SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 • 0 I ' EXPF.CTOR XT.ALL WHO HAVE ~ c • v. , (hi,- standard Medicine for CONSUMPTION, •• ASTHMA , invicr iarp, PLEURISY, WllOOl 'INC 'INC COUGH CROUP, coaillS AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, or :of PULMONARY COMPLAINT, attest its useful- In proof of this fact, we would state that, for „ars past, the EXPECTORANT has been before public, and that each succeeding year hm added to ;I'll' nubility, and extended the demand, until now it is . ta,,aca n u I appreciated in all quarters of the world, and milted to be the Great Remedy of the Age for that class lfliiSPlises for which it is especially designed. it e i, domed, therefore, that having Mood the test of he sales Mill Increasing—and the dirt* testimony (a ro effected by its use accumulating on our hands, proprietors of the EXPECTORANT are justified in iveommetsling it to the afflicted with renewed confidence, noi. be it borne in mind, as a "Cure-all," nor asbeing infallible, In all cases add under all dream ;lours., but as the best combination of medicines within ren rii of the public, calculated, In moat cases, to era diriffe the various diseases for which it is commended, and in all settee to afford relief. Attention is also invited to the fact that the testimony ~, the relative powers of the EXPECTORANT is not ~,,t i n e d to the illiterate and eredulous, but innumerable per,,US of intelligence and character, Clergymen, Phy: .mans, and others, occupying the most prominent Ma thss in society, too honest to impose upon others, and. t .„, eagimiOUN to be imposed upon themselves, not only n,e but recommend it in the highest terms for the mil ronnity of it' PUNTS., in all diseases of the Pulmonary •Orgaus , Th e EXPECTORANT is especially commended to :MINISTERS, TEACHERS, and others accustomed to spe oring In public, for the relief of Hoarseness, and all Dronchlal Affections, and for strengthening the organs of „papa, Prepared only at No. 212 CHESTNUT Street, and for sal , . by 'Druggists generally. de23•2t ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STTLEP, made in the Best Manner, expreseli for RETAIL TALES• LOWEST Belting Prices marked In Plain FS. 0-,nre*. All Goods made to Order warranted eatialaiitori. Our Oss-Patop. Styrian is strictly adhered to. All are -aereby treated alike. dell-ly .TONES & CO., 004 MARKET Stele!. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair DYS yreducee a color- not to be distinguished from, natural warranted not to Injure the hair in the least; remedies .:he ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair An iife. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Sleek or Drown, leaving the Nair soft sod ieeantiftd; Bold by all Druggists. ho. 4ir The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATONS i:.011, on the four aides of each box. FACTORY. No. 81BAI3OLAY Street. (Late 283 Broadway male Bond atreet,) New York. S—T---1860—X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITPERS, They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. • They cure Diarrhceba, Cholera, and Cholera Norbna. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world.. They maks the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cola brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly, recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug gists, Hotels, and. Saloons. P. H. DRAKE & CO. 202 DROADWAT. New York. seil4m UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A 110 X.-- Three boxes for 31; the beet in nee. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S. 403 CHESTNUT Street. se27-Bml LEN - ENT—DAR E.—On the 341 het, by Rev, H. E. Gilroy, of this clty, Mr. Lambert Lenent, to Mies Mary Ellen Dare, both of Salem county, N. J. 3DIEI7D. VENAS.—On the 21st inst., Captain Raphael Pe nns, in the 47th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from 2028 Girard avenue, on this (Wednesday) morning, the 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to 'Monument Cemetery. [New York city papers please copy. DALLAM.—On the 23d instant, John Dallam, in the 66th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 649 Tenth street, below Green, on Friday afternoon, at half past 1 o'clock. The funeral services to take place at St. Tude's Church, Franklin above Brown street, at half past 2 o'clock. •• NEWBOLD.—On the 23d of the twelfth month, 1862, Elizabeth P. Newbold, wife of W. F. Newbold, in the 63d year of her a ge. The relatives and friends of the family are parti cularly invited to attend her funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, Burlington,New Jersey, on sixth day, the 26th it., at 2 o'cloc, P. .D.t, without further notice, 44* FIELD.—At Germantown, on third-day eve ning, 23d instant, Rachel J. Field, in the lath year of her age, relict of Thomas S. Field. Her relatives and friends are Invited to her fungi 111, without further notice, from the residence of her nephew, William Dorsey, on Main street, above Washington Lane, Germantown, on aixth-day, 12th month, 26th instant, at .2 o'clock P. M. Interment to be in Friends , burial ground, on Main' street, C ertnantown. • PilaLHET.—On the 27th of November, at Tarbes, Prance, Mary Evens, widow of William E. Pailhet, 'Elm., of that place, and daughter of Whitton Evens, * deceased, of Malady iphi a. 11/ULT.—On the 21st unit., in the '76th year) of his age, William Hart. Services to be held at his late residence, 3(Y7 South Third streetithts - (Tuestlny,) the 23d inst., eta O'clock P. M. Funeral to proceed to Hartsville early on this (Wednesday) morning, the 24th inst. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend, with out further notice. HATCH.—At Falmouth, on the 18th Inst., Col. William H. Hatch, aged 24 years, The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his mother, corner of Sixth and Cooper streets, Camden, N. J., on this (Wedoesday,) the 24th that., at 10 o'clock A. M., without kuther notice. • OBITUARY. "I want to die in the service of my country." such were the words of a young soldier, Sergeant CHARLES W. REDENBKHG, who fella victim to that fell disease, typhoid fever, which he contracted' in camp at Harper's Ferry. At the first call of his country, he rushed to arms, andjoined Col. Small's regiment, and with him passed through Baltimore on the day of the fearful riot. On his return, he joined what was Young's Kentucky Cavalry, now the 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served about two or three months, when hie fattier got hie discharge, he being a minor. tint the love of country was too strong to allow him to remain at home when he was needed In the Held ; so he againjolned the army lir the 95th Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Col. Goeline's Zouaves,) with whom he remained until last Christ ' ioas when his discharge was once more procured, that he might visit the bedside of his dying mother. lie afteiwards joined the Independent Corps of En gineers, Captain Wrigley, last August, with whom he remained untll a few days before he died. He was brought home but lived only a week. He was every inch a soldier ; he was beloved by all who knew him. He has lied his wish. "He died in the service of his country." A. large circle of friends mourn him. May he at the last day hear the wel come—it Come, ye blessed of ray Father, inherit the kingdom prepared fur you before the foundation of the world," is the prayer of his friend, J. G, W. * BESSON & SON HAVE JUST RE CEIVED: IdUgLIN AND REVIERE BOWS; Linen, Mall, Turin. tan, and Lace Collars rind Stearns ; wide Hem'd Handlds; Inglimh Crapes and REAL MOHAIRS or Glossy Alpacas; Paul& de Soto or. Mourning Silks; Black and Purple Laines ; Black Cashmeres, Marlines, OTTOMAN POPLINS, Velour Reps, Tamises, Mousse /Inca ; Thibet and Blanket Long Shawle,._ _See. 1e22 MOURNING STORE, 'MS clisertirr Street, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARSE( STRBETS, • Have a large stook of 'Shawls for Pennsylvania Trade. Silks for Pennsylvania Trade. prose Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. noTIV GOOD QUALITY' BALMORAL SKIRTS.—These Ski rte are 101 l tow yards wide and one and a quarter long. Colors all-wool, and styles are adapted to genteel trade. n027-tf ETRE & TANDELL NOTICES. ^ y ^. ^ DIGEWT ^ } VIDOWS' . AND SINGLE The Anniversuri merttng or tltiri Society will be held at the Asylum, (11.141t1t1 :street, east of Bighteeuth, on 11/1:61)AT, the Sth in,r. nt 12 o'clock, noon. The re rl of the managers will be read by the Reverend Mr. CRDWELL. deM,3a7,g4it• .M.NOTICE.—TRE COMMANDER OP tilt, 11. S. Shin PotonAvo, would respectfolly notify public that the Preps rocionA inirodsary for immetlinte I:erviee will make it linpo,,,Ohlo to receive Tioitors tot bolinl whilst in tido poi odelphln, Ave. 24, it 32. j024-2t* INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1'ull.,11) KUMLA, DOCAMber 24, 1.882. AN ELECTION FOR Ti tirrEEN DIRECTORS Of the Vennowy,_ to serve for one rear, will be held et the Com- Panv's Office, Nos. 4 nod 3 EXCHANGE BUILDING, on I GNDAY, January .11, vi+; between the beers of 10 clock A. 51. - and I Wel ,tek de234t3012 WI 13,1 AM HARPER, Secretary. jr3l., OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLERS OF PUBLIC :Willi; itai, Finsr SCII(10t DIFITRIOT P CIF HI Streets. PENICEIYWANIA., 140110raml. corner SIXTH and ADEL f.A tot ram lA, December 2'2, 1862. AN EXAMINATION se candidates for ASSISTANT TEACHERSIn the 0 reintott r tiecoullory, and Primary Schools of this Dishier, will' he bald at the Ringgold Sehool House, northeast eortior of MOUTH and PfT2.