jkooolo .A.B.RIVAL OF WOUND SD Bp.—about Iwo hundred and fort ei en El3"";;-eoldlere from Frederick, Md d , arriv l ed ° a k c'th d 00 0 4: 20 , depot. et dryad and Prime streets, at eitmn e. D, 01 2, 4 ~iterday morning. The stanalaume of etverel 0 °""-trotetilre were promptls neon the ground, and In fiTt.o,o wounded men were oonve.:.ed to ibi different tOv"" A i 10 WOlO tb , y be 4 been medalled. Prorton. to 114 1 ; o pt the men were furnished with water and Blew fitroamenta, by the ladies residing la the neigh: to of the depot. The followitig a of the f 011• „ tt ag from the Lutheran (March Eloepital at O'e r; — c sc a frill 114 of the arrivals Mt being made out Yr,o 3F , t , i 067, MI Noah Oarolttok Dote. B. 2d Songb Carolina. "Do, VI, 351 h North Derain& -14;0oftman,Yirglaila wr, 0, Dome% Penney-ITN/IS, T, cro w, 0, oth New York, Wes H2Oth New York. • • pageant J K rating. 11, 9thtlfew York. . J. V. Withers, E, oth New York. pageant./ Burrs El, Oas New York, LOreue, Pill New York. • 0, Doron - , 0, Nth New York, A, Yolk, I,9th N e w y 1 ork. 3. Roac h, d, :lib Pew York. P. Davousugh, U, Oth New York.. j. w o w , tr, 81M22.1 Now York. • Now York. , Id. Brady, 0, ea' Now York. • R Cotter, Oat New York, 0 TAter 10att.ormecttont. bl rOon,n el, A, 9th Nem York. J, Walter, 0, 4th Rhode Wand, 13, McWhorer, C, 38th OW. B e ta, I. blab P t iluoyliantsVoltutteerti, • J B. J , ylarrin,l, ilibb New York. v ie d, 'Fromm% B, 164 h thinuerflent, Gerry n Two'', I, 35th 51 areaohnietia. 0, Van TOW I N• 2'24 Pow York. o.o,Theeii, 0 0 h New York, Yong, F., r 8 ti Uonurctiout, . Llut. Jul h ain, V, 20th (Ado. jelo,lllre, Cm. 7h Virginia Oulata, 1, Wilt Italia otient. J, Besets 13, 7.h 511e1) , sou Pot. , ,Tr. E Hit Conneotiont. B, Jobb', B, It clouuotalent. ' peso) c. Id A rgent, 1), (loaueolient. H Wolter. h, sth tionneotlout. IND Strict, A, 110tb New 'York. /liar, I, 12511,1 P V, 11 , teeers, A, 27th le he w Tal t c:. ell, 0, 11.,4th an York, Ferri E. Strong. E, 2d U. R. Sharpshooter J , whloron, IC, 24th New "York ccto Mgt, J. N. Fulford. E 24:h New York. 5 , A fbanbold. A 27th tudioni. J:apts Ho' (I. 119th how orth Yorkcorollna. o h D 5, !dyersy, , B J. Portieet, 41st V irglelo • j,13. Nichols. 31 d, nth Carolina, • w, Bowe, 6 - 11 North Do:reline. J. W. Iterulhgtor, sth Florida, D. regal', 81,1 (3.l3Lrgia. Willie, "ititb arerNto. Thepellont w,•re oterlbute oe ollowa ntnit vow e 106rii ; Ilestot , vine. d BA ; f Got mautow S u, m 45; tdioter, 141 %fifth And Battonwool, ; at,d three or three or tour, too Wit to be reamed, were left at Bfead ord greets. TO•daT. 260 more elok and wounded euldiers ore ovens', nod will be loft at °heater. PO O& FTATISTIOB. The following effects were credo nriug the month of depttmeer in Hen tilffereut police dlettizte. of the otts. : let district, 1St); 2 , 1, 413 ; 81, 816; 4th, 18 - 1; 6111, 286; 10th, 136 ; 11th; 61h, ; 105 9 t h ; 99 ; 376; 12th, ;13u, 27 14 , .h, 14. 16th, 84; 16th, 78; th, 7 ; rah Pto..r,E, 16 ; Beeervo Force. 1.62. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TUE 1110N.E'S MARKET. rcit.Arineitta, October 1, 1862 'Dere Waß rensideraids fincluattun la the prioe of gold on the street. Z hu opiates figure was 122; rifling to (tilling to 121 X, it finally atoned at 121 X. Ad vices Iretu New York was the solo cause of it, tun market F,,etss bat fitfie affected by orders. 119 was Ireoly bid far old den - lands thin morning, but about noon they fell to 118, doting at 1183 bill. There was a very sotiYo trade in them, Ishii firmness at the close Yeller Is In largor demand, but the rates are un changed. llenificatis of ludebtoduose lasving one year to tin are WWII 09X, Other Government securities aro aftaftiell teecr. Tte sleek leerliet still preserves Its upward tendency. tooNcrtm e t ti tlectu.'ed, the seven thirties Polling ioser, but closing the ea ne as yesterday ; the sixes 1681 vele N. Cur alms rile In demand at yesterday's figure. blare fives were also firm at 92. Reading sixes 1886 were %sittoor sarongs; 1560 s lose 1,1870 a declining X. El. infra Berns rose flint - Men arm Amboy 131101 1883 taught oP, Eautatry and likienovtnn declined X. 'North PtoTsliVotlia sses r se 1; the tone deollued. Samoa. henna Canal sixes use Lehigh. Navigation sixes Nought Philadelphia and Edo nixed were steady at resterday'a e. Beituyiktil Ile4igation sixes con tinue firm , Penneylvania Railroad let mortgagee rose '2d do, rose t. Susquehanna Canal shares rose 7,1. Irtnylkill Navigation common ma ; the preferied was steady at yesterday's limitation. Morris Nail rose ; the preferred N . Lohigh scrip rose ; the shares drafted, Lomat rieuntein Coal told at 16. Beading Railroad starrea were putts steady all day, at 54;. ; Paws. aold up to 033. ; Harziebug brought . 6B; Camden and &lbw rose 1; filinsbill declined ; preferred ruse a ; Limn% preferred soldnt 264 no change; Long le.areLl see arm at 20. In passenger rail ? a very fair bu:d.o.S ea) done. riptide and rule odd up to lAx ; Green out Coates advanced ; Arch ettee; ; 10th and 11th roe 1; Rams and Vase X. This /Tutor doted firm Drtsel & ()0. Vott:: flew York ex.:tang , : ....... .. .. ...... Tarsi-10 dia. Nvoil asabauge. pax 01,10 pra Aaltimore Exchimge 16 a din Gonntry ludo , -1 tio % dll Aturrioar, gild 21)4 ce2ag pw, 01,11kaaDdi 18)**19x, TLe tMtor or Peters - one Dttector meads us am ful , o rig dircelption of a now and clangorous connterfelt. Car Rank of Montreal, Canada 48 counleifolt, vig Nairn, aavil, train cr ears, etc, In distance, cast of ome of Canada, and Indian woman on right end, Oapid (:guiding a and 4 tit kit. Csada money Is at n premium, they may be largely Mechanics' Bonk, Newark, 68 !potions, lig , ' Mate mar. lathe v,ot each et..d, well done; ai.euaturea bed. Tie following in a eta:latent of the business of the Phi ledelpldv cusermu howl° for Menton th of Sep tember,lB62, e•s coluotwed with the two previous Years 1 September. 1860. 1861. 1862. in amehenso e.t.t. let.. $9t.2,126 $1,128 679 $107,663 Vervlitilrout 1t,1,14 erg., 149,1131 33,144 112,369 other 31,470 16,222 10,28 2 ler cothutopt'n : 153.61)8 105.843 121,994 tratoportath.n.. 4,2:7 5,717 15,036 exportation, „ 2,852 •• • 1.241 In wlirohoust Dept. 891..916 1,083,501 91,804 F.Liert.4 for con.uniption 481,232 8.1,546 639,33) Free IMO. et,tere6 164,700 17,814 13,168 Pr,oratic p,odttoo expl.,. 883,716 735,018 829,898 DUTIES 11190EIVEID, 1859. 1860. 1861, 1882. Ertl ratber .... $164 036 $147 688 857.014 $262,686 Prtr. c1bn...1,743,726 2,011._884 .1,068,6*8 2,840 r 731 1.31,007,709 2,182,570'1,125,612 3,103,4L6 Dating tho m0t5117 Peptember, the butinam of the Gilled 6tato; ?ken. (Tice, et New Yost, was as fol. Depoelts—Gola, f 612.0 000; $18,700; total, 1. 4 115,700. (1541511,t5te bumped, $139 ; 080 ; scut to United %tee Mat, at Pnilsll,lola tor coinage, $16,954. The following is a k Stk.Ellt Lt at the recelpte and dis- Lnrremeuls ef the .5.661k.t.tht Treasurer of the United 13tate$ for Ruff Yor k f4r September, /802 Fapt 1,1802, by hawse& ... Beeelpt; atrlng 110 , mobth Os wont of 0119 , 4111'. ...... "1.4 • $5 5 304,280 " Pattnt fees 3,979 " Post Office Department.„. 222 978 " Luang 4,334,534 t‘ ~i. 13,931 5 760 848,612 ...$24,238 4 933 Pan:ante during the math : Titbit behedo.„.„ Treasury drain rest Ware drs:te.. Balance, Sept. 2J), )66. The tollimlug statement of the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Tolley Railroad, for the tfeek ending Eqtember Zia/32: Woek. Prottionaly. Total Tons. °wt. 'Tong. Cwt. Tons. Old, 71121,n0n. 6.447 14 118,137 09 118,685 03 llsst Sugar Loaf_ ..... 4;779 07 86.786 03 92,6136 10 Conti! Bilge 2,194 19 67,428 04 69,623 03 blegul Pletsant 643 19 4,909 10 6,608 09 4 11 4 Mountain 1,8.3 17 71,011 11 72,907 04 %lentos 985 02 25,856 17 20,840 19 Bearer Meadow 64 17 178 00 732 17 lies York awl Lehigh., 886 05 28.016 04 28,912 09 B • B 9rin4 Mountain.... 2,483 14 88,0.3 04 88,62 d 18 18 ag Mountain . ... .... .. 846 17 845 17 ddg 2,2;8 14 66,292 09 88,693 03 / 1,0181 1111. .... . . ....... 1,334 19 42 291 00 43,625 19 Oman Penns 1,1,46 17 27,9'38 10 29,283 07 tbursle.„ „. . „ .... 003 14 24,694 06 23,697 19 likening . VW 10 23 ,169 04 24,016 14 Other 1 1. 1 11610enl 84 19 762 06 787 04 Total 08,038 Cyl regrpondlits week Int MI6INMM Increase 18,208 09 73,431 18 80,840 07 The following is a comparative stateruont of the exports (wcanive of specie) from New York to foreign porta for ill week endlog September 39, and since January 1360 , or the week Jr.:o'9d, Prttiouly repottetl.eb 931 lam January ..111C0:767. Philadelphia Stock E laboorted by B. g. SLAr 20 0 kW Nev 68'87 , 73 169.10 Olty 6 , 1 new' • • ' l°3 100 da New. • 10 3 7.660 Ptak. & Erie ,9134 11569 Patina coup 66 —"° 11 Penne. 112 11 rio ao • . 1051 - 63 .• • 53 2t, Opt & Pius R.., /5 14 31 215 do 11% 69E9 Malta 117/..... 10 Ilarrkbarg 8... 63 MCI/Parma B ........ 92 200 do • 92 160 do • 50 Green k Coates . 54 ,14 100 Reading R ..04.N 2f.d do bean. 9 4 200 do ~19141' A 81C1T711155 10 arth.etreet It— • 517 hc 14 Lehigh Ser - 19.. • • ts. ' ) Locntt Mountain 10 605* North Penna 108.100 taloUNb /(0 14E414 rzttrn 34 3 i 709 de . . . 34 3i 194 North Penn ' s Is.. 60 11 Mtnehlit B 29. g. 481 „,./...?? Baal Canal )4 00 9/ Bush Erie 7..,..10 0 3(47 do ....... 100 Nihon& ... 63 6 Biraiza B tap. 26.4 6 9 Poona R. AFTMR 68.14 OLOBINa PRII 1 3. Bid Asked. 11,8.081 .. 102% 102 U 5117 8•10 10 3•44% P hilhilti Os. .. . 99% 1 1139 1 a Os turv..102% 103% l h' s bol. la. ... 