tnuelket end baronet, carr)lne tw.-nty csrtridgos each, wed 15/141. 8 reeer-e enamurAdou •th.g eta 7 charges in all. They numbered one hundred and sixty, commanded I.y (.7apt s has. S. smith. a Liman:saute lee. D. Keyser, G F IrellAtor, Atwood Smith. Herring. euid Geier:l 50 .4nA. ).CO Reeding B zs 0 , / • Citah 70 'AO C'emi e. Am 6 , 'M. 01 2000 66 1 Penn» R. 47 10 136taNiOi* ___ 2 43 illataseiAaa. R DTI . .. 8 Non!' l'am,n. R.. 81; lano t'‘ , 1.11:4 V. 2i nag. 98 200 N Puna 6.1 ..... 74,4 ?.000 lerria (la Mint. 10V 0 Beaver Head_ HA do. .. . . 1.5. 21i 36 Com & enib It 131 16100 City 6. 1000 da.llelV gam 0S 800 do..ESO. 9S) -15C00 Puma b , 89% 5400 Penns coup 5a.. 04) 0010 do 9.1)i INcl? 50 bawl littY pi.. 11.1.1 i 25 Bp& Pine et IL. 12% IrP 8t 16 1106RDS. '6 Cam Amb B 131 600 City 6s new_ NCO Ihuirt R 7a„ ,1 ' BOARD. 1000 0 &Deign-2dpi 77% 6) N Penns B lit 66 82 do 77A tats Scrip.... n 200 City 6s ._.. 99,1 i 500 B.eadiig 6.'56 ._. 85 5(00 l'enoa 5. 8 1 J 500 do '89.. 55 ]OO geloli.ANarpc.. 134 ... 11-..,31.-....41,1 7 .. AN 300 do 13X 90 P watt ...rO. 47 85 N Yeioo, i teL 4 , " , 00 PlblB. :..1 , E 61..1.5. 91 mtg Scrip.... 71 5000 do ..... ..... 92 do .. 71 100 Reading E... 85, 23X A P'9 , kll oillA RUN. Sib Lehigh 9crip...65. 403 i tl4 Ecc t Thirl I. 62 216 Reading R 2.:1A . • . CL0 2 11143 P.6.IOIES—STE DY Bid. Asked S its 1851... 70.... y 102s1 S 73 10 N.lt3 103). Philede 6s 983 i 981( I Tebilada 6a new.l9l % 1.01% I .Penua 5s . 9U Beading B 23 7 - 16 23 34 1 B"`all m '80'43 95 190 Bead lids '70.... 9-1 94 Read mt 6e '86.. 84)4 Telma R 453 41 Penns R 1 m 65.1C3 1933 Tennis R2m 6e 96X 96}i Morrie Cc Coo 4.1.3 E Sip Morrie enl,Pref 111% 117 Bch ram Stock. 47i 5 Bch Nay Pref... 13 181( Bch Nay fle '82.. 69 69* Xlmiraß ...8% 10 New York Stock Ezell $ll,OOO Ty 6 3-10 no!eslo34 43,C00 Minouti t 0... 52.0 $lO,OOO do 513 $7,500 IT Carolina Oa. i t $1,(00 111 War Loan. pa $5,000 do $l,OOO Gra & Chi Ist —lO2 $l,OOO do 102 8+3,000 Mar & To S F.. 92 $6,C00 M South S F... 92 E 410,000 .Am Gold .....103 20 she Am Ex Bank. 94 20 aka do 93N 35 Ow P SCo 11136 9SO a6aN Y 250 aka d0.........88 ,100 ohs DI & P du Cb.. 29 Philadelphia Markets. There is no alteration in Flour, but the market is very quiet; 4m500 bbla only have found buyers, at $5 25 for ROW superfine, which is scarce; $5.50 for ext-a—the Irate are buying in a small way at about Rams flgursa— andantes family and fancy brands from 55.62 N to 86.50 gify bbl, as to Quality. liye Flour is scarce, and selling In a small way at $3.50 bbl. Corn Meal is unchanged, with further sales of 400 bbls Pennsylvania, mostly at 62.60 bbl. V:HEAT.—There is not much offering, but buyers are bolding off, and the market is inactive; a fear email sales of mime rennet I vmia are rcportell at $1.13; Southern ditto $1.38, end sl its at 40n1 45. Rye is in et demand at 73c to Perapylvaitia. Corn is lens netird, awl ratl,tr 3,&di' bits ooutheru yule? w wad at 50c, afloat Oats are unehanntil, with further miles of Pennsylvania et 32c, dud 1,300 hue Pennsylvania at 157 C, the later afloat 154ak einitioura in demand. 10 h h de let S. 1 Quer. titron gold at 33 hu Vic ton. y . Corvon.—The market in unsettled and Irrmsular, and the demand limited. GBOCERIES AND Pativisions —There is a firm feeling la the market for both, and there is rather more tiding u the way of sales• BEM:ln.—There is very little Cloverseed offering, or nlliug, *mu prime lots are wanted at A 4 30 4Y b ache'. .7,mutby is in demand at $1.50e1.62 4fr bushel. WHIPKY is honor, and the demand mire active; 28300 /big sold at 25c, now generally bald higher ; drudge at =o23c, and Minn at 2.3.m24c 4f' gallon. CITY ITEMS. TUE BEST TEAS AND COPPERS, AT MODERATE 3F`inesS, can al.a)s be had at 111 r. O. 11. liflattsou'r, deader in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. Rio celebrated Oolong, and other - popular Teas, are gr,at favorite§ with the public, and his pure Old Goveranyent jevra Otffee le uurivalloci. CHILDREN'S RATS AT OAKFORDS'.—Messrs. Charles Oaiford & Sons, in their splendid new store, 'un der the Continental Hotel, are now offff log the most ex- SentliYo and select siworlnnnt of Childreree Hats to be bond in this city, most of which are either of their own Imannfriptare or importation, and for style and elegance swe not surpassed by any other stock in the country. price,their moreover, are unusually moderate. Their IPalearooms are thronged daily with cuniomors who sun gain us in those rumarlrs. LAUGHING GAS.—Dr. Colton, whose exhibi lion delighted such a crowd on Tuesday evening, will sire the word fx l, ibirion this evening at Concert 114 1 1. Those who would eujny a really rich entertainment should attend. The Tremaine Brothers add another of "their sweet concerto. TICE POTTSVILLE RIOTS.—The miners in i3druylkill county struck for wages, and not accomplith ,ng their demands, iht y I•et to work to destroy property. Fhe Governor celled out the Philadelphia Gray Reserves. And they gallantly hurried to the rescue. The rioters A. caved" when they saw the gray coats, knowing teem Inability to cope bucceedfully with brave men who Curial Ponekete in their bands, and who were generally clothe]. In elegant and 'substantial uniforms from the Brown 'Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and COS Chestnut street, above Sixth. CHAS. STOKES SPRING CLOTHING Spring Clothing. Spring Claidtig. Chas. Stokes. Chas. Stokes. Chas. Stoke% lien and Boys' Clothing. Men and Boys' Clothing. Men and Boys' Clothing. Chas. Stokes Stokes Spring Clothing Spring Clothing Spring Clothing Iljndler the Continental floVl i No. 824 Chestnut street. 11:Intier the Continuant lintel, No. 824 Mumma street. "Under the Continental liotel 824 Chestnut street. pare]-10 pm. pnrrb I-10 pa. Ned Lo die u . ,4 4 qr 3 In - rah 3 to 3g prem. Bid. .48 . 0:4 Elmira R Prf... 16X 13 Elmira 7a '73.. 81X 81 34 L laland R ex-d 15X 15X Le'gh Cl At Nav 523 .. Le CI Sc Nav Sep /1 X 41X IN Penns R 8 34 84 IN Penna 13 68.. 7434 7.1 X N Penna 10a... 933 II • !at aw R Con... 1% i ICatawisaa Prof. 8X 83 .wc ..t 'fhtl-at R. 61X 62 Rac«,..e.Vine. at 11 6 7 W Pinlakt R..... 55 prnce & Pine.. 123 114 Green .I 2 Ccithsb. 15 25 ?'i Chem & Walnut. 3435 3i x Arch Srrcec.... 21% 22X" 'age Sales Yesterday ells Erie 11. 3 , 444' 101. ehs do ... beo. % 38 41.1 Erie R. Prof.. 6i iE 50 Ale 250 MO Citl`f T 0.., -153 f 14. 4 0 els do _1415. 45K 2'41 ehe Hod River IL. 41,4 Lo she d 0.... 630. 41N 105 she do 4131 100 she Hari E. Pr4f... 36' 50 sh 9 Mich 4:but H.. 59 100 the Id Cent dc.... 64 50 else d 0.... b3O. 62, 4 4' 15 see Panama R.... 128,14 t.f.6 Chi 8,,., Si 50 she do 315 DIRT s—Firming. THINGS TIENT ARE FooLlsnn.—Fora young man to think he does Unbolt credit by hanging WAlllt !ROTC; and taverne r gawking bad cigars and paying for whisky and oaten., In order to be called o liberal" by a set of )(loth* tui soft io the brain as hira,alt. Per a man to he txtra faatidiou. about coif:twee dia mond finger ricga and scented pocket handkerchiefs, and th,r, set society at defiance with his cigar case and to bocce boz. For a young man to think of purchasieg his clothea elsewhere than at the Fathiouaide Clothing Bazaar uf Ortwville Stoker, No 669 Chetenut etreet, where the finest astortment of summer garments in the country are uttered for rule at grttstlY n'' .l P r iee g • MARINE IN'rEI.O,II.O4:No:E. Kr *EX FOUST SI PAUJ IMMEIMI Brig Nnthan, Means, 16 day e from Trinidad de Cohn, 60.1,01.1 - Audi nual.noce to. L . . Et: wa,k, da.raon & Jo- sae! Lo E A Soodri S CO. t ctn. vlivia, FuX, 1 day from Orlcs3a, Del, with grain to Uhristiar. & en_ &hr otoloua, Wheeler, 4 days from New York ? in bat h., Schr Lacy, Spencer, 1 Jay front Dratelywhte, Del, with corn meal to It N. Len. ()LEA RIND Behr Cartlaigona s Kelly. New Redford. 4 Flak At as riche W Wnhuen, Neal!, RoAtan, L kadeitrioll & Schr D Tounactid, Towuseud, Great If.'gg Harbor, captain. SchrJ R Mather. Nickerson, Bost n, Tylor. Stone R ( lA,' Setif S W GoAtro), Winkh, Ysoetnn, EIBM1110:to Van Lurrn A LoGrAhAR, btr Fanny Gardiner, Pierce, New York, W P (Hyde Barge Richmond, McGee, Nov Yotk, W P lnyde. NEDIOILA KDA . . Bteamabip Northern Light, Tmklepaneh, cleared tg York yesterday for d snuwxtl. Ship Galcieu Eagle, Swift, cleared at New York yester • das for San FrRIiCiPCO. eidur Maid Faust, Jaykson, from Fernandina, at New 'lurk yomm day. Scars Car..line, Fex, and May, Nichols, cleared at N 'lush yertertho for Philadundiift. tchrs Quaker City, Gedfiey, and ShkWlo3o, Parke, 101 ye, orn - yrtl in New Tork 1 edttlititly , strunier Anthracite, Jowls, hence, arrived at N York yeeir,dar. '43.1-%10./Al.. NOT ILUEI6. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF TREE LATEST STYLES, mule in the lloot Moaner, osturauly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods Made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE SISTN3I le strictly ad. bored to. Ali are thereby treated alike. JONII,I 1411 , 1 MARKET street. CARD PRINTING ; BEST AND CHEAPEST In the OM at 111 South _FOURTH *root. OIfteTTLAS PRINTING, best and cheapest in the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. MARRIED. DAVIS—MELLO.R.