FINANCIAL - AND COMMERCIAL. TIM MONEY MARKET. PIIILADIMPHIA, Ms' 28, 1862. The sun this morning made its appearance after an absence of Omit thirty-six hours, during which time the lowering aspect of the heavens seemed to harmonize with the gloomy forebodings of many of our townsmen; bat with the clone sky came the countermanding older of Governor Curtin concerning the movements of the Re -serve troops, which nor ved to remove the feeling of danger wid% was so apparent yesterday and Monday. liminess seemed more lively as men met and smiled satisfactorily, creating a more liberal view of money matters. The news from Europe, announcing the rise In Ame rican securities, had a very Good effect an the stock mar ket, and prices a little flat early in the day soon Im proved. Reading Railroad opened at 23-94, and, whoa 950 shares were soid, advanced to 24X, being X boldnd yesterday's cloAng Agree. At the Second Board it reached 24x, whoa the call came for more at 24,X, closing, •on that bill, about 900 shares changing bands nt the regu lar board. %MOM In United States 7.80 was not so active, but Felling at better prices then yesterday-101x being re,tdili obtained, X advance. The sloes, 1881, advanced %, and eales were made at 104. Morris Canal lively at an advance of X ; Rates at 47. Philadelphia nixes were flat at a decline of x, the new nixes remaining tirm at yesterday's figure. Penn .eylvanies fives wore firm nt 87X, and Pennsylvania Rail .road at 47%. Weimar' sires brought 51X, an advance .of Xon the lest sales iu New York. Lehigh Naviga tion firm at 65, the scrap advancing X, and gelling at yesterday'a demand price.. Elmira Railroad preferred was firm at an advance of X on late bids. Reeling sizes, 1836, cold for fitlx, an advance of a X, and after ward 86%, firm. Hazleton Coal 411101 at 45X. Penn sylvania Railroad sixes, second mortgage, 93X, old figure. Camden and Amboy stemly atl32. North Penn •sylvania Railroad. sixes brought 76, a slight advance on last sales. Bank of North Anialica advanced to 134. North Pennsylvania Railroad rose , with sales. P5B. eager railways wore dnil ; Arch•street sold at 22%; Gl rard' College at 20, old prices. BM little was done in bank theme ; canals scarcely shewieg their faces. The market closed firm. In rnonoy circles there fa no change lo notice. Gold declined to IN or cent. premium . , and was steads' all day at that figure. Meters. Drexel d (Jo., bankare, No. 33 South Third street, quote: ' Now York exchange Bunton exchange Baltimore exchange........ ... Clountry Nude American geld 8. 7 3.10 Treasury notes.... .T.T. 3. eoepoD,lBBl A meeting will be hold on Thursday afternoon, at five 'o'clock, at the office of the West Philadelphia Saving Fluid, Market street, west of the Permanent bridge, for • the purpose of receiving subecelptions to the stook of a new bank to ho organized in that Honrishing section of the elty, under the general banking law. It is believed •That a hank can be established in West Philadelphia with but truing expenses, which is certainly much needed by the citizens, and which will be remunerative to tho stock boldere from its very commencement. The attendatie; • of all who feel en interest in the molter is invited. Tho Lehigh Coal and NOvigation Company has de stared a dividend of 31.60 per share, The following in a statement of the amount of coal "transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the -week ending Kay 24,1882: Week. Previously. Tot I. Tons. Ow t. Tons. Cwt. Tons. OwL 1,652 14 48,208 13 50,251 07 Mazleton East Sugar Loaf 3,'768 62 30,646 09. 40,412 16 4Couucil Ridge 1,283 12 31.654 11 31,888 03 Mount Pletusaut 2,269 13 2,269 13 1.711 15 46.081 01 48,378 10 774 14 15,187 18 15,941 07 •Spring Mountain •Ookratne New York and Lehigh.. 1,008 01 16.2:4 10 16,299 11 N. Spring Mountain.... 2,221 18 93,750 18 45,97 d 16 -3. Spring Mountain—. 810 13 810 18 Jeddo 1,881 02 36,816 19 38,507 01 Ilnrleigh 813 15 25,190 09 23.634 gi •eGurnian Peuna 819 •F bery ulO ..... 213 •'Other thlppere Total 18,005 18 839,742 01 355,747 19 Correspond lag week last year, .13,673 07 349,615 07 363,288 14 Increase 2,332 11. Decrease The follossing Is the statement of coal transported over , the lleciotou Railroad, for the week ending May 21, Week. IProvious.. Total. Toxin Owl. Tons Cst. Toms. Owl. , na7.1610n Alines—. 2,408 11 83,399 04 35 807 16 • , Cranberry 2,934-01 11,615 19 14.560 00 Diamond.... 1,190 16 10.936 62 12,126 17 •Maat Sugar Leaf.... 430 16 30,558 05 53,989 01 013onocil Ridge 2,204 01 29,021. 14 33.133 15 21ount Plenanut.... 01 08 2,664 10 2,755 18 3Clairvale 845 00 11,983 18 12,830 10 tllmloll, .... 1,730 01 23,776 19 25.506 OD 3711neavl1ie .... 836 16 .31.418 09 32,255 05 -Md. , 2,810 05 88.877 39 36,694 04 18,184 14 200,153 19 218,039 13 CorroapoiKl'g .period last year......... 17,107 18 209,480 14 2.15,589 12 Increase... . Dt cream' Philadelphia Steck Its. [Reported by b. R. BLS PIRBT 50 Reading R 28 94 150 do..bswrithit 24 - 150 do 24 200 d 0... ...cub 24 60 do.. tliwniint 24 50 do s3O 24 200 do 24% 25 Birrris Canal.— 47 10 do 47 150 tic ltnells's2, cash 69% 4 Oatactiesa B yrti 8% 5100 Penn fa 87J 200 City Os .... 08% iffiVE 20 Labigh 5crip...... .... SECOND BOARD. 3300 City Os now 102% Abt 190 Potirot 5s ES '2.(00 do new 102% kbt 278 do 88 6EOO Reading. Os '86.. 86% 500 US 7-30 T'y n 05t1103% .600 'US e's 'Bl 104 600 do blank 104% 10 Bazis ton Coal ... 45% 23 Peuna R........ 41% 11.00 Pa 11. - 2.4 msg. 98% 40 Lehigh Scrip b 5 40 20 Morris Can biwn 47 2004 N 60 76 26 do 1)547 5 Rk N America 3tls 161 25 do 41 40 Pel Division.. JOS 43 119 do.. b 5 47 60 Nto It 65 81( 2 do ' b 5 47) 5000 Bourg& '7O sswn 98 6 Catn4 Amtlt ....183 50 Reading R...... 24% CLOSING PRICES—FIRM. Bid. Asked. V 8 11 -103% 104 II BTr 7 3-10'N.104% 104% l'bilada Oe 99 100 Plaulat es new.. 102% 102% 'Fenno fie 87% 88 'Rending It 24% 24% Read in 65'80 , 43.100 'Bold 1414'70.... 93 93% 'Mad mt 8a'86.. 861( 86% l'enna Rex div. 47% 47% Penns It 1 m 65-104 'retina R 2 nt es.. Ps% .. Blorris Col Con.. 47, 48 Monis Col Prof.ll7 'llO 13c1114av Stock.. 6 6% Sch Nay Pref... 15 15% ficb Nay 611 , 82.. 89 69% Elmira It .10% 10% 'Philadelphia Markets. MAT 28-lEventeg Tlio Floor matket•oontinnee drll and nosh:Med; there ''is very Mlle inquiry for shipmont. Solos include about 2041 bids • itmano at 114.75, 1,000 hbis good Northwestern • extra family at •$6, and 300 blils good Western do at 7bo sales to tho trade are limited at the above Sumo: fir filo; riffle end extras, and $5.60190.50 for es, Ira family and filmy lots, as to quality. Rye Flour is in steady demand at S 3 25 $7 bbl. Corn hied is tiolet, and Pennsylvania is held at $2.621X 41 1 ' hbl without solos. Willi? 1. rathir mote active to-day, mil about 15,000 1.111 have boon dla nosed of at 120m123a for Poonsylveola rode, mm 118001350 for white, ineludlig 10 000 bus prime Kostocs y. on private terms. Rye la dull. and niferel at 00 , for Penosylvania. Corn la unchanged. and 4,000* 0,000 bus told at 04c for Southern yellow afloat, 41*500 f .r %tailor do, end 521 t c fof Pennsylvania in store (hate too fl•mor, with sales of 2,000 hoe Pennsylvania at gio; most holders ask more. ILA MC —There is very little offering, and let No. 1 is at..ady at 5:1.50 per ton, Corms —Thmarlret is buoyant, but without much doisg, on *cement of the blab views of holders. ri Borrasca AND PDOVlSloxs,—Thare it not much do ry In either and no materiel change in the markota. WIIISKT adult ; Penna. hide rolling at 24c ; Ohto bids 2 l;.le ; and &ado et 220 per gallon. CITY. ITEMS. FIFTY•FOURTI! ANNIVERSARY OF THE PENN at I.V AN I A Bt ems SOCIETY.—The afty-foorth anniversary •nf the Pennsylvania Bibis Society will be hold in the First Indeperdent Church, corner of Broad and Bensons litt eels, on this (Thursday) evening ennamenting at Ty, .o'clock. The occasion is expected to be one nf moms •Interest, as it will be attended by the delegates of the mote Sabbnth•anhool Convention, now in WHIMOD In that -church, end addressed by come eminent speakers. Among the latter, we may name the Rev. Thos. Bewail, •of Baltimore, and The Bev. Wm. Chauncey Langdon. late Rector of the American Proteit tut Er/lama! Church In Rome. The annual report will be wad by the Seers -tary, Rev. Irvin If. Torrence and the whole proseeding, it is expected, will be of &moat interesting character. WANAVIAKER dr, Bnowx's r OAK HALL " 'CLOTHING DA 7.A AR, southeast corner of Sixth and Mar ket streets, is justly attracting the favorable attention of •onr tither a and the general public. By their strict at tention in business, and thorough devotion to the com fort and wnnte of their patrons, they have succeeded in securing for Philadelphia a first•clear Clothing Em- Nostrum ahem the most faiblonablo end elegantly-made garments, of the choicest materials, can be bought, reedy made, or made to order, at the shortest notice, at prices greatly below those usually charged for the same :goods. AN ENTERTAINING EXIIIIIITION.—Captain IVllllams' South Sea Whaling Voyage, now being exhi bited at the Assembly Buildings every evening, and on the afternoons of Saturday and Wodneeday, is spoken of in the highest terms by all who have seen It, and the an dtences are increasing from night to night If halt the praise that is lavished upon It le deserved, It will have a successful run certainly. In New York city it was exhi bited for two hundred and fifty consecutive nights. We advise our readers to see it by all means. A COMPLIMENT TO THE " PAWS 'MANTILLA. atm ()Lome Estrontun."—We have heard the remark made within the last few days, in fashionable circles, by ladies thoroughly conversant with the markets of Phila delphia, Washington, Boston, and New York, that the roost elegant and dressy Cloaks, !heroes, and Mantillas exhibited anywhere are those sold at the '• ParLs Mantilla Emporium" of Minima. J. W. Proctor & Co., No. 020 Cbeetout street. Their recent superb importations of - lace Goode are particularly admired, as their garments, made from the light soil beautiful "Exhibition Cloths," are deservedly popular. The prices of this house are, we believe, lower, for the quality of oohs 1131 d, than any other In the city. BEST TEAS AND COFFEE AT MODERATE Priloai.