92 92X Jae R. ... 34,7 i 35 " 11i1n161 '90411.107 441 c14 Ws '70.101 101 3 „Read rat ei 80., 96X 96X 'eegaacßtl4 11„ , bait' 99 X 09 al° 21 Qmo Polito R 2 rd so..toig • • 1 , con.. eo 61 '40:111010 PreLll9 O 1 N4elitteck.. 6 5)4 1.4 Has Pref... 16% 15 3 g -41 . 72 7 '41 trake, ... 15 1 034 25 25 g Alit 71 ' 7 8...... o-tx 96 . , Philadelphia Meirketie Ooroexil—Evening. ...here le at mays demand for Flour, arid good brands ' 1 starts sad generally held for higher prioine. Balsa c f _ 6ta Piee about 6,000 able. at S 6 25456 60 for Ohio extra "'''Uft hielndies 1,600 Vile Delaware NMI ) and 1,900 W. B. Thomas' extra and extra family on private terms. • and a small tot of gaper, at 115.1234 V bbL The sales to tbo trade rat ge at the above figures for superfine and extra!, and gte. 75a7.75 for high grade de. and fancy brands, as to quality. The receipts and stooks are very light. ]tye Your contlarma scarce, and 'rani in a email way at t 181112,4 03,76 V bbl. Corn Real is quiet, and p eune yhregia is held at $3.12X, without moles. IN BEAT cornea in slowly, and prialek lots MA ready lisle at rather higher prices; about 10.000 bus sold at . 1&8o182e1r.r 'Western and Pennsylvania reds, to store; tbo Mdo., iter for prime; 185 c for Southern aftiat, and 14001160 c for common to choice white. Rye is un changed, With melee at 650720 for new and ol,i. flora is scarce reed trz - fair demand, with sales of 3,000 bus at 700 for prime 3tlfow. Oats are wanted, and Belling in lots on srrivul at 40c for new Southern. Berm— There is very little Qnercltron offering, and let No 1 lo in steady demand at $32032 50 4) 3 ' ton. CorrOX —Tim market is rather firmer, but without much tur,vi meet ht the way of sales. GROCIERIES AND PBOrISIONS.—There is not touch doing tit either for the want of stook, and holdens aro firm in their demands. • nioxile selling more freely at Mane for bbls, 38c for bode, and 83 S4C 4fr gallon for drudge. , $388,420 $601,828 .... 21,930.168 182,041 22,720,492 41,50,906 07 867,381 a 883,397 19 38 613,929 14 198,767 12 1891. 1662 '59 83,042 333 83 87'4460 35 93,014,9u8 101,639,933 793 896,087,241 8108,710 398 cltattige Sates, Oct. 1. mean, Phlla. Exchaage 60 Reeling 34-81 100 do —65 wn. 84% 25 86b1 Nov Pfd •• • • 15) 100 do ..... b3O 15% 60 do 16x 6.80 bl Nay fox 11 Far & Mach Bt.. 52 100 Arobostroet R..b5 20 40 do 26 6 Oom & Amb 11...189 4 MnA & 52nokie Bk. 2434 10 51.1n01011 8.. 48)6 4D &torrid Uonal..;. 50, 2 0 Oato R ptcL 1 2% 4000 Rcadiog 64.'88" 00,4 500 Luhlgh 6i 1040 80.0 tio10.• tt6Wll. 36X 10 litulra B ptd.... 20. ROARER. • 'lOO Long Tel 8 b6wn 20 ' 60 Data R ptd...... '12% 760 emerican G01d..121g 4000 Penns coup 68-100 80&111). 2000 Uaux & &mt. 68'83 99 16000 U 8 61 'Bl 102% 1000 Elmira 117.....b1 94% 1000 do 94% 100 &c0h.18E..8.17 a. 26g 1000 II 8 7 30 Tr N blk 104 g 4000 Reading Oa 'B5 ... 9016 600 0141 6e....8 otfi.. 99 26 Pipr & Pine R.... 16% 0 .VRD9 6 Penns R . 6 3 % Es—Flllll. ' Asked. 1, Wend R ex. 411 19% 20 Loh CI& R..... 53 54 Le CI& Nov sop. 82%- 88 1 Penns 1L.... 10 10% 1.1 PaRl34 82% 88 1.1 Penns fl 10*.100% 100% ' Oacew B 00n... 4% 4% °atomism' 12% 12% Tr &SoutbiL 8... 41 .. Soo & Third St 11 70 Baca& V 165441110 10 % 1 .1; 1%116 12.;... 81 66 Spruce dp . Pine.. 15% 16% Or & Costes... '. 84% 84% Chest & Welntit 42 .. arob-et. • 2eg 2ex Thir & rift'nll3. 22) 23 Seven & Nlnelti 4 0 Girard College.. 25 .16 Tenth & 83 .. CITY ITEMS. THE PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION FON &OK AND WOUNDED SoiathaS acknowledge the following do. nations, viz: Henry M. Wog. $200; OW. Williams, $126 80; M ary D. Brown, $4O; Yard,pillutore & Co., $35, Ltitfe Ghia' Fair, $27; Brown, fill, I Co., A. Campton, Jas. Lorg, N. Trotter & 00., W. T. Cora, J, Stir eon, J. J . Bail, & Co., each $25 ; I. D. Brown, A. T. Janos, J, 'X. Jeanee, Ludwig, Kneedler, . Go., Hat , tin Sharp & Co., each $2O; S. Phipps, J. T. Way & 00, dry seeds • Gans Lsberman, & Co., dry goads; E. Damson, J. Walker, A. Slade &'oo., each $l6; C. L Snarp!vss, $l4; J. Bower, 11. Revell, $l326;'A Friend, Bit; Myers, Kirkpatrick, &. 00., E. B. Justice, 0. Brace, S. S. Lnveritg, J. J. Thompeon, Prescott Literary Asaociatien, 51. B. Ridgway, Lewis Bros. & Co., Altemus & Oozzans, • Wsist, & Irwin, G. Peterson, T. P. Verrea, G D. Parrish, fl. If. G. Sharpless, eachslo; Ohildren's Fair, rer, W. Esher, $8; Children's Fair, $7 ; do., $5 ; Mrs blaudersou. E. W. Lippincott, Eft St John, A Friend, B,* W. Black, B. & B. Goatee, L. A. Longerreth, Dr. J H. Ingham, W, D. Jews, J. J. Bailey, Boman Bros., Mrs. Pr. *Renee, Mrs. R. Bunting, J. Ozie, W. O. Heehmle, Wm. 511rilwr, 0. W: Trotter, L M. Elkioton, R. John. ton, J. W. Hone, V. Rory, A. Friend, H. 8. D., A.R. 1 title, W. O. Kent, T. W. Baker, S. 0410, 0. &fount, J. RiNel, J. T. Way, P. /Maar, W. Baird, O Smith, Gar. Teti on, Brady, & Co., dry gOods, R. Wor:d, Marsh Jr Heywood, Slier, Price, & Co., B. Marshall. T. B. Nowlin, t. on , Ilotbright, es Co , dry goods, H. A. Smith, E. D. Stokes, P. S. Peterson, Brown, Bros., & Co., Stuart& Bra,, J. P. Steiner, J. B. Meyers, Wolgainuth & Raleigh, T. Sinith,J. Bidgway, Roessner, & Co , E. T. S., T. S. Jr Co., 0 le. Ompenter 0o ,B. Green, A. Wiltherger, 0. Robbins, B. Green, E. J. Lester, M. 0. Dade, P. Dower, J. Dobson, J. Hilton, P. Marlow, R. Bey & Brea., W. Baird, W. Beatty, F. Klett, Jr., 8. Hindman, B. Murray, T. Finlay, W. Groves, B. W. Savery, F. &Wells, J. 0. Savory, Shut!, Wernwag, T. W. Evens & Co., Beer= & Son, .7. IL W., Bally &:0., J. Stone & Son, S H. & H., Wok, L., & Co., G. F. P & 00., J E Caldwell, 8 Bonaffon, each $6; 3. Chasm - al, I roplelees of J. Chapman, each $1.60; T. & F. E.. $1; N. W. Bilis. a friend, T. Baldwin, C. T. Deacon, V. C. Rush, L. B. AI Dolby, Welling, 0011 n, &Co Billings, Rocp, & Co., each $3; M. Moore, G. A. Smith, Heilman & Rank J. D. Allison & Sone, J. Smith, each $2 50; Si. Kimble, $2.26; S Helier, J. Slevin, J. Wiegau 1, Jr , J. P. Bodice, H. Peterson, J. M. Ellis, J. W. Ogden, J. itichlurtrie, Thornley & Ohism, H. It! Ogden, Messrs. Knauff, .7 Johnston, L. Thomas, E. T. Kirk, H. A. Half, a friend, 0. Folwell, R Platte, each $2; J. Tomlinson, H Wrlsh, EL Sterling, A. W. Bermes, 11. Weiner, T. A. Mal, H. A. Rogers, S. R. Evans, W. Slough, Dr. W. Eatery, It. Lukens, H. 'Vauban, T. Cochran, J. I'. Wood, 0. DI. Albnrger, 11. C. Carey, M. Alcalettael, 0. Gilpin, click of Orphans' Court, W. B. Mann, P B. White, O. O'Neil, W.; 11 Kern, J, F. Robertson, J. T. B. B , V. et J. T. 0,, J. A Clark, T. E. Tack, H. Stewart, J. 51e. Ewen. W. Pastorius, W. B Granger, IL T. W., J. Wright, D. D. & P. G., J. Plankinton, U F. Linton, R. Osborne, T Zimmerman, A. B. J., Id 11. L., A.. AL Mal lack, B. W. Dickson, AL Chapman, W. R. Chapman, (and grocerivs,) P: Barber, J. M. 0., H. DI. S , R. Walton, J. e Gums, S Potts, E. A. McCloskey, I. Er.eas, W. ()enterer, J. Naylor, E. Perot, R. IL Jones, E. J. Bacon, P. F. Moore, Mrs. Holloway, Amonymons, .1. Wayne. E Brown, E. Roberts, 0. Smith, B- Allen, J. W. Thcirias, J J. Hughes, W. R. Nehru, E. Thamas, a friend, Si. H, Needles, Mrs, Broadbent, a friend, J. Lip pincett H. Dickerson, a Tend, M. Platt, a friend, each $1; L. HealY, J. Parker, each 60 cents; b 1 Allen, 25 cents • cash. `s62; N. Balderston, $2; collected by .9. 0. Canby, $lO7 ;`_Airs. Smith, $5920; 820 yards curtain muslin, Belga, Baird, A: Co. The uss of Siring Garden Institute, by the managers ; Jame', Kent, Santee, & 00,, 320 yds curtain =llia; H. Lewis, 62 fans; 6 doz paint hose, T. Mellor & Co ; 1 bx lemons.. 7 Orie; 1 bbl wine, Hon. 0. L. Goring, Pitts burg ; 1 bx do, J. F. Havikotte, Pittsburg; I hid do, Opt lugrr HIM bough, Pittsburg; advertisiog several ticoos, Bulletin, Press, North American, Inquirer, and Led ger. ones ; crutches, Lippincott ,& Haines;'do and canes, employees Stuart & Peterson do do, Almshouse, also sewing; 0. Gillingham, clothing and preserves; Sir. Oat', do O. very valnablo box clothing, North Webster, Mass ; 1 do, Strasburg, Pa.; 2 do, Canton Ladies' Aid; 1 do, Ladies' Aid, Cress wicks, N. J. ; 3do and 1 bill, 0 N J per Mrs. Peterson; 2A°, Rancocas, N. J.; 2 do, Pauling's Drif ge, Chester county, Pa.; 2 do clothing and fruit, and 1 chic!' eos, By hurry Ladles' Aid; Palmer Brothers, Bake,- ' field to waship 1 tot clothing and fruit; 2 do, Ladies , Aid, 0 Tots, and Bonham; stone jags, 13. Green; 1 bbl porti‘r, Wm. 0. Rudman; 1 do brown stoat, Newlin & Abbott; provisions, Coatesville, Pa.; 1 bx, chanica stile, P. Schools; 2 do, Abilvllle, Pa.; 1 do, .Dothlebem 'Alit° Society; 1 do, ()tester County Central Aid ; I do, Boiling, Spring, Ournbirlend county, Pa.; 4 do, Dumper ton Ladies' Aid; 1 110, 08111d0D, Delaware Ladies' Aid; 2 do and 1 hbl, Little Britain Ladies' Aid; cards and paper, 0. Magefge;,t arde, Mr. Lawrence; printing, 1!. K. Colas & Son,; do, Crissy & Markley ;I„ti don waiters, 1 grows tea, g gross tablespoons, A. B. Jrittico ; S 5 pre set re jars, 13; Snowden. And a great variety of clothing, pichlce,itc., from very many individuals, DIARY AL SCRANTON, Treasnror, No. 1010 Wallace street. rifILLDCERY -OPENING DAY.'