—On the 7th inst., at Oak Faro], 1 1 010 g- te.o count;, Pa, according to the order of the Society of ) , riende, /leury C. Davie to a. ..oa, tiAttglyer of 7'l.omax 141.110 - ALLIIBRUIrJE—TAYLOR.Ori Thin-o,v morning, .May the Btu, et Calvary Church, by the- Rev. Mr. Jee bine., James Allderdice to Mary A., daughter of the 1-M Levi Taylor, of ibis city. SELLOMIIILVIF.—EtRIBIII4.II. At IL. 111.-r.l-4,,, t , IlidEl, on Tneaday, Bth Lust, by the Rev. E. Y Binh. Ethan, Mr. Milton Seldomridge and Miss Jail& Britabell, both of .I.eacock lownship, Lancaster county. DIED. RAILF.Y.—On the 6th instant., at Hamburg, Berko county, Pa , Mrs Sarah Bailey, wife of Nr. John in the 60th )ear of her age. .14-11111.114. C,ll SULAHY tbarvi. g, nth LnAa.ra. DAIITOLETT.—Iin the sLitil.t., 241 r. Thos. Bartolett, in the 58ti sear of hia age. Funeral from bre late resilience, Frankford read, be low Vienba street, this ( Friria) ) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. * WItTIttNSON —ln thie Pity_ en lhP 7th jbstant, in the 11th year of her age, of cartel fever, Adelaide Lamb, yramittiat daughter of 11ev. Wm. E. and titan/Ara K. Watkinson. be friends of the family are respectfully iuvited to rithirdi her filnerld. from the PPFidAlit9 I Jt,e. b ten. No. f 59 Not th Eleventh street, [hie (Praia) ) n or n i nn , may oth, at 10 o'clock. El:inn: —On the tith instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Eisner, tvidaw ot the lute Judge John Fiedler, of Dover, Del., in the nd t ear ci her age. rtivrrat turn the Tvsitlence DI Jn,.611 litaltield. Fo. EnD North Tenth sheet, this [Friday) after -001,11. Itt 3 o'clock PA is.E.E.—On Wednesday reornins. the 7th inst., Mrs Sarah Millie, Viii/OW of tiro liGo 2hu mte Pttrlic. lh Ind Oth tear td litr age. The relatives teal friends of the family are respect; folly invited to attend the frinvral. from her late ret.. dunce. io. 1010 Spring Garden street, this (Friday) after noon. the oth inst. , at 1 u'iilitek. WHITRIT.Eaft,— , ..n She 7th War., reury, sou of Joel and Caroline Whitehead, sited 7 y ears. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this ( Vriday) at 1 o'clock, Irvin the residence of hue father, Ir 4 South Fourth egret, 4t...5t 11, rra....1. 21S NA It D.— On Wednesday, the ith innt., T lianas H. Li t•ohrd. iu the 85th year ref iris .ge Hin relativ,e and trade fries ee are particularly invited to attend the fnreral, Irani his late resideucs, 1833 Spruce 10 tOelGek. UtEtii•:•,oiN a SON CO:NT.LiN UE TO sell MOURNING GOODS at very low prices for Carl:, and have just received Black Granatiine baregre ' CIO GIN ; Claws Marini. and Tamlllatines, 25 eta; ; Empin'sllareges in Shawl and Dress Widths, at very low prices; Black Silk Challies, 37% cts; Silk Grena dine, 75 cts (;lack and Whimitmlancla, 50 utts ; Black and White neat striped and Cheesed Silks, 62 cts; Illaek OPAH/Laitil, laN Mohair Cloths, 15 and 25 cis; Gray thieve Toile du Nord and Mousseline!, 12% 09, &a. BESSON k SON, Mourning Store, ap22 No. MS CH EsTririT StrAet. G. MAXWELL & EON, J. ELEVENTH and OBES I'NUT, hare now open, at the lowest cash prices in the market, magnificent lines of a great 'variety of new Spring Goods, of their nun lain 1b1156141a 1 / 4 1 ge.vl as of careful selection. from New York importatione. Their Beal and Imitation Thread and Guipnro Laces, Fancy Buttons, No. 5 Trimming Rinhons. l'ari. Ornaments for Cloaks and Dresses, French Bugle Tiimmlugs, Silk Belt. Thom4e.rk Prt•re.' Alcirta, Spool Silk, new colors, at 2 coots per spool, Fresh Split aid Slagle Zephyr, for summer knitting, Travelling Fans. aid Magic Duffles, are all off.-rod to the ladies as goods of the most ,reliable make, and adapted to the require ments of close, di.crlinittatteg pkvtlmqfbrq, The usual liberal allowance to cash buyers. J. G. MAXWELL Jr SON, Btore and Factory, ELEVENTH and OHESTNIJT. eb24-1m rams roil THE uanir AND FIMSIDE. FORNEY'S WAR PRESS; FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS OF READING MATTER I A SPLENDID NUMBER FOR SATURDAY, MXY 10 ILLUSTRATIONS.—Forts Philip and Jackson, below New Orleans—Map of the Southern Coast. \l AR SEETCII.—BeIIa, Horrid% Bella. EDITORIALS.—The Latest War News—The Plane of the Conspirators—The Betels - Retreating. &e. THE LETTERS OF a OCCASIONAL." LATEST NEWS —Yorktown Evacuated: The Union Army in Pursuit—The Capture of New Orleans—The Capture of Fort Macon—From General flabeck's Army— The War in North Carolina—Joff Davis' Coachman in a United States Camp—Tmportant, from Rebel Sources— News from Bestriregard's Army—From Goa. IlleClollan's Army: Official Despatches: Battle of Williamsburg— Reported Occupation of Corinth by the trotted States Forces—From Fortress Monroe—Late Southern News: Rebel Reports of the Fall of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. DI ISOR LLANXOITS.—Ths Pr nnsylvanians at the Bat tle of Shiloh--Vull List of the Losses in Colonel Bohlen ■ (..t.cent) . -111th) rtnnariyautui riciptneut—lmport of the Joint Comudttce on the Conduct of the War—Goollip about Foreign Literature. CORRESPONDENCE.—Lettere from Pittebnrg Landi Ing—Leicar from Pori 71,3qta—Letter from Rol:ducky - Letter from Virginia. DESPATCHES FROM THE CA.PITAI,.—Visit of the French Minister and other Prominant Gentlemen to Yorktown 1 What they saw—lmportant Circulars from the Secretary of State. WAR POETRY.—The Cumberland—Rebel Poetry , Disunion—A 'Soldier's Letter, and a Woman's Answer— Ihe Druromer-Boy—Atter the Battle—The Soldier's Mother. WAR WIT AND TIMOR. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.—The Money Market—Weekly . Review of the Philadelphia Markets. Teens!—One CODY, one year, S 2; Throe copies, one year, $5 ; Five copies, $5. Single Copies for sale at the Counter of The Press. PROPOSALS MR SMALL ARMS FOR THE UNITED SIATE3 SEEMS. (Jana:Axes Orr MB, Washington, B. O , April 29, 1882. PROPOSALS will be received by this Department until 6 P. M. on the evening of the lath of May, 1862, for numulacturing, in the United States. for the Government, within one year from that date, the following deseriftiett of arms, viz Ppringtleld Rifled Muskets, model 18b5. Harper's Ferry Rifles, with sword bayonets and steel scabbards, model 1585. Breech-loading Carbines, for cavalry. Revolver Pistols, army size. Sabres for light cavalry. Noncommissioned Officers' Swords, 2 steel scabbards Musicians' Swords, Steil rcabliarils for rifled musket bayonets. Proposals vvid state— For muskets and rifles, the price for 20,000 of either, ono the reduction proposed, per gun, for each additional 10,000 to 20,(00 For revolvers and carbines, the kind proposed, and the price for 5,014, and reduction, per pistol or carbine, for each additional 5,000 to 20,000 For sabres, swords, and scabbards, the price of each of the prescribed patterns to the number of 5,000 each, and also for each additional 5,000 to 20,000. All the fire.arms are to be furnished with the regular The rifled muekete are to , be in all respect* identical with that manufactured at the U. S. Armory, Springfield, Massachusetts, and are to interchange with it. and with each ether, in all their parts. Each of the other kinds of fire-arms must also interchange with one another in the name manner. be materials for these arms must be of the very beet Quality, and no malleable iron teem will ho allowed to be used. All the al ticles must be subject to the inspection Prescribed by the Ordnance Regulations, and must be boxed, ready for transportation, at the expense of the contrai:tore, in such manner Be may be directed. /o bi, es Mee sill be made a; the feeLeibee in lots of not less than 'l,OOO each. Proposals will state the name of the establishment making the off,r, the number and date of the first de er y, and rate of delivery monthly thereafter. Failure to make a delivery at a specified time, or any attempt to Mt, educe malleable iron or other inferior material into the work, will subject the abuts number of Mine con tracted for to forfeiture, at the option (lithe Department. The Department reserve's to itself the right to reject . any hid, and will consider none =toe through any agent, ltneher, or patty, other than the regular manufacturers. Proposals will be addressed as follows : " General J. W. ItIPLItY, Chief of Ordnance, Wealtington, D. 0..," and nill be endorsed Proposals for Muskets, " or rifles, sabres, , the case may be. inylhs&tult. V.T2TE D OF SOPHIA BitANDT, ASE • 1...-tters Tebtamentary upon the Estate of SOPHI& BRANDT, late of the city of Philadelphia, widow, de r' uht d, having been granted to the undereigned, by the Izr), ietvr of Wilie for the city and county of Philtillolphia, ad vet EOlll3 indebted to said Estate are requested W nicks eu.ui and those having claims open the same, present theta to CHARLES N. LI:1 4 lONS, rxeentor, my 1. flab* No. 1035 BEAOH Street. 66 A NCIENT SLAVERY DISA.P -lA_ PROVED OF GM) " A levinro delivered in livid titY by ['releaser William Minis For sato by Ultisa MINT & SON, No. 62 North FOURTH. Street. ap29-tathe6t yr HON. EDWARD EVERETT'S AD. 1111.1038. FRIDAY EVie.NING, MAY Ihu, At the ACADEMY OF MOSUL 11149PPgrad Banta in ilia naruunttn. 