THE CITY. VON ADDITNITATs crrr remws, ass wommT/I irmir7.l How THE EVACUATION OF YORK TOWN WAS RECELVED HERE.—Our clients re ceived the rates of the seaenation of VerLiosra very quietly. The strategy of the rebel generals has been so guysterieus of late that few pretend to account for this latest of all movements. and, indeed, it is generally thought that the rebels thaaiselrea }IMP/. 118 V. 111.9 eines ideas as to what they mean to do. A few were fearful yesterday that the evacuation of Tor). tolfn meant the elestruction of Banks. McDowell, or Barnside, but the MN of people took the retreat to be a last desperate at -tempt of the Confederacy to save its capital and She territory of the Old Dominion. Most folk regarded the evacuation as a crowning garland for the wily end wise generalship of McClellan, tut a few of the timorous and doubt:al regretted that the rebel arm}, or a portion of it, was not •smtrappd and captured. It was said in some quarters that the slow movements of McDowell could nom be ex.: vlained, and that be had waited at Fredericksburg in .order to give the rebels an opportunity to evacuate York town, and thus subserve the deeigue of McClellan. Some think that Richmond will now be left unguarded, and that the rebel Cougrree did not make their late exodus .vanautbotizedly. lo view of this anticipated event, the wise ones say, what will be done with Norfolk—will it be .also given up? A hunited speculations engross the 6.,6 all /.41,.e days or the robollion Ara Doing numbered, and that we have the monster upon the .flockneyed and fabled u hip." ARRIVAL OP TRP. REMAINS OF MAJOR •GENEKAL CHARLES F. SMITII.—.OII Setarday af ternoon, about tux o'clock, the body of Majer General •Charles F. Smith reached this city. Major General .smith was a native of Philadelphia, and, at the time of bit death, was in his Ilftf .sivth }ear. tieneral Smith , enntrtietea, while in Moog°, the diseme whin esuet.d his •death at Savannah, Tennessee. During die war with Mexico, the deceased bore it aaliar.t part in the atruualt ale was colourl of the Third regiment of 'Jolted Mates infantry, hrtreited for "gallant mud distinguished eau. alter at the battles el Palo Alto anti Ittvaaa df, la PAina, in Texas, Nay 9th,18 i 6." and again, Ll• for gallAot con duct in the several conflicts at Monterey. in Mexico. on Ihe 21st, 22d, and 231 at September, 1846 i" and, again, 4i for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles at . 4C`..61-erae suud Charubuoco, to etaxico, Aagast iU 2i, 3.847." Elie crowning achievement was at the assault upon Fort Doneleon, alien hie gallant charge at the head of Lis division drove the rebe's from their entrenchmems •ate, For hh. s.e.fc,. 4. ..44.4 he weal Com mussioned Maior Gene] al of Toluxteerm. The remains were received at the passenger depot of -the Pennsylvania railroad, at Eleventh and market streets, on the arrival of the train. Th. body Oinch, t, r St... Anderson, a brother of General Tt ,hers Anderson. Ile brought with hint the uniform of General Smith and the service Pword w hich he carried at the time of the assault - on Fort Donelson. The remains here placed in a private room at the de. NI, where they lay until seven o emelt in the evening, when they wt re conveyed to the hell of Independence by the Girard Company of Bowe Guards, Captain Binder, and the committee 4_ f The body had btun placid in an iron air-tight coffin, it qM exalmintd m the bell alter ha arrival there, and it gas evident that d. composition had begun. It, will, therefore. be impoesible for persons visiiiug Else Ifall to -view the body. The coffin, covered with a black velvet tall. and with the beautiful silk use sent from the city of Man Fiaticleco by A G-,easy M.