mV&OSffi- ®5 fs ur:;:::” i!8 ! < „ . »K> U7 X S :;; baffl* %T k . b ::::® $ m 1(0 jtV t'rijf.-• *8 jio» w1U ;; ei* j,xi I?" b6O 61 ii) l — 61* •W £"'...*30 61 iOf ,fnß Wf.«w> BS * ~.|3O 89 i(0 f"’ ...1)00 89% 1(0 „ jBj; t 'j|B..bB 74 ,-> f‘sSoi toil 180 cxtra at ® 7 W bbl, T 6e sales to 5i ‘ !l, |,ron?estlhe above figures; sucwrflao at,so 12j< blah grade fanoies at 88 7609.25 W bbl, ac «■'" tc ,| o# Htr. lire rionr is scarce and setting at hbl. o°rn Me,a is but '.little inquired for; f, ~lriiol« is bold at 83.60, and Brandywine 84 W bbl, *f o There is more demand for Olnverseed, and •*, I jto bus found buyers at $006.25 V bu, nnstly ,kli.V,rr»te Timothy Is worth 817602, and F,ax -3I?J'SM26O Vbn. , - , r n nciet, bbls selling as wanted at 400, and Vbo foilswing aru thereoeipts of Flour and Grain at ■ this port to-day *. f,,v ~ 2 660 bbls. 5f I"' 16.070 bns. IT 6 200 bus. gIT///:.... ■ ■ • 3,700 bns. Arw York Markets—Yesterday, i ; S i:, ere firm and In fair demand at $8 26 for Pots «i }9 lor Prarls. jmssrert's The market for State and Western ftaris S coats W bbl better, with a moderate business ijirg for export and home consumption. The sales are eijMast 86.80 06.90 for superfiaefitate, $8,0i06 26 itriilfs Stale. 86 8006.90 for superfine Michigan, lu kti, lo*»i Ohio, etc., $61007.45 for extra do, lo {hiiisfWpplng brands of round-hoop Ohio at 86 860 gii,Mdltade brands do at.B7 0508 26. fiatbrrn Flour la ateadr. and the business is mode rn, ales 800 bbls, at $6 8000 60 for superfine Baltt -:i;, mi 81 2509 for extra do, iCitidtM Flour is five to ten cents bettor ; sales 480 till, si £6.10*8 23 for common extra, and 83 3008.25 fer 2xB to choice do. stjiflm(t» firm at $4.7606.5Q. Q,, re hb\ is nulet, and without Important change in b in moderate request, and pricss slightly in seihi'< (avof. Sales 99,000 bus, including Chicago spring sl i] ;i,il 21; Milwaukee club at 81 240152 : amb.-r jpvaalsl 3481 36} winter r«i Western at $1.4001,43, slate Michigan at $t 4401.4 T. gjiiiqalet at7BaBoo for Western, and 830900 for s® Biiby Is orm at 81.6001 60. fanliM/ bn better; Bales6o,ooo bus at 72e72# foiblfpitg mixed Western ; 56tt690 for Eastern, and IMsit for damaged and heated. fslja's firmer; Bales at 64e680 for Inferior to prim* tJi »»(i naw - , , Picnsiost. —The Pork market is firmer, wltb n mo tauek-lom doing; sales 900 bble atSM3s»l3 12,tf for sn, ttdSU 6C for prims. Beef is ooitit aad steady; iiiiilCO Ibis at previous prices, Prime mess Beef is kJjtl runinul. ; Beet Hama are qniot, and without material change in jdto ‘ Cel Itrats are cniet, with small sales # 4jf-e for insiders. for Hama. . Bscoesili!» quiet, and nominally unchanged. Lett! U aa firm; sales 800-bbls Bailer and i bceee ore firm. fi'Hiitv—Tl» market favors the buyers; sales 700 lib a! Bf.fffS'c, the Inßlde price for State. CHLISHATI PROVISION Mi BEET, Nov. 12. tea oar in demand fjr Mess Porlt, and prioes are ecninel at SlO 50010.76. No sales of Btdfc Meats. Ex.iiiniemand at Bo Tor Shoulders, loose, and l:, :■') raised. There were eatrs of Sides at tins aim. h-'S it very dull, and it was offered at B\o telweeiubi r, and can be bought at flo on the spot, tea li sim ai e in good demand at 8J( e.; U.ISINB USTJBLliiejIilHtlJB. B-52E fOfJBTH FAGB. ARRIVES. si'l Defiance, (Br) Wyman, dO days from Belfast, I, 'iltutio lo i Benner & 00. .vi Satsit H Sharp, Mayhow, 6 days from Boston, in Km. la captain. Sir Il.vvbcHh, r'.DgUsh, 5 days fiom Fortress Monroe, Shiest to Tyler. Stone & Co, xhr Jests Williamson, Jr, Winemore, 7 :days from hiSJogton, iu ballast to Slnnlcksou & Glover, kkr Vobatgel, Tobey, 4 days from Providence, In bal ls (»h Atidenrlfd & 00, ktr bwigtf, Davis, 4 days from Georgetown, in bli ss lu cipalo. Site Trade Wind, HiU, 7 days from Saco, with head • upvjfit tire d Uabada, Btb imerfcoß, Bpragg, 12 days from Port Bo pal, in ts;;oln, te SB Hammond, Gerilab, 6 days from Gloucester, slusates captain. • Stiri S Wheeler, McGlanghlin, 3 days from Setem, bsJss to captain. Stir Ecjeno, Hunt, 4 days from Welifleet, with mdsa -wDßtifoot. 'c fictarict, -idama, 8 days from Shelllown, Md, with tf'-tier to J W Becon. s t'B Martin, Tnrpln, 3 dsya from Berlin, Md, with 'tt' Jii L Rewley * 00. .** kaodard,'Fox, 1 day from Port Penn, Dei, with 'Sii.’jii, Bewley & 00. Riatr Yolcan, Morrison, 24 bouts from New York, Maid* to W M Baird & Oo v httn.u flush, Jonee, 24 hours from- New York, with C-R to W M Baird tc 00, ... „ CLEARED. Jip iuaiooai Eagle, Matthews, Sin Francisco, Work • *8 4 Co. Brig Btrteticlt, (JngpsrsoD, Bio de Jlaneiro, . do |j™ Powell, New York, L Audemied Sc oo.: Glover Davis, Providence, Stnniokson & hSchr Tdo. Wormwood, Boston, E E Sawyer Sc 00. ktlr Wu!er Witch, 11 nil, New York, Tyler, Stone k 00. •ter H tiillelcalfe, Hull, New York, J Street « 00, tint .iip e , r Hognet, Perry, Boeton. J R Btekieton. Mrtarmer, McOne, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. - topr, Bowen, New York. W P Clyde. F«wly, Plerea, New York, W P Olyde.. -It Aliri, Kobloeon, New York, Wf Olyde. SAILED. -..SLPucsster, Decan,for Liverpool, with the follow J “W; M(427 bnehels grain; 723. bags oil cake; 377 do »’ PMkages lard; 107 oa«ka tallow, 232 hhds tores starcb; 123 hhds bark;. 200- packages •Mr. ;> l»le, cotton; 20 bbla lard oil; 10. packages mdse. BY TBLKORAPH. . .kiropondonee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ... , LEWES, Del, Nov. 13' 3PM. *’! “drihampton, for Liverpool, and Atlantic, for ili.libark Katharine, lor Liverpool, went tosea WifeiMi,, wind NW. ‘“••Uo. JOHN P. MARSHALL. ci;. p BISMOSA^DA •A ; Luoo, from New York for Liverpool, iaftt. off George’# Shoal. CIT Y I'T E MS. ktituE by Bishop Hopkins.— Our readers • been informed that a course of lestnres fa in this oity, during the coming season, in lk Cburch of Bt. Matthias, by a number of the JL-'inonis-ht'd lights in the Protestant Episcopal •■ktb. the first leoture of thlß popular course will be j" 3 ‘ineiflay evening next, at Concert Hali,bythe •ikllkv. John Henry Hopkins, D D , Bishop of Ver '*U| Ha subject to be « Astrology, Divination, and Ne ‘Outey.’i Tickets to the oourte, or a single lecture, bid at several points, which the reader .will Bod ’bid in the advertisement in another column. BfAcnrui, Stock op Ladies’ Foes.—Oar y ?I ' "lit And the largest and most desirable stock of , E faery inn at Messrs. Charles Oakford & Son’s, * 551 and 838 Cheßlnut street, under the Continental 1 , Tlie ' r raa *niflcect rich setß of Hudson Bay , ! l ' t ® a ' ) iSi Chinchilla, and Siberian Squirrel, are ’ n ™ t 0 be of the bßst and moat reliable quality. ■Unv9 ! Bohhets and Childeen’s Hats.— ..J r5 ‘& Cary, proprietors of the popular MiUi j eelabliebment of this dty, No. 72S Chestnut street, *, r,t 7 rf BVf r ? choice line of new things in ths £J3i , ,r i Children’s Hats among which are a tkji rof Cl siiWte novelties, oonftned exclusively to fe,i * n 88le *i that we should like every lady reader of Mamin* before purchasing. Old Madeira Wine, foe Me- Im.’,! —To many of our citizens the know* fc.j, areally genuine quality of Madeira wine, 'j,; S l a ' Purposes, can be found, la a valuable item tlj,J‘ *™ e8 > The moat certain place to procure this, ttm« 'u'SMe, Is at Mr. C, H. Mattson’s, dealerto flue I M and Tenth streets, . 'kisfii* 9 ' ®- iKI ' OED & Son, under the Conti- Sgj. , bavo now in stock a splendid line of Can li M ' * * Mobbing Goods of every description, special . *« for the eeasoa, at low prices iiltll E FlUTr —Mr. Miller, of West Phila fHt for our inspection a large Dnohees ht. ] ‘ 1 " : h 110M ded in size any specimen we have ever Wet * f i ” Brora to bis own garden, and weighed 21 Tf ,. K / t '” li: FRIENDS OP OUR Soldirrs—ln the «quj'‘' lalr Oaks Farm,” the following inoldont is "item™ ttlß New York Tribune's correspondent. *IH ct |' of hie 19th Massachusetts 'was 'iron-olad' , * t ‘ lroot rest; a ball struck hit breast. Mi# , B ' w “round, indented the p luting, and i U hit Pantaloons.” This vest will resist tohtj * torust, a pistol shot, or a rifle hall, at *ud jj ’’ Itosy are manufactured of three sizes, i ** Stokes, who is the sole agent for **»it > vmmc M *° aay to at soldiers oan have sent to ~ ’“at will fit,by a friend-giving the average *'t!, Pi f 2t cton • No. 2 will flt a great majhrity of per r CSllmd examine this valuable Invention, To I ° to ' !es ’i under the; Continental Hotel, ii.ii, ,^ FT —T'bere are more things « to let” ST! w,eai ' | ed- Hearts are to let every day; old lid!" 8 stricken hearts—all empty—all to opiate » E^ r ? ’’“‘to to let, to any new thing— to lams, a,{ lencR B t ls , t *—Heoda without a tenant. There are •* ter »? , ’ stostlo, accommodating oauotobouo, '‘is, , SDt Per month'; to let on bond, and mort ***•; of f '*to‘ And so It gees, from sods to > anq . * Wl Ptolng with its price, even the hani h 981 ol ~ aatia l sntia clothing at the Mammoth Em- Btokes, No 809 Chestnut street, Gustave Aimarb.