Philadelphia Markets. November 15—Evening. djma uti for Floor Is limited, both for ihipmen 7>3 n« ■ sales comprise about 900 bbls, mostly In Ot'so 28»6.5TX for anptrfiuo; 86 76aT for s® 3 ' Ji i5(,7 26 for extra family (theformer Tor North and *BaB 60 W bbl for fancy Ohio, including v ails'W B< Thomas’extra on private terms. The 15 (hi) retollers and bates are within the same “* l: t of prices, and high-grade fancies at 88 73a9.25 W i according to' bi aid and quality. The receipts and i.iwetlnn* light for the season. Bye Flour is scarce, In a small way at 86 60«6 76 V bbl. Cora «d fj, wanted, and Ptnnsylvanla Is selling at *8.60 W Brimdvwino « quoted at 84.' ■ , The offerings are light, and the market Is nice] with solos of 6,000 bns to note, at 145«1450 ftt ffiatsrn and Pennsylvania reds, the litter for ohoioo, ,0( , irSal66o for white, as In quality, iaolnding I,OOJ bos ihVra red at 148 c. Bye is steady, at 90»91c for Dela- S nl “, r ( j pooOßo ior Pennsylvania. is firm, and about 6,000 bus PonnaylvinU and yellow Bold at 740,' afloat. 3?““' or a unchanged, and 700 bns Delaware sold at "sniaU sales of Pennsylvania are making at 42a41c C b !l! Is In demand, and small sales of ®'l! i ore reported at $B7 V” ton. *''ifniH —The market Is more active, and prices have .41rnt 2® 3c V tt>, with small sates of middlings at «r lb, cash. tii.tcHni? 3 —-There la more doing in Eugar and Oof .wimWia of theformer have advanced «o4P' lb, .moll sales of Onba at IOeIQJKc 4? lb. Bto Ooffee '"‘“.jl,, at spaSZo V" lb, ; and SOoßle for Laguayra, pV'ivtitoßS.-—The matket continues qniet, aud prices , ,ln»t kinds are unchanged: siksof Moss Port are Dl K” p B t $lB 26 # bbl. Lard—the stock oa sale is Snod email! lots are selling at 1001.0 for bbts aud [ '■*„ nt, tier Is firm! audprioea well maintained; solid 2*’ed sellitß at 14«26c #' lb, and roll at 16t>26c, as to “ jifr Ege» are worth 19020 c W dozen. 1 —there Is rather more doing In Clover, and have advanced; sales of 800 bus at 8900 40 #* I! - 1 iuiothy is selling at $2 26 4P' bns. A sale of 600 k .4he'a Flaxseed is also reported at 8*.7« V bin *V‘,t‘sr tsquiet, lb s selling in a smull way at 400 for end 38c gallon fordrndge. OINOINNATI PBOYISION MAItKBT, Nov. 14. niton fchoulders wore sold at 6o loose, and wo hear in ili'rccily that 6)(o was dealiued. Holders, though not {greeting say demand other than from tbs G>verument, •Jsril the stock as light, otid.ore unite Arm in asking •suljc; prlnclpailyihow the latter figure. Baoon Sides wsioll, and will not bring over 6>(o—a most singular ftsiure of the trade that they should be worth only so uttio more than ehonldere. Lard met with considerable iwuiry at B*o, but there was only a sms 1 quintny sold St loss thou 9c—that was at n off. Oreon Meat) have ,r duller market. Bams sell at 6}j a6%q, Shoulders at iy'o, nnd Sides are nominally quoted at oc. OBIOAGO BREAD3TUFFB MARKET, November H—Flour —Received,.6,BB9 bbls; shipped, 6,000 bbls. Market more active and a Bhade firmer, but pribsa are wltheUtdecided efaango. Sales were: Winter extras— IfObbls 11 Hall's Challenge” and 100 bbls ‘J Grant” risice grades at 88: 100 bbls (brand not named) at C «67S • 100 bbls at $5.50; 60 bbls good at 8! 40. Spring ,rtrsj—loo bbta •• Pickwick” choice at $5 06; 100 bbls lifloodwln’s Imperial” at $5; 400 bbls •‘Brown’s Mills” slWirFallß) afs4.9o: 100 bbls (brand not named) at Saad • 100 bbls good extra at *100; 100 bbls at 84.60: inn bbls «Jerome & Boss,” 200 bbts .*> Northwest," anil S bbla u Clinton," all at $4 46 j' 100 bbls at 84 40; ,! so. some 1 COO bbls different brands on private terms; i l ', string supers at s3—all delivered. 1 u'hyat—received, 48,280 bus; sh ppsd, 28 600 bus. virisi mere active and Jf ole better. Sales were: iut« Stades—4oo bus No. 2 white at 9S J; 6 000 bus Sr 2red at 940: 6,000 bus do at 94N0 i 2,000 bus do at r.c ■ 1800 bus njeeted red at 9to No. 1 -tprtng—4,6oo i.n,'(lu Moon & Scottjs and Galena) at 90o; 5,800 bus An ton 4 ecott’s) at 91c,: No. 2 Spring-890 bus at 11.500 bus at ,77c400 bus at 77Xc; 16,000 bus i,;00 bus at 7?Xo;.8,000 bus at. 790 Bejscted gstittf-HiCOO bus at 8805 4'400 baa at 67c; 1.600 dm at 6'<%c 1 400 bne at 88c—all the above iu Btore. 080 PS IN lOWA.—The yield of wheat in lowa is •silmatsd at 22,000,000 bushels this year, boiug 1,750.000 Sarttls more than the crop of IS6I Tbore have been 1,328,000 acres cultivated this ceaion in oorn, which wi l rleld 56,260,000 bushels, or an excess ov-r the crop of last year of 16 0(0,000 bushels. Hay, 1,000 090 tons; siisbnm, 8,000 000 gallons; and potatoen double last asi's quantity. The Btate wIU be able to oxcart this ;tar£l7sCoO oattle and 900,000 hogs. The increase of iltop hos been about one third during the past year, asking the number in the State 260,000 ihAiimis mTELi,reisrrcß. HT3SIIO FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. I!:'! Blickflrii, Fairchild, 20 davs from Pensacola, In tgjlut to J B Bassley & 00. :!r ; s Ann, Herriok, ST da?a from BUokEtver, Iti with 18? ton* logwood to D N Woziur Sc Uo Ex rw'raced heavy weather the entire paasage; splltsail-t, *o. Btbi E Murray, Smith, from 'Baliimore, with mdse to .ajt.aie. ■ c:ht Diamond, Townsend, 3 days from Indian Hirer, M with com to Jas L Bewley A 00. Star Former, West, 1 day from Milford, Del, with jfiiia to Joe Barratt A Son. Scbr Cure, Master, 1 day from. Brandywine, Del, with tmm<o R M Lea. ■> " SMiner Fanny Garner, Pierca, 21 houra from New with mdie to W P Clyde. Steamer Mere, Nichole, 21 houra from Bow York, with riiato W M Bahd & Co. CLEARED. Bath: Thai Dallett, Dunoan, Laguayra, Dallott & Son. Stnr Bowinn. Fader, St Kitts, Janretoae 4 Lavergne. Sclir S 11 Hammond, Gerri.h, Now, Twelve! 00. Schr T:i phsiiia, Nickerson, Wloklord, 0 F Norton 4 Oo Scbr B Martin, Tnrpln, Berlin, Md, captain , Setae Sente B Jacob?, Dennis, Middletown, Tyler, Stone !■■ fu. Scbr i> P B icktnan, Hagan, Alexandria, do Scbr 51 4 &lßger, Magee, Newbprn, 1 - do SchrK Bildtn, Street, Alexandria, do Soltr Blllott, Avis, Forlresa Monroe, do ‘ Star 1: 8 Konnedy, Shortcnl Washington, J W Bacon. Scbr Bilrabeth Ann, Quinn, Eookport, L Andenried 4 Co. , Seer Ida L Howard, Jones, Baltimore, captain, clr SI L GaW, Her, Baltimore, A Grows, dr. ' Sir Bristol, Charles,vNew Tork, W P Clyde. BT TELEQIUPH. (Uorreepondenee of the Philadelphia Bxohange.) * LEWES, Del, M0v.16. Two ships came in this morning, one et whiohiasup l*sfil to bo the Westmoreland, from L.vcrp-joi. Too Mrs,] AchilUs, from Pensacola; St James, from N York: f 9 gjraboat Wammtta, and brig Julia Ford, from Port S<;nl, wti.h came in yesterday, are also at anchor in fti Boadfctcad. Wind very strong from the eastward. • Yaws, *c. JOHN P. Marshall 0 1 TT i rB M B. M.4Oh',TiCFOT Stock of Ladies’ Furs.