ifiIUVAIiS AT THE HOTELS, A * , r 0 12 O’CLOCK HAST SIGHT. .rd-T WENT Ail HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut rtf. 00 n tTlw, Oiudnofttl Jtt B Spahr, Tort CW*s,£?oSolis. 0 W G Johnston, Pittsburg Cf 0 ,’pitfaborg J J Young, Indians, Pa ?J°2SSr BsUafonto Bobt Valentino, Bellefonto Virgin [a Miss M lieadbeater, Va ft Hew Tort Geo M Parsons, Ohio 16 JofA'f’B Cambridge 0 B Manchester, N T USN U H Painter &wf, DO Cti**! S, U 3 N SB Everhart, W Chester ti f ”l sverbart, W Ohts Miss M T Everhart. Pa Mid 1 5 „?iwolt, H J WI Blohardson, Mass n olpaf St la, Ohio B H Lamson, U 3 N 3 K 'XX Washington B P Ilnese! A wr, N T Jc» ® ri„ r , New York D A Horeau, St lionis ChasL Huntington, BBS Elkton Miss Welsh, Elston tlffl S„,f y.ikton Miss Staples, Elkton Sin ksi6, New York Mrs White, New York A nf,N Y Master W fl|tteserele, N Y A & M i r Lynn R ® Cook, New York * GM| O Sn York F E Foster, Ohio F « Stinson, N York W Foster,Jr, N York B 0 Si* Bcolon W Howe, N York Bt' ® Baltimore W P Manlsby, Baltimore J J 'f ward Capt D Aueshnoff, Bnssia JO Champion, N York "jfJKIUBN J MoCullongh *£ffi»o«gh' J B Johnson, USA ® ! lv mmo, BeHimore H H Leman, Lancaster nadsjn,NY Mis Briggs & 2 daughters B Evans* la, Pa ®?WblfoW- K j :Jas V Jones, Mi : oiliot,N Y M Hilger, N Y Uft Hwrcuce, NY J Bomoge, Boston A f Rood. Boston „ Oapt Wm L Palmer XffiilNY W J Gilbert.Georgatown,Ot ; firisiroW, N Brtford Mrs Howe, Georgetown « »«4*Wi N V H B Ensign, New Haven j ?faille! New Haven W L O'Brien, Baltimore gjßeolr, Brooklyn lordLyens S'^D Duncan, N Y Mrs H Duncan & dan, N X iiriarton A is, Taweuua P V Ilyers A la, N Y ftpiown , GB Hyland. Baltimore Jorildr, Delaware K T Gillei, Delaware SS Altai, Jr. NY ■A G Coffin, N Y a BolHWn. Baltimore Mr Bay A la o. r tP Drnjfou, US N GT Atwood, Taunton,Mass ffiehnrt. N Y Blohd B Haines, NY Jones, Pltila ■ - J B Bobinson, Boston wm BtlttcrfleM, Boston W Griswold, Hartford gp Hildreth, Wash, I) 0 H B Levis, N Y wm Brand JobnSealy, Newark J sl g Marx, Allentown jtSBOBtANTS’ HOTEL— Fourth St., below Arch, ii.nt Jos H Porter A F Brandt,Mschauicsburg f Co! T H Craig, 0S A Sami Arnold, Carlisle Jij ][nwk Jas Allison, Pittsburg Kerr, Plttoburg Mrs Allison, Pittsburg jLilKeir, Pittsburg W N Prothen, Indiana oo 3 R MofKtlland, Pittsburg D Robinson, jr, Ohio u'isT Blebs, Massillon JJH MoOombs, Warren, 0 a \y Smith, Warren, 0 David Olark, Hazleton l Btahelee, White Haven HonT Boss, Doylest >wn jo! Townei Massachusetts Mrs Boos A da, Doylestown sFoster, Boston C H Morledge, Pittsburg v A Depew A la, Easton Miss E A Depew, Easton lANohonegan. Beading B 8 Kunkel, Harrisburg : n fflix, Harrisburg H Swartzweldor, Maryland SrsA Stephens, Memphis 8 Bedell A wf, P’t Jefferson S w Bowman, Carlisle, Pa A Beelt A daughter Ljw Bowman, Carlisle Bev H Bachringer A fa, Va Si., a v Bowman, 0 .rlisle M Wlerman Awt Norfolk I p Sene A wf. Pittsburg J H Dimmlck, New York MwOHamtshlre, Joaneßville Jaa A Polk, Mauch Ohunk cßnotehiro. Jeauowiile J H Eyster, Ohambersbnrg yrisWti'JS’ Bbippefabr.rg AHSBlOAN—Chestnut street, above Fifth, jSI Onthrie, Indiana co Blchd Sharp, Eckiey Wm foell, New Yotk .. A P Spruance, Delaware jUij, K Haines, Boston Jag E Biaok, Delaware D j Milchsack, Bethlehem M M Selfridge, Bethlehem J !' Jostr, Bcbuyiki t co Mrs Bentley (kerge Bentley Miss B Bentley jebn Shenberger, Columbia 0 J Cooper, M Chunk jtebt Phillips, Jr, N Gaiitle D E Stout, Beading J f Deleiagor, Beating Ohas Shipley, Balltmore Ibos 0 Frame, Delaware B Mcllvaln, Lancaster oo FOCwwlthen A wf, Md O B. Mann, Baltimore hra Baker, Chester co. Mias Bally, Chester co 6 J Parker, West Cheater Geo W Payton, Providence fIS Armstrong, New York B K Haag, Milton C J Richards, Providence K W Corey, Boston Cbss Haitnrg, Now York A L Foster, Eokley John G Gtoham, Wilmington Wm T Briggs, Mass 81, LOUIS KOTKli—Uhegtnut street, above Third. 5 Henderson, New York T Spriggina, Hew York jwt S Wootteit, Lancaster W Marlin, WUm, Del JlWtei Wikn, Lei E Jones, New Oastle ■jrifsmsworth, Rockland G W Worthen, Penna 2UN Sforthen, Penna K Hoi«e, New York jCHMten, U 8 N; Kent J H Garrison, TJ S N jjWkßtiil, Dayton. Ohio DM Newbold, Baltimore j 0 Erawhower, tl B N A Yan Winkle, Nosy York V Ackley, ErlilgHton. H J B R Borden, U 3 A BTHoru, Lesion A H League, Baltimore. J White. Balllmoro > ft if Sturges, Wash JH Seely Mrs Parker, Hew York Mrs Ford, New York ■ 0 Fitzorman, New York 8 JBitrrt, Woodbary, N .T THE UNION—Arch street, abovo Third. P H Ketntusrfr, Ohio E Elsfield, lowa B Williams, Delaware ; M W Beebee A eister, N Y D Hsiot B F Orouiaa, Maryland . J H Qroffi, EpUrata, Pa S V Kettle, Wilkesbatre HraJ BLoud, Lewistown J P Irwin, Penna J P Wallace Si la, Frank lin co, Pa tTASKHTAL HOTEL—Baco street, above Third. Jco Keronuwr, Allentown Sami Williams. Danville duo Ij) nods, Penna 81 Albright, Lehigh oo,Pa IS Elcse, Bsrneevlli&, Pa N Applsbach, Penna Hear! Grover. Penna ft Blntu, Danville 0 W Freeze, Danville P M Hockheisner, Plttsb’g «HL Arier, Potievfle F 0 Eyer, Bloom,burg Ul/ Enter, Allontuun M H Shirk, Lancaster co Joke Oraig. l’enna Edw Boise, AUentown . 4 beri Motile, Lehigh co Lieut H H Lantz, Penna Esmirelix, Hinemitlo J M Bowman, Lehigh co I Eliivorth, Allentown . 8 Ake, Williamsburg J F Einstein, Pittsburg B Slielhart, Danville Clmfnt Foster, Ashland Wm Major & wf, Poltsvlilo riD Bartholomew, MChunk COMMERCIAL—BixtIr street, above Chestnut. 3 Crist, St Pant John S Sterner, Poona 1 State, Pennsylvania Bobt Btrickman, Poona 1 McVlcter, Pennsylvania Mrs Bigger, Lock Haven Jtsae B Twining, Bucfes oo D B Leedom, Bnobs oo JJsehaon, Penney Ivenia Dr Braver A la, Beading iirs Dnnkte, Beading E Baktr, Cheater co JB Champion J W Uowatl, Doylesiown J Martin, Pennsylvania Wm Sbarpieis, Chester co i D eherpkss, Chester co S D Chandler, Chester co Qeo W I'rseisr, Punna , B Y Herman, Onmberi’d co F McSparrtn, Lancaster co D. Rupp, Shicemaustown Jos P Benjamin, Prnna John MoOannou, Penna Wm Jameß Awl.Neiraik.NJ WHEder, Elkton, Md STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Bixth. EB Camp, X&dlkia co, Pa A Johnson, XndianS 00, Pa 3 lee, Pror, B I . J ftlipin, Penna II 2^ a ? 