- WATER Streets, ranuarming FRIDAY, December 20, 1 62, at /o'clock P. M., nod rontl one nit SATURDAY, the 27th instant .at. 0 o clerk A, M. No applicant under GHTEEN 'TEARS OF AI E will he examined. Candidates will bo os:tmlooll upon the following mottles: Et mology and Ibilultions, Mensuration, Gram mar cud Parsing, Ocogrepliy, History, Constitution of the Vatted States, Arit)unet!c, Orrliountphy and Penmanship. By order of the Lommittse on Qualification of Teachers. de24-3t j.V.I, G. CAMPBELL, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD C0.111'..1-V 57, Office 73 South FOURTH Sitr.et—PuItATET.PISIA, AV. 22, avoid detention the holders of Coupon... r this Company; due on the let proximo. ere requested to leave them at title office on or Wore the filet instant, 11/11 , R receipts will be given. And checks will be reedy for ,I..liverY on the 2d proriffia exaltinge for wad. receipt 4. 8. BRADk ORD, deZt•tal Treasurer. AMERICAN LIVE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, PrutckmatUA,—De• coaher 20, IEB2. NoTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders 111114 Company, for the election of THIRTEEN TRUS TEES to carve the ensultic; year, wilt he held 14 the office, WALNUT Street. S. E. eoriler of FOURTH, on MONDAy, Jx iniftu rith, betwoeu the hmirei of 10 A. M. and 12 M. _.142.161 • S. WILSON, SecretarY. trHOBICEOPATHW nosprraz, LUG CUTHBERT Simei.—This itintitution le now open for the reception of eel wounded Soldiers, who will he received and providod for In the MOSE comfortable tuanner, tree of °harem. B. P. B_LBBN, no22,tf co.oretnev of Ward of )tanagers. AVIS AUX AMEGA.NTS. PAUL Alin Iti in% Uerand de la mason do luilleurs de Al. GRANDVILLE: STOKES, 009 CHEST /QV Street, Philadelplde, Ilium:tear de prevenir see mundneux amts et COLIIIIILietAILUCeII qut l'ont dela ravorlse de leur clfentelle , (*bud 11 rer volr de l'arls et Luiplres Ins modes les Phis receotee IcA etnakaors,) vlent de el t At. Ta l t u Aff? "w4Po ils "r IS 6 .. LlSS l . l; l llt llhiV irl . l . lee OtOffa . lee Lel I et leAte k luo a ul i o n . l3 il l ua s ..tes, des:renderer mann ractures trE L urove. . milithirem, alum! wit! 104 °Melon de tons fradea .4 9 F r, :uverous les inoillunreA ttnatitos a'et°lres ' a I'd P"r. modem.. L'eletta nee de as coupe, sang quo le cachet dr •tilxtinction era cariscterl.e eat dejwtrop canna du Pour en renouvr , 4 , 4 leers merites. derldm OFF' C E ' AainD TRENTON fLgt).% ti COMPANY. Parrazisc kl,li. December 2I), isrs2. kwrieliatiihntLat tho Stookhobiereu be E Av eL L„ .°Zl l l. ll .3's No. 23,1 South DilbA v u bith January. 1933, et one :Lie- 2 . M., et which Oleo tin oleetlou will be held fur ECTORN i le , 22.o , irrtil2 II 114 rent'. J. MORRELL.. Secretary. 4 c -- ic , '?L'l7lsl4ll 4 A7aTtli.Lbc,ompArit -.- ---- AND'SCErirnnEr 11l l' it' Gal) v. la.lllA, December 10th, lor—. ~__ A Rtated Annual 3leoting Irf 11w StockholdmWs:. l, ,,tr It!‘ld et their 01Hee. la the BALL of the FRAIW.a" `' r . rprurfE, no• 15 South ritviis • r}l street i on like ugh. JOY Of brat Month, (January) ISCLI at 11 0 stock A. N. % Fit trhirh time a report ~r 0.,. pr••ceudncge of the Bogota sk "in4 migerß triii he Preset, , ti, .toti an Election will be held.' f.r a a 4 resideut and fen M ' atittlorp, to conduct the affairs ''r the Cuinpnny for thr s•••• - • siting% de•lmrs t All:LI,1 1 .ASI BIDDLE. ffocretarT. NOTICES. SOUp itousES.— TIRE FOLLOW MO List embraces the corpornte titles of all the societies organized in this city for supplying the Poor with SOUP, with the limits of each, the localities of the several SOUP I lOUSES, and the LIMOS of those autho rized to receive contributions to their funds. It is pub lished for the information of ouch as arc disposed to aid In the support of this useful and economical Charity, and to aid the benevolent in directing the Poor to the proper sources for their supply. Applicanto should bear with them the recommendation of a responsible party, and, if found worthy, will be furnished regularly with nour ishment for themselves and families Philadelphia Society for Suppling the Poor with Delaware Walnut to hippen street, river Delaware to Eleventh street. Soup ouso, No. =Grieco:a street, from Spruce to Pine, above Fourth. Treasurer, Jeremiah Thicker, No. —South Fourth street. Northern Soup Society of Philadelphia—North from Callowhil I street, from the river Delaware to Eighth street, except the portion east of Front street, appro priated to the Kensington Society. Soup House, North Fourth street, above:Brown, Treasurer, T. Morris Perot, G2l Market street. . Southwal k Soup Society—South from South street, from river Delaware to Passynnk road and Broad street. Soup House, Sutherland street, below Queen. Treasurer. Benjamin Morton, No. 122 Catharine street. MoYamensingSoup Society—South from Shippen street, west of Passyunk road to Broad street. Soup House, N. W. corner of Eighth and Marriott streets. Treasurer, Robert Graffen, No. 837 Pine street. Western Soup Society—South from Market street, west of Broad, also from Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Ship pen street. Soup House , 1618 South street. Treasurer, George Yang, No. 1716 Arch street. Spring Garden Soup Society—North of Callowhil I, west of Eighth street, from Bare to Callowhill, Eleventh to Broad street, and north of Market street, west of Broad. Soup Boner, Buttonwood street, below Broad. Treasurer, John H. Dohnert, No. 710 Green street. Kensington Soup Society—From Laurel to Norris street, river Delaware to Front street. Soup Homo. No. 208 Allen street. Treasurer. George J, Hamilton, Common wealth Bank. Cenirrh gotip Society of Philadelphia—From Walnut to Callosldll streets, river Delaware to Eleventh street, also Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Race street, Treasurer, Clement M. Biddle. No. IR Market street, Contributions in money intended to be divided WOW'S" among the above-named Societies may also be handed to de-.lt) EDWARD PARRISH, SOO ARCH Street, Receiver appointed Wlthe joint Board of Soup Societies. THE UNION BENEVOLMII , ASSO CIATION, AN INSTITUTION . FOR THE EN COURAGEIHENT OF INDUSTRY AND SUPPRESSION OF PAUPERISM, AND THE RELIEF OF SUFFER ING AMONG THE WORTHY POOR. At the annual meeting of the Association, held Tuesday evening, October 21st, the following gentlemen were elected officers and Managers for the ensuing year, viz: PRESIDENT-SAMUEL, Id. PERKINS. LE'Virg PnEsrDENTS—RICHARD D.IWOOD, J. FISHER ANING. . . „ TREASMtEn—E. WILCOX, 404 Chestnut street. CORREODONDINO,SECRETARY—L. MONTGOMERY BOND.. RECORDING SECRETARY—JOHN H. ATWOOD. MANAGERS. Benjamin Coates, S. Morris Waln, William M. Collins, Joseph H. Dulles, Thomas Latimer . John Anhhurst, John Bohlen, Thomas A. Budd, William Purves, Charles Rhoads, A. 0. Coffin, Richard Wood, Benjamin Orne, Charles S. Wertz, M. D., John W. Claghorn. Horace Blaney, Jr., Thomas Watteon, Thomas T. Tasker, John T. Taylor, Edward R, Wood. At a subsequent meeting othe Board of Managers, S. C. I COOPER and THOS. EVANS were reappointed Collec tors. In view of the probable heavy demands upon the Association the corning winter. by the snperadded labors 'for the sick and wounded soldiers. and their families. the managers would respectfully ask the co-operation of the charitable, and all that feel an interest—and whp does not I—in this high Christian object.. Contributßons of money may he sent to the Treasurer, E. WILCOX, Esq., 404 CHESTNUT Street. Provisions, new and partially worn clothing, blankets, shoes, &c., or money, will be received by the Agent. at the office of the Society, and are earnestly solicited. Corn meal, beans, and potatoes are acceptable articles, and can be stored on the premises until wanted. SAMUEL H. PERKINS, President. Jong H. ArWoon, Secretary. Samoan Wncox, Treasurer, 404 Chestnut street. . Jens HICKS, Agent, 110 South Seventh street, noB-s wl2t rita• KENSINGTON 'SOUP SOCIET The Society at an increased expense lowing com pleted the erection of n building on the northwest side of ALLEN Street, near Marlborough street, Eighteenth ward, for the making and distributing of soup to the suf fering poor of their District, have appointed Mr. JOHN G. FIOPKINS, No. 321 North NINTIIStreet, their agent to solicit and receive contributions to aid in the payment of said building, and to further the operations of the Society during the .coming winter. •Any donations either in money, weed flour, or vegetables, will be thankfully re ceived by the' 'Tanagers or either of the undersigned,' ABRAHAM P. EYRE, President, No. 4V.. RICHMOND Street. GEORGE J. HAMILTON, Treasurer, Commonwealth Bonk, 8. W, corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, CHARLES M. LUKENS, Secretary, 1036 Bench street, above Laurel. PHILADELPHIA, December 13,1862. TO THE BENEVOLENT.—MORE than two hundred Ladies have associated them selves, under the name of the PENN RELIEF ASSO CIATION FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, and aro devoting one afternoon and evening of each meek, at the Spring Garden Institute, corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, in making up suck articles as are most needed by our sick soldiers. Committees of these ladies visit every hospital in the city to ascertain the necessities of the inmates, and, as far as possible, to supply them. They,are also forard ing to distant points such supplies as are most wanted, where responsible parties are to ho found who will re ceive such, limit make a proper distribution of them. To do these things large means are required, and this appeal is made to the benevolent to assist them by dona tions of money or goods. The following-named gentlemen have consented to re ceive, ou behalf of this association, any donations that may he made : ALEXANDER HENRY, Fifth and Chestnut streets. THOMAS T. TASKEII, Sr. 1622 South Fifth street. