AND COMMERCIAL. T yr EOM itioNEY MARKET. FepteMber 19,1807. ~we owoew some ilneatineso exhibited on the street to o-p were disepPolnted in the news from 01eri ' • end I go kid that " anot" ther Wa battle looked upon would as evidence have to be ;, d , d ;.le the con teo itslP of affairs. The phrase that the 1r rebels ,alcedr d i, hail been beardeo frequently that meg/ • be b s ir ,Ibugglng" at a thing already accent d oito (46 Woos of Carpor t s Ferry. which is proved t o key or the whole movement, alone saved :„, ar t ,,, h from annihilation, and to the able but in. I,;ii,lbera of Colonel Niles will be traced the final oryteed. Thle ILtelligetme had the ten -418'01:Letllo Ito markets without depre•slng them, tot d oping despatch from aMI. 001frIao, repor t o , ool upuo, brought baek the firmness noted pric's 'domed at about the same figures. '7 2 ' 4 roes to 117, and Mooed theopen. rath ,ere w er a weanedarket. The business In , WllB very large, they rose to 112, hid for ,'tfnunsndb outltles. Parties in New York are evidently lipid. •tecli market ciesol firm, with only slight changes ; r ole ore to nom "mood, and batter , prices *old, Bveu.trtles advanced ; D i no 1891, word a s hade lower, the coupons renialisbg Sr ; ecbrip.lll Navigation sixes, 1872, brolighrlb; ; • North Penney' vents sixes were firm at , looop i po ; City sixes, new, rose ,%; the 0161 uo cbsago Reading sixes were firm, 1886's si oteniey'sligure, chased 1870 advancing X ; stpl We sevens brought 102; North Penney!. „ folitt tol mortgage ecrip brought 72; Lehigh Ha wn rev I, the scrip declining,){,. In Behuylkill litio p And Ensenehanea Canal shares h nothing wee 5 11 ,01,4 opened at 81 88, whic was about % ,1610 OP close cf yesterday, declined to 81%, and satin„! Word sold up to 32, with large sates North oliro du was rather flrm at 9%; Peensylvani Nail. ~p ear l al 60, but fril X ; Little Schuylkill was tlrm C 510 it PO wee active at 3%, the preferred firm at lo c i Pore; Minehill brought 46,14 • Camden and o l,la ; Loop. (eland 18g, no change; 13) was 11111itlra, '23% for the preferred. Passenger ran. 90 , dull Thirteenth and Fifteenth gutti ng at 20%, ,proaidu i; Girard College advancing 1. The mar. I,:ilfil fir m• ,1, 4 , t Co. Ode I To k MORUNO .... • .• • • • • ... • . • • • parol-10 client. x Excb"g° portal-10 prem. o rf , Exchange ••••••••• , gem die. Tirade ...... ........... ............. ..M61% din, '7e17% pm. ~ ....... ~,,,ade .. 12e WM nm, leo fertlflootos , —..... ............ ....96M 099 idt ,i p hin Stock Exchunge Sales, Sept. 1.8. lrity l by 0, El, 211..initiansta Phila. illohang4.] ItIR6T BOARD. midi0 .13,.,.1)5 El 66 60 Oattvdoon. IL— 3 1C do „„ t bs SIM 6 do ........ % 4,3 .....b3 3.71 8. do , 3x do ~, ..... 91% 2000 Peon 6s . 89m d o „. cad) al h• 1001) Prima Coup 60... 03 ~! —Von 314 12 311nobill R 46M d 0,.. .. 31 44 1 Dim & Amb R.,;(31M Dab Penns ... 9% 400 Sohnyl Nay Be '72 59 liatxß ..... ..,. 60 600 US 7.30 TrN blh,1041( do ...... ~ 49% 100 Long Tel R °alb.. 187 dr.) ..... illk, 1400 11 Pe tort Oopoaih 72 d o „,. eawa 4NI 10 18th Jt 16 sweet R 20,‘ wilv 03 . 56. .. 93 40001 North Penn 01,0 78 (I , ' '70..,..103.54 200 .do 73 itlle Schnyt IL7 . ' I 30 0 City Be Now ' 10)1] 8811983122 BOARD& , npf , O mit , 59„. s 3 37 Bending B ..... ... 31g f ly c„ is.,,w ..„101.i 501.40 g hi 8.. . . .... 18g rail a. Brio 73 ..,102 50011 al 7.30 Tr .......... hAdiag R....... 51 66 ' BLOONV 'ding 1i....... 3tX da . .... .115 32 do ~. ..rots 3'J 6 , „,, ,•r5 32 do „...U0 32 ' do ........ 32 ithill It., .. .. . 46M 1,',2,031NG PT 861. Mks& 'SI 1013. 4 ` 102 0-10 1.1.101,i 105 .0t atsi..l2s % 101% tn ..... .. 89% 89% , 1t... ~.0.2i 22% 14`6)4106 .. 1 3,3, '70.103 .. :-. 0.1 'ad.. 93 11 49,11 if . / 211 in ex. 167.' 103 12a . , 6,,103 „ ." ni Con.. 43 ~ Cul Prafllo ~ Stock„ 4% .. • Pref.,. 13 14 1'57..„ NM 67i R. „ , 13;4 11 Pri , i.. 2,V 26 BOARD 98 Nun'. 40X 1216th & 1611 a - et EL 20X 1000 US 6 2 81 - KO 17 Parma 6.1....195. 89 897 R prd.. 11 100 LehlB,ll Ritv 60 IDES. FIBM. Bid. Asked 3111 m Te '7B. 89 .. I,loland isxir Leh 01.11 N... 49x 503‘ 1.0 CR& Nnyecp. 27X 28X N Penns 8..... 921 10 N Pa B 0s 78 79 N Penna a 100.192 X ... Caw Coo— 8X 4 Catawless I"rf.. 11 11X Fr C B.luttekll.. 40 .. Sea & Third St 11 69 70 W Phila .. 53 Spruce & Pine.. 14)S 16.3 1 ( Or & 83 84ji Ohest as , Walnut,4o Arch. St... .. 24 25 Thir tcFi 7. nth. 2Dji .2134 Girard Oollege.. 24 25 ITY ITEMS. .ieiLVANIA. STAIN FAIR.-0 Or readers number bet for some years oast the deportment f..tovre in onr State AgriouUltra( Fairs has been ernryoltzeet by the well /mown Invent, r and ma. ,fir or this city, Mr. Jahn S. Clark, whose mea n:, mi Saltation:us nee loosted at 1008 Market fo tree is this that, In some inetancee, as our show, all the Ora* premlumi and medals were Eby the 00EINDIVCOR to Mr. Clark far the great as. et mil eupellor quality and chars:ger of the stoves ad by litre. Onr citizens. to a great extent, have ersatd to these annual Willem in 'oedev to sato* ;le sr it the matter pretend improvements, and hmerialued &finitely that the anunal fair is not rli In thia city, tbla season, we have thought it r.unirlelit Impriance to our readers to advise MI !mud to at least some of the leading Imarove- Ai here been made by Mr. Clark since last sea outiestieu of the fell trade. theie, too 111101 praise cannot be bee lowa upon uirtitie mumor In which he hes improved his co rofd Silver's Patent Mr-tlght Gas. consuming Stem retdoring the latter- beyond doubt, the noirte end in all respects desirable stoves for Par .; room, Chamber, Counting-honse, and Office Ins so been given to thg public; Among the oral alterations and addition which we ob. ivcnibing this superior stove, yesterday, we ict tho frAloviog int Slave, the form of it has been so altered tairr it nearly harp.ahaped—sue of the most t:tantlini forms for a parlor stove that could e onselstd. By this alteration the radiating the yore is mesh eniarged—in fact, doubled— nestles capacity conmta-ntli greatly Increased. Um most Ingram and striking improvements is his Coe Merit Door, which is circular, nod isierims is each a manner that, by adjusting a 1.:(4/ dor on the inside, the glass is thoroughly (rm. !moils. nod will retain fie beauty and trans. far yawl. We regard this improvetnent of Mr. as a degderstum, as it renders the store abso!ie this important particular. To seve n 7.trdsouly to be'seen. Onr readers wilt re ds,. lag year Mr. O. introduced Into this stove tnt , Esker," by which what was formerly a 444 , ...nt process is entirely freed from all Imo features, This admirable Raking arrange :Len still further Improved this season, and is ra the attention of buyer!). ldShlY important characteristic of tbls stove is .vire cot !emotion of fuel. Actual experiments mostrated that by its nee one ton of coal r litari.sev.rd parlor tt whole winter. This fact, 'that the present nod prompective prices of coal 13;1 bhh , bhookt give this stove of Mr. Clerk's create over all Where, The beautiful open-work sla I n It is surmounted has ale . , been improved. 9 chius condenser inside of lt, and whilst the re use rnea it It is so arranged that with the greatest eat of the Move can ba regulated at all times to tamprratige, and at the same time the room is ahithird againet deleterious gases from the fire; elates as a ventilator. Upon the whole, we have ryes triSll7 excellencies combined in any single 54 taints, withal, an ornament I. the most ele raided Parlor, WS shall not be surprised to find I.ttle while the Store in Question will supersede , w in use. mutt not conclude this notice without a Blight to Bir. Clark's universuly topts'ar and Drover nomical Cook Btofo, The mill amaunt,ar 'e !attar twosomes, In doing the entire work of an femflv, has Income a theme of general comment flrcl(e. This More not only does its work on mot cf fuel, but it dose it wan. Asa baking, roiling, Mewing, and boiling stow% it is without and hundreds of witnessee, tram all parts of whose 1i90306 we have ouresiwes examined on 4 reference register, attest that the maximata 51 .-oat consumed by It hiconetant 1138 for the Li t !molly Is one ton, gross weight, in six This le extraordinarg, and le wholly the result ' thr ' - e manor in which the stove Is constrnat -4:," by It praise it for the admirable manner 5 ePorstes, its convenience, and satisfactorY It every respect. This stove is undwahtedif zment h i the e t oye• making art, and reflects ' l5 upon ?dr. Olefin Inventive genius, as the " Which he exhibits are an honor to hie pro. trattbtferwerd mode of doing business , iiku s a t "rock to make a store that would astonish the , LaLd ha hes succeeded. It le not only an !Wolf but It le Immensely d arable, and remarks t to trice. l'tk• !Ant Itiv months Mr. Clark hag been menu th:i elm with a Water-Back attachment, 'dhired. IN, is aw wyry vi,lllolB improve !t ila introduction hot water enough is supplied tin dwelling for coOkiiig, bathing, washing, l'ertwis• An anfograph letter of acknowledg e eie of the most prominent catnaps of Beading, Mg gentleman well-known throughout the Mi to fir. Clerk the highest compliment for " , v4th the improver ent here referred to. He i" greet Invention, and one that hag be '',''ttuble to the comfort and convenience cable kte tWa grnudneni etoTte bele IntintiOneda iss add nnit mr , Ulerk'e site:salve ward/ 0135 °f t wrest, tano s ftilid to repletion with one 't magnificent etocke of dtoTei end Binioak of 4.crigtfou, that Ewe ever been offerid,to the st khould certsitly be ex.sallued by eyerl one orchinicg. .4, B ROADDHNT & CO.'S NgNir GALLE .. le wed beautiful pictures that have yet beta lac Photographic ad, are the wonderful ' a`l,l Weuderoty pee, invented by Mr, Wends- • le Finn of Broadbent Ai Co , Nos 91.3 and 914 . threg, and made ln ghee, from life, and old this Rm. Their elleplay.gallerlei are really of Art, and the immense patronage of the' only br oar Zest citizens, brtthi,Pltymillerg . 