ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY. Annual Meeting of Stock and Btaulholders The annual meeting of the Stock and Bondhold- CH of the Elmira and Williameport Railroad Com pany was held yesterday at the office of the Coat rinY, in Walnut Street, above Third. Charles Maceletter, E.: , 41, was called to the chair, and Wm. C. Longstreth acted as secretary. Thomas Klaiber, Jr., fruMeat of the Compiny, then read the Annual Report of the Board of Ma nagers. ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL REPORT The result of the business of the Company for the Zscal 3 ear was ee follows : Receipts from passengers, including troops $100,t315 54 Receipts from freight on merchandise. 102.311 98 Ittceipts from freight on coal 66.527 43 Itcceipie from United Ptestes 11,550 DO Receipts from miscellaneous sources... 213,491 07 Tho ordiPgmy expenditures for r i pe. m rating tbe ad nave been 100,146 911 leaving a profit of $147 3 349 03 lirbich has been appropriated as fol- lons 40,000 cross.ties on the track 10.000 00 Rebuilding bridges 7.200 00 Deposits for Mortgage Bondholders.... 70.000 00 it it Chattel ti, , 20.163 - -00 Interest on mortgage on Elmira Basin. 3,500 00 " Scrip, labor and material, debt, &c 5,.505 47 Reduction of scrip, labor, and material deist, die Finding that the not ioceipts of the year would prove more than sufficient to provide for the pay ment to the mortgage bondholders. and for the lease of the chattels, as well as for the liquidation of all the scrip and debt of the old company maturing in the course of the year, which had been assumed by order of the Supreme Court, in the reorganization tauter the Act of A.levoibin it wan deemed most conducive to the future interests of both bond and stockholders to spend a large portion of this surplus in extraordinary renewals of the roadway, bridges, and other atrnotures_ Two of the most important bridges on the road, those at Trout Run and Ralston. have been com pletely rebuilt during the year, and the bridge at Dunning's dam almost entirely renewed. These extensive renewals were gradually authorized and completed from limo to time as it became apparent that the surplus income of the Company over the amount required for the deposits and the maturing 01.11,ei1. iI justific.l such an esteenditties_ The interest on the utsrtgage.bonds of the Com pany has been punctually paid on the Ist of January and Ist of July, and on the Ist. of February and of AUgno the Trustees of the ehattels have paid to the liOldera of the bends of the old Company their re spective proportions of the amount received from this Company under the stipulated lease of the chattels. The interest on the Elmira basin pro party, -T2,500, ha alt.e been paid seed i-11.11t11141V - Id the holders of the mortgage on that estate. This pro perty consists of the large basin and surrounding grounds at Elmira, comprising fifty-five acres and fifteen hundred feet of eanal wharfage, all of which ate necessary for the transaction of the large and increasing coal business of this company, and for the use of which an adequate equivalent is allowed by the Erie Railroad Company m the free use of a mile of their road and bridge at Elmira. The remainder of the lE COIL° of the year has been appropriated towards the extinguishment of that portion of the debt of the old company assumed by 4,l i t e Company 1 4 s:dor-am s w oomon, of reor i ptol 4 ,,- tun. On this account, $32,513.64 has been ex pended during the year. The report further states that should the busi- Imes of the road show no further improvement in the next two years. the net income, at the rate of the past year's earnings, will suffice to discharge, by July 31. 1863, the balance of the scrip. labor, and material debt, and that for the purchase of tools and patterns, leaving a surplus in the next fiscal year fairly applicable to a dividend to the preferred steckhOldere. The managers believe that the business of the road wilt atea..1,1 7 prospor i and futoro Income gradually increase until all the interests of the Com pany shall be adequately remunerated. The different connections of the road are then referred to at length, and their importance duly Set forth. A full account of the effects on the trade and tra vel of the Elmira Company, resulting from the va rious new openings north and south which had place Northwest, t be Buffalo, New York and 'Erie &tape- Re made its line of connection perfect between Buffalo and Elmira, affording from Buffalo to Wash ington a line two hundred miles nearer than by way of New lorls - , over which the trade and travel are constantly increasingland, on the opening of a Washington office by the joint lines, are expected still further to increase. Southward, the Northern Central Radioed has, Within the past year, been operated with great en ergy ; and by the controlling influence of the Penn sylvania Central Company, in its management, and by the lesue of the Philadelphia and Erie Company by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the latter Company is brought at Williamsport to the very doors of the Elmira Company. Moreover. by the Lebanon Valle? . and Reading roads, as lee-it as by the Pennsylvania road, saothei- Lrst-class Philadelphia route is secured, in the event of any unforeseen contingency interfering with de present Catawissa connection; and by the Lebanon Valley and East Pennsylvania route, an equally favorable New 'Fork route is open to U 9 in that event. Moreover. the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg road being finished to Northumber land, gives the Elmira Company access. lade -1,...,10=41y of the Oatasri, , sh o,smpany, +6 litirroti, Wilkesbarre, and the whole Wyoming coal region. Renee the Board feel assured, beyond any possi lbilit, of AA/MAY& ef a fir.st.alaaaeonneetion with the eastward markets, and with the interior coal, iron, and agricultural regions of Pennsylvania. The coal trade, which has largely increased du ring the year, is also alluded to at length. The retorts of the Treasurer and - the Superin tendent were next read by the Seeretary.! A motion was made to accept the reports and refer them to the new Board for publication, which was ores.] So übse,itu-wisly_ Mr Davis moved to adjourn. Mr. F. A Van Dyke desired to make an inquiry. The President decided that it was not in order, unless Mr, Davis would withdraw the motion to adjourn Mr. Davis refused to withdraw the motion. The vote was then taken upon the question of adjournment. but the President was unable to de cide. A steek eats was then sailed for, and re sulted as follows—ayes 111%6110 shares, nays 3,33.1. shares - . The meeting then adjourned to go' into an elec tion of managers for the ensuing year, The result of the election was as follows: Thomas Rimher, Jr., president. Managers—Ellis Lewis, John Farnum, Wm. D. Lewis, Robert J. Mercer, Theodore F. Randolph, Alexander S. biyin, which ticket received 18,132 votes. Another ticket, with the names of William E. Morris, president, and W. P. Chandler, E. P. Bor den, S. y Metriok, Ellis Lewis, A. J . , Divin s re. oeived 3,505 votes. LETTER FROM LANCASTER. Continuation of the Proceedings of the Twen tieth Convention of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the United St. tea. [Correspondence of The Press.] LANV&STER, Pa , May 3, 1863 The greeter Fart of the morning cession of the betty Was occupied with the consideration of the resolutions and by-laws reported b. Dr. l'ohlinen, of York. They were considered seriatim, and were mostly adopted without amendment. The one that excited meet debate was that rearing relation to the to-called "Advisory Members." It was finally determined, BB a standing rule of the body, that all visiting brethren of this and sister denominations pe admittod to seats, without the privilege of a vote, and !leo arithoei lbe right 9 P participation to aot..te, eacepk hy the formal permistion of the body. Bev. Dr. Pohlman, from the committee appointed to devise a plan by which the bresinese of ths societies may be beet transacted, made a report, which was ATM, The report of the ea-treasurer or Synod, Iron. rotor S. Meichier, of Beaton, was presented, and referred to an auditing committee. The treasurer chosen yesterday, viz: Charles A. Mor rie, Neck of Tort, Pa„ presented Ws resignation of the Once, vnich was read and accepttd. &mous F. Ocher. bausen, Esq., of Few . York city, war unanimously elected treasurer. The president announced the standing committees on the State of the Church, on Literary and Theological In. etitntions. Correspondence with Ecclesiastical oreign Correspondence, Devotional Exercises, Mileage, c. The Parent Education Society now held a meeting. SOT. Dr. Schmutker read the report of the Executive ticaunirtee, and a largeainonne of 6124E2,35e pertaining to the society wllB ti a machti. It was resolved that a committee, consisting of oaf, firm each district Synod represented in the body be ap pointed, to present resolutions expressive of the Synod on the a tistintt relatlem of the Z6elitey_ In the evening the Publication Society held its anni versary exereisee in St. John's Church, Rev. D. Steck pastor. A large audience was present. lbw. C. W. Schaeffer, and Prof. M. L. Stoever served as secretary. Rev_ E. W. flutter, the eirrespinding secretary of the Board, read the annual report. From this it appears that the Publication. Society was organized May 1, 1555, by a Convention of fourteen ministers and six lay men, held in Rev. L E Albert's Church, Germantown. Poe areal care it wore an uu proollii Lag aspect. It lane, neverilmlem, become a permanent institution of the Church, and one of vast usefulness. Up to March 1, 3862, the ~eneral agent, Rev. B. Keller, bad received Subscriptions to the amount of $16,780 of which $15,219 /181,elbell,11 paid. The Board ow itroo-atory brick edifice on Ninth street, below Arch, used as a book co las-Rory, the capital of the latter having a net value of $6,081. A number of books and treats have been printed, and others are in a course of preparation. A Sunday-albool paper, with a circulation of 25,01111 copies, bap been issued, and altogether the enterprise enjoys a Dish degree of prosperity. The treasurer's report was read. Rev. F. W. Conrad delivered an able and tbriPingly- COM= adfiroslll which was listened to with evident "heartfelt delight. At its close, a vote of thanks was una nimously tendered him. Officers of the Society were chosen, viz : President, Dr. Diller Luther, Meaning; Secretary, D M. Fox, Phila. delphia; Executive Committee, limye, V , W. Schadfay, Mr. J. Meet., B. Keller, L. E. Albert, M. Itheeleigh, T. T. Tillie , . C. H. Baer, C. J. Ehrehart, C. A. May, G. F. If rote!, J. H. Heck, B. H. Laird, C. P Krauth, Jr., S. 8. kchmucker, J. 6. Morrie; Laymen, Chance Kugler, George Wagner, L. L. Doupt, M. Buehler, J. F. -Erode. :la, IL B. Miller, te..1.• Kremer. A number of life-members were made, when the So• ciety adjourned, highly gratified with the exercises of the evening. Bertain.ty, May 3.