The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 10, 1862, Image 2

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    r t 55.
E 2 Al UR Y MAY 10, 1802
TIIE PRESSURE upon our columns of a largo
timount gd exciting war news has prevented us
from publishing at an earlier day the speech
•delieerLd by lion. &nor; CAiteitoN, at liar
aisburg, prior to his departure for Europe.
It will be found cm our fourth page.
PERIIAPS No public man in the country, at
the present time, hie so much reason to cry
save me from my friends," as General
iIIeCLELLAN. It 15 his nustertuno to be chant-
Veiled by certain New York journalists, who
seem to forget that he is just now carving out
ai rep uttiti,,li with hint §word which w ill h e , it'
ho prove successful, his good and sufficient
-defence against air, malice of enemies,
whether they be civil or military. It is not
strange that a man iu his position should be
the mark of ill-natured criticism. Indeed, he
would be wallrilig in all that goes to make up
a good general were it otherwiSe. A. public
man without public enemies would be an ex
ception to the rule. It is no kindness to
hum to place him before the country as a
much-abnsed man—an especial object of envy
and d etraci ion. To volunteer far-fetched and
Unefilleti.tor Ot filIM of hid course is to teach
the public a hat we believe to botalsethat
he is unable to vindicate himself by the deeds
which will be credited to him in the history of
this war.
One thing is certain: Genius cannot finally
be cbuiiml );' its meet'. The mists of envy,
detraction, and falsehood may teinperarily
obscure the most b ihiunt display of great
qualities, as clouds obscure the sun ; but facts
and acts will at last matte themselves felt and
acknowledged. No combinations can suc
cessfully war against theSe sure witnesses—
,. i su,s_kiw eat, stitla theit , voice_ They will
take the :stand and testify when malice is
dead, and envy has "peaked and pined"
itself into pi emature decline:
In these times—exceptional as they are to
any in o ur national experience—every man
must stand ulam his own merit. All other
props will he struck away by the Keen and
lively discrimination of the intelligent masses.
The actors in this siupeudous struggle for na.
ti .nNI fits- trill ts-',lll , leild by rho record,
and not by the diatribes of surly criticism, or
the latabliinuN of a judging friendship. An
indiscreet 'holism' press will darali any pArty
to which it devotes its energies ; so, an ill
•udging champion of a prominent man will
generally Bantu slit hero,
But we in. et heartily protest against the
daily alt: nip , of cettain of our cotemporaries
to forerearli oisas:ter, and apologize for it.
Possible failure, like borrowed trouble, never
brought anythin:r but ill-timed grief into the
Louse. We p:tqvr to take the success of the
Amy of tl,. Potomac; as a itqct in beteg.. It
will be time enough to apologize for reverses
when suilend, and to blame third pltrties
velitni a . f bl,trae• Afe„.
CLELLAN is smiting the rebellion between
the eyes, and there is every indication new
that be will drive tile enemy "to the wail,"
A little ealinnes and considerable faith must
be exercised until the news of the final coup
canting over Ilw wires filly Our Souls $o 11111 of
gratitude t.l at there will be no room for the
baser emotions of . nvy and detraction.
TuE .111.u.trAny Oren.,rso.s.s now. being
ducted in Virginia are of the most thrilling
and wonderful character. The war f.ti. the
Union increases in interest; each day, and as
the climax of a complete triumph ()fits defend
ers is approached, the size of the contending
armiea, the lit B gPittle of their opongivnl,
their activity, and the splendor of the achieve
ments of the Union troops, are all enhanced.
Whole volumes would not minutely record the
events of the lost week, and one of the grand
est themes of the future historians of our
country will he the evacuation of Yorktown,
battles_of tlreA -Polo E,
the hot pursuit of the Secessionists by Gen.
MCCLELLAN'S victorious army, the terrifu; attack
made on Sewall's Point hy - our fleet, under the
eye of the President, and the sullen cruise of
the iron-clad monster of tho 000 toy Oroorid
that animated scene. While details of
flies 6 .ert,hl.3 Pe forwarded- to its, •••••4
hear, too, of the march of General
BURNSIDE upon Weldon, and of the skilful
manner in r!31e11 Ogaunfift.AßP is Wog bur,-
rounded by our forces in the Southwest; and
obtain further details of the unprecedented
and almost inconceivable gallantry of Commo
dore PORTER'S mortar vessels, and Commodore
FartaAnuf's deer, in their contest with the
forts, the batteries, the rams, the gunboats,
and the fire-rafts which had been constructed
for the defence of New Orleans. Never did
a free people display more ingenuity, energy,
and beroim in fighting fur the prnaorvation of
a noble country. The record now being made
will live forever as a warning to domestic trai
tors and to foreign foes, and future generations
will dwell with pride upon the mighty achieve
ments of the gallant spirits who are reaping
immortal lame and the fervent gratitude of all
The Emabeionit..n Policy of President
The resolutions adopted by the General Sy
nod of the Lutheran Church, now in session
at Lam:aster, will :Attract special attention on
account of their fervent loyalty and their cor
dial el:don...en:Litt or 1110 gradual emancipation
policy recommended by President LaNcOLN,
and approved by Congress. There are motile
who appear to suppose that all the people of
the slave States are necessarily opposed to
any measures for the abolition of slavery. But
this idea is utterly erroneous. In The debate
upon the very resolution to which we refer,
(for it was opp , sed by some members who
deemed it iiii,Ki.etliont to empress at, opinion
upon the question it inVOlVell,) one of the lead
ing speakers was, from Nash-
Tennmee, Who, as WO learn by the re=
port in the Lancaster Express;rnade the fol
lowing rental s :
((Prof Eggers, from Nashville, Tenn : , said he
Lad preached in No,hviilo throughout the winde
reign of the late Confederacy. He was in favor of
the resolution originally, and thought Hr. Stork
had improved it. flu bad a conversation a snort
time ago with a business LUAU in Nashville, woo said
that, - meow) property there was 1.701141 tittle nut,
it would awn be worth more than ever; that 877LZ11.
cipation mot come; that the negro mast go South;
and advised that he be colonized in a nation of his
own, 991429W1NT4 in rqaiit — Texas deserved that for
the trouble the has given us. Tnen they would
have good times in Nashville. Tnat this trouble
was caused by slavery was as clear to them as the
plagues which afflicted Phil:roan, because he did not
let the children of Israel go ritoulguao.l A great
change has taken place in the South on this ques
tion; slaver.) is something different now ; the peo
ple ate Union where he came from ; be said be
couldn't have st,id 'here it tie timi invu a„ ; Q, 74 -
tinitilbt. The emancipation id Slaves in the District
of Columbia, same years ago, would have set fen
resFre in a hlbze ; new they took it quietly, and
aid nothing.”
There is, else, at this moment, a strong
movement being made for the abolition of
slavery in Delaware, Maryland, Missouri,
Western Virginia, and Kentucky, by a portion
of the citizens of those States, souse of the
most active and influential men engaged in it
being themselves large slaveholders. Colonel
METCALF, Of who Is the owner of
about twenty slaves, in a speech he recently
delivered in Nicholas county, Kentucky, said:
is Pk.Z.1.01./ CM% E YOU all know that nigger
is the raw-head-and-bloody-bones, the scarecrow
that is continually held up to your view, a never
ceasing- agi , atii. D . You must stand sentinel all
night, you must Stand sentinel all day, with your
Musket, over your darling black angels, while they
work in the lidd, to keep somebody from stealing
them. And you must stand watch to keep down
insurrection—eternal vigilance is the price of
Nogger! All this hue and cry ih kept up whoa
theie is not the slightest danger.
t , Well, genii. men, di es not all of this suggest
to your minds a gleam of common sense? Does not
Ate weary sentinel begin to ads himself, wheu will
-the relief come around? Ah, when or how
;shad I ever find time is enjoy myself with my
lour d ones? Where is that happiness this sacred
institution is to produce? When shalt I rest "f
Nuw I Eee.. tf i, I Pttr.alallew clamor has at last
it into my bend Mat I had better take the value of
these gents fritin Africa's burning sands, and invest
in something that will not forever disturb my peace,
use the Itn-lt et on traitors, and take the hoe
myself. Nigger and cotton have urodneed this re
hellion, at d mould be made to foot the bill. There
is a big tugger scare still on our Congress. Tney
Shrink afraid to take the bull by the horns i it is
not just that loyal men should tight out the battles
to tave their country from the iniquity of traitors,
and then pay fee damages they havecaused. Chita
had to toot the bill with England_ Mexico had to
•come up to the clerk's office and settle, and the
'Swiss rebels had to pay for all the dishes they
brolte ; and twenty -five dollars per head on niggers,
nd tee cents I n cotton, will soon pay for educating
the Southern
The old enthusiasm for peaseful abolition
by State action, which distinguished the close
of the last century and swept slavery from the
whole region north of Mason and Dixon's line,
has been rekindled in the Border Slave States;
and there are strong indications that it will
leave as enduring and beneficent a mark upon
their future history as the old State abolition
Agitation left upon the present free States.
Cily Extravugance
On Thursday, by a vote of 19 to 17, the
Common Council agreed to present Mr,
OEORGE F. Gennes, late assistant clerk, with
$590 out of the Public Treasury. The ordi
nance was immediately sent to the select
Eranch, elin sesolen, -and was passed by
that body,—though an attempt to carry it at
once, by suspending the rules, was defeated,
and the third reading was postponed to another
Mr. GEO. F. GORDON has not the shadow of
a claim for one dollar over anti above the
salary which he received. Originally assistant
clerk, he undertook to perform the duties of
chief clerk during the absence of Colonel
➢CALL in the war, Mrs CULLUM, president o f
the Select Council, told that Chamber exactly
how the case lay—that Mr. GonneN performed
the duties of chief clerk, receiving the full
salary of that office, and that an amount
equivalent to the same full salary was also
paid to the absent Chief Clerk SMALL. Thus
Mr. Goithox received the higher income of
the higher office, which onght to sat.sly any
moderate man. But it is pretended, for hint;
that he hod mow witra trouble, which this
sum of $501) will partly compenSate. Herein
is fulfilled the adage, 44 Much will have more."
Councils, it is clear, will give him thig
douctur—which, as a conscientious man, he
should refuse. Councils, no doubt, would deal
very ditlcrently with the ease if they had to
deal with their own money instead of the money
of the public. There are several gentlemen
of commercial standing in the City Councils,
who may ponder over the following case: A
merchant has several clerks, the principal one
enjoying it larger salary than his assistant.
This principal elvris retires, and the 0,, , ,40..C3ce
clerk performs the duty in his place, being paid
therefor by the increased salary. What would
his employer say it', at the end of nine months,
when his own term of service expired, this
grasping assistant clerk, already paid very
much more than his original salary, was to
come before the firm, like Oliver Twist, and
ask for more
The Mayor has a right to veto the Councils'
oidinance, whereby a large sum of public
money is intended to be needlessly squat,
dered, and, having full confidence in his
t>ll()l'lAintkgrity and desire to economize the
city's funds, we shall be much surprised if ho
does not exercise that right.
I,ETT.Eiti /num -- tnivatitttNAL,-
WAsltimnoN, May 9, 1.862
The phantom of European Intervention in
American complications is again invoked in
certain disaffected quarters. There was a
time when an interposition like this would
have been welcome if it had taken
the substantial shape of such a recog
nition of the resources of the Federal Govern
ment, and the people 01 the adhering States,
and of such an acknowledgment of the justice
of the resistance to a causeless and conscience
less Bch e.. 11
ion as would have assured the South
ern people of the desperation and wickedness
of their revolt. Mr. Seward had taken the
yilsepreCintilon to inforth 11 rho G(tvertimen(a
of the earth of the merit( of our dispute
with rebellious slaveholders, and to assure
these Governments that, as the war was
about to be precipitated by these slave
holders in the face of all the peaceful
and amicable efforts of the President and
his friends in the Thirty-sixth Ctingeasi the
attempt in any quarter lo recognize Secessioa
would be at once resented. The effect of these
warnings arrested the open intrigues of the
rebels and their friends in Europe; but it did
not prevent Great Britain, especially, from
taking the next most ctthetiye course to em
b.:rrass the Government of the United States
in the prosecution of the war for its own ex
is( ens°. It is too bite Sitaii' any of thuso
Powers to take a hand in this struggle, unless
to counsel the traitors to a graceful and speedy
turretder. However gratifying tl , O assist
ance of these Powers would haVe been
nine months ago, it is not n:eded or
dt sired at the present time. The war
has weakened, dislocate d, and exhausted
the South, while it has left the loyal North
at d Norhw est with energ es unsubducd, and
resources newly dt,voloped ; with a vietmious
army in all the fields of action ; wittf a navy
that has astonished the who!t: world; a reinvi
gorated credit ; thOr soil uninvaded by a foe;
their cities prosperous ; their farmers indus.
ti ions and cheerful, and hundreds 01 thousands
of their people ready lin. every other sacrifice of
props try and person. Such a melon can attind
to standalone. Insulted and hampered in the
hi-ur of its weakness by oflieituts and unfriendly
princes and cabinets, it can now take care
of itself, and can decline, or if need be, oppose,
any attempt to intervene in this war, unless
such attempt is made with its own consent ; or
at its own request. Mr. Gladstone, the Btitish
Chancellor of the Exchequer, in that part
of his speech of the 24th of April, de
voted to the American question, argues,
with shameless hypocrisy and subtlety, - in
favor of the rebel side of the war;
and is extensively horrified at the cha
racter of the conflict, and full of doubt and
dread at the.‘ enormous difficulty" of the
task undertaken the Federal Government,
It is pOsible that when he hears of the
iate successes of our arms, and of the
10)41 niatliftattatitfilS in the *.oath, he may
he undeceived equally in his hopes and
his fears. Any how, these events should caL
lighten him that, while we are capable of
humiliating Treason on our own shores, wo
are also capable to defend ourselves against
those who, after deserting and humiliating; us,
rosy now try to mediate, with arms in their
hands, en the side of a pro-slavery rebellion,
with all its accompaniments of savage barbari
ty, mutilation and desecration of the wounded
and the dead.
