Leutzo's Great Mural Picture. [from the Washington Chronicle Lovers of art will be pleased to learn that Mr. Loutre has completed the great mural painting upon which be has so long and ao diligently labor ed, and that it will to-day be op:n to the inspec tion of the public. Those familiar with the "ex tensions" of the Capitol will remember that there aro four grand staircases, eaoh baying, opposite to its upper landing, a large mural space, which the architect proposed to have deoorated with paint ings. The space on the western staircase of the House of Representatives was entrusted to Mr. Leutzo, who selected as his subject one of the four primary causes of the prosperity of the R - publio—" Emigration to the IV - est." The design displays great diversity, energy, and obaraoteristio action, representing with marked fidelity tie peaceful settlement of the far West. Without undertaking to date, or to localize, or even to portray any particular events, the artist has given, in a condensed form, the conquest of the Paola() slope, while, if his admirable design be 'carried out, the side walls of the same staircase .will display the earlier history of Western emigra tion in illustrations of the discoveries of the val leys of the Mississippi and the Ohio. In the painting now completed, which is charac terised by its depth of tone and harmony of color ing, as well as by the spirited effectiveness of the design, we see a party of emigrants- who have ar rived near sunset on the divide of the water-sheds of the Rooky. Mountains, from whenoe they obtain the first view of the Peelle slope their "promised land," El Dorado. They have left behind them the plains over which they so tediously journeyed, and, as they emerge from the rooky glens, the fore most of the party can tee the Western ocean dimly traced on the horizon at the loft of the picture. In the centre tower the Rooky Mountains, with their stratified cr , gs, at the foot of which, to the right of the picture, is'tlae table-land and the roll ing prairie, in which rises a tributary of the "fa ther of waters." It is a condensed panoramic view of the topographical features of our great overland route. The figures toll the atory of that wonderful ex odus from the Mississippi valley whiok at ones founded a State. 3idch ono is a study of character, individually perfect, yet harmonizing with the others, and the aceemries are given with 'minute exactness and care, giving the composition a real historical value. The emigrants aro mounted, or on foot, or in and around their train of wagons, which conies toiling up the slope, jolting along the gitllied trail, and steadied by the drivers to prevent overturns. High up, on the nearest pinnaole of rock, two adventurous young men are planting the 1, Stars and Stripes," emblematic of the national sovereignty of the Union, one and it divisible. A frontier farmer, who is a type of the yeomen of Tennessee, has carried up on the summit of a large rook, his suffering, travel-worn wife, with their infant in her arms, to show her the glories of the promised land. Their son, a personification of CC Young Amerioa." stands with his father's rifle and his own jack-knife, looking into the vista as if wondering how long ,it would be before he would represent it in Congress, while his little sister is cheering' their mother with expressions of wonder and of surprise. The mother is a perfect study of expression, indicative of a strong religious feeling Of thankfulness for deliverance from dangers past, and hope' that her children may enjoy their new home at which they gaze. In the ravine which forms the foreground of the pleura a party of axeM n are clearing the fallen trees from the trail. The guide, an old trapper, Glad completely in buckskin, has halted his horse, and is pointing out the path. Nigh to him, a young adventurer rises in his stirrups to catch the first glimpse of his future field of action, while his steed is toiling up the last slope of the divide. His comrade, who follows, is cheering on those in their rear, and they are both types of vigorous path- Letters, with their outfits strapped to their beasts— lariats, meal-bags, cooking utensils, blankets, .ko. Another yowl fellow, who carries his fiddle with him, is assisting his younger partner for life up to the rock to peep at t:e land of gold, their countenances expressing careless happiness, al though their costumes show that they have almost everything to gain, unless it be mutual affection and joint hope. A very pleasing group consists of a mother car rying her infant, mounted on a sturdy mule, led by a negro boy. The mother, who, doubtless, expects to meet the father of her child, (who had preceded them,) kisses the babe with tears of joy, while the young Etbiop caresses the long-eared beast which Las so faithfully and so steadily borne his burden. The charming expression of maternal joy renders the fade of the mother one of the gems of the pic ture—. Equally pleasing, perhaps, is a rough but bin-hearted bunter, assisting along the rocky path a lad wbo has been wounded, probably, in a fight with the Indians. Behind these, and in the immediate foreground a team of oxen is drawing along a wagon in which aita a young woman, who holds a younger sister, and who looks peeringly down into the country to which they are destined, as if in doubt whether there wee not more troubles ahead, while the child is-playfully thoughtless of the change in their lives now about accomplished. One brother drives the patient oxen, and astride of one of the beasts sits another lad, who carries an Indian bow and arrows, with a dead squirrel which he has shot. One must see the picture to appreciate the elegance of these figures, the variety of their expressions, the car. redness and yet reserve of characterization there in. They display the result of careful studies from life, and of a refined and earnest conception of American character, rather than a servile imitation of European schools. The pioture is surrounded with an ornamental border, which will separate it at the aides from the others, which it is to be hoped will soon be its Banking companions. In the middle of the upper Margin is the American eagle shielding Union and Liberty bineath his wings. On the left aro tho aittmen, preeededj by .a hunter, who has attacked a catamount, but who has• been marked by a con cealed Indian, who is letting fly an arrow at him. On the right we see the agriculturist, preceded by tbe missionary ; a prairie owl and a rattlesnake are seeking the hospitality of a prairie dog; while an Indian, muffling himself in his robe, withdraws from the light of knowledge. The motto woven in the, arabesque of this design is " Westward the Star of Empire takes its way." • On the right margin, counneocing at the bottom, we see types of utigr.tion—a child watching the flight of herons ; Moses leading the Israelites through. tbe.destrt ; the ravens with the loaf; the hunter rthe spits of Eshol bearing the fruits of Canaan; Hercules dividing the pillars of Gibraltar, and thus opeoing the way to he West—pins Ball way np is a medallion portrait of Daniel Boone, whose history portrayed will illustrate the crossing of the Allegbanies . On the left margin we see a child paddling in a tortoise Ebell ; sea gulls; Arlon on a dolphin, (the Mit naval expedition ;) the dove bearing the olive branch; a sailor the argosie of the golden fleece; and the Magi following the star to the East. Half Way np is a portrait of Captain William Clark. On the lower margin is a representation of the Golden Gate, or the entrance to the harbor of San Francisco. The motto is taken from a poem by Bishop Berkeley, the last verse of which reads: Westward the wove oft melte takes its way, The Crat 5.-or art> ahead) , pot, The firth elm , ' dean the empire with the day." And the Pacific ocean appropriately closes the por traiture of Emigrattoe to else West. This is the first mural painting in the Capitol, or Indeed in this country, painted in what is called the " sterectehromatic" style. This is based on the chemical qualities of the silicates, and it has been used with complete success by artists in Ger many and in England. Mr. Leutte emn but receive the warm congratu lations of his friends and of all art-lovers for having adorned our national legislative halls with a grand and noble work of art, which not only exhibits the characteristics of his style, but is a great achieve ment, far surpassing any work of art now at the Capitol, if not on the American continent. The Fight at Clack's Mills An account cf tide effete, containing come errors, hav ing been published by ne, ae avail ourselves of a state• Brent by an (Bice) to correct them. The engagement took Vac° on the 7th toetant. Captain Barstow, of the 10th Illinois Cal 'dry, received information about eight o'clock, that a to; co of rebels was lying wan' six Miles of bie camp, at Clerk's Mille. Despatchiag a lien. tenant on the Ganesville road, with twenty men, the Cap tain proceeded with ,terbteen men down the ?Teat Plains road. When hot two miles f, om camp. he cede upon the bead of a column marching towards him. A charge wee ordered, ehicb recalled in killieg nineteen rebels end wounding tome twenty, beanies a number of boraes. }lading tbe , enemy's torte about five hundred, Captain Barstow retreated to camp, with a lose of two killed, five wounded, and twelve borate badly shot. About the same time, five scouts rettnnett, and represented a large force of the rebels advancing from another direction. ales. Dengue were deepatcned to dpringlield and Marabileld for reinforcemetts, but eff mitre as /stance from any Quarter was then out or the Question. 83 It tarried eat The enemy oven , d a fire with two air pounders on the block•honee of the poet, cop: Barstow replying with his two pieces of light artillery, and continued the fight with great bravery oath 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when, bole; out cf ammunition, be was compelled to surrender. It bed previously been ascertained that no way was open for the retreat of the whole command. 13 event y• live men, Including the Captain, surrendered to the rebel commander, General Barbrilge, who paroled the Captain and his men on the spot, allowing them to retain their private properly. About thirty *seated without aurrendeting. The rebels had four six pounders, between five and six hundred Infantry, and twelve hun. Bred cavalry. Their loss was fifty•seven killed and a large number wounded. Captain Barstow's loss was seven killed and five wounded The charge in the morn ing was certainly cue of the boldest operations we have beard of dente; the war. Captain Barstow deserves Praise for his determined reeletence.—St. Lauis Repub. A JUST COMPLIMENT TO A FEDERAL REGI MEN T.—The concept:L(l(la of the Daily News given en his personal bnowlcdce, a clarion, story of a regiment of Oconee:lent recruits engaged at the battle of Antie tam. They bad j rifled only three or tour days before the battle, and wcre wholly or:drilled, officers and men alike—the only urinary man being the colonel. The three days were ever c in teaching them to load and tire, and these wee no time to teach them more. On the fourth day they were engaged, and held their ground In line manfully till ()Foil er.ked by an .oVee whelming foroa of the enemy. Au or der was then sent to the colonel to withdraw them. sad be was obliged to reply that neither nien nor officers con!d execute an. movement whatever, and he " could only stay where he was or run away," and there be th. 1.1. .c the men never flinching under a murderous tire " another corps relieved them when ball their number, 1. eluding their colonel, were stretched on the Held These eve, inreed, military materials worthy of better generalship than they obtain.