THE CITY. Thu Thermometer. NOVEMBERI2., 1881. NOVEMBERI2,IB62. 8A.M....12k Br. K. 6i. M 12 u Br.ll. 44 61 63 49 66)*. 57# WIND. WIND. w l,y N,...W....Wbj'N 58W....88W....8Wby S. Th* Baths oh Living— How ths •WAE IS AFFKOTIRG THE VALUE OF MEB T OHAEDISB —Not, until within the pest few weeks, have our people realized fully the t fleet of the war, In a financial-view. The imposition of the national tax fi awakening the minds of every one to the magnitude and extent of the rebellion. We aro learning that the triumph of our oause is dependent as much upon those at home as upon the soldiers In the field—that, without a mutual co-operation, It is Idle to talk of restoring our nationality, and compering peace The sinews of war are the productive industry of the country-the coal and iron w Pennsylvania, the manufactures of New England, and the cereal wealth of the Western farmers. These must be at the service of the Government, to com • mand at aU times and draw upon whenever needed. The tax-gatherer is an officer of the soldiers whe hare not ehonidered mntkets—a directing means by which the rebellion is outflanked and out -generated. The moßt humble lumberman of Maine, as well as the hardy toiler,of California, are expected, even afar off from the scene of material conflict, to act as the reserve guard, whom our noble armies fall back upon for sustenance and life. Tbe manner in whloii that support Is given it creditable to our owa character and to the nation. The consfqneßces of the var are full upon us—heavy taxesj high ot living* an unsettled currency, So. Vet tiie burden is borne cheerfully and gracefully. No opposition to the collection of the taxes J no murmurings about the weight of the burden lmpossd, have yet come from any portion of the oountry. The revenue Btamps are to day as cheerfully purchased as the postaBo.iStsmps have always been, and though the occa sion for their nso has existed bnt a month, that cheerful acquiescence which custom engenders even now prevails. The advancing tendency of every article of food and luxury is peculiarly marked. The present wages of la borers are inadt quale to meet the increased oost of living. The Trades Unions are everywhere astir. Already the blacksmiths have raised the price of their wages, and the movement baa been successively followed by the tin smiths, the copper-Bmiths, tailors, and others. The coa eumers will pay the cost in the end. An insnrance oom psny, or a bank, pays the tax ostensibly, though the in surer and the depositor are really the payers. The pas senger railroads announce an increase in fare to meet the additional burden placed apon them. The insurance companies are increasing the rate of their policies, &c.; and throughont we observe a wonderful cheerfulness to meet the pressure. As a matter of curiosity, we have prepared the fallowing .table, setting forth the present ruling prices if various articles of domestio oonsump tlon, compared with the same time last year, with the amount of increase. Many causes have conspired to cause this advance, ohief among them being the inflation of the currency Hov. 12t >62. »BV. 12, >6l. Ailv’e, JTlour, super. Vb1)1.,.....56 26 8537 88 Hour,(extra...... ......, e 75 675 8100 Bye J10ur............... 5 50 300 160 Com Mea1.......... 3 ol : 2 75 75 meat, reo, V bu 116 125 20 Wheat, white, b 0....:. 160 140 20 Eye, Vl>u...: 94 71 23 Corn, bn.............. 73 62 ,11 OatE.y bu '4O 40 : .. Barley, 4ff bn..,.......*.81 50 64 86 Coal by cargo, ton .... .86 37 SB 32 $2 05 Coffee, Laguayra, ib...: 30 17 13 Cotton.., ......... 60 . 24 36 ■ Mackerel,Ao:l-4Pbbt.. : .812 25 $8 50 $3 75 Anthracite Iron, JSo. 1..... 3100 19 00 12 00 Lent!, pig, ICO 1b5...... 818 637 181 Boards, y.p, 4? Mfeet... 15 50 10 00 650 Molasses, Cuba, 4? ga1..,. 34 31 3 • Botin, 80, 1, W bb1...,, ,816 50 87 00 89 50 Bpts. Turpentine, gal.. 267 152 115 ■ Tar, bol., 700 512 188 Pitch, W bul 1100 500 810 linseed Oil, ga1........ 116 74 428 t0n.287 2 25 62 Batr.r, & ft. 11 7 4 801 l Butter, V ft......... 21 12 9 Bice, W 100 fti.......... 89 25 87.47 81 78 Cloverseed, & bu........ 600 450 150 Tallow, V ft 11 8 3 Wool, loll’blood, 4f> ft 62 61 11 Tobacco, Ky. leaf, ib... 11 S 2 Whisky, dffgsl 39 21 18 The aboyo represat t the wholesale price in all in etancts. The moat remarkable advance has been in naval stores. This has been in eonseauence of the cutting Off the Southern supply. Most, if not alt, the pitch, tar, and turpentine used in the abrth was ohtaiued from Morth Carolina. The prices now realized are the highest ever known. Cotton shows similar advances. Two years ago this article was cheap at 12 cents, and to-day it ranges among the sixties. Linseed oil has advanced during the past thirty days from 88 cents to 81.10 per gallon. Calcutta linseed was sold in this market on Sa turday at 83, the highest figure ever known. The changes in the prices of coffee: present an interesting commentary on the influence which passing events have upon commerce since the passage of the new tariff act, and the very material failing off of supplies. Coffee has materially advanced in price. One year ago Bio coffee could be bought at from Bto 10 cents per pound. At the. present time the price is 30 and 31 cents. The following figures will exhibit the price of coffee at the port of Phi ladelphia on the 7th of November in the following years: 1842. 1852. 1882. Cuba, per pound.... IHa 9c. B* a kjfc. 28030 c. Havana, “ ..,.1Q%a12 9 010 28®30c. Java, - “ ....10%012 It allj( 31e31c. Laguayra, “ .... 8>(ol2 9 aO% 29®30c. Maracaibo, “ .... 7)4® Sjf 9 m 9% 30®3tc. Porto Eico, “ .... 9 aax «X® 0)4 800310. Bio, “ •••• 7)i ffllO B)4® 9V 29®31c. BanDomingo, ll .... T B#® 8* 28®30c. Philadelphia Detectives IN Nnw - YORK—IMPORTANT ARRE I'COPi BANK NOTE COUNTRBFEITBB —ln The I’ress, of yesterday, wl alluded briefly to the arrest of George White, one of the greatest bank.note engrave rs and counterfeiters in the country. He was arrested in New Pork through ties energy and skill of Chief Detective Franklin, Deputy Bnited States Marshal Jenkins, and Sergeant Tryen, all of this olty, from wh< re he had been followed. White,is abcutfilty years of age, aid has. been known to the police of this and other cities as a dangerous character. Ihe only time ha could ever be bo tightly cornered as not to escape the clutches of the law was in September, 1844. He engaged a house in Fraukfoid, where he was employed in counterfeiting note-plates on Boston banks. She polios heaid of his whereabouts, and through the instrumentality of High Constable Bnikley, who was then Lieutenant of Police, White was taken into custody. As soon as he discovered tfiewpollce were upon him he threw the plates which he was working on down the chim ney. They were dng ont, the prisoner was tried in the criminal court,; pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to an imprisonment of two years. He served out his term, and upon regaining his liberty again commenced hts old business. This was known to the police, but they never could detect where he carried on his trade. Behas been followed day and night, but has always been too sharp for his watchers. AH sorts of traps have been set to catch him, but he possessed the shrewdness and trickery of Colonel Cress, the notorious forger, now in the Eastern Penitentiary, and outwitted all efforts of the authorities About two weeks Binoe, Beijamin Franklin, chief of the Philadelphia detective police, discovered that White’s family resided in the neighborhood of Thirteenth and Brown Btreats, and im mediately, procured the assistance of Deputy United States Marshal Jenkins, and Sergeant Tryon, of the Nine teenth ward. The officers guarded his residence day and night, , but White, suspecting that he was watched, ab sented himself. They traced him from place to place, until, at last, they succeeded in finding where he had lo cated himself in Brooklyn, New York, his honse being situated somewhere in Atlantic avenus. The officers found out all these facte, and as soon as they had the lo cality fixed, they waited and watched patiently until the counterfeiter should set to work in a thorough manner. ‘ The ppportunity was not long delayed." On Tuesday they pounced upon White at bis residence, in AHantieaverme, Brooklyn. On ringing the bell. White himself respond. . ed to their call, when he was immediately taken into cus tody. A. search of the premises was then instituted, when the detectives found ama’sof counterfeiter’s tools, and sdl the paraphernalia used in these occupations. These materials were on the second story of the house. The detectives then proceeded to No. 83 Cedar street, New York, and made an examination of -those premises, after calling in the assistance of a locksmith to break off the locks and bolts ef the doors. The dotr-plate at this place wee engraved “T. H. Bentley & 00., Engravers.” This was the assumed name under which the counterfeit ing business was conducted, people supposing all the while that’ Bentley & 00. were bona fide and honest working-men, A thorough starch was made of this place, when the police found all kinds ol engraving tools, machinery, presses, and all the accessories to a well ar ranged office. Behind an old oyster-bar a number of pots, with colors, reams of paper, Ac , were found, ’to gether wltha ruling machine and the counterfeit plates named below: No, I.—Plate of the Bank of Orange comity for $5, with all the vignettes accurately and finely engraved—a very correct initiation of the genuine note. No, 2,—Oonnterfeit on the Manufacturers’ Bank of Troy, New Yoik; denomination ss—a most beautifully engraved plate, with representations of the factories of Troy, a fine portrait of ex-President Buchanan, &e. No. o.—Note of the Farmers’ Bank ef Beading for $l, These counterfeits have been in circulation for some time. The plate was found in the house in Brooklyn. There mu»t be thousands of dollars of this in circulation. The detectives also found some plates of other denomi nations on this bank. No. 4—Counterfeit plate on the Waterbury Batik of Cci necticut for $lO. A very fioely engraved plate; No. s.