—Mr. 0. 11. Ittattood, dealer hr duo glocerjoe, Arch and Tenth atreete, h is contently on hind the best Oolong and usher choice Teas, at moderato pricer; alo, en genuine article of Old Govecument Java Ooffec, which our readcre should bear In mind. LARGE LOT 07 'REFINED COLL OILS AT Pun- Ito Sate—From en advertisement in another column it will be seen that n largo lot of superior non•exploeive Coal 011—five hundred barrels—will be sold at public tittle, on Tut any morning rest, at-fluder'e Warehouse, North Broad street. From our own knowledge of the 4ml, upon the representations of parties who know, in whom we' havetho utmost. confidence, we may say that 110 oil referred to Is an A No.l article, and as it Is to ho sold In moderate lots, or iu whole. as purchasers may do elro, we commend this sale to the attention of the trade. • parel-10 pm. parel-1D pm • pnr®l•io dle • 34•13..0 dia. • 3y( e 4 prem. • 4,web4% p o 4 mom 06 10,472 02 10,791 08 09 32 535 07 12,799 16 OD 12,806 06 13,263 15 16 305 17 481 13 9,878 00 7,540 15 9,37.9 16 7,949 19 nape Sales, May 2S. KM, Phila. Exchange.] OARD. 100 INty Gs • 93X 200 do 95X 1600 do new 102 X 2000 Mo 0k....810 dot 61% 3 Penni IL— ..... 4T% 2 lo , hlgh Nay 66 20 %mid Cot ye It 20 176 P, Ft 11 ,.. A 0 Bmsop 51 5000 T 1 S 7.30 Ty n bllot3 50 Arch St It ' 22X 213 k.l nlrit R pref. .. 20 1000 Reading 64, '86.. som IS alanf k 6foes Bk 21% BOARDS. Bid. Asked. Elmira R Prf... 197 w 20% Elmira 1s '73... 8734 80 Llaiand R 14% 13% Ln 2 gli 013 c Nay.. 53 00 Le CI Nay scp. 303 40 N Peoria NPa it Galt ior 75% 76 Ponna R 101 92 94 Cataw It Con... 2% 21( Catawissa Prf.. 8% 8% Frnk 1 South R 45 .. 2 , l,tad-pt. R. droff 633 65 Race& Vinu-st R 1% 8 W Philalt 51 65 Spritc6 & Phte.. 123 13 Green &Conlos.. 26) 27 Obes t Walnfit. 33 84 Arch Street.— 22) 22% THE WnrrEß GARDEN, Nos. 720 and 722 Vine street, le ahead of all establishments of the kind, by offering to the public a brilliant array of vocal and musical talent, and the finest performances. Mr. Mil ler's taste and liberality In fitting out his beautiful place well deserve the Immense patronage he etJoye. ec ALL Quin Ammo THE LINES."—The Chestnut and Walnut Streets Ttailrosd line was t tken possession of yesterday morning, early, by the Union forces, which gives us the command of the Delaware from Chestnut to Walnut streets, and all of the strategic points along the line, including the National Safety," Fourth and Walnut. Charles Stokes, with his Staff Officers and their snits, were out in the morning, making a reconnois sance in force, when some skirmishing was heard in front of their works, and towards noon a general engagement was brought on. The cutters within the works wore very active, and several brave fellows bad their fall length measured out during the day. I have to repeat that the Bullet-Proof Vests went off handsomely, of which I wish special notice to be taken by the War Department. (Slated) ' CHARLES STOKES, "One Price," under the Continental, Commanding. TUE EXCITEMENT SrinSIDING.—The excite ment growing out of the reverse to General Banks has subsided, and no fears are now entertained for the safotY of the national C apitel. The flurry had a wholesome effect, for it stirred up the latent patriotism of the poopls, and• illustrated the military resources of the country. The Union will never want for an army while there are so pinny gallant men at its command. with the Brown stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilton, Nos 603 and 605 Chestnut street, nbove Sixth, to supply them with elegant and substantial uniforms. ONE PRIOR ONLY.—The fashionable clothing temple of Granville Stokes, at No. 600 Chestnut street, is the only establishment in the city where one price only, and this exceedingly low, is asked for garments. The clothing manufactured at this popular emporium is made of the beet material in the market, and equal, if not en • pester, •to that obtained elsewhere. Those who once potronize this Mammoth Emporium are acre to return, as they receive superior garments, warranted in fabric, and fashion, and on the most reasonable terms. Remember the One-price Clothing Depot, No. 609 Chest nut etreet. A handsome assortment of the latest styles of Summer Garments is now on hand, and selling at war prices. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth arid Chestrint sts. Oboe J Posey. Posse T if Robinson. Harrisburg D Robinson, Pittsburg W 0 Krege, Lock Rayon A K Brown, Lock seven J Ma/ Douglas, St Louis W A Davis, Louisville .1 B Graben, Jersey Shore H A Lovely, Pittsburg 'T S Rogers, Dayton , Mrs J Barnett, Dayton Mrs Israel N 0 Parke, Pittston, Pa L Burwell, Milwaukee W B Jaccbs, Poona II J Meily,Mildletown J W Newton, Vermont W W Perkins& la. Bt Louis E A Smith Dr W Rice, New. Jersey E Eckel. Now Jersey W Eckel &la N.TerseY It Cobb &la Michigan OIL Bales & la, Michigan W H De Yoe, Michigan 139 Oobb & la, Michigan' Mies Tcylew, Michigan Dr J B Blake, Wa'h, D 0 A 0 Allen, bit xico B F Yelvertco, New York 8 B Mead, New Jersey JAR Yonng, Midliotown M. Early, Lebanon co, Fa W H Stiles, New York A Yates, New York B T Rogers, blichig.ka F S Kirtland, New York C F Cruse, New York Mis Haldeman, HarrislPg Joinfson ,t wf, Boston Dr W A Wood Mrs Dr 3 Wood 0 rulllog, Albany , r B Tweddle, New York .T J Tobias, 11,.w York .. X Dims, Boston , Corn Breese, US N Mrs Brom B Jmner, Boston H Jamps. Boston B Border Sr la, Fall flyer Miss 0 Border, Fall River Rer Q A Easton, Conn J NY Orth, Ilarristnirg AII Plummer & ' at Uft A II 1' Fairbanks &wf Clerk ,t wf, Weigh, D C Mee Clark & ale, Weih WP Wilton, Bellefonte Admin Hoy. Bellefonte Bev J W Black, Sing Bing D Woodruff, New York J LBoggs, Forth Amboy P 13 Hockine, !radon N Gliodinan, It. Island Mrs J T Floyd k clt, N y Alphonao Platt, Michigan F T Bogardus. Michigan Moßlair, 11 B A Lient Mcßleir, II 8 A. Mr Alexander, New York J H Batted, Pro., B. W 0 ADDBII, New York Oboe Mackin, New York Austin Dali Baltimore Joe M Wightman, Boston B F Edwardr, Boeion 0 II B sum. Boston Sea It Anderson, W Chest Geo W Stevens. New York Burnt A Welsh, New York Jon 0 Allen, Kentucky Dr JM. Ryder, Prov , B. I Elt Bensiett, Now York MII Grinnell, Nsw Yolk B W Batcbtard, N York J Crowley, New York W K Rudman, New York . B linrathel, New York W Irvin, Pence Capt Beggs, II B N Joe F Morton, Boston P Merrill, ljniontovrn Copt &Wilkinson Jas 8 Barron, New York J SI Murdock, Boston W T H Duncan, New York It BI Abercrombie, NY J Dean, Barri/burg B D Ball, Lock Haven Wittman & la, Penna. Mut& Bteinmsn. Pa L Namffnion & In, Penns Mrs P R Long. Penns B Guinn, Liverpool Mra Caton, Now York ii' B Wood, California T Polhernne, Jr, N Y 0 W Crosby. New York Cl Coniatock, New York A Itiothkopf. Now York M Weil. New York N Toiler, Jr, New York A Abbot, New York Dewy Ellis C T Jones, New York fi W Mogi.ley, Boston Anetin 4owe, Boaton W Corle , v ' Prov, It W D Cable , New York M ()ohm. New York P Lippman, Now York R Dayerd, Now York Mr Berry Jlt Lofland Ai la, Delaware C Sallnr. New Jerecv C 'Levering & la, Baltimore Mrs 0 Levering. Baltimore D California J 0 Leiner, Dei IMMO CO, Pa L Pecker, Minnesota H 111 Rice, Minnesota Louis Arobu. New York E It Tinker, Hass whmetts Brie Gen GiHume. 11 8 A Lt Obeabroueh, New York G W Rummel & wf. Harriet) Miss Hummel, flsrrisburg John F Gould, Maine Jos filerreflel , l, Baltimore D Bcunbarth. Prov, RI Jomee NY Low. New York II W Pitkeu, Hertford Dr T 0 Rogers, Delaware MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. Dr P C Baker, New York L Wilmalth, Pittsbnrg J 0 D Lilly J Brachbill, Bellefonte F J Hoffman, Lewistown J B McAfee, Penua P H Eiteverwon, Penne M Ort, Lewlatown J X Burch&.ld, PlitAorg L B Hawley. Penne B II Boyle, Phoenixville W Deering, Portland, Ma W 8 Young, Allentown A R Brundage, Penns lo Humphrey, Clearfield co Dr W H Norfelkattaryland W J Barnsley, Maryland J Ombel. Maryland Hon J L Wiles. Elk, Pa Mre B W G Hes, Elk, Pa Mien Bateliff, Elk, F's G Froemul. Baeton W B Fi+h•r & S, Jervey City D Hess, Centre on Mier L"V Bess, Centre co J M McDowell, Penne J W Orals Franklin no W J W Brlebine, Penni J Young, Allentown J Rankin, New Jersey A II Msas, New Yolk N D flortrlght, M Chuck ItScrogati?a L Thomas, Maryland W Van Andes, New Jersey ADIERICAN--Obestaut street, nbovo Fifth. CF. Stcpbetw, New York G Lear wf; Doyltstown C 0 Watson & Is, Del C T Polk dr le, Delaware Cant E Fends, Delaware .A II Lep° ' New Jersey Andrew Taylor, N J J F Smi th , Reading .1 Frnolz, Lane/inter B Gootoe, Delaware B Plnmuar, Now Orleans DE Stout, Pa A F Danbery, Now York John Halt, West Chester Jahn Dalrymple, New York S Copland ,t ale, Ohio War Challenger, Del W E Barber, W. Chester WJI Clender, Sulcm, N J A hurdle, New York Simwn, New York John 0 ;Bose. Nev Jersey C F Rico. New York Jos Hann, West Chester) Ai S C Do Francis, Trenton,RJ L D Harlan, iloatmwillo W II Emerson, Newark, N J Hou N A Boole, Therodale T. LOUIS HOTML--Chastnut street, above Third A Ward, Altoona C T Sbopoard, If York Wbnrton Morris, Reading Peter Janka, Heading P A Ilinckle J DI Slack, Boston R Rob.rts it sister, Pa IT Adams, Eltutucky .1 If Grossman, aim Jail 0 Berland, Pittsburg 1.1 J liumphrei s, pa, 'rhos Saudis's, N York J A Boon, Ohio Geotgo Churenill, Troy THE UNION—Arch etree`, above Third. John II Barton, Del co. I'a JII Davis, Illalto s 0 FV B Laird, Greensburg D LaWElMElatiagton,Pa J W Boyer, Pottstown B D Cleaver, Del City I Diller k sq, bancnster B B Cleaver. Port Ponn kilos 1 trey Doran, Pcttaville Miss B Whitfield, Pottier J M W Geist, Lantaitor J 0 Wyant.Cinelatitt, 0 Bliss GI L Wvant, Cincinnati Miss Mary Lendroo. OM, 0 J B Hurst, Dilibburp, Pa ffiiie Sharp, Salem. N .1 W Tucker, Millersville H Miller, blinereville Long, Lenceiter If Ilaneon, Portland, He P Dtmgeey, Ontassugua B Iffursngh, Oatessugn RATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third., .1 Plinger, Allentown Dallas DiMager, Allentown D J normany, Meehanken; J Bminirer, Mochaniusburg