yfr ITEMS. , ---------------- will infttitnte EXhibitioll. Th e 1 : 11r. ro aion ar olir Clillena for some years t o kvi'e"ribition of the Franklin Institute a sl r3ainluing, admiring, and gadding .4 swivel, mechanical improvements• ratan in the department of household oa r, wore particularly than la Stover, tierces. We remember on those pleasant Ce i 3 C° t•'' base seen crowds of intelligent • co 00 1 to p o ,hing arouud the nation allotted to nr in „y be allotted to Bay in peeniug) Ratted itir'lct of the Judaea by their encomiums upon 10 0 the mi d t o war; real improverrumm In this de tateeol9, ;1 , 11( g by a citizen of Philadelphia, who has elate nal 'teener' of tbese public displays. and !Se' 10° ; ' 00%1%1 a national reputation as the Stove 0:0'Wo allude to Mr. Janne Spear, e Alamo.l . ' ellil litt reet, 11 1,- ,%, lo t an advised, with certainty, o 4 to 1,1 5° ',: 11 owlilln Institute will this season hold its ad *Papibition, owl as toe temperatnre of the past to prepare for utlmonliorl —telling ,0 antic/piste a public went by 1-4(.l ;: ri br , brio fit uf our readers the best atalisticel '. l : ' et 0 ,„ abject of Stove and Range Improve. r ws speclee of Information wo reeort a te r tl - mai as must be permitted to tray that ito•e /Iry t of which we are now more particu ,, . WAN' presented such fen overwhelm , lantiril and appreciable improvements as :Ilt pear, the proprietor of It. weeks ho lru I°.° o nihtlainstlC eripporter of the war, etrslii 6 ll ; ne i hoot utoludf al of the wants-of woe, .0 1 1 0: elitracter of the previsionr he has I , fr ' ;' ,, N „. t g Mr summer mouthe, if not to monnpolize trade of Pluirdelphia, leaet to 41" the ilon's la c a'..-- ,0 1: ,,,t , ;:i ndc 4 In the trium n oh of our arms has not fe.'' ll.l ' c- 1 wi ts goonig, at 11th illarkeeetreet, an I , A .• r ecnanoiasanco through them Neater "l4lr ere stet,,,,', lo topletiou, and (dreads' orders are , Jolbr ve,,rom every eection of th country. alt novirol near improvements whiolt the g,.1 in examining this stock, we hav e oa i Y tar eartly to note the following be hew adder one of the most decided ra Opt rocaory of th,. Avi to bin eolobrated Anti Auer Gar r „mag Stove, which he ri. w tuanufacturee ' 101551 bar eiy , ',/ different sizes, vita the improve- Be has ales improved his equally title. 11111 ,n:outline Cooking Range in a similar way; and rsed 4 5 (hilt Itco or different sizes. ,!,:heel„" Complete—aa admirable stove > for ct.:tof,10:::110,-11.13 been greatly improved, and te 7 wirg ro l e by- Mx. Spear, the inventor, to foto- dif ..cleire fins luirning Cook, fur either small or , wits, to ciao a beautiful Move, and for all kinds whkg purposes cannot be excelled :,it is ro i t ,n r d I N. fioe tizua. Nor must we omit to men • Non" Range, ri moat excellent cooking ap syllabic les either summer or winter usa—offered tiros ife vonld also Invite special attention to Sautes ih „.. lira niping•reom Stoves, nannufactured in gwd tar sins. They are made ou the alr-tlght principle, Id are a Wild improvement on the old etyle. of ;enemy Iffarl !Last Stoves are unequalled, of ffealiny Stones Hr. Spear has In the derwitneht added reliable [yll%l'o l o 7oo to his celebrated Pira te Stove for I), ntlng dining and sitting-room with hut a gra This wheeler neater Is rapidly being Intro• istd thin oil cur fi re , dais El wen (no. flh greatly...WSW ir..d nod jolly popular " A di - Pup , stlor Store lois Elko helm embellistrod by the addition of al Went tnt improvement;, rendering it, beyond eats t i e mast perfect Parlor Stove of the ago. It is at tiquldtei; artannstittri and thoroughly utilitarian, •is made, I sl:olllferent oleos, from the beat (import_ I) Efliga iteu. ills „11.1 ;n ews Gek4•CCIIIISIIMing Heating Stores!, for rises, belU, rlmmtere, stores, are also made in the it psgu i, item, and in no loos than twenty diff ' r " rt Area net Flamm We also nutted a new Portable Heater, cheap, dare. Bud elltricht, trade in six sizes ; Oleo, hie new gss. av ,k,g 1,7,0 g " neater, a beater which in set in wickostellt, and is risen' well adapted - for rho use of trite or smrtil dQelllrpe t it is made in three sizes. Ills Tropic 4. Arctic " Egg Stovee—cask iron hotele, etc , are ex sited stores, depots, sited by him to tea different elzes; and bin et Sala. alder" otovr, r nrtnble for small shops, watch homes. !fctoLonaPa , dr., lofottr sizes. ' We 07 rat tiro, tz rD minding thie hurried sketch, his cat Railway Car "love, which has not only, to a great ,test. rat; MO Ito ventilating eystem adopted on rad. pay tete, end thus rendered ralir tad travel in wiutor sistly mom cutoforiable and healthful. but, through ire tre,rseet qvalitif a, it hay saved a large number of liveg i e d Into re itchir propertr. Those Hratere have been In implored by tiro patentee, Mt- Spar, Re t o bo pro. ward hi our Orel rellroad nun ail by far the beet etoves 'e the puree eve r invented. It U suretilnour to add that in such in stook, no one ,to may be hi n of Stover] or Ranges can wall fail of oil stated. Ptstilil, that-fifers, the Wranklin Institute; liettetion not be given, the Stove Ppartm•ht will not on bonornblo ropreennietton in the stock above re ferred to, lifoeyl.lolll‘ Excunsiox TO ATLANTIC CITY. 2;0 worn appropriate redo of windliwup the bsthing BEM— en tculd bP dPvind than the moonlight exenrelon of Mr./ Alendny, which takes plies this evening, to A ilantio City: 'lke tickets cost hot a dollar and a ball, and far this etnalt occn one can remnbl !be II Deep. deep " ull day on 13 an d R7 , and, pper ei jaylug a go.)d eil<kra eleep, teturn, corrrehed end Invigorated, in time fee business on Mon. tint. TREVArxr Ur A FAITITTIM•PORTRAIT OF A Ilsoresoe FR/ ND yen hardly be over. eteintated, and the Art lboreforo , which can secure it in greatest per tells sod et the least expenses, may be well prized. Una of the err west achievements of the age hew been moil by Br; atiLent R 00., Roe. 912 and. 91A (Moonlit s .le prodnelng boautlfal and life.ilke portraits from to, Dagterreoty rev. We were azirich intoreetrd ill rem: visit to their eetablialun• ot, in reading some DI the ectuerous letters of Minkel received by them from oct ttit tltlvilm, fur their wonderful success in this da rning -et. The following we extract from a latter of the Vito of e v ewe fnLllc wan. dated • si LorisriLLE, July 220. I, lllsa3rs, lituati , nt & Go. will pleas° accept my thanks and gratittlA for the very faithful likeness they lore inat el nt rns of my hoaband. I feared to see the platys, lost I !knit] I o disappointed, for I fait that I Slava not he easiy plsss4, but I Must confess I am ela tion aalitfied, ard moot refrain this expression of my lbspar." SUCC'Eg 1, ENTERPRISE.—When S. W. voTrinkr of the People's Reeser& S. W. cor ms Cbeihm nod Fourth streets, commenced making Ilw to. edd:liou Io hie dining rooms, there were doubts a, to the GI rpesiiy for lt. Price, however, anticipating (be nuts of No. rinnna who dine down town, and pro. igris t4ttinstir. Ids ribbity to nfeet them, thought other. vas, Ed It Hen! Los shown his osgooity, es the in. time of Llt paironose during the last few months has Jun orprecrden il—Fo much so that, were he to enlarge bit pmtetd oiroitiotlions rooms to twice their present to sold hour them 1111041 daily by gentlemen who boa tlio tote hnil talent to appreciate first-class fare. flit tervarit3 are polite and effielent, and his tables abrutii Min every sobstantial viand and seasonable de. PUITLAIA NEIN CARTES DE VISITE D BY GrETE- Emit —Mr F. Clotekuost, the celebrated Photo. Gratiher of tbi. city, Ilse just Issued, and hes now dupll.. cat:: Shady ter wilt al ids gallery, Nos. 704 and 706 Arch street, tau rade, de visite of the Rev. ()hada W. /Welds, D„ Pohl et the Second Presbyterian Church; the Rev, Dr• Dales, of tLts city, and tho Rev. W. G. &fore head; also, Fl rapital nirtnre of- thirgoon Duffey, who Ps! wounded and taken prisoner recently by the rebels, teleastd au parole o.lgt OPP lc.. Sex's FALL OPENING OF FIATS iss Cars.—From nn annonncernent in another column of our paper lo•day, it will be area that timers. Uherlee tfektotd l Eon, tine, al and 838 Mutant street, under the Continental lintel, alit hale their fleet Fall " Open ing" of Ellk and Belt Hate, sad Caps, for gentlemen and MM. ) le day. :their stock, tie we Oan aunt, from haling Pad en filivanno glimpse, is worthy the name end fame of this obi and leading honee. Their fall styles ni models of grace and elegance, and Will en/mna2d nnitereal eiJin/ration rr TILE 0' egoittin is the name Of a new tratar.srea deal: for ladles. It he made very ample in be shill, end with large sleeve', either hanging loosely, or by traßE3 Or II cord rind Mese% drawn tightly around the ethee, In plates, It has a very pretty expanding kmdi eblch can be worn so as completely to protect the bobnet, and h perfectly water-proof When enveloped h Tits Osbr roe," no lady need fear any portion of her being le the least degree injured, even by long- Matlresd rale. Fur eiale by J. W. Proctor tt Co , No. &. I.l obmtnet street. Tar BERT PORTABLE LIGET FOR FAMILY 1.. 8 E —livery foully mast be provided with a portable liable! some Lied, and we take the liberty to.day, after Lithe titled the merits of the article, to any that the ef all lights, which should be universally adopted, atter for convenience, cleanliness, durability, or ere zitisY, le the Wittera Lampe, manufactured and sold by 4 toßi. Walters & Co., at their warehonse, No. 35 North rihth street, corner of Filbert. They have also now in store, el moth below the newel Moe, a eplendid snort. 49110 ihabquality Britannia Ware. PURE FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFECTIONS, sr 11011 .3A1E Pil 1 , 18.