THE CITY. The Than HOYKMBEB 28,1861. NOVEMBEB 28,1862, mtJ 12 K. BA. H *BB 4# ...46 89.. 46 ........47 '** WIHD WIHD. wflW WbW... .BBW. g.byW...WBW..W.byS. The Hospitals on Thanksgiving —ln addition to the hospital celebrations on Thauks glyirg day, mentioned In The Press of yesterday, we giro the following: In reference to the Thanksgiving festival at the Geoige-slreot Hospital we unintentionally did irjnetice to the majority of the ladies the dinner by awarding the credit of the whole to those of the Bev. Mr. Chandler’s (now Mr. Eva’s) church. Wo learn from a fr.qneut visitor of the inaiitotion that there are seven committees of ladies—consisting of six each-who visit the hospi ai weekly, and not onlr give their time, but also largo contributions of clothing and provisions for the comfort of the men, These committees repurent the following churches and associations, vis: The Front Btreet M. E. Church, Bt. John’s M. E. Thurch, Second Baptist Ohnrch, First Presbyterian Church, Ladles’ Aid Society of Sixteenth Ward, Deborah Franklin Council 80, 2, D, of Americi, and an inde pendent association of benevolent 1 idles from.diffs.ront churches. Each committee has its day, and makes such provision for that day as It pleases, being entirely inde pendent of 81l the others. ' In the Thanksgiving dinner referred to these commit tees contributed an canal share, aad are therefore enti tled to eaual praise. The after-dinner exercises were presided over by the pastor of the Front-street M, E. Church, and consisted of a speech to English by the Bev, A. W. Milby, and one in German by Rev. Geo. Looker, find a very fine musical entertainment by a band of ama teur musicians. Dr. Harlow, the surgeon to charge; Dr. Curtis, the assistant: Dr. Hartshorn, visiting surgeon, and Drs. Bowen and Buck, resident Burgeons ; Bev. Mr. Eva, and a large circle of friends or the committees and of the solders were present on the occasion, and were delighted with Ibe entertainment. The soldiers at the Episcopal Hospital were also pro vided with turkeys, cranbsrries, and pumpkin-pies by voluntary contributions. The number fed was 287/ The soldiers at fit. Joseph's Hospital, on Girard ave nue! were pleased and gratifi. Dniester.—Turner's lane ; 253 beds, Hestonvllle, D Hans Agncw.—HestonviUe, West Philadelphia; 172 bede. Germantown, Jarntß Darrach.—Termantovrag. Phila delphia • 290 beds Eeltcopal, B. P. Thomas —Front and Lehigh avenue;, 526 beds.’ ■ . ’■ Chester (Pa,) JohuL Le Conte.-—Chester, Pa.; 36? beds, ■ Citizens’ Yolunteer, Bobert B Kenderdine.—Corner Bread and Prime streets; 2to bids. Small Pox iioeeltsl. Dr. Patterson —Bldge avenue and lelipgtou lane ; 30 bede. Haddington, B.J. Levis.—Sixty-sixth and Tire streets; 375 beds. , Officers’Hospital, Dr. Cemao.—Oomao’a Woods; 60 beds.’' ' Befioehment Saloots, Drs Ward and Nebinger —2OO bed 5...... Homoeopathic.—-60 bods. The Colored Statistical Asso ciation.—The Social, Civil, and Statistical Association of the colored peopte of Pcimßjiva&ia holds Its public and, private meetings in this city. It has been established for three years, embiacee seventy-five members, and hag for ita objects mutual protection, the general recognition of the olvil and Bocial rights of the colored people, and theimprovemett of “the condition of the colored race hr every meana calculated .to exalt their common humanity) and to raise them to the Sod ordained level cf the great brotherhood of man.” Tbe iaat private meet* lug took plaice at the Philadelphia Institute, Lombard atreet, above Seventh, iaat Monday evening, and the last public one at Benlzst’s Bali, Seventh below . Jjninbard. The private meetings take plaice the first Monde; ot every month. It-e pv.blic meertoge occnr once every three months, the last having bean celebrated toward the beginni igof November. The officerj consist .lot lsaiah o.'Hears; pie ldcn J W. B. Vidat and F. Tnr ■aer, vice presidents; Wm. Still, corresponding secretary; Bev. J. C. Gibbs, recording secretary; Jacob 0. .White, -Br., Treaaorer; and J. P. Clay, d. Morgan Smith! Bibt. Jenes, W. J.'Price,Bev, Stephen Smith, Gharlea H. Bn>- tUI, Morris Brown, and Moses Wheeler, the executive Committee. The organization is doing as mnoh at pre sent as can well be expected, and is very earnest in its practical endeavors. A circular will . very shortly, pro bably within a week or so. be issued under the Buparin tersdence of the exeen'ive committee, having reference to the President’s Smancipation Act. ■ This circular'will indicate the general feeling upon that snbject among the colored class, and contain some suggestions In regard to the manner in which lie operation should be received. Colored PassingßBB in Railway CABS —At tbe annual Union Thanksgiving mse tag Of the churches of tbe Reformed Presbyterian and United Presbyterian denominations in this city, held on Thurs- day afternoon, ot the chuTch of Rev. William Bterrett, Twenty-second Btreet, near Oallowblll, addresses were made by Bev. Messrs. Grow, Prloe, Dr. Wylie, George H. Btuart, and others Mr. Price, oi Brentford, referred, in a feeling manner, to the death of Bev, Bichard Boberson, as the result of his exclusion from a Prankford car, and being compelled, on a dark and stormy night, to occupy the platform of said car. At the conclusion cf the meeting, Bev. A. G. McAuley, of Kensington, rose and offered a resolution that a com mittee, coneiating of six laymen, (three from each of the denominaliona here represented,) be appointed to print »rd circulate a peiliion in favor of permitting all respec table or well-behav6d persons to occupy the cars, irre spective bi condition or color. The resolution was adopted by the meeting without dissent, and the following persons appointed to attend to tbe matie:: Dr. Me Murray, Alex ander Kerr, Thomas Stinson, Wm. Getty, Wm. S. Young. . Pobk and Sausages.—This week has Inaugurated the period of pork and the season of aanssges. Pigs are plenty and scrapple not scarce; porkers are prime, and shoals supernumerary. From Monday morn until Tuesday eve the swinish stream poured In 5 their snonts snivelling In the air, their tails trembling in the rear, and their feet dabbling In the mire. They were led like iambs to the slaughter (honse), and'fell beneath the blow of the butcher. Interested parties explain that where pork abounds scrofula does much more abound and that incorrigible sausage-eaters have a tendency to barking. At any rate, pork ii.very low priced tbiß season, and a large quantity of Sussex pork, the variety most sought after, is on hand In re gard to sausages, wo would merely say that ever Bince, years ago, we need to 1 .ok at and envy the comfortable-' looking, fat old market women munching their sausages and coffee soaked buckwheat cakes, as they sat bundled up in blanket shaw.s. lauding their cabbages, and specu lating at once on potatoes and polities; ever since those early dayiywe have looked with affection and respect upon fried sausages. Whal is technically called 'crack ling in pork Is also > eatable, when well browned. Ball roads have been overloaded with the commodity of pork In all its stager, and this fact will carry delight to the thousand bosoms which delight more in the hog roasted than the hog wallowing in the mire. Ecabcity op Ooopbbs —That media* nics are aoaiee, is daily illustrated in a variety of ways. Shetaut that placards abound bearing the words “old barrels wanted," is sufficient evidence of the scarcity of coopers. In the Army of tbe Potomac, however, coopers are as well represented as any of the otter trades. With the flour-barrel wagons that traverse the streets every;, body Is familiar With a big rack upon their frimei, ..they are driven from grocery to grocery, and from taker's shop to baker’s shop. Paster than floor-barrels are emptied these collectors are ready to buy them up atgood prices. Just now they are more plentiful than new ones. Indeed, there are lew or no new floor-barrels to report, and touch of the city- made flour Is now packed En old barrels. As high as thirty one cents eaoh for old barrels Is paid by barrel collecto a, who in turn make their profit from the millers. By having a cooper- shop in connection with their teems, this rises of operators drove a snug little business until rece: tly. The competiti, nls now so ac tive that the price of barrels, like that of cotton, is very buoyant. Union Volontbe t Kjpbebhment.— ConstribntloßS received by the Oaicn Volunteer Refresh ment Committee during the past week are as follows: Mutual Fire Assurance Company, BWQ; Theodore Ouy ler, 816; proceeds of a fair held at Mount Vernon, Ma» vayunk, by Martin John 8. Harlan, Mlsaes Xlizabeth gtoney, Mary Atbiron, Emma .Bender, Alice Morton, Sophia Epprlgbt, and Sarabg Mendenhall, 872.78; do. held at Trent and Washington streets, I>F Mary Virginia Wise, *llWilliam Baird, 8 It; . proceeds of a fair held by Master Aliert H. Moore and Miss Emma Jenton,B2o; do. held at Young backs’ Institute,- No. 1003 Spring Garden street, E. T Brown, principal', 825 ;‘do. at South T- nn Hose houso, by Misees Anna Bui, Lizzie Hetzel, Bailie Manson, Msggte|Eelley, and Lavlnia White, one half, 840; do. at No. 1316 Hewson street, by Misses A. K. Till, A. Till, B. J. Stelnbaik, L. Steinbark, M. Wad, B. Eavls, L. Martin, A. Mercer, L. Smith, C. Smith,and M.Sheppard, 838 60; B. B.Barnes, map United States; B enry Bandy, SlO. Roberts’ Artillery.—A portion of the battalion of heavy artillery; raised for the purpose of garrisoning For tress Monroe; has reached its destina tion. "The company that arrived was mostly raised from, the drafted men’a camp at Harrisburg. George K, Bowen, the captain, was a member of the Washington ©rays In the three-months service, and the Grays will thus have the honor of giving two eaplalns to this bat talion, as dapiain Hazard, who la raising oompany A in this city, was also a member, though In active service «ritb Bußh’s Lancers. Notwithstanding the slowness With whloh recrnlte are coming In for other organiza tions, this battalion Is 'filling UP rapidly, all the oompa pies being very nearly fall. Oaptain H. has now npon bis muster-roll, here and at Harrisburg, 101 men, and be only needsforty. six men to be foil. Thi Criminal Court. —This court was not In session yesterday, the term having ended last week. The court-will> sit to-day,'to hear habeas oorpus find other cases. 