for Six Opera& Single athnicislon to Parquet or Balcony Sinitic admission to Family Circle adroisNion to Amphitheatre The office of the Academy Ls opeutaday from° o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock P. M., for securing seat. or receiving subscriptions for the reason. TILE SALE OF SINGLE SEATS for the first Opera will commence on TUESDAY 141ORNING at the ACA DEMY and GOULD'S, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. Seats secured without extra charge. jal2 • . A. BIMMELD, Agent A-MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - 4 -=-EDWARD PATSON WBSTON MAro.ona. ORPHEUS MUSICAL ASSOCIATION'S • SECOND GRAND CONCEW. • Full Military Band and Grand Orchestra, Coriprising forty of the boat musicians, under the di rection of CARL SENTZ MISS JOSEPssPINE ' Aisted b OyCONNELL. A NATIPH OP PPILADELPIfrA. EDWARD PAYSON' WESTON would respectfully in form the subscribers to the above-named Coucerts t and the public, that the Second Concert of the series wail be given on THURSDAY EVENING. Jannarr 22, 'UM WITH AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF FIROGRA A limited number of SUBSCRIBERS' TICKETS will be sold at ONE DOLLAR EACH, admitting one person to the three Concerts, and one extra ticket will be given for the next Concert. Those desiring to become subscri bers will please leave their addrass at the lIARN DEN EXPRESS OFFICE, No. 007 CHESTNUT Street. or send their name to Box 11104 Philadelphia Post Office, Pre- YintiS to January 228.18E3. The whole of the Parqnet Circle, Balcony, Balcony Boxes,. and the brilliant Foyer promenade, is reserved for aubpenliers and those holding subscribers' extra tickets. Single tickets to others than subscribers.: Parquet (in cluding reserved seats( 50 cents. Family Circle ten trance on Locust street) 25 cents. jalo-7t WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, Sole Leone Up. M. A. GARRET/SON. Dulness! Agent_.. , . • MR. AND. MRS, BARNEY WILLIAMS. *THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, January 1.3, Performance . will commence with the Spectacle of THE FAIRY CIRCLE. Con O'Carolan . - tile. :Barney Williams Moleshee Mrs. Barney Willie , .• To be followed by the Barletta of • lIV AND OUT OF PLACE. Mrs: Barney Williams in six characters. To conclude with the Farce of • . THE IRISH TIGER. • Paddy Ryan Mr. Barney Wilpams Seats peen red MX days In ad ranee. . JOHN DREW'S A.ROMSTREET IegfEATRE. • Business Agent and Treasurer 108. D.MIMPRT. H PACKED NIGHTLY. Second Week of Mr. and Miss C. RICHINGS. TO-NIGHT. (TUESDAY), January 13. EXTREMES. • EXTREMES. Mark Mayberry Mr. Peter Richings. Mrs. Crosby Miss C. Richings. In which she will sing "THE SONG OF HOME," and "LA MANOLA." In rehearsal the grand Operatic romance of the ENCHANTRESS, Witb new scenery,.dresses, air Prices as usual. Seats secured six days in advance. MUSICAL FUND HALL. MR. ANDAr: E. L. DAVENPORT'S FIRST TINES READING, WEDN AY, JANUARY 14, ComMencing at 2 o'clock. Adngsaion 2.5 mite. A magnificent Programme will be given. jal2-2t* CONCERT HALL, CHE3TNIIT' STREET,_ABOVE TWELFTH. LAST WEEK 01? PEARSON'S HISTORTC .IRIRROR OF THE WA h. Open every EVE:CI:NO THIS WEEK at 7% o'clock, and on WEDI ESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents; packages of eix one dollar. Seats and Tickets may be secured at the Halt during the day.- ial26r. MUSICAL FUND HALL-LOCUST 'MA' STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. MASTER JAMES WILLIAN, The youthful Pianist, /4 years of age, Intends to give one Pella VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. AT MUSICAL I•'UNn HALL, ON THURSDAY EVENING, Jan. loth, on which occasion he will perform soma pieces from such masters as Thalberg, Gottschalk, Herz, and others. Hislastonishing performances have already at tracted the attention of some of our ablest musicians in this city. He will be assisted by some of our best talent. For particulars, see programmes at the music stores. .ia10,50 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. - WOOD ROFFE'S ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN .TROUPE OF GLASS BLOVERS, EVERY EVENING. and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, the Splendid Low-prEasureGlas* Steam-Engine "MONITOR" will be in full opdration at each entertainment ANOTHER. GREAT FEATUER. - - ANY" All the Magnificent Works of Art manufactured b 3: toe Company are Distributed Graruitonsly among the Visitors. A valuable collection will be distributed every Evening at 9 o'clock, and on Wednesday and &t -innier' afternoons at 4 o'clock. To be distributed by corresponding number , . Which gives every one an equal chance of obtaining a valuable present. The first pre sent for each exhibition. will be a magnificent Case of Work. Admission 15 cents. No half price. PARTICULAR NOTICR.—Thia is the iirst appearance of the Troupe in this city.ias-12t CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' GREAT CONCERT WHiLING VOYAGE, AT . LECTURE ROOM RAIL, $88,311 37 8,013 81 Every _Evening at 7K_o'clock, And SATURDAY AFTERNOON at S o'clock This entertainment has a Real Boat, '27 feet long, With full crew, and was exhibited 250 successive nights in .New York. Tickets 25 cents. or five for gm. Jams. $74,917 18 A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNUT. AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND YOURG. SIGNOR BLITZ. The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with his LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will give his new and popular Entertainments EVERY IEVENING during the Week, commencing at 7% o'clock ; and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be marvellous: exper.ments in 3fagic ; wonderful powers in Ventriloquiem and the Learned Canary Birds in their new ebaractere. Ad MiSSIMI 25 cents. Children 13 cents. de27-tr p i ..ERKANIA.