THE PRESS. TUBLIHHBD DAILY (SUNDAYS BXOBPTED,) BY JOHN W. FORNEY. OFFICE, Ns. 11l SOUTH FOURTH STREET. the pint press, Twrltr Osxts Pus Wrrk, payable to the Qarrist. Mailed to Subscribers out of tin Oity at Si* Dollaih n> ASTSCM, You* Sollahs to* Kiqht Mouths, Turk Dollars you Bix Mouths—luvariably in ad vance for the time ordorod. THE TRI-WEEKLY TRESS, Hailed to Subscribers out of tho City at Thrhb Dol- A*s Pit Ahkum, In adyaasa. SUMMER RESORTS. EPHRaT s. mountain springs, LANCASTER COWNTY, PA. Tlds delightful waterinjr-pUoe having boon purchased jfcy the undorrigned, ho would inform his friends and th© ipublic generally, that It will tie open for the reception of 'Visitors on the FIRST DAY OF JULY NEXT. For particulars, please refer to Circular*, which can ‘be bail at the (JontliumUd Hotel, Merchants’ Hotel, and ithe Uulob Hotel, Arch street* Board, one v eefc or lees, 91.50 per day; over ouo week, .or the season, $7 per week. Children and servauti half iprlce. Those terms are given wlUi the. assurance that the ac commodations ahull in ©yery respect be equil to any (Other watering'place. f&‘Accrmmod&ti"us for four hundred guests. The Germania Baud Is engaged. j*23-lm U. & NHWOOMER. BEDB’OKD SPRLNOB. A. G. Ab- LEN respectfully informs the public that this cele* tDrated and fashionable WATERING PLACE is now .open and Fully; - prepared for the reception of visitortb Mind will be kept open until the Ist or October. Persons wishing Bedford Hiueral Water will be sup* plied at the following prices at the Springs—via: For a barrel (oak)/..* 00 ■*» half-barrel ** 200 . Parties wishing rooms or any information iu.regard to (the place will address the •< Bedford Mineral Springs. '■Company." my2B-8w the ocean, will be open for (nests from the 10th of Jane 'till the 10th of October. Siaoe last season the grounds lhave been greaHy improved and beautified, and a num ber of Cottages have bee* erected for the accommoda tion of families, rendering Oreseon one of the most romantic and attractive places'in the State. The furni ture is beim? thoroughly renovated.-.. The socket of pleasure and tbo sufferer from heat and di team will find 'attractions here in a firat-cUua Livery Stable, Hilliard Tables, Tenpin Alleys, Baths, do., together with the purest air and water, and the most magnificent mountain greenery to be found in the couutry. Tickets good for tlio round trip from Philadelphia, $7.60} from Pittsburg, 83.0 1, For further inlormation, address . . G. W MULLXK, Crown Springs, Cambria co.. Pa SEA BATHING. . OOEAK BOTHB, CAPS TST,AST>Vn. J.,V la now open for ihe reception of Tiairors. je2s.6w* I3BABG bAMISG, Proprietor. STAR BOTJDL,' ; (Hosrly opposite the United a tf*tes Hotel.) atlantio orcr* n. j: BAMbBL ABA if a, Proprietor. SO cento. tHnner........... Also, Carriage* to Hire. Bonrdera accommodated on the -tooat reasonable terms!. - ..y i**2o-3m COLUMBIA'HOUSE. \J ATLICTTIO (HTY, SITUATED ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, Opposite the Surf House. Wy Venue to suit the times jo2o-2m . SDWA.BO DOYLE, Proprietor, BEA-SIDB . HOUSE, ATLANTIC OITY,k J, BY DAVID gOATTEBOOOD. A OTW.FBIVATE BOAKDISO SOUSE, beaatifol 7/Eituated at tbe toot of PeanaylYania Avenue. Now opefi for visitor# for the season. je2o«2m /TAN SION HOUSE, IVI ATLANTIC CITY, E. LBB, Proprietor.: This Bouse baring been therouizbly renovated and en larged, is new open for permanent and transient boarders. Ini MANSION HOUSE is conreoiait to depot, churches, trad j est office. Tbe barbing grounds are ua on the Island. The Bar Is conducted by Mr. JfililSitt, of wbo will keep aaperior wined, liuu*>r*, and obolcobrandß of cigars. je2o*2ra Eagle hotel, Atlantic CITY, ie now open, with a f - , Large addition op rooks.*: Board $7 per week, bathing dreaaes.locladed, je2o-2ar Light house - cottage,- ; jat- LANTIC ClTY.—Thia well-known House, Having Deeu enlarged and renovated, is now open for the recep tion of guests, invalids can be accommodated'with rooms on the first floor, fronting the ocean. L'ght- Eouse Cottage poseesßee the advantage of being the nearest house to the beach, A contmnatloh; v of the pa- Sronitge of Ids friends and the public is solicited. No bar. ~ je2l*lm ' JONAH WOOTTON,,- Proprietor. jptOTTAGE RETREAT, ATLANTIO" ■L? CITY, is,now open «n 4 ready for Boarders. A few choice Booms oai bedbtaiiwit b, applfinir won The Froprietor furbishes his Wble/with freeh mil* from his cows, and fresh vegetables from hl» farm. , . Also, about four hundred desirable Cottage and Hotel tots for sale hr M. MOLEI3, je2o-2m . . .. ■ . ■ • Proprietor... « mBE ATLAJITtO I HTTT.’I N. J.. atplendid newh'iuae, nonthweit oomor of ATLANTIU and MI SS iORCBKTTS i.Ten«e«, wilt bo open lor visi tors o* »»d otter J one 29th. fThe rooms imd table of « Tfce Alhambra " are nnaurpasaed by any an the Islaed. There is » epasioua Toe Orcstn and Ko- Ereshmentßoloon Term,morale. Proprietors. BEBLOE’3 HOTEL,- ATLANTIC CITY, H J—At tha terminus of the railroad. on the left, beyond the depot Thte HouseJa now open for Boarders and Transient YMtors, and offers accommoda tens e«ual to any Hotel i» Atlwitto City. (Jbarsei mo derate. Childronand servats half price. Iff- Parties should keep their teats untd the cars ar rive in front of the hotel.' . ■ . je2o-3m CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE.— This private Boarding Bouse, eoraer. of. YORK and PACIFIC Avenue, Atlaatie CUt,'convenient to the -Cteaoh, with a beautiful view of the Ocean, is now open ?or the season. The atxe«»odasinns are canal to any »Sr Bl,lMi '""ISn, Proprietor. BNTUOIa HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY N J—This eahsfortshla and coufnniont 9 ew house, located on KMTUOKT Avenue, opposite She Surf Horise, one eouare from the .best bathuig on the beach, has been fitted up for visitors lUlijraason. . pcaon, uasuc F. QUIGLEY, Proprietor. N. B.—Horses and Oarriagee to Hire. jcZO-lm BEA BAT JH IN G;—“The Clarendon,” (formerly Virginia VIEOISIa ATLANTIC CITY, Is now opon for tho aocommodatioa »f Boardere. This Bouse is situated Immedl itely on the Beach, and from every room affords » *”• "•"A 1 L"" Oea. [icSO-Sim] JAHB3 JENKINS, u. u. SEABATBIN&.-UMTJsD states HOTEL, XONG.BBANCH, N J„ is now open, dilnatal only fifty yards fro* the “ n *™ l ?**■“ wince: home fronting the eeean 600 feet, two taws &om Hew fork. Steamer leaves Hurray street twice dally,« A, M. and 4P. M.; tbe*« by the B. and D. B, Saliroad, Addieaa 6, A. BHJEttA-KBR. Communication from Philadelphia n by ond Amboy Bailroad, by the 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. Mn, riONGBJiSS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, by G. W. HISKLB, the proprietor of the United States three years ago. „ The Hjßiae been put into .eomplete order and grea'ly imtroredTi'MW office, billiard saloon,Tar-foom, and bath-houses are most excellently arranged and aptly ap propriated for their respective uses. Oongreea, HalLis mow the nearest house to the rolling surf on the smooth portion of the level b«achi - , The subscriber avails himself of the present oppot dnnlty to return his thanks to Ms iormer patrons of the “States,” and respectfully begs leave to say to all that be will he happy Or meet them at Congress Hall, OST AND AFTEK JDHB 21st inßtant, at which time he *f*J™£* to acromm ° Jat V.WtHkliß, Lessee. TOUTED STATES HOTEL, U ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., JAMBS K. BOBISOS, Superintendent. TWa celetratrii Hotel will bo open for thi reception of WMtore on Saturday, Jone 21,186%wii will continue Ol s| l Boa t ttw*SSt , s»»Mi' many handsome increments “ovtofc™ anl dSfrta* 6B^*™* «* ‘^“rrSITED I? ATBB ’‘haSSLBB’S OEDEBBATED BAND has been en- B«gfd for the season, and will he under the direction of tb |t? THOMAS 1 H'. SABBAT!, late of Capo May, will hare chrageof the Billiard Boom, Ten-pin Alleys, and improyiments mage two years ago, rad hl«»Sooontem station by the owners of this splendid establishment, ace ati ample goarantee of what the patrons Ke tr is, management. For Pro prleto rs. qummer boarding.—broad- O TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—A romantic spot for a SUMMER RESIDENCE, on one of tb© Mountain Tops of Pennsylvania, reacbwl daily; byothe Pennsylvania Central, and the Brood, Top -Mountain- Railroad from- Hontingdon.' Thr House Is one of the Boost in the Ul terior or tho State, handsomely furnished, with ail thu re ouisites for comfort awl convenienoe— pure- air* deii eions spring water, romantic scenery, and everything to Sestare and invigorate health. Telegraph station ana a dally mail, so that daily communication may be had with ’Philadelphia. Tht'ponnaylTOnla Bailroad will Inrafali exoiirslOD «ck©tfl throtJgb ibo season. Persons leaving rbuaaei jjbia In the morning can take tea at the Mountain S&uSt th Th l eaubi™befhas kindly boon allowed to refer to tho Ffliinwine gentlemen. residents of Philadelphia, v?bo have Ibeen natrons oftbe Mou/ntain Soust ** TTm. Oummtngß. Ebh,» S^ vid n‘ Rato] Oastner* Esq.j Tboa. Oarstalra, Eaq., Hon Henry B. Moore* Lewis T. Wattson^E^i., fohn McOanleß t Esa*» -S^Srov^A^k John Hartman* 3390. # - Richard U» vvooa, *»®i. Terms Modsbat*.-, For further information, address JOSEPH MORRISON, Proprietor. Jel2-tf T Broad-Top City, Huntingdon ooanty, Pa. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS. MAETIN & QUAXLES SIATIONKBY, TOT, AND FANCY GOODS EHFOStUH, - HO. 1036 WADNDT BTBEBT, BELOW JB.IVJBTH, PHILADELPHIA. Jell-fplr .TN FORMATION"I OB'; THB /baIkIoBD GBHXBA.Ii hbws agbhoy. WILLIAM 0. SHKABD t»kei this opportunity to in- Cora hia patronn and the pubtlp that he is now prepared fiofurnlßh all the leading Philadelphia and Hew Yor* jQewßpepers, magaainsn, and wnaa Agentfor the DAILY and WEEKLY PRHSS. Bnb- Bcribers and others oan -have th«-ddlrewd aa i»ra« |Mned at their xeaidenoe* or pi*©* of bneineea toJJ™ v ford or TicinHjv jw-m | AMERICAN HOOFING SLATES, JSV VUUiT *0 tbe BKBX 6TOATKB. HI WAiHCT BttMt YOL. S.