,sto: i: op Gents’ Furnisuingi Goods, i Jobno- Arrtson, (eusoeesor to J. Burr Moire,) ' t nod ? Hortb Sixth street, /'ft door above Mar *i< * j bo® ep'rod'Slr ure,awd tor the saaaon. Hl* * ot Goof”’ Forefahlng Goode, ell selected or mann uoSer his own immediate supervision, d »el»i« ecQoeintenoe with the went! or the pabli h’’ ,ji fjciiitiss for fllllos order* at the shoitast n itice, tto perfect satisfaction ot his cnt.msn, la making ror tnbllot'Cceiit an enviable nemo. Hie e took of Oen fi:'® Ptefelng Gowns fa In xpremibly rich, and the ai “ {| t;;P Cf hl» other dopsrlmenta. "Vbe Abt op Dressi.no— We heard a hand 's, attired gentler on make the remark, a few days "^ibat "to never learned the soorat of dreaalog In W j , thet nttrao'ed the applause of hit friends until ho f tbe opioidld Clothing Establishment of Messrs, It Bonam 4 Son, Ho ®» Onestent street, under Jayne’s nVj uhieh he did noon oar recommendation. He con ?«d no* mU ,3b “ vlog obta ' oed the best-made and i rcisoowt- fillies *«» *•"“ ho ever wore tn his life. 1 t tut he WS> treated with marked politeness, and con iiteratbatheo>v«d several dollars in his ptaohaae, as we have no doubt ho did, Tim Fob Season. —We would invite the at tention of oar lady readers to thß fact that Meaara. Dberiee Oskferd & Son, Nos tS4 and 836 Chestnut rfjeot h*va now in store tbo largest and most attractive Morlßient of Fore, at all price, that they have ever ofresd. and scores or customers show their appreciation dally oi Ibis fact by purchasing from them in preference jn s»7 other establishment. As nirOBIANT (jIESTION of domestic eco- K; ~: r j 3 presented to ns to the selection of the proper Portable light to be “to l lB onr families. We have, for o, .Helves, tong ricea rettlod this question, and would like to settle It for the marries by recommending, in pre- IbKnco to oil others, the use of the oelobrated Witters benip for horning Kerosene Oil, manufactured and sold by Messrs, Witten & Co„ No. 36 North Eighth street, corner of FIIbMt- News fob the Lame*.— Messrs. Wood & Ustr, proprietors of the popular Millinery Establish* ueat, No. ,i 6 Oboßlnut street, have just brought ont a vsrlstf Of superb new things in the Bonnet line, which ue cannot Ist pass unnoticed. We allude to their beau bfulnow French Felton Bonnets, in ell tbo new shades: VeJmt and Bilk Bonnets, cither on hand or made to order; Blisses' Hate, manufactured expressly for their own sales. A too, a splendid ireah lot of real Ostrich pinmcs, in black and colors. FBEPABINO FOR THB HOLIDAYS.— To Messrs. S. 6. Whitman & 00., Chestnut street, below icnrth, next door to Adams & Co.’s Express, belongs jlr honor c£ sounding the firnt holiday tramp. We know BorinvenUo readers will tbank them f,r that. Those gentlemen have now a magnificent Christmas stock of gheir delicious fine Confections, in every variety, on herd, and the immense quantities which they are con stantly soiling shows that this feature of Oh talmas Is welcome at all seasons. We earnestly recommend to onr reederv, of families, that they keep up the'Christmas joys In Mr household ad infinitum, by parrying a Budget of these delicious and hoaithfol edibles home, at je»t once A week. Fise Scotch Ai.es.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, iMsr in fine family groceries, Aroh and Tenth streets, hu now instore a fresh supply of "Tennant's” and •• Toungoi’a'’ Seot-U Ales. Thsse brands are recom mended for thtir great purity and excellence, as being better adapted fer medicinal purposes,'csp6oially, than any others. * A Fine Stock of Ladies’ Shoes is now seiitog off at Messrs. Oakford & Ban’s, under the Conti nental Hotel, at greatly below the regular prices. Ex amine them before purchasing elsewhere. Card to the Public,—The undersigned, tele agents in Philadelphia cf Messrs, gtoinway & Sons, Flaao manufacturers, of New Fork, warn tbe public that for some time pest systematic efforts have been made by various parties to s-11 very inferior pianos, by mu sette'nutations calculated to deceive, to the great injury of Messrs. Stein way A Sops, as well as tbe public. One plan resorted to, is to place upon pianos a name so like that of Sieluway A Sons, that those uuaooostomed to Iks cants of that firm may be readily deceived. Another plan is to represent that a certain manufacturer was ircinliy a foreman for Messrs. Steinway A Sons, which b cot the case. Various methods are adopted by which Ibtae deceptions are successfully carried on. Pianos are geld at private rooms, where bat a single one is round at s time and tbs attention of the pnblio is attraoted by an sirertUement annonnoing a greatsaerifioe. This courts allows great latitude in deception. Another oourse per med is to obtain one' of St, inway & Sons’ Pianos and irjareit, and then compare it with those ol other makers Is wed condition. All these efforts ate bnt additional proofs of the superiority of Messrs Steinway Se Sons’ Pianos, which hsvs recently taken the frit prize mesial sithrSreatlntrrsaiiona! Exhibition, in London, in this year: over 369 Pianos were entered, from all parte of the w«;i. BIiaBIU3 BROTHERS, No 1006 Chestnut afreet, Philadelphia, Ualr authored Agents of Steinway A Sons lor Phila delphia and vicinity Medicated Safeguards.—These most ex c.lkrt preventives of disease are rapidly going into ge nual use, perlicnlsrly among onr brave volunteers. Tte .'otlowing we copy from Nail's Journal of Health, filch is highly land story of their great utility : .’The common fiv.nel bandages, such as are Innas s-nerg the addicts, pres, the viaceta down ins tool of bcidiag it up, which itdnns derangement of the bowels. It. Brens’ Patent supporter and Safeguard remedial this evil” Sen advertisement in another column. An Oid.Bemedt and a Sure One.—We t* no more ot’any-one. then to give Jayne’s Etpeolo rant a lair trial, to p- ore thW- it will cure fbe various teases tot uhleh it is rcounitoiided, It hu. it will, acl it can cure conghr, odds, whooping cough, croup, ard s very large majority of the most hbpHesa cases of ctommption, whrre oil ether remedies fail to do any seed. Let the afflicted give its tlisl. Prepared only at 312 Chestnut street. SroßtiNO Intelligence !