-jfiTt ITEMS. , „ E , to Hot Lames’ and Chilbben’s ll “ \y D have today to present to our lady readers a , ' ,AI ' i '",,u (tem olj information, for which they wilt o stw 01 "* wfl re f er t 0 11* ere they will find the best lb® 1 " 115 of Ladles’ jotoaks. Ai uenal, the well-known •‘“‘ n:!S 'lvcus & 00., Ho, 23 Bonth Hinth street, whose erW 0E tu be found in Another column, have this season citfi 15,1,1 ", „ vtrs r attractive stock of ready-made gar- W*“ 0 (1 ,i 9 tine. These gentlemen have aohieved a # (ll!3 Nation in this department, and are, we believe, * iile f«me conducting, with marked success, a numb or 9t 11 hltslaients in various cities of the Union, Mr, rf the Bumbor of the firm in charge of their sw.” n{ at Ho. 28 South Hinth street, hat had a tstleuce in this city and abroad, and the styles W e '’ [])al jai]pimdo:hJs supervision have a degree of pf malice not met with elsewhere Their pre. B i:,:t s i9 r ich end elegant, exceedingly moderate in cent w(] | W crthj the attention of bayors. %'V.fPAHTs Store,” on tho corner of is r d Eighth streets, also offers an immense stock l v,! M d lnilitonabie 'styles; embracing ail the latest ff that should *! e BceD Bnd oXatnlnßa by our lady tef<« rtrohes^g. Missis and Children, the tlie city will be found at No. 137 j K CIOAKS FOR « & dthßisWh«< reefc . " n pon-UR Dm-Goops Stork.—We have ... i.,(i ocuiaioH to refer to the old home of Messrs. * ,t Cinard, Boutneast ooraor of Market and Ninth jun of the nujai popnlar and reliable shopping •»'* i 0 oB rcity. Throughout an experience of many fii ' ir ,!. C;1 [, ftTe nniforijjly retained the confidence of the ’tfebtiheireirtlghtforward mode of doing business, the taatiej tact, and energy displayed in f > s j«ml departments. Although their stock ela tes eystythlDg to Ihe dn-gooda line, there are three ***. in whi;h their bnsinesa is pre-eminent, viz; Soleas (icciuiiog (t magnificent assortment of all ' al]l ! shades of cloths, OMsimeres, and vestings), fsdiee’ Oloßh 3, end Bots’ tlothlng, They have separate ..jr:mots handaomc-W fitted up for, these Beveral itssrifs, each of which ia superintended by competent clerks.. present display is tmnsnally L >i. ti'!b In tho plete goods and ready-made depart ;a:„ md In prices wo know of no housa that offers as (iiffrfpS Indnotmcnta so bnyerg. )[gasr.j. Broaduent &. Co.’s Photographs. In i i epartment 0 f at t In wbioh there has been as much hj-etilicu aaln that ,tf Photography, it meat neces j|* f f o How that geniit I alone can triumph. This is do. LastratKl in the wondi irful sucoess of Messrs. Broadbent ;Co i He 9 and ow Chestnut street. Their galleries L jtlidded with gems ■ if art, and we believe that their 'kUIHm for ‘>tt ts,ri Pf i >* the world in the Photographic ‘ srB ncranalird ii Europe or America, Theirre- •nHts io oUile of distingnlshed men are of unri v*.Ud excellenco. Shekdid Stock op Ladies’ and Chil ,vs Fakcv Fens.—Messrs. Charles Oakford & Son, J'l s? 4 # gii Sod OhEßtnnt street, nndor the Continental, flits', have now in store ihe iargott and most desirable t"oS oi hadiss'Pars |to eeleot from in the city, and, being Mr (, ® n hupot jers and manufacturers, they are ansß'i It rompeto with the world in prices. Their y-fsent Mirrlmont is indescribably rich in all theohoicest j'nrs known to tlie trad e. F»t Oi.ti SiiEiirr for Medicinal Pdrpo (Sj.-Mr. O. li. Matts on, dealer in fii e family groceries, ircb end Tsuth streets, has jnst received a fresh im vrlstion of fine old Sherry Wine, pore, genuine, and jtjlforsticgi.especiaU)! adopted for medicinal purposes. f } j iita'ilifiil atiimiaijit for Invalids it is recommended tf phraiciana «B an invaluable article. KEir Sulk Bonnets.— Messrs. Wood & C,rf, No. 725 ChtstLiir, are dally adding some new - ; , T eUj to their superb stock of Ladies’ and Children’s tajaS’.B. Their beaufiful French Felton Bonnets are jtnetlsg much attention, as are also their elegant new ststeif heaver Bonneis. In all kinds of headgear the ftfc:«asDts held oat by this house to ladies of taste are taziiA by any other millinery establishment in the Cf3S7, ' : | . i strum sTOuk of Gents’ Furnishing embracing all the Safest novelties, can now be ftßEdst Oatford & Son's,under the Continental Hotel. Ctur.w.s 11. Owens, manufacturer, No. if. - Swib lliltfi street,! up atuirg, always has on hand scd matting, calf sewul unit pegged men’s shoes and bests. uov4-4t*j 1 Ohahlbs H. Owens. KIEP TO THE iiiGllT.—. t'Keep to jjtoight,’ l as the law directs— For sucnu tlm rule of the road; Ktepto thoilghtj whoever expects Suitly to carr>’life’s load. . " Keep to the righti” within and without, With stranger, l and kindred, and friend; Ktsp’o the right!, and ion need have no doubt That all will bej well in the end. '■ Keep to the right” when down Chestnut street Yev. wander fsjr clothing so nice, ,icd uralh the grand “ Continental " there turn In jour feet, Vbato flourishes Ohas. Stokes’ “ one-price.” Use sad B.is 1 Clothing,for Fall and Winter, of new est patterns and styles] row selling at low prices. The Pkince of lavstma, heir to the Span tsh Crowe, has just been formally received into the Span iilarmyos "first soldier in the first regiment,” the Kirg’s Own. ttie.agc is font years and ten months. After the parade, the jourg gentleman handed a purse lull of solnstotho eer]t< ant major of hls company In order that his new cniirades might drink his health, The young Prince, It is| said, has determined to procure Id!first uniform at the Ons pries Clothing Emporium of Oraarttle Stokes, No. to 3 Chestnut etreet, Philadelphia, where the cheapest gar Aients suitable to the season are always on hand. | Gen. Cameron! Coming Home.— General Cameron Is coming hope in the next steamer, and he will be met at New Y«ik by a Philadelphia committee, who will escort him to Philadelphia. On his arrival here ho will go to the Continental Ho tel, where he will be aerenadod, and where he will make a speech. The next' usorttat ho will go to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of SmtoiSlA Wilton, Ktis. 803 aud 605 Chestnut street, •ben Sixth, where hej wilt procure an elegant outfit for lie Winter, Ids wardrobe having been pretty nearly ex talMai during bis sojourn tu Bu3sla. arrivals at this hotels tt? to IS Conoos hast aiaur. vONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. IBOsE-an Jos Aibre aud wife, Pa ff Shaw and lady, Pa - R S'Morrison and wife, Oal A'OuiwtU.Ky j J D F Williams, Ky 1 1 Peeples aud son', 111 Ones F Hager and wife, Pa CQordos. Hew Yolk J Bacon, Boston ilsuln, Albany Hhas E Waotio, Mass P Koae A lam, Chcrol ee IT Mrs G M Murrell & ohild, Miss } p Boss, Übcrokj e N Cherokee Nation Tv? lonian. Harrisburg Al'-S Jackson, New York W J Taj lor and 1-py, ft J IS J Fox and wife, Easton J HHook, bauca'or ,' M P Gatlegber, Mass E Beall J w(, xiiO J3l Brauaer, Illinois JBJDefiesi #ssa,'ij b B U Gilbert, B 8 A Cr Taylor, Tori mo !• J H King, New York S P Buiteli, New York N Stetson & da, N Jersey Wri Bidden, New York hire Brown Al 4 ch’n, N Y JB Bond, New York ; Mrs Olmsted A ds, NY IB Austin, Boston Mr Whitney & lj Nrs Abbott D Flint, Chicago . Hi■ SUJaor, New York Air Ahxander, New York "“ Brown, Fauna N Stetson, New Jersey . h allion, Maryland ; W MoYeagb, W Chester rJWIImer, Baltimore Pr Jcl McClure, Poona ■“ „ Wer, Hariislmtg E 0 Williams,. Harrisburg “ £ Hurd A wf, Pittiton J A Wisuer, Flttaton “Jr* W A Virtue, Now York Uu H Torsion, New York J D Floyd, New York b» A Harwell, Now York 8 A Walsh, New York T Buliity, Hirtfoid - 0 Vanderbilt, Jr, N York J Torroy, Now York B Fenton, Sew Jersey Aleißejuolds, KUtenniDg Oaleb Seagrave, Prov, BI •llljrtollißoston II: ideinlan, New York ?PjhbStW, Boston _ E Mayors, Boston ebSIiTOES, Barttord . O’B Sievens, Hartford 'hmlatd A la, New Yosk- JHceon R Giles, N Jersew Pottatown M W Neff A la, Oin, O a a Washington,DO F W Green k la, N Y “‘■hnm& la . HHolmes, Troy, N Y i'J lowosend, Boetrn J 0 Cooper, Wheeling, Ya 5 « Md«ia, Wash, D Q T Bae&elder, Ooaneoticut 5 1Al.'ou,New York. Ii Flagg, Rhode Island 7 ? f B .?®. New York .T M Pinkerton. Boston •®s 5Y Hamersley, N Y. A North, New York “iiscobs New York D B Bayard, Pittsburg ISiTsw A wf, St Louts Tfcos Hart, New York !' Hand, USA •tIKOHAHTS’ HOTEL—Fourth si., below Arch. ~ i J-Mloriona, New York Dlj U NeilJ, WilkssDarre ■ (Aries, Hazleton Mis McAllister & ch,N I iStockioß, Pittjbnrg Mias MoAlilster, N Jersey * W Orozer, Trenton D Wiimot, Penna » WH&beagh, M film W Wise, Mifflin {'fUStr, dand} viiie, 0 H Hirab, New York » o CbapiiD, Yirgn,in Robt A Raphael, St Louis “B alißitor, Fitisburg Ji McDowell, Lambertville J # s e Wilson, Lsmbtriviile J J Flanagan, Peuna “ aaajt, Easton u if Sparing, Easton iJ'aH 8 Mott, Milford, Pa Geo li Howland, Pike, Pa 9 H Mon, Miifuro. Pa mehd Meily, Penna l " “jMlti SUlszcrth, Ml u W Morgan &1, Beading Sf.™™™, BainniOre l'bos 0 McDowell, Hariiab "™i fliriabetßr, i'oci u Tobies Fishle, Penns j n i a S^ er } lu,D > feetfa IlinrV Johnson, Sew York r & la, N. Joijtey Lieut Geo W Aht, Port Del in? ' ,t, bh»i«n. Fort Del Tif Bilenberger, Baaton C rS ld l , . M ®-Jeabnn’e. J. P Wilkinson, lowa JiEn.;r!!’