THE CITY• The Thermometer. DOTOBEII el t 1861. I°STORES, 6,1882. 12 At. 8 P . Y. A.. 31. 126 t. BP. 11 71 86 87 60 66 69 a. by w. B. by E. gs..b 7 W. ANNE. K. 8. by Tni NAVY YARD.-1 he navy yard presents the same picture bustling activity that has been witnessed since the commencement of the war. • The full complement of laborers, mechanics, et o —num bering aitcrgether 2,500 men—are busily engaged in the various divisions and subdivisions of labor; an aoces• sion of fifty carpenters will probably be made this week. The vessels at the ) and awaiting or receiving repairs in clude traneporte, gunboats, and ships or war generally. In the large ship house, the new secood.claes sloop-of • war Shenandoah is rapidly approaching completion. She is now being caulked, and will be ready for launching in about three weeks. In the smaller ship home, the side-wheel steamer.,Ta- Cony is being built; her keel bevies been laid, and a portion of the frame work already eat up, Upon the completion of the Shenandoah it is highly probable that the large ship house will be used for the con ablution of the ironclad vessel to be built at this yard.. , The gunboats Wissahickon," and 4i Stare and Strips s," having been overhauled and refitted, will sail this morning, the former for Port Royal, S. C., and the latter for Boy West, Fla. The Wissahickon came to this port from New Orleans, after doing good service on the Miselseippi river, and in the taktog of New Orleans. In the latter engagement, the vessel escaped serious da mage on account of He lowness la the water. Four round abet penetrated the side of the vessel, and one went through her m She is now thoroughly repaired, and again gees forth to conquer. Both of the (wove Yes• sale were built in Philadelphia. The United States steamer Angneta (used art a trans- NA) has been lying at the south wharf, where thei upper swam of the vessel have been overhauled. She was yes terday moved a little from her mitten in order to facilitate the hoisting of her armament ashore, after which she will go upon the dock. The U. S. ateamer Jamestown will probably sail on Saturday next; her email stores being now taken aboard. Some of her guns were taken out and their p aces sup plied with others of larger calibre ; all necessary repairs have been waft, and the , now lies in the stream oppette Wash ington'etreet. The hempen Keystone State was taken off the dock yesurday morning. The necessary repairs were not ex tensive, ct nsieting merely iu the replacement of portions of her coppering, and the rt pairing of that part of the keel known as the " shoe." The gunboat Daylight (16 gnus) will probably go on the deck after the Augusta has been repaired. This vessel recently broke her shaft, after leaving New York, .and put into this port in distrese. bhe will sail as soon as the ii.jury le remedied, It is likely that the sloop-of-war Dale, which arrived at the yard several days ago. will be converted Into a Schtol ship for the instruction of mans and midshipmen. Ouch a vessel is considered necessary, and it is intimated the Dale was ordered here for that purpose, At the main wharf, three corps of workmen are re emotively at work upon the sloops• et. war Monongahela, Juniata, end Mohican. These vessels, except the latter, wet° recently built et this yard, arid will sell, for the tirst time, in two or three wasiks Tim latter was built at New York, acid will be ready for sea during the present week. Owing lo a recent order Issued by the Navy Depart ment, we are prohibited from publishing the various ar maments of vesside lilting eat for service. This regula tion, if strictly adhered to, will prevent the enemy from recaving any definite information in regard to the actual capacity of many of our war vessels. The folowing is a complete list of vessels now In the stream, near the navy 3 and : Gunboats—Da) light, Wissahickon, and Stars and Stripes. Sloops rf war—Juniata, Jamostown, Blonongtheta Dale, and Mohican. Steamns (ttatsporta)—Heystone State, Ingueta, and Louttieba The prize Teasel Lodona, which has beon at the yard for etveral WCORS, has been purchased by the Govern ment, and will be fitted out ae a gunboat. She ie an iron-clad TV seel. The receiving-ship for newly recruited sailors Iles op posite the yard. There are at present about five Iran dred men aboard, who are regularly Instructed in their duties. The trews iFf the Jaruesh...wn and other veeeela will be taken from this force during the present week, Owing to a miserable 00,1111, d that the gunboat flioultor would arrive at- the yard yesterday, several hundred of the curious visited the place in order to have a eight of the world renowned vessel. Rhey were disappointed, however, and will doubtleer remain so, the Renitor being now at the Washington navy yard, where she will be Illtely to remain for repairs. GUARDIANS OF THE ;POOR.