— Bmhs Charles O&kford & Son, Nos. 831 end 833 Chest ut street, under the Continental Hotel, have now in lt>r» (be rkhcßt, meat varied, and in all respects the etdatcactlre stock of Ladies’,. Fancy Furs ever offered H tlj di y. Their prioea, also, are remarkably reasons ■to. :,. . Fine Old Br’lkdy for Hedicihal Fpr f ,!, —Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family grooe- H:i, .Itch and Tenth ste., has now on hand a rare iot.ol ;ir« gennine Old Brandy, expressly designed and adapted raedtcinel purposes. It-its snoh an atltcie as every lii,:,,' should have at hand in case emergency should re .-ii. Its use. Gehts 3 Furnishing Goods, in greatestva -8m? tdsptedfer the season, and got up tor the epsciai 3ie!ctt end gratification of gentlemen of taste, can he lists at the splendid store of Oakford & Son, under the Owiaettei Hotel, Atb on Board for the South Pacific.”— Cap', 'b tiiliia recommences this evening bis rega in oilU'j trips to the South and North Pacific whaling !icae5 IWAitmen 'l or do I bring the recruits in the raw, * n &t bv putting the furniture on them, make them gen- These things need explanation. fosRAL McClellan Arrested.—Major ® atrj l McClellan paid a visit to the city on Saturday gating, and while pawing along Chestnut street, above , Ilk his attention was arrested by tha appearance of the ! stock of suits for civilians and „f uniforms for •Stiry men displayed at the Browo-Stone Clothing ’’•Hi KrkfciU & Wilson, Nos. 608 end 606 Chestnut •‘-t The General immediately went in and procnred a tt'ifo culftt for the winter. This clroutnstanos gave •’te is the startling report with which wo bo:d oar pira it was not himself, but his attention, that was krttMl. Grange of Fortune..— Nick Biddle’s part-- ? ir ' feroo Stelnbergcr, died in Bt. liouU on the 14th nit., ’ r! laced cireamttanees. With Biddle be once divided “’ lI nmiiora if itllars in a cotton speculation. He used dinners which cost *lO,OOO. Finally, however, ' ,olk to f peculating lost his money, begin to drink k! ai IBBt “threw up his hand,” poor and friendless, s * •'hetrsst between such men and . the man who is,; C , (coc °inr, by purchasing his clothing at the pa. of Granville Stokes, Ho’ 609 Chestnut ' ,bBre cheapest fall and winter garments in the are on ham, . MvalFat the hotels, u, ‘ 110 o’clock XjSST NIGHT. MurrS* 1 *® 41 and Chestnut sta. X«toi « n “ b ’ Ky W J Brittingbam, Maryland if ar f la ?d Alfred Bartlett, Cincinnati htiiffl p p?d “frophia James Turner. New York W°td, ÜBS J 8 K-ndsli, New York: £amea 1 "J'Hmere A B Mndge, Baltimore ®ll ,! aore- :i:Com Q B Balob, USN ' , >oil!r?!, r °w k t K York Sami 8 Hartwell, N Jersey r ,c « Joha n v l*** Miss Borden. N Jersey : »Cs! K i llv Mr Augvro. New York I f «oter n 2 J olk - !■* J#o W Smith, New York ' J P Buff, Boston ?' 5 PlnmW k| KwTork h.O Merrill, Wisconsin J;5 Oftnnn tt.hi Sami J Pontz. Baltimore 'flJsryjß T W Brown, Massachusetts '■* *»<«L Wl'ton V°l k 5 -ii ®lw & la, Ohio TMallW t°? J w Reynolds, Penn# .f * R P,,,°L i /JI 8 ? 7 8 D Stockton, New Pork ?; K n Bm,?u t , w i’ M»ine Gso W Lawrence, Boston Jf floitoa 011 ? *<• W B Crosby, Jr, New York i «>„ a £ *•»•* *. & wf, Indiana “ba t Halifax, N 8 O D Palmer ?“ 0 ®enbnry, Ot B Tweed, Danbury, Ot P OrU v % Ne S York H Burr &U, Boston Ski KB,'i !{ "LX? rk Ca P* 0 K yohe - Wash, D C WHDuuoan,NYork Yotk .Ohaa’J Gould, N. York , £ 6 ? n J HTork jAcobSlaeper, Boston t} 1 BpxjfV 'rPS B^? 11 ' W»'‘W«tootl;, Boston ‘ £ d « BeriPJ I, HB Burns, U SB. j, Z '.-liru;,,^’„ lioston DB Kershaw ii'ttPsrw! . - Alt iblcson, Baltimore dm Auborn » Hough, Memphis . 1? Steens * 1 ? „„ B G Boebuck, Ohio II hq r ,s ,a > » York Mrs L S B;eers, B Island t 8 Z'Cv I ' tnna I. B Langlay, N York S G *trku u *"! F "Tisb’g W a Bell, Hatrhburg »! Tk W6s!i B K v lfb , ur * De Forrest, N York tiJUtbb W v °L k Mr Be.nnlds, N York I° rk T Heidy, Baltimore i-lmesUßH* J®»* Beard, Wash,.» 0 v,' ao KUnt. Lovett, Westchester « i hcf ! bbl^ t 6“; D 0 I Huntington, N York J a '-Win nil ?f ltimore T 8 Thomai. jr, Newark •‘ bsil * ln ,Brooklyn . W E Stamford, K York i|’S Cl trke n 1 / 1 *? 84 J Vetsbutg, N York h? 11**8,, > 0 8 H H B Hoely - 8 W Henry O Smith, Baltimore iiV'tU urllM A Balmollr . . k'lHbs,, , _ Ii W Smith Pa. 4 i" h 'i K|, t “A?, Balt H Duflield. Altoona, Pa illr,! 6il, y, A!l«a m “ !,ot i H Elm k lad r- Now York Mrs Spooner, New Bedford lf S , al ‘sin a , 7* B ,« df «8 J P Harley, New York h wI tI S-* I ' n 6 p Hoigl«nd, Fort Wayne a>l»i, Z 4„„f 8 " Y« k B Ball Z raesvllle, Ohio ? b '° Moses DUlon, Zanesville, O , < l ,‘ nr 'M !i! , sb ' Do OEeudall, Wilmington, Del ib3,!‘l'<'*. 8t Loaf. ? ««»• *,Kf‘ . Khide Idand B E B °* W6 H; Oorlath, BiUi HBBOHANTS’ HOTEt-FoortH *t„ below Arab, F Foster, Hew Fork S Li ly, Hew Jersey J Templeton. Wash’n, Pa H Hook, Lancaster Col Q A MWock, Va Oapt Obas Ktafft, Va T Border, Mnrticsbury, Va T H Hines Js wt, H V Jan E Griffin, Chester, Pa Nelson Haas, Oolnmbla Isaac Clark, Hew York T Newman, New York A Bison, Washington, 0 Ii K Bowen, Maryland H Homburger _ Hon S J Anoona, Beading G M Dittor, Somerset. 0 B Farrell, Schuylkill Haven John Byftt>, By raouse, NY SP Bust, Syracuse, N Y J A Carroll, Syracuse, NY J W Pa- tor, Pa James B Orr, Pa . ' I) L Montgomery, USA Tbos J ft core Thos I, McNamara, Pa Wra Bormtr, Brooklyn John B Oarnonter, Del Goo F Wright Joa H Anderson, marietta Mias A Ander; on, Marietta J Jefery, New York D McCoDVlile, Steubenville Hon J 8 Black, York, Pa DHH CausdoU,Ky ® Dennison, Manstteid. O J B Aideu-Pittsburg ! 