--Tdesers. E. G, Whitman & Co., tb/ w eit'known Philadelphia Confectioners, Chestnut start, below Youth, next door to Adams & Co.'s Ex deserve credit fur having brought the prima of the 441 , Meet, and richest confections, down to within x . " 4 et till, Their fine chocolate preparations, roe iced mewed mint and ci earn candies, sugar. plume, and fine tellt elet, ere the Lunt delicious that we have ever tasted, and their petitY and excellence* Is only equalled by the rettadaMy moderate prices at which they are mold, both Pholemle Bed retail. A IRELIOIOI.'s D (be of_our tract Soda— Nee rise . °RS.-- _ _ nederteken a - now branch of publishing. The ate share have caused crackers to be baked, on each of erhiiii le damped a tort of Scripture, Blown can e wal l" the Gospel iu tills style without its choking them 1 in ten; see rat the cracker with as much grace and case as it bore the following suitable insert Ption "sr nor military and civic clothing at thoone-price kehionable entre; luta of Granville Stoker!, No, 600 tbe etwalstreet, Where prices are twenty•flve per dent. Saint thole of other eatabliehmente.t l ° TOE Uiito As IT WAS."--Who does not thOt is impoßalble ? The rebels are fighting ror tle A ristocracy or a monarchy, at the baste of which Ma *lT is to annul immutable and eternal, They hotels/lig this i and hate the North became democratic ideas are oiceDt among the Northern people. They hare no 4 betioo for a republic, no eyinlsathY with labor, no to lerable of a poor man's indeiendence. To attempt to Mote the Union, with elaveri in it, still intolerant of !restraint, banglityi ImperforiecdomineeritiE, is to La W:lea in flat ronfert Uniforme ready•made, or made - to Ceder, at the kilitterY and Cittzerte' Clothing Emporiam Charlet Blokes, under the Continental Hotel, Cheistanr below 1114th. Mr. Martin /raiser (of the late firm vt oak & Raiser) has been secured at; this house. TOE ENEOLLSIENT its PLIMADELPFITA.—The Ualled Natal Marshal and his deputies hove completed el:liirlahore, and the enrollment le complete In toned „ teh hirs. Philadelphia furniehoe about 100,000 fighting !:As, and of these, fully 25,000 are engaged in some fully fleck of the public service. The Marshals have care, noted the 'ogee, physical cendifion, employment &t: , Zbithseitliens enrolled, and it only needed, to render the I,,! eeeit teleter that to list should have been given of the "'s'ell of adult' and youths who have the good taste to 140 the!Lane Clloteingant galumph, that aro made at the 11:owte g of Hoc/chili & Wilson, Nos. 803 end theeitaul greet, ebeTe Stills, FINE' SwEET OILS.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets has now in stole a fresh supply of pure 0119 e 011 d, or Cho " Latour," and "Lucca" brands, for salads; also, frerh importation of fine French Illostards. MOSQUITO NETS—A great variety of styles, which, as it is late in the season, we are selling cheap. KELTY & 00., 680 Ctiditnnt street. "Urnor.srmans, CABINET MAXER3 . , LOUNGE laminas, and Curtain Dealers, should inspect our large stock of heavy geode, fot Furniture Coverings and Cur tains Brocatelles, Satins, Satin D e Lairme, Re ps, Worsted and Cotton Damao, &c, which we offer at kw prices, for cash. In buying from us, you buy from first bands. KELTY & Co., imparters of Curtains and Upholstering Goods, 030 Chestnut street. MARINE iNTELIGENCE. 3Br. FOIIIVXIEI ARJUVED - - • Brig Celostine,lfickett, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to E 'louder & Co. Brig Anna Margaretta, Owed) Wolff, 7days from Bos ton, in balla4t. to Cabot end Pemberton. Scbr Susan Jane, Rose, 5 days from Fortress Monroe, iu ballast to obtain. ihk r C A Heokeoher, Smith, 4 days from Boston, with ice to captain. Sehr Emma Oakes, Leach, 4 days from New York, with old oar wheels to captain. Schr Reindeer, Cooper. 1 day from Sassafras River, Ed, with grain to Jae L Bewley, .& 00. Seim Bury Wolfe, Atkins, 1 day from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian .2 Co, Steamier Alicia, Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with unite to W P Olyde. l- urge Floating B sttery .13inmner, 24 hours from New York ' with rodeo to W 11l Baird & Co. . , CLEARED Sleamship Cumbria, 'Sumner, New York, E A Bonier &CO. Bark Oak, Ryder, Boston, Twelle & 00. Schr 0 A Uecitscher, Smith, Boston, L Amdeurled & Co. &ht. Mary Elizabeth, Medary, Lynn, J B IlenrY.l Scbr B L Crocker, Fresbrey, Taunton, Sinuickson Glover, Ear B E Sberp, Tirroll, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, atone & Co. Scbr Saratoga, Adarss, do do Schr Elizabeth, Tompkins, Alexandria, do Scbr Sarah Jane, Brier, do • do Schr W Deal, Lewis, Baltimore, captain. Gtr J S Bbrtrer, - Dade, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. Steam tag Monitor, Lank, washinkton, captain. SPECIAL NOTICES. Now IS TILE TIME. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. NOB 15 tho time, the awful time, 01 direord, tnrbnrenee, and crime; • A time men's souls to try, And prove who ber.rs a patriot's heart, And stands - prepared to take the part Of law and liberty. NOW is the time from whence shall date The rise of some, most truly great, While, like the frightened hare, 'Which hears the barking of a hound, The weaker sort gaze blankly 'round And shiver in despair. Now i the time for manhood's breast At patriotism's high behest With generous warmth to glow; Eager to check the foeineu hosts That seem to threaten all our coasts, Fx) insolent they grow. Now is the time, none can deny, When prudent men themselves supply With proper gear,ior rail While bargains not to be surpassed, Are sold astonishingly that .At Bennett'e TOWErt HALL. No. gat MARKET Street, Philadelphia. BENNETT dc 00 THE PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION for sick and wounded soldiers, meeting at the Institute, N. E. corner of Broad and Spriog Garden streets, grateful for the generous aid, which has enabled us to minister to the relief of the suffering in our military hospitals, feel constrained to make known that the increased number of sick and disabled has exhausted our stock of necessaries for the comfort and restoration of the in mates. It is deemed unnecessary to say more to awaken the sympathies of a gonerous public, and to call those feelings into action. Clothing of all kinds is indispensably necessary, it being important, for obvious reasons, to divest the 'Patients of their caw chthing. Supplies of money, flannel, and all kinds of hospital stores, era earnestly solicited, as prompt relief may ease valuable lives. Donations will be thankfully received by the Treasurer, MARY M. SCRANTON, No. 1010 WALL &OE t tree%, cr any of the following gentlemen: J. kl. Bills & SOO. S. corner Ninth and Spring Gorden; Smith & Thomas, No. 20 South Third; Little, Strikes, & CO., ho. 237 Ohcetnnt; Charles R. Blalson, S. W. corner Tenth and Arch; Albert 0. 13t)berta, N. E. corner Eleventh and Vine; J. 0. Garrigues, 14S North Feurth ; John W. Thomas, 906 North Second. We would invite the co•cperatiou of our country friends by the formation of auxiliary societies to aid us in ibo work ef bonovolenco. By ordt r of the Association ANNA P. LITTLE. Secretary, - 6t2 North XTEt Street, Philadelphia. Country papers please copy. ae6.3t 600,000 MALE, OR FEMALE AGENTS to ;ell LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY CO. LORED MAP OF imE UNITED STATES, CANADIS, and NEW BRUNSWICK, From recent eurveys, completed Augnat 10, 1862; cost $20,000 to engrave it and one y ear'a time. Superior fo any $lO Mop, ever made by Colton or Itilchell, and sells at the low price of fifty cents; 370,000 names a . e engraved on this Map It is not only a County Map, but it is aiso COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP, siv O itg the United States and Canadas combined in one, MEET RAILROAD STATION', • MD DISTANCE 4 ItETWEEN. Guarantee any woman or man $5 to S 5 per day, and wlil take back all mpg not sold and rofund mottoy. Brod for. $1 worth tO t. 7. - - Printed instructions how to canvass well furnished all our agents. Wanted—A smart man as wholesale agent for our Maps in every Slate, Canada, England, and California. A fortune may be made with a small capital. J. T. LLOYD, ' , to. 16-$ DROIDWAY. The War Department uses our Map of Virginia, on which is marked Cedar Run Mountain, and every other place, or money refunded. Trice 25 Cents. ses.3t D&W DR. J. E. FCRENOK will resume his professional visits next week, as follows: On Illonday, at 32 Bond street, New York; Wednesday, at 414 Eighth street, Washington Oity. Tharsday, at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, 144. And at his principal office in this city, to-day, and hereafter every Saturday Ir JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT BE GIVEN in the commencement of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Bleeding of the Lunge, or any Pulmonary Complaint, it will effectually cure these terrible diseases.. It ehonld be borne in mind, bowcver,thateverything depends on availing yourself of the remedy, in ' time. Why not, therefore, give it an immediate trial? Bold at No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. eels.2t GROVES & BAKER'S NEW SHUTTLE SEWING MAOHINE-PSIOE, $4O. The attention of tailors and other manufactriers re quiring the use of a fast and d urable lock-stitch Ito:thine, Is directed to our No. 9. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but tittle noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a'great favorite with manufacturers. It is a lirst- class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced In this city hat sold so rapidly, or given snob universal satisfaction. It le very simple in its construction, easily learned, not liable to get cut of order, works with fine cotton, silk, or linen thread, equally well ; and the low piice-at which it is sold places it within the reach 61 all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine. OItOTER & I3AILSIi S. K. CO., au26-tf 730 ()HEST:3I7T Street. BATOITZLon's llAnt DTI ! THR BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. DATOHRLOR'S celebrated Hair.Dys produces a color not to be distingidshod from matzo-- warranted not to injure the Hair in the least i remedied the ill effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair foe life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns splendid Bleck or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and helm. dial. Sold by all Druggists, he. Er The Genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. DA.TOHII - on the four rider of each, boa. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Sired, (Late ass Broadway and 16 Bond street), m ygg_iy. New. York. ONN-FRICIE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST &IMMO, made fan the Beet Manner, erpresely for BM TAIL BALM LOWBOT Pricey, marked In Pie& Ifiguree. All Goode nude to Order warranted mtleserfory. Our Otur.Paroa Sistura is strictly ad. bared to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES A 00., 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED BAKER—MILLER.—September 3d, _by &ev. W. Illathoart, Mr. George W, Baker to . Mies Emma both of. Philadelphia. • BAY/S—FLI:ARD —On the Met ult., by the Her. J. B. McCullough, Mr. Luther A. Basis, of. Philadelphia, •to Miss Annie Flom), of Mt. Holly, N. J. SIIIOLLING--GLENIL.,-_ori_this 3 &-inekstrfne Same: --.14,.--IWcz.l.l - ;l3intiMdg — to Miss Elizabeth Glenn, ail of this city. .REX—BRATOR.—On the 26th of February, 1862, by Bev. T. J. Sheppard, Mr. Willoughby M. Rex of Phila. delptda, to Mies Annie M. Heaton, of Newtow n, Pa.* ORADWIOK—STURGIS.—in Manayunk, on the 21 inet., by Rey. A. Culver, Mr. John A. Chadwick to Miss Sarah A. Sturgis, both of Lower Merlon. * DIED: GRASIIY..—Miss Elizabeth Ella Grasby. • Funeral' services at the Church of the Epiphany, on Monday, at 9 A. M. * , BABBLNGTON.—On Thursday, 4th inst., Samuel Barrington, surgeon U. B. Hari, in the diet year of his age. , relatives and friends, and the officers of the Navy, aro invited to attend Ms funeral, from his late residence, No. 1210 Race street, this (Saturday,) at 4 o'clock P. ht. BRATTY.—On Monday, the let inst., Captain H. (Ray Beatty, of the ad Pennsylvania Reserves, wounded near • Centreville, Va., on Saturday, AxtBnzi 30th. His friends and those of the .family 'are invited to at tend the funeral at the residence'of R.O Beatty, Bristol; Pa„ thie (Saturday,) the Bth Inst. ' at 2 o'clock P. M. * BLIIIOI I .---On the morning of the 3d, Mrs. Margaret Billet, tete of Scotland, in the 84th year ot her age The male friends of..thelaratly aro respectful!). invited to attend ber funeral from the residence of her eon; Hugh Elliot, .1413 Filbert street, this (Saturday) morning. 6th instant, at 20 o'clock. _ * HORI-1012.-Ort Sixth-day, sth lest , Mary Horner, widow of Benjamin Horner, in the.B7th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her fu neral, from 1106 Arch street, at 10 o clock A. Ai., o n Se cond-day, the Bth inst. ' 0 * BRIIRY.—On the 2d inst., Ilelen H. Berry, wif aof Wiliiam 11. Berry.. BROW N.—On the 3d 'reit , Mrs. Mary Brown, wife of Robert Brown. * BURNBS —On the 2d inst, Nicholas Burney ; aged 45 years. BYRNE,—On the 4th inst., Ann E.. wife of Thomas Byrne. . * -COOK.-On the ad roar , at Union Volunteer Refresh. meat Hospital, James (look, aged 22 years 'a native of Ireland—belonging to 2let Regiment, P. V. Se CllO UWE LL.—On the 3d Wet., Diary Ana Cromwell, wits a Ja.men G. Cromwell. * GUY.—tra the:34 Wet., Mr. Enoch Guy, in the 413th year of bie age. r * Rah D.—On the 4th inst.,'Eleazor Hand, eon of Mary A. Bard. * BAYS.—On the 241 inst , Hannah Marla, wife of John B. Ile) s, aged 21 years, 1 mouth, and 13 days. * MINTER —On the 4th inst., leers. Emma Hunter, age 46 LAFETER.—On the ad inst., Thomas Lateter, aged 2 yearn and 4 month!. .LAWYIC.II —On the 403 Inst., George Edward Low * yer, 11E1(118 months. cl3l.Alll.—Un the 4th inet., Maggie FarrellNclillain, ag.•d 74 . mnathe * P.I c BlitllE.—On the 3d inst., Joseph 8.. eon of Eltr.a• Beth alio the lato George W. Mcßride, aged 2 yews. NORTON.—On the 3d that., Quarles Pettit Norton, of the 14 Vett Jersey Begin:mit. Company F, of wounds receiver: in the tato battle at 'Manassas * ERARP.—On the 2d inet, Elarah Ann Sharp, in the 27ib year of her age. - SNEED 108.—On the 34 lug., Willie L. Bneeder. in the :20d1 Year of his age. 811101{1 1 .—On She 4th inst., Cecelia, daighter of John arid Battinra Smelts, in the 19th peer of her age. * FTFIOSIPSON —On the Ch het., John G. Thompson. in the 54:h sear of•hie atm. • is --On the 34 inst. ; Mrs, Catharine Verick, in the 43 Ii year Of her age. BLACK AND BECOND MOURN; ING Dress t Ms, just opened Elect Gros Grains end Vault de Boles. Black 7 elleteu and Gros de Rhines. Black Armures and Venoticunes. Black Gros dlOcosse or Ottomans. Black and Whim Taffeta Lance. Black and White Vardovienuee. Black and White neat Stripes and Checks. IIRS;ON 4 , ; 80/T, eel- owning Store, No. PlB ULIMSTNEF r Street. • FLEFEIIiTH BAPTIST CHURCH, 11.3 Tri , ELl+Tll. Street. above .117.ce, will open TO. ihORBOW, (Suottay ) Prcacbing by the Rey, Dix TO- T=A nt log twat 8 o'clock P. IC it* r • CLICIIIENT'S 011UttC11, TCV-S&L%- TIETB acd 011ERRI Streets, wilt be reopened 3.0 Id O 1 ROW (Sunday), eepteracer 7, llioaling .Irsice at 1036. Evening F.irvice at 4 o'clock. . It* orFIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH; SEVEN PH and SPRING GARDEN al rreta. will he reopened for Divine woreleP on TO;t110t1.- ROW, the 7th inst. The Riv. A. U. KC GLOGG SD-N.) preach. Service in the morning at 10X &chick. ID the ever& g 7,V 2 o'clock.' I.t*• nr•-• THE CLINTON-STREET PRESBY. 113 TARTAN oatTeofT will be opm for worship 'lO-11.10,BROcR, at ]O o'clock .6.ia , and 3K o' lock P. hl. Preaching by the' Pastor, ler. DANIEL hidYt4li ~ jt* s ! ry• - _ -, FIRST REFORMED C RACE 113 tit eot, belox .001301, Bev. Dr. BOUDERGEB, P.e.or.—Divine berviefe every Eunday, et log A. ea., and 7J P.M. :Stihjeet for the evening : Reverence and Pra&erfor our rulers a special Chiistian duty in these e•mes. String rEf , . .. ca.... elltißcii - or Tim. INTERCESSOR, SPRING Gd.R.DER BT., BELOW Rtr.tizeo -- :trio eutday Evrning ofifiCe will, until further notice. commence at half past coven o'clock, The. Rector will preach. , it* 1A MEETING OF THE CITY EXECll uoatiurrvx tr the National Tleion Party will he herd at thel)o NIKON WHALTH BUILD ING, CEIBSTNIIT Btreet, above Birth, on MONDAY next. Eeptember 8, a three o'clock. P. TL m6.2t 'WILLIAM. H. KERN, Chairman. CHURCH Or THE HOLY TRINITY, RITTENHOUSE' SQUABS—This Church wilt DM be reopened for flhine Service until Sunday, the 14th instant. ATTk.NTION, U, A G.—A MEETING for drill will be bold at the Armory, Baoao meat, enbove Vino, on 51.01:clDATilept. 8, at three and a hell' (3X) o'clock P. N. Members and those desirous of joining eio irtrittd to attend. • t( t-2t J. 8. JENKS, Secretary. irrNEW ENGL&ND SOLDIERS , RE. Lira ASSOCIA.TION.--Meetings every MOS. Y IVO. at Hesdnoarters, S. E corner TIDE. TERETH and CRESTS - GT Streets. Natives of. New ErFland invited. Donations of money - , clothing, and hospital stores re ceived &lily . at Headquarters, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 07. THE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ITS FORNITUEE IN THEIR TYPIUAL Tr. MIMEOS —The ' course of Srrmons on this anhjeot delimed in St. Paul's Ohutehjset triwer will 'le ret,e4t- Fql thisseasen in the OIDTROR OF THE EPIPHANY, on the Afternoon of the fleet SIINDAY ese'a month, crromeueing 0,11.01.1.E0 SY AFTERNOON. Service at half past .lo'cleck. lc* ErTHE- ARCII-STREET PRESBYT'E. RUN CHURCH will be reoramedonSASßATil r.ext. September 7tb, for Divine Worship. Service la the Blot-Ling to commence at half past 10 o'clock, and in the Evening at belt' past 7 o'clock. The Rev. Prof. S J. W.Uton, of Allegheny City, is expected to offi ciate. ' it* gra AR T3LLERY CORPS WASHINGTON (MATE—The Active, Honorary, Asssociste, eno Ocv.tri bating naptsbera, as well as such Mende of the crrp. es may be desirous of receiving MILITARY /DT BTRUOTION, in the DrEsent crisis, are reques:ed 'to meet et the ;armory, FRANKLTR HkLL, SIXTH Street, below ARCH, on MOND aT next. Bth. feet, of 8 o'clock P. M. ALEX. MIIR.PHY, Oommwilue. JA 3. T. KIRK PATH HENRY NEIL, Llentonants. MOFFICE OF THE MAYOR .OF THE INTY OF. FFILLADELPRIA.—The Governor tit the State of Pennsylvania having , by Proclamation, made the fourth day of Seplember, recommended the ke pi; Siete fotmetion thronghthat the Oonimonweelth of ye luntrer cowl:anise and regiroente in conformity with the Militia An. or IS S: • pow, thereinto, that the said recommendation may the bats r he complied with, I do hereby invite the citizens of Phladelphia who are not members of existing milit;ry organizatione to connect themselves therewith, or to as • ermble thrmgelves at the precinot house of their respec tive election district, on MONDAY afternoon next at 4 o'clock, then and there to adopt such measures as may bo expedient for organizing as military companies. In testimony whereof, I have herete affixed the coal of the City cf-Philndelphia this tint day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand &salt hundred and sixty -two. ALEXANDER ir MNRY, au° 2t Mayor of ,Philadolphia. POLY TECHNIC COLLEGE, OF sTA TF LLV of POnrisytvania, MARKET Street, and WEST NN Square. The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, for the strident of gene rel Science, boginii Monday, September B;h.. r ' ;, The TECHNICAL SCHOOL", for profeesiobal educa tion in Civil, Mechanical, arid Mine Engineering, prac tical Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Architecture, open Tneeday, September 16th The conree of AL itary Engineering, comprikfig Slege Operations, Field Fortifications. Strategy, Tactics, and Drill, will be emerged, and continued. The knowledge EiLd means of instruction aoluired by the president, who has vieited, during the past season, the principal military and industrial institutions of Eu ssill be :Inuie available by the fatuity in keeping the college fully np to the Enrol:lean standard. , For admisaion, apply at (foliage Building, or address ALFRED L. }KENNEDY, AT. D., ee6 6t President of Faculty. CAR.D.