—NO. 286. Up, ail'd Try it Again! 300,000 MEN! FOURTH OP JULY 1 NEVEB SAY DIET We thought we would be in Richmond \ True, we didn’t get in; Not to bo there by the Fourth of July Seemeth a grievous sin. Yet we are not defaatod, Nor are we going to be scared ; Let us and try it agalu, Stronger and better prepared. * The Pr» Bident calls to the Nation \ Throb hundred thousand men Gird on their cloLhes and weapons ! Up, and try it again. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers Come at their countrf’s ralli ■ Clothing for hundreds of thousands afmen . Can be made at the Great Oak Ball l . ; PATRIOTIC CITIZENS’ TAKJS NOTICE! At tbe GREAT OAKITALL is Clothing of every description, sure to fit and please. Prices so moderate the people can’t help satisfied. WANAMAKNR A BROWN, OAK. HALL, It S. ». corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. SFOUL. CO!'TOiN THE PARTICULAR AT- TBNTION OF THE TRADE." ALTEMUS & COZENS. NO. 2tl CHESTNUT STREET, *OtH AQKNT9 *o* GR EM & DAN I E LS 5 CELHBBATED IYORY-ITSISH SPO O L O OTTO Ni Pronounced one of tbe best and cheapest Spool Cot tons in the market A full supply on hand. je24-lm* SEWING MACHINES. & WILSON, SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, jol3-3m PHTTiADTCI/PHTA. COMMISSION HOUSES. gHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Ho. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, OBMMISBIOH HSBCHASTI FOJ th. uu at PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh?B-6m \ - • CENTS’ JFUKmSHLNG ttOODS. QHAS. L. ORUM & 00., BueCBSSORS TO OLDBNBERGH k TAQGAaT, Manufacturers of and Dealers in fiENTLEMEN’S FINE SHIRTS ADD FtJRNISELINO GOODS. Ho. 146 North FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OHAB L. OBTJM, ALBX. M. THOMPSON je6-lm TPINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. JD* The subscriber would invite attention to hig IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a speciality in his business. Also, oon . etcuLtiy receiving NOVELTIE3 FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. BQOTT GENTLBMBN’I FURNISHING bTOBE, 80. 814 CHESTNUT STREET* Ja9-tf' Four doors below the Continental. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, jfcv AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AT RBDUORD PSI CBS. JI'BUMOYAL. J, O. FULLER Having Bemoved from No. A 3 South THIRD Streetto No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Maaonio Templet) How offers a Largo and Doeirablo Stock of GOLD AND SIEVES WATCHES, BOGHBB h BBOTHBBS’ SPOOKS AKD F3BKB, - .AND ■ FINE JEWELRY, Te which the attention of the trade is invited* apSO-Sm . . . . ■ - . JBs “AMERICAN WATCH OOM jgiiS PANT.” GOLD AKD STLYBB ■WATCHES. FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY’S SALESROOM, No. Tl 3 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (opposite Masonis Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. «p3Q.a»- ..... - ■yULGANITK RUBBER JEWELRY A b&ntifn! line of SKNTLBM-IH'B Y~EBT CHAINS, LABIBB’OHA.- TALAIHE CHAINS, THIKBI.BB, GBO3SBO, STTOB, BDTTOSB, *>., Hew to Bte». ' J. O. FULLER, Ho. Tl 3 OBESTMHT Street, StcoaA Floor, (Opposite Haeonie Tooapie.) ~ ApßQ.aa ■ - • , —. • « , '— ' t 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. :! Afresh assortment, at less THAK FOBMEB PBIOBB. FAB* * BBOTHIB, Importer,, 824 OHBSTJS DT Street, below Toerth. mb2o-tf : .■■■■■■ • JREFMGERATQRJ3 AND COOIJSKS. THE « dr. hayes’ refrigera •JOß.” ‘ These are, beyond doubt, the most scientific and efficient refrigerators ln w», bring WABB ANTED to KEEP PROVISIONS LONGER, WITHLESSIGE, , - THAN ANY OTHERS. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES Algo, ft large assortment of the most approved WATER GOOLEKS. J. s. CLARK, . So. 1008 MA.BKBT Street. BOOKING GLASSES TAMES 8. EARLE & SON, MANBrACTTJBBM AND IMPOBTEBB 09 looking- glasses, Olli PAINTIHOS, JISB ISBBAVXHBS, • PIOTWBB AHD POBTBAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGEAPH PEAKES, ' PHOTOGEAPH ADEEMS, CABTEB-88-YISITB POBTBAITB. EARLE S GALLERIES, 818 CHESTNUT STEEET, Jolt PHIiADBUHIA. BLINDS AND SHADES. gLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, Ho. 16 HOBTH SIXTH STBBBT, KAHDTAC*UEE* 0» VENETIAN BLINDS . AHB WINDOW SHADES. Thelargwt flnwt assortment In Oitjatth* iOWIBT PRICES. STORE SHADES BETTERED. I". BerrUrini promptly attended to. apS-Bia CABINET FURNITURE. fSABINET FURNITURE AND BIL \J ZiXAED TABLES. MOORE A CAMPION, Ho, 281 Booth BHOOMD Street, In oonneoEon with their extensive Cabinet Bnnnem sow monnftwtnrin* a superior article ol BILLIARD TABLES, And hiTi now on t foil Wiib fflrioh are prooonnced' bjr all who have tbenaj to w Bnlahol time tebleMh. mmtu ‘aotorere refer to their nnmeroae patrone thronihent ihe Hnlen, who we HttUlnr wilh the oharacterotthefa work. ■ ■■■... J xtn, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1862. A Royal Marriage Coming Off. Our female readers may be interested in tbe fact that, there unfortunately being no truth in the charming romance of his having married an Irish damsel during his flying visit to Chi cago, in 1860, the Prince of Wales is about marrying the Princess Alexandra-Caroline- Marie-Clarlolte-Louise-Julie, born on Decem ber 1, 1844, eldest daughter of Christian, Duke of Glncksbonrg, the legally recognized heir of the Crown of Denmark. The present King, Frederic YII., has no children, and is now fifty-four years old. On his death, Chria tien of Glucksbourg, will become King ,of Denmark, by virtue of near relationship and a law of succession, passed nine years ago. The future King of England, who will be twenty-one in November, is three years older than his intended. She is represented as very amiable, highly accomplished—and all that. Who ever heard of a Princess who did not get credit for all imaginable perfections of mind and person ? We have seen a 'Danish carte de visile of this young lady, (wkch, we believe, Mr. Gufekunst has copied;) giving her a good figure, and regular features—but, if this be a correct likeness, the Princess Alexandra cannot be called more than passably good looking. Her lace is square about the fore head, and squarer still about the jaws—a some - what stern, cold, commanding expression is the result. She locks like “a stroug-minded”; being, very likely, to have her own way, whe ther married or single. Her expression of firmness and command may partly be the result of the military rule which she sometimes has to enforce, for (we breathe it in a whisper, we write it in the palest o! ink,) the young lady ac tually is’a aous-lieutenant in the Danish army! The great Napoleon commenced his career as a sous-lieutenant in the French army, and rose to be an Emperorto be sure, he did not wear crinoline, which probably may make a differ ence. A. Prince of Wales is relieved, by the pe culiarity of his position, from the trouble of selecting a lady to share his exalted station, from the trouble of making love to her. The Act of Settlement, by virtue of which the German family of Guelph have /occupied the throne of England since the death of Queen Anne in; 1714, especially provides that this family shall be Protestants, and that any he , or she of'it who may marry a Oatholic thereby forfeits bis or her rank, at once and forever. There is another custom, that English princes and princesses must not marry at al 1 , without special permission from the Sovereign and the Parliament, which permission is not granted when the person to be espoused is ofless than royal birili, so that the choice of husbands and wives is limited to the few Protestant royal families of Europe, of these only a few are what Lloyds would register as A 1: namely, the kingly houses of Prussia, Den mark, Sweden, Hanovor, Holland, Wurtem burg, and the ducal or electoral houses of Saxe- Coburg Gotha, Anhalt,. Baden, Brunswick,' Hesse, Holstein, Oldenburg, Lippe, Mecklen bourg, Nassau, Reuss, Saxe-Meiaengen, Saxe- Weimar,' Saxe-Altenbourg, Schwarzbourg, and Waldcck. Most of these are such very small concerns—the territory, in some cases, not beiDg as large as our own city of Phila delphia—that no British prince or princess would be likely to seek affinity therewith.- 'Eytn i’rlfice Louis ot Hesse, who is married to Al'ce of England’tjy this time, is so poor that the 530,000 a year settled upon his wife, Pj-vi—'■'-■““’.t-JA.hearly all that * “ the happy couple ” have to live uddi2: „ u , c he shall succeed to his : petty principality. Of all the German houses, that of Saxe-Co burg is the most wise in its generation. One branch is Proteslant, another is Catholic— so that when tho Queen of England wanted a husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg was supplied, and when tho late Queen of Portu gal wished to make a second marriage, Prince Ferdinand ot Saxe-Kobary presented himself and was accepted. The alliance which is to convert Alexandra of Denmark into Princess of .Wales was a po litical airangement negotiated by the late Prince Albert. The lady comes from a King ly race, is undeniably Protestant, is of a suit able age. is said to have artistical tastes in music and painting, but—the Prince of Wales has seen her only once, and that was at Berlin, a few months ago, as he was proceeding on his tour in the East. Marriages of affection, arising out of former personal acquaintance, are rare in the family of Guelph. They wed according to State policy, and woo by proxy. Former alliances of this nature between England and Denmark have hot been very for tunate. We recollect three instances—Anne of Denmark, Fife of James I) Prince George of Denmark, husband of Queen Anno; and Louise of England, the miserable wife of Fred-' eric V. of Denmark. James, the first of England and sixth of Scotland, only son of Mary Stuattand Hen ry Darnley, was at