Dole and the “Noble Sa -0 tesrn that a petition bat been gotten up in jjji'""' , am { to Commissioner Dole, to Indnes him (he order for hanging thote murderous savages la To oome to the point at once, we beg to i» flto1 ! ohave not theleaet belief in the “noble sa but consider him erne!, false, thievish, murde. 0*1 3 nrodigions nnlsance, and an enormous supers l “ Lpceited, bloodthirsty, treacherous humbug. tf» ; * nommlßßioner Dolo will leave the uueatlon, at Ift W* t!je aenso of the people of MtunesSti, and not {«>•' w ffl i B placod sympathy on the great “nntu {i’t ° i ! f Tto m en, women, and children slaughtered by gw* , SI!8 j were of more value to the wortd than ail #»***' t,ftween btrc and the faoiHc. An‘“lojan” i<4 0 f a rpgo his lazy and cruel life, work for his .ldo by law, and dross liko other people (say arle" Stokes' one-prlco, under the Continental), ftf® °' t {o iefate; but the howling, jumping, tearing J ' qassel it is reported that Prince Ho run’ in-law of the Hleotor of Hesse, has fled leaving behind him wife aid ohlid, as well as h* oo'niber of heavy debts. The Prince has been ■1 jpcculotlon and extravagance; be had bought fß,t pistes, »n a other property, without the possibility l ,re? . them, A composition or 2b per cent, ft Is, jjtd, will be pffid by hie representatives? If " ! ' ptlu'co reached this country in safety he will, no I® 3 liiiow bis eoonomy in future by purchasing hla ta s t the ene-prioe Clothing emporium of Gran fsJwgw!t(a, No, 609 Oheßtnut street, Philadelphia, It is a!«f 100 ia'e to i . ' arrivals at the hotels, or to 12 o’clock, last night. (] , mT IS*NTAI( HOTEL—Ninth and Oboshmt sti. „ «• Smalley, Now York Sami M bane, Pittsburg Sn, H Baird, Pittsburg John W W .tlace, Pa K! WaHace, Brighten, Pa 0 N Wa't-, ‘larlisle ?r Btyflold,Memphis,’Term A H Engl*, U d A ii. Hnlstosd, Cincinnati 0 0 Simp 00, New York Ic Srenctr, USA Dr J A Murphejftwf.Oin.O *«Olwyt>e, PhUa Bsv J OhnrcblU, Conn £ Churchill, Conn Miss Downs. Oonn SoX, Woodbury,Conn W P Boss ft wf New York i,W Oovcrly, Harrisburg Col W Jl Allan, Virginia . j Ufhrdnfifi Pittsburg WS 0 Odd* OlßTflllfid 5 H Brown ft la, Balllmore Jno B Hampton, Pittsburg lfl>mou St sn,’Mwaietwn T N N «ing. Chicago f w Mn-s K Smith, Dor, Mass U»udy ft la, OinclDnatt B H Ocmbs New York loacovrl, New York N C Day, New York SmOeltc Perl' Alex Miller, Paris IrMblns & la. N York H Derby. MD, Boston |nrj Morgan, Aurora, N YfBI Duncan ft wf, N Y S"V ffrgsr, Lancaster H W Bogere, Baltimore t Pnoc, Washington, D 0 John Baoon, Vermont t,..hen Btcbardion, Vt Win Hovey, Vormoat S a JTodd, Wash, DO 0H Mo Joy, B ahimore Mr Oaalm tbs New York J W Wills ft ta, New York nli i F Bbeok, Lancaster Oapt Fsirwether Sirairwether J Buffington; Massachusetts ,T Snfßiigton, Mass' J S Morrill, Vermont toaomsn, Ohio GS Butler, New York 5 1 B«rStr, New York 0 Looser ft wf, Pottsville M ulofwr, Pottavilie A M Sallads ft la, Peana on B‘ll, Barrtsburg 0 W Sees, Harrisburg it nutlet*. Maryland H Tt aslor. Baltimore il S Boston BO Havens ft la. a York 5nS, Jr, Newark, N J H B Hyde, New York n h ttncEkSi Cincinnati E P Butts LaOAGreff, Penns Miss P P Grow, Penua Mis Grow, Penna Mas'er OQrow, Penua , WIM Jiirprds, Penna . D P Lewis New York S s Ward, Newark, N J E Brinton, Jr, Obestsr oo Jchß Burrow. Portland H D Sleoperft la. New York ar a Wilder, Bostt n' John ulark ft wf, Boßtoa *!si Srsott, Jr, ft la, N Y Jobn Hoope, New York JB T»rr, Maryland 0 Kellogg, Elizabethtown Jrta K dy, Milford Bobt Turner, Balllmore tl lioope, Maryland Paine Beynes, New York vrmd Archer ft la, N York J H Yan Antwerp. N York rkM A James, Sew York ‘g Will bank, New York Lt Col D D Parkins, CBABB Bngg'os. Now York jB Irish, Pittsburg T J Belly, M D, Brooklyn tiroes, Indiana O N Bbtoman, Übicago BblpmQD,Ohicafio filisa Noih'e ShipcoaQ, Ohio ft leg, Harrisburg Ciias F Hantz, York, Pa lf»:d Smith, Pa ... BPKOHANTB’JIOTBL— Fourth st., below Arch, illillof & la, New York 6 B Cole, Shippensburg sjbtker, Indianapolis 0 T Patterson. Torre Hants pr*r. Terre Hants W K Nagle, Mil;on q jj'Kliole, Elmira J a Ditl'endorfer, Elmira US {'urges. Wash, DO HE Taylor, Williamsport Ss Learn, Penna G A Oraig, Ohio tVLKaitticulf, Kontuoky TH St tel, California jbSauSeld, Mass . 0 Woimio, New Jersey p. 1,1! Hanley & wT, Fenna Mist I 0 Hawley, Penna PMcl’roy, Lancaster Mrß JO D l.idr & dan. Pi Ktf Ward, Pittabulg . . W J Maitland fc U, Wash fat Jarvis, Ohio P Kerr, Pittaburg CaH Urynt ti 4 la, Penna Miss OLa’k Harrisburg Oil Rjltaken, 0 3 A W H Fritz, Bethlehem jFWjigbt, Springfield 3? H Hnuber, Piiftbnrg ABWslKtr, Wajneco, Fa A B OBapin, Mass Pa Kelly EdwALaffey. y Tonsoy, Indianapolis iiIKEIO AN—Chestnut street, ahove Fifth. JttoC Fecit, Hazleton, Pa Thomson Derr, Pa Sil Hstketi. Maryland W Silver, Jr, Delaware JE Hyde, Newark, NJ ' M Thompson, Altoona, Pa 0t) Builis, Buffalo Oopt W D Bank, r, J F, J»mu, Washington, DO Geo Wllltuais, Wash, D 0 JobuC Hopkins Jr, Jer CltyM,-B E J Fry, Tamauua JHmbVo Buis.Dovlestown Jas 0 Wilson, Soulk Haven W U Slioiodesr & son, Del W Haokett Jwnon, Pa CI BcltHifo, USA A Motntire, Maryland II Bop.oiiil. L Branch, N J H W Howlm 1, N J i Pier, Wecdbnry Geo H Brocks, USA J litsns. I'r; nsylvania A M Ivey, New York OlnsMiib Sharp. Delaware P G Wilson, New York Jut's, el, Hew York GW Woodruff, New York MtKoOlu ' Matthew Puncher, Oonn IHHw'eM, Maryland W 0 Poster, Buffalo J H Jilin, J rsey Shore J H Hoffecker, Delaware "muDIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, aoove Third. SPettier, Boston J G Siaoy, Chester, Pa line Men well, ÜBS G Maitin, Bucks 00, Pa Hlbrnld W B Bosetihann, N J 0 tegmier, 8t Denis If Wilson, Peooa J S Billtr, New York T Pastor, New York J Elies, Lancaster B A McOau ey. Baltimore tScterlson, Pottsvilie ■ 3I» Scheffer,- New Jersey iiKiUey, New Jersey C J M.itrie & lady Jfisdon&lady Otis Avery & la Penh* JBh Avert, Penna T O Masren, Ui N fWlue'er, lew York ' ■ THE CNION—Arch street, above Third. J H Etnrrr, New Castle, Fa B W Olendenln, Penna V Bllohson, Drl B O.Ovorholtz, Payette oo H Y I'rtlteg A wf, Sunbury W M Davis, New Jersey B Ba'.man, Pennsylvania Mrs O Johnston, Penna T M Pstterson ' Marvin Wheeler, N J iiatißoys • B J Bnuekulp, Hazleton St« Gunnlcg, Brooklyn Miss Emily Gunning, NY SfIiONAL HOTEL—Saoe street, above Third, TJSsJi, New Hope, Pa Jas Bcbtnson, Dtncaster liScnimeier, Allentown O N Evan*, Ponna Jaccl* Holman, Liverpool D L Martin, Penna Jirtl.r, Übiersville Miss Mary Knorr 6i Bitiatds, Hamburg W f Sherman, Penna linti fnillh, Penna B H Brown, Bellelonte • EcM Hedy, Lebanon co Geo Hoferkamp, Pottsvlue STATES ONION HOTEL—Market, anove Sikth. lUersel, Harrisburg A Bstriog, Bedford co, Pa Ac Hashes, Harrisburg A Angmtln, Penna JSBetkstresaer, Penna D Weaver, Huntingdon oo l/.'ir.ffitrmari, Patton villa J T Stone, Harrisburg SCcbc, Huntingdon W 8 Hamilton, Milton, Pa>', Dcyltalown A Ta'lor, W Chester dec L Pill-, Pittsburg A Wolfklli, Pittsbnrg 3 GOMIKBOIAL—SIAth street, above Chestnut. I Ttobioo, Lancaster ot> W D FUut, Penna &l' ssfiTim, Delaware 1 WEL Laokwood, Camden, D IV Montgomery, Chester 00 J D Hendrle, Washington ' H Jamieson, Pennsylvania L J Loberr, Jr Ooatesvllle CT Wiodle, Pinna O-Bufflogton, Penna JEOrem J Hayes, Charleston Ural J W Cos, Penna , J Yoco-ji, Donglassvllle SADISMS HO 081— Second street, above Market, a D Jeans, Now York WO Peak, New York CO Drtiitk, Penna fm Campbell, Marietta, 0 Alik Versa*. New York B Jenntiou & son, N Hope I! Palmer, New Hope B W Gammon, Delaware 0 Ssrite, Delaware D 8 Hembold, New Jersey V Elcbard?, Delaware W 0 Hamilton, N Jersey Jll Boitsel Bridgeton, Pa BY Hadley, Deposit, N Y AS'soffer tc la, Lewlstown Mrs Bternberger, Penna W t Fiory, Strcudsbnrg M Bmlrb, Monroe oonnty_ D Dwhirg Mosrco cattsty Joo Ijovet* Hancock, a J JUSiGboltz,Chester M Smith, Monroe connty ißsoser, Del Water Gap 0 N Jones, Obestsr conaty J A Crtmley, New York J B Boyer & la, Lancaster ABorreegbs, Penna BAEIKY SHEAF HOTEL—Second, below Vine. ttJAiMu Alexandria. Va B Kepoly, Alexandria, Va Y*# i On,von, Centreville H Graven, Oentcovllle, Pa Centreville G B Marttndell, Bucks co 5 l, h low Hope W J Hawk. MorrlsvlUe, Pa JF/wsy StocktoD, N-J E Deemer. Osmp Pbllada C H Mltcbell. Weyne co J Oonnard, Bucks co Jlntbnrn. Newtown . - Judge J S Brran, Penoa J Psimer, Kdgewood.