'IM lINDIAL ANl► COMMERCIAL. 'OE MONEY MARKET. P811.108L1.816., feptereber 20,184 eterelleue le all chime Governmeut 8f onrithea haVe 10 , ac tive to day, and quartermastere' eertitldatea toe ac , ffi ag Heather itnvriant feature ia the b ulnae! of ere ''""- Nene, matte:nee to range at 4 per cent, on the etrtea . vit a 'erne suPply , One-year certificate* of tn ct odoro s ere +looted at 98)4 buying, and 29 selling. old detnende were eagerly seight. and the prices firm at Geld cloetd the dame ae yesterday, 1 16 X gle 1120 1141 stax belua ether Hem, with an active business. Go Oohs were r ,crements were a shade lower, without salve, Pannell volft fives were don at an Ovules; of l(; Olt, sixes, ovis itorroci t bf ; Pennsylvania Railroad first mod were fir n at yeeterday'a figure. the eacod Pi° sh ins t bonds Long Jeland sixes hronght 07,11 ; Nor n th do I ,, ac a slice wore firm at 78; the tens were m , Two teller; the chattel scrip brought 05; the mortgage scrip no mcs rise', 010 1870. rose y, ; Elohnylkill Navigation wl - 10 2 ; y• Elmira sevens were firm at 80 ; Einsqne -4 woo Oeuel br lett at 6—an advance; Delaware Hu. bpi lnetweero bronot 27X ; Lehigh Islaviotion role the atria 3a ; ilmileton Coal twought 43g. Tbc rallrtnel lot was very active; Beading opening at 00011 I) 31X , 110 to 32 again, and closing on 44 0, 7 0itire; g,,rsh peeueylvants rose 34, and continued peaver Meadow brought 68; Pennsylvania se Is oody 46,1; Oatswiesa rose „4" ; the preferred One Scholtill wee firm at 17; lifinehill at 47 ; tlarnien a d Amboy wen to ]34l gitnira improved X, the Pre- Ettrid eleboners : Love ledand was steady at 18N, no done , OA wee bid for Harrisburg, a considerable ad- IMM• TWO VS a dooldei movement in passenger railways cm t tov rovanent in prices; West Philadelphia ' veogbl advance of X; Arcboatreet 25, an ad. T roy of]; Girard College 2434, au advance of 4 ; ' 13aue 501'0010, an advono4 of g ; Spruce and Pine rose from 11 y to 147 i, Ei9 advance of g altogether; 33 wee OM for Orem and Coates; 19 34 fur Second and Thlrd, the eltur en Iniprovvrurnt or 34. Beek tIIIFOS were more active; Manufreeturers' and op tot brought 233( ; 11034 WAS bld for Philalel pble; 10 for North America; 5034 for trartunrat and potionfot; 24 for Mach:mica'. The market chord Arm. Atoto ca .h ar e..r.nd oia,oco ip bandy obriugud Preen &ho Quote rev y e a Exchange pared-l 0 disci. goo Eschaugo carol 10 died. s o u ,ore Exchange XVI Coutrf fame Ai 0% die. m 6 ' 14 ''''' "• g 017 em. Cortilletitos, , 9634 099 yeM fo u,,, v i li g is the amount of coal transported on the T he mit a dolobla and Reading Railroad during the week suites Tbsralay, Sept. 15, 1862. Tong Cwt. Iron, Pnrt Nevi , 14,1(4 14 1, Pottsville 609 14 Schuylkill Coven. 20,061 16 11,0411rn 3,688 03 o Port Clinton..-.- 6,891 03 o garrleburB nod DmiPhla.. 4, •182 16 Teinl maliencite coal for week... 44.848 12 Froth rinTipwrg,i,,tutbitumlnone coal.. 4,123 07 TotRI of all tTh for wOok .48,511 19 Provicte/r this y - 1 656 781 05 Total 1,704,8A3 04 To some thee last year 1 213.750 15 The followin4 is the amount or coal transportsalon the selierliclll erigation for the week ending on Thurs ' Eept 78,7962- From For Carbon Ton:, 01 0 6 w 0 e 0 , Pattavll.lF 28 000 00 pchoylkill 17,307 06 Purr Clinton. 877 00 Total for seek 23.290 PO Y 1100154 thl9 Your 631,292 09 665,682 O) Totni„„„ ...... .„ 791,177 12 change Sales, Sept. 90. aßit. Philo. ILT.chLuve.i BOARD. 1000 B 1 Palma 131 78 2000 - POUttl 112.1 mut..10,1% 5000 do 104 x 50 Little Sobnyl 11... 17 800 O lty 14 , 47.101 X 1000 do ~New ,101 x 8 Wett, Pbilß 53 To woe time lost y0w1..., lehllsdelphla (Spatted. by Stook EXi 2. S. F.1...0r 00 N Perms m tercp 72 10 (JUAN , 30 200 reuun 11,, _l;5 10 2'2 do • 10 24 Dearer 1514.5d0w,. 4'B 30 Penna R,..... • 41)% 121 do ....lota 40% 50 Readol R 31 s do 31% 22 do ... 32% 100 do 3:3i• I'oo Penn .... . . 89% 10001) 91 1 ear cert.. 09 100 Cataolooa 4,W 13"Ei414EN /00 Beadirg ..... 31 Ar (0 do c.. 0514 81 :;60 do 31 100 Ition&bleoli INA 28, 1 4 WEOON 2020 Boidicg 6.1 '7d... 03 7:16 N Poona tort top. 72 33 62 do . 72,4 p6O Pennalt 4 t.i ill Dola Mutual 100.. 27}y 10 Little Rohn)) R.. 17 - F.l Arch. Ftri et It t 5. 25 50 der & Noe 14X 60 do ...... I 14x F' 10 do 14%i wo QlOl Canal 6 AIICR BO /31113. 17 Oedoden Amboy 8.... 160 (WAR of 1 ..bswn 1 1 % 20 Long DI R 61 973 25 Arch•Rtreet B2dA 25 20 do 25 60 Clrord Col IL 24g 100 Zintil b 190 R %co d Vino 11— 10 130it.tiD0. 2000 119adIng es '70...103X 200 Penna 6! 89X 50 Arch street B b 5 25 25 Girard Oo B b 5.. 21X BOA UD. 27 Lehigh NFtv,..... 60 100 N Perms 10 10 Ritz , oton 43,4" 4 IltinehlU R 47 260 NPennoghot Soo 66 200 flooding a 3 32 60 do 610 . 10A SchlW Nov 63 'Bi 67 600 Ponta . . 8c 600 do -89,6 E .• • 1 34 Bid Asked. %CUM— ,SttLe_lir-- 14 'Likud 1.831 .19 I Leh 01 & 1.1 Le 01 & blalf sop. Zig 29g 01,051316 PI I id Aske4. Beta '81.... —lO l % 101% OBTri 3-1011.101 x 106 Vlallada Oa. 01x .. PLilada riew..lo!x reun% ba 823 i Brad en N 1 90'4.105 .. Beading bde '70.103X .. Bead ad Oa 'Se.. 00 03l{ Pruneß„ 49% 49 Pena 1 m Be,„107 x 108 Penne B2rn 13e„103 004 Morris Cal oou.. 44 47 RorthOul. Prb1.13.6 y 4 1.1.7 Ba Noy Stook.. 4;,‘ MI NB, Pref... IFS 14 „ fH CT Btmlra B 34 14,4_ Ihnim B Vref.. IRS 24 Amid 89 00 j N Penns B. 10 lax N - Paft Os 78 - 78,.w IN Penns 8, 1D5.103 Colas Ft Con... 4 4 !Oat:wisesPr l .. 11X 11X Pr & South'k 8.... 47 ,Sec &Third St B 69g 70 !Race& Vtne-st 0% 10 Vi Phil% 8..... DX 63 Spruce& Ptne.. 144 15 &, Coate% ~..33 about & Vt'alaut.4o , Arch-St 4" 25 263 IThir & Nifrath. 101rard 24 24) ITenth & Slev'th 82 .. Philadelphia illarkets. BIiPTICKBER 20—EYENING. There le mere it..,ulry for Flour, and the market tti DIM tit prevleus quotations, with BMW Of about 1,200 /kb to onto, et fir, 7560 for Ohio extra family, mostly at the littler rain, not 200 bbis good do., at $0 26 V' bbl, Ine Wen to the !rode are limited, at $505 25 for super -0001 65 MX 65 75 f.,r extra, 85.8754 00 for family, and 865027 V ht•l for fey brands, as in quality, and tho retelole and stocks ere light. Bye Flour is searce and onh SO 6083 02,A bbl. Onru Meal 18 quiet, but 200 bpi! Pero) how I n ol,al a .Id at MX4 bbl. Wilt IT —Time to rather more firmness, with sato of Insbele to 0-te, at 12801800, mostly at the latter tote for rrhue stern and Peonsyl yenta -red in store, 132 c for Southern d >Afloat and 138340140 c for. Western phi's, Rye la in steady demand, at Ste for now &math - err. erd 700 for Pen..sylventa. Corn to bettor, and 6,000 butch yellow fon d Misers, at 000037 c afloat. Oats are O m ErAt iu demand, with ,a1...3 of 4.000 bustwia, at 356 07 c for Southern, and 400400 for Pennaylvant t. Old Orte are PCMCG and worth 00c, AIM Feed 13 ta good de mend, at etrady rates BAs!,—There le n ..tendy demand, and let No. 1 Qner- Glum it wenttd at tir37 V' ton. Curran.—The market la quiet, and without any change to rote 10-day. .. GitOClMlEB.—Thera is nut ranch doing, bat Vice% ere Well nrolotalutd, nod firm. Peovisloas —The market to more active, with a re duced mock to operate on. WHISKY m:•ere if rather more freely ,at Bac for Ohio Llble, and 81c for e r tulp 43. CITY ITEMS. The Jobbattq Trade. The rout of the rebels in Western Maryland, and their prospectlre arnibilation between the pursitng Legions of Meelollau and the confronting column, which is senate to ittercept ibtir retreat to Richmond, has re. lamed the leeches which, for some days past, ,had weighed heavily upon the channels of trade, especially in the lobbing p , rtment. Many country msroblenia have been debarred les 11l coming to Philadelphia to mske their NH enrchat , r, by the unsettled and threatening elate of affairs, oho will now, under the eunshine of victory, and the prospect of conquering and honorable Peso, resume their accustomed routine of business. 'Third street Is already dirtying an active trade. The old Woe of Bush ' Kurtz, (formerly Bunn, sat fuel, it Co,, and more recently T, W. Biker k 00.1) N0,13T rorth Third street, who, by the way, adver tise, their splendid fell stock of goods in another column of our paper this morning, have for corns weeks past been dalng a large share of business, and in a visit to am* wereroome on Batarday, we found the same bodice tem of mercantile life and enterprise that oharaoterfred this house In ha paler and more peaceful times. The s plea. di/ manner, too, in which their several departments of atn's wear, dress goods, silk., shawls, while goods, hosie r], notions, et cetera are stocked, shows that the new firm be entered upon the fall 6111 n psign with confidence, and wet - hick that their preeent activity may, be taken as an infer of what the .fall trade will be In this city under the l 'erhite influence of viOrottY ! ETRE LANDBLL'S FAIL STOOK.—There are few mercantile establishments in which the !Mies of one ettr and the community. In general feel a more practical Interest than in the old , and respectable house of Messrs. 