[Clmii** Sales, Not. 33 uun, Phils- Exobanf*.] B Nsr Pr!..bs T3X 10i)0 City 65. ........103% 21S Patina B, ...lots 54ii 7 d 0.......... 64 If 10 W Fella 8......60 101) Uatawlsaa B ... 4% 16 . d 0.......... 4K 100 d 0,... Vi 7 Olty 8ank...... 48 1000 Bead6s 88. sash 09If 1000 done a Erie Ta..lQ4)f 1500 BSfls 'Bl 104Jf iSOOO d0..........104Jf 2513'.h416 B atsß 34 2000 American Geld,, 130 Jf 1000 d 0.... ..b30,180X HOABDB. Stock ®’ lfk'% B, BUT ' yEEST ) 37* sc •' » 9oa !* 4c-; c » g tiB7W ill'.' 1 ' (jura 87 81 S SSJ^Sj* W 48# as ,b 6 48* v-x"'.... #** §T#** tfkTWßst >#i®l SECOND iS-vSfl* £*“**«*£*« 10 2d & 31-ata B 77 i BOABD. 50 Lehigh 55 !oo eB 35)f 60 13th & lßth-Sts 8.. 24 48 d 0.............. 24 L Bprnce & Pine 8... 18 JOABDS. 4X [OMB-sriADr. | Bid. Atktd. Oatawisuß..,. 4* i% DO prfd.. 16ft »ft Bearer Head B. 69 60 MJnehlll 8....*7 48ft 48 ft Harrisburg R.. 60 61 Wilmington 8.. ~ .. Lehigh N*e 65., .. Do shares... 56 60V Do Scrip.... SO# 81 dam' 4t Amb 8..162 PhUa A Erie 6s 102 -5^528 W 130,1 an 61 ,jB 'Vs6K 86 SIX ,''SO 109 110 f'!«' 103 I° 4 pi as s-tfg *B* S: 1 !! 3* J|Av.j» Wl * »>!•••" " " Suub & Brie 7s. ~ Dong Island 8.. 21ft 2ii ft De bonds.... .. .. Delaware Dir... .. ~ DO bouda...'. .. .. Sprnoe-street B. 15ft 18 ft Chestnut St 8.. 48 49 ft AroO street 8.. 26 26ft Kaoe-street 8.. 8 fl Tonth-street B. SB 85 Thirteenth, at 824 24ft W-Pbtla 8..... 69ft 60ft Do b0nd5....108 .. Greeu.fltroet 8.. 86 87 gm.'oax 6B « * ’ 18* 19* X 82 33 *H 69 ~5:;:: w i»* fe risot. If,; BB •siß... 88* ... ,1 b flSoflSXc rar mtadtlogs. itrtsirs —There is very little duiug in either Sugar iSn, tut prices are well maintained. Snail eaies of j~D.iT at 10X olljfo for Ouoa soil New Orleans, tee tatter at 30oSl)f o for Bio, and Soo3lc V gi for ‘"{.-■loss —There is no new feature to notice in any iud prices are unchanged. Mobs Pork is selling Vllway at SlSeld 26 & ber bbl. Butter ie firm, -j(i3 well maintained, with sales of solid-pscked at -There is a good demand for Clovereeed, and V>Vb sold at S626fflfl 8?X OF bueh. Timothy is V t it 51,761»2 2b, and ITasteed at 82 80 IF bash. There is very little doing ; bbls selling, as ! a rare rise subject with the old painters, and inspired Bapiael wiib one of his divineat conceptions—the oele braltd picture of the salat in tbe g tilery at Bologna, ftedarsas a peculiarly appropriate time to elng the Mimof the elegant and comfortable suits made at the Brews Slone Clothing Half of Booh hill & Wilson, Nos- Waoj 105 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Rut Old Age.— Those who average over ball a ciutnry among Mechanics are tbose who keep their Week, aid lungs in healthful and moderate exercise, W ait tot troubled with weighty oaree. Theblaok *#i;t inainers till 51, the cooper till 69, the builder till its shipwright'till 68, and the wheelwright till 59 Tie ttilit r lives to be whitened with age, as well as flour, *lBl. The repemaker lengthens the threads of life to 64. Bhrycne, inorflerto lengthen bis days, should wear he seasonable and cheap garments gotten up at the one nice clothing emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 OiWont street, Philadelphia. The Latest Invention is an instrument to Irevtpt thickens from scratching up the gardens. It Is kiuatbleg like a long epur, attached to the kind part of a letfj leg The instrument is so arranged that when the binU aliout to tcratoh the earth, the spur catches In the Seoul before the foot has fairly descended, and obliges berio biirg the foot down guletly and harmlessly in front l! tbe place which the aimed at, Tha hen thereupon tries the other foot withalihe result.. She keeps on try hj, and before she is aware of it, the machine has walked Bet right out of the garden ! 6 beesleman 1b stopping at the ** Continental Hotel,” to sell lights to use these 11 hen walkers ” H.B— lb o Continental Botel ia in Chestnut street, litlow Ninth, directly over Charles htokea'* “one-jp.ice” Clothing store. HffiIVALS AT THE HOTELS, CT TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. OOHTIffsifTAIi HOTEL— Ninth and Chestnut st*. JO Wilson, put, targ J Home, Pittsburg "W JlHllmieU, California S' Mailindeit, Hamilton a B Hog s * wr> Pittjtnrg John Sherman, Ohio J M Woodward, Spitoaftald AD Toonm, Tort, Pa T," Tttlcott, Hew Haven, Ot Mrs Barclay, Lexington “iw Bhelty, ifxlngton J Blake, Terro Haute W S Bofird Kentucky T B Stanly ft la, N York Jf* Vdorhlti,StLouli FOurtls, Boston JJ®* Terry, Ooba Mlsa Terry, Oaba S Marcus, New York Qon Keys, USA “'•OenKeja John BoDnet,liandon, Ot v 0 Bean, New York H S Gordon, Baltimore * o Thomas, Baltimore j T Boior, Baltimore Palmer, Boston B T Martin, Boehm o w ™ JJ' 11 * P h !f aBo J A Arrington, Chicago J WAlnort, Chicago John Mcfnnes Boston TO Penoltou, Virginia HJ Bustaßetd, Virginia W MDnon, MBdiion, Ind Mra D L Carroll, Brooklyn w New fiaven D liawrenoe, New York f• 9 L Porter DtGL Porter, USA n lYotd * wf, Southport S J Kay, Plttebnrg “afflUlon Gray, Maysyllle J P Kelley, Chicago Wetla & la, B S A A Howes, New York , C kert, Beading James Collar, Beading James Murphey* New York W J Jewett, New York “ Penrose, New Jersey H H Goff, New York gsoW Qulntard, New York Ira Mnrdooh, Washington Geo W Brown, Waehlngton Wm Bljno, Columbus, O " Biddle V D Fleming, Harrisburg i # Jk A Weir, Harrisburg B 0 Jairett, Baltimore * H Bldridge, Boeton Mlsa Welch, Boiton 4“‘Mston A la, Waehlngton L W Bason Washington -5, 11 Hreeter, Washington J A Weeden ft la, N York wb Cromwell, New York John Lowry. Now York n 2,Chiton, New York J F Lanier, Neiv York G W Hill, New York HBiben, New York ‘Boynton, Jr, Boiton Geo J Flske, Boston ? » Collin ft eon. Boiton W S Bowland, 1J BA Washington B BBteyens, Washington S'* g Cromwell, Boston Bobt Turner, Baltimore ? , n en! ' Ohlcsgo J HBates, ffinoinnatl if Breed well, Cincinnati Jaoob Sleeper,'Bosten S’S peeper, Boston Mtss Wesfcott, B 'Ston « a Ellla, New York B*v L'Ward Smith, Penna j 2 Celatlaine, Sew York Hiss Driiptatoe, New York weeks ft la, L Island B rhanf, Philadelphia U. A “1 Fuller, Philadelphia J 0 Howard, Bsltlmbre J,, 1 Niabet, Bt Lonls r John Knnkel, fr, Panna i,,, Bertram, Milwaukee * J B Bertram, Milwaukee Si j IMcGown, N Jersey E B Biddle, New York T, f. Y*Udi field ft wf, Boston Obas Blpley, New York " belght, New York W H Watmongb. N York V ni* I ** New York . - OL Aruiitrong.-New York m'j/atyler, New York J T Stephen,,-England jJu t Gb, Boiton Bamnel May, Toronto, 0 W t, Moorhead, St Lonla J H Ohr, Indiana polls E I (.“’’.lodlanapolil * B F Strader ft ia. Ohio Mi. V. *’®> Washington P B Bte*soo, UB A 4™ Dunn, Indiana Mill Merrill ‘ r 4‘ IS* I '. N Brunswick B H Ober. Lancaster a W Shenk, Penna D P Dieleriob, Pinna "c Th tup,on, Baltimore MEBOHAHTS' HOTEL-Fourth below Arab. j Wro Ohnroblll, Hew York Martin OhorehllVNewYork I T M McCord, H Brighton Writ Bow. Koensborg, Pi B H Tndor, Ebenaborg, Pa B EdwarffcE bensbnrg, Pa W B Pettigrew, Hew York Mro S Lily & son. Hew Jersey Mr * -•' JOQeiSena. rftSi wf.lnd’polis Mrs w*«k Cincinnati Blobard McLeod, Hew York J Chambers, Fort Belawsre Thos Bishop, Easton B T Carnahan, Franklin oo Peter Ahl. jr, York, Pa g Tallcot, Oswego, N Y T Ingeeteln, aneqneharma W M Ing.-etein, Penna W Blchards Kentnoky Thoa Oralg. Carbon 00, Pa K Eattwell, Nashua, HE J B Carpenter, Wilmington E J Williams Theo Borr, Treverton, Fa J Lang, Pennsylvania JO Weaver, Lancaster T W Sanderson, Ohio I> H Wilson, Yonngtown, 0 P Bejr, Pitisbnrg K Jarvis, Massillon, 0 John D JCBse, Kentnoky' J Qole, Otnolnnatl, 0 B Ki/sser, Cincinnati, 0 ,0 L Green, pittsbnrg / B Libbejr & wf. Porfoinouth J W ilder, Tamagoa W B Hooter, WlUiamsport S Drelfnss, Danville, Pa A H Clair, Yonngstown, 0 M Malone, Lancaster I) Ohambirs, Hew York Wm H Bernes E Tomlineon, New Jersey James H Henry 81. LOUIB HOTEL—Ohestnnt street, above Third. J B Livingston H D Loybrand, New York W K Dorfer, Sew York Mrs Bramion * 2 ch, 111 W M Grimes, New York . OA. Oalvort, New York J A Pnrcrll, fit Louis Miss A Purcell, St Louis Mrs Gaston, St Louis H P Go lee, New Yoik A 0 Brower T Tournaile A la, N York J Howard & la, W Oheeter S. Gushing Lane, IT B'Y OW Walker Lieut H S fitull, U S N J H Bobb, Peoria, IU W Long, U jM. Edw Smith, Montreal J D Jones, Waabinatou; A Brown, Washington. F P Wilson, Look Haven L B Morris, New York Bupert, Penna G Smith, Waihington J W Sanderson 8 Hawk, Morrisville AMEBIOAN—Obesmut street, above Fifth. 