ONE-PaioE Clothing, of the latest Sttlks, made ta the Boot Manner, expressly for BE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Prioes marked In Plain Figures. AU Goods mule to Order warranted satisfactory. Onr one-Fbiob System is strictly ad hered to. Ail are thereby treated alifeo, seSa-ly JONES A 00.. 004 MARKET Street. Allegheny Railroad and Coal COMPANY —A meeting of tbu StoofchoUiers and Boai holders will be held on THURSDAY, July Sd, at 13 •o’clock M.» at the office, No. 3 Forrest Place, 123# •South Fourth street, to hear the Report of tUn Commit tee appointed at the meeting of May 9th, and to take auch action thereon as they may deem best for their in ttereets. H. N. BURBOUOH*, i If. H. SHILLINGKOBD, ( n ~, EDWARD GaSKILL, •• > uommUtee, JOSHUA W. ASH, M. D , June 27fcb, 1802, Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, ■Teated for nineteen years and grows in favor.. It kUIa »and exterminates Beaches, Bed Buga, Anta, Fleas, Stfoths in Cloth*, Furs, and Furniture, Garden. Insects, •Ao, All genuine bears the signature of B. Lyon, and ■sis notpoisonous to per sons or domestio animal!, Be* ware of counterfeits and imitations. Lyon’s Powder i ills all insects in a trice, Lyon's Pills are death to rats and mice. Sold every where, D. S. BARNES, my3*Btath3m .. 202 Broadway, New York. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest flu til, City, at 111 South FOURTH Btr«.t. CARD PRINTING, test and cheapest in the City, at Hll Smuh FOURTH Street. OIBOTIi,AB PRINTING, beat and cheapest in tbo - r H I 1 West, Cincinnati, 0 Marcus Feebhalmer, Oin, 0 Ghas L Moore, Oin, 0 ew York Jas B Btiwty, New York G B Wienuer, Now York 8 J Yandet hump, Phllada 3 1 Weston, Mass M P Engle J Bittinger, Boston • Dr J R Mitchell, Del ‘Miss 0 3‘j Mitchell,Del J B Ho.vt & la, Stamford Zfllifi E Sheets, Lancaster S Smith, Jr, New York 'W P Barstow* New York W B Ogden, Chicago. . Bon B 8 Thurston, Conn Oba* Prentia, Com Hiram Willey, Conn Alex LeUcb, BtL mis .J K Tare, St Louis 0 Wotruore, -Ft,* Baltimore ..R R Broemtr, Baltimore Ja& B Weight, Baltimore Jaifß Haskell. New York Mr Tenvke, New York Mr Byersen, New York J Bfeler, NewYorx <7apt if 0 Amss, Ya H Buckingham, N Haven Jas L March, Lexington Ota-fE L Efrinkerhoff, N Y .J Yldrtdge, New York 0 SI Martin, Yirgieia MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth si., below Arch. J - Q Adams. BnnHngdon co .U II Duncan, Pennsylvania Bou Win Bigler, Penna St M Adam-*, Crv-aaim, Pa .J M Leiper E Gabler, New York -J f>. D Lilly & wf fit H Snyder, Bethlehem 1 Painter, Westmoreland co M Malone, LaticAster y D St Louis . G W MiU»r, Wa-h, Pa TV'S HPauley, Green co, Pa T B Searight J V DongiiJeii, Dniontown Lieut WilHsion, Ua A jHev H S Clarke, Pbila Mrs Vunlewlicr, W.Point •MrsDmkeei N London. Ot L P Williams, Phil* 31 FOuthr&uf, filftryland T s Oowran, "‘JawYork *W B Davis, Easton, Pu W F Given. Wash, D 0 YV Montgomery, Centro co • B G Bush, Behafoute hT Hepplck, Middletown J * Boy*r, Alechanlcahurg L'fiberly, Mechetiicshurg ,\Y D Penna J F Cottrell, PWiadßlphla S bmMli, ‘dl Bftm,Lauc«st-r, Pa M Gutman. Baltimore / 33 I! Gardner, Pittsburg R F'May, Elkton, Md /IT B McOoulfT, Virginia AMERlCAN—Ohestuut street,' above Fifth •George Bophins, Boston J D James J • F W Jobusor, Bristol . WmSpav th®, Havana C»pt J U«riy ci w, Bsllimore B Grafttis, Huntingdon, Pa l>r Bowen, New Jersey W'm Eubier, Wash, U O W L Woodw{Sf'd,OilOUy, Pa 0 D Ln-ogbnrst irs, New Jersey R fit Camphril, Nev York J., California P Todvine, Maryland CL T Main© Jos K Biiey, NewJorgey - W 11 L‘»yw»rd. New York 35 Marrener, New Yor£ Wfl SSkrr, U,S N ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third .Jus ICdgworib. N.ew York- L Wiikias, N«w.York P i'ltirid, Baltimore Mrs J Jones, \taiii, D 0 .J W Boody/ - V J Robinsou, AlttKnm Bfaj J. Hertnann, Balt J,A poetic. York IV C-Porterv New Jmoy Gw> Srhall, Pi-mi>i Wm Montehnsj Snnbury H Mac ay, AVibn, Del F Yan Antwerp, N York A Anderson, J D, B iifc CJ W SlminoiiS. Trenton Win Obase, Lancaster J W Hammond, Peoria, 111 GII Martin, Pittsburg E FJlszieton, Baltimore .Gluts H West, D 3 N L Liebman, California THE UNION—Area street nbove Third. John London, Altoona Pa WT Karts, Piv . J GRf adiug, New Jersey Richard Calvin. Vermont ■John S Holcomb, -N J W H Beip, Suffolk, Va . David J llimmn-1, Pa Hr A Lowbpr, Delaware Geo G; Bvene, Delaware F Broofcman. New York., Col Robe. Bat cliff, Ta.aaqna Miss E J Ratcliff, Taroaona FW'lc Welrty,..Tanmqua < Marion Wbeeler Now York H Wnddeß, Brooklyn E P Ancona, Beading NATIONAL HOTEL —Race street, above Third. Cbas II Mislor, Pt'tisvilJe Wm K«rr, AUeutowa J W'Boons, Scttyl daveu M J Miller, fiUilerstovva yB Shakers, Beading John I> Stine* Penaa •=• Henry Ihiithrary, Samuel Behm, Perm a S H bprrgle & wf, Pe&na , 811 Stees, Pinegrove James Oerter .ITAauuiua .Oh*s KesJer, Reading J B Bretnistr, Pbiladu Bobt Moore, Danville COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. D McCJeuahau, MS H O Nesbitt,’ Maryland "W Lewi?, W Chester , . Jas 8 Ilirk, Oh«»ter cb J ; 3i G Gr>i)ith, Pennsylvania W M Harvey, Pa: r B Brmton, Pa Jae R Orem, Penna 23ie» H Aheemnker, Pa OaptSD ftUHtr, Pa W Porter, Rochester, N Y J S Crawford ffiixton. Bid *W H Eder, l‘]lktoo, Bid B B &ft Union. Pa Yenac Taylor, Pennsylvania 7WJ3 Ferre e, ’Lane CO, Pa B D Chandler, JamesvlUe. Pa T',‘ STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. . Jolm Cooler, Uuionville, 0 0 K Shears. UnioavUle, 0 jWai Anderson, Peuoa Jfl Zearing, Middletown IS B Palmer, csp«’gCreek,Pft D Itaber, Soyder co. Pa M L libber, Dauphin, Pa Jtt Brut>nk*r, Lane co, Pa Isaao Bnrnes, West Chester 1' A Smith, Wusb. B lO&Biel.Cona & wm, Pa V> r SCarry, Huntingdon,Pa John Mawell, New York. W 0 Houser, Mechaolcsbg HJu Auibeiibaugls, Carlisle T has lllinois . BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. TT White, New Jerßev A Flack, New Jewey yf BurhN Milford, Pa U Paul. Montgomery,Pa JY Parry, Attleboro, Pa T 0 Negu*, Penna "W Betts, Bucks co A Uauahow*>r, Bucks co 33 Richardson, Penna E Evaaa, New J.-rsey SergtA White,BlitPY JI Hart, Richbora Pa . O Curftly* Montgomery co Jarrett, Montgomery co IS! Lftmi.h New Jersey • L Somerfield, Penea BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CftUowhiH, . W » Yroahr, Allentown Moses Yocom, AmUyvMe fUh&a Finney, Bartsvilie John Hersh, Pwmsburg rfc J 1 \Yb\t!ock, Now H Wynkoop. Bucks cj. Pa •passengers arrived. •Iu -steamship Suwannee, from Now Orleans—Mrs •SUUard Llojd Mrs George Mo> er and child, Mtaa Hart, r'Wm'GMMnage and 26 In the steerage. •••■•,• MARINE INTE-LiaGENCE, f&- SEE FOURTH PAGE (. arrived. Steamship Suwannee* Johns, from Now Orleans 21st 'idt, with eogar, cotton, Ac. to ffm.A JaaioaAOo —ves- sel to A J Bucknor. •, . Scbr Tangent'. Rich, 3 days from New York, in ballast U h Audenried & Co. „ r , . Schr Jos Bitting, Henry, 3 dajs frow Newtown, Md, ■*with lumber to J W Bacon. •• - .. Schr George Russell, fieloey, I day from Indian Hirer, T?ith lumber to J W Baton. ™ i ,i. Scbr ClUper, Collins, 2 days from . Federahhurg, Md, -With railroad ties and bark to Jaa U Bewley A; bo. _ . Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York, -with mdbe to W P Cly de. - CDKABEU. ; • Scbr S Applegate, Steelman; Fortress Monro?, Tyler, .•atone & Co. „ . An SclirW-Lopertßobinson, Hjanoii, „ d 0„ Scbr W D Cargill, Harfkius, Chesier, Hass, Baum, °Bobr E* Mnilbewß, , Bradley, \Yaahington, UC, H 6 Sjancaater & Cc. ' ■ ■■ Schr Tougnut, Rich, Salem, L Audonned & Qo. Schr 0 A Uec&Bcber, Stuoba, Boston,- do Sclir W H Gatznie?, Ctaiki Snow H-il, Mil, captain Sir Rlm-k Diamond, Green, N YorK, W M Bjtrl & Co. ;Slr BtveiJy, Pierce, New York, \V P Clyde. . BT TELKOnAPH. f Oorrespondenco ot The Press ) ■ , New Yoke, July I. \rrived, brig Euroa, from Catnpeacliy. . Boston, .Toly t; Arrived, ship Charlemagne, ,from Trapani; ship Aal twerp, from Liverpool; bark Azor, trom Fayah MEMORANDA. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, from Glasgow, arrived at N !York yesterday. Ship Taecarora, Uunlevy, for Philadelphia, saiiad from SLiverpool , Ship Belle of tbs Ocean, Reed, sailed from Liverpool T9lh nit. for Philadelphia. - "• Ship Tranauebar, Goodwin, from London, 1 at Boston >G SUttmsMp Narth Stas, Jones, for Aspiawall, cleared fttNew X6rk yesterday. . r . t t , w , Stearosbip Scoria, Judklne, from Liverpool, at New Taube, at New York yesterday Bark* Alex Somers, for Phila lelphU, sailed Firumenta, cleared afc Liverpool 2flth nit. I ,’ Toothaker, heuce, was. at Key West 291 b tilt, waiting turn to discharge, alter which wont 1 return to P to load for Portland ' j Bobr.'W G Andenried, Hewitt, hence, arrived at B ?a* ton SQih.utt. ■ t „ . v . Scbr Nttrragansett, Hall, hem. was at Ivey West YOth ult. ' ' ■■■■.■■■ , , , 3 c b«(!irollno M Wilatm, Gandy, -henco, arfirod at |b!iicr, Bnvls, from Voll River fjf PliiMel- Sarah' Miltei D.stdn, su i FrnnciSaO 3mith..ftom ' i'roviiler.ce for-'PWiiMiulpWa, at Dutch Island Harbor 26th nU. ■ - , Bcbr Francisco, Kelly, hence, arrived at Portland 29th nit. fichr Albert Fiold, Phillips, from. Taunton for Phila delphia, sailod from Somerset 28th ult Schrs Mary Clark, Howard, and Fulton, Brown, sailed from Newburyport 28lh ult, for Philadelphia Sclir Jab Neilson, Burt, at Taunton 3Qth ult from EU zabethport, Scbr George Fames, for Philadelphia, sailed from Eleuthera 19th tsH. Schr Hickman, Dickinson, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia; 8f earner Vulcan, Morrison, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. - ‘‘ .. Bteamer H Borden, Meredith, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadripliia. LIPPLNCOTT—SUTTON.—In Baltimore 6th mo., 17th, according to the order of the Society of Prieudß, Ezra Llpoiucott, of Princeton, N. J.? to Anna, daughter of Janwe L Sutfrm, of the former piece ' * STEWART—.HABLEY.—On March 30,1882. by Rhv. W, Catbcart, Mr. John P. Stowart lo Miss Emma Y. Harley, both of Philadelphia- ; • je2B*jul-3 DIED. ANDREIY3.—At the residence of his father, in Darby, on Seventh day, 2Sth ultimo, John B. ,Aodrawa, in the 36th year of bU age. /. HAWORTH.—On Friday afternoon, 6 mo. 29, 1862, Susanna Haworth, in her 79rh year. Ber reiativts and friends are invited to her funeral, without further notice, from her late reeldence, No 631 North Seventh street, on Fourth day afternoon. (7 tn>. 2d inst,) at 4 o’clock. Interment to be in Friends’ Eastern Ground. - GRICE —On the 23th ultimo,’Aim Grlc?, reKct of the late Samuel Grice, in the 72d year of ber age. Her relatives and friendh are affectionately Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, No. 649 North Eighth street, on Wednesday morning next, July 2d, at 9 o’clock- v ■ * AUNER.—On the 28th ultimo, Llz2le 0. Auner, only daughter of George A. and Elizabeth Auner, iu the 22d year of her age. Fnreral tbe residence of ber parenta, at the 8.. E. corner Of Eleventh and Race streets, tbis(Wedoesday): afternoon, at 5 o’clock. ** BABKER.—On the morning of the 29th ultimo, Peter Barker, Jr . • Funeral from his late residence; 1824 North Thirteenth street, this {Wednesday} morning, at 8 o’clock. / % KIBKBRIDE.—On the 28th uHimo, at Norristown, Mary Ellen Ki‘khride, in tholSth year of ber age. Fntierul this (Wednesday 1 morning, at 19 o’clock. * KNOBR—On Sunday, June 29th,-1862, Matthias , Knorr, in the 85th year of his age. ; Funeral will take place from his late reEidence v ßising Sun Tillage, on Wednesday, July: 2d, at 2 o’clock P. M • * . ERWIN.—On the 30th ultimo* Mr. John Erwin, aged 62 years. . / Funeral from bis late residence, No. 14>7 Howard street, ou Thuwiday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. ENGLAND.—On the-29th ultimo, Robert, only son of Robert and Rebecca L. England, aged 15 months and 8 days. > • •’ D N Welch MABBIED Funeral this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 c ’o'osk. from the-residenct of her parents, southwest corner ol Tenth and Catharine streets. -/ _ CHAPMAN.—On June SQtb, Anna E., wife of Ohatles S. Chapman, aged 26 years. /: •, Funeral from her bnsbaud’s residence. No. street, on Thureday morning, at 9 o’clock. /. * : HOFFNER.—On the 29tb ultimo, John Hoffaor aged fO years ■ " Funeral from his late reridmeo. FeltouvlHe, 23d ward, on.Thureday afternoon, atl ©’clock, without fnrther no 'tiee. ■' HOFFNER.—On the 27th u’timo, Mrs. Anna, .wife of the late Adoipb Hoffuer. aged 77 years. ? . Funeral from the residence of her son, John Hoffaer,. No. 3304 Tyler street, above Thompson, this '(Wed aea • day) mornirg,.at 9 o s cltick. „ . RUSH.—On the 29th ultimo, Mrs. Anna H. $ wife of Lieut Thfis. J Bush, aged 22 years., TULY Ist—BESS ON &, SON’S «i. MODR>;iN& STORE, Ho. 91S OHESTNET STUKET.—JiiBt received t , . r Black Double-width MonHselino de Balnea, 75c-to $1.25. . Black Shjgle-wuUh Monsselmfi de Baines, to 50c. . « Grenadine Veils. 75c. White Bin* n Collars, Bc. . ; Black Alpacas, 200 to37#c. “ Bareges, Lupin’s make, 18,#e to 25c “ Tamartines. Enpin’s make, 31jyrc, White Surplus Bofiles of alllvimte iiiirye Crimp Rnelisb Crapes and Veils. 7F" ON .JULY- 4TH,.THE PHRENOLOGI- CAL CABINET will b&optnfor exunaiaationa and tlie sale of boobs- : Standard works on Health, together with all the Publications of FO WL E H.» will lenve the College. Hall at 10 o’clock A. SI, The Reverend Clergy, Judges of the United States and State Contis, the Mayor of the City,. Seloct and Common Councils, the Board of Directors and Pres Moot of the Girard College, the Principal of the Central High School, the candidates for th© Degree of Master of Arts, and other Graduates of the Univerritv, are invitKl to attend; GEORGS al/DE!?, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. ‘ i.UNIVERSITY OF FENNSYI/VANIA [Jj£ DEPARTMENT. OF ARTS. /‘J.'fce Examination of - Candidates for admission wilt be held at tin* University, on WEDNESDAY, the 21 day ef July, at 10 o'clock A. Bf. Students can apply for ad mUsion, to pureue the full course for thadegree of Bache lor of Arts, or only that portion of it for which tha da grco or BneU-lor-of given, or-aay-auplrpjuiinn. us the Faculty may sanction. -- iCBonGE ALLEN* Secretary of the Faculty oi Arts. FOURTEENTH TVARU PEOPLE'S PA.BTY— k meeting of the People’s Annotation of the FotntecHth Word will be hold at SPRING GABDEN EsLL, on WEDNESDAY../Evening next, July 2, at; o’clock- The numbers are reepectfntfy invited to be present a» btmneaa of imnortahee will be broiifrbt'bcforQ the meeting. By order of .je2B-4t# DaVID ORAaSB, President. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PEJTN (J3 SYLVANIA RAfLKOAD (JO., 4QT WA.LNUC Street, PiriIiADELPHiA, June 27,1862- * •. Tte Coupons of the NORTE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO »due July Ist., and the interest on tfco Scrip, due the Bsme day* will be paid at the office of the Company. ~ WILLIAS! WINTER, ie‘2B-6t • • • Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES SANITARY JJi COMMISSION PHUADRDPHIAAGESOY Ne. 123? CHESTNUT Street—The following recoin roendation by. the President of tho United States sufll- anthocßcates the Cocumiaaion to the public: . ricftti translation, j cutout. Price, 60 cents in paper covers# and §1 cloth bound. ARTJH3MUB WARD, BIS BOOK. The funniest book ever published, AH the rich thing* uf’.the unowned 44 Arfcemiu.” Huperbly. illustrated and cloth bound, price &L (Seventh thousand.) THE MObGESONS. Mr§. remarkably clover r ew novel, which has already gone into a third edition. Price, SO cents in. paper cover?, and SI cloth bemud.