“ l * B J!*chußetis E Robinson, New York J irnflf!’ Hasorer Hon J B Danner, Penns •> w Cole It is. Wash, N J WM street, above Fifth. D TOUdwdf'Ao" 11 ' » Wheeling, Wash, DO 0 0 Bin». o, 00tal J H Homes, Jersey Shore TW IS. « G Sturt, Columbia V!Jt Hn™»l o* 01,10 I ' Dr L Leavitt, Mew York S W Sri:’ 8 “» B »| I' :! J H McKee, H.zleton ’ JL &#*>**” U Dn aols, New Jersey bjni i ul ‘toii W F Donaldson, Ashland J A aiX?, ’ PronsylfsnU Mrs Bart, New York 3 o,f w ? nd i Ksw'iork E Johnson, Hartford t ~“™Mcutt It son, Va R J Mcdalley, Baltimore J H Baltimore J Wilson & wf, Baston t a Slottsman, New York Ji r , n i ?™ ,c '»7,iuta W Henshali, Jr, Mass ITOi?. **• Wash, DO B Kimball, Massachusetts ODoSE^H 118 0 Lodge, New York OMaan, New York s Mead, New Jersey HOl'Eli—Ohcstnut street, above Third, Jsbmw BOTf York John P Psarroo, N Y bs;,t“ Pho,Mn M A Green, St Paul CjH, „„ H Seymour John Best, Pittsburg Mttnif 6r !L^ eaD ® Geo a Groot, Ciacirmati Iso™ I tU*«w York 0 P Dorm, New York t? * W.P Btlgham, O 3 N John P Oarr, U 8 N DPk’ i DB N Bowers, New York S (l Bosioa H P Haas, Tnscarora C v S?' J , 96 , f i New York A » Smith, New York tb-SrS”* l 'Tamofia S H H Meaoham, New York W , , stna«3, CBN Jslrn B Douty, Penna j w JHE ONION i-Arcn sweet, above Third. 0 A E 7®M, Kem, N H J W Roger, Penna A iw» 2” Lanctisifr J Fahneatock, Ephrata liimXi . Dntt 0 J Easton, Penna J j 4 ia, Main i 0 N Spencer, Winslow, N J 0m i5 t,B “ha, Penn i II Wheeler, New York ijk, n, ' tc ' Do -'Meg J N Hawley, Sorinton Join Till, co > Dp Obas Shoemaker, Monroe oo Jacob 3 hliiratown J a Marks & la, Delaware Oeotß, SJfwman, Miliersl'n J B Falls, Mluersville 8 f Eb» m Joi,n B SmWoh, Lebanon i J B Joy, Pa H W GUhert, Reading ? fffi', Pitiabur S W Weller, HJ N BmJ, J?! 1 } B"Husgrove R Lazanie, Selinsgrove boi‘ . Pa H Barr, Pa ? ; »Phu. t* Daacaiter oo Levi Walls, Lancaster co ? H Kni ; UWc-rßlown J a Whitaker. Mt Olalr Si Ks!i»r *v‘ l l ’to ' l ' J A Hooper, Pa i c mnM cr f 1 l> " H w Shuman, Ltverp3o!,la " !! '^a^Ura I NY HH?C, “ 8!1 ’ B9 * 4ln * STATES UNION HOTKL-Marfcot, above Sixth. J Oarmlcheal, New York 0 Kimble, Chester oo D Mendel, Chester co W Bnpp, Poanajlvania E H Taylor J W Pettit Q A Conner, Juniata JasEntrekin, Penna J B Buterbaugh, Penna Wm March, Poona & Janies, Plainfield H N flora & ia, Penna J B Olaxton Josiah B Bleber, Penna 6 A Louden. Perry co S J Parker, W Chester Jos Smsßer k la, York Miss Stnyser, York Jesse Beans, Penna g Williams Jas P McOnlloch John White, Hew York COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. G W Woodward & 1, Ches co Mias H M Wickersham, Pa Geo B Dare. Jianc co, Pa D Bobinson, Penna L Mendenhall A ta, Penna Y T Walton Colonel W Grey Amos Spencer, Maryland Morton Ponnock, Wilrn, Del Miss Beaumont, Chester oo Mies Taylor, Montgomery co E B Lamborn, W Chester W B Lamborn, W Chester M B Fagan S B Downing, W Chester J Heald, Penna L J Kirk, Lane co, Pa E Dantrich, Lane co. Pa Eph Dantrich, Lane co, Pa Jesse McCormick, Oxford Josbua Jeffoils, Chester co, Pa MADIBON HOUSE—Second street, above Market J Byan, New Hose J S Trnilt, Milford, D,l 8 0 Bradshaw, Quaker town S S Yrankinfield, Penna J Dowling. Monroe oo GW ClosEon.Pt Pleasant W P Msglli. Backs co S H Rh ides, Stroudsburg Bam Birch, Baulsbnry - Y Itulme, Bucks co W H Holme, Bucks co E Quinn, 1* & da, Trenton G B Grier, Milford, Del Theo Bntls, Hoboken W Watson k la, Penna M Long, Hartsvitle E Montague, Hoboken D Morris, Atlantic City Jas 0 Weeden, LambotlviUo Ohas Plnmty, New York 8 8 Brown, Henry Tillo 0 Detrick, Stroudsburg W Schoonover, Btroud6bnrg Caleb Foulke, Qaakertown Col J Gilkjson, Greencaatle BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowbiil. T D Clause, Carbon co. Pa Dr T H Helfriok, Lehigh zo John S Weaver, Goodv’e, PaH Gorman, Lehigh 00, Pa FHandwerk Levi Kranse, Lehigh 00. Pa Jacob Yackler, Dauphin co Benj Reitz, Lehigh co, Pa DBeitz, Lehigh co, Pa DH Kessler, Lehigh co. Pa W Kersobner, Lehigh co, Pa A Sheiver, Lehigh co, Pa Levi Mosser. Lehigh co, Pa J Hentzelman, Pa Benj Kern, Slftticgton Benj Smith, Lehigh co, Pa David B Stetne, Lehigh oo Isaac Moyer, Lehigh co,Pa Wm Morgan.Pa M M Heffner, Berks co, Pa Peter Miller, Lehigh co, Pa A Miller. Lehigh co. Pa V, m G Heckman, Pa Reuben Miller. Lehigh oe Jos Miller, Lehigh co, Pa Wm Garnett, Trexlertown Wm O’Keefe, Lehigh co, Pa J Jones, Lehigh co, Pa H H Snyder, Pa Abm T Mick ley, Lehigh co Isaac Y Good, Lehigh co Sol Dorny, Lehigh co, Pa W A Hartman, Lehigh co J Peters, Lehigh co, Pa BABLEY SHE AY—Second street, below Vine. 0 Anld & In, Carversvillo, Pa W Davison, Pennsylvania 0 Oomly, Pennsy lvanla P J Hawk, Morrisville Lieut 8 Hawk, Morrisville W 0 Shaw, Dgßeßtown J Kogler, Yrenohtonn, N J II Sutliff, Boston A Platt,Wyoming, Pa Dr S French, Bradford O E Budman, New Jersey S Oomly, Pennsylvania P Holloway, Now Jersey J Stillwagon, Montgomery J Harrer, New York A Sohonover, Monroe co P Norton, Pennsylvsnia M Whitman, Bncks J P Jamison, Bucks W Bobertl, Oentrevllle E Price, Doylestown A Y Olosson, Pennsylvania J Bobbins, Pennsylvania H Bookman, Newtown W Nice, Pennsylvania J G Preston, Bucks Mrs M Paxson, Newtown Mast V Faxson, Newtown Mrs M Yerkß, Doylestown BLACK BEAB—Third street, above Oallowhiß. W Guth, Lehigh eo Ohas Sterner, Lehigh co D Bitner, Pennsylvania H Barret, Pennsylvania L KromHcb, Weisenburg John Hillegass, Penna Jesse Soblotlen,’ Penna Conrad Wolf, Bethlehem Jot Wolf, Bethlehem Wm Matter, Penna Jacob Bbaftr, Ltbijh co Jacob Miller, Penna Yratcls Fisher, Penna Jas Hurnett, Hanover George Ott, Hanover ' 0 wen Ott,Hanover Tilgbman Ott, Hanover John B Lichtenwalner, Pa Simon Kuhns, Ponna Gao Tront, PUtston Geo Seklioher.Montgon’y oo Jona Hander. Weisenburg John J Knappenberger, Pa John Mattß, Schuylkill co M H EtliEger A la, Pa N Wagenhorst, Yairville Y Wagenhorst, Yairville N Kehl, New Hanover James Eshbaob, Yairville Alfred Yehl Idw Pearaoni Bncks co B Henry, North Whitehall Elias Yry, Lehigh oo Jona Fry, lei igh co MOUNT VERNON—Second street, above Aroh. B S Storm, Pennsylvania S S Brown, Pennsylvania Jos Munsey & la,HarrisburgD Allen, Deposit, HI Wm N Walton, New Yotii SPECIAL NOTICES. Georg* Sheok’s INIMITABLE PIANO POBTES, Grands and Squares, are rapidly taking precedence of all others for their pow er, evenness of touch, and pure quality of tone. None should purchase without examining them closely. The most eminent teachers are almost daily selecting Prices to suit the times, them. ©cll-stath4ot J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Singer & Co.’s Letter A Family BE WING MACHINE ia the moßt besittifnl, best, and cheapest of all Sewing Machines. It embodies the prin ciples of Singer & Co.’s well-known Manufacturing Ma chines; makes the interlocked stitch; will sew on all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread ; will Bind and Braid, Gather and Quilt, Fell, Hem, and Tuck—in fact, will do ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING, and surpasses every other Machine for the great range and excellence of its work. Send for a pamphlet. I. M. SINGES & 00., No. 458 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Philadelphia Office, eoT-tuihatdeSl No. 810 CHESTNUT STREET. Grover * Baker’s No. 9 Shuttle SEWING MACHINE, far manufacturing purposes, ia the BEST machine in the market, and is sold for FOETT DOLLARS. Ho machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly or given such uaiyoraal satiafaotion. Do not fail to call and examine it before purchasing else where, Office, 7SO GHJDaTNin? street. noS tf Batchelor’s Hair 33 ye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATGHELOB’B celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injnre the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tiful. Sold by aB Druggists, &o. The Genuine is Bigned WILLIAM A, BATOHE LOB, on the four tides of each box. FACTORY No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Laic 233 Broadway and IS Bond street,) mySS-ly Hew York. S— T— lB6o—X. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of waterand diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They pnrify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cute Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS In the world. They make the weak mm stremg, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Bum, the celebrated Oaliaaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to dell cate persons rewiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by ail Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE, 'ft CO., 302 BROADWAY. New York., ae24-6m Upham’s Hair Dye, 38 cents a box. —Three boxes for SI; the best in use. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM’B. 403 CHESTNUT St se2T-3m* MARRIED. BONTING—CLOTHIER.—On Fourth-day, ihs sth inst., by Friends’ ceremony, at the residence of Caleb Clothier, .1 acob S. Bunting lo Elizabeth H. Clothier, daughter of Caleb Clothier, both of this oity. *# SELLERS—SELLERS—Qn Wedue-dav, Nov. 6th, at Bt. Andrew's Church, by the Rev. R. C. Evans, Mr. 0, Cadwniiader Sellers, of this city, to Mrs. E. B, Boilers, of New York. RIDDELL—SAWYER—On the 16th ult, by the Rev, Francis Church, Hr. John Riddell to Miss Jane Sawyer, both of this city. * ERVIN— RIGLEB— At Frankford.ou the 3d inst., by the Bev. Thoross Murphy. John P. Ervin to Emma D. Bigler, both of FranKford, Pa. tt DIED. MOBEISON.