1 1 104114 HA 181, find Balcony , alga, a law Prowenade Ticitata can La bad ac T. R. Pngb'a, Fixtb and Ohnatnnt streets. J G ultra, Seventh and Ch guilt streets. R flayaid's No. Tlrl Gimrbiut arrant_ Aral at Ow MOT III) 1.14.11i1ig at the Lwetnro. FAMILY cilvmr, AND AM PHITIIRATRR. TI ON NTS 25 CE N': S. Can be Lai at atitivr t and in the twining at the en trance nu L °MIST Stmt.. Poore open at 7 o'cloCh. Addrese at 8 o'clock pree6eiy. ltir tIit' i iES.—VVIILLIAiti A. PIPER. M. D win i t i bretutre before Nbrutekt "Let" Na au, tiorei or Tenipenthine, at their II rourheast romor of 'NINTH, and Pit ING GARDE ar S.t.-ete. Till (Fridai ) EVENING, May 9th. Su , kject. Traveis to Isl,oples and Mont V1.11'0119... Main- here of the Older and ttl" Pti'To .410 VeraPstly trtyl6Hd to be preyent. To in rtneute at 6 u'olooli.. Dll3l/11t1Bd altut• tog ul tlio Divivion at 7 okiork. W. J. p.ltTeli.B:E, C. L. C. Attest, J. TS. IST, It S /1414 OPPIALSRAFITI NATIONS _LCILITUttk [ley T. 11 Gltlf.l . : a., t b at A , lAtoG on MON Oa ill Av. Stir,. lbmthe Autiuoiefor the Oppressed Nationalities tho hatth. • TlLletti 215 route, 10 110 NV) at MitrUf.ii'd, 6311 illicit. 'NUT?trim; Y. N. U. t. 10:1 WM t'N UT 3tN4 Evi , cop.! I) , tmximry, 1224 CH EST NUT St. myg 3r)k I.AW ACADEMY OF VOILA DEL- U s 3 4 PO la —Next NV NUNES() Y EVENING a L., h.-14 t o ~.I.•ct ..11ir,--r.o to o tor the -vier 3 Oar. A full lint-41,11+10re of the men here it re fill, d, 1...y0.2ti1l BOW. R. WOOD, .loe. of 1./. A. 4 4411 N LX(IIANGF. B INK, PHI LA DE PII 1A; 11110 6. ISni.—That lIIY4d I / 1 1 , 4 1111.1. 0 il skid th. 11104.1.0- 0 1 nirirlend of TIMER AND A HALF per cret , payable on d, wand. to S• at sy TORREY, 4.)..h. COOPER-SHOP subwmis , 11011 E.— All 690. - .000 'or ➢lnnngnrn 01 'Mu sal9lorel time v,i}l Iw. 1,4•1 ii 0)) TUI Pr'Y, Nay 11, 1862, butweart thu lr ars 0T 3 and 10 o'clock P. M.. at tile Cooper- Shoo Re treslanent Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street, below Wash atll9lo. IDyl•llt E. S. 11i1111,, SUMMIT. cirONaOLIDATION BANK, PIMA, TELPhIa, ta.,,v b. 'Via - J.—Tao 8, and a 01. r. et a a bale tillB day declared a dividend of TIIBEE t'l 11 OltITT" pa) , tad° on deeiiaa.4. Ji)S. N. PEIItSOL, niy7.vf&n ovihior. irrTHIRTY -MG DETti ANNIVERSARY. —The Thirty-eighth Alini verger of the A%I id- SWAN SU NDA Y.- snititoL LINTON will be ob4ervatl b 3 public ntrvicem at CONCERT FIAA,L, OIIESTNUT t, alinvo Twelfth, ou TUESDAY, May 13, at eight o'cic,cit P. M. • Ticketm of admiosion mnr bo hod gratuitontly no Ills Oration at the Society - a Dopolitory, 1122 1311ESTNUT six uet The ANNUAL SERMON will he preached on the Weeding bord'a day evening, May 11, et eight o'clock, by the RrY. P. S. HENSON, at the T k.BERNtOLEI Cifile.TNOT !Street, west of ElAteenth street. my 6 5t rff.YOUNG MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT ahLulti !heat-Mace fee the e e heee ke ..-bleb they are beet adapted, and which will contribute moat to their ietellertnat and moral improvement. P RE WOLI , GY applied for this. and other purposes daily, at 922 CU EST.I , I UT Street, by JOON L. OA PE ke, Fowl.r., W. 11., lc Jo. cry PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. lIE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who desire entilnalll to mato in SUSTAINING TIRE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION in Its patriotic efforts to suppress a socticual and unholy rebellion against the u - ri ITY OF TUE ItirirUtil and vvlio desire to support, by every power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the onion yr am *ethers, are requested to select MO number cc DE Lb GATES equal to the Legislative I.epresentation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will heat respond to the spirit of this cull, to meet in STATE CONTENTION, AT IiARRIaItURC, Qit the /7th day of July next, at 11 o'clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES I=l AUDITOR GENERAL AND SURVEYOR GENERAL. a.TA to take such measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Gevernmeut iu this season of common peril tv a coluzuou cvuutry, A. K. AIcOLURE, Chairman of the People's State Committee. j G o Er m . W . _ll s e u f r ir ft A S N L , secresariee. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, MAY 0, Sr2.—The Direch , rs have this may &claret nividend of THREE PER CANT. fur the feat six mouths, pat able on demand, 7-,Ss B. VaI•TFAIY:f, ox• COMMERCIAL BARK OF PENNSYL VANIA, I.A DEL May 611; ISTc2 ho Director,. lore this thy deed frod a dividend of 'NIKES PER CENT , payabla on and after FRIDAY, /Ad,. ham., clear or lGlte tax. nri. 7 Ifit 8. C. PALMER, Cashier, KENSINGTON BANK, PHILADEL. P HIA, Nay (3, 18¢4 pt ectura, ban tatil day dictated ft dividend of FIVE ?Eft GfiNT. on the eenitel of this Bank, payable on deinand..tioar of State tax. m+fi tit C. F. Y MMES. Givehier• mEcitAINIEs• BANK, PIIILADEL a Pink, IIAY 6, 3862.—The 'toad of lihrectorti of nis back 'have this dal dtelared a dividend of POUR PER CENT.. payable on and niter the 16tH instant, alasealil3 to the provisions of charter. ml7-6t 3. WIS.GAND, Ja., Costlier WESTERN BANK OF PIIILADF.L. PHIC,, MAY 6, 1186 . 1—The Directors of this hue& hsve this clay declares a dividend of Fa PILL Chl pa 3 able on demand. G. M. TMOUT.IIIN, my7.3t Cashier. 11.2A!).lot Or- 4. , ostmi.-41... Pniutoostornia, U. 3 May 6, 166 . 4 —Theo_ Board of Director+ iIMVS this do.) declared a dividend of FOUR PER ()ENT., paya ble too dociand, clear of State tax. m)7-3t J. A. LEWIS, Ca.‘hier. ErrOFFICE OF TILL LEIIIOII COAL AND NA VIOATION 0051eANY, PHILADEL PHIA, MAY 8,-1862 at an election held this day. the following named per• FOPS were chosen officers of the Untria ooa4 oLtip N A L.- i6e ensylea rsor ; PRES:WENT. JAM ES COX. MAX.I6ERS. James S. Cox, Jacob P_ Jesus, *Frannie C. Yarnell, Samuel FL Stokes, Freuein B. Cope. ;OREM. WALTER. IN WALTER, Secretary. lm.kine Hazard, Jobe Farnutrt, I,irtiard Itichardson, Alrxittoler Fullerton, Audrete Illanderron, THE EDWIN .1 nit7.3t EDW cryELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILFOAD COMPANY—OtIic-, 308 WAL NUT Enact, PHILADELPHIA, Fifth Mouth sth, 186 4 2. At the A "Dual Election a the 'tuck and Uondholders of the ELMIRA AND WI LLIAMA PORT RAILROAD COMPANY, held at their office thi. day, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT. THOMAS DIBER, JR SIANAGESI.S. Ellis Lewis, Robert J. Mercer, Joh., Fannin], Thewore F. Randolph, William D. Lewis, Alexander S. Diven, my 7-3 t NV M. (7. L,)N(IiTRE 11, 4.erotarY. BANK OF THE NORTHERN LIBER. PHILADELPHIA, May 5, 1864 he Ihrec. tors hsve this day dec.:Wel a DIVIDEND, No. 93, of FOUR PER CENT., payable on FRIDAY next, the 9th [n3}6-613 W. GU a 'ME Cashier. cr3_. SOUTHWARK BANK, PEIILADELPITIA, Nay 0. IS62—The Directors have deuttred a a,,,q,!.na of MVP. PER eV/NT., poyoblooo .na ace.. TH G Ks') AY, sth innt. th y?-6t. F P. STEEL, Oaqhier. i t inge• FARMERS' AND MEC HANICS) BANK, PIIILADELYIII A May 6, 4862 —The DirPctora have thia day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., Payable r n demand. ni3 66t „ W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. ovricr. PENNSIMVANIA. itAtt.- ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, April 18,1862. . . The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have thin day declared 9. St 1 - I - A -animal Divido.d of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tax, Data• ble on and after May 15th, 18112. Powers c.f . Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of the company. No. 238 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH., apt 7 Treasurer. CAUTION __ Roe well-earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Hoe induced the makers of Imperfect balances to offer them w ~F AIEDA.NEE, 90ALE9, 13 and pueohaeero have they ()by, in many instances, been subjected to frand and imposition. FAIEBANRS' SCALES are manufac tures] only by the original inventors, E. T. FAIR BANES CO., and are adapted to every branch of the business, where a correct awl durable Scalar is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplo-tt MASONIC HALL, 71.5 CHESTNUT ST. - 4 -- MAN Y EFFORTS H EVE ill/11/ 10 m . been made to preserve the form and features of the dead, atilt the usual mode, so repugnant to the feelings, of placing the body in ice This difficulty has been overcetne by good air. tight PATENT BOXES. Cold air is the medium mod—acting ae u preservative—in the wannest weather, and for any length of time required. Lava toe, bodies may be conveyed buudredeof miles with pi rft ct Ban ty, and in a good state of preservation. BecPeCthlii), .1011 N GOOD, trodertnker, Dio. all SPItUGE Street. N. Tl—Lead, Metallic and other coffins, furnished at the shortest notice. Formes and carriages of the beet quality. Lots, half lots, and single graves, in the different come terieb ; one superior share in Mount Moriah Cemetery ; one, two, three, or four hundred feet ; can be had cheap for cash, or trade. IteranaNcus—Dr. SAMUEL JACKSON, 224 Smith RDA - ITEI street; Dr. J. [l. D. McOLELLAN. 