1 .116 & Louden, corner Fourth and Arch ate One of the ternlieritirs of this firm is, that while it devotes its ores• tabs!i years to the promotion of genuine mercantile dlgul• tr, it does not fall to • qiet p up with the thwes,” le eater , kg to the wants of the trade that is evoked from season to llama. In their mammoth stock of Fence and Staple thy goads—embraclet everything from a spool of cotton to the most queenly brocade—the gay Young lady, and the tasteful matron, Os plain Friend, anti the fashions'. Ma belle, the old lady who ham too far passed the Merldlen of Wets pee the neoessity for stoops," and the miss in her teens, alb oan be suited to a nicety, and at Prices which sometimes puzzle their competitors In the trade, halos not I:turret/silently , lower than the ordinary tvholesak rates, In all kinds of. Men's and Boys' wear their stock is oleo very complete, and the same may be mid of their White Go odd, Linens, Domestic, and House* furniihing departments, FALL DllY GOODS FOR HOME CONSIIMPTION. -- I lhe rise end fall in the price of dry 'goods of a More I bcf character, although Important, is not, so in the 311410 degree as that which marks the fluctuations In the more indispensable * Maples. These mast be had by everybody, and the price of them accordingly became' a Matter of vital interest to the mules. Of course, houses here that bad the means and sagacity to lay in a heavy tihnk before the use have greet advantages in a Juncture 1140 the Present. Among the retail houses In this condi, ~,, to.day, we may mention, that of ldr. Granville S, 4 ' ll ceet No. 1015 1 51 vatet 'Meet, whoee adverttletastac of 4 ' Annell e " and !Aniline" of every deecription, rap- Peer la one /Wall Dry Goods column. this morning. Mr. Zahns tram fortunate lu *touring a capital gook Of goods, Mainly at prices when they ruled lower than at ; present, and for extent and variety there are few stooks as good: to select from, elpecially ea be Ir 'ailing on the principle tbet w nimble sixpence Is better than a elow,shilling, - at "lee terceptibly below the usual prices charged for the: Owns goods, i TIM BUT QUALITY DI nW rLollit,—mr. v. la. Manson, dealer in toe family groceries, Arch and 120 th Streets, has now in store a supply of new Flour, of the flieet brands, made from new wheat, to which we &trite the attention of our readers. Tim MIXT on Pllmananpmtaite.--The grand Orme of Philadelphians, that' has recently bursted to the defence of the Stale, is worthy of the oily that sent forth her beet °Miens to stand up is her behalf Whenever the "%Are demands their services. While the material of Ibis army is of the most splendid character, its equip bent; are equally superior, Every man was well armed, asd nearly even , one wore fin elegant and comfortable I, ll n, Procured at tbe Brown Stone Clothing Roll of BCe & Wilson, Nos, 508 and 505 Cheptant street. Shops Sixth. This Is now the great eMporinot of mill. tfltr A SPLENDID STOCK OF GENTS' \ FURNISHING Goons —ln another part of our newspaper to day will' be found Ihe advertisement of Mr. George Grant, large manufacturer, importer, and dealer in Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goode of every description, in the large new store, No. 010 Onestnnt street. In examining hie new Fell Importations, a few days ago, we observed a variety of novelties that are sure to become popular. among which his elegant new French and English Scarfs ore specialty worthy of notice. In Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, siery, and, in short, everything belonging to this de pivrment of trade, Mr. Grant's stock is unsurpassed, We Inay.rnentfon, in this connectioa, the fact that Mr. John F. Taggart, (formerly of the Arm of Oldentierg & Taggart.) who has the reputation of being the boat shirt cutter in America, and mode the shirt that took the only rend= ever awarded by the Franklin Institute to that branch of, our manufactures, is connected with this holm WA bear the opinion expressed on all hands that the shirts of this establlehment are unequalled by any others, and .Mr. Grant's prim, being one of the largest renbottcturers and imparters in his Hue in the country, e unusualil moderafs. WE TARE pleasure in c,alli , g the attention of the I dice to the advertisement of Mr. J. B. CasselberrY, No 45 North Eighth street, Mr. Oasselberry has won for his establishment a fame not easily rivalled, by the ron mkably low prices at which he sells hla goods, as we I a; by the excellent quality of every article in tee dry goods line purchased at his establishment. - TILE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES Wamcnns are acknowledged enneliar to ail others. They are the only hind with cog• wheels. A child can firmly foston them to an)p!ar tab. Examine their, at WALooTr. ek• BURN. 11A)4'N, 771 Chestnut street. se22 at* A MAGNIFICENT;ROSEWOOD' 7-00 T. PIA.NO Fon SALL-4MM) carved Case and •Lege, grand action overetrnng base, sweet and powerful tone. Made to or der for the present owner, by the beet New . York nusker, seven months ego. Coat $6O/. The owner being in the army and obliged to sell at once, will take 13225 wish, in cluding elegant Cover. Apply at once, at No 717 Arch etreet. - set) , 2t* MILITARY UNIFORMS—FALL AND WINTER CLoTunto.—Great inducements are at prompt offered at Ornnville Stokes', No. 809 Chestnut street, to those who are ahont procuring their•fail and winter garments. A. MOO f xlentiee stock of costa; pants, and vaeling terns, have just been lald in, and wilt be madolo order at pleas 25 per cent. lower than demanded at other estab lishments. Every Artiolo of clothing sold is warranted in fit, fabric and fashion. Id.ilitary uniforms of all kinds are also kept constantly in store, or merle to order at the shortest notice. Remember the one•price militarrand civic Clothing Bazaar of Granville Stokes, No. 809 Chest nut alma, Philadelphia. TUE FAMOUS " BULLET-PROOF VEST " Reeists a rifle-ball at thirty-eight rode ; Turns a bayonet-tbrnst or pistol-shot; Protects the ehtulders iroti3 sword cute; Res saved many - lives in this war; Is light In weight, plod easy; Does not impede the most violent exercise; Sold st the price of an ordinary vest; Testimony can be teen at the agency; Chutes Stokee, under the i( Continerital,” Sole &Rent Ear flits State. -MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sir 13E11 FOURTH PAU! ABBIVIM. Bark Hamilton, Sprague, from Trinidal tle Onba, 26th ult, with Bogor and nrdasses, to S & W Weigh—towed up Ur tug America. Loft b.rk Casco, from New York, Olschl. Reports chip Chas Hill, from Boston, at anchor nff Fourteen Feet Bank at 11 A. al, on Saturday : bark itbrra, for Queenstown, and brig Anna Margaratlia, for Lot don. leant to seta Satuttlny morning. Schr Wm Jones, Jones 10 deo) from Portland, with 260 tons plaster to captain. Schr Sarah Benson, 6 days from New Bedford, with oil to Shober & 00. -- Schr - Oeo Stockbam, Babcock, 2 dais from Fortress lito roe, in ballast to captain Sam Writ Dennis, Crowell, 5 days from Boston, with Ice to K mnedy. Stairs & 00. Str 0 olger, Fenton, 2 days from Washington, D 0, with indite to 71;omm Webster, Jr. Brig Sarah Wooster, Lord, from Boston, in ballast to El A Souder & Scbr Core, Scull, from Washington, D 0, hi ballast to captain. • Bohr Mountain &venue, - Kelley, from Boston, with ni'oe tO captain. EMbr Wm .0 Jenkins. Edwards, from Washington, D 0, with mdse to W Id Baird Jc Co. - Schr Golden Gato, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to J 1. Bewley dr 00. Seim Standard, Dunham, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with wheat to Jae L Bewley roo. Eteamar Bevtrly, Pierce, 21 hOurs from new- York, with mite to W P Olyde. CIIMARICD. Brig Sarah Wooster, Lard, Boston, II A Sou , Yer Co. Brig Wm lit Dodge (Br), Andortan, Barb Woe, J ID Bazior & Co. ' • Brig Beatrice, Strout, Boston, L Audeuried 3G O. Behr J B Johnson, Johnson Salem, 8 Colley. Behr D Sturges, Norris, Costner, Stiekney & Wellington. tichr Ocean Wave, Panama, Beaufort, N 0, Navy A gent. Fehr Rate, Dneltam, Alexandria, Tyler, Stone & 00. Polar 0 A Heckacher, Gallagher, Alexandria, do. Bohr J Hendrickson, Weetcott, do do. Elchr. J L Hamad, }Tolman. do do. Bebr H. Warwick. &Tonal:tire, Waebifigton, do. Pcbr F A Hall, Paddock, Zdiddlotown, Wannemacher & Maxfield. e. .'• }cbr LOttie Ann, Vannostrand, Chester River, DO, W D Beall. Sylreater, Wanbiagton, captain. ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS 111" TO 12 O'OLOOK LAST NIGHT. CON. ' ENTAL DOTBlL—Ninthend Chestnut ate. B Bre, Pittsburg H N Smith, Wisconsin Mire End , Erastris W dmith Mrs A 8 pweter & family J L Orawford. A Name:, Galt, 0 W F Robinson N Y m ' J H Franklin, NY • It M Allen,N Y II O Hard & wife, Ohio J Wank, Ohio T Td Darvis,St Louis 0 Wendell, Wash, D 0 John A Green, Baltimore D Molli Gregg, II BA. Gaps G F Ingersol, N Y Baurinx, Baltimore Ira Murdselt, Wash, D C Gl3 Stet - on Bridgewater M. Pell, N Y P P Crafr, N 111 A Post, N Y 13 A, Houghton Ai wife, Balt4 bil , a H Morris,Balt!m•re Win Goodwin & wife, Mil- • JA Pi emol t &la, Wash, D wens ea Oapt Hugh H Janeway, N J A. Hovey, N Mr Byars, N Y F Macdonald Y , Wash.D W PetIPILO, Dim Alex W Logan, Alex, Va 0 (1 13 ayden, Cal B Hockey. Port an Prince Gen W B Burnet, N Y Mrs N Griffin, N Y J Conic, jr, Bait A E Bustaphieve, N Y F McCoy. Havana Jno A Stowart & - la, N York Willis Patten,,New York 0 0 Simpson, New York lit B Simpson, Boston Mr Hoop & la, New Jersey Mr Podd & la, New Jersey 13 Sweet & la, New York A F Eberman, New York Samuel Keyser, New York John linghes, Baltimore 111 Clark W Curlers, Prov, it I Samuel Norris, Springfield wm Arnold, II S N F Neldlinger, New Haven c enk ingharn, N Castle F ercnr,iltismatt °hank H Robinson & la, Portland MISS M Tucker, Portland C 7 nrr, Pittaburg N G Thorn Cincinnati Isickeis, New Y , irlr. W Butte-L.ld, Maine J Warren, New York Freeman & wife Lloyd & la, Pittsburg Miss Ci aT U,,yd,gotimaysrg BEI Halsey, Now York R D Fetter, New York J Bonloh, 11 , ew Yock Hiram Woodruff, L inland Geo S Bartow, NVCheater Geo B Aller., W Chester Mat C Loring, Boston C L Lamberton, Clarion Capt W Wayne, t- Carolina J T Dann, Danhnry, Ot Dr Cl J, Hiil, New York J F Basin, Maryland Alex Garrett, Leavenworth Rickey Ellicott, Penns Obas H Wiser, New Yotk E R Bennett, New York W T Reed G F Train A - la, Wash, 0 0 Dim Lenny, New York A EL Moss, Ohio G A HeLdersen, Wash, D 0 J Henderson. Jr. Bait 3 11 Hatcher, St Paul _J (1 Woods, 1:1 N J C Beaumont, II /3 N G F Spier Wash, D 0 11 0 Wilson, Wisconsin H, Wright, Wisconsin W 1 , Helfoosteli,PottevilleVent AT Craig, Ohio A W Porter Ohio Shepard, New York J Hillard ' , Wash, D 0 C L Flardenbergh, Wash Chas Folsom, New York Geo ta. Lyon, New York ' LDe flirt, Sunbury, Pa J D Staring, Chicago W Berry, Chicago N 0 Williams, Chicago 0 Scither)srat II B A J Mt Warner, Wisconsin D Miters, NT • ht T Rodman & wife, N Y E Norton, Paducah, Sy J L Benin & wife, N York D B Dennis, Minh Fitz Green Halleck W B Hunter, Williiresport Goo W Beigler, Penne MEROHANTIP HOTEL—Tourtb at., below Arch. W M Paxton, Pittsburg Jacob Walker, Jackson, 0 T (.; Noble, Maysville Bawl Messina°, Salem, 0 John Thr , mpiton, Allegheny AL Thompson, lowa L W Olds Muscatine, lowa 0 Shute:, jr, Canal Dover W Peck, Kentucky Oeo A Ramsey. Ohio J B Rin.berry, Dayton, 0 8 lit PllOlOOll. Mani J C Gevstudnif, Indian% B K Fine, Kelknk • L II Gress, Allentown Bev Di• Piumer, Allegheny F 0 Tilon, Willsosbarre" Mit L A.. 1 Fimmitt; Penns JAR Radcliff, Indianapolis E Stoutan.,nr3 1, N J B F Chambers, lliEarrland W M &Disney Now York Miss CvSlle, New York G W Wyckon; Elmira W d Reynolds, Elmira B T 00111WE'll, Pesua B B Hutchings, New Jersey B J Berry, — Bridgerwt, 0 Jr 111 Kleppish, Baltimore F S Bichm•th, Memphis D Mars, Ohio Isaac Reiman, Ohio Easel Patterson, California A G Mason, Brewrisville J N Snowden, Brownsville John A L Morreill, 08 A NTS Murrell 1t d, Wash, DO J B Martindale, h York Israel Painter, Penns. Alt Hoover, Fenno , Mrs 111. Flanagan, Pittsburg Eli J Flanagan, Pittsburg Goo A Waller, Portsmouth Dr T hitltspaugh, N York B Thee F Sherpnack, Ohio - WM. Holloway, Oltio B bill, Penne , W Wright, New Tirk AMBEIDAN--Dhestant street, nbove Fifth. I'M Guthrie Indiana co,Pa A P Shepherd, Mass J Dllbtafr, New Jersey Robert Dubois, New Jersey Chas It Blmer,„New Jersey U B Orth, Eeltbsburg, Cart It A Abbott, 11 13 AL Lteut J 0 -Dolen,ll B G Pador, New Jersey W 0 Shinn, New Jersey A Mitchell, lowa J Glenn, lowa 'rhos Slanghter, Dover. Del P Brady, Pennsylvania RA A garti, Philadelphia $ D Honey, Maryland Jas G Reddens, 'Maryland B D Drake, Newark 14 al Goodwin, Lafayette W Rodgers Gen Crane F J Twiner, Now York Bthortecter Jes.ph Sraith,`Ohlo - O 0 Coffi , n Boston J . a Beiges, Jersey Shore Hiram Bond, Maas It Jones, Boston BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Aheetent street, above Third. .1 liheeler & irT, New York Ed Barrett, Maryland J B Christian, Maryland Geo T Ford, If S N - J W Bondy, New York 0 W (Mem& la, York Pa B Woods, Penns .7 Zeublin, Indiana V B Dieli, Indiana B D Met, Indiana B F Worth, Indiana W Ledwitcly, New York Boderrs, Pe'aware Jno Galusha, Philo Chas Milts, Pottsville T Woodward, B' York F Haeriel, New Orleans E N Snow, New Bedford Lient H N Harrison, Philo Vent CEt North, Phil& E Taylor, Phila J H Snyder & wf, N York - Bane O'Donnell » W Wards, Chester Fowler Bradnack Joe Dailey, Now Jersey - Br Snyder & wf, New York Mrs McClure, Cincinnati Faits, Oinoinati, Ohio H J Barker, New York OONMNBOLAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. S Smitb, Mester co, Pa James B Orem, Va Myers, Pennsylvania Lloyd Hammond, Md A Warding, Romelyille Dr Thompson, Oheeter co David Dames, °heater co *John 0 Oroweit, Newark George Barging, Newark Dr Wm Thompson, Del A 'Robinson, Maine BYlveeter Moody, Me James Mlle, Maine ffi F Smith; Maine bicOloaker, Wilm, Del Lient B B Byre, Perm's 14 Harlin, PennsYlvetan STATES DEIGN HOTEL Market, above Sixth. , D T Tolan, Ohio I( H Hibbhmon, Penn's, Bemnberger, I/animater J B Murray, Workington ELLIVTIFACENTianviIIe B B Holden, H.entingdon Idles Lizzie Goodwin, 'Pa Hattenotein, D Dries, Elmira, 0 York Kris S 8 Whitford, Ohio Mrs A Morlott, Ohio Niro 14 B ITightongalo, 0 John Sbenberger, Coltimbla T P Green, U-13 A .1 0 Dermas, Pennsylvania A Y & In f ra , p ant o, W E Grons.Oineinnati G Clark, Wisconsin 'Geri D Piitt,.Pittabnrg A J Woltkiel, Dittoburg Y Lawton, England Ryorr, England NATIONAL =1(0711 1--Bane , street, above Third. W lisiblich, Hamburg Samson 11 Lenhart, Pe Bent Speen. Pennsylvania J riendershot gloomsb 7 g Isaac Hollander, Ohio 8 G Croadale P Chase, , Indiana Pittsburg 131sicelr. Indiana ' John W White, Cincinnati A turd, Oincionati O ilobson, Oincionati Jss iltienson, Oitclunati Camberlin, PittsFurd Cabs J 131Inath 7 Litas eu liHall, Peaneylianie J Weitzel & Romero, Nev York /3 Welsh, New York Obas F Kooltreob,Penn'tt •• P ggins, Reading J 'drank cheater co 0 J iricOarthy, Penn's P= Zimmerman, Ottembereburg • MT. VBEROB-43econd street, above MTh. Joba Morton, New Jen") , J P Jackson, New Jersey J La Bunt, 'New Jailer MIRE TEM UNION—Arch airtiet, above Third. W H Tbominan, New Jersey A. RicOart , r, Penne Capt Juo Jam.eou t ?WIWI Jas Blitchell. Harrisburg A D OlFrk; New Y ork J Chambers, Oino, Delo Lewis B.Allen, Now Oileans H oowallt, Delaware LT H Lopg, - Elsg..e.town G Moore, Z Rochester T Lechery, Belmont, Obfe BARLEY SEEM'—Second street, below Vine. Wm pemos,., Pennsylvania 0 K Kay, Penn's Manor Lippencott, New Jersey G Lippencott, New Jersey Hitte, Kew Tvvin T Walton, tucks 0 It Ely, PfilTsylvanis A Ely, Pennsylvania A Ger watt, New Town T B &wart. 11-artsvllle Of nit Wrn StnoPri: Dolist'n I Vanhern, Rucks Vamiegrift, Penns I ES &tate, nottlgotnery K Smith, Pcursylvania J Scott, Hatboro J Dolmen, Chicago 14 Gillingham, Sucks A Loophole, N.-wtown. .1 Palmer, Xdgewood H I oarroll, Perna LKr Halbtirt, Perna I TloNtrall, n-wtown 0 Rose. Bucks Pavia, Northamiron, Pa J Smith, Pennsylvania E Campbell. Daviaville J Smith, Newtown 11 mitt), Newtown B Kane. New jersey lit Kline, Flemington M Pierson, Pennsylvania FhopmAer ' Penns S L Nichols, New York B Welvon, ucks I FlTorry, Pennsylvania J T Eimnson, PoyleAown F 'llnckman,"Newtown, Pa Bendurssh, Newtown, Pa J Watson, Bricks Wm Barnsley. Newtown, Pa Unit Ti' Members, Newt'n P Pay, New York MADISON SOUSE—Becond street, above Market. Win Ellegood, Delaware John 'Gorden. PFliaware Peter S 0. New York G A Kahl.-Lambertvllle Mesas "Bn‘h Delaware B Quinn, New Jersey. A S Cadwallader. Penna Ohas Boater, Penns 3 A Swart, flew York Jno Tnoker, New York Swe74 e Goreou, ttroudetearg J 8 Reynold% New York BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callombill, A Finlth & la. Wilnt, Del %hos trifles., Fox Chase, pa W lsnopert. Pox ()base, Pa John Berge, Butler, Pa Samml khutt, Do) loatown BALD EAGLE--Tbird enrcet, above HaUoivbBL 8 Ftonc,Belht.hetn J HoGill. Lebanon co J M Archiblr, Canada W Tornee, Canada J Oherhulael , Bricks co H Homan; Bnoke ea P B Ftricer, Pentwilvania SPECIAL NOTICES. GRNAT TammpH.—STETNWAY ez SONS were awarded a first-class medal at the late Great I..ternstionsd Exhibition, London, over the 269 Pianos from all rialto of the world entered for competition. The special oorrespondent of the New York Times Says: t. Messrs, Steinwys , endorsement by the jurors is emphatic, and stronger and more to the point than that of any European maker." . Vareroorus at se2.43•Gt, GROVER & BAS 's NEW ETECUTTLE SEWING BIAOITINS.---PRIOE, SO. The attention of tailors and, other manufacturers re attiring the nee of a fast and durable lock-stitch machine, la directed to our No. O. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, is already a groat favorite with manufacturers. It is a first-class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has sold so rapidly, or given such universal satisfaction. It is very, simple in its conatructiorf l easily learned, not liable to get out of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well; and the low Price at which it is mild places it within the reach of all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine. ' GROTBB & BASIS S. N. 00., 780 OHEISTMIT Street. SINGER & Co 's LETTER cc A" FA.. mmy SEWING MAOHTNE, WITII ALL THE BE CENT IMPBOVEME'NTS, is the BEST, and ORICAPNBT, and MOST IrORATITIFITL, of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a took in Tarletan to the making of an Overcoat—anything from 'Pilot or Beaver (Both down to, the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do Its work to per fection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tack, quilt, and has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is Rot the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, end so forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma chine. The Letter ti A " Family Sewing Machine may be had in a great variety of cabinet cases: The Folding Dose which is now becoming so popular, is, as itinaine Implies, one that can be folded into a box or ease which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in. Be native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices era well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, eto., of the very beet quality. Send for a copy of ff BUM= & CO,hkGAZETTO." N. BINGER & 00, 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST. jyl4-mwttr BATOHNLOWS H AIR Drit TREDEST UT THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOB'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— 'arranted not to injure the Hair in the least i remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. GBAY, BED, or BUSTY HASH instantly ttimsa splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beau ts.rd. Bold by all Draggists, &so. .Plir The Genuine is signed WILLIAiII RATORB. 1,11.1t......an It. Gate 238 Briadion4 and 18 Bond street), , New York.. mr-46-br ONZ—PRIOX CLOTHING ) Or TON LAl'llibirf 617 mis, made In the Best Moamar, expreaeli for ULM BALA& LOWEST Selling Prices -marked to Plain Slgmes. 64. Goods made to Order: warranted satisfactory. Our osa-Parore Bremen Is strictly ad hered to. &II are thereby treated alike. raZI-IY. JONES %d- 604 MA num stmt. , . CARD PRINTENV;BEST AN] . ) 031PAPSIBT in, the Oity, at 111 South FOURTH Street. MARRIED. IitiIILFORD—CARMAIT.—On the . 17th instant, at Oboist's ebnrch, Binghamton. by the Rey. Dr. Beach, Elitha Mulford, of South Orange, N. J., and. Rachel Price, daughtt r of the late Caleb Carmalt, of Lake Side, Butquebanna county. Pa NOF—FIRLMBOLD.—Oa the Rilth ult., by Rev. D. L. Gear, Mr. 'Parry II Noe to Miss Hennie Y. Helm bold. both of Ibis city. GEBRARD—LRX.—On the 38th inst.,-by Rev J.: H. Hem ard, Dlr. Louis Gebhard to Miss Amelia Lea, both of this city. * HAYES—SPINZINECK--On the 17th kid, by Rev. W. O Best, Dirt Lewis Hayes to Miss Willie F., only daughter of the late Nicholas Sthmbeck, U. S. N., all of this city. DODSONGARLION..—In Frankford, on the Bth feet, by R .— ev. Thomas P. Coulson, Sir. Henry Dodson to Sarah Ann Garlick, both of Frankford. - DIED< McIIULLIN I .—On the 27 le of July, at sea, ]tire. Eine- Hoe T., wife of George 0. 3Slclfultin. The frieode of the Family are invited to attend theft lamed, from the residence of her father tkohn I. Thur low), in Cht star township, on Tuesthvy, the 234 inst., at 2 o'clock P. N. Cars leave the Baltimoreenepot at 1..10 P. N. g , * lIITCTIBLIA.—September 21st, aged 24 yeare, Mary diem wife of 8.• Wier Mitchel, N. D . , and only dsughter of Ann(' Lanodon Blwyn, * If 1 REBRI DE —On the morning of the 19th inst., Ann W. Eilkhride, wife of Thomas S. Sirkbride, TA, and daughter of the late Joseph li. and Ann Jenkei to the 49th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invites' to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, this (Second -day), the 22d inst., at 10 . orolook N without further notice. • * IS,AI. :. 111 N.—At her residence, Moorestown, Nisw jer. say, on Sixth. day tnorniog, the 19th instant, diary Ann, Rife of Bertram Kaiabri. WA131511.---Septembor 21, 1862, Godfroi Weber, in the 84th year of his age. The male fri•ode of the family are invited to attend the. funeral lota his late realdernt, No. 635 Pine street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Interment 'at the Woodlands.. • GLADING.—On the 21st Inst., Laura, infant daughter of Charles F. and Sarah Ann Glading, aged 7 months The relatives and Mende of the family are respectfully: invited to- attend her funeral, from her parents' residence, I No. 1208 North Fifth street, this afternoon. at 3 o'clock. BELL —On the 15th inst., near Fortress Nonrce, Joseph IL Bell, Co npany G, 69th Begiment, Fauna. Vols., aged 29 years. - ELMS —On the 18th Mat George Ellie, in the 48th year of hie ego. .* FAIR.—On the 19th inst., Hobert Fair, in the 31st year ()Ibis age. , HOLLYNBECK -On the 18th .inet. The. Catharinei wife of Benjamin Hollenbeck. in the 56% year of her age. LOBS —On the 19th inst , Horatio W. Lobb, in the 510 year of hie age PHABADAT.—On the 19th Met, Hannah Pharaday,. In the 58th year or bar age. ' SWINDELL Lafayotte, Ind , on: the 9th inst., Elizabeth Swindell, of this city, in the 60th yearof * her ' age.• TOWN —Near Chester, Pa . on the 18th inst., Captain Themes IL Town, Company B, 3d Penna. Cavalry. in the 36th sear-of his age. * TILAOK. AND SECOND MOURN ING Drees t like, just opened ! Bleat Gros Gratin and Poult de Soles. Black Taffetas and Gros de Rhine& • Black.Arraures and Venerlennes. _ Black Gros drEcosse or Ottomans. Black and White Taffeta Lance. Black and White Vareoviennes. • Black and White neat Stripes and Checks. BERSON & SON, , e l- U Mourning Stoie, No. 918 CHESTNIIT Street. TYRE & LANPELL I .1.21 FOUETII and ABM STREWS.. OPENING FOIL"EkLL SALES Magnificent Bilks. • Magnificent Shawls. • Magnificent 'Poplins. Good Black Silks. , , Richest Printed Goods. Good Stock of Sinitic. ryl, HURRAH FOR THE rstorr. I.l ‘ 431011016 TeIt&NOIS Tutdx, THE ELOQUENT UNION 011.6.14P10N, WILL DBLIvEII AN &OD FIESS, AT TCII3 AMERMAN ACADEMY OF MCSIO, of KONUAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1862. • SUBJECT THE ItOTTAN IN S IV:1'110NR OF OLD ENGLAND. Doors open M ;to commence at 8 &clock. ' Tickets to Pareuette, Parquette Circle, and Salem:Mr 60 cents; Private Boxes, N 8; Family Circle, 25' amts. Brie of Tickets will commence on Wards, morning, at 9 o'clock, at the Academy, Gould's td.rudo Btore And at the Continental Hotel et3l9 ° Bs cry. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRIOre —Tbe MOTIONAL UNION OONVENTIONW meet per adjournment THIS EVENING, 22V:14.4 o'clock, et SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Pauitual attendance requested.. ,ROBT. P. KING, President. N. C. REID, j THOS. LITTLE, S It [ff. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TBADB— A Stated Meeting of the Members of the Board of Trade will be bald at their Bootrir,sos OREST BUT Street, on MONDAY 'EVENING, September 22, Wilt., et 8 o'clock: LOGIN BLODDRA It . . Secretor/. - FIFTH WARD NATIONAL ONION PARTY.—A meeting of all citizens of the Fifth Ward, in favor of austaininglhe National Adniloistert tion in its efforts to raporeee the existing - rebellion, Min be held for the purpose of coutoleUng the waxd organiza tion, on TUESDAY %VEILS°, the 234 instant, at 8 o'clock, at the halt of the Good Intent Rose OomoettYr Spruce street above Sixth. AU citizens, who, at the en emies election, intend enplaning the nominees of the National Union Party, ate urgently invited to be iire sent, as matter of great importance will be hronithe before the meeting, By order of the committee on org,a. ' nization. • EGBBET a. NICHOLS, • se22 2t Beoretegy. A FRUIT AND FLORAL FAIR. WILL bilirbe held on the 16th, 17th, 20th Instant, ,et the SOR BINGINIC 11011611, for the benefit of the Sick and Wounded Soldiers in the U. B. Hospital at Elestonyllls. N.B.—The IleetonviUe Oars par the Mrar :1 every 10 10-Zl* THE PRESS.