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE;Co., 239 and 211. North Third street. REIGEL, WIEST , It ERWIN, 47 North Third street. JOHN C. SAVERY, 897 Market street, LITTLE, STOKES, & CO., 117 Chestnut st. del7-1215 rz:, OFFICE OF TUE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INL-.U.RANCE COMPA.NY, No. 921 MIES r- Is UT Streot. ELiCTICN.—An Election for Nine Trustees to serve for three years, one for one your, and one for two velure, will tic held at the o.lllce orate Company on 510:`,IDAY, the oth day of January, 18011 Polls open from 10 to A. Id. H. S. STEPHENS, de2o.swtins Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST NOUN -111. TAIN COAL AND moN COMPANY, PIT rLADELPILIA, December 23, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above Comrnny will he held n.t their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the lath day of January next, nt .11 o stock. A,_11.1., when an Election will be held for seven DIIZECTORS to serve for the ensuing year. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed fur fifteen days prior to the day of Election. de2ll-sw&inlo • JOS. C. COPPUCK, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, (No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's Alley.) PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17,1561. At a amebic of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share, on the Capital Stock was do elated out or the profits of the post year ; payable on and after JANUARY Oil. 1361 -The Trausferltooks will be. closed until January sth next. E. H. JACKSON, dell3-ti ad Treasurer. THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CENTRAL HOME ISION, laboring in Bedford and Baker streets, intend giving their usual CII.I3ISTMAS DINNER to the poor children of their schools on Christmas Day at Sansom street Hall. Donations in money or provisions thank fully received bv the missionary, Rev. J. H. BECKWITH, at the Mission House, No. 619 Bedford street, or either of the undersigned, on behalf of the committee of arrange ments. L. S. YARD, 266 Spruce Street. J. IL BURDSALL, 523 Chestnut Street. J. MILLIKEN. fIIS Arch Street. D. H. LOUDENSLAU.EII,B2e Knee Street. Dinner at 12 o'clock. The public respectfully Invited to be present. de 20-5 t OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BTIOAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, 2CIB South WIRD Street—PriummmentA, Dec. 22,1862. NOTICE.—The .Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will ho held at their ffice on TUESDAY, the 13th day of January, 1563, at 11 o'clock A. 31., when an election will bo bold for a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. J. P. AERTSEN, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE SURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17,1562. At an election by the Stockholders, held on the 15th Inst., in pursuance of the chatter, the following-named gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for the en suingear—via : Clem.-Tingley, Win. R.Thempson, Samuel 131spham, Robert Steen, Wm. Stevenson, Ti W. rigley, John Bissell And nt a . meettng of the Bin TINGLEY, Esq., was del&Gt B, Wm. Musser, Robert Toland, J. Johnson Brown, Marshall Bill, H. ffi. Carson. Chas. Leland, , Pittsburg ard, held TRIS DAY, CL I T.M on.sly I.n-elected President • lIINCKILLN, Secretary. IMOFFICE Mous . CARBON AND PORT CARBON RAILROAD COMPANY. PEOLADELPHTA, December 8, 1282, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be 'mid at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December 29th, at half past ten o'clock A. It, at which time an electinn for of to serve the ensuing year, vvilLtake place. • deg td29 P. C. Rolads, Secretary. OFFICTI OF TILE SURGEON-AR fr.. TIST TO THE MUIY AND NAVY; PHILADHL PIRA. October 2.4 1583 Wounded Sold min and Sailors desirous *ravening them eselvea of the National Appropriation for supplying _artifi cial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CFIESTNITT Street. B. FRANK PAIXEIt, 0e2641 Government Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.—CORN EICIAANGE BANK, PIITZADELPHIA, November 4, 18611.—The following resolution was this day adopted by the Board of Directors and ordered to be published: Ranked, That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking e. pro rata share, according to a Seale adopted by the taking subscription and payment be made before the Aret day of January, MA nol4-tjal. 3.W. , TORILEY, Cashier. RANGE BANK, 24., 1862.--At the election the following Stockholders s Bank: Christian J. Roffman, Robert Ervien, IL W. Catherwood, William P. Cox, Ednitudi A. Sender, Samuel T. Canby, Wilkins. Directors, this day, ALEX , was unanimously re-elected DIN, Rm., Vice President, . hier. 5: W. TORREY. Cashier. CORN EXO PHILAbELPRIA, Nov. !iir November 17thi. were elected Directors of tiu. Alexaudere. Cattell: Dell NAM, Jr., George L. Buzby, Edward C. Knight, William L. Maddock, James Steel, Charles B And at the meeting of ANDER G. CATTELL, Beg. President: ALEX. WHILI: and JOHN W. TORREY C. n0215-tf MCITY BOUNTY FUND COMM S- BlON.—Notice is hereby given, that applications tor bounty to this Commission must he made on or Wore the 27th that., as the COIEIIIIIBOOII Will close on that day. JOHN C. KNOX, JOHN ROBBINS; EDWARD OLMSTED, EDWARD GRATE WILLIAM BRADFORD, Commission. OFFICE OF THE VITESTHORE. LAND COAL COMPANY, rIitLADELPErri, De cember 17, lent. The alumna meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will he hew nt their office, No. TA South THIRD Street. on WEDNESDAY, the 7th of Jannary,lBB3, at 13 o'clock H.• nt which time en election will be held t)r ELEVEN bIRECTORS, and a SECRETARY and TREA SURER, to servo for the ensuing year. I'. H. JACKSON, deLS4ja7 .Secretary. MPIHLADELPIIIA AND READING RAILROAD CO.—Orrics 227 Bourn FOURTH Sr, DELPHIA, December B,ISB '.— NOTICE /8 HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the Annual Reeling and an Election for President, Six Mane genic TITANIII , I - and Secretary, Will take place on the BECONP MONDAY (12th) of JARHARY next, at 12 o'clock M. W. WEBB, deiNtjal9 Secretary. CW. CONINIONIVEALTH INSURANCE cow - PANY OF FEE STATE OF PEATNSYLVA NIA-088xe, Commonwealth Beßdint, - No. 613 CREST NUT Street. PHILADP.LPEITA, DecemberB, 1867. A meeting_of the Stockholders of the COON WEALTH LSURANCE COMPANY of the State of Penn irylvanla will he hold, at the Ctlllett'of the Company, on MONDAY, Jannary B,IBW, at 10 o'clock A. M. As ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing Year, will be hold at the same place, and on the same del, between the hours of 12 and 2 P. X SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. • MILITARY. j i BOARD OF TRADE RIFLE REGnaNT. 158th REOIMENT PENXSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY. RECRUITS WANTED for the above fine regiment Xthe only Regiment of Infantry for three years now TOCrtlit ing_and in camp in I'hilrulolphla.) Igen joining this regiment will receive the following bounties: Cash in band MI being mustered in Wllen the company is full " when Elm regfmont is full At the expiration of service otal . .. N T one but men of good character received, $11—$177::: Apply at HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT Street. • CHARLES ERNirafwgx, cotonai. W. A. HAW LL, Adintant. cl 14-tf CONTINENTAL CAVALRY., Comp Metcalfe," near HADDONTIELEI, —DEN wanted to complete -Compaoles nb% nearly full, to secure theCitizatuellounty Nand awarded to the drat Twenty ,Companies mustered into the service of the United States • Two, or. three positions of emend LIEUTENANTS are Vrarant, Which - will be assigned td young Men of--'gobd re; fBllMei.P. who hove seen service. , - dell4l - USE AUTER'S BALM. OF ROSES fur Presming the Ilatr. No. 53 TUUtD Street. (Lbr/VC Chestnut. c" RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL ec BRO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, HAVE REDUCED TRH PRICES OF FANCY BILKS RICK PRINTED DRESS GOODS CHOICE SHADES OF BIERINOES BEAUTIFUL COLORS OF REPS OR POPLINS ALL-WOOL DE LArIiES ALL KINDS OF DAIIK DRESS GOODS REDUCED FINE LONG BROCHE SHAWLS OPEN CENTRE LONG CASHMERE SHAWLS RICH NEW STYLES OR BLANKET SHAWLS 4-4 LYONS SILK VELVETS, PORE SILK K. B.—PAT:MORAL SKIRTS, in great Variety. Whole sale and Retail, at REDUCED PRICES. MISSES' BALMORAL SKIRTS. detf CORSETS I CORSETS I I CORSETS I Good morning, dear madam! Why, how do you do F ' 0 ! charming Miss Julia I'm NO glad to see you' But, have you discovered Those CORSETS so•ane They comfort and elegance Truly combine. T' improve the appearance, They so much consire, Nor Ladies nor Gentlemen Can but admire Their workmanship perfect, • No blemish conceals— On TENTH. below CHESTNUT, At Mrs. STEEL'S. de24-2t* LADIES' FURS FOR HOLTIS4Y. 'RESENTS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, No. 8216 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. HAS NOW OPEN A splendid stock of Russian and Hudsen Bay and Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other styles of PUBS, suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. delb-tjair FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRATII, NOB. 415 AND 411 ARCH STREET, HAS HOW OPEN e A FULL ASSORTMENT or LADIES'• FURS, To 'which the attention of the public is invited. nolOall LADIES' FANCY - FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARON STREET, BELOW ENGEM IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER deW-wkx,t 4 OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Pure for Ladles and Children le now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the Present season. All sold at the manufacturers' price% for cash. Ladies, please give me a cell. oc3-bnif $250,000 TO L ° AN, IN LARGE OR SMALL AHOUNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SILYERTLATE, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND GOODS OF EVERY DESORDPTIOX. AT ISAAC NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISIIIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N. E CORNER THIRD MU) SPRUCE STREETS, (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advancee made at the lowest rates. S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOOK AND BILL BROKER, STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of 13. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex clusively. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negociated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. Nathan Trotter &Co., Geo. D. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq. del6-31nif JOHN, C. CAPP &....SON, STOOK & NOTE BROKERS, Ho. 23 SOU rti THIRD STRztat DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANK. STOCKS AND BONDS NOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION AT TEA MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS . MMOOMATED ON THZ • - 1/. S. FIVE-TWENTIES, OR. TWENTY-YEAR SIX PE CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION or THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for %ashore LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence front the DATE OF SETBSCEIP. , Tim. and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the htint, or any Sob-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the fret days of May and November of each year. At the present par lux on GOLD. these Bonds yield about EMIT per cent. per annum. A. full supply always on hand. 'TAY COORE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. n 0641 114 sounrii THIRD STREET. Xll5OO. -THIS AMOUNT TO 11 . Lo a n on Mortgage or around Rant would be divided. Apply to E. PETTIT. dela No. 309 WALNUT- Street. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS. REVENUE STAMPS, FULL INSTRUCTIONS AS TO TILE USE OF STAMPS, And ABSTRACT of COMMISSIONER BOUTWELDS DECISIONS AS TO STAMPS. Just published, and furnished gratuitously to all per sons purchasing Stamps at the CENTRAL WHOLESALE AND _RETAIL DEPOT, No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, And S. E. Corner of FIFTH mid CHESTNUT *rents. Every Stamp Issued now on hand at these Depots. The most liberal discount allowed in the city - at these offices. REVENUE STAMPS. EVERY STAMP has been issued by the Government, and I have them now tor sale. JOHN M. RILEY, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK BUILDING, AGENCY FOR TIM SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 51 South THIRD ; Street, Amt door - above Chestnut. A hill supply of all hints of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by therabvernment formate in quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of $ and up wards. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. , JACOB E: RIDGWAY , . &Men ' - No. 87 South THIRD Street. RISTM A. S.:---REIMER'S IVORY-' TYPES are a legitimate success, 'faithful eopids of the riginals, in.eoloriag'aud RPPettrattee. ,See them at his gallery, SECOND 'Street, above Green. It* OR , A DELICIOUS SHAMPOON;A:og F, st Motto hair-dyeing, go to FOURTH and BRANCII streets. dal-ittf aOSHEN GT , A DES, WESTERN, AND Pennsylvania Batter or OMNI enallty. conatantly „i•matb WaV ...waived and for Stree sale by MODES & WII,LfAMS, 1.07 gli t. no 3) TIIE PRESS.----PHILADELPITIA.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1862. LADIES , FURS. FINANCIAL. No. 3121 WALNUT STREET. BOARD OF BROKERS. BEST TERMS JESTER HARDING, COLLECTOR. 427 criEmiTuT STREET. de 1w WATCHES AND JEWELRY. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WATCHES, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE A tine assortment of Goods in t he,above line, suits to for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CASSIDY & BALL, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THOMAS C. GARRETT, OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HALL.. PHILADELPHIA. Swint reeeived an assortment of • LADIES' GOLD WATORES, Of the newest styles, and of very superior quality, as well as those adapted to men's and boys' wear. He is manufacturing extensively a great variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES C HILVER, And - gives special attention to OWN/ tip things suitable for BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. PLATED WARE, Got up wader the proprietor own Inspection. in a great lety of styles, Will be warranted liFavirx.' PLATED with pure silver, in 5 way tg I.4siars Its wssx , . ing welL Much ()This ' JEWELRY ,nnivvw~, ;,V Is manufactured on the premises, and his stock will be found to comprise a great variety of fashionable goods,` from the smallest articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. These are offered (or sale al PRICES ADATIVED TO TIE TIMES, And persons are irPriied to call and examine them. del2-tf SILVER CUPS, FANCY AND PLAIN SILVER WARE, WATCHES,JEWELRY, AND PLATED GOODS, AT HENRY HARPER'S, tielfiAt* 520 ARCH Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, No. 622 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Persons 'wishing to purchase good GOLD or SILVER WATCHES, Pine Gold Jewelry, Solid Silver orSilvor, Plated- Ware, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, will And a largo and desirable stock to select from at .STAUFFER & HARLEY'S, , del2-12t No. 622 MARKET at., Philadelphia. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. We have now on hand a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE; A.xp JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. SUITABLE FOR ortnivrarAs AND NEW YEAR PEESENTS. We invite sßeetat attention to the moderate prices of Our DIAMONDS. LEWIS LADOMUS & 00. del2.tial No. SOR CHESTNUT STREIT. ja AMERICAN WATCHES. I. B. MARTER, AGENT FOR THE "AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY," NOW OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF AMERICAN WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Air MODERATE PRICES. No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL, de9-1m de? 't HOLIDAY PRESENTS. G. RUSSELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, °kers a choice assortment of WATCH feS, DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY, /STD STANDARD SILVER WARE, Suitable for Holiday 'Preemie, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.. de2-ha , PRATT. (SIICCEMOR TO PRATT & SEAM) 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Zl constantly in receipt of AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to suit all classes of buyers... nold-dmif a . ELI HOLDEN, AN Dealer in - ftne AIIKEICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, L JEWELRY, AND COCKS, 0c31,5m* 708 MARKET Street. AMERICAN DT WATOTURS, GOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT • AT LESS THAN FORMER PRIORS. PARR .4 BROTHER, Importers, mh2o4 324 CHESTNUT Street, below ',earth COMMISSION HOUSES. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. ID-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT MGR. POT sale by FROTHINGRAM & WP.T,Ts. selif If READY-MADE CLOTHING. VERY DESERABT IN FOYLE kaili PRIOR, Suitable for the season. - Ev - 'AN Am A KRR & BROWN, rOPTILILH OpTHING L HOUSE, B. B. CORNERSIXTH AND . MARKET STREETS no& alif FINE READY-DUDE CLOTHING. C.. SOMERS do SON, No. 625 cuEsvarr STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made np for sale an entire new stock of FINE - CLOTHING. also, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and TESTINGS, which they respectfully invite the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se27-tal F.T.RGANT SILK AND GINGEIAIik tINBEELLAS, for Presentn now ready. JOSEPH YITSSELL, Non. 2 and , 4 North FOURTH Street. 1 - 10 NOT LEAVE IT TOO LATE; . 1 ." but buy a nice UMBRELLA. fora present. Buy of JACOB FUSSELL, lt* Nos. Ri and 4 North FOUltTli Street. NICELY MADEGIN GH A M UMBREL -- LAS on Whalebone Frames. JOSEPH FUSSELL, Nei. 2 and - 4 North FOURTH Street. ELEGANTLY -FINISHED SLLK UM BRELLAS, with Ivory Hoodlog. Boy of JOSEPH PUFNELL, Its Nos. 2 sad 4 North 1 0 0112T1I duvet. JEWELRY. NO. 12 SOUTH SECOND STREET CRESTNITT STREET, InIGLISH, SWISS. Mil) No. 396 CHESTNUT Street. GENTLEMEN'S WINThR CLOTHIIiG, OVXRCOATS ,AND BUSINESS SUITS, In great variety. (N. B.) SPECIAL DEPARTMENT YOR CUSTOM= WORK HOLIDAY GOODS. 41 , 14 HOLIDAY PRESENTS UMBRELLAS FOR LADIES. UMBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. UMBRELLAS FOR MISSES. UMBRELLAS FO'R LADS. UMBRELLAS Beautifully Finished. UMBRELLAS Of Superior Make. BILK AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS. For sale by WM. A. DROWN it 21G MARKET STREET. HOLIDAY PRESENTS A. DROWN & CO, 246 PIARICET STREET. Are now prepared with their usual stook of very superior UMBRELLAS, TRAY SUITABLE FOR P/)3417. de1,841 AtYOU ARE INVITED TO . THE assortment of all grades of UMBRELLAS, so ad mirably adapted for Holiday Presents, at the Ma nufactory of SLEEPER & CO., 1002, MARKET Street, one door above Tenth, Philadelphia. de2Q4V! ESTABLISHED 1812. WILLIAM WILSON & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, vr.. CINME OP FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. A very large assortment of Plain and 'Fancy SILVER WARE on band, suitable fore HOLIDAY PRESENTS, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURS ALSO, IMPORTERS ARR DEALERS RY ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN PLATED WAIXE. de 34Jal HOLIDAY I'II,ESENTS. An assortment of USEFUL AND FANCY GOODS Row open at WILLIAM YARNALL'S HOUSE-FURNISHINO - rSTORE, • delS4fe3 • N. ,1020 CHESTNUT STREET :HOLIDAY PRESENTS.