—The great race ta Bicbmood, bet»e<*xj the celebrated three-year old •‘General Burnside, ”by fiooßier,” dam ” Yankee,” «dei«d by Fatter Abraham, and the great ibree-year <*d “ SloDSv. aU Jacbsoa*” by « Old Dominion” (not cof* dam “S.c'.tb,” entered by Jefferson Davis, Isq. Entry for tbre ; 20 mile heats from Fredericksburg io Blchmood. Id the first dash of this exciting race "General Bure side' wi»b twenty mites ahead—batting 8 ■o ion the General* It is expected that falter iateUi* •SKtceof tbsraee will be given io our next edition. The siyto of drees of the two “ Jockeys" can be seen at Oban. StcW one* price, outer the Continental, together with a largo aeaortmest of ether styles of dress. IVe have glowicg descriptions from Turin vf tlia magnificent gifts* t tfertd to the Princess Maria Fia, 3'- ter marriage with the King of Portugal. Borne and Cs.’italdi were forg-uten alike in the holiday taken to bie the royal lady. Sbs is described as tat!, graceful, S-i dignified, and at h< ugh not yet fifteen, as being mr inch a oaten, bat bearing too striking a likeness to feature to her faiiuT, Victor Emmanuel, to be styled *auti£al. Her faihtr miglt, however, render himself attractive if an opportunity was offered him of taring the seat and iasMonabie garments manufactured « ihe one-prfcs cl* hlng establishment of Granville Stokes, Sjo. 609 Che dent street, Philadelphia. About Pins,— Pins were worth a dollar a ?Wer in 1813, atd i oof at that. Then it took fourteen precedes to make u p : n; now only one, by a machine which fliitshes and kticks them into theflapar, Saving p!iti a half cet ago was as Important as saving cents, aod hsnee the habit ttus farmed sticks to many elderly SfcDUemtn. whose coat tit eves ere ornamented with rows of them rescued fcotu loas. Fashions change. How Piai are bought for efxcoi ce a paper, and gentlemen do m disfigure thtir past enffj with them, particularly *hea the garment U cl the elegant description made by Sockhill A Wilson, at their Brown Stone Clothing Pail, hoe, 603 and 60S Chestnut street, above Blrft. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST MIGHT. 'JOBTUTEHTaL H <>?>&—Ninth end ObMtaot lit. Ueo W Snider, BottovUte. W Yetrenden, Barton Sicoey Homer, Button H V Cramer, Hew York | A Walsh, Hew Yoik T N UcUnUon.ith,Gtevfiand Heo F Webb ft wLBa tlmore Miss H W Wtbb,Baltimore Jfßtrrimsa, M B JQO Lee, OSA J'sW Lane, Aurora led 8 B Kendrick,lndiana Gio Francis Train, dowries Lieut Thos P Olay ' v ffl W Blair, H f!arop*btje Sami tßu»elniaa ft wf, Fa E fit Grove, Ucs'-tm F Avils, Cuba J' fi Stewart, Cuba Wm L Marcus, Hew York JmT Shafer, Jas o 0 Mr Beyer, Wash. I) O JchnJPinkerton,Wa-b,DC John ¥ Beardsley, lowa y B Maeey, Baltimore W Cobby, Baltimore A GGerifl B P Armstrong, Baltimore 4 W Van Buren, New Y.ik OH Hetoted, Jr ißurke, Beittmota Tiffjny, Hew York 1 0 Hadden, Hew Yo*k a P Bennett,, Washington £ Crater, WaeUii gton J Moirts, Washington . SG Bowe, Boston B M Svetit, Hew Yo:k £ H Hutchinson, Bottjn D B Fayerweather, H Y | F Bradford, Da H HO Oooae, Washington «ißi Parrtn • Johnß Bsboock.Boston Jseo L Dunn, Boston J Q, A Crupper, Virginia JL Holbrook, Hew Yoak W F Holorook, New York £ Bnnyon, Btw York W 8 Rowland, DBA MIBOHAHTS’ HoTAi>—Fonrth st, Aroh. 2 Wright, Hew York 9 Crosby, Hew York W B Pettigrew* Hsw v ork John Bliiott, Tipton s‘Wer Tossy, IndianapoLs H Baxton ft lady, Carlisle * Perks, Cletrfield Mrs Geo P-tweU, lowa City tiriT o Plainly, lowa City J 0 Janeway, Trenton, H J fi Abl, Oombtrland co Pa £ J Adams, Maryland J fit Stanton, Maryland John Paul, Pittsburg w b Seller, Altoona Cbsa Bodgers, Oiocinnati, 0 Cincimm«i. 0 Hon BBeiieyftwf,Pottovile V> Hißmtohfield,Pit Jao J FiaaaAan.Kingston t P 0,6 Uodg., H«w York V B Btockway. 0 8 A «W»B PslDti, Haw T»tk J S Pfootor, Ffchbarg Norris Paters, BeJsw.ro H B Waltoa, Delaware J A Medlar, Bcaal}, W J Uedana, MsnchosSer t r Bsrre, Ala, Pijmrnili J O D Llllr, Bosdln* BloMmob, Haw T-rt MW AUrn, Howsrfc |J.f“l»T,WesL’i), D U Alex OAembers, Pittsbarg *n. H Hew Yrk Ohae Brodbead,Pa n 2 *V w * rt > H«w Yorß M.aßlewsrt * eie, 8 O New York W H Gregg, OMo Jolt a * r! » J -* Metaon, Shipßensbnrg W A I-awirtwr* A P Bra on, DelAiriro " A McCann, Hewoern, 8 0 A^irArf 0 ? HOTHI,— Ohaetnnt street,abon Tblrda Morton WrttorT,", ° Lincoln, Worcester Brs’S! ,I< ' *•* W 0 Angel. Hew York J B Btnier. UB ’“ 3 P Mellsoh, OBA Jesßirtreida H»»o o *o* 8 WUep, Charter oo,Pa Jemtora, Hew York J T B«wen.Hew Yc,o k i Joh »»“. Brooklyn WlkSrtd^M A q Htiwf. ®f I0 ®-Areb street, sbore TMhL A o ** P A PhOUM H G PrtoT’wiS?: ° t ‘‘° -, i p Kwttwlo, Pittelmrg W LJ MreM wiuieos, Week J LBe»ato» w“ 0 V^ r . -> •*■“ « WeUeoe, Lsnosettr J H Htohatds^iujf’v**! / 3 Barek, Lancaster AMERlCAN—Cheetnut street, above Flftti. F B Morris. New Fork M B Nlchots, FcttsvUle J I. Groves," Dauphin I> Obase, New Fork A U Bryan, Jeddo, Pa OF Honeer, Bckley, Pa B C Hart, New Fork H Bhrenberg, Lnal.vlde Mrs Turner, Washington G F dhephsrd, New Fork ittlk cLear, Delaware B Bennett, Williams sort M Gcrdod, Paris Caleb Tohe, Bethlehem H Slnnockson, New Jersey W McKeldin, Baltimore Q F Smith, New Fork John Whip, BetlUehem ' O M Knanie, Belhlenem W Jameson, USA Mrs M F Donaldson, Tsm’qs W Sobrosder, New Jersey W Sieltbenmr, New Jersey H Allen, New York , 8 Milohttl G W Kins, MaseiCmsetts A Tbompion.;New Fork P 0 Oarwitben A la, Batto Mrs Howaid, New Jersey J 0 Bright, Penna p M Stone, Providence W Oorvin, New Jersey F A Gkodwln, New Fork A Clark, New Tork H A Riobarfiou, NY H Bsubank ® Marjland W WLaman. Mtcblgau ®r E W Tncken Ohio W D Wood, Salem, B J H Frick, Lewibburg OOMKUCBOIAIj—SJxtn street above Obestact Ii Psxob, Dtlaware J A Str»wbridge,Ohsaterco TDuoten, Maryland J D Wherry, Ohoaterco, Fa B F Green’eafv Chester eo T Walton, Oheater 00, Fa OB&b&ntz, Ferry W J Smedlei, Del co t Pa AM ®ic£Jp, Perna WPother, New tork F Porter, Ntw York MADISON HOUSK—Sooond streot, above Market OB Colbert, Hanlsborg J H Satton, Delaware Wm B Sutton, Delaware M B GaUlon, Green Pika Win Dolrerj* Green Pike B Jones, Wayne co & J Short, Delaware M White, Peon’a T B Thcll, Pesn r a J Price A* son, Del CP-y B Price. DoTer. Del W D Large. Taylorsville Jdo V Fryer, Baltimore A Batter, Jr, Lancaster STATUS UNION HOTBL—Market, above Sixth. John BaUtoo, Armairong co B J Ooffay, Penna John Hobbs, Penna H M MiUhofr, Penna Tbcs McGowan, Chester co A H Peacock, James Baker, lowa Jos Baldridge. Hoilldaysbg Elias McMillan, Lancas co J T Barcitz, Hirriaborg BALD BAGLB—Thim street, above OallowhSß. A S Barron, Pennsylvania £ Hermann JacksoutUle Edw KotnJg, Jacksc&viUe S Becker, Lehigh co. Pa Peter Seller, Easton J G Mensch, BeltersvlUe ' John Blo&s, Lehigh co, Pa J Haodwark, Lehigh ca,Pa T Everett, Lebfgh co, Pa E Diehl, Lehigh co, Pa J Mlseen, Monrce co,Pa J Brack, Monroe co. Pa L S Foilwalcr, Lehigh co,Pa W B Albright, Lehfgh co M S Bfkler, Lehigh 00, Pa G W Both, Lehigh co. Pa G V Fiadenick, Bethlehem Bam’l Kotz, Easton Ohaa Beaus, Books co John fehlffurt, Millers to am Win Mnpiery, Pennsylvania 8 Leibangnth,Northampton A Bcrrlsger. Northampton B Moyer, Northamptoa A Masters, Northampton A Pennebaoker. Berks oo J Knopf, Lehigh eo, Pa F Sharer, Lehigh co, Pa 0 Stout, Ltblghco, Pa F Flores, Lehigh 00, Pa B Beene, Bucks ce, Pa M Honaer, N White Hall G Hayer, Qnakcrtown BLAOK B3AB—Third street, above GallowhlS. B Hcnsinger, Lehigh co Philip Strouse, Lehigh eo J Gackenbuck, Lehigh co Gideon Both, Lehigh co John B SchaU, Trexlertown Sami Oswald, Welsenbnrg M A Saylor, Lynn W Heft, Ponna Conrad Wolf, Penna Jos T Leibeagood, Penna Sami Bern, Lehigh co Berj Meitzler, Lehigh oo W Ptff, YardleyviUe F Bnckmao, Yardleyville G M Garner, Dojlostown J Gaokenbach, Lehigh co IS Trexler, YardleyviUe L A Appleton, Attleboro F O Balloelt, Allentown Geo W Foering, Panna "W Hnow!