1029 - WALNUT Street my9-Ituw2m TVORYTY FES executed at Rtl- Jun alt'd aro unapproachable. The taste and WIRY evidenced in their color and finish cannot be excelled. SE:IOND erred, above Green. It* JAMES HOMER & SON'S CHOICE new crop Teas. SSVSNTLI and N 061.11 Streets, and SIXTH and WOOD Streets, mv9-Im* -1 11011_,S HOMER & SON HAVE A ey eplendid zesorfinent of fine Groceriee, chenp. SE VENTH nun NOBLE Streets, and SIXTH and WOO Strrr te. 01y9 131*. (ILAM bOUP rERVI;II UP DAILY %.,/ (Sundays excepted) by JAMES PROSSER, 808 MARKET Street. Namiliee bnpplied manual, 9 1 11. PRATT PO 'l TS, surviving part -11 of th' late firm of N. R. .I; T. P. Potts, emitieues the TRACTION OF THE LAW, at No 817 SPRING GARDEN Street and EDWIN T. COXE that of CON VEYANCING, Street, of Money, Au myd-lantutha ALL KINDS OF SEWDG MA CHINES REPAIEND. Needloa 40 cents Der xen.. 21.7 PINE Street. New Machines for sale or ex change; warranted. myB•6L* - DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS—Ex. blooded Nature's Great Restorer. They invigorate, strengthen, and ratify tho mutton. Ouro Dysponght, Acidity of the nomad', Dian - Men, ,to. A perfect ap• petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of pure St. Croix Rum, Roots, and Herbs, and are recom mended by all who use them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly rcoemmended to the weak and languid. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Onions. - P. 11. IMSKIE dr CO , nty 3-mwf3m THE PRESS.-PIIILADELPIIIA, , FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1562, REMOVAL OF THE FRENCH SACQUES, PALF,TOTS, LATEST NOVELTIES Or elm own writ the linromin r0110V1034. tO which WO re• topectfully invite the ATTENTION OF LADIES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. G [l-LUSTRE • 13 L AAA SILKS AT REDUORD PRICES. Cheap lots lit ft A action and other sources. S holoselo it I-/•nlla !Jut twqa will et." wl., in our 111041 CIJRW !A1M...4A RT h Rho CHER, 450. 452. 4r4 N. SECO N I) SL., abort, Wttlotv.- NOl .I.llE'zti bILKt_4 1 50 cTe,. Prong OIL Fancy i Tres MINN, 02%. Fancy Drrs, Silks, 75 Net-cash n 'yeah: lollyerH %yin find advantages in our Buck. Cii kW 110 II & R itIIIIIKR, -1501_ 41,4 Nl_ gr.. 10-4,/, ,yr, ts. 14A BA W L , b'T ALIJA ►h—) bit AWLS. BOUDEti S'rELLA SHAWLS, In nlisck unit Unlorsl Centred, at 11.-iluced Prices. Wholesale net. cash buyers will nod advantages in our Stock. 3eEl%; AND liOYb' SPRING AND 1 SUMMER WEAR,. ISELTON i:DATINGS AND 11 kg.:Txuenus. French ona , ings and Oasdnieres. Fabcy ('OA ing4 and nassimeres. liuiou Clothe mud tkimirneres. Mack i)".•-klr. 4(0 CISA-tt1,q.8115. SATIN' CAS [IMF NE. AND MARSEILLES VESTINGS. Wlitdesalo net-cash nuyere will find advantages in our Stock. ANI) DR 14188 EtrODS From the late Auction Baler—Additional lots, renelog ih pl icn Irian 14 to bl cte, per yard Waffle , . 0010 net cartt timers Wilt turd advantages tit CUP stock. r•rris EN BTI'EDA WC A: It KO PULL 450, 402, a.. 41 454 N. SEGON D Street, alaoliti Willow p ICII ItOBEI 12 1-2 otg. per yard. Cult WEN STODDART K BROTHER.. 450, 4'2, and 4.54 N. SECI/N 0 Street, above LADIES' CLOTH SACQUES, oLoaxs, LADIES' MLR SACQIIRS, CLOAKS', Alttittes, At leas than venal prices. CT;RW EN STOPPART & BROTHER, 450.45?, and 454 North SECOND Street, nloove, Willow. IGBT C“LOR cLOTHS FOR ••Acctu.E.9, NKS, &c. m 39 ?A CIIRW EN STOD Dt.RT t "BROTHER, 45t.. 4,52,“1,(1 454 North SNOOND Strre.. tonvo Widow PE Ts 00011 g, o`l. ULOTOS. MATTING, AND WINDOW ciIIAPFS.—V, E. A ROO All BA U N.E. corner !OLE NI.:NTH a7.d MA h 1 C ~treord, will open 11111 Gum Ingrain Carpets at 38 ; 31 ; u, t v, an d aoe stuir , uarp-0, IS to 92ci (lamp. 'Sag and l'arn ea pets, 18 to 57c. ' Floor Oil Cloths. 31 to 50e ; Widte and Ited (heck 11Ialtin K, 20 to 25c.; Gilt lii.tdoteil'Witidow Shacks, 50e to el 00; RdSlind froni to 12)6c , Epripg fititiiiv-s 9 to 12e.; Limon. 12h'•:; Plids. 10 to 29c ; ibtla f : nalllrs, I'L to 22,.• Sella S bawix , 0.2t0 06 i Honey Com!) and 81.50 to ta.6; biult lustre black Silks, 01 to myB-12t OLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILI,AS.—Ladies In want of the above articles will find it to their advantaf. ‘to visit the old established house of Dirs. ❑ENI,Y, Nu. OS North NS NTH Street, below ARCH. The letost Paris Styles always on hand at prices 111,4-9111 LINENS AT DI V 0 RT.b; It 8' PR LC S. --.B.I ( 3IIARDttON'S and DUNE DICE SON'S e , lebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re «,ivra frxm, tint in.nnh+tttirern direct, And guarantied pertect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respeettully invited. - SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, it ARRISON, arlli•rp tf 10e8 CHESTNUT 4treat, GAUZE UN ISSER BL ANK ETS. The subscribers have received an invoice of these very desirable goods, in fine quality, at last season's price. _ . . N EW BOOKS ! ! NEW BOOK 3 ! ! —TILE YEAItL OF ORR'S ISLAND. A Mau nt the Coot (4 Maine. By Mrs. Harriet 13eeelier Stowe; amber (.1 licw.le Tg Ws Cabin," &c. 12mo. $1.25. AON RS VF SORRENTO. By the same author. rZnio. *11.25. Tdß PARABLE OF TEE TEN YIRGINi. Insix discoid sec. and a to noon on the Judgeship of the Saints. ste . v. Joseph A. Seiss, D. D., author of the "Last ,S;c.l 47C, ::Rl4, LiTtiL lAA j or, Tile Pathway heavenward. Illudra• led, erne. 25 sects. AIOTDEIt'S LAST WORDS," and "OUR FA TBER's CARE." Ballads for boys and girls. By Hrs. Sea rll. ISulo 30 cents. rareca LITTLE BOLDIEBS. By C. E.K. 18mo. 20 eenrs. For bale by WILLIAM S. A ALFRF.D MARTIEN, mv9 6CBf:RESTNUT Street. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, UNITED STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE. COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES IIOUGHT AND BOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' RECEIPTS CAtHISP, VOTIKTED, RR NXQ11.4.3911D, Particular attention given to transactions in Govern tuent securities. DREXEL & Co., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. apl7-1m UNITED STATES, EA.STEELN TRIM , OF PENNMILVANIA._ SC?. TI AE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MAINHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: . . . . tit LIEBEAS, The Dittrict Court of the United States tu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and dilly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Stabs of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have,or pretend to have, any right, title, or in tercet 3n the sloop C(.•QUETTR, whereof - Moore ie minter, her tackle, apparel, and inmittire, and the cargo laden on boned thereof. captured as prize oy tee United States veesel. of-war Susquehanna, under com mend of Captain Lordlier, said vessel neing one of the efientic Naval Squadron blockading the ports bud coast of South Carolina, to be monished, cited, and called to jOdEllielti, at the time and place untlerwntteu, and to the effect hereafter es: pressed, (justice so reputing). You are therefore chareqd and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the City of rhiled Whitt, bud in the Legal Inteltigen eel', you do Mellish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have; any right, title, or interest in the said sloop COQUETTE, her tackle, prime), and furniture, and the good& wares, and me cchandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the lion. JOIIN fIADWALADE ft, the Judge of the said court, at the District Court room, iu the city of libilaJelrbia, on the T W.R.NTIETLE clay after pubtication of these presents, if it be a con , t slay, or else on the next come day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said sfoop COQUETTE, her tackle, ap parel, and furniture,and the goods, wares, aud mer chandise laden on ard thereof, should not be pro. Doomed to belong, at the time of the comma of the same, to the enemata of the United ntatee, and as goods of Moir enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemua- Lion, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice ehall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, gene rally, (to whom by Flee tenet of times pre.mte it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not stings a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudica lion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the Raid sloop COQUETTE, hoe tackle, tapp.rni, aml furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on honed thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absent*, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in any wise notwithstanding, and that pout duly certify to the said District Court what YOU shall do hi the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN C .f.D 1 ,1 7 AL &DE R, 202 Broadway; Now York RETAIL BILV 41UIODU YARRi MANTILLA EMPORIUM- TO 920 CRESTNUV OrREET We are now daily opening new dying in 130ITENOUX, MAP; T ELE TS, SCARF m4NTELETS,&c,, COMPRISING ALL THE CURWEN BTODDA ILT & 13130111E1t. 4r 0, J. ano 454. N. SISCONIi street, above Willow CITRWEN STODDAR ,4 BROTH MR, 450, 452. and 464 N SE"UNU .4, rem, allovo Willow AND MANTILLAS, SWIEPPARVI, VAN HATILINCINN, 1 AUTUMN, ap)O-rp ff 1008 