—We understand that T. B. Peterson will to-morrow publish “ The Pirstes of the praiiies,” Gualave Aimard’s new Indian story, trans lated fi om the French by liascellss Wraxall. Prices of Necessaries at Kichmond.— Scceah i« paying roundly for his whistle. Flour twenty seven dollars per barrel, salt not to bo had even at the saltiest price, the search for boots a bootless task, and bread a brohm bnt high-priced staff of life. Here we have plenty, and comparative cheapness, and no one need want for abundant and wholesome food; while for raiment it is only necessary to go to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall o! Bookhlll & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 605 Ohestnnt street, above Sixth, where the most elegant, and most durable garments for soldiers, and youths to be found in the world are manufactured at a reasona ble cost. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO O’ObOCK EAST NIQIfT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. K Handy and la, Cincinnati 0 H Hayden, Bo:ton J B Warner ‘ Jas J Mott. Chicago J.B Canfield, Pittsburg - Mrs Ball, New York James Bail, New York Alfred Ball. New York W C Putnam, B 8 N G Hall, Massachusetts Mies Jewett, Hartford H B Winship, Hartford Jas Callender & wf, NjT F W Marcy & lady, N Y H T Beardaley, Pa J L Boggs, Pei th Amboy tit Grtubke, Ohio W H Bockfellow, N Y Oeo L Poore, Boston 0 F Wells Geo W Beardelee, St Lonis J B Barbour, Wash’n, D 0 Mies M McKelvy, Pittsburg E G Gorton, Conn - James G Darling, N J Dr Peebles & wf, N Caiile 8.8 MoLecr, Delaware B H Lamson, U S N E McPherson & wf, Pa Miss Matthews, BaUimore W L Wheaton, D 8 A E B Bigelow A lady, Bnston H D Blaol well & lady, N J Miss Carrie 8 Fisber, N J Geo W WenCN Jersey Van Limburg a Mre Von Limburg E H Hollister & wf, Balt Mrs Bernan, Baltimore Mrs WoUseli, Baltimore Oliver Oharltck, N York D B Kerahaw and lady Mies Simpson Mrs Kirg B Drayton Mils King M Walsh & wf, Athenß, Pa J Bine & la, Mass Miss Bine, Maesaobnsetts J Van Bnren, Now York L 0 Lockwood, New York Mrs Wariand, Prov, H I B 8 Seymour ,fc la, N Jersey W A Torray. N Jsrsoy 8 0 Hasty A la, New Jersey ,L D Brayer & la, N Jersey A J Lumber & la, N Jersey W B Alger. Boston Mra G Harrington, Wash Miss Harrington, Wash W O Bite, Louisville J Getty A la, Baltimore , W T Hongh, Baltimore M N Forney, Chicago W C Wetland, Providence J 9 Williamioh John B A McOonkey Jas P Boyd I Q Caldwell D6l Boyd, Ponna - T 8 Dobbins, Peoria, 1U J GUmer & la, Harrisburg Mrs Curtin, Harrisburg J A Erben, Lancaster B E Haleb, New York 0 McL Knox, New York B D Hy am, Washington Mr Nipple, England Mr Gilles, England H Childs & wf, Pittsburg Miss Childs, Pittsburg W L Beal, Boston 0 J Wingate A wf, Maine G B Thompson A wf, Del H Onderdonk A la, N York W D Hyde, New York Dr H T Hyde, Now York Q W Wood, New York 8 H Ingalls, Now Bedford S A Walsh, New York W F Ladd, New York Jas Corson, New York Horatio F Averlll,New York J L Cassidy, New York E J Henry, Nevada Ttr John J Djbblns, California H Wilson, Massachusetts W D Davts, Now Jersey I W Nelley, New York 8K Whiting, Now York MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth st„ below Arch. A Eeggatie, Allegheny M Tredwell, Somerset W Beall, Wellsburg, Ya P S Leisenting, Penna G B Barndollar. Pebna Jas Baker, lowa * Wm Mitchell, Mansfield, O A C Thompson, Conn J E Icenhouer, Columbus, 0 N D Oortright & wf, Pa Mlbb H Harlan, M Ohank H J Seaman, Bethlehem Jos H Trager, Bethlehem J O D Lilly, Beading Wm Peter A la, New York. Jas B Johnson, F : Delaw'e J P Doughten, Delaware John B Hobson, Delaware Wm 0 Fountain, Delaware L Slasher, Ohio B Blair, Jr, Lancaster S J Bergor, Bath O W Straub, Bath J Stolzsr, Easton Ohas McFadden, Penna M Malone, Lancaster H 0 Wade, Lancaster • W 8 Ruthorford. Harrtsb’g D G Mark ley. Lancaster 0 0 K Pratt, Mass 0 B Herr,'Lancaster) Miss SI E Herr, Lancaster E Hartwell, New Hampshire J B Oorm line, Penna W K Wells, Milford, Pa IF Barnes, Penna B Hallday, Pennsylvania J Kilnehant, Penna John WGi oat head, Penna B H Nevin, Shippsnebnrg Jae Oudsebark, Milford, Pa G P Heller, MUford, Pa B » Bowen, Pittsburg John Greetsough, Pittsburg W W Betts & la, Penna E A Irvin A la, Penna Mrs T P Simpson, M Chunk S B Derriekson, New York M B Priestley, Penna 0 F Bongier, Lancaster W 0 Eyyier, Ohambersbnrg Miss Wilso r, Shippensbnrg J B Loo, Buffalo D Caldwell, Penna J Morris, N V W S Haven, Pittsburg AMKBlOAN—Chestnut street, above Filth. L Dubernot, New York O P Knlgbt, Baltimore Dr G W Musser, Ft Monroe J H Brinton, Penna i H Riley A wf, Ohio Mrs D A Finch & son W H Baggr, Smyrna, Del J B liickar, Wllm, Del E G Johnson, Boston Jfi Chase, Boston M E Dickson, Delaware J P Lattamna, Delaware B Hodgson, Oxford : S Dickey, Oxford B GBeese, Maryland J J Bpted,.Maryland G O Penniman, Baltimore J V Ouanidgkam, Del J B Shinn, New Jersey J H Board man, N Y W T J Fairbank E 8 Best & wf, New York H Cffenderfer, Virginia P B Waltz-,1, Mauch'Jtmnk L Saunders, New York II Foeman, Lancaster Alonzo Durfer, New York J Moore, Ohio O P Nelson, Boston W Moore, Sew York S Coleman, Providence,Bl J J Belph. Providence,Bl Geo Craier, Cincinnati, O 8 O Long & la, Maryland BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. J Birardß, Baltimore W Wilson, Baltimore Dollen, New York B O Matthows W Milhous, Obio V A Oaups, Brooklyn B Murray, Maryland W 51 Niohoils, Virginia J B Bratty, Pottsville F Bate?, Wash, D O H D Vend*vo & fa, 8t Louis W B Williams, New York L N B'armond, Ohio IWB Dey A 2 g, Detroit Mias Graves, Detroit J W Poindexter, Fitcaburg A B Harrison, Easton J O Downs, Easton J D Dorley, Bridgeton 8 O Lupton, Albany Mine E Ohancel, New York W 8 Ackley, New Jersey B Pbelpot, New York J A Crosbey, New Jersey E P Howlett, New York J B Bunco, New Jersey W B Brown & ie, Springfield L Wilson, Jefferson co, NY James E Gandy, N Y M Lang. Wilkeebarre 8 Hixson, New York G T D eaves, Chester THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W Patterson, Salem, N J C E Spencer F Mnirh W Hasiage, Pittsbnrg Mrs Wilson, Penna J S Beber, Beading W Duitv & f, Stroudsburg T B Staples, Stroudsburg A M Llttlahales, N Castle Mrs J 8 Holcombe, N Jersey Miss O Holcomb. N Jersey OaptT O Steele, Penna W M Oronise,- Maryland J Hojer, Sloir 00. ' —V • NATIONAL HOTEL—Baoe street, above Third. W W Brfsilu, Lebanon S A Bergstresser, Pa A Dobbins C S Birch. Beading . H A Bauch, Lliz A V Bucher Sc s, Lebanon D Weilzat, Beading A S Kline, Pottsville J G Shoemaker, Pottsville N Sutton, New York Mm Kennedy, Lebanon Jos J Greer, Doyiestown Chas Gross, Allentown MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market H MBowman, Oheßterco J Finch, Pittsburg Jos Haines, Cecil, Md John J Johnston, WJ John Barter, Brooklyn Jas Bttss, Brooklyn A 8 Oloeson, New Hope Tl Eslenberger, Easton Wm P Bnndio, Washington H I McOally, Delaware Jas W Lynch, Delay are J H Miller, Pa A B Lair, Bising Sun, Md S Htuchaa, Honesdaie 8 W Bood, Honesdaie S Tiffany, Honesdaie M G Bisbee, Hammonton D Morris, Atlantic Oity STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. Geo J Smith, Columbia, Pa F M Gramm, Penna James McOuliongh D Naff, Beading H B Sample. Danpbiu co, Pa E Hampton, Del co, Pa A Snider, Crawford, Pa N Connell, Union 00, Pa W Bnsseii, Penna John Kline, Marietta, Pa W U Dannel & la. Lane co Jas B Small, York, Pa W Mailin, Yoik, Pa W L King, York, Pa OB Larkin, Wheeling, Va OOMMEBOIAL—Sixth street, above OhestnuS. W M Wilson, Newark, Del A S Oadwaliader. Penna L T Shoemaker, Virginia J Adams, New Jersey Oapt W Mentzer, Penna J Mentzsr, Pattstowa N Joneß Beading W E Haines, Chester co J B Bamsey, Ox'otd W J Smedley, Delaware co J Taylor, Montgomery co J K Smedley, Chester co W H Bder, Maryland Dr 8 B Biubbs, Maryland Dr O P Bye, Che,tor co ‘ D Kimball, Chester ci BARLEY BHEAF HOTEL—Second, below Vine. M E SwlDgle, Wayne oo G E Appleman, Wayne co O VaDgoider, Wayne co H O Case, Wayne co J Wartrons, Wayno co Wm Martin, Wayne co J Ott, Wayne co J Walker, Salem, Wayaeco 8 Walker, Salem. Wayne co J A Adams, Wayne oo H Woodbrldge, Wayne co L Braham, Penna