—Fynod aPPointvd a 001101.51 Com• mitten on the state orate Country, colligating of ono from each District Synod, each Symai naming its own repre sentative. Hon. Charles Kugler ofh red a series of patriotic rese ll-dicer, which were rest and referred to the above COM. miltee, A Lutheran Synod in Canada asked to be received into connection with this body, and praying that its con stitution be en altered sato under this possible. Referred to a special committee. irk 8411111 4S POlictAfi4f! RP At in it ITIMOrifII4 DraYing for an iticreined inturent in the Sunday -,school iftraki. Bead and referred. - Bev. B. M. fichanicker presented a copy of the English Liturgy of the Synod of Pennsylvania for examination. ACTION FOR DAMAGES.—Yesterday, in the District Court, Judge Stroud, the case of Tiers 1111. Previa, an action to recover for castings furnithed plaintiffas for certain looms, was tried. Defence, that the iron was defective, and in consequence, when the looms were put in operation, the spindles broke. The jury rendered a verdict for plaintiff kr the full amount of hie claim, 8e46. ErnsS ler plaintiff; Earle and White for defendant. COUNTERFEIT MONEY.—David Moore •live Mooney bee been committed by Alderman Shoe• Laker for baying paßee4 Ren4Q ut the new counterfeits of the Du r Scud Roam ) of ibo city of lielf -Fork. THE CITY. OBSEQUIES OF GENERAL CHARLES F. SMITH —The remains of the late Major General Chas. F. Froltb, which have been lying in Mate in lade pineetice Ball Mucci *Morley tY011101; lest, will be conveyed today to their nom resting place. Foetid ty morning, at seven &el lek, Company A. First artillery, p. H. G., Captain Chapman Biddle, relieved the Girard Guards as the guard of honor. ha members took their weition around the coffin, and stood with satires Open. Tic Ball was thrown open to the puhlto at nine 0 7 CIOCK. but the crowd was not as large as had been expected A detactment of police were present to keep the people in line and to preserve order. Femme were admitted by time door on Chestnut street, and after wowing through the Ball, made their exit by one of the windows ou In dependence Square. A large photograph or the deceased 'sae laid upon the top of the cont. 't here was a con tinual stream of individuals through the halt during the entire day, the doors being chased at 6 P. M. . . Yesterday afternoon the Committee of Arrangements of City Cannons hold another meeting, and adopted the rullottsnn aa the prolamine Tor toolay : THE PROGRAMME. 1 The body, borne by eight policemen, to be taken throngh the eonthern main entrance of Independence enure to accompanied by the pall• followin by minim, and naval Mama in two ranks, and emptied by Captain Biddle's company of R 7 finery $307,496 02 2. Received with military hmore appropriate to the rable bf the abceagiba. TM body wi I be take. 6 U.a right of the troops, where it will be deposited in the hearse. If the pall-beareia prefer to anent, they can do an as far es they please, when, on desiring to ride, they it ill enter their carriages, which will follow inunadiataty in their rear. 3. Tha military and naval ollicere will also march in procetnion in roar of tho bcdg guard of the remain., either in column of noctione or by finf, as the officer in chew Anil determine. If they than &gra to accum. pity the cortege to Laurel 11111, they will enter Car riages following in their rear. whenever they desire to do to. $147,349 03 #. The family of the deceased, the reverend clergy, and the varione civil officers and public. 13,,di0s invited oy tile cr:auditor, will take the carriages proybied for them, which will be ru realities§ lu fifth one Sixth streets, above Walnut street, in the order arranged by the Com mittee of COULICIie. 5. When the hearse ant carriages for the pall-bearers shall have gassed Filth &tett an themarch the carrimee which hero been etaudiug an rani meet with Ms itareen' beads towarde Walnut street, will the into the column and continue in the processiun after pat sing sixth street, the carriages in that street, also with horses' heads to wards Walnut street, will tile into Walnut street, after the when just uatura, . „ 6. The entire procession will proceed ont Walnut street to Twelfth street, out Twelfth street to Spring Garden street, thence to Broad street, and thence to Girard avenue, as may be determiued, where the troops will be halted and wheeled into hue, and the Cody, its attendants, end the civil procession, will pass it, front of them, receiving Ira m the troops the proper military 84- lute • after which the troops not required with the escort will be dismissed ? and will return to their quarters. T. The escort proper wish she r.maims alma sus , root of the cortege will continue their march to Laurel Hill, and will ctuiplete the ceremonies of the day,. The cortege. after being formed, will move in the fol lowing order : The (+facet , i of the Stray, Navy, Marine Corry, Alia Vo- The Governor and Officers of the State of Pennsylvania. The /Razor sod pr.s.m.bbm of al of The Judges of the United States Circuit and District Courts The Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania The Judges or she vi.triot Genre and common Pleas of the city of Philadelphia. The Committee of Arrangements. Members and Officers of Select Council. alemker Ana Qftcffil of V9111E 1 1911 ( Aiiscu. Thu Members of the rms. Heads of Departments and other Officers of the City Ge- On motion, it was unanimously Resolved. TI at the committee be authorized to arrange with the Btdge•ayeuue - Mauna Company, on the best terms they may be able to make; but that, at the same time, this committee express the opinion that a charge higher than Sb per car, if exacted by said company, is unimt and unreasonable, and is deemed by them to be taking atvantage of au impressive public occasion lu its• pose upon the city an unjust charge. The committee then adjourned until to-day. rittEnn hay e LE'6ll 7,854 arriyalS here since January I. 1562, to 6,244 during the same time last year. This exhibit shows that Philadelphia enjoys a large coastwise commerce—the coastwise arrivals in the ;WI averaging One hundred and ,ii.rtecii Per day, the foreign arrivals averaging two and a nail per (lay. The sole reason why the foreign snipping com merce of Philadelphia contrasts so disadvantageously with the coastwise commerce of Philadelphia is visible to observant eyes in the practice of individuals and or gahlaMietia in Philadelphia of doing their impart Aka expert, trade through the Port of New York. There is in trausitu across the State of New Jersey, in cars and hosts, a never-ceillsing rush of freights for and from Philadelphia and points in Europe, via the city of New Yee.L unJ a-ea...AA, pl a t, And whenever Philadelphia shall have diverted the route of tbie inflow of imports and onttlow of exports from the custom. house in New York and the ocean-gate at Sandy Book, to her own more direct, shorter, better. and cheerier route through her own enstom-house and the Delaware capes, then will the foreign commerce of the port rise into craseitnence and command respect; at the same time, the change which will then ensue will advertise the wise resolve of Philadelphia to make the ehimnd of her own Delaware river and the sea portalof her own Delaware bay her preferred route for her own foreign Then, moreover, will the tables of Quantities and valetas of the imports and exports of Philadelphia be represented by larger totals, and the world will be brought to a know'edge and a realization of the fact that Philadelphia is herself a centre of foreign as well as of coastwise trade; that the Delaware river has a depth of water ample for the largest ships, Philadelphia being accessible to \web; which cannot cross Bandy Hook to reach the not of New York, as facts of record demonstrate ; that iu ell the days of winter, vessels can and do clear from Philadelphia, obstruction from ice being no hindrance since steam became a motor on tidewater, and ice breakers were put into use to patrol the channel. BITSINESS WITH THE TREVORTON COAL TVF.Glflbi.—Our capitalists are turning their attention to the great coal deposits of the Trevorton region. The railroad leading thereto Along the I,knlao a the Mabanoy creek, several times crossing it on well-can structed bridges. About fifteen miles front the Susune• henna the sight of huge black pile, of "• coal dirt" and slate annempecd our pear approach to the mines. Here i located in the woods surroundvd try 11401i140411:19 and %VW ed with rocks, is the new lowlier Trevorton i established, built, and owned by the Trevorton Coal Company. The population is dependent for a livelihood on the mining operations, and hence all the inhabitants are either di rectly or i.directly employed by the company. Thom!, who are not in the actual employ of the company as man agers or operators, are employed by these as mechanics, adesmen, teachers, or preachers. The coal measures In this region are immense, con victing of ten -veins of from four to twenty feet' in thick- Lees. Prof. Begets pronounced the deposits of coal in this basin to exceed seventy-five million tons. From this vast store-Louse there is being extracted, through five tunnelled openings, from eighty to one hundred thonennd tone nonnallr. !Dmlns- the peak season the mining facilities have been enlarged and improved in a manner that will enable the company to increase its al ready extensive operations. One great advantage pee seseed by these mines is found in surface mining. The eoal strata lie on near the surface and era of so alight a dip that no hoisting-apparatus is required to bring out the products. Holes are dug into the sides of the mountains and a railroad track placed in them on which the coal is ran out_ Bak "'AA! is of Mill itE4iiith , tabsltle,silaci, thew• mines can be worked at their present rate for a century heft re the depth of gas veins will be reached. These lie in this formation usually about three hundred and fifty feet below the surface level, and near the lower strata of tots immerse basin_ The lt coal breaker" is a it monstrum horreudum" among buildings ; a huge edifice against a mountain, and exceeded in size and roughness only by the mountain on which it leans. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GUAR— DIANS.—The regular stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, Freaidca Nigh iu the clq, The census of the home was reported as follows; Whole number in the house. 2 946 Barite time last year 2 669 Decrease 121 Admitted within the /mat two weeks /01. Dirthe 9 Deaths 30 Discharged 150 EkTedittultitettm” tttttttt ttttt iT Bound Number of persons granted lodging 28 Number of persons granted meals. 