•• `THE Pith'SS, oporioND DAILY (Sulam vs votosirrim,) ov JOON W. FoRNEY. No, 111 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Tflft DAILY PR'ES'S, 1 . 01 0 Ocurs PER WORK, payat.ite to the °artier. nix o to Subscribers out at ttu, at Sur Dota.aue m;so ,,, FOUR DOLL/LILB FOR EMI? fIIONTELB, r oto ra1.,13 FOR SIX MOrtlß—iovorlatily In id. 6 , f o r the time ordered, u ll° Tug TRIWEEKLY PRESS, ofie d t o Sobscribers out of the Oily at Taus& Dor,- a PCS ANNUM, In advance. • - ....---emenewessempeateunissatistassecursorm ,ADY-MADE CLOTHING. CHEAP- FOR 0,0E1! The beet plow) In Philadelphia to obtain well-made, durable o LoTso [NG cLT o . cLo TT{ A EN G, 01.0 T BNC*. AT REASON AR LS PRICES AT RE &SON AB IA PRICES: AT REASON A Iv Om 3 , REASONABLE PR [Ol5lB, WAIsarAMAJCER Sr, B,ROWN'S -WAN AMAKii It & BkWWN'S STAPTAIVIAK ER. & fIAtIWN'S iVANAM AK Ea 13110%.ATN , S 'FANAMAKEB & B ttO NW'S OAK HaA.LL, OAK H 4 L LA, OAR H eLLL, O&K Eia.LL. OAK HAG G, 41 01110Ei5T 4:30BNIVI dIXH AND NI lOM'S tiotITHICABT 00}INKII Al XP T H AND 51. A. BB KIT, ocoutalyr O , OIINNIt SIX CET - AND DirAbrEer. p 8,--Wansmater & R rowtee BPik : Hall (Bathing go/o lige:ant, at Sixth and Market b le at NoTen : o r eta made, ymoal-fititv, duroble Otot, OA. ooPiemg rricea. • Wavarnaker dt Brown have an Immense stook of irJl end Winter Goode, bonght early in the FISSEOTI At ~.or prime FOB OAIRI, Willa will be mold OORKESPONDING. closer. sa-Clorroxis WORZ WELL DONE AT EXTRA LOW ::.1110ES 00/.tf READY-MAide , O. SOME R$ 4ce SON, No. 626 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDEit JAYNIVS tiLL, to o pp for Bale an entire new stock of FINE )T 1 - 1 INTG. B foft worn/tent of (MOTHS, Os 4,4 went& and - i ssimie, which they respectfully invite the subtle to .Iratilce before purchasing elsewhere._ aterfnielli* WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. A. H. FRANCISOUS, 4.33 fai l / 4 2.13:14T and 5 North firrii Street, PELLADIIMPUIA, WHOLESALE DE Ala E tWOODEN AND WIIaLOW• WARE. &limit on hand, stall AtoCk V 768, nuoKETS, ORIIIINt. tM kscritEB, BROOMS, FANCY BASKETS, IrALL. BCRUB, cad swgsprivo ttIifTSFISB, 6001CING-GLASSIIS and witoTooW PAPBR, A FULL ASSORTMENT OR (.3 WOK% Mats, Kepler's; Flow Hookas. NMI Bums, BROOM CORN,: HANDLES, .&ND WIRE, AirafIBOARDS, ROLLING and u tonna! PINS, titooll , AND TABLE OILL CLOTHS, SCHOOL, 111&IMBT, and DINNICK RAMLIITS, ?r,)1):11%rall tango; Blacking, tilawatta, &eds. Barrow% Canines, hobby Horses. ao , (co, All Goode sold et LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. • LARGEST STOOK. TUE , UNION. atrangere visiting the city are Invitoil to took through thlo Establishment, which is the targesi of the kind in this country. Also, the only W hOiflelatit, agent for B. W. 211T2iAN'S CLOTHES- WRINUIOR in the State of Pentvlvante 1e16.1m YARNS, BATTS, & CARP ET CRAIN. 'ADDING ! AI'ADDISG W ADDIN GI WADDING, B &TTB, TWINES, WICIMNG, • 00/7014 YARNB, 10101 illl dca.,' TEE LARGEST STOCK EN THE CITY; N 8T E ; , A,t4ioP. BALE, at BLANITEILOTIJEERFO PRIDES, by A. H. OUS. iNo, 438 MARKET and No, ti North rirra Street. feit.2m TARNS, BATTS, AND CARPET CHA Ttteabaorlber is prepared to yell when wanted: .50,000 lbs. Carpet Ch.iin—Ootton, Lin en, and Woolen, 50,000 lbs. Ootton Yarn—Nos. from 5 to 20. 10,000 lbs. Single Jute antileow Yarn. x:.00,000 Sheets Black _Wadding. 5,000 Bales all grades I,lotton Matto, from 12 to 60 uts per lb. 1,000 Bales all grades Wick. 1,400 Bales all grades Twine---Ootton and Linen. And a general assortment of TWINES, TIDY DoT ":ON,110PMfl, do., at the • LARGE FOUR-STORY STORE, No 211 NORTH TlitttD STRAW, de (rJorer of New St ) I am aololy in the n Yarn Yarn oineos, I tun prepared to wll the shove goody lower than any other, house In Ws stlo.lm rt. T. WI-Irra yARNB,BATTS;O.A.RPET-CHAIN. 2,000 Bales of Batting, Of all grades. 1,000 Bales of Black Wadding. NO Bales of; Wicking. 1,000 Bales of Cotton Twine. :?2 000 Pounds of ' Cotton Yarn. ' ►,OOO Pounds of Colorcd and White Carpet Chain. 500 Coils of Manilla, Jule, and (lot- ton Rape. - Mee Coverlet' Yarn, Bed Cords, Wash Lines, and a %lista* of Goode in the above line, fen: eels by` A. H. FRANCISOUS, tn 433‘1116.aKET and 5 North '6llrril Atreet GAUP ETIS' AND Olt CLOTHS. ARCH-STREET OARPET WARE '`" 1 " ROM. - - - • OLDDEN & RIO t< NEEL No. 832 AROR 8 CREST, ' TWO DOORS BEILOW 3-INTH eITRIORT / souww BIDB, Ire new receiving their FAIL lIIPORTATIONB OF FORZIGN AND DOM 2 BT/D OARPETII4O-8, imbrsein g all the new styles, which th e y are offering LOW IMMO te2t.gra 808 OABB. LEN ECHO MILALS. MeCALLUM & 00.. StIV 01111113TNIIT aTitizir (010011te Independence Hil4) W.A.I ttIr&OTIIII,EBS, - MORTICES, AND D116.747in CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, &c., Rave now on hand an exteneive stook of Orpetinge, of our .own and other , makes, to I4 vllleb we call the attention of (sash and ehort 1/410 tapers. iyea ten WATCHES :AND JEWELRY. AXERIOA.N. jA. 4 1011.110 GOLD AND SILVER °ABEL JOS. H. VTATgON, 4a4b, vo. 386 OIiZSTITUT street' WATCHES JEWELRY , A RRESEt ASSORTM DbitailailBl3 THAIS IrOILMHIB PRIOZB. .e! FARIS BROTaltit, .Importerh , 1411204 f 824,011E5T11,11T, titrett,triow Fourth. PRAbtit. PALIKEE4 Bur-- ki toll sign Artist to the Goyeramot buditntiosis Nadi titals* 14°1 to, the " 41 ! ,1 ; Cl / 4 41°011 and Ho,. kr 44 PALM= Lrennio, ii*Lad :b7 Um , arra /Ni l Sarong, pamphlsluenteratill Aildrariv 113414 Vo. DOI OlAtia k ir4 l6l4 lb• Air L. HAL L' LO WEL, ea 00., LV.I.• No. 615 CHESTNUT ,STREET, (JAYNE'S MARBLE BLOOIEJ Have Put opened an ENTIRE NEW STOOK OF FANCY SILKS, from Auction, DRESS GOODS, in great variety, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &e., Which have been PIIHOLIAKED xxoLosivEriv OR °Asa, And 1111 be sold at CHEAP PRIORS. The attention of city and country buiera is Invited se29 tf eIIraKANTOWX, EL . , • . . 010 , . . . . . ,-\\-"i:..! ~, , ~..%•-.,•-..,: :,•.• -,• .. r .. )::441. • . 0 4.4.%6i.' '-• --:. 1 : - '' ' . - -',..' ''''''''' 7. ‘ \ t'''i 4 4 1.1. 4 , •: ; : - .•'• 4 '''' '' • ' ' -' ' -' l '' . ::: •-: -. •;;;,,,,, '' ~,,. . •• _ , ..••.--•:.-•• . , • ''',..i,,:•..;,,':. %, \S ‘1,,1. / / , I, t •--, . •••• '', ?..t.K. ::-..:-.._•••.- - • . "'S ,-trtz' .11. • : .... • ----- ..:., , - _ ' ~ , , ...,:'-'''',7.Z,'••••'-''''''' - 7' . '. : •, •±•• ' ''' - .• \''''''‘''' 6fl l • ,•,-- ;.•--,<,_::•- ,'' "••;;.•-',.::•.- Y.. - --,,-*••-• t r * .•••.:-/ : :6[[:-. -:,,--- ..: ~, • - ___ ~ 4 , „. . ;,,.",..: - i i ~,• ::; , ?•• : rx.,f-',, . 0. ...... , i t i,., , ,...„ 5 . : , ;,..:; 1 / 4, , , , , : v.. • "11 1 . 11 11 '• "-;-1;.,;'. k . ...- , --4 - ;,.:. 1, .i,.,.. , 1 4- . . . . . . .. ~.. ..., . .. .. ''' ,:' "s• - " -F , • -ir- „pi Jk ` . ,:. 7_,,,-----__:/. . .•!f. tf,....41 , -.., - : 4- ... -,_-.-•-••-:" !''' '- .•••::::V -. He.: ':. '•:.:,.!:.:',, •:;r,74(1,:r ::---i'''' -.- . . - • • in , " -;•---: ' -• - . ,'- ' ~. •.:S - .,. - - ' Ill11111110 1 .; - . 7 ,_Z-- , , MSS ,... , (- . m ..,, - - - ~- -I F__ iiii,_:. ', , , .;.7„ . • , :1..„•,,• . .:; , 4 . ~,W. :,-,.. r .4 . t. ..-. . ... . _ ' 7.7- 4 M ' , • .', ''' ' ••:''' 11111 '.-' •0 .•.', -. _ -_- ...• \ -,.. _. , .... .. /7 --. _ - • „_, •-... ate.L.. ! .. Vi'.•,.:„..::',..'4",.••::::- 1,7•1''',--....1111C.., Ifyi.7.-rVi.fl!..S.':, ':.. S . : ::' 1 !: -. _ '", ''''''.• . • ---1 ....- --- " . ..6., "-- 7-"---. ,L,I . 4, -:-. - _ - - . - - 7-7- 7; ,,- - - ,i, ..„41671.4`1,::-.,•-.- 41-... . : 1 ! .:'• : :-J , " . , ;f '. , •" °. • A •... ....:1:•.::•;:'••••..•:_-:,.-L.f it•L r:f.t'- ' ''''-'" '-'—'2'N's '' - -.''''. ---"-';ft ' ' ' ' ' ''' - . .. : : ' r - . . • , ' fi , `%, , ~r - , ~, •-- ,-, ' ..,. - •,r • 4 ., 7 ....-' - - ' ''• - •.;;•:• - • - 1 ,- .:- -,--'-' • ' - rrz •rr ---,•.---".,-.-:-----,,_: -• • _ :,7r.;77f.-:::::::r.------'-!).; ••••,..:,,,....:',ii;''';,•lrt'_ - - ~,- , .... . .- •.- , , r_._ ._ _ ,I \ . . . • . . ....r.'...‹Er=i ...r. ~ ~,,-• ,r ~ I ':, , ,liirplin ;- • • ' li -- I . ______ • C ' • .. _ , _, . ~ , , . - _ .• ... - - . - rot.— , ~. ...................... - . -••••7----"•••"-- ................r. = ,........5. 3 , , ...... . . . . . . . „. - ' . . . . . . ... . . ..... _ r VOL. 6.7 - NO. 68. Dir.,Y-13-00D8 1013 K ERS.• 1862. FA L 1862. RIEGEL WIEST, & ERVIN IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS NO. 47 NORTH THIRD OTBRZT, PIULADILPRIA. "'""" • . . lietotants : visititg this city, to purchase Day GOODS will find our Stock large and admirably assorted, .and at Low FIGUREC In certain classes of Goods we offer indncements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. 11616-2 m , THOS. IVIELLOR & Co. INOLD3II AND GERMAN IMPORTERB, 40 AND 49 NORTH THIRD srazzrr. HOSIERY: GLOVES. Shirts and Drawers, 4-4 Linens. Fancy Woolens, Linen O. Hdkfs. Manufacturers of Shirt 'Fronts. FALL . 