THE CITY. 7u STOWAGE OF GRAIN CARGOES.— The approaching completion of the new grain elevator, it the foot of Washington street. by the Penneylrani& liailfoad Company, suggests a conetderation of the pro per stowage of grain cargoes. Thin anbject deserves greater attention than it bee hitherto received. During the last winter some tiftre, vessels. loaded with grain, from the United States to Gleam were lost owing to bad stowage No statement. can be morefalse than that there yeesels have been lost owing to having been loaded from elevators. Vet tido rules have been mid down by in surance companies mulch ate few and simple, and if emu lated with, the shipper of cargo sod underwriter, though they may never see the vessel. are as competent to .1 113 ge of the ability of the vessel en which they have placed cargo, or insured it to crow; the n.lean, under the ordi nary circumustancem of any Ito. ago, a. if they had watched the proem of her loading from the first to the Imit pound weight of cargo put on board of le-r, no well tie any ear. TO) or provided they have the certiticate of the surveyor, endorsed by the agent, as independent testimony that the neceesery rules have been complied with. e believe a gnat 091 , 80 of the lose of many grain me' from .vver1.,11.4:,,, Ft, whia. 41.1.8E0re and cop eignete and shippers of cargo, should ha held alike re spomible. No yeaset exceeding 400 tons register should be en tirely loaded with grain It. Milk. and all vessels exceed ing 400 none re,x4etc ..howid to* a two- toirde of the cargo of grain en balk, and one third in hags. When wheat, corn, &c , is taken in bulk, it should be stowed in sections or ••Liu=," u• 4 containing more than 12 000 b rebels each. Grain, when slowed in bags. should be dnonsged not Inca than ten 110110 s on the Sone, fonrwea to sixteen inehes an the bilges, three inches on sides up to the deck between decks, the dunnage should he laid Shwa. t ships, at least two inches from the dock. All hulk or loose grain should he taken in pins prepared Sot tint purpose. For illumining. ,b &a are preferable to ant thing else. Thy ehuUl.i be laid fn•e and aft ab nut three inches apart, the Hato d tier over the of the Met tier. the third ti.r ego, the spares of the second, mid to on. Fhtr-tloortd, wail sid.d Watt should be tlttel with bilge pumps. The stn.: s for the bulk-heads should he made of threr-tech deals, plece.l a- .at two feet apart, toil fire ly secured at the tee m.d tot•om. a n d properly braerd end sleeted on the g and to the beams or deck of the vessel, to resist the pressure of - the crimp. The etude for the bulk-head., to..wan. :tad after bulk heads far not exceeding sigroen feet d-pth of should bo four by six inches in size and of one entire biers; for Of a greater depth than sixteen feet they mmt be four by eight inches. Tfey should he set twenty inches 'wart from centre to centre. firmly secured at the top and bottom, and proik•rly braced and clotted on ;It- ceiling and deck of the ye , s , -1 to resist the measure of the grain. ibe eines of the yessol above the turn of the bilge should be lined on one•inch battens after the manner of clardmarding. Shifting planks, two inches thick, nhould extend to the deck on each side of the stanchions, fitted tight tinder and between the bean s and ratline, and extending not less than Nix feet downwards; care must be taken that the stanchions are well secured at both emit. In no case should tingle hoards be subatitnted for plink, and tbe shifting boards should bothered from salon, midway between the stanchions Materials for bine humid he perfectly seasoned; un aeasoned lumber Amid Prot be used where it will come in contact with the grain. Water tasks, whether of wood or iron, ehould be caned with wood to prevent damage from sweat or leahase; and all veasels with grain in bulk ought to have feeders and ventilators. It should bo, seen that the graio is well binned us be tween the beams, and the space between the beams corn bletely tilh d When vessels are chartered. the draught of water Amid bo limited, and provision made for fouling under inspec tion. The load draught should hereenlated by the depth of the bold, allowing three ruches eery font depth of hold, ;maim' ed from lowest line of sheer of deck amidship. to the water, when nprighs. Vessels having an additional deck put on after construction. the depth of hold to be measured front original deck. Very frequent and serious losses fall on merchants on the n suer part of cargoes, particularly in vrseels that bring .Ipat, corn, tobacco, Jec., arising from vapor, dame.g.• imbibed by wheat, flour, and other goods stowed in the parr.° vessel with turpen tine or other strong-scented articles. If vessels would comply more strictly to the above rules there would be a great rtductiou in the yearly number of casualties on sea THREE Hor - sts BURNED.—On Satur day attsrnoen, about 4 Wreak. a lire broke out in the roof of the nry goods store sun dwelling. No 406 South Tweelimit street, owned awl occupied by Mcßride. The flames bed attain. .4 e,tte.iderahle howls,. before they ware discovered, and there being no parapet walls bet..n the budding and those a.tjAned npeu the north, the upper parts of three houses were soon in a blaze. They were all homed de en to the third etoty. No. 404 was owned and occupied by Robert Crawford 118 a dry goods store and dwelling. No. 402 Ult r a it, , aci Mt 4 44h4cce. 11.11 d. cigar afore and dwollirg by its owner, Jahn Kirk The goods of the occupants suffered badly from hasty removal, and from the large quareby of water that was neceessrPy thrown upon the tl.ntee. No. 400. at the eon , hweet corner of Pine ant T , rentieth streets, owutd by M atthew VlcAleer and occupied by 'Richard Stokes as a Indel and ‘l% ehing, sustained some Blight damaeo from tiro and stater No. 40t. owned by James FLAvard, and aecupiei by Samuel element as a eig , tr Fiore and dwelling, was !BUIE: 1 / 1 1y deintened b) fire en dehiged with water. No 410, occnfied by Gamin RAeli al a geee store and dwelling, mils slightly damaged by both firo and water. The fire is believed by Fire NI arelvsl Blackburn to have originated from eparts falling neon the roof of tie. 400. The hose of the Weetern Hoar 4 :mummy and the Dela ware Piro Comm - , , both located in tho immediate neighberbood, was-out of order, aml the fire gained con siderable headway for this reason The entire lose upon real estate is estimated at $l,OOO, which is fully corer 4 by insurance. The loss iltim goods and furniture will reach 81.600, upon Which there is no insurance. MEETING OF THE TOOK - HOLDERS OF THE FAIRMOUNT RAILWAY COISPANY.— A meeting of the stockholders of the Fairmount Passenger Railway Company was held at the Exchange, on Satur day afternoon, to consider the propriety of petitioning the Governor to sign the Lill for the relief of the stock holders and creditors of the company, pasied at the last session of the Legislature. W. .1. lioward, Esq., pre sided. Mr. J. C. Bullitt stated that he had been requested to prepare a bill to be presented to the Legislature, in order to get the affairs of the company into shape. The act passed the Legislature upon the last tiny of the session, but had not yet been signed by the Governer. Mr. Bul litt understood that there is none opposition to lti act, and the Governor and Attorney t:eucwal had appointed Tuesday next to hear an argument Mr and against the bill. It was now desirable to ascertain whether the stockholders wished the Governor to approve the act. - - The bill, which is uudereteloi to be a compromise be tween the parti , e cunceruoi in the tool, wee then read. .111 r. Bullitt explained that the bill WAe intended to give to ell parliee who have pittehieoal muck bonds or notes of the company to the full value of their money. The trth, object was, however, to keep the company out of litigation. In reply to questions, Mr. Sharplees. the receiver, stated that there are now shorn fort,' suite agaia•t the company, pending in tee DiAldo: Court, and alto that every suit upon the notes las hews lost by the company, judgment having been given for the full amount. A petilon declaring that the relief Act will promote the best intertets of the steckhul lees, b, miholders, note. holders, and other crelitors of the company, and request ing the Governor to affix his id-mature thereto, wa.: pre sen•ed for signatures n:e of the Itreeet stock and IntAll,oldeis have already appended their names to the pethion. The meeting there adjourned. LADIES' AID FOOIETY.—The first an- Ttrati ircert of !Ms liscfni and charitable organization hai just been From its ccganization in April, 1861, to 0.;-lag...267. Own? were r.