—London Spec tator, Nov 1. FALL OF A C URDU BELL—SEVERAL PER BONS INJURED —On Wednesday a new bell, weighing 2,eco pound., we. being raised to the belfry of the Bap tist Church, In Wot•nrn, Massachusetts, when nearly to the belfry, the iron trace chains (by which the horses were attached to the hotelirg apparatus) parted, and re bounding knocked town a number of persona that were 'Pulling on the 'eye Frederick Devoll was thrown upon a fence peer br, and had one of his legs broken. A son of Bemuel Neville sod about 18, had an arm broken In two tracer, and was etberwise hurt in the bead. Eddie Newell, about 8 yeses old, ,on of George A. Newell, (firm of Talbot & Newell.) Boston, was wounded In the face, cutting his cheek sod fracturing the jawbone 'lightly. A son of AiYab Buckman was also bruteed somewhat. The Natilleto) Is coneldered tube in a critical aitnation. Tile bell came to the ground without damage. AOMDENT 0 rale BRIGHT,—As acting Brig. •(ten. Wright, of the 15. h Connecticut, was paseiog.over the Long Bri:se cn ten ds, afternoon to an ambulance, Au company with ()ell Brown, of the 12th Rhode Island, • the apron:lr of a trbiu cT care ceased the horses to take fright. rend cite g them altogether onmenageble. The ambuiacce was evert. and thole within thrown out. • (ten. Wright wee injorcd quite eerlon.Jy, but clot Brown got off with a kw Might beultee —Washington. Star. es VICTORY OR I , EATII "—Maggie Bradford, of 111., foilows,J be: lover, George Percival. to the 'war. Percival got the c Moors to exclude her from the lines, at el Abe die) eartened woman took Arsenio In the presence of the abo'e regiment from the effects of which the died in a shoe' line, tto ash every possible effort Wad made to save her the. JUST PUtili-llllENT.—Generel Grant bas issued an order esseelice np n the 20th Illinois Begiment the earn of 81,742 (.2 for darters which they did to the store INA Property rf writ. 0. W. Graham & 00.. of Jack son. Tenn.. on the lent of Nov. 7. Chaplains Friable and Tnnison, of this can e regiment, who were present while the nllleenß Nv4• in v. -ogress, but took no measures to check It, were , mn.t, :ea oat of make fOr dereliction of duty. WOMEN ItYl 1.1 Tr 0 TO PAY TAX 1118 —Sarah B. Wall, of Woreforer, MMa••ei:hn*etta, has ividreeped a lat he to the 'into, of the. Daiisltiry, giving as her reason! for 'einem r tom • to Imo taxes, the 10th arliole in the Bill cf Tight• "bt ICh ( * KATOe that "no part of the properly of aLy it..tivldoel can, with insides; be takita krOm him or aPP I,4 to i übilo uses, without hie own con sent, or that of the repretentative both of the people." LEGAL INTELLTGENOM. Supreme Court at Nisi Prius..irtEiluity—Jaa• tires Thompson and Woodward Where a (awful business is carried on at Unteasonabte hours to the annoyance and discomfort of neighbors, and until it became* a nuisance, Rutty wit/ inter fere by injunction to restrain it. WILLWI F. DENSTS Ye Honor Bortiiinr. Motion for soma! irjunption. Opinion by Thom peon, J. It is es sential in all civilized communitlee flint the individual dominion of property should be redulonsly . ['detrained witoM she principle that each owner Nhordd ro use it as not to irjure hie neighbor, .‘ Sic Were Not,/ aiiena in non laedes." The principle fa necessary to Dre , erve toe Safety and health, as well as morality of the People, awl hence a power must exist somewhere to enforoe it. If this were not eo, unwholesome establishments, filth/ stye*, and die. Venting machinery might and would bo erected at the very doom of private dwellings. to the de struetionof all peace, health, eta o nniort of the Menges. A cr mmunity In which ouch privileges should exist could not long exist Be civilized The courts, through the medium of their common law forme ' can only act indirectly for the suppression of snob evils by the imposition of demagog for Works, already done, leaving. of course, the ovum still in existent*. Nu one can well doubt that where there is a cage for damage' the establishment is a nuleance ; and all will readily agree that to leave it in full operation to breed Macaws as wet as future law enits is to have attempted redress by a very inadequate remedy. Tbo case in bead is the shop of a tinsmith and sheet. iron worker, who, it ',ems, has emoted his shop, a very thin, loose building of boards, some eight feet from the beck building and sleeping rooms of the comPlalneeit and there carries on work, generally beginning in the morning before or by daylight, and resuming is again in the evening at or about 8 o'clock P. al., and keeping it np thin o'clock atnight, having generally employment elsewhere during the day. The noise of the hammering and pounding in retch an establishment, we well know, is usually very great, and the affidavits describe is as into lerable in this instance, so ranch so that the complainant and his family can scarcely hear each other converse have been obliged to abandon their ohambera next to the shop, and are every night and morning deprived of their rest by the yereiatent hammering of the defendant. The complainant alleges that ho hoe appealed in vain to him to abstain from his disturbing noises in the runn ings and evening° ; that, although sickness and death were in the house, he has disregarded his appeals, tio, too, be disregarded the notice of an Intended application for a epeeist injunction given to him in this case, and leaves cm without explanation of his, conduct or deisial of the facto alleged. Taking, then, these facts before us at true—for no one disputes them—can be be restrained front the exercise of his trade on his own premises, although Who noisy 7 I mill, at this time, envy examine the main question , ' of law incolv*d in thin cue, so far ea may be necfesary to an uncle/Mantling of the decision which may be made under the present sepect of the oaee. The first thing to be thought of is, whether any decree, preliminary or otherwise, can be turd° without a trial at common law, and a verdict settling the fart of a 11121311QC11 on account of the manner in veinal the defentlaut carries on his business. The object of a trial wa ma 7 remem ber' however, is to settle the right whore it is in dispute. but we have, at this moment at tenet, no disputed feat before us. The defendant interposes neither fact nor argument against the present motion. and we are to de tide on the case before us on the sufficiency of the facts to establish the ground of complaint—viz: that the mien emanating from the defendant's shop at tfiaseason able hours eareciallt, and at all hours, is a nuisance. That the affidavits establish this I have no doubt, sad also that these noises are a nuisance, if a nuisance coat be created by such means. The business of a tin and sheet Iron manufacturer is lawful; hie shop is not a nuisance per se. This must be conceded. If It were, no doubt could exist in regard to the remedy by it junction. Wherein consists the dif ference between a Entwine° per se and where a -lawful nutsvit is eo carried on as to become a nuisance 1 It is rot, I apprehend, in the remedy, but only in the proof of it. That once established, either by non .denial, trial at law, or otherwise it falls into the same current of remedy in chancery as if it were a nuisance per as. We have many cases in the broke. English and Ameri can, of recoveries against lawful establishments, mein. factories and the like, on account of annoyances from Deface, he. Such recovery weld only be had on the ground of nuisance. In Gill vs Bradley, 1 Rntwitott, 29, was a recovery against a blacksmith on account of the nedies incident to his busioess. Mumford and where vs. The %Voverbampton Railway Company. 1 Burl. and Norm. 84, was on account of 'a steam-boiler eh p Davidson vs. 'sham, 1. Hoek, B. 186, Oh. William. son expressed freely hie opinion as to 310115efil from mann. team irg establishments and shops in the heart of a city becomirg private nuisances, sr d liable to be reetrained sod controlled by troceedings in chancery. Fieh vs. Dodge, 4 Dento, 311, wee a case agsinet a steam engine factory, end it wee luny agreed that a recovery might be had on account of noises. So is 9 Pedal', lc U. gap , Dargen vs. Waddell, p. 244, datusgee woro allowol ageing the owner of a stable on account of the !whir made by home stamping in the night•tlme. These Clfled suffice to short that there is no exemption because the hosirese may be lawful, it ice exercise works berm or injury to others. We have often held that repeated seta of trespass amcrintlng to a nuisance as to a private right, may be °Opined in Pennsylvania. boheetz's Appeal, it, Claseh 88, and cases there cited. But this ie only when there is no adequate remedy at saw. I cannot doubt that a constant annoyance, which at law cannot be abated, is never remeoied by damages. The loss of health and sleep; the enjoyment of quiet and repose ; and the comforts of home, cannot be restored or compensated in muir y ; it may afford consolation, but it does2net remedy the ovii, if that goes on, to be paid for by instalments The law operates on the past only,.while equity can and will not on the present and the future, will abate the nulaanoe itself, and restore the Injured party to his rights In tbia case a snit or Butts would not be an adequate remedy for the evils complained of, in my opinion. But we should not interfere by preliminary Injanotion, except in cases of irreparable Mischief or injury. Have we not such a case kere? It may be asked if the mischief is rot itreparabie.whioh entails the want of health as a consequence of annoyances. A chancellor does not wait till nolecme trades and unwholesome gases kill some body before he proceeds to restrain; or that the threat ened destruction of pictures, charts, Ac., Sc., his taken place. His remedy is preventive, and if the tendenoy of the acts complained of be injurious, so that the injury may be irreparable, he will proceed t prevent them. 'Dr. Spencer states his experience of the noises from the defersdar.t'a shop, while attending the plaintiff's fuzzily, and de, hires his belief that it greatly into fered with his °Veda WI °here his patients, and he gives his belief that it would jeopard the lif of a patient, in the crisis of a fever, by preventing rest and sleep. Ido not forget the admonition against using the 'grme arm of the chancel lor, but that eh ength wan given, end 'tended to be need, in proper cases, and I think this is one of them as it now stand:, before ns. What may be male to ap rear on answer, pieedinge, and proofs,.if the case comer to that, I do not anticipate nor prejudge ; it is of the cm, as it is now, 01 at I treat. I am, therefore, of opinion that the defendant should be restrained from 'using his tin and ebeet•iron workshop, as a workshop, until farther order cf the court. Let the decree for a prallosioarr in- junction be drawn and entered on the plaintiff's giving bond with entlicient sureties, in $l,OOO to the de'eadant,- conditioned to answer in damages, in ease of lose by rep• Bon of this injunction. Peter tdcuall, Reg , appeared for complainant. The defendant was not represented either in person or by comae'. Common Pleas—Judges Thompson and Lud low. - The following opinitns wore read by the judges on 83.. tutday. When they bad been concluded Juige Ludlow announced that he believed that all the cases that had been argued during the September term in the Court of Cetumon Pleas, Orphans' Court, and tlegister's Oottrt were now disposed of, with the exception of Tiers' estate and two other caves, one of which was a (it:motion of costs, end the other a demurrer in equity, and be would thank the bar if they would call the attention of the court to any that by accident remained undisposed of. The Bet of opinions is as follows : Bird's estate. Special order made. Sitar's estate. Motion for citation. Citation awarded. Ninth Presbyterian Church. Bill, answer, and proofs in equity. Bill diemirsed as to 'Wl,son & Jordon, and as to Steele account ordered. Csrcline Bayier's estate. Sxceptlone to andltor's re port. Exceptionfdlemissed, and report confirmed. In matttr of 'fiat Luke's Church, Garmantown. Er. ceptious to auditot'e report. Exceptions sustained. Iteetide'a estate. Exception to auditor's report. Re port confirmed, and all exceptions diamond. Petition of Susan B. and Sarah B. Hayes. Prayer of petition granted, eo far as to declare the trust ended, the life tenant of trust fund being ordered to give security for fund dutirg her life. ' Headrick & Brun ve. Banes et al. Notion for order to pay emits. Motion granted, and plaintiff orderedjto pay matter , . costs. Oppenheimer vs. Levine. Exceptions to answers. Exec ptions sustained. Holmes' estate. Exceptions to auditor's report, Xx.