—Another plate on the Bank of Orango county, New York, with different vignettes. This plate was altered from another hank plate. No 6.—Plate on Ouyler’s Bank, Palmyra, New York dencmlnafion $6. The signatures on this plate are en graved, with the exception of the cashier’s, which is lefl vacant. ... No. T —The liberty Back,of Providence, B. I. • plates for $2 in en unfinished state. Ne. B.—Plates of the Waterbory Bank,- Conn.; nods* nomination; altered from an eld plate. No. 9 —Fives on the Commercial Bank of Qlen’s Falls, all ready for use. No 10.—Plates of the Pocasset Bank, Fall Biver,B. I;, for $2 There it, however, no Fall Biver in Bhode Island, althongb it is so stated on the face of the plat*. Fall Biver is situated in Massachusetts. Besides these plates there were a number of others in an unfinished state, together with several “bags” or plates for increasing the denomination of the notes to any extent. ■ This is one Of the most important arrests that have been made forbears Ottr banking institutions can now feel at esse, as they are rid of a great and dangerous man. This arrest is altogether doe to the extraordinary dtxteiity and tkiil of'tbe officers named. Although the arrest was made in New York, yet the officers of that .city, who have been on the look-out for the same man for years, were not aware of what had taken place until they etood face to face with the prisoner. This is indeed a dt cided triumph of the Philadelphia police. Meeting of Paper-Hangers.—All ■adjourned meeting of the paper-hangers was held last evening, in Sansom street, above Sixth. Mr. Ed. Burton occupied the chair. It was resolved by the meeting that hereafter the price per piece of hanging paper should .be, for paper blanks 16 cents, and narrow satins It cents, being an increase of 3 cents on the former' item, and 2on the latter. This schedule of prices will go into effect at cnce. Small Fibi. —At half past four yes terday morning there was an alarm or fire, whicn was occasioned by the slight burning of the coal-oil factory ofß. J Crew. The factory is at the southwest corner of Twenty-tliird.and' streets. The aid of the flee departing! t was, however, unnecessary. The flames originated from the upsetting of a lighted lamp. A Military Funeral —jP l * B niora icg at nine o’clock, the 20th Begiment, P. M;, Coil Wm. B. Thomas, will parade for the purpose of attending the fnneral of Bobort Gordon, Co. F, Who died from the injnrieß received at the tlcift of the collision on the Oum beilend Talley Baiiioad, Bank Accounts of Agknts—-Im portant SUIT.—A very important cate was on trial in the District Oonrt j es today, before Jedge Sherawood, which merits more than a passing notice.- It was an attachment execution, in which Jones & Cole were plaintiffs, an J the Bank of Northern Liberties, garnishees of Thcmas O. Jones, defendant, end originated from the following facts: Some years ago the plaintiffs obtained indgment against Jones for some $650, and,rafter or hauEting all other execution process without any good result, they ascertained that he had au account in the Northern Liberties Bank, under the title of “ Thomas 0. Jones, agent.” Immediately this attachment was issued, and the moneys in the bank attached. When the gar. nishees were ruled to answer, they set ont the foot of their haying a large Bum of money there to the credit of ** Thomas O Joneß, agent,” and that they had been noti fied by Mr, Jones, after the service of the attachment, that it was not his property, but the property of different parties, for whom he was agent and attorney in fact. It appears that at this time Jones waa aoting as real estate agent, and, in that capaoity, collected rents for different estates and parlies, and he claimed that the amount in bank wsb the property of these persons, deposited there by him for safe keeping. A rule for judgment, on the answers of tho garnishees, was taken by the plaintifft, but after argument the Court discharged it. Tho gar nißbeeswere then ruled to plead, and on their plea of nulla hena the oase was put down for trial, 0 a that trial tbey-offered to prove, by Jones, that the fund in their hands was the property of parties for whom he acted as agent and attorney, in fact, bat the court re jected the evidence, ai d the jury found a verdiot for the plaintiffs for tho amount claimed. The case was then taken to the Supreme Oonrt, and was very reoentty de cided there, the judgment of the District Court being re versed, and a venire At novo awarded. In delivering the opinion of the court, Jostles Bead) alter noticing the facts of the case, and reviewing the English authorities, said: . - “ If there bad been separate accounts, each headed as the agency account of such an estate, or person, which is certainly the safer mode for all parties, and is perhaps the only really correct one, there would have been no doubt (supposing the reality to correspond with the ap pearance) that no creditor of the agent oonld have at tached.a farthing of* either or any of the fuods so ear marked. “We, however, think under the circumstances,th 3 evidence offered shouli have been admitted, but whether it could have been satisfactorily made ont is entirely another Question Tho case, however, illustrates th, propriety of opening separate accounts appropriately designated, so that each fund may be distinctly ear marked, and prevent all difficulty in case of death, failnie, or any accident destroying the evidence of iden tity under a general agency account It is proper to say that such an account as the present, not designating the individuals who are the real owners of ebe rnotlsy deposited, should be avoided both by the banker'and its customer, and I am informed by the cashier of one of our oldest banks, of large capital in this city, '.that his institution invariably refuses to open an acoonnt with the addition of agent or attorney to the proper name of the depositor.’ ” .-Ttae case accordingly came back for a new trial, and was reached yesterday. The evidence of Mr Jones, ad mitted' this time, under the ruling of the Supreme Court, established thefactof the account in bank'being made op of collections for the estates and parties he repre sented as agent. Nevertheless, counsel lor the plaintiffs requested the conrt to instrnct the jury that if the foods so derived were intermingled by Jones with his own,'and not so ear-marked as to clearly distinguish them, then verdict should be for the plaintiff. And secondly, that if the account was so kept in bank that, beyond the addi tion of the word “ agent” to the name of Jones, there was nothing, either on their books or on the deposit-book of Mr. Jones, to indicate that third parties were inte rested in the fund, and the officers of the bank had no knowledge (os was proven) of any one else thaii Jones beiDgdnterested, the verdict shonld be for the plaintiffs. : The conrt affirmed the first point of the plaintiffs, but declined to instruct the jary, as reauestid, in*the second point, and at a late hour in the afternoon the case was given to the jury, with permission to seal their verdiot and bring it in this morning. The case is one of considerable interest, not only oh account of the princi pie involved, bnt also because of the skill and pertinaci ty with whioh it has been fought Ne matter how the verdict may he rendered, the Supreme Court will have another opportunity of passing upon the case. Nathan Sbarpless appeared for. the plaintiffs, and Abrahams, Lex, and Thorn for the garnishees and claimants. Col. Gray’s 157th Regiment.—The 157th Begiment, commanded by Ool.W.'A. Gray, is now in cemp near the Falls of the Schuylkill, on the grounds formerly occupied by the encampment of the Corn Ex change Begiment. The term of service is three years or the war, and every inducement is offered for recruits. A!1 the bounties are secured, and immediately upon at • taching himself to the regiment, tho recruit is presented with a comfortable gum blanket, and other useful arti cles. There are at present about 300 men in camp, most p t whom have already become familiar with the military manual. The regimental and company offbers, as far as selected, are thoroughly disciplined in the science of war, and the men of the regiment have the assurance of being properly aid capably officered. 001. Gray is an experienced officer, of well-tried military standing, and sterling ability. _ . The lieutenant colonelcy of the regiment has been ten dered to Blent. Frank Grosman, of the regular' army. If relieved of his present duties in the service, it is hoped the Lieutenant will accept the proffered position. Mea sures have been taken to secure the clemency of the War Departmoit in the matter, and in view of the ac knowledged fitness of the candidate, they will doubtless prove successful. Lieut. Grosman is a son of Ool; Gros man,-deputy quartermaster general in this city ; and his appointment would be at once an indication that the Go vernment appreciated the meritorious services of its sol diers in the field, mad an appropriate the ap pealof the officers and men of the regiment. —Tm-iGsucAwsowH. Water-Works.' —AN INJUNCTION.