- ORIENTAL HAREMS AND SCENERY. A piquant and fascinating volit ue of adventures in Turkey by a Frenchwoman Translated. Price, Si 25. JOHN DOE AND RICHARD ROE. A brilliant awd satirical novel of Society in New York, by E. S. Gould. One vot , clotb.hoiuid. Price, SI. GAME FISH OF THE NORTH. A new end capital book on Fish and Fishing. Illus trated. Cloth bound. Pure, SI 25. These Books are sold by nil Booksellers, and will be sent by mail/rec, on receipt of price, by jyZ-wsfcf V pTJTNAM SSEIBJBLLIONEEOOKD, 5 SElBJBLLIONEEOOKD, EDITED BY FRANK. MOORE,; . The Third Volume of • THIS GBBAT LIVING HISTOBY Has now been completod, $3,761 Sent free by Mail anywhere on receipt of the price. • JOHN McFARLAN. Agent. je2s-wß3t . South SlXTHStrflß fltajrg. W BSOTHE RHjSAB’S CIRGU • DATING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL GLASSES of rature. This Is the ONLY Library lu the country that Includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that are not REPRINTED here. . - Terms $5 per year; 6 month* B 3 i threo months $1.56, or 3 cents per day. 218 South ETQHT.H street.- js7-lm# MBS. SsAWYBES.—We publish TO DAY a very.fine Card Photograph of Mrs. 8A W- T ERS, daughter of. Parson Br'ownlow, • Price, 25 cents, Mailed free of charge. McALLTSTER & -BRO., It’ . ; 728 CHESTNUT Street/ Tl/TRS.' BRO WNLOW—We publish IVX TRTS.6IORNING a very fine Card Photograph or Airs. BROWN LOW, wife of Parson Brownlow, Price, 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. MCALLISTER & BRO., * ' 2fe ; . ...... m CHESTNUT Street. DB. R. SHELTON MAOKKNZLB.— Now read?,, n very fine Oord Picture of Dr. feHELTON MACKENZIE. Price. 2S-c&nts. Mailed free of charge. • MCALLISTER & BRO., j>2 3t . • 725 CHESTNUT Street. ITIOL. W. W. H. DAVIS—A very fir* Card Photograph of .dot W. W. H. DA.VI3. Just Pnbliehtd. Price, 25 cent?.' Mailed ires of charge. MCALLISTER & BRO., It ; 725 CHESTNUT Street. YpOBWAB,D.—In the march- of im 1. ; provemor.t, BEIMER Intends to. take the lead. Hi? Colored Photograph? for $i are uadeniable evidence of the fact. . Gallery SECOND St.., above Green. It# TT IS SO, that BISIMEK’S Life-size JL Oil-Colored Photographs are now being made at war., prices. Think pf it. a fine and truthful Portrait at a xuodvrafe ebftrge ! SECOND St . above Green. It* ALBUMS; FOE WAft:VIEWS— jLi These Albums are prepared expressly for the Card Photograph Views of the War, Groans of Statuary, Land-, scapes, copies of Fine Paintings. &c., and are the only Albums suited to this class of Photographs, LIST OF STYLES AND PRICES. No. 50. lait. mor., giß edg. and clasp, for 20 Port’s, $2 50 ‘-61,. « ■ -• *•* 80 «* .3 00 62: 44 " *« ft 40 44 3 50 . 68. • “ •*. ft • 60 400 £4 Tur’y loor., 44 two clasps, 20 £ ' 3 75’ 65. 44 . « 44 30 4 00 56. 4 * ft « 40 « 4 60 57. •** - 44 : ( f 50 « 5 00 - 68. *• “ pp-u sides, 20 44 525 59. .« « 44 * 4 30 “ 5 60 60. « “ ft 40 5 75 '6l. ««•••• ' -,< £ “ .**' 50 . ft 600 62. Velvet, gilt morning 41 20 44 575 63. ft ff . « ' ' 30 ft 6 00 r. 64. «« - ' “ . ft 40 ft 625 ’ 65. r » * 4 . : 4 - 50 44 6 75 66 Turkey,, gill edge, 14 oblo'g Ato, 60 44 7fO 67. » 4 44 80 “ 7 50 68. • « 44 44 . 100 . 44 -8 00 €9. te ... 44 44 pan. sd»:, 60 *; 44 . 8.J5 70. 44 * l 1! ft 80' 44 9-S6" 71. .a. a a 100 ff 9.75 QUARTO ALBUMS. Imitation Morocco, for 2GO Portraits $7 60 H.L. SPROAT, . Secretary Turkey Antique, 14 41 two clasps, New. Btylgs and Designs are constantly introduced, livery Aibum is furbished with a Tide Page and Index, printed in Gold., JKF" Complete Catalogues of Card Portraits and Photo graph AlHumsma? be obtained gratis.. j Published by v Will -3, & ALFRED MARTIEN, jf2B No. 606-CeBSTNIir Street, Peilulrlphia. JAY COOKE & CO., NEW “5-20” LOAN. The undersigned, oh Subscription Agont tor tbe Go- vernment, ie prepared to deliver v.:-V" ; 'T i.r . :■ -' NEW SIX PEE CENT. UNITED STATES LOAN, Subscriptions received AT FAB, and accrued interest from Mayl, 1862. legal Tender er Par Notes and Checks received for the Bonds—the Interest to date must be paid in Gota. This Doan fa called “5-20,” having TWENTY years to run, hut redeemable at the option of the Government at any time after FIVE years, but is a Six-per cent. Doan, rWTJPONS OF ALLEGHENYCITY \J BONDS, due JUDY-Ist, payable in Philadelphia, will he paid at the cilice of WORK, McCO UOHi & 00 , No. 86 South THIRD Street. . jyl-3t» G W. CHURCHMAN, No. 32 South # FRONT Street, Philadelphia, to prepared to make cash advances on consignments to his friends ,in .Diver- Boot. V . -- • )"« I’’ l * FLAG RAISING,' On MoCEELBAN HOUSE, SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS, . On TBTJBSDAY BVEHING, between fi and 9 o’clock. All axo incited to come see this liapb? Xlnion Biag rahefl ; and,also, partake of a YR1315 LUNGS. WSL A y'obkb. N B.—The NATIONAL BBASS BAND will bo in . a'tendance. ‘ : |> FRAWK. PALMER, : SnVston Ai tist to the Government Institutions, Wash 'ington.: Aleo, to ail of the Medical Colleges and Eos- The ‘•■PtI.MER D1M83,” adopted by the .Army and Navy Surgeons. Pamphlets sent gratis. .Address, B. FRAN.c. PADbIER, - j,2.6m . No. 1609 CHESTNUT Sir, ot, Ptßlail’a. TiEMEMBE R!—Tlie most fashionable JAi and Hair and Outier in America Jb L. GUTEK.I NBT, rOOBTH and BRANCH. j>2-4tif T VORYTY PE S. RE LMER’S :• I vory i types are eObrtr.of rare ability—the See, soft texture of the skin, the tono of the complexion are rendered in an exquisite manner. SECOND Sr.; above Or,Ban- It* TVTOTIOE. —From anti after this date I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by others in my name. . .. ... TUOB. O ROORKE, others, in my 92S South NINTH Street. 'jm.v 2,1862... .... ,-- , - iCTOTICE 18 BEftEBY GIVER, IN ' U)Bt applicatldn has been made for of CERTIFICATE No. 14 of the PBS N MUJJip M lESTJItANCE COMPANY, dividend of 1857, for $3O, vhich lias been lost or mislaid. je4Acet* grain cradles, hay ele !2- VATOBS, and ASTI-BKIOTIOH BtiOCKS, la dependent Teeth Hoy and Grain Baiun, Jtcrolving Hakee, Smi Scythes, Grass Hooks, G«den Engines, Syiit"res, Pruning Shears, Sc . for sale by ’ * 1 BAUD r.ATOBBTrf A SOS, , Hos. 21 and 23 South SIXT H street, It# 1 Between Market and Chestnut streets. CLOTHES WRINGER—E XT R A CAUTION.—The only -wholesale agency fhr PUT KAM’B SEI, If-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WIUSGERS IB at Sol 433 MtKKBT Street, where the Wtioger may he Been at work. It ia far superior tp any other.m the market, as it lias no wood to swell, no rubber bands to stretch, and no thumb-screws to get out of ord-r. It will wring anything, from a Hurt collar to a aunt, and needs only to ha seen at work to convince any homo-, ■keeper tbit. it ia just ttie thing they need. The public are invited to call and examine Forsnle at the womicn mflya rtonflf flf - I ■' £Lf £l, • * 130U3^ Ko 438 MARKET Street and No, 5 North FIFTS Sfe. The only Wholesale Agent in Pennsylvania! A. K. MoOLUBE, rram subscriber -thus most i' ' respectfully informs his friends,and , tUaJtablle m general, that he hn» aciiui-ed the OYSTR RIIOIJjB and uEOTAtIKANT formerly heathy Mr. S. B. WOLMAN, Ser FOtfllTH aid LIBBARYStreeta. . . " widyNESDAY next will, ha the opening of the pla.o, iowfobe ke?t a, a LAGER-BRER SALOON. A most eolendid LUNCH will he served np, at the Opening , ai S future daily; a most delicioue LONOH will be jjiven irom 10 to 12 A. M. All day Cold. Meal. can bo g it. - Lager Beer, cooL.and foaming ; WanoM of-every de ecrtpiino and drat Aality ; aud Oigars ol the best brands, will eltvaya he found at the Bar el. the new Vroortetnr, who shall try almost every thing in hispower to give entire Mi vieltore and cMmwJ*. ■ It* : Terr respectfully, ; ; OHS. KLINT. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1862. NEW FIIBLICATIONS. FRESH SUMMER BOOKS. CAKLETON, Publisfaor, CIRCULATING LI 1511 ARY PHOTOGRAPHS. pun .sides. 200 FINANCIALi B A N-K E R S , NO. IK SOUTH THIRD STREET, AT ONCE, ON PAYMENT, COUPON BONOS. AUTHORIZED FEBRUARY 25, 1862. JAY OOOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 1 L 4 South THIRD Street. BO ¥ B’, MISSES’, AND UHIL DB“N ’ 8 CLOTHINO, Ilf ENDLESS VAHIETI, TBo. 131 South EIGHTH Street Three Boora above WALNUT. my 15 -2m D 1 SSOLUTJON.—The Copartnership htretofure oxirting unclrr the firm of HUNTZIJJ. GBK ft naoWNFIBLD is THIS O \Y if imolvutl by mu tual context. GK.o. jit. ou«TZtsa«re, SA-ifL, M. BftO WtiFIRMI. jy'J-Si* Jdltl. 3862 The undersigned have Tins DAY entered Into a Onpftrtnsrshfp under thy.naoie KITZINGER BROS., for Hie manufacture of SKIRTS, DRAWEES, &c.. at No. 22 B*NK upstairs*. JIRNRY KITZINGER, MORITZ KITZINGER. PniLAnariiiA., Jim© 23,1862 v The partnership op yard, GIGLMORE, & 00. is disaclveri by the death of Mr. it. PET3SBSON. The huvinesa wilt be settled and comimicd by the surrivioe Parmer*. under tbs 'same film. : - ISDMUND YARD, • JAHJCS 0. giglmore, JaMES 8 FENTO?, LUCIUS P. THOMPSON. Philadelphia, Jolyl,lB€2 . jy2-Bt* DISSOLUTION —The firm of MOR BTS 1,. HAtLOWBLL & CO. U TRW BAY dihsolved by mu fit'll consent. Thn btioin-as.wiU be fet tled by the new flimoF M. li. HALLOWELT. 6 CO. - MORRIS li. HMiIiOWELI,, . JAMIES TBAQUATR, JOSHUA li. II AROOWELTir . THOMAS W. SWIiKEY. - ENOCH R. HUTOHI ISOM, Wri.tiTAH P. Htl-ibOWELIi, ABRAHAM RITI’SIR, T Ro3S]ir,r, dawsos. PKit.Ansi.rni4, 7th mo. 1, 1862. ‘ NEW YORK. /COPARTNERSHIP. The under \J' signed have'THISD AY formed a Partnorshio for fhe transaction of the BILK and FANCY DRYGOODS busineep, at No. 615 CHESTNUT Street, under the firm of M.Ti, BALLOWELL & 00. . • • MORRIS L. HALLOWED!*, JOSHUA. L. HALGOWELL, ENOCH It. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM p; HALLOWEGT.. Philadelphia, 7th mo. 1,;1562./ .' . . jy2*6e THE UNPERSIGrNEd have this DAY formed a Copartnership under the firm of DAWSON, BRANSON, * CO., for trAsaactin* the SILK and TANOY DRY GOODS JOBBING business at the Northwest corner of MARKET and FiFTSL Streets, , T- BUSSELL DAW3ON, ORLANDO BRANSON. JACOB G. BOSIGiRDNEU. Philadelphia, July 1, 1862. j»2 lat* TAMES MoFADDEN lias an interest V in our bueicesa from this date. July 1,1862. TCrOTICK;—MR. WM. K. HEMP BILIKS interest in bnr.hoiiaeoeapert oatkeSUt - TtfE&LS & 00., 118 NOBTH \WaA.RVE^ May. jyl-lm. Philadelphia, July i 5 ;i862. SI he firm of M., WILLIAMSON & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The copartnership he re. TOYORE EXISTING under the Him of HOW ELL, SMITH, 00.»is THIS EAT dissolred by limitation. The business of the firm will be Bettled by either of the undersigned. , . - : . HENRY 0; HO WELT., SAM. H SMITH.; EYBJRETT D. HALL, W6I. G. STEEL. . ■ Philadelphia, June 30. 1362. .. . jyl-3t* COP A ETN ERB eI p .—The un- ersignedhaye this dav formed a Copartnership, un der the name and firm JOHNES, BORES'; '* '5O . for the traduction of the WHOLESALE HLK AND FANGY DRY GOODS BUSIXESSjat Has. 627 MASK.EE and £24 COMMERCE Streets. - GEORGE W. JOUNES, ' ■ WILLIAM H. BBRRY, WtLLIAMH.EUItr.EY, FRANCIS B. ABBOTT. Philadelphia, July let, 1862. : • •-jyl*l2t DI S S OL U T 10 N Offi PART NERSOIP.—The Partnership heretofore existing as BT3TILH COOK, & CO., is this day dissolved by.brai tation, and by, mutual consent. The business af the firm will be settled by the undersigned . Philadelphia, June - 30, 1882 QAMUEL G. COOK will coßtimie the kJAUCTION AND COMMISSION VCHINES3 at the old stand, Ho 124 South FRONT Street,-.jdnre Walnut: , r ■■;.■ . - ; jyl-12fc T\ISSOLDTIO STHE': GO PART -1-/ . NFBSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of O. G. BOCKiUS & CO. is THIS DAY, dis«%Wel by mutual consent 0. G BOCKiIJS. Jdhk 30,1862. C. H. DILLINGER The business of the late firm will b* settleriby the sub scriber, at the old stand, Ho. 7 North THIRD Street. . C. G. BOOKIUS.-. n G/?BOoKro^iAviktf-ABSO- : \j, .01 ATEDhimself withE. A;S3BBBITT, (formerly with Ri pg, Sbott, & Oo..) wbl continue the NOTION AND. TRIMMING BUSINESS, ir. all Us various branches, under the firm o&sBOCKUJS & MERRITT, at the old eteud, No. 7 North THIRD Street. • . : • . 0. G. BOOKIfTS, JuLTI, 3?62 ' ,: ;] E. A. MBRltrcr. - 200 « 8 80 200 . . 12 50 rpBE COPARTNERS Hi P heretofore JL existing aiider tbs firm of KIEGEL, BAIRD, & 00., this dav dtepnlved, • PETER STROBE, JACOB RTR^EL, "\VM S. BATRD, john wiEsr. Jdsb 30. . jyt-6w TO'OTICS LIMITED PAETNES -A?* SHIP—The subscribers hereby give uoticeth'it tier have entered into a limited pHrtneivbip, agreeably to tbo-pro visions of the several law« nf the Commrm w*ft\th of PeoDBylvftD?a.relat3ng to limited partnerships. That the name of fcho firm under \vhtch s*td partner ship is to be conducted is BIEGSL, WTE3T, & Eii vtn, . ;• - . Tbetlhe the hmfne&a intended to be trar pocted is the Importing auo"‘irwvi*i< tW rtf.A7r?'-. < **'' /t< ®* Ohat the names of the GeDeral.And. Special Partners,.. «%] nf whom .in 'llitT'ClGy 0? Pbilafi V"l?’~ JACOB .jnEGEIt, General Partner, residing at 5-7 j3^u2oi»«,-«s*r<»-*-5-^ OTITT wiBST *Partner, residing at 322 New street: D. 8. ERVIN', Gannral Parmer, residing at 1615 Girard avenue; HT3NRV 8. FIS r i EB, General Partner, residing at4itt North-Third' street-: JOSIAH RIEGEL, General roaUUog at 4;6 Noith Third street; PETER SIEGER, Social Partner, rewding at 717 North Eighth street; TV 31. 3 BAIRD, special residing at the Continental Hotel. . : That the agurerata amount of tho capital contributed by ,bo Special Partners to the common stock is One Hundred Thousand Dollars, of- which Fifty Thousand Dollars to cash has boon so contributed by Peter Sieger, Special Partner, and Fiftt Thousand Dollars Lu cash has been so, contributed by Wm: S. Baird, Bpecial Partner. That the said partnership ia 10 commence on the Brat day of July, A. D 1862, and is to terminate on tba flrat day or January, 1868. - . JACOB FIHGED, ~ • JOHN WIHST, | D. B. ERVIN, V General Partners. IIKNRV S. FESTER, I . JOSIAH RIEGER, J PETBB SIEGE B, i serial Partners jyl-Ow TO S BAIbD, S P Partners. fjnHE COPAETNEBSHIP heretofore 1 existing between the uoderdgued, under the Brm of A, T. liASfi & 00., was this day dissolved by ifceown limitation. The business w»U be settled by either of the undersigned, at JS®. 419 IffABKBT Street. : . * ALEX T LANK ... • WMi F. H&STSSLO, B. F. KANSBQL, • \ . B. HANSELL. , Philadelphia, July 1, 1862, jyl-tuth2m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE—We V.j have THIS PAY admitted LOUIS. KIBK-* PATBIOK as a Partner in our firm. P. KIftKPATIftCX .