--YCBter day afternoon, at the Blockley Almshouse, the regular meeting of the Guardians of the Poor wee held, President John M., Maris in the ohair. We present the following consul of the house for the two weeks ending Monday, Oot 6th: Number in house at 12 M 2. 340 For laet year ' 2,645 Decrease 305 The nunber admitted during the last two weeks is 134; births, 8; deaths,2o; discharged, 96; eloped, 88; bound, 8; given lodgigs, 19; gbert meals, 43. The house receipts for the past two weeks, as reported by the steward, are 11.35 62. The out-door agent reports to have collected 11886.25 for support cares The report of the board of Visitors states that during September iast out door relief was granted to 1,9i9 individuals, of whom 390 were Americans, bll foreigners, and 3,048 children. The resignations of Charles II Boardman and J. W. Burnett, physicians, were accepted. The election for the officers of the house, for the ensuing year, and nomi nated at the last meeting, next occupied the attention of the Board. With tome exmtptions, the list of officerals the same. The new elections are Mr. J. 11. Moore, apothecary; ; G. W. Shingle, assistant apothecary; D. Johnson, general watchman; It. G. Bnokwell, one of the out-door physicians:, First district; A. J 13 Moraud, out-door physician, Third district; Messrs. Shelly and Paste for the Fifth ; 51r. Bell fo, -- the Sixth; Jacob L. Bihl and T. eleVeele for the Eighth; Bothell, out-door apothecary for the Eighth; 0. F. Gristolc for the If inth ; T. Marks for the Eleventh. Three or four cases were laid over, end one, that of an out.donr physioian for the Fourth dietrlct, is vacant The meeting was as well at tended as none], and the debates maintained with earnest ness and vigor. Though all the resolutions presented were not acted upon, yet the interest of the members was very evident in the prevalent expression of opinion. The fol lowing resolution of Mr. Dickinson claims attention: Resolved, That the chairmen - of the several standing cOmmitteee be appointed a committee to estimate the amount of appropriation required from this Department for the year 1868, and that the President he appointed chairman of the committee. The President suggested ttthat the chairman of the Committee on Accounts be requested to withdraw from Councils an application made last July, for certain trans fers.” There related to arrangements in regardto weav ing, by which the inmates might manufacture their own clothing, arid to the introduction of new boilers. In con sequence of no action having been taken upon this ap pi:cation, the lcoma remain Idle, and the old boilers are patched up, to serve throughout the coming season, lathe Hospital and Insane Dern talent, Much interest marked this meeting. No duty of the kind _ IT/ZENS 7 YOLDNTRER HOSPITAL P6OCIATION acknowledge the receipt of the following • donations tor the week ending October 33,1862: D. E. ;with, ( umber) $l5; Eleaser, 820; S. P. Vial, $1; Casb, $t ; 'ash , $1 ; Charles Thom on, $1; Master JO3. Glover, $ 1; Airs. L 0.9, $1; Samuel Deal, $1; T R Tn 01',9);5;'thin. Sharp, $5 ; A Waterman, ggl ; S Oma n inge, $2; . Mary Moore, 81; Fisher, 60 cents; Robert Churchmen, $lO ; Mrs. Gold, 50 cent , ; W. &. Blanchard, RD; J. G $1; Cash $2; 0. S. Thompson, 46; W. 'Wilson, (Cann) $3; Mr. Ewa. $1; Friend, 01 ; W. H. McDowell, $5; S. F. Clothes, $5; Cash, $5; Cash, $5; tlath,_sl ; Jecob Y. Maxwell, $3; Cash, 25 cents; Wm. Dowling, $10: Dd. Strickland, 85; W. M.cHnllen, SI; Chteh, $1 ; R. B. Gratz & 00, $5; North, Chase A North, (cook stove) $25; T. Newh..ll & Son, (1 narrel of sugar) $25; Mr. Griffith, (gas pip..); Murphy '& Allison, (gas pipe) ; Mr. McCullough 6 sheets galvanized iron); Clash, 25 cents; M. Maguire 50 cents; D. e. $5; Cash, 60 cents; Air. Elletiker, 60 cents ;Vail, 50 cents; Cush, $1; J. Ir., 86; Cash, MI cti; Oash, $1; Cash, $5 ; Cosh, $1; Capt. Whitaker: 85; ()apt Kane, $5; Oash, ;5 cis.; A. A. Harley, $5; W 13. Taylor, 85 ; G. J. Liedy, $1 ; E. Pbrot, $6 O. Wheeler, 02); Stephen Morris, 850; Rebecca A. Tasker, $25 ; ,Wm. Cummings & Son $6O; Chas. Poneveye, $ 10; A. Loughberry, $5; In. J. Fearon, $5; 11.014 P. chin, 810; Jno. Brown,Bs ; B. D. Benner, 51. D , $5; A. H. J , $2; Hrs. G G. West, $5 ; Joel Emotes, $10; W. J Verdette, $5; etevrart A 'Marron, (3 cauldrons;) R. Chambers, (1 barrel vine gar;) Wm. E. Clomp, (100 lbs bresd ;) Juo. Ashton, (1 cantons' ;) Stet:lean+ Young. (1 doz buckets;) Frank Rod m ere. (1 letter box ;) Gash ," $2; J. L. Hoofman, 810 ; O. Lefferry, Jr., $5; Ev,.ne A Hassan, 1 eighteen foot Futon deg; bash, $1; L. Aelson. $1; A. Line, 86; Mrs. 13. H Wyatt, $5; Mrs 12. W. Harner, WO; Cash trom various nurses, 86.60 ; ThomaS Hughes, $5; Warner, &Haley, & Merrill, 6 doe. gas humeri; S. Y. tiresswell, 2 sinks, plain and enamelled ; P. Die trich, 25 feet gum hole: Samuel 41 Morton. $25; Thos. It. Marie. 