H N Mitcbtll, Salem, Wayne L Spangenberg, Wayne co J D Frisbeo. Wayne co J M Grew, Wayne co H Waters, Waynaco A S Gilkemn, Backs co E Bittenhouse, Maryland J Üban, Wayne co E Wildroan, Attleboro J Palmer, Penna Wm White, Dojleatown J Hibbs, Newtown J Simneon, Backs co E Tomlinson, Newtown Miss E Barton. Attleboro L Fretz, Hatboro J Stackhouse, Bucks co B M Gooch, New Hope Maj Jos B Boberis, Nowtown H Ball, Wayne co F M Gaylord, Wayne oo A J Larue, Backs co Theo Oliver, Easton J GGummere, N Jersey Wm Wetherill, Wayne co J S Heeton, Newto vu Wm Thompson, Doyiestown M Mathews, Lahaska BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CaiiowhUl. M H Myer, Lehigh oo H Boyer, Lehigh co J Bendel Bethlehem A Gorman, Lehigh co • P Ruiz, Penna J Hansman, Lehigh co 0 H Hegenhnsh, Allentown D.T Morrow. Lehigh eo J E-verett, Lehigh co B Everett, Lehigh oo JO Bewail, Lehigh co J Greenewalf. Lehigh co L J Lightoapp, Summit Hill A Seiss & fa, Easton L D Sreckel, Penna . Oapt L F Hecker, Penna J Oiauser, Lehigh co J Brendsi, Berks co A Fridriici, Schuylkill oo [|J Shiffert, MiUarstowa C Teager, Zioneville W Bittenhonse, Hontg’y oo 0 Boldereon, Bucks co BLACK BE AE—Third street, above (Mlowhill. Jsmes Fr 7, Allentown Simon Dash, Harrieburg T K Cade, S Bethlehem ‘ H Sohlosser, 8 Bethlehem E Watehold, S Bethlehem H S Wagner Job Miller Alvin Faust, Gwynedd 0 Bruner, Easton Isaac Tomllnton, Byberry W W Weaver, Berks co, Pa MOUNT YEBNOH—Second street, above Arob. A T Burrows. Penna N A Eggleston, Penna J M Pnllas, Wayne 00, Pa John Andrews, Wayne co W B Drake, Wayne 00, Pa B Bouke. Wayne 00, Pa JB Williams, Doeherton. Md E Doyle, New Jersey N Mitchell,' Damascus, Pa D S Mitchell, Damascus, Fa SPECIAL NOTICES. ijgKgSi G-BEAT TRIUMPH!— mTVT’sOHOMAOKEB & 00. have made a new and grand diicovtry in the manufactnre of the Plano Forte. By a peculiar construction of the scale and bridge on the eotmdittg board , thoy are enabled to give nearly double the ordinary length of the string, from. Vie bridge to where the hammer strikes the string , which produces most extraordinary effoots. The power is greatly increased, and the harmony produced is truly wonderful, giving an entire new quality of tone, which is deep, rich, sweet, and melodious, with a Binging peculiarity to each note, vmUhe to any Piano ever manufactured heretofore. The musfo-loviDg public are respectfully invited to call at onr Warerooms, No. 1021 OHE3THUI Street, where they oan examine this great improvement in the Plano Forte. BCHOMAOKEB & 00., nolSlm 1021 OHESCNUr Street Gboyeh & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BEST machine In the market, andis sold for FORTY DOLLABS. No machine ever introduced in this eity has sold so rapidly or given snob universal satisfaction. Do not fail to oall and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, TBO OHEdTNUT street. nofl-tf B—T—lB6o—X. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTEBE. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They, prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. , They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. ! They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. Thoy cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the beat BITTEBS In the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s peat restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Bum, the celebrated OaUsaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time or day, Partlonlarly recommended to dril cate 'persons requiring iT gentle stimulant.’ Bold by aU Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H DBAKE * 00„ 202 BBOADWAY. New York. leSMm Upham’s Haib Dyi, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for SI ; the best to use. Try ft ;Sold only at UPHAM’B, m CHESTNUT St. «e27-Bm* John Cochran, New York Disiasbs of the Eye and Eab soi enttficGlly treated, and a care guaranteed if curable, by Prot J. IBAAOB, No. 611 FINN Street. ne?l2-4t* Batoheloh’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. § ATOHELO It'S oelebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be dhitingniehod from nature ; warranted not to Injure the Hair In the least; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HATR Instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair Boft and boau ttlul. Sold by all Druggists, &o, t&~ The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four tides of each box. " FACTORY No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street,) *rtny2B-ly New York. MARRIED. MUSSELMAN—WITHERS —November 13:h, 1862, at the residence of Eli K. Price, E-o , by the Rev Haury J. Morton, D.D., Ssmnel Mueselinan, of Marietta, Pa., to Josephine, daughter of the lete John H. Withers, of the city of Philadelphia. [No cards.] 45 BHADNOE—BH&FFER —On the Uth of November, 1882, by the Rev. E.W. Butter, Mr. Geo. Shamiooto Mias Mary Ann Schaffer, both of Plumstead township, Baers county. Pa: [Do,lesiown papers please copy.! 45 THOMPSON—WOLF—October 30th, by Bev. W. Oatfccart. Mr. Howard Thcmpßon to Mies Mary H. Wolf, both of Philadelphia, * ZAOHARIE—HCtOHINGA—On the'l2th Inst, by tbe Bev. 8. Morals, Mr. Ellis Zaoharie to Mist Anna Hutchings, both of New Fork; ; # MoCONNBLL—KINOAIB,—On Tnaeday evening, Nov.. 4, b> Rev. T. W J. Wylie, Mr.'Wm. McConnell, of bock Island, Illinois, to Miss Eliza Kincaid, of this city. * KING—BASKET! B— Nov. 6th, by Rsv. Dr. Kars nor, Mr. John C. King, tlrmeriy of Newcastle county, Del., to Miss Lizzie T. Baßketer, of Philadelphia. *; DIED. OAKFOBD.—On Ihe 11th'instant, Charles Oakford Sen,, in the 66th year of his age. His relatives and male friends, also, the msmhßrs of Concordia Lodge, No. 67 ; Columbia Mark Lodge, No, 91, A. Y. M-, and the Masonic fraternity, are invited to attend the funeral, this day, Bt 2 o’clock, from No. 1334. Spring Garden street. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. * : . OHABTENEY.—At the residence of her parents, No. 301 Wooster street. New York olty, oa Tuesday evening, November 11, a short but severe illnejs. Miss Catherine Jane Cbaßtenry, , nly danghter of Edward Ohesteney, Era , of New York, in tbe 23i year of her age. Previous to departure Bhe desired to be remembered to .her Phila delphia relatives and friends. ■' ' . u * MATHER—On Thursday, the 13th inst, Miss Eilsn Y. Mather, in the 26th yearof her age. * Funeral from the residence of. her father, Mr. John Mather, Radnor, Delaware county, on Sunday morning, the 16th inslant, at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Radnor Chmch. . CON WELL—On the 12th tost., Hnbert Conwell, aged 40 > ears. # BOWERS —On ihe 12th Inst, Johanna Bowers, aged 42 years. ... * ■ FAGAN—On the 12th inst., Margaret Fsgan, infant daughter of Mary and the late Peter Fagan, aged 2 years. - -. ■ . . # LENFSSTY —On the 15th of Oct., at Newport News, Ya., of typhoid fevtr, Joseph Fran);, youngest son of John W* and Mmia L Lenfestey, of Byberry, in the 231 year of bis age. ’ * FOLLBB.—On the 12tb Inst., Mrs. Ann Fuller, wife toiler, sen., pilot, aged Tl years. * GIFFORD —On the 12th iaat., Deborah P«, wife of lifon B. Gifford. #/ GEA.Y.—Ontlio 12ih inst ,Wm, Gray, in theSOfch year f bis_ege._ _ - # GBEVffiLIi —Oa the 10th Inst., atWilllamatown, N. J. ? Mr Wm A. Gfetrell, aged 31 years. # GBIITITHS —On the 11thinst,,MissEIiz»C.,daagh ter of Wm V. and Bebecca Griffitbe, aged 22 Fears. * ; BAINES—On the 12eh Inst., Sarah E.Baicea, daugh ter oi Ghalkley, Raines, of Longacomlng, N. J. HAMILTON.—Oa the lUh last., Bamael J'., son of Alexander and the late Mary Ana Hamilton, in the 18th year of bis age. *; HASPEL—On the Uth instant, Geo. Washington, eon of X # WEAYEE.—On the 21st October, of wounds recc-ivad at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Jacob £, Wearer, In tli'e 33d year of bis age. • • # WOBBELL —On the 11th inst., Norris Worrell, aged 57 years. : - * BLACiL DBESS &OODS.—-BLACK Velour Beps, Velour Ottomans, Grain do Pond res, Epiiigllnea, Popeline3, French Kerisofl, Erencli Oish meres, cheap Gashmeres. all- wcol Monaselme de lialne3) single and double widths; cheap De Lalnea; Tatnisea, Baratheas, Dw p d'Altnaa; Eogliah and French Bomba zinee; Silk* warp Cashmeres, Turin Oloths, Grape Olotlia, Paramatlap, liieh Popifns, Satin de Chisel, Bombazine Alpßcasg &o. ' Alao, Black Silks and hhawls of evary description. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, oc29*tf No, 91S OHFS9TNOT Street. EYEE & LANPELL, FOUBTH and ABOH BTBEEm OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magcidcexit Silks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins, Good Black Silks. Bichest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Stages- ee2Q-tt UNITED STATES INTERNAL RE. \X3 VBNDE, FOURTH DISTBIOT—The Assessor for the Fourth O Election Dlsirict has transforred his office to No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, in the Farmers 5 anti Mechanics 1 Bank Budding. nol-3 3t parableof the ten virgins— Us 2 A PAINTING illruitrative of this subject, br W. ufii u^-n^b«fcri*ixro,-«PU-wlU~vTOn?lMti;tr~~ftjr~ a few days, at the Galleries of JAS- S EABLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT Street. nol3-3t* ««=» ACKNOWLEDGMEST.-9AI OF LL§ the lody visitor? at the United Slates MILITARY BOSPITAL, at SIXTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, thankfn ly acknowledges tbs receipt of T WENTY- FIVE DOLLARS, for the sick and womided soldiers, being naitof the proceeds of a Fair held by thepnpiisof the YOUNG LADIES’AOADEMY at 1003 SPRING GAB DEN Street. It* iy» NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE B ANK, tk_3 Philadelphia, Soverobor4 t 1802 — The following Besolotion was this day adopted by the Board of Direo toreand ordeted to be published : . Resolvedt That the unsold portion of the Stook of this Bank be offered to the present Stockholders at par. each Stockholder to have the privilege ot taking a prorata share, according to a scale adopted bv the Board, pro vided eubacription and payment be made before the drat day of January, 1863, nol4tjal ■*==> NOTICE -THE FIRST OF A COURSE [L§ OIT THREE LECTURES on ibe HOLY LAND will be delivered by WILLIAM WHITE WILLIAMS, of How York, in the second Reformed .Presbyterian Church. TWEHTY-SEOOHO Street, below GallowhtU, on TUESDAY EVESINO next, 38:h fast. Subject— Forty Days in Jerusalem, or a Sketch of Palestine and a Description of Jerusalem. Tickets for the Course.. .50 cents. Single Tickets. 1.........25 *< For sale at Martian’s Book Store, Presbyterian Board of Publication, Presbyterian House Tract Society, and the Store of Wm. S. Bentonl, Sixth, abore Market. . noli 4i* •ys» ’ OFFICE OF DELAWARE MUTUAL 1)3 SAFETY IBSURANOE OOMPAHY, Phila dbi.phia, November 12, 1362, The Board of Directors hare this day declared a cash dividend of TEN PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, and SIX PEE DENT, interest on the Scrip, of the Com pany, payable on and after the first December proximo. They have also declared a Scrip dividend of FOIITY PEB CENT, on the Earned Preminms for the year epd tag October 81, 1862 Certificates fcr which will be is* sned to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first December proximo—the Company assuming the payment of all Taxes on the above Dividends. The Board of Directors have ordered, also, that the re maining outstanding Scrip of the Company of the issues of the years prior to 1858 be redeemed in cash on and after Eebmsry 2, 1863, from which date all interest thsreon shall cease noil 6t HENBY fcYLBUBN, Secretary. ry=- COOPER* SHOP U 3 PBEfeHMINT 00 ill SnbscriptiOEß from the fo! 00MM.EB0I4Xi BOOM i Cooper, shop and Union Yoll and Hospitals: John Haseltine. $2O W aid B. Haseltine...... 20 Joseph Jeanes...... ... 20 Daniel Smith, Jr 20 Thomas Smith.... . 20 Daniel Haddock, Jr.... 20 John B, 8udd...., 20 John Th0ma5.......... 20 80. FotteraU. 20 William B. Hart....... 20 JoshuaLippiocott...... 20 William 8. Smith..'. 20 Stephen Morris 20 Jacob W. G0ff......... 20 WiHlamS Grant....... 20 John B. Kenney....... 20 Cash, W. M. S 20 William M Clarke..... 2f> Charles Borle. 20 Jsmes W. Paul. 20 80hert8teen........... 28 Andrew 0. Barclay..... 20 Lewis Audenreid....... 20 8. Morris Wain (for H05pita1)................ pital)................ 20 Adolph E. 80r1e........ 20 Obarleß 8; Pcaslee..,... 20 John S Kewbold ...... 20 8. H. Horstmann. 20 D. B. Cummin5......... 20 Thomas H, M00re...... 20 Archimedes J. Bucknor. 20 Published by special reqtn WILLIAM Attest: Wm. M. Maull, I hc> NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—At a Ujj Meeting of the Board of Presidents of the CITY PABBENGEB BAILWAYS, held on TUESDAY, Nov. lltb, the following Preamble and Besolntion were adopted, and the Secretary was directed to have the amt published: Whtreat, The greatly-increased cost of all articles that are required for the operation of the City Passenger Hallways, together with the payment of the National Tax imposed on the gross receipts of all Passenger Bail way Companies, renders the present charge for convey ing passengers inadequate to meet the expenses and leave a margin from which to remunerate Btochholderß for their investments: therefore, be it Seso'vtd, That, on and after the FIR9T DAY OF DECSMBEB NEXT, the price et Single Fares on aU Oily Passenger Ball ways shall he SIX CENTS, and, with Ixohange Tickets. EIGHT .OENTS. HENEY OBOSKEY, Secretary Board of Presidents, (V==» THE FIRST LECTURE OF THE COURSE, in aid of the OB ÜBOH OF. BT. MATTHIAS vtll be deilverd at OONOEBT HALO, on TUESDAY EVENING, Not. IS , 1852, at 8 o’clock, by the Bt. Bev. JOHN HKNBY, HOPKINS,D. D. Sub jeot—ll Astrology, Divination, and Necromancy.” Tickets for sale at 0. H. Burns’. 911 Chestnut street; Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 Chestnut street; Wyeth & Bros, 1414 Walnut street, and at the Hall. Price BBcents. nolo-8t if pv-s=. EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTSBURGH, [A3 PiTTBBtrsOH, Noveraber4,lB62. The Directors of this Bank havo declared a dividend of FITE PEB CENT, out of the earnings. of the last six months, payable on and after the 14 th Inst. The United States duties will be assumed by tbe Bank.?: Eastern stockholders or Iheirlegsl representatives will be paid at'the Western Bank ofPbUadeiehia, nol2 « H. M. MUBBAY, Cashier. »/==» MERCHANTS’ ANH MANUFACTU HJj BKBb’ BANK, PMTBBUBB.—This Bank has declared a Dividend of FOUR PEB' CENT., free of sll ’Taxes, out of the profits for the last six months, pay able on or after tho- ,14th inst. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at tbe FABMEBB’ AND MECHANICS* BANK, of Philadelphia W. H. DENNY, Cashier. PITTSfIURG. Nov. 7,1862. - ■ ? . v , . / no9-6t «==» T RKASURER' S BEPARTMEST, PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD COMPANY, I'hiladklpbia October IT, 1883. * 1 The BOARD'OF DIBEOTOBB have 'thla'day' fle et ared a Semi-Annual Dividend of EOOR PER DENT, on the Capital Stock of (he Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable' on and after November 15th, 1882. - . Powers of attorney for the OtjUection of Dividends can be had on application at tbia office. ' THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, So. SSSSonthThlidatr^et, ect 18-lm THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14.1862. J. W. TO BUST, Cashier, »' VOEUHTEER RE ttIITIBE, Wot. 10, 1862. blowing members of '<• THIS ASSOCIATION,” for the unteer Befreshment Baloons Samoa! 0. Morton s{lo Thomas J. M0ge0r..... 20 John Barton.':.. 20 Robert C00k....,...... 20 Samuel 0aetner........ 20 Andrew B Chambers... 20 Joseph H. Roach 20 Thomas Webster, Jr..., 20 Arthnr H. H0weU...... 20 Thomas A. 8idd1e...... 20 A. Bales Grabb........ 29 Joseph H Trotter 20 William S- Stewart..... 20 John O. Davis 20 Edward O. Knight. 20 John Eice....20 Jacob T. Banting 10 Semnel T,,o*nby ...... 10’ Thomas Ii Wooiston... 10 Benjamin E l lludtiy.... 10 tnngerlch & Smith.,.;. 10 J ohn Track 5..,...... 10 James D. 5mith......;. 10 D. Jeanes and T. Birch. 10 J ames L Olaghorn..... 10 John B. Myers, 10 George P Donghead ... 10 William K. Bray. 10 John McOanles. .10 Jesse G0d1ey........... 10 Ssmuei IS Slay maker... 10 Charles 8 Lewi5....... 10 rest. M, OOOPEB, President. Secretary. It nr=* CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA ITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. E. corner SB VENTH and OHBtJTiiOT Streets. Bockkeeping, Penmanship, Calculations, &c. Open Day and Evening. Individual Instruction. Twenty five per cent off regniar prices. no!2 6t* MflE» OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST TO THE ARMY AMD NAVY, Philadelphia, Oct. 24th. 1882. Woondcd Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, Bhould apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon- Artist to the Government, No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, oc2Btf Government Surgeon-Artist. lyega. MECHANICS’ BANK—PHILABEL IA3 PH i A, October 7,1862. The Annual Election tor Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY. November 17, between the home of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M ocB-tno!7 J. WIEGAND, Jr. Cashier. ryt=» COMMERCIAL BANK Of P.ENNSYL ILS TAN lA,-.PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 4, . ikt>2 —The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable to the S ook holders, free of State and National taxes, oa and alter Friday, the 14th Inst. nos-dtl4 8. 