—An application waß made yester day to Judge Ludlow, on behalf, of tho Germantown Water Company, for an injunction to restrain WtUiam McOullln, the owner of a mill'on Grab creek, from pol luting the water which passes to the works of the com pany. The pose will be argued to-day. The bill filed by , the water company recites the erection of the works eleven years ago, tho formation of the company, and the securing of a charter and acquiring the right to use the water in Grab creek. The bill then avers that the creek at present need by the company '‘has been, and still con tinues to be, impure, polluted, unwholesome, and disa greeable ; that until lately the mUI or factory conducted. by the defendant upon the said stream above the works of your orator,' was used for the purpose of manufactur ing carpefs, and that so loughs the use of the said factory' was confined to the said purpose no injury accrued to your orator, and no deleterious effects were produced upon the waters of the said streas, but that lately the defendant has begun to use his said factory for other pur poses, and among others, for the manufacture of blankets, and ibat since this new business was entered into by'the defendant he has caused the water of the sail stream which flows by the faciory,of the said defendant to the works of your orator below, and is used by y onr orator as afoieeaid, to be contaminated by some substance or substances, so that the water of the said stream comes to yonr orator polluted, unwholesome, disagreeable, and unfit for, drinking purpose b, and such continues to be, and is now, the case." Something about Passenger Rail. WAY FaBES.—On Monday afternoon a meeting of the Board of Presidents of the o'ty passenger railways was held. A committee of five, including the president of the Board, was appointed to adjust the difficulties be tween the HestonvUle, tho Arch-street, and the Bace and Vine-streets roads. Mr, Taylor, of the Second and Third-streets road, offer ed a resolution, providing that on and after the firßt day of December next, tlie charge for exchange tickets be eight cents. A motion to extend the time of the change to January first was voted down. A motion was made to amend, providing that the ex change-ticket' system' should be abolished entirely;after tbo first of January. This was ales voted down, when Mr. Oamblos, of the Oheatnut and Walnut-street road, meved to amend, fixing : the rate for single fare at six cents, and exchange tiokets eight cents. This amendment was-agreed to, under a call of the yeas and nays. The resolution, as amended, was then adopted, and the secre tary was directed to notffy the publio of the change through the newspapers. Homicide Trial.—Yesterday, in the Couit of Oyer and Terminer, before Judges Thompson and Allison, Thomas Peters was put on trial charged with the murder of W. B Harris, on the 2d of January last. The accused was at the time of the murder a timber of 001. Joneß’ regiment, then in camp at Manayunk. On the day in question he came to the during the day indulged freely in liauor. He visited the tavern of bis brother-in-law, Mr Lafferty, in Cherry street, above Eighth. While in the house he was seen to have a pialol, and Hr. LafTc-rty requested him to be careful in handling it. He denied the possession of the weapon, and about the seme time he started to go into the cellar, and when at the door he drew the pistol and pointing it towards a settee on which Harris was deeping, discharged it. The bsll'entered Harris’ body, causing almost inßtant death. After the discharge of the pistol, Peters threw himself upon the dead body of Harris, and continued embracing and kissing it until he was removed. The case was given to the jury, but up to the time that the court adjourned no verdict had been rendered. Convalescents in a Good Humor A party of convalescent soldiers, from one of .the army hospitals, halted yesterday afternoon, at about 8 o’clock, at Eleventh and Girard streets, opposite the Medical Di rectory, and held an uproarious convention for a few minutes Three cheers were given for the West Phila delphia Hospital, three cheers for General McClellan, and three groans for a certain other party who has not curried favor with them.vAn individual of the mascu line gender, ventnring to make remarks derogatory to the General, was summarily dealt with. After this fall ing out, they commenced falling in, and trudged off with beaming countenances, being in charge of the Provost Marsha], who returned them to their regiments. The soldiers marched down Walnut street, and when opposite the teeidehce of Dr. McClellan, proposed three cheers for the Genetal, which were given with a will. The boys then marobed off, Binging the s ‘ John Brown” hymn, which mneio they'kept np until their arrival at the Pro vost Marshal’s office, in Second street. ■ - t The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Kensington M. K. Church and congregation, for the re lief of sick and wounded soldiers, has fared well at the hands of children. They have received during the past two months, as proceeds of fairs, the following amounts, for which they tender their thank]: Bavid Duncan and Leddon Garrison, $130; Mary Cooper and Mary Angus;, $3 38; Amanda Morton, $3; Elia toiler, $3; Almeda Galloway and Mary J, Jones, $19.40; Anna Hague, Paulina Fow, and Anna Samoan, $l2 50; Virginia Steel iand Emma Stearley, $l2; Mary E. and Ella Bodeu, and Charlotte and Mary Murphy, $310; Mrs Richards, for children in Eighth street, $5; Charles H. Linker, Jantes Linker, 8.-F, Murphy, W. H. Senderiing, George Day, Frank Snively, aid James Yardley, $97.13; also, pro ceeds of a concert.held under Ihe auspices of Mr. D. B. MlCkle and others, $59 SO. Inhuman Conduct.—Mis. Hughes was before Alderman Welding, on Tuesday, oharged with cruel and inhuman treatment of fonr of her grand children. She resided in a little street off Carpenter, above Eighth', known as “the Creek.” These children ‘were sent out to beg every day, but two of them, a boy and girl, refused to go, because they were afraid of being arrested'as vagranti. They steadfastly refused, where upon, it is alleged,' their grandmother: staffed a lot of brown paper into their mouths to prevent them from screaming, while she beat them with a heavy stiok, tiil they were reduced, to an insensible condition.. Mrs. Hughes was comnltted to prison, and the boy and girl sent to the Children’s Home. Arrest of a Pickpocket.— Oh Mon day night a young man, named Joseph Buckley, wai ar rested on Walnut-street wharf, charged with picking pockets. Alderman White committed him. Arrival of Sick and Wounded'.— A train containing about five hundred pick and wounded Boldierr, from the hospitais at Washington, arrived at the Baltimore depot, at Broadband Prime street*, yester day morning. The men were removed to the Citizens' -Volunteer Hospital, opposite, and the ambulances be longing to the several fire companies were soon on the ground to remove them to the which they had been assigned. The following was the distribution made: Summit House,,.. 150 Twelfth and Bui tonwo.d, . 20 Broad and.Ohbrry .100 Race- BtreEt. . j j................. 60 West Philadelphia . 50 Fourth end George,,. 20 Bt. Joseph's. 30 ' . ,420 The remainder are to stay at the Citizens’ Volunteer Hospital for a few days. The following is a list of those belonging to Pennsyl vania and New Jersey regiments: FROM IISOENSIOS HOSPITAL. William Hampton, K, 6th N-J:; -,Corp. Thomas Hart, E, 10th Pa.; Corp. Joel Marshal, A, 48th Pa.; Oorp. James D. Giddings, K, 142.1 Fa.; William H.Brioneli, G, 84tb Pa P. G. Conner, F, 7th Pa. Bes.; Charles Carton; 1,3 d Pa. Oav ; Samuel Green, E,'sth Pa. Res.: Isaac Holden, G, 7tn Pa. Bes.; Robert Heun, O, 88ih Pa ; William Kanlaob, D, 114th Pa.; George W. King, E, Ist Pa. Beg.; John N. Levis, 0,434 Pa.; Daniel Lelger, A, 48tb Fa.; John N. Powell, 11, 10th Pa Beg.: H Strai ten, 6, 46 th Pa.; F. E. Shonder, E, ?4th Pa.; John Bnilivan, I, Jo;h U, 8.1.;' George Vogt,E, 6th Pa. Rea : William Valentine, H, 90th Pa. FROM ST. ALOYSIOS HOSPITAL, Wm. 0. Henry, B, 10th Pa,; George W Grange, K, 141 et Pa.; Corporal James Eagen, H, 63d Pa. ;A, 0. Arnold, B, 141 et Pa ; J. N, Miller, M, 2d Pa, Cav.; Strgt. W. N. MeSutt, 0, 105th Pa ; H, A. Davlsi I, 106ih Pa,; J. Jameson, A, 63d Pa.; F, McKenna, F, •68th Pa. ; O. Binbm, F, 26th Pa.; Corp: W. Rodgers, K, 141st Pa.; M Broomhall, A, 141st Pa ; Bergt. T. 8. Knapp, Q, 141st Pa ; Corp. R. I. Hakes, C, 14lBt Pa.; J. Morris, A, 63d Pa; P. Wisebach, A, 153 d Pa. ; J. Fiombenfieid, A, 158 d Pa. FROH-MT PLEASANT HOSPITAL, Henry Fisher, K, TJ. S. S.B. j D. Thompton, K, U. S. 8. 8,; George Stevenson, A, 100th Pa ; Wm J. MoGin, B, lOih Pa. Res ; John Sowerß, N, 28th Pa.; Wm A. Eingler, A, 132 a Pa.; 0. S. Taylor, A, 66th Pa ; Wm. E. Vpse, L, 72d Pa.; H. 8. Rest, E, 961 h Pa. ; P. Bfan noc, A, 7th Pa.: James Hildebrand, D, 81th Pa.; 8. E. OUik, I,lllth'Pa.; John Wochter, D, 74th Pa. ; Rufus Olimtnte, A, ’36th Pa.; Geo. Wanbres, E, 76th Pa.; John Morison, M, 100th Pa.; Samuel Davis, K, Bth Pa. Res.; Chas. Mihin. B, 27th Pa.: David McUobeo, C, Pa. Bes ; John Bigler, A, 25th Pa j Thomas Taylor, B, 40ib Pa ; John J. Morphy, G, 20th Pa.; Joseph 0. Stratum, E, 142 d Pa.; John,, Conway, K| 4th N. J.; E. HavriEon, C, -105th Pa.; Geo. H.'Pfieger,'AV 9,h Pa.; O. C. Davie,K, ItBth Pa.; Geo. W. Smith, 0,1 LOth Pa.; George Wilcox, E, 73d Pa:; Wm. H. Ransom, F. 142 a Pa.; Wm. H. Mast 0,46 th Pa.; JL. Barnard, : H, 71st Fa ; Timothy McGinnis, G, 26th Pa.; John Cooper, K, 88tb Pa ; Thomas Flsber, D, 88th Pa.; John Epjinger, F, 75th Pa. ' FROM ARMORY SQUASH HOSPITAL James B. Blizzard, K,2oth Pa.; Corp John H Norris, K, let Pa Rifle#; Hiram Bi sel,tK, 10th Pa ; Oorp, John W.:Bodgerß,F, 149th Pal; Miles Robs, F, 149th Pa.; Wm. G. Berry, V. ISOfh Pa ; Elias Martin, 1,136 ch Pa ; Win. A. Flaoh, I.s 136th Pa ; Charles Brown, F, 149th Pa.; Sergt F. O’Rorke, I, 46th Pa; Charles Culbertson, B, 193 d Pa.; Wm. Boss, B, 143 d Pa;. Henry Knester, B, 14Sd Pa.; Robert Welsh, o,lst Pa Bes.; Bobt. P. Fow ler, F, 139th Pa ; Michael Dunn, K, Bih N. J.; Thomas Jameson, E, 26tHT8* ; Maishail Fiagg, 0,17 tn U. 3. 1; Cory. John McConnell, B, 10lit Fa. Bos.; J. 0. Trimble, B, 63d Pa. Deaths at the Army Hospitals.