—AT A STATED MEETING of the FRANKLIN ROSE (3051PANY, No, 28, b. Id on Tuesday evening, Sept..2d, 1962, the following preamble. and resolutions were Mooted, and ordered to be publisbed : Whereas, This Company have learned with unfeigned regret of the demin of our late fellow. member, 808 ltit r SMITH- at Key West, while in the employ of tho.Go verumer t : therefore, .Resolved. That we tate Me rn , thod of expressing our sincere sorrow at the loss thus sustained by 113 of a kind friend, a fad itiful count:l2ton, end good member, and the Fire Department one of its most ardent supporters.. Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with the family and rt Wiens of our late brother in this their sad bereavement and loss. Re solred, 9 bat, as a token of respect and esteem for our Imo fellow.member, the house and apparatus or the Company be draped in ninuning for the space of thirty days, and the secretary furnish the family of deceased with a copy of the foregoing resolutions. • war. J. BOGGS, committee. JOSHUA RUSSELL, 5 JOHN Ennsr, Preffident. JOHN RIDDELL, Secretary. It* DEPARTMENT OF SUSI.VEFS, OF. U,3 FLOE OF THE UHIEF ENGINFAIV AND stUIiVEY( , II, PIIILADELP/HA, September 2, 1862. NOTBJE.—Duplicate Plans of the Line and Curb /tegniptions of the First, second, Third, end Fourth section of the Twent% -fifth ward, lying between West• znoreland street and Frankford creek, and Frankford road and the, Delaware river, are now prepared and deposited for public inspection at the' office of ISAAC SEfALLOhO36, Surveyor and Beenlator of the Tenth Survey District, LYCEUM BUILDING., FRAICHFORD. end at the office of this departmeot, CITY BUILDING, FIFTH street, below Walnut street •, and the Board or Surveyors have appointed HONDAY; October 6th, 1862. at 11 o'clock A. H., to consider any objections that may be urged thereto by any citizen tate. rested therein. STRICKLAND KEBABS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor 60.20,004 3t ErrWHO ES THE TRUE MAN T —The following Eesolatiens, with others, having been beepted by the Senate of this State, as expressive of the sentiments of the people at Pennsylvania, were sr' roitted to the Haase, January 22,1854 atter 'Eolith Carolina had seceded from the Union 4 Resolved, That the Constitution of the Dotted States of America contains all the powers necessary to the maintenance of its authority, and it is the &Aetna and most imperative duty cf the Grrernment to adopt and carry into effect sthattver measures rosy be necee eery to that end ; and the faith and the power of Penn sylvania ate hereby pledgtd to the support of nett mea sures, in any manner and to any extent, that may be required of her by the conttitated authorities of the Unite d-Statee. b. Res°!red, That all plots, conspiracies, and warlike detoonstradm a against the Erbited Wales, in any section of the coon+r>•, are treasonable in their, character, and whatever power of the Government is necessary for their supple siva should be Applied to that purpose without hesitation or delay- On the queation, Will the Rouse agree to the same? the yens were 68, the nays were 19. Amongst the names of those who toted against each resolution is that of GEORGE W. H. SMITE, Dregent candidate for Senator from Fourth Dietrict (see Legiskitive Record for 1861, page 171), while the DIM resolutions were supported in the Senate by GEORGE CONNELL. (See Levislaiire RecOrd pege 89.) The question now is, Which of these two members represented the loyal people of Philadelphia by Ma action on this occasion, and who is now best entitled to their confidence?. it* BiOTICE.—RESIDENTS AND PER SONS doing badness in the Twentytifth Ward are earneelly requested to meet at the corner of FR &NE.- FORD Road and CLEARFIELD Streets, on Stil'llß DAY Evening, oth Met, at 7K o'clock, for the purseee of organizing a Cominittee to collect lands in said ward for the Citizens' Bounty Fund. By order of the Com mittee. _ - THOMAS WEBSTER, sed.2t = Vice Chairman. TELE-PENNSYVVANIA FIRE. INSU. '7 R NOE CO tdPANY, SEPTBMBER 1862.- The Directors' have this day declared a .dlYidend or FIFT BEN POLL&BS per Share op the Stock of the . Company for the last six month!, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, after the llth inst. - Whl. G. OEOWD CAL, ee2-10t " - Secretexy. UNIVERSITY OF PEN NSYLVANI UZS - DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. !the First Termer the College-year will open on RON DAY, the Bth instant. Candidates for admission will appear at the University, for examination, on that day, at . V) o'clock A. M. Tuition for each Term Thirty Dollar& GEORG% ALLEN, Pe6•St. Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. Iff'CITY BOUNTY FUND.—NOTICE Is bereby given to the Volunteers in the netv regi ments tbat the Bounty will be paid upon prover appli cation befog made. Warrante in favor of the Vmunteers enlisted, and received on account of the quota of Phila delphia, yid be forwarded to t2B men wherever the regi ment may be stationed. • JOHN O. KNOX, se2 et Chairman. r lIRADQUARTERS FE4IIIISYLVAiPSIA itz '• • .1 - SURGEON GENEB,AL'Et OPPIGE, Hanalsnune, August 16.1.862. STATE MEDIOA.L BOARD Or PERNSYLYANIA. 2be Sista Medical Board will meet in the Hall of the Hops° of Representatives, Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, September 11 , ,1862. and'sit one day, for the'examination of candidates For the post of Amistaut euraeart in Penn. sylvarela Riginianta. • • tlitudidates Will register their names at the fiall at S MG A. M and none but those preeent punctruttly at 9 A. Al. will be examined. o ir i„ r i n o f P e nnsylvania, of good health, and capable of active service in the Said, can Mona be received. By or d er of A. G. - OURTIN, Govensor of Pennsylvania." HENRY H. 8911141, atrlo-w. trell Surgeon General of Pennsylvania. REIMER'S IVO El T YPES , ARE 'the most beautiful and 'truthful 'pictures - made. 'the at Getz ability displayed in them delights all who Mee Want Go to the Gallery, - „514001ID Street s , . above Green. ltW THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1.862. DiILITAIt Y. HEADQUARTERS HOME 'CITY Or PIIILADIILEM, Ent. b, 1382. GENERAL ORDEB, No.ll. The Governor of the Commonwealth having issued his Procter/ration, of the 4rh instant, in which, anong other things, he says 5 , that it ie expedient that measures shoeld be taken to arm and prepare our people for de fence," it ie hereby ordered: ' First. That commanding officers of regiments, bat tallono, eq.adrone, or battcries of the Home Guard tiara prompt and decisive measures to put their respective commando in a condition of effiCieLlCY. For this pm. pare, all members thereof are required to obey the orders of their reepective commanding ullicere, in rcroting for any duty to which they may be aseigned. Sectmd. The nun of Philadelphia are urged, in the meet emphatic.. manner, to enroll themselves in the corn ing ies of . the Homo Guerd most conrsnient to their re spective residences, and to form additional rtghnents they eof. Third. It is CeSentichl to the security of the city that a force of .45,000 men should be promptly organized, in structed, end died olined. To do this, the women of the city should be enhaituted in all employments imitable to their tender sex now tilled by able. bodied mob. Fourth Men of Philadelphia, a mighty danger im autolhig over you j continue sow inactivity and supine ness a few daya longer,-and total and irretrievable ruin will overwhelm path A powerful army, flatbed with victory, and enriched with your military sPolls. now hovers over your Southern border; another holds in check, in frent of Washington, the remnants of your armies of the Potomac, of Virginia, and of North Daro lma The invasion of your toil may occur at any mo ment- and such a prize at Philadelphia is too tempting to the barefooted sobliors, who grin yonr dead and trounaed on the battle. Edda of their clothing to cover their naked ness, not to rail forth their every effort to secure it. Wire captured, it:will be plundored, and its safety from thstruclion will be the condilio*• on which dishonorable tett:re of peace will be offered. Armee yourselves!• the 100,000 sole• bodied men who inhabit this city, with the re'ori•ces which It contains. if united, and ably led, can defy the efforts of any Southern army which could be meciplialfd upon it. F4th. Let the ergnnization of now regiments of nom °tier" be immediately commenced in ell the wards re spectively, acrimonies to consist of one hundred and six, mei, and officers, Nod regiments to be composed of ten companies each. 11,y order of • A. J. PLEABONTON, _ _ Brigadier General Commanding, Horne Guard. Wu: BRADFORD, ABSIARDt Adjutant General sea REM- QUARTERS FIRST DI VISION, P. NI. tl . PB ILA nEurrft A, September sth, 1862. GRZTERAL OBDICE. No a.