1 -urometer. Police Intelligence —Aid Patojhell hnd before him, on Thanksgiving day, threo mea, named Charles Gibson, Bobert Stilwell, and Anthony McMaiur, on tbecherge of having stolen sixteen turkeys. The no enstd were unable to give any satisfactory aocount of the captnreof the turkeys. They were held to answer.-' Andrew May,'the proprietor ot a public house at Fourth and Culvert streets, was before Alderman Devlin last evening, charged with having committed a violent aesanlt and battery upon Frederick Bbonehart. The letter, it seems, went into the house to get a drink, and while there got into, an alternation with one of the In mates. He was then Attacked with tumblers, and had his head pretty severely cut. The. aocnsGd was hold la 81,000 bell to answer. ; - - ' 1 r A etreet fight , occurred on Thanksgiving .day at Se venth and Parrish streets, in which Isaac Abrana was severely injured William Wray, Thomas, Esher, and John Carpenter, alleged participants, were arrmjted and held by Aid Bbaw to 81,000 ball each to answer. Wilson has been committed by Aid. White for a fur I her hearing, upon the charge of the larceny of Bioo. ... . ... Agricultural Colleges, Experi mental FAKM3, AND HOMES FOB PATBtO P OBPH ANS.—Wo recently alluded to the organization and labors of the Institute of Bewiard, the aim of; which It to establish—l.'Agrtoultural Colleges; 2, Expepimen - tal farms ; 3. Homes for patriot orphans. Its aids are a triplet of forces : 1. National Govern ment; 2, Btate Legislatures; 3. Patriotic and philan thropic individuals. The corresponding secretary, David P. Holton, ;M, D., has, lor the past four months, been presenting for signa tures, in several States, a petition, for the establishment of Orphan Homes on the Experimental Farms, that may be attached to tie Agricultural College to each State, agreeably to the Congressional bill of Julr 2d, 1882. Should the accommodations in said Homes be to any Btate toenfficientj fur the applicants, it is proposed to equitably proportion the inmates from the several Let (he ratio of orphan representation be the same as that which the number of soldiers to service from the respective counties bears to those from the ’entire State. ■ • Departure of Drafted Men —The 175th Begiment, Col. Dyer, at Camp Philadelphia, re ceived orders io strike tents yesterday morning add pro ceed South. The 174th Begiment, 00l JohnNyce commanding, left Gamp Philadelphia about one o’clock on Thursday after noon, Washington. They were fully armed and (quipped. The soldiers moved off apparently ih gool spirits, followed by a train of wegons containing tents end stores. The 176th Begiment, Col. Fleckner, will probably leave to-day. Deaths at Abmy Hospitals.— The following deaths were reported yesterday : Girard Avenue and Seventeenth Streets— Geo. Fop less. Co. F,l64th P. Y. West Phi'.adtlplria—Vf. H. Sanger, Co. K, 16th Mas sachusetts. ” _ Christian Street —Samuel Sheets, Go. K,9oth P. Y,; P. Hogen, Vo. K, 66th N. X. Yolnntoere. South Streets. F. Winslow, Go H, 35th Massachu setts; Sergeant W. Wyliei Co. A, 28th Pennsylvania. Harrow Escape.—As a train of cars filled with cdidlers, was moving out of the depot, at Broad Bed Prime streets, on Thursday, a man* came near being crushed to doash. Ho was unloading his oart alongside the train, when he reached out his hand to shake farewe ll with some of the soldiers. In doing so, ho was ■ pulled' from his cart, and fell between it and the train, narrowly- escaping being crushed by the wheels.. The poor man was so badly shocked that he was unable to t peak for several minutes. Cheap Coal Coming.—ln view of the scarcity of coal canied by the great freshet last spring, the M oiriß Canal Company are running over one thou sand boats day and night, between Jersey City aad Easton, Fa„ loaded with this article, and intend keeping the canal open as long as they possibly can, to order to meet tbe demands which are daily made by dealers from various parts of the country. A large nnmber of men will be employed to keep'tbe canal free from ice, Tbe 15road street Hospital,-f-We are in receipt of a communication stating that no such punishment as confining a soldier in a cell for.« sixteen days upon bread' and ; water for the trifling offence of overatay it g his pass,” is resortod to at the Broad and Cherry- streets Hospital, as has been alleged. The writer says the guard-house is the place of terror to evil doere only, and Is a basement room, boarded floor, adjoining and communicating with the room occupied for a long time by the guard of the institution. Collection to Aid in the Erection OF A HOSPITAL —Tbe Roy. Dr. West will preach to morrow atthe Reformed rreabyterian Ohurcb, Eighteenth and Filbert streets, when a collection will be taken up to aid in the erection of a hospital chapel en the grounds of the United States Army Hospital, West Philadelphia. The Government makes no provision whatever for the erection of these necessary structures. ’ Installation of a New Rector.— The Bev, Wm. Johnston Alston will be installed as reotor of Bt. Thomas’ Protestant Episcopal Church, Fifth street below Wehrat, on Sunday, at lOjf o’clock AIM. The services will be conducted by Bishop Potter, and others. The Ladies’Aid Association acknow ledge the Tecsipt of 52319 from Carrie and Robert Mey ers, the proteeds of a fair held at 1038 Olive street, for the relief of the soldiers at the hospital at Twelfth and Buttonwood streets. Degree of BebbccA.—James B. Nicfcolton, the Grand Sire or the Order of Odd Fellows, on Thursday afternoon conferred the degree of Bobooca upon a number of persons, at the Hall, North Sixth Btreet. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at Pittsburg. THE SHERIFF'S' CASE. Opinion of Chief Justice Rowan on the .Motion to Qozsh the Writ of Obrtiobabi. The telegraphic despatch of Monday last, announcing the decision of th& Supreme Court on.the motion to quash the writof certiorari, gave none of the partioulars of the opinion in the case, but simply announood ths conciurion that had been arrived at. A certified copy oi that opinion was received yesterday afternoon, and we present it this morning to our readers. -=**" ? Certiorari to Quarter Sessions of Thompson el al : ) - Philadelphia County. The opinion of ihe court was delivered at Pittsburg, Novimber 25th, ’62, by Lowrie, C. J ■■■■"»)■ This is a case ot contestedelection of Bheriff'of Phila delphia. It was tried in tbe Quarter Seeiiona.purju tot to tbe act of 2d July, 1839, directing suoh a proceeding, ■ and af.-er a very full hearing on the merits 'if- was de-: cidtd that John Thompson, and not Robert Ewing, was duly elected. The esse Is now brought here by a writ Oi ceitloitri, and cn behalf of Mr.,Thompson, tt is ob jected that there is no sufficient cause for the writ, and he moves to quash it unless sufficient cause be now sfcown. This Is the motion which we are now to decide, and it has been argued before ns at great length and with great ability. Being a question involving a political and psrf.san contest, It Is, of course, a disagreeable one. Bnt law rises above ati parties and shares in no partisan excitements, and this indicates the frame tf mind re- Qu'red by those who are appointed to administer the law. It respects the earnestness, and even the excitements, of all Eocial efforts on proper social matters; bnt, when these excitements run into actual collisions, tt Is ever reedy to separate the combatants by the application of its owe- established measure of right In this, as in all cases, it demands that those who administer it snail do *0 in the very spirit of the law, and without any taint of tbe spirit that Is peculiar to Cither party In the contest. It is generally inevitable that one or other of the parties will be dissatisfied with the result, and,'therefore, It is probable that it will be so In this case. Qur duty in this caae it a very restricted one; for, as is admitted, we cannot retry the case on tbe evidence but cen.only coneiler whether it was tried before a compe tent authority and in pronsr form, and only such (idea tions have been raised before ns. -Let ns consider, in detail, the anawei a-given to the mntion to quash the writ; and, first, those that relate to the action or thiß court One of tbtm is that the writ was duly issued, and, therefore, ongbt not t@ be quashed. We need not stop to discuss this allegation of fact; for™ even If it be trne, it does not follow that the writ may not be afierwaida (mashed, If, on a motion made for the pur pore, the court should think there Is no sufficient cause to justify It, The instances in which this has been done are so numerous, and so generally sanctioned, that it is Quite unnecessary to refer to any of them. Another is that the party issuing the writ out of the 'Esetein District oaght not to be required to go .to -the Western District to answer the motion: - Of oourse, nothing could be gained for this case, but delay, by this objection ; and the: prevention of this is one or-the very purpoees or the motion to Quash. It is very common for us, in urgent and important causes, especially public ones, to app hit the hearing of thecanse or of some preliminary question In It in whatever district we maF happen to be sitting when the: exigency arises, and there"-is nothing In the law to prevent this Wedid so in the equity branch, of this cage, in favor of Mr. Ewing’s bill for an injuao t‘on, and it seems strange that he should object now when the same rule is,applied in favor of the other party. We have many times done the same thing in cases of urgency, and when delay would itself have done manifest injustice. - ‘ ' Besides ibis, it was one of the conditions on which a msjoiity of this court agreed to grant the injunction In favor of Mr. Swing in this matter, that this motion to qcssh might be made here: and he cannot, with any justice, accept the benefit or that, and reject the condi tions imposed, and understood ay him to be imposed, in granting It. And it la no proper answer for him to say that Mr. Thompson and the. publio so far respected our opinion accompanying the order, as to make the order itself unnecessary, and that therefore he may reject its conditions. The counsel seemed to think that it was a fair objection to the motion, that it was suggested by us, and not by the counsel. Why so l It is generally the ease that a pre liminary in junction is granted on such terms as the court may think proper to impose, having any proper connec tion with the traneaoUstt in