~Oo the morning of the nth tort., alter a lingering ilirets, Abrahem Morrieon, in the 77th year of his age. .. The relatives and Friends are respe ctfolly invltßd to aitend the funeral, from his late residence, 1403# Bidge avenue, od Friday, the 7th inst.,' at 10 A. M. Fnner J sfrvices and i teiment cl. Old Swedes 1 Ohnreh. -r:F -HEFDEBSON—On Monday, afternoon, lhe 31 iost, Moiy E., wife cf Oherlc-s Hendorson, in the 28th year of her age. The relative s and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the resideeca o! her husband, in Upper JSlerion township, Montgomery county, this day, the Olh imt., at 11 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Swedes’Church. * BICKKBTON—On Monday, the 3d instant, after a linveripg llJncre, Ebrabeth F. R Bickerton.. Her friends ai o invited to attend her fnaeraV from the reiidence of her sister, Leah Sender, No 943Batton woed. street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. TOY —On the 2d inst, et Palmyra, New’Jersey, Isaiah Toy, Esq , in the 74th year of his age. The funeral will teke place from his late residence in Palmyra, this day, 6th instant, at 11 o’clock A. M. His fritnds and the friends of tba family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral without further notice. Carriages will he in wailing at the Federal-street ferry, in Oamden, at 9 o’clock A. M. • BABBBB.—On the 3d iDSt., at the residence of Mrs. Bobbins, 127 Arch street, Charles Barber, in the 19th year of his age. * BAYLIE —On the 3d inst., after a short illness, Allen Bard Baylie, son of Robert H. and Anna Baylie, In the 11th year of his age. ' * BEATY.—On the 4th instant, James Beaty, from dltease contracted while in the service of bis country, being a member of the 98th Regiment, P. Y., -001. Bal lier. ■ * Bl3oHANAN.—Suddenly, on the 4th inst., Mary Ann, wife of Jsmes Buchanan, in the 34th year of her age. * OOOHBAN Suddenly, cn the 4th Inst., of diptherla, Frank A., son ot Albert J. and Amanda Cochran, aged 3 years. * Black dbess goods—black Yelour Beps, Velour Ottomans, Grain de Poudres, Epinglines, Popelicet, French Merinos, French Cash meres, cheep Cashmeres all-wool Monsseline de Laines, single atd double widtbs; cheap De Laines; Tamises, Baratheas, Drsp d’Almas; English and French Bomba zines; Silt-waip Cashmeres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Paramatta?, Irisii Poplins, Satin de Chines, Bombazine Alpacas, Ac. Also, Black Silks and thawls of every description. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, ocSS-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. XT'YRE & LANDELL, Hi FOURTH and ABOH BTBEBTS. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Magnificent Bilks. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Richest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Staples. RAA BOXES TOBACCO.—We gua t/VU ranies to sell Tobacco, Snnff, and Cigars, at lower prices than any other house in the city.; A bargain in Havana Cigars, purchased at Marshal’s Sale. WOOD WABD A 00., 41 South FOURTH Street. ocB.lm* _«==*'. NAPOILYON, THE ANTI-CHRIST, [l/3 (R, v ix, 2.) his Overthrow at Christ’s Descent, about 1870 A Second Lecture on this by Rev. M. BAXTER, in Diligent Hall, FILBBRI and TENTH, THIS EVENING at 7# o’clock. It# 'mjs=m ' A STATED MEETING OF THE AS- OF LADIES for the management Iwthe HOMCiOPATHIO HOSPITAL will be held at BoJIiIIb g, Ha between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, TO-DAY, IThurs ,%l o’clock F- ai. D-A.PPBO^Hai, y .liar OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-ARTIST Kg' TO THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadelphia, Oct. 24th. 1669. - . . ■ Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of. availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artificial Limb?, should apply immediately at the .office of the Sbrgoou Artist to the Government, No; leus CHESTNUT Sheet. B. FRANK PALMER, 0c24 If Goveroment Surgeon-Artist. Renben Beldenbaoh, Pa SPRING GARDEN SOUP SOCIETY, llsif BU TTON WOOD Street, east of Broad.—The An nual Flection for MANAGERS will be held on MON DAY EVEN IN 3 next, November 10th, between 7 and 8 o’clock, at the Soup House. no 6 fit JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, Secratary. rv-S=* CUSTOM HOUSE. PHILADELPHIA, UJj Ooclsotor’s Office, Nov. 5,1861. Merohants engaged in Weßtern and Eonihweslern trade will pleare teke notice that ali goods intended for the conniies of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne’s,Talbot, Caro line, Dorchester, Somerset, Worcester, Anne Arundel, Howard, Frederick, Alle/thany, Washington, and Mont gomery, in tie State of Maryland, and that portion of Adams and Franklin south of the parallel of Gettys burg, In Pennsylvania, including the latter place, musl be permitted at this Office, in order to inouro their transit ever the several railroads. co 6 St WM. B. THOMAS, Collector. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE—WINTER UJ? SESSION, 1862 63 The Winter Course of Leo tmes and Practical Instruction will begin on MONDAY, November 3d, and continue four months. Applicants for admheion to the TECHNICAL BOBOOLS will pre sent themselvesf. r exeminatlen at 9A.M , on that day; for admission to the SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL preliminary examination is not required. oc3l fit* TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH, UJS CHKStNUC Street, above Eighteenth —Thein stallation services of the Bev. DANIELO. EDDY, D U., as pastor, will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, Fovsmber 6. 1362, commencing at 7jf o’clock precisely. The Bev. Wm F. Hanseli, D.D , will preside. The ser mon will be preacbfd bv the Bev. George B.He, D.D. Pray er of Recognition by the Bev. P. S. Henson. Hand of Fellowship by toe Bev. J. H. Kennard, DD. Ad drets to the Ot uroh by the Bev. J Wheaton Smith, D D. .The Bev. J.-H. Castle, the Bev James Cooper, the Rsv. James Barlow Simmons, aid others, are expected to otr tieipste in the servicer. noo-2t* s«nE» THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY.— IKS Col. ROBERT 0. ANDEBSON, who was im pressed into tbe Bebel Army, sixteen mouths ago. having jnst reached bis fondle in this city, will deliver a Lecture, in WABHINQ3 ON HAUL, SPRING GABDSN.Street, above E'fbth. on THURSDAY EVENING, Nov. 6th, on “ The Causes of tbo Rebellion, and the present Po litical and Social dominion of (he South.'' As Colonel ANDERSON has apent twenty-five years of active life in the Southern States, he will speak of the Peo pie and their Ineliintions, from personal knowledge, and repre sent matter* jest as they are. Admission 25 cents, for the benefit of our Siek Sol diers in the Hospitals. Doors open at 7 o'clock, com mence at 8 o’clock nos-2t* . CORS EXtfIAUGE BAHK.-PHILA UO> DKUPHIA, KovBMBBn 4, 1862—-TBeDirec'ora have declared a dividend of FOUR PEE CENT., clear of all faxes, payable on demand, ; EO6-66 '»•==» FARJIIEES’ ASB MECHANICS’ UJj BiKK.—PaiLABELPHII, November 4, 1862. — l l’beßoaid of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of 711 KB E ASD ONE-HALF PEB CENT-, payable os ilemaitl, clear of United States and State taxes;; Dc6-6t W. KUSH TON, Jr., Cashier. tY5=» COMMERCIAL BANKOV PENNSVL li3 VA BI A.—PHILADELPHIA, Noybmbkr 4, 1862—The Board of Directors have: this day declared a diYidend of TREES PEE to the S ocic holders) free of Slate and Rational taxes, on and after Friday, the 14th fast, n05.dt14 nrs=* BASK OF PESS TOWKSHIP.—PHI LLS LADJtLPHfi, Hovemiikr 4,1862 —The Diroct -01 b have this day declared a dividend of FOUB FEB CENT, on the capital stock for the lest six month), pay able on demand, dear of United States and State tax. ncs-12t . JAMES BUSSEDU. Cashier. IYr==» GIRARD BASK.—PHILADELPHIA, LLS Kov. 4,1882.—The Directors bare this day de clattd a Dividend of POUR I>EB OEBT. oaf of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 14th Instant, free of taxes. nos 8t W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. . D., of New York. ' , „ January 27th—Eev. Edwin Harwood, D. D., of New Haven. , „ , The aubjecta of the Lectures wid be given in future -advertisements. , oclS tuths tnlS ,y== GRAND GORCERT ON THURSDAY [k3 EVENING, Nov. 6ih. at the FIFTH BAP CIST OPUBOB, coiner EIGHTEENTH end SPRING GAR DEN.—This Concert is given to ala the Ladbs of tbe Congregation in I'urnishivg ilio Now Church Edifice now nearly ccmp’etedi Borne of the heal musical talent in the city have volunteered their services and the Pro gramme, oa pn'iliihed below, will ipaik for itielf— Tickets. 60 «ms each, may be had of G. W REED, No. 240 N SECOND Strfat. WM, MANN, No. 1711 GREEN Street, or any of the Ladies, Also, at the door. PROGRAMME. PART VIBST. 1. f oio-5Pian0..................... Prof. Al Bachman. 2 Ot ineLv,-ry I'ioui hor.rt. ”..... Choir . 