3llaw B W Sharp, Wash, DO lufllnderman, Ponna ,1 J Anthony, Penna B McKjahen, Penna J J Miller, Clearfield _ Y Gtahsm, Dilr.oio C K Johnson, Montg CO, Pa BnYJ Dailey, Lane co J Tidd, Easton Wriphtsville J M Houston, Ashland JOBfcka Sc wf, Chester co J B Yandeve, Penna I Beil & la," Clearfield co, Pa J B Lsidlg, Penna f JoKz, Hsrrishnrg L 8 Knitter, New York 11 Isnclave, Johnsvilie J E Dofebaugh,B!airoo, Pa Ohhoff, Carlisle W Bailey; Suffolk, Va BALD EAGLE—Third street, above OallowhUL Me Bull, Qnabeitowii Eli George, Allentown roeary, Pennßbnrg W B Hammond, Beading J George, Allentown 8 Engeiman, Lehigh co ISLotish, Lehigh ci Hiram Birger, Lehigh oo «aon Miller Lehigh co Aaron Teine, Let Igh co WBepsloger, Lehigh co W J Lsrzelero f Carroll, Lei igh co 8 Peters, Lehigh co ? resstermacher, Lthigb co David Knerr, EBhigh co Jeremiah Bunk el, Berks co Y E Kanffman, Allentown Acbeaw Miner, Atlenlown Sami II Haas, Lehigh co Stol Ksgle, Lehigh oo Ohas J Weage, Pennsbnrg Pdknsbnrg Ohas Leshor, Kntztown BWirnhstoWte. 0 Williams, Daniels villo “‘.e, Port Caibon MKemmerer, Lehigh co www A ff f J Ilsil 8 11 c 5 B Kleckner, Lehigh co “ T n L - Mrl ‘ co John Y Miller, Lehigh co ro 0 O Hillegass, Montg co J L O , nt ® c 0 w ft Giossoap, Lynnviile i Westport W Scholl, Lehigh co ii " 1 ' Bohlgh co John E’okert, Pennsbnrg p "““"ey, Lehigh c 0 J W W(jomer, Myerstown MiS o®''’r!s 0 ®''’ r! 5 s ’ erf ' low ' n 0 W Woomer, Myerstown an Bchnsre, Dnica 00. Pa D Yen termaCher.Lehighco II4OKBEAE—Third street, above OallowhUL b flf *I or ' JYWeida&w, Welsenb’g ,S' l f a S, ffelsenburg J Biota, Weisonbarg t ; B ‘ MB harg J Hammel, Penna iKserr, Penna W Qalh, Allentown fib,H’£? ODa W Bigler, Penna ; * lla “ °* n H O Parry, Allentown I V..’ B'Jhlebcm 0 Harper, Jenklntown t? 8 ' le s“ J 8 Cornell, YeasterviUe * Haruier, Penctbnjg 4 8 Boads, Penna n Beading s' J B Werley, Penna A M Bright, BernviUe tfjepdward, Moreland H Woodward, Moreland JiLi *' Bottthempton J Bortz, Penna J»flS ~ar' Berks oo A Dickey, Lehigh co neafaad, Trenton, N J B Bex, Pennsylvania ]-««ght, Penna ■ D K Engle, Penna M n if' Hew York J Haghan, New York ? oMaeman, Penna D Ororaan, Bethlehem Biller, Bethiehem J Boss, Bethlehem e doss, Bethlehem W Licht, Bethlehem MADISON HOUBE—second street, above Market, &«Benoldi, York. Fo Jag Grey, Hew Hose jn D Fowler, Milford J Giles, Laurel, Dei n Tbomison, Laurel, Del T Simpson, Camden, Del r? Hearn, Delawaie J N Brlmer, Delaware r J Lank, Seafotd, Del WmLoyd “ershsm, Delaware KB Evans, Milford, Del ■'TBstta, Milford, Dei Rev 51 Tuttle, Monroe, Fa ? " Seßseman S F King, Pennsylvania Eolesbm-y , T 51 Morris, Pennsylvania nbWlngert, Delaware - T B Conley, Pennsylvania MOUNT YHRHOB—Second street, above Aroh. «*1; Whipnle, Hew York T B Middleton * 0 * aaoleve, Hnnlingdon H Johnson, New York »*tneiiTeal, Baltimore E Mince, Maryland S,™‘ Voßzant,.BristU, Pa John Young, Baltimore yea Bargent, Boston John Somers, New Jersey MABRIED. fwS°^,~ QEKYE,t * ; -Onthe 10th Instant, by Rev. Cf; Btev«np, Mr, John Spence to Miss Lydia D. RrMn».f hof ‘Ws City. ; # G W<2w!^ HoPFME, i -0“ ‘be sth Instant, by Rev. Kate Jarman,. Mr, William Simons to Mlsb ROOKm°r fl r ler ; s ' ! of this city. # toJSB, 1 - 8 ENHJWY—On the IS* ultimo, by ton. H , Mr. Thomas H. Bockhill, of Tncker- SMnPD* t,,? I*' 1 *' Maianah E Kennedy,of Philadelphia. a"f~SO°KENSMI HH.—On the oth instant, by town °?wi»ntns, William M. Smnrr, of Shepherds- Jcbnß « , * Sna A Hookensmlth, daughter of the late Harpir’s Perry, Va. * ttiIT^OCBB-MOBGiN.—On the 28thultimo,by “tomes, Mr. Benjamin F. Woodhonse to ” *™*’*Ui Morgan, both of this city. * ..... DIED. Willi. “On tbe 11* Instant, Elizabeth 8., wife of Han, ■ Cot> f* r > and relict of the late Franklin D. liuteni” r™ •Jftfcee at 2 o’clock on Thursday, the 13th ebwi kilS'S 4 “ 8 residence of her husband, Locust EOEUm d ° or , we ’ t of Fortieth, West Philadelphia.** Sttat A„„ , u ™ D,r ’ 00 ttla morning of the 10th ia- Ul, f,,” 8 j SlBa W. Boehm, in the 49th year of bisage, tie and those of the family are Invited to attend Iterate. fro ® biß iB,fi residence, 1702 Pine street, on Hill, **“* non ruing, at llo’clook. To proceed to Lanrel KA>JT? « ~ 0 5 4hell!h inetant, Harry 0. Kane, of oon j?r™< ag6d 80 foars and 8 months, in aitlvS 11 ?? “Ed arqntiatances are respectfully invited ®nX!r “}> funeral from his late residence, Mrs. 106 Bon* Eleventh street, on Thnraday morn ■CtsH-^??P*~NoVf'mbor 11th, at 1 o’clock P. M,, Oailtnd, Sen. jirnw 0 *!?? will be given of the funeral. * sea. —On ibe 9* Instant, Barbara Niohot choisoß I ears, vile of the late Benjamin W, Nl lMHL'fatlyes and friends of the family are respectfully Uon ln i.?_ at P ec ‘ 5 her funeral, from the residence ol.her «Btcß* 8 Letcher, Ridge ayenne and Wash [Tak« (Wfdnosday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. •on'sCemite^ 8 ® aTenuB CRIS J®° f roceB# tho 65ih\T~° n J 4 ? 6 , 9441 ln »fant, Michael Deyeraux, atIAH n y 0f lllsagB, * ‘“l K&ryßnSi h f s !‘, h John Roan, son of John p UB thelOil, ir. 8 tant, William P. Gant, of 2d* &3S!, ttmrcfhUa g 0 e b lnatant < Blchard«K. Shaw^in HUGHES On IhelOih Instant, Mr. Charles Hughes, In the £Slh year of bis age. * WEYM4N.—On the 9ih instant, Lewis Pettit, son of George W. and Elizabeth Weyman, in the Bth year of his age. * Mo DART KB.—On the 6th instant, at Washington, D. 0 , William D, McCarter, of 00. A, 80th Beglment, P. V., in the 26th year of his age. k GREGORY.—On the 7th inet., Mr. Cornelius Gregory, aged 67 yearß. # GORDON.—On the 10th instant, Robert Gordon, mem ber of 00. F, Corn Exohange Guards, 20th Beglment, in the 35th year of his age. * BOOKIUS.—On the 9th instant, Bllenor, wife of G. K. Bockinß, in the 231 year of her age. # BOBINBON.