-PitILAIYELPHIA: BLJISSURB BRO, 1006 cazsrxur Btreot. . . OFFICE. OF; TRW CON.M.SSIONER 113 `-FOR ;" FOTPUTEERTfi till • F TEENTEI AV ARDSeIq. R. Winer EEO litraini SPRING GARDEN Streeis NOTION TO OITInNEI OF. FOURTiele ±ITEf VirAltd. Ala Citizens' cf Fourteenth. Ward, who claim exemp tion from Military Duty, and whose cases have not been heard, are notified to present themselves before" the Commissioner_ on MOND A.Y NSXC, Sept. 22d, between the hours of and 2 o'clock A.. ;3to S. and 7to 9 o'clock P.M.' THOfd.aN W. - PftIOE, NU 4t Commissinw. wOUSPHILADELPHIA. AND BEADING RAILROAD 00 31 Pt, NY, 0 7 FECIII 227 SOUr T@ STRERL—Prutdinuramra, Sept. 20, 0362. I.'n avoid detention, the holders of Convened . ' , hid 0301- raw , due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave tturn at this office .Ist before the 80na iost., when se ceipts will be given, deducting per cent, for United States tax, and cheeks *Ali be ready for delivery, on the let proximo, in exchange for said receipts. f* 22-8 k S. BR AD FORD, Treasurer. ry , NOTICE TO ENROLLED CITIZENS 11_3 OT N INETEENTH arid TWENTIETH Wards. • ~,soditlonal appeals for Bxerattion will be heard at tho ..fACIOEIOOB9INK. HOSE 00., CiEttIiATATOWN Rehd. below 14013,11:13 Street,betweett the bourn 6f 9 91. and 6P.6f . as foilowa: Nineteenth word. , SATURDAY, September 20. Twentieth ward, ItiONT/A . September, 22. • ,13e20 2t SAMUEL LLOYD, Oomealmloner. 3EL EVENT H ANO . SIXTEENTEL WARDS Maar lA. DRAFT.—The listener apPointed to' hear •applications for exemption from militia draft, .whi. continue 'to hear applicants oa Saturday, the 20th, and Monday, the 22d• inst., from 9 to 1 o!clack, at .which time the .hearinte will close finollY• LUDL9IIf MATTHIEWS, commissioner on Draft 'for Eleventh .arid Sixteenth Wattle': ' - ' 040-2t* MILITAR V .1111, 1„ NOW IN TEN FIELD. RUSSELL TROOP. All roc =hers of this Troop now in the "city will report immediatoly at CAPTAIN TRY'S TENT, INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. A few more active young men Will he aceeptedby ap plying at ono!. This Troop receives all the ' s.• BOUNTIES,- • amounting in all to . '.;•-• 187 DOLLARS.. CAPT. WM. H. FRY. se2l 4-t* OFFICE OF THE ANDERSON TROOP, P.V. Ground floor of the Pennsylvania Railroad OfSee, Oorfter of THIRD St. and WILT/MPS below WALNUr. Captain WILLIAM J. PAL NEE. The ANDERSON 0 a'irALRY (ffejor General RuelPe escort) bee been recruited for special service' in the De partrcer,t of the Ohio, and will ho permanently attached to Reedenerter ' solit 4t* It E. SERVE B RIGAD E WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIVE FULL COMPANIES TO JOIN TEE THIRD REGIMENT, RESERVE BRIGADE, P. V, NOW IN CAMP EE 01 WILMINGTON They will et once be armed and equipped, and gentle join the Regiment, where full rations are furn'atied. After their tiervices are DO longer required at the present rrost, they wilt return to the city, when they will have an ontoriunitY it) Proceed to Harriaburg, if their service* should be required. Report at ODCB to ci.p Ao.. DieSS, Board Eof Trade .Booms, No. 505 riE33TNUT Street, or, to °CPT,. BARIN, corner of . CHESTNUT land THIRTY-NINTH. Bireete. C. M. EAKIN, COLONEL THIRD RIGGIhIEIIT, B. B. The following companies will receive a few more reernits to fill up, if immediate application is.made at the following Armories: . • Co. A—Lient. COBB, Filbert and Thirteenth streets. Co. B—Lient. BROWN, Twenty-second and Bering Garden streets. Co. o—Lieut. BOWAN &MINDERS, Weat Philadel phia Inetitute. Co. E—Ltent. STUDER, need street, 1 Blow Fourth. Co. F—Lieut. BAKER, Diligent Engine, Tenth and Filbert greets. - Phittuielphts. Begiment lleadquortete. • . . T. G. ,MILLEN . Mejor, TIIIRVBEBTE ibid FELBER rata INDEPENRWC-R-13_1_T CA DETS --G. NCIEENDbRIPP will open . gia e;ohrtoi for the military Instruction vf youth, 'PHA Ar rza SOON, at 4 o'clock, at the northeastor- RIGUTERNTH and GUIST NUT streets, in the armory of Company D, Jet Regiment Gray Reserves, when and where be will he"glad to meet hie friends, and the parents or guardiane oft onth desiring snob inetrnotton:' lt* RRCRUITS 'WANTED FOR FORT DELAWARE—Heavy Artillery eervice.- 15165 Bounty ; $9O mili tary g the city% &UT per Esme understanding drill, who will bring in squads of men, can have positions in the company. ray, ratione, and uniform, from day of %Mister. Apply at Beadnuarters, 409 ORESTBIUT Street. se2o Ea* GYMNAST -ZOIIAVES,I.,OO, A, TWENTIETH REGIMENT STATE MILITIA., 001. WM. B. THOMAS. now in active Barytes. A few more! RECRUITS will be received at No. 37 South THIRD Street, it application he made immediately. ee2o Mit E. O. °LABILE, Recruiting Officer. .BEADQUARTBILS - HOME icue4D, CITY OF YntLADBLPIIIL, Sept. 19, 1862. GENERAL OROZR aro 13. THE EXIGENCIES OF THE PUBLIC SERVIOE require that the Home Girard be filled, according to the Plan of its organization. to its maximum standard, 10,00 men. It is therefore ordered : let. That theeervices of one regiment of Artillery, two regiments of Infantry, and one regiment of Cavairr— each regiment to consist of ton ecmpatiies of 306 ofillers and men—will be accepted. and the regiments enrolled in -the some Guard. Our citizens are invited to organize them without delay. 2d. Officers of existing regiments In the Home Guard not on duty with their commands in service will forth with open their respective Armories, and proceed to re cruit their companies to the standard of 106 officers and men, and will report daily, at nine n'clock A. H., to these Headquarters, the additions thereto they have received. By order. of A. J. F &EASON TON, Brig. Gen. Commanding Home c a rd. Ga. Wm•)QeIDQOYD. Amt. Adrt.. t WOODEN AND WILLOW ; WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW W A. H. : VTIA:140I8 01 : 18, .. 433 ;MARKET and 5 North FIFTRi !Rai* PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALER IN WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE Always outand, o full Btoek of 'SUM BUCKETS, OIRTIMP. MIZA.BI:JRICif, BROOK% WHISKS, • FANOY BASKETS, WALL, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BRUSHES, LOOKING.GLASSES . and WINDOW PAPER, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF OLOG'XS, Nets, Koelers, Flour Boatels, Neet Bores, BROOK CORN, HANDLES, AND WIRE, WASHBOARDS, ROLLING and CLOWNS PINS, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, SOROOL, ICIBIESTiiintI.IiII943III. BASKETS, Paper Bags, Initgo, Blialthill4lllstehea,,Sleds, Barrow Carriages, ileibbk AU Goode ii9ld at LOWEST NET. CASH PRJ.CES LARGEST STOCK IN THE UNION , • Strangers visiting the city are Invited to look through tits-Establishment, which is the largest of the kind in tide country. Alai), the only Wholesale Agent for aW. .runtiors ()LOTUS'S-WRINGER in the State of Pennsylvania. sels-2m eithiNEr ruurritußs. TIT. J. ALT - EN BRO oABINiT WAPPOOMS, NO; 1209 CHEST NUT ST A LARGE AS,SOATKENT SUPERIOR FURNITURE ALWAYS ON SAND CABINET FURNITITRI MID' Bile ft,-/ LIASD TABLES. • , MOORE & CAMPION, . 261. South SE OOND'Street, +u connection with their extensive Cabinet Balboa, art sow tnattufacturLug a superior article of BILLIARD TABLBSs "Ad hems now on haul a 101 l ertaptr, Stahel& with th. 1100113 & CAMPION'S USX /LOVED CITSIZIONS, are pronouncedll37 all who have'used than to lat rapertor to all others. Pee the quality end finish of theme Tit'aliat the mum . tactereirir rotor to th M r numerens patron. throughout lho, union, who are familiar Britt the o'aarsoter of theft work. anSff-dm F. I. G. • ZINO, ASICT, AND TOILET MIRROR% Tbe but h tbe world for finial and duratillitl. 13. 141....8. Tbe beet brand VELVET RIBBONS Pole Agent, BENJAMIN H. BUITH, 165 DUANE Street, near Weld Broadway, se2o,Bin New Tort. I VOR HAW CUTTING , LADIES *etc: oblldran to the .Hair Dyeing Saloon TOWS= said BRAINS Street/. ae2o iftt MONDAY -aPTEMBER 1862. -RETAIL ..DAY GOODS. 0 P . E N I> N.G• D A Y. The ephemibeil bog' to' announce Weir FIRST OPENING LADIES" AND MISSES' OLOAKS, RICH ° runs WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25; 1862. * THE POPARTAIHNT OF *: MISSES' CLOAKS - (From Six to Sixtetox Team) Will be more a epeoialty , this season than heretofore, arid great attention will be paid in ordeeto7reiider it worthy of the patronage of our Wanda. • J. W. PROCTOR & GO., Ea. 920 CHESTNUT srinuar EDWIN HALL & BRO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STEEET, bUL SUPPLY oar SILKS, D:11, - E - S S SHAWLS., Fancy Silks, E iika, . rich shadeo, Black > Figured Bilks, Plain Bjack Plain Rollins, rich shalica; Figured Poplins and Reps, Figured Caslmeres and Merinoea, Medium-priee Dress Goods, Etripe,Broobe Blat!kpi and Stella' Shawls, Babitoral N. B.—A=good stock of Staple Goods. N. B.—A good assortment of Plain Black Goods. N. B.—Retail and Wholesale. ee22 27 ea Fg "Ki 1-4 t. , NAPA NOW OPEX A LAW AND ELEGANT A9BOBT4IDIT OF NEW s GOODS, _ -• . . --- LATEST NOVELTIES, • To which they invite the attention of their customer& 818 5c..826 CBESTNUT STREET. ee22.Bc • • .. T R. OSEISELBERRY, 45 NORTH ey • SIGHTS BYREST,..kretow Arch. Dry Glowls at retail. less than case prides. • A heavy stook bought at the right time.. • 38 pieces fig. all-wnot Detainee at 85' eta. FROM TEIIC LAYS PRIZE SALE. • 109 dozen Rents , English ball hose, unbleached, extra heavy. sizes BN, 9. 9N, 10, 10%, and 11 inches—cheap. FROII THIS WEEK'S NNW YORK AND PIMA DEI,PHIA. SALES. 