Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. Philadelphia, July 4,1862. Businteß generally baa been depressed this week by the unfavorable news from the seat of war, and the trans actions in the produce markets been to a moderate extent only. Bark is less active, and prices are un changed. Breadstuff* are held with more firmness, but Without much doivg Caudles are steady. Coal is un- SotUed. Coffee, Siwar, and Molasses meet a fair inquiry. Cotton is scarce, and prices have advanced. Foreign fruit of all kinds ii scarce. Re change in Hemp or Hides. The Iron market is firm at the advance noted fast week. Lumber tain fair request for the season at rates. The market for Naval Stores Is quiet. Piaster is steady. Provisions are duU. Bke ii firmer. Bait.—Pricta are fitm. Tallow, Teas, and Tobacco re main as last quoted. Wool is beginning to come for* tvard more treaty, and ptioea are beittr. The Floor market is better this week, owing to the favorable advices from obioad, but there is not much ■Activity in tto 1 demand, and no material change to note In prices j about ?4,t.00 bois bave been t .keo, iu:atts tor •export, at s4.so®* 76 lor superfine*, SitJ7as for com mon extra and extra family $ ®s.&o tor good choice do, and s6©6 6Q per bbi for faucy Oraudi, as to •quality, including 6,000 bul« moatiy Western family, on trims kept private; the sale* to the trade nave been to a fair exteat, witbm tho some range of pricer. Bye Flour is ecitce, *ud gooii eelis at $8 26 per bbi. Corn Heal id also scarce; fijlibbis reim*, *old at $2.75, and 300 bbls Hratdj wine.ut a puce \Yb did not learn. WBBiT-.-r-l oe :-ffVri»KH bgbt, and there is more demand, rnto* s at the close being rath«r better: satos Xtoch about 80,00 b bus at 120® 125 c tor fair to prune 'WiisUrn ami I'ciinsilvaii'.* red, and 13v®l3bo tor white. •Rjp—oceipla are light; aud ,P«miMjivauia com m aids 87eudo uu.. Corn is in good demaiw, but the •receipts are light; satoa ot 20,000 bus yellow at 54dy at 40e and 37© 88c for BeUware, wnh iuoeerate sates of cue former. I'iUUVISI >N3.— ihe mark* t generally bus been quiet Dork is but. Little matured after ; 350 Obis western and •City muss solo a, sli©ll# per bbi. City mess beef sells fit $13©15, and wi-mem *usi2 cash. Itac.m-—:here isa fair demand ; lor plain and lauoy Hams, 40u «a*ks plain SoSdat6©Bc; canvassed du 8©9o; dates s^©6c, and •Shoulder* at &•*{ ©4#o, cash amt 3o d.njs, : Uieeit meats Arudull; bhleeoiSuu casks picked Hams ut •SlJod at sc; ana w o liters 3#©3# t c«»ha»d time. L«rd, the tecetptb aie light and me ®nie.i omrii reduced; eaies Of tes uno b*l» nt cash, and cotnmrn. at 7% ® ‘3KM 2Sok*g-'goott wettern told-at'9c, aud 200 pkgs -C.-untryat&#©7j*c. butter tneeis»fur demaud with Brit* et toiia packet atll®i2o. lb Eggs are worth end cbtHSO7®7J4uper: &. BUSTAii?*.—i'll© matkoi fjr Pjg'iriin continues Brea, aid htoktrs me not Kujri.ma tu ael «K p u:oe ■ BA.BK,—Those is very little Quercitron offering, and the demoni i« light; *4e« of let No. lat s33# & toa. Tannurs Bark is eresdy, and quutod ac for Chestnut, Spat-tab oak BKKSWaX is toaroi', and puiue yellow commandg 333 . . CANDLES. —There is very little doing; Sperm com mand 2Sr, 4 luootts; anded by dealers in cbnsequeuco Cf the Beading li&ilruad and ScnayikiUOanai huviug put Cp thdr rates of f«eigbi aun toll; wß'qu>xe Wutte Ash at 25®4 EO, and Be J i?4.5ua4,7d ton at It chm >nd. OOKFES.—Tho uihTket to qu.tt, firm, out the oem-uxd Xtoderak ; su es of 1,200 bags, inciudiue Bio, at, ldadlc, H'jguajia at ©m-, Java 25c, and friage at ibfc® on lime, - OUf'iON,— Tlieatcck in the handaof the doalova la Jlearly exbua>totl, and it is in steady demand at a turih.-r Ndvatce ot full 2c. Sales of 300 butos, mudil. at 3y®4t)o lb, cash, f< r low tn middling quslicy. DI'CJGS AND DVEa.—Thire is very little doing in ftny kind, atd are very light. • I’KATHKbs—Small sales of good Westorn ace mak- Sag at 88ffl42c lb. FlfeH—Tho oero md for Mackerel continues United; •Sales ol 260 bbi * now No. 3s, Irom tbe whurf, at ss.iO $ .X>bl, and 90t bbls JSoi 1 and 2ou pmato t'irms Che Storeqnotatlown aio $8 50 for No. i;soi>o for No 2, aud Sa 7506 tor new large.3i. Codfish are scarce, aud sell Ut #3 25 100 lbs. Pickled Herring aro ex*rumeto duU tit SI.SQOJ3but; 4.0i0 boxesroJklsoul at*ia are scarce. A eargu of Bauajia P.ne Apples sold Ht $7«»9 3P* 100. In Soimrsivs P’ruit there is jnoiedoin* ; >uttB of Dried Apph-s »f Sec tor i»ld, and for new Ptachts rauae from 4to 8c tor uu- Jmred qnariers and halves A »ew Greeu Apples have and i-oid atsl.6o®3 barre-. FBKJGHlS—Liverpool Freignts are steady at 2i 9d for flour; lOd tor graiu, and 26®28.< for heavy goods. The lost engagement to San Francisco was for coal, at $l4 ton. Th-re is no vessel ou the herttt tor London, «nd the rates aro nominal.. To tho West £.idios, three •charters.have been thadeat 40clor sugar, and s3*3 60 for molasses, for eign port charges paid. A bark was taken to Pernambuco at $1 out, and a br*g out aud Lack at a round sum; also, two veSAobi to New Orleans find return were t«k**n in the same way. The B .stoa jackets are geiting 26c for Sour; 6o for grain, and s®rc lor measurement-goods. Goal freights are unsettled and lower. ■ GINSENG is scarce, and crude is worth 58aG0c & Jb, •ubiic. , HK3IP Is very quiet, and no saleß are reported. HIDES atefinu, and the stock ligot; no salo3have Come under our notice. ‘ HOPS are held with more firmness; small aalos at 18® Soo lb tor that con Eas'wn and Yeat-rn. LUSIBKB ia in fair request for the seiwon, but with. Out f Bsential uhao£** in prices: sales of Velio * Bao B-iardg At $13®14, and « cargo Eastern Laths at $125 31. BJOLASSES is quiet, but firm; there to very tittle of fering; sales of Miba Muscovado at 27©29c, and clayed At 23025 c, 4 mnmh*. . NAVAL hTOltSd—Thera has been a firmer f eling in the market ge)>er»H? since our U*t notice:'b*Hi or Botin at®9,so® 10,60 V.bhl,; Pitch is steady at-$9.60,' and Tar a». 811 Spirits Turpentine is In steady de mand at SI 8701.40 gallon. OlL^.—Lins» ed U better, with further sales at 93»920 gallon. 'Lard Oil U neglected. Winter is nominal at ©O&ffic. For Ftfih Oils U a firm feeling aud-m »ro demand from ftore. The market is well supplied with Petroleum, end the article has advanced la2c. Sales of Crude at 10®10j$r,iM,c! refined as 20028 c. -• PLABTLB.— tiit-re is butllUle 'coining foYffnrd: sales Cf soft at S2-5U t<-n. BlCE.—Tbert i*‘little or no Carolina here \ sales of 3Eaßt India at sjs a-sj( c. cash. . SALT.—An invoice of Liverpool fine and ground, •Cm tmprismg 8,100 bags, sold on rerius kept private. BEBD 41 . —7 here is very little Cloveraeed coming in; Bales at s6«i 6,12# bus. Timothy is worth SI 75»2, and hut little here. Flaxseed ia much wanted at 10® 3.15 *r bus. BUG AB,—There U a moderate inquiry, both from tb • fmtroftnd the trade, and prices are well maintains! 