0 M Bonthwick, Trenton J 0 Diets, Trenton, N J K Menton. New Haven E J Kelly J H Fisher, New York A P Bpruance. Delaware J B Porter, Jr, Dflaware J W Bannan, Pottsville J 8 Taylor, New York M Brady . - 0 W Cooke, Bbode Island J F Armttrong, W ash Wmßoyd,Wash, DO J JBhtnn, Hacdonfteld Mrs P J Morgan, Scranton Bobt H Clark, Delaware John Huff, Oin O F L Vanhoff, New York T A Cunningham, Bait B W S Ladd, Salisbury T BWilaon, Baltimore Jff Eooles, England JO Taylor' J H Condon, New Jersey J A Johnson, Boston J Monroo J B Hollinger. Lancaster G W Hooker,-New York Mrs Brown, New York J 0 Forume, Pittsburg TW Aotoi, Salem, N J THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W A Wqtdward, IMnolS O F Stadogor , G f orgo Greer John Lansford, New York Edw Twaddell, New York H O Overboil, Fayette oo James Boys, Stroudsburg JohnMßoys, Stroudsburg A H English, Allegheny H 0 Boyd, OonnelUvilio W Hoff, Miamerberg, O T Laurent, Oarliale, Pa W B Alleson, Stenbenvil!e,o 0 A Beese George Pilklogton NATIONAL HqTHL—Base street, above Third. D Schaadt, Lehigh 00, Pa Olias Good, Penna E Lark Jos Gormley, Lancaster E M Maxwell, Lebanon D Bonsam, jr, Beading J M Palmer, Northumberld John Dauhaua, Penna B fcauppe, York, Po ..L A Yeager, Wash, BO’ Oscar Scbwariz, NewY'erk Oapt H Benter, Jereey Oity HD Shafer John Grigg, Cincinnati, O A Shloss, Pottsville A G Snow, Minnesota James Street, Ketkuk John Allison, D.-Jawars Geo Bnbb, MontoursviUe Ervin Pierson, Ind co, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Bicbard McLeods N York John Byan New Hops F G Byan, Pennsylvania Geo Williams, Strondshnrg John Keilerback, Penna John O Uherick, Penna ? B Y Bush, Delaware J B Staples, Delaware J Hart, Doylestown W E Bonce 0 S Colbert W W West, Monroe co, Pa Bicbard Pearce, Dover, N J Geo Nyoe, Pike co, Pa B E Haßley, Deposit, N Y OOMMEB.OIAL—BIxtn street, above Ohestnnt. Geo Mason, Columbus, Ind J S Delahnnt, Oolarabus, la John Dugan, Weat Obester J Palmer, New York J B Obampion F. Oborcbman, Delaware Geo B OweES, Maryland JJaekaon and lady H E Weldner, Bnckß co OB Purnell, Wilmin'n, Del J Purnell, Wilmington, Del J W Stevenson, Juniata oo Louis S Imbrie, Pittsburg STATES UNION HOTKL—Harkot, above Sixth. 3 Blackburn, Penna B Kirkbrlde & wf D L Snyder, Danville IV A Leary, Penna W S Head, Latrobe, Penna 3 B Mayer. Maryland A B Jones, Bangor Davis Hood, Ohester oo 3 G Moneghan, Chester 60 Henry Thomas, Maryland T G Thomas, Dover, Del Mrs Henry, New Tort H G Allen & sister, N York T Marlon & la, Wash J W Hies tend, Marietta, Pa T P Pocsier, Saxton, Pa .Sfßavis O McMlllen J W Alltnson BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second, below Vine. , JE Sobers, Hew Jereey G Price, Dortestown E Ammermau, Wayne oo J Monroe, Baltimore J Swan, Wayne co S Mead, Wayne co ' E Boyle, Atlantic City , F Preston, Brownsbur* Ospt G W Hubbeil.Way ne co B G Oosten, Wayne oo G K Goodrick, Wayne co R Grossman, New Lebanon X W Moore, Wayne co D Moore, Wayne oo N Moore, Wayne co J Perry, Wayne co X Deemer, Penna J Wotherlee, Wayne co 8 Walker, Wayne co E Hating, Wayne co B W Jones, Wayne, co B P Jones, Wayne co Wm Jenes, Wayne co H Morris, Willow Grove -Racbel Shaw, Attleboro E Oroasdale, Bucks oo ECw Heston, Doylestown H B Heston, Doylestown 0 H Eherer, Doylestown B P Gain & ia, Sew York W Paxson, Oentreville Wm Bores, New Jersey P J Hawk, Moriisville Lieut 8 Hawk, Morrtsvilla A L Worthington, Trenton B A Moore, Massachusetts H V Mitchell, Wayne oo J Booth, New Jersey E Chapman, Wayne co 0 F Pnrdy, Wayne oo W Netting, Wayne co 1 Mrs 8 Worthington, Bucks Miss K Worthington, Bucks W Hegalon, Wayne oo J Moore, Wayne ce BALD EAGLE—Third street, above OaßowhllL JM Kaufman, Fa H Bea, Lehigh co J H Bair, Reading H Dorwart, Lehigh co Wm Krause, Lehigh co D Barron, Lehigh oo M Sioyer, Lehigh to Jacob SI oyer, Lehigh oo E Hermany, Lehigh oo Jacob Hartman, Lehigh CO Stephen Winder, Lehigh oo Ohab Soltloyer. Bucks oo Thcs Puck, Carbon co John Miller, Oarbon oo J F Miller, Northampton Wm-Weiand, Bucks co Ge i Frickerjßockendaaua Adam Fi icker, Hookondagu M Frlcber, Heckendigua Adam Clause, Lehigh oo All George, Lehigh co W Flint, Lehigh co Ellas George, Lehigh co G Snoble, Lehigh co - A J Hess, Bucks oo W B Rittenhousa, Trappe Alien S Barron, Bucks co MOUNT VERNON—Second street, above Aroh. John Guysioger, Penn’a C D Bnzbr, N York Jas M Pt indie, N Jersey T S Harper, Albany Capt J Morton. Penn’a Mrs Morton, Penn’a. O P Oroebie, Wayne oo J Blake, W iyne co H Dickinson, Wayne co B T Mitchell, New York J Strong, St George John William*, Si Gaorse. g Gardner, St George Jas Seed, DBA BLACK BEAB—Third streht, above CallowMlL Geo Neimeyer, Allentown J Neimeyer, Doylestown Geo Clemens, Chester Valley V T Beans, YardleyylllS Edwin Haines, Lehigh co 8 H Barnes, Goopersburg ASBoads, Southampton Peter‘LaudiS, Doylestown H Gibson, Hew Briton F M Diehl, Pennsylvania 8 Broadhurat, Bnoks co John Beans, Bucks co 8 A Neeld, Yardleyvl le Job F Whital.Northampton 0 Vanardsdalen, Bonth’n J 8 Vanardsdalen, 3outh’n L Tomilnton. Byhsrry J Hslnes, Millerstown Jacob Smith, M Chunk : ' '■ / , ■ - SPJEOIAXj notiobb. graa 6BBAT TRIUMPH!— Tift fi’sOHOMAOKEB AGO. have made a new and prand discovery in the manufacture of the Piano Forte. By a peculiar construction of the scale and bridgt on ike' founding board, they are enabled tr give nearly double the ordinary length of the string, from the bridge to where (he hammer strikes the string, which produces most extraordinary effects. The power is greatly inereased, and the harmony produced is truly wonderful, giving an entire mew quality of tone, which is deep, rich, sweet, and melodious, with a singing peculiarity to each note, unlike to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The music-loving public are respectfully invited to call at onr Warerooms, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, where they can examine this great Improvement in the Piano j-orte. SOHOMAOKER & Go., . no!3-lm 1021 OHE3rNUI Street B—T—lB60 —X. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BUTTSES. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. . They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomaoh. They cute Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headaohe. They are the best BITTEBS In the world. They make tbe weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are made o! pure Bt Orolxßum, the celebrated Oalisaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to dell cate persons reuuirlng a gentle stimulant. 'Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DBAKX fe GO., 302 BROADWAY. New York. se24-6m Batchelor's Hair I»yb! THE BEST IN THE WOBLD. WILLIAM. A. BATCHELOS’B celebrated Hair Dye produced a color not to he distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies .the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for uro. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIE instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft andbeau ttfui. Sold by all Druggists, fto. AT* The Genuine la signed WILLIAM A* BATOH3S LOB, m the four side* of each box. FACTORY No. 81 BARCLAY Street,) iLate 233 Broadway and 10 Bond itreet,) myaa-ly " New York. Gboykb & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST machine In the market, and is sold for FORTY DOLLARS, 'No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly or given such universal satisfaction. Do hot fall to call and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, 780 CHESTNUT street. no3-tf Upham’s Hair Dn, 38 cents a box. -Three boxes for 81; the beet in use. Try It. Sold only at UPHAH’S, 403 CHESTNUT St. 5027-3m* MARRIED DAVIES—YOUNG.