Fr . lk) S«m.,in b&tlMt to Castnar, SHckney A ,giou-. H -. r on , Hollingsworth. 1 day from Idttle W Bawley A 00. .l»m^ Il *^^ !o «irp, \iiaonil day from OJeas*, T>A, 1 day from Frederica, Dal, , . i, lif wia, $ 00. ■ , , brat, .i r uWU ao.:d, 2 days from Indian Bluer, sbr 1 11,8 l0 m ,U« l, tl«»ley A 00, »»■«. tali' Bran, hour* from Oape May, IH» fI Hr, t' <# itain. Aburo Cheater, aa«r hark. t^'Wru, and We« Wtod. Iron New YorK f fb’jaiis (More reported J coin! 8 op; U S ship M« u t““aV»<«*or Off Ll W-i ahlp Argo, for Li ii jll ‘" l anchor iff the Ledge Light, jOl, W” » OXjKABBD. if An#*' RiH.BBj, Duonolly/ Washington, Tenn Gas •If h 4 ’ ' ■ 'io. Baker, Hampton Boadf, Navy Agt. w VfJk m. K«t.n.djr, do > do' ,■ !f ? ? ° h Ti 6dO Z HIIJ| Cftp ,* n ' |,r fiico-'C It, Onsktn, do cfcr J * J ni-.liii, Townsend, do do. .elir Mnry * . fi|l Santera. Baltimore* U Jon6B. ichr u p vjiipa, aroitOi Fortresd Mouroe, Tjlor, tchf ” 1 r ,| HlM opd. Young, Danvernport, Oasfcner, *S» (hmbrtfpvaf, ■ «W B .i.flodtr«t Bussell, r-owtondon, do ,-lirsuP !l , ; rii-ton, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. lr S l Caw, n"r. Sa!Uu.ore, A Grov.s, Jr.- , ,1 ft t’-f PhlMelotta Exetinove.) (Coiresf 3111 lin bE33 MuNROB, Attgn t 27. i -, c ~it tti'diu propnt.r Naur [rousl'lea, ;0 Wf r -p , rr cr. < f ftiil Irma PbilodeloxU, ar. lulu t" 1 " 1 ' Jj rciPCnonD, la 2» bon--*Tn>m the Do st Inf l ' imring Hip p»s«»*« -he pncmotered we |, e mif s e«i notwlthattudlug whioa ahe Mrino* s, a t-rufr *«a boat. pxceedlng the meet n-it 114r, 'l Fr iniji-niS of Government orofeadoimt uen tpM mp ■ #li( , (jp, iuaoht«ory (htillt by M-sara. if» °" I. „ i,i tblß oH’ 1 worbetl with ttm praoHon \u» > k S, "; V an omojsß on boabjd. -liropouie'U r. memoranda. l p( )W ji t’nli. Ik.w«. from Hong Kong, at New JTY ITEMS. Messhs, BnOAinJBST & Co., Nos, 912 and " , ,[i( *lr> f', have just pub'lshed, at their Photo- Hue Cartes de Visile or Hoo, Judge . 'w, of Pittibnrg: Commodore McKean; Lieut, ""l Surr (who ion just bean released from toe Etteh ’fmijub); '!>" #»*• B A. Carden; Captain (lilliM, ' IbpOt Kev Blshoo Wood; Bar. William f w t- j' hi! Huati a noted - preacher in the Society of r *_ , 51 r Ufsiy, tbo artist, and the Union General -- . as jsd Cot'rEF,.—Mr.O .H.MaWson, doalet Ifd Fmilly Ofoceries, Arch: and Tenth street*, has ilwtly 01 banJ * supptjr of Imperial, Young Hyson, BC d all tin l)i jt Block Teas; alsa pure @ld ItniaMt Java Coffee; all at moderate prices. (iE pjuj-r By a G-enoral Order issued by War |)ep*rli!!t" l ! caterday, we learn that the draft , wn pwtpontd in,HI the 16th of So jtember. To the In-Ported this *ns, Indeed- good lt will give rai'aiill wore lime U> ferret out aome canae for placing 7 «n,nr3 Iho army of *' exempt*.” But so ” the \6’h comes unsure wilt tho draft; therefor®, ! advlfeoll pjt'iii'io and tend disposed cUizane to pro ire Ibflr niili'M> sarmente at once from tho Sfammoth etblog Honee of Sr»v,villa Slokof, No. 609 Chestnut reel, ivtiore (be cheapest army and navy uniforms in the OiU7 are mai.iifac'iired. 7 : 7 7iirgANTrqnrr of Astronowt.—The Chl |( roß *o cbar'fl of th« heavens which beat data 600 (!, The es'ninfers of liHbsbn were welLpoatod la l«riaoreiuei>ti Ire before that period: the ancient riiwiii the rtienloliine, the Chaldeans, and too xptloh* fffrs ** n ' acquainted 'with the go >graphy the hcavest i but none of these nations of antiquity Jsay coueer'iau tf the star suits, for gentlemen and eliii tin'll'a’ H» Drown htnne Clothing D ill of Bock ] 1 IVllion. Nos 603 ond 005 Chestnut street, above ;tli. The ancients were, doubtless, very pretty fellows Ibrir day, but the) did notquite know everything. TiieSoko of the Anti Renter.— . ist shall we dol' Pi**** to sleep— tall we live m cuvi s or in tents ? dollar It pocket bo mortal can keep, Iniess they will lower the rents, y, dam Me reo M—tes.anLtheppntS— the rents In our clothes as welll >0 can save your '■ postage stamp’;” dimes, and cento, I pen will heed [be advice we tell. Siokss’ ‘'ore price” tlielr garments are strong, Ever; bargain the j give contents; , 'ueelli the grand Continental all your olothes bay, tsd poo’ll oenr be troubled with rents. SPECIAL NOTICES. James 0. Keloh, Esq. —This gentle e i»a CtuidMuU' icx tb* position of OF IXEB. By sulci implication to of ccfsolarer of J 1 Alter* Trimralngs, 506 Market st.— lim unostentatiously woo his way to general esteem tosiiiena c’.rciea. He resides in Second ward, (old uiuork) aut was formerly a member of Oormnoo end) from that eecUon. He proved himself entirely wthyoftbftCoofiJonct reposed In Hoa. Hiin'Vin* wil before tbo NAHONAL (JMIOS OONVirmCW it mteiß to day, for the position of BEOEIVEB. OF iXES. f;h'>u ! d be receive the nomination, it would tmj gitiMiai*iaction to the public. He is a Hof bLiQipMMi Uo integrity, of exoeUent baslnew illbesi is tinfm-tiil* reapeoteu and honored ia ihe liness worW. S: *;h n manshouM .be nomiaaiod by arid acclaim. His r Tutbtion atone would be a tower hi ilu" contoet. The Delegates are re ctfclJy rHjmaied fu ihiuk before voting, aud gifo ui DfcEiJitl ie, J \MEB 0. KfflOOS. of the ttd Wald, and then we esn truly rally tor the Oon- Liiuu bed tko Uj ion, UmOJIf,. tern* Shapes. Uoids, Tassels, and Hi, skiMsjs sail retail, at PATTEN’S Now Suuio ,1101 CfcE ITS U.'Street. ... . It#' :HtiNG U-iis, hair and Husk Mai 4r.ii/ iho'his a, trials ami wdktninship,at IF. IJSY P ATT I, in' ,v West Bud tJpho]»t?ry Store, CBKBISOT srrnet. It# nOOSE Flu-,-, r r h urn ITU RE Gowers, Sul WBrnrnted to tit, at W. HENRY PATTES’3 Wsst Bad Sice, ;roS CUBSTNU P Street, It# ACE ANT) 511'y UN tJtTKTAINS, Gilt Ocr , Curtails BatriiF, Gi jpg, and Filogea, »t W, HBJf ‘ATTKN’3 West Bod Curtain aad Opholatery >,UOSOREtTNVr street. It*- 100 Pieces op Cotton DasU6K.— no/ Orlarne, Blue, Green, Drab, White, and bight h lot Ctituir., Liuinjs, Coverings, So., wnulesale Will, w. U. OAK BY li & BROTH BBS, IES-laihsSt Bionic Hall, 719 IHE3TBOT St. losQtriTO IVeis, all sizes and styles, Pi end good. W. H. CUtKYfc & BnOTUttlH, 16 hitMt 710 CHEStNUTSI , Masonic Hall. Flu noes, all widths. Bullion Worsted Pgfßi mat received, Orimaon, Bine, Green, Ac., for tains, Lounges, Chain, Draperlea, &o, ' , W. H O.vBBYL & 880., u2o.tuthtßt Ha-ontc. Hall, 719 OHE3TNO C St.' Curtain Materials, Furniture Go KINGS, B. It. OAR TRIMMINGS, Ao.—A fall fly Pluslica, Brocntellea, and French Satin De Lalnea, Baake, Heps, testings, Terrey, Turkey Red, Ac. Gilt nice, Tseeeh, Gimp, _Loopr,. Cords, Ac , to match, itlcsale end retail, 719 CHESTNUT Street, Masonic »2« tntb*3t W. H. OABBYL A 880. Grover & Baker’s New Shuttle WIND PBIOE, $40,: ' . Ita attention of tailors and other manufacturers ro deg the U;e of a fast and durablelock-stitch machine, tlrtcled to oor Ho. 9, This is a now and admirable rtine, opetattng alth the greatest ease, and with bnt k Miss, and, although but lately pot Into the market, ‘lisady a great far i-rite with mannractnrers. It ia a trto* machine, at a low price. machine evtr intrcdnced in this city has sold bo Mr, cr giyen snob ttniterial satisfaction. It la very fh to ils const] uctfon, easily learned, not liable to tat of order, work a ui It fine cotton, Bilk, or linen isl, ffjna'ly well ; and the low price at which It is sold M * It within tho reach of all who desire a reliable, riceable tnachioe. GROVER ft BAKER 8. M. 00., , 730 CHESTNUT Street. 