& SONS. Philadelphia. July 1,1882. ' jyl-tuth»3t* REMOVAL. E. C. WHITMAN Co , , - CONFECTIONERS, HAVE REMOVED FROM . SECOND AND CHEST NUT STEWS ♦ ■ TO No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO ADAMS & OO.’S EXPRESS. jelhl Iroif . ' : . \ ‘ ■ , JCJB ' PITCHERS,, HA EE’S PATENT PLATED ICE PITCHERS, rEIU’ECTLT AIR-TIGHT, Warranted to keep the Ice longer than any Pitcher in *- ’. tbemarket. : WAf. wmsoN & son, ■ SOLE AGENTS, S. W. CORKER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. Also, Pitchers of ail tlio different manufacturers con stantly on hand, plain and ornamental, at reasonable pticee. -• ; ■ ■- jess-iat- a Card to the public. •CONGRESS SPRING: WATER DEPOT, 70 CEDAR STREET, An attempt has been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they'call “Congress Water» from fountains, and at the priceof six (6) cents per glass. Tha whoUsale ptice of the genuine Cougress Water, at .Kew York, beipg abou> 7#;'cents per glass,'the Smposi tim of pretending to sell at retail at leas than cost, and •without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their course ■ has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water Into a fountain fi led with their, trash, and thereby christening its total Contents. ’ E. S. ARCHER, Wo cave sever sold Congress Water in fountains, nor in vessels of any othtr description than oidinarr.siaed glass bottles. Tbecork of every bottle of the genuine ia branded,: And. any without OONGBESS ters on the cork is O. &W. ■ • : | WATKB. •whether from foun* / The following gentlemen are supplied by us regularly with genuine Congress /Water, in bottles, fresh from the Congress Spring: . • '• ■■ FIVED’K BROWN, co*. ESfth and Chestnut sts. O S. BUBKBLfr, HIO Chestnut street. J;G; TURNPENNY-&.0O.» 941 bnrace street. THOS.J. BUdB AND, cor. Third and Spruce afcn. B. J; STEVENS & CO-Womineotal Hotel. AMBROSE SMITH, Chestnut street. & *OO., Market street. ■ WIETH BrosV'Wnlnut street. . V je2B-2m if ttV)[NE ObD JAMAICA COB’IEE- Jj Fxoali roosted every'.day. ■ JA-SHtS HOSIER* SON, . SEVENTH nnr) NOBLH, anit j y2 ■ -- : SIXTH and WOOD. -VTEW OB OP OB' VAN IL b A LN BILANS, afc®9 per pound; also, on hand, thecheap- Ota*.'* Split Bk™ ferity. Ko. 133 Boiub FKONI Street, COPARTNERSHIPS. FAKNHAH, KIRKHAMV& 00. ; jyl-6t* M. WILLIABISON, O. H. WILSON, S. -M. ANDERSON, HENRY 0. POTTJSB, E. G. DUTILU, SAMUEL C. COOK. I). B, ERVIN, H. 8. FfSTER. : JOSIAH BXMGEL, JtEHOVALS. BELOW EOBBSO, TO B K Saratoga* July 16, 1861 those words and let- 0 o U N TE R> BIT, tains or bottles. OLAHIC A WHITE, Prowietors of Congress Spring. CfiARK & WHITE. RETAIL OK.Y GOODS. ~~ TRAIL SPRING SKIRTS FOE LADIES, MIESES, AND CHILDREN, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, EXTRA LENGTH, ' ■ And BEAUTIFUL SHAPES. SHEPPARD, VA N„.H ARLINGEN, & ARRISQN, je26.wlra-6t 1006 OHE3TNOT STIMIST. E. & L., E. & L. EYRE & LANDELL, EYHE A LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE &- LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH,. FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND.ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, ’ ARE NOW CLOSING OUT SUMMER SICKS. SUMMER SHAWLS. SUMMER ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES': RICH GRENADINES, SOURISTS’ DRESS GOODS, SUMMER FOULARDS. GRENADINE V.SILS, SUPERIOR MITTS, INDIA PLAID SILKS, PLAID MOZAMBIQUES,' PLAIN MOZAMBIQUES. BLACK SILK SAOQUES. jelO-tdthslm 1 024 CHESTNUT STREET « E. M. NEEDLES v 53 Invites the special attention of Ladies who in* .. teed speeding the summer out of town to a very large assortment of MaDE.UP GOODS jnat re - ceivefl. in" * SLEEVES, SETS. TJANDKEBOBISES, ;c <£c., in every variety of material. Alto, ft larjye assortment of BIUSGIUS, suitable ia for GATH 13 ALOIS, Ac,, tosesher with every va rifty •'of"WHITE* GOODS, -LINEN 1 3, LAO 33. Z EMBKOIDEBIES, B.AEDKE.ROH’ES, VEILS, ? &e Just opened per latest arrivals from Europe an inroice of yery beautiful and entirely new styles 3 , PUFFED FRENCftCAMBBn, for O CrABIBA LDUS, MODB GRB N aDTNE VEILS, *ud SWJSS , RUFrLINO for *. iriD'mrng Vhin Dresses, new aad vciir da *4 fcirable article. A ! so, an invoice of O PURE WRITS FRENCH PLAID • ORGANDIESt I OS. A 08. E-8T BUT STB B STEEL &..SON, • No. 713 North TENTH St, tvWe COATES». Are noV.ctosfßß out their entire stock of ".FANCY SILKS, •■.••••-:.,■ BABEGSS, OBALLISS,' - •. - - ' SIOZA « PIQUES. OEGANDIES, " 'JACOSET AND OAMBBIO LAWNS, ' - TR&VLLLIBG MIXTURES, and . SUMMER DRUBS GOODS. • Of all kinds, at F.XTR 'ORDINANY LOW-PRICES. LACE goods REDUCED. ; S*s Laco Msiuh-s reduced to 502. . SSfiLac© Months reduced to SlO. SIS Lace Mantles reduced to SS. SID Lace Mantles reduitd to S 7. ■ v *l2 Lace Mantles reduced to $5. £lO Leee Mantles reduced to Si. $3 Lace Point- s reduced to S 3. • SSI2 Laco Poinfes reduced to SL : * £l6 Lnce pninfea reduced to 83. 525 L»ca.Polities reduced to 812, . STLK COATS AND cAOQUES. . Closing out UN DBRCOST PRICED. • je3o TYES IB ABLE SUMNER GOODS. U * Checked Worsteds. Trttceilina'.Goodfl. . Checked Poplios and Silks. \ ; , ' Very OheVp Fancy Bareges. ‘ Cheap lotsof Barege Robes. : ’ . s*/:egch Organdies aod'lrftvnaa, ' ** . lbr7nzru«oSr— : “ • Barege Shafts. y * ' ' r Silks. . Poulard Sdka. Black Silks. . > : " French Chintzes. ; . . Mousaelincs. ■ '■ . SHARPLESS BROTHERS, >26 ! '*• CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Eye® & L&N3MLL, FOURTH and ARCH, have ' Blue Flannels for Bathing Robes. v Gray Flannels for Bathing Robes Plaid Flannelp for Bathing Robes. Shepherd’s. Plaids for Ba hiag Bobes. jelS Eyre & landell have a foil .asportfoent of ToririeteV Threes - Mode Grenadine Veils. Mitts, ol superior grade, Sea-side Stripe Shawls. - - 'White Barege and Shetland Shawls. jela TAS. B. CAMFBISL.IJ & Go.. £?.. m OHBtiTNUT STREET, .' - OFFER AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Very’, choice Goods of recent importation. Black Hl it Checked Grenadine, extra quality. Foulard Mlk* elegant atjles and fine quality. Black Silks/beat brands. Broche Barege, Hernanig and Mozambique's. 8-4. Paris Fild’Cbevre. Boil d J obevre»all wool filling. Grenadine Veils, in mode and other shades. ■WHITE GOODS AND, LINENS In great Variety, at extremely low prices. T INEN DRILLS. I A cheap lots Drills for Gents’ summer wear. Auction lots’at 25; 31, 38, 44, and 60 cts. Extra good White Piiils, 31, 33, aod 60 cts. . . Summer 6aßBimeres f delicate line plaids. / ' Fashionable Mixture a and Solid Colors. : 6-4 Silk-mixed Coatings, at.the right prices. . ■ Cloth Goods of every description—a fine stock. . HOYS] BEADY-MAOE CLOTHING. Boom in second story devoted to this branch. Summer suits for the country for boys. , Oaxmoiilß made to order with despatch. MANTLE ROOM. Closing out sales of Silk Sscque3. Closing out sales of . Silk-Mantles. Closing out sales of Cloth Cloaks. /.Closing out sales of Thin Sacqnea. Closing out sales of Lace Mantles. • . COOPER.dsOONABD, je2B-tf S. E.‘comer NINTH and MARKET Streets. -\TBW SPRING PRINTS, Dl OHOtOS BTYLHB. H.E'aBIMAOa, . SPRAGUE, PACIFIC, ■ ■ ALL TWHLVB AND A HALF OSKTB. : & largo lot beat stylos andjast colors at 10c. ■ . OOWPEBTHWAIT & 00., mhl6-tf H. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET »ta. T WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION I of soy.customers.and friends to the following Goods, -■ which aro fresh and desirable: Black and White Plaid Silks. Organdie Lawns, choice styles. . One lot of Lisle Gauntlets, at 18#c a pair. " One lot of Black.Biife.Sl-iax ; the best I aver tad for: the money. _ JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ARCH Street. • -xpzv* EMBROIDERIES, WHITE ' GOODS, &0-—Just opened, a general assortment of desirable French and Scotch Needle* worked Bands, EdgiDgs, Sleeves, etc., at very law prices'.v.n - ’ ALSO, A full line descriplions of White Goods for Ladies’ wear, of the most approved makes. 8D EPPARB.^AN 1 HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, ie4 ‘ * T . , 1008 OHBSTSUT Street. AT 70 <5 ARCH; STREET MAY BE found Barege Anglais Shawls. * White Barege Mlawls. Mozambique Shawls.' Plsid bilk Shawls. . .. Just recernd and for sale by •' ■ • ' ~ : j e 24 JOHN H: STOKES. riLOAKB, PALATOTEB and MAN- V_) TlLLAS.