8 M Bricker, Wash’n, DO M Folly, New York James Davis, Maryland w Batnsey, Illinois Peter Beiily, New York M Mundy, Princeton, Tnd V J Deau & la, Huntingdon J tyvingslcn,Carlisle 8 Strickland, Beading Ohm I. Green, Pa J D McKee I< G Boobuck, Ohio 8 Staphlet, Ohio AMERlCAN—Chestnut street, above BIBS. Bobt Oarbarf, jr, Baltimore C Thompson. Conn J E Armstrong, New York J T Mortimer, Wash, D 0 E Ainsworth & la, N Yoik G H Newhall, Piov", B I Jasß Sunil, York, Pa WBKing, York, Pa OHi Manchester, Prov. BI WMo Mannis, Ft Monroe t( W Benedict, Hear Haven 8 Isaacs W 8 Malany, w Chester A Woodhnll, New York Thca Himes, Penna Miss J T Mortimer, D 0 W F Donaldson, Taraarma A H Light, Poona Geo Toggo, Bermuda W H Hawley, Boston W Jemeton, USE 0 P S Bennett J R Wolcott, Wash, DO H UfTonderfor, Harp Ferry lit Magte, Harper’s Ferry P 8 Sehopp, Heading 12 HXircom, IT S A f F Haines, West Chester M T Jeffers, Weßt Chester H Pendiotm, Delaware W Bogore, New York Isaac Hammond, Ponna I, Goldsman, Milwaukee A W Norris, USA ST. LOUIS HOTEli—Chestnut street, above Third, B Montgomery L Watohel, Franklin J Yan 1 roup Sc wf, Baltimore M Roberts, Massachusetts J B Adams, Lawrence J F Sargent, lowa O Fiizsimmds, Ballimore Mr Lomaxson, Baltimore George W MHtB, N York W B Simpson. Wheeling W B Thompson, Harrisburg P Gannon, Harrisburg B Hart, Carlisle WH Jones B Lameon A B Stimpson, Newark, N J J H Jarnham & la, Mass H Larkins, Trenton, N J John Baker, Mass F Haynes, Newark, Del J Derenburg, N York H Somtnen, Brooklyn THE UNION—Arch street, above Third, - M T Blacker, M Chunk Oapt Thos 0 Steele, Penna L E Alien, Boston • AV Ho Ustaltier Peter MoFadin, Maryland SC Halt Ala Obas E Town, Bath, Mo G B SUlymah, PottsviUe P B Hammerer, Ohio W Wolff, New York Sami Whitman, Penna STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth, W Skileg, Uniontown T B Tilton, Uniontown O Bofbnck, New Jersey N A Eggleston, Blrmlng'm A T Burrows, Deposit Thos E W att, Pittsburg GC Tharp, Liverpool, Pa H L Goodwin. Penna Miss B Hemdio, Penna D Peterman, New York G W Hampten, N J Addison T Mansell, Md 8 Pollock viilc, on Tuesday morning, the 18tu Inst., at 11 o’dlock.-: f m KO9EBS—On tho 15th inst,, near Burlington, N 3,, Obatles M. Bogers, in the 33d year of his ago. Due notice will be given of his funeral. - • * BUBTON—On Friday, the 14th inst, Susan B , wife of Captain Wm Barton, aged 34 years.’ Thß relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend tbo funeral, from the residence of her husband, No 346 Wharton street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’oieck. Services at Trinity Church, Oatharine.street, at 3 o’clock. . T : . . - ~ WILSIEB On the 16th Inst., at the residence of hl« father. Tfaos. Wllmer, Eugene iWtlmer, serlie 36 t» year < f his ago. ' PA It BY —On the 13th instant, Edward Parry, Jr., an d 48 yea's *’ ’DOUGHE BTY—Or, the 14th Instjnt, Mr. Edward Dougherty,'aged 78 years. < - * OLER —On the 18th instant, Henry Oler, In the 37 >h year of Usage. .. * ■' T>LAOS DEESB GOODS.—SLACK JLf Velour Beps, Velour Ottomans, Grain de Pondres, EpingUnes, FopeHnes, Frenoh Merinos, Frenoh CasU meres, cheap Cashmeres, ail. wool Mousseline do Laines, Single and double widths; choap'Do Laines; Tamlses, Baratheas, Drcpd’Almas; English and Frenohßomba zines; Silk warp Cashmeres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Satin do Chines, Bombazine Alpacas, Ac. Also, Black Silks and t bawls of every description. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, ocliO-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, THYRE & LANDELL, M2A FOURTH and ABOH BTBEETS. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magnificent Silks. Megnifloent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. ' Good Black Silks. ‘ Richest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Biasios- seSO-tf TIIE EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF LL_3, the Young Men’s Christian Association of Phiia atipbia will be held at CONCERT HALL.. Chestnut st, above Twelfth, on THURSDAY EYE SING next, (20th' Inst ), at o’ctock. The Bov. 1 anicl 0. EJdr, D. D., pattor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, of this city; Bov. Joseph T. Euryea, of New York, and others, are ex pooled, to deliver addresses. Among other interesting features of’tbfe occasion ; wfU bo. the retiring address of the President, Goo H. Stuart, Etui, and tho inangnration of George Cookman, Esq , President elect for the ensuing year. : Tlckola may be had, without charge, at the rooms Of the Association. Nca 10C9 and 10U OHE3TNOT Bt, on and after MONDAY, the 17thinst. no!7 4t# (v-==- TWENTIETH REGIMENT P. M.— IX3 Viotimsby the carelessness of the employees on the Cumberland Valley Railroad who yet survive will please send a smtenfont of the extent of thsir iojaries, verified, if possibie, by a physician’s certificate, to the CUSTOM HOUSE, at an early day, addressed to WSfr B. THOM aS. nols 8t WB> A LADIES* FAIR, IN AID OF THE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL,” BROAD and WASHINGTON Streets, will be held at the SB corner FIFTEENTH and MARKET Streets, over Yanmll’s drug store, commencing MONDAY, Nov. 17, and c niinuing all the week. Admission ten cents. nols-39t. NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, IXS I’nn.ABEU'HU, November4,lBB2 — Thefoliowing Besclntion was . this day adopted by the Board of Direo tora and ordeied to be published: Eesolved, That the unsold portion of the Stock of this Bank bo efiered to the present StoekboMers at.par, each Stockholder to have tho privilege ot taking si pro rata share, according to a soaiemdopted by the Board, pro vided eubscription and payment be made before the first day of. January,'lB6B. nol4*jaT J. W. TQBBEY, Oashier. wea NOTICE.—THE FIRST OF A COURSE OF TB REE LECTURE 3 on the HOLY L AND will be dtlivtredby WILLIAM WHITE' WILLIAMS, of Now York. In the second Beformed Presbyterian Obnrcb, TWENTY-SECOND Sireet, below CaUowhiU, on.TUESDAY EVENING next, 18lh Inst. Snbject- Forty Days in Jerusalem, or a Sketoh of Palestine and a Dfecrintion of Jerusalem, • Tickets for the C0ur5e.........................59 cents. Single Tickets ...........25 “ For sale at Martien’s,Book Soto, Presbyterian Beard of Publication, ,Pjesbyterian House Tract"Socisty, and the Store of Wm. S. Bentoul, Sixth, above Market. nol4 41* yy==* OFFICE OF DELAWARE MUTUAL U 3 SAFE CY INBUBANOE OOMPASY, PKILi- BELraiA, November 12, 1862. , . The Board of Directors have this day declared a cash dividend of TEN PEB CENT, on the Capital Block, and SIX PEB.OEST. interest on the Scrip, of the Com pany, payable on and after the first Decemheriproximo. They have also declared a Scrip dividend of FOBTY PEB CENT, on the Earned Premlams for the year end ing October 31, 1862 Certificate* for which will be ia ened to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first December proximo—the Company assuming tha pay nteDt of at! Texes on the above Dividends. The Board of Directors have ordered, alao, that the re mainingbntstand ing Scrip of the Oompacy of the Issues of the years prior to 1868 be redeemed in cash on and after February 2, 1663, from which date all interest thareon shall cease, .