64 The out-door agent reported the collection of 941 far emigrant taxes, and $396.22 for support cases. The treasurer of the board reported having paid 41,- 393 4Binto the city treasury. The steward reported the house receipts to be $39.72. The monthly report of the Board of Visitors was read. They have expensed $1,502.25. Number of persons recoiling out. door relief! Americans 951 Foreigners 1 226 Children 3 617 Total 5 794 The Cult or the Muse was directed by resolution to compile the medical statistics of the Home for past year, if practicable. The resignation of Dr. Sturdlvant, an out-door physl cianin the first poor district, vas received. Dr. Samuel L. Orr was elected to fill the vacancy. On motion of Mr. Whits% it was resolved that the 1188 of the receiving -vault be suspended for the present. The report of the keeper of the reception vault in the Aline:home arounda wee received and Mad. hut not read. It now forme a portion of the archives of the Board. Alter the reading of the etew•ard'e' requisition, the Board adjourned. MASONIC HONORS TO A DECEASED ItEBILL 01410E11—The fact of the death of Capt. Lewis P. Hanoway, of the Twenty-seventh Virginia Re giment, at Fort Delaware, has been noticed to this paper. The following is a copy of the proceedings of a Masonic' Lodge at Delaware city, on the occasion; Jackson Lodge, Ito. 19, A. Y. M., met Aprilllth, A. P. 1862, A. L. 5862, varmint to a call. * * *. The 'Worshipful Masterpro tem. stated the object of this ex. traordinary meeting to be for the purpose of attending the burial, and performing the last solemn rites to the me. mory or our brother s - Lewis Ejlalloway, of Covington, Allegheny county, Virginia, who departed this life on the eth inet., at Fort Delaware, while confined 83 a pri soner of war. On motion, the Lodge nulled off for the purpose of pro. ceeding to the wharf to meet the remains of our deceased brother, and escort them to the Episcopal burying= ground In this place, where they were deposited, and the last Eigtmn ritee and honors of the Order were duly per formed. On reassembling at the lodge-room, Jte.. en motion, Brothers Adana V. (Julio, Alexander M. Riddle, and Henry. L. Peekard, were appointed a committee to draft a series of reeolutions, expressive of our regret for the lots euetained by the order, and condolence with the fa: wily and Mende ot deceased. CITY WATER WORKS.—The following elatement will exhibit the amount received from the be itlithihfi df tha sear up to axe tat insiout for water route: January. February Nerd)... Increase ....528,1183 80 The total amount of water pumped by the eaveral wa ter works during the month of April was 690,010,455 gal leon. The number of gallons supplied from the different works were as follows : Fairmount 284,030,785 Baoylklll 240,631,800 Delaware 42,995,350 ority4 worth ward 33,343,740 %uSINESS AT THE WEST END OF Tim PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD.—The following is an exhibit of the number of care loaded at Pittsburg during the Bret quarter ef the present year: Destination. Jan. Feb. Maruh. Total. PhlladelpLia.• .1,080 1,690 1,761 6,137 New turic and New - England 2 245 1,882 1,664 5,591 Da1tiw0re............1,351 1,142 1,293 3,786 Local 281 311 280 802 Miscellaneous THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE NORTHERN NOISE FOB FRIENDLESS CHILDREN will he held this evening, commencing at a Quarter before eight o'clock, in the Union Methodist - Church, Fourth street, below Arch. Addresees by ex-Governor Pollock, Rev, Kingston Goddard, and others. The public are Invited, FROM New York to Washington last week, for the first time, passenger care were ferrid across the Delaware, as they twee for some time past been fer ried acrose the Susquehanna, at Havre-de-Grace, so that now the SR= CUB make the whole trip from Jamey City to Wasblagton, via rbiladelabia and Baltimore. henteere The family of deceased The Reverend Clergy. the Committee IMEMME 1862. 1861. $18,576 50 831,127 60 60,39400.48,279 25 169,149 00 290,794 45 170,318 80 $408,438 00-$379,454 20 370,454 20 5,736 5,032 6,245 16,0/3 A. M. E. Z. CONFERENCE.—The an num Conference of the A. M. E. Zion Church, for this district, m. t, according to appointgemt, in Wesley Church, Lombard street, between Fifth and Sixth, on Sat tirmay, 3d Met., at 4 o'clock P. 4., and was organized by Superintendent Peter Rope, who read the first chap ter of the Epistle of James. sang and prayed, and feel- Maly the Oonterenco. J. it- brooks ritll elected secretary pro tem. J. A. Williame. T. H. castor, and J. 1). Brooke were appointed Committee on Penne. Worship; Superintendent floss. president of the Con ference, to deliver the opening diecourse in Wesley Church. at 1.0j4 4th Inst. Adjoutme,l to moot Gil. hut., at 10 o'clock A. M. MONDAY'S PROCEBDIN4S. Conference met pursuant to adjournment. Scripture lesson by Superintendent Boas, singing and prayer by R.N . . William 11. Bishop, superintendent of tut) First Rplocopal rhotrlot. The journal of Saturday was read and approved. IL. A. Gibson was elected secretary of the Conference, and W. T. Riddle aesietatit secretary, and J. D. Brooke reporter. The Conference rules of 11160 were adopted for the government of this, after amending the first rule to meet at 19 A. 51., and ndjourn at 3 o'clock P. Si . after today. Reverends Woodlln, bmith, Weaver, Stanford, Morgan, and Eddy, of the A. M. E. Church, were introouced to the Conference. Adjourned to 2 o'clock. AFTBRNOON BlirrloN.—The minutes of the morning Wirt ssua 1,. ppr< , ..l. The churaGrOill Or J. ak Wit. Herm. A. Cole, S. T. Jones, W. Y.-ung, G. Johnson, B. A. Gibson, J. D. Brooks, and T. 11. Harris, were ex endued and passed. Several others were complained of, and referred to Ole Committee On COMPlttintli, viz; G. oulumfm, W. Young, KM A. Colo ilommittee on Ore. deitiak—S. G. Golden, S T. Jones, and J. A. Williams. Bros. Jones and Williams entertained the Conference dis cussing matters pertaining to the welfare of our cormec ton. Several others took part. Adjourned. A NOTICE TO OFFICE-SEEKERS.—Yes. terday morning, Mayor Henry bad displayed, in hie main office, a card on which wee the following :-- 4 . The Millar will not hear any recommendatione for ennereleore until the first day of June." The appointments will be announced on the first of July. FIRE AT BRIDESTIUMG. --- A frame kitchen attached to the dwelling of Mr. Henry Mader, on tictnimml muyet, Bride/Mug, Twenty-third ward, took are about half past two o'clock yesterday morning. The root was destroyed. The lose was about tlfty dol lars. The flumes originated from the stove. THOWN FROM A WAGON.—Charlcs Bellett was thrown out of Ids wagon, about six o'clock on Sunday evening, on the Passrunk road, and had one of his legs broken. He IVREI conveyed to 4ia l esicienco, on rouriti strut, above fired. .e/111.4.D.ELPHLI DOLED UP' TRADE. JOIIN E. ADDICKS, muo PA g_ FEEN ON, Commvproza op TIM MoM SAMUEL E. .STOKR9, LETTER BARS - At the Marehants' Exchange, Park C W Voultney, Johnson Ship Idlaud, soon Bar Indus, Stokely ....Bnibados, 89011 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. IrtiWlL THE 1111/TED STATED. BRIPS LEAVE FOR ➢AY. Pereia .....New York.. Liverpool ...... ....May 7 Roanoke New York.. Havana ....... ..... may 1 Bremen Now York. • B1111111311..1" z a...." May 10 0 of IS selling= .New York.. Liverpool ~.... May 10 North American....Quebec..Liverpool .... May 10 Columbia ...... ..New York.. Havana May 14 Alllt rice Boeton..Liverpool. May 14 Endinburp.k____New York __Livorpaol_ May 17 Boruesia 1 ew York.. Hamburg May 17 Nova Scotian .. Quebec.. Liverpool May 17 China ....... ....New York.. Liverpool May 17 Plantagenet New York.. P Prance & Ja. May 21 A 1,E.1.3, gii3teib Qiibbee. -LiV.eirl Mar 111 Great Eastern—New Y0rk..Liverp001....,...... may si FROM. EUROPE. SHIPS LNAVB FOR DAY. B_ riolit! 1 4 1 A914, i ~MYerP99ii i NOW Xork April /9 Lilt - 001/W! ...... ~Leiyerpoul., How York limn 19 Borussia— Southampton ..New York. April 23 Nova Sconan..... Liverpool. Quebec April 24 China ... . Liverpool.. New York April 20 Hansa .Southampton—New York - April 30 Rim. . L.1.,,,re001,,,New York, 'Lpril iie Anglo Saxon Liverpool—Quebec May 1 Niagara Liverpool—Boston May 3 G Eastern... Milford Haven.. New York. May 0 Hattinumia....bout haMPtell... Now York ...... ....Hay 7 &ma ...,..Livorpool..l , lew York .... May 10 *** The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the let. 11th and 21st of each month. !RATLINE I 1 TELLItiEI'4U.IS. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 6, 1862 BUN RISES 4 55-SUN SETS 6 58 HMII WA.2.2.11. . . .. ' TV", ........ Si• ARRIVED Ittig Loango, Evans, 18 days from fit Jago do Cuba, with sugar to G W Bernadou & Bro. Three pasoongont, itrig modeleo, 75.00. - , 24 days days from Dlogrilf with logwocd, &c. to D B Wetzlar & Co—vessel to J Buz's). & Co. Left whaling ochre Eleanor B Couwell, liiiburn, of Prowincetown, 23 months out, with 59 bbls sperm oil; Bunco, Goodspeed, of Provincutown, and Es• lolls, Snow, do do_ Brig Lauretta, Brown, 15 day■ from Cardenas, with molasses to Stewart, ("arson & Co—Towel to J B Bailey & Co. Brig J Means, Wells, 10 days from Sedgalek, Me, in Lalla.k to 11 A & Q. Saw Jas iiatterthwaite, Maloy, 8 days from Cardenas, with sugar, nolasses, and honey, to Stewart, Carson & Co. Four passengers. Left barks Almonier. Lamptior, for Falmouth, B, Idg; Young America, for New York, do; Thorsso, for Philadelphia, to sail April Elth. Schr Marcia, Munroe, 8 days from Boston, in ballast to E A Solider dt Co. Schr Jas Logan, Smith, 4 days from Salem, in ballast to captain. Sebr W G Bartlett. Connelly, 10 days front Pork Royal, in ballast to Tiler, Stone & Co. Schr L S Levering, Corson, 6 days from Boston, in bat_ last to captain. Selz Lewis Mulford, Doyle, 5 days from Newborn, NC, in ballast to bler, btone & Sete E W Pratt, Nickerson, o days from Boston, with mdse. to Twolls & Co. Behr Harriet Ryan, Staples, 4 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twella & Co, ScSr G W Cummings, Whel4p) 5 4116 from Fortran Monitic, in Pollan to captain. Sclir George Hoffman, Jones, 5 days from Fortress Monroe, en ballaet to captain. Rehr Annie Gibbon, Russell, 1 day from Salem, NJ, with corn and oats to Jaa L Bender At Co_ Steamer C C Alger, Fenton, 35 hours from Alexandria, with Raise to nos Webster, Jr. tteamcr Major Ilaybold, Robeson, 23 hours from De laware City. Passed cff Chester bark Elf, from Rio, and brigs Anglo Saxon, front pieeaina, and Calmuck, from Palermo, comitg up. ItrrueNge.—The brig Maria Wheeler, Wheeler, which sailed on Saturday for. Key West, returned yesterday morning leaky. 13he will go capon the marine railway for metre, which will oct detain her more than two days. 611 e will Lot dieutiargo her cargo or coal. , OLKABBD Shin B L Lane, Dryer, Liverpool, T Richardson & Co. OW Zero% McGoaaglo, Loatiousiorry, R Taylor di go. Barg Yowl's - inn. Lunt, Slip Mond, B A bowler it 00. Brig J ?deans, Wells, East Boston, L Audenried & Co. Bar L S /omen, Corson, Boston, Wannamakor Maxfield Schi L Mulford, Doyle, Beaufort, Tyler, Stone dt Co Octkr St•mefs Logan, amlth, Salem, 5 lenlto, (Correspondence of the Press.) BEADING, May 2 The following boats from the Union Canal ropmil inup the *Mon ihiii (i , 9444.1 to del, Pound to EMiagelpilia, laden and consigned as follows: I) A Albright and S W Edgar, iron ore to E & G Brooke' Winnebago and 'Endeavor, grain to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wxights J 0 Eederhoff, lumber and bark to T Peterson & Co- Sarah Kuhr ' blooms to It Li Qtbbone l Wilmington, Del MEMORANDA Ship New England, from Sicily , ' reported for. Philadel- W., was spoken ink last, lat dd 20, long f 4. Ships Frank Boult,y Morse, John Leslie, Given, and Emily Augusta, Strickland, for Philadelphia, were load ing at Liverpool 19th ult. Ship Clyde, Perry, wan' loading at London 19th ult for Ship Samna'', Rowland, hence for Liverpool, was spoken 11th ult, Ist 45, long 41. Ship Frigate Bird, Thompson, from Knrrachee, at Deal 19th ult. and sailed for London. Rhin Wm Chamberlain, Jennhiaa, sailed from Cribra6l - 6th ult. for Beaton. - Bark D Co!den Murray, Van Name, hence for Key Weet, was secken 26th ult, lat. 35 05, long 7314. Bark Linda, Hewitt, at Matanzas 16th ult. from Port land. Dark Vigo, Thurlow, sailed from Cienfuegos 22d ult for Philadelphia. Bark Ariatidea, Kohlmann, hence, arrived at Antwerp 18th ult. Bark Corinthian, (Br) Petera, sailed from Cardenas 26th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig J 1) Lincoln, Webber, for New York, sailed from Cardenas 23d ult. Brig Want, Allen, for Philadelphia, entered out at litwcaelle 13th tilt, Brig Glare Pickens, Bich, hence, arrived at illatanxsa 22d ult. Brig Walter Howes, Amesbury, cleared at Boston 3d Inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Argue Eye, .I,llrlccll9ll, at Cardoso 17th ult. from Newcastle. dcbr, Wm L Burroughs, Bickford, from Liverpool, at Cardenas 20th ult. NOT/CE TO MARINERS. TO NASTEIM OF COASTINCi YESSELS.