SPECIAL NOTICES. .13E/MISTONX. BB 7113 BARD .07 TOWDR. BALL. All things that earth viaticums Have their benefits and usu. And their mischief's and abtises; For example, Brimstene take-- Ny 11 notion so rldlealoue That it cannot MU to fickle us, - It is rumored that Old Nlcholde Levet it better than plum cake But no medicine is better For lariat:Wm or totter; And our land le such a debtor To this Emperor of drugs— That, without it, scarce our nation, Could perform a celebration,' Or Mug a fumigation To the robe's, rats, and bugs. Oh yes, 'tie Brimstone raises In our cooking stores the biases, And on battle.field amazes Traitor, Oh[attains stout and bold But tbe.amazemerit of Ranh traitor "Would certainly be greater,' 4Jould he be a calm speeta , or Of the Goods by Bassityr field Tho quality, style, and low prices of our PLOTHING bare always astonished those. who. Übe the Sontheruere, have never had a practical twouniniaiime with the cash uyetim of doing business; how much greater 3vould they Inter - all them, now, when contrasted with tho present exorbitant prices of every necessary article In that mis guided portion of our country. One stock of Ready mode Olothitig is the largest and most complete in Phila delphia, adapted. to the tastes and pockets of all—corn pritirtig all desirable styles and all prices, from the finest that can lye purchased in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to medium and low grades. Petrie gold d ay long expe rience, the style and workmanship our goods cannot be excelled, end buying and selling for Cash only, ena bles sic to sell at the lowest pow tine prices. TOWER HALL, No. IMB Market .street, Phlbidel pble. BENNE...VI' 4k AL LE OREN Y RAILROAD AND GOAL' COMP e Is Y.—A. meeting of the Stockholders and Bondi; holders will be held on THURSDAY, July 3d, at• 12 emelt M., at the office, No. 3 iorrest Place, 1233 f - nth Fourth street, to hear the Report of the Commit. iteesLapioinfoTat the 'Meeting of !day 9th, end to take f'ah aiitioy thvini se they may deem beet far their in rOisfie l F7": -DUIVROUGH - • I SIIILLINGRORD,' 'EDWARD GASKILL, flommittee. JOSEttOr - W. ASH, 11. D , Juno 21th, ia62, 111011 EMBROIDERED L'AOE CURTAINS ; from $5 to $25 a window. 5iA8011.10 BALL, 719 OHESTNIJT Street. je9.o.jyl - W. 11. DARRYL & BROTHER. JACQUARD LACE CURTAINS from ; 11.10 to es apair, well and haudenmely made. MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT. Street.:. 1e2.8-j5l W. H. OARRYL 8G BROTHER. GILT WINDOW SHADES colored Drown pearl, Green Buff, - Pink, Carmine, and Blue, -with superior fixtures, from $1 to $5 each. . 119 CHESTNUT Street. . W. H OnERYL & BROTHER. .:. , ,Rostwoori AND. GILT CORNICES, chi *suds, Pictures, Tamale and Oord, for sale leer. 710 GIiNc`INUT Street. W. H. O&BRYI, BILOTHErt DEAF MADE TO READ-L-InStrOmentl to se;let Ilia bearing, In awry earb.ty, and of the most 'apfnved construction, at P. MADE 115 South 'TENTH. Street, below flheltntit. le3S3t SELF- ADJITSTINO PATENT CLOTHES WEINGER.—SoIe Agency for the State of Pennaylvenia JOHN A. hum? tux, jcle•lm 922 011ISTNIIT Street, , Philadelphia. BATCHELOR'S HAIR TRH BEST IN THE WORLD; ILLIAS A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated" Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature-- vatrobted not to injure the Hair in the leant; remedies . -the 11l effects of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life GRA Y, RED, or RIISTYIIaIR instantlY tarns .a upleudld Black or Brown, hiaiing the Hair soft and beau lira Sold by all Waggish', ,tc. Air Van Geeinine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOE EOR, on the four sider - of each boo. FACTORY, No; 81 BAROLAY Str eat, (Late 283 Broadway and 16 Bond street), my2B-Iy OFFICE of THE" MAYOR CITY lIALL BAIN? Louts, June 13,1 . 802. To the Creditors of the City of SV , Louis : • Interest on the Bonded Debt of the City YR. Souls already due, and to - become due before the drat day of July, or Matured Bonds still uncancelled, will be paid, on and, after the first - day of that month, at the Boat man', Savings. Institution, in said city. Coupons and bonds maturing on and subrequent to July Stet, when not made payable in Philadelphia, will be paid an formerly,. -on presentation at the Bank of the Republic, New Tork, the City's Eastern Fiscal Agent No "interest will be allowed on matured 'coupons or bonds from and after the first of July proximo. jelB-Cyl DANIEL- O TA YLOR,,AIkYor, • . . ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST ETTLV3i made in the Beet Wanner, uxpreeely for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Pricey marked in Plain Plgaree. AU Goods made to Order warranted isatlefactory. Oarerne•Paros SireTsai it! strictly ad hered to. AU are thereby treated Atike.. ee22-17 , JONES 'h 001., 664 MARKET -Street. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT Yowora, Tented for nineteen years and grows in favor. .It kith] and exterminatea Boaohoe i Bed, Bug% Auto, ' , leas, Naha In Clutha, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Insects, t he. AU iginnlne bears the eignature of. E. Lyon, and sea not poisonomt toperrons or dowstio Calritad. Be ware of nounterfelte and imitations. Lyoale Powder Ulla all invents in n trice, Lyon's rills ore death to rats and mice. Bold ewerywhere. D. a DA.DRES, myB-stuth2m 202 Broadway, New Vnrk. MARRU ) BItUDER—POWELL.