dispute, and usually it dic tates the terms Itself, according to what it may thiuk the exigencies of the case may require; and very often one of the terms is some provision for a speedy, hearing of the matter on Its merits," either‘ in the equity esse or in some action at law. , • In many cases this Is a plain and obvious duty, and we tbonghfn was so in a case of so much importance to the public interests as this one. We thought it our duty to say to Mr. Ewing, we wilt stay the intrusion of Mr. Thompson on condition that yon speed the hearing; when we were saying to Mr. Thompson you ought to have moved to quash the certiorari rather than act in disre gard of it. Nothing Is more usual anr proper than such suggestions by the court, and it requires very little reading or observation to be ensured of the fact. We refer to some oases, where Lord Mansfield and other judges have made the -same suggestion in ; relation [to the writ of certiorari, 2 Burr, TO-i2 : Oowp, 283 ; 2 Term R ,234; 13 Wend,, 871. We often suggest to counsel that they have not assigned the proper errors to coine at the merits- of their ease, and allow them to amend. We should.think ourselves much to blame if we should; ollow'a party to suffer wrong by a miitake of the remedy, when we could savehim from It by suggesting the proper one. = . : i. . Having thus deposed of these preliminary objsctions, let ue now consider those that relate to the merits of the case, so far as they may be reviewed by ns on acertio rari. ■ - 1 ->-y : ' One'objection is, that Mr. Ewing waß not- allowed to' aver end show * that, in several election divisions, no tally papers, and in several others, no return papers were filed in the Protbonotary’s office, as the law requires. No doubt thte was a very grave negleot of : plain duty on the part Of the election officers; but what merit does this fact furnish to Mr. Ewing’s claim ? Mr. Thompson claims: the c ffice, because the general return, striking out tne illegal votes appearing on it, shows that he is enti tled to it The legal form is, therefore, In his -favor, and it become b necessary for: Mr-.-Ewing to show fraud of mistake in making up this ferm. and that the actual facts of the voting are in his-favor. - Surely, the neglect of the officers to flle tbe papers referred to has no sortoftendenoy to provo this. That certain papers were not filed in the - •proper tffice does not tend to prove that the return judges erroneously entered, and summed up, In their genera!re t-rna, the division returns reported to them, Qagain :t Is objected that in one election division, which reports a majority of-twenty-two for Mr; Thompson’, the jadge of iho election was 'absent from duty during the greater part of tbe day, and that the court-refused this to bo averred and shown. This is the aisertion Of very serious official misconduct on tbe.part of tbe effiber, and poesibiy tf vitiates the vote of thedlvision. But we need not decide this, and do not, because, even II these votes were stricken out; Mr. Thompson would stdi have a ms- j iority. -T - ’ , Another objection is, that the court, In-tbe course of the, j proceeding, refused to allow. Mr ■ Ewing to ameodhis,; answer ■ by -adding an .averment that to one division illegal votes to the number of «> three and upward,” or, j bo hfswftneas says,.“at least three,” were received for ’ Mr. Thompson: We do not need to say whether the re- S fnsat was a proper or improper exercise.of discretion by the court on the subject of amendments, bedauss, even if the averment -hsd been allowed and proved, and these votes bad been added to the. twenty-two before named. It would not have disproved Mr. Thompson’s right to the office. These three objections are ail that refer to the merits of Ibe election itself. There are ethers that relate merely to the form, ot.ihe proceedlns in the Quarter Sessions for contesting the electionreturn, and we shall now consider these.- v -One of them Is,.that the court erred In hot quashing Ike whole petition of Mr. Ewing’d opponents, because teveralof Us specifications contained contradictory aver ments? If this had. been done., Mr. Ewing would hwe gained bis cause, not on the merits and nor by discredit ing the general return, but merely because of some Irre gularity In' his adversaries’ pleading. We. cannot favor such an objection, even If the alleged, contradiction were apparent, which is not the case. The true way to correct such a fault would be to strike out the contradictory parte, and not those which were not attested by the in compatibllity, and which ofthemsrivos furnished inde- ‘ pendent ground of attacking Mr. Ewing’s title. Besides ' tbit, there is no sort of merit in this objection; all the suppled objection able specifications were after-' wards withdrawn by the petitioners, and the caao of Mr. .Thompson was gained without them. . ■ - , Another objection is. that only one judge of the Quar ter Sessions was.on the bench when the petition for era testing the election; was presented, and the tims fixed for the hearing of the parties, whereas the Constitution requires two judges for a quorum. There are two suffi cient answers to this: the allegation is not sustained by the record; and there is no merit in the ob.action, even if tho faot wete as alleged, since no objection was mido to proper time on this aocount, and lt'ia not pretended that, at any other part of the hoaring 3r proceeding, there were not two jndgds present. Another objection is, that Mr. Ewing’s commission cannot be impeaohed by means of.thisform of proceed ing. But it might rather be eaid that this proceeding, Instituted according to law, to contest Mr. E wing's elec tion, cannot be frustrated by .a commission issued after wards. ( Such a commission can be regarded only as provisional, or as a cemmlsslonpcndenfe fife, if the pro ceeding should be successful, just as a commission iu si milar cases is declared to be in military elections by the act of 2d April, 18512, Bed 20. Lattly, it is objected that the act of 1839, instituting this form of proceeding is unconstitutional, iu so far as it deprives a party claiming a right to a public office by a popular election, ot a trial by jury of all disputed facta. If this objection is well .founded, then.every step in the official organization of the Btate. or to the perpetua tion of its organization, might stand io need of the sane tion of a jnry, and is potentially subject to the delays and expense of a jury trial, except in the election of Governor and members of tho Legislature, iu relalion to which tbo Constitution makes special provision-; Then all the laws providing for contested..elections of Council men to every city and borough of tbo State are dneon atitutional. Then all the numerous laws regulating the msnner of contesting election returns of the judges, pro ffconotarlea,- registers, district attorneys,-jasdoes.of the peace, constables, military officers, and all State, oounty, town, and township officers, except Governor and "mem bers of the Lfglslatute, are unconstitutional and void; and; contrary to the practice of the people and their officejs to all departments, the State cannot organize itself without the aid of juries. Then, also, the act of 1769, that mede the Governor the judge of contested ebctienß of sheriffs and coroners, was nnconsUtntional. Th;B objection, therefore, ha- a fearful sweep, if ittbas; ariy force, end we should stand appalled before it, it we should feel its foroe to be equM to its preteneionS. We do not feel it eo. ir ~ It is not iu tbo act of organization of the State, nor in tbe perpetuation of its organic succession, but in the ad.- minietratlon of rights under the organization, that tbe Constitution secures tbo right of trial by jury! Tbe jury is tbe poputar element in the determination of rights which need enforcement by means of the S ate organist-, tion ; bnt there is a much larger popular element in our eleotione, the votes of all the people, and a ! our psHHcal practice shows that we have not considered a jury ’an es sential means of deciding contested elections of ’public officers. * V •- . We see nothing but inexpediency to prevent the Legis lature from declaring that the proof ss of election should end.wHb the general return, and tbat.that should be con clusive evideuoe of. title to office or commission;. But they have wisely chosen not to do eo; and have appointed the court to finish the prooess if the general return be crntisted, by a proper review of the work of the election c fficeie. And es they have not required that the court should have the atd of a jury for this part of the process, BDr more than for any previous part, no such aid oaa be dem*nded of right by either party, nor is it allowable. We all agree, therefore, in thinking that no sufficient cause is shown in support of this writ. . It is considered and ordered that the writ of certlorari he quashed, and the i ecord is remitted.; PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE? IBBAEL MCBBIS, ; 1 JO UPff 0. GBHBB, > OoHiniTiior thiMosie. EDMHND A. BORDER, 1 ...... letter bags At th* Merchants’ Exchangs, Pkiladelykic. Bbip Ellen Btewegt, C0ffin..............R0tterdam, soon Brig Ella Seed, Jarman../... Havana, soon Brig Continental, (Br/ 8055.......:....8arbad0e5, soon Brig Defiance, Wyman. .;;. .//. .- Port Spain, soon Brig EUza M Strong, Strong,. Cienfnegos, soon ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORI. OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29,1863, SUN RISES -...7 2-BUN SETS..... 4 36 high water.................... ...-8 53 ARRIVED Ketch Commerce, Barnes, from Mayaguez, PB, Bth tost, with oranges to John Mason & Co. Left brigs Ellen W Armstrong and Elisha Doane, both for Arecibo in a few days;. ■ Scbr Ceres, Wooiston, 1 day. from Brandywine, with mill feed to B M Laa; • ; Schr fiearavilie, Sears, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Schr JohnS Lee, Townsend, 6 dayß from Newbern, N G, in ballast to captain. Bchr Alert, Echellengor, 4 days from Alexandria, in ballast to captain. ?- Ecbr Georgia, Gilchrist, 3 days from New York, with mdse to ceptain. 