THE CITY. The Thermometer. 00TOBRII ]6, 1861 00TO8E8 IG, 1852. 6 A 5t.....12 ..... 3 If. 6A. 111.;,...12 P 68 62. 6og .63g RIND WIND. .NE ANn NNE by W.••:-NNE NE . • . . FROPPEOINGS OF COUNCILS A Th2lEll,lOl Hoopital for Pirtladelphia—the Public Squares—ExpCnsea of Departments— The _Fire .Department—The Tax Rate for 1563,1fV.. A stated meeting cf both branches of City Councils was held yesterday a ternoon. SELECT BRANCH. The Chamber met et four o'clook P. M., the President, OUTLER, in the chair. Coihinneications Received. VomMtinicatione were received from the Controllers of Public Schools asking for an aspropriation of S 4000, for ropalre to the Washington prattle school, in the second distant ; from owners of prc party for the opening and grading of Ontario weer, Twentieth ward, end fur the location of gas lamps on Sat more and Morris streets; from several departments of the olty submitting esti. nudes. The Erection of a Municipal Hospital. Mr. BMus, font the flointulttee on Henltia, submitted a Wit relative- to the treed nand mauaseinaut of a mn biolpal hospital; providing for the appointment of a - ocmmission to commute the board of rummers; oleo, for the erection of a building upon snob ground as mey be selected by said commission for the purposes of a municipal hospital for the treatment of smelt. pox cases. Mr. CATEIBRWoOD mom d to postpone the consideration of the ordinance until printed. Mr. 01200D01 was opposed to the bill in Its present shape. As a matter emanotiog from oouncils,he th night the body amnia have mote weight in carrying it out. Mr. WErssaiLveonefdered it inexpedient to appro- priate 140 GOO, as tequirea by the ordinance, from the proceeds of direct taxation., lie thought the present deficiency,devolving upon the tax payers of theb[ty•was sufficiently large, at d should not be augmented. Mr. NOP.D colnolted in Cab opinion of the previous speaker, and favored the postpotemant. • Mr. ()fiction° seated that the erection of a hospital for ewe of entail pox. &d, wee extremely necessary, and though the ex txmditttre of some thousands of dollars might be indispensable set a prey. n ion of the spread of it ft options diseases would gore than repay the ont.ay. The motion to ptetta•ve wee withdrawn, when, on motion di Mr. a CNISTRONC , the ordinance was referred to the Committee on 11.-ath. Poor, Itc , with inetruotions to report on next Itinr. , day wet k Ispensc of the Public Squares. Mr. Fox, °batman of the Committee on City Property, reported an ordinance to make a further appropriation to the Department of Ott , Property, for the payment of the management of the pub is squares, providing for the appropriation of $2,000 for , the batance of the year 1.862. Mr. V.' ssuansm. detited extdanatira. -If the aro propriation was intended to beautify the squares, at this late Benoit; he was oppose° to it. htr Fox stated that the appropriation last year for this purpose was 86,000, . It hal boon maae $5,000 for the present year, ono the progait Increase was, therefore, requisite. The Committee on City Property wag .not chargeable with the ores ion of the annual appropriation to this department. Thr proposed amount was intended to tefray expenses already incurred, as well as for those yet to arise darlt g the year. Ibe expense made neces sary for feeding tbo deer and squirrels in the public squares had increased alarmirgly, and would be likely to increase as these animals muitiply By reason of the occupation of the squares for pate' .tio purposes, such as stimulating the enlistment of soldiers, the expense of taking proper care of them would be greater. Mr. NVETIIBRILI. opposed the appropriation. lie slid that the gates of the public) squares might now be very properly closed. the officers known as superintend ents being mere supernumeraries. tie therefore hoped that farther expenditure in this particular would iv) avoided. After further dircuselon, the ordinance was laid over on third reading A Topographical Map. Mr. DAvls submitted a resolution providing for a lopo— gisphical oleo ol the viol Ity of thu city, eXtendiqg to boob Ilmite as May bit c 4 omen necessary by the military anthoritit The subject was referred to the Committee on Defence Adjoutntct. COMMON COUNCIL A COmmunication, in answer to a resolution-of in quiry, was submitted by.the Preeioent. from the Chief Engineer o(. the Water Wm ka. eating that the contract fn the construct on of the turbine water wheels at Fair. mount - had not been comobea with. Expenses of Departntento Mr. Landy, cormMesioner, sent to Councils • his esti mate of appropriations 1/ (aired to meet the expenses of the Highway Department for 1863. Total amount is 8828,934 93 John Deverens, prfsident of trustees City Ice Boat, informed Council that the appropriation required for 1863 would be st 2. 600 Jaroes McClintock, City Treasurer,. estimates the ex penses of his Department at 812.600, Be fAlows: Balmy of City 'Crassly er $2,500 /Salary of permanent clerks 6,100 ta slaty of temcorary clerks 1,700 Zooks and stationery 1,800 Advertising 100 Fuel,office and other expemes, including Govern ment games I.EOO The Fire Department David M. Lyle, Obief fosineer of the Fire Dapart ment, sent in his quarterly report for the term ending September 80th. 1882 The number of fires was 94. Of which number the State. House bell rang for 29. The estimated lom sunounts to 8162,146 Tbe insurance to 106,184 Leaving a baltniee of loss over frunui rice of By.. a .recent vielt of lnep-ation• the sporrans of the different companies, comw.ettic the department, were found to be to excellent condition. ➢lr. FREE to submitted the I , llnwing ordinance Bzonox I. The trelect and °melon Uouoclls, do ordain, That the City Oommtee coves are hereby au thorized and rr erred' to forthwith levy on the taxable 'property 'returned by the mammon as the assessment made in the yta• 18132, (except such as marked rural,) a tax of 82 20 on the 8100 on the awned value thereof, and' upon every taxable inhabitant or the city the sum of 25 cents. Exuma 11. 7be said tax to be levied for the year 1863, ea one city and connto tax, and Ia hereby voted for the knowing t blecta for t'e a4me I ear, namely : I. for the relief and emplot meat of the poor, the sum of fifteen cents 2 For the public schools, the stun of thirty-two cents. 3. For lighting the city, the slim of fourteen cents. 4. For the payment of interest on the funded debt and for the sinking fund, the sum of ono dollar and dye cents 5. For the care of the "'abbe highways, the sum of sixteen cents. 6. For the remaining expenses of the municipality, the bum of thirty-eight cents, The ordinance was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Front Select Council. Resolution! of a imam to GenPrat Moglerian and his army, were received from Select Council and con curred in. The Member took tip the consideration of the mulct- Dal code, as reported from Select Connell, bat adiotirned after making one or two trifling amendments. Tint FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LECTURES. —The lectures at this institution commenced yeeteirdity evening, and will be continued on To edgy and Thursday evenings for 'twenty weeks Toe first course of ten weeki will consist of—Tuesday evening, on Galvanism and Megnelism, by Prof. John F Fraser; Thursday evening, on Chemistry, by Prof. B H. Band. The ar rangements for the second course will be published in dile time. Each member on riling his annual contribu tion, and each life member, will receive a season ticket for himself and a lady; also, tickets for his children, wards, and apprentices under twenty-one years of age, on the payment of one dollar for each minor. The terms of membership are . Annual contributions. 153 ; life mem bership, 825; with the additional charge of one dollar the first year for a certificate of membership. The fiscal year commences the first of October. Members elected after the month of JSIIIIIIIj , pay twenty.five cents per month to the first day of October next ensuing. Stock members pay $2 per year, price of stock being SIO per share. The etsted meetings of the Institute are held on the first Thmed ay evening of each month, at which sub jects connected with science and the arts are received and discussed.: Members not in arrears are entitled to the use of the library 'and reading room, with the privilege of taking.. books.ont.' They will also receive a season ticket for the lectures and exhibition, and a ticket for a lady to attend the lectures 'and nix.. single admission tickets to the ex hibition for ladles or min,rs. They will also be entitled to receive one copy of the Journal of the; Institute at one halt the snbectiptkm price, when paid in advance. The lectures of the Institute on Mechanics, Physics. and Science, commence the first week in November, and are continued on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday eve nings, for twenty weeks. The Drawing School, for instruction in Mechanical and larChitectural Drawing and Designing. commences in October, and is continued on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday eve:tiny' for twenty-four weeks, under the en • perintendence of a competent draughtsman. The members of the Alumni of the Central High School, and the On dastee of the University of Pennsylvania, are entitled to use the library, attend the lectures and in tinge of the Institute, and visit the exhibitions, on the payment of two dollars per annum, until they are years of eg-. The library consists of ten thousand volumes of mechanical and scientific works ; and both that and the reading-room are open from 8 .A M. to 10 P. A SUBSTITUTE FOR COTTON PROPOSED The usual monthly meeting was held last evening, at the Hall of the Franklin Institute. in Seventh street, above Chestnut.- Among the many interesting articles to which the attention of three present was directed were specimens of American jato Mr. Hows)n, who exhibited them, stated that, on a previous'occasion, he had submitted specimens of a more crude character than those now before the meeting. The fibre constitutes the outer covering of the stalks of the North American perennial plant known as the "hibiscus mosoheutos or palustris," and has received the name of 4 ' American jute," although the term' may be considered Inappropri ate, for the reatoo that the "jute" of the East Indies is the production of the cochorus oliforitss,” or 44 coOto rue copstaaris," neither of which plants has any rela tion to .these of the order inalvaceree, in which the hibiscus too tohetec B his been classed. The discoverer of the utility of the fibres of thin p lant is Mr. - W. J. Carvelo, who, during the last two or three )esra, has been ensaged in examinina the peculiarities of native plants, with the view of discovering a fibre available as a enbstituts for linen rags, in the manaf &cl ime of raper, for hemp in the matting of ropes, matting, dre. and as a partial substitnte for cotton, in the mann fauns of textifr fabrics A patent wag granted, May 13. for the utilizing of the libres,,of the hiblecue rooscbeutos, and this patent is now owned jointly, by Mr ()lintel° and 'desire. Stuart Peterson, ware manufacturers of thin city. 7 heee gentlemtn, aided by Mr. Oantelo, have, during the last eighteen months, been engaged in investigating the subject, atd prosecuting experiments with the TiOW of detenninic g the properties of the plant; the strength and nine of the fibre; the requirements demanded for its proper calrbratioa, and the amount of fibre which can be obtained from one acre of ground. The proprietors of the patent are now prepared to lay before the public the satisfactory and highly-important results of thetrvery careful experiments . _ . The hibiscus tuoscheutos is indigenous to the Northern Miles and grows in abundance in swampy lands of Pennsylvania. New Jeremy, New Yerk, etc.; in the marshes of Burlington county, Now /order, it is 03re daily abundant. In its natural state stalks of the plant, when at their Intl growth,are film five to six, and even seven feet high, end van frcm a quarter of an inch to five-eighths of an inch in diameter. The number of /talks from one root vary from debt to sixty, and eighteen atalks will, on an average,. produce four ounces of disintegrated An acre of marsh land in the neighborhood of Bur lington, N. J., WB3 plooghed, and seeds of the I , hiblams. molchentes" spread along the fur►owa on the 28th of April last On examining the land, in September, the .ground was four d to be thickly gadded with seelliegr, of which the dr awir g produced at theMeetiog represents a specimen. 