— The following deaths were reported np to yesterday: Race-street Hospital, N. W 1 Scott, Co. B, 3d Vermont, Christian-street, J. J. Farren, Oj. H, 2d Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Wood- street, James Tiffany, Co, I, Ber dan’s Sharpshooters. Broad-street, W. H. Oorp, Co. 0, 34th New Fork. Sixteenth and Filbert, Wm. Disbrow, Go. F, 1024 New York. An Illegal Practice. — The bank ing bouse of G. W, Goodrich, Esq., of Germantown, sent to the. Secretary of the Treasury a few days ago the si militude of a bank bill, intended to circulate as cur rency, with a view of obtaining his opinion as to the legality of any such issue, The following answer was received: —.-." Treasury Department, Nov. 7,1862, Bin : Your letter of the 4th instant is received, with tho note of G. W. Goodrich, for 25 cents, which is herewith selnrned. '. . . : Your inquiry as to the legality of such notes may be best answered by referring yon to the Act of 17th July last, (Laws 59,) thesecond section of which imposes on the making, ismne, circnlation, or payment of any Buch note a fine not exceeding $6OO, an imprisonment not ex ceeding six months, or both, at the option of the United States Court before which the offender may be tried. ; Very lespectfnlly, yonr obedient servant, GEO. HARRINGTON, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. KmfiitD North, Esq., Germantown, Pa. Released from the Draft.—The following-named drafted Pennsylvanians have been re leased on the ground of alienage: Thomas Lloyd, Lancaster county. Charles McCrosßen, do. ’ George Hattnage), do, William Wadsworth, Luzerne county. Johann Michael Berbeg, Adams county. John Schaffer, Columbia county. Thornes Fittigan; Mercer county. - Philip Schntnpf, Venango county. One thing very remarkable about those persons who have been released. from the draft is that more than one half are from Luzerne county. Judging from this, a large portion of the residents must be foreigners. Fatal Accident to a Pennsylva nia, soldier —Joseph Holt, 00. E, 61st Pennsylva nia Volunteers, died on Monday night, about six o’clock, from the effectsof Injuries received by being run over by a ear. He had been in one of the Washington hospi tals, and was being removed to one of the convalescing hospitals of this city. Attempting to get on the car while the train wa3 in motion, he fell, and was run over by several cars. This occurred at the Camden- street depot. He was immediately removed to theOamden street hospital, where he shortly after died. The de ceased was about thirty years of age, and has relatives and friends living in Philadelphia. RIBUILDING OF Bridges.—The pub lic bridges ,iti the Nineteenth and adjoining warns, de stroyed by the recent flood, are now being rebuilt under tho direction of the Commissioners of Highways. It is estimated that an expenditure of s£o,ooo will have to bo made for the purpose. William Harris, Jr., formerly of Bucks county, has the coutraot for rebuilding the “Bed Bridge,” near the Bed Lion, in Byberry township, Bucks county. The IBth Pennsylvania Cavalry. —The color company of this regiment is now stationed at Oamao’s Woods, and numbers 90 men. The entire company was recruited by Oapt. Georgrßpsarman. The regiment is acting as the body-guard to Gen. Wool, and tbe encampment is at Baltimore. It is mostly composed of Philadelphians, and Is altogether a credit to the city. Radies’ Fair.—A fair will he held in the Sunday-school room of the Gloria Dei Chuich, Otsego street, below Christian, the proceeds of which wiU be for the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers. The fair commences this evening. Accident at a Hospital—Warren Slnyveson, a member of Company D, 83d Pennsylvania, an inmate of the German hospital' at Turner’s lane and Twentieth street, yesterday shattered his left hand by the accidental discharge of a pistol. He wiU lose the middle finger. Fatal Accident.—Yesterday after noon a man, named George Grey, residing at No. 2011 South street, died from the effects of injuries received at the Market-street Gas Works. He was struok by a wheelbarrow on Tuesday. ' ' PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OF TBADX. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jr., ) AUGUSTUS HEITON, ) Committxx Of THJS MOSTK. EDWARD O. KNIGHT, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia.' Ship Ellen Stewart, Coffin..... .Rotterdam, : soon Bark Albertina, Oimstead. „ .Rotterdam, soon Brig BUa Beed, J«rman.,... Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORI OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13,1863, SUN RISES..... 6 44-BUN 5ET5..........4 46 HIGH WATE8..................................7 11 AEEIVED Brig Umpire, Perry, 4 days from Fall River, in ballast to J E Baztey & 00. Scbr H Perkins, Day , 8 days from Gloucester, Mass, with granite to captain. Schr N Potter. Sheppard, 1 day from Wilmington, Dei, in ballast to Castner, Stickuey & Wellington. • Schr Maryland, Knight, 5 days from.Fortresg Monroe, in ballast to Twells A 00. ' Schr Ann s Cannon, Nowell, 4 days from Newbury, port, In ballast to captain. Bchr Hannah Barralt, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Dei, with grain to Jaa Barrett St Son. - - Bchr,Telegraph, Connor, 1 day from Bmyrna,-Del, with grab, to Jas Barratt & Son. Cißhr L S Levering, Corson, 6 days-from Boston, in bal last to Waanemacher & Maxfield. - . CLEARED. Ship Lancaster, Decan, Liverpool, J B Pei rose. Schr Nelly Potter, (new) Sheppard, Danverspcrt, Cast nt-r, Siickney & Wellington. Sehr A B Hayes, Bobinsoh, New York, J Street Sc Co. Schr E Nickerson, Baxter, Boston, Twolis k Co. Btr Fannj Gsrner, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Press.! . HAVE* DE GBAOE, Nov 10. The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with tha following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Jnnlata,with wheat, Ac. to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright; o McOonkey, com and floor to do; P Pfonts, grain to do; J Pratt, lumber to Malone & Trainer; Msry A B lumber to W S Taylor: Amerioa, pig metal to Kirk patrick; Baskins & Beed, coal to Delaware City; No 36, (Balt) coal to do; Bailie & Annie, coal to do; 680, light to Philadelphia; 860, light to do. Nov ll—The steamer W joining left here this morning with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follow*: ■’ ' • T Glenlworth, grain and oloverteed to Perot & Bros; Onr Flag, grain to Humphreys, Hoffman St Wright; Oon stitnticn, grain and cloverseed to do; Blanton i Welsh, grain to oo; Priscilla, lumber to Jos Jenny; Gen McClel lan, Inmber to order; Merchants’ Friend, Inmber to do; O B Wingate, lumber and slaves to Patterson & Lippin cott; E W Gould, lntnber to M .Trump &:.8on; Malone Sc Taylor, coal to captain; A Gray, coal to Chester City; McKlswlck, coal to Delaware City; Triumph, coal to do; OB.Weaver, inrnber to Patterson & Lippioooth Friend- | ship, cosilo Delaware City. | HEHOBANDA The bark N-Boyntbhy Gapt Mitchell, from New York, anived on Tuesday, reports having picked up 9th that, inside; the Delaware [Breakwater, an anchor and 45;fa tboms of chain, supposed to belong to the bark Antietam, now ashore off Lewes, Del. Steamship Norman, Baker,hence,’ arrived at Boston lltb icat. Ship Fanny McHenry, Smith, from London, at New York yesterday. JJatk Jameß Andrews, Hathaway, hence 31st nit.'for Portsmouth Grove, 81. weDt ashore on Barnegat Shoals oh the night of the Bth inst, and went to pieces before, morning. All of the crew wereno doubt drowned, one of them having been found Tuesday morning loath of the Met... The remnants of the vessel lie on diffoteut partk of the shoal.. 1 here arc no signs of cargo as yet ooniing ashore, : Some or her rigging and sails will be saved. She was bnilt at Newcastle, Me, in 1841,275 tons burthen, and owned by AF, Cochran, of Boston... - Bark Charles KrenVFisher; 22 days from New Orleans, with sugar, Stc, at New York 11th inst. Experienced very heavy weather on the passage. Spilt and lost gads. Schr Ohas A Greiner, Young, hence, arrived at Bristol 10,h irißt. ■ Sfehr Minerva, Brooks, sailed from Bristol 10th inst. fot Philadelphia: Schr Richard Hill,- Smith, hence, arrived at Fall Biver 10th Inst Sshr Challenge, Hart, hence, arrived at New Haven 10th lost. .: Scbr Sjlvißter Gesner, Thompson, hence, arrived at N York 11th inßt. Scbr West Dennis, Crowell, cleßred at New York Hth inst. lor Wilmington. Dei. . Schr Pocahontas, Berry, from Philadelphia far Boston, before reported ashore near. West Harwich; parted small chain and dragged on to Klin Pond Bar, and Bunk In 15 feet water. She has been stripped of eaiiß and running rigging, ahd vessels are employed in saving cargo when ever the weather will permit. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1862. Pennsylvania military ACADEMY', sit West Chester. (for boarders only ). Thin Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, Septem ber 4th, 1862, -Jfc was ohartered by the Legislature, at Its last seßslon, with full collegiate potYere: In its capacious buildings, whioh were erected and fnr niahcd at a cost of over Blxty thousand dollars, are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable quar tering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets, ! A ca rps of competent and experienced teaohers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practical. The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses : Primary, Commercial, and Boientiflo, Collegiate and Military, A graduate of the Catted States Military Academy, of high standing in his class, aud of experience In the field, devotee bis exclusive attention to the Mathematics and Engineering. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to J AS.H OBNE, Esq.. No. 625 OHBITNUT St., or at the Bock Stand of Continental Hotel. Philadelphia, ■or to Colonel THEODORE HYATT, President Penn sylvania Military Academy. no4lm EDUCATIONAL. T7ILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V A eeleot Hoarding Sohool, near MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, English studies, &o. ' \ Military Tactics taught. Classes to Book keeping, Surveying, and Civil Et gineering. Pupils taken of all ages, and are received at any time. Boarding per week, 82 25.. v, • Tuition per quarter, 556.00. ■ For catalogues or information address Bev. J. HEB YEY BABTON, A. Mi, Village Green, Pa. 0010-tf Linden hall Moravian fe male SEMIHABY, at LITIZ, Lancaster county, Penna., founded 1794, afford* superior advantages for thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu lars and information, apply to Messrs. JORDAN A BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or to Bev. W. Ol BEKJHEL, Principal. *n29-8m DQARLING SOHOOL FOR GIRLS. JL* KBMOYAL. The Sixth Session of the BOARDING SOHOOL JOB GIRLS, heretofore oondnoted fay the Subscribers, near Darby, Pa., under the name of . “SHABON FEMALE SEMINARY,” Will" open 10th mo., Ist, 1863, at Attleboro, Books county, Pa., under the name of ~ i BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE.' Every tfooility will be afforded whereby a thorough and finished course of instruction in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, and MATHEMATICAL Education may be obtained. Circulars, embracing .full details of the Institution, may be had on application to the Principals, Attleboro, -Books county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. ■ : iTBBMS. The charge for tuition in English branches, with board, washing, fuel, and lights, Including pens and ink, and the use of the library, is at the rate of 55180 for the school-year. Latin, Greek, French, German, and Drawing, each extra. ISRAEL J. GBAHAME, : JANE P.GBAHAKE, seB.3m Principals. MARSHAL’S SALES. MARSHAL’S BALE.—By virtue cf & Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN O ADW ALADEB, Jndgeof the District Court of- the United States,.ia and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at OALLO WHILE STREET WHARF, on SATURDAY, November 22,1862, at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner ELMIRA CORNELIUS, her tackle, apparel, Ac,, as she now lies at raid wharf. :On the some d»y, at MIOHENER’S Store, No. 142 North FBONT Street, immediately after the gale of the vessel, will be exposed to i ale the cargo of said vesseliconsist ing of shoe thread, salt, stationery, extract logwood, dines, spices, white lead, candle?, starch, soap, cheese, brooms, paints, hats, hardware, lard, butter, hams, ver digris, &o. WILLIAM MILL WARD, ‘ U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, November 11, 1862, not 2 8t LEGAL. SHERIFF’S NOTIGE —IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOB THE CUT Y AND COUNTY OF PHIL ADELPHIA. City end County of Philadelphia, bb. I THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TO THE SHERIFF OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, " GBK&TIi-G : IfBEBIAHB HUNT make yon secure of prosecuting fcia claim, th*n we command you,that you summon, by good and lawful summons, The Pennsylvania Company for JnsurfiDceß on Lives and . Granting Aumufiesj Trus tees trader the last will and testament of PISTE ft L PB &- GU6ON, deceased, and ALEX INDER C.FERGtXSO 5?, late of your county, so that they be and appear beforeour Judges at Philadelphia, at bur D.striot Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, :theih to be hold: the first MONDAY 6f December next, to show wherefore whereas they) the said demandant and the said defend-in t, to gether and undivided, do hold all that certain messuage or tenement tavern and lot or piece of land, situate in the late township of Blockley, now in the Twenty-fourth ward'of the City of Philadelphia, beginning at the south west corner of Havcrford street and Thirty -ninth street, Ibence extending westward along the south side of the said Bayerford street, five hundred and fifteen feet three and five: eighths inches, to a point the intersection of the south side of the said Haverford street and the northeast Sice of the Lancaster : eleven feet azid seven-eighths of an inch to the northeast side of the said Lancaster Turnpike road, thence south eastward along the same two hundred and eighty feat, to the northwest side of Garden thence northeastward 4fiong the eaid Garden street fifty-eight feet nine and five eighths inches to an angle in the Bams, thence eastward along the north side of the said Garden street two Hun dred and seventy-six feet one inch and 'seven-eighths of an inch to the west side of the said Thirty* ninth street, -thence northward along the west side of the said Thirty ninth Bireet one hundred and fifty-three feet three inches, to the place of beginning—tHe same defendant , partition thereof between them to be tfiade (according to the laws and customs of this Commonwealth, in such case made and provided,) do gainsay, and the same to be done do not permit, very unjußtly and against the same laws and cus toms, (as it is said;) &c. ” And have you then there the names of those summon era and this wr>t ; the Honorable GE OBGE SHABSWOOD, Doctor ef Laws, Presidentof ourBaidCourtatPhiladelphla,the Tenth day of October, iu the year of our Lord one .thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. ocl6-th6t , B. E. FLETOHEB, proProthonotary. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT ffOR i TEE OITT A.ED OOUN l Y OF PHIL ADE LPHI4. Estate of PHILIP R SOHUILEE,, Sen’r, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust tbc account of AIiOENIA;StjHUYLBJI, Exe cutrix‘of PHILIP B SOHUYLE S, Jun’r, deceased, who was acting Executor ofPBILIP B ; 80HUZLBB, Sen’r, deceased, and to make distrtbutlon 'of tlie balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties' in terested for the purposes-of his appointment on MOST BAY, November 24tb, 1862, at i o’cloot P.’ M, at his Office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the oity of Philadelphia. noS tbstnßt GEOBGE M. CONABBOE, Auditor. TTNITID STATES, EASTERN DIB - TKIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SOT. TaE PBESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OFTHE EASTEBN Bismol OF PENNSYLVANIA, GBEETING: * W&EBEAP, Theßlstrict Court-of the United Btatesin and for the Eastern Bistrict of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel,, filed in the'name of the United Slates of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interet t in five ten-doilar Treasury Notes, fourteen five dollar Treasury Notes, one onejdotlar note of the Marino Bank, New Jersey, one silver and three copper coins, the whole amounting to the sum of one hundred and twenty two dollars and eight cents, ($122 08;) being the pro ceeds of the wrecked schooner AGNES and CARGO, cap tured by the United States steamer “Florida,” under command of Lieutenant Commander B. WV Scott, said steamer then and there being one of the Atlantic Naval Squadron, under command of Bear Admiral S. F. Dupont, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the'daily newspapers priatedand published in the city of Philadelphia', and ih the' L'tgal Jntelli gtnetr, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in genera! who hove, or pretend to have, any right, title, or.interest in thosaid five ten- dollar Treasury Notes, fourteen five-dollar Treasury Notes, one one-dollar note of the Marine Bank, New Jersey ; one Bilver and three, copper .coins, the whole amounting to the sum of one hundred and twenty two dollars and eight cents, ($12208;) being the pro ceeds of the wi ecked schooner AGN KS and OABSO, to. appear before the. Honorable JOHN OADWALADEB, the Judge of the said Court, at the Bistrict Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the Twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be -a court day, or eiße on the .next court day.following, between the usual, hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due rorm oflaw, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said BChooner AGNES and OABGO, (orthe said one hundred and twenty-two dollars and eight cents, ($122.08,) being the proceeds thereof,) should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the said schooner AGNES and OABGO, to the eae mies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subjest to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and Lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be inti mated, unto all personß aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents itig also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Uonrt doth intend and will proceed to. -adjudication on the said cap ture, and may pronounce that the said schooner AGNES and OABGO, and the said five ten-dollar Treasury Notes fourteen five-dollar Treasury Notes, one'one-dollar note of the Marine Bank, New Jersey I one silver and -three copper coins, the whole amounting to $122 08, being the proceeds thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture ot the same, to the enemies of the United States of Ame rica, and as. goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to bead judged and condemned as lawfal .prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and Intimated in any wise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the gitid District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN OADWAEADEB, Judge of the tai'd Court, at Philadelphia, this seventh day of NOVEKLBEB, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty seventh year ot the Independence of the said United Stater. " "" .no!2-3t G. B FOX, Clerk District Oonrt. . TTNITID STATUS, EASTERN DI3- 11/ ; TKIOT OF FENIiSYI/VANIA, SOT. the fbesident of the united states, TO THE MABBHAL OF THJI EASTERN DI3TEIOT OF PEN n syevania, GBEETING: "WHEREAS, The District Court of the Halted States in' and lor the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly.and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the' name of the ■ UnitedgStates of America, hath decreed Slfpergons in general who have, or pretend to bavei any right, tide, or interest in'the schooner ELMIRA CORNELIUS, whereof John Dimonson in master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture; -and the" goods, wares and s merchandise laden on