We must adjust our own troubles among
ourselves. The true statesmen of Europe
will see that if the wise policy or Mr. Lincoln
cannot bring the misguided people of the
South to their senses, no foreign aid can be
eirective, sinless airoush another blood. ) , and
expehsive war. Is England ready for Una
venture ? Is France ? No These na
tions want cotton and tobacco, and they
can only get these by allowing Mr. Lin
coln's programme to work out the destiny of
commerce and trade. The best answer that
can be matte to those newspaper critics who
continue the assertion that the Republicans
are the enemies of (en. McClellan, is the open
expression of delight over his triumph an the
peninsula by the Republicans in Congress.
They hail his victory with exultation, and I do
not doubt that among the foremost to do him
honor will be the men who have complained
of the slowness of his military operations.
It is due to the history of the war that I
should add That very- many men ; not Repub
licans, have indulged in these very com
plaints, and that among these were dis
tinguished officers of the regular army itself,
Now, however, that he is doing his work, and
doing it well and thoroughly, the voice of
censure is silent, and the voice of grate
ful praise public and frequent. During
all the disputes which have been produced by
the contrast presented between the steady and
seleidific movements of General McClellan
and the rapid and brilliant dashes of the lead
ers in our Western fields of action, it was a
Republican President that continued to sus
tam the youthful Major General; it .
was a Republican Congress . that complied
with all his requests, and reposed gln3Qlt iM
perial power in his hands. In the very natere
of things, the chief of such an army as McClel
lan's could not pass uucriticised. Buell has
been complained of by many who are not Re
loblicaus. Halleck, Grant, the lamented
Charles F. Smith, the two Shermans, and
.lohn C. Fremont, have had to pass the fiery
ordeal, and this, too, when the
most of them were offering their
lives for their country in more than one des
pm ate battle. ateliteltui has
and for this he has won and he will re
ceive enduring honors. Those who have made
him the special object of their idolatry will
soon cease their half-hearted praise, when they
fitd that the men who of ed to what they
conceived his delay gladly come forward and
render to him that tribute which is so justly
his due. °MAI:11011AL.
ON TUESDAY NEXT.—Thomas Jr, Son's sale at the
Exchange will comprise twenty-eight properties,
upwards of twenty of them peremptory sales, by
order of Orphans' Court, do , Minding some of
the most valuable property offered this season.
See advertisements under auotion head and pamph
let catalogues issued today.
THANKS !—To hie Excellency E. Joy Morrie,
United States ambassador to Turkey, for the Le
vant Herald of April 3, printed at Constanti
nople, wholly in the English language.
„ .
Evacuation of Norfolk—Naval Expedi
tion up the James River—AlTlV)ll of a
Tug Boat from elorloik : She Runs the
Batteries arld Surreuders to ti•eoeral
ploottirid—joiptoriaut War Cousaita
tion—The Fu i t at Minipill!' KORAN
Attacks the Rebel liaiierit.s at Sewell's
PO iiit—Appritio 111 cc of the Merrimac.
Pb.. Omen.]
ironrititss alustios, 'lay B—P. ht.
Early this morning a tug bunt, tuunt•ll J. B. White
arrived at Newport News, and surrendered biiovelt to
tirnrini pieortirtd. She bad born sew down iv "*Liirril'a
Point yetteiday by 1110 rebels to tow a schooner to Nor•
f. 114, having Mk board the big gun" recently there.
In Coining down the officers had in opportunity to &i
-tem to our lima. and they took advantage of it.
Passengrrn by this boat report the evactotti,n of Nor
folk by the rebd troops. The navy yard was being torn
down yeetrlday, and the public buildings blown up.
The MOM J. IL Whits belonne to muting in Erin,
Early this morning the Galena, Aroostook, and Port
noya/ procertlett up the atIMOS rivur. sil,nming Dar
Point battery with a few shots, and shelling the woods as
they proceeded up They are now, no doubt, far up tha
muddy stream.
President Lincoln and Cabinet wero in conenitation
with Commodore GoltlAborough, and it was Sunlit' deter-
mined to attack alai take 10180000i 0 11 of tiorfolli
At . 10 o'clock Flag Officer Goldtborolltth remarked that
lie wonted the whole fleet to move no and attack the bat-
Writs at Cranny Island, and if the Merritt - kw wont-) 1101
MIL et her Amu valilitu, t he would brine kir (nth"
At twelve o'clock, the Monitor, leading the entire fleet,
stsanird up towards Seweii's Poiut The Pre•i and
;, - , , vere-ttsriez Gime, Or ci *tax.t , ..ll are Tityw toff tho exc.ccins
ecehe loom a mall tug in the harbor.
71111 Ytesels movoi slowly lip in tho following whir
Ainnitor, Drteotah, Semi»ole. Susquehanna, and San
Jacinto. Dacotah onebed and tired three shuts at half
pion twelve o'clock, but received no answer from the re
bels. At one o'clock the ball was opened - by thl fleet and
the rebel batteries The nee; men rapidly and la a veil
handsome Etienne:, ninny of the shells bursting directly
over Sewell's Poiut.
The batteries along the eastern shore of the Elizabeth
rivtr answered Mal powerful gnus occasionaily.
?be Monitor took the lead, and kept far in the ad
vance mit?l two o'clock this afternoon, when the Aferri
mac was observed coming down from Norfolk, and the
Monitor took it better position fur defending the fleet.
The M.rrimac CAMEO out into the Upper heads, and
the fleet returned to toe fortress, leasing only tire Mani
for and E. A. Stevens ahoy.. The and other
Irrust.i. (4 P. Al moval up, but cho -Ver.-l
ease is very shy, and both parties seem to Teel dubious
concerning the result of a conflict. SNORE ANON.
Death of a Member of Congress
Invalids in the Army to be Discharged
loyalty in Tennessee Undoubtedly Increasing
specicd Despatchos to «Ths Pf,d§.ll
W.tsimicrox, May 0,1832
The Navy to Want of Seamen_
The linvy Department is iu immediate want of searnm.
Extra ttainceicents have bc:eu offered in tho way of ad-
SiII:ICES, and in additive, the eeduie are redpiug a harvest
at pr/zo ruouvr. A eir,ole on. of recoukcaptur.a., it
it erlinitted, will yield to each seaman on the c , ,pcnring
vessel front 51,21.0 to , £.1,400. This is a fine chance for
the few Ei.gland fishermen. -
Meeting of the Connrvanve illemDers of
The following notice was read from the clerk's dealt
immediately after the adjournment of the Hoots today :
O There will he a ineetluz of the cow rvative moutbers
of Congress in this halt, to-morrow, (Satur.lay) the 10th
itst., at 2 o'clock P. M. All the conservative members,
from ail the notes, are invited to attend to, couustl to.
KellitT MI to tile host I:HCO[18 to defeat the INatl/183 of Ili:
Abolitionist and the Sece3doniat."
Visit to Congress
Captain l Blllleg ILO B or the MILD', nutlet.
pant. in the bombardment of Fort, Jackson and Philip,
vieiteci CongitES to-day, aLd were warmly welcomed by
Senators and Ileprosentativeti. They are both elderly
nentlethein tad are old stagers in the navy. Tney
exhibited two largo rebel llage in the Capitol, captured
in navel engagements, but they were nut dieplayed in the
senate and .I:IDUE,
Di-chm-get Ruh ILLuI 3lgn
The &nate also passed :a hill, today, which greatly
facilitates the didcharge of invalids from the army . , or
percent' disabled by phi steal caused train remaining
los.:Ler in the• Ruggeri. All 'hat id y&laiead le the send.-
cute of the burgeon, describing the nature of the soldier's
incapacity fur military duty.
Itelease of Captain Parrish and Lieuten
tint Denutscy of tint _New Yarn. _Riga
Captain PA RRIS. II and Lieutenant DEMPSErt, of the New
York berent3-uluth (iitghlui.d) Regiment, who were to
ken prigonore nt Boit lium arrived pure today from
Iti..brnond, hawing been weed to our Ikea at the She
nandoah nunder a Ileg of trues.
Executive Session of the Senate
Tre exvcwiVO biY3Si4.7ll, to day t,ondratad the
nomination of ions J. ths CO, A.aiis;aut Treasurer of the
traittd Sta:ea at New York ; GEtntok 1). Causs, aurvey.
or of Coatocus for the port of l'awcatuck, It Likud ?
and Cot, GEORGIi W. Teorl.oe, of the Tuird /few Jereey
Yoltzutocra, to be a Brigadier Geueral.
(briers or the Aavy Department—Lieut.
Warden to Command the "New Iron,
The Navy Department has isened the following orders
Lieutenant Jrlat L. Woolen to retort to Comm:totter
Dendewmit for the command of the iron-clod steamer
New frunsfcled. ceumnintier JumptC,E, Groan, de.
Dirtied firm ordnance duty at Boehm out to report to
Captain Pearson for command of the aaipen, ou the
1811) proximo. Samuel L. Gould, Jr, of Boston, ap
pOlUtetlaftiag araistout ourgron, ELI d ordered to report
to Ccnitnandet Paulding for duty. Hutry 11. Foster,
John M)Gowan, Samoot A. Waterbury, of the Potounte
flotilla, prt mated to acting master!, Jon H. Butler, of
?yew York, appointed acutio muter of Ito Now York
navy yard. Among the promotions in Dupont's squad
ron ie acting master Wm. Buotl, to be acting volunteer
The Senate Committee on the Pacific
This morning the special committee of five of the Se
nate on the Punic milt-owl, hem it 'muting, sod agrood
to report the House bill without unieutitnent, ahrl :it the
some time to speedily urge its passage on the Situate.
The hill ',aims to be a very a!zeioianie one generally, for
it parn(d tlir yri6R4!). report') 4y the coin
initlee there, without matetial amendment. Itt early
paceage by the onto is ,lut.ieipattd.
Old Capitol Prisoners
Thera are Low but out) huudrod brieonore in the OM
Capitol, only tat) of whom are in the hospital depart
Dcath . of ll'ember of Congress.
GOLDSMITH liAincy, lombpr of COnoon from rho
Worcester dish 3et of m o rs.chuseita, hai just died from
cvnbutuptiou, at bib Lome in. Worcester—iufortnation to
that effect having been received here today.
Ai-ill:al of the Sick and: Wounded from
NEW SOtcK, May 9.—The steamer Ocean Queen
arrived to night. from Yorktown, with 1,000 sick and
tolied_ No list of the casualties was brought. by heft.
Late Official News from New Orleans.
Capt. BAILEY has artived, with despatches to the Navy
Department from Com. FARRAG or, and brought a num
ber of Eeceibien tiag.?, including that of the Chalmette
regiment and the ono which was hauled down from the
New Orleans City
The dates are of the 29th ultimp at which time Com
modore karragnt was taking every means to secure the
occupation of the forts all along the coat, with the aid
of General Butler's forces.
[,, The coat" referred to in this despatch, is the com
mon name for the chore of the Mississippi from Plow Or
leans up to Natchez.]
The Pennsylvania Regiments in the Battle
of Williamsburg.
nARRISBURG, May 9.—The following despatch was re
ceived by Governor Curtin from Washington this after
To Cov. Curtin : A New York friend in Gen. McClel
lan's advance writes me as follows :
The battle of Williamsburg was a most brilliant en-
Remittent, mid the victory wee complete:
'I he fighthig lasted from daylight till dark.
Booker's arid Smith's divisions, and parts of Casey's
and Rearney's were actively engaged all day, add an
itial force bald in reserve. The enemy had forty thou.
semi, under Johnston, Lougetreet, and ;Carly, their
mope being principally from the. extreme South. Our
killed and wounded will reach eight hundred. The ene
my 101 l live hundred wounded in Williumoburg, and ro.
treated bEyotd Chickahominy.
A reconnoissance by our cavalry to that stream found
no fortifications, and captured many prisoners and arms.
McClellan will probably remain in Williamsburg two or
three days. Franklin. and butigniCiee divisions are at
West Point. The Pennsylvania regiments behaved,
it is conceded by general consent, ildeuilidly. The
102 d, 93d, 49th 98th, 26th, 1051 h, 57th, and 63d
i'eranal Irani& ile ts truerate, encl . perheys *there were
engaged. AVE./ ill's Third Cavalry led the ad
vance, and did magnificently, and Colmel
who is wounded, fought well. The One Hundred and
Met entered Williamsburg, and they will probably be
detained there for duty. The Twenty-third was the first in
chief fort. Birney'e brigade was under fire all day.
The enemr.h. tertifacbsti,.n est Wiiiierentrur g were meet
midable. The Pennsylvanians have acquitted them
selves in a Llltaalti: worthy of veterans.
The Pennsylvania sick WA wounded who arrived at
New Yolk in the Daniel Webeter, have been brought by
a special agent, appointed by the Governor for that pur
pose, to Philadelphia., where they are now to the hospi
tal, and being kindly oared for. Fourteen 121612 were too
111 to be moved, and arenow in dim o of a Punnoylvania
Iphy eicinn in New York City Hospital.
From Port Royal.
Rim Tony, May 9.—Tha Etmunor Oriental, from Port
Royal uu the 616, airivod at this port to•night. She
brlnge no pewit, except a confirmation or the report that
the Nashville got into Wilotinnion.
