The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 15, 1862, Image 4

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e , --1 a writ of FondMout Bxponas, to me directed l will be
exposed to inibl le sale or vendor. at MONDAY Evening,.
January - S, ISO, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-strect
No. I. All that cerhila lot or pieco of ground situate on
the I s std.. of Fourth street, at the distance of fifty feet
five inches northward w art o f
north side of Norris
street. In the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
• containing in front or breadth on the said Fourth street
eighteim teet, and extending in length or depth wea
nand. between parallel lines nt right auglos to the said
Fourth street. fifty-two feet. Bounded northward and
we-lward by other ground of Francis M. Ryan; south
warj by ground now or late of John Carson, and east
wnrd by said Fourth street. (Being part and parcel of n
larger lot of ground, which . Owen Jones, by indenture
dated the fifth day of October, A. D. Mil, and recorded
in the office for rerording deeds, Ste., in nod for said city.
in Deed Book A. C. 8., N 0.29 page 71, &c., granted and
convey - NI unto the said Francis M. Ryan In fee.]
P. 8. The above lot of ground is sold subject to a Par
chnse-money mortgage, giveit by Francis M. Ryan to
Owen Join's, fin' thirteen hundred dollars, dated the fifth'
'InF of October, A. B. IStfl, and recorded in said office on •
the seventh tiny of October, A. D. 'SOL in Mortgage Book
A. C. IL No. IS, Im'e 4, &c. •
N. B. Upon the atove promisor, is erected can unfinished
thief- •tory brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick
lack building, and a stout , privy well.
• No. 2. Also, all Omit certain lot or piece of ground situ
ate on the west side of Fourth street, at the distance of
sixty - 4 ,1 / 4 1d feet live inches northward front the north •
side of Norris street, in alit, Nineteenth ward of the city
of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the
said Fourth street eighteou feet, and extending in length
or depth westward, between Boas parallol at right angles
with the said Fourth street fifty-two foot. Bounded
northward by ground now or Into of Owen Jones, south
ward and westward by ground of the' said Francis M.
R yan , and eastward by said Fourth street. CBoing part
And parcel of a larger piece of ground, which Owen
Jones, by indenture dated the fifth day of October, A. D.
7661, and recorded in the office for recordiug deeds, &c.,
iu nud for said city, in Deed Book A. G. 14., NO. 29. Page
74, &c., granted nnd conveyed uuto Francis M. Ryan in
I'. S. The above lot of ground is sold anbjeet to a. pur
chase-money mortgage, given by Francis AI, Ryan to
Owen Jones, for thirteen hundred dollars, dated the fifth
day of October, A. 1). 1861, and recorded in. said Wee on
the seventh day of October, A. D. 1861, in Mortgage Book
A: C. 11., No. IS, page 1, Sm. -
N. It. Upon the above PremiSes is erected an ungmisked
three-story brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick
buck-bedding, and a stone privy -well.
No. 3. Also. all that certain lot or piece of ground, with
the improvements thereon erected, situate on the west
side of Fourth street, at the distance of two hundred and
eighty-four feet five incites uorthWard from the north
side of Norris street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city
of Philadelphia, containing in trout or breadth on the
said Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending in length
or depth westward of that width ,between parallel lines
at right angles with the said Fourth street, fifty feet.
Bounded northward by ground now ur late of WI tliarn
11, southward and westward by other ground now
or late of Owen Jones, and eastward by said Fourth.
street. [Being 'girt aud parcel of a larger lot of ground,
which Owen Jones, by indenture dated the thirteenth
day of January, A. D. 1862, and recorded in the office for
recording deeds, tec., in mind for said city, lit Deed Book
A. C. H., No. 40. page 81, &c., granted and convoyed unto
the said Francis DI. Ryan in ree ; together with the tree
use, right, liberty. and privilege, of a certain two-foot
six-inches-wide alley, extending into and front the said
Fourth street, between the lot thereby granted and the
lot of ground bounding to the south, as a passage-way
and water-course; also, with the privilege of building
tinder and ever the northernmost half part of the said
alloy. as the same is now built under and over, at all
times thereafter forever.)
P. S. The above lot of ground Is sold ouhioot to a mort
gage. givtut dollars, acisltyan Uwen Jones, for thir
teen hundred dated the Viirteonth day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1 e 2, and recorded in said (Alice, on the same
tiny, in Mortgage Book A. C. H., No. 20, page 31, Ste.
F. B. On the above premises is erected an unduished
three-story brick dwelling-house, with a two-story brick
back-building, and a.stone privy -well.
No. 4. Also, nil that certain lot or piece of ground, with
the improvements thereon erected, situate en the west
side of Fourth street, at the distauce of two hundred and
sixty-six feet live inches northward front the north side
of Norris street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of
Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth .On tho said
_Fourth street eighteen feet, and extending in length or
depthwestwnrd of that width, between linos parallel at
right angles with said Fourth street, fifty feet. Bounded
northward nud westward by ground now or Into of Owen
Jones, Southward by ground HOW or late of Hiram Ches.
ter, eastward by said Fourth street. [Being part and
parcel of a larger lot or piece of ground, which Owen
Jones, by indenture dated the thirteenth day of January,
A. D.1E62, and recorded in the Ake for recording .deeds,
tc., in and for said city, in Deed Book AL C. 11, N 9.40,
page Si, &0., granted and conveyed auto the Said Francis
M. Ryan in fee; together with the free use and privilege
of a certain two-feet-six-iuches-wide alley, extending
into and front said Fourth street, between tho lot of
ground and premises bounding to the north as a passage
way and water-course; also, with the privilege of build
iug over and under the southernmost half part of the
said alley. as the same is .now built under and over, at
all times thereafter forever.).
P. S. The above lot of ground is sold subject to a mort
gage, givru by Francis M, Ryan to Owen Jones, dated the
thirtevut it day of January, A. 1). 1202. and recorded in
said (dace, en the 811.111 C day, in Mortgage Book A. C. 11.,
No. 20, Note 23. &c.
N. B. On the above premises is erected. an unfinished
I hree-story brick duelling-home, with a two-story brick
and n stone
Seized and li ken in execution U.S thoproperty Of FraIICIS
M. liyan. and to be sold by
Philadelphia,. Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1862.
W. P.,115: IL, 62.] bein, 80w , a.0. dels.3i
a wilt Of Vendittoni Exposes, to mo directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evoniug,
JannarY 5, IS at 4 o 'clock, at Snore-.street Hall,
All that certain three-story brick me:Janette or tenement
and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of
:Delaware Second street,.ou tho New Market Square, be
tween Cedar and Lombard streets, in the city of Phila
. ..delphia: containing in front or breadth on tho said
Second street nineteen feet one inch, more or less, and in
length or depth ono hundred and twenty feet to a twelve
feet wide alley leading into Cedar street. Bounde d. on
the north by it met:sultan and tot heretofore grunted by
James I', Lyle to Levi Taylor, now belonging to Joie
Scravendyke, on the east. by New Market Square, on
the south by a lot now or late of David Evans, and on
the west by the said alley which said described lot in
cludes, the southern moiety or half part of a three-feet
wide. alley, extending from the said twelve-feet alloy
eastward thirty feet, then gradually narrowing the
further depth of three feet, to a point tor the gate post.
[Being the saute premises which James P. Lyle, by in
denture dated the 24th day of November, A. D. 1818, re
corded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 26, page 54 Ac.,
granted and conveyed unto the sald Thomas E. Baxter,
in fee, together with the common use and privilege of the
said three-feet-wide alley, and the right to build under
and over the southern moiety thereof, leaving sufficient
headway hi the clear. Together also with the common'
use and privilege of an alley four feet in width by forty-,
'two feet It depth, on the north side, of the hereby granted'
messuage and lot lending over the said John Seraven
dyke's, formerly Levi Taylors ground, into and from
the said E.:Mind street, as the same was excepted and re
aerved in and by the deed of conveyance front the said
Jamea I'. Lyle to the said Levi Taylor, for the said lot of
. ground adjoining the hereby granted premises on the
north, bearing date the 314 day of December, A. D. 1927,
and recorded in Deed Book O. W. It., N 0.20, page 213, Sc.
Also, all Unit certain lot or piece of ground, with the
building": and improvements thereon erected, situate on
the 'southeasterly side of (Napier stre.t and the north
easterly side of a thirty-live-feet-wide street called Fern
street. in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Phila
delphia, the sold lot beginning at the distance of three
hundred and sixteen' feast six inches northeastward front•
the northeasterly side of Schuyler street; containing In
front or breadth on the said Clapier street one hundred
and fifty-seven feet one and three-quarter inches, arid
extending in length or depth southeastwardly, at right
angles to. the said Clapier Street, on the southwesterly
side thereof along the northeasterly side of the said
Fern street three hundred and twenty-two feet, throe
inches, and on the southeasterly side thereof three hun
dred and thirty feet and a quarter of au inch; to Norris
street, and containing In front on Norris street ono-hun
dred and fifty-severnM7) feet four and one-eighth inches..
Bouuded northwestwardly by the said' Clapler street,.
southea.stWordly by the said Norris street, southwest
wardly by the said Fern street, and northeastwardly by
ground of William W. Knight.
Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
the southeastery side of Cinder street and the istinth
westerly side or Fern street, in• the Twenty-second ward
of the city of Philadelphia; the said lot beginning at the
distance of one hundred and ninety-live (190) feet four
and a half inches northeastwardly front the north
easterly side of Schuyler street. and containing ta front
or breadth on the said Chapter street eighty-six feet and
one-half an inch, and extending iu length or depth
southeastward, iteright angles to the said Ciapler street,
on the southwesterly side thereof, three hundred and
sixteen feet seven and a half inches, and on the north
easterly side threof, along the southwesterly side of the
said Fern street, three hundred and twenty MD feet
nine inches, to Norris street, and containing in front on
the said Norris street eighty-six feet two and seven
eighths inches. Bounded north westwardly by the said.
Clapier street, southeastwardly by the said Norris street,
uortheastwardly by the said Fern street, and southwest
wardly' by ground of William W. Knight. [The said
two lust described premises being the sante which
William W. Knight and wife, by indenture dated the
twentieth day of May, Auno Domini 1563, recorded in
the office for Recording Deeds, Sc., for the city and
county of Philadelphia, In Deed Book A. C. H., No. 48,
page 202, &c., granted and conveyed unto Thomas E.
bloater. in fee, tinder and subject as to the first described
of said premises, to the payment of a mortgage debt of
four thonsund five hundred dollars, secured by the mort
gage of the said William W. Knight to Harriet L. Thomp
son, dated the third day of December, Anne Domini 15.,j,
and recorded in the office aforesaid, in Mortgage Book
A. I). 8.. No. 45, page 13, Ac.
N. B. There %erected on the second above described
lot or piece of ground a two-and-a-half-story stone
dwelling house, fronting on Norris street. There are also
a summer-house or arbor, and a fish pond, on said lot.
Seized and taken in execution us the property of
Thomas E. Baxter, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's O ffi ce. December 8, lee
[D. C., 317; D., '62.] Debt, $8,700. Wm. S. Price. dels-3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sole or vendue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, January r laet, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two
brick tenements meted on the rear end thereof, situate
on the south side of Mulberry or Arch street, at the dis
tance of two hundred and four feet eastward from the
cast side of Twentieth street, (late Schuylkill Third
street,) in the said city of Philadelphia; containing in
front or breadth on the said Mulberry er Arch.street
twenty feet, and extending southward of that width in
length or depth ninety feet. Bounded northward by
said Mulberry or Arch street, 'westward by other ground
formerly of Mims W. Dexter granted or intended to
have been granted to the said Jacob Carrigan on ground
rent ; southward pitry i. by ground snow or lute of Charles
Whiteand Samuel ibbs, and lawny . by the head of a
four-feet-wide alley ending southward into Dorothea
street, and eastward by ground now or late of Mary
Hahn. Being the same premises w hich•Linus W. Dexter
and wife, by indenture dated the first day of May., Anne
Domini MU, recorded in the office for the recording of
deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed
Book T. H., No. 14.5, page Di; Ste . ., granted and conveyed
to the said Jacob Carrigan, in tee, reserving to the said
Dexter, his heirs and assigns, a yearly ground rent of
one hundred and twenty dollare, payable halt yearly
without deduction for taxes, on the first days of May awl
November forever; which, said ground rent still con
tinues in full force.
N. 13.—The afonssaid deed from Dexter .to Carrigah
conveys the said premises, - together with the frets and
common use stud privilege of the said four-feet-wide
alley, as and fur a passage way and water course at all
times hereafter forever, lu common with the owners,
tenants, and occupiers of other premises bounding
thereon, and together with all and singular the appur
G3-The improvements on the premises are two three
story brick dwelling houses.
Seized anti taken in execution as the property of Jacob
Carrigan, and to be sold by
Phil Sheriff's Office,
_Decenber 8 1882.
(C.1P.,100 4D . , delphlal 62.) Debt, V 31.93. lituney, Jr.. del3-3t
a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,
will be exposed to imblie Rate o vendue, on MONDAY
Evening, January 4), 1563, ut 4 o'clock, at hansom-street
All that certain three story-brick messuage or tene
ment, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side
of Eleventh street, at the distance of ono hundred and
thirty-six feet south of Master street, in the Twentieth
ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or
breadth on the said Eleventh street seventeen feet, in
cluding the one-halrof, two-feet-wide alley laid out be
tween this and the adjoining lot of ground to the sonth,
and extending in length or depth westward of that width
at right tingles to the said Eleventh street one hundred
and ten feet • hounded northward by ground now or late
or Charles henry Fisher, southward and westward by
ground formerly of Ifeury Haines, and eastward by
Eleventh street aforesaid. Being the same lot of ground
which Henry Mines and wife, by indenture dated the
fifth day of September, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-three, recorded at Philadelphia, to
Deed Book T. 11.,, page 422, Ste., grauted and con
veyed unto the said Dome M. Post, rri fee. Reserving
thereout the yearly ground rent or stun of seventy-five
dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day of the
months of January and July, in every year, for arrears
of which the ind gineut was obtained on which the execu
tiou wits issued.
Seized and takon in execution as the property of Isaac
M. Post, and to bo sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December, A Wit
CC. P., n 4 ; D., '62..) Debt, $77.123:i. E. 8. Campbell. delfi-3t
a writ of Yeuditioni Expouas, to me directed, will
be exposed to pnbllc sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even
ing, Jununry 1&P, at 4 o'clock, at Sonsom-stroot flail,
All that rennin lot or piece of ground, with the brick
dwelling erected thereon, situate on the east side ofJuul
per street. at the distance of forty-nine feet northward
from the north side of s certain thirty-foot-wide street,
called Rodman (late Owen) street, laid out nt the dis
tance of ono hundred and twenty .feet• northward from
the north solo of South street, and running parallel
therewith through from Thirteenth street to Broad street,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or
breadth on said Juniper street fifteen feet, and extending
of that width in length or depth eastward between
parallel at right angles with said Juniper street
fifty-one feet, to a three-feet-wide alley leading south
ward into another three-feet-wide alloy, which Iraqis
westward into Juniper street. (Being the same lot or
piece of ground which Joseph 11, Townsend, by inden
t lire hearing date the :fist day of Nareh,lBl6, recorded lu
Deed Book A, W. M., No. 9, page 3, &e., CIAIVeYed to said
.1, Louis Moore, his heirs and assign., resorvingthereaut
a certainyea rly 'ground relit or thi r ty dollars per 11.1111111i1.
