THE CITY. ARRIVAL OF WOUNDED PENNSYLVA NIANS PRO N. TUE OfIICKAUOMINT.—The steamer W Waft, which Ariiveu opposite Viee.streat wharf &butt midnight on Tursility. remaimd anchored out in too teream until nittr 10 o'ilook yesterday morning when she uwvad fu. Nutwitlrittinding the Moneta of Lion hour nt which the boat art trod on Tuesday night, the news of the arrival spread about town, sod at an early hour la the mornirg a vast crowd bad collected along the wharves, eager to bear who were among the wounded, A largo number of carriages wer o In waiting, having been brought there by tho friends of those who wore known to bo en board. The rain foil briskly, though it did not damson the spirits of the pool le or of the wounded heroes. The windows of the neighboring buildings contained many lodise, who witnessed Moscone with intere.t A rope was stretched aerosol the pier, below Ylue•stet wharf, to keep it clear, but beyo nd r tt the crowd was dense and anxioue-loolting. Before the vessel had boon brought Into the wharf, Dr. Smith had given peremptory orders to al low no coo on board the Whillilin other than tho neces sary number of policemen, end the attending physiciane. The windows of the vessel were accordingly eagerly actionee by the few who wore allowed on the wharf, and wasp and numerous ouentions were asked of the soldiers whose berths lay where their faces could ho soon. The curiosity to know whether this soldier and that were in the battle or not, whether such a regiment was badly cut up, or the manner in which the wounds of the brave fellows were received, was of the most intense kind. They answered every question willingly. They were all anxious to to hoar what we thought or the bat tle, end whether the accounts given in our newspapers were similar to those they gave. They expressed a groat desire for papers, and large numbers of our city journals Were distributed among them. The manner in which the soldiers worn distributed in the vessel wattle the highest degree calculated to promote comfort and ease. Toe upper deck woo reserved princi pally for officer& while in the lower dock the men were placed In comfortable bunks their feet enclosed in alip- Term, and a warm blanket thrown across them. Six. Sis ters of Charity paced the floor and gave the most undi vultd attention to the brave boys. The work of removing" the soldiers was commenctd shortly after the vessel was brought Into the wharf. Each man was placed upon e stretcher and carried off by two policemen to the and of the wharf, where covered furniture care were in wait ing. Two were placed in each and forwarded to the St. Joseph's Hospital. While the wounded were being re moved they armored path oily cheerful, and their faces brightened nt the idea of coming ashore at Philadelphia. We did not betty a groan either in the upper or lower cabiv, thought there were some of them terribly hurt. Everything appeal NI to bo dens for them quickly, quietly, and kindly, and there appeared to be nothing in the way of stereo or medieinea which wait lacking. We cannot speak too liigbly..of the arrangements as they appeared at our visit, and WO only wish that every State was as well provided wife sanitary devices as Pennsylvania. A full list of the wounded is published in another column. .Surgeon Genet al Smith, in his return of the wounded melt made yeeterday, . aye, after speaking of the arrival of die Initiate, that the delegation of Pennsylvania surgeons, nester the command of Surgeon General Smith. aided by the Sisters of St. Joseph, have again succeeded in furnishing tel to a large number of our mounded. The delegation consisted of— Surgeons-. 0. B. Bishop, G. W. Nobinger, H. Lennox Bodge. Astietant Burgeons—W. Campbell, D. H. Bodine. medical Cadet--C. W. 'King. Quartermaster—('nest. J. P. Bankson. Rosetta] Steward—Wm. Salvador. Embalmer—John Brown. By frequently visiting the front or the army, and by sending surgeons around the field, the delegation suc ceeded in separating our wounded from those of other States, though the largo number of Pennsylvanians wounded precluded some from being brought to Phila delphia. Some have gone In the United States steamers to Ammons and low York. Those on boani the Whillffiu have been rent to St. Joss ph's 'Hospital, in this city, corner of Girard avenue and Seventeenth street, where all iznintrits should be made. Owing to the great influx of patients, and the neces sity of promptly attending to their wounds, no visitors will be admitted into the hospital until Friday afternoon. All inquiries will be answered as far as possible by the military commandant of the hospital. The official report of Surgeon General Smith has been forwarded to G3ver nor Curtin, and will probably be published to a fewdaye. The number of officers wounded is large, and the surgeon general has brought only the moat anions cases. Those discharged were either returned to their regiments or sent to the hospitals at Vi'hile House or Yorktown. Colonel Davis, of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment, who was on hoard was in excellent spirits notwithstand ing his wound, which Is in the elbow. His wound is not dangerous, Guitigh it wilt disable him for a long time. lie intended to start for his house, at Doylestown, yester day: Be states that out of sixteen officers whom ho took with him in the battle of the Ohickahominy nine were disabled, and also attain fifty per cont. of his men. The 104th Regiment was a part of Casey's division, and wile the first to fire and the first to be tired at. Thor went on the field at 1 o'clock to support a battery, and at a o'clock retired. In the time they were in action, the regiment had advanced a space of two hundred yards, and saved the hsltery. • The 104th also spiked four guns of the battery of the 22d Regiment, which was likely to fall into the hands of the enemy, and the men did not retreat till the rebel flag bad been planted on the batteries The tinion artillery was doable aerated, and mowed down the enemy with grape shot, whose plates, however, were Immediately filled ley fresh troops. The cause of the menretiring wax the overwhelming force of the rebels. Later In the day the fertunee were retrieved, and all the lost ground re gained. Capt. Harvey, of the 104tb,was captured on Saturday by five rebels, but ono of the radeals being shot dead by a picket, the Captain escaped. He then hunted up a party of men of the 11th Maine, nod captured forty-five rebels, and brought them Into camp. The Richmond peop's sent out to the field an omoibus and four splendid hone", by way of an unbalance. There were one or two whites Melee of the vehicle, and it was driven by two negroes. The omnibus was, by mistake, driven inside our lines. The pickets of Casey's division shot the white men, and made the negroes drive the omnibus into camp, where It was Quite useful. Captain Ell Dougherty, of Company K, 93d fteghwrit, Colonel McCarter, stated that be had twenty-five of his men ire the engagement. Do himself was wounded is the breast A Welt+ ball etruck him just in the heart, or rather in the clothes over tile, heart. It went through his coat, vest, cud shirt. It smashed a gold watch (which he had bought for his sister) ail to piCOCII. The ball then went into a Bible std dug its way through the lid and through about six hundred pages. At the beginning of the 4th chapter of 2tl Timothy it went out the Bible and inflicted a slight wound is hie breast. It left its last mark on the first reree of that chapter. It is as fellows : "I charge thee, there:bre, before God and the Lord Jeans Christ, who shall Judge the Quick and the dead at his appearing and Ills kingdom." The welch was knocked imo fragmente. The 'Bible is so dettsinred that it will only be valuable as a relic. It was given to the captain by a lady. In the next berth to Captain D. wee a soldier with a fearful wound in the leg. "1 wish, , ' he said, as we looked at the Bible, . that I had had a book in the calf of my leg on Saturday." Captain Dougherty says that when General McClellan took the field in person, In the afternoon, his presence had a most electr.m.l effect upon the enthusiasm of the troops. Lieutenant Colonel H. A. Purulence, of the 85th, wee also among the wounded. Before the war he was editor of the Washington (Pa.) Reporter. Ile is wounded se trendy but not dangerously, in the leg. The Witilldin, after having left Philadelphia for bar cargo of Mounded, wont to Fortress Monroe, and thence tip the York river and Pamcinhy to White Rouse. It' took sixteen hours to get the wounded on board. The boat started on her return last Monday at 9 o'clock. She ran aground in the Pamunky, and hadi some rough weather in Chesapeake bay, but came through the Cheeeprake and Delaware Canal to this paint without difticnlty• She was also delayed by the breaking of some machlr ery. EXTENSION OF THE WATER WORKS.— the Committee of Finance of City Councils will report the ordinance creating a loan of 84.00,000 for the extension of the Water Worke, so that the entire city may be Handled from the Schuylkill instead of serving a por tion with Delaware stater. As soon as the ordinance be comes a law, Chief Engineer 0119111 will commence the work at meet. In consequence of the many complaints made to the Board of ilettlth as to the impurity of the Delaware water supplied to the citizens' of Kensington for drinking and cooking purposes. a committee was ap pointed by the Board Ls obtain front the physicians, Prac tising in that section of the city, their opinion as to the character of the water and its tendency to produce die ease, The committee propounded the following questions to about ilfty premising physicians. L Race you many casts of dlarrlicca nt this time In the dietrict of Kensington? If so, went ? 2. ilea there born an increase of cases educe the re introduction of the Delaware wafer? 3. Do 3on attribute the (Itemise to the condition of the Delaware water? If not, to what other cause or CALMS ? Answers from ta enty•nne pits &chins were received, and the Committee of the Board of Health were @vilified that a disease of an epidemic character has been for several months, and is at this time, prevalent in these wards of the city enppliod with Nissan, water fur drinking money. On the Meer hand, the evidence con tained in the answers, as to the local cause of the Weems, is net as concurrent se that relating to the disease Itself ; still, sufficient testimooy lase been received by which the commilb o have been enabled to decide, that if the water is not the alone or remote cause, It is manifestly au active, exciting, or aggravating cause, and, therefore, all things considered, is .1 sanitary evil of so dangerous a nature to the health of lite lah.vbitante of these wards, through whieh it is distributed, as to demand, at the hands of Council, its immediate Menge. PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP LIKES.— Some years ago, our citizens became convinced that a trot-class railroad communication with the West was a matter of absolute necessity for Philadelphia, and they built the Pennsylvania Railroad. Tho result fully an swered their expectations. Stock writ not taken a• a speculation, but to aid a movement which all felt to be ono of necessity. The company adopted the Neglish system of paying intmeet from the time of the payment of the first instalment of the stock, and this has been kept up to the present day. We now have our linen of communication with nil parts of tits interior thoroughly made, and 11 remains to put ourselves in direct commu nication with the old world, and to eclae employing other ports to do our business for tie. For this purpose, we need a lirst•claes steam line. No more ennoble time could be found for thn inauguration preach an enterprise than time last days of the rebellion. The whole com mercial busineis of the country has been thrown into confusion by the civil war; In re-arranging itself, the old channels must ho more or less madilied. Philadelphia has the shortint end best communication with the West ern waters and railroads, and a very large proportion of the shipments of grain ought to be made from our pork The earns energy and enterprise which furnished capita for the railroad can give us a stoma Line. Tbe establish ment of a line a steamers is a matter of almost equal importance, and our business men would do well to take it up in earnest. PERSONAL.