The nailing eloop.of-war Jamestown was the only
blockading vessel finite.
Release of a State Prisoner
Bouptf, may 9.—0 twin Berry, rouleilr of the
Warner Columbia, was released from Fort Warren yes
Battle Near West Point
Gene. Franklin and fiedgwiek Engaged
with the Rebel General Lee.
F4)111 . 1i2611 MoNbos, Ditty B.—By the steamer from
Yorktown. l learn that Gun. Itlctilellan had advanced 12
11 ,0,- P 6, 1 , 114 SVOliVq. 1 ' 6 4r61 14112 tutu Itati 20T111;11 fair
thishra wall the mien)), routing them with heavy Mac
Tim embarkation of troupe for Watt Point ix progrees
big with great rapidity.
Leuvy b.Ollll 10011 111008 88 Wetisende, erten-n.0,,
between the troops of Get,. Frauttlitt and Gum Sudgwiulf
and the to. ein under Gen. Leo,who were endoevorttat; to
make their 114) for Iliettmoud. It in !said to have been
battle 68 1110 pAhill.lllo
The rebels Nero t.otalty routed and denked, being driven
bock tewerd, the force under General Joi/don, on the
The whula number of Milted Sturm; Imam killed and
wotthd".l Nan three hundre•i_ the stormy were driven
butte by our guilt oats with grew slaughter. -
9be enemy had not less than thirty thousand men,
Wilda our whole force at the litmo wet not over tweet!'
timueand. only that number baying taurktl. IlAd it nut
been tor the gunboats our force would have
been de
WILLWISIt1;1«,1, Mai; B.—Thu details of the engage
ment of Mondav i ale It, incorp-ct and volnuaiumis that it
Ls i././, 11.i1.1.9 ti iiikkik list, 1 , 141.i.k. of {L._ Maiol.ll.aa,
sildcla is Low being prepared.
limn - tele float the ens nit , are hourly arriving.
Gee. Jantai-on has been appointed military governor
Mitt in nvimt marshal of [ha Lawn.
The aßictat report of the hided and wounded being
tco Itmtby to send 0 , 741 r the military telegraph, it hay
been fora aided by mail.
Ihr hiPedilliM UP the York river hag beam Wait MM.
cethlul, iddl cur troops now occupy Weat
Ileavy thing has been heard in that direction, but the
par timbre art nut hnow u.
Yesterday the advance gnarl of our cavalry hart a
sh•irthiilt with the votommr.s or the enmity ahaut SeVeil
miles float bete. The main body rd' the envany have re
treattd across the James river. The general impression
with military men is that the rebels have matte their last
stand in Virginia leer a di.t r aaes r 8 sense tee miles be
yard Vir ill hinisburg the road is lined with broken army
wagons, In the retreat of the enemy.
i*ltther Geuaral James a. Van Allen hag been ap
poinlid military goTurtior an i Cuannandor of y Irkown
and Glourehter, with Captain C 3 rug Haidetn•u for at-l
ima:4. General Van Allen It .a appointed Captain
Revere, of the Forty-fourth blew Vora, to ba proyoti
Despatch from Gen. McClellan
ILLIA.M6ISUBG, April 9-12 M.
To the War Departnltnt :
1111 , 1111/ u WU: tub IlLeNnuo that the Galena WM aurouud
off Ilov I•itwd I not badly, lor •he rrai,Al that
Copt. lC gvr dot but throw over Ms coal. I have seat
trea aeti.labce be a,ke.
DI) mama me in motion, ni.ll in munificent apirits.
tin )c,ur heart good to too them. I have effected a.juuc
tiCM I.ith Goo. Franklin.
Intu Ile Lia ou have been given, so that the navy will re
ceive prompt kupport, whenever end wherever required.
- stir General thAllill.llding.
Bombardment of. Sewell's Point.
I ORTHESS MONROR, May B.—Shortly before neon t -3-
day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole Susquehanna,
Duentak. and Nan Jacinto. in the order in which they,
are Dewed, eteerned np to Sewell's Poi, t, Capt. J,,rdner,
of the Surqueharina, in command of the expedition.
At coon as they arrived within range they opened with
Phot tuid shell over aeuvell's Point, most or winch wore
geed shots. It was nearly half au hour Wore ally re
ply was made from the Point.. The Rip 'tips next
opened, and then the Naugatuck, for the finis tints.
&Taal shots veto fired front the single gun on the ex.
treinity of the Point, when one from the Monitor struck
in the vicinity, doubtless disabling the gun, as it has not
been tired sthee.
The pt eitiou of tile Monitor wet fa - in advance of the
rest of the fleet, and she continued in motion till within
a mile or two of the Point, when consitorable execution
retio• have bt en done by her wreutate tiring. The Note
paha); ki nt in tho back , ground, the range of her Par.
10it pun eunblirg her to do Oh. The Sewell's Point bat
tery replird briskly. The Rip Raps tired occasionallY i
nod a continual flue was kept up hi the gaubo.ts. Th.
ntruir ,as comparatirdy unintei eating front this point of
view, On account of the iiiiitaace being to great that the
details could not be seen.
At about ore o'clock a black smoke was seen to arise,
which, it was supposed, was occasioned by II shell nein
thre-wn into tn.,. woods It anon tiled out and dit,appearect.
Nothing more occurred till a little before two o'clock,
when the filing was very feeble - from the Poi it. The
Monitor about this lime, returned from her advanced
tesitisti, rejoined the fleet_ In the distance, nothing
of ltur could be seen but- a steal•., square, black spot on
tt e water. At a quarter past two o'clock a very deuso
smoke arose rapidly from Sewell's Point, probably ftom
the Iderbleg of the berracles at , other building.
t about half past two o'clock the Merrimac made her
appreretee, when the fleet, with
the exception of the
Atenitor, returned.
The .Mtyri»tae is gill (nt five sielssit) off the Mak,
and the Monitor hi ready to attack her. The Seminole
bee 11,11111.1(d to the Lower Ronde. There is nu proipeci
cf farther tigiatihg at present. At half pa,t dye o'clock
ttiv dri/QiiirfT /Ciliti#o, Pig ititTrittigc rCpl#iutl h rho
KOLB I,oSilloll.
BALTIMORE, Ma) 1 1 .-1 lie epeeist correspondent of the
Atiterietth sends the !allowing:
Neat:, May 9 —Thin hag been a mpg(
and exciting day at Old Point, and all are an.
ticipaing the early fall or Norfolk. At electn, o'clock
the bit timer il'arigatiok wan obnervell ilibiug ntePtill and
eta. moved cut by 'be side of the Monitor, which vessel
had also cleared her deck for action. taking down her
and Mime, nut cloud forth in fail fighting trim.
13 _Sit A. DI _The ennhogt Daeatah. Lao ja.,t
tip In line of battle. with the two lAth
lon ed by tie war ,S'eminolc and San Jacinto.
The nag-slop Mennesota in bit.° tinder sieour.
.1•2 ti . Choek —The Konontitck moved up to warde the
1 . 1.11014-d in tho _thotiloo fl, oo h t h.
tine of battle. The San Jani.nto follow s stool,.
lie avy liring eon alit on braid from the direction of
dunce river, whether, as you have already been in
-Mimed try ten- E reph, the Gtacioc 4110 mho.- glintlaat9
bane into. The tin•w heel sit'unas Slisqbehanna egg
jina. a need up. limning thl Sena iwte and .S in J.teinta
to th, meantime, the Dacotah, Monitor, aild ArLagallu:k
have leeched the t.hanuet and Enten a, toeitiOn off s—
elrfi Point, teed the Ducotalt tired n snot
town de (..a.•
bey Mita!, which fell nhart. ii atomd shot Mai the
Decorah rtruoli the beach at i•timell'n
I:: :to.— Tne :iusgueltanna In wee up and takee the lewd
cf the Sun Jacinto anti the Seminole. No answer >et
flow tither of the rebel forts, and the thccolali and 3/art i•
ler Are lteunftg opine Elizabeth ilTef The Provituck
in lying towtotle the mouth or Jalleti river. Pre.
Eti.:l3 . the Docolcat and Moodier ePatuautt Crattey Liana
and Searles Point. '1 he Daeotah Urea every few 'amulet.
alit IlitUtly rout and tit - fumy Inland. Too
thl alp lift' utlikitn; 110 NOI,IIIIIIOIO the balk all re ich
'noir intetntett ntattuation- The .Ifentter in now [tilting
the 'had, but bee not urnii. in the meantime, the Semi
vole and Susquehanna open on keweire Puiut,autt two
thote are hrea hum that point, all tailing abort of toe
Monitor, , 6bich ii now a mile wove the other venni& —3:Le rt Lela ore nring rapidly from . swell's Point,
pl incip ally at the Monitor, %bile a coatiaual auceteetion
of elute it being poured on the enemy from the Susque
hanna, bocotah, Seminole, and San Jacinto—broad
side alter Mead eiee. The Rip Rape alto threw occasional
fhella info
Id —The Susquehanna, Dacolah, San Jacinto,
and Seminole ere pouring in aliens, and the Monitor •
threw her that two shells. from a point full a mile and a
had auend of the other veatels. The guns from Sewell'a
Yoihl fall ehort of the Union fleet. Many of them ex..
OA high in the air at halt the distance. The MonQur
ie still moving fin is ard, tiring occasional shots, whilst the
Itip Raps, and the_ fleet, lying off in line of battle, aro
still brims steadily
-10 o'climrs. P.M.—The Monitor is now within a mile of
Seweil's Nita, moving slowly forward and firing. Too
the thy is firing briskly from Sewell'a Point wt the Moat
tor, and the shells are falling thickly bround Ipr. Cra
my island ie elecijonithgll2l the tight, and has just thrown
several the lie at the Monitor, One of winch exploded
racily over her. The ..ecrnif or moved etradilf tortvard,
occatmnally firing and receiving shells and shot from the
rt bel battetire Ith ',effect indifference.
2 o'choex.—ll ming the past trour there has hem little
chenge is. tie progress of the beninaniment. The :Woof
itor has fallen bock and lies alanggide the $4.31114-
lumon, piobebly for the purpose of condourucatine with
the Navgatitek. In the meantime she has ti"en throw
ing shells into Pig Point, and the fleet have also thrown
a number of shells In the same direction.
215.-1 lie Monitor mid Dacolah along
again slowly up the mouth of the PllgAbeili river. A
dense smoke hall commenced to rise from Sewell's eoiut,
it:equating that our incendiary 611,11$ thrown there have
T:reti the betracte. The Daunt:Ale continues to throw
her shells thud into the Point, the otelexions of which
can be eitninetly seen. The quills from the Point moldy
tell short, Cud eplosh along in the water, or explode in
the an, the CaLstantly-changing position of one vessels
destroy inn the range of the rebel gunmen. Tney are,
however, niaP hug quite a determined light front done
troika, giving the fleet almost shell for shell and allot for
shot Sewell's Point is almost enveloped in smoke. The
comtant expli.nion of shells—the Smoke from its own
gum-, and the tiro raging In the vicinity, must mats it a
hot piacb lot suffering hilloanitY.
2.3o.—The Monitor !Me laid out of action for nearly
an hour, %Inlet the four larger vessels throw occasional
skate, all of which appear to enter the works of the
tiny, or explode within tho woods beyond. Th, itip
Raps battery has also kept sip a constant crasa tire,
throwing a large number of shell, lit the rear of the
Point batteries. The /tip Reps battery has the range
of Sewell'a Point perfectly.
2.45—1 he rebel molester Merrimac now makes her an-
pearance, and lice just passed out train behind Sewell's
esol h tentoiSS LIMNS slowly faWAidi tan. MAAR
fleet. Mer,black hull can he met, limy/no elowly along
the shore iri front of the Cranny S t and a:diaries. 34111111-
Th,, e4 4 4l wy with the appearance of the Merrimac the
Mcnitir !fatted up front it, hind the wooden vessels. and
w. 5. a up lit 1111 4 t lila 4 al MY _
ascended from the pipes of the Merrim a: and the Moni
tor, with only a puff of white steam canoeing from her,
looked in the distance like au atom on the aileron- of the
water 'The larger Onion Vrdelf 4 l4l drew on one aide, a
/di .411nreilino atilt Nnugafnak fb this patch Aparms:l4-
ing the .isniy, the centestautss tieing yet fully two miles
1,1141 t.
li:o.m:sc.—llia Minnesota tires her elitt'ial Kim mini
the long roll if b.-leg neat in the fort. The Minnesota is
alto swing up Cron , Lai l A 5614144146 bel.,w Pert. Tiso
fleet bed all hems lying qu idly at anchor for the last
half hour, when the signal from the flag-ship ordered
then, all to return. The Susquehanna led the way. fol
lowed by the San Jacinto, Seminole. and Dacotah, the
Monitor bringing up the reef, awl all apparently using
the greatest speed towards the fort. TOMO spectators
thin seemed rather mortifying, but as they moved down
ih line the Monitor Wife observed to halt, and the San Ja
cinto and .11 acute& also ((Mewed her example, leaving
the Susqvehanna awl Seminole moving ahead.
Th.. tw.. elonissorli and the Molitor having taken their
positions fI.R. Merrimac Mao halttd, and the four venehl
stood thus net more than it mile and a half apart, the
Merrimac rot. apparently willing to come farther down,
and the Monitor unwilling to go up. The Minnesota
eteened lip I. GAnt of tho fortrueo wharf followed aloud,
by the Vanderbilt. who n both slopped. After lying in
this position the .Minnesnia tnrnid round and steamed
back, anti the Vanderbilt, without turning, bawled we.
ter slowly down this river. While all this manceuviing
ass going on the firing had ell:lndy ceeeed from all
3.4o.—The Merrimac now ti rni round and plasma
(ir at .Nx I .