once a pedant and a cow atd, and though infamous as a monarch, might have made a learned usher in a grammar school. At the ago of twenty-three, he ven tured on a voyage to Denmark to solicit the hand of Anne, second daughter of Frederic 11., and married .her in 1589. All her child ren, among whom were Prince Henry, Charles I and the futnre Queen of Bohemia, were horn in Scotland, during the fourteen years which elapsed between her marriage and her husband’s becoming successor to Queen Eliza beth. The pictorial representations of Anne show her to have been coarse in features and figure," and, indeed., it is recorded that she in dulged too freely in the pleasures of the table. On the death of Henry, Prince of "Wales, her eldest son, Anna was suspected, with the King, of haring assisted in poisoning him. Only one good thing is recorded of this woman; she is said to hare interfered, but without success, in favor of Sir Walter Ra leigh, legally butchered by order of Jamas i a 1618. In the following yeai-übo She was the mother of a doomed race-fur all the Stuarts were unfortunate. Prince Henry was poisoned, Charles I. beheaded; Elizabeth of Bohemia, a discrowned and paupor Queen. Of her grand.yhildren, four wore the English crown i Charles ll*, Janies ll*, Mary 11., and Annie, and another Elizabeth died of grief, at the age of 11!teen. Queen Anne, daughter of James It., and Anne Hyde, (and therefore grand-daughter of a washer-woman, by her mother’s side,) mar ried Prince George of Denmark, brother of Christian V, when she was only eighteen. They had numerous children, ot whom only one, the; Duke of Gloucester, survived in fancy, and he died, in 1702, at the age of : eleven. Her husband was an easy, indolent, stupid, good-natured, negative sort of man, •caring little for-public affairs, and without capacity to understand or conduct them if he did. Charles the Second said of him, with truth, no doubt; “ I have tried Piince George sober, and have tried him drunk,, and could get nothing out ofhia), drunk or sober.” When James 11., his father-in-law, was drawn out of England by the Revolution of 1688, Prince George accompanied him part of the way. He had a habit, when any, news was brought, of i exclaiming iu French, « Est-il-pdssible ?” —is it .possible ? This catch-phrase, came frequently.; into play when successive accounts of the defec tion of nobles on whom James relied were brought in. At 'last, Prince George deserted bis father-in-law, who only sail, con temptuously, “Whit! is Est-il possible gone too? After a’l, a good trooper would have been a greater loss.” George hid followed the example of his wife, who was then led by the Churchills. The result of abandoning her father was that the Act of Settlement guaran tied the Bi itish Crown to her, after the death, of William and Mary, and she reigned, as Queen, from 1702 to 1714,-a reign glorious for her country, but personally unfortunate for herself, owing to her lingering affection for ‘ the brother, whose throne she occupied, the PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1862. party action which puzzled her somewhat feeble mind, the quarrel with her quondam favorite, the haughty Duchess of Marlborough, and the arrant stupidity of her common-place husband. He had been created Duke of Cum berland. by William 111., who, however, had such a contemptible opinion of him that, in 1090, when going on his Irish expedition, he positively refused Prince George’s offer to accompany him, as a travelling companion, and never otice. seemed aware of his existence all through that campaign, the result of which finally established James 11. in perpetual exile. When Anne became QueeD, she crea ted her stupid husband Lord High Admiral of England, which office ' he retained until Ms death, in October 1708. Anne made much outer show of grief at his death, but . the Duchess of Marlborough maliciously chroni cled that ‘'great as was the passion of her grief, her stomach was greater, lor that very day he died she ate three very laige and hearty, meals.” It was not without cause, history too candidly has confessed, that Queen Anno was generally known in her life-time by the sobriquet of Brandy Nan. . j . '■ At tho age of nineteen, Louisa, youngest daughter of George 11, ot England, and the most estimable, accomplished, and beloved of his . family,': became the wife of . Frederic,’ Prince Royal of Denmark.: Three years later he succeeded Christian YI. as King by the tijle of Frederic Y. He leigned-twenty years, but she survived her accession as Queen of Dsn mark only five years. Her husband treated, her infamously, as she had expected, from his character. But; on leaving England, she told: the Duke of Cumberland, her brother, that however miserable her life might be in Den mark, she would never trouble ber relations, with.ber complaints. Shedied Of a very pain ful complaint at the age of twenty-seven, and,: on her last day of life, wrote a most affecting letter to her relations, in which she related how badly slio had been used, and strongly pro tested against the misery and demoralization of royal marriages of State policy or State con venience. . . . .■'/ For the young pair, soon about to start into life, let ns hope a happier destiny. We are interested in the Prince of Walvs, because of his,exemplary mother, and all wish her son as -happy a'union as her own was. . . Mutations in Business. The first of July presents about its usual propor tion of semi-aoßusl changes in our mercantile firms, preparatory to the fall , trade, which,from present prospects, will be good. . The changes/an nounced have, in the main, an aspect: of life and preparation for. future activity, rather than the symptoms of decay and mercantile death which at an earlier period of the rebellion^characterized the copartnership and dissolution column pi TAe Press. Of the ehangta already announced we note the fol- lowing: , The old firm of Morris L. Ilallowell A Co., com posed of Messrs. Morris. li. Haltowell. James Tra qitair, Joshua L Hallowell, Thomas W. Swenoy, Enoch R: Hutchinson, Wm. P. Hallowell, Abraham Ritter, and T. Russell Dawson, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, and a new firm has been formed (under the old style, of M. L. Hallowell C 0.,) composed of the three Messrs. Hallowell, and Mr. E. R. Hutchinson, of the old firm/ 'Tho firm thus constituted have just removed to ..the marble-front store, No- 61fi Chestnut street, where they will continue the silk‘and fancy dry-goods business as heretofore. A new firm has also bsen formed by gentlemen formerly asseciated with the above house, for the purpose of conducting a Silk and Fancy Dry-floods Jobbing business, at the northwest comer of Mar- ket and Fifth atreeis, the stylo of firm to be Dawson, Branson, A Co,, which will be composed =urrmetTonQwtnsljinemh&rs^tE.^Busae] l .Dawson, .Orlando; Branson, and Jacob : Another new firm has been created with a view:; to*trahsaeting a wbolesalo Silk andFanayßry-i Goods' business, at 524 - -,t. being prominentlT the business community George I iff. Johnes, William H.'Bisrry, William H. 'Harley, and Francis R. Abbott. ~ The firm of Yard, Gillmoro, A Co., hawing.been dissolved by the death of Mr. h- Peterson, the business will be settled and continued by, tho sur r wiving partners, under the same firm, which is composed as follows: Messrs. Edmund Yard, Jamea C. Gillmoro, James &. Fenton, and Lucius I*. Thompson. The old house of Riegel, Baird, A Co,, Dry Goods merchants, on North Third street, has re organised under the stylo of firm of Riegel, Wiest, & Ervin, under the following auspices': A limited partnership has been formed, to eominonoe on the lit instant and terminate January Ist, 1865, in which the general partners are Messrs. Jacob Eiegcl, John Wiest, D. B. Ervin, Henry S. Fister, and Josiah ltiegel, and the spooial partners Messrs. Peter Sir gw and Wm. S. Baird, the aggre gate amount of capital contributed by tho latter' being one hundred thousand dollars, or fifty thou sand dollars by each. - The firm of Hunt singer A Brownfield has been dissolved, by mutual consent. | Messrs. Henry & Merits IClntzinger have ontered ! into copartnership, under the style of Kintsinger Brothers, for the manufacture ef Shirts and Draw ers, at No. 22 Bank street. ■ Messrs. Farnham, Eirkham, A Co* have admit-, ted Mr. James McFadden to an interest in their business. a .