0»K-PmoE CLOTHING, OS' THE LATEST lUa,madetn the Bow Maimer, expressly for RX- K* BALES. LOWEST Sellto* Prices marked In ta Hstmw. All Goods made to Order warranted •feoiorr, Oar isxis.Paio* Bts*ik is strictly ad «Sto, AU are thereby treated alike. JONJ3B ft 0(1., 604 MARKET Btreet. Batchelor’s Hair Dyr! SHI BUST IN THB WOULD. A. BATOfnsLOB’S celebrated Hair Dys , or BH9TT HAIB Instantly tarns a W Hack or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and bean- L** I ** all TiroggisU, &0. I'™ Genuine t» signed WELIiIAM A, BATOHB “iW fte four itdjj o/ eaoAboa. IAOTOBY, No. 81 BABOHAY Street, 'Zf 8 *««*»*» »»d 18 Bond llreet), 1 11 New York. a ' ABD Minting, Best and Cheapest 111 SunthFOTOTH Street, i uiT, AB raiSTlNf}, best and cheapest In the L' Sni >!)> wntmTH Street, c_ m ,„ lßT!tlir(} i heBt and cheapest In the City, at fourth Street. v..- j... lAri MiUSBIED. t.i b —On Thursday evening, 21st s ' m9s Pncs. Mr James Haddte.k to Miss l[|/S!l , ® !1 “y, at of Frinkford, Philadelphia. * t-b.o ’£~ S!J, ' T ' l ' -0° Thursday evening, am shs ? B .*? T L jsm,! * Piles, Hr. John Oharnleyto Miss eostt, both of Cedar Grove, Philadelphia, . - * : olem iv „ oubd. IctrenfL“? —Suddenly, on, the. 2Tth lost,, Emms ►ffisii i-, 8 2 m ' r 01 E'izabeth and the late Henshaff \,lr 34 year. . r; f f»l ®" a f'lsuds are attend her Wth w‘ k ,'l« i(nc ' of her grandfather, Mr, Geo, 'Hi,£*„' 2 ®> German street,' totmorrow - (Friday) : 6hM*v ® e!°ck. without further notice. #* *1 t 6 ;B»rn'~ tJn tha aBth lnit, i ttri *»»a Truman, N r ?l 6 i!T?' J a, , ,i tjlends of the family are jespeotfaUy I south t. funeral, from Uls late reiiddnoe, No lock, T,ath street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 nm? n a tl 'f 20lh <»*»•. T;, oldest son k* ralatii E j r ih ln , thB 28, *t fear °f hi* aga, lU4 to ft lends of the ramlly are respectfully isr, No V. 1 ® f™eral, from the reetdence of bl» steoh” on Blxth B* anpß' o , ll flteJßth, lnfant son of T B ™!’ 1 “ B *2 21 ntenths. •Me, lRe ? m ta i° * l *"'£?“* 9 resldeace.of his ll’det*. thli (Thursday) afternoon, u!?* n* y ® T9B,B #’ W* late residence" to Mends «ni II ’ 0 ™jDtown, George 8, Oralge. r “leetteod t,l.‘r^ ,l ® o, , thefa , m,, f are respectfully in °a ,ridw - * •■%»* la ° a * to “ th fast., Mr. Jamee W, H(» node relalfves and friends era respectfully iovit-d io ntt< ml his fnneral. from his Into residence, No. 8788 Be'ing street. West Philadelphia, to-day (Tnuradav), ei i’hih ngre»i©n»l District, will meet THIS (Thurs day) EVENING, ,\ugust23tb, at 8 o’clock, at tho AS-, SEHBLY BUILDINGS, S. W, corner of Tenth and Cberti.nt streets. Entrance on Tenth street James Gbegan, Lewis S. Hines, E B Uohb, John Law, job* Shaffer* JoAnift Sparing, O. H Kamhorger, Daniel Mahorn, .. GeOrpe Erkhart, Frank Sheets!, Daniel Banting, George Traroaii, Jr. John Atkfnaon, Walter Alltaon, CprusHonie, A. B. Johnson, It# fy-7=- OFFICE OF CITIZENS’ COMMITTEE Iks ON BOUNTY FUND, No. 505 CHESTNUT The Disbnraing Committee, to whom was referred the atibjectof (ifsis-tine recruiting stations for the old Phila delphia regiments in the field, recommend that the com mittee furnish each reerniting station with a Flag, and pat the expense of a Drummer and, Fifer for This week, wherever the same are desired by a Becrnldng Oil, or, and are NOT FURNISHED by the,United States Go vernment; Resolved. That John E. Addicka be appointed a com mittee to furnish each station with a Flag, and also to employ a Drummer and Flfer tor this week, where the game may be desired by the Recruiting Offlc -r. The Berrniiing Officers above rrfWred to will please meet the Committee DAILY, at the Board of Trade reams, 505 OEE3TWOT street, at 10 o’clook. Punctu ality is requested. ’ JOHN E. ADDIOKS, Committee. Pnii-AiaiipniA, Angnst 27, lSSii v an2B,3t IY"3=» FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL COrY LL3 A'EhTUtN of theN.eTlOb AL UNION PARTY a,.i he held THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock, at the Flail. THIRTEENTH and SPRING GARDEN. . It# rw-r=*NATIONAL ONION PAKTY-SEUONO LLS HEN A’J OKIAL UidTRiCT —The Oocve ition to la.uirnatn a Candidate far State Senator will meet THIS EVE aING, at tho house of H. J. WELSH, Northeast Cort er NINTH and BROWN, at 8 o’clock P. M, James Freeborn, Bright Sutton, Bernuel Danielß, Tiios. Clark, Tiros Colladay, Chaa. Taylor, Henry Clark, E. O. Holflich, Samuel L. Clements, A, Curry, 1 emu-1 renders, Crras. B Teece, Jos, Ribler, Chas. Gratia), ( rl ndo Welsh, Geo. Hensler, fit, Kis’erhock, Wm. Bayle, . harnnel Schneider, . David Kramer, J G. Rl.tenhouso, Jub. MaDowct. .'.lt# ry~P=* THE DELEGATES ELECTED TO lU the N a THIN a L UNION OOct VKNTION of the 'I ht>a Consreesional I islrict will meet at Military Hal!, THIRD, street, below Green, on THIS EVESIN J, Aueu-t 28,1862. at b o’clock. Sixteenth Ward—Abraham Rnth. Abrabanr slyers Kineftenth Ward—Btn.emin Urwiler, Henry Mjns. Twelfth Werd —Henry Seidell - Edward S. Campbell. SoTenteonth Ward—Henry A. Boons, Samuel Bingham. Eighteenth Ward—Geerge W. Bates, Francis Oloues. Thomas L Stafford Thirteenth Werd—Joseph Hnnple, A J. Keyser. V ry-T=. ATTENTION, FOURTH WARD Tne Uepieatntative Delrgates of the Tnici R l . pree.htatlve District of the. NATIONAL .UNION PARTY, sill meet at Gamphor’s Washington ..House, FI KTH .Street, below .SHIPPICN, THIS (Taarsdav) ILVIBPB, at 7)f o’clock, to attend to the duties of their t ffice. By onier of the li# DBLEG'TES UMJEGATeS EJECTED TO THE LkJ? Fll'Ta IiEGIBIiITIVa DIiTUW OOK \ is,‘JTIOIT aill meet THIS (THurwlaj) EVENING, at 8 o’clock, at John Patterson's , MINETBSi? EH and BOH t B Streets. Samnel Clements, G. Boraghy, Jacob Gocldr, -p=* NATIONAL UNIGltf PARTY -THE D«r)eg&t*B eJecied to the Sixth LegitfUtive District Vr.j, meet on THURSDAY {thlß evening), at the Hell of Baiiuony Engine Company, EIGHTH and ARCH Sts., at S o'clock. . •- B A. Pouhon, 6th div. 9th ward; Harrison Dixon, Ist div, 9tb wpid; A. D. D. Taylor, 2d div. 9th ward : John 'Writtu, 4tb div. 9tb ward; J. S.. lst pre. 6th wim ;0, Shtokei, stb dir, 6th ward; W. L Smith, 2d pro 6th waid; R. Paris, 3d pro. 6th ward; B. Worrell, Bth dir eth ward. It*. fY-==> THE REPRESENTATIVE CONVEN LLj, TION of the NATIONAL UNMN PABIT Uu- the SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE Did TRlOt will meet A h the house of Charlee Miller, SPRING GARDES aid LOBAIN Streets, THIS BVRN£SG ( August 23), at S o’clock. JOHN B.‘GERES, ) WILLIAM B WEBB, Delegates. GEORGSO. MILLER,) THE WARD CO UkS SEVENTH WARD day) EVENING, at 8 o’el< NINETEENTH and SOOTJ , William Donagfay, Samuel .Warntr, James Dougherty, »ntgs» EIGHTH IfARB.-T H £ J) E 1 E- IiJJ GATES elected to the Ward Convention will meet THIS (Thursday) EVENING at 8 o’clock, ai the Ball of the Schuylkill Hose Company. BvVID M. WOODWARD, FRANK 8. JOHNSON, ROBERT T. KBILER, HORATIO Sllti’PS, J,M. It; DEBURST, EDWARD REED It : WILLIAM SUMMERS. THE DELEGATES TO THK TIIIR (JJJ USINTH WARD CONTENTION will meet IMIS (THURSDAY) EYBNING, at 8 o’clock, to.nomi note Ward officers, at the hou»e of H. J, WELSH, North!ast Corner of NINTH and BROVIN. Oso. W. Heines, L. Maples. Joo. H. Ford Oriaotlo Welsh, ; B. Chancellor, - W. B. Piper, Philip i r razer, Wm. Boehm B. B Kline, Geo. 0. Brans. ll# «yr=. TWENTIETH WARD—THE (YARD !k5 DELEGATES of the NATIONAL UNION L‘ o tl rr Yof the Twentieth Ward will meet, THIS (Toura dey) EYE MING, at 8 o’clock, at the Hal! southwest cor ner of ELEVENTH and GIRARD avenue, to make nominations, for ward officers. rjrgs.. WARD DELEGATES TWENTY FOURTH WARD.