5 Bales *f 700 bbds, mostly Cuba, at 7®80.00 time. SPIBITS.-—Br»i,dy and Gin are quiet but firm , N. E. Hum is better, and selling at 37«r38c Whi-ky meets u limited iDQm*y, snrt prices ar«, hardly.main'ftined ; sales of Ohio hbls at COc- Pennsylvania at 29c, 2oc, aad grudge at 28c gallon. TALLOW.-Small sales are making, at 9c cash for ©tty render*d, and for cu. try. ' TOBACCO.—There is very little manufactured bore, Ond prices are s*IU l eking up; small lots of Kentucky jLeaf have been received, hut the gal'-s are light. WOOL.—The reotpts of the new clip are increasing; there is a good infinity from the tnanufao p urerB a-id prices are wtll maintained, ranging at from4B®s2c *B* lb, Ike latter for fine Jleece. C J T ¥ IT EM S. A "Work of Humanity.— -If there is. any jHrofesrion which baa ever outrun, in its humaaltarlan jnltsion, Ute work 01. lie operatifig surgeon during tbesa times of death, audlJeatruetioa to life and is that •Of our Rented and distinguished townsman. Dr. B, Praai. Palmer, whose -genios has far years been sncosasfoUy employ'd in producing tha best substitutes, for natural legs and arms that the world has erer seen. Wa are happy to state in this connection that, with characteristic generosity, Dr. Palmer is now, and with continue in fu ture, to bestow the benefits of hi* great inventions upon those disabled iu tl e dtfenco of our country that may re* •Quine bis services, without any remuneration beyond the friere cost o: bis.limbs. He now occupies the position of burgeon Attlet to the Government lustimtlona, Wash ington, and to all the Medical Oollegea The surgeons of cor Army and Navy have actfed wise!? in adopting the «< palmer Limbs ** tu preference to any others, as for use their superiority ever the imitations ot the day has been triumphantly established on both aides of the Atlantic. A FINE CARTE :BE VI3ITE Of the Royal family of France (copied from a magnificent French en ! graving,) has just been published by Ontakuosi, at hie: Thotograpbic Galleries, Nos. 704 and 708 Arch street. Iho picture has peouliat attractions at ibis time, from its two youthful jor'raite of Iho two youog Princes of Louis Phlllippe’s family, who were, natil. Mmdav las!, In General Mo'leban's staff. The portraits, twe] re in number, wittj I.onis Phillippe in the centre of the group,. are all admirable likenesses, and the picture I upon the whole is a great success as* work of art. As an at 5, nipt at reproducing engravings In thopefftcart,?, for the album, wo have seen nothing to canal it. Another Great Improvement in Stoves.— A really gocd article is always bound to make its own reputation. Wo too this demonstrated In Mr, John S. Clark’s great ficenomtcat family .Cooking drove, the praise Of which is now ou the tongues of a thousand sensible housekeepers. Its Economical properties are really Wonderful. One lon of coal in six months, la doing the cooking for alarge family, is- tha outside of its fnel'con tramlng capacity, and as the price of coal is now advanc ing, this saving is an Important item. Lateiy.Mr, Ulark has added a great improvement to this celebrated stove; We allude to the Water Back attachment introduced in it, by which the stove serves the purpose, of heating wa ter for the Bath and culinary purposes, in abundance, Without an additional fit e. The atove, with this admira- Ible attachment, is now in use in a number of dwellings, Rnd supplies hot water to all parts of the house It may Bleo he seen in operation at Mr. Clark 1 ,: warerootns, Ho | Market street. Messrs. E. Ct. Whitman & Co., having I Supplied the patriotic public with their elegant explosives | for the Fourth, at their hew store, Chestnut. street, be-; I low Fonrth, next door to the Adams .Express butliing, are now gratifying their patrons with their choice sum- Dior confections. The great success of these gentlemen lis deserved. They manufacture the richest purest, and [ most beautiful confectionery made in this country,. aad I have tho sagacity to sell It at prices to suit everybody. I Bence their store and their goods are universal fayorlte3 I With young ana old. A Cool Suggestion.— Daring the boat of hummer, improper dress Is in no part of the human body more detrimental, to health than the head., An almyat omnipotent preventive of disease, in fact, at this season, Is found in keeping tho head cool. The selection of a hat, therefore, becomes a matter of sanitary importance, Warburton’s elegiipt summer hats, in every variety, at j 830 Chestnut street',meet tho philosophy; upon this point |e a nicety. His stock of Straw Hats Is uoriyalled. A Great Portable wLiatrr.—The great est—because tho most effective, convenient, economical, tmd safest— Portable Light now in use, and which phould bo adopted by-everybody, is ths celebrated IPif ters Lamps for burning kerosene oil, an absolxttlij non- I /expletive article, maDufacturett and sold, wholesale and tetall, by Messte. Witters * Co., at their “ bight Etu- Ijsorium,” Ho. 38 North Eighth etreet, corner of Hilbert. Mr. A. L. Vansant, the loading Oonfec liioner of this city, Is now displaying, at his store, Ninth [and Chestnut streets, among the deltoious edibles in bis lline, fine black Hamburg, Muscat, aud other varieties of [hot-homo giapea; also, new bo*-, house Peaches, and I luscious Bananas, and several choice new confections, Uxprossly adapted for the season. I Pure Liquors for Mebicinal Purposes.— Mr, 0. H. Mattson, dealer in floe family groceries. Arch »nd Tenth streets, in order to meet a public necessity, how keeps constantly on hand a supply ot genuine old [Brandies and Wines, of undoubted purity, and specially [adapted for medicinal purposes. Our fltst physicians do mot hesitate to recommend them to their patients as peHoWe for genuineness. I Goob News.— Telegraph operators,printers, Bind amiable fathers who read the newspapers aloud, will' to glad to learn that the nemo of the steamer (juu’y. i- Koalcos Is to lie changed to tbs Amend. , : Thoy wtl ha ■anally well pleused to learn that no.change will be mads Bn the musical name borne by the Brown Stone Clothing Htall of BockhlU A Wilson, Nos.' 803 'and 605 Chestnut ■treat, above Bixtit. This famous,:establiihm ont 0 nt is now ■ngsged in turning out elegant summer garmeute for ■entlemen and youths, , The Contested-Election Case—Thompson Y». Bwikq.—" .Tommy Twitcher” eworu.—l bo»rd at the tl Pig and Whistle,” in the Fourth ward : voted at tbe last election ; will ha twenty-one next Thanksgiving; was bom on the ship, in the forecastle ; remember it distinctly ; was there all of the time ; ** Ned Muggins was the inspector and guide; tobk me to all of the polls incur ward; didn’t vote but once at each poll; was sober till after ten o’closk In the morning; all of the boarders voted with me. . Cross* examined.