0-PALMER: Cashier. ms=» BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP,— PHI-, lies LADBLPHtA, November 4,1802 —The Direct, ors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER OIENT. on the capital stock for the last stx months, pay able on demand, clear of United States and State .tax. noB 12t JAMBS BUSSELL, O-ishter. MS> MECHANICS’ BANK.—PHILADEL PHIA, November 4, 1862.—The Board of Di rectors of this Bank have declared a dividend of FIFE PER CENT, on'tba business of the last six months, pay able to the Stockholders, on and after the 14th instant, free of all taxation. ncS-dlI4 J. WIEGAND, Jr, Cashier. nr=» FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ IJJS BANK—Philadelphia, October 6,1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between tho hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M.; and on, TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter, W. BC9HTON. Jm', . oci-tnol7 Cashier. NOTICE.—I HAVE APPOINTEDGUS- Ii3 TAY GUMPEBT, No. 1619 MARKET Street, As sistant Assessor, under the Internal Revenue Tax Law, -for Division No 6}{, which Is comprised within the li mits of the west Bido of Broad street to the SohaylkUl river, and from the north Bide of Chestnut street to the south side of Arch street. THOMAS W. SWENEY, - United States Assessor Second Collection District of Pencsj lvania. noll-wfm9t ■wags- OFFICE GIRARD F ScM! INSi CO:, 416 y 3 WALKUTtt, PHILADELPHIA,Nov.IO,IB92. —The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR DOLL ARS per share for tho last six months, pay able to the Stockholders on and after this dale. ALFRED B. GILLETT, nol2-wfm9t Treasurer. THE PHILADELPHIA' BANK.— If 5 PhiladblfhiA, October 6,1862.* The annual meeting'of the Stockholder-swill be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, November 4,1802, at 12 o’clock M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Hense on MO NDAY, November 17,1862,' be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 PM, ocB-wfmtnolT B >B. OOMEGYB, Cashier.. mbs. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYE -113 TANIA. Philadelphia, Oot. 13,188 i. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember next, at 12 M. ' i The annual election for;Directors wili be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10. At M. and 2 P. M. oel3-mwftl7 8. O. PALMER, Cashier. ryup. CONSOLIDATION B A N.K .PHILA- U 3 DEL ?BIA, October 9, 1882,; - i The Annual Election for DIRECTORS wilt be held at the Banking Honse on MONDAY, the 17th day of No vember next, between the honrsof 10 A. M. and 2P. M, A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4ihday of November, at 12 M. [oclO-fmwtnl7J JOS. N.-PEIR3QL. Cashier. fy=. SOUTHWARK BANK, lo .-PHiLADSLPHiAi_.oetrtaf.7i L 1863. The ANNUAL ELECTION for DIBKOTOSB wtllbe held at the Banking Honee on MONDAY, the 17th day of November, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M, and 2 o’clock P. M. A General Mooting of the Stockholders will be held at the fame place on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. ocB' wtmtnolT F. P. STEEL, Cashier. GIRARD BANK.—PHILADELPHIA, U2s October 9,1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders wilt be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th of November, at 12 o’clock M. " W. L. SCHAFFER, oclO-fmw-tno!7 Oas&ler. wca BANK OF FENS TOWNSHIP. |LB Fhii.akki.phia, Oot. 11,1862. An election for thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber nest, between 10 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Broking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember nest, at 10 o’clock A. H. ocl9-mwfti>l7 JAMES RTTSSELL, Cashier. FINANCIAL. RATIONAL LOAN—7.3O BONDS. PBOPOS4LB will be received at this Department until 12 o’clock of MONO AY, the 17th Instant, and then opened, for Thirteen Millions, Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand, Five Hondr'ed . and Fifty. Dollars, (5i13.420.550), being the . whole amount of 7 30 Three Yearß* Bonds authorized by law, and remaining undis posed of. Offers for any amount not tas than one bond of Fifty Dollars will be Considered, but the Department will be at liberty to decline all proposals not regarded as advantageous to the Government. Ten percent, of eaoh amount offered mast be deposited with an Aeeietant Treasurer, otid will be forfeited in case of acceptance, of proposal and'non-payment of the ba lance, within tan days from date of notice of acceptance. All deposits on account of proposals not accepted will be immediately returned to tbe offerers. ■ On receiving deposits, the Assistant Treasurers will, when any deposit may be made, issue duplicate certifi cate., the original of which by when it will be sent, with his.-proposal, to the Seore. tery of the Treasury . - •' . . No proposal will be considered in absence of such a cretifioate; nor will any proposal be received after twelve o’clock of the day fixed for the opening. _ . 8. P. CHASE, nolo-6t Secretary of tbe Treasury. U. S. FIVE TWENTIES; 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERN MENT AFTEB FIVE YE ABB. I am Instructed by tho SECRETARY 03T THE ■ TREABTTRY to receive subscriptions Tor tbe above LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commence from the DAT B! OF, SUB BOBIFTION, and is PAYABLE IK GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub-Treasury or Depository of tho United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present premium oh gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBBOBIPTIOH AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. > nofi tf ' ' • ' . - K nnn flO.OOO, $5 000, $4,000, tPXfI.UUI/. 82.000,8900, and 8700, to invest on Mortgage. Apply to ALFBED FITLEB, Conveyancer, No. 61 North SIXTH Street noll-fit* flj qqAG A THIS AMOUNT TO vOO,I/UU, LOAN in sums of 83.000 t 086,000 on Mortgages or G. Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street noS 2QO BARRELS “PLANET” GOAL OIL. Fer‘sale, as per sample, by WRIGHT, SMITH, PEARS ALL, nol4-2i#. , ’ 515 MABKBT STBBET. “rjHHE BIG GUN ” 'XEMOVKD PROM 432 TO 415 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE. PHILIP WILSON & CO. Have removed their Guns, Pistols, Bifles, _ JTlshinj Tackle, Skates, Oricketand Base Ball Implements, Cadet Musketa and Eaoipmenta to ' oe2o 1m 415 CHESTNUT STBUET. mHB BAIL WAY TIMEKEEPER, L Eepadaßy adapted for Army aalee. Good imitation gold ; will beep excellent time ; have fancy hands and engraved dials, (he letters standing in relief. This li one of the most taking novelties of the day, and should retail at prices from 820 to $5O each. They are furnished by the case, containing six of different designs, as follows: Engraved; per case, 833 00; Engraved, and electro-gild ed, $36.00: Engrave", superior, $39 00. Engraved, su perior, and electro Are gilded $42 00 Engine turned, and same material, over which ia good silver, heavily plated, $36.00 • Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, and one each of the others, malting a half dozen, at the regular wholesale rates, $36 60. Terms, Cash. Will be sent to any part of the loyal States, with bill for collection on delivery , Buyers in the Army will have;to,send p/tyment im advance, aa the Express Com panies refuse making collections south, of the Potomse, This is just the thing for those inclined to make money among the eoldiers. Send In yonr orders early. : BTJBBABD BEOS., Sole Importers. nol4-3t 63, 65, and 6.7 NASSAU St, New York. TjiYE AND BAR. —Db. JAMES IL IBWIS, OCULIST and AUBIST, haa again re turned from his professional tour In Europe, and perma nently located at K.o. 337 North SIXTH Street Office hours from 6 to 12 A. M., and 2to 4 P. M. . 5024-2mlf* Eye and ear.— professor, o. ISAACS', OCULIST AND AUBIST, from Ley den, Holland, has located himßelf at No. 611. PINE Street, where persons affected with diseases of the EYE and EAR well to call, as he guarantees a care to all cases, if durable. The Prefessor can Bho w, proof d£ hie former skill aud ability, from The Professor invites the.medics! faculty, as, holms ho. secret to bis mode oOwaiment. ABTIVISIAbEYES scienti fically inserted without, pain. N. B.