3. t-'ot.o—“ T know that ray Redeemer liveth.”. Soprano. 4. Qcartstte “Oome. thou f0nnt.”........... 6. f o’lo— Where are the friends of my youth?” Soprano. 6, Duet—Piano....... •..Prof. Bachman Uni Pupil. : : PAIIT SECOND. 1. Piaxo—“ Home, sweet H0me.”..... Thalbirg. Xasl’.r J.io Wdhart. 2. Qgartetje— "Best, spirit, re5t.”............ 3. Soto—“Msciac.” 4 Doet—Merrily o’er the calm blue sea,” Soprano and Alto. 5. Solo— J have listened in .Soprano. 6. Doet— ‘ ‘ Meet me by moonlight ” S prano and Tenor. part’thibd 1. Piaxo— Polka fie Concert.... iralluce - Masttr Ja>. Willian. 2. Quartette— «Bock of ages,” (by deßire).. ......... 3. Polc — “ John Andeieon,”. “ .... Tenors. 4. Qcistett*— Lnrline.” 5. Tao—“ Protect na thro’ the night.” Soprano, Alto, and Tenore. 6. Quartette —“ God be merciful”.. 7. A Natioxal Quartette —‘Eighty years ag0.”.... nol-3t swth ««=» FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED.— [| g Under an order from the President of the United j Btatfg, a national system has been established by the [ BANITABT COMMISSION for the site transmission | and judicious distribution of articles contributed by the people, for the sick and wounded of the Army and NavyT The Byatem, after being well tried, has been formally ap proved and recommended by the President, the General in-Chief, and the Surgeon General. The secnfity it offers against misappropriation Is practically perfect, until the contributions are delivered in the hospitals, ■where they necessarily pass from the control of the Com mission. Of more than a million articles seut through one of the largest of its channels'of supply, it has been as certained that not one hundred have miscarried, or been dishonestly used. Discreet and trustworthy agents are constantly employed in visiting all divisions of the army, icclnding those on the Southern coast, the Missis-- Bippi, and the Western frontier, to observe their wants, to direct supplies where they ate most needed, and to secure, as far as practicable, their honest ure. The Commission deea not undertake to deliver articles to in dividual!!, at d declines to receive contribruions with any reslriclien as to their destination, within tho limits of the iorce employed in the service of the Nation, it being one of its secondary objects to strengthen the sentiment of National unity wherever it can come in antagonism with State or local pride. The distribution of hßspital supplies ia but a branch of the work of the Commission. It empleys the best professional talent which can be ob tained in the country, to aid its larger purpose, to do ail that is possible for the health and vigor of onr fighting men, to lighten their burdens, and to sustain their spirits nnder the privations and hardships which are ah essen tial part of successful warfare. For this parpose, oon tiibntions to its treasury are solicited. They may be directed to CALEB OOP®, Esq., Treasurer of the Phila delphia Agency, No. 603 MARK.IST Strega er wit.. LIAM PLATT, Jk , General StieerintgOTent, at the Depository, No. 1236eOBlB4TNUT Street. Contributions of the following articles are earnestly solicited, at the Depository, viz; WoUea Pantaloons, (partly Slippers, worn,) Socks, Woolen Drawers, Farinaceous Food, Wcolen Shirts, Brandy and Wine. Blankets, , " r oct23thstalm TTISE AND EAB. —Db. JAMES Pi LEWIS, OOTJLIST and iUBIST, has »H»ta ,«*■ mnu d frem hS3 profoartonal tour in Europe. «ad p»nne oontly located at No. WT Horth SIXTH Street Offlo. .hoM&oni# W‘l3A;-M.>-*s»aSfc) S*lf* THE PRESS "PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1862. J. W. TOBBEY, Cashier, 8. 0. PALMEB, Cashier. F. P. STEEL, Cashier. 8.8. OOMEGYS, Cashier. MILITARY. NgA CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. JSsKto CAMP KETOALF, Haddonfield, N. J. Be "rd gtmectal[Headauarter* 403 WaLSUT Straet. Ah who wish to attach themselves to a Cavßiry Begtment, will meet with no canal opportunity, as this Is the only authorized Cavalry) Beglment belng'iraised la the State. The lino and stuff ifticers are men of ebaraotrr and ex-, serlence, JESSE E. PEYTON, non- tf Colonel Commanding. HUSH’S LANCERS.—Young Men wanted to fill the ranks of Shis regiment. *» ‘ri lWi r..w companies to be raised immediately. Principal Bendezvous No.'SCO CHE3TNTJ T Street. ■ OC2I-3W# i FINANCIAL, TWENTIES; . 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. RONDS, PAT ABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOYKBN- MEN! AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am . instructed by the SEOBETABT OF THE TBEASUBY to-receive snbscHptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, Interest will commence from the DAT E»OF SUB SCBIPTION, and |s PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of lhe United States, on ite first days of Maraud Eoveraber of each year. At the present prinhth ®s »oli>, these Bonds yield abont EIGHT per cent, psr annum. A fall supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD St. nt C SCt - . JAH3B B. WAI/TOK, WOHAS W. TOST. WALTON & YOST, JV BANKEBS, BBOKEB3, ABD ".I'-'. QINXIAL OOILXOTOBS, Ho. 86 South THIRD BtreeV PMiadelpMa. - - BSFEBHNOES. Jay Cooke* Co., Hon. .Tames Pollock, James. Kent, Santee, ft Co., Hon. H, D. Foster, Beherlok, Blaok, & Co., Hon. A. H. Boeder, C. MeKlbbin ft Son, Hon. Asa Packer, E. P. Middleton ft Bro., Hon. Warren J, Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, V, L. Bradford, Xsa. ' anT-Sm SHAEYIY THOMAS, , STOCK AND BILL BBOKEB, No. 312 WALNUT BTBEET. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on commission. Promissory Notes and Loans negotiated, cof-Imlf FREIGHT STA TION, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. PHILADELPHIA, Not. 5,1332. SPECIAL NOTICE. By order of WM. B. THOMAS, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, and X. REED lIYEB, Surveyor, it be. comes necessary for BHIPPSBS OFFBEIGHT FKOM THIS CITY to any point within the STATE OF MARYLAND, or to points South of the parallel Of Gettysburg, io Adams or Franklin counties, Pennsylvania, to obtain,a PEEHII from W. B. Thomas, Collector of the Port. Shippers will please be particular to attend to this nc fice before sending Goods to this Depot, as they can only he forwarded by complying with this rale. S. B, KIKGSTON, Jr., shiest collection district,— -I? LICENSES, TJKDEB OSIIEP;*SIATBB_ItiTJiiBK;iL .BBYESrcrE. All persons whose place of business is located 1b the: First Collection District (composed of the. Second, Third, t*v:,:r::N r!nnr Clxtti, mid “Eieveuen Wards), who have signed applioations for licenses prior to the first day of November, are hereby notified that the Collector will re ceive the License fees and issue Ciicbdssb to them on and after Thursday, November 6th, between the hours of 10 A. H. and 3P. M. ,To avoid detention, persons calling for Licensee will please slate, at the time, in which of the twelve divisions mentioned below their place of business is located. Payments are to be made in Lolled states funds. JESPER HARDING, Collector First District of Pennsylvania, . 304 CHESTNUT Street. BOUNDS OP THE TWELVE DIVISIONS OF THE FIRST DISTRICT. First Division, Second Ward.—All that portion of the Second Ward oi the city of Philadelphia, lying east of and including the east side of Sixth street, to the river Dela ware.- 1 -‘- '-.tv ‘ Second Division,-Second Ward'.—AH that portion of the Steerd Ward of the city of Philadelphia, lying west of Sixth street and including the weet side of said street, to the east Bide cf Broad street, south of Christian street, it eluding the south side of said street, and north of Wharton ard EUsworth streets, including the north side ' of sbccisi Third Division, Third Ward —All that portion of the Third Ward of the city of Philadelphia, liing and in cluded between the north eide of Christian street, the east side of Sixth street, the couth side of Fitzwater street, south side of German street and Head street, west side of Swanson street, and south side ofJOatharioe Btreet, to the river Delaware. Fourth Division, Third Ward.—All that portion of the Third Word of the city of Philadelphia lying and in cluded between the east eide of Broad street, the west aide of Sixth street, the south side of Fitzwater'street, ar d the north side "of Christian street. Fifth Division. Fourth Ward Alt that portion of the Fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia lying and in cluded between the south side ef South street, east side of Sixth street, north eide of Fitzwater street, north side of German street, north side of Ho id street, east side of Swanton street, the north side of Catharine Btreet and the river Delaware. Sixth Division, Fourth Ward.—All that portion of the, Fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing at the eouthwpst corner of- Sixth and South streets, down the west side of said Sixth street to Fitzwater Btreet, along the north side of Fitzwater street to Broad street, along the east side of Bread street to South street, along the south side of South street to the place of beginning. Seventh Division, Fifth Ward —All that portion of the Fifth Ward of the city of Philadelphia lying between and including the south side of Chestnut street, the north side of Sooth street, the east eide of Thtrd street, and the river Delaware. Eis.hih Division, Fifth Ward.