— Should: the weather prove auspicious, which at this writing looks rather dubious, the brand Fall opening, wh!cn is an tormstd to take place at the famous old hou9e of Wood t sty, No 725 f hestnut street. (formerly Lincoln, Wocd, Sr. Nichols ' ) to-day, will be an important event among Ills ladies, This home has long had the repute time cf preeenting to the ladies of our city the finest ito,enings " in Philadelphia ; so much iso that these srnzi• annual otcaeions are looked forward to with genuine interestby' the whole shopping fraternity. Their pre parations for the 66 Opening" taday, are on the grandest scale, and, no doubt, will well repay the atten tion of vistters. ANOTHER TRIBUTE TO THE MERITS OP MESSRS, 131301DBENT & Co.'s PLO/ORES —We have just been shown another highly complimentary letter ad dressed to Ware, Broadbent & 00., the csiebratei pho tographers of this city, Nos. 912 and 914 ohestnut street, by P. OiMMOvni and very intelligent citizen of Pitts bilrf', from which we Pro permitted to extract the fol loVna : • PITTSBURG. September 30, 1862. Arrears Broadbent it Co., Thaadelphia: * * * The partratt which hem just been received, of Mr. ---, is very fine, equalling in fidelity the One hanging in your rcome of yocr Hr. Broadbent. Alt who see it are delighted with it, and I beg to present our thtmke to the accompli shed artist, (Mr. Wenderoth,) who 'Certainly le a master in his profession. Yonra .truly, *** To Ma. F. GurEICIINST, the celebrated rho topropber, Noe. 704 and 706 Arch street, is due the credit of bavlog carried the art of producing the now nolver. pepPlarcarie de visits to a higher elate of perfec. ton than any other living artist. The splendid and life like pictures which now grace his cases, taken front life by }Antall, of the moat distinguished men in the noun try, fully warrant ne in Ibis assertion: His galleriee are daily thronged with visitors. AN INVALUABLE ARTICLE OE DIET FOR TIIE AIMY O. H. Idattion, dealer in fins Family Oro eerie,, Arch and Tenth streets, has now in store a supply of Iduringer's 'Potent Fetid Cencentrated Extract of Beef and Vegetables for making Beof Tea. This is one of the most important articles that could possibly be sent to the eotdiere In camp. TDB FINEST, CHOICEST . , AND MOST ADTISTTO Confecticns made in this country fare those msnufao tuts d and sold by Mr. A. L. Vansant, at his elegant ware rocma, Ninth and Ohostnist streets. There is nothing in the eating lino comparable to his delicious Bonbon*, Ore am Chocolate?, Sweet Jordan , Roasted and Vanilla Almonds. Crystalized Fruits, and fine French tAtztures. Me exits fine Bieck Itambnrg And White Grapes, Duchess Pears, and other choice varieties of fruits are airs attracting much attention. LIBERIA COFFEE.—Mr. C. FI. mattaon, dealer in fine groceries, Aroh and Tenth streets, hAe just rewired n very fine invoice of Liberia Coffee, the richest and finest flavored coffee in the world, together with pure .111 1 . and Mocha Coffees, and the finest ronlities of Green end Black Teas. MAGNLEvENT $6OO Rosewood T-Oct. Piano, carvol hint, extra carved mouldings, round corners, Gracd Action Oven!rung Bass, sweet and p4werfal tone, made to order by the best maker, only turAll five months, will be sold for 5250, as the owner leaves the city in a few days. This is the greatest bargain in the oily. Call and see it at 717 Arch street. ocl•3t* BY BABYLAD. Ae rung by at BtOnewall ), after catching a severe cold, Instead of the Union army. The Ptah-pots ]corned njx)d thy shore, Barylad ! By Barylad We sought thy teebtng full bard-floor, Bar} lad! By Barylad! We hotel to rains in Baltimore Of beef, and boots, and clothes, a store To rig adew our ragged corps, Barylal ! By B crylad ! Yno left tt; ontelde id Ito cold, - Barytad ! By Barylad! To wallow Id the dirty bond, Barylod ! By 13 trdlool Eit o k i o ripe" otoie Pbe told td plcdty olothedtuf to ed!old But we babe Wed boat badly Bardlsoll By Barylid PIETY -CND CinEn.—A Boston gentleman re cently took a nice bottle of cider on Sunday to deliver to an accusintente, and attendintchurch on the Way, We bottle buret in his posket, his clothes wore saturated* the the 'mike' apparel near by did not escape, the worship. pars were excited, and the preacher disconcerted. In this latimderientiemon do not take cider to church with them, nor are,they WhliDg to risk damage to their o!othee by carrying such commodities in their pockets. Phliadel phlaue have good reason to value their garments, he carve they generally procure them at the Bro an Stone OlothiMg Kockhill 8 Wilson, 'Noe eO3 ant 04 Oheeinut street - above Sixth, where suite that seaworthy of the name ire gotten up. Crctn'o acquired hie wonderful command of the Latin language, his evict verboruse; by translating Greek into Latin: -William Pitt, with the same object in view, devoted ten years to the translation of Latin Into 110 regarded words as hie tools—the weapane With which he was to 'am himself. Burris Cuoat , pur sued ibis plan of translation through bie whole life. For every Latin, Greek, French, or German word, he en deavored to find five or fix corresponding Englien ..cords. These were men of tufting energy, and, had they lived In thee, limes, would, 7 without doubt, have purchased their clothing at the paldial establishment of Gran:Alio Stoles, No. COS Obastnnfitreet, where the fice'st .sei-tift ment of military uniforms In the country is on hand and for sale at reduced prices. ' ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS or TO 13 Wow= &Aar Naar. 00151TINNB2AL HOVEL—Ninth and Chentruit H B Lamm, Laaceater F J Bancroft, Fort Del John 8 Dilworth, Pittsburg B e Wiobalt & wr, N H Fii Hunter. Penni' Tft Biaga w, Cincinnati W L McNeely, Virginia Liout D W aemmilL Jr, Del Geo D Wilbur Alfred 9totzr Boston H F Wi.bor, Welton 1 W Ella& & la, Balk Col Wbtiteleay & wt, Mich J B Hussey, BaWawa Dr G W Jenkee, B lelwrd Joa ts Bowie, Allentown. Hon A H Wooer. Blown Wicetrip, Dartford Mee r 4 dpotaaor d, I).l%ware spotewood, Dal John H. Allan, New York J a Bond, New Yolk W Av,herT, Cincinnati Mire H. A.:flery, Cincinnati P &eon, Norwich; Coon Meal", C Green, Conn Met G Green, Connecticut Mae' Homer H Speer Ain, Screen, 1.3 W Maine, New York Liens W T &dame N York W bitten's, New York T Paton'. 'New York Jos 86,119011 Dr S F Bird • 0 W Keirer,' Missouri Ci M etchers, Bremen N Ingersoll,-Borue, N Y 0 J Wetherell, Detroit, Mich Mai W.11.-Bemmont Bobs Valentine, Bellefonte Geo Marks. Tamaqua B Hodget, Baltimore Geo W Wilkes, Now York Dire Andreas, Wash, D C Xi" Andr"o, Wesh, 7)-(3 Ir P Beberton, 11 e N John A larben. Laacasteri A L Fernald, Boston John 0 Fernald. Boston- O B Holden, Washington Con Saner, Washington S W Preis, Bite York Mrs U P Boot, Baltimore' W E Anthony & N Y David Law ' London N KingthrirY, Connecticut T Airreod, Mass Thos Beaton, New York C.ti PH 0' Rorke, N Y Bcht Middleton Mrs A %Moon 11 L Coe & ta, Connecticut Obas C Florence, N Y Col W A Ppencer Annan:as Mrs F Biske E Hartshorn, New Yotk W Darla, N J B Beale, New JUTACY D W Belden, Salem, N J B J Meiies, Pennsylvania Onus P Markle Hon Bound, Milton John A Me' tsnd,•lPe, Bettor, Pennsylvania W Ei Jenne & e, Montrose Pr Aloricti & Is, Mess T.O Carson, Gettysburg Nvo EL Weds, Chicago Miss 8 ()ameba% Elhicago hire Johnson, liarrieburg Lieut 8 0 Jadeen J . Knox. Pittsburg .John 0 Bage•r, Lancaster Georg_ Werner ' Geurge Knight, Eoglaad Ce s T Gythent & son, N Y J 11 Buririgh, Maine P Lanel'Y Au L Peabody John T TrJy. N Y J Clark. N 13 , tru'l 0 Bigelow, OelifornDs W De Witt, Albsny It Coleman . Jr, wife, 111.4 Krt. B Colbourn, Aid JEKOPP B NOTIJR, Md N E Monroe, N Y Jle Fox, 11 8 W W Bier, II N John Carron, 1J 8 N G J . Ferry, New York J BraLdt. Baltimore AI Barger, Cincinnati G Lesser, New York F G Aden ' New York - Jae Rouser, 'Br w York Jolm Whittier:iatna, Baltimore 13. grobh, Baltimore W P Smith, Baltimore J Lerremsrin, Newark,N J Howard, Now York Hoopes, .West Chester G 13 fhomas, W Chester MERCHANTS' bIOTBL--Fourth st„ below Arch, Geo Bly mire, Bedford 0 Baird, BudE3 co, P B Van Ripen, New Jersey A J Brattmant, New Hope J y Ecicotub, Lambertville A Nachman. BaltimOre Wm 11 Sturges, Wash, D 0 Al 0 Savaga, New York J ti Stoughton, Milton, Pa P tdc Williams, Westmo'd Nies A McWilliams, Westiu'd J Morrow & la -Weitmore'd 13 Bogle,' Milton, Pa - Bartel Isar, Blair co, Pa W J IlacE eon & la, Penna . late Jas Slocum, Penne Garrett, Pittsburg Xis. Ella Slocum, Palma 0 Eberly, Columbus, 0 Jas Hagan, Dunganou, 0 Mrs A _Morris. Pittsburg Isaac Coleman. New York W 8 1109 H, Wish febaire O B Armstrong,Stenbenville 17. BlaellleY, Alliance, 0 S Lantieker, St Louis W A Talbott, Obio John O'Neill, New Jersey Sharkey, Mauch Chunk M Barry - , Lancaster J M Bach, Pittsburg It Boren, Eleohaniceburg J C • Yourg, Putt Delaware Mrs F Naylor, New Jersey A Morris, Chicago Cass E L unborn. Lt W W Whittuarsh, Malmo W F Parton, U 8 Navy J 0 D Lilly. 'Reading 3 Date-min, Hilton, Pa Chas Hampshi r e, Jeanesvillo obtain bicrarlin,Ja arms villa J F Stevick, ltlhippensourg B ill Pollock, Elarriaburg Chas iii EfaEll ' Laucaster J K Crumbaker, ZAreiville G N Grey BON Penna J Hlber St la, Carlisle, Pa G \V Johnston Ala,Plttaburg3 13 Her nberry &la, Ohio 0 H Wells, 13 8 N Jos It Wis ar. Salem NJ Casper WiE,ret, lialem, N J Tana Whim, York, Pa Eberly, chanic,itg Ohre; Harrliburg 1) Bunter, Olucinzati, lt Ell J Safger, Mlentoirn AMERlCAN—Cheiunut street, above Fifth. Lit ut A H Bankt,Wash, DC Ralph "F Channel!, Alex,Ya A Crreker. Massect,nsetts laeut G Brotbertort . It McKenzie, Ohio E U Jordon, New York Bunting, New York Lient J U Dolma, U 8 Mrs D Thomas, Penns. F Haines, West ' Chester C Gondy, Taylerevitle, 111 Jebn D Dover, Del Mr WM eler, Baltimore Jas B Welsh & la,GeorgeVM ChM A litictiltrer, keading Jaa F Staab, Reading G P Jewell, Giairgefn, D O Chas F., tilmener, Tamaqua G.W Eddy, (.11eNeland A B Elackenzie, Geo MI rarer & den, Pa Wm Denney, Jr, Delaware wli Rage , . lielaatre A Repot: & la, New York. Roht Aube , Mon. New York B Gittiog & fa, Wash J Brown. arliand Joe alcKennes,:liaryland IticKonney, Virginia M Holliday , W Hoblitzea, Maryland W Settle:3r, Mineisville ST. Lows ROTkimunestuur street, above Third. 