1862 'AMES. KENT. SANTEE, QO.. 131P08TX123 AND JOBBI9IIB or - DRY GOODS, *OL 239 'and 241 IL .THIRD' 81'BEI2$T, &Ben BARE, 141LADELPILIA; „ .. Hoye now open their anat . , ... LARGE • MU) COMPLETE STOOK OP .... • SOBEIGIE AND-DOSIESTIO-DRY Among wbiob wilt be found a more .than w,ually at rsotive variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS; • - • • • Also, a full assortment of " HIGBRIKAOR AND . 00p119100 ... -- rtarimszurinae.lllAUX 009DS; p3 6 ' .Cash buyers speefalf—Orvittict.7,-- F A 1862 TOHNES, BERRY. & 0o.„, (Oneoessore to Abbott, Johnee. Oo.,) ell 7 DIATOM, AND 624 OOKNIZROIS ATUNNTS, UIPORTNIIN AND JOBBNIIN S I JEL" I AID FANOY DRY GOODS • 'lave now opened an entirely NEW AND ATTRAOTTVN STOOK, II INRUSH, FRENCH., GERMAN. AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a full wisortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, SHAWLS, 1643., Which they offer at the very Lowest dlarket Priors, and iolinit the attention of the Trade. aru&ilm yARD„GILIAVIORE, dB Co.. a. sec 617 0/13671111T and 614 JA.Yfill Streets. • Hare now open their , • , FALL IMPORTATION or BMX AIM FANCY,. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, km BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FIRAL. To which the attention of the trade is pardonlarly wall-Sne GENTS' ;FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. A.IIRISON. Importer feud Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS ) Nos. 1 /4 3 N. SIXTH STREET. FIRST STORE ABOVE MABEBT BP.' (FORMERLY J. MIRE > HOORE'E.) The well. known reputation * of * tide establiebineut for gelling Fine Goods at .ifiennorn.Paiqua will be fully P. B. —The celebrated IX P*OlllD PAT?BaiETs, ao Justly popular, can be supplied at that !wipe. FLANNEL & CLOTH OVERSHIRTS IN GRZAT :VARIETY. GFORGE G ANT,, . PLAITITHAOTIFRIIt 01 . AHI) iIHA A= IN GENTS' FURNISHING -GOODS No 810 011318,T11:111''.8TEBBT.' VINE 13Hrit . " Ti,MLNIIVACTORT. -The subscriber would invite attentlo; IMPROVED tIIIT,Dr, SMUTS; • Which he makes m specialty in Ids business. - Also, con etantly receiving NOVNLTIIIW, YOB GENTLdilldElire NAME. 'SOOTT GINTIOIHNN?Et.YURNISHINGIVEOIIIO, No., 814 CIUGHTNUT,4B27IIIIII7O' , . .•• - 1 , 64 - l'ourdoorebekmtbe-Rontinfatil. SEWING AI/WHINES: THE' WILLCOX Br, niVING lAA Iwo been greatly Improved. making It' • . - BRTIEISLY N'01.1376L3.814 _ Ind with 80 /I ' lo i tilatil l Rem , ' 3111 " 4 : 2/1 "! /ve r y' ro ! rAtusAinisra arwrwo, • , - 115111111378111! 'Street . 'vwuEF,i-,,? (! ifwxx:isoN,;.. ../.1 ~..:fs i lligt! k., iti ' , ::,„, : • .t2B:C. - TCS .',.X:ifiT.T-:l,P,Tl!'',:''S-7) MARTIN & QUAYLEW summon AND . ftvithr , oboDe No. ms, wAtrjutirm47, . I P 4) .YriA lLi t ailint "' ^ •;,.,:nu4POFM/4•: jell lily VAN CAMP BUSH . . .... .. B USH--; & 'KUM TZ, (Successors to T W. Baker eg Cc.) ' FORMERLY BOER, ILLIGUEII.I k 00. No. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS- AND JOBBERS BLACK AND FANCY SILKS FRENCH,.',ENO-LISH, AND AMERICAN DRESS. GOODS, OLOTHS,,CASSIYESES, END VESTINGS, LINENS AND WRITE GEODE, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES; _ RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, MOSLEM', GLOVES, NOTIONS, flco. SHAWLS. A complete assortment of WOOL LONG AND SQUARE SHA.WLS Of the following well-known make': MIDDLESEX,WAS: w 7TON, WATERVLIET, PEACE DALE, &O. A BROOBE, LONG AND SQUARE, STELLA.; AND THIBET, LONG AND SQUARE,. To which we Invite the attention of CASE and. SNORT TINE BUYERS. n , ee22-mwf Im DUNNELL AND GREENE MANUFACTURING 0013 PRINTS. 400 Cum NEW FALL STYLES. FOR SALE El WELLING, COFFIN, & )310.-orwfam No. 920 CHESTNUT Stave. ST:MEESS „ E pRB AISI E ' I cg " LEWISTON" and FOB SALE BY . WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., - 0 , 21.-mwilm No. CO OHESTENT Steed. CARPETINGS„ OIL CLOTHS. AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & 00411 001/IXISSION M111101K&NTS: No. 132 PRESTNIII . STREIT, PHILADELPHIA. sosortmeat of rallodelphia-mode Sips always 002 2m SEAMLESS B A G S-. Lewiston &Mild. LOWIdO.II 2X-804n1. L wli°t n 2•Bushel. and -‘ a &ndmthigaln 2-BuilhoL' For eale,•net cash on dam)", by GIIO. 4911.1GG, ,oel2 tt .y , 219 0/10121,011" Ansi ARMY GOODS!... Sky Blue liereeie.-- . Sky Blue Oassimeree (for Moore' Pants). Dark Blue Uniform Cloths. Dark Blze`Cap Cloths. luo Blouse flann.els. White Domet Flannels. Twilled Gray Mixed Flannel& U. 8. Regulation Blanketa. 10-oUnce and 12 ounce Standard TENT DUCK, In store and For gale by SLADE SMITH, & Co No. 39 LK? ITIA, AND 40 WIPER FRONT BTB 4 0.1327:2m PEEIGADRI.PRIA. CIOTTON YARN. SUPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 10, 888, BALE BY FROTITTITGILSX &. WELLS. 002-if ARIAY BIAANIKETS. FROTITING.FIAIVI & WELLS. wxtbiapi:e s , coffiN, 4 flO. 0148TITUT a see, fae premed to_ CONTiaCt FOR THE DELIVERY OF ARMY WOOLEN AND.COTTON GOODS, 07 STANDARD QUALITY. SHIPLEY. FIAZ ARD, & HUTOHINSON; =r Ro 112 'Oll. - 11STRUT STRUM 9 OOMMIBBIOI, 1 . 04 CE A E T • • ,t 44-10 FOE THI BALI Or PHILADREXHIA.-MADEI '.(1001)9. 'WORKMAN & ELY. - N 0.130 PEGG STREET, PHILADELPNLI I ILLIAIIIPA:CITDRIREI OF PATENT CAST-STEEL 'TABLE CUTLERY:; `. Mach the BEST and UHEAPEBT " ARMY KNIFE, FORK; and : SFaCiN ' -IN THE NAHNET. - CASTI3TEEL; FO,ItKEL, JAMES 13. WARTA & SON ) KaraimiTibuno AND moingan LOOKING GLASSES. onfrixtimies, - • • • JUR) INGE Alir INH 15, ITOTIIBM AND PORTRAIT meant, • PHOTOGRAPH IBAMBI ,' . - PHOTOGriIiPIL OARTNA-DR-VIBITN PORTRAITS., KARLEI3'° GALLERIES, SIONICE7NV2 -STREIT, • _ . D I IVISIIIOO D 1 iin and Water PIA; from v.seeir Nimbi. BraiiehleZ miertuited to any in the marlieht and - at - rata* dined being intereeted hi.one of the lined and boo -beda OUTire Clay bi Oda _ country for the - getwasiotern of the above and other artlelea, dense competition, bee twat:lslay and , prioe. .PRTER B..bIELION+ 4 and Store 7210111181 NUT tiiretA. 7 do!. Thompeon7and 4 Aithrtione PHILMMPEU. NICI=IZIM coiwiumim \frousks ALSO, GOVERNMENT .BTANDARp, TOE SALE BY AGENT/3. CUTLERY. LOOSING GLASSES. PHILADELPHIA. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE & LANDELL, E. & L. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOUR 111 AND AROH. FOURTH AND AROH. OPENING FOR FA BALMORAL SKIRTS, GOOD BLACK SILKS, STAPLE LINEN GOODS, BLACK STELLA SHAWLS, NEW WOOLIN SHAWLS, MUSLINS THE PIECE, REPS, ORDERED COLORS, , F . FRENCH. PLAID FLANNELS, FULL STOOK OF WOOLENS, RICHEST PRINTED GOODS, NEW STILE DREES. GOODS, GOOD COL'D POULT DE 140 IE, MAGNIFICENT DRESS SITAS, MAGNIFICENT PRINTED 'GOODS. eel°. mwatf UP STAIRS DEPARTMENT. 4 Fall and Winter Cloaks. Black Tbibet Shawls. - • Striped Broche'do. Brach° Bordered do. Woollen do. BOYS' CLOTHING. jackets and. Pants. Sacks, Overcoats, &c. butts made to order: COOPER, & CONARM S N. aim NINTH end HARENT se/30-8m JAS R. CAMPBELL & C IMPORTERS CASH DEALERS DRY'GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 774011ESTNUT STREET, Have Just received, and ere now.efertagrinegaifbent linos of • SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRE138400.1)8, ISPECIALLY ADAPTED TO,TEIIB 61IIA8ONI ocB-tt lOU CHILBTIVOT &CREST. E. M NEEDLES. LACES, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES. A fall assortment of the above On hand at LOW PlllOlB, to which additions are made of all NOVELTIES. ee2s.tf . . . . •• - • 1024 - 013.31811111 T BTBIET. lIYIPORTANT." . NE EDLES, ,IQO. 1024 OHESTNUT STREET, Will open on MONDAY, the 19th. a iota° lot of Edgings and luaertltge worked on Ltr.,en —Fresh Goods, very : choice styles,. bought. at, a heavy discount to close an, inveice and for Bale Quite as low as ordinary , Cambric Editing, • • These are desirable goods at a great' sacrifice, And ladies would do well to examine them. Sk liberal discount to those who buy to sell again. Hann fecturere of. Ladies' and Oblldren's Clothing are Invited to call. Also, just received, choioegoods. in Etlbroldered Bsotkerchlete, Gent.' printed and Vain do ,'Broad t.em. stitched,. do. -all Linen, 20 cents up; Fancy Zonate. Shirt north:, Infant's embroidered Waists and Robes . ; Real Thread :Veils, 62 up; Real Barbes,7s ota up; imi tation do. •26 ots.. up; .Coders, Sete, itc ,* at old act 11.31 LL 'WOOL BED BLANKETS. , JCL A full assortment of cites - 9.4--10 4-11 4 12.4: MI wool, medium and nice extra quality largo size Blankets. Also Gray tinny and Morse Blankets. Knee WrappOrs, Travelling Blankets. 8112,1 t, PLR.; i Ren : wag COLOItED POULT DE bOl.lO. A fell line of plain colored-- Embracing all the , rich, dark shades, Feat figure. single and, ouble faced, Bright colo red °becks and Plaids. BB ABPLEd BROTHEBB., ORE3TN Br and SIGH I IF dtreete. FASHIONABLE' bTRIPED Bradlee Long Shawls. Pandei Long Shawls. Paisley Eonate Shawls. Vienna Long Shawls. Paris Long Obi%le. Imprfos Woolen Shawls. Long Black Tbibet Elbowle. Full line of Woolen Shawls. - ' Rheloptod's PlalOpong and potato SchOol Girls' Woolen Stairle: EYRE & L&biDELL. FOURTH and AROI3 Streets. (1.13010 E DRY, GOODS—Just • re- J retved. • • Brown Poplies, Plain and Viewed. Brown Wool Poplins, Double Width. 