■ OF Bohb. Broksvllie, Pa i br.itll, M ntgomery eo GW Craven, Books 00 R jbii nr, Bucks co J B Bpecoer, Bucks ca ■lly, Newtown 0 Horner, Pennsylvania if Brown, Brownsburg H Miles, DavLvide f?a-iborn, Newtown J Horner, Bucks co K; l,ht, pennoylvania . B Shelly & lady, Penna Vaiiborn, Doylestown L Ormly, By berry iAtkicson, Bocks 00 A Thompson, Blobboro A Conor, S lady, N Jersey Mrs Wm Srackert, Penna * fily Burks co Mrs A (J Pattern, Basks 00 6 W Bhe», Bristol J*s Walton, Books 00 . Mi* Taylor Pennsylvania FNiobols 0 Maglli, Bricks co D Jarrett, Montgomery co -J I'srrcs, l>oylestown G Miles, Back! co J Hstklidnte, Atilt boro’ H Bye, Bucks co HCS ucktrr, Pennsylvania BLACK BKAB—Third itreet, above Oaltowhitl, '{’Mo 80-,cr & eon, Berki oo 8 Fritz, Lehigh co - *' tut Kiitz, Lehigh co 8 Leweonotrger, Lehigh co JW Hereh Penueburg Obai H Blddall. Phllada fa Barmen, Lehigh co £ Moll, Pennabnrg; 4 B I’noli, Lebieh co Martin Seic«-I, Uoptey ftij T.m'ieKm, By berry Ft attic Trmtln.on, B, berry f«ia B BschSei.Beobteivine Wnl Mutter, B otatelvlhe j'tuiel V Lutz, Bilks oo 'Win Brum I #*, Penny *ol>n Li lubecii, Penna Jacob fluth, Southampton “ B fob WH», Beading OhM Smith, t cramp Creek «8 Boafla. Southampton • . * ' BAH) KAOLE—Tblra itreet, aoovo CallowhllL Lehigh oo I K Benton, New York " B Smith, Montgomery co i W House. Oataiaucina J N Sberlr, Lebanon oo J L Brobß, Lehigh oo J.Blgb, Beading G Xaoder, Lehigh oo Bitty D Bohaslt, Penna ißeltran, Penna Je«»e Wambold, Penna .“'wj Herman, Penna P Diehl, Penna “ “tier, Lehigh Gap B Bennlngor, Lehigh Gap ®MOBHT VKBNOH—Beoond itreet, above Arob, r Hatton Geo Waring, Bait on i “ Mdgere. Penna T 0 7,ag, New York ?/ Haleb, Hew York Joo Webster, Hew York , a Owen, Hew York K 0 Owen, New York '» Smith, How York SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICIAL TBBAStJHT DbPARTMBHT, Office of Istbkkac Revenue, Washihotoh, Kov. IT, 188». Commissioner of Internal Beveane is prepared to the following - stamps, la quantities snfßolent for ; ke use of (he people of the District of Colombia, sod of ,ka States east of the Books Mountains, viz: Planing Proprietary, Express, Telegraph. Insurance, ■ ir? o Insurance , (fire and marine ) Passage Tickets, a, - a Pretest the use of the stamps herein specified Is hereby re- Wttd In the District and States above described, on and the Ist day of December next: And persons guilty *UfnHy neglecting to to use said stamps will be BOb 'b> the penalty provided In the law flB9. S. BOUTWmti, Oomm’r Internal Bevenna. toS * sluth3t an^ NGBR & Co.’s Letter A FAMILY dlk 1,0 Miaa lS® l» the mart beautiful, beet, and ateMor »U Sewing Machines. It emoortlee the prln ,y* t ° r Blnger A do.'s well-known Mannfaotnrlng Ma -5U **» raekee the Interlocked etitoh; will eew on aH L #f clot ' 1 ’ and with all kinds of thread; will Bind tm ° Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tnck—ln do ALL KINDS OS' FAMILY SB WINS, 4u (arp! “ l!6fl every other Machine for the great range e *wUenoe of ite work. Send for a pamphlet. I. M. BINGBB & 00., No. 468 BBOADWAY, NEW YORK. Pbiladilphia Omra. Wh *toeBl No. 830 OHESTN'OT STBtBT. Haib Dyb, 38 oents a box. Sq, for *1! the best In use. Try ft. Sold up HAM’S, 403 CHESTNUT BL aeST-Sm* Thi common bbltep tlat the hair cctttttof be reproduced on bald Asads is erroneous, and at variance with the known principles whloh govern its growth. Bach hair is a hollow tube, through which there is a constant circulation maintained by the blood, which ciroulatee in minute veins to the glands or vescl oles which eeorete the hair. By this circulation the hair is nourished and held faßt, its glossy color given and prepared, and each hair oovered with the finest oil. Anything which diverts or takes away tbo blood from the scalp, or impedes its free circulation to the glands or the Tootß of the bair, ,oi(t stop its growth, caise it te turn gray, fall off, and leave the head bald. Continuous mental exertion, trouble, and various kinds of disease, thus produce baldness or loss of hair. Knowing the caute, we can rationally attempt to counteract the evil by restoring the circulation of the blood through the scalp. This can be done by the application of a proper stimulant, when the hair will spring forth and grow lux uriantly. The most certain article for tbiß purpose, and the only one which has gained and maintained its repu tation, through a long serlos of years, Is JAYNE'S HAIU TONI 3. This article does stimulate the soalp, oauses a free circulation of blood through It, and does not injure the young hair as it springs through the scalp. Acting upon principles which can be understood bjr any person who will give the subjects thought, It recom mends itself to every one rfguiring an article of the kind. By a faithful application it will stop tha hair from falling out or beooming gray, and in nearly every case reproduce new hair upon heads that have been bald for years. Sold only by Dr. D. JAYNE ft BON, 242 OHB JTNUr Street. ■ _no27-2t Qxobqk Steok’s INIMITABLE PIANO FOKTES, Grands and Squares, are rapidly taking precedence of all others for their pow cr, evenness of tonoh, and pure qnallty of tone. None should purchase without examining them cloaeiy. The most eminent teaohers are almost daily selecting Priceß to anit the times, them. ocll-stuth4ot J, E, GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. jg~SS9 GBEAT TBIUMPH!— STTY I' SOHOMAOKBB * 00. have made a new and grand discovery In the manufacture of the Plano Forte. By a peculiar construction of the scale and bridge on the sounding board, they are enabled t> give nearly double the ordinary length of the string,from the bridge to where the hammer strikes the string, which produoes moat extraordinary effects. The tower la greatly increased, and the harmony produced ia truly wonderful, giving an entire new quality of tone, whioh is deep, rich, sweet, and melodioue, with a singing peculiarity to each note, unlike to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The music-loving public are respectfully invited to call at onr Warerooms, Ho. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, where they can examine this great improvement in the Plano Forte. nol3- lm B— T— lB6o— X. DBAKE’B PLANTATION BITTHBS. They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite, They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BIT MBS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature 1 * ireat restorer. They arc made of pure St. Croix Bum, the celebrated Oalisay a Bark, roots, and herbß, and M« taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly reoommended to deil gate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by ell Brocars, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DB hS.% £ CO., 202 BEOADWAY. Hew York. seSd-Om Batohblob’s Haib Dr*! TBH BEST IH THE WOELD. WILBIASI A, BATOHHIiOS’S celebrated Hair By# produces a color net to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to Injure the 'Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects ot bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair lot life, OKAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a Splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, £o. The Genuine Is signed WIXiLIATd A. BATOHB BOB, on the four tUet of each boa. ■ FAGTOBY Ho. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late U 33 Broadway and IS Bond Unit,) mySB-ly Grover & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SB WINS MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST machine In the market, and Is sold for FORTY DOLLARS. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold jo rapidly or given snob universal satisfaction. Do not fail to oall and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, 730 CHESTNUT street. no3-tf MARRIED KIBKBBIDE—IREDELL —On Wednesday, Nov. 26th, 1863, by his Honor, Mayor Henry, Thomas B. Kirkbride and Annie Iredell, both of Gloucester county, Now Jersey. rWcodbury paper please copy.] # PRIDE— B UIIPHY —On the 23d lost, by Rev. Geo. 0. Haddock, George 0. Trice, of Oamden, N. J.j to Mlsb BallleJ Murphy, of this city. * GROVE—MoOONNELL.—On the 20th lust, by Rev. B. W. J. Wylie, Mr. WllUam H. Groyeto Miss A. K. Mo- OonneSl. both of this city. * JOHNSTON—DOWNEY —October 14th, inOamdon, N. J , by Rer. Dr. Reed, Joseph Johnston to Miss Maggie K. Downey. - * DIED. LUKEKS.—On Third-day, 25th inst,, Helen M., wife ofOourtlond E, Lut eeß, and daughter of the late Elite Jackson, in the 30tb year o! her age. Funeral from the residence of her.husband, N«..425„ _ Green street, on Sixth-day, 28th Inst, at 2 o'clock. * _ TRIMBLE On Tuesday, 25th inst., David, son of Joseph and S&rah A.Trimble* aged 10 yeara and 11 m Fnnfral on Friday morning, 23th lnat,, at 10 o’olfe. McBEIDF —On the 25th icat., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of John Mcßride, aged 45 years. / , , The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from her husband’s residence, 411 B. Twentieth street, this day (Thursday), at 10 o’clock. Interment at Monument Gemetery. SIMPSON—On the 26th inat., John Simpsra, son of Winlam and Mary Simpson, in the 38th yearoi his age. HU friends, and these of the family, also, tho mam bers of Amity Lodge, No. 19,1. O. of O. F., and the School Directors of the Sixl6enth ward, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his ■ parents. No. 120 Otter street, on Saturday afternoon, the 29th Inst. To proceed to Monument Gemetery. MENOH.—at the Continental Hotel, on Wednesday morning, Nov. 26th, Edmund A Mencb, in the 32d year year of his age. _ His mala relatives and friends are invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, from the Hotel, on Sa tin day morning, at 10 o’clock. To proceed tol»anci>l pm f# MILLIKEN —On the 25th inst., WttlUm Robert, youngest son of George and Susanna Milliken, aged 2 years aid 5 months. .... The relatives end friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his partnts, 1711 Mount Yernon Btreet, this (Thursday) aftornoon. at 2 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Wood- DAYIS —On the !sth inst., Mrß. Phcebe, wife of Wm. I avis, Sr., in tie 70th sear of her age. . * DONOHUE.—On the 24th inst., James Donohue, aged 4-d Tdfttd * FENIMOEE—On the 24th list., Mrs. Martha 0. Fenimore. . . , ' ~ • ■ HALL.—On the 24th Inet, In hospital, near ..Washing-' ington, D 0.. John Marshall Hall, Go. K, 119 th Begt. P. Y. in the 19th year ef his age. _ T * LEYEBING—OnJtbe24th Inßt, George W.Levering, - in the 37th year of hie age. * MoOOBMIOE. —On the 25th inst., Jackson W. M. McCormick, aged 2 years and 9 months. * MILLEB,—On the 21st lost, in hospital, at Washing ton, D. 0 , Albert J. Miller, Co.D, Ist Begt. N. J. Yol»., pgsd 19 yeara and 9diys. ■ • * MOBGANTAKLEk— Oa the 23d rnst.,Bosanna Fre derloka, wife of Adolph Morgentahler, aged 23 years and 21 (Jnyß . ffNEELY— On the 24th inst , James Nealy, aged^6s ,e pMKEH —On the 25th inst, Catharine E., wlfa of Thomas Picken, aged 43 years. , , T * SEMPLE—On the 25. U inst., Anne,wife of James Semple, seed 35 years. - . . . v . SEIM.OUB —At Woodbury, N. J., on tbe32d inet., Joseph L Seymour, in the 2Ut year of hie age. * SMART On the 23d inst, Mrs. Mary, wife of David Smart, aged 70 years : ; . . ■ . * ’ Black all-wool velour HEPS.—Just opened* a lull assortment of— Black All-wool Velonr Bepg Do. do. Empress Cloths. Do. do. Ottoman Pop Una. Do. do. Eplagllneß. Do, do. Oasbtueres. Do. do, Merinoes. Do. do. Taralscs. Do. do Mossellne, Delaines. BES3OH & SOH, Monroing Btora, Ho, 918 OHESTBOT Street. Eyre & randell, FOUBTH and ABOH STBKEI3, Have a large stock of sbawle for Pennsylvania trade. Silks for Pennsylvania Trade . . Dress Goods for Pennsylvania Trade. n027-tf 00 3) QUALITF BA.LMORAU VJT SKIETB —These Bfeiita are full four yards wide and one and a quarter long. Oo'ors all- wool, aad style* are adapted to genteel trade, no27*tf rwT=» THANKSGIVING—Services will be !Tr bald Jo ST. MATTHEW’S :1T THE RAH OHOEOH, JSKW Street, below Fourth. THI .i { CHOEJ DAV) MOBHINQ, commencing at 10X o’clock _ Ser mon by the pMtor, Bev. E. W. HDrTEB. S' l '*!®® l * <* Borne Joys and Home Patie*.*? ll^ MB- THANKSGIVING SERVICES. GER- O MAN ESFOEMKD OaUB'JH, BAOE Street, below Fourth, Bev. Dr. BO MB EBGEB—Divine Service at 10)4 o’clock. Subject of discourse, “-The Governor a Froclamstion. Btrangere cordially invited. It* ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY—The fol- FJjS loving gentlemen have been nnanlmonsly elected offlceiß for the year, to commence on the 30th November 1862: - TreeWent—David Milne, in place of Stephen B. Craw ford, Ktq, rtslgmd Vice Presidents—Charles Maoalester, David C. Ho dsttX&O&e Treasurer—Thomas Blndtdr, in place or George Ber tram, StQ i resigned. _ Beoretary—George Yonpg Chaplain—Bev.Wm. Blackwood D. D. Connsellora— Thomas Dunlap, John W. Wallace, M. J. Hltcbeeon, B. P- Kane. a a, wis,wi w Physicians—Robert Burns, M. D., B. W.MltoheU, M. D., Laurence Turnbull, M. D. - ,-> Assistants—John Gibson, John Wallace, George B. BesUe, Dsniel Hclntlre, T. S’- Milne, Hunter Btedman. The 114th Anniversary Dinner will take : plaoeon Monday afternoon, Ist Decembcr. at the Continental Hotel, at .6 oclock. Members, and others desiring to join the brethren on this occasion, will , please make ap plication to the officers, or to GBOBGB YOUNG, Secretary. 48 South THIRD Street. »=> OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI -IL_§ CATION COMPANY, Pbiladelfhia, Nov 25, A DIVIDEND of TBBE* PEttOSNT., ennal to ONE DOWLAS AND FIFTY CENTS per Share, on the Capital Stock of the Company, has this day beendo elared by the Board of Managers, payable on demand. , n 026 3t EDWIN WALTKB, Treasurer. : HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 11X0 [ES > CDTHBKBT Street —This lnatitatlon ia now open l5o»e reception of rick and wounded soldiers, whowlll be received end provided .ter in the moat comfortable manner, free of charge. , . •no32*tf' , Beo’y of Board of Managers. Z=m CITIZENS’ VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL. flTfe The XiADIKS’ FAIU which openedtatmkj «rathe»^ccrnerofFlPTKßNTEE and STiBKE r atteeln, over Taroall’e drug j>reylcra« Inclemency of the weather, be continued THIS WEEK, ontit Ttianhegiving night. ' Admission 10 oeiita, n*Kf=» PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COM- U 3 PANY, Novkjraßß 24,1862- . . p h .ud*L A general meeting or the etockholAe™ oMbe PMUAeI pbla Exchange Company will be held on MONDAY m»xt, D(c. A. Mercer, Edwin a. Dewis, Isaac S. Waterman, Liidley Bmytb, | Benj train A. Farnham, Bichsrd O. Dale. I Joshes B Llpuineott, Joseph 0 Grubb, j James E, Campbell. John Aehhurst, j And at a meeting of the Directors this day, S. A. MKK o; ' ‘ - - - -- JEB, lira . was unanfraonaly re- ejected President; ED« WTJS M LEWIS. BfQ» Vice President j aad WILLIAM BU&HTOf, Jr * Caßhier. dd2s W. BUSH PONVJr., Cashier. MECHANICS' lO PBIa., Sot. 24.1862. Itirectora. hfM Not. ITib, 1“ were chosen for the ensuing Joseph B. Mitchell, > George W. Stusrt, Doris Pearson, ■WiiSinm A. Drown, John Wrodfide, William B. Thompson, Ebeuazer Maxwell. At the meeting cf the Board of Directors, held Not. 24tli, 1862, J B. BJITOH'EIjIi was elected President. J. G. MITOBELL, Vice President, J. WIEGABD, Jr., Oasbier. ne==* TRADESMEN'S JJ3 PHI A, Nov 24,1862 lJih Inst for: Dlrectsra, the elected to serve the ensiling s O.B.Bogere, J John Harrow, George 0. Thomas, | James