■ . The interest of Mr. William K. Hemphill, ia tho house of Twells A Co:, No. 118 North Wharves,has. ceased. The old firm of M. Williamson & Co. has teen dissolved by mutual consont. The copartnership heretofore existing under thq . firm of Howell, Smith, & Co., has-dissolved limitation, the business of the firm to be settled by either of the following-named partners: Messrs. Henry C. Howell, Sam. H. Smith, Everett D. Hall,, and Wm. G. Steel. _ . A copartnership has been entered into between Messrs. Jos. Cowpertbwait, Jr., and J. C. Straw-, bridge, under the firm of Cowpertbwait & Co ’, for 1 the purpose of conducting a wholesale and retail dry-goods business, at the northwest corner of. . Eighth and Market streets. The firm of Dutilh, Cook, & Co. has been dis solved, the business to be settled by either Mr. E, Q Dutilh or Mr. .Samuel C. Cook, the latter of ■whom will continue tho Auction and Commission .business at the old stand, Ho., 124 South Front Stl6Bt< _ i . i, • . The house of C. Boctas & Co. (Hotioaahr Tfimmih|shusineEß, N0..7 North Third street) has been dissolved, Mr. C. H. Dillinger rearing: The business of the late firm will be : : settled :by:Mt., Bookius, who has associated with himself r A. Merritt, with whom he will continue the same business at the same place, under the firm of Bockiuo * Merritt. The firm of A. T. bane & Co. has dissolved by its own limitation, the' business to be settled by either Mr. Alex. T. Lane, Wm. E. Hansell, Sf E. Hansell, or B. Hansell, at No. 419 Market starlet. - ? Messrs. B. Kirkpatrick & Sous have Mr. Louis Kirkpatrick as a partner in their firm. The copartnership heretofore existing between Messrs. D. T. Pratt, B. B. Beath, and W. G. Bit lin under tho firm of Pratt & Beath,-has been dis solved, Mr. Pratt alone being authorized to collect the outstanding debts and use the name of the firm in liquidation. ■ - - Mr B. T. Pratt will in future conduct s whole sale Watch and Jewelry business at So. 687 Chest nut street. . ; A Ctnnamtn upon the English. [From the London Times-! ■ ■ : . “ The people of these realms,” he says, “ pretend f to believe only in one God, but they invoko several Gods ; nay, they have told me to my face that - three Gods and one God are the same, prom these facts I conclude that they must j have borrowed their religion from our neighbors, [ the Hindoos. They have, besides, a grand lama, who is half priest, half emperor, dresses himself : to women's clothes, and calls , himself the repre-l sentative of heaven. There" are a large number/ however, who do not believe m the Jama ; but they make a lama of their Emperor, and . pretend to interpret the sacred hooks for themselves. The principal difference I have been able toi see between the two leading sects, is that thei members of one insist that they take_ the deity; Into their stomachs,’ just as he is in the ninth heaven; wbile the other claim to dp so in a figurative or symbolical sense. The mints; iers of botlr sell their services the same as any other commodities; and they seem to value money more than heaven, itself.” To the bra very of Europeans, or, rather, of the English, the same author pays the- following tribute; “They make light of their lives on occasions of personal contest, and, when two of them quarrel, the consequences may be serious. They siand face to face, and discharge firearms at each other on a given signal. If one falls the survivor is not punished; if neither fall, there is an end at the quarrel. They do this,” addathe poet, “to show that they are not afraid ! When a guret ar. rives, the host helps him with Ins own hand to the iuiee of the grope; they welcome visitors with wine, not, as wo do, with tea; and perhaps this will account for their fighting propensities.Nood wo sav how few authors there are of the European race that have the talent to make shrewder obser vations than these? Jjist of Killed, Wounded, and IHissine in ; the fiecent Battle before Kiehmonid t as far as Ascertained, ) ' ; -STAFF OFFICERS. ( Lieut. Stephen M. Weld. Jr., aid to Gen. Fits* John Porter* missing; probably wounded and a prisoner; vras last seen at Mechan>csville. } ■ Lieut. Fisher, aid to General Butterfield, mortally wouudtd. ; . •, | = Lieut Pwker, aid to Gen. Sykes, killed. ; Lieut Inman* aid to Geh. Sykea, wounded in leg. ; Capt. Jas; B, Montgomery! A. A G. on General New ton’s staff, fell white.g*»llanf|s riding at the bead of bis brigade. He has a severe flteh wound in the thigh. 'Capt, Jamee on the same etaS 1 , wounded iu two places, and probably a prisoner. . -Capt. Scott, acting a? sbUnt adjutant general in the firfct brigade of regulars; wounded in tbe arm. : ; FIELD, STAFF, AND LINE OFFICERS. SKCOXD MAINE REGIMENS. - ; Lhut. Col. Baruey, missing, probably prisoner. . Adjutant L/P/Muugect, wounded slightly and pri soner/' ■■ .y**-****-*^ ;; Capt; Emerson, Co; B, severely wounded and prisoner. ‘ .The total loss in this reg-moat is seventy-four, all told. TWENTY SBCOND MASSACHUSETTS. ' .Colonel JewoA. , y ;Major Ultoe, wounded end mining. Bherwin; wounded iu shoulder, not serious.' . -Dr Pritice ; ' fts>]slant surgeon, wounded and prisoner. Botpital Steward, Perkins, badly wounded. : Oept. Waugh, Co. Gt Btverely wounded and prisoner. -Caps. Dunning, 06. ,B, severely woundtdand prisoner, -r vLieut. Coi ant, Co. I, wouuded and prisoner. , Lieut. Salter. Co. w;fc.u'uded and prisoner, / . Lieut Steenis, Co. K, Wounded and prisoner. •/ :Ojderly Sergeant Carr, Co. E, killed. - .This regiment’s ibsa will wvbably be 350, fully one 5 half of tbe number, with * bich it entered the tight. V Tbe 33ih New vTork-ano Ist Michigan h«ve not yet reported. The. Mateftehnsetta was abaenton de tached Benice.. The 25th New'York waa not in action. 1 " ; ‘ GRIFFIN S BRIGADES. ’ ' • FOURTEENTH SEW YORK. Capt. E liarrer, p6;.C/b»dly wounded. . Cept E* w arr, Cb,iG; Wout»ded l«i knee. . Litut. F. M/ Buller, Co. B, wounded.ln foot. Adjutant B; H. Foote, wounded in shoulder, slightly. - This regiment reported 113 in killed, wounded, and missing. ; • • .V'.. 'i: • ' FOURTH MICHIGAN. : Capt lL G. De Pay, Co: K, killed. Lieut J . W. Beers, Oo.K, Wounded and prisoner. ‘, Lieut.S.B. Preston, severely wounded and prisoner. • Lieut. Joseph Smith; Co. F, leg ampuls ted.. ■ : - Liouf. ThbnjftS J*-b>b, Co. B, mortally wounded. J the officers are all Bafe. The regiment lost ebotit 100. SIXTY* SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. Col. Samuel W Bluckj killed. . '» Lieut. Col. Sweitzer, Feveroly wounded and prisoner. , Patterson Was knocked from hishoi-Be and taken priPoner, but atrerwarde escaped unharmed. Capt. Afexahder f SlcDona!d, Co, E, reported killed, Ifeft cn the field. ' Capt. James Espy, Co. F, missing. • Capt. Diehard 0. Crbzier, Oj. M, wounded. Lieut’A; King, Co. K, wounded and left, on field. Lieut;/W. J. Patterson, 00. F, wounded id leg. / Lieut. Murray, Co. M, wounded In shoulier. Liem J.'P. Cunningham, Co. L, slightly in foot Lbut John F. Bell, mißsing , This regiment reports a loss of 197 In all. . - . " NINTH MASSACHUSETTS. Copt John Carey, Co. Q , wounded in back, and loft on the field. Capt. J. E. McCaffertyi Co. I, killed. • Oapt. Vm. Co. 0, hilled. * C®ptJemniali O’iMll, Co. B, killed. i Copt. ißicntsdi Scanlan, wounded Inarm. Liitd. K. P.jlfnpent, 00. 1, blind Co. I,killed. Lieut. Mieliael Pfceiou, Co D, aligbdy wounded. Lieut. Michael; O’Hara, Co G, misetijg. / Lieut. liiuotby Bmkes Co. K, sh'gbtly wounded, Lieut. Jobi'Di/herty; Co. If, severely wounded. Linit. P. W'. Black, taken prisoner.-' Tills rrgimt.nt was in the fight' all day, behaved with un surpassed bravery,-protected the retteat at eight, and l>stv*ry hfiavils, the report this morning bliowing 311 kilUd, wounded, and missirg. BtJ'riJIKPIKX.B’S BEIGADE. : V : ; IOnTTfiFOUJITH KBW TOKK, ~ Copt. Walsh, Co. E, billed. . Mcßobtrts, Co, K, wounded in leg. LUnt. Gaskill, severely wouadtd and hat on field. ; Lieut Taiilip, 00. G, killed. Thlei regiment reported a loss of about 175. TWELFTH HEW TORE. .Capt. Crommio, Co. F, wounded in arm. ■Lieut Oliver, Co. E,' \YGunoed in bead. Xiiis regiment fought roost gallantly, and reports 240 killed, wounded, and missing. SIXTEENTH MICHIGAN. Co!. T. Brw. Stockton was on the .field sick, not in commana ; la biii<2e-iuiesmg > ..aud ia probably a prisoner. Capt. Carr Co; 0/killed.’; , . . , Lieut. Chandler, Co. P, wounded in the arm soToraly, •Lieut. KddyVCb. G t .wounoed severely, : .Capt. Fißberi Co. 3>, severely wounded. Capt. Mott, Co. I, Bererelj wounded. ■ Capt. Myers. CoVG, woiradea in foot Lieut McQrbWj Co. T, leg.shot off. Lieut'reported hilled. Lieut. taken prisoner. ; • . This re&inreiitiepora a low o|24?T in killed, wounded,' and musing. , v : ; ‘ PHNNSYtYANIA. .. CoVjtbnTV. TdcLanßjkilled. _ Major'fc'agle, killed. r . ' . Capt. BrowhYi&Ymly. wounded in the abdomen. ' This regiment a lose 0t260 men,:. : The 17th \N dfk' Kegtiuent'>'f this brigadewag on detachad seryico at Old Cburch. V. BRIGADE T Vr ' Loryett» youudedv . . « / LleutTnantTcaruigbl, wouuiKtfftl'arm.- - wounded in leg t. Agi-ua eevarel* 1 wounded/ v Lieutenant Van Tine, elighily--wooedod,. ; ... v hfo field i.fliceae injured.- Begtmeut lost 160 melt A The other regiment* in this brigade hare not yet re sported. - GENERAL SYKES* REGULARS. *Cbe foHowibg are all the. casualties among the regular officers that 1 tun able to obtain this morning: '. TBEXD INFANTRY. Major Bosell, killed. rOURTH INFANTRY. Major missing; Lieutenant Adaois Co. D, wounded In groin. Bad only twelve killed and wounocd. .RI.JiTJiNTJi INFANTRY. Lieut. Hartwell Co. J>., wounded,in thigh. -“Loet fifiy*lour men, and supported Martin’s Battery in action. TWELFTH INFANTRY. . MejorO’ite, twice wounded severely. • Bit Tot Major Blunt, badly wounded. Copt. Stanhope, killed. , Lieut htacy, acting adjutant, wounded. 1 Franklin, tiuartormaater, was Seen, to fall from.’ Ids horte» andis niiaßiug.' ' FOUKTEBNTH INFANTRY. Lieut. Hoover, Co. 0, probably mortally wounded. •••Lieut. McKlboua, Co. 0, hip, severely. Lieut. Lyons, Co F, left arm, i Lieut..frt. Clair, Co. F, left 1 eg. nCayt' Mclntosh, bayonet wound in thigh. .SBTBSTESNTU INFANTRY, Capt. Dodd, Co. C, hilled. I FlFlil EEGOtAK CAVALRT. ! Oajt. Whiting, Silled. / GAN. SLOOBH’S DIVISION. !- HIRSTT-FIFTH PEKH3VUVAHXA. Col. Goeline, sererely wounded; / Btibba, killtd- v : . Capt. Caircll, slisthtiy wounded.. p Lieut Douahoe, Co. O, killed. 1 THIRTT-FIHST HEW TORE.- V . Col. Pratt, sererely wounded in the face. 1 Adjutant Jones, disabled by a limb from a tree cut off by'a Abell. .• Capt. Go. 11,I 1 , billed. - . \ Li&nu Frossart, Co. F, slightly wounded in shoulder. I Capt.J. B. Sloan, Co. B, lightly in foot. ‘ Lieut. Maitland, Co. K, disabled by being run oyer by ■ cataVfy. Hegimant reports a loss of 150. , Tha 32d New York had no casualties among its /.officers. ; BIGHTEKNTH NEW YORK. Capt.Bcgers, killed. Capt. Barry, killed. ■ • Adjutant Bussell, flesh wound in leg. , SIKTRBSTB NHW YOBK. Col. Howland, flesh woutd, not dangerous. Lieut. Col. Marsh, severely wounded. -SECOND NEW JERSEY. Col. Tucker, killed. Capt. Danfortb, killed. THIRD NEW 'JERSEY , lient. J. Howe, killed while rattling the troops FOURTH NEW JERSEY. Col. Simpson, wounded and prisoner. ..FIFTH MAINE. ‘ . Lieut Col. Heth, killed. GKN. McCALL’3 DIVISION. X*. _ v V-TBSTH .PENNSYLVANIA (RRSF.RYF.S.) ' Gaitber, wounded, Litut/Phipps, wounded. Lieutvßay, wounded. : ' TWELFTH PENKSYLVASTIA (BBSBEVBS.) lleut; W. EL Kern, Oo H,fleBb wound in the left leg. UUCKTAIL RBGIMBST, -Caxtklryinj Co. K, captured. AOapt. KilesTOe. E, missing, probably prisoner. AdjutantHartshorn, wounded in head by shell. : gej«eaiit Samuel Miilswortb, Co. A, killed. Corporal AlbtrtSetUy, Co. killed. Private Charles Dryer, Co. A, kii ed. FIFTH. WIBCpNSINA..