The Merrimac Oat.
Another Account
hod, toast& Nat Folk, wit! her rebus flag fling. The
B , tumor.' weenier (:otorgiuna has laid out is the stream
with her 51 &WM up all the Aft.rnoots, ready to we:ape
frnr 01t..ger at the entliest mu neut The Ml4l/11;.10/C1 end
Va7,lerb.ll 1,14. I,,ek ft, or.ele ... , ... Th.. L l / 4 ,.„tuk flair, proupoos p tow .rtle the Merrimac, sad
the Monitor 5110 14 WIN towards the mouth, -.1 1,110 11:11121.4-
bob "be Dneotuh is now Within 0.44 y ra n ge of
s e a Point. too no, b .tterton 1111 11 it open oil ter.
bile mid Or Nontifor bttvu bran ntoppi 11, 41111 Inn Art;rri,
mat Itt 131114 hiltllol,llll 10)0111 It till 13 ill ad /1,111)11 of me
CI y- - lobo(' batteries. Were mourn newt nn im
poitlllit InoVelueu 1 a 1i11:11 uu.,llot. 110 1114115 011 41 IC, jll4
let ] ihe Vanderbilt awl .lrafJe have rsow etettatto up
ill 111./lt 4 lb , ' a ugrf, Kb" hi!" "14 1 tih iPtiftvi itiv -
TUDIGIC hen rutt Omen molt r ih^ gun.' ut ;roue) Nowt,
arid the illunitcrr is strontium off inwards liar at full rt oord.
hr Nenttesora la .15. Cc/Milne Op again at full etn.o, the
at o m' lieu og to oraw the runt•lN -jilt
4 4 r l 1,, M—Fu r tht• I mg, hour Iho flout lovi !loon rqulriug
bark nita I'm won, tlut nut Myrna/tau till lire Motor tau
gum , of f'lut o) Winne,. Tim Mo•nlfur it Itiog unto•, ti
rfir utd o hull ft on. flit, Merrimac, and the Paco/aft,
Ntirrlvehartha, heti Sminole ate mat 11) 1114 ra+r. Phu
Neruiprate.cle I. FiNollll,Vll.g to • he dicusiter. Tau
Avdpn, uo.iu n o tch to
tioir or rhernkn. u“. 41 tiu•ri• 1 , no in , o4voct 14 a Gill. to
togia. The truers are g . :ing ou hmpt tho transports,
and the war resirle. ieciorling the Monitoe, hayn all re
turroal to their utudiortu.n.
Proxidebt iir the United Shim viewed the Heti in
from Op, tughout hit g tit/mast mile in the rent of the
lie lee , jnot ret ereee, and es passed up the wharf vocileruumly ch.erell hn tho tt(lopg.
The Litt est.
0111 fleet Nair n/ It Me di the Merrimac in Again Mean-t
-iny out. The Monitor, Docuttte, Alai Naugatuck are
mill, LOA+ , CV. I. n. pi off ,11%%1•10,1 POI II L. Fri,lll
- or the Scmtnetc I It-ern that the revel Hag. Matt' at
tn WI Ire Pena NBll LW ICI. shat 11Y1) , n tering the houtaird
twig Thr filet Montt wee pichia np. and t ,- hel
iu IL red ettirt 50111mn en the rampart with The nntuip of
the Hutt) etre Ihe Hug, mid waved IT, when Cunt tier snot
Fllll.l. him, knlinp hint. a. n, II Ia .otppomml, nthere near
. ()I the nosey ph- to Ii ree at the fleet by the rebels, not
ton - Fn 1114* a., (4 . vveqi• in t:'-•ratt- tia,ir
111 , •BIP, but MOBt t. II t bort. The r-1) coeld be db4tin,:tlY
een trout bur vet sole carrying 01l their deed and wound
Great EXeltement at Noribilr—Bilroside
Plevieg on Weldon, N. C.
Fowrititss MoNitoth 51n) B.—The crow of .hosteawitog
✓. 11, While, width deserted from the euen4, report that
lime 'URN pent excitement lit Norfolk tilt, u ine,.
Gi la. nut...stde was advaii,dng with it largo furor, and was
within a ew mite.. of W.-Ition, N. C. The rebut troops
are evacuating That city with ail possible speed.
tiewrire Pi int tine rig relict, they as , , nce ntreee2r
being abandoned, aid preparations were being made to
deatruy 1.110 navy yard and ether politic; property.
United States Troops at Jacksonport.
12,CC0 Arkansas Troops Going to Corinth
PITT44AN'S FRISILY, Ark., May B.—Tvro gvntleinen,
olio Lave Lvvit it. thv Smith tutilMakeeilleht of
the blockade, paieed the ough hero to tla, . Tney lvtt
Memphis two wee 8a since, cording to Jackrooport by
the steamer San. flute, ..hick arrived there lant Ttk
(NY. but her ottionrd Inurniug ['hit our troupi
rkarkhkg CLat fawn, ch.. started down
the river. Our troupe reached there the following eve-
Provisions, clothing, and all merchandise are very
scarce the &MM.
Tennessee inonoy is at a premium of 20 per cent., and
gold Ito per neut.
Desiring her the rebel army is going on regardless of
their hotel Che position. The Union BIM are - flying to mu
toomitains and ease pe.
Fort w id the only defence on the Mississippi that
it considered recur ou the linter tide.
Ptiet l . niter. 1111 A “Jne to Fort Pillow and Corinth,
vnpr. the re-l•et Imes is said to nt• 110,000 men
Fitteen Coats ere as Little Reek, t.hing 12,000 Ar
kansas troops for Corinth,
The rivers wire vnl y high and Napoleon was flooded
CAIno, May 9—(Special to Otikago Tribune.)—Tha
runt fr - to rittAlt , g Lending arrived last evening.
flux puny was within two miles of .oriittli, and heavy
WILFI hP111(1 LW our extranni advance. but it was
naught that no gear[ al ti gegernent was progressing
CIoCAGo, May 9.—A sPi-cinl dep.patch from Cairo to
the Times says: Au arrival here to-day front Pitts
burg ktliths that the ran la ware attacked by Genova"
Giant on Wrdneeday, a low miles west of Corinth, and
their line was eimataiitty falling back, though iu tierie:A
weer. The result of this engagement appears in the
rapid ret.J.. Lr .. rhea rla.t
southeast, limo surrounding the line of the alempliis and
Charleston I ailrond, and taking up a position iu force on
the INlohile and Ohio Railroad south of Ct..rin lit.
Tbol.gloy,weut, 'to g ether with the clefertarm,
Indicates that the whole rebel force will he withdrawn as
rapidly an p asible to Columbus, uinety• live miles south
of Corinth. At Otis point the CAttfetlere6teH have eaen-
Ave ..- a rks for the &it aof arine /Old .AdiuMida.
News from 1 --Abel Papers.
Dias 9 -[Jpeatat w the Ohi;ago Tribune ]—
blay or EiGat9e, of Columbus, who was carried away by
the rebels at the time of the evacuation of that plass,
hae e,caped. lie 1,46 0f...1,e, about the elt.A.o of
aliaire at filttaphia. Ile pointed out the place where the
ht le hutted thirty pieces of cannon at Columba . all
vf IA Lich have been exhumed, and are now in the retle
p %pre of the 3 , 1, 3d, and sth have been re.
The Avotancla of the sth.,
"A baffle, 1.0 long luairtputed at Corinth, has been
ruAtip ra d fur tlu , tregeut
Fu an Fort Wr.ght our advicea are to Saturday. Tito
Fech.rali coutiuuo their harmless tssitime, witch to the
bIV,. We h. . .. the
every proepect that our authorities Would uoer uo cir
e-uutraerece:, two -
ei Fri m Vicksburg., we learn that the authorities are
rapidly burry itg tot tent LI guns, completing the fortifiel.-
tiot•s which ate represented to b. of allott a formidable
character as to erect nee the poseilezlity of the passage of
tire eneta, to ilaakup .L.,
The Avalanche acknowledged a less of twenty killed
avid one hundred wounded at Farimogton, on Saturday
het. It deprecates the adoption of the policy of parse
totting the g itisk 1,11011. El conrae.f
b 3 the Government would be suicidal, antic 3lculated
to lead to dieustrone results. The rebel Government is
becoming unpopular, end the idea/uric/Le does not hesi
tate to ftttaciz it ,igoaonaly.
A gentleman who lett Now Orleaus on the Ist says
that, atter the Federal woe ri-Esele psesed the forte, tho
w,nico influenced their huetrattle in the forts to give up.
Thir netilt was that 3SO nice noted their guns and de.
livered theterelt es np to the enemy.
General Butler is in the city, having come up iu the
first teen spot t.
Itticrimonn, Map IL—Autlier tic information from New
()thous gals the trout* at Fort Jaeltt.nn mutinied and
spiked Louie of their guile, when General Duncan sur
Tim gunboat Loniaiona rvaa of Fort St, Philip, in.
manageable. She received a h1 . 0 , 1/14idtt at. a distoacu of
flinty fret without injury, and was Olen blown up by tho
Thu rulkosoindur of the Frunch frictato Militnire, bgfarn
th e Em-re vder, gave netice that he required sixty days
notice bell,re the hoinhardnitnt of the city, in order to
reint•ve the French CiIiZCIIN.
All the cotton on shil,hoard and in the city, and Itt
Baton Rouge, was burned i 82,000 hales wore thus do.
Jsfi bawls has lammed a proclamation, appointing the
76th of the preeeht month, for the People to nits in
their several elhet of worship, in humble suenlie.tti in
to Almighty God, that ho will vouchsafe his blessing
or, the Confident - is , area.; that he will strengthen and
protect their mike, and watch over end protect the
people from the evil machinations of the enemy, and in
his own good time restore peace.
Ilienytomy, May 3.—Governer Leteher has issued 8
r e jeCCi i 'll of the emend
inept of the Stare Constitution by a majority of WIS
AI:GI:WT.I. May 3.—Prisoners vsped from Key West
report three thousand Fsderals on the island, five hun
dred in the Millie] wilh the eilltdl-tent•
A local item in the illemehis Avalanche says that some
of the ehy merchants refuee to take Confederate money,
even at a heavy discount.
Fail IC at
MONTIIRRY, Tenn., May 9.—Refugees from Memphis,
.who left on the 4th, report that the citizeus are in a great
panic. The troops are gradually evacuating fort Pil
low aril s leg to florinth.M
Ileauregard is raking and scraping everything for the
impending battle. The conscript law takes effect on the
15th inst. The Appeal says that every man must fight
or cut bit bail.
The Atlanta Confederacy, of the 24th nit , chronicles
the arrival on the 234 of a long train of box cars filled
with Tories, and their departure fur Madison, where they
will he imprisoned in the old factory building at or near
that place.
A Brownsville (Texas) letter says that a prontincia
mit me from Valenti bas been received, imposing a duty
of 1J cents on every pound of cotton shipped in Mexi
co, and a duty of 2i per cant. on nil goods from Mexico
into Texas.
A reconnoissance to within a milo of tho enemy's en
trenchment,' fully estalMehen the fact that the enemy
ere there lb fdt.Ca, and. furthermore, that they will fight
iDPille of their entrenchments.
The weather is good, and the roads aro improving fast.
Nothing is kuown here of the snpprosSion of news at
or Sieo of any hind not already talpgraphad_
The Bombardment of Fort Wright
CHioe GO, May 9.—Tbe following despatch from Cairo
hat been received by the Journal;
The etearuer Brown, from the flotilla this morning at
day brlek, has arrived at Cairo.
Yentelday four rebel gunboats were seen rounding the
point. coming in the direction of the mortars, evidently
♦rich the intention of capturing them. Our guaboate
fez-nod in line of battle, the decks were cleared for ac
lion, and tome fifty shots were fired, when the rebel
boat' retired to a dietance WI groat that it WWI ini
poseib'e to say is hethtr our of the shot took effect.
The. firing from the mortars, which was suspended fir
two days, has heed renewed, and when the steamer
Brown left they were tiring with great vigor to guard
egainet any surprise. The mortar bottle are 11+JW totted
up every night, and I amain behind the fleet.
General rope's Reoort of the Capture of
lolafid No. 10_
CINCINNATI, May 9—The Commercial publishes Gen.
Pope's eflicial report of the capture of Islatri No 10.
0' petal - Pups Attys.: t• It in almnnit impnagible to aive
to rte at list 01 Ijj.e• I ~,,,, taltwr, tatutsm-
PitIOD, and supplys of every ,
description, which fell into
our bands.
"Threw generals, TS field and company officers, 6,700
privaren,lt3 pieces of heavy artillery, 00 oeta gam*, ail
of the best character and latest patterns, 7,00% stand of
email wins...vend 'their nob te of provisions, immense
quantities of ammunition of all hinds, many hundred
buses and mules, aim wagons, harness, Rc , are among
the spoils. Very few, if any, of the enemy smeared, and
only by wading and swimming through the swamp.
.•,The conduct of the troops was splendid throughout
as the results of this oceration and its whole plume
very plainly exhibit. We have crossed the river banks
v Lich were lined with batteries and defended by 7,000
men. We have pursued and captured the whole force
of the enemy, and all his supplies and material of war,
sod lune again recrossed and occupied the camp at New
Madrid without losing amen or meeting with any acci
dent. Each results bespeak efficiency, good conduct, high
discipline and soldierly department of the best charac
ter. Patience, willing labor, endurance of hardship and
privation forlong periods, prompt obedience, order and
dircipline, bravery and Wet are the qualities which
these operations have developed in the forces under my
Ccunand, and which assure tor them a brilliant and
encceeetal Meer in arum. It is difficult to express the
tooling which ouch conduct has !occiudonedlmo—fortn
nate (hough to be the commander of such trooni. There
are few material obstacles within range of warfare which
a man of t 4,111 41- and spirit would hesitate to min:luau
with such • furco."