1 44 the moat diatiogninhed pesqlri that *lilt able, h oubetantlal tribute to merit.' They 117 a dded to their floe oolleotion of cartes de the Album a number of popular persanagee-- etiteamea, and divines. LE ASURE.% OF A Goon Dittins can be re rstionsUy at the admirably.keptltestattrant 'rice, 8 . W. corarr or•wearth_ and_Obeetelß -,1., any other - eating house • in the clef. The lest the market affords is always found . In his • the !style In which It le served is a deoldeil "It I/ Pon whet we have been able to And in any lariat in this, or may other cltl in the Union* '!militias also tor:ltirnishing suppers, both Prl- Pelillt, to ontor, at the shortest notice, are car- Tha fact is, Price's, Fourth andCnest. llellecensable institution to mu citizens.' CARTER DH VISITII AT GUTMICUZIST'S. rre loiterdey shown superb new. Cartea =de Ailment General Thomas "' Col D. Leasure, .11,snle, now In this city; wounded; Say. Mr. rr this alty the Rey, .I.4lyatt Smith, pastor of nib baptist Church, now on his way to the zed Col. Collis, of the zlurrei d i &frigne. led In the artistic end pvccitarly - ,t:ffective style • Il melconst, end new for sale, In duplicates, ir.lers, lies. 701, and 706 Arch street. MESSRS. CHARLES OARFORD & SON'S FIRST FALL OPENING of Mutes' and Children's Fancy Hata will - take place at their elegant warerooms, N 0.8313 Chest nut street, today, and will constitute, ac we can assure one readers from an advance glimpse, one of the moat attractive displays of fashionable head-gear for little folks that hes taken glace in this city for a long time. Their „ opening," we beg leave to state, will embrace every novelty in that line brought out for the present season in the way of fancy Hatt for Children. We bespeak for the occasion a splendid amen, each as Oak fotd'e can only attract. " THE OSHORNE" is the name of a new waterproof deak for ladies It is mtde very ample in the ekirt, and with large sleeves, either hanging loosely, or, by means of a cord and tassels, drawn tightly around the wrlsis in plaits. It has a very pretty expanding hood, which can be worn so as completely to protect the bonnet and is perfectly water.,proof. When enveloped in the " Oeborne," no lady need fear any portion of her attire being in the least degree injured, even by long continuo d rain. For sale by J. W. Proctor & 00., No. NO Chestnut street. • FINE CONFECTIONS FOR FALL SALES.—WC are Mod to announce that News. E. G. Whitman & Co. the celebrated Confectioners of this city, Chestnut street, below north, next door to Adams' Se Co.'a Bureau, have now ready their superb Fall Stock of Confections, embracing the most delicious and novel varieties of sac chalice prepa•ationo that have ever been offered in Philadelphia.. These gentlemen have labored long and faithfully to establish a Confectionery House in this city worthy of her name and fame as the manufacturing me tropolis of America. and they have ancoeeded. Every body woo' their goods in preference to any others, and they are unquestionably the finest and purest made, and their prices, moreover, are unusually iota. A FINE STOCK OF BRITANNIA. WARE AT . Low PRICEs —Messrs. Witten Sr 00, manufacturers ef the renowned Witters Lamp, for burniog Kerosene Oil, the beet, safest, and most economical Portable Light in use, have just added to their magnificent stock of tt ace Lamps, a handsome assortment of Britannia Ware, which they are eel ing at much below the usual prices. Their store, No. 36 North Eighth otreot, corner of Fil bert, Is daily thronged with customers FINE GEOCERIES.—The best 'assortment of fine groceries for family use can always be had at the store of Mr. 0. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, We desire to-day to call particular attention to his fresh map ply of Stranish and French Chocolate; also to his Spa nish and French Olives—the choicest in the market. A MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD 7-OCT. PIANO Fon eilm.—Richly carved Case and Legs; grand action overstrung bass, sweet and powerful tone. Made to or der for the present owner, by the best New York maker, seven months ago. Coat $6OO. The owner being in the army and obliged to sell at once, will take $2,25 cash, in cluding elegant Cover. Apply at once, at No .717 Arch street. 8820 2ttS A CORREsPONDENT of the New York Ledger asks the origin of the phrase '4 He can'tkeep a hotel.' Benner cannot tell him. We refer both correspondent otd editor to Mr. 11. L. Powers, of Powers' Hotel, Park Row, and they will see a man who can keep a Brat-rate hotel, and charge only $1.50 per day. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS.—A ' full stock of Frenca Brocatelles, Satin Damasks, Damask d e Lainea, 1. 000 rich Lace Curtains and Muslin Curtains, Furniture and Oar Plashes, Cords and Tassels, Gimps, Fringes, dm.. Lining Silks, Window Shades of every style and price, Vestibule Laces, rich Gllt Cornices, from 60 cents to $25 EveryAting CoMplete for decorating Parlors, steamers, hotels, d . c. W. R. OARRTI. 1 BRO. TEIRR, Curtain Store in Masonic Hall, Ho 719 Chestnut street. SO • stath3 t U. S. FLAGS, AND ARMY OFFICERS' AND Suacaoa's SILE. BAsrigs, from V 6 to $7 each. No. 719 Chestnut, et. W. H. o.imitYL & BROTHRR. 203h:di:13t GILT AND FRESCO—BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, Of aA atpisa and prim, suitable for dining rooms, sieeplog rooms, libraries, drawing rooms, clko ito. Masonic Hall, 719 Chestnut street. W:H.illaturt. fit" BBOTIIHR,. 29•stuth3t Programme for Next Week's Sale of ✓ Clothing. 0.41 E HALL, B. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. WAIIN &MAKER & BROWN. Pine Flannel Backs, $3.00 to $7 60. Stylish Business Coats, 85 00 to $l2OO Black Frock °oats, 87 00 to 819 00. • EicUlellan Sacks, all atyles, $55 00 to 810 00. Stylish Om liners Pants (ail wool), $4 00 to $8.50. Floe Black Doeekin Pants, $3 50 to 87.00. Silk El bud Oassimerre Pants, 84 00. Dark Mixed Badness Pants, 0.00, • • Neat Style Oasstmere Vests, 81.75 to $2 75. Fine Black Vesta for Drees; 8l 50 to $4.50. ' Silk Velvet Vests, $4OO to $6.50, Nora : Every article will be found as above, and almost any material, also, or style, of any kind of gar. melds, may be had at OAK lIALL, B. E. corner of SIXTH sod KAREN r Streets. WANSAINAI{BB & BROWN. mdkaims tnTELLireeriCE. lllir SE NOUBTE PMIL ABRIVED. Brig Beatrice, Strout, mom Boston, in ballast to E A Sourer & Co Brig Isabella Jewett, Reed, from Pcriress Monroe), in ballast to B A Bonder & Co. ear Garland. Norton, from Boston, in ballast to J B Bazley k Co. beim Oeo 13 Ellwards, Fisk, from Boston, in ballast to D Pearson & Co. Bchr L B Myers, Somers, from Fortrem Monroe, in ballast to captain. tahr Ida fl Wheeler, Dyer, from Port Royal, in ballast to Van Horn, Woodworth & Co. Behr Harbinger, Ryder, from Portland, In ballast to captain. Beim 10 Nickerson, Mates, sdaye from Boston, with hemp to Weaver, Filler ,t Go. Echr Mary Price, Blizzard, 8 da' s from New York, with saltpetre to F G Smith. Jcbr Americus, Staples, from Port Itoyai, in ballad to captain. echr 8 G Mtile, Jonee, 3 days from [Mow Md, with lumber to .1 CV Betoon Euhr Ly dta A Olaveti, Allen, 2 days from Chincoteague, With corn to J L Bewley 00. Steamer Alida, Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with lodes to W P Oli de Steamer Mare. Niohola, 24 hours from New York, with mdae to Wm DI Baird & 00. OLZMIRD. Brig Mary B Thompson, Havener, Jamaica, D Wetwar & Co. Brig Abby Watson, Watson, Cardenas, Stewart, Oar eon do Co. Brig Demerara, Thompson, Boston, 11 Andenried Pebr A ngnata, 'rabbits, No vbaryncri*, do Schr J li hlitchell. Tuttle,Now Haven, do Bchr M Nichols, Email, ostort, J E Bazley & Co. Echr Lamot Dupont, Hering, Beaufort, NO, - Navy Ageht. liar Garland, Norton. 'Solon, J B Blakieton. tiobr 0 Hat, Shoe, Fortran Monroe, Tyler, Stone tt 00. Ecbr Wm Jobn, McDevitt, Alexandria, do ficbr Hornet, Uardenbrook, Fortress Monroe, do Ecbr American Eagle, Ramsey, Washington, Noble, Caldwell moo. Behr Harbinier, Ryder, Portland, C A Heekteber ACo. Behr E A OILLOUIiOB, Kelly, Washington, Hammort, Van Dasen & Lockman. Behr Florence, Bradley, Washington, C H Cummings. Bohr Exit. Corkran, Georgetown, Penn Gas Goal 00. Bobr Geo 8 Edwards, Flek, Boston, D Pearson k Co. Btr J 8 Bbriver, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge Pilgrim Duffy, Washington, o H Cummings. Bargo Floating City, Home, do do MEMORANDA. Edit Governor, for Philadelphia, Bailed from New Ha- Ten Mb ilaSt. Sohn J M Broomall, Douglass, Charlotte Shaw, Reeves, Oorpella Hawklrd, Morris, Geo L Green, Greeo. Oar ' , Chime% R H Huntley, Kelley, and . Brutus, RI. well, hence, arrived at Roston 18th inst. Behr Emma Forbush, Randall, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Steams r Ironsidee, Yanderveer, hence, arrived at New York t y esterd ay, SPECIAL NOTICES. DISAPPOINTED LAMB. BY TRH BARD OP TOWER HILL. When the rebels had come To Frederick city, They were waited upon By a female committee. To welcome them there, Did the Secession fair Wreathe ot.flewers - prepare, Awl something to eat and .something to wear They expected to sea * Some 'very nice chaps, Such se soldiers should be, Perfect models; perhap3; But when they came nigh, - And their heroes did spy, Toni as pigs in a sty, They were shocked and disgusted, and hoineward did fly. So ragged, indeed, Did the traitors appear, That their fair lady Dieeds • Dtd Lot lit e to come near. Take the hint, one and al* And buy clothes for the watt„ From the stock at Tower Hi% .. - And the ladies won't shun you, or think pon look small We are every day in receipt of large additions to our stock of Pall and Winter Oldthing 'edresety. - the largest and most varied in Philadelphia. We buy and 'sa/for cash only—therefore at the lowest - possible prices. TOW /Cll H&LI., No. 618 MehlaßET Bt., Philadelphia. ' BENNIS VT 8: 007 • - GRIAT TRIII3IPII.