—All that portion of the Fifth Ward of the city of Philadelphia lying and in cluded between the west aide of Third street, the south eide of Chestnut street, the east side of Seventh Btreet,, and the north'side of Sonth etreet. Ninth Division, Sixth Ward —All that portion of the Sixth ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing at Chestnut street and the river Delaware, along said river to Vine street, along the south side of Vine street to Third street, and down the east, side of Third street to Chestnut street"; to the place of beginning. Tenth Division, Sixth Ward —AU that portion of the. Sixth ward of the city of Philadelphia, lying between and including tho north side of Chestnut street, the east side - of Seventh street, the south side ot Vine street, and weet side ot Third street. Eleventh Division, Eleventh Ward.—That portion of the Eleventh Ward of the city of Philadelphia, lying and included between the north side of Vine s'reet, the east sice of New Market etreet, the south aide of Poplar street aid the rivet Delaware. Twelfth Division, Eleventh Ward.—A!l that portion of ti c Eleventh Ward of the city of Philadelphia, eom mr tiring at the southweit corner of New Market find Popisr streets, along the south hide of Poplar street>to Ttird street, along the east side of Third street to Vine sir cot, along tbs north side of Vine street to New Market, end along the west side of New Market street, tosthe place o!beginning ■ C ' It mHE RAILWAY TME-KIEPIR, JL especially adopted for Army.sales. Good imitation ■ gold; will run and keep excellent time ; have fancy- : colored hands cud beaiitifutiy-engramd; dials, the litters standing in relief l This is one of the most talcing novelties of the day, and should retail at prices from twenty five to eighty dollars each They are fur nished by the case, containing sis of different designs, as follows: Engraved, per case of half dozen. $33. En graved and electio* gilded, per case of half dozen, assort ed, $36. Engraved, superior, per ca*eof half dozen. as sorted, 539. Engraved, snperior, end electro fine gilded, having all the improvements of the foregoing, per esse halt dozen, assorted, 842. Engine-turned, same material cases, over which is good silver, heavily plstei, per case of half dozen, 836. Samples of the foregoing, comprising two of the first, and one each of the others, making a cate of half dozen, at'the regular wholesalerates, 836 60. Terms cash 'Will ho sent to any part of the loyal States, with bill for collection on delivery. Bnrer3 in the army will have to tend payment in advance, as the express companies refuse making collections south of the Poto mac. - • .. This is one of the most saleable articles of the times, and Jnßt the thing for those inclined to make money, among the soldiers. Sendin your orders early. GAIUS F, WHEATON, Sole Importer, Oor. NASSAU and JOES Streets, Hew York. P.0.80x 4385. oc2B-lBt* T?IE AND EAR—PROFESSOR J. JjJ ISAACS, OOULTST AND AUEIST, from Ley den, Holland, has located himself at No 511 PINE Street, where persons afflicted with diseases of the BYE and BAB, will be scientifically treated, and cured, if curable The Professor has numeroustestimoniats in his possession of bis remarkable curst which ho has per formed throughout the United States, from the highest sources, which ho will show to any one who may call. ABTIFICIAL BYES inserted without pain N. B No charges made for examination. nos 6t* THE SIMPLICITY OP. NATURE IS finely imitated in BEIMER’S Ivorytypes. Truly cbaracteristicof the original, they please all -by their freab, natural coloring. SE J01?B St, abore Green. It* ThIAMONDS AND OTHER PRE JLJ OIOUS STONES purchased, for cash, at BEWIS LADO3SIUS & Co.’s, 802 CHESTNUT Street. [no4 4t& ri W. BLAKISTON, NO. 22 VX. South WATEB Street, Philadelphia, Commission Dealer in Ohio and ’ Dlinois BBOOM OOBN, HAN DLES. WTBE, TWINE, &o. ocll-3m nnO - THIS AMOUNT TO V V/l/, LOAN in sums of 83.000 t 055,000 on Morig&«*s or 6. Bents. Apply to E-PiSTTIT, No 309 WALBBT Street. J ; \ no 3 f^IDER. — New Clarified Champagne Older, ol extra caalicy, by the barrel or hogshead. For sale by EMIL MATHIEO. oc2"-12t ifr Hos. 120,122, and 124 LOMBABD St English dairy cheese, sso Boxes Choice English Dairy CHEESE, iuat re ceived and for sale by BHODES A WILLIAMS, 002. tr ■ Ho. 107 So nth W ATEB Street T3ARLOR SKATE 3- Superior Par-' X lor Skates, of improved pattern, neat and light, for sale by - PHILIP WILSON A 00 ~ 0028- ltn 415 CHEBHUT St .opposite Custom Honse. T? BENCH MUBTAB Bi Parrey JD BSama’a Imported Mustard, for gale in store and to arrival f>r tha sols BfsnS, ■ ' OHABIiES B. OABBTAXBS, E 0.126 'WALEUT Strait go WIN HALL & BRO.. ONE CASE FINE HA IB CORD, ;One case very fine finality, same colors as tie above. ENGLISH BEAL WATER-PROOF CLOAKINGS; black and bbown mixed. - WATER-PROOF CLOAKS, BEADY MADE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BALMORAL SKIRTS. nc6tlisw3t ~ . FR EN CH FORN I TUBE OB IN 1 7.KS.— Jnst received, and will open Wed nesday, morning, the cheapest lot of PBIN l'6 inthe city. 3,000 Yards French Fnrnitnre Chintz, nearly yard wide, 20 oenta - 3.C00 Yards French Furniture Chintz, splendid styles. '3,000 Yards French Furniture Chintz, for comfort ables. 20 cents. ' 1,000 Yards Calico, suitable for Oomforhbles, 12# cents. 1.000 Yards Calico, for Bresees, Id cts. 2,006 Yards Calico, first-rate ouality,at 18# cts. 2 Oases Bamitton Bleached Canton Flannel. ; 8 Cases Hamilton Brown Canton Flannel, f 2 Fases Hamilton Brown Canton Flannel, nearly yard wide. These are yery heavy and desirable, on account of the width. The above prices on the prints will not bo gnar antied after this week. - mootiNS. II Ladies’.Cloakings of every description. Black Beavers and Tricots. . Frosted Bracers from 82 to 53.60 Union Beavers, good weight and cheap : Fine Black Cloths, Extra fine heavy Oloths. Low-priced Cloakings and Overcoatings. FANCY CABSIMEBES And Black from-S! cents to S 2. Cassimeres, extra fine stock, from 81 to 81.38, Boyß’Casslmeres, low-priced goods. BALMORALS. Large lots at wholesale and retail. CLOAK ANI> SHAWL BOOM. v Fino Cloaks, ready-made or made to order. Seasonable Shawls for Ladies and Misses. BOYS’CLOTHING. Overcoats, Jackets, Pants, Suits made to order. COOPER & 00 SARD, ncstf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. TT'URNISHING DRY GOO DS. J* Fine Marseilles Quilts in Pink, Blue, and White. Dimity, Allendale, and Honey Comb Counterpanes. ~ Bltnkets for Beds, Cribs, and servants’ use. Sheetings and Pillow case Marlins, all widths.. Flannels, both Colored and White, of all mak6B. Wrolen Floor Druggets, &c. SHEPPABB, VAN HARLINGEN,' Ik ABBIBON, no4l2trp 1008 OHE3TNUT Street. Tj\ASHIONABLE POPLINS AND JD BEPS.—Jnst opened, ! New Shade Violet Be Alps. ' , Shade Olaire Bine. /"New Shade Fashion Green. New Shade 'Wine Color. .... - ■Browns and fine Blacks Edwin hall & bro., 26 south SHOOK D Street, hare just received two cases of very desirable Poplins or Reps. . One case Hair Cord, oil colors. Ono case Hoary Corded, do. Also, two lots fine quality Pigweed Poplins, In Blue, Brown, Humboldt, Green, &c. Brown, Blue, and Green Irish Poplins. Pine Quality double-width French Poplins. Bicb Printed Poplins and Cashmeres. Bieh Printed Merinoes and De Laines. Medium priced Dress Goods in great variety. Solferino, Brown Mode, and Black Delaines. not TJLANNEL AND CLOTH OVER- J? BHIBTBI FREIGHT-AGENT. "On hfrad■'or; cuV ana warranted to fit. , The largest and best assortment in the city. UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, *O. RETAIL DRY GOODS. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, have just received Two cases of Poplins or Bapß erdered rorne time ago. ONE CASE HEAVY 00 RDKD. TIIE OOLOB3 ABE MODES;' BROWNS. HUMBOLDTS, GREENS, STRIPE BBOOHE SHAWLS, OPEN CENTRE BBOOHE SHAWLS, VEST FINE CHAIN LAIN® SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS, Ac. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH aud ARCH Streets. Silks and merino as from New York Auctions; Fashionable Dress Silks. Moire Antianea, very rich. Fine Pnrple MerinoeSi new shades. Fine Bine Matinees, new shades. Mode-colored French Merinoes, EYEE & LANDEBIi, FOUBIH and ABOH. Streets. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. FINE LINEN AND MUSLIN- GENTLEMAN'S WRAPPERS, WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL, Gr. A. HOFFMANN,' ocl'tuthsSm JOHN C. ARRISON, “ ~ ' ■ Importer and Manufacturer or GENTLEMEN’S - FINE FURNISHING GOODS, Nos. 1 ft 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIBST BTOEE ABOVE MABKET ST. ’ < (FORMERLY J. BURE MOORE’S.) The well- known reputation of this establishment for selling Fine Goods at Modes atb Pbiobswlll be fully sustained. P. B.