-.--^-. Mrtmn „ '' Cart Quoded. ■ The following U • partial ltat elcasualties at the tattle ef Gaines’ Mills’.’ onVriday, June ST: Went. Burton, 12th N. Yu missing. ..■ Oapt. Trueedell, 12th H. Y.> hilled ' lient. Bates, 12tUM. Y., rf? l ’?d*d ; Cant. Comhe; 12th N. Y., missing. ; Litut/Js«tee, lihh M. Y., ™'®‘ u6 - . : Me jor Hatfleld, Ist H. J.. head. . g^^S^^Sdan^Priaoner. ; j lhe !Kd MaBB.: .went In doo strong; lest 160 killed. 'wounded, and miasiDg. i , « v ?feSMfp%“S&o£;*fl» »«ttle of White Oak fcwamps, Monday ; . general, “GeneralMeade,2d brigade, McCall’* Besom, wound medical director. McCall'sdiyi- I B *ldentf Beattie, McOali’s staff, leg. , ~ ■AtßistantAdjulantGeneral Baird, slightly. St J.H. Knhn,-MeCall> a staff, killed. ■ Col Hihks, 19th Massachusetts, thigh, , Capt. Lowell. 20th Massachusetts, hided. COl Phrce, 29th Massachusetts, arm Bhot off. Major Howe, 19th Massachusetts, hilled. Lieut. Leo, 19th Massachusetts, tilted, flnnfc. "Wass. 19lli WafßUCbuaotlß* foote . fant Deverea-ox. 19 h KLasaachuaetts, I,Out. Prime, 16th Massachusetts, sun-stroke on bat. “lS llinke, 16111 Massachusetts,. sun-stroke on the smrely wounded atd prison, v Capt. Jewett, 4th l?cw Jersey, »nBonW* fl Capt, BeyooMs, 4a^ ew T 3eT9By, _^“e r * J :: S. A^S^S»rania:Beserre > leg Xient. Pairly, 31 He,w Jersey, slightly. St"’M lew emrej and prisoner. -Capt. Bnlght, 34 Hew Jersey, prisoner. 001-'StoOibtcn, 4tb VermoDt, Lieut. Col. Joy ce, 2d Vermont, reported killed. Capt. Benton, 6tli Vermont, slight or. Capt. Jenhey, 6th Vermont, slightly, wounded, collected from ''«‘““‘.“s" ro “^ n a ß ” the Olliers ate now waiting transportation. NEW JBSKBKY BBGIHBNTS. tfirat—Bergoont 0. 0. Morton, 00. A,hc«3; J. Ell wooii, Co. A, tit-ad. Bwood.—W. H. Warror, Co, A, sick : W. H. Boons, Co, K., face; W. Dongliorty, Co. I, Drauat; J. H. Worden, vO. E. - Third.—A. Job, Co. G, killed; J. Dents, Co. Grilled: M. Kelly, Co G, wounded ; M Keely, Co. G,wouudSd; M. O’Neill, Co. G, wounded; Capt. D. P. Buckley, Co. C, wounded ;F. McLimna,Co. 0, wounded; H LeWonbery, Co.,G, wounded badly ;J. Bogan, C*. 0, wounded :W. Miller, Co. 0, wounded; D. Snee, 00. G, wounded ; T. Airey, Co. 0, wounded; 8, Phillips, Co. G, wounded : 8. Steward, Co. 0, wounded; S. Myers, 00. G, wounded: J. Hymcr, Co G, wounded; J. Franklin, Co. H, miss ing ; Josiah Franklin, Co. A, wounded; F. Orr, Co. G, wounded; J. Letsou, Ob B, woutided; T. Hines, Co. G, wounded ; Capt. Vanaiue, Co. G, wounded; 0. Hooper, Co. E, wounded ; Capt. F.W.Knight, Co: D. wounded ; George Morte, Co.'B, wounded; J. It. Middleton, Co. H, wounded ; 8. B. Middleton, Co. H wounded; H Lowe, Co. G,wounded; J. Judd, 00. C, wounded ; ——— Crater, Co. G, wounded; S. Farley, Acting Adjutant, wounded; 8. W. H. Porter, Co E, wounded; —— Roberts, Co. G, .wounded ; Joseph Donohue, Go. Bn wounded ; Lieutenant Howell, Co. J, wounded F. Farley, Co. B, wounded ; C. Ke*d, Co. H, wounded; J. Boucher, Co. H, wounded ; J. Co.-E. wounqed; J. De baiccs, Co. £, wounded; W. Smiih, 00. E, wounded ; 0. Miller, Co. E, wounded; B. McGowen, Co. E, wound ed; J/ Deacen, Co, E, wounded; 0 Down, Co. H, wounded ; M. A. Devinney, Co. 11, wounded; S. Tkomp* ton, Co. H, wounded ; fit. Mick, Co. H, wounded; F. Jackson, Co. B, wounded; T. Davis, Go. H, woandoi; G. Nelson, Co. B, wounded; Lieutenant Evans, Co. B, wounded; 8. Toonis, Co B. wounded ; Patrick Barn for-Brown), Co B, nose, cheek, and shoulder; Corporal Samuel Bams, Co. F, neck; J. G. Lawallen, Co. B, arm ; P. J. Fox. Co. B, arm; J. Blair, 00. B, shoulder and y.ecfr ; F W. OouM, Co, B; right arm : B. Truisaiil, Co. B, left arm ; Charles Bennett, Co, H, breast: William Kelley, Co. J, left shoulder ;P. Shank,.Co. B, month; R.C, Levick, Co. F, knee; J. Henry, Co. B, finger; J. Dillon, Co G; shoulder; D. Lumpkins, 00. E, wounded. Fourth.—o©i. J. 0. Simpson, missing, and supposed to be killed; Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Hatch, missing, an-i sup* posed to be killed; Major Wm. Birhey (brother of Brig. Gen. Birnty), missing, and supposed to be killed; Adju tant George B. fcturdifoid, missing, and supposed to be killed; Capt. Wm. Mulford, killed; Capt; A. Aaronaon, killed; Capt.' W. Fetter, killed; Capt. H. BL; Jewett, killed; Capt. William Bievia, killed C*pt. Wm. Nipplna, killed; Ist Lieut Wm. Myer, 00. A, missing: 2d Lieut. B. Schroder, Co. A, mif'HDg; Ist Lieut. K. Wright, Co. D, iniaeing; 2d Lieut, George Bennett, 00, D, missing; Capt Brasilia Bidgeway, mibsing; Ist Ideal. T. 0. Bpoar, missing. Aceordirgto the statementp&ttsofficer, this regiment went into the fight witb 640 menf&nd only 81 can noounded; D .Griffith, Co. D, wounded; Lieut Eg gleton, Co F, wounded; Capt. Tbronp, Co wounded ; JoEcph Durose, Co. G, wounded; Col. Boberts, wounded; M. Cotter, Co. G, arm. Foutth—M. L. Parke, Co. H, wounded; J. M. Miller, Ce I, wouLded; B. B. Co’terall, Co F, wounded; A. D. Clark Co. I v wounded ; Sergt. James Plummer. Co I, wounded; B. McDonough, Co. I, wounded; Wm. Breen, Co. 3, wounded ;• fit. T Severance, Co.F, wounded; Geo. B. I oe. Co. C,’ wounded ; 'H. A. Clark, Co. I, wounded; Capt. Depneyi Co. J, kilhd; Bergt G. Malts, Co. I, woxaded tmdlyj Jos, Ctag, Co. I. dead; Thoaiae Hogan, Co. I, dead; . Wni. Bees, Go.E» wounded; Lieut Smith, Co. E, wounded ; A. J. Dea’ t Co I, wounded ; W. B. Baieom, Co. F, ? wounded; W. Robimwn, ‘Jo I, bayonet ed ; C. F- Carrfs, Co. O, wounded; 0. A. Bouse, Co. D, woundtd; Lieuts. Jones and Preston, Co. D, mo tally wounded. Ent*re loss' of this regiment is 120. J Fleming, Co; E, hand; L< Baviland, 00. K. arm ; Corp. J. Tucker, Co K, two fingers off; A. B. Crane. Co. K, jaw; H. Peire, Co. K, shoulder; L. Larapman, Co. K, back. Sixteenth.—Peter Young, Co. B, killed; C. Beston, Co. H, killed : H. Browne, Co. 11, killed; H. Wise,- Co. H, killed ; Capt. Carr, Co. C, killed; Lieut. Williams, Co.G, killed; E. Barton, Go. O, killed; Capt Fisher, Co. D, killed; Lieut, ftlaguiie, Co. I, woundtd; Lieut. Chandler, Co. D, wounded; Aleut Eddey, Co. G, wouoded; Capt. Myers, Co. G, wounded; Capt. Mort, Co. I, .wounded, SDdieft; S. Niles..Co C, wounded; Corp Wilden,.Co: 0, wounded; 0. Appleby, Co. C, woundtd,; J. Northwooi, Co. 0, wounded ; G.Bidman, Co C, wounded; E Biggs, Co. C, wounded; 0.. Dobson Co, D, wounded; Oorp. Cole, Co. B,.wounded; B. Whitfield, Co. B, wounded; ■ Hardee," Ce. B, wounded ;S. Hoyt, Co. B, wounded; J. Cicfis, Co B, wounded; ——Bullock,’Co. B, killed; G. Monroe, Co. C, killed : J. FiiUr, Co. A, wounded ; : B. Wendellj Co. A. wounded; J. Appleby, Co. 0. wound ed ;J. H. Goodrich; Co. F, wounded ; W. L. Bradisb, Co. 0, wounded; L. Sftndborn. Co. u, wounded; Wm. Griswold, Co. D, wounded j.B:,G. Guidon, Co. B, wound ed; Col. Stockton, mitsing; J. Doubtemau, Oo A, arm; A. Smith.. Co. G, finger; Sergt A Cameron, Co. knee; W-S. Conover, Co. G, right hand; H. Pahuor, Co. I, ,aim; S. W. Biiton; Co. 0, head; Oorp. Hilton, Co. O, woundtd. ’ ■*' REGUIiAH ABMY. • Seeond,—Corporal B. -ftlcßiirie, Ce. K, arm and hand W Wtcker, Co A, arm;:L . Lovely, Co. K, band; B. Scott, OiC G, ihoulder; o/Williams, Co. D, shoulder; L‘ WJB Havermold, Co-. 'B, back ; M. Bsffeny, 00. I, -hand; ,F,..Ke«ij»*y, i}<£ A, missing; T.’Bufcer, 00. A, woußded; DautelKiug, Co. A. wouadod. U'hird:—Mwjor Biißeell. killed ; E- Clapp, Co; J?. rlain, Co.E, band; J. Brady, Co. jD» urm.' , ' T-isisn United Bt a tbs aht i llb hy Cori'S Y?m. Gre gory, Co, Hi wouiWtSj Brosstey, Co. J). —Sorgt. H. McLane, Co. » T -liaT.d : E» leg ; W = Tre-' Tf?, Co. G, wrist \P. Waters,* Co. I, 'wounded; J. Kel- * ley.:Co. I, wouudtd; Sergc/Wm.ffoateiyOo.l, wounded; P‘ Muudey, Co, F, wounded. . Fonrteentb. —Wm<\JtttilexvCo. G; jawbone; o.Massey, Co. A, bfiiul; T. Grooker. Co G, *ido and arm; M. Beu loe, Co. G, ah*uMer.; 7. Norris, 00. 0, arm ; W. Henry, Co- G, brefest; John Gltajon, Co. K, arm; J. Foyw?, Co. I>, bbouKnr: J. Keaton, Co. F, nock ; T. Gordon, 00. J), arm; W . 35. HiiUipß, head; Capi. Foster, aid to Gao. Sykre, hilled ; Lieut. Parker, kilted; Lieut. McJSlhoofl, wounded; Capt. Mclntosh, wounded;* Liont. Sinclair, wounded. . • Twelfth—Mwjor Klitz, killed; Lieut Yan Dusen, kilhd ; J. Womnan, Co. E, ahaulder; Oorp.'CmpMinyy Co. B,'a»m;T. Hausen, Co. G, lelt side; J. Campbell, Co. G, shoulder; B. Fields, Co. E, arm; Corp N. E. Jou«e, Co. H, band ; Corp. K. D. Way, Co. A, shoulder; 0. G. Brown, Co E. bead; J. Moloney, Co. G, nee* ; J. Wcrtman, Co. E, shoulder; J. 3javrreuce, do. G, uhoul der ; J. Mahony, Co. F, arm; J. Lloyd, Co. S’, face S. BOYugo, 00. IS, elbow; G. 11. Person. Go. D, hip;/• Klo neg. Oo- 0, wrist; W.vF. Jones, Co. 32, arm ; G U. Knox, Co. P, Wp; J- TV. Simpson, 00. 0, face; If. C. Barker, Co. F, hand; K. Milligan Co. G, hmd and wrist. Eleventh.—l). League, Co. E, arm; W. H. Lawrence, head. > MAINE REGIMENTS, Second.—J. Window* 00. K. Filth. —liietrt. Col. Heave, killed ; Sergeant Hildreth, Co. F, killed; Col. M. J. Jackson, wounded; Lieut.At wocd,.Co. A, wounded ; Capt Stevens, Co B» wounded j. Capt. BrowD, Co H, wounded; Lieut. Saudborue, Co. F, wotmdid; Corp. J. L/Hyde, Co. a, wouaded; Color Bergt. E.-J. Wormeß, wounded; Lieat.Lanoiit, Co. E, wounded; Capt.,Norton, Co. F, wonoded; Capt. Brad-. bu»y. Co, C, wounded; James PuraeU, 00. C, wounded ; B G Bradbury, Co. C, shoulder; W. H. Everett, 00. C, bead; W. Larraby, Co. C, arm. Seventh. —E. Irvin, Co. H, hand. NEW HAMPSHIRE REGIMENTS. Sewed —O. W; Flojd, Co. Hi finger; F. M. Rhodes* Co. F, ania. PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS. Eighth.