From Cairo.
Nay o.—Thu main), have 1,500 cavalry at
Prtnovu, That, 500 at 'Glutton pia - Elva, mud hum uight,
it is lepurted, a company of rebel cavalry occupied
101.1lOIR city.
ailebor or coy N.w Al , lll 0, MU
MIII Hill llNppY EU 1111110111 co to hilt 11141 uur iblig
waver over bolt Forte, Jnek non and Podia arid at
New Onli.nlit. over the I UM flaking over),
no Kb, to or cue e the oo.i patron, by Gene, al Bailer, at all
tiptine. 111 nK to, cf) , 414 o , ty RIM Nurt roso
hurt brcl alutlilli,11(81 In IniCt, Inure is a general alum•
me. and I nhwl ebdenvin GJ follow it up. I tan bring
p the tiouo. SC last n 8 po•xible.
Wo hove du& toy eo ail the 10, to above the city, lime in
ale litld• Mood to We all
belt, rt•o title 111111 111, lii Pm&
1 am, very rciipi otitillY i your obedient loicvant.
L. FAGG trajr,
Flag Officer Wei•torn Golf Blockndinu
To Mo. 61111iON HecroiniFy of M . 41 71
V , ./.IfINLITON, May 4 —TLe Navy DepArtmellt has TO
ittrUl lb trg.n. si.c ilrunboitt Vityriga.
UNITao 6T ATE.;t.I 110.1er Cto 1.71:
(WY I ,, Kat 01t1.11ANn. nor'! 2N, fan
FLAO•OPYIeett : Your conceived mod spot...filly
ett.elititt plan .4 ItAttle titlellht rogultt o 111 paht~dl .oils_
hit' fin,e to toillte it p Us, eeport of ti, dirt-
MD. You will Mad in Lieu:. Comma! ding Barri:roll's
r. port au tit:1111111,. 01111111. of iha 1.0610 Wirt LaliOn 115 the
Cu yoga, miller his c' rotuand, and a ari n,g lily lllViColllst
MIX, VI a 1 , 1 l fill at tin ti 1 lion in tictioriiritica with yell
tiwt,al, eirectly lip the etreitai; edging it little
to the ttw hnl.rd, ill order to el vu loom tor lour diViston.
I VI:F.Ii loth IN es by Ilia Pc usuceto in tine tityie, the retn.ii
der Imy 0 Vision follow 1.. r lutegolttr and coutpactordor.
o .110 rci" , :v ly itl'aftt the ',wan Wien Wi Wero
tlittan :tett, 111111 Fells JochNeli mai at, ()ether.'
upon me. ',V could bring 110 min to hear, nut tnintred
(Ipt•sly un. Wfl acre et; tick from stem to stern. At
length we weir clu-e up dt I'ni ip, when we
opened with Scarcely were we
ist;ove Itie lino or prr•wl,eu wo round COMMlloarf
b). the rebel fit tot iir Tide W. 3 halt, Nit 111015
eerie. Two huge ste.liners now titUanpto , l to
teal ti our eiorbooro oow, une 011 the litt:Fl arid tea other
at our litarrafift a hewn. Th., I,i;.iitch win
Turprl or, vloro r.-oosn Ns." area ass. rtsosin or solely
nine. 'I ho eiroCL 011 4 VtrY destructive, and he tonne—
dovety -.t.ered to shore /Slid ran aground and
'fns Pat roil cub, en the forecatle Grote off the one
041 the bow, Arline CO prepared In repel the beardere, sty
char wen out rrloaibito; evenly - . arr wit this Titito doggy
tied Lee name dualitl,g in, MAI 111500 a ti , lllll of the rebel
bolus, 111. - Pei] ill 1 , 11 111 the gray of the zooming, we
tih.ravered n camp with the rehei davi firing. We on , ned
with cud-ter at 4 l' 01 , and received the sword and
tiny of cei./_s Itau•kia, and bid .11 4150 _
bottle aid cainy ,, itato•PO Wilde nog .get at this
nost we observed tee Varurna in c with n unmoor
of 1,111.iclullii; she had been brood by Ono of theiit and
mink. But it!. his Idefstil guns HUB ahoy.. water, he
wee lirevtl3 maintaining the ifuhr,iiriving off his ono.
]l.ieN kite fINV , IIg hie crew. IhldrwiuY Ultet. 1.114, of the
Oneida, ob.. had afro beat' tutiptgoti with Lila sootily, of
the Baruito.'s situation, ho fuel/Ind) steamed tie :til
of the rebel Moats. Tim reinvinoer of the
hti Cl DOW mut up, he Miusi:s4ipiii hid been iktaltica
Widow 01111 the Monossos and anottisr irotn.chef, after
this even thine poised under your obe-rvorniu.
'I be Weatuut duty m.r Y.-mains of .p,:aking of the
Cayuga, hisd her brave officers awl crew From first to
I,t.t, Li- Uti-hatit ding M. 11_ If Arldifoil di-h141204
a toar.L rl r Bhlhth In ,tell bog his twAt ifu, forts,
117.1! IT II 11111'14:HW , Of Allot and hid ofrerwordi in,13Nti11g all fightine her among the gunlniata I
ct.t.t,t4 r ay too noitd, for hint. tie Was gxlinuiy su,tained
L e f lleo ur e POi•k-iris A.ccinsi Sia.tur•
io.mkts Ma] oh,. These officers have sty unbounded
Br to .1 itt
1 mint, in crincincion cxnretw tbn pleaqnro which I ex
it:thrice w wiincecing Ole uasnuor in which
I.lllltt nbib_ , te of Lll6 Alo::.laii4l
CHI:I.3IE , .311 11.f0.11. y. II of the particolar part b .rhe by
each chip. lit cp- ctrul , y, RA F,
c.npini t C-innintalina Dtvkion the tiod.
To g- oil i ccr L. G F.; Kasen.; COMM, rider. in- Chi tf,
Despatch of Commodore Porter -- luta
natu:, Conduct ca the lt.vbr.l Navy.
RAnn/krr I.4“.iffi Aetil 4 4 3, V6 0 :4,
Six: The titer ttn• rnipl pa,oed tHo 10 0, I
sent n (lemma) to et.tunel Rigging fora surrenuer of the
1011 e. Hind, wild declined.
On the 2.111) I sent Li,utennnt Colonel acoot
nun ivmion, nt.c.-,Tro uek.reO, nastt..6 eiShila tier ;Lie LIU'.
Itiitr. lii. nowol-r encintioi.
On the •tbili, 1 n•cerve„ n communication from him,
Bening nut he would ruin ender tae fort, nod I cs no
up nod tool: poesension, drew lip articles of capitulation,
and but-Ad the AM-11c., 11•+4. OliVc the for - N, - Canon
tofu Lave Celene.:ll the forth with a bravery worthy •f a
bi thy coma-. 1 treated them with tali the coosiceratiou
that chi iinadatieta av •ntd aowit The three Stentner9
it mai; ileg were under the command of Commander J.
-ech,ll. l'he onicere eel the tort ocknowielisnd no
COnntnliOn with them, awl whined in no way to on Con-
Eideleel respvtitib:e for their new. While I tied a flag of
truce up they were etoph>l.ed in towing the iron floating
battery of eixtee u Runs, a most fotanidable affair, to a
- vane the }bite, and while dr..wi. g up the ertmica
of capituintion, in the cabin of the Harriet Lane, it wan
re port. d to me that they had set fire to thn battery, and
tin hed it eide ill upon no.
I nett, d the general if it bad powder on board or gang
leec..d Ile I,o,ii‘ll.t. 1, itoatA not.i,dertake to salt ,
what the hare ..11icer. a. hie do. Ile ..eemed to have a
gi , at COI.II-11114 tot them. 1 told him we could atauti the
lire cod blow hi, litre could, turd went oh with the con
lereece, after directing the officers to look out for their
NI bile (flirting 'fowl; on tit,. the giinri getfihif kiiuted t
(-Apt, etch thilrN , lug the chit chive the fiver. A few mo
ue bit , Miter the h i tter) c2plotlt a, with a terrific noise,
throwing freumento all over the river, and wounding
111.0 of their tiwn mitt in Fort St. Philip, a n d iwm (filth-
IS cl,sopprriri d moiler meter. lied ,he blown ire hoar
t 6rilo site WoDIO 11. st e d, why rd the wholo ut town.
When 1 lied titiielaut taking Dowses-i,ll et the , orki,
ot mate. -..-y ; ...rte«...:.0 .L...0, ud ettirted fur the
rtvonw; d, Oltr td Whith OH9 Chill 1 / 1 110( the (Am frilernto
flax. 1 Used a anor over tier, amid they surrendered
Th. e war e on board of them a number of 1141,11 'ill tore
are two coo; patiUit of marine artillery. 1 made went
tott,Leer onecaditiohally, evil i s their i/1ft.11,111. .non
d ors in tr)lrg to blow us up, while tidier a !ley, of truce,
I conveyed-n. to oloe: coo iil2..tailitl4 prieo:ll-1, Or
vac, all huh they al.ould he e-lit to the North, that
hr it in clove continezio rot fume tutu the wdre Sc Over,
or the) thoulti he tried for their ioramous coteduc7- I
have a great deal to do here, and will semi you all the
rvp.-ro vat.-n I en, von, 0,, er• or.:,
.1 turn, o over the tOets to General Poeipi. Fort :fluke
FOB is a tufo. I etc told that over eighteen
honored elicits fell in Mid-buret
over the centre or
the tort. The Frantic. wee beautiful. The mutt
,ork Ste go at eve Vt• Plt settle sootier, as that nee
ht rot held to get at The navel find erS slunk oho hart
t•ont while the capitulation teas Saitrg olt, nut 1 have one
ol tire - Slier tteathet at work, cud bore !stop to have
the other. I (hid that we are to be the hewer:, of
'lurid and ifirt.tetra 03 water!. but lit the imildiera hilt%
nethitpLwteitt the share of itiotive porter we will do
ail we can 1 Sholl l ll bate dritlandell ab 1111Cotalitiotot1
hart, I del, 1111, to it tt shalt n force in your reer it we, de
eitable to get posietsion of the±e forts ad soon ad pose
9 he ofticera turout over 0V0114111.11Z ilt g 0 d order. at
eept s'alL u d boileii,ga, which at+) terribly Hhatter
oci by the mounts. TH.VOC rsAir,
D. D. Commanding.
To Flag °lnver P. 0. Fiag.tore
UNITED STATES :.41 . 1,1511,; HARRIET LAm, /
River, April 2.9,
SIR I tr:C.IOSO here, itil rhoir .t Forts
JUCF tut at.d St Philip. which out rouse, e I to the mortar
a hex I turwaiired on this, all the :lags 154115 in
the iwri forte with Ilia flag bolo ea un Fort St.
fthilip stirs tbe date of LlAlinl,lllia se.aeled
Fort . Jacheoo is o perfect wreck. Every thirig in the
flot,u of :s lo.iisiug i oud ulsout wus Uuru,d up tly thlt
thertar tbeite, ono over eighteen totodeed viii a
the work. It is proper to ray nothing of theft which
bin et t.ce CHA ovule d. 1 de , voted but Intl. a , t'ention to
Port St. Phihp khowiog that when Fort Jaeltaen fell,
Felt Bt Phdio h.dlace.
The th,4tfir Selina ia fresh.
Truis, the Ihtc4httlit nt the rt bollion is brolt,n
Ou the 2Gth of the a coin I seer ais of the unrtar•
Eel oot.era to the back of Foil Jackmmi to block up the
letrrur. and (Th11&1t f.lll.ldlon e&tuup at.
Three of them dull U over to Fort Livingston, and
vilito the) anchored the fort hang cut a whito flag and
rurretinered. The Ail/a/fay. widen had been blunt:a - wig
there Mt ,0100 tithe, .±l.lll' w boat in advanew of the mortar
vererle, an d reacting the Aunt ti et, deprived thrill of the
pleasuta Or Iv 'ping our flog nu what find [ben atrren.
dolt dto the mortar flotilla. Btifl, the fort is aura, and we
ere mithfitti I ant harpy to Vale that the ulBaere and
crow are ell well, and full of spirits.
I h&ro thu tumor to renrum lour °Odin( servant,
IMAID D. rOliflgli,
Articles of Capitulation.
U. S. Stile ll;dilitet Long,
Pours JaOggsiX AND Sr. PHILIP.
River. April 28, 1862
By the articles of capitulation entered mot on this, the
28,11 day of April, 1802, between Der4l P 'nor, +7orn
-111'111(4.r Guard btates Navy, commanding the United
Once, Nor lir florins, of the Oils port, and Brigadier
General J. B. Duncan, connuauning the coast defences,
and Lieutenant Colonel -Edward Higgins, commanding
Porte Jackson and St. Philip, of the other part, it is mu
tually agrtsd
Firer hai ilrlaadier General Ilbuican and Lieutenant
Colonel stall surrender to the enortar flotilla
Forts Jackson and Sr. Philip, the arms, munitions of
Aver : end all the apportemducee tilerninoo to
p (bur with all the public property that way Do under
their chant)
Eitcond. That Brigadier General Duncan and Lieut.