J A Price, Mechanicelherg D Gerberich, Eau Hanover Oro S Bra, Allentown B r Swartz, L , banon Gio L Seltzer, Myerstown Obas W Deems. Chester, Pd vJ W Barry, Oc I amble J BRevinkt, Lancaster 0 Sharlene, lllon'g co, Pa Mrs Hoffman, Lebanon Mrs Hnffer, Lebanon Miss }Toff.r, Lshanon Misn Hoffman, Lebanon ?treater n Deframo.Lebenon Dr A Shirk, Jone4own H P Apple, Sunbury, Pa J 1.1 Wilson, Middletown W Moyer, Freebnrg, Pa 0 F Moyer, Freeburg, Pa II M Metz, Freebnrg, Pa 3 D D Moyer, Freeburg, Pa L Dime, Freeburg, Pa, • J 8 Welter, Pennsylvania A D Mantz, Pennsylvania F Acbey, Baltimore T A Zimmerman, Pa Cyrus 9 George, Lebanon STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth Amos Townsend, Jr, Pa N Eaglaud P M Grimes, Green co, Pa .1 II Patterson, Tyrone D Dunn, Pennsylvania Geo F McFarland, Pa F II Lane, Duntingdon L 8 Negley, Harrisburg II B Bnrper, Williamsport John Sheatfer, Lancaster H B Milligan, I rinceton, NJ T DI Charlton, Chestor co I' Knight, Pennsylvania Jacob Seeger, Baltimore J S YiAnag, Coatxsvlllo J W Slmes, Pennsylvania Than H Light, Miirlintons W A Spongier, Bloomfield Atra Spongier, Bloomfield W II Gable, Lancaster. Pa It 0 Botnetuen, POM% T 'Robertson, Maryland COMILERCIAL—SIxth street, above Chestnut. Jfl Wainer, leannettebnrg J Witherow, Fannottaburg John foyer, Chester co, Pa E Hartranft, Pottstown F D Wagner, Pottstown Chas J Arthur, Pa El Pennock, Poona.lyarda J H Grabill, Lancaster co Robt Bakis , !. , Lancaster co M Pennock, Wilm Oct Jos It Thomas, Maryland Chas Buillogton, &tester co Chas II Haines, hlarylaisd A King k tr, Lancaster co Mies B J 'Knowles, a Y MADISON DOUSE—Second street, above Market. S oidreth, New York Chas St Jobe, Port Jervis Win if Bette, Cumber°, Del IL W Reynolds. Delaware P J Bath, Delaware W 0 Ingram, New York Jhi A ekey, Centre county Thos Askey, Centre county J Pstcblu. Wilmington T S Janney, Bucks county Ed w Teylor, Buds county W W Yardley, Wilmington E M Trego, Fort Delaware E A Kelley, Penns John ganders, Phillipsburg JaeD Scott, New Britain BALD EAGLE—Third street, above ColiontW. E 'Ellsworth, Racheater, R Y Geo \V Grose, Lanc co, Ps GI A Anchbrush, Allentown Dr G Gravel, Lehighco, Pa W Baw, Catanaugna F OWintermuta, DI emit& J II E import, Leb'n Co. Pa Joe Ellenberg. Leb co, Pa F Stocker, Lehigbton, Pa Mra Weaver At eon. Penn. F Kanffmen, Allentown T S Lamming, Pittsburg Chas F Paneger, Penns Capt u Saporta, Virginia Time Christman, Virginia Ght F Kick, Idiliereburg Aaron Weip, Penne BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vino. E 'Evans, New Jersey D M Person, Trenton Wm Davison, Penns A Haverstick, Penns J Meyers M 11 Stewart, Byberry C F Bobb & fam,Rochsv'e D McNair & la, Northemp s Mrs McNair, Northampton D Vrtuartsdalen & le, Pa A J Myers, Milton J Hibbs, Newtown Gerger, Byberry CI Dabree, Moorestown 0 Yemeni, Bucks to J Jingler, Now Jersey W De Bree, Doylestown W G Boiler, Cheltenham F Fleck & In, Now Jersey S Oewhill, Lumber's,llle BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CAIIOIOIII.I. J B Bechtel, Tama Miss Bechtel, Penns Geo Gehtran, Reading Rev 8 K Brobut, Allentown .7 S DlBinger, Allentown (I Finney, Hartsville D Rickabangb, Tonna B Tomlinson, Bsberri A Long, Ringgold D Dllllnger. Allentown B Defiler D it Bechtel. Bechtelsville J B Shaeffer, Reading J B Pricker, Reading S F. Yobn, Reading 7-1 P Hello, Reading Henry Croll, Penns Joba Johnson,Bucks co David Levan, Reading J Enterline, hrephin co C B Houser, Centre co D Sonthoim, New Jenny MARINE .11+1TELLIGENCIS. 'fir 818 FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Ship NOW England, Merrill, 45 days from Trepanni, with 900 lone Fait, to Pots? Wright & done. Brig J P Ellicott, Detereux, 3 days' from New York, in ballast to captain. Behr Fanny Fern, Briggs, from Cardona.; via New port, RI, 4 days with molaaros to Goo Helmuth. Bcbr Mary Clark. Howard, 5 days from Newboryport, in ballast to Ceo B Kerfoot Bohr J C Still., Etwaine, 6 days from Port Royal, in ballast to D 8 Bteteon & Co. Bohr Anna II Daymi, Robinson, from Now York via Dr PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE Wilmington, Del, with rodeo to David Cooper. FINE AETB.—The annual election for a Presi- Bohr Problem, Tyler from Baltimore, with salt to Win dent and twelve Directors wilt be held at the Academy on Burnm. MONDAY, the 2d of Juno, between the hours of 5 anti Bohr J R Mather, Nickerson, 5 days from Boston, with ' B jr, lc JOHN T. LEWIS, Secretary. mdse to Crowell & Collins. I Philadelphia, May 26,1.02. my27-6t . . • Farr Frank Herbert, Parker, G days from Boatoa k srlth mdso to Crowell it Collins. Fehr Standard, 1 day from Port Poem, Del, with oorn to Jsa L Bewley & Co. Bar °creel, Woolston, 1 day from Newport, Del, with floor to R M Lea, Sir Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York, with radio to NY 1 , Clyde. Pug Bear.—The eche . Magnum Bontim, Harding, hence for Portland, with coal. arc. Sprung aleak on Monday lag when oft the Ledge Light, and returned to this port for tenant. CLEARED. Oar Flyaway, Davis, Boston, J Itßlakiston. Echr C Merrick, Montgomery, Roxbury, Hammett, Von Mixon et Lockman. Bar Oriental, Coffin, Boston, Bancroft, Lends & Buhr Zee,Potter, Providence . Noble, Caldwell k Co. ' Paw Cyn thia Jane, Bennett, Barden!, W fl Baird & Co. Bchr Ce Rankin, 'Norwich, Captain. Sew LanroltA, Kahn, do filr II Willing, %weenie. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Eltr Former, kle'Jue, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge B L Couldin, Plumm,New York, J R Diehl/goo. The following boats fiom the llrdon (lama passed into the Schuylkill (lanai to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Ilhodedeminm, nun her to Malone St Trainer; Rotor. vise, do to Joshua 'Keeley; Arctic, pig iron to csotnisi Rocterror. aid Avalanche, strain to Humphrey's. Hort mon & Wright; Joseph CooTer, wheat, &o. to Jae Cleaver; 1 raft timber to II k B F Bonn. Brig Dru len, Irony, cleared at Boston 27elt inst. for New Orlesn•. Behr 11 A Weeks, Godfrey, hence at Beaton 27th inst. Fehr likareita's Bride, Grice, hence at Fall River 25th instant. Pchr Lobannh, Teel, hence at Newburvport 28th (net. Behr Chas Moore, Ingersoll, hence et Previdence 28th instant. Bcbr Geo rates!, rickerson, Bailed from Bristol 25th inet. ter Philadelphia. Behr British Queen (Br.), Wobater, hence at Baltimore 27th inst. • _ PATTEN'S NEW W.INDOW-DHADE AND CURTAIN STORE. • ' WINDOW SHADES. • 'LAUB AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. reiet mistake. PATTEN hoe moved ; and to got the above goods cheap you most visit his now St tnd, 1408 CHESTNUT Street. Hit A NSW INVENTION FOR HausmrtEEr- ERS—PITTNADVS PATENT CILOTHES WRINGER. —This simple but complete labor-saving machine can be managed by a child, without danger of Waring the finest curtains or !acts. It is now on exhibition, and for sale nt the Refrigerator Stcre, corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. [my2o-thtte2t] N. 8. 'PARSON .5c CO. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! • THE BEST IN THE WORLD. • `A IMAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Mir Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— wat ranted not to injure the Hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of had dyrs, and invigorates the Hair for life. GRAY, RED, or RUSTY . II AIR instantly turns a rplciidld Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and tiful. Sold by all Druggists, c. The Genuine IN signed WILLIAM A. BATCHE LOB, on the four sides of each box. . FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, (Late ra Broadway and 16 Bond street), my2B-ly ' New York. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER, Turbid for nineteen years and grows in favor. It kills and exterruinatee Beaches, Bed Bugs, Ants, Fleas, ?ileitis in Clothe, Furs, and Furniture, Garden Inse.cte, &c. Atl gtionine bears the signature of B. Lyon, and is not poisonous to persons or domestic animals. Be ware of conuterfeitß and imitations. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Srrtne, made in the Best Kanner, expressly for 'RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE•PRIOE SYSTEM is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. 5022-ly JONES At 00.. 004 MARKET Street. MOUNTAIN—THOMAB.—AgaiI bill, 1680, by Rev J. C Cluy, Mr. Robe. tT. Mountain to Miss Eery & noma... both of Philadelphia. as WATFORD—WAITERS.—On Monday evening, May 26111, by the Bev. Mr. Bobbing, Mr. Isaac Joseph Wm, ford to hire. Elizabeth Waiters, both of this city. * KAY.—On the mornins of theB3th test., Mary C. Kay, widow of the late Oapt. Joeeph L. Ray, fu tho 90th year of her age. The relatives and - friends of the family ere invited to ettend her funeral !rem her late rasidence,33,o. 41t Pine street, on Friday afternoon ist4% o'clock, without further boticn.. ** is ft kinds and those of tho family are invitsd to attEind hie funeral, from his late reMence at Newt)wri, Bucks counts. on Friday, 30th Met. at 2 o'clock P. 3f. ** McblUßTßlll.—On Tuesday evening, the 27th inst., Bonin T. t daughter of Theodore and Badly hlcMurtrie, is the 4th Mot her age. Funeral from the residence of her grandfather, John Thomas. No 1210 Arch street, this (Thursday) after noon at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel MIL SIMONS —On Tuesday morning, May 27th, Joseph M. Simons, in his 59th rear. NORTH —ln Trenton, on Fourth day morointr, (the 28th inst J, Hannah F., widow of the late Abel North, of Philadelphia The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to at.eald her funeral from the residence of her mother, Margaret Furman, at No. UT N. State street, Trenton, on Seventh day, sth month Met, at 2 o'clock in the after neon. ** 1:r itWILEB.—Ou the 28th lost., firre. Sarah Urwiler, relict of the late George Limiter, Br., la the 84th year of her age. Ohm 13, WilL! BELOW. Bark Amy, Hammond, from Boston (Corronoodonco of the Prom.) RNADING, Nay 26 MEMORANDA SPEC3L9-1.1 NOTICES. GILT CORNICES AND CUETAN ORNAMENTS Lyon's POwder ttlle Lill ineecie in a trice, Lymee Pine aro death to rata and mice. Bold everywhere. D. S. LlAltti-ES, 202 Broadway, New York my3-stntli3m MARRIED': DIED - 110 - NB.