rogiCIAthAND COMMERWAL, TILE ITIONEY MARKET. PilitADlMPlita, 00t. 9,1889. Es te glee excitement in the gold market to•day 1.10 is a dvanced at one time to 1.26 K, but fell and !r i t e dote to 128 , with rather a wale market. too" " t rs to know why eyepiec:infinitely to advance. : ogr e ' ..401 lefinence 'exists In New nrk, and the wa say discover for an advance le the tele. -04 ,5 orel horn that oily. Perhaps some portion of f~ypet la the quietude of the Army of the Poto. r e s to p attribute the rise to the fear that the 8. P'id,,,Qll'lll control the next elections, while a more err"- will a rty that it is the Inevitable consequence eceer °°9 ;aont raper issues The rise bee been too i s l er6 to e a. 'rely attributable to that source. Old " felvinced to 121, with a very stiff demand. At ieac Exchange 122 was paid for a very large lot erorp wee 0 r a ng figure on the street . Gue-year Y rolfica ; eteedy At DOK, without much demand. ey continues to rnle easy at 486 on call and 586 on ,•;:l beatific', Si oche were somewhat dull at the Flret laasag e pricee were without much change. 14,100 n nt sios f e ll off K, but Ole seven-thirties tale 6 °"_, riline , epees fives were firm at 95. New City sixes r r t e 7 ,l : l oo 104 K. ft docile° of K—the old were firm ices figure, IOOK ; Readieg sixes, lege Bold at 5 )" le ' 5 ,, change ; 1880 e a dva ncedl, 1810 e demined rA r,,:ledelphift end Sunbury sevens rose ; Philadelphia I;:xo,sl.xce sold at lois at the Bret boar], and 101 at 3 econdi d Erie jiboth figures are an advance oil an last sales• t r y en sevens were without chge, selling a l ; „: 11 a: 103 North Ponnsylvenia sixes rose 1, and cane steady, the tees also rose 1 per cent. with ;Ales; r; ro , lgi .R., scrip sold at 74, the chattel at 69 ;Stliqug- LoR acilp sold at 31, the Mies were bought : 11 , 31)4 ; Penneylvania Railroad first msrtgages at 111, second do. at 101 be thwlthout Anne°, Ye",„ ; s o Amboy Mimi were active; those 01 1883 .vece on p t for, an were the bones of 1889, 1867, end 1870; 1 ' ) * : too was en advance of 1. ISchnyikill Ravigstme were very week, and fell to 70K , 70 being the beet ; 13 , a , e we ; Lehigh Nevigatiou sixes were firm at tn ,grip rose K; Lehigh Valley Railroad scrip sold , 6 pixes brought 101 ,I( ; Snaquehannes Canal ; Schuylkill Navigation was weak and fell lbe preened sold at yesterdayie figure, but de. st ibe close, Dos/ statue were moderately active, Beading teler sieedy at 8 8 K; .111mIra advanced K; the pre rd v 36 fine at yeslordeo tignre ; I.orristown rase ( i,,dsu end Anabey preferawie K over yeater ;;aboet price ; the red was steady ; Little „;sOll l was shady at 21; Pennsylvania Railroad fell L e ns Wend closed ,fa' lower; ktinehtli was firm at 0 m Passenger railways; LiLigh Volley geld at O, t'rf liTely, at peuerally better mien ; Race and Vine *Juiced 1; Thirteenth and Fitteenth rose altogether : a • ]creed and Third role 1; Green and Coates was j) et 30, m eg g at the close; Arch Street advanced West Philadelphia I,K. about $139,800 In bonds 3 01.6 1 3 ibares obengtd handy, the market cloning firm. Dretel .2 Co. effete: Nee lurk eictlonge, pftresl-10 die $3Oll PUbnge. .. parel-10 pm 3sifiracie Exchange pare K (Ho. c;•ustrf bulb • 1. 6OK die. American gold ........ 25X 826 K pm Dernendf. .......... 21. 022 pm. phi ,i4usrtsrunuiters' vouchers.... ...... 2 o'3 die. The w o wing lea report of the amount of coal trans aver rho Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Jaw.' for the week ending Saturday, October 4 : Week. Tons out, Tons owt. 6-...pxlN‘tral . .... 6 895 18 249441 01 6otns ...... 17,691 16 687,514 06 gatni ....... 24,605 09 931,155 10 couevonding time Met year : Week. Tone. cwt. Tons. owt gD.crd North. .. . . 4 978 03 188,589 16 ... . 16,917 00 655,796 13 so u 21,885 03 8.11,383 08 Detreuee .... ... ... . 7,227 .18 "ha tokleateg shows the receipts of the /forth Canal C....retsBl the week acid semen, compared with the time lint year : 7:1•I to 6 ipkober 28. 1861... .5498.037 03 %Tea &tog Val 5 gal 7,926 05 ez03,969 98 ^Ai tO Foon bar 27.1662 ....48184,659 95 ez4:4 timber 4,1882... 8,097 00 Peoreaso hi 1862 If 18,606 08 8511a4olphia !Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 9 prerel bP B. E SLAYMAKER, Phila. Exotiange VIM BO A. 111% B Pd 15% 5 Beading R 88X 10. .. ... 15N 8 d 0,... 381‘ 1:1 Boon & .... R.,. 9 200 do 38X ,;) 114... w.... 10 60 d0...66.0%8h 3i3< vr)Beedlog6s'B6 , ,, 90 8 tieoond et third 12 70 110 um . 05 New 1013( 10.400 dneo 6t. 373( X 6.00 Penne 5.5 95 1:A. ..... 100 do 943{ Y.:4 do .. '........ 10 000 Penn B 1 more ILI I , :q Philo fr. Son 70, ..06N 4000 d 0.... 2 most 104 ; , :8 Melo 8: Erie 60. ,101 N 10 Norristown R... 513 L iki Sao . Erle 7e...103 1000 Oct Llllll'B3 wo.100" Peons .13i 84 100 Long Island R. 223 f 51 WWI lix111.„ 63X 1000 14 Peuve 10+....101 Pelts 61 Bop. 74 1000 Bott 1'4 , 4 Cc 'B2 BO 7131{ co . ..... 74 2100 Lehigh Rev 04...107 Grieo & Coates R 35 25 Penne B b 3 wn.. 66 1 311 u 501 R 48 20 Catawissa a • • • 63( ..-/bti , :CaDal Sep.. 34 BOARDS.: 100 Ontawissa R 2i7e 5,1.' _ 7000 City 63....N0w .101 X BOARD. 10 000 Um it Am 0416.100 200: do .. 'B3 t>5.100 1100 Imblith int 6n,..101 X 00 13th it 16th B ... 24 11 - - dn.., ."- ... 24X 1 Cam 1z ti. m tt. . 11.1 400 sohi tiny eld 130 ltiX 2000 U 37 30 T N end 1.04,4 1000 Pena II 22 mort 104 1000 14 Pouha 0 84 4000 Pbll3 dc Brie 88-101. 10.000 Poona 0n...—. 98 100 Reading B- 38 81 • 10 Race It Vine B. . 10 1 2 Norelltowa Bbs 51K 4000 dun & Erin 78 ..Iti3 25,000 U 13 Demi Notes.l22 BET WEE 11..8dye 48 do„."