- poll 6t HENBY LYLBUBN, Secretary. rw=» THE FIRST LECTURE OF THE Uof OOUBSE, in aid of the OB U BOH OF ST. MATTHIAS Will be deUverd at CONCERT HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 18.1862, at 8 o’clook, by theßt. Bev.JOHN HSNBY HOPKINS, D. D. Sub ject—“ Astrology, Divination, and Neormnanoy.” Tickets forsate at O. M. Burns’, 911 Chestnut street; Episcopal Book Denository, 1224 Chestnut street; Wyeth & Bros, 1414 Walnut street, and at the Hall. Price 26 cento. nolO-Btff fto==* TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT, to FBNNSYL VANIA It AIL BO AD COMPANY, Philadelphia October 17,1862. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOOB PEE OENT. on the Capital Block of the. Company, elear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after November 16th, 1862. Powers of attorney for the Collection "of. Dividends oan bo had on application at this office. - THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, oet 18-lm No. 238 South Third street. rw@* CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA LJoi COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. K, corner SE- Y»STH.Bi!d OHBSTNUT Streets. Bock teeptog, Penmamhip, Calculations, Sco. Open Day and Evening.: Individual Instruotloii.-TweDtv five per cent off regular price*. nol2 61* «wag»* OFFICE OF THE- SURGEON-ARTIST lo TO THE ABMY AND NAVY, Philadelphia, Oct. 24th, 1862. , Wouudod Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply Immediately at the offiee of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government, No 1606 OHESTEUT Sheet. B. FRANK PALMEB, oc26tf Government Surgeon-Artist. rvc=- MECHANICS’ BANK—PHILADEL- U 3 phia, October 7,1862. - The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banting House on MONDAY, November 17, between the bouts of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M ocß-tnol7 J. WIEGANB, Ja, Cashier. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP.—PHI. ILs LADfSL PHI A. November 4,1862 —The Diraot ora have'this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the capital stock for the last sir months, pay able on demand, elear cf United States and State tax. n0512t JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. IVSg=» FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS' LL2 BANK— Philadelphia, October 6,1862. Tbe Annual Eleotion for Directors will be held at the Basking House on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the hours of 8 o’clock A. M aud 3 o’otook P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a genera! mooting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter. W. EUSHTON. Ja , oc7-tnol7 Cashier. ws> NOTICE l HAVE APPOINTED GUS- U 3 T&V GUMPERT, No. 1619-MARK-ET Street, As sisiant Assessor, under the Internal Revenue Tax Law, for Division No 6jf. which ii comprised within the li mits of the weet aide of Broad street to the Schuylkill river, and from the north side of Chestnut street to the south side of Aroh street. THOMAS W. BWENEY. : United States Assessor Second Collection, Distriot of Pennsj Ivasia. noll-vfinSt rvr==- COMMONWEALTH BANK—PHILA ULS naLPHiA, October 6,1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the, hour* of 10 o’clook A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Honee, at 10 o’clock A. M. ou7-*tuthatnol7 H. O. YOUNG, Cashier; THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.- UJS Philadelphia,' October 6,1862. The anneal meeting of tbe Stockholders will be held at the Banbina House on TUESDAY, November 4,1862, at 12 o’clock M. ! The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Heuse on MONDAY, November 17,1862, be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P M. ocB wfn:tnol7 B B. OOMEGYB, Cashier. «ng»> COMMERCIAL BANK OF FENNSYL- Uig VANIA. PHiLipELPHIA; Oot 13,1861. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 12 M. The annual electionfor Directors will beheld at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A. H. and 2 P. M, ocl3-mwftl7 8. O. PALMER, Cashier. 7 ry==. CONSOLIDATION B A N.K.-PHILA- Lk3 DEL ?HIA, Ootoher 9, 1832 - The Annual Election for DfBEOTOB3 will he held at the Banking Honsa on iIOND iY, the 17th day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A- Bt and 2 P- M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, at 12 M. foclO-fmwtnlT] JOS. N. PEIB3OL. Cashier. rvsj==> SOUTHWARK BANK. Iks Philadulphia, October 7,1862. The ANNUAL ELECTION for DIBEOTOBS wfflbe held at the Banking Houeeon MONDAY, the 17th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o’clock H. - ocB. wfmmol7 F. P. STEEL, Oashier. GIRARD BANK.—PHILADELPHIA, H!S October 9,1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at (he. Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of the Stock holders will be held at the BSme place on TUESDAY, the 4th of November, at 12o'clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, oclO-fmw- tno!7 flashier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADA , UkJI October 15,1862. 5 he Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the banking honse, on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the hours oi 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P M. G. M. TBOUfMAN, oclAthrtutnl7 Cashier. nragaa BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. 113- FHH.ABBUdHA, Oct. 11,1862. An election foi thirteen Directors will be held at!tho Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between 10 o’clock A M. and 3 o’clock P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, tbedth day of No vember next, at 10 o’clock: A. H. • ocl9-mwftnl7 JAMES BUSSELL, Cashier. BANK OF COMMERCE-PHILADEL- Ik3 peia, October 6, 1802. The Annual Election for Directors will beheld at the Banking House on MONDAY. the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 A M. aud 2 P. M.! A general meeting of the Stockholders will bo held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12o’clock M. - . 7J. A. LE WX3, cc7-tnthatoolB Oaihier. .MS 3 OFFIDE GIRARDF&M INS CO., 415 U-S WALSUTtt, PHILiDELPEIA.Nov 10,1852. —The Diiec'ors hav.c this Cay declared a divitenl of FOUB DOLL ABS per shore for the last six month:, pay able to the Stockholders on and aftor this da'e, •• ALFBED S. GfLLBTr, ne?2-wrm9t : - .Treasurer. TNDEPENDENCE CITY CADETS.