—On the 11th Inst., at St. Peter's Church, Washington city, by the Bev. Father Boyle, Frank A. Davied, U. B. A., to Mary Cecelia Young, of that city. # SMITH—WINKLES.—On the 18th Inst., by Bev. D. 1. Patterson, Mr. Conrad Smith to Mias Julia Winkler, both of this city. * PLATT.—On ihe 22d tost, at Chestnut Hill, William Plait, Junior,in the 37th year of bis age * DUBOIS —On the 23d tost, William Duboia, only son of Join Dubois, in the 42d »ear ot hie age. - His friends and those of the family: also the members of the Templar Lodge, 1.0. of O^lf, No. 2o8; also Mount ) Zion Encampment, are respectfully th « fnneral, from his late residence, No. 13-i 8 ruth Second street, on Wednesday afternoon, November 28th, at 2 o’clock.. , ■ ■ , u.... m. [Bridgeton, N. J., papers please cop?.J i . *** PABHAM —On tne morning of the 2fit tost., ftrbert Parham, in the 81st year ot his age. His relatives and male friends are respectfully Inviled to attend bis fnneral, from his late residence, No. H. Fifth street, onTnesday morning, at lOo’oleok. * JOHN&ON.—On Tburiday, November 28th, Mrs. Barah G . wife of Robert 8. Johnson. Her relatives and filende are respectfully invited to at tend her funeTal, from her late residence, No. 1007 Arch street,This (51 onday) morning, 21 th last, at 10 o’et’k. * BROWN—On the 2Vst tost., John Henry Brown, in the 88th year of his age . „ Tbs and friendsot the ramily,arerespectfnlly Invited to attend.tht Inueral. from his late ieside-cs, No. 710 S-utb Front street, above A:mond, on Tnesday af ternoon, the 28ih, at 1 o’clock. Interment at Odd^Fel *° —On Ihe 19th tost, Joseph Wetherlll, "’The itotiwiTnd’male friends of the family arelmrited . to attend his toneral, from his reeideoce, N 0.113 South Twentieth.,s' reel, this day (Monday), Nov 24, at^lO ° OANMNg'— In H*w Orleans, La, October 25th, MargSetta recker, wifeof Wlfflam Oannlng, formerly of this city, in the 53d ypbrcthw COB NEB—On October 20'h. of wonnds reoelve.l at AnU-tam, Ed mnnd, Conner, Co P, H i Regiment P. V. [Baxter’s FirsZ juaves). to lhe4letye*r of i . DOWNIJ G —On'the 21st tost., Mr- G-orgs Downing, agtd 45) cats. Thos E Watt, Pittsburg DIED. OBITO&BT. repartedthin life Ootober 29th, Mr. J 4.008 BTBIN METZ, In tfae 88d yeir or bis age. Ihß deceased wat a native of this city, end proved a tree son of Philadelphia, never having-passed a night stray from her shelter. He sees for many years a resident of the old district of spring Garden, the homestead standing on the north side of Goat, a Bireet, opposite to Franklin, no doubt remembered by many for Itr deliciona fruit, which was most liberally dleirihnted around. On the opening of the abovestreot he purchased. a farm on tho Okl Fork road, w here ho re- mafuedunti] his death. ' . . ... 'Providence had favored him In hi a business, and-he amassed Quito ft fnrinne, which he gave away in the most liberal manner. The preßß never echoed his praiso,tor, when giving, bis injunction always was, say nothing about it. Few persons, not members of St. John s Epis copal Church, Snow that be presented that congregation with thirty dollars j ftttd continued giving lo the aamft'whenever celled upon," St. Judy’s NB-lritfi fa® Intercessor, the Baptist, Broad and .Brown, with many others, churches end chttritabie institotiouSj have r - coined of bis bounty,: - Bis heart and puree wore open to all. NO one ever sought biro in vain. Ask the widows, who fear not the future, for they are provided for j the orphans, who will never feel the pinobings of poverty, because cared for; the tenants, who have no remembrance of the last paj -day; they can tell of his unbounded generosity; they can feelingly Bpsak his praise. . . „ 2he products ol bis large and highly cultivated farm w ere almost entirely given away. How many will mtej their winter snpply of vegetables, the fattened turkey for Christmas. The refreshment saloons; the numerous aid societies, cf alt hinds, were sharers of Ms wealth. Nol a hospital in the city but was remembered by him, and > their pairlotio inmates never heard of the kind donor, who providid them so many luxuries. His soul was all gentleness. In our prolonged intercourse with him, we lnever heard an unbind word of any one: faults were forgotten, only the virtues remembered. Knowing him from orr childhood and revering him for his unassuming piety, the writer can speak advisedly. Bis was a genial aeirlt. If hocould add a tithe to the on jcyment of hit frieedahls happiness was increased tenfold. Thet ktrklingeye, the Semite on that childlike, heavenly countenance, with tbs pressure of hand warm from the heart, was always the welcome to Winnegoehoohen. Waiting for some one of the many recipients of his bounty, to speak and not deeming it . meet " that so much exalted worth should pass froai earth unnotloed, we have endeavored to give expression to the feel ings of one who has spent many, many happy hours at his hospitable board, drinking in knowledge as it were water from the fountains of his almost inex haustible miiid, Hiß last moments were calm and quiet, for he knew in whom he had believed. _ I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, from henceforth blessed are:the dead who die in the Boid, even so saSth the spirit, for they rest from their labors. 1 '- - M. A. F. PhUadelpbls, Nov. IT, 1862. - OBIIUABY. At ft meeting of the members of the Polyteohnic College of tbe State of Pennsylvania, held In the College but'd ing, November 22,1862, tbe following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of our regret'attbo death of Blent. BO WABD fIIoILYAIN, a graduate of this luitltiftion. ■ WM ODISHOLM, Ohio. K. S. BTKDMAN, Oooueclieut. j; M. KRABIEB, Pennsylvania. EDGAB S. BOUGEE, North Carolina, W. POFNTELL JOHNSTON. Delaware. The Committee reported the following Preamble and Besolnttots, which were unanimously adopted: (17itrras, Intelligence has reached the College of the death, in ibe skirmish at Warrenton function. Va , on Saturday last, of Bieutenapt HOWABD HcILVAIN. of Beading an Alumnus of this Institution, while gallantly serving Durell’s Battery, Company A, 101 th Pennsylva nia Artillery: Therefore : • ' Sesttvtd, That we hereby signify our profound regret at (lie death of Lieutenant McIOVAItf, an honored Graduate of this Institution, who was amjng the first to enter the service of his country in the hour of need, and who fell bravely fighting for the noble cause of the" Union. . : ■ ; Ketolvid, That the country has experienced great loss in ibe death of so brave and efficient an officer, and that we deeply sympathize with the relatives of the de ceased in their bereavement. Sesclvtd, Tbat the resolutions be published in ttae.city papers, and that a copy be engrossed, signed by the offi cers of the meoting, and sent to' the parents of the do • ceased. JOHN B ATKINSON, President. Josrrn J. White, Secretary. T>LACK ALL-WOOL VELOUR 1) heps.—Just opened, a full assortment of— Black All-wool Velour Bepa Do. do. Empress Olothg. Do. do. Ottoman Popllna. Do. -do. Eptfiglloes. Do. io. Cashmeres. Do. do. BJerinoes. Do. do. Tamises. < Do.