hoard thereof, captured by the "United States bark Bestless, Lieutenant Ctonroy commanding, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so rrrjTuring). Yon are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, bat that bypnblisliing these presents in at loaat two of the daily newspapers printed and" published in the olty of Philadelphia, and in the Ltgal Intslligtncer, you do monieh and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pra-f tend to have, any "right, title, or Interest in thesaid schooner ELMIRA CORNELIUB, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchan dise, to appear before the HonorabloJOHN CADWALA DEB the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court : room, In the city of- Philadelphia, on the Twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the , usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in. due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have,' why the said schooner ELMIRA COBNELIUB, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise, shall not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of theoaptureof the same, to the enemies of.lbe United States, and as goods of their - enemies, or 'otherwise,liable -and- suhjectto obndemna »tion, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawfdl prizes; and further to do and receive In this behalf as •to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause intimated,-unto ail peraonsaforesatd,geue rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shell not appear at the time and -place above mentioned, or appear, and shall not showa " reasonable and fawftiUeauee to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend, and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said capture, and may. pronounce that the said schooner ELMIRA CORNELIUS, hertackle, ap panl.and furniture, and the said goods, wares, andnasr chandise, did belongs at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to' confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned-las lawful prize, the atuenoeior rather contumacy of tbe persons so cited and:intimaied in and”that-yon doty certify ' to tbe said District Court what you shall do’in the pre mises, together with these presents. . ", g Witness the Honorable’ JOHN OiDWAIiADER, Judge of Ibe said .Oonrt, at Philadelidda, this-Seventh day of NOYEMBEB, A. D. 1862. and in the eighty . Bevcnth year cf the Independence of the said United States, g . -, nol2Bt G. B. FOX; Clerk District Oonrt- CARD PRINTING, Neat and Cheap, at BIH GW ALT A BBOWH’B, 111 8. FOTJBTB Street, below Oheetnnt. «e 3 INSURANCE COMPANIES. piBJE INSURANCE by the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ' PHILADELPHIA, ~r ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OB PEBPETUAL, MEBOHANDISErFUBNITUBE, *O., IN TOWN OB COUNTRY. OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL 5534(3,000—ASSETS 330,174 10 “ Invested in the following Sosarities, vix: I'irst Mortgage on City Property, worth double .(he am0unt................ .....$171,100 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Company’s 0 pet cent, - let_Mbrtgftge Bonds... Do. ! .do. 2d do. (880,000) 29,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Bondi 4,560 00 Ground Bent; well secured..; 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, well 5ecured................ 2,500 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Loan 45,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, $3,000,000 6 per cent. L0an........................ 5.000 00 Doited States 7 3-1 C per cent. L0an.......... 10,000 00 Allegheny conhty 6 per ot. Penna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company's 6 percent. Loan ($5,000)............... 4,710 00 Camden and' Amboy Bailroad Company’s 8 .. .per cent. Loan (85,000)................ .4,600 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Company’s Stock.... 4,000 00 Beltance Insurance Company’s 5t0ck........ 8,850 00 Commercial Bank Stock 6,135 01 Mechanics’Bank 5t0ck.......1 2,812 50 County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t00k.... 1,060 00 Delaware M. S. Insurance Company’s Stook.. 700 00 Union M. Insurance Company’s Scrip ...... 380 00 Bills Receivable. 1,061 84 Accrued Interest. 6,504 81 Cash in bank and0nhand............. 7,010 06 toßsea promptly adjusted and paid. DIBEOTOBB. Samuel Bispham, Bobert Steen, William Hussar, Benjl W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J Joh neon Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Sisaell, Pittsburg, GM TINQLBY, President, ■etary. jyll-tf Clem Tlngley, ■ ■William B.Thompaon, Frederick Brown, William Steyenaon, John B. Worrell, H. L. Carson, , Bobert Poland, G.D. Roßengarten, Charles S. Wood, James B.iWooaward, OK B. M.'HINOHMAN, Secr< T\ELAW ARE MUTUAL SAFETY/ U INSURANCE COMPANY, • INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1836. OFFICE B. E.vOOBNER THIRD AND WALNUT 81BEE18, PHILADELPHIA. • MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS, ) OABGO, > To all parts of the World, FBEIGHT, S r INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by BiVor, Canal, Lake and. Land Carriage to ' all parti of the Union, i ■ . FIBE; INSURANCES On Uorcbandißo generally; On Stores, Dwelling Bouses, So. • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOT. 1,1881. MB. ' ■ ' ' ’ OOSI. • $lOO,OBO United States Five perct. Loan... 8100,250 00 ’ 50,000 TJ. States 6 per ct. Treasury Notes 49,995' 37, 25,000 United States SevenandThroe . tenths per ct. Treasury Notes... 25,000 00 100,000 State of Ponna. Five per ct. Loan.' 89,601 25; 54,000 do. do. Six do. do, 64.151 60 133;050 Phila. City Biz per cent; Loan.... 116,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee ? Five percent' L0an.............. ......y.... 24,075 00 29,000 Pennsylvania Eailfoad. Ist Msrt . gage Six per.cent. Bonds 20,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5.46,130 83 16,000 300 shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. ■ Principal and Interest ' guarantied by the oity of Phiia. 14,587 60 8,000 100 Shares Stock Penn.B.B. do.. 6,000 00 Bills Becelvablo,for Insurancesmade.... 90.730 07 Bonds, and Mortgages 75.060 00 BealEstate,,!t. 51,303 35 Balances due atAgencies—premiumsonMa rine Policies, Interest, and other debts due the00mpany...'*...,t.......... 48,131 97 Scrip Mid Stock of anndry Insurance and other Companies, 811,843, estimated value. Cash on hand—in 8ank5,.......851,093 03 in Drawer 617 33 61,615 80 •889,128 37 DIBBOI’OBB. , Bamnel B. Stokes,- I J. F. Peniston; " Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer Moll value, Thomae 0. Hand, Bobert Barton, JacobP. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Johnß. Semple, Pittsburg D. T. Morgan, « , A. B. Berger, « JASO HAND, President. I. DAVIS, Vice President, notary. del6-ly Thomas C. Hand, Edmund AvSonder, Tlieophilos Paulding, John B, Penrose, - John 0. Davis, James Traguair, William Byre, Jr., James O. Hand, > William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George G: Leiper, Hugh Oraig, Charles Kelly, tho: v. ; JOHN HBNBY LYLBBBN, Si fIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PKBNSYLTANIA FIRE INBUBANO* COMPANY. Incorporated”lB2s. OHABTKB PERPE TUAL. Ho. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Sgnare. This' Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire on public or private Buildings, cither per manently or for a limited time. Albo, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on libera i terms. ■ . • .. Their Capital, together with a large Sorploa Fund, fa lsveated In the most manner, which enableß them to offer to the tnsnred aa undoubted security 1b the case ot loss. DIBEOTOBS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Koblns, Qnintin Campbell, Darnel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devererix, William Montelins, Thomas Smith. Isaao Hazleburst, ■’ ,• : ; JONATHAN PATTEBSON, President William G. Crowell, Secretary. . apfl TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE 1 STATS OF PENNSYLVANIA-DFFICB Noa. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North Bids of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK, and THIBD Streets, Phila delphia. INCQBPOBATED In 1704—OHABTEB PEBPBTUAL. CAPITAL *200,000. . PBOPKBTIEB OP THE COMP ANT, FEBBUABY 1,1861, $507,094.61. BABINS, TIBS, AND INLAND TBANSPOBTA TION INSUBANOB. DIBBOTOBS. Hsnrr.D- Sherrerd, ' Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalerter, Tobias Wagner, William 8, Smith, Thomas 8.~ Wattson, John B. Anßtin, , Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Edward 0. Knight ' HBNBY B. BHEBBEBD, President, WILMAS Hahpke, Secretary. jy29-tf fJTHE BMIBBPBIBB INSUBANOB COMPANY OT PHILADELPHIA.' (FIBS INSUBANOB BXOLUSIYELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. COBNBB FOUBTB : AND WALNUT STBEHTS. ,;V: DIBEOTOBB. F. Batchferd Starr, MordecaiL. Dawson, WlSliam McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John Hi Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock; Benj. T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharten, : J.L.Stringer. F. BATOHFOBD STABB, President OXAXLKS W. OOXI, Secretary. felt A MEEIGAN FIKE INBTJBANOE XT. COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTBB PBBPBTUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, abeye Third, Philadelphia. --r-i Having a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus, in. rested In Bound and available Securities, continnes to Instate on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBEOTOBS. James B. Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilh, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris, Thomas B. Mario, ' John Welsh, Samuel 0. Morton. Patrick Brady, ' John T. liewls, ■ THOMAS B.MABIS,-President AISIII O. li. GrAWFOSD, Secretary. ..... _fe22.H Anthracite insurance COM PAH X.