would either' take epecle or the bills of their own bank, on which he could wet the specie if be desired. The di. rectors refused to do either, and the atockholder home. siiately commenced or ...111...1 4 .1..A L, The ease has been carried through all the courts, and fallow before the Court of Appeals, the last resort under StetejuriFiliction. The currency in which they offend to pay him was clue-fourth per cent discount. This die •GOUtkt tint -80 i donors—Ms dlitidstut..ta last fourteen .cents. Linton had it Untied In several courts. it must Lave cost him several hundred dollars by this time, pro hably es much no the whole amount or his bank stock. The bank is also iu the mire lust as deep as the stock, bolder is in the mud By reru.inif to pay theirowi, bank !bey Lose run up a Pict' kill'ot coca.° reran Want Of fourteen cents, which will, to more or 1..0..X"..t, affect the profits of the institutton,—Syracuse (N.Y.) Journal. The following are some of the principal articles ex- Dotted from this port to foreign Purls, trout May g to lb, 1862: l kW, taw, P.-rfuni:ry— _ 114.-..w0,,, pkg.. 5 00 u•.a 2 1403 Tree n 104.-20,600 1,000 Flour, bbl. 7.52 84,011 o firm of ISOIIRI3, TAWNIt, k, 00. Oißoo No. 209 South THIRD Street. m>l3-]m MORRIS, TASKER, & 00. TIELICIOUt3 HOT AND COL D 11 DAMS may always be bad at the famine Hair. Dyeing Saloon, FOURTH and RISANOH. my1,4114t PHILADELPHIA 2_ PE PT PE T No. no WALNUT Street. WASHINGTON • ADVBICTISE M ivirt WA NTE D—A good Journeyman RA RBER. Omed wgfigels alvMn. ir.pgre of lON AIM IEBPIN TA, Washington, near the N nor y V era Nato, Euehth meet. !PM 14 aial ID SLAY! UN it MRICANN ACADEMY OF PATUHPAY vEzinfa, May mu. ITALIAN UPKRA. PUNITIVVLI LAOT GPEHA NIGHT THIS dHASON. Second sod loctoppeitraoce of NADA - alb Bid NNA lhoAlcettrii Grnoil Opera In ronr acts, TA FA VO LUTA. Modonie NOM, to h.r celehrated character of Le o l9ll IMMO 01,1 un Fornando an tor Arlin i Pig, 111;til NI as Salthatarj MM iVO. G111)1t1! as 1 lito. DllleliCal Director and Conductor, Wit. Acroidoion to Paptutt, 'firm Oirele , and Ha'oony, No"tie•thorFe for fitlvivril kitoita. Ifaruill Oirclo, 60 cote i tixltrrt 1 2,5 crate. Box oßicoist ihe Academy will open t3-day, from!) to 4 o'clock, for LIM hall: of rew•rvpil wn.ti. intl6.2t MRB. JOHN DREW , S Allow-STREET THEATRE. Acting Otago Manuel W. 8. FREDERICKS Buenos. Agent mid Treasurer JOB I). filtihiptur - BENEFIT ote FRANK DH.MW, TO-NIGHT,Fit ID ALT, :nay i 9, 150 2 1 On, JOHN, JEAN, AND JONATEI kN. Caleb Huthr, au Mr. Frank Drew Alter a bieb. 1,. noun.., IA new Barlewigio, clam THE ONION OF AHYDOS. yell an, Mrs_ litt,n 81.1 Isa, NiP.4. Marla& Menai Muza, (a Pirale.) Prank Drew. Mier JANE COG Qt BS w4l shard,' appear. Ina.rn open at qnarter altar T o'clock. Curtain rum at i t tlatopt to 8 pr. cirri?. VIIVALNUT-MEET THEATRB-:. v NINTH and WALNUT Strum. Aran team*, MBB. M. A. GABEATTEION M.45v: BLit BENEFIT . of Mr, and hire, Of)NWAT, Tt lb FP.' I Y ENO. Tlie perfointorice will conimi nco with Lu N DUN AS.II, It &NUE. fair Harcourt Courtly 51r. P. 13, Conway'. Lod) Coy Spook. r Mri F. B. cont/er r •1, dr Tma Of non ROY. Rob Roy .Mr, F. B, Conway. Been MacGregor Mrs. F. B. () t ummy. PRIOMI--bio. 87,6, lb, And 26 cent.; Private Boxes ? Sfi and SI accordion Mar Wale_ Doors oast at 7}/ o'clock. To commence af, YX. A cAllifimy OF MUSIC. ASSL ER.% HE A NT) FaREWR.LL cON THURSDAY EVEI%ING., Ma.; 221. It PEAL' OF LAUGHTER 1 !!