—The following has been banded in for publichtion. It will explain itself: Upotruppliention to (ienernt ,floCilellan for information Iwo/ding the sliest of Major Wlltisnis. tle sister, in Philadelphia, tins 17-calved the following, which it may be ibterreting to his friends to see: The moment 3 brother's arrest was made known to me, .1 examined the subject and at once released him flow arreer. lie Is now commanding his regiment at the bead of the ndvseced guard, displaying daily a degree of milli which gt Wiles me extremely Yon have every yea— *r II to be proud of )our brother. He hoe fully justified the interest I beer token lu FAIR.—The ccngregation. of St. Timo tby!s (Free) Protowant Npitcopal Church, Roxboraugb, lateral arectins a church tide summer. The ladies of the parish will bold a Fair iu aid of tsis object, In the room corner of Ridge avenue and Hermit's lane, boar the Wiftabickon, on tVrtioßsday, Thitrhday. and Friday of this week. UReful and fancy articles, refrestunenta, and towers, may be obtained. Access to the building may he bad by the care of the Norristown and Ridge-avenue Railroad. , . • THZ RECENT OUTRAGE.—Coroner Conrad summonnl a jory ytatenlay morning to inquire Into the case of the death of Mr. Berry, who was so out rageously beaten n few days since by rowdies at Schuyl kill Heights. Awe r viowlog the body, Bourn( witnesses were examined, hue no important facts were elicited in addition to the eviilPtice given before Alderman Beitier at the hearing on Eaturday and already' published. Tho inveatigotion was C utinu•d until this morning at .11 o'clock, when It will he resumed at the Coroner's office, Fourth etctot;below Ctuatitnt. Txr RESULT OF JEALOUSY.—On Tues day afternoon a German named Wm. Sbirot, who keel's. a lager-beer FMOOII on South street, near Third,attempted to consult suicide by shooting himself with a revolver.' Ile shot himself three times, telco in the breast and once In the mouth. He was taken to the hospital. His •ronnds are considered serious. The reason of his ma kb g the rash attempt •as jealousy of his wife, and a fortune-teller to whom be had applied for a charm con. firmed" his turpicione. Hence the attempt. MEETII\O 01 1 ' • J OURNRYMEN .HOURR PAIN TERS.—An (ening or two einem a meeting of the jonrneymcu hones painters of .the city was heiii at the .Phernix Rose House. They are now on a strike and de-, mend $1.76 per day. At the meeting it wee stated that. 311110 of the principal shops and several of the 'timelier °nee had apterd to pay the price asked. Addressee were Made by tow. or those present. declaring it to be their Uteution not to r. none work until their employers would pay them the a venced rates. The meeting was very bat monione. DEATH OF A SOLDIER —A man wear lactate uniform of the Curtin Light Guards, nod giving Ids name al SAIMICi D..wdridge, stopped at the f.i,cond district police- tathmiSouthwark MP) yesterday morn.: leg, and asked permission to rest himself, which was prattled. He eat down, and in a few minutes 1w was found to be dead. CATHOLIC INTELLIGENCE —St. Brid get'e Church, at the Felts of Schuylkill, will open a fair, to be conducted by the ladles attached to the (Mures. On next Sunday evening, at St Theresa's Church, a lechuo will be given by Dr. Moriarty for the benefit of the poor. At St. Julie's Church the work of repairing the exte rior n ill soon commence. The church has been built for upwards of thirty years, and It is now thno to give it a renovation. The Rev. J. I'. Dune, pastor, is unceasing in his efforts to bring the church out of debt—a point for which he Is Quito remarkable. A grand concert, under Professor Thomas R. I.faskine, will be given in Odd Fellows' llall, Frankfort], fur St. Joachim's Church. Rev. Michael Murphy has been tratudemul front St. Philadelphia, to St. Patrick's, Pottsville; Rev. William F. Cook, from Et. Alnyelns', Pottstown, to St. Patrick's, Philadelphia; Rev. It. Knauer, from St. MA ry'r, Allentown, to the Imulacnlnte Conception, NOWA, .yusik • Rev. Messrs. M. McEnroe and X. Kaier to St. Mary l e, Allentown ; Boy. Thomas McGovorn to St. Moyaine', Pottstown. AN ACTION o' TRESPASS.— An into reeling case was racenlly disposed of in the Montgomery courts,boing that of Thomas B Barrel' vs. John Robin son and William Kendordlne—an action of trespass, brought by tho plaintiff to recover dainutas of the de fendants, who. the plaintiff alleged, turned the water ninuing down the side of the road from its natural course, into his fields, thereby doing him groat injury in drown 4 tug out his crops. The defendants wet% supervissrs of Horsham township, and acting in that capacity for the gord of the public, they, about two years ago, turned the water to as to ran into the field of Mr. Darrell; where they allowed it had been accustomed to run until about six years ago, when its course was so changed as to continue it on down the rood. It was proved that tha water running thus over the fields was a benefit to the crops The jury, after being out only a short time, ren dered a verdict for defendants. MORE OF VIE REBEL STEAMER MER RIIIIAO.—About eleven o'clock on Tuesday night two Irishmen made application at the Cooper Shop Volnuteer Refreshment Saloon, and aeked for something to eat and a place to sleep. They said that they had belonged to the crew of the rebel steamer Merrimac. The committee were at the rooms, and examined the men. They told a long story, differing in no material point from the account given by others of her crew. The men wore furnished Kith a good total and a sleeping place, and in the morn ing went on their way. A GRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL Ex lIIIIITION.—The first eemi•anunal exhibition of tho East Pennsylvania Agricultural and .31echauical Siciety, which will he bald at Norristown on Thetriday - of next week, should be largely attended by the people of Phila delphia. Thera is to be a very largo exhibition of im plements and horses, while ''the turf" Kitt not go un represented. Pest nags are to make a trial of speed, and horses will be present from the entire State. There will also be a trial of mowing machines; and altogether the exhibition will be a brilliant affair. BIRTII IN THE DEPOT.—A few days since soma of the kends employed at the Camden and At lantic railroad depot, at Cooper's Point, bad their atten tion attracted by unusual sounds to the sitting room. On entering they found a strange woman, haying in her pos session a newly-born babe. The mother and child were kindly cared for, and sent, during the day, to their home to this city. REBurrxrNo.—The mill and sash works at North Welos, on the North Pennsylvania Ball rend, recently destroyed by fire, are being rebuilt rapidly. The old walls were found to be gond and strong, except where a small portion had been thrown down, and they have been used. COLORED PEOPLE IN CARS.—The Board of Presidents of the city passenger railways have berme them a petition, numerously signed, requesting that the restrictions now existing against colored persona riding in the care might be removed. The matter will be cotsidered at the meeting in September. Fon NEW ORLEANS.—The following 'vessels are on the berth for New Orleans, to sail in a few days: Bark Frederick Lennig, Captain Samar ; bark 81 James, schooner Coernito, brig Abby Ellen,.aaptain Glhoore. STATE MEDICAL CONVENTION.—Tho Learns county Medical Society met iu Pittst , n on the 15th nit., and appointed Drs. Merr and Kreasler to re present them in the State Medical Convention, which meets in Philadelphia en the 17th of June. • PARSON BROWNLOW'S BOOK. -Mr. (Ands, tbo publisher of Parson Pirownlow's book, has 'Arcady received orders from the Western market for 40,004 copies. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEORGE N. 'PATHAN, IMBJ. MARSHALL, ComltirrilE or TILE Morro JAMES R. CAMPBELL, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadl/pkis Sbip Ho['bead, Cole ............ .... ...Liverpool, soon Bark 0 0 Ryerson, Robbins, Boifast, Ireland, soon Bark Cordons, Roberts Rio do Janeiro, soon Bork Union, Hcard Pernambuco, soon Brig Mount 'Vernon, Pike - • •-Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig C H Jordan Havana, soon Bair C II Fautuzzi, Wooster Lagusyns, soon ecbr Fannie, Vance ....Havana, soon Fehr Rveline, Yorke .....Havana, soon RUM .NE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, June 5 . , 1862. al:al RISES ...... .....4 83-BIIN BETS 7 23 HIGH WATER. 3 5 ABBITED Brig D 0 Castner, Hastings, 8 dare from New York, in behest to Tyler, Stone R Co. Seta Alex Blue, Keen, 12 days from Port Royal, in bonnet Io Tyler, Stone & Co. Behr Jae Allderdice, Stites, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to captain. CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, II Winsor. Bark Jeannie, Herrick, Key West, J E Baztey & 00. Brig J 1) Pierce, Norton, Key West, do Brig la 0 Oaetner, Hastings, Key West, Tyler, Stone 100.. Behr J A Griffin, Foster, Ship Island, Noble, Caldwell & Co. Bair Georsin, BuckJin, Yorktown, B A Solider & Co. Schr Matanzas, Blake, Portland, do Scbr James Aliderdice, Stites, Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Bohr Jos Maißeld, May, Boston, Caatner Stickney & Wellington. (Oorrespondenee or the Philade WE lphia ExchDelange ne.) LES, ~ Ju 4 The Br ship Jests) Boyje, from New Castle, Del, with chip timber far Portsmouth, E t and the brig Pauline & Cornelia, (Dnich) for Cork, went to sea yesterday after noon. Wind southeast. Yours, &c WRIGHTSVILLE, Jane 2. 