—ln.accordance with the excellent recommendation of the Governor and Com mander. in- fhlief noir an andere of brigades in this Dili- Sinn are respectfully, and earnestly requeqed to use their best exertions for rethe immediate formation of Volua tear. Companies and Regiments, in wanformity with the militia act of 1858," and to commence a thorough course of instruction, beginning with the School of the Soldier, drilling ever, day from 3 o'clock P 81. till dark. It Is also earnestly recommended that the members of each company and regiment be careful in the selection of officere. If the officers are competent the commands will soon be Inede re. . Arinswill be issued by the proper officers whet; compa --ntes_are framed, and requisitions made in conformity with the law. -'- ----- __ .. __ No doubt is entertained that, is accordance with the Governor's recommendation, all places ef . business will hereafter benlosed at 3 o'clock P. OL, that all may have an opportunity to acquire instruction. our State i t threatened with invasion, and it is our duty to ourselves sod to others to be prepared for it. If it is known that we' are it a condition to repel an attack, it is not likely that one will be made By command of lkiejor General PA.TTNRSON. It DRUG BllonliE, A. A. A. G. BEADQUAIITEttg HAMILTON RIFLES, September 541, 1862.--in pursuance of the proclamation of Governor CURTIN, calling. upon the citizens to organize Volunteer Compsnies; for the puttees of general defence, the armory of the Hamilton Mee, at the COMMISSIONRKS' West Philadelphian will be open EVERY za-rmneroo Mtd alter 3 o'clock, for the purpose of recruiting the. Company up to ono hundred men, The clams of the W tY• "FOURTH. WARD are invited to come for-. ward at once for enrollment. By order of B. ANDREWS lINIGHT, Captain. J. R. 70 CI UMW, Orderly Sergeant. tre6.6t IGERMANTOWN HOME OIISLED.S.—A. Eipecial Meeting of Gowan) , 0 will he held at the Market HOMO, on MAIN street, above Shoemaker's lane, THU APrERNVON. dth inst., ' at-6 o'clock. . • - Citizens ckeirona or connecting them cal roe with a min ter* organisation, in compliance with the'recent Procla mation of Governor A. G. Curtin, are invited to attend. By order or MARKS J. BIDDLE, Owpialn Commanding. J. 0. Joins, Jr., Ist Sergeßnt. lt* ATTRNTION. OF ABLE -13 0 DIED MEN is called to the recruiting of BATTERY 4,312 d Pennsylvania Volunteers, or 3d Pennsylvania. Artillery, at the Headquarters. No 335 HARMONY street, between Chestaut and Walnut, below Fourth. Also. 506. V ENE street, and below Com missioners' Ball, West Philadelphia. Bounty si7O, with advanced pay. JAMES MARTIN, Jr.. an 6.1.24 Captain Battery la. AT A ..MEETIIc G OF COMPANY If, 3D 111G1111.h.ET lIESEHVE BRIGADE, held on Thundav evening, it WS nnanimoaslp Resolved, That the Citizens of the Lower. Wards of thel:lity Ire invited to meet at the Armory (RDED Street, below Fourth), Ttrl3 (Batu‘ day) 'EVEN IN% September 6.11:82. for the purpose of forthering the ang gestione contained in the Proclamationr of Gov. Curtin, by uniting themselves in Drill. Squads with the :Members of this tkmpare) and under the fustrnotion its Officers. Its JOHN H. DYE, Secretary. BRIAN BOROIIIME UNITED IRISH LEGION—TO BE IN-,0012.0011,&11'S BRI GADE.' Men of good character, from all parts of the eft," or State, brinplag from 16 to 2,5 effective men, will he own miesioned Second and First Lieutenante; 40 mea,"a Cap tain Form companies and Ballads amongst yourselves; secure the Cloverneaent and City aounties of 11165. Don't bo Drafted. Teitaraphic despatchee or lettere attended to promptly. Free transportation from all parts of the Kate to these Elead4oarterF. CONNCLLT , S HOTEL, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia Apply to WM/WM OHOOKES, ses•6ttt Colonel Commanding. RUSSEL TRDOP op PHI LADELP IGHT HORSH.--S few more young, active Ken wanted. Apply lin ruEniately at 213 CHRSTNUT Street. its - Captain WM H. 'BY. RECRUITING OFFICE OF ANDBRSQN TROOP, Ground Moor of tbb 1.6=05 - Ivanla Railroad--Office, corner of TILIRD street and WILLING'S Ailey... Caot. wita,pia PAVAN% Sergt. ALFRED v 1 IR, ae3 Private NORUAN L'7BllllrEc. MILITARY GOODS, 'ARMY GO CILSS! Sky Blue Kerseys. Sky Blue Cassimeres, (for Officers' Pants.) Dark Blue Uniform Cloths. Dark Blue Cap Cloths. Dark Blue Blouse Flannels. White Domet Flannels. Twilled Gray Mixed Flannels. U. E. Regulati©n Blankets; ALSO 10-ounce and 12-ounce Standard TENT DUCK. In store and far sale by SLADE, SMI H & Co, NO. 39 LETITIA, AND 40 SOOTN. FRONT BM an27—lm _ - PRILA.DELPIIIA. GEO. W.. SIMONS . ifit 33R0., MANUFACTURING. JEWELLERS, SANBON-STREET HALE, _SANS ODI STREWS, ABOVE SIXTH; {HP Stahl.) *SWORDS! • INVANTR-Y, CAVALRY . , MEDICAL. Etc. BELTS AND SASIIES, - _ SWORD-KNOTS &ND COVERS, SHOULDER STRAPS AND KILITAR.Y BADGES. PRESENTATION SWORDS MADE TO ORDER. sia9-sw3m rpENT BUTTONS AND' SLIPS' U • B. Patterns. for mile at J. p. BEND'S maw:else tory, corner of THIRTEENTH and NOBLE tatreets. an2l.-Ixe* . , CARPETS .AB . I) OIL CE6THS. GLEN ECHO MILES. MeOAIALUM & 00., 60 . 9 OIIESTNITT STRIMPi, (9FDDsite LidependenqtHaP9) MANIIII.OTUREDI3, IMPORTERS,ILND DE 3.LBEf3 C3ARPETINGS. _ OIL CLOTHS, Szo., 'lave now on hand an extensive stock of Carpeting, of war own and - other makes, to which we call the attention of cash and short time buyers. 37 , 28 Sin FHOT,OGRA.PHS. WAR TIMIS-AT TENTIO'N EVERYBODY I--" You are hereby notified that life•eize Photographs In oil-colors area tie ing made at reduced prices, to afford all who desire a chance, at SEOONP Street, above green. Its TtRlG.' GEN. COB CORAN'S CEPTION IN PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 21, 31132.--Stereoscopic Views of the Reception at tho Con tinental 25 mita. DioALLISTER & BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street. ae6-2t VOL. JOHN K. MURPHY.-:-A very .fine Clod Photograph of Colonel John K Murphy. Price 25 Cents. Mailed free of chart°. MutiLLISPER. & BROI:ME13. 728 OMEMTNIIT Street. - -ae6-2t EVER WBERE YOU HEAR OF the-inirits of RErifElt'S 00110SXD PHOTO tfIIAPB S, ,for;sl, carefully finished and artioicallyeo lored--faitliful - )ll.,'enesses. (Gallery, SEGO AD Street, above Green. . LA DI-ES'' HAIR . SIIA.M pooED, _LA and Obildrea'a. Hair cut in the beat strip at FOURTELaid 81LL110.11,. . satLiftt VOR BALE; 100 bbla. good OAR BON J. OIL, at No. 415 0011%1E10E Street. 5e4.54* THE FIN EST ASSORT rr WENT of new, modern, and durable PX ANOS frank $l9O to 8400. Also, PE/at/WS World renowned )(IMOD/CONS and ad-}i , 21019.1.11M5., for cash. at great reduction. or to mall moat/1171mM' manta JAMES S]D,DLAK, 279 and 281 South FIFTH Street, 04470 . Set-3al' QERTIANTOWN, PA. HATS AND CAPS. N OTICE. The undersigned respectfully inform GENIMLBS OF PHILADELPIIId, That they THIS DAY, Open their FALL STYLES OF SILK HATS, SOFT HATS, AND CAPS, At their Store, 800. 534 -Alp 536 CHESTNUT STREET, 'UNDER Tlit-UONTINpRTAL HOTEL, CHAS. OA.KFORD & SON.. RETAIL DRY GOODS. NTEW FALL AND WINTER 44- 1 Clotbs and Castitutres. Desirable Mixtures and Plaids. Solid (Won, Bibbed, and Black. • Plain, Stained. Nest. and Fancy,BASSiMerini. ELI. CH, CLOTHS. Union Closkiwore, and Tweeds. Satinets and low.,Ptlced Goods. FL3•NNELS. New Shaker Flannels. Fino and low pribod White Flannels. 'Samna and Shirting Flanneln. SHAWLS. Now Woollen Shawls. ' Shawls. .ALSO, Balmoral and Hoop Skitts. Bargains in Blaekltlescas. ,Daily opening new goods. . COO PER & CIONAHD, seet S. E. corner. .NIIiTH and MARKET Sta. 'HEAVY DAR.K. CASSIIViKRES 5 'sl . • 1111 Ifeavy'llixed Mellow!, X6l. Fanny' Union Casein:wee, 50 cants. Broadcloth!, Chasimeres, Uontings. gugertor grades:of, all hinds of,',. Goods forlien and Boys' Fan and Winter Wear. OURWEN STOPDART & 'BROTHER ) 450, 452, and 454 North SBOOND , Btreet, se.B.2t . above FINE BLANKETS, • , Per Family use, At our usual low prices. t:n band. aiarge and Viiied Stook. CAIRWENSTODDART & BROTHER, 44-3 -1, 3 , •,4:0, 02, and 401 North SIG DOND Street, seB-2C above Willow. • VALL R, D - WINTER DRESS -V mom. Desirable styles illedium-priced Goode CURWEN STODPAIU k DROTWER ~ "450, 452, and 454 North ascogn Street, abdve Willow. MUSLIN'S .A.`T LESS THAN WBOLBSA.LB PRlOBS.Bleached at 93 cents, wide do at 10.; heavier at 113 f, and fail 32 inches wide 12g ; two rases just opened of old stock, full yard wide, 14; heavier do. 15; one case 7.8 Warcentta 17; one cage Simper Ideal, soft finish,.. 16; thie is quite fine. Just opened, two cases %Youmans and one case of: Williams ville at less than the ager.ts* prices. One case Pillow Muslims at 16 ; one case 64 Sheeting at 18; heavy sheet ing, fiX garde wide, 37 3 E ; unbleached lifitelin 113{, ; heavier do. 14 ; wide do 16; bale do., 35 inches Wide, 16; one lot mach heavier 18; Sheeting, 1X yards wide, at 22i fu11•2% wide do. 373 j. The above goods I will guaranteelo be lower than the regular wholesale price. • GB eIsVILLE B. lIA-INMS, eel 10. 1013 MARKET Street; above Tenth. I4iLANNELB.—I have now one of the best and cheapest assortments in this city. Geed all-wool fired 25 cants; liner do. 31X ; one bale Union Maker Flannel, white, at 28; these are'quite heavy; Ballardvale, all-wool, 37%; finer do. 37X, and every number up to 75 cents. Gray Twilled for soldiers' shirts 373} ; heavy all-wool at 40; finer do. 45. Just 'opened, two bales plain gran at 30 and •35 ; these are all-wool heavy blue twilled 37X, 40, and 45; heavy red twilled 85 and 37X. Woolen goods' are going up. rapidly, and these are much lower than can be bottgnt in a abort time, being about the same prices they 'were said at last season. GRANVILLit 11A.INBS, sal 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. IIDtABGAINB IN MUSLIN.