— X The Acsdemy of tho subscriber for the MiUtsry In struction tf youth, being now in successful .operation at the ABttOBY, northeast corner of EiGHTSENTH and OBESTNUT Streets, he solicits a call from those intereMnc iu this lirauch of, Education, on the days of drid. Mondays and Thursday, at 4 o’clock P. M. A' Class is proposed of lads from, the age of lShp we rd, ai d a list is open for subscribers. . ; . > For further particulars apply to .... ; ' .G .BOKENDORFF: u~l7 6t No. 1912 OOATKS Stred. LANGUAGE AND UTE VJT BiTDßE.—Professor FEED A. BOBSE’3 gra duated Olsßfes and Lectures for the term, of FIVE DOL LARS per twelve weeks, have now commanood. For programmes, particulars, and subaoriptioos, pleaseoall at Mr. F. LEYPOLDT’B Pnokstore, 1323 CHESTNUT Street.rr Mr B’s-esiienee, 1222 FILBERT Bt. nol7-6t# cv— PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold rfOA. at the Town Hall,; Germantown, on Taeslsy, N,iv.lB;h, at 2 o’ciook, o Brown Horse. It* - G.W. DUNG AX, Lieut ofj Police. THE PRES&^HILAIEEPHIia ft BECKinTOBK TBB RE9U- B LAB ARMY OF THE UKI fEDSTATES WAN P jjl ED! !~s2 will be paid to" any person bringing an acceptable recrnit / B®r further information apriy at the Beudey voti'i, No, 410 WALBUT Street. THCS. 0. WILLIAM!, rolT-lSt* Cart JSthlof. U. S. A., Beornlttag Officer. CONTINENTAL. CAVALRY. ®jgS) —WANtED.-s-Two Companies to flit the Be-; giment, of ODNTINBSTAL LIGHT OA VAUfIY, DOW in «• Gamp Metoelfe,” HADDO N 6’IKLD, N. J. Officers who have had experience preferred nol7 J E. PEYTON, Col. Commanding, E>. T. PRA T T, (SDCOBSSOE TO PRATT & REATH,) - 607 CHESTNUT STREET, Is constantly In receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable stales and Qualities, to stilt all clasafißof 'buyers. ; .* . nola-linif.^. MILITARY. 100 SUBSTITUTES WANTED.— gS @176 PREMIUM in hand when mustered in. $lOB W BOUNTY* besfdeß Apply at No. 638 OKE3TNDI “ Street at 10 o'clock TO-DAY. . ‘ ■’ nolfi-if J. A ESULEMAW, Lieutenant. VS CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. /SkOJ CAMP METCALF, Haddonfiald, N, J. Be ' *Tf. glmental Headquarters 403 W ALSfUT Straet Alt who wish to attach themselves to a Cavalry Regiment, will meet with do equal opportunity, as this is the only authorized Cavalry Begiment befag’ralsed in the State. The line and staff officcra are men of character and* ex perience. JESSE B. PEYTON, no6-tf Colonel Commanding. PHOTOGRAPHS. A T WAR PRICES REIMER’S Om Llfc-f-izo Photographs In oil colors; the only ac curate portraits;/peri eci in outftoe and fresh, warm, and impressive coloring. SB JQHD Street* above Green. -’ - ,-/ V\. . • . It* - - O TO REIMER’S WHEN YOU \J WANT A PIOTDBE His Colored Photographs for $1 are skilfully executed, and naturally colored Ay competent artiste. SECOND St., aboTe Green. It* HARTIB de visits, \J PHOTOGRAPHS. IVOBYTYPES, Ac., Token true to life, . In elegant Btyle, by ■ TURNER, 808 CHESTNUT Street The boanly of this Gallery consists In its convenience— the salesroom, specimen room, and skylight being alt on the ground floor, thereby saving our patrons the tiresome journey up three or four flights of stairs, which they are compelled to make at any other Gallery. npl4-o',* : CIRCtILATIim LIBRARIES •W /BRGTHIRHE AD’S CIRCU ■T V • DATING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Boohs, including ALL OLASSE 3 of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the oonatry that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not BKPBINTEO here. Terms®® per year; six months S 3; three months 81.60; one month 76 cento, or 3 'cento per day. SIS South EIGHTH Street. scB-3m IJINGLISH AND FRENO 5 FAMILY JCi CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET BB LECTURE, 1323 CHESTNUT STBBET. BubscripUona per roar, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished gratit. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladies’ Trench Li brary.'""' 45,. ' i “ Oalalodus dt la Efblidthlque dee Emnet el del Ex •xtoiielltt.” - M.'H. MOBAOHEBI, Agent, so6-4m ' 1323 OHS3TNHT Street. PERSONAL MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, and clalms"of all kinds erv'hod or oof. lected. at reasonable rates by JAMES PULTON, 424, WALNUT Street, FMledalpbia. : noB-tf PENSIONS. —$100 Bounty and P*j procured and collected for soldiers, Bailors, and tin relatives of such i a m o nds; la setting of our own manufacture. • Those wishing to purchase, will find out style* the most' unique, and gold of the best anility in the city. We have also a yery large and fine assortment of all hinds of fine JEWELRY. Call and examine, at - LEWIS L ADOMUS &{ <30., . DIAMOND DEALERS, no-IS-St 903 CHESTNUT STREET. FINANCIAL;'" u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVKRN ' MENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to recelTe subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commonco from the DATE OF SUB-, SOEIPTION, and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of tho United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium ©h gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, pEr annum. , * A full supply always on hand. JAY COQKE, Sa»BORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. nod tf ,/>w j c. One ; bale heavy Union at One lot very heavy at 40c ; wide do. at 45c. One lot all wool, .yard wide, at 46c, 10 pieces fine Balavdvalc, fall yard wide, at 60c., worlh 02 %. Bolardvaloat 400 ; finer do., % wlfio 45c. ..... " SHAKER FLANNELS. .. Just opened, a fresh lot of these goods, that are war ranted unshrinkable, very heavy, and full yard wide, which makes them very desirable for skirts; Welsh Flannel*, and, I suppose, tho heat assortment of Gray Flannels in the city, both plain and twilled; Bed Flan nel at 30 cents, all wool; from that up; Red Twilled at 37>i and 40c; very fine at 60; Blue Twilled at 50. Fancy Striped Flannels; for shirting, in largo variety. AU these Flannels ero very cheap; much lower than I can buy them how. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, ■ cold 6t Ns. 1013 M ABHET Street, above Tenth. OLOAKS 1 CLOAKS! CLOAKS! THE ONLY GENUINE WATER-'PROOFS IN THE ■ '. " . CITY. OUR NEW STYLES - ass ■ ■ ■■ ■ THE OSBORNE, THE CELEBRATED CASTILIAN, ■ THE LE GILET AND PRINCESS. ’ These are beautiful and exquisite styles, and ean only , be found In perfection at IVENS & Co., oc3o , ' 23. SOUTH NINTH STREET. pLOAKS! CLOAKS! VV .