-coafyic,. Icy- state is the liallovben we left en Saturday evening. Captain Binder company will remain co-) duty as a guard of honor - until this morning, when they will be relieved by Com pany A, Home Guard, Capt. Biddle. Co gab:an:ley- afternoon, before the arrival 9f civr, to :trains,the Committee of City Councils which have the -matter in charge met and perfected their arrangements for the obsequies The body win lay in state in sue Hall anti to-morrow afternoon. During yesterday no un isons ezcept losruett:ate relatives ..f the deceafted .were admitted. During to day, and on Tuesday morning, the .public will be admitted to the Hall. AL two o'cloca on ' , Tuesday afternoon the funeral will take place. Governor Curtin and the beads of Departments at Harrisburg, the Judges of the United States Circuit and :District Comte. the Juanes of the Supreme Cann of • Pennsylvania, the District Court of the city of Philadel tibia, the Court of Common Picas of the county of Phila delphia, the Foreign Ministers and Consuls resident in Philadelphia, the Isei - ereud Clergy, and the beads of the aterinue Municipal Deputtnaata :if the city, have been :Invited to participate in the caret:T.4,los. The military arratigemeuts will he under the charge of Brigadier General A. J. Pleasouton. cleamanding the Philadelphia Home Guards Company A. First Artille ry, Captain Chapman Biddle. hits been detailed as a body spiard during the reptile of the remains iu Independence Ball. The futurel will take place on Tuesday afternoon siit two o'clock. The Home Guards will be formed ou lroad street. the right resting on hpruce street, at one o'clock P.M , punctually. facing east, in the following order: First—Cavalry. Second—A battery of artillery. "Third—The regiments of Weary mimetically as they Wand on the rotten Fourth—The battalions of two rifle - regiments. During, the march of the Dillow/aim minute gnu, corresponding with the age of the deceased, will be fired from the howitzer battery, under command of Capt. X. Spencer Miller. In addition to the Items Guards, the officers of the Xeserve brigade will participate in the obsequies. Invi tations have also been Extended to officers of the army, volunteers in serci; e. navy and marine corps who may at that time be in the city, officers of the First Division Pennsylvania Militia and of the Home Guard, not otner 'girlie on duty. Invitations hire been extended to the following gen 'Vernet to act as pall bearers: Brigadier General It Anderson. U. S. A. Brigadier General W. B. Illoutt,omery, U. S. A. Surgeon General. -Finley, U. S. A. Captain Peuderea,t. U. S. N. Captain Turner. U S. N. Captain Charles lonian, U. S. N. Captain Marston, U. S. N. Captain Nicholson, U. S N. Major Ziegler, Marine Corps. Colonel George Andrews, U S. A. Lieutenant Celotel G Crosman. U. S. A. Lieutenant Colonel Ruff, U S. A.. Major Alfred Mordecai, U N. A. Some of the get. tlenteu named have reeponded agirma. Lively to the invitation of the committee. Others hare mot yet been heard hum. The route of the funeral procmeion on Tueeday will be .tts follows: Out Waiont street to Twe'ilh, uo Twelfth to Girard avenue, out Girard avenue to Ridge avenue, •there the greater portion of the infantry iu the line will falloff. The artillery and cavalry will continue on to the Cellcterfi and the firing party, comdeting of B regiment of infantry, will take care. The interment will he at „laurel Rill. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION.—An ad- Rurned meeting l f this body was held on last Saturday evening at the County Court House. the President, 31r. W. J. Veiny. rigid, in the Chair. There was a very large attendance of the member., and on motion of Mr. Z. I) Bouthworth, the folly% iug additional special rules - were adopted unanimously : The eeerelery of enoh ward Aeaoclation, formed role aqua to these rub s. hall engross this obligation: I Atereby bind and obligate myself to sustain and vote for the nominees presented by the Republican Party, norm ant to these rules. and declare that I have absilved my weenectiee eet euitaelloe With eh other pelicieet gallons or association*, whatever," which shall be signed Ly each and every member nefure voting for any officer, delegate, or other person, or taking part iu any buiiness of the Ward.associatiou. No delegate to any Convention. held under theme mites, Isbell be permitted to take a seat in the Convention to which he is returned, if he has, at any time since his con nection with the ward association to which he belongt, acted as a member of, or in any connection wall, soy vther D9litical psl4l' wb tcyeri knq in *Pict! 4.40 ever COM - MirloU htldMtiUtr ILICSO rulust Mu following untiga. lion shall be drawn up by the mecretary of the C arcntion, and be sigetd by each and every delegate: "We hereby bind and obligate war:saves to sustain and -veto for the nominees of this lion volition." it wee anuotincrq that the liepaibileaire pC ttiv diAth bard would meet at the usual place to complete their or ganization, under the rule.. on next Tuesday evening ; :after which, the eonveution made arrangementa to send delegates bylaw coming State Convention, and then ad— Jimmied to _meant the call if the eiffie&re SAUNDERS' CADETS AT GIRARD COL LEGE.