—The Delegates elocted.tothe National Union Ward Association of the Twenty- fourth Ward will meet at the jOommlseioners’ Hall, corner of TBIh-TY.BE VENTH and MARKET htroots, THIS (Tharsday) EVENING, 28tb Inst., at 8 o’clock. By order of the Executive Committee. THEO. M, WILTBBBGKB, President. JONATHAN BONBALL, Secretary. It* rv-=. THE TENTH ANNUAL MEETING ILS of the AMERICAN PHABMAUEUTIOAL A - IsUUIATION will be held at the Hall of the Philadelphia College o! Pharmacy, FILBERT street, a novo Seventh, rn \ WEDNESDAY (afternoon), THUR3DAY, and FRIDAY of tho present week. Ali Druggists and Pbermocentlsts are invited to attend. au2L2s* ry-=» FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT.— ILj? Tho Delegates to the Convention of the NA ’JJONAL UNION party will meet on THURSDAY, ißtb Inst- at 3 o’olook, at the Hall, 8 W- corner of ELEVENTH street and GIRARD avenne, to nominate a rendldate for Senator. By erder-of a majority of the Delegates. au27 2t* NOT ICK— THE? PENNSYLVANIA UsJ FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY. Augbbt 21st, 1832. The annual meeting of the Stockholder!) of the Penn eylvanla Fire Insurnnce Company will be held at their office on MONDAY, the flrßt day of September next, at JO o clock, A M,, when an election will be held for nine 1 irf ctcre, to Berve for the ensuing year. r aciil bcl wm. G. CROWELL, Secretary, VFf icr. of the Harrisburg, LLJ POErdMOUTIJ, MOUNT JOY,, AND La.N, Us eTER RAILROAD COMPANY. —Philadelphia- A«misr2o, 1882. ' , meeting of the atookbolders of ibis Com pany will be held oil FBI.DAY, tha sth day of September next, ;at 11 o’clock, A.,H ~at No. 3 WILLING’S AL LEY. at which time an election will be held for Thirleen to serye for the ensuing yosr. •»u2l-12t* ' ' GEORGE TABER, Secretary. ■ nr=a. RECRUITS FOR PHlti ADEtPIII A [L3 BEGIMENTa IS THB Tttji DI3- BUSSING. AGENOYOY THE OITIZBSS’ BOUNTY FUND annonoca to all B«;rtoUng, Officers tor Phila delphia Regiments inihe Slid, that they elt,, B AIuY, between 9A. M. and 13 M., at tbrir Office,in front of the FAKMKRB AND MKOHANIOB BANE, and ara prepared to pay '' " *0 Premium to each Bearuit, and ■ - 960 Bonnty to each' Becrnit, npon compliance wits 'the fnrini they hayeadopted. Intormaiica in detatl given ou eppilcation. to the undersigned. Re-rulting Officers will please present their credentials tor, enlisting. MIOHAKIi W lUKKB, GEORGE WHICSKY, BINQIiETON A. HEROES. e«9-tiel John hullertoD, S. S. Omensn^tcer, J Lowrfe Bell, BobeTt McOawley, John 0. Martha, John Ackley, Wm. Osborne, 3-ewis Gordon, Simon Mudge, J as. S. Thom pson, Wm. S. Stokeley, Thomas Grant. H. Donasrhy, ! Thomas Henderson. 3fc* ■ >NVENTION OF THE will meet THH (Tfcurs took; at John Pattersons. H Streets. ' John Hahn. - Thomas H. Wllmn, Thomas Little. It* JAMES J. ALLTFON, BENJAMIN HARPER, ISAAC R. HARDER, CHARLES SIMS, A. J. LINDSAY, Delegates. Q-jp- A MEETING OF THE BAR WAS hpia in the Law Library yeßtorday at 12 M., on the oc- casion of the death of THOMAS MILLETTK, Esq. The meeting was called to order by John' A. Marshall, Ksq., arid, on his motion, Horatio Hubbell, Esq., was elected President, and John 6. Powell and Wm. V. Archer, Etas,, Secretaries. Hugh W. Toner, Esq., offerod the following resolu- tions which were seconded by Mr Marshs’!, 1. Resolved, That the bar of Philadelphia have learn ed with d, ep regret of the desease of their late feiiow mimbor THOMAS MILLKTTB, Etij. ' 2, That in tho death of THOMAS MILLETTE the Bar have lost one of the most industrlom and energetic men of business connected with them. One whose rare business taients and thorough knowledge of practice gave p> omise of great distinction, while his kind and amiable manners and upright conduct ondoerod him to all bis associates and friends. 8. That wo will attend his funeral and wear for him the customary badge of mourning. 4. That a committee of five bo appointed by the chair to convey to bis widow and bereaved parents aud family our condolence with them in their great affliction. The President presented the resolutions to the meeting and they were adopted unanimously and ordered to be published. JOHN A. MARSHALL and JOHN 0 BULLITT, Esqs., then addressed the meeting. HUGH W. TESER, JOHN 0. BULLITT, JOHN A. MARSHALL, S. T. YAN3ANT, and WM W. LED YARD, Esqs., were appointed by the president a committee to visit tho family of the decease! in accordance with the fourth resolution... The meeting then adjourned. Philadelphia, August 27, 1862. «<==» OUR COUNTRY 1 TO ARMS!!—THE 11. X COM MITTSIE appointed to race ve Subscriptions in aid of the CITIZENS’ UCUN TV FUND, for pro viding the proportion of Philadelphia’s quota of men to Increase the Arm? of the hepnblic, sit daily at INDEPENDENCE HALL, From 10 A; fiL to 2 P. M. By order of the Committee, jygft tdl THOMAg WEBSTER, Ohalrman. POLITICAL REOEIVJI'K op taxes, JAMES 0 KELCa, bSOOSD WaSD. TOR HECEIVEJft OP; TAXES, JL’ ADaM H. SHOEMAKER, . . ' OF SIXTEENTH WARD. Subject to thß nomination of the Notional Un'on Oon vention. *f . an2s-4t# T?OU CITY CONTEOLLteH, 1862, X: GBO. W, HUFTY, YOTTRr-BENTH WiBO EDUCATIONAL. gELECT SCHOOL FOR ROYS. NUMBEB OF PUPILS LIMITED TO 30 EDfTABD BOTH, A. M., Principal. Northeast Corner TENTH and OHE3TSUT Streets. Entrance on TEMTii Street. OPENS ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. Boys taught the Modern Languages, and prepared, for College and Business. . REFERENCE! D. B, Cummings, Esq , Pro* Bbt. P. Reilly, President of sidentef the Ciraid Bank, Kt. Mary’s College, Wil- Mfsprs B. &0. Ktliy, Kel- mingtoa. lvville. Bey. j, P. Dnnn. Messrs. Hay & MoDevitt. Henry T. Coleman, Esq. Mai It WUlcoi, Esq., Daniel Dougherty, Esq. ' J. HiUborn Jones, Esq. | p.rey La toehe, Esq., M. D. Circulars found at j oypolot’s Bookstore, Chestnut and Jm,iper; B) otbe-rhcuo ’» Circulating Library, Eiubth fc.t, hear Walnut, ana at the School, Northeast cor. TRSTii ftn.l CHKSTNUr. andSlOs* QCBOOL OF DESIGN FOR WO- K_s MEN, 1334 CHESTNUT Street.—Re-opens on MONDa Y, September Ist. Glusees fzr Drawiug, Patdi iiig, Gromefry, Perspeciive, Designins. Wood Easrra ving.-Landscape, the figure in oil. Termi: Educv ticnel and Professional Classes, Sl2: Claeses mOrayon and OH, $3O. au2B-6t T. W. BR itDWOOD, Principal. miiE MISSES. REED will reopen JL their ffchool on WON ’AY, September Ist, et residence, 1702 LOCUST Street. It* i p LE N W O 0 I) ACADE MY EUR VJT BOTS.—Xbe above insHtntion vriH reopen oa the 45th of 9ih mo. (September.) For particular*, apply to SAMUSIj AkSOP, Principal, Del. Water t. of Twelfth Rt ,re opfrtj£ on MONDAY, Bth, Iq no oiher ftchot lof onr country have .so great pains baea taken to provide everything requisite for, the complete and thorough education cf bojs aud young men ia all de partnientß of Itittrnißg.' EntraLceoQ Twelfth Rt. ; ou2B if I ENNIS, Principal. QCBOOL FOE I’OOiS# LiDIBB, O S. E. corner MARSHALL and SPRING G4.BDEST Etrenta. Butitfi reauniMl. SBPCiiMtiF.R Bi'a. E sou a h. supples, a. M., Principal. »»27-12t* mBE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH .* SCHOOL of ho snbscriber will reopen, at 1230 LOCUST Street, MONDAY, September S.h. ... ati27.l2t* TENTH: SEO riON.