• Ac Immcnao Stock of " ‘ NEW & FASHIONABLE STYLES, Our Garments in atyle, quality, and manufacture Are guarantied equal-to any in the Oity. Ladies will please examine before purchasing. PARIS STORE, EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS. AAIBSES AND CHILDREN ’S i.V± CLOAKS! ■ The'Largest Assortment, Latest and Most Approved Styles, At-EEceedingly Low Prices. No. 137 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. oc3o-lm : 1034 OHE3TNBT STREET. ■ E. M. NEEDLES, | LACES, | g WHITE GOODS, g Z LINENS, • g I EMBROIDERIES. « m ' ■ '■»2 H ■ ' ** «.-■■■ CQ Q H A fall assortment of the Above on hand at LOW W « ■ ■ ■ ■ • 2 o PBI02S) to wfcioh additions are made of aii § NOVELTIES. seß 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. ' ' DRY GOODS FOR WINTER. Rep. Poplins, French Merinos, Colored Mouetellnes, Poult Do Soles, Foulard Silks, Blanket Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, * Black Silks, ‘ Fancy Silks, Black Bombasines, Worsted Plaids, Cheap de Lalnec, French Gbintacs, Shirting Flannels, Brocbo Shawls, Fine Blankets, Crib Blaokets. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, noll-tf CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. 13HNE QUALITYUHAINE LAINE JD LONG BBOGHE SH AWLS, from auction, below the regular prices. Open-centre Long Broche Shawls, deep broche ends and border. Open- centre Square Cashmere Bhawls. Striped Broche Shawls. Gay and plain style Blanket Shawls. Children’s and Misses’Blanket Shawls. ■ Long and Square Slack Thibet Shawls. Bngliih real : Water-proof Oloafc Cloths, brown and black mixed. Water-proof Cloaks read; made. I EDWIN HALL & 880., 26 Sonth SECOND Street. N. B—A large assorlment of Balmoral Skirts, whole sale and retpll. noil WOOLENS. Ladles’Cloakings of every description. Black Beavers and Tricots. Frosted Beavers from @2 to @3.50 Union Beavors, good weight and ohsap Fine Black Cloths, Extra fine heavy Olothg, Low-priced Cloakings and Overcoatings. FANCY OASBIMBBES And Black from 87 cents to 82. Cassimeres, extra fine stock, from $1 to 81.33. Boys’ Gassbneres, low-priced goods. BALMORALS. Large lots at wholesale and retail. CLOAK AN© SHAWL BOOM. Fine Cloaks, ready-made or made to order. Seasonable Shawls for Ladles and Misses. BOYS’ OLOTHING. Overcoats, Jackets, Pants, Suits made to order. GOOPEB&OONABD, noB-tf 8. E. corner NINTH and MABKET Streets. H STEEL & SON HAVE JUST • received, from New Tort, a few choice lota of PINE IMPOBTED DKEB3 GOODS. Wide fancy Silks, very rioh styles. Bioh flgnred Brown Silks, a great variety of these very scarce and desirable Silks. A great variety of Fancy SUks, at low prices. Blob figured Black Silks, from 31 to $2. Yard-wide Plain'Black Bilks, at $l. Black Silks, all widths and qualities, at VEBT LOW PRICES. Bioh shades, Brown, Blue and Green. PIiAIN IRISH POPLINS. Bilk and wool and all-'wool French Poplins. A choice lot of new Plaid Alpacas. Kina PRINTED MERINOBS. BIOH PRINTED MAGENTA OLOTH. Blch printed all-wool Delaines, at 62Kc. worth 87c, SHAWLS. SOABFS, AND CLOAKS. Brocbe and Plaid Blanket Shawls. Bich Ohatne Laine Broche Shawls. Striped Shawls of evary variety. Merino Scarfs, Broche arid Chains Laine Borders. Habit and Water-proof Oloth Cloaks. 600 SHEPHERD PLAID LONG SHAWLS, at 34.26, worth 88. v TIS North TENTH Street, above Ooates. f'IHOICE DRY GOODS—Jast re calved.. Brown Poplin*, Plain and Figured. Brown Wool Poplins, Doable Width. Efertooesof oil Shadeß. - Wool D’Loines, Plain and Figured. Cotton and Wool D’Lainea—a nice line. Figured Morinoee. j A toUjllneof Plain Bhawls. A fullllne of Gay Shawls. Onelot of Black Figured Mohairs, at 28a. Six 161 a of Brown Alpacas,'choice. A full Une of Oassimerea. A foil line of Vesting. Y7UENISHING DRY GOO OS. JD Bine MafseUles Qollta In Pink, Blue, and White. Dlslty, AUendalo, and Honey Comb Counterpanes. , Blankets for. Beds, Cribs, And seryantsVuan. . Sheetiosa &nd Pillow case Muslins, all Widths. Flannels, both Colo.ed and White, of all makes.' Woolen Floor Druggets, Ac. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ABRISON, noi-istes- - ; 1008 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN H. STOKES, 703 ABOH Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. JJYRE & LANDJEUU. E & La .FOURTH AND ARCH POPLINS FRQM AUCTION. PURPLE POPLINS, GREENPOPLINS,, BLUES, BROWNS, BLACES, MODE MERINOES, BLUES, PURPLES, BROWNS, RICH MOIRE ■' ANTIQUES, FINE SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &a„ : A-4 LYONS VELVETS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BROOHA SHAWLS, GOOD BLANKETS, VELVET CLOTHS, ■ WELSH FLANNELS, CLOAK CLOTHS. no7*tf QUGAKING CLOTHS, FROSTED BEATERS, FINE CASSIMERES, VELOUR REPS, BALMORALS, BLANKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BOYS’ CLOTHING. COOPER & OONARD, oe2B-tf 6. E. COB. NINTH and MABKBT fits. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & GO., IMPORTERS AND CASH DEALERS IN DRYGOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET,' Have just received, and are now offering, magnificent Unes of SILKS, SHAWLS, * DRESS GOODS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS SEASON. 0«8-tf -■■■ ..’,f . f--.: - • •fjIASHIONABLE POPLINS AND JD BEPS Just opened, New Shade Violet Be Alps. - Now Shade Claire Blue. ' * Now Shade Fashion Green. New Shade Wino Color. ■ Brewci and fin® Blacks EYBB & LANDELL, no4-tf FOURTH and ABOH Streets. SILKS AND MERINOES FROM New York AuoOona. Fashionable Dress Silks. Moire Antiques, very rioh. Fine Purple Merihoes, new Bhades. Fine Blue Merinoes. new shades. Mode-colored French Merinoes. EYBB & LANDELL, no4-tf FOURTH and ABOH Streets. MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. M. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now la store, just received from AUCTION, a large and choice stock of ' - RIBBONS, of all widths and oolora. FLOWERS, all the new Bhadee. FEATHERS, do. do. do. VELVETS, do. do. do. SILKS, do. do. do. BLACK ENGLISH CRAPES, at all prices, and MOURNING RIBBONS to suit, and all othsr articles belonging in the MUlinery Line.' He is now selling off his entire stock at GREATLY REDUCED PBIOES FOB CASE, and would call the attention of the trade to this ftwjt, . Don’t forgot, No. T2G CHESTNUT ' S. B.