..108 48 BOON I' esdawiada R...., dc 5,4 • 5 : 6q 100, 4 i Lo-4 !dud 8., E2N • do :,23; ii Penn 11 65 t, tAL Yal .6.Bcp .. 15 1, Penn Obit Sop 09 1:10, es 1 82 log 1 do 71 70N Fl Umotil 6% do..' .. .. 1 9le Settey B. 21 6iCmnß 15% Cam k Am 8 5 ,89.100 d 0... ~ 67.100 AFTER 6)Ethl.tli B, . 80 36;ti MORNG PRI° Pl , l Asked 0,3, ol'dl ..... 101 104 k VS Tr7B./0 5,104 106 Made ed. .. .. 100, 1 i 101 WWI Ba , Y ling Ptllll', t5.....14 P 5 95. k r-. 04, 0dE ~.„6881 863 84.1 m 0 1)13107 • • 2411:1 td, '7OlOl 102 m, '3d, 95,k .90 Pew E 5174 55 Penalles.lll ,112 P` 21 : 1 8:in00..13.1. 104% II tl Goa,. 67 68 rk. Pre r 125 . Fre NarS,A 8 .. 3% F.oFsrEnt— 16N; 10% •. I &II 70 7 1 /in 8 .. 19 :utsG Ent '3l) 303 ”3. R 7 RP OARDS. 300 Isehlgh Val Sop 15 DDB-=FIRM Bid. Asked Inhuld ex.dl 22% 2211 Leh 01 & N 65 56 lie Olds Nay sop. 32 83 N Penne R..... 70% 10% N 6e 84 846 N Penne 01106,102 103 °stew B Con— 5% 5% Owtowiese Prlc. 15,V Ib)= Fr & Sou th'k 8.. 50 'b2 Sea & Third St B 76 77 Baca& Vine stall 9 10 1 .4/ Phis 8..... 55% 56 Spence& Pine.. 15 17,3; Or & Coates ... 35% 86 Chest & Walant 44 46 Arch St 28% 27 & leift'nth. 24% 'Eleven as Nine , th 7 9 ;Olean! °allege.. 26 2614 Tenth de Ele‘etb 36 .. Philadelphia Markets. OOTOBaIt 9—Evening. market Is Inactive, for the want of stook h , :ikre very firm In their views, and about 600 bble toe Lf.-n Wen at $8 2500.75 for common and good Vi4:tra extra family, The nicety's are Ilaht, and the ime ere ben log la a small way at $.6.12X css 60 for t:tordae, 86 7606 for extra, $0 9.5a7 for extra family, F 2507,76 for fancy brands, as to quality. Rye ~ cr is scar:egad In demand at $4 V' bbl Corn Meal ,clet. and Peramylmnia is held at $3 123 i ttY bbl t• 2r At :cm, uin slowly, and prime lots are wanted at . Itithfr 8m9,01.0 bus sold at 13301300 or !s r to puma rod, In abate, 1870 for Pelona do, afloat, and M r to 6 outhern do; a few email lota of white are re :J.ted that Mei. for choice. Bye is wanted, PeL6B 6woilli 740750. Corn is firm and in good emnal, st 7lt for yellow Oats continue in demand ; Lea Or/ tai becthera void at 424843 a, in store and afloat. il La% con,el4 la e'esly, and let No 1 Querortron is v setae M 433 iytan. Cotton' —The demand is limited, and holders firm at jr *IA yoelfd ratlB ?Iie:IERIES 2.? q, PROVISIONS —There le .not mach,jr toe not of supplies, and holders are very firm. _ — 7hsre a lair demand for Timothy - at '48 2 , ca 1, 1ex ,, r at 9306 I2X bushel. 1:. 91u,5y It tors active; bble selling at 84)4035c, and L'l ,, at 1./.;c Ve gallon. - CITY . ITEMS. & GARY'S FALL OPENING' O 1 I•SD Off ILDIcEN'S HEA.D.GZAR --WO invite the of our lady readers to the annottnerment r '"2 l ' wood & Null (formerly Linooln, Wood, & Cloning of MlB3oB' and Ohildren's Head -4`.;10 lska oleo at their store, No. 725 Chestnut Itt. Cm to. morrow, (Baturdei), October IL The 111 0' of Oda firm have : become proverbial for VINO aLd general attraotivenete, and their die 470•Ellorrea, We have no doubt ) will be largely at ,ql,l PINE APPLE An DUTOIDITEA.DgESE.--111 - r• alattion, dealer in floe Family Grocerlee, Aroh alreets, has now in store a freak supply of : 40 Ar.ple end Dutclohead Obeese, of the best quality, to invite the attention of oar readers. M mIsiFiCEUT $OOO ROSEWOOD 7-OCTAVE c..tved legs, extra carved mouldings, round corners, Overstrung Baia, sweet and powerful tone, to order by one cf the beet Now York makers— coi ued five months—will be sold for $250 the owner ::atet the city lu a few days. This is the greatestbargain its Qtr. Call at 717 Arch street, W NATIoN.--The rebellion will ` . ;' ll • 4 the l'obl States to become a warlike nation, lam to ke e p a l arge etanding army in the field " 3 ' 7 becomeand war gill a trade, j net as w•l' 4:icultu at! the meohanlo arts are now regular Ptlf- Ijer t e tele become soldiers with great WHO ) 1.1 c ur i t la People adapt their skill and their energies unitary wants with equal readiness. it marked ' of this fact is furnished by the immense sue "°e't4hlit the manufacture of uniforms at the Brown s„, 2 ',, ( ! ib l,t 4 t Hall of Backbit] & Noe. 603 I.lltateut etreet, [above Sixth. Thle famouo E , 14" bo a become the great emporium of the 'll ' ,Lt '; thb Betting up of military Clothing. eiV Ir. FORTUNE.—OiViiitY i 8 8. for .tnettf, fur a courteous man always succeeds well in that when Borne portions tf ability fail. The . 4 ' 4 41 111:1ke of Marlborough is a case in point. It was aof elm by one ot that agreea mai/- 1 1l vet, convertedoro anporary enemy Into his a friend ; ble and bY 111 Chet it was more P l easing to be denied a favor L' Grate than to receive another from any other ,1 4 , t „. E 'er; in ou should be courteous and polite, u and gc)cl taste and judgment by wearing the hand ;Ce , : ha of fall and winter garments gotten up at the n, tl , XlePorlura of Granville Stokes, 600 Chestnut 1,..,0 `,, vlart the latest etylos of Clothing, at remarkably `". tee always be Obtained. I, lll' E le l Toll of the Bethlehem Times must hearted man, Bead the following: , ',iipla ARRIVAL —Oa Saturday last a very r,',l4t'Llnnan, arrived at our house, entirely dotards. I: %i a' t ' tT 'teiteal in his welfare, we concluded to supply rc,l,tti Little frocks, -Doke, &0,, were in dental& 1,,,,,' , 410 e1 drawer was diecovered containing an Ve rt t t efiotr of such things, and the little fellow sp ite,;,, 4 , 1 ' 4 very content in his new home. He Tome aid tires in giving concerts, mostly during the ka Ul9 YCeal POWere are astonishing" „ / ' 414 say to the editor of the Times that when t iten3, lioeke, &s,° l wear out, and other ha t o 'l '. °r e 'Panted, call on Marten Stokes, ii der the p;: 1 1 . ! , °he tutu Clothing of the beet quality, ,1 hol!i, stud at tow prtcee, SPECIAL NOTICES. 