Also, All that certain lot or pierenf ground, with the
two brick throatily erected thereon, situate on the east
side of Juniper street, and north side of a certain thirty
fret-wide street called Redman ante Owen) street, haul
out at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet north
ward from the north side Or SIOIth street, and running
parallel therewith through from Thirteenth street to
Broad street, in the city or.rhiludophia containing in
front or luvuilth on said Madman street tifty-four n•frc, and
extending of that width In length or depth northward
het wee', parallel lines at right azigles with said Rodman
slicer forty-six feet, to three-feet-wide alley leading
Irestnard Into Juniper sired. ()icing the saute lot or
p ere of ground which Joseph B. Townsend, by Indenture
bearing date the thirty-lh•A day of March, 181 n, recorded
in Deed look A. W. 'At, No. 9, page 4, Ste., granted and
C"ilveYed to the "mid .1. Louis • Munro, his biers and
assigns. reserving therenut a certain yearly ground rent
Of one hundred mid eight dollars per annum]
&ilea and !liken in execution as the property of J.
Louis Maar, and to be sold hy
• Phrada:. Sheriff's O ffi ce, Dec. 12, aft6l delri-fit
rs. '6;. Debt, $1,41].2). S. Henry Norrk.
a writ of AIMS Venditionl Exponns, to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY
Evening, January ft, IStlt, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom
street flail,
All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three
, story brick factory and three-story brick messungs or
tenement thereon erected, situate on the northerly side
ofßedford street continued, late in the District of Ken
sington,' but now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning
at the distance of 33(1 feet 75', inches eastwardl 3- from the
easterly side of Hanover street; containing in front or
breadth on the said Bedford street h 6 feet, and on the roar
end thereof 40 feet fell inches, nod in length or depth on
the westerly side thereof and at right singles with the
said Bedford street 70 feet, and on the easterly side there
of along the westerly side of Boss street vont mned 70 feet
and 2 inches. Bounded northwardly by ground granted
or intended to have been grunted to Solomon Doebly on
ground rent, Westwardly by ground granted-or intended
to hare been granted to NVilliam France on ground rent,
ettstwttrdly by Ross street, and south wardly by Bedford
street nfoirsant.
•And ulso,all that certain lot orpieco efground with the
two .several three-Story frame mei:lmages or tenements
theroonerected,situnto on the easterly lido of Bhustreet,
lnid out find opened forever for public nse by .Tamos S. Hu
ber and James B. Reese, which runs southwardly between
Franklin and Bedford streets, and between Hanover and
Palmer streets, late in the District of Kensington, but
now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the dig
thrice of 247 feet and one-nuaiier of an inch southwardly
from the southerly side of said Frankl in street: n
lug in front or breadth on the said Elm street cis feet 9X
inches, and on the roar end thereof 33 feet 9 inches, and
in length or depth on the northerly side thereof at right
angles with the said Elm street 74 feet, and on the south
erly stile thereof parallel with the said Bedford street 74
feet 11,i' inches. (Bounded northwardly by ground
granted to Frederick Dickeson on ground rent; south
wardly by the rear ends of the Bodford-street lot, east
wardly by Ross street, and westwardly by Elm street
aforesaid.) Being the same premises which Solomon
Doebly and Julia. his wife, by two several indentures
bearing date respectively the 20th duty of Tune, 1850, re
corded- in Deed Book ho. 07, pages 122 and 1.19, Ste.,
granted and conveyed unto the said Ferdinand Doebly
in fee.
N. 11.—The first above described premises will bo sold
as et present divided upon the ground, VIZ:
No. 1. All that lot of ground and three-story brick mes
silage thereon erected, situate on tho north side of Bed
ford (now Wildey) street, and containing in front 24 feet,
and in depth, gradually narrowing to the width of
about 34 feet 6 inches, 44 feet or thereabouts, 05 the,same
is now enclosed. The said promises being the Western
most it feet in front on Bedford street, of the said larger
same factory building with- the one and a-half
story building attached thereto and connecting
therewith, (lately used ns an oilice,) containing in front
on Bedford street about 12 feet, and widening to the full
width of the said larger lot at the rear end thereof; to
gether with the steam engine, pulleys, and shafting, as
the same is now enclosed, the said.promises being the
easternmost 12 feet in front on Bedford street, of the said
larger lot.
The promises on Elm street, second above daseribed,
will be sold as at present divided upon the ground, viz:
No. & The messuage and lot of ground ou the easterly
side of Elm street, beginning at the distance of 217 feet
anti one-ounrter of an inch southwardly from the south
side of Franklin street, containing in front on Eint street
19 feet 4 inches and .76 of an inch, and In length or depth
74 feet or thereabouts.
No. 4. The messusige and lot of ground on tile (isterly
side of Elm street, beginning at the distance of 266 feet 5
inches and 1& of an inch southward] y from the south side
of Franklin street containing in front on Elm street 19
feet 4 inches and %tits or an inch, and in length or depth
74 feet or thereabout..
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ferdi
nand Docbly, and to be sold 1/y
Philadelphia, Sherirs Office, December 1'3, 195?
W. C., 31 V2.] Debt $4,725. W. S. Price. dels-3t
a writ of Vend Mont Exponas, to the directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even
ing, January-.p, MG, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or pieco of ground situate on the
cast stile or Schuylkill Seventh street, now called Six
teenth street, at the distance of one hundred and ten
reet.nort It witrd from the north side of Cherry street, in
the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth
on said Sixteenth street eighteen feet, and extending of
that width eastward ill length or depth in parallel Dues
sixty-five feet to a three-feet-wide alley, running north
and south parallel witlt said Sixteenth street, COMMUlli
eating with a certain twenty-one-feet-wide .;court, called
Green alley, which mils east and west from Sixteenth
street parallel with said Cherry street. Bounded north
ward by ground al.:tided, or intended to have been grant
ed, to A: Chew; eastward by said three-feet-wide
alley; southward by ground now or late of Elizabeth
Eubleam . , and west ward by Sixteenth street aforesaid.
Also, No. 2. All that certain lof or piece of ground and
the twoand-a-half-story brick dwelling or messuage
with the back build ings, frame sited, wash-house, spring
house, thereon erected, situate on the northeast corner of
Walnut street and Thirty-eighth street, or Mary street,
in the Twenty-Murth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
containing in front or breadth on said Walnut .streot
fifty feet, and extending northward along Thirty-eighth
street of that width in length or depth two hundred and
twenty feet two inches to York street. Bounded north
ward bY York street ; eastward by other ground of the
estate of William Suppled; southward by Walnut street,
and west ward by Thirty-eighth street.
S. All that certain lot or pieco of ground situate on the
north side of Walnut street, at the di stance of fifty fact
eastward from the enst side of Thirty-eighth street lately
called Nary street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the
city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on
said Walnut street fifty feet, and extending of that
breadth northward between lines parallel with said
Thirty-eighth street, in length or depth two hundred and
twenty feet two inches to the south side of York street.
Bounded northward by York Street ; eastward by' other
ground of said William Supplee, deceased ; westward by
ground lately granted to Edward D. Clay, and southward
by \Velma street aforesaid.
No. 4. All that certain two-story frame mcstmage or
tenement and lot or piece of ground:therennto belonging,
on the east side of Delaware Sixth street, between Lam.
bard and South streets, in the city •M.Philadolphia, Con
taining in front or breadth on said Sixth street nineteen
feet, and in length or depth ninety feet to a ten-feet-wide
alley. Bounded on the west by said Sixth street ;on the
north by ground of Samuel Ultoisinw; ; on the east by
said ten-feet-pride' alley ; and on the south by: ground
now or Into of James Matthews.
11 0.1 above described has erected upon it a three-stOry
brick dwelling with back buildings, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ed
ward D. Clery anti J. F. Stockdale, trading, Sc., and to
be sold _ JOHN lllo3lyso_lS,Aberiff.
l i bilittielphis, Sheriff's umep . , Decembereb3, 1 . 362.
[C. ; ; D.,'62.3 Debt, M. N. Goforth. 41515-3 t
a writ of Venditionl Expense, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or veudtte, 310NDAY
ISG.3, at 4 o'clock, at bansom-street
All that certain lot or piece, of ground situate
on the south side of Poplar street, at the distance
of two hundred and seventy-five feet nine inches and one
eighth of au inch eastward from the east aide of Thir
teenth street, in the district of Spring Garden and county
of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the
said Poplar street twenty-one feet nix inches (including
on the east P,ide thereof the westernmost moiety or half
Part of a certain court or avenue elev feeteet wide in the
clear by ono hundred and thirteen ten inches and
one-eighth of an inch in depth, laid out and left open bY
the said Richard 11. Tornsond for the common use and
accommodation of this and the other ground of the said
Richard 11. Townsend adjoining thereto) and extending
southward in length or depth of that width between pa
rallel lines at right angles with the said Poplar street,
sixty-iive:feet (including on the rear end thereof the
whole of ate alley three feet wide laid out and opened by
the said Richard H. Townsend, tbr the use and accommo
dation of the lot of ground adjoining the hereby granted
lot to the west.) Bounded on the north by the said Pop
lar street, and on the south, east, and west by other land
of the said Richard 11. Townsend intended to be this day
granted to the said William L. Harney on ground rent
(which said described lot or piece, of ground is composed
of •parts and parcels of two contiguous larger lots of
,round, one •of which Charles Henry Fisher and Sarah
Aim, his wife, by indenture dated. the sixteenth day of
February, Amu) Donn ni, ono thousand eight hundred and
forty-seven, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. W.
3.1. 0 -No. 40, page 72, &c, granted and conveyed unto the
said Richard 11. Townsend, in fee; and the other of
which John Davis and Sarah L., his wife, by indenture
dated the eighth (kyle( March, Aunt, Domini, onejthou
sand eight hundred and forty - liras, recorded at Philadel
phia in Deed Rook A. W. M., :No. 4s, page d 7% &c., granted
and conveyed unto the said Richard IL Townsend, in
fee.) •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm.
L. Harney, and to be sold by
:1011.1 , 1 - TFIOUPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office:Dec:l,l,lo.62.
(C. P., 109; D., V2.] Debt, $40.76. B. Gerhard.
a writ of Venditiuni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve
ning, January 5, MA at 4 o'clock, at 81mm-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the
southeast corner of Berkes street and Tenth street, in the
late district of Penn, now within the city of Pltiladel-
Phia, containing in trout or bmidth on the said Tenth
street one hundred feet, and extending in length or depth
eastward that width, the north line extending' along the
south side of the said Berkes street one hundred and
fifty-five feet one inch and live-eighths of an Inch, and
on the south lino thereof one hundred and sixty-one feet
eight and three-quarter inches to the Germantown and
Norristown railroad. Bounded northward by the said
Berkes street, southward by ground of John B. Citinac,
eastward by the said Oermautown and Norristown rait
road, and westward by the said Tenth street, subject to
the payment of theyearly rent or stun of one hundred
and fifty dollars. [Being the same Premises which the
said John 11. Cnmac, by indenture dated June l(i, 1857,
recorded in Deed Book lt. D. W. No. IM, page 50,
granted and conveyed to John G. Burk, his heirs and as
rewrving the said yearly rent of one hundred and
fifty dollars, payable. half-yearly on the first day of the
months of April and October in every year thereafter for
firized and taken in execution as the property of John
(i. Durk, and to be sold by •
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, ll December 152,1861 erifr.
CD. C., 348; D., '62.1 Debt, a 592.12. Olmsted. clels-3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or veudue, on .310NDAY Eve
ning, January 5, 3.5r4, at 4 o'clock, at Sansone - street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate ou the
eastward ly side of the Frunkford road, at the distance of
eighty feet northward from the north side of Huntingdon
street in the .Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
containing in front on said Frankfort( road twenty feet,
and in length 'or depth extending thence eastwardly,
keeping the same width at right angles with said Frank
tbrd roadon the northernmost line thereof fifty feet one
and seven-eighths inches, and on the southernmost lino
thereof forty-six feet one and three-fonrths inches, thence
again'enstwardly keeping the same width at right angles
with' Amber street on the northernmost dine fifty feet One
and seven-eighths inches, and on the southernmost line
forty-six feet one and three-fourths inches to said ,Amber
Street. Bounded on • the north by ground granted to
William Derick on ground rent, ou the south by ground
granted to'Jacob Hugg on. ground rent, on the east by
Amber street, and ou the west by Pra.nktbrd road afore
said. (Being the same premises which William P. Millen
and J. D. Sergeant, trustees, et 'al., by deedidated June.2l,
1847, and recorded in Deed Book G. 1,11. C., No. 18,-page
SW, &c., granted unto Joseph M. Thomas in fee; reserving
a ground rent of sls.]
Seized and taken in execution as theproperty of Joseph
Thomas, and to be sold by
JoEIN THOMPSON, Sheriff. -
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8, 1842.
W. P., S 2; D., •62.3 Debt, 8.1).12. Pile. deli-3t
^-.." a writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me direted, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Mean,
January 45,1363, at 4 o'clock; at Sausoin-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
eastward ly side of the Frenkford road, at the distance of
one hundred feet north of Huntingdon street, in the Nine
teenth 'ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in
front on said Frankfort! road twenty feet, and in length
or depth extending thence' eastward ty keeping the same
breadth at right angles with said ittankford road on
the northernmost line thereof, fifty-four feet two and one,
eighth inches, and on the southernmost line thereof fifty
feet one and seven-eighths inches, thence again eastward
]y, keeping the same breadth at right angles to Amber
street on the north line, fifty-four feet two and one-eighth
inches, and on the south line fifty feet one and seve
eighths inches. Bounded on.the north by ground granted
to Henry Hallman on ground rent, on the south by ground
granted to Joseph M. Thomas on ground rent., on the east
by Amber street, a lid o preenest by Frankford road afore
said, (Being the sameses which W. F. Etnien and
J. D. Sergeant, trustees, et. al., by deed dated March 30,
]SI7, and recorded in Deed .Book G. W. C. N 0.13, page
a;,4, &e ., emitted unto William Derick, in
. reserviug
a ground rent of CS.
Seized and takeu in execution as the property of Wil
liam Derick, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mike, December 12, 11302.
[C, P., Si, D., '620 Debt, 09.12. Pile. del3-3t
a writ of Veuditioui Exponas, to nie directed, will
be exrvsed to public sale or vendue, on 'MONDAY Eve
ning, January lffiffi, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground (with the one
story stone building used as a carpenter shop thereon
erected, fronting on Eleventh street,) situate on-the south
west curlier of Eleventh and Parrish streets, in the late
district of Spring Garden, now the Fourteenth ward of the
city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on
said Eleventh street eighteen feet, and extending in length
or depth westward on the north line thereof along said
Parrbili street fifty-seven feet, and On the south I Ile' there
of at right angles with said Eleventh street, sixty feet
two and three-quarter inches. Bounded northward by.
said Parrish street, eastward by said Eleventh street,
southward by ground_ granted or intended to have been
granted to William IVeatherstine, and westward by a
three-feet-wide alley running southward fromisajd Par
rish street. [Being the samelot or piece of gronud wide'
William Morgan and wife, by indenture, dated the 14th of June, A.1).1853, recorded in Deed Book 'I'.II,No.