-A BEAU TIFUL Assortment of Hanging Baskets, Fancy Flower Pots, Crocus Pots, Fish Stands Ferneries, Hya cinths in Glasses, Bulbous Roots and Winter Flowering Plants, Bouquets and Moss Baskets of Natural Flowers. tastefully arranged, at H. A. DREER'S, 327 CHESTNUT Street. - de2o4t. BRITANNIA WARE OF BEST cinality„ consisting of - TR& SETS,' CASTORS, PITCHERS, LADLES, men LAMPS, SPOONS, MOLASSES PITCHERS JULEP MUGS, &c., Comprising a fine assortment, in store and for sale by WITTERS & 35 Worth EIGHTH Street, Corner Filbert. SEE TO IT.-NOW IS THE TIME TO ^..." BUY YOUR " CHRISTMAS PRESENTS," be'ore the throng commences. WITTERS & CO. offer a beautiful lino of goods in SILVER-PLATED WARE, of every variety. BRITANNIA WARE, KEROSENE LAMPS, " Clocks, Fancy Goods, Gas Shades, &c., the whole form- big a completeassortment of the above goods, from which to select a " Useful and Appropriate Present." Call early by all means. WINTERS & CO., 35 North EIGHTH Street, dell-9t Corner Filbert. "RfLITER-PLATED WARE OF BEST L I QUALITY, eonsisting of • SPLENDID' TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, TOAST RACKS RUTTER DIMAS MOLASSES PITCHEkS 13 E IIIBTA P iitt T ETANHILVS7 NAPKIN RINGS. LADLES, SPOONS, - CALL BELLS, FORKS, KNIVES, &c. Ste., Comprising a Mee assortment, in store and for sale by No. 35 North EIGH S TII aet, Corner of Filbert. HOLTDAY PRESENTS. CHARLES D UMMIG, NO. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, Begs leave to inf.= Iris customers that his stock of newly imported goods, suitable for PRESENTS. sur passes this year in elegance. variety, and. cheapness of prices, anything before seen In this city. Please call and examine his goods before buying else where. FANCY GOODS. Pocket Books, ' Work Boxes and Cabals, Purses, Porte-mommies, Writing Desks and Cases, Cigar Cases and Boxes, Bronze and Gilt Goods, Ladies' Raga, - China & Parian Ornaments, Papier Mache Goods, Bohemian Glass and Terra Fine Cutlery. Cotta Ware. DRESSING CASES. Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Tubes. • Games of every kind known. Cricket, Archery, and Gymnastic Implements. Walking Canes, Paris Fancy Goods generally. Musical Instruments of all kinds. TOYS, In every variety known, in thousands of different kinds and styles. . dell-12t if G OLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE; GLASSES, Field Gla.sses, for Army and Navy use, Raleldoscopes, Microscopes, Sterescopes, and Stereosco pic Views, and a variety of other articles, appropriate gifts for the season. IIicA.LLISTER & BRO., del9-H 72S CHESTNUT Steed. PROTOGRA.PHICI A_LBITMS- A -a- large variety- for eats at low .aleos.., JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., del3-tf if 92* CHESTNUT Street. -MICROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND 44 - 1 - SPY-GLASSES, for presents, for sale by JAMBE W. QUEEN & CO.. del3-tfif 924 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GL AS,SES , OPERA GLASSES. For sale by . JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. 924 CHESTNUT Street. del34f if CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. • pa ha t Boxes, Photograph Albums, Writing Albums, Drawing Albums, Plctpte Albums, Toy Albums, Carloads Visite copies from Engravings, Pictures for. Children, Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for flaming, Fancy Papers, Gilt Borders. Also, Boxes with Fancy Letter Papers and Enve lopes. - SCHOLZ & InIMETEITY. 1121 South EIGHTH Street. CE , COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE' comPArnr. OFFICE, 415 'WALNUT STREET, PEILLADELYELIA. CdPITAL 8200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the Elam "classes of :Property at low rates. Thii public can rely upon its responsibility, and ability to pa'y lessee promptly. Its diebo.ntementa for the benefit of the Public, during the Mat nine years, exceed 600,000 DOLLARS. and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT JERRY- WALKER JOHN W. CLAOHORN, JOHN THoßruxi, C. E. HBALLITT ABRAHAM HAUT, DAVID BOYD. J A R., PETER S. HOE, of N. Ti JOSEPH SWAIN. FUMAN SHEPPARD. KLAPP. M. I), N. S LAWRENCE, WM. C. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. 01LLETT, Vice President JAS.' B. A_LVORD. Secretary. ap2l:l4.fit NITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. JOSEPH R. COLLINS, President. JOHN HABIB, Secretary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 40000)00 s The business of this Company hi conducted exclusively en the cash. principle, which , is now fully recognized as the only correct pnuciple. The law under which this Company Is chartered pro vides that, if the capital should, from any cause, become impaired to the extent of 015,0000 r more, the stockhold ers shall be called upon to make good each deficiency. This is the only cash Company in America which affords this safeguard to policy holders. -- Dividends declared every tin& years, the next on March 401,193,5. Rates of premium charged by this Company are as leer as an years' experience and the probable future rate of Interest will justify. O. BARDENATBRPER, Agent No. 4.24 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ILEFRRENCIrS. 'Joseph Patterson, Enz., President Western Bank, Hon. Archibald Mclntyre Treasurer U. S. Mint. Bankers. Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co., Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co., Bankers. -Messrs. Stuart & Brother. Bank street. dele-wtnebn I'AME INSURANCE COXPANY, -NO -a- 403 CIIESTNIIT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURAECIL DIRECTORS. P. N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Jubilee, Alex. Whilldln, Washington Jones. Geo. A. West, . Outs. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Evermasi, FRANCIS N. BUCK President. CIIARLES RICRAR bSON, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. BLA.NCHARD, Secretary. linhlD-Hll 517 ARCH STREET. C. A. VANKIRK &100. Have on hand a fine assortment of VErANDELIERS AND OTHER GAS FIXTURES. Also, Wench Bronze Figures and Ornaments, Porcelain and Mica Shades, and a variety of FANPY GOODS SUITABLE FOE 0: 1 A.:Y GIFTS. Which their reisonabie prices. „, Please call and (+amine goods. deit:Af -REMOVEL.-=MIE .UNITED STATES SANITARY hall removed its Dented tory from No. 1235 CheMiint street to No. 87 South 8/xTII Street. where contributions are_ now received for Sick Bud Wounded Soldiers. de:334t NEW PUBLICATIONS. FROM TBE PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00, THE POLICY OF EMANCIPATION. Timm Lwrrnits To the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the SECRETARY OF WAR, and the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY By the Hon. Robert Dale Owen late Minister to Naples. Price lOgents; Six Dollars per hundred. THE TRIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. By Sidney George Fisher, author of "The Law of the Territories," &c., &c, • 1 vol. Svo. THE WAGONER OF THE ALLEGIIANIES, A Poem of the days of Seventy-six, By Thomas Buchanan Read, . 12mo. $l. • IV. PARSONS ON NOTES AND BILLS. A Treatise on, the Law of PrOinissory Notes and Bills of Exelraßge, together with tin Appendix, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions of the statute in rela tion to Bills, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Checks, with an Matreinktion of the questions which the Statute suggests, and the English authorities upon those questions which have arisen under the English stamp acts, and may arise under our own, By Theoplitins Parsons, LE D. Professor of Law in Cambridge Univer sity, author of Treatises on the Law of Contracts, &c., &c. - 2 vols. Svo. Law Bindi ng. $l2. BILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. The Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency ; being a com plete and compact view of the English and American Laws upon the subjects. By Francis Hilliard, 8 vo. (in a few days.) VI. TRIERS' CONSULATE AND EM,BtRE. The History- of the Consulate and Empire of France under Napoleon. By H. A. Thiers.: This great work of M. Thiers is now completed, mtd the concluding volume (V.) of the American edition be speedily issued. Complete vols.. STA, REED'S ITZTIYA —AL :HISTORY. Ontiities of Universal libitory, in Threci Parts, with a copious Index, showing the eorreot mode ofpronouncing every name ia ii. Bueseseph Reed, • 4 . ,-,74 - W4r4 IMD. W gT.H.L.W ORY. (Just Publisliod.) O. SSP Constantly on hand , ah extensive Plea Or the MINA desirable miscellaneous and standard twills, in great Varlet)", and in every style of binding. • rhotographicAllmins, Bibles, Prayer Books, die, dm., specially adapted for 'Holiday Presents. J. B. LIPPINCOTT dr CO.. ae24 5i 2R and' !44 North rotuall street. THE PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE, NO. 1884 CHESTNUT ST., (Opposite United States Mint;) Have now ready • THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS A fine assortment of . BIBLES AND HYMNBOOKS, villtint OF OUT BOOKS, POETICAL WORKS, CHILDREN'S BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPHS (10 cents each), And a large and beautiful assortment of VHOTOCTEAPI - 1 ALBUNTS ? In all the vidona ityles of binding, including tarkeY Morocco, carved Oak and Walnut Sides, Electrotype Lantiscapes, White Porcelain with Gilt Mountings, ka, holding from 12 to 200 Photographs each. Having purchased most of these before the late great rise In cost of manufacture, we will continue to sell at the OLD PRICES. We have also shrews on hand a great variety of Books selected expressly for Sabbath Schools at low prices. de22-3t BOOKS SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, FOR CHILDREN, FOR PARENTS, - FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS, FOR CLERGYMEN, • AND FOR FRIENDS. All the new Books of the season are to be found on our shelves, together with a large well-selected stock of later dates. BIBLES IN FINE BINDINGS, various OXFORD and other ENGLISH editions. PRAYER BOOKS. The BOOK OP COMMON PRAYER, from the smallest 48mo. published to the largest folio for desk. 48mo. Prayer, Turkey Morocco, gilt edge $1 25 48mo. do. do, - do. ribbon edge 150 48mo. do. do. 