2 lota double aidth rich Sgd. rep al-wool Poplins, 81 cents. 40 pieces Shepherd's Plaids at =eta. 20 pieces rich bpi. Reps at 28 cta. A. lineo of Sid. Detainee at 23 eta. • 1 case gay Cashmere Plaids, all Wool, 4-4 wide, 60 cts. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. . Ten pieces small check Silks, new, at 96 eta. Eight cieoee extra heavy figured Bep Silks--a bargain. BLACK 81L11.8—A large old stock yet on-band. • MERINOKS. MNRINOBK , Two cases French 2forinoes, all shades, at last year's prices. MOTOR AND CASSIYIERSIS , Ladies , 6.4 Cloaking 'Cloths, all wool, new shades, Ira 22.. . Fine black all.wool Olothe, RI 62;51.76, $lBB. bien'e and Byre' Oaeaimeree, cheap, • BALM.ORALS. BAL 31011.ALS. We sell the beet 82 60 Balmoral In tide city. STELLA, Bliews.inr, AND Buooas 811AWL9. 1116.000 of the above goode, new styles, at pricee tha will defy competition. N 0.4 and No. 6 'cordtd -edge Radii& Ribbone, all lore. Also, black Bilk Velvet Ribbons, , • Aleo, black Bilk 'Bonnet Velvets—ad bought at last week's New York sale. • 1 bale Gray all-Word Twilled Flannels. 2 cases Striped Shirting Flannels, all the new atylee. pieces Striped 6.4 Olotbe, for Shitting, at 81.25 per yard. ' - Small Plaid Fische/a:French, all colors. ' - - OAIITON ELS , Hamilton make, bit ache and unbleached., 20 per cent. less than case prim WILLI6.SISVILLB AND WAbIBI7TTA !MUSLIN'S. Also, other leading makes, bleached and unbleached,. much less than package prices. BLAIIIIBTS! BLANH,BTB ! 2 cases 124 Yorkshire Blankets, cheap. , WHILE FLANNT.LSi Large stock of White Flannels, at nearly old prises. We sell pink edge ell-wool at 25 center. . • A lot of anterior quality Starker. Siam:tele at 60 cents. HOOP SNIIiTI3 AT THE OL 0 P•a1.41143. PO 8188. Bole agency for the three patents. namely : Patent Dcnble. Action Flexure Blade, containing 18. binges. • - Patent Euroka'Bkirts. Also, Patent Princess Itcyal Ski;ts—the .three beet AMMO, : ever hat dared:. Hoop Skirts Show IloonnOreconitioor. Forti pieces Vim-yards-wide Damask Table Linen at , 66 cents. • ' ' • Thirty dozen best quality new colors Sontag', at 88. cts; hIOI3III4ING DEPAB.TSI.IINT. 6-4 Black all-wool Delainee, 75. cents. • A lot of Plain Black Crishmares,l B % cents.' A large stock ofillack Alpacasfrom 22 cents up. 8.4 Black Cashmere', 66 cents. Black Oashmeree, 2 y arde wide, $l.-- • Bombazine,. Tamese Cloths. - Rep goods in goods in, great' variety. Good quality Bieck and White - Detainers, 18%. Special attention to !dimming Goods. One winter exclusively for Mournin J Goode. . OABSBLBRICRY'S Mammoth Dry Gocidilitistae; "45NorthEIGHTH Street, P. ti :The rest lot of plain. Briers asleeve sold at um time, for.2s,cents. , VAL ~.„4,111911;111,1143,Y., AliNELS.—itiet received; fifteen. F J j pieees of those celebrated Skaker.PLANEIISLO, at 55 cents ;.they are full yard aide, very heavy and no ebrinkable. This is, I Puppy), all there will be at, that price, this season. All-wool White, at 26; all. wool Bed at 25 ; all-wool. White, yard vilde,.heavy, at 40, ote ; .twilled, et UK, 40, and 96 ;Hive twilled,.4 o , 45, Be d Cray twilltd, at 3734, 40, 46, 50, And• 62X.; Ballardvale -Mann.* in every . variety that coolie, trona. 35c. up. These are very desirable, on account of their washing so nice. Heavy 'Union Flannel, at 23 ate. These goods . are all very cheap, twins but a small advaaoe on lea year's prices. GBANVILLB B. ISAINBS, ee22.3t 1013.111141,10ra Street, above Tenth. A.I4D:;(jANTON A ANL stock of. these Goodg le still very large, and comprises nearly every maks in the market. wbich I sin selling very cheap, considering the high nice of-motto:2— Gee case of good Bleached at 12X k ceata. One carrieSSl inches wide, at 15 cents. One case irdn'yfird wide, at 18X .oente. One case water twist, at 18• X cants. One case Warns:ate.' • • Two cases IVillismeville. One case New York 144115, 28mentr- - • One case 74 wide Vitamentts,lB4 cents. ' ' • s tone bate line unbleached, at 12X„ cent& One bale heavier do.. at liio.oents. One bale fine'Ss Inches wide. at 183(cerits. • Two cases full yard wideoat 18X cents. Ono bale very heavy, 27: inches wide, st 18 cent& Trill 1x 7 ivda wide, at 25,eente. 2X yards wtde,al.4o cents. 23 raids wide,. at 46!oonts. . • • Good unbleached pardon Flannel, at rto;. heavier do. at 25, end two clues extra ho,avy at 28. cents Good bleached do, at 250.; extra wide and hooltsgt at 31x cents. • as these go:oda - ore constantly going np, A b e preaent prices will only be continued for onaweek, and as most of them cannot he replaced at any PION only one:piece will be sold to say one operson gtiuNVILLB HKINTAB, 1015 DIABNitI" Street, above Tenth. SEWING BUCM;MPII. , REELER- . f l l :''... Y.'.'..:',9 I ,li. •..f: ...'...spanN6..magms;:ri• 628' Oit TNIIT 1,t,-E:E sel6•sam GO 01)S r: tbipiptiPOlA DRY-GOOW, JO TAN CAMP- BMW:. USH&' U . IaTZ, - . (Suocossors to T. W, Baker'ce ) FORXICRLr lIUNI is.locoL, & CO. No. 387 NORTH THIRD STREET,- PRILAMOLPHIA; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AM ERICAN DRESS QOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, LINENS AN O WHITE GOODS, LAOES AND EffOROIDERIES., RIBBONS, TR.IOItAINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS; &o SHAWLS. A complete emortment of WOOL LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS Of the following MIDDLESEX, WASHINGTON, WATERVLIET, ' * PEACE DALE, &O. LONG AND SQUARE; BROCHE,- BTELLA ; AND THIBET, LONG AND SQUAW, To which we invite the attention or CUSH and 811ORT- TiffllC BUYERS. se22-rnellm `COMMISSION. HOUSES. 500 BALES OP STANDARD . BROWN Durr,Ls. 60 mote Stateravilla ea. tiantoii Vamaele. 80 cotes 82 inch Hamilton Vont= Flannels, Army Blankets for hospitale. Low-priced bladder Prints, /to., &c , for sale net cash by -GEO. GRIGG, lt 219 1111(19.011 &tier. MILITARY' GOODS. TENT c3ORD. FINE TENT OCiRD. 6, p t and 12 MEIREAD NIANI.IAL A. 1,000 COILS IN STORE Arriving Daily. FOR GALS BY JOHN S. LEE da CO. ROPE MAILERS AND BHIP CHANDLERS, No. 46 . NORTH WHARVES. 018-13 e M. T. SNODGRAES._ AR ' AND NA - V - - CLOT EC '8 4 Dark Blue, from ' $132 to $B.OO 8-4 Light Blues, fr0m.'...... 1.50 to 2.00 8 4 Light Blues, from 3.50 to 8.00 6.4 Pilots and Beavers, from 1.60 to 7.00 3.4 and 6.4 Indigo Flannels. 60 to /60 4.4 and 6.4 Stripe and Plain Woolen Shirt- Ing 62 to 2.00 2t Sky 13lue Kereeys ! Sky Blttueassimerea, tforOflicers' Pasits) • Dark lJniform Cloths. Dark Blue Cap` Cloths. Dark Blue Blouie Flannels. White Domet Iflannehi. Twilled Gray Mixed Flannels. 11. B. Regulation Blankets. ALSO 10-ounce andl2-ounee Standard TENT. DUCK. • In gore end for salo by SI.A.DE, SMITH, & ND. 39 DDTITIA, AND 40 BOUTS VUONT BTB.. PHTLADELPNIA. FPFAN , T BUTTONS AND SLIPS, U. & Patterns, for sale at J. P. !MID'S manufao tory, corner of TECI*1111(TIL ma KOMAR Street& YARNS .&;(,,. CRAIN: Vt:Jitttoni WADDING?' • WADDING, BATTS, TWINES, WIDE:IN% COTTON YARNS, ()ABM °BAIN; &a., &a. THE LARGEST STCCIt. IN THE CITY, IN STORE, And 808 BALE, it ISIANDFAUPTEEES, PRIM, by- A. H. FRANCISCITS, so. 433 MAIMEIT and No. & !Forth FIRTH Street isioo2pn 134Tirs,, AND CARPET OH - The subscriber is prepared to cell when weaned: 50,000 lbs. Carpet Chain—Cotton s Lin- en and Woolen. 50,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn:—Nos. 5. to 20. 10,000 lbs. Single 'lute and Tow Yarn. 100,000 Sheets Black Wadding. 5,000 Bales all. grades Cotton Batts, from 12 to 50 cts. per lb. 1,000 Bales.all grazes Wick. 1,000 Bales all grades Twine—Cotton and Linen. And a general sstortment of TVirINES, TIDY COT TON, DOPES, &a, at the LARGE FOUR-STORY STORE, No 242 NORTH THIRD STRUT, (Corner of New St) As I am solely in the Yarn business, I am pr*pared to sell the above goods lower than any other house in this city. sel9.2m WHITE. yARNB,BATTB, C.Aartre—ort A TN. 2,000 Bales of Batting % of grades. 1,000. ales of Black 'Waddbig. 800 Biles of Wicking. 1,000..8i1e5.0f Cotton 12.000 Pounds of ,Cotton Yarn:. : ' 20,000 Pounds of Colored ,and* White Carpet Chain. 500 Coils of Manilla., Jute, an' Cot ton Rope. Abo, Covertet Yarn, Bod Cords, Wash Linea, and a • ha plonk of Goode in the aboveline, for sale by —A.'. H. FRNNOISOUS, eeU 433.blikR.KBT and a North FirrEt•Btriet,; PHOTOrerRAPHS. A LL PERSONS OF TASTE. LOVE. and amongst them POrtreits gird moot cherished—they ore too oimilsa. of ow friends - or. relatives. ISICIMER'S Lire. size Ybotograpbs in Oil are splendid pleiuree,.nove at reduce 6 prices. BOON A Bt., above Green., . _, ME ONE.ST PRAISE. I. . ..8 AYRFiD . By *ll labia hare seen and plisibleed 11111. MED'S Colored Photographs' they ere finelad:Nete. tensity Colored Pictures ; only *l. 1120011 1 / Street. *lose Green, --- t* TVORYTYPES.