124, pap Ste., granted an conveyed. unto 'Wil
liam 11 eatherstine, in fee, reserving Moment a yearly
ground rent or sum of seventy-six 50400thS dollars, paya
ble in,,equal half-yearly payments on the first days of the
tenths of May and November, for. arrears of which said
yearly ground rent the judgment has been obtaiuod upon
which this execution issued.] Together with the free
use and privilege of siddithree-feet-wide alley as a passage
Way unit water course at all times thereafter forever.
567.1..11 HMI taken in execution as the property of Wil
liam Weatherstine, and to be sold by
JOHN nioupsoN, Sheriff.'
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December. 52,
W. P., 112; D.,'02.) Debt, *lllO.lO. Shoemaker:
"-." a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed ; will-be
exposed to pnblic . salo or vendee, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5, 1.5e3 at 4 - o'clock, at Sansum-street h alt,
All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the frame
messnage or tenement thereon. erected, situate on the
southeastwardly side of Munroe (now Mercury) street,
at the distance of thirty-one feet one inch southwest
ward from the southwestwardly lido of Cherry street, in
the - late , Kemiington • District of the Northern Liberties,
now the Eighteenth ward of tho city of Philadelphia.
containing in front on said Munroe (or Mercury) street
eighteen .feet, and extenditur of that width in length or
depth 'southeastward sixty‘foet. Bounded northeast
'vanity and soutltwestwardly by ground now ur late of
William Bonin, sontileustwitrilly by ground of Miiry
Pennington, mut northwest wardly by Mercury street
aforesaid, (Doing the same premises which William
Rota!! HIM wife, by deed dated - May A. D. 1846, tint
recorded ill Deed - Bunk A. C. No. .page 441, tic.,
grinned unto Dquic Kepner, in fee, reserving n ground
rent of 0MF..3
eelred and taken in execution its the property of Isaac
Kepner, and to be sold by •
ithlbidetphin, Sheriff's Office December 8, MI—
[C. I'.. '6:1) Debt, ect3.56. deli-it
1 4- , a writ of Vonditionl Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public salo or vendee, on MONDAY live
ning, 3'r:lm:try 5,1813, at 4 o'clock, at San som-st met It tit
All the right, title, and interest of Robert Galbraith is
and toitil those six lots or pieces of ground, and the im
provements thereon erected, situate in the city of Phila
delphia, as follows: •
No. 1. Situate on the north side of Summer street, one
hundred and ninety-seven feet one inch and a half west
ward fiom the west side of (late) Schuylkill Third street,
front on Summer street seventeen feet Aix inches, depth
northward ly fifty-two feet ten and a half inches.
No. 2. Situate on the south side of George street, one
hundred and ninety-five feet ten inches eastward from
east side of (late) Schuylltill Second street, front • on'
George street fifteen feet, depth southward fifty feet.
•Situato- on - tho west side of (late) Schuylkill
Fourth street, seventeen foot northward front Pniost rect.
front on Schuylkill Fourth street sixteen foot, depth.
westward fifty-four feet.
No, 4. Situate on the west side of (late) Schuylkill
Fourth street, thirty-three fret north from Pinc street;
front on said (late) Schuylkill Fourth street slizteen feet,
depth westward flfty. feet. .
G. Situate on the north side of Summer street, one
hundred end thirty-two trot ono and a half inches west
from (late) Schuylkill Third street, front on Summer
street seventeen feet; depth northwardly fifty-font feet
six inches. . .
No. 6. Situate on the south side' of Whiter street, one
huhcl red and thirty-two feet'one and a half inchoS west
of (late) Schuylkill Third street, front on Wintnr street
seventeen feet, depth southwarilly ftfty-four feet six
. Also, a certain lot and building, situate on the south
side of Lombard street, onehttudred feet west of Fifteenth
street, front on Lombard street eighteen feet, depth
southward seventy-eight feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ro
bert Galbraith: and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8, 1851
W. P. 10h 'fps . ) 1). '1 Debt, $64.30. •T. J. Clayton. dels-3t
a writ of Veuditioni Exponas, to me directed, he
exposed to public sale or veudne , on MONDAY Evening,
January 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east
side of Schuylkill Seventh street, (now called Sixteenth
street,) at the dtstanco.of one hundred and ten feet north
ward front the north side of Cherry street, in the city of
Philadelphia, containing iu front or breadth; on the said
Sixteenth street, eighteen feet, and extending of that
width eastward in length or depth sixty-five feet to a
three-feet-wide alley running north and south parallel
with said Sixteenth street, communicating with a certain
twenty-one-feet-wide court, called, Green alley, 101 tell
runs east and west from Sixteenth street pam,llol with
said Cherry street. Bounded northward by ground
granted or intended to have.been granted to Fox & Chew,
eastward by said three-feet-wide alley, southward by
ound.nowr or late of Elizabeth ltubicam, and westward
ly Sixteentli street aforesaid. -
Also, all thnt certain lot or piece of ground and two
and-a-half-story brick dwelling or messuage, with the
back-buildings, frame shed, wash-house, :ma-spring
house thereon erected. situate on the northeast corner of
Walnut and Thirty-eighth street (or lifary street) in the
Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, con
taining in front or breadth on said Walnut street fifty
. feet and extending north Ward along Thirty-eighth street
of that width in length or depth two hundred and twen
ty feet two inches, Bounded northward by York street.
eastward by other ground of the estate of William Sup-
Wee, southwird bpoWaltiut street, and westward by
Thirty-eighth street.
No. 1 has erected upon it a throe-story brick dwelling
with back-buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Ed
ward D. Clery and .1. F. Stock-dale, trading, &c., and to
be sold by
JOIEN TllOl5l - PSON. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,1865.
CC. P. 91, 1). 62.1. Debt, $60.40.' Goforth. delta-3t
a writ of Venditioni Expouns, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on IifOND AY Evening,
January 5, lSG4,at 4 o'cloCk. at Sansom-street lfall,• '
All that certain three-storied brick messuage or tene
ment and lot or piece of ground upon which the same is
erected, situateon the east side of Delaware-Pront street,
at the distance Of sixteen feet. northward front the north
side of MEM street, in the late distrlot of Southwark,
now the consolidated city of Philadelphia, containing in
front or breadticon the said Front street sixteen feet, and
extending in length or depth of that breadth eastward
between parallel lines at right tingles with the said Front
Street eighty feet six inches to a certain thirty-feet wide
street, called Mutton street [Being the suite: premises
which Henry Stiles and wife, by deed dated the 15th of
September, MO, and recorded in the office for recording
deeds at . Philadelphia in Deed Book T. H.,, page
526, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said David C.
Richardson, in fee, reserving thereon" the yearly .rent
charge of $4.5, payable on the Vale day of the months of
Month and September in each and every year forever.]
Seized and taken in execution as the property of David
C. Richardson, and to ho sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,1262.
f(1.1'., 20 ] Debt, WIT. Ernst.
a writ of Vonditiont Exponas, to rte directed; wine
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve
ning January 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sam:am-street Hall,
Alf that curtain three-story brick inessnage or tenement
and lot or piece of ground, • situate On the east side of
Lewis (row railed Warnock) street, at the distance.of
eighty feet northward from the north side of Thomson
street, in late :rem) Township, nose the city of Pit tin.
delphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis
(Or Warnock) street sixteen feet, and extending in length
or depth
. eastward of that width between lines parallel
with the said Thompson street ninety-one feet to a certain
twenty-reet-~vide street, called Alder street; bounded
northward and southward by ground late of Will bun D.
Lewis. eastward by said. Alder street, and westward by
Lewis (or Warnock) street aforesaid. [Being the same
premises which Edward lt. Jones, by indenture dated
the 31st day of July; A. D. 1846, recorded in Deed Book
A. W. M., No. 17, page 426, &c., granted and conveyed
unto the said Michael - Stumm and Anthony Stearin, in
fee, reserving thereout a certain yearly ground rent or
RUM of forty-eight dollars, payable half-yearly for ar-
TeN.l.:a of which said ground rent the judgment yes ob
tained upon which this execution .5%-as issutsl3
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Michael
Steurfn and Anthony Eteur mNa N m.p l T to n l o msol s t o li N iv
Jo .
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 11, 1862.
P.,114; D., '62.1 Debt $.1'34.45. E. C. Mitchell. , dl5-31
a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,
will he exposed to public sale or. vendue; on MONDAY
Evening, January 5, at 4 o'clock, at Sanschn-street Hall,
All that Certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the
north side of Sergeant street, and west aide of Lemon
(now Memphis) street, in the Ninetocuth ward of the
city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Sergeant
street fifty-four feet, and extending of that width in depth
along said Memphis street one hundred and thirty-eight
feet and onehnd one-eighth inches to Fox street; bounded
on the north by said Fox street, on the south by said
Sergeant street, on the east by said Memphis street, and
on the west by gronnd of the Sopviva Estate. [Being the
same lot of ground which W. F. Emien and. J. D. Ser
geant Trustees, et al., by eed dated October 31;1848, and
recorded in Deed Book it. D. W.; No. 5, page 387, Ste,
granted into Aaron 3 , - ankirk in fee, reserving a ground
rent of $5l, payable on the first of June and December.)
Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Aaron
Vankirk, and to be sold by
• Philada., Sheriff's Office. Dec. 8,1882. ,
[C P.; 98) D., '6l Debt, 845631. Pile. del6-St
a - writ of Tenditioni Exponas, to Inc directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Sven
. Lig, January 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-screet
All that certain lot or piece ofground, with the two
frame buildings thereon erected, situate on the cast aide
streets Hurst street, between Lombard and Cedar (Sonth)
, in the city of Philadelphia, 'containing iu front or
breadth on said Ifurst street twenty-two feet, 'tad itt
length or depth :eighty- feet, more or loss, to a ten-feet
wide alley. Bounded ou the west by said Hurst street,
on tho south by a inessuage and lot of Robert Thompson,
on the east by.said ten-feet-wide alley, and on the.north
- by a messuage and lot of Robert Carpenter. Sold 'for
arrearages of ground rent.
Seized and taken into execution as the property of
David .Eakin. and to be sold by.
N Ti
Thilada., Sheriff's Office Dec. 10, IW3,rompsox, Sheriff.
[C. I'., 84, - .D, '62] Debt, *kat Lucas Hirst. . del4-8t
N." a writ of Alias Vemlttiout Rxixmas. to me directed.
will be exposed to public sale or vouilue, ou MONDAY
. Evening, January 5,186,3, at 4 o'clock, at -Sansom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate oft the
north side of South (or Cedar) street, between Sixth and
Seventh streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in
front' on said South street sixteen feet, and in' depth
northwardly ninety feet to Mary street. Bonuded . on the
south by South street, on the. west by ground late uf Owen
Jones, on the north by said Mary street, and on the east
by land granted or intended to he granted to Joint Mer
cer. [Being the same premises which Owen Jones, by
indenture dated September Ist, A. 1). 171)5, recorded in the
office for recording deeds, &c.. in and for the city and
county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L., MI 33,
page ZISS, granted and conveyed unto the said. George
Mercer, reserving. thereon t a yearly ground rent of- $.12,.
payable balf-yearly on the Bret day of the mouths of
Na, and November forever.) .
N. B.—The abtivo described premises will be sold as
follows: All that certain '4ot of ground and three-story
(partly brick and partly frame) building thereon erected,
situate on the south side of Mary street, between Sixth
and Seventh streets, Philadelphia, containing in front ou
said Mary street sixteen feet in depth, southivardly forty
No. that certain lot of Around and two-story
frame inamnage thRICOU erected, situate on the north side
of South street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Phi
/adelphia, containiug . in front sixteen feet and in depth
northwardly fifty feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of. Oeoige
Mercer, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1362.
C. P., 111; D., '62.) Debt, 5G7.30. C. D. Freeman. del6-3t
a writ of Venditioni ExponasAto me directed, win be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5,1663, at 4 o'clock; at Sausom-street Hatt,
All that certain two-and-a-half-story brick messnage or
tenement and lot or piece of grouud, situate on the west
side of a twenty-feet-wide court, laid out by Edward
Burd, at the distance of ninety feet eastward from Ele
venth street, between Locust and Spruce streets, in the
city' f Philadelphia, now called Eagle court, (No. 23 in
said court,) containing in breadth on said court fourteen
feet and in length 'or depth thirty feet. Bounded on the
east by said court, on the north by ground now or late of
Patrick. Ogle, on the west by a four-feet alloy, and on the
south by Around now or late of Samuel Winn.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of John
Wardrup, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 1662.
[C. P., 66; D.,'63.) Debt, $75. Lucas Hirt. dels-3t
a writ of Alias Veuditieni ExPonas, to me directed.
will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MO,NDAY
Evening; January 5, lBdi, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground with he three-story
brick inessuage or tenement and hack buildings thereon
erected, situate on the west side of Franklin street, at the
-distance of one hundred and ten feet four and a half
inches sonthward from the southwest corner of Master
street and said Franklin' street, containing in front or
breadth on said. Franklin street seventeen feet five and
one-half inches, and extending in length or depth west
ward between parallel lines at right angles with the
said Franklin street one hundred feet six inches to a:
twenty-seven-feet-wide street called Perth street, former
ly called Merchant street.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles
W. Waruick and Helen H. Warnick, his wife, and to he
sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's; Office,' December 8,1862. -
CC. 87; D., '62.) Debt, $40.70. T. S. Smith, • delis-3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be•
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5,1663 , at 4 o'clock, at Sit nsom-street Hall,
All that cer building thereon ground (with two-story
brick flictory erected) situate on the
west side of Church street, in the district of Southwark
and county of Philadelphia (now city of Philadelphia),
being part of a lot of ground marked, in the plan drawn
by John HMS of the estate of :Joseph Wharton, deceased,
0, No. 100, eentaining in front on said Chureh street forty
eight feet, and in length or depth one hundred and throe
feet six inches. Bounded oh the smith by ground granted
to Ellis and Longstreth, on the north by ground of John
Henniss, on the west by ground grunted to J. Willetts,
and on the east by Church street aforesaid. [Being the
HlllllO lot of ground which Charles Robb and Rebecca his
wife, by indenture dated the eleventh day of November,
A. D. ISIS, recorded in the office for recording deeds, Ste. •
for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A.:
W. M., No. Si, page 533, &c., granted and conveyed unto
Will Thornton anti Charles Mather in fee, reserving
Himont a yearly rent of fifty-seven dollars and sixty
cents, payable on the first clay of the months of July and
January in every year thereafter forever.
Seized and taken to execution as the. property- of Wil
liam C. Thornton and Charles Mather, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1862.
[C. P., 110 ; '6 - 2.1 Debt VAR. Robb. delii-3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or routine, on MONDAY Evening,
January r,, NM, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain frame messuage or tenement and lot or
piece of ground, situate on the north side of Queen street,
between Shaekamaxon street and Praukford road, in the
late Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, in the
county of Philadelphia . , now in the city of Philadelphia
as consolidated, containing in front or breadth on the
an id Queen street twenty feet, and extending that breadth
in length and depth northwardly one hundred and fitly
feet, more or IaYS. }founded northwardly by ground
granted to Benjamin Day, eastwardly by ground now or
late in posseSslon of John Sutton, westwardly by ground
now or late of Mary B. Brognard, and southwardly by
Queen street aforesaid. [Being the same lot ofground
which Mary B. Brognard, single woman, by indenture
dated the 1 2.0 th day of November, A. D. 1535, recorded in
Deed Book B. D. W. No. 54, page 218, &c. granted anti
conveyed to the said Samuel Smeeton in 'e, reserving
On-I . cent a yearly ground rent or sum of nO hundred.
and ten dollars, payable half-yearly on tbe first day of
the mouths of Juno and December in each and every year
Seized and tnken lii execution as the property of Samuel
&melon, and to be sold by
Philadelphia. Sheriff's °Mee. December 8, 1862.