—LOn the 30th or. March, 1862, br the It-v. J. McKeon Mr. Iliward Broder to lilts Vlrithia F. Volta% all et DIII, EBY &NT.—On Friday, Jun. 27th, of diptheria, tfo race 'Whiteman, eon of John (4. and edary Bryant, aged 16 nu nibs. The re. atiyea and Mends of the family aro-invited to attend..the funeral; trent the reeidence of Ms parents, No. eft( North Front street. at 3. WelFFek 'on Monday motnirig, June 30th, without. further notice. *la 0 A YLO R.—At Ilstnerton, Chester:county, Pa., on the 27th lost, of typhoid fever, Latereaco Taylor, am of Nelson Taylor, aged 22 years. the tot eras wilt take place to-morrow (Suutiar) after noon, at 3 o'clock, from the reeldenre of Me father, Ha mm tom To Troceecl to Kennett Panty e. hRIILTZ.—On the 26th instrult, Robert E. Shultz ogee 60 p-are. The Ttleilvee awl male friends, alm the members of the ICn•!ern Star Lodge, A. Y. 141., are raspeotfully In vited to attand his funeral, from his tote residence, rm.. ty-second end . Chottnut streets, on Hominy, Juno 30th, at 2P. M., without further notice. To proceed to bl tint DI 'Halt Cemetery., , ** BRYNOLDS.—It New Bridga, Vs, of typhoid fever, on Sunday, June 22, Sergeant Wm. T. Reynolds, 6th Re. sfenent, N. Y. S. V., Duryea's Zuutevee. Die fe Jenne and those of his father, James 8. Reynolds, Ids brother Janice S. Reynolds, Jr., and his brother-in haw, Doctor John Moore Leedom, are invited to att nd Lis tunes al, from hie fatherta residence, 22 Bayard street, Aew Yo,k, on filenday, 29114 a 2 o'clock. MINTESS—On the Nth Instant, James 8. Mutest, ogee 67 3 ears and 1 month. Tho relatives and friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend the Enteral, from hts Late residence, N. , . 1108 Sutton , etreet, below Lombard str.ot,. at,l o'cloev, on Sunday atierniton, to proceed to Lebanon Cemetery * KIRK —On Sixth day, June 271 h. after a hurt Sham of tte icartet fever. William Ma. tin, senprllfred and Mary Kirk, in the 9th year of his age. intern from the residence of his parents, Abington, Montgomery ccunly, on First day (Sunday) afternoon, ALL KINDS. EVANS & I-TASSA.LL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, Je28.0. No. 418 ARCH SYRNEY. A T. I 0 . .N A L FLAGS. • . - . SILK ; BUNT/NG ; AND MUSLIN FLAGS, ALL BIZ EB, FROM 7 MGM TO. SO FRET. GILT FLAG . ORNAMENTS. • . POLES, • SPEARS, EAGLES, and BALLS. RUNT - Da, OF .SUPERIOR QUALITY. .- 1' L A OW"' OF ALL NATION'S MADE TO CEDER. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY nirisit. .11. HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. ARMY • :CLOTHO . G • -AND . ' MN:Tr- PAGE .0700 E. .I"WELPTB AND GIBAIID BoPetA. • ' Jane 27, 1802. SEALED PROPOSALS. endorsed L , PRO PO3ATAS FOR HATCHETS, Iit&TOIIET HANDLES, and FELLING laze," will be received by the undersigned, at bis Office, until 13o'clock M. on TURSDA Y. let "of July next, for furnishing this Department, delivertede at the Schuylkill Arsenal, and subject to inspection, with Eve thonsand (6,000) of each of the above.nameri ar ticles. Rids will be received for the whole or any part of the above artlblee, and the bidders will state in their bids how soon the same con bo delivered'at the Schnyl kill Arsenal; where samples can be seen of those required. 'G. H. OROS 21 AN, je2B.3t Deputy Quartermaster General II; S. A. D EPIITY QUARTIORMASTER GENYEAVII OFFICE,' PHILADELPHIA, June 25,1862. DAY will be received at this o ffi ce until TOES DAY next, let July, at 12 o'clock 81., for enpalying all the Coat requirite until. Ist October, 1862, for the follow ing United States Military Hospllate, situated at Weet Philadelphia, . . • Broad sad Cherry greets, Twenty. sealed and Wood etrrets, Mnitonwooo street, neer Filth, • Christian street, Twenty • fourth and South streets, Fourth ann George streets, ixth end Master streets, li ttston rifle, • Germantown. • Old German Brnetti*, (now United States;) i. or Chester. Delaware county, or any other Government Hospitals that may be esta blished within the city limits previous to October 1, 1E62. The coat to.be of the best quality &nthracite, atzo store or broken, and in snob quantiliee and at such times es may be required. The successful bidder.or bidders will be required to immediately enter into a contract, with goad recur ity, for the faithful performance of the same. Signed, A. BOYD, je26-4t . Captain and Assistaot Quartermaster. SEALED PROPOSALS TAIR IN= vttod until the Ifirh day of JULY, 1864. for enpnlyitne the United States Substat*pcn Department with 6,00 , 7 heed of BEEF O&TTL& on the Hoof. Ihe Cattle to be delivered at Washington, D. 0., and' each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross. No, antmsl adrintthcl that weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross. Ilrifers. Stags, and Belle not wanted. The first delivery of Cattle to be made on the let day of August, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct. 600 head of Cattle per woek will bci requlred to be delivered under this contract. A band with good and sufficient security will be re pnlri d. No bid Witt be entertained when put to by contractors. who have previonaly failed to comply with their contracts in any Department of Government, or where the bidder La. not present to respond to his bid. . . ?he names of firms should be stated in fall, with tiee precise address of each member 'Atha firm. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and en oath of allegiance mud accompany each Rept*. tioll. . . Bide to be directed to Major A. 181COKWITII„.0. 8., U. B. A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Proposals for Beef Cattle." Fenn qf, Guarantee. . • We,-, of tl e county of -, and State -, do hereby guaranty that- feeble to fulfil a contract to accordance with the terms of tds proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract Its accordance therewith. Should the con trect be awarded him we are prepared to beccaie Ids se curities. (Thle guarantee must be appended to each bid.) The reationeibtlity of the guarantors mingles shown by the officio/ certificate of the Clerk of the newest District. Court, or of the United States Dtgrict Att orney. COUNTERFNIT, ippEINEWI3--IVOItIT3rEI3 , IMPAIKI a pleasure to the behilder.libeit greet Itmieutyi'imill nominal life like apeeerinoe Interest aillido4ria Gallery SECOND ' Steeet;OxiTei ' :1111t"1 I talus or bottles. OLARK & WRITE, VOR-Ak DELICIOUS' -BATII,AiND J: .HAIR DTEINGOa the wet 'artistic itklo; go to YOUSTEI and BRANCH Streeti. • 90111-ittf B°Y MISSES', AlilV . Olgli. DARN'S CLO,THING • •••-` . • IN Z.NDLEBI3 VARliglir s IT • No. 137 South EIGHTH Street, , icali-211) Three Doors'ebeve WALNUT. CI3.AMP A (}ll invoiose of • "Gloria, " in quarts and pints, for solo (to arrive) lir CHAS S. CARSTAIRS, No. 126 WALNUT Street, :food SI GRANITE. Street jat "01 A M PAGN Gold Lac " • Chamalliaer . 111 . 1 1BITti. .pbArg, for sate (to arrive) by CRAB. EL', o,l LitStlat#olo. 126 %VAL. NUT SO GIiAIgITE Btreet4, letA • . • E. & E. & L. EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARGO, •• FOURTH AND ARCH, AND A 13.013, ARE NOW CLOSING OUT GRENADINE VEILS, ' SUPERIOR MITTS, INDIA PLAID SILKS, 'l4ll PLAID MOZAJSIBIQIJES, PLAIN KOZAMBIQUE.S. PROPOSALS. All bids met be accompanied by two guarantees,. to a I, .• ' ; STATEMENT PR,MHE ig CONTINENTAL" INSURANCE COMPANY OF NZW YORK, In compliance with ihe Laws of Pennsylvania Capital Stock, all paid in Casa-- ....$506,000 ASSETS. Beal Estate held by the Company 0 , 80, 7 00 49 Caeb in bands 2,19 F. 48 Casb in Ft. Nicholas Bank'` 45,729 45029 92 LOADS secured by bonds and mortgages e 82,330 00 Stook owned by the Company 90,050 03 Stock' held by the Company as collateral so- . curitifor leans -110,452.00 Interest on investments maflei • by the Com 'Mull", dud sod uuPuid•-•••• Premiums due and impaid:... Banta accrued and unpaid *4 LIABILITIES. Claims for lowa which are to eta or contest ! . ed by the Gompany LoeFea reported to the Chnopeny and not acted upon .......... Dividends declared to Stockholders during the Year Dividends dealerrd due and Unpaid:: Dividends on scrielsavea to policy holders de- dared and remaining unpaid other CIAIMB *pipet the Company, don- tested or otherwise IN M E. Om& 'premiums received, after deducting re- turn 'premiums - ' $210,640 40 Cash .preminme _earned, exceed 250,000 00 Interest miMeY.received`trMn investments by the Company E • Loren raid during the year.... 51i8,61.0 69 TAMPS raid dr4ug the year ; - which accrued .; . . prier to the year Domes estimated: in former etatement which were paid during the 'Pear '.24,063 31 Dividends paid during the pear ...; 79,307 04 Cionmnissione - paid' on premiums during the year ' -78,480 40 Texee pad by the COMPriIIY 12,108 72 AU other expeneee and' expenditures of the CotOPOIIY. 31,243.78 WILLIAM GrETTY, AGELiT, No. 42 ONE 3TRUT STREET, PHILA . /ELBE:I& 110A.RD OF REFERENCE. Stuart & Brother 'Jay Cooke & Co, John B. Al ers A. Campbell & Co., Jensee, Rent, Santee; & 00. Davis& Birney, Riegel, Baird, a: Co., War, Taylor & Co., James Co. obey, Re Co, Boole; Bro'ber, & Co., bleCutchcon Jr. Collins, Wright, smith, ' ,* Pearaall, Alfred Jenka Sr. Sart, • Charlet; P. Bayard, Es q. STATEMENT OF THE tc NIAGARA" 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Capital Stock ASSETS. Cash in St. Nicholas Bank $12,383 95 Casb in hailds of A genie and in course of trans- mist ion 7,052 25 LOADS" teecurt by Ponds and Mortgages: 216,550 00 Stocks owned by tbeCompany (market value) 3/,837 50 Stocks held by the as collateral se curity for lo'ins Interest awned but not yet dhe on Stocks' and. Loans 1,239 78 Premiums &tie and Impart) . 557 . 50 Other securities belonging to the Corepany:— 1,535 89 Interest on. inYostments made by the Com puny, due end unpaid Interact accrued „{end not yet due on'ltiort•- ==M LIABILITIES. Claims for lames which are in suit or contest— ed by the Company 83,900 ob LOSPOJ paid tithing the.year 37,100 40 Uneettled losses 45,824 27 LOSBOEI contested during the year 1,600 00 INCOME. Cash preminms received $82,899 09 Interert money received from theinveatmente of the Company. EXPENDITURES. I,esves during lite year 843,9(9) 49 Lessee paid daring the year, which accrued prior to tbe year,"and estimated in former statement. "Return premium 5.......... Dividends paid. during the year.... Dividends declared due and unpaid Excenevs, including comMesions and fees paid to. Agents and Officers of the Corn 'Saxes paid by tbe Company Other expenses WILLIAM GETTY, AGENT, ITo. 425 CHESTNUT STREET, PriILADELFBIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. 