—STSIRWA.Y , I & BONS were awarded a fret-class medal at the 'late Great Lternational Exhibition, London, over the 269 Pianos from all parts of She world entered for competition. 'The special correspondent of the New York Tines says: Keens. Steinways' endorsement by the jarors Is emphatic. and stronger and more to the point than that of any Butopean maker." Vareroome at BLISSUES43II.O se2o 6t 1006 OfIEEITNIU Street. , -PIAIiOB AND iVELO. Mg! OP I O1)EON8 AT AUCTION PRICKI3.—To be fully. .pregared to respond to the re- commendation of (Icier - nor thutin, and for the exigen clee of the war, I will sell my entire stook of elegant Pianos and Melodeons, new and little used, as abore. It embraces lief the inimitable, EiteCk Pits aoe, . laisides others cf well•establisheireyntation. Melodeons of Mason & Hamlin and Treat & Linsley's make, all warranted for Ilia years, and kept - intune, in this city, for, one year, . . asti.l2t* BEIhINTEC and cutzsrNar. BA.Tommox's HAIR DY3 THE BZST IN-THZ WORLD. ititiLIAML A. BATOHELOWES relebrated:Rair Dye prodnuee I color not to be distinguished from nature:— ....ererrenbidliot to initiriiiheAskisi the_ • • •••• - Diskyll„effesti of 4dt4 dies, and invigorates the HAM for Lirdiiia*Lit WWI or RUSTY HAM instantly tuns a %SI Sleek or Breirn• leering the lisdrioniu4 bon !fa Bold btall , • air The Genuine Is alined WIGLIAIL A. BATOR*. togit, en Use , foes r Sides • epsisolSbres•—• • - VILOTORT; -N.;:111 BABOLAT Street, .toms Broads/my and 1.6 Bond sired), . • New York. lU7a9`'l.l ONZ-PBZON MOTIUNO, TBIIIVABT arms, mai in the Bed Renner, etterdifir for ..8116 TAM *BALM' LOWIMT` Silitui Priem marked ` „Pleb Figures. All Goods made lo Order werrented ledefsetory. Our. .Gin -PEON BYSTAIX etribtly, ed. bored to. All are thereby traded se22-ly JOB B& &00 1104 KAMM Meet CARD PaThertrio; Bxsir AND ONNAVIST. UN QSt7t 44 . 131 ootitu Street. MARRIED. THOIdP BOI3I —MITCHELL.-6, Friends' Ceremony, on the 18 3 h inst., at the house of the bride's father, Enamel 6: Thompson, of rhlladelphia, to Anna 1., daugh ter of George J. Mitchell, of Ilatborongh, Montgomery county, Pa. THoInne—ELEIIITTI3.-00 the 18th inst., by lily. Dir. Leine, far. Julian Thomae to Lizzie, daughter of Ely Mutts, Ecq , both of this oar. * LABIA.N—BaLDIORIN.—Oa the 12th inst., b r Bey. N. Oantwell, tar. Charles Leman to Catharine Bahlerin, both of 418 city - _ _ "-* BEKHER—BEE RS —On the 31d tilt., by Rev, J. Wiehle, fele. Harry Buscher to KW Emma 1 1:'•Beere, both of this city. DIED. HIBRBRIDE -On the morning or the 19th Met., Ann W. Rithbride, wife of Thema . ' a. Sirknride, ffi. D , and danatiter of the late Joseph It. and Ann Jenks, In the 49th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the fenilly are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, on Second day, the 2:11 bast., at 10 o'clock A- M., without further notice. **. PENN 00K—At Mew York city, cm the 13th trig 3 Mary .10lizabeth, wile of the late Capt. Horatio B. Pen nock. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Thomas Water- Mat, Bag , 2034 Vine street, this (Saturday) afternoon, the' 20th feet., at 3 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. * SCHOFIELD.—On Thum:lay, the 18th inst., Kate, the wife of Charles Schoeeld. in the 29th year of her age. The relatives and Wends of the Ninny are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hbr husbandi Nam auk. near Schur's lane..thls (3aturday) . afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at Ithyerington Come t, y. B &KBR.—On the 16th that , at Oolruntda College Hos pital, asbington, 0., of, wounds received at rho rocuMfaie Gap, Va., Sent. Teeaohar Baker, Dompany V, Serb, Penna.-Vols., aged 89 years. - * BIBBING —On the 17th inst., Mrs. Catharine Bisbiag, in the 86th year of her age- OBEnki BY --On the 18th last , Mary S., wife of Tho. mae Chesney, and daughter of the late John Downing, in the 84111 year of her age * EAGLE.—On the 17th inst., In the U. S. Hospital, Alexandria. Ye, , John Eagle, Company. B, 88th Re giment,-tens. Vole in the 21st year of his age. * FROST.-On the 9th Mat., in Hammond Hospital, Point Lookon', Md., Cornelius , 0 Frost, Company. L, 72d Begiment, - Penna Vole., in the list year of his age. MA flOrtY —Oa the 18th thet., Ann, wife of the late Jeremiah M.abony, in the 62d year of her age * ' NT BBIT.—On the 17th lest , Edward 0.. eon of Mar garet and the late Thomas Nesbit, in the 21st year of his age. MOORF.—On the-17th inst., Stephen M. Moore, in the 'Both year of his age. billftßAY.—On the 18th hut., George W. Murray, in the 341 h 'ear (Ibis age. * TaGGEBT.—On the 18th last ; Margaret Taggert ; aged 17 rare. • * BOWISIIB —On the 12th inst., at Georgetown, D. 0., Charles, son tf Elizabeth and the late John Bowers, of this city, in the 25th year of big age. * LACK ANT) SECOND MOURN ING Brans tilks, Nat opened 1 Black Gros Grains and - Fault de dolea.- - Slack Taffetas and Oros de Rhinos. Black Arnmee and Veneilennea. Black Gros d'Ecosse or Ottomans. Black and White Taffeta Lance. Black and White Vareovieunes. Black and White neat Stripes and Checks. BESSON da SON, set-ff Mourning Store, No. SIB CHESTNUT Street. pyRE LANDELL, FOUIVPIT and MUM-STREETS. OPENING FOR FALL SALES: Magnificent RBIs. Magnificent Shawls. Ithignidnent Pontine. Good Rim* Silks. • Richest Printed Goods: Good Stook of Staples. 5e2041 [cr . ItURRAII FOR, ,TIIR UNION! GEORGE rtB.ANOIS TR&IN, - TUE ELOQUENT UNION ORAMPION, WILED LIvER AN ADDRESS, AT TKO AMERWAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON MONDAY FNENING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1832 sommoT : TDB BOTTAN INSTITUTIONS OF OLD ENGLIND. Doors open at 7,1 r ; to commence at S o'clock. Tickets to Detonate, Parquette Mole, and BalconY} be cents; Po.ivate Boxes, $5; Family (Ardis. 25 cents. Sale of Tickets will commence on Satarday morning, at 9 o'clock, at the Academy, Gould's Music &ore ' and at the Continental lintel. Ben at , 6 - SEVENTH PRE S BYT ERIAN CHURCH. - —TherelNiceeinthis °hutch, the tkv.. James ra... 'rowel, will be resumed TO- kW BRO the 21. et inht , commencing in the Mornina at half paid ten o'dwk, and 'in the AVernoon at four :o'clock.'hit,, OrKEDISANGTON M. E. CHIURC an FUR THE NOR AND WOUNDED bUt.DIERB —On SUNDAY APPERNOON,2Iat 'net , st 8 o'cl.:ck, adman' will be delivered by Rev..l. Waltar Jackson, Rev. J. P. HQ, and Rev J. S. Wilda, in behalf of the Ladies' Aid Society of this Charch. It E. EAMON, •ileoretsry. rrTWENTIETH WARD—SIXTH PRE. OINCT.-A meeting of the NATIONAL UNION ASSOOIATION will be held THIS EVENING at 7X o'clock at the Precinct hones Nomination of election oftictre. . CHAS. E. SISTINE, President. BRIM Nairn, Secretary. trr'ARCH- AIMEE I' PRESBYTERIAN ommon —Divine ear vice 1 0-119 BRO tir (810. bab) IdORNING, at 10% o'clock. At 3,4 o'clock P. M. the Communion will be administered. Ree. - lIDNItY DARLING, D. D, will °Mollie. Ata, REV. WILLIAM W. RALLOWAY, of Flubbing, Long island, will preach in the FIRST BICIORISID DUTOH OHUSDEL corner of Seventh and Spring Guam' streets, TO-HOHEIOVir (@A73BATH)• in the LEMMING at 10X o'clock and in the EVENING et 7% o'clock. . its per. SPIRITUALISM CONFERENCES AT. SANB(M EVREET hALL. on SUNDAY, at 1O) A. M., and 7X K Baled- 1 . The Harmenhd PM• Ineophy " Adadeekn 6 mute. 1t PRAYER FOR THE COUNTRY.—The CHUROII or THE EPIPHANY will be open, for the purpose of uniting in eareeet prayer to God in be. half of our suffering catwtry, THIS ATTEBOON. at 4 o'clock. %Pt. CHILDREN'S URIIRCII.—Dr. NE" TON will resume Lis monthly Pennons to children, at the Church of the Rid phat y, TO-MORROW ArrER liool4. Service at three o'clock. These sermon will be continued on the afternoon of thfthird Sunday in eaoh month, at the tame hour. . it* . cx. CHURCH OF THE „INTERCESSOR, EPRING . GARDEN, belosiJtioad stmt.—A.A. fUhnstian's duty in this honr of national trial." The Bev. Dr. CABDEN will(1). V.) Drench on this subject TO.MOBBOW (Sunday - ) EVENING, at 73 P. H. Blrangen accommodated with soots. lA* orSEVENTH AND EIGHTH . WARDS— MILtTIA. DRAFT.--The Commis:dotter for the Seventh and Eighth wards will continue to hear ap plications for exemptions to milli la draft on SATQBD iT, September 20th, between the boom of 9 e. Id and / P. hi., at which time the books will be closed. &MEMEL BELL, Jr, It No• 268 S. SIXTEENTH Street. above Spruce. {l7. TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH WARDS— DSILITIA DRAIP r.