-r , ited contributions in money, from allow twenty cherries .1.1.1 from a number of 'reli t jog 1. , it -, and in new immaterial from Fvveral laNiness firms and individuals, amounting ti. 872,117.66, beside -I large quantities of medicines, ban dages. lint, and sec:mai-hand clothing, together with jet ties. pickl e s, preserves. and other delicacies, the value of which has liot be e n estimated. Since t)ctober they have received in money $2,273.43, and in bo,pital supplies. 111e1ini1WS, ic., tin, contribu tions :mount to :F5lOOlOO marking nu aggregate, for the year, of contributions in money, of $7,263.71, and in ma terial of all other kindp. 512.101.96. mu - min To the riisconsiop of koppral supplipp, pick oh two hundred and thr. e reelments have been Der sonal)y visited. Hundreds of letters. bearing last mes sages cf love to dear ones at home, have been wr.tten for Elia and rlyina To the uentlernen of !Omni Express Company, Ame rican WI, gra eh, the Central Peun . ~ly:olia, Philadelphia and Wilmington. told Baltimore and Ohio Ewan - m.4e, thanks for B pedal faciliti.s. in the nro4ocution of their vrnrk are re,urnetl. TLe soc , ely thakea an urgent nopeal to the public for help. The treasury is nearly exhausted, whilst the de mands upon it aro increasing daily. A COMPLAINT FltiMl FORT RgLii.WAHE. —We have received a second communication from one of the mentors of the Independent Light Battery, now stationed at Fort Delaware, in woich he complains bit terly of the system of things at that place. He says: 4, The pay:meter—that CY -r- welcome visitor of the soldier—mode his a ppearano, et last, and cheered our boys with the needful, and we are now only anxime for a chance to distinguish ourseh es, for under the good dis cipline and drill of our Oaptain ( LIPS. of Ph iludelphie.) we feel coatideut that we will le, aloe to comaete with'he beet drilled batteries sow in the field. The only bar, however. on the cheerfulness of the men, is that we are not permitted to visit our families the eatio as other vo lunteers There have beet, cases hereof men's waves and children dying, and when they have applied for a few hours' ftwlough to go to their funerals, it has been re fused. Though it may be all right, we cannot see the reason why we cannot have the same ptivileges as all other volunteers in the service." Fort Delaware is but 70 miles from this city, and the men might easily pay a visit to their friends sod families without incoveniencing the affairs at that place. THE BACITEI 4 4AV BARGE CLUB,— Last Welt thu bitchtiOrS' Barge Gild) left in their boat, the Linda. on a trip for Fort - Delaware, reaching Nett Castle in six hours and a half. Having enjoyed a good night's rest, they, on the next morellos, visited the fort, and were received with all the honors by Captain Gibson and the other officers. A tine view was obtained of three hundred Secesh prisoners, who looked ragged but happy under the old stars and stripes. Leaving the fort at eleven A. 151. a quick pull and a pull altogether brought them to lan - mount dent at it quarter past nine P. N. We notice at the ltachelors' boat-horse that they hare laid .. railroad down their slip, upon which the Linda runs on limr-tvlieeled trucks. This idea originated ill the fertile bruin of one of the club, and its complete M g t, c.orni.iim,rai invt,ritor. Three yeara ago thin enterprising club rowed the Linda to New York in three days. AN ACQUITTAL — On daturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, Lent Nas. F. Smith, an officer in the regiment of Col. IL E. Patterson, was put on trial on the charge of committing an assault and bat tery, with intent to kill, upou a private named Donnelly. It seems that, while the regiment was encamped at lies tonvilie, Donnelly acted in a most violent manner, and finally leaped out of a window In the effort to get the refractory soldier into a hunk Lieut. Mrnith Ihru„t at him with a bayonet. The next day Donnelly was found dead_ Th. jury rendered a verdict of "Not guilty." Lieut. Smith was ably defended by Daniel Dougherty, Esq. HORTICULTURAL, EXIIIBITIONS.—The East Pennsylvania AgrienTrural and Mechanical Society will hold their flrbt sembannual exhibition on their fair grounds near Non istom n, on Thursday, June 12, 1862. The txhibition will enmeriea a 1ae g 0.n..0. 7 of agricul tural implements, and of stock.. A mowing match will come off, as well as several trials of speed. The Chester County Horticultural Society has resolved to bold a Horticultural and ToduAtrial lixhibition at its hall in Weet Cheater, on the 13th and lith devil of June next. and invitee contributlona for dlarday from every body. A Cunious CASE.—On Saturday morn hag, in the United Slated Marla emir!, Jadl. Q sd ,n der, Kendall vs. John Mason, a case of libel of the veseel Caroline White, for demurrage at an:internediate voy age, where the contract was for an entire voyate from one mint to another, and from thence back to a port of ultimate ellbeilraikinn, wa n tried. On the voyage to the tatter port the vowel WAS lost, and therefore the freight. The question raised wag whether the demurrage wee oleo lost The court, in an opinion by Judge Cadwelader, held that it was not, and decreed in favor of the libellants. A MURDER TRIAL.—On Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessione. Thomas Peters was ar raigned on the charge of murdering William El Gerrit, on the 2a of January I..}_ John Goforth, Wei-, Goeme.l for defence, desired a continuance of the ease The court axed the 16th day of June for the trial. The killing of Barth took place at a home in Cherry street, near Seventh. Peters and Harrie were soldiers, and friendly to each other. Both were drunk. Paten!, it is alleged, shot Harris without provooefioa...hile the lotEse Wee lying asleep neon a settee?, and, after the act was committed, he made maudlin demonetratione of sorrow_ AMUSEMENT FOR CONVALESCENT SOL• ETERS —At the United !states Hospital, corner of Fifth and Buttonwood streets, a plan for the amneement of the patients has been inaugurated, which promises to make their tedious hours pass mere Quickly, and, by Its health ful action on the mind, to aid the sick in their comm.. lefitenee. A series of retort ilhowati, copulating of con certs, niseic-lunteru exhibitions, &c., ere to be hell weekly, while a I who are able to leave their beds will participate in therm A. amateur has been urge- Mad at the hospital at Bread and Cherry streets, for Eke (Nods. FATAL ACCIDENT, - 011 Saturday eve ning a Mai acrid&nt occurred on the BM iilll.ll* Barmul. near Chester George tdipierre, a hrakesinan on a train coining north, neglected to stoop when the car he wa• on paused under a bridge. arid the top of his head was lite rally knocked off, rtaultibit in Inman' death. The body or the detested wns htontait to the city and taken to the residerce of his broiber-in, law. in C , rperiter street. be tween Silhienth and Sevente• nth streets Coroner Con rad wee notified to held an inquest in the este. (7RICKRT.—A match-game of cricket was played on Saturday, May 10. and on last Saturday, between the best eleven in the Freshman class Univer sity of P0111111)1vanin, ncd the first eleven of the Pennsyl ymila th-leket (Nth, renithmg in Gasp or the Wier by 160 rims. The battqii.: of Messrs. Large and ninon a was excellent, the former gentleman scoring 93 runs. The howling of Messrs. Watsn. fthilliO 3 . 1111.1 Large, of the Pennsylvania Cricket Chili, and 31Itrinill, GRAM, end Ithill(esi a, we,: Men ilia fielding of Mr. Lancey, of the P. I `. C. AN OLD TRICK RRVIVED.—A. few years since rottherivi Ai filnerMs were very prevalent in this city. ten Friosy lora a well dreerra 5 o'V ~ , n 1 .0 las detected in the act of ransacking Oho Unman drswere of a house in tho Seventh weed, where prOpTratilll9 WPre being made for a funeral. As the solemnity of the prc cettlinee would bare kern int.Tierett with be calling ID a policemen, the thier was allowed so leave Vie ere miees unmolested. TUE WOUNDED SOLDIERS.—On ae nount of there being a lnryfo number of woinulnd soldiers in our hospitals from the adjneent counties, arrangenimnts are bring made by these comities to send Committees to look after their sick mid wounded soldiers, ascertain their wants, minister to their comforts. and, if thought desira hie or ;kit rimahle, bare them brought to their homes i mot further, to router with the county commissionors for the purpose of haying the expenses incurred paid out of the county treasury. FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT.—Mr. CIIIIOO9 Grover was thrown from MR carriage, on Friday after noon, and seven it injured snout the head. Ha wai driving a pair of spirited horses, and on reaching Thirty-eighth street the animals I , ecame uninamumahla in conseuuenee of the breakimt of ono of the bits. The borers started off at a frightful r ate. afal at Thirty-sixth etta et a collision occurr.d t.etween tie carriage and a market wagon. The former was demolished, and 11r. Grover was injured an above Water]. He wan taken to his residence on Thirty-000i street, - above Market. SENTENCED.