—No charge* made for examination: : : c , - BOl&Qtfb Eye and ear infirmary, -No. 83£ North. SIXTH Staeet—lt is with pa small gra tification and pleasure that lam able to refer-to my la boraa* nn oculist and aurisbdhringthe past eight months in the eilyof Phlladolylia. Numerous cogja of deafness, soma of which bavobpen tor years standing, and very many affections dS the Eye jand haariDg have been, seriously obstructed, or almwit en tirely lost, havaboen successfully treated; and the pro fession bag, from thus to time, been'pptonished at my al most mlractdens. susoess, both medically and enrgloally, I will warrant a cure to eversoasa where the hrglma are perfect (n formation; and I entreat all those who are, afflicted, to avoid pretending anacks, wim have no oonft deoee hi their own ability, yAttSjj iiEWIS, M. D,, »oM0V» j .oepijrt.apd iiirbt. RETAIL DRY 3KJODS. JJ'OW OPEN > Superb Lyons Velvet Cloaks, India Silk Cloaks, Velvet Pile Cloaks, Mohair Plush Cloaks, Woolen Plush Cloaks, Castor Beaver Cloaks, Diagonal Plush Cloaks, French Foeskifl Cloaks, French Beaver Cloaks, Magnificent Gros de Paris Cloaks. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVERY MORNING. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, noT-fmwlm QLOAKB! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! THE ONLY GENUINE WATER-PROOFS IN THE CITY. : - OUE NEW STYLES ' Abe ■ ■ THE OSBORNE, THE CELEBRATED CASTILIAN, THE LB GILET AND PRINCESS. These are beeutltul and exquisite stylos, and oan only be fonnd in perfection at IVENS & Go., oc3o 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. ftLQAKB! ’ CLOAKS! \ An Immense Stock of NIW & FASHIONABLE SIYLES. Our Garments in style, quality, and manufacture Are guarantied equal to any in the Oity. Ladles will please examine before purchasing. PARIS STORE, EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS. MISSIS AND CHILD REN’S . CLOAKS! The Largest Assortment, Latest and Most Approved Styles, At Exceedingly Low Prices: No. 137 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. oc3o-lm "CHNE QUALITY CHAINS LAINE I? LONG BROOHE BHAWLS, from auction, below the regular prices. Open-centre Long Broohe Shawls, deep broebe ends and border. Open-centre Square Cashmere Shawls. Btrlped Broohe Shawls. Gay and plain Style Blanket Shawls. Children’s'and Misses’Blanket Shawls. Long ahd Square Black Thibet Shawls. Engliih real Water-proof Cloak .Cloths, brown and black mixed; Water-proof Cloaks ready made. EDWIN HALL & BRO., 26 South SECOND Street.: N. B —A large assortment ot Balmoral Skirts, whole sale and retail. no!4 TTIASmONABLE POPLINS AND X? BE PS. opened, New Shade Violet Be Alps. New Shade Glaive Blno. New Shade Fashion Groen. New Shade Wine Color* Brown a and fine Blacks EYRE & LA.NDEIIII, Ho4-tf EOUBTH and aSOH Streets. SILKS AND MEIIINOES FROM New York Auctions. Fashionable Drees Silks. Moire Antiques, very rloh. Fine Purple Merinoea, new shades. ; Fine Blue Merlnoes, new shades. Mode-colored French Merinoes. - . EYRE & LANDELL, no4-tt FOURTH and ABOH Streets. millinery goods. gp MILLINERY GOODS. M. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, Hasnow in store, just received from AUCTION, a large and choice stock of BIBBONS, of all widths and colors. FLOWEBS, all the new shades. PEATHEBB, do. do. do. VELVETS, do. do. do. SILKB, do. do. do. BLACK ENGLISH OB APES, at all prioes, and MOUBNING BIBBONS to suit, and all ottur articles belonging In tbe Millinery Line. ; He is now selling off his enflre stock at GBEATLY REDUCED PRICES FOB CASH, and would call the attention of the trade to this fact. Don’t forget," N0.T26 CHESTNUT BTBEET. N. B.—Velvets out Uat. oc2B-tf FALL. 1862 1862 WOOD & GARY, BUOCBSSOBS TO LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, Have now in store a COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. CONSISTING OF Bilk, Velvet, and Colored Straw BONNETS AND HATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &«., To which they respectfully Invite the attention of. th* former patrons of the Honse, rod the trade generally. seS-Sm ... ~ - FjTHOS. KENNEDY & BRO. 728 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. HAVE HOW BEADY THEIB FALL IMPORTATIONS OB' FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENEBAL MILLINHBY GOODS. esS-8m FALL MILLINERY GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROORSfA Got. t3l MARKET STREET, NOBTH BIDB, Have now open for their FA L L SAL E S A LABGX AND HANDSOME STOCK OF FALL MILLINERY GOODS, OOHSISTIHO Of RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, and MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which tbe attention of tbs trade is EEBPEOTFUIiIiT BOIiIOriKD. : ’ ’ . es2o*2m CARPETS AN» OIL CLOTHS. FOURTH ST. CARPET STORE, No. 47 SOUTH FOUETH STBEET. L T. DELACROIX, Invites an examination of his stook of Carpetings, .to which will be found. 259 PCS. BRUSSELS CARPETINGS,; At less than present cost of importation. Also, 200 .pieces extra Imperial, three-ply, superfine, medium, and .low . grade Ingrain, Venetian, Hall, and Stair Carpetings at retail, very low for cash. no3-2m A RCH-BTREET CARPET WARE ZII ■ BLOUSE. ■, - / OLDDEN & RIOKNER. No. 8.33 ABOH STBEET, TWO DOOBS-BELOW NINTH STBEET, ' SOUTH 8188, are now receiving their FAIL IMFOBTATIONSOF FOBBIGN AND DOMESTIC GARPETINOS. tmhractoc nll-the hew etyieß, whioh they are effertog at HOW PBIOES se3T-2m FOB CASH. CUTLERY. & ELY. KC* 390. PEGG BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA, MAHU.FACTURHng CV PATENT CAS3J*STEEL TABLE CUTLERY s Also, the. BEST and CHEAPEST ARMY KNIFE, FORK, and SJ2QGN IK, SBB MARKET. Warranted OAST-STEEL FORKS. 8e24-wfmSm - O»HR YA N, lift? ■ST WALNUT-Street, will oponBABIS MILLINBBY loi- the Wlater, on THUBSBATR November 6,1862. nol&l3t*r-' I" A RMY DISKS.—A capital wteJe for A. eemp.and field sue. Safe from wet, compact, and convenient to carry inpocket For sale bg ■ ; ; . '• - ■ W. H. DAOMUN, 104 NOBTH BELAWAHB | Avenue, Philadelphia, AGENTS WASTED to sell tim SJiflldelphla tod vicinity. 1 0923-iw* BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NOVEMBER, 1882. ORVIS, NEWELL, & ; SMITH,' . Inti to the attention of the Trade to their large Stock of V E L V E T S v BIBBONS, &o. 8010.6 C : PRIKTS, AT 10W PBIOES. T-OZ. OANTON FLANNELS. FOB BAMS, FOB NET CASH ON DEMY BUY, BY GvEO. OKIGKi, ; noHtf No. 219 CHURCH Alter. T>AGS! BAGS! BAGS! JL» 5,000 Androaooggin, 2 baa.,-17 oz., cotton; 13.CC0 Ozark, : do., —do. 4,000 Yeoman, do., do. 3.000 OcntievHlo, do., do. 2.000 Prince Albert, do., do. 5,000 Hanover, do., ' do. 8,000 Union, A, flex and cotton; 6'onnp and Bnrlap Base, til sizes, for sale by JOHN T. BAILKY 4 00., 1010-lm* 113 North if HO NT Street, PHILADELPHIA. OABP E TIN <3- S, OILCLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & GO., COMMISSION HEBOHANTS, Ho. 133 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ISf A ft»U assortment of Phlladelphla-made Carpet* always to Store, . 002 2m 0 OTTON YARN. BUPEBIOB COTTON YABN, No. 10, A KMY €3K>OX>S„ DARK-BLUE COAT OLOTHB. BABE-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. . BEY-BLUE OLOTHB FOB OFFICERS. ARMY’BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. 9BILLB, BTANDABD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINSM DBILLS AND DUOK. BBOWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AMD BHIBTINGB. Forsatebr ■■■ FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. ■ ael-Iftr '- ' - OOPIIN, & 00., HO. 830 CHESTNUT STBEET, tteprepared to . / ~ CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY of - ■ • ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, ' 03F STANDABD QUALITY. ' anYT-Sm gHIPLEY, HAZARiD, fis HUTCHINSON, No. U 3 CHESTNUT BTBEET, COMMISSION MEBOHANTS •»0* TBS BAM Of PHIL GOODS. se29-6m • Q.EO, D. PARRISH, Offora for sale LOW PLAID .HORSE BLANKETS. HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN DBILLS; BLACK BILESIAB, ALPACAS, in all qualities, and other LININGS, adapted to the wants of the Trade. And the usual assortment of British STAPLE and GOODS. 0c29 mwflm JA D lIS’ FANO Y FURS! JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPOBTEB AND MANUFAO TUBES OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened, a targe and handsome Stock or LADIES’ AND OHILDBBN’S FANCY FUES, of every descrip tion and in theuewest rod most approved styles, at tho Lowest Cash Prices. 