'do. with clasp 160 48mo. ' do. ' rims and clasps 250 48mo. do. - velvet rims and clasps 00 16mo. do. Turkey-Bex 225 lemo. do. bevelled boards . 3 50 82mo. Prayer, (best edition published for children,) arabesque 50 32m0 Prayer, Turkey Morocco • 1 75 32r00. do. do. rims and clasps 250 32m0. do. velvet 350 And a variety of styles not mentioned, besides all the different English editions of PRAYER BOOKS and CHURCH SERVICES. Also, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A large stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, as hand some and as cheap as can be found in the city. FOR SALE AT THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK. SOCIETY, 1.2.24 CHESTNUT STREET. N. B. —For thp accommodation of Sanday-School Teachers that may not be able to make their selections through the day, the Depository will be kept open in the evening during the week preceding Christmas. delstf • NEW HOLIDAY BOOKS. 4200 READY THIS WEEK: • LES MISERABLES. • ILLUSTRATIONS TO A superb small quarto on tinted paper, elegantly bound, containing 26 mTlcent photographic Mastro, tions of Victor. Bygo's " s_Alisembles." Theillustro, Hens after the original' des designs of G. Brion, Srho has al ready created a sensation in Paris by these master-pieces of illustrative painting. Price On cloth bound, beveled boards, elegant, and *5 antique morocco. ALDRICH'S POEMS. A charming little Volume, in blue and gold binding, The first complete edition including "The Ballad of Babie Bell." Price $l, with a Steel Portrait. • 111, THE KING'S BELL. An exquisite mcdimval Legend, in verse, by Richard H. Stoddard, author of "Songs of Summer," Tinted pa per. beveled boards, cloth. Price. 75 cents. TRANSITION_ A Remembrance of Emma Whiting, by Hugh Smith Carpenter. I vol., elegantly printed on tinted paper. Price $l. +,* These books sold by all booksellers, and sent by mailfree, on receipt of price, by C ARLETON, Publisher, New York, del2-wstf Cor. BROADWAY and LISPENARD et. DANIV'SIa a .L IIIANUA ' L OF GEOLOGY, JUST PUBLISHED MANUAL, OF GEOLOGY, Treating of the Principles of the Science, with special reference to American Geological History. BY JAMBS D. DANA, LL. D. The work forms an Octavo volnme of 816 pages, illus trated with over one thousand figures. Price in $4. Half Ttu•kcy morocco, $.1.80. THEODORE BLISS Sr Co, No. 113 North THIRD Street. yr °LID Y PRESENTS VERY Cheap CLOSING OUT AT LOW RATES. TOY BOOKS IN GREAT VARIETY. Cbildrenls Books, Games, Puzzles, Photograph Albums. LargOand Small Photopaphs. Phantom Flowers in Vases, Fine Note and Letter Paper and Envelopes. (Initiate Stamped Gratis.) - GRALLEN, 1308 CRESTNI7T, de24-4t Publisher„ Bookseller, and Stationer. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS' -a- MINIATURE D LARY AND ALMANAC FOR . - 1803. Thie little gem of an Animal can be obtained of • , T. C. GARRIGUES & de24-61.* No. 145 South FOURTH Street. ' 46 A VISIT FROM SAINT NICHO LAS ," or the Night before Christmas ; haudsorde ly illustrated by Earley. This is the most beautiful ju venile of the season. Price Me., for sale by T. B. PUGII, 11* SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A BOOK OF PATRIOTIC INTEREST AND BEAUTY FOR PRESENTATION.—An Ele gant 4to Volume, Illustrated with Forty Portraits, lu Morocco Antique, and-Cloth Gilt Bindiug. MitROES, M.ARTYRS, NOTABLE MEN. Biographies of the Military and Naval Leaderx r States men and Orators, distinguished in the American Crisis of ibUI-6% Edited by FRAZiIi MOORE. For sale at office of "Appleton's Cyclonic&la and. Re hellion Record." 33 South. SIXTH Street, above Chest nut. (RATER THOUGHTS OF A. COTTN %-, TRY PARSON. 61.50. A PREENT HEAVEN. By the author of "Patience of Hope." C'd. NOONDAY. A sketch. By the author of " Capt. Rus sell's Watchword! 75 cents. THE TWO HOMES: or, EARNING AND 'SPENDING. By Mrs. Leslie. 05 cents. THE RESULTS OF EMANCIPATION. By Cochin. *1.50. For sale:ly WILLIAM S.Sr. ALFRED MARTIEN, • de23 o. 606 CHESTNUT Street, MR. STILLE'S PAMPHLET.---M A FEW DAYS will be ready ROW A FREE PEOPLE ,CONDUCT A LONG WAR: A 'Chapter from Eriglish 'Histeo7. By Chas. J. Stillo. Pamphlet, WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, de23 No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. GUSTAVE DORE ILLUSTRATIONS READY ON THE 18th OF DECEMBER. DANTE ALBUM, Photographs from thirteen select Illustrations to Dante's Inferno, by GUSTAVE DORE, in Portfolio, Cloth, $7.50. In Turkey Morocco, IMO. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN 14111 WOOD, by CHAS. PERRAULT, with Photographs from the Illustrations by BUSTAVE DO RE. 1 vol. t to. Bound in cloth, gilt ed it:s%s - h: ' j;g rl gp y ll 3 l °l- 2 e tre latest Portrait of ALFRED TEN 'SON, painted of G. F.WATTS, WATTS, - 'engraved d by JAMES STEVENSON. Size of the original, - .M. " Card size, 25 cents. F. LEYPOLDT, BeolcseUer and Importer. de.13:12t 1323 CIIF.STNUT Street. IAMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL olox have provided their usual beautiful and bountiful stoc of BOOKS FOR rah HOLIDAY SEASON, In every variety of size; style, and price. Catalog - um furnished gratuitously on apheation at the DEPOSITO RY, No. 3122 CHESTNUT Street, PhiladelpLia. N. S.—Store open in the evening. del.9-et MRS. SIGOTTRNEY'S ILLUSTRATED _ POEMS—AN ELEGANT PRESENTATION VO LUME, printed on cream tinted paper, with illustrations, designed by Barley, and engraved by various artists. Beautifully bound in various styles, suitable fur pre pentatlen. ALSO An assortment of 110LIDAY-BOOKSDlustrated,stand anl and Juvenile. LINDSAY & BLAKISTONI, Publishers & Booksellers, dell 25 South SIXTH Street. above CHESTNUT. HOLIDAY BOOKS. HOLIDAY BOORS. The subscribershave on hand an assortment of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOOKS, suitable for Holiday Presents also, Jorzaths BOOKS In great variety, and ail the NEW BOOKS Or the day. • LINDSAY & BLANISTON; Publishers and Booksellers. dell 25 South SIXTH. Street, above Chestnut. A. LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN.- Aptt published. price 6 'cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CULVF,RWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousnese, Consumption,EpilePsy. Mental and Physical Incapacity, &o. The radical mode of treatment, without medicine. is fully explained, so as-to enable every one to be his own physician at the least passible exPense "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." . . „ Seat under mai, in a plain envelope, to any address, .post-paid, on receipt of six canto, or two Postage etanipt. Addrese the publialiers. CH. C. mans Sc co., /27 BOWERY, New:York, on4Sni if . ' ;Poet Officie' Box 449 g. BARRELS , .;---FROM- TWO TO FOUR; hundred FLOUT. BARRELS, fur aisle dail.t. at C. ALBRIGHT & CO.'S Milted Stains Bakery, Nag. 5 anti 'I DOCK Street. 401,60110,P- PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. STUART'S PORTRAITS OF GEORGE AND MART.IEIA WASHINGTON, COPIED IN OIL COLORS BY E. C. MIDDLETON. Of Cincinnati, (formerly of this city.) These Portraits are produced by an entirely Ncto Pro cess, and are more beautiful and life-like than the finest brush Paintings, and are furnished to Subscribers only, at a remarkably low What can be more appropriate for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT Than a pair of these Paintings? They must be seen to be appreciated, and the subscriber will call and exhibit them to any in this city who will address him, through the rest Office. A. BARLOW. CHRISTMAS. JAMES S. EAR - LE do SON, HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR NEWEST IMPORTATIONS OF FINE ENGRAVINGS, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS FOR CHRISTMAS SALES. en PAINTINGS, PICTURE, AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. LOOKING GLASSES IN GREAT VARIETY. EARLE'S GALLERIES, dela 816 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPHS. HOLIDAY GIFTS.—WIZEN IN search of something snitable, go to"ItEDIEWS his colored photogruphs for $1 are heautifitt and ziatura pictures. SECOND Street, above Green. STEREOSCOPIC - VIEWS, COLORED "." and Plain, or the London Exhibition. A choice se lection of Om tolilairable pictures for sale by .TAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. de22-3Q• No. 031 CHESTNUT Street, THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE.--I)ONT fail to go to REIMER'S. His famed lilfo-a4e. photo• graplio in oil colo. SECONDaIbIe portryls % vivid& nt redneed price. Street, above (imp, li JUST OPENED • A NESP rinoiroditApn GALLERY'. t,be No. 906 ARCH STREET, FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, Peon O THE CARTE DE VISITE T THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are Produced by the most Those' wishin l g NFEßl a E ssM ED tu r A e R s a T r lS i T nv ited to call and examine specimens. A choke selection. of Albums, cases, and frames, on hand, F. A. 0. KNIFE. dol7-Sm CIRCULATING LIBRARIPA. W BROTHERHEA_D'S CIRCULA- Y Ft.tityLl.6.36ay.