McCann, B. h. Gaw, | Bober t Ooace, J. B. Belter, Jr , | John Hartman, Jacob Weaver. At a meeting of the Board, held the 24tb inatj 0. H. IIOGERS was elected President, and JOHN OAaTNEß,flashier. n025-3t* HANGE B ANK, 21,1862—At the election the following stockholders s Bank: Christian J. Hoffman, BobertEr7ion, < H. W. Oatherwood, "William P. Oox* Edmund A. Bonder, Samuel T. Canby, Charles E. Wilkins. ■Mar corn exi ,| B : FEIii.DEI.PHIA, NoV held November 17th, 1862,' were elected Directors ot tbi Alexander G. Gattell, Dill Noblit, Jr., George L. Buzby, Edward 0. Knight, William L. Mac deck, James Steel, And at the meeting ot Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER G. OaTTELL. Eea., was utmtimously re elected President; ALEX WHtLLDtK, Esi-, Tice President, and J IHNW. TOREK Y Cashier. n 02- tf J. W.TOBREY, Cashier. THE FHILABEXPHIA BANK, J 3 Nov. 24,1862—At the annnal election held on ITth lost., the following gentlemen were dn!y elected Directors of this Bank : •• THOMAS ROSINS. LEWIS R. ASHHUBST, FREDEHCK LENNIG, RICHARD D WOOD, JOHN WELSH, AUG. BEATON, J, L EBBINGEB. JAMES L. OLAGHORN, 8 W. Ds COURSBY, HENRY PBKAUr, GEORGE WHITNEY, BENJ. G. GODFREY, ISAAC STARR; And at the meeting of the Board held this day THO MAS BOBIN *, Ksq , was unanimously re-elected President. n025-3t B B. OOSIEGYS, Oaaoler. NOTICE.— CORN EXCHANGE BANK, Phh.sdei.phia, November4,lB62 —Toe folio wing Besolntion was this day adopted by the Board of Direc tors and ordered to be published: Resolved, That the unsold portion of the Stook of .this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to hare the privilege o? takin;: i,.. -etiare, accnraingio a sumo adopiecnry uiw-Board, pro— Tided subscription and payment be made before the first day of January, 1868, _ _ .. noMfjal ... , J. W. TOBBBY, Cashier. FINANCIAL. gOLD , SILVER, QUARTERMASTERS' TOUGHERS* , CHECKS ON WASHINBION, »ad CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNE3S WANTED. 3-10 NOTES FOE SALE 33 REX E E & Go, no2l-lm u. s. ; FIVE TWENTIES; 08, 20-YEAE six peb cent. bonds, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOTEBN MENT AFTER FITS TEAM. I am Instructed by the - SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the aboT* LOAN AT PAR, Interest will oommence from .the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and Bovember of each' year. At the present raisaon os gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. ■ ".noßtf . . ...- ' SQO AAA —THIS AMOUNT TO OO.vUv. LOAN In snma of 83,000 t 085,000 on Mortgages or G. Bente. Apply to M. PETTIT, Ho, 809 WALNUT Street. ao3 A MBB “ AN STBAM IF L OUR MIL LS, Nos. 77,79, & 81 LAUREL STREET, Below FRONT, Philadelphia, The undersigned, having commenced the Milling bnai nets at this weU-hnownold Stand, are prepared to fur nish - GBOOTSBS, DEALERS, AND FAMILIEB With the very best article of Wheat Floor, at the low 03w Give tie a trial, and we will guarantee entire satisfac tion, Mill feed constantly on band. no2Mm* . BABNE3 & BBOOKE. i^IUBTAIN MATERIALS. li wide French Satina. Wide French BrocateUes. Wide French Satin de Lalne. Wide Worsted Damask. Wide Union Bamaak. Wide Mognette for Railroad Oars. French Flushes forßdlroad Oars. Gilt Cornices and Bands. ■ ( Cords, Gtmpß, and Fringes. Tassels aad Loops. Hoots, Bings, and Brackets. Farnitore Coverings. _ All-Wool Crimson Terry Beps. AU Wool Bine Terry Bops- g All Wool Green Terry Beps. AU Wool Maroon Terry Beps. _ EMBBOIDERED PIANO AND TABLE COVE IS, ALL OOLOBS EMBBOIDEBBD LAOE CUBTAINS. Lace Out tains, 8 SXO a pair. Lace Curtains, 8,7 00 a pair. Lace Curtains, 8 7 50 a pair. Laco Onrtaloa, 8 8.50 a pair. Lece Onrtair s, 810 00 a pair. - - Lace ,Curtains, 812 00 a pair., Laco Cnrtainr, 814.00 a pair. Lece'Cnrtains, 816 00 a pair: Lace Curtains, 818 00 a pair. Lace Curtains;-818 00 a pair. : Lace Curtains, *2O 00 a pair. Lace Curtains; 825 00 a pair. Lace Onitsice, 830 00 a pair. ' Lace Certains, 5*40,00 a pair. : Lace Curtains. 850.00 a pair. » WINDOW SHADKS. . Painted and Gold Borders, in store and for sale, with good Fixtures complete for each shade, retail.' ' - ...... Gold Bordered shades made to order, any style or alee. U. B. FLAGS on hand and mads to order, att slasa. W. H OABBYL, OUBTAIN BTOBB. ir27 MASONIC HALL, So. 719 OEEBTNUT Bt. T VORYTYPES. —If you would have a BKIMEB’B TYOBYrYPHS are tha style to ault you. Gallery, BEO JND Street, above Green. It# THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA.' THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1861 H, O. YOUNG, Cashier. J. Aofelc. William H. Wosdwarl, Joseph s, hovering, Jr., BANK, PHILADEL —At the annual election for 862, the following gentlemen rear: John 0. Davis, Charles island, • Ii 0. Inngarich, Benjamin W. Tlngley, . Bosengarten, Isaac E. Batter, j 3 BANK, -PHILADEIi —At au ekction held on the » following gentlemen were rear: DEMAND NOTES, 34 Sonth THIEB Street. MILITARY | PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD, 157TH REUIMENT P. V-, COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY. HE A I> fUA R T ERS, No. 62T CHESTNUT STREET. BOUNTY UNITED STATES 80UNTY...............,?100 ADVANCE PAY AND PREMIUM. 15 SPECIAL 80UNTY......................... 60 COMPANY PREM1UM.................... 6 T0TAL^................................. .SLTO AL SO , A SUPERIOR GUM BLANKET. The pay of the Becrnit commence* from the day he 1* mastered into the service. ' Ae booh as the Becrnit Is mustered In, he will at once be tolly equipped wbh superior Clothing, and sent to CAMP POLESTON, on Indian Queenlane, whore overy attention will be paid to his comfort. f For further information, apply to'Headquartera. COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY, IS7TH BEGUKSNT P. V. ji RECRUITS FOR THE REGU @ DAB ABUT OF THE UNI TED STATUS WAN T ljf ED! !—S2 will be paid to any person bringing an "■acceptable recruit ’ For further information apply at the Fondezvoua, No. 419 WALNBT Street. TUBS. 0. WltililAfO, 8017-l3t* Oapt 19th Inf. U. 8. A., Beer tilting Offioer. continental cavalry. —WANTED.—Two Companies to flit the Be gfmant of OONTIBEB CAB BIUHIP OA YAI.HY. now in “ Camp Metosife," HADDO IS FIELD, N. J. Officers who have had experience preferred noil . J B. PBYTOSt. 001. Commanding. ; PROPOSALS. p R O P O S A T. S. Ordkasoe Office, War leparimi-rit, Washington, November 24, 18S2. SEALED PBOPO3ALB will be received by this Do partment until 4 o'clock P. fll.« on tho N»NT9 DAY of December next, for tbe mannfactnro and delivery of the followiB? projectiles, viz: 5 000 ien»tabh Solid Shot. •* . 2,000 £fteen~incli Shells. “ IjCGO fiiteen iDch Battering Shot. * - . The projectiles (o he made of toe kind of metal, andio epetfed afic-r the rules laid down lo the Ordnance Ma nual, with the excep-ion of toe Battering Bhot, which must be made of what is known as gun metal.