—Masters Of coastirg vessels, especially of those coming from Maine, with small cargoes of wood, egge, ac, are cautioned against neglecting to have manifests of their cargoes in rt tidiness on their arrival at Boston, to exhibit to the offi cers of the revenue cutters stationed in the harbor, as they ate liable to be boarded, and, if found without mani fests, their papers are taken from them and deposited at the Custom Mouse, and not delivered until a fine of from $lO to $2O is paid. HOTELS. CLIFTON HOUSE, NIA( -Alt A FALLS, (Canada Hide.) —This first-class Hotel, fronting the American and Horee-Shoe Falls, will open fur the eeason on THURSDAY, the 15th Instant. Parties wishing board by the week can be accommodated with cottages, or rooms in the house, on most LIBERAL Thumb. (=muses meet all trains at 611E100118DM Bridge Station. Fare to House, inducting bridge toll and baggage, only 25 cents. JOSLIN dr WINKLER, Proprietors. Niagara Falls, Nay ];lB62.myfulit STEVENS HOUSE, (LAVE D.ELMONICO'B,) No, 26 BROADWAY } NEW TORR. Five minute's' walk from Fall River boat 1104114, Chambers street, and foot of Cortland street. Welk. Sol GEO. W. STEPHENS, Proplektr. A. CARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, bate of the GIRARD HOUSB, Philadelphia, have imme_d, for a term of . yeatn i WILLAIWO /May to Waehington. sr bey take thin ogi , awnon to Mont to then old Meads and customers many thanks for pant favors, and beg to wore them that they will be most belly Is Nee them In their new Quarters. BYKIB, OBADWION, 00 . WAANINLIMOIL Jr& IL IBM O PENING OF A SUMMER GAR x_." MM.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the Dublin that ha hen timed for the million hie FINE GAR DEN and HOTEL, at the toot of COATES Street, oppo eile Fairmount Park. Fin:unite are particularly invited. Ice Cream, Cakes, excellent Lager . Beer of Baltz'a brew ery, Wines, B:e., always on hand. lIENHY PRIMA, tuv3-3m TWENTY. SEVENTH and COATES Ste. aAll DEN VASES. —Ornamental NA Terra Cotta Garden Vases, warranted to stand the Weatherin any climate. Thou owe are made 6 beau tiful deeigna, and all size., from 1 foot to 3 feet high, with a variety of pedeetale, round and sonar°, from 1 foot to 4 feet high. No decorations add so much to the natural beauties of a Garden, and at Kt little cost, al • few Tame filled with flowering plants. Illuetrated Oats. wipes bent by mail on application. It A. HARRISON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street MORG.&N, ORB, & STEAM ENGINE BUILDEBB, Iron Pounders, and General Machinists and Boiler Maker, No. 1210 OAL LOWHILL street... Philadelphia. felMs HARMONY SHERRY Pets dale in bond, by CHAS. E. OARBTAIRS. man Nn. 776 WALNUT AL and 21 GRANITE Rt. COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CAN VAO, of all members and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all desorlplions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Mao, Paper Blanufactwers , Drier Felts, from Ito feet wide. Tarlianling, Bolting, Bail Twine. &o. JOHN W. illitillieiterk s Con mrd- 101 491(113 Auer. THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1862: 625. NEW SPRING GOODS. 625. C. SOMERS & SON, CLOTH HOUSE, No. 69.5 CHESTNUT STREET, UNI)XIt JAYNR'S HALL, Have now in store, and are receiving constantly a large and desirable aesortenent of CLOTHS, CA SS IMERES. COATINGS, BILK MIXED AND PLAIN. Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, and ad goods adapted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. mscLint 1024 URESTNIIT STREET E. M. NEEDLES Would eon SPECIAL ATTENTION Ta his anortrovnt of WAIto Caw adapted lo the requirement. of the & resent soon PLAIN, PLAID, AND STRIPED J A CONETS CAMDRICS, MULL. NA IN:100KS, SWISSES, FRENCH MUP.LINM, PILLOW, SHEETING, AND SHIRTING All Yarietiog and novclttem in the above a LACE CCODS, EMBROIDERIE HANDKED. CHIEFS AND VEILS, R AP.SON'S, CORNER OF EIGHT)" AND CHERRY STREETS, NARROW BUGLE GIMPS, BLAOII BILK LACER, BELT RIBBONS. ALL COLORS, NARROW SILK camps, NARROW' RIBBONS, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS, CHEAP. PAI22RIDOE AND CIIINCHIL.44 41 , 14 T ZEPHYR. One lot of PARTRIDGE WORSTED, and all the lead tng colors, at 12,46 Ceuta per hank. RAPSON , S.TRIBIMINGS Ae ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER WORTH AND CHERRY STREETS. C • LOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN THE CUTE AT IVENS de Ey, 24 SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST STOOK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOMEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, ME MOST SUPERB TRIMMINIa THE NEWEST STILES, THE BEST WORK, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY. • AT IVENS & CO. '9, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET mh26-3m elLoAK.s.—lf you want the best value V for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 Borth EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh2B.3m CLOAKS ! A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS RE kelatl, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the very beet manner, at prices that defy all competition, AT TITS PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. mh26-3m NEW CLOAK STORE ! Tim mon clogaut for:ion - moat In ills clly. mh2B-3m NEAT FIGURE DOUBLE-FACED BLACK SILKR_Junt from Ana.low. Wholesale h6E Caeli !Divers will find cheap and desirable goods in our mock. CURWEN STORDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St , above Willow. x,141 _FANCY DRESS SILKS, 50 ets. Fancy Dress Silks, 563( cts. Fancy Dress Silks, 62X cts. 141k.61' Dross Silks, 71. cts_ With a largo stock of superior grades, at reduced prices DU.RW E N STODDART R BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St., above Willow. any 3.3 t NEW SPRING PRINTS, CHOICE STYLES. MERBIALACS, 13PROVN, reeiriv, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS. A large lot best styles and fast colors at 10c. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., mhls-tf N. W. cor. EIGJ3TH and MARKET Ste PLAIN BAREGES. Good quality, solid color Baregee. Crose•over Bareges, and thin singe, Being a large auction lot received, A t half a the uolua Printed Bareges at very low rates. SHARPLESS BROS, FRENCH LAWNS. A full ekonlz of Line and Organdie°, Neat, medium, and rich deaigne . SHARP LESS BROS., OBBSTRUT and BIGHTH Street , SILK MANTLES AND . BACQUES. Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk Seams. Elegant new styles. Light Cloth Smite& SHEFIVERD'S PLAIDS,4 New lots, bargains, 12%, 15%, and 25 cte. Plaid Mozambiques, very desirable. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Mixed CaeeiMeree end Coatings, Light colors fancy Varelmeroth 6.4 Mixtures and Melton& Cloth goods for little fellows. - BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS. (lqw ST4liTi) runt-mon soap made Nernaeutil, style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boys' suite made to order. COOPER & CONARD, P. N. coreer EMT!' earl AIARBBT Streets. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK SlLKS.—Having made large purchases of small CHECK SILKS tarty in the ileum, we are still able to sell Item at the old prices. Black ard White Check French Silks. Gray colored Check French Silks. Black and White India Bilks. Brown and White iutlin silks. we also offer the GREATEST BARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS. Beautiful Silks from 50 cents to $1.50. 4,000 yards Plain Dlosambiques at 25 cents Theee goods have a very rich lustre, looking very much like silk, and are wawa - A*oly cheap, travinis vat az cents to import. 1 case Earegee a Chenille, and 1 case Baregea a Broche at 25 cents, worth 40. I lot all•eilk GRENADINES at 25 cents worth 62. Thiel 15 the CHEAPEST tot of Goods /If Tule CITY. 1 lot Node Veils at 76 canto. H. STEEL & SON, ttpBo No. 71$ North TENTH Street, above Coates JAS. B. CAMPBELL & Co.; WHOLESALE AND BEFALL DEALERS, 727 .CHESTNUT STEEEP, Have opened thie day, Bonnet's Black Taffetas, Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Tbilisi, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Marquilise. Lupin's beet black Bel ages and Bombazines. Bleb Plaid blozambiques. Lupin's beet black, white, and high colored phalli. Organdies and Jaconete, grieeaile grolinde. Cacbemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Saline, Ac., Ac. apl6-11 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, SECOND DOOR ABOVE ARCH, UP STAIRS. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &o. The C;eitartnerehip ikeretotore exierting besweet RAUFMAN & LONNERSTADTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under ligned respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all the vip-stalre rooms of HO. 108 NORTH EIGHTH fiTHEET, ABOVE ABOH. To continue the manufacturing o all kinds d DRESS, OLOAK I AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, CORD HEAD NETS, Of All aa..4p00.., And will offer inducements in price and quality, as well as prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper. Seining to hie line. WM. LONNEBSTADTER, ay4-2m] No. 103 North 'EIGHTH Street, ab. Areh. NIINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. Black and White Neat Plaids. Brown and White Neat Plaids. Black and White Shepherd'a Mae, Blue, and Green Plaids. aty2B-ff BYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH & ARCH 72 1 rro e/XS STRIPE FOUL ARDS m Auction , Small Stripe Foulards. Gray Stripe Foulards. Neat Stripe Foulards. 1101.tf BYRE di LANDIILL# FOURTH dt LINENS AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. —RICHARDSON'S and DUNBAR DICKSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the manufacturera direct, and anarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, I ARRISON, apl9-rp tf 1008 CHESTNUT Street POPLINS, POPLINS, POPLINS Black and White Ohene Poplins, 37% cis. per yard. Black and White Plaid Poplins, 31 cts. per yard. Black and White Striped Poplins, 31 ctn. yer yard. Rich Chem Poplins, 62% cts. per yard. Rich Striped Poplins, 62% cis. per yard. Silver-mixed Poplins, 50 cts. per yard. Wholesale net cash buyers will find cheap and desirable goods in our stock. COMEX OTODDABT Et BROTHER, 450, 433, and 404 North SECOND St., above Willow. mys-emtu3t CLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILL/A— Duller is want of the starve articles will find it lo their advEuttan to visit the old established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. us North NINTH Street, below ARCH. The latest Parts Styles always on band at prices that &koala.' everybody. api-ato GAUZE BUMMER - BLANKETS.