0 D Lord, New York Tina WE Tharp ' Cap: Beeves ti W ParreriU SR tinny, Penna tianxli Rtrtswortb, Bo3ton J W Bowe John Bissell', Ohio J B Hitt., Ohio W W W3lsor, Ohio - B J . D Arnest & 0, Balt Blita Ai. Suntan% Batt W C Porter B P Tilorups( n, Penna R W Bulkies, U S N Chas B Stephens s-wf, N Y Stacy A Pa , son, Trenton Dr Goldner, DINKWare Li , nt "C N Spencer, U d 8 S J J Doves, Pott.vdte H finhbatd, Toronto Alias N Livingston, N J - -Mei A Livingston; N J John T Ben!. Maryland L De Loag. Newark fil Marks & la, Newark G L Hoffman, Baltimore W Montieth. beFton W H Rose, New York 0 D Lord, New Yolk ' TIIII UNION—Arun street, 100'4'0 Third. J H Hazard. New Jemey J Tomlinson, Illinois W Hnoe, fierirsille, 0 W P West, Salem Shuck Btriforti. Pa Cal ltilarchtfe Tamaqua J O McKnight, Ohio Geo W BrOwn, Ohio Geo Bazard, Ohio' W RoPer, Greeaford, 0 yP Ssom-rinur, obi() Eaislet, Ohio B Irlyerc, eancatter co W E Anderson, E . Jersey J Sheltenberger, liiuersviilo W Evans., Wheeling 11 'HAMM, N ew Jersey W G Rogers, Getergetown T tl Imllock, Ohto D El Rotator.' Pottstown W R Feather, Canton, 0 0 bT Harttre, Indiana NATIONAL 80T*11.,---Itace street, above Third. Moth, Pa 0 Mootb, Pa thrivi S Nirhoia, A Levi B Kalov, Phconlxvilie N ItitClai, Pa J Knott' amt. Reading Het ry Bechtold, Mount ray Daniel LightnPr, Lebanon 1 4 Debt, Ltbaton W M Derr, Lebanon W Pay: Elmira. ti T A V Bath r, SobAfferat'n Geo Heilman, Lebanon J poover, Myerstowa N Heitman, Ac; villa Aurance, IlicOaltisterville T Bcffman, Lebanun S 0 Snavely, Aenville Joseph Rarcb, Lebanon A Shark, Lebanon Peter Gingrich, Hanover %Rupp, A.onville George Blencli, Annville M Nati, 'Hanover E A Uhler, Lebanon Joel Raoilaart,'Lebatton H Stein and lady, PA H J B Smith, Lebanon °mad Matke, Lebanon OOMMBROILL--Sixth street, above Chestnut. S M Bunting & la, Pottstown Bat j Tuomgeon, Chester o 0 Morris Kiik, Pennsylvania Johnhleisber. Obeatsf oo,Pa B B Plookenton, Penns Jobe A. Hopper, Maryland Miss '9 °peer, Maryland W S Jones, Maryland A W Providence, RI J Guts, Obostor co, Pa Geo W Woad ward.Oh“ger co Sand P I)arlenton W I& Wilson Newark, Da In lbos Drennen, Elkton, d D McOullougt, Oxf rd, Pa MT. VERNON—Second street, above Arab. A P Rdmendsori, Baltimore .1 A BIOV7II. Baltimore M B Hartley, fachtirlkill. co .7 Steele, Wiikesharre F Philadelphia L Hodge!, New York IT Reyna, Philadelphia H Redoes Philadelphia L Taylor, Philadelphia TW A Bldg°, Backs co G klon , gomer y co L B too head, Delaware 1r Cloolhangh la. Det &age% New York T Ashton, Philadelphia Capt Stevenson, Cape May B Browl,field, 'Philadelphia W Alberteon, Backs co Mrs Johnson, Trenton, N J Nies Johnson, Trenton `STATES UNION ROTBL--Market, shrove Sixth. AT Bard. Prat,a9lrania S Hoover, Hollidaysburg Jacob Glaff, Blairsville John Ralston, Pe Carson Boutin, ludiarka CO Taos j Scott, St Louis A Bucketbray, of Louis F Sulizbach, York co, Pa Col Berlianbine, HIV JOY, Pa J W Dusenberry to la, tT MADISON HOUSE—Second street, - thole Market. N M Stevenson, Dover, Del. G W Dicker:eon, - Brooklyn C 8 Weler-tbee, New Jersey V P Etear9, Bockville H Stephens k wt, Mass Brittatn, New Jersey II Evans, Peposit, New 'York BALD EAGLK—Tbitti times, above OallowhilL Joseph Stepp. Alleatown E Steiger, Allentown Allentown 0 le Huber, Allentown B Seminal. Lenigh 0, pa I Erdman, Eueireville jeseph Keiter, Pennsylvania A F Koons, Dateeartona JB6 D Kern. Nazareth Henry Loose, Tlverstown B Irreater3ok, ,Betblehem Aaron Seto, Easton Jas Or Selo, Easton John Geyer, Seidersville 'V Horffrean, Allentown BARLEY BHEAF--tiocond street, below Tine: .E 0 Moore & le, N Jersey E Rittenhouse, Maryland Oast Springstead,lVilaton Alex (lathers, New Jersey J Kelly, New Jersey W EL Thompson, Pinata J B Luau, Pelmet E llicka; New JerseY IA Pant, Montgomery co, Pa J Rhler, - Lumbervllle, Pa T White, Prenobtown, N J 3 Warner & la, Pt3llllB • BLADE. BEAB--Third =set, above Oallowhill. • J Butz. Allentown J al Eiaanhart, Poona • U A Garnett), Trealletown Mre Garneld, Trexlertowti D Woodring, Penns , Mra Lark, Lebanon ' J Kline, Bucke co J Huth, Sumneytown J Strunk. Baublelavllle IV Leafier, Zdahlun Creek ' J Berner, !hoiden Creek J Mattto, Berrysburg J Ertl), jr, Penna 8 Strunk, Borka co, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. EC?" BRI !OUSTS PAGE AHRIVIID. Bark Version, Holkins, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Tyler, 15;ono & 00. Ketch commerce, Barnes, from °ardent's! Sept 17, in behest to John blown & 00. Loft Fr ship Mathurin Le.), Slier, from Havre, diach; barks Agnes, Thompeon, from and for Baltimore, to salt in a few days; St logo,. B finnan. for P:rtland. cic ared ; Sherwood, Gray, for New York next day; St Peter. Serie, from Liverpool, disci's; JON ph Irish, (Br) Geary, from Philadelphia, waiting or. ders; Andes. Sheppard, from New York, dischg; Ohristi. ate, (Br) Bilinswood, from New York, do; brigs Thompson, from and for PhiLladelphla; Avondale, Dix, from New York, dieebg lumber; Cosmos, Talbot, from N Yt,k, waiting orders; klodel, Rice, from Boston, dischg; Lit iau, Se asey, from Portland, do; S Shannon, (Br) Bar mond, from Philadelphia, do; ochre Ann Elizabeth, Pet. tie, from Frankfort, loading molasses; Yankee Blade, Colbt, from Co. oischg; 0 Fantrizzl, Wooster, from Phi lalelpbia, dot General Hoeg, Drinkwater, from Portland, do; torah Bernice, Oallieman; for New York, loading. Brig Roanoke, Soling, b days from Baltimore, in bal last to Dollen a Son. Schr Oauova, Fullerton, 4 days from Wareham, in bal. last to capiein. Behr J 11 Baldwin, Skinner, 4 dais from Middletown,. with carboys to 0 & F Lennig. Bchr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with gnarl to Christian & Co. Ecbr fairy, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with stein to Christiana 00. Behr Pearl, Norman, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with corn to Jan L Bawler a Co. echr Vandelia, Hillyard, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jae Barrett Son. Schr Reindeer, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jas L Bewley & Co. ticbr Farmer, Wert, 1 day from Mikan, Del, with corn to J as Barrett & Son. Scbr Jas L Proverb, Bonsai!, 1 day from Dover, Del, with oats to Jos Barrett & Son Steamer Bristol. Charles, 24 hours from New York, with rodeo to W P BELOW. A II IS sloop-of-war, and an English schooner frotn Nassau, glib fruit. OLBAKED. . Brig 'DUI Davis, Staples. Boston, L Andenria4 & Behr B Y Lswis, Wallace, Portland, BiEu 3 jekeoll & (11cTer. Ecbr B B Howlett, comers, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone Co. Schr L PhLeger, Idungsn, Georgetown, do Bar J S Buckmaster, itlcOlean, do . do Bohr S Furbish, Kendall, Portund, captain. Bohr Canova, FuHerten, Providence, J B Henry. Behr Pesrl, Derrickeon, Washington, captain.. Btr J d ahliver, Dade. Baltimore, & Grove., Jr: Btr U Willing, Olayp•ole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr Btr Fenny Garner, Pierce, New York, W P (Bide. $ t RERMORANDA. Steamship Norman, Baker, hence, arrived at Boston 80th, ktesraship Ariel, Miner, cleared at New York yester day for." AspinwalL Berk Mahlon Vniliaroson. Thompson, at New York : yesterday from aeorgatown, DO. Berk Oak, Ryder, for Phllaielphis, cleared at Boston 30th nit. - Botg Ilscs Rowland, Bicoarty, at New York yesterday from Rev Orleans. Schr P.arl, Brown, cleared at Boston 30th Mt. for Fbiladelphin, tit-ewer Black Diamond, Allen, hence, arrivod at New York yesterday. NOTICE TO MABINEBS. ixformstion 'has been received et this office that the timber beacon on Logey Ledge, PeoperoWs Gove,.Klt tery, went adrift on the 27th loft. A. emu buorwill be set to mark.the spot until the beacon can be replaced. ' ,JSr.orcier of the,Lighthouse Board.. -- , 11. K. HINKLEY'. Clerk First Lighthouse District. Portland, Bept 29, 1862. THE PRESS.-PVILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1862. SPECIAL NOTICES - • - DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTRIIR. They Purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. • They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hoar% • They strengthen the system and enliven the mind They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent favors. -' They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dlspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Ifforbus. • . They cure Liver Complaint and 'Nervous Reatlaohe. . They are the beat BrrrEss In the world. They make the weak men strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St Croix Rums the celebrated tialisaya Dark, roots, and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to deli sate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Rotels, and Saloons. P. E DRAKE lc CO., 202 BROADWAY. New York. 5e24.6m BATOTINLOR'S EIMP. .DUI! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIA A. BATCHELO vs celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to - be distinguished from nature; warranted not to irjure . the Hair in the least; remedies the DI effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or R - 153TY aim Instantly turns a bpiPr did Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau- Mi. Sold by all Diuggists, Ac. ;Er The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHR LOR, on the few* sides of each bash F SLOTOEY No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late 233 Broadway and 16 Bond street,} MySll.ly New York. - GREAT Tausmit.