111erinees of all Shades. • Wool D'Laines, Plain and Figured. Oottcn and Wool D'Laines--a nice line. . Figured Blerinoes. . . A lull line of Plain Shawls. A full line of Gay Shawls. • One lot of Black Figured Itiohairs, at 25c. 81x lota of Brown Alpacas, cholos. A full line of. Cashmeres A full line of Vesting. E DWIN HALL & BROI HER, BO 26 Sontb sEcoND Street, will open tate morning— Brown, Blue. Green, and Blank Irish Poplins. French Plain Poplins. same colors Blob Figured and - Piald Popllue and Baps. Plain Poplins and Baps, rich colors. • Bleb all a 00l Cashmeres and De Linnets. Figured Merlnoes and 'Valencia& ' Fine Frencividerinoes. choice colors. i Striped and Figured French Chintzes. Cloth and Cashmere Plaids for Children. ocB . -n. STEEL - 85.80 N, I • No. 1 1 / 3 North TENTH IE4 shOve 001 4 41 14 HAIM now open a choloe assortinent of . NEW ,FALL AND WINTER DIIESS GOODS. Bich Fancy Silks. • . Now Shades Plain 811ka. Rimed Black' Silks. - Plain Black Silica at Low Prices, Bich Figured and Plaid French Reps. ) Plain French Bane, all shade'. Plain Trench'Nerinoes, all ahadee. • - PLAIN ALPACAS, -• In Black; Hrown,'Mode, Blifie, and Scarlet. ' Poll De Menne, Popline, And every variety of: New and Choice. Reasonabla Drama Goods. Also, a large assortment of I BLACK STELLA. BRAWL% LONG AND SQUARE-WOOLEN - BRAWL% sell-11 AT LAST TEAR'S PRICES. CrABIBET J. ALT - EN & BRO: • • " CABINICT:: WABIEROOttk NO. 1209 IMEESEITNOk • A LARGE ABEIORTENNt: • • .or • • SUPERIOTC . d • i Q - • !,.• 4. • • 006-10 - ALWAYS OR HANDI.st.,f..; riA.I3INET FURNITUR ro AND .I_lllr. LIABD TABL.IIB. , MOORE 8a CANiPION„ No. WI South 811UOND 13treee, tit Connection with their extensive Cabinet Businees, are lOW 1•••• 1 • 0 •Iirke • superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, . •Jl kW, new on hand a full truPl l 7) finished with the' KOORN A CAMTION'S 1141'1107111D UUBRIONS, which Sr. pronounced by ail who here used them to bet superior to ell others . For the quality end finish of thew Tabled the MUNl ?seniors refer to their nuteerone *arms throughout the Union, who ere lentiilinr, with tir oluer theft work. „imam DRUGS AND: criEli itext4 ROBERT .- 613:0P1 .- ictlß t. 81.00 Fortheast Cosset FOURTH : ZACaI Streets, rEctuumpsza, -.- WHOllllatt DA Rooms, IMPONXIBII.AOIiIIIIB • .. -'3•., , ` gong". GM 4...dN , D1 DOXS El Wilke . ,;WRPP.W" . AN.P . .;: - ... .T, .„..,.... 2 MOPS LEAD 113D , ZIN 141 - 2113,P1PE14, bo. ' •tr - lair's - iee' ciitaileA T ED • 7'.-: , -FRENCH. kW PAINT& ,0r..., libeli s ; N oe amsumers unrolled at i iiti ger , • "'•Nogiii, ainnierlignrzniClßlPPOßlTOAßile - MINAS iiI11111410! tue.l . r... 11" .e.aM , s•ou.edl : ; ' t. _ .. C "ii " 'llliG,,Neat am - 4 Cheap, at ItilidiV•AliT-kIiBOWN'B, 111 B. rOtaiT4l' Otrest, below, Ohestankl *ma 1 •fr 0 If. soil' ...7.11 .trztin...,•.. -.c • ,r ~.( •!i..1-.1.- ). • ~-: 4 • ' -,, , • E.C.I +in' i=-. . •. , ~i ): ~.!: ~ ,,t 1 7.; • 64.1 11 i'l2 NDAY I = OCTOBER 20. 1862. [JOHN H. STOKES, 702 &ROB Stmt. It VXISS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1862. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. An Immediate Lliloseinent Deemed Probable— Seizure of Marylanders by the Rebels—The Capture of Charlestown—Affairs at Harper's , cs F r z ie z i y o.orrenondenee of The Press 3 HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL 11100mmt.ste, Ootober 16, 1861. Philosophers hereabouts have been considerably exer aged in regard to the late change in Gen. McClellan's camp, from the neighborhood of Knoxville to Its present location in Pleasant Valley. Some deep laid purpose and subtle strategy was evident. To my simpler perceptions the ranee lay in the fact that, as the ladles of both Jena. McOlellan and Burnside ate now visiting them, and as the latter general was under the dally necessity of riding six miles to see his superior officer, it wee considered pre ferable to reside together in one farm house near the headquarters of the latter, especially as a large portion of the army le now messed in that neighborhood. The united families, therefore, reside at the house of Mr. George Yorintey, in this vicinity, preparatory to a reoeiv'ed leavetaking and another march. When that march will take place to still smatter of uncertainty, bat it is thought speedily probable The public have teen duly advised of the departure of General Sumner upon a furlough, and of the probability that ho will not return to his lite command. The cause is not )et generally known. I give the camp report.; upon the subject, premising that I do not *ouch for their truth. The reputation of that brave old veteran is for his fighting qualities, rattier than his strategy, and it is thought that his plan of battle at Antietam was faults , . The assertion is made that he so placed his troops that a portico could not engage the enemy without endangering the safety of . others. A nuinber, therefore, of Union soldiers Were killed by their comrades. Gen. Samner's cooduct; therefore, has been much criticised. It is rare that a man of his advanced age has the clearness and quickness of mind poeeessed by those of lesser years, and he will probably now be relieved from active duty. • This' camp w ,, e visited ,this morning by the son of the editor of the New York Herald, who 'lamed largely in bis infant days as the “jonne editenr" in the columnief his father's 'facetions sheet. The youthfu' Bennett le a young six fOoter of twenty, with his eye thoroughly skinned by foreign travel, and a certain knowledge of BA world which ample funds always open to those who seek it. Bie organization is of the rough-and•ready order, tempbred by, the breedingAiote his education as a get- tieman has " entailed. Like his revered .p went, he does not believe in ' , freeing niggers," but, barring that obli quity of political vision, he le quite an intelligent young fellow, possessing personal beauty considerabl: in . ad vance of his father, though inheriting a few of his facial traits. The public! last .heard of him in command of a yacht, et Port Royal, which he. had offered to the Go- Verament. Be saw a sea-fight, laid eevdral weeks doi ng nothing, pad then concluded that the naval service was a bine, and left it for the billiards and agreeable et cetera!, of New Yolk Be le now on an excursion to the battle. field of Antietam, and will gather some unsavory Sacesh hate or haversacks, as memorials I am here to gather news, and can give nothing of the kind in this retired spot, where we hear little that Is not already familiar to times at home. Even the first intel ligence of the late rebel cavalry . raid came to us by tele graph from Philadelphia. and all news upon the subject has long ere this been given you by those less remotdy situated, Clearly, Stuart and his party had abundant information in regard to the mittens of car army, and reedy guides from this population to. wort him on his route. If a proper example had been made of those traitors who previously conducted Lee's army into Ma, ryland, this Would perhaps not lave occurred. Barton Butler, a very'open ieceesionlat of thi• neighborhood, in Pleasant Valley, was arrested for having conducted IticOlorigh'e tie igade from Burkiteville, where it crossed the Potomac, down The crown of the Blue Ridge. He 'wag seen playing cards on the mountain with members of the brigade, by Samuel blind, John Hind, Ignatius Grim, and James Edmond, also of this locality, who were biding there in fear of impressment, and were arrested by the rebels, who kept them in custody for several days. Bitter wag subsequently seized by our army, upon in formation given, and examined by .Clem. William,. He acknowledged having guided the rebels, but asserted that be was impressed by them, and threatened with punish went for non. compliance. He was therefore discharged, but no examination was made of the witnesses who saw him upon the mountain, nor was the matter inquired into among numerous Union men of this vicinity, who would readily have teeldfied r io .Butler's. traitorous tendencies. 'Be is said to have received a handsome revolver from the rebels for hie services, and has since then talked boast .ingly of his act., His story of impressment does not wear 'an aspect of truth. He we% not taken at his home, but is charged with having gone to Bnrkitsville to meet tile rebels? as coon as he heard of their approach. ToO much lenienoe is exercised on, our part towards ouch people.: Were they Boatherti reeldentr. arrested by the ene my for performing a sliniler . duty towards onc army, they would speedily obtain a hempen cravat Of i iera pattern. .Butler!el 'son, Francis Marten t art not v of. • rebel, down the Blue Ridge.