[/)..C., ;ZS; D., 7862.7 , Debt , $:36 , 331. :Warriuor. delil-$t
is writ of Venditiont Exticinas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public side or %Tadao, on MONDAY Evening,
January L,18663, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall..
All that certain lot or Piece of ground situate on the
sou th side of Wallace Atreet,la the distance of Kt:Nay-five
feet nine and 'one-half inches eastward from the mit
side of 'Acetify-second street, in the Fifteenth ward of
the c ity of pitiindetnnitt, containin g in front on said
Wallace street sixteen highand extending in depth
southward of that widthty-four feet three inches.
Clueing the same lot Which James S. - Smith and wife, by
indenture dated the Ist day of February, A. D. 1,953, re
corded' in' Deed Book B. D. W., co., namito 614,
granted end conveyed to Charles C. Weirratte, iu fee, re
serving t hermit yearly . ground rent of thirty-one dol-
Seized and taken in execution its the proPepty of Charles
C. Weirumu, and to be sold by - . ,
. JOHN. THompsort, Sheriff,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,1802. . •
CC. P.. PM; D., 1WIL) Doht, $711.91.. Conarroc. del6•3t
a Writ of Venditloni Expouns, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or. vendue. on MONDAY' live
ning, J;ITiVarY 1263. at 4 o'clock, td:Sitrisom-street 1(311,
All that certain let or piece of 'ground situate'on the
east side of Schuylkill Seventh street,. now called Si x
teenth•street, at the distance, of ohe hundred and ten feet
northward from the north, side of Cherry street, in the
city uf Philadelphia, oontaining•in front or breadth on
said Sixteenth street eighteen feet, and extending of that
width eastward in length 'or depth in parallel lines
sixty-five feet to a three-feet-Wide alley, running . north
and south parallel with said Sixteenth street, communi
cating Ni ith certain twenty-One-fent-wide court, called
Green alley, which runs east and west "froin'Sixteenth
street mtrallel with said Cherry street. %Untied north
ward by ground granted, or unloaded to• have been
granted:4o Fox & Chew eastward by said three-feet
wide alley.; southward by ground now or late of Eliza
beth Itubieaw, and westward by Sixteenth street afore
Also, No. '2. All that certain lot or piece aground and
the two-and-a-half-story brick dwelling or mesminge,
with tII back-buildings, frame shed, washlutuse,•sprin„, ,,
house,thereon erected, situate on the northeast corner Of
Walnut street and Thirty-eighth street, or Mary tura ; in
the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phibuielphiti;len
tabling in front or breadth on said Walnut street art'
feet, and extending - northward' along Tiirty-eighth
street of that width in lenth or depth two hundred and
twenty foot two inches to - fork street. Bounded nitirth
ward by 'York street eastward by other ground of the
estate of William Stipple° t southward by Walnut street,
and westward by Thirty-eighth street. •
No. S. All that certain lot or plece.of ground sitnate'on
the north side of Walnut street, at the distance of fifty
feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-eighth street,
lately called Mary street, in. the Twenty-fourth ward of
the city of Philndelphiii, , containing in front or breadth
on said Walnut street fifty fect i .and. extending of that
breadth northward between lines parallel with said
Thirty-eighth street, iu length or deth two hundred and
twenty feet - two inches to the south side of York street.
Bounded northward by York street; eastward by other
ground of said William Suppler, deceased:westward by
ground lately gin uses( to Edward D. Clay, and southward
by Walnut street-ifforesaid.
. . .
No. 4. All that certain tivostory. frame messnago or
tenement and lot or piece of ground thereuuto belonging
on the must side of Delaware Sixth street, between Lom
bard and South streets, iu the city of Philadelphia, con
taining lit front or breadth on said Sixth street nineteen'
feet, and in length or depth ninety feet to a ten-feet
wide alley. Bounded on the west by said Sixth street ;
°WM() north b.- ground now or late of Samuel Chrismus;
on the east by said ten-feet-wide alloy; und on the south
byjround now or late of James Matthews.
- ]lo. 1 above described has erected upon it a threastory
brick dwelling! with . back buildings, &c:
Seized and taken in execution us the property of Ed-
Ward li. Clory and J; T. Stockdale, trading, &c., and to
be sold by . • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Pirtle delph in, - Shoriff 's Office, December, 8,1&t2.
CC. I'., 92; D.,-'G2.I ' Debt, $61.91.- Goforth. de1.54.1t
a writ of Venditionl Exponas, to hie directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue,; on MONDAY. Eve
ning., January 5, 1861, at 4 o'clock, at-Samson:L . -street Ilan,
All that certain two-story brick mesenago or tenement
and Jot or piece of ground, with the. buildings and hn
provements thereon erected, situate ou the east side of
Buckuoll street, at thedistance of ninety-one feet south
of Brown street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of
Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said
Bucknell street fourteen feet, and extending in length or
depth of that Width between lines Ixtrullel with saik
Brown street fitly feet, together with the free use, right,
liberty, and privilege of a certain two-feet. wide alley
running into and from Judson street, at the distance of.
ninety feet southward from the said Brown street, as and
for a passage way and water course in common with the
owners, tenants; and occupiers of the other lot of ground'
bounsling thereon at all times hereafter forever. [Being
the same lot of ground which Thomas Matlack and wife,
by indenture dated the 22d day of September, A. D. 1&59,
recorded in Deed Beek A 1). B. No. 117 , page &c.,
granted and conveyed to the said Daniel 'llavilaud; in
foe, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of
thirty-six dollars:)
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Daniel
litivilaud, and to be sold by
Philadelphia; Sheriff's Oilice, December 8,1612.
EC: I'. HU, D. 1E62.) " Debt, 6.56.43. Wirriner. • delii-ht '
• it writ of Veuditioni &Tomo, to inerdirected t will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY hvening,
Jantary 5,1863. lit 4 o'clock, at Sausemstrect Hall,
' All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
north side of Jefferson street, commencing at the distance
of one hundred and sixty-seven feet eastwardfrom the
cast side of Broad. street, in the Twentieth ward 'of the
eity.of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on
the said Jefferson street eighteen feet, and extending in
Length or depth of that width. northward between lines
parallel with said Broad street sixty live feet bounded
on the north by ground now or late of Alexander
den, on the east and west by other ground of the said
William S. Stewai% and on the south by the said Jeffer
anti street, tieing the same lot or piece cf around which
William S. Stewart, by deed dated August 8, 1350, record
ed in Deed Book A No. IV, page ltiS, &c., granted
and conveyed to William B. Wilt on and James M. Wil
son, in fee, reserving an annual ground rent of $llll
Nora. — On the above-described lot there is erected a
three-story brick dwelling house. ' ,
Seized and taken in execution as the Property of Wil
liam B. Wilson and James M. Wilson, and to bo sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8, 1.262
CC P., 326; D.,1862.) Debt, 611201. Brewster. 11615-3 t
a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to zee' directed.
will ho exposed to public sato or - vendue, on MONDAY
Evening, January,o, 1863, at 4 o ' clock ,- at Sansom-street
All that certain lot orpiece of ground,- situate on the
north side of South (or Cedar) street, between 'Sixth and
Seventh streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing to
front or breadth on the said South (or Cedar) street six
teen feet and extending in length or depth northward
ninety feet to a thirty feet wide street called Mary street..
Bounded on the south by South (or 'Cedar) street afore
said, on the west by ground now or late of Owen Jones,
on the north by Mary street, and on the east by a lot of
ground granted to George Mercer.. [Being the same pre
mises which Owen Jones, by indenture dated November
Ist, A. 1). 1795, recorded in the taco for recording of
deeds, &c., in and for the city of Philadelphia, in Deed
Book —, No, fg),-Tritge 279, granted and conveyed unto said
Patrick McHugh, reserving thercont a yearly ground rent
01432, payable half yearly.)
N. 13 —The above described prOmises•will he sold as 'All that certain lot or piece of ground and , three
story brick and frame dwelling thereon erected, situate
on tho south side of Mary street ,- between Sixth and Se-
i streets, containing in front on said Mary street six
teen feet and in depth thirty-six feet. -
All that certain lot. or piece of ground' and Iwo-story
frame mess-nage thereon erected, situate on the north side
of South street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, con
taining in front ou said South street 16 feet, and in depth
northwardly 84 feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Pa
trick McHugh, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,1862.
(C. P. 112, D. :(32...Debt, $67.30. C. D. Freeman.) .dols-3t
kJ a writ of Vanditioni ExpOnas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening,
January fi, 1e63 at 4 o'clock , at Sansou - strectßail,
All that certain let Or Piece ofgrouud with the two-story
brick messuago or tenement thereon; erected, situate oil
the south side of a certain thirtv-feet-wide street, called
Lentz street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia,
which said street is laid out, and opened for public use
forever, and runs between Eleventh and Twelfth streets,
Cast alld west, the north lino of it (said Lentz street) is at
the distance of one hundred and ninety-one feet seven
itltihes soutrritard from the south side of Federal street,
measuring along the west line of said Eleventlistreet,
itinhtwo hundred and seventeen feet nine inches south of
Federal street, measuring along the cast line of said
Twelfth street. Beginning at the distance of one hun
dred and seventy-eight feet westward from the west side
'of Eleventh street, bontainitig in front or breadth on the
said Lentz street thirteen feet six inches, and extending
of that width in length or depth southward, parallel with
the said Eleventh street sixty-one feet. Bounded north
ward by the said Lentz street, eastward by other ground
intended to have been granted- to the said Dayid:Doaue
on ground rout, westward by a' certain threelreet-wide
alley, which leads northward into : Said Lentz street,
and southward by a certain other three-feet-wide alley,
which leads westward into the said hereMbefore men
tioned wide alley, which leads northward into said
Lentz street. • (Being the sante. promises .which Jacob
Young, Jr., by indenture bearing date the third day: of
March, -A.,1):, one thousand.bight hundred and fifty-nine,
and, recorded in the Ohm. fur the recording of deeds,
Sze:, in and for the county' of Philadelphia, in Deed Book
A. D. B. No. 54, i
page 107, &c., granted and conveyed'unto
the said Davi Duane in fee, reserving therefrom and
thereout unto the said Jacob Young, Jr.', his heirs and
assigus, the yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-two
dollars and seventy-five cents, payable in equal halfL
yearly payments on the first day of the months of De
cember and June, in each and every year.) Together
with the right and liberty to build over one half of the
said three-feet-wide alley, which leads into and from
said Lentz street, by leaving a headway of not less titan
eight feet in the clear, and together with.the common and
free use and privilege of the above-mentioned alleys as
ways and passages, and water courses, at all times here
after forever.
Seized and taken in execution as the Property of Daiid
Donne, and to be sold
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8,18132.
CC. P.,93; '1123 Debt, $59.71. -Quin. • „delPlt
a writ of VeuditioutF,xpona.s, to me directed, will be
exposed to Wine sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5, ISG3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east
side of Schuylkill Seventh street, (now called Sixteenth
street,) at the distance of one hundred and ten feet north
ward from the north side of Cherry street, iu the city of
Philadelphia, containing-in front or breadth on the said
Sixteenth street eighteen feet, and extending of that
width eastward in length or depth sixty-aye feet to a
three-feet wide alley running north and south parallel
with said Sixteenth street, communicating with a certain
twenty-one-feet wide court, called Green alloy, which
runs cast and west front Sixteenth street parallel with
'said Cherry Street. Bounded • northward by ground
granted or intended to have been granted to Fox & Chew,
eastward- by • said three-feet' wido alley; southward by
ground now orlate of Elizabeth Itubleam, and westward
by Sixteenth street aforesaid.
' Also. all that' certain lot. or. Piece Of 7groUnd. and two
nnd-a-balf-story bripk . dwelling or messnage, with the
buildings, frome shed, wash hon:a., and spring hate thereon erected, situate on the northeast corner of Wal
nut and Thirty-eighth streets, (or Mary street,) in the
Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, contain
ing in front or breadth 'on said Walnut street fifty feet'
and extending northward along Thirty-eighth street of
that width in length or depth two hundred and twenty
feet two inches to York Street. Bounded northward V
York street, eastward by other ground,of the e.itate 'of
William Supplee, southward by Walnut street, and wog- -
ward by Thirty-eighth street.
co. 1 has erected upon it a three-stOry brick dwelling
with hack buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Edward
Clary and J. P. Stockdale, trading. & c., and to be sold
by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff' Office,. December 8,1862.
IC. P. 90, D. '62. Debt $76.01. Goforth.] dels-3t
S . a writ of Vonditionl Bxponas, to me • directed will
he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even
ing„)anuary 5, ISO, at 4 o'clock, at tiansotn- s treet
• Al f that certain three - storied brick messuage el...tene
ment, and lot or piece of ground upon which the same is
erected, Situate °utile east side of Delaware Front street,
at the distance of thirty-two feet northward from the
north side of Mifflin . the late district of Sonth
wark, now the consolidated city of Philadelphia; con
taining in front or breadth on the said Front . street MX.
teen feet, and extending in length or depth of that breadth
eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the
said , Front street eighty feet six inches to a certain thirty
feet wide street, called . Dutton street. Being the same
premixes which Henry Stiles and wife, by aeed dated
the ISth of September, 1850; and recorded in the office for
recording deeds, &c., at Philadelphia„iu :Detfd Book T.
101, page 122, &c., granted and. conveyed Unto the
said David C.- Richardson. in fee, reserving'. thereout"
the yearly rent charge of *4.5, payable on the 15th days
of the months of March and September in each and every
year forever. •
Seized and taken in execntion as the property,. or David
C. Richardson, and to be sold by ,
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 8, 1862. -
CC. P.,99; D, Debt, MM. Ernst. delsSt
writ of Venditioni Exponas, to nie directed % will be
exposed to public sale or Tontine, on MONDAY' hvening,
Junuary 5, IEB3, at Clot lo,, SansoM-street Hall,.
All that certain or piece of ground situate on the
cast side of Tenth street, at the distance of one hundred
feet southward from the south side of Berkes Street, in
the late District of Penn, now within the city of•Phila
dolphin, containingin front orloreadth on the said Tenth
street one hundred freet; and extending in length or
depth eastward of that width between lines zstralle with.
the said Berkes street, on the north line thereof one hun
dred and sixtx-one feet eight 'and three-quarters inches,
and on the south line thereof ono hundred Germty
eight feet three and seven-eighths inches to the an
town and Norristown Railroad. Bounded northward
mid southward by ground of John B. Comae, eastward'
by the said. Germantown and Norristown Railroad, und
westward by . the said Tenth Arcot; subject to the
Payment of the yearly rent or sum of one hundred
and fifty dollars. [Being the seine premises which the
said John B. Carnet., by his indenture dated June 16,
recorded in Deed• •look 32. D. W.,No. 11, page 55,
Vic., granted and conveyed to Jelin G. Burk, ins heirs
and assigns, reserving the said yearly rent of one hun
dred and filly dollars,. payable half yearly ou the first
day of the mouths of April and October in every year
thereafter forever.)