—-The celebrated Impbotkb Patters Busts,' so justly popular, can he supplied at short notice. FLANNEL ft CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IH GBEAT VARIETY. . osll-H QEORGE GSANT, MANUFACTURER OP AND DEALER IH GENTS’ FUENISHING GOODS, Mo, 810 CHESTNUT STBBET, ■ pslS-Sm Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business.. Also, con stantly receiving ' NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAB. - J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FUENISHING STOBX, Ho. 814 CUBSTNUT STREET, laß-tf Four doors below the Continents!... LADIES’ FURS. Jk AD is S’ FANCY FUR S! JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND manufao tuber of LADIES’ FANCY FURS, No. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just evened- 6 large and handsome Stock of XiADISS* AND GHILDBE3P3 FANCY FUBB. of ©very descrip tion and in the nowest and moßt approved asylea* at the Xowest Cash Prices. oc7-3ta FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, JSo. TlB AHCH ST., BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER AND MANUFAO PUREE LADIES’ FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Fora fOT Ladies and Children In now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. Ail sold at the manufacturers’ prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call . - v ■ ! i oc3;4 Street, Bostoij October 10i liiS. CCll*lm BLUES, AND BLACKS; 606 ABCH STREET. COMMISSION HOUSES. JJAMILTQN COTTON FLANNELS. laconia Cotton Flannels, Salmon Falls Cotton Flannels, Standard Sheetings and Drills, For Sale by De COURSEY & - HAMILTON, ■ 0C26-Etlrth-12t A RMY goods JLjL ' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. . , FANCY FEINTS. - " ' ; ; BROWN DRILLS, ARMY STANDARD. 4 4 LAWRENCE DRILLS. STANDABD BROWN DBILLB. HEAVY PLAIN KERSEYS. ARMY BLUE TWILLED FLANNEL. FARMER'S LINEN DBILLS. ;' LEWISTON A. BEAMLESS BAGS, 2,& 3 Bus. AMOBKEAGC. do. do. 2 Bu». PREMIUM A. do. do. Bns, For sale low for net cash by GEO. GRIGG, Q A RPE TINGS . oil Cloths, and mattings. WOLFE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 138 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. : tO r A foil assortment of Philadelphia.made Carpets always In Store. 002.3 m ARMY STANDARD CANTON PLANNED. FOB SALE LOW, NIT CASH, BY GEO GRIGG, col.tf No. 219 CHUBOH Alley. QOT TON YARN. SUPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 10, FOB SALE BY FHOTHINGHAM & WELLS. 002-tt ARMY GOODS. '.XL'- :: “ .. DABK-BLUK COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. BKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOB OFFICSBS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDABD WEIGHT. 10-OUNOE DUCK. DBILLS, STANDABD ■WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DBILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. . Forgale by FBOTHINGHAM & WELLS. ■ sel-lf tt 'JELLING, COFFIN, ft CO., HO. 330 CHESTNUT STBBET, wepreparod to •' . CONTRACT FOR THE DELIYESY . OF : ARMY - WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, ©F STANDARD QUALITY. - au27-8m gHIPLEY, HAZARD, & ,/ Ho. 112 OHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MEBOHANTS roa tbb sali or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. se29-6m .. SILK AND DRESS GOODS. - BILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & Co., se2s-2m N 0.328 MARKET ST. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. T. SNODGRASS, ARMY, FA YY, AN D CIV IL OLOTH HOUSE, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, and ' - • S.y No. 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. I am fully prepared for the V. FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN, Having just received a complete assortment of TRUE BLUES, Of all shades and grades from. ...,81.12# to $8 00. Blue*,'Blacks, and Fanoy Bearers, from 200 to 7.60. Bine and Black Pilots... 150 to 6 00. Moscow 8eaver5...................... 3.75 to 7.00. Chinchi11a5............... 2.76 to 850. Velvet 8eaver5........................ 300 to 6.00: Esquimauxßeavers..,.. 3,76 to 8 00;- Tricot 8eaver5....................... 2.00 to 5.00; -Fancy C0ating5....................... 1.75 to 6.09; CLOTHS, all colors and prices. Also, a heavy stock of splendid CASSIMERES, PLAIN and FANOV VEL VETS, &c., &c. 0c124 lm* HOUSE-FURNISIIING GOODS. YARNALL, DEALER IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, No. 1020 CHestirat Street, Agent fer the sale of HALEY, MOB BE, & BOYDEN’S PATENT 'SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WRINGER, Believed to be the heat CLOTHE 3-WBINGEB in use. It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or smallest Hand kerchief drier than can p-ssibly be done by hand, in very much lets time. N. B —A liberal discount win bo made to dealeis. no 3 3m - - ■ _ PIANOS. A SEVEN - OCTAYE $4OO n iTU ROSEWOOD PIANO FOB §2OO— Payable In easy sums of Three Dollars per month. The public will-pleaso take notice that the books of the PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SOOIETY are now open to receive subscribers Ss t Fourth Series The ; first distribution ot Seven-ootav« Bosowood Pianos for tbta series will take place at th« Office, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, ou TUESDAY, October 7th, 1862, at 3 o’clock. Circulars, giving tht full plan of operations of this highly beneficial institu tion, con be had by applying to the Secretary or tin Society. H-W GB AY, Secretary, oc4 tf Office, 1021 CHESTNUT Street. THE FINEST ASSORT- I I t I I ' MENT of new, modem, end durable PI AJJOS from Sl6O to 8500. Algo, PBIBOE’S World-renowned MELOBEONS *ns HAIIMOKIUMS,: for cast, at a great reduction, or li email monthly Installments. JAMES BSLLAK, 579 snt *Bl Booth PTJ"TH Street above Bwnoe ; ; se2-Bra» INSURANCE COMPANIES. OIBAIICdi'FIHE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 41* WAhHCT BTBEET, PHILADELFHIi CAPITAL *200,003. _ Shis company continues to take risks an tha wste classes of Property at low rates. . The public can rely upon ttsrospomdblilty, and abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its diobnrsemenis for the benefit of the public, daring the last nine years, exceed SSOPeGOQv and we rsspectfnliy solicit Its favor In the Tutors. DIBEOTOBS. CJHAS. X. DUPONT, JEBBY WALKEK, JOHN W.OLAGHOBN, JOHN THOBNLBY, O. F. HEAZLITT, ABBAHAM HAST, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETKB 8- HOE. otH. Y WSC M. SWAIN, FUBMAN SHEPPABB JOSEPH KLAPF, M. D. H. 8. LAWBENOS, YU. O. BHDMAH, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAB OBAVEH, President. A. S. GILLETT, Yioe President. JAB. B. ALVOBD, Secretary. ap26 iftf TTIAME INSURANCE COMPANY, JD No. 406 CHESTNUT Street .. FIBS AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIBEOTOBS. F. N. Buck, : E.-D. Woodrnff, Ob as. Bichardson, John Kesrier, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P- 8 Just l0 *, Alex. Wbilldin, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, ' Ohas. Stokes, O W Davis, John W. Everman. ’fBANOIB N BOOK, President. OHABLES BIOHABDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS I. BLANOHABD, Secretary. [mh!9-lft! A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE XYI. COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTEB PEBFETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. . Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested in soond and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBECTOBB. Thomas B. Marts, James B. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmond G. DntHh, Bamnel C. Morton, Oharles W. Poultney, Patriok Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, .. . . THOMAS B. MABI3, President, turn O. L. OaiwpoxD, Secretary. feM-tt /COMMONWEAL 1 ] KJ banoe company 01 BYLYANIA. DIBEOTOBS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H Bogers, John M.Wbi tall, John K. Walker, "Edward O.KDlcht, B>bert Shoemaker, - Tbomw S. Stowart, William Strother®* ■Henry Devi®, Jr-Y Elijah . DAVID JAYNE, M. D„ P*esid«it. - JOHN M. WHITA.DI*, Vise President. BAMUKLi B. MOONy Secretarr. B . _ T NTm Offioe, Commonwealth Bnildhi 81? Street, Philadelphia " 004 ” 23T CHESTNUT Street. No. 219 CHURCH Alley. 'H FIRE INBU f THE STATE Off PENH NEW PUBLICATIONS. rnHE REV. MR. HARBAUGH’S -L WOBKB ,—NE W EDITIONS. HEAVEN, OB THE SAINTED DEAD. 16thedi. HEAVENLY RECOGNITION OF FRIENDS. 13 edi. THE HEAVENLY DIME. 10th edition, THE. FUTURE LIFE, Including the above three vois. THE TBUE GLORY OF WOMAN, line., cloth. UNION WITH THE OHOBOH. HABBAUGH’S POEMS. 12mo, LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, noB 25 South SIXTH Btreet, above Chestnut. XTRW BOOKS, A™ From the Press of J, B: LIFPINOOTX & CO. T. Buchanan Bead’s New Poem. THE WAGONER OF THE ALLEBHENIE3. A POEM OF THE DAYS OF BEYEN! ST-SIX By Thomas Bachman Beal. 12mo. $l. DONOSO CORTES ON CATHOLICISM. Essay on Oathoitcism, Liberalism, and Socialism, con* sldered Inlheir Fundamental Principles ' By Don I nan Donoeo Cortes, Slaiuuis of Vatdegamas—from the origi nal Spanish. To which is prefixed a sketch of the Life and Wotbs of the author. From the Italian of G.E, Ds Owtto. Translated hy Mrs. Madeline Yinton Goddard. 