—Ladies in want of the above articles wiß find It to tbelr advantag ito visit the old established boas, of Mrs. TJEHBY, No. ag North NINTH Street, below ABCH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at erioe. that astonish everybody.: ant-Sm -fOHN H. STOKES WILL OPEN P f TO-MORROW MORNIN3, at^7o2 ARCd Street,' 10 dbz. Grtuts* Light Lisle Gloves, at;18&, worthB7#. - Aho, 5 doz. Ladies’Mode Hose at 13, worth 25. A*efy One piece-Black ludia Silk, without lustre, for mourning and aprons. ; rtHBAP CARPETS, MATTINGS, \J : OIL CLOTHSt-AND "WINDOW SHADH3.-V. E. ABOHAMBATHit, N. K. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets,.w|lt open this morning, from auction, Ingrain Carpets at 31/ 37, 50. and 62c; Entry and. Stair Garnets, 86 1o 62c; Rag, Hemp, and ‘yarn Carpets, .16 to 31c; White and Check Matting, 20 and 25c j Floor Oil Cloth s 31 to 50c 5 Gilt bordered Wind our Shades, 500 to SI; Buff and Green Window Holland. W to. Dry Goods and Carpet Store, N. E. cor. ELEVENTH and MARKET-Streets. ' > , jel< tutfoßlZt -vroTicE.—to Mary williams, _LN widow of Abner. Williams, late of Lonioederry (ownshin, Chester county, ABNER WILLIAMS, AbK.- with. ann dklanY ISKWITB, .ABSW m- LIAMS, GAIDS P.WILLIAMS, and EMKABETti . EDWARDS, legatees and legal representatives of mq . said Abner Willimne,' deceased: -• ■"•■'■■//. , . . Application has been made to the Orphans Court of Chester couuly for an o dW to sell the real estate of "«‘l deceased, ; consisting of > messuage ana tract ot mud, j situate in LondoTulerry-towaship aforesaid, bouoded by lande of John BameeyfHughFerguson/attd others, con t&ining about thirty-eight .'acres,-more on .under the provisions of rke act of AprilMB,lBs3, relating to real estate, and said Court the second MON- I DAY --of i Augmtnext, kt the Conrfc Honse, in Westj Chester, for the be «io*g hf-all parties interested who may choose to . appear and show: cause nrby the sale of said real estate be decreed, when and where yon *ny attend it you St o D rop£. BtMiWaTOHi jyl. tuSt ’ Attorn.? for Potlttouers. .. TTERY CHOICE OOLONG TEA at SEVENTH and NOBLE, ami i,2 SIXTH m\ WQQP. FIREWORKS FIRE-WORKS, SUPERIOR QUALITY. FBKNOH, AMERICAN, ANO OHINESB! SKY-ROCKETS, BO SEAN CANDLES, COLORED STARS, WHEELS, FLYERS, BOSETTBS, FIEKMI.N’B TOEOHSS, TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES, Etc., FOB SALS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY E. O. WHIT MAN M Co., AT THEIB NS W STORE, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW EOURTH, NEXT DOOR TO ADAMS’ EXPRESS je2s-lji3 \ EIRE CRACKERS.—-500 boxes Q-old Chop No. 1 Fire Orackere. Oranges and Lemons, in prime order, for sale by RHODES & WILLIES, 3'elS : No. 207 South WATER Strw>t NATIONAL FLAGS JjpjL AGS! F L AGS! BANNERS AND STREAMERS OF EVER! DESCRIPTION. SASHES, SWORDS, SWORD-BELTS, EMBROIDERED AND METALLIC. PASSANTS, MEXICAN AND FANCY SPURS, AND ' MILITARY GOODS AND equipments of all .kinds. //; EVANS & HASS ARE, MILITARY FURNISHERS, j.fB-7t No. 418 ABOH STETSKT. ATIO N A L FLAGS. SILK, BUNTING, AND MUSLIN A v FLAGS, ' ALL SIXES, . FBO3I 7 INCHES TO 50 FEET, : GILT FLA& ORNAMENTS. POLES, : SPEA-ES. ■, and BALLS. BUNTING, OF SUFEIUOR QUALITY. FLAGS 0£ ALL NATIONS ■ MADE TO ORDER. • COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY FlLt.^p. W. B. HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. F 27-71. . ■ ■. ■' ' ■■ ■ .■ INSURANCE- COMPANIES. gTATEMENT OE THE CONDITION OF THE UNION MUTUAL .. LIFE „ IN3U- MAY 2Gth, 1662. Guarantee-.Capita)* satisfactorily secured ASSETS. Cwh on hand Cash deposited in bank. Caab in hands of agents- Lom e secured by bond and'mortgage, consti- tuting a-6r&t HenV. H. HOLLTSTEE,. Secretary. The are prepare# to offer Hberalinduce ments to parties wishing to insure in the above well known Company, either on policies for the whole term of life, or on 'the TEN-IEAR* HO-N.I’OBEEITUaE TLAN. SABINE & DUY, AGENTS AND ATIORNIES FOR THE COMPANY, No. 147 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, jcsSij>2 2t . QIRARD FIRE AND MARINI JNStTEANTCB COMPANY. OFFICE 41S WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL 8200,0C0. This company co'atinnCß to take rink, ea the safe! ciasdes of Property at low rates. . Tho pubUo con rely upon its responsibility, soul ablH ty to pay lessee promptly. Its disboreementa for thi benefit of Hie pnbHo, during the last nlno years, e xcsedl 5500.000, and wo respectfully solicit it* fayor in. the fetor*. PIBSOTORS, OHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WAIKSH, JOHN W.OLAGHOIIH, . JOHN THOEBLBY, 0. F. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART,. DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER 8. HOE, of N. 1, WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D, N. 8. LAWRENCE, WM. 0. RODMAN, JOHN SUPPLES. THOMAS OBAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vico President. JAB. B. ALVORD, Secretary. ap2B-tf EAME INSURAJ No. 408 OHEBTNDT i FIBS AND JJVSj F. N.Bnok, Ghas. Ribhardfloiii Henry Lewis, Jr.) Alex. WhiUdin, Oeo. A. Weßt, 0. W. Davia, JTBANCaB H. BTJ< • CHARLES BKJHj ■WILLIAMS L BLAHOI riOMMONWEALT \j banoh oohpany, PENBBTLVANIA. - DIBSOTOBB DiylA Jaynt, M. 8., Chariee H. Bogen, JotoM. Whltaß, John K.. Walker, Jtdward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Sboniiu S. Stewart, . WiUlam Strothers, Henry Bewto,Jr., . BUjah Jonoe. DAVID JAYNB, M D . Predaeisfc JOHN M. WHIT ADD, Vice PrOi-J&SS'. SAMOBIi a MOON, Beoretare. .. ■ ■ Office, ComroonweeUb . Bail Jim t Sl3 UERSTNB Qtmt, Pbttadelshia. ert-Btt WANTED— A SMALL GIRL, fond of children to a-mist in t.ho light work of a small family. loquiie at 1128 OXFORD St. jd3o-3t* pANVASfcKRB WANTED, for Day. cMt ck’fc “ History of the War for the Union ” Ac fire biibintsa men will find this to be profitable employ ment Johnson; fry, & go., je£B-6t* 126 South Eighth Street A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN WHO JLjL sells a large ametmt of near Peunavlvanla trade, is open for an;eugag*nmit with.a crno.l Drp-Gooda Job bing Bouee. Addresß 1 Harry, ss Press ollke. J«2B Gi# TXT ANTE I)—2 000 Men along the line V T of the "Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborora, 250 car pentera, nnd 250 st»ne masons. Apply to the officers of the Lelitgh Coal and Navigation Compvny, at M.AOCH CBUNK, ALLENTOWN, or EASTON, or anyafcare along the lino of the works. JeiO tf TO LET—SI ORE. No. 120 North WHARVES. A|.pl. fttSS&ABCH Seret. It# t FOR SALE—A very desirable Prorerty, situated on the northensterly tide of the TACONY road, (which lead* from Frank ford to Brides bnrg), about quarter of a mile from tbe U. 3 Aiß, consisting of a Two-story Frame Dwelling, containjirg nine rooms, with Suitable outbuildings, and 15 acree of land in a high state of cultivation ] cberrisß, plums, . peaches, straw befriea, raspberries, *c , io groat va riety. The properly in eligibly situated for' dividing into building lots, having fronts oa Tacony au-1 Trenton avebne, and in addition thereto a aide front on Wargarctslmt,connecting Tacouyroad.with Frankford, A railroad station i? vithin ooe ffjnwe, and facilities for reaching the city by the Frartkford and BrLdesburg Pas senger liailwaya. Apply on the premisPß to - ANTHONY WRNZRLL, »'. t 0 ■ '/ ; LUKRNS & MONTGOMERY, jy&w&l-W*. 1035 BEACH Street, above laurel. fi" FOR SALE-A FOUR-STORY SiiiiDWFSI.LING": HOUSE, Nn;.-m fouth TENTH Street—l 9 feet front, 7. chambers, Urge parlor, dining room and kitchen in.the basement. Price ST 000, nearly all of which may remain .on"the premises. ‘ Apnlv No. 305 WALNIJP Street, first floor back, jyi-3fc* * £g WALNUT STREET, VpsT PHI- B^aLADELPHIA.