— Velvets cat biat, oc2B-tf 1862 * Ahh - 1862 WOOD & CARY, STJOOS3BSORS TO LINCOLN, WOOD ? & SIOHOSS, Slave now In store fc COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, : , CONEIBTINGiOF SilF, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS; French Blowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., To which they respectfully invite the ’attention of the former patrons of the House, and the trade generally. aoS-Sm fJIHOS. KENNEDY&BRO. 728 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. HAVE NOW READY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. e«S-3m ’ gg FALL MILLINERY GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & Oo;, 431 MARKET BTREET, NORTH SIDE, Have now open for their FALL SALES A LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF FALL MIL LINE BY GOO DS, OOBSistnto or RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, : ' AND Y'-’ v MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which the attention of Hie trade 1* RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. e«2O-2m GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN ;vO. AKRISON. Importer and Manufacturer of • /.GENTLEMEN'S' X'-. FINE FURNISHING GOODS; Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIRST BTOBB ABOVE MARKET ST. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE’S.) The weU- known reputation of this establishment for selling Pine Goods at Moderate Pricks will be fully sustained. P. S.—The celebrated Impsothd Patters Shirts, so justly popular, can bo anpplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. ' ocU-tf QEOMEGBANT. MANUFAOTUBEB OF AND DEALER IN GtNTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 810 CHESTNUT STRBET. selB-3m i. . FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OP: SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. ‘ J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE. m. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, jaB-tf Four doorsbelow the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. YARNALL, DEALER IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS; No. 1090 Chestnut Street, Agent for the sale of HALEY, MORSE, * BOYDEN’B PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES ■ WRINGER, Believed to be the beet CUOTHE3-WBINGEB in use. It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or amaliest Hand kerchief drier than omi possibly be done by hand, ih very much less time. _ N. B —-A. liberal discount will be made to dealers, noS 3m - —————i— -OAUTION. The well-earned reputation of ■ FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of imperfect balanced too ffs them as (t FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purohagen have thereby, in many Instances, been subjected te fraud and imposition. Fairbanks’ Scales are manufac tured only by the original Inventors, B. ft T. FAIR BANKS A 00;, and are adapted to every branoh of the business, where a oorreot and durable Scales Is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, SPIO-tf MASONIC HALL, TlB CHESTNUT BT. T ATOUR 01L.—492 baskets Lattwur JU Olive Oil, Just, reoelved per ship Vaudalla, from Bordeaux,** sale by • - JAUBETOHB ft LAV3BBNE, •tOS-tt EM and 594 Sbsth FRONT UteMt DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. QEO. 13. PARRISH. . 312 CHESTNUT STREET, .*' ' . v PHILADELPHIA, Offers for salo •' • 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS,., Five pounds each, SCeetfllncheswide, by T feet long. as*>, BROWN-GRAY AND BLUE-BBAY BLANKETS, < Sb., S lb„ 8 lb., and T ib., the pair, Of various sizes. AiSO. LOW PLAID HORSE BLANKETS. : HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN DBILL3; BX.AOK BILEBIAS, ALPACAS, in all analiliea, and other LININGS, adapted to the wants of the Trade, TEEMS CASH. Also, Fine, heavy OFFICERS' BLANKETS. 12,000 YARDS 11.4 SHEETINGS, FOB HOSPITAL CSS, And the usual assortment of British STAPLE and GOODS. 0c29 tnwflm COMMISSION HOUSES. JJA 33 33 E R PRIN TS, AT LOW PBIOEB. r-OZ. CANTON FLANNELS. FOB BALE, FOB NET CASH OIT DELIVERY, BY GEO. GRIGG, nolt-tf No. 219 OHUROH Alley. T3AGB! BAGS! BAGS! J 3 6,000 Androscoggin, 2 bna,, 17 oz,, ootton. 13,000 Ozark, do., do. 4,000 Yeoman, do., do. 3,000 Oehtreviae, do., do. 2,000 Prlnoe Albert, do., do. 6,000 Hanover, ’ do., do. 3,000 Union, A, flax and cotton. Gunny and Bnrlap Baea, sllateea, for aato by ; JOHN T. BAILEY?* 00., > nolO-lm* w . • 113 North FBONT Streot. QARPETINGSv: OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & CO., COMMISSION MB BOH ANTS, NO. 133 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. *y A fell assortment of Philadelphia-made Carpet* alvraya in Store. ~ : oD SI EH DAVENPORT. THIS (MONDAY) EVJSNIN<}, Nor. IT, Will be preßemcd-tbo ttrlllin* Nautical Drama entitled THE WIZARD OF THE WAVE. Cbariea Faulkner,) «_ ™ T Mdobor, ’ Mr.E.D.D&venport. i8abinde........................ Mrs. E. h Davenport. To conclude with Hj® new Faroe entitle! SEEING! HEM PEE. Poore open at 6% —Performance oommsuoea at 7. Concert hall LKOTOBK BOOM, 1218 CHESTNOT Street. BKOPEKING, TBIB EYBNIWG. OF CAFTAIH WIOUAHS* . BOOTH BBA WHAOING VOYAGE. KVBItY EVENING at half past 7 o'clock. SATOKDAY AFTEBNOOBS at 3 o’clook. Admiaeion 25 cenle. Children 13 cents. A BEL & CO.’S BTEREOPTICON— EXHIBITING AT THE ASSEMBLY BOTLD MSGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ■ . . every etbning teib week, AomißaJor? 25 cents. Oommeno® at-8 o’cloefe. -MATINEE on SATURDAY, Bt 3 o’clock, nolT-61 MUSICAL FOND HALL. -LtJL PRIDAY EVENING, Not. 21.1882. GEOBGB FRANCIS TRAIN Will Lecture as above on “ALE ABOUND THE WORLD.” Tickets 50 cents As the copacity of the Hall is limited, early applios tion will be necessary to secure Tickets, which will be for sale from 10 A. H. until 3 P. M, On MONDAY next, at the office of “ The Dial," Me. Tl 2 Chestnut street. ■ » On WEDNESDAY, at Go old’s Music Store, and the office of “The Dial ” Oo FRIDAY, at the Hall and Gould’s Music S’ore. cell 3t . PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE PIN* ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT STREET,. Ia open daily (Sundays oxcc-pted) from 8 A. M. HU 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, S3O: ' . JyS TiMRST-CLASS BOARDING—With JD single and communicating rooms—at 14 IT LOCUST Street. noB Xtn* MINT EEQEIPT LQST.-U Mint receipt, 80. 