5- T- 1860-X. DRAKE'S PLA STATION BITTERS. They Purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite, They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cute Dyspepsia - and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Moans. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the 'best TdlT 'IMES In the world. They make the weak mm strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They We made of pair) St. CITOIX Rum, the celebrated Oalleaya Bark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of. day. Particularly recommended to dell Gate persona reoldring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H DRAKE dr 00., 202 BROADWAY. New York. 5024- Om GROVER it BAKER'S NEW SaUTTLE SEWING 111ACHISE.—PRIOIN $4O. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re. (It:llring the nee of a fast and durable lockatlich machine, is directed to our, No. 9. This is a new and admirable mo'chine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into she market, is already a great favorite with manufacturers, It is a first-class machine, at a low price, No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or given such universal satleaotion. It is very simple in lts construction, easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well i and the low price at which it is sold plasm it within the reach of all who desire a reliable, service able machine. BATORZLOR I S HAIR DUI ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIA DI A. BATS:111RLO a's celebrated Hair Dye • produces a color not to be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the id effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, BED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau tow. Sold by all Druggists, &o. illir The Gennine is signed WILLIAM h.. BATOHE LOB, on the four :ides of each box. FACTORY No. 81 BAROLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 18 Bond street,) New York. GREAT TRIUMPH.—.STEINWAY V ' & SONS were awarded the FIRST lIIED at the late great International Exhibition, London. Over two hundred and eixty-nine Piano!, from all parts of the world, enterrd for competition. Wateroome at BLASIUS BBOTEIEBS, 1006 CHEST NUT Street. 001-lm UPHAM'S HAIR DYLy 38 cents a box. —'rhree boxes for $1 the best in use. Try it. Sold only at UP11631115, 403 ORES MUT St. . se27- 3m* ROPPEB--TIIOfdPBON —On the 7th instant, at Grace Church, by the Bev. Dir. Buddarde, Goreeliel 0. Hopper, of flhioago, lIL, to Dolphin, daughter of Tho- MEM Thomann, of this city, * Jo tin OVN—GOODTErkft —ln Carlisle, on the 18th ult., Bev. Jacob Fry, Mr. FL Franklin Johnson, of Phila. dolphin, to. Miss Louisa M. Goodyear, formerly of this city BETAX—SMITIEL--On Wednesday morning, October Bth, to the Tinion.street M, B. Church, Burlington, W. d., by the pastor, Rev. 0. B. Flemming, Mr. William Bryan, of Pemberton, to fare, Martha Smith, of the former place. kIiIIIILBUT—GAGE.—Or. Thursday, October 9th, by the, lky. Charles A Smith, I). D,, Ottptato IL A. Hurl but. of 08deusbarg, NrT., to Miss O. A. Qage, of Phi lade3p6ia. * DIED. MOOSE.—On Wednesday morning, Bth instant, Mary L. ()overdole, wife of William D Moore, aged 25 years. Her relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, hem the resi dence of ber farbenin•law, James M. Moore, No. 913 South Front street, on Sunday afternoon, 12th inst., at 4 o'clock. To proceed to Gloria Del P. E. Church of EII3I/817.—0n the evening of the 9th instant, Mary 8., daughter of Anthony and Elizebeth Miekey, aged 16 y ears. Due notice will be given of her funeral. ** OB RIR. —A t Cienfuegoe, Cuba, August 27th, ()harks J. Tonkin, son of the late Chres Tonkin, of Bristol. aged 21 years. * CLAY.—At Pottsville, Pa . on the morning of the 7th lost . Cornelia Begins, wife cif George H. Clay, and eldest e'en/Ater of the lets llon. Charles G. Dormsl. 4r ARMSTRONG.—On the 7th instant, Ella Danaven, only daughter of Barnard W. and Sarah M. Armstrong, aged 4 years, 7 months, and 15 days. * BUSH.-On the 7th instant, nae g aret Bark, aged 26 lease. - - CUSTER —On the Bth instant, George, son of George W. and Willimina Custer, aged 18 months. * ORAN DELL.—On tle Bth iottant, Dudley L. Oran dell. in the 24th year of his age. * DONN ALLEY.—On the 7th instant, Mathew J. Don nelley; eon of John and Sarah Donnelley, in the 25th year of his age. " DOUGHTY—On the 7th instant, Mrsi Sarah, wife of Enoch Doughty, aged 28 years and 2 months. * GAILTLAND.—On the 24th of September, Sergeant Jan Gartland, of CO. A, 72d Regiment P. V., (Barter's Fire Zoneveso aged 25 years. * BELLY —On the Bth instant, Georgianna Rally * KELLY.-On the 13th inst., Mary Lizzie, only daughter of Martin V. B. and Isabella Rally, aged 2 years and 2 months * REORR.—On the Bth Instant, Mrs. Mary Knorr, wife of George il.norr ' in the 92d year of her age. * LEAVY —On the Bth instant, of wounds received at the battle of Antletam, Corporal James Leavy, of Cora pony F. 90th Regiment, aged 21 years. MICOOBMIOK,—On the 7th inst., Sarah McCormick, in t h e 20Ib roar of ber ago. * Ma GIIBIL—On the 7th instant, Neal McGark, in lha 06th year of his age * ItiC/lIIGH.—On the Bth inst., Joseph McHugh, aged 20 yiers r a member of Co. E, 82d Regiment P. F. OAT,—On the 7th instant, Illra.. Mary L., daughter of Joseph 0. and Louisa Oat, in the'2oth year of her age. BETS —On Ile 13th Instant, Louisa, daughter of Lewis A. and Leny Murphy Reis. * STROBEY.