«>. YardleyviUe E M Woodward, Penna L Bcaas, Somerlon J M Gliok, Allentowa TJ B Sandras, Allentswn Da&l Both, Allentown 0 Jacney, Newtown W Eddows, Moreland NATIONAL HOTEL—Baoe street, above Third. B Dabbem, Pennsylvania Mrs S P Bliss, Allentown Mira M H Woodring, Penna Mias S 0 Woodring, Penna Llent Col P Sides, USA G G Wilson, Penna D dchadell, Pennsylvania W Ltndernmth, Penna J Wbitftker, Bt Oiftir A G Saeger, Allentown T Keck, Allentown B L Bower, Bsliossrove H H bbiik, Lancaster T H Smith, Massaohasetts J Frantz, Lancaster B Kertz, PfeoealrviUe H G Dryßluger, ghafferstown C Grora, Allentown MOUNT VEBNON—Second street, above Aroh. H Compton, Ohio Mrs Stephens) Clarksburg W McGrnder J Stock, Pennsylvania Miss Sslfle B Boberla, Ya Jonas Bobbies, N Jersey 0 W Jersey J S Walter, Dataware city W Broderick, Maryland W. M Oaok, Delaware Mies Meggie Martin, Md D W Wilcox, Wayne, Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. Jayne’s Hair Tonio. This invaluable and standard preparation Oloansea the Scalp from Sour*. JAFNE’S HAIR TONIO Cleanses the Scalp from Dandruff. JAYNE’B HAIR TONIO Cures Eruptive Diseases of the Scalp: JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Excites the Scalp to healthy action. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Prevents the hair from falling off. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Prevents premature Grayness. t JAYNE'S HAIR TONIO Prevents premature Baldness. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIO Prevents the formation of Bald Spots. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Causal the Growth of nevr Hair. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Beclothes Bald Heads with now Hair. JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Cleanses the Hair from all impurities, JAYNE’S HAIR TONIO Will render (he rue of a vrig unnecessary. JAYHS’S HAIB TONIO Will reproduce Hair lost in eiokaeee. JAYNE’S HAIB TONIC Kcepe the Hair moist and the ends from splitting. JAYNB’B HAIB TONIC As a Beautißer to nnsnrpasssd, JAYNE'S HAIB TONIC As a Regenerator to unequalled. JAYNE’S HAIB TONIC Gives the Hair a rich and glossy appearance. JAYNE’S HAIB TONIO Will promote the Growth of Whiskers. JAYNE’S HAIB TONIO W ill quioken the development of Moustache*. JAYNE’S HAIB TOHIO As a dressing for the Hair hi unexcelled. JAYNE’S BAIR TONIO Should be cn the Toilet Table of ovary Lady, 1 JAYNE’S HAIB TONIO Should be on the Toilet Table of every Gentleman. JAYNE’S HAIB TONIO la delightfully perfumed, And wfil pleise the most fastidious, as its continued nee hew a tenob more healthful influence on the scalp and hair than any other preparation now before the publio. Prepared and sold at JAYNE’S, 242 OHESTNUF Si rent. no!9-w»25 Gbobgb Stick’s IBIMITABLK PIANO POBTEB, Grande sad Squares, are rapidly taking precedence of all others for their pow er, evenness.of touch, and pure quality of tone. None should purchtte wtihout examining them closely. The most eminent teachers are ahnost daily selecting ?iices to suit the timet. _ • • them. J, £, GOULD, ’■ ocll-sinth«tt SSVBHTH and CHESTHCT. <*BE AT TRIUMPH!— n HTf SCHOMAOKBB ft 00. have made a ntio and prund dtscoticry in the manufacture of tile Plano Forte. By a peculiar conet ruction of tite sc (tie and bridge on. the ioundirg board, they are enabled t> give Marly double the ordinary length of the Hring, from the bridge to xch' re the hammer itriket the string, which produces meat extraoidtunry effects The power Ib greatly increased, and lbs harmony produced is truly wonderful, giving an entire new quality of tone, which is deep, rioh, tweet, and melodious, with a singing peculiarity to each note, unlike to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The mtnicwloviDff publio are respectfully invited to £ati at cur Warerooms, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Stmt, where they can examine this great Improvement in the Piano Forte. SOHOMAOKEB ft. Co., nold- lm 1021 CHESTNUT Street. Singbb & Co.’s Lkttse A Family BKWIHG MAOBINB to the most beautiful, beet, and cheapest of oU Senrtug Machines. It embodies the prin cSplee of Singer A Oo.’e well-known Manufacturing Ma ehinee; mokes the interlooked etiteh; will sew on ell Unde of cloth, and with all kinds of thread; will Bind and Braid, Gather end Qnilt, Fell, Hem, end Took—ln tent, will do ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, end tnrpoases-Bvery other Machine for tbs greet range and excellence or Iti work. Bend for a pamphlet I. M. SINGER A 08., Ho. 458 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. . Phjladhlphia Offh», oe: mthetdeSl No. 810 CHESTNUT SIBEBT. Grover ft Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle HEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST' machine in the market, and is sold for FOBTY DOLIiABfie Ho machine ever introduced in this city has *oW so rapidly or given tuoh universal satisfaction. Do not fail to cati and examine It before purchasing else where. Office, 780 CHESTNUT street. noS-tf Batohrlor’s Hair Dye! THE BEST m THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHJLOB’B oelebrefed Hair Dps ycodoce. a color not to be dietlngnfrtied from nature; warren led not to Injure the Heir in the toart; remedies the ill effect* q[ bad dree, and Invigorates tho Hair for Hfe. os AY, BED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turn* a •pfendfd Black or Brown, leaving the Hair »R end ferns -BAI. Sold by all Druggists, Ac. I tr The Genuine to signed WILLIAM A BATOHE. LOB, on tht few tvltt qf each how, FACTORY No. B 1 BARCLAY Street, (Late 333 Broadway and VI Bond ttreet,) eaySS-iy New York- B—T—lB6o—X, DRAKE’S PLANTATION B1TTEB& They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They ere an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late houre. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent mlaanatio end Intermittent fevers. They pnrlfy the breath end acidity of the stomach. They onto Dyspepsia and Constipation. They care Diarrhoea, Ohotors, and Cholera Horbns. They core Liver Oomptaintand Nervous Headache. They are Ihe best BITXEBB In the world. They ytafca the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature 1 ! great restorer. They ore made of pore Bt Croix Bom, the celebrated CMUeaya Baric, roots, and herba, end are Jokes wlth the ptoaanre of a beverage, without regard to gge or thus of dey. Particularly recommended to d«U sole persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by eO Orocere, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons, p. H. DRAKE h 00., *W BROADWAY. Hew York. eeS43m OFFICIAL, Tub abort Depirtmbst, OFFICE OF IHTBKNAX BEVSHUS, WABffIKGTOW, Nov. 17, 1862. Ootamtselonor of Internal Bevenaa is prepared to frapply tbo following stamps, in quanttiias sufficient for the n» of the people of the Phtriot of OolomMa, and of the States oast of the Rocky Mountains, vie: Playing CarOs, Proprietary, Express, Telegraph, Insurance, (life.) Insurance, (fire and marine,) Passage Tickets, and Protest, The nee of the stamp, herein specified it hereby re united in the District and States above described, on and after the Ist day of Deoember next: And persons guilty of wilfully negleotlng to eo use said stamps will Se sub ject to the penalty provided in the law GEO. S. BOUTWEBZi, noStt etuthSt Comm’r latercal Revenue. The Rain. BT THB BAUD Off TOWER ETAtt. “Oh the reljQ I—lt yeiaetb every day V* Tima Shakspeara mage his soogstroas s»y; A ltd now tbe case is bo Indeed, Fra peEttog rains to rains Bocoted. No more the son can plerce-hfs ebiood Of watery mfet and murky ctond; No smiling aspect of the sky, No blue eereoe appears on bfgh; No sportive children on tbe etreet Beil jht ca with their accents sweet Houseciafde, whose greatest joy Mid pride Is on the pave to pour a tide, And well* aimed cataracts to shoot Into Rome p*or peaestriem’a boot, Now see with sorrow and disdain « These pavements deluged by the rain, Thinking ft shame that Nature should Fro vie e a young Deucalion’s fl>od, Without fee help ofhydra&t water*, Freely dispensed in every quarter, From buckets, hose, el cetora. Bat, Though Nature's flood* gates will not shut, Tower Halt, has Clothing, idea and warm, To suit November’s raia or storm; And, spite of elemental war, Oomfort is found at this Bazaar. We have the largtstand best assortment of the « com fort” above referred to, in Philadelphia. Oar salsß have been large fund rapid beyond precedent, but manufactur ing facilities, extensive in proportion, enable us to make large daily additions to our stock, keeping it full and complete. Every taste and pocket can be salted, in goods made in the heat and most fashionable meaner, ITe buy and seU for Cash only— oat purchases were made early in the seaion, before the recent heavy ad • vance in prices. That these advantage* enable us to cell at prices lower than the lowest, will be apparent to all. An examination will convince. Tower Haxx, No. 518 MABKBT Street, Philadelphia. BENNETT & 00, Oysters, Home-hade Pies, &c.— The ”ne plus ultra” of Btews and Frio, maybe found at HUBBARD’S, IS2 North SIXTH Street, juat below Franklin Saoare. Alan, cheap heme-made Pies, Bulk, Dtraghnuls, Cream Puffs, Milk Biscuit, dc., of a anterior unnllty, fresh every morning. It* Übham’s Haik Dym, B 8 cents a lor, —Three boxes for 81; the best in use. Try It Sold Only at UFHAH’Se 408 CHESTNUT Bfu se37*3m* MARRIED. COLLINS—KBAMSB -—ln Allegheny City* on Tass* day revelling, November 18,1832, by Sev. WilUam A. Snively, Samuel C. Collies, of Philadelphia, and Edcno nia O , yonngeat daughter of Allen Kramer, Era , of the former place. . * Tax Marriage of Mr - Harruon McManus and Miss Anna Hoffman, published to The. Press of the 2vth lest, is a malicious faisehood, as no such marrUga has taken Place. [U] H. MCM4NU3. DIED. RUDOLPH-—On tbe 16th inat, at Bellevue Hospital* New York, of disease contracted in the Peninsular cam paigu, while in tbe service of his country, Sergt J jaaph Buoolpbv Co. I, list Pa , (late Ist California Beglment), in tbe2Bth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, Klngsosilug Lcdce, No. 309, 1, 0, of 0. F, and members cf tbe 7ist Pesssylvania Brgimeiit, noton duty,are reepectfaUy tow vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Pm < chalivitiOj Twenty-fourth ward, FixUadelphia, on 8 outlay afternoon next, 23d Inst., at I o'clock, without further notice. •' # . PABHAM —On tbo znoroiog of the 21at Inst., Bsbert Parbam, in the Slet year of his age. His relatives and male frieriSs are respectfully Invited to attend Ms funeral, from his late residence, No. 942 N. Fifth etreet, on Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock, JOHNSON.—On Thursday, November 20rb, Mr*. S&roh G , wife of Bohert 8, Johnson. Bra relatives and friends are respectfully tovited'to at. tend her fnseral, from her late residence, No. 1007 Aroh street, on Monday morning, 24& tost, at 10 o’clock. B&OWN.—On the 21st last, Jt&n Henry Brown, in the 36th year of his age. The relatives, and friends of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from bis late residence, No. 710 South Front etreet, abovo Almond, on Tuesday af. tornoon, tbe 25th, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Odd Fel« lows' Cemetery. McILVAISf,—In action, at Warrenion, Sulphur Springs, Ya, November 15, 1862, Lieut. Howard Moll vein, of DuieU’a Battery, 104th p. Y,, aged 23 years and 20 days* Tbe relatives, and friends of the family, are respect* fully invited to attend his funeral from Christ Church, Beading, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to tbe Charles Evans Cemetery. # GABDINEB —On the 2iat tost., Mary, Infant dangh* ter < f Dr. David B. and Annie Gardiner. The friends of the family are Invited to attend the fa. neral, from tbe residence of h*r parents, at Bordentown, on Sunday. 26th, at 2 o’clock P. M. * DE&BIGKSONn—On tbe 20th tost, Samuel, son of Abram H. and Maggie Derrlckeoa, aged 10 months. Tbe friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, from the residence of Ms parents, 1628 North Thirteenth street, this day (Saturday), 2id lost., at 1 P M. ✓ * ’ WETHEHILB ,h» 1981 But., Jffffipß Wemwffl, son of John A. Wetherffl. The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, Grom hie residence. No. 118 South Twentieth street, on Monday, Nov 24, at 10 o’clock A. M. ## BBDHIEFBB—On the 19lh inst, George W. E„ eldest eon of Charles and Sophia Bedhiffer, aged 8 years, 4 months, and 3 days. Funeral from the residence of his father, 615 Coates street, on Sunday afternoon, SSd lost., at 2o’clock, with out further notice. * LAVALLBTTE.