Publications Received From CHARLES DIESILVAR, 1.229 Chestnut street:. Gilham's Manual of Cavalry and Infantry Too tles. This is the work of which large numbers were supplied by the State Government for the use of the officers of Volunteers. It has been largely adopted in our falter i schools. That gallant sol dier, the late General Kearney, gave his testimony that the publication of Gilham's Manual was "most useful to the country," as a comprehensive, com plete, and reliable book. Ile added, "I regard it as tho best Military Book that exists. There is no duty, either of the Staff or of the Line, that is not thoroughly explained." Sully's Manual for the Non-commissioned Officers of the Infantry and Riflemen of the United States Army. This little book is indispensable to the non commissioned officer, teaching him his duties and giving a glossary of military terms, ivith an appen dix containing the Articles of War. From T, B. PETERSON it BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut The Mystery. By Mrs. Henry Wood.—A novel of intense interest, by the author of ," The Earl's Heirs" and "The Channings," and fatly equal to these popular fictions. It is printed from the au thor's manuscript, and has not yet been published in England. Les Miserables. Part IV. St. Denis. This con tains the adventures of Jean Valjoan, Marius, and. Casette, mixed up with the stirring insurrectionary movements in Paris at the funeral of General Lamarque, injune, 1832. (Carleton, New York.) Like and Unlike. A novel, by R. S. Roe, author of ""I've been Thinking," " A Long Look Ahead," 4:e. (Carleton, New York.) • Our Danger and Our Duty. FILILADI{I.IIIra, 48 North Tenth Street, September 11, 1882, To the Editor of The Press SIR ; I have been in this country over nine years and, although I have not declared my intention of remain ing permanently, have no idea of leaving it, even in these sad times. I am a moat fervent well-wisher of the Union. I aria not entitled to vote, and if I was I amid never use the privilege, for I believe the Acueri. ear's themselves know well enough how to make la we for themselves and all that are permitted to live tinder them. I wish they would enforce there rigidly when they are made. It is, however, with great disgust that I constantly bear persons, some abusing the cursed Republicans, others the infernal Abolitionists, and again others damning the hypocritical Democrats. Surely, this does not In either ease forward the end, we ought all to have in view— namely, the suppreerion of the accursed rebellion. Our "eyes should be steadfastly fixed on the rebellion, turning neither to the right nor lett. We ought all to be prepared to make sacrifice's for this end, however painful it may be to do so. I have consented to my eldest son Joinlog a company from this city ; he 13 under the age prescribed, but his desire was so great to do Ills part in support of the Union that I could not, with my 'sincere and pro feared views, throw any obstacle in his way. Blouse me if I urgently press upon you the necessity of doing all in your rower to awaken our citizens from the dream of security in width they appear to be slumbering to encore of their epproischieg danger, and impress upon them not to be misled by the prevailing idea that we can easily conquer the rebels; it is this overatrained confidence that has placed ue in our present position, and the sooner we abandon every idea but that of crushing out the rebellion, the sooner we shall have the chance of doing so. The North, have it in their power, if true to them- Selves, to make this country al least cies of the greatest on the face of, the earth; but, from their apparent lethargy, it might almost be feared that they may permit it to become one of the least, by submitting is dishonor able compromise to bring the war to a speedy termination. I wish I could write as strongly as I feel, and, ineteao of being, ati old man, could add my services to the cause . The sincerity of my feelings is the only apology I have to offer for trespassing on your time. Tours respectfully, AN IeNGLISHIT.AN. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. BRFTESDER 12, 1862. The exciting lAMB from the seat of war, and the ap proach of the rebels to our own border, has completely paralyzed business, and the operations of the past week have been of a very limited character. Bark is more inquired for. The Flour market is firmer, but without much change in pikes. Wheat is active at full rates, and for Oorn and Oats prices are steady. Coal is firm at the advance. Coffee, Sugar, and Molasses are very quiet. Cotton is natett ed, and bas farther advanced. Fish are selling slowly. No change in Hemp or Hides. The Iron market is firm. Lead is in better request. No change in Lumber. In Oils there is more doing, Pro: visions are in good demand. Salt is Brm. Tallow and Teas are as last quoted. Wool is less active. In Dry Goods there is a fair business doing, and prices genera ly are firm and advancing. The FlourJetarhot continues doll, with but little de- Mand either for export or home use, and prices, if any thing, favor the buyers. The week's sales reach only about 5,000 bbis ' in lots, at $5 for superfine; 85.2505.50 for extra; and $5 7600.25 for family, the latter for choice Ohio; the sales to the s trade are also limited within the same range of prices for superfine and extras, and from $6 5007 4P but for higher grade fancies, as to qua lity; the receipts and stocks are light. Rye Flour is scarce, and selling in a small way at $3.5083 62X. Corn Meal is quiet, and about 600 bbis Penna. sold at 83.12 x 4p bbl. HEAT.—There is a steady demand for shipment and prices are well maintained, with sales of 50,000 bushels, in lots, including fair to prime Pennsylvania and Western red, in the cats, at 1290131 c; choke Kentucky do. at 182 c; Southern and Jei.sey do. at 13 , 10135 c ; common red at 1200126 c, and Pennsylvania and Kentucky white at 1850163 c. New Rye commands 68e70c, and old do. 73 075 c. Corn is rather quiet; sake or 20,000 bushels yel low, mostly at 70c, afloat. Oats are steady at 38c new seuiLern, and Pennsylvania at 38040 c IP bushel, Measure; old Oats are scarce, and worth 57058 c 1p bushel. PROVISIONS —There is a better feeling in the mar ket, and prices are welt maintained; sales of Mesa Pork at $11.50012 4P bbl; 1,000 bbls do on private terms, and Prime at $9.50010. Country Moss Beef sells at $l2, and city, in lots, at $lB 50015 4fr bbl. Bacon—there ill a good demand for city consumption; sales of plain and fancy Hams at 8X e ilc, Sides at 606Xc, and Shoulders at sgo6c, cash and short time, now heiti higher. Green 'Meats—the market is nearly bare of all kinds; Bales of salted and pickled Hams at 7X 08X c, Sides at 6X c, and Shoulders at 4X116c, cash. Lard is held firmly and the Mock is light; sales of 800 tea and bbls at 9X 09%c, cash, and 700 kegs at 9XOlOc. Butter—there is a lair inquiry for other markets; 800 kegs .Western, solid /packed, told at ilelitc , 1n bbls and rolls, in lots, at 100 Mc. Eggs are better ; selling at 14X 015 X c 4P' dozen. METALS.—The demand for Pig Iron is lees active, but prices are unchanged ; sales of 1,000 tons No. 1 Anthracite at $24025, cash and four months, and forge at $21022; fur Scotch Pig prices are nominal; in Bar • and Boiler Iron there is a fair businzigemp i i r o fili ; es o r , S , ..glefttft* run are maki ng at 832 4fr ton. Tanners' hark is steady at $13014 for Spanish, and sllel2 for C,hestunt Oak, DEROWAX is In - demand; aalea of Yellow at 37038 c 4fr lb. CANDLES are dull ' and the aides of Sperm, Adaman tine, end fallow very limited. 00AL.—There is more activity in the demand and the advance noted on the let inst. is well maintained. Cargo sales of Schuylkill White and Red Ash, free on board, at $4.EOe 5 4P' ton. COFFEE —The market continues inactive, but price' are without change ; sales of 400 bags, including ltio, at 213 022 X c, and Laguayra at 23023 x c, caah and time. COTTON.—The excitement noted last week has been increased by the favorable accounts from Europe, and holders have materially advanced their views; the stock here is very light; sales of 250 bales low grade and mid dling uplands at 516 X 059 c 4P lb, cash. DRUGS AND lu VES.—There , is very -little doing; among the tales we notice Soda Ash at 2Xe ; Opium at 87; Cubets in lots at 654257 e •, Prussiate of Potash at 27X 028 c; and Indigo on private terms. FlFlR.—Tbere ate more Mackerel coming forward, and prices are unsettled ; the wharf quotations for new medium is are $lO 50011, large do $l3; 2s $B, and NO. 3at $406 5 , 0. Store quotations are $.2014 for Is.; Woe $8 76 for 2s; $606 26 for large,and $5 for medium 3s. Codfish are scarce, and held at 4 25, Pickled Herring are dull at last week's quotations. FEATHERS are dull, and sell in a small way at 360 40c, for fair and prime Southern and Western. FRUlT.—Tbere is very little foreign of any kind here, and the sales are unimportant; the receipts of domestic fruit continue large, and of Peaches there have been large sales at 25075 c 4P' basket, as in quality. -Green Apples range trent 82Xc to 81 50 4P bbl. For Brief Apples and Peaches there is very little demand, and prices ere DOMinal. FREIGHTS to Liverpool are very firm; a ship of 1,300 tons was taken at about 3s 6d for Flour, 14d for Grain, • and 40e for heavy goods. A brig is loading With Grain to Ireland at 14X 4 ; a bark was taken with Coal.oll to - Liverpool, at prices not made public. Vessels imitable for the West indies are'scarce. Coal freights are un changed ; shipments are marking to Pensacola at $7 50; Rey West at $5.50, and Fortress Monroe at $2.25 4P ton. GINSENG is imam, and 5,000 lbs have been taken privately. GUANO meets a moderate inquiry, and Peruvian sells in large at $7l, and small lots at 875 41 4 ' ton, cash; Icha lboe at $40045 ; and Superphosphate of Lime at 835045. Of manufactured manures there is a large variety, rang ing from $l2 to $35 4P' ton, according to quality. • HIDES aro inactive, and but few offering or selling. HOPS are in limited request, with sales of first sort Eastern and Woitern at 18021 c Iv lb. LEATHER is inquired for, and moat kindle are scarce and in demand at higher prices LllMBalt.—Tboro is a fair trade doing for the season, without change In prices. Cooperage Lumber is scarce. Laths range from $12601.80 4P M MOLASSES—These is some little Inquiry for prime, but poor quality is neglected. Sales of 180 Ishde. Trinidad at 29c, rhort credit. ' NAVAL STORES.—The auction saleeef next week are attracting the attention of the trade, and there is very little dolug. Com Mon Rosin Is quoted at $14016s and litre at 818020 44 0- bbl. For Tar and Pitch prices are I nominal.--Spirits Turpentine In held less firmly, selling at $235 ify gallon, cash. ' OILS.-7laero le a firmer feeling in Lard 011, and hold ers are asking au advance of 2080 4P' gallon. Sales of glummer at 75c and minter at 780800 gallon, cash and short credit: Linseed Oil is lo ear with sales at 85c weight, and 878890 measure . Fcr Fish Oils there is a li mited store demand at previous quotations. The receipt of Pe troleum continues large, and there is less doing In the article PLASTER —There is not much offering; sales of soft at $2 7503 pei ton. BIOE.--,Th(re Ii Milo or no Carolina here; sales of East India at OX o6X c 4P lb. SALT.—There have been no further arrivals or sales Attlee our last notice. S a OZDP.