- -Drawing* of these projectiles can be Been at the principal arsenals of the United States, at the Ordnance Agency, So. 45 WORTH s rest, Sew York, and at this office The prrjactiles are to be delivered, free of charge fer transportation, at the IJDUefi Stilt-‘H Arsenal, oa Or 'vereor’s Island, Sew York harbor, where they will bo inspected; and all Ettob as may be rejected re mover , by the contractor, immediately after the ihspec tun of each delivery. Bide will be received ■ for any portion of the anahtity reiinired, not lees than 600 of any one kind. _ Deliveries to be made ee follows: One-tenth, of each krndj within thirty dove aftot notification of acceptance of bid, and not less thaa one tenth weekly thereafter until aU shall be delivered. Payment will be made lip the Treasury Department on tbe usual cirtificates of inspection ana receipt, after each delivery. Bonds, with approved surety, will be rewired for the faithful performance of contracts. Ho bid will be entertained unless it be accompanied by an affidavit from the pari) making it, to tbe effect that he is an iron founder, and that it his bid is,accepted, the projectiles will be madeatbis foundry—naming,it and its loratlon; and the right is reserved to reject any or all bidß if deemtd unsatisfactory for any cause. • "Proposals will fie aldressed to''.the. undersigned at ■Washington Oily, end will be endorsed <■ Proposals to.' Prt jectiles.” JAS. W. BIPOEY, ’ n027-tdiB PROPOSALS EOR LUMBER. PsroT Qcartekmastek’s Office, ) Oerter of Eighteenth and G streets! > Washujqton D. U., Nov. 24,1862 ) SEALED PBOPOSALS will be recslrod at this office until Friday, December 5,1882, at 12 o’clock Iff, for delivering In lbs city of Wasr ington, at such point as the Depot Quartermaster may direot, ooe mildoti (1,000,- C 00) feet of Lumber of the ft Hotting kind and descrip tion, yiK: . ; ■ : Beven hundred'and"* fifty thousand (750,000) foot 4-4 or one (1) it ch White Plot) Common Culhrgt. .Eighty-three thousand three huodreii and thirty-threo (83 333) feet Scantling,.3 by 4, fourteen feet,long, (Hemlock.) . • Highly-tbri 6 thousand three hundred and thirty-four (83 33t) feet Scantling, 3 by 4, sixteen feet long, (Hemlock) ] Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three i (S 3 333) feet Ecantiing, 3 by 4. eighteen feet long, \ (Himiock ) ■ p All the above described to be good merchantable Lum ber, subject to the inspection of an agent appointed on the part of the Government. i Ail the Lumber fo be delivered within twenty daya afnr storing the oontract. Prcposaiffirom disloyal parties wifi not 1 Be coaaidered, and an oath of allegiance to the United: States Govern ment must accompany each proposition. 3 The ability of the bidder to fiU the Contract, ehonid it be awarded to him, must be; two respon sible persons, whose signatures, arc to'be'appended to the cparanite. Qnd.sald annrnnlee mutt accompanyM& ': -—xrnrrorponsnjnity "omie^guaTantOm-Tmm*-Cv-»OM. by the cilicial certificate ef the Oterk of the nearest District Oouit, or of the United States District Attorney, - Bidders must be present in peraon.wben ,be bids are opßj ed, or tbe proposals will n»t be considered. The full name and. Post; Office addreas«J.the, bidder must appear in the proposal-:; - - - - - If a bid is made to the name of a firm the names of all tie parth s rnnit appear, or the bid will be considered as tbe individual proposal of tbe party signing it. Bonds to tbe tom of five thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both or his gnarautors, will .be re QHired of tbe suecessfol bidder upac signing the contract. The right to rej*ct sny or ail bids that msy be deemed too high is reserved by the .Depot Qaarter mssttr. Xoformal proposals will be rejected. - Propoeals most be eddressed to Captain EDWABD L BABIZ, Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, Washington, D. 0-, and should be plainly marked, Proposals for Lumber ” ' ' Fos byrmill shoold bo - ftddr#S(td 'to *JOBIS ti 0 APE N, ’ gc22 ifwem3tQ - 922 OHE3TNT7T Street, Phila. TOTE AND EAR.—-PROFESSOR A . JCi ISAACS, OOOTftST AND AURIST, from Ley. den» Holland, is permanently located at N0.; 5L1 PINS Street, yrl ere persona * afflicted with diseases of tbs BTB or BAB will be scientiflcaUr treated, and a core guarantied, if cm able. ' ABTIFIOIALi BYES in* carted without pain. N. B.—No charges mad# for ex amination. . 0019-12^ THE PENNSYLVANIA RAlL 'boad.maohinbby, and wheel gebabb. —We would invite yorir attention to the above Grease, momnfactared by us, of materials exactly Bolted for the purposes designed. We believe it to bo stupatsad by nose in cbeapnessor lubricating properties, in which be. Bet weare sup to; ted byits steady Bald and the perfect satisfaction that it gives. ■ Those that have nsodit WILL HAVEnone else. ■■■' Put np in tin cans, kegs, and barrels, of weight to unit purchaser. ZEIGLEK&SMITH, Wholesale Drag- Paint, and Glass Dealers, corner of SECOND and Qi EBH Streets. » n 02- St* TJ I EGKE R & BMIT H, DRUG, /j PAIHTs brd GLASS DBATiBBS, 8 W> corner of BECOND »nd r GBBEN; Streßte, Philadelphia, have in fctore, and offer for galej viz: 5 catksßal Ammoniac/* IQ half wets Rhubarb Boot. 5 caski Irish Olue. 20 barrels Bednea Borax. '25 cases: ** ** 5 bales Carriage Bpm ge, cheap* 50 cases (100 lbs each) Antimony» 5 bands Antimony. . 50 ba§B Canary Setd.’- * scaseß’Mace 200.lbs.Conrad’s lodide Potash. r . 10 cases Polizza Liquorice. • * 5 baleß A!#x. Senna. 10 boxes (60 flu each) Powd’d Tartano Acid. 25 barrels Neatfl’-Boot Oil. 5 barrels Sweet OH. A 100 case^Pt. Olive Oil. 20 cans Balsam Oopaiva. Also, a grcerali assortment of Brags, Paints, »c.» in large or rmall quantities. :.ncw>.-ot fERRA COTTA MANUFACTORY . Hanging Vaaoa. / ' -V¬ Flower Pot*. , Orange Foil. ,■ . -; / ' Tarn Vaasa/ ■/ Ivy Vases. Garten Yaao*. i. Jasinln Oonpaa. • i' Cassolette Benalnanes. f Oassoletts lionl* XTI. Lava-Vaaea Anttin*. ;/ Pedestal*, all sUsee. - Oonsola and Oarlatada*. > Parian Bust*- , Marble Pedestals. Ter Bale BetaU, and to the Tr^a^ . 1010 OHTSTNDT Street. J AMAICA BUM.— I 3 Puncheons just received end for pals, in bond , t>T OHABLBB 8. CAB9TAIB3, nolO 138 WALNUT St, and 31 ifcANITBBt. Prig Sen. Chief Ordnance. JJ 1 G.H AN D RELI AB L E FURS or OUB OWH IMP OR TATION AND MANUFACTURE. Hudson’s Bay Pabie, Royal Ermiie, Dark Sable Mink, Real Ciincliilla, Dark Siberian Squirrel, In every Fashionable Style for Ladies, Misses, and Children. FURS MADE TO ORDER. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No- 920 CHESTNUT STREET, noSsiuth-lm gLOAKINO CLOTHS, ' FROSTED BEATERS, '• ' ■' ' . 1 ■ - FINS CASSIMERES, VEWUR REPS, BALSORALB, BLAIKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS, WOODEN SHAWLS, BOYS’ CLOTHING. OOOPE,i & OONARD, ooSB-tf •'/ B. E. 001. NINTH and HABKBT 81a. CLOAK store, No. 818 ARCH STREET, Etill continne theicfuli and handsome assortment of ; liADiE.S’ AHD OHILDEES’B OLOIKBJ MO U R NIN G STO RE,” 936 1 CHESTNUT STREET. Every article for MOURNING WEAR. MOURNING BONNETS, , HEADY AND TO ORDER. M. & A. MYERS & Co., IMPORTERS. g?3o*ljbSQlll L-; ■_ -■- '■ . . ..A-f TX7IDE iBLACK SILK MANTILLA • " V V : : ' , ; VELVETS, '-■ C From aoclirnseveral lote, which we are running off cteasu CDJiWEN BTODDLBT & BROTHER, 1 450, 462, and 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow. T A DIBS’ CLOAKINGS. Jj ■ Bich glossy black Eealekins. Blob! glossy Brown Sealskins. 1 Biel 1 glassy light Sealskins. Brovn-mixed frosted Sealskins. Black- mixed frosted Sealikins. SVaiy-mixed frosted Sealskins. AlVwcol black Trlc&t, Union black Tricot. All-wool Beaver Clolha. Uiicn Beaver Cloths. Bhck Bioadoloths. Several loti from the New York auction sales at less Ifcan nfnal prices , < CUBWBN 6TODDABT & BBOTHEB, 4 80, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, above WiUow, A A RICH PARIS CHINTZES, y: -, ± ; it old prices—37x and 40 cants. ! OUBWTSN BTODDAKT & BROTHER, 460, 452, and 454 North SECOND Stoat, above Willow. tto27.<3t. TROUBLE- FACED, NE AT-FI STOR’D U BLACK SILKS, From the late auction Halos CUB WEN STOOD ART * BROTHER, . 450, 452, and 454 North BE JOND Street, n(27 8t above Willow. T)ROCHE LONG BHAWLB, X) ? : Ab cheap aa ever, ' From late auction sales. Lots of Faria and Viennese ' Breohe long Shawls, CompriaiEg all the newest paterns ,*.•••■> ~ Aiid most desirable colorings. CUBWEN STODBABT & BBOTHEB, 450 462, end 454 North BBOOND.Street, above Willow. CHEAP DRY GOODS. CARPETS, OIK CLOTHS, and; WINDOW SHA.OSSS-V E. AROHAMBiULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will oprn this morning, from Auc tion, Ingrain Carpets at 37, 50, 62, 76, and 87 cts ; En try and Stair Carpets, 25 to 65 cts ; Bag, Yarn, and List Carpets,;2s to 45 cts.; Floor Oil Oiotlis, 37 to 62 ots.j GHt7Bordored''Window Shades, 62 eta to SI 50; Bail and Greeif Window Holland, ,16 to 45 cts. j Musllne, 12 to 25 eta.; Canton Flannels. 26 to 81 eta. . oc3o thßtnlm TpiANEEtiSj' BLANKETS, &o.