- -THe fccbboi, No, 3, for Boys, will be openeti on MON DAY, September let,- at their new Booms, corner of THIRTEENTH and RACK Streets. By order of the Bears o! Directors :J 8027-31# ■ CHARLES JEWELL, President. MARGARET ROBINSON will re open her SCHOOL BOR GIRLS, corner of ,BAOE and, FRANKLIN streets, on SECOND-DAY, 9mo 8, " au27-12i* TUTISB M. W- HOWKS’ YOUNG XVX LaDIIS’ BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 1525 CHESTNUT Street, wiil reopen on WEDNESDAY, 15th September. mriO-lm p ERMANTOWN INSTITUTE.— vDT The duties of thi» School will be resume&on-HON PAT* Sept l mbfcr Ist -1862. For further pariiculara. apply to • mH. MoFaODBK. Piiocipai, BesMence, South side of BITTENSODSE Street, fifth bouse west of GREEN. aa2l4f TEE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL wiil reopen at 1112 MARKET Street, on THURSDAY, 4th September. ‘ au26-lm* WM. S. COOLEY, A. H. rpHOS. BALDWIN’S ENGLISH and J- CLASSICAL SCHOOL for Boys, N. E. corner of BROAD and ABOfl streets* will reopen . September Ist. . . au26.ltn# PHOTOGRAPHS. TX7A.R PRICES.—Spit Ddi'd portraits VY -male at wor prices. REIHER’S life-size Photo- ’ graphs in oil colors* elaborately colored in artistic st?le, by artists cf ability. SECOND Street, above Green. H* ELOQUENT pp THEIR OWN WOBTH are ItEI&IEB’S Colored Photographs* executed by, the most c.-mpetent operators, and artistic cslly colored, only one dollar. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. v - Itf* GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would Invite attention to his ■ IMPROVE® CUT OP SHIRTS, Which he makes a speciality in hiß business. Also, oon *‘receiving HOYELTIEB FOB GKNTLEMEN’B WEAR. J. W. SOGTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STOBE, 1Y0.814 VBBSTIfUT STREET, Jn9-tf Four doors below the Continental. The patent automatic, or SELF-ACTING, NOISELE3S FAN AND'FLY BRUSH MAOBINES, patented July 30th, 1861, are now for the flrat time introduced to the public, and may be teen at the store of Measia Warner, Miekey, « Mer rill, manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers, &0., No. 118 Chestnut etreet, Philadelphia. The Fan is designed for the helpless invalid, sleeping child, and those who can appreciate relief from the heat of summer, without exertion. Price $7 50. The Fly Brush, or disperser, is intended for keeping flies away from eatables cn table,- and from paeiry and meats in the kitchen ; also from sleeping children, and those who, indulge in the afternoon nap. Price SS 60. Either machine wiil run about an honr without wind ing up; and with reasonable care, will last a life-time. Circnlars at the store. an2B-tf RIIMEB’S IVORYTYPES are witfe out a paraiieL Each picture ovid-itiCee the rare ahllltier- of the artlat. rßean’.ifnl and natal at coloring, and truthfulness porradeß the whole picture. SECOND Btreet, above Green. . . .. A..:.- . ;a|g. TO VOLUNTEERS. St abmywatches. ““ : We have just reccived-an assortment of Gold and Sil ver Watches, made expressly to onr order, and peon liarly adapted to those ln'tho Army, on account of- their extra strength and simplicity of construction, which’w« : will sell very low. LEWIS LADOMUB A CO., ac2l-Stif No. 802 OHK3TN 'JT Street. Eure bourbon whisky.—a small lot of “ Pure Old Bourbon, ’’ made by Ootone HouWaa Metcalfe, cow ColoheX-of Tth Kentucky Caval ry, and warranted Blade from beet onalitr Kentucky Corn and Rye, in the old-fashioned, copper distilled man ner, in store, and for sale by MILLER & BROTHER, au2s-6t* 244 North THIRD Street. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1862. £ VI9IH REGIMENT, I*. V; f 'OOL: HF. C. ELLNAKER. ' 0 SPECIAL AUTHORITY having been received from tlip atcretfiry ot War to master in recruits ua lilfOfs. -■ Apply at once, and DON’T WAIT TO:BB DRAFT SD. •; . 'i au27 2t au23-6fc* JU THE ROLLS OF HONOft. fit KOTICE TO VOLTJSTEEKS.—AII PdnnaylvanU VolanU-WB mustered into the service of the United States from the commencement of the war, are enti tled to have their names Inscribed on the ROLLS OF EObOB, to be deposited in INDEPENDENCE HALL. • The committee .to arrange the Bolts, preparatory to their engrossment in the parchment books, have pre parid tbo ntcepsary blankß for delivery to regimental officer*, ce plains of companies, imd officers recraitiug for old regimeDts now in the field, who are reqnested to have them filled, and returned to the committee as booh as; practicable, v ‘■ - The Rolls will.contain the name, age, birth-place, re sidence, ocenpatioi, and term of enlistment ofeveryoffi cer and private, with the letter of the company and number .of the.regCnent in-which hr enlists, A large cumber of the voluntera have families dependent upon them, to whom it njay be the duty of the public to ex tend such aid bt reaiter as circumstances require, la every case, therefore, where the soldier leaves a wife and children, or either, the fact .will, be noted, and the number, and sexes of bU children entered oq the 8011, together with the range of their ages. If a soldier dies, or is wounded in tbs service, or is honoiribJy qr otherwise discharged, the fact, as it may : b?i«fcfer appear from the official report, wilt be entered cn the Rolls opposite his canie. r * Tho RoHs are jiitendtd to present a faithful the career of every volunteer frcni Pennsylvania during his term ( i service; and it is hoped that regimental and Une officers will facilitate the object, aud that the name of do in an wbo srrvts hi* country in the present war will be omitted from its history.’ The blanks win be oelivered on application at the toome of the Board of Trude, No. 505 • Chestnut: street, on and after Thursday, the 28 h of August, 1862. GEAR BS GrSB<>N‘V l GEORGE WHITNEY, J Committee. J. BOSS .SNOWDEN, ) Philadelphia, August 26, 1862. -au26.tSel JBHE&LQTJ.&RTEBB lltjTfl BE HGXMEST P. V.. August. 25,3862 . - Jjr KOTIOB JS U2BEISV’ GIVES to »Hrecruit*now in Lbf) coi;ntr?, r*-cr!i’t(:-d in 001. DEErfAN’S B,‘gi n>ew, >0 reuair to Ptiiladatphia t-eforo the lit of 3EP TUMBEE, to be mustered into the service of the OoiteS States, in order to complete‘ the roll*;, that they ijiav be sent to Washington and the men receive their firet month’s pay. ... . ... ....... By order of ■ .; Col. J). HBENAN, Commanding. J. B. MILES, Ajt. This Kegiment to be attached to' Gen.' MIOHAEIi COBOO BAB’3 Brigade. . au2B 6t j BEEROITB FOK FH * LAB«ffi]> jarPBIA IiEGUIRSTS IN" AOTIVE SERVIOE It! \lf THE-FlELD,—Recruits wauttd for the Oui.Kcei mtmls from, PljFadelpbia—OAV ALJ&Y, AE CILLE RY, and INFANTRY. Bimuttes for all other re&ummta have c»a fcci. Th« following “ bounties 51 are now paid, cash io band.'befor© th© recruit leaves the city ' By the Governmeat—Bounty ~$25 aad a “ premium” for each recruit offering ...... 4 lh© Citizen Bounty Fund to each rt-.cruit...... 50 and an additionalpremium 15 of.