820; Mr. P. Jenks, $10: Sallie M. Crawford, port proceeds of fair, $10; Heaton A oenc3l3, 2 kegs Pelle, $9 50; A Friend, $1; °Phone & Rexheimer, $10; Morris do Jones, 16 kegs nails, $63.75; Mrs. Campbell, $10; 1 piece brown muslin, 1 piece Cannon flannel; A. H. Dehevey, $5; 4:03b, $t ; Cash, s2 ' ; Mr. Drexell,ss • , per Josiah Randall, $2O ; H, N. Watts, g5O ; T. L. Curtis. $300; MTS. EMMY, $1; Cash, $1; Slim May, 25 cle.; Miss &nod, $1; Proceeds of fair held by bites Mine H. Boetsch, and Miss & rer. Forbes, $2406; Mr. Malays, $5; John S. Clark, 810; Isaac Rowe, $5; Geo. W. Lott, $10 ` 11 Blight, $10: Henry Watson, $5 ; S. Cavil!, $1 ;A Fmith. $1; A Reed, (sash) 89 90; B. H. jenkins, 85 ; Thos Thompion, Son, et Co., 1 doz. hair pillowe; Job S. Williams, 2 doz washba4ins, and 1 tin pot;"Donaghy & Watte, 1 ton of coil ; W. W. Long, 2 dining tables; Ladles' Aid Society at Muldca Hill, N. J., pillows, drawers, shirts, sheets, towels, lint, &o , Ac. ; David Vaughn, (2 stretchers) John Lawson, 62; donations of 'Quilts, *beet., pillows, pillow-cases, shirts, drawers, stockinge, preserves, jellue, frnit, &c , &c., H. Butler, Mrs. Brown, Latem, Mrs. Mcakey, Mrs, Clay- , ton, Mrs. Sender, Maggie and Mary Murray, Thomss Penrose Mre. Thomas Simpson, Anoie ' Mary, and Martha Baird, Miss (Balton, Ladles of 801 Chestnut street, Dr. Dwborow, Miss E. R. Davis ' Oh- Yard, Miss Black, Margaret Haley, Thomas A. Hurd, Aire. Ashton, Mre. Curtly, Mre. Winter. Miss Norris, Mies Thomas, Four young ladies or Mr. Debra*' Church, Sol diers' Relief Association of Eloly Trinity Church, per Mrs. Br. E. W. Horner; New England Relief Associa• lion, Pennsylvania Relief association, Philadelphia Aid Society, Sanitary Oommiesion, Mrs A. F. Hide, Sharp less & Brother, Mrs Wm. Boles, Mrs. Whitney, and wi ntering others. VOLUNTEER 1301314 TY FOND.- The subscriptions to the. Citizens' Bounty 'Pond, tor volun tr ere ' received on Monday were as foilowe: G Bush Smith $lO3 Seccm d ward, Third precinct —Cash, $10; G. W. Oursm, $10; Isaac Dutton, $10; G. 61. Sandaram, 810 ; George Peterson, $10; West. Thompson, s 26'; Daniel Doe, $lO 75; Idling Ire de Fisher, H H. Zeigler, H. Damilton, Win, F. Chapin, $5 each. $2O; L Neirber, ; Oasb, $3; G. K, E. M. Bartlott, $2 each, S. T. Shalvery, Captain Kelly, W: B. Glenn, Augustus Sighs.", Cash, F. Hunter, Joe. Makin, Alex Dubois, $1 each, $8; Mrs. Watson, $1 26. Third ward Committee.—RfV. J. W. Jackson, $5; Patrick Dnross, $5; James Dougherty, 88. Sixth ward Committee.—T. Parker, $5 Twentieth ward Committee —George J. Ealing, $25; G. W. Greger, slo', P. B. Gallagher , $ l5; A. Haines, 7, Vinal, S. M. Kelly. $5 each, $l5; L. Entrlken, A. Wilms, A Sillierman, $1 each, $3. From Employe es of Roland d Ervien —Peter Wiee, Wm. Genee, Si each, $10; A. WBCI3OII, Gleneon, $3 each, s e; John Strlizell, U. James, .7. BIM!. John Ervien, Robert Fowler, J. Graham, R. Cardwell, $2 each, $l4; W. McMullen, E Biven,,,J. Winn, 51 Pat ten, Wm. Lister, J. flushes, B. Matzen, J. McGabriok, J. Elliott, J. Kerr, George Rider, J. Donnelly, •Mark Donnelly, $1 each, $l3; P. H. Anderson, 50 eta, Re ceived on Many, $374. Total, $485,039. TEN NEW TAX LAW.—The following letter bits 'been received by Washiegton Keith, KeR., asseetor of the First district, In reply to eeveral rles TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFF/OR OF INTERNAL BRYNNUB. October 3,1802 81R: Your letter of the 2d inst. has been received and noted. In reply to your several questions I have to state— First. That a manufacturer must make monthly re turns of the whole amount of his manufactures and Wyo. Second. That the !bribe met be aseessed upon the whole amount of goods sold or removed from the place of manufacture for consumption or sale. Third. That no return of goods manufactured pre. 9i01:18 to and on hand Sept. 1.802, ta required to be made until tie goods or manufactures are sold. Fourth That manuracturee rf ilartor and cigars" pay day upon all the produot and sales without refer. rocs to amount. Sections. 84th end 85111 relate entirely to Scenes tax, end not to duty on manufactures I have your fifth query rundsr consideration Your obedient servant, O. F. SISTER, for Commissioner. MILITARY FUNERALS.