7.c ehould be understood that little, or no care was taken to weed the ground and to give that a',- vention to the young plants which will be advisable during heir first growth It had been discovered by previous experiments that on cutting one of the Stalks one melon, a dozen or more 'would take Its Voce the next. and that the plants would quiremo attention after the flret yeses growth. As to any liability of the plants becomlutdeteriorated from the ravages of losecte, it was found that In no instance could any marks of Ineect depredations be - observed on the stems, leaves, or.roote of the plant. The next yx(int to be ascertained was the amount of Were which could be produced from an acre of ground planted with the hibiscus moschentos. This has'been determined by a CI( co observance of the plant in its no( f ural state, and by weighing the fibre taken from a num. ter of stalks of average dimensions. At a moderate cal culation, and taking into account every probability of lose from unforeee( n causes, three and a half tons of dis integrated fibre can be derived frcm one acre of ground. Another Important point decided was the facility with a Lich the fibre or bark of the stake could be separate! from the pith. It was discovered that this • &mild 'be done with ease and rapidity. even without. the.aid of machinery, which can be readily applied to the purpose. The bark, alter being detached from the pithelcat once removed to a very simple apparatus, invented by lir. Centel°, when the bark is reduced in a compara tively, abort tin e to the disintegrated fibrous condition k leo wn by the specimens exhibited, the fibre In this state . . tri isg /lady for the market. ether for convorifon in t o roper, or for,paper, stock. • as to the value of the fibre, it haa•been declare! by eiperienced rope manntactu: eis to be superior to mt• ullln hemp or into,. bo sprelmous of rope exhibited beta" fully cnnal in strength and ptlabilltrtio ordinary hempen rope. • • Two promir ent paper manufacturers of this oft, have estimated • rho fibre to be worth from St3t) to 8100 osr ton, to , be usiil se a suboptutofor.liouuraly in the menu. !semis of PaPer. The utility of the fibre as a sobstitute. or partial substitute, far cotton, woolen, or flax, in the unnufectnro= of ttexute fabrics. has rot bean es yet fully tested. There can be no doubt, hoWever, that it is well adapted to Mite its place among other fibres for • the mannfactnre of coarse cod prrbatily tine fabrics. • Jue.ging , from' the 'specimens of fibre, rope, dte , pro be one of the greatest importance, as it opens nest ch 4-4734318. diced, the dts livery or' kir Granted° may be declared to. for the exordia of manufacturing, mercantile, and siert emittiral porsuita, and toads to the utilizing of millions of acres of waate land. Mr. Howson remarked, in conclusion, that: the, atten• thou of Mr Centel° bad not been confined to the above plant., but that, after a carefal examination of. sad ex perimenting with, the stalks of other plants, ho had dis covered that the abntilon avicenna a, an annual. readily Cultivated, and hitherto considered a useless weed. had a titre of more silky quality than, and %malty as strong as. that of the hit:dens moachentos. The utilizing of 'be fibres of the abuttion. as well as there of other plants of minor importance, is the sobj•ot of further applications for patents, as is also the disin tegrating process above alluded to. Mr. Howson exhibited a camera obscure, tbo inven tion of Mr. G F. Kolb. of this city. By an arrangement of mirrors in the box, the imaaes are thrown on the paper in an upright fpoeition instead of reversed, as is usually the case tide class of instruments, thereby rendering theuktlinch mire easily traced Mr. B. also exhibited a machine for mixing snbstances,, patented . by Mr. G Witsel. It consists ofa vessel in' which are Iwo spiral rods. which, by a rotary motion given them, thoroughly agitate Rod mix the contents of the, vessel. The machine is espeola , ty applicable to churning, and other operations real:tiring the agitating or mixing of enbetacceti. G. P. Custer's patent coal oil lamp was exhibited . has a reservoir, containing water, plated below,the per forated air -chamber; the steam rising from the water mixes with the air, and lopinging neon tie flame, ren ders it bright and clear, and saso prevents any odor from the burning of the oil W. Bart'a egg. beater was also exhibited. It is so constructed as to revolve setla much more ease and rapidity than others of the same class. A governor for steam 'maims, patented by Messrs Evans & Jenkins, was exhibited; the peculiarity con. Eists in so equalizing the action of the spring teat it will act with an equal force at all times, rendering the action of the governor uniform under all circumstances. Mr. A. B; Davie exhibited. and explained a welching stale, for iron manufacturers, of his invention. By the arrangement. in a case, of a number of levers, each .of which can be connected tothe platform separately, the .proper quantity of each ingredient mit - deed in the mann fac'nre of the iron may bo measured without altering the position of the weights upon tbo beams Tho weights -may also ha encored to the beams in their meteor *PA lions, and the case locked, so ea to keep secret from the workmen the proportion of the ingredients need ; pits secured to the booms and prejecing through elate in the case showing when the beam. are raised. Three patent lamps, manufactured by Meagre. Warner, Mickey, & Merrill. were exhibited, one it tended for railway cars, as a subir itnts for the usual candle len% having Merrill's patent attachments • • • Another is constructed forattplication to a lantern, and a third is applied to a portable handelamp." The various patent lames of Mr. Merrill were lighted ditioLthe evening, and attracted the attention of the members present on account of their simplicity and the brilliance of the Home. . . Mr Z 8 Wi la exhibited a model of his rotary can non, to which be has given the termed land monitor, for which he claims a number of advantages Mr. Wills also exhibited a model of his hospital bed or litter. It is oon structed entirely of wood, witn•the view of attaining the qualities of lightness, cheapness, and durability. FXTENSTVE OPERATIONS OF RIVER TIIIVES—THIC NEORS3IFY FOR AN INOREA.I - HARBOR —Several bold and daring rob beries which bavo recently been perpetrate , on board of vestals of all chime lying at the (wharves and at anchor in the Delaware rivsr, demonstrate the necesslty for an home! late increase in our harbor 'police, which at prevent numbers only a dozen men—a numbsr too small to guard the whole city fiont from R!ehmord to the NMI' Ford Among the vessels recently visited by the river pirates was the pleasure yacht Wa . p. the property of J. H. Purdy, IN., of the American Telegraph Company. lyioß at'an chor on the Jersey shore, below the Camden and Amboy Ba'hoed depot. Daring the temporary absence of the' keeper, the vessel was entirely stripped of its furniture, to the value of about 6195. Through the efforts of tout. Edgar, of the Harbor Police, and Coxidrain B. flyers, this robbery has been traced, the thieves dste dot and the property recovered. On 1 +et Saturday morning, before daylight, Police Boat No 1, (kris gain ?dyers, saw a boat On the Jersey shore acting rather susptcionslY, and male towards it. 'The answers of the man in charge not being satisfactory, he was arrested and searched. Two pawn tickets wore found upon him, which led to the discovery of a ;robbery cemusitted in May last, and to the store. house of a large amount of stolen goods, at the Falls of the Schuylkill, including the property ciiMllr. Purdy. We understand that a petition is receiving numerous signatures. Al - meeting the Mayor to recommend an in creased force on the Delaware. and also a police ions on the Schuylkill to Intercept the thieves in their progress up that stream Kith their plunder. MORE TROUBLE?. IN THE TWENTY FIFTH WAR.D.—Last year, the citizens of the T wenty filth ward elected a Select Councilman, Mr A. J. °ether wood (Breckinridger), for two years. A short time af;er his election be removed from the ward. The Coasolida tinn Act provides that the Select and Common Council shall have the Fame qualifications as are required for members of the Senate; that is to eav, the person select ed shad be an inhabitant of the district for which he eball be chisels, unless be shalt have been absent on the public business of this United States or of this State: and no person elected as aforesaid shall hold said office . after be shall have removed froth/Inch district. The National Union party, feeling that their interests had not teen rep - wonted-for a year, placed a candidate, B Jenks, on their ticket, on Tuesday's election. Bet the Democrat!, at the eleventh hour, determined that they should not. lose their Select Councilman. They accortingly very quietly placed upon there ticket the name of P. O'Rourke, who now claims the election by over three hundred majority. There is a prospect of troubleln the Democratic camp. Mr. aatherwood.mani testa ncidispoettion to yield; and. should his _opposition provoke the wrath of Mr. O'Rourke, the prospect it that Mr. Barton Jenks will represent the ward dm* the coming year. • A PABALLIL Cesz.---In the Twenty first ward, a similar attempt to carry the Council ticket bee been made as that witch we spoke of vesterdar in reference to the Twenty.fourth ward. The National Union party claim the election of Select and Common Council In the latter ward, and rightfully, according to the facts of the' case. In the Twenty.fitst ward, Mr. Charles Thompson Jones has received the certificate of election for Common Connell, eigned by a majority of the return judges. The returns, however, as seat to the office of the Prothonotary kr the Court of Common Plias, elect Mr James Greenwood, D. Thi(vote, by pm ducts, is as follows : . Precincts. Jas. Greenwood, D. Chits. T. Jones, N. D. Ist ' ' 195 169 2d 2b7 ' 20L 3d 161 76 4th 152 109 sth • 147 '' 143 Sob 86 182 7th 89 103 Bth - .... 159 253 Mr Jones will take his seat, however, as he holds the certificate, and Mr. Greenwood will become the contest ant. THE UNION ARFBESHMENT Thellnion Volunteer. Refreshment Oommittee have re ceived the following in aid of their institution: Ghat Potts, $5; collections by . Win. H. Pedriok, Pedricktown, IN. J., 17 barrels 'sweet potatoes, 25g bushels round potatoes, 12 , bushels apples, 1 barrel cab bare, 200 pounds wheat Sour, 60 pounds lard, 10 pounds butter, '1 bushel peppers; Samuel W..AFerg. 85 ; J Reeves. 810; Tyler.. Stone, & Go., 825; A. C. Craig, $5; Geo. F: Peabody &Go $26; F. 14aron• $5; J T. Lewis & Bro.. $10; Frederick Stokes & On , 826; New bold, Son, & Aertsen, $26; B Ppraigh. 55 ;. Ohm!. Fos ter, 53; proceeds of a fair hold by Misses B. Ed—Lamb ' sou. Louisa and Mary Warnick. Mary Deeborough. Sallie De Haven. Masters George Larebson and Arnaud Lambson, Camden. N. J., ; $7 ; ditto, held at German town by Masters William and .Robert Troth, $1226; ditto, held by ?dims Emma Smith, Maria and Emma Hales, Anna Frazer, $5 ; ditto, bald by ?Vases Mary J. Linard, Carrie A. and Clarissa E. Maynard, No. 22 N. Tenth street, $5O; ditto, held by Misses Isabella and Elm Stockier, Adelaide Betide. Mary McMinn, and Master Ely Grover, at No: '1243 South Second street, SIS f 6 FOR FORTRESS Mormoz.—We paid a visit to the rerdezvons of Company A, Roberts' Artil lery, of which our old friend, Samuel Hazard, Jr., is captain. We were pleased to find him getting along so rePldli and so much to his own satisfaction. He is very careful in selecting his men. taking none but men of • certain height, sober, and able-bodied. Roberts has re ceived permission within a few davit to move each compa ny to Fortress Monroe as root as filled. Capt. H hopes to be able to be in garrison there in a few weeks now. lie clothes his men as soon as they are mustered in, which is done the moment they present themselves. We have understood that some of the regiments that have been and are now recruiting here have done so without authority, and of course, having no .mustering orders,' ILey cannot muster their men Tbif is not the case, we can safely say, with tins organization. as we have seen lap otters can see) the written authority of the Secretary of War, approved by Gov. Curtin. at . the headquarters, northeast corner Rlgbth and Chestnut. *We recom mend our young men readers to 'join. SPECIAL MEDICAL OBDER.B.—Surgeon A K. 2mith, United Btates army, bag been ordered to relieve Surgeon General E. Cooper, United States army, medical purveyor in Philadelphia. The latter, on befog r.lieve, will proceed to the beadquertere of General Buell's army, and relieve Surgeon 'Robert Murry, United Waite army. as medical director of that army.