'no following boats entered the Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to 'Philadelphia, ladon and consigned as follows: B Brodhead, lumber to Now Castle; G Curtis, do to Noicross & Sheets, Dud wheat to Perot. & Bro; J J Law rence, bituminous coal to P. LI Powell; Old Speed, lumber to JB M Dolby; b Could, do to J Weiser:on; H X Hies tend, do to W P Clyde. MEMORANDA Sbip Henrietta, Tackerton, benctifor Ship Eland, was spoken 29th ult, lut 9219, long 71. Brig Bircherd h Torry, Colton, hence, arrived at Boe ton 30 ivat Bpig Billow, Cothell, hence, arrived et Mystic 3d hat. Sthrs John Jones, Corson, and Relndeer,.l. anis, cleared at New York 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Sara Mary Standish, Band, James Logan, Smith, L S Levering, Carron, and Ella, Packard, hence, arrived at Boelon lid init. Bars Laftvettee, bleldurray, and G E Stone, Johnson hence, arrived at Sall Myer 2d inst. Iliclir Lncy Robinson, Davie, hence, arrived at Samar eat let int. Schr Nail, Kelly, from Providence for Philadelphia at Bristol 2d Mat. Sam Wm Loper, Robinson, sailed from Mystic 2d Inst for Philadelphia. Seim Cohamett, Toboy, from Dighton for Philadelphia veiled from Newport let foot. Schr Gastlan T Hubbard, Williams, henna, arrived at Providence 2d ins . . Sabra blicener, Parker and S H Pool, McFadden, cirered at Baltimore 3d MA for Philadelphia. Eck Martha Collins, Shonrdo, sailed from Proyidonce 2d lout for Philadelphia. Bohr Ceres, Meredith, from Lynn for Philadelphia, sailed from Dutch Island Harbor Slat ult. Sebr .Panthea, Clrrk, hence, arrived at New Loudon 2d Inet. Bohr E 0 Knight, Whirlow, from Cienfu, gog, at Now York ad lon . Sam North Pacific, Marcy, cleared at New York 541 bat for Philadelphia. ,Scbr Hornet, llartienbrook. from Calais for Provi• nit into Newport 151 inst. with rudder damaged and leaky, having run on to Kettle Bottom Rock, near the mouth of Mackerel Cove, during the fog on SatutdaY MOIL Br brig Olpecy, Olsen, sailed from Boston Feb 25 for St Jain do Cuba, and hoe not since been heard from. She wus probably lost in one of the severe storms which prevailed the latter part of February COAL. 14A ZLE T 0 N AND - DIAMOND • (LSHIGH) COAL— , Broken, Egg, and Stove $4.25 per ton. Large Nut 3.75 per ton. Until July let, or until advance of tolls, we will allow upon all coal to be delivered north of Arch and east of 'Eleventh streets, - A DISCOUNT OF 25 CENTS PER TON ‘. from these prices, fa cash, If paid when the order Is given.. R. P. GILLINGHAM, my 24.1m* Northeaat FRONT and POPL Alt Ste. COATI. -THE UND E R SI (iN hag leave to Inform their friends and the public, tba: they have removed their LEELIOH ORAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, On the Delaware, to thels Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they Intend to keep, the beet quality of Lrxicia COAL, from the moat approved :nines, at the icroccet pries. Your patronage hi respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A 00., Moe, 112 South 81100 ND Street TivILZIGETEI ea WILLOW. TATTI'B OBLEBRA.TED ITALIAN 4-‘ CREAM will positively remove TAN, FREOKLES, SALLOWNESS, SUNBURN, PI id PLEB, and all erup tions of the face ; giving a beautifni healthy glow and ropy color to the cheeks, so much desired by 'very one. In abort, it PRESE RYES THE FRESHNESS OF YOSTII, removing oil WRINKLES, and giving a soft, smooth appearanceta the face, and a brilliancy to tho akin that la marbling to 'all. It to an article that Is INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY LADY Upward!, of 1,000 BOTTLES PER DAY are now sold in Philadelphia alone, and. the demand Is daily increas ing. Price 26 cents per bottle. Bold by M. B. S. MATTI dr CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors, . , No. 621 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, ' And by the following agents in Philadelphia: J. B. Casmlberry, No 45 N. 'Eighth street; Andrew Taylor, druggist, eor. of Ninth and Chestnut streets; sf. Brad field, N 0.802 Arch street; F. V. Barrett, No. 954 N. Second street; Miss 'Kocher, Seventh and Coate.; streets; M. L. Adams, N. W. cor. of Blarehall and Girard ave nue; and by druggists and dealers in fancy cicada go-, nera)ly. Agents wanted in every town and village of the United Slates and Oanadae. ' - 20723-tt No. • NORMAN 86 . ELY, No. 130 PEGG' Street, manufacturers of patent OAST-STEEL TABLE CUTLERY; also, a lately-patented 00 HSI NATION KNIFE, FORK, and SPOON, especially adapted for Camp nee. for iNshermah Sealaring Men, Mechanist, Miners, Lumbermen, and all Workmen car rying their dinners. W. &. Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of ENGLISH CAST-STEEL, and is intended to supersede, by its excelle n c e and cheapness; the inferior qualities of Cutlery now In the market, and . to which they respectfully Invite the attention of the Hardware dealers generally. mrSe•Sm 910 THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSEI3.—AII sinb.acnta and chronic Malawi mired by special guarantee at 1220 WALNIIT Street,' Philtislelphla, and in case of a failure no charge is made: Professor BOLLES, the founder of this new prosaism,' win superintend the treatment of all cases himzelf.,.. pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of ; those. cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery, in applying Nlectrleity as a reliable therapeutic agent-Con sultation free. ' ap26-2m OPENING OF A SUMMER GAR-, HEN.—The miderelgned begs Imre to Inform the. public) that he has opened for the season his FINE GAB, DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of OOATEB BMW., ono,: silo Fairmount Park. Females are particularly invited.' Ice Cream , Cakes, excellent Lager Beer of Baltz'a brew-. ery, Wines, .kc., always on hand. HENRY FIIIOKg, my3.3m TWENTY-BEVENTH and OOATEB SW. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE opricE, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STE. PRILADHLI•IfIA, JUBA 2, 1852. rimposAts will be received at this office man MI DAY, 6th June, at 12 o'clock It., to furnish: TEN THOUSAND EL ACK FELT UNIFORM HATS, to be of the army standard, a sample of which can be seen at this Office, to be made of the regular sortment of sizes. Subject to inspection. Proporala will be endorsed, "Proposals for Army Rata," sod addressed to DEPUTY QU&RTERMASTER GE ITER tkL'd OFFICE, • '' Plin . ..azisarall..26th May, 1862. . . . PROPOSALS FOR ASIBUL &NOM. Proposals will be received at this Office until SATUR DAY, June 7th, 12 o'clock 51.,' for the delivery of (250) Two Hundred and Fl'ty ARMY A MBlni ANOES, to be delivered in this city on or before the firat day of July next, and na much sooner as possible, a pattern of which can be seen on application to this Office. They must be made of the best seasoned material, and will be subject to a most rigid inspection. Proposal, for any num ber Ices than two hundred nod fifty will be received. Security for the faithful rerformance of the contract will be resnired . , the primes of whom will be ntentioned in the proposals. Bids to be endorsed, ..Promliala for Ambu° lances." and addressed to G. H. ()ROSMAN, my27-tje7 Deputy Quartermaster General. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY OP SUBSISTENCE, No. 1189 GlltißD Street, Philadelphia, June 2, 1862. Sealed prop:mule will he received at title Office, until 12 o'clock on the 6th day of Jnno, 1862, for purchasing from the 11. S. Government, for cash, 29 barrels Mess Beef not required for issue et thole post. Tito Beef may ho examined at tho 11. S. Commissary Storehouse. Broad and Priwe streets, by those wishing to bid, to date of opening propcuals. Bids to be endorsed " Bids for purchasing Moss Beef," and directed to F. N. 111J0K, Oapt. and 0. S. Vet. Sorvioe. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, May 21, 1862 PROPOSALS will be received at Harrisburg, Chicago, and Indianapolis by the officers of the Quartermaster's De partment, slationed at these pincee, respectively, until the DM, of June next, for the delivery, on or before the thirtieth of that mouth, of two liumeand five hundred Cavalry Horses at 'Perryville, Ild., one thousand five hundred at Chicago, and one thousand at Indienepolis. The Horses to be sound, not lees than six, nor more than eight, years old i not lees than fifteen hands high, of dark colors, and adapted to cavalry service. None will be re ceived until they are inspeeted by an authorized agent of the Government. G. H. °BOMAN, my28.13t Deputy Quartermaster General. pROP.OBALS FOR PAINTING 1- DOME OF CAPITOL. DEPARTMENT 07 THE INTERIOR. Washington, May 29, 1862. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this De partment until TUESDAY, the 10th day of June, at 12 It., for furnishing Materials and executing the PAINT- IhG OF THE IRON WORK of the new Dome of the United States Capitol. Drawings exhibiting every part of the work, and speci fications explaining the manner of executing the same, may be examined at the Architect office. in the tenth:. west room on the attic story of the Centre Building of the United States Capitol, every day, Sundays excepted, be tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. jt4-6t WALT. J. SMITH, Chief Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE PAPER POE TILE PIIRLIO PRINTING. OFFICE BIIPERIETREDENT PUBLIC PRIEM°, Waehington, May 1, 1862. IN PURSUANCE of the provteione of the Seventh section of the ‘: Joint Resolution in relation to the Pub lic Printing." approved June 23, 1860, SEAIsED PRO POSALS will be received at this; office until TUESDAY, the let day of July, 1862, at 12 o'clock hi., for furnishing the paper that may ho required for the public printing for one year, commencing on the let day of December, 1862, and ending on the 30th diuy of November, 1963. The subjoined list specifies, as nearly as can be ascer tained, the quantity of each kind of paper that will be required: 14000 reams fine printing paper, uncalendered, to mea sure .24 by 38 inchea , and to weigh fift y pounds to the rt tun of 500 sheets. 8,000 reams flue printing paper, ealendared, to measure 24 by 38 inches, and to weigh fifty- rig pounds to the ream of 500 sheets. [Agreeably to the provielons of the joint resolution aforesaid, samples of the character and quality of the paper required for the above climes will be furnished to applicants therefor. This paper is to be put up in quires of twenty-eve sheets each, and in bundles of two roams each; each ream to contain 500 perfect sheets. Uniformity In color, thickness, and weight will be required; and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) varying over or under five per cent. from the standard weight will be received, and the growl weight will in all cases be required. Mix ing of various thicknesses in the same bundle to make up the weight will be considered a violation of the contract.] CLASS 3. 400 reams superfine pritting paper, hard-sized and super•calendered, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh fifty pounds to tho ream of 500 sheets. 2,000 reams superfine map paper, sized and calendered, of such sizes as may required, corresponding i n weight wish paper measuring 19 by 24 inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. 1. 1,500 reams quarto-post writing paper, 10 by 16 inch's). 2. 2,000 do. cap do. 13 by 163( do. 3. " 100 do. dem,' do. 16 by zog do. 4. 1,000 do. folio.poat do. 17 by 22 do. 5. 100 do. medium do. 18 by 23 do. 6. 50 do. royal do. 19 by 24 do. 7. 60 do. super-royal do. 20 by 28 do. B. 50 do. imperial , do. 223 by 31 do. 9. 100 do. double cap do. 13 by 26 do. CLASS 7. • 1. 6,000 reams writing paper, 16 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty. three peon). a per ream. 2. 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 26 inches, to weigh twooty-six pounds per roam. 8. 100 reams writing paper, 18 by 22 inches, to weigh • twenty-four pounds per ream. 4. &to reams wetting paper, 18 by 18 inches, to weigh twenty two pounds pirresm. 6. 400 reams writing paper, 12 by 18 incites, to weigh twelve pounds per ream. JOIIN P. lII&P.SEIALL PROPOSALS G. s. OGOSIKAN; Deputy Quartermaster General 500 reams Pm:terrine plate paper (calendered or nn calendered, as may be required), 19 by 24 inohos, and of such weight per reatu'ae may be required. All the papers designated in classes 4,5, 6, and 7, must contain 480 perfect sheets to thaream, and no "outside" quires. They are to be made of the best materials, free from adtdieration. finished in the beat manner, oat to a true edge, and securely and substantially enveloped. Tho papers in class 6 are to be white or blue. laid flat, and of such weights as mar be required by this c•'bce. Those in titivate 3,4, 5, and 7 aro to be white, and of the sizes' and weights specified in the schedule. The right le reserved et ordering a greater or less quan tity of each and every kind contracted for in all the classes, to be furnished at such times and In suchouantities satin public service may require. Eesch clam will be considered separately, and be sub ject to a separate contract; lint bidders may offtr for one or mere of the classes in the same proposal. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by the guarantee that the bidder or bidders, If tile or their proposal stall be accepted, will enter into an obligation, with good and sufficient eurettes, to furnish the articles proposed. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished at this office, and none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith. All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at the Government Printing stifles, in Washington city, (except that in class 7, which must be delivered at Buf falo), 111 the State of Now York ,) In good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the In. epection, count, weight, and measurement of the Super intendent, and be in all respects satisfactory. Bidders are required to furnish, with their proposals, samples of not lees than one quire of each of the kinds of paper bid for, and upon which their proposals may be bared, except in classes 1 and 'Z. The lineament bidders will be required tigidly to conform to their samples. Proposals will be addressed to t . Sorts D. Dernsss,.Sn- Xc rintendent of the Public Printing. Washington," and enforsed "Proposals for SupplymgPaptr." myl•th9t SA NITAIT . COMMISSION. The 11. 8. Sanitary Commission will mien an office for the transaction r f Its local business at 498 Broadway, itecoad floor, on 11OND&Y, the Instant. It proposes to centralize at this o ff ice all information that can be obtained from govermental and other sources, concerning the' departure and arrival of transports having sick and wounded troops aboard; to keep a re cord of sick and wounded soldiers arriving at this port, and of the disposition mode of them. To act as a me dium of communication among the local associations for the relief of the sick in transit, and to co. operate with the 11. 8. military and medical authorities here, in the transportation, reception, and distribution of patients from the army. Medicelttudents, desirous of acting as dressers on the transports In service of the rommission, will please re port at this &lice, enter their names and address, refer ences to their medical preceptors, and the notice they re quire when milled to serve. Male nurses, volunteering their services on tho trans ports, will register their names at this Ace, with ad dress and reference, and notice required by them. Surgeons and physicians seeking information in regard to the public service, or wishing to volunteer in emer gencies, will apply at this office AU persons having business with the Commission will apply in person to thb Superintendent in charge, between BA. M. and 11 P. M. The Executive Committee of the Sanitary Cominiasion• will usually meet at the office, be tween 8 and 4 P. M. daily. The expenses of the Commission are very heavy. The present month has cost it not leas than 822,000, mostly in the prirclisso of hospital supplies for the army in Vir ginia and the Southwest. It is believed that this expen diture has saved a thousand lives, at least, in Virginia alone. Contributions are urgently solicited, and may be sent to G. T. Strong, SS Wall street. The various hospitals and soldiers , roller associations of this city are invited to report before noon of every day what number of beds are vacant in their severalesta blisinnents. The following articles of .hospital clothing and supplies are urgently wanted by the Commission, and may be sent to the " Women's Central Association of Relief," No. 10, Cooper Institute • CLOTHING. Sheets, greatly wanted. Cotton rhlrts, greatly wanted. Cotton drawers, greatly wanted. Cotton socks, greatly wanted. Cotton (not woollen) wrappers, wanted. Flannel bandages, wanted. SUPPLIES. Jellies, tea, spirits, Wi/10% farinaceous food, condensed milk, preserved meats and d eesicated vegetables, Boston truckers, beef extract, ice by the cargo. The prodipionsdemond of the last month, during which more than a hundred thousand articles of clothing (be • aides other supplies) have been leaned by the Uommission M:the eiek and wounded, in the army of the Potomac alone, (and probably a much larger amount to the Weet em and other Departments,) has reduced our stock, and although 686 cans have been received at the Washington depot since April 2"..d, the demand is much greater titan the supply. A special regard to the specified ti•tt in this advertise ment is besought on the part of those sending supplies. To this is to be added anew, and unexpected want— that of cast off outer clothing—costs, pantaloons, vests, to clothe soldiers who bays lost or so fouled their uni forms BR to be Tillable to leave the hospitals on shore without fresh clothing. New York, klay 23, 1862. • HENRY W. BEI;LOWS, Preset. • . GISORGE T. STRONG, Treater, 68 .Wall at, THOS. H. FATLY:, .Ja., Superintendent of H. Y. Agency of the - emnnifeelon;l , my27-totbalOt - - 408 -Broaiway . . -A.N.Y EFFORT S. ; HATE BEEN -ALL' made - to . preserve the -form and featarifs o f the dead, without the tonna mode, so reprignant to the feel- Inge, of placing the body ,in ice. This, difficulty hag been overcome by . Good's air-tight PATENT BOXES. Gold air le the medium need—acting as a proservatiro—in the warmest weather, and for any length of. t required. Likewise, bodies may , be conveyed hundredsof miles with perfect safety, and inn . good state of preservation. JOHN - GOOD, • Undertaker, , , , No: 921 SPRUCE Street. N. B—Lead, litetallio and other ciolllns,forniebedit the shortest notice. Hearties and carriages of the bestenality, Lots, half lote v and single graves, In the different ceme teries; one superior lot in Mount Morfah Cemetery; one, tivo, three, or four hundred feet, can be had cheap for cash, or trade. ItEritamnes—Dr. BARBEL JACKSON, 224 South BIGHTH Street; Dr. J. H. B. MoOLBLIAN. 1029 WALNUT Street. ' .._. • . any9.-thetuBm G . . . AB DEN VASES ..---Ornamental Terra Gotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the weather-In any climate. There vases are made in beau tiful designs, and all sizes, from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of uedestals, round and squire, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so mach to the natural beauties of a Garden, and it so little co a t a - few Vases Ned with flowering idants. illustrated Cata logues sent by mail on appliratlon. S. A. HARRISON, icdo OHICATNIIT Street. . . ARTESIAN WELLS BORED, • ' By s. B._BAUDE, asy27-I3t* 90017 or address No. 109 ALMOND St. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1862. FIRE INBURANi MECHANICS' INBI PHILADELPHIA, No. 13 below Race; insure Bed Win, generally, from Loss or Dam guaranty to adjust all Losses to merit the patronage of the DIItLr Francis Cooper, Michael McCroy, Eilwanl McGovern,. Thomas H. McCormick, Diatthow McAleer, John Cassady, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. Ho'seinen, Michael Cahill, James McCann, . . M!MM DELAWARE .MUTUAL SAFETY INEICIRANOR COMPANY. I.9IOORPORATED BY THE LITOISLATURE PENNSYLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE S. R. CORNER THIRD AND WALNITE STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANOR ON VESSELS, CARGO, To all parts of the World. ••• FREIGHT, INLA D INSURANCES On Goods, by Rivers, Oanale, Lukes, and Land Carrisgeg to all parts of the Union. FIRE INBERANOZI3 On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling houses,Eo. ASSETS OF THE COMMIE, NOV. 1,.1801. 111. 0081. 1100,000 United !Estee Five per cent:lwam. 11100,260 00 50,000 United States Six per cent. Tree- Bury Notes 49,903 81 16,000 United States Seven and Three tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 16,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 89,661 Xi 126,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan. 119,448 11 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan. 14,076 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 10.000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 141 Mort gage Six per cont. Bonds 40,180 60 11,000 200 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia lOU 60 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made-- 90,780 OT Bonds and Mortgages • 15,000 00 Real Estate 51,808 21 Balences duo at Agenetea-- , Prominma on Marine Policies, Intareet, .and other Debts' due the Company. 48,131 97 Scrip and Stoek of sundry Insurance And other Companies, 1311,843—eatimated va lue Cash on hand—ln Banks ~ In Drawer.. William Martin, • Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, John 0. Davis, James Trasuair,, William Byre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. H. Ruston, George G. Leiser, Hugh Orals, Charles Belly, WILLIAM THOMAS 0. HENRY LELBITEN,Seor THE ELMI.tkNOR MUTUAL INOURANCI COMPANY, Liattros against LOSS OR • DAMON DY FIRM, ea Houma, Storm, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Fund:tiro, Goods, Wares, and him ohandlea, in town or country. - °ABB CAPITAL, S2BI,IIO.OO—ABBISTB *317,142.0h Which Is invested as follows, vls : In first mortgage on city property, worth donblo the amount 5133,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. fret mortgage loan, at par 6,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ($80,000) cr,goo 00 Huntingdon and Broad Ton Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 4,000 00 Ground rant, Bret-class .2,482 60 cflateral loans, wen secured 3,500 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cant loan 20,000 00 Allegheny County 8 per cent. Pa. RR- loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 5,185 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo.'e stock .... . . 4,009 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook. 36,360 00 The County Tire Insurance Co.'s stock - 1,050 00 The Delaware 17.8. Insurance Co.'s stoat.. 700 00 - Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s wrist 880 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book acconnte, accrued interest, ac 7,10461 06811 On ha1id...•.•.... ..... ... ....... •••• • • U. 64 464 5E17,142 GA The Matual beinctple, combined with the security of Rock Oapltsl, entitles the insured to participate in the name of the Company, without liability for Loam. litessee promptly &diluted and geld. D.LEMTO.IIB. Stumm' Blepham, Robert Streit, William Musser, Ben}. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, 'Smith Bowan, John Plata, Pittsburg. IM TINCILBT, Tregideut. Mom Tingley, - _• - - William B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William !Bayamon, Folua B. Worrell, 3. L. °arson, Hobert Tolaud, G. D. BoseagEuten, • Obarlee B. Wood, Jame' B. Woodward, 3.18. Hooritaw, Bea February 18,1881. :WRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE .LB 'LT.—The PCNNSYLVANTA fIBE INSURANOI COMPANY. incorporated 18z. QUARTER PER PETUAL. Na. WALNIM Bisset, opposite Independ enee Berme. sun Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure apainet Loss or Da make by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. . Also, on Furniture, rocks of Goods, or Merobandke pecerally, on libfkrai Their Oa)nal, together with a tam Bantu invested in the most careful mentor, which enables them to ober to the insured an undoebted ewer* in the case oL lons. . , Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Boblns, Quintln Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deseret', . . William Montethis, Thomas Smith. • • bias° HaElehltrat, 'JONATHAN PATTABSON, President. WiLLTax ti. Ozowna. Secreted. aPS TIEN ENTERPILIBE INBUNANON GOBLPANT Or rIELLADELPHIA., (BIBS INSUBANCIIVEsoLuarnms.