Seized and titken iii execution nifthe • property of John
G. Burk, and to be sold by
• JOHN TllOll - PSON, Sheriff.
rhtlailelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,1862.-
CD. C., 249; D. '62.1 Debt, 4 , 692.12. 01 nisted. dels-St
a writ of Vinditioni Exponas, to me directed will be
exposed to public sale or veudne, on MONDAY Evening,
January Het at 4 o'clock, at Saitsom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate formerly
in the diStrict of Moyaineusing, now to the First Ward of
the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a point on the cast
side of Eighteenth street, formerly called Schuylkill Fifth
street, at the distance of thirty-four feet • southward from
the south side of Bedford street, thence extending along
the said Eighteenth street southward seventeen feet,
thence eastward ly by it lot of ground granted to Daniel
McLaughlin on ground rent, sixteen feet, tlielice south
ward by the same lot sixty-Rita feet to the north side of
Shipper: street, thence by said street eastward seven feet
two and seven-eighths inches more or leas to line of laud
devised by James Pemberton to tife children of Mary
Morris, deceased, thence by said line northeastward to
ground granted to Samuel Flfe on ground rent, thence by
said Fife's ground, westward at right' angles with said
Eighteenth street, Fifty-eight feet More or the•pince
of beginning. [Wing the fill1)1P lot or:piece of ground
which Hannah Parke, Anthony P. Morris..aud 'Antal&
wife, by indenture bearing date thethird dam of October,
Anne DominV]STi, recorded October nfth, 1553, In Deed
Book T li, No. 1114, page 497, B:c., kra nted and conveyed
unto John Armstrong in fee, yielding and paying there
ler and thereent,smuto the said Hannah Parke and An
thony P. Morrls,Their heirs and assigns, the-yearly rout
or stun of fortv-eight dollars and fifty cents, lawful money
of the United States of America, in equal half yearly pay
inents on the find days of the months ofJanoray and
July, in every year thereafter fortNer, without deduction
for taxes.]
• N. B.—On the. above lot there is erected it three-skirl
brick house: .
Seiked and taken in execution as the propertyAbf John
Anxistroug, and to be sold by " •
• • • JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °thee. December 12,180.
CC. P. Mth D. '62. Debt f. 0.110. 110P.Nr.) delfrat
ivill a t % Jo rr e " x o po t art i : s plti d c. " . l l ° Ll n e i
Evening, January 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Saw4om-street
All that •certain. lot or piece of ground with the two
brick tenements erected. on the rear end thereof, situate
on the south side of Arch street. (late Mulberry street,)
the distance of ono hundred and'eighty:fenr feet ea stWa
frem the oast side of Twentieth street, in the Ninth ward
of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth
on the stud Arch street twenty feet and extend i nut:tooth
ward of that Width in length or depth ninety feet. Bound
ed northward by said Arch street, westward by ground
now or late of L. Blimaker, southward partly by ground
now or late of Charles Whito'and Samuel L. Hibbs, And
partly bythe head of a fourrfeet-widealley leading south
ward into Dorothea street, and eastward by other ground
granted or intended 'to have been granted to said Jacob
Carrigan on ground rent. CBeing the same premisei
which the sold Limn; W. Dexter and wile, by indenture
dated Mat: I,A. 1).1854, recorded at Philadelphia, iu heed
Book T:11:, N 0.140. mg() 2)0, granted and conveyed
nuto the said .Tticob Carrigan in fee, reserviitg thereent.
the yearly g - rouudrent or sum of $l2O, payable half - yearly,
ai .rho first day of the mouths of Ably and November 11l
every year; for arrears of which the judgment was ob
tained upon which this execution WAS
StliZed and taken in execution us the property of Jacob
Carrigan, and to be sold by
JOHN TllO :UPSON, Sheriff
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. December 8, 1852.
CC. P.., 93; D., 1862. Debt, $93.33. E. S. Campbell.) delS-3t
writ of Vend Mont Expontis, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Xve
ning, January 5,1869, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the
Twenty-second wind of the city of Philadelphia, begin
ning at a point on the northeast side of Germantown
avenue, at the distance of seventy-dye feet six inches
northwestward front the north side of Wyalusing street,
thence extending northwestward along the said German
town avenue one hundred and - twenty-five feet cloven
and a half inches, thence nothaestward with a line at
right angle with the said Germantown avenue forty
six feet three and three-quarters inches to a point, thence
eastward by ground of J. Dickinson Logan one hundred
and twenty : tour feet ten and three-eighths, inches to the
west side of Stenton avenue, thence southward along
the west side of said :Stenton avenue one hundred and
.twelve feet eleven and three quarters inches to another
point, thence westward by other ground of the said J.
Dickinson Logan eighty feet five and five-eighths Inches
to another mut, and thence southwestward on a line at
a right angle with the said Germantown avenue forty
six feet three and three-quarters inches to the place of
beginning. Subject to the payment of the yearly rent or
sum of two hundred and fifty-one dollars and ninety-one
cents. (Being the sante premises which John Dickinson
Logan and wife, by - indenture dated July 1,1859, record
ed in-Deed Book A. D. D. No. S?, page tia), granted and.
conveyed to William S. Mellliouney, his heirs and as
signs, reserving the said yearly rent of two hundred and
filly one dollars and ninety-one cents, payable half year
13:' on the first day of the months of January and July
in every year thereafter forever.)
Seized and execution as the property of Wil
liam S. Mclllienney, and to be sold by
. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12, 1861' CD. C. i 47, D. '62.] Debt, $82'1.46. Olmsted.
a writ - of Venditioni Exponns, to me directed will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY livening,
January 5,1603, at 4 o'clock, atliansom-street Hall, ,
A certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north
Sideof Christian street, at the distance of two hundred
nod -ninety-Seven feet five inches westward from the
northwest 'corner of said Christian street and Delaware
Fifth street continued. in the district of Southwark and
county. of Philadelphia; thence extending northward,
by ground now or late of Culpepper Bridges and wife,
ninety-three feet live inches, more or less, to the
southerly side of Queen street; thence westward along
the said Queen street fourteen feet six inches, more or
less, to the corner of a lot of ground . grauted, or intended
to be grituted,lY said Hannah 'Cliffton to John Sims, on
ground rent; thence by the same southward itimetv-one
feet six inches, more or less, to the north side of Chris
thin street aforesaid; and thence eastward along the'said
Christian street fourteen feet eight inches, more or less;
to the place of beginning. Granted be indenture- dated
the 17th day of June, A. D . 1511, recorded in Deed Book
1. 8., No.lo, page HD, :&-c., by Hannah Clifftou to Samuel
Darnell, in fee, reserving a, yearly rent of twenty-live
dollars and thirty-seven and a half cents, payable semi
annually on the 20th day of November and May, in every
B.—On each front of the said lot there is a frame
met:. age.
So zed and taken in execution as the property of
Samuel Dnrnell, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,153.
(C. P., 122; D., '6•2.] Debt, $53.35: Ruddiman. del: -3t
"-I a writ of PlurioVonttitioni Exponits, to mo directed,
will be exposed to public solo or voodoo, on MONDAY
Evening, January 5,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-strcet
All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the
east side of Delttwa re Eighth street, at the distance of tivo
hundred and two feet southward from the nigh side of
Master street, in the late District of Penn now the city
of Philadelphia, containing •in front or bretulth on the
said Eighth street sixteen feet, and extending In length
or depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles
With the said Eighth street one hundral feet to a certain
twenty-soven-feet-wido street called Merchant street;
bounded on the west by the said' Eighth street, on the
north by ground granted to George Barnard, on the east
by the said Merchant street, and on the, south by ground
granted to Jacob Wiroman Onground 'rent. [Being the
same premises which Joseph Irolzkorn and Sarah H., his
wifr, by indenture bearing date the ]Sth day of August,
A. 1). 11357, recorded in the office fur recording deeds for
the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D:
8., ]Co. 27 page 20, granted and conveyed unto the said
. h. Shoemaker, in fee, and subject, novertheleas,
to the payment of a cortaba yearly ground rent or sum of
forty-eight dollars in equal half-yearly payments on the
-first day, of the months of July and January in every
year forever, without deduction for taxes, &c.,unto John
Gwin and Nicholas Gwiu, their hairs and assigns; to
gether with the free and common use, right, liberty .and
privilege of the said Merchant street at all times, there
after forever.]
. . _
N. D.—There - is erected - on the said lot on Merchant
street a three-story brick building.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of George
Barnard, and to he sold by
Philadelphia % Sharirs Office, Do ember 6,1862.
IC. P., V 2.5; D., 0.3 Debt, 804.74. Briggs. del. -3t
a OR of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue , on MONDAY Evening,
January 5, IW:i t at 4 o'clock, at Eansem-street
• All that certain three-story brick and frame meg:snag°
Or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the
north side of Brandywine shoot (formerly called Centre
street), at the distance of one hundred and forty-one feet
ten inches eastward from the east side of Twentieth
street ? in the Fifteenth ward of the ei% of Philadelphia,
containing in front or breadth on said Brandy wino street
sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward,
'etween lines parallel with said Twentieth street, se
venty feet to -Wilcox street. (Being the sunup lot of
ground which Henry Beckett and liliza 8., his wire, by
indenturehearing date the twenty-third day of June, A:
D. 1554, recorded in Deed Book T. IT., No. 10, page 298,
&a.4-•sranted and conveyed unto the said Thomas P. Irew
ett in fee simple, reserving thoreout unto him, the said
Henry Beckett, his heirs and assigns, a yearly ground
rent or sum of forty-four dollars, in equal half-yearly
paymentS, on the first day of the months of Jannary and
Tul y; in every year forever, without deduction for taxes,
Seized and taken in execution as the property of The
linos P. Rowlett, and to be sold by .
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 11,1962.
CC. 1'.,106; D., '62,3 Debt, $22.61 J. C. Price. del3-3t
. a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me direchid. will be
exposed to pane sale or„vendue, on MONDAY livening,
January 5,4663, at 4 o'cl6ck, at Sansont-street Hall,
Oita 'certain three-storyinick and frame messua,tre
or • tenement and lot or-piece of ground situate on the
nortlYside of Brandywine street (formerly called Centre
street), at the distance of one hundred and twenty-five
feet ten inches eastward from the east side of Twentieth
street, in the Fifteenth ward of the said city of Philadel
phia; containing in front or breadth on said Brandywine
street .alxteen feet, and extending in length or depth
...^northwead, between lines parallel with said Twentieth
strict, seventy feet teWilcox -street, [Beim , - the NUM
lot of ground. which Henry Beckett- and Eliza, 1 - 3:, his
wife, by indenture, bearing date the twentt tird day of
• June, A. 3). 3514, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 165,
page al], &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Thomas
P;ltev:lett,- ins heirs and assigns, - reserving thereout
unto Idm, the said Henry Beckett, his het rS and assigns,
a yearly ground rent or sum of forty-four dollars, in equal
half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of
January and :July. in every year forever, without deduc
tion for taxes, Sm.)
Seized and taken lu execution as the property of Tito
rna.s P. Howlett, and to be sold by
Philudelphin, Shetld's Office, December 12,1562.
[C. P., 126: D., IS2.] Debt, 02.2.61. Prico,
a wilt of. !Alas Vendltioni Ex - points., to Inc directed,
will be expoged to public sale or veudue , on MOSDAY
Evening, January 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street
—All that- certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
south side of Locust street, at the distance of one hundred
feet westwardfrein the west side of Thirty-eighth (late
Mary) street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the oily of
Philadelphia, containing front or ltreadth on the said
Locust street fifty feet, and extending in length or depth
southward of that width one hundred and seventy-rive
feet to Churth street. Bounded 'northward by said
Locust street. eastward by other ground now or late of
said Robert W. D. Truitt, southward by said Church
street, and westward by ground now or late of Susan N.
Goddard. [Being part of the swine lot of ground which
Susan N. Goddard and John L. Rough, executor's, &c.,
by deed dated the sixteenth day of April, A. D. M r re
corded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 614 Page 20.,
granted and conveyed unto the said Robert:lV: D. Truitt,
e Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert
W. D. Truitt, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 3.2;1862.
[S. C., SS: J., Iffi.] Debt, $2,750. • H. C. Thompson. del•3-3t
a writ of Tenditioni fixpones;to me direetod, will
be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Even
jug, January 3, Thli3, at 4 o'clock, at ,
All that certain lot or piece of ground, and three-story
brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, in the Dis
&Mt of Richmond, now the oily of Philadelphia, situate
on the northwestwardly side of Brown stied (now
Edgemout)), commencing at the distance of one - hundred
and eighty feet southwestwardly from the southwardly
side of Tim. street; containing in front or breadth on
-said Brown street, now Edgeniont street, eighteen foot,
and extending of that 'Width' in length or depth north-;
westwardly, between lines parallel with • said Tioge,
street ninety-five feet nine and one-half inches. Bounded
northeastwardly by ground granted to Catharine Gal
berry, north westwardly by remaining ground of Charles
I'. Pox, southwestwitrilly by other ground of Nathaniel
Ledyard, and southeastwardly by Brown street afore
said. Being the same lot or piece of ground which Na
thaniel Ledyard and Rexene, his wife, by indenture
dated• the -twentieth day df Noveniber, A. 1). one thou
sand *eight hundred and fifty:recorded at Philadelphia,
in Deed Book G. W. C.,'No. 92, page 180, &c., granted
and conveyed unto George Lutgendorf, heirs and
assigns.- .
Seised and taken in execution as the property of George
Lntgendorf, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,1392.
CC. P.; 327; D.,'62-] Debt; ta9.04. E. C. ()reel del3-5t
a wilt of AliasTiauditioni Expona4s,lo me directed,
will be exposed to public sale or vendee, n MONDAY
Evening, January 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street
- All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three
story brick messuage or tenement, with three-story back
buildings, Ross thereon erected, situate on' the nortti:side
of Columbia avenue at the distance of thirty-four feet
eastward from the east side of Ninth street, in the 'riven.
tioth ward of the city of Philadelphia (late district of
South Penn), containing in front or breadth on said Co
lumbia avenue sixteen feet, anti extending in length or
depth northwardly of that width between parallel lines
at right angles with said Columbia avenue seventy feet
bounded northwardly and eastwardly by ground granted
or intended to have been granted to James McCloskey on
grout d rent, westwardly partly by a lot of ground grant-.
ed or intended to have been granted to the said James.
McCloskey on ground rent, and partly by the head of a
certain three-feet-wide alley which leads westwardly'
into said Ninth street, and southward') by saidColum
hie avenue; together with the free .uso and privilege of
said threacet-wide alley as a passage way and water
course, at all times hereafter forever, in common with the
owners, tenants, and occupiers of the other lots of ground
bounding thereon. (Being the same premises which
Prentice T. Oustine antU Ellen S.,zhis Wife, by indenture
dated therth day of" April, Anne 'Donilul MI, and re
corded in Deed Book R.,1). W., No. 10, page 496, &c.,
granted and conveed nnto the said James McCloekey,,
n !ec ; reserving tirereout tt certain• yearly ground rent
er sum of ninety dollars, payable on the first day of the
months of January and July; for arrears of which said •
ground rout the judgment was obtained upon whieWthis •
execution issued.
" N. B.—The purchaser will be required to pay the sum of
one hundred dollars at Abe time of satle.
Seized,and taken in execution as the prOperty of James
McCloskey, and to be sold by
Philadt Iphin. Sheriff's Mice. December 12, 862.