— I',. a good assortiaent of ail the approved makes of Winter Flannels and English and American Blankets at the lowest prices. ' SBEPEABD, YANHABLINSEN. & ABBI3ON, : no26l2irp : ' : • 1008 OHK 3TNU C Street. and muslin rich Bans Otutaina and Embroidered Mus lins to be found in the city, at last season’s priofs. Also, a large assortment of Curtain and Furniture materials, of the most desirabte stiles . . SBEPHABD, VANHARLINGEN,ft ARBISON. iio2o-12trp 1008 CHESTNUT Street LADIES’ BURS. j^URS! GEORGE F. WOMRATH, •. HOB. 415 AND 417 ABOH STBEET, HAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT t LADIES’ FIRS, To which the attention of the pnblic is invited. nol9-2m ■j^A DIES’ FANCY. FURS! JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPOBTEB AND MANXJFACrCBEB OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Jnst opened, a large and handsome Stook of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURB, or every desorip tlon and in the newest and most approved stylesj-at tne liowert Cash Prices. » J.ADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA. No. 718 ARCH ST., BELO'W' EIGHTH, IMPOBTEB AND MANOF AO TUBER T .AUTES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fanoy Tore tor Ladies and Children Is now complete, and embraoing oveir variety that win be fashionable during toe present season. All sold at the manufacturers’prices, for cash. liadies t please give me a'cafl- , ocS 4mil « GENTS! FURNISHING GOODS. tblahmbl and cloth over- JD SHIBTB! TIME WHEN AND MUBI.IN SHIBT3, On hand or mado to order, of the most approved cut, and warranted to St. GENTLEMAN’S WRAPPERS* The larg< Bt and best assortment in the city. UNDEBCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GX.OYBB, TIES, &0. WHOLESALE AND BETAIIi. Gr. A. HOFFMANN. • - .. •••„■ 001-tnthsSm eOG ABOH BTBEST. JOHN C. ARRISON. Importer and Manufacturer Of GENTLEMEN’S FINE FURNISHING HOODS, Nos.-l & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIBBT STOBE ABOVE MABKET ST. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE’S.) The well- known reputation of this establishment for tolling Fine Goods at Modbbaib PmtOHB will bo folly sustained. *P. B. The oelebrated Imp*otsd Pavißb* Shims, so justly popnlar, oan bo supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVEBSHIRTS IN GBEAT VARIETY. QOH-tt nEORGE GRANT. MANUFAOTUBBB OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 810 CHESTNUT BTBBET, ■ eelß-Sm■ ■■ ■ Fine shirt manufactory. The snbsorlber wonld inviieattentionto his IMPBOVED CUT OF SHIBTB, Whioh he mskee a specialty in his business. Also, con. ■tontiy receiving __ ■NOVELTIES FOB' GENTLEMEN'S WEAB. J. W. SCOTT, n GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOBE, ] . Jfe. 814 OHBBTNUT STBBBT, . Foordoorabelow the OonttpentM^ PRESERVING 'BRANDY, PURS CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS; SPICES, StC; fcc- An the Bite* lor Preeervlng and Pickling Purpose* ALBERT O ROBERTS. DHAIiBB IB FIB* GBOOBBIHB, U-v j. ■ .i . --a 1 ni-tf OOBNKB SMYBHTH ABB Via*. PHILADELPHIA. Of all grades. FURS I WHITE, & CO., No. 509 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i'OKKIGN AND DOMES 110 DRY GOODS, Invite attention to a large and varied assortment of r BUSTS, of desirable Yah Styles. '* Manchester De Baines, new colorings and Btyles. Balmoral fcklrts, high colored, and In large variety. Striped Shirting Viarmels, in large variety. Philadelphia, Nov. 20th, 1802. n 027 121 COMMISSION HOUSES. PH iL ADILPHIA BAG MANUEaG JL TOBY. BURLAP BAGS, BURLAP BAGS, v - BURLAP BAGS, Of all sizes, nett cosh on delivery, by GEO. QRIGQ; SIB OHDBOH ALLEY. OCXS tt Bags ! bags! bags < 6,000 Androscoggin, 2 bn*., 17 os., ootton. 18,000 Ozark, do., , do. 4,000 Yeoman, . do., do. 3,000 CentreviHa, do., do. 2,000 Prince Albert, do., do. 6,000 Hagover, do., do. 3,000 UWon, A, flax and cotton; Gnnny and Burlap Bags, ell sizes, for sate by JOHN T. BAIL BY & CO., 113 North JPBONT Street nolO-lm* QAEPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & CO., OOMMIBSIOH MEBOHAHTB, Ho. 139 CHESTNUT BTBEBT, PHILADELPHIA, *7" A foil assortment or Philadelphia-made Oarpeta alwaFe la Store. : ooa am QOTT ON ; Y.ATsrx* ~ SUPEEIOE COTTON YABN, No. 10, fOBSALBBT - FROTHINGHAH & WELLS. ooit-tS fa BMY GOODS. ' DABK-BLtTE BOAT CLOTHS. DABK-ELU* CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE OLOTHB HOB OMTOEBB. ABUT BLANKETS, STANDABD WEIGHT. 10-OOHOB DOCK. DBELLB, STAND ABB WEIGHT. HEAT! LINEN DBILLB AND DUCK. BBOWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND OHIBTINGB. . Tor Bale by." FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. ael-lftf WELLING, OOITIN, & GO., HO. 990 OHJIBTNHT STBBET, wt prepared to ■!, , • ■' contract for the deliver* OP ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, ©F •' STANDABD QUALITY. . »037-Sis gHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, . Hoi 112 CHESTNUT STREET, OOMMIBSION MERCHANTS »0* IB* Bits OP ' PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. se29-6m ' DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. L. HALLO WELL & Co.. No. 615 CHESTNUT STREET, (JAYNE’S MABBLE BLOCK,) Have jnst opened an ENTIRE NEW STOCK FANC Y SILKS, from Auction, DRESS GOODS in groat variety, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &0., &0., Which have been PUBOHASED EXCLUSIVELY FOB CASH, And will he sold at IAPJPBIOHS. The attentionof _oltv_and jinlFW,*': * s - SJIHOS. MELLOR &.Cp., ENGLISH AND GERMAN IMPORTERS, AO AND AS NOBTH THIRD STBESX. HOSIERY, GLOVES. Blurts and Drawers, 4-4 Linens. Fancy Woolens, Linen 0. Hdkfs. Manufacturers of Shirt Fronts. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. nOBEBT SHOEMAKER & 00., Northeast Corner FOURTH and BACH Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS I* ■" foreign and domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, jukopaotoamb of WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, *0 Aosiras fo* *hb OEUtßaiißh FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Healer* and consumer* supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH no27 3m . ■WATCHES AND JEWELRY. l>. T. ERA T T, (SOOOEBSOn TO PRATT A RBAI’H,) 6@7 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and attaUtiea, to suit all classes of CAEIRBI jrUKJIITUR*. riABINET FURNITURE AND BIL- W XIABD TABUSB. MOORE & CAMPION. Ho. 881 Booth SECOND Street, a connection with their extensive Cablnetßurinea*, ere low BMumfuetorln* » superior ertiolo of BILLIARD TABLKB, tad Mta now on hand A 101 l apply,' ®?l*he«l with th* SOOBB A CAMPION'S IMPBOVHD OUSHIOIfB, shloh Art pronounced br *ll who here nsed them to be superior to all others. . . . . .. For the analitf and aniwh of theew Tables ine mann botnrerj refer to their numerous petrous throughout die Union, wbo ere femJUer with the ohenoter of their work. : C.* riB - ai IPREIGHT BTATION, PENNSYL- P TANIA BAILECAD COMPANY, CORNEB THIBTBBNXH AND MABKIT SXBKNXS. . PHiLADBtPinA» November 21,1802. THE OHIO RIVER , is BOW IN GOOD BOATING ORDER, ■ " AND WK ARE PBEPABED TO GIVX THROUGH RATES TO ANT POINT \ B X T. W IS X H PITTSBURG *. AND' - ST. LOUIS 8. B. KInQSTON, J*, n052-6t* Freight Agent. •RENZINEj. BEISZINE;— l 000- gal !> ; lbnefor:s»le bj;ziSGI.HB & SMITH. wboUeele Pm*, Paint, and Glass dealers, comer BfiOOND and GBBBN.filrects, Pbiladelpbla, n025»6^ riOSBEN GLADES, WEBTERN. VJTfffid : Bemmyhihie Butter, of etentlT reeel'sed .ftnd for ate by BHODBS * Bontb WATBB Street. n»29 .'UB. .ATIONS JjEW' voxTume^ NEW PUBLIC UNITS D STATES DIGEST. LIT T Ll, BEO WN, & C 0., LAW AND FOBEIGN BODKSELLEB3, HO WASHINGTON Street, Boston, IHE UNITED STATES DIGEST, Containing a Digest of Decisions of Oc arts of Common Raw, Equity, and Admiralty, in the United States and England, BEIBQ VOL. 14 ANKUAR DIOKaT FOE 1880, TEE GOYEBBMENT ADDITION OF THE STA TUES AT IAEGK AND TBEATIB3 OF THE UNI TED STATES, passed at the Second Session.of tha Thir ty-Be re nth Congress, 1861-2, containing the Public Laws, Beeolntions, Proclamations, Private Acta and' Treaties, with marginal references and a copious Index ■ and em bracing the Tariff, Tax Rawa, and all Acts relating to the War, &0., &c. Price $3.50. BTOEY OH THE RAW OFAGEHOY. Sixth edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. , By Edmon» H. Bek nett. Svo. Price SS 50. AKOEIiL AHD AMEI Off OOBPORATIOSB. Se venth edition, revised, oorreoted, and enlarged. By John Rathrop, of the Boston Bar. Bvo. Prioe S 5 50 EllihlAßß’S RAW OF TORTS OB PRIVATE WBOE G 3. Second edition, revised, and enlarged. 