1 Sclr Mary Anne, Gibbs, 4 day, from New York, with mdse to captain. Schr Charlotte Williams, Golding, from New York, In ballast to captain. . ■ " - / Bobr Eliza Pharo, Jones, from New York. ' Schr Diamond. Norton, from New York. Scbr Waria-Roxanna, Palmer, from Portsmouth: Schr B J Soott,Bothell, from-Wilmington, Del.: Schr 8 k Boice, -Boico, from Boston. Scbr Wm B Gemc, Bacon, from Boston. , .Schr AlexTourg, Yeung, from Boston. . Scbr Flj away, Davis, from Providence. * Scbrßevehue, Corson, from Fortress Monroe. Bchr Mary Nowell, Oovill, from Waroham. Bohr Horizon. Plum, from Newbern. Sclr Wm Loper, Robinson, from Throg's Point. Scbr H A Weeks, Ketcbum,.from Gresnporf Steamer Mar?, Nichols 21 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Bafrd'ft Co. CLEARED. , Schr Morning Star, McKee, Havana, D S Stetson ft Co. Schr X Pbaro, Jones, Newark, J B Blakistou & Co. Scbr Maria Boxanna, Palmer, Portland, do Scbr Flyaway, Davis, Sag Harbor, do , Sobr Wm Loper. Bobinaon, Providence, do Schr A Yonn*. Young, Providence, Bepplier ft Bro. Scbr Julia Maine, Smith, Providence, D Pea-son ft Co Schr H A Weeks, Ketchum, Providence, Noble, Cald well ft Co. , Bchr Mery Nowell, Oovill, Oobassst, :. . ■ do Scbr E J Scott, Bothell. Norwich, L Andenried ft Co. Schr SeartvlUe, Scare. New York,, do Scbr S A Boioe, Bofce, Piney Point, Hunter, Norton ft Co. Bchr A M Edwards, Hinson, Bridgeport, W H Johns. Schr Diamond, Norton, New York. do Schr A Edwards, Somers, New York, Sinniokson ft Glover. , Bohr Bevetnc, Corson, New Haven, do Schr 0 Williams, Goldiug, New Haven, Tyler, Stone ft Co. .... Scbr Horizon, Plum, Newbern, do Scbr Win B Gann, Bacon/ Boston, Hammett, Yan Du een & Lochman. ■ '.' (Correspondence of the Press.) READING, Nov 26. The following boats from the Union Canal passed Into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Howard, grain to Humphrey?, Hoffman ft Wright; American Eagle, do to captain; John Myers, bark to cap tain; Witman ft Oonrad, oak lumber to captain; W Kal bach. coal to Wm Mcllyaine ft Son; Frisbman ft Bro ther,lumber to captain. ’, ' . : (Correspondence of the Press.) BAYBE DE GBAOE. Nov 27. Tbe steamer Wyoming left here this morning, with the following boats In tow, laden mid .consigned as follows: . George ft Charles, whoat to Humphreys, Hoffman ft Wright; Bamuel Bispbam. wheat and teed to A Nesbit'j J B Wagoner, lumber to John Oraig; Joha Hiokeyr, do to- W O Lloyd; Fowler ft McCarty, do to W 8 Taylor; A WtUiamtcn, do W 0 Lloyd; Battlmoro. 36, coal to .Wll - four Schuylkill barges, light to Philadelphia. MEMORANDA Ship Martha, Brown, hence, arrived at Antwerp 7th instant, Ship Mutual, Young, for Philadelphia, entered out at Liverpool 10th Inst, : - Brig Jaa Davis, Staples, at Boston 28th fast: from -Wil mington. Del. ' ‘ E chrs Armenia, Cavalier,' and Martha Collins/ Bbourds, hence, arrived at Portsmouth Grove 26th Inßt. Bchr Ruth Halsey, Penny, at Pawtucket 26ih inst. from Delaware City. EDUCATIONAL. TAtDBPBJSDBNeE GITS OAOETS: JL—The Academy of tbe subscriber for the Military Instruction of Youth being now in snccessful operation at tbe ABMOBY, northeast corner of IIGHIEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, he solicits a call from those interested in this branch of Education, on the days of DRILL, Mondays and Thursdays, at 4 o’clock P. M. A 01 ass is proposed of lads from the age of IQ upward. and a list is open for subscribe™ ' For fur her particulars apply to G. ECKENDOBFF, n 026 6t No. 1912 COATSS Street. PROE. MASBE, A M., is now form- JL lug a CLASS on Pronunciation, Grammar, Con versation, and Beading, on the Oral plan.' Lessons VBBY DAY—$6 a month. 1342 SPBUOE Btreet. , ' : nol6-lm - VpINNSIIATANIA MI LIT AB Y -I- ACADEMY, at West Chester, (for boerders only). , This Academy wUI be opened on THURSDAY, Septem-, . her 4th, 1862, It wan chartered by the Legislature, at Its last session, with full collegiatepoweire..' I 3 If "" In’its capacious buildings,; which were erected and fur nished at a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable quar tering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent ] and experienced teachers will give their ntidivlded attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practical. The' department of studies embraces the fol- * lowing courses : Primary, Commercial, and Scientiflo;- Oollegtate and MilitaryA graduate of the United States Military Aoademy, of high standing in his class, and of experience in the field, devotes his exclusive the Mathematics and Engineering. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to JAS. H. OBNE, Esq,, No. 828 CHESTNUT St., or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Colonel THEODORE HYATT, President Penn sylvania Military Aoademy, uo4lm VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— A select Boarding Sobool, near MEDIA, Pa. Thorough oourse In Mathematics, Classics, English Studies, Ac. Military Tactics taught. Claeses In Book-keeping, Snrveyfng, and Civil Etgineerihg. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, 82 25. Tuition per quarter, 88.00. For catalogues or information address Bev. J.HEE YBY BABTOHyA. M., Village Green, Pa. 0010-tf POR SALE AT A DISCOUNT—A JL 1 Forty-Dollar Boholarship in BRYANT A STEAT TON’S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Address Dis count,” at this office. : no2l-tf T,HE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD, MACHINERY, AND WHEEL GEE ABE. —We would Invite your attention to .' the above Grease, manufactured by ns, of materials exaotiy suited for the proposes designed. We believe it tobe sropMsed by none in cheapness orlubrlcating properties, in which be ; lie! we are snpaoiied by Its steady sale and .the perfect 1 Si 1 ™ ™ Blv ®*- osedit WILL Put.up in ttn cans, kegs, and tarrels, of weight to suit purchaser.: . ZBIGLEBA SMITH, f Wholesale Drug. Paint, and Glass Dealers?coSsr of SECOND and QIEEN Streets. n 02- 6t# CCOTCH WHISKY.-—25 puncheons kJ Jamea Btawart’a flna PAJBLET Ua£t! Imsorted direct. In bona and lor tale by. j. • o*o. WHITKLIIT, 127 South FBOHT. oclß-Sm J AMAICA BUM.—I 3 Puncheons just tecelred susd for salt, in bond, by OBABI.XBS.OA.nSTA.rBS, nolO 1M WALNUT Bfc ma«GBANITB . THE .BREgS.— SATUKDAY,, NOVEMBER 29. .1862. PROPOSALS. A EMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP-, XI PAGE Of STOIC, TWELFTH AND GIRARD 81 BEET—PHii.A»Bi.rniA, Nov 27, 1862. , ■ PROPOBALS wUI be received until TUESDAY, De cember 24. at. 12 M, to the SchuilklH Arsenal I,OOO'SIDE j Bhoo- BhfrtlngLeaihor, suitable for:Welts for Army Bools and Bootees, to be of Oik Tanned Slaughter Hides, to weigh from 12 to 18 poinds per side,' 'Original weight, subject to inspection . ~-jj O H. OBOSWAN, . no2B It Deputy Quartermaster General, U. S. A. •- QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN KU vited till the 2d day of Deoember, 1862/at 12 o’clock 81, for furnfihing the Subsistence Department with TWENTY THOUSAND BARRELS OF FLOUR. Bills will be received for'wbat is known as Ho. I, No.' 2, and No. 3, and for any portion lees than the 28,000 barrels. Bide for the different grades should be upon se parate iheetsof paper. No bM will be enttrtatned unliss the bidder is present to respond to bis bid j ' , .The quantity of Flour required will be about 600 bar rels daily, delivered either at the GovefnmentJWare bonses in Georgetown or at the Railroad Depot at Wash ington,DO. < •; ■ > The usual Government inspection will be made jnstbe .fore the Flour is received, -I <- The barrels to be head-lined. . j ; Bids will be accompanied with an oatfi of aliegianoe, and be directed to Col; A. Beckwith, A-I>. O. and 0 S., U. B A, Washington, D. 0,, and endoned “Proposals for Flour,” ; / no2l-9t ■KfAVY AGENI’B UffElfE, X v IVabuisotos, D. 0., November 16.1862 Proposals will be received at this offlte until Uonday, the ißt December, next, at 8 o’clock P. tf., for Two Hun dred and Ten Thousand (210 000) 'Sards of WHIMS CARTRIDGE CLOTH, in width andyroporttona os fol lows, viK :.l 10,000 yards, 19 inches wine. 10.000 yards. 22 ineh'es wile. ' ■ 20,100 yards, 24X inches,wide. 10,000 yards. 26 inches,wide. 10,000 yards, 28)( inches wide. 60,600 yards, 30,inches.wide. 10,000 yards, 31 inches wide. 60,000 yards, 36 inchoa wiio. ■ 2fo,ooo'". ■: To be delivered at the Navy. Yard is this city, Bee of cost to the Government for freight or transportatibn. : nolT-13t . . . B. P. Navy Agent. OEALED PROPOSALS AREfIN KJ vited until the sth of Dicefiber,lB6B.'tor furnishing the Subsistence Department with FOUR HUNDRED TOSS OF HAT in bales. , The first delivery to be commenced on or about the 12th of December, and the whole quantity put in beforo the end of said month. | The Hay to be shipped by water arid delivered on the wharves at Sixth etreet, and weighed in Washington, D. O. - ’ * Bidders must state in their bids the price per 100 pounds at which they will furnish ihe Hay: Firms making bids must state the names of allthe par ties interested. y--.'-- "J( ' Payments to be made in Troasujy'notes, or suoh funds as Government may have for distribution. 1 , Bids to be directed to Ooi. A. BECKWITH, A: D. O. and O 8 ,U. 8. A., and endorsed *« Broposals for Hay,” n022-llt > ’ ' PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. Depot QnAMF.ajCASTEn’p Ovpioe, 1 ... Corner of Eighteenth and G streets. > > - ’ Washingtom D. C.i Nov. 24,1862- ) SEALED PBGPOSALS will be. received at this office until Friday, December 5.1862, at 12 o’olock M.,for delivering in tho city of West ington, at' such point as -the Depot Quartermastermaydirect, one million (1,000,- 000) feet of Lumber of the ftllowing kind and desbrip- Hon,vle:. "...- ,! ,v-. t - Seven hundred and fifty thousand. (760,000) feet 4-4 or one (1) inch While Pine Common Callings. V Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three (83 383) feet Scanning, 3 by 4, fourteen feet long, -''.'■.-(Hemlock.)-; •• , ! . Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-four ' (83 334) feet Scantling, 3 by /4, sixteen feet long, 1 - (Hemlock.) ■ i .