- do. Mosieltos-Ptlalncs. BESSON & SON, Mourning Stars, Ho. 918 OHESTKOT Street TJTSrRE & LANDELL, JCi FOURTH and ABOH STBEETO. OPENING FOB FALL BALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Bilks. Bicbest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Staples. NEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS’ RE UJj LIEF association. - a social mvaiiog of tbe Association will be held on MONDAY EVENING, 24th inst, at 7K o’ciook, at tbeir roomr, Southeast corner THIBfEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. All persons interested In this en • Lrprisesre invited to be present, wish ladies. It* rvt== PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COM-' Lks PANY. Notbmber 24, 1862. ; A general meelieg of the stockholders of the! PhUadet. pbia Exchange Company will be held on MOND AT next, Diccmber let, at 12 o’clock, at tbe GXOHANGE, (room No. 30 tbird floor.) for tbe purpose of eleetieg nine ma- CBgers for the enaning year, and for ths transaction of other business. W. 8 GRANT, n024-6t Secretary. wb> NINETEENTH WARD STATION lO BpUeE. . At a meeting of the officers of the Eleventh District Station, held on the evening of November 22d the follow ing preambie Bnd.resoiaeions.werenxanimo.trsl? adoptsd.. Whereas, Death, the fell destroyer, has again entered onr midst and removed from amongst ns onr late fellow* toembf-r end associate, Mr. SAMUEL MoOnNAMY, an effiesr who by his Btrict integiity had endeared himself to ns by the many ties of friendship Therefore, Resolved, That In bis death this Division has lost the serviceß of a diligent and faithful officer, aq£ his family an affectionate and loving husband and father. Resolved, That a* amark of respect, onr hall will be draped in mourning for the apses of thirty days, and we attend i he funeral in a body. .. Resolved, That these resolutions be published In the Public Ledger and Press, ani a copy bo sent to the lemily ol the deceased, , CEPHAS CURTIS, President. WILLIAM MoOAIBE. Secretary. It* HOM CEOEATHIO HOSPITAL, —llT" 1 < OUTHBEKT clreet —This immonon igpow open lor the. reception of eick and wonuded. sotdierß, who wnr be received end provided for in the most comfortable manner, free of charge. B F. GLENN, " no22.tf Seo’y of Board of Managers. '•fees* MEETING OF THE BOARD OF •ijs TBaD K—A Stated Meeting of the members of tno BOARD GF TRADE will be held at the Rooms of the Board. 505 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, No. vember 44t8, at o’clock evenir g A general attendance is reauested. - n022-2t LORIN BLODGET, Secretary ■yo==» ACADEMY OF MUSIC—CITIZENS’ 11$ VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL—Leotnre by MiaSj Sdi BARDINGE, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, November 26, at 8 o’clock. Snbjeet—“ Ancient and Modern KepubHcs.” Proceeds for the Benefit of the Citi zens’ Voinnwer Hospital, Broad street and Washington The Mtetmerchar Vocal Society, under ihe direction of Mr. P. M. Wolrieffer, have kindly vcluoteered tneir services, and will sing some of their select choruses. Tickets, 26 cents; for sale at the principal Book and Ifluelo Stores and Hospitals, and at the Academy on that evening. • , ■ . . . no2o 6t*- !■ THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE [TB NINTH SECTION, by authority of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, will hold a FAIR for the benefit of the SOLDIERS’ LIBRARY AND READING-ROOM, at CONCERT HALL,- CHE3TNUC Street, above Twelfth, from WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26, to December 2, inclusive. Single Tickeis, 10 cents; Season Tickets, 25 cents. A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music each evening. , • no!9-7t* rv*KF. THE CITIZENS’ VOLUNTEER Uj3 HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION take pleasure in acßnowltdging the following donations for ths week end ing November 2lst: Proceeds of a fair held at No. 1232 Ohristian street, by Mies Sarah Louisa Evans, 56L.30. _ Proceeds of a ball by the employees of the Philadel phia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, per W. H. Taggeit, treaturer, $258. Part proceeds of a fair held at the corner of Nineteenth and North streets, bj Kate Eckfoit, Lottie Bokfelt, Elia Middleton, Sarah Davis, and Thomas Eckfelt, 815. From the Trustees of Relief Fund Ist Regiment Re serve Brigade, $25 Also, irom John Smith, $5: Miss Maggie Mitchell, sa; Lewis Thompson & Co., marble counter top, $7 81; Geo. Bice, thronihDr. B. S Kenderdlne, two oar loads ot coal; Continental Hotel, a large tiuantity of provisions J Mies Meggte Mitchell, a large quantity of provlsious: Miss M. B. Pwrtge and Mlsh Oabome, 52 pouads of tea, 50 panada of erußhed tngar, 50 pounds of lo J sugar; Mrs. M. E. A. B. Sowell, valuable lot of books, Irish moss, arrow root, refined camphor, bar.ey, and bay rum; Mias Jose phine Park, 25 pounds of butter, 20 dozen of eg«B, 2 barreiß of apples, 1 gallon bay runs, 10 pounds of oat meal, 13 pounds of arrow root, 10 pounds tapioca, Sc.; Mrs. Curtis, 24 svgir bowls; Mrs. DnhriDg, 8 tea trays, Ac ; Lady’s Aid Society of Bt. Paul’s Ohucch, ehlrts, ginger; books; Mr. John Hardie, 8 pairs of chickens, 9 pounds of butter, 1 spring lamb, apples, dried fruit, &c.; also; shirts, coats, drawers, socks, bandages, jellies, &o , Iron Mrs. Biche, Mrß, Bioe, David Foy, Mrs. Oathsrins Msgnlre, Mrs. Allen, G. H.Richards, Dr Benner, Bev. Mr. Brlnghurst, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Hnrsh, Mrs. Louri eon, and others, ■ ■ ~ . ‘ ,3-t. THE EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF HJ the Young Men’s Christian Associa ion of Phila delphia (which waa advertised for the 28th Inst, but past poned bn account of the inclemency of the weather) will be held at OONOBBT HALL, on, MOSDAY EVE. NING, the 24th iiet, commencing at half past seven o’clock. Ihe otder of ixerclses will be tbs same as here tofore announced. The ■-Tickets that ks(ve been iismed Will be received. A highly intereeting mee tog may be expected. The Bev. Daniel 0. Eddy, D. P., pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of this olty, Bev Joseph T. Duryea, of New York, George H. Btuart, Esiy, Geo. Ocokmsß, Ef®, and others, are expecttd to deliver addresses. ■. Ticket* can he had af the rooms of the Association, Nos. 1109 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. n 022 2t» (MSB OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST BS TO THE ABMY AND NAVY, Philadelphia, Oot. 24th, 1862. . - . , ' , Wounded Boldlers and Bailors desirous of availing themselves ol the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply Immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street, B. FRANK PALMEB, 0026tf Government Burgeon-Artist. *==» NOTICE—I HAVE APPOINTED GUS TAV GUMPEBT, No. 1819 SIABKKT dtreet, ts sisTant Assessor, nnder the Internal Revenue Tar Law,: for Division No 6k. which is comprised within the li mits of the west Bide of Broad street to the sohuylkill river, and from the north side of Chestnut street to the south side of Arch street. _ „„ THOMAS W. BWENEY, United Stateß Assessor Second Collection District of Pennsylvania. ' ■; noll-wfmßt «*e=* OFFICE GIRARBF &M. INS CO., 115' ULS WACSIJX tt, PHILADELPHIA, Sot 10, 1882. Tbe Directors bate this day declared a dividend of. yOTJB DOLL AES per share for the last all monthj, pay able to the Stockholders on and after this date. ALFRED S. GILLETr, ‘Treasurer, nol2-wfm9t ROTICJS.-tJOBN EXCHANGE BANK, UJ3 Pnn.AbCt.PMA, Hovrmberd, 1882 —The folio wing* Besolniion -wav this day adopted by the Board of Direc tors and ordeted to bo published: . Jtesolved, That the unsold portion o'tho Stock or this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege ot taaiDg a pro rata chare, according to a scale adopted by the Board* pro vided Mibscription and paj ment be made before the first day of January* 1808., - . noMijal J. W. TOBBET, Cashier. y=. OFFICE OF IHB HELIAfSCE INS. IL§ COMPANY OF VHIDADBGPUIA, NOT 22, lao2.—A GENBRAD MEETING Of TUB BTOOK BULPiEi of this Company will be held.fn Purenaace of lbs charter, on MONDAY, the 16th dayof; December next, at 12 o’clock M., to hear the reportoi the Board of Dt>eo ora f-r the eleven months ending with the 30th day cf the trisect month, and also to COO*! Jor and determine neon the # xpediency of incteasibg the CASH OAPI CAD 'o r (be Company to tbe enm of T'HBEE HUNDRED >j uODSAK 0 DOLLARS, “ according to snoh rates and r< cnlaiit ns as may be adopted at a general meeting con vened for that pnrpose.” .BSHOE 18 ADSO GIVEN H. on ELECTION for. THIRTEEN DIBEGTOBS to menage the'affairs of the Company for the ensuing year, til! he held at the same time and; piano, between the I, nra of 12 o’clock M aud 2 o'clock P W. no22tamiDi6 B. Iff. HINOHHaN, Seoretary. j fIALL AT RIISIER’a, SECOND * J Ettett, above Green, and get an elabirately colored Ivon type. The beentr, taste, and Bklll evincid In .these pictures aro wonderful. SECOND Street, above Creen. • " - * l *' THE PRESS.— PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY. NOVEMBER 81. 1862. | PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARD, 15TTH V„ . ' ’ V COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY, EC E A P Q U A RTERS, No." 627 CHESTNUT STREET. ■ ' • 1 ... B 0 08 T T: UNITED STATES BOUNTY.... $lOO ADVANCE PAY AND PREM1UM......... 15 SPECIAL BOUNTY.... ................... 50 COMPANY PREMIUM 5 TOTAL ..... >.... ....¥l7O ALSO, A SUPERIOR GUM BLANKET. The pay of the Beornit commences frcm.thoday ho Is mustered into the serviee. As soon as the Becruit is mastered in, he will at onoe be fully eguirredwith snporior Clothing,'- and sent to CAMP PULEBTON, on Indian Queen lane, where every attention will be paid to his comfort. • • - Jfoz farther information, apply to Headanarters. COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY, n022-7t 157TH BEGIMENT P. V. -SO-ABAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, MILITARY . it RECRUITS FOR THE RF2GU- H LAB ABHT OP THE UNITEDSTATES WANT III SI)!! 82 will be paid to any perßbn bringing to acceptable reernit. Por tether Information spriy at the Rendezvous, No. 419 WALNBT Street, a/ THOS. 0. WILLIAMS, nolT-lSt* Oapt 19thlnf. U. S. A., Beornttlng Officer. J . ' 'CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. Jffin —WANTED.-Two Companies to HU tho Be oiment of CONTUSES CAL LICET (JA VA ettr. now in “ Camp Metcalfe,” HADDON FIELD, N 3. Officers who have had experience preferred ■ nol? 3 B. PBYTON, 001. Commanding. photographs. A PICTURE ALL ADMIRE —The She character, natural coloring, and tasteful ar ranging of BEIMER’S Colored Photograph, never fail to please the masses, and only $l., BEtfOND Street, above Greon. wit# , : HERE’S A CHANGE FOR A SPLENDID BARGAIN—BEIMBB’S Life-size Photographs, in oil-colors, now offered totbepnbllc at redneed prices,,, SECOND Stree*, above Green, f It* SN. WARFEL, PHOTOGRAPH • OOLOBIST —Orders solicited and satisfactory likenesses guarantied. Inquire' 701 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia n022-satnwfrBt , MARSHAL’S SALES; - : ' , ■ ■RifARSHAIi’S SALE,-—JBy virtue of IYL a Writ of Sale, by the-Hon. JOHN OA.DWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United Stated, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, la Ad miralty, to me directed, will he sold at pnhllo sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHILU STREET WHABP, on MONDAY, December Ist. 1882, al 12M . the cargo of the sohooner DAVID CROCKETT, consisting of 162 barrels of Turpentine and; 10 barrels of Bosln. WILLIAM MILL WARD, 0. 8. Marshal E. D. or Pennsylvania, PHn.AbEI.bmA. November 20, 1862. no2l 6t FINANCIAL. Q.OLD, SILYEB, DEMAND NOTES, QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUOHERB, ' CHECKS OH WASHINGTON) aad CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. ~. 7 3-10 NOTES FOR SALE. DBEXEL & Co, noSl-lin. 34 South THIRD Sheet. g 10, 25, and 50 CENT NOTES OF CITY OF WILMINGTON, BEIiAWABE, BEDEEMED WITHOUT OHABGE. DsHAYEN & BRO., no2o> 4t No. 20 BOTJTH THIRD BTBEET u. s. FIVE TWENTIES: PAYABLE AT THE OPTION Or — SCENT AFTER FIT* YEARS. I am instructed by, the SECRETARY. OF THE TREASURYto receive subscription* for the above LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commence from the DATE; OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of eaoh year. At the present premium ok gold, these Bolds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. > A fall Bupply always on hand.' , JAY OQOKeI SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. BOd tf ; ' •: ‘A . ' $99 AAA —THIS AMOUNT TO DO* V V V/• LOAN itt sums of 53,000 on Mortgages or G, Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, Ho. 809 WALNUT Street. } ao3 LIREIGHT STATION, PENNBYL- X? VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. CORNER THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. Philadelphia, November 21,1862. THE OHIO RIVER IS NOW IN GOOD BOATING ORDER, ■■ V ■■■ AND Wfi ABE PBEPABED TO GIYE THROU GH RA TES TO ANT POINT B E T W E E 'N PITTSBURG and ''/ST.'TOUIS'* - S.‘B; KINGSTON, Jr, ro!2 6t* . Freight Agent. FOR HAVANA. AND NEW OBIiK A. s 3. The splendid new steamship TONTINE ST All, Cap*.. 0 P- MABBHMAd, will I>bready to receive freight on Wediefday next, 26th instant, and wilPwil OB MON DAY, DEc EMBER Ist, at 10 o'clock A. M. The 0053INENTAB is 1,660 tons register. Shehas been bnilt with the most strict regard to strength- and safety, being dtuble brier d from stem to stern and fitted np with every modern improvement (including bath room, &a ) that can add to the comfort sof passengers. lor freight to New Orleans, or nassage to Havana- or New Orleais, apply to ’■ A HKBONi **».**■ OOu■ 126 SORCH W3ABVE4. N. B —No freight received on day or sailinv. ,Bills of lading will be Tarnished at the office, and no other form signed, and none will bs signed after ship has sailed. r,(24 8t '■ ' ■ . DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! Dia monds; and all Precious Stones, bought for catb,by.DEWlB liADOaua A CO., Diamond dealers, £Gi CHESTNUT street. no2l-3t TN FORMATION FOR THE PSQ- J. PM-SASH’S CURRENCY HOLDKB3, manufactured at No. 310 CHESTNUT Street, between Third and Fourth. . . 1 000 dozen Currency Holders, at 370. per dozen. 1 000 dozen Currency fielders, a* 600 per dozen. 1 000 dozen Currency Holders! at 60c. per dozen. 1,000 cozen Currency Holders, at 72c. nor doa,n. 1 COOdizen Onrrercv Holders, at 84e perdozen. Manufactured at MAGEE’S, 316 OHESTNH» Street. Storr keepers at a distance,: please cat this ont ana paste it on a sheet of litter paper, and mark oppodte Ibe l'ne the number of each kind wanted, and They will be sent as well as if the parties were present them selvee. ; . • V - .... , °° 22 ' 3t TTNITED STATES REV BNU E : vJ TAX.—Tbo undersigned, Unsted: Btatea Assessor for the Seventh division of'the First district, is ea geged daily in mahirg Assessments for the above Tax; but as many Business Firms and others are do- Birom to. pay/. the same. immediately, or before he can possibly reach then, he hereby informs all each in hie divbionihat an opportunity to be assessed, ones will be afforded them by caliing at Ws Office, No. 303 Sooth .THlBD.Street, between the hoars of . 8 ana 9 A. 21., and alio from 2to 4P. M; s daily. t . __ • • THO MAS BDWABB WILLS, H. 8. ABsistant Aisossor 7th Division, First District. no!8 6t ; ■>■ '• '•• Bowen & co., lithographers t ABB- BBIHT COLOBIBTB, sonthweat corner of OfiBBTSDT and ELEVENTH Streets, are prepared, to execute any description of. Portrait, Landscape, Natural Histoiy, Autograph, Map, or other Li thography, in the most superior manner, ana ahe most reabocable(terms. : - •• * ■. - Photographs, Portraits, Natural Hißtory, and Medical i Plates. Maps, and any other, dasertption of-Ptatoe, colored , In the best style, and warranted to give saUsfaoUon. PM tlcnlar attention toOotorlag Photographs. eeas-H' RETAIL DRY, GOODS, O.W O PEN. Superb Lyons Velvet Cloaks, India Silk Cloaks, Velvet Pile Cloaks, ' t Mohair Plush Cloaks, : Woolen Plush Cloaks, Castor Beaver Cloaks, Diagonal Plush Cloaks, French Doeskin Cloaks, French Beaver Cloaks, Magnificent Groa de Paris Cloaks. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVERY MORNING. J. W. PROCTOR & GO., No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, no7-fmwlm CLOAKING CLOTHS. FR'OSTED' BEAVERS, FINE CASSIMERES, VELOUR REPS, BALMORALS, « BLANKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BOYS’ CLOTHING!. COOPER & CONABD, oc2B.tt ' S. E. 008. NINTH and MARKET Sta. JAS. R. C AMPBELL & GO., CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, wholesale and retail, m CHESTNUT STREET, Have just received, and are now offering, magnifioeni lines of SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS BEASOH. fOOB-tf ' ■ • . ■ ■ • LADIES’FURS. JVURSI GEORGE F. WOMRATH, *l5 AND 417 A.BOH STREET, . HAS NOW OPEN K je FULL ASSORTMENT i ■■■ op ■ LAP IBS’ F U RS, To which thcnttentlon of the public is Invited. noI9 2m RADIES’ "FANCY FURS! JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPOBTEB AND MANUFAOTUBES 0? LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened, a large and handsome Stoofe of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, or every desorip- Hon and In the newest and most approved styles, at the Lowest Cash Prices. 007-3 m FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, AND MANHFAOrUBEB LADIES’ FANCY FURS. By assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children Is now ebinplete, and embraolng every variety that will be fashionable during the present season'. All sold at the mannfaoturers’ prices, for oash. Ladies, please give me a call., . oc3-4mif MILLINERY GOODS. gg MILLINERY GOODS. M. BERNHEIM, 72:6 CHESTNUT STREET, in store, jnst received from AUCTION, a large -®a'otH»eesrooK-o* RIBBONS, of all widths and oolors. FLOWERS, all the hew shades. FEATHERS, do. do. do.. ■ VELVETS, do., do. do. SILKS, : do. do. do. BLACK ENGLISH OB APES, at aU prieos, and MOURNING RIBBONS to suit, and all othtr artloles belonging In the Millinery Line. He is now selling o his entire stock at GREATLY REDUCED PBIOES FOB OASH, and would call the attention of the trade to this fact. Don’t forget, No. 726 CHESTNUT STBEET. • H. B.—Velvets ont biat. fJIHOS. KENNEDY &BRO 739 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. HATE HOW BEADY,THEIB FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FEATHERS, AND GBNEBAL MILLINEBY GOODS. MS-8m . ■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■;'" : - 1862 EA “- 1862 WOOD & CARY, gUOOESSOBB TO LINCOLN, WOOD, ft HIOHOLB, Have now In store a COMPLETE STOCK . or. ■ millinery goods. consisting or Silk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, leathers, Ribbons, &0., To which they respectfully Invite the attention of th* former patrona of the House, andtbe trade generally. aeS-Sin ; ■ - ' 1 watches and jewelry. l3. T . PRATT, (successor to puatt & khath,) ' 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of • ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and dualities, to suit all classes of buyers. nolo-lmlf HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. YARN ALL, DEALER IN HOUSE-BURNISHING.. QOODSj No. 1090 Chestnut Street, Agent for the sale of HALEY, MOB9B, & BOYLBN S PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WRINGER,, Believed to be the beet CLOTHE 3-WBINGEB in n». It will wring, the largest Bed ftnUt or amaUwt Hand ier chief drier, than can possibly be done by hand, In very much lew time. ■■■• ■ _ ; , N, BA liberal disco ifiit will be made to dealers, . no 3 3m . : ~ OIDER VINEGAR 500 GADLONB CIDER VINEGAR, Known; to be the FUSE ABTIOLE, Four Teare Old, for Sale by the Barrel and Galicn. at the •: EASTERN MARKET CHEESE STAND. ALSO, ;< FINE GOSHEN BUTTER, And a Flue Assortment cf OHEB3E, Including the Celebrated “ JAOKSON ” DAIBT.' ■ ■ . . W. H. SLOCOMB. nc2l-fmw3t ■ ■ PRESERVING BRANDY. PUKE CIDER AND 1?INE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES, . &«., Ac* AU the reaulrites for Preserving and Pickling Puspoeet ALBERT O ROBERTS, DHALXB IN FISX aBOOTEHB, Bei-tf OOBNXK ELJSVBHTH AND VtN*. T IQUEUBS.—SO casea assorted Li- JLI queor®, jmt racaWM per bU» Vuulali*, Itom Bor doaox, and Cor s*l» b» ‘ __ . JAPBUTOH*;* liAVaBQHB, tea ts 304 South IBOHT Bire*i. «»4 co. io; Jl tost. ' BURLAP BAGS, BURLAP BAGS, t. BURLAP BAGS, ■ - Of all sizes, nett cash on delivery, !)? _ GEO. GRIGG, SIS OHOBOH ALLEY. oc!Btf T>AQB! BAG 8! BAGS! _l~/6,000 ADdroeooggin, 2 boa., 17 oz., cotton. IS,COO Ozark, do., do. : 4,000 Yeoman, do., do. 3,ooo'Oehtrevllle, do., do. ; 2,000 , Prince Albert, do., do. ! 6,000 Hanover, do., do. 3,000 Union, A, flax and cotton; Gunny and Burlap Bags, all slzos, for sale by JOHN T. BAILEY S CO., 113 North; FRONT Street 0 Afi PETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOUEE & GO., OOHHIBBIOH HISOHIBIB, No. 133 CHESTNUT BTJJUKT, PHILADELPHIA. •SF” A fall assortment or Philadelphia-made Oarpeti slweys In Store. ■ oy ' J -A the'BLlND,’for »ale at old fr'ices, at Store of 10. . gtltnlibn, No. 11 Booth EIGHTH Btrest. no?0-th9B»3t* 'USES. 25 000 OQPIBB NOW BlkDt. "The only Translation into.Bnglish authorized by VIOTOE HUGO—The translation by LABQEULE3 WBAXAXX and M. ESQUIBOS. BXTBAOT OF LBTTEB FEOM VIOTOB HUGO TO . MR.WBaXAU.. r . . - .. « From the moment when M. Esqoiros is yonr friend) as he is mine, yon cannot fall to prod nee ,an excellent, work, having- for guide and ,counselor that great and noble mind. , (signed) , , VIOtOB HUSO." John Forster, ths ablest critic In England—the JCilte rary Editor of the £mdon Examiner—in speaking of the AnTHOaiKKD TKiSSnATiON, by Wraxall and Kaqni ros, aaje: - “ On the publication of this celebrated Novel, in its original form, we entered very minutely Into the story. It only now remains for us to Bay that WE OAN OQN BOIENTIOUBIrir BECOMMEND XI TO THE PUB. XIO AS A PEBFKCTXY FAITHFUX TEB3lON— retaining, as nearly as the characteristic difference be tween the languages admits of, all the spirit and point of the original. IS ITS PBESENT FOEM, 'Xeg Mlserables’ stands a very fair chanoe ef haying as wide a sale as the French edition.” THE AUTHORIZED EDITION, Oomplete In One Volnme, with Portraits and Biographi cal Sketch, Is published for One -Dollis, lo Paper; <>r, OXB'QpuUB'AVb.A Hai.f, In Muslin. NOW BEADY, and all orders filled from this day without delay. W . L POOLEY & 00. > ; Ho. 331 S'Bi.HKMSr SQUAItE, (Horper’s Building,) New So;k, For sale in Philadelphia bF ' PETEB3ON & 8803. W. P. HAZ4.KD. J. B, HPPINCOTT & 00, - G. W. PITCHER. SMITH A ENGGI3H. E. H. BUIME & 00 TBE HISTORY OS' DELAWARE Beautifully Illustrated with MAPS, with AUTOGKAPHB, Yiewsof Prominent Buildings,4 c., &0,, in one .volume, Octavo. \ Also, the AYLABTIO MOHTHLY, for December. TDBODOBE WINT HBO P’S 'Hew Book, THE OA HOE AND THE SADDLE. .1 volutns. • w BAYABD TAYLOB’S-Life Story, THE POET’S JOURNAL. 1 volume. ALL HEW BOOKS stipplied as aion as published, by LTNOJaY & BLAKISTOS, 25 South 8) XT a Street, above Chestnut TOST BUBLISBE JO-r-The History ?/ of Delaware County, Penna., from the discovery of the territory included within its limits to the present time, with a notice of the Geology of the Comity, and catalogues of its Minerals, Plants, Quadrupeds, and Birds, written under the direction, and appointment of the Delaware County Xnßtitme of Science, by George Bmiib, H. D. •- . ■’ _ jfor sale hy Lindsay & . Biakiston, 25 South BIXTH Sheet; E: H. Butler & Go, 137 South FOUBT3 Street; John Penington & Son. 127 South SEVENTH Street; Joseph Potts, If 9 NoithlENTH Street; Jacob Smert oy, Jr.. 304 aBOH Btreet; and 0. B, Paris, 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street. __ ' - n022-Bt* THST PUBLISHED, M PABBONB ON NOTES AND BILLS: A TBEATIBE ON THE LAW V-. : \ of :. ‘ PBOMIBSOBY NOTES ANO BILLS OP EXCHANGE, - With an APPENDIX, containing an accurate reprint, of-the provisions of the statute in relation to BUla, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Checks, together with an examination of tho question which the statute enggeetg, and the English authorities upon those nneations which have arisen under the English Stamp Acts, and may arise nuder our own. , By THEOPHILD3 PABSONS, LL. D„ Professor of law in Cambridge University, &c., See. .. 