- ji lie rare to be bied lor their sentiments, and, on rebel ground, aid to the end my would be legitimate; but Maryland, by the desire of the majority, of her population, remains in the Union, and the act of the two Butlers is, therefore, rank treason to their State and to the Federal Olvernment. Bailer;"Y6 ° is' I make these charges against the Buthrs, not from my own knowledge, but upon the positive aaserlion of a most tellable and respectable neighbor, who can readily bring many to corroborate him Union men whose property has sulftred by the rebel inroad, are necessarily indignant at Butler's act, and - at the impunity enjoyed by him.. - Professor Balloon Lowe left the army, for Phßa delpbia,to•day, ostensibly fora week's visit. This loOks sa if an immediate movement would not be made ; 4 atid, moreover, theta are two yonog Hashish officers studying war at beat.quarters, who are no v eejoying a city exist: once, and.who would return were notification given them of an immediate move. Matters, therefore, in these re enecte, wear the semblance of delay. N. erode' correspondence of The Prees lINADQUARTEES GENERAL IifOULRLLAN, • Puuserer VALLEY, fad., October 17,1882. REBEL SEIZURE OF MARYLAND CITIZENS. „ There have arrived "here, Axis morning, kir. Philip Citehell, a farmer of ifiederick county, accompanied by Mr. Moses Andrews, of iiirood.boro', in this State. Mr. Outchall Ilene General McClellan with a view of obtain ing the rendition of his ion, John H. Catchall, from the rebel army, *MO, together with Joaeph Ebberts, Allen and Dal lel 'Ledgwood, Oeo. Melee; Dani'l Devilbics, Ceo. Cramer, Edward and John Stimmel, and Randolph Stall, was 'nixed by the late marauding party under Stuart. These gentlemen were attending a literary cele bration two mitre north of 'Woodsboro 2 , where a drum and music were etnplo•o4 in the • intervals of speettes. On their return to that village, between nine and ten o'clock at night, they Vete met by the rebel cavalry, who ordered them to halt, and asked the meaning of the drum and music thinking that Union . troops were at hand. On an explanation being given, they were not satisfied of Its truth, and commanded the gentlemen to fall into their. '. In the neighborhood of Darnestown, an alarm was 'given that Union cavalry were advancing from the direc tion of Pooleavtile. Preparations were made for: a skir mish, and the prisoners were ordered to a locality at the right. A few eht to were exchanged, and, during the ex citement, the two Stimmele and Stall escaped. Before crossing the Potomac, Devilbiss, who is blind, was re leased, with Cramer as hie conductor. The rest have not returned home, and are tholight to be stillin rebel custo dy. . Young Ontehall is lame, can be of no use as a sol•. Bier, and his father is much conoerned at his loss. About ien o'clock, when the rebels arrived in Woods.; Lugo', Mr Idasea Andrews roes from his bed and rode , eleven. miles to FrOliel ick, giving information to Colonel Ansa, in command there, of their approach. Preps.: :rations were then duly mada for their reception; tint' awing to information given by citizens of Woodeboro', , thattbere were many troops in the place, the rebels con ,lthadad to forego the seizure or destruction of, the rub 'filovernment stores at Frederick, and, by .direation of . these citizen., pursued their route to the month of the. Blonocaoi by way of Liberty.' Of the citizens whb corm *: Defied thli route; George W. Schantz, a great Secessionist; keening 'Mitre WoOdaboro', has been' heaid to boast :that he was-one.. Doubtless, several could be identified by inquiry in that vi lege. ; . _ . -REBEL-, GUIDES. Sociably-ridingluthe•advance of the rebels at Woods boro' were seen s .lameilitobridera storekeeper of EM uitatetiorg, and Alit:abatis Cries, a fernier; two'ralla noalt Of that Pltice, and within the Pennaliania 'Hoe; built! Lead Seceftionists, who were evident(' MODE a guides, Oa Sunday morning, atter the reheis were neer their de s 'Stadion, these - two men were met' on the road from. Liberty to -Weodeborol,by fdr..Philip Cutehall, who' Was • told lair,Orite that the rebels:had seized one of his hoises„ . , and that he had followed them to Liberty to recover it. Mcßride volunteered a casual remark; but said nothing of his late excursion. .Crise had askadthe command. lag officer for his horse he would either have immediately: obtained it or received adeniel, which would have caused, him immediately to return hotaiii. Presuming - , however, Olathe still persisted In following the rebels M . tie hope that he might regain his horse through their capture by Union troops, he would have done so at a long distance, .unperceived, instead of riding in the advance. The case of these men is very auspicious. They should be arrested;, examined, and. made en example of. fly . means of information regarding rebel sympathizers are' slit bt at this point ;.but I.have no doub , that on, proper inquiry in the several i neighborhoods where'the rebels passed, abundant-revelations could be obtained of the complicity of biith'lderylendYandiPentimivanla citizen's. We groin a state of war at present. Bope ( seems to be the only cure for treeuion, and tie public safety demands that it should be freely used. Hanging is a diegusting brutality; •but, if•wii: bang at ell, why should traitors, ahoi introduce armed enemiee into defencelea commis was, be more exempt than other criminals' • • :i'O3ST:Ofi l ThE - There are this.) trainsleaoh titty•that leave Knoxville, Which is a itation.four miles below Harper,', Ferry.. 'They pave at 6.10 A. H, 2P. Id., and 8.44 P. M. There is'brit one mail $ day that leaves for the Beet. tarry, any 'one inform me - tab* the lasi train le selected to tszry the that 'wail instead of at leavi6g at two (014100 By , the let ter, lettere would reach .BAtlinore in time to ecinneor . , with the seven o'olook kaki, Lori Philadelphia and the , North. By the 340 . 64 ,ar o ve . i oc , late, a d d ar e ,. delayed till the neitdiii !L ifareby meeting Inkree In convenience to tk a whoiii x iitiiiy around, to sly nothing of, brislitelis men, newsp ap er ,OcTresponlents, and others at Harper — ll F.rry and throughout the whole region, , •1110EBSION APPL7eiNTI3 FOR DANAGIBiIe' - I shod yesterday that rinmerona t3eoeriloOi.M)i this part cf Maryland, wbo ball by yollng `versaHon, if 'in no'baors effective' kay, hid 'svottai br the rebel °twee, * ere' itreetettloChistetil to bode gelletal to' j • ' • mtio. 7,4 - 44.714;" • 1..• McClellan and ,Gerteral Burtudds for domages done by our troops to iegard to stealing. &grins, chickens, fence raft. &o. Ainong these periosii behr this morning of s certain Emory Idwares, living la Fleasant This man is a well-known Secessionist Whatethe reboil Ware here under Lee, a party came to Mr. Michael Wertheim a strong Union man In the neighborhood, and told him that Edwards , wife and two disughters, Florence and Ellen, had infoimed there that he had a flour milt, and' that Edwarde.wife recommended them to seize the flour. and afterwards burn the mill. The rebels also want to Jacob Grim, another Union man, near by, and told him that the same women hattadviied them to help-them selves to all that hiti farm afforded. Edwards himself is reported to have stood by and held his peace daring thew .commtmications, of his family, wisely saying nothing.. Edwards, of course, will present his of damages for paYment, std probably get It. Inquiry should be made among Union men of the antecedents of alt these known Fecessionisis, before a - dollar is paid to them. OAFTURE OF OIIiRLEOTOWN. , Full particulars, ere receipt of this, will reach- you-of the capture of Charlestown, Virginia. yesterday by Hancock's division from Couch's (late . Stunner's) corps. Thu fight was by arttllery, but the report here this aton ing doei not give definite numbers of the'very few killed and wounded on our side. The enemy are said to have lost twenty in , killed Hancock's- division consists of General Caldwell's brigade, in which are sth view lieu pshire 7th, 6 l et, and 64th New York, and Blat Pebneylvania Regiments, the latter commanded by Colo nel Idiller ;- Meagher's' brigade s including the 29th klsssa chusetts, (pm, 69th, 136th ;New York, and 115th Penn sylvania, Colonel Heenan; the pit brigade of which Colo. net Brooks, of the 53-3 rennet ivania, la the ailing briga dier, cohabiting of that regiment, with the 52d, 57th, 64th, and 66 la Now York, and 2.1 Delaware. H. From Another Correspondent. [3reeisl Okrreoondenee of Pie Press . , HEADQUARTERS. DEFENOE OF HARPER'S FERRY," - PLEASANT VALLEY,..Hii Oocpber 16, 1862. - Pleasant Valley is enshrouded is a fog The lofty peaks of "Maryland Heights" are not discernible. The atmosphere is demi - ainechilly, and the soldtere.o; the Union lounge near the camp 'fiffel wrapped closely in their overcoats to keep.comfortable. It