—The.Oommission for Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards will continue to hear applications for exemption to military draft on SATUR DAY, 20th, and MONDAY, 22d, between the hairs of 9 and 1 o'clock, at which-time the Books wilt be c'osed ae2o.2t . . 0. S. GROVE, Commissioner. tff. 88007110 171IrARIAN SOCIETY, WASHINGTON HALL, Spring Darden, above Eighth Street—ll Y. WILMA kt L: •CH I .ll . FlN.—Tbie Society will mime public servides oA SUNDAY, the 2lst inet., commencing at Quarter before 11 o'clock, Rod 7K o'clock P. N. Services will be held regularly on each Sahbatb hereafter. It* NOTICE TO . CITIZENS OF FIF. TRENTR WARD. . Al[ citizens of FIFTEENTH WARD who have not Yet presented their claims for 'Exemption from fdilitary Duty, and who desire so to do, are notified that their cases will be board on tomorrow, SATURDAY,. from 8 o'clock A. M., to 1 o'clock P M. The books of this ward will he finally doted after this bearing. • THOXIAS W. It . Commissioner. NOTICE TO TILE PUBLIC. —AT A meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FUND •t/OitifdllTl.lE, held on TUESDAY, the 16th instant, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the nlinies of the various organized Companies of Rome (inside, Beierves, and all other local Military bodies, be published, with the names of their officers sod the location of their armoriee, se that the chime may have. an opportunity to enrol their names, and that they be earnestly oihorted to do to. JuIIN.D WATSON was appointed an agent to carry this resolution into effect. Captains, Lieutenants, and other officers of companies for city' service are requested to send their names, locations, etc, to the Hall of the Board of Trade, or to the office of the-Werth American and United States Gazette. In accordance with the above resolution, the under signed hereby gives notice that the fallowing Companies are recruiting at the places named, to proceed to Harris burg For the dsfence of the State Jayne Rifles, No. 623 Chestnut street Gs mnast Zouaves, No. 37 south Third street. Philadelphia Omit,. No. 110 Market street. City Guards, northwest corner Sixth and Chestnut sic. Niagara State Guard. No. 240 Monroe street. Kearney Guards, Tenth and Smith streets. Drill Cerra. Bread, below Walnut, Natatorium. BeVetetle GUSTdB; IT S. 01176t0M 1101113136. Corn Exchange Guard, Second and Gold-streets. Washington. Grays, Franklin Hall, Sixth atreet, below - Arch National Goal clarßace street, below. Sixtb.S. Ellsworth Zonaves, Captain ---, N. E. corner of "Eighth at d Callowhill streets. t- - . let Artillery Home Guards, Co. A, 1733 Market at. Cadwalader Troop, No. 620 Chestnut M. State Guard, No. 1733 Market at. Keystone Bat fay, No 808 Filbert at. Independent Bricktall Iliflea, N. W. corner of Eleventh andiOxfold ate. Ne v Company. No. 1647 Germantown avenue. fi10n5..0. , .-AzoordsiMiagab- st '"" " State Fenciblei o. nut st Reserve Brigade, lst Regiment—Oomparty A, Market street, above Eighth, south aide. Company It, S. E corner Eighteenth and Market sts. Company 0, Market street, above Eighth. Company D, N. E. cor Eighteenth and Chestnut sta. Company V, S. EL car. Eighth and Oallowhill streeta. Company F, N. E. cor. Second and Race streets. Corapany•G, Chestnut street, above Eighth, ifouth aide. Company H, Third and Willow streets. Company I,Broad street, above Pine. • Company K, Eighth and Oallowhill streets. Second Regiment—Regimental Armory, 606 Chestnut, street. Company;A. Captain El , R. Davis. do. B, do. • W M. - Main. do. -0, do. J. Audenreld. do. •- E, do. Geo. W. Grine. do. D, do. Charles - - Page. do. F. do. Charles Conne.llY. Third. Regiment—Company AL-Lieut. Cobb, Filbert and Thirteenth streets. ClordnaDY R—Lient. Brown, Twenty-second and Spring Garden streets. Company C—Lietzt. Ronan Saunders, West Philadel-_, phis Institute. Company E--I.lenk Krider, Reed street, below Fourth. Company F-I,lent. Baker, Diligent Engine, Tenth and Filbert Areal'', Coffnany 43-I.lent-,X11.14t Locust et., above Eighth. Company 11-oaptaizi Driver, Commissioners , Hall, Weet Philadelphia. • Fourth Regiment—Ool.W.;H. Yeaton. ' Keystone Guard, Capt. Reynolds, Filbert street,'above ' Eighth. - • Home Guard. Infantry, "First Regiment,; Company Saranac Ball, Eighth - and Callowhin streets. . . ,Company B. Spring Garden Hall, Thirteenth -and Spring,Garden streets. Company 0, N. W. isomer Thirteenth street - and- Gil reed avenue. rd Company 1:1, B. VT; corner Sixth" etreet and' Girls Y tkinpany - 1"; N. E. corner Third and Willow atreeta. Company F, Spring Gardenliall. • - - Company H, Nos. 110 and 112 Pegg street: Company L,Kinisingtein_Water.Works: Company le, -- Siding Gawk; Hell. • . Second'Regiment, armorY,`Broad and Race streets. Comitany B, OaptainSarens.- - - Company _O, CeptAies WAWA. , - Company D, Marion Giays, Captain * A ut.. Company F, Captain Kern. .; Company G.Baptain Company K, Captain Smith ' • . Third Regiment—Company A, Captain ',Winn.' ;11e youth and. Anita streets. Company 0, Contain W. Cochran, 830 Walnutsteeet. - Cowpony E, Captain .1. L. Wilson, Sontbsiark Hall, &tend serest, above Christian: Company tl, Lieutenant Monody, commanding, Front and Mester streets. - Incases where one oomPany had aireadi mirebed f rom armory, citizens are invited to organize new oomph until the quota of do city called for by the' Goierizee;shall be filled. • - - By otidiir ortbe tlititiorite-Bounty Find Oommlttee, t 1 00 SOHN B. WATSON, Agent, , ~,NI ':' ' .. i-• :: 1. ',:;- t:: ..1 ...: THE": : IttSgtOMA:l:7sATlTitliAt:) GEO. STORRS, *EDITOR. OF THE "DUMB ItEardINER.," N. Y., will preach 7.,../itoNatoW, et the Hall 13 ID corner of BPrtiNG CiAItDEN sod 'NINTH Strcetr, at 1.0,4 o'clock ttrOaN /NG, end TX EVENING The public are invited.. 11* A FRUIT AND FLORAL FAIR WILL 11,3 be held on the 161 h, Ilth, 20tli lusted, et the ONNOE ENGINE ROUE,: for the oenertt of the Sick and. Wounded Soldiers in the 11. S. Hoepital at Bestouville B —The /Determine ()are rase the door every 10 yy ,"":pk STATE AGRICULTURAL Notice ie hereby given -that the . STATE FAIR has been-poitnoned until NEXT YE&E, - on account of the unhappy Entitary condition of,our, nountil:- • • • _ • TROS.;I I .-JS.NOX; President. A. B. LONGA-ICES; Secretary, - Norrietavm, ga-:WHO WIL LIE P ?L-OUR SOL, DIERS ARE =IN NEED.—A . ruklic Heeling in bkilB.o of the Soldiers will be beld-orf SABI3 4,TEI EVE' MSG. Sept 21. at 7% o'clock, in: the Green.atreet E. Much, GREEN Street, below Eleventh. In the ab sence of the pastor, Rev. Solomon - Higgins, D. D., will Vsegide. Addresses by the Bey: James Ornwell, ReviDr. Jurikin, from Virginia, and others & collection will by taken to aid the Army. Oornmittee of the Y. CII C. A. in Wilt work. Eleven or twelve`of the number are now on the recent battle• field; doing al the good they can. They rend to us for aid. Can we refuse? It 4 NOTICE TO ENROLLED CITIZENS 1,4.3 OE NINETEENTH and. TWENTIETH noditieral appeals for Exemption will be heard at the hall of the OOROOK9INE. MOSE Oa, GERMANTOWN Road, below NORRIS Btreet,betwesu tho hours of 9 A. M:and 6 P. M.; as follows: Ninefeezith ward. SATURDAY, September 2' .Twentieth ward, MONDAY, 800tetober12. ,st2o.2t BARREL LLOYD, Commissioner.- CITIZENS , BOUNTY FUND, WIER, 1_1,3 TENNI% WARDS—The t/ommittee will min unne.their nightly, sessions at Washington Hall, eeuth- Weet corner newrit and SPI3ING:GaRDRN Streets, until the , 24th instant.- All citizens of the Ward who have not been visited byl the Precinct Committees. are earnestly requested to avail themselves of the opportu nity still offered to ditplay their sympathy for our gal lant soldiery, and to prove the genuineness of their. zeal for the cause of the Union by promptly Welting upon the Uommittee with their respective contributionsl JOHN IL DOHNBBT, Chairman. LB t i c s LYND Secretaries. it*l4laLa IirELEVEN TM, AND. SUCTEENTH WARDS MILE ILIA DRAFT.—The Commis; [Wooer appointed to hear applications for exemption f rom militia draft, will continue to hear applicants 04 Saturday, the 20th, and Monday, the rad inst., from 9 to I o'clock, at which, time the hearing' will oloie LUDL AM Al &TWEE WS, Commissioner on Draft.for Eleventh and Sixteenth Wards. se2o-20S ne WA EL FOLIC IIES—ST ATE IN VX -11,3 SION.—THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-.does not charge' eztra . prentium. to Policy-holders who'may be called out to protect the State from inveshin. War permits issued on usual terms to persons who may enter the strviee of, the United States 'Payment of Premium Made to snit the convenience of the insured. Capital, upwards of $2,000000 WILLIAM GBTTY, Agent and AB's*, 425 OBBSTKU r Street, ".! Bela 6t " Philadelphia Bank Building. MILITARY OFFICE OF. ThE TR ANDERSON OOP, RV. - around floor of the Penneytratte.gailroad Offlie, Oorne:r of THIRD SL and WILIZIGIS below WIK-LNU Captain WITISLI &X J. PALMER, The ANDERSON CA.VELLBY Of dor General BuelPs emit) . has been recruited for special service fn the X/e.; partroent of the OWN and will be permanentl7 attached to Ifeadtinertei • 11615. 4t* CAPTAIN WM. H. TRY'S HEADQUARTERS' • AIM AT ---• ; Ind.ependence :Square: ieia•at • • • - • ALL MEMBERS:VP'CAPT. WM. H. FRY'S BUSSE GL T ROOP wHI report .1116. immediately at their Armory, N. Z. oorafr NIGHTH and OHPTITIIT, prepared to leave TO-D&Y. lt* Oepteln WM. H. rat. MIME VLAN"SQUADRON - LIGHT iILTALRY.