- The subscribers have received an invoice of then very desirable goods, in One quality, at last season's price. SHEPPAIM TAN HARLINGEN ; & ARRIgON. aplil•rp tf 1006 CHESTNUT Street. NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilac. Plain brown Poniards. one yard wide. Planes, white ground and bommets of °hints °okra. Wool De Laines. choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De Lalnes, for children. A large assortment of Gingham!, at 12%, 20, and 26 cents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Moths. Small figure dark brown Mohair!, choice. Shepherd',, Plaids, from 18% to 50 cents. Bilk and Wool Poplins in great variety. at JOHN H STOKES', No. 702 MUM Street. N. B.—Good black Silts, 57%, 11, and 11.12%. Vail and examine our 51.12 m black Silks. mh2ll 20 riacewv;s,LinatjHOI rowt ..gCß4,4lrrt RITE' EYE_ a% No. 511 SPRING GAUEN bleat. [5596.1[ RETAIL DRY ROODS. =EMI VERY LOW . RATES. Alen: A Cloiro Assortment CHESTNUT STREET OFFER TO THE LADIES No. 29 South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut FOR. SALE AN!) TO LET. To DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known an the "PHcENIX," and formerly owned end /mangled by SCAM- ErIVII. Esq., rituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAOI and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capanity SOO bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and ammo modsEng tonne, Is in good running order, and lam ill the modern improvement*. An Artesian wellon the pro mises furnished an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCHE & CO., No, loll) MARICIIII Street, Philadelphia. fe22-dif TO LET—A very desirable three gory BUICK HOUSE, with extOtNivA double threa story back building, with all the extra modern ini prove- Meats, situated 1126 Callownill street. The lot is 140 feet deep, to Carlton street, giving a tine garden .with armoury, &e To a immanent tenant Lim rent will he low. A poly to It V ANS WATRON, No. 1G Sonth FOURTH Street TO T— A convenient .Owel " hag. Sauthanat annior a T WEN PY-SVIOND and GREEN at,Let.. Apply' to J A NES ORMSON, ap:3o-6t 23 North VOUR.TII Street. gi FOR SALE OR TO LET—Your BEA Houses, on the west side of BROAD Street, below CONIIIII4II avenne. Apply at the eonthweet corner of /UNTIL 111111 SANSO6I Streeth. mh2641 git TO LET.- COUNTRY STORE and FORWARDING WAREHOUJE, Lumber and Coal Yard ; good railroad aiding, &c., in a tiret•rate busineee locality, and wealthy , ueighbothinal. Situated on the Central Founeylvarda Railroad. For further par _ Uvular:4 of FIT Iv ap2t3 di FOR SALE OR TO LET.-A pleasant house in the suburbs of Media, nearly an acre of ground, abundauce of shade and fruit. Rent low. ripply at kW. 151 001:ITI1 FOUBTLI otrialigr, second story. ap`26-1m ETO LET—A beautiful COUN _ TBI-PLAVA of 10 acted, on the wed tilde of ruOliT.dtreei roan, above Bart lane. within ten mt. mites' walk of the Frankfort] and Southwark passenger care. Poneerion early in April. A DDIY at the south wear corner NINTH and SANSONE, second story. Ulla* tf FOR SALE-A DEEIRABLE FATIM, containing 80 acme-12 timber, t he balance in the highest state of cultivation. [Runic on a line of railroad, hvo minutiae walk from a station, (Mentor comfy, IS miles from the city. Largo Wilt flrnt•elaoa imrrovemc•ats, tenant's house, mthhltA, I:trga barn, run • ning water, spring-house, balls, Ace. Tenn,' easy. A may to 1113 3 gig TO EXCIJANGE- AIONTOO - FARM, containing HO anr. , a-14 votalland, the balance in a good a4denf clilLivittitm. Good and submantial stoup imeruirenientii, For furtliu particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, niy3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. EPVVATIO.AIALi, THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY, at West Cheater; Pa., within two hours' ride from Philadolphia, will commence the Summer se siom of full five months—the seventeenth eysaion under the di rection of its present Principal on the first of May next. Bats and young men are thoroughly prepared for College or business. Eight gentle. men of tried ability and experience constitute the corm of inetroctore. The French. German, and Spanigh lan perigee are taught by native resident teachers. The De partment of "Military Tactics" is in successful operation, under the cleric of a competent instructor, without, in the least, interfering with the legitimate objects of the school, while the individual student is not required to connect himself with it. Catalogues 'containing WI information may be obtained by addreesing the Principal, 'WILLIAM F. wvints, A. M., tiplo.lbotrobir At writ °swam, rt.. y'IL.LAGE GREEN SEMINARY In a beautiful and healthful village, throe miles from Media. Pupils rscsived at any time for the sum• Boarding per week s2.2ti. Thorough course in the Mathematics. Languages, I:nglish Studies, and all the branches usually taught. Boys prepared for College or Business. REV. I_ BEYVVY RARTON, A. M. ab24.lm Vlllaee Green, Ddawara Co., Pa uOL!►IESBURG SEMINARY FOR 1..1 YOUNG LAUIES.—The duties of this School Will be resumed. after the Easter holidays, on the 26th of AFILIL. For circulars, reference& doe., address the Mesa CIELSPAIAN, Principals, holmesbnrg, Pa. spill-Im* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TnE FIIIM OF HESS & LEHMAN in this day dipsolved by mutual consent; the busi ness will be settled by CIIAS. LEHMAN, JR., who is alone authorized to nee the name of the late firm in 11.,u1- dation. JOHN J. 11E38, PHILADELPHIA, May 2, 1262 rITA S. LEHMAN, trit WILL CON ILJ tinue the business, at the old stand, No. :VS North SECliNto Street, Philadelphia. ray3-31.* DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER.. SIIIP —Notice is hr reby given that the Copartner ehip heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of TAW & BEER is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by I !MARCY& TAW, Who is alone authorised to nee the firm's name in liquidation. ABRAHAM TAW, WILLIAM A. BEERS. April 24,1812. ap3o- fit* E11,311.1.1%—the dersigeed have this day formed a Copartnership un der the name and style of JONES, WARNER, Se CO., roe the transaction of a General DRY GOODS Jobbing business, at 240 MARKET Street, GIDEON F. JONES, RICHARD O. WARNER, DAVID C. GOLDEN. APRIL 21, 1862, Rpl2-I.2t* PRO! OSALS. ARMY CLOIHINU AND EQUI PAGE OPTION, PHILADELPHIA, May 1, 1862 PROPOSALS will be received at this offize. until 12 o'clock on TUESDAY, the oth inst., for furnishing, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, 20.000 Felling Axe. handles. of 'Wand hickory, &mat to the sealed Pimple at this office. Loco Wall Tents and flies. The tents to be made of 28XX•inch 12. ounce, and the flies of 283 i-inch 10-ounce Cock, either cotton or linen. 2,000 Sides, or, ae UDDer Leather, firet•claas, oak. 1611D4(1, from slaughter hides, well Dinned, and to mea sure 14 or more square feet to the side. 25,000 . lbs Sole Leather, best quality, oak-tauned, from Buenos Ayres or La Plata dry bides, to weigh 14 or 149r9 P 9111140 tO tbo aide, BM will be received for the whale or tiny part et the above, and the shortest time for delivery must be stated. Bids will be endorsed w Proposals for Axe-handles," "Wall Tents," or "Leather," and to be addressed to G H, O.IIOBIIAN, 131) 2 , 4 t Deputy Q. AL Eleneral. P ROPOSALS fOR SMALL ARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES SERVICE. ORDNANO6 MICE, Washington, D. C., April 29,1862 PROPOSALS will be received by this Department until 43 P. Id. on the evening of the Dth of May,156:4, for . manalintumg, is ItIO §tEtt9th Or Win Gyrorargol44, within one mar from tnat date, the following danorlytion of arme, viz : Epriogfield Billed Muskets, model 1855, Harper's Ferry Rifles 7 with sword bayonets and steel Scabbards, model lBf.§. ruech-lottaius Vato'ines, for cavalry. Bevolver Pistols, army size. Sabres for light cavalry. Non- commissioned Officers' Swords, steel scabbards Musicians' Swords, Steel Scabbards for rifled mrtairerk bayoneks. Proposals will state-- . . for pvuOcets and ri f les, the price for 20,000 of either. and the reduction propoi,ed, per gun, for each additionai 34,444 W 29)04 For revolvers and carbines, the Kind proposed, anti the price for 5,000, and reduction, per plAtol or carbine, for each additional 5,000 to 20,000. For sabres, swords, and scabbards, the price of each of the pro,..criced patterns to the number of 5,000 each, and „1.,,„ f or additional 5,000 to 9.0,000. . . All the fire• arm: are to i.e furnished with the regular appendages. The riris;il muskets are to be in all respects identical with that inantsctured at the U. S. Armory, Springfield, Massachusetts, sun are to interchange with it, and with each in all that...met& Each of the other kinds of fire-arms must also interchange with one another in the same manner. The materials for these arms must be of the very best quality, and no malleable iron parts will be allowed to be used. All the articles must he subject to the inspection prescribed by the Otdnance itegulatione, and must he boxed, ready for transportation, at the expense of the contractors, in such manner as may be directed. In spections will be made at the factories in lots of not lees than 1,000 each. Propoeals will elate the name of the eatabllehment making the offer, the number and date of the first de livery, and rate of delivery monthly thereafter. Failure to make a delivery at a specified time, or any attempt to Introduce malleable Iron or other inferior material into the work, will subject the whole number of- arms con tracted for to forfeiture, at the option of the Department. The Department reserves to itself the right to reject any bid, and will consider none made through any agent, broker, or batty, other than the regular manufacturers, . . . Proposals will be addressed as follows: General J. W. RIPLEY, Cbief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C.;" and will be endorsed " Proposals for Muskets," or rifles, tabree, he., as the case may be. myl•theiktuTt L pa NATIVE WINES. STRICTLY PURE JUICE EP TEE GRAPE-THE MOST. DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EVER OFFERED TO TILE rvnia. ~. ,• ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DIALER IN FIND GEOOEBIDEI, sp26.tt CORNER ZLEYNNTH AND VINE STS (!HEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT- Na TER I only 12 ate. per pound, at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. mh26•tf •M' LARD,-79 farces prima ket— ll U e•rendered Leaf bird, for sale by 0. C. BADLICR de 00., mb2o.tf 103 ARCH street. 