—uddenly, on tho 27th init., Abraham Bond Funtral from iho residence of his brother, Peter B. Phone, 1428 Poplar street, on Friday unorningot &clerk. ** O.IIBOAB.—On Tuesday morning, the 2.lth' inst., Wet Pluebe Oregar. Iler relatives and friends are re?mmtfolly invitNl to attend her funeral from the residence of her law, Joshua Herm, No. 644 North Twelfth street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without further notice. COLEY.—On Fourth day morning (28th inst.), Mary L. Celi:y, in the 53d year of her age. The funeral will lake place from the residence or her husband, Samuel Calay, No. 1618_ Summer street. at 2 o'clock on Seventh d ty afternoon, to which the friends of the family are particularly invited. *** Due notion will he given of the funeral KDIBLit.—On the 25t.ti inst., Mr. George Kimble, in the 49th ) ear of Ilia age. Funeral from lila late residence:l4B2 Colombia avenue, tune (Thor:day) afternoon at 2 o'clock. * llilirTrillillLiliffihillli 'Funeral from the residence of her sou-in•letr, John WA, 37 Ca harine s'reet, this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock. Bavor..-ht Mount Holly, on the 26th loot., Marla 11Won, aged 10 years and .3 mouths. Funeral from tho residence of her parents, this (Thurs day) morning. at 10 o'clock. ' •ik SECOND MOURNING POPLINS, VALENCIA'S, AND DINONAMS —BBSSON & BON invite atter tion to their New Stock of— Second Mourning Mosher:c.o. 15 to 25 cents. 1114 cond Mourning Silk and Wool Poplins, 6234 to 76. Second Mourning Silk and Wool Valoncias, 76 eta. Block and White finest Blench Jnoonete, 25 cte. , Pbein Black linnet Fiench Jaconets, 25 as. Lnpin's Black Mollie% 44 etc • Lupin'a Black Barone, 7.4 wide, 62% etc . Loota's Bieck Grape blare% 25 cts. Ltipin'a Block Tamartines, 25 ea. myl4-ff Va. COLUMBUS. PIQUA, AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY.—Bondholders assent lug to the plan of reorganization of said Company are re vetted to si nil their bonds to the office of ttoi wider sighed, No. 248 South SIXTH &treat, at speedily at pos sible, to be recelpted frr end deposited itt the Chemical Bauk, New York, in compliance with said plan and or rangemoit.. Office hours 10 to 12 A. M. my29.llishe t r JOS. T. THORAS, Trustee. nyTHE.. PENNSYLVANIA BIBLE SO. MUT will hold its FIFTY-FOURTH ANNI VERSARY THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at a quarter before 8 o'clock, in the Uhurcb BROAD and 8AN13051. Streets. The managers and membera of Bible Societies, and the public generally, are cordially invited to attend. lt* . A MEETING OF THE REPUBLTOAN ASSOCIATION OF THE NINETEENTH WARD will bo held THIS (Thur•d+l) oveniog at 8 o'clock at the home of JOHN . OERR, corner of Ella and Amber streetr. Business of great imoortatic% will be laid before the meeting. J. FLETCHER BUDD, President JAS. 11111.ticmc, Jr., Secri.tarl. DAV TWENTY•FIFTH WARD.—AT meetipg of the friends of the National and Stets Adminietrations, bold at Clearfield Cottage,Trankford road and Clearfield street, Twenty-fifth ward, on motion, Resolved, That events are daily, transpiring that re quire rill true-hearted citizens to unite, in order to ens tnin the President in hie N./Imi and pat. lotto efforts to sup press the rebellion, and maintain the integrity of the Re, tonal Union. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the re tol talons adopted at the late meeting of the friends of the Adminis tration lathe Tenth ward, and the sentiments exeretsed therein ; that the people aro determined to unite for this purpose, and we hereby agree to appoint a committee of one, to meet with others from the various wards of the city, to further and perfeCt this purpose. JOHN B. CASSIDAY, President. (leo. A. Beam, Secretary. It f arOFFICE 310NONGAIIELA NAVIGA TION COMPANY, . PITTSBURG, May 23,1862. At a meeting of the Hoard of Managers of this Cornea ny,lield on the let of May, 1862, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That coupon bonds of this Company, bear ing date the first day of Jaly next, be issued to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in arms of One Thousand Dollars each, payable in wen ty-16ve years altar the data theteof, bearing interest at the rate of six per coutum per annum, paya ble semi-annually, in the city of New York, and the said bonds be secured by mortgage of the works and revenues of this Company, to be made to Thomas Bakewell, as trustee ' for the holders of said bonds. Resolved, That the President of this Company be au thorized to procure, to be negotiated, of the mortgage bonds of this Company. this day ordered to he issued, the amount of ono hundred and twenty-five thoosand dol lars, for cash, or the outstanding bonds of this Om- Pony, maturing on the first day of January next, at Dan In accordance with the foregoing resolutions, SUB SCRIPTIONs will be received until threo o'eloen of the 24Lh DAT OF JUNE NEXT, for the above loan. lu. formation with regard to the character of the Improve• ment may be obtained from Joshua Hanna, Earl , of Han na, Hart, A CoPittsburg ; Abraham Gibbons, Elsa., Oostesville, Chester county, Pa. ; and Messrs. Jay, Cook, It Co., Philadelphia, who are authorized to receive enbacrilitions for the loan. The Capital Stock of the Company is ....... ....$728,700 Funded debt, (hondsoutatanding) 182,000 There is no floating or other debt existing. The works are In active operation and complete repair, and the re oeiptsjustify expectations of the motel or average divi dend for the present year. Tte works were so far com pleted, and the debts of the Company paid as to enable the Managers to declare their first dividena, July 7th, 1863, since which time they have declared fourteen divi dends up to July, 1801—eight yea s—amounting in the. aggregate to fifty-four and one-half per cent., or six and eighty-one hundredths per cent. per annum. There are no bonds in the market better secured than those of this Company, and nose that offer greater iodueemente for investment as to security and prompt payment of inte rest, which is well known by the holders of the present outstanding bonds. The object of this mortgage is to concentrate the bonds "of the Company and secure the whole. A. preference will be given to the present hollers of the bonds maturing January lot, 1863 The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed. my27-tJe24 J. K. MOOILHICAD, 'President. TEE PRESS.-P.LLEADELPHIA, THURSDAY. MAY 29. 186/ T. PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. IHE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who desire cordially to unite in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in Its patriotic efforts to gunmetal a sectional and nutiolf rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by every power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the Sold to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number of DELEGATES equal to the Legislative Iteprogentation of the State, at such times and In such manner ea will beet respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE CONVENTION, AT HARRISBURG, On THURSDAY, the 11th day of July next, at 11 o'clock on said day, to for tho officals or AUDITOR. GENERAL END SURVEYOR GENERAL, • and to take such messuree as may be doemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common yeril to a common country. . . Chairman of the People's State Oommittee. GEO. W. HAMMEHSL7, seerd . ries tt JOHN bl. SULLIVAN, S frr. TOE PENNSYLVANIA STATE CON. VENTION or SABBATEI.SCHOOL YEW S ERS will meet tide mutiny, May 2, 1 30. at 30 o'clook, it Poe Fired Independent Obtu-ch (Rev. Juba Ohamberi). BROAD Street, below ChoArun,: To continue in 4e•i•ion Wcdpeedny,.Thareday, and Friday. nty2.4.3t* trtr. COOPER-SHOP VOLUNTEER RE FRESHMENT BALOON,IOO9'O INDIGO Street, May 26, 1862. Whereas, it Is evident from circumttnnces that we may be called upon at almost any moment, in the discharge of our duties, to furnish, voluntarily, supplies to our lora! soldiere, who,. in all probability, wilt peas through our city In largely increased nud unusual numbers i Chore fore, it becomes imperatively necessary to make no ao • peal to the public for c.,ntributioes. in order that our tretteury may be replenished sufficient to meet the es *rises thereof. Each member of the Committee in an tberized to make collections. a book, properly anthem!. sated, being (unbelted him for thin purcose. NV M. M. COOPER, Pre.ident, 136 South Water street. A. M. SIMPSON, Treasurer. 9 Queen street. VIM. M. MAUL. Sosvetary, 380 Catharine street. E. S Hall, Cur. Secretary,. my2B 3tiv Corn Exchange Bank. my. NoTrine% —A GENERAL MEETING of the Stoctholdere of the UNION CANAL 0 0 at- PANT, and of the Bondholders of said company, now molted by the let mortgage, dated the 23d April,. 1853, will ho held at the Rooms of the Board of Trade. No. 605 CIIESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the ninth day of JUNE, 1862, at 11 A. M., for the purpose of considering and acting upon the provaions of an act of the COM .110TI wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled A. farther supple ment to the several acts heretofore passed relettng to the Union Canal Company, of Pennsylvania." Approved the lOilt day of April, A. 8.1862. By order of the Board of Managers. JAMES PAGE, President. 0. TBOMPSON. Secretary. my2S- heft. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, 14.3 NITTADIMPRIA, Aptiil6,lB67. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this Say declared e semi-annual Dividend of POUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tax. pain ble on and after May 15th, 1882. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the °Moo of the compaay. No. 238 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. immi, apl7 hal Triumvir. TrUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS.)