—A. Bane, Co. I, wounded, leg ; It. Sayres, Co. I, wounded; T. Britton, Co. H, wounded, teg. ;■ Sixty ■ second.—Colonel Samuel W. Black, killed; Lieu tenant CotenelJ B. Sweitzor, wounded and a prisoner; Major J. W. Patterson, mining: Captain T. B. Monks, wounded and a prisoner:.Captain B. J. Crozier wound ed badly j Lieutenant W. J. Patterson, wounded; Lieu* tenant Bill,wounded; LieutenantCunningbam,wounded; Lieut. Lowry, acting adjutant, wounded ; Lieut. Seitz (accidentally burned), 00. F, wounded ; prices Cor sin and Mack, Co. I>, killed ; private Shenam, Co. S’, killed ; private Mintzmer, Co, G, wounded ; Lieut. W. J. Pattieon, Co F, wounded; Corporal B Cole, 00. wounded : George B. Gray, Co. F, wounded; Robert Finniidck, Co. F, wounded; Capt. E. Brown, wounded and missing-; W. Ring, Co. E? dead ; L. Lahamiah, Co. F, wounded. Eighty*Third.—Col. John W. McLane, killed; Capts. Ziegler, Moiris, and “Wood, wounded; Major Lewis H; Nagle, wounded. Ninetj-FiJtb,—Col. Gosline, severely wounded: Major Bobt-s, severely wounded; Capt. Carroll, Co F, wounded; Lieut. Donohue, Co. 0, killed ; Lieut. Robiu son, Co. E, wounded; Lieut Luginers, Oo E, wouaded; D. McCarthy, Co. K, , wounded and prisoner; E. Latham, Company K, wounded and prisoner; G. Mo- Bride, Co.R,killed ; Corporal McAieer,Oo;K,-wounded; M. Pendergraat, t'o. K, wounded; A. Stemm, Co. K.* wounded: J. Shannon, CO K, wounded and prisoner; E. 1. ledy, Co. K, wounded and prisoner; J. Barton, Co. K, wounded and prisoner. Ninety-sixth.—AVeunded—T. Burke, Co. I, and left on field: J. Morrell, Co.I; S Boylem, Co. F; V. Dudley, Co.l: P. Fearns, Co. Fj B. Welsh, Co.F; D.O’Doaald, Co. F: J. Quran, Co. F; J. Hobson, 00. I; J. Hib baid, Co. I; P. O’Donnell, Co. I; P. Kelly, Co. I:' A. bheiidan, Co.I; J. Bodley, Co. I; J. Delano, Co. I j P. Purcell, Co. I; J. Creamer, 00. I; M. Keating, Co. I;. 51. Oo. I; P. Gaulen, Co. I; M. Quirk, Co. F; F. Blyian, Co. F; hergeant F. Ooifieid, Oo 1; Corporal Foiie, to. I; —. Boyle, Co. D: J. Stonewait, Co. H ; M. Merger* Co. D; D.Doyle, Co. D; J. Hughes, 00. D; H. Simpson, Co. A; Sergeant Rtiohe, Oo H ;-L. Glass, Co. H; A. Rogers, Co.B; Sergeant Dengler, Co.,H; Jos. Hollister, Co. H ; L Co. B, . Sixty-Second.—Col. Black, killed; Lieut. Col. Sweit - zer, wounded, and left on the field; Major Patterson, Eighth:—-Wm. Waterman, Go’. F, slighlly wounded: N.Thom&s, Co. F, slightly wounded. PENNSYLVANIA RESERVE CORPS. Sscohd—Daofel-CoDMr, Cu., 4 A, oo^“V£T\™ p?r,'M™ii oo! Daws, Co. K, Bhouiaer; Culp, Co. A,arm; So- I McDonald, 00. E, killed ; S. Di!!:o, Co. E. killed,i3. Main in 00. F-. wonmied; J S. Vv'eit, Co. B, wounded. Ei(;'nlh.--Saniml M-Dmin, Co. GJarm ; Corp. nnnb K, thigh, W. H. Miner, Co. I,_br»ast, JobFranka, Co. I, arm; Francis Groton, Co. B, nose, John H BWeeny, Co. 6, arm; HarrrA. Steward, Co. B mm - H. Larkee, Co, G, breast; B. H. Miner, Co _G, shoulder: Walter Grubbs, Co. B, leg: JohnO. Gray, Co. B, breast ; J. L. Fia.cja, Co. G, thieb. Ninth. —Itobert H.[Belle, 00. I, leg: J.W. Dontlule, hand - O Dei s, Co. B, hand, J. H. Boas. Co. A, wonnied ; James Reed, Co. H, wounded : ' I, wounded; F. DiU, Co. R, wounded; J. Doughard, Co. K, wounded. . r Xlevet-th.—Edward Hoffman, Co. O, face. - Pevenir-second, Baxter’# Zouayee.—E. Allman, Co. H, Sn.iroff; George AUin,_Oo. B, foot; F. Hogg, Co.B, fifth O -sila O B 'Smith,Co.K,arm'; W. Sheet,,Co. 0, headVwdWeetiman, Co, F. F. McCauley, Ji’ i fdmulder ;S. 0. Buthetlord, Co. I, wrist. NtaetySth'-P- Ooelan, Co. I,:arm: W. Smother, 00. a Wechlin, Co. X, jaw; Milton Moyer, 00. B, fingered. Divine, Co. I; J. KretAer, Co.lvthnmbshot off: D. Woodring, Co. B, head. Fiitr-eecond.—F. Medttn, Co. R, hand. ! Highly .hut —John Hughes, Co. E, hand. Ibirly.eightb.-D. W. Keever, hip. • ±. Sikty-eecoid—B. Erwin, Co. G, wrist: H. Fdwardr, Cm G Ri ger; T: lluth, Co. G, !<* leg; J. M n elwnlder; S. Metßalck, Co. A, neck; J- K. '”"™’ ?o.i\faee:’H.:White, Co. F,..Ug; W. A. nrm: Joel Merlin Co. K, face; O.H. Miersch, leg,G r B. Grftyj Co: F, hand: A,Fisher*hanu. m r +- Ninety*tbirt.—He J. Penrose, Co. B, foot, F. Kutz, Co. A, f&ce and hand. ; . .»• n ; *t> t 13iBhtv-third —Thenjaß W. King, Co. 0, foot , F. J. ■n nwe . cjo E« arm. MABBACHDBETTS BBQMENTS. Ninth —Col. Thomas Casa, miseing -Womodad-Joto Gartland, Co. K; F. Murphy, Oo O: D. Bulkley, Co. B, S fihMhan, Co. k ; J. Dooley, Co. K ; B..Gildane, 60. n*. Oant Scanlon■ Corporal J. Rise, Co. 0 ; VT. Pyne, Co. C ; T. Brighem, Co. G J M. Toole, Ob. 0: W. Lowry, n „ O' Somerville, Co. 0:J. : Haggerty, Co. C, J Clauey, Co. 0: F- Dailey, Co. 0; D. Sullivan, 00. G, arm andhieaet; T:Slattery, Co. H, right arm; Corporal M. Burley, Co.H, right arm; P. Tlynn, Co. H,_hand atrl Fiocrty, Co. G: Capt J. Curry, Co. ofo. Long, Co. G; Corporal Finest?, Oo G; Weut Wplfh, Co, {} Lieut C; J. O’BnMb.Qa B. TWO CENTS. Corpora] Maddigan, Co. C; Corporal Hugh O’Hara, Co. K: Ljpot Bweeney, Co. 0; P. Dennison, Co.C; CJapt. McCaffrey ;J. Readon, Co- C ; Lieut. Nugent; John But ler, Co. 0, Eleven!!].—James Browner, Go. C, side; J. 0. Horton, Co. I, contusion. Sixteenth.—M. Gormley, Co.I, hand jJ. Sullivan, Co. I, foot. ■ Twenty-eecond.—J. W, Jones, Co. H, arm ;M. Griffin, Co. F, neck atd arm; J. W, Amea, Co. H, arm. Twenty-ninth.—D, A Daly, Co. A, right leg. HEW TORE REGIMENTS. First—T. Byan, Co. la, hand ; rfergoant P. Stampf, Co. C, arm; Sergeant S. W. Logouts, Co. E, finger off; Jam eg Biggim, 00. B,hand; J. Stausbury, Co A, arm. -Second.—W. E Sanford, Co. K, wrist; J. Po3t, 00. K, back; fit. Sbeckle, Co.,G, sick; 0. Wilson, Co. C, Bilk; D. Lamb, Co. I, arm; P. Costello, Co. F, sick. Fifib.—Kided-Capi; Partridge, Co. I; A. Birriaa, Co. D ; C. Allen, Co. E: Corp. Kyer, Go. F ; 8 Duly, Co. F; C. O’Noil, Go. F: H. Mandeville, Co F; Wra. C. Ryan, Co. F j S. I>et-iy, Co- F.‘ Woonded—George Cartwright, Co. G, wrist; 0 Albreght, Co. G/head* 8. NVaync, Co. G, arm ; Corporal B. Lookers. Co, 0, arm; J. Reddon, Go. I, arm; E. Bugbe, Co. I, hip and hand; F. Saltale, Co. I, side; L. Rodgere, Co. I, hand ; C. B Corbin, 00. H, arm; John McDaniel, Co. G, groin; J. A. Powers, Co. B, arm; E. J. Sanford, Co. F, hand; A. Kennedy, Go. G, groin; J. O’Connor, Co. G, hand; G. F. Fleeter, Co. G, leg. j Twentieth.—S. fcolomon, Co. B, log; A. Hayes, Co. —, neck. Twenty»fiftb.—John Goby, 00. A, killed; A. Jack, 00. E, hand; Sergeant E. T Toomey, Co. C, hand. Twenty-seventh.—"WiJlia Griffiths, Co. H, shoulder; G. Lady, Co. H, hand; F. Driscoll, Co. A, wriet and bead ; John Bonne, Ca. E, elbow; H. M. Hibbard, Go. E, shoulder; S. Bachman, Co,.E, neck; H. Hauunond, Co. C, bieast; Strgeanr B. P. Stileon, Co. E, wounded; j. K. Barboot, Co. E, wounded; Second Lieut. Jos. Web ster, Co. E, wounded ; W.Crawlord, Co, E, woanded; E. Butler, Co. F, wounded. Twenty-sfventh—Gibson Dana, Co. B, wounded; W. Torrents, Co. B, wounded. , Tbirts-firt-t.—-James Ktlley, Co. I, neck. Ibirty-Mcoid.—R. Iloaendale, Co. K, arm ;A. J. Fer man, Co. G; ’William Timpaon, arm; John Daal, Go. D, hand ; J. Eleming, Co. K, arm; J. L. Peck, 00, I, head. Thirty-seventh —Z. Roden, siefc ,* L. Martin, Co, D, sick,; John Adams, Co. 0, band. . Thirty-eighth— 0. Grobert, Co. G, hand ; F. Hoff master, Co. I, breast. Fortieth.—Sergt. J. A. Emory, hand. Forty-thira;—J. O’Connell, Co. H, arm and finger; J. Doin, Co. E, sick. Forty-tourrh.—H. N. Burhaus, Co. C,-hand ; J®hu McGowan, Co. G, bruise. 1 Fifty-fifrh —Csipt. Da Musaer Co. D 3; wounded ——■ Fradenlnsrg, Co. D, wounded \ Felix Salerno, Co. U, killed ; Ftlix Gallrana, Co. C r arm; Fred. Goppa, Go. C, bond and aide; Geo. C‘hi»holm, Co. B, leg. Filty aixtb—G. H. Avery, Co. I, aide,- . Fifty-seventh—F. Hayes, Co B, hand; w - Eixtyttnrd.—&l Reagan, Co. E, ami; Jamas Murray, Co. A, thigh. > Sixty-ninth.—J. Quinn, Co. C, died In the hospital. : ‘ bo.entieth.—C* Goodall, Co. 0, elbow. Seventy-second—P-Doueily, Co. 1^ f'n. H I>ir l L-Ca'. Canon, Co» I, v • t.-v.'- - ' • V StTentj -seventh.—D. S. Brown, Co. G. aido; —B. B. fiomugrou, Uo. 0, head. One-huudred-and-Rr&t.—l baud. Berdan’shb»rpBlwo'ter»—George'Prudtn, Co. I, hack Edward H., Co. F, shoulder. SICK AND ‘WOUNDED AT FORTRESS MONROE. , Th* following is a list of the wounded brought to For tress Monroe by the gunboat Stepping Stones on, Tuesday night: . . * 4 Fint New York.—John Bishop, Co. A, wrist Captain W. B. Foster, Co. A, elbow. . , BtcondNew York.—Ricbard P.. Powers, Co.H, hand. Third New York —George Payne, Co. D, arm. Fifth New York.—Sergeant Edward Hoffmann, Co. A, aim: J. W. Brown, Co. F, hand; H. Moore, Go.l';. J. Farley, Co I, leg; Sergeant G. A. Mitchell, 00. F, arm; C. H Person. Co. I, band; A. B. Sbeldrum, Co. I, leg. Seventh New York.—G. A. Cowan, Co. I, shoulder. Eighth Now York.—John Blackwell, Co. 0, hand. Tenth New York.—Timothy H. Bunting, Co. F, l?g; Wm. Collins, Co. F, foot; Joßeph Hines, Co. F, head; Joseph Murphy, Co. A, bead. Twtlllh Ntw.York.—David Burt, Co. 0, thigh Sixteenth Sew Yoik.—K. Lohne, Co. I, right side; 0. Bugby,Co; I, bsnd and hip; I*. Rogers, Co. I, haud. beveoteenth New York —Oapt. John Bickeas, 00. F, i sick: Diem. A. tt. VTbbey, Co. K, Bick. i Thirty* firei New York.*—F. Zineriing, Co. F, hand, i Thirty-second New York.—M Kern's, Co F, arm. i Thirty-sixth New York.—Roger McGibbs, Co* H, band and arm. Fortieth New York.—3. Trapp. Go: F, knee. Fifty-seventh New York.—F. Hogs, Co. B, hand. Sixty*third New York —fit. Reagan, Co. E, arm. Seventieth New York.—G* GoodaU, 00. 0, elbow A. Hays, 00. A, neck ; S. Solomon, Co. B, leg. Firßt Begtoent Excelsior Brigade.—Stephen Ramam, Co, 0, arm : Peter A Cavough, 00. F, leg. Third Regiment Excelsior Brigade,—L J. Clark, Co. I, wrist • „ Seventy-third New York.—X. Ju Hickey, 00. F; arm, slightly ;Vm Hogan, Co, F, leg. • . . ' Eighty-seyenth New York.