—On Tuesday evening, at U)( P. M., at ibe residence of his son-in-law, W. W. Wade, Bear Admiral E. A. F. Lavallelte, in the ?3d year of hia age. Hb friends, and thoee of the family, are respectfully invited to attend hisfnneral, thte fSaturday) morning, November 22, at 11 o’clock A. M , from the Church of the Intercessor, Spring Garden ttreet, belew Broad. * Black all-wool velour EEPS.—Just opened*» full assortment of— Black Aii-wool Velour Bopa Do. do. Empress Cloths. Do. do. Ottoman Poplins. - Do. do. Epinglintt. Do. do. Cftshmerea. Do. do. Meriaoes. Do. do. . Tamises. Do. do ‘ Hoßßelioe-fielahM. ' BESSON ft BOH, Mourning Store, nolS-tf Ho. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TjjUTEI & LANDELLj XLI FOUBTH and ABOH BTBBSTS. OPENING FOB FALL BALES: Hagctfioant Silks. Sf ftgnlfioent Shawls. Wftgnifioept Poplins. Good Blaok Bilks. Blcheert Printed Goods. QoodStook of Stories. wafi-tf rr=» REV. DANIEL MARCH will Preach to ft Sermon tethb QLIHTOH-STBSE fi PBBBBY TEBIAN OHUBOH TO.MOBBOW EVENING, fit 7jJ o’clock, upon HomePietj, or Religion in the Family. It* ME FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF UJi THE UNION NOON-DAY PBAVCB MSST -ING will be held at BANBOM-STBBET OHUBOH, on MONDAY next, Nov. 24th, at noon. lift CONFIRMATION.—THE RT. REV. U 3 BISHOP POTTER will administer the rite of Cccfinnation in the Chnrch of tiie Epiphany, TO-MOR ROW AFTERNOON. Service at half pftit three; It* HUB ARCH STREET PRESBYTERIAN KB OHUBOH.—The Bev J. HALS TED OABBOLL, of New Haven, Conn., wil, preach TO- MORROW, at 10)4 o’clock A. M. and ot 7)4 o‘clock P. M. It* REV. &. A. CARDEN, D. D., WILL Uv3 preach in Zion Ohnrch, EIGHTH Street and COLUMBIA Avenue, TO MORROW (Sunday) AF TEBRCON, Strangers welcome. It* nr» REV. J, HYATT f SMITH HAVING U 3 returned firom a tour to Jerusalem,'wtii preach at his Church, TWELFTH Street, aboveßaee, TO-MOR ROW MORNING, at 10# o J 3rd. « The'lnstitution of Marriage” . 4fb, «'Tb« Dntiee of Wives-” sih. ** The Duties of Husbands.” Crumeneijig with the.first on SUNDAY EVENING K EXT, 53d instant, at 7X n’dook, and ooattnulng.tbem In tbe above order upon tite succeeding Sundays at the sf me hour. Ghnrch tn Handel acd Haydn Hall, corner of XIAHTH and G&EAN Streets. Service in the mornings at 10ft o’clock. no2i.-2t» OF **LK SURGEON-ARTIST ftS TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Oct. 24th, 1862. . ’ ' Wounded Soldiers 4nd Saiiors derirotifl of avatiiog ftemwaveeQf theNaticmMAppropriation tor supplying; Limbs* should ap’Jy iuv.mdiatMy at the oSoa tha Govamaarat. No 1600 OHISTNUT street. *. FRANK. PALMER, oexotf Government Sargeoa-Artist. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, 1 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1862. MAVAL ORBER«—THE COWHAND* lAJ* ING (tF-IuER. ai>Qcanr<3 '‘tih deep io>ret the o&orb i f Bt or admiral B, A. LAVAL LETTS, of the U* 8 Navy. In ibe death of Admiral Lavaitette the navy has lost one of Us moat distinguished membera—ise who had oorvod long ar,d faithto ly. and who was particularly dis tinguished in the battle of 11th September, 1814, between tbe flettsof tue UMted States and Great Britain, on Lake Cham plain. Ihe tfficero cf the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps on this ptr.'ion are requested to attend the funeral of chelate Admiral, from tbe residence of his son-in-taw, No. 1624 V atiace street, at 11 o’clock A. M. on SATUBDAY, the 22;! iuat The cfficers of tiie Navy and Marine Corps will attend to audit es ntii orm, epaulets, swords and caps. Office O- 8. Mavy Yard, Philadelphia, Nov SOrh, 1862. 0. B. STJUBLIdG, nn2l2t Commandant. nr=» ACADEMY OF MUSIC—CITIZENS’ UrJ YCLGNTSEB HOAPITaL—Lee tore by Sties litttfA bakdZKGE, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 26, at 8 .o’clock. Ancient arid Modem livpuoHce.” Proceeds for the Benefltof the Olri zeca’ Volunteer Hospital, Broad street and Washington avenue. The Metonerohftr Vocal Society, under ihe direction of Mr. P. M. Wol-itffer. have kindly vetoateered tieir services, and wiU stag some of their select oborates. Ticbote, 26 cents} for aala at the principal Book and Music Stores and Hospitals, and at the Academy on that evening. no2o 6t* TBE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE {£s NINTH SEUTiON, by authority of the BOARD OF DIBRCTOBS. wilthoW a FAIR for the benefit of tbe SOLDIERS’ LIBRARY AND BEADING-BOOM, at CONCERT HALL, CHBBCNUC Btreet, above Twelfth, from WEDNESDAY, Nov 26, to December 2, fncluiive. Single Tickets, 10 cents.; Season Tickets, 26 cents. A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Mmic each eve&lrg. nol9-7t* IbOTfCE.-CORN EXCHANGE BANK, Lkjf Pati.ADgLFHrA, 1862 —^The folio wing Besolallon' wa* tbia day adopted by tbe Bdted of Direc tors and ordeied to be published; Resolved, That the oneold portion of the Stock of tiffs Bask be offered to the present Stockholders at par, each Stockholder to have the privilege ot taking a prorata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board, pro vided subscription'and pa} ment be made before the first day of January,*lB6B. m>l4«jal. J. W. TOBREY, Cashier. FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED.— UsJI Under an order from the President of the United BfAtefl, a national system has been established by the SANITARY OOMMISiION for the s«fe transmission; and judicious distribution of articles contributed by the people, for the siek and wounded ofthe Army and Navy. Tbe system, after being well tried, haa bten formally ap* proved and recommended by the Preeident, the General' to-Ohifef, raid the Surgeon General. Tbe eecorfty it offerß against misappropriation Is practically perfect, until the contributions are delivered to the hospitals, where they necessarily pass from the control of the Oom miision. Of more than a million articles sent through one of the largest of its channels of supply, it has been' as certained that not one hundred have miscarried, or been dishonestly used. Discreet and trustworthy agents are constantly employed in visiting all divisions of the army, tacludina those on the Southern coast, the Missis sippfi and tbe Western frontier, to observe their wants, to direct buppfied where they are most needed, and to secure, as far as practicable, their honest me. The Commission dees cot undertake to deliver arteries to in dividuals, and declines to receive contributions with any restriction as to their destination, within the limits of the force employed in the service of the Nation, it being one of its secondary objeota to strengthen the sentiment of National snitr wherever it can come in antagonism with State or