—The flnal eta. nob:intim of the Senior In a will be bold in the following order. beginning each day at 4 o'clock P. M.: Thursday, Nay Md—ay the Provost, (Iletler'e Ana logy,) oral. ,Priday, 23d—By. the Provost, (Pe liticai Economy,) written. Monday, 28th—By Prof. Frazer, (Astronomy and Phy sical Geography.) oral. Tuesday. Ritii—By Prof. Jackson, (Cicero de Amici Ha and Junenal.) written. . Wednesday, 281 A—By Prof, Kendall, (Integral Cad culus.,) written Thursday, 29th—By Prof. Allen, (the Medea of Earl -10'4) oral. Friday, 30th—By Prof. Ckmoe..e. (International taw,) oral: GEORGE ALLEN, 121)22-Th Secretary of the Fatah) , of Arta. ay. NOTICE.—TILE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the *PITILADELPEITA BTEA MSBIP DOCK COMPANY, for the election or five directors and the transaction of other holiness. will be bold at N 0.128 N. DRLAWARE Avenue, (21 Cloor), on Monday, June 2d, 1862. at 12 o'clock, noon. my27.6t WM. DENNIS, Secretary and Treasurer. crrOFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NAY[. GeTION COMFANY.—PmLA.DILPIIIS, May 21, 166'2. A Dividend of TIMER PER GENT., equal to one dollar and fifty cents per share, on the capital stock of the company, Las this day been declared by the Board of Manaperepayable on demand, my2B•6t EDWIN . WALTER. Trealmrer. 1 1 HEADQUARTERS HONE GUAR D, CITY OF PIIILADHLNITAOIIIII 28thi 1982. • GENERAL ORDER NO. 7. TN OBEDIENCE TO G . ES.TERAL ORDER No. 26, of the Commander•in-Ohier of the State, issued at Barrisburg, May ti7th, instant, in which It Is declared "that the President will no longer require any other troors from Pennsylvania to be mustered Into the United States service, but those who volunteer for three yews or during the war," and In which his General Order., Nos. 29, 21 and 25, doted ou the 26th instent calling for the three-montbe volunteer militia, nre countermanded and revoked, 1. It is hereby ordered, That the orders from the Ge neral commanding the Home Guard, of the 26th instant, to muster it•into the service of the United States, be and the game are countermanded. 2. The General commanding tenders his hearty thanks to each and till the .offteers. non-cononiesioned *Moors, niopicianc, and privates of the Home Guard, who heves° promptly and patriotically reported themselves for duty in obedience to the orders of the highest military an tborilits of the State and nation. 3. To the °Meets ol his Staff, who, with commendable zeal and activity executed his orders with precision and readiness in mitAtering the force, his thanks are likewise tendered as well as to those gentlemen in civil life who in this crisis of our affairs offered to share their labors a, volunteei s in s.rvieo. 4. The I , nle of this cozen twits, as wallas of the whole Stale, are under great oldiantiont to the Joint Solent Committee of Councils on the Defence and Protectiots.of the City, for the festering and provident care they have taken in the organization of the Rome Guard which would have enabled Its command log general to take into the fled on this occasion three thonssnd well ennipped Iron re of the different arms of service on short and very sudden notice. 5. Officers who have Incurred expenses ID recruiting their commands for this service wilt' report to these nesdguarters the summit thereof. properly.youched, that they luny be transmuted to the Govertineut at Washing ton for speedy settlement. By oraer. A. J. PLR ASO.N raw, BI igadier Gee. Comme , :ding Home Guard. 'Wu lluaercum,. It Asiet Adjulaot General CA P T'AINS OF COMPANIES OF the PE.NNSTI.VADIA. GUARD will report THI3 MORNING. at 10 o'clock. at Headquarters, Sonia east corner TENTH and KOBER: . Ey order of It ' R W. Gatillatf,.Lteut. Col.- • FIRST REGI MENT INFANTRY. P. `.ti • -*III meet at the Armerv, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIII.- TICIZNTIZ ttreeN, (ach,) at 10 o'clock. A few men mauled to till uo the Oompany for three menthe' active service: By order. my27-3t* I. 0. PRICE, Oeatntn. al BEA DQUARTEBS COMPANY 0, NATIO1 4 :AL GUARD.—Recruits wanted hit"- mediattly at the Armory, RAC*: Street, below Sixth. my 27-1 f lIARMANUS Ni:Fle. Captain. 1 U. S. DIARLNIIB.—WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corps, for sea ivory-kW K, it', or men-of-war, SEVERALRUNDBETf: .;.`4,i:sli,".? BODIED MEN. between the ages alit an. :17$ , -, All information that may bo reonirod, will be. ix,i.f ~., the Itenderroue, 311 t3outh Front street, below E. '.,', Philadelphia. JAMES LEWIS, '-' ml2o-12t Captain and ifecruttlag Officer. A 'MY CLOTHING AND EQUI XI.PAGE TIVELFTII and ISKRARD Sts PROPOSALSsaiII be received at Mist:ike Ilatii T 3- PAY, Jnne 3d, ntlil o'clock M. to furnish thirty thou sand (30 000) Flannel Seek Coats or Blotters, unlined, of the • army tern, to be made of army standard (Indigo blue e 001-dred) twilled flannel, weighing five ounces to the yard of twenty-seven incite., subject to the usual in spection. Proposals will state bow soon said coats can be delivered, se they aro wanted of the earliest possible tme The ma aril of them Blouses was given on the 24th it et. to Mr. M GALE, of Boston. on his bid, but he has since dt dined to enter into a contract for them, and hence the necessity for the renewal of this advertise meat, and eons - ono: t delay and fejory to tho public see- T:CP, All Lids most be endorsed , 4 Proposal for Moores," and Len dressed to G. H. OROSU mf29•tjel) Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EWE . PAGE OFFIOE, T\VELFTII and GIRARD Bt. PHILADELPHIA May 28. 3802. SEALED PROPOSALS mill be received nt.this °Mee until 22 o 2 t I. ck, M., 3 UESDAY. 3d of JUNE next, for furnishing twenty•two thousand TENTS WARR!, or SHELTER TENTS, to be made of heavy cotton drill, or liven water-proof, like sample to be seen at this office, complete with guy tines and loops. Bids will be received for the whole, or any part of the above quantity, and biddy re must state how soon they nen be delivered at the Schuylkill Areenal, subject to in eptyction. All bide must be endorsed " Proposals for Tents d'Atal," and addressed to G. 11. CROSSIAL my'A•ije3 Deputy .Quartermarter General V. S. A. NiTORDIAN & ELY, 146:180 PEGG Streetismannl4turers of patent OAST•STENG TABLE CIP) LIMY ; elk, a lately-patented COMBI-, NATION KNIFE, FORK. and SPOON, especially ed,ptrd for Camptute,„fer Fiskernsen &dialing Men, Mechanics, -Voters, Lumbermen, and :al Workmen car rying their dinners. W. A7.:E.'s Cutlery is warranted to be of the best quality of ENGLISH CAST-STEEL. and in intended to supersede, by its excellence and cheapness, the inferior qualities of Outicry stow in the market, and to which they respectfully Invite the attention of the liardware dealers generally. m729-3il lt/fARSHAIA'S SALE. By virtue of a .13.1. Writ of Merl Facies , hilted out of the Circuit Court of the Centel Stain, to:ioe'directed, will be sold on TUESDAY, the Tenth day4yrthe;"at 12 o'clock M., at the lilorcbants' Exchange... the City of Philadelphia, the rivlit, title and t o shares of Cot ton Stock is the HarrNburirOottOtt Company of Harris burg, Dauphin county, Pennsyliaula. Per value 8100. WILLIAM Id.ILLWARD, U. S. Martha' E. D. of Pennsylvania. l'lllt./DithrziA, May 28, ]BB2. . TVOYS. T 1 PES.— REIDIVIR'S Ivory *-IL'Aypes area emcees unparalleled lu merit and noun. 'ferny the besety and natnrul coloring cannot fail to atirett. SZOOND Street, above Green. lt* NOTlCE.—Certificate of Girard Bank Stock, No. 642, for roar shares, dated May 26, 1369, bavlrg been bunt, application will be made for re newal of the same. DI .01Y ANN YOUNG. set • MATTO GS ! MA7 TINGS ! MAT• TINOS ! 8-4 WHITE AND CHEOWF.D, 4.4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 5-4 WHITE AND CHECKED, 6.4 WHITE. AND CHECKED, • AT LOW PRICES FOB CASH REEVE L. KNIGHT, No. 262 Seuth SECOND Street., Weet aide. near Spruce. my 27-1 m if T ADM' TRUSSES, SUPPORT- A .. no, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliances, of correct conetruotion and easy to the wearer. For sale end adjustment at 0. H. NEEDLES' LADEN' STORM, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race., Gentlemen requiring Rupture Trusses will call at the licuthwest corner TWELFTH and 1 / 1 .071t e where O. H N. rived attention to tide spealalteatum ? H URTLET AND CLAM SOUP served op daily (Sundays excepted) by JAMES PROS. SER, 808 MAAICET.Btreet. recottlee impplied mutat. NOMINATE CANDIDATES . A. K. MOOLITRE. MILITARY NOTICES rao POSALS ==l= RETAIL DRY GOODS AT IMPORTERS' PRICES, AR description's of HOUSEHOLD LINEN GOODS, LINENS, do. • SHIRTING AND FRONTING LINENS. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE LINENS. TABLE DIAPERS AND DAMASKS. TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, AND DOYLIES. TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. ALSO, HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS GENERALLY. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLIN& COUNTERPANES, QUILTS, DIMITIES. FURNITURE CHINTZES AND FURNITURE CO VERINGS. LINEN FLOOR COVERINGS AND AWNING STRIPES. CHANDELIER AND PrITURE COVERINGS.. PATENT MOSQUITO NETS FOR BEDS AND CRIBS. A general assortment of French, English, Scotch, and Irish White Goods, Efosicry, and Staple Embroideriso, of the newest styles and beet manufacture. SHEPPARD, ;VAN HAR LIN GEN, & ARRISON, 1.008 ORESTNITT STREET NO' DREES GOODS MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. CASSIMERES. LIGHT. MIXTURES. SILS. .MIXTIJR.ES. FINE; BLACK CLOTIIS.. LAISIEW CLOAKING& BLACK BROADCLOTHS; BILH MIXED COATINGS. NEW PiIELTONS. COOPER & 0 ONARD, S. E. CORNER , NINTH AND MARKET. mysTriti MA.NT.LE ROOM. SILK SAC9LIES. -SOLER MANTLES. SHAWL STYLE. CLOTH SACQUEB. :COOPER Re COWARD. 8. Loonier NINTH and LIMIT Streige mylo-enDwUktlel R ICH LACE MANTELE'TS, POINTS, &a. ' We are now receiving our FIRST IMPORTATIONS OB FINE LACE MANTILLAS, POINTS AND BOURNOIDI, Inoursonta THE • LATEST NOVELTIES LLAMA LACE, Now very Fashionable in the European °spittle. We respectfully ask the inspection of Ladies. ' . J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS IMANTILLA EMPORIUM, 920 CEESTNUT STREET. • inyft-lax RROCHE ENGLISH EABEGES.- J,JP A new and large stock at very low prloes. • • ..