—Yes, know who I voted for for sheriff; Ned told me ’twas General McClellan; kissed the book 5 it had on an American flag and a large bnilrtlng. Question by Counsel. « Were there any words on the book'!” , “ Ytß ; “ Vitvs of Chas. Stokes' one-price Clothing Store, under the Continental Hotels* The case wflj be reiumed to-morrow. Celebkation or the Fourth.— The 86th anniversary of our National Independence was very generally observed throughout the cily. The day was marled by military parades, reading of the Declaration of Independence, orations, firing of salutes, and a gtand dißpiayof firtworts. The celebration was such aa be comes a pescefnl, loyal, and quiet-loving people. All the different stores and places of business were closed. We might add that the Palatial Clothing-. Temple of Granville Stokes, at No. 609 Chestnut street, will bo open aynln to-day, as usual, when some of the finest summer garments in the eotmtry will be sold at sacri ficing prices. Beimhoid’s Universally Approted Re medt.— Compound Extract Buchu cures dlaoases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsy, weakness, ic. R»ad tbe advertisement, in another column. je2 b9l PHILADELPHIA BOA BD C‘F TBADI9. SAM. W. PE CODB*^Y,) J A MBS 0. EAN D, S CoHMITTBK OF 7ES MOHTX. J. B. LIPPINCOTT, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants* Exchange, Pteladelphi*, Ship Wni Cummings, Willar......Liverpool, soon Ship Frank Boolt, M0r5e......... Liverpool, soon B*rk “ bomaa Dallett, Di 11... ......Lagu »yra f soon Bnik L Johnson, Johnson.... .Capa of Good Hope, 80*>n Brig Mary B Thompson, Havener. „.i.. Barbados, soon MAHim INTELLIG-fiTtHB. PORT OF PHILAJ>ELPHIA t July 4, ISS2* -WB .4 BD—SUN SBTS...♦.***•*7 27 HIGH WATHB..B 26 ARRIVED. : Baik Lauretta, Wells, 18 days from Triaidad, Cuba, with molasses to S. Morris Wain k Go. Bark Mendi, Smith, 15 days from New Orleans, with snjittr nod niolaseea to captain. Brig Torrent, Gaul, 18 days from Trinidad de Cuba, with sugar to 8. Slorria Wain A'Co. ' Brig Calvert, Miller, from Port' of Spain, Juno 20th, with sugar and molasses to W. Cummings & Son. Left. bnrfci Sea Eagle, Howes, for Turks s*Und, brigs Isadora, He-»d, from Philadelphia, diachatgiog; Mathan, Mean*, do. do , and would load to return ; schr J. Morton, from Baltimore, discharging. June 20th, passed Sombrero at 4 P. M., saw Bbip Gao. Nowell, at anchor, and wished to be roporled, in company with schr Ame is Kelt?. June 29, lat. 83 24, long. 73 W., Bpoko schr Harper, from Bal timore. for Kingston, Ja. June 30, saw a berm brig steering 8. showing a signal, red at top and bottom and white ir the centre. Brig Wm. C. Clark, Crawford, 16 days from Cardenas, in ballast to J E. Bnzley &.00, Brig Ja'fia, Griffin, $ days from Bangor, 'with laths to G*skjll & Gnlvio. Brig Almore, Hoffera. 2 days from New York, ia bal last- to J. B. Bazloy A Co. . , Brig Mary E. Miliiken, Nordon, 13 days from Cien fnegog, with sugar and molasses, to Stewart, Carson & Co.' Schr Gun Bock, Parker, 16 days from Ponce, P. It. with sugar and molasses to'John Mason & Co, Schr Flora King, McFarland, 13 days from Areciboj P, Jt, wiih sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co. ; Schr E. G. Willard, Parson, 10 days from. Portlaad, with mdse ti> E. A. Soufler & Co. - . Schr Berjomin Sheppard, Blarsb, 3 days from Laurel, Bel., with lumber to J. W. Bacon. Str Wm. Kent, Brett, 6# boms from Capa May, with passengers to captain. . At Fourteen Foot - Bank, saw aa TJ. 8 steamer, bark rigged.; off the Lazaretto, bark Meudi, from Wew Orleans; brig Mary E. Miliiken, from Cienfuejkos and brig and a.topsail schooner, names not. ascertained. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Ohartimt pta. . HB Henry, Lonlsrille EL Sanderson, Cio, 0 filrsW O Hubbard, Chicago 0 A Nazro,Chicago P McO Morgan, Pittsburg B W Sanders, Miss G W Shaw, Ohio J Perrine, Ohio J G Batters, n, Hartford S L Hommedien & wf, O II Neal, Plttrimig P W Bice, Cleveland, O Dr J R Mitchell, Delaware T Bobinson, N York B D Robinson, N York W D Maxwell, Delaware T Hinds, Delaware J Reis, Tennessee BJB Y»jen & la, Indiana . Mrs S W Hassoltnan, Ind W B Periue, Baltimore O G Wilson, Baltimore O B Sbinn, Baltimore H Cannon, Baltimore J D P Zcilea, California A E Meraon, Boston W O Hubbard, Chicago D D Brainard, N York J M Blake. Bristol, B I . H W Archer & wf, Md J N Arnold & fa. Chicago G W Arnold, Chicago J M Freeman, New York Jag C Kennedy, New York Capt L Gardner, XT S A W Williamson, N J L F Whkney, Pottsrille . B F Weaver, PottsvUle T 'W YnTOlty, Pottsville O H Tyson, Pottsville J J Blodset, New York B T Gump, Ohio Mrs ft'A AUen .E T Paine A la, N Y AV B Thompson, TJ S N .ED Ruble, U3N - JJ Plain-New Jersey Peter Erben, New York J F Howe; Burlington MBKGHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. • J M Combs, Indiana C 0 Martin, Columbus P Johnuon & ia, Easton Mrs Sahoonovsr, Stroudsb’g F A Sarin, Bultiniore O Hubiahorst, Baltimore-— : - R H Develio, Boston— : -Sami Hiiwutcrtroscon Goo WalQ3. B.Pooblyu J DYincent, Brooklyn Jas Parker, Lelvißtown ~ Paml T Paisley, Pittsburg Jas D McKee, Pittsburg W H H Bntiedge, Piitab’g Theo A Walker, TJ S A G B AoglidnbßDgh, Harrisbg J W Weir, TJ 3 A - J C Whson, Kentucky F Braun, Pittsburg'’ Jfts MJU-tb. Yirgibia Thos Moore, Pi.'tslmrg W D Brr-wD. Easton . H B Ramsey, PhceaixvilJe H A Wade, Penna Van Bnr»>n Griffin. N J Ja-* Paul, Ohio Ohas Gill, N Jersey , L Q O Elmer, N Jersey JD Mimp; Kentucky W H Jacoby, Penna L G Backiy, Lancaster AHEBlCAN—Chestnut street, above,. Fifth Vro Dennison, Wash, D C H Howard, W Chester W O SU'im,'-fir Jersey A Ritter. Jr, Waan, D 0 Fl 3 o’eara Funnrftl fiom thereridenceof her husband, Bright’s •lai.e, Second street, below Buck road, this (Saturday) af ternoon, at 2 o’clock. • * J UDLEY.—On the ?d imtant, Hester Dudley, ia her 31st year. Funeral from the temdtnco of her father, Jas. Hazlett, west of Twentieth, above Market, this (Saturday) morn ing, at 10 o’clock, - . . # W YNBOn tbe letinßtant, Thomas Wynn, Sr., aged 75 j>ars Funeral from his lata residence, Qld Lancaster road, near tbe ■ sixth mile atone, Twenty-fourth ward* this (Saturday J ofterooot), at 2 o’clock. : v : TULY Ist—BESS ON & .SON’S O MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET.—Jufet received Bl»ck Double*width Mousreline de- Lainoe, 80c to $1.25. . ■ ’ Black Single-width Mouaseline de Lainea;3lKc to 500. Grenadine Veils. 