—Al 1 the NEW. English and American Books including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOORS that are not REPRLNT ED Terms here. 13 per year; six months QS three months SLSO; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. se&ohn ENGLISH. AND FRENCH FAMILY • CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET DE LECTURE-1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. Catalogues furnished rads on application. Just ready, Catalogue of the Young Ladies ' French Li' br ' ir aetitiointe de In Bibliatheinie Mac* dee /Mina et dee Deineteelies." M. N. NONACHESL_Agent, see-4m 1323 CHESTNUT Street. WANTS. NV - ANTED - A SALESMAN IN A 1 HAT AND STRAW GOODS ROUSH that can com mand a Pertnsylyttni, Delaware, and Maryland Trade. Address D. W.„ at Me office. dolt-2to WANTED-A SPECIAL PARTNER, with from eariAMX) to MAO, in the Du-Goods Jobbing business. The . advertiser has a good trade, Which con be greatly Increased by having Additional capital. Reference can be given to all the prominent im porting and commission houses in this city. Address "Dry Goode," The Press office. All commu nications strictly- confidential. doat-fit BOARDING. SINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD A like to engage a comfortably furnished room for the winter, within' ten minutes' walk of The Freer office. Address "Russell," at this office. dell-tf* PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED OF FRANK P. MeNEILL, Company K, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania. Reserves, (Gen. McCall's Division,) who disappeared at the battle of White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862, (one of the seven-days' battles in front of Richmond.) Any information concerning him will confer a great favor on his distressed mother, Mrs. SANE :Henn,N. E. corner TENTH and FITZWATER Sts., do' .5t AIIUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, AND Government claims of all kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates, by. JAMES FULTON, 424 NAT A T , NI:I T Street, Philadelphia. P ENSIONS. -$100 BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers. sailors. and the relatives of such as are deceased. at reasouabli and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upox by JAMES FULTON. Solicitor for Claimants .124 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dl* Lance. oclfi-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-A STE.AIf. PROPELLER TUG ; length, 81 feet; beam, 18 feet; depth, 5 feet, 5 In. ; has two direct-acting-vertical high-pressure Engines. 14-inch cylinders, 20-inch, stroke. Apply at No. 304. South I) SLAWARE Avenue. delli;mwfBt FOR SALE—A FILE OF "THE PRESS" from January 1, Wk. to' the present time: also, the New York ilerakt. Address "P. B. AL," at this office. del3-3t* TO RE N T—THE THREE UPPER ROOMS of Warehouse No. 236 CHURMAIIey. With separate entrance and hatchways. Apply to R. CRADDOCK. H. Agent Air T. SHAT.PLESS. mown and CHESTNUT Sts. hey. 236 CHURC Alley. de23-2t* o f FIRST. CLASS DWELLING ' TO -**ALIVENT.—To rent, a convenient Dwelling at No. 331 DICKINSON Street, newly papered, and furnished with modern cunveuiencem, with a lame TarcL Rent real:mean *225 per MM% ApNy to C. S. CLOSE and J. H. CHUBB, Agentsl, No 331 REEL Street. de2.l-2t. LOST AND SOUND. L 0 S T-A D RAF T AT TWENTY days' sight, drawn by- Samuel W. Hill, Agent, on S. Secretary Pennsylvania Mining Company-of Michigan, to the order of Aneel D. Edwards, numbered 206,f0r One Hundred and Ten 27-100 Dollars. The above deseribed draft having been mailed to us September 9th, and having failed to reach us, all persons are cautioned against negotiating it, as payment has been stopped. de22-3t 4 M. THOMAS & SONS. WINES AND LMITORS. 46 THE USE OF LIGHT WINES IS CONDUCIVE TO TEIVIPERANCE." STRICTLY PURE! (Los Angeles—"CUT of the Augels.") • CALIFORNIA WINES, DIRECT FROM THE VINEYARDS OF MESSRS. KOHLER & FROHLINC, EQUAL IN QUALITY AND CHEAPER IN PRICE THAN THE WINES OF THE OLD WORLD. WHITE, OR ROCK WlNE—Very delicate, fine in flavor, superior as a Dinner Wine to thefansons Rhine. MIISCATEL—Irery choice, of exquisite bouquet, an ex cellent Desert Wine. ALIOELICA—A. highly luscious, naturally sweet Wine, greatly admired by Ladies—valuable in the sick chain ber—recOmmended by the Idediad. Faculty. PORT—Of fine flavor,free from Logwood, very similar to the Old Wines of Lisbon—nsed by the Laity in Com munion Service—hlgbly approved. GRAPE BRANDY—The pure juice or the Grape„ of un equaled superiority. The attention of the Trade; Hotel lEeepere t ßanates and costuoivecuas„ is invited to thos Wince. To btas lids and Convalescents. they are particularly recom mended by the Medivat Remelts, recent Ulimmeal Ana lye.? by the State Assayer of Alas:saelinvetts havingfully established their purity, : richness, and excellence- In deed, in these vary desirable essentials they are pro nounced unrivalled, whilst their lowness of price -cer tainly commends them to universal favor. We cordially invite all who are disposed! to favor the introduction of really pure NATIVE. AMERICAN WINES, to give. no a call mid marline samples. For sale by the case, gallon,. or Single bottle, at the SOLE—AGENCY, NO. 42 SOUTH FIFTH. STREET, ~1130 TE. CIIESTYI.37, (Lateoffice of Blood's Despatch,} G. G. EVANS, Agout. For the sale of Kohler & Siohliug's Wiaes, f roue, the old established vineyards of Los Angeles, Stialhern X. B.—The present high Tariff, Bxchaug4,lnattrance, Freight; &c., on 'Foreign Wiues, amounting to. 130 per emit. over the original cost, has induced certain un principled Seaters to manufacture and offer "mations brands. We desire to caution our friends against this imposition, and to assure them of the ctrict ?verity of Messrs. Holum. lfstonmyu's Causffirma Wises. in addition, Hints been. proved that tu bringing thesoWines to this market by sea, around Cape Born,. the six-mouths voyage improves them at least SU per tout. dew..:-iftjal WHISKY I T T- OLD WHISKY! WITESKY! From oar own and other celebrated Dignitaries. We are constantly receiving OLD RYE WHEAT, AND I3OnKEION WHISKIES, With whicit for price and quality, W CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Our Whiskies, for purity, mellow ness, and delicacy, are EMINV.NTLY TRH BEST IN TRH WORLD. And we sell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Ras already become a considerable feature In our bust neasi and to continue it in Its present state. and to ettlatie Itvwe shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as cheats 1Y as ever. cONSIET.R. THERE PRIW! nongabels. - Wlhdy. 6 s cents per gallon, Old Bourbon Whisky. 75 cents per gallon. Old Rye Whisky, ti per galon. Extra Old Rye Whisky, $1.50 per gallon. - Von' Choice 01d Rye Whisky, sa per gallon, AN • V BEM, - 118 North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. dertdnnf T ' GIRARD HOUR, ' wiLt — iiosin t vErx *PEN ON MONDAY, THE 29711 INSTANT. CHARLES DUFFY, Can be found,previons to that time, in the Hotel, from A o , clock' A. hi, to 3 o'clock Y. M., prepared to show rooms to permanent boarders. de27-3ta KAMM:3A, FOWLER, & Co, SKATERS' HEADQUARTERS. /CE AND PARLOR SKATES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENT& SKATES FOR LAI , lES. SKATES FOR GENTS. SKATES FOR BOYS. PARLOR SKATES, OF ALL SIZES. SKATES of every description. for sale low, by PHILIP WILSON de CO., .115 CHESTNUT. STREET, OPPOSITE CUSTON HOUSE. AVERIPAN STEAM FLOUR MILLS, Nos. 77, 79, ANDS'S/Mtn STRUT, Below Front. Philadelphia. The undersigned, baying commenoed the busi ness at this well-known old Blau& are prepared to fur nish • GROCERS, DEALERS, AND FAMILIES With the very best article of Wheat Motu. at the lowest rates. . Give na a trial. and ice Will guarantee entire satisfac tion. Mill Feed conantly on hand. • n027-wdm* AL = CASKS NEW leAsl7.4Natreceived, and for sale by ItHODES wia,Lißms. No. 107 South WATER Stmat, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Doe 24, 1962. GRAND GALA AND CLOSING NIORT, WHEN EVERY ARTIST ENGAGED WILL APPEAR IN ........ ......... NORMA. Mr. Gran has the honor to announce that, in compilation with a generally expressed desire, that prior to the de parture of his Company he Would give one of those, Grand Gala nights which attracted such immense any fashionable audiences in :NM York, that he will present the following IitEiLLIANTLY-ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMER, The entire of Donizettis opera of LA FAVORITA, MADAME GUERRABELLA AS LEONORA. In announcing, the appearance of libulame Gnerrabella in this celebrated role, Mr. Gran would specially refer to the enthusiastic reception she received from both peens and public in her rendition of it in Now York, particu. lady in her performance of the last art, in which she Dial; justly claim to be without a rival on the lyric stage in that role. BRIG.NOLL in his great role of FERN ANDO. STOCKTON.....AMODIO Between the second and third acts. MLLE. CORDIER will perform the celebrated. SHADoW - .BANC% told ARIA. FROM DINORAS Betweeu the third and fourth sem, SIGNORINA AIORENSI will aPrear in the celebrated "Brindisi Sceae." fro* Luerezia Borgia.' The performance will commence with the first act at NORMA. . MADAME LORIN" Appearing in the grand tragic rote of NORMA. SIGNOR MACCAPERRL Who has recently achieved en great a success in Nevi , York. sustaining the part of POLLIO, OROVESO SIGNOR SWIM NOTICE.—On this occasion, owing to the length of the Performance, the curtain wilt rise precisely at half past 7 o'clock. Ticket offices at the Academy and Gould's Music Store. 