CHESTNUT Street NEW PUB LICATI 014 S. FINANCIAL. At high prices ONE-YEAR OERTJFICATES FOB SALE SEVEN-AND-TUBEE-TENTHS AND COUPON BONDS FOR SALE DREXEL 54 Co., 34 South TEIIIID Street •. - - Jmlge of the Etttil c'n t, t.t. Philadelphia, this s•month day of MAY, A. D. 1862, and iu the eighty sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. . m)9-3t G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. BRUSHES AND BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN, mh2o-3m Nn 321 MARMOT Street, PhiWm A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, May 7th, It6l SEALRD PROPOSALS WM be received at chili utile° MIR 12 o'clock, el ~ Ott Tuodny the lath lost., for famish ing sixty thousand yards dark blue cotton and wovejtlan nel 634 01111 COP to the yard, to be either piece or cool-dyed, fey lit.itt g Llmt344. Bide will bo received for the whole or any part of the above quantity, and bidders must state how coon it can be delivered at the Schuylkill arsenal. eubject to inspection. . . .,000 pounds Sole Leather, beet quality, Oak tanned, Iron Buenos Ayres, or La Plata Dry Hides, to weigh 14 pounds or more to the side. Separate bids required for each kind—La Plata or Buenos Ayres Hides. MI bids must be erelor.ed „ Proposals for dark blue Dutton and Wool FlanneL" and be addressed to Doi 6 H. OROS Deputy Q. M. General. -4400* NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. M. L. HALLOWELL itia 333 MARKET and 27 NORTH FOURTH STS., Wholesale Dealers In BILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Desirous o r Boupg off 'heir stock of Eolith previous to VVY" ,, ripPr to their Now Stool, in i 4 JAYNE'S MAB B LR, BUILDING," CHESTN u STICEET, Offer ror the remainder of the sewn, tit Wholesale only, their KITItACTIYE tiTOOK of recently-purchased DRESS GOODS. At poises under COST OF I MPORTATION. 'They will also offer, at 1..,0W A well-selected assortnievt of other goods in their line, many of which will be sold at a C4R,FA.T S ACLUFLOE. NEW IMPORTATIONS. HOSIERY, 3LOVEB, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE GOODS, AND EMBROIDERIES. THOS. MELLOR It co, 40 and 40 North THIRD &met. 1862. s pR.ING. 1862 . ABBOTT. JOUNES, & 00„ b 27 MARKET STREET, Have now open an entirely new and attractive stock In ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICA. DRESS GOODS. Also, a full awartmoct in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, To whioh they Invite the attention of the trade. mtda.tjel SPRING STUCK SILK AND FANCY . DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE al Co.. mbls-tf No. 3'.16 MARKET ST. 1862. SPRING " 1862. RIEGEL , . BAIRD. as 00., • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OS DRY GOODS. SO. 47 NOBTH THIR'D ISTBMMT. PRILADHLPRIA. Merohanis visiting this city to purchase DRY Goons will find our Stook large and admirably assorted, and at Low FIGORRS. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia_ aablff-two JAMES, KENT, SANTEE,. it CO._ DIPORTEES AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, No.. 259 and 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, HAVVA 116* overt their neuel LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO PAY . CifQoD3§ a r e nu rre i4o .or witi be found a more than usually attrao- LADIES' DRESS GOODS; Also, 6 full oaeortmoos of MERRIMACK AND 00011 ECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invite the special attention of buyers mb2l-2m 1862. SPRING_ 1862 . W. S. STEWART & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF .001 LS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, 110. 30/i MARKET STREET. Now in store, POULT DE SOLE, All Shades. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, In SILKS and (MIER FABRICS. ALSO, A FULL LISS Or CLOAKING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STRIPES, And desirable PLAIN COLORS. PAPER HANGINGS pRILADELPHIA PAPER HANGI-INGS• HOWELL & BOURSE, CORNER OF FOURTH ✓IND MARKET STREETS, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Offer to the Trade a LARGE AND ELEGANT AS SORTMENT OF GOODS, Dom the cheapest Brown Mock to the Finest Decorations, N. E. COR. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS W. B.—Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW PAPERS of 'MI71(1140. 5143.2131 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. \I AFRESH ASSuRTIn ENT, at LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. FARR & BROTHEL Importene,B34 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. mb2041 TEE "EXCELSIOR " HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MIOHENER & Co., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And curers of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR" SIT GAIL- CURED HAMS, Noe. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The Justly-celebrated "'EXCELSIOR" HAMS ars cured by 7. H. N. & Co., (in a style peculiar to than e/311ms') expressly for FAMILY USE ; are of deliciotut flavor ; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. apt-3n AI TA WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. BOA 1), VIA MEDIA.— NOTICE TO SUMMER BOARDERS, So.—Persons seeking summer boarding can find at the following places ample accommodations for the season. 9 miles from Philadelphia, at Spring Hill Station, at Mr. Knowles'. 12 miles from Philadelphia, at Wallingford Station, at N. A. WorrePs. 14 miles from Philadelphia, at Media, at Chestnut Glove Donee, and Chatter Hones, and near Media at houses of W. Brooke, Mrs. Pagsmnre, G. Malin, P. Wor ral, I. Edwards, Mr. Lewis, and J. Malin. For further information apply to A. ilondo-eon..ak RoilrotiA Depot in Media. 22 mike from Philadelphia, at Glen Mills, at J. Malin's, Dr. Iluddleson, Hemphill's, and at the nest hotels in West Chester, and at many other points on the line of the road. For Dinh, r information, and for commutation tickets at low rates, apply at the Depot, N. E. corner of BIGDTBENTH and MARKET Streets toy7-12t ARTBRAN WELLS BORED, By S. B. BANDS, to) 9. Ot* Apply or address No. 109 ALMOND Bt. ICAMIS 1311LITO RA L S ~,,,,,,, OUll GENE fienural Marcy, " 114. , 19411er, Meade, " " ss Itilltiteotnery, " " Negley, " Nelann, " Newton, Pidnier l " Pope, " Porter, " Prentisl, "1 T. I/ I', lON " ltPllO, " 1if.Y1101.114, • Rorle,r11.11“, " TiOnmeedii, " 'witint,lti Scott, "Anugwick, , Sea ett, " Snidely, Sigel. " Slocum, C. F. Smith, " W. F. Smith, " " Stn.., " Sturgis, Sumner, Thomas, " Todd, ss Tylir. " Van Vliet, " WlVlswortb, if WiAbor t ss Wool, Etc.. etc., etc., etc. of the above, 22 cents each, until fr. e of clmme. IfR .kr. fiptirAnne, T 22 C) II FAS TN UT, BM,Oral Anderson, O Banho, " Barry, " Benham, at 111111r1, 4 4 Neither, Bohlen, ,6 Warman, " Brooke, "len, sturnside, Nutley, Butterfield, " Cud is Milder, 44 Casey, 4‘ fit Cleo. Conlin, 44 c l Mem - len, 44 (.Itelent. " Curtis, Dix 4. 4. 1.4.,0t.i. " F, 2•111.1i/I, , rll , ait Got wan, 44 1.1 rent, +t 11.11... k, • 11:411,11ton, 4 4 Babcock, * 4 11 arum!, 44 B einiztemun, tt llookur, 44 Beim. 4 4 'Kelley, e) es, it BMX er, • Lime, " Lyon, 4 11l cillellem, " 111111dt i* arairkla. CARD Pitt ITOGRA PBS or $2.60 per dozen. tient 1,7 Me ALL IST; it DELAY NO LONGER GOING TO R]•:j Ews, SECOND StrePt, nhnvn Gr,lot]. }Di BD to Nor Ignores ore now beinte male at. I.V.Le ),Mena to VIPIN of Ihr• then. Life -Ain Dbutograpbs in ca'. It,* pEOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Imported from Patin, Sorlin, and Nricunf, Flex mut if•prr.ven.Pn4.,. vvl.e.leeetle twr.A N Y. 112 South RIGUTII Street, m v9-Int VVltli of them the possessors speak m I terms of prtrire.. Who contr 4 elqg otiiw filar On, 'inert m BE/ :11151cli colored rttolograptin i Only SI, 1:3E(701: - D ertrett. shove Green. ANOTEEtt NOVELTY IN PEICITO GRANI N8,...Tr0 day two shall intruduca AN ALBUM FOR 300 PORTRAITS, Richly bound io the floe log Bt) let : Turkey.A angle, with two fine clasps 'BlB 00 Turkey Antique. panelled Bides and two fine clasps. 22 50 AIN°, AN ALBUM FOR 400 PORTRAITS, Richly hound In the following styles: Turkey Antique, with two line clamps $2O 00 Turkey Antique, panelled sides and two clamps—. 21 00 neer. Allatiom have. beei. prrparr.l with Re l eere, artl elegantly hound, combine all the improvements ; and aro offered at very low prices. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED bIiARTIEN, Me. BOA fin FiST biLiT Street, SPRING MILLINERY REMOVAL_ MISSES O'B RYA N, 924 4111ESTNUTSrimet, hose romovtd k• 1107 WALNUT Street, three deurd +Shine Vie renth, north Fide, and w•ifl oppo PARIS MILLINERY, for the Spring, on TIIIIII,II AY. April 17. Ftol2.2in* WATCHES AM) JEWELRY. &REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Haring Item , ved from No. 42 South TIMID Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT fitrOot. 2rid Floor, (Opposite Masonic Tem pie, ) Now offers a Large and Detirable stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS it, BROTHERS" 'MONA AND I" MB, AND FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade ie invited 400- 3m ci AMERICAN WATCH COM— PANY." GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 712 ChESTNUT Street. Second Floor, (opposite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. 