—The following funerals of soldiers who/Lave died from wounds 'or sick ness took Diane , la this city yesterday : tents D. Huntley, 00. Ti; 724 P. 17. (Baxter% Fire Zonate), hone the residence of his parents, No. 71t Phirloy street. John 0. McQuaid, Co I 00th P. V. (National Guards), from the residence of his mother, No. 401 York avenue. Edward Farley, CO 0, 110Ot P Yr, fromihe residence of Ma fatht r, No. 436 Walnut street. , Henry Carney, Co P, 71st 'California). from the resi des ce of his brother. in. law, No. 009 Suffolk street, above Weabingtorir, WIND. Oa art.tra DISCHARGED FOLDIERB.—The proposi elfin made by a correspondent in a recent issue of The .Press, to form an authorized organization to visit the numerous pospitals in Philadelphia for the purpose of lookintaftir the interests and attending to the wants Of . . discharged soldiery, appears to meet with general favor. MIMS' of our Dick and wounded who now latsguleh In hospital., although ministered to most kindly by stranger bandy, might, through the instrumentality of such an organization, have their discharge pipers pro lured, and be :,helped on .the way to end their days at their homes and among. their. friends. each- an organization might also be of great service to many disabled soldiers who have Wready received an honorable di/obtuse, and are now without means, without friends; and far away from home. Beside these, there are stilt another class or oar noble soldiery who bare, if possible, a yet 'stronger claim upon our sympathies, and tb s esejare the self-ascriticing men who, worn- down by fatigue or wasted by disease, (some of them discharged and others not,) are unable to ge home, even if they had the means, or 'maw.; have neither friends nor homes to go to. We are gratified to he able to state that until tome such organization shall have been effecttd, and so ,long afterwar de as the institution can be useful to our enlist ing discharged soldiers, the doors of the homeopathic Hospital, 1118 Onthbert street, will .be open — to receive them, free of charge. TEI SAME AS UsuAL.—The French have long eines introduced'us to the use of frogs as an eatable, and we pretumo their next innovation will be fried gold•fish or trimmed tadpoles. There is a sort of filagree in cookery vide palatable to the lovers of appe tizing condiments. Braised bread of lamb is rather good, and fried calves' brains are eatable. Soaps and (nit bes are manageable' and salads and sauces are capa ble of being 66 worried down"—in moderation. Even 03 Eters, in the chafing-dish, may be made to answer ; and when the worst comes to the worst, fish, naked or broiled, with piquant sauce and fried p3tatoes, is better than nothing. Bo that appetite is up to its mark, one can do without , digestion and allow health to take care of itself. A Judicious course of wonting bitters will soon supply the place of the digestive organs, and a very oc casional glass of whisky may be found apropos and re cuperative. , We make these random remarks as being not um suited to the hour. In these warlike times, the pies • cures of the Reuses are as much educated and refined upon as ever they were In more peaceful periods, Our pleesure•loving stay. at•homes play their parts with as much gusto as ever, end take their *, cue" is the billiard saloon much more readily than in the melt) drama of the battle•held. The sailor is unscrupulous as over lu re ference to his tot of grog," and in the soldier we can really lind rhithlog to forgive when he takes an owe, atonal glare. There Is a variety of tastes. The exult. site, wto loves his home too much to leave a, also loves champagne, and would much rather p.ull the cork than pull the trigger. roots and prose• writers, in fact and fancy, In the regions of reason and imagination, pat ant all their strength, and, like bad butter, "suffer and are stroug." - To the ladies in our midst whose hearts thrill with the put eet sympathy, and whose lea and fingers work with the most assiduous devotion, nothing can be said either to deflect from their dimity nor to add to it. The tenor of their lives le as pure and unselfish as ever. 01r— cumstancee have but called their virtues more promi nently into notice. and the loVe - and veneration noiver- Deily entertained for them arh hnt exponents of the deep conviction which has ever ben rife in the bosoms of true men in regard to the exalted nature and position of trne Women. MATCH. BETWEEN THE ATHLETIC AND OLYMPIC BASE BALL OLUBS.