—On Saturday, at 10 o'clock, the cadets of Saun ders' Institute, West Philadelphia, were drilled, for the litcond time, by their military instructor, tiajor Eckeu edorf. on the ground of Girard thulege. by invitation of the faculty. Their reputation had drawn together an , linimense number of lee Ms and gentlemen, who expressed -their gratification in the most lsttering mermen Phila. tdelpbtana, and, indeed, all renue)lventiuth triree reason -Ito rejoice that, without soy parade, military inatruction -of the highest order has been su successfully introduced into so distinguished and loug-established seminary al the Saunders' InAitute. This surprisingly-successful pr.v=. s T et..e.,ade the military ferm, will promote, instead of retarding, in tellectual culture. We never saw a healhler collection Apr youths in appearance than Saunders' Cadets. and we leave reason to know that they excel as much in close Application to bard study as they' do in Moan military lests which invariably draw crowds of cultivated and Admiring spectat , ra whenever they appear before our •cifisens. At the conchnien of the drill, the Cadets Marched to the residence of Major Eckendorf, and, with . 111114 Wien, were delisirttrilly refreshed, ARREST OF SROPLIFTERS. A few ..v.ab since two colored women entered the store of Riley mini, mar Eighth and chostaut vireo% sad made a purchase, n taw inenieute after they bad tort the place, a piece of silk sustaining eigaty-three yards, and valued at ti. 65. was mimed. A deecri scion of the wrcmen was esnt to the Central Pollee Station, and the I:batter placed in the hands of Detective Levy, Oft Sa sunray aftenroor, wnitet proceeding - to the Penney - Irani* Railroad depot, he raw two colored women answering, as 3ie thought, the dencription furnished hies 08 followed them for several equaree, Annum that they were con. lineally entering stores in shoplifter styli", At Num ti t 2l oglit i. Teens time it: algae wan niem, and at they tame out of Mr. Caeseiberry's etore, be entered it, and sent , Zor the shop girl wto had waited on the women at Rao' Smith'e. lie then followed the pair into droll street, and wee overtaken by the girl whom he had summoned, 'who boultaal thrau.b the bulk ~ad ldeneinet tee two women sa th one. who had purloined the silk from aver employers They were arrested, and being taken libeler(' Alderman Ogle, were held for a furtner hearing on Tuesday text id the Central Police Station, where .eden-ltettielei kebb /base 16ht lOoda all) 20 to akbuut They gave the named or Josephine tiarper sad Eliza Matthews. RAILROAD A CCIDENT.—AIIOthOr aced- OUGULTUd 'ODOM hair- par{ cloYen ou Four emorning on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore railroad, which resulted in the serious injury of several versons. The train lett Philadelphia at the 1:0 , 13i Lour, and went smith as far as Charlestown, eight annoy north of the gnaw:Amman river, whoa an cite train was visaing that station, the rear trucks or the last car broke the switch bar and jumped from the main track 2u the switch, on which were Come manure cars. The car thus detached fr,ni the train was one of those appro- Tiriated to ladies, several of whom 11/41.4. Theewe lan on until it came into contact with one of the manure care on the twitch, by which the aide of the passenger car was crushed it, throwing the splinters in every di rection. The brakesman wee at his post on the forward riot of the detached ear, and with him was a tlislh nanpla Cheer P. Brant, living at Port Deposit. Brant jumped ifrom the car and tell, when, an instant after, the lorwaid liucka of the car passed over botti besiege, crushing them In a horrible manlier. A number of other persons on the train were more or leas Warp& No Mamie is attelbatod to those in charge of the brain. PEACH CROP IN DELAWARE AND NARYLAND.