632 CILESTATT Street. AMERICAN .ACADEMY OF MIJSIO. HOOD & SHELDON. . „ .. GRAND HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENTS. GRAND HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENTS, CHRISTMAS DAY, at 2 o'clock. CHRISTMAS DAY. at 2 o'clock. CHRISTMAS NIORT, at 7,N o'clock. CHRISTMAS 11IGII.T. at 7% o'clock. FRIDAY NIGHT A4l) SATURDAY AFTERNOON AN. eAO' 200" 200 0 " 200 200 LITTLE CHILDREN WILL APPEAR . IN G RAND FAIRY SPECTACLE: ... GRANO Valkly Kl'_,'47lM.:LE.. VISIO N. ' OV PAINT LA'S L.) . l is GRAM) MARC Ttlii - ELIEr LIMIT GIIARD.. Ako, the Bopplib 'flrsiry Tale Ballet Palllou4inP 1 'DERALLA, GliDlill ELL A, C DIAIALLA CI DEIihIZA, OR THE GOOD .7,1,0,..x . - , Nif E l JOE LITTLE OL&SII . . Felix, Prince of Salernat. - . Aliadora, Tutor Dandtne, Valet La Belle kite.,..._. Baron Pompolluo La Belle Susie. Thirbe {The Proud Sisters t .-,La Belle Eliza. Clorinda i ..La Belle Katie. Cinderella La Belle Fannie. Fairy Queen La Belle Oaa. Pedro, Cinderella's friend • Master Frank. Lode, Ladies, Servants, Footmen. Courtiers. &c. The beautiful trained Shetland Ponies, LITTLE MAC AND BURNSIDE, " LITTLE MAC AND BURNSIDE, LITTLE MM AND BURNSIDE, Attached to their • ELEGANT GOLDEN . CHARIOT, i",I",..ErIANT GOLDEN CHARIOT, ELEGANT GOLDEN CHARIOT, ELEGANT C.:9LDEN CHARIOT, - Will form a prominent feature. In consequence of the immense" raff.kigtfre M the Not Office at the previous entertainments, SIM to ovoid an necessary delay, Messrs. Hood & Sheldon Would re spectfully suggest to their patrons that, for their own convenience, they ehould secure Tickets and Places during the day, for which there is NO EXTRA. CHARGE. Price of admission, 25 cents to all parts of the House. No Extra Charge fur Secured Seats, which may be had at the Academy and Gonld's Music Store, fur any per formance, Three Days in Advance. Proscenium Boxes (10 seats each). Five Dollars. Xe aarda will be fiord to Speculators. deV-4t CONCERT HALL, CELESTNIFF POSITIVELY FOR POUR WEEKS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER ffl, AND CONTINUING EVERY EVENING DURING TEM WEEK; ALSO on WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, AND r CHRISTMAS AFTERNOONS, HISTORIO MIRROR OF %VP WAB, * The only complete artiatic work of the bind-in exist once, being n complete 'Awl: tory of the grear rontost,-ilins trating all the principal Battles, Battles. Battles, Marches, 3 arches, Marches, Not only shoviringall theßrineipal For2lifiEl dons, Towns. and Citien, but also following our bray:" troop.: thenuall their various positions and evolutions,the whole form ing a series of ARTISTIC AND' BEAUTIFUL SCENES, Collected at great expense and trouble Ity:Mr. Peamn ADMISSION 25 CENTS; PACKAGES OF SM. TICK - BI'S . ONE DOLLAR. WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, and CHRISTMAS/CP . ITR, MOONS, for the accommodation of Schools and &tallies. Doors open at 2 o'clock. To commence at 3. Ernicirms—Entertainroent to commence at ri". Doors open one boor previous. Persons desirous of engaging tickets will please apply at the Hall every day, between 10 and 12 and 3 and 4. de'?2-6' S. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET NPT.HEATHE_ Business Agent and Treasurer., . , . „JOS. D. MURPHY NINTH WEEK OF T . S. CLARKE. First night of THE NAIAD QUEEN. MONDAY. and every EVENING, SUDDEN THOUGHTS. Jack Cabbage After which, the grand spectacle of THE NAIAD QUEEN. _ ._ . _ _ Schnapps T. S. Clarice, • Sir Rupert Barton MIL Lerline Mrs. John Drew. CHRISTMAS, TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES, Afternoon and B vening—See Bills. Box Sheet now open. de2..- 1 ' St -vv- A T,N UT-STREET THEATRE.- Bole Lessee Mrs. K A. GARRETTSON. Business Arent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Dec. 24. Dn. BENEFIT OF MR. JOSEPH P. PRICE. THE SCALP HU.NTERS. _ .. . . .. Seguin Mx. E. L. Davenport. Adele and Barna Mrs. E. L. Davenport. _ ROBERT EMMETT. _ Robert Emmett --- • Mr. E. L. Tilton. WALLACE, THE HERO OF SCOTLAND. ' Wnßace Mr. E. L. Tilton. ABEL & CO.'S' STEREOPTICON. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH. and CHESTNUT Streets. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. HARMON - IA MUSICAL SOCLETY.- The Directors announce the first SOIREE of the Rea son, to take place on FRIDAY EVENING. Dec, 2:6, at the 2,IIISICAL FUND RAIL, to commence at 8 o'clock. ^st - I. en DR. STERNDALE BEIIITETT'S CAIITATA, THE MAY QUEEN, first Will be firoducei for the time iu thin city. The principal Darts wilt be sustained by Prof. A. It. TAYLOR. and Lady and Gentlemen Ansdears, with the largely in.. creased chores of the Society. Subscriptions for the series of three Soirees will be received at J. E. GOULD'S. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets. Also, single tickets at nay cents each. de2.3-.3t. AS SEM BLY BVILDINGS-TENTH AND CHESTNIPr. CHRISTMAS AMUSEMENTS FOR OLD AND TOTING, TOYS AND GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. SIGNOR ISLIT7,, The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQUIST, with h 1 LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, will commence his new and popular Entertainments for the Season on MONDAY EVENING, Dee. 2.2 d, at 7X; end on CHRISTMAS DAY' three Grand Performances at 11 A. Df.. 3, and 7,,; . ‘ P. M.; and every AFTERNOON and EVENING. during the Nolidays. The attractions will be marvel !oust experi ments in Magic , wonderful powers in Ventriloquism, and the Learned Canary Birds lu their new characters, Admission 24 cents. Children 11 cents. . dolg-tf C °Nc-Elt T H ALL—LECTURE ROOM.--CHESTNTIT Street. above Twelfth. CAPTAIN 'WILLIAMS' GREAT NAUTICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Every Evening at 734 o'clock. And SATURDAY AFTKILIMON at 3 o'clock, This splendid Entertainment drew crowded houses Am 250 nights in New York ; will remain open a few weeks longer in Philadelphia. Every Sunny should witness Capt. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage before its dew tnre. Liberal arrangements will be made for schools and benevolent purposes. Tickets 2.5 cts.. or live lOT *l. del-lm GRA ND scorn - sr' BALL.-THE FOURTH. ANNUAL SALL of .the CALEDONIAN CLUB will takeplace at the 3IUSICAL FUND HALL, on. CHRISTMAS EVE, the 24th instant. Tickets one dollar. No ti,•kets admitted mile.... 'prepaid. dt."22-3r aERMARTA. ORCHESTRA. - PUB LIC BEHRAILSALS every SATURDAY AFTER, NOON at 3% o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Carl Bents. conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of I tickets,*l—to be had of Andre St Co.. 1164 Chestnut street; J. R. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the hall door. n027-tf INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— EXHIBITION ever:) , WEDNESDAY at 33i P. M. Ad mission TEN cr,Drrtz. Store No. Il Sonth Etf,ATti Street. der-wtf TTASSLER'S ORO ti toSTRA— NEW OFFICE 21* South EIGHTH St., below linianttt. delo-6m pENNSYLV.ANIA. ••••• THE FINE D AR CELTS, RS ESTE= STREET. Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. K till P.M. Admission 5 cents. Children half price. • Shares of stock. $3O. jy9 agjmu WEST CHESTER • AND PIIIL.U3ELPHIA RAIL- ROAD, via MEDIA. CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS. Excursion Tickets will be sold to West Chester, good from December 24,188?, to January_ EDW. Fare for tha round trip ,L tIENRY WOOD, deZia Superintendent. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. BUNCH, LAYER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS. SPICES, CIDER WINE, Re.. Ac. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS, de7Fiftf WYE AND -EAIL—PROF. J. ISAACS, OCULIST and AURIST, from Leyden, Holland, is permanently located at No. 511 PINS Street, where-he E m u du m p. of the eye or fa: scientifically. and curee if curable. Artificial eyes inserted without pain, If. ft—No ebaraes made far &Tamil:Jai - Ma. deXlm• TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TKE - 0 - CITY AND COUNTY OE PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN O. ItF s T. 'CINCH Notice Is hereby given that ELIZABBTH BEL LLNGIIAM, widow of the said decedent, has. this day Sled in the said Court hen petition, and no inventory and appraisement,llia retain personal property of said decedent to the vane of $*X), (port cask) . therein expressed. order the, act of kilt "V4l, and' the supplements thereto, and that the said Conti will iwo prove the same on tha•Sd day of JANUARY.. Ai D. 1 563. unless exceptions lwfded thereto. BEN. PAXSON 'WRIGLEY. Attorney - of Petitioner. MEDICINAL COD-LIVER 0 I L.— BAKER a co.. Dnivrists, No. Lid. Korth THIRD Street, are now receiving their so4Nalies fresh from: tha 'Rabe es. The superiority of their Oil in Katy rearm* has gain,ed, ;for it a reputation and sale hoyand; any otherbraud the market. To maintain Di, ploy are determined . 0 supply an article that may he entirely relied on fur fresh ness and purity. See testimonials of Drs. Mutter, Jack, um. Nemeth, and others. no24amsrlin if VHkrfIEIRENOLOGICAL C.A.111- -I ` l n rET t g a l e s4 l3( llsZa r la_ is g e req u i l d i 6 y VI:: fast, sody. o Hygine, Phebognipny end or ro . rend i togi eat exaanuisthna. Orders . by mail should b a addressed to 301111 , T.. CAPSH, • OM - WM:Mg Olga CIiZSTKLI ititeehMitit. BARNES & BROOKE. , AMUSEMENTS. THE GREAT Painted by Vkgsrs. ROBERT & WM, PEAR= SOL. et" New York City-, Na I Eugmements, Na l Eugagments, Naval EngageNents, Parades, !lieges, Parades, Laieges, Parades, Siege.i, Camp Life, Camp Life, Camp Life. GRAND MATINEE, Last welt - , but one, of this wouderful EXHIBITION OP SUN PAINTING, Displaying a. Photo hic grap VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD. Ever? Etening, and Christmasand.Satarday Afternoons. Admission 2.1 etc, Commence at 3 and S o'clock. de net de 'sr La Belle Louise • la.l.l.e.Latu:a Bominrdments, Bonilarilmentr., oinlx7xdments. it.1.1.V7 VI WS 't 18 W 8: J. S. Clarks. ACADEMY OP