12mo $l. HI. PARSONS ON NOTES AND BILLS. A Treaties on thoLawof Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, together with an Appendix, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions cf the Statute in rela. fion to Bills, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafta, Orders, and Checks; with an exemination of the ansstions which the Statute suggest a; and the English authori ies neon those qucetions which have arisen under the English Btsmp. Acts Bird may arise under dur own. By Theophilna Parsons, LL D , Professor of Law in Cambridge University, author of Treatises on the Law of Contracts, &c„ &c. 2 vols. Bvo. (Inafewdaya ) . IV THE CLOSER WALK; on, THE BELIEVERS SANCTIFICATION. Second Edition. By Her ry Darling, D. D. 4 00 cents. J. B.HPPINCOTT A CO Y.Pabi-sheis, ecs-4t Ncs 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. KEW VOLUME OF S PURGE ON’S SERMONS—VoIume 7 jest published* priceonly 80 cents. - PITOBEK’S Cheap .Boofcatore, 439 OaS3 T KTJT Street nos*3£- A/lILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS. i.fJL MEBICAL AND SUBGTOAL BOOK 3. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. - The subscribers keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of Bocks in every branch of Science. They also receive as published THE NEW BOOKS OF THE DAY, Including all books of a standard character, Books not on hand procured promp’ly to order. Complete Catalogues of Medio I Books furnished gratis upon application, oreent free by mail. All Books sold at low priceß. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, nol-tf 25 South SIXTH St., above Ohsrtnut. NEW BOOK S.—Vesper. By Ma dame the Countess De Gasparin, author of the “Near and Heavenly Horizons”’ 10mo, 75 bents. Ned Marston ; or, The Cottage by the Stream. By A. L. O.E. 18mo. 60 ctnts. Little Walter ofWialusing. By a Gueßt in “The Old Castle.” 18mo. S 5 cents. WM. B. & ALFRED MABTIEN, nol 606 CHESTNUT Street. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. Just published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr OULYERWELL’S CELEBRATED LECTURE on tbe abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervoninesa, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &o. The radical mode of treat ment, withvut medicine, is fully explained, so as to en able every one to be hia own physician at the least pos sible expense. “A BOON TO THOUS ANDS OF SUFFERERS.” gent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six centsj or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, OH. J. 0. KIiINB & 00., 127 BOWEBY, New York, nc4-3mif '... Post Office Box, 4j&86. CntCUtATIHS LIBRARIES, W BROTHERHEAD’B CIRCU • LATING DIBEARY—AII the HEW English end American Boohs, inclosing Alili CD ASSE 3 of lite rature. This is the ON!jY Library in the country that includes ail the HEW ENGI.ISH BOOKS that are not BEP.BINTED here. Terms $5 per year; six monthß 33; three months 31.50; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. :seB-3m T7INGLI3H AND FRENCH FAMILY Hi Oir.OOLATING LIBSABY AHD CABINET DB DEOTDBE, 1328 CHESTNUT STBEET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogne jost published, Furnished gratis. In Press, Catalogue of the Young liadles’ Erencfc lit* hrary. “ Catalogue de la Bibliotklque det Dames el des Be mofssZfe*.” M. M. MOS; AOHESI, Agent, - se6-4m 1323 OHaSTHOT Street. PHOTOGRAPHS. mHE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION JL now Is Bl IMKB'S Gallery. His colored Photo graphs for SI are eyidences o( the superior manner in which his Pictures are executed. SEOOHD Street, above Green. - r - It* WORTH II AVIN Q, kj,n life- size Photograph in oi! coiotß. An invaluable portrait, only to-be .baa at BKIS3EB*S. How at re duced prices. SECOND st, above Green. It* LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AHD COUNIY OF PHIDiDEDPHIt. Eetate of PBILIP B SOHUIIiBB, Sen’r, deceased. Th&Auditor-appointed by the Court; to audit, sett!©, and adjust the account of ALOENIA SOHUYLEB, Exe cutrix of PHILIP B BOHUYLEB, Jtm’r, deceased, who was acting Fxectttor of PBILIP B SOHUYLEB, Sen’r, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the handßof the accountant, will meet the partial in terested for the purposes of hiVappointmenfconHQS ßAY, November 24tb, 1862; at 4 o J clock 31, at his Office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in'the city of Philadelphia. . . : noS tbrtnfit GEOBGE K. CONARBOE, Auditor. COPARTNERSHIPS. rtOPARTNEB SHIP.—The undersiga edhave this da, formed a copartnership under ihe name and firm of ANDREWS, WIDKINB, & CO., for the transaction fif tho Wholesale Dry Good* Jobbing business, at No. 603 MARKET Street JOSIAH B. ANDREWS, ABED B. WIOKISS, ED WARD J. ADTEMU3. WIDDI4.M N. SHICH. Philadelphia, Not, 3 1862. ; no 4 61* PROPOSALS. T\!PUTY Q U AET E EM A 8 TI E JLJ GEKKBAL’S OFFIOE, PHiLADSLPHii, sth Hot., 356*. tJiPROPOSATiS will be received at this office until MON DAY, 30th icst, at 12 o-'clock Me, for the erection and completion of additional HQSPITAIi SBSOBINQ oa the grounds of Ihe present 3J. 8. JiilttaryHospital at Weet Philadelphia, the plans jrad specifications of which may be Beenei JuHtr MeABTSPB, Jr., Architect,' Ivo. 2”0o irocm hiXfll Street, Philadelphia, •where all necessary information upon the aubj :et can be obtaired. Bidders will state the shot teal time required to complete the Contract, add the names of competent securities to the whole amount for its prompt and faith ful performance. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G. H OBO3MAN, . Deputy Q >M. General U. S A, .TYEPUTY QUARTERMAS TER JL J CHiOTBA-li’fJ OFFiOE, Philadelphia, oih OKovfmber. 1862. ' PBOPOiALS will be received at ibis office until SA.TUBDAY, Bfch inet, at 32 K., for tbe im mediate delivery in tbis city cf• SBYENTX.-FIYE PAULIES., Samples of .Dock required. The right is reserved to if ject all MSb deemed too high. A. BOYD, Oapt. and Assistant Q-M' U 9. A PROPOSALS FOR- TWINE. JT POST OFF! JE DEPARTMENT, 3d Nov., 1P62 BEADED PROPOSALS will be received at this De partment until the 25:h day of November, ISO'i-ofbr for tithing ono year’s supply of TWINE, estima'edar. about 36 GOO pounds, to be delivers d---at .tbe BLANK'- AG 83KT- h CIES at Washington. D. 0., New-York Otty, and Buffa lo, New Ycrk, free from ail cost of transportation, in such quantities at each Agency as may,from time to time, be ordered by the Department. The Twine must be of three strands, well twis'ed, and capable of sustaining tbe weight of 25 pounds on a string six Jeet in length; it must be put no in balls of one pousd weight each, and packed suitably for transporta tion in packages of one hundred pounds’weight each. The Twiue mint be smooth and flexible, and measdre about 530 yardß to the pound. As no specific materia! has been determined,upon, bidders will sand samples of. such Twine as they propose to furnish with their bids. The contract wiU be awarded to tbe lowest and best ■ bidder, tie beat bid to be e'etermioed after a careful ex amination, for the purpose ,oi ascertaining which bid ■ will, inits practical reeulfe, be most advantageous to tin Department. This the Postmaster General reserves to himself the right of deciding. No proposals will be considered which may be made by persons net engaged fa the manufacture of twine Each bidder must'furnish, with his proposals, evidence of his ability to comply,with bis bid. _ . Two sufficient will be required to a contract. Failures to funißli the article contracted for promptly, or furnishing an article inferior to that .cottracied for, will be considered a sufficient cause for the forfeiture of the contract. . Bids not made in accordance with these proposals will not he considered. . ; Proposals must be marked on the outside of the enve lope -with the name of the article proposed for, and the letter containing them addressed te the ffirat Assistant Posimasier General, Washington, D. G. nc6thstu6t M. BLAIR, Postmaster General. ■ QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN k? vited until fie 16th day of NOVEMBER. 1862, for supplying the DLifed States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of Beef Cattle on the hoot. ■ - The Cattle to be delivered at Washington, D. U-, and each animal to average 1,300 pounds groBS. No cattle admitted that weigh less than 1,000 pounds gross. Hei fers, Stags, and Bulls not wanted. . - . The first delivery ol Cattle to be made on the fit dap of December, or as soon thereafter as the Government map direct. 600 head of Cattle per week will be reanired to be delivered under this contract. : A bond with good and sufficient security will .be re tinlred. Twenty per cent, of the purchase-money will be retained nntil the completion trf the contract.' Proposals from contractors who have prevlonslp failed to comply with their bids, from disloyal persons, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, wilt not be C °Thebames of firms should be stated in Tull, with the precise address of each member of the firm. All bids most be accompanied by two guarantees. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. 