- (motions dfunissed and report confirmed. ithermer's appeal. Register's court. Apneal from de. one cf register. Decree affirmed. When we consider bow vast the business of these corns Is it speaks volumes for the industry of the jadges to say that their lista for a term are cleared ere , t he be. ginning of the next. In this connection we may properly make mention of the titiremeut of Jamee R. Booth, Req., who hasfor some time past filled the position of court clerk in the Common Plass. Mr. Booth is a young member of the bsr, in the discharge of hit onerous duties has given entire satisfac tion to the profession and ail who have been brought in contact with him. Napecially are the law reporters of the meg of this city indebted to him for many farm received at hie hands It is imporslble for these gentlemen to al sett3 a be in attendance in the various courts, and they are obliged very frequently to look to the officers for infor mation as to the progress of their businees. From !dr. Booth they have always received courteous attention, and what is more rarer" intelligent and fall answers to their questions Bo matter bow busily he was occupied with matters before him, he always lent a willing ear to their inquiri , e, and afforded every facidty in his power far their scouring the desired information. Ms retirement is to them a matter of regret, and their earnest wish is that 1 is successor, Gouge Dein, Zen . who has also been long and Utvorably known to the profession, will follow in the path of Mr. Booth. PEIMADJLPHIA'BDABD Or TRAM!. IBBAIL MORRIS, JO .SPR 0. GRUBB, &warm or TIM Mont. IDititlND A. 80IIDKB, LETTER BAGS At . ths Merchants' Escchangt, Phslatielphia. Ship Ellen Stewart, Coffin Rotterdam, soon Brig Ella Beed, Jarman ~..Ravana, moon Brig Defiance, Wyman • Port Spain, soon Brig Eliza lid Strong, Strong, . -- .....oienfuegoa, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1, 1862. EWA RIBES 7 3 -MI BAITS ...... ....4 36 RIGEL WATER ' 10 24 ABEIVED. Bark Imyeresior, Power, from PerrismbuCo Nov 4. with inter and cotton to Lewis k Damon. Lett brigs Canada, Bennett, from New York for Valparaiso, wait. leg; Jae* ttewert, (Br) Does, for New York next day, with ugar: Elizabeth Melee, (Br) sailed Oct 25 for De laware Breakwater Bark Blondel, 111111eken, from Benign for Falmouth, E, with rice, touched Oct 24, and pro ceeded. Ships Jenne, Carmel, and bark Thin' Winslow, Catheter!, whalers, from New Bedford, via Western Jet andr, where they reported having left at Ftorea 200 sea. men, landed from the Alabama, which had burned a num. bar of abanng V 09613111 off the islands. The Jauua pro eceded ecuth Oct 27, and the Thos Winslow on the let of November Brig L Knight, Palk, 15 days from Fort Jefferson, in ballast to J E Barley Et On. Schr Cerro Gordo, Irons, 5 days from Fortran, Mon. roe, in ballast to captain. Behr Geo Deering, Ph:Ahem, 10 days from Cardenas, in Wont to captain. Bar leatx I, Taylor, 9 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Echr West Dennis, Crowell, 3 daps from New York, in tallait to captain. Behr J L 13ess, Webb, from Newborn, in ballast to Ti ler, Eton° R Co. Sax S A Taylor, Dakee, from Newborn. t chr Ann Amelia, Ballock, from Brookhaven. Schr L Audeorled, Bartlett, from Fortrees Monroe Bar It II Shannoreplarte, from Fortreee Monroe. Behr Chia Colgate, Wiggins, from Baltimore. Schr 0 0 Smith, Smith. from Elizabeihnort ear John Stockhsm, Babcock, from Port Royal. Schr E T Allen, ellen, from Boston. CLEARED. Steamship Salon, Matthews, Boston, H Winror. Brig Continental, (Br i Boas, Berbadoes, J B Bag. Brig N Stowers. Smite, Boston, E A Bonder & Co. Lehr P A Bandits, Somers. Newbern D SElletron & Co. t cbr Liebe!, Taylor, New York, Siki;lcksoun & Glover. Scbr L Arnim led, Bartlett, Providence, do ci r Cs clone. Bunker, New York. J E EszleY & Co. 13,-Cr B U Scribner, Hail, New York. 0 A - Meekscher a Co. Pcbr 0 0 Smith, Smith, Harlem, do .- Scbr B T Alien, f lien, Allen, Boston. do " ram Mary Emma, Hooper, New York, Tyler, Stone & Co. , i'cbr H. Shannon, Marts, New York, L Audenried & Co. Ft br Ann Amelia, Bullock, New Haven, do ear Snow Flake, Dickinwo, Brookillo, W H J° llllll ' Saw b A Taylor, Dukes, Providence' G 0 Morris. ect.r Oho, Colgate, Wiggins, New BeolOrd, Cashier, Slid try & Wellington. &br B tsvratha, Disney, Salisbury, 0 F Norton dleoo. Sulu Vienna'priest. Baltimore, do Behr Jobn H enry,e Davis, Baltimore, do . SAILED. The they Swam*. Bowland, for Livorhoo!, irft not rtrtet "bar( at 83i o'clock on k stnrday morning, in iv w of tog H Delaney ' with,29 passengers end the follow •ss g carp :-16,000 b ushels wheat, 192 buebela °ern' 68 Gde balk, 1802 hags doverg€44, 110 bhde tatow, 74 bblo t ?pit a, 60 bblro flosir, -. 36 'bales rags, 2.5" clam butter; 20 Wm* chow), 8 bble sweet poiatcer, 5 do dried Deaebea, ; and 11 cases mdse. (oerreimondenoe of the Prem.) HA.VIIII AB OBAOX. Nov 28 The eteamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with CMS following boats In tow, laden and oonsigned ae follows: constitution. with wheat, &o, to Humpfirsis, Hoffman & V‘tighl; 0 Ho', wheat, corn, and oats to J Li Bowlov cur. ID 8 blarptly; J Q Davie, lumber, shingles. 'Da'. to W tt Einith and Union° & Trainer; John Bead, lumber to ester; If P 111111er,'do to Malone & Trainer; 8 Bailey '& Son. do to B B Bitting; M Long, anthracite coal to John Street; Bait. No 9, coal to Wilmington. 1021110EMTD.S. Ship Esther, Catharine,' itonce, cleared at Hama 14th alt fur Nrw Orlfmne. B •irk Myra, rrameete, hence, arrival at Dahlia 13th ultimo. .Bohr Lath Bich, Rot:their, from New Orietme, via Dela ware Breakwater, at New York 25th nit, Bchr Mary D Cranmer, Crammer, honoa, arrived at Bowen 25th nit Selz A J notion, 18iwoil, o'eared at Boston 28th u.'t for Pktladohphia. EDUCATIOIVAL. . - ike DEPENDENCE CITYCADE Ps. 1 —The Academy of the enbsoriber for the Matter.? lottroollon of Vonth being now In eucceentul operation at the, &EMORY, aortbeaat corner Of NIGH 'BENTE and CHESTNUT Streets, be solicits a cell kon thoee interested In thie branch of Education, on tho days of DRI.LL, Montle) s /tad Thursdays, at 4 o'clock P. M. A Claes le proposed of lade from the age of 18 upward, and a ►let is open for eibeoribers For fur her particulars apply to G. HOITENDOEFF. r02158t Ho. 1912 COATES Street. PROF. MASSE, A M., is now form ing a CLASS on Pronunciation, Grammar, Oon vereation, and Reading, on the Oral plan. Lemone VERY DAY—sb a month. 1342 13PRIIOE street. n016.1m PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACRDEIRY, at West Chester. (for boarders only). This Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, Septem ber 4th, 1862. It was chartered by the Legislature, at its last sesaion, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erected and fur nished at a coat of over sixty thousand dollars, are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable omar tering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A (grim of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practical. The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and ficimitifie Collegiate sod Military. A graduate of the United State; Military Academy, of high standing in his clam, and of experience in the field, devotes hie exclusive attention to the Mathematics and Engineering. Ihe moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to JAB. Et OHNE, Asp., No. 628 Oillt WHITT St., Or at the }rook Stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Colonel THEODORE HYATT, Prealdent Penn sylvania Military Academy. no 4 VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— A select Boarding School, near MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse in MaLaematios, CatiSAO% English vtudiee, Ao. Military Tactics taught. Gleam In Book keeping, Surveying, and Civil B 1 gineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, 82 25. Tuition per quarter, 86.00. ',Or catalogues or inimniation address Rev. J. EBB- ThT.BABTON, A. li., Village Green, Pa. oclo4l' FOR 'BALE AT A DISOOUNTA roily-Dollar echo' arshi p to BRY&NT & TON'S. 00Itl lucx COLLEGE. < Address 4 ,Dla. tiaagt,'. , at thts office. • nalt•tt CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. Tur • BROTHERHEADT crßou '-7 T .6 LATINO L/BBABY.—AII the SEW English 111114 American Books, including ALL CLASSES or Lite rature. Thia is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all the NEW KNGiLLSH BOOKS that are not BE PRTNT E D . here. Terme 8b per year ; six months WI ; throe months $1.50; one month 76 mita, or 8 cents per day. 218 f3oath. ZWEITE( Street. VNGLIBI-1 AND FRENCH.. FAMILY JA OTROTILATING LIBRARY AND CA.BINRT Dl LDOTURE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished Draft:. • In Prate, Catalogue of the Young Dutton' Wrench LI. brary. "Calallue de is BaZiOthSque des Dames et des De moiselles. AL hl. MDRAOHESI, Agent, BA-4m 1323 OR SSTNI3T Street. PIANOS. ow THE .FIN EST ASSORT MENT of new, modern, and durable PI ANOS from SIM to 1400. Also, FRINGE'S World•renowned MELODEONS en( HARMONIUMS, for Dash, at a great reduotion,_or email monthly Inatatiments. JAMES MILLAR, 272 an 4 sfa South MTH Street, above Ihrrttoe eed-Buto LEGAL. TTNITED STATES, EASTE file DI& TEIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SCT. FHB PBE6IDENT O THE UNITED STATES, TO. THE raAllisEf&L OF THE Et.STICaN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: _ WttERE AP, The District Court of the United Stetos in • and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed In the name of the United States of America, bath decreed alt persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title. or interest in THIRTY BARRELS SPIRITS OF TUR PENTINE sod SIX BALES OF COT TON, cargo of the echooner WAVE, captured by the United States steamer or vessel-of-war E. B. Hale, as prize, said 'smiler being' one el the blockading squadron under commend of Rear Admiral Dupont, and brought into the port of Philadelpha per scheme tr Governor Burton, to be monished, cited. and called to jut pment. at the time and place nnierwrit ,tev, end to' the'effect hereafter ex Droned, (ltunicie so re quiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these premeds in at least two of the daily neweparers printed and published In the city of Pails delphla, and in the Legai Intelligeneer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persona in general who Dave, or pretend to have, any right title, or interest in the said THIRTY BARRELS SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE and SIX BALEd OF -OOTTON., • cargo of the schooner WAVE, to appear before the Honorable JOHN OAD W A.L &DER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia', on the Twentieth day after publication of these preterits, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of bearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful. excuse, tinny they have, why THIRTY BARRELS SPISITS OF TUBIENTINE and SIX BALES OF COT ro et, cargo of the schooner WAVE, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ene mies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive.in this behalf as tolustice shall appertain. And that roe duly intimate, or cause to be inti mated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of there presents it's also in timated,) that if the y, shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cane to the contrary, then sold District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said cap ture, end may pronounce that the said THIRTY BAR BELS SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE and SIX BALES OF COTTON, oargc of the schooner WAVE, did belong, at the time of the capture 01 the some, to the enemies of the United States of , America, and as goods of their ere mice, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy cf the persons so . cited and intimated in anywise notwithatandiog, and that y:u duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premtees, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN OA.DWAL &DER, Judge of the raid Court. at Philadelphia. this twenty eighth day of NOVEhIBER, A.D. 1862. end in the eighty seventh year of the Independence of the said United Stater. 