2d door abovo Front. DBLS, GOOD COOKING BUT TER for sale very ohm at No. 312 SPRING GAB DEN Street mh2s-ff CHEESE. -150 boxes fine Herkimer County Chasm, for AAIA by C. O. SADLER & 00., mh2O-tf 108 ARCH Skeet, 2d doer above Front. VERY CHOICE WHITE RYE yLveli. only 2,1 cis. per Deundr at 00. 812 DYEING GARDEN arrest. ruh36-tf CANDLES. Chemical Sperm Candles, for ode by JAIIBMTCHE LAVERGNE, 202 sod 204 good, PILONT thror. mhl4 VINE G AR—French White Wino vinegar, for rale by JAIIItETCHE & LAVERGNE, mhll Nair aoa mot .404 9ba46 FRONT Skt a! QARDINES.—A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES S. OARSTAIRS, ars 128 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Stmt. MESS PORK.-250 bbls Mess 'Pork, for nle by O. (J. SADLER & mtk2o-tf HS ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. TP YOU WANT GOOD POUND BUTTER, go to 8. Z. GOTTWALB', No. 812 SPBIEII2 GARDEN Street. 4W/541 SALT. -2,000 sacks Ground Alum 6a10; 21,000 bushels do, do., do.; 4,000 bushels Turk's IsMud do., in store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. my 3 FRESIi ROLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., rmetred mats tic t 3. Z. GOTTWALD', ro). OrBOG CLIBDIN meet. 1026.14 rurr ur, No 309 wALNUr Street E. r•r: rr. T. No, 309 WA I,NUT fitrott CHAS. Ja RAILROAD LINES. 186' ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORE LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'8 LINES FROM en /La /7n/whim TO NSW YORE AND WAY PLAOES. WILL LICAVE AB FOLLOWS-VIZ rasa. Ate A. M., via Can' ;don and Amboy ? 0. and A. Ac commodation El 9i At I A. M., via (laden and Jersey Oity, (E. J.) Accommodntion 9 95 At B A. M., via Kensington and Jersey Oily, Horning Mail s 00 At 11 A. DI , via Konnimpton and Jersey City, Western Expriss 2 00 At 12. M P. M., via thunden mid Amboy, Accommo dation 2.; At 2 P. El., via Otunden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- pruwi 8 00 At A Wu Chundan and Jorktuy (114, Expreria At 4 P. Id., via Camden and iiirauy (My, 21 Olaan Veil et 221 At Ox P. hl., via Kennington and Jena), City, Evening Nell: a 00 At 12 P. 11.. via Kennington and Jersey City [South, ern Mall 3 00 At b P. M., via (Jimmie,' ani Amboy. Accommoda tion, (Freight and eammengtir)—let (lama 'ricknt.. 2 26 20 (Amami 1 20 The 12 P. M. Bouillon. Mull rood dolly ; till °llion Hai.- dayo oureptiA. For Water Oftp, Stroultehurg, Scranton, Wllkannarra, Montrone, (3r61.1. Hand, kc., at 6 A. M. from Walnut ncrrl t Whnif, vI4 Ilnlnwnfa, lisukawskrinti, arid WintOrti atturcati For Mauch (amok, A linntown, Both'Noun, Ilnlvidnro, Baaton. Land iortvil 16, Iflnolington, kn., at A A. M NIA 2,ti P. M., hr,m Wah,o,..r,tre.t W h.trf A • M. Clue connectio with (ruin bowing feuditoti for Illitunh Chunk 9.:21$ P. Id .1 For Mount Holly, ist 6 A. M.. 2 And 4 P. id Far Freehold, at 6 A. M., Mot 2 P.M. WAY 11.11A426. For Brietol, Trenton, Km, at A 111111 I 1 A M and fi, M 1.40, and 12 P. M. Iron] Kennington, and 11% P. M. from Nxl uut_Mtreet wharf. For Driatol, and Interuaalleto ■bttloua, at Lig A. M. from Ken,ington Dopot. For Palmyra, Itivorton, Milano°, Dovorly, Florence. Dopiontown, aim., at 12,4, 1,4, 6, and 4)4 P. fa, Slouribost TRENTON for Itatilimthwa Ii dist(' ntatlona at 2)( P. M. from Wal a tit•ortroot wharf. . PO' Nor New York, unit Way Linor honcho. iliooulog , too Depot, take the corn on fifth ntroet, above Waloot, halt an hour banora departure. The cant ran Into the Donor, and on the arrival of oath train ran Iran thili Depot. Fifty Ponnelai Itaggehip, only nilow. l Awl) , Pawenawr. Pawmagerm aro proisitated fr teeing noythlog aa hap. 64P hllt t t lelL wowifng Ivivel, 611 itafffialf9 TM! Mir pornaln to My paid for nutria. Thin rlouspany Waif renpunnilallty for lattcpagn d, Coln Dollar tarn Vooorl, fto , l will not fan liable for fitly Moonlit lotryorol >t PA, errr.r.7,4 by ?modal r/.710.411. ro.lf Ml;llll;llv'AI ...... ...... T A It .ItA N :7i V.FVF.IV/Zik4:F. - 17 SELTZJKIt A L'Ef 111i17 701 , 40FMC CIO Reveler rcri'siit7 rl aeived the meet :ever - et/1e mcworro,lelati,rot MEDIC L awl thA man EFFICIENT AN - 11 AGYMIA ULM SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect In BiHems and Febrile Diseases, Costiveness_ Sick Headache, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Iroliges- UVP, AcidlVof !ho Stomach. Torpidity of the Liver, gout, fthitumatio Affections, Gravel, Piles, AND ALL COMPLAINTS WFINAH A GENTLE &ND COOLING APERIENT OR PUR., GAIIVR 1g REQUIRED- It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Bea and Land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persona of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Manton will find It A valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It is in the form of a Powder, carefully pet np in bottles to keep in any climate, and merely requires water poured upon it to produce a dem lightfdl effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily increasing popularity for a aeries of a .eiies, ot .00pf s . g ooraely ita elgoooy 00.1 46 , i/4141,10 character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent Manufactured only by TARRANT ‘T.. - CO., No, Zl'in INNEENITICLI Strong curlier Warren et NEW YORK, ap2l.ly And for sale by Druggists generally. WONDERFUL 6OIENTIFIG DlN covitay OF PROF. C H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. rwmlimr=mnmnmmwymwn The difference between fact and ftc tion, of permanently curing the sick and suffering of their diseases, or adver tising to cure and Elbowing but little or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, by attentively reading the following synop sis of certificates born the moat reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOLLES, 1220 WAL NUT street, and after they had been given up as incurable by the most eminent medical men of this city: Judah Lovy, Bronchial C0111011:110011; 814 South Front stmt. Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dye. pereia of long standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1833 Helmuth street. Alexander Adaire, Inflammatory Sheumatiem, Lam. bago, long atanaiug,l3lZ tfarery area, Nightatintli ward, Kensington. William IL Shaine, Paralysis of the lower limbs, (Paraplegy,) and Epilepsy, 110 South Twentieth street J. J. Bailey, Laryngitis ? Dyspepsia, and Lumbago, 219 tla t tritet etrevi. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lunge and Diabetis, American Hotel, Philadelphia. Charled L. Jones - , Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 528 Arch Ilikbet. - - - James Nugent, Deafness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streak!. George G. Preeberry, Chronic Bronchia, and Catarrh, formerly - proprietor or the Girard Goose. E!M6MiiMMM George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, Jong standing, 333 Market street. E. T. De Silver Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Illeuto 17:16.'Cla6sttut. C. U. Carndch, Chronic Dyspepsia, and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Chestnut and Fortieth streete. Ilarrold, Bronchitis and DißeeBo of the Kidneys, 49 Pouth Third street. B. P_ M. Tuker. Obrenie. Dywroda, and Kidnap No saga, 1822 South Fifth street. James P. Groves, M. D..,10ng standing and severe Lum bago, 216 Pine street. Xdward McMahon, Corisnmptlon, 1227 Front street. Stanford Stillwell. Conneetionef the Brain and Ohmsla Dyspepsia, 1526 Palmer street. Charles D. Cushney, Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy ) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation and Con gestion of the Brain, 518 Callowhill street. Caleb Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of five years standing, 1435 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M. Lanning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave nue. N. 111—In addition to the above cages cured, Prof. U. H. MILLI% has cured two thousand Chronic and Acute cases within less than three years in Philadolphia, all of which cases bad resisted the treatment of the most emi. nent medical men. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. Prof. B. has establitbed himself for life in this city, end his enema in treating the etch ie a eualcient gnartukr tee that he claims nothing but scientific facto in hie nis• (*very in the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutic agent. N. B.—lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Prof, B. bao given & word 9f covitin lA 11l pimplAct f 9 guard them against trusting their health in the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to his discovery. This caution may seem severe on those using B!ectricity at basard, but it is the severity of truth and designed for the good of humanity. crwsuirtation -Free. IfTSee advertisement In another column. TB4 PROF. 0. H. BOLLES, 1 1 10.6-tr 1220 WALNUT Street, rhilekle PURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of physicians and families is called to the superiority of this article. It is rapidly supplanting all other kinds, and all those who have used it give it the moat decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the tranufac turer, Col. HALLOW'S," will show the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Boot is held by those gen titAloll of the medical protemi9ll Who have fully Ml mined it. Oar One pound, 62% cents, or two pounds for I. Complete Instructions accompany each package. show ing how to make the most delicious articles for the table. . . . FOB BALE, WHOLEDALIG AND ENTAIL! MED'S. BRGWE'S DBUO AND CHEMICAL STOSE, N. E. COB. of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streeta, PHILADELPHIA. G.I have examined and prepared Dome Arrow Root" manufactured by Col. Hallowell, of St. Mary's, Georgia. It has the beet quality of that variety of frecula I have met with, being euperior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Boot I hays NOD, **BAIiiIIBL JACKSON, M.D., tab2g-etutb3m **University of Pennsylvania " MRS- JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA TED 13171WQRTM111 YOXI LAP/$O, PO 149 may Cluppertere under eminent medical patronage, Ut iles and physicians are respectfully requested to cell only on Mn.s Bette, at her residence, 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Tholso only nro gonnlne boar-lug the Untied States copyright, labels on the box, and eignatures, and also on the Supporters. with testimonials. oolli-tuthitf G LUTEN CAPSITLEB PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVES OIL, and the inability of many to take it s ud, hag 's auced various forme lef diegailee for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profeeeion. some of stem .o.wer in special canes, but more often the:l:Telltale neutralises the natal effect cf the Oil, proving Quite as unpalatable end of it therapeutic value. The Mimi! Dance, nausea, 80., to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the Dan of our OAPS:ULM COD-LIVES OIL CAPSULE'S have been much need lately hi lump", the experience there of the good ro ndo from their wie in teeth hospit al _ and private practice, aside Trout the naturally suggeste d advouture, two -suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we de for them, feeling assured their me will remit in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER 4e4.4t 1414 VIALI4I:IT &rest Philtulelohle LEGAL. EAEOUTORSI NOTIOE.