• Furgcon Robert Murry, United States army, on being relieved, will repair to this city. and report to Bnrgoon W. B. Ring as medical director of transportation Assistant Sampson B. A Olements,United states army, will report in person to the Medical Board in this city, for Examination for promotion. THE Tußr.—On Tuesday next, the first of a series of great running races under the manage ment of .John L. Carmody will commence at Suffolk Park Course. lbe fret day will be the great poet stake three mile heats, purse $1,400, for which the following horses will: contend: Ifdlewild," 4 .-Wagram " " Avalanche," and Blackbird." The second day &ere will be two laces. First, mile heats, purse X 200; second race. two s ilea out, .purse $2OO. Third day, first race, one mile and a quarter, puree $125; second race, two.mlle heats, puree 8200. MEETING OF RETURN JUDGES:—TIiiS yarning, at 10 o'clock, the return judges from the various wards are required by law to meet, In order 'o make up the ,cfficial returns of the election of Tuesday. The enpreme Court .Boom le usually the place of meeting. Forseveral years one or two judges have been absent, and it became necessary to send 'for them—a circum stance which causes a delay in the count, and •is a great inccnyer fence to all concerned On this account we tlncerely bore no failure will occur in to•day's attend at ce. MILITARY MATTRRIL-.--11 ecruiting for the old Philadelphia regiments at Clamp Jefferson has been dull lately, owing to the election excitement Now this is over, the recruiting will progress again. The ay ) earance cf the square is as lively and attractive as that presented at Camps Independence and Franklin. Regi ments for mine months service are forming in our city. The refreshment saloons entertained the two regiments fry in New 'York which pasted through here, going South, on Wednesday , CHARGED WITH BEING AN I3IPOSTOI. —Charles V. Fentley was charged before Aldermen Bait -I.r, • yesterday, upon the oath of Chief Detective Brat lain, with being an impostor, and collecting money under faire pretendes He represented that be was de nim ged from the army and wanted fund& to get to his hems. in Pittsburg. He told another person lie lived in Beading. and yesterday admitted before the alderman that le end his wife resided in this city. • He was committed for trial. LECTURES —A lecture on ci Cuba" wet ,: yorterday afternoon delivered at the - Bora s Zane street Gratomer'School The lecturer wee ?try. John Coltlne,.and t the : lecture wee illustrated by a large num. her of pifutings , Yistei day afternoon tau; Professor Mints commenced I le course of - lectures on geology, at the Scientific and °Appeal. Institute.. The subject of Creation 3 , will teem his principal - theme, ant the natural reccimens and imitratiene wilt be very rich mid diversified. - TiN CRIMINAL COURT. —The Co u rt' of Qmirter Sessions was in session yesterday, Judge Ltd • law presiding. A number of trifling cases were disposed cf Ann Derken, convicted of larceny, wee gentancel su imprisonment of four months. The poor woman cried min she went Into spasms. The Court of , Common Pleas Judge Allison. and the llailed Stales Circuit Court, Judges Grier and Gedwila• ter, were in session yeepsrelaj morning, but -transacted . ; to liminess of importance:. , • . ERRATUM, Joseph .F. Marcer, Esq., the iiewly.electtd Councilman from the Twentieth ward, is not a Democrat, as bee been stated, but wee ou the National Tinton ticket. • BOARD OF UNITBD eT • TIB . —,, MING INBPZOTORI4 ritiefloAT 4 -The Board cf Bupsevtetng Inopectors are now ho'ding the t leventh annual eession,, , eince - its origin . by the act of Congress;' adopted in 1862. for the -more perfect regula tion end control of steamboat voperty, end enme s try the preservation and safety of the lives of esteem/era engsged in leavening by this conveyance. thtottgbont the Unittd etates.,%Their ,Meethig. comtneacod yesterday at the Continental Bbtel. ' • • Tbe.Beard Is composed of nine members, who have the' supervision of ell the steamers running nein our lakes,. rivers', and_bays..andocean. within the boundaries of the United States These gentlemen ere the in erection end examination of those item's, looking into their sea-wortbinets, the, cmclittoo of 'bear machinery, fireappsratui, engineers and pilots are examined and licensed 'by this Board and by the local , hoards under them. which are established to sell of the . . principal-Innis throughout. the country. The local la epectors, are also appointed by the G vernosont, sad con sist of en - inspector of boilers and an inspector of Is u? le in each port. The Burpervising Board hold en annual meeting, at which time the , members composing it bring together ro ports from all the local boards in their various districts, - end from the same prepare an annual report, %futon I . luid before the Bot °table &oratory of the Trefoil:tor, aqui sends it to Congress as matter of information and con elderatton concorciqg the wo kings and benefits of the United Statue laws bearing upon steamboat navigation. The senior, of the Board will continuo, in - All p.obabllity, doting EOM six or eight days Thomas B Stillman, Nen.. is the annervisor for thie, the Second dlPtri t, which Encindes the port of Ph(la• delphls, New York, Baton, aud Charleston, Portland, Me., and New London, Conn. dopers. Whapplee awl Zane are hia local board for thl, port. _ . The followirg are" the officer') and members conati toting the Board : rresident—John Shallorois. Louisville, K,. Secretary—James N. Muller, Etrltimore, First Divirict—Wm. Burnett, San Francisco, Gal. Second District—Thomas B 13:iiknao, New York. E rn bird District—James N. troller, BaldmoreArld. Fourth District—John J Wtrzia, St. Louis. Mo. Fifth District—Oharies L. Stephenson, Galena, Sixth District—John Bballcross, Lontrvllle, Ke Feveoth Distrlct—Rdward M. Shield, Oinclnoati, Ohio. Foghth District—Alfred Guthrie. Ghicano, 111. Ninth District— Bemir. Buffalo, N. Y. • LIBERALITY.—Ire were 'informed yesterday, by a ref eon cognizant of the fact, of a quiet brit moat enbotnutial act of IMerality, by the men OW ploytd in the foutdry of Stuart 8; Petersen, Ai this city. is well known to most of oar readers that the ladles of the verlons churches have organized .hetoselres into societies fey the purpose of furnisbiog relief, in _every form, to the sick and wounded soldiers, who are, to a great extent, a sacred treat in our hands; i &moue the most aseent of these eocteties is that of Trinity K. E. Church : the results of l's operations have been very great, and many solders have left the city bearing fiee tcetimony to tbelr genFrous kiodness. The men in the foundry alluded to collected among themselves, and forwarded to these ladles, n.few das s since, about one hundred and fifty dollars. No one o ;old fall to be satisfied if they could wirn , ss the amount of real comfort furnished to our brave suffering soldiers by the indicloos expenditnto of Fnch a sum as this. Such an example is well worthy of imitation. HONORABLY ' DfSORARGRD.— Yester day afternoon; James.. . Blaylock master Joiner at the Navy Yard, bad a final bearing, before United States Commiseioner Heaulitt. The defendant was charged upon theoath of an ex-emploree in th Hner's,depart ment. with - manufacturing articles for his o ti • nie.'out of Government material. and in Government time Three separate hearings were had before the ( Tommie stoners during, which some ten witnesses were examined, but the evidence Malted did not imelicateltir. Blaylock in the least The case, yesterday, was therefore dig mined. and the defendant honorably acquitted. Mr. Blaylock, in vindication of big own character. has pre ferrid a charge of perjury against the - individual upon whose oath the mat was commenced, r. STABBING AFFAIR AT BRISTOL.—LA diflicnhir_ occurred at Bristol, on Wednesday evening, between two men, named James Bnchttonan and John Boothe. daring which the former wee eeverely . stabbed. It seems there has been. for some time back, an animosity existing between the two men. and they have bad several fithts, - in one of which Boollin was considerably worsted. It was in coneeguence of this that Beellin attacked Ba ehannan on Wednesday night, with a' large knife The latter was stabbed through the left cheek and through the left bits. None of the wounds are considered dan gerous. ficollin wee arrested, and committed by Justice Pennington to answer. - CAN'T Aartza.—The District Court. Judge Sberewood. wee in 1101411013 yeet4ird4ymorninir, but wee unable to get o single case on trial. The list was called several times without glucose. In nne case. which wee put on trial en 'Wednesday, and • concluded and left with the jury at the hour of adjournment, Judge Share. wend was ()Idiomd to ditcbsige them yesterday morning, bicenee two of the Jurors lett the court room at the hour of adjourr went without waiting to deliberate on a vordict. Corosel for the parties would not agree to their making up their verdict. SAILED.r—The *United States side wbell steamer Keystone State sailFd from the navy yard yeatirday morning for Hampton Roars and Port loyal. She' carries eleven guns and is a swift and commodious steamer. The Keystone State arrived here on the let instant from Port loyal for repairs She was taken in the dry dock at the navy yard sad received a thorough overhauling. Her Ilefof officers are the same that com manded her during her trip to this port. PROMOTIONS IN THE CORN OHANOV REGIMENT —Lieutenant Lemeul °rocker. end 1. 'co tenant John B. Ifuntereon, of the Ooro Exchange Regi ment, Ire we learn abant to be prometrd to the Tositions bf captaine to Oil VIICITICI , II. Captain Passmorc has re signed his command in the same regiment. Qoarter maeter. T. B. Addicks tendered hie resignation, which was accepted. MDERENN ELEOTED.—The following addition at aldermen were elected at the election held on Toreday: Twenty•reemd Ward—Joeepb King Union, re•eleet ed ; Benjamin Taylor ' Union, and Robert Thomas Unisn. . Twenty.loarth 'Ward—Benjamin F. Warren, traion, and JBDIEB Allen, Union. SBRENADES.— Mayor Henry Was on Wednesday night serenaded at hie teeldence on Nice town lane, near Frankford. The Mayor replied briefly though with his usual eloquence. The serenaders were composed of , between one and two .hundred .iclUzene of Frankford, and fi rst proceeded to the residence of Mr. Edw. G Lee. Representative of that district. Franklin' street, in Frankford, at d serenaded thatgantlernen. . EPISCTO PAL bOSPITAt.---ACKNOW- D.EDGWENT:br BILOIttPTSI—k . hci Matiesmer the 3Eviecoral Beeretai eokeowiedget he receipt c f e cinsetitr of applee and vegetables, for the (dolt and wounded olitere now in the inetlintion at Front and Lehieh avenue, from Dir. Black, of Jenkintown also, twenty bashole of "plta. toes from George Blight, Km . of Township Line, Phi ladelphia. • • - CAPTURE OF THREE Or .TRI ANDER EON TROOP.—We learn that ptivatee oakford, and Allen, of the Anderson Troop, and formerly of this city, were captured unen'the field of battle at Perrys. elle, Kentucky, on Wednesday, the Bth lest. They were worried by the enemy, 'and were sent to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, to be exchanged. *. POLICE APPOINTMENT. Mr. John W. Brown bag been appointed e. detective by Mayor Henry, in place of damnel Wrigley, who is away El;:a Captain in the army. Tdr. Brown was formerly Horde • nant of tatica at ktanaynnk, and resigned that post to.fill a clerkship in the Poet Office, which latter place he also left, In order to accept his present position. NEW AMBULANCE —Yikerdiy. 7 :the Cobookalnk nose Company paraded a new ambulance; for lb. conveyance of sick and wounded. presented to them by Messrs Wilson .4 Obiids, carriage manufactu rers The apparatus is painted red, and is splendidly fitted up. DEATHS AT • THE ARMY HOSPITALS.— 'Me following deaths .ware reported yesterday at the TISTiOTIN aunt bopplials:. West Plii/atiaphiaz—lThes. H. lleetl, D, 18th New York. Broad and Cherry.—Wm. Foster, I, 81st New York DISCOVERED DZAD:—Yesteiday, in the Twenty. fourth ward.. 6 man will found dead, and was enhtegnently recognized tie lie of the name of Stern. Also, at her resldence:yesteiday . morning, in the 'Twentieth ward, 1535 Cabot street. a womsn named Ressler, eitebtonnd deed. Ooroner Conrad was notified. m IL NW:ORDINATION and installation of Mr. W. - L. Celan as visitor of the Second Unitarian Society of this city will take place this evening. Dr. H. W. Bellolirs and other diiitingnished . clergymen are to take Dart in the exercises. FAili.—A fair for the sick and wound ed soldiers will be opened at Carpenters' Hall, Chestnut street, below Fourth, on Tuesday evening, 21st instant. The young managers are Bebla Roberts and Belle Allen., PARDONED.