is a cheerless, chilly morning. Up No) tb, 'tie the morning efcer the anti:meal election. Bodo of Mason and Dixon's line it is the same. Though far from home and friends, dented the privilege of a voice in the ballot of yesterday, yet this morning, in the damp, misty air, men etandleazing anxiously for the figure of a newsboy, ceiling Here's the Philadelphia morning papers, only five cents' , The returns of yesterday's labors are sought for by the men. Happy will the newsboy be who first arrives at Harper's Ferry with his damp, limyid sheets. He will be well repaid for his extra quick time. The retarns.will be ore of two things—for the Union and Administration, or against them—for the speedy and satisfactory 'ter nitration of this war, or a long protracted struggle, aided by those lately; but yesterday, placed in power ! him here hope for the beet. Should the Breckinridge faction, 0 alters to the core, be triumphant. we, the loyal Union men Of the army, are prepared for the worst. We await the returns from the tl Keystone of the Arch" patiently, yet doubtfully. All quiet. The most bustle prevails in the quarter• master's departments.. New clothing, equipments, and a continued quantity of provision are oonstantly demanded. The soldiers are less satisfied with the quality of e dables furnished in cantonment than that provided upon the march. There, they had a prospect of foraging. Here, if arrested beyond the limited camp, witaout a pass, they are sent to Harper'e Ferry, to work on the fortifications. This hes a salutary effect upon men who have a disposi tion to straggle all over the - country, and the number of men found outside of camp limits is a slim one. G en. ,Bnrnalee now has command of the 2d, 9th, and 12th army corps. Gen. Beno's old corps Cathy is pow commanded by tit n 0. B Wilcox, to date from Ootober 13, 1662. The appointment is a good ono. Gen• Burnside's headquartere date as "Defence of Harper's Ferry ." . How long it wilt remain here is doubtful Aktould McClellan move from hie position. It La probable that the defences of .Harper's ferry will be tendetcd to other hands; though the policy of placing new troops and untried °Moors in Fnoh s position as this IF, bee, we thltk, ere this been auffictently tested to the satisfaction of "the powers that be," to the troops at least. If they are to be emplot ed retaking positions and defences vbicliothers' treachery and incompetency have yields°, the sooner old troops are left in garrison the sooner this Infernal affair will be blotted from existenoe. We were amused, highly amused at the anxiety die played by. an a m ateur; or a pair of that species of man kind,' in a 'letter to the New fork Herald, sated from Schenectady, in which the writer endeavors to place the 305th' Massachusetts Volunteers in what be Considers its true light, at the charge upon " Antietam Bridge," Sept. 17, 1882. tre sal 8 the 36th were the second regiment to cross" that renowned structure. Without wiehlug to &tract, in the hoot, any credit from the 35th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, and as they are 8UX.i , 418 placed in their true posilit n, we, 'would strupia state the report, of the HerairPs.c,orrespondent Was correct—viz - the'folst Pennsylvania was the first to cross, oupported by their namesake or numiCereeke, the blet glow York: The truth, to tell,ls simply . this : The 35sis Ma etchasetts did not attempd•to crops 'the bridge until the firing of musketry bad ceased, and then they came over atter the 21st fdaseac.husetts had crohetd, at least flatfish boar after the bridge had been Won, and W3ll by Pennsylvanians, .8111Thotted bY their ntimbereaket, 61et New York. • tifhs the recipient of a handeome series or present , ten, did eilk sash, patr,of pistols, and a set of me.gnifloently finished shoulder straps : The donor was Oolonol Potter, of the 51st New .17ork. Colon , I Potter *also received, from Lieut. Col. I.e'Oendre, ' a tasty and Gristly sword and belt. The affair of presentation was a private one, Yet we were favored with a view of the presents. " Glorious news from Pennellyania," u Alexander Henry elected Alay - or of Philadelphia." "Smell Ddolo. m.alio majority in the Fourth ward," g+ The 'signs of the times are.auspicions:" • Baltimore pavers have just arrived, with the glimmerings of a- Union . ninths's in Pennsylvania. The cheers of, toyed soidierican - be now b a ud making the woode of natyland . Heishts echo the tidings. Groupe of men chiater around the fortunate poseessor of a *newspaper, •who, perChed nand a rock. , reads the returns ae given to the anxious assembiage below. “We are sustained at home," yells one; Har rah for Old nbe and Birney. , ' and up goes his old cap, whirling through the air. Political feeling.in the army may demoralize the men. bat 'wedoubt whether the political news we have to-day received will. The, weather still has a ratoy appearance; moat of the troops are 'sheltered, but a long, chilly rain will make camp..life decidedly uncomfortable. End the war' and then go into winter Quarters, is the sentiment of the soldiery. "All Quiet on the Upper Potomac." JOHN PECENIX, JS. ArFAIRS 1N MAKYL 4.ND. Special Correspondence et The. Press ] FREDERICK, Md., October 16,1662 ' FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. The work of reorganization in General McGlone's:oe army continues, and la now nearly completed, at least for the present. Every regiment bee been visited, and a ft er kaving undergone a meet thorough inspection, hue been ordered to prepare for a long march at any mo ment THE CAUSE OF DELAY. It is raid that Gen. McClellan was opposed to malting any advance until spring, and that nothing but the ad ,vice of the President- and the nrgent demand of the American peop re has Induced bim to arrange his plans for moving upon the enemy. One thing is oertain,Ahe enemy are determined to ha rass our army until it does advance, and if possible. he will move upon one of our wings and endeavor to crush it, and then move upon our communications, whioh, from the result of the recent raid, must be open to at tea from a deilierate foe. A NEW OPINION. . , To elbow' that Gen. Kearney's Jetter la correct in some One particular at least, I may say that one of onr most distinauishid'genersis told me yesterday that our army was too /-Fge to 'none, and- if the order for advance is held back until : the drafted men come in, and we have no serious epidemic, it willhe a question where the paper to,Write the necemery orders upon will oome from, It hi well ktiosiix that it has all along been ' General Mo- . Olellan's_ desire to watt for the drafted men to till up the old tegimouts, some of which . heve all field, staff, and line Officers,' and'ouiy abOut 150 or 200 men, while others brie:l4'eviod 'muster - roll and a iery poor roster of aleariiin more ways tban'one. ' ODR,LINE .OF DEFENCE, Our line of defence,•as at present maintained, is en. tirely,tcio long, while the rebels In northern Virgin*. with an army of less than one hundred thonaand men; are conce ntrated i n the galley immediately around Win e cheater, have only about ilLeen miles in line of defence, as our li r iny lays at piesent, althouith they Would be in ti critical condition If either McClellan er' Sigel should ' :'• • TUE: CANARDS. . , .-Offisme le - very little news efirrhig in this kmal:ty at priaent; or in the army either; and were it not for an Otoseional -canard about some new raid , by fititart, one would die for want iif's.little;exatternent.; I may say that the recent reports of rebel advances are all false. Lee Is very badly butt, and cannot advance at present. Hal. leek bee thcown ont an attractive in Sigel's . oorps, but that general is rather too vigorotts,And oreatee tuoh a .commotion in rebellion's gulp, where've' ho goer, that the rebel minnows will not bite. THE DRAFT Is a funny affair, la this State.• It has pas sed off thus far in the beet manner possible, although the fact that two merry Marylanders, Merryman and Owens, have been the very 'bit viotims. The caw of the first create great merriment, because greet efforts will be made to make this rebel wear the uniform, and serve the country, by preventing him from obtaining a subetittite. TIM •STATE OF AFFAIRS. I do not think any further raid may be feared by the gad people Of Pennsylvania, as troops now smelt an the general avenues cf travel from the toper Potomeo, and' the rebels, hnowitlit " tong through their army of spies, will not attemp?another raid. Thoy may advance" in force, but this may be prevented by moving Sigel or Molellin forward, s few miles, and this latter may reit. der the hinaliing up, the pretest perfect spy eystem of the rebels in Maryland of but little we to them Trcni B arper's Ferry, I learn to-ciey tha t ell Is quiet. Tbe rebel °rains% ileket can be seen, about fire mßee froni Bolivar. ' HOLLY Buse.; - .THZ 4t, ETHAN .ALLEN" INJUSED.