- ORCHESTRA., PUB- N-A LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER. NOON at .33; o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Carl Bentz. conductor. Tickets SS cents. Packages of tickets, Sl—to be had of Andre & Co., 1104 Chestnut street ; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. noW-tf 1311FASSLER'S ORCHESTRA NEW OFFICE. 214 gooth. EIGHTH St. below W alnut. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tit 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of stock. 5.10. ki9 WANTEIi-TWO INTELLIGENT 11 ‘ 011%4.?1 ( 1 ) 1PA G AV toslyet'.arsiaditrasinßaolmi4M4l al3-3t* $L93,943 79 A.P.ARTNER WANTED.-ONE WITS an equal amount of capital, to enter into nu enter prise in Bump*. The goods have found a ready and pro fitaltle market. • Address ALPHA, Pmeau office. WAN-TEDA SITUATION AS IT . CLERK ear BOOKKEEPER, br a gradnate of the High School. Is a good penman, quick at Unres t and has a knowledgo or Bookkeeping.. Salary not as great en abject as situation. Best or.reureuce given. Address W. G., Press office.. ial2-2t* AN' UN Eht PLOYED BO °KEEPER, OF experience, having a few hours leisure daily, is willing to - ,devote that time in posting, closing, or set tling the books of Merchants, Manufacturers, or Trades men, for a small compensation. Unexceptionable re ferences siren. Address Box 22119 Post Office. ,a5-]2t• A SINGLE GENTLEMAN . WOULD like to engage a comfortably furnished room for the winter, within ma minutes' walk of The Press office. Address "Russell." at this office. dell-tt* $3OOO , WANTED AND A PART ! NEE to sit ierintend the Store, Nice, and Armonk of a wholesale and jobbing honse, where he CHU clear 2,00(1 ajear certain. .For full particulars ad dress "13. & .I're** °Mee, with fall name. Ic. LOST AND . FOUND. LOST-A OERTIF.T.OA.TE OF THE 5 per cent. Philadelphia county Loan, tinder an act of Ansetubly dated the Nth day of April, ISII, for Eighty seven Dollars, payable to Richard Teadom. executor of Francis Krocson, deceased, or his heirs or assig ns. The finderwill be rewarded by returning it to - BEN.TA3IIN H. TURNER. No. 102 DANA Street. ael6-tams OST-IN THE VICINITY OF THE Boßimers Deirot, a. DISCHARGE from the 11. S. Ma rine Corps, belonging to W. L. Cowden. Any person re- turning the sonic to the Chief of Police, at the Central Police Station. will he llbeeallr rewarded. jalo.3t PE.RsIONs.-- $lO6 BOUNTY AND I.Pai.Procured and collected for soldiers. sailors 'and thewlatives of mach as are deceased, at reasonable and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced ape* VS' JANES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants . , . 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dii. Lance , mall& ROAM) WANTED FOR FIVE PER a-- EOM - in a private family, within ten minutes' walk of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Terms moderate. Ad dress M., Press office. • It EE CHOICE FURNISHED ROOMS, inquire at 209 South SIXTH Street, (third atom) jal3 3t* AFEW SELECT BOARDERS CAN be accommodated with very superior ROOMS, either furnished or unfurnihed, at 525 ARCH Street. Refe rences exchanged. FOR SALE AND TO. LET. FOR BENT THE CITY HOTEL, NORTH' QIYEEN STREET, NEAR THE RAILR )AD. The above Hotel will be for Rent from the &nit of APRIL next, now In the occupancy of J. eL Blanks. THE CITY HOTEL la one of the largest, most commodious, and best arrangia Public houses in LANCASTER, and will be rented at a reasonable rate, by apply ins early to & ELIZABETH REESE, Adjoining the Hotel. I OUNT MORUM CEMETERY,- FOR SALE. or good trade—also litZ worth of IRON RAILING—LOT, containing 200 square fee very low, for rash. BENJAMIN KELLOGG, ial32l* 'Northeast cor. FOURTH and WALNUT fits. el FOR RENT-MARKET STREET_ .mitProm January Ist, the second, third, and :fourth. floors of Nos. 426 and 428 Market street. 33 by 117 feet, now occupied by Leon Berg & Co. Apply, between 12 and 2 o'clock, at 320 WALNUT Street, °tike No_ 2, UP stairs. 1:m13-think!' Aik . • FOR GHTHS of the brig Thos. Walter. APPLY to MIAS. S. & JAS. cARsTAIRS, Jr.. No. 12S. WALNUT Street. eP L.,,,EF,,s SAFE DEPOT BE. to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, Mr Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient stare, and has now on hand a large assortment of LillWCelebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Heisler Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made). also, Lillie% Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. LWie'a Bank Vault Doors and Locke will be frvniehed to order on short notice. This is the strongest, bast pro' tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also. Rarticalar attention is called to Lillie's New Cabinet hate. for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Sate is con. ce ded to 8011:488 in style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, and is the only one that la strictly fir and burglar pea SPEOLO NOTION O - 4 have now 04 40441 say twenty of Farrel, Herring. & Co.'s Sates, most,of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to aim, and all lately ettelte.aged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They w ill be sold at very towrice& Please call and aralatna. .1425 , 13 if ilt• C. EISDLIIII. Agent.. 4 AMUSEMENTS. 10:10.4.14,14:{:01 MARTHA; CONDUCTOR. WANTS. PERSONAL. BOARDING. DIRECTOR, Si cent.)