—!in Sflturthy. in the C.rt of Quat ter Sessions, William Ilaslett. who waii convicted on the 70th inst. of manslaimliter. in killing' Charles linssell. a colored boy, too. :4uint.—need to ono year's imprisonment - in the Eastern Penitentiary. The Sentt,, was m:•dr a light One, in vic,r th•• jury- 4 ,, ro commendation to mercy. It will he remembered that the affair occurred at the Farmers' Market, in Market street, above Eleventh. PROWNING CA F ES. 011 Saturday evening. George Jordan. aged eight roars. fell into the forebay at Fairmount, and wee drowned. The body waq subsequently reeovertd, nod the coron••r notified to hold an inquest at the residence of his patents, No. 130 Myr tle street. The coroner was notified, yeeterday, to hold as inquest on the body of an unknown man, Mind drawned at Vine etreet wharf, in the Delaware. TIM RECEPTION OF COL. CORCORAN. —The exchange Dreamed to be made to Col. intellect Corcoren renders it probable that he will roach this city in a few dal s. perhaps in the early part of the next week. Re will helmet in Winthington by a conanittee of Conneils, and during his clay in this city wi 1 be tho recipient of hospitalities btfilting his gallant services, and the warm regard entertained for him by our citizens. HEALTH REPORT.—The following is the mart of the Board of Health for the week ending May 1.T,,1862: Whole number of deaths 264. of which 1r3.5 were adults, and )29 children.Therewere47 deaths of infants aged lees than one year, and tw , f of adults over 90 years of age. There was a decrewo of 25 deaths from the corresponding week of 186 t, and a decreose of 15 from the week tLding May 10 VIOLENT CONDUCT.—On Friday last, Samuel Millar jumped on the plainirin of ona of thii ears on the Girrpi-avr. nue Railroad, and krieekinu dawn the driver. in hipped up the It ,reee, and etart•d them into tt, full gallon. Othery li crow, of the Harbor Poli - e, at trinnitall to step the 'Tort, but wail resisted. Miller NiflS finally arrested, and held in SI,OGO to arrower by Aldermen lititchinann. COMMITTED.—George W. Ftroud was committed on Saturday, by alderman Plankinton, for rassing 0 counterfeit live-dollar note on the Warnm 'tank, of .ene]n Four dollars in bogus quarters were found in the possession of the accused. Pacts ro Comr OFF.—The 107"i'irg Of racing will hold a meeting at the Continental Hotel Me for the purpose of forming an organization to Ek cure the interests of the turf," and carry ant the programme for a brilliant meeting, to come off in the next month. F . DEATH OF A. PRINT&R•—Mr. Edmund Porter, rognerly a well known printer of this cite, died at Harris , nrg last week. For a sear past ho had been engaged as foremen in the pio-a room of the TeZegraph, office it that city. Mr. Porter was much esteemed for his warm social Qualities. DECEASE OF A SOLDIER.—The funeral of Captain &is. Wright. Tate of Company D, li.n.des Penn sylvania Lancers, will take place to-day. Capt. Wright NV a 4 brought from Yorktown in an invalid condition, and expired yesterday in Germantown. COURT ADJOURNMENT.—The Court of Quarter Sessions ham acilurned for two week!, to all , +w a email sedition to be erected in the rear of the present court-room. CORONER'S CASE.—The coroner held an ibquest, on Saturday, on the body of Hugh Shirden, who fed overboard from the prize firewater Bermuda, while removing the powder stored in that vessel. PAID OFF.—On Faturday the chaplain of the National Guard regiment was eogued at the hail, on Race street, in paying the properly authorized persons the money due to the members of the regiment. LEG BROKEN.—On Saturday after noon John Hillanirray fell from a furniture car in Third street, below Noble, and fractured one of Ilia legs. He was conveyed to his residence in Third street, near Oxford. FIRE.—A Fire attended with small damage occurred on Saturday afternoon at No. 2123 Fil bert greet. GENERAL NEWS EFFECT IN CANADA OF OUR FEDERAL VlC TORlES.—Canadians are beginning to get possession of an idea 4,v . ..tw0 about the progress of the national arms. The Montreal Herald, which has been unscrupulous in its misrepresentations of our affairs, in its Tuesday's issue ridicules the false prophets of London, and says : '•For our own part, we have never seen the advantage of allowing ourselves to be deceived, or of deceiving others, as to the course of events. We never doubted that the North would re. establish the rule of law throughout the Union ; and we sin.prot that the time within which that will be accomplished is now rapidly approaching completion." CLASSIC NAMES OF OUR BATTLES,—The Feench editors are considerably confused with the classic and an cient stanws of our Western towns—on- " rdenaphises," and Cab os," and Athemies," and Vorinths." They have hen' having a small revolution in Greece. and a few days since a provincial journal poldished P , e following, paragraph, headed : " The latest nen $ front Greece.—%t tht- hB inbht of phiAlg to sec -in graphic d. spate), Antiennettla that a battle had taken place at rorit ti. and that the rebels had been crushed. Tlits, Glossy be hoped. is terminated the insurrection, which for a us nth menaced the throne of King Otto." GAS RXPLOSION.—A gas explosion occerred on the 16th ultimo in High 'Holborn, one of the must frequented thoroughfares of London. Workmen were laying new pipes, when the escaping gas became ignited. The eh•nck was no greet that the fronts of ssreral houses iu the vicinity were demolished, the windows of the houses on both sides of the street were riddled. and pieces of the iron pipes were hurled high above the housetops. falling down again on the roofs or among the foot-passengers in the street. Several persons were killed and others injured. TETE PRESS OF NEW ORLEINS.—Six daily pa pers have survived tho "had times" which Now Orleans has passed th ough, viz: the Picayune, Delta, True Delta. Crescent. Bulletin. and Bee. Of these, the True Delta and Bee (the latter half French and half English) have all along manifested some regard for the old Union, end strangely enough these are owned and edited by natives of the South, while all the others, mwe rampant upon the subject of Secession, aro under the control of Northern born. TILE REBELS AT WEST POINT—MORE AT RO CITIES.—Mr.DeWitt Simonton. a private in one of the N. Jersey regiments at the battle of West Point, writes to the Paterson Register that the advance of the rebels was four regiments of negrees, who killed most of our men. We lost in killed, wounded and missing, three hundred. It was an awful sight as we advances] next day to ace our dead that we were unable to g et - the - day the day before. Every ores had been bayonetted after ' being shot. One had his heed nearly cut off and all of them had their pockets cut out. READY FOR WAR.—A private letter, written by an American at Bong Rung to the Providence Journal, March title, says: s 4 For twelve hours before the last mail-steamer arrived, the - British gunboats had steam up, ready- tr, seize. America. chips if war was deehlrell be tween Tbarland and Aineriva. When the mail-boat ap proached the wharf, and no war' was called from the quarter deck, from the wharf, which was crowded with people, went up a tremendous Amid, There could have been 110 happier - people than the Americans at Hong Rung that night." A REMARKABLE case of impiety occurred the other day in a village in the wePt of England. A man of large ortoen died, erd Mrvctea in his will that bin borne should be caparisoned and b-d to hit grave, and there shot and buried with him, that he might ne ready to "mount at the resurrection, and start to advantage." To the disgrace of all concerned, thin was actually per formed. CATHOLIC BI9ROPS AT BONE —The American Catholic bishops visiting Rome to attend the soh-mnities incident to the canonization of the Japanese martyrs are: Wood, of Philadelphia; Purcell, of Cincinnati; BaYleYs of Newark Fitzpatrick, of Boston; O'Connor, of Fitta kerg ; Tinton, of Buffalo ; Loughlin, of Brooklyn ; Itc- Itarland, of Hartford ; Lynch, of Toronto ; McCloskey, or Albany ; Baillargeon, of Tloa, Canada ; Duggan : of Chicago, and Rapp°, of. Cleveland. ARREST OF A NASHVILLE TRAITOR —The Nashville Union states that ex-Governor Neil S. Brown, 6 gentleman well known formerly as a lamliep and for the laqt twelve months as a leading reset in Ten- Lessee. was arrested on Woinesday, by order of Gover nor Johnson, on the charge of trewinn. Ile 1911.9 subse co:levity releseod on parole, for the purpose of attending to some important private bushing. THE SECRETARY OF AGRIOULTURE.—There ig a .1.