—The market is nearly bars of Clovereeed, ud it sells in a small way at $ .505.26 4fr bushel Timo thy la in bet er re quest, anti selling at $1.7502, and - Flak. seed ht tote at $1 80'01 90 4P bushel. SPIRIT S —Brandy and Gin eve firm, but inactive, at quotations. New Atgland Rum la held at 450470. Whis ky is quiet; sake of Ohio bble. at 33033Xc; Pennsylva nia at 32eyne, Mate at 321, and Drudge 31c. SUGAR =The met ket 'has been, very quiet since our last notice, but prices have undergone no change; saki of 800 iihdt, Cuba at 8X 08) o, and New Orleans at 9X c, ~, cash and on time; the stock here Is about 4,600 Mae, against .1,500 Met sear. TEAS are inactive, but very firmly held. TALLOW is unchanged' sales of clty.rendered at 10)(010Xc, and country at tiXc IP TOBACCO.—There is no Kentucky Leaf coming forward, and for manufactured there is a steady int wiry. WOOL.—Tbere.le lee activity, but holders are very firm in their views Ludes of 120,0001bn ranging, from 680 76c for mixed and ccmmon, and 67060 c for line, cash. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. RAM. W.;DRCOUBBEY' . , . ^ JAMEB 0. RAND, Comatirr.s vie TRH MONTH J. J. R. LIPPIROOTT, i • - LETTER BAGS.. At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, Jahns Liverpool, Sept 25 IlthiP Adelaide Bell, Robertson.,..,., ....Liverpool, soon ship George Green, Leech ...... . . ;,; Liverpool, soon snip Shatemne, Oxnard .. . ........... . . Liverpool, soon Bel* Aaron I Harvey, Miller ..........Port Spain, soon Bark John Payton, Terry ..... .. Ravana, soon Brig S G Troop, McClellan. .. . ..Qieenstown Brig Shibboleth, Morton Barb. . ,soon. adoes, von t sL_ *hb VD (e OAT OF PH1LAD.134,111.14," Sept. 13, ILS42. SUN 1118E2 2 . .... 6 40-. BUN SETS 612 81CH.... .. .. .. ....5 49 . , . ARRIVED. Schr Da lel Birch, Evans, 1 day from Indian Rive't, Del, with corn to .TIV Bacon. CLEARED. 1301!1' rel/11011Dock, Barnes, Boston, CT A Itockscher ik Oo (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Eel., Sept 10..; The following` Reels are at the Breakwater Vila even ing: The U S school. ship John Adams; blik Daniel, from Philadelphia for Cilasow; Brig Undine, from Me de Ja,- . neiro, 'with coffee, waiting mien; ears OSMBO, with homes and stereo; H B Metcalf, from Newborn, NO, with naval eloree for Philadelphia; Bohr Oheeapeake, with thit her for New York , and the following ml•loaded ochre: Palestine, Lark, Morning Star, Edwin Reed, D H BUN, S L Crocker, Bohan, H B naecomb, Lingo, B Hill, F Mitchell. Anna Sheppard, Clara, Georgia, D M French, O S Edwards, Gov Burton, Mary Elle, Alert, Hickman, Trojan, Eva Bell, Risk, Eliza & Rebecca, E Jones, John Dorrance, Velma, Albert Treat, Saratoga, Amy Wooater, and S H Sham. Yours, ISM AARON MARSHALL. (Correspondence of the Press.) DB GRAM!. Sept 10 The steamer Wyoming bit here thhimorning, with the following °oats in tow, laden and consumed as foilbwic. Capt Shay, lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Ohas Blanch ard, do to J ohn , Craig; Merchant Prince, do to Patterson & Lippincott; Com Foote, do to B. Wolverton; Thomas Craig, do to S B Bailey .$ Son; T Olentworth, wheat and corn to Perot & Bro; I B Henry, Ne Pins Ultra, anthra cite coal, and R S Reed and 1 J Link, do to Delaware City. MEMORANDA Ship Martha, Stevens, cleared at New• Bedford 10th bat. for Philadelphia. Barlr„Fred Lennig, Sumner, from New Orleans for Phi ladelphia, was spoken bit Mat, no list, dm. Bark Telegraph, Giles, hence, arrived at New Orleans Wind. Brig Tudors, Heard, hence, arrived at Falmouth, Is, 20th ult. Brig Beni' Carver, Perry, hence, arrived at Bangor Bth instant. Brig Bentrioe, khort, cleared at Boston 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig .1 W Woodruff, Sprague, hence, arrived at Bt - Johns, PR, 29th ult. Brigs 0 II Jordan, Plummer, Ida McLeod, Davis, Alice Lea, Corson, and A a Cattail, Watson, hence, arrived at New Orleans let inst. Echr 0 M Carver, Pendleton, hence, at Montego Bay 20th Mt. , Bohr H B Brown' s Warner; hence, at Kingston, Ja, 16th ult, and remained 23d, to return, Sabre J B klitchell, Tuttle, and Galata, Lowell, cleared at New. York 11th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Vincennes, Hill; at Bangor 9th inst. from Wil mington, Del. Bohr B B Howlett, BUiners, hence, was at Key West 2d lust. Sabi. Jonathan May, Mahaffey, from Haddam for Phi ladelphia, at. New York 11th inst. Behr Win W Hardy, Norton, hence, arrived at Boston 11th inst. Behr Sardinian, Rumba% for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 10th Wet. Sohr Maryland, Knight, sailed from Portland 9th inat for Philadelphia. Behr Wm Jcplea, Jonea, for Philadelphia, cleared at Portland 9th Sara N Rolmea, Hewitt, T . B HM, Wheldea, and Ll gnitt, Burns, sailed from .Providence 10th lost. For Phi ladelPhia. Bar chrysolite, Smith, hence, arrived at Port Royal 4th inst. Behr B Watson, Wiilebv, for New York, was towed to sea from New Orlean@ 26th ult. FOR SALE AID TO LET. RRFOR SALE OR .TO LET—The desirable three-story brick RESIDENOB No. 726 North FRONT Street, below Brown. It is in good order throaghout, and bee a fine Garden attached. Possession piven October 1,1862, and• it may be examined at an, time. Apply to ALBERT A. OITTEBBBIDGE, selo-4t* 217 South SIX EH Street.. VOR SALE—Two Bigh-Pressure Ex hainting Condensing ENGINES, (uptight beam), cylinder 13 inches bore, 34 inches stroke, connected at right angles on fly wheel shaft; otherwise entirely inde• pendent; each Engine having a strong and heavy box bed plate cast in one piece, supporting massive square pedestals on columns carrying beam pillow blocks. These Engines are modern in style and finish .; strong and substantially huilt having only been in use a few months, will be found on examination equal to any in the market Also, two Cylinder Fine BOILERS, 38 feet long, 42 inches diameter, with two 15 inch flues in each, with whole fire front, and:other , appurtenances used while in operation. - . . . Also, a Friction HOISTING DRUM, with shaft, driving, and reversing gear pomplete. Will raise at or• dinary' speed five tons, with single chain direct noting. Also, the CHAIN belonging thereto. Alpo, one pair BLOWING CYLINDERS. Cylinder 30 inches diameter, 30 inches stroke.: Horizontal, With ceet -iron bed platee, ally properly connected, with about 176 feet 10. inch Blast Pipe, in - 16 feet lengths: The Cylinders are modern in style, and substantially built. Also, two pairs OBUSHEBS, with gear heavy, used for crushing ores ; with Driving Gear, Shafts, Pul leys, Hangers, &c. Also, SHAFTING, from 7 inches dituneter down to 1 Inches, with Pedestals, Hangers, Wheels, bevel and-spur, Pulleys, &o. Also, CORNISH PUMP, with necessary connections, Rod,Bbears, Chain and Bucket, Sheines, Pulleys, &0., Barrel, Shaft, Pedestal, Wheel, &o. All the above having been used but a short time at the Chattsm Cobalt Mines, Middle Haddam, Conn. Persons desiring to examine them will please call on GEORGE H. BISHOP, Middletown, Coma., near the premises; or apply to O. H. SHINN, -- se6-tt 222 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. FOR BALE -DELAWARE COUNTY FAWN, 98 acres of first•rate laud. Price only $9,000. Terms easy. Also, Bucks- county Farm; good land; 98 acres; only $75 per acre. Farm one mile from Media.; 98 acres Delaware county ; 895 per acre. Farm, 89 acres, near Norristown, 'Montgomery county; $95 per acre. For further particulars, apply to E. PCTTIT, sea No. 309 WALNUT street. • TO BE SOLD—Large Modern 110II8ES--No. 1826 GREEN &net, fonr-otorted, 21 feet trent and No 1909 GREEN Street, three•etoried, double front both deep lota. BONSLLL BROTHERS, 116 North NI ZiITH Street. seri-381 iftt ROUSE AND FURNITURE FOR salt SALE —Elegant Brown Stone House and hand. some Furniture, Walnut street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Andy to an26-1m LFOR SALE—A. beautiful* COT= TAGE, and six acres of Ground, in the Interior of Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged for al academy or Bret-class school, near a thriving villater and in a healthy location. Also. a desirable DWELLING and Lot, In New Bicom field, Perry county, Penna. Also, a large number of cottages, lota, and other pro. portico, for sale or exchange. B. F." GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, sun and B. W. oor. SEVENTEENTH and GBEZIi. dit TO LET—The eligible STORE Wiland FIXTURES, 432 OREBTEUT Street, nazi $t new poet office. REMOVAL The GUN and FISHING TACKLE Store will be ra moved to 416 CHESTNUT Street, SEPTERBEIt Inquire or '. PHILIP WILSON & CO., i➢2B-tf • 482 CHESTNUT Street. M. TO RENT—ii THREE-STORY MUM DWELLING, on FU atm., new fievontoenth, north wide. Apvly to WETURRILL & 13110THER, 47 and 49 North BEOOND Street. . , dr FOR SALE OR TO' LET -Post ~ EL Houses, on the went side of BROAD -Street, bolas Oolunibla avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and SAMSON Streets. mh24341 MARSHAL'S SALES: MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALLADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold - at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for Cash, at TRAINER & MERCER'S STORE. WATER Street, above Arch street, on TUES DAY, September 23i1, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., the cargo et brig INTENDED, consisting of 89 casks soda ash, 1 case gum shellac, chloroform, morphine, castor oil, tan ner's oil, lamp oil, shoo thread, starch, tea, coffee, Au. Catalogues will be issued one day prior to the sale. WILLIAM MILL WARD, D. B. Marihal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA. September 8, 1862. se9-8t MARSHAL'S SALE.—.I3y virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern Hit:4l4ot of Pennsylvania; in Ad- Miralty, to me directed. will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the 01:18.TOttl- HOUSE STOKES, corner FRONT and LOMBARD Streets, at Store 0, on THURSDAY, September 26,1882, at 12 o'clock M.. a portion of theory) of (lie steamer DERALUDA, to wit : 490 bags coffee, 280 packages of tea, 118 rolls burlaps, 182 coils manilla rope, 4 large hemp tarred ropes, 1 case stockings, and 242 boxes shoes. The goods can be examined one day previous to the sale. WILLIAM MILLWABD, D. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, September 8, 1882. se9.Bt • M ARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Hon JOHN OADWALA DEP., Judge of the District °Mid of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennarivanie, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the blithest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on FRIDAY, September 26th, 1862, at 12 o'clock hi., one IRON WINDLASS, brought into port per schooner Caroline Virginia. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Peonsylvani. PHILADELPXIA, Sept 8, 1882. se9-8t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA. DEA, Judge of the District Oourt of the United States,. In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi. - • ratty, to me directed, will be sold at publio sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STHEET WHARF, on MONDAY, 'September 29th, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., the steamer EHILIB, her tackle, apparel, and fnrnitore, as she now lles at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. ft Mamba! Eastern Diarist of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, September 8, 1862. se9-61 MARSHAL'S SALE.