—On the 10th Instant, Lydia 8., daughter of Sarah S. and the late Oapt. Burton Bobinson, aged 16 years and 8 months. . * MALLISON.—On the 9th inslant, Mr. John Malllson, aged 61 years. # TOP HAM.—On the Bihinst., In the city ol Washington, Went. Cincinnatns Topham, Co. B, IfiOth Regiment, Pa. Volunteers, in the 28th year of his age. * MoNAMAEA—On thelOthinstant, Mary McNamara, aged 69. wife of the late John McNamara. * MoILRAVEY.—KiIIed, at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., on the 81st of May, Andrew J. Mollravey, a private In Co. 1,615 t Regiment, P. V., only son of Ann and the late Daniel Mollravey. * SPEOIAIs NOTICES. The First Snow of Winter. BY THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. 'Tia the first Bnow of winter Has robed all the ground; All the houses and fences White plumage have found. No tree clad in verdure, No flower, fart nigh, To relieve the dull prospect And gladden the eye. They who sit by their fir es, With comforts in store, Looking out on the snow-drifts, Feel their blessings the more. But let them remember Each poor chilly wight Who views winter's forerunner With dread and affright , And may eaoh of our readers Who Bees the snow fall, Bear in mind that warm olothing Is supplied at Towor Hail. There, by honor and conscience The traders controlled, And at lowost cash prioes The garments are sold. Our stock of Beady.made Clothing is the most exten sive in Philadelphia, made in the best and most fashion able manner, from a choice selection of goods pnrehasod early in the season, before the recent great advance in prices. We buy and sell far Cash only. The advantages thus secured all can appreciate. Every taste and packet can be suited. Tower Hell, No. 618 Market Btreet, Philadelphia. BENNETT AGO. Diseases of the Bye and Ear sd entifically treated, and a euro guaranteed if curable, by Prof, J. ISAACS,-No. 611 PINE Street. no!2-4t* Grover & Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, for manufacturing purposes, is the BKBT machine in the market, andis sold for FORTY DOLLARS. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly or given such universal satisfaction. Do not fail to call and examine it before purchasing else where. Office, 730 CHESTNUT street. tto3-tf ■ '1 .■■■ : ‘ Batchelor’s Hair Bye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELO B’B celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill cffocts of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black er Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, &o. The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOR, on the four sides of each bon. FAOTOBY No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street, } myStS-ly - ■ New York. S—T—lB6o—S. DBAKE'S PLANTATION BITTBBS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to ohsnge of water and diet. They overcome offecta of dissipation and lato hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify tho breath and acidity of the stomaoh. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. Thoy enre Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They euro Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, Thoy are tho best BITTEBS in the world. They make the weak min strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They aro made of pure St. Croix Bum, the celebrated Caliaaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to ege or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli onto persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by ail Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. F. H. DBASE A 00., 302 BBOADWAY. New York. 5024-8 m Upham’s Haie Dye, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for Si; the best In use. Try it. Sold only at CBEAM’B, 403 CHESTNUT Bt. se27-3m* T>LACS: DEESS GOODS.—BLACK JL9 Yelonr Reps, Vclonr Ottomans, Grain do Pondrea, Epinglines, Popelines, Yrench Merinos, Yrench Cash meres, cheap Cashmeres, all-wool Monsseline do Laines, single and double widths; cheap Do Laines; Tamises, Baratheas, Drap d’Almas; English and French Bomba zines; Silk-warp'Cashmeres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Satin de Chines, Bombazine ; Alpacas, Ac. - Also, Black Bilks and fcbawls of every’ description. BESSON A SON, Sfonrntng Store, 0c29-tr , No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. TDYEE & LANDELL, Xy YOUBTH and ABOH STBEETB. OPENINS YOB FALL BALES: Magnificent Silks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Bilks. Bichest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Staples. se!o-ti (VV==» CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA IJJ? COMMEBOIAL COLLEGE, N. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Bock keeping, Penmanship, Calculations, Ac. Open Day and Evening. Individual Instruction. Twenty five per cent off regular prioes. : nol2 61* ACADEMY OF MUSIC—LECTURE UUS bv Miss EMMA HARDIN ft K, for the benefit of the Citizens’ Yolnnfeer Hospital, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, November 28th, 1862. Subject: Ancient and Modern Bepnblios. Tickets, 25 cents H* |V==« NOTICE —t HAVE APPOINTED 6US-. ILS TAY SUMPEBT, No. 1619 MABKE T Street, As- Bißisnt Assessor, under the Internal Revenue Tax Law, for Division No 6X, whichii comprised within the li mits of the west side of Broad street to the fichnylkilt river, and from the north Bide of Ohestnnt street to the south Bide of Arch street. THOMAS W. SWENEY, United States Assessor Second Collection District of Pcnnsjlvatia. noll-wfmBt ■ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—At a Uof Meeting of the Board of Presidents of the CITY PaESEnQEB BAIL WAYS, held on TUESDAY, Nov. lltb, the following Preamble and Besolutlon were adopted, and the Secretary was directed to have the gsino pnbllehed : Whereas, The greatly-increased costofall articies that are reunired for the operation of the City Passenger BaUwaje, together with the payment of the National Tax impOßed on the gross receipts of all Passenger Bail way Companies, renders the present charge for convey ing passengers inadequate to meet the expenses and leave a margin from which to remunerate Stockholders for their investments; therefore, be it Reso'vcd, That, on and after the FIRST DAY OP DECEMBEB NEXT, the price of Single Fares on all City Passenger Bailways shall be SIX CENTS, and, with Exchange Tickets. EIGHT CENTB. HENRY OBOSKEY, Secretary Board of Presidants, fWSS=» HEADQUARTERS 20TH REGIMENT ItS P. M., PHILADELPHIA, November 11, 1862. REGIMENTAL OBDEB Ho 11. I. The Besiment wiil parade on THURSDAY, Novem ber 13tb, 38621 to attend the funeral of BOBEKT GOR DON, late of Company F, 11. Tbe line will be formed on the west aide of Wash ington Equate, the right resting on Walnnt street, faciog west at 8 o’clock precisely. 