-sperate squabble over the chair which is to be tille•.l by the head of the recently established Department of Agriculture. it seems probable that the President's final deciliioll will he Wilma Mr, Newton, of and Jiidge JOlllll4Oll, of Ohio, with chances in favor of the latter named gentleman. MILITARY GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAROLINA. —Capt. Rufus Saxton, U. S. A., now a brigadier general of volunteers, has been appointed military governor of South Carolina and the Department of the South, which includes the whole district of Major Con. Hunter's com mand. Ile sailed on Thursday, with hia staff, for Port Ito, hi. NATAL—The Bevy Department haft received wtv cal nom the united Btatee corvette Constellation, now In the Mediterranean She was at Lisbon. and was the first American man• of• war that nad viaitel that port for six year.. Her officer. and crew wera well. MRS. KEIIIIILF-___Meit_ liaa coneenhel to give a reading of one or Skskspearo , s playo in Philadel phia, for the benefit of the Union Temporary Home. Sho in to give a short courde of reading', in addition, before ale saile for Europe. TRANSPOIiTATION .1410111 IND WOUNDED— Tho °hirers of the winitory eiimmk,iim at Cincinnati have addres! , eil a memorial to President Lincoln, praying for the immediate adoption of 111..1101 to transport sick and wounded soldiers free to their homes. ORDNANCIG FOR PIEDMONT.—It annnunceil that thr find Melte picceo of ordnunce, 111 the celebrated hundr4 d subscribed for throughont "Europe for the Fort ress of A leseandria, in Piedmont, hare heed cast. They are rifled 16-pounders, in cast-iron. ALLEGIANCE —The Wheeling intaligencer nays all the merchants OT tt ot c - ty, with ono exception, bare tit, }mu thy oath or allegiance. Ono physician, enjoying a large practice. Aare it up rather than take the oath. MAINE 5 11 . 11. - I IUILDING.—Ship-building is revi ving in Maine. There are now thirty vesseh3 building on the Kennebec and Itl ENSIC G UN.—An immense 15. inch gun wse cast at the Fort Pitt Works "a Tuesday. It weighs, in the rough. ovtr 71,00 pounds. SWITZERLAND PASSENGER. lt ATLWAy,_A pa ff Ffllifer TigibTari tWO znika 10r5 7 L to be buntiii Guneyst SlOtzerland. EGG9.—It is stated that L5OO barrels of owt4 are EldprrA Kakt. frog. Knox comity. Ohio. every A LONG ANK,—A fonr.incli Uimk DT foot in length, was recently turned out in a saw-mill at Orman. rHILAHMTRIZI4A. BOARD Ol rig. Apr. JOHN E. ADDIOHS. THOMAS S. FERNON, COMMITTIM or TEK Marrs BAMIIICt. E. 1,T0K139, LETTER SAGS' att tits Merchants' Exchange, Phidowinlphith Star Tonawands. Ming Toivorp9ol, eormi Ship Nor thampton. Elwell Liverpool. soon ftkrg Stn Friglo, Howie Port Spain, Trinidwi, noon Balk Ann Eliyabotti, Norgravo. Barbados, MR Wet Brig Win 111 B. dye, Anderson Rao de Joneiro, noon Brir Loange, Beane— ............. . . Bovine, goon Sclar Francis Berrett, Nichereen ..... .... B irbenom, goon NIA'UN ENT ELLIGENtt!IC PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 10, ts 6 'SUN .... 43-31I1i BETS 710 MOH WATER. 7 21 eilitbfV Mx: 'trig M.-chard and Torrey. Coital:1,10 days from Port lard, wiTh pla , ter to Mawr & leokom. H .-hr Lille Dock, Drown, 3 04yo from GoOfgoto WU, DO wish groin to A G Calk , ll R Do. Schr Hiebard Hill, Smith, 4 days from Providence, in lonian to captain. Buhr Mary K Baeke, Hanka, 5 dais from Hatteras In. let, in hottest to captain. tOr Mary Haley. Haley, from Fortress Monroe. Ear B L B Wales, Hoffman. from Fortress Monroe. Scbr Jae A Pawn, Shaw, from Boston. lichr 11 P Simmons, Ketchum, from Boston. - • • Brig Jarlen, (Norw) HMSO% Cork, for orders, A G gutty?' & Co. Behr Nancy, Perry, Halifax, J H Atwood. Behr 8010, .11k10', Par! iesth Monree, Tkiee, Bkoae & Co. Behr F. L B Wales, Roffman, do do Sam 1?. Hill, Smith, Boston, do Schr J A Parson, Shaw, Skip Island, Noble, Caldwell ,k Co, lchr II P Simmons, Ketchum, Medford, J R iMaktaten & Co. Fehr Hite, 51.lcin, Washirojdon, C P Norton & Co. Schr rh.iapeelfe, Boyd, Washington, do Behr Bravo, Bill, riondont. do 6tr Brietol Charles. Now York, W P Clyde. Berge Shanghae, Golehalt, N York, do SAILED Brig Ariel. (Bt) Capt Templet m, for Liverpool cleared by- Pt-ter Wright Sr Sone. sailed at 10 o'clock no intardlny meriiinir. in tow of tug Monitor, with n ear o o 00...Aek6. 6 tf 11111 bbls crude petroleum el , and ITS do refined do. (Corroapondeuce of the Preen.) REA.DING, May 15 • The following boats from the Union Canal 'mewl into the .3.lzu)lkill ()anal to day, bound to Pkiladelpltia, Imam' awl consigned as follows: Wet Indian, iron ore to Mount Penn Purnace; •Pin C Thompson, cramp to Humphreys, Iloffman & Wright; orsintsch , ou, do to Alex Nesbit; J Beacon, lumber to D Ta) lot ; Phil :haw. do to Norcross & Sheets; Suow Shoe, bo t rds to Wm Davis. WRIGHTSVILLE, May 15. 'The following boats entered the Snstpteharina and Tidewater Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and constgrad at renown: - Mary dr &lean and I 3 L Whito; lornbrd. to llCroskey & Ow Wm WlloOn, lutntot, to Notorooo h Shoots. MEMORANDA Bark Tskernel), Giles, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston roecis 16th lust. Bohr General Shithie, O'Brien, hence, arrived at New York 16th inet. Strbi alias Potter, Beckett, an 4 G W Onmmiciga, Whig— din, Bailed from Fall River 13:11 inn. for PliPadelohia Mars L II Endicott, Leeds, for Philadelphia, and Jae Elise, Hatch, for do or Bangor, sailed from Newport lith instant. Schra Sharon, 'Mirlow, and Nat nab Grant, .Tarwria, sailed from lioeberyport 15 , 11 Ina. for Philadelphia. EDITUATIOINAL. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY In a beautiful and healthful village, three miles from Media. Pupils received at any time for the snot mer. Boarding lair week $2.25. Thorough course in the Mathematics, Languages, English Studies, and all the branches usually taught. Boys prepared for College or Business. REV. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. N. Village Green, Delaware Co., Pa T4OLMESBURG SEMINARY FOR AA. YOUNG LADIES. The duties of this School will be resumed. after the Faster holidays. on tho !MI of APRIL For circulars, inferences. Ito., address the Hisses CHAPMAN, Principals, Holmosburg, Pa. apll3-Ira* (Al VARY ACADEMY, GERMAN TOWN, Puti..A.—The Principal can receive Into tie family a few boarding echolare, where they wiN enjoy all the comforts and dimipline of home. They can prepared either for 6usirteas or to eater any oboe ttm college. Reference—Right Rev. Bishop Potter, Rev. R. New ton, D D. For circulars address B. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Principal, mh2o•thm 2mW GERMANTOWN. Phila. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP.—Notice is hereby given that the firm of CHARLES E. SMITH 1% 00, at the Fairmount Iron Works, has been dissolved by mutual Consent. The business will be settled and closed by May 10, 1802. CHARLES E. SMITH. Te bn.inese will be continued by the undersigned under the firm of MORRIS, TAbKER, t 00. Office No. 209 South THIRD Street. c313-1m MORRIS, TANKER, & CO. PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, &c. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, CUSTOM HOME, II PuttanaLmits, April 26, 1862 f Sealed and endorsed Proposals for Books, Blank, and Stationery, for the Custom House. Philadel will be received at THIS OFFICE until the TWEN fl - DAY OF MAY for supplying the Cult.= House for one year from the Ist day of June,lB62, with Blank Books for Entries, Records, Abstracts, &c. Printed Books of Bonds, &c. Printed Blanks for Enrollments, Licences, Reports, Permits, Accounts, &c. Stationery, viz: Pens, Ink, Paper, Pencils, dm. The whole probably not to exmod 82,601 Liberty is reserved to accept such propssals for the whole or any portion of the artichsr therein named. It is also to be understood that all such articles as may be required, and which are nut expressly mentioned in the schedules, shall be furnished by the contractors at the usual market prices, or may, at the option of the Collec tor, be purchased in open market. Schedules of articles and estimated quantities, with spe ohm es, and other required particulars, furnished on ap• plication at this office. Bonds, with satisfactory security, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. ap 28-m4t WM. B. THOMAS, Collector. NOTICE.- SEALED PROPOSAUS for • purchasing all the Hides and Tallow, Hoofs and Borns of the Beef Cattle killed by the Army of the Potomac, under command of General Iflellellan, are in vited till the 20th of May, 1862, at 12 o'clock M. It is intended that the contractor shell follow the Army and collect the Hides and Tallow, 'Hoofs and Horns, and shall pay a certain sum for these articles from each animal, to be collected at his own risk. He will he charged with the at tides in each case, unless he cam clearly show that be was prevented from obtaining them by proper authority. A bond, with good and sufficient security, will he re quired for the fulfilment of the contract, and no bid will he entertained from previous contractors who have failed to comply with their contracts, and no bid will be on tertained unless the bidder is present to respond to his bid_ - The artiolen of agreement. with a bond, will bo re quired to bo entered into wind.] two days after the open ing of the bids. The bide to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, Commissary of Subsistence, Washington, D. C., and en dorsed o Proposals." myls.4t NOTICE.