—A. grand match. game of base ball between the Athletic aud Olympic Clubs took place on Saturday, and resulted in favor of the latter by onertm. The following la the result of the ATHLETIC. B. H:L. Wilkins, 3 b 2 2 Gaskill, i f 2 4 Klinefelder, C 1 5 Berkensiock, 1 b I 5 Mcßride, 4 2 Moore, c f 1 3 Hayhurst, r I 4 3 Paul, 2 b.... 1 4 Pratt, p 3 0 °imam. Woods, s s 4 2 Ilicherde, 1 b 0 6 T. Bomeieler, c 2 3 Kinn, I) 3 2 M. Elmitb, 2 b. 1 4 0. Bomeielor, I f 2 • 3 Jebneon, o f. 3 2 J. Smith, 8 b..... .. . . ... ...... .. 2 3 Asbmesd, r 1., 2 2 FIELDING ATHLETIC Wilkins Gaske .. . Rlinefelder. . Berkenstock Mcßride Moore 1 1 Hayhurst 1 1 Paul 6 Pratt 1 • 1 .. OLY2d£IC. Woods 2 1 Richards. 2 1 6 T. Hornetsler .. 1 3 .. Hun. M. Smith .. . 1 2 2 0. Bouseisler 2 . Jobneon 1 J. Sceitb••• ......... • • • / " • . Aehtnejui 1 Missed on fly, 0. Bomeieler,3 ; 1; Gadd% 1 Pratt, 1. _ _ _ Mined On bound, Berkettatock. 1; Pratt, 1; john Mon, 1 ; Gaskill, 2; O. Bomeisler, 1. Nun out. T• Bomelsler, by Pratt. - Left on bases, Wilkins, 2; Moore, 1; Pratt, 2; Ash mead 1. Passed balls, Kline, 8; T. Bomeisler, 6. Time, 8 bourn. Umpire. J. H. Leaver, Mercantile. Scorer, B. W Benson, for Athletic; E. Kelly, for Olympic. Tar. CRIMINAL COURT.—The October term of the Criminal Court commenced yesterday morn ing, Judge Thompson presiding. When the names of the grand jurors wore called over it was ascertained that twelve were absent. Robert Friedlander, who wad chosen, asked to be ax clued on the ground that he le not a naturalized citizen Re was excused, The petit jurors were now called, and only about one half answered to their names. About a'dozen of these were excused because of sickness, or not being lista. ralized, or being in the employ of the Government, the panel not presenting even a quorum.-,, Mr Smith, the deputy sheriff, appeared with Vie wheel to draw sixty names, fronewhich Ilya are to be drawn to serve on the .Grand Jury. The juiord were now diecbarged until thisiraornliag. The constables made their usual returns; after which ; the court adjourned. DEATHS AT THE ARMY HOSPITALS, 41, Yesterday the folhitvglifk4te.tiaLimparamittrati 6th renerytvtiola; Calvin R. Osgood, 6lh Haire. Race street.—Alf. Winsett, G. 4th Ohio. West Phi/adriphia.--Wro. 'Hinton, corporal, le, sth Pen DB) IV SDI& Fourth. and George streets —Jahn Vaahavr, S, lot I chigan Cavalry. Broad and Cherry atreatc—Daniel Bender, P. 93d Penneylvtodes; George M. D. Beebing, G, 118th Penn mylvazda. . Sixteenth and Albert streets.—George Beatty, 111th PonntulTanta. South street.—Thos. J Ohspman, P, Now York. UNION OF SCIENTIFIC AND LITERARY SOMETIES.--The Zelosophic Society or the University of Pennsylvania, now in the thirty.third year of its existence has succeeded in uniting with itself, in a literary league, a large number of literary societies to the principal colleges of the loyal States. As this organi zation is a secret one, we eannot give the details to the public; but its ostensible object is to bind the atadents of our colleges into a close and indissoluble union—a union which shall benefit all embraced ia it, and farther the advancement of literature and science Organizations similar to this are Quite common in Europe; but the high boor of Introducing this system Into the institutions of the toiled States was res•rved for the members of a so. ciety of a Philadelphia coilege. . A BATTALION OF ARTILLERY TO BE ItAISED.—Major Roberts, of the 4r13 United States Ar tillery, has, on anthority of the Secretary of War, ap proved by Governor Ourtin, selected Penns; lvania in which to raise a battalion of artillery. Fortress Monroe, where the battalion is to be Mowed permanently, Is the great artillery !oboe] for officers and men of the regular service, and offers every advantage in the way of prac tical study to those who are desirous of obtaining a knowledge of the munitions and art of war. JEALOUSY AND ATTEMPTED MURDER,. —Yesterday 'morning a man named Matthias Geiger, living in Third street, above Columbia avenue, in stigated by Jealousy, attempted to shoot his wife, He drew a pistol and tired at the unfortunate woman.-in flicting a serious, but it is thought not a fatal wound. He then attempted to take his own life, and injured him self seriously. Both the husband and wife were conveyed to the Episcopal Hospital. PAD CASE OP BURNINEt.—At a tate bour on Saturday night last a young lady named Harr kiiiward was seriouslyburned -at • her residence, -on Boss street above Eiohmond, in the Eighteenth ward, she was about %finding up the clock, - and bad in her hand a coal oil lamp; the lamp broke as it was about being placed upon the mantel-pieoe, and the burning oil scattered over the left side of Bliss Her injuries, although severe, are not considered dem . gerous RESCUED FROM DEAT.II.