0. and C'S U, S. A , Washington,D.O., and endorsed “ Proposals for Beef Cattle.” Farm of Guarantee. \Ye, —of the county of , and State of , do hereby guarantee, that —— is able to fulfil_ the contract in accordance with the termsof bis proposition, and that, shonld bis proposition be accepted, be will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. „ Shonld the contract be awarded him, we are prepared tobecomeTilssecurities._ • , (This guarantee must be appended to oMh bid.) The responsibility of the guarantors must be #hown by fie official certificates of the Clerk of fie nearnest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bid?which do not comply with the above ieeted. L.:..::——■ PRESERVING BRANDY. PIJRB CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS. SPICES, &C-, &0. -AB fie reunifies Preserving and PicklingPnrposs* at.BERT O. ROBERTS, BHAIiEN OS ffINX QBOOSBXES, KS-tf OOBNEB ELEVENTH AND VIHB. POTTON, WOOL AND CARPET MABUffAOTUREBS, Hardware Merchants, Damp Plumbers, Ac., TAKE NOTICE, that avery deecrlption of Tin Work, Brass Oustings, Stamp tog (inclnding all military work), or superior mannfae true, can be obtained on 'order., of JOSEPH LEHNtG, Manufacturer, 1615, 1617, and 1619 ff©i,NOtS Street and RIDGE Avscue. AMUSEMENTS. L'^MrGOTfsOHALE^CONOBRI! • BALI,, _ BATUIiDAY EVENING, Not. 8, at 8 o’clook. EAST OONOEBT. EAST OONOEBT, , , H’M,E 0ABBOT! A VAT Cl, Tiie celebrated Prlma Domra, and the principal star oT Hfcw York aod Boßfcon Academies of Mnsic will appear. OOTTSOHiLK ana'M’LLEPArri Wul perform sn entirely new programme, Hublc Director and Conductor Mr. BSHREX9* Admission 60 cents. Reserved setts 26 cents extra. The sale of tickets commences THUBSD AT BURST ING, at 9 o’clock, at J. R. Gould’s Music Store. noS-4t JOHN DREW’S AROH m 6TBEET THEATER. Business Agent and Trea«arer...».,Jo3. D. MUBPHY. OVERFLOWING HOUSES! SECOND WEEK OF J. S. CL ABKB. Clarke In two glorious parts, TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY) Not. 6, SPIED THE PLOUGH. Farmer Ashfio’d J. S. Clarke', Snsan Aobfieid... lira. 0. Henri. To conclude with MAS BIRD LIFE Henry Dove J. S. Oiarka. Mrs. Henrr Dots. Mrs. John Drew, FBID AT, Benefit of J S. CL IBKE. .rwl Doors open at 6%—'To commence at 7jf o’olook. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.— Sole Leasee Mrs. M. A. GAKBETT9OS, Bnsiness Agent... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. ENGAGEMENT of Mr and Mrs E. L.DAVENPORT. THIS (THUP.SDAY) EVENING, Not. 6, W'Ul be performed fchakspeare’e play of B GUARD 111. Bicbard, Dske of Gloeter Mr. X.L. Davenport- Qi-een Elirabeib ..Mrs. E. L. Davenport. To conclude with the glorious Comedy of THE GOYEBNOB’S WIFE. Doors open at 7—Performance commences at 7Jf. A BEL & CO.’S bTEREOPTIOOK— XJu EXHIBITING AT THE ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, TENTH and OBESTKUT Sireete, EYEBY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tba resources of the Ste'eopUcon are endless, and It gives a VARIED PROGRAMME EAOH EVENING. As an educational ftrd refining influence. ' THIS EXHIBITION IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Admission 25 cents. Oommenee at 8 o’clock. MATINEE on SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock. no3-3t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF JL the fine abts, -1026 CHESTNUT STREET, - Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9* A. DC, SHI £ P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Shares of Stock, 830. jf9 WANTS. WAKTSD 5 liiT CHILDREN' of V i Deceased sr Disabled Soldiers to Educate with out riarge. A ddrees *> W I. W.” office of this paper. nofi 2t BOARDING. A PRIVATE FAMILY ON WAL -OL NUT Street, near BROAD, will BENT a Se cond siory, front or back BOOM, with BOAID. Terms moderate References exchanged. Address “L, 0. 5.,” .Frets office. nos-2t* PERSONAE PENSIONS.— $100 Bounty and Pay procured and collected for soldiers, Bailors, and tbs relatives of such as are deceased, at reasona&ls and satis factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES FULTON, Bollcitor for ClaimanJa, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dis tance- oclStf LOST AND FOUND. TOST OR MISLAID—CERTIFI t-J GATE No. 243, dated October 29tb, 1830, in oar name, for forty, two shares Preferred Stock of the Gata wissa Railroad Oomp&ny. Notice is hereby given, that we have applied for a Certificate to be maned in lieu OS above. [oc9 ths4w] DBEXEL &■ 00. LOST,- CERTIFICATE OB' CITY DOAN, No. 159, dated January 23th, 1880; in tbe name of John Perry and Maria Moore, in trust,for Maria MoGre, for 8700 Application has been made for renewal of Certificate. [oc23-tb3m*j JOHN PERRY- T OST OR STOLEN —THE PUBLIC JLJ are cautioned against negotiating the foliowfn*; UNITED STATES CERTIFICATES OF INDEBT - EDNE3S, The same having been lost or stolen from the sub scribers: . ISSUED TO D. & C. KEIiUT No. 24.391, dated Sept. 25th, 1352 No. 24,-392 do. do, No. 24 393 do. do No. 24,394 do. do. No. 7,098 do. do. .... ISSUED TO B. F. DOPES Ho. 25:090, dot«a October 2d, 1552... ABB-PAYABLE TO BE ABBS. BLAKE, BEOS., & CQ., 20 WaUstroot. Sew York, Oct 18.1862 orffi-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET, Fob sale A FIRST-GLASS BUT AID DRUG STORE. ESTABLISHED IN' 1823. Tbe subscriber. wiibiog to retire from. bnsluea3. wilt —“lr Jo rxtUßted on the corner of BALTIfdOKE and GAY Slre-m two of iho prlri;pa! t&oroagbfar6a~onfie citv, fain fall operation, «rd doing a large PBESOP.IPTIOY ANO BETAIL Business, with a patronage cf the highest fSßaetahllity. The Etaud comprises o Front Btora and' Bick Boom; two large liroma in second story; a large Cellar, flagged; a sinall Yard, with Hydrant, Ac, Beat moderate. Fixtures of the first quality, witlra complete slock of GEMIIBE DBCGS, CHEMICALS. and FANCY AB TICIES. with all the BEOIPES-for the PROPRIE TARY A ICICLES. As good an opportunity for business is seldom offered to (he trade. Address THOS G MACKENZIE', Northeast corner BALTIMORE and GAY Sts . tied tbstuHt Baltimore, MS, Back of mce, i>t floor, to rent low, on TTOUBTH Street near Library street, Abo. 2d and Si Etory Botima and Gffice*.in £®m? bntido bigs BentsTery low- Apply to EUM.GND Cenvpyancer 134 South FOGS FH Street. no 4 3t* E BBSEYS, & O'. (Jcrripifte Machinery for foiling Hits' finishing Blac&eie, Kersei s, &e For sate cheap. Address Box No. 1062 P. 0 A T PRIVATE SALE—A very eli- J_V gible and bandaomely-sitnated property in Chaster county, one mile tooth of Phcenixviiie, on Nntt*s ready store house, 6 rooms, bail and kitchen, etj’i" bam. car* riage house, well of water with pump at tha door, healthy and pleasant neighborhood. Immediate posses* sicn can be given. Title cord- Terms. &e, aooly t> E. F PENNTP4.CK.EE, Beal Batata Agent, PbomixviUe. X T PRIVATE SALE—A firat-class Xjl property .of 19 seres 115 perches, In Chester Connty. on the road from Fbceeixvitle to Chester Springs; ■well- shaded stone home, ten rooms and two kitchens, stone hern, carriage house. ice house, milk hrpse, &c.; 108 choice apple. S 3 cterry, s peer, 14 quince, and 12 plnm trees, 145 bearing grapevines, and shnndance cf berries. In a healthy neighborhood, ac cessible to the city four times daily by railroad. 52.000 can remain semred. Title good ■ A. farm of 60 acres li9 perches adjoining, and part of the same estate, is also for sale. Terms- &c , apply to E E. PE3NTPA.OKEB, Beal Estate .Igent, Fhreaixvllle. m FOR SALE OR TO LET—At MMt T ,leii(lia tariw Stone COTTAGE, user CHK iTNTJT BILL, st a Station on ,iho North Ptimiylvanla Bailroafl, with (-!gbt acres of'gronnd, beantitn'ly aitnated Farm* hcnse. Carriage.house. Stable, &c. Everything matt anbstantia! and complete.- Tcnna very easy. B. F. GLENN, 123 ; South FOURTH Street. prrli-tf T O L I T-1 COMMODIOUS 813. DWELLING, No. 132 North FBONT Street. Bent moderate. Apply to WETHEBILL & BSO., 0f27-tr 47- and 49 North SEOOHD Street. ®IOB SALE OB TO LET—Fora HOUSES, on the wart aide of 880 AT! Street, below Colombia avenue. Apply at the sonthweat corner oI HISTH and SANSOM Streets. robSS-tf and some forty of other makers, comprising n.obmiteto.. aaaortment as to sires, and all lately arohtaged for tb£ HOW celebrated Idllia Sole. They wIB be (Old at y*Ssi tow prices. Please call and examine. }a2S-lyif ; ■ U.O.BADDKB, Ageat. Bn EVANS & WATSONS ■SB BALAHAHDHB.SA®# STORE, 1# BOOTH FOURTH STREET, PHUiADBDPHIA, PA. A large yariety of FIRE-PROOF BAEES si ways t* band.'- - . HEMBT’S BEPEASINGt BIffLE— The greatest Arm of 35? times, in as many seconds, 1,000 yards. Bor sale a mannfactnrera’ prices »>r WTT.BOB & 00., 416 CHE3TKOT Street. oc3l-lm IFvratN PlPE.—Vifecifiad I>rain and I / Water PIP®) bom 2 laches tore as, srittt every Branches, Traps, So., wwm»tea wiaal w say to the market, sad at leajatot ®» nnd«- being interested to one oi toe largest spd best £sf s or Fire Olay to ads conntry for the manoffietnra the above s»a other ariieJss, defies compettflos, both n «naUiy Kid price. Office aM Store 731OHEBTHIST Siree*. Haanfactory car, ?&HSSKB ?SS JhSaacljSllj. «*■« l,ooft 1,008 6,008 0c31.12t# E PETTIT Ho 309 WALNUT Strait. E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street.