1768, dated 25th Saptemher, 186!, for Bixtreir pud 13106 ounces gold bullion, parable to Geo, C: Thompson, or order, has been lost. The public are cautioned not to receive or negotiate the same, as its pai inent has been stopped at the Hint. EBlir. WIGSON. no!7-8t ~ fXITY DOLLARS REWARD lost, about the 17th or 18ih of October, between Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, and-tPitlard’s Hotel, Wasbiwttoa City, the OEETIPIOATB OP AS3OOIA TIOH OF THE PETROLEUM BASS, for which the above reward will be paid on the return of the earn®, which ii of no vstae to bny one except the owner, to JOHB P. MADISON GABLI9I, TITUSVItiLE, Pennsylvania; LOST— A Certificate for 18 shares in the Capital Stock of the Hazleton Coal Company, in the nama of T. Frank Waiter, dated March 28, 1882. Ko 2,781. Notice is hereby given that application has been mads to the Company for a renewal of said certificate. T. FRANK WALTER, Penn Haven, September, 1862. ss22m3m* LOST— A Certificate for 15 shares ia" ills Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow BellroaS and Coal Company, in the name of T. Frank Walter, dated April 22,1862, No. 6,633. ' Notice ia hereby given that application has been mad* to the Company for a renewal of said certifies e TO BENT—THE UPPER Kill THREE FLOORS of the Warehouse 236 CHURCH Alley , having side entrance, with hoisting maebioe- Also, gas in second floor. ,nolT»2^ n FI ’ ] G B OF THE DELAWARE V/ MUIT7AL SAFETY INSUEA» r '” "' jOBStPHIA, 80v,12, 1862 . ...up Sfatoaitft of the affairs of the Ootnoaoy imElioheti in conformity with a prevision of its Char ter:. e... - ■ ~s Pbemicms Ex ceited from Hot. 1. 1 861. to Oct. 31,1852 On Marine mid Inland Bisks. .$228,308 81 ' Oa Firs Bisks. 89,321 30 ; . : ' : $325,630 It Premiaffig 6h Policies not marked Premiums Mi bred Oi ? f as earned ; frail Hot. 1, 1881. to Oct. 31, 3862: ' . . On Marine and Xnlandßisks..s3lB,l43 82 { n Firs Eiskrloo,ooo 25 Interest during same I>3riod — - Selvages, &c. . lossks, Expenses, Ac., during ■ the year as aboye: Marine end Inland Naviga tion Lossc-0................ $88,885 60 Fire 1055e5.................. 28 340 64 Bet urn Premium'. . 34,735 34 Be-Tnenrance5.,............. ; 18,146 76 Agency Charges.. 14,427 09 Advertising, Printing, &c..,, " 2.21152 T5xe8................... 6 850 48 Expenses, Salaries, Bent, Sc. 20.206 91 8688,7E0 Par, Cost, 8603.759 63. Mkt.val.s6B3,lTB 00 Beal Bistate, 61363 35 Bills Boceivable, for Insurances made 91,333 Gi •' Balances dne at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies. accrned Interest, and other debts due the C0mpany.,,,..;;....,,..,, 38,911 65 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 810,808. estimated valne. Caßh on deposit with United States Gcrernment, subject to ten days ca11....,.-.. ...... 880,000 00 Cash ondopcßit—in Banks. $28,727 94 “ in Drawer 280 74 The Board of Director* have tills day declared a cash dividend of TEN PER OBSiT. on tbs Capita! Stock, and BIX -PER OENT. interest on the SOBtP of the Company, pjyableon and afier the firrt December proximo They have elso declared a scrip dividend of FORTY PK ROK NT on the Earned Premiums for the year end ing October SI, 1802, certificates for which will be issued to the parties emMtd to the same on and after the first December proximo. They.have ordered also that the remaining ontutaod ing SvRtP of the Ocmpany of the isar es (or dividends) cf the years prior to 1868, be rodeemtd in cash on and after'February 2, 1868, from which" date all interest thereon ehall cease. ' S@" No certificate of profits issue! units &2S. By the Act of Incorporation, “no certificate shall issue unless claimed vxithin two years after Ike declaration of. the dividend whereof it is evidence. DIRECTORS. Thomas O. Hand, Robert Burton, John 0. Davis,.. .. Samuelß. Stokes, Edmund A. Sender, 3. F. Penteton, - Theophiius Paulding, Henry Sloan, John B. .Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traquair, H. Jones Brooke,' William Eyre, Jr., Spencer McHvsdne, Jemes O. Hand, Jacob P. Jones, William 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, , Joseph H, Beal, Joshua P. Eyre, Dr. R- M, Huston, John B Semple, Pittsburg George G- Helper, D. T. Morgan, “ Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, “ Charles Roily, Q.IRARD FIRE AND HARM INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 116 WALNUT STREET, PHILADBLPaia.. CAPITAL $200,000. . This company continues to take risks «a th* refer diaseaof Property at low rates. The public can rely upon its responsibility, and shot ty to pay losses promptly.. Its disbursements tor &d benefit of the public, during the last nine year*, snmt 8500,0 00, and we reepeotfully solicit Its favor la tho future. v - ' ■' DIRECTORS. , OHAS. I..DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W- OLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBN1BY) O. F. HEAELITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER B. HOB, hi S, WM. M. SWAIH, 3HEMAN-BHEPPABS JOSEPH KLAFF, M- H- 8- LAWBENOH, WM. O. BUPMAH, JOHN SUPPLE®. THOMAS CRAVEN, FiosMenA A. S. GILLBTT, Vice Presblen*. JAB. B. ALYOBD, Seoretary. sp2B Iftf PHILADELPHIA. Fame uxbura HO, 4bO,:OHBSTIitTT : FIME ANI) INLA DIfiBC commonweal: V 7 BA.HCE OO&IPAifT o: SYIiVAHIA DXBECTOBB. David Jayne, M. D-, Chariai H Bogers,. John M. WMtall, John fi. Walker, SMwarf 0. Knight, filbert Shoemaker, Tbomaa B. Btewart, William Strathers, HenrT liovrtß, Jr., Blij&h Jonee. DAVID JAYNB, M. D., President JOHN M. WHITAKL, Yiw President SAMUEL 8. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 813 OHESTNUTfc Street, Philadelphia. set- IS AMUSEMENTS. BOARDING. DOST. AND FOUND. Rochester* 33 av, lBB2. Eol7dSt.Wlt T. FEA.NK WALTER. Perm Haven. September, 1862. 8622 oadm.^ FOR SALE AND TO LET. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Tie f 11'” off Kov. 1,1861 Surplus...... ........ ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, HOT. 1,1882 $lOO,OOO United States Fire per ct. 10an... $93.009 90 20,000 United States Six per ct, 10an.... 20,750 00 23,000 United States Six per ct. Treasury Nolee 41,910 £0 25,000 United States Seven and Three . . tenths per ct. Treasury Notes,. 26,000 00 100,000 State of Pcnna. Five per ct. loan. .95 330 00 64,000 do. do. Six do. do. 57.130 09 153,050 Phila. City Six per cent. 10an.... 126,088 09 30,000 State of Tennessee' Five per cent. .Loan..., 12,000 09 20,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad. Ist Mert • gage Sir per cent. 80nd5....... 22,800 00 ' 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5....... 63 376 00 6,000 Penn. B. B. 00. 100 Shares Stack.. 5,600 00 ]5,000 Germantown Gas Co., SOO shares Stoct, Principal and Interest guarantied hy iho city of Phila. 16,800 00 113,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, empty secured 113,700 00 HAS O HAND, Pros Mont. J. DATISi Vico President sretary. no!7-12t JOHN HENRY LYLBUKN, S( .