11059. Et G. B FOX. Clerk District Court. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the non. JOHN °ADP? ALADZII, Judge of the District Court of the United States. in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beat bidder, for cash, at MIC LIEN BB'S Store, N 0.142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, December 8, 1862, at 12 o'clock - M, the Cargo of the Schooner Kittle, consisting of 120 bales of COTTON. Samples can be ha and the cotton examined two days orations to the este. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U.S. Marshal R. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, November 24, 1882. n026.8t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of .LYIL. a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN OAD WAL aDE 8., Judge or the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at %labile sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at DERBY SHIRE'S Store, No. 107 North WATER, btreet, on TDESDriY, December 9, 1862, at 12 o'clock IL, 30 bales of COTTON, brought Into port per prize schooner Caro. line Virginia. Samples can be had and the cation ex amined two days prior to the day of sale. WILLIAM DIILLW&RD. U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, November 24, 1862. n02.5.0t MARSHALI3 BALE.—By virtue of a certain writ of Levert Yachts, issued out of the aren't Court of the United States, for the Eastern Dis trict of Penneylvania, in the Third Circuit, to me directed, will be sold on MONDAY, December 1, 3862, 2 o'clock P. M., at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, In the city of Philadelphia, the following described property, to wit: All that certain sawmill and tract or parcel of land and tthe coal mines thereon, situate in Norwegian township, in Schuylkill county and Etste of Pennsylvania. Be ginning at a stone corner, thence by land formerly of Thomas Beed. south sixty degrees, west one hundred and forty pl rches to a poet. Thence by land which was our. veycd on the came warrant as the premises no w granted, namely, a watrant to Daniel 'Williams, dated the eleventh day,of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, north thirty degrees, west (mining the west branches of the river Schuylkill, and crossing the Mine hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad,) two hundred and twelve perches to a post thence by land formerly of May and Lightfoot, now Klein and others, north sixty degrees, east, (again crossing the west branch of the river Elchuyl killeand again crossing the Minebill and Schuylkill Ha ven Bailroad,) one hundred and forty perches to a post, -and thence by land of Schell and Bapp conch thirty do wel, east two hundred and twelve perches to the place of beginning; containing_ one hundred and seventy-five scree, and allowance, with the improvements, consisting of the coal mines opened thereon, one large dwelling Inure, four or five tenant horses for miners, a saw mill, grain bowie, stabler, and a blacksmith shop, and all other the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise soperlsining ; being the same premises which the acid the President, Directors, and the Company of the Bank of Kentucky, by indenture bearing date the lst of July, 1862, , f0r the sum of Twenty-five Thonsand Dollars, did grant and convey unto the said Benjamin Bullock in fee. B On the above premise' there are erected a large firet,c!ase Coal Breaker, n Slope House, Boller and Engine Honse. two connected Steam Plump'ng and Hoisting En gines and Hoisting and Pumping marchinerY. WILIAA.M MILLvi'ARD, Culled States statishal. FRILADELPI3IA, 'November 19, 1662. n 020,26 lel at OOFFICE OF ASSESSOR-OF INTER NAL REVENUE. WIND DIEITGIOP OF PENN ENLVSLNIA, No. 924 North Third street. Notice la hereby given, that the lists, valuations, and enumerations, made in pursuance of an ackentilled "An act to provide internal revenue to support the Govern ment, and to pay interest on the public debt ," will be open for public ex evaluation at this otfloo,•on - 51ondaV, December let, and remain opan'until Decernberlitth.." APPEALS relative to the same will be heard and deter rnhad doing the ten days succeeding the 15th day of Decianbrr. All appeals should be in writing, and specify the par* ticnier cause, matter, or thing respecting wbch a deci eloll is r(Quented ; and should moreover state the ground or.priLciple of inrecgity. complained of. All tontimony wilt be required to be given tinter oath. • • • J. FLETOBE ft BUDD, r029-if • 11. El. Muleteer, Third District Penna. pEREONS 1N WANT OF BBL ,. TAMIL& or SILVER PLAT&D WARE can nud a superior article at n 026 am r 1 COMB WHIOKY.-25 puncheons KJ James Stewart's fine PAISLILY 'SALT, imported direst.' la bond and for eela by oolßAbn 511:J UOIL . WORKS. 1. 00 idler" Burning Oil on haws. "1 n B b b We.Eletantee the oil to be aott,exeloeive, to wins at) the Oh he the lame with a steady, brilliant name, tetthc ß it rroitire t tite wick, ea hat elowir. Barrels lined Ida siaatanairiq. WEIGHT, & PIAJIBALL, . fanAt Main ILLIMIT Street. THE 44 JP?. /AMU MONDAY DEOEMAER. 1 1862. WM. TAN DYKES, 638 LBOR etre6t, Philadelphia GZO. WHITZLICY, UT South TIMM, MEDIOIN AL COD-LIVER OIL BsKER d CO. r Dtagßfsts , Ko. 154 North THIRD timer. me now reoetring their supplies fresh from the fiebt rite, . The enperfority of their Oil in every respect bat gained for it a reputation and sale beyond any.otbar brand la the Mirka: ,To rdernigin it, they ere determined to supply an article that m* be entirely relied 01/ for fresh nets end purity. ere te‘timontels of Drs. natter, leek. eon, Dairaob, and oth , re ao2P emelt/11f BEALIMGYuw s. OF. Thionr OZNoNBTII&TIND ON oY N Fouts TEIOI7sAND ISVALIDA, AT 1220 WALNIIr PTBINT, PaiLADILPHIA. The ohjact of the following certiffaates to to show that cures at 1229 WALKUP Street are permanent and re liable. Thant mire:wee performed nearly three 70 - 7111 ago, the ercond wee performed nearly two years ago, the thitd about one year, and hundreds more of like cases might be ebowu. DEAD Tag FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. Abort twelve months ago I had a severe attack of Diabetes, attended with other difficulties too nnorerotos to mention. iffy desirei for drink was constant, and although I drank gallows per day, my thirst was never allayed; I was only able to Bleep at abort intervals, which seemed tote a trance. The MUMS BerfOhle of my month and throat had become eo parched and fevoriett, that I wee in COBBNOL misery. I was also enfering Into all the horrors of Dm:circle, lose of appetite, Nan. ten, and frrenent and severe attacks of vomittug ;. ant to prostrated was my general system, that I was scarcely !Ma to move about. 1 bad availed myself of the °Glenne and skill of ditttitiguished medical meu, both of the Alto. patbic and UoreetopathM school, and exhaustel their catalogue of remedlee, but font.d only Mummery relief. In ibis eoncition, when "every ray of bops seemed paralyzed, I heard of the dtecovery of Protector Rolfes In the use of Electricity, and the wonders he WWI. per- • terming In curing 'disease, and placed myself under hie treatment; and, to the astonishment of myself and. Mettle, in two operations my Diabetes was controlled, and oilier difficulties coon dipapposred ; my appetite has returned, sleep undisturbed, and, in foot, I feel like one made anew. I would furtber state tbat I bay. seen other remark able cures 'Performed by Prof. Belles, and would advise the diseaPtd to oall at 1220 Walnut street, and be re etored to health I /mall be glad to sire any ono infor mation cailiog on me. THOMAS H&BRO , P, RM. Dllll, West Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Kay let, 1860 Bead the following from a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church, No. 1638 Helmuth elreet, Jo attemyttng a definition of my ditease, I can only give Dome of the many symptoms which, taken altogether, were the most horrid ; and even medical men did not ittow my disease from pathologiclll symptoms. flow ever, Professor 0. EL BOLLBSi by whom I was oared. located my disease in the pelvic viscera, in five minntes alter I entered Ids office. and offered to warrant a perfect core in eight applications. Aud I frankly admit that in eight applications of 'Electricity, a.4minietered by Pro !eater Poid.xs, 1220 Walnut street, Prilledelphii, I am perk city cored ; and to me this is most astonishing, for I had exhausted the catalogue of old•eohoelremedleseand grew worse all the time. 1 bed long believed that in Electricity resided a potent agent fcr the cure of disease, if a right application could *o made; and now I can comprehend, from its power ful cifecis on me, fora epctly, cure, although 120 shooks were given. All was pleasant, and aloomplisted as if by magic. I will give most of my symptoms, for the benefit of suffering humanity. I had d yspepsia, bad marasmua, or wasting of the 'tissues of the whole body at lima a difficulty of breathing, Berne palpitation o 1 the heart, much bronchitis, trembling of the limbs after exercise; aVeltgotl to btlellloll9 and Company j attimes gloomy, he betty to collect my thoughts vigorously on any subisot, a loss of ma mory, pen in various parts of the body ; sal ient much tram lumbago, deranged secretions of the kidziei a and other glands of the in stem. constant drag ging pains in thelumbar region, and severe nervous die • ziness , I believe It is my duty, as a lover of humsnity, to re• con mend 'thin discovery of Professor BOL Ca1 . .3 to the edlicted of all classes. There seems to be no F 12011.1 work, DO cot fusion, to matter of doubt in hie treatment. Re proceeds on died principlee, and according to fixed laws, which mini to me infallible and harmoninis He war ; ranee, by special contract, the most obstinate ehronie and Mite cans, and charges nothing, if he fails. radvise ail of the diseased to tri Ids treatment. - - • EDWARD T. EVANS, Preacher in M. E. Church, • 1633 HELMUTH Street, Philadeithia. ANOTHER rIIIBE - OF PARALYSIS OF THE LOWER LIMBS (Paraplegia) -AND APOPLEXY COM: BLAND. Bead the following: • PRILADELPFHA, March SI, 1982. PROFESSOR Bougie: 1220 Walnut street: The remark able cure ethic's / have derived from your meth-ni of ap. plying Electricity compels me to thus ackeowtedge the gt eat obligations I am under to you for snatching me, as it were, from immediate (Dub. About two