11l Commanders of companies will nse their best en deavors io have their commands on tbe ground promptly, at the hour above named. By order: WM. B. THOMAS, Colonel commanding. L. Harwood, Jr, Ist Lt. and Adj’t. no!2-2t ryc==i AT A STATED MEETING OF THE U 3 Board of Directors of the BEAL ESTATE BANK of Delaware, held October 28 th, 1862. JOSEPH W.H. WATSON was elected Cashier of said Bank from and after November Ist, 1862, to fill the vacancy ooaasioned bribe resignation of Thomas W. Robinson. noil 2t# CALEB MARSHALL, President. «<==. THE FIRST LECTURE OF THE LLS COURSE, in aid of tbe OBUBOH OF ST. MATTHIAS will be dellverd at CONOEBT HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 18.1862, at 8 o’clock, by the Bt Ber. JOHN HENRY HOPKINS, D. D. Bub. jeofL-“ A etroiogy, Divination, and Necromancy.” Ticketß for sale at 0. M. Borns', 911 Ohestnnt street; Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 Chestnut street; Wyeth & Bros, 1414 Walnut street, arid at the Hail. Price 26 cents. nolo-Btlf wsp- OFFICE GIRARD F &M. INS. CO., 415 UJi WALE OTIt, PHILADELPHIA, Nov 10,1862. — l The Directors havo tSIe day declared a dividend of FOUR DOLLARS per share for the last six months, pay. able to tbe Stockholders on and afterthis date. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, nol2 wfn.9t Treasurer. iys=* EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTSBURGH, Lk3 Pittsburgh, November 4,1862. The Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on and after the 14th Inst. The United Statee duties will be assumed by the Bank. , , Eastern stockholders or (heir legal representatives will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. io!2-4t H, M. MURRAY, Cashier. . MERCHANTS’ AND MANDFACTU- U 3 BARS’ BAKK, PITTSBHBQ.—This Bank has declared a Dividend oi FOUR PER CENT., free of ell Taxes, out of the profits for the last six months, pay able on or after tte 14th Inst. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the FARMEBB’ AND MBOHANIOS’ BANK, of Philadelphia W. H. DENNY, Cashier. Pittsburg. Nov- 7,1862. no9-6t S*reg» OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST UsS TO THE ARMY AND NAYY, Philadelphia, Oct. 24th. 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the offloe of the Surgeon* Artist to the Government, No 1009 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, oc2Bif Government Surgeon-Artist. nhs=“ TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT, IkS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia October 17,1862. The BOABD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER' CENT. od the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and Government Taxes, payable on and after. November 16th, 1862. Powers of attorney for the Collection of Dividends can be had on application at this office. THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer, No. 288 South Third street. sot 18 tm >y=. MECHANICS’ BANK—PIIULaDEL UJj phia, October 7,.1862. : The Annual Eieotlon for Directors will be held at the Banking -House on MONDAY.: November 17, between the bon: e of 10 A. M. and 2 P . M ocB-tunl7 J. WIEGAND. J». Oaehler. n>7==> COMMERCIAL BANK OY PENNSYL [L§ VAN I A. "PHILADELPHIA, November 4, 1862—The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT,, payable to the S ock holders, free of State - and National taxes, oa and after Ftiday, the 14th Inst. * * .' nos-dtl4 S. O. PALMER, Cashier. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP—PHr. Uot LADBLPHfI, HOVKHBEa 4,1802 —The Direot -0,8 baye this day declared a dividend.of FOUR PER CENT, on the capital stock for the last six montlu, pay able on demand, clear of United States and Slate tax. noS 12s JAME 3 BUSSELL, Cashier. MECHANICS' BANK.—PHILADEL- Ikat PHIA, November t, 1862.—The Board of Di rectors of this Bank have declared a dividend of FIVE PEB OENT. on the bneiness of the last six months, pay able to the Btcckbolders, on and after the 14th Instant, free of all taxation. no6-dt!4 J. WIEGAND, Jr , Cashier. rfsg=» FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' LkS BANK—Pmi.XDEi.rnu, October 6,1862. The Annnal Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 17thday of November next, between the bonrs or 9 o’olook A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to the charter. -W. BUSHTON, Jr., oc7-tno!7 Cashier. MR 3 * THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.— UJS Philadelphia, October 6,1862. \ The annnal meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, November 4,1862, at 12 o’clock M. The annual election for Directors wifi be held at the Banking Hense on MONDAY, November 17,1862, be tween the bonrs of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. ocB-wlmtnol7 B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. MSS™ COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL (US VANIA. Philadelphia, Oot. 18,1862. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Hon ß e, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No vember noxi, at 12 M. The annnal election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between the bonrs of 10 A, M. and 2 P. M. oclB.