—We will Ben a good unbleached Elnelin for 12M cents; bet ter for 15; better for 16; we have on band every make of unbleached and bleached of all the widths; bleached Muslin 12N, 14,16, 16; and 18; . Blieetings, 1%, I,v, 2 yards, 2,4', 2X, and 8 yardi wide; good twilled Canton Flannel• 20c; all•wool Flannel 25e; Twilled tihlrtlng Stripes 16c; a large assortment Linea Goods; some spe cial bargains in • real Marseilles Quilts; those wanting a handsome Quilt at a moderate price can now be suited. This stock having most of it been bought before the rise, storekeepers will Lind they can save money by calling on us, 710 we guaranty to sailany make of Muslin lees than they can hay it any wholesale house. ' • E. D. ft W. H. PENULL, eel' ' 1021 'MARKET, below Eteventa. W G 0 0 DS,-MOUSLIN DE -4.1 laines ; new styles neat Pled Glace Poplins; Plain Baps, Mile, Green, and Brown; ignral Ossimeres ; beautiful neat Figured Bop . Poplins ; Bine and Bolted no Delaines now Oahcoes, choice patterns; neat Plaid Fifunnel for Genti' Shirts, wiry desirable and scarce; also a nice assortment of CasAmeres for Men and. Boys, at JOHN 11. STOKES', 702 A.ROH Street. BLANKATS! BLANKETS! ! BLAN. , KETS.! !!—The subscribers have their, usual as sortment of superior American and English Blankets, in all the sizes manufactured for °ribs, ()raffles, sna Single and Bortble Bedsteads. ar, the lov‘wst cash prices. SHEPPARD, 'VAN NABLINGEN, & ARB.EiON, ata27-1.2t lOOB 011ESTNUT Street. FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS.- Just opened, a few eases of French Shirting Flan nels, %la neat Stripes, Chocks, and Plaids, of desirable etyles Ani%QuaHties,• °- ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Bine Flannels. • aul2 SHARPLESS BROTH/MS, L L DE LAINES, ALL NEW. PATTRltrBB.—llamllton De Latins. Pacific De Dairies. 'Manchester De Leanne. EYRE LaNDELL, FOURTH and- ADUEI pjASH PRINTS FALL STYLES. _ I - ODeping of Drltlsh Prints. • French styles.. XTRE & LANDELL, anB • 'FOURTH and ARCH. • HE LAST CHANCE FOR, BAR EITRTiIER REDUOTION It? PRIORS. We are determined M close out the balance of our Bum mer 'Stook before the first of September. In order to do ee we will offer our entire stock of • " FANCY SI/diti, • DESIR &BIM DRESS GOODS, • LAMA kIAoTLES AND'POINTES, SILK GOATS AND SAOQIIRS, At lower prices than those of any other - Retili Hotta. In the city. 01EIR BL&OK, BILKS oan't 'be matched In prices and qualities, se they were at bOught before th& last rise, and we -are able to sell them at our ' • OLD LOW PBIOES One lot cheapest Black Figured Silke ever offered. Also, a good tureen:tent of DOMESTIC GOODS. H. STEEL & SON, ao4-tt No. 718 Northh TENTH above Ckeitee 1024 CHESTEUT Bf E'l' "OF SPECIAL. INTEREST. TO LADIES." E., M. NEEDLES Has Jest opened 'NEW GOOD 3 as follows: Broad hem-stitched lidhfs., 2,2%, and 3. inch hem; hem stitched Thlkh. (all linen), 13c., or 51.60 per doz.; now styles narrow val. edgings and headings; new styles points lace and ether collars and 'setts, ALL FOB SALE AT &LD PRICES Allfancy mg4a-up geodsonek aa lace and othe ; setts, collars, !sleeves. veils, bdkfs., &a. !sc., will be closed ant, FOB THIS MONTH ONLY, greliara• tory to laying in Faq Stook, AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PER UNNT. it Remnants of all kinds of 'Linen; White Goods, Edgings, Inserting& dm. dto , wil l also be closed Gut at a HEAVY HIS 0017111". As all of the above goodX have recently advanced 'from 2.0 to 25 per cent., from the inareased re, of exchange arta tariff, the above great reaucei , rose our old pricer should prove a great induce ment for 'purchasers of theee articles to bny dud thistaonth„ au.9-tf 1043' CELBSTNIIT BTBIIICT A LL W.00.T.i • FRENCH FLANNEL Falk `-' " t3les '. ral7 MI S A t z NDETEr4" suB ' FOVETH t . 02.4 ARM.' .A LL-WOOL CHECKED OA3 H EI E a-40-inch Black and While Cheeks fine pure Laifie 9sabmeree. Imported and for sale by SHANPLEBS BROTHERS, • CHESTNUT and EIGHTH &mita. rfiVVEEDS AND CASBIMEREI3.- A- 1,600 yards heavy Omedmeres, just opened.. diso,;1;000 yards aIL wool Tweed', 62 to I'6 cents. Summer and Fall Oassimeres, a full stock. Mena and Boys' Wear. our dock is complete; DOMESTIOB. Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Bleached and Brown Sbeetings. Cotton Flannels, Domet, all wool, and dacons do, Oaten Goods, at lowest market rates. lIONBY-COMB QUILTS. - Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts. Bathing Flannels, Mosquito Nets. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. DheaP lots ortk4 heavy Irish Linens.. OLOSING OUT. Silk Mantles, Thin. Dusters, Lace GOOds. Boy's' Summer ()lathing. Thin Drees (loods„ Black Tamartinee. (7hallies, Mahal's, Mozambianes, duo 000 PER OONABD, /Yl l l-ti . 8.11. corner NINTH and MARKET sta, .SItOE , FINDINGS. INEN MACHINE *THREADS ' BEST- QUALITY, One and Two-Onace Spools. S'HOE THREADS ' '' . OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ROE HARNESS IttANUFAUTURERS. ' MAcittNE. SILK, COTTON, ; .. NEE AND Ou" •0;4 . 4 LAING & - MAGII4NIS, SHOE FINDERS, ses-bn 30 NORTH THIRD STREET. COPARTNERSRTI'S. OTICE.—It is hereby certified that N the underidgned have formed a Dimited Partner shiPt agreeably: to the provisions of the acts of Assembli of the Commonwealth of Pemisylvattlai upon the tame hereinafter eat forth, to wit:" 1. The name or thin under which the said PartlioratdP bto be conducted. b BUSH - .2 KORTN. 2. The general nature of the biasinems Intended to be transacted, is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods in th e city of'Philadeiphia. 1• /.41 8. The general partners 'ln the said firm a :. 1 7.81 , 1 CAMP BUSH and WILLIAM WESLEY KURTZ; both reidding N 0.1937 VINE BEng* in said City _of Philadelphia ; wad the special partner" is " THE 0 DORE W' Roma; residing at N0.,227 Nortli-TWZINTINTII Street, In laid city. 4. The amourit'of vintribrtted by' the atdA ape" eta! partner to the common stock is the Of PORT! THOUSAND DOLLARS, in eta, - 0. The said Partnership Is to academe° on the NINE TEENTH 'DAY OF AIJGllBTe.!'lir.D. 'lBB2, toid terminate on the FIBBT - DAT 0p ` -JANUARY, A.. D. 1804. Made and severally signed by the s aid partnere, at the city:of Philadelphia; the Nineteenth day, of August, A. D. One Thousand light 'Hundred and Sixty-two . ..' ,4 PA BUSEI,_ WLTALLSX WESLEY SI33TZ,, General Partner& • "EttIf.ODDBE W. BAKER, „ - . - SpEelea Partner, COMMISSION HOUSES. ATLANTIC DELAINE COMPANY. IVICYURNING. PRINTS, Black and White, Black and Purple, Black and Gray, Black and Lavender, NE W STAED AED STYLES, PRIXTEB BY WILLIAM SIAIRSON. NEW F. LL STYLES OP MADDED. PRINTS, nom . SAMUEL SLATER & SONS, AXD SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO,, FOB SALE BY JOSEPH LEA., 328 AND' 130 CHESTNUT STREET an27.lm CONTRACTORS. LIN E NS FOR ARMY PITRPOSFAS. Bales Canvas, all widtbs. Bales Farmers' Drills. Sales, Light and Heavy Duck. ALL FLAX TENT OLOT'H... FOR SALE IN STORE 'AND DAILY ARRIVING-, BY CONRAD & SERRILL, 206 CHESTNUT STREET: BROWN DRILLS, - STANDARD QUALITY, FOR BALE ET WELLING, COFFIN, ea Co. jyl9-Latham $l2O ORESNUT STREET. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ,DOESEINS, SATINETS, KENTUCKY.JEANS, LINSEYS, TWEEDS, KERSEY'S, FLANNELS, and. ARMY WOOLENS. For sale by the wimp, by WELLING 9 COFFIN ,r& au2B-thetutocl9 220 OHESTNUT Streot., ARMY GOODS. - DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE OAP CLOTHS. • ' SKY-BLUE CLOTHS Elm OFFICERS. AREYBLANKET)S, STANDARD WEIGHT.'.- 10-OUNCE DU(BI.. DRILLS, STANDARD 'WENHIT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS &ND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHISTINGS. For Bale by . aei.iftf FROTHINGHANE & W.6IALS. 7 ARMY BEANKETS,:` GOVERNMENT' STANDARD,, FOR SALE BY FROTHINGriIAIVI'& AGENTS. CURTAINS FOR HOSPITALS. 20,,000 YARDS BLUE AND GREEN WIDE COTTON DAMASKS. GEORGE: D. 'PARRISH. as2s-Ese2l BED -QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 5,690 104 WHITE AND BLITZ AND Wain AND MATE. ALSO, g 4 and 64 INDIGO BLVD ITIAANITNLB. Tor Nate by FROtTIINGRAM & w ELLS, ssrl6-29a 84 N. ruff= and 35 Lzwira. STREW. WELLING, COFFIN, & RO. 220 ORESTNIIT STREET, are prepared to CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY OF ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS ) STANDARD 'QUALITY. araf-gra SHIPLEY, HAZARD, da FIUTOITINSON, No. 1U OICZBVICUT STRUT, 01311118 ION /ON rut aux or PHILADELPHIA-MAD]' GOODS: tablSArt FINANCIA.L. IT. S. FIVE TWENTIES; OS, 20-YEAR SIX CENT.. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERN \ MENT AFTER FIVE. YEARS.] I am Instraoted by the SEDENTARY OF THE TREASURY to receive sabseriptions for the above Tfr LOAN AT PAR, THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE PROM DATE OF DEPOSIT, Thus avoiding the difficulty heretofore , experienced by requiring payment in:GOLD of the, interest from May . A full supply of these Bondi always on baud, JAY SIJESORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD gT. ,iy4/2.4f fIOUPONS: DUE': Ist OOTQBER- on ILI the 7.307L0AN, will be ca»hed att.. par; -; Addling 80x.1744; Philadelphia P 0., 4.. -les4t4t_ :Ames it.,wALTeNt • stoitas,T. - WALTON - & 'Ti r OBT, BMIX - RdiS, • - couraNOTol3.B, Nor ?5 8 TEELBD Steed, Philidshobia; 1 Jair..Vegke & 02.1 . - - " Hon. .Tamen Pollock , Junes, Kgati,figates, ti OL, Eon. ll. I). . roister, isbegick, Buck , Ce.,l ' 1i0n.A...11. - Itender, O. Mollibkin & Bon, lion. Aga Packer, R. P.' Alidainton & Bra., - Ron. Warren J. Woodward. lion:Win. liTilking, V. L. Bradford, Nom A• NTI4FRIOTION METAL, it thiodoi quilihr, For ale by JAMB YOUON, OITT.BBABB SOUNDBT, DRINKIBP4I.IS 4 LEY,` _ Between rust and Second, gum aillireb MIS 2me LW PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOKS. CITIZEN'S' DRILL BOOK! UN/TED STATES LIGHT . INFANTRY DRILL! New and Revised edition, for the we of alt Oitizens, Recruits, etc.. is published and fo? sale THIS DAY, at T. B, PETERSON 8r BROTHUBT, 306 0 HEOTNLIT Street. Single copies 26 cents, or five copies for One Dollar; or Two Dollars a dozen; or Twelve Dollars a hundred, iSgents, Onnvassers, and Peden wanted everywhere, to engage hi the sale of the abere Drill Book. Oepiee sent by mail on:receipt of price. it Qi PHOTOGRAPH Q II El • ALBUISI.S. IL) I, I Us - A new lot bound In IIIRKEY MOROrtOO,FITLL BIZ], with clssp, reduced to $176, LESS THAN COST TO MAITUFAOTHEE. Other etylea proplrtlonstety low! PITOHER'S °bean Booltstore, et° Ot if 939 OHE STRUT Stroct A CCIDENTS AND ENIERGEN. CULT, By ALFRED . snEE, P.R. B.