years ago, while a reeiCent of Cincinnati, Ohio, I was • visited with en attack ct aural: ale or the lower extremities, which rendereo meelmon entirely unable to stand upon my limbs. I employed tome of the moat eeleoretted Pbral 'clans to be found in that section, but received .no apps. rent benefit, and after a lapse of about eighteen months Was ttken with a spasm, which one of MY physicians pronounced aSt of apoplexy. Two weeks elapyed from that time before I became the lout conscious of anythini• that bad traerpired, nor could I concentrate my mind or converse upon any subject without becoming very vi sionary and excited, unfit / placed •myself under your valuable treatment. After my arrival in Philadelphia my attention was called to your treatment be a eamPielet handed ma by my father, which contained the names of wine gentlemen whom I had been formerly aeon elated with, and whose statements I could rely upon. I imme diately made'up my tided to place miesif under your treatment. I have O 0 Raglan the recipient of four treat moats, and I now feel perfectly satisfied that I am re neged to a wiled condition; and therefore feel it mr duty to gratefully acknowledge the benetits which I have re et ived through your treatment. • Very respectfully yours. trc.. WILLIAM H. BRAIN, Publisher of the National Merchant, office MEL Second street, Philadelphia. - N. B It will be well for the dicer sod to recollect that Prot. B. has even a word of caution, lu hie pamphlet to anard them against trusting their health in the hands of thole in this city claiming to treat dlieales according to hie discovery. This caution may seam severe on those using Electricity at hazard, but It is the severity of trntb, and deeigLed for the good of humanity. Bee ad veriitemel tin another column. • Conmitation Free. PROF. 0. 11 ROLLRS, 1220 wAL;qpt S:reet. Philadelthia Al"'S CATIIMITIO PILLS. The sciences of Chemietry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this beat, most Perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable ,prebte are shown that these PILLS have virtue which surpass in excellence the ordinary Medicines, and that they win unprepedentedly upon the esteem of all Men: They are safe and pleasant to take, but pewerful to cure:- 'Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of. its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul hu mors which breed and grow distemper, cumulate sluggish or disordered organs Into their natural notion. and. impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the beat of human BUIL While they prodnoe powerful effects, they are at the same time. in diminished doses. the safest and beet physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take ; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cares have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted po sition and character as fo forbid the entnicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names' to certify to the nubile the reliability of our reme dies, while others have sent rll3 the assurance of their conviction that our Preparations• contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is "pleased to rarebit gratis our American Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificates of their.eares, of the following loom _ plaints: . Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from of font stomach, Nan. sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain atising therefrom, Flatulency, Lae of Appetite, all Diseases. which require an evacuant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, care many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, stich as Deafness, Partial Blindn 139, Neu ralgia and Nervone Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints seeing from a low state of the body or obstruction of Its functions. Po not be put off by unprincipled dealers with no . me other pill they make more profit on. Ask tor AYER'S PILLS, and take nothing else. Pio other they can give you compares with this in ita intrinsic value or curative power. The sick want the beet aid there later them, and they [should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYES & 00., Lowell, Mass. Palos 26 CENTS Pea Box. 1171 Roan for .111. Sold by J. N. BURN & 00., at wholesale, and by FRBDRIIIOII BROWN. bcB• wfmdm TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. Thie valuable and popular Medicine has universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the ItDIDIOAL Faovitsslox and the public as the 'Meat WPM:IISM AND AORBSAIILN SALINE APEATENT. It may be need with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, indiges tion Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, 11115 ALL COMPLAINTS WI/NA! A OZNTLIO AND-000LINGi A2BRIMIT OR PUB GAT7iVE TB ESQUIERD. It is part:lonia:lY adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Rot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully ynt np In bottles to keep In any. olimate r and merely regniree water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing be'erage. Anmeroue testitnonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coup - try, and ite steadily increasing popularity for a porta of years, strongly guaranty its efficaoy and valuable character, and oommend it to the favorable nottoe of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRAII7 & CO., No. 276 ORRINWIOR Street, corner of Warren at., NEW YORK, sp2l.ly And for sale by Druggists generally. - Q.PERMATOIIRH(Eik CAN BE 01.11tED.—DIt NAND'S SPEOIFIO cures Sperms torrbccs, Seminal Weakness, Impotency. Lots of Power, An , speedily and effectually. A trial of the SPEOIFIO will convince the most skeptical of its merit'. Price SI a box. Sent poet. paid to any address by IL 0. UPFIA.kf, No. 403 ORESTNIIT Street. Descriptive Oirculars sent free. nol.b-tde27* C .4.,.U - T.l ON. The well-eorned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Hae Induced the makers of bnPerfeot balances to cffer them ae TATRBANICI3' BOALES," and purchasers have thereby, in many Instances, been eubjeoted to Trend and imposition. Fairbanks' Beebe are manufac tured only by the original inventors, IC. & T. rera- BAUM & 00., and are adapted to' every branch of the bustnese, where a correct and durable Scales le required, FAIRBANKS & EWING, • General' Agents,.' aplo-tf MASONIC HALL, 716 GHESTNII.T BT TERRA ,COTTA MANUFACTORY, .• Hanging Vases. ?7aney Flower Pot*. :hinge Pots. • Fern Vase*. Ivy Vaaea. Garden Vase*. Jasznln Ootraes• Caaaoletta Renaissance. • Oaaaoletta Lords XVI. Lava Vaeee Antizus. Pedeatals, all atZea• Consols and Oarlstadee. Partin Busts. ' Marble Pedestals.. ror Bale Bets% and to the Trade. a. session_ gait 1010 ouserNuT.gemeg. -A R. BLAKISTON - i- - Nt. --- 22 G souttwiTßE '111144 ) Oommieekin Dealer- in Ohio •luni Mims 7111.001 ii CORN,7 B&B -DT.4.& Age. • we-tat A AMAICA RUM.-13 Pxuloheous just , received and for Ask, in bone, by . . - OH BLIES 8. OA:RSTATIO, . nolo /26 WALNUT Bt and 21 GBANITIN Bt. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE tiIIITIML SAFETY ikaIIIEASOE 0001PANY. PHILADIMPEELL, Nov. 14, 1882. The f ..11owink Statement of the affairs of the Oorneaur fa published in conformity with ak yrovielon or its Cher ter:. Fninittrits lizosiver. from Nov.l, 1861. Co 0°1.81,1862 On-Bleriee end Inland Eta& .11226,208 81 On Fire Rinke 00,321 80 Premiums on Policies not marked off Nov. 1, 1861 PRICP44I3MI3 NARKED OPP tse etsrned trout MT. 1, 1881, to Oot. 81, 1882 : On Marine and Inland /Mks-8218,142 82 Cn Fire Disk, 100,000 26 Interest during 'mime period— Balvages, ao Losses, EEPEDISICS I during' the year as above: Marine and Inland Naviga tion Loasee $88,885 69 Fire Loctes • ..„,,. 28 840 64 Bettina Prcraiumf . 84,735 84 Be- Immo cee ..„ „ 18,146 76 Agency Charges 14,427 99 Advertising, Printing, the— . 2 21.1 62 Taxes 6 850 48 ,Bx.peneres, Salaries, Bent, Ito. 20,206 91 Eicirphu , ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOT. 1, lao2 $lOO,OOO United States Five per ot. Loan... 893,090 00 20,000 United States Six per ot. 20,750 00 83,000 United States Six per at. Treasury 41,91000 25,000 Unit4d States fever and Three ' • touthe per ct. Treasury Notos.. 28,000 00 100,000 State of Penna. Five per ot. Loan. 95.330 00 54,000 do. do. Six do. do. 57.130 00 328.050 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan... . 128,083 00 80,000 State of Tennesese Fiveper cet. Loan 12,000 00 20,900 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Elert gage Six per cent. Bonds 22,800 00 ' 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 53.376 00 6,000 Penn. R. IL 00. 100 Shares Stock.. 5,500 00 16,000 Germantown Gas Co., 800 shares Stock,!Prinolpal and Interest guarantied by the city of Phila. 15,600 00 113,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply immured 113,700 00 j 56193,750 Per, Oost, 865E049 62. laktval.s6B3,l7B 00 Real Rotate 61 383 35 Mlle Receivable, for Inanrances made 91,232 58 Balances due at Agencies—premlonin on Ma rine Policies. accrued Interest, and other debts due the Ooropanr 36,911 66 Scrip and Stock -of sundry -Insurance and other Companies, SlO,BOB. estimated value. 4,618 00 Clash on lopoeit witta United States Government, subject to ton days call 880.000 00 •ash on depoelt—in Banks 828,727 94 in Drawer:..... 280 74 NOYEMBBR 12,1382. -Tbe Boerd of Director, have this day declared a cash dividend of TEN PER OENT. on the Capital Stook, and SIX PER CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the Bret December proximo . They have also declined a scrip dividend of FORTY PEE GENT. on the Earned Premiums for tho year end ing October 31, 1882, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first December proximo. They have ordered also that the remaining outatand ing sogip of the Company of the Issues (or dlvidendA) of the years prior to 1858, be redeemed in cash on and after Februeiy 2, 1883, from which date all interest thereon shall cease. lir No certificate of profits issued under 825. By the Act of incorporation, "no certificate shalt issue unku darned within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it is evidence. Thomas G. Hand, John 0. ' Zdmtnad A. Bonder, Theophilua Paulding, Jobn B. Penroao, James Trautiatr, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joeepb H. seal, Dr. B. 11.Hruiton, George G. Loiper, Hugh Chula, (Merles Kelly, THOMAS 0 HAND, President. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President. MINIM LIMBI7BN, Secretary. • n019•12t INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nott. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. North aide of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD etreetelo Phila delphia. INCORPORATED in 1794-OFIARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $2OO 000. PROPERTIES L F THE CO APAHY, FEBEZA.RY 1,1862. 1438,516 13. MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSIIRANOS. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Bberrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Mena!ester, Thames B.' Watteon, William 13 Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William B White, 'Ohartes S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward 0. Haight., John B. kastin. HENRY D WILLIAM HARPER, Bede F IRE INSURANCE WI TEM RELIANCE LNEITRANDE OORP/LNY OF PHILADELPHIA, ON BUILDINGS, LIMITS %OIL PERPMULTAL, MERCHANDISE, FIIBNITUSIi, &c., IN TOWN OR OOUNTRY. • OFFICE NO: SOS WAri Nll T . STREET. CASH OAPIT.&L S24B,OOO—ASSZTB 330,174 10 Invested In the following Seenrities, ; First Mortgage on City Property,' worth _ double the amount ..... ammo oa • Perinsylvarda Railroad Company's 6 per oent. Ist Mortgage Bonds • 5,000 00 Do. do. 2d do. ($80,000) 20,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top? per cent. Bonds 4,560 00 Ground Rent, well secured 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, well secured. 