— LAttAt§ testamentary to the estate of LYDIA ROBERTS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been duly granted by the Register to the undersigned executors of 11CfI!! All ponicing "PtTing any claims at • against the estate of said decedent are required to malts the same known without delay, and those indebted to her are notified to make payment of their several debts to ALGERNON ROBERTS, 410 WALNUT Street ; N. T. CLAPP, NM WALNUT &rout, Executor', opUtu 01* ESTATE OF WILLIAM BINDER, E OTIOE .—Lettera teatamentary on the eatate of WIL LIAM BINDER, decefteed l bavieg been duly granted to the undersigned, all venom; italehteti to oat estate sake payment, and those haying claims - will make known the same, without delay, to J ACOB BINDE R, GEO. A. BINDER, April 7, 1862. Executors, ang-tullt* EL F. ear. SIXTH and OXWO RR Streets. Tz 10 TINA ROOFING., Jur MANTIVACTURRD BY TRH 'UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING 00.11PANY, Ito. 9 GORRlit,OCif, Corner °BEEN and PITTS', Streets, Boston. Mmes. This Portable floating Is the only article ever offered to the public whirl, is ready prepared to go on the roof without any finishing operation. It is light, handsonte, and sail ha Way and cheaply trans ported to any part of the world. It will not /dint or disco/or water running over, or lying on it, and is, in all respects, a very desirablo article. Its nonconducting properties adapt It especially to covering manufactories of various la.& and it is confidently offered to the public after a test of four years in all varieties of climate and temperature, for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, together with cars, steamboats. Its is both cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements are offered. Bend for sample, CirCular, with pal tieniars, to 4 • V. i 3. IioOPINCI CO., lio. 9 GOBS IlLo‘ll, Boston." op:2-I.3na 1862. IN M. M. Oh 7 rilff Ii!, , i A ism, I na BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—From PHU Street, Philadelphia. and LONG Wharf, Boston, &a. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will ise from Philadelphia fore Boston on TUESDAY, May 6, at 10 o'clock A. M. Will leave Boston for l'hilfidolpbill on WEDNESDAY, April SO, at 4 o'clock P. M. Insurance one. half that by sail vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their goods For froigbt or pftelOgO (bOlin !Liltti fwcomm° 4l4l ° ll l for pamengera), apply to HIGN mh2s-U 33VSOWITITNEB°WitMlItnlblk" ma ir ma t FOR NEW YORK. NNW DAILY LINE, via Delaware Wt Raritan Cana/. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat O. pony receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. N., deliver low their ounce in New York tho following 11111. freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, and-tf Piers 14 and 16 EAST RIVER, New York. h ag & FOR BALTIMORR WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND TOP TRESS MONROE, DAILY, . AT . 3 o'ol.ooll P. M., AL nios"s eritt COMPANY, (HRIMSON LINE.) One of the Steamers of this Company leaves the Tenet side of Chestnut-street Wharf daily (Sundays excepted,: "..k ft eAclock P. M., is.larrlims in 1 ai:Imo:0 earl, morning. Freights for Washington and Fortress Menem received and forwarded with all possible despatch, sat are required to be oreceld through. Freights of ail kinds carried at the lowest rated. A. /1118V1113. Jr., Ageot, fAI4-4rnik N. . .itSgnntl, WU 0, PVIIR. BALPA BY a JOHN B. MYERS SG CO., AUCTION. ZIA% Nos.= and 284 MARE= Street. BALS OF BOOTS AIM 80975 THIS Alf 0111RINO, May 8, on four months • credit -1,000 packages boots and atom. BALE OF DAY GOODS ON P IDOR§PAT INOTIMING, M. 7 8, vo ruur months' ortallt... 600 Factotum Brit Sat, French. and Amelia SALF OF CARPETINON. ON FRIDAY DIORNI,9O, May 9, on four months' credit -8.1.4' plecea v*Avek, iirWIERAU, Ingraini Ti man car.. Wine, m^ttlugn, do lIALIC Or DLO CHINO. (IN FRIDAY MORNING, Nay 9, on four moraine cr.lit $4.10 of city-made clutinngi for Opriog nrn4 Intrinier k 7UItNEBEI, BRINLEY, & Co., 429 (1111182INUT 92111111. HALE THlti (71 - KSDAY)II4.(IRNING, MAY b , AT 10 O'CLOCK A CAII.D.—Th. , uttontion of purchasers Is ragnested tf our mho for rash ; of Freluch 111•11111111, May 6, at 10 o'CitAi, by Ctstitlogue,c4ruprinkg a litrwo and deefral.le assortment. Also, French ch:Abl, v..htintes, NO U!N TO RKTAILERS In nat., thin titturrii coluded priult do 8019, Did NON!. 2oon4 1 ) Murk prom de rhino and tairobsw. Park broch.) Howniati, iLud johe fea4rdA. Loudam tit int, chnntbrays, la vellnr, os it de dwmdn , fancy lhareglig 4c, Alwi-nes thi.hihi. LW) 1 , 17.C7:13 PA Itlg Nkyl siyr,F; DRESS 000D3. JUST lAN DIED, Conn Purls 111111,,,,1.10rptl ril nr.nnhlignem, f, .11k ,1„01 ~,,,mnbl./11,94 milk 1401 fill .111 clievre. • -. 7.4 t F1,1141:11 pull du rhnvrn r lanciulon, utift,d L. Mit 4.0.0 t it t THIS 111 °RAMO, lAI corl , JA ,14.4. 2034 miDerlor- .itsillty, and choke r 'Ara r, 11 , ,1,11 tlt; wilt; liuwlut rlidWain, /SALE 01' 151 POJVI Y,I) DRY (i(0/1/3. ft lit 51 , )101 y k, f'qr ,nnle 499 frrti We'? Wiq R4 4 tir Intp•akvl jJYI , Prltualtlf; dr, v 4 Fir Itompi.it ~ 4 141,4, / ra knell /1) , ..rt/I NM of 11,4 I ri f;•••?, I{lR 16!)f1...11Yi1i, /tilt F,ct ih EY1)11 fir.a 112iit.t:Ast. :irk • f.. 1 brel Lop I. 'I(.A) (. Y Y kb( i! Y ((IC 1 .(11..(ALK11 •'•!,•, aaCt r 4 1 i'i it I.= ka:rict,) 1.. So r . I, A ill:WI . ..I:I , . &A. 1=111111!1111:11 tv!e tutwittitij, 7 t' It f;l4 A!le. 4(1 P I I _LP. 1 , k ....... _ Le -00_54 1,111111 ,, .110 ...1.k1.4. "LI 68 do cLoi,, 300 do Err.che lto do 7.4 extra soon . . riTICLIJ Lt rl. r_ T!*_ CO do do E 1611116 cacL!oor de Patti. pA.NCOAST hr. WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS. No. MS 1 2.4ARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP A STOCK OP REIDY MADE CLOTHING, by Oatalottue. Tlll6 .1101:1SING, Nay 6, at 10 o'clock, embracing a general ataartment, w.ravy thc..ii--zati..sk a conntrr Consisting in part of gent's fancy and pain ca,sitnere, entitatt. uhci linen pante, silk and cassiatere mere buciness and black. cloth dress coats, Tenth's cloth in.o7 kc. LAEGA - POSITIVE SALE OF EMBROInERIES, WHITE GOODS, 110SIEb 1 - , LACE MITTS, RIB BONS, 1111LL11s ttY GOObS, &c. by catalogue. ON WEL riESDA7 MORNING, May 7. comnioneing at 10 &elk preelsoly: Included Will be rand. ek— FILLET LACE VEILS, AND POINrs. . 1(0 hits Indies' acd misses' pawing silk fillet mitts. of choice sty Ws, from low to very title goods, full assortment of add. wit.L.fo —lots of Paris pusher lace veils, of choice new rtylss, met landed, and adapted :a first. class city sales. Also, lots Paris silk lace points, of new designs and assorted s. TINIIROIDERIES 4 AND LINEN CAITBIIIO IItiNDKERCHIEFS, AND WHITE GOODS. An involve of embroideries, comprising yaoonet and cambric collars and setts, bands, edgings, and ilouncings, Ac. Also, = X and nent 7 e X linen eambria hmelker: chiefs, Wein abd horn. etlichod. Also, a Rae of databrle and poi:met timeline, nausooke, swiesee, Ac. Also, 200 doe hoopsskirts, tied, medium, and extra wide tape, for ladies, misses, and children's wear ladies' corsets, Ac. BONNET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ac. cartone new and choice styles poult de sole bonnet and trimming ribbons. 100 cartons French artificial flowers, bonnet material, silks, ail laces, blonds. Ito, STOCK OF A CITY RETAIL DRY GOODS AND TRIMMING bTORE. Alto, ON WEDNESDAY 111.010.11NG, Nay 7. the Knife stock of a city retail store, consist log, to prirt, of ~1.-h .-try Lo,fery, glove., lace mutts, lads, embroideries, bonnet and trintroing ribbons, fancy goods, notious, buttons, trircroicgs, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 200 OA.SE3 STRAW GOOI , S, by Coo,logfte. ON FRIDAY 111101iNING, May 9, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. IVEIV YURK. DANIEL 11. BURDETT, AUCTIONEER. 13'BURDETT. JONES, & STORE IU9 WALL STREET, NEW Y 9114. FRIDAY—May 9, At 12 o'clock, at Wall-street salesroom, Corner Front and iWall streets. 'UNITED STATES . GOVERNMENT SALE. PT WOW . »tFA i4PdST the 411nC1i951 yr t 1 tlvA 1341411 NT, Rm.. Collector of the Port. LARGE SALE OF SEA ISLAND COTTON GCO bales superior Fes Island Votton, choice brand'', all in perfect merchantable order. . _ - - - 4J09, F VW' cyrrinf, 114 bales Gulf Cotton, in prime order. The Sea bland cotton may be examined in the bales at the Atlantic Dock store 1;o. 54; and the samples may be examined by catalogues on and after Tuettlay. May 6th, at the Wall ttiet.t Sait•Bic ar, wbeae the Bela will hike samples. The Gulf Cotton can be seen in bale at No. 4 Stone street. New York. Snwrinio, LONDON EXHIBMON--RETURN .L. 41 TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK; Pint. cl ne Second-dam oe. s ift WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION BY STRAIN BETWEEN NEN 12131 1 .8. AND 7.l.v.senPp4r., 141,111P.UP TOWN, (Ireland ' ) to load and eminzk pawn:were wit despatches. The Liverpoo l , New York, and Philadelphia %uses Ads. Company s splendid Clyde-bnilt iron screw steam aidpe Ore leieedea to nal in. follow.i PROM NEW YORK YOB LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO Saturday, April 26,1681, CITY OF 1 , 13 W YORK Saturday, May 3, 1883, And friwy dotarday throughout tilt, ros y from PIKE, No. it N. IL RATES O PASseal THE 0170 1! PHILADELPHIA. iiabln, to Queenstown, or Liverpool... Do. to Lendon, via Liverlool .... rs - zar %%Tu. - 1.:mm.1 or xdrorpool._ ... De. to London fiaf Po. Return ticket', available for 'Mt months. from Liverpool Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Homburg, Bre e. Antwerp at through rat.. Clerrr sad 44o of Damage imowl from Liverpool to See York . .•041" Certificate" of wow homed from Queen/town to New York Sat Them 'Lamm have muserior seeemmadatleei for pas gengers, are eonstructed with water-tight oemparimEEL and carry experienced gurgeone. For freight, or passage, apply at the °Floe of the Oco. pany, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Phßiddell', In Liverpool, to WII. INMAN, Tower Building. In GHaniow, to WM. INMAN, 18 Dixon street. a nts, THE BRITISH AND NORTE AIARRIOAN ROYAL RAIL WIPE. ERBM NEW YORK T 9 Llfylltßrclitb, catif Cabin ilwassie OM* Second Cabin Passage fp FROM BOSTON TO LIYEBPOOL. Older Cabin Passage OW Second Cabin Passage 144 The iddps from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships frem Boston call at Holtfrkx and Omit MN. tor. SCOTIA, Mkt. Judkimi. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Gapt. Lott. atil.A. Oast. Gook. ARAN/A, ORA J. Stone. NITBOPA, Gant, J, Leib% AFBH/A, Vain. rhea.,." CANADA, Copt, Muir. AMERICA, Copt. Noodle. IN lAGARA, Capt. A. Rye AUSTR,t I. ASIAN. Thew vessel' carry a clear white light at mast-bee green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA, M cthmley i lear os Boston, Wednesday, Amite° PERSIA, Lott, 6 . N.York, Wednesday, May T. AMERICA, Stone, 66 Beaton, Wednesday, May 14. CHINA, Anderson, .6 N.York, Wednesday, May 21. NIAGARA, ('ook; 66 Boston; Wednesday; May 2& SCOTIA, Judkins, o N York, Wednesday, Jane I. EUROPA, Moodie, 4, Boston, Wednesday, June 11 PERSIA, Lott, ,1 N.York, Wednesday, June M. Bertha not secured until paid for. An en1624811861t Bream ea board. The owners of these ships will not be aroonntsble Bs gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Prectiona Stomas, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, tad the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas mph apply to N. OUNAND, II BOWLING 11BNIN. New Yost, Or to B. O. A J. G. RATER, 108 STATE Street, Boston. BAY RUM.