— BIN— WAY EONS were awarded the brat medal .at the late great international Exhibition, Lon don, Over two hundred and eixty-nine Manor ; from all parte of the world, entered for eon:petition. Wareroome at. BLASIUS BitOT EMUS, 1006 UHEST BUT 'UPHAM'S HAM Di E, 38 cents a box, --Three, boxee for $1; the beet in UN. Try it. Sold ooly at IT PH 408 lIES rrur at. se27-3m* MARRIED AUREE—ItY.A.N TneEda'y, Sentember Nth, at St. Clement's_ Church, by. the. Rtv. Et. S. Speakman, Theodore Aulter find Min. Ryan. a 1 of ebb dry. 4 FRAITOR—WOODOOOK. --Da the 294 h ult. t by the Rev. Thomas Bralcord. 1). : D., Mr. Joseph Frame, Jr., of..Neeld's Delaware Battery.' Wilmington, Delaware, to Nies RumsiS. Wcodock, of,thin city. * IiVerEIY—V4 ILIA A M.SON --On the 24th ult., at the Church of the Evangelist, by the Bev. Samuel Darb)- row, Daniel Pierce SwineY, Ef4 to Mist Kate, eldeit daughter of the late Stewart Williamson, M D., of Phi ladelphia. DIED. DINGEE.—On the let lest , Edmund Magee, in the 62d year of hie age. Due notice be given of his interment. *** bIiRTIN.—On the 30th day of August, on the battle field at Dull Ran, at the head of Lieutenant Colonel Thotinae S. Martin. of the 11th Regiment P. V. The roletivee and Mende of tte &canon, and thou of the family, the members of ItalustrY Lodge, No. 131, A. Y.-111., of RxceNor Mart Logo, Na. 216, the ntfoens and min:there of the Gibild. Lodge of. Pennsylvania, his ffi townie. friends in general, and the active; anti honorary nal:there ot the Wathingtan Graye are region fully In vitcd to attend the for eral,from St. Matthias' ICp'scopal Church, - berth Nineteenth street, noir Mount Vernon, en Friday, the 3d of October, at 8) o'clock P. M. ' To proceed to Monument Cemetery. * Lat . /DELL —On the morning of the 29th alt., Martha T., vile ot Lieutenant Edwin A. Landoll, and daughter of the late Wm, 'T Donaldson. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the .funeral, from the residence of. Dr .11. W. EMIL 806 North Front street, this ( tnursday) ramming at tO o'clock. " WATTtON.—F(II in action, Septemberl7th, at the battle of Antit tem, Winiam R. Written"), of Oorepany 0, 9t6 Bt gimt zit New York Volunteers ( &moves), in the 21th year of his age BRO W.1 , 7„—0n the 17th of September, near Sharps burg, lad., from woundsreceired in the battle of Antie tam, David P. Brown, of Company 0,7 lat Regiment Penee)lTSl•ii Volunteets. * C ABB? L.— On the 20th of September, George W. Car ry!, in the 924 year cf hi c age. . -* COSTELL(h—On the 17th nit., from unmade reoeived at the battle:of Antietam, Unarlea Costello,. of Company P, 28tb Regiment P. V.. in his 55th year. * DIIVR—On the 17th bet , at the battle of Antietam, 1 ientreset James Dunn, of Company 69th BegimPnt P. V In the 218 t year of bi 3 RR*. ' * HABER PAT.—On September 20th, at U. B. Hospitai, Odd Fell iwe' Ball.. Washington, D. 0., at chronic der. awe, Mall: R. flaempat, of Company 0, 26th Regiment P. V.. in the 23d year (4 hi. age * RELLY.--On the kOth ult, William A.. Rally, or 00. R, 68th Regiment P. V., or Scott Legion, in the 'Nth year - of hieas e. * LRAPSON —Killed, on the 17th ult , in the battlenner Shrresbnig, Md., John A. "Leapson, et Company 0,130 th. P. V., end late-nt Milltown, in tho'29.h year of hie age * MFRS R —oo the Nth nt, at Frederick City 1113 , wennde received at the battle of Antietam, Corporal °Marian MoeEer Jr., Company L, 723 Regiment P. V., in his 25'b sear. * ODEN.B RIMER on the /7th inat, at the bate of A btiet.flr, Corporal Daniel 0. Odenheim2r, of Oc money A, 12 , h" P. 41. 0 3WALD —)3311e4, at the battle of Antietam; on the 17th tit Corporal Joseph Ay—Oswald, of Company A, 1e Ret.iment P. It . in bit 24th year. J 081160.14 --Suddenly, on the 27th of August, at the Bygria P.oetii al, at Fartreas Monroe, of dyftnteryi Hash Johnron, cf Companyl3, let New Jereey Btiment, in the 814 aenr of his ane. J08bi1...0N.-L-Rilled, at the battle near .Sitepherda. town. September 20th, Thomas 13. Jahneen, of Company E, 119th (Corn Radian ge) Regiment, in hia44.th year. * LOGAN.—Rilled, at the battle of Antietam, September 17th, Charles 8 Leman. of. Company E, 7let (Oadfornta) Regiment.-aged 21 3 eara and 2 months. MARTIN.-,gilled. at the battle of Antietam,. Sept. 17th. Orderly Sergeant William R. Illartiu, of Oempasy F. 72d i Bexteit'a fire 800 aTee) Beeiment P. V. * PrßAl.l.—RiPed, at -the heitte near Sheyherdetown, Va., September 20th, Charles F. Ran, of the 118th (Corn Ex change) Regiment, in bia 2let yliar. . * StillTEL—Killed, at the battle of Antietam, . September 17th, Amen P. Smith, of Company L, 72d (13azter'e Fire - Zontivee) Regiment P. V., in bin 22d year. * BOOS Li A 11518 ER —On September 28th, Mrs. IA. aVe of Captain 8; S. Bookhammer, of With giment P. Y. , C3.ATEN.—Eilled. at 'ail) , battle of Antietam slept, 17th, Corporal Thema Slaren, of Company F, 72(13i,x -ter'e Fire Zettaves) Regiment P. V., in bit 32,1 year. * STE RETT.—tetoember 28tb, at the Union Volunteer Re'rrebn.e:.t E:4OW, AnauXne bterett, of Warren, Maine. 2d Diable Battery, and 21 yearr. VANDYKE.—EiIIFd, at the battle or Antietam. Beet. 17th, WlLfem Banieon Vandyke, of Company F, Hat P. V., aged 22 years. BLAOK AND BECOND . : MOURN ING Drees t ilks, just opened! Blad. Gros Orsini, and Yonlt de Sofas: Black 'taffetas and Gros do Shia:el. Black Anunres and Veuetisones. Black Gros d'Ecoese or Ottomans. Black and White Taffeta Lance. Black and White Varet.wiennee. Black and White toot Stripes and Checks. BWIPON & SON, sollr Monolog Store, No. 918 OIIESTNU r Street. EyRE &_ LANDELL, FOU tali and ARCH STREETS. OPENING FOB FALL SALES: Idagnifinent Rillia. Magnificent Shawls. Magnificent Poplins. Good Biank Richest Printed Otoodis. Good Stook of Sniplons, . [G--- TWENTIETH WARD. NATIONAL UNION EXBOUT LYN UONNITTBH—Lmeet- Iee will be held at tbo Hetulonartere, P.. W. corner of ELEVENTH street. and OlEta la: avenue, THIS DV - ENING, at 7M o'clock. Block Committee] will be prepared to report tu lull. CHAS. B. HIST IN E, : 1101t - • Secretary. IrrCONSTITUTIONAL U SET IS 0 win be held on F MOAT EVIt WIN f obit, October 4tb, at Dyer's Hotel. Rising Inn. First p7ocinct, • Twenty-firft .witd, to nominate Judges and 'lthrontora for clectlon s to verve fir the coming yottr. 2t* W. B. bigiST. Secretary asinoistlon. PUILADNIPHIA, OCTOBER...I, 1.884. 113 —Tbe''Pliils&DßLP 01.TIL"GUIPA" Wet n,..iztinent, retorrithele.ainserethouas somerrre. Eve N 8 & ITO BBTM MIN' 13 809. & GO., BAlil3lti , iritLtYlrOant G W.III . BIITIN, GE ). 8. ROBERTEIi ' O&M PBELL. THICO..J. DON- KELLY, T.. ~CIIFFIIIILD, and other friends of the Uorerany; fin; their kind 'exertions in making their corn forteble during their recent trip to the Border. On behalf of the Comma , . 3t* Captain BA BEY BOCK &FELL tat. CORRESPOICDENCE. • Part,AMILPEIIk, Sept. 29, 1882 Rev. John Walker Jackson, No. 823 Cathrrine Street: Eta: The uneerilaned, having heard of the Discourse delivered by )on on the 18th of the' present month at Handel and Hadyn Hall, in the form of a Leotare, on .6 The I , anon—lts Peril and Deliverance," reqta et that you repeat the same at Concert Hall at such time as may suit your convenience. We bells ve that the sentiments of the Lecture cannot fail to do good at the' present juncture,: in our national affair!. We are resipeffelly, Ch. Gibbous. z Cherie Whitney, . Morton McMichael,' - .Chao. Gilpin, Atez.O Cahill. .. • Thos. Webster, John D Wetirtn, Wm B. Thomas, Lorin Clods:et, Wm. D. Keller, Penne) L. Ward, Thomas J. Megear, Jchn E. Addicka, Wm. Wainwright, T. B. Hollioitaworth, John B. Kenneyi Asmnel T. Oenby, N. B. Browne, Tlos. O'Neill, Samuel W. Cale, John B Deihl, Evan Randolph, Joe B. Nett. Levi T. Ratter, Mae It nicht, And others. FOILAMMPHIA, • October 1, 1882 GRNTLEMEN : I thank you for your kind invitation to repeat the Lecture delivered on the evening of the 18th, Am. To live in the.mtdet ol events so exciting as those now daily occurring, and to utter the honeet convictions of a heart loyal to the Government, and earnestly deft ring the maintenance of the national integrity as to the Manes luvalved in the present national struggle, is to speak on one day that which eounde like madness or pro phecy, and to read the next its more than fnlslment. In my Lecture, as delivered at Handel and Haydn ,noi, I said, to substance, thet I believed the exigently ,ot the tour as well as jastice demanded EmanCipation— 'that the current of events ran in that direction—but I expreseed en earnest desire that by proclamation that ,policy be declared so plainly that ,he who runs might reed. • It is done! Thank God that I have lived to see the 22d of deptember, 1862. God blocs cur noble President While I accept your invitation to repeat my Lecture . , I stall tette the privilege of inning' a second edition, revised And amended, by the light that dawned to the prociamatiortof Abraham Lincoln. . 