—A man giv ing the name of John Jackson jumped from the Wire Bridge into the on Saturday last. (Miser Suplee, of the Park Police, who had tvitticesed ?he act, quickly procured a boat and rescued the man from drowning. As Jackson appeared to be deranged he wee locked up to await the action of hie friends. PERSONAL.—We are.pleased to learn that Col. Charles Stewart, (late of the 11. 8. Mint, Phila delphia) bee received an appointment as assistant-pay mauler in the II S. Navy. Daring bie residence here Col. 8. has proved himself a good citizen, and wilt doubt less fill the new poet assigned, him with credit to himself and the Government. BAWDY HousE.—Yesterday morning John Dickson wee taken Into custody upon the charge of keeping a disorderly house at the northwest corner of Eighth and Brown streets. Ten &melee, Moo Inmates of the house, were arre:ted. The arrests were made on the ground that a disorderly fight occurred in the house at a Late hour on Sunday night. The whole party were com mitted to answer. THE COURT/EL—ln the Court of Com mon Pleas, yesterday morning, the jury trials were com monctd. In the United States Circuit Court, Judges Greer and Oadwalader, the. October session was commenced. The list was called, and two eases marked for trial, after which the jai -ors were discharged until this morning. RECRUITING IN GI&MANTOWN.-- A cavalry company is now being rect. - rated in Gernontown for three year* or the war. Their headquarters are in Langstroth , s Building. A fine opportunity is here offer.. ad for young men to distinguish themselves in- their country's Denim " SHOCKING RlATH.—Peter urettes was smothered to death yesterday while engaged in digging a gravel pit in the Twenty-fortrth'ward. The earth caved in on him, and before he could be extricated he died. The coroner was notified to hold an inquest on the body, MRIISSELL TROOP.—Captain William H. Fry is now in the city, and will leave f r Harrisburg to night. His splendid troop is now at Camp Curtin. On Fakir day they received the city bounty of $5O. He wants a few more good men to fill up. TRANSPERRED.—A number of sick and wounded eoldiers, who have been under treatment in the Pennsylvania Bonita], were yesterday morning removed to various , army hospitale. ambulan;es belonging to the several fire companies were used for the purpose. ADMITTED TO TB BAR.—Yesterday, on motion of William D. Mena, Eaq , George F. B Out. lins was admitted to practice as an attorney in the Dis trict Moult and the Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia. CORN EXCHANGE REGIMENT.--On Thursday ntxt, a special messenger will leave, with pre paid letters and small parcels intended for the Corn.Elx change Regiment, near Sharpoburg. - FLAG R AIBING. — Iro-morrow aftettiopa i a large Union flag will be raised on the Went Piglet tallia army ho§pital. The flag wee ',reuited to the institution by a member of our pAtriotic citizens: FAIR FOR THE SOLDIERS —A very at tractive fair. for the aid of the sick and wounded Oa. dim, is now being held at No 606 Chestnut street. 18 - 27 19 27 Fly. Bound. Base. PERSO PERTH OF A PRESBYTERIAN MINISTEE.— Bev. John F. Cowan, a disiingniehed minister of the Old School Presbyterian Church, died at his residence in Oarondelet, Missouri, on the morning of the 29th ultimo, aged aixtyone years. Se had been a reeldent of that State since 1829, having emigrated thither Irons Pennsyl vanian/ that /ear He wee en intimate personal friend of the fete Senator Benton, arelon the death of the emi nent Missourian preached his funeral sermon in St. Lonle « Mr. Cowan was a firm Tinton man, and at•the period of , his decease was chaplain at,the Honse of Re fuge Hospital, St..Lotifs. POLITIOIAN- 7TiRNED SOLDIER.— George P. Bissell, a prominent politician of Hartford, Connection•, hes been elected cc lend of the 26th Regiment recently raised in that State. A NATURAL MIBTAKR.—The New York papers do say, although we doubt the truth of the assertion, that Btigaditr fienfral Frank B liploola's shirt collar brim big that it is frequently tenon by the enemy for a tleg'of truce. The BM papers call upon him to abate at least three qualms of it. IT IS TO BE HOPED.—The !Quincy Herald states that Otneral Prentiss is to be exchanged CA . Brig. Gen. Price, son of Sterling Price, and will soon return home; GOV: - JOHNSON'S FLMlLY.—Governor Johnson's family, who were at Greenville, East Tennessee. within the rebel lines. have been permitted, by order of the rebel Secretary of War, to return within the National linen. A COLONEL INSANE.