-: p overnor Curtin- has pardoned James Gorman, sentenoe4 to ten years' impri sonment in the Penitentiary, for killing a sailor in Pine alley, in February, 1861. He wee released- from his con finement ',entente's% 'PHILADELPHIA BOARD. OF TRADE. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS, CHAS. RIOHARDSON, Commis or Tag Norm A. J. DERBYSHIRE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. , Ship Northampton, Morse ' 'Llverpsol, soon Ship Larcaater, Decan '• Liverpool, soon ship Wyoming, Burton • Liverpool, soon Bark P Chipman. Jones - • Liverpool, soon Bark Sea Pee, Howes .:Port Spain, soon Bark Jrma. Wortinger • Lagnayra, soon Brig Isnardon, Hussey Port Spain. soon Brig Anna, M0rr0w................8t Thomas, Oct. 13 Brig Amszone, Bogemann .... Bremen soon Brig John Ohrystal: Vescock:.. .... ..... Matanzas, soon Bohr Imo Morse. Parsons Barbados", s)on Bohr Lion, Orelghten ....Havana. soon Bohr Smithsonian, Davis Buenos Ayres, soon • Foe HAVAS.S.—The splendid steamship Bahia Honda, Captain Oast, will leave Philadelphia 20th inst. for Ha wn*. Oa the 19th inst, at 7P M, her will *kW. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF_PHlCADELPliliit:'ect. 7, 486$ BUN RISES • • 6 14-SUN BETS ...... 617 HIGH WATER ...... 0 18 ABBPJED Slap Earanak, Rowland, 27 days from Ltveroool, with radio and 98 passengers to Cope Bros. .Towed up by tug America. Behr John MITOLICEN Rice, 6 days from Boobs, in bal last io Tyler, Stone & Co. Bchr Ella, Packard, 7 days from Boston, with ice to Tkos E Cahill. Bohr British, Hanson, 6 days from Boston, wit Ice to Thor B Cahill. . Bar J 7, Hess, Webb, from Hingham, in ballast to captain. Behr 0 W Locke (new), Shaw, from Port Republic, in ballast to contain. tithr J 0 Baxter, Price, from Boston. 'Fehr M D Oranmer, Oranmer, from Boston. Pcbr J Braley, Shaw, from Boston. Ochs /LJ, Scott, Rothcl, from Boston. Behr T Loki, Doughty, from Boeton. • . Bohr Sarah I. Damon, from Fortress Monroe. Fcbr O , F Bewley, Buckley, from Providence. Fehr Sea Altai, Tyler, from New York. Scbr J oPatterson, Hand, from Yorktown. Pcbritrartba Collins. Shrouds, from Egg Harbor. Scbr Thor! Petter, Beckett, from Grormport. Fehr A M AlarldBe, Fisher, from Dorchester. Schr 11 Thompson; Blackman, from Plymouth. . Behr J D McCarthy, Smith, from Salem. Behr 8 0 Willett!, Young, from Lynn. Fir Mara, Nichols, 24 yours from• New York, with mdse to Wm Baird & Co. Berge Comet. Jmiesi'24 14onre from New York, with =dee to Wm M. Baird.k Ck). • Btig Triad, Mitchell. Troston,'earitalh• . Ear E J Scott, Botha]. Norwich, Binnielson & Glover: _ • Scbr Saiiii:D , DationafOrWiolt, L‘Ludeniled & Behr L 8 Livering, Corson, Boston, do Behr Bea Witch, Tyler, Providence, . •do Bar J 0 Baxter, Price, Providence, J B Blakiston & 00. Behr 0 3haw, Beeves, Boston, d a B^-hr M Oolline, Shrouds, Providence, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Behr B 'Thomason, Lloyd, Trovidente, do Behr J D McCarthy, Smith, Brepeneett, do Behr Jane 0 Patterson,,Hand. Balem, do Behr Thom Potter, Baekett, Salem, , , do Behr 0 F Hawley, Brickley! Danversp)rt, do Buhr A M Aldridge, Fisher, Doreheater, 0 A. Heck tbber &-00. •• - Brim B 0 Wlßette, ;roma, New Haven, Tyler, Stone & Co. ,- Far J Vorrence, Bice, Fortreee Monroe, Tyler, Stone t k Co. SchrT Lake, Doughty, Fall River, Beppller & Bro. . . . : , .. , • •:0 r 4.4 1 ..:; . ., ~ •. •.•.' •, ••,--...• _ • — . I :.:,, 7 t — i• !•,f I, 1 : 7• '• •. - • , l : i ' ,:. ;. •• • • ••• . ; • t 5 .: 5 .• ..„ 2 , L . .es , sil ~ . i . DAM -1- - ).HIA - - FRIDAY ' -4 • - .1."4 :1862; ~ . OCTOBER . i • Elebr D 'Creamer, Primmer, B)alon, Bancroft,Lewis & CM.: • .::• : fiehr J Bit•toy,tibiw . , floston, W H Jones. (oawrespoodrare of the Pfillatleinhts Encomium.) LIMBO. Del. Oct 14. Ti e •following veasela ere at the Breakwater Ole °Harpoon': ' ' : Bhlp National Eagle, from 'Boston; barks W A, Plattrina,tiom Providence. ftr Philadeldbla; deowdpet ' from tondon,'ln ballast;' ftl Williamson. from New• York for Wilminfiton. f ;; Parker Coot. Irnin Philadelphia for cßoaton ;•brige -Torrent.' from Ctelifnehe; for :flew York; Francis Gomel/ye. with''coal :for Roston ; Whit titer, do do; Ehntra dun, do do ; Essoltitei in ballast, for PhIlVolobla; Otifton. - do do; Ge) do do; 'etre 0 Bopline,..D.F4 . Wellington, : onward, •log Pratt. 13 If James, Griffin, Reid, 2:?navei Limon. W B Rachel, Anna, ardner, ,Ottroncneter, ern, all coal loaded bound 'Feat. With acbreJ at Honstoat • With coal .for Tar& Harbor,' Fla; Id Rogers, with sat,. lets' stores for Si anfort, 1/0,• Metcalf, for Washington, with has '; John Pot der, do do; Jae annottingiaato, do do; 'Wave. do do; Raver, for Philadelphia in ballast and a ilaht brig for Petbadelphia. ' . Yours, &o. ,AARON.M.APAKALL.. • (Oorreepondenoe of the Pree.3 • • HAYRZ DE Q•11A0E, 00115. The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning. Wills the' tollowina boats in tow, laden and conattned as follows: Yard Dishpan. wheat to Alex Nesbitt: T Olentworth, grain aid stoves to Perott ; Vary tit. Risen, lumber to Patterson & Lips inbott. and bar iron to Glentworth; Ls coming. lumber to New,..,Fork 0 B . 11:Mvls, do do Platkinw dt Reed, coal to Delaware City; D Webster. bit coal to D & Dance ' • Colonel J B Groom ' time to Pivot Melee; Mountain Gin, light ; Col Wyakoop, do; Jae Bipler, do; do: Ship Fanny Mellenry; Smith, clearal Bt London let kat. tor thin yort Ship Rockingham, Iffelcher, entered oat at - Liverpool lot lye'', fi r tbie port. Ship D t Choate, licillanns,,oleared at London, Tat het. for Aka ab. chip Shirley, Brown, from New Tork,l2 August, for, Ban Frenetic°, way spoken' sth alt.tni lit, An Bark Oordelia, Bober:e hence Bth June, at Bio Ja neiro 2let Avg, and romained 6th alt. , :Brie Ortolan, Lord, from &menet for this pvt, Balled from Newport 14th Met. Brie J bleeps, Went, hence for. Boston, I,lled from Newport 14th Met. ' • Fehr Stephen Dolman. Tyler. from London, for thld pert ►ailed from Valuldbfb let ' ' NOTICF.-LETTERS TESTAMEN -1-N TART on the Estate of BENJAMIN A. F ARNE STOOK. deceased. hate of the city of Philadelphia, hat , - leg been granted to the nrderstgeed by' the Register of Wills of said city, all portions , indebted are requested to moke payment, and those having earns or demands against said estate, to present the same without delay toj G. W. It AEINE•P'OOK. 408 !STEC P Street. I • A. N. 'FAHNES POOH, - 1804 &ROG (West. i pr. to their Attotney, .. OS AS E. LEX, re2e.flit 81 North SIX PH Street. VSTATE OF -LUDWIG . H.7BolloP rvsliß6llo, Drceseed ' she At:Altai appointed by the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia to audit: Dottie, and ad ynat the first and final so :onnt of Carl 0. Fchottler, ad ministrator with the will atnextd of LUDWIG 11. SOCOPPLEN BtfihO, Drceaeto, and to report distri hation,will -meet the partfre intereeted, for the purpose/ of his appointed nt, on TBUS-DAY..October 23, 1863, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 717 WALNUfi Street, in the cit of Philadelphia. .7140. DLL - ITC/I& f. ,cclB.rowf fit "'" " `:/tmlitor. TN R•BJ -ORPHANS' COURT o'o R _a_ TEM OITY:Aldo 00IINVI OT PRILIMILPHI&. Estate of .ISeg&O KLINE; decetiaal. The Auditor aPPointed by the Court to audit, settle. and adjtpt tbe account of dB II &HA ELISE. &Main istrator of ISAAC k Lib E, deceased, and to make dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested tor 'the purpose of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, Oct 22d, 1862. at fear O'clock. P. 81., at hie 'Office, No. 428 WALNUT. !Strew, City of Philadelphia. - Oclo-finwst BENJ. E. tatffitor. TN TIIE DISTRIOTvOOI3IO FOR a. TEM OITY AND count IOF, PHILADEL PHIA. BOBERT W. Pllollll4vll. OIikittEBBIBEIC June Term,lB62 No 470. Vonditjout tzgiatitse. The underaisned has been appointed by said Court Au ditor to distribute the fend arising from the titieritre sale, under said writ. of the folli?wing properties: All that certain lot or piece of wound situate on the east Bide of Wont street, at tile distance of one hundred and twenty,fivo feet from Polder street, containing, in front forty 'feet; add in depth one hundred and seventy tieo feet, as follows : No. 1. All that certain' three.story Brick House and Lot of Ground situate -on the east side of front street, No. 915, at the dbtance of one hundred and twenty-five feet from Poplar street, containing, in front, twenty feet, and in depth, eastward, setrenty- two feet. No. S. All .thar . certain three.story Brick House and Lot of Ground situate on the east side of Front street, No. 917, at the distance of one hundred and forts - -tise feet from Poplar street,' containing. in front,twenty feet, and in depth, eastward. seventy two feet . 1 1 0. a: All that frame Factory or Tannery (otte of the buildings two• story, the other of them fonr.ttory ) and Lot or.piece of Ground situate on the west'aide of Oebocksink creek, at the distance of one hundred and fifteen Get from Polder street. containing, in front, forty feet, and in depth, westward, about ono hundred feet, more or lees ' Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor will meet the parties interested in said fund on MONDAY, the 20th dap of October. 1862, at 4 o'clock P. bi., at his office, No. 109 North CIXTEIEStreet, Philide:phia. when and Where all parties havieg claims neon the said land, or any part thereof, aro required to present them, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. • ocB 10t OLIVIPOND P.,MAA:IIALL 4, Auditor. "UNITED STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE,PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSILVAEL&, GREETING: . WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, .rightly. and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the. United States of America,.hath decreed all persona in general who have, or pretend to have' any right, title, or interest in the galloper " MILLIE, " whereof Rich ard G. Recite to vaster, her tackle, apparel, end itirni• lure, and the goods, WWI!, anti merchandise laden • thereon, captured as prize by the United States steamer 1 . ALA'S AMA," Lieutenant Commanding Will (am F. l'lnxten, to be monished, cited, land called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effec there after expressed, (jnstiee so requiring) Ton era there fore charged, ..and .strictly enjoined and commanded, that you *emit not, but that, by publishing three presents in at least_ two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of. Philadelphia; and •dn Ahe Legal Intellifie ;leer, you do ' Menial and cite, or cause to be monished end cited, peremptorily, all Alamein, in 'general who have, or pretend to have,. any , tight, title, or interest in the said schooner 64 NELLIE) , her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares. and merchandise, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, )f it be a court day, Or else on the next Cetirt day following, ntWeell the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to shtiw, or allege, in duo form of law, a reasonable and laWful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner 41 NELLIE," her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and. merchandise should . not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the memies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies,' or otherwise, his ble and subject to, condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and-lawful prizea;.and farther to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that YOU drily intimate. or cause to be Intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear atthe time and place above shall ' mentioned, or appear and not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary:then said' District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner B ELLIE," her tackle, apparel. and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States- of. America, and as goods of their enemies; or .otherwise , liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persens so cited and .Inti mated' in - aiiywisi notwithstanding; and that yen drily certifYlo the said Diatrict Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this fifteenth day of OCTOBER; A. D. 1862, and in the eighty seventh year of the Independence of the said United States. oCI6-8t . G. B. FOX. Clerk District Court. ' OT"ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PUNS and -SPECIFIC& VIOZ4B for a ;808 COL-BOMB wilt be recelved,, by the nitderaigned; at the office of the Board of Controllers, southeast cot nor of PITH and ADEL& HI Streets, until MONDAY, the 80th that , at 12 o'clock hl. The School. house to be erected on a lot of ground si tuate at the southwest corner of Twentieth and cratp,- rite streets, 100 feet front by 72 feet deep. The building to be two stories in helght, and not to cod over thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500), including cost of plans and superintendence. By order of Committee on Property. JAMBS D. 08.11PBEILL, - ocl6-3t Secretary Controllers Pablo Schools.