-=— The.celebrated borne Behan Allen recently took fright at the cars:near Niagara, and started off witb a salltY attached 'to him. The - sulky was smashed against the care, aid thetorie ran on to the bridge acmes Spring. avenue, which not being planked, be fell thpangti the at) insure, brateing himself badly. 1111113.118 ~ON BISHOP DVQGAN.—The Catholic' citizen's of Chicago and 'vicinity turned ont.eri =arse, on Wednetday evening, to welcome lit R6V. James Duggan, D. D , Bishop" of Chicago, on- bls , return from Borope 4 "hero be attended the canonization of . the Japanette Marren. THE. WHEAT OROLQW.INDIIIafIL--BysteJletice. 'lately gethered, it la ascertained tbet the whee,r.orop of 'ltidtana for' the year 1882 will be about 20.000,000 bushel"; being 1,760;000 more than Mg crop of /M. ' • . TVV O CENTS. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. gyeelid Correeioxidenee of The Prese.j''' FEW IMRE, October 18, 1862. LA. RODE. The bright and bracing weather of to-day, which fairly polishes the streets to unusual- cleanliness of effect, .brbage out upini Broadway a bright procession of those distinguished dames and belles Who , net and lead the fashions of the primenade. This may be called the fint thoroughly fair day of the recognized season, and hence. the ,displayst of the mode particutiiYe are worthy the ',pedal attention of these tiring the cause of womosity's external eleganee at heart; The bonnet of tbe lacy whose style ls strictly 4" in sea son," le formed of ;delicately. tinted Lyons velvet, fanci fully engrafted with tulle, or- blonde, and rendered mo destly piquant by- the Jail of a bread, detievezt. The rim circles more closely to the face than in former sea eons, and is ittertimmed with mingled fruits and 11.0478r5, or orimpinge of lace and fkilfteino velvet. Over all a delicate white or pink feather jauntily flatters tier dress is some dignifteithile in Irish poplin. Cash"- mere, merino, light broadcloth, or some kindred material, made as Vela) as possible, but arranged' with such 'a claseical truth to the bust, end sweep frum the waist, triat the offset is always castitignish4d. Pay Boone velvet boildice; and tasteful irimuilugs of gimp, braid, bugles, or narrow lace, down the front of the wnole robe, are alsa en npie. - At lot her anderstanding, she wears- the sauciest of Balmoral Wets, half.tadden a to fit aitaire, by " Zoaave millets "'or gaiters. . . , Duplicate thie blooming figure to about live thousand, pepper the aggregate liberally with shining epecimens`of the eteruer sex, punctuate the "whole with'carriages and Stages for eanlemadon points, and you will have soma idea of the gay cortege moving up town toward Central Perk this bright Octeber afwrwoon. This talk about fashion naturally reminde. me that, like pride, It mast have its fall and then comes the merciless auctioneer's flag. just as it waved, yesterday before , TUN ISPLENDID-TOWNSEND MANSION, corner of Fifth' avenue and Thirty-fourth street 'When this palace was. dist built, a few )ears ago; ha "road owner celebrated .its completion , with a grandftte, to which all np-toten was invited. 44 -Bright eights ehone o'er fair women and brave men " then and eattmeiastio were the congratulations ution the eplezdor of the 1 . 00024 and furniture, the admirable arrangement of the `music hall,.,kc Yesterday the whole affair was gold to satisfy mortgages amounting to 846,000' 'fne purchaser was Mr. A. T. Smart, of dry goecti fame, emcee bid was $126,112, ten per cent. of which ha at once Fetid down in cash- An instructive commentary We upon New York fast living THE PIIEITT or. ELECTION is likely to be tested in the coma g Congressional shire here, if it vever was before. The Democracy in conven tion • aseembled, have nominated as their candidates Benjamin Wood in tne Fourth Matelot, lernando Wood, it, the Fifth, Belem J. Waterbury in the Eighth, and Anson J. Herrick In the kilmh,. Ali, loin are very old etagere; but alisit amount of elections'. morality is not pierniyen by the nemination of the two Mr, mit Woods? &nee General Sickles refuses to, run against num, the timberline tror jamin feels enre.of returning once more r 9 tie tegislariie.poet previousb ornrunented by his silence. notate Nernarito .get there too; there will be enough Wrlicl 3n Congress to furnish the whole country with In to-day's Tribune, ARCHBISHOP HUGHES formally, and with elate) emphards, denied the absurd etcry emit to one of your beusattouot cotemooraries, about hie reception of threatening !erten, from B altiotore fiecetsiohlsts lie adds. Sh.o, that btu per;onal faeltogs toe, arda big tieceinion frienCs are of a fervently friendly nature, tbou)h he deems them deluded la rebelling against a Government who:Atha use stood by as It has stood b) biro (7) If priestly duty called him thither, be eb•mla not Weimer.° to go booth; fearless of any dtliioy mice (emu J. ham df Co. The Arebbi•hop la a very dignified pre late j very lunch 110—,•0111d11)." THE BOOS TRADE SALE has not been as well attended itHiay as it was yeeterday, thr ugh no email number of ouyers were prevent. The following, from a reporter's record of the prices brought, may prove inter eating to the trade in Philadelphia: The boot e 01 J. Is. Lippincott & Oe 'd contribution wore thin put up and brought pretty fair prices Brown low St Pryne's Debase on bravery," was sold at 25 dente; Buiwer's Novels at 80 cents; Ohambere' Suoyoiopeiia. 3 vole , plain, of S 1 06, bouid to with at $L80; new rr 'ORA edition, in 2 vols., at $1 +5; vane edition in library style at $146; Dictionary of Select anti Pooolar. Quotations was tat go at 40 cents; /gyro's Fables brorinhelo cents, about 200 copies being taken This was a great bar t ain, each page being finely Munn:and, aid the walk was a 'Amount edition. A reties of me tephy ideal works, and rime other hooka on Physical and Moral Philorophy, brought very uophtlotophical rates of pricee. 1 ipplocott'e Gszetteer brought $3 38, the trade pi ice bring $6; Gnat Truths by Great Authors, brought but 80 cents; the Ves.• Pocket Lexicon was knocked down at 30 cents, and were sold very largely, biting generally puichaeee of from five to ten, each ptir.. chaser. Profeeeer Libber's Civil Liberty" was sold at $1; Larman's Ooagreeeiouul Dictionary was dieposed of at 65 cents; Napoleon anti his telarshats sold at 80 cents, trade price flooring $l5O. The Waverly Novels, 12 volumes, brought 65 cents each, In muslin ; bound in ahe4p day were Aota at 70 cents in ball torte> 873 i cents; nalf tarkey antique at $110; royal octavo edition with 175 Maw idioms at 77X cense; and in library style at .92X cents eaoth The pktorial coition in A 4 volumes, in blue and gist,were lot off at 36 c. n th each ; large .oltion, complete volumes, p am, at 80 renal -anie edition, pretdi bound in library tyle, Were sold at SI. The Edinburgh edition was &s -coter, of at 82 j( ante. , The next to porc.nt lots disposed of were Pr. , scott's complete works, at $1 38 tech, in rowtlin end $l6O in 'beep. In sets in Were. In calf, at $177% ; halt calf antique, 82 13 seen. niers' Napoleon, to library atyle olurnes, vete closed at 90 cents each, trade price octal; $1 80 A large line of superb Juveniles were next offered, and rnemteineo good prices Some law backs were then offered, opening with Beck's Diedzoal Jarreprudence, which was sold at $3 2i Gait- Dlachatone soto at- 81 36 ;-Donlapia Laws' of the United &Moe, 1789 1858, were disposed of at 82 60 El. !Jett's Debate on the Federal Oonetitation wa knocked t/69P, T M e tl i e , 9 47a6i 77 ti7..t r Zi. 0, mmot!Slace BMA, a bound he steep, was sad at 30 cAnts . Mr. Lippincott offered next some medical works, which vent oil .01 ea re.lowe : tleacord on Paralysis $120; epilepsy, 65cents; Drake on Principal DIEIe49OS, 82.4; Guthrie's Surgery of the War, 81.35; aftetcalf on Oslo. rte. 75 news Morton's Human Anatomy, $1.60; Emil. meson's Human Amerman, 8110 Begnaud's Gnenals. try, $1 623 Simpson'' Übatetrics, $1 97) . THE TREAT tibg have bed another week o excellent business There are now in, active and pa , ins operation in this oltv, seven American theatres, a G,rman opera hereto, t:tio german tbeatree, a nese oe-o' theatre, three menhir Ethlopisk into atrrl bale, tae Irving concert aerabliebment, and no cud of- smaller plaoes sit these appear to be makilg fair nrefitojeot now. Fcrrert still draw, immense crowd to Niblo's Garden. Edwin Booth has created quite a sensation with his roommate Richelieu at ma Winter Garden. • Oa Monday evening. Wallackhi Theatre pn duces a new co. a edv Gellert Bosom Friends," and Laura Keene a (litotes Itatie's Lew drama of ,4 No Bert for the 'Ricked." At the Stumm, Boncicault's Penvrette" it highly sneceseint, and at the German Opera House Mozart's beraglio is starttd for a 4 .mi" In liken, the atonfement business prospers a I strolled, area mans gi,rs are nit king hay while the sun shines. Lest west wee an - eventful one tor THE M.4ItICETS. From Monday to Wednesday breadstuff's went right up o great figures, and did not very mach from them for he rest of the week. The speculative demand for pork, d, butter, and cheese also tent those articles np the bill. Ootton, likewise, ha , rapidly advanced under specu lation. SY o , lava are firm. The following were .the ruling figures at the Block Board to day : 10000 II h Gs 'Bl cp....304 9000 •1 teas 7 5.D....J0N 24000 US 8s 1 y. 16000 U d detu'd •nott a 126 . 