2- vols. Bvo- Price 811. . ; " edition, carefnlly revised, with extensive additions. By Isaac F. Brdfield, RRD. 2 vols. Bvo. Prim 811. STORY ON THE RAW OF BARES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Thi! d edition, with large additionsto the text and notes. r ßy J. C. PuniiNS. Bvo. Price $5.60 STOBY ON BiBBS. Fourth edition, revised, cor rected, and enlarged. Svo. Price $5 60. PABEOK’S MERCANTILE RAW. Scoond edition, carefully revised, and much enlarged. Bvo. Price $5.50 THE MASSACHUSETTS DIGEST. Being a Diges of the Decision* of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa chusetts, from 1804 to 1857, by E. H.Beknbtt andF, F. Heaed. Yoi. 1. Price $8 50. WABHBUBN’S TREATISE Off THE. AMERICAN RAW OF REAL PBOPEBTY. 2 vols. Bvo. Prioe $ll. OBAY'S REPORTS of Oases Argjed and Determined In the E tipreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Yol. 14 Prico.Bs. -• ’ ALBUM’S BEPOBTS oi Oases Argued and Determin ed in the ; Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Voh&. Price $5 AMES’BEPOBTS of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Bbode Island. Vel. 3, or, Rhode Island Reports, Vol. 6. Prioe $5. ALSO IK PRESS AND PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. - WHEATON’S ELEMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Sovtnth edition, revised and brought down to the present time. By W. Beacu Lawrence. Bto. • BTOBY ON BAIL KENTS. Severn h edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. By E, H. Bennett. Bto. QUINOY’3 BE POSTS of Oases Argnel and Deter mined in the Superior Court of Judicature, in til a Plo virce of Massachusetts, from 1762 to 1771 lvol. Svo. THE MASSAOHU3ETTB DIGEST. By E, H Ben nett and F. F. Heard. YoL 2. Byo. Oompleting tho york. . BISHOP’S COMMENT ABIES ON OBIMINAL PBO - OEDIJKE ; or the Law of Pleading Evidence and Prac tice in Criminal Cases. 2 yois. ' Bvo, .BEL FIELD ON IHE LAW OFWILL3, EXEOO-. TOBS, AND XDMINISTBATOBS. 2 vols, Bvo. UNITED STATES DIGEST. Vol 21, for 1861, edit ed-by H. Earnara Smith, being vol. 15 of the Annual Di gest,.. GBAY’S BEFOBT3 of Oases Argued and Determined In the Supreme Judicial Court o? Massachusetts. Vol-9. BBOWN OH FRAUDS. Second- tdition, revised and enlarged. Bvo. DANIEL’S CHANCERY PLEADING AND PRAC TICE- Third American, from the third and latest Eng lith edition, to which Br.e added several entirely new chapters and coploub noteß, adapting- the work to Ame ricas Practice in Chancery. By Hon. 3. 0. Perkiss. 3 vois. Bvo. ALLEN’S BEPOBTB-of Cases Argued and Deter mined in the Supremo Judicial Court of Mnsiachusetts. Void.- . - OASES EEEATING TO THE LAW OF BAIL _ WAXB. By CBADKOEv;SMiTH-and S: W.Batbs, Erqs Vcl. 3. . ■> ' CtFBTIS ON THE LAW OF PATENTS. Third edi tion, revised and greatly enlarged. Bvo. ' BLACKWELL ON THE PO WER TO SELL LAHD FOR THE -NON-PAYMENT OF TAXP.3 ASSESSED THEEEOH- Second edition, enlarged. Bvo. THE PRACTICE IN- PROCEEDINGS IN THE PROBATE COURT, including the Probate of Wills, Ac , Ac. Designed for the use of Exeohtorß and others having business in the Probate Oourt. By WilliamL* gMiiH.ivoi.Bvo. ' t A Catalogue of Meusre.rli B. & Co.’s publications may be had gratis on application ; and they will send by mail, free of postage, any of their books bn the receipt of the jfßia'im IWH**- TTIHE BEST JL JUVENILE BOOKS-THIS SEASON TEE BOBBIN BOT—A true story’br’tKe~e'4riy"lire of Major Geueral N; P. Banks, elegantly illustrated: A very interesting and valuable book for boys from twelve to sixteen. Price 75 ets. THB'PBI'NTEB BOY—By the author of <'The Bob bin Boy,” the Life of Benjamin Franklin; also a very interesting iilnstratedbook for boys from twelve to six teen- Price 76 ota. „■■ . BIOGRAPHY OF SELF-TAUGHT MEN—By Prof. B. B. Edwards, a capital book for boyb from fourteen to eighteen. Price SI. ' DANDY JACK—An illustrated book-of Animals, for • boys from four to eight years old ; .written and illustrated by Billings. Price 60 -cts FOURTEEN PET GOSLINGS—Or, hlstorr of all the pets of a little boy, to each; :a raoßt de lightful book for boys and’glrts from four to eight years.- •\PHe© cts FAIRY DREAMS—OrV Wanderings in Elf-Land. A : new and highly interestingfairy- book for girls -and bbys - of ail ages. Price 76 els. , , ' Also, some handsome boxes of juvenile books. Dealers will do well to order samples of ths above, and other equally attractive juveniles. Individuals desiring - them and not Slicing them at the book* storeß,- may order Of us by mail. 3. E-- TILTON A GO *,- no2o-tbml2t Publishers, Boston. TJQSMS AND ATJTOBIQGRAPB ¥’,. _g[ by T. H. STOCKTON, Chaplain to Congress. For sale at MARTIEN’S, 60K.Chestnut; SUNDATSJHOGL UNION; ZIBBEB’S, Third, below Chestnut;: BAN TOUL’3, 25 North Sixth street, and by Booksellers ' ®6D ers II y i ■■ “ There are passages of sentiment which have great beanty, and passages : of description which strike us as eminent y original—W T. Evening Post.- 11026-StV TITAGAZINES EOR DEOEMBERv— IVI . Harper, 15 cents. - Atlantic; 20 cents. Godey, 20 cents. Peterson. 15 cents no26-3t PITOHSB’S, 439 OHB3TNUT Street. ■vr-E W E O 0 R S.—THE GANOE JjN ABD T-BE EADDLB-Adventarea Among the Borthweatern Bivers and Foreata, and Isthmians: By Major Wintbrop 12y - MirioiT " ' T.717T " ‘ . All NEW BOOKS supplied as goon asßubllshed by LINDSAY & BLAKISTOS, Pnblisherg and Booksellers, no!9 25 South SIXTH Street above Chestnut. nols-ltnif A LECTURE'FOB YOTJNQ MEN. Jnst unwished, price 6 cento, a new edi«onor ttie late Dr. OULYEEWBLIi’S OELEBBA.TKD DBOtDEH ontbe abase of tbeßeprodoctlve Powers, iodncing De bility, NerronsneßS, Consumption, Epilepsy Rental and Ph-fsicallnoapaolty, &o. 'the radical, mode or treat ment, vHtheut nuiieine, able erery one to be bis ownphyßlelan at the least pos -81 TO THODSINDB OF BTJITFEBBBS.” ftent nnder seals in a plain envelope, to any «*&***>* post-paid* on receipt or six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Q BIITNS & 00 „ 137 BOWEBY, Hew York, Post Office Box. 4,586. no4-3mit i nnn beams of note and I.UUU liETTKB PAPBB, purchase before the Tin? for sole by the ream, at low pnoes. at OaALLBN’3 Bwfr and Stationery IWB OHBSTHUT Bt. lt*_ xtr BROTHEBHEAD’S ciscu- VV* ! EATIHQ MBB;ABY.-Aime JSBW ngbf uni American Books, Including All one month 76 cents, or 8 coots per day. -*w Bona BIGHTH Street. 90,1 XTiNGXiIsa AND FRENCH FAMILY K OXBOTOA’riNG liIBBABT AN® CABINET BJ SOTOBE, 1383 OHSSXNTJT STBBBT flnbßcriutions per year* aafi’oar*. teneraToatalogme jnstpnbHalied, ■ln Press, Oatalojne of the Yomi* Badlea arencn M l* .a ’ M "IS23 OHSBTNO'TStreet. THE FINEST ASSORT nT> s’ MBNT o! new, modem, tad durablaPl SKOB fiwß SIB to 8400. , : Ah»,PBIBCE'S World-renowned MBBODBOSS an* HARMONIUMS, for cadi, at a great redaction, or b onall monthly Installments ‘ JAHSS 8EX,T,AK,979 am SSI Booth WIITH Street, afcove Snruo. , seS-Ssn* T OST.- CERTIFICATE OB' CITY M-l ■ LOAN, No. 169, dated January 26th, 1860, In the name ot John Perry and-Maria.Mpore,-in trnst.for Haris Moore, forS7C(T 'Application has boenmadefor renewal of Certificate. [oc23-tb3m*] JOHKPEBBy* OF THE THIS DAY PUBLISHED BY YOLUME 20, BY H. FABNAM SMITH, Of the Boston Bar. Pride.... 