1 Stnert & Brother ' dJay. . y Cooke &Oo , ,t John B. 31yere CO., . -A. Oginpbelict Co., Jernes, Rent. Santee. &Co. 'Davie & Rimer, Riegel, Ifaird, & Oa, , Writ. Tarlor & Co.. James Graham it Co., •rtlatile, Brother, & Co , ItleCtitcheont, Collins, 'Wright, Oinith,'& Beeman, Alfred Jenks Si Son, Charles F. Bayard, Bed- STATEMENT OF THE "ARC Tle' 7 FIRE INSURA.NCE GObIPANY OF NEW YORK Capital; Stock ASSETS. Rattl,Batzteeheld by the Compnny Cash on hand Cashin fit. 'Nicholas Buds Amount of Unpaid' Premiums. Cash in hands of . Agents- and% in comas of tratsradesien Loans secured' by Npucla , and' MOrtg"". • • !Summit doe COmpow on wkich Judgments have tien obtained:..., United States .. . Stocks held by the Cotirpany as ccdlaterat se entity for 10,626 00 Preesimn Notes due and uppaid 1,041'57 Pre:Main Noteenot-due 990 04 Inth'estnn Investments due and unpaid...... 500 00 Interest on Investments accrued but not due. 5,167 83 Value of all other property:belonging to the IJABTTITIES. Leaves dne and unpaid. Amovat of Chsinie for Losses contestes by the $2500,00 Losses doring•theyear, which have been paid. 39,301. 90 Lopaee i3trketi the pear which hale mot been .. . . ....... .. . . . Leases dtelng the.y ear not acted twat. INCOME. Gash •5rernininareceived.................... $73,271: 16 Prersiwn N - oreatricen by_the Company 1,951 5.1 Prerainina earned 61,271 16 Interest received from Inveatmerits of .the EXPENDITURES:. losses paid daring the. Year... . 148,147 - . M. lessees paid during tta year whiCh - aecnaed• prior to the year Salount paid and tradrag for re•inenranee Pre- BAUM 44551-45 Bottimpremir.ma, whether paid or mapaid... 9,240 53. Expenses paid; during the year it:minding COlEMllifigoll9 and Tees paid' to tla Agoura And Odium ofi the Clompany.... Taxes pail by tha Company. . Ttae nr.dersligned hariag beostannointed Agtot and At torney of , tba above-named - Catananisa has ahtahl ;34 retiree from t/ia Auditor General , and is nornroadY to is. ene Toileies to his Many irntads in this (LW at modemla rotos,of Premitun. , , WILLIAM BETTY, AGENT,- 110. 423 CILEBTITUT.BTREET, PHILADSLPHI&,BOASD, OF REPARMITOE. Stout & 'Brother, pay Cooke .& Co., John B. Myers & Co., A. Campbell &, Co , IT3mies, sent, Santee, & Co. Davie & Birney, , Biegel;Baird, & Co:, Wm. Taylor & Oo Jams Graham & Maulo,Brother, BleCutchearr & Collins. Wright, Smith, & Pearsall, 41Trod Jaks & Son, .! Charles P. Bayard, Bk• iIviiJRAN6E bom.Axxv. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION UNION MUTUAL LIFE - • RANCE COMPANY, Guarantee Capital, satisfactorily .$lOO,OOO OD 04th on band Cash deposited in bank. Cash In hands dt agents Lours secured by bond and mortgage, consti !nails a brat lion on real estate ' 102,353 30 City, conuty. and town bonds 57,403 GT Railroad first mortgage bonds. 12,780 81 Railroad stock,. 11,605 00 Bauk stock. 15,364 00 Loans to members, secured by ardedge or policy .417.995 95 Office forniture - 1,063 43 Interest due and unpaid .. . ... 2,675 01 2S 272 1 7 8,&i1 87 458 33 Amount of dividends (either cash or Berle) de clared and not set duS .amount of all other claims agaiest the Com pany. $2,700 . 00' 11,414 75 70,000 00 899.00 Amnia of cub premiums roceivel $79,C81.32 ,Amolint of premium notes taken by the Wm-. .. • 7,197 66 Pany. Amount of premiums earned Amount of interest money received Amount of=ineome from other sonrees Losses paid during the year 08,450 00 Losses paid during the sear which accrued prior to the year 5,200 00 Ambunt paid and owing for reinsurance " 1,3 74 Amount of return premiums paid' 3,851 31 Amount of divide niis paid during the year.... 38,919 00 Amount of Saneness,. including commissions and fees paid to agents and officers of the Oompany and taxes.. 24,790 07 Amount of alt other expenditures .. . ... - 2,955 00 HENRY CROCKER President; 66.627 65 24,215 31 W. H. HOLLISTER, Secretary The undersigned are prepared to offer liberal induce ments to parties wishing to insure in the above well k n own Oolopat)y, either on policies' for the whole term of life, Or on the TINAIBAB., NON4OItr.g.ITITSE SA BINE & DUI', AGENTS AND AT rOBNIES TOR THE COMPANY, PIIILATiELPHIA; Pa.• V . o. 147 SOUTH FOURTEI STREET JeiMjy2 2t OIRARD FIRE AND MARINE' anima 416 WALNUT STBEV, PUTLARELPHJA, This company continues to take risk• on the earn Glasses of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon itaxesponelbility, and ty to pay losses promptly. Its +disbursements for Zs benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed $500,000, and we reopeotftdly solicit ifs !'avor in the Mara CHAS. L DUPONT, . JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. *MAI:MORN, JOHN THORNLEY, O. 1. HEABLITY, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOE, of N. 1. WM. M. SWAIN, TURMAN SHEPPRD JOSEPH HLAPP, N. D. N. S. LAWRENCE, WIN. 0. RUDMAN, JOHNSUPPLER. ...