CC. P., P.M; D., '62.) Debt, 446. Shoemaker. dels-3t
a writ of Vendit lout Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed, to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Evening,
January ti; IBG3, at 4 o Clock, at Sansom-street
All that certain lot or piece of,groand,situate on the
north side of i. 4 bippen street, at the distance of seventy
seven feet westward of bhippen lane, formerly in the
township of Moyamensing, now in the city of Philadel
phia coutaing, in front on sald,Eltippen street.thirty-two
feet, and in length Or depth sixtv feet. Bounded north
ward and eastward by ground of John H. Brinton, west
ward by ground intended to be granted on ground rent to
William Jack, and southward by Shippen street afore
said. [Being the same premises WhiCh4olin H. Banton,
by indenture dated the gfteenth day of March, eighteen
hundred and twenty-seven, recorded at Philadelphia in
Deed Book G. W. R., No.2a, page lie, granted and con
veyed unto Edward Dougherty in fee, reserving thereout
yearly ground rent or Minn of thirty-two (loiters, paya
ble half-yearly on the first day•of the months of May and
November in every year 'brevet..
The following only of the uhote-deseribed premises
will be sold:
• All that certain lot or piece, of ground with the two-and
ft.-half-store-brick inessuage or tenement and one-story
frame kitchen thereon erected, satiate on the north side
of Klippen street, (No. 1.3`4.) at tho distance of seventy
seven lea westward of Juniper street,. formerly called
Shippen s lane, in that part of the city of Philadelphia
formerly called the township of Mernmensing; contain
ing in front or breadth on the said Sitippeu street sixteen
feet, antl,in length or depth 'sixty feet. Bounded north
ward by ground late of John IL Briuton, westward by
arena now orlate of James McCul tau, southward by the
stud Shippen street and east ward'hy ground of
Together with the free use -and privilege - a n-certain
two-leet-wide alley; as ILOW .1 aid out. and opened between
the above-described - lot of ground - and the lot of ground
adjoining to the westward thereof, at all times hereafter
forever. [Being the easternmost moiety of a lot of ground
which Brintan sold to Dougherty on ground rent.)
Seized and takeu inexecution as the property of Edwhrd
Dougherty - , and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December Div
/'„ 1.23 : D.,'52.) Debt, $6830. Lex.
a writ of Alias Venditioni Exp(m7l.% to ma d reefed.
will be exposed to or veudue, tm MONDAT
EVening, January 5, H 63, at 4 o'clock at Sausotn-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
south side of. Locust .street, at the distance of fifty feet
iveStWard from the west side of Thirty-eighth ante Mary)
street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadel
phia, containing i u front or breadth on the said Locust
street fifty feet, and extending in length or depth south
ward of that width one hundred anti seventy-fire feet to
Church street. Bounded northward by said Limiest
street, eastward and westward by other ground now or
late of sold Robert W. D. Truitt, southward by said
Church street. (Being part of the same lot of gro.und
which SIUMU ClOcidard and :John L. Hough, oxocntor.4,
by deed dated the sixteenth day of April, Auno
ISM, recorded in Deed Hook A.DR., :10.0.), page 212..
&c, granted anti conveyed unto the said Robert W. D.
Truitt in fee.) •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert
W. D.:Truitt, and to be sold by
.1011 - THOMPSON, ! Sheri ff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee. December )2,lfßit
fS. C., Mit 4., '62:7 Debt, $142.750. If. C. Thompson. deVr3t
a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed will be
exposed to public sale or vondne, on MONDAY' Evening,
January 5, 18G3, at 4 o'clock, at . Hansom-street Ifni I, •
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
southwest corner of Locust and, Thi rty-olghth (late
Mary) street, in . the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of
Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said
Locust street, rift feet, and extending in length or depth
southwardly, between parallel lines ut right angles with
the Locust street, one hundred and seventy-live feet
to Church street. Bounded westward by ether ground
now or lute of said Robert W. D. Truitt„eastWard by said
Thirty-cightli street, southward by said Church street,
and northward by said Locust street. (Being part of the
same lot of ground which Susan Goddard and John
L. Dough, executors, &c., by deed dated the sixteenth
day of April, A. D. MI, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 11:,
No. (B, pa ge '242, eze., granted and conveyed unto the said
Robert .D. Truitt In fee.) •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert
W. B. Truitt, and to be sold by
rillißdelphia, Sheriffs Office, December 12,1862.
CS. C.,40; .J., , 62.] Debt, *2,750. H. C. Thompson. del.s-3;
a writ of Yenditioni Exponsta t to me directed, will be •
exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 6, Ea% at 4 o'clock. afSansom-Street
All that certain three-story. brick messnage or tenement •
and Jot or piece aground situate on the northwesterly side
of Richmond street or Point-no-pointroad. formerly
in the township of the Northern Libertityc in the
county of Philadelphia, now in the Nineteenth
ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of
two hundred and eighty-eight Met six incite.'" and
three-quarters of an inch southwesterly from the
itouthwindorly side!of Clearfield street; containing in front
or breadth on the said Richmond street forty feet, and •
extending:of that breadth between line,: parallel with
said Clearfield street • two hundred feet to Salmon street.
Bounded on the. northeast brgrottud of Kuhn, on
the northwest by the said Salmon street, on Ike sonth
west by ground now or late Of Robert McCurdy, and .011.
the southeast by said Richmond street. [Being the same
Premises which Robert McCurdy; by indenture dated the
twenty . -second day of September, A. D. 181. d., recorded in
Deed Book G. W. C., No. Urr, page 295, &c., granted awl
conveyed unto the avid William 11. Miles in tee.)
NOTE.—To the above-named messuage or tenement
there is attached a two-story brick back building; and
on the rear end of the said described lot there is erected
a three-story brick factory building, forty feet front on
the said Satinet' street, containiag a steam engine, shaft
ing, and machinery; also, on the said lot, a one-Story
brick building and frame sheds,
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil
liam H. Miles, be sold by
Philadelphia } Sheriffs ()Mee, December 12, 1862.
CC. P.; VS; D., .62.1 Debt, 016.64. • Murphy. dels-31
IL writ of Veuditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or venduo, IifONDAY Bvening,
January 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at SausOm street Hall,,
Nu. 1. All that certain lot er piece of ground situate in
the Tweuty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
marked Nu. 4 in it certain plan of partition; beginning at
a point in the Lancaster Turnpike road and the middle or
Fifty-ninth street, thence extending along the middle of
said Pifty-n iutlr street - north six degrees nineteen !Ma
ntes, west eight hundred and thirty-two feet eleven and
one-quarter inches to the middle of Peter's avenue,
thence along the 'middle : of said .Peter's avenue south
eighty-threo degrees lusty-one minutes, west four hun
dred and sixty nine feet eight and three-eighths inches
(4W feet 8% inches) to the middle or said Sixtieth street,
thence along the middle of the said Sixtieth, street south
six degrees nineteen minutes, east seven ituudred and
forty-eight feet three and a half inches to 'a point in said
Lancaster Turnpike road in the line of Lewis Jones' land, said Lewis Jones' land south eighty-six de
grees six minutes, east four hundred and seventy-seven
feet three and one-quarter inches to the place of begin
ning; bounded on the north by lot marked No. :3 in said
• Plan, on the east partly by lot marked No. 5; and partly
'by lot marked No. 7 on said plan, on the south by (said)
land of Lewis Jones, and ou the west by lot marked No.
2 in the aforesaid plan, containing eight acres and live
hundred and twenty-five thousandths part aim acre.
No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in
the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia,
:marked N 0.5 in a certain plan of. partition, beginning at
a point in the intersection of the middle of Berks avenue
and the middle of Fifty-seventh street, thence extending
by the 'middle of said Fifty-seventh street north six de
grees nineteen minutes, :treat five hundred and' eighty
feet to the middle of Peters avenue, thence by the middle
of said Peter's .aventie south eighty-41)1:0e degrees forty
one minutes; west mine hundred and eighteen foot nine
and three-quarter inches to the middle of Filly-niuth
street, thence by middle of said Fifty-ninth. street south
six degrees nineteen minutes, east two hundred alit
ninety. feet to a corner of lot marked No. 7, in said
plan, thence by said lot marked No. 7, north eighty
three degrees forty-ono minutes, east four hundred and
ninety-seven feet two and - seven-eighths inches to the
middle of Fifty-eighth 'street, thence by the middle of
said Filly-eigth street . &Mil six degrees nineteen
minutes, east two hundredfold ninety feet to the middle
of !Berks avenue, thence along the middle of said Borks
avenue north eighty-three degrees thirty-one (41) minutes,
east four hundred and twenty-ono feet six and seven
eighths inches to the place of beginning; bouuded on
the north by lot marked No. 6 on said plan, on the east
by lot marked No. 8 ou said plan, and ou the south partly
by lot marked No. 8 and partly by lot marked No. 7on
said plan, and on the west partly by said lot marked No.
7 and partly by lot marked No. 4on the said plan, con
taining eight acres and nine hundred and twenty-Your
thousandths part of an acre.
No. 8. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
west side of Norville street at the distance of one hundred
and thirty-six (136) feet southward from the south side of
Waster street iu the late District of Penn now the -
ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or
breadth on the said Nerving) street fourteen tuna and ex
tending in tenth or depth of that width, sixty-three feet;
bounded northward . by ground now or late of Charles
henry —Fisher, southward partly by ground of Henry
Haines and partly by the head or northernmost end of a
_certain three-feet wide alley leading southward into au
, othgr alley three feet iu width which leads westward Into
• Nerving) street, eastward by ground granted to the said
Isaac,M.•Post one ground rent, and westward by Mrovine
street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which George
Magee . , Esq., Hight Sheriff of the city and county of Phila.-
delplua by deed poll dated -and acknowledged in open
Court on the 26th day of June, A. D. 1658, and entered
among the recerds in the office of the Prothonotary of
tug Court of Common Pleas for said city and county, in
Sheriff's Deed Book S. page Ste., granted and convey
ed unto Albert D. Boileau in fee. under and subject to the
payment of a certain yearly ground rent10f , 345.)
No. 4. All the estate, right, title and interest of Albert
D. Belleau of and in all that certain three-story messuage
and lot or piece of ground (with double three-story back ,
buildings) situate on. the east side of Franklin. street, at
the distance of fifty-three feet six and live-eighths iuches
fromt the north side of Poplar street, in the Twentieth
. ward of the city of Philadelphia, thence extending north
ward along the cast side of said , Franklin street twenty
six feet nine and one-eighth inches to ground now or late
of Allen J. Ilubhs, thence eastward along the.same on a
line at right angles With the said Franklin street ninety
eight feet seven and three-eighths Inches to a paint,
thence southward partly along other ground late of the
said Allen J. -Hubbs and , ria.rly along the rear end of
ground now or late of Catharine Pearce twenty-five feet
two and three-eigths inches to a corner in the rear end of
the Poplar street lots, thence westward along the same
on a -line at right angles with Seventh street sixty-four
.feet three and five-eighths inches to the other ground
late of said Allen I. "Tubbs, thence northward along the
seine threes-ighths of au inch tp point, and thence
• westward along the same at right angles with said
Franklin •street thirty-four feet eleven and one-eigth
inches to the east side of said Franklin street and place of
Seised and taken in execution as the property of Alber
D. Boileau, and to be sold by
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Wilco, December 8,1862,.
CD- C., 534 l). 1562.] Debt, .$016.50. llieskell. deel3:3t
a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to'Sne directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY liveu ins,
January 5, 180, at 4 o' .
clock, at Stinson street Hall,
No. 1. that certain lot or -piece of ground, with the
two-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected,
-situate on the north side of a certain new street, twenty
five feet in width, called Pritchett street (which said
street bv deed poll bearing date the second day of Octo
ber, A. 11.11354, and recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 167,
page 418, &c., was dedicated-to public nse, commencing
on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of
soventy4ive feet southward from the south tOde of Wash
ington street, and thence extending westward to the
twenty-feet-wide street hereinafter described), at the
distance of ninety-eight feet eastward from the east side
of a certain other new street twenty feet in width laid
out and opened at the distance of ono httlidred and' fifty
feet one and three-quarters incites eastward from the
east side of Broad street in that part of the First ward of
tho city of Philadelphia aforesaid, included in the late
district of Moyamensing, centainiug in front or breadth on
said Pritchett street fourteen feet, and thence extending
southward between tines parallel with said twenty-feet
wide street In length or depth forty-eight feet more ur less;
together with the free nse and privilege of a certain two
feet-six-inches-wide alley on the west of this lot and run
ning north into Pritchettedreet, between this and Lot
No. 2, hereinafter described. .
No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with. the
two-story brick me.ssuage or tenement thereon erected,
situate on south side of the said Pritchett street, adjoin
ing the above (No. 1) premises on the west, coutamieg
in front or breadth on the said Pritchett street fourteen
feet and extending in length or depth southward of that
width forty-eight - feet more or less ; together with the
free use and privilege of the said two-feet4dx-inches
wide alley running northward between this lot and lot
No. 1, and on the east of these promises into the said
Pritchett street. [Being the same premises (Nos. 1 and 2)
which Charles F. Lox, by indenture chtted the twenty
fourth day of Starch , A. D. 1655,-and recorded in the office
for recording deeds for the city and county of Philadel
phia, in Deed Book H. D. W.,. No. 18, page 13),&c.,,
granted and conveyed unto the said Samuel Mee. Foster
in fee; tinder and subject nevertheless to the payment of
a certain yearly ground rent or sum of forty-eight del lane -
(*AS) on the find days of the months of 'January and
July in every year thereafter forever.)
No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the,
two-story brick recasting° or tenement thereon meted,
situate on the north side of a certain forty-foot-wide
street called Lewis street; in the First ward of tho city of
Philadelphia, at
.the distance-of sixty-four feet eastward
from the east aide of Seventh street, containing pit the.
front or breadth on the said Lewis sheet (now Sylvester
street,) thirteen feet six lushes, and extending in length
or depth northward of that width, fifty feet; together-
With the free use and Privilege, in common, with pre
mises Nos. 4,5, and 6, hereinafter described, of two cer-
Alan two-feet-six-inches-wido alloys; ono of said alleys
running parallel with the said Lewis street, iu the .rear
of said four promises, and the other of said alleys yenning
at right angles with and opening into the said Lewis
street, between promises Nos. 4 and 5. [Being the same
premises which Luke W. Duffel!, by' indenture dated
May second, MG, and recorded In the office for receding
deeds, Ste:, in and for the city of Philadelphia, iu Peed
Book A. D. B.; No. 106, page 202 &c., granted and con
veyed nnto the said Samuel MCC. Foster in fee; under
and subject 'nevertheless to We payment of a- certain
yearly ground rent of twenty-four dollars per annum on
the first days of the months of January and July in every
year thereafter forever.)