—A. vain -able pamphlet for Volunteers Laud their friends. Sent by mail for 15 cents. John L." Cave, 922 Ohesmut sheet; Philadelphia. Phrenological and conatitntional epininatione, with advice, are made daily at the office. se6 5t 3 dte • NEARLY NEW BOOKS ‘W•READY. Ll 5 MISERABLES-ST. DENIS. The fourth part of "Vrcavt HUGO s fanaous French novel, ic Les Fliserables." Heiforet in style arid price With part T., .E Footios," part !L t . , Oosette," and part ILI, "Manus." 'Paper covers, price 50 . cents, and:sloth bound elegant (on superior paper),' LIFE . AND -UNLIKE. A. Charming now novel, by A. B. Bee, author of " I've Been Thinking," "A Long Look Ahead," "To Love and to be Loved," "True to the Lazt," drc. One largo cloth rn bound voloe. Price $l. 25. AIJFIO BALZANI ; Or; The Diary of a Proscribed Sicilian. A powerful and dramatic picture of life and adventure in Italy daring the Revolution. Dedicated to Garibaldi. Price $1.25. * it * There books are Bold everywhere, and sent by mail /rte., on receipt of price, by CARLETON Publisher, . . . 413 BBOADWA T, cot. Liepenard street, au3o.ewtr . NE V?' Eolll£. TN'BATTLES IN VIRGINIA.- We shall have ready -TO-DAY. ANOTHER FULL briPPLY of Dient's- Map of Virginia, giving dear and emirate information concerning • ALL , THE BATTLE-FIELDS now engagieg attention in Virgitila. - Price. 50 cents. Also, MeOlellan's War May of the Middle and Fonth.. ern Stater, upon which are marked all the Battle-fields, ac companied by .M 0 dates. Price SI. • For Sale by - WM. t3,4c ALFRED ALARMS, • se2 600. CHESTNUT Street: WAR TELEORAM MARRING r v NAP OF.N.IBGIVIA. SIZE 26" BY 25. PItIOE 26 GENTS. Sold 'wall Periodical and Book Stores, also sent to any address on receipt of price. For 'particulars see adver ripe/went in Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PRANG &co., Publlshers, 109 Washington street, Boston, Mate. . an2B-1m CIRCULATING LIBRARIES VNGLISH AND FRENOff FAMILY .114 UIROITLATING LIBRARY AND OABINET DY. LECTURE; 1817 OHES'ENUT STREET. Subscriptions per year, month, and day. General catalogue just published, furnished gratis. '_ln Press, (littalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li. brary. •—• Catalogue de la Illibliiitheque des Dames et ties De • Pd.. ra. 610fiLDESI, Agent, - ueB-1m 1317 011fiSTNU V Street. WBROTHERREAD'S CI R • LASING LIETtAILY.II the NEW English and American Books, including ALL °LABORS of Lite. rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW =GLUM. BOOKS that are not BEITINTZD here. Terme $5 per year; 6 menthe $8; three menthe 81.50, dr '8 cente per day. '2lB South EIGHTH :street.. if/4mi) EDUCATIONAL. T. .Bl7 E ft, lB w e ePt P of LI A Sixtee lr ib? has reoveiked for the Eleventh Session. J. ANDEE'vaI HARRIS; A. .31., - .PriAci 864 " ,EST CHEBTEB ACADEMY, -.AHD MILITARY INSTITRTE, AT WEFT QIIRWTRIt, PIItiNSYLVANIA, will commence the winter term of five calendar monthe on theist of Novem ber next. The coma of Inetructiun' Ib thorOugh and extensive, designed and arranged to Prepare boys and young men for briefness or college. ThS Priociiral, who devoleS all his time to the interests of his school and its pu pils, la assisted by eight gentlemen of ability and experi ence. Tko German, French, and Sioanisklangnages are taught by native resident teachers, an advantage which' will be readily appreciated hi the patrons of tile Institu tion. The - Afilitorer Departntentis under the char ; 3-of Tillsjor a. EckendorT, of Philadelphia, whose qualificatcne far the position ore eXtoneively known. Its duties sad re quirenunts do not; in any way, interfere with taw trite. rary,departmentyrwitile enroll - meat among;the cadest eorps is left opticrel. • For catalogue, &M, apply to - WM. F. WYEES, K. lil., • see—stuth2in DO.IItDING. ur XD IN G in a e -Lady sad two Daughter& An immediate reply desired. Address e 4 S. 5.," at this once.... PCIARDING WAVTED' 7 by a single profearional gentleman, in a fatally of educarion end refinement, where no secession or pro-slavery Bent!- , mente SIC held, and where' ho may enjoy all the corn . forte end conveniences of home: .Address "G. A. 0.," at thin office. . . • A GENTLEMAN, .ANDLINTO LA .. . . DIES Aegis BOARD in s Genteel 'Private fel:1311Y, in the rioinity of Tenth sell- Walnut.streets. .Piosso ad dress 44 at this office. . se.s at* SUMMER RESORTS: QTA.R. HOTEL, 0...) (Nearly opposite the United States Hari,) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. serauza, ADAMS, Proprietor. Dinner ... cents. Also, Carzieses to Hire. NET Boarders accommodated on the moat roseonalle JaTl3ut LEGAL. PLTHE. ORPHANS' . COURT FOR R OITY AND COUNTYOP: PHILADELPHIA.. In the matter of the Estate of LYDIA PRIOR; deed. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjuet the account of ROBERT B. PASOSALL, Acminietrator, Sc., of LYDIA PRIOR, deceased; and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested at his Office, S. E. corner of EIGHTH , and LOCUST 'Streets, on MONDAY, September 15th, Ea 1852, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon 11k6.stutli5t. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. Ll/-13100 1 0 ;1 W . & J. ALLEN & BRO. CABINET - WAREIIOO HS, NO: 1209. CHESTNUT S T. • A LARGE ASSORTMENT 'OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE ec4.2m ALWAYS ON HAND. (lABINET FURNITURE AND 8M %.1 LLLBD TABLES. MOORE do CAMPION, No. SU South SECOND Street, '. to connection with their extensive Cabinet Business wa now manufacturing 5 superior erticle of BILLIA.RD TABLES , And ;are now on.hand a full supply, finished with.tha MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED (lIISEIONS, which are pronosuicsd by all who have need thaw to be superior to all °t hem - For the quality and finish of these Tables the mann, factartra refer to their =menus patrons throughout the Union, who aro familiar with the character of their wort. an27-sat INSUAANUE . COMPANIES.. VAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 OHNSTRI7T Street. 178111 AND ZN7,1. 1 % 7 D ZNEURAI7OII. • DIRNOTOBS. Buok, • B. D. Woodruff, Oho. Richtusicon, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr.,' P. B. Justice, Alex. Whilialn, Washington dem, 800. A. Wert, (Rm. Stokes, O. W. Davis, John W. Eveinzai. PRANOIS N. BIICIC, President. OHIO:MRS RICHARDSON, lirloe President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, flecreitoy. plhl9-Nit VOMMODRTEALTH FIRM INS V RAMON COMPANY, Or THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. 1011110TOR3. David Jane, M. D., Charlei If . BMW) John h!. Whits% John Water, Eawa34 0. Knight, Robert Sbootnaker, Threw B. Stewart, Willtsta Struthers, Henn Lewis, Jr., ESP* Jorioa. DAVID /AZLE, M D., Preeldent. JOHN E. WEITALL, Vice President. ISAKIIEL a MOON, tkoretary, , Moe, OonnEtouwaaLth Dulkling, 613 011ESTarol Street. Philadelphht. le!-Sift VIRE INSURANCE mixoLu.srvi .1: LT.—The PENNSYLVANIA YIME Aft3IIIIATTOM COMPANY. Ineorporstad.lB2.s. - CHARTER PERPII - Mo. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ awe linters. This Company, favorably known to the oommunitr for tbirty..dx years, continues to Joanne against Loas oaDa mage by lire on imbUe or privat92Mildinga, eithee per momently or for a. liipited time. Also, on lfornitere, Brooks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their .oaftltal, together with a large SurplusJil:ma, hi tweeted In the Erma careful manner, which ennblea_theas , to offer to the tnsaned. as uttioabted security in the. fame of loss. DIELTIMOII.B. Jonathan Palorson, Thomas Batts, @Lubin Oampbell, - Daniel Smith, Jr., - Alexander Benson, • John Devarenz 4 , William illiontelina, Thomas Smith. Isaac ldrzlahnrst, • JONATHAN ATTN 120N,-Preeident. WII.LIIY d. Oxowst,L, Secretary. ape 410157 t TRUSS AND BRACE DE. surosa m aPABTMENT. 0. H. HICEDLEI9, Corner TWELFTH and BASH Sttsatg. Philadelphia t• Hernial:Triunes and mearisoiosa appliances c o rrectly iodinated by 0. H. IFIC/d1r11313. Flue French Ind apPronsi American, adapted to every form of rupture, In adults and children, English and A mer i can supporters and Belts, Shoulder wanes, Sus. Yensorica,.Elastio Stockings, and Syringes in great •a dab% Ladies , Iropartmant, TWELFTH Street, fire door bar, if Baca. Conducted by competent ladies. , jellilan RAY RUM.--1® quarter oasis Saint Ray Rum just received per echoolier hIA.• Liana for eels by JAITRETWIII tB„VEBGINR. 202 aid 204 south FRONT Stroet. • gel AMUSEMMITS. WALNUT—STREET THE etTRE_ Bole Leiwee......Mre. M. A. GA BILETTSON. Business Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. SEVENTH NIGHT Of those favorite and popular artists, MR. AND Mitts. E. L. DAVENPORT,' SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6th. The performance will commence with the tragedy of-. ILIOHARD 11E, Iticbard, Duke of (Teter ....Ur E. L. DAVENPORT. Queen Elizabeth Mro. E. L. DiVEN PORT. To conclude with " TUE LAST OF THE PEGTAIDS." i t irEs. JOHN DREW'S AROH I.lrJ_ STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICK& Business Agent and Tramway. JOS. D. MITEPICE ' FIRST SATURDAY EIG3T OP MIES MA.GGIE MITOHELL. TO•NIOHT (SATURDAY), SIXTH TIME. to FADIOHOX," - ' .. . 