75c. *. White Linfn Collars, 80. * .Black Alpacag, 20e to 37)^c. «* Lupin’s make,lB-lfc to 25c. . u Tumarribes. Lnpin’s make, Sl^c. White Burplic- Rnflhs of all kiuds. Large Crimp English Crapes and Veils. jyS-tf pfczs* ST. JUDE’S CHURCH, FKANKLfW U 3 STREET, ABOVE BRCWN—Rev. Mr LANG- DoN will officiate TO-MOBBOW AFTERNOON, at 4 o*< lock. It# */%£=» - CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR, WEST UJr pbiladblpb ia, Sunday evening, at 8 O’CLOCK.—A meeting in behalf of the New U. S. Hos pital, Forty-fourth and Spruce streets Addresses. are expected irom the Rev. Dr. NEWTON and others, and tbe collection will be for furnishing libraries of religious and useful books for that hospital, - It# RELIEF FOR THE SICK AMD Lks WOUNDED SOLDIERS —Beceut event* have so rapidly increased tbe necessity for active efforts in the sending relief to our suffering brethren in the army that every heart beats in answering sympathy.to the call for hrlp. A meeting to aid the movement wilt be held on BABBATH EVENING at the NINTH PREiBYTE RIAN CHURCH, SIXTEENTH and BANSOM. Addresses will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. WM. BLACKWOOD. D. D., Bev. Dr, BOMBEBGER, and Key. Dr. FISHER, end others. It* EDUCATIONAL LEVEES.—THE ll j new Grammar Bchool of the Fifteenth Sastion, corner of COATES »Td TWENTIETH Street*, will be open all day on FRIDAY and SATURDAY to visitors. In. tbo'eveeii-g, inttreeting exercises—Singing, Stereo scopic Views. Addresses, and other graceful attractions. Admittance 5 cents for children; 10 cents for adults, Procfetfs-to be expended itf aid of furnishing thebuildiog. ■ &*•** ' FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, liS: JAMES C. KELOH, - Of Second ward, subject to nomination of People’s Con venrion. * jy3-lm# rfs=* OFFICE OF THE AHEBICAN LIFE Lki? INSURANCE AtD TRUST COMPANY. PIIILADEUrniA. The Tmetefs have this day declared a Dividend of FOTTII PER CENT, upon tbo capiial stock, out of the profits of tbe laßt eil months, payable on cb mand, clear of S atetAX. JOHN S. WILSON, TBE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE U 3 BE \VER M EADOW RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY has THIS DAY declared a Semi-annual Dividend of THREE PEB CENT., parable to the Stock holdfra, nt tlie UompauT’a Office, No. 322 WALNUT Street, on and a’ter the lltb July. ’ L. CHAMBERLAIN, Treasurer. PItiLADELPHrA, July 1, 3882. jy2 66# OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, LLS POPTSHGUTB, MOUNT JOY, AND LAV- OaSTEB RAILROAD CO.—Puiladblujiia, Jn .e. 27, 18f>2.—-A semi-annual dividend of THREE .aNO A HALk PERCENT. 6u the capital stock ofrihis. Com pany will be paid to tha Stockholders o» their legal ro prf-pecrativfg n« and afmr tbolOfh day of July next. je2S.Bluth6t* GEORGE TABER, Treasurer. OFFICE UNION CANAL COMPANY, UJis PaiLADKi-PiirA, June 19.1862. >’ . In accordance with tbe provisione of the thinFlocciou of an Act oi entitled u afartber eupclemeat to tbo several seta theretofore passed relating totbeUo'on (Shoal CompanyVcf PennsTtvanin,” approved the 10th day of April, 3802, noiice is hereby given that an agreement has bren formed between the stockholders and the bond*; boldfcrs of the said Company on tbo 9th day of June, 1862. for tbo adjustment of tbe affairs of said Company, and such bo? dboldera as took ho part therein are called upon to express in writing thwir assent to the B*ma, or their dissent therefrom, within three months from the date .thereof. . , } • • —l3y_QtdeLGflfce-Roard of. Mj-nanrsi “ ; . JAMES:PAGE, President., O. Titowpsos, Secretary. - - :A book tor will bo found at the office of the OciDpaur.-'> , UT2O’"-miT> j irro. Boddhr-Wers call in a to rign will plfraßQ MCa PEOPLE'S STATE COSVKNTIim,... „ PEOPLR OF PENNSYLVANIA, who doalre porffially to unite in SUSTAINIHG THB NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION is Ita patriotic efforts to sopsresa a sooSonal and rjlholy roboUion agaiast ths UNITY ON THE BEFCBIIO, . . . and who demre to, anpnort, by every power of the,Qo rornment, onr hundred thousand heroic brethren in man, braving diseaee and the serita of the fleid to pteaerre the • Union of oar fathers, are requested to select the number of DSLBQATE3 Hionl to the Lsgislotive Sepresentation of the State, at such times and in such manner aa wlli beat respond to the spirit of this call, to moot in STATE OONTSHTIOH, On THURSDAY, the ITth day of July next, at U o’clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL . i.VD STJBVEYOB GESfEEAJ^ ttad to take Back measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country Chairman of the People’s State Committee. G»0. W. HAMMEBBLY. > JOHN M. SUItUVAH. ' myS-tf. MIIaIT ary notices. « VICTORY I VIGTOETI i—THE 116th BEGI&fENT, P. V. M., has been specially accepted bj the War Department for three years or during the war. Captains report immediately,. Bounty,: Bartons, Clothing, and Pay famished from date of enlistment. ... This is the only three-year "Regiment authorized by the Secretary of War froju Uus Slats, andaU patriots desirous of serving our common country mcmt now come forward. The Regiment will positively march on or be fore the Ist of September next, r , '■ ' ■ - D HDEH&-N, Colonel Commanding. A. MAZiSBBD, Adjutant. , . Per Gi H. BABWEDIi* Major. Headquarters, 624 MAR.SET Street, Philadelphia. je!3 tr ' ' A CABD TO TUB PUBLIC. cjonoress ' spiaika WATBB DEPOT, 79 OEDAB STREET, NEW T 0 BK An attempt has been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call ** Cohorbss Water ” from fountains, and at tbejprice of six (6) cents pbt glass. The wholesale, price of the genuine Congress Water, at Hew York, befog about 7# cents per glass, the imposi tion of pretending to sell at .retail at leas than coat, and \without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, hi apparent; but their probable coarse has been to empty one bottle of gennine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their-trash, and thereby christening its totai contents. We have never sold Congress Water In tonntaina, nor \n -vessels of any other description than ordinary* sized glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded* And any without CONGRESS 0. .& w. teri! on the cork is WATER. - • tains or bottles. OLABKE & WHITE,' Proprietors of Congress Spring. VKetherfrom form' The following gentlemen are supplied by ns regularly with genuine Congress 'Water, in bottleß, freall from tie Congress Spring: FBDD'K KBOWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. O. S. HTJBSEH. WlOObßstnntstreet. ; J. C. CTENPSNHT * 00- Ml Bprooe street THOB. J. HUbBAND, cor: Third and Sprnoe sts. B. J STEVENS & CO.i Continental Hotel. AMBROSE BMITH, Chestnnt street. OH AS. ELLIS & doz. Ladies* Mode Hoe© at 13. worth 25. i Aisbs-4m 47 South FOURTH Street FIRE W OKKS. TTURE CRACKERS.