local pride. The distribution of hospital supplies is but a branch of the work of the Gommisrion. It employs the best professional talent which can be ob tained In the country, to aid its larger purpose, to do all that is possible for the health and vigor of onr fighting men, to lighten their burdens, and to sustain their spirits under the privations and hardships which are an essen tial part of successful warfare. For this purpose, con ft ibutiora to its treasury are solicited. They may he directed to CALEB OOPS, Esq., Treasurer of the Phila delphia Agency, No. 603 MARKET Street, or to WIL LIAM PLaTT, Jr # General SupertSeStent, at ttte Depository, No. 1236 OHEiTNUT Street. Contributions of the following articles are earnestly solicited, at the Depository, viz: Woden Pantaloons, (partly! Slippers, wont,) 1 Socks, Woolen Drawers, | Farinaceous Food, Woolen Shirts, j Brandy and Wine. Blankets, * | oci2sthBtalQi THE UNION BENEVOLENT ASSO tLS OIATION, AN INSTITUTION FOR THB ENCOURAGEMENT OF INDUSTRY AGO SUP PRESSION OF PAUPERISM. AND THE BELIEF OF SUFFERING AMONG THE WORTHY POOR. ’At the annual meeting of-the Association, held Tues day evening, October 21st the fbUowtcg gentlemen were elected officers and Managers for the enaning year, viz: PbbsidßHT— BAMCW> r » H- PERKINS. Vide Pursuits—RlCHAßD D. WOOD, J. FISHER LEattIKG. Treasurer—B. WIL DOX, 404 Chestnut street. Corresponding Secretary— L. MONTGOMERY BOND. Recording Secbetary—JOHN H. ATWOOD. MANAGERS. Benjamin Coates, S. Morris Wain, William M Ooltins, Joseph Et. Dalles, Thomas Latimer, John Aihhurst, „ John Bcbien, Tbomaa A. Badd, William Purree, GhatLs Rhoads, A. G. Gcffip, Richard Wood, Benjamin Orne, Charles 8. Wuriz, H. D., John W. Olaghorn, . Horace Binney, Jr., Thomas Watesoa, Thomas T Tasker, John T. Taylor, Edward B. Wood, At a subsequent meeting of the Board of Managers, S. 0. GOOPEB and TBO3. EYALS were reappointed Col lectors. In view of the probable heavy demands upon the Association the coming winter, by the snperadded labors for the rick and wounded soldiers, and their fami lies, the ma&agers would respectfully ask the co-opera tion of the charitable. and all that fed an interest—and who does not I—in this high Christian object. Contri butions of money may be-sect to the Treasurer, E. WIL COX. Rea., 404 Chestnut street. Provisions, new and partially, worn clothing, blankets, shoes, Ac., or money, will be receivtd by the Agent, at the office of the So olety, and are earnestly solicited. Corn. meaL.be&os, and potatoes are acceptable articles, and can be stored on the premises until wanted. SAMUEL H. PERKINS, President. John H. Atwood, Secretary. Edmund Wilcox, Treasurer, 404 Chestnut street. Jobe fiioss, Agent, 116 South Seventh street. ®f>B s w!2t | PHILADELPHIA OITY GUARD, H E A D Q U A ETEBS, UNITED STATES 80UNTY............... .$lOO ADVANCE PAY AND PREMIUM 15 SPECIAL BOUNTY 50 COMPANY PREMIUM 5 The pay of the Recruit commences from the day he is mustered into tbe service. As soon as the Recruit Is mustered in, ha will at once be fully equipped wiih superior Clothing, and sent to GAMP PULESTON, on Indian Qheea lane, where every attention will be paid to his comfort. For further information, apply to Headquarters. J BECRUITB FOR THE REGU- H &UB ABHT OF TBE UNITED 6TA.TES WANT ED!!—S2 will be paid to any person bringing an acceptable recruit For further Information apply at tbe Kendessvous, No. 419 WALNUT Street. TfiOS. C. WILLIAMS, solT-iat* Oapt 19thIt»f.U. 8. A., Becralting Officer. vyt COMIRENTAO CAVALRr. JES —WANTED.—Two Companies to fill the Be elment of CONTINENTAL LIGHT OA- VamuY. sow in Camp Metcalfe,” HADDONPIRLD, N. J. Officers,who have had experience preferred no!7 ' JS. PEYTON, OoL Ooromanding. WBROTHERHEAD’B OIRGU • LATINS MBBABY.—AII tbe HBW Sugltsfe anif'AmeiftaE Book*, Inclmlln* HI OI.ABSK3 of Lite retoro. This to toe ONLY Library in the oountry the! toolnJee all the NSW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not BEPEIKTED here. - > - - TennuSS per year; six months S 3; flsree nion tin 81.601 one mouth IS cents, or 8 cents per dey. 213 South EIGHTH Street. ' *' • seB-8m ■CiNGMm ANDB’RENGBL.FAMIM XU OIBOULATING LhBBARY AND CABINET DE LBOTUBE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furafahed prctfff. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Lading French Li brary* r ■ i - - • • “ Catalogue de to Biblidihiquede* Dame* et des fit ftoireltof.” H. M. fiIONACHESI, Agent, ee6-4m 1323 CHESTNUT Street fTOAL. —THE UNREBSIUSXP U fees leave to inform their friends and toe pdMM that they hare wuinvwr their hl&ffiH OOAL DITOI from HOBHK-STBXBT WHABF. on toe Delaieare, t'- their Yard, ncetowest oorner of EIGHTH sad WHiIHJW Streets, when they Intend to keep the beet quality .! MHISH OOAi, ffcsß t&e mort epproTed mtore, id the lowest prices. Yotur patronace to reepeottolly seßeßeA JOS. WANTON A OSe Offlce, 112 South SBOOHI) Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-ti TNFOBMATION FOR THE PEO- A PIE —M AGEE’S CUBBENOY HOLDERS, xDaettfacturcd at No. 316 CHESTNUT .between Thiid and Fouzth., . Maiutociurtd at MAGEE’S, 316 OHBSTNUx Street. Stordteepma at a distance, please cut this out and paste it on a sheet of letter paper, and mirk opposite tht line the number of each kind wanted, and the»y will ha sent as well as if the parties were present them- SCHe*. :: n022*.3i ; T?IE AND EAR—Da. JAMES JR IjBWIB, OCULIST and AUBIBT, has again re tnrned from hi* professional tour in Enrope. and nontip located at No. 337 North SIXTH Street. Office hours from «to 12 A. H.. and 2to4P. M. **24-2mif. TT7 001/.—Just received and for sale, Y V twenty.five thousand pounds CANADA FI.KBOE WOOD, tollable for Army Goods, by T O HEMET Se 00., nr and 12 North TEOST street £tITBON.— 5 cases prime Leghorn SO cuke grime Zentz Gnrranta. in Itore end tor sale t>7 BHODKd S WILLIAMB, 10T South WATER Street no2o A EMI SOCKS AND MITTB, knit by the BLIND, for »ale at old price*, at Store. V lo fttiUition, No. 11 Booth BIBKTH Street nolO-tKiui^k* T IQUEUBS. —50 oases assorted Ia- JJJ linear*, lost Merited per *hlp Yandalia, from Bor deaux, and for SHAWL BOOH. Sine Cloaks, ready-made or made to order. Seasonable Shawls for Ladies and Kisses. BOYS* CLOTHING 1 . ©verooatß) Jackets. Bants, Saits made to order. COOPER A OONARD, nofi.tf B.E.corner NtNTH and MARKET Streets. fi HEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, KJ OIL CLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES.—Y E. ABOHAHBAULT, N. X. oorner BLEYENTHand MARKET Streets, wifi open this morning, from Auc tion) Ingrsfxr Carpets at 97,90, 62, 79, and 87 cts.: Ko ry and Blair Carpets, 25 to 65 eta.; Bag, Yam* and List Carpets, 25 to 45 cts.: Floor Oil Cloths, S 7 t 062 cts.: GilQßordered Window Shades, 62 eta to 8150; Buff and Green Window Holland, 16 to 45 cts.; Muslins, 12# to 26 cte.; Canton Flannel*. 26 to 81 cts. ocSO tbatulm WATCHES AINU JEWELRY. (SSJOOEBBOa TO PRATT * RHATH,) 607 GHEBTNUT STREET, I< constantly In receipt or ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMEBIGAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and Qualities, to suit all classes of buyers. , fc nolß-lmlf CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. T: SNODGRASS, AKM Y, NAVY, AND CIVIL CLOTH. HOUSE, No. 'Si SOUTH SECOND STREET, and' No. 23 STRAWBERRY STEBBX. I mu fall, prepared Tor the * FAliI ASK WDiriE CAMPAIGN, Baring ig Acts, sod may arise under onr own. By THBOPHILUS PABSONB, I*. D„ Professor of Lawjn Cambridge University, Ac, Ac. Sjols., Svo. For sale by BookieUers gtneraßy J. B. LIPPIHOOTT A 00., no2o-SI; . PnMi,hvrs. Philadelphia. •VTRW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS: AS THE SLAKE PO WEB. by J. E, Oaitnea, H. A THE TAX-PAYERS’'® ANOAL, oomylete. PABBHH’S. PHANTOM BOUQUET. LIGHBILL’S POPULAR TREATISE OH DEAN, 'HESS. . LOH SFELLO W’B POEHS. Cabinet Edition. ' AH9N.H THE PINES; or, toe Bottto In Seresioo Simea. HHIAH, by Heston Hsriend. ABHEW BOOKS anniUed as soon asnubUtoel. by LINDSAY ABLAKIBPBN, Pnfcltsbers and Bookseller a, *o!9 25 South BKXTg Bjreet. above. Obaibmt. A LEGSURE FOR YOUNG MEN. il Just MbUshed. Mice fl cents, a ru« editicn of tbe late Sr. UIdiVBBWBU’B OBLBBRACBHD.LBOTHKE imtoeabtgia.cltl»E*>eoduottve Powrrs. injuring De bOlty, Narvomness. Consumption, EtUei)ey, Mental and Phyalcd Eocajaelty, Ac. The *a#eai mode r>f treat, ment. wffitout agsdirii«, Is fulls axnlainea, so as to en able nn one to ba bis otm CMttoWt 'gt the least me riMAWEMUB. ti,’'-.. •' ua BOOH TO. THOUKAHBB OF HoF**«Wl« , * Sent under teal, ft e Haht.Wnvetooa, to any tgHraai, yost-paW.^on rscdpt t& slx centa, ortwo postaaa gtamia. AddresatoennbUnlwa*, ■' : - OH. J. to KLINE * oa., 121 BOWEBX, Aw York, poi-toU Vast QStsa Vox, NEW PCHUCATIONS, VOLUME OF THE THIS DAY PUBDIiEHD BY LITTLE, BSOFIf, & CO., DAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 110 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, THE UNITED STATES DIGSST, I BY H. FABNAK SMITH, Of the Boston Bar, BEING VOX., U ANNUAL DIGEST FOB 1360. Pate5;....88.60. ALSO, JUST PUBLIBDBD BOBTOH, ' Publish tfcia day I. THBO. WINTHBOP’S HEW BO3K, If. BAYABD TAYLOB’S LIFE-STORY. LES MISER ARLES. TO THE T BADE. mnr pwbhcaticsw. rpHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY POft DECEMBER, 1862. IS PUBLISHED THIS DAT. LIST OF CONTENTS, THE PROCESSION OF THE FLOWERS; by T. W. HiaaiKaotf. ONE OF MY CLIENTS. THE CUMBERLAND; by H. W. Doxgfki.t.ow. THE FOSSIL MAN; by Obablbs L. Beads. DINE IN THE OPEN RIB; by Tbkodorb: Wisturb?. A WOMAN; by Bose Tsnr.v. ABOUT WARWICK ; by Havrjwiisi Hawthop.ks. DYBIOS OF THE STREET; b7Jol.it Waed Hows. MB £XTSDD. MY HUNT AFTER CAPTAIN"; by O. W. H oemss, WAITING. REVIEWS AND LITEBABF NOIIOSS. Price of tbs Number, 26 Cents; THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. BEGINNING of a new VOLUME ntnnb&r for JannexTi 1883, begins the SIKTEKCT- VOI.WHB OF THE ATIAETM JffOSTHW, From the commencement, In 1867, the Atlantic has rapidly increased in escalation, and it now ins tbo largest dost of readers «ince in beginning, five years ago. Its prosperity steadily augments, and it continues, amid all the fluctuations mod dangers incident to onr-.national Cl iris, to gain grotmdin the estimation of the public. At a time so pregnant with events which tonch the fntnro destinies of America in every vital particular, ths Pub lishers and Editors do not deem it necessary to promise that its pages will never swerve from the honest paths of loyal patriotism and universal freedom. Its opinions have always been on the si do of Xiiberty, Progress, and Bight, end the oonreo it first adopted in its early career wilt ever be faithfully maintained. THE STAFF OF WBIT2BS regularly contributing, to the Atlantic Monthly embraces many of the beet known anther a in American literature, and warrants the pnbliihers in promising to its readers, THE BEST ESSAYS, - THE BEST STORIES, "THE BEST POEMS, which American talent can furnish. MSI OF BEGTJLAB CONTBIBUTOBS. In Prose and Poetry the “Atlantic” Staff of Writers is unequalled. The following authors are sail among thd regular contributors; James Bussell Lowell, John G. Whittles, Henry W. Longfellow, E. p. Whipple, Louis Agassiz, Bayard Taylor, Balph Waldo Emerson, Geoege S Hillard, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mbs. H. B. Stowe, T. W. Higoinsok, « The Oodktey,Pabson,” Author “MargaretHowth,” Boss Terry, ' Oliver W. Holmes, Harriet B. Presoott. The Atlantic's list of Contributors includes man of 85?" The Leading Writers os ; Terms.— The Atlantic is for sale by all Book and Pe riodical Dealers Price 25 cents a number. Subscrip tions for the year, S 3, postage paid. Yearly subscrip tions received, or single numbers supplied by any dealer, or by the Publishers. Specimen numbers sent gratis on application to the Publishers. Inducements for subscribing. Lists of premiums, etc., furnißhed on application to the Publishers. TIOKNOR & FIELDS, PBBLISHEBS, It No. 135 WAS BPS'GTOy Street, Boston, STasa. rFHE SIEGE OF RICHMOND—A JL Narrative of Military Operations of Geu McClel lan during Bay and June, 1852. By Joel Oook. 551.25. The Wagoner of the Alleghenies. A Poem of tbs Bays of Seventy-Sin. By T. Buchanan Bead. 81. The Tom Bible. By Alice, fiomeiton. IB no. go eta. The Last Bay of our Lord’s Passion. By Bsv. Wm. Hanna, Lb.D. $l. For sate by WILLIAM 3.. A ALFBBB MABTIEN, no!s No. 608 OHBSTNIJT Street. FINANCIAL. QOLD, SILYEB, DEMAND NOTES,- QUABTEBMABTEBS’VOUOHEBS, OHBOKS ON WASHINGTON, and OBBSIFIOATES OF INBEBTEBNM3S WAHTEB. 7 3-10 NOTES FOR SALE. DBEXEL & Go, no2l-lm 34 South THIBB Sireet. g 10, 25, and 50 CENT NOTES OF CITY . OF WILMINGTON, DELAWABE, REDEEMED WITHOUT CHARGE. DeHAVEN & bro., no2o-4t No. 20 SOUTH THIRD BTBEET. US. FIVE TWENTIES: 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERN MENT AFTER FIVE YEABB. I em instructod by the BEOBETABY OF THE TBEABUBY to receive subscriptions for the above - LOAN AT PAR. Interest wifi commence from the DATE OF SUB BCBIPTION, and la PAYABLE IS GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, - on the first days of Hay end November of eaoh yaw - At- toe present FRSxnra gold, these Bonds -yield - about EIGHT per cent, per annum? A frill supply always oil hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. ho 6 tf ©QQ AAA —THIS AMOUNT TO v)?Jt),vUU. LOAN in sums of *B,OOO t 085,000 on Mortgages or G. Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Btreet. noS PROPOSAXS. QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN* KJ vited until toe sth of December, 1862* for furnishlog the Subsistence DeparimeM with FOOB HUNDBED TOBS OB HAY in bales. w the first delivery to be commenced on or about the 12tb of December, and toe whole quantity pat in before toe end of said month. Ybe Bay to be shipped by water and delivered on the wharves -at Sixth street, and weighed in Waehtogtos, D.O. Didders must.. state. in .their bids the price pm .100 pounds at which they willfnrzilsh Jhe Hay. Firm* making bids must state the names of all the par tlts Interested* Pajtnenfß to.be mris in treasury notes, or.inch funds as Government may bsve.for distribution. Bids to be directed W Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. o. and 0 S.U.'fi. A. f and endorsed li Proposala for Hay.” - n022-llt rpHE OHIO KIVER IS NOW IN GOOD BOATING ORDER, W» ABB.PBEPABED TO GITS T H R O-U Gr H, RA\T E B. TO ANT JPOnSTT , BETWEEN RITTSBURQ A if-; J> ST. LOUIS-. 8. B. KINGSBON, JR , n052-6l* Ftolght Agent. O;. BRIGHT A 00., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 8. E. 008. WSJBEB AND,. OHSBYHUI BTBEEtB, PBILAEjELPaiA. Agent, f tola or.tbnPtdanto of tha - i> HO UiasWa BK su»AB BEKYREB,^-' “■ iioiiai. GRCiOEBB’ BUH-VE HOUSE wKb.BG : QF PHILAD«»yBIA. UUANDY, FURS OH*& AND WINK VJBJOKIAa. GRBSR QJFGBH, I|UBTjMO> SKSIS, SFIOSS, fee., lie. AHtoangal*Ueafor IMMnIwMA BhAhng Psnpoam ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEBbEF IN FINE GBOOIUUE9, EMI UOBHEB ELEVEHTH AND TINE AMUSEMENTS. HAJSDEL AND HAYDN HAM*, -£ «BAB» BMJHED OOSOEEI will be gift* tut tact or CDKIS'r/Bvangsiicoi Reformed) OHUBCIK,, oa T ™* HiISDKx. asi) haydn haeg. Eighth and Spring Garten streets. On this occasion will be given eholcs eeloctions’&oi* Boss!*!, Haidel, Hayde. %»rt etc, by . a tmoaag, Oondncted by Prof 3- H- FrilliTd.aßsisuyJdynb'eccora.. pe&imenta on On&AN and FlgKO, ty rraf.). A. OetnA, Tiic solos will be soßtained by eminent Artists, tvne’ have SirdDy tsndrrcd tbelr aid. , i- - ABHIBSroK, FIFTY CENTS;. Or> Three Tickets for One be an; mtmber of the Ohorch* and at ttwEaU on the tog of Oomcert. Doors open & quarter past 7. To coiraier co at B’o’clocfe tjUBBT FUJBMC KEEEAifcSAIi Of T3E' GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. A GBAMD BSO3IQAS. FE3TIVffI. To be given at the MH3IOAE rBND’ fi’AEE, For the Btae6t of the ■. ■.- OBSaa- COf o'c'ook. Ga tba oMMito the Germania Orchestra will vriAni a Tarioty of ohotae popotar ptow*,-operetta » a OOO to 515,000 to invest, She baafoeer, being now condactedfaponanexclTisivßir catb and short- time basis, fs at present in tbe best possi ble shape, and can be proven by tbta year's experience as being capable, by aid of additional means, to be made a very sate and lucrative one, • Communications, with reel name and address, (others could not be noticed,) which will be held strati? cmfi deutla?, will be addressed through Box No: 1908* Phila delphia Post Office. no2o- 3c#* ' QALESMAN WANTED —A Dry O Goods Commission House would esga?e the see- Tices of air energetic young salesman, having a kuow-- tedge of the business. No others need offer. Apply as 220 CHESTNUT Street noIB toth* St moTOCRAFHS. t)EAI)iB i—A splendid opportunity IX is offered at BEIHEE’3. BKCOUD J1Y1826. - The snhsetiber, wishing to retire from business, wttt dispose of his STORE. It to eitnated on toe Northeast corner of BALTIMORE ond GAY Streets, two of the principal thoroughfares of toe dtv. is is~fuU eperatton, mid doing a large PRESCRIPTION > AND RETAIL Bnsinees, with a patronage of the highest rfspsotobillty. The stand comprises a front Store mid Back Boon; two large Rcoms io second story j a large Cellar, Sagged; a amal! Yard, with Hydrant, Ac. Bent moderate. Fixtures of the first Quality, with a comp*et« stotA of GENUINE DRUGS, OHEHIOALS, and F4NOY AB TICLES, with all-toe BEOIPES ter the PROPRIE TARY ARTICLES* As good an opportunity, for business is seldom offend to the trade. Addrcfa THOB. G. MACKENZIE, Northeast corner BABTIMOBE and GAN Sts., &o 6 thsfo9t Balttmora, HO* OAK TIMBER LAND FQKSALB. The fubscrlbfir will sell in fee (or on stumpage about l.fOO&cree of Timber La’ <3, situate on the nort side of Money mountain* la Bald Eagle Valley, and moat of it bounded by tbe Bald Eagle creek, west of Onion yiUe, or FUtriing. Tbe timber la chiefly white oak,large and tajl, at-d Jhe average dUtsace from the Tyrore and Lock Haven Bellroad.(now in u*e from Tyrone to these leads) will not exceed one fomth of a Q}ile from tbe beet part of tbe sew timber. This is probably tbe best lot of oak timber oa ear x allroad is Pennsylvanift He will alepietl five tract*, is Glistoatonnhi of TIM BER end, STOHE COAL LAKE?, laying on the sooth side of the Tangaacoolpch crest, beginning about thra> . mites from tbe Bmqoebanna and extending op eaiXv creek.. For terns apply to. BOSO 6i* a MARSHAL'S .SAA.ES. Tt/TARSHAL’S SALE. —By virtue -af IVI a Writ of B*l®, b* the Hon- JOHN OADWAiA PER, Jodgtjof tb« District Oontt of the Uaited States, lB and for t&e Eatfera District of F«sßirlT&&ia, la Ad nlnltTf to n» directed, bft Sold at public ltld< 5# Itt tiigbeet and best biddae, fin? ctibt at CililiOWUHil*- BTBEBI WHAEJVon SfQHDAY, PecemDerlet. 1882, at 12 M-.tbncargoof gMsshoonerDAVlD OBO'IISKTT, consisting of I*S2 bind* of Tnit»Bttne end 10 tgnrel* of Bonin. ' ■ WINHIABf MII.I.WAai>, tf,«. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Pmi.Aosl.PHlA, November 20,1862. no2l 6t , PIANOS. TfiE RIMBST ASSQBT- If fir * mot; of new, aaodem, and danbl* FZ»«. B4OO. Abo. KQODBOHB ara HABMOBIBatS, b* «ifcs «t a *re*t**hio»ton, or M SDsnnKmtttrtesMbaeato. JAHOES BB.T.ftK, Ttou£ ffl SonSiKEnH fltresfc abw Svntee. NITED STASES B.EVITOIj; VAX.—The undersigned, TJolfel States Assessor, for Ifco, Seventh division of the Firat dlrtrlct, Sv en gaged d»Dy 'in making Aeee«*e*st* - for •■£*• Ones. . " . TMJS AND EAR.—PROFESSOR J JEJ IBAACB,OOTObBST AP AHBIBT, *»® dm), Holland, la peixjaneßfir located ef Ho. all Pl« •Street, wtisft jmhodi (dUclKi sib disease® of tbs 111 or vireaiei «d» etoe gnanstted, If cwaWA ABUFeOIAi* HIB to aertedsctfhoiit join.H, WD <*•**« amlnatlen. poB-12*» npEBMATOBEHffiA GAN EE OUBBD.—UB BAUD’S SPBOiriC cures Sperma torrhees, Seminal Weakness, tmyotsmer, boss of Power, Ac , «ad rr«Xvn%- A trisl of the BPBOIPIO will convince die meet skegilael of its merit*. Price*! a box. Bent nest-paid to inyadfireee by B.C. HPHAH, No tOSO@g|TSUT Street. BowtsUre OircuUrs eeot foe*. noLM4e#r