—A. few more active Tenor men•and Goat, Horsemen will be accepted. Alp PLY at once, if POD wish to go into a rood commY. THEO. BURKE Mr, Captain. GEO. B. K.N.Luz a Oaptsin. Jong W. Sonnets. Lieutenant. ' *el9-2t* CAVALRY COMPANY.-By the last order of the' War'Department/Ten more men can be accepted in Co. -A, of WAERINGTON SQVALDRON,24th Penneylran's Ca yelry, Captain UkLL. Apply Immediately at No. 2(19 Booth ',ROUTS tetreet selB.Bl* , MAJOR O. W. HARRISON. Ag.• RUSSELL TROOP OF Pill. LADELPHIs. LIGHT HORSE.—In obedi ,nce to. an 'order from the Adjutant General, this 'hoop will not report:immediately at Harrisburg, but encamp In the vicinity of Philadelphia until further ordere. 'The members will report EVERY tumor- ING, at nine o'clock. A few more renpectable young Dien - will be accepted by applying, at ado/. Fry'a 'Tent, In INDEPENDENCE EQUABE. Recruiting . Offices, No. 219 DOOR street and Great Western Hotel, No. 1809 MARKET street • sel6-stit. I: RESERVE 13 RICIADE WANTED IMMEDIATELY, "FIVE FULL COMPANIES TO JOIN THE THIRD REGIM ENT, RESERVE BRIGADE, P. V, NOW IN Watt P NE &B WILARMITON They will et once be armed and eunipoed, and sent to Min :be "Regiment, where full rations 'are torn'etted: After their.iervices are no longer rertired at the present noel, they will return to the city, when they will have an opportunity to proceed to Harrisburg, if their services ebould be required. Report at once to O&PTtIN AO DICKS, Board Tof Trade. 6001113, No. 506 OFilaSrNur Street, or to COL. E &BIN, corner .pf . HES l'Nbrr ;and Streets. , C. N. EAKTN, COLONEL TRIED .WEGINIENr, E. B. The foliating companies wilt receive a few more recruits to fill up If immediate application is made at the following Armoric*: Co. A—Llent. COBB, Hilbert and Thirtoentlrittreets. Co. B—Liest. BROWN, l'wenty. second' and Spring Garden streets. • Co. 0-4.lleut. RCW/LN BELVNttEIIS, West Phi!Wel phis Institute • t Co. E—Lient KIMMEL, toed street, telow Fourth. On. F—Lient. BAKKE, Diligent Engine, Tenth and Filbert streets. ' 00. OL-Lient. HILLS, Locust street, above Eighth. ' Co. E-oaptain DRIVER, Oommissioriers' Hail, West Philadelphia. Begimerit Headquarters. • . • T. G..MILLER.,Ow, . TIIIRTEENTEt and FLUME L= IR ECRU IT 8 WANTED FOR FORT DEL AWAIIII.--Heavy Artillery service.- 81115 Bounty ; $9O before leaving the city Any persons underatanding military drill, who will bring in equada of men, can have positions in the company. Pay, rations. and uniform, from: day of muster. Amply at Beadonarters, 409 OBBSBDIBT Street. se2o st* GYMNAI-7 - ZOUAVER,' 00. , TWENTIF,TH REGIMENT STA'TE MILITI&;OoL B 4,4 110M&8. now in 'active service. " & few n 411 , e RECRUITS will be No. 87- Sind'. THIRDARreet, it application be made immediately. e-20 II * E 0. CLARKE, Bewailing Ofticer. IBEADQUAATER.B.• 2d. REGI WENT - : NT INFANTRY, NATI ONAL GUARD—Oa- DENS No. 7.—The regiment will form on Ohestont street, right rotting on Fifth, ortfIIINDA.Y MORN ING, at 10 o'clock, folly equipped, with three days' ra. tione In haversack, to report to ITarrieburir.. "By order a J. W. FIIITZ., Alttior Oo md'g. JAB. A. LAWS, Adjutant. . The companies wit' assemble aftheir respective quer _Amat 7 n'elnelr . TIT 14, _ . fHEADQUARTERS" CO. V, 2d REGIMENT INFANTRY, NATIONAL GU AHD.— In pnrenanieUf ItegMental Otters No. 7, the coin puny will assemble on SUNDAY MORNING, the 21st inel., at 7 o'c'ock A. M ;fully armed and equipped. BY order of ' ELLIS' STORES, Captain. EDMUND MAY, O. B. - ltee - A few inore able-bOdled young men will be accepted. I -E A.D.Q lIARTE RS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PZILADELPHIA, &Pt. 19, 1862. - GENEBAL ORDER No. 13. THICEXIGENOIES Or -THE PUBLIO BIERVIOR require that the Home Guard be filled, sanding to the, glen of Its organization; to its maximum standard, 10 3 000 men. it jig therefore ordered :.• . - let. Tbat the cervices of one regiment of Artillery, two regiments of Infantry, and one regiment of (leveler— each regiment to consist of ten companies of 100 officers and men—will be accepted. and the regiments enrolled in the Hine Guard. Our citizens age invited to organize them without' elay. 2d. Officers of existing regiments in the Home Guard not on duty with their commands in 'service will forth with open their respective Armories, and proceed to re crnitAbeir companies twille nandard of 105 officers 'and men, and will report daily, at nine o'clock A. hi , to these Headquarters, the additions thereto they have received. By order of A. J. PLE&SONTON, Brig. Gem:Commanding Home Guard. BEADrogn. Asia Adjt. Gen. - se2o Pt t'MERCHANTS' REGIMENT _, Lleth P. Y.—Oompanies, with their ciliceie; will be._ accepted. Lieutenants with fifteen and twentl•9te men will be received. PULL BOUNTY. Transportation furnished from all 'Arts of the State. Apply in person, or In' letter. • VB. 0. JOR1111012", ." 'Colonel • teavanne s, Vle C“..eilLielP6llllllHaelite • ABLF;;BODIED 'M /114.'.,Setween. . thipi d i4:iir•Oft 44 _, A r r: :LIWISTEritre.t.. -!. wOODP; , " . • „•-i _. • • • •8. W. 'ear: Stlflltand . oattorctv • IiTIWT. VAUGHAN, • • •• • • • - • 'BOUTH-BTRZIDT WH Quotas, Ha q ops, _sind Clothing. faToished ilelP o Oik Se mastira ' . J. DC. JOHNSON; pel9 i tt* r'' Colonel Commanding.: '. l• THE UNDERSIGNED, . MILL Openoi the 22d of September, si.thelAimorY In the: Hall of the Philadelphia City Institute, N. B. corner • of EIGHTEENTH and ORMSTNBT Btreetsot School excllthlyely for the Military Tostruotion of Boys, end 50.. , Mite the patronage of the pnblio. °lmolai. can be bed at Holt and Brotbeee, Tenth and Chestnut strdete,,at Jinn, or at the reddiDeft Ot ir . • • .EUILIPITDOItrit, • 1919 00hTIO 1111L—hhie w •irithdairn eittizelT hls onteetifia KO * th ARMY. ° 11.0 rr}l . : FULL . • iSORTMENT OF OLOCJIB,. M a ts, :Kaia k •Backets; Nod Box," BROOM C1:624 HANDLES AND WIRE, k Ir4I4III34:IEDS, ROLLING and CLOTHES PINS, 'T . 1.001t... - A1 4 ,11) TABLE OIL CLOTHS, Oapt. WM. H. FRY. • LARGEST STOOK THE UNION. Strangers vititing the city are invited to look through , this Nstabliehreent, which is the largest of the kind in tbis country. Also, the only Wholesale Agent for U. W. -PUTNAM% CLOTHES-WHINGES in the State of Pennsylvania. sels-2m QUARTERMASTERS'' TOUCHERS ,- AND' YEAR-CER'TIFICA'TES WANTED: , . . - • • DREXEL- & CO. se 19-3 t • The Departmest.of •Idoderrt Geography, and Latin Grammar, in the Girls'High and Normal B.Mool, will be vacant en the ist•proximo. • Applications for the prifitlon'still be received at the of fice of the Controllers - of - Bab lie" Schools, li. corner of SIXTH and A DELPBlStreets, until the 2eth Met All arVicarts must havebad at lerettio - years' expe ritnce in leeching. : • ••••• By order of the Committee tAiGirlerristh and4Normal School. - ' BROM" W. ITAVIGHAN, 14.11 - • 'S • Chairman: Will be pi Philade) C SOMERS • 120. 625 CHEST Hove nolirisi hsnd s dock of _ BLUE FLANNA Togo'ber with an ea .ortmet fof CLOTHING, at Um) lowest Itt wM. T SILOi No. 34 SOUTH 6 4 Dark Blue, froni 3.4 Light Blues, from.;.., 6 4 Light Birks, fram.... l t 6 4 Dilota and .Reseal's'' , - 3.4 and 6.4 Indigo Mann.. 4.4 and 6-4 Stripe aid Pria . ing...... . . ... . 1 ,!....1.. . ae16.12t ' . 1 IIENT BUTTOIS AND SLIPS, U. 8. Patterns, for sit at J. P. BEND'S mannfie. 1817, corner . of TRIBTAIrIi and. NOBLN threats. • sn2l-lre* =M====M A - D,OiNsd! • ./ . , .WA DING! WADDING, BATTS, TWINES, JOKING, CO ON YARNS, .. CARPET 011/LIN; &c., &c. THE LARGEST OOK IN THE CITY, , IN 'TORE, , And FOR SALE, at M CFACTURREEP PRICES, by _ . . .. ~ A. H. F ANOISCRTS, .•.• • .„.... No. 933 MARKET a , 'o. 5 Mortis FIFTH Street. MEM TTARNP, BAT CARPI: The aubsoriber ie pre 50,000 lbs. Car i en, and 50 ) 000 lbs. Cot to 20; .‘._ ~ 10.000 Ibi.. Bin e lull and:Tow Yarn. 100,000 Sheets Black Wadding. 5,000 Baleilik-a liades COtton Batts, ' from 12 to 50 els per lb. 1,000 Bales al grades Wick. i 1,000 Bales a gradesTwine,..— Cotton and Liiien. ". '' ''''' And a general (Near tont of TWINES, TIDY COT. TON, ROPES, ie., at ilia— .-, LARGE FOUR:STORY- STORE, tip 242 NORTH' VITRO STBEET, , (Corner of New 80 As I am solely/in We Yarn Imujinesa, I am son the alma'goods lower VW Any other hones in thig 409-2111 R T. WHITE . ed to sell when wanted: t Cht4n—Cotton; Lin- n Yarn—Nos. front 5 y4..RNs, tATTBl:ofigt-CHAIN. 2,oootales of Batting, of all grades. - 1,000 - B.ales of- Brnolc-Widding. 'BooBiles of. Wie,king: I,ooo,Bitlea of Cittssn Twine.. • 12.000 Pouni's Cottm Yarn. 20,000. Pounds of Coliftrpi and White Carpet Chain. 500 Coi's of Manilla, Jute,,and Cot ton )lot*. Also, Coverlet Tara; Bed Cords, Wash Lines ) and a full stock of Goods la the above line. for sale by A H FRANCISCUS, eel& 2m 433 DitiltlPlT and 5 North FIT' l',ll Stmt. WOODEN4ND ,WALLOW' WOODP4'AND NUMOW WARE. A. H. _FRANCISCUS, 433 NIARKBT! and 5 North FlFTll:itreet, PHILADELPRIA, WHOLESALE DEALER IN WOODEN ND WILLOW WARE. Alwats am band; a full toek of 11581011JOILET O.I3IIRNA. MBAS - ÜBE% BROOMS, WHISK% . .FAN Y BASKETS,. *P./LA.Bo2qm, and SWEEPING' ENVEZIES .ZOOXING. GLASSES and YVIITDOW PAPER, 801190 M, MARKET, sad DINNER BASKETB, Par* Bap Indigo, Blacking, Matches, Blade, Darrows, Corriageo, Hobby Horses, &o &o AU (foods sold at LOWEST •X`E, : t:CrAfr3H -P R I CBS. FINANCIAL. SEWING' MACHINES. lIEELEIt: &' WILSON. SEVTIN6-MACERFIS, 628 C 13 S T Bto ttIEVELP PTA.. EDIIC~TIONAti. Gri B t o v o ' oi; i:adm, AND NO.RMAL ssool9"4silerr-- LOST , on TUBB ,- &pt. -9, cz Three -7 .30 TRIB4BI7RY 14 OTE 8, coupons attecled-31,568, 31,669, , 31,670, 81.673, 31,674, 81,675 " 41 patties 'are forbid "nesotiatiog mid Notes, ee nettse has' been given.