—Oolonel Judd, of the 106th New York Infantry, now stationed at New Creek, Vir ginia has been taken to Wheeling, having manifested symptoms of inranity. The One-Hundred.and-Thirtieth YORK, Pa , October 1, 1862. To the Editor of The Press: • BIR One of your correspondents,in stating that Gen. Crawford led into action the only regiments of new troops • from Pennsylvania, made an error. It may be true, and I have no doubt whatever of the fact. that General Crawford led the 124th, 125th, and 128th regiments; but these were not ail the new regi ments engaged in the battle of Antietam. The 180th Regiment, commanded by Oolong! H. J. Zinn of Cumberland county, which is in Acting General Morris' brigade, French's division, also participated in the battle of Antietam, and the loss it lartained-198 killed, 'wounded, and mining--furnithes sufficient evi dence of the manner , in, which it acquitted Civil on that memorable field. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JUSTI9E radlLADinuktite. BOARD OF TRADE . ALGERNON B. ROBERTS ; RICU6RDSON, OF THE lONT A. 3. DERBYSHIRE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Ezehange, Phsdadelphia. Ship Northampton, MOM " Liverp 8)on Ship - Lancaster, Decan Liverpool, soon Bark le Lennig, Lyle Port Spain. Trio, soon Retch Oominerce, Barnes ...... —.DI +yraguez, PS, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE; FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7, 1862. MTN 1118E8 6 3-81111 BETS S 33 HIGH WATER 1 44 akIiRIVED Bchr S B James, Ohase, 6 days from Boston, with ice to captain. Behr Susan Jane, Boas, 8 days from Baltimore, in bal last to captain. • gam s Gardner, Knowles, 4 days from Salem, in bal last to J R Btakiaton & Co. f chr &MEM R Gibson, Bartlett, 6 days from Boston, with molts to J E Bailey & Co. Soar Ruby, Tracy, 8 days from Now Haven, with mdse to .1' Bazioy & Co. Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, 4 days. from . Prorhacetown, uith mdse to Cleo B Kerfoot. Bar Lacy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with flour to R Lea. Bcbr Adelaide, °rowan, from Providence, in ballast to Behr 3 SP Woolston, Garrison, from Alexandria, in holiest to eaptsin. • ' . Bohr Annie E Martin, Edwarda, from Fortreas Mon roe, in ballast to cap'ain. Schr .7 M Baker. Henderson, from Fortress Monroe. Bchr Adelaide, Crowell, from Providence Salm Samuel Oilman, Burgess, from Washington. - Bohr Annie Masco, Wheaton, from. Boston. Bohr L A Denenhower, Miller, from Boston. Bohr Mary Ellen, Talpey, from Newhnryport. Bohr Ovoca, Brown, from Hampton Hoods. Bohr Minnesota, Baker, from Salem. Bohr 0 W Holmes ) Bnckaloo, from Haverhill. OLEARED Bohr Sand Gillman, Burgess, Boston, L Baumgardner. Behr LDanenhower, Miller, Boston, Hammett, Fan IN DDD & Lochman. Bar JDI Baker, Henderson, Fortress Monroe, do Bohr A Magee, Wheaton, Quincy Point, L Audenried &60.- Behr Mary Rilen;Oase, Portsmouth, do Sebr M Standish, Atwood, Boston, do Bohr Lacon, Baker, Button, do Bobr'B B Jemc s, Ohne Boston, Hayes & Co. Bohr Once, Brown, Ns wßediord,Sinnickeon & Bohr Minnesota, Baker, Salem, J R Blakiston k Co. Behr A Gardner, Knowles, Charlestown, do Bohr U W Holmes, Buckaloo, New Haven, alines It Co. Bohr J W Bell, Hough, New Haven, B H Powell, Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, Proviocelown, captain. hchr Borop, Stanley, Olouceater, Tyler, dtone & Co. (Correspondence of the Prem.) BEI &DING, Oct 3. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill. Canal today, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Witroan & Ooorad, grain to W & B Seyfert; Joe Coover do to Jos Ooover; Daniel llldob, lumber to Joe Jaunty one raft timber to BeharCult Navigation Co. (Correspondence of the Frees.) HAVEN DE GRACE. Oct 4. The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: F Duroll, lumber to Joe Janney: Commodore Por ter, do to B Wolverton; A Speck, anthracite coal tojohn Street; M J Link and Expo' intent, do to Delaware City; 00l J 0 Grooln, lime to Chesapeake Oily. • MIMOBANDA Ship Carolina, Lefaver, hence, was dischg at Buenos Ayres 20th Aug Brig Anna, (Br) Morrow, hence, at Bt Thomas 17th nit, dischg—arr 13th Brig Mary E Milliken, Brock, from New Orleans for Boston, was spoken 23d nit, let 34, bog 74. Brig Prince Oscar. Frederick, Groff, for Philadelphia, sailed from below Boston 4th Met. Bchr Greenland, Heather, at New York4th hut from New °Henna • Behr D R Plater, Godfrey, cleared at Boston - 4th inst. for Philadeistria--_z Bobre M-11 Freeman, Hories,Teit-,,,,,,-,,,,,ruraraa,.. Ish, Hanson, Ann 8 Beeman, Brown, Forest gay, Lem elt, Idedora, Obese, B Corson, High, and 0 0 Stevens, Stetson, hence, arrived at Boston 4th test. HOTELS. - Fit viffaIEIOUSE HEW YORK, BROADWAY AND TWELFTH STREET, - WTI/ANON ON NWNLFTH wrens?, Conducted on the:. ._.