— On the Bth instant, Henry Strobey, aged 83 years. WA ED.—On the Bth "instant,-Patrick Ward, aged 83 , years. WATSON.—On the Bth instant, Mary, daughter of John and Margaret Watson, aged 23 months. * WRIGHT —On the Bth Instant, John Wright, aged 31 years 190.866 95 - 1100,LACIC. IRIBH POPLINS.--Just A-A received, one case of Pim's celebrated plain blank Irish Poplins. BESSON dt SON, Mourning Store, oc6 No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. 4LISII GRAPES ON ROLLS_- Just reeeiired s English Trimming and Ten Crapes, on rolls. English ()rape Veils. Engli:h Crapes, MI widths and qualities. • Large Crimp Crapes and Tells. BESSON &SON, Mourning Store ' one No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. pYRE &-LAN.DELL, FOERTH and ARCH STREETS. OPENING POE 'FALL SALES: Magnificent Mika. Magnificent Shawls. 'Magnificent Poplins. Good Black Silks. Valiant Printed Goods. Good Stock of Staples. MOURNING. GOODS FOR FALL B&LES. BE iSON & SON. - MOURNING STOKE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, have just opened a large assortment of Black Velour Bens. Do. Velour Ottomans. Do. Grain de Portdres. Do. Opanolinee. Do. Pepelines. Do Preach llferinots. Do. French Cashmeres. Do. Mouseelineo. Do. Moussolines, double widths. Do. Tamises Do. Bilk Warp Csobmeres. Do. Turin Cloths. Po. Crape Clotho. Do. Aramattas and Ooburgs. Do. Reps Angloio. . . Do. Drop &Alma. Do. Figured Lustros. Do. French Bombazines Do. Engllelt Bombazines. Do. Real Irish Poplins. Do. Satin do Chines. Do. Mohairo and Mumma Do. Bombazine Alpacas. Do. Baratheas, &.o. SILKS. Black Poult de Soieor Mourning Silk. lb. Heavy Lyons Poult do Soles. Do. Grog Grains. Do. Gros Grainettos. Do. Arnures and'Veuettennes. Do. °non:tare or d' Broome. Do. Glossy Gros do Rhinos. De. Lyons Taffetas. Do, Gros d'Espagne. Do. Gros des Index, &c. ALSO, Thibet Long and Square Shawls. English crapes on Rollo. Alexandre , s and Sonvin , a Gloves. . Boni:oral Skirtiand all other goods requisite for Maim ing attire, SECOND 'MOURNING GOODS In great variety and at reasonable prices. ocd•mwfilt 500 Br.9..X.E.S.T.°Toßbsoceo °l3l, and e Cligtel, a a; lower prises than any other house In the atty. A. bargain In Havana Olgare, purchased at Marshal's Bale. WOOD WARD & 00,, 41 South FOURTH street. (a Imit trrHOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COL• LEGE OF PEENdI. LVELNIA. FILBERT 86.; above Eleventh.—The INTRODUCTORY to the Regu lar Oonree of Leotutea will be delivered by Prof GEO R. STARKEY, M. D., on MONDAY, Oct.l3th, at 8 o'clock P M. The Regular - Lectures commence the day alter at 10 A. M. r0c10.31.*1 S. 8. BROOKS, M. D., Dean. MDEDICATION AND FLAG RAISING at OIIIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL, cor ner of BROAD and WASHINGTON Streets, on SATUR DAY AFT ERN 00N, at 4 o'clock,—The Board of Mana gers will dedicate to the purpoee intended the new Mg pital for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers. A number of epeakera will address the meeting. The citi zens are invited to participate. Come one, come all ! The Thirteenth and Fifteenth-street Patmenger Rail road Oars will take you to the Hospital. It ByTO THE CONTRIBUTORS OF TIIE PHILADELPHIA, LYING•IN OH&RITY for attending Indigent Women at their homes —NOTICE to hereby given, thet certain alterations of, and amend ments to, tho Constitntion of said Society will be pre sented for conelderation, emendation, and adoption at the Annual Meeting thereof, on the second MONDAY in January next, 1883. Said alterations and amendments, as now proposed, May, in the meantime, be seen at the Office of the un dersigned, No, 28 North SEVENTH Etreet. NATHAN H. SHAMPLE39. 00 / 0 - 21 .* Chairman of Committee, itc: trrDEDICATION AND FLAG-RAISING at Citizens' Volunteer Hospital, corner of Broad and Washington streete, on SATURDAY AF rER 00N, at 4 o'clock —The Board of Managers will dedi cate to the purpose intended the now Hospital for the re lief of the elok and wounded soldiers. A number of apeakers will addrese the meeting... The citizens are in 'riled to participate. Come ono, come all: The Tbirteenlh and Fifteenth-atreets Paatenger Rail road care will take you to the Hoapltal. oclo-2t sy•"". A COURSE OF TWELVE LECTURES 113 ON GEOLOGY, theoretical and practical, illus trated •with many thousand specimens of rocks and fossil remaine of plants and animals, and by two, excarßlons among the strata around Philadelphia, to ladies and gen tietnen, in the Scientific and Olaseical Institute, °REST NUT Street. N. W. coy. of Twelfth street, beginning 5 o'clock P. 111., 00TOBER 16th. Introductory free, by 0d0.13t I. EfINIB, Priscipal. (I T CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE.— .FHILADELMIL, October 9, Me • To the 'lnspectors - of Etiottolus. The City Commis sioners will be - prepared to deliver to the Inspectors of Blecliot eof the several Election Precincts the necessary 'Pavers for the October °tendon, On SATURDAY,' Onto ! . ber 31;1852, at i? o'clect I # l4 W ' - OA; . . GROVER & BAKER S. fti 00 , 780 OHESTRUT Street MARRIED. irrHONOR TO THE NOBLE DEAD.