—Those pictures, of uzurzwe, both in a popular and ertletio view, are of toperior merit. It needs but a glance to show they are offorle of artists of the finest ability. SWORD Street, Oboes Green - SALT AND SODA ASH,—Landing from ellie Lancaster, 8,000 'socks Deakin , a Fine Belt. .189 casks klatelee Sale Ass. For W. 01113110 1199 e1f , eel tole by O 87 swath rzoliT Street. ..3VIK WICSLIT KURTZ H•aus E. NEW PUBLICATIONS. STAMP DUTIES, Ifdroizn BY THE AOY OF 1062, TO CO INTO IFFSOT ON ANDAFTER OCTOBER'1118:62. rublimbed for the convenience of NIRROBA.NTS, BANKERS, BROKERS, CONVEYANCERS, ATTORNEYS, And the PUBLIC generally. The above is the title of a neat CABD, convenient for roference, In offline or connting•house, and shows at a. glance, the amount of duty to be paid on Bank Check, or Draft at tight; Promissory Note or' Draft; Certifi cate of Stock; Certificate of Profits; - Power of Attorney; Broker's Note; Peema,ge Ticket; Bill of Lading; Mani feet for Entry or Clearerre; Protest of Notes; Certlficato of Deposit; Bill of Exchange; Warehouse Receipt; Ea press Company's or Common Carrier's Receipt; Tele graphic Dispatch; Mortgage, or Bond; Probate of Will,. or Letter- of Admioittration ; Original Writ, Deed of. Grant; 'Aare; Policy of Ineurance ; Certifloate of Da— mage; Charter party ; Entry of Goode, dc., &e., and varions other articlee of every-day business. It will save a world of trouble to the business men. It has been' Carefully prepared by a member of the Philadelphia Bar. Price 10 cents each. Printed and fer sale by KING & BAIRD, No. 607 SttN9o l 3l Street, Philada • -fACTOBER A.GA Z INES • Har- N." . Der, lb ctn.; Godey, 20 eta, ; Peterson, 15 0t.e . .; At lantic Manibly;2o cis. Pl7OllEll'B Cheap Bookstore._ 439 CHESTNUT 8 $1.75. r' 9 'll ) 1 (1 01,11 A. ." $1 75 • U. A new lot . wind. ..9117EKBY Itlolloooo, FULL 8188, with clasp, reduced to $1.76, LBSS THAN 008 T TO IdANIIFAOTUBB: Other styles proportionately low! PITOEUIRT Cheap Bookstore, Re•tecl 439 01131STNUT Street. THE • BATTLES IN VIRGINIA.- We shall have ready TO-DAY; • &NOTIFIES 'FULL SUPPLY of Illunt's blap of Virginia, giving "clear and accurate infonmation'conCirolog , • ALL THE BATTLY-FIELDS • now engaging attention in ' Prim 50 cents. Also, Incellollan'e War Nan of the Middle and South ern States, upon which &remarked allthe,Batile-flaids, ac companied by the date& 'Price $L For alge'by . „ WM. S. & ALFRED MAUTIUN, se2 . 606 OHIIIVFNUT Street. WAR TELEGRAM MARKING MAP OF YIIiGiNPL,: . • 817,11 26 BY 2E. PRION QS CENTS. Sold in all• Periodical and Book Storm, also sent to any address on receipt of price. For particulars see adver tieienient in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PBAbla & 00., Publishers, 109 Washington atroot, Boston ~klaes. • au2B-1m CIRCULATING- LIBRARIES BROTBERHEAD.'B CIROII . • LATINO LIBRARY.—AII the NEW Ragliett and Anierican Books, including ALL GLASSE 3of Lite rature: This ie the .ONLY Library in the country that includett ail the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPAINTED here. Terms $6 per year; six menthe $3; three months $1.50; one month 76 .center, or 3 center per day. 218 South EIGHTH Street. 3m • VNOLI.SIit AND FRENCH FAMILY 018OttekTIN LIBBAIIY AND CABINET DI LECTURE, DUN OHYSTNIIT' STREET. - Subscriptions Der year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furniehed gratis. In Preee, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li. brarY. 't Catalogue de Ist'Btl/iBtheque des Dames et des De moiselles.' M. M. MONACHESI, Agent, 8-lm 1317 CH wanzur Street. PROPOSALS. NOTICE.-SEALED PROPO3ALB e invited until the 301 h day of September. 1862, at 12 o'clock M., for supplying the Dotted States Sabiiitence Department with 6,000 head of DBE (I.&TTLS, on the hoof, The Cattle are to be delivered at Washington Oity, IL 0., and each animal to average 1,800 p3tinds gross weight. Bo animal admitted which weighs lees teal 7;000 pounds preei weight. Boilers and bulls not wanted. the ()tittle to be delivered at ench times and in such quantitea ae the Govercreent may require. ----- The first delii , erY of Matte to bo -terdiye after - signing the contract. - - A bond with good and sufficient • socarity will be re. quired. • Government reserves to itself the right to ray In Trea sury notes or ether Government funds. No bid will be ertertainedwhen. put in by contractors whip have previously failed to comply with their contracts, or when the bidder is not present to respond to his bid. All bide to be anent:toe:Died by two guarantees. The hanies of Mins should be stated In fall, with the precise addresi of all the tut:inhere of the firm. Bide to be directed to (Tot. A. BNORWITH, A. D. 0., and (1. 8., 11. B. A., and endccsed „ Proposals for Besf Cattle." FORtif OF GVABANVEN. We -a, of the county of And State of —, and ----, of the county of and State of do hereby guaranty that is able to %MI a contract in -accordance spith.the.terms of hie arappisijipn, and that, should his proposition be accepted, Ite ZVtit Wcrurcr - irtertftMot-MUAAMe.-0 3 ". the.r.e . " l "' • ' This suarantes most be appended to each . a • IZEALED PROPOSALS are invited ...Atilt the lea day of Obtober, 1862, at 12 o'clock 11, for farnisbing the fiabesitenok Department of Waehington, D. C., with 10.000 Ebobels of PO re TORS. ' The Potatoes to be delivered at either street wharf, •Washington ' or at the Railroad Depot. Put win good mound barrels or sadly, without cost of barrel' or sack, an to be delivered by the nib of October, 1862. The bide should state Me price per bushel of 80'pounds, and be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH; A. D. o', and 0. S., 11. S. A., and endorsed "Proposals for Pota toes." - 5e22430' riALED PROPOSALS are invited Ltii tho lit clay of Ootobor,'lB62, at it &Clock bf... for fntnitrhkg tho Babsiatenco Departmeat .with 20,000 bar rels of IfLOUR. “ ti i a nct ise e tig reoeived for whnt la known as .No. 1, No. The onanti tq relo daily, delivered eitbcr at - theisl.-altpull be dls. houses in Georselown or at the Bails:rid DerTeorat'vr ingten., - • The tonal Government inspection • will be ma d e just* fOre the Floor is received. --, . • .' Tbe bandit to be head•lined Bide will ba.accompenied by an oatb et allegiance, and be directed to eel. A. BECK WITEI, A. 9 0., sad 0. 13., D. B A.. e.t Washttigton, D. C., and endorsed ~ Provo sale for irlenr.” • sea t3O ' ~~ ~x~, : r~v +4L~~`.v ~ w,:~ • • . IVrAr.BIEUAL'B 841 . A .—B3r.Virtne cf a LT.L Writ of Bale by the Hon. JOHN 0 ADW ALADICB, Judge of the District Court of the United. States, In and for the Eastern District , or Peuneylvaniss In Admiralty, to ma directed, will , be sold at public sale. to the highest and best r, fo cash. at tltalelSE , 0. vg AUCTION bidder ST 0 RN. •No. 121 South FRONT Stree 0001 t, on TUESDAY fdOENENG, October 7, 1.8152,e, pert of the Carp of the steamer LODONA, consisting-of salt Fish, Charente, Figs, Raisins, Coffee, Tea, and. Almonds, (shelled) WILLIAM. HILLWAND, U. Liz Dlarshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PRILADELPNIA, September 20,1862. se224t SALE.—By *tale of ANJL a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN OA•DW ALA DEB, indge of the District Ooart of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed; will be sold at Nubile wale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at O,ALLOW. BILL-Street Wharf, on.NONDAY, October 0; 1682, at 12 o'clock N , the schooner LOUIS a,laer Tackle, Appa rel, and Furniture, es she now Ilea at said wharf: lmme• diately after the sale of the vessel, atM.l.O/11INICR'S STORE, N 0.142 North FONT Street, will be sold the cargo of said vessel; co-Ardsting of Tea, Soap; 'klatches, Mackerel, Herring, Shoes,. Salt, and an assortment of Drugs Catalogues will be honed one day prior to the sale. WII.ILIA.II. NILLWARD, U. S. Marshal, Eastern 'District of Penn. .PHILLDIILMILL, September 20,1882. . se224t 'INA NCi9L. - - QUARTFRMA':' I , . . • ia•D 'EAR-CERTIFICATES I>REIEI4 a co. se le se U r. S FIVE. TW.WiIITIEAS: 20-YEAR SUE PER OMIT. BONDS AT Tall OPTION WI Tall GOTNIIN 101 LIT /1.1/7H18 . P 14111 Talpal . Qr I is 11 1 10;ructei by the 8110111.11Tkar• - •- • . • . . . Yto reedy, szbeoriptioxui for the show LOAN AT PAR. TEE MMUS' OMATEN O3I. 3/PN DL Thin ViirediD4 the ain't/lay heraCiforti onedenOed by MgrPaE *Mont in GOLD of A tug play ibme Bonag tabwo on band. 314 SOUirkirkiraD ST tows SAVOY. WALTOB, __ WALTON 8c 'YOber, D atums% BRowils, sNI BRAt. COL'LIitiTOBB, No, 45 South TIMID Street,' rdliddabla. • BBFBMINCOIdt. \ Jay Cooke & Coq Eon. Junes Pollock, /mon, Hera , daldetC & Co., Eon. IL D. Foster, Beberiek, Bleolt r & Co., " Ron. A. R. Bader, O. MOSlbbln & Bon, . Bon. Asa Packer, _ - B: P. Middleton & Bro.; Ron. Warren I. Woodard. Hon. Wm. Windom ; V. la. Bradford; Sid. 