—FOR SALE—A substantial three si ory ST ONE DWELLING, with back building, aita ate on the south aide of WALNDC, (the msst fashiona ble street in the city,) between Thirty-BBvemh .and’ Tbirty-efchtb streets. Curbed, paved, and gas and water introduced. Lo‘\ 32 front by 175 in d«spth r It being ibe wistermhos£bonse,and now occupied. Terms of payment will be made reasonable, it being offered for sale to close an estate. Apply to J K EY.KS.No 115 GOTHIC Street,between 10 and 5-o’clock. .j*27-lrn# mo DISTILLERS. ~~ "H A Xiie DISTHiDFBY fcnowa . “PHOENIX,^.;: and formerly owned and occupied by SAHXj. SMYTH. Ssq., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between 'BAGS *nfl. VINK Btroofe, Philadelphia, Capacity OGO bnsh< per day, ic ncwofferedfer sele on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is la good running order, and baa *JI, the modem improvomento. An Artesian well on the pro* mines famishes an unfailing imppiy of good t pare woter. Address 2. LOOSE A 00., No, 1610 MARKS? Street, fe22-dtf piQURTH- STREET CARPET STORE, So. 47 ABOTB OHBSTin-T, No. 47 . J. T. DELACROIX Invites attention to his Spring Bnportatiem of CARPETINGS, ‘loKipHsing every Btyle of tbe Newest Patterns and Designs, in VELVET, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUS SELS, IMPERIAL THREE-PLY, and INGRAIN CARPETING'S. VENETIAN and DAMASK STAIR CARPETINGS. SCOTCH RAG and LIST CARPETINGS. TLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS. DOOR-MATS, BUGS, SHEEP SKINS. DRUGGETS, and CRUMB CLOTHS. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOW FOB GASH. J. T. DELACROIX, mhs-4m 4 7 South FODRTFf Street. »SX LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT* BE §P^ S MOVEi> to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, net* the Franklin Institute. 7 . Tbe undersigned, thankful ibr pagt favors, and bobiy determined to‘merit, future patronage, boa secured as elegant and convenient store, and has sow on baud ? Large assortment of Lillie*® Celebrated Wrought ans Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the onij strictly fire and burglar proof safe® madeO Also, LiSis’c UneQunU&d Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank. Jjocka. Lillie’s Bunk Vault Doora and Locks will be to order on short notice. This Is the strongest, best sttK Seated, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Aleo, particular attention la colled to l/illio’a rTsv Cabinet Safe, for Flats, Jewelry, &q,. This Safe te ©on* oedad to surpass In style and elegonoe anything yet €?-. fered for this purpose, and la the only one that Is Btrictl; fits and burglar proof. . Bpbcial Norioa.—l have now on hand say twoniy .K Farrol, Hertfug, & Co ’s Safes, most of them nearly neir } t-nd some forty of other makers, comprising h cmsplffsi aecortment to gisea, and afl lately exchanged for 6m now celebrated Lillie Safe. They wiU be sold at ve?j iby prices. Please call and examine. , M. O. SADLER. Agasi'• gMS WATSON’S , . ®P. ks • . * SALAMANDER SAJIS - - - STORE, . • ivSOUTH FOURTH BTRE3T, : 4 ' -5 PHILADELPHIA. PA. A large VArietx 0 r SAFES alwaye baud . rp n E_ “ EXCELSIOR " ABM THE BEST IN , XM.X iii.l X )"' r “ *. OO *750 00 And surer* of tbe odebratad “EXCELSIOR” : ; SUB AB- CUKE© HA MS, Koa. 142 and 144 North FBONT Btrsat, - AtoM'ira E.S imfiy-oslebraSea “ BXCBiSIOB” HAMS ix* oared by 3. H. M. & 00., (In a style peculiar to them aelvee,) eifreasly far KAMII.Y USB; are ot delioioni Savor; free from the’unpleasant taste of salt, and 'an pronounced by epicures, anparior to «ir now offered lop Bale. - . . epl-Hm 15,614 89. 12,415 IS ....<162,353 30 ...... 57,463 67 12,780 84 ...... 11,665 00 ...... 16,364 09 ... 1,063 43 .. . 2,635 01 711,131 22 MORIAH CEMETERY. Ibis gmmd is located a faw yards off the Darby road, about the same distance from the city aeliauxel Hifl, and Is beautifully situated on the highest point of ground for miles around. - 57,878 GO Its BOH is admirably adapted for the purpose deigned, being high and dry. The pnbiicare invited to exomint its chums before purchasing, risewhere. General and sectional plans may be examined at the . 69,320 40 .149,001 72 ... 80,164 74 ... 3.851 31 ... 38,919 00 21,790 70 2,955; 00 *CE COMFAISTj jrD^imvßAWoa. ITOBB, B. D.Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P.'S. Justioe, Washigtgton Jone*, Oban, Stokes, John W. Everman. jK,Pr«rtdent. IBBSON, Vico President, . LARD, Bacretary: [mhlß-liti !H BIEE INBB , OT THU STATS 0} WANTS. fOR S?ALE AMD TO LIST* uARF ETB ANB MATTIiN GS SAFES. THE WORLD. 3% H. MGHINER VCo., SSNBEAI/ PBOYTSION DSAiKKS COMPANY’S OFFICE, m. 138 SGUTH BJ3TK BTEI3KT, Where r an 7 further inforcoatlsn will be cheerfully at* forded-by tile agent EJESIKABXLB LOTS, AT LOW PEKJBSj AND ON LIBERAL TEE.T4S, Are now hi thp market, ascec of them in sections just opened, having hitherto been heW In reserve. . Ofpics Hours from 8-A. Si. to 4 P.fil.* and either be fore orafier these hours, at the residence of the under signed, - ' . '• So. 314 NOBTH TENTH STREET. FREDERICK A. VAN ODE VS, - QENKBAI. aGKNT 21. B—Conveyance to and from the Cemetery lot such as dnsire tD purchase. ■ ■ inyl6«2n* OEF LC a: 01 THEBOARD;, 01 ' HEALTH, S. W. corner of SIXTH and BANSOJJ gjreetg—iHlLADELßHiA. Jaae 23 th, 1862.—1 am directed by the Board of Healthto publish theioljowms copy of a resolution &EN,fe...; JUtolved. That the Preridoctsof Railroad Companies and the Captains df- Steamboat- Lines leading from the city be Informed that tbe removal of dead boexesonfc of the city, wii bout a permi t from the “- Board of Health;'*' to accompany said body, is aoniasnee, prejudicial to-the public health, and that all persons violating said rule will bepTOsecnted according to law, made and provide! for cases of nuisances. , • 3yi.-tulfasu.fc T\R. GB.URO BILL’S HYPOPRO3- I / pHITES, for tbs Prevention and OU.BE .Off CON SUMPTION.—.tat received from Paris. R supply o?Dr. Olmrchitl’B Syrup of Hypop&ospUite of Soda, Syrnp of Hypopboßpbite of li'iuo, and pills of Hypophosphato of Ohinine, with directions for. use. Porsons suffering from CHEST J> Fractions call now obtain tho above medi cines, gopnino, at . FKBDNRWK BROWN’S ie6-ftul2t ' Drue and Ohemicai Store, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Phila. Many efforts have been made to preserve the form and features of the dead, without tbe usual mode, so repugnant to the feel ings, of placing the body in ice, , This difficulty has, beS overcome by Good’s air-tight PATENT BOXES. Gold air la the medium used—acting aa a preservative—m the warmest weather,and for auy length of time required. Likewise, bodies may be conveyed hundreds of miles with perfect safety, nod in a good state of preservation. • JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, No. 921 SPRUGE Street. . N. B—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnißhed at shortest notice. Heareea and carriages of the bestoualllsf. ijots, half lot®, and single graves, in the different ceme teries: one superior - lot in 6lount . Moriah Cemetery 5 one, two, three, or four hundred feetj can be bad cheap Rsferbncks —Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 South EIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. B. McOLELLAft, 1029 WALNUT Street . . mv9-tbstu3m TTNIIBD STATES PATENT OE- U FICE, WASBINGTON, June S&> 1862. On the petition of JOHN P. HVYES, of Philadelphia, PeoDßylvania, praying for the extension of-a p»t«st gxanted to him January SOtli. 