— Among those who fell at the Battle of Aettetam. Vedneuday. Bern 17th, 1862. none were more , iana.nted than Oiderly &want JO UN MAKER, of Comeau 11, 3d Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves. None were more brave than he, ever foremost where the battle raged fiercely. With strong arm and brave heart he stood manfully by the flag of life country against the masses of traitors that were hurled against it. ESAR C iS A II M IA 3 P D SD R Ua l la fg e zi pt i l t 3 P dth R :l73B2 ° . " At a call of the m, mbers of Company Z, Captain John eon, of the 3d Regiment P. B. V. 0., sergeant A. B. Day was called to the chair and Sergeant D. C. Duggan was chosen secretary and treasurer. The chair announced the death of our late fellow-soldier JOHN. BEI aKER, after which a committee of five, to include the president and semerary, were appointed -to draft resolutions ex pressive of our regret at the loss of so noble a companion, when the following were read and adopted : Whereas, It has pleased the Dispenser of human events to remove "from cur midst. b, death, our late esteemed comrade, JOHN B L AE ER, and while we hum bly bow in submission to the will of an " Alt wise Provi dence," we dessi it our duly to pay a fitting tribute of srespeot to his memory, falling. as he did, nobly in defence of his country ; therefore, be it Resolved, That by his death we have lost a brave companion, our country e. gallant soldier, and Penney!. verde a noble son, ever ready et his country's call in the hour of Peril. Resolved, That to his bereaved relatives we .tender our sinctre sympathy in having lost a kind and affeci.- ticnate eon, brother, and kintman, whose many virtues had endeared him to all who knew him, Resolved., That a company of the foregoing resolutions be tronsruitied to the relatives of the doceneed, and be published in the Philadelphia Ledger and Press, _ Sergeant & B . DAY, Chairman Sergeant D. 0. DUGGAN. Secretary and tressurer. .. Sergeant A. B. BAY, Sergeant D .0.. DUI G%I f, Dermal JESSE W ELLS, . Corporal CH a IMES 8 COUT, Corporal HENRY B WEED, ll* Committee. IIrHONOR. TO THE NOBLE .DEAD!- Among *lose who fell at the battle of Charles taly Cross Roads, June 30th, 1802, none were mare la. scented than Corporal JACOB TEICHAS, of Company R, 3d Begiment Pennsylvania Reserves ; none more brave than he, ever foremost where the battle raged fiercely. With strong arm and brave heart he stood manfully by the flag of his country against the masses of traitors that were hurled lumina it. CAMP 3D lIRGIMENT P. R. V. C., FEAR lithiatrsamso, Md., Sept. 80,1882 At a call of the members of Company Er Oalltalli Johnson, of the 3d Regiment P. It V. (3 Sergeaat A. B Day was called to the chair, and Sergeant D 0 Duggan was chosen secretary and treasurer, The chair announced the death of our late fellow-soldier, J &COS THO after which a committeenf five, to Include the president and secretary, was appointed to dr aft resolutions expres sive of our regret at the less of so noble a companion, when the following were read and adopted : Whereas, It'has pleased the Diepenser of Human Events to remove f rem our midst, by death, our late es teemed comrade, Jat,ooll VIC WAS ; and while we humbly bow in eubmieeion to the will of an 64 ill- wise Providence,” we deem it our duty to pay a thing tribute of reepect to,bla memory, falling, as he did, nobly In de fence of big 'country . therefore be it' Resolved, That by his death we have lost a brave com panion, our country a gallant soldier, and Pennsylvania noble eon, ever ready at his country's call fa her hour of peril. Resolved. That to his bereaved famlly - we tender our sincere sympathy in having lost a kind and affectionate husband and father, whose many virtues bad endeared him to all who knew him. 'Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing. resolutions ba transmitted to the family or the deceased, and publiabed in the Philadelphia Ledger and Press. Sergeant A. B. DAY, Oliairman. Sergeant D. C. DUGGAN, Secretary and Treaanrer. Sergeant A. B. DAY, Sergeant D. 0. DUGGAN, Corporal JESsR WELLS, • • Corporal 0116.111.. ES STOUT, Corporal HENRY B.- WEED, 11* Ooramittee. arFIFTH UONGRESSIONAL DIS 'IRIOT—The Union Party present tbe name of 111. RifileELL THAYER, whom we believe to possess all the Qualifications necessary for a REPAE3ENTA TIDE. Of hie ability there cau be no question, He hl thoroughly Ind(penden4 and the breathe of bleeder has never yet approached his high moral character. This all admit. The Breckinridge Democracy have presented the name of CHARLES W. CARR IG&N. What is the history of Mr. Oerrigau 'I A few years ago the people of Philadel phia elected him BROWS: at OF WILLS, an office worth, It is said, slb 000 a year; and yet, at the end of three years, Mr. Cal rigan was a DEF&IIIITSII to the State for $6.6.14 40, as is shown by the Public Records, (District Con: t for the City and County of Philadelphia. March Term, 1860, No 1,742) Has Mr. Carrigan 'to this day paid up the amount abstratred from the Publics Treasury? NO! It has been paid by his Sureties, HENRY M. PHILLIPS and Charles 8 Bokerte Admin istrator, end they vow hold the judgmeat recovered against him Bo much for the Question of honesty. le be Independent? If elected, and a Question affect ing the interests of the People of Pennsylvania should be before Congress, would Oharle6,,W. Carrigan be a free agent to v - -te as he thought best for the Interest of his Stare No.! It would be in the power of Henry SI. Phillips to say to him, fb Mr. Oasrigan, I hold a large judiment against you as a public defaulter. Yon must vote on this question as I shall dictate, otherwise I will issue an execution against you, and throw* you into pri son, from which you know a defaulter cannot be relieved tender the Insolvent Law. , ' What think you? Would Mr. Carrigan be au Independent Representative Pon der well these truths, and vote accordingly on next Tuesday ! October 9, 1.133. FIFTEtENTII WARD A GRAND MASS MEETING Of all LOS AL CITIZENS in favor of sustaining the National and State Administrations in the prosecution of the War with vigor, and loutish out the present unnatu ral Rebellion, will be held on FULDAY EVENItTia, oar. la, 1862, AT Ix O'OLOOK, /it the corner of EIGHTEENTH and GREEN_ Streete The following ppeeketts will address the meeting: JOHN W. FORNEY, Ron. DENBY D. 0100R13, Bon. W. D. 