3m VULCANITE itUBBER JE WELRY A beautiful line of GENTLEMEN'S VET CHAINS, LADIES' 011A TALA1NE CHAINS, T fiLABLES, USOSSES 7 STUI.S, BUTTONS, Sc., Now in Stara. J. C.. FULLER, No. I'l'2 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Oppobite Modonio Temple.) ar3o,3m ja AMERICAN, ENGLISH, a AND SWI'AS WATCHES, JEWELILY. AND MLVELI. WARE, AT REDUCED PRICES. JOS. H. W.A.I'SON, sp2s.lrn 3,26 CU N3TN U S itEET. ii.l , lN TR' .FTI Mill IN 1.4 PUIPM GEORGE GRANT, Diaxivravrvicnrc or &tip DEALBB lIY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CREST/an H'l'lt IC HIT F. A N NEII, OVX.R..3IITRTSI FOR 'ERE ARMY FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS, lki &near-tared at W. w.. KNIGHT'S. TO. 606 ARON STREET. MT A fall lino of TIES, SCARFS, - GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDEROLOTHING, Always on band- mbb Staff FINE SHIRT Nt AN U N sunlit Y. The subscriber would invite attention to him IMPROVED OUT OF 6111878, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Lim, ooti. gently receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WHAM J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STONE, No. 814 CHRSTNUT STICKS T, gad Four doors below the Onntinenhal. MILITARY GOODS VICTORY I VICTORY ! " Rang out your banners on the outer walls, the ery hi etil they come!" UNITED STATES FLAGS, SILK AND BUNTING, ALL SIZES, FROM 12 INCITES TO 50 FRET_ EVANS & HASSAIAL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, ul7 910-at ARMY GOODS • ON HAND. DARK AND LIGHT BLUE KERSEY& STANDARD 6.4 AND 3.4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. COTTON DUCK, 10, 12, AND 15-OUNCE. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., av2.6-2m 225 CHESTNUT. STREET. CLOTHING NEW DEPARTMENT. A SELECT STOCK OF BOYS' CLOTHING. GARMENTS MADE TO ORDEIL COOPER & CONARD, Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET Strode sp24.lm BLINDS AND SHADES BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, 110.16 NORTH BIRTH WIEZZT ItiIIIIPACTIIRBIL or VENETIAN BLINDS miD WINDOW SHADES. The largest and lust assortment In the City at the LOWEST PRICES. tiTtort2 Brun§ LETTlinifilor. Betotrinvoromptly attended to. sp3.23ei CAUTION. All Persona are eau- Honed against trusting any of the crew of the Dutch Schooner PAULIN & AND CORN ELI A t Thsgedoorn, Master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of their contuse' ing will be laid by Curtain or Consiunsas. ttENRY Rummy & 00., 221 and 22$ South ROMMEL atreet. MARSHAL'S OFFRIM, BY yin- NB of x top's_ of 41AnditiMi MIMPM , MA the Circuit Court of the United gtoless for the neaten,' Mark:tot l'smoHylwoos , s, in the . .fhird Circuit to mu di ho ttnnow.{l to Public Sale or Vendue. on DI-N On Y, alas 26,1,, 1862, at i 2 o'clock M., at the 211 4 ;1r1l Afetti' 1t..X1311A NOY!, in [ha Litt? of Phit4finl phin,ihniollowthg, nowt 'twit Otooorty—to wit! STATEH ON' A. tlttatlOA, EkS CERN' DB TRICT PENNzslef,VoNfo, .THP. PRESIDFN r OF Tit IC UNICE') Btwrit . 4, TO Ttin MAtISIIIL O 1 THE 1 , 7; ANTEux D 1.4011107 ur yhttirollLlANlA, GERETING: W KRESS. We lately commat.dmi you that of the a n d ehatuls„ lands, and mifilfiifillL/1 in 0//111. Dien al.:t • J m 111 (iA m Eitizeff of the itate of PlOllOO4- vitoiN nOrniolt [Tutor do. hunts non LS the of Welt aid Caller, deceased, Into is citizen of the SIAM of Peon- C)lVsnia. and agaitiet file rani Jautes Curter, a citron of the Stile it i Verde. eJu.ini.rrtror nl Ilfil lama,, of .111;11 Varlet' Ilrnearteti, me; mg Ural' T fi4rtor, it • ot the Otittn et P, Ill1h)10111 ts term teintet, late if 3 our Plank% you 01001011 collie to he Made ana htVillll ni eel!, a Ell ht. nl lon thein , and one head real and tifty-iix donors and edict)-nine cents. (+4.10,1 e 0 .01h) a Melt (tarry Chi).n cilisrn or too moat, or Folootyt , titti.i, CHUM Of The Maio of Man 6turtflvitilt, (Inconetl. Mat (Ansi a of the :Mato of Mass/whin ettm. to the foie or the Blink of berth An:ern:a; the Pa , k of Ootouteroo. in N.-iv Yea, Stranbe ; 1110 Pi,sidelitt, Stir. c.ore., Cr nit any of the Market ((ank; the ereddoat, Dir-mtora, °. a e"..PeeY coo Wro"ter j 141. , tri t-ociorfi, /t1:11 Company of the Celiac:hoots' !link of If 'stem and T Coleman and COlll pan),it, the Circuit Cant of Ile Unit. tl ;Mates. in and hfir the Eastern in,,t,ict of Pen emli MM. in the Third rlirel/it, before the Jit girt fhe said Conti, hy tho of the s...sse lately recoveied .lamas darter, Mtizsit or the blare of Primellvaloa ' administrat. r de innais me+ or the Et IMP lir I, i chard Carter, deceased, late a the Slate of P.-nna,lvenia, and litoinat tee said Jaul./I Citrloy. k (.010,.t. ..t Aeoriar tf e'er of Rotate Of JOhl/ OirtOr• 1 / 1 , ce441 - ../ and 940 , 111 1 , 1 ;111i11111 T. Carter, a citizen of tee State if Mititiff Vatliat tit to tenant. in, the exm of said - Harry D. Clef, a eitl7./1 of ;he Suite of Pen otiv 1 va- K01111111;11111101' of llie Estate of Miali Atusn.v.iat„,la • nue 0 CILIZfill of the soot, of 111,01oteheo,rt.; to toe bee of the It ion of Isorto Anterbii; the flaok of Com merce, in Jr. ew Tin k; Thminnal Siren-a; too President, lixtciore, and Company or the MarketoMarkettimek; the pro- HO cult; I/hectors, and LIM Wt-110.,/ , tile Nteyidblt. Bit eetorm, and 1.1 uubuhYof the norclimiti‘ Bank of Boston, and William T. Coleman awl Coine.t,Y, in 11,0 said Coml, was in like manner adjudged for their debt and damages. which ;boy hol guarani° I by occasion of the drit Itllltit Of [lost (NIA whereof the Raid J.4otpit fnritt) a citizto of the Stale of PPIIIIMYIVIIIIEL. 04101101- t.lnuor de Nazis?, on of the 'Estate of Richard Carter, de ceased, late a CitiZeli of the State of Peeitsylvahia, and nkeinxt h. eafd James. Carter, a citizen of the vt,te of eillOPiirtraidr of the Marge of Joint Cars ter, deceased. Dill William T. Carters a di tigen of the Slate of Pemisylvahia, terre tenant, are convict, as apps arm of liecerd, and that ton ahould have those (110- tiey, before. the said Judean, at a eVKkI Or the sane Court, it; be holden at P 4114144 pllia ills Ilrfit of Jana ntmli lit rend , r I, 1.111; mild Harry G. limit a mt. Soo or the Dilute of PentimiVfillla. administrator ..f the Eidute of Noah Sturtevant, deceased, late a citizen of the Mare of Btat.haellut•etta. to the nee of tits Dank of North Atomics; the Bang of Commerce, iii New York; BOHM. el Strome' the Frei-Mehl, lltireUtnllll, and (Jumps:iv Of the Market Punk ,• tile Pretudeot. Directors, and Company of the Websior Dank ; the President, Id rectors, and Com pany of the Merchants' Dank, of Boehm, and William T. Coleman nod Company. for their (lout end fhtitto,j,i mforakki, and that you should have thoo add there this writ. And yon, on the third day of Nay,-1804. in pursuance of the food writ to ton throcted, rrurn-rt that you had Invied upon 111.11 taknn into Olt tmtie,ii the CAlosviug Bel bul real I Mid* , the nroporty of Jam eK timm of the State of Pennsylvania, administrator de be- ViS non of the Estateßichardo.Fg.tirter latli citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, an d fte dtmt the said Ofirooo Ositer, rt CitiZeU or the btnto of Peutm Ivania, clan inietrator of the Mate of John thirtur,deceivied, clod against William T. Carter. a MINK' of Its Stara of Peun ayivaLia, terre tenant, situate an follows—to wit No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in OM Pot ongh Vf THlMlitii L 4 011)1011 CoiliitY, bounded north by town bllttet f rant by Lot NO 0 83111,11 by Broad street, abd wait by laud of Michael !Jeered, containing le width 40 Met and In depth 150 tett. with the appurte roto.istiog of a three-rtory brick dwelling 1100114 large attire room ou the Met floor, and a three t,tory Ltutlattrt d , -.ids I. trtv-totof/ 110100 back boiidiug “t01101•A• To. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Tamaqua, !kill count), bounded north by Howe street; salt by lot No. 10: icruth by Broad eirect, N... 5 7 I,oe h4o. to the Lit. tie Seilw Ikiil Company is Oau of tho Burouttil of Ttstott• qua, eoillalnlf g idth 50 feet and in depth :50 feet, with the ap r on tonancoA, eyu.ftit.g of a two-story frame da Olive home and a one-I.:too frame barber's snap. All Li.i.i ,u•taer,vitpaiciel o r if. the norovigh of Taunt.' tbA, Sollu3lk ill County, hounded Wirth by Bowe street', titi,t by the tmetern ball of Lot No, 2i tooth by lirotsci siren:, mat Wert by Nese spec street, be ing Lot No. 1 and part of Lot No. 2, coritainieg iu width 75 feet Mid in depth 150 feet, with the atimustowocceu, etinaiStilig of a three- tory buck d how., wits a three-story bri-k back building thereto attamod, us the property of Nychard Carter, den-aired, in the !muds of James Cuter, administrator de Loafs non of the Estate of the Hide litrinutl (Airier, defeated. :No. ii All that Certain lot cr piece of ge.snbd sltdatein the Bryough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, bounded north by befit ead street; east by Swatara street; eolith by Broad street, and chest by Lot No 7, containing in width 'AI lett and in depth 15(1 feet, with the annurte. minus ) cubeirting Of a double twO•efory tram dwelling lame. Is.). 