1549, for air improveoiwjt is A BAKING APPAHATOS,” forseveu frorathe ' expiration'of said patent, which takes place on the 30tu day of January, 1863 . r It is ordered that .tbe said petition be.hcard at tbo-Pa tent Office on the 12th dap oh J»n«a%vnext s at 12 o’clock fil.; and all persons appear apd show cause;' it any they why saia- petition onjiht not to be granted. .. . M . A . , Persons -opposing the .extension arc. required to fite m 4 the’Patent Office their abjections, specially set- forth, m wiitiDg, ntlo.Bt twenty anye before the Any of bowing; all testimony filed by eilber-papty to be, nsoiatthe said luaring must betaken andtraosmitt*® in aocordauoe with tbe rules of the office, which. wil\bo furnished an aj^ ia tbe cape will hoefosed on tbe 29th day of December next, depositions and other papers relied' upon as testimony mast, be' filed In .the office On or be fore tbe mbrniDg of that day; the argacneuts, if auy, within ten'daja thereafter. f , . Orderedvalso, that this,notice be pubUsh&d iu ths ATa tionoX InttUigmctVi Washington. D. 0., and 2%e Press, jPbil&dtlpbia, Ba., once a week for three successive ' weeks;. tbe first of. said publications to be at least sixty days previous to tiio day of heariog. D. P.-HOLLOWAY, jeSO-niSt Oommi3si6r‘or of Patent p, Editors of the above pauers will please copv, and send their bills to the Patent Office,-with a paper ceu tfeining this notice. HOTELS. pOWER8 J HOTEL, Nos. IT ana 19 PABK BOW, (OPFOSITS THS ASTOB HOUSB,) NEW YOBK. SEEMS *l.BO PBB DAT. This popular Hot©? has lately been thoroughly reao rated and refurnished, and now posseeaes &U the regot 'ltesofa FIBST-OLA3S HOTEL. The patronage of Philadelphians and the travelling public, deeiriag the best accomodations and moderate jharges, is reapeetfuliy solicited. ie2-Sm H. L. POWERS, Proprietor. A CARD.—THK UNDERSIGNED, £\. late of the GIRABD HOUSE, PhlkuLelphia. have ‘eoned, for a term of tear*, WILLARD'S 90TEL, fa Washington. They tafee this occasion to roturn to fcbeir friends and cufllomers many tbankfl for past favors md beg to &w*ure them that- they will bo moat happy to fee them va their new quarts. ■ SYKES, CHADWICK. * 00. .WARffrwnTQin. July 18. may . an-Xl-lr AMUSEMENTS TTTALNUT £TBBfcT THEATRE W Sole Lessee.. .Sirs. M. A. GARRETSOST. Re-engacenient o* the great Americas Comic Actress, MISS JULIA PALY. MISS JULtA DALY. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, July 2i, BY PUBLIC REQUEST, MAR3OT, THE POULTRY DEALER. Margot. Mi*s Juiia Daly, THE PEOPLE’S LAW YE E, Solon Shingle. * . lu active preparation, \ KING COTTON. KING COTTON. Doors open at 7jg e’clock. Commenco at B. iy"BS. JOHN BB!W S S X?J. ARCH-STREET-THEATRE. T WENTY-SISVENTEfNIGtIT OF r. S. CHANFfi.AU. BENEFIT OF MmS E. PRICE. TO-NIGUT, (Wednesday) July2d, 1862, TEE OO'iOROQN. THE OCTOROON. Pete.............. .F. S. Coartfrau. Dora Sunny side. ..SlissE. Price. To conclude with the Farce, entitled THD BLACK HORSE CAVALRY, • • Cast to the full strength of the company, Thursday. Bfmfifc of Mr.-Craig. Tm ‘ TlV ter tertainment on 4th of July evening. Prices as Curtain rises at 8 fIONTINENTAL.XHEATRH. MR. S. DAVTS.. Sola Lssseft fc Tbird We ek of Crowded H0n50.%3 HOOtEY’B. MINSTBUi.fjt Second Night of the Charming Kalladiat, MB- 0. BRiNBT. Third Night of the Ethiopian Comedian, 1 SIR. HARRY LEHR. HouFes full nightly. Tie best Entertainment ever given at the prices. Mr. HENRY wi»e|t>g TWO SONG 5 * NIGHTLY I Dress Circle. 25 cent* ] Family Circle, 30 .00. For fnrthpr pa* iicnlarsand hanribPi* app!v at rh<» ofSso oftbePUTLALELPHIrV AND ELMIR* RAtLItOID LINE,- cirn?r of SIXTH ami OBEiTNUT Streets, vbtre a choice o f roav b* to suit the rouse of ar.roijJ s . JOHN S. HTLLES. General A=ftnt ANte.-asiAriNG-, RAILROAD- EXCURSION TICKETS. GOOD I'SOH S-ATTJSD \.Y. JVNB 28, TO MONDAY, - JHLY T, 1882, To b&BoM af tfic followin" rftfes YBOM PHn.OiET.THTA to HiBBTSiniTIS, FOTTSVIT.I.E, or IHSANON, and retnfn.,.. POST CtIKTON. REAI'INR „ POTTS T0WN...... PHffINISTOPK ....... And bftweti all steons at-reduced fares dnrins tbs above ten day si . jeSS- it ■STwpHM-WJ WEST CHESTER PEH.A.D'ESPHIa Ritt- POAt>, •CIA MBBIA. „ _ PLEASANT A:YD- ,?heap afterwoon ex CURShONS OirrmSDAFS and fridmy*. Through the finest Const'y and tho most bojntma- Roerier*»n Ibavksimry of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week until' farther notice an-Extra Train will leare West Cheater at 6.55 P-BL for Philadelphia. Passe» gpra .bnnug Excursion Tickets' either, tbo 2 or 4SO P/M-Train from Philadelphia, and the 6 or fi.55 ?. M. Train from West Cheater. BOUNP-TBTF TICKETS FROM PfiIDADFTjPHIA: to »U Stations east of Went Chaster, good on any of the sttwcc Trains. out or fu',3»uy be had on these days OSTIiY* at KX CUB SION BATES, pood only on the days i-Baod_ For farther information. Reply *fc th»- Ticket-Office, te the Depot, ST. E. corner of EIOHTEESTH' and 4IAB JHST Streets. _ ; BUsyDBLIGHTFIXL3. , £KJA i nOSS-FOl SuSttfBBBOAKDSBS sis Tna Line of the Boa©.’ je2t-tnwfK if , NORTH PSNST- » rSBYL'V'ASI& RAILROAD. FORETS' 99 . UI.Y EXCURSIONS. . KXGtfhSIUN TSOKETS to BBTBWTtTFH. QTIA 'KEk'I OWS. EO'VI.BSTOVTS, TASTOS, or- ARLEST TOW*r, will Ae ias-sed at'Teitmed rates, front the,Qolco» »t ’SJIEOW Street and BERK Street, ot» ilw Sd'and'. 4th Jnlw, s ««l to •-f iTirn OT'titth»««a(os'of theStbJttly. TUAtNS LBeVS FRONT and WlttiOW Street*. Far Betbleltem at) 0-48 A. M., Z*», ■*"« 5,03 F. BL. J?fcr Poj’leftown tvt... ...S A.-ftP.and 4Pi 3*— And-pats Berk street 20 minc&w latar ; , EIiLIS Of. ARK, Agent. CHESTER AN®* B!lii3§ll3pHlL ; M>ELPriIA. BaIIi£OA.D,' - . VIA IUDI'A'. E XOTOSIOJg. TjßgioN[j _ STJNT3AY' SCHOOLS. LITERARY- SOCISTISS, &o, &o , VcSl fmd Beautifo! O ROVES, with nmole ao cc.imnndotic.Dß, on flis Una of the Road, in tIM ficinily of- RA-TKS- VERY BOW. _ Oetßinittees-caQ view tlra Grounds without ehaTge. ' apply at the TIOKBT OFFIOH: in Doswt. KTE. of-EiefiTEENTH acd MARKET Sts. jf26-8t ' • . T— mm; ■mu WEST CHESTER. ftayn PHIkADKL ?IMA.BAIIi- BOAP\ TI4 MEDIA.. FOURTH- OFJUIiT EXCtTBSIONS. Eseamon Tickets will be sold to West Chester, goo& for tile 3d, 4tb, sod Stb of July. Fsre for the Boimd Trio, OMpoliar. j* 28- St HEKSY WOoo' Stipenntenflent. OB PICE op THE PHILADELPHIA. : and beading kaidboad company. . . . PHILADELPHIA.. -Tune 2£, 1862. JTfesBX'ESBofrTOKEI&Bt and TOLIiSon ANTHK&- *3B® CO && .transported by this f'orapauy will be aa toi lo\v§2oSiriTig.tbe month of J(Ti4l£» 186 V i- Port Casbon...... Mount garb on.. «. v » *••:*..* .* .*.• S cbu> IXIII Haven............. Auburn..,,......... .*>♦.« •Port Clinton. Darina ti e Month of aUGSSSMM, tbe-rateu will b& as Sallows :■ Port Carbon .......... Mount Carbon.. .*... ! . Scbuyl&fll Haven........... i Auburn—.......v"•.»*.».••• •«•, Port C1int0n............y—. ~Sttanil after"33SPIEJftBEB 1,1582, the rates willba osiollowsr ■ ( Port Carb0n............... -. Mount Carbon. ............. Schuylkill Haven. -A nbism —.«»*■ a—. * * Port Clinton. - • - - ®^ 4ot TT WSBB, Secretary. CHAMPAGNE .—An invoice of “ Gloria.” ta Quarts and pints, for sate (ta arri.Qj by CBASSOABSTAIBS, No. 120 and 21 GBANITE Street. JB ~ a _ OfMIPGrOF A SUMMBB &AJV DEM.—The nnierslgned begs leave to Inform ti« anbHo that be has owsneS for th© swwoa his PIN® Oiß* MS tie toot of OOATBB Street, owo die Pairmonnt Park. Bamilfea are sarttmda* fee Creara,Cok6a, excellent iager Beer of Bate e brew »y. Wines, &o„ always on jrjjlOKA, myS-8m TWBKTV-SBVBNTH and OOATOB St«. -jgfca- TURTLE AND served up daily (Sundays excesSs> m PBOSBEE, 808 MARKET Street'’ .✓ Yymilifla auyplisd aausu&L- Mr. Frank Dresr. ..... 3 00- HE3TBY WOOD, Superintendent. To Bichca’d ITo Pkitada. 51.48 1 47 1.40 1.30 1.25. SU7B' ITT XtO 3.60 | ;] i£j To Phil&da. \T& Bicbm’d. | SI.PB SI 6S 1 9? 1.67 1,9 Q 1.60 I.Btt 160 l.'fd, 1.45. To JUchoiM To Philada. $2 IS $l.BB 2.17 187 2.10 1-80 2 00 1.70 19& 16a