-■■ • Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three (83,333) feet Soantiing, 3 byi4, eighteen feet long, fHemiock.) ■■ ■ i Ail the above described to be good merchantable Lum ber, subject tothe inspection oi an agent appointed on the part ot the Government. - . AH the Lumber to be delivered, within twenty.days, after signing the oontraot. . ‘ Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and ah oath of aliegianoe to' the jjUmted States Govern mentmnet accompahy eaoh prbpbeiHon. The ability of the bidder to fill the oontract, Bhould it be'awardedto him, mußt'beguaranteed by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the hid The responsibility of the . guarantors must be shown by the official certificate ef the Cierk of tho neareat District Court, or of the United States Distriot Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or the proposals wilt not be considered. / The full name and Post Office address of the bidder most appear in the proposal. - If a bid is made In the name of a firm thA names of all tie parties must appear, or will be considered as the individual proposal of (he p«ty signing it. Bonds in the sum of five thousahdjtoHare,ysigned by the contractor and,both of his , guarantors, will be re quired of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too Ugh is reserved by the Pepot Quarter master. Informal proposals will be rejected. . . -Proposals most be addressed to Captain EDWARD L HARTZ, Assistant Quartermaster, United. States Army, Washington, B. 0., and should be plainly marked, « Proposals for Lumber ” 'Form, of Guarantee. We, —, of the county of ——, and State of—r, and —of the Cunnty of , and State of , do heresy guarantee that -- is able to fmfii the contract, in accordance with the terms ot his proposition, and that, should his preposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract to accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become his securities. y (To this guarantee must be appended the official cer tificate above mentioned ) EDWARD L HARTZ, no2T 8t Capt. and Ass’t Quartermaster .U. S. Ay; ■ jP R O P O S A L 8 . OBDKANOB Office, . . War Eepartment, Washington, . • --- • • * — s . , -y-Sovember 24, 1862.. - BEADED PEOPOBALS will be received by tMa De partment until 4 o’clock P. OX, ou ibo K.NT EL DAY of December next, for the manufacture end delivery of the following projectiles, viz: 6 000 ten-inch Solid Shot. ; - 1,000 Bfieen-inch Shells. , 1,000, fifteen-inch’Battering Shot. , The projectiles'to be made of the kind of metal, and In- 1 epected after the mles laid down ia the Ordnance Ma nual,. with the exception df the Battering Bbot, whioh mnet be made of what is known as gun metal. Drawings of these- projectiles can be seen at; the principal arsenals of the United States, at; the Ordnance Agency, No. 45 WOETH a reet, Hew York, and at this office The projeotiles ate to be delivered, free of charge for transportation, at the United States Arsenal, on Go vernor’s Island, New- Yorktharbor, where they will be inspected; and alt such as may be rejected must be re mover , by the contractor, immediacy after the inspec tion of each delivery. >' 5 . Bids will be reoeived-.forkny portion of the quantity required, not less than 600 of any one kind. Deliveries to be made as follows: One-tenth, of each kind, within thirty-days after notification;.of; acceptance,, and not less than one tenth weekly thereafter until all shall be delivered. ■' \, ; :L - Payment will be made by .the Treasury Department on the usual certificates of inspection and receipt, after each delivery. ; Bonds, with approved surety, will he required for the faithful performance of contracts- No-bid will be entertained unless It be accompanied by; an affidavit fiom the pari) making it, to the effect that he is an iron founder, and -that if his bid is accepted, the projectiles will bemade at his foundry— and Its location ; and ihe right is reserved to reject any or all bids if deemed unsatisfactory for any cause. : 'Proposals will be atdreesod to the undersigned at Washington City, and will be endoreed Proposals for Projectiles.” : JAS.' W. EIPLBY; noif- id, 9 Prig Gen. Chief Ordnance. MEDICINAL. IJVAER ANT’S EPYEBYESOSNT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has' universally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of ,the . MiDtOAt Profession and the pnbllo as the most EFFIOUHT AHD AQBEKABI.B SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilions and Febrile Diseases; ; Co'stiyenegs, Sick Headache, Nausea,Loas of Appetite,' Indiges tion, Aridity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, ASDALL COMPLAINTS WUEX* A GEHTM AND COOLING APERIENT OB PUB- GATWE IS BBQIJIBEO. It If particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Band, Besidonts In Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents: Captains of.Vessels.and Planters will find It a valuable addition to their Medicine Ohests. It Is in the form of a Powder, oarefnlly put np in bottles to keep .in any climate, and merely requires water ponred upon it to produce a de .. .. lightful effervescing beverage. Nr,morons testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of tlie highest standing ihronghont the coun try, and Us steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strangly gnaranty its efficaoyand valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent pnblio. Manttfaotnred only by TARRANT & CO., Ho. 275 GREENWICH Street, corner of 'Warren stf ■ NEW YORK, ap2l-ly And for sale by Druggists generally. SPE EM AT 0 Biß H CB A CAN BE OBBED.WDB BAND’S BPEOISTO cores Sperma- lmpotenoy, Doss of Power, Ac , ipeedily av&'effectually. A trial of the SPECIFIC will convince'the most ekeptioal of ite merits.. Price 81 a box. Sent post-paid lo any address by S.O.UPHAM, Ho. 403 OHEBTNDT Street. Descriptive Circulars sent .Dee. nolß-tdoS7* ZIE GLEE & BMITH, DRUG, PAJHT, and iGLASS DEALERS, 8 W. corner of SECOND,and GBERN Btreeis, Philadelphia, have in store, and offer for sals, viz: * ■ " * . 6 casks Bad Ammoniac.. • .•10 half esses Bhnbatb Boot, • 6 casks Irlsh’Glne. ' 20 barrels Seined Borax. ■ 25'cases *< “ 5 bales Carriage Spango, cheap. 60 cases (100 flis each) Antimony. 5 bands Antimony. . f ' : 50 bags Canary Setd.. 6 cases Mace. 2OO lbs. Conrad’s lodide Potash. : ~ 10 cases Pollzza Liquorice. 5 bales Alex. Senna. 10 (50 fin each) Powd’d Tartaric Acid. 25 barrels Neats’- Foot Oil.' 6 barrels Sweet Oil. • , 100 cases Pt. Olive Oil. 20 cans Balsam Oopaivo. Also, a general assortment of Drags, Faints, Ac., in large or small Quantities. n025-st* mEEEA COTTA MANUFAOTOEY. A. HanglnK Vases. yiuaoy Flower Pot*. Orange Pots. Fern Vases. Ivy Vases. ■ .■■■j, . v. - fisrits Vase*. ■■ Jasmin Coupes. Cassolette Benalesano*. Cassolette Bonis XYL ■ lava Vases Antlius. Pedestals, all sizes. ' Consols and Oariatadas. Parian Baste. Marble Pedestals, for Sale Retail, and to the Trade, 8. A. HABBIBOH, OCl» ■ 'lOlO CHESTNUT Street. r< W. BLAKISTON, NO. 22 vjii South WATER’ Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer in Ohio and Illinois BBOOM ,COBH, >HAH> DIES. WISE. TWINE. So. ooJl-3ra Benzine, benzine^—tooo i gaL lons for sale by ZIKGLBB Ic SMITH, wholesale Drag,’Paint, and Glau dealers, corner BEOOND and GBBEN Streets, Philadelphia. n025.5t* fNOSHEN GLADES, WESTERN, vJTand Pennsylvania Butter, of ohoice quality. con gtantiy received and for sale by BHODEB £ WIL LIAMS, 107 Booth WATER Street. ne2o PINEAPPLE SAP. SAGO CHEESE, A tor sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS,. 002-tf 10T Booth WATER Street, insurance companies. •AFFiGBS OF THE - DELAWARE V/ MUTUAL BAFETT INSURANCE CO ttPANY. Pini.Ansi.rHiA, Noy. 12/1862 The f .(lowing.Statement of the. affairs of the Company I* published to conformity with a provision of its Char ter:- Premiums Received from Nov. I.' 1861, to Oot 81,1862 : On Marine and Inland 8i5k&JK226,308 81 On Fire Bisks .:W 99,321 30 .. .. —— H Premiums bn Polloies not marked off Nov. 1,1861............... Prrhiuks Masked Ort as earned from-aov. 1> 1861,- to Oot. 81, - ' 5 1863; -■ - •' On Marine and Inland 81akH..5218,142 82 CnFite Bisks 100,000 35 *318,143 07 Interest: during same period— 5a1vage5,&c................. LossKa, Excesses, &c., during the year as above: _ ; ■ Marine and Inland Elaviga- - t!o« 1f085ea.*.588,885 69 Fire Xoaaea.*.2B 340 64 Betnra Premium*.»»• ....... ? 84,735 84; „ Be- Ingnrances*. 18,146 75 AfiebcyOharges.l4,427 69 Advertising, Printing,2.2ll 62 Texee.........- 6.850 48 Expeseee» Salaries, Bent, &c. 20,208 91 ■ i i.. $213,804 42 Surplus ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOT. X, 1802 #lOO,OOO United States Five per ct. L0an..808,000 00 - 20.000 United States Slx per ct. Loan.... ■ 20,760 00 83,000 United States Six per ot. Treasury Notes 41,010 00 26,000 United Stateß Seven and Three- ; tenths per ct. Treasury'Note*., 28,000 00 100,000 State of Penna. Five per ot. Loan'. 05.330 00 64,000 do. do. Six do. do. 67.130 00 158,060 Fhila. City Six per cent . Loan.... -126,083,00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent L0an,.....a...-'......,........ 12,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad. iSt Mert- , gage Six per cent. 80nd5....... ' 22,800 00 '60,000 Pennsylvania Bailroiul. 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 63.376 00 6,000 Penn. E. 8.00. 100 ShafeßStook:. ‘ 6,600 00 16,000 Germantown Gas 00., ,300 shares ■ . Stock, Principal. and Interest gnarantied by the city of Phiia. 113,700 Loans on Bond > and: Mortgage) amj&y secured.... 113,700 00 '5688,760 Par; Coat, 8653,719 63, Mkt.val.s6B3 178 00 8eafE5tate..;.................61388 36 Bills Receivable, for Insorancea mado 91,232 58 Balance* duo at Agencies—premiums ok Ms- r rlne Policies, accrued Interest, and other debts d cethe C0mpany.................. 88,91166 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies; $10,803, estimated value. 4,618 00 Cash on de posit with United States Government, subject to ten days cal! 880,000 00 Cash on deposit—in 8ank5......528,721,94 « ; • In Drawer...... 280 74 The Board of Directors have this dar declared iaoash dividend of TEN PEE CENT, on the Capital Stock, and SIX PEB CENT, interest on the SOBIP of the Company,, payable on and after the Erst December proximo. J ' . They have also declared a scrip dividend or FORTY FEB CENT, on the Earned Premiums for the year end ing October 31, 1862, certificates for which will be isaned to the parties entitled to , the same on and after the first December proximo. • ’They have ordered also that the remaining outstand ing SOBTP of the Company of the issues (or dividends) of the years prior to 1858, be redeemed in cash ah' and after February 2, 1883, from which date ali interest 1 thereon shall cease. . t&~ JS r o certificate of profit* issued under $25, By the Act if Incorporation, “no certificate thall issue tmlei* dai-mtd toithiniwo years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it it evidence. DIBBOTOBB. , Thomas C. Hand, Bobort Burton, John 0. Baris, , v - Bamnel ». Stokes, ' Edmund A. Bonder, J. V. Penteton, Theophßns Paulding, . Heiury Sloan, John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traqnnlr, H. Jones Brooke, William Byre, Jr., Spencer McHvains, , James O. Hand,* Jacob P. Jones, :. ; William O. Budwig, ... James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, Dr. B- M. Hasten, John B- Semple, Pittsburg George G. Helper, D. T. Morgan, “ Hugh Craig, ■ A. B. Berger, “ Charles Kelly, JOHN O. DAVIB, Vice President. HENBY LYLBUBN, Secretary. no!9-12t TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE JL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK and THIBD Streets, Phila delphia. INCOBFOBATED in 1794-OHABTEB FEBPBTUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. PBOPEBTIEB OP-THE COMPANY, FEBBUABY 1,1862, *438,516 13. MABINE, FIBE, AND INLAND TBAN3POBTA TION IN6UKANOE. ' DIBEOTOBS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Obarleß Hacalester, Thomas B.Wattson, .William S. Smith, Henry G, Freeman, William B, White, . Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, Samnel Grant, Jr., Edward O. Knight, John B. Austin. HENBY D.SHERBE&B, President WrixiAM Hmfxb, Secretary. no!8 tf JULRE INSURANCE BY THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OH" BUILDINGS, LIMITED OB PEBPSTUAL, MEBCHANDISE, FUENITUBE, &0., ' IN TOWN OB OOTJNTBY. OFFICENO. 308 WALNUT STBEET. CASH OAPKAIi *24B,OOO—ASSETS 330,1 TS 10 i InTOßted in ths following Besuritiea, vis: . Tint Mortgage.on Gity Property, worth doable the amount £171,100 00 Pennuylvaniaßailroad Company's 6 per oehfc let Mortgage .Bonds... Do. do. 2d do. (880,000) 29,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 peroent. Bonds ~ 4,600 00 Ground Bent, well 5ecured.;.......2,000 09 Collateral Loan, well 5ecured................ .2,600 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. L0an....... 45,000 CO Commonwealth of PennsylYania, 83,000,000 , , 8 per cent. L0an......6,000 00 United States 7 8-1 C per cent. L0an.......... 10,000 00 Allegheny county 8 per ct. Penna. B. Loan..' 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company’* 6 per cent. Loan (86,000).. ; 4,710 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 0 per cent. Loan (86,000).; 4,800 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Btocfc.... 4,000 00 Reliance Insurance Company’s Stock;. 8,850 00 Commercial Bank 5t0ck........ ;6,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank Stock.... 2,812 50 .County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock.... 2,060 00 iMlawaro M. S. Insurance; Company’s Stook..: 700 00 Union M. Insurance Company’s 5crip....... 830 GO j Bills Receivab1e............................ 1,061 84 Aocrced 1ntere5t,.......... 6,604 81 Cash in bank and on hand.................. 7,01095 Lcaßei promptly adjnsted and paid, DIBEOTOES. Samuel Bisphsun, Bobert Stoon, William Hauser, Bcnj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. 'Johnson Brown, Charles Belaud, Jacob T. Banting, Smith Bowen, - .. John Bisssll, Pittsburg. OL*M TINeEBT, President " B. Hi HINOHHAHj Secretary* * jyll-tf Clem Tlngley, William B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, H.L. Carson, Bobert Toland, G. D. Boaengarten, Charles 8. Wood, James S. Woodward, Imiß INSUBANCE EXCLUSIVE ,LY. —The PBHNSYLYASIA TIBE INBUBANOB • COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. OHABTEB PEBPE TUAL. No. 61Q. WALNUT. Street, opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure agaihst.Losa or Da mage 6y Tire on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks cf Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. ‘ Their Capital, together with a large Snrplna Ftmd, la Invested in the most careful maimer, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the oaeo of loss. DHtEOTOBS. •- Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, .. John Devereux, William MonteUns, - Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehhrst, . . .. JONATHAN PATTEBSOH, President. William G.Cbowsll, Secretary. apS fJTHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY',) COMPANY’S BUILDING, S. W. OOBNEB FOTJBTB * AND WALNUT STBEETB. DIRECTORS. / F. Batchferd Starr, Mordecalli. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stnart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, < Jehn M. Atwood, . B. A. Fahnestock, Beni. T.Tredick, Andrew D. Gash, Henry Wharton, J. It. Brringer. F. BATCHFOBD STABB, President. OxAxLns W. Coxx, Secretary. : f«li A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE XX OOMPAHT. Incorporated 1810. OHABTBB PERPETUAL. Ho.BIQ WALJsTDT Street, abere Third, Philadelphia. ' - • Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Burplns, In vested In sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Storrs, Furniture; :Merchandiee, Vessels inport andtheir.Oargoes, and other Personal Property. All loßaeg liberaUr and promptly adjusted. DIBHOTOBS, Thoms* B. Marfa, John Welch, Bamnel O. Morton, Patrick Brady, John X. Lewis, THOMAB B. MABIS, President Albbxt O. I>. QxxwroxD, Secretary. fcSB-tf A NTHBACITE INSURANCE XL COM PANY.—Authorized Capital *400,000 GHABTKB PEBPETUAIi. Offloe No. 811 WALNUT Btrert, between Third end Fonrth Streets, Philadelphia. ■Thlii Company will insure against lon or damage by fire, en Buildings, Fbrnitnre, and Merchandise gene telly. " - Also, Marine Insuranoee on Vessels, Cargoes, end freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of tho Union. BIBEOTOBS. Davis Pearson, 1 Peter Sieger, ' J. X. Banm, . Wm. F. Dean, John Ketoham. AM BBHEB, President T. DEAN, Yioe President apB-tt William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis Audemied, John B.Blakißton, Joseph Maafleid, WH.Ii TO] fl. K. Bun. Beeretary. COAX.. UN DU RSI GNBB \-J bet leaTt to Inform their Mends and the publti that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from HOBLT-BTBEIT WHABT, on the; Delaware, t* their Tart, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they Intend to keep the best uuallty oi LEHIGH GOAL, bom the most approved mines, at thi lowest prices. Ton? patronage la. respectfully selioiM.: JOB. WALTOH A o©4 Ogee, 112 Booth BEOOHP Street Ttrd, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf CITRON.— 5 cases prime Leghorn '"Citron. '■ ■ ' 60 casks prime Zantz Currants. ■' .. In store and for sale by BHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATEB Street . no2o Mackerel, herring, shad, So.. *c. a „ „ . '■■ 2600 Bble. Ham. Hog. 1, S, sod 8 Mackerel, late caoebt fat fith, In assorted package*. ■ 2,000 Bbls. Hew Eartport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax H l6(K) g ßoxe« XiUbec, Scaled, and Ho. 1 Herrint. 160 Bbl». new Mega Bhad. 260 Bomb Herkimer CJonnty Cheese, So. In store and for sale by MTJBFHY & KOOHB, Ho. US Hoith W HAEYSB,... THE PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL BAXIjEOAD. THUS GEE AT DOTJBLE-TBAOK ROUTE. 1862. THE CAPACITY OFT&E BOAD IS HOW EQUAL TO ANY IN ThK GOONTBY. THE GBEAT BHOET LINE TO THE WEiT. . Facilities- for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Bt. Pan), Baahvlile, Memphis, Hew Orleans, and all other towns in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route..' Bleeding and suit king cars on all the triins. ' _ . THE EXPBEB9 gONS DAILY ;Mail and East Line Sundays excepted. •■ ' ' ’.Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. Past Line « n ..........ill 30 A. M- Through Express leaves Phiiadelp! ia at..,. .10.45 P fit. Parkesburg Train “ “ .....1230 P. M. Barrisborg Accommodation 2.30 P. M. 1 Lancaster Accommodation; . .. 400 P.M. West Cheater passengers will take the trains leaving at < BA. II ,atl2 30 and 4P. M ' ' Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Palls, &c., take the tralnß leaving at 8 A. M. and 10 46 P M. For further information apply at too Passenger Sta tion, B. E. comer of ELEVENTH, and MABKBT Streeis.- By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to end from any point on the Ballrpads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the cavl gable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from an V point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Bailroad, are, st all times, as favo rable as are oherged by other Bailroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company can rely with confidence on its Bpeody transit Por freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address too Ago, ta of the Company. 8 B, KINGSTON, J», Philadelphia. ‘ D. A STEW AST, Pittsburg. OLABKE A Co., Chicago. LEECH & Go , No. l,_Astor House, or No. 1 South WilUetn street, New York. , LEECH & Co., No. 77 Wasblnfton street, Boston. MAGEAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore, H. H. HOUirON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila. ■L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gea>l Sup’t. Altoona. jyl-tf M8,90S 06 *524,638 16 68,715 20 *376.868 27 *163,063.86 -16,800 00 109,008 68 *976.212 16 November 12,1862. O HAND, Preddent. 6,000 00 9330,176 IS James E. Campbell, : Sdmnnd Q. Dntllh, Charles W. Ponltney, Israel Morris, RAILROAD LINES. IHWBgEBMBa ABBANGEMENTSOF NEW YOBK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TBENTON BAILBOAD COMPANY’S LINES FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW -YOBE AND WAY PLACES. MOM WALHOT-BTP.BBT WHARF iUDKBHBIHGToH DRPOI. WILL LEAVE .AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 3 A. H., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac- commodation S* At BA. 11., via Camden and Jersey Cit 7, (S. J.) Acc0mm0dati0n................................ 1 At 8 A. M-, via Kensington end Jersey City, Blominf Mail.. • •***• * **»•♦•••••**••«***«*••■<* 203 At U A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, ■ Western Express 8 08 At P. H., via Camden and Amboy, Accatsmc da tion.. 2 26 At 2 P. M.i via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex-' pre55.....,.................i.................. 8 08 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey Gity, Bvening ■Express......,•,B 88 At 4P. M., via Camden and Jersey City,3d data , Ticket.................... SB6 A46jf p. M.> via Kensington and Jersey Cfity, Evening Math... 3 06- At 11 HP. IL,via£Oamilenen--J Jersey City. South ern 81n11...v.