• tny29. ft • s. t3HARPLESS BROTHERS.' .I\l - O Z .414.BIQUES.- 131.. Plain Matures and Plaids; two yards Mantles.. myl9 If SIIARPLESS BRO ruses. BAREGE ROBES.— Two hundred Flottbood Robos, at one-third of the imparting 'toot. mt 29 tf SHARPLESS BROTHERS. BLEACB ED MUSLIN S. Extra qualitiee of Shirting*, at much reduced SHATtPLES3 BROTHERS, CHESTNUTS EIGHTH Streets priies. ml 29-1 f LINENS.—I have now one of the cheapest and most desirable lotii of Fronting Linens ever offered. Dunbar and Dickstm'e make, very fine, at 87% cents; one lot at 60, Which is worth, and has been sold at, 75 ; one lot 62%, and the very finest 75. Iticlutroscn's make in the heavy eocxla, suitable for general family rise, in every number, 31%, 37%, and 45, which has alwaya brought 50 cants. • • The celebrator!. Golden Flax LINEN, at 62% and 75, which ie pronounced, by the best jndgea, to be the hard est to wear cot of any linen male. • Ile above goods are really very cheap, having been imported under the old duty, thereby saving 15 per cent. 60 dozen Union' Napkinr, 750 per dozen; Spot and Damask, all linen, do., at. $1.60 ;'heavy Uuck Towels, $1.60 ; plain blown do., 76 cents per dozen ; one lot, yards long, with broad red border, 18% cents each. Fine Spot and Damask Table Olathe, all linen, at /deo, an excellent asvortment of hand loom Table Linens. • .. GIinNVILLE B. RUNES, NO . 1018 MARKET 8 , above Tooth NEW CLOAK STORE! The most *gent assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, inb29-13m First door above Chestnut. IWOULD CALUTHRATITNTION . or my customers Mid Mends to the follOWitig Goods, which are fresh and desirable: Black and White Plaid Silks. Organdie Lawns. choice styles. Nozambiuttes, Plain and Plaid. Neapolitan Bilks, for travelling sults. Argentines, Black and Brown, mixed. Node Tamertines, scarce and desirable. Black Crape d'Fspagoes, from auction. • • Challis Delainee, nice assortment at 18% c. 10 dozen Bid-finish Bilk Glo tea, at 3 - 1 81 dozen Ladles' Linen Handkerchiefs, at $1 62% per dosed ; a bargain. One lot or Lls'e GanntlMs, at lax° a pair. One lot of Black Bilk, 54.12% ; the best I ever had for the money. At JOHN H. STONES', my 26 • - 702•411011 Street. T .LNEN 8 AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. 1 —RICHARDSON'S and DUNBAR DICKSON'S celebrated SUIBTIN6 and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the mannfactnrera direct, and gnarantted perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully Invited. SHEPPARD, VAN HAULINGICti, & ARMOR, ard 9 rp tt 1008 ORESTNUT Street. G G AUZE STJMNLEIi, BIANKETS.- . -- The enbecribere have received an invoice of these very desirable e9ode, In fine Quality, at last @sasses it . :prioe. ~ SHEPPARD, VAN HABLINGIii. et ARRIBODir • -.:- , 141,19-rpe ' - ' . 1008 - .OIIIISTNUT Street. REFRIGERATOR'S AND COOLERS WEE cc DR. HAYES' REFRICIERA . . TOL , ' . * These Are, bend doubt, the moat scientific and efficient REFRIGERATORS In use, being WAIIIIANTED to BEEP PROVISIONS, LONGER; WITH LESS. ICE, • • TBAN ANY .OTHIMS. • . RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES Also, a large assortment tlistriMMllPPrOnal WATER COOL:E ELS. • • 8. CLARK, tos23-ti 1008 MAD:EST Street. SANITARY` COMMISSION._ The V. S. Sanitary Commission will open an office' for the transaction of its local business at 498 Broadway, second Boor, on MONDAY, the Vith instant. It proposes to centralize at this °nice ail Information that can be obtained from govermental and other sources concerning the departure and arrival of transport: having sick and wounded troops aboard; to keep a re cord of sick and wounded soldiers arriving at this port, and of the disposition made of them. To act as a me dium of communication among the local associations for the relief of the sick in transit, and to to• operate with the U. S. military and medical anthoritlos here, in the transportation, reception, end distribution of patients from the army. Medical students, desirous of acting as dressers on the treusports In service of the Commission, will please re port at this office, enter their names and address, refer ences to their medical preceptors, and the notice they re quire when called to servo. Maio unless,volunteering their services on the trans. ports, will reister their names at this office, with ad drei it and reference, and notice required by them. Surgeons and physicians seeking information in regard .to the public service, or wishing to volunteer in emer gencies, will apply at this office All persons baying business with the Commission will apply in person to the Superintendent is charge, between SA. M. and 11 P. M. The Executive Committee of the Sanitary Commission will usually meet at the office, be tween .8 and 4 P. M. daily. The expenses of the Commission are very heavy. The present month has cost it not less than ,W 2,000, mostly in tbo purclisse of hospital supplies for the army in Vir ginia and the Southwest. It is believed that this expen diture bas saved a thousand lives, at least, in Virginia alone. - - - Contributions are urgently solicited, And may be neat to G. T. Strong, 68 Wall street. The various hospitals and soldiers' relief associaHons of tide city ereinvited to ropert before noon of every day rebid number of bale are vacant in their sererolesta bilsbments. The following articles of hospital clothing and sunPlios are urgently wanted by the Commission, and may be sent to the Women's Central Association of Belief," No. 10, Cooper Institute : CLOTHING. inmate, greatly wanted, Cotton Ildrte, greedy wanted. Cotton drawers, greatly wanted. • Cotton socks, greatly wanted. Cotton (not woollen) wrappers, wanted Slannel bandages, wanted. SUPPLIES. Jellies, tea, spirits, wines, farinaceous food, c . vviensed milk, preserved meats and deasicated vegetables, Boston crackers, beef extract, ico by the cargo. The prodis ions demand of tho last month, during which more than a hundred thousand articles of clothing (be• tides other supplies) have been issued by the Commission to ;the sink and wounded, in the army of the Potomac alone, (end probably a much larger amount to the West ern and other Departments,) has reduced onr stock, and although 680 cases have been received at the Washington depot since April 23d, the demand is much greater than the supply. A special regard to the specified list in this advertise ment is besought on the part of those sending supplies. To this is to be added a now and unexpected want— that of cast off outer clothing—coats, pantaloons, vests, to clothe soldiers Nilo have lost or so fouled their uni forms as to be unable to leave the hospitals on shore without fresh clothing,. . NOV York. 'May 28,'1882. • BEERY W. BELLOWS, Pres't. , - GEORGE T. STRONG, Trees's, 68 Wallet. THOS. 21. FALL'S, In, Suyerintendent of E. Y. Agency of .the Clonuntielcn, 1:n117-W192101 • • - 498 Broadway. RTESIAN ww.i.TA BORED, By • ' Et: B. BLUDIC, zoy27-43t* ADPt7 OT 114411110*. 149 ALK9AD PHOTOORAPH ALBUMS! The largest assortment in the city, from the cheapen kind to the most expensive, and for sale at lower prices than anywhere elee, will he found at T. B. PKTEBSON & BROTHERS, It 308 CHICiq NUT Street. iijOß GENERAL GEORGE 13. M McCLELLAN AND LADY.—A. Cord Photo graph of Major General George B. McClellan and Lady. Price 7,5 cents. MoALLISTER dr. HILO,. 1029-2 t 729 CHESTNUT Street. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISOOPAL CFIUROII, ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA—A.Card Picture of the &winery, photographed a few weeks ago. Id.c.ILLISTER & TIRO., m 129 2t ' 728 CHESTNUT htreet. QAINT ANDRIW'S CHUM) ff.- 17 AllAteliOr view of Saint Arldrow's Church, Chan cel, Heading Desk, Pulpit, iu a Gard Picture. Price 25 cents. bIoALLISTER lc BRO., rei29.2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. • • Vi"AR TIMES.— In order to progress with the times, and the desire of the public, HELMER'S life size Photog,rapbs, finely colored in oil, are being exeLuted at war prices. SECOND street, above Green. P HOTO( -RAPE ALBUMS, imported from Paris, Berlin, and S9erma, lateet etylsa and improvements, wboleeale and retail. SCHOLZ & Jet- NEN T6HY. 112 South BIGRTEL Street. mrA-lm TIIIIE TRIES ALL. - IME R'S Ooloi•ed Photographs have ivith3tood the teat of time; their merits have carried them triumphantly through. Only $l. SE JOND Street, above Groan. lt* .m7lO-atathet AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, At bigh ONE-YEAR URRTIFICATES FOR SALT& . SEVEN-AND-THESE-TEWPIIS AND COUPON BONDS FOR SALE. DREXEL Sc Co., myS-lm - 34 Sbuth THIRD Stmt. rpo EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS.- Circular Letters of Credit, available, lo all parts of the world, will be issued by Messrs. GEORGE PEA BODY &CO, of London. Apply to ' O. naCALESTER, urs . 24-04.* 205 South SIXTH Street. TT S. FLAG EMPORIUM, U 418 Al OEE BTBEET. BUNTING- AND SILK FLAGg, REGIMENTAL STANDARDS, NATIONAL ENSIGNS, CAVALRY , GUIDONS, PRESENTATION FLAGS. EVANS 80 HASSAIAL, Nor 41S ARCH Street, above FOURTH my2o-21t I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS FLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FINE SHIRTS, COLLARS, STOOKS, AND - WRAPPERS- Manufactured at .. (31-. A. HOFFMAN'S, (BUCOBSGOR TO W. W. KNIGHT.) Mgr A full lino of TIES, SCARFS, 'GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSITRY, AND lINagROLOTRING, Always on hand GEORG-E G-RANT. 61ANNFACTUBBB 0F„...K.N1) DEALER is GENtS'_FITR&TISHING GOODS, No. 610 011ESTNIM STREET. mai:l2o.Bm VINE SHIRT MANTJFACTORY. -V The entbecriber would invite attention to hie lIKPROTED OI7T OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty In hie brudneee. also, eon. vtantly receiving _ NOVIILTINS (IffiN'iIYRIIIEN'S WEAR. J..W. SCOTT, GENTLEMBDPS FURNISHING STORlii, No. 814 CHESTNUT STB,SET, 903-ts' Vovir doom hplom tbn noritlrento' BOYS' OLOTHING AT • F. A. HOYT & SRO'S., 8. W. Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets ,: • . atea.thgtu-lgt - • . • INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATEMENT OF THE CITY FIRE INSURINCE COMPANY, BARTFORD, CONN. Capital stock paid in in mil $2.00,030 00 ASSETS. Casli an band $1,591 37 Cash in Bank of Hartford county. 