—SOO boxes Gold £ Chop Ho. 1 Fire Crackers. . Oranges and Lemons, in prime order, for sale by BHODES & WILLIAMS, >lB . No. 107 South W VTBB Street. For sale— FOUR HUNDRED DOZEN HALF BUSHEL STAVE PEACH BASKETS. Apply to O. W. COPELAND, JiA.St No, 122 BBQ AD WAY. New York. TVORITIPE3 —REIMBR’S elabo- I rately colored and carefully 'finished pictures jof this class ere conceded by all competent judges to ba.wltbont ,qua). Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. : It* TN GOT COPPER—FROM THE _L AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY, of Into Saccrior, for sale in lota to.eait parohaaf n. at GEO. F. WOURATH'S. 415 AEG a Strsot. ielS-wsSm# Saturday, july .s, m gTATBMENT OF THE « CONTINENTAL” INSUBANOE In compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. Capital Stock, all paid in Cash..*****.ssoo,ooo AS SETS. : Bealßßtatehellby tbo Company.... $59,7C8 49 Gosh In bands.,...*.. ......... 2,791 48 Cash in Ft, Nicholas 8ank....... 45,129 92 Loans secured.by bondsand mortgages...... 687,390 00 Ftockowned by the C0mpany............... 99,050 00 Stock held by the Company as collateral se curity for loans 116,953 00 Interest on inyestments made by tfea Com pany, due and unpaid.......... Premiums due and unpaid. Bents accrued and unpaid, Claims for losses winch are In salt or contest ed by the C0mpany........ Loss** reported to t\ e Company: and not acted ’ uwn;...... 11)4:14 75 Dividends declared to Stockholders during , the year, i . /Dividendsdeclar'd due and unpaid.......... Dividends on scripisauort to policy holders de clared and remaining unpaid............., All other claims agaiust the Company, con tested or otherwise........ Gael* premiums received, after deducting re turn premiums...... Cash premiums earned, exceed,.,. Interest money received from investments by ibe Company, ( EXPENDITURES. Losses paid during the year............... ..$108,610 69 lWb paid during the year, which accrued . prior to the year..... , losses estimated informer statement which Were paid during the year...... Dividends paid tfaricg the year... Goaimissions paid on premiums daring the ' ;:’:year.. Taxes paid by the C0mpany,.,............ All other expenses and expenditures of the Company, 'PHILADELPHIA. BOA.BD OF BEFERESTCE. Btiisrt & Brother, I Jay riooke & .Co, Jotm B. Myers & Co., Campbell & Oo.» Jansen, Kent, Santee, & Co. Davis .<% Birney, Bit gel, Baird, & Go., Wot. Taylor & 00., Janet Graham &. Co ~.. Wattle, Bro'her, & 00., . & Collins, Wright, Smith, & Pearsall, Alired Jeu*B & Son, Charles P. Bayard. Esq, gTASEMEKT-'-OF THE “ NIAGARA” FIRE INSURANCE Capital Stock,, . Cask in St. Nicholas 8ank............. ......$12,333 95 Caab in bands of A gents and in course of trans- * mis ion . ....................7,952 26 Loans secured by Bonds and Moitgagea .216,550 00 Slocks OTvned by tbe Company {market value) 34,837 50 , Stocks held by tbe Company as collateral se curity forloaßs, Intfrestuacciued but not yet duo on Stocks and Loans.. Premiums due and ; unpaid................ : Other securities belonging to-tbe Company..... IpUHretfr by the Com -:T'-Rnrj mpoid. M o oo Claims for losses which are in suit or oontest- / -"ed by the C0mpany................ $B,OOO 00 Lobmh paid during the year........;,..,,.., 37.100 40 Unsettled-1055e5;.*.15,824 27. Dosees contested during the year.... 1,600 00 . . CarinJremftima received.» ............ Interest moneyreceived from ibe investments o the Company. oi ies daring Ibe year. cstea paid daring: the year, vrbich accrued j> ior to the year,'and estimated in former Btitemont... lehrn premiums....* >jvjjende paid during the year. Hudends declared due and unpaid... ..,.*,, senses, including commissions , and fees mid :to Agents and Officers or the Com- pany........ .......... ....... 'Aes paid by the Company.**., mer expen5e5................. Will JAM GETTY; ! : A»EST, ! iniLADEIiPTIIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Biuart & Brother, Jay Cooke (jiibnß. Slyer* Sc Co., . A Campbell * C 0.,. /Jam s, Kent. Santee. & Co. Davis * Birney, Bjeffi,Baird, & 00., W«. Taylor & Co., . Jiuys Graham A.Co., Man*©; Brother, & Co * & Collins, Wright* f’mitb, & Pearsall, Jffitd J**nfcs ASon, Charles P. Bayard* Esq. |jATEMENT OF THE ARCTIC” FIR!! INSURANCE COMPANY [ pital Stock. ASSETS. l hold by the Company..... Jsh on band........................ shinSfc. Nicholas 8ank............ nonnt of Unpaid Premiums, teh in bands of Agents and in course of umeiDießioo.. . Loans secured by Bauds and Mortgages... Amount dne Company on which Judgments . hive been obtained.,.... UniedStates 5t0ck5,..*...... StotVsheJd by the Company as <*>- . „„„ _ \ -unity-for L0an5......—~~.. —**—***•• .JJ 'freiniom Notes due and unpaid..•••«.....• ► 1.041 57 remiom Notes not due.... * * • • * • •. ; iterest on Investmentsdns and unpaid...... 500 00 rteresfc onrlnTesttdenta accruedbutnofc due. 6»1&7 8S aide of all other' property belonging to the Company jr>BTSf H. STOKES. 1 .LIABILITIES- Bases due and unpaid.-*. .................. . - '.Aount of Claims rbr Bosses contested by the ; C0mpany.............• • • * a ' soo 00 rates during the year which hare been paid. 33,361 30 Bases during the year which have not Jwen lettletl. ißses faring the year not acted upon.,.*. Otli premiums receives piminm Notes taken by the Company pimlume earned.................... xieet received from Tnveetmentß of the ' ifamS Keirn premium, whether paid or unpaid Ei CPB6B paid during the year, including tunmistions and Fees paid to the Agents e d Officer! of the Company. - Ta: e b paid by the Company : *e undersigned haying been appointed Agent and at-, toriey of the above-named Companies has obtained n cei :es from the Auditor General and is now ' BueJPoiioicß to his many friends in tins oil? at moderate rat aof premium. -i ; jetf&sSt PBIX'ABEtPBIA. BOARD OP BBFBRtINOR. Btuart & Brother, IJ ay Ooota * Co., John B. Myers & Co.» A. Campbell & 00 * Junes, Kent, Sontee, * 00. Davis * ® irn !; Bieeelvßaird, & Co, jSa Graham & Co., ‘“ a ? , Jv ß a r “»K r, /p«araal McCutcfceoß <& Collins, : Wtlglit,,Bin|th,d^F«araai MM JoX &'f on, -fOharlcsP. Bayard, Kw. INSURANCE COMPANIES. COMPANY OF NEW TOEK, LIABILITIES, 70.000 00 - 899 00 INCOME. 66.627 55 WILLIAM GETTY, agent, So. 425 CEE3TNUT STREET, Piiii.ADEr.pnii, Pa, COMPANY OF NEW YOKK. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. INCOME. EXPENDITURES. No. 42-5 CHESTNUT STBEKT, Pmi.isßi.rmA., Pi. OF- NEW YORK. INCOME. EXPENDITURES. .oUs paid during tie year................ $48,14? 