5000 BKO do ... . .. ....126 1050 Miedouri 6e 53% 4000 do 10000 do 1330 54 • 7000 Cal State 7a ....115g do ...... —.lib 3000 Eric 4112 k nag. 5000 Buff S `i& Sr 114.100 1000 El a P do 01.5tm102)6 10000 Tol & 88% 26000 do . ** ! _ _!.!.. 88% 10000 Olev 11000 Am gold 1303( do 130 •do ...... 100 P.c Meg E1..815.126 160 do ' 125% 26 N Y Oen IL '106% 100 do b30.106, 3 / 4 50 do - 106% 100 Old &It I R. 610 81% 850 do 82 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. INDIAN SUPERSTITION —The ides that the Eng lish are in the habit of sacrificing human victtmd has spread all ever northwest India, has shown in 114inotry, and has now brilkeiA out in Macrae. The daughter of a, coilector in that presidency was •to be • married, and the day.befure . the wedding the butler went into the village to buy some necessaries for the bretikfart, but !mind it deserttd. A report had gone abroad, that twelve fat chil dren were to Le eacrilloed,.and the villagers had fled to the jangle. After' a greet deal 'Of trouble, the adults of the village, were iLduced to return, but not a single °Laid was vielble till the wedding was over. DBATH OF THE HERO OF 1.11011.N0 W. 7 -111ajor Genedal tlir John Hardly Wilma Inglis, the hero of Imcknow, in .the &gay rebellion, died on the lath of Eepteniber at Bombing, Germany. It will be rememoec: .ed that thieloificertkaa in oummand .ed , the garrison at Lucknc w, and, defended that position with a ,very, small force of "EDilish lohileislralroady enfeebled by privation and ..dlseases 'incident •to - butane climate against an INDOTMOI3II4 dieproportimed force of mutineers. For that noble defence he wee made a' linlgkit 'Commander of the , A 'TOEING. EDI/CR.—ln Penfield, N. T.,. there is fliregioxis' little girl' Of twelve years, who poblishee sprightly Weekly Doper mach of which latter own corn- , position—every. of which is set in type by her owu fingers. Bhe was born on the 21st day of November, 1849. Her father, on,involid and almost blind, was for merly a printer. In this way. she come in possession of her type and press. Blues the death of her mother, ebe bee supported her father and three yennger edsters by. her talent and industry. • . _ BUFFALO ROBES , bales of these fun arrived here on Tnesday.metning by the Great Western road from New York and large Quantities. hare bees arriving daily-for some time. • The sitiply ori. band in the stores is• large, and from appearances, fine, so that otwenjoy . 'ment this winter, should we be ,blessed with a good fall Of snow,Will tot be lessened femme want 'of these arts-' cies —Detroit Advertiser. A. SEWLATION 1N THE MUSICAL, VitORLD,—A. Copenhesen jou:Lanese tliat'agreat rerutation is being produced in that city, bye singer of the name of Mycelia formerly a fishermen, in the character of Massaniello. 'A musician, baring disooveied,that the yaraig man" poi rested simagtillcent voice, prevailed . . as film to study , tigging, whtcb hi did for two years The result has more blen verititd the anticipations-of 'the philanthropist.' MURDZILOUB ..AfifialULT -NEWARS.,.-L. On Timidly afternoon Ira Hatfield, ad esikerate character, of Newark, N. J:, attempted to kith his wife by choking and•Mcking her. Her cries ,brcaight assistance; which arrival islet tattle tangs was about to pal an end to her tofferlnge by striking her with. an Sao: ' He ran when' discovered, but woo aeon after arrated.and locked nn. .OAAMBMBMIE9.--The crop. of cranberries in the Gape 'God district; always very large; le this year nu• usually sbumlara , ,lo thaiown of Haverloh alone nearly.. a thousand pensons--mess, women, and chilaren—bove been engaged baslcklug, and the Gape God Reptsbitiona nom& s ono) field in which more than one ImPareitMers at work. . • . AIASIOBT. AN 1100IDICNT.,-The Frederick Examf; fief says - A 'German living in, Bentz street; above de- • cend; vialted the' recent bathe fields last Week, 'ant, brought away, as objects of• etili° Bl o, three ithexplodedr spherical sbuila. Upon examining them on mill pra. ret home; he discovered that they were surrounded by iilll4 of )sad, (which oonfined the charge of powder I T , tk um bad tti d the wise conceit entered into his be la pat thS , siirlis in the stove and melt the lead off sooner had ; , be bit upon this economical Idea, than bit 'timed them to' tee stove and went about his bust-nese, sxpectlng to find the lead melted ff upon his return. 'Meanwhile. his to.. drsuriotss wife waa busily ennaged at the wash tub behind' the pujecting tide of ah told-katedonvd , oblmneY. when-- bang !—Ona of these rtissilmstg% death burst, tearing the, ante rat of the clttiefieT4lioe'endintrattlre o the rani' 200 Brio 8.. e 30.69 100 do ...816.59% 200- do. 697 w 100 IlLrio prof 88x 100 do. 86% 100 Hudson It— :. b30.07X 400 Radom b.... .....= 100 litedlog B ....78% 600 do 18x 25 Michigan tJontral..B7 100 do 873( 200 Wok 8 & Hi .83i 150 do .433( 800 do .43 50 mickS & Di EG.etsosix 100 d 0......... 030.82 X 200 do e 30.88 200 d 0. ....... 82 . 100 DI Oen I nay BLX 100 d.) !10 81 200 do.—. .. . ..... .81 400 Clev & Pitre B 39 100 do. .......b30.89X 600 Olev & Tot B • TuX 1600 d 0:.... .... 830.70; 60. Gal & Obi 1. 864 STITYVESANT. THE WAR PRESS. (PUBLESEND WEAKLY.) TIM WAS Paws Will be sent to elubectibeen by mall (per annum In advance) at .91) Three Ooplee a 6.00 Five a a a 19. Oil T ee te Larger Clubs will be Charged at the same rate—tbus 20 coulee will cost dos i eo corks will nod E6oe sad 101. copies 1)120. ForFors Club of Twenty-one or over, we will WWI u Antra Oopy to the getter -tip of the Club. . Postmaslore are requested to sot es Aleut! in Tan WAI Piles. 1117' Sdverthiementa lueer►ted at the turaai rates. ail lines constitute a square. . to pieces, and :a portion of It telling into the wash tub. Irt Ned, but not disconcerted. Mrs Finrrier scotch} a lit tle et her husband for Putting those toolzsh things in rbe 'UV,' and ! tithing up the lenge, palled the other twn steals, which *ere pretty well heated. eat of the costa Mid threw them into lee street - tier escape was sim , st mitneuhms, being principally dhe to the intervening end massive chimney. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRE• MONEY MARKET. PituartEsput4, Ootobar 18; -18032 Dttaireal was Very active on the street to-day, awl specie Mill further .declined. The opening sates were made at 1310132, with a very weak market—falling ' w h in: 7 during the der, until 129 wavbld were purchased -r at 12Ik . although 129 was tne ruling igare at the close, the-marker Deing weak andrussittledl...ll6; was the closing figure foreld demands • Government - cur Hies were mote hyouiret'after at, y esterday '6teures. The money chatnele are still'clogged with the mess of capital pot into thorn, end sates or a conrcotrener ars very easy, 5 per cent. lailualhe'rate for loans en call, 606 on good Bromides, 405 for prime conimercialiparior, which continues to be very imams; - The stock market was not 190 strong to-day; some' °Me better ruse of securities sulforlau a-decline. Govern teen au were firm. Penos)lvania fi17.39 were 'dull; arid - bold at 94) at the First Board, and 94% at the Second. CitP sixes nsw were firm, the old rising , X, Pennsylvania. Railroad Ist mortgages rose ,3 ; the 3d do. were thine Chesapeake ana Delaware ()anal sixes sold at 90" North- Pennsylvania Railroad sixes fell 3, the tens rose 3f the mortgage scrip sold at 75%. Pittsburg, Fart Wayne, and Chicago 3d mortgage scrip brought 76: Elmira- Railroad eevens were firm at 98 Reading sixes, 1880, felt , 1888 s 1. Philadelphia and Erie bine sold at 103, an ad vance of Xon lest sales. &mount find Serie sevens were firm at 3113. Schuylkill Navigation EIiMPS, /883, wore lower; the boat loan was firm at 90; the shares-were firm. Lehigh iZoo brought 23. Lehigh Navigation was firm at yesterday's figures. heading Railroad shares opened weak at a decline of X, euffering another fell of X before the close ; Penn— sylvania Railroad said !owe/ ; Norristown rose X; Oa tawisea was firm ; Elmira was steady stl/3 North Penn sylvania fell ; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad rose Passenger railways were ralitsr firm today: spruce and Pine was steady at 17 ; Tenth and Eleventh at 85 ; firer street` at 70334 ; Tairteenth and Wifesenth at 25 ; Seven teenth aud Nineteenth at 9 ; Green and Costes rose} % &cowl - mud Third street 1. About $61,000 is booths and 2.900 shares changed bands, tae, market at the close being rather firm. Drexel A - 00. quota-- SOW Perk; Exchange . parel-10 dia. doston Bic Mop. parol.lo-prem. BMtlmort Exchange" par raj( dia. oountry fume geDX die. Gold 2um3u plo. Old Cereal& 24m26 pm. . The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have aeclared is *mat annual divicind of 4 .11 0 cent, payable on and after .._ November 15th. She following is a statement of the receipts of the thu unehetina Oana% for the 'ear up to Oot 14th, 1862 Receipts to Oct 14, 1862 $126 136 T 4 home time in 1861 63 810 69 Increase In 1862 $62.326 05 Tolle for the week ending Oat. 14,1102 166 48a 90 barrio week in 1181 3 919 21 Increase The approximate earnings of the Pittsburg, Fort Walnc, and Ohicago Railway Company during the month of Beptrmber tilt , compaied with the same period of last year, were as follows—viz : Ib6l. 1862. Incresse. From freights $154,144 $193 664 $39 619 PtibßeDgers ....... .... 