No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground adjoining
Premises No. 3 on the-east, with the two-story brick I
messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the
north side of Lewis (now Sylvester) Street; ip the First
ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distunce of
seventy-seven feet six inches eastward from the east side
of Seventh street, containing in front or breadth on the
said Lewis street thirteen feet four and a half inches, .
and extending in length or depth north ward of that
width fitfy fee; together with the free use and privilege in
common, with premises here described as Nos. 3, li, and 6,
of two certain two-feet,six-inches-wide alleys; one of the
stud alleys running sarallel with the said Lewis street,
in thelrear-of illegal four premises, and the other of the
said alleys running at right angles with and opening into
the said Lewisstreet, between these premises and the -
premises next described as No. 5. [Being the same pre
mises which Luke - W. Duffell, by indenture dated the
second day of Ma, A. D. 1656, and recorded in tho office
for recording deeds, &e.,-in and for tho city of Philadel
phia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 106, page 215, Ste.,
grained and convoyed unto the said Simnel MC. Foster
in feet under and subject nevertheless to the payment of
a eertain.yearly ground rent, or sum of twenty-four dol
lars on the first days or the mouths of January and July
in every year thereafter forever.) '
No.-5. All thin! certain lot or piece of ground adjoining
premises No. 4, on the east, with the two-storybrick mes
messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on north
side of Lewis (now Sylvester) street, in the First ward of
the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of ninety feet
ten and a half Dailies eastward from the east side or
Seventh street, containing in front or breadth on the said
Lewis street, thirteen feet four and a half inches, and ex
tending in length or depth northward of that width
fifty-fret; together with the free use and privilege, in
common with premises here described as NOS. 3..4; and
6, of two certain two-feet-six-inches-wide alleys; one of
said alloys running parallel with the Mid Lewis street, in
the rear of the said four premises; and the ollT t rof t tl e te -st s id a i id
alloys at right angles with and opening into
Lewis street, between these premises and the premises
hereinbefore described as No. 4. (Being the Same pre
mises Willa Luke W. Duffell, by indenture dated the se
cond clay of Nay, A. 1).1856, end receded in the office for
reterding deeds, in and for the city of Philadelphia.
in Deed Book -A. D. 8.. No: 106, page 2.C. Sze., granted and
cotiveyed auto the said Samuel fifcC. Foster iu toot; tinder
and subject nevertheless to the payment of a certain
yearly sinned rent or sum of twouty-four dollars ou the
first days of the mouths of January and July in every
your thereafter forever.)
110. ¢. All that certain lot or piece of ground, adjoining
Premises No. ri on the east, with the two-story brick
messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the
'north tilde of Lewis (now Sylvester) street, in the First
ward of the city of Philadelphia ; at the distance of ono
'Modred:And four feet three inches eastward from the
- eas t side or Seventh street; containing in front or breadth
on the said Lewis: Street thirteen feet four mid' it half
inches, and extending in length or depth northward of
that width, fifty feet; together with ;the free use .and
p r ivilege. in common- with premiaes hereinbefore de
scribed as Nos. 3,4, and 5, of two certain twe-feet-six-
Mt:hes-wide alleyst.:ono of the Feld alleys minting
parallel with the said Lewis street, in the rear of the
Mid route premisee, ' and the other of the said alleys
being at: right mingles with and opening into the said
Lewis street, between the premises hereiubefore deserib
. d as Nee. 4 and 5. [Being the saute premises which
Luke W: Duffell, by indenture.ditted the sewed day of
le ay, A. D. 1856, and recorded hi the office for recording
ieeds, &e., in and for the city of Philadelphia, in Deed.
1 ook A, B. 11.; No. 106, page 210 &c., granted and cen
t eyed unto the said Samuel Me(l. Foster in fee; nailer
subject - nevertheless to the payment of a certain yearly
ground remit or sum of twenty-four dollars on - the first
days of the months of January and July in every year
thereafter forever.)
Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Samuel
M. Foster, and to be sold by -
Philadelphia,Sherirs Office, December S. Balt
[D. Qom ;D. 1262 ] Debt, it 1.030. lidnuulds. <1015:3t
, VICAW,Wso ,
a writ of Venditioni Exmonas, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5, Mt, tit 4 o'clock, 11 t Sa usom-streot 11 a 11,
All I hat, certain - lot or piece of ground tAtuate on the
Went side of Marshall street, at the distance of two hun
dred and sixty-our, feet one inch and si quarter heath
ward from the northwest corner of said Marshall street
and Poplar street, formerly in Penn Township, now in
the eity of Philadelphia. con la in in g in front or breadth
ell the r-aid Marshall street sixteen feet, and extending
In length or depth westward between parallel lines or
right angles with the .said Marshall street oighty-seven
feet four inches and a half. Bonnded northward by
ground granted to . westward by groitud
granted to Joseph M. Thomas, southward by ground
granted to , ground rent, n lid eastward
by Marshall street aforesaid. [Being the same premises
Iv Wa tsou Jenks and others by indenture dated the
]sth day of May, IRIS, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.,
No 35, page 371, &c., granted and conveyed unto Joseph
M. Thomas in fee, reserving thereout o yearly ground
rent of twenlY4bur dollars, payable half-yearly ou the
first day of the months of May and November io every
year forever.
. .
N. tigi above premises there L. erected a two
and-a-lialf-Ntory brick and frame dwelling house about
twelve feet front.
. .
L ,Seized and taken in executhm as the property of Jopeph.
It. Thomas, and to he sold by • •
, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, December 12. 18'32.
[C. 124; D. '62.] Debt $52. Mx. • dels-3t
a wilt of Vend itioui Expiinits, to me directed, will be
exposed to piddle side or vendee, n MON'DAY Evening,
January 5.1803, at 4 o'clock, at Sant om-Street
All that certain lot or piece . of ground, situate on the
south sub of South 'for .Cedar) street. at the distance of
fiftv-four feet three inohos westward from the west side
of'Delawa re Twelfth • street continued, in lifoya ;noosing
township, in the county of Philadelphia; containing in
breadth on the said South (or r Cedar) street twenty-one
feet three inches. and in length one hundred and t wenty
feet, to a certain street called • Small street," now
widened to the width of thirty-one feet, and to be
opened forthwith. Bounded on the north by said South
(or Cedar) street, on the east by ground granted by
Edward Bonsai! to Daniel George, on ground rent, on
the south by the said Small street, and on the wesrhy
ground. granted by the said Edward &wall . to Alex
ander Stewart, on ground' rent: (Being part of a larger
lot or piece of ground which William Shippen, and
Alice, his wife, and Samuel Blair,and Susan, his wife, by
indenture bearing date tho twenty-ninth day of June,
Anne Domini 1804, recorded in Deed Book J. C., No. ?4,
page 244, &c.,panted and conveyed inter alia auto the
said Edwari Donsall, in fee.] Together- with , tho com
mon use and privilege of the said Small street; widened
as aforesaid, with or without • horses, •cattle, and car
riages, at all times hereafter forever. • •
Seized and _taken in execution: as the property of
William Gordon, and to ho sold by • •
. JOHN THOUNON. Sheriff.
Philadelphia : Sherifrs Office. December 11, NU
CC. 1'.,119; 02.) Debt. 021.0.). J. F. Johnston. dels-3t
a x rit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,wiltbe
exposed to public sate or vendue , on MONDAY Evening,
January 5,.15G3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansem-street
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
south side of Coates street, at the distance of thirty-eight
feet westward from the west side. of Sixteenth street, in
the Fifteenth s ward of the city of Philadelphia:contain
ing in front or breadth on the said Coates street eighteen
feet, and. extending iu length or depth: of that .width
southwardly on the east line thereof, sixty-eight feet
seven and one-quarter inches, and on the westerly line
thereof sixty-six feet ten and a. half inches. Bounded
nee wn rd . by the sit Id Coates street, eastward and south
ward by ground late belonging to the estate of John.S.
Smith, deceased; and westward by ground of Andrew
Franklin. [Being the same premises which George Ro
berts Smith and wife, by indenture tinted the 29th Febru
ry, A. D. 3F.62, recorded at rhibuteiphia in Deed Book T.
11., No. 47, page 4.59,&c., granted and conveyed to the. said
John Smylte, Jr., his heirs and assigns, reserving there
out mite the said George Roberts Smith, heirs and as
s:gns, the yearly ground rent of thirty-six doll ars, paya
ble on thy first day of the months of April and' Octoberin
every ye: r thcqoafter forever, without any deductions,
defalcation or abatement fur any taxes, charges or a iSCi3-
ments whatsoever, to be assessed aswell on the thereby
granted lot as on the said yearly rent thereby and there
out reserved. •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of john
Slilylie, Jr., and to be sold by:
• Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,1362.
CC. P., 121 ; D., '62.) Debt, , it 56.10. HUghtild. dnl.i- it
P. , " a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening„
January 5, 186S,at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street !fall,
All that certain house and two centignous lots or pieces
of ground situate on the westerly side of the Tawny
road, in Oxford township; in rite county of Philadelphia
aforesaid ; one of the said lots containing in breadth, on
said Tacony road. forty-one feet seven incites, and at the
rear end of said lot on George street flay-eight feet, and
iiclongth tit depth two linnitred feet; boundtd northward
by - the 'Mkt described lot, westward by George street
afegrest hi, southward by the road leading from the Bristol
turnpike to 'the Fury, and eastward by the Tacony road
aiiiresaid ; and the other lot containing in front on said
Tawny road fifty feet, and in length or depth two hen
drid feel t bonne ed northward by lot No. 3, in a plan of
lots laid out by Frederick Fraley, westwardly by George
street nforegaid, southward by tt c. above-described lot,
and eastward by Tacouy road aforesaid.
Alto, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
the westerly Ride of the Timmy road, in Oxford town
ship afoiesaid, containing in front on said Taeony road
twenty-five feet, and in leugth or depth two hundred feet;
bounded northerly - by ground of Richard Taylor, west
erlc by George street, southerly by the above-described
preniises, add Castwai illy by the barony road aforesaid
(Being the same premises which Jacob lleilings and
Elizabeth, his wife, by indenture hearing ever date here
with; bid exeOuti d immediately betbre these presentts,
Weeded be forthwith recorded, for the consideration
therein mentioned, part whereof is hereby secured,
granted and coild:..,"'ed unto the mu Rebecca. Cottuien,
.0f the said George Cottmau, party la reto, in fee,
under end subject to the payments therein mentioned.)
N. B. The above premises are now situate in the Twen
iv-third ward of the city of Philadelphia, and are known
lay the name of the White Hall Hotel.
Tian improvements are a frame house two-stories-and-a
half high, with shedding and stabling.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of George
Cottman and Rebetca Cottmau.bit wife. and to be sold
by . .JOILN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Deceniber 8, 1362.
[D. C., 327; D., '62.) Debt, $1,064. A. Thompson: dels-3t
a writ of Levert Foetus,. to me directed, will he ex
posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
northwitwardly'side of Queen street, between Vienna
and Wood streets, in the Kensington district of the
Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia Con
taining iu front or breadth on the said Queen street,
thirty feet six inches, and extending in length or depth
notthwestwardly about ono hundred and ninety (lnit)
feet two inches ou the northeastwatrdly line thereof ;
and about one hundred and ninety-one feet eight
inches on the southwestwardly line thereof. Bound
ed northeastwardly by ground now or Into in thu
tenure of the Widow Binder, not thwe.itwardly by
ground of Christian Scheetz t sont hwestwardly by ground
granted to John race and wife,. and sontheastwardly by
Queen street, aforesaid: (Being the same lot or piece of
ground which JaCrA3 J. Carrigan by indenture bearing
even date with st certain indeuture of mortgage, viz:
July Ist, 1846, but duly executed and acknowledged
Prior to the execution of said indenture, granted' and
conveyed unto the said Elizabeth Bakeoven in foe sub
ject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or princi-•
pal Anurof four hundred And seventy eve dollars and
sixteen cents, made of the said premisow of the said
Jacob .T. Carrigan to Elizabeth Bakeoven and others, and
the interest thereafter to accrue and grow due thereon.
Send and taken in ex; cution as the property of Eliza,
beth Ba.kooven, and to be sold by
Philadelphia Sheriff's Office. Decethber 12;1861
ID. C., 824; D.. '82..1 $624.C0. Page. dels-St
a wriaf Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ea ,
posed to public sale or voluble, on MONDAY Evening,
sianuarY 6, 1E63, at 4 o . cloclr, at Sausonrstreet ,
No. L that certain two story brick dwelling house,
situate on the north side of Mountain street, beginning at
the distance of one hundred and eighty-three feet five
inches east of Tenth street, in the First Ward of the city
of Philadelphia, being of the dimensions of sixteen feet
in front by twenty-six (26) feet or thereabouts in depth,
and the lot of ground whereon the same is erected, con
taining in front or breadth on the said Mountain street
sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that
width northward forty-two feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Daniel
W. Gamble, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Dee.eatther 11,
CD. C.;318; D, Debt $147.52. W. S. Price.] dels-3t
a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public Sale or vendue, on MONDAY F.,voning,
January 5, 154 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
No. 2. All that certain two-story brick dwelling house,
situate on the north side of Mountain street, beginning
at the distance of one hundred and ninety-nine feet five
inches cast of Tenth street, in the First ward of the city
of Philadelphia, being of the dimensions of sixteen feat
In front by twenty-six (25) feet or thereabouts In depth,
and the lot of ground whereon the same is erected, con
taining in front or breadth on the said Mountain street
sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that
width northward forty-two feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Daniel
W. Gamble, and to be sold by
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0111 cc, December 11,1662.
CD. C., 215: D., ' 62 .3 Debt, $147.52. W. S. Price. dels-3t
a writ of Levari Facies, to me. directed, will be ex
posed to t c6 ac a nle o ,o e f oc T c ..u a ti t ug :m u i n ,om M2 t NDNi a y l , ,:ening,
No. 1. Al l that certain cottage or two-story brick and
filmic building, and lot or curtilage appurtenant thereto,
situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the dis-
Noce of sixty-six f i let northward from the north side of
.Wharton street, in the city of Philadelphia; said lot
containing in front on said Thirteenth street sixteen feet,
and el:tending of that width in length or depth westward
one hundred beet to Clarion street. •
Seized and taken in execution as the property of George
H. Lowry; ind to be sold by
Philadelphia, Short ti"ti Office, December 11, 1812.
CD. C., 532; .D.; '61..] Debt, $105.87. W. S. Price: dels-3t
a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
January 6,15(33, at .1 o'clock, at Sansom-street
No. 2. All that certain cottage or two-story brick and
frame building, and lot or =Wage appurtenant thereto,
situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, at the dis
tance of eighty-two feet northward from the north side of
Wharton street, in the city . of Philadelphia; said lot con
taining in front on said Thirteenth street sixteen feet,
'and extending of that width in length or depth westward
oneltuudred Met to Clarion street.
. . „ _ • -
Seized and taken in execution aa the property or George.
H. Lowry, and to be sold by
JOHN 7110MPSON, Sheriff.'
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 11, IX3
CD. C., SW ; D., Gtl Debt, 7IUS.S7. W. S. Price. deLi-St
of Fieri Facias, to me directed, will be ex-
Posed ' to public sale or .vendue, on ;11.0XDAY Evening,
January 5, ISO, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, •
I All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
tho cast side of Thirty-third street at the distance of
twenty-live feet southward front the south side of Hamil
ton street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phi
ladelphia, containing in front or breath h on said Thirty
third street twenty-five feet, and extending. in length or
depth eastward of that width between lines at right
angles therewith at one hundred and Ave feet, including
on the rear end thereof the whole of a certain three-feet.
wide alley, which extends northward into Hamilton.
street. [Beingpart of thesame premises which John Shed
wick and wife, by deed dated August IS, 1549, recorded in
Deed Book A. 1.). 8., liru,• 50,p age 541, &c., granted and
conveyed unto Jeremiah Bonsall in fee.