- SEALED PROPOSALS. 'are invited till the 22d day of October, until 12 K.. for fornleb- Ing the Subeietince Department with 20,000 barrels of YOUT. Bide will be received for whet le known ae No. 1. No. 2, end No. 3, and for ,any portion fees then the 20,000 barrel& • Bide for the different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. No bid will be entertained unless the bidder is present to respond to Ws bid. The quantity of Flour required will be about 500 bar rels, daily. delivered either at the tile vernment Ware house. at Georgetown, or at the Railroad Depot, Wash ington. D. 0. The tune Government Inspeotiort will be madejnst be fore Ibe F. our is received. The barrels to be bead-lined. Bide Ili be accompanied by an oath of allegiance, and be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. 0 , and 0. S U. S. A.: at Washington, D. 0 , and endorsed " Propo sals for Flour " . • ocl4 7t MARSHAL'S SALE. - Bivirtue cf a Writ of Sale, by the Hoe- JOHN OADW ALS.DEit, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennstivania,.in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and .best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER'S Brous, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY Octo ber 28. 1882, at 10 o'clock A. hL, the oargoof the schoon er DOUBTS, consisting of 10 half. chests of Tea, 1 case of Shoes, 8 bble. of MaCkerel. 14 bbls. of Herring, 54 sack, of halt, 4 bble. Kerosene Oil, 20 boxes Soap, 13 boxes. Yeast Powders, 5 bogs Coffee, 7 bags Pieper, 9 Obis. Copperas, 5 kegs of Soda, and an assortment of Drugs and Medicines. Immediately after the sale of the cargo, at CADDO WHILL.STREET WHARF, will be sold the said schooner LOUISA, her tackle, Arc., as she now Wei at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PITILAVELMITA. October 14,1882. ocls-8t MABSHAL'S SAYE.—By virtue of a Writ of Bale by the Hon. JOHN CADWAL ADES, Judge of the District Court Of.the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sole;"to thohigheet and best bidder,' for cash, at Samuel 0. Cook's 'Auction Store, No. 124 South FRONT Street, on 610 If Oct 27,1862, atlo o'clock A. fd , the residue of the cargo of the schooner ACTIVE, consisting of 14 bags of Coffee, 20 boxesot Adamantine Casdlee- 2 boxes Borax, 10 boxes Soap, 2 pieces white F. mute], 2 chests and 2 half chests of 7ea, 20 belf.barrels Oarb. Bode,'-and other articles of Dry Gixuls. and - Medicines. Catalogues will be issued prior to the day of sale. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennaylvarlia- PHIL/DILPHIA, October 14.1862 ocl6 MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWLLA.- .DRR, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF, on. WEDNESDAY. October 29th, 1852, at 12 O'cloCk : M., the steamer Eid.ILIE. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now See at said wharf. • WILLIAM ximeiveso i • U. B. Marshal Ristern - Dlstriet of Penna. Pmr.A.D2Lrari, October 14,1862. onlB-6t MARSHAL'S SALE . ..-By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the 'United States, in and for the Eastern District •of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public, sale, to the highest sod best bidder,•for cash, at QUEE 81- STREET WHARF, on WEDNMBDAY, October 29th; 1882. at 12 _.. o'clock •32., the cargo of the.steamer FLORIDA, consisting of 211 bags of Cotton. The Cot-. ton can be examined at the store three days previous to the day of sale. WILLIAM MIf.LWABD, ' 11. B. Marshal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PaIIADICLrIIiA, October 14, 1862. 16. tit az motkisrDA =?! PROPOSALS. MARSHAL'S SALES. MEDICINAL. S -T--1860-X. Lay , oar pomeahleas be whet they cuay—marble pa- Lippe, broad lands, mwitloent y4ate, or oaskebi of v. pre ',Erg Otonee—they all sink in the balance as against Heaven's great .boon. azeLis, end they cannot be shuoyed without li. The language of nature attests that .wboever would enjoy the pieasnres of food, the beauties of flowers aid landscapm; the joys of cointianionabip, the riehnees of literature, or the honors of station end reco:wn, tunstpresme their health. And yet, how little lei valued,. and how carelessly. preserved ! The atomnoh hi the recrptaole of all nonriabment, and the fountain from which all parts of the body delve their sustenattee. When ford, injurious food enters the stomach, acute sympathy disorganizes all other organs, end disease, more or lees painful, must follow. The taws at nature cannot be violated with impunity. Night revelry. /um. Yious living, irregularity of meals, and a disorderal appetite,noill gradually destroy the power and activity of the stomach.. Rote many ladies and gentlemen eat and drink disease. at late suppers, and arise in,the morning w ith headache, loss of appetite, feeling raj, trilrefreshed; feverish, low spirited, weak and . incapacitated to perform any mental . or physical duty, and dream not th is is the beginning of that horrid disease, DYSPEPSIA, whictiaarnined Et thousand shapes, and noints towards a thiserabie /tie and prematzwe decay A more can be no medical remedy that will turn lead Into food, or poi mint d into nouri shment, but . medical science oan assist nature, supply exhausted fluids, and, to a great extiati correct the effects of disease, when thehabits are abaixioned . . , The Medical . Faculty bee exhausted its research for generations In creating appetizers and overcoming eta. meobic derangements. Clertain ingredients were well eetablished as possessing beneficial Qualities; among these were crdasele. BKAut. 141 i) qT. cam. urn. But still components were wanting, and regularity could not . be obtained. An invalid ploysician;soiourning in the tropical Island of tat. Croix, 'observed the habits of the natives, and gathered from them the receipt for the fival'accomplisbment of this most important end.. Its component parts. laigely incorporated in the vegetable dieter that island, produced the effect without a proper knowledge of the cause. The article was first mode and used as a piivati medicine. Its effects were so salutary that it ia now being produced end consumed in immense qUanales under the name of - DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, on - OLD HOMESTEAD TONT). They act with tho power of• a medicine, and are taken 'bi old or young with the pleasure of a beverage. The sale of those bitters was at first oonfined to . our extreme Southern cities, but they are now becoming well known throughout . the world, and are recommended with the most unbounded confidence, for all complaints origins- Atiig from a disorganized or diseased stosiach, ouch as 14speisia, Liver flomPieiints, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, intermittent :Fevers, Diarrhoea, Sour Stomach, Headache, Fever and Ague, Weak -nest, dc. As a morning Appetizer, and atter.dinner tonic, they are held hi bleb estimation, and should be found Upon the sideboard of every family. They are also much relied upon in the Tropics for Berofula, Rheumatism, and dropsy. • I.ISIPOIITANT OERTIFIOATE IloomEnsa, December 28Eb, 1861 Kerma. P. 11, DRAKE & 00.--GENTLEMEN : I have .heiim'a great sufferer from Dyepepeia tor three or four Mi. I have tried many, If not all, the remedies re commetded for its cure. Instead of relief, I became worse, had to abandon my profession, and slit:fared greatly from everything I ate. Ify mind was much effected, depressed and gloomy. About 'throe months alio I tried the Plantation Bitters. They almost frame. dtately benefited me. I continued their nse,'and to my great joy ,• lam nearly a well man. I have recommended .• them in several cases, and as far as I know, alWays with signal benefit. I am, very respectfully yours, • ' 8 T 1880 - X That you may be your own judge of the efficacy of these celebrated Bitters, we submit a partial formula of the entitles of which thoy are composed. ST. CROIX. BUM. Jibe tonic properties of pure Bt. Croix Bum are well known, and it has long been recommended by pbyd. clans. It is manufactured from the Sugar Cant Plant, and that we use is selected with great care from the estates of a few planters in the interior of that island. OALIBAYA; OB KING'S HARK, . was unknown to civilization until the middle of the seventeenth century. The natives of Peru are generally supposed to have been long previously acquainted with its most wonderful medicinal qualities. Humboldt makes favorable mention of the febrifuge qualities of this aril - cle as Lan antidoee to FEVER AND Aoue, Intermittent and Maiarious Fevers, in his extensive South American - bevels. The Countmut, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having In ' her own person experienced the beneficial effects of the bark, Et said, on her return to Spain, in the year 1640, to have first introduced this remedy into Europe.. After . 1M introAnction it v. distributed and mold by We Jesuits, who are laid to have obtained for it the &tor. scour sum of its zoeight in laver. ?rem' this cinema `stance it was called J;ESDIT . 'S POWDER,title which It • retained for many yeais. In 1668, we are told that an Englishman by the name of Sir John Talbot employed it with great success in France, in the treatment of Fever and hole, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Ap. petite, Weakness and Debility; Palpitation of the Heart, Diarrhoea, &c.; &c., under the- name of English Paw. dors; at length, in the poor 1679, he sold the secret et its origin abd preparation to Louis XIV., by whom it was divulged. It is now a etardard remedy, and is em ployed in the preparation of the Plantation Bitters. CABOARILLA. DANK - is another li:operant:ingredient. It was known in GET - many as eaily as 1780, and much uscil Its a imbstitute for Peruvian Byrn). It is employed as a gentle attain. latit and tonic. in. Dippepria, Ohronle Diarrhoea, polio, Dysentery, and dizesaes of the stomach and bowels. . DANDELION Is used for inflammation of the loins and spleen, in Cases of biltfiry secretions and dropsical affections, dependent upon elmitgctiOmfol We abdominal viecera, and derange ment of the digestive organs generally. (llitiMOlllILE FLOWERS, toed for enfeebled digestion and want of appetite. • WINTERGREEN i s a medicinal plant of very great efficiency, and is tm peoially valuable In Scrofula, Rheumatism, and No. !retie affections. LS.VENDER FLOWERS, an aromatic stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating in nervous debility, generous to the palate and stomach. ANISE, an aromatic carminative, creating flesh, easels, and milk. Much used In nursing. 8 - T - 1880 - X Another ingredient, of remarkable and wonderful vir tues, used in the preparation of these Bitters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet unknown to the commerce of the A Spanish writer says: * * * * 4l ad. ministered with St. Croix rum, it never fails to relieve Nervous Tremor, Wakefulness, disturbed sleep, fire.; i -and that tis used with great effect by the Brazilian, Spanish, and Peruvian ladles to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, and brilliancy to the COmplexion.” We withhold its name from the pUblic for the present. To the above ere added Clove Buds, Orange, Oarravray, Coriander, and Snake Boot. The whole is combined by a perfect chemical process, and under the Immediate Impervision of a akin' and eclenlific Pharmaceutist. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, OLD HOWEB'rEAD are put rip In Patent Betties, repiesentirika Swiss cottage, and-are an ornammt to. the side board. SEA SICKTIE , Travellers by railroad or upon the i n rivers, where the great change of water is such a prolific cane of In cipient disette 0. like BILIOUS, INTEBMITTENT• !LOUIE, AND CIITILL FEVERS, - may feel a certain reliance if they protelt themselves with these Bitten. The muddy water of the Western 'riven, filled with decayed vegetable and animal matter, is Quite lore to produce disease, unless guarded by an antidote, such as is found in the Plantation Bitten. _ . . WHAT IS SAID OF THE PLANTATION BITTERS. FHILADELPFILL, Ist month, 16th day, 1862. ' "ESTEEMED FRIEND: Wilt then send me another case of thy Bitters'? Nothing has proven so beneficial or agreeable to my invalid wife and myself, as the Planta tion Bitten. "Thy Friend, ISAAC) HOWLAND." N. B.—The secret of the Immense sale of the Planta. tion Bitters is their tested purity. The SE. Croix Ruin and every article used is tearranted perfectly pure. It is the intention of the, Proprietora to imatain the reputation - of Chi/ article Ilion its merit. Be careful that eviry bottle bears the fac-simile signa ture of tte Proprietors, P. H. DRAKH 00., Now York. Drake's PLANTATION BITTERS are sold by ell Droggisti, Grocers, Hotels, 'end Restaurants. P. H. DRAKE & 00., se24• wholLt No. 202 BROADWAY. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS:— The sciences of Ohemistryfeand Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these PILLS have virtues which surpass In excellence the ordinary Medicines, and that they win unprecedented!) , upon the esteem of all men. Thee are safe and'pleasant to take, but plwerfol to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body. remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blcod, and expel disease. They purge out the foul ha more which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish 'or disordered organs into their natura l and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, bat also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the beater human skis. WhileXhey produce powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the ssfeet and best physic) that oan be employed for children. Being sugar. coated, they are pleasant to take ; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of berm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted po- Bitten and character as to forbid the emmicion of untruth. Many Eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our reme dies, while others hese sent me the. assurance of their conviction that tour Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. . lbe ,Agentbelownamed is rplealed to furnish gratis oar American Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificate! of, their.curee, of the following com plaints : Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Bheumatienn, Droner, Heartburn, Headache arising from a! foul stomach, Neu 'see. ledtgestlon, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain wising therefrom, Elatifency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases which require en evacuant medicine. They also, by purifying thellood and stimulating the system, care many complaints which it would not be empposed they cou'd reach, such as Deafneee, Partial:Blind!) ma, Nett tales and Nervous Irritability, •Derangements of the Liver and 'Kidneys, Gout, and other kind red complaints arising from a low state of the boar ., or obstruction of its functions. Bonet bo put off brrinprincipled dealers with some: other pill they make more profit on. Ask for AYER'S PILLS, and take nothing else. No ether they can give you comperes with this in its intrinsic value or curative power": The tick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. 0. AYER St CO., Lowell, Mane. PRIOR 25 MINTS PER BOX. FIN'S BOXES for Sold by J. M. ISIARI3 St 00., at wholesale, atoll by PBEDBBICK BROWN. ocB. wfm2m BLAKE'S PATENT ARGAND GM A-p.BlilfiNICS for sale by tbe subscribers, sole agents tbtrifor. All persona are cautioned against infringing geld patent. HENRY N. HOOPIR & CO,, IB 0011101111101 AL Street. ocll.lra BOSTON, October 10, 1882. "Bev. J. S. BAT.IIOBai." ~,'~i~~~}C►~~~f.vA A 8 PROF.• BOL LES' DISCOVERY in the application of G<LIIII411, • fiI&GNE Tiedd, sod other modifications or BLEOTBIOITY. re ceived general favor among the most Marais Medical Men of the Old Schools. and is Prof B's system now. being ',refight rapidly into public favor i Yes, verily, and if you doubt iroled carefully thefoliowing Extracts :of lettere, sad edeo opinions of come of the most eminent Medical Men of this and other States, who have been traveling and learning. teaching and applying the differ ent modifications of Electrinikr, ea taught them by Prof. BOLLES: BRAD THE FOLIOWING FROM E 'OWE Nr M D's. The testimony or a Medical Man of the Old - Schools, thirty years—fifteen years in the Atlopathia School and; fifteen in the Romceopathlc—and bee for two years eincoh, being Coaling d by Pref. 8., made Electricity a • peotalty,_ bee cured thoutande never benefited by medicines Some five monthe ago I was attracted by a, d ird of: "Professor Bolles, No 0420 .Walnut street, Philadelphia, claiming a discovery Olathe had made In the nee and ape plinstiou of the varlets forme and modifications of Eles" tncity for the care of all - c treble diteatieie. I called On, thiMMODUraneri, and alter' listening to his theory of the. Electrical laws governing life, health and disease. and his discovery in the application of Electricity in accord ance with the polarities of tee brain and nervous system, I was impressed that be had somet,hing new, and at once applied for tnatrnotions on the antyot. .1' now seesk from experience, as I have remained in his office for tea Months, watchfug the result of hie operations and having my gel the charge or one of the ts eating rooms for nearly the wl ole time, and treated from twelve to fifteen cases 'daily, comprising net rly every kind and grade of oaronic disease. Although my expectations were high, 1 must confers they have been fully realized. I have seen a areatrincuber of patients who had avalleA themselves of the best medical skill and roundlet agents for years— cases I well knew to be ineatable by all other laymen remedies—permanently cured by a few applications of Electricity ; ann what has surprised am most, was the rapid Improvement and cure at many cases pronounced pulmonary consumption bytheir physicians, because I bad been inettucted by Dr. Paige to avoi t all such cases, as the treatment tended to injure. I feel impelled by a sense el duty to caution the public against the indfacri nainate moor Electricity, as I have known injury to re butt 'rem its me, in the hands of the ignorant. I would here remark that I have never to my whole experience, or observation from books, pamphlets, or intercourse with men, read or heard of the gemval or special anal• cation of Itlectticlty to the ours of disease, as taught by Proteseor Bolles, and, therefore, conclude it is original with him. • I o oald any to those tampering with this mighty agent of life and depth to beware lest you etrike a blow at the citadel of lit:, and 'never think of applying it to the living organism until you understand its nature, and when, where, and how to apply It. I would here take occasion to recommend my profes sional brethren throughout the country to turn their at tontion to this important agent as taught by Professor Bodes, who has certainly, in my opinion, discovered the only reliable mode of ire application, and thus rendered an iMportarit service to the healing art, and a lasting blessing to suffering and diseased humanity JAMES P. Gag VE3,111. D. 206 Pine street, Philsdelptilti. Since then Dr. Groves has been qualifying his brethren in the medical' profeeedon who, to a man, endorse the discovery Of'Profeemor Bol les .W. B. Wells, hi. 1)., Buffalo, N. Y., after a Year's practice, writes to Prof. B. as follows : 1 thiek my faith fully comprehends the fact that Elec tricity, correctly applied, according to your discovery, is abundantly competent to cure' all ourable diseases. Sly experiecce and Dumasatter• extensive practice: fully warrant this assertion . Were I sink with a fatal disease, I would far *cones trust my life in the hands of a skilful Nleetriclan than all the " pathiee" on earth besides BUFFALO; N. Y. W. B. WELLS, 111... D. • BEOF. BOLLES : I 830 fully satisfied that Eleotriottk, when understood according to its polarities and their re lationslo the fixed IMiti of the vital economy, as taught by you, is the moot powerful, manageable, and effiolent agent known to man for the relief of pale and cure of dheage.. I would' further state that I have for the past few weika used ilectricity in my practice, to the excla olon of nearly all other remedies, and have Oeon emi nently euccesefol, and confider it a universal therapeutic. DATTON, Ohio. . D. McDABTRY, M. D. P.UOF. BOLLES : For the last nine months !have made lltectricity a specialty, and 107 fella to daily increasing lotto tberayintio effects, and I believe, when applied ac cording- to. your discovery, it will cure all curable dis easee, amens which are Lumerons cases never oenefited by medicine. BUFFALO, N. T. .P. W. MANSFIELD, M. D. What I have now-to say is from actual observation, as I have spentmost of my time for the last two months with Prof. Boles, and have witnessed the efftcts of the Eleo tricel agent on from fifteen to twenty-five prients a day, softerit girdle almost (NM) , form of chronic disease ; and as etratge as it may appear, in a majority of cases a per fect cure was effected in trom five to firteen days. and wolilere rtmalk that moat of his patients were Bifileted, With lonEeeianding - complaints, considered Incurable by all other known remedies. U. G. KIRBY, 81. D. Ottioniatert, Ohio. • • Pnor. BoLLas : I believe your discovery to be a re• liable therapeutic agent, end feel it my duty to recom mend it. Since 1 have received instruction teem yon, I have applied it in cases of Aphony, Brenchitie, C.)rea, Artienorrlicea, Aethina, and Oongestion, and fled that I have the mime success that you hall when I well noder your instruction. I invariably recommend medical men to avail themielvee of an opportunity of becoming ac quainted with your new methou of applying Electricity. • DETROIT, Miohigan. D Tfitlf/taorl, M. D. Prior. Emmett : 'A great revolution in my mind and practice has taken place 'since I became acquainted with your'new discovery of • applying Galvanism, idagnethun, and other toodillcatlons of Electricity as . a ottradva agent. I have found by many experiments that Electricity is a ..oft therapeutic agent in all acute and chronic cues when applied according to your discovery.,l desire that medi cal men should become conversant ith your discovery. OLEVZLMID, Ohio. MARVIN' GODD&RD, 111:1). • ROCHESTER, N. Y., September 10, 1859. PROF. BOLLES—I/EAR S/R : The more I investigate this system of practice, the more confident I sal MSC it is tilt powerful to meet the ten thousand Mimeses to which flesh Is heir. Yon, who first discovered Electricity to be a reliable therapeutic agent, should be considered • a great benefac tor of the race, for it is the only reliable eye em of cute for the woes and ills of suffering humanity.' It ie strange that physicians have become so wedded to their several systems, brought up from the darkness of plat ages, that they will close their eyes against the light now beaming forth through this system of praotice. ell other eistems I regard ae the morning star to the rising sun. P. SHEDD, Id D. PROP. BOLLES : The nearer I conform to your System of epplioatton, the more successful I am, and' as I have examined all the guides and works published upon the subject, and seen nothing in reference to yoar theory, I do not hesitate to say I believe it to be original with you, and the only reliable system extant for curing disease. Respectfully yours, TORONTO. ORAS.R&NDALII, K. D. The opinion of a medical man, after thirty years , practise, fifteen in Allopathy and fifteen in Homeo pathy : PROF. 13oMara —Drag BIR : I never have, duce YOU .gave me instruction in your new dimevery of applying Electricity, and God forgive me if I in the future ever do,4ractiee either Horoceopatby tillopathy. I have been strictly goy( rmed by the philosophy you laid down, and for the best of reasons—namely : That I am gene rally sOceeetu!- and I frankly say to yell tbst X mu Clone with medicine fOrever. • . My success bas been great sinoe I hare been in SW ark, Z. J. . JAME 3 P. GREVE& AI D,, 206 Pine street, Philadelphia. kt B.—ln addition to tbe above extracts, Prof. B. could furnish over one thcnsand, fully showing that ho is well known to the medical and scientific world as the discoverer of all that is reliable In the therapeutic admin istration of /Electricity, and that alt otner operators now in the different elites (except those qualified by him) aro using Zlectrictty at hazard, and Prof. B. takes this occa sion to caution the community aaalnet charlatans. Office 1220 WaLBUT Street, Phtiadelphia. R. )3 —Medical men and others who deslre a know ledge of my discovery can enter for a full course of lec tures at any time. ocl3 tf TARRANT'S • lIIITATIWEBOIST SELTZER APERIENT. it% valuable and popular Medicine has univereally re ceived the most favorable reconamondaHoris of the MIDICIAL PIOPMBSIoN and the Public ea the MOtli in/101PM AND AGIMABLSI SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the beet effect in /Mena and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sid Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of. the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Pile", AND ALL coirssintve A gIINTLZ AND COOLING ALPERIN= OB PUB . GILTIVE IS BEQIITItEII. It le particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, cad Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find It a valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. It is In the form of a Powder, carefully lint up in lxittler, to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de- Ughtfed effervescing beverage. - Numerous testimonials, from piofessional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily Increasing popularity for a seen of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and command ft to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & 00., No. 975 ONZENWICH Street, corner Warren at. NEW YORE, . And for sale by Druggists generally. WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL le a radical and prompt remedy for Spermator rhea or Seminal Weakness. Prom one to three bores will effect a cure in the most aggravated CMO9, whether constitutional or arising from abuses or exoestes. Price $1 per box, by mail, or six for 85. Addles' & O.