98,018 185.088 67,032 Rxprere 2 500 2 6CO 103 Mails 7,825 7.825 • • • • Leta (A rsirway 7,U83 7,083 ... klisethaneons ''. 514 803 289 .Total 270,088 897,084 22.4s,vrit Eat nirga from Jan. 1 to Ang. 1 1,804,88; 2,211,180 106,78/ Total to Sept. 30...2,074,988 2,608,233 553,864 Increase for September, 47 per cent.; average increase to Siptember 30, 25' 7-10 per cent. The following la a comparative statement of the im port, of foreign at, goods at Hew York for Si. week ending October 16, and since January 1: For the week. 1860. 1861. 1842. Filtered at the p0rt......51 635.867 581 172 1 4 451,764 Thrown on market 1,596,488 750,861 1,890,78 T Since January 1: Entered at the port .$67,983,481 38.048 694 46,896.121 Thrown on market .. 88.4i0,679 37,776,364 81',664,54 The New York Evening Post of to-day says t , The speculative excitement in gold and etosokii;whielt bat run with scarcely a pause for over thirty days, is gi &dually giving place to a ampler and healthier teens& The backbone of the speculation in gold seems to oe broken, the mare diacuseion of expeatente for he sup preesion moat effectually checking Um upotexil cauueuoy. The wbolo betatrons% of the Board of Brokers now ap. pears to be stains; a rise in Guid, - and at the close it is heel) offered at a redaction of XGX per cent. from the printed sales. The general railway list has a downward tendency, especially on the non-dividend paying snares. Haveno, Lindsey, and Cleveland and Pittsburg are X es% per cent lower. The Southern State stooks are doll and rather lower. hi immune and Tenteseees fell c)ø% per cent lien- What and St. Joeepbe issue sold's% 10, is decitue of 1 per cent. Governments are firm at fall prices The 780 notes ppld 6;146%0105X, the sixes of 1881 1040104 X. ' fete C yr. prices at the board this morning were :. • Bid. Asked.. United State. Sixes, 1862 ' 106 a I. bikes, 1662 (coupon) 106 st 41 Sixes, 1807 " Sixes,lbeB 101% 11 tt Sixes, 1868 tconpot) 102 it it Fives, 1865 (coupon) 'A' 95 11 1 1 Fives, 1874 (registered).... 93 • it 11 Foree,lB74 (coupon) .. 94 93% I. 11 Fifa% 1871 (registereo ), ... 93 ~% . coupon) " Sixes, 1681 (regisiered)....lo4 104% 11 1 , Sizes, 1881 (consul% 104% 104 X • 0 a Treseurytiotes, large, 7.30.10 - lu6 IS 1. Treasury Notes. 7.30 small.lo6X 105 g tt 1 1 Oregon *sr Lose. 1881 .* Oregon War Loan,X yeerly.lol te t• One-year Oertificateo...... 59%" Pex There is considerable activity in money to eey. There le Wipe shining of loam. on stock eacarinns, and on now .traneactione 505 X per cont. is readily obtained' Gold, atter the board, Fold at 129)60129X. Sellers largely preponderate, and the tendency is downward. llntisbleormand notes sold early in the day or 125 X 0 126 but at the close there are sellers at 125 The foreign exchange market Is very heavy and un settled. First mass bills en London in second hands have been done at 143)i rel 44. lniiadelphls Sleek Exchange Sales, Oct. H. [Reported OY B. E. i?...ifflisit.P.ll, Ma Exchange.] liThisT BOARD. 100 Beading 8....66 365( 60 tli, & Pine B 530 17 100 do bis 395( 40 Norristown 8... tbg 60 do . 8951 LtsPaßoetPdtvoff. 5e5E 100 do 660 3931 1400 Otty 63 New.... .I.olx 160 do 1,60 39 1. 100 :Nat .Nov Pr0f..35 18 10(00 CM&A 607131)5.101) 601:0 Elfrina B 1 t mt.. 1.13 1100 do 1683 10151 obi 60 NPe Alt Scrip. 763( 1460 . do 1888 ciseh.lolsE 100 Ow ewissit 5X renta 6e . 9454 110 iiatawisai B Prrf 16 110(0 Pena I-- 2d mt.lo6x 12 10th & 11eh...... 36 101,0 Obea R Del 65.. - .90 111 krch et U 26g 17 Mechanics' Bea 265 G -40 Co cub 265 1006 North Penne 103.199 x 20 Elmira P. 16 5000 L. Island B tie...- 99x 3 Sch Net , 6X 600 11 87.80 T blnk.locx 26 13th .4. 16th et B. 25 100 Bprnce & Pine B. 17 37 Mao a llfechn' Bk 25 BETWEEN 192.60 P FtWtso 3m ic 76 60 heading B 39X 600 Ti tiDemend bits.lBsX 60 do 89X 4500 Patna 824 nit ..106x 50 do. 3451, 16 Bimini B 18- 60 do eSwu 595( 100 Zilch. et B 2651 60 do ebdiint 395` Obee & De. 90 100' d0...........395( :60 Borneo & Pine. 17 8100/9/ 100 6ltnebill B 485( 18 do . 48 23 do b5..48 6060 Penns B 2d mt.. 10831 /CO 0 Elmira 7r 98 10 hiorristown B 66X 50 do . .... , 55) 6 600 City 63. 101 X 5000 Beading tn, '44 85.11.9 205 le Penes B -10% 100 do b 63 10% 63 Kan &Meths' Bt 26 AFTER OABD6. 2000 Saab B Erie 6...106 100 Beading B 39 300 Beading B 39' 60 Baca & Vine 9N 100 do 3E1_2.16 60, do slOsen 39 100 do 39 CLOSING P Bid. Asked. 11. 6.68 cnna'Bl 104. 104% • US VBO d blk 105 N 105% American Gold 129. .18u ebila 4s. 01d...101. 102 Do new...104N Alleg co 6e 8.. 43 .... Penns 94N 96 Beading B. ' ....89% -893.16 Do. Me 2 80..1u8N 109 N Do' bds '7O ..102N Do Ms , Penns B ' 54 64% Do 1.0 m 1ee..1331 114 Do 24 m 6i5..106N ; 102,,. Sorris Canal:... 58 lor" . ..Do red 101.126 q Do 2d mtg... Buip,Oanal 5N •5% • ~Do 6e 3e Scenyl Nav 5 6; Do prfd .„.16N .16.; Do ce . 70N Elmira B 18 -.. Do paid.... 30: . 'Do 70 let in. N. 98N Do 10e..... . 5 Penn b 191 i 107 Do 8........84 86 Do. 10e.....102X Phil Ger & Nor. 56 .. Lehlgti ... 41 ." 01.051NG P.llll Beading 11 Market dull. • Philadelphia. Markets. October 18—Rsening Fsonn.—"lbe fluctnationain gold andforeismenorlaeo, balm unsettled the market for. Breadenulfe;and, b loom are adding off for lower prices. • Of. Irtour.the want of supplies IMAM operations, end the salmi are in a smell way only to the trade at $600.25 for superfine ; 86 50.7 for exua ,,, and ga.Z5•7.75 bbl fon en,tra family and fancy brands, as in. epalih, and the. reoeipts and stooks light.. By e Flour and Co: n Meal are scarce, with small recelptit and sales of the former at .$425, end Pennstl rant e Corn Meal at $.3.23.10 bbl. Wuss.r.—lihere le 'very Witte doing. and minus are un pettled and Inwer,„with small. sales for milling, at $1450 1600, for fah to prime Weeterit and Pennerivemia red to store and: afloat, and $.1.66/01 , 26c. for white, inciaditig, 1,000 bushels choice Rentuclry at the hatter %Imre. ale ie arriihig and Selling in a email way alt 741"50. Coro 'ls call with .More ()String, aid about 3,000 bushels prime .yellow. only found bnyare at 73c, afloat; *stern ml 'it is wostli T 10720 , Oat.sare unchanged, with eats* , of at'430140, end a tonsil lot of cid at 600. ifiarie) tdait are scares. • or no Qooroitron offering, and ilst No." 1 is in steady demand at $36 ifr ton Corros.--; be =Atkat is quiet and l. es active, and very • litth movement to notice , GROCYaiHa IND.PROTISIONS .-- There is nothing &dug , to slter 4110101 one, and . holders art firm to their ; • maims. rzE szED.—There i, mery little offering: and arioe area .t $5 2505 50 Timothy io steady .. at $ t 23.5 /go:teed telling at $2 20titi 26 4Pr bus, *lda rrr NI% . ; : Wif *Kr le held firmly, veith eale 3 ,of all lA* - 38 c diudgo is mute, and cknotell 8r.3041, "• • ' .• ; -'1 BOARD. 3000 Pale & Erie 641-103 100 Reading R. ' 89X 100 do. .D3O 89X • 8 Penns It 0&P... 1200 ebtPenna 9IX 67 17th Sc 19th-et U. 9 15 Lehtga Zin0..... 23 25 Oatawiesa 2000 Penns Coupon 61 sng •116 Phila &Erie B .. 18 1840 abt 13.Nav boat to 90 ÜBB--FIB • Md. diked Lehigh Fel bds.... Ostawimui 6 6X . Do rirftl.. 16X 16 Beaver Med 8.. 6 [ ehtll B ts flarriaburg Wilmington U . Lentil Do . - "Do Om &limb 11..142 ~. PhUa & Erie Os 103 Bnnb & Rile 7E1.105 .. , 1 Long : moue ._ .ei .'.. _. 7t.2_ 23. . De b0nd.,... 99 ~ Delftware Div... .. .„ Do Deeds.... .„. :.. Bprnob-sliest R. 18,1( 17. °heel - nut et R.. BB Arch- street E.. 283 27: itice4treet 8.. 9 9it Tentipstreet 114 343 i 35 Thirteenth st 1 . 3,26 - 20,1( R' Phil! R.."... -- .. - ' - I Do bonds., - t ., ...„..: .. Green. street 317,„ ; sit 8T Do i bonfiksi.."....: • - ' .. Bf3cond- et.-13ot B. 77: 18 Flfth-streac ii.. 49.. 50 .Do Girard Ooi lb o'cbp d'-d, Asked. MEMO