---By virtue of Writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOLIN O&DWALA.- DEB., Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the highest and -bbst bidder, far cash, st•CALLOWIIILL STREET WHARF, on PRID&Y, September 28, 1862, at 12 o'clock 111 , 60 bales of Cotton, brought into port per schooner Caroline Virginia. . WILLIAM MILLWAED, . 17.5. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. PIIILAMILPEIA, September 8, 1852. se9-5t 1/TABSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a 111 Writ of Bale by the Eon. JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States In and for the &astern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and hest bidder, for cash, at MICEIENER'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on WEDNESDAY, Sep. tember 24, 1882, at 12 o'clock N., the cargo of schooner EMMA, coneisting of Caustic Soda, Palm Oil, Fish 011, Indigo, Tin,• Stationery, Shoes, Tea, Boap, Balt, &c. Catalogues will be leaned one day prior to the sale: WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E.' D. of °Pennsylvania. PfltttnittPsie, September 8. 1882. , MARSHAL'S SALE.-By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Eon. JOHN CAD WAL &DER, Judge of the District Court of. the United States, in and for the 'Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public !Oath to the' highest and beet bidder, fort:ash, at CA.LLOWRILL- STREET IVITAItl", on FRIDAY, September 26,1862, at 12 o'clock AL, the schooner CAROLINE VIRGINIA, bar tackle, apparel, and furnitire, as she now Des at said wharf. • " -- WILLIAM' MILLWARD, 11. S; Marshal E D, of Pennsylvania. Pan.Amix,pm.i; September 8,1b82, -ae9.6t FRANK..PALIVERR,', Surgeon istlet-te the Goiernment Institution'. Wash. ti ln ita gto tia . Also, to all of the Medical (Mega and Roe. The ," PALMEM. LIMBS,", adopted by the Array sad Nay/ Burgeons. , Pamphlets sent gratis. Addreee, B. PRANK. PALMER, Iy2-Cm No. 2808 CHESTNUT Street. Philad'a. r invo i c e HAMPAGNE.—An of Ores cent Champagne, quarts and pinto, jug received per "Ina Balmy , for sale •bY °HAULMS a test3TAIBB. ae9 No. 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE tits . . PORT WINE.— Tarragonaand Oporto Portfor isle, in bond, by ORA& & OARSTLIES. _ 1.401 WALNIPP. Streit BAY RIIM.-10 quartet; casks Saint. Martin BaY gam just received per schooner MA BEL, and for `eale - h 9 JAURZTOLIE R LANEMMiII, 202 and Mt South FRONT Street. sal 0. H. MIIIILHISIID, 208 South SIXTH 9 - --- (10TWON SAIL DUCK' AND CAN ...J.17A8, of all munbera and brands.. Raven's Dttok.kwnincTwilisj of - 011 descriptions, ' for. . Tiinte,'Awnings, Trunk and Wagon Covers, - • Alse, ;Paper Manufacturers' Drier Pelts, from 1 to II feet wide. ~Ttriatding, Belting, flail Terine,.* r Algal , p EVI/7111&N & OD., ioyd-tf 102 JONZRAIIeI. THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1862. PROPOSALS • DE PQT Y QUARTERM4STER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Septet• bar 11, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TM:TRU/AY next, 18th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for sup plying, delivering, and setting up complete, American sheet-iron gee-burning Stoves, with their appurtenancesi 03 follows, for the United States military hospitals in atd around Philadelphia: IlosrrrAt AT WEST PHILADELPHIA. 29 hin.inch Stoves. 16 twelve.inch Stoves: 16 fonrteen.inch Stoves. -108 sixteen-inch Stoves. ' HOSPITAL AT SIXTH AND RASTER STREETS. 8 ten-inch Stoves. 4 twelve-inch Stoves. 2 fourteen-Inch Stoves. 6 sixteen-inch Stoves. uourrrAL AT SIXTEENTH AND PILIORT sTazars. 10 ten-inch Stoves. 4 twelve•inch Stoi•es. 16 sixteen-Inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT TENTH AND CHRISTIAN STREETS. 7 ton-inch Stoves. - 8 sixteen-inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT CHESTER. 6 twelve inch Stoves. 108 sixteen•inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT FOURTH AND GEORGE STREETS. 4 twelve-inch Stoves. Repair four furnaces. HOSPITAL AT TWENTIETH AND NORRIS STREETS. 18 ten-inch Stoves. ) 7 twelve-inch Stoves. 4 fourteen-inch Stoves. 22 sixteen inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT HESTONVILLE. 6 ten-inch Stoves. 7 twelve-inch Stoves. 6 sixteen-inch Stoves. HOSPITAL AT GERMANTOWN. 11 ten-inch Stoves. 9 tweive.inch Stoves. 2 fourteen-inch Stoves. 2 sixteen-inch Stoves. Repair heaters in cellar. HOSPITAL AT TWENTY-FOURTIIAND SOUTH STREETS sixteen-inch Stovei. All these Stoves must be made of No. 22 wire gauge, best American smooth sheet iron, with galvanized iron sand boxes, projecting not less than twelve inches in front of stovehi3arths. All pipes must be of No. 24 iron, same quality as stoves, and riveted at the end of each joint. All pipes must be carried up through the roof where there are no brick fines, and shall terminate, five feet above the'ridge, with iron caps. All adjoining wood work in danger from fire from the stoves or pipes must be lined with tin, and all floors and roofs through which the pipes pass must be pioteeted with tin collars. con taining substantial earthen pots. Each stove must be provided with one strong poker, one shovel, and one large-sized galvanized iron scuttle. Bidders will state the cost of each stove and its appurtenances, set up complete, including w>rk and materials of every description. A BOYD, sell-6t Oapt. and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. A. EPUTY QUARTERMASTER -11 L, OENERAL , 3 OFFICE, PaILADELPIII4. I 3d Sep. tember,lB62. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY, 20th inst., at 12 o'clock lif.„ for supplying the. War Department with all the steamer COAL re quired during the year, commencing• let October next, and ending lst October, 1563. Coal to be delivered on board of vessels lying either at Richmond or Greenwioh Wharfi to weigh twenty.two hundred and forty (2,240) pounds to the ton, and to be of the best quality, subject to inspection. A: BOYD, se4.lst Capt. and Alps% Quartermaster U. B. A. OFFICE WASHINGTON AQUE , DUCT, - WAsnnveros, Sept, 2, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received until 12 o'clock on MORDAY,thelfith'September, 1862,.f0r constructing a portion of the Potomac DaMat - Great - Falli. The principal item of work to be done is about five thousand yards (6,000) of rock embankment. Specifications can be procured and plane seen at this office. Proposals to be sealed, endorsed gc Proposals for Po tomac. Dam," and,addressed to " Eon. CALEB B. SMITE, Secretary of the Interior, Washington." WAI. P.. BUTTON, Chief Engineer W. A. se4.than UBl5 DE PUT Y QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S °FEU/E.—PHILADELPHIA, Sep. Umber 6, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY, 20th inst at 12 o'clock. M., - for supplying, and delivering to the following United States Military Hospitals, Offices, Storehouses. &c. ' all:the Coal and Wood required for the nee of such buildings, from Ist October next to May Ist 1853. Fleapits' at Broad and Merry streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Sixth and Master streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Fifth and Buttonwooll streets, Philadel phia. Hospital at Twenty-second and Wood streets, Phila delphia. Hoepital at Twenty-fourth and South streets, Phila. detains. Respite! at Fourth and George streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Twentieth and Norris streets, Philadelphia. Froapital at Sixteenth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. Hospital at Tenth and Christian streets, Philadelphia. Hospital on Race, below Sixth street, „ National Guard Ball." Hospital on Darby road, , 6 Summit House." Hospital at Vest Philadelphia. Hospital at Bestonville, Pa. Horpital at Germantown. Hospital near Chester, Pa. Hospital about being erected on 4, Hunting Park Course," Philadelphia, and on property of Mr. Charles Hubner, at Chestnut Hill, and any other Hospitals which may be erected or rented within the City limits, during the time above specified. Offices of the Quartermasters, and Clothing and Bunt page Departments, at Twelfth and Girard streets, Phila• de/phia. Offices of the Pay, Commissary, and Mustering De partments, No. 1102 Girard street, Philadelphia. Offices of the Military Headquarters, No. 403 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Office of the Medical Purveyor, No. 7 North Fifth street, Philadolphta. Offices of the Medical Director, and Medical Director Of Transportation, Noe. 422 and 424.Wainut street, Phi ladelphia. Storehouse at Twonty-fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadt Storehouse at Twenty-third and Filbert streets, Phi ladelphia. - &orphans° at Twenty-first end Spruce streets, Phila delphia. Storehouse at Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia. Schuylkill Arsenal, on Gras 'a Ferry road, and build ings connected therewith. Coals to be of the best qnality, Stove, Egg, or broken, as may be desired, and subject to inspection. Proposele will be endorsed ,6 Proposals for supplying Hospitals, &c , with 00a1, 3, and addressed to A. BOYD, Oapi..astAselt.Quartermaster U. S. A. ORDNANCE OFFICE WAR DIEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, September 4, 1862. . PROPOSALS will be - received, by this Department, 'until 5 P. DI , on the I3th September, 1882, for the de. livery, at the New York Ordnance Agency, No. 55 WHITE street, New York where ; r• e .121 Of pare woo dont yarn& FOR THE OANALRY, Indigo•blne color, with an orange border three inehas wide end three inches from the edge. The lettere, 1 .11. 5.," Big inches high, of orange color, in the centre of the blanket. FOR THE ARTILLERY, Red. with a black border three inches wide and three inches from the edge. The letters, 4, if. six Inches high, black color, in the centre of the blanket. All the blankets are to be 75 inches long by 67 inches wide, and the weight of 3.1875 lbs. Variation allowed, 0 18 75 lbs. They must be single, and not in pairs, aid packed in cases of one hundred each. • 'The value of the cases to be determined by the Inspector. The goods are to be inspected at the factory, and none will be accepted or paid for but Binh as are approved on inspection. DELIVERIES must be made as follows: One. tenth of the amount contracted for, per week, commencing in two weeks from the date of the contract.. Failure, to deliver at a specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeit.; ure of the amount due at that time. " No bid will be considered which does not come from a manufacturer or manufacturing company, and which does not state explichly- the place, time, and quantity of each weekly delivery. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all of the bide which may be made. Each party obtaining a contract will bo required to en ter into bonds with proper Buretlea for the faithful exet. - cution of the borne. Upon the award being made, successful bidders will bp notified, and will bo furnished with forma of the contract, and bond 11 onired of them. Proposals will be addreeeed to 61 General J PILES, W. RIPLRY, "Chief of Ordnance, Washington, DX." And will be endorsed, 4L PrOposals for Blankets." JAMES W. RIPLEY, Brig. lien. Chief of Ordnance. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFIORLPHILiDaLPHIA Augnat 16th, 11302. PROPOSALS are invited for furnishing Uniform Re gulation Clothing and Camp and Garrison Equipage for the now levies of volunteers and militia of the Vatted States. The Clothing and Equipage for the different arms of the service to correspond in make and material to that heretofore used, and to conform to the patterns in the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city, whire epeciflestions and samples may be inspected. Proposals should state the- article which it is proposed to furnish, the quantity which can be supplied weekly, the earliest period at which the delivery will beeommeneed, the total enentity offered, and the price for each eutiolo. All ar ticles delivered by contractors arcirequired, by law, to be legibly marked with the contractor's name. The 101- lowing list embraces tbO principal auppliee needed : ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. Uniform Coats, consisting of Engineers, Ordnance, Ar tillery, and Infantry. • • Uniform Jackets, consisting of Cava/ry, Artillery, In [entry, Zonave, and knit. . Uniform Trowsers, consisting of footmen, horsemen, Zonave, and knit. Cotton Ducks, Overalls. Drawers, Cannel and knit. Ehirts, flannel and knit. Great Coats, footmen and horsemen. Straps for Great Coats. Blankets, Woolen and Rubber. •. ' Ponchos and Telmas. Back Coats, flannel, lined and unlined. Boots, Bootees, Leggings, Stockings. Leather Stocks, Wax upper,Leatber, Sole Loather and }kiddie Leather, Uniform Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniform Caps, Light Artillery, Forage Caps, Stahl. Frocks, Sashes, Haversacks, Knapsacks, Canteens. ARTICLES OP EQUIPAGE. Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, Sibley Tanta, oommOU tante, D'Abli Tents. Hospital Tent Pins, large. Wall Tent Pins, large and small. Well Tent Pins, small. Common Tent Pins. - idosquito Bare, double and tines. Regimental Colors. Camp do; National do. Regimental Standards. Storm Flags. Garrison do. Recruiting do. Guidons. Felling Axes and Handles. Spades. Hatchets and Handles. Nees Pans. Camp Kettles. Pick Axes and handles. Bugles. Trumpets, Drums. Fifes. BOOK. Company Order. Clothidg Accemat. Descriptive. • Morning Report. Regimental General Order. Detter.lN:3 Deeoriptive. Index. Order. ' - Poet Order. ----' Morning Report. Letter.J. 'target Practice. Consolidated Mortdielleport. Inspection Depart- . -- • , - !Security be imuired for the .fitilliment of every °entrant. All - footless's, reeelved , by neon -of the tenth day from the date of this advertisement, will be opened at noon of, that day, and 'the 'articles Ltrunediately needed will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders preient. Contracbs for further expellee will, be awarded front time to time, as favorable bids are received, always to the lowest responsible bide received, up to the timed' making the contract. BY order of the Quartermaster General. O. H. OROIESLAN, Deputy Quartermaster General. WEST CHESTER INSE MI111.•!•LIIIIMMAND rkULADALPELIA BAIL- On and after MONDAY, June 9th, 1882, the train* will leave PHILADELPHIA from the divot, N. B. 001.- nor of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.44 and 10.30 A. X., and 2, 4.80, and I P.M:, and nn Tues., days and Fridays at 9,14 P. and *Di lapse West Philadelphia,.' from THIRTY=FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 ;minutes after the, starting time from Nigh *oath and Market streets. • • ON 8111/14T3, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 3 A. 21., ands P. X. 'Leave WEST OHEBTER at 8 'and 5.00 P. M. The train. - leaving Philadelphia at 7.4.5 A. R., and 4.80 P. DI., connect at Ponnelton withtralna on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, to. 1178NECY WOOD, j e g_tf - Superintendent., pa " mem WEST CHESTER BAIT:ROAD. vf a thy PIENITSYLVANIA RAILROAD. LAYS TIM DEPOT, 001110 r ELEVENTH and IifdENST Street, First Train at T 15' A. N. Second Train at 845 AS:. Third Train at 12.00 Noon. Fourth Train at. P. M. Fifth Train at 5 45 P. M. LEAVE WEST WIESTER, At 6.25,7.45, and 10.55 A. M:, 3.10 and 4.15 P. 11. ON SUNDAY; Loewe Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., and Weet ()heater at 4 P. M. Freight delivered at the Freight Station, corner. MAR. HET mad JUNIPER, before 11.20 A. M., will be de livered at West Cheater at 2 P. IL For tickets and further information, apply to JAMES COWDEN Passenger Agent. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General . Freight Agent. jr2l-tf 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF:NEW YORK LINES. THE DA.MDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA. DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'0 LINES PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAOES. fiwit irm..x_us-ermarT WHAM/ AND xionumaroLDlPol. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: - FAIN. Ate A. L, via Camden and'Ambay, C. and A. Ac- oommodation ' $2 46 At 0 A. N., via Camden • and Jersey City, (N. Amoirt.modalion 111 At 8 A. M., via Kensington and jam)! PRY, Morning Mall. -8 00 At 11 A. M., via Kaaaingtort and 1ii , 414 --. 4tY'," - - Western Express 800 At 123 e, P. N., via Camden:and Amboy, Almon:um dation 2 26 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0, and A. Aix- press. ' 800 At 4 P. N., via Camden and Jersey (glib Evening -- Express 800 At 4P. it., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Olans , Ticket " 2 26 At 6,4' P. M., via Kensington. and. Jersey CETI 8 Evening Hail - 00 Lt 11 P. M., vialOaanden and Jersey City. Seirik-= ant Mail . 8 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden: and Amboy. Accoramoda— Son, (Freight and Pamenger)--let Giass 'Ticket.. 126 Do. do. 2 , 1 Olam do. .. 140 The DA P. M. Southern Mail runs daily; all others Snndaye excepted. For Water Gap, Strondebrul, Scranton, Wilitembarre, Montrone, Great Bend, Blitshampten,T Byrac eMe, ScGi at 0 A. M. from Walnut. street. Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna. and Wide= Baliroad. For Mauch Ohm*, Allentown Betblehme,,Belviders, Lambertville. Flentingion, at"..llA. M. arid 4 P. 21:, from Walnut-etreet Wharf; (the -6 A. M. Lille oonneets with train laming Baotou for Minch Ohara at 8.20 P. M.) - ,l' For Mount holly, at 0 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 Ai M.. and 2 P. AL , WAY LlNifiS. For. Bristol, Trenton, 6)., at 8 and 11 A: IL; 5 and 8.80 P. M. from Kensington, and 23( P. floni. Walnut atToet wharf. For Brietol, and intermediate. itations, M lig A. M. from Kensington Belot. • • For katmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, due, at hi. and Ltg, 4,4, and 6.30 P • Bteamboat TRENTON for Bordentown. and' Titania dtate stations at 2,1 i P. M. from Wairmit-street wharf. Kr For New York, and Way Lines leaving•lLleindmr-:. ton Depoti take the care on Fifth street, above, Aitainntv half an hour before departure. The oars 'ranvirdo thw Depot, and on 'the arrival' of emir train:,-rap - from Dm Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggago only allowed mix Paesenger. rummagers are prohibited from taking anything . . *N bag gage but their-wearing apparel. All baggage ,oyar fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per ponad, and will not be liable for any amount DOYOUd Meld by modal oontraoL fed-tr LINES FROM NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA WILL LEATIC, PROW FOOT OF CORTLAND STREIT, At 10 A. M., 12 M., and 6 P. M. via Jersey Oity and Minden. At 7 A. M., and 4 and 11 P. M. via Jersey laity and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 L. hi. and 2 P. M. Tie Amboy and Oainden. From Pier No. 1 North river at 1 and p.. N. (knight and palsenger) Amboy and Oaindink • ' • Je2•4 • • MIEMEPH 'LADE LPHIA, I GERMANTOWN, AND NOR RISTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and titer Monday, May Nth, DM, until faith* notica. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 1 , 8,8 , 10, 11, 12, A. 11. 1 1, 2, 8.10, 4,6, 5%, 8,7, 8,9%, 10), 11%, P:11. Leave Germantown, 8,7, 7.36, 8,8%, 10%, 11%, A. M., 1,2, 3; 4,5, 8,7, 8,9, 10.10,11, P. K. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,3, 5,7%, 10), P.M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,4, BX, 9X, P.M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 8,8, 10, 12, A. Si., 2,4, 5,6, 8, 10X, P. 51. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 7.85, 9.19, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.50, P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,6,7 X, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 0.10, 9.11, P. M. FOR CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 0, 9.06, 31.06, A. M., IX, 8,4 g, 0.10, 8.06, 113(, P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.60, 9, U, A. M., IX, 4), OX, P. 61 ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. H., 2304 M, P; Leave Norristown, 7 A. ?L, 1, 6,1E1.1L.!., Leave Philadelphia, 6,9, 11.06, A. M., Ig, 6.06.11 g, P. X. Leave Maaayunk, 6g, 7%, 8.20, 9g, 11%, A. M.;1,? . 8, 7,-P. M. ON. SUNDAYS. •• Leave Philadelphia '9 Lea ~ , .„, A. M. 1,61 -0 ,8471-r• M. THE .PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. • • THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACK 'BOU'llt. 1862. anwfsit .1862" TEM OAPACITY OF THE ROAD IB NOW • TO ANT IN THE .00IINTBY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE. WEST. • • NaciliNes for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Lords, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Bleeping and Smoking oars on all the trains. • THE EXPRESS RUNS 'DAILY; Mall sad Nast Line Sundays excepted. Nell Train leaves Philadelphia at. ...... 7.16 A. 61. Fast Line " 4g ..../1.80 A. M. ; Through Express et . . Di ...10.80 I'. M. Harrisburg AoCommodatlon leaves PMl ' s. at.. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester Accomm' on No. 1 44 " 8.46 A. M t 4 " Ne. 2 • 44- " .12.00 noon. • Parkesburg « • 44 .. 6.45 P. M. ' West Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at 7.16 and 8 45 A. M., U noon, and at 4 and 6.45 P. M. • Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elbrdra, But falo, Niagara Falls, &c., - leaving Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. and 10.30 P. DI., go directly through. For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion S. B. corner of ELEVEIM'H and MA IC Streets. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for- Warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, -Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowii, or Min i lour!, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga. . bie rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. , The rates of freight to and froth any' point in the West toy the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fe -1 worable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Nerehants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can ref* with conadeacq On WI speedy transit. • For freight contracts or shipping dizeothmi apply to os , game the Agents of the Company. 8. B. KINGSTON, IX., Philadelphia, D. A. STEWART, Titiabrug. • •1171,ABKE & 00., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor Hons., or No. 1 South William street, New York: LEECH & 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boiton. JIAGRAW &11.00 NS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. • • H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. Kb L. HOUDT, Gen'l Tioket Agent,"Phlia. ENOOH LEWIS. Gaol Sue% Altoona. Jrl-ti one woven, of EEISNpRtH PENN. AMR SYLVANIA RAILRO FOR BETEL/CHFM, DOYLESTOWN,' MADOH • CHUNK, HAZELTON, EASTON, WILKES ' BA RRE,•&a. FALL ARRANGN•MENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. •On and after MONDAY, September Ist, 1862, Pas senger Trains will leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows : At 7 A. Si. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazeiton, Wilkesbarre, &o. The 7 A. M. Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being',.the shortest' and most desirable route to Wlikesbarre, andlo all Wahl in the Lehigh Coal region. At 3 P. M: (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &o. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. M., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York: At 515 P. Si. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk. At 9.15 A. M., and 4.16 P. Id., for Doylestown. At 6.15 P. M. for Fort Washington. White cars of the Second and TWA-streets line Oity Passenger Care run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 5 40 A. M., 9.18 A. Id., and 5.33 P.M. • Leave Doylestown at 7.30 A. M., and 340 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M.. 64 44 Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bethlehem for u 5 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem 8140- Faro to Easton .15()" Fare to Mauch ()hunk ' 2.60 ( Fare to Wilkeebarre • 4.50 Through tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at THIRD Street or BERES Street, in order to secure the above rates of faro. „ . All .Paesenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) oonneol at Berke street-with Filth and Sixth-streets and Second and Third streets Passenger Railroads, five minutes after leaving Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. 1683 sumkpat AND NLMIRA R. B. LINN , tiiENT. lam For WILLIAMSPORT, SCIRANTON Fa , NLMIIIA, and ell points in the W. and H. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading B. R., oor. Broad and Oa& tewhill stream,. at S A. hl., and 3.1.8 P. M. daily, tame* Bundays. Ql/1011N8T ROUT' from Philadelphia to panto IS Northern and Western Pennerylvarda, Weatern New York, &0., &o. Baggage chocked through to Buffalo, Niagara Palls, or intermedlate.Points. Through Express Freight Train for all 'Waal awl's, karat daily at 8 P. M. Nor further information apply to THIRTNIINTE and OA JOHN LL S. HOWEE L LLSU , General Rtent . L, and N. W. ffIXTN and OHNSTNIIT Street,nor. . REOI I, ENING OF OWN= TER BALTIMORR AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRXD and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the . trans portation of passengers and freight to all Was in the• GREAT WEST. 'For through tickets and all ether in formation apply at the Company's °Moe, corner BROAD etreet and WASIIINGTOR Avenue. B. M. apti-tf President P. W. and B. B. B. Co. Co. EXPRESS COBiPANIENS. N A I RN THE ADAMS EX PRICi3B .:00711,1"AblY, Office a 214 ORESTNUT Street, , forwards Panels, Packages, tder ohendise, Bank Note!, and Specie, either by Its awn linen or In connection a ith other Express Onapaulea, all the principal Towns and Mee of the Gaited Siwtopa E. S SA.NDFOItD, General 13 a petintenderit. RAILROAD LINES. VIA =DU. BUMMER ARRANGEBIBRIc Whi.lL GATZMEE, Amt. FOR OZBMANTOWN ON SUNDAYS EOB NANAYIINK ELLIS CLARK, Agent CONSUMPTION! .C3ONSI3 MPTION I DR. WORART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. INATURVE4 GREAT REKEDT FOR ALL DISEASES OP Have you a Conch? Have you Bore Throal Have you any of the premonitory aymptoma of that moat fatal Meese's, Consul:01 4 (0u I Those who should be warned by these symptoms gene rally think lightly of pepi until it is too late. From this fact, perhaps more than any other, arises the sad pre- valence and fatality of a disease which sweetie to the grave at least one• sixth of Death's victims What are its symptoms? It usually begins with a short, dry cough,,whioh soon becomes habitual, but for some time nothing is raised except a frothy mucus. The breathing is somewhat dif. 1862, Omit, and upon slight exercise much hurried. A sense of tightness and oppression at the chest is often felt. As the disease advances the patient becomes thin in flesh, is ,aflEcted with lon otappetite, great languor, indolence, and dejection of spirits ; and may continue in this state for a considerable length of time, but is very readily at- fected by slight exposure or fatigue. If these occur, the cough becomen more troublesoinefand is attended with expectoration, 'which is most doefous and free very early In the morning.. It sometimes streaked with blocd At this stage night-sweats 'usually set in, and in some cases a profuse bleeding of the lungs may also occur Pain income part of the cheat is felt, and often a culty of lying upon Qua or the other side, without severe fits of coughing or a sense of fullness or suffocation, is ex- perienced, 'The pulse becomes full, hard, and frequent, the hectic flush tinges the cheeks, and the dire maladyis feet hastening to its ctoso You pow ask, "Is there a cure?" Consumption hats been and can be cured by the neon!' my Tar Cordial, even in apparently hopeless cages. This assertion I make with the ability_to present the most complete evidence of its truth. Space will not admit of my giving thie contents of the many thousands of testi- moniale to ita value, which I have been and am receiving from men and women of unquestionable worth and repn- tation. I have had a number of these certificates printed in circular form, which I Will send you free on aimlloa- tion. Whether you now detennine to try the medicine or not, send for the cirdalar. After years of study and ex- periment, I offer this medicine, believing it to be the beet remedy for ! t ii" pulmonary and bronchial diseases. If you cannot be benodted by the use of the Tar Oordhd, I believe you are beyond all earthly aid. Yet if there are better curative agents, I earnestly advise their use. •The beetrentediee, care, are needed by those afflicted with this disease.. Because I believe this to be the beet, I Ask you to try it Many, not only of the people, but physicians of every school and practice, are daily askirig me, "What is the principle or cause of your great encomia the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption V , My answer is this The invigoration of the digestive organs—the strength- ening of the debilitated system—the purification and en- richment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powdered alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cordial, its healing and re- novating principle is also acting upon the irritated eur- faces of the Irmo and throat, penetrating to each die- eased part, relieving the pain, subduing inflammation, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this twofold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Neturo's constant recuperative ten.. dency, and the patient Is saved, if he has not too long de. toyed a resort to the means of cure The Pine Troe Tar Cordial will cure Cougha,l3ore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, asthma, .Group, Heaping Cough, Diithoria, and is also an excellent remedy fo diseases of the kidneys, and female complainta Sold;wholeeale and retail at my Medicinal Depot, N 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa BEWARE OF COU'ithCRFEITS, 4to The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. 'All others are apitrioue inner Price Fifty Cents and One Dollar ..r Bottle No. 10 North 13E03ND Street, poll by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA, THE GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA A Care warranted for $l, or the money re Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: flat. A constant pain ‘ or uneasiness at the pit of the siinnach, which is caused by a permanent contraction of -tito stomach upon undigested food. It generally begins ' Minediately, or a short time after eating; is often very L sr. and obstinate., . . .d: Platuience and Acidity.—These symptoms arise friim the ledigytion of food, which fermentiiiistead of dieting. T . Costiveness. and Loss of .Appetite.—These symp. totir are the effects of the unnatural condition of food in the stomach, and the want of pure bile and gastric, juiM. The stomach is often painfully distended by wind; the appetite is sometimes voracious. SI; Gloom and Depression of Spirits.—This state flats many for the enjoyment of life, and is caused by the Impure blood furnished by imperfect digestion. In thief stage of the disease' many persons commit suicide: Th Jo a constant foreboding of evil, and an indifference .ani slily° inability to perform the offices of life.' 5 .:Diarrhcea.—After being at first costlia t the stif fer , 'is a ffl icted with diarrhtea p which is owing to A Mit es's condition , of the bowels, produced by the mtdi gest food, which is evacuated in tbe same condition as who eaten, and, of course, gives no strength to the . . syste.. . ; 6th Pains in all paits of the system arise from the Seth) of impure blood upon the nerves. They are felt chiefi in the head, sides, and breast, and In the ex. tremi , es. In many cases there le an uneasiness in the thioa• ! with a sense of choking or suffocation. The mou :18. often clammy, with a bad taste and furred . • • tongs:• • 7th. Fon.rzmptise .Symptoms a n d Palpitation of the Heal—Many persona pronounced as having these di/eesee 'have, in fact, nothing but Dyspepsia, the lung Oa disease being only symptoms. Bth.: C s 4.--This le a very frequent symptom of Dys . ...... • pepala,• d leads very often into confirmed consump tion. ; . 9th. yaw of Sleep.—A very distressing symptom, resultini often in mental derangement. lOti.Bymptams of external relation.—The pa tient is(affected painfully by cold and beat, which [is owing tj unnatural dryness of skin, and the skin le often aff9ted by eruptions and tetterif. The gloomy dyspeptic avoids eociety as much as possible. llth. * Es i ntiting.—A frequent and distressing symptom. It ) rOievi37. the pain, but emaciates and wears out the patient.. 12th.'Jksxiness, dimness of vision, headache, and staggerAg, in walking.—These are very alarming symp torns, which are speedily removed by our medicine, but if neglected, are Quickly followed by numbness and sudden death. 13th. A is impossible for us to give all the symptoms of Dyspepsia in so small a space, but the above aro con sidered sufficient—if we add that the pationt loses his memory . and,ateentiou to surrdnnding objects, and fro. eientiy.beorimes morose and Sour in disposition. We should say, however, that pains in the joints and stiff ness of • theilimbs, which go brthe name of rhenmatlem and neuralgia; are very often produced by Dyspepsia. Alsol &hardness of the muscles of the abdomen, which beooiae coniiicted and hard ; and in some MINI Melly sinks, instead of being gently prominent. • .‘ 'M" In cases of general debility, tme WISRART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL with the PILL. N. °Alert, promptly attended to on receipt or the money. Price One Dollar Isor Box • Sold Wholesale end Retail by the proprietor, Dt.. L. Q. C. WISHART, No. 10 North SECOND Streit, 116 r ALL PERSONS BEWARE OF COUNTER. IlEir The above are parely Vegetable. • Bent byonall,liee of charge, on receipt of price. gun etnadm - MEDICINAL. THE THROAT AND LUNGS. Philadelphia, Pa funded. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA? MEDICINAL NVOND BRFUL SCIENTIFIC' COYEST OF PROF. 0. H: BOLLES, 1210 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BEAD THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. . . _ The difference between fact and fiction, of permanently curing the sick and suffering of their diseasee, or adver tising to cure, and showing but little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, upon attentively reading the following sy nopsis of certificates from tome of the most reliable gen tlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT street, and after they bad been given up as incurable by the moat eminent me dical men of this city : She following is a statement of facts in reference to my condition and astonishing cure of EPIIoPsY For five years previous to my knowledge of Prof. 0. • H. Bolles' discovery of the therapeutic administration of Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications of _ Electricity for the cure of all acute and chronic diseases, I had been severely attlicced with Epileptic, Fits of the most obstinate character, and had abandoned all hopes of ever being cured, as I had for years tried the treat ment and received the counsel of the most eminent Medi cal Men of the State, with a view of obtaining relief if any could be found among the Old Schools ; but all my efforts were unavailing, and, therefore, all • hopes were abandoned, as I then knew of no greater skill for the ours of obstinate cases than in the Old Schools. About six months ago my mind was turned to investigate the new discovery of Prof. 0. H. Bolles, 1220 Walnut street, and, after noticing several certificates of cures which were published, and some from persons with whom I was acquainted and knew them to he reliable men, I was in duced to call on the Professor and obtain his opinion of my case. After he had examined Ms about ton minutes, he frankly informal me that ho could cure me, and offered to give me a written warrantee of a complete cure, and, in case of a failure, to charge me nothing. This at first seemed an Impossibility ; but the frankness and earnestness of the Professor convinced me of his scientific accuracy in the diagnosis of my case. -He die closed all my suffenings and symptoms for five years past as well as I knew them myself. I will hero state, for the good of humanity, and especially those suffering as I was, that lam perfectly cured. I further would state that mere than four months have elapsed since my cure, and I have bad no symptoms, and, therefore, feel confident that lam cured. I shall take pleasure In being referred of at any time by any one suffering as I was, and any in formation of my condition previous to my cure will be freely given to any one at 16-32 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. FREED. Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front street. Edward T. Evans, preacher of the K. E. Church, Dye • neneia of long standing. Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1633 Helmuth street. Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long etanding, 1312 Savory ',trent, Eighteenth ward, Kennington. 'William 11. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Ba raplegy) and Epilepsy, publisher of the National Mer chant, 126 South Second street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lunga and Diabotis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Oharles L. Jouea, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 5118 Arch etre*t. James Nugent, Deafneee for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George C. Preebury, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard House. Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetis, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia. 'George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing, 610 Chestnut street. H. T. De Silver. Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1738 Chestnut street. O. Oarruich, Chronic; Dyspepsia and Inflammation or the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. George W. Freed, Epilepsy, 1492 North Thirteenth street. S. P. Ili. Tasker, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Die `ease;l622 South iifth street. James P. Greven, M. D., long standing and severs Lum bago, 216 Pine street. Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. M. Galloway, Chronic Dyspopsia, hillen's Lane, Twen 4 , -second ward. • Charles D. Onshney, Paralyeis of the lower limbs (Parapiegy) and Dyopepsia, Western Hotel. J. Bickot, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Con gestion of the Brain; 518 Catloivhill street. ' - Caleb Lamb . ; , . Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M, Lansing, Nervous Prostration, _Cadbury aye. nue; J. B. Ritter; Catarrhal Conenmption, 333 Richmond If. B.—ln addition to the above oases cured, Prof. 0. H. BOLLES has cured two thousand (throttle and Acute oases within lees than three years in Philadelphia, all of which cases had resisted the treatment of the most emi nent medical men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any certificates of cares, except those cured in this city. Prof. B. has established himself for life in this city, and his success in treating the sick is a sufficient guaranty that he claims nothing but scientific facts in his disco very in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. If. - 11.—It wilt be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof. B. has given a word(of caution in his ptimphiet, to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according' to hie disoovery. This caution may seem severe on those using Electricity at hazard, but it is the severity of bath, and designed for the good of humanity. Bee ad vertisement in another column. Consultation Free. PROF. O. H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philads. TARRANT7S ZZFERVIIBOENT SELITZkIR APERIENT This valuable and 'ocular Medicine has universally re calved the most favorable recommendatiou of the PROPISBIOS and the Public ae tha moat srPIOIJIAT IND LGR3ZA3LI SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sink Headache, Nausea, Lose of Appetite, Indiges tion, Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL OOKPLAINTS WHIAN & ONNTLZ AND 000 LING APERIENT OB PUB GATMII IS BBQUIBBD. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Bea and Land, Residents In Ret Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents, Captains of Vessels and Planters will And it a valuable addition to their Medicine °bests. It Is In the form of a Powder, carefully pat up in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of, the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily inareasina popularity for a aerie* of years, strongly groVants_ita an. uttered only br TARRANT & 00., 275 GBEZNWION. Street, corner Warren at. _ NEW YOBS, And for sale by Druggists generally. dir2l-17 GLUTEN CAPSULES OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of moat patients to COD-LIVER, OIL, and the inability. of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special cases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving Quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, &0., to invalids, induced by disgust of the 011, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. ()OD-LIVER OIL OAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH. & BROTHEA, • Ott 1412 WALNUT. Street, Philadelphia. TRUSSES WS. JAMES" BETTS' OEIEBRA." ED SUPPOETEREI FOE LADIES, mud the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Airs. Betts, at her residence, 1038 WALNUT Stre4 Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.)) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their pyalciane to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United states copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters. with testimonials. ocilli-tnthsdi COAL. (IOAL.-THE UNDERSIGNED bog leave to inforin their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware; to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH 00AL, from the most approved mince, at the lowest price*. Your patronage is respectfully *elicited. JOB. WALTON & 00., Office, 112 South SZOOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf LLLU MIA ATMS OILS gut" .110161 DR" OIL WORKS. _LA 100 bug "Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee the oil to be non-erplosiye, to burn an the oil in the lamp with a eteady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Barrel', lined with =lass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, ct PHARSALL, fe2l-tf Office 615 MARKET Street SAFES. gMIME'S SAFE DEPOT 1111 • movieD to Ito. 21 South S2II9INTH Street, Seal Franklin InstituOi. The undersigned, thankful for peat favors, and belay determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured as elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand t large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought API °billed Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the OlAtt strictly Ilre and burglar proof safes made.) Also, 1,1111.1 Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Leaks will be furnlshei to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro. !acted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Belt Oabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, ito. This Safe Is con. ceded to surpass In style and eleganee anything yet et. fared for this purpose, and is the only one that is atrial! fire and burglar proof. Snout. Novici.—l have now on hand say twenty Of fermi, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, oomprising a oomplett assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for Sit now celebrated Lime Safe. They will be sold et Very low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-Iylf IL O. SADLBB, Agent. Di EVANS & WATSON'S EIA.LAMANDER SAII7I STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHIL ADULPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIREPROOF SAM always on band. (F VICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND ENADING' RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILAMILPHIA,'JUSIO 28,.1884. The RAM of FREIGHT and TOLLS on ANTRIM CITM COAL trenetorted by this CoMpany will be m mill during the month of szaTEMBICH., 1882 Port Carbon Mount Carbon ....... Auburn Port Clinton By order of the Board of Managers.' je3o4ha W. R. WBBB, Secretary CAUTION. ,The well-earned reputation of .FAIRBANKS` - SCALES . Hai Induced the makers of Imperfect balcsees to offat them as “ FAIRHARES' SCALES," and pan:hams Wive thereby, In many Instanoes, been eta:Ceded to treed Ind Imposition. EALBNAHIES' MALES are mansfae lured only by the original Inventors, 1. w T. BANKS da 00., and are adapted to every branch of the Witness, where a correct and dnrabi• Scale' 21 required FAIRBANKS 3c E~VINq, General Alen 601:1-tt MASONIO HALL, 711 OH CAT TN.(} 0 T OOPPER--FROM AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY, of Loki Superior, for ealeitu lots to atilt purchasers, at WOMRATH'S, • 415 ARCH Street , elB-walm* To Bichm'd. To Philads. $2.18 $l .BB 2.17 1.87 2.10 1.80 2.00 1.70 1.95 1.65 SALES BY AUCTIOII TORN B. MYERS 00., AUO , TIONNNBB, Nos. 232 and 234 MABUT !Wed. BALM OF BOOTS AND MOBS, Ao ON TUESDAY liI.OBNING. aSeptember 15, on four months' orodit -1,000 packages Boots and Bkior, ao, BALE OF DBY. GOODS. ON THDBSDAY MOBBING. September 18, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 Mahe! ore is SAL OF OARPZTINGS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, September 19th, at 10X o'clock, on 4 month!' credit-- 800 pieces Velvet, Brussels, Ingrain, and Venetian car peting, cocoa matting% &c. I.