•UPHAN,4O3 CHESTNUT Street, Agent for Philadelphia. • • 6427. 31n* MACHINERY AND IRON. pENN'A' . WORMS, On the Delaware I;Qbelciw Philadelphia, DICLAWANZ 00., PENNSYLVANIA. REANEY, SON, & ARCHI3OLD, ',newer! and Iron Ship Builders, WANUFACTIMEREI Ow ALL HINDS Ow CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING iron Vessels of all deeortptiows, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, do., io. THOS. EIANIY, W. B. RHAIIIIY. BAWL. AM:MOW Late of 'teener, Neale, 00., Late Engineer-l a Works, naiad's. Met, U.S. Navy. 102-11 7. VAININAN YIIIIOI, WILLIAMI. 111:11.220711 JOZ/I N. OOP,. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBII2II I MBRRION. & SONS, ENGINEERS AND ILAOHIS7SI' ' Earmfacture High and Low Pressure Steam for laud, river, and marine service. Boners, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. ; ON& fogs of ail kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boots for ail Works, Workshop% MO road Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery_ of the latest and Ind Improved constructkm. ITery description of Plantation Machinery, snag si Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mlts, Vacuum Pans, apes emu Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, g o . Bole Agents for N. BilLieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus ; Hearayth's Patent Steam Hammer, and AS. pinwall $ Wolsoy's Patent Oentrifitgal Sager wawa' Machine _ arg-tf PENN STEAM E N ARID BOILER WOBEB.—NRIAJITE it LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL MEL ER,ZBEI, MACHINISTH,BOLLEB-11fAHEBS, SLAM iskLITHB, and ,FOUNDEBS, having, for many ywirs been in frooomsfal operation, and been is:elusively as , gaged in building and '..repairing Marine and Hives En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Rollers, Water Tanks Propellers, Ac., 'Ac., respectful:lT offer their servings! Is the public, as being rally prepared ID contract for Ones of all sizes, Marine, Elver, and Stationary, hanky sets of patterns of different eizerh are prepared to ex& cute orders with quick despatch. Every deecription 01 pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High ens Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. roi ll inai, coif sines and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings, of all desert} Ulm/ ; Boll Turning, Scrow-Ontting, and all other work connected with the business. Ihawings and Specifications for all work done at that establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied, , The' subscribers have ample wharf-dock Mora for rf mire or w ith they can lie in perfect safety, mai are providedt shears, blocks, falls, &0., &a., for min lug heavy er light weights. JACOB 0. rumerim, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER, Street,. --.; J.O/61 ,, 8.. IMRE, , 5 Ce., AIM :NIONE11813, Noe .288 and 284: MERIT. street BALE ow OARPICTINGs. THIS MOBNINCi. • Optof•.. e. r 17, M 10M o'oloolT, on 41nonttee - moill— ' 800 piee4a Velvet, Broasela, ligroin, awl Vencilin oar. piing, woos nutitings. &c. SALI3.OIP FRENoR DRY GOOD!!. ON 111.021 DAY HORNING,- October 20, at 10 o'clock, by catalaiino, on 4 menthe oicdlt—• - •-` .t• gonerol ttaaortment-of otoy.lo and fanoy activity& - BASS OF BOOTS ABB. 131it3v , "5.N OB TIIESDAY'UTT2 1N3320, !,October 21, Ou four months' 11,00 psokagss Boots end Moos, aisms•cir pat aoot: • oa THURSDAY MORIZINEt. October Z. et 10' o'cii)ot, bs a ;44, Essz 4 BOA' hi' - • VEIII,NEBB,I3RIII.I.Iar, & 00., iQa 429 1114 BEAT STREET • , 750 LOTO•6I' rßßNOti'DEty.onlyol THIS AY FRIDA V) at 10 o'clock. A O&BD.—The iptuticular . *attention of Jobbere and Entailers is parlicolarly rnrlnested to onr sale of fancy and Staple Dry Goode thin morning, Friday, October 17, at 10 o'clock, on 4 months' credit, of the importation of 'Menem Erckard & Fin , tou, comprising the largest and moat attractive esie of French goods oifertd thie tnason. SALE OF gnENCIi DST GOODE. THIS MORNING. October 17, at 10 o'clock, by catalogne,on • months' credit— • DLO lota of fancy and staple IrrenCh dry geode. Mr Samples sal catalogues ready on the morning of sale. SALE OF BRUNE AND DEeIBABLIO FREE IH GOODS, ote THE IMPORTATION OF MESSRS. BESIKARD & HUTTON • . • THIS MORNING. pctobrr 17, at 10 o'clock, by catalOgne on 4 months' ems it- . - BY FpRNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., Ationeers. The first and °ray sale which this house ?lit make of their goods this season • 150 pieces ol Lupin's bombezioes, all qualities. 300 do; do plain. colored mousiin.delsines. 200 do Steinbach Rocchlins entirely new style mouvlin•delainee. 200 pieces Steinbach Roechlins new and elegant chintz prints. • 200 pieces super Paris velour reps, entirely now: 250 do Paris stripe and plaid poplins, poll ircheno, plain, col , d reps and spingline. SILKS. 200 pieces Parts dress alike, Including oolorel and black double faced figured silks, checks, plaids, plain and broche do. All of entirely new styles, of recent importation. , SHAWLS. 900 Lupins superior quality high-colored silk fringed thibet sha,wla. 1000 Lupine, Sue to ex superfine long and square black shawls, woolen fringe. 500 new designs, printed border stalls shawls. • 800 brcc h o cachinere scarfs 600 extra rich broche border Melia shawls. 100 broths stripe caohmere °bawls, new designs. • 200 ex super Vienna broche shawls. 250 superb - quality Paris troche long shawls, broche acid . - plain centres, of the celebrated make of Goan & CW ' N. B —We are authorized to state that this willbe the -only public sale which Messrs. B. & H. will make tale ', season in this market. BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS. 160 cartons Nos. 4,6, 0 and 12, superior cable cord roan de one libbor POULT DE HOLE BONNE r RIBBONS. IEO lots Nos dada superior qUallty plaid stripe plain and broche figured pooh de . solo ribbons. NOTIOE TO ONALE,I36 IN.BIBBONS. Also, 22b lola No. 440 ribbon*. ATTRACTIVE AND HIPOBrANT SVINJIAL SALE OF SAXONY WOVEN D 8285 GOODS -.Messrs. O. P. 137IIIIIEDEIZ At . CO Will eel through . FIIBNESS, BILITIV&Y, & 00. i No. 429 111.rket greet. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Ocober 21. at 10 o'clock. on 4 months' ore4it, 26,000 PISCES: SIXONT WO EN DDES3 GOODS, of their own manufacture, comprising the choicest novel ties, et' lee, and fabrice of the season. tar Paitictilar attention is called to the present offn , log. as no further sale of thceo go3ds can be made the pre Pent Sent:lll. PANCOAST a WARNOCK, ACC TIObiZERS, No. 213 3:IABIKIC2 Street. SALE OF GERMANTOWN SA JOE KNIT GOODS, ROF._3ERY, ac, b 7 catalogue. THIS MORNING, October 17, commee, clog at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold a large and fall assortmeLt of fancy reph • r knit hoods for ladies, mines, and children; babies, contacts, eletn cons, scarfs, &c., ad new styles and choice colors. Also ladiee', misses', and children's white, fancy, and blue rotxtd wool hose. exisz Ole' ABISIRICIAN AND DIPORTED DET GOODS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, &c. : . THIS MORNING, Octobor 17, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely.. Included in sale will be found— An invoice of brook's border, black, and colored stalls shawls; superior all-wool long and Equare &c. Also, 100 dozen ladies and misses diamond, tied, and woven hoop skirts, a full afsortment. Also, an iIITCICO of gents pare linen shirt fronts. Also. stock goods, notions, fsnoY OAP, &a- . EDIICATIPPIAL. CLASSES IN, GERMAN. L —Ladies wishing to join these classes, wilt , * have partly beenreettmed. are requested to apply on MON. DAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, er FILID&Y, in the of ernoon. 0. SICIDENt VI DERR, ocl3-mwf 2tit 127 North TENTH otreet. OARDINO SC 1100 L for YOUNG B. tvtDterßOYa re- 0 0 UN B T O0 Jalr b; La g a t i . cae r tet or partionlers, addreee the Principal, . • °i ll . flitt - . E L. 1101511 E. VILLAGID GREEN EIBMINABY.- A select Boarding School, near EMMA, Pa. borough coarse in "Mathematics, Classics, English studies, - &c. Tailitary Tactics taught. Classes to Bookkeeping, Survey lag, and Civil 111: encoring. Pupils" taken of all ages, and ere received at any time. Boarding per week, 82 25. Tuition per quarter, Ed 00. For catalogues or information address Bey. J. HOB, VET BARTON. A. IL, Village Green, Pa oc10•t1 PRIVATE TUITION GIVAN IN LATIN, GREEK, 'AND MATHEMATICS, TO STUDENTS IN THE IIIiID7EBSITY, who, on account of insufficient previous preparation, neat snob aid for the successful pursuit of their present studies. Also, in English Literature, Literary Analysis, and the higher branches of a liberal culture to Ladies who have finish ed their ()ours; '"'" 3424 eduarittiorii bit are desirous of continuing their study in other than &Ito brain: 17 scho lastic directions. Address «8 N. 0., 43 at this office. se2B ()OFORD FEIVIALE SEMINARY , XFORD, CHESTER COUNTY, PA --The next session of this Institution will open on WED SESDAY, November 6. • For Oirculars, address ocl•lm MISS BAKER, PrincipaL MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, at 1218 WALNUT Street, on ELOF DAY, September 8. ee2-2m BAOHM.ANN, VEACIEIEA QF e the Piano Organ, gelodeon, and TI O I II 4I B Zi E North ELEVNTH Stree t. At hbme 12 to 1, noon, 6 to i P. M. ee2s.lm* CLASSICAL . INSTITUTE.-DEAII Street, above SPRUCE. The Ohmlost Inatitata will SE-OPEN SEPTEMBER Ist. att26-2m* J. W. LURES, D. D., PrinolpeL QT. MARK'S EP.LSCOPAI. ACIA DEMY, LOCUST Street, , west of Sixteenth, hey reopened for the Eleventh Scuba. •J. ANDREWS HARRIS, A. M.,VristoipaL ' • " ee6-tf MR . WINTHROP TAPPAN'B Boarding and Day School fer Yonne Ladies, Ro. 1031 SPEUCTS Street, will reopen on WiDNESDAT, September 17th. jyl9-11m TROY FEMALE SEMINARY.- This Instit s ntion offers the ea-emulated advantaged of nearly fifty years of ancceasfal operation. Every facility Is provided fora thorough course of use ful and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teachers. For Oirculars, apply to au22-2m JOHN H. WWLABD, Troy, N. Y. MALE.' MASSE AND MLLE. MO- Ant.: BIN'S FEENOII AND ENGLISH HOARDING AND DAY t3OHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES hie re. moved to 1842 SPBUCE - Street. -For Circulars, apply st the above number. an2l 3m LINDEN HALL MORAVIAN FE- J-A AMALE SEDIDKABY, at LITIZ, Lancaster county, Ponna., founded 1794, affords superior advantages for thorough and aocomplished Female education. For circu lars and Information, apply to Neuss. JORDAN & BROTHERS, 209 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or to Bev. W. 0. BEWHEL, Principal au29-31u FRENCH LAN GUAGE. - PROF. MASSE is now forming a class, of between twelve and twenty boys, to receive instruction in FIULNOII, by the oral method. The course will consist of sixteen lee , Bone, of an hour and a half each, four lessons a week, and in the afternoon. Terms, S 4 00 for the course. He will comitantly converse with his classes, and afford every facility for attaining a thorough colloquial knowledge of the language. Prof. M. has matured his new system by which those having a slight knowledge of the French language may make rapid improvement, without devo ting to the study any other time than the hour passed with the teacher. Bilferences : Bev. Bishop W. B. Stevens, D. D., Prof. H. Ooppee, of Penna. University, Charles Short, Zee. Apply at his residence, 11l South THERTEENTII street. - seB-lm 'LINWOOD • .lIALL, ON CHELTON LA Avenue, York Road Station, N. P. B. 8., seven miles from Philadelphia. The Third Term of Mine OABB'S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at the above beautiful and healthy location, will oommenoe on the second MONDAY of September. The numbor of pupils being limited to- fifteen, the es tablishment has as much of the freedom of a home as eensistent with mental