-*.,, 6 ss6 Theß© liberal “bounties 11 and “premiums ll 'will beynid at oi6 WALNUT Street, J. GABBED, Lieutenant, en2B 3t* Mullen's Hotel. fEANKFORD. Ji COMPANY D, 1‘216t REGIMENT, n Cal. OB APM vr) BtIIULE—AH the Bountie*,- City., llf Regimtulal. Ac. Kf-nruiiini; htatioDS, 15-9 SOUTH 6t»eeti 4il South FIFTH street; Phi'.adelphia'Eunme Bouse, SEVEN!KENTH street, heow 'lheetuut. :: T. ELWOOD "ZELL, J.fG. ROSK NaAR T «N, OH AS. R. ktiing. au2B-Gt Eecruiliog Olfloera. It THE 121st REGIMENT OF' fl PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, COLONEL JJJ OH A: MAN HI DDLK—accop ed, by the State aa ihotitiPS,»bd time.for recruiting extruded. \- v ; Recruits wilbbo mustered lb and uniformed fttonoe, and eeht on the, to the heelthy Oamp at Edgewood, on the Chestnut HiU Bailrbad ; Pay and rations from day ol muster. Apply at any of the following S‘-Cruiiing Statu n». of . ... : ALIXANDES LAWBIE, Captain Co. B, No. 608 VISE Street. *' f JOHN IONGERIOH, No. ,43 North THIRD Street, Second. Lieutenant. ■ . ■' ETAVAItD GRATE, Jr., S B. corner of TENTH and THOMPSUN Streets. Second Lieutenant. , CB&S. F. mn.SE, N. W. corner FRANKLIN Square, Second Lieutenant; V : > • GEO, W XL. POWELL. N. B. corner TWELFTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Second Lieutenant. M, W. 0. BARCLA Y, 715 GIRARD Aveuue, Second LisuteiiNDt. .OHAS. E. ETTING, No. 1529 South Street; Second Lieut, nat.t, J. ALFRED FAY, Bruner’s Hotel, MAIN Street, Germantown. Second Lieutenant. , . .. will. SMITH OOP.ABC, Potutown, Montgomery, county. Second .ieuteuant.. v JOSH OA GaRSED, Second Lieutenant 00. K, MAIN Stieei, Frantlord JAMBS ASHWORTH, Captain Company I, Frank ford. ■ ■ . ■ ’ ' JIBN DTJRBOBROW, 229 North SECOND Street, Second Lieutenant^ j. ! FRANK STERLING. Captain Oompany'C, N. B. corner eIXIH and MINOR Streets, SAMUEL T. LLOYD, Captain Company B, 728 ZAFE Street. BAR3Y HEBTZLEB, liioutonant, 821 MARKET Street . SAMUEL 0. THOMAS, Sergeant Company’D, 431 CHESTNUT Street. T. E. ZELL, No 42 South FIFTH Street., JAMES MAGNER, Lieutenant, N. E corner SIXTH and AHA OB S'roeu. WM, W. DORR, Lieutenant. 336 North THIR TEENTH Street, and 406 WAE 8 U T Street. BaIBIScN -LAMBDIN, Bruner’s: Hotel, German town. '' au‘-7-4t THOMAS ST. HALL. Adjutant £ 9 180 IS OUNT y : ii Nl» AD V4N 0 E S ’ pay to Volunteers for the braveKWh'SetimentP. '■lit VVi. '‘ Curtin Light Guard,” 00l H: J. Staiorobk. FBBBMAN SCOTT, Recruiting Officer. " RACE Street, above Sixth. A au27-3i# j four days more for pi ll ffl INGupthießegimeiit.withantbe'hbuoty,£l62. This JJ[ will be the L AST 0 PPO RIUNIT? AFFORD® 0 to those who a ieh to voluriter. Company 0,119 th Re giment, Oel. 'F. 0. ELLMAKEB. , ' Capt. A. T. GOODMAN. Ist Lieut. Besj. Saylor. 2d Lieut. Fiu.vtc Lkogo. Beeruiiiiig Office, ;2o4 WALNUT Street. .au27-3t# C»pt. Thomas J; Yown, 95th Regiment. 202" Dock street. Lieut. Patrick Egan, 9oth 202 Dock street. Lieut. Philip Vorhees, 29fch Begiment. Cast. Joseph C. Hess, 65th Begiment, 333 Chestnut street. Lieut Bcnjaminß. Eyre, 71st Begiment, 620 Chestnut street Or to C. F. BUFF, ; Lieut. Colonel Third Cavalry, U. S Army, Superintendent Bocruiting Service, au2s-t3O ■ ; 1102 Girard street, Philada. Ng* RECRUITING OFFICE OF THE ANDEBSOII TROOP, Ground Floor of . - *v, the Pennsylvania Railroad Office, corner of THIBD Street and WILLING’S Alley. Oapt. WM J. PALMEU, Sergt: ALFRED VRZIN, an2B 6t* Private NOBMaN M. SMITH. 'SA ATTENTION! f 162 BO iJNTY. S§S% —The danger of-being drafted or consolidated • ri into another regiment avoided by joining the WASHISGTON SQUADRON OP. O AVAL BY now forming, by order of the Secretary of War, under the command of Major JAMES M. SOHOONMAKEB. • Apply »t 201 South Fourth Street. , , ; . i Tanner's Market. Market; above Eleventh. ; Fanurr’e Hay Market, B*venth and Oxford. Capt. J. W, BALL, Capt. H N. HARRISON, Lieut. CliPßn W. Mokbis, Lieut: Jacob J. Mobbis. an2s-6t BOTTJLEB. —Empty Porter an.d Ale BOTTLES bought hack of 821AECH Street. •U28.31* T. WAITES. CARPETS. AND OIL CLOTHS. Q.LEN EOHO MIL.L.S7 McGALLUM & 00, 509 CHESTNUTSTBBET, • (Opposite Independence Hall,) MANUFAOTUBEBS, IMFORTE RS, AND DB ILEBS O A RPETINGS OIL CLOTHS, &c. Have now oa hand an extensive slock of Carpetings, of our own and other makes, to which we call the attention of cash and short time buyejs. jy2B MILITARY OOOOS. GOODSI Ssy Blue Kersejs. Sij Blue Cassimeres, (for Officers’ Pams.) Dark Blue Uniform Cloths. Dark Blue Cap Cloths. Dark Blue Blouse Flannels. White Domet Flarnels. Twilled Gray Mixed FlaneJs. U. B. Regulation Blankets. 10* ounce and 12-ounce Standard TENT DUCK. In sioro and for sale by : SLADE, SMITH, & Go. NO :i9 LETITIA, AND 40 SOUTH FRONT STS.. au27—lm . ' PHILADELPHIA. GOODS. 100,000 YARDS LIGHT-BLUE KERSEYS, 27 AND 64 INCHES WIDE, FULL ARMY PATTERN, FOB SALE BY . JOSEPH LEA, au27 fit 12S and 130 CHESTNUT Street. JAVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITABY GOODS, OF EYBBY DESCRIPTION, fto22 Bt i ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rnENT BUTTONS AAD SUPS, U. 8. Pathras, for sale at J, P. BESD’S manufac tory, corner of THIRTEENTH and NOBLE ttreets, \BT)2I-3T*.3fc. RETAIL DR S' GOODS. BLANKETS! BLANKETS |f BLAN KETS! li—The subscribers have their usual as ecrimei.t of supuior American and English Blankets, in all the sizes manufactured lor Cribs,-Cradles, and Single and Double Bf-dsteftds. ar the lowest cash prices. ’ SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & au27o2t ; 1008 CHESTNUT Street SHIETINO .FLANNELS.— JJ Just .opeDoß, a few oaseia of French Shirting Flnn nela, in neat S'rinos, Checks, nnl Plaids, of desirable styles and qualities. _ ALSO—Grey, Scarlet, and Bine Flennsls. anl2 J." SHABPLESS BBO3HEBS. FA L L BE liAINESf ALL NEW PATIEBNS.—Hamilton De'Lathes. Pacific De Lames, . * Manchester DeLaines. EYP.E S LaSDEfiL, FOURTH and A BOH. TpNGLiSH FEINT?, FALL STYLES. XJ OponiDg of British Prints. 4-4 French etiles. EYRE & LANBBLIi, ' auB FOUBTfl.aud AROH. Linens, white goods, hosi a- BY, EMBBOIDERIRS.—Tho aubscribore, iu ad dition to the” Uoubh Famishing and Curtain Departments of the Dry Good EBusiness, give a pedal attention «o and have always on hand sfiesb slock of the beat Sheeting Linens, White .Goods, and' Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respectfully requested. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEB & ARBTSON, .aus.-18t ■_ ' ' • * 1008 CHESTNUT Street: ' The last chance fok bar^ GAINB. FURTHER REDUOT[ON IN PRICES. Wo are determined close out the balance of our Som mer Stock before the first of September.. in order to do ee we will offer ©ur entire,stock of . - ‘ FANCY SILKS! . DB3TR ABLE DBESS GOODS, LaoE .MAjiTLES AND POINTKS, BILK GOATS AND BAOQUE6, At lower prices than those of any other Retail House In the city. OUB BLAOK SILKS can’t be matched in priceß and Qiialities, as they were all bought before the last: rise, and we aro able to Beil them at our - OLDtLOW PRICES, One lot cheapest Black Figured Silks ever offered. Alcio, a good assortment of DOMBSTIO GOODS. f H. STEEL & SON, au4-tf No. 718 North TENTH St, above Coates. BAE GAINS IN DRY GOODS. The following lota will bo sold at ft groat sacrifice to close them cTit—viK: Two lets Black Silk and Wool Oballies at worth S7#'o. Five pieces Barege AnglAat 4c, worth 100. _ Five plecee pl&iD Barege»tt2){c. Also, a large lot of Shetland Shawls, at very low prices, splendid for travelling or at watorvng places. - At 1 JOBK H BTOKBSV V 702 ABO H Street. 3021 CHESTN VT STBS fir. “ OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO L681E3.” E.JML NEEDLES ; ' Has just opened BE W GOO I) as follows: Broad hem-stitched Hdkfs,,2,2Xand 3 inch hem; hem slitcbed Bdkfs. (all linen), 136., or SI 60 per doz.; new styles narrow vjil. edgings and headings; new styles pointe lace and ether collars and setts, ALL FOB BADE AT OLD PRICES. AH fancy madc-up goods, 'such as lace and other sefs, collars, sleeves, veils, hekfs.. &c. &c., will be closed our, FOP. THIS MONTH ONLY, prepara tory to laying in FaH Stock, . •• AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PKB CENT. ... « Remnants ”-;of'all kinds of Linens, Whitt Goods, Edgings* inserting!, ate. etutocl9 220 CHESTNUT Street. •^TELLIN g; COFFIN, & 00., ' NO. 220 CHESTNUT STREET, are prepare*! to CONTRACT F®R THE DELIVERY ........ op ■-'■<■■■■■■ ARMY WOOLEN AND COTTON GOODS . op ; STANDARD QUALITY. k ' an2T-3oi 25 000 yds * 12 oz * u - s - A. DUCKS 20,000 YABDS 10-ox. 0. S. A. DUCKS. IT,OOO % BGMET ABMY FLANNELS SO CASES ABMY STAND ABD COTTON ■ ,flannels. 150 B ALES ABMY STANDARD COTTON DRILLS. SEAMLESS'BAGS of the following broods; LEWISTON, «t A, 51 ANDBOSCOGGIN, «A|” CANADA, “A,” PBEMIUM, “A,” For Sale by DE . COURSE Y & HAMILTON, 237 CHESTNUT Street. au2l-thatufit* JJROWN DRILLS, '."■■OF-" STANDARD QUALITY, FOB SALE BY WELLING, OOFEIN..& Go. i,lfl-ftn2. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, , - & co„ IHPOETBBS AND JOBBERS OP -■ ■■■•/.• DEI&dODS, Nos. 239'and 241. F. TBTBD STREET, 'ABOVE . BACK, PHILADELPHIA, Have now open thtir tißtLftl - LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK a ' OF ' - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD 3, Among wl ioh will be found a more than usually at tiar.tive vsri6iy of ; LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ; Also, a fall assortment of . . MERBIMAOK AHD OOCHEOO PRINT 3, : ■■■- - 'and' PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. . D 3P 1 Cash buyers specially invited. eu2S>2m 1862. If A “ ■ 1862. JOHNES, BERRY; & Co., (Successors to Abbott, dohnes, & G 0.,) S2T MARKET, AND 524 COMMERCE STREETS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBEBS OF SILK '■■■■■•■ • AND ■■ FANCY DRY GOODS, Have now opened anentirely NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK; IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, a full assortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, SHAWLS, &c., Which they offer at the very Lowest Market Prices, and 'solicit the attention of the Trade. aul6-3in i- _ • YAED,GILLM°EE S & Go., ; Nos. 617 OHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets, : Have now open their FALL IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FIRM. To wMch the attention of the trade Is particularly In vited* LEGAL. MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEII, Judge of the District Court of ihe United/. States, In end for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the bigbest and beet for cash, at CALLOW*'- HILL- STBEET WHA BF, on MONDAY, September J6th, 18s2, at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner WINTER BBBUB. her tackle, apparel, and fnreltnre, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U .B.Marshal, Eastern District of Penn. Philadelphia, August 27,1862. au2B 6t fN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PATIOK KENNEDY, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that CATUAIUNB KEN NEDY, the,p!dow of the said decsdent, has filed.ln.the said Conrt her petition and appraisement for personal property and proceeds of,real estata of the said decedent to Ihe value ot 8300, under the Act of Assembly of April 14,1861, and the supplement thereto, and that the same will be approved by,the Court on FBID AY, September 5,1882, unless exceptions thereto are filed. : -t , • J. B. COLAHAN, anlS-iothlt# , Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT, FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PHEBE BANKS, deceased, And tow, July Sd, 1862, the Court grant rules on heirs and all parties interested to accept .or refuse the said estate at the valuation of the inquest, or to show cause why the same should not be 501 d.,,, And the Court further direct that notice of the said rules be givento CHABLE3 BaNKS, one of said beirß, by advertisements twice a wet £ for two weeks in. one dally newspaper In the city of Philadelphia, and twice in the Legal Intelligencer. WM. 0. STEVENSON, au26-tuth4t ! Clerk Orphans’. Court, TI/TARBHAL’B SALE.—By virtue of XVX a Writ ef Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Jndge of the District Courtof the United States, In and for the Eastern Distriot of Pennsylvania, lh Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Derbyshire’s Store, at No. 107 NOBTH WATEB-STBEET, on .WEDNES DAY, September 3,1882, at 10 o’clook A. M., the resi due ef the cargo of the steamer CUM BBIA, consisting of Hardware, Nails, Enfield Bides, Drugs, Medicines, Boots .and Shoes, Cartridges. Ao. Catalogues will be iteued one day prior today of sale. - .■>■■■ , WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal Eastern Distriot ofPenna. Fsn.4DSLrBIA, August 22,1862. . . ,an 22-« CANADA PEAf—5O bbla. Canada Peas, of very choice quality, for sale by ' BHODES A WILLIAMS, au2l 10? South WAXES Street AMOSKEAG, “ o,’* BENSALAER, “ A.” NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE PlNJEfet-I SOUTH IN SECESSION-TIME. BY BDMDNB EIRKB. 1 yol. 12mo. 310 pagetr* but tiuthful picture of the entire social syttcm of the South j describing ths do- mestic Wo of the rich planters, iho small planters, end tbe « white trash, 1 ’ and depicting actnal scenes on tbe large and small plantation?. Sbe following notice of l4 Among tbe Pines, s * is from ThePhilade Iphia Press, a paper whose critical opinions are regarded au high authority: ~u A./ 3r ®* Q a*kable book, in which the more striking pbaees ot fcknilli Oaroliim lile am literally photographed. The time of its incidents is the Ohriettnas of !860—ou the eve of iectßbion. . The leading characters are a death Carolina planter aud-hfe octoroon mistress, certain of his slaves, a villainous Yankee overseer; u small planter and bis wile, named‘BHrEies* who use their slaves well and Piofit by it j a superior negro, called dcipio. and one Ancy Johnson, a planter with- a heart io bia boaom, who arts n aofuliy in the: narrative and winds up* the story with a characteristic letter, to which ibere U ooiy the ol jection that it exhibits a good deal of the bad spelling- which has; spoiled our literature of late year a. Mr. Birke, author of ibis' bo k. has livsd loDg in the buuth ana dues not abuse jt,:but he exhibits life in South Carolina as he knew it, aud we , can believe, what we heard, that many of the characters h«re exhibited aie reuL—that some ol them still live.»«Among the Pines” baa been compared with ’*TJucle Tom’s OabiQ,” but is of a higher quality, because Mrs. dtowe’s ro mance is a iaocy eke'.ch—pfiwerfaiiy melo-draenitic, bat ifitprob.*blfc—whereas: Mr. Kirke writes from actual knowledge of the locality and hs people. The difference between tbe two stories is tdmply the difference between tiuth ecd fiction. Mr. Kirke’s *♦ Scipio” is a more ua. lural character than v Uncle Torn,'* who mmt have been very much of a bore in any boujvbald, with his wverdone nligious pretence. The pursuit of Moye after he mur dered Sam-—tbe negro’s funeral, with the black preacher’s sermon—the Beene at the railway atatioa where honest Andy Johnson first appsart—tbe incid* nts at the barbe cu&--aiid the bmiai ot Julio, the slave, are soenes in *« Among ite Pincft” which would* do credit to aov wnter, which Mr* mm %nl a toot even have Imagined, toy they are out ot the track of wotnatdy.faboy or expo rienc^.' IQ Sh9 r |?tlie book is instinct with life, quick with action, fuithfulxo character. Already, over 19,000 copic'B have been Bold, which is a great deal tor a book by a new author. . To meet iho large and increasing demand for this work, THE TPJBUjNK has assumed its publication, and has issued it, on the following terms Stogie copies, in cloth, 75 cents; in paper covers, 50 (Single copies sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of Twonty-fivo copies, paper covers.. each. One hundred copies, paper covers ..30c. each. Ono thousand copies, paper covers..2Bc. each. Oftßh on delivery. THE TRIBUNE, In order to place this hook in the hahds of every company tf soldiers in active service and of every rea der in the smaller country iowns , Tub Taintrwu will send 6 copies for $2, postpaid—§l,so if by express. 