26 .ojes paid during the year which accrued jjior to the year....................... • ■ Ln|unt paid and owing for re-lnßnrance pro- WILLIAM GIETTY, .AGENT, NO. 425 CHESTNUT STBEKT, Q.IRARD EIRE AN D MARINI OFFICE 418 WALNUT BIBBEI, PHILADELPHIA This company contones to taka risks on the safer elM»ea of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon irresponsibility, and ablli-’ i y to pay tosses promptly. Its disbursements for Um benefit of tire public, during the last nine years, exceed 1500,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the fntnra. DIRECTORS. OHAS.I. DUPONT, JEBBT WALKEB, JOHN W.CLAGHOBH, JOHN THOBNLEY, O. 9. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HAST, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER 8. HOE, otN. 1 m M. SWAIN, FUBMAN SHEPPABD JOSEPH ELAPP, It'D. N.B. LAWRENCE, TO. 0. BUDMAN, JOHN BUPPLBB. . THOMAS OBAVEN, Preeddenh A. B. GILLETT, Vice President. JAB.B. ALVOBD, Secretary. . apM-tt 23 272 17 Fame iNSUEAii No. m CHESTNUT S FIRB AND INLA, DIBEC ........ 6,851 87 ......... 468 33 F. N. Buck, E. D. Woodrhff, Ohae. Bichardson, John Eessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. 8. Jnetice, Alex, Wbilidtn, ' Washington Jones, Geo. A. Weßt, Ohae. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Everman. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. OHABLES BfCHABDSON, Vice President WILLIAMS I. BLANOHABP, Secretary. [mhlB-lf t $2,700 00 riOMMONWIALTJ \J BANOS COMPANY, PSNNBYIiYANIA, DIB2CT0B& David Jayno, M. P-, • Charles H. Roger*, John ML WMtali, ioiin K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S< Stewart, ' William Strother®, Senry Isewia, Jr,._ Elijah Jnhea, DAVID JAYPIB, M D. s President. ' - ; JOHN M. WHITAZIII, Vice Freafcteit SAHTJEXi S, MOON, Secretary. . Office, Commonwealth. pnJldbg, <513 OHEBTHUS Utrppt. Philadelphia. , *e4-f? *f ... , 7,IST OB .$276,840 40 . 250,000 00 TB FAR MERIT MAKES THEM PO PULAR—REt&LRK’S llfe- size oil-colored Photo graphs, are tlegant and striking likenesses. Go to SE COND Btreot*abcve Green,' and secure one at; war prices. it* 21,215 31 WORTH MAKES THE: MAN.— » t Xt'fc the same in a picture. RTS colored Photographs for" 81 are w.ortb the price, worth every thing aa a Jifeorjess, and worth every thing to ltd possessor. Gallery* SECOND Street, above Green. It# ..... 24,663 31 79,307 04 ♦ ... 18,480 40 12,108 72 : A BRUMS FOR WAR VIE WB.~ jIJL These Albums are prepared expressly for the Card Photograph Mowb of the "War, Groups of Statuary* Land scapes. copies of Fine Paintings, _&c M and are the only Albums suited to t-bis class of Photographs. ..... 31,343 78 No. 50. Imt.mor., gilt edg, and clasp* for 20 Port’s, $2 50 51. « “ “ - 30 d* 300 62. “ “ “ 40 « S 50 63. <* “ . 50 « 4 00 64 Tur’y mor., “ two clasps, . 20' <' 375 65. » « >< 30 a 400 56. *♦ «' “ 40 “ 4 50 V 67. « « 50 « 600 58. « ; t. **■ pan rides, 20 5 25 50. « “ ««-■•*-. 30 ti g go . 60. “ 40 “ . 576 61. “ “ « « 50 “ 6 00 62. Velvet, gilt moun’g il . 20 “ 5 75 63. <« “ “ 30 - « 6 00 64. « “ « 40 « 6 25 65. « , “ . •'/'•«» . 50 '« 675 66. Turkey* gilt edge, < { oblo’g 4to, 60 t{ -7.00 67. « « . 80 u- 760 68. “ « “ 100 *« 8 00 60. « • v: « pan. wig.* 60 « 875 *• 70. « • “ tt go « 925 71. “ <* « 100 « fl 75 QUARTO ALBUMS. Imitation Morocco* . ' . . for 200 Portraits §7 50 Turkey Antique, , 200 “ 860 “ “ two clasps, ‘ 200 *i 12 50 « « “ pan sides-200 “ . 16 50 New Styles and Upsigns are constantly introduced. Every Album is furnished with a Title Page and Index* printed in Gold. Complete Catalogues of Card Portraits and Photo graph Albums may be obtained gratis. . Published by ‘ ,V ALFRED MABTIEN, jf-26 No, 600 CHESTNUT Street, Pailadelpkia. $300,00* JpLACfrSI FJLAGhri! BANNERS AND STREAMERS • %m oo SASHES, SWORDS, SWORD-BELTS. MEXICAN AND FANCY SPURS, EQUIPMENTS OB’" ALL KINDS. $82,399 09 . 18,744 22- ....... 343,660 49 JAY COOKE & CO, ... . 6,560 05 6,933 m 40,000 00 100-00 ........ 22,852 89 ....... 4,793 44 ........ 5,399 31 NEW “5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, as Subscription Agent for the Go* vernme&t, is prepared to deliver saw SIX PEE CENT UNITED STATE 3 LOAN, Subscriptions received AT FAB, and accrued interest Erom May 1,1862. - Legal Tender or Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Inlereeito date raust be paid in Cold. This Loan ie called **6-20,” having TWENTY years to ran, but redeemable at the option of the Government at any time alter FITE years, but is a Shc-per cent. Loan. ..$250,000 i SIS,OOO 00 m 539 30 .. 6,324 30 1,557 17 C 1 W. CHURCHMAN, No. 32 South PHOTOGRAPHS. LI3T OP STALES AtiD PRICTE3. NATION At FLAGS, OF EVEBY DESOBIPTIOH. PASSANTS. MILITARY GOODS EVANS & HASSAKK, MILITARY FURNISHERS, No. 418-ARCH STREET. MANCIAL. BANKERS, NO. 114 SOOTH THIRD STREET, AT ON.CE, ON PAYMENT, ‘ COUPON BONOS, A vmORIZSB FEBRUARY 25,1862. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 Sooth THIRB Street. PERFECTLY AIR-TIGHT, COMPANY’S OFFICE, NO. 108 SOUTH SIXTH STBEBT, FREDERICK. A.. VAN CLEYE, HEW PUBLICATIONS. "yiCTOK HUGO’S GREAT NOVEL, EES MISERABLES. Second Part—** OOSETTE.” Beady this week, uniform in appearance and price witlr First Part—“ FANTIinc.” OARDETO2ST, - PUBLISHES, NEW YORK. PUTNAM’S REBELLION RECORD. EDIT ED BY FRANK MOORE. The Third Yoliime of THIS GREAT LIVING HISTORY Has now been completed, $3,75. Sent free by Midi anywhere on receipt of the price. JOHN MoFABIiAH, ie2s*w@3t 33 South SIXTH Street, np stairs. FRESH : .SUMMER BOOKS. ; . I/ES MHEBABLES. VlOtob Buoo’s superb French Novel. The literary ©rent of the century. An Amrrioan traDßtation, just out, Price, SO cents in paper covert, and si doth bound. AUTE.iIUS WARD, itis BOOK. The funniest book ever, published, All the rich things of .'the rsnowntd « Artemiis." Superbly illustrated and cloth bound, price SI. (Seronth thousand.) TBE MOKGESDNS, Mrs. remarkably clever icw novel, which bus alrrady gooe into a third edition. Price, 50 . cents in paper covers, and SI ciotb bound. ORIENTAL HARItMS AND SOENRRY. A piquant and fascinating Vo! n. aft of adventures in Turkey by aj'ronch w-onmn Translated- Price, $1.25, JOtliSt POE - AND BICHARD 808. A brilliant efcd fcntlrical noyel of Society io New York, by E. S. Goold. One vol, eiotfc bound. Price, Si game fish of the north. A new sod capital book on Fish and Fishing. Illus trated. Cioth bound. Price, $1.25. *** Tbfse Books are sold by ail Booksellers, and will be sent by muil/ree, on receipt of price, by CAKLETOK, Publisher, . jy2-watr '.NEW YOBK. CIRCULATINS LIBRARY WBEOTHEBEEAD J S CIKX3U • LATIN© LIBRARY—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that Includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not BEPBINTEB here. Terms So per year; 6 months S 3; three months sl.ss, or 3 cents per day. 218 South EIGHT H street. jeT-lm* VfAfITS. %AI ANTE!)—2J3OO Men along tie line H of the Lehigh Canal, say 3,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 250 stone masons. Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at 51AUOH • CHUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anywhere* along the line of the works. jelo*t£ COPARTNERSHIPS. TSTOTICE.—The Copartner hip hereto- J-l fore existing between the undersigned, under^the firm of PRATT ic BEATff, has been dlsioived by its ,own limitation, and by mutual consent. D.T, PRATT is alono authorizes to collect the out standing debts, and to use the firth name in liquidation. I). T. PiiaTT, B. B. BEATff, W. G, BILLIN. , (SUCCESSOR TO PRATT & HEATIT,) IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IST WATCHES, JEWELRY. ELATED WARE, &c. Has removed from N. W. corner Fifth and Market Sts. to Fo. 607 CHESTNUT STRET, Wherf he offers for gale a FULL ASSORT HE NT OF, GOODS pertainingto the WATCH BUSINESS Dealers are Eolicited to examine the etock. jrs t3l ~YTOTICE. —The Copartm rsliip hereto- J_v fore existinghfftween OHARLEIU. KLINE and . EDWARD W, IVINS* is ttußday dissolved by mutaal consent, the said EDWARD W. IVYNS retiring frmn thc fimi. ;The old basinet will bo arranged, and new businesß conducted at No. lid WALNUC btroot, by 3y3-3t* . J. L. KLINB, Agapfc-—— A- uA.fcl' HITS cl ay asso -. X V ciated wiifr us "W t. PBODUCS, MILLIKG, lIA-R” 1 '* I ™. mrtCftiWhtiT biMWSFii win stni be continued In the name of P. A. & S ’SMALL. P. A. & S. SMALL. YORK* Pa., July 1,18G2.- —. -j'y3*f>i' ' t\LS£OLI3TION — l The fem of WJR JL/ BIS L. HALLpWBLL & CGi is THI3 DAY dissolved by mutual consent.' -Toe bu*fm»B9win be set tled by the new firm of M L. HaLLOWELL &fiQ. ' MORRIS L, HALLO WELL, J4MSIS TRaQUATB, JOSHUA L. HALLO WELL. - - THOMAS W. SWENEY, enooh e. HUToar^soN, WfLLIAH P HaLLOWELLi ABKAHAM RITTSR, . T. RUSSELL DAWSON. Philadelphia, 7th mo. 1,18&2; nOPABTNERFHfP. The undei> V_y wgned bitve THIS DKY formed a PftrfnFrsWo for Ihc trausßctioTi.cf the 811-K and FANCY T>UY GOOD'3 business, at No. 6lfi CffESTNU P Street, under the firm of M L. BALLOWBLL & 00. . L HkDLOWELL, JOSHUA L. KALLOWEOL, STSOOH B. HUTOHINS’iN, • WILLIAM P. KAT.LGWELL. PHTLADBDDUrA, 7th mo. 1.1862. jy2-6t THE UNDERSIGNE D HAYE,THIS ; DAY formed a Copartnership uader the firm of DAWSON,-BRANSON, A 00-,for fra*aacting theSlLK and FANCY BEY GOODS JOBBING business: at the Northwest corner of M.ABKRT and F? FT Bt Streets.'; T. BUSSELL-DAWSON, - OBLA NTH) BBAN3O S’, JACOB G; BOSIGABDNEB: Philadelphia, July 1,1862. 4*2-12t# TAMES MoFADDEN has an interest' tl in our business from tbia date. " - FABKffAM, KIRKEAM, & CO; ' Jbf.TY t .lBB2. - '-jyl-j&t*: : KTOTICE.—MR. WM. K. HEMP i-v BILL’S interest In our house ceased on the Slstt TWFSLL9 & 00., 118N0BTH WBABVE3. May. , jyiUlm eOPARTNE RS HlP.—Tfceun dersigned have this rfav formed aCacartnership, un der ibe name and firm JOHNE3, BFRRf. * SSO., for the transaction of the WHOLRiALE SILK AND FANCY DBY GOODS BUS (NESS; at' Nos. 627: MARKS! X ’and - 624 COMMEBOK Streets. ~ GEOBGS W. JOHNEB, WILLIAM H. BfcRBY, WILLIAM H. HURC.EY, • FRANCIS 8.-ABBOTT.-. Philadelphia, July Ist, 1862. T\ 1S S O LTJ TI 0 N OF PART; XJ NEKSHIP.— 'i be Partnership heretofore existing as DDTILH. GOoK, A CO., is this day dissolved by limi tation, and by mutual consent. The buslnesß of the firm’ will be settled by the undersigned.« E; G. DUTILH, SAMUEL 0. OOOKv Philadelphia, June 30, 1862. SAMUEL 0. COOK will continue tlxe AUCTION AND COMMISSION >UENE33 at tbe oJd stand, No 124 South FBONT Street, above Walnut jyl-12t PARTNER SHIP NOTICE;—We Wo TBIS DAT admitted LOUIS KIRK. PATRICK as a Partner iu our firm. ' . D. KIRKPATRICK & SONS. Philadelphia, July 1,1862;'. iyl-tutbs3t*. * THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing iaader the firm of BIEGEL, BAIBD, & 00., ie this day dissolved. PETER SIEGER, IV B. ERVIN, JACOB BIBGEL, H.S.J,IST.e*> ’ S. BATED.— —— "MOTICS 0# LIMIEKTI PAKTNER IN pun. „Jho hereby giro notice that,. toolbars Mtlircd into a limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of thß Common weaHh 5 Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under whwhsaid partner abip is to be conducted is KlKCliif'i WIEST, & ES- T miat the general nature of the business intended to be;? trarsacted is the Importing and. Jobbing of Dry Goods.; That the names of the General and Special Partners, all of whom mido in the city of Philadelphia, are TACOB BIEGEIj, General-' Partner, residing at 627 North Sixth Btreet; JOHN WIEST, General Partner, ?eS!ng at 32“ New street; D. B. EB7IN, General Partner, residin* at ISM Girard avenue; HEtfBT_S. FISIISB* General at4lft North Third . fL£fA« TOSIaH RIBGEIa* General Partner, residing at 416 North Third street 5 PETMt SIEGER, Soacial Par bier* residing at TIT North Eighth ; OT; 8., B&IRB, Special Partner, residing at the Continental H ¥hat the aggregate atnouutof the capital contributed by the Special Partners to. the common stock is One Hundred Thousand Dollars, of which Fifty .Thousand Dollars in cash has been so contributed by Peter Sieger, Sneoial Partner, end Fifty Thousand Dollars m cash has been so contributed: by Wm S. Baird, Special Partuerr That the said partnership is io commsncs on the first day of July, A.D. 1862, and isto-terminstoon.tho first dayofJanuar^lfi^^^ JOHN WIE3T, D. B. EKVIN, HENBT S. FISTEB,f JOSIAH BIEGEIi, J "V -PETES SIEGEa,i g ial p artnßrß . jyl-Gw WM. S BAIbP. V ' removals. REMOVAL, E. Q-. WHITMAN & Go, CONFECTIONERS, HAVX BKMOYED PROM BECOHD AND OHK3T NUT STREETS TO No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, BEI.OW FOURTH, : ; . NEXT 8008 TO ADAMS A OO.’S EXPRESS. jeSO-lmif „m—— /Affice of the board of . rotation adopted to them da e. Ymtov Resolved, That the Presidents of Bailroad. Companies aud the Captains of Steamboat lines leading from the csty be informed that the THnoval of dead bosioaout of the city, wiihout a permitfrom the *• of Healthy’ to accomp*uy said body, is antusatKy,, prejudicial to thy public health, and that ali persons touting aaid rale will be prosecuted according to \nade aad proyiled for 8 casefl ol nuisance*. ■JyVtnwo* ■ NEW YORE AUCTION SALE. BTJIIDETT, JUNE % & 00., 109 WALL Sirrot, SEW YORK. At 12 o’clock, at tho Wall’Btroet salesroom, ctunar Of Front and Wall streela, UHITRX) BTATBS GOVERNMENT SAL*. (By order and under thediractioo of HI SLAV BAftNEY, X^JSollßcforofJhePort.^ - LARGE BaLE SEA ISLAND cdTTON. BCO bales superior quality Sea Island Cation, of favorite brands, all in perfect merchantable order. Samples per catalogue may be examined on Monday and Tuesday, 7th and Bth iost, at the Wall-street sales* room. Terms CASH. jy* riARLISLE WHIIE SULPHUR SPRINGS, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNY. Accomniadoifon for THREE HUNDRED TIbITORS. TMif highly favorite Resort Is now open for Visitors those who can appreciate grand sceoerr, pure mountain air, invigorating bath?, large and well-venfcilat*d rooms, good fodety, and good table. Terms, ST ner week. For particulars apply to 2T. W. WOODS, Proprietor of Carlisle White Sulphur Springs. QE A BATHl.N&.