«nwft)7 >, 8. O. PALMER, Oanhier. ,y==» CONSOLIDATION BANjK.—,PHILA -11/3 DEL ?HIA, October 9, 1862. Xhe Annnal Election for DIBECTOBS will be hold at the Banking House on MOND aY, the ITth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M, A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on Tuesday, the 4ihday of November, at 12 M.’ [oclo-fmwtnl7] JOS. N. PEIR3OL, Oashier. SOUTHWARK BASK. U 3 Philadelphia, October7,lBB2, The ANNUAL ELECTION for DIBKOTOBS wiUbe held at the Banking Honeo on MONDAY, the 17th day of November, between the hours of 10 o’olook A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ■ • • A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. bcB-wtsntnol7 GIRARD BANK.— PHILADELPHIA, Iks October 9,1882. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking-House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber, between tha hours of .30 A. M. and 2 P. M. A General Meeting of tbs Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th of November, at 12 o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, oclO-fmw-tnolT Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK.— FHtLA- Lk3 DEL Pill A, Not. 4,1862 —The Board of Direc tors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., cloar of United States and Btite tax, payable on and after 11th instant. noSwfmSt JOS. N. PEIESOL, Cashier. >MS™ BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP, UkS Philadelphia, Oct. 11,1862. An election for thirteen Directors will be held at tho Banking Honst, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber next, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o’olock P. M. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th da; of No vember next, at 10 o’clock A. M. ocl9-mwftnl7 JAMES BUSSELL, Cashier. ryr===. AT A MEETING OF THE CITIZENS’ LkS BOUNTY FUND OGMMITTBE, held the sixth day of November, A. D. 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, This Oommittee did, in consequence of the draft to take place on the 28th of October, discontinue the payment of bounties to reorutts enlisting after the 27th, and it having been ascertained that the quota of Philadelphia la fnl', and the draft thereby avoided, and as this Committee still have fnnda which were subscribed by (he .citizens with a view to obtain soldiers to defend the Government of the United States against tho presont rebellion: therefore, Resolved, That, until otherwise ordered, this Com mittee will pay a BOUNTY OF FIFTY DOLLARS to each recruit hereafter enlisted and mustered into the service in this oity for tho. old Philadelphia regiments now in the field, as formerly, and also for the regular army of the United States, when he joins his regiment, In snch m inner and form as shall be adopted, and all re quisites being complied with. Resolved, That all resolniions, &o, inconsistent with the foregoing, are hereby repealed: Provided this reso lution does not affect the termer action of this committee in regard to the twenty companies of three-years men heretofore authorized. „ JSesolved, That the aid of this committee will be limited altogether to fbe above bounty, and that all applicants for additional facilities be bo informed. THOMAS WEBSTEE, Chairman. Xorin Blodget, Secretary. Action on the above will commence on WEDNES DAY, 12th of November, by which time the forms will beready. Becrniting Officers will apply at the Disbursing Agen cy, No. S WILLING’S ALLEY, for instructions no7-6t THE UNION BENEVOLENT ASSO lilg OIATION, AN INSTITUTION FOB THE ENOOUKAGEHENT OP INDUSTBY AND SUP PBISBION OF PAUPERISM, AND THE BELIEF OP SUYYEBING AMONG THE WOBTHY POOB. At the annua! meeting of the Association, held Tues day evening, October 21st, the following gentlemen were eleoted officers and Managers for the ensuing year, viz: PtiESmBHT—SAMUE L H. PERKINS. Vice Pkksidekts —ElOHAED D. WOOD, J. FISHER BEAMING. ■ Tbeasureb-,E. WILCOX, 404 Ohestnnt Btraet. CORKKSPOXDJXO SKOIiETARY—L., MON'iBOMEBY BOND. . Beookmso Sbobet ary—JOHN H. ATWOOD. MANAGERS. Benjemin Goatcs,' S. Morris Wain, William H. Collins, Joseph H. Dulles, Thomas Latimer, John Ashhnrst, John Bohlen, Thomas A. Bndd, Wflliam Pqrves, Charles Bhoads, A. G. Coffin, Bichard Wood, Beiijsmin Orne, Charles 8. Wurtz, M, D., John W. Cloghorn, Horace Binnoy, Jr., Thomas Wattson, Thomas T. Tasker, John T. Taylor, _ Edward B. Wood. At a snhseonent meeting of the Board of Managers, 8. C. COOPER and T HOS. EYABB were reappointed Col lectors. In view of the probable heavy demands nptm the Association the coming winter, by the sopsradded labors for the sick and wounded soldiers, and their fami lies, tho maragera would respectfully ask tho co-opera tion cf the charitable, and ali tbat feet an interoat — and who does noti—in this high Christian object. Oontri butions of money may be sent to the Treasurer, E. WIL COX. Erg., 404 Chestnut fstreel. Provisions, new and partially worn clothing, blankets, shoes, &c„ or money, will be received by the Agent, at the office of the So ciety, and are earnestly solicited. Corn meal, beans, and potatoes are acceptable articles, and can be stored on the premises until wanted SAMUEL H. PEBKIN3, President. John H. Atwood, Secretary. Ebmokd Wilcox, Treasurer, 404 Ohestnnt Btreot. Joint Hicks, Agent, 116 South Seventh street., noB gwl2s FINANCIAL. jq-ATIOJSTAL LOAN—7.3O BONDS. PROPOSALS wi’l be received at this Daparfmant until 12 o’clock of MONDAY, the 17th instant, and then opened, for Thiiteea Millions, Your Hundred and Twenty Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars, (818,420,650), being" the whole amount of 7 30 Three Years’Bonds authorized by law, and remaining undis posed of. Offers for any amount not less than one bond oi Fifty Dollars will be considered, but the Department will be atJiborfy to decline all proposals not regarded as advantageous to the Government. Ten percent, of each amount