10 copies for 84, post-paid—S3 00 if by express. 21 copies for 88, postpaid—B6.oo if by express. an2Btte:&Wlt WAR TELEGRAM MARRING » » MAP OF VIRGINIA. SIZE 26 BY 2S. PRICE 25 CENTS. sold in allPerkcUcal and Book: Stores, also sent to any address od. receipt of price. For particulars see adver tisenunt in; Frank Leslie's Pictorial. L. PRANG A CO., Pubiiehera, 109 Washington street, Boston, Mats, * » , >»u23-lm ft rpHE DAILY REPUBLICAN” will iL be issued daily, until after the IOtH of October. It will te tditf d by gentlemen of undoubted ability, and’ will advocate a war policy of the most decided character, involving the entire removal of Slavery as the only means of establishing a lasting peace. It will sustain the entire “ Republican” Ticket, with AMOS BBIGG3, Baa., for Mayor, with all its energy. * Arrangements having been made for the publication of tv: enty-five thousand copies daily, for gratuitous dis tribmiin in the city dmin ?. the campaign, Advertisers will find the “ Republican” the beatmedium of reaching our. citizens, If properly sustained, the il Republican” will be made a peroianent and leading Journal.- Sabscripi'on* and ad vertiiementß rtc»-ivtd b? T. B. PUGH, > ;o. W. corner SIXTH and CUBdTHUT streets. ft«28..6t. ’ A NOTBER I MR RuYED WAR MAP.—A Map of the Middle and Southern States op&h a Jaigd scale, showing ail the. Railroads, Ac,, the Ba tle-fields, with the dates when fought, and other vafuableinforroation. Price &1. ; _ . Also, a :fmh supply of Blunt’s Map of Eastern Vir ginia, showing all the points of interest ; around Wash ington and Richmond \ also the localities mar the Bapi _dan, BappabaDbck, &c. Price 50 cents. For sale by WIBBIAM 8. & ALFRED MARWfEtTv au23 . 606 OBESTNUT Sireet, i WANTS. WANTED- AN ENTRY CLERK, in a firsf-clasß Jobbing (House. The beat recom mendations; will be required.> Address “Dry Goois,” office of The Press. . ' au‘2B- tf TYTANTED—A YouDg MaD, having a ■ ? V knowledge of the Eotail Hardware business. Address HARDWARE, at -Pre&B office, statiug refo rencee, age, of Dirtctore: 6027:2 -.'.'.ILEWIS T. BROOKE, Socrotary, a:n experienced travel. JwA.. LING SALES MAN,, wed acquainted with Penn sylvania oust) and short time buyers, would be willing to negotiate with a good responsible party" to sell by sample cloths, cassimeree, and men’s wear, or staple and fancy dry goods. ' Address PHILO, office of The Press, au26-3t* WANTED— A P ARTNER IN THE MO HOOQO MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, with a capital of five or eight thousand dollar*. The Money can be profitably invested, m the business has been established for; a!,number of years. Tbe factory now occupied, is complete, and every way suitable. For particulars, apply'at southeast corner of- CAN AL and FOURTH Streets, Sixteenth Ward: au26-st* ITAL UAB L E PATE STS' NOW V BEaDY-PaRTNER WANTED—Sure thing— OBEAF—AUdresB or call on“ Patentee,” LambertviUe, N. j:. au2l-7c* • 4j| Noyembtr lst to lillil May .Ist,, a Furnished House within fire minutes* walk of BHttiihouae Square. Rent not over one hundred dollars pey. month. Address “Box 19kV 3 FO. au2B-3t y g WAN TED—A LARGE B 0 U lE, isHii.f ! uit&b!e for aßoardingHouse. Address 4 * Tenant,” care of JOY, COE, & DO„ Philadelphia.. , au2S-3t m\ part of a furnished IM; HOUSE WANTED by a small family, in central location- Address Box 1395. Post Office. ," ftu2i-tf BOARDING. QEVBRAL ROOMS YAGAST AT kj No. 232 South FOURTH Street. . . an2S-6t CIRCUL ATING LIBRARY TXT BROTHERHEAB’S CIROU fV » DATING LIBRARY.—AH the NEW English ant! American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite, ratnre. Thin la the OH LY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arer.ol BEPJRINTED here. Terms 86 per year : 8 months 68; three months SI .60, or 8 cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jy7-2m* FINANCIAL. U. B. FIVE TWENTIES; 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER GENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOYEBN MENT APTEB FIYE YEABB. ] I un lLstrsoted by the fIEOBKTAfiT Ol 1 THE THKASTJBY to' receWe anbsoriptionß for Ihe aboYe LOAN AT FAB. THE INTEBEST TO OOMMHNOB FBOM DATE OF DEPOSIT, Thru avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from Slay last A foil supply ef these Bonds always on hand. JAY COOKE. BDBSOBIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. Jy29-tf JAMES H. WALTON, ■WALTON & YOST,; Tl BANKKBB, BBQKEBB, -ASD : . . OX NBBAI OOIiIiIOTOBB, Ho. 26 BoothTIIIBD Street, Philadelphia. BEFEBENOEB. „ . Jay Cooke & Co.» Hon. James Bollock, Janet, Sent, Santee, & Co., Hon. H. D. ’ Isberict, Black, * Co., Hon. A. H. Boeder, 0; MoKibbin & Son, Hon. 4-°* 1 E. P. Middleton &Bro„ Hon-.WarcenJ.Woodward. Hon. Wm.WlUnt, y.L. Bradford, Esq. : ao7-3m : ■?' • • -- - M SCHULTZ & CO. have lemoyod • to So. IS South THIBD Street, where they will attend to the purchase and tale of Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Gold and SHyer, Old Demand Hotet, and ,, anl-lm* rttiARST.— l72 oases St. Julian Me \J doe Claret ter aale by OHABMtB B. OABBTAIES, Ho. 12# ffilTO Street. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS* VOKK AUTUMN SAMUEL MoLIAN & Go* 39 AND 41 PARK. PLACE, Hava now open, and are by each Bteamcr receiving ad ditions of /. , , fanoy dress goods, BLACK AND WHITE FEINTS, BBOWN SHEETINGS, BLACK AND COI.OBED ALA AC AS, BLACK AND COLORED CO BURGS, BLACK AND COtOBSD;DE LAINES, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN GOODS, DKBKGKo. LAV ELLAS, PLAIQ AND FANCY LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, To an examination and vnrchaße of which they reepeot fully invite bus era. SAMUEL McLean & Co.. 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, aulB-32t* NEW YOBK. M BS - j ( >HN DREW’S ARCH -ixL street theatre. Acting and Stage Manager......W. fl. FREDERICKS. Bnßinr ss A pent ano Tri-anur-e ...TOS. D.MUHPHY. , NEW SEASON AND NEW POLICY. NEW FACES AND NEW FEi I'(/RES. A GBAND STOCK COMPANY 5 ' Of capable and reliable Artists, engaged regardless of , Durirg the fall and winter the choicest of the loading Stare Laving bten itenrid, will appear in rapid succes sion. FIBST NIGHT OF THE SEASON, SATGBDAY, August 30, 1862, Will be presented Bniwer’s Comedy of: • MOSEYS MONEY! .■ MONEY! NOTE THE DISTRIBUTION FlaraDcnglaß. Mrs. John Draw. 1 Lad) Freni M0;.'.......,.,......;..... Mrs. Jane Laws. 5 Georgenia Veßey, ..................MiasE. Price. • Alll> (1 Kvrli n .Barron Hill. . Sir John Ve5ey.................. ..Mr. Albert Branieyv Grates. ~ i .'Trank Drew, Lord Glounoffijsjjisj,tYauk Lawler. - Sir Fredei ich 810nnt..... .i / 1 ..., i...... <~ST r. Ringgold- Oapt. Dnilley 5m00th............ Mr. Craig. A NEW NATIONAL OVESi'UiIH, By 0. Dod worth and Orchestra. -To cor elude with A LOAN OF A LOVER. ' : Gertrude, with soDge "......Mrs. C. Hanrt. PeterSpybe.....Fraok Drew.' On Monday, first night of the charming aud accom plished American Comedian. : • > - mibs Maggie mitohill, Why will appear *in her world-renownod character of Fanchou.” • ' • Dress Circ1e....... . ........ .37* cents. PttTqnet..; .................... ... .60t I'bniily Uircle..., ......................,.25' « Private Boxes ............... ......... 85 abd,S3 eacßi Single BeHta i D Orchestra and Private 80xe5....75 cents. Box Offioe open frcn) lu A IT. l.> 3 P.M. : ' No t-xtra clwrgz fcr' secured seats. A NKGU-NCEMENT CARD—WAL .XI NOT-STBEET THBATBE. Sole 1eecee...,.,.,...., Mrs. M. A GAKP.E CT3O S. Stage aUnags-r Hr. j. p. PKIOH. . Opeiiii.3 Ni&bi of tbs Season of 1882 and 1863, . SATDKDAY EVENING, August 30, 1802. First bight of tbo eminent Artist,. ~MK. K. i. JOAViCHPOST, Who appears as Now-York. Pyihiap, (hla first appearance in this city). .E. L. Tilton. Tbe Company hai3 >eeu augmented by the engagement > of several fii st- class artists, while the old favorites have . all been i etainel The list, of Company, with names, in future advertisements. The prices remain the sarneaef heretofore. The alterations and decorations will add'to the beauty of the building and the comforts cf the audi ence, while the engagements with ST AR3 already com pleted cannot but meet w:th the support of ' _ TEE PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC. HSf See to* morrow** papers; * It ' JOHN T. DONNBLLT, Business Agent; T A DIES’ FAIR FOR THE BENE JLI FIT OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED SO&- DIEKS at tba Hell, uortbeaat corner of SPSiING GAB DEN and NINTH Streets, to be open all week front MONDAY, the 25th inst. The tickets arc placed at tha low price of 6 cents. Let the patriotic come forward and assißfc the noble defenders of our country’s flag in this their hour of suffering and distress, au23.6s* t Pennsylvania academy off THE FINE ARTS, . 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open airily (Sundays excepted),from 9 A. M. till B P. M. Admission 2S cents. Children half srioe. Shares of Stock, SSO. jy, Grocery fixtures, &e., of f nperior aufillty.Efor sale at Dasot, BIYENTH, above Thompson street. en2g-st*. ; : NATHAN W. ELLIS. fm .TO LET—& four-story - STORE " Siifl. and WaBBROOMS,; No. 236 CHURCH Alley, having side entrance, with hoisting machine and every convenience. . r . . It# TO-RENT—The FIRST FLOOR S 3, and BASEMENT, No. 21 STRAWBERRY Street. Bent $2OO. >' ■ x t * TO TRIMMING . MANUFACTU RERS-fob SALE, VERY CHEAP—Power Looms, Band Looms, Cord Wheels, Spooling Machines, Crimping Machines. Swivels, Spools, .and everything corrected with the manufacture of Tiiamiluga; 34 S >mh TBIfeD Street, (up stairs )' ao2T-2t# H HOUSE ANDFUBNITURE FOB Bpi. SALE —Elegant Brown Stone Houeo and hand some) Furniture,' Walnut street, between SeToateeath and Eighteenth etreets. . Apply to O. H. MHERHEID, 203 South SIXTH Street. a0261m . FOR SALE— The two three-story brick HOUSES, went side of BREAD Street, north of Arch, N 05.106 and 108, with the two dwellings in t'ns rear,--.!' ---v - Also, the three-story brick DWELLING, No, ! 811 CBOWN Street. ... Also, OOXTAGE and LOT, on east side of WILLI A St,* .or TBIBTY-NINTH Street, West.Phiiadelnhia, above Market street, with the modern Improvements . Apply to . ; B. A: BUTCHSLL, - sn2s 6t* - -134 South THIRD St.eet, Phil*. - m FOR SALE—A beautiful GOT alia. TAGE, and six acrea or Ground, in the interior ot Pennsylvania, desirably situated and arranged for an academy or fir;st*c?aas school, near a thriving village, and in a healthy location. \ Also, a desirabis DWELLING and Lot, in New Bloom field, Perry coebty, Penna. • Also, a large number of cottages, lota/and other pro* pertief, forAale oi* exchange. B. F. GLENN, 123 South PODBTH „ au!B and S.'W. cor. SEVENTEENTH.and GREEN. JK EOS SALE.—A desirable Farm^ “■“» containing 127 acres, two miles from Railroad Stsi- Boh, twenty miles from the city, in Montgomery connty. Also, a fine Barm, 74 acres, five minutes wait from Rail road Station, and near Steamboat Landing, 16 miles above the city. Also, a numbtr of. fine Fruit Farms, in the Stabs of Delaware and .Maryland, on the most ac commodating terms. Apply to . E. PETTIT,' a«l6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO LET—The eligible STOKE Kiland FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, next to new' post office. 1 REMOVAL. The GUN and FISHING TACKLE Store will be re moved to4lfi CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER Ist. Inquire of 'PHILIP WILSON & CO., jy2B-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street TO DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known as the “PUCENIX” and .formerly, owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Esq., aitnated on TWENTY-THIRD, bt tween BACH and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushel* per day, is now offered for sale oh reasonable and accom modating ieirus. Is in good ruaning order, and has aB the modem improvements. An Artesian well on the pro* raises furbishes an unfailing supply of good, pare water* Addreßß Z. LOOKK & Oo , No 1010 MAEKSI! Street, Philadelphia., f*22 fttf EXCURSION TO '—LONG IS BAN OH VIA GASI. MIN ASI) ATLANSIQ BAfLROAD. A Special Train will leave Vme-Bfcr<*et Ferry at 6.45 A M. for Long Branch, stopping at Haddonficld, White Horse and Long-a coming. Fare to Hong Branch and return, $2. . ■ Excursionists have the privilege of remaining at Long Branch until Monday afternoon. N B —On and after Monday next September ls% a regular train for Long Branch will leave Vine-8 *eet Ferry at 7.30 A. M., daily, Sunday excepted. auiS-3t JSSlUfann}'-'' CAMDEN AND AT DANTIO BAIL BO AD. CiIANUK OF HOCBS.—On and after MONDAY, Sept. lßt, 1862,. \ Mail Train leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 A. M. Express “ « ~« 345 P.M. Accommodation train, for Absecom only, 4.45 P. 51. Betorning, leaves Atlantic—Mail, A P. M.; Erproas, 6.05 A.M. ' Accommodation leaves, Absecom at 3 45 A. M. Passengers for Deng Branch and-Intermediate sta tions will tahe tbo 7.30 A. M. train. »028-3 t JOHN 6. BRYANT, Agent. NOTICE.—NORTH eSSsBIHBsSi PENNSYLVANIA BAID- BOAD. ' . ■ ■ BEMOYAD OF PASSSNGEE DEPOT from FRONT and WIDDOW Streets to THE NEW DEPOT, ■ THIBD BTBEET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET. On and after MONDAY; September let, 1562, the Pag* eeneer Trains on thiß road wiil leave THE NEW DiliP IT, TBIBD BTBEET, ABOVE THOMPSON STBEET. instead of FRONT and WILLO W Streets, as at present All Trains will stop at BEBKS StreeVas usual. White Oars of Third-Street Sine run directly to the new Depot. EHiIB GDABK, an2o-12t : , Agent. GBFICE of THE PHILADELPHIA and BEADING BAIDROAB COMPANY. , » iPHiLA»«i,pHia, June 28, 1881. The BATES or FREIGHT and TODDS on ANTHRA CITE OOAD trsnsported hy this Oompany will be as loi— OWB daring the month of AUGUST,-1862; THOHAB W. YOST. Port Oarhon. Mount Carbon Schoylklll. Haven........... Anburn.. Port Clinton... • On and after BEPTSMBEB RlBB2, the rates wfll tw si follows.: . • - Port Carbon. ®l's Mount Carbon. *•“ I S 3choylkfil Haven............ Jj® J-5? Port OUnton. 196 x ‘ w ° f Secrrtacy. T ADIE9 TAKE THEIR CHILDREN | JfftrHAlß-OOTTINGtoGUIKKDNST’S,FOURTH, and BRANCH. »uS7-tt« IMPORT. BRITISH HOODS. amusements. expense. PKIOES OF ADMISSION. DAMON. FOR SALE AND TO LET. EXCURSIONS. On SATURDAY, August 30th, 1862. Toßiohm’d. ToPhilada. *1.98 *1.68 1.97 1.87 1.90 1.80 1.80 150 1.75 1.4* To Biohm’d. ToPhSada.