'KELLEY, Cant IS iiko J. NE ILL t Ron B MANN. GEO. F. GORDON, Esc/ . 0 F. BREWSTER, E.g. oc9.2t* - SEVENTH WARD —A MASS MEET -113T4W 0 e' ALE. LOYAL OITIZANS Woo ore In favor of oustaining the National and State Admielstrarions in their efforts .to Orush the Rebellion and its Sympathisers will be held THIS (Lerida} )-EVENING, Dot. 10,1862, .• At 74 O'clock, At the Owner of NINETEENT El and.SOUTH Streets. The following Speakers will addresr the meeting: Hon. Henry D. Moore, . Bon. William D. Kelley, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Merton McMichael, Egq., William B Mann, Esq., F. 0. Brewster, John Dolmen, EMI, O ,l. NOP 8 White, CbarlOS Gilpin, Esq., John D. Watson, Eng, 'William M. Bull, Esq.,_ Geo. 0 Abp. Esq.. It* frONE BOLD DASH FOR THE BOYS t—Fourth .Ward National Union ksitoinit• non vitt meet at aistnatior's. Passynnk road, below Ship nen street, THIS EVENING, at Tg °clock. Win. V. Mann., Esq., and others win address the meeting. ir—Ptuactual attendance is riquested. KENNEDY Ala UAW, Pres , t. SAM. D. Mtiirnr, Beey. - it* rle-7 , THE SECOND SENATORIAL MS -113 TBICT comprlsee de Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth. nun Fifteenth wards The coopering candidates for Senator in this District are THOMAS GREENBaNg and JAO&B E RIDGWAY Cast sour vote for THOMAS HEINEN BANK. ode. 4.* ErFEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNBYLVANIA, North MARGE &Terme, nt-ar Girard College. The General Introductory, will be given on WRDNES DAY, the-15th inet., at 4 P K. by Prof. A. G. Kerr. oc9-fitit- UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA- U.. MEDIU I. DEPAg CRENT.—Tue regular Lec tures sill begin 111.01iDAI, October. 13th. . _ oc6Airoxf2iii , HEADQUARTERS, NMIONAL PYLON OIVY COMMITTER, DOMMONWBALTH BUILDING, 011111STNUT, ABOVE SIXTH ST BEET. Oren St ail bolus. OrJEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— The General Introductory to the %um of Lec tures will be delivered by Professor MITOGELL, on 'MONDAY, October 13.'at7x P. M. The Regular Leo tares will begin the day steer. at 10 o'clock. • ocB st, ROBLEY DUNGLISON, Dean. OCrROM tEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1118 MITE BRE V street —Vita institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded soldkra, who will be, received and provided for in the most comfortable manner free of charge. - B. F GLENN, _ oc4.ti SeoTy•of Board of Dianagere. HEADQUARTERS OF THE NATION -113 AL UNION CITE EXEOUTIYit 00 I AIT TEE, UODIMONWRALTH UM DIN a CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, °etcher 7, len, $5OO REWARD —A reward of $5OO will be psid by the Committee for each evidence as will lead to the arrest and conviction of persons who are engaged in 'FE &RING DOWN and MUTILATING the BILLS issued by this Committee. WM. EL KERN, President, JOHN J. FRANKLIN, t secretaries, GARDINBR, CONSOLIDATION B A N i g..—. plum 11,3 DEL ?BIA, October 9, 1862. &be Annual Election for 1111120T0113 will be held at the Banking House on MOND n.Y, the' 17th day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 t. M. and 2 P M. General Meeting of the Stockholder? will be held at the KIM plate on Tuesday. the 4 h day of November, at 12M. (oclo•fmwtnt7J JOS. N. PEIR3OL, Gadder. r i or , GI BARD BANE, —HILL A.DEL PHU, L 1,3 October 9,1862. The ADITCIAI Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Haase. on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem ber, between the hours of a 0 A. M. and 2 P. YE. A General Meeting of the Stook holders will be held at the same plate on TUESDAY, the 4th of November, at 12 o'clock ?S. W. L. BGBA.PPEIt, oclo.lmw , tnol7 Claibter. UYall E .11. Arel C St BANK—PHILADEL PISIAj October 7, 1862. general meeting of the Stockholders will be bald at the Banking Rouse on TUESDAY, 4th day cf Novem ber, at 12 M. , ocB-tool The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Berthing House on MONDAY. November 17, between the bow sof 10 A. M. and 2 P 01 ocB-mol7 J. WIEGAND, JR , Deshler. trrTHE PHILADELPHIA BANK.— P.TIILMDELPICIA, October 6, 1882. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, November 4,1862, at 12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Berme on MONDAY, - November 17, 1862, be tween the boors of 10 A. M. and 2 P M. ocB•wimtnol7 . B B. 00BIEGY8, Omhier. SOUTHWARK BANK. PHILADBLPHIA October 7 len The ANNUAL ELECTION for DIREOTO ES will he bild at the Banking Home on MONDAY, the 17th day of November, between the houre-of .1.0 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. A General lifeetina of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. ocB.wfmtnol7 • F. P. STEEL, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' 1.1.3 BANK—Penmenmmits, October 6, 1862. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Bathing Home on MONDAY, the 17th day of November next, between the bonis of 9 o'clock A. Id and 3 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November neat, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking Home, at 4 o'clock P, M., agreeably to ibe charter. W. BUSIEITON, oc7-tnol7 Cashier. OFFICE OF. THE AMERICAN FIRE 113 Itt KIRIN OE 00111.P........A 14 Y--FH ILADELITIA, Oc tober 6, 1862. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLAES per share, for the last six months, which still be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after, The 16th instant, exclusive of taxes. ALBERT O. L. CRAWFORD, oc7.9t* Secretary. ryr" OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE 113 INSURANCE COMPANY, raiLADaLpau, Oct. . . 6,1 . 862. At a meeting of the Directors, held this day, a send. annual dividend of SIX PER CENT., and an extra divi• lend of TEN PEB VENT., were declared on the capital stock, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal repro sentatives, on and after, the lath inst. 0c6.10t J. W. RoALLISTER, Secretary. TDA.VIS 'AUX ELF GANTS, R. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerald de la =Moon oe Tantalus de AIL GRA.NDVILLE srOHES, 699 OBESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, s Monne= de pre venir sea nombreux stnis et connaissances qui Pont deja favorise de leer clientelle, (shod sue lee strangers;) vient de reeevoir de Paris et Londres les modes les pins recenteitet lee =lei= portees pour la saloon d'hiver, erandville Stokes a mis a ea disposition les etoffee lee plus 'Pence, et iee meMeuree qualitee, dee premieres manufactures dtßurope. , Les militaires, ainsi ote les of nders di tone giadell I prouversns les mellleures qualites d'etoffes a dm prtx tres moderee,.. -Velesanoe de as coupe, ednsi Qua is , • oaelset - de distinction qui la derider's* est dela trap Wire dn . 'Dub• lie pour en renonvellesi lOW Malta. • 0027.114 . . T11:g,..:. - s:..p.iETlT4p.jpiii4.,:',..o:Tp:A:v l .-, , : pp79.p.g4•,...:•10, ! ,j50g oclo 4t* IL E. itOCIMItS, Dean of Medical Faculty trrisNATIONAL UNION' NOMINATIONS aNO PARTY BUT 0 UR'OOUNTRY." STATE OFFIOERS. Auditor General. TROIKAS E. COCHRAN. Surveyor General. WILLIAM B. BOSS OONGBESS. First District—EDWAßD G. INEBIS. Second District—tHlAßLES O'NEILL. Third District—LEONAßD MYERS. Fourth District—WlLLlAM I). 'KELLEY. Fifth Dietrict—M. RUSSELL THAYER. SENATOR. Second District--JACOB E. RII)GWAY. Fourth District—GEOßGE CONNELL. • ASSEMBLY. First District—WM. FOSTER. • Second Distriot—MOßTON A. EVERLY. Third District--THOWAS T. WILLS. Fourth District—SAldrEL 3. REA. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE. Sixth District—CHAßLES M. ae tistouuding &Ito of the TB lIBIt FLYING- T (d. Isa, ll,BOT4B14) The Pe 1c is respectfully informed that the engw— meet of the world. temee, TROUP. Is B'ositively For Eight Highte only. Witlk'fbe eacsptiou of tbPioea, ao Free L;iet. Parenette, Peoltette Ctrele, and Iraloony. Urgent& Family Circle arm Amphitireatre,.2s.rcente;.. rioecetuitnte Boxer, bolding eight pareone, liti A portion of the Amphitheatre ierreserved. flo'reapectaa hie colored pereons. • Box Offi:e open front 9 A. IN till 4'P. ff., when Beate can be bemired threw data in advance, without extra charge. Doom open et 7 o'olo Perfornmuce wilE comment, quarter below& In coneennenCe of theim menee preaeure at the Vow °Mee irr the evening' fa' avoid unneceasary . de ay ; hYlt, WEfghrLEY would rwe epectfully engemes to hie pa tons that, thr their own con venience, they should SECLITIIt their .tickets and ph-Wed , ' during the day, for which there ill NO' Nit NA:- CHARGE. it ATB B. JOHN DREW'S AROH li-1- STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager.... FREM/11.011St Business Agent. anti D. Drumm ORo W DED .110DVEIS: FEDOR]) WEEK OF BATEM 0-NIGHT, FRIDAY, October 10; 1802, BENEFIT OF EDWIN THE LADY OF LYOUR: PA ITL - - OL AU DE • To conclude with KY AUNT. DICE DASH AEA, .JAB WALLA.OK , - ON BA7IIRD&Y. THE. HONEY MOON-. ON MONDAY, GE,B.A.L WINE, Doors open at 7—To commence at 735 cedoek. WIALNU'r-ST.BEET THE THE Bole Lean's alre: M. A. GABBEITF6D - il Bualnees Agent .Jlr. JOHN T. DONNELLY, Farewell Benefit and Laei Arpearance of Kr. ri THIS (FRIDAY) RYENING, OUT. 12' Will be presented the Indian' Drama of fanionfmi.... After which, HIS LAS >? LEGS. • o , oallagban. Mr. E ROM To conclude with THE CHARCOAL BURNERS - Doors open at 7-. Performance commences at 73i. ON CERT HALL - LEM:Vita; NJ ROWS CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' SOUTH mt . WHALING 1 701"1.94ei NYE BY EVENING, at ervirter to 8 o'clock, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 8 o'clock. Admission, cents: Children half price T. GEORGE'S CRICKET GROTTISD I THII T.&ENTa btreet, above 001,1311t 4 - BIA Av4I3 I3 4 REAT PEFESTRIA,N TEAM GEEAT TEST OF mums PJWER. OF EXOtr"-: RANCE, WALKING 106 MILES MILE OF TWENTY-F(3172i CO,NSECDTIVE uouns, and 480 MILES IN- - . k/DE OF EIGHT Mom ()13TIPE DAYS, WITBODT, WALKING ON SUN , PAN (SEVEN DAYS' TIME.) BETWEEN OUTOBER 13rh AND 214, 1862. GRAND CONCERT' EAOH DAY, From 1 to 6,4 P. 111.., by BECE'd Etna.cßS Strict decorum will bo' preeerved, and Beata reserved I for Ladies and Children. AdteDeion to the Gronnd and Seat, 10 Cents. oc2-4.A.` A SSEDI BlrY BUILDIN S.—Messrs. , -Li_ ABEL & 00 '8 WOITI ERFUL STEREOPTI 00/1. Exhibiting every evening thie week, with a el:Lange of programme nightly. Adtuleeloti 25 oente.--Obildren 10 cents. A. package 05 twenty-four tickets for 23. Doore open at 7 3,t ; commence at 8 o'clock. Matinee on Baturday at 3 o'clock, pENNaLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINM 'ARTS. 10'1.5 013.ESTNITT Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. 11!. Ulf 6 , P. 21. Admission 211 cents. ObSdren half price. Shares of Stook, St3o. " • iv" PHOTOGRAPHS, WAR PRICES.