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, 8. W. 00BNIMB FOUNT"! AND WALNUT STBBITB. DIBBOTOBS. F. Ratchford Starr, , Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Goa. H. Stuart, Halbro Frasier John U. Brown, John M. Atwooil, - B. A. Fahnestook, Idenj T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henri Wharton, J. I. Entailer. F. TIATOEFORD STARS, Prosidont. fibtAnima W. Ooxs, Secretar7 Rai "fiIIiCHANGE lIISITRANOE PANY—Office, Ne. 40 WALNUT Street. Tire Insurance on HOUfr3,3, and Marchandleo meshy, on favorable terms, either Li cited or Perpettud. DINNOTOBEL - Thontai Harsh, Charles Thompson, -. James T. Hale, Joshua T. Owen, John J. Chidßho. lIONBALL, President. OINNODO, Moe President. ton Jeremiah Bones% John Q. Ginnodo, Edward D. Roberta, Samuel D. Broodier, 'Reuben 0. BOIS Inman 001, JOH Beaman A MEBIOAN• INSURAN9I AIL'UOMPANY, izeited 1810. olleitnat PERPETUAL. No.Blo WALNUT Street, Above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-np Capital Stook and Supine, in. vested In sound and available Secaritiee, cent - Mope In insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vett eels in port and their Gamma, and other PaisOpel Pro perty. All LOOM liberally and promptly adjusted. Thomas B. Marls, James B. o=ooll, John Welsh, 'Edmund G. Gottlh, damn( 0. Morton, Charles W. PonUna?, Patrick Brady Israel Morris. John T. Lewis: MOM &ragas 0. L. OsasniCOGN ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorised Capital $400,000 CHASTER PHIIPZTUAL.I Moe No. WALNU T Street, between Third and Fourth Streehi, Philadelphia. This Company. will Insure against lose or damage by Ylre, on Mnlldings, Parnitnre, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Nuke !not:llnm on Vassals, Usrgoes, an,! Freights. Inland I'm:walla) to all parts of tho Union. William Behar, D. Luther, Lewis Andemied, John B. Blakioton, Joseph klankold, WEL WM. W. M. Brn, BeoretarT. TNSITRANCE COMPANY OF THE 1 STATIC OF PENNSYLVANIA—orrzoB Roe. 4 and 6 SZCORANGE BUILDINGS, North tilde of WAL NUT Street, between DOGE. and THIRD Street", Phila delphia. LiiO9IIPORATIID In 1794-011AIITBU PNIIPITTJAL.. OAPITA.L, $700,000. PBOPZIITIKEI OF TEE. aompANT, FIEBBUABT 1, 1881, $507,044.0L NADINE, TIEN, AND INLAND TRANSPORT!, Henry D. Sherrerd, - Charles Maratester, William S. Smith, John B. Austin, William B. White, George H. Stuart, Edward C. • . EUGNUR D. WILLIAM 'HAIFA*. Sear. . OM I 01E11 HIILSIIRT & -BRODREA-D, Having opened a General Depot for the Bale of rem Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and eononmern to their refined ILLIIIIIEINATING OIL, as It possesses merit beyoridinythlngheretofore offered in this market, being . entirely free from that gluey embstance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold In this market, produces no smoke, aid is free from all explosive properties. . NW' Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. myls-1m 66 - LUCIFER" OIL WORKS. .1-• 160 Bbls. ti Lucifer" Burning Oil on hang We guarantee this oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steeds, brilliant flame, without wasting the wick, and but slowly.' , Bble. lined with pleas enamel. WBIGHT, SMITH, & PIE&IISALL, 1.21-61 Amon 616 MARWEIT Strad TURTLE AND pLA:m. SOUP served up daily (Sundays excepted) by JAMES PROS SER, 1508 MARKET Street. Families supplied sensual. my7-tf MMIANCE COMPANIES. IuRANoE COMPANY OF 18 NORTH SIXTH Street, Goods, and Merchandise mge by Fire. Tho Oomp.uty promptly, and thereby hope public. 'TORS. William Morgan, James Martin, James Daross, Francis Falls, Charles Clare, Tilolll/1.9 Fi9llo.r, John Bromley, Francis McManus, lingh O'Donnell, Bernard Rafferty.' (CIS COOPER, President. •etary. inylT-t8 - - tiofo oo ...01,09w as bli 88 51,616 SO Samuel IL Blokes, J. P. Penleten, Hem Sloan, Edward Darlington, E. Jones Brooke, Spencer Rl'llvalno, Thomas 0. Rand, Robert Berton, Jacob P. Jonoe, Jamos B. MoParland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pituiburg, A. B. Berger, Pitbdrarg. President, UAPD, Vioe President. gar,. i 514.4 • Of PIITILADILPITIA, OFFIOZ No. 806 WALNUT snorr, DDILVTOB& DU/MOTORS. k:)iME2 DIBRUTOBEI. Davie rewsson t Peter Sieger, J. E. Banm. - - Wm. F. Dean, John Kotcham, ItE ESHER, ProsideoL DEAN, Vioe Pretddant: .4c3-! 144(i):pe:piej :7.14.) 4 DLILEOTOBiI fitamnel Grant, Jr., Tobias Wagner, Thomas B. Wattson, Henry G. Freemen, Charles H. Lewis, George O. Gerson, Knight. HELIIHBERD, Preddent . . • briM-tr ILLVISMATING . OILS. No. 240 ABORNTREST, ESTATE OP JOSEPH G. COX, DBORS SED. Lotion or Administration on the Estate or the above named decedent having been granted to the undersigned, by the Reghuor of .• lute, &0., In and for the city and county of Philade] phla, portions Indebted to acid Entato aro requested to make payment, and Inoue having claims wawa the same to prudent the...l, without delay, to SUSAN F. COX, No. 635 North T DIETER NTH St., or OIIABLES E. 'IIIOSIPSON, No. 1112 WALLACE St., • Philadelphin, m 714103 0, Administrators. "GESTATE• OF BONI:Li. BRANDT, DEOXABBD. . Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of SOPHIA. BRANDT, late of the city of Philadelphia, widow, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia, all portions indebted to raid Estate are requested to make payment, and those having clalmo upon the same, present Clem to CHARLES M. LOWERS, Executor, . cnyl• !het* No. 1035 BEAoa.Btreet.. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OP .PENNSYLVANIA, TILE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OP THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLV.ANIA, GREETING : WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding one Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persona In general who have, or pretend to hue, any right, title, or interest. in the steamer CUMBRIA, whereof Moreland is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the geode, warts, and merchandise laden on hoard thereof, captured as prize by the United Staten gunboat Huron, under command .of Lieutenant John Downes, one of the South . Atlantic Blockading Squadron, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring.) Yen are, therefore, charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents In at least two of the daily newspapers printed and .pablishod in the city of Philadelphia', and in the Legal Intelligen cer, you do refinish stud cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or preteml to have, any right, title, or intere s t in the said steamer CUM ftRI A, her tackle; apparel, and furni ture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on boned therw f, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB, the Judge of the• said court,. at the District' Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it bw a court day, or else on the next court day relieving, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and Otero to show, or allege, in duo form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, it' any they have, why the said steamer CUMBRIA, her teck!e, apparel, end fur niture, and • the goods, wares, and merchamilse laden .thereon, should not be pronounced .to be long, at tlte time of the captnie of the. Funs, to the enemies of the United Statee, rind as goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable and subject to contlentnetion, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes ; and further to do and receive in this behalf its to Justice shall appertain. .And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons .aforeartiol generally, (to whom, by the tenor or these presents, it is also intents. ted,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a rea sonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court cloth Intend end will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said steamer 01.711th1tIA, her tacldp,apparel, rind• furni ture,- and the goods .' wares, and merchandise laden • thereon did belong, at the time of the capture of the sante, to the enemies of the United States of Ame rica, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or Tether contumacy, of the persons en cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the sald'District Court what you shall do in the promises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADDR, Judge of the sold court, at Philadelphia, this third day of JUNE, A. D. 1862, and fn the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. - ie4-3t . O. It. FOX, Clerk District Contt. • $889,876 IA MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sole, by the Ron, 'JOHN CAD WALA DEE, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public sale. to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWETILL STREET WEAR if, on TUESDAY, June 17, at 12 o'clock ill., the sloop COQUETTE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf: WILLIAM MILLWAED, U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia, June 3d, 1562 jet .61 MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of . a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWA LAbER, Judge of the District Court of the United States. in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and boat bidder, for cash, at INICHE NEE'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, June 16th, 1882, at 12 o'clock M., the cargo of the Schooner LIDA., c).naisting of 160 bare' Coffee; 896 pigs Lead ; 5 rolls of Sheet-lead; 1 box Shoe Thread; 1 box Drugs ; 1 box of Preserves; 39 boxes of Cigars. WILLIAM 311 f.,LWAItD, 11. S. Marshal. Philadelphia. Jane 2, 1882. je3-8t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES.. rpBE -COPARTNERSHIP - . HERE form existing between the Subscribers, 'under the firm of ABBOTT, JOIIXES, & 00., is this day dissolved by =hind content. The business of tho firm will be sot lied by George W. Johnos and William H. Berry, either of whom is authorised to Sign in liquidation. Bli OMAN ABBOTT, GEORGE W. JOIINES, WILLIAM H. BERRY, GEOBOB J. GROSS, WILLIAM T. WILOOX. Philndelphia. June 2,1802. jetLlStie DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP.—Notice is hereby given that the firm or CAARLES N. B.IIITH & CO., at the Fairmont iron Works, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be settled and closed by May 10, 1802. CHABLNS E. SMITH. The butinese will be continued by the undersigned ander the firm of 'MORRIS, TAIMYR, & 00. Office No. 209 South THIRD Street. . MORRIS, TASIIRR, & CO. ME;IMii SELTZER APERIENT: This salnable and foralar Medicine has suilversally re ceived the most favorable recommendations of the . MILDIOAL PROYBSSION and the Public as the most EFFICIENT AND AORIDIABLI SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the beat effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Lose of Appetite, Indigos tion,_ Acidity of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL OOMPLAINTEI REESE! A GENTLE AND COOLING - APERIENT OR run- GATIVE IS REQUIRED. It le particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Bea and Land, Residents in Rot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it I . valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. It Is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a de- Rightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 275 . GREENWICH. Street ; corner Warren et. ' NEW YORE, apa•ly And for sale by Draggles generally. PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The epecial attention of physicians and !entities is *ailed to the snperiority'of this article. It is rapid's supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have used it give it the most decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, "Col. Dattowes,i' will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Root is held by tboee gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex amined it Mir One pound, 62g cents, or two pounds for Si. Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOE SALE, WHOLESALE, AND BETATL, AT FREVE BBC WN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, N. R. COIL at FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streota, PHILADELPHIA. "I hare examined and prepared time Arrow Boot, tnanufaetnred by Col. Hallowell, of St. Mary's, Georgia. Ithas the beet quality of that variety of ftecnla I have met with, being enperlor to any Bermuda, or other Ar. row Boot I have Been. titb29-atutbSm MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA TED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only einpporters ,euader eminent medical patronage. La. dies and physicians ore reepoctfully requested to call only on Mrs. Bette, at her reeidence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philedelphin, (to avoid comaterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their phyeiciane to nee her sprilancee: - Those only are genuine bearing the United etatee copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, an 9 also on the Supporters. with teetimoniale. ocle-inthalf aLUTEN CAPSULES. . 0I PURE 00D-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of moat patients to 00D-LIVE OIL, and the Inability of many to take It at all, has in duoed various forme !of disguise for its adminietration that are familiar to the Medical Profeaton. Some of them answer in wetsl cases, but more often thoivablols neutralizes the usual offer* of MO 011, proving (Mite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic, valise. The repug nance, nausea etc., tolnvalide, induced by disgust of the Oil, Is entirel y obviated by the use of our OAPSULES. 00E0-LIVER OIL OfiTSULIiB have been maoh need lately in Europe, the experience there of the geocrre sults from their use in both hospital and private praotloe, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for tbein, feeling aaetrai their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by ,us a i n vsA GROCERIES • AND PROVISIONS NATIVE WINE.S.. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPN—THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND MUTT WINES EVER onneszto TO THE PVBLIO, AN EXCELLENT ASSOETBIENT JUST BILOKIVED. ALBERT 0_ ROBERTS, . DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, .00EXER ELEVENTH AHD. VINE STD SALT. -2,000 sacks Ground Alum Sall; 21,000 bushels do., do., do.; 4,000 bushels Turk's Island do., In store and for sale by kiIIRPHT HOONEI, No. 148 NORTH WHARVICB. myB TIT E HAVE JUST RECEIVED V V from London direct s large lot of Ozone and BLickwell's 'celebrated Pickl • ••• • . JAM es. ES HOMER .t 80N8, SEVENTH and NOBLE and SUER end WOOD. m.720-tf QAILDINES.—A very carierior brand 14.7 for sale by CRANING B. OfaSTAIIIB, ap2 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITIC Street. fIROSSE & BL&CKWELL'S oele. . brated PICKLES and SAUCES, coutitintly received I\TUTS.-20. •B ALES LANGUEDOC ALMONDS; 25. bales SIOILY ALMONDS; 100 bags New Aftloan PEANUTS ; just received and for isle by • ' RHODES & WILLTAMS, myo ' 107 South WATER Street. drIBIDSSE • h BL ACKWELL'S ENG LISR PICKLES.—A fresh importation ot,Entash pickles and Sauces, just received and for sale by BRODES & WILLIAMS, jet 107 South WATER Street. LEGAL MEDICINAL. - *EIAbiITICI , JACKSON, M. D., *University of Pennsylvania " 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia SHODZEI & WILLIAMS, 107 South WAVLE Street RAILKOA.D LINES. 1862. tg_e_. 1862. - - ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINE& TEE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PERLA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'S LINES FROM PRILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY NAOS& • TIDY WALNUT-STREWS WHIR? AND KENSINGTON mot WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: MM. Ate A. M. via Camden And Amboy, 0. and A. AG oommodalion $2 2$ Ate A. AL vie Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodationa 26 At 8 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey OitYl Morning 31;111 800 At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jorsoy (My, Western Express 8 00 At 123 P. M., via ()smiler' and limbo'', Accommo dation 2 23 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- Drees 800 At 4P. M., via Oamdon and Jersoy GUT, Evening Nxpress II 00 At 4 P. M., via Oamdon and /may city, 24 Ohm Ticket 1 26 At 6% P. M., via Kensington and Jersey GAY; Evening Mail 8 00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington antlJemey City. South ern Mail 800 At 5 P. N., via Camden an 4 Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—let Class Ticket.. 2 26 Do. do. 24 Class d 0.... 150 The 12 P. H. Southern Mail runs daily ; all others Sun days excepted. For Water Gap, Btroudebnrg, Berant o n, witgesporro, Montrone, Groat Bond, &0., at 6 A. M. from Walnut street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Blanch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 6 A. M and 23 I'. M., from Wallin!. street Wharf; (the 6A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton tor Maw* Chunk at 8.20 P. 111.1 • For Mount Holly, a 8 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at d A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY LIIKTM. For Bristol, Trenton, &c., at 8 and 11 A. 81, end 6, 5.80, and 12 I'. M. from Kensington, and 2X P. M. from Wal nut-id:reit wharf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11% L. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, &c., at 12%, 1,4, ft, and 5% P. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordontown and interme diate etattons at 2,44 P. ➢l. from Walnut-street wharf. Mr For New York, and Way Lines leaving Remain/S -ten Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Ponnda of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. ' , samisen are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. fel-tf WM. R. GATZITER. Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ILSILROA.D. THZ GREAT DOUZLE TEAM ROUTE 1862. loot_w 1862. THR CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS Now EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. FMT:Ml= ' nn‘Mn=V ' 7l ' nl radlltios for the transportation or passengers to and from Pittsburg, Chtclnnati, Chicago, St. Louie, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Stooping and smoking oars on all the train°. THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY; Mall sad Fast Line Sundays excented. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at. .. 7.15 A. M. Peat Line " tt . ....... ....11.30 A. M. Through Express " 10.30 P. IL Harrisburg Accommodation loaves Phila. at.. 2.80 P. M. Lancaster it " .. 4.00 P. M. Tireet Cheater Arnow:l:lo'n No. I‘. ~ .. 8.45 A. M . CI " N o . 2it " —12.00 noon. Parkeaburg - 4.11 l " .. 5.45 P. 81. West Chester vaaaengers will take the Wed Cheater Noe. 1 and 2 and Lancaster Aocomwolation Trains. Panaengors for Sunbury, WiMammon, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falb, &c., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. 111. and 10. SO P. N., go directly throngh. For further Information apply at the rani:anger fits; Mon, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and IL&IMAM /Wear. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wiaconein, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga- Me nsere of the Went, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the Wort by the Penneylvania Railroad, are at MI times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. for freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or Wives the Agents of the Company. B. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART. Pitt.nbrirg MARK% it Co. Chicago. LEECH k Co., 0.1 Astor House, or No. 1 Booth William atroot, New York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGRAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, BRltint H. H. HOUSTON, Oen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L., L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Clenl Sue% Altoona. jyl-ti PHILA.DELPH LA, GERIIIA.N TOWN, AIiD NOB BAST° %VN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, May 25th, 1882, until farther notice. FOR GEBM&NTOWN Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, A. M., I, 2, 3.10, 4, ti, SX, 6,7, 8,9 M, 103, 11,M, P. rd. Leave Germantown. 6,7, 785, 8, BX, 9,M, 10X, 1.1,X, A. SL, I, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 8. 0, 10.10, 11, P. at. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philidelphii, 9.10 . A. M., 2,3, 5,7 X, 10K, P. M. Leayo Germaitown, 8.10 A. M., 1. 4,6%, 9%, P. IL CHESTNUT HILL EALLBOAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 11, A AI , 2,4, 5,6, 8, io.s.‘. P. M. Leave Cbeetrut Dill, 7.10, 7.35, D.lO, 11.10, A. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40,0.50, P. 01. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9.10 A. 111., 2,5, 7K, P. IL Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 6.10, 9.10, YOU CONSROROOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05, 11.06,A. 111., 1%, 3, 43, 0.10, 8.05. 11X, P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.50, 9, 11, A. M., IX, 4K, BX, P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. , 2X, 4K, P. V- LblilYti Norristown, T A- M..'l, 6, P. FOB MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6,9, 11.05, A. Pl., IX, 3, 4.X,6 10, 8.05.11 g. P. 11. • . • Leave Pdanainnk, 6X, 7X, 8.20, 9M, U 3,, A. 31., 2, 6,7, P. R. ON LeAve.Pbiladelptda, 9 A. 11., 2M, 4K, 8, P. M. Leave Nenayunk, 734 A. 51., IX, 6X, 9, I'. K. H. X. SIIITII,•GeneraI anyvinteodent. my 264( Depot NINTH and ORB EN Streets aelm NO v RTH PERN A: I%- 3'oB BETHLEHEM, DOELEBTOWN,_III A 17011 °HUNK, HAZLETON. EASTON, WILKES BARRE, &c. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, MAY 1862, Passen ger Tr,abis will lasso PROST and WILLOW Streets, Pliiladelphla, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. M., (Express.) fro. Bsthlehem, Allentown, Afraich Ohnnk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarro, Se.• At 2.46 P. M., (Expreee,) for Bethlehem, Easton, ha. Tide train reaches Easton at 6 P. M., and .makes done connection with the New Jersey Central for New tork. At 6.06 P. AL, for Bethlehem, .6.lleotown. Maas% Chunk, Az. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6P. M., for Fort Washington. Sir) 8.40 A. ht. Express Train mats erase 00tillediOII With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points La the Lehigh coal region. TRAMB FOB PHILADELPHIA. .N - Leave Bethlehem at 5.40 A. 11.., 9.18 A. 111., and LB P. 81.. Lear° Doylestown at 7.25 A. 721. and 3.20 P. N. Leave Fort Washington at 8.30 L. M. ON ELiliDA.To.—Rhiladelphia for Bethlehem at 7.40 A. /IL Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. M. Dorlestowa for Philadelphia 316 30 A. K. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5.r. /a. _ Fare to Betidetem...Bl.W I Pare to Mooch Okunk.s2 60 Rare to Boston 1.60 'Wilkesboro . 4.60 Through irokets most bo Nuconct at the notes °Meet, at WILLOW Street, or BipBl9 . Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. . . .. • All Passenger Trains (except Ilandlef Tala) concoct at Berta street with the Fifth and Bluth /beets, and Be get:ld and Third-streets Passenger EatiguadthtWentg mb flutes after leaving Willow street. • . my 3 -• SLIM 01s11.11H, Agent . XE.WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL. VIA. MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT On and after Monday, March 10th, 1862, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.08 and 10.30 A. M., and 2,4.30, and 7 P.M., and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Stroots, 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADFILPITIA at 8 A Loa►e WEST OBESTFIR at 8 A. M., end 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadolphia at 8.05 A. M., and 4.30 P. M., connect at Penne)ton with trains on the Phi. ladelphia and Baltimore Railroad for Oxford and Inter mediate potato. ILEN.BY WOOD, mhB General Superintendent. MIERPM PHILADELPHIA AND EL MBA B. B. LINE. 1862 -WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ISMS For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, sad' all points In the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading R. 8., cor. Broad and Oat toenail drat)* at 8 A. X., and 3.16 P. 31. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE trout Philadelphia to points fn Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Weetern New York, &a., .ko. Baggage chocked through to Buffalo, Niagara Fake, or intermediate points. EMMMiZ2 • For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLS% General Agent. THIRTEENTH. and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. aor SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. 1.3141 - I NE I T-L,.:7,7_3 1 RE OP EN.I.N G. OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROA.B.—This road, being folly REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is .now open for the trans portation of - peesengors and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other In formation apply at the Company's Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, epa-tt Trealdent P. W. and D. R. B. CO. gWEST CHESTER - RAILROAD TBAINS, via PENN SYLVANIA LIMBO/LH, leave depot, corner ELE VENTH and IdABILET Streets, at 8.16 A. 61., 22 noon, and a P. H.noß-ti . . EXPRESS COMPANIES. FXPRESB TO ATLANTIC CITY.- The Philadelphia Local Express Conipanii,.office 26 South FIFTII street, run two daily lines forwarding Packages., and Prated of every .description. Goods called for In all parte of the city by leaving orders at our Office. Beegage checked through. 103 .6t* • THE ADAMS .Ex; a owls. PRESS COMPANY, Office CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcel, Packages, Mew. ohandlse, Bank Notee, and Specie, either by its owr Unea or in oonnoctloa s with„other Express Oompaniee, tc ail the principal Townt'ind Ofilee of the United States `\,d Z. S. SANDFORD, lelp thdoersi ihrsertotendeot LABOR-SAVING MAOHLNE. inoTHILEI-SATTNO MA.OIII-NZ. TIM-SAVING DIA.OHINS Haley, Morse, & Boyden's Clothes Wringeersaves labor, time, and clothes, ands an improvement whirl will meat certainly be generally adopted. It le self-adjusting, simple and durable, and is far 'superior to every other devico'for the purpose intended. Over flee hundred have been Bold within the lag thirty days in this city. He family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For asalo by L. B. SNOW, at the Office of JOY, 0011, & CO ,• northeast corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT streets. Orders from the Country nrontatlY attended to. mylo.lm AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES, FULLY EQUAL to the BEST WELSH SLATES. T. THOMAS, my2B-17 217 WALNUT Street. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION ty NEES, Nem 282 and 284 DIA.ItKIIT Strait,. BALE OR DRY GOODS. THIS MORNING. Juno 5, OD four months' credit-- HO packages British, Fronoth and American dr; 000415 BALE OF OAEPETINGIit. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Juno 6, on four raontlie credit-- WO plecee velvet ! Bnuisels, tupalln, and Venetian ear pettnge, matting& to SALE OF FRENOIi DRY GOODS. ON tIONDA.Y BIORNINR. Juno 9, on ford' months' credit 709 packages French, Oennau, Swigs, and BOnab dry goods. RAW: or BOOTS AND SHOES ON TUESDAY MORNING, Jnno 10, on roar months' credit. 1.00 9 packages boots and oboes. tHILIP FORD & 00., AUCTION ZEES, 525 BIABIZZT and 622 0021202161:13 611,. BALE Or 1,000 GABBS BOOTS, 811078, AEG' BROGANS. TB Ili MORNING, Juno 5, M 10 o'clock, preciesly, will be sold, by catalegus, I,COO caw men's, bops', and yontbe calf, klp, and grain booth; calf and kip brogans, station, tics, walking oboes, &c.: women's. miesee', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, galtersodippers, buskins, &c. Included in wile will be found a large amortment of first•claso aity-m&do vein. lEir Goode open for examination, with catalogues early on the morning of sale. BAILE OW /,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, 880 GANS, ko. ON MONDAY MORNING, June 9, at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, by cata logue, 1,000 cases mane',boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain boots; calf an kip brogans, Congress galterS, Oxford ties, walking shoes, 10.; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boobs and shoes, gaiters, slippers, &r., - including a large assortment of first-class city. made goods. MfT Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. FURNESS, BRINLEY, Zs 00., 429 UHNBTISIrr EMMET ANCOMIT & WARNOCK, ACC - JTUMMIES, No. 218 81/111NNT Street. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OP STRAW GOODS. by Catalogue. ON. FRIDAY HORNING, • . . Jnna 6, commencing at 10 o'clock orsoiiely— A general assortment of fashionable goods. BY HENRY P. WOLEIRT,, AIIOTIONEER. REMOVEDiken NO: 9 South SECOND Street to No. 202 MARKET Street, wait side, above Second Street. REGULAR SALES OF DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ate. Every Monday, Wednesday , and Friday morning, com mencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. - Clty and countn dealers, are requested to attend these sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from manufactu rers, importers, coramission,whohtealo,aud jobS)lng hermit, and retailers of all and every. description of merchandise. Entire stocks of goods arreagedilanksold in lots to trait the retail trado. Cash advanced on goods. Settlement second day from sale. m7lO lm* DANIEL 11. EMMET, Auctioneer. BY BURDETT. JONES, AND 00:, Store 100.WALLIEreei, New York. At 12 o'clock, at the Wall street SaleerootO, corner of Front and Walt Streets. . COTTON. By order and ender the direction of Ifirana Barney, Bag., Collector of the Port. . LABGE GOYSBNMICNT SALE OF BSA ISLAND AND GULF COTTON: 7(0 bales superior quality sze ISL AND, of choice brands, all in perfect. nvrchantable order. ALSO, • By order and nnder the direction of Col. D. D. Tompkins, Assistant Quartermaster General. LARGE. Ss.LB GULF COTTON. 400 bales (air to middling Cult Cotton. in portent order. Samples may be examined at the SYall•street sales room, by catalogue, on and after Saturday, 7th instant. The bales of Sea Island can be examined at stores, Nog. 54, 56, and 58 Wheeler's Stores, atlantic Dock, Brook lyn. The bales of Gulf Cotton at store No 58 &Santis Dock, Wheeler's stores. Purchasers an requested to examine the Gulf and Sea Island Cotton in bales ea &bow. TO DISTILLERS. -a- The DISTILLERY known m the "PHCENIX," and formerly owned and occupied by 3.6.151 L. Surrß, Esq., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, betwoan RAM and Y 11.12 Btroota, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has oil the modern improvements. An Artecian well on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address 2. LOOK 2 & 00., No, 1010 61ABILM Street, Philadelphia. fe22-dtf FOR SALVOR TO LET—Four Housee, on the wed side of BBC &D Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and &ANSON Streets. mh2e-tf gig TO LET—A beautiful COON THY-PLAOE, of 10 acres,' on the west side of FRONT. Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes' walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possession early In App• Apply at the south west corner NINTH and SANSONE, second story. STEVENS HOUSE, (LATE DELNONIOO'I3 3 ) No. 26 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. rive minutes' walk from Fall River boat landing, Chambers street, and foot of Cortland street. trile2S.3m OZO. W. STEPIIENB, Proprietor. OARD. - 111111 UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD 11011810, Philadelphia, have :eased, for a tenm of yes:* wialasva Woabington. They take tide occasion to retnrnto tkatr lid friends and customers many thank/ for Not fey.ons, .nd bee to moue them that they will he moot ham te 1 , !.0 them In their new quartari. thrxEs, OHADIVICIS., It OG. . iswerraww. Jut" 16. loaf. str7A-1, __MACHINERY AND IRON. MORGAN, ORB; & 00., STEAK ENGENG 111111DERG, Iron Pounders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. Inn Mir. LOWHILL Street- Philadelphia. failt-br J. YARGIKAA MERRICK, JOHN B. COPM, WILLIAM H. MERRICK, HARTLEY NIEWOK" SOUTHWARK -FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBiIIIT, Manufacture High and Low Presume Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Bailers, 'Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. ; Out ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &c. Botoes and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat improved construction. Every deacription of Plantation Machinery, anoh as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Op Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &a. Bole Agents for N. RlBlenx's Patont Bum Apparatus ; Nesmyth's Patent' Steam Hammer, and As pinwall Apparatus, Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. aus-tY IiIaPENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NE &FIB a LEVY, PRACTICAL AND TIEECEETIOAL EMU NEER% ACH INISTS,BOIL EP...RAKERS, BLAIN/- WRITES, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high end low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., &c., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all siren, Marina, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue Tubnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of eg sizes andkinds ; Iron and Braes Castings, of all descrip tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. ... Drawings and Specifications Ibr all work done at their establiehment, free of charge, and work gnerandied. The enbscriberis have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &a., Sm., for rale ing heavy or light weights. JACOB O. MUFTI:, . JOHN ,P. LBVY, lel4-tf BRACH end PALKISB Street'. M., and 2 P. M T EE "EXCELSIOR " HAMS ARE THE BEST IN • -• et H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DEALEBB, And area Piths celebrated " EXCELSIOR " SUGAR-01:111ED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race xtreet4, Philadelphia. The Justly-celebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are mired by J. H. H. & Co.. (in a etyle peculiar to them selves,) expressly_ for FAMILY lIEVE ; are of delleionS .flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. api-3m CAUTkON• • The well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Has Induced the metiers of Imperfect balance, to offer them as a FAIRBANKS' SCALES," and purchasers have thereby, In many Instances, been subjected tofraud and impel/dam. FAIRBANKS' SCALES are manufac tured only by the original inventory, E. de T. FAIR BANKS & CO., and are adapted to every branch of the businen, where a correct and durable klcalee is remand. • FAIRBANKS di EWING • 9. • • . Genital Agent* selo-11 NABONIO Hilt; 714 MIIIIVEM ST. . 13" 11 TINA.