26,767 G 2 28,958 99 Cosh in hands of agents and in comes of tranembsion Boons and mop tgagee, being a first lion. Bank and olliPr stocks lidd by the company par value, 5200,400—morket value 185,610 00 Loans cu collateral security 44 769 00 Aeroflot of Interest due and unpaid 1,583 22 Amonht of other investments 1,128 37 (Nairn in snit or contested by the company. 3,700 00 Loma duting the year not settled 16.800 51 All other claims against the company 1,200 00 Coen premiums received. Interest money received Lofsea paid ditring.tbe year. Paid for reinearance and retuned,. pre- Dividends paid during the 3 ear Expenses paid during the year, Including commission■ and fees to the agents and officers of the company Taxes psid by the company All other expenses and expenditures of tho company 5,016 03 C. B. BOWERS, President. C C. WAITE. Secretary. Risks on moot classes of property taken at reasonable rat( a. SABINE Q CITY, Agents, lny 27&29.2t GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA This company coothmee to take risks en the safer chums of Property at low rates. The public can rely twin its responsibility, and abili ty to pay lows promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the let nine years, exceed $500,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future. CHAS. I. DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, O. 7. HEAKLITT, ABRAHAM HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOE, of N. Y. WM. M. SWAIN, PURMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N.S. LAWRENOE, WM. 0. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. • THOMAS OB.AVEH, President. A. 13..OILLRTT, Vies Provident JAB. B. ALVORD, Secretor/. sp2B-if 'WILE DISUR mg: No. 406 OriEBTNIIT FMB 4.1.7 D /NZ . DIKE 1. H. Ruck, Ches. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whilldin, Geo. A. West, 0. W. D FRANCIS N. 811 CHARLIE RICH WILLIAM I. BLAND : C9MMONVirEALT. HAWN COMPANY, PNRINSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Ohmle. H. Rogers, John M. Whits.% John R. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Heim I,ewia, Jr., Elijah Jones. WNW JAY E, M D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Prealdent. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. °faro, Commonwealth Banding, 615 OWEBTED7I Street, Philadelphia. se4-it tf MONUMENTS-A • eg A V It ANA. STONES alAryrednoed Idiom at "ruble Work, I:4AL M 731 EITHNI Avarua, 1111110 W Xl4ad: ewmtk CPO nahla PHOTOGRAPHS. FIN Atti I, NATIONAL FLAGS. FOB TEE ATM` NO. 606 ARCH STREET. CLO'rHING, LIABIL [TIES INCOME EXPEND MUSES No. 147 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. CAPITA', $200,000. DIREOTOBS GE COMP NY trod. .ND INSURANOB. I TOGS. E. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P.S. Juoldoe, Washington Jones, Ches. Stokes, John W. Eve:roan. Preoidont. . BDSON, Vice Preeident. D, Secretary. [mh.l9-ff V H HIRE INSII OP THS STATI OS NEW PUBLICATIONS WILL BE PUBLISHED WI_LKIE COLLINS' NEW BOOK. UHE STOLEN MASK ; 01, THE MYSTERIOUS CASH-BOX. BY WILT IE COLLINS. TEE STOLEN MASK. TEE 7'01.4EN MASK. BY WILKIE COLLINS TAE STOLEN MASK; Oit, THE MYSTERIOUS CASH-BOX. By WILKIE COLLINS. Will be published and for sale on SATURDAY MORNING next. Oncoplete in a large octavo yolume t paper ro tor. Price 25 conta. Will be published and for sale by PETERSON & BROTHERS; 306 CIIESTEUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. To whom all orders must come tiddressed Copies of the above book will be sent to tny one, free of postage, on remitting the price to the publishers, in a Boolccollerc, News Agents, and all others will please scud on their orders at once for what they may want of this new book by Wilkie Collins, to start with. Address all orders to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL &DELPHI& And they will receive immediate attention. It IVEW MAP OF VIRGINIA.—We 1 1 have ready, this day, en entirely new TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF VIROLNI MARY LAND, AND DELAIVARE, compiled, from the moat authentic sources. 'Beautifully printed in - tints and colors. Price only 60 cents. Ac the war is to be permanent in Virginia and tho ad- joining States, this Is igst the DIRp for the times. Oa it will bo found every town of any importance, every road, every mountain range, with their altitudes, creeks, rivers, /kr. Being the latest Map out, it has every little place that hes become of any note. THE OFF.T.OIab MAP OF THE SOUTH. HAZARD'S RAILROAD AND MILITARY MAP OF _ . THE SOUTHERN STATES ; Being the only one ollicially teconnized and issued by the War Department, is the Man that everybody should have now in these stirring Inure of. movements and coon trr.movements, as it is the beet. the most distinct, and most accurate. Price only $l. $2.50 on sailers. MAP OF CHARLESTON HARBOR. Map of Charle.ttli and fie viciuity. showing all the forts, entraT cee, of the harbor. Price only 10 cents. Just ready, and for sale by WILLIS P. H s.Z NED, rn3.28-St. 724 CHESTNUT Strbet, below Eighth. TUDGE CONRAD'S I)fiIVOTIONAL POEMS.—Messra J. B. LIPPINCOVT & CO. will 'publish, in a feg dap', a limited edition, of these beautiful poems. Those desirous of subs:ribiny, ti the name can do so by leaving ir names with Messrs. 'l'. 13. PETERSON- BROS , where subscription , . will be received, or with J. A &FERO 'RESENJ3REY, 814 Pine st,eet. Eubscription Driee. 963 per copy: - ,317`Subscriptions received in. New York by R. Y. CHASE, hi) WALL Street. mp27-3t* "KEW BOOK! :NEW BOOK! TBE CITRISTANSABBA.TIT: its Ilistoty, Antho. rity, Dillies, Benefits, and Civil Relations: n settee of dis conrsesby Rev. W.L.Bice, D. D., Rev. William Ilagne, Rev. Harvey D. Dense, Bev. William. Adams, D. D., and the Rev. .stexander 11. Vinton, D. D.; with a, r.ireteh of the Sabbath reform, by the est retary of the New York Sabbath Oommittpe. 12mo, 75 efs. For sate by WILLIAM S. &ALFRED MARTIE No. 696 CDESTNITT Street. YOUNG MAN FROM THE conntry - wishes a situation ha Borne capacity where be can make himself generally useful. Address "ELTON, Press office. frit pARTNER WANTED.—The Etdver . riser deeires a partner with some capital and exPeri enceto join him in the Produce and Oommission business. Address "Omega," at this office. iny26-10tae my 23 m A YOUNG. MARRIED MAN wishes a Situation in a wholooato ortablisbmont, or any kind; would be v Ming to make hicnoelf generally Ilddreoo IL KENT, 22 North Third Street. myle DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S OFFIOE, PIITLADELPITIL. May 27, 1862. WANTED INDIEDTATELY, 300 ablc.bedied, healthy men, to go to Virgitia, as la bortre. Pay $25 per month, and a ration per day. For further particulate, apply to A. B, EUSTIS, at 227 South =EM! 'COUNTRY ROUSE" WANTED —Ore large and fornislad ; near CUIE3TNUT BILL or GERDIINTOWN preferred. Address 1533 LOCUST Street • rey27-7%* etz- WANTED— A Rouse with all the MEEModern improvements, having at least six cham bers, With Batt:tree for Stove. Limits, ROOK to WAD. LADE. EIGHTH to BROAD. Bent not over $BOO. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET, A STORE ROUSE, eituateddn the centre of the busineee part of Nor. tietown. It to fitted epic complete order with Gaunter!, Shelving, J.:c. Suitable for the Dry Goode, or almost any other kind of business. Anal! , to m 3.1- St* J. CHILDS, Norristown. SEWING MACHINES TJHFT•FR & WILSON SEWING MAdEIIOI3, . 628 : pHEBTNUT.BTREET, mlitll4lm . " WRILAMILPTRA. WATGITES . IOIII:OWELKY. AMERICAN, ENGLISH . , - A AND , • , : • SWTE'S WATCHES, JeWELTIY, AND 61.1LVERWAR2. AT REDUOR.D PRIORS. • H. H. WATSON, t0y29.2m 326 OHIBSTNUT Brxtellr. THOMAS C. GARRET.T, 712 CHESTNUT STREET,. itaa received a fresh stook COLD AND..:SILVER . WA.TOHES,". . FINE PEATED WARE A2;11), TABLE CUTLERY, • And is manufacturing a great variety of SILVER RASE adapted for home nee and for preeente. Prompt and particular attention is given to repairing Watches by drat-claae workmen. ap24-thettan 20,033 37 20,940 00 e 302,314 95 $21,709 51 149,645 65 15.341 53 8464,992 18 I l a ti REMOVAL. - . J. C. F LTA E Basing "Removed from No. 42. South" THTBDINanet to No. 712 CHESTNUT Streeklaililoor, (Opposite blatant° Temple,) Now offers a Large and Desirable Stook of GOLD AND SILVER W. ATOHES, - ROGERS ds DEOTEINBS' StiOON3'ANTI ASD. . FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade is tailed. tb3o-3m 133,214 96 19,765 35 1,771 41 $181,260 88 AMERICAN WATCH COM PANY." GOLD AND stnun WATCEEE, FOB LADIES AND ONNTLIDINN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (oppoelte Nanonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent.. apBo.Bm • VULCANITE RUBBER JEwmay A. beautiful line of GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, 'Awn , CEA- . TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, OBOSSES, STIJL'S, EIITTONS, Now in Store. J: C. FULLER, No. 11.2 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Omens Maannio Temple.) auflO-lm WATCHES, JEW E L RY, &o. AFRESH A S SORTMENT at LESS 9 THAN TOIDIZB PRICES. r ABB & BBOTHIM, boortail, 224 oszerNuT Street. below Fourth tutao.ll SPRING MILLINERY. t in REMOVAL. • - MISSES O'BRTAN, 914 OHEATNIfT Street, have rernoved tollo7 WALNUT Street, three doors above Ele venth, north aide, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, for tbe Spring. on THURSDAY. April 17. ' apl2-2m* WAR DEPARTMENT, • WASHINGTON, May 27, 1862. PROPOSALS wM be received at Harrisburg, Chicago, arld Indienepolis, by the °Moms of the Qaartermuster's De partment, stationed at these places, reerectlvely, until' the fifth of Juno next, for the delivery, on or Ware the thirtieth of that month, of two thousand five hundred Cavalry Horses at Perryville, Md.. one thousand five hundred et Chicago, and one theuesind at Ininisnapo/le.. The Horses to ho sound, not lean than Mx, nosmnre than' eight, years old i not less than fifteen hande.higla, adult colors, and adapted to cavalry service. will be re ceived until they are inspected by au authorized agent of the Government. G. H. M 0661 AN, my2S.St Deputy Quartermaster GeneraL TIENT-MAKERS' MERRY TENT BUTTONS anti SLIPS, gy,lted States rattern, for sale at J. P. REED'S, Soraeost corner of THIN 'BENTE and NOBLE St**, Philodolphin. my2B-Im* FOR HAIR DYEING, AND A DE -4: Melons ItATII, go to GIITZKII ST'B, HOURTH and BlitaioEit m7211-iftt ON SiTURDAY THE STOLEN M&SK. WILNTS. A. BOYD, Capt. and A. Q. M E PUBLIC SALE OF CO %I, OILS LARGE LOT OV COAL OIL AT PUBLIC SALE. 160 BARRELS ELITEIMIOIC, REFINED, NON-ExPbostys COAL OIL, Will be cold AT PUBLIC SALE, BUTLER'S WAREHOUSE, reran ArtoAD BYILBR TUESDAY MORNING, 351 TE 3n, AT 10 CLOOK. About 600 gallons of the above Oil is nlt up in five= gallon cans, and cased (five cane to the eats), in excel lent order, either for shipping or home trade. The came are all EU poled wish selenots. The remainderof the OH is in good barrels. '1 he Oil will be sold in lo2tr t 0 snit purchasere, with the privilege of taking the whole s fETIbI S will be made known on the morning of sate: my2.9.4l SUMMER RESORTS EDFORD SPRINGS.