—Congress Hall, k/ long Branch, New Jersey, is now open for the re ception flf Tisitotß. Persons dialling to engage room* will please address WqOLMAN STOKE*, jy4-12t* -. Prooriefor. pOWIBS’ HOTEL, This popular Hoiel.ltaa -lately been thoroughly rated and refurnished, and now possesses all the rojuß Uteaofa The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling gnblic, desiring the best accomodations and moderate charges, is respectfully solicited. je2-3ra H. L. POWERS, Pi'dprfOfes-. A CARD.—THE IJNDBRSIGNSB. Xa. late of the GI?A EP HoUdE, Philadelphia, hays teased, for a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this occasion'*® return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, xnd bog to assure them that thoy wUJ be most Happy to jeo them in their new quartos. SYKE3, CHADWICK. * 00. WARJTTNVvrow. July 18.18R1. an23.lv ILTBB. JQBN BIIEW’S IVJi ; ARCH-STREET TRKATRR. THIRTIETH NIGHT OF F. S. OHXNFRAB. - THIS (Saturday) EVENING.-July Sfb 1862, THBRE GT OkIOUS PIECES. LINDA, THE OJGAR GIRL, THE WIDOW’S VICTW, ar,rf LUVieUTCK HOT. MB. CBANFRAIIIN FO-7E CHARACTERS, With imitations of FORREST. BAftNTCY WILLIAM 3, &c. AH th#* Companv appear. ON MONDAY, “THIS OCTO BOON.” ; HSF Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 8 o’clock. VTTALNUT-£TREET THEATRE ;V-f Sole Le55ee......... Mrs. M. A G4RRET3ON., : TWENTY-FOURTH NIGHT OF MTSS JULTA DALY. THIS (Satnrdar) EVENING, JULY sth. THREE GREAT PH?CE*. THE IRISH EMIGRANT GIRL. IRISH ASSURANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY. BRIAN O’L^NN. ON MONDAY—FIRST TIME ojtany s*age of an entirely new and original Burlesque Extravagarzs, with new songs, parodies, dances, and effects, written exprerslv for MISS JULIA DALY, Entitled r The coolest Theatre, most fashionable audiences, and lowest prices. Dress Uncle, 26 cents; Family Circle, only 10 ccnte. 876 FOUETH JULY * 1862 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, * CAPTAIN WILLIAMS? SOUTH SB & WHALING VOYAGE!' SELECT MATINEE AT THREE O’OLCOBC. LADIES, -TAKE TOUR LITTLE ONES A TRIP AROUND THE f THEY WILL NEVER FORGET IT \ Tfce,EV>NING' ENTERTAINMENT wiUconnwac* at precisely 8 o'clock. Ac! mi-sion 25 cents. Six Tichet* for one dollar. . ChHd rrn 10 cents. jpTT^T*’'- ►BNifSILYANIA— -a- i*» Ak Ainr 3025 OH BSTNUT STRTSBT. The splendid exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture for thebenefitofthe Oooper-&bopaadJliP^i!»-^a 4 sffVifr-BCtt"" ArfmispMMi 30 cent*. Ohilflren half price. Ope* from BA. H.. till 7 P. ML, ftnO from 8 til) 10 P. r--. v . ■ 1 , ...; .. • j<»3o FOR THE ' SEA ESasr SHOES ! SO «MEB AS BANGESUSNT.—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BUS boap. Three trains dailv to Atlantic City and return, (Sun ders excepted). Trains leave YHTE'-Streot Ferry «t follows: Train-.., Expires Train Freight and Accommodation. BETrBNING; LeayfiSj Atlantic Mai) Tram ....4 40 P. Iff* fl ‘ « Express Train.,.. 616 A TBL a u "Freight and Accommodation.3l3 A. HE.- F All IC SI -SO Bound-trip Tickets, opod ' only far tktt day and train on which, they are issued'; 52.50. Kxcror—- B»on Tickets, good for three days, S 3. Hotels are no*r open. -y. ' JOHN G. B&TANT, jel2-tf ■ Agent. |gj§||gggl| DELIGHTFUL SUMMER EXCURSIONS NIAGARA FADES. HAKE OSTABIO, THE THOU SAND : BLANDS, BAPTBS OF ST. LAWRENO* JUVKR. AIONTKEAI., LAKES OHAHPLAIN AND GEORGE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, HUDSON' RI : TER, WHITE. MOUNTAINS, BOSTON, NEW PORT, NEW TORE, So. AND BEADING BMLROADI EXOXJRSION TICKETS, GOOD FROM SATURDAY, JETPE 23; Tt> MONDAY,. jfiiiT.T; iwa, To be Bold at tbe following rate 9 FBOM PHILADELPHIA' to HASRTSBITBS; POTTSVILLE, or LEBANON; and rettmj.... *3 28- POST CLINTON.... BEADING POTTSTOWN PHCENIXYTLLE... And between all stations- at reduced ftboTe ten days. P°r ™D’ CHEAP AFTBOtfOON EJC- r cmsiONS oW-rmsBATS and‘PßH>ats, 'tteragh tbc. finest Coostry tmi the' bo * n ‘^? l ' Sceßsry in tbs Tiffloity of On TUESDAYS-and FRIDAYS of-e&cb week TartS' fuHlier notice an Extra Train villi leave mat Chester at* fcheSor 430 P'M’ Train from Pbitadelpbia, and the i* n- i> u p nr Train from West CJbeßter. _ ROUND-TBTP TICKETS FRO 51*2BITj ADELPIIIA to all Stations eaat-of West Chester, sgod on any of tta above Trains, ont’or fa, may be bad -ca these days OHb x* atBXOUBSIOH BATES, good only on For further information, apply-afe-the Ticket Office, to the Depot, "81.121 corner of FIGH-T'SENTH and Jtf AJBt , SUMMER BQARhBKSfc- ON THE to-E-OF THE BoAD. Superintendent^ jefll-tuwfs tf S RMIJH CITEAM- FITTING. O SAMTJEt SMStrn & CO., wfBATB; A'OT GAS- FIT'fiBBS AND No 015 CSESTNDT StraeS, opposite. Independence, Hail. Philadelphia, are prepared to intrcAnce spparatoj for prating-Manufactories, Store,,, dmicahea, Dwelhsgs, Greenhousee, Ac. &c., toy S&eam. r _ , . Außaratas for Soap BBa^OaiiSleMans&ctonea. I*ryiog Booms for Hotels, Dyo Hosees, Ac., fitted up in a superior manner. . _ Awning Posts and Fttaneß fnrmshcaanaißUt ty>- 'Watetintroduced through G-alvariasd Ttibea- Plmn'bißg in all its branches. Galvanized Tubes for Cemetery Irate.. All kinds of work, connected mth Stoaov water, or . a General Partners. Have for bb)oT»\tm. Cocks, - A gents for Wortfaagton’a Stc-ira Pnmpg. jyh&n. DOLDIERS’, SEAMEN’S..AND WI;- O TifYWR 1 PENSIONS, Far, Bounfci, Krize,Monoy,. *Srod Iff JOHN B. MICK, Tsasion iaent, Ng . p , j| c m}( j Commisbisoarfor tlio :Si-2311O■ >K, ttre tt *!!®"*™!' rc i h INKS N rtrcbt, S/srPORTS OBTAINKj*. • JjB-.6t» Boy s ’, DMS’S . IS KSBI.KSB VABEKTS. /"VEENINBr Off A. SOMMSS GA&t iraMio thst telM ope*»« S m Bk«t Sift- KSt—.'S^S to OrtSfSi™,»xoci;«DtX.s«nr B«*ol Bata'atose ,ry, Wta«, *o„ o» h^ Sßy wm(SKXI myS-Sm TWBBS’f.SBVSKTH «>a 00AT*B Bta ' WmTLE AND CLAM SOUP retTO a o# daily (Sunday* axoajted) 3>T JA.SIB& n*OFBKB, 808 MABSKT Btr«ot. VamW*" •mroMwl wwtnri. DAY ’ BUM. —AN iNIVOIOEOB* D very euserlor BIT BUM, in auwtnicasks, Jnat ff ctivc-d ami for sale by CHAS. S. C.BSTATftI, jy2 128 WAkHOT irad 21 68A.91TE. s ,r .S,!t ON WEDNESDAY, July 9th, RUMMER RESORTS, HOTELS. Nos. 17 and 19 PARK SOW, (OPPOSITI tHE ASTOB BOMB,) NEW YORK. TEEMS §1.60 PEE D AY. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. AMUSEMENTS KING COTTON. ' SEA BATHING.' .7.80 &. VL ~-....4,00 P. 5.00 P, & EXCURSIONS; PHHi ADELPHIA ! aNB- PHIL ADEL PHI A ®B’, 'ANDI3SBC Ho. 13« Booth E3OETH 8^?!, Tlaree soorfl abo-se WAJjSVT- .OB ..... S<»> .... 2 2fr O}NEILIr*.0 } NEILIr*.