4. Alt that certain lot or piece of grountlettnate in the Beibugh et Tenneina, couch, thainded north by a lot of hatcliti anti 401114191/ i vis*t by tinnier .t- T erii cowl; by let of Diary tialler aad item, ny ett (41, containing in width 2334 fent and in depth 175 feet, with the appurteuaucei, coinsisting of a three-story brick tl it rdiug Long, with a one•atory building tuereto at tut hed. No .5 an cast 0 , 13441 lot or pike of gronnti sitnitn in tLe Ilefouo of Tamaqua, 6obuyltiill counts , . buoudef west by H lib trr slt erti fa.rtli by a teu-feet obis alter; east 1./) a tuebty. feet wale alley, MA nollltl by tot No. 33, contalui log in woillf .40 feet tool ill 11ept4150 feet, moth ttid coiA9l;l4r, of douole two-story fvaeoe hou,e No. 6. ill thobe rertttiu three lota or pieces of ground, situate in the r••upli c411,,tv, bring Lute NOS. IS, PO, and 20, bAnoltd troth Oy Lot ; east Ity bunter elroctt snlial 4% Lot Nu. qt., And west by tiou street, toutainlll2 tit width 120 feet (oath lot 40 feet) 811(1111 depth ISS tout, with like appurtenances, consisting of a block (X lour two-story tramp dwelling home. %with tottLoo-hts. No. T. A.l those certain two lots or pieces of ground situate in the Borough of Tuttunitta, Sacit>lkill eoeatr, bounded math by the Railroad; ead by Lot No. 12; south by Itowe street, and west by Lot:No. 15, containing 90 teet on Rowe street, 13 feet ou the eastern side, and 46 feet deep on the western side. with the appurt. ItanCee, CollkiMili! of a lures bilek stable and AELFPL-10 lt:tuaa_ - No. S. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Wilson and Seran's addition to tne Borough of Tamaqua, Sall - skill county, bounded north by Let NO 121; east by Railroad street south by UltiDll Street, and west by Oak street, containing in utdih 130 Mot sad is dr n t6 41 feet, Mere or lees, Willi the tlootirlettanc.a, contkrtag of a arm and-a-halt-story dwelling house ;tad a block of three two. story frame dwelling h..ttees. No. 9. All that nnrtaiu tut or piece of ground situate in ths i-torough of Tuscarora, dcbuylkill conuty, boigh7 fat of sai ipwr,, hvaudrd north. Lot No. 3 east by Ti ego street; south by Chestnut street, fll-0 Itest by Seneca street. containing a width 511 feet MA MO- HOT) frame church. No. 10. All those three lots or pieces of ground situate the 13ernegit of Tamaqua, Seltitylitill &MIAS, bbiiiittel north by Laud of the Lime Scttuylahl Savigattou liwil re,id and Coal Company, and west by a tweuty- feet wide alley, containing in width 163 feet and iu depth 194 feet, more or lees, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two-Story stuns foundry sad a two-story stone machine shop. No. 11. One equal undivided fourth part of a tract of coal lane called the it GI realm God Tract," situate in West Nun Township, Schuylkill county, b.,unded north and east by laud of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Compa ny, and the south and west by land of the Little Schuyl kill Nev.gatien Rahroad and. Coal Company. wattle'. ig 133 acres and silent twee with the appurtenances, con sistiog of a fterne ceal breaker, u ilh saltines, screens, slope, three engines, railread, five douele two-story frame duelling houses, steam saw. mill, blacksmith shop, and car pettier shop. No. 12. Two undivided third parts of five contiguous 41S ARCH STREET LEGAL,_ . . tracts of lane, pat tly in Dash Tuwonhip, Schuylkill coon. I ty, aid p.rtly iu imbue county, bouatied on the north by land put vey dto Andrew Renuedy, snarl:tit and John Deemer; rant by land emveyed t.i J Reath and Yeter Souant south by land survey ed to John Bentel and John Rookie and west by laud surveyed to Geinge SLillin, containing 1.768 acres and 40 perches, strict u t ettence. unit the aoputtenance,, coo,tioti,g of two two -story ft ewe dwelling boasts with a nitc-story frame kitchen attached, Bud a Immo steam naw.utill with a twenty-hone power steam engine. En. 13. All that certain tenet or Nana of land situate partly in Rush township, Schuylkill county, and parity in Went Penn towLsbith Schuylkill county, beginning at a maple tree corner. thence. by land surslayed on warrant 10 Venus Lewis, aid now or I ate the property of Moults liittera, thence north 211 deg. went crossing Owl creek, 140 perches to a stone corner in line of the Lehigh Coal and Eavikatinn Company's land, thence by the same N. 64 deg. E.'le7 perches to a pile Of stogies; south 26 deg. B. db perches to a cheatnutoak,; N 64 deg. /20 porches to it pile 01 mopes; S. 20 nag, lb. 20 perellei vi a 9t.J110; N. ti 4 deg E. 100 perch's to a allow pine ; S. ;O des E. 32 perches to a yellow pine; N. 70 deg. E., cro,sitig the tine of Schuylkill comity, lot perches to a pile of stones by a chtatuut oak, thence by other land p. 26 deg. E. toi l re. 6 to a y-.ltaa. piran corn.r y kl! 414 W, perdue, cresting the County Line to a corner; N. 26 deg. W. 16 perches to stones; S. St deg W. 283 perches to scorner, the place of beginning, containing 416 acres and allowance, al+ h the appurtenances, cousietiog of a onr,onti,ndialfsotorY frame dwolliug house and trams stable Soiod and taken in execution as the property of JAMES CARTER, administrator (Is Louis non of tits Estate of ILICH ND CARTER, di reseed, and sm.F.s CARTER, administrator of the Estate it JOAN OAR TER, deceased, and WILLIAM T. CIAR ER, terra te nant, and to be sold by WILLT Alf MILL W ARO, United States Mardhal. Philadelphia. Marshal's Office, May S, 1862. my 9-fat TN TEE SUPREME tiOURT UN PENNsYLVA.NIA. FOR THE DASITRN DIS TRICT. 1N EQUITY. The account in the case of EDWIN 'MARK vs. THE WT °MING CANAL COMPANY, and ,7 COON, and ANTHONY J. DREXEL Truelove, hue Deere referred to toe as master, to settle and adjust said Recount, and make dietiibutiot, of the balance in the hands of the re ceiver. I hereby Five notice to all partial interacted, that 1 will attend to the duties of my appointment on WEDN ESD AY, the 21. st of May, Inst., at my office, No. 221 youth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. at 4 o'clocit P. M. of that day. GARRICK MALLORY, U 139,10, 16, 17.4t* blaster. MARSHAL'S BAL H .—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN 0A D WALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the Unite.' States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in d ndralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale. to the highest and beat bidder, for Cash, at CALLOW 'SILL-STREET WHARF, on MONDAY, May 19th, at 12 o'clock AL the eubooner BRITISH QUEEN, and cargo laden ()aboard. The cargo comae of 23 bags of Coffee, and 1,500 busbela of Salt. WILLIAM MILL WARD, • U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PIIILkDELPTIIA, May 6, 1862. my7.6t SAFES. , LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RE t a Franklin MOVED South SEVENTH Street, neer The undersigned, thankful for Mutt favors, told helot determined to merit future patronage, has secured az elegant and convenient store, and bee now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Saw, (the only eh fatly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LUNN Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locke. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This le the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also,particular attention is called to Lillie's Nee Onhint Safe, for Plate,Jewelry, &a. This Safe le con ceded to surpass in st yle and elegance anything yet at. fared for this purpose, and is the only one that is serially fire and burglar proof. Breaux Born:le.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new. and some forty of other makers, compriaing a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at yen low prices. Please call and examine. is2s-Iylf IC 0. SAMAR, Agent. Mg EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER BAT= MO. STORR, 18 ROUTH FOURTH STEARN, PHILADRLYHIA, A Lyle variety of TIRE-PROOF SAVES atwayll of bend CAB."' - CHARLES BIRNBA.M.II bees Wait) to inform the Publicr and Me former (Jug= tornri B. tbat be has, in connection with hie eon, reAumed 'Waking, at his old established stand, No. 1024. MR sweet, between Tenth and }Eleventh streets, aw:i respect. fully solicits a continuance of former patromAge. Bread daily. All ordeze for Bread and Rapped Rolla attended to with punctuality and despatch. Philadelphia. April 24. 1802 5026.12 t HAIR DYEING AND BHAMPOO- Int done In beat style It the Bathing Saloon, FOURTH and BRANCH. say9-iftt AtteTTON LE.% JAME 3 A. FREEMAN ? Auctiodeet t no. An WA 4U Otrcatt 20 RETAIL DRUGGISTS Pint LIC BALI Cl'' AN ULU FC,T4.BI.IBIfrD STAND Athofnistftalf.eti at ro. W c.,rner of Thirtesoth nr,) hirer ^ OOOD•W1LL, LA.7. 4 r6E 4TOrIK AND FIXTDEILS OT AS 'DRUG WrORIC. OV FRID&Y MORNING, At 10 o'clock. will ht sold by ordor of the Adsoinistrts trim in tlu. 144 Lia,.. ftc CI !bey ot Thirteenth and llsrlict eft - oils, the entire stock and fixtures of un old ostaliNbsil Drug Moro. Ti n:ay i n sgantitted at nuy tlms. An Inventory site bo veva at Clio auction %torn The premises cs.n be Pia Toot. ke spies to rr«.l. mid lie .1 4, 1.11.talm•nt ofiFl - 4 a gond op fm. 1 1100) to any parson seeking a retail store with a ion of custom Tvtniii at sale. JA NINA A FRRRMAN , , t uctioneor. 