'I would suggest Wednesday evening, - October 6, and . Concert Ball es the time and pleas of the Ittcture. :Yours, gentlemen, for Union and Liberty. It JOHN WALKER JAMIESON. MILITARY. TR&DE wanted for Clotopsoir - Alripbto " ''. llaptatn*AXAX. T. Lit 11* ' - 111111.0EIEBTNIIT Street. tiHAMILTON' RISLES.The Stated mantbly bleating of the HILMILTON Rutz% will be held at their Armory. THIBIT-SEVENTS and Id ABER f Streets, on TEMESDAY NYZNING, oo tober 2, at ball past eevon o'clock. it* B. ROOD, Secretary. I-. • ATTENTION ! 'COMPANY E, BLUE. BE811111VEL::-4. fifireelipeey DRILL TO ,llllGlirri"at IN. o'clock( at: th e Armory, 'EIGHTH Slid U4,LLOVIIILL Weed. 'Very member thud be presto:it.' (10] GEOBGEVIGBIOE, Gaeta*. 1152 . 11 - PENNiIitYLVINTA: vorsua.. TERRS.—Good Men aro wanted for R&TFRRICts of this Regiment. For particulars, Indian - at Hand- qnrirters ofj.tatte_r7 L. 386 HARMONY streef.,Phlig.;.: delnhis. arid 441 BT. 'JOHRstroet. -' • : Clootain,,-AOSEPEI IF. ELfiRDERSON. .! let Lieutenant—AßNOLD ILEGBROFEL 2d Lieutenaat.--41Z*VTES HAWK. 5e23.121* SSOO "REWARD !---1/081 , on TEr DAY, Elepirmher 9, Three 7.30 TB EA BURY NO !IDS, coupons attached, Numbers • 31,883, 31./09, 31,670 All parties ere forbid negotiating said Nstssi, as notice hat' been Overt, ;and payment:topped at 04 Treasary and ail Sub-Treasury p,epartmays. $5OO IN• 00 GO! : • Will be' paid by the air: wet/reed for the return of `the SAM. B F GALL AGMS% ' • No. 281 North TIIIRO Street. Philadelphia, October 2, 1962. oc2-18t* . . T HE ' is-NEW MOURNING STORE" NOW orsN AT No. 926 CHESTNUT. STREZT, EVERY - VARIETY OF DEEP MOURNING MOURNING BONNETS. AS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., ..IMPORTERS: AND r pasa DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Aire now oxbibitingwoioltles in SILKS, SHAWLS, & DRESS GOODS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THIS BEASON. oci_tr BLACK f: QUAKE & LONG SHAWLS BROCHE Equare and Long Shawls. PLAID VA1111143 and Long Shawl& FANCY SiILAWLSt in great variet JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO.'S, 001-if 727 OTIESTtIin antvir. 4 E.BINOES AND REPS, IN SIELEOT SHADES. PRINTED MERINOES AND REPS, choice DRESS GOODS, In desirable fabrico. JAB. R. CAMPBELL & 'B, oeLti 727 ORESTRUT STREET. S 14 KS • . ' BONNETS, BLACK TAFFETAS BLK. FOUL T .11 7 SOIE . and-Gros Grains. COL , Y) FOULT DSSOIE and Womans, very BICH F 1601; SILKS, in new styles and colorings. AT JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO.'S, oci.tt Y 27 OKESTITUT STREET. STAPLE DRY -GO O.OS. :::DAMASKS, Linens, Towel. Tinge, L. C. BEEFS, Hosiery. Giovei. FLANNELS. Sionkots, Bleached Cottons, WHITE GOODS, ETC., ALL AT LOW -FRIOES. JAS. R. CAM PSELL & CO., ocl-tf - 727 paßsystrr szaint MILLINERY GOODS. ne... BONNET OPENING .on FALL AND WINTER,', THURSDAY, OCT. 2, 1862. WOOD & CARY No 725 OHESTNIIP Street. LATE LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. BESO-5t egIAN FJ%LL AND WINTER MILLI .7r 'NEM OPEEING-.—lliss S. T. DIORG-kli, 40S Att...11 Sheet. will open THIS DAN a splendid stcck of Fashionable *illinery for the wholesale and retail trade. oe2.3t* gie MISSES O' BRYAN, 1107 WAL NUT Street, trill- open PARIS 311 - ILLINE WV for the Fall on THURSDAY, October 2,188 E. oel.lBt# BONNET AND BAT FRAMES, PATTERN BONNETS, AND DRESS OA.PS.— The beat - place to bety ► Fall APPortmeot, Whalegale Oaph Prime, is at hIORGAN'S MANUFAOTORY. 408 ARPII•Str• et. eon lm* t AV FALL MILLINERY GOODS. Ito SENHEIM, BROOKS, Se Co., 431 *MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, Have now open for their FALL SALES A LARGE AND HANDSOME STODE OF FALL MILLINERY GOODS, CONSISTING OF, ; - RIBBONS, VELVET'S, SILKS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MILLINERY (mobs GENERALLY, To which the - attention of the trade is RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. se2o-2m 1862 FALL. 1862 WOOD & CARY, BITOONESORS TO LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, HIM now in Store a • COMPLETE STOCK GOODS. . . . OONBIBTING ' Bilk, Velvet,: and BONNETS AND . TATS, French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &C., To which they reepectfully invite the attention of the former patrons of the House, and the trade generallY. 00- 2rn THOS. KENN EDY & B RO 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW. EIGHTH HAVE NOW BEADY THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OF FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS GENERAL MlLLl:tam' GOODS. ees•am READY-MADE. CLOTHING. cLornstplo CHEAP FOR CASH! The beotiol46 1-lit , Plitykdelptila to obtain well•made, good•fitting, dortil?tei cLoTtit - KG, CLOT R IN a. clacer - RTNG, CLOTHING, AT REASONA:BLE PRICES, AT RIB ASONA.V . .LiE 'RRIOES, AT ;REASONABLE . PRICES, AT REASONABLE PRIORS, WANANAKER Sr, BROWN'S WANAMAKRR & BROWN'S WANAMAK : ER & BROWN'S' WANAMAKER & BROWN'S WA.N4 MAKER & BROWN'S OAK .MILL, ' OAK: HALL, OAK'.MALL; OAK- HALL, OAK. HALL, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH 'AND MARITIC SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH. AND MARKET, SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND nuaxgr. P 8.-irananiskor & Brown's Oak Hall . Clothing Establishment, at &lath and Dlerket streets. is NOTED for mei/ rnadei. good fitting,' durabte Clotiing, at ails- SONAnlit prices.. ' • Wanamaker & Brown hare an immense' stock of Fall and Winter Goode, bought early in the season at low prices FOR 06811, which Wili be sold . CORRESPORDI3O LT. 01litAr. far 017875M11R WORE' WELL DONE AT EXTR LOA' PB/ONB • OCI••tt FINE READY-1114DE CLOTHING. a_ BONERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S HAIL, Have now made np for sale an entire . new'shictof FINE CLOTHING . . Also, sa toll assortment of CLOT En 3, 0&951h1E131:113, and TESTINGE, which they respectfully Invite the pahllo to examine before purehastng elsewhere. ' se27tde3l ituitrilty coons. MILITARY TRIMMINGS BRASS RNAPSAOK TRIMMINGS, U. O. Regula tion, with Backing, incomplete Bets. BOLLER BUCKLES, % -inch, for Haversacks. BRASS INFANTRY ACCOUTREMENT MOUNT . INGO, incomplete seta. BRAEIt3 HAT ORNAMENTS, Eagles, Bugles, Trum pets, Crossed Sabres, and Crossed. Cannon.- BRASS LETTERS and NUMBERS. • ' BRASS CA.VAL llty, BELT mous:rums. , BRASS INFANTRY do. d 6.. BLURB CAVALRY MOUNTINGS, U.,S..Begnta lion, in lets, complete, including Saddle Tree, Picket Pin, Lariat Rope, Curry Comb, Hone , - Spurs'. BRASS SOREW rand STRAP SPURS, for Officer& BLUR, WARM; and GRAY BVANKETI3, fie (Hikers and Privates. Poi Ws in Qnsndiisp, and of the best gnat*, by ... • •- W.- - sIiVILESTACII & Co:, • SIVNORTH THIRD STREET, se23.lm* - • • Philadelphia. TEST -BUTTONS AND SLIPS, U. S. atandud, nuonnfactured and for wile b9=• 3. P. REND, • •. _Horner of THIRTEENTH. and NOBLE Streets, 1e2643n0W Philadelphia. RASS GROMMETS for Army,'Blatt ketss and Leggings, manufactured and foriale In any nnentity at SIXTH and OOLUMBLL. se26.lznit K. IVIES. ARMY GOODS! Eau' Blue Irerseys. Sky Blue ezmanneres (for Officers' Pants). Dark Blue:Uniform. Cloths. Bark Blue Cap Cloths. Park Blue Blouse Flannels. White Domet Flannels. 002-tbet det Twilled. Gray Mixed Flannels. U. B. Regulation 131ankets. 10-ounce and 12 ounce Standard; TENT. IMO& In dare and for sae by ST_AIjE, SMITH, & No. 39 LEI ITIA, AND 40 E.OUTH FRONT BTd, . -an27-2m PRILADELPRIA. CARP,ETINO-S, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. - WOLFE 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 132 CHESTNUT STUMM, PHILADELPHIA. • Kr A full assortment of Philadelphia •made Carnets always In Store. 002 2m COTTON YARN. SUPERIOR COTTON YARN, No. 1.0, FOB EALIt SY ' . FROTHINGRAM & WELLS. 0c24( RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER Si 00., NO. 206 ,ORESThTUT STREET, IMPORTERS OF WOOLENS, (Solo Agents for JOHANNY, FRED. 'BROKERS, GIVERS & SCIImrDT, ZAJABOIIts. BROS.. TON NIES & CO., and other celebrated manufacturers,) have now In store a LARGE STOOK of COATINGS. _ C 3 I, 0 A - IK INGS , Bco ATISO, ARMY AND NAVY BLUE CLOTHS, DOESKINS AND BEAVERS. se27.o&tlint rIHARLES , HEUESNER I; CO., 105 and 107' READE Street, NEW YORK, HATE THIS DAY ESTABLISHED AN IMPORTING HOUSE OF .WOOLENS, For the eale of the celebrated (MOUES, &c., or JOHANN - 7 1 _ FRED. EROK.ENS, And eeveral other Manufacturers, September 15,1882. se27-stutlst BROWN DRILLS, OF STANDARD QUALITY, FOE SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN. 80 Co hlo.stntliBm . 920 CHESNUT STREET. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES. DOESKINS, SATINETS, - KENTUCKY JEANS; ' ..` LINSEYS, TWEEDS,. . KERSEYS, - -FLANNELS, and ARMY WOOLENS. For sale by the package, by WELLING, COFFIN, Ea 00. an2B-thetotocl9 220 IMICSTNIIT Street. QEAMLESS BAGS. )4J 3-Bushel Bsge. 12,000 Androscoggin 2•Bnshel. Stark A. Lewiston A. Canada A. . Amoskeag O. Ozark. Premium A. Union A. Jnte, &e., &o. Tor sale, not cash on delivery, by 219 CROWS Alley A Rmy'GOODS. DARK.BLUE GOAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLIIE OAP OLOTI3B. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ABET BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DEnts AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLELOHED SIIKETINGS -AND SKIRTINGS. For sole by sel•if ti ARMY BLANKETS. GOVERNMENT STANDARD, FOB SALE BY FROTHINGHAIYI & WELLS. AGENTS. .z,2941 WELLING, COFFIN, k 00., NO. 220 OHEBTNIIT tITTIZZT, Ire prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OF ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS, OF STANDARD QUALITY. star.aut SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MEROH.VNTS FOR TEE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. se2o 6a2 W .0 0 E. 60,000 LBS. MEDIUM WOOL, For sale by ' . DECOUBSEY & HAMILTON, • . 