Colonel Boiifip, together with the officer/flintier their
con mend, shall be permitted to retail, their side :Wei,
and that all their private property shall he respected.
Fffillienhore, that they shrill give their parole of honor not
to FerTe in sins Mialleit the Government of the United
States, until regularly exchanged.
Third. It is tut thermore agreed, by Commander David
D r, corsocandina the mortar flotilla, on the part
of the United States Government, that the note commis
rieved ',dicer, private., and tomiciaos eit.ll be permitted
to zone on }arid.; tboir ctaninanding and other officers
hemming responsible for them. and that they shall de
liver up their arms and accoutrements iu Chair present
condition ; prom - fled. that the ex preen. of the transpar
rens. or the men malt be tivtrayed by :be Ctovernmank
el' the United States
Pent tit. On the signing of these artirles by the con
irectibfr parties, the forts al all he formally taken posies
sion td by the Coiled States naval truces comp:Nino the
::clef fleet, Chinialteats flag shall ho lowsrud, and
the dug of tee fretted States hoisted on the flagstaffs of
felts JeCkSOll Mid St. Philip.
In egresmeut of the above, we, the undersigned, do
herewith act our hands oral seals.
Pants D Portal', mumandiug the mortar flotilla.
W B. Reofiliww, commander tortes United States
3. P. Wainwright, lieutenant conmianding the Harriet
.1_ R. Demean, brigadier general commanding the
cofist &let et N.
Filuard 8J691111'1, lieutenant colonel C. S. A., command
it g Forte Jackson and St. Phhip.
ar 'Tx Borstia.
Edward Nichols, Ileateuma commending the Winona.
J. li. Bost 11, 'ligament commanoing Kanawha,.
UNITXD h.'26IMS GCSIn)A . I . Co Yrt:.t."
AT Sax, Hey 7, 1862
Hon. 0:fleon Wetex,,Recrefory the Nary .
I- Bering 10111111 II 1111frida'ffiti 11l get c 7 fildradO
over the here of the irtiasi.:Clffil I aria np a largo put lice
of her Runs am; crew. filth g tip the tirlici , tirieS of with
in the di fret ebt re meets, and with my aid, Acting Bolvhi o
Mat lied n isiwitlis crew. followed sip
twill C, 1 , ) e .I'll , l ay. ,c ioe t; r use
hug. nietinguirbit - g me as tierollll lit et/Minded, tired tot
ti e Oneida, Commander bee, and after Nards tin the
'f hat breve, refolute. and indefatigable officer, Com
mander'''. D, Punta, was at work With 164 fliffilar
throwing Mena It and inlet Fort Jimmon, value tilliecal
Butler, with a. division of his army iu transp - irts, was
wail it g a favoral lr uimneue to l old Arnr the wort sr
fleet had been plating upon the forts for six days
and Di ihte, wilhuj l rerctieti lily diminishing doer rival
and one on Iwo changes had been limits in tn.
programme Flag.oilicer Farregot fornvsi the ships
into two coltintint o line ahead " canon, of the rod,
under my orders, being formed on the right, and coa
-1 &Moil of the Cagnoa, Lieutenant Commisuoing rrr isoo,
bearing my fli. leading the Pseracoto. Captain.
Morrie; the Mississippi. Conttuaniblr Smith; the Ond.
da, Commatufer S. P Lee' the
Mean% Commaudar O.
L. Beggs; the Katandin, idoutensot Commanding Pre.
Mei the X.eo, Lieutenant commanding Hansom, and
the Wispe/nelyst, Lientenaat Commanding A. W.
.The column of the blue was formed on the left, heading
up the river, and consisted of lineable Ilartfora, /tome
grander B. Wainwright. anti bearing the flag of Com
mander-In-Chief Vermont; the Brooklyn, Captain T.
'F Graven the /Volssmestri, Ocimmodore Alden ito,, m
eta, bearing the divitannal flag of the fleet, Captain N.
Bell, followed by the Iroquois, Itasca, Winona, and
At 2 A. M., on the morning of the 28th. ,he signal o to
theown out from Ms Ram ship. The
Cayuga immediately weighed anchor end led on the 00-
lumn. We were dieroverod at the hooht, And A hills he.
yond both forte opened their tire. When close up with
the. St Philip we opened with grape Ana canister, still
streribg on. Atter passing tit w tine of tire we anomie
' toted the •e Wets ...wry " caostattog .. t elnithotto
gunboats, iticitulitig the ram Manassas, and the iron
battery Louisiana, of 20 guns This wee a moment of
anxiety, es no su pporting chip was in eignt.
By tk drill !leering, however, we avoided their
nth mule to butt and board, and rout tureen - toil in forcing
the ell/termer or three, when the Yarned, Ilitotaitt
end Oneida. Captain Lee, were discovered near at hand.
The gcllant exploits of these ell pm will be made known
by their csuimmutisrs At early inewn *b discovered et
CalllP PP the nil of tho ram Orilerillg
Lit tile, tint Conimsdaling Zie B. Ilarrimen to anchor cloia
ttiong, I indite and tirdereo the colonel to pile up his
arms on the river bank, and COntbOtt hoard. This proved
to be the uhalmetre Iteginient, commanded by I,lolonel
ti. Zliverneki 'llw rtitiniontni Hos, Mite, and Gam
etiripage were repturril, On the morning of Mu Mt,
still ii tiding, and bring conmiderahly ahead of the line.
the Chalmette batteries, situated three miles below the
cif , opened a afore ere on the Cayuga.
To this NO rem, tided with top rwe gunk At the end of
lwesty ~t.-. the deg- Al t . es.h i t .1 nit Mil-ml, ntsi
tunics(' the en. iny . e pone Preen this point no other oh
mach m were ellelailitered, except thy eurniug of steamers,
Marla, ships. the mite, and the like.
111 nit dintely atter anchoring in front of the city. I wee
reds t: rl I.i. shims lit tilt flog 611tuer to demand the
em render of the city, and that the it , ,g should be holAted
On ohs post office. custom Menem and mint. What Dammed
at ihie lotcrview will be better la the flair oaLlar',l
repot t. On the 26th I went with tile flag • , fficer sonic
W.A.. Ili.- sit& 11:11144 we found the defences
iiimr.doned. the 21 , 4 ereked, end gun carringes banana'.
There- deteneee etre erected to prevent the downward
patience of Captain Foes,
On the 27th a largo inns,,., ~tasted above theme aaratlCoB,
wits linAttultio try Coat a. Mellow Lee. On the !Nth,
Coo.. ltutkr landed alaptib Pork St. Philip, tinder the
gm Ald the MUSi..llsipni Lori Ki 419.0 Thie landing of tin
al my above, koptber with the paywyge of the tli.ot.
tinnlti to have put the hood/Mg touch to the elemertnica
lit 11 of their utirrieon-1169 havina mutinied in 'Litt
Both forte surrendered to Commodore Porter, who was
bear at hand with the vessels of trot
As I left ihe river, Gen. Ruder bite garrisoned Forts
Jar ktnt. and gt !MAID, and Ma
there en tie, way I (1 occupy New iiilcona. cannot
too I.trfilialy prigs my admiration of the cool and able
minnow meld of al. the Vb 584.14 of oft line by their r.spect.
lee capritins. After we had lf..ded the f .rts, it wee a
botwonn iron Itharti in wooden Vf014111.1 and iron.
coins aim 111111 brake, mai Uul . 1 trim henna" won.
On the 29th, the Cayuga Identenant Onmtnanding
II at rimers Wes i•idecteil to bring me home, a bearer of de.
epatchre to the Government
the hilts!" to ie., re'pectfulltri
icor mteltrut rarrnritt
THEoDI.I BUS DA 1.1. AT, °notate.
Report of Capt Bailey, of the Cayuga
AT MIA NW 1602.
Hon. Girleoa. Welles, Secretary of the Yaey:
la : 1101.0 the li , .or To undo-a) herewith a ditelirate
of u•e l e port of thdenolieler IStlgg4, late of the Parana
hod athb led tee thy dlviedoti of the attrhc/flthi 1-ro,
gniletit t llltrr chum up to ley ellPP•ili Yawn f line mote
of die item/lett' attachi, g me than I could
well a•tehd to. lafterear le maw him iu the conflict with
three of the me to 'e bliminerS. nod chrtcted ck.ounaucior
Leo, o' thr 'Ousida, to gee to ins support, is hich he did in
a mutt ciastupg umuuer Couinutedur Itogg•e' cascripti , ,n
rd the lose of hiy IP.SeI I believe to he accurate. I CIV,
MID [nevelt figiltinfl lea elute, when level with the water,
at, hi. vem-el mnlernealb, leaving nor bow
reerii.g OD the shore above water.
ti.c.imnor to
T. BAILEY, rJaLtain.
Report of Captain Boggs, of the Varuna
U. J. STY.A3tHit BRm)KLYN.
Off NEW ORMIA; OS , A pril ;49 1873,
Eta; I have the huuur to report that alter paming the
batimien ailh the mteemer Vernon tiuder my command
ou the morning of the 24th, hutting my vessel among a
nt et 01 Taft I i.teatineili, 1 eterit .1 ahead, delivering her tire,
bulb starboard BLit pots, at every re:, that
lint on her rtnrincitil Penni rciiCiticti her are ap
gtxird be Li . ...rwiled with troops tier builia• ed
-o,oid ebe she drilled to chore. In Warr ininner three
other Vektielp, ono of [twin a gantioat, were driven
Mild,' tt in Antilop, Mal /dada aids blew hot
Al ti A. ]]l: the Vuruna wax attacked liy the Iferrynn,
whirl, aay iron. clad about the bow, commanded by Be
ret It KeLL6u an ex•haval officer. This vessel raked us
lilt the got t t allety. Killing lour gild arounding nine of
the crew, hultiem the Varulat on the ittlaidera and WILLI
on the gal boat 1 managed to get three eiglit.idelt
that it, to her ,than her armor. as illei srvurtd shot from
the aln r rifled cue, a her dropped out of the action,
pat tialic disablin. LUiue httleag..ged wilt her, anotimr
ti 1 'tomer. ulau ad, Kim a pruw limier the
ugh r, tilt lark um in the port gang way, fining eT.sillera•
tic. tweave. Our idiot glaneed frOtu h e y halm. Sae
tf tor pplaller Lioce, And cutlet: again in the
plnCe, iallAllita in the rick.; tea, by going ahead
te-1., the Lon. Aeonnit, nd ie."
stile %yin. t pun, to give her, while Clo w se along
fare, flee eicle•inet abaft her armor. This settled
Lei, trove her
ribuiLg the Varund siithrog, 1 ran into the bank, let
go Oh. iLel tti, itha trilit.4. Dahlia .111 tale
the gilts 111.1i1 Mak ri.V at. wvi k Crippling tile Mor
gan. w t in was in-king ft elite effortti to get its the steam
ahe fire woe k, pt up until tit. waitor was over Cho gun
hen 1 Unlit ti thy attention to getting the waited
.. 0et...1 11,e
r :11,e Oneida, Captain Lee, seeing the condition of the
bail rushee to her asteetence, lon waved her
on, a ,a
tt e s entlered to her. The vessel 'll,
ill linters I have ali, un
ce hernial. that over fifty of tier
crew ',tee hill...teed eon:vied. exel she wa, see ert fire by -
Ler corsnioniler. who burned his wounded with hi, veelfil.
I efinnet award teonnich praise to the oflieern and crew
of the Vartola ier the re tile ninon, in w iiich they sup
potted me, aid their COI/111(1W wider ouch sues ring elf.
.11Lesiehtsii, nilStibtll , l4h ahtst the
hevn.g ben set on lino twice duriug the action hy toe
In fifteen minutes front the time the Parana
wet struck, she was on the bottom with oat) tier
teegeliant forecastle out of water. The ollicora and
ZlLt'st , I-Vl-11allIi/ dike betel-Li/41, lei ens, *Molded
id keying Intl station until criven thence by water. 1
trunt the haste - ion of the Depai talent will be coats' to
the it lots, fine ennipeusittion made to those who hive leer.
their all he clew we, e taken off by the different vest
Isla Of the fleet 11.11 test ae they arriveA, and /TO now die.
tribultd [Nonni.' the inuadron The wJtitickd have here
sent to the In c nsace,la. I would parttettlatly cum:newt
to the Lytle. of he Department Wear Peck, second-class
In y. et d peuder boy of the niter-rifled nun, ItileSe
tr e l, 165,t,,18as h,telt.l an/ alnlottto "tf all
Laude A fit tr ailed for elicit servicea wou'd be an up
pninftrient :o the navel eels 'oh The Ft:arises, alih ,ugh
Hu , :tutu:Es, mete linen noonteined tne reputation of
that snips. Their gelling tiro cleared the Morgan's
rifled guy, end prerehtrd a reotition of her murclenrua
fire Four of - the matinee Were Rounded, 0n0.,1 few,
ni .rtally. So soon as the crew were Ravel, I reported
to you in person. and eithin an hoer left to the only re
helongerx to the i7c,una with your de
spatches r r cleguol Vutmr, returulog with biro Yeetor .
day Wier-noon,
"Very respectfully,
04.rrintAnding Ir S.. N.
To Flag. Officer T. 0 FAitgAcuT Commanding the
Gulf MA. .< i4umaron.
(Metal List of the Killed and Wounded
NRW Ult I,BINS, April 28, 1882,
bare tizo Ito - nor to report th followirw 11-4 of
killed and wounded in the fleet during the brilliant en.
gegentente with Forte Jackson and Philip and - the bat
teries below the city of New Orleans, on the 24th and
uat, int.aot,
On the dag•ehip Ha rifivet—Joarph Lawrence, a•a
-b) a I.lm, ; Brown, landsman, by a shell ;
uguetus Tbutia., captain of the forecastle, by a atteil.