- SEALED PROPOSALS are invited nntil the 27th day of May, 1862, at 12 o'clock, M., for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of Beef Cattle on the Hoof. The Cattle to be delivered at Washington City, and each animal to average 1,200 pounds, arose weight ; no animal admitted which weighs lees than 1,000 pounds gross ifers and bulls not wanted. The Cattle to be delivered at such times, and in such quantities, as the Government may require. The first delivery of Cattle to be made on the 10th of June. 1862, or as soon thereafter as Government may re quire. A bond, with good and sufficient security, will be re quired. Government reserves to itself the right to pay in Treasury notes, or other Government funds. No bid will be entertainrd when put in by contractor' who have previously tailed to comply with their con tracts, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, and all bids to be accompanied by two guaran tees. The names of firms should he stated hs full, with the precise address of all the members of the firm. Bids to be directed to Major A. BHCKWITH, C. D. S. A., Washington, D. C. Form of Guarantee. WP, -,of the county of -, and State of -, and -, of the county of and State of -, do hereby guaranty that - is able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of hie proposition, and that, should bin proposition be accepted, be will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Sbou'd the contract be awarded him we are prepared to became bie securities. This Runrantee must be appended to each bid. m312-14t COAL. Written PROPOSALS will be received until the 24th instant. for the delivery, on, the North Wharf, at WEST POINT, Nam , York, of the reiheth4 tvientithA and qualities of WHITE ASH COAL—Olean: 600 tone (2,240 lbs V ton) Locust Mountain, Steamboat size. Also, 760 tO (2,20 The V ton) Egg Ilin• 300 tons (2,2401D3 V ton) Stove ante, Of either Beaver Mountain, Suck Mountain, or Balti more vein, Wyoming, price of each stated separately. Coal can be delivered front the Schuylkill, Lehigh, and ,16h-lete, et the WEST POINT WHARF', from canal boats which receive it at the Mines, without breaking bulk, via the Schuylkill, and Delaware and Raritan Canale. Moro than the ordinary facilities for unloading will be fun isbed. The Coal to be delivered between the let of June and Sith of August next. . . IttoW4ltt) Cl, btotii"Tc).% Certain and Quartermaster Military &sodomy Wept Point, New York. May 2.1882. un8.1.4t UNITED STATES PATENT OF FICE, WASIIINGTON, May 8.1862 On the petition of CHRISTIAN "SHARPS, of Phila delphia. Penna., praying for the extension of a patent granted to hitu September 12th, 1848, for an improvement in firearms. for oven years from the excitation of said patent, which takes place on the hue:lth day of Sep tember, 1862, It is ordered, that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on MONDAY, the 25th day of Auguat.llo7, at 12 o'clock It ; and all nersous are no tified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file In the Patent Office their objections, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of heating ; all isetimony filed by either party to be used at the said hearing must bo taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on application. The ieltimony in the ease will be closed on the eleventh day or Angina, 18132 i depoeitions and other papers relied ripen as testimony must be flied in the office on or before the morning of that day i the arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ozdered, also, that this notice be published in Me phnua.i Pi,..., 12ep.b2Ican, Washington, D. C., once a week for thr.-e mucm4,ive weeks; the first of said publications to be at lead sixty days previous to the day of bearing. D. P. HOLLOWAX, Commissioner of Patents. tnyl2 m3t TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLABEIES.—AII sub-acute and chronie disease, cured by ' , venial guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Shed, Philadelphia. std in case of a failure no charge is made. Professor BOLLES, the launder of this neteprecties„ with superintend the treatment of all caeee hitasett A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificated of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at Mel, to medical mon and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery in applying Ileelricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. discovery, sultaHon free. ap2B-Pro B 0 HL E N' 8 WEESP ANCHOR Glll.--200 pipes Bohlen's Weeop Anchor Gin, now landing at Lombard-street wharf, from on board Gulch schooner Pauline & Cornelia, from 'Rotterdam, and for sale by the sole Importers. 111211fItY POITLIi! A 00., 221 and 223 Sontb. 101311TH Street. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 19. 1862. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SC T. THE PRESIDENT OF 7'llE UNITED STATES, TO THE MOM II ON 'THE EASTERN 11.16TRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING : WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States In stud for the Eastern I tistrict of Pennsylvania, rightly Nall ditty proceeding no a Libel. tiled in the mints of the United States of America, Lath deemed all rarsou.4 In general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in four hundred barrels Pitch, seventeen casks of Pitch, fifty-two thousand Shingles, taken and Feized by the nitrul forcco s'f the Unittvl States in the Sounds of North Carolina, under command of ling Offi cer S. C. Itowan, at Newborn, on the river Neese, to ha nionislisq, cited, :hal called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed. (justice so requiring.) You are, therefore, charged, „ad lour ersjvitseti end connuandost, that Ton omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal, latelligen cer, you do monis!' and cite, or cause to be mooirhed And piled, peremptorily. ell 114 , Pg11110. is Aet•iisq-a.l swim have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said four hundred barrels Pitch, seventeen casks Pitch, fifty-two thousand Shingles. to appear before tile Hon. JOHN CA DWALA DER, the Judge of the geld court, at the Illeirlet t1.0r4 1. the eft, et Philadelphia, on the 'TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it i.e a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of Itearil , causes, then and there to show, er allege, in doe form of law, a reasonable 11111111lWrill excuse, if any they have, why the Enid four hundred barrels Pitch, seventeen casks Pitch, fifty-two thousand Shingles should not be pronenncod to belong, at the time of the capture of the .mle, to the enemies of the 'United States, iuel its goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation. to InC 'Winged and condemned as good and lawful privet; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to juqtice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all Persons aforesaid generally, Ito whom. by the tenor of these presents, it is aISO innate sktll “t :ma plau, almyt. mentioned, or appear and shall not shOw a mt. sellable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said Dis trict Court sloth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture. and may pronounce that the said four hundred barrels Pitch, seventeen casks Pitch, fifty-two thousand Shingles did belong, at tie: time of the captdiro 01 the same, to the enemies of the United SIRIVA of Ame rica, and as goods of their ellPnill'S or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation ami condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful price, the anSeTICO, or rather contumacy, of the persons SO Cited and illtilliate4 in ItliPifiSe notwithrtauding, and that you duly muff to the said District Court what you shall do in the promise.i, together with these presents. 