- and payment stopped at She. Treasury emit cak,gab Tivalury DePart tient:. • A TAIIIMPIIVP.ART.-11EIMER'S A ilne.spreimeni of Ivorytipoil pronorniced all critics and novicee in art as the most beautiful, na .tnrsl, and life•like 'pictures in their line. Go to B OON D Etrec,t, above Green. end get - one. lt* VOR HAIR CUTTING, LADIES . JL' 'take their' Children to the Pair D7eirig 'filabx)n FOURTH .td SEARCH Btreete. ee2o.iftf -fa F. I. G. • ZINO; A BMX, • AND%TOIGNT MIRROR% The best In the world for finish aid durabllll.l. 33. S. . The beet brand Silk-Iniehed . VELVET RIBBONS. - Pole. Agent, BENJAMIN' SMITH, 153 DFAIIII litreet; , near WestSioadway, , BACS. VARNISH-LP/I- , PITOU —At thiold Itsdlioad . Qrenee FaotOri of W. EL .111.71111A8D & SON, foot of .Wood ettleet .- wharf, or No. 12.7.Walnpt street. • ' This I;aroish - le now in general we, being enperior to any Tunisia, tor tbobottom, bends, &c., or ships aiso for railroad companies; buildlicts, cars, Ate. All kinds'of iron castinam, ,to.; &o. t' - 14042 , 4 • ' B, BUBBMID. Agoit. "nit CONNELL - 1482 SOUTH TENN EQuABE, will hereafter attend, ONLT AT SIB OFF rail!, to NERVOUS aad other oxisosio BASIS, such as Etilepay, St. Vitus Prince, NaMlfita. and those of the Throat, Unice, Sea, dm. :baton 9 A: EL to S P. M. 2q sp litlll3B AND DRAG! 'DB. 113111A4111;•:• • Corner TWELFTH anCBACIIIt Hernial Truism:a •nd usidoma. - adjusted by .• - O. H. RHILDLES. rug 'reach and ai,prosed kieeriesa, eilavted to Oren • toxin or ropture,..tozadtate. "su4 -children, Itairliati . aqi Smericaa SeeDorters.e=l Bolts, Sboutder Braces. Bub Peduporke, Magic StooleeDge, and 'Birinteme itreeot irtety. Ladies , Dept.:fa:mat, -.TWNLTTIi Street, tag door below lama. Ocradue4ed DZ oompeteat hdia. . /7•2 8 -$1:0 IR. , 1"10LA PIPE.---Vitiifted Drain and Water PINS, from ,4 Inottoo tore _op, with Wier, Nigl43o of Bends; Branch's, Troe,'iso. warm:RUA *nod to any tbolosakot, 'and- at law ra tes. The tmden.'. signed bolos Interested la olpiof the, lam* inn& bait; - both of Tire' Clay In eh obi:lntl-7 for. Me miiiisfootort ;' ,. ..Oirtise above awl other ortiolee, deEee coometttion, both . b Quality B. minden, .- • . oinoe and Rota 711 01111i1THVT Btroot: hisnesciarl out. ThaIIDICIA Ead Lathriate street., Vtaladeishis. ansll PTEMBER - STREET, ;LOUSES, • NB. BEADY. MADE QR - 4.1135, NII'STREET.:. NAVY OUSE. $1.12 to $3.00 160 to 200 3.60 to 6.00 1.60 to 7,00 60 to 2.50 • oolen 6hirt- 62 to 2.00 W A.DDIN Q ! CHAIN. .1. • *I MEE BiIU t iNERY GOOW• ittIgENLTEIM, P.:EtoOKS, & Pat 4 . 31 . MAR - *** I'l NORTH ism, Have now OM for their • FALL. B. AL E A LARGE AND BAND9OIII STOOL OP FALL MILLINERY GOODS, •- • • OONWISTINO OF RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS , FLOWERS, •B • TFAIkr AND FANCY - ` . BONNETS, • • Aim . MILLINER:I! GOODS GIONERALLY, To which - the attention :ot - the tivide is MOPE OTPIMLY SOLIOITREL RETAIL' DRY. GOODS. EYRE & LANDELIA, E. & FOURTH AND ARCH FOURTH AND ARCH. ,FOURTH AND ARCH. OPENING 'FOR FALL; BALMORAL SKIRTS,, : GOOD BLACK SILKS, STAPLE. LINEN. GOODS, • ' BLACK •ST:ELLA SHAWLS, NIW .WOOLEN.; SHAWLS, - • MUSLINS BY THE PIECE, ' s • REPS, ORDERED COLORS, • FRENCELPLiID FLANNELO, FULL .STOOKOF ' - RICHEST PRINTED GOODS, • NEW STYLE DREES GOODS, GOOD COL'O - POULT DE Eiorp, MAGNIFICENT DRESS •SILKS, MAGNIFICENT / PRINTED' GOODS. iel:o4airstf NaPpLE. No. a 1024 OBICSI'NUr STREET.- • NEW GOODS yoit, PALL -TRAISIC NOW 01111100 oN , •efaz LAT 11811,13191111118, And bleeds at the old prices. ....,.. Conran, Betts; - Edict's., Velle. ' Coiffures, Barbes, and i.e. goods. In Poiuto Alencon, Pointe Apalione, Beal Thread, Point de Venice, Trench Guipure, Maltese, VIAI3II. cienne, i dm. and laces by the yard, In real and imitation, all varieties. Jaconets, Osinbrics, Mulls, Rain • socks, Dimities, .Pisube, French figured Plaids, Stripes, am., in great,yarlety. White Goode. Neiv-Goode at Old prices. Bbirting, Sheeting, and Fronting 'Li nens, Printed . Linens and Oam. brica, Nape* Napkins, Doylies, Table Clothe, TRW:.Damasks. Haaaback and Damask Towels and Towelling. 50 dozen cad Li nos Napkins, $1.25 per dozen. Linens and • Damasks. Towelling. Corded and tape bord'd Printed, Se vier°, Hem. Stitched; Broad Hem, Mourning, colored, Fancy, Rof fled, (to. ilia grades. Handkerchiefs, all kinds, Ladles'. Gents', and Children's. Collars, • Bette, .Bdkfe.. 'Flouncing% Edgings, Ineertinge, Banda,: In fante' Webb, Robes, *O., very cheap. Embroideries,. in a variety of new derigns. ` ANEW LOT OF - POINT DLOE OOLLAES, The above goods have been bought almost entirely "for cash," and will Do sold, with few exceptions, at "old prices," offering "very great inducements'? to those needing anything in this line to examine my stock, as the prices are "very muds beton , " the present mar• ket rates.. E. M. NEEDLES Ho. .1624 O.IpII . BTNIIT 811ilIBT FALL CLOAKS:AND SHAWLS. Nvw Fall Cloaks opened daily. . Winter Cloaks in preparation. Striped all. wool Brocbe Shawls, $B. Fan and Minter Woollen Shawls. M .. • Briknoral and Hoop Skirts. BOYS , CLOTHING. , • Fine Beady•made Clothing for bpi,. Snits made to order. CLOTHS, 06.831N1881E5, . ' Just opened, several large lota 01198iMOreth Soya' wear of every grade and oils. 11,604 7 arda Black and Fancy Catetaaeres, 75c to $2,, • 6.4 Bite Flannels; Black, Bine, and Brown Cloths. adieu' Cloaking Ulotha for Fall and Winter. DRESS GOODS. Rep.Teplits, French llferinoes, Detatues, AO: Black Dress Staffs at reasonable rates. ABNEY BLANKETS ' ' • ' COOPED. & (10NadtD, ten ' IddiftllßT Streets. P I"? ' f3III:RTINOP,,STRIP.E D .tl4lD;Oigiootl iiiteing - and cleanable style', list recelwd.: . • •• - • • E3HIOPPAIID, TA6 EiBLINGIIN. fi &1111I3OW, sail Btry 1008 011N3TNEIT street. • RMLBLANIEETS,ARMY 8LA.14- 1114111,••• ' For Sae At low vricesiby ^ ' BEEPPAIIDOTANZAIILTNGBDT, & ARBISON; gem etrp ' • ' /0 08 . 0 HES/ 1117 r. *NC 1? LAQ k 1 CLOI 118 FOR GENTS' PINE 00&TB. 8-4 Nine Black Clothe. Freoch.Olette and Dceektne: • • • Black Banana Teeldn2e..• • ',at= a LAirDDLIN,_,_. VOII7STH And'ABUH. GPINTS' SHAWLS. AND BLAN ILAHET&- Gentlemen's Gres" Shawls. Gentlemen's Gray Blankets. Heavy Army Blankets. BYRE & LANDBLL. FOUR CH and KROH. IWYRE & LANDELL - HAVE A ALA fine stock of SHA.WLB_ adapted to Pennsylvania sel7 ( - 2,4.00DS FOR AUTUMN. Autumn Silks, dark colored Checks. • Black, Plain. and Figured Silks. New designs Fancy De Lainee. Bich De Lathes of lower grades. Foil dn Norde and.bong Obtantis. Handsome, and new,Plald Cashmeree. Plaid Valencies and Worsted. Poplins and Figured Drogneta. French Chintzes of new styles New aseoitioents of French Mariam Stella Shawls and Striped Broche. Fancy Shirting Itlannels. EMbroidered,TWe Corers. SHABPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and SIGHTH Streets. A. STEEL & SON, No: TIB oorth Twra Bt., above (lcldea, Rave now open a choke assortment of • - : NNW FALL AND WINTER • DRESS GOODS. Bich Panoy Silks. - . ' New Shades Plain Silks. Figured Black Sake. ' Plain Black Silks at Low Prices. Bich Figured and-Plaid French Bops. Plain French Reps, all shades. - Plain 'French Mertnoet.• all , shades. ' - ' PI: &IN 41,,P AO AS, In Black, Drown, Mode, Rine, and Scarlet. Poi' De Ohevree, Poplins, Delano's, And every variety of New and Choice seasonable "Dress Goods. Also, a large assortment of - BLArIE STILL& BRAWLS. , • , LON 4 AND:SWAIM, WOOLEN SITA.WLS, sell-tf \AX:IsAST!, , FE ew,&PRIONS: VEW FALL • IiND WINTER - Olothe - and daitioneree. — $ • Desirable Idistnraa.and s Pledde:' Solid Oolcire,:Bibbed;ard Brack' • Plain, Striped; Neat; and F,aney (I.,wdiseree. - . • - PINE BLACK' 0120TH.3. . • . Union Oaarimefee and Tweedi.' ' Satinets and low- pilowi Goods. FLANNELS. . • New Shaker Flannels. • • Pine and low priced'White Flannel*. Un'ttbag_Flannels. New Woollen Bliawls. " `--- Black 7.bibet Bluswis. • 'ALSO. Balmoral and Hoop Mikis*. • Bargains in Black Alpaoae. Daily opening new ' goods. COOPER X OONABD, 8. - E. corner NINTH and WiRKET Ste. , NE'W G 0 0 D DE !nines ; new Styles neat:Plaid Mies Pciptins; Phan Rep!, Bine, Green, and Brown; Figured .orobtnered ; beentlini neat Figured Rep Poplins; Bine and Boiferi no Delaines ; now thilicoes, choice patterns; neat Plaid Flannel for - Gents' Shirts, very .deeirable and Kama ; also a nice amnia:tent of Oaaainieree for Men and Boys, at - JOHN H. STOKES',• • .702 &ROB Street-- • PROPOSALS. OFFICE 'COMMISSAItY:.O - F .SUB , . . sibT*Nox, Ifo. 1102 GIRARD Street. PIIILADIMPRIA, Sept. 20,1882. - PROPOSAL! will be remitted 'attthis office notitl2 o'clock Di. on tbe 264 der. of SCI 1882, far tarnishing .for the uso of- the -United .Btetes Army, nt: Mich. times and in such Quantities aa,10141 ba needed,: :within thirty days. front . the date of.,this advertisement,' the alibi.) or any part.(as resnired). of- the following BUBSISTRNOK STORRS, "' . 300,000 Do . unds.Prime Bacon Shoulders. 400,000 nomads Bird Bread, in barrels. barrels Nztra Superfine • ' ' 300 briskets Brat Peas, in Sour barrels.. *Muds Prime Bice, in barrels • 60 000 pound. Prime Rio Coffee, in barrels. , . 