■«....,AYB,_ Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 a/M., and S I*. M. Leave WEST CHESTEB at 8 A, M., and 4.45 P. M. The trains len-dou Philadelphia at 8 A. M., ant) 4.15 P. M., connect at Ponnelton with trains on the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central Bailroad for Conoord, Ken nett, Oxford, fte. HJSHBY WOOB, „ ielS-tf Superintendent. SfllSHi PHILADELPHIA ■glWf'gli" *wi* ASP ELMIBA B. B. Lima. 186 S SUMMER ABBANeSMENT. JB®B For WILLIAMSPORT, SOBANTON, ELMIBA, and all points In the W. end N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phils, and Beadles B. 8., cor. Broad and Gid lowhill streets, ** S A. M., P. M. dailr, exeast Sunday*. QUIOKEBT BOUTB from Philadelphia to points Is fforthem and Western Pennsylvania, Western Sew Tork, Ac., Ao. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Thin tor all point* shop*, leaves dally atBP. M. ' For rnrtkerinfermatioß apply to . .; ■ ..... JOHN B-HILIiBB, Benewl Agent THIBTEENTH and GALLO WHILL, and H. W. cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. JaBl-H - ISEMBS be OP ENIN Q- ,op BALTIMOB* AND OHIO RAILROAB.—This road, being fully BEFAIRED and effectually GRABBED, Is new open for the trans portation of passenger* and Height to all points in the BBEAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether In formation apply at the Company’s Office, ooroer BBOAP Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. 8. H. FELTON, apS-tf President p, W. and B. B. B. 00. EXPRESS COMPAHIEB. {Saßan THE ADAMS EX- IgsL'.JW'. l PRESS OOMPAHT, Office ?SH OHEBTBUT Street, forward* Pared*, Package*, Mar ohtndlse, Bank Notes; and Specie, either by It* own line* or In connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Town* andOitles of the United Btats*. B. 8. BANDFOBD, MB Seneral Superintendent TDOWEN & CO., Lll HOGRAPHEBS U AND FBINT OOLORIBTB, southwest comer of CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared to execute any description ot Portrait, Landscape, Natural History, Architectural, Autograph, Hap, or other Li thography, In the most superior manner, and the most reasonable term*. 1 ? Photographs, Portraits, Natural History, and Hedloal Plates, Haps, and any other description ot Plates, oolored In the beat Btyle, and warranted to give satisfaction. Par ticular attention to Coloring Photographs, oc2B>t( SALES BV AUCTIOff. JOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUO- W TIOHMBB, Ho*. 282 nndSßi MARKET Street, LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FBENOH DBF 1 ' GOOiB." ON MONDAY MORNING. December 1, at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, en 4 months’ credit— Abeut 760 packages and lota of Frenoh| German, India, ; and British dry coeds, comprising a general assortment of fancy and staple articles in gj&g, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. ; ' LARGE POSITIVE BALE.OF. BOOTS, SHOES, Ao. ON TUESDAY MORNING, December 2. at 10 o’clock, will be sold without re-i serve, on 4 months' credit— Aboat 1,000 packages boots, shoes, brogsns, o&valry boots, Ao.. Ao.; embracing a general assortment of prime goods, of City end Eastern manufacture. -LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF DBF GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, ' at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, on 4 months’ bred it— About 776 packages and lots of British, German, French, and American dry goods, embracing a large and general assortment of staple and fancy articles, In woolens, worsteds, linen and cottons, and silks. SALE OF CARPETS, MATTING, Ao„ ON FRIDAY MORNING, Peoember 8, at 10 o’clock, on * months’ oredit— : pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and list oar pete, cocoa matting, &o. - IpBRNEBS, BSINLSY, & OG., • ~ J* ' No. 429 MARKET STREET. * BALE OF FBENOH GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Dec 2, at 10 o’clock, on four months’ oredit. 400 lota of fancy staple French dress goods. SHAWLS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, All-wool long shawls. do tunare do. - Vienna broohe long and eanare shawis. DRESS GOODS. British and Saxony dress goods. 1000 PAIRS EXTRA HEAYY AND LARGE BIZE ARMY BLANKETS. . ON TUESDAY MORNING, 1000 pairs extra heavy and large slssV army blankets. WEST OF ENGLAND BLUE BE AVERS, Ao. .. 08 pieces 7 4 extra flue West of England bine beavers. 16 do French velvet cloakings. WHITE GOODS. check and jaconet muslins. French crapes, merinoes. black alpacoas, Ac. • BLACK AND MAGENTA WOOL AND LONG BHAWLB, FOR OITY TRADE, ON FRIDAY MORNING, 110 extra duality iat ge size black and magenta wool long rliswle. LYONS BLACK SILK MANTILLA VELVETS, 32, 34, and 36-took Lyons heavy black silk man ilia velvets. • PANCOAST & WARNOGK, auc tioneers, No 218 MARKET Streof. SPECIAL SALE OF GERMANTOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS, HO3l# BY GOODS, Ac., by catalogue, THIS MORNING, November 29. commencing at 10 o’clock, precisely. Included will be found— Choice new styles fancy knit hoods, Sontags, nubias, EOerfs, Ac. Alsol ledfct’and gents’ gloves, neckties, shirl fronts, head netts, AC- FIRST BEEUIAL SALE OF BIOS FANOY GOODS, BOHEMIAN WARE, TOYS, &0., by catalogue. ON MONDAY MORNING, : December I,'commencing at 10 o’clock. s Constating in part, of French and German toys; china, wax, and kid dolls; toy setts, Bohemian glassware, fancy goods, wotk bases, Ac, comprising a variety ef articles Enftable to’approaching sales. , - . ' - FURS. FOBS. ■ - ON MONDAY MORNING, - ; At 10 o’clock pftclseiy, an invoice of ladies’ fnra, oem- . prising smirrel, wetor-miok, children’s ermine sot a, Ac. BAIK OF 750 LOTS OF AMERICAS AND IM PORTED DST GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS- MILLINERY GOODS, &0., by oatalogae. OH WEDNESDAY MORNING. December 3, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Philip iord & go., auction- NBEBS, 655 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE git SALS OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BSD GAME, So. ON MONDAY MORNING, Dec. 1, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be srld, by cats, iogue, 1,000 oases men’s, boys’, and youtiss l calf, hip. grain, and thick boots, calf and kip brogane, Balmorals, Ac.: Women’s, misses’, and children's oaH, kip, goat, kid, ana morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, Balmorals, Ac. Also, a large assortment of city-made: goods. Open for examination, : with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. : SAM OF 1,000 BABES BOOTS, BHOEO, AND ESC - GANS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, December 4, atlOo’olook precisely, will be Kid, by ct ialogae, 1,000 cases iaen’s, boys’, and yontbs’ calf, kip, and grain coots, brogans, Balmorals, Ac. Women’s, misses, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, Balmorals, Ac. Also, first class city-made goods. Goods open for examination, with catalogue*, early on the morning ef sale. > CJ. WOLBEBT, AUCTION MAST ■ No. 16 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, i Between Market and Chestnut. The onbacriber will give his attention to sales of real estate, merchandise, household furniture, tanoy geode, paintings, objects of art and. virtue,, Ac. All of which shall have his personal and prompt attention, mid foi which he solicits the favors of bis friends. . UNPLATED WARE, FIXTUBE3, Ao. ‘ , ON MONDAY MORNING, Dec. X, at 10X o’clock,'at No. 304 Chestnut 'street, fourth story. Alt the stock of unplated goods, fixtures, show counters and side cases, solutions, batteries, acids, Ac., ior silver plating. May ho examined early on the morning of sale. CHOICE OLD WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKIES, Ao. IN DEMIJOHNS AND GASES, , ' ON TUESDAY MORNING. December 2d, at 11 o’clock, at No. 16 South Sixth street, comprising— Very choice old madeira, sherry, and port wiaes; Mar tells imperial ! ognsc brandy, vintage 1848; Bourbon and Mohongshela whiskies, of the'finest‘quality; Jamaica and old Grenada rum; Irish and Scotch whiskies, Hol land gin. clarets, Ac. , : Warranted pare and unadulterated, and at least equal to eny private stock in this city. N, B.—For particulars see catalogues, now ready. TN TBE MATTER OB' THI EB - TATE OF DA YIP KELICK, DECEASED—Bv a provision in the laet Will and Testament of DAYID MEIiICK, deceased, late of Geneva, New York, his exe cutor is directed to advertise for information as to the whereabouts of bis wife and children.. This notice is published in pnrsuanoe of that direction, and the subscriber desires any one having knowledge of their whereaboutslto inform him, by matl or otherwise. CHAS. J. FOLSES, Esq., . Geneva, Ontario county, N. Y. September 13.1862 0c25 s6t , Department gi surveys, OFFICE OS’ CHIEF ENGINEER ANDSUB YRYOR Phii.adbi.phia, November 18,1862. AH persons engaged in the navigation of the River Schuylkill, or interested in any of the Boats or Tog> used onihe River, will takt notice that the crib work for the Pier of the Bridge, now ia the coarse of erec. tion, at Chestnut street, has been sunk in the middle of the River Schuylkill. The undersigned has directed proper lights to ho placed on the piles daring- the night, bat care.will be required by the captains and masters of vessels pßSßing ihat point. STRICKLAND K.NBASS, no2o 25.29 3t Chief Engineer and Sarvaror. pENN’A WORKS* On the Delaware River, b6low Philadelphia, CHESTER, DELAWARE Od., PBNNSYLYASai- SEANEY, SON, & ASOHBOLB. Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, ' NANtTPAcrtmang of all kind* of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EEGYESA, bon Vessels or all descriptions, Boiltos, Water-Tanks, ■ V ; Propellers, Ao., Ao- SHOB. BBAKFY, W.B. BEAMY. SA3CL. ABC33OLS Late of Betmey, Heafie, & Co., Late Engineer-iE- Penn’a .Works, Philad’a. Chief, U. B. N*¥?. Jy22-ly ■ ... . PENN STEAM M GXNI boplxb wobks—ns&fis a MITT, PRACTICAL AK3 THEOBETIOAL ESSI SEEKS, MAOHINISTE.BOXLEB-MAKEBR EMSJ& SMITHS, end .FOUHDSBB, having, for many yassS, been In successful operation, and been eiolusiveir ta, gaged in building and repairing Marine and Elver sa gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers. Water TecbS. Propellera, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer aieir services SS She public, a* being folly prepared ©contractfor 3s» gfoea of all sizes, Marine, Hirer, and Stationary, havisi rets of paiiernsof different sizes. are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description ei pattern-making made at tbe shortest notice. High asi Low-pressure, Fine, Tnlraiar, and Cylinder BolStcre, si the beet Pennsylvania oharco'ai iron. Forgings; o? s 5 (foes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of ail deseiiP' tfona; 801 l Turning, Sorew-Outttng, and all ethsr wo?J resnsotedwifo tbe above business. .4 00 Drawings and Specifications for all work done St 6k*t establishment, free or charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers bare ■‘ample wharfodook room for rs palrs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, esd are provided with shears, Weeks, falls, Ac., Ac., for rsfo to* heavy or light weight* JACOB O. HEAFEB, JOHN P. ISTI, ielt-at BEACH and PALMES Street!. J. VAOOBAB KIIKIOK, WII.LIA* X. KSSSiOK, , jobs a. corn. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, . FIFTH Alii) WASHINGTON STBSSSiI wntADstrinA. MEBBIOK A SOWS, E&Bmsxss and Mjtommiasa, Manufacture High and Dew Pressure Steam Engtsar for land, river, end marine service, - . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Gw* Ssga of ail Mnds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frarao Beefs for Saa Works, Worfcehopa, SsS rood Stations, Ac. ~ . i Betbrts and Sals .Machinery cf the latest'and sacs improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, meb « Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Tacnua Pans, Span States Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for H. Eilliem’s Patent BngsrßoKst Apparstasr Hegmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall A Woiaey’s Patent Centrlfogs! Sogtr Dreiniej '-Machtoft' ' . auS-fi . Morgan, ore, & co-, steam engine BUILDEES, Iron Founders, and Go cer &1 MachUiets and Boiler Slakere, Ho. 1210 CALLOW HIDL street, Philadelphia- , fel3*ly ■ftp, EVANS & WATSON’S I KBbS BALAMANDE3SAFI w STOBE, IB SOUTH FOTJBTH STBEBT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. = . A large variety of FIBB-PBOOF SATES always c* hand. >■ A/}RS. JAMES BETTS’ OELEBRA iT-L TED SUPPOBTIBS FOB; LADIES, wed tht only Supporter* under eminent medlcal'patronage. Da lle* and physicians are respectfully requested to oall only an Mr*.,Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, {to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty,thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use bet appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and •Iso on tbe Supporters. with testimonial* oolfi-tnthstt pOTTON SAIL RUCK AND CAN- V/TAB. of nunbera and toraoda. ■ . . Dack AwuingTwills, of all description®* for Tents* Awning b, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. : _ Also, Paper Manufacturera 5 Brier Felta, froml to feet wide. Tarpaulin*, Bolting, nn JOHN W. ETEBMAN A 00., myd-H 103 JONES’alley. BAY RUM— In Puncheons and Wine Barrels, for sale by CHABLEB 8.-OABBTATRB, ocSO 138 WALNUT Street- T ATOUR 01L.— 492 baskets Latonz Xj OHve Oil, jnst reoefvea per ship Vindslia, from Bordeaux, for sate by ■ j JAUBETCHE A LAYEBGNE, puSS-tt Wland SM South IBONT Btreet XEGAJL. BAX.ES BY THOMAB'YbqSX-^ '* ® os * *05141 EoTith FOClif g STOOKS jpD BEAD ESTATE XBKtin . Pamphlet cata’.egues now taaar, »h BcrirhoEß ct an the property to be S s * next, December 3d, with a u Bt of 6a Si 0 h a cembet comprising a targe amount iCjl and others, JSBrt5 -’ y ol^6r °* •«sas£»iKs , ffs«.' aeaeristtonoE eiij and ooantrj ■m*r beiaa ss th 6 aaotioE siore. E 'r-:: . . % : . Sl-OOKS. PEWg, & c „ -i. „ , OK TOESDAT December 2, at 12 o’clock neon, at th» if order ofExecutoia— “ 8 Pew' Ho, 101,' centre eitfe. C(4 ,— _ „ Church, Lceuet street, west of p ’>*iW By order of TruHecU ** Bettroad Coffipeoy ( Eece and Vinf TtSS *V pons from let January, 1881 Sale AbSi ••••- -v; _ ; Bor other Account*— 4 1 ehere Point Breeze Park Aaaoda'aon 1 ahare Mercantile Library Company Beeson Ticket Arch, atreet Theatre 7 o^T BmtoI ’ B fcßle - P6K So -«. ■*«.,* „ ESTATE BALE-85Cc,,,,- ’ „°E nrt Estate of Politer 8 * D T ki Same Eetate-TWO LOTS, Bos £2l * , k Plan of Lets of “ West Philadelphia Hem 825 be elation,” 24th ward. 4 ““"StMjTj TWO-STOBY ItEIQK DWILLIHG ayonne, south of Wharton street, with L, 00 dwelling in the rear. l * 5 b«j g Pemnntory BaIe—HEAT MODS as ’ No. 416 Fxatjfelin etreet. P<‘ r ™I |t ° ,r >- SaIe—TUBES-STOBT BR'pc, ' IKG, Oabot street “‘“A Dvij,. LAKGE LOT, north side of Q„ a , n % Vienne and Wood streets, 32 bj 19a f«, t ia n frame dwelling or stable. 1 02 *Mil jg FOOB BTOBY BBIOK DWELL Kg ~ 1 stregf, in-low South sire et, (late SootbwaiM' is, BOILSIHG LOT, Arch etreet, * etreet. ;. • - er BXTBYFINE MADEIRA A6SD 5h..,- - BILVEB, FEEMOH PLiTBD sf, rJ Vfflb FOEIiITtJBE, *o. M C3f»i ; - ©H.KOHDAY HOBSSfr, S Pec. 1, at 12 o’clock, at the 4.&ettG& *w cf finetcadelra and hi wry wines r-f George 0, Beed. ‘Also, F resell tiller deeest sett*, French plated dinner eervi* glaeaware, dock, candelabra*, fnrcHnr.v*' .. Also, fine-toned graid piano; fine oil rS;,. . latqnf*. paic! tog (C j Ti Catalogues will bo ready thm Bale at the Base s f ree’ HOUSEHOLD FOBS! TO RE BAS ■■ ■ , : „0H TUKBDAT MOBSIS lßSr^ December 2, at lOo’clcoe, a- «» lm. toeeflc B 8“ Btr “ ! '**“ b ° fiSSSTtfg t^ 6?b861 “ 8t 8 MOBBS NATHANS, AJSD OOMKQBSXOa comer of SIXTH and BAGS 811,a * ' - ■ ■ GBEAT BABSAISe WATOHES AHD JHWKOBT AX Fine gold and Bil Tar leyer. Isphse, Sciwfr^, 345 French watchs" fa Ic.’j thm half pri et: Watches from one isUn, T j® each. Gold chains from 48 to -59 «n» L, r £f‘ oheap. PtM TAKE HOKOK, The highest pessibls price Htaasedoa S «OK*' Printcpa EsMlitKmr.r.i, sootheslt < T“ S Sixth and Bace streets. At lea?; oiw-KhJaS” any other establishment in this oity. ®w=iUi NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MOtOit MENU. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or small amounts, from one doliar ts os gold and silver piste, merchandise, clothing, furniture, beddau. kLvJ goods of every description. E " K_ ’ E LOANS SLAVS AT SHE LOWEST MASE?* 5. T « Tbie tefebUshment has large fire and iaia.ijt? for the safety of valuable goods, together *j!h a watchman on the premises. “ ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAET THIBTT •*"MB large loans made at this thePriKiaiSdi blishmtnt. " : SST Charges greatly reduced. AT PRIVATE SALS. : One superior brilliant toned piano-ferk. vutnaa plate, soft told loud pedals. Price only 890, One very'flna toned piano-forts, price only gjg. MARSHAL’S SALES. 'R/TAESHAL'S SALE.— By virtue XfAwritof Sale, by tbe'Hon. JOSNOADWILiIE Jndge of the District Oonrt of the United for the Eastern District of Pescejlvsnfa, in AdriL to me directed, wffl be sold at nabiic tale, to the ipi and beat bidder, for cash, at &£lOEENEa’!l North FRONT Street, on MoKD ,1, Decembers.® at 12 o’clock M, ihe Carso of the Schooner ESP consisting of 120 bales of COTTON. Ssnijlse cubes and the cotton examined two days prevtons io fb,s& WILLIAM BIOL Wiki . U. S. Marshal E. D. cf year*yltiEi Philadelphia, November 24,3861 nrij ft MARSHAL'S SALI.-iiy virtu ft Writ of Sale by the HonorssbkT JOHtf Cl WALADRB, Jndge ot the District Oonrt of the & States, in and for the Eastern Biitrictof ParaGba in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold as p-iblfc, to tbe hfgheet and beat bidder, for cash, sf Diiß SHIRE’S Store, No 107 North WATSB Stet, TUESDAY, December 9, 1862, at 12 o’clock X, JMa of COTTON, brought into port per prize echsoteCi line Virginia. Samp'escsn bs bad and tbs c.Ksi amined two days prior to tbe day of sate WILLI.’, if KfCLWii: U. S. Mnrshsl S. D of Peunsylna November24.lBll2 . o»SSS SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHM :, DELPHI A STEAMSHIP HSR from eaoh port on SATURDAYS, four, Eemnd wiarib low SPBUOE Street, Philadelphia, sad loss “Hi Boston. The steamship SAXON, Oapt Hsttbert.vSlaSi! Philadelphia on SATURDAY, NovemberM,st 10il and steamer NORMAN. Oapt. Baker, frcm Kata,! SATURDAY, November 29, at 4 P. H. Theae new and aubstantlei steamships fens line, Bailing kora each port punctually onSitaite. insurance effected at one half the prendrs dvpf sail vessels. - Freight taken at fair rates Shippers are requested to send Slip Hading with their goods. . For Freight or. Passage, ( baring 6ns accnmaetost apply to • . HEN BY WISiOESS, ' Dpi6 33? Somh DELAIYABg ira* ISJOTICB—The Restrictions on 1W If having been removed by order ofths War menfe, passengers abont to Tisit so ioe? required to ptorlde themselvea wilt passport*' JOES STEAM WEEKLY TO GBmmO? touching at Qneonatown, {Cork Bra ’ " " ' ' ®The Liverpool. New York, ana Phiiaw Steamship Company Intend despatching their iaE-F** Ulyde-bullt Iron eteamsblus as follows: OITY OF BALTIMORE......Saturday, Novadf' ETNA.,... Saturday, lions?- 1 OITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, Dec®*} And every succeeding Saturday at noon> tan N 1 44 North River. BATES OF PAESAGS. , FIRST CABIN SlOO IKi STEEBAGE do to London.... 105.00 do toLonfsa.--’ de to Pari5......11000 So >o P4.-I; ■* do to Hamburg..HO 00 do to HkiAs".-’ Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bren®, dam, Antwerp, So., at equally row rata- , l Feres foom Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist ok™ - *lO5, 8125. Steerage from Diverpoo!, Sf- ’ Queenstown, *4O. Thtrae who wjrfi send m jErlends can buy-tickets hora rstsf._ f These sfceamera hare snporlor ; sengers; sre strongly built and carry Patent Fire AinsahsJcrs. ss*ne geona are attached to each Steamer. , it ,y] For further informaiioß apply tuMTOTJ®,,* LIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 aW ALEX MALCOLM, 5 Ht. Enoch cjnf, *0 to O. ft W. D. SEYMOUR & GO.; in HosdOT let & MACEY, 01 King WilKam Street; _ m DEOOUE, 48 Buo Notre Dame des tj Bourse; in New York to JOHN S. way, or at the Company’s Office. ,„ ;l JOHN G OCI IH Walnut atr BRITISH Slrnr- A8232810A.K EOYAL ’ SHIPS v __ lo ((i,cd BETWEEN SSW XOEK ASP E T ™“ a | A HD BETWEEN bVbTONANE ..... ING AT HALIFAX ASH OOBK HA’ 0 ,.,] ETJBOPA, Mcoaie, leave" Boston. Welst*-* n? S PEEBIA, Lett, leaves New fork, Wsh*®* s*l AFBIOA, Anderson, leaves Boston. 'V" 3 ?:! as. l< CHIBA, Cook, leaves New York. ' WsinE -® i W #| ABABIA, Stone, leaves Bouton, TBOM NEW YOBK. 10 liIVBBI A Chief Cabin Passage. I* Second Cabin Passage. ’ FBOH EOSTON TO LITERFOOt- ( .|| Chief Cabin Passage..,.. 8 Second Cabin Passage Berths not seenred until paid for. ' n experienced Snrgeon on fcoeri i 'owners of these ships will not M Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jcwekf. *?r dais, tmlese bills of lading are as o6o ‘ ratae thereof therein expressed. q^;. >r freight or passage, apply to |- s , tBOWEING 6BE& j; 103 STATE SW* »S ISSUES;"*" B. M. S. Tha beat brand VELVET EIBBOHt.y , Solo Agent, BBNJA®E j -1M DDAHE-Streat. V*™* **B3-50 ___ lOObbla jsfflsawsSSr»,