____ •EUROFEAN PLAN. Thiel house Is now open for the accommodation el l'amilies and transient Guests. GEO. W. RUNT, . Late of the Brevoort HOMO, Proprietor. OHM!. W. NASH, )3,l7..thetnthe LLZDMINATINS QUA. 15 1 - , UOIFER" Oth WORKS. AA 100 bbis "Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil In the lamp with a steady, brilliant tame, without ornsthig the wick, and but slowly. Barrels lined with slue enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, & PBABBALL, fell-tf Office FBI BIABRIIT 'Street COAL COAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the publle that they have removed their LEKIGH 00AL DEPOT trom NOBLE -STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, is their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they Intend to keep the beat quality of LEHIGH GOAL, from the moat approved mines, at the loyeet pricer. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON & 00. 4 tHSce, 112 South SZOOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and wrizow. rohl-tf LEGAL TTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR z ()ITT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Jacob T. Williams, Aasignee, &0., vs. Sabina Gard, Christiana. Zook, Ohrietlan Jolms, and FallilY Tams, his wife. Miss Levert Facies. September Term, 1862. No. 119. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court arising from the sale by the Sheriff , of all that certain brick messuage or tenement and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Ninth Street, at the distance of eighty feet northward from Cherry Street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth twenty feet, and in length or depth ninety.flye feet, will meet the parties in terested for the-purpose of, his appointment, on. THURS DAY, October 16th, 1862, at four o'clock P. M.. at his Office, No. 134 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Phi. ladelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims, or else be debarred from coming in upon said fund. ' EDWIN T. CHASE, se3o 101 - Auditor. CAUTION. The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has Induced the makers of Imperfect balances too ife them au FAIRBANKS' SCALES," and purchaser's have thereby, in many instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. Fairbanks' Scales are manufac tured only by the original inventors, li. & T. FAIR. BANES & CO., and are,adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct and durable Scales la required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplo4l MASONIC lI&TAL, 715 ORESTNUP ST qv THE DISEASED OF AL, CLABBER.—AII acute and chronic diatom's oared, by special guarantee, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge made. Professor BOLLES, the founder of this nets pree- Um, will superintend the treatment of all oases Met self. A pamphlet containing a multitude of ceititi oates, of those cured, also lettere and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others, will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given, at 1220, to medioa men and others who desire a knowledge of my dis covery, in applying Electricity as a reliable thera peutic agent. Consultation free. aa26-6m 1 D RAIN PIPE.--Btone Ware Drain Pipe from 2to 12-inch bore. 2,-inoh bore, 250 pea yard; 8-Inch bore, 80c per yard ; 4-inch bore, 400 poi yard; 5-Inch bore, 500 per yard . ; (I-Inoh bore, 1350 pm yard. leery variety of cormectione, bends, traps, sod hoppers. We are now prepared to fornioh pipe In 507 Ittant l l2, and on liberal terms to dealers and those pur , °hoeing In large quantities. 011NA111114TAL CIHIMHZT TOPS.—lirltritled Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental deeigne, war ranted to stand the action of opal gee or the weather to any climate. GARDEN ITABEB—A vest rarletY or ornaments garden Vases, In Terra Gotta 4)lmM:tat designs, all alzeli end warranted to stand the weather. Phthulelphla Terra Gotta Works, OEMs and Wart I owns 1010 CHESTNUT Street, iel7-tr S. A. HARRISON. WM—Just received, per Brigantine KIVA, m from Rotterdam, an invoice of Treble An chor ~Gin. Nor sale from the Wharf, or from °astern ho Store, by GRAB. S. OARSTAIRS, Sole Agent, Nos. 128 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC Streets. self L.IQUEUREI.--50 oases assorted- Li- JLA inetlineeived per chip Vandal's, from Bor deaux, and for mole by IiTAIIRETOELN do LiVEIRGNZ, SC& & 204 South fRONT Week COTTON SAIL DUCK - AND - CAN FAB, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all 'description*, for Tanta, Awnings, Trunk and Wagon Covers. Alma, Paw Manufacturers'