-A. G. AL- A." LEN respectfully informs tho public that this C 9143. brated and fashionable WATERING PLACE is now open and folly prepared for the reception of visitors, and will be kept opon until the let of Octohsr. Persons wishing Bedford Mineral Water wilt be tau. Vied at the following prices at she Springs—viz: For a bend (oak) SR 00 ,6 half-bevel 4 , 2 00 Parties wishing rooms or any information In regard to tho plsco will address the "Bedford Mineral Strings Company." iny24-6,,t L ORENCE HEIGHTS.-Y18,t5. -K2 SANDMEN reepectfoPy informs the former pe trove of this beautiful SIMMER RESORT, and the public generally, that the House will he opened for the season, under her management, on the 15Th JUNE. For terme, and any other information, Dimly at Mrs. LEVELY'S, 1216 CHESTNUT Street. mttl4-12ttt AIVIUSERENTS GRAND COAIPLIMENTARY MR. JOHN ROWER, AT TUC AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIG, CORNER. OF. BROAD AND.LOOCST STREETS. ON THURBDAY EVENING, MAI 20, 1862. Doors open at T o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock. , The Put ils of the Gran-mum Schools or Philadelphia, under the instruction of Hr. Jong BOWER, propose to give him a Complimentary Concert, as a tattimenial of their, appreciation of his untiring and successful efforts to, introduce and promote the progress of Alusic in the Pubic Schools of this city, a feature which has contri buted to muck to their interest, relieving the monotony of study by the yleature of tong. Eaving. received the preposition of a Grand Natoli men tory and Testimonial Cancan fr,in the Young' Ladies, Pords of the Grammar Schools under my instruction, I propose to present one of the most bean tiful and pien•iiruz rift, nations ever witnessed in the Academy of Music. I have male . arrangements to have the fall width and lengh (which is 50 feet by IVJ feet) of the pi ttform, as as to have sista far at least one thousemd of my pupils. 'They will cli be dressed in white, surrounded With beau tiful scenery. The instrumental aceenitieniment wilt cOTlSitit of Seven Grand Pianos, at which coven of our most slalfnl Pianists will preside, I em happy in bring able to *immunee that I have cscared, et considerable expense, the cervices of the Wor &Trill Little 1'1011rd:it, SCrild3llT, t,niy ten years of age, who will ploy several very difficult pieces, such as the "Carnival .1 Venice," It is only necessary to hear this Pro digy to bo struck with admiration. - Tickets of oda - ingot, nth , 2.5 cents. To he had at all the Muek Stoma, at the Continental Hotel, and, on tha even ing. at tbo door. • Eeeti fen cents extra. Obtained only a 4, S. B. GOULD'S, Seventh and Chestnut Streets • it* NA7ALNTIT•STBE EN THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Strees. Sole Lessee airs. M. A. Garrettson. THSS (TRURSDAY) 1 , 47R111NG. May 29, 188.3, The performance will commence with THE CORSICAN. BROT Ft RES. f Fabian Del Franchi, Twin Brothers ) lir. J. B.Roberts Lents Del Frattehl, / Chateau Renaud 'Hr. 3 S. Wright- Enielle De tree:tile ~... _Arm Anna Cowell. To conclude until the favorite dowdy. entitled SWBETTIVARTS AND WIvES. Lackadav Hr. Tieing - Bowers. PRIOR/3-50, 37%, 75, and 25 cents Privet.) Boxee s 55 and 53, according to rheir Doors oven at 7x o'clock. To commence at MRS. FRANCES ANNE Ks.nBLE'S ' READINGS AT CONCERT A - Alit,. SHAESPE READINTTII. SIRS. TUMBLE WILL RE AD THE le OLLOWIIfa . COURSE OF PLAYS :-• FRIDAY. 30th hist Much ads ahmit Nothing SATURDAY, 31st inst..— s‘ Antitumor ?Tight's Dream " MOND AY, .Tnne 2a -" The Tempest" WEDNESDAY, June 4th Merchant of Venice." FRIDAY, Jones Colt Henry the Fifth." The Readings will hetin at S o'c'ock pree , se'r, encept the Saturday Reading, which will he given et 3 o'clock P. M. %punctuality in earnestly requested. The doors will be opened one hoar before the Readings. TICE-EIS .ONE DOLT,alirE&ou. - To be bad of T. B. PUGII, Sixth and Chestnut Streets, and at the Ball on the opening of the doors. n»24-tf IkAFREI. JOHN DREW'S .LTAL: A.ROFI-BTREET THEATRE. Acting and Btage blenagor W. S. IrBEDEBIOES. Bu3blees Agent and Treasnre- JOS. - D. MURPHY. 'XESTIILIONIAL BENEFIT TO MRS. JOHN DREW, Tendered 'b7 a Committee of the Friends of the late JOHN DREW. ' On FRIDAY EVENING, May 30tb.1862 On which occasion, MR. and MRS. LEWIS BAKER, THE ENTIRE DRAMATIC COMPANY, U.DODWORTH AND ORCHESTRA, And all the attaches of the Theatre. haviag Madly' VOLUNTEERED THEIR SERVICES, Will appear In a GB&ND COMBINATION BILL, Commencing at 8 o'clock precisely, with the Petit, Drama of LJWE IN HUMBLE LIFE. Christine Mrs. 0. HenrL onzlrais Mr. F. Lawlor. Carlitz ....Mr. Frank Drew. To be followed by the Comic Drama, entitled the TOHNG RASCAL OF PARIS. (Le Gamin de Pads.) Jelenh, the Printer's Apprentice Mrs. A. P. Baker. Mad. Munnier Mrs Stones& Mad. Morino - • - - Mrs Stephens. Slim. • ' . . . • Mist E. Price. General Morino ' - Mr. Louis Raker.t. . Arthur . • Mr. Itineold. Bizot - • - ' - • Mr. Wallis. During the evening, O.Dedworth'siud Orchestra wal perform “JOHN DREW'S OWN BET.” The Performance concluding with the Musical Drama of the MAID'ITII THE 'MILKING PAIL. Hilly, with Song& .Sire G. Heart Diccon Mr. Frank Drew Lord Philander !fr. W. H. Railer Box ehett open Weiresday morning. MMM= Tickets Usti( d by the Cotemiitoo for Mr. John Droies Bcndit semitted on this cacmion. The Thentre will reopen for the Summer Sessouou Da 01 1 ; DAY, Jnue On which occasion +he celebrated Comedian, F. S. Ca ANFRA.II, Will swear in 3 new B}INSATIONA.L PRA. It A, With no. Scenery, Prerses, Am. Full Particulatt in future bills ACADEMY OF MUSIC-GALA. NIGHT. GOITSOHALK AND DRIGNOLT ITALIAN OPERA AND CONVERT TROUPE! GRAND. COMBINATION PERFORMANCE, SATURDAY EVENING. May 3let. Two Primo Dnnoe on the same evening. MSS HELLOGa. MAD. DE LU3SA.E. First appearance of the celebrated Prima Deana, M A LUSiA N. Of the Grand Opera, Paris, and the .0 Cadomy of Maxie. New York. The entertainment of the aeon ng will conslat of Dont zetti'a celebrated opera. -•.• t , LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR," With KELLOGG. BRIGNOLT, AMODIO, and SUSI- E) in the principal roles and the last act of LA FATORITA. MAD..DE LUSSAN in her ereat role of Leonora. - SIG. BBIGNOLI as Fernaudo. SUSINI rta Goltbasar. L ii. GOTTSCHALK Will play several of hie choice moreeatim between the acts. Musical Director and Coe doctor SIG4I4)P. PRICES or Anattestms.—Parenet. ratnnet and Balcony, Ono Dollar. No extra charge for re served Praia. Family Circ:m 59 cents. Amphitheatre. 2i cants. Tic Pate of eoate at the Academy and at Gnn4d'a Onale Store will commence on Thureht-. at 9 n'oinck In conFontenee of the length of the performance. the curtail) will tiro Precisely at TM o'c'ock. autti ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. MTN ON THE OCEAN WAYE INTENSE VXITTEMICNT. TEEMING BOAT SORBS'S, STARTLING LNCIDENTS, GE APUII ILLUSFSATIONS. OAPT. WILLIAMS' ROMS SR& • • • ' WHALING VOYAGE, • made lay the Captain bimitell. In SO the . e.eoo fat of Paintings a real Whole Boat is wow], with allying crew, to illustrate ecenea in the Whale men'e life. •iviry evening this week, at & o'clock. "Weinesilar and Saturday afterncona at 3 o'clock. 0,1111199'0n "Zi. teats. Six tickets for Si. Children 10 cents. rur2S-Ir* AGRAND MAY CELEBRATION, in aid of the ST. JOYIN'S ORPHAN ASY LUNT, will take place on the Asylum Grounds, on TUBB:MAY nest, May 29th.,will be delivered by alms or our most distinguished Clergrmen Also, a grand Mu sical Performance by the best Musicateleat in the city. Tickets 26 cents. ury23.2t* THE WINTER GARDEN, 720, T 22, VINE STRERT, offers this week extreordinarst attrections. Mr. AIIREND, the celebrated wrist on the violoncello, is engaged and will delight the andi•nro by his solo ptrformanres. Mrs. and Ur. LIYARkTI, and Mr. JEAN LOI.IN, will sing-Tnesder, Wedseedni. sta Thuredtv evert/rim, someoperatic gems of the hest coat— Pniere. The well and favorably known vocalists and orchestra of that splendid place of someement will de— light everybody ea usual. Admittance free. DIY 27. .t* YUMMY MILLER, Proprietor. DENNSYITLANIA ACADEMY Or TUE PI & ABTS. Thirty-ninth Annual Uhl. biticn of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 011.EnNUT Strset. Open from 9 A. 2d. till 6 P. 111., and from 7' P. M. till 10 P. K. Admittance 25 cents; Season Tickets 50 cents. kitockholdeni, Artists, and Contributors wilt receive their Octets at the Academy : no admiesions without. Open from 9 A. It. till 7 P. M., and from 8 till le P. M. spa BRUSHES AND .• BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS, jECEMBLE _& VAN HORN, 1nh20.3m Sra. 321 MARKET Street. ?WWI& SUPERINTENDENTS PURCEaB- ing Books of CHALLBN & SOH. 1308 CHESTNUT, will receive a liberal donation or Books. Sermon Paper at 'wholesale. 0tt028.200 BARRELS 041.1113015 i OIL FOR TIV sale, in good barrels, mitablefor abipping, and to the trade, in mall lota, at 4.16 00.31biltit019 Street. my2.B.l3tAS A MERMAN ROOFING SLATES, XI. 1 7 [JILT i/VA to %OUST WELSH SLATES. WALAUT Otoot, JOUlf BOWES