—W\ E. Harrington, Co. C, bead. fc. Eighty-eighth New York. —Ed. Fleming, Co. G. First Massachusetts.—Jamea Carry; Co. 0, hand; W. March, Co K, sick. ■ . Seventh JHaseacnnsetts—PatrickIsny, Co. I,.wrist. Ninth Massachusetts. —Capt..J*mee E- Gwllagaer, Co, •A, sick ; Lieut. J. Burke, 60. K, wound in baud; Mi chael Gieaeon, Co. B, shoulder and hand*John Harrison, Co. B, right arm: Ed. Welsh, Co. E, abdomen; John O’Grady, Co. H, arm; Owen Crogan, Co 35, neck; Wm. Harvey, Co. B, face; Thos. Glassy, 06. F, leg.; John Bjley, Co. D, leg: Ed. Falen, Co. B; leg; P: Ryan, Co. I, strain ; Cept J. A. Jameson, Go. D,.hand;. Lawrence McCarty, Co. B, strain: Patrick Goldey,: Co. C,. shoul der ; John Hallem, 00. E, arm Jones McGovern, Co. ■ O, cottosion; M O. Toole, Co C, hand; James Moore, Co. A, lip; B. Duffy, Co, B, thigh ;. Capt. M. Sconlen, Co.B, finger; B. Kennedy, Co. G, eontusioa; Daniel Sheoban, Co. C, thigh; M. McDermott, Co. A, hand; M. Creighton, Co. D, knee Dennis McOaetyv Co B, aim; D. Sweeney, Co. B,krtte; P - .Lynchs 00. H, baud; Janies Holey, Co. G, sick ; M. Dugan, Co. G; T. Mur phy. 06. C, arm; Andrew Doion, Co. I, face;, Thomas M&Uihan, Co. D, side; Dennis Brown, Co. D, shoulder; ©. Sullivan, Co. G, arm; J. Brigham,. Co. G, neck; T. Slattery, Co. H, arm: Oorp. M. Cauley, Co* H, arm; P. F. Lynn, Co. H, hand. « « Tenth Massachusetts.—William M. Babcock, Co.D, 11 Eleventh Massachusetts.—Corp. Chas. G. Turney, Oo.; Sixteenth Massachusetts.— J. Sullivan, Go. I, foot; J. M. Cross, Co. C. thigh ; Theodore Bteiuberd, Co. 0, shoulder; M. Gormley, Co. I, hand; J. Donbleraao, Co. Nineteenth Massachusetts.—J.D. Ryan; Co-K, Bick; D.N. Bussell, Co. K,siek- _ , 4**"*9 - Twenty* second Massachusetts.—wm. Bohn, Co. 1, ' hand: Wm. Graham, Co. E» arm; 0. J. Melcher, Co. E, ann; G. N. Colton, Go. D, leg; M. Griffin, 00. F, neck; - 8. F. Poison, C. G. Pakes, cheek; Sergt Sami. Tuck, Co. B, contusion. . ' , ■ Twenty-ninth Massachusetts —D. A. Daly, Co. A, leg. Sixty-first Maesuchusetts. —John S. Phillips, Co. D, second MasßachnsettS. —S. H. Ingalls, Co. A, Filth Matoe.—John. F * Bancroft, Co. B, shoulder ; OLMIeB H Wallace, Co. B, thigh; Co. b tlird • M. Beaty, Co. F,. band jE. G. Bradley, Co. C,’shoulder ; William B. Everett, Co. 0, bead; Wmiam CoDßelly, Co. F, shoulder; John. McDonald, Co. F, —Lieut.!). ft-Sale. Go. K, rapture. RecDid* Bfgulars—Patrick O’Gorman, Go. E, bend] Sergeant Wiliam Banda, do. 0, hand ; G. 8. Bualr, Co. ° MrS Begniare.—J. King. Go. 0, hand ; Lieut. Okas, B Benwrrth.Co. T, tend; William Chamberlain, Co. TTnnrtli Beßulurs.—D- Whelan, Go. G, arm. - Sixih Begulare —Patrick Bagan, Go. B j ScrgeantH. McLean, Co. B, band; G. Bener, Co. B,band; P. Aim «roDg. Co. D, arm; w. Keunely, Co. D, throat. Tenth Thomas Gordon, Co. G> arm and, EW Taelf b Begulars -X W. Simpeon, Co.. 0, toco; B. FieltsfCo. B,' arm; W.F. donee, Co. B, tmvCftpfc Il ls. Jcmee, Co. H, hand; Capt. fi. D. May, Co. A, Bhonl- TTirat Micbiflon.-'-AV. Cotter, Co. A, side. • __ Fourth Michtgaa—Chas. Bouße, Co. D, head; A. Bib cuia, Co. G, hand and atm ■ • Sixth Micbigjin—Capt Hilton, Co. C. ; leTcnth Michigan.—Capt. A.. B. Hancock, Co. B, ““sskteenth Michigan.—H‘. Palmer, Co. I, arm; Henry B Th?Mlo»iw to d ‘a list of silk and wounded soldiers transported on the eteamer II»no«, from Harnaone 2 Paißeiervo,’ rheumatism; pmad BeimbecbyH, 63 K Y wound in side; Kinrick, Bender, 0, 20 N. J-> rrs£. Lk" JeSes McKenny, E, 2 Pa. Ktaervea, gunshot nont’d in book ; George Galloway, G, 80, Pa., grapoahot 'afoot; A. M. Limbeck, li, 12 N.Y., gunebot .n arm; George Adame, E, 1 H. J., gunshot in strut:: Patrick H.fter B 67 N. Y.. wound in hand ; Samuel Wormsley, w’X.™ndinfinger; Henri 0. " Cav., wound in finger; XX. Beeper, B. nfll . r Q g ■nound in hand; Joiepb Lehr, H, 80. 8. Inf., ge^ Michael Frendegaat, K» 95 Pe., wound in bead hana Beni. O.Lutton, Libale“ Ci B, IH. J., uound in a ' n d side; Henry Dudley, Tlt pi 'itae wonnd in hand: Michael Manning, 0, A. IJ Fa. ites., WOUU TtlerrH, 5 Me., ■wound f 8 I’ War mi*Torifsr- B, li S -wound in aide; uiband.Warre i pft Eeg _ wound in left aide; George O. Cane’ ' "> n 2 N _ Y > fcw ; James 0. u.ed' l 9Pa Bee., wounded ia left aboulder; Hunea ne’ei 8 Mich, wounded in right b#nd; Henry I’Mder B, iS. L, Tbeumatiam; Michael MoOalo, B, , 6 S; T., wounded in back and>nee; William Bock • wood, A, 3 N. J > sut stroke; B. 8S K. Y., wounded in band; ltobort NcjS'-iii la , a,BSKi Y.i wounded in rtßiit foot; DanM Cii'-io P> THE WAH PRESS. Twa Wax Puss will be sent to subscribers bjr mafi (per annum in adv&noe) at.. ..£9.o* Three Copies *« « fi,o* Five « <* k fi,o« Ten « « « 13.0* Larger Globa wiH be obeyed at the same rate, thuat 20 copies wfl! cost *2l; 60 copies will cost 060; and 10# copies 0120. For a Glob of Twenty-one or over, we wfll Bend an Extra Copy to the getter-op of the 01(3). ■STPostirt asters are requested to act as Agents foe Tex Wax Pxess. fnserted at the usual rates.* Sim lines constitute a square. fc Pa. Ses.t wounded in ankle: 0. K. Fisher* 1 Mfn., diar rhoea ; Charles Brown* B, 12 N. Y., wounded in left arm ; Charles H. Moulton,l), 22 Mass.* wounded in right T. H Brymer, B, 61 Pa., injured in back and side; Corp, John Collins, 2 Pa. Bee-, wounded in left arm: Clajtor Super, G» 6 Pa. T wounded in right hand; Edw’a Barnes, 1, 87 N. Y., rbeumatinn; Charles Bartan* K, 87 N. Y.* general debility; Wm.Toiie, H, 40, N, Y., rheumatism; Patrick White, G, 95 Fa-, rheumatism; Ebenezer Chase, F, 52 Pa., fever; Ist Lieut, and Adj. H. A. Taleer»‘29 Maes., typhoid fover ; August Leke, F, 85 N. Y., wounded in leg; Ira Yager H, 8d N. Y., gene ral debility; Newton Tub, 11,20 Ifcd., erysipelas; John be&l, F, 15 K. Y., wounded in left shoulder; Patrick Moran* B, 29 Mass,, wounded in left hand; Charles G. Palmer, D, 10 Mass., wounded in left band; Matthew Bailey, C, 81 Pa., rheumatism ; Wm. Morrisey, fi.Exc, N. Y., wounded in left Atm: darner Tate, A, 12 Infantry U. 8., wounded in head and left side; John fcwyker. A, 36 N. Y., wounded in forefinger and right hand: Cbarlea Abiieilsy, A, 1 L. I, ossentery; A. B Culver, 8,4 Mich., bayonet wound in left foot; Williams Jones, * corporal !, 10 Mass . fever and ague; John B. Goff, W. 10 Maes., iheumatism hip and back; L. H., Clark, E, 10 Hats, xbeumatifczn; Wm. Patterson, Brady Sbarp sbocters, 16 Mich., wounded in thigh; Homer P. Bop king, H, 1 Mich., wounded in left arm; Thomas F. Eebr, 1, 72 Pa., wounded, jumped on in rifle pit; Wm. B. Dumb. I), 44 N Y., partial toss of hearing by explo sion of the]!; Owen Dolan, G, 66 N. Y., loss of eye, sfliht injury of lelt leg and foot; M. H. Sfeioner. G, 61 N T., wound in right heel and side; August T, Ecbvldt, C, 1 Minn , wound in left leg; Seth S. Baris, C, 4 Yt,, cut in lelt band ; Edmond Miller, E, 10 Mass., wounded in left hand; Edward Sublessor, A, 62 N Y., piles and rheu matism ; John Begley, G, 4 Inf. C. S., rheumatism; J. M. Woodworth,A, 1 Mass., fever; Josiah E. Henry, l, 5 Yt ,wouDded in right elnow; Theo. Waler, 11, 1 U. S. < Art., typhoid fever; Jas. Benson,E, 12 N. Y.« wound in right bio*, “shellJos. Bice, 4H T. Art., ague and fever; Booglacs Forbee, E, 12th N. Y., wound itx side; Poi ip Miller, H.IO. S. Artillery, wound in left leg; George Kimball* i, B Illinois Cavalry, wound in hand; Thomas B. Bose, 1, 7 Maine, rheumatism;.Poory C. England, K, 4 V. 8. Artillery, rheumatism; George Vogee, D, S Illinois Cavaliy, wound in right- hand; Win. Uhandler, G, 22Mass., wound in right arm; L. G. Smith, D. 12 CT. 8. Infantry, wound in leftankleaod boweb; Wm. Adams, I, 2 Pa Cavalry, woutd in left foot; Thomas Daiey, D, 10 JJ.'Y.* rheumatism ; Charles Brown, K, 2 R I, wound in side; John A. KtEtler, I, rheumatism; Smith Ken nedy. B, 49 Pa., rheumatism; John a. Crozier, 0,4 Yt:, general debility ; Pierce Keary, K, 5 N. Y., rheumatism; Charles Mudford, 12 N. Y., A, wound in head ; Jac-jb XT,, . Smith, 1 N. Y., B, general debility ; Albert Marquis, 0 Pa. Bet., H, wound in hand ; Michael , 67tU N. Y., typhoid ftver ; John Gasaoitr, A, 31 Pa, rheumatism; John Lynch, 2, 12 N. Y., wound in thumb; K. Kline* Bat. G, 1 Pa., contusion; Pyle Gabon, 33, Baxter's Zouaves, wound iu left fcof; Ist Lieut. J, P. FcSf 6r baefter* C, 49 Pa , wound in lelt band: Lt Lieut H. tf. Wbitfi:4d, E, 49 Pa, fever; Corporal T. H Campbell, F, 31 Pa., general debility; Peter Hetzel, C. 103 Pa., TbfumfMiem ; Daniel Hiliich. C. 103 Pa , diarrbma; W. B. Btaumonti F. Baxter’s Zouaves, fever; Charles A. Maynard, G, 10 Massachusetts, rheumatic fever; Cor poral Andrew Miller, A, 57 JN. Y , wound in haul; Geo. Boyer, A. 67 H- Y,, wound In bead; Alonzo Welsh, B, 11 Mft-b, wound in shoulder; Thomas A. Koesge, K, 81 Pa., wound in side; Poter Woles B, 9 Pa. Belwound in right hand ; John Cooper, G, 95 Pa, wound iu right arm; Geo. W.Bix, D, 49 Pa, debility; dam Frink, D, 49 Pa., rheumatism; Ricti’d Carlaton. D, 10 N. Y., oon*Uaion; 2d Lieut. Bobt. Knagge, H, 7 Mich» fever ;-l«t Lieut. John Clark, P, 7 Mich., lever; Thus. I>. Boone, D, 3 Pa., typhoio fever; Geo. A. Bern-* r>, F, 5 Yc , wound iu right leg; JtsseWilliams, E IVheeLr’s Battery, straiatd back; D. L. Farnbam, C, 5 Mo.-, wounded in Udt hand; Tboa Smith, B, S 7 N. Y., wounded in left liana ; Jr. Boacb, K, 32 E.Y., iheuinatijmia leftside; 8. H. Por t*r, E, 85 K, I r ., wounded iu foot; Jas. Nelson, —,66 N. Y , pbloses piel; H. K. Farrow, K, 10 Mass, thum9 amputation; K. L. Stegnr, 1,49 N. Y., wounded iu right hand; Anthony Jacobs, H, 5 Yt, wound m left baud: C. H. Williams, O, 22 Mnsoft wounded in left arm; W, Hagarom, B, Stockton Begl:, wound*d in right thigh; H. ITuiler, B, 1 N. Y.,ri eum. fever; Jos. W. Knight, B„ 28. !., rheuDiatisiD; Tbos. Cochran, G, 71 of. Y„ heart disease; Corp. W. H. Adams. 