effertd must be deposited with an Aseisfant Treasurer, and will beforfeited incase of acceptance of proposal and non-payment of the ba lance, within ten days from date of notice Of acceptance. Ail dope site on account of proposals not accepted will be immediately returned to the offerers. On receiving deposits, the Assistant Treasurers will, when any deposit may bo made, issue dnp’icato certifi cater. the original of which he mnst deliver to the offerer, by whom it will be sent, with his proposal, to the Secre tary of tbe Treasury. . No proposal wilt be considered in absence of such a oreHficate; nor will any proposal be received after twelve o’clock of the day fixed for the opening. B. Y. CHASE, nolo-5t Secretary of the Treasury. u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; ■ 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERN MENT AFTER FITE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for tho above LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Bub-Treasury or Depository of the United States, on the first days of May and November of each year. At the present rrbmidm; on gold, these Bonds yield about EIGHT per cent, psr annum. A fail supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. no 6 tf • ei K nnn f 10,000, f5;Ooo;:|4,ooo, iPAt/jUVI/, 82.000, *9OO, and *7OO, to invest on Mortgage. Apftly to ALFBED PITLBBj Oouveyancer, No. 61 North SIXTH Street noll»0t* CQQ non— THIS amount to vU\/s LOAN in sums of 83,000 t0*5,000 on Mortgages or G. Bents. Apply to E. PETTIT, No: 309 WALNUT Street. no 3 GJOK Ann —TBUST MONEY TO tp AlOf VUI/, LOAN ON MORTGAGE, in one sum or divided. -Apply to E. B JONES, . ll* No. 209 South SIXTH Street. riEOWELt’S HAMILTON HOTEL, I LAND OF BERMUDA, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE WINTER BE ASON. To invalids in search of a milder climate, this offers an inducement superior to the attractions of any of the tropical resorts, having an even temperatare throughout the entire winter sufficiently cool to be braolng, without the severity of frost. The island Is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery, Its varied floral, piscatorial, and conchoiogical varieties, with numerous drives and rambles of the'most picturesque and admiriog character. It is the nearest point of land from the Northern Steteß pis sessing there advantages, with a climate assimilating to that of Florida, being buteix hundred miles distant, with weekly communication by packet. Tbe iwift bark Eliza Bares, h>ying excellent aocommo dations, will sail from New York about:thels* instant. Passage. *26. Particulais can be obtained by address ing the undersigned, at Room No. 4,74 Broadway. N. Y. nol2-4t DAVID A.OBOWELL. MBS. B. M. TELFOBD WILL open ahandsome arsortment of WINTER'MILLI NEBY, on THURSDAY, November ISth, at No. 90S North SECOND Street. ; no!2 2t# MISSES O’BUY AN, HOT ’53 r WALNUT Btrcot.'wiii open PARIS MILLINERY tOTthe Winter, on THURSDAY, November 6,1802. noB-18i* r . . i mBEY HAVE NO PARALLEL i IN ALL THE RANGE OF ART—REIMER’S IYORYTYPES find ho roperior in beauty ot natural coloring or accuracy of features. SECOND Street, above Gr ten. , • It* ® F. I. G. ® ZINC, ARMY, AND TOILET MIRRORS, The beat in *e world for finish and durabllity. B. M. 8. The best brand Silk-finished » VELVET RIBBONS. Pole Agent, BENJAMIN H. BMITH, 166 DUANE Street, near We«t Broadway, se*o-Bm New York. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12.1863. IV P. STEEL, Cashier. RETAIL DRY GOODS. T?YRE & LANDELL, E.&L. FOURTH AND ARCH. POPLINS FROM AUCTION. PURPLE POPLINS, *«*, GREEN POPLINS, BLUES, BROWNS, BLACKS, MODE MERINOES, BLUES, PURPLES, BROWNS, RICH MOIRE ANTIQUES, PINE SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &0., 4-4 LYONS VELVETS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BROCHA SHAWLS, GOOD BLANKETS, VELVET CLOTHS, WELSH FLANNELS, CLOAK CLOTHS. no7-tf - ‘ G W OFE N - Superb Lyons Velvet Cloaks, India Bilk Cloaks, ’ Velvet Pile Cloaks, Mohair Plusb Cloaks, Woolen Plush Cloaks, Castor Beaver Cloaks, Diagonal Plush Cloaks, French D oeskin Cloaks, French Beaver Cloaks, Magnificent Gros de Paris Cloaks. NEW CLOAKS OPENING EVERT MORNING. J. W. PEOCTOE & GO., No 930 CHESTNUT STREET, no7-fmwlm DRV GOODS FOR WINTER. Bep. Poplins, French Merinos, : Colored Mousselines, Poult Do Botes, Foulard Silks, Blanket Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Black Bilks, * Fancy Silks, Black Bombazines, Worsted Plaids, Cheap de Laines, French Chintzes, Shirting Flannels, Brocho Shawls, Fine Blankets, Crib Blankets. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, ndl-tf CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. ONE CASE OF PLAIN POULT DE SOIE,SILKS, just received, for sale below the rigular prices, as the goods were ordered by us last spring, at a stipulated prioe. Albo, ODe case of peat figured Grosd’Athens Silks, in Brown, Mode, Hnmboldt, and Green figures. Fancy Silks, in variety of styles. Heavy Black Corded Silks. Heavy Colored Corded Silks. Black Figured Silks, from Anction. chtap. To be opened this morning, one cue of rich lustre Black Silks, for sale almost as cheap as they have over been sold. EDWIN HALL NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J/W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STOBB, iVo. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, JaO-tf Four doora below the Continents!. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. ■pOURTH ST. CARPET STORE, No. 47 SOUTH FOURTH STBEET. J. T. DELACROIX, Invites au examination or bis stock of Carpetings, in which will be found 250 PCS. BRUSSELS CARPETINGS, At less than presentcost of importation. Also, 200 pieces extra Imperial, three-ply, superfine, medium, and low-grade Ingrain, Venetian, Hail, and Stair Carpetings at retail, very low for cash. noS 2 No American, however intelligent, can read it without Interest and positive instruction. * #■ It deserves to bo read by every reflecting American ,” TktN Y. Independent, re-marks: “It is a book that deserves the attention of thinkers and patriots. * * It is so moderate io size end in temper, that I trust i! is destined to be widely read and pondered.” The Atlantic Monthly designates it ar« A thoughtful and interesting book, * * well worthy of the calm and deliberate perusal of ail American readers." The Boston Transcript says: “We cannot too cordi ally commend tbis'admirable book to the attention of onr readers. * # It is a master-piece of analjßis, argu ment, and statement.’’ The IV, F. Evening Post ranks it as “ One of tbs meat important and valuable works that have appeared in Eu rope on lhe '. g 5 fhp The book is sold by all booksellers, and witl bo sent by mall, I’BEB, on receipt of price, sl,’ by : GARLETOF, Publisher, Mew York, noS swif : LITTLE PEOPLE. AND O THEii” Tfi IENOS —lllustrated, "6 cents. Uncer tbo tPesr tr t Little Crosses, By Aunt Friendly. 35 cents . j . Thirteen Months in too Bcboi By an im pressed New Yoiker. 50 cents. _The Patience of Hope. With an Introduction by J. G. *Wb ittier. 76 ernte- Boys of Light ftr Dark Hours; Cr, Consolation for the Afflicted. 50 cents • ■■ . • >Tho Chosen People. A Bible history. BySirah H. Bradford. 76 cents. For sale by WILLIAM s: & ALFRED MABTTESf, no!2 No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. FL Just published, price 6 cents, a new editiiff'of the late. Dr. OULVERWELL’B CELEBRATED LECTURE on the abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical; Incapacity, Ac. The radical mode of treat ment, without, medicine, is fotyy explained, so as to en able every ,one to be his own physician at the least pos. Bible expends. ' “A BOON TO THOU3IND3 OF SUFFEBEBS.” Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, OH. J. O. KLINE & CO., 127 BOWEBY, New York, ncf-Smif Post Office Box, 4,589. CIItCULATIN® LIBRARIES. W BROTHERHEAD’S CIROU- Vf * LATINS LIBBABY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite rature, This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all tho HEW.ENGLISH BOOKS that are no! BEPBINTED here. Terms $5 per year; six months $3; three months $1.50: one month 76 cents, or 8 oents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. : saB.3m English and french family OIBCULATING LIBBABY AND OABINET DB LECTURE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, mouth, and day. Goneral catalogue jnat published, furnished gratia. In Press, Catalogue of the Young Ladisa’ French J&i brary. .. , “ Catalogue de la Bibli&lh&que dee Boones et dez Bz- Mttiselltt” ; ' H. M, MONAOHESI, Agent, se6-4m . . ; 1323 OH&STNUT Stress. ... PHOTOGRAPHS. TO"AR PRICES —GOME ONE AND T w ALL.—Row is the time to get fine Portraits at reduced prices. EBIMEE’B life-ito Photographs ia oil colors. fiBSOOlil) Street; above GBEESf. It* HIHEY PLEASE THE POPULAR X TASTE—What better-, evidence is; wanted that BEIMER’S Colored Photographs are superior Pictures 'I Only Sl* SECOND Streei,. aboVe Greea.; ‘ ; It* mo COLOR CARD PHOTO- A GEAPHS in an elegant manner, and not affect the fine enrfneo in the least, is an eosy process to any person, though not an artist,: by the rise of : NEWTON > Or, The Merchant's Clerk. Christopher Cockles j. g, Clarke. Bettv Briggs ; Mrs. 0. Henrie. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. S. OLABKE. Domra open at 6%—To commence at 7% o’clock. ■OTALNUT-STSEET THEATRE.— f ? Sole Lassee......Mrs. H. A. GAEBETTSOS. Business Agent .Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. NINTH NIGHT OF THE SUCCESSFUL ENGAGE MENT OF Mr. and Mrs E. L. DAVENPOBT Houses crowded Irom Paruuette to Dome to witness the • new and starlliing Drama. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nov. 12, THE BLACK DOOTOB. Fabian......,.,,.—..Mr. E. L. Davenport, Paulino do le Beynerie.... Mrs. B. L. Davenport. To conduce with the screaming Faroe of THAT BLESSED BABY. Doors open at 6)$ —Performance oommenoes at 7. /CONCERT HALL \J LECTURE BOOM. MONDAY, NOV. 17, WILL BE-OPEN, CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' SOUTH SEA ' nelO 6t WHALING VOYAGE. A BEL & CO.’S 6TEREGPTICON— jIL exhibiting at the assembly build ings, TENTH and CHESTNUT Street . KVSKVVV— _ . THIS WEEK, Admtaion 25 cents. Commence at 8 o’otook. MATINEE on BATUBDAY, at 3 o’clock. nolO-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 JL THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT STBEto, Is open dally (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tilf 8 ”, N* Admission 26 cento. Children half prioo. She-ros of Stock, s<~. INSTITUTION FOR THE A -EXHIBITION evoiy WEDSfisMV, fit 8k P. M. Conductor of Instrumental Music, Car t Sent®. Oon (tactor of Vocal Musifc, Mr. A. B. Taylor. Tlckato, TEN OEST S. Store, No. 11 South EIGHTH Street. It PERSONAL MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, and Government claims of‘all kinds cashed or col lected, at reasonable rates by JAMES FULTON, 424 .WALNUT Sireet, Philadelphia. noB-tf PENSIONS.— f 100 Bounty and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and saSS factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, ■ Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance. ociB.tr WANTS. TYTANTED.-—An experienced LIFE v v INSURANCE SOLIOITOB may hear of a very desirable Situation by addressing Box 924 POST OF FICE. - no!2-3t* BOARDING. POARDINS.—Suites o! ROOMS for -U FdmUiest and single at northeast corner of SIXTEENTH and LOOUST Streets, noli 3i TP IRS T-CLASS BOARDINC—Witk J ' single and communicating rooms—at 1417 LOOUST Street . noS-lm* FOR SALE AND TO LET. m DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPER TY Y FOB sale.