$200,000 .11,33., B. ALVOED, Secretary- VADIE .I.NSITit • ,IL! No. 4Q6 CHESTNUT FLUB AND LAMA DIBRO 6,000 00 T. N:Bnek, Ohm. Siehard.ron; Gerry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, • - O. W.Davie, FRANCIS -N. BGO CIL& RLE3 REM WILLTA DSB T. BLANCH 5,93 to riOMBIONWEALTO FIRE EANcns cvmPaztv.,. or Tlia OUTS Of PrZIEBYLVANI.A. David Jayne, - M. D., - Charlet! H. Roger, John M. Whitall, \ John R. Walker, ltd - ward 0. Knight, Hobert Slam:maker, Thomas S. Stewart, - - 1 William Stfuthers, Beery Lewis, Jr, - f Elijah Janes. DAVID lAVNB, M D., Presidant. JOHN- M.WHITALL, Vice erasident SAMUEL E. MOON, Secretary. - Office, Rommourrealth Building. 01.3 OgEBT'DDI Str.m. Phibvielrobta. - .at-irtt. WILLIAN T FIRE-WORKS, ... . ; 113,744 22 - . 6,560 . 05 6,933,50 40,000 00. 100 00' 22,852 89' 4,793 44 , .. 5,399 31 E.G. WFIITIVIAN & AT THEIR NEW STORE', OVESTETIT ST., BELOW FOURTH, je2S.t NAXT DOOR TO ADAMS' EXP .R.BbS. PIIILAVELPi/lA, Z!A. 1411.1tE CRACKERS.-500' bozos; Gold Chop No. 1 Fire Oraekers. Orangea and Lemons, in prime oraer, for sale by RHODES & WlLLLialltr ie3.B No. 107 South WATBUTtrfet. g. Fpia THE PARTICULAR AT- $250,000 $ 3 000 00 ' 539 Rq 6,321 30 .1.557:17 S , P. 060 L COTT O.N Pronounced one of the beet and cheapest Spool Ca- tans in the market A full supPli on hand. - je24-Im* 6 000 , 00 211,102 50 4,000 00 2,000 00 WHEELER & WIES9N, SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, 5267.9.1.7 71 HE 4qtß 4AYEt3' REF-Pap-ERA , TM." Theiee axe, beyond doubt, the most selimtifto . s:ind effisisMt REFRIGERATORS tn. Ilse, being WARRANTED to KEEP PROVISIONS LONGER,- WITH LESS ICE, ?SAN ANY OTHER& 4,300 00 3.500 :00 $t9;661,90 ENTAILLNG , AT WHOLESALE PRIGES. Also, &largo assortmord of 'LW, most approved WATER COOLERS. J. B. CLAYS:,, roi23-if No. leas MAIMET Street: 16,071 49 1 41 - 1,11111 , 8 SAFE DEPOT ET. UPPED to No. 21 Boxth SNVENTH Street, - Ana Ballo Institute. The underelgned, thanking for pant favors, and being determined to rmerit futue pptrenaga, has negated at elegara end• convenient Aare, and has now on hand a large aneortment of Lilhe's Celebrated Wrought and Chiliad Iron Fire and Burglar Fuca Saes, (kba only etrialay flre and burgles proof safest/nada) Alno, LIM% Unequalled Bank Vali% Safe, and Bank Lodes. Bank VanitDoore and Locke will LaSerigebei tc.erder on short mare. This lathe etrongeet, heat pro. .tooted, end cheapere Door and Lack ret.oirelled. Also, peWticalar attention be to Nevi Cabinet Safe, for Mate, Jewe7,27, ho. Thhi Safe le eon. ceded to mums in style and elegance anything yet et. fend for this irtrpoele, and lathe only one that le BMW, fire and tinnier proof. BPEOIAL heir SW on hand Fey twenty ct Torrid, Herring, , & bite, swat of them nearly new, and some Piety of other 'makers, comprial' ng a complete assortment ne to einem, and all lately exchanged lot the now calearated _lathe Safe. They will be , sold at Ton low prima. Ploisee gall and examine. je.25-151 N. O. SADLER, Agent. 10,4113.74 A 832 34 4 , 963 OfE EVANS &- WATSON'S: 5..q,4m4,2r0mi say* • : STORE, _ .I 6 SOUTH FOURTH MUM, - .PITILADELPHIA, . _ PIiIiA.DIILPHiA, PA. A, loyicO.vartity of WIRZ-1 . 11007 EASEB tolwAya os aim TURTLE, AND CLAM SOUP — NMI served np daily (Baadege exaested) by JA.11134 PUeeSER, 808 ttiAltit VT Street, • Families supplied um:ad. - Or THE MAY 26th, 1862. se u ed.. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. INCOME. EXPENDITURES. INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL 0200,000 DIBEOTORS THOMAS CRAVEN, PresideuL A. S. GILLETT, Vice Free Went tica64f CE COMPANY. Street. ND INSURANCE. r TOES. E. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr, , P. S. Justice, Washington Jonas, Chas. Stokes, I John W. 'Ever-man: )K, President. I,IIPSON, Vice President. Booretari". FIREWORKS SUPERIOR QUALITY. FRRNOtt, AIRERICAN, AND OHIEESE SKY-ROORETS,, BOHAN DANDLES, COLORED STARS, WHEELS, FLYERS, ROSETTES, FIREMEN'S TORORES, TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES, Etc., FOR SteLF, WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL, BY SPOOL COTTON: TIONTION OF .THE TRApE.'2 ALTEMUS 80 COZENS', WO: 241 CHESTNUT STREET, SOLID AMENT EOR: GREEN DANT CEIMBIUTED SBWING MtCHIli ES PHILADELPHIA REFRIGERATORS AND COOLERS SAFES. TROLLOPE' - B NO RT ET. AMERICA. EAUTITORIZED EDITION.] BY ANTHONY TROOLDPE, ESQ., Author of “The West Indies and the Spanish Hata,' "Doctor Thorne," AC , Published by special arrengemeet with the Author. 1 vol. 12mo, CO cte.; 2 vols. 12mo, $l. J". -B. LIPPINCOTT & Co:, .22 AND 24 hORTH FOURTH STREET. jet .6t 4758.00 ... 15,814 89 . 1241513 pIITNAM'S REBELLION RECORD. EDITED DT FRANK MOORE. The Third Volume of THIS GREAT LIVING HISTORY Mae now been completed, $3.75. Bent freehy Mail anywhere on receipt of the price. JOAN worA.Rtax,,tgeml. je2s-We3t 33 Soith STXTEI.Street, up stairs. f ' 1'11,131`22 1 . N. B. TWO CANT AT, NEW BOOKS. -$57,67600 67,876 00 Mrs. Stoddard's novel, which has been so eagerly ex voted end asnounced., The deep elements of passion, the intense realism, and the dramatic intereet of this re mai-Immo neTel, will place its author high among female novelists." Price, 50 cents, paper coven, and $l, cloth . . ... 69,320 40 . .... -.119,001 72 .... 