237 Chestnut stree oc st* WIDE -SPREAD REPUTATION There is no house in the United States that has as wide-spread reputation for getting up MILITARY CLoTlinto as ROCKHILL & WIL SON'S; Nos. 608 and :.. 605 Chestnut scree Besides being thoroughly acquainted with the business, they are prompt to fIU all orders at moderate prices, and always have a LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY GOODS ON BAND. • ef.3o-inf IVORIVYPES.—The great. charm of BEIMIfilrEl IvoritYres consists in their fidelity to Nature. The complexion, hair, eyes, and drapery, are 10 perfect imitation of the original subject. iIIEOOISID Street, above Oran. • • • It* H4I 0 H•E N 'SALAD !-HENRY .MINTONi TWELFTH Street; below W&LbTIIT. tionotiocen abet he -has commenced the ntenttfectare of his OBICKSS SALAD, for which he hat received SO teeny encomium; from the nubile and the press. The eels ry is of his own cultivation, and being of extra quelltri be le thus enabled lo surpass all competitors. Also, on hand, all the delicAcies of the poem. Oome and' gifts him a trial. • ' • 002 4 1 * • T _ADIES' AND GENTS' Hsir Dyed .1-J and Shampooed at the Bathing Seloon, rounti and BILANOIL GOALIE ALSO, FROTHINGHAN. Bc. WELLS. MILITARY CLOTHING. NEW PUBLICATIONS. WAR TAX I WAR TAX I Buy oto of the .darde headed STAMP •DUTIE , S, AND BEN ROW TEN Tex AFFROTS TOUR DAILY BUSINESS. PRICE TEN CENTS. DEALERS SUPPLIED. Pub Mid by • RING & BAIRD, OSPIPAL 'STEWARD'S MALN UALL, for the Inatruetiou of fleapits! Stewards, Ward Pilasters, and Attendants. By J. J. WOodytards M. D. 12trto TOE. PATIENCE OF ROPE, With an Introdution, by Jobn E. Whittier. - 76 otit. OOUNTBY LIVING AND COUNTRY THINKING. By Gail Hamilkon. 81-26. BRALTH. ITS TSUI :IDS AND ITS FORS. Br fi D. ADIF9wy. IL D.. NEW GYIINA3TIOB for Nen, Women, and Okdi dren. For aide by WX. S. & ALFRED Iff MITTEN, pen floe bfl ORTNITT Streit. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES BROTHERHEADI3 V • LATINO LIBRARY.—AII the NEW Ettglieh ansi-American Books, including ALL OLASSE3 of Lite. raters. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not "REPIIINTE 0 here. ' Terms $5 per year; six months 831 three months 51.60; one month 76 cents, or 3 cents per day. 213 South EIGHTH Street. seB.3m INGLIBH AND FRENCH FAMILY CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET D LECTURE, 1317 ORESTNUT STREET. Oubscriptlons per year, mouth, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished gratis. In Frees, Catalogue of the Young Ladles' French Ll brary. " Catalogue de /et Bib/fat/ague des Dame: et des De- R thi se u es .), M , M . mo AnEINSI, Agent, er-3-1m 1317 OH CSTNUT Su-est. EDUCATIONAL. A BACHMANN, TEACHER. OF thi3 Piano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin, 624 North IiLEVENTII Street. At home 12 to 1, noon, 6 to 7 P. M. se2s-Im* Q.O.IEiOOL OF DESIGN AND DRAW kJ It SCBOOt —Set of due German Silver Instru ments--prici3 Rd. The instruments of these este are spe cially adapted for architectural and mechanical drawing, or fancy designing Prepared and for salts by JAMES W. QUEBN & 00 i Mathematical rostrnment. Mak er t 5f26.12t P 24 011ASTNTIT Street. PERSONAL MIRE REL&TIVES. OF THE Lti- MMITED DEAD at the resent battle in Mary land, deeirons of availing themselves quickly or the benefits provided bylaws:of gongress and of the several Statist, should make an early application to the MILITABY AND NAVAL AGENCY, NUMBER FOUR RURDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN (427) Wa.LPIIIT STREET JOSEPH. B. DEVITT Jr. CO, Correspondence promptly attended to. 8°27 7IDOWB AND MOTHERS.- Pensions! Pensions! Pensions! Widows, Orphans, Mothers, Discharged Soldiers. Sailors, and Itlatines, entitled. .'tc Pensions, should call at once on JOSEPH E. DEVITT & 00., Military and Naval Agency, N 0.421 WALNUT Street. OUNTY AND BACK PAY BOUNTY AND BACK PAY !--BOTINeY AND BACK PAY !—BOUNTY AND BIM PAY!-Wives,, Children, Fathers, alothere, Brother', sr.d. Sittera are entitled to BOUNTY AND BACK PAY, and, should make early application' to t JOSBVII E. DBVITT & 00., Military and Naval Agency, No. 427 WALNUT Street. y- A DECISION OF THE ATTOR- X./ NEY GENERAL OF THE 'UNITED STATES, any Mother of. a Soldier, Sailor, or Marino, can obtain a PENSION, if married or not, if he wee killed or died in the service. Apply attmee to JOSEPH E DEVITT & COMPANY. Remember the number, -FOUR III:INDEED MD TWENTY-SEVEN, [427j WALNUT STHEET, MILITARY AND NAVA.L AHENOT. !fir Remember the name, ae27•St JOSEPH E. DEVITT & 0011P/IITY„ pENSIONS $l.OO BOUNTY , AND 1.. PAY procured and collected for Soldiers, Sailors, and the rtlativea of suck a* are deeeaved, by . JAMES FULTON, ATTOENE AT HIS LAW AND OIPLLEOTION OFYIOE, 124 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. For bwiness done in thiti line charges will be as fol. lows: For collecting Soldiers' and Sailors' Pay less than 850 in amount, $1 ; when over 850 in amount, 231 pat cent. on the excess. For-collecting arrears of_ Pay and $)00 Bennty for relatives of deceased soldiers, 2,sc per cent. For procuring Pension:4, the Government fee, $5. For collecting and procuring such for relatives of de ceased solders that have volunteered since the 25th August,' 1562, from this city, no charge, as previously propoeed. JAMES FUL TO I'l, 5e213.0 if 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelabda. FINANCIAL. S " FIVE TWENTIES: 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BOND. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION Of THE GOVERN . = N T 'ATTER FITE YEAES.I - • • -- I em bastracted by the SnonETART OP THE TREASURY to' receive subeorcptione for the above - LOAN AT PAR. I'U INTEREST TO OONDIENOR ERON DATE OP DEPOSIT, Thai) avoldhapi the dirilculty heretofore experienced by reenhing payment - in (SOLD of the Interest from Nay & rah vainly of these. Banda alwaye on hem& JAY ' l: ooo l Pr i bl f ,. :".SIIBBORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. 1729-11 JAXXS R. WALTON, WALT()N & YOST, BANKERS, BIiGEKELS, JIXD fIZNZE.(II. COLLECTORS, 96 Beath 'BTLED Street, Philadelphia. BEFNUERitTIES. Jay Cooke & Co., Hon. James Pollock, - James, Rent, Santee, & Co., Hon. H. D. Foster, Esberlok, Black, & Co., Hon. A. H. Reeder, 0. MoHibbin & Sou, Hon. Aea Packer, &..P. Middleton & Bro., Hen. Warren J. Woodcmrd. Hon. Win. Wliktm , , V.L. B ra df or d, 8 00 . an7-am S2 A OOO AND $3,000 TO INVEST in MORTGAGE Elecurities• either city or county: , - Apply to' - E PETTIT, 0c.2. No• 308 WALNUT Steeot.'l s4'ooo ~THREE SUMS, of this . • amount, to WAN on Mortgage. Will be divided intdanialler amounts. 'LUKENS & MONTGOMERY. — Ong•tbi2tat 3036 Elr. &OS Street, above LAUREL. $3OO TO LOAN it O m .N O MO G R II TiI y &G oa-tbe2l.4t 1035 BEeCEI Street, above LAIIREL Onil $5,000, $2,,500, $2,000, VV, acid 81,500 to invotton Blortgaie. Apply to ALFRED FITLEB,' Oonveyar.cer, No. 51 North. 81XTE.9ovet. • • lIISIMANCE COMPANIES. lalA RE '':' INSURAN OE COMPANY, 1: ;No. 808.#HEATNTitAtreet. FIRE AND „INLAND B 8 INSURANCE. DISEGTO. E. D. Woodruff, '..: John Ktuoder, Jr., P. 8 Jostles ' Washington JonoS, Coal. Stokes, Jolla W. E rerman. K. President. kItDBON, Vino President. &BD, Fectetary. (mhl9-ittf I" N. Buck, Chas. itlobasdson, Benry Lewis, Jr.., Alex. 'Whilldini - - Geo. A. West, O. W. Davis, FRANC/13 ist Imo . . . OH &UPS BIM WItLILDES I: BLAND eloM MONNVE RANODOOMPANT 0 SYLVAN lA. • DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., • Charles H Rogers, Jobn M. White% John K. Walker. Edward 0. Knight, ,Robert Shoemaker, Thomas 8: Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elfish Jones. DAVID JAYNE, M. D.. President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vie President. SAMUEL S. MOON; Secretary. Wolk: Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT el phis- • • se4. tf NQIIISH -DAIRY'-CHEESE.-350 E Ziestleh Den , OREM, kid re al,.vedLido.l &leek by RHODES * .. • 00 111 —or • PINE APPLE SAP SAGO CHEESE, J.. . . for sale by RHODIIB WILLI4bIS, .00-114 f - 107 South WATER Street. v ITERMETICALLY Sealed Goode, for ..I__L Sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, No. 107 South W ATER Street, oonalsting 01 Fresh Peaches, Fresh Blackberries, •' Tomatoes, .. Pine Apple, " Corn, ~ Apple, " Pees, , Ideals of ail kinds, • "Quinoes, Poultry " \ it " Pears, Soaps " " Mushrooms, " Strawberries, Sardines. Also, CrosCsets & p' Blackwell's Pickles, American Pickles im and Sauces, au, Jellies, Fruit Syrups, Preach H. yards, Bliglish Mtvitiude. oe2-tf EYE AND EAR. - DR. JAMES LEWIS, OOULIBT and AUHIST, has again re turned from bis proftsalonal tour in ICurope. and perma nently located at No. 887 North BIRTH Street. Oboe hours from 9t012 A. M., and 2to4P. M. se24.lmif* :BLIND AND DEAF--:-.oonsult Dr. JAMES LEWIS, whose unremitting ewes,' is meeting with the entire epprobeHon of hia petiente in Philadelphia. Moe al North SIXTH, et. Walla* 607 FANSON Street. IVOYLE3 W. Ton H. ARE DM . THE STATE OE PENN- BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN. SOM STREETS. &DOTION SALE OF ifORBES, OARRIAGEEL ma vEs,, ,sce. Ott SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 (.. 7 010tki Oommencing with the carriages. ALSO, ravines to the home— A.MANDSOME PONY ESTABLISHMENT. A Sholland Pony, wagon sod barium. A very gentle Donkey, wagon, Ao. ALSO, Three fine bred Devon Heifers; one Aldwory Bat, ft years old, from Mr. EfoplOine , imparted stock. Ear No nostoonoment on account of the weather. IMPORT... NT SALE OF RORMIN * O . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING„ at 10 OT-!ock, , At the Bazaar, will be sold, the property of a gentle man going to Europe:. Bay Tiafalgar. (Dick,) a valuable stallion. Mike, a stallion; 6 years old, trots in 2 50. Wine brood mares, ten colts. Peaciali and Dream, trotting mares. coatsl,2o3. Andalusia, a driving horse, coat $1,600.. 15 cows, 8 bolero, 8 young freers, yoke of oxen, iot of ebeen, hogs, tto. - oc2-2t if ALFRED X. 1171111NESS, !auctioneer. A.MUSENENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC; BROAD and LOOVST Streets. Lerree and Manager WM WERA.TUrr. Mr WHRATLEY takes mach eleasnra in annottncilm that be has effected an, engagement with tlia celebrated GABRIEL RAVEL AND T.1101:1P.E, and the Wonder of thr, World, YirIING ± DIEBIGA.% • They will tionsaY at this Establishment for TWELVE NIGHTS ONLy, in a series of their astounding Perionlintee lsl celn " teeming MONDAY EVDNING. OCT, 6, 1862. Box Book open on SATURDAY, October 4tb, from f3ll ,4. oc2-2t IaRS.: JOHN DREW'S ARCH STEM= THEATES. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. SSEDEIMOIES. Straitness Agent and Treasnrer.......JOS. D. TEIJRSIti, UNQUALIFIED StrOOESS. M 1.99 BATEMAN. THURSDAY, 00T. 2--LAST NIGHT ON WHIGS Miss BATE MAN will appear as JULIA, IN THE ItUNOHBA.OH, Supported by JAMBS WALLAOII, Jr., •EDWIN ADAM, and tho excellent Stock Company- TO-MOREOW. Benefit of Miss BATEMAN. Doors open at 7—To continence at 7X o'clock. . Prices as usual. e - Heats secured in advance. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.- ir Sole Demo Mrs. M. A. GARRNITSON. Bitoinego Agent. . - .. -.Mr. JOHN T. DOM/EMT. FOURTH NIGIIT OP MR B. BODY. TBIS (THURSDAY) BVBNING, OCT. 2 ; VIII be preigonted JELZT 'REMY! Jean Remy " Mr. E. EDDY: To conclude with the 'Farce of IGI.ON PARLE FRANC:API' Mr. Sprigens Eir. VIKING BOWERS. Doors oven at 7--Performance commences at 734. ri RAND BASE BALL MATOH AT Or the ST. GEORGE'S OBIONE r GROUND'. OA.- MAO'S WOODS, for the Obampionehip of Pennsylvania. bftween the Olympic," end ‘' Athletic" Olnbe. of Phila. delpbls, on SATURDAY, October 4th. Game o com mence et 'Z P. M. AdreiMoo free. ad 3t* A BBL & CO.'S STEREOPTICON. --&ssr, aiRLY 'TENTS AND OFESTVITT STREETS. COLOSSAL BTEREOSOOPI.O VIEWS, DISPLAYED FOVR HUNDRED SQUARE FEZTI EVERY EVENING THIS VVECK.. A ORANGE OF PIi.OGRAYLVE NIORTLY. LIARFIOP 25 oerits—Ohildrers 10 cants. A packaged, twenty-four, tickets for 83 , • Doors oven at ; commence at 8 o'clock lEfatinte on Saturday nt 3 o'clock, aRAND FLORAL AND FRUIT 1 4...)1 FESTIVAL, in aid of a SOLDIERS' HOIIIE, Commencing MONDAY.: EVENING, September and continuing during the week, at CONCERT FULL. The, Ladies having it in charge intend makingit the vied imposing Fair ever held in this city. Arrangementt have been made with the I"HTLADELRBIA: (BECK'S) BAND; No: 1, For every evening during the week, Donations or Emits and Flowers will be thankiully received : . at the Hall. TICKETS 10 cents. For giller at the ustialplaces, and. at . the Ticl, - at Pfficfror - the RAIL ae24-1.81 IZIENDISYLITANIA ACADEMY OF THE TINE ABIS, 1025 onioBTlloT STRIS3I.', Is oven daily (Sundays excepted) from lOU P. N. Admission 25 cents, Children half *LOC liThares of Stock, ff3o. - PHOTOGRAPHS. VOID SEARCH IN VAIN FOR, finer or truer Pictures than REITITNE'd Colored Photographs, for fa. They are carefully executed and artistically colored by experienced operators and artists. SECOND Street, above Green. jr*. 6 c QIIE EMILES . UPON ME - PROM Ai THE OSNVAS d ao said Mande of his 1%1 4 . 8 Portrait Von can have a smiling likeness by setting one of REIMEIVS lifa• Hag oil-aolored Photographs, and at war - prices, at SECOND Street. above Green it* WANTS. ANTED—A MELODEON, / fat' a. v v Cburch. Address Box 1289, Philadelphirt,Post Officeistating Trice, size, quality, &e. oc2-71* WANTED—An energetic- Young 0 Womao, mho can have all the advantegee of it good Eobool by renderiog some amietaoce inatruoting the emaller children. Amity at the SOECOOL, Er,Ll3/3 Avenve, Forth of gable, below Sixth etieet. ee2T• fit WANTED -A FRENOR to give lessons. in Trench end Mien. No ens nEed apply unless she has had erpsrience in teaching and can furniph satisfactory references. Address 0 P. Q., 424 Polish ELEVENTH Street. Phiindelphle. sic22.tt. ITO PAPER MAKERS.-PANTE D to take charge of a ?dill in San Ir , allei9Co one who is well .acquainted with the process of wine:factoring PAYER from STBAW• None need apply enleae-they are practically acquainted with the working of this stock, and can give the hest of references, Addresa Box MI, Boston. Poet Office. se3D-3t FURNISHED. HOUSE WANTED UN. Immediately for the Winter, or longer, by a small family, without children ; must be in a good neighbor fowl, and well furniEbed Addrees, stating location and rent, Box 1946, Philadelphia Poet Office. seal 3tt ei WANTED IM.DIEDIATELY-A. SEALARGE FURNISHED HOUSE. west' of NINTH. and eset of SEVENTEENTH,. between PINE and CHESTNUT. A liberal rent will be paid. Adroes <. Preis Office. - • se.3o-3t BOMMIDIG. VOTING - MEN'S HOME 9 A_ 'lasi 'FILBERT Street, opposite Penn Square-- BOARD and. Washing, two &Dare per week. all who desire a" comfortable hone will do well to esil and ex amine this home. ALEXANDDS sel9-12t . . . . Superintendent. TIGLEASANT SECOND-STORY 1 room, with board, at sol7.lra 307 Eouth TRIM) Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. T ,OCOMOTIVER FOR BALE FO JL.4 SALE—Two Freight Lecomoti • ves, or the fallowing dorcriptions--viar 014 E EIGHT-WHEEL 00.4.L.BUESER All the wheels connected; cylinder 16 by 20 Lichen' wheels 42 inches diameter ; wrought tyre; boiler 41. inches diameter, witb 108 fines; weight.about 55,900 pounds •, in template working order, nearly as good as new. Also ONE SIX.WEEEL WOOD BURNER ENGTNE. An the wheele connected; cylinder 13 Inches diameter, 38 inches Arnim; wheels 42 inches diametrr ;. wrought tyre; boiler 39 inches diameter, with 120 flues; weight about 40.000 Tonnes; in good repair Mud working order. Both Engines built by Messrs. BALDWIN' 4c00., and are offered for sale on reasonable terms Apply -toter' 0 G.4,13.11ET50N, oc2.7ts 311 X WALNUT Street. el-rt 330 R SALE.—One of those de algairable two•etory HOIIt R 9, with Side yard, is MARSHALL Street, below Buttonwood, No. 460. The back boildinu is throe story. inquire et No. 480 North FIFTH Street, below Buttonwooe. oel.thein3l* FOR EXCHANGE —A beautifal Nbal. Country Place of 37 acres, with good improve- ' monis, ono mile from Chester, en the Philadelphia, Wil mington and B,ltimore Beihoed, wjth all the Stock and A pet:deem:fee : can be cut np to ad cantege into Bofldi•:g Lots. Will be sold or exchanged for improved City •Property. Pries 812,000: $7,000 may remain on wort gate. For parHonlars, apply at 1302 ORSISTD UT Street. cc2-tf FOR SALE -A new and very de- Wiamaable DWELLING. No. 1908 GRAN& street. Alro, TO LET-A now ROUSE, No. 1827 JEFFERSON stied. &tab at STAPLER & SCHOLTINLD'B Lumber Yard. te3o•tntb63.* N W. car. 1380LN and WALL.I.IOE. PROPOSALS. DP UT Y QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFION. PHILADELPHIA, September 29, 1862. :PROPOSALS writ be received at thls office until MONDAY next, October 6, at 12 o'clock M , for the erection and completion of a MILITARY HOSPITAL for the nee of the United States, upon a lot of ground, the property of the city of Philadelphia, known as the Hunting Park °curse, at the corner of OLD. YORK. Road and NEJETOWN LIMB. Bach proposal must state the shortest time required to complete the contract, an d oleo th e Damao of competent seouridea to the whole amount of tie contract for its prompt and faithful per formance. The piano and specificationa can be seen at the office of JOHN AIoARTEIUR, Jr., Architect, No. 209 South SIXTH Street, every day between the hours of 10 A. Al. and 4 P. M , until the bide are closed. G. H. °ROSMAN, Dep. Q. M. Gen. U. S. A. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUP PLIES. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAIIL °meg. PISILaDaLI3Ia, Septemher 9.9. 1862. Proves*la are Invited at tads Office until 61 D 0 NAY,, October 6, at 12 M.: to furnish at the Schuylkill Arsenal a quantity of. PEGGED BOOTEES and BOOTS, of p r ime qua li ty'and Army pattern, to be mule of good wax upper and prime sole leather, of alms from sevens to twelves, assorted, to be equal in quality to the sample sealed in this Office, which has been approved by the Inspector. Bidders will elate bow soon they can deliver the num— ber proposed for, as preference will be given to early an d ,peeta pt . ds liverers. The names of two env. dee' most be given he the proposalt. G s H ORO 3H &AT, 1 ,,.3040.5 • D. Q. M. G., 11 13 A. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEEDS, SPICES S 1Lc •J &c • An the foliddika for PiaaarTing and ridding PupPece. ALBERT; (3 ROEIERTS, DlEldlira DR TINE GROMPO2II3, ae6-tt COBWEB arArizrrir ARP vrisna. TRUSS AND BRACE , DL PAPTIMM T. Q. EL zinelpThBB, Charz er TWNLTTII end MON B2reoLs, Philadelphia. Retrial i Tresses and' nteeemaioal applianeee ooneolaY sestet:ad by Bane o. Popeorr.s. Irrench end seerosed American, adapted to every form of rapture, is adults and • allfirety Engllsh end inearlc - en Bnpportere and Beau, Shordder.Breoee, Btu yeasories, Meade Stockings, end Byringee in great vs -lety. Ladle& Devirtment, TWItLfTIL Street, dr , vortedpw Eaoe. Octtated br omPetent ladies