--.OOIIN-G, lILIMPAPITIAND DT TAM UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY, '•No: 9 GORE BLOOK, Corner GREEN and PITTS Streets, Boston, Maas. This Portable Booting Le the' only article ever offered to the public which Is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is tight, handsome, and easily applied. and can be safely and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not taint or discolor water running over or lying on it, and is, In all reapcots, a very desirable arNde. Its non-aoudad:bag Properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of 'Br iton, kinds • and it is confidently offered to the public after a tes t four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, &e. It le both cheap' and durans. Agents wanted,' to whom liberal inducements are offered. Send for sample, circular, SM., with particulars, to "U. S. GOOFING CO., No. 9 GORE BLOOD. Boston." an24-8m rrIENT:aIARERB' CHERRY TENT -1 filLlPB,llitited States paten', for sale at J. P. REED'S, Southeast =nor of TILER-. TEENER and IMBUE ambi t Philadelphia. al2B-Im* SALES BY AUCTION INEW TURK. ON TIIESD&T, JUNE•IO FOR SALE AND TO LET. HOTRUS. PHILADELPHIA. =BRION & SONS, JINGILYSERS AND MACHINISTS, THE WORLD. SALES BY AUCTION M THOMAS & 1301143. • Nos. 139 end 141 Bontb BIMBUY &sea no - I'll IMP"! S A LF, 4 ItR AT. WSTATE AND STOOK, AT TIFF EXrri cNGE )(NEAT Tt7R'3DAT. Sl' FURNITURE, sit the - Auction Storo, 0•017 Mire day nr•rning. aq - ANAL EST ATE AT PRIVATE SALE—We hure a large anionnt of r.O 1 estate at art vale 111411. in clotting every &seri ntion of city and country property. l'zicted Sete may be bed at the Auction Store. REAL ESTATE SALE-JUNE 10 - - . largo sale, by order of Orphans' Court, Executors, and others. Full doeriptions b in batlbilla. may be had at the aneti-n Rooms P ERE P TOIIV S I.L . E—FTFtS r-oL ASS FAA 'l. Onr sale 10th Stine trill inclnde the valonlds f:wen of Thome.. T. Lea. at the six.ndle ti•ne on the Ohl Tort tend, between Choltnn not and Germ tntown. 735 scree, to be divided end sold in separate tracts, one of 33 acres, Inelndln2 ell the bnildinee end improvement!. 117" Full descrlptions in litherraphic plane and hand bills, now reedy. Orrbane , Court Cele—Txtotte of baninel Tine. dee'd.— TEIREE-TORY 'RIME DWELLING S Pine etroot, between Tenth Red Eleventh. Some rbtate —T OUR REICH: DWALLINGS. Rod man street. east of Tenth. Orphnra' Coot FlllP—Karate of John L. Mifflin, deed. FOUR STORY MUCK stoints. Noe. 38. 38.40, end 42 South Front street, hetween At atket end Chestnut. neentorA' Sale. TRREA STORY BEIM. DWELL ING, Nr. 614 htare.all atr , et. rerth of Green. DESIRABLE COUNTRY 81TE, containins abort 10 scree. Bchnnl•hoore- lane, tear the hlsnarttnY and Nor ristown Railroad station. NEAT MODERN' RF.‘TDENC North Fifth street, scuth of Noble. Iles eas introdnced. bath, hot and cold water. cooking ranee, furnace, Ac. Terms—tsS,OOD may rrmain on mortgage, THERE. STORY BRUM. STORE AND DWELL ING, northeast corner of Seventh and Jefferson streets. It to occupied as a grocery storo and dwelling, and is a gond hn•rness stand. PrnmntorY Bele GROUND -BENT of FM a year, on slot Thomptam greet. Penn Dietrict. TWO-STORY BRIO& DIVELT , ING. corner of Ger mantown turnpike and Onwan'a lane, Mount Airy, Ger mantown. 'Neentv-recond ward. TIMER. STORY BRICK DWELLTNG, Ito. OK Pine tared, wet of Sixth. REAL ESTATE SALE—JUNE 17. rereTntory SNP—YALIIAELE CO 4L Our sale 17th inns will include 7 tracts coal landt. Broad Top township, Penna. Fail deactiptions risdy in hand bills. IfFAL i'II;TATV SALE—MTN 24. Orchunc' (burl Saln—leftab) of John Smith, doc'd.— TWELVE PE 0 PERTIFB. ()robotic' Court Salo—Nstute of AlUm. Mitchell, deed. An10."N0m.1341 toul •47 South Fourth Strout. SUPERIOR FURNITURE- ERE-NOEL PLATE MIR RORS. ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTRS. Tsr.ln4tms CARPETS, BAGATELLE: TABLES, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, &c. TIIIS MORNING, At 9 o'clock. at the Auction S•oro. on extensive assert. went of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant pisno fortes, floe mirrors. carpe',. Ace., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience et sale. ALSO, An elegant roselroni piano -forte. A superior fire and burglar-proof safe, made by Lillie A book-binders' superior mesa. Nn.2a6 Nnrth TvrAfth SUPERIOR rpurruntle, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Bc. ON 'FRIDAY MORNING, June Bth, at 10 o'clock, at No. 238 north Twelfth street, the superior rosewood parlor furniture, roahorrAlwr chamber and dining room furniture, brussels and other carpets. &a Also, the kitchen furniture. rar May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning or the sale, with catalogues BALE OF INTERESTING AND VALUABLE BOOKS ineem A. PRIVATE COLLECTION. .. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. At 4 o'clock. at the Auction Store, a collection of va luable and interesting miscellaneous books. NET' For particulars nee catalogue. Sala on the Brerniaes—To. 808 North Broad Strait HANDSOME MODERN RESIT)ENOE, AND Ir TITRE. BRUSSELS OADPETS, MIRRORS, ME. LODEON, &e. ON MONDAY MORNING • • June 9, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1308 North OfVl 'al reet; the baudeome modern fonr.atnry brick meteage, with founatmy back buildings. Bev nit the modern co? yenienew; gas throughout; 3 . bath. rosins. hot and cold water; furnace, cooking ranso, &c. Also. a back stable and coach•house in the rear, on o.lrllete street. . . ANTSOItIE FURNITURE— Immediately after the ralo of the 11011E* will be sold the household furniture. Also. ft two-seated caritas' Sir The house will be sold at 10 o'clock, the fornitare immediately after. Fall descriptions in handbills. Sale Fr. 1735 &rcb Streot - . HANDSOME FURNITURE., MIRROR., TAPESTRY CARPETS, Sec. ON TUESDAY NODDING, 10th Met , et 10 o'clock. by cataloece, at N 0.1735 Arch street, the heodeome earlor, dialog-room, and chamber fernitnre, flee French-plate mirror, line ta pestry carpet!, jrc. May be egaintned at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. . FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, , .A.V.L. Auctioneers, 603 ORZSTIOIT Bt., above Sixth SALE OF STATIONERY, PAPER. ENVELOPES, Blank Books, Cutlery, Ellleer-olotted Ware, 110-iery. Neck- ties, Soepeoders, Gloves, Yankoo Notions, and Fancy Goods of wimp. stvlea. ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 6. at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store. SALE THIS (THURSDAY) monwma, At 7 o'clock, ore, stock of Pbotorraph Albums Also, a stock of miscellaneous books, Bibles, Prayer Books, &c, MOSEB NATIEMIS, AITOTIONERIt AND CON] lESION NEROBANT. souttuteat corner of METH and DADS Btreetn TAKE NOTICE The blithest possible price le loaned on roods at 4:Te- Chant' Principal Estab/ishment, southeast elms, e Sixth and Bace streets. At least one-lAird more Moo st any other eetabliolunont in thin city. NATHAN' FBINCIPAL MONEY Va9.9tiT.1E..... 280,660 TO LOAN. In !sage or amaß Rmoants, Prom one dollar to thoneicli t on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watobee, Jamb , . merchandise, clothing, tnrnitnre, bedding, plenoa f and goods of every description. LOANS ➢LADE AT TIT'S LOWEST MARKET BATED. Thla establishment bas large lire and thief-,roof mesh for the safety of valuable goods, together with a privets watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED DOB THE LAST 80 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOARS MADE AT THIS, TB . _ Pr.IaICIPAL nTr ATMS diIMATT.9 RienTrnrn CABINET 'FURNITURE. CABINET FURNITURE AND ELL LIARD TABLXB. MOORE & CAMPION. • No. 2431 South 43120 . 0 ND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Bottom are tow triontfacturtng a emperior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hated a fall sopply, finished with the MOOR& & OAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSI(TONS, Mitch ere pronounced. by all who have need than, to be inperior to all others. Tor the quality and finish of thaw tables the MUM- Sztnters refer to their unmerone poisons .hromybont lie Union. who are familiar with the character of their erne} SHIPPING sal Eg . FOR NRW YORK-THIS DAY—DESPATCH AND SWEIFTSURR LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. Steamers of the above Linea will leave DAILY, at 12 einds For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WK. K. 13A17t11 & CO., my2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE Accave. anBOSTON' AND PH - MADE& PHU STBAIIIMIP LlNZ—Froze MI Street, Philadelphia and. LONG Mort, Boston, ac. Tho steamship SAXON, °Wain Matthews, win nail from Philadelphia for .Thistots on SATURDAY, Jame 14, al 10 o'clock A. K., and from Boston for Phikidelphhi ix 'MONDAY, June 9, at 4 o'clock P. 81. Insurance one. half that by sell vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. MMus will please send bills lading with their voila. For freight or passage (haying fine accommodations for , powngere), apply to HENRY WTSBOB & 00., 882 80IITE. WEARY= g in THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMBRIOA.ISI ROYAL NAM MAN • 71IGN NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Paeans $l6. Seoond Cabin Pll/1984(8 . . . . .. . ' ... .... n • BROM BOSTON TO wiriurdox, Chief Cabin Passage SID Second Cabin Peerage in The ships from New York oal! at Cork Harbor. The shine from Boston call at Halifax and Cook Nee - bor. SCOTIA, Capt. jndtdos. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Capt. Lott. %STA. Oapt. Cook. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. EUROPA. Owet. J. Leitch. AFRICA, Capt. bhaor - CANADA, Capt. Moir. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. 'NIAGARA, Capt. A. BIT iIIGITRA.LARTAN. Thine vowels eery a dear white light at mart-herd .11.8611 on starboard bow; red on port bow. SCOTIA, Judklns, leaves N York, Wednesday, .Inne I. EUROPA, Cook, .. Boston, Wednesday, June U. PERSIA, Lott, -. ' • . 11 - N.York, Wednesday, Jane 18. AFRICA, Shannon, • n -Boston, Wedneadar, Julie 28. aNINA. Anderson, .. a , N.York, Wedaenday. Jar 11.. ARABIA. Moodie, Ic. - Boston, Wednonday, July. 9. SCOTIA, Judkins. .4 N.York, Wednesday, July 16. Berths not secured =tit paid for. Art experionoed Smoot on board. The owners of these ships will not be immutable Zen Gold, Silver Bullion , Specie, Jewelry, Pracbus Stoats. or Metals, sin less bill; of lading era signal therelor, 5.... A the value thereof therein expressed. Tor freight or p. "V) apply to M. CUNARD, 6 BOWLING GREEN. Raw York. Orb E. 0. A J. G. BATES, . 103 STATE Street. Boston _ LONDON EXHIBITION-RETURN TWEETS TO LONDON AND DAME: Firit-class $l6O. Beccind-Wass M. WEIIKLY COMMUNICA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NNW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUERNS TON, areland,) to•land and embark peatendetv W • , The Liverpool, New York, wad Pialledoiplas Elteaoi ship Oompany ' s splendid 017de-bunt Iron screw stout ebbe we Intended to sell as follows FBOld TOCI 7 'PORK FOB LIPSRPOOL. CITY OF 6etarday, Ditty Al, 1862. KANGAROO Saturday, June 7, 1882. CITY OF NEW YORK.......Beturday, Jane 14,1889. CITY OF WASHINGTON....Betarday, Jane 41 ; 1889. And may Beturdey throughout the yaw, from Pl2l 3.0. 44 H. B. BATIB OP PAIMAGZ THROUGH FROM PHILADZILPHIA. Oabtn, to Queenstown, or LiverpooL OHO Do. to London, via Liverpool Deem. to Queenstown, or Liverp001....... tdap Do.' to Louden. • Do. Return • tickets, available for six months, trop Liverpool Parson/en forwarded to Havre, Paria, Hamburg, Hremee, end Antwerp at thronth rates. Uortincetre of peautge leaned from Liverpool to New York Hertitioateg of Tamar booed Trom Queenstown to Her York These downers have superior accommodation for pm ontere, are mon-voted with water-tight verapartineette, and carry exoerienoed Burgeons. for Insight, or Damage, stroly at the omoe of the 000- PlinY, JOHN G. DALI, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Liverpool, to WIL-IliNAllo In Glasgow, to Vir er nates, 10 'Mon arose.. jr air mi g FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, ria Delaware lip Raritan Canal. Philadeirhia end New York lapress Steamboat 0OM• van, receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., darn ing their cargoes in New York the following day.. Freights taken at reasonable rates. W5l. P. CLYDE, Arai, . N 0.14 50IITH WHANVIIII, Philed &OIL ' JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 sod 15 EAST RIVER, New Twit.' ()LIVE 0.11.—A fresh lot of Olive ; - :1111 61 P l ae lge Skinner, andbyirm small bottles, 'OfrasSal toll; " 1 seyl4 lie. 120 WLfITT Bt. and 21 or .V'