1 1 0,000 pounds.Llght 'Yellow Sugar, in barrels. ' MY4tO OO gallons Yinefar, In new barrels '6;000 pounds•Adarsantine Candles, full-weight - 19s, '30,000 pounds good Uord,Soap.' bOO boehols Belt, In barrels.. '.-. • : .` 2,6oo'glenons eyrnp Molasses, in new. barrel". . • 'All be of, the beet ellialltY, securely locked, and in perfecteider:lpr transp o rtation. 'ender nechsiie and delivery in this city. ' S'eller's name-and date-of nieechsees sgee, with name - of. arttchreontained; eaohpaclu - • Mertificatei of iDspeettoii , of Moat, and Floor be ale 4died. ,• , • Simple. in_boxes, (Salina* marked, must accompany bids for'all articles excint Meat. • I . from Inowirdealeri only will be-iconaldered, and each bid must be - accronnanted bi the - written gamed* of:two reepoinsible . 'pariiosa for the faithfurgeribrmance of ibealcreement. , Prenesels to be eadontl 4 ”yriinortale, : for Subsistence Stores," saitted to. -„J'. N. 131C..10 /E, se6o:llt - Ostrdshiltinbo:Bl.; Ved 4Sirdoe• 4-411TA0114103, ,y 026 • =jam* Llll&;:lithinifiltttii&Vdrolfifilitoie;d4 4:Geri Imperials, and other bulba, jolt Sao order. It 11. DBE IR, UT gitasrgur et. NEW PtBLICATIONS. TWO . .DEI3ItAW.,E NEW BOOKS! COUNTRY LIVING ANt) IDOTY,N WRY TRINK.INer. -.11Y,.,GA1L HAMILTON; • Anthcir, oft" 4 . 1* Iffovtilm" Auld 44 A. Com. ~platat ,of Mends," in, the etpkuyo ecoioot) MOVING. TGE DANK MY GARDEN. MEN AND WOKEN MT BIRDS. -- • • - TOMMY. • BOSTON AND HOKE AGAIN. BROWN•BBBAD OARES. • A COMPLAINT OF FRIENDS, - DOG-DAYS. SIIHMEE GLEE. WIbTEB. MA FLOWER BED, LIGHTS AMONG THE SHADOWS OF OUR CIVIL - THE PATIENCE OF HOPE. With a❑ Introduction by This volume is a hook for the and. commends ilea to all who need consolation and strength in trial, and doubt. Mr. Whittier's ondiirsentsrit Is a sufficient .gUarantee that the book is a valuable one. Bitber of the above Books - sent (poktpidd) on mgpt of the price. . TICKNOR, & FIELDS, No. 135 WMININGTOI(I3444,I4OtrON THIS DAY •ip ..PUBLIPRED ATLANTIC _MONTHLY , • THE LIST OF COFTAFTEI AND ' OOFTI44I . IMO= 01 AS FOL. AITTBAINAI ri INTL By the late Henry D. Thoreau. DAVID GAUNT. By the minter Lite in the Iron . Mills." EI:FPI:WEIGH. By Bayard Taylor. HOUSE•BUILDING.. By J. Mkt Cabot. . MB. AXTELL. • LEAMINGTON By Nathaniel Hawthorne. ' SANITARY OORDITION.OF I By Ed- ward Jarvis, fa, D. , ' AN ARAB WILODNE. By T. B. Aldrich. BLIZABBII3 BABA BIIEPP &BD. A - NICTIB IN TRL • BBABT. By the author of Chides Auchebter." RE . 9OI:IItOEI3 Or .THE SOUTH. By Z. IL Dfeby. THE B&TTLE•AUTIISN OIP 180: By John G Whittier. • 11111141W8,AND.L1TEBABY NOTMIS TEEM/J.—Twenty-five cents pet Three dol lars psr . year,.peepaid by the publishers. , •^ • TICKNOR .& 17PLDS, It • No: 135 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, N. CTA':MP. DUTIES "11f1 , 0231CD Itt:THE,AOt.OF 11362, ON. AND AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1862 iois•i2t ISIEROHABTS, B&NICERS, B.ROKERS, CONTETAEOERcI, ATTORNEYS, The above is the title of a neat CARD, convenient for reference, in eMice or cor.nting-hoagie, and stows at a glance, the amount of duty to be paid on Bank Check, or Draft at Bight ; Promissory Nato or Draft; Cern date of Stock; Certificate of Profits; Power of Attorney; Broker's Vote; Passage 1 icket ; Bill of Lading; Mani feet for Entry or Clearance; Proteet of Notes; Certificate of Bennett; Bill of Exchange; Warehouse Receipt; Ex . piers Company's 'Or Common Carrier's Receipt;. Tele graphic Dispatch; Mortgage, or Bond; Probate of Will, or letter of Adroinietration; Original Writ, Deed of Guist; Beare; Policy of In/want:4i ; Certificate of Da mage; Charter party ; Entry of Goode, &c and various other articles of every-day business. It wilt acre • a world of trouble to the. businces man.' It has been 'carefully prepared by a member of the Philadelphia Mr. • Price 1* cents each. • Printed and for sale by . KING. Cc BAIRD, R11.N.".8 TUNION . . BPEECHEP.— ' COMPLETE . AND iNTISE...' . • • • •r".. , ?..DIIIIIVERZEI TET ENOLAirD DRI f} THE Ph SENT AWN RICA . N WAR, 4mm:tem FItaNOIS TRAIN, ESQ. - , 01 DOSION. WHITED STATES. Containing all the Union Speeches. delivered by GEORGE STANCE; TRAIN in England, up to the present time. They are complete in three large octsvo voingetti,.printed in the beet style. Price 50 oasts, for the three. • Published eild for sale,•at retail or wholesale, by • • T. Et-PETERSON & BROTHERS, _ No. 808' CHESTNUT St , Philadelplhs .EVERY -LOYAL OITIREN IN'THE ITNITIDD _ STATES - SHOULD link A COPY OF T. Booksellers, News Agents, and all ethers, will be trip• plied at very low rates, and•they will please send on their orders at once for what they want. • Complete-copies of the three volumes of TRAIN'S. UNION SPEECHES will be sent at once,.free of post age, per first mail, on remitting flay cents to the pub lishers in a letter. Address all orders for whatever Quantity you may wish, at theabove rates. to the publishers, T. B. PETERSr+N & BROTRERS, • 'No. 308 CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia, •And they will receive prompt attention. ' It TN TAE ORPE :A.NS) COURT OF 1 CHESTER Cc/UW[7. CHT.STICIL COUNTY, SS —At an Orphans' Court, held and kept at West Chester, for said c - moty, on the 16th day of ISEPTSJIBBIL A D. 1865, before the'Hon. WILLIAM' BUTLER President, and his aamciates, 3tidaes cif the said Court, upon the petition of THOMAS LEWELITIf. one of the heirs and legal representivives of. SUSAN LEVY/ELLYN, late of the township of Oharlestown, in said county, deceased, a reliefs grantd. upon thefollowing married brothers andvistere,anbiitildren and grand-children of deceased brotaara and slaters of the said Susan Lewellyn, deceaeed, to wit: Thomas Law - ell3n, residing in said' county, a brother of said dens as:d ;. • Margaret Peck. (intermarried with Charlie Peek.) , a sister of said. deceased. an" real ling in Charlestown team/lip, in said county; Wiliam liewellyn, residing in the Stale of Ohio: David Lewellyn, residing In the State of Blinds; 'Jesse Lewellyn ,and Lindley Lew:Urn, both residing in Lanca.tei county, Pennsylvania;. Elisabeth : • Bey. Ilyn, re:siding in (Ar ster county, in Ci'illiatown A . township ; Mar r hillock, r adding in•fiancasteesenn• • ty aforeeaid, all of whom are ebi.dren of David Lei deceased, who was a brother of said Swan, desea.ed ; Mary Ann SniedleY,Xsther M.Draut, Wililatints. ley, David L. Smedley, Jtinath'an IL Smedley, Theodore ?it Smedley, and'Yelfrey .Smedley, minor,•-children of Susan Fn edley, deceased, (intermarried with Jeffrey Smedley) who was sedaugnter of the t said David Letrel W/2 ' deceaged,. Charles Shay; Edward dints, Miry . 'T. Shay,. and. Driscilkvb Shay, children' of Pri.,cllll.. - - Shay, deceased, who was a daughter of the said David'. Lewellfn, deceased, and '&itatra oltrr parties unknown, 'to Phi rime Lowelire, peiitioner, hut six In number, re. -aiding in said . Zaniiaiter ecninty, children of lidephen • liaaatlyn, deceased.; who assails) a son of theseda 141tyldr' ?Zeit Ili n:s deceased r Engel Mlle, Mary Ann &reedier, ' 'eWillisMOlvtins, and John Maine, all. reeldiog in sa d • :township of , Okarlestown, children of Mary Olwiria de ceased, who was a sister of said - Susan Bewellyn r deed • John Weirder,' residing In Montgewery'connty, Peniiayl -venfatwho Ile F6/3 ofliilidebeth Werder;decessed, who 'was °take said Sasan Lowellyn, deceased;. Mary with Hanri_Krod z. l) te- et Slims Wiirelrr, deceased, w , • Qae a. _ the said , ElliAbith Wender. deceased,"Mit2 'grectida' niece of Mei said .BeweHyn, 'deceased , and 'Harriette' fdaicbmss.: (intermarried with Tdomas . Morohman,) Angnstue Wender. Beaty %reveler, William .Weraler, Marshall Weieler; Thederich Worst/re, and Jamb Wars ler;all yielding sin' Philadelphia-pity, oblldr, a of Jacob Wersler, deceased, who was - is son of the said Elizsneth Wender, deceeeed,„ and grand-ditithews and aleoes of the' odd &seam heeetlyn, deceased, heirs and legal repro: sentatlvos, and ali persons interested'in the estate of . paid decedent, rtentriog them to be and appear tit an Or= phane Court, to be held at the Cows Norm, In the hamlet of West Chester. In said obesity, an the twenty &wreath day of - scte or nost; thed and' there to acoilit or -refuse the estate of said decedent ab the valuation tberrof; and In case the botre and legal representatives, end all persons interested in the estate at said decedent, neglect or Tipton to take the. same, tbtli to show cause, ifwny they have, thy the same should not be sold, an cording to law. 'Dv the . , Tac P. lIVANS, (Hatt,: - - • Per Benj. , J. , Pistainore, Bherkels Office, West Chester. September 20,11,82.. pi20. 1 ,8t , • . 1--rizirrataaNazti.,stmtir . Efl.lllq, IF9RTOORiAI.iiI A. GOOD vlttore *kale you aie about IL '"Glo to. BE I 11'13 aiiCeet a Ordered Photograph. a good awl tillable like tokired, only Si. BECIOAID. Street, above (*co., . - , , t• it* 14 H ANCF Touit PORTRAITS' . . on your parior;walls," tiro cry is sauttims 9iteaiae 05,0idered;Photographri are unrivalled in beauty and-truth. - Mir, being mode at roar pricer, at SKODND llivertrlbul(!erern, , -.; ' • :It* • pilitronorat :OW win V " *GAR. - GRAEN GING/Ws' MUSTARD • SW F) - AlitcES; sic., sic. AR tie repariiiiki l foti. Prig gi'llokling Purposes. ALBEB - IL7 I - 0 ROBERTS. • . •• rma i mß , fl _14242, tiIketTIBEICS, .. . . tr CORDINB,XLIVIIN I SH AND VIVEL. ALT AND:SODA; 'ASH: -Landing— ton ship Latoseler,,..4 4: ;:e • sse,.. • - . S B,loo:sactcs Doellu'a Fine Sat. J 32 casts iduloh's Soda Ash. For ta/eb) 0. W. 0110R0Mdfdi, se2o-3t $3 South FRONT &Mt. 1. YOE.. 16240. Pecos 8125 CON TEN T 8: e, WAR. IMMIE JOHN G. WHITTIER 1 VOL. "lbw. PRICE 75 CENTS 0 GTOBEA 1862. PUBPMBBI TO 00 INTO BilltOT Published for the convenience of Anil the PUBLIO 'generally No. 007 &WSW( Street, PhilB4 LEGAL. pHOT06Rl11'88: VATENSIVE PEE E iIIPTORY SALE —IXTRA VALUABLE BELL ESTATE. 