improvement. Exercises in the Gymnasium and open air are promoted, for which the extensive grounds afford full opportunly. Circulars o en be obtained at the office of Jay Cooke Co., bankers, 114 South Third street, or by addressing the Principal, Shoemakertown poet office, Montgomery county, Pa. , an2ls-2m PENNSYLVANIA - MILITARY ACADEMY, at West Chester, (for boarders only.) This Academy will be opened on Thursday, September 4th, 1882. It was chartered by the Legislature, at Its last session, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erected and fur nished at a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable quartering and subsisting of ono hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent and experienced teachers will rive their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their instructions thorough and practicaL The department of studies embrace. the fol lowing,oourses :—primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, of high standing in Ma class, and of experltnee In the field, devotee his exclusive attention to the Mathematics and Zngineering. The moral training of cadetamill be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to JAMBS H. OBNB, Esq., No. 826 chest nu t street, or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Phila delphia, or to Colonel THEODORE{ HYATT, President Pennsylvania Military Academy. sel9.lm BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, ItEMOVAL. The Sixth 13ention of the BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, heretofore conducted by the Subscribers, near Darbyi . Pit , under the; name of ' "SHARON FEMALE SEMINARY," Will open 10th mo. 1et,'1862, at Attleboro, Bucka county, Pa.,under the : name of BELEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. Every facility will be afforded whereby $ thorough and finished course of inetrnetion in all the elettiantat7 and higher branches of an ENGLISH, OLASSIOAL, end MATHEMATICAL Education may be obtained. Oircrdars, embracing full deist!, of the Institution, may be had on application to the Principals, Attleboro, Bucks county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphia. TERMS. The charge for tuition in English branches, with board, washing, fool, and lights, including pens and I n k, and the we of the library, hi at the rate of WO for the eohool.year. Latin, Greek, French, German, and Drawing, each extra. ISRAEL J. JANE P.' GRAHAME, Principe% SALES BY AUCTIAka 1 Di 8 a rag..ise. w in. 600th POVeTELetrien. itRAL IBTATitt AT PRIVATzL, ar- &Lame niatinnt st Private Bite iac1,7,.. deeertption . of an/ and maa - '3' P • zsr.r - a ritay h3d the.auct)n stem. e• Fnli dewrIBUOMV ba11e44113 two "fir. : catalooteeCon7 .14`*11 . . . Annum L. W leGOVirk 6 4,(078 • . ~ • OR SATURD VI dinar,' , . 11, 0'0100k....c the AmeUeil More, one c Vorinit(2 ll l,owir it,ooti, compriilng tk e o , tl , 14 44, 46. •05.0iiitipin.s. Jor,o_____ta,, Tulip', nrocoN 4, 4 64) t4li s r i iii LTio s .EirEss,incm .enxirer sad 5 , n co t, • ai. "a oa 1,b6071A.aas su til '4, ---!' •-.. • r• GAN 3.. . d.up t t. ON MON DAY kit.raximo October 20. at 10 o'clook•Preeisoly. I'M :11 6 • ' bdegt/C. 1.000 02.114 M nien'e, hots', God To tal , " - ..b/ x gritirl, and thick oota. caliar.d kip brna,i,, i j ll . ilk morair, , welingtone, Am Wor.pen'e, mit,,, ~,.p. : l Ion,„ cell kh,, pig, kid... nod t00rr.,,,,. h,,, t ,„, ,-...._ , ,4 omen gritsen. ellprmte- 1 3 1: 70,41 e. itc 4'!•11.,4., se , w i men i o f oity.ntio goodE, from Last el, to .sr o toms. tr... 4,.. Kr o morotne of Opel W fore. einminstion, with cptslor3o n the . ' 4 4 4r 7: 17 4 Na. id 50IITH IMXTA tri'Etk PL , Bets - o(PA 'Market and Obattitt The oobeeriber will glee his a elitian to ,3 i.,c ej , estate, merchaeoise, hnn.2lo:(l f tlf[sitt:7B fik, ' 'l4 poineings, objeoie of art and Vi'Nß. Zr Ail ZeIVA 0210 here his personal arid prompt Witt, % which be eollette the favors of hie Wendt. - . 4 4' • .e ' PURE BRANDIES.. WIN&c.ICI3, CL&RETS w KISS, - To pi - Irate fte - n Omen— • .ON 'MONDAY MOKNING, • 20111 Ind; at .11 O'clock nrectEelv, at ro neve,' a street, between .51art at and ineatout 5411tt 250 canes and denojohne pier and unataNelui tells In:wits! and . Hennereeya old pale Intor'oe ik 11 • . 1t • in Let der 3 years since; 7 cherry, and pot wirfre; Boarbm and 21,,,,: fi tt Nebiakite magma gin. rum 8. Julien. eateii,itSlik FOR SALE AAP,- _ _ nics 4: 4 ----, T'OR SALE-CHESTER COwit, FARM', 80 Acres , divided tub con,. at at led ) . Borea l near Kennett Square ; railroad atatioc on th t 4 large stone improvements , in good order; brd r ,p ; well water, bath. five fruit. Be. Alm. c acres, two miles from Neehamany Station, 71: „. 1,4 it horn the city, and two miles from ateko,b- n o N a. ta Apply to - -.... • it PE irit 44 . 04 . .•. • No. 300 WatSdr '44. • TO BENT - The splendid II pp Ale ER RBOOMS of tironi: No. 2(T UHICTIM able for a Package Di 7 *Goode Roam, hem 641 . light Arply no the premise& e Gd 44!. a l RUB SALE • :-The neat and o w ., wit ialeut cottsße•buitt DWELLING, 8 TV o.n- 'EIGHTEENTH and NORTH Streets, wial 16! 80 feet• ba o dfomely decorated with ihrobbers. sm.:4 Stable and Ocrricgc•howic.c6lol4ate; EP:tbdid !'414:4: Terme easy. law farce Tariety-or • BUILDING 1. 4 3 fl e d prortiPropottioN, both ckseemod country. B. F. GLENN,- 123 Scnth FOURTH ibra l odd ar.d.S. W cor. BEVENFEENIR. ar,d GR;3I At.: TO lIENT: - .*.A.ITHREE-STom . DWELLING, On B OE EG•tet, above Twelfth; ninth stdei. Bent low to a r o t Applytb WBYBEBi4L & Bllnnizi . jo2 " 47 and 49 North SECOND Nitn. E: TO RENT—A THREE -Sion ERICK DWELLINo, • on - PIN& Sin% : 01 , Seventeenth, nerth.eide. Andy to WETHERILL & DROTREP„ 47 and 49 North WW.IOND try, OR SALE OR TO LET ma ROUSER, on the west side of RHO &D StrKtrlw &Amble avenue. Ann!, at the southwest NINTH and SAti s Bo3l Sheets. tnie.74 ftFOB • FOR SALB-AN •ELEGANzy inns/lived Farm of 808 scram , on the Mastered*, of Martland. right on naviratien. 350 acres of bi t; oak and pine timber, price 9.18 per acre. The tom vests eats e ver offered. For particulate- apply TOWNWINTS. 'No cent* 1 • •i '► SHORE. • - asiiiftio _•CAMDEN AND d 'Lairrio 116 . 1 1 , 110 AD . Or 1101:17.13.--On and ;for MIMS! Sept. lilt, 1882, Mall 'WIN) leaves Vine-street Perry at & ci " SAF P. Accommodation train, for Absecom snlr, Returning, leaves Atiantlo-MQ, 4 P. PI.; Taßea 41.05 A. M. Accommodation leaves Absecom at 546 A. hi 1r ABE ALSO. Bound-TripTicketa,9so3onQJe Day glut Train for which thug are ismtd. ett. kz. =lion Tickets, good for three days, g. llealtt now open. ert2R-tf EXPRESS COMPANIES. mow T , HE ADAMS Et PBIIBI3 0081Pkb - Y, Ma OBBSTNIIT Street, forwards Parcels Pub-gala chandlers, Bank Notes, and Specie, elthe: t; Was lines or In connection with other Exams Clc.mis,a all the principal Towne and Mee of the trcitst , lata E 8 SANDFORD. General SnpFnotki•xt SHIPPING NOTICE. - - THE RES eRICTIONS on trivet barb:4.6oBn removed- by the WIZ Ps. pertinent, Daneengers ationt to viait Europa will no Le be required to provide tbemaelveo %lib pommy.. • JOHN G. DILE. Agont • STEAM. WEEKLY TO TITERPOOL. 14 1 ; 17, touching at • Queenstown, (Cork Ilikrixr,) Liven:43ot, New York, sat Philai4.3lllB Stenniship Oompiny Intend dentabcbitta LV-dcli-Tozirg boilaron'irecoberwhizer as follows: OITY fIY WASHINGTON' gaturdsy, noberA (TITY OF SEW YORE laturdsy. October, KAY GAIIOO • Satan :fay. Nev ctrl. Mr,€MMiiMMIIM BATES OF PASSAGE. mar CABIN .585 00 STNERAGE do to Lbitdcin 90.00 - do to Dmioa... de to Pails_ 95.60 do to Prois do to Hamburg.... 96 00 do to llamberg..4 Pameogers also foiwaided to Caw*, Brumes, Bo: dam. Antwerp, &c , at tonally row raw. Fares from Liverpool or Qamitetowo: let 17, and hl Guineas. • Stoeraire from Llvennot Prom Queenstown' £6 6. Tictela are sold here% current rate of exchange, enabling people to ti:l9 There sleaMell lace dttberior accommodation foci* rensers ; are etronaly built in water. Veld iron. nett* and carry Patent . Fire Annihilators. ExperioncA &L. geode are attached to each Steamer. For further information aroly in Livereio;l%,:iiiii LIAM INK AN. Anent, 22 Water Street; in Gurit ALEX MALCOM. 5 St. Enoch Square; is Qn , e.ool to Cl. & W. D. SEYSTntrit & 00 ; in London to En & 'MACEY. 61 Rios William Street; in Pali; h WED DECODE, 48 Rue Notre Dame des ViCt6jegl, Platxtlea Dotage; in New York to J t FFN G. DALE.IS Snal• way, or at the Company's Office. • JOHN a DALE. ARIL 111 Walnut Street, Phi'at is luk TAP BRITIPH AND NOVii - AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL SIM gRIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND 'LIVERPOOL, OM . WG AT - CORK HARROR. AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND MYR SPOOL. OAIA INC AT HALIFAX AND CORK HARBOR. 1 SCOTIA, Capt. Srlkins. CHINA .oest kodemsa PERSIA, °ant. Lott. ARIA. Cant Coot. ARABIA, °apt-Stone. EttIIOPA, Cast. .1 Ldt.t. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. CA NADA. Oast Rair. AMERICA, Cart. Moodie. (NIAGARA, ant A.llO AUStRALA' , IAN The" Tenalg ottrry a clear white light at mut - 0,1 green on starboard bow; red on port bow. FROM NEW YORK TO Lin - snot. Chief Cabin Passage .... Mg Second Csbin Passage * FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Obis! Cabin Passage ... .51 ,5 Second Cabin Passage 70 ........ SCOTIA leaves New York, WednEsder, O''''''' s . EUROPA it Boston, do. do. i• PERSIA. I{ New York , do. 41 1 dz. % ASIA it Boston, do. AUSTRALASIAN, New York, do. list! ARABIA C' Boston, do. ds. & Berthe not secured paid for. , An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these shire will not be secoa:tht 4 e Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, PreMow :ON or Metals, 'unless bills of lading are signed tbereGg. the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage, arnoly to Z. CCELE 4 BOWLING GBEEN Ne'r...9l E O. & I G. BOIL 103 STATE Street, SO4°' yr,-,, BOSTON AND P}1 5 . 6 DICLPITIA. ST'EABIBHIP LlNE from each sort on &TURD A.YB. From. Pia"' .Wharf SATUBDAY,'October 18 The steamship SAXON. Oaptale hfatthems. 4 1 °. from Philadelphia for Boston, PATUBD AY MOO' Oct. 18, at 10 o'clock ; and steamabip NOBS AN Oast Baker, from Baton for Philailelphla, on SIT 6 ' . DAY. October 18, at 4 P. M. lattirance one-half that by sail Teasels. Fro" Sh i t" at fair rates. Shippers will please send their=bille of L' goods. • For freight or passers. having toe 11050014 Weir to HENRY WINPOR d eq• js 30 832 SOUTH WIELIBTAIN i i r ., e 4=t FOR NEW YORK- 11518 DAY--DESPATOH AND 51%1116101 LINES—VIA DELAWARE AN D RARITtIi OAb 111 amers of the above Lines will leave DAILY , '` • and 6 P. M. For freight, which will be taker' oo sceotemodi al terms. apply to " WTI. M. BAIRD SCO* , in721,-tf 132 South DELAWARE Alente• OF R NEW YORK. NEW DAILY ME, via Delwore ra Raritan Oanal. Philadelphia and New York Exprese Steamboat Cb piny receive freight and leave daily at 2. P. d a r n' ins their cargoes in New York the following Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE , Agen% . N 0.14 BOUTS WHARVES, Ph node* Jem - Es 11,0650, 4gel A t ' anl-11 Piers 14 and 16 RAI3? RIVER, New ,"'"' COAL rOAL.-TIFE UNDERSIG N IL/ beg leave to inronn their friends and the P u rc er tl4 that they have removed their LERIGEI COO, to from NOBLE-BTREZT WHARF, on the DeL,.'last thntr Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH an.d .ll el Streets, where they. , Intend to keep the liILEIGH COAL, from the moat seDroloa_,,, 4 ";: e sdiel• tweed prices. Your patronage L. reeve Yard. EIGHTH indofflionmeoe, 3/20irsatt13..WthAssooLT010 THE DISEASED OF A ( r POLABBES.—A.II amde and chronic 0,1 . urod. by talecial guarantee, at 3220 Walnut _.... 01 '; Philadelphia, .and In case of a failure no ch'''' made. , Professor BOLLICEI, the founder of Ws nell __ ties, wt7i superintend the treatment of all Go• - • to soil. : A•pampblet containing a mnititode of 0 , catee, of those onred, - abio letters and 0311117 1413 L ' 3 Dil meantime from medical• men and othors , given to any person free. - 1120 to roel Lectured are given, at -- t_, , n , fr men. and others who desire a knowledge m ""ib e rt oc ( ra7 , in liPiihringl,NleCtriclty as a TeliSb le 6 ,,, eta* teat° siesi" - cOnsultition tree. COTTON BAIL DUCK AND 0 CO ON Of all numbers and brands. Baven'e Duck Awnhig 01 " e " —..- °II6 Tents, 'Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Clavers• Alm, Paper Manufacturers' Drier re 11001"" lestwide.Tarlaralnii, Belting, Bail Twine, kos 30M12 W. DVZSMA OII 8 , 102 .1' inpms SAl t MORGRR E 400., ST oi AN, O lINGINII lIIIIIMSE, Iron 70 0 100 0 fai l illeger 1 llischlatete and Better Makers. Vara . LOWNELI, Street. Pbfledetelds. CARD PRINTING, _Neat and cb!,3g at EINGWALT 4 BROWN'S, al B• 1.°11 : 4 Street, below Ctheetunt. - , JOAN a. nv.v.a.cT. Arent