•I)DANCOAST & WARNOCK, AllO 'TIMMER& Roe. rib MARKET StreeL . BALSA OF AMERIOAE AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EttIBBOIDKRIKS, WHITE GOODS &c. Alec-- THE STOCK OF &-CiTY RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE, by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, September 17, commencing at 10 o'clock, precieely. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF RIBBONS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, by catalogue. ON THURSDAY MORNING,' • September 18, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. Comprising about 00 lota of fresh new goods, now landing from steamer, which will be found welt worthy the attention of the lade. & CO., FURNESS, .BRINLEY, No. 429 MARKET ST AT IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 00UNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In • the matter of the Estate of LYDIA Pains; dec'd. .The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT S. PASOHA.LL, Administrator, dec., of LYDIA PRICE, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at his Office, S. E. corner of EIGHTH and *LOCUST Streets, on MONDAY, September 15th, A. D. 1882, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. see stutbst DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA., OLIBRICIS OFIFIOR U. B. CIRCUIT COURT, No. 104 S. FIFTH Street. b °TICE is hereby given that a Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania will be held at PHILADELPHI . t, on MONDAY, the 6th day of October next, at 11 o'clock A. la., for the trial of an information filed by George A. Coffey - , Esq., At torney of the United Stotts for the said District, against 11 cases amputating instruments, 15,000 friction cannon primers, and 500,000 percussion caps ;- the said articles being seized and captured on land, by the Marshal of the .United States for the said District. and now in his cus tody, as being forfeited to the United States for the causes set forth in the said information, praying that the same may be condemned and confiscated for the use and benefit of the said United States, according to the Act of Congress In such case made and provided. WILLIA if rdILLWAR,D, U. S. Marshal 'Eastern District of Penna.- PHILADELPHIA Sept. 11,1882. • sel2-3t • TTNITED STATES OF . AMERICA, V EASTERN DISTILIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS. THE PRESIDENT OF THE IT NITED . ST&TES, TO THE HARSH AI, OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COhIMANDED, in the name ,and by the authority of Alia United htates, forthwith to seize and attach ;Eleven (11) Oases AftiPU TATING 4NSTRUMENTB, Fifteen Thousand (15,000) FRIC TION CA eNON PRIMERS, and Five Hundred Thou sand (600,000) PERCUSSION - OAPS, as the same now are, and the same safely keep, to abide the final order and decree cf this Court, in a certain plea hetlein prose cuted against the said 11 Cases Amputating Instru ments, 15,000 Friction Cannon Primers, and 500,000 Percussion Caps, by the United States of America, Libel lentil, for forfeiture, ha. And you are farther com manded, in the name and by the authority aforesaid, to cite and admonish all persons herein concerned, so that Ahoy be and appear before the Judgee of the Circuit Conrt of the,United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the Third Circuit, at a Seesidan of the same Court to be holden at the City of Philadelphia, on • the FIRST MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, then and there to show cause, if any . they have, why the said 11 Cases • Amputating instruments, 16,000 Friction Cannon Pri mers, and' 600,000 Percussion Cape, should not be con fiscated and condemned, for the 11913 and benefit of the said United Matta, according to the prayer of their said Information and the Act of Congress in such case made and provided, aid have yon then there this writ. Witness the Honorable ROGER R. TANEY, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Philadelphia, this eleventh day of SEP fE11.81113, A. D. 1862, and in. tbe eighty-seventh year of the Indepen dence of the said United States. TN THE COURT OF COMMON J- PLEAD FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. t. s. Notice is hereby given to alt persons inte rested, that the Honorable the Judges of the Oonrt of Common Pleas aforesaid, bare appoinud MON DAY, the 15th day of September, A. , D. 1862, at 10 °Mock A. Itt ;for hearing applicatioss for the following charters of incorporation, and, unless exceptions be filed thereto, the same will be approved, viz: The Mett's Harmony Beneficial Association—Amend ment." i• The Eleventh Jefferaon Building and Loan Meade tien of Philadelphia." au2o S 6-13 2t KNOW ALL MEN, BY TaESE PRESENTS: That I, EBENEZER CATS, of Franklin, in the counts of Merrimac, and State of New Hampshire, do hereby revoke, annul, and forever cancel, any and all Powers of Attorney heretofore granted by me to one CLIFTON RICE, of the city and county of New York, State of New York; to act for me in any matter or trans action whatever; and this is to give due notice and warn ing to the public and all concerned, that from this day' henceforth I. shall utterly disregard and repudiate any further act of said Rico made under or by reason of any power of attorney which I have heretofore given him; and especially do I hereby revoke, annul, and withdraw the power of attorney which I have heretofore granted to said Rice to sell and dispose of certain Patents or Rights under certain patents granted to me for Imprave client in Horse Shoes, Process for making Iron for same, and the Iron when so made ae new article of Id•aatac ture, or anything relatiuMthem nszer, i tt cot;eyance what r7iiie said Rice in-my nanrie or for me under _li7Pritreged authority . as aforesaid, will, after this date, be recognized by me as valid or binding- on me or my legal representatives. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set's" seal tide fourth day_of _VS eag EBENEZER CATE. tn : ANDREW BOYD, IS: T. SAVAGE. COPARTNERSHIPS. . NOTICE.—It ie hereby certified that the undersigned have formed a Limited Partner ship, agreeably to the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, to wit : 1. The name or firm under which the said partnership is to be conducted is BUSH Zt KURTZ. 2. The general nature of the busineas intended to be transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods in the City of Philadelphia. 3. The general 'partners in the said firm are VAN CAMP BUSH and WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ, both residing at No. 1937 VINE Street, in said City of Philadelphia;, and the special partner is THEODORE W BAKER; residing at No. 227 North TWENTIETH Street, in said city. 4. The amount of capital contributed by the Raid ape- Mel partner to tho common stock le the sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, in cash. 6. T said partnership le to commence on the NINE TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. nu, and will terminate on, the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1864. Made and severally signed by the said partners, at the City of Philadelphia, the Ninetefuth day of August, A. D. One Thousand Eight hundred and Sixty-two. YAN CAMP BOSH, WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ, General Partneri. THEODORE W..BAHER, Special Partner. au2l•6w HOTELS. p. VINO HOUSE . . . -rum. - BROADWAY. AND TWELFTH STREET, • EXTRallos ON 7WBLPTH STREWS, Conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN. 'r hie house is now open for the accommodation Cl !amities and transient Guests. GEO. W. HUNT, Late of the Brevoort House, Proprietors. CHAS. W. RABE, Jrl7-thetnam MACHINERY .4MI pENN'A WORKS, On the Delawsre:Eiveii, below Thiladelphis, OHEST.E.B, DELAWARE 00., PENNSYLVANIA. REANEY, SON, & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Shin Builders, IifAIrUPACTURERB OP ALL ICINDB OP CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGIEfIIk Iron Vassals of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, &0., &0. MOS. REAREY, W. B. RIA.NRY. BAHL. ARCHBOLD, Late of Heaney, Neaflo, & 00., Late Engineer-In- Penn'a Works, Phllad , a. Chief, IL B. Nary. jy22-ly - VAUGILUI IDIIIOt , WILLIAN I. 11.11.11110 g, JOMX I. GONE SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, - Firm AND WASHINGTON STREET" PHILADILPRIA. MERRICK & SONS, IINEFINSIMS AND MAOHINIBTA Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam n'JMu for land, river,and marine service. 'Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ao. ; Cast• togs of all kinds, either iron or brass. - Iron-Frame Boots for Gas Works, Workshops, Eve road Stations, to. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and atoll improved construction. every description of Plantation Machinery, such at Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Stem Trains, Deiecators, Filters, Pam;ping Engines, to. Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boillag Apparatus •, Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer , and As pinwall & Woleey . 'm Patent Centrifugal Sugar ' Drstralli Machine da PENN STEAM ENGINI AND BOILER WORKB.—NEATIII & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGL. NEER% liLiCIIINII3I,B,BOILER-MARERS, BLAU& saurus, and ,FOUNDERB, having, for many yawn, been in enoceesful operation, and been exclusively int , gaged in building and. repol;ing Marine and River lia. glues, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propeners, Ac., &0., respectfully offer their services te the public, as being frilly prepared d, contract for Ms &en of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, havloa eeta of patterns of different -size ' s,- are prepared to exe cute orders with quick dee-petal. Every description at pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High maw Low.preamire, rine, - Tubular, and- Cylinder Boilen, OF the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. ]Urgings, of s sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Carting., of all deecrip. tons • Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, sad all other wet& connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at the& setsblishinent, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re• salts of boats, where they can lie in perfeit safety, oaf are provided with shears, blocks, fails, dap,, Ac., for rela tes heavy er light weights. JACOB O. MIAMI, JOHN P. LBTT, BEACIR and PALMIER Stresti MORGAN, ORR, & 00., STRial raionsri ittaiDzio, Iron Founders, nit General Macidniate end Boger Macro, Ns. 1210 CUP LOWFMiIk Bb. et. PbtittitAirhis MUM, DRAIN PlPE.—Vitrified Drain and Water PIPE, from 2 inches bore up, with every variety of Bends, Branches, Traps, dc., warranted equal to any In the market, and at Mew rides. The under. signed being interested in one of the largest and beet beds of Fire Clay in this country for`the manufacture of the above and other articles, defies competition, both In quality and price: PETEII - B.MELIOH, Office and Store 721 CHESTNUT Street. Manufact ory cor. Thompson and amthracite street t Philadelphia: • au94l LEGAL BENJAMIN PATTON, (Mork Circuit Court OH&S. D. KNIGHT, Prothonotary MTHOMAS & SONS. a Nos. 1139 and 141 South 101.1112 R am STOCKS AND BEAL E STATE — TIIESDk? Is , pamphlet eatalegttea now ready, cotit4t4l4 tt,7l'. seriptiona of all the property to be sold ou Tri.", it n 16th leet, with a Hon of sales 28d aLd 80th Ses'"4l ostoptislog a largm:molt, and great itty ;{tea ~ Estate, by order of Orpheus' Gotta, exec t i,,,.; 4 :t : others. 