I/11 the Brooklyn—John Anderson, midshipman, Farnek
Pile kr or krd 07.-rboard h 3 a cannon shot ; War. 1.4.11,1-
bal., marine: Irani. l .11c1 , merry, tn.y ; Barry Sands, oluar
t• 111;41-11'r ; hones. White, captain of the inniut.rp
y, ordinary seaman; John ‘Varle, seaman
Tntel 9. UT. F..:;
On the Pensacola—Theo Myero, seitMan . ., James
➢Murray. ordinary sesnom ; 7 homes Gna:in, landsman
Ndson D..-:,;air, I.le3.l,clintk.
tin lie Richtr.mtd—J.•lm B. Brady, aged 10, acting
master's matt, (burn in Brownville, N. Y ,) lAillAd by a
rile an, Brady,otd,nary seaman, ..gerU 23.
r•r the Iroquofs , -.1 1 m6e6 Phi 4. 4 4, nearpoo ;
1/Prid ,. “Ploir*, 4..eomory r 4 , 1 4. 16 S ;tl.nori. o 46' pily,
ITIAI Feb tlll - 11. j Ltetxju Jt Pored!, bov ; J:41;ofl bUnUell•
1.. kit, rnariuei Geo: K • .
4 . ek, rod,ter'd mite. T '4416.
- •
4 - 'll the Pinola-1 b.rcas of the fore
micit ; II Jvbncok, 10111iMelt117 j the raruna—Andrew A. Smith, landsman ; Charles
liartlent, ; Uauirl Mentermun, ordinary teanrAti.
Total killed, 3.
On the flag•ehip iforifortt—rnilip 'Horgan. ee3min,
severely; Chitties Batthe landsman, du ; The orlon: Doug
lai, t Dicers' rte yard, ; Randall 'rainfall:a, landsman,
do. ; lienry Manning. ordinary aeounn, do.; henry K ng,
11111hVi do P'lliTe ; go' rgv
'or low, mashie, du ; Mr, tiaillrr: culre , Llttr, "uY , r 4 Y
Mr. Brittler, lientertant of marines, iliehtly. Total, 10
Cu the Brooklyn—Mr. James ni oder. se
verely,; .1, note Si. fiord, acing master, slightly; E. J.
Lou e: master's mate, do.; Wm. Mcßride, ROOIII-111, no
j Levin ii.ntn, marine. •mintitiy j +horn*, Grinto,
lto..l,roan ' 6everely j Joni, Winought.y, oodlottrY
Ehghny John Chute, Beilnlin, siightly j E. Blanchard,
nit:Airy neonns, sovorttly : J. li.
marine, coL•tr,ionj Mr Weill, seaman, 'do. It iliert
en.; Gr... Coventry. gmtm-r, do. ; Leonard
notrirto. blight!: ; Corm:due Martin, ordinary 68.111411,
probably morml; James EL Vowed ordinary seaman,
Eltglito j 11. 0. Ilmtkiiit, ordinary seaman, severely; J so.
toiie, no , 34:110 lia.v.ey,
Wettn y. caplain of the mizzen top, deverelyj Alex.
.411dt:won, hil.ll,nnao, ; gnat:corm-otter,
slightly, Joseph Satin. SONIONII, ; John Griffith ;
Jl,DthEt Wilicants, captain of tire maintop, do. .
On the PCIISTCfIia John 113 an, quarto rmaiiar, mortally;
GPM mil Mowry, quartermaster,. mortally; Jonathan
14,M Its, or unary seaman severely; Slmhael
landsman, severely ; Gustavus Mason. do. d t ; Thomas
boatswain's Inane. do.; Edward Brown, captain of
the guard. do ; John Sherlock. ship's cook, do ; John
ordissr. neurnath Jo lasts!, G'llottssl.slsmsn,
do.; Samuel Cooper, oirtioary a. moan. slightly; I) trill
Benders n, ordinary seaman, do.; A. C. Collard. °Mi
r ary Stamm), do ; John Stuart, ordinary sitainsn. do.;
Samuel Banuolgili, ordinary seaman. do.; I.' 3lcliay,
Inv Mitten, do. ; 'Edward flownut ,, , landAmam dm ;
EllW. lee, first class boy, do.; thottry 4tarabadi, nor'
gonna of mar lore, do ; George Perkins. marine, slightly;
Nodule! 0 Brien, do. do ;- Fred. Damz do. do. ; Francis
Beeper, do. do.; John Brocan. do. do ; John G. Harris,.
Heidi mint of marines, Plit_thtlf ; Shultz Gerard, acting
mutter, slightly ; John 0. Ilardley. third assistant on.
gin. er. do.; WiLOll Goodrich, boatswain, do. ; Jon. B.
U. X, cat penter. do.; Alfred Reynold., inabler's mate,
do.; George Foltiver, so_ do Total. 33.
On the Richmond—John Gordon, seaman,. severely;
churl, s A. Benson, ordinary sentnth, sthttctly j Got
hic, ordirery seaman, slightly John Ford, 190:11114 , 1,
slightly, Total -4.
1.4, the iroquais--James 'Noland, seaman,. mortally ;
Ivpitvr J. White', corporal of marines', mortally;
Lewis, armorer, reterely j George Clark,. gunner. so-
Tt rely j 'Robert Greenleaf. totalttoll. severely;.John
Smith, hot, seysrily ; Mat tin Winter,. boaetwalu'e
mate. severely; John llrswit, captain of maintop,
slightly; John COIMWRY, ship's cook. alightlY ; George
eisinoss, «1l htls.l.ll.i.htada !Wawa ',allehtll. l
do.; Wm. Pool, ordinary aeama , do.; Henry %Vatter%
do - ;do., Wm Morgan. landsman, du. ; VhOtllit.3
1110 110. • Owen Campbell,. do.. do.: A lfred Green, boy,
do.; Mint) Jackson, marine, do ; James Bolts, stthlst,
Jo.- Junsee Mellonsisskek. d0.“16. Thoinsii 00-
tiii.ry seamen. do..;* Prank B. Harris, third analatatit en
gineer. do. Total, 22.
Ott the Pinola—Thomas Foster, ship's cook; Thomas
Ford, landsman. severely ;. Thomas If. Jones and Henry
8t0Li.13;.. of i&4 l- 6 &ink& wg.mpr.133 . 2, Wm, latwaptlt, ,laap
ietzti-Sler, slightly; Thomas L. Smith, doilLiteittlet,
slightly; James A Barsford, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Total, 7.
On the Cayuga —John Lawson and Frederick 0. G.
Fritikv, landmiem t , ovt ray ; Francin hinrnnll,otdina r Y
section; John HIMIPIiPty, anal-heaver; James Ehaira,
lamhmau ; John Titus, °Ulcer's cools, all sliihtly.
Total, 6.
On the Sciola—Franete Moser and. T. liareagtom
t ooth, Total. 2'.
Out the rt.-ono—St. itenann nsul APAI HAP?
.10. fti3O,llV t .1,
Cordon, (marine ; pewit ely ;. ittchanghlin„ Witham. Per
sia', J. Loin., !toy, slightly. Total 0,
. .
Sevrat VPPPYIP LAVP rot yet Mudd their nlHclal retnnig.
I MO, very lePneelfully,
I(1111 . plllont Raryseht,
J M. Prq..1",4, Meet 911141.0 n.
rig Mlle., DIV tli 0,. ebbLea.indillit
(7; It. S, vmdrou.
Despatch from Commodore Farragut
I T STI3E I, ST ATKA If. LAG-2.111.1. ItiAItTFORD.
OFF TUB Civi OF N,w 0141.13AN5, April 26. 1862.
ID a IL It, the excitement of the last two dove
)uu IleUEt net be form-18.d if 1 1 e lee undone many
MIMS which I might to lc, awl 9hp ci which was
In write to )on on the °cession of my biting
thin city. lint, thank Omi t it has been dime,
and in whet I conceive a ham' sumo style.
I had two Union men on board who had been forced
into rho Conhiltyate service At Fort Jackson AB laborers.
Th. , y Itefoheshd ma that !hale aces two forts near tile
city, and as we approached the locality I tried to cancan=
irate the veils/Ai, but we seen flaw that we must take a
taking Aire for two miles, Bo we dhl not mit co the matter
butdash.d directly shoed. They permitted us to tap•
preach f 6 with a a. 0116 and &quarter before the% opined
on cm emit Halley. on the Cayuga. Lieutenant Como
mending Harrison, wes in the adVaIICII, and rone.eed the
most of the &stare, but, although the uhoothlUr wee good,
they dui not damage hie vested. The Carspit then fell
beak sad the Raeford tank her pima. We had only
two pans, whioh I had plated on the topgallant tura.
motto, that coat boar on them nal!! we got within half
a mile. We then sheered off and gave them ouch a bra
ae they never dreamy] of In their phi lottorty.
The I • entacota ran up after a while and took the etnr
battery off env SidiPlat Piril inn few Minnie; she
Drool:19n ranged up and took a chance at my friend; on
the hit hank ; but they were silenced In, I 'Mould ;ay,
twenty minor cc, or half an hour; but I cannot kit pa
note of time ou ouch occasion;. I only know that nal(
01 the vessels did ant gat a chants at them.
The flyer wee lee lost row for nmro Rosh tied be thi*
vessels to act to ail vanta;e, but all were so engine; that
my greatext fear was we onoilid fire loin rack other,
and Capt. Wainwright and mycelt were hallooing mire
ftiltlia Milne 111 the men tint In fire into our shied
This last Well what I call elle of the little eta
gaboko t f the professiou—a dad' and a victory. Bat
the pasaiog of the Fort. Jankaon and :St. Philip wag one
of the most awful ;Mite I ever new, The smoke
wet so dense !hal it wagon!) , now aril then von could
sic inivibitnt but the flash of tile Oahhuu Mel tint
llre•thtps of rafts, one of which was pushed dawn upon
or, the Ilarlpffd, by the ram Manassas, and In my
exert to avoid it ran the chip on chore. nod then the raft
WOO pooh, iconuide and in is moment the chip WOO one
bier;^ ell along rho port ride, half any up inn and
mizzen tope bet. thank; to the good organization of the
fire department by Lieutenant Thornton, the dames wore
extiegnithed• and at tho Name time wo backed off and
got clear of the raft.
All title kltniA ttr, wept, bike, h t h, Nri.. 7
and they iota MI, and every now and then a rubel steamer
would stet under our lire end receive our Inoutatton of a
broadside. At length the tiro onvnoort. tha ear ke
cleated off, and we Haw, to our aorta'lse, that Wa were
aal there on
fire. An we coma Pp with them, trying to in tke their
recopy, they a'r Pa fired lice, and riddkyl en that tatty ram
them on shore, and all win, could made their v,!apl to
the land I ani told, Idu not know how truly, that Gen.
Laeull hail luau! down licit I.uhtune kn untko..../1
with Ildr ltnit gehboate, a large rain of elglittout gune,itud
the Mu na3sas.
The .Wenassar and the .{fir3i,siimi male a Pet at each
_other at lull speed, and When they wore within thirty ar
fin LS ear& of myth othor the rain drulmel Cut 311.4.4Wia
-Iti Mal tali oil short, wile(, the I MUe ti-otred her lortowl.
bides into tic r, knocked away her torch t-atarlta and itmn
bent on boallof her. hot the was dnaerted awl riddled,
and altar a while the d dal d down the stream frill tif
1.1-, 14,, Ale 1... a wo n y ,
the larger rate way still at Fort inekeon 1 lint the y nay
helm that the wan aunt down before she wan ready, and
Ilmt elm will (,cite to enrretider with the forts, which I
Lope will be. or to-morrow. I will RICH them hay
M 114,111,11 as at.hlt as 10th It&tIla tlla afralra tlt Ilia Elty
I .1.. Maude.' the Normal., of 1.1. pity 1. eiterd4.3 , of the
Mayor, Hauer(, Capt. Bailey, an the necond in command.
Bin reply was chat the city wits under martal kw. awl
Le wonhl commit Gru. Lovell. Ilia lotdahip maid he
uauld hurrytalpr wahine. lint at limn ha UP:ltlall
nth and leavn hit 3:at Up 111it11111101164111.
Illig Hint Win( the Me , or sent his Secretory and CA
or Pi lice to see me and pas that he woul l call ilia City
Council tog. tt er at 10 o'clock and give me an antiwar,
al ti that Gttileral lint ittitelii anti Iliet lit had Mauled
the duties hi hie 01PCO hilt Dlat on and wnifil avntav if to
keep order in the city and prevent rho dent. 'unbolt of pro
petty. I tent him, by hie Secretory, the letter narked
No. 1, of which a copy in enclumen. 1 also Knot him a let
ter. demanding the antrandor of the (it', i t 0 0 0 rIrmity
—it'l l the 4ffiftif4 MOOGa try ine yrniertitty, through 'Apr,
This morning, at 6A. M.. I sent , 0 Captain Morris,
hose shin commanded the Mint, to take. prissesAlon of it
Bt d lost the Amerieen his Wrenn i which wits ftino,
and thepsopte cheers( tt. At le, islet nn 011/r0
and cut , reel Lienteennt li.ttz, of the navy, and Brawn,
nt the marital,. with a marine guard, to hold the Hag on
the CrNtorn rion4e; but the ex,itPreelit orate crowd was
Flo great that the 'Mellor and Cord teelleell lho Ighlt It
ar...loae cal.tUck ..d ',vat tan, al lea At at,
sfr<ns,l nay nold, to the fleet for ildvine service, uuder ■
general order (envy No. I).