007-3 m MEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. COMMISSION HOUSES. FOB SALE BY FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. oe2-tf DRY-GOODS IMPORTERS. SIS CHESTNUT STREET, 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS, Five pounds each, 5 feet 6 inches wide, by 7 feet long. BBOWN -GBAY AND BLUE GBAY BLANKETS, 4 lb., 5 lb., 6 lb., and 7 lb., the pair, Of various sizes. TERMS CASH. Also, Fine, heavy OFFICERS’ BLANKETS. 12,000 YABDS 11-4 SHEETINGS, FOB HOSPITAL USB) LADIES’ FURS. FANCY’- FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, Ho. 718 ARCH ST:, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPOBTEB AND MANUFAOXUBBB " LADIES? FANCY FURS, My assortment of Fancy Fora for ladies and Children la now complete, B»d embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers’ prices, for cash, ladies, please give me a call. oc3-4mif MILITARY. CLOTHING. REPUTATION. There is no-house In the .United States that has as wide-spread reputation for ..getting up Muitabt Ci ssmxa as ROCKHILL k. WIL SON’S, Nos. 603 and .606 Chestnut attest. Besides fceteg, thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to fill all. orders at mcd&ftiie prices } and. always have & iarob •roes of Muixaby Goods .on hand* oc3o-2ni LQOE3N.G GLASSES. JAMES S. BASLE It BON, MANUFASTUBEBS AND EdPOBTMBI . of-; LOOSING GLASSES. OH PAINTINGS, riHB BHGBAYIHGB, KOSGBB AND POETBAIT FBASEB3, PHOTOGBAPH FBAJOB, PHOTOBBAPH AIBUIS3, SJABTES-DB-VISITB POBT3AITI. mRLE’S GALLERIES. 818 CHESTNUT STREET, ntmjDKL>aiAa TVORYTYPES.—If you wouiJ have J_ ao exqiikHely coloredy uatnral, and llfo-liko Piatnra Bt£lMEß’6,lYoryty*ea‘Gre the very style you desire. Go to BECOHD Streep above Greec. It* /COTTON, WOOL, AND CARPET MAHUJ'A.OTUBBBB, Hardw«e Marohants, SwiufactMere, Plnmbers, &0-, IAKB NOTIOE, that _____ W«W a ??, iStSO SAVrOR&AN', ORR. & CO*, BTEAB4- JOBKPH lron ,a»d»A 1811, m 1818 I’BAifOIB Street ”°J^ I M “ hi ,‘ i6 [> t ?,“ a ®t lerMs,ia!:a > «£>• 1110 a ALLOW tnI BIDSE Ayenue, qoJO In* I EIPI. street, PbiWeJpWs. JelS-lT # JUST OPENED— A. superior and endless variety of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, .And Card Portraits of - celebrities. TOBNIfR. Photographs^ noI4 6t* 808 CHESTNUT Street, 608. APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN il* OYCLOPBDIA.-~Xhh valuable work ia newfamed SB far es the 15th volume, ana more thau fuiiUls the publishers’prospectus as to #ze and superiority. The 36 h ocd concluding volume is in press, and shortly to he issued. In consequence of the increase In cost of material, labor, &c., the Publishers aococnce that after the com pletion of the work the price will be advanced 50 cents P*r volume. To prcFent eubecilbers, and those who hand in th*ir names Wim Stately, it wiil be furnished at the old price— viz: in cloth, $3; In library style, 3?35&0- . This Cyclopedia, costing, when complete,* but §lB, contains as much reading matter as could be* bought in any other -way for Sj-200. forming in itseT a complete Library of the most useful information, and is a book tbat no intelligent family should he without. New subscribers can have the 15 volumes at once, or take ft in instalment b. The Office of the Cyclopedia and Putnam'S Record of the Rebellion is Ho. 33 South SIXTH Srreet, above Obeslnut. uol4 fm*3s RAFF’S NANUAL OF PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND PAY, Containing the Laws, Forms, and Regulatlonsrelatlng to Pensions, Bounty Land, Bounty Money, Pay, &o. Ia one volume, octavo, -. -ALSO, .■'■■■■■. BBNBT’S TREATISE ON MILITARY LAW and the Practice of Corn ts Martial. ALL NEW BOOKS of a standard character supplied as soon aspnblisked, by • LIND3AY & BLAHISTON, Publishers and Booksellers; 8012-tf 25 South BIXIH St, above Oheetont. QBVEN LLTTIE PEOPLE, AND THBIB yElßHOS*—lllustrated, 75 cents, linger the Pear Tree; cr, Little Grosses; By Aunt Friendly. 36 cents Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army. By an im pressed New Yorker. 50'cent?. The Patience of Hope. With an Introduction by- J: Q: Wbifctier. Y 5 cents. . Bayß of Light fcr Dark Kburs: or. Consolation for the Afflicted. 50 cents. The Chosen People. A v Bible hißtory. By Sarah’ H. Bradford. 75 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ABFRBDMABTIENi no!2 No. 60S CHESTNUT Street. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. -4\ Jnst published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. OULVERWELL’S CELEBRATED LECTURE' on tbe abuse of the Bept oduotive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervoneness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity. &o. The radical-mode of treat ment, without medicine, is fully explained, so as to en able every one to be his own physician at the least' pos sible expense. “ A BOON TO THOOBANDS OF'SUFFERERS.” Bent under seed, in a plain'envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of sir cents, or two postago stamps. Address the publishers TV7 BROTHERHEAD’S CIROU- Y Y • DATING LIBRARY:—AIIthe HEW English ; and American Books, inoludifig'ALLOLASSE3 of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the oountry that includes ail the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. TermsSßperrear; six mohthß S3j three months SI. 50: one mouth 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. soB-3m WGLIfJH AND FRENO H FAMILY XLI CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET Dlf LEOTDBE, 1323 OHBBTNOT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished gratis. In Press, Catalogue of the Yonn* Ladies’ French Li brary. _« Catalogue da la BibUdthtaue its Barnet et det JOt mcitelUt.” M. M. MONAOHEBI, Agent, «e6-4m .. 1323’ OH ESTNHT Street. riAETIS Dl VISIT®, \J FB.0T0_GBAPI18» IYOBYTYPESj'&C^ Taken true to life, The boonty of tbia Gallery cooaiets in its cnnvenieDce— the salesroom, specimen room* and skylight being all on ihe ground floor, thereby saving onr patrons the tiresome journey up three or four flights of stairs, which they are compelled to make at any ether Gallery. no!4-6i* mp REPUTATION, for accuracy of JL likeness and natural coloring, of BKIMEa’d 00- LORED PHQTOSEAPHS fr r SI is tnlly mß‘ained, to the satisfaction of all. SECOND Bt., above Breen. It* WAB PBIOIS.—Be sure .you profit i f by the opportunity offered. BEISiEU ! 3 superb life-size Photographs in Oil Colors, now made at war prices. BBOOSB Street, Green. It* PHILADELPHIA, T.. SNODGRASS, AEMT, NATTV AND CIY IL CLOTH HOUSE, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, and I am fully prepared for the FALL AND WINTER CAMP AXON, Eaving Just received a complete assortment of T BIT B BLU B S, Of all shades and grades from. .51.12# to $B.OO. V..., ihisyers. fronv 200 to 7.60.. Blue and Black Pi10t5...... . 160 ro- 6 00. Moscow Beavers. 3.75 to 7 00: Chinchillas.. 2.76 to 6 60. Velvet 8eaver5,..,.................... 300 to 6.00. Esquimaux Beavers. 3.76 to .8 00. Tricot Beavers 2.00 to 6.00. Fancy Coatings 176 to 6.00. TOOTHS, all colors and prices. Also, a heavy stook of splendid CASSIMERES, PLAIN and FANCY VBL VETS, &c.. &o. octM lm* ’ JiALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS; A. W. LITTLE & Go, se2s-2m No. 325 MARKET BT. JOHN C. ARRISON, Importer and Mannfacturer of GENTLEMEN’S FINE FURNISHING GOODS, Nos. 1 & 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIRST STORE ABOVE MARKET ST. (FORMERLY J. BURR MOORE’S.) The well-known reputation of this establishment for selling Fine Goods at Modebath Psioss will be fully sustained. P, B.—Tha edebrated Impxovhd Pattebs Sants,-so Justly popular, can bo supplied at short notice. FLANNEL & CLOTH OYEBSHIRTS IN GREAT VARIETY. 0011-tf Q.EOSGE: GRANT, ; MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Ho. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. salB-8m ■pus® SHIRT MANUFACTORY, i JL*- The SJlbS'Ol'iber would invito attention to bis IMFBOVED OUT OF SHOtTS, Which he makes e specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving HOVBLTIEBFOB SmTtiiHES’3 WBAB. J, W, SCOTT, GEHTLEMEITS FUBNISHINO STOBB, . , No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, joS-tf Font doors below the Continental. QROVER & BAKER-S BarHcnlar attention is called to the fact that, besides the. Machines making onr celebrated stitch, we matra foctuie, In great variety of stjlea, snperfor The pecnli art ties or eßch. stitoh will be cheetfally shown and explained to psrchaaerß, and they have the great advantage of to geleot from oar stock either a Machine maklng^ihe ©r one awaking the The only valaahlfe3estog Machine practical use. PRICES PROM lIP UPWARDS. 