5. k.,1 BEAL ZSTATZ AT PRIVATE satz. 1161" A large amount at Private Sale, in c h z , deecription of city and entmtrY Property. p, 4 :1 trlikY be had at the auction store. irnirdeacriptlons in handbills now rer47. catalogues on Saturday next, • • 2500 saAREs COAL CO. STOUR 3. • • ON TUESDAY MORNING. phiaSeptember 10th. at 12 Inm change will be told o'clock noon, at : P 0424. 1/90 shares Luc-tilt ltlountain Summit Corn pan Y. 21*. 11.50 shares Locust lisp Improvement C,n pasl. Both Companies are clear of aobt, sad pan,, ex divkleude. • The Mine Hill Railroad connects with t h e h 1 1: mince. AlBO,l share Point Breeze Park Association. . Shares is Philadelphia and 'Mercantile Libradit • • REAL EBTATR SALR--SEPTEMBER Orphans' Court Peremptory Sale—Eatat e or atrt I Runde', de, ease VALUABLE LOT; Harrogate lane and r3+ Twenty-third Twenty-third ward,loo feet by I.6Sx f eet 1 r . • Benue Eatate, THREE-STORY BRICK. IME GLYN°, D a abed " b e tween Spruce and Pine, and Fifteenth stvit 3 teeuth atreete. Same ROW.). THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, York between Second and Third, and Walnut sal streets. , rto. It; nango TWO VALUABLE LOTS, Franktord Rost a2d , ward. street, Borough of Aramiugo, Tweni 1 wor th, Executor's Peremptory Sala—Estate of Bunt% a t • deemed. NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK DW ELLING l possession. Sale absolute 631 north Seventh street, above Green went 11,4" t. moderate conveniences and imprevemonts. 1 rki S ws a : m oot e ort E r.r .. lt ta roß te andl:o2l6ritlfsrloonity4.l TWO IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RE'szr —well secured. Sale abaolute. ' k Sl., . t ß h o e M p . 7. 3 . d 4 XI 2 3: r ri n eo e n a lr y t en r 4l 4 e t a , n., ac. NEAT. MODERN RESIDENCE . , No. 1119 street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. 134,3 till t - 4 ;?It dote conveniences. dc: Clear of all incambras t 4 TWO-STORY BRICK STORE AND A. T a ,,... STORY BRICK DWELLING, Frankford rem ",..._ 4 . of OxforA atien', Seventeenth ward. Lot 42 feet - -v1 front. ' ' 2 4 TWO ''TBREE-STORY BRICK DWELLif,\- Cir fifth edit ward. ..Iley all lane, south of the Point 11111,141 i STONE IRON 'FOUNDRY, southwest env ; o r v . and Adm. stream. Frankford, Twouty-thin] weed:4l - TERRE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N o i „ i Race street, west of Sixteenth street. replete air a ; modern conveniences. Immediate Demerit:Q. 41 Sale tor account United Statea WOOL, COTTON AND LICATHER Olarisoi ON f MONDAY MORNING, 15th inst., at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Stole, a tits of sky blue, dark blue, and list wool cuttaa zi .": ton wool; mixed, and white cotton do; alto, sahi:,.; cuttings. BE WING TWINE. Alpo, 10,000 23) ha tent cotton sewing twill.), WEir Full particulars In catalogue. prriLEP FORD & CO., AUCTIOI EER9, 626 MARKET and 622 oommtpaz 4 SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND % GANS. ON MONDAY MORNING, Sept. 16, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be PM: 4, talogne. 1,000 cues men's, boys', and youths' oio, and grain boots, calf and kip brogans, Oongreu 0 4 Oxford tits, Balmorals,lyellingtona, ate.; woinen'.l, LA and children's coif, kip, goat, kid, eimmolled and co, bested boots, shoes, gaiters, sllPPerßi bu stitt, morals, a°. Also, a large assortment of tirat•eita 4 made goods. • Sir Goods open for examination, with catalegu At on the morning sisals. GALA OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, 'mole, . GANS, &o. ON TRITESDAY - HORNING, Bept. 18, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be said, bFa krgne, 1,000 cases 'men's, boys', and youths' taZ . ll grain and thick booth; calf and kip brogans, dr.?, , galte;fi Oxford ties,..-Wellintons, Bahnorale, men's, misses ', and children 's calf, kip, goat, rocco and enamelled heeled boots and shoe!, 1 4, slippers, buskins, Balmoral!, &o. Also, a Ursa s t ,, ment of fret-clue city-made goods. *Fir Open for. enamination, with catatogne3, er the morning of sale. MOSES NATHANS,AUCTIONE4 AND 001111118SION MERCHART, relg s corner of SIXTH am:IR/LOB Streets. GREAT BARGAINS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRITATZ gw Fine gold and silver lever, lepine, Zoe*. arias french' watches for less than half the anal ef Prices. Watches from one dollar to one WOW dit each. Gold chains from 40 to BO cents per dwt. pi t cheap . TARE NOTION,. The higheet poselble price is leaned on goxls eh ikons' Principal Ettab/izilment, southeast corm! Bluth and Race 'street& Arleiet ene-tAird more till any other establishment in this city. • NATHANB' l'll/NORAL MONEY itaTIBLS MENT. MONEY TO - LOAN, 111 large or email amounte, froth - one dollar to tin'asi on diamonds, gold and diver plate, watches, int' merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, tlszoili goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARSETBAS This establishment bas large fire and thief-me! for the safety of valuable goods, together with a pia watokunan on the premieea. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST TECEETT nab NW' AU tame /ocau =ids at this the Princip; ifF blithment. MT Charges greatly reduced AT PEIVAT'K SALM One "nperior brilliant toned piano forte. viii maaD plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only PO. One very fine toned piano-forte, price only 1-St. SHIPPING. d on BOSTON AND PHIL. Ameisia, DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LI prom each port on SATURDAYS From Pinsir Wharf, SATURDAY, Saptember Ht. Tho Stam= olll P NORMAN. (neva,) Oapt B*lr. o . rs arra Plniudelphie for Boston, SATIINDA7 '"ING, terubcr 13, at 10 o'clock ; and at.. SAXON,, Matthews, from Boston , for Pialialaipte, SATURDAY, September 13, at 4 P. M. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Freight 44 at fair ratan. , Shippers will Tame send their bills of LO N et irooae. For freight or. passage, having fine accomr. - Ami a , ply to HElnty WINSOR 8 t 7 ,7 j 330 832 SOUTH WHABrk s m . STEAM WERICTir TO I. VERPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOR (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York, ell Yds. • delphia Steamship Company intond dospst; be full. powered Clyde. built iron steamships ae Mon • CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, Sne.emN!ll .KA NGARO 0 Saturday, Se ptesOs t ETNA catr.rday, twest..Lbir f And every au ccealing SATURDAY at Zif....w. to PUB No. 44, North River. RA OF PASSAGES. FIRST CABIN. • TES 885.00 STEERAGE ..... ... fa 4o to Loudon. 90 00 do to L0nd0....? ~do to Paris... v.... 96.00 do to Para ..... .4 .do to Hamburg.... 95.00 do to Eemoali.. !' Paesengers also forward to Havre, Bremen, BM dam, Antwerp 1 at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Id WAlt 17, and 21 Guineas. Steerage from Liverpool,. .11 From Queenstovrn, 16.6. Tickets are sold hen slit current rate of exchange, enabling people to sad ti their friends. These steamers have superior accommodatentilit sengers ; are strongly built in water-tight iron iNt.V , and carry Patent Tire Annihilators. Ezrerienci-t• geons are attached to each Steamer. For farther information, apply in Liverpool to El , LIAM INMAN, Agent, 7d Water Street; in 01841 01 ALFX. MALCOLM, 6 St. Enoch Square in Qo town t. O. & W. D. SEYMOUR &00.; na.r...10l I MVPS & MACEY, 61 Ring William Street; In Nia JULES DROOUE, 48 Elie Notre Dame Des TiSt Place de to Bourse; in New York to JOEN G. DMA 15 Broadway, or at the Company's Office. JOHN Street,E, Agent. 111 WALNUTWOO' dap:II:BRITISH AND NORTE ANIXIIIOMI ROYAL HAIL saki BETWEEN NEWYORK AND LIVERPOOL. i 3 ING AT CORK HARBOR. AND • BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVESPA CALLING AT HALIFAX AND CORK RABBOIL SCOTIA, Capt. Jndkine. • CHINA.. ChipL Ludorsa. PERSIA, Capt. Lott. A,§ lA, Capt. Coot. ARABIA, Capt. Stone. EUROPA, Capt. J.Legt AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Eck. ANERIOA, Capt. Noodle. [NIAGARA ; Copts. 14 0 AUSTRALASIAN Then Teasels carry a clear white light at mast tifi' green on starboard bow; red on port bow. FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage gig Second Cabin Passage ii FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chid Cabin Passage nig Second Cabin Passage !I EUROPA .... do. Boston, Wedneaday, Sspt , I ; PERSIA .... do. N. York,Wednesday, WI ASIA do. Boston. Wednesdar, Sept : ALISTRAIASIAN..Iesves N. York, Wednesday, Sept. " ARABIA .... do. Boston, Wednesday, Oc t I SCOTIA. do. N. York, Wednesday, Oct.l • %[K. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. The owners of these ebips will not be accortnlab" Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Bredou , S t "," . ; Nita% unless bills of lading are signed therefor, 3 " nine thereof therein exprpseed. Tor freight or passage apply to Z. Cll7lf.kilDl 4 BOWLING GREEN, New Y°'` IX,t T. G. BATE% 103 STATlttreet. Boy 3y140r, to ' sa r. t FoR.NEW yoRK„-To DAY—DESPATOH AND S. 4 LINES—VIA DBLAWATIE AND RARITAN 0 n Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILY, " and b P. MI For freight,. Which will be taken on actommod 46 Serum; apply to WM. M. BAIRD & OG 182 Borah DEL/WARS Mesa ir as t FOR NEW YORK. el iZIT DAILY LINE, via Wotan Baritan.Oansti.- Philadelphia and New York Express steemblat G.* pally reoeive freight and .leave daily at 2 I'. Et. , d ed " '. Ing their oargoee in New York the followina dal' freights taken at reasonable rates. WEL P. CLYDE,ledits No. le 13017TH WHARVES, rhitadelo ll lAELES HAND, ASeat and-tt Piers 14 and 11 MEET RIVER. New TO.. THE DISEASED OF Ali OLABSEEL—AII acute and chronic , dlesos Vreid;by special guarantee , at 12'al Walnut streA Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge i 5 Professor BOLLEI3; thefotuukr of this new Pt lice, loin superintend, the treatment of all caseeN.' self A pamphlet containing a multitude of retti t& t• tee, of those cured, also letters and compliesenL / .6 resolutions from medical men and others, Will "" given to any person free. liecturee are, constantly given, at 1220, to medl 4 l men end others who deer. a knowledge of pl""' covery, in applying Electricity as a reliable the n' pentic agent. Consultation free. 114 8-6° ' DRAIN 'P PIPE.-43tone Ware DT . PIP° from 2to 12-inch bore. stldth bore, 25 ,2 r z* d;.B-Inch bore, 80c Der, yard; 4-Moli bore , t,'". rt Pwd.;.o-Inch bore, 600 per yard; ( .in c h bore ) °'" 0 4 yard. Every variety of connections bends, "r d ' pi hoppers....We are„.now prepared to inrnleb ptPts `" „, 2r . .suantity, and On liberal terms to dealers and thoo ' chasing in large quantities. erri ORNAMENTA.L OHLDINET TOPS.—Virrill -.1 - T o. Cotta' Chimney Tops, plain and ornamental derifoL, y warted to stead the action of coal gas or the wes t say climate. . Logi* GARDEN TABZB.—A ` eat variety of orr 7 3 /0. eirden Vaasa, in Terra Cotta classical designs, 6 . and warranted to stand the weather. , rosi Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works, Ottloe an d, Booms • - 1010 CHESTNUT 80 804 - iel . r-tr ' 8. A. season D A N METAL, I ' Superior ouslitY, For sale by JAMES YOOOlll, Jil -0/TYpErRAI3B FOUNDRY. DRINKER'S eitzft Between Front and Second. Seco sulArct