402 MA 3.91114 Am II c 4 r; r; WAIN 11M-STltle.ll.71 1 lr'iNTß arri 1•110 T SU - wit* Sole LAssft. n 111. ; ,. M. A. OA RRRTTBOX. THIS OrRIDAY) TCVENTNG 11141 y 9, 1882. Brurtir or Mrs. F. 1. CuN ATAY. Tlio perfoiltiftliou will rhino.) IDLE 'WILK') IMO.: Dlxrqule ila IL4la,urro Mr. F. B. Conway,. Illudrinw Mai Ittai. a Biel' Willow.., Mr“, F. B. Conway. To conclude with lb,. II Wildcat 3 act Drama, tiliClUiT I 1. BURMA. Lucretia 8urgin,,,,,,,,,,, u. u,uM rM. FB. emliVtir Luke it Iptionho . Mr. J, H. Wright, Puratoi-60. 87X, 76. and '2,6 cents; Privato BeKee, Sti awl st, according to their locale. Nora open at 71. f o'clock. Tn commune at T.k. JOILIN DREW'S A RIM-STREET EATREI. Acting StFigo Elanmor W. S. IMEDBRIOIIS, Mullion AMA and Trmumrar_JON D. MCIIIPIZI FA nmwKLI. 4EI ONE !IFNI - MP:WM ANH Plll4l' N mitt or JOHN nnr,vv. ion NT DREW TO-NIGHT, FRTIIO4Y, 'Hay 9, 1802, TH IC IRISH EbIIOIIANT O'Brien, the To conclude with IIAN1)Y A N 1) Y Dandy Andy.... Tram Drew, P'PDOI , IIY! tN .111)0 N !mil CI ASTI, .411 ed PILL litinoit of Nitti. U. JINN 111. Dur re mien 01. quarter poet. 7. Curtain thee at quarter to 8 o'clor T ti 1.161i 111U UOLITON I will WWI the MOND trOl.tlitt!, with a n Ex, 1111.1111 IN of the etranae atd aerel effeila of Inhaling the ha L'CIIING GAS. at CIUNUEIt r HALL, F.,ll)Alt ItVN.\l May 9, 18132 TWELVE GENTLEMEN mill inhale the Th. effect of 1111 , is 1.0 deVeleh the teed, htornintat tratti 01 chittact,,r. TDB A utlnt NCB are thoroughly protected from any dha urnance Ity yairmna molar the itillnentie Om Gas, Tim GAS. as at the first 1 Nhthinan. will ha alai_ nittrtro obi} , to otitiottai of the highest respectatillity. By adopting this role, Dr. O. Is enahle4 to avoid all rin yropriortes, and ulcer an ea tertal o n set wet thy of thu pa tronage at the 1,04 Clk•M Ot laciui arid gentiernrii—suph " rarinty wr UM etitcrtattinient, the TuntetAtNE lßOrtiv:Rd will sing a new variety or flair nentinietitul. comic, and patrlotio eneme— clesing with the pognil*r Rally for the Bahia." Tickets, 25 cents Poore open al 7, To rOininenon at ofilcu T Tani Pale or Ticliotni Kira 01 Fibley,froni 10 to 1. thpb• it A MERICAII _A C A.1)101 V OF M.:USLC. Don EDWARD EVERETT id.dly . 40i vrt- bin c-Inqr 11 na Ariareli on the AI (;TRR OF THE WAR." Or. FRIDAY EVENING. M. 9.h. at d Wool*. you. THE THE VOLUNTEER It FFRESII 'IIEN SALOoN§, ALAIDin.InS! PiittY Pria.iu, with .ecurec) twatn. for Halt , et the following 'Alice% viz: T. 8. Pugh's, S. W. corner Sixth Nod unmet. rut 14. , J. E. Gould'e. S. h cur. Sevm,th owl Bh6.griut BIN., W. P. .11 Kzercre, No. 7'24 I.livetent at. tufa. 9t* A661.111.1iLY titlll,l)[lNG - s. LAST* WEEK OF 1 It Ft GIIEAT SEPuY With all itli &KILL lANT SCENKS AND Titaita. Rpvtor,, TVINDAY rt'E.:ING, May oth, Complimentary BPlil fit to J 0 N TOY FRIDAY EVENING. hlay .9th, DeLefit E E. HUI.- 1441. Delineator. CATURlDelineator.V.. 1814,, _001, 3 , 1 .4Fin,. ..nts,. en, Jo Itits, Ce— nings at &; Afternoons tit 3 o'clock. 1.1,1 0. (It pENNSIrl't_kN IA AC A D1 4 :11 i r OP lln t: ARTS. Thirty -ninth intion of Paint ing4 omit e, 1025 CII N.; iT NUT Stru.t. trcm I) A. .151 till 6 .P. Ltud trim P. .11. Til: 70 - P. zehfil fleas 'N4,4-.116 , and eoutr ihieltrd will receive their ticketei at dm Academy ; no ad MilNiOtta without. ap:l9 QTEREnSCOVPItI()NS OY THE BEt.LION, for public ealiibitiemisi views of all Gila prominent Battles, Incidents, and Men. Fug priced Rua illu&trats , d catatuguce sent tree, by • JAMES W. QUEIIN 1;0., 40. 2,!ttAti , :tn , ..teeet. t'kdkadolptda. H• APT U. 6. ::11 - Ali 11.* KIS .-W ANT F. D- Vor the U. S. - .11:1.r .. rorpl3, rm. x 44 YmrViCt! BotiOar I II of 111.11.6r-Wilr. 51 , .VE11.61, HIJNI.III.:R ♦ttLNl -I,'r'D7l,D .t , i S.N. he wren the agex . t li owl 3.5 s Sate. la 1 I that mitt la , miairtat, will ta-, 41144, at nit , Iti 11(4 , 9 voita,llll Siptith Vroht, sire( t, h.•1.,w Spruce, Phihtn< Iphin. JAME:I LEWIS, - no i'-if . CADtAit. and 11,.,cruillug Officer. Br a thorough buminode num Who lA 1,660,4414 of peodnetiVe ketit ed ste anilloiett for the aupport of himself nod famill, but who hetet+ 111,S. a SITiTATION in a me kind of tooduema nun - ring energt , application, and experience is a go. d acct uotaut txpectivitops ea to dalary very moderate. Addrand "IL tt. g Poet nlyo .2 1 LADY, SI.NG.; IG TREBLE, with r-coumPudations trout tiro beat MUslCia , lll. mid touch CNPerielICY, derives a 6114099 19 a v inirgb -4rc , -t choir prprvrrra. etaitron 111.1" 530. Pt,Oadelphiw Post Unica. my') totiVit* AYOUNG MAN of good business , umijnen vrlbhrs to find a partner, with Inuits'& 0. elites 10to is hiontatno business Addrusis ' , Canna/IN cisi,” Press office. nis9,3t* A°LING - MAN, aged 21, wished en•ploi. went Pc write h kir bin% and Gin iwc plwaygraphicfnly With tolerable [um CM rued, nine, and speak German, and can read French. heft rences good, Addrf es "S, W, W. i " Box 1364 A „ 13 FAli TN E War+ - i t)* l aL' 4,l ne C.Fit4 w144.g t- 9M-1 - IRlq 414‘datt9a in the city. with a person of unexceptional character, capable of commanding a profitable bush sec. Address o L. Z. H. '' at this office, with name and referencee. my 7.614' SURANCE SURlP.—Wanted to perch e, Reliance 'Mutual Insurance CompanvNe Scrip. Addreee P. 0., BO•X Iss, stating amnunr and price. m) 6-6t# FOR NALL AND TO LET 910 LET—Only s3oo=Elegant rest dence, in exeollet.t location, Nn. 1030 Orden itroot modern conveniencoo. Open from 8 to 12 and 2 to 6. myB 3tit. in TO RENT—A conveniont ida it a, Southeast corner of TVVE TY-SECOND and Streete. Apply to JA3IES CRES4ON, 23 NorthF'OURPH Street ap30.12t eiTO LET.—A Very Desirable House on Walnut street, pear Brottd, Alt modern im provements ; rent very low ; reearving en on% Apply to li. r rt r, m sis &rem INSURANCE COMPAIVIES GIRARD FIRE''''MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, MIL ADELPHIk CA P 3 rh.L 8200,000 This compalti continue! to take AAR 9u MC WIC Clltso4 Pratu+rty at low rates. Tito public can rely upon its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of flit BUYIic, awing (tin Ltst ulnas yours., attallad 50 0, 0 0 0 , and VI a respectfully Belied its favor in the future DIRECTORS CHAS. I. 'DUPONT, JERRY 'WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGHORNI JOHN THOHNLEY. I. HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM. BART, DAVID BOYD, Jr.; PETER H. HON, of N. Y. WhL N. SWAIN, FUMIAN SHEPP&RD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. LA.WREN.JE, Whl. C. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. TM:MAR CRIVEM,Mik, A, S, GILLBTT. Vice President JAS. B. ALVOBD, Secretary. &p3B tf THE GIRARD L ANNUITY AND TR LAD ELPH A.—At au electi the tam; iug gt rulemen were lining 3 ear Thomas Ridgway, Robert Pearsall, Thomas P. James, Frederick Brown, George Taber, John It Slack, henry G. Freeman, At a meeting of the Pitanag RIDGWAY, Reg., was nu: dent. my 7- wfmat* VAME INSURA ..12 No. 4 CHESTNUT IR O6 R AND INLA DLUEO F. N. Buok, E. D. Woods's% Chen. Richardeon, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. B. Justice, Ales_ Whilldini Waehinston Jones, Geo. A. Wed, Ches. Stave, O. W. Davis, John W. EserMS4l. FRANCIS N. BC K, President, CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice Pre g et WILLIAMS I BLANCHARD, Secretary. [1419-1,11 COMMONWEALT NJ BANGS COMPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. DIETKITQRS. D av id jayne, M. D., Charles 11, Began, John M. Whiten, John K. liEslAer, Edward C. Knight, R o b er t shomakar, Thomas S. Stewart, Wig= Struthers: Beaty Lewis, Jr., BUM Jr ea. DAVID JAY B, 11 D., ;teahint. JOKY M. WIDIA.LL, Vier Pros/at. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth AniWins, GIS 0112STEMIT Street. Phllado/phia. LAMB' TRUSSES, SUPPORT IVE% SIMONS, and other Mechanical Appliances, of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For sale an'a adjustment at C. S. NEIDLLS' LADING' STORM, TAV RLYTII Street, Sret door below Race. G en tl e men requiring Rupture Trams will odi at ai Southwest corner TWEITTM end RAOR, where O. N. Mule attention to We swim feature. tohl2-BioN COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN VA% of all imbeds and branda, Baven'o Du* Awalaor Twine, of all dooorlptioail. Teat% Awnings, Trunks , and Wagon Covers. tlr Also, Paper Manufacturers , Drier Pelts, from 1 to 8 foot wide.Torpaana, Belting, Ball Twine 80. • 3OR W. Evxubutk a 00., 109 JONI@ Allow. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONIS at wen radioed velem at limb's WNW ofamt. ora A. STRIVIIIIITZ, ZTDQI Awn* bay 1111 " 1 ima John Drew 11 E INSURA.NaII UST COMPANY OF PHl ion, held on the sth tuetant s . elected Mermen for the en. John A. Brown, John It, tattimer, John 0. Kitchell, loose Barton, Seth I. Clomly, lOU Starr, Stacy B Barcroft. ere; held this doe, T HOMAN; anlintdialy re.eleeted Braid- 0. r. JAMES, Actuary NOE COM.PA,NI4 Street ND INS URANOIL TOW. H }IRE MU , OF THE sum OF