—Authorized Capital 8400,000 OHABTEB PEEPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. ; ; ' This Company will insure against lews or damage by Fire, en Buildings, Furiiituro, and Merchandise gono rally. ’. : t;T-.,T..T Also, Marine Insurances on Yeßsels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. - ’ DLEECTOBS. William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis Andenried, John B. Blakiston, Joseph Maxfleld, WILL wm. : W. M. Bmhf, Secretary. COAL. F Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P M. ELI OOSGBOVE, no - 07 Sheriff of Cecil County. Up/H4M H. TEATGN & 00., ? V No. 201 South EBONT Street, Agents for the Silo of the Original Heidsieck ,& 00. Champagne, offer that desirable wine to the trade. Also, 1,000 cases fine and mediuin'grade Bordeaux Cla rets. •• - ' ■ ■ ■ ■ . 100 cases “ Brandenberg Freres’.’ Cognac Brandy, via tage 1848; bottled In Franoe. ' . ■ ■ 60 cases finest Tuscan Oil, In fiasks, 2 dozen in case. 80bbls. finest quality Monongaheta Whisky. 60,000 Havana Segars, extra fine. Hoot AOhandon ’Grand- Vln Imperial “Green Beal” Champagne. . j- s-?- ' Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, : Sherry, Port, &o. •' : 0016-lm Terra cotta manufactory. Hanging Vases. Fancy Flower Pots. Orange Pots. Fern Vases. Ivy Vases. Garden Vases. Jasmin Coupes. Cassolette Benalssanot. Oassoletts Louis XYX Lava Vases Aniline. Pedestals, all sizes. Consols and Oarlatades. Parian Busts. Marble Pedestals. For Bale Betall, and to the Trade. S. A. HABKISON, 0016 1010 OHEBTNPT Street lAMAICA RUM.—IB Puncheons Just M received and for sale, in bond, by OHABLEB S. CABSTAIB3, ■ nolO 126 WALNUT Bt. and2IGBANITB St. « T UOIFER” OHi WOREB. 8 J 100 bbts “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to bo non-explosive, to burn aU’ the oil in the lamp with a steady, brffllast flame, Without srusting the wick, and bnt slowly. Barrels lined wtti riuaenamsL WEIGHT, SMITH, A PXABBALL, Office *3IMARKET Rtnwt BAY BUM—In rtmcheons'&nd Wine BarieJa> Sor ssl» by OHABLES B. OABBTAIBB, 136 WALHXJT Btreet 6,000 00. 9330,175 10 4,088 00 Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, JohnKetoham. AM ESHEB, President 9*. DEAN, Tice President. _______ ap3-tf KAIjLKOAU tIK«S. 1862. laan 1862. ABBANGEMEN CS OF MEW YOBK.LINE*. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AMU PHILADEL PHIA AND TBENTON BAILfiOAD COMPANY’S LINES FBOH PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALNDI.STKKET WHARF AND KBItSISOTOK DRPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLM WB—VIZ: , fabb. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation .••••*..**....W B At 8 A. M.) via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Aeoommodatioh... .. 1 ft At 8 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail.. 8 00 At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, _ Western Express 8 00 At ISJt P. M., via Camden .and Amboy, Aoceramo daHon. 8 30 At 3 P, M., via Camden and Amboy, O- and A. Ex press...... 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, KvenSns Expre55.......... ft......,.......;..,,. 8 8* At4P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 3d Class Ticket.....S SO At 6)4 P. H., via Kensington and Jersey Gtty, Evening Mail S 08 At 11V P. M., viaJOamden and Jersey City. South eraMail..... 8 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- tion, (Freight and Paasenger)—lst Class Ticket.. S 8» Do. do. .3d Class d 0.... 180 The 11K P. M. Southern Mall runs daily; ail others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Strondsbnrg, Scranton, WUkoabarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Bingharapfon, Syracuse, So., at 8 A. M. from Wainot-street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Bailroad For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Beftidere, Easton, LambertviUe, Flomington, &o„ at 8 A. M and 2)4 P, M., from Wainnt-street Wharf; (the 6 A. M. Line dehhects with train leaving Easton for blanch Chunk at 8.20 P.M.) For Mount Holly; at 6 A. M., 2 and 4)4 F. H. For Freehold, at 8 A. M.. and 2 P. M. . WAY LINES. Tor Bristol, Trenton,&c., atßanull A. M* and 6.E0 P. M. from Kensington, and 2J4 P. M. from Walnut ttreßtwharf. . : For Bristol SI d intermediate stations 11)4 A. M., from KeneingtoirDepot. For Paimyra, Biverton, Delanos, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordontown, &0., at 12)4,1, 4)4, and 6P. ® Steamboat TBENTON for Bordeatown and intarme diate stations at 2)4 P, M. from Walnut-atreot wharf. SF" For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure.. The: cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. ....: Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. AH baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar par pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond #lOO, except by special contract I&3-M WM.H.GATZMBB, Agent LINES FBOM NEW YOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA Will. ABATE, ..FBOM FOOT OF OOSTLASD BTBEET, At 10 A. M., 12 M., and 0 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden; :At7. A, M., and 4 and 11P; 51. via Jersey City and Kensington... . From foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 5 P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. selS-tf mHI PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A BAILBCAD. TEES GBEATDOTJB-Llil TBACK BOUTS. 1862. BiH 1862. BYIiVA.NIA. BAILBO ID - FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, MAUOB CHUNK, HAZELTON. EASTON, WILKES ' BABBB, &0. FALL ABBANCEMENT. THBEE THBOUGH TBAIN3. On and after HONDA.?, September let, 1802, Pas senger Trains will leave the new Depot, TIIIBD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 7 A. til. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoh Chunk, Hazelton, Wiikosbarre, &o. The 7 A. M. Train makes close connection with the liehigh Yelley Bailroad at Bethlehem! being the shortest and most desirable rente to Wilkesbarre, and to all points in the Lehigh Goal-region. At 3 P.M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &o. Thiß train reaches Easton at 6 P. Ml, and makes’close connection with New Jersey Central for Now York. At *6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chnnk; .... At 9.18 A. M., and 4.16 P.Mi, for Doylestown. At 8.15 P. SI. for Port Washington. ‘ White Tears of the Second and Third-streets line Oity Passenger Cars run directly to the new Depot.* . TBAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.40 A. H., 9.18 A. M., and 6.33 P. M. . " v Leave Doylestown at 7.80 A. M., and 3 40 P.M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. •< “ Doylestown at 3P. M, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bethlehem for “ 6 P. M. Fare to 8eth1ehem.,...;.......,,,,,,.,,,...,....®! 50 Fare to Easton 1.50 Fare to Mauch drank 2.80 Fare to Wilkesbarre......; 4.60 Through tickets mnst beprocured at the Ticket Offices, at THIRD Street or BBBKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. . Alt Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) conneot at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets and Second and Third streets Passengerßailroads, five minutes after leaving Third Street. . Bel ELLIS OLABK, Agent. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 20, IS3S, until farther notice. . FOB GEBHANTOWN. . Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11, 12, A. H.,1, 2. 8.10, 4,6, 6K, 6,7, 8,9 X, 10X, 11X, P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.35,8, BX, 9)(, 10X, 11 Xi A. H.,1, 2,3, 4,6, 6,10, 7 10, 8, 9,10.10,11, P.M; ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M„ 2,7.10 X. P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,6, 9X» P. M, CHESTNUT HILL BAELBOAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8,10, IS, A; M., 2,4, 5,6, 8, &wJ10)£» P. M. . Leave Ohosbrat Hill, 7.10, 7.86, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40,3.40, 6*, BX, 7.40, and 9.60, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,7, P. M. Leave Chestnnt Hill, 7.50 A. M., 12.40,' 5.40, and 9.10 e. M. FOB CONSHOHOOKEN AND NOBBISTOWS. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.06,1L06,A. M., IX, 3, 4%, 6.06, 8.06,11*, P* M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9,11, A. M., IX, 4X, and 6, P. M. _ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M. r and 2X, F, M,. Leave Norristown, 7x A. M., aad 6 P, M. FOB MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6,9.03,11.06, A. M., ltfi 6.06, 8.05 aid UXi F. M. Leave Manaynnk, 6X, 7X, 8.20, 9X. UX> M., 2, 5,6 X, P-M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 2X and 6S£> F. M. Leave Manaynnk, 7X A, M., 5X and 8 F. M. IX, K. SMITH, General Superintendent. oclB-tf Depot-NINTH and GBEEN Streets. WEST* CHESTER TBAINS, via the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. IBAVB THB DEPOI, '.... Obrner-BLEYENTH and MABKET Streets, First Train at.. ~.7.15 A. 51. Second Trainat........ .....;.. 8.46 A. M. Third Train at. .12.00 Noon. Foorth Train at..,.. .....4.00P. SI. Fifth Train at ....6.45 P. M. LEAVE west ohesteb, At 6.26,7.46, and 10.55 A. M., 3.10 and 4.16 P. M. : ON. SUNDAY. leave Philadelphia at 7.80 A. M„ and West Chester at 4 P. M. Freight delivered at the Freight Station, corner MAB KET and JUNIPER, before U. 30 A. M., .will be de livered at IVeßt Chester at 2 P. SI. For Hcketa and further information, apply to JAMBS OOWBEN, Passenger Agent. LEWIS 1. HOTJPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l-tf WEST CHESTEB SosSETSeAND PHILADELPHIA BAIL- VIA MEDIA. FALL ABBANGEMEHT. 00 and after MONDAY, Sept, Iptlij 1802, the trains will leaVe PHIXiABBLI’HIA from the depot, N. X. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET, Streets, at 8 and 10.30 A. M„ and 2, 4.18, and 6.30 F. Sland will leave the confer of THIBTY-FIBST and MARKET Streets, IT minutes after the starting time from Eight eenth and Uarket streets. OH SUNDAYS,. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CHEBTEB at 8 A. H., and 4.45 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 4.1» p. M.j connect atPennelton with trains on the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central BaliroaA for Oonoord, Ken nett, Oxford, &o. HBNBT WOOD, jeM-tf - Superintendent. KEupta—Mß PHILADELPHIA leg inf Ogjgj* ASP EX.MTBA B. B . LIS*. 180* SUMMER AREANaBMBKT. 1801 for WILLIAMSPOBT, 80BANT0N, ELMEBA, and all points in the W. and H. W. Passenger Trains {ear* Depet ofFhila. and Beading B. 8., oor. Broad and Gal iowhiii streets, at 8 A. M., and 8.18 P. M, daily, except goadain, - QUICKEST BOUT* from Philadeiphia to points In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western Keg Fork, ftc., fto. Baggage checked throngh to BtUMo, Hiagara Falls, or Intermediate point*. Through Express Freight Train tor all points abort, leaves daily at 8 P. M. ■ gor further information apply to JOHN 8. HHiIEB, General Agent THXBTKEHTH and OALLOWHUii, and H. W. ooi. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. jaBl-tl RE OP ENIN G OF TH® BAIiTUIOBE Airo OHIO SAIBBOAB.—This road, being fnUy BEPAIBED and effectnaily - GUABBED, Is new open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GBEAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether in formation apply at the Company’s Office, corner BBOAB Btreet and WABHIHGTOH Avenns. 8. M. FELTON, : apg-tf President P. W. and B. B. B. 00. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THS ADAMS EX- PBEBS OOUPAHT, Office 8M CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paroels, Phckages, Msr ohandise, Bank Hotee, and' Bpooie, either feylta own lines or in connection with other: Express Companies, to all ths principal Towns and Oitles of Die United States K. S. SANDFOBD, felfl General Superintendent. piNB APPLE SAP SAGO CHEESE, A tor sale by BHODESft WILLIAMS, oeS-tf LOT Bonth WATBB Street. NORTH PENN. SALES BY AUCTION.. JOHN IS. MYEBB & CO., AUO~ TIONEBBB, Nob 332 and 334 MABKJBT Street. LAEGE POSITIVE SACK OF DBT GOODS. TH)S BIOKfIIKG, Noveri feer 13. at 10 o’clock, will b» sold by catalogue OB 4 month*’. Cref it— About 7”5 packages and lota of British, German, Ptencli. hi ci AnHfiCitt dry goods, embracing alar go and general assortment of staple and fancy arlie'.es, In woolens, wertted*. linen and cottons, and silks. BALE OP OaBPBI S, M ACTING. Ac , ON P.UUiAff 410ENINQ, November 14, at 10 o’clock, on a months’ credit— “ Splices veive,?, Brussels, ingrain, and liet carpets, cocca msttiny, Ac. LABGE PEREMPTOET SALS OF HEI3OH DBT GOO, 3. ON MONbAV JKOBNINO. November 17, at 10 o’clock, will be Bold by- catalogue, On 4 months’ci edit— About 7SO packages and lots oi Prencb, Gar nan, India, and British dry goods, comprising'a general assortment of fancy and staple articles in silks, woroted, woolen, and cotton iatirlcs. LABGE POSITIVE SALE OP BOOT 3, BHOE9, Ac. ON TDESOAY MOBNING. November 18 at 10 o'clock, will be sold without re serve, on 4 mentbe* credit— About 1.000 packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry hoots, Ac.. Ac.; embracing a general assortment oi prime goods, of City and Eastern manufacture. limNISS, jmiNLIY, & 00., } No. 429 MABKET BTBEET. BALE OP FBBNCE, BlilTDjH, AND BAXO3SV BBT GOOIB. OH FBIDAY MOBNISG, November 14, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue on 4 months’ credit—V 400 lots of fancy and staple dry good*. ALAFACOA3, GALA AND SaXONY PLAIDS, I ON FBIDAY MOBNING, cases 6-4 fine to superfine black alpaccas. do 6 4 *xt. a fine do 'do ■ — do 6 4 pure mohair do. do gala and feaxony plaids, reps, mohairs, plaid lustres, Ac, BnA W L 3 AU-wecl, plaid long and satiate shawls. ALSO, White, jaconet, cambric, check, and mull muslins. •—cmbiofderies, cotton hose, &c c.'Xtoiiii Noa. 4&6 cable cord panic Fi vat ; ls . dawrfpHon of city and oonntjf s' H- ~ m»f be bed at th* anotion atoi 1 ***? pT* < 1 —■—■ 808,, PIA« 0 FOBBk.'gjg* »l> --- ■'N! THB HOfigtiin At 9 o’Oloct, at the Auction Storo excellent second-hand itmJtom,*iaw B ” cerpete, &C. “'’>®lasof or! ,*rt lil ______ FAiB OF VALUABLE FDEOlrin CEM,ANEon B BOOEi Fr,,L G , c U Ofr . . - THIS r -SBpl D^ Wot. IS,-commencing 8t 4 “£°»H. Stott, s collection of tfceo!ogi s „| ' « *. ft. m e piivaie library. Bn«:„, s S’i| Nov. 14, at No. 616 Bprecf U goiKTlor walcnt parlor, eaie, r * ■ 'OE’B SALK OF v7t7T~r~ AT THE ARAIffiMY Si ON TUESDAY Mm'VJ Not. 38. 1882, at tfce * ’' Alto, Chestnut street, abore Tkcf. y.t, o’clock, wiilont metre, by ~U.‘ 1 * valuable digital painting by ' 1 Ki ' BBMBBaNDT'pvA.. Ir eluding bis celebrated ponr-'a" 4 ' tketches and other works of art - -f K Alto, the private collection of a , from the city, inciudfns tbs » 0 »k». *V Paul Weber, Jntsnm. Cropscy \Vi“- ’ and other eminent ertirts. The whole to be fold witbnsi. BSfr The Paintings. & 8 .. cat, b ?™- three days y avion* to «aie. f„ s ,; t Moses nath/uyh^t;. AHB COMMISSION comer of SIXTH and BAGS S: ' *b. NATHANS’ GBEAT Sir,® 0 F fopc lathk'tV HFr - OVER 3,000 LOTS OF Fiib'pt-, Consisting of Ladies’ naii G, BcddiDg Mosteal loßtra:,:,-;,. s, 'idh'-.. Pistole, Miscellaneous Artir!,,’ H 'rtiit.. ON MONDAY si^vX, Not. 17, at 10 o’clock, nt :l q - Bonn. Nob 155 and 157 North I*-, the 8. E. corner of M»h ar.d' }*&, «: t' GEHTUtttKS’3 OLOTattolC ■ raglars*: garricfes. cloak?; f- o ck d .' pr,nor coats; fine cloth and csefimer t:s cashmere, snd other vests: beo*, ' J ‘ :T ’’e shoes and dippers; nmbrellsa "mm'**”' *«» geDts’ heavy Bhawh, hosiery, • Also, rich fnr moftlera and cloves : LADIES’ eLOTHINO-Elegaut'sr- , arddiesßpatterns; merino, * chintz, end other dreaaes, skirts »,> i!u - ide embroidered crape, silk, broche. s e i'» ' h Wat* Stats woolen, plaid, and other eha*ll- •' 2 1, *s& casts, cloth clrcnlars, bailies, shawls Bed veils; mre. scarls. and 5 elippexs, and grans, parasols, sun shales I*’ 1 *’ trader clothing generally; mines’ Ing.&c. BE DP, BEDDING, &c.~ Eins matrataes, feather beds. bolsters" 1 comfortables, cotmterpanets pillow cases; cnrtalrs : parlor, cbat :^r V - petc j clocks; tailor’s goose; sad - kitchen ware; tahb cloths, table cot* fine oil paintings, &c. ' BOOKS—English and German D ; cti -*-v- • - F. Grlth, in 2 volt: Webster’s Dictfo ias magnificently boned; Life of nb*ut- “ History of the United States- 2 V,v « H Gentral Atlas: Golden r- Boobs cn Yellow Fever; btory on *' v -- J Spiritaalisia Scientifically b r ‘ -.V Prif, Bobert Hall; Bistorr des Frir-v; • Obittj*sPleadings; Gcethts’a Works, t - other becks. ’ " ‘ ‘ MISOELLATTS-OTL-! ABTICLIS=!-E,, forte; fine old violins, guitars, bani.,. -V ■ ■ brass boros, corset: tailor’s stifa-%-... mW; revolver?, fine doable bar f.jWaj..., : volcanicrepeating pistols, trsvi-l]i ß gtro"-Si' , patera’ tools, shoemakers’Soda, t»- P - p span ieg gloves, swords, anil a qmi.trrv &e. Also; a very fine Sewing Micfe heavy and light work. Together wish j'iwi article?. UST" The Goods trjll be cumbered eminaiion, on Saturday afternoon -^ sale. . ■. . SETT OE-HABHBSS-iIM, oa wwfe may concern, a snpericr =o(t cf tfntie !)«■«; OBDEB OF BALE.—The fc f e s sewing macbino, will be add fi-si: ft* h immediately after. The 5- 51ie raja will contimm the whole flay and tr-n'i. -j every article is disposed cf. jj yirg"ss" SHIPFIPsS. NOTICE.—^SoSTO^ASi SfSCT.Tr-PHILAT'Bf.PeiA STEAHSSI? l!H The Steamer SAXON, bav’ce b? the Govfrnir.epr, to carry troops iron. B:-:ki lf O . ■will not sail from Pin’s-* pfciioa?' day uext. tte 15th i>. Due notice will be givm of (be day of t" 8 -- steamer. [Eoli-gfj B. Fl.V^OEiis) TyTO TICE. —The 'Restrictions on T® v having been removed by order of the Tarfti merit, passengers about to visit Europe vil! no km reqaiirecLto provide themselves vrith ywspnti JOHH G.I»UEJ|«£| STEAM WEEKLY TO at Queenstows, {Cork late v The CriTerpool, Now York, and PlflsHjl Steamship Company intend despatching tkirfd-jen Clyde tmilt Iron steamships «*■ follows: GLASGOW..... .8»ti»&y sra*ri OITT OF BAljTlMOßE......Saturday,Ko^fat! And every succeeding Saturday at 2002, trjs aei «JSorth ElTer. BATES OF PASSAGE. FIB3T OABIN SIOOOT STEEBAGI do to 1i08d0a....105 00 do totals.. da to Paris .410 00 do to Pad* do to Hamburg..llo 00 do to Fatal- Passengers also forwarded to Esra, Basal dam, Antwerp, Ac . at equally row rata. Fares from Liverpool or Qnsonstora: teffisS’ 8105, 812 a. Steerage from Liverpsi 5* I' Qner ns own, £4O. Those who wish te sa w friends can buy tickets here at these rata These steamers have superior acewßsWsaw sengers; are strongly bnilt in wster-firbs s®*“ and carry Patent Fire Annihilstoi Eijsnsss. geotjs are attached to each Steamer. For further information avpirin lirarw®" MAM. INMAN,‘Agent, 82Wa!tr8i»t; fe s*?" ALEX MALCOLM, 5 Bt. Enoeh Sparejm Qoeew toO. & W. D. BEYMOOB & 00.: in tales to J & MAfIEY, 61 King William Street: to Pans to. e- DECOBE, 48 Bne Notre Bams dee VM Bourse; in New York to JOHN S. “ way, or at the Company's Office. JOHNS ocl 111 Wslanr Street, Ph®-*!* 1 s&S&k. THE SEITISH ANB Sffl SSSaSSSs. AMEBICAN KOI Ah Mill » BETWEEN NEW *OBK. AND!^E| POC ' i '‘ . INS AT GOES HABBOB, , AND BETWEENBOSTOH ANBT.m;|Pg' J INC AT HALIFAX AND ATJSTBAIiASIAN, Cook, leaves new loss,»' November. 6. v ( t t) AB ABIA, StoEB, leaves Boston. BCOTJA, Judkins, Units New York-WWajjiot EBBOPA. Mondic, leaves Boston, PEBSIA,Lott, leaves New York, , FBOH NEW YOKE TO Chief Cabin Passage g Becond Babin PBesage...... . • MOM BOSTON TO Chief Cabin Passage 9 Second Cabin Passage.... *’**' Berths not secured until paid f° r -. An experienced Surgeon on "Mare- . The owners of these ships will no. o r^r , 1, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Hetsls, unless hills of lading are value thereof therein expressed. or freight or passage, apply • 4 BOWLINS BBE**- 15. 0. s 1 103 ST*' !C„ Sc. ' J s »•<*** .. Bblu. Haw. Hob. 1, S> *® d ,3’ caogbt fat fish,' to assorted Pf c |»f“' e B»r> ** 2,000 Bbls. Hew Eastport, rortna Herrtog- , . , No 1 2,000 Bores lobec, Scaled, ana " 160 Bbl». new Mesa Bbad. *c. «s Herb- - OoontT Oheess. SALfcS Br_