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Loan. 45,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan. ~ 6,000 00 ;United States 7 8-Ic - per cent. Loan.... 10,000 00 'Allegheny.cotmty 6 per ct: Penna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan (85,000). 4,710 09 Oamdenfend Amboy Railroad OomPanY's per cent. Loan (86,000) 4,800 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Stock.... 4,000 00 Reliance Insurance Company's Stook. 8,850 00 Commercial Bank Stock 5,135 01 Mechaiics' Bank Stock 2,812 50 County Fire Inaaranco Company's Stock.... 1,050 00 belaware M. S. Insurance Company's Stock.. 700 00 Union M. Insurance Company's Scrip 890 00 Bills Receivable 1,061 84 Accated Interest. 6,504 81 Oaah in bank and on hanc' 7,010 95 Looms promptly attiopted and paid DIBROTOBS. Olem Tingley, William B. Thomraon, Yroyierick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, G. L. Carson Robert Toland, G. D. Bosengarten, Charles S. Wood, James 8. Woodward, B. M. THNORMAN, • VILE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE LNSITRANOE 00NPANY. Incorporated 18116. ()HARTER PERPE TUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. Mils Company, favorably known to the oommunity for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Loes or Ml wig* by Fire on public or private Buildinga, either per manently or for a limited time. Also : on Furniture, Stocks Qoods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, tozether with s large &inane Fund, le tovested in the most careful manner, which ennbise then to offer to the bleared an undoubted seouritT in the oat* of lose. DEBIOT ORS. Jonathan Pattersoa, Thomas Itohlug, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Dererenx, William ldontelltuy .Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehorst, JONATHAN •ATTERBON, President. G. CRowiLL, Secret*ry. eye THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE 00fdPANS OF PHILADELPHIA, (FIRE INSURANOE EXCLUSIVELY.) 001tIPANT 3 8 BUILDING, B. W. °GENRE IGITETB AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. P. Ratchford Starr, Mortlocal L. Dawson, Willie:a McKee, Geo. H. Stnart, Hallam Frazier, John H. Brown, _John M. Atwood, B. A. Fabnestook, Beni. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Oath, Henry Wharton, T. L. Erringer. • F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. Crekuna W. 007[14 Secretary. tels • A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE .43. COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No: 810 - WALNUT Street, abeve Third, Philadelphia. Haying a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested in sound and available Securities, oontinneu to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Purrdtnre, Merchandise, Vessels .In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses Liberally and promptly adjusted. DIREOTOBB Thomas B. Maria, John Weld', • Samuel O. Morton, Patrick Brady John T. Lewis, THOMAS R. HABIB, President ALSSIii , O. Ta. OBAwr o Secretary, fe2ll-13 ANTHRACITE INSURANCE 002tIPANY.—Anthorized Capital 1 400 , 900 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 3U WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Oompany wig insure Nreinert lose or damage b 7 Fire, en Buildings, rurnitnre, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Ifreighte. Wand /nouranoe to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, T. E. Baum, Wm. F. Deful, John Ketcham. ESHER, Pretddent. DEAN, Vice President apB-tf William Esher, - D. Luther, Lewis Audenried, john B. Blakiston, Joseph Ha:field, WILL WM. W. M. Sam, Secretary. COAL. COAL" -THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the pub Lie that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHABP, on the Damara, it , their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streeta,whore they intend to keep the beet crudity of LEHIGH 00AL, from tho moat approved mines, at the lowest prim. Your patronage is reepectfally selialted. JOS. WALTON & 00., . • Office, 112 South Szoos - D Street IngdiNIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-18 ClTit -- ON. 5 cases prime Leghorn Citron. 60 casks prime Zants Currants. • In store and for sale by lill0D)18 1 WllALklaii, 107 Booth WATER Street. 1110 AirAPIEREL .. HEIRRING, SHAD &0.. 3a - 2 600 BbIL • Kam. Noe. 1,8, and 8 Mackerel, lab coven fat fiat, In &imported packager. 2,000 Bbbi. New Eaguort, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,500 Bozo. Lubec, Scaled, and Ho. 1 Herring. 150 Stat. new Hew abed. 2ko Boxes Herkimer Ootmty °boom, &o. In liars aid for sale by IdIIIIPHY & ROONB, No. 140 North WHABVICB. $326,880 11 198.908 Oh e 624,636 16 M1£41.4 07 68,716 20 e 478.868 27 $213,804 42 $163,053 85 _.._._ 109,008 88 $976 212 i 6 Robert Barton, Baronet E. Stoke', J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edgard Darlington, H. Jones Brooke Spsncer Eda!Wake, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, JOBhII3 P. Byre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, BEE &REIM, Prooldent. nolB tf $830,176.10 Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W: Tingley, Marshall fill, J Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen John Bisse ll , 'Pittsburg. hi TINGLEY, President. :hwy. - • jyll,ll Tames R. Campbell, Edmund G. DuUR', Charles W. PouAmoy, Israel Morris, THE PENNSYLVANIA. •CENTRAL RAILROAD. THE OREAT DOUBLE-TRAM ROUTE 1862. orlmmw 180. TIIIC CAPACITY 011' THE BOAD 18 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN T-E !)Ot7NTRY. THE GREA 17 SHORT LINE TO THE WICIT. Facilites for the tramPurtatiou ,f paumngers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Micas°, Bt. Louis, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis,. Pew Orleans , and ail other towns in the West; Northwest, and Southwest, are uneurparsed for spew and comfort by any other route. Bleeping and stacking care on all the tr dna. EXPRESS BUNS DAILY; Mall and Past Lino Sundays excspted., Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. Fain Line d. « 11.30 A. /1/. Through Express leavoe Phidadeiri: to at.... 10 45 P Parkesburg Train 4, —l2 .30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 330 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation " .. 400 P. West Chester passengers will take the treble leaving at BA. M, at 1130 and 4 P. Id Paeseegera for Sunbury, Wiiliamsyort, Elmira, Buf• tato, Niagara 'PAU., &0., take the trains leaving at 8 A. K. aua 10 46 P. 111. N. For farther Information splay at tho Paasonger Sea. bon, 8. E. corner of ItLEVILITIT and Id&RKIIIT Eitteete. By this route freights of all descriptions oan be for warded to end from any point on the Railroad!) of Ohio, Hentachy, Indiana, Illinois, Strioconaiu, lowa, or Ms noon. by railroad direct, or to any port on the navi gable rivets of tho West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rases of freight to and from an, point to the Wed, by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as favo rable no are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company oan rely with confldenoo on ite spoeoy transit. Por freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Age, is of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Js. Philadelphia. D.. A. STlttgaßT, Pitiabnrg. OI..ARKE & Co., Chicago. MINOR & Co No. 1, Astor Rouse, or No.l South William ferret, New York. Itit SOH & 00., ltto. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGMA W et KOEINB. No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOU 3 FON, Gen'l Freight-Agent, Phila. •b. L. 1101IPT, Glen') Ticket Agent. Phila. 21.10011 L 1 WZB, Beall Basis, Altoona. jyl-ti 1862. 'Ream 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINEN. THE OAMDEN AND AMBOY AND-PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00hIPANY'S Linn FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAOE3. ■IOEE WALNDT•ETRZXT wu&RF AND KNN3INGTON DIPOT, WILL LEAVE A 3 FOLLtOWB---VIE : PAM Ate A. M., via Camden and Amber, 0. and A. At. oonsmodation Si! 53 At 0 A. M., via Camden and Xerstw Ofth OS. :1 2 its Ancegunodatlon At a A. M., ria Kennington and IMO" Gall Dloraing Mail- .. . . .... 15 01 At 11 A. DI., via Kensington akdo Jersey . City, Weahrn Expresa .2 00 At 1.23 i P. 21., via Camden and Amboy, Adodtdirld datien II 1111 At 2 P. fa., VA Oszodon and Amboy, 0. and A. Fa- preen 8 OS At 4 P. M., via .12amden and Jersey City, Evening Rave= 2 Oil At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jereoy City, 2d Chas Ticket g 85 At 636 P. M., via Remington and Jersey City, livening Mail 1 09 At gl e li P. M., vieViamden and .Tereey City. South ern Mail.. Spa At 8 P. M., via Camden ang Amboy, Aocommoda- Lion, (freight and .Paasenger)—let Olas3 Ticket.. X EA Do. do. 21 Glees d 0.... lld The 11X P. M. Southern Mail rune dully; all ctbars Smiley' excepted. for Water Gap, Stvondebnce, Scranton. Wilkeebsrta, rAontroae, Great Bend, Binghaulpton, Syracuse, &0., at 6 A. El from Walnut. street Wharf, via Ihilawart i Lackawanna. and Western Ba6road. For Manch Ohm*, Aliontewn Bethiehmn. Belvidere, 'Banton, Lambertville. Fieraindon, &c., at e 3 A X. and. 23 P. M., from Wainnt-street Wharf; (the 6 A.R./dna connects with train Waving Ilanton for :Manch Chunk st 8.20 P. FL) Wor Mount Hotly, at e A. M., 1 and 4.3( P. Bt. for Freehold, at Et A. AL. and 2 P. M. • WAY LINES. For Brietol, Trenton, ac.,at 8 and 11 A. E., S and ISM B. B. hi. from Kensington, ad 21( .I'. N. from Walnut street wharf. For Bristol and Intermediate ,stations at 11% A. 111., from Kensington Depot. • For Palmyra, Riverton. Ihdanco, Beverly, Darnel:on, Florence, Bordentown, &0., at 121(.1, 4g, and 6 P. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and inteinir.; Mate stations at 2g P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. sir For New York, and Way Lines 'leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the oars on Fifth street, above Thrahant : half an honr before departure.. The oars ran Into the Depot, and on• the arrival of each train ton from *4 Depot. rifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Pwageogar• rasseagere are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over ilftY pounds to be paid for extra. The Oompany limit their reaponsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, tend will not be liable for any atnounk beyond `5140, exoept by necial (*atm& feg-ef WIC R. 11/ATWELL . % Agent, LOMB FROM NEW YORK FOR PRILADIGLPRIA WILL MUTE, FIOY POO7 OP 00871,20 W BTB3/11; At 10 A. M., 1.2 3i., and-6 P. M. Tin, Jersey City and Camden. At 7 A. M., and 4 and 1.1 P. M. via Jemmy Olty and Kenalngton. From foot of Barclay street at 0 A. 1)1. and 2 P. kf., Tait Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 6 P. M. (freight and peesenger) Amboy and Camden. ee16.41 si ssamme NORTH • PENN. BYLVA.NIA.BALLED roa BETH LB 8 EM, DOMISSTOWN, MAUCH OHIINK, I:I3.ZELTON .z E4STOISiIiWILLILeI3- PO IT, &a. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after hfONDAY, November 17th, ma, Pea sensor Trains will leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphi e, daily, (Snhdara ozcepted,) as follows : At 7 A. hi. (Exprees) fur Bethlehem, Allentown, krauch Chunk, Himetton, WiLkeaborre. &c. . . The 7 A M. Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and most desirable route to MI poiute In the Lehigh Ooal region. At 215 P. 01. (Ex - press) for Bethlehem, Easton, 49e. This train reaches Fasten at 840 P. N., and makes connection with New Jersey Central for Now York. At 5.16 P. EL for Bethlehem, Allentown, Ranch Chunk. For DoPlesinwn at 9.14 A. M., and 4.16 P. For Fort,Wiehington at'B.ls P. H. White care of tho Emend and Thlrd•stroeta line pity Passenger Cars run directly - to the new Depot. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7 A. EL, 920 A. M., and 8.10 P. 11. . Leave Doylestown at 8.80 A. M., and 840 P. EC Leave Fort Wsahington az 8.40 A.. M. ON • 8 UND &YS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. , and 4 15 P. 111. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., and 2 P. H. Fare to Bethlehem 81.50 Fare to Easton 1.50 Fare to Mauch Chunk . .. ... ........... 2.80 Through tickets must be procured at.the Ticket Otih)es, at THIRD Btreet or BERES Bt - eot ) in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) oonneot at Barks street with Fifth and Slath-streata passenger Railroad, Bre rainntas after leaving Third Street, Eon DLL'S (MARK, Agent. SAMMPIIILA.DELPH GERNANTOWN, AND BAILItO&D. TIME TABLI. "On and ester Monday, October 20, 1803, rind( further notice. FOE EIZBIIIANTOWN d , Leave Philadelphia, 6,1, 8, 9,10, 11, 1.2, 8„,, M., 1. 8.10, 4,6, 6X, 8,7, 8,9 X. 10X, 11%,P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.86, 8, BX, 9X, log, ug, .M.,1,4,8,4,6,8.10,7.10,8,9,10.10,11,P.M. 0.11 BUND&YB. Leave Philadelphia, 910 A. X., 2,2,10 i, P. DI Leave . Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,6, P. M. CHESTNUT. RILL KAILSIOAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 12, A.. M., 2,4, 5,6, 8, and 10X, P. M. Leave Oheetnni Bill, 7.10, 7.85, 9.10, 11.10, A. 1.40, 8.40, 0%, 8%, 7.40, and 9.50, P. N. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M.., 2,7, P. M. • Leek's. Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. NI., /2.40, L4O, and 9.10 P. M. .FOB OONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leafs. Philadelphia, 8, 9.05, 1105, A. 61.,1%, 8,4%, 8.95, 8.05, 11%, P. M. Lewsw Norristown, 6,7, 7.60, 9, 11, A. M., /X, 436, and 8, P. M. - ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. NI., and 9%, PI N. Leave Norristown, 7% A. 87., and 0 P. M. • FOB MANAFUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6.9.06, 11.06, G. M., 136) 8 ) 4 36) 8.06, 8.05 and 11%, P. .I. Leave Manaytuak, 6%, 736 ! 8.20, 9S, 11K, L. 21., 5, BX, P. la. EVNDATILf Leave Philadelphia, 9 As. M., 2% and 8%. P. U. Leave Manayunk, 7% A. M., 5,g and 8 P. M. 13.. K. SMITE, General Superintendent. oola-t1 Depot ROTH and GREEN Streets. a xi s* WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS, via Um PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. MUTE THE Corner ELEVENTH and MARXZT Shade, Irirat Train at 800 A. M Second 'Praia at 12.35 P. DI Third Train at 400 P. hi LEANT WICBT CHESTER, AI 7.00 and 10.55 A. M., Find 4.55 P. M. Freight delivered .at the Freight Station, corner Thir teenth and Market etreetr, balers 12 o'clock, noon, will be delivered at Weet Chester at 2 35 P. M. Tor licketa and farther information, aiply to JAMES COWDEN, Passenger Agent. ir2l-tf LEWIS L. NCI:TIT, General Ticket Agent. , glitm WEST CHESTER -AND PHILADILPHIA, R UP. VL& Zd&DIA. FALL ABBANCiENJINT. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 15th, 1E62, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. Z. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKZT Streets, at 8 and 10.80 A- in., and 2, 4.15, and 8.30 P. M., and will leave tL•e corner of THIRTY-PIEST. and MARKET streets, 17 minntee after the Martin, time from Eight eenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A.'51., and 2 P. N. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. Id., and 4.45 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 4.11 P. 11., connected Pennelton with:rains on the Philadel.; phis and Baltimore Central Ballrotul for Concord, Ken nett, Oxford, de. HENRY WOOD, jell-tf Superintendent. a s taxma i PHILADELPHIA AND ZLNIBA. B. B. LINT. ItitiX BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. .181311 Tor WILLIAMSPORT, 80DANTON,Walt& and su points in the W. and ,N. W. Paseenter Train /ears Depot of Phila. and Beading B. 8., cow. Broad and oal - at 8 A. 11., end 8.16 P. 11. dant, ascot enndaye. Quiaratsm. BOUTZ from Philadelphia to points Elorthern and Western Pennsylvania, Western Bev Tork, &0., &c. Baggage chocked through to Buffalo, fliegara Palls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all )(Anti ahoy', lumen daily at e P. Id. ,or further Information apply to JOHN S. PfLLlAlit,' genera A gent THIBTZIINTIL and OALLQWEILL, and N. W. cm .131)1Tli and CHXBTITITT Street/. lal3l-tf IifiRREE REOPENING OF THZ BALTIMORE AHD OHIO ItALLRO/Lii.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and 'noway GUARDED, to new open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether in formation apply at the Cowpony's Offioa, corner BROAD !treat and WASHINGTON Avenue. H. M. PZLTON, spB-ti • President P. W. and B. Z. B. 00. x3imeimf Eimig THE All 10118 EX rinea &Imam, Office OBSSTIstiT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, liar obandias, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other 'Ex - prase Onvisinies, to eLL the yrinolpig Towns sod Cities of the United Main, Z. B. BARDPOIID, fan General finperintandsnt. .11-J0 WEN & CO., LITHOGRAPHERS AND PRINT COLORISTS, southwest corner of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH. Sir eeta. are prepared to execute any description of Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, Map, or other Li thography, in the most superior manner, and the moot reasonable terms. Photographs, Portraits, Natural History, and ideillosi Plates. Itiaps, and any other description of-Plates, colored in the beet style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular attention to Coloring Photo/Mb& 00234 fiALEtil BY AUCTION. JOBINT B. MYERS a 00. AUC TIOZSZIERB, Wm. 252 awl Mi MARRAIT A. LA-D 414 rstnefill"TOE,7 6/L7A- or FRENCH VIM GOOl.l. THIS 61.011N1V0, December 1, at n o'o/ook. will btr veld by otittaogat, en 4 months' Ofedir..- About 769 packages' and lota of Prenek:, eernan, send Brittati dry goods, comprising Ft /PEM'el assortment of fanny and staple arldeke in sake, svon.4. woolen, and cotton tsbrlae. • 7.AP-ON POSITIVE SECA OP BOOTS., 530 ZS, ON TIJEBD,ST 1401 NINO December 2, et 10 -o'clock, win RN! still 7thheut re carve, on 4 months' credit— About 1 : 000 packages boots, stress, brogansk &brain' boots, &c., ac.; embracing is %antral assortmenta pima go" of Ott? and Bastera mantlactare- LA g( FOSITIVB SAMC, OF DBlr GOODE. O 4 THURSDAY 57.091111 G. • Decors'lmr 4, at' 3.0 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on montbe , credit-- About 776 yes:sages and lots of British. Germrss, rrench, and Alll9flefill dry goods, era l kantrall a large sk3.l general assortment of staple and fancy articles, ta woolerus worsteds, linen and cottons; tine silks. BiL Oif °ADDICTS. M&TTING,&o., O 1 FRIDAY ItIORNIN2 , ,' Yetiember 5, at lestoclock, on g trouthe oreiit--. —11,11.3C08 velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Rat osritet., mos, matting', &to, BRINLEY,. 00., lio; 429 NIABEZT 1312.R3.1112". RUE OT TEEN Oa OOON:i. 'ON TUERDAY X.O.aNINO. rho 2, at 10 o'clock, on four months' oredfit„ 440gots of fancy ample Trench ores; Roods. &WLS. ON TUESDAY ElORNINO: All. Wool long shawls. do Equare dO. --Vienna broolao long and sonars ahawle DREBB GOODS. —Brithit sod Saxony dress good& /000 PAIES .I.X.VBA HEAVY AND 1,A.11313 SIZE ARMY BLANKVIB. OH. TUESDAY DIORWINO, 1600 pans extra heavy, and large biZ3 army blankets. WEST OF ENCiIsAbD BLUE ..BE &VRIES, dm 26 pieces 7 4 txtra, fine West of England blue beavers 16- do French velvet cloekinfor - WHITE GOODS.. —check and jaccntt Eausith.s. Freo in cb crapes, • erinota. black al paccao, &c. - BLACK ANN MAGENTA. WOOL AND LONG • SHAWLS, FOE OITT TRADE. ON TUESDAY Nomura% 120 extra quality Jails , size Wank Ana magenta wool lona shawls. LYONS BLACK BILK MANTILLA VELVE rs, -- 32, at, and 30-inch Lynne heavy black alik man illa velveim. VANCOAET WARNOCK, AIW- A. TIONBERB, No. TN 1115..8.KET Street. IFIRST SPEGIAL SALE OP RIOS. - FANCY GOOD 3, BOHEMIAN WARE, TOYS, ft., by catalogue. THIS MORNING, December I, commenciog at Itho , clock. .Consisiing in part, of French_end German toys; wax, and kid dolls ;"toy toy setts,`Bottetnian glassware. limey goods, work boxes, &43 s comprising e. variety of articles suitable to approacbine sales. FURS. PUBS. T'FIIB MORNING, At 10 o'olook pri Meetly, au invoice of ladiew' rote, Ma' prlairig squirrel, water-mink, cbiltiren'e ermine sotto, lac. SALE OF 750 LOTS OF gIEERRIAN AND IN FORTED D BY GOODE, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, .MILLINERY GOODS, ito, by cuaMgae. ON WEDNESDAY EIDEN - ENO. December:3, commencing et, 10 o'cloct prealgelY. pHI_LIP FORD tt CO., AUCTIO.N ii. REBUS, 625 RARE_VT and d 22 cOmnEnox SALM OP 1,000 OZ.SE3 BOOTS, EIROM, BiZO. • GAYE' &e. - THIS -HORNING, Dec. 1, at IC o'olGk prof:dimly,. will his sold, bY Cain. lame, 1,000 mum men's. boys' and youths' calf, kip, grair., and thick boots, calf and kip brogans, Balmorala, &c.; Ws men's, misses', and obildren's call, kip, goat, kid, and morocco booted boots and oboes. goiters, Balmoralis, &a Also, a largo aseortment cf city-mado goods. Open for examination ' , with catalogues, early on the morning of Bale. eh.Lll Or 1,000 0.13313 BIGOTS, BROXB, MW .14AC GAN& ON TEMISDAY MORNING, December 4, et 10 o'clook precisely, reW be PM, by ea telogiao, 1,000 camel son's, boys', andimatbs' coif, kip, eruigrein toots. brogans, Rehoorels, &o. Women's, mimes. mad children's Gilt kip, goat, kid, nod morocco heeled booms sod shear, falters; Balmorebs, Ac.. Also, first class city-made goods. air Goods open for essaulnetton, with ostolOL'heit• eery on the morning of sole. ri J. WOLBERT, AUCTION MART. %J. No. IS SOUTH SIXTH STREW, Between Merket end Chestnut. The eabscrlber will give his attention to Wet of reel estate, morchandiee, household furniture, fancy gocda, paintings, objects of art and virtu*, &c. All of which shell bare his personal and prompt . attention, and foi which he aoliclie the favors of his friends. lIIIPLANED Weltld, FIXTUBB3, &o. THIS Dec 1, et 10X o'clock, at No. 304 Chestnut street, fourth story. All the stock of =plated goods, flztares, show. counters and side caeca, scintions, bitteries, acids, -.t0., for sliver plating. Iday be examined early on the morning of sale: OBOIOIC OLD WINES. B DIPS, WEEISKIES, &c. Id Di/M1.101114S &RD 0&2112. • OR TUESDAY MORNING. December 2d, at 11 o'clock, at Mo. 16 South . Sixth street, mompriting— Very choice old madeira, sherry, and Dart wines; Ider• tells imperial ognac brandy,' - vintage 1848; Bourbon and Monongahela wltlettles, of the finest nttt(ty • J.matca and old Grenada rum; liiah end hcotoh wldekiee, Hol land gin. clarets, &c. Sir Warranted pare and unadulterated, and at bust equal to any private stock is this city. N. 11....--For particulars see catalogues, now ready. FOR SALE AND TO LET. rfIAVERN STAND FOR SALE.— -a-' stock, Furniture, and Fixture' of the Hotel, 138 SOUTH Street n 029. a:* di FOR SALE—FiI st-class FARM, containing 85 scree, granite three miles from Doyles town depot. 28 miles north of the city; nicely waters]; fine fruits, &c. Icor further particulars appl to E PETTIT, nc29 No 802 WAL3I7 r Street. asg, FOR SALE, CHEAP.—DEL &- oda. WAIM YARN( ' contaialog 622 scree, 300 acres un der cultivation, the balat.ce floe 'Timber; situate -six miles from Felton station. Delaware Railroad. Tae Im provements are a large Sae brick Hendon, large new Barn, Carriage House, Granariee, .k.C. Land, that qua lity of sandy loam. Price only 825 per acre. Alto, FRUIT FARM, 107 acres, neer Dover, Kent county, State of Delaware; with good improvements. Apply to PE (TIT, - no2s No. 3GO WALNUT Street. FOli, RENT.--MARK.BIT BT.- e Frem January let, the second, third, and fourth tioot a of Nos. 428 and 428 Market street. 