On April 130th, in the afternoon,
having been informed
that there wsro two forte eight ill.-s above lien ci• y. at a
hisra called Can cilium I thtetmined to take a kink at
1)11,111. Mid di theta. WA Aettitalligly rah tie, but
to ourst•rpriie, we found the gun carriages all on the,
and upon fired the gee. R all *piked 16
was a n•nat formidable. work for Cointrirslore tenons to an.
counter on his way of a lone line of
mat t CPS ext NUug lean fr m tan river to LINO eld,t
-( het troth, tenth Shove, and below thee city, on which there
oeri-t.tdits nine and thirty giil,l4 each.
Inariedinttly Cu my getting oh me the firts, I Re'et
nig,. UN L, how t10E5.1‘...1.,f .4.&,hi-riatiel
the shildrip Ol hiAt dde, ikhich h, h,d .o nobly defended,
un to Guoitriu Porter, thriinsh the Imynit at the
ilmumutine, directing him to dernwtift the surrender of
the forts. nil demand was irt lirst refuotil. Litt the MAE
am! Oda tliey would le4t be hal:rine.] So, ti is u-miring,
the 29r1i, the Calmer Mula brought us the
Itsrri• an, that the, force lot
dery teem' 'Aqus up, and alit! the American Hug
I toss, scut &I o for Cerserai Butler's troops to come
up awl occupy this city. at d will 000 u ho off for M
Lr p-0.1 non it, sy.t aill k.-a-p the 4041/113,1e tsp. 1 good
Captain Bailey Itr.nte as !warrr of thaws cites. Ile has
orit •• wrniT T., 64-,
ilifllllfitY Phial requirtd
I tuu, vet y truly unit r,sprf..ufn is , ots,
Fla 2 0(112Pr W G. 111.wkad rig Sluadron.
To a, Y, ro7s, Pf.l A-m.rogr,c of up" 4,-yr,
ru,re folk:rasa a teeter from 1) G Farragat to the 74 .for
of N. w Orlrane, (if 11.111.Lii rg a Fnrrewler, which has hean
already purdad ed ]
P rf" Tali CITT vr toY oar•a - lzfe, ;;;(1
Aril ,
Ta hit Minor the Mayor rf New Orfratts
Yina honor will plan o, give ritreCtial•K that na flag but
that of the Unitral Slates wni Or WI - nai1...11 to ay iu tilt
rwe•enC , ... Of Ibis fleet lane as ii Il,n 0 10 power k 9 Pre
vt tit it, an/ as ail driplay or that I/141 ha th '
rf bloocli•lied, I have to ropiest that yon will giro this
crnamitocatimi as her,eral a droll +Tim) as tvismili'n.
I boa - a the holier to be, very reep.c.ftitly. obe
dient Persnat t 11. G, FA ISRArUr,
U. S. hLAIi 61111' ft AltTroltn
Orr THU CITY ow /DV Vnl,asNS, April 26,1562,
9'11 1 1 ( f1i lhli nlor'ilnh ii Ittf h'a'ir npr+lril" , l for
oil The r flirtTi ant Cre.T3lll' the dent to rein' )1 tlyttitil to
loliolsi y tiorl. for Iti• great go A 111'441 3111 mercy in per
nntiioe tni to onsa through toe I,t tt»ro :Ids %lin to leant
!pee of lire and htood. At that boor the COure-li peenevot
will tie Iniititel on every ve.efel of toe fleet. toil their creitt4
wee malerl ptlt, in homsliatiop arpl prayer, mat, coen e
800 nowleelomeLte therefor to the Great ff , -pe qer of all
human evtuts. 1) C IIR tf: C,
Floe-officer W. G. B. 6,1,14 i-iron.
Evoctuttion of Fort Ltvingston
S.y impels a lhe remit or Ading Haider L. W NA
nington, comnianding roited States tali:Amer Henry
Jones a Porter'e Mortar Heel:
The Merin/ Jane.; appeared off Fort Livingston en the
;Tat of April Hi ditto the Poittd titettni 0011 m-re 1016-
rating atri Georg?. W. Munplain, The echooner alto
came up aide rwto deb Acting 11 sister Pen n tigt , tie was in
fortoet: that the rebels in the fort hoisted the mesas! di flag
ev. Ty ulluday, sod on !hat day ~illy. flu toe h a flag..!
trop ~ wee 01,U/riled 1111 OP fort and ...rdifis 51.44 , 1
niegtm, pr tateroto in leis fees eletcsr, a boa; (Foal,
the Kittatiny accooteeul Mg, which, reaching the
',here a les - [ lilt/WOO iu art ranee, hukted the limer , cau
flag rat the ramparts of ilm fort. Ent fifteen Perilous
were foubil in the fort—six mini, four W0111..11, and live
neeely all of the a re-hl.ole of the
From veer f the re •men. whose 101511.414 WA, g the
troops flint had occupied the fort, much it/roman ne W4l
01.10114.1. She elated that the fort wee in charge of
Theouve, and 3301 soldiers in all, chiefly French and Its•
ehel, ode!, Lai, t•-•
Port Liviegaton to about eight notes from New Or•
I, moo by writer TIII, Bee that carried the tro9pt from
the fort, was still op the bay, on of reach of ton remote.
' 1 his steamer was partly oweed by the plan:ere of the
inch.lanil. park of wh •ni are livinn nice. no also are mash
of Ilie porde on the opp , slte 19, 0
email battery shove Fort Livirgemit, woo she) ovacs
feud, not two gun, of melt size haring been left At
Fort Livingston there wore %root eleven 32.poundere
complete!, three 12.potiud howitzer°. two '24 pouuderdi
e ult coonithimh new, petered red I one 80.
p owl titled cent on ; three spore field cerrleges ; oils
thloe to d 32-p. and ~hut; seventy cortical shells, and
(Alp r articite of minor iniportanae, The otficera
pertmrntd were coelfortilltlY Ihruitihr)ll with etnitilltinoe
of iln nitnre hull n Jorge a intillity of pow; which they
lett fielded. The fort 10 It u and order, and the ordnance
in got d. condition. It was left in charge of Acting
Sameon, LThittl navy, h sat 01,4 me
filet If, flitch it, Colonel Thentorth arttiripatitic a t ittr
lark horn the VIISSPI3 4 ttnendonel the tort Ind )(et fire to
it. mid also fired a brig loaded with cotton, 'eats to ate
ThlllPt to run out. tine .4 the li-et Sao of Anglo eta,
sleds Scttug 'Kesler heel peevionsly
nba WII3 tons um , of tire tumour filllUll at tiro fall; um; to
plea-ht Ith dupers lu f!oofolin ate out%
phial, Ire flitted, was his xis ltritdirs'
FORT JACiiiliiN, April 30, 1882.
NY Dinn Fox: )(very thing goo.. on gloriontly, Jolt
on Aunt rl Im cilial,tl rgnort trill to I sou atl Com.
ig going, honw, lan I wleht to 01% it Word fur biro;
attnengl , I ao t believe ono Id uPeiert. Ho taught hie
slap op:co at , lino woo not in fault for het lo,Ag. He ie
at ulna of energy and tleternatut4l chareezer, Clive Imo
a gad Olio Ili' di nerved it, My I mouttle to Mr, 131.1 r,
Yount truly. rsurt,l3,
To G. T. Fox, RN., Secretary of the No7Y.
Arrival of Hebei l'ilsotters at Ni shvidle.
i.or ler it.Ye, May 9 Ooe Invoked and eighty of
tekrp,os',- ra,el c.a.pillrod, Levu tarntial
at 1.401 , 411 e, en route for the North.
tereoce tort Thursday at 10 o'cli.ek A. M , Suprlittetilent
limo iii Ilia elude, it:wended by Siteerintendent Bodine.
Scripture lereone by the llrbt ;lamed, singing and prayer
by R. A. Girhon. The roll Wits Prated. rule; real, and
the j...uroal of Wedueeday read and approved. Jogith
Borah nit the society uflnlet', Wan introduced to the
thit.ference, and nthitetwed the Conference alum to rue
Wawa of the col Ted people. A veto of thank; wet ten.
dared to him, after which, S. T. Jones offered a res -
non. which was adopted. that a committee be eppAnted
to draft r”a. , lotiona, ex pro-siveof the Vie wei of the 'lnn
ftrypcp on the histutio nventa which liars transpired, and
stn tomplyills In n,iecornea, nud be.r
lug upon the colored people. J.Gadsawai , d. Jenesou, end
S. T. JOII.P. Welt , appointed the committee Neva If,
vie awl J. Young, et the American illethodist Church, and
Fee. Gibbs. of the Fertartberreet Prostri - teriou CliUrCh,
wci n 'lmminend to the I:mammies. Committee on nuance',
J. A. William, 11. U. Blackateho, and 11. 11. Walnut ; on
P.A.amiontien of Ritual, S T. Jones, S. G. Golden. and
C. H. Wallice. T. H. Barris was, on motion, a Imittad
into full e.tineetion. J. P. Heiner, of rho iouthern Our.
phd J. cos., of the Cansdis district, were by
Wir t granstn orlon to pnrticite•re in tit, bwinel• or
the C, oferebre. 6uperintendeut (Ammo was it/ atlnts
dance a short tine. The presitlebr of the emote retire gave
the fenoaten eh-14y ti to be, written by next (Jog:erotica :
, vole, on Bible Superiority IW. T. pidol., on the
Life 01 Yfrilieti jO. T. Joliet:, on (I.t-Tel niooloteti t t
: J. D. Brooke, on rho Propriety of (lburch
J. A . on the Propriet) of every Ittetnodist
Church beitig tho Itherstio) ; R. A. (Dimon, on tho
Duty of the Church to the Mibistorq of the Gospel Taos.
Cm.L.Y_ eh the Utility of Ministers Studying to preach
the tteepel. ittljotertietl
Stxth Day's l'roceedings.—The Conference mot
Priem , at ten o'nloce A. M., Superiutendent hoes pre.
tieing, es.Lt.d by Sitperiotet,oent Bishop. Scripture
Ir Ly the t Miming and prat cc by It. 11. Dye in.
The roll wag Balled, rules road, and the journal of
TLimal .y tend, corrected, land approved. Um Mr.
'co-rel., pastor of • the Central Presbyterian Church, and
Bishop Quint, and Xtdera Gardere-r, tichirremau, We.reer : .
cad IlitUt bf thn A. M. 11. Utnirs'.lll WIT IIIIMIIC"4 c?
the Conference. A optintmente for bombast], Tun Ines:
Wesley Church—Morning, it, 11, Dyson; afterunou,
Sheet iutehdt ut Bishop eel :supuri 'anode at Ross.
C‘ bind Prt stn. teriau Chun It—Morning, S G. 0 ,1400 ;
eveninni 8, Tn Jones. Arsonth street Prell/ytyleis
Church--I. P. Hamer. %mar L'lnsron. Drown
ttieet--.W. T. Diddle, thsen o'clock le ill.; J. Cuta
way,- quarter to eight o'clock M. Mount t"... , ua
l'horch, Peer'street—Moses Warns, lets o'clock A. M. ;
IL r cfrl , CII P 4 Johiewm,
num r lii Myatt kliabclusayitle vbeFeb—
Morbieg, ssimoel Matthew's ; afternoon, T. EL tie ria ;
g, Tlloll.lld 11. Pastor. Pearl-Area Itlyans;
Chin eh—Nye:Ono, S G. Golden.
Several letters were read, still rtes ottettione a the
A line seers veotvOihdett t> th'i tiftgabtli
Ste. McMartin trunoubcen Anti the consort of (111 late
Rev. E Johnson bad just departed Shia life.
The Conference passed it rust of sy nipatity fort)* rats.
tires of the deceased.
Wallop Quin t wag Invited toe Wit On the platform
%et h the supothitendints. Adjourned,
uthmit two o'clock, °lnner Otterlee John.
of the Yoko terntli mirth while tAirolina hit Witt,
I . .end LI 11111116 !Milli!: Christian Sheffer, lying upon the
sidewalk on Coates etract. above Eleventh, in au insert
sib'e condition. The protdrete unto Wllli badly braked
'the hod 4, and wet in rtittlat7 nut about ilia !pad.
cidiveynel to the lltetlen 1L51441,
~bare hi, .010,11 ware &PPM, iby 15r 0. Rankle The
ntrer wax thin basil to 1116 St. Joseph's 110$Pit 41, 11114
11100 at T hat nictitation at live o'clock. 11ow tile accident
tint lotetvii. ha Me. SISISIV.I. FISHI4IIIPII Won
vii.k from the fitful that he wee illitud Until lie expired_
Ile resided a bit). 1110 Coates, and the euppo.illon4
in that he arose in his sleep and walked from the taint,.
*dory window. The docoaned was about 05 years or aim
-- • • •
!mod men fumed George lltnran WAR Arrested on %We.
day, and takou brforn Aid. man White, upon the lthlugo
ul hayta4 aaasulted n unturvti w!!!!! with u.
foetal dm a 'lnce, at Milli and t3t, 111tiry 1414 , 1 , 114 TIM
lAtiniau was elrork ultra the bend and ay ouraway in.
jurod that her fire WHS deopuirril of for glow owe, no
.ha i• now conoiflrrod not of danger. The @would wagi
cowwitted iu default of $l,OOO foal fg answo.tut court,
tnreiv d in !hi. city Ida nyttulug. anunuilen4 chat
Lieutenant Worden, who fought thg,,lgerrimoo, has hoen
1 , 101111 to thr Pt ITOOlgod oftrip!, I .'lll
&idea, TA+ b Immicbcgisi Oar,