4 PaNcißow. OR THE CRICKET. With new eteneryiDreases. Panchen ......... —MISS MAGGIE MITOMILL Performance commences At" to 8. pENNSYLVANLA. ACADEMY OF 111-- THE 'PINE ARTS, 3025 OHESTNI7T STREET, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9A. N. till 6 P. N. Athniodon 25 +lento. Obildren hat prise. Sharesof Stock, sm. • jy9 WANTS. r7firi aoun waned ona i 3 tiv u fine This improved m proper t ty. Per t peteal in surance to cover the same. Apply to EL Pivir, No. 109 WALNUT Street. sed N LED—By man and vife—board • V within eight squares of State Rouse. Private Fritod'a family preferred. Address "Box 22134 Post Office," stab. g terms. - 666 31* A PHYSICIAN,, vacating aneligible Am. field of Practice for a position in the army, desires to leave a enbfitititte. Enquire, to person, of JOY. 0014 14 CO., N. E. corner of HUTH and CHESTNUT Streets. aufi-sti. fp PART• OF A FURNISHED .HOUSE WANTED by a small family, to central, location. Address Box 1395, Post Office. ati2ll-t! FOR SALE AND TO LET. j . 00.61 S FOR E... SAL-„NiiieJacquArd. . looms, varying fromß to 16 shuttles' and 2,14 8,4 inches space. Also, mural Nand LOOMS, 4 , to 8 shuttles. Aptly to CONNAII & NONNI% 74 UtiA.NE Street, New York-. se6.mtvf 4t VOIt SALE—Two 13igh-Pressure- Ex hau trig Condensing ENGINES, (t right beam), cylinder 18 inches bore. 34 inches stroke, connected at right angles on fly.wheel shaft; otherwise entirely inde pendent; cacti - Engine having a strong and heivy box bed plate cart in one piece, • supporting Massive mine pedestals on columns carrying beam pillow blocks. ' These Buenos 'are Modern in style and &deb ; strong and -substantially' built, having only been in nee a few months, will be found on exorable:lon equal to any in the market. Also, two Cylinder Flue BOILERS, 33 feet bag, 42 inches diameter, with two 16 inch flues in each, with whole fire front, and other appurtenances used while In oyerattou Also, a Wriction HOISTING Dlll3ll, With eluq, and reversing gear complete. Will.ralea et or dinary speed five tone, with single chain direct acting. Also, the CHAIN belonging thereto. AIM, one pair BLOWING CYLINDERS- Cylinder 30 inches diameter. 30 inches stoke. Horizontal, with cast iron bed plates, all properly connected, with about 175 feet 10-inch Blast Pipe, in 10 feet lengths. Tha Cylinders are modern in style, and substantially haat.' Also, two pairs 011IISITEBS, with gear heaiY, need for crushing area with Driving Gear, Shafts, Pul leys, Hangers, &c. Also, BRA 1 TINGc froray bathes ditto:tan dewy' to 2 inches, with Pedestals, Hungers, Wheels, bevel and, spar, Pulleys, tre. - ', Also. CORNISH PUMP; with necessary connection/4 Bod, Sheers, Chain and Bucket. Shellacs, Pniteya, Be, Barrel, Shaft, Pedestal, Wheel, AG. All the above having been used but a short time at the Chattem Coralt Mines, Middle Haddam, Conn. Persons desiring to examine them will nlerisit Gail on G1.013.Gt H. BISHOP, Middletown, Conn., near .the premises i er apply to C. H. SHINN.. ee6 ft . 222 WALNUT Street, gbileilelpbfa: c TO RENT=A three story Brick Dwelling, with all the modern conveniences. on the N. W. corner of VINTH and OATJZWfiE Sheets. Apply . et 1006 0.111t;ITIAN Strett. iie6-3t* ge TO B. tff T—House No. ITII Blrcete rooms, with modern convenience,. Rent low. Apply to W. G BEDFORD, 1913 OALTIOW BILL Meet. • 1166-B.* gm FOR SALE --DELAWARE ... 110 .00TIRTY FARM, 96 acres of Bret•rate lend. price only e 9140. Terms easy. Also, iinek ..connty Farm • good land; 98 acres; mar 2576 ter acre. Farm one mile &Mb Mod's; 98 acres belawsro connty $9.5 per acre. Farm, 89 scree, near Norristown, Montgomery county ;405 per acre. For forthr lartictilars,. apply to . E. PETTIT, e'B . ,.__ No. 309 yrAI6NUP Street. X350:--TO . RENT--=ftETSE No. 212.1" ATICIi . Stied ; has all the nEitilern Improve meats, and ti complete order. Apply to R543' w. sHastvrge, 4b Nontii FOUR ini Eltioet. FOR SALE.—The resi dence, 0111EBN Street. Pleasant • beatific. Immediate poseaseion. One balfean remain en mortgage. an26-mwagrat- TO MI SOLD—Large• Modern HOUSES- - o. 2825 GREEN Strost,.fonr-storled. 21 feet front; and t 7 Z-905 GREEN Street, them:4oldd, donblo front; both 001frIoni. BONSALL BROTH Ett; 116 North HI STlf' Street se6•lBitt RENT—FIo RENTTveo handsoniely..l*- -t. fibbed communicating CHAMBERS, saxmd story, With ftret-class ROAM:eta, in a private family &ma- Bon antral; reference required. Address gi ItoonsVf this °Him. se4-40t Ma A ST AND . D WELIAIIt*, Main a gocd neighborhood, 1030 VINE iiiireet, T4o' LET. Annly to an3o.l2t* ELI .DILLIN, 1218 Green street. HOUSE AND . FURNITURE —Rievisti.Brolnm Hisao Honso and - hand some Yornitufe' Walnut, shad, between../3eventeeao and Eighteenth Arcot& Apply to • su2B-1m FO • beautiful COT TAGE, and six. acres or Ground, in the interior al Pennsylvania, desirably situated And arranged for ea academy or flrst.chuts school, near a thriving vinage„ and in a healthy locution. Also a deairable DWELLING and Lot, In New Bloom Held, Perry county, Penna. Also, a large number of cottages, lots, and other pro. perties, for sale or enohange. B. R. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, ante and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREELN. TO LET—The eligible STORE d 432 011ZSTIiIIT Street, D9Xi to new poet office BamoviL The GUN and •VIEWING TACIELIC Store will be re moved to 916 OHNSTIMT Street, BEPTEIASER lat. inquire of PHILIP 'WILSON & 00., jy2B-tf TO LET— Dwelling No. 24 South Int SEVENTEENTH Street. Apply to W2THEBILL BUOTEtErt, No. 47 North SECOND Street. ith TO RENT-A THREE-STORY ML BRICK DWELL/NO, on PINE Street, seat Seventeenth, nerd. Ade. /Apply to V9I}THERILL / BROTHER, 47 sad 4`B North SECOOD Street FOR BALE OR TO LET—Bear n't Bowels, on the weetehle of BIiOAD Btrimt, below (301=171a avenue. Ap243 , at the soutb.weLet oorner NUMB end BANSOM Besoe,— 00225-Lt TO . RENT—A THREE-STORY mx BEIM DWELLIbIe. ) . on BADE Street; one door above Twelfth, north eds. Bent low to a good tenant APPLY to WRTEMBILL Ec Bli0T1=11; je]2 . 47 and a North SECOND Blroot. TO DISTILLERS. JR- The DISTILLEBT known es the "PIICENIX," - and formerly owned and occupied by Bildt/. SICUTIL, Pm., situated on TIVIONTY-THIRD, bttween MOIL: and FINK Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 busbekr , per day, is now offered -for eats on reasonable and accom modating terms. Lein goad- ranning order, and- bee all the modern improvements. An Artesian troll on the Pro -miees funuisbee an aofc.iling reapply of good, pare water. Address Z. LOCKE' ft, Co , .No. 1010 11/LBSEr 13Preet, Philadelphia. fe22-dt/ EMJURSIONS. EtJ _......r . CUR510N TO TLI . NVIO OITY.--MUNDY'S- rivals ANNUAL MOONLIGHT RXCUTISION. TO AMAN TIO CITY will take plea on SATURDAY EVRI4 IN% September 6. Lent boat leaves .1 7114E4street silent{ at 7.30 P: M. Mtn:ming, leavea Altantic Oity on bI.ORDAYr at. 4 A. M. Round- Trip Tickets, &O. (nice open at the , Yerry one hour before starting. .H. MUNDT. N. B.—Small partiee attached to machine sheath facto ries, and operatives- gazerally, are invited to loin the above, as they cur:mend ono day and two nights at tha sea•iide. with smallexpense and no loss of time. an3o.7t* WEST. CHEST= =WM) PRIELADZLPRIA. BAIL- ~~. . ,~ BOAD, VIA MZDZt. PLEASANT 4j CHEAP AFTERNOON- Aare CURSIONaO& , MAYDAYS AND PR1D4771, Through the finest Country and the most bosettital . Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FBIDAYB of each-week. sustifi further notice an Mxtra Train will leave Weet Chester CI OM P. M. RS Philadelphia. Passengers buodng Pamir/don Tickets can take edibles the 2 or 4.30 P: M. Train from 'Philadelphia, and the or 8.55 P. M. Toxin from West Chester. BOUND-TRW TICKETS FROM I'aIIsADBLPEILL to all Station's east of Weet Cheater, good. on any or BIS above Trains; cat or in, may be had on these day, OFF/rTi at EXCUBEtIQN 13.ATBS, good only on the days laiwat For fnrthen information. apply at-the Ticket OMee, the Depot, F. B. corner of 15IGHT.51BliTH and MAZ BET Streets. Mawr DrAatirr ft% LOCATIONO. 701 31711:11pi 80#114120. 01 TEM LINZ Or TIE BOAZ; le2l-tawfa tZ AO :4 Ati".:1110 • atini.O4EIDEN AND AX... .LtaiTlO Ai CHARGE .or HOVM34,-On and aka' MONDAY* Sept. Ist, 1802, . . • flail Train leaves Viwoefrect Foal - M 1 30 .&;:11L Raprese 66, 461'. M.' Accommodation tralyi,lor Alumna only s 4.4Q P. IC Returning, leaves AAntic—fdaiil, 4, p, ja, g ivrea , 6.05'A. K. Accommodation teases Abseccin.st 3 . 415 - A., ! E L Passengers for -I,png Branch, and intermediate eta, lions will take the 740 A.M. train. FARE fi1.60. Round-Trill Tickets. gpod. on Ir r for the Day and Train An! which leg are issued, 82 OD. Rs, cloak= Tickets , good for thr ee days, 113. Hotels era now open. an2B.tf 4OIIN G. BRYANT, Agent Minim ..-OFFICE OF THE ADAms .EXPkIiSS 430b1PANY. 320 (111g8TNUT•Fitreet, PstaaPA74%l-&, &Somber 46 -1862. NOTION. The ADAMS EXPIIKSS COMPANY still continua to forward all kind■ of Mereimadiee to CINCINNATI. 'Ohio. -J. BINGHAM, - se& It Sawrintenclont. KAMMNOTIOE-P. G. AND N. B. R. 400.--The Wier belickon Bridge being oonaeieted, the tram %Wm= re' vastly BB per dui° tabl H. e of Mai 26. tieS-St K. 67111TH, General Sap% cases assorted Li deaux, and , gattulle received per sidro Varela from Bor fer JAURICTO Bit • & L &V CRONE. ec4 24 di 2.04 South EraNIT direct. Q. H. NIIIRECEID, 203 South SIXTH Street. 432 OITICSTNIIT Street. MOONLIQUT=•RI• IBINDY WOOD, BaperinteruleaL