30,164 74 61 00 IL OBTENTAT, ILVRItitS ANA SUENI4IiY A spicy and piquant book of travel and adventure in the Orient. Transiatf d from tbe French of the Princess Beigiojoso. Giving the moat bewildering and fascinating glimpses of life in the East. The freshest, most varied, and interesting book on Gile - subject ever published. Price, cloth bound, with tieted engraVing, $1.25. ie2 -ws tf A NEW. HISTORICAL WAR AJAX. —The cheapest, best, and most saleable War Man published. It includes a description of each battle, with number of killed and wounded, dm Also a most com plete Nap, with locality of ell the battles plainly muted, Agents ore making trout 165 to $lO per day. Specimen copies sent by mail on the receipt of the price, TWENTY- Irrius CENTS. Agents wanted In every •eeetion - of the cmntry. Address J. IV. BRADLEY, 'Publishers it* C 6 North FOUR Ca Street, Philadelphia, TRAVELLER'S DEVOTIONAL LIBRANY.--The Traveller's Devotional Library, done up in a - neat case, suitable for the pocket, contain ing the following worse: -• Spiritual Songs, by the Rev. J. O. Bylo. Wait on the Lord. by Rev. James Smith. My TllllB3 in God's Rand. by Octavio,' Winslow, D. D. None Like Obriet. by Octavius Wtneloiv, D. D. Going Rome, by the author of "None Like Christ." Go and tell Jesus, by the author. of" Going Home." Price $l. For sale by WILLIAM E. & ALFRED MARTIEN, . $9O No. 606 011ESTNITT Street. BROTHERHEAD'S CI RC U- T T • LATINO LIERARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CL.ASSEIa of Lite rehire. Thin is. the ONLY Library in the country that include? all the NEW ENGLISH. BOOKS that arenot REPRINTED here. 7erlllF *5 per year; 0 =Mlle S 3; three montbß $1.60, or 3 eeptP per day. 218 South ETGELTUetreet. je7-Im* fIANVASSERS WANTED, for Duy., "4-4 ekinens "History or the War For the Haien " Ac tive business men will fled this to be profitable employ ment• JOHNSON. FPS, a; CO., je2B•Gt* 1.26 South Eighth Street. WANTED.—The undersigned is de • BiTOlll3 to learn whereuitner Dire REED, or Q. REED, who resided in BUTTONIVOOD street-, a few doors above Nintistrest, in the month of August, 1834; also. where Mrs. MARGARET EL &OE, asho resided in THIRTEENTH street third door above Vine strest, in the ntotoh - of Angest,lB34, are. Any person who has Isnewn tither of them, or can give any information about them, or any of their relations, so that they may be found. will tourer a very great favor by addressing F. S. DAYTON, at the Public Ledgeroffice. lan at* A Flitk T-OLAES SALESMAN WHO aLIL sells a larse anaanat or near Poansilvania trade, is 06P121 for an eagagsment with a way). Dry. Goads Job , bing House. .Address Harry," Press office. jet, G:.* WANTED—By an experienced per v ern, with some capital; a giETNER with email capital in the moot profitable branch of the Whole gala Pry Goods trade. Address tt Permaylvanta." at Inquirer office. j 02- fit* A .BSISTAVT QUARTERMASTER'S ..C3 OFFICE, corm. of 6 and TWESTY-SEOOND Streets, Wasntsgroti, D. 0 , June 17, 18$3. EXPERIENCED TEAMSTERS can obtain employ ment on apolication at this office, J. 3. DAN a, jvi9-dtjel .. Captain, A.!: Q. DI-, S A. WANTED---2.000 Men along the line e of the Lehigh Canal, say 1,500 laborers, 250 car penters, and 250 steno masons. • Apply to the officers of the Lehigh Coal and Nartgation Company, at MAUCH CHUNK, ALLTRTOWN, or HASTON, or anywhere along the line of the works. • - jet° tf -.coupl e . WANTED—By a c , youn married -.couple. a small HOUSE, in a genteel neignborhond. Sint not to exceed tin. Pay in alvanco, or security Any one occupying such, aboht removing. will confer a favor by addreaaing Desirable Tenant, 13,)x. e TO LET, FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 835 MARKET STREET,MORrEt SIDE Ap ly to 25 NORTH FOURTH STRZET: VOR SALE- Goodwill,- Stook. and. A! Fixtures of the prinking. Saloon, No 51 THIRD Street. Inquire at B. F. GLENN'S Real Estate Mart, 123 so-iioi Fouara Street. • Beal Este& of every description, both city and Coun try, for Salo arid Exchasp,e, 3a23-tf dit $ 1 .e50 FOR . A THREE-STOGY .11LBRICK HOI7SE, SUS . CUT EIRE'S" , Street, above Twenty-first. below Arch 5150 cash, balance in ito tat xnente. H..• O. THOMPSON, 933 ARCH' St. Its it TO RENT—A. hir;lrvtrEi.R o. or " part;vith Carriage Howe and Stt ng. Inquire at the place. iu lIARROWGA.TE lane. chi. je27-3t4 ' MRS: MAPPTERR. WA U LNT STRET, WEST'PEII- EaLADELPIIIA.-FOR SALE—A substantial three- - story STONE DWELLING, with back bnildingoita ate on the south aide of 'WALNUT, (the most; .. fasknona• ble street 'te tbe city,) between Thirty-sweetly and= Tbirty.sightb streets. Onrbed, 'pared; and gas and' water introduced. Lot, 32 front by 171 in• it being the we stereniost bouse, and now occupied. Terms of payment will be made reasonable, it being offered' for sale to clean. an estate. APP . 'S' to TGYBE• NO 115' GOTIIIO Street, between 10 and 6 &plea.. ,ie27:lm DESIRABLE HOUSAni TO' LET', Sital AT LOW RENTS, at 46 111 REEL ESti TATE DEPICT." Rouse No. 500 South TWENTY-BEGONE'Street, oontaining six rooms. Rent $lO per month. Rouses Nos. 40S'and 410 QUINGE Street; containing. four rooms each. at slo.her month. 