—A' small invoice of Bay Am, API ifiViTCSit for 840 b 7 CIAO. A. Vet /15TA7515, sip 126 WALNUT Ka OBANITE Eitreeti. Z 3.7:4 MEEREM 11EIZIE ...... C 0 A L.—Lehigh, Locust Mountain, Eagle Yid% and Hickory or beet quality and well If twain, apl2-/mW /011" Vdarlo9WlF/iCI; -streev• C°AIL-THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, whore they Intend to keep the bed duality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the 19wt o p r i cm , Your patro i na s i w s ted. Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. • mhl-tt nAttil - CHARLES BIRNIIA.IIM beg, kw to inform the Publie and bli forme 004- toilets, that be has, in connection with his son, returned Baking, at bit old established stand, No. 1024 PINE street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, and reveal'. fulls Winne A continuance of format , vattnnage4 Breed deity. All avian for Broad and Beeped Rolle attended to with punctuality and despatch , Philadelphia. April 24. 18112. BALM BY AUCTIOR. M,TIIOM.A.S & SONS, . 1.39 and!l4l Louth FOURTII Etftert. STOCKS ANP Ie Etniali.—THlS Ear, r romphlet catalogues now really, Containing mil doe noriptiona of all the property to be sold on Tnear-Nly noire? Ott lan., with a list of galas May 13th and 20th, by order of Orphans' Court, and (Ahern. - PUBLIO d &LIC4I MAX, HUTA= AIM STOfte AT TH2 220tILHGE ON TUICSDAYS. REAL ESTATX AT YILIVATI BALL sr - We have a large meant cr real estate at yetvatir male, including every deecriatioa or city aid cconaizy pirs. PHU, Printed liittn may be had at the Attettee Rare_ LARGE BALL.-MAY 6. RX7RA VA LUA ISLE REAL ESTATE. Our sale °holm 6th of flay, at the Exchanse. will In tinde the following Bret-class property. Desoriptione Mt inthdhillitt now ready. tifiRSTALTT , STREXT STORIL—TII6 Piltiiirlor sod ele!ent brown stone store, reeently °Cent:lied by Moen.. Levy h Co., No. 609 and bll Cheetuet etzeet, 60 by 176 feet. Only *10.006 required in cash. 7 " GluAl w IiOU/P;" 411f0611 wratial To lent ley Tie feet Bale &b. o°lo6. tk1.4)9.001) nifty remain on gronnthrent. ELEGANT COVNTUY SEAT, Chestnut Hill), with stable, and coach house and large Int. One of the hand somest 31311 MOM reenieticet in the Dime, Male TILE FAIR/00411T ROLLING MILL"—LO4,, buildings. machlnory, ke., in full operation. Sala abso— lute, to Clone the affairs of DttrAstoo. C R, !3mlth & Co. Orphans' Cnurt Yale—Platnte of John 9. MitifinOnc't), An undlottbAl ).%17-1,4 h, T WO VAI.LAsSLR bIT/11115, Fr °Tit eirevt, Ylnrkot mud Chentuut ntrettit, No.. 30, 38, 40, and 42. LAtirrit A t) VA Lt'ABLZ LOT AND TWO BRICK DWELLINGb, :qt. a. 405 nod 407 Buttonwood till - 0..00 trot front, TIIBEE.FITOUT MICK DWELLIN4, Thompson eves(. Peremptory tiaIe.—ELEGANT COCNTrty USK. DENCE, with ptable b6d C1)1 , 11-tiounr:, Snmrne• street, 4.7hettaut 100 frwt by 24iS. Aiko, a ntahle and Coach. house. Clear of all inenrobraate, Terma--840034) rvuroin 1,14 wort - WIEN. Onic Akio, n lot adjoiting. 1110 kid on Burn:nit atrrtet, by 244 feet deer. Ternix—Ono.third oath, Silo a , wriato. LAUGH STA BIA sr., 1417 Atch street, wrist of Broad. Lot. 1.1 Jolt rrynh 1.10. ft- -t ,I. Puren.ptory Fate—For account of Trolnitty Fiarlevi yowl and Ittli diow APJOCkti , rli - T ft lA•STOILY DWELLING, No. 91.1 North 81ev4.4,th street, above Poplar. dale abpoliite. Sl4lllO finway - pwraa. INC, No. 71A Noril. tw , ott-third ',treat, south of Clay. ton, Fifteenth ward. Sale aheoluto. Hnino ni - tale.—TilltY.E•riTOltY P. RICH WZIL- I Mj, Corinthian AVVLIIe, north of Brown ttrt•:t, Vlf- Wrnth ward. Emit filialiiiien fimi. 6 6: ht6t6 — l lll UM S Olt itli.v.;.K wrt,L, I t;tl, No. 812 ltrodford street, north of Pine, Se'recitti u'olo kel,dolute Farm,. Y,ht..6te —2 FRA DWELLING., Ord . uard tatitt., bo o lay I.khlw Chtirrh —. thei. LA ROI.: A.'l) 11.1.19 j C.K. N. 2,1 1 bird street, tAtween Wr#lnnt f•pr 1.1 0 a htre.4o. uf•IJ aLake and coach-haaaa on rant }t,c..A. Lot 27 feet trotit, 13J feet deep. dale ab- Yd 9", 11101/15111f LESTDENIJR, bathe:me ./1111.1 and Spruce alreptii, T tvPnty-t,urth ~as. IC6 Aet by 175 fra. 'Three fronta, ht• ELI/ in . ]; NA. 120 Vino atraat 'nir..rr, imnt and 'Around. Lot 20 fag front. Hondo k.k4 t stone' Ei iPL LPN. InfinodiFlqs P09.998 , 11i0n. A %i dtc J.Y ()lir) r:N U. RENT a g5O, at.r.ort-i on • r,ribtaat u.rw r ct Putnam and Howard 0/1111. wELLINr,' AND DuILDIN4 LOTS, I ( :Hl.l. bet we ,,. tr.d TwPoriPt)i, fthd bort!, of Callowhill et. hnh. ht Not nO3 Filbert hitrnet. Si 161.7 ru116111:11,E i riAJCPETS, FILATH2R THIS it rt , at 19 Sa. 1293 Filbert atraet, the lc &rot hitch.n Pirnitaret feather hedth ate,k of a 8 , - .ll7rfiTlK 7iaourttping skir - ` lay Le cxlientog.l at 8 o'clock on the imminent tie tele. gale No, 100 Spruce SUM'. EL - P.E.8108 Rusk wimp, pump f ) INK OIL PAINIII.G.4, TAITATILY CAltiokTs, .1,.. WIDNESDAY MORNING, Mty 7. : T. estalozue, et No. 1003 a m y l " st: soCI kr-Nrior bwkcases, rosewood fine t Heine] (.11 paint:Lg.+. fine tapestry carpet'', Ax. ..kt.o. the litcbtu furniture. Sir May be exaonned at 8 9'e1994 pA Q 9 tavrolOB rjf Sale st Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPFRIOB FURNITURE, hosewtylor) PIANO FORTE, FREW.II PLATE MIRRORS, 11 At4A- Triefir T Udcl DILLIAIit) TABLE, 1.1111163EL3 GAlinirtiLVG. ON TOUR - SPAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, the suporior fund turn, decant rosemied plebe-forte, mirrors, carpets, euverior billiard tilbla, baitattlio talk, aliaudalierm. [tom makes UM:1113111g 11011140kUPIpjf Sale hi Union Pla^e, Pine street. BAVDSOME F1.111.N1 JIBE, 51.11tBOILS, BOOK CASE, TA rzsTitv CA ttoETS, dec. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Elth Met., at iiiWeion; ;ti No. 101 Pine street, the liandeonie parlor fin ulture, superior dining loom and chamber furniture, French•plate mantel and oral mirrors, fine china, fine tapestry carpets, chande tiffs. Ara. Mmy bA #ittitilhed at 8 &clack on tho morning donniefrat Pale—n frith street, above Brown. BOMBS, MULES, CA 11111AGFAI ()ARTS; oANNNwi, Arc, ON BATURPAY MORNING, May 10, at 10 o'clock, in Ninth sueet, above Brown etreei, by older of the ieloduittrators of Jonn W Logan, deceased, two horses, male, family qtrritlßPl thret grutl9 - eina!a tierperr, very i 1 ,111144111 0110Trie, (tot Moo, fire. proof info, office fumy turn, dc. Stle No 39 North Sixte,uth Street. SUPERIOR. FURNITURE, MIRRORS, PIANO, ON littNll-4.11 Slifitl4lMG, 12th insf., at 16 o'clock, at t otih Sixteenth street, by catalogue, the cutlie furniture, line !rosewood 7 pctsve piano.forte, motet. by Wilhelm LC: Schuyler. pair French• plate mantle mirrors, btossels carpets, .Sc. Alan, the furniture. May be eiithtfhttl at 8 a'clodk o the Ertornint of sale. WIMP FORD & Vth, AUOTION- A- ZEUS, BO MARKET and 522 COMMERCE 611 BALE OF 1,000 OASES .. 1100T13, STIOZB, AID BILOGANS ON THORaDAY MORNING, M. 7 g? ". 16 ddoofi, Pt.c19 0 17, wat Os 144, pil catalogue, 1,400 cases men's, boys', and youths' CDR, kip, and grain boots; calf and kip, brogans,. Con gress gaiters, Wellington's slippers, tieeroto ; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip. goat, kid, and morocco 1.001...1 16004., 1:160.36, f pliers, 41p rmei pmE4inp, fr it.clusied in sale will ire found s large and desirable aewrtrrent of firWcises city-male goods. Goodui open for examination, with catalogue* early on the morning of sale. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION bIiatOHANT, southeast corner of 13/ATII and RAMC Streets. TAKE NOTICE Ina hlttheal logaibla bigot. le loaned oil *iitaiti ik W 4. aims' Principal Establishment, southeast corner d Sixth 'Lad Race at:recta. At least one-third more thus at any other establishment in this city. NATHANW 111,INVIPAI. mummy IibTABLIDE. KENT. 280,000 TO LOAN, In large or 1015 n amounts, From one dollar to thourmada t on sllementle, geld and silver plate, watches, Jewdry i marchandiee, clothing, furniture, Deriding, pianos, me goode of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATA. This establishment has large lire and thief-proof safas, for the safety of valuable sows, together with a Fly* 11119btOilfl 911 fir PFVffilialii EBTABLISItED FOE THE LAST SO ynesa, ALL LABGE_LOANS MADE _A! .... VllB, TEM PISINGIPAL ESTABLIEIHMENT." PLUMP 411EATili /INVITVEZ AT PitiVATE SALE. One superior brilliant toned piano.forte, with tholailio plate, soft and loud nodal& Pt ice only 800. One very flue toned piano-forte, price only $5O, AT ?BRAT% NAM AT LZBB THAN HALF USUAL SPORN PRIOIi Gobi and silver watches of every description, from ems dellar to one hundred dollars each, gold Chaim, faohloo kiiigJAMlPY, JA. AIFITZPATRICK it BROTHERS, . Auctioneers, 604 CMESTNIIT Ht.. above Sixth SALE OF STATIONERY Witting tiatol6, eutteloaes of all StYRS had illtallti6M, blar,k books, steel pens, pencils, penholders writing inks, portfolit s ' ou THIS ( Tuesday ) MORNING, May title, at 10 o'clock. an - LA OF FIVOTIGUY, - Neck•lies, hoop altirta, satinets, cape, umbrallaa, heir aud cloth brushem portenionnalea, puma, :to ,on WED /01/113A1C MOldltiG, May 7, at 10 o clock, SAtAt b POURtail tq& 4littfP A splendid collection of over 500 beautiful specimens. Also,,an assortment of fancy goods, on TIIIMADAY 31011 - NING, Blay 8, at 10 o'clock. HALES EYEBT &Vigil/Mb At 7 o'clock. at tho More, 604 Chestnut street, of all kinds of merchandise. Consignments solicited. Outdoor miles promptly attended to. EXPRESS COMPANIES. AT M A P LL O ARTICLES FORR SOLDIERS Should be sent by RARNDEWS EXPRESS, SOT OBESTNIIT Street. They charge only HALF EATER, and Heed daily to Baltimore, Waebington, Fortran* Mon roe. and all other bolnta occupied by our trona@ fe2l-nms NMTILE ADAMS EX. PRESS COMPANY, °Mee 1111 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mn.. ohandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own hoes at in &attention with ether Errirein COMPAtkia, Ali the yirfnaioal Towns and Dines hi M. Milted States. R. S. SANDFORD, Mammal RntbArfntnndeet. UI3AL. ROBERT IL CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, lIKLOW MOND, PHTLAMILPHIA, T M. ROMMEL'S NEW LEHIGH UP • COAL WHARF, No. 959 DELAWARE Avenue, above POPL AR Street a029-Latt HAMPTON'S SPLENDID SPRING Mountain Lehigh Nut. Rainpton'e Splendid Stove Coal. llainptou'il Splendid Beg Coal. Ya lID —Southeast corner FRONT and POPLAR. 1.4.41= 010 THE DISEAKED OF' ALL CLASSES. All sob- onto end chronic dteemee cured by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ard in Mtn/ of a failure no charge k made. Professor DULLES, the founder of this new practice, vrOZ .np,rgn/end iLe • of ell nesse hfettelf A pamphlet tontaining a multitude of mrtillcatee of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men and others will he given to any person free. Lectures era constantly given at 1220, to medical meis' flild 0111rin wits desire a l ia aalta li e armydOc over t in opilying nysilvdtl9 11i91nP,1111 . 0 *P T A' nultnlion Iron. 600.214