--D' ow is the time for a bargain. RIMIER'S invaluable por:r sue, . Life. size Oil- colored Ph& ographo, at .ISAUCEd prices suit the times. Go to Gallery, SECOND Street, a'°vo tt* TR • EGREAT SUCCESS 01? REI- - Colored Photographs fer 81 is due to their hies t xecution, truthfulness of coloring, and In...rte.:ire ciarge. Decidedly the 'dotty es for the people. S d 3081.1- Street, above Green. I.tit- El) ILTUATI.OII AL. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.- v A select Positing Scheel, near MEDIA. PO. • Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, Begtisk , etudies, &O. Military Tactics taught. Clams in Book keeping, Surve)ing. and Civil E: gineering. Pupils taken of alt ages, aDd are received at any tillle. Bearding per week., $2 25. . Tuttle') per Quarter, $6 00. Fur catalogues or ibiol'untion Adtiro"e Rev, S 11148- YRY BARTON, A. kt Yillase Green, Pa oc10•ff WANTS. NTED —lmmediately, 500 Intel !tent, energetic, persevering sa.ltsman, fur HEADLEY'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION ; In 2 rots Ist nearly ready. Sold only by subaotiptiort, For particulars apply to or address ititItLBUT, WILLI/04S, & 148 AdYLIER Street, Hartford, Clonn. WAN TE D-A FREN Li 9. L tiff ) r v to-niire lessons in French and Music. No one need apply unless she hes had experience in teaching and can furnish 'satisfactory references. Address 0 P. Q., 414 South ELEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. ee22-11 WANTED—By an Active rti an, a, situation in a Wholesale or Retail House. either% se Saleeman or Book keeper. Gan ebow good teetimo- Male es resards character and ability. Piess,t addreea 4' T. B. 43. B ," Press office. oclo.2t* WANTED TO BM( 0 3. RENT, A COAL YARD er suitable L on the Bohnyt between Vine and Spruce streets. cclo.3t.* Address P. 0., Box 2090.- • A PARTNER WANTED, WITEI li 86,000 capital, to take one department of a paying linemen in the best location hi the city, the two depart,. - men% being too mnth for one osrson to attend to. Ad.. dress 41 DI Box 2281 Poet Office. staling where a non- _ ildenlial D eeting tan - be bad. Probably some arrange- . merit can be made if a partnership is objectionable. oclo•fmw 31.* TABLE WANTED—A small one, for: about three horses ; between Seventh sod Broad, ekd near Oran street. Apply,at 1106 CO &TES Street.oo.o St* S 4 "A- $3 200 AND Ist,OOO 10 uvu on Mortgage Apply to lt* JAMES H (3 NSTLE, 707 LOWS C Street. Q 2 (111 TO LOAN FOR ONE OR V 3 Z.J t 1 I' Fix yearn on mortatragrs. or to purchmo a g-on. a Iftlt. eti dress " listate," 92t PINE Strett. 1 It' $2O 000 TO LOAN . ON blOaT , G.AGE;w3II be divvied. Apply. to JOS.. B. BARRY,. 430 WAL NUT Street. BOARDING. OARIANG-IN A .PRIVATE; :FA B' E IL Y —Gentleman and wire, or two stogia men 1_ vat of bath and gas ISIS WALES Sloes? • 0013 r 344 - 11)I 1 BASAN b.E001•13-STOM , 4 . rooms, with hoard, at ,061.1-1 m FOR SALE AND Tau.L.P.ll% . • • FOE SALE—.. 4. Bioe.,lllAoS4 c;:01.- 1 .) -- and a flak pair of ROCAS, aila,OuiliaO4kt. to be !Old at a reasoaablo prise. May be AMU St &kV*. 1327 LOCUST St , Imtweon 8 and M.A. hi. ple &WS.. P. N. • ' oce•StAs PE RSODIM, pENBIONEI.—S 100. Bonntf. AUti I Ply proccred and collected fr.p.toldiers.sisilors, analtbe relatives of snob as are decease'. at reasesable and,patis factory rates, b 7 JABIE,S MELTON, Solicitor fat Claimant,. .. .. . -. . .' • 424 WA.llitit Streicti, Plii.ladolOis. Particular 'attention gives to partiwlivisgatza dis taste;• .. .-, cal' if TITSCH.ARGED SO LDMItT 0811 . TITIOATES anl other Olilms.eashed,bll J&TtLES and NavAlAgeat, 424 WALKITT-Street,:ibilada. MBE HIGHEST PRIOR PAD FOR 1 SECOND-MUM 1 4 15 1 BNITUR14, ®AR PE TB, STOVES, BEDDING, dao. Call or tddrozraWlLLl.A.. LIWI9, No. 931 111DG1C &venue. oc9- 6t* LOST AND, 'ODMA. [O RT . • 'OR MISLAID—CERTIFI9 OATZ No. 244 dated Ocrober:Mh, 18G0, in our name, for fortytwo shares Preferred S'..ocic at the Oat4i-' "die& Railroad Company. Notice in koreby Riven* t"t we have applied for a.Cerilfioate to 1544 Wined in Pea of abOve. [oz9 th 84w" .liIIEXEL is CO., PIANOS. A SEVEN - 04)TAVE fl iti)BWOOD PIANGIZOII easy sums of Three Dollars per south. The public win please take no** that the bocka of .the. PHILADELPIIIA. bAVINGS ANP. , ..149411, SOOIETY are now open to nceive anbacrthpra te. Fourth Series Tho first distribution of Stri t en-octavk Doemrood 'Pianos for this Fer%ea will take line at raw_ Office, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street, on IttliDaDiOt,, O c tober 7th, 3862, et 3 o'clock. Oirciiiim tho, full plan of operations of thia highly benaticial Inc„Atn, :ion, can be had by applying to the iloorotary Of ; thio Society. IL W GEM Secretarll, oc4 tf Oftice,lo2l OEIItnNUT :Argot. THE FINE all ASSOIO - of new, modem., and ftmble M— ANC) from 8150 to $4OO. Also, PRIII OR'S World-ranownedadZWDßONA and HARMONIUM for cash, at a great laductioAa or i n small monthly instalments. JAMES Q 1 TiAH. 2 79 an., 981 South 'FIFTH Street, above Samos. 80543m0 10 0 % TRUSS AND BRACE VA, PADTMDNT. 0. kTI. DLL, CornerTWILYTH sstreete, Trur o lapitie, 'Denali.' Trusses end aPPlloswes 00V013141 adjusted by D. HA HS:ADDIS. Fine rrenet.ead alvirovattAmuricert, !dusted Ito even form of roxiore, it adulia and ahlldren, AD2IIItb et American SumoAtm tad Bella, Shoulder BMWS. Bus eneoriaa. Elaetic BtrAkintlit 'And Syringes to meal rl - Ladies ) Depertment, TWELFTH Street, bell door below Bap, Coruto:jted b 1 natneetantledbm 108-3ru .AIMS- 13A.TEN - 111% EDWIN ADMEN- Mr. E. min', 807 Von& .SBlED,Streett...