86 50. ALSO, JUST POBLIBDED CIRCWIiATINS IJBRAJKIES. UIAiSOS. AMUSEMENTS. itfiir JOHN ' I)R®W 5 8~AE,OE- A»JL BTBBET THBATBB. Business Agent and Treasurer...... JOB. D, MTTBPHY. SECOND MONTH OF X S. OfcABKH. THANKSGIVING DAY, TWO GBABD PERFObEANOHS, . Afternoon and Evening. - ■ AFTEBNOON AT TWG O’OLOOE, THE ETON BOY, ’ GBEEN MOUNTAIN BOY, and BPEOTRE BBIDIGEOOM. .GLAKKE as “ Jedediah Homebred," ’’Dabster,” ’and . ” D’ckory.'* In the Eveniiig st 7 o’clock. PETES WAXEM, ■ The Gentleman of Nature. PeterWaxern.....'.,......,.........,.8Er. J. B; Ofdtia. Marion WoodviUo. -.Mrs. John Drew, Previous to she new play, the BOUGH DIAMOND. CoutinJoe...... ..Mr. J. S. Clarke. : To conclude with the drama of. " THE 8&TLOB CF FBANOB. Benrie, his first eppeafenoo......«••• Mr. Albaughi. Madeline,her first appearance. .’. .Mrs. Byaer. FRIDAY, J. S OLASKE S BENEFIT. OLA B K BIN El YE OH AB* A Ofl B ; 8. Secure jour tickets at once. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— f t Bole Lessee Mrs. M. A.. GABBETTSON. Business Agent. .Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. FOUBTH WEEK OF MB. AND MBS. DAVENPOBT. THIS (THDBSDAY) EVENING, Nov. 27.1862, The performances will commence with DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Damon...., Mr. E. L Davenfiort; Oalanthe .Mrs Et L. Davenport: To conclude with the thrilling Indian drama of NICK OF THE WOODS. Doors open at —Performance commences at 7. r YXARLNER & HE MING’S AM VA P HITHE ATRE. MARKET Street, above Twelfth. Admission 26 cts. Private boxes- aod Balcony- scats* 60 cts. Gallery, 15 cts. Doors o»an et half past 6 o’clock £ to commence at a Quarter oast 7 THANKSGIVING DAY! TBBBE GBAJSD PKBFOBMAISOBB TO-DAY! Morning at 30&, Afternoon’ at S#. and Evening at 7JY, Commencing wiih A FULIi DRESS EKIfiEE. After a variety of performances tbe whole to condode with tbe extravaganza, EOYE ON' HORSED AOK< Family Entertainments oil Wednesdays and Saturdays. Thanksgiving afternoon.— CAPTAIN WILLIAMS Will give a SPEUIAL EX HIBITION of the WHALING VOYAGE, For the Benefit o Families, THIS AFTEBNOON at S ■ ■: — - ■- LECTUBE BOOM, 1219 OHESTNUT Street. EVENING at half past T o’clook. . .. It p EB MANIA ORCHESTRA—PUB vX LIO BEBEABBALB every BATDBDAY AF CEB- NoONatB« o’clock at the MBBIOAL FUND HALL. Carl Sent?., conductor. Tickets 25 cents. Packages of 8 ; tickets, $l-40 be had of Andr6 & 00., 7104 Chestnut street: J. E. Goold, Seventa and Chestnut, and at the v ball daor. * - , ' n027-tf Concert hall-l e o t u rb- BOOM, 1219 OHEBTNUT Street. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS’ WHALING VOYAGE* Every Evening at 7Ji o’clock, THANKSGIVING and SATUBDAY AFTEBNOONS at 3 o’clock. Admission 25 cents.- Children'l3 penis. no24*6t ' 1 A BEL’S WONDEB'FCJL BTEBEOP- TTCON—ASSEMBLY BtilLS INGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT Buects. SPLENDID PaOTO&EA PHIO YIEWS. of the BATTLES BP THE BEBEL LION. Every afternoon and evening this week at 3 and' 8 o’clock. . .Admission 25 cents. n024-6t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF X : THE FINE ABTH, 1026 CHESTNUT STBEET, 111 open flails (Sundays exoepted) from 9 A. H. till 6 P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children half price. ' Shares of Stock, $3O. i»9 WANTS. PARTNER WANTED.-—A -respeeta -1- me Jobbing Fli in in Market street, of twenty years’ eiandlng,whose capital has been seriously Impaired by the lBte commercial revulsions, is desirous of finding either a Special or General PABTNEB—some reepeota ble Gentleman, having from $10,009 to $15,000 to invest. The business, being now conducted upon, an exclu sively cash and abort* time baste, is at present in the beat possible shape, and can be proven by this year’s experi ence ae being capable,-by aid of additional means, to be made a very safe and lucrative one. Communications, with reel name and address, (other* could not be noticed,) whieb will be held etrictly confi dential, will be addressed through BOX No. 1908 Phila do'pbla Post Office n 025 6t A MAS OF EXPERIENCE IN Xi ihe CLOTH BUSINESS as a bnyer and salesman h open for an engagement. Can Infinenca a good,trade. We old prefer an interest in a new house. Address J. W, iYess Office. no2B-3t* WANTED— $300; or. marej- upon a first class Patent. Tha pftrtr liiv*stiag cm* control a large paying interest. Address A. HTBKGKK. Lenabt-rtville, New Jersey- 0&24 4^' for;SALE AND TO LET. •T7OB PALE—An excellent' 'Farm, ’of JD 118'ccreg, mar PiiucetoUt IS. J. Q-ooA baUdiag*. goc-d roil, splendid situation, and abou* 5 000 psaefc trtep, jast coming it to full bearing B P. OLE SN» 123 domh g/D.RTH-3;rfflt A 1 TO LET-TEE STORE NORTH- Essi WEST Ccrner of FOURTH AND -MARKET STREETS. APPLY TO THOMAS'S. WOOD, On flie Premlßes,- or . JOSEPH. W00.0,-. Ho. R NORTH SKOOND STREET. n 026 Bi* BOARDING. V\i a bongo with Modern Convenience., nearSEvl§t- TEENTH and WALNUT, with a private family, for Gentleman and Wife, or a single Gentleman, with or without Boaid. Per address inqnire at this OFFISE. e 026 2t* - PERSONAL MU&TER AND RAX- ROLLS, and , Government claims of all kinds Joshed or cot* lected,-at-reasonable rates -by..JAMES FULTON, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. n <»- g ‘PENSIONS.—?:IOO Bounty and Pay « procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives of snch as are deceased, at reasonable and satis factory rates! Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, ■ 424-WALNUT Street, PbilsdelpMa. Particular attention given to parttes living at a £s*- tance. OBlg - g EDUCATION AL. TO MEDICAL STUDENTS JOHN H.- POXv-.Mi I>., No 134-Soath ELEVENTH Street, will give Instrnotionß in PEE NO H and GBE MAN, at-piece desired, to gentlemen wishing a fcnow ledee of-these-lacgnages, with a view ts the medical profession. no.e 3t* Tls DEPENDENCE CITX CADE PS. X The Acsdcmy.of tbe subscriber for the Military Iretructfonof Tenth being now In at the ABStOBY, northeast corner of EI&H t'ESHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, he solicits a call from those interestedimthis branch of Education, on the days of URIt/li, Mondays and Thursdays, at 4 o'clock T. M- A Claes is proposed of lads from the age of 18 upward, and-a list is open for subscribers For fur her particulars apply to ■ a. EOKKNDOBFF, , Ho. 1914 OOATBB Street INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIRARD FIKI AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. avncs 41* wAiiiruT street, phuadmlpmia CAPITAL SSOO.WO. This company continnea to take -rJ*k* sn the 6R>.*r ssßco of Property at low rate*. The public can rely upon Its responsibility, »d *fcB* ty to pay losses promptly. Its dlsbanemenai tor tor benefitof the pnbUc,darint the last nlaa years, tvmi $500,00 0, end we respeotftffly solicit its favor In the Tatars. DtBSOTOBB OHAB. I. DBFONT, WALKBB, JOHN W.CLAGHOBM, JOHN THOBHLSST, O/S.HSAZI.ra-1, ABBAHAM-HABSj DAVID BOYD) Jr., PSTEB-S EOS, oiW « m aSWAIH, ffIJBMAH SHEPPAJSP JOSEPH KLAPP, K. D. N. 8. BAWBKNOB. WEI. 0, BTOM AN, JOHH SBPFME. THOMAS OBAVBH, PrwMasi. A. 8. GIDJ.BTT, Vtoe PrwkSe* JAB. B. AIVOBD, Secretary. *p23>iftt EAME liSbUivjasCT No. 408 OHBBTETOT Sheet _ riEBAND INLAND, INSURANC3 ' DIBBOIOBB. y. N. Bock, E D. Woodruff, Chaa. BicbardßOßj John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., , P- 8 Jostice, Aki. ’Whiltdic, . Washington Jons*, Geo.A.Weßt, Obaa. Btokea, O W Da-ris, ■ - " John W. Bverroan* ; ‘ FBANOIB H BOOK, President' '- ' CHABLEB BI n HABDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS 1 BIiAKOHABD, Secretary. IaBOV-ttß COMMON WEAK U fiiHCBOOMPAHY 0 BYIIVANIA BEBBOTOBB. Pavia Jayne, it. D., Charles H Bojwa, John M. WhitaU, . John 5,. Edward C. Knight, .B abort Shoemaker, Thomas S. Btowart, William Struferaa, JOHN WHITAIiIi* P««d«v SAMUBL S. MOONvSeorotery. „ rmasTwn* Office, Commonwealth Bffiifito*, 618 ° Street. Pliilsdelphii- .—?■»•<», ■- - _ ThontM a&g LILLIE’S SAKS DSS^XC ; Bg- HKSm«TS3 to Ho. a South SBVBHTH Stroei, MM ! rvite'Tahkliß Institute* _ ThouSe>-siiciio h “ a ** r *"“*»■' * most or them nearly nam, Heirine, * Cto*-■ mprisln* a oomri** iesornneosa*to»» m* .a Ttff a