'ituT4tag OW IMPOBIT, tux tx)opErh. scawlirenos mow, - Tsuoua Tr. Ton. rEftribitsz. PENSIONS, slo6.i3oll..trrit,. AND Pail' procured and collected for Soldier/6 Senors, and the rthitives of snub as are deceased, by JAMES eULTON, ATTOBNE r. AT }Ms L AVG OciLLACITIvhf OFFICIEI 42 C WAL'hUT Street, Philadelphia. For business done in this line charges wit be as fol lows; For collecting holdiere , and 9siioie' Pay tees than vy3 in sinoubt, $t ; when over Z 5 ,3 in amount, Per cent on the excess. For collecting arrears of P 49 ard MOO Bounty for relatives of deceaaed soldiery 2s( pee cont. For procuring Pensions, the Government fee, For collecting and .proonring each for relatives of de— ceased soldiers that have volunteered since the 25tta Angnet, 1862, from this city, no charge. as previously proposed.. JAMES FULTOif , se2o if it - 424 W ALNUT Blreet. Philadelphia. WID.O WS • AND MOTHWRS.- . • Pensions, POl3/101111, Pensions. Widows. Orphans, Mothers, Discharged Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, entitled to Pensions, should call at once on ' " jOLIEPN R. DEVITT 1 Pension and Militerr Agent, No. 421 VIALSTIT Street. RR OIIN P Y AND BACK PAY ! ..L) Bounty and Back Pay ! Bounty and Back Pay ! Bounty and Back Pay !—Virivea, Ohlldmis. Fathers. Mothers, Brothers, and Sisters are eatitted to Bounty and Back Pay, and should make earl, application to - JOSTOPII Sir r & 00., Military and Naval timer, o. 427 W&I,NBY Street. etl9.6t TIT It . 4 GTH .11'n (ALTHO.II(tH BER HUESBAND . IS ALIVE) of any &Adler, Bailor, or Marine. killed, or who ,may bave died baths service or the United Etatee, and on whom she may bave been derendent, in sebole or in part, for relief, .is eatitled to a Written or at leapt Eight Dollars per month,. by making an immediate anolioation to JOSEPH E. DEVITT A , 00., No. 427 WALNUT Street. Remember tbo number, Four Hundred and Twenty seven. MILITARY AND NAVALA.GEN ' OY.— ADDRNPB BY DLAII, ON APPLY IN PSIVON. sol9.fit iIIZE MONEY, RATION MONEY, P &c., &c., embed or collected at JOSEPH E. DEVITT & 170;13% No 427 WaLSIIT Street, Pbilsdelphis. Remember the number, Four Hundred and Twenty -110,7013. THE IYIELITAItY AND NAVAL AGE Npy. 11.39.6 t EIAJCATIONAL. EUCATION.—A Lady, thoroughly titiilfeed, desires a eitcation as Tea Cher or Go verbose. Out of the oily preferred. Address. ,‘ Govern ere," 135 North Sixteenth street. . AMUSEMENTS. A BEL & CO.'S STEREOPTIION. _Ex_ —ASSEMBLY BiTILDING(S, TENTH. AND O.IIEiTNIT STREETS. A new series of tbeao GIGANTIC) STEREOSCOPIC PICTURE 9, Comprieioti Photographic Views of the mort noted 60011841 and Objects of Iltatoricel Interest in the Old:World and New, • - DISPLAYED FOLJR. 'HUNDRED EQUARE FEET,. Will be exhibited EVERY. EVSONING this week. A CHANGE OF PROGRANISIE NIGHTLY. Admission 25 cents—Children 10 cents. A package of twenty-four tickets for $3. Door. open at 7M commence at 8 o'clock. Matti be on Saturday at 2 o'clock. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE, Bole —Mrs. M. A GARRETTBOI2. Huainan Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY,. LAST NIGHT BUT FIVE or MRS. E. WALLER. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, Stiskapeare's glorious tragedy of MACBETH. Lady Macbeth afro EMMA WALLER. To conclude with the lanabable Parce of POOR PILLICODDY. Jobn Peter Pillicoddy Mr. VINING BOWERS. Doors open , at 7—Performanoe commencim at 7)1. MBS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FEADJIBIOKS.,. Bluffness Agent and Treasurer JOB. D. MURPHY- . LAST WEER OF .MISS JANE 00011.BEV AEONIAY, SEPT 3 22 7 , ' 'THE WORLD OF FASHION. Marie Miss JAN C 002111 - To conclude with '.'' •. ' i OFF TO THE` WAIL Betty • • • • Artlft O. Tueeday.—Benefit of thiaiddierethlhan Home. 211841 Coombe will appear' Prices se usual Doors open at 7; —due ex....A...rf47Kiersiadc ENTAL'. THEATRE:* -B. ,BANDALL ' • • s o leL ee m. 'UNPARALLELED SllOOE2l5' . Or THE • ' . MAGNIFICENT COM BINATIOMOOMPANF, With its nnrivalled attractions itt - - OPERA, BALLET, AND aPEOTAOLE, ' THIS (MONDAY) EVENT 'a. SEPT: 22, MESDAMES AND' VON EMBEEL •In Grand Opera: • - ANNETTE GADETTI AND HELENE, ' The Bistere MARIE nod AUGUSTA. GRAND BALLET OF FORTY, • Together with a FULL AND 0( MPLETE 0091PA:NY,; Who will appear in an ENTIRE CHANGE OF PR)MTAMM.E. New Operatic Selections, Two New New Sorge. New Dan:es; Neve Garda Scenes, For fall paiticttlars see . snall bills. ' Ar mi., kin-=Parotetto, 25 cents; Orchestra - chart; and --Prtvale Box ' '9 ate, 50 cern.; Family throlattrd Colored Gallery, 15 cents Doors open at 73i • comettirtha at 5: _IIA7 telleirCdr_ ' 1026 CrEMSTNUT STRICEIT, In Dm daily (Btratlna excepted). from 9A. lg. WZ f P. N. .61thholion 25 onto. 4.311.11.drea half =los 81aaree of 13Vack, WANTS. • VirANTED—A *son' . compisttitt s magi and grade cotton. Apply through bow 81,22 4t* 1456, P. 0. . A LADY;;who has a Wheeler & - kw Sewing Machine, wistien to engage in familiar to pew. Wages few dollars per week. Apply at 11124' 111101)11T_TBRN01113treet. 11* WANTPD-A ..YOTING MAN TO' the 800 ind 'make himself gerier . aiii tue lla In 'a, Wholeniale Plodece and GI *eery Howie. One areneinted with the bzwinews preferred: Addrean Box - it* .need aDDliriEtitU 'eon furnish ebtiefeetery • •.• - &DY 424 Pontb BLXVENTEI Street, Phile WANTED -AN ENTRY MARK, in a Dry Goode• Jobbing Howie. Addrang 4 4111ABICET ST.," Pyres OLVte. ' it* IVA NT E D-A3. YOUNG: MAN, about 18 Years of age, - to asaiSt in a Counting- Berm ; or,o with some experience preferred. Compen sation modest°.Address. In own handwriting, with refererces. Box 716, Post Office.. se2o.3t BOARDEMit. VOTING MEN'S HOME, 113S1 FILBERT Street. °melte Peon Snioare..-- BO ABB end Washing, two d.llare per week. Ail whey desire a comfortsble hone It do svoil to call and. akr amine this house. ALEZIMMIIR SLO&N; sel9.llt . eopirrinttmdent. IiPLEASANT kFicoNp- swam. Toms, vitt, board, at . • • eelT•]m• SOT South THIRD Street. FOR 04E AND LET. BUILDING LOT ON; CHESTNUT STRINT.--139feeton north aide, west of Nineteenth street,l7o feet to depth, with 20 feet wide outlet be Nineteenth street. ' For sale by - JIDNEVY tr ONE W, No. 204 BorAh FOURTH Street. sc mvalSt* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— I ieb A TaNs, FARM, containing-212 'scree, biltitlfully /limited on the banks of the Delaware, 26 miles above the city ; convenient to steamboat lauding, and railroad station on the place. Also, a large- number in the ad joining counties of all eizeo in acres. A rely to • PRTTIT, se2o No 309 , WALNUT Street. to 'TO BXCHANG4. gadme- FARM, containing 64 acres near railroad 'station. In Bucks county, large stone buildings. large apple or and ether fruits. Mao,- several feutt farms, near. Dover, - State of Delaware. - Apply to ee'2o B.ENUrifALS. EM OVAL. - THOMAS- MARTIN -LIU Beal Estate Agent and Dollectortwould respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has removed bit eines fonm the Northwest corner of Third and Lembord streets to his dwelling, Northwest, corner of POMETEI and PINE Streets t where.• he hopes to -receive the con tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed - upon him former yearo. • sel94tia LOST - AND FOUND. 'LOST -A Cartiffeite - fiir,lB -shares; in. , the Capitiil Stook of the Hazleton Coal Company, in the name of T. Prank Walter, dated March 28, 18624. Notice is hereby given that application has been nade. to the Company.fon a =newel of said certideate.. T. VII&NE. .Penn Haven) BeptemberilB62. se22.n3ntit. J Certificate: for-Is'.shares in. the Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company, in the mane fof T. Frank Walter, dated April 22,18623 No. 5,633. Notice le.hereby given that application bee bienmadet to the Company for a renewal of said certifica . e. T. FIiYANF WA-LTEN. Penn Haven, September,lB62. se22m3mie SrIIOREWAILD 1--10 ST, Tues., VV. day, Sept. 9, - Three 1.30* TER &BURT NOT E g, 001110119 attached-31,468, 31,569. - 31,5T0„, 31,e3,31,6 74 ; ai,b7s. All parties are forbid negotiating. said Notes, as. notice hat bun giventatd - payessok stopped.atolho the and e a /.Sub . Treasury: Depart-, 5500"I.t( • G 0:111) Wilt bertill by the cluderc4pted for the:return of Nut ,N°tell•B. F. GrALIittGR ER, No. 4SI Philadelphia; &Pt: North TRANDsafrrt: 4vomermomeem. WHINE PRESERVING BRANDIr. rimr, ow= faca vino VINEUR. GREEN GINGER, IC ISTARD SEED% SPICES, aLg., &c. All the motile* for Prwancha and Pichitig INtoosele. ALBERT O. RO BERTS. • MULL= I N TINB GILOCIRSIRS, §6s.tr commix larammt AND VMS, OSIN Yoh SALE— Ift BUM LOW, IF .4.1.P.L1ND YOU s 509 S. TENTH ST. solg-St DL TRUES AND BilAoll PARTNANT. O. H. IFINDLIts, OornerTWILVTII and BAWD Streets, raadelphila. - Hernial. Truseas , and awrduadael apptseasie stisted by "'L._ adi 0..8. N EEDLES. lino Trend'. and approved Asnertoen, adopted to essay f o r= ay raptors, to edrilts lad children, Bullets wit American Supporter's and Bette, Shoulder. Braces, Sm. y o nalortee, illeetto stabler, and Sr( in great lap dab% Lathes/ Department, TWELFTH Street, itto, , loor below lime. glOonducted bY Overt Ulna% ,tylill-Itm if - ritTTIT. No. 309 WALNUT Street-