--1)11. COL roN? in connlill'nnti Qr SIT II; 1111C0011 6 rbich .1 tip femur oithikitmothilite the plum• cur' to annuouto ONE OIURE .Exhitottou of the. Le I.IOIIING Gr . for FRIDAI EYMNING, kl.ty 16, 1862 : at CONOEILT LIeLL. T welve gen tivmen of the first re~ptctabilay a ill Wham° the Gee. Dr. G. has the extrtmoDhasereto Alitiolli.oh that oo this ,)IX LA DI P:S haro Rhin consooltst to inmate the 11,8. The circa of the gas is to d. Troll) the mont promfhent traits of character. Scme %sith laugh oluo. dance, declaim, Sic. The TIIRMAINE htto PLINIO commence the evelliffee ouUrtithanent with a (Tendert of 211 ill NM& they will digit hl , lytt WI! of tilde hioet britliant songs, pelrlotte. penthoonlal, and tenths. Ticktt.., 25 cents. Duore upon at 7. Commence ek 8 o'clock. ru)l.t.3t* 01., } 1l)11 )Vll.ll, (JIVE AN EXHIBITION the LAUQIIT iR GAS for I.AbIES exclu 1 RII).XY A rrtCIINUON, May 16, 181;2, at I.:ONO/Mr lift LIE/. TwuntY LH. 1108 WO ['JAIL , Ow (114_ Th !Sao •., 1 0,j u 6 w-ve,al of their wont tetvltitte Fletitte. A Immarri! LU ettittl. NOrB oven at 2. Chionvonce at 3 o'clotit myls.2t* ACADI,II.IY OF MU6IO. MARK TT .I.S", , I,EIT'S GEM. al( WELL 001 , NERT, I.lllLnr•Dii Y EYE Z., G. May 21 killl particiOrn will 6001/ Un VitbliCitth lariat tf GREAT WORLD'S FAIR, 16Cii Strvet, above Nitieteunth„ Fur ono xcrk, commenced Rl.* 19th. myl2-1.24 ATAINi AY]U 11(111 k CO 78 MAM- A hOlll MEN (:R AT 15101tAL EXHIBITION HYATT 11110 ST Thin instructive and Interesting collection of Livins Animals, couPshatig every variety known to naturalists" will be exhibited tind.r AN lAVIENSIC NEW file ifl,l2Plt. tout OM , OtelikklliShiti, . nkuininv ur.s, l4 -4, 4 47,1..00 innate feet of cloth, gall) decorated witft Repot all nations,) On ARCH Rreet, above Nineteenth, tletzuneheing . 1 .4.7 POSITIVELY FOR ONR REX ONLY, (After which it will proceed on its annual Rummer tour.) Adrniesfor, IlsClnte; cliihlren under vine years, Ifi cents, T.H1t14.111 PitnifORMANilES illAoll DAY. Doors open at 10 A M., B and 7 P. K. lb.o.Antle amak rare and valuable additions have Leon Towle, the nowise. tors haying expended on this establigiment the anal - moos euni of *t1(25,000. The resoitreee of every dime have been ran,en to cortrihtte to this vvicittiaLLND ZOOLO HOAG EXHIBITION. It ben Oven prouonnced by the ciuru, trod did elite of the city of Now York, where it teceniiy exhibited, t. turpeawe in beauty tool varlet>, any exhibition of the kind in the known work). THE LIVING FILP filiT3llo:3 dli occmpy wyr nr,Q tureen cam, reoominiug miniature palaces. The ornamental painting. on them is too mod extraordinary effort of ;tutorial art and enterprise ever litoLl in aby country. Mona ',axis, apn ail of THE GREAT VAN hoaP --- ru,.R thrn , irry riarilPr anq Amer - 101l WILL ENTER TELL DENd OF TRAINED ANIMALS Ale., will appear, THE GREAT WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL. B. F. Trf 031 ms. Keeper. PRIIVIJMNIII4 it LK Npur. air Po teamed .end performed by Prof. NAST'. also, PGIIII3II Dlonke) s, Muley, &c. Other gruad features of the en tertainment ere the COLOESAL GOLDEN CIIAIIIOT, containitg Otto 1 , 43$ eat R.. 6.1 the dons, cagog, and wa4ota. Three, the reoht magailloont place& of worl+menebip ever constructed, are all Hew and ett berh Ltyoad prrctdont. I, o deem i pti ye language will &B igger exaggerated to those Who behold them While pagans through the etrevt in a GORGEOUS PROCESSION, on the rearnii.g of MONDAY, 514 y Nth, preceded by 917 E WORLD RENOWNED VAN A 11BEIRGLI, in pe , eon, the original lion and tiger tamer, who nppeare lb all bis prislipt figor and excellence of former year* notruthoundir g the ft - mama remrts of his being torn to pieces by the 6E111141e, Pie marling papers for route et procession, Nay 19th. tarl2.l2t* GREAT WORLD'S FAIR ; ARCM above Nineteenth. Coturnencee MONDAY, May 19th, for one week. mrl.2-12t* pENNSYVLANIA ACADEMY OP 1 'THE PISS ARTS. Thirty-ninth Animal Exist. bition of Painiinge and Soulptme, 1025 CHESTNUT Street. Open from 9 A. A( till 6 P. Al., and from P. M. till 10 P. 51. Admittnno. 