8 Pa. Cav., typhoid lerar: Gt-o. Moran , K, 66 N. Y., bilious fever; J. Billiard, If 16 N. Y., wounded in tight arm ; Lieut. E. 8. Armstrong, 77, N. Y,, typhoid fever; Jacob Gabrlar, F, 65 N. Y., wounded in ankle; G. Henning, G, 20 N. Y., wounded m right bhouider: John Healey, H, 14 G. B. Inf., wound ed in left knee ; Richard tfugent, K, t 9 N. Y , sunstroke ■ fever; Win. Hjbct, li, 10 N. Y.-rheumatism; Lieut J. F. Picket, 8 Pa. Car., inflammatory rheumatism; Law rence Kicd, Battery U T I D. S. Art., wonnded ia hand. The following is a list of the sick and wounded brought down to Fortress ffonree on the Daniel Webster: Kennedy, B, 63- Pa , fever • Abel J. Landy, 4R. I. Battery, shell wound in head; \V. a. Sooontnaker, H, S IVis., typhoid lever; CasperDraff, G,Xit;l. Ajrt, wound in thigh; Assistant Surgeon J.N. Willard, 19 Maes., in terim tteut fever ; Allen Hamfeb, E, 5 Pa., wound in thigh: Robert X. TumuM, B, 1 Berdea Sharpshooters, typhoid fever; John btraight, B, 85N.Y., typhoid fever; W. B. Bntritl, G, 11 Me, debility ; J.A. Addison G, SI N. Y., wound jchip; John S.-Keiiy,.B, 11 He., diarrhoea; Wm. E. Weire B, 93 Pa , remittent fever: Daniel Hal let, D, 10 Mass’, fever; Sergt. E. W. Oram, H, 11 Mas*,, intermittent fever; Lieut. J. C. Foley, D, 88 fl Y * Lieut. S. M. Bogan, H, 18. 1., wound in thigh; W. B. Showers, B, S Fa., wound in stomach; Thomas Brown, I, 8 111. Cay., wound in leg ;’Sergt; J. Byact, 8 111, Car., wound in knee; Miles F. Church,""A, 13 N. Y., wound in foot; Isaac Pitch, I, 85 N. Y., typhoid fever; Orderly' Sergt, Daniel Cregg, A, 2 Pa., wound in wrist; J. Pen rose, B, 105 Pa., remittent fever; u. W*raer, B, Pa. Car., typhoid fever; Sergt;*Smi*fa, A, &7 N. Y., cauuj— — fever: Lieut. J: B. Graham, !, 1 Pa. J, T. Krtlin, C, IS tf.iv Yorfe--ound in breiwt: Charles Rihv:-A^#>-Ntrw-xoTkI typhoid fever; Daniel Watte, 1. 62Pa., wound in leg; J. P. Fitch, 1>,44 U. ‘ Yv; wound in l»g: Geo. Watson, K,’ 3 N. J., wound M thigh;. Jag. FJinn,F, 62 Pa, sun*,strobeG.O. Marita, K, 6 vt., wound-in thighf; B, G. Well?,; G, .-!• Hina.* . wound in testicle; Moses Klioe, fl, 2 Pa. Cav., wound in bead and arm ; Sergeant..M_-Bhapahan,. in. teg *, D-tiuOivan, dVh S 1 Inf., wound in arm; B. Armstrong, G. 14 It S. Inf^ woundl in toot ; J. ft. Seaver, 3 Yt„ fe ver ; O:M. Crofoot, I, 34 N. *Y., wound in toot: T, Dmtsicb, 0,14 H. Y , wourd in ankle; L : Smith, I, 18 Mass., uinft ; Capt. C. Barnes,®, 9 Pa.» wound to legj Sergt: T; C. Oolt, D, 10 ttI«S4 n tlphtfd fever; 8«d f, B. Martini I, 3 If. J, wound -ip.- hip; J> Bamnan, I* * 8.J., wound in leg ;S. 0. Kennedy, I, 3N. J., wound in aim and foot; 1). Bean, ST, 38-. Ksw York,rhosw lever; J. Wfiß* *, 38 N T., typfiold fever; Geotg* Beel,. 5 Mass. Art.; wound in foot; B. Coniff, I, 10 Mara., nonnd in broaM; Hiram A. 'Fumer, A, 3 Me., wcund in liend and leg ; Capt. A: Latimer. 28. 8. Tnf,, remit ; Lieut W, G. Fitch, 20. s>. Inf., fever; Sergt. M. E. Fish, 0, 8 Yt, wound in am ana ear; Ad j. 8. Ga. man,2Bat H.XvArfc, fever; CaptE. W. Lojell, ~f. Mich , chronic diarrhoea; Sergt. S. A. Marlin, u 5 Yt., wonnd in groin; Col. A. L. MonUon, aid. to Gen. Palmar, .wound in band and leg; G.' tVe Herrick, B, 101 fa. dianhtea; Went. W. L. Hopkina F, 62Pa., remit.; «. B Bojce, E, 44 N.Y.. debilitj; J. W. Haller, K, 5 Win, remittent lever; O. O.Tilden,.o, 29 Maae, aue-rtroto; ■Win. Currier, C, 2 Me., wound, both legs; W. Msiland, K, 31 H. Y-, wound, back; W E. Blewett, F, 2N. Y-. •wound, breast; D. Faiiil, act adj:, 8 8. J., wound, thigh; John Bodigraae, H, 19 Maaa., wound, foot; Cm*. J. Brady, F,6S Pa., wound, groin, Lieutenant P. Moran, G. 69 Pa, wound, aide; G. Lepoiod, K lb N. Y., wownd, foot: Corporal B. Birdaall, F, 3 wound, ankle s B. Gracbien* C, 20 lams foot; T. h. Tih fcetts, c. 19 Hase,, amputation of arm *, G, H Bryan, 30 D. 8 Inf., wouiid, thigh;. Capt. J. H- Min c r, D, If NrY.» dysentery: Lieut. B« A, Spencer. B, 10 H. rheumauem; Lieut. G. F. late, K v 10- N- Y., wound o£ shoulder; Ibos. Brown, E, 33 N. Y., wound of thigh ; •.He A. Amor, B, 63 Pa:, fever;: B. Fisher, E,2U. 8. Inf, wound in thigh; F. SkUlmau, Di 4 if. J., wouud in »g: Sami. Leedor, 3). 93 Pa., rheumat sm; B Byan, G, * N. J-, wound In elbow; Levi Parcel, D, 4-if. J , wound to thigh;. J. H. Johnson, ©, 4 N. J., wound in left leg; Jamte J. Broderick, B, 1 Conn., typhoid fever; J. Brady, A, 4 N. J., wound of tees; Oorp. Pat Burke, C # 12 Ky., wound of buttock;. John Biiey, B, 29 Mass,, fracture of forearm ; Dant Howell* L,.4 Pa. Cav., wo»ad of jaw:: A. Began, I, 9 Mass., wound- ot thigh; Daniel G. O’Ktofe, K, 5 New York, wouud of knee ; Thomas Caiuthers. D,4Pa. Cav., wound of wrißt* F. Almar, K, 23 N. Y.. wounded in foot:. Asa Baoe, I, S'PA. wounded in knee; Cbas. Bctta. D k l2 F. X„ wounded In band* J. W. Wilson, B, 16 B.Y.,wounded in thigh;D. sL Gross, E, frill. Cav , wounded in ankle ' r D. Prmcing. G, 5 N. J.» wounded to leg;; J. Buchanan, B> I Pa. Art, woundid in shoulder; J. Jr Vanblerienm, 4IT. S. Art., typhoid fever: G- Hiller, E,l Conn. Art., typhoid fever* fiergr. B. W. Fowler, 8,4 Vt„wonnd in bin; X. D. Simpson, E* 1 Conn. Art., fever; Jos. vvelthuie, H* 1 Conn. Art., fever; C. Bistrees, I, 33 N..Y., feyerj O. Scbafter, G, 1 Cal., wound in wrist; J. Wnght r I. 1 Ex. N. Y , feun-strtkeSergeant W: Brophy. D, 5 D. S. Cqy.» wound in leg ; H Campbell, D, 7 Maine, foot: E. Coolidgf,.-G, 10 Maes.* fever; J. Hastings, G, 10 ; J. Rtce, B, 4P«. Cav, wound to leg; Thomos Chribtal, A,.88 N. Y., wound to thigh ; Capt.J.D.P. Mounts, 1^.1N.J., wouhdiabip; Henry Bter, E, 62 Pa., wound to bip ; J- Holden, E, 2d If - Y-» wound in band; Sergt. C. H. omitfa, B, 3 ff. J., wound, in thigh l Sergi-F. Pernio^A, §5 Pa , wound in shoul der; P- Bedtuan, A,.12J1.5. Inf, wound in thigh ; G. Chamberlain, G, 14 Life. In-, wounded in thigh; David Mortimer, E, 62 Pa., wounded in hip: Michael D. Csbld, A, 1 Conn Ar., wound in head jiiobt. fr. BamLlton, E, 1 Mass, wound in wiist; Wm Dennison, K, 3 Pa. Reserve, wouud to handW. H. Bay, E,A Hass * wound in left shoulder Daniel Hullady, G, 2 Sickles, wound in hand ; Hm. 0 Began, F. 10 Maw,foyer; Hoses Wedg woed, H, 11 Me., vound in hand; C. W. Collis, E, 5N.H., fever : John Lytb, E, 20 Ind., wound to right thigh; Benry IVeHz, G. 15 Wie., fever; Ahial H. Patch. H* 5 Ye wouud in aim; Henry L. Hiller, A, IN. Y.» wound in hard; San.uel Korcrosf, B, 5 Yt., wounded in kaee; James Downoy, G, 25 H Y., wounded in leR teg; Y. ? Uliana Lindsey, I, 81 N. Y, fever; Corporal Thorna Boone. I, IGO N. Y,, fever; Caßander Frtsbutt, I, lfr Hssa., lever; S. B. Jackson, F* 10 Mas*,fever; Jno-B. Witte, D, 1 If. J.. wound in hand; Waßh Sbulz, F, 4 N J.. flefeb wound in back; John W. Jakeroau,G 12 N. Y * Henry Hewit, K, S 5 N. Y., typhoid fever; I>ymm G. Binge. G, 1 Conn. Art, fever ; David F. Bacon, E, 2 Yti rheußiStißm ; Theodore Bbriver, A, 4 N. Jwound in thigh; Euwaifl Mite, A, 1 BxceWor N. Y., severe cold ;_Andiew_ F* 5 Maine, wound m shoni- jbhhMundy, ftAK.- J ficsh vcound Id axm iCias. 0 NoiUj D»» ", *i « , in Us- CM™ Bobbtos’B, 1 Masts., wound m left hand; Chas Born, B, 2H. T-, wound 1& le |t ‘high IVk i ! E, 11 UfKBVwounded \n r«Jt r K, 87 «. ximnniwi in urine; T. D* Hammond* 1,6>t., wounaea. in kg*, B. Wagoner, B, 20 Mass.; wounded lmnd; L. FieS»Vnlwr*er*l>*-65 8.T., jroiirf«4'-Uk tajd, Mnlnnem G, 2" N. Y„ wounded in log; J.SO Mots., vouuded in arm; B. Wygant, F,« a. X, fa»er, -n n MyerWIsVON. J.,\*o\mded shoulder, Wiu.Daa itlV B, 5 Yt., fever: T, Richeson, H, 2 Mich.j debility ? nJ. 2 Tailor, b]lo "Me., fever; S. B. Hamilton, G, 10 Trias? t tbilitj vT- H. Grove, 1 XJ. S Cav., wounded ;»? hti\ ‘ J Aciioii C, IU. B. Cavalry, wounded inarm, B “u leg; Wm. Our j- yo i fc Cav-, weunded in shoulder; X -.X- ail as an, v’gu Y > wounded in les ; Wm. Hardy, B, 18 wounded in head; H. McGee, 10 Mass, wounded in koudfcapt.Keioe’,G, 1 Penna. Beeerve, wouadadm lag; WffiMn H. Martin, E, 20 Indiana, wounded in foot; E. Bitck, 1,10 Man, wounded ioYeg; 0. Bnglepey, eergt., 1,1 N. Y.. wounded in knee; H. P. Smith, H, i S. 11., weunded in &rm’, "William S’. Ayieton, 72 P&*» wounded in jaw;’G. A. Atetsal, H, T Me., wounded in leg; C. Couemilier, capt., K, 1 H. J., dysentery , J. 8. Mattis, K, 104 Pa., wounded in arm; A. J. Uoyd, 1, 05 Pa wounded in head; H. Bagnar, B, 34 N. Y., wounded id head; J. E. Williams, capt.B, 02 Pa,joundedm shoulder; E. E. Miller, E, 8S Pao woanded » thigh, B. 0. Shannon, K, 95 Pa, wounded in side, S A. Estes, lier.t., G, 12 N. Y., wounded io leg; H. A. Alien, H, U N. Y., wounded In thigh; 0. Clark, Ist Y . enrained ankle: H M.Baker,ool ,68, fever, C.Mer . rit.capr., A,l9Mass., fever; A.B.Oartts,adjt.,2o Mass., remittent fever - E W Pierce, col., 29 Mass., Maas, amcutation of hrm; T.B.Hal.Ud, eergt., 1,10 Maas., ill, nnietipm; H. Ballsntino, B, 85 Pa,, typhoid fever; , , MileB 1 -!,, l j Connecticut Artillery, fever; John, ifaimwa E, 23 Conn. Ar., wound in foot; F. Johnston, pso NX, fever; Ohas. Brown, IN. Y. Oav., wound feenn ; Morris Upton, E,22 Maes., wound m leg ; Wert, p B Aolt, E, IN. J., wound in arm; Frederick Bo gerdup, B, 56 N. Y„ lung fever; B.loetor, 4 Beg. In., fever; H. Klein, 4Beg. In., woundm arm, O, Hints, 8 uls. lit.; Wm. Mentz, E, 92 10., wound in foot; B. F. Fowler, 2 In.; B. M Bedford, let eergt., n, 85 N. Y.» fever; 6w E t. i. W. Noyes, B, II Ue^ r \T^Lth^ h F”n i -on. F, 12 U. S. 1n... wound In leg; N.l hi Bergetnon, B, 20 Ind;, wound m 1, g. ■ . „ .T.T,vnTING SIGHT.—One day last week, aa “ commendant >a office, on Jefferson avenue, »-e Xrtved a woondtd eoldltrlyiog upon the pavement The poor fellow had placed bis crutches li-ad for a P ulliow. and evidently slept aa soundly as ha would have done in his father’s houee, notwithstanding the Say tun cast its hot at-d sultry, breath upoa him. ?„rhiswar- sech the reaatd of courage and pitriotum. iTie gocd. Santa,itao near to .ffer him shelter r-om the eon and cool his parched lips with a glass ot wsttr.,. Our noblefighting boi s dorarve brttw treatment «ii tbeUandi of our citizens. —Detroit , (Mich ) (istr. ’