—On MONDAY, November ITth, 1882, the undersigned will sell by public vendue, on tha premises, Mb HOTEL PBOPEBTY iu WEST KING 3t., in the OITY OF LANCASTER, known as the “80B BEL-HOB6E HOIEL,” in the first square-of the oitr. Theproperty consists of a two-storied and attic BBIOK TAVEBN HOUSE, with a large basement, an- extensive back building; large, commodious, airy, and fire-proof Stabling, sufficient for one hundred horses, and the lot of grourd belonging thereto, containing in front on West King street 38 ieet and 9 inches, and in depth 245 feet ta 8 public alley, adjoining property of Dr. W. XT, Fahne stock on the east, and Hon. A. E. Bobarts on the west. Tbe y ard is large, with access to it bF wide ailcysin front and hack. O" This Hotel is one of tha beet in the city for regu lar Business, having always had its foil share of custom, and far the teveral last years haß teen Increasing largely. Its proximity to Fulton Hall (being the nearest hotel) gives it advantages over any other in the city. Possession and an indisputable title will be given on the firstui April next. . Sale will commence at 8 o'clock in iha evening of said day. eo!2 4t JACOB LEMAN. m FOR SALE OR TO LIT—A SM.plenditi large Stone COTTAGE, near CHE iTNUT HILL at a Station on the Railroad, with eight acres of grourd, beautifully situated Farm-house, Oanriago hduse. Stable, &c. Everything mo.t substantial and complete. Terms very easy. B. F GLENN, '• no6-tf 123 South FOURTH Street ATO LET—A COMMODIOUS DWELLING) No. 132 North FBONT Street Bent moderate. Apply to WETHEBILL & 880., 0C27-K 47 and 4S North SECOND Street. m* FOR SALE OR TO LIT—Fob? HOUSES, on the west side.or BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue . Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and BANSOM Streets. mhSLtf T 7" EBSEYS, &e. -TV Complete Machinery for fulling msS finishing Blankets, Kor sot a, &v For sale cheap, Address Box No 1062 P. 0 MILITARK. VI CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. iSfC?) CAMP METCALF, Huldonfield, N. J. So i. ' .Ft; gimental Headquarters 403 WALNUT Straot. AH who wish to attach themselves io a Cavalry Begiment, will meet with no canal opportunity, as this is tho only authorized Cavalry Begiment betqsliraised in the State, The line and staff officers are men of character and ex perience. JESSE E. I‘EFTON, Eon- tf Colons! Commanding. INSURANCE COMPANIES. gpLARB BTRE AND MAEQS INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 415 WALNUT STBEF/P, PHILA'JSLi'BIA. CAPITAL 8203,000. This company conSnosa to taka risks an tit MRS! ttaases of Property at low ratas- The pnbllo can rely npoh its responMhDKyTand at®* ty to pay losses promptly. Its dlabarsasoaats lor She benefit of the public, doling the last nine years, ezeatg 1500,000, and we respeotfolly aolloit Its favor la the fat®*. BIBEOTOBS. OHAS. I. DUPONT, JEBKF WAL&K33, JOHN W. OLAGHOBB, JOHN TKOBNLHIf, 0.1. HEAELITT. ABBAHAM HAST, BATED BOTH, Jr., PETES S, HOB, of E. E. WM. si. SWAIN, BUSMAN BHEPPAKE JOSEPH KLAPP, 2d. B. H. S. LAWBENQ2, WM. 0. BCDMAE, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAB OBAVW, President. A. S. GIILXTT, Tic* PrswMeai, JAB. B. AS.TOBB, Seoretary. ap26 iftf TpAME INSURANCE COMPANY , JD No. 406: CHESTNUT Street. FIBS AND INLAND INSVTRANOM. DIBEOTOBS, F-N.Bncfe, Ohas. Bicbardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex, Whilldin, Geo. A. Weßt, 0 W. Davis, FEANOIB if BUG CHASMS BI"H WILLIAMS I. BLANCI riOMMONWEAL'. \J eancb oohpant o: BYLYAHIA. PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD 00. PHILADELPHIA, Not. 6,1363. SPECIAL NOTICE. By order of WH. B. THOMAS, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, and *. REED MYER, Surveyor, it be comes necessary for SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT FROM THIS CITY to any point within the STATE OF MARYLAND, or to points South of the parallel of Gettysburg, in Adams of Franklin counties, Pennsylvania, to obtain a PERMIT fromW. B. Thomas, Collector of the Port. Shippers will pleaso be parHcnlar to attend to this notice before sending Goods to this Depot, aa theyoaa only be forwarded by complying with this rule. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., TjIYE AND EAR. —Dr- JAMBS -Di LEWIS, OCULIST and AUBIST, has again re turned from his professional tour in Europe, and perma nently located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Office hours from 9t012 A. M., and 2to4P. M. se24-2mlf» Eye ANDEAR.—PROFESSOR; J ISAACS, OOULIST AND AUBIST, from Ley den, Holland, has located himself at No. £ll PINE Street, where persons afflicted with diseases of the EYE and EAR would do well to call, as he guarantees a enre In ail cases, if curable. The Professor. cMi show proof of bis former skill and ability, from reUabbsajurces. The Professor inviteß the mediisl faculty, aa ba bas no secret in Ms mode of treatment ARTIFICIAL EYES scienti fically inserted without.pain. N. B.—No. charges made for examination. ot* Er® AND EAR INFSRMARY, No. 387 North SIXTH Street—i* iawith nasmall gra tification and pteasare that I aai.ajio to rfefer to my la bors as an oonJiaiand aoriat during the past ©l&ht months in the city of FhOadelphia. Numerous cases of deafness, eoffle of which have been Sw years standing, and very many affettioßß of the Eye and Ear, vrhen'sight and bearing have been seriously ob!tmcna, or-alm.o9t en tirely lest have been successfully treated; and tbe pro fessionhas, from time to time, been astonished at my al rntfit mlrecnlous suscess, both medically and surgically. I wifi warrant a cure in.every case where the organs are perfect in formation; and I entreat all those who are afflicted to avoid pretending quaoks, who have no confi dence in their own ability. /JAMES LEWIS, M. D,,. nof-Mt* Oeulistand Anristi PARLOR SKATES.- Superior Par lor Skates, of improved pattern, neat and light, for sale by PHILIP WILSON & 00 . coSS-lm 415 CHESNUT St, opposite Custom Sense. S. OLABKE. oc3l-I2fc* E. D. Woodruff, John Keaaler, Jr,, 8.8 Justice, Washington Jones, , dims, Stokes, I John W. Byennaa. JK, President. ABDSON, Vice President. HASH, Secretary. [mhie-lfH w K FIRE INBU ' THE STATE OS’ PENS- FREIGHT AGENT.