2 vols., Bvo. Por Bale by Booksellers generally. J B. LXPPISOOTT & 00., •noSO-et Publishers, Philadelphia. TCTEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS. _LN THE SLAVE POWKB.byJ E. Oalraos, M. A. THE TAX-PAYERS’MANUAL, complete. PABBISB’S PHANTOM BOUQUET. o LIGBHILL’S POPULAR TREATISE ON DEAF NESS.' ' LONGFELLOW’S POEMS, Oabtaet Edition. , AMONG THE PINES ; or, the South to Secession Times... . . ." ' ‘ AB HEW BOONS enppiied as soon as published, fcy LINDSAY Sc BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, '•nol9 25 South SIXTH Street, above- Chestnut. mß'£ BEST X JUVENILE BOOKS THIS SEASON THE BOBBIN Bt?V —A troe story of the early life of Major General N. P. elegantly illustrated. A very totereßttogiand valnabiv Veotfor boys from twelve to sixteen, cPrice 75 cts. THE PBINTEB BOY—By the .'utbor of «■ The Bob bin Boy,” the Life of Benjamin Fran.' t * lo > ®‘ ai> * Tel T interesting illustrated book for boys from twelye to six teen. Price 76 eta. BIOGRAPHY OF SELF-TAUGHT MEN—By'Prof. B. B. Edwardß, a capital boek for boys from fourteen’ t° eighteen. PiiwSt. DANDY JACK—An iilnstrated book of Antmais, for boys from four to eight years oid; written and illustrated by Billings. Price 60 ots FOURTEEN PET GOSLINGS—Or, history, of ail the pete of a little boy, with pictures to each; a moat de lightful book for boys and girls fromlour to eight years. Price £8 els FAIRY DBEAMS-Or, Wanderings in Elf-Land. A new and highly interesting fairy- book for girlaand boys of ail ages. Price 75 ots. Also, some handsome boxes of juvenile books. Dealers will do well to order samples of the above, and other equally attractive juveniles. Individuals desiring them and not finding them at the book- stores, may order, of nsby mail. J. E TILTON & GO, ■ no2o-tbml2t Publishers, Boston. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEIN. J£~Jl Jußt published, price 8 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. OULVEBWELL’S CELEBRATED LEUEUEE on the abuse of the Bepioductive Powers, inducing De-. bility,'Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity,. &o. The radical mode of treat ment, without medicine, is fully explained, so aa to en able every one to be hie own physician at the least pos sible expense. “A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFEBEBS.” Sent under seal; in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, , TIIHE SIEGE OF RICHMOND—A Narrative of Military Operations of Gen. McClel lan during May and June, 1862. By Joel Cook. $1.25. The W.ajoner of the Alleghenies. A Poem of the Days of Seventy-Six. By T. Buchanan Bead. $l. The Tom Bible. By Alice Somsiton. 18mo. 50 ots. _The Laet Day of our Lord’s Passion. By Bsv. Wm. Hanna, LL.D. $l. For sale by WILLIAMS & ALFRED MABTIEN, - no:15 - No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. S ClRCU anfi American Boora,.toctoatagSAil,the NEW English SS& 3SSSjSSJSsiWifc, E T«n2s6per year; sixmonths *3; three. one month 76 cents, or 8 cents perday. 318 South EIGHTH Street. . - . , «aB-Bai_. ENGLISH AND FRENCH FAMILY JOi CIRCULATING LIBBABY AND CABINET DB LEOTUBE, 1323 CHESTNUT STBEET. Subscriptions per year, month, Bnd day- „ Geoeral catalogue just published, fnniiahM^asjt. In Frees, Catalogue of the Yoisn* wadies’ French lil bl^Catalogue de la Biblidihioue dee Damn et dn Dt •noieella"’ M. M. MONAOHESI, Agent, 1323 CHESTNUT Street. •gggatosj the finest ASSORT. mTYI'MBNT of new, modem, and durable PI ANO9 from *l6O to 8400. . „„ Also, PBIBOE’S World-renowned MELOBEQSB »nf HARMONIUMS! for cash, at a great reduction, or to small monthly Installments- JAMES BELLAS, 379 as* 881 South FIFTH Street, above Spruce. «e?-3n*» PHILADELPHIA, NEW PUBLICATIONS. ■** LES MISERAJBLES. OH. J O. KLINE & CO! no4-3mlf CIRCUIA 1 LIBRARIES, PIANOS. PROPOSALS. QUABTERM AbTEB GE- I f h®BAX.’S OMIOB, PhilAelMlA., 190> No vember, 1862, - . PBOPISAIiS will be received at tbia Office until MOKDAY, 241 h instant, at 12 o'clccte M , for the imme diaio deliviry in this ciil, at any coint that may be re anired. i or Seven Hundred Bets Wagon Lead Haraeaa, for two Horsee. To be made according to sample to be seen at this Office, and snbject to inspection. The right la re served to rtjeot all bids deemed too high. BAfT), Oapt. and A Q. M U, 8. A QEALID PROPOSAL ARE IN- O vited until (be 6th of December, ISB2. for furnishing •tbe*Subsistence Department,with JOOfi HUSDBED HOSB OP HAY In bales. The first deliveiy to be commenced on or about the 12th of December, and the whole quantity put in before the end of said month. Tbo Hay to be shipped by water and delivered on the wharves at Sixth street, and weighed in Washington, must state in their bids the price pet 100 pounds at which they wittfurnish (he Hav. r Fiims mating bids most state the names of all tbe par ties interested. • ■ . _ . Payments to be made In Treasury notes, or such fnnds as Government may have for distribution, __ Bids to be directed io 001. A. BEOKWITO, A. D. 0. and O 8.6.8. A;, and endorsed ‘‘Proposals for Hay. -; ■ n022-llt : o . LEGAL. ■VTOTIOE.—Tg JANE HAEDRIOK, .IX . late of the County ef Philadelphia : In obedience to an order of Publication to me di rected,,yon are hereby notified to be and appear in the Court of Common Pieas for tbe Oity and County of Philadelphia,on the first MONDAY of December next, to Bhow cause, if any yon have, why your , husband, AUGUSTUS HAEDIiIOK. should not bB divorced from the bonds of Matrimony entered into with you, according to the prajer of his sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Philadelphia, Rot. 1,1862 no 3 m it -OSTATE OF HUBERT SCHWARZ, Fi DECEASED,-FOB BILE—The good wilt fix tures entire Btockof SrATIOHBM, PBINTB, of the Store, Ko. M3Sonth NINTH Street, In the Con tinental Hotel BnilSlng. ■ A first*** opportnoltr for an enterprising man. okls?HoT StSet. JULIOS SOHOLZ, 112 Booth EIGHTH Slrcet Administrators. i)oX9 51'* SAFES. mm ‘ LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT B2> BmpMfiVT.B to Ho. XL Sooth &SVBHTH Street, new jbeTranklin Institute. , . . The onderirigiied, thankful for past favors, and beSsn determined to merit future patronage, baa seourea to elegant-and convenient store, and ha*. ■ large assortment or MlMe>* toll Ob tiled Iron Fire and strictlv lire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, IdßHd OnajnnHed Bank Vault, Safe, andßspk Locks- Tifllie’s Bank Vault Door* and Looks will be furnfcto to order on short notice. Thlals foe staongefrt, bestyw- SetS and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. _ __ ; Also, particular - attention >l*. oaßed to Cabinet Safe, for Flats, iswelry, Sc. This Ms » ceded to surpass In style and eleganeeanrthkfo fered for this purpose, and is to* only ons that Is strict!) «*>* « eSS^D |XKi*r Mtorises,md all lately exchangedfor Us : M: 0. BAJLEK,Agrttt. " ft WATSON’S wm BAUdtAHIHSBSm ' . STOBX, 16 SOUTH FOUBTH STKBIT, PHILADBIiPHIA, BA. Aluca Tutor of lIBB.PBOOI BAJHLB Staff 04 -hud.' . AMUSEMENTS. anSeiT hall. —A GBANP BaOBED CONOEBV Be etven fur the benefit of , ' CBBIBT ( Evangelical Beiormed) OHUh«H> Green street, below Sixteenth street, ,on Xvecvei BVENIHG. NoTember26, 1862, In HANDEL AND HAYDN HAXL, Eighth and Spring Garden streets. On this occasion will be given choice eelectionß front" Jioßsiti, Handel, Baydn. Mozart, etc, by _ A POWKHPUL OUOECB, Conducted by Prof J. H- Willard, assisted with accom* panilnentt on OHGAN and PIANO, by Prof. /. A, Getze. . The solos will be snstained by eminent Artists, Wit# have kindly tendered their aid. " . .ADMISSION, FIFTY CENTS; Or, Three Tick eta for .One Dollar—can be obtained from any member ot the Church, and at the Hall on the even ing of Concert. Doors open at qnarter past T. To cnn.roer.ee at 8 o’clock VX7 AJjN lIT-STREET THEATRE.— VV Bole Lessee Mrs. St- A, OAEBETTiOSf. ; Bns(neas Agent.......... Ur. JOHN T. DONNELi.P. THIRD WEEK. OF MB. AND MBS. DAVENPORT. THIS(MONDAY) EVENING, Novembaf 24 1882, ; 1 be performances will commence With MOHELIBU; Or, Tbo Oonnilracy. r Cardinal Richelieu Hr. B. I. D tvenport. JnliedeMortemsir ....Mrs E.L.Davenport. Concluding with JUMBO JUM. • Jumbo Jam............................ Mr. B;Kemple. Doors open at 6}< —Performance oommenoea at 7. ft/im JOHN DREW’S AROfi- XfJL STREET THEATRE. BusinessArentand Treasurer......JOS. D. MURPHY. Peter Waxem., J. S. Clarke. Marion W00dvU1e......... ............Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with the comedy of PAUL PEY. Paul Fry,,.....,..,..,...............Mr, J. S. Clarke. An Afternoon Performance on Thanksgiving Day, Commencing at 2 o'clock. Poors open at 6J£—'To commence at T# o’clock. "\TT ASH IN GTONI AN ANTIQ TTI VY TIES AND BEVOITJTIONABV BELIOJ.— AN EXHIBITION of the moat remarkable piece of MXOEaNISU comprising 800 DEVICE iof relics and antiauifies relsling to REVOLUTIONARY TIKES, will be held In the Trinity Lutheran otnir,'.lt, German town, on IUESBAY EVENING. November 25eh. 1862, at T% o’clock, for the benefit of the Church. Pahiots and Historians can revel amid the Buhiniscences of the Hallowed Past. Tickets sold at the Btore of Messrs. Jabez Gates, Dr. Eberle, and John Harkinßon, Germantown, and at the door. Admission 26 cents. h024-2t* Post Office BoxT^hsieT 25TH NIGHT OB J, B. OLABKE Great Hit oh the New Play. THIS'fMONDAY) EVENING November 24,1882, ■ , PETES WAXEM. Gardner & hemminq’s am- P HITHEATBE. MARKET Street, above. Twelfth, i Admission 26 cts. Private boxes and Balcony seats, 60 cts. Gallery, 16 cts. Doors open at half past 6 o’olook j to commence at a quarter past 7 ON (THIS) MONDAY EVENING, November, 24, The entertainments will commence with a grand > MILITARY CAVALCADE. After a variety of performances the whole to conclude with the comical antics of THE ’BDUOATED MUD Ed. Performances on Thanksgiving Day. On Wednesday and Saturdayafternoona Grand Family Entertainments. CONCERT HALL-L E G T U R B- V 7 BOOM, 1219 CHESTNUT Street. . CAPTAIN WILLI AMS’, - WHALING VOYAGE, Every Evening at 7J£ o'clock, THANKSGIVING aod ■ SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. n(24-et • ■• ■ '- ■ c. 1 A BEL’S WONDIBEOL STEREOP- A TIDON-ASSEMBLY BUTLt INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Sweets. SPLENDID PHOTOGRA PHIC VIEWS of the BATTLES OF THE REBEL LION, Every afternoon and evening this week: at 3 and 8 o’clock- ; Admission 26 cents. n024-6t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 09 THE FINE ARTS, ' 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. H. sa • P.M. Admission 26 cents. Children half prioe. Shares of Stock, S3O. . „ .... . . - - WANTS. TWO FIRST-CLASS YOUNG MEN, To Beil Foreign and Domestic Dry the pack age. Node need apply unless well recommended as to moral character and business qualifications. To such a liberal salary will be given. Apply between 1 and A, , - . GBOBGE GKIGG, O’clock, to 219 CHURCH Alloy. noSA-oi ■ - ■———*■ WANTED—S3OO,. or more, upon a. -i»bs Patent. The party investing can YY firswJ ’-e interest. Address A. H TREGO, control a large pay,'tow Jersey. n 024 4t* patentee, LamhCftl'llie, ’ ■ '' LOST AND rOUN- LOST— A Certificate fof 18 s&SfSS *w the Capital Stock of the Hazleton Coal Ooiniidfi& to the name of T. Frank Walter, dated March 28, 1862, No 2,781. , , ; Notice to hereby given that application has‘been mads to the Company for a renewal of Baid certificate. „ 1 .. .. T. FRANK WALTEK, Penn Haven, September, 1862. ses® rn3m* T OST—A Certificate for 15 shares in -I -i the Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company, in the name of T. Frank Waiter, dated April 22,1862, No. 6,633. Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Company for a renewal of said certifies e T. FRANK WALTER. Penn Haven, September, 1862: se22 m3m# PJERSONAL. MU6TER AND FAY ROLLS, and Government, claims of ail kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates by JAMES FULTON, 42* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' nog-H PENSIONS.— $100 Bounty and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives.of such as are deceased, at reasonable and satis factory rates. Claims hashed or advanced apon’by •' JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular , attention given to parties living at a dis tance. oelS-.tf. FOR. SALE AND TO LET, m WANTED—TO RENT FQR SIX •ESmonths or more, a Furnished HOUSE in the West ern part of the city, for which a liberal rent will bewiven. Address •< MERCHANT,” Box 18T9, Post Office. b 024 3i# OAK TIMBER LAND FOR SALE, The subscriber will sell to fee (or on stumpage about 1,800 acres of Timber La-, d, situate on the nort side of Muncy mountain, in Bald Eagle VaUey, and most of it bounded by the Bald Eagle creek, west of Union ville, or Fleming. The timber is chiefly white oak, iarg« and tell, and the average distance from the Tyroco and Lock Hav en Ballroad (now in ute from Tyrone to these lands) will not exceed one-font th of a mile from the best part of the saw timber. This is probably the best lot of oek timber on any railroad to Pennsylvania. Ho wiil also soil five tracts, in Ciinion countF, of TIM "nS®iWIL§IGNE COAL LANDS, laying on the south creek. ' '“vootacb creek, beginning about three For terms apply to and extending up said no2o C’.’k UKe.v ~ a; for rent.— Apply, between 12 and 2 o’clock, at 320 WALNUT St, Office No 2,up stairs. noia thmtt t FOR SALE OR TO LET—A splendid Urge Stone COTTAGE, near OHEiTNUT HILL at a Station on the Bailroad, with eight acrea of. ground, beautiluUy, situated. Farm-house, Carnage house. Stable, He. Everything mott substautiM and compete. Teims veryeasy. 4* T O L E T—A COMMODIOUS ML No. m North FBONT StrMt. Bent moderate: Appiy to SEETHE BILL & .BRO., 0e27-tf 47 and 49 North SEQOSD Street. ■ TO RENT-A THREE-STORY E. BBIOK DWELLDIG, on BaCE Sheet, one dome above Twelfth, north aide Bent low to a good tenant Apply to WETHEBILL A BROTHER, je!2 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. A JOB SALE—CHESTER VAlr 3?I,ET FABH, SO seres, 12 fine timber, the balanoa in a high state of cultivation, aitnste half a mite mem railroad station, 18 miles from the city First- class tar nrovementa; handsome!; shaded lawn; fine frnits, Ac. Also, a number sf FABMS in Delaware and Chester coonties. Apply to 0c26-tf & lOR SALE OR TO LlT—Four 18. BOUBES, on the west side of BBOAD Street, below Colombia avenue. Apply v »t the southwest carnet & NINTH and BANSO>T Streets mh3B.tf INSURANCE COMPANIES. pe HEARD FIRE AND MABINM IKSUSAKOB COMPANY. ryjl-lOJS 41* WALNUT BTBEKT, PBH.ABSI.FmJA.. capital «aoo,ooo. This company contones to take risks en the etfst slaeeesof Property at low rate*. The public can rely upon it* responsibility, and *WS4< 4y to pay losses promptly. Its disbursement* for Sto benefit of the pubUo,,durin* the last nine yearn, emut ® 50 0,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future. DUMOTOBS. OHAB. I. DUPONT, JBSBT WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBNLBY, O. T. HEAZLITT, ABBAHAM HAM, HATED BOTH, Jr., PBT3IB S. HOB, of *. 8. WM.M. SWAIN, TUBMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, K. B. N. 8. LAWBBNOS, fH, 0. BUDMAH, JOHN BUPPLNB. THOMAB OBAYKN, PresHskt A. B. GIMUETT, Tioe PreA«*l. JAB. B. ALYOBD, Secretary, »p3d iftf -f?AM%IMBI®ANCE GOMPAK¥j JD No. 4oToHEBTKTIT Street FIRB AND INLAND imUBAWCB. EOBBOTOBB. TN.Buck,. f^P'SSS^Jr' Ohaa. Klebardaoh, £ o1 ? * ’ WB?' !£&- Joba W. Brennan, v. " ' thaNCJS N BUCK, President OHABUEB BIOHABDBON, Vfoe Prtaddeot WILLIAMS I. BLANOHABP, Secretary. £nhl&-ita COMMONWEAL! BAKOS OOMPAHT 0, BYIiTANIA. 8188 De.vld Jayne, M. D., Join H. ‘Whilali, Edward 0. Knight, ThotnH 8. Btewart, Henry Lewis, Jr.,_ DAVID 3AVI • JOHN M. WI SAMUEL B. MODS, Bern Office, Commonwealth B Street, 'Philaclelphla- : ■•* ; ' r T?YB AND EAS.—PBOF^OK^- Hi ISAACS, OOTOIST AS® den, Holland, to P» rHiane , with^tfis 8 ® 88 ® of *&* Street, wlto» petaons and a BTJtior IAB V core gntutsnttea, IT ernabto- a«i h tor ex _ aerted without pain. B - Bo °“ arS " 9 .12t# •xntaftiien. f'llTBON.— 5 cases prime Leghorn i JSfe-K MOMS £ wtaauM Sooth WWEB Stresi, - “** . B. PETTIT, No 809 WALNUT Street. TH FIRE INBTJ IF THE STATE OF BMW- E2OBB. Charles H Bogen, John K. Walker, Bobert Shoemaker, Willlum Strothers, Elijah Janes. CT, M. D„ FresMenJ. HITALI», Yioe BreeM**- ££& «w-° h S??3!