'Witness the Iletierslde JOHN CA DWALA DER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this thirteenth day of NAY, A. It, 1562, mat in the eighty-sixth year of the independence ur the said United titutes. myl 6-3 t 0. It. FOX, Clerk District Court. TTNITED wTA E TEIi Y 17L7C'l OF PENNSYLVANIA, SC T. PIIESIDENT TON UNITED STATES, TO TILE MARSHAL OF TILE EASTERN DISTRIOT OF PFNNSYLYA NIA, GREETING : WHEREAS, The Distrifp Court of the United States in mid for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly - proceeding on a Dille!, filed in the name of the 'United States of Americo, Mali deeeced all puei4in. in general who have, or pretend to have, ally right, title, or interest in eleven thousand Staves, OM) hm.dred anti six teen thousand Shingles in bulk, two hundred and twenty barrels Pitch, and fifty casks of Pitch, captured as prim' by the naval forces of the United States, in the sounds of North Carolina, under command of Flag-officer S. C. Rowan, at Newborn, On the river. Reuse, ill the State of North Carolina, to be monished, • cited, and called to judgment at the time and place underwritten, and to the ellrit hereafter expressed, (Justice so requiring.) You are` therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com manded, that you omit not, itut that by publishing those 1 , 1151,11t8 in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and is the Le gal In telligeweer, you do monish or cite, or cause Co be monislied and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said 11,010 Staves, 110,000 Shitigles, 220 barrels of- Pitch, 50 casks of Pitch. to appear before the Hon-101EN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the Dis trict Court room, - in the City of Phi lintel ph ia, on the T WE N TIETII day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, be tween the usual tonics of hearing canoes, then and there to show, or allege, in the form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have ' why the said n,OOO Slaves, 116,1100 Shingles, 220 barrels Pitch, 50 casks Pitch, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and oiddeek to Ceneleollent/071, to Le ntnll edged noel con demned its gOOll and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimaik.., or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the hint, mid place ilhoTO mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable :Ma lawful cause to the contrary. then said District Court Mali intend and will proceed to adjudiattimu nu the said C 314111,). mid may pro nounce that the said 11,000 Staves, 110,0110 Shingles, 220 barrels Pitch, 50 casks Pitch, did belong, at the time of the capture of the stone, to the enemies of the 'United States of America, and no goods of their e1m:1111,3,4,er other wise, liable and subject to confirmation mid condemna tion, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the obi:since or rather tanitututtey of Limo persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwitleitanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premixes, together with these Presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this Thirteenth day of .111AY, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. myl6-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SOT. - THE PRESIDENT OF TH.l's' UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSH AL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PEN NSI LYA.N lA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of' Pennsylvania, rightly mid duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the Unital States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the brig] NT EN DA NT, McKeon, master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, captured as prize by the United States sloop-of-war Jamestown, meter com mand of - blockading the mast of North Carolina, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In felligee,eer, you do admonish and cite, or cause to be monislusl mid cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said brig INTENDANT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goals, warns, and merchandise, to appear before the 11 towable JOHN CAD WALAUEIt, the Judge of the said comt, at the District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after the publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have, why the said brig INTENDANT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, land the said goods, wares, and merchandise, should not bo pronounced to be long, at the time of the capture of the same, to the elm mica of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation. to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes . ; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of those presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not itppetr at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable mat lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said brig INTEN DANT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchandise, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and alibied, to confiscation and Random: nation, to lie atijudgrai and condemned its lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CA DWAIADER, Judge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this thirteenth day of MAY, A. D. 1502., and in the eighty-sixth year of the independence of the said United States. myl6-a G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Ser.-. - THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO 'flIE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLYANiA, GREETING : .WIFEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly Proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bulb decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the Schooner ALERT, whereof William Hare is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise baba on board thereof, captured as prize by the United States Steamer lion- Title, Captain Steedman, ono of the South Carolina At lantic Naval Squadron, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the abet hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and com manded, that you omit not, but that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Datettigencsr, you do monist' and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in gene ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or in terest iu the said Schooner ALERT, tier tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares, and merchan dise. to appear before the lion. J OHN CADIVIL AMU, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, its the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between tho usual hours of hearing causes : then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, it' any they have, why the said Schooner ALERT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, amd the said goods, wares, and mercheadiee,shellid Mt be prOliettneed to be long, at the time - of the capture of the Caine, to the ene mies of tile Celled States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall :rant thnt yea duty illtilni‘te, (7311:10 to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these present; it is also intimated;) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonalpto and lawful crux, to the contrary, then said District Court dolt' intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the mid Schooner ALERT, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goads, wares, and merchandise did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or Cgt, , TV , isl 110,49 and suLiect t 9 Cenilficatien and con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywisenotwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall dQ ig the proniove, together with then premegtif, Witness the 'Honorable JOHN . t/ADWA LAMM, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this Thirteenth day of MAY, A. D. 1862, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. reyl6-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. MARSHAL'S SALE..—By virtue of a writ 'of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD. WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will bo scold it public sele, to the highest and best bidder. for cash, at DERBY SHIRE'S Store, No. 114 North WATER Street, on MONDAY, May 28,1862, at 12 o'clock M., the following deem lbed articles of Merchandise : 13 hhds. N. O. Sugar, 2 tigress of ries, Sbbls. and 10 kegs Lard, being pert of the cargo of schooner Ger. G. Baker; also, 6 bags of damaged Coffee, being part of the cargo of sloop nave look. WILLIAM MILLWAR Dr D. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Prot-inatrnyl, May 12, IgB9_ atrag-8! B I 0 TINA ROOFING, WINUFACTURND BY TBl UNITED !STATEN BIOTINA ROOFING COMPANY, No. SI GORR BLOOM, Corner GEER ti and PITTS Streets, Boston, Mass. This Portable Booting is the only article ever offered to the public which is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is light, handsome, cad easily applied. and are be safely and eheagal. *sans portre to any part of the world. It will not faint or diseela , water running over or lying on it, and is, in all respects, a very desirable article. Its non-conducting properties adapt it especially to covering manufactories of various kinds ; and it is confidently offered to the Diddle alias a aest of four years in all varie ties of climate sad temperature, for covering all kinds o roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats, tre. It is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Send for sample, circular, Ac., with r articulara, to S ROOFING 00., No. 0' (ionic immix. Boston." ari24-9ra SALT. -2.000 sacks Ground Alum Salt 21,000 ',ashen, do , do., do.; 4.000 bushele Ttirldu 114116.1 And for 11410 by MURPHY A ROANS, No. 140 'NORTH WHARVICR. Irma BEST QUALITY ItIX)FIN4 !MATTI ahnif on hand and tar nab a* Eridon W 610,1410 Oid,s6ii &mot" MTIOMA" WLIEsIrIiT Wawa, phandaways. LEGAL MEDICINAL. POOR RICHARD'S EYE-WATER. I, John L. Mahon, of 1505 Pine street, Philadel phia, U. S. A., give from under my hand, this 16th of May, 1862. the fallowing oorcian.c., impcued fro.. 1 .43•0 of duly that it Mae benefit thousands who suffer, stud know not what to do in the hoar of distress and perplex ity. I will add. lam an entire stronger to the proprietor of POUR RICHARD'S EYE WATER: Mrs. Ill_ G.Brownt Dear I have reason to thank God for tailing my attention to a preparation made by you, called POO N. RICHARD'S EYE-WATER, which, through the blessing of God, was the menus of resto ring my only daughter's eye to perfect soundness. I firmly belit+TO that if it bad not boon for POOR MORA RIPS ESE WATER, she wood have lost her eye, and per haps her life, as the inflammation was spreading over her face, and causing her great pain. She had Let her appetite. We tried various doctors and rtniediss, but her eq , ', was atili getting wereit, Aid the doctor staid chat he would bare to operate and blister, but, as I never like operations on the eye, I did not consent. That day I went to the Depot, No. 410 Arch street, and got a battle of the Eye-Water, and in thirty. tax hours from first op plied her eye wag well, and the flesh that was growing had Civappeorocl• Dear Madam: I know not how to express my ant fuluese to you, and to God for directing me to you; but all I can say to, I hope POOR RICHARD'S EYE WA `UR will 11" I i ts waytv frfori a/minion and hinilet wbero it is neeth al. TT any or my numerous friends in Canada Went see this, or any ono ehe ancted with sore eyes. I beseech of them to try POOR I:10 E 1 AR D'S E WATER, as I believe there is nothing In too world equal to it for the cy It is alga remarkable for restoring went: sight and dim vision. To be had of all Druggists, at 25 ceots per bottle, which will be rent free of expense, on receiving the amount in stomps. Address ?dm M. WN, 410 AEON Street, Pililadelphia. myl6-flt WONVEItFUL SCIENTIFIC .I)IS COVERT OP PROF. 0. H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PHIL I.DELPIIIA. READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. The differenoe between fact and fiction, of permanent!' curing the mck and suffering of their diaeasea, or adver tising to cure and obeying but little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates from the most reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLLES, IA) WAG NIPS' etepot, and :titer they had teen given np as incurable by the moat eminent medical men of !hie city: Judah Levy, Bronchial Cononmption, 814 South Front street. Edward T. Evans. Drencher of the IL 12_ Ohnrob, Dya- Dom% of long standing, Lan tigltio and Lumbago, UM Ifelmuth greet. Alexander Adaire ' Inflammatory Rheumatism, Lum bago, long etanding,l3l2 Saver'y street, Eighteenth ward, Kensington. William 11. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower Ileohs, (Paraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 South Twentieth street J. J. Bailey, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, and Lumbago, 210 fdarket street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Hemorrhuge of the Lungs and Diabetic, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Untried L. Jonas, Dytmepaia and Liunbago, 628 Arab Street. James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. . . George G. Preenerry, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard House. Thomas Harrop, severe Diabetic, Ross Mills. West Phi ladelphia. George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long atandiug, 823 Market street. 11. T. De Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism. 1736 Chestnut street. 0. U. Carmich, Chronic Dyspetada and Inflammation of the Kidney°. Chestnut and Fortieth stream. Hukh Harrold, Bronchitis and Disease of the Kidneys 49 Fatah Third street 8. P. M. Teeker. Chronic Dyspepsia, and Kidney Dis ease, DM South Fifth street James P Greve!, M. D., long standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine street. Fdward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. Stanford Stillwell, Congestion of the Brain and Chronic Dyspepsia. 1526 Palmer street Charles L. Oushney, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia. Western Rotel. J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Con gestion of the Brain, 518 Callowhill street. Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chentnnt etreet. Nov. J. Mallory. Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M. Lansing, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave nue. N. B.—ln addition to the above cases cured, Prof. U. H. BOLLE:. has cured two thousand Chronic and Acute cases within less than three years in Philadelphia, all of which cases had resisted the treatment of the most emi nent medical wen. Please bike notice that Prof. R does not edrertien any certificates of cures, except thouo cured in this city. Prof. B. has established himself for life In this city, and hie success in treating the Mettle a sufficient guaran tee that he claims nothing but scientific facts in his die 'ovary in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. N. 13.—1 t will be well for the Meowed to recollect that Prof. B. has given a word of caution in his pamphlet to guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may seem severe on those using Electricity at hazard, but it is the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. Consultation Free. Sir'See advertisement in another coluum. PROP. O. H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, Phlleda. TA.RRANT'S ENFEBTENENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally re. naive(' the most favorable recommendations of the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the POHO ES the MOIL EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE SALINE APE RIENT. It may be need with the beet effect in Bilious and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indigee tion, Acidity of tho Stomach, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout. Itheumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WHICRN A GENTLE AND COOLING APDDIENr o PUB- DATIVE IS REQUIRED It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Conyalascents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medieibe Chests. It le in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it tc produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Nnmerone testimonials, from professional and other gentleman of the /lighted standing throughout :he coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 GREENWION Street, corner Warren at. NE W YORK, And for sale by Druggists generally. G L TEN CitPITS LES or ULAI.AIZMffiL . AMKIiM The repugnance of newt patients to COD-LIVID OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms :of disguise for its administraton that are familiar to the. Medical Profession. Some of them answer in epodei came, but more often the'vehiols neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving unite as unpalatable and of loos therapeutic, value. The repug nance, nausea, to., to invalids, Induced by disgust of the OH, is entirely obviated by the we of our OAPSITIAS. -COD-LIVER OIL OAPSIJLES have been much neeo lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re sults from their nee in both hospital and private pracilas, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are scr- Solent to warrant ore claiming the sirtuott we de far them, foaling enured their nee will result in benefft and deserved favor. Prepared by WY - ET!" & BROTHER. 1413 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FRE DEttlt3K BROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE. Northeast corner of FIeTH and OHESTNUt Streets, PHILADELPHIA Attention is called to this valuable remedy which shotdd be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowel', and is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a now Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, In order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold bj all respectable Prnggists in the 'United States. fe.S afrm-gm LEGAL. GROCERIES AIND PROVISIONS NATIVE WINES. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OF. THE GRAPE-THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED . TO THE PUBLIC. nAP 4:00 3 n 334 63=RM : 1 43 , 1134 OOP) a :OM ALBERT 0_ ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GEOOKRIES, sp2B-tf OORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STE JAMES HOMER & SON'S CHOICE ey new crop Teas. SEVENTH and NOBLE Streets, and SIXTH and WOOD Streets. tny9.lm* fi ROSSE & BLVKWELL'S cele. trated PICKLES and SAUCES, constantly received RHODES & WIGLIABIS, 107 South WATER Street CHEAP BUTTER! 011EAr BUT TICS! only 12 ots. per pound, et No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. mh2B-tf NUTS -20 BALES LANGUE 1100 ALMONDS; 20 bales SICILY ALMONDS; 100 bags New African PEANUTS ; just received and for sale by 11HODES it WILLIAMS, 'eye 107 South WATER. Street. LEAF LARD.-79 tierces prime ket- Ileatrudered Leaf Lard, for sale by U. U. tik/OLER dt 00., mb2O-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front 10 BBLS. GOOD COOKING Blll'- TER. for male etrs cheap at No_ OM ERRING GAR DEN Street. rnti26-tf VHEESE.-150 boxes fine Herkimer V County Cheese, for sale by C. Q. SADLER & 00., mb2o.ld 108 KROH Street, 21 door above Front. VERY CHOICE WHITE RYE FLOUR. only 231 al. Per Pound, et No- 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. mh2s.ff CANDLES. ChemieslSperm_Candlem for ado by JAMMIVICHILI LATBEGNM, 202 sad 204 Month FRONT Street. mhl4 G r it ease —b y White Wino vinegr, JiiIIRETORR a LATERGINI4 IBMS Not. 262 and 204 South FRONT Street SARDINES.—A very superior brand for sale by ONABLZB 8. 0 ABSTAINS, apt 128 WALNUT and 21 GIiANITZ Street. cm CWT. CHOICE WRITE RYE /4/U FLOUR" just received end for wae ot. No. 619 gpgiNG lIARDZN Street. MESS PORK.-250 bbls Mess Pori, /Ll_ for aide by 0. Cl. RADLER & 210, 1ab204 108 ARCH Elkreek, 2d door above Proidt. TF YOU WANT GOOD POUND BUTTER, go to B. Z. GIOTTWALW, No. 812 SWUNG GASMEN Street LATOUR OLIVE OIL.-463 baskets LA? OUR OLIVZ OIL, just received, and for sale by JAIIRETOBE A LAYREGNE, 202 and 204 South FRONT Straek. ceurioN.—lleving 0104311 a spurious article of Oil branded "J. Latour," we caution the public, against purchasing the same, as the genuine J. Latour Oil can be procured only from um JARTUTOHL & LATERONR, mpl3•tf 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. VRESU ROLL RUTTER, EGGS, Ito., 12 waived daily at B. L GOTTWAINti No, SD SPRING CIABDIN strait. eahNhaf . _ . . INRURANCR COMPANIRN. FIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PitiLADELl'illii, No. IZStI Nona SIXTH street, briow Max, irmirn Ouoils, Anillerrlmilbia generally, frum Loss or Damage by Fire. The , ron pally guaranty to adjust all Imre.les promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage or the public. inincfm cooper, 111 cGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas 11. MrCurmick, Matthew McAleer, Thomas J. tfigrithill, ]lornard If. lltilseman, krllll.ol James McCann, FRAY( PEILNARD nA VP ERTY, Se,r lIELAWAItE MUTUAL SAYIVVY Au" INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED RV THE L 1 1 6 19La.11/Itt Or s•ENNSYLVANTA, 1836. t/FFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA MARINE INSURANCE ON VROBIOA.a, CARGO, To all parte of the World. FREIGHT, INLA D INSURANCES On Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land thairlages to all parta of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwell ing housesko. ASSETS OF THE COMP .KNY, NOV. 1, 11301. rat. 0090. 6109,000 Unites Statos Five per cont. - Lean. 1100,000 00 10,000 United Status Six por Cont. Trea snry Notes 25,000 United States Seven and Three tenths por cont. 'Preasnry Notes 04,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five pvr conk Loan 59,501 Si 123,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan 119,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five peer cent. Loan. 24,016 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Six por coat. Bonds 20,000 00 00,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort.- gage Six per cont. Roads 48.130 58 16,000 800 Sharon Stock Germantown Oita Company, principal and intOrntli (guarantied by the (Jur or Mil. ni plum 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,00') 00 Bills receivable for insurances tuad0...... 8x,72,0 07 Rondo and Mortgagee 15,000 00 Beal Estate 61.38.3 53 Thatitllo.3l, 1.1.U0 at Agencies--Premiuras on 'dailies Policies. Tut.ireet, and other Debts due the. Company 3orip and Stook of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 811,843—estimated ve iav 00 Clash on hand—ln Banks . ...... 831,068 08 In Drawer 617 38 DIUSOTOBS. Stsusuel it. Stialtos, .1. P. Psuiaton, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvalue. Therese U. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Mcb'srland, Joshus. P. .Syre, iJobn B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. I. RAND, Viso President. lretarr. jalg.rf William Markim ktlmund A. Baader, heophilua Paulding, John R. Penrose, John 0. Davis, James Tragnair, William Eyre Jr., James C. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph FL deal, Dr. 13. Huston, 41430rge G. Leiper, lingh Craig, Charles Kelly', WILLIAM WI 0 ICU? lIENRY LYE, WITI3.N. g. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL ItISUItANOII COMPANY, 07 PHILAMILTZIA, OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSB OR DAMAGE BY FIBL ae Houses, Store& and other buildings, limited or psrpetuni, and on Furl... Burs, Geode, Waren, and Ider ehondine, in town or column,. CAM CAPITAL, 5231,110.00—A85ZT8 5EU.7.141.04, Willa is iaveeted an Mitosis. via In Brat morrow° on pity property, worth double the amount *165.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s P, per cent. first mortgage loan, at par 1,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'a 0 per cont, ae -cond mortgage loan, (1430,000) 17,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and C/6061 4 00.'s mortgage Man . - 0,000 00 GIMP runt, Ilrin-duns 3,482 413 dilatant loans, well seemed 2,600 00 Oily of Philadelphia a per cent !can 80,004 00 .‘illegheny County 0 per cent. Pa. Bit, loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,186 01 Mechanics' Dank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock .... 4,000 00 The Reliance Inuf.nal Intotrancs Root. 116,069 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1.080 00 The Delaware M. if,. Insurance Co.'s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.', wrist 880.00 :RUB receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts. accrued interest, me 7,104 64 Oadt on hand........ 11.444 AS 8817,10 OA The Mutual prindplr ' combined with the socurity of • stock Capital, entitles the fuel:wed to pardon:ow in the ?101178 of the Company, without liability for Lomas- Lessee promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. Oleo Tinnier, Samuel Bleimam, William B. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William tinnier, William Stevencon, Benj. W. Tingley, Rim R. Worrell, Elarshell C. L. Carson, . J. Johneon Brown. Robert Toland, Charles Leland, 4. D. Itosengarten, Jacob T. Slanting, Chariee S. Wood, I Smith 80WE.% fames 8. Woodward, John Risco% Pltedan•, OLEN TUt9LCT, Preoitiont. 0. 11. HIVOMILUV, Beerotory. February le, 186.1. taft LIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE,- L P.—The P'SNI4SYLVAPIIA PIRL INSURANOB UOMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PIZ. PWITAL. No. 61d WALNUT Street. opposite Independ ence Sinare. This Company, favorably known to the oommantry or .minty-six yours, ountinues to Inman against Loss or Da uukgr by Firs, on pnblic or private Buildings, either por manontly or for a limited time. Also, on Tr=hurls, stooks or i3oolis. or Morobandiss ;morally, 00 liberal Their Oapitcl, together with a largo drurplus Pawl, h invested in the most careful moaner, which enables thaw to offer to the floured an andoebted secarfty in the teas of lose DERZOTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thcimaa Hobbit, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alezander Jobti Caveman, WilliamMontoina, Thomas Smith ?faro Hazinhunt, JONATHAN WILLIAM O. 0110W10.1., PATTEBBON, retery. FIE ENTERPRISE AC CIOMPAN.I OTPETIELADILPHIAL 11.TBURANCIA EX.OLUSIVISLY.) O•III.LNY'S BIIELDING, S. W. IJORNIAII FOUR= 111) WALNUT STREETS. DIEMOTOBS. Batord'ord Saari% Mordecai L. Dawson, William MoKee, Gee. H. Stuart, Mare Framier, John 11. Brown John M. Atwood, p a h,,,,,,, r dt. Doti T. Trodick, Andrew D. Oman Wl:Leriee, J. L. Mrl4 BARTIMV626D STAUB, President 071.111L113 W. COIN. Secretary Cell "IkIECJIANGE INSURANCE COM ALI PANY-0111ce, Re. 409 WALNUT Street. lire Insurance on Housee t and Merchandise generally, favomble terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DIRNOTORS. Jeremiah boom% Thomas marsh, Sohn Q. Ginnodo, (Merles Thompson, 'Edward D. Roberta, Janis* T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. .11119111111 AH BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. OINNODO, VicePreddent, SICIZAID 001. Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810.