No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on
the south side of Mimi' ton street at the distance of one
hundred and thirty-fire feet wo4ward fromthe west side
of Thirty:-second street, in the Twenty...fourth ward afore
said, containing in front or breadth on said tramiltou
street twenty feet, and extending. of that width in length
or depth southward between lines at right angles there
with one hundred feet. [Being the same premises which
Joseph .11erbert and wife, by deed dated the Bth day . of
September, A. D. 1'260, recorded in Deed Book A. (1.
No. 8, pigs 10:, 1 granted and convoyed (inter ann.) unto
Jeremiah Bonsalln fee.)
" Seized 11.1111 taken iu execution as the property of
Jeremloh Boutiall; mark) ho mold by
r.. - - JOHN THOIIPSON, Sheriff.'
phipmel pi& Sheriff's office. December 11, 1662.
rad` *kJ r 63.1 Debt, .10.000. Thos. D. Smith. dels,3t
Wwin",v,nrC , NeWanna . ,
kr: ;
PHLi STRAMSHLP LIRE, slang' from 44 4:
rc on SATURDAYS, from second wharfbelow SEBUM
.treet,Thiladelphia, and Long wharf, Boshin. .
The steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, will sail from
Philadelphia on SATURDAY. December 20, at 10 A. M.,
and steamer SAXON, Capt. Matthews, from Boston, oc
SATURDAY, December 11. at 4 P. BL' '
These new and substantial steamships form a regulu
ine, sailing from each port punctually on Saturday-e.
Insurances effected at one half the premium charged 111
sail vessels.
Freights taken at fair rates
Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and. Bah
Lading with their goods.
For Freight or Passage, (haring tine secommddatioinaa
apply_ to HENRY WINSOR & CO.,
not 832 SontIIDELAWARE Avenue.
-• •
TERRA . 007 TA .- -WARE.
Fano:sower Pots. '''
Rama "Vases;
Feru Vases, with Plants.
. - Orange PON.
Ivy Vases, with Plants.
Cassolefts Renaissanc e .
Lava Vases Antique. •
Consols awl Car - Jahnlea.
Marble Bugts and PadaStahl.
Brackets, all sizes.
With a large assortment of other . FANCY GOODS,
suitable for CREISTMAS PRESENTS, most of which arc
manufactured and imnorted for our own.sales, aud'will
not lie found at any other establishment: . .
. .
dell \' . - 101 0 CRESTNCT Street:
. WATER Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer
ht Ohio and Illinois BROOM CORN, HANDLES, WIRE,
TWINE, .to. 0c1.141m
. TAPNB, bign,ris andhitg.for ado kr : 1 •• •
•• • -
'nee. • :RnprAirstitt. NA. 12A FrATANTIT .80%4
, .
. .A4Luttonnts j jut received Per ektP.:Tandalia, from
3441,314 or 6a II.ISRETCHE &
est: — 7 . • SO% eta. 204 South FLOAT Street.
AN B. mTERs kcg..
BEES. lion. 232 and 231- ht
SALE Op pouA.xei ''pio..
December 15. will be N
~.m oit za.M. as 1,..:a..,...„.,,
we fu I'S, in s.a ble. ina i tin. finfo, ~. lai.r.l "- •
Atis and pieces.
• . 1 t....- .
GOODS. '•• , 'ti i
TlliS MORN in.:,
December 15; at 10 o'clock. wilt b.". s•ita h.
months' credit
• c ni it
About 750 packages and lots of French, q„
d British dry goods , comprising a n•;•,....;:=4:•
%Roy and staple articles in silks, -,,."•
cotton fabrics. ,
LARGE POSITIVE SALE of 110 .'rrs hu h .,
)ecetnberl6, at 19 o'clock, vrill te..y
4 months' credit—
". "cf.
bout 1,000 nackf,sges boots, Rho—,
ta, &c.. embracing a general sioriZti.
Is, of City and &stern manufactwe.
__._...._ .
December IS, at 10 o'clock, trill be M OSNIP; 0 4
~,A f b
1 4 nionthe' credit—
(bout 775 Packages an d lota or Britiall C. i .
1 American du goods, embrneir 4 k f; ; ;Pkt.
Irtment of staple and fancy hc;:c14..11:4
itods, linen and cotton, and , ilk.t. """ 4 1
- - -- --- --- -
SALE OF I3lF0It('LI) rt
N ~ D
Dec. 10, at 30 o'clock, on 4 Mouths'
*SO lots of fancy and staple itnpett:sl dr„
Samples and dataingrie, 4.11 y, 1
.SLIP FORD & CO., AtiViik •
• ha
525 MARKET and 522 Coll3l Eol.l , ^‘ '4l
. ----- -
SALE OF 1,000 CASE:, 110076, su r l / 44. ....
GANS, ac.
December 15, at 10 o'clock olaiaeir, le n t 6, ,
'Logue, 1,000 ca.sfi menu, lii . l N. :Uhl 4C..i.
A 'grain boots, car awd . kip breg kos, 15,.c5,,
omen's misses', and children a nilr, ki i .,•f: ,, a.
orocco keeled boots and show,,,, 4 . a i t . r... i s. ,z. , ii. l c ,
so, first-claas city-made goods. "t'd
gai- Open for examination, With c itt , i ,,
e morning of sale.
,'".• , 50, 4
SALE OF 1,000 CASES 100 m, si t) ,,
oAn sT • .N. Iti,
leceinber IS, at 10 o'clock mrcisely. wildt;,bo'Olts"), cl'a.alrsaaninndedne'lk,iiighde:eliv:l;6:,l"iirs:klift,htacitigii..
ten's, misses',
'heeled boots and idine,:
••exam illation. witlic.4:
• Nos. 139 and 141 Smith I.(
dmiuistrator's Additional Perempkr
Hiatt' Wood t, deceased
December 16, at 12 o'clock, noon, trill lie
tle, without reserve, at the Philadelpliiii
7dor of administrator's 6rp4
$,500 one For account of whom3s it
y concerti
-56 first mortgage Sinking html Baids, 44'0 4 .;
eokuir, Mt. Pleasant, and Mitscatine 11111mailV
16 Bond 8, $5OO each, Henry countv jowa.
Immediately after the Stocks will le. .41 %
ottlit of Real Estate, including vat nablei.'t
idsoine aud Plain city dwelliugs,
Pamphlet catalogues now ready.
ues now reed contain ing fe:ll4,
: S in T p O l SK e p cit Ar ai ll og
s of all the property to he selll on 'fl!EibAY •
inst.. with a list of halos tikl oud :nth 1).,,,
p r mi n o. a great Variety ~.f valoable prArtal
er of- 45rphaus' Court. exoeaterd. mid °Uteri.
Aa r . A
scription large amount
cour4tr at rirsteliat% inc!udisz
• of am o u n t
N.y be had at the Auction Mum y
.prlpeny. him(
ty, Penna.., being i nundivittpl riga% of,
ti, known as the Fishing emit Veal Lau;
y of the act, and the names,,, the owxr,
lons of the Estate, and the Jtep9rt au.t esr, 4 ,i.
oal Operations, toFtlier with a liar, may
Auction Rooms. he machinery for
is contracted for, to be deltyered on th. i. 4),
nxt • 4firPorther informiltani tapy h 4 4
shen to J. Sergeant Price, Ese., zecictary ~(de
y, at 813 Arch street.
buildings, modern improvement,,Pt
230 north Juniper street
th of Buttonwood street.
xecutor's Sale—Estate of Wm. Fre..44. 3 . ( t ett ,
using avenue and "Rio Grande Place." Ll
st. west of Nineteenth st., between
rhill streets.
'eremptory Sale—LOT, monoomeßs An)
rth of Frankford road, IS:h Adeabolo
7WO.TDREE-E'rORY ovaLusci .
d 10S Bread street, between 5ee,..1.1..5.1 Taii4
eve Arch street, with two three-storY brick C.
the rear. a
'erentptory SaIe—MANDSOME MODERN 614,
st of Sikteenth st,; 22 feet front. Bas all fisiblea
iveniences, &c.;_ sale absolute.
TALUABLE PROPERTY, known as the R.V.Fingfr
ITEL, No. 422 Race street, west of Fourth sAt.4
nt. •
Sears st, between Sixth anti Serest!' alkyd'
'Lawton et.; 2 two-story bria thttiliuzs tt+tat
December Li, :It 4 o'clock, at the Aorth%
,•ftry of. valuable medical, theoluifical„ and
onS work,, a slumber of surgical L'i•trelllt9ll. Ft
rticalars acecatalogueg.
eeernber 16, at 4 o'clock, will he s:11,1 hi
um a private collection of coins:bk. and iirept
ks on Various subjects, many of L nolo ti
s, with fine illustrations. Also, A filllUb.tkif
he att of drawing and painting. and tam einpa
For partieularS See earllogites
Pole fin-Account United States.
December 20, at 10 oclock, at the Auction it. 1.111
rge quantity of wool, Lytton, and leather enc.*
so about :3.000 R; Ira Per.
flay be examined aay time precietts
Between Market and Che:ituut.
The subscriber will give his attention TA3 sales (k 4
Estate, Merchandise, llousehold Furaiture,Faay.Gsek
Paintings, objects of Art and Virtue, Jo.; width
shall have his personal and prompt atteaUsaad kt
which he solicits the favors of his friends.
December 13, at 10 o'clock, at No. MS:Mb Sinliana
Very rich French china, in single ;Ld &lib:. :-.4 , 41
for silver; elegantly decorated French tkir.l
perb dinner setts, toy setts, and a general
rlch.fancy goods.
December 16, at 11 o'clock, at \0.16 &ash>irusY3
Comprising extraordinary tine wines, brand'?
whislries, &0., belonging to rho same laro ine
have been selling for the last year. Warranted psrtist
N. B.—Theee liquors hive given entire st:l4.l.;iti it
all purchasers. Private gentlemen are invited 11 ego
ine them.
TIONBERS, No. 213 MARKET Strict.
By Catalogue,
Dec. 11, commencing at 10 o't lock precisely. C0MP05 , 4
an aSSUrOuent of ucw and desirable:awl.' for / 10 " 4
Included trill be found—
A full and very attractive assortment of vvr
just landed, comprising Bohemian glass Wan?, au
figures, and fancy goods.' china tea-setts all ,141-.
'French and German wood toys and figaret,
blocks, &c.
Arrauged for examination, _with catalogn.,A, emir a
the morning of sale.
Also, 110NDAY .11.01121150.
At commencement of sale, an invoice ,n* laity' y
misses' fancy furs.
EERY GOODS. &c.. by cm:duple.
December 17, commencing at 10 o'clock precigelY.
Comprising about 7501uts of desirable mr,xl:s, adgued
present, sales.
Catalogues and samples earls ou the nioruias of
ner of SIXTH and RACE Streets.
Fine gold huntlugcase English intent lever mode ,
of the mast approved and best makers; openttre Etti
ladies line gold. hunting-case and open laCe Ile ,
0 7
watches i elegant fine gold drntnuud 554 asf;
elled hunting case lever watches, full jewult4l
enamelled lever and leldlie Nrawhe4; liar
vest, and chatlein chains; fine gold brAcclez.
breastpins, linger-rings, pencil cases and Oen ,
medallions, charms. specks, buckles. ses7;-pin ,
sleeve buttons, and jewelry of every deecripa , a•
'M very superior double-barrel English Ink :or!»
pieces, with bar locks and back-action -X-fr
duck guns, rifles, revolvers, &c., together wita
fancy articles, fine old xiolins,
Call soon, and select bargains. M. NATO'
• . . . .
Prom Janutiry. Ist, tlie .second, third. s. lll ,fi'll
floors 'ot Nos. 426 and 428 'Market street.:llo SDI
now - oesupied by Leon Berg' & Go: Apply. u7 i — t, 9
and o'clock. at 320 WALNUT Street, Office
stairs. ' .
JwitHOUSES, on the west side of BROAD Stre 01 07:;"1
Columbia avenue. Apply it the southwest cett.!.,
NINTH and RANSOM streets. sg.s.
.waBRICK DWELLLNG, on RACE Save, 01 0
above Twelfth. north side. Rent low to a goot
Apply to WETREHILL datittlTH=t.
u. l 47 and• 49 North SECOND
mIiaLDWELLING, /4:1321 North FftOXT Street. , 11.4
moderato. Apply to WETHERIII, 1 31 . 0 ' . •
0c27-tf 47 and 49 :North SECOND ttrert
• •
T].—One of the bentidinds for Iniit. , ,o. in g:! •
ty of Gloucester, situate hi' the clesinthie lsor:: 31- ;
Woodbury, N. .T., S miles from Philsilotphia.
is an.old. stand, all the improvements Witt% in
order. Terms trmy. Apply to rgrri
de.l3 No. 309 W.U.Nrir
SALE 'VERY LOW corner of RITTENHOr , • r .:
LEHMAN Streets, with stable and carriage hett•••: •
by 171 feet. o •
• Also, The Philadelphia House," at CaFe• o• 3 `' • •-
or without the furniture. The houso • *di•ro..•
ben4,•large parlor, dining room and kitchen.w!d i .
house, Wash house, &c., &c. Lot. tiff br WO. P,11,?:
stabling forl-1 horses—pleasantly shunted. and "
sold very cheap.
A . large variety of Cottages, Farms, sudeltY Or.P 6
for sale or exchange
Also, 3 Grist Mills. with lands and houses att:!rh' 4 l
B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH ett,of
or 6. corner Seveuteenth and tar!
Aga. SALE.—On the premises; on MONDAY'. 10 „;,„
23E11.1600662, used for the Inauntluinn) of *taws vv --
and other article.; required by laws builders.,
The Factory_ is situated on STARR. Stre.n. to W..
rough of PH tENIXVILLI3, near the depot.:o feet Iti r o
by 60 feet iu depth, two stories high in front as
stories back. The building, the lot, and all the
Planing M is acngi n of
(Ri ce o s h pa se n -p t),Sa er s h,
Blind. 310.!ii
and 'remelting nachiues, Gig Saw. Scroll Sitit, ,, zoFf=
Saw, and two Circular Saws, will besold together-T.47
good order and llt fur immediate use. A ' a rse ter•lL,
has been done at this pluce-ikdoeirable tur;',
is no competition in Phconimille or the
country. lt _is well worthy. the attention or bit:l7i.
men. Conditions at sale, st.2lVelock P. M. on mi.'
will he made known by h.. F. PENZIITACK EIt,
de96t Agent for Wm. M.
Tltis desirable r
l'rope t) with excellent haft
l'uer and conveuiestcis forin . 'akin,„. charcoal _ea':;:
With about siXty-ilvemans of productive farie-ar47.;.
niit.timber laud, Will be offered at Public
raises, at PENIcit'aOO4I7ILLE, Clieter
N'euusilva tan nolboad, dot 'llll7 itSDAV. tto. ! 3 " . , ' .
at 2 o'cloc k P.M. lie , is the Frge. the ouVr l ' 9;4 'fivi
fronts are. a Raok none , ma [hove. swot.,
Atone Teueinetw and other bli itwhiut:
large stole Flow Mill hottse, with it , . Dir.tataegTh ; -
coal for trothizz blooms eau he obtained az fi,lr 24.;;
dell** • • BricKfAy S 331
. -- -
9 . FABitl. of al ores. two walks northeast of N ,. . .
1' 0 ,4 11
town, on the 4>rtuantown - Tur:3Prie• with el.:, of
Buildings. Sold Venom large town. Apple Oro
other imprommts. Li/Lyme oa the Maj."'. z7 .-...;11. .4 v..'