730. Chi®etimt St. NEW PUBLICATIONS. OH! J. O. ELINE & 00., 137 BOWERY, New York, , Post Office Box. 4.688. Dod-Smif CIKCUI, ATINS LIBRARIES PHOTOGRAPHS; In elegant atjle, by TURNER,' 80S CHESTNUT Street. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. SILK AND DRESS GOODS. GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS.' SEWING MACHINES. CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING-. MACHINES, EUFEEIOB TO AUj OTBEBS. FAMILJ LOCK-STEBSH, MACHINES. GROVER & RAKER STITGiH, LOOiSL-SYIYCH, mHE WILLCOX & GIBBS X - wtxivs kbwing nacaimcß have been oreatly Improved, making it SSTIBIIM aOMELSffI, . _ lafl triii Self-adjusting Eosamers, axe now Tt&aT* ror ,” No. office at COUIa ’ fl Mns!c Store, and ■ the °'i. lr .,? IDAY! 1,11116 HaUsad Gouli’s Beale S ore. dcM 2t MiS. JOHN DREW’S AR£eur> To be follow*! by mWS JLVK- bbsp^ab©: Jack Sheppard;*-*.;,v.v.w,AS. Clarke. To conclude with MY NEIGHBORS’WIFE! Timothy 8r0wa..^ B; Clarke Boon open ar comcaenoe af o'clock. WALNUT-STEiSET THEATRE.— Y Y Sole Lessee.... ..Mrs. M. A GASBETTSOIF, Business Agent. JOHN T, DONNELLY. FIRST BENEFIT OY lira E. S, DiVjsVpiißT. A DOUBLE BILL—TWO QLOgIOUS DRAM;,Si Mrs. E. L. Daven port appearing as Oharisy and Pauline', Mr! Davenport appearing as Oapt. Algernon and Fablam. THIS (FRIDAY) EYENING, Nov. 14, Commence with lira BtfauHfnS' Play of CHABTTY’S LOVE. ConclndiDg with, "Or the' fifth time, -■ ■ HP, BLiCE; DOOIOR.' Doors open at —Performance commences at T. Concert hj-l i; . LECTURE BOOM: MONDAY, HOY.. 17, WILL RE-'OPEN, CAPTAIN WIL3IAMS’ ‘ SOUTH SEA nolO 6t WHALING VOYAGE. ■A BEL* & CO.’S feTEREOPTIOON— JX EXHIBITING AT THE AS3ESIBLT'BUILD-. USGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT S-reef*, EVEBY EVENING THIS WEEKf Admission 25 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. . MATmEB on SATURDAY, at 3 o’cinck-, nolO-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FIN® ABTS, 1025 OBESTNUT STREET, Is opon daily (Sundays excepted) from 0 A. M. 03 8 P. M. Admission 26 cento. Children hEdf price. Shares of Stock, 880. _ PERSONA!,. TAT.USTER AND FAY ROLLS,’ and Governnwpnt claims of all kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates by JAMES FULTOST, 421 WALISITT Street, Philadelphia. noB«tf BoHLty and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailora, and" th& relatives of such 'as are deceased, at reasonable and satis factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMBS FULTOI*, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALUU'E Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dia« tance. .s'. ' oclS-tf WANTS. ~\Xf ANTED.—An experienced LIFE v Y INSURANCE SOLIOITOB may heat of a very desirable Situation by addressing Box 924 POST OF FICE. . nol2-3i* «v_ WANTED—ONE OR TWO HORSES TO BOARD, for the winter, iu gbmery county. Apply to E M. LUTSS, It* 39 South TSiRD Street. BOARBINS. EIRST-CIASB BOARDING—WifIs Bingla and communicating rooms—at 1417 TjOOUST r.OB lav* MILITARY. NJ| CONTINENTAL CAYALBY. igsgi CAMP METOAVF, HaiMonfiaM, If J Be- gi mental Headquarters 403 WA.TiNTFT Sferaefc. Ah who wish to attach themselves to a Cavalry Begimeni* will meet with no eqoal opportunity, as this is the only authorized Cavalry Begiment in the State, The line ancfe staff officers are men of character and ex- perience, no6-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. mO BENT—A large BOOM,second JL story, No. 5*5 Booth SIXTH Street; above Chestnut. Apply on the premisea. ** no!4-3t A' FOURTH- STEEBT DWELLING-. Sill—The well* bolli, large four-story DWELLING, with tbr€€-*-tcry back buildings, and a'&Me, Ho. 638 North FOURTH Street—so feet by 182 feet, .to Orowa street—ls specially adapted for a Physician. For gala by ANTHONY P- & J. R SIOBRI3, * No. 916 AROa Street. EOB. SALE.—A Germantown JsEt—S^OARTiIAGE. made by Watson; also, a good pair of Bafe Family Horeea. JO BN P. JENKIN3. Wert End Stables, BBOAD Street, near Pino Street. v bol3- 3t*= ■'COOKING;; RANGES,‘*'FWKNACES, &c. WE INVITE THE ATTEN TION of the public to cur large and very supe ■GSScTior sfcot k cf - STOVES, HEATERS, AND BANGES, which are put atjprices-to_&nifc_aH. ,We Jicive the Large Oven Goolring Stovea, Boyal ena J?rmce Boy&l; to .cot>jAr_with thft/Weyington, a new cook stove, with large fire-box and spacious oven. The Pael-Saver Ooote* with warm closet, tin. roaster, and a reservoir for hot water, Oook Sfcove3 with water backs, affording an am ple supply of hot water for the bath-room and other pur poses, both for city and csuptry use. The Amazon Cook, Tilth capacity for cooking for one hundred per sons; Parlor Cook, for wood or coal. - 4. great variety of improved and beautiful pat erns of Parlor Stoves, for both wood and coal; among which will be found the Fiery Star, Bilver’s Air-Tight, Cifr-Burniog Bases, (all Bisses, from 9 to 16 inches.) Vesper, Violet, open and close front*, Franklin Stoves, Portable Grates, for anthracite and bituminous coal, Few Egg, Golden Egg. In addi tion to these will be found, Thoncson’s London Kitchener, or European Bangs: Philadelphia and Fire* Side Banges; Locomotive, Torrid and Egg Heaters; Low-Down Grates, Fire- Board and Lluroioating Stoves, by which the parlors are made pleasant and cheerful. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, 0c22-wfmlm 209 North SEOOND St-ftrt. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. YARN ALL, DEALER IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, No. 1020 Cliestirut Street, Agent for the sale of HALEV, MOBSjE, & BOTDEH’S PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING _ CLOTHES - WRINGER, Believed to be the best OLOTHE 3-WBINGEB in m It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or smallest Hand kerchief drier than can possibly be done by hand, In very much less time. B.—A liberal discount will he made to dealers. t»o3 3tn ' . . ■ INSURANCE COMTANI3S. Q.IBAR© FIRE AND MARINS? INSURANCE OOMFANT. G3TIOE ilAWALIttf® BTBEBT, PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL *200,000. This company continues to take rlais en the saSst classes of Property at 10-w rate#. The public can rely upon Ita resjCM&Hitjyani ab2i* ty to pay losses promptty. Its dlstratasnienSa lot tsss boneZt of the j-nblic, daring the last nino ye*!*, oxeeeS 1500,00®, and wo respectfully-solicit Its favor fifths future. BISECTORS. CJHAS. I. OOFOHT, JEEB2 WALKEH, JOHR W. GLA9HOBIS, JOHH-T'HOBHLEY, 0. F. HEA2LITT, ABBASAM HAST, BA VXD BOTE, Jr,, PETBB S. HOE, of E. S. xrm. m. swabs, " fulmar shsppakb JOSEPH KLAPP, M. B. R, S. BAWEEHCB, W3S. O, BSIBMAH, JO2H SUPPLE®. THOMAS GBAVEK, Preeßent. ' A. S. Yica PresSdsat. JAB. E. AIiVOBD, Secretary.. op3B Sg Fame insurance company, Ho. 406 OHEBTHUS.Street. JTIBE AND INLAND- INStfBANCM. D183.0T088. F. N. Back, E. D. Woodruff,. Chas. Bicbardson, ; IJojiß Kessler, Jr.,. Henry Lewis, Jr., : P. S Justice, Alex. Whilidin, ' . Washington JosSfe Sec.,A. West, Ohas. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W.TSvemac. FBAHOIS K,BHOS, President, ' OHABLES BSOMABBSOR, Vice Ereriaent. WILLIAMS I. BLAHOBABP, Secretar?. £mhl9-gt9 riOMMONTOAM BANOE OOKBAHY 0] SYLVANIA. hsssctobs. . David Jayne, 2K, D,, Charles H^Begers, John M. 'WMtaU, John K, Welder, Edward 0. Height, Bobert Shoemaker, Thomas S. atewart, Willlaa.3tratbors, , Henry lewis, Jr., . Elijah Jofteß. BAVTD JAYNE, BB S., President. JOHN M. WHJTAIthj.YiM PreeMrct. BAMTJE& 8. MOON, Seoretary. _ Office, oormnoDwealth Beliding, 613 6HSST36V Street, PfciladelsMa. se*-if tt OAUTION, Ihe oJ FAIRBANKS’ SCALES - Em induced the mafcer. °f inyawftot balanoes too ffi* i them ft* I tFAIBBAN3B’ ; BQAIiES,” end purchaser* iheve thereby, in mow. instances, been eobjasted to tend tnd tapqaiHoa. reirbsnto’ BoelM ere . tured only by the original la-rentors, B. S f. TAIB BANKS & 00., sod are adapted to every bswph pi the business, 'where and durable reanired- FAIRBANKS & EWE&B, Genes#! igtsl# apio-tf MASONIC HAUi, TIB OK3SSTNUT ST. PRESERYIN# BRANDY. FBEJS OIBBa AND WIHR VINE®AS. GREEN GINGER, KSSTARD SEEDS. SPICES, fee., &c. All the requisite* for ProsenSaf and EWt2na Purpoeea. ALBiST Q. EGBERTS, DX&IiXS IS mME SBOOEMES, ■ Befi-tf _ OO.'SSEB mVXBTH AJTP TUta. - M F. I &• M'- KING, ABKI, AND TOIDEX MXKBOBB, The world for ehand darabUlty. B. M. d. * The beet brand Silk-finished VEIiYBT RIBBONS; Sole Agent, BENJAMIN M. BMHH, JESSE E. PEYTON, Oolonel Commanding. TH FIRE INBU IF THB STATajPF PENS-