13"onso No. 1337 ORE .SE Street. containing six rooms, at $lO per month. • Home No. 310 Smith SIXTII Street, containing-ten rooms and Sbop hack. Rent $2O per month. • Rome No. 227 MONROE Street, containing eight roms lately occupied as a bakery. Rout slur per BOMB xo—uo SIIIPPEN Street, containing seven• rooms. .bath and gas. Rent $1.13.67 per month. _ A Stable, containing five stalls, on. WHO Streetobove , Quince. Rent $8.33 per month. Apply to . • THClid-A8 MARTIN, Real Estate Agent and Collector, W. corner. THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. s&Lip, good PARAP 4ANDBOrt Arta strong, Elk, Forest, and LycomThg counties, Pennsyl- REMOVAL. E., G. WHITMAN & 00., CONFECTIONERS, RAYS REMOVED FROM SECOND AMY OREST NUT SPREETS To. No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET', BELOW BOISEEK, NEXT. DOOR TO ADAMS Js CO.'S EXPRESS. je2o.lmif DE 31.0 V A I,..,TOTSDA.MER & BRO ~ Cap Manufacturers, liave removed front No. Ilb North THIRD. Street, to the capacious store, No. MS MARKET Street, where thog opens anew and corn; plete assortment of goods in , their line; je26.3tire- GENTS' FURNISFUNG GOODS CHAS. L. ARUM & 00., GENTLEMEN'S FINE SHIRTS FURNISHING. GOODS, CHAS L. -ORUM 7e6-lm VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The Subscriber would invite attention to hie IMPROVED ()UT SiIISTS, Whlchhe makes a speciality in his business. Also, con startly receiving tiOTELTIRS FOR GENTLRRER'S WEAR. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN , SPUBITISIIING toTORIC ' No. 814 CHESTNUT .STREE T, 'leg.tt rour dem below the Oontinetttel. NEW PUBLICATIONS. READY TO-DAY TUE MOBGESONS CARLETON, Publisher, CIRCIILATIPIG LIBRARY. WAN TN. !OR. SALE AND TO LET. WM. H. BACON, REMOVALS-. SUCCESSORS VO OLDENRSRGH a T.i.QoAxi, Manufacturers of and Dealers in No. 14 North FOURTH STREET' PRILAPELPRIA. ALEX. M. THOMPSON ._, PHILADELPHIA SPRING? Id.RETnia. l I SUFFOLK PARS. JUNE 28, rgao6ani DAY 'SAIURDAY, - ' FIRST RACE. PURSE SI,M-TIIREE NUM MCAT& Dr. J. W. Weldon, b. m. Bettie Ward, 5 years old, by Lexington. Drees--Rod 'and maroon. J. W. Olay, b. m. Ella D., 5 years old, by Vandal, dam Biker ,to Cray Eagle. Dress—Blue, blue and white. J. G Moore's b. m. idletuad, 5 yens old, by Losing. ton; darn by Glencoe. CONTINENTAL HOTEL PREMIIIII—ILTHES' - GlFT—Oinked with the followinn Entrits: 1. M. Whitehouse, b. h. One-Eyed Jim, aged —, by Boston, imp. dam Andrew m , M. Whitehouse, rider. 11. Warnock, ch. g 4 years old, by Hens Boston, dam by Wapner, B. Thompson, rider. 3.- Zillah, Harker, ch. m., 5 years obi, Rid Bird, V. Byers•. rider. 4 Merles Matbey's br. h. Othello, 4 years old, H. Wood- red, rider. b. William U. Strong, g. m. Alice Grey, aged —, Wm Gardiner, rider. b. William Wilson, br. h. Panic, aged —, J. Robinson, rider. RESULT OF THIRD DAN'S II&OES sre:ctr, DASTI—ONE MILE. . ... .. .. John Hunter's lilies Jessie, 8 years old, by Revenge; dem Fanny Fern, by Glineoe 1 Z. ili ard's 8 years old, by Lexington; dam by Yorkshire .... '52 P. a. Bash's lierolite, 3 years old, by Revenge;. dam Rhoda, by Gleam) - 3 . . Time ~.1.46X. lIIIDAT'S RAOE-PURSE $506-SULE lIEATS-BEST TIMIC J. W. Clay's. Wagram, 4 snare old, by Yorkshire; dam Tom, by Glencoe 4 1. 1 1 11r. 3. W. Weldon's Hilborougb, 4 years old, im portedbs Stockwell; dam by Lanencost 1 4 3 2 Z. Ward's Pope Sweigart, 5 Tears old. by Glen coe; dam own sister to Little Flea, by Gray &ogle 2 2 2 2 P. 0. Buth'e Cyclone, B years old, by Vandal; dam lifarygold • 3 3 4 4 Time L49,g, 1.4736, 1,40, 1.50. RACE 2 -commence at `3 o'clock. All entries to stark Tralna leave the Baltimore Depot at 1 o'clock 10 minutes, and 2 o'clock, to the Course direct..- Returning alter the Races are over. PRIVILIS oE BADGES giving all the vrivilege3 FOE ONE DAY, can be, heti at the gate. Price $2. PRIDE OF ATAIISSION.--:Field Tickets can be htd at the Rafts, - Depot. Price 50 cents. Tickets for - the Ladiea' Btancl4l. Entries for each day's Race, will close at the Course half en hour after the Wit Bace. FOOLB sold every evening end morning by DEIR WOOD & °ASSAD), nt the CONTINENTAL HOT Z.L. 't/CRS. JCERN DREW'S Attpa-sTnirsT THEATRE Benefit of F. S. 0 11P,ITFEA.Er. 'I'O•NIGET. (SFt.irday.) Jon.. 28th, 1882, - TEE EIBBEIN HAND. S. Chaufran, Capitala (with songs) Dm C. Henri. During - the Piece, a Grand PLANT&TION BONG AND DANCE, To conclude with a GLANCE AT NEW EGER Moie NEW YORE., F. S. Chanfram e Monday. Beaefit of Mr. Bailey. ith of July; 2 Performances. Prices an usual. Curtain risen at 8 o'clock. \ -- A -- T:AINiJT.ETREET FIE &TB E v v Sole Lesise "Mrs. M. A GA:RI:EPSON. TB IS (Saturday) EVENING, June 2Sth, Last night of . ..the encasement 0 , the great 'American Comic Actr9 , R, JULIA. DALT. A YiEw 00111 EDY, FIRST TIME ' TERVE GREAT PIECES ABSENCE OF MIND. Jereeta Song " .The PeteleVe Plume" Cary;line Morton, (airh pongp.) .71381L8 HALL. Toorbillon, Mr. Boker 4 Icettle,=, Min Fanny Brown Dooro oven et 73 o'clock Connano... at 8. riONTISENTAL THSATRE. MIL SOL. DAVIS. Sole Leggee. Tenth Night of BOOLEY'S MINSTRELS, . The meet "popular troupe of artists in Ai - wriest. - nth Night of the origival artist, MR. fIHARLES GARDINER. Scam d Time of the SITFYOLR. RACES. Third Time of LA TRAFF.A.TA, And 11 New Ack. Coolest Theatre in America; Cheapest Prices, nod beet entertainment. Pram Circle, 25 Cents; Family Cir cle only 10 Cents. . • . jel3•tf - A SSENIBLY BUILDLNGS. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS , GREAT NAUTIOAI. ENTERTAINMENT. TRILLING SCENES IN TILE LIFE OE A Y qICERE WRALEM • EVERY-EVENING, at. B O'clock preCisoll. 'SELECT MATINEE, SATURDAY at o o'clock. Adrutstrlon 245 cents. Six Tickets far ano dollar. Chil dren 10 cants. Libpral arrangements made for schools on Wednesday Afternoons. je23-fir PENNSYLVANIA ACADMIT OF THE FINE ARTS, 1925 OHESTRM Street-- TL eplendid "E, hihition of Paintings and Scalptura mil Close on t a 281 h inst isernittgare redneed to.lo acute; Childreclolr prim Open from 9 A. 91. till 1 P. ra , and from ° tiP j•-•? 3 --;-74 Path A. DE LPH AND READING- BATLRO . D. EXCURSION TICKETS, \ - GOOD FLOM SATURDAY. JUNE 28, TO MONDAY, To he sold the following rates FROM PIIILADELMITA to HARRISBURG. POTTSVILLE, or. LEBANON, and Mots.... POET CLINTON fIIC >NG POTTSTOWN ..... PIRENIXTILLIG And between alt stations at reduced' aras during the above ten da) e. je2B Tt tic ` F 0 R TEFF SEA SHORE!- SIJYTITER BANGEUENT.-CANDEN AND ATLANTIC RAU. 800. Titres traine dailv to Atlantic City and retima, (Sun days excepted). Trains leave TINE-Street 'Ferry a: follows: plait Train Ex real . . Freight and Acconnondarion RETURNING: Leaves, Atlantic Mail Train 4 40 P. M. Express Train €1 18 A. M. " Freight and. A eeemmodation.3 18 . _ FARE 51.80. Rnved•trip Tickets. load only for the day and train an ;Mich they are issued, Se.% &war mon Tickets, good for three day., SI Hotels are now a ANDR EXCURSION.—D MU ILA on= •HowiTz Es BiTTBRY. BIRGFE LC'S BR/GBDIS BAND. Tat get practice with 'Wiled .lannon, Bbot. and Shell at lone range. on the De!aware. by Warner BT)SPHEN GIRARD, MONDAY. Jena 30tb, at 10 o'clock, iron 60IITR.8rRERT WHARF. B. 0.• treatments on board. Tickets $l. admitting a laiy and gentleman. or two ladles. To be had at the netragaver office of the Continental Rotel, and at the Wharf h , fore starling. jrt4.6t lINEMNINWEST CI : INK l ER, AND PIITLADEL MIA RAIL- VIA MEDIA. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. Excursion Tickelm will he sold to West Chester, good for the 3d, 4th, and sth of July. Fere for the Round Trin, One 'Dolhr. jr2S.si HENRY WOOD. Sup.rintendent. EXCURSIONS. 'EXCURSIONS. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. LIT - xi - ma SOCIETIES, So., cc.,.fib& Beautiful ['MOVES, mitb ample ac commodaticem, Ou the lino oldie toad, is the 'vicinity of MEDIA. RATES 'VERY LOW. Committees can 'view the Cecina& without charge. Fix fat therinfbrination apply at the TICKET OFFICE in the Depot, N. E. Corner of EISHTEENTO and MARKET Sta. je2s.St ~a :~~'' FOAD, VIA MEDIA. PLEASANT A•RVT CHEAP AFTERNOON EX CURSIONS ON TrESDAYS AND FRIDAY.% Ceuntry end the most beautiful Seenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week until further notice an Extra 7 rain will leave West Chester at 6.551'. X. ror Philadelphia. Passer gets buying - Excursion Tickets can take either the 2 or 4410 P X Train teem Philadelphia, and the 5 or 6.55 P.. Train from West Chester. .. • . . - . ROUNP-TRIP TICKETS FROM PEUILADELPHIA. to all Stations east of West Chester, good on any of the above Trains, out or in, may be had on these days ONLY, a EXCURSION It4TES, good only on the days loured. For further inftirmation, apply at the Ticket Oaks, ito the Erpot, E". corner of EIGHTEENTH and .51.LE HET Streets. _ - MANY DELIGHTFUL 10GATION3 FOI EHMEER BVAILItaa.. ON THE LINE OF' THE ROAD, je2l-tuwfs If MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY. This ground is located a few yards off the Darby reel, about the was distance from the city ad:laurel Hill, and le beautifully situated on the highest point-of ground for miles extend. Its soil is admirably adapted for the Arirppse designed', being high and dry. The public are -invited be examine. its claims before purchasing elsewhere. Gemara] and sectional plane may be onamized at the 'N9. VS SOUTH lairan SWIM% Where luny further inforreetion wilt he cheerfully ret. terded by the agent. DESIRABLE LOTS. AT LOW PRIOR% AND ON MIEBIJJ TERMS", Are now in the =whet, soma of them in Beddow' 3ns opened, having hitherto been held in reserve. Orrice iiivl773 from 8 A. M, to 4 P.M., end either he, fore or L aiter`theee banns, at the reeddence of the mom. signed, 11.—Ckorreysime to end teem the Cemetery fog ono ae desire to mmolusee. myls-2m _ NJPENING OF A SUMMER GAR , - DEL—The undersigned bogs leave to inform tlia public that he has opened for the season his rpm GAR DEN and 'HOTEL, at the toot of GOATEE' Strad, oppp. die Fairmount Park. Families are partierolavly invited. fee °ream, Oaken, exoellarit Leger Bee! of Donee breve ivy, leo., always on hand. • • HENRY P1110N.4. 01:14TS TAE TURF A ft/USE IFIENTS ..]!Tina Julia Daly Julia Daly THE YANKEE 13EntRgS &INS Julia Daly SEA 13ATH1NO. JULY' 7, 1862, JOHN G. BRYANT EXCURSIONS WEST CD - ESTER AND PRILADELPFIIA BAILEOAD. VIA MEDIA, WEST CH - ESTER -AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL HENRY WOOD, Superintendent COMPANY'S OFFICE, No. 314 NORTH TENTH STREET. FREpERTOK A. VAN 01. STE, QIINJEIRA.I4 AREFIT .. .. 303 130 A IL P. M. ...6.00 P. M