33 by 117 feet. now occupied by Leon Berg & Clo: &MAY, between 12 and 2 o'clock, 'at 320 'WALNUT Bt, Mei No. 2, up stairs.nOl3 %bald . . . FOUItTIISTR NET DWELLING. a etl-brilit' dwelling s with three-story back botidlnge,and•stable,No.s3B Ncrth FOURTtf Street, 10 feet b) 181 feet to Crown street, is specially adapted for The residence eif a Physician. Bur sale by AN THONY P. and J. H. 610111218, No. 916 ABM Blies t no2B .6-.* SA FARM WANTED.—Good City t Pronfrty and some cash for a I" , stibl near the olty. Inoniro 13 B. corner - 01 )tLEVEMTH snd AIME Ste., or addrtee " Agriculture " Press office. Lo2B 3-4 VO3l BALE—An excellent Farm, of 118 scree, peer Princeton, N. J. Good buildings, good soil s . splendid situation, and shout 5 000 ;each trees .l just corning into full bearing. B. F. GUE N, • neat . 123 South F JUBTH Street ta • TO RENT-'d THREE-STORY BRIM on 331,CE Street, one dooi above Twelfth, notill aide Rent low to a good tenant Apply to WETHBBILL t BROTHER, iel2. 47 and 40 Borth SROOND Street. a Is OR BALE OR TO LAT—Four lOW HOUSES ; en the west aide of BROAD Street, belen (Johmbla aTentie. Apply at the sontb.weet earner of 751111TH and BANBOIS street mlaZ•tt TO L E T-A COMMODIOUS Mina DWELLING, No. 182 North FRONT Sheaf. Ben: moderate. Apply to WETHEIIILL 13EG., 0c27• tl 47 and 49 North SE 001 TD Street. CARD PRINTING, Neat ad Cheap, at lIINGWALT & - 11330wN13, 2u 8 tOINITH Otra"t. bAinv. Meat - not sa ALAUFIELNERY AND 18.021. ENT•P`A. WORKS, On the Delaware Diver, 'below Philadelphle 3 (THESTRE; DELAWARD 00., PRI.T.NBYLTADIA. BEANEY, BON, & AltoußoLD, Zneneera and Iron Stdri Butldera, BEARIFFACTURNBE Or ALL BINDS Or OONIYERSTITG MST) NON-CIONDZNEIIIia szterass, Iron Venda of all deaeriptlona, Boilers, Water-Tubb Propellers, ao, &C. moo. naunit W. B. Mainly. MAXI.. Axottscom.th Late of Beaney, Ifeatle & 00., Late Zuglaear-ta Penn's Work', Philta:sl. Oblef, 11. B. Navy. 1y22-ly .PENN . STEAM ENGINE AND HOMER WOE/38.--HEAR= LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL WM NEras, MAOHMISTB,BOILER-N AVERS, BLACK SMITHS, and ,FOURDERS, having, for many yearn, been in emoceedul operation, and been euclualvely de. gaged In building and repairing Inlarine end River IE• sinew, high and low Nelson, Iron Boilers, Water Tank" Propellers, &0., gd , respectfully offer their serviess tf the public, ea being fully Prepared lb contract for Ma sines of all dna, Marine, River, and Etatonary, hest veto of patterns of different alma, ere prepared to irso. date ordern with gale& despatch. Every description .1.% pattern-meninx made at the. abortent notice. Hixt, and . Low-pressure, Eke Tnbnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the bent nmnsylveinte charcoal iron. Forginte, of al silos and kinds; Iron and .Brase Outings, of all doom* tlons ; Roll Turning, Berew-Outing, and all other woe. connected with the above Imminent& Drawir.gy arel SpetiftcaUone for all work done at fug& tetabliehment„ fres of charge, and work guarantied. The imbeerrlbera have ample wharf-dock room few is Nara of lents, where they can lie In perfect safety, aaf are provided with abeam, bkockst, false, &c., Loa., for pow lug heavy or light weightg. 1.11.0011 0. 1111ATIE, JOSE P. LICVT, .1.14-p IMAM and PALMZE stra4lll. a. TAIIGIRAR N 3211108, WILLWII L It3XXXIii JOSCIII B. 00211. OUTEW ARK - FOUNDRY, P.,11 FIFTH MY -WASHINGTON 8TRBEI8: 7ETIJI:DIL73ILL. =BRIM 801113 1 ENGINBIZZY AND MACHIN7S2W, Manche= MO and Low Pressure Stem /WAS for land, river, and marine service. Bonus, Gaaometers, Tanks, Iron Beats, as. eta* taws of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iran-Prame Boors for Gas Works, Workehols, toad Stations, Ac. lletorts and Gem lliaolthaory of the Wed and arm improved oenztrnoUen. very datorintion of Plantation Wischirgn79 (doh a Sugar, Saw, and Grist Kills, Vacunm Pans, Ortst Stowe Trains, Detonators, Pikers, Pimping langtheat ata- Sole Agents for It. iiillierces Patent Bazar fit . darearatna ,• blesmyth's Patent Steam Rammer, and Az. Plnwall WObeelt Patent OentritaaL/ SAM Druhillal ifikidna liitORGAN. ORR; & CO- - STEAM- X 1 -Et:MUM BITILDBUS, Iron Founders, and Cla• Demi Nada ists and Boller Makers, N 0.1210 ()ALLOW HIDI street, Philadelphia. . fel2.ly fIOSHEN 'GLADES , , . : WESTERN NA and Pennsylvania Batter, of choice erudite. con etsntly received s and for sale by ERODES •A - WM LLANO, PE South WATER Street.' ne2o SALES By AUCTIOef., MTHOII.IIB ono. /. a 9 saurle. Bow: rtA3HTEr m!'•a4, 8200E8 m hails REAL ittiIVIT—TDEEt, Berirgon pmroret yee of all tactg the prcperty k be e g ueg Dow roaG, .7er.Wrroi; vaff — L; 4t next. Pocember 24, with o fist er ;Ake 20; ;46/1 canter eorttprteing it. large aMortrd grog 6.1 valtable,r,,......rty, by order o 2 Orpbete. o f y" ' exrclo ate, others, • Or REENT, ZeI'ATZ i'lx.iYaTl H. 1,2 lame &mount ci destrfption (61r city axid csulitl7k , z? Ns , akl • way be hed. at' the anotioa acre. TORiI6.2q,IWS, A t , Off TEMSDAY mysember,2, atlZ'o'clock sacs, at the Rzq older Exrcutute— - Pew , No. )01. casts aff.le. Calvary. p,, b , Cberett, Locus.t stret wen et Plateau n,Nts By erier of Truete e e , —2 , eLaires ioup rcjai To close en.Betat ne, east 2 Buren, $5OO each, nr the Railmo compeer, (Buse ard alanuatitdtrt*te.) btu pans from lac January. 18Pit. Salo htleolue.. For other _I ortruatr-- Pbaro 'Faint Breeze Par!: As=abctius. 1 shwa 151 - srcantiic Library t3nEaou Tic het Arch- etreat 7Go9trn Church. dmichkrutor's cant—Pow tra. B'4 L31 ' 4416.4 *; 0 EE&L NIST•sTE & EALLE—DEOEdirizt.., rena Ornbann'ed—T Li. B Clonrt 4 - Sal ki T 0 E T c.-- tale or Pwrick 13;.;T: E atifni: DlNELialii O. . E. corner Sixteenth rid th,,,01i etreeta. Nth ward. , ' 4 .6.4 ()ram 's , Court Sale—Zenta of , 'smnr-,1 Aj 'sera,, WTODIE DWELLFNO and LOT, ova: the -- road, Boxbornugh. :ant warn_ li vio Orphan& Court Salo—Entar .).e2 e e of . 5 LOT OF GROUND; K atreer, 2.11 John we.. 74 '.0.1... Some Earato—TWO LOTS, Nni. ill an :.,22 Plan'of Lcts or ii , West Philadelphia 31 1.1ne,z,., / r4 iit elation," 24th ward, 44 TWO 7 fEiTuRY Bearv'K 1 . )371 ;U:1NG, ~) so, avenue, eolith of Wharton ormt, 'Mtn lEED Eqo 1.4 dwelling In the ienr tr k tt, Pererniters KaIe—NEAT MODE.'F DiS'Eql., ED. 416rathl Vin atr,et. _____ ISO, oebpercrinitoet 'sritreeSale—THßßLßlOßY BE IQ Div E It. t LARGB Lor, north side of (PIPET Mr-I.lo_ Vienna end Wood streets, 32 b:, 190 feet, c, „,,,,, 3 - "!bes frdme dwelling or stable. iil a - thk, -FOUR-STORY B SICK DVaLL li - 4,1:0, 6, „, street, bflow Boutb skrf et, (late Sonch•rad, ; 4 'Nsi 8131LD1119 poi, Arch street, (!hit Ca Two,. c .a rg street. ' EXTB a, FINE RAMBIR h. ,Al 4 -0 will I:3ILVE - 31, FikEllo.s Frin iD watitß,Erykßi. ea.- TligliriußE, &c• , ilk 113113 lif O c hNlfill 1, at 12 o'clock°, at tin sacti , is -.1 0 ,,,, , tt,itil. of fine'imadelia and therry Wilits of Hie Is fi`oli! ; Feeticb. slated effecter ,srvice; kts'is,,.. George ti, Reid. Also, Preacb Eifv,r ttaS wild bad Wok: -candelabrar, fmiturfs. $.7., -- .1 , c . : t e t o * v t Il sett ; e Ai so, -fine. tou ( d gicikd pinto; till) oil sainting, by T o . labauz.. No— aditiogaas will ba ready three da:s stayisto sale. - teat the Ibtre sq . & tt Rota HOUSBROLD FUR T Brix! YEE runi, ozi• I:trkt4l.t.el ?HydsiNG, Demrher 2, at No. 422 Race 10 ea the L-ilt ttreet Re) Otte:, the home:eh:qt.' tem:t ura b ar trireP s &C. se. th - mi lk y be exercised at a c'clect. en the DiozA tiaq e nate. - Adminietratle's ha STORE PIXTUIllsza., otaiN T r q,l ,, i. Oti TiIEaDAS rA December 2, at No. 101 tonal etreet,Asc-ai Street, below-Gbearrynt elreel, rt roll D e ~„ y order of administralor, the neat *. r , s ruml,co 7 . Bars, &c. abeiving, with ease kora, ceu,,terl, garbs*, Or' Can be examined on I:earplug IifOSES NATHANS.AUCTII)NER A IV. COMAIISEITOIT krsto.c, corner of BUTE" aud - • GRIZAT' Tk WATUE AND JEWDLEY AT PEI? V. 71 Tfoo Eohl and elver lever, terfue, 110 e t.,4,, L French eratcheo for has than half !Is tvr 4 l ek. Watches Mom one doWn. p .t.lat4 atvaered Salm each. GrA,l °biking from 410 to 60 osula Lea' dwt. cboop. • The highest Imatele -prlue 1s leaned OD !wilily,. titans' Priwipai Ea.:sett:lmm% soattwAn ;mu/ It Black and Bice ertrosts.' At Ise :a crze-tlerd urt tr A imp other estatAishment thAs tits, NATILLNEP PRINCIPAL Ronzrt lBl.l3l.4. MONEY TO LWar., In Large or malt amounts, from one d01..r on diamonds, gold and diver piste wsteL., Ast i merchsr.dao, Wotan*, fora:ore ) beditiap.. eke." et goods of everr deeceiption. LOANS BLADE AT TEE LowrisT it LA Ei i 475,3 Thleeatehltelunent hes late Are atr.; tk , i,-n , nl for the er.fetY o. vieltinble goods, together olth b rtia watchman on, the nromisee. ZSTABLISHED FOE THA;LAST TBI3OI. St, 111?" All large Loans made& this the Prirgi,c4;l4 biishmtnt. Mr' Charges greatly rOluce,l AT PEIVATIG Euads. One eraT.erior. brilliatrened piano -tone. Ftb neegi piste, eoR and band pedals. Price only ;keg. One very lane toned pier-ferte, price out; na SHIPPINO BOSTUN AND PHIL DELPHI& STEAMSHIP LINZ. elk Cron' cacti port OD BikTIIRDAYEL Save.*" »milt+ low SPRUCE filreet, ?nallelpbla, and Llrl Boston. The eittomahlp NOWA AY. ;Joni Philodelplife on S VTI7A.D.3 Y. December 6. e.t 10 A Ni rind tear sAxos, Capt. Ddhsthwe fr om lio;t•:y;i St, TEEDAT, December 6, et 4 P. M. These new and autertantial staerrabla. form a rerf lino, Rains from each non ranttualiy on SntwAste, .Tnanrance effected at one half the tracaisin chartehl aaii•voreele. Freight taken at fair rates Shipper' are rr-quoeted to rend blly Ittcdptt Lading with their igoodt. • • Fcr Freight or Passage. /haring fine UCOMMS '44OI O aPP I 7 t 3 HENRY WIN'.OIIOI I . Dols " 832 South DELAWARE !...,•reat. KtDTICE:The Restrictions on Traid baying been removed by order of thE giv:k.sd ment, passengers about to visit Europe Will r. 7 lax If required to provide themselves with eessei.,rt. „•••• STEAM WEIZE.LY TO LIM% %touching at Queenstown, (0o:t. LT2fiti - . he Liverpool, New York, end nailiEs Steamship °outpost, iitend deepetatilagiheirt:LFl” Clyde. built Iron steernehlps as follows: CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday, ETNA Saturday, Norierea. OITY OF WABBINGTON....Sainrday, Deeee.al. And" every succeeding Saturday et neon, Vets Mb 44 North River. RATES OF POSAOI3. WEST 0A8F8.....5100.00 STEERAGE do to L0nd0n....105.00 do to Lotion... l 4 de to Perle 110 00 do to Paris 411 do .t. 3 Bamburg..llo 00 do to Thembuet.. 4o Passengers also forward to Helve, transa-. Sal dam, Antwerp, ao., et equall.7 row rates. Fares from rAverpoot or Qteon.stown: Ist Calm, et 1005, tint. St . E.erage from Liverpool, ii*O. ITS Queenstown. 540. Those who wish to send for Cst friends van boy tickets here at these raise. These steamers bars superior accommodatioteg* ;engem are strongly bunt In water-tight hos salts and carry Patent Fire Annihilators. Expertaut scone ere attached to each Steamer. For fr.eher information apply in Liverpool Wl* LIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street; le 01v4;" ALEXIdALCOLM, 5 St. Enoch Square; In Quematil to O. da W. E. SEYMOUR A CO.; in London to WI & MA.OEY. 81 King William Street; in Paris te DEOOUE, 48 Itne Notre Demo dee Ficteirta, Ftsee , lo Bowes; in New York to JrullS G. BALE, is 3n* way, or at the Company's Office. JOHN G DALE, itni: ocl 111 Walnut Sne't, el T t . THE BRITISH AND NO . AMEBTObIi NOM NAM STU* t 3 HIPS BETWERR NNW YORK Ale LTC MOOT+, 011J' urn AT CORK E , ,611P.DR, AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL CLJA IRO Al. RALIFAX AND I tti-ROPA3 Moodie, leaves Boston, We - Ines - la:F. loo6 ' pritsi.s, Lott, leaves Now Yes, r " --• AFR 7106., Anderson, leaves Boston. Wedeeilav , Pe: 1 1 CELINA, Cook, leaven New York. Wednesd3Y , D , ^l 7. ARABIA, Stone, leaves Reston, WednelOsr. D It FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOCi- IIi Chief Cabin Passage , Re