2 centsj Season Tickets 00 cents, Stockholders, Artiste, awl Contribntors will receive their ticsete at the Academy : no admissions without. Open from 9 A. M. till 7P. Al and from 8 till 10 P. hl . 'llO WANTS. pAliTtslElt WANTEM=Tho subscri• ber, beteg thoroughly practical in his lino ot business, is desirous of fornikg a business ennnecrion \ebb a man of energy and capital, iu tide city, or New York - . The business may be done for cash iVelresis OtHan al Da PAAII. n».111-t} AIOUNU LADY, who speaks Freich, desires a bit nation as GOV Ear:n.3s. Is competent to teach the higher English branch. a ' Freucb, at..l fqqlk.,?...i. of Muck. 11... co 014—Amo. tl,o coun try or tsavoliog. Address "L. V.," Press Office. m 514 e.h,3tit WAN TEI) —6O3I.ETHING NEW— /. mivt-Ztnintir —:Stittr onsi rennin; Alma wanted. in every town and city in the United istates; 1520 to . :940 per tam lb can be, made and no humbug Business easy ard respectable. It requires a very email capital, d will not interfere with other employment. This Is no hook sponey or _humbug of any kind_ Na iaiieOia .441 l regtet having sent for this information, let his employ ment be what it may. Cull particulars given to all who enclose a 'hr. e-cent vestige etemp, and address HARVEY DROWN & A moskeng N. 11. myls-d6t.tu w3t.w2tlll, ALADY WISHES A SITUATION as TEACHER in a private octopi or in a family. Atiorees yDI E 1.," Chatham, Pennsylvania ta31.4-121t AYOUNG MABllkab MAN wishes a Situation in n wholesale eetablialonent, of any kmd; would he v tiling to make himeell generally ueefal. Addtree R. KENT, 22 North Third Street. tun° lU. V.. TrlikiLINES.-WANTED- For the U. S. Marine Coro t for sea service aboard of rnen-cf-war, SEVERAL HUNDRED ABLE— DODIRD MEN. bearreen the ages of 18 and 35 rear. All information that may ha Pp/mired. will ho ittiVeri at the ittinlfy.vona, 311 South Prdlit street, Wow SOrildo, Philadelphia. JAMES LE WlB. nn 9-tf Captain and I:occulting Officer. ti 4 WANTED— A House with all the Ma Modern hnbroVerneinte, having at trust nix chain berth wilh fixturell for Stove. Limits, lie OE to WAL LACE. EIGRTLI to BROAD. Rent not over $31:10 F,„ ao. 1717 P 0. INSURANCE CO AN 1.60. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA IDANITAL 82G0,000. This company continues to take risks on the safer classosof Property at low ratan. The public can rely upon Ile reeponsitellityi and abill. ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed $500,000, and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future DIRECTORS (IBA& L DUPONT, JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. MAI:MOEN, JOHN TUOHNLEY, 0. 11. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM. HART, DAVID BOYD, Jr., DUMB'S. $, HOB, ;AIN, T, WM. H. SWAIN, VIIIMAN SHEPPARD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. LAWRENCE, WM. O. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLEIL THOMAS ORAVRN, Prftidistie. A. S. GILLETT, Vice Prooldent. JAS. B. ALVORD. Secratsry. sv2B.tt CAUTION- The *el-61 kilta tOtookollon of FAIRBANKS' SOALES Hu induced the maitre at Imperfect heinous to offer them as I+ Pa.IRBAIIKS I SCALES," and bUrahasers have thereby, In many Instances, been subjected tetrand and Imposition. FAIBB &NHS' 60ALEB are manure°. turvil only hy the oriOnal Inventors, E. ft T, FAIS BANHB 8 00.* aDO are adopted to every Dranoh of Ms badness, where a correct and durable Beale' la required. FAIRBANKS & EWING ? Osumi Agentst sulo-tf MASONIC HALL. 716 CHESTNUT ST MONUDIENTB AND ON AVE LT_IL STONES at very reduced prices at Marble Works a 1 s STEINMETZ, IMMO dynamo, Wow Elms* gtrwwk mhlft-gwor JAMES HOMER & BON RAVE A T.l oplundid mortment of flue Growling, chain, lila YENTH and £ QW.I 1 Streets, and SIXTH end WOOD Streets. mlp• Dianager.