'THOMAS & BON3, Auctioneers..ON TORSA I:1 , • 21st October. 1862, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public pale, without reserve, at the .Phlladelphia Er change, the following described property, via No 1. AN IRREDRIMARLE GROUND 11,11 NT. eOf 861 a . year, Bemired "on a brick dwelling and. nt, Lombard street,lo2 feet west of Tenth street. No. 2. TRACT OF VALUABLE GOAL LAND. Situatein'Ooal Township. Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, 128 acres and 24 nerches, known as die Valentine. ScObilt Goal Tract." No. 8. TBAOT OF TAMABLE' COAIA,D.AND, situate in Coal Township Northumberland county, remisylvatda,l47 acres and • )20 perches, aljDining block of Ja nes Dundee. Peg . and others, known as the RebeitramPlain Gnat Tract." ..VALUABLIC LOT, 24 A ORES, FOR HERT/ . PA* NOW FIRST WARD, OITY. Adjoining lands of Martha Thomas, Wm Efatinar. Ftrpbezi Fottorall, George Norton. and others, with - fronts on the Baltimore railroad..a fifty feet street, the river-Schuylkill, &c Subjeit to a mortgage of 516,000. • No. 5., . ELlida.liT BYSIDENOIC , ABOEUSTBEET, cfq. W. corner of Thirteenth street, 25 feet front os e Arch. ard 126 feet on Thirteenth street;'built and finished in :the best manner, and replete with ali modern itnprovements:and conveniences. Subject to a reortgege of $lO,OOO. BE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE !SUGAR EL: FINIEY, No 2.21 TINE STREET, Lately occupied by MESSICEI.E&•ITWIGIL viz : IeMI those brick messuages, steam Bogy refinery, shorts, &c.s and lot of ground thereo:lto belonging, situa,e cn the not th side of Vine attest.• between Second end Third streets, Philadelphia ; containing in front on Vine street 83 lett 10 inches, and extending in de' th northward of that width 7t feet 93 inches, then widening on the west side thereof (to a 10 feet wide alley) to the breadth of 97 feet 4 inches, and extending theme further northward, of the laet mentioned breadth; 70' feet 9ji inches along the said 10 feet alley to Wood stead, having three frente; and the entire depth from Vine to Wood street 10 feet. 'The buildings are six stories high, built of brick In the . most substantial' manner, and heated throughout by means of cast iron steam pipes. They contain a large. vacuum pan, 4 steam engines, improved boilers, blow up pans Leaf and Derosne filters, tanks, improved anus pumps, cruebing and pulverizing mills, screens, b black furnaces and washers, platform scales, and other machinery, of the most approved kinds; together with the following number of iron mouldy and anti—viz : • 5096 80 lbs Alenlcia. 4740 80 lb; Pots. 2'13 i 6 do. 2006 18 do. 1528 8 do 1502 8 do • The whole comprising at, establishment capable of refining from 45,000 to 50 000 lbs (30 M 85 Mull) of sugar per day. The lietnery is ready for immet'iate operation. `The Storehouse is of a capacity to bold 600 bhds of raw auger, end 3,000 bbla refin,d susar. 'Full details will be furnithed upon mlicstion to A M.' Eaetwick, bylelGr, or on the premites, (which will be open for inepection - daily. from 10 A. al. to 2 r. unfit the day of sa!e,) or of the Auctimteera. AT Bulged tb a mortgage of 820,000. s&Lii ABSOLUTE of the whose of the above six properties, without any remove !or limitation what ever IDS' Full deem kptione of each may be hat in handbills at the auction rooms. • • .11. THOMAS & SONS; Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South 141. T STH Street ser.2oortl 13&21,f . • - PERSONAL TIDENSIONS, $lOO BOUNTY, AND • Par, ,procured and collected tor Soldiers, Sailors, and the geletivee of such as are deceased, by ATTOSNE T. AT IifIS.L tW AtiD 09LLEOTION OFFICE, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. For bntivem done in this line 'charges wi 1 he 118 14. lows: For collecting Soldier s'.and 'Utters' Pay less than Sao in amonnt, when over'Sso •in amount, 2,ti pit cent on the excess. For collecting arrears of Pay aid $lOO Bounty for relatives of deceased eo!diers, 2,4 per cent. For procuring Pensions on the Governumnt, fee For collecting and .nrocniing such for relatives of do ceased soldlere that have volunteered face the 25th Icognst, 1862, from this city, no charge: as prevlonay, • JAME FUL T 0 ' 424 WALNUt Birs0;" P4itadetititi propneed. ee2o tf If WID 43 W-S• AND:MOTEISRS.- , V Pensions, ' Peneiois, Pensions. Widows. Orphans, Mothers, Discharged Poldieris: Sailors, and' Marines, entitled to Pensions, should call at once on " JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO., Pension and Military. Agent, No 427 Vi. , ALNIIP Street lq 0 NT . Y 'AND BACK PAY! d..." Bounty and Back Pay Bounty and Back Pay ! Bounty and Back Pay !—Wiyea,—Obildreo,' Pottieriu 3 Mothery, Brothers, aid Slaters are entitled to Bounty and Back Pay, and should make early application to ' JOSEPH. E: Dr.vir & Go., '- Military and Naval agency, No. 42T WALNUT Street. E MOTHER • (ALTHOUGH HER HUSBAND 18 ALIVE) of any. Soldier s - Sailor, or Marine, killed, or wbo may bay,: died in the service of the Uoited States, and on whom abe may baie. been deyendent, in whole or in part, for reliar. ii u %title& to a Pension or at lout 'Eight Dollars per wrath, by ' making an immediate aealication to , . - ••• JOSEPH E. DETITT & 00., No. 4t7 wemsur Street. Remember the number, Ram 'Mollie& and Twenty seven. • MILITARY AND-NAVAL AORROY. ADDRESS BY MAU I OR APPEYPI.PER TOIL .eNl9.6t pinzu MONEY, RATION : ce4ed or collected at • JOSEPH E.' DEVITT & 00 EP, ' • No 127 W&LEUT Street, Philedelebtei. Remember the number, Pour Hundred and Twenty- THE MILITARY - AND NATAL AGE 3 T. "AM.USEMEN TS WALNUT -STREET. THE &TRE..-- Elo)e Lego* Ira. M A.' o.d.rtElff,TTBoll Business Agent — •Nr. JOHN T. DONNELLY • • A •GELEAT BILL TED, BATUSDAT EVENING; BRPTIBBER " • T AO , GLOBIOVE. PLAYS. Tbeiriat Etisobettian Tragedy of • 'TOE DOOEIEB3 OE . NALVI Varian, • the Doottimi Of MAW— Hrs. E. W&T.. - To conchide With the second and third acts of DOT EFANNERING, GE THE GIP +Y'9 Pnuewz Meg Merrill's SB /IA WALLEII. Doors open at 7—Performa nce commence at 7M. . • JOHN 'DREW'S ARCH ; M i sTISFET THEATRE. listing and stage Manager........W. S. FREDERICKS. Rneinpss Agent and Treasurer. JOB. D. MIIRPB Y.. BIXTR /-IGEIT OF .0216 S JABS 000)1BEL• SLTUR OAT, SEPT. 20. LOVE'S SLOMPIOE. liergaritEknirre JANE 0 00ISIBEI. concluel with DION TEIIO2N Jeckir.Gciosey Green . . Frank Drew. hateliesreal-TBD WO tseD OF rellfllati. Doers own? et 7X--Coraln-tieee at 7% o'clock. • •••• • ' • • .• • • • r'IONTINENTAL-THE-ATBE. N.,/ X. BANDAGE' ' 'Eoler Ties*A. SATURDAY. SEPT. 90. , • . 'GRAND MATINEE AT - TWO STEI.ING PERPORMANGE AT . THE •STPRRB COMBINATION COMPANY' On both Decagons MDME ratans' . D'OUT, IdDlkIR VON:BEEKEL, •••••' In Grand DperatieSelestions. _ MDLLE GALETTL NE OLLE. gELENIE• TheSiatere KARIN and' AUGUSTA. - • GIANO BALLET .OF FO fY. • .;::.; Under the direction of MR. O W. SMITH; TWO GRAND BALLET .; • THE 11 41)TMOT13 001IP &NY In Concert. ronwdy. ant Soectacte. • NEW GRAND PATRIOTIC TABLEAU AND TRANSFORMATION 'SCENE. Br R. RANDALL. See resell bills for full Naticulars of the inunense at tractione:' .Pirttuotte. 25 rents; Orebeatra Chairs 50 cants; fami ly Chola. lb cents; Colored Gallery, IS cents. Afternoon at; 2''. { lllvening at IL' ' • viIENNECTLVANIA: •4OADEBEI Of TEN WWII ARM,* • • ' 1025 onisprirjrnizirr, Is open daily (Sundaysszcsyktd) from 9 A M. tfil P. M. Admission 23 ands. • "Id* half prise Bbaree et Stock, $BO • jri WANT'S. WANTBD--,:AN . Tar to s 'tin' Goode Jobbhke: Roma. Addrooo , tidAllirElT BT . *" PrOgoDirtoe. -it* • W A N.'T E D=-A. • - YOUNG • MAN, *beta 3 8 7 0 *re of age, to assist in a Ctounting- Florin ; one with some experience prererrei. •Oump+n eation models!. • Address. in .own • hand.writips, wit*. Xeferer cep. Box•1I6, Poet Office: ' • ' se2o:llt •''.'BOARDTIIO. A: FEWAIE WISHES , BOA.RD. other boarders.. Addresir 4, Friend, Box Igtp,SlS VOTTIC G -BI.EN"S HOME, 1831, 1831 , FILBERT "t3trieeii;ppcialte — Pann Bonfire.— BOARD and Washing, two d.Bara per week. All who leskre a comfortable blase wilt'dn well to call and ex,. ibis holm. ALEXA.NDEB SLOAN, se,l9-12t • ' •• • - • - •- • ' ' Superintendent. LIL&EVANT ECOND— STORY roc me. with board, at eel7.lm „ sore nth THIRD Street. FOR maw 'A FOB r+ NM, containing 217 acres, besiitifnily EimatEd on the banks of the Delaware,26mileattbove the city ; convenient to steamboat landing;ind railroad station on rho place , Also. a large number in the id joining counties ()Tsai! sizes in act es. A VOI7 to % =• . ' B. PN.T'2IT, se-20 - • -No 209 WALNUT street. li.XOFIANGE-VALUABLEt FARM, containing 64 acres near railroad station* in Burka county, large stone buildings, large apple or-. 'amid; and r.tbsr fruits. Alto, osiers) fruit farms, nest Dover, Stitt of Dslawars. Assy to ra2o , 4zatOvlas. REBso i yAL.— THOMAS MARTIN,_ • teal "Citide Aker& and Ooflectoi, would reepectfullr infcrm Mirada an atelatibiit that holm.' removed his ottice,frota'the liirthwast .