—W” are reliably jgrormili thrt the grog. wean of au abuncaut peach crop were never so flattering as thus far during the present . awn, and that, unless Rome late frost kills the fruit, by far the largest crop ever wrown In Eastern Maryland will be gatberei. One in- Selligent gentleman informs us that over one mibion of .I.reon have 6.E.r. pl pier thils 4511 kh. p0n1”..11,, .rn- Lracing Delaware and the kastern Shure of Maryland, occupying over ten thousand acres of land. Tan spate crop, from present apvearancee, also promises to be -very large toe. ; .-; e is great trade in lands n., Lb." of the Delaware rceinsutar Railroad Large trtets of lard are being laid int for perch orchards in the fief alluvial bottom of Bohemia manor. TEEN AND Now AT FORT DELAWARE. --pork new the abode of upwards of threw ihundred rebels. Less than a year ago we expected daily lb et sit would be menaced by privateersmen or by the disaf ;recited people of Delaware and Maryland. Apropos of the feeling of the Mate of Delaware in the matter, the 'erilmlagtea Irsirea.P2Y Attila imbanuocielly for the dlsooserr and arrest of the leaders of the cabal that designed seizing Abe fortress. It closes its article thew: a The Fort Dela ware and Delaware and Chesapeake Canal affair should La looked into. Delaware is rebel in every sense of the -word, and as committee of 0013gretel. should 6e appointed to investigate the matter. That there was a plot to take :Fort Delaware is hey and contradiction. One of the par ties, we believe, is in Fort Warren ; another of the party, ave believe, is a high officer of . Delaware." FUNERAL OF REV. W. A. BRISBANE. —The body of Rev. W. H. Brisbane will be buried after religions exercises in the Green-etreet M. ii. Church. Mir. Brisbane entered the ministry, on trial, in aux'. L iL« .priu ß .,El.64.l h. Vilna ap im infaci a javior preacher of the circuit, of which Bethel and Ohesepeatte City. Md., formed a part. In 1804 Elkton, Chesagoosite City, and Bethel were formed into a circuit, and Mr. Bllsbatie wee appointed junior preacher—Bey. W. 11. tha am:cha-- 18,54 he was 4araahma ileacon, end received Elder's Orders in 185?.. DEATH' OF DANIEL 19. BEIDE/KAL— I/Ir. Daniel E. Beidernan, a well-known active Democrat, died et hie residence, in the Eleventh ward, eth tortgrday morning Tne decvmed wan a meintior or itie Board or Guardian of the Poor and of the echoed Board of the Northam Liberties prior to the going into affect of Bon. *Miamian. In 11055 he was elected to ream/int the Eleventh ward in detect Council, and he retained his mat in that bode until Lamers: Ims_ tie WA4 a member of the Commission for the Relief of Famines of Ifoluntsurs at the time of his death. DESERTERS IN THE CITY. We regret have se ei.vveic,le a stinmenti can of a(Mtlfitell Tram the ranke of our Home Guard. During the night of turday last three of the Girard Monte Guard, who were engaged in the honorable teak of guaidiutt the b.sly of Major General Smith made their exeape from the State Meuse and from Inge yenueuco equate by traWitlg ibv iron railings. They have no; yet been arrested. ROBBERY AND ARREST.—Yesterday afternoon an Eastern man named Thomas Honks was robbed of $llOO in a vile den In Bt. Mary street, lu-pt by Maria Woman!. Lieut. Golds). trade a descent on the premise. and arrested Mrs. Wormans and seven girls, who were all locked up fora hearing to. day. FATAL BITRNING.- 1 011 Saturday morn lug a wan named Patrick O'Katte, living at Save , ith tad St. Mary streets, was badly buret,/ by his bud talttug fire. Ile was temoved to the Hospital, where he ditql el F ht o'cloolc an Ma evealag_ He lea*ee a wd. and QIII> Child. A LECTURE. —The Hon. Edward Even tt will lecture at the Academy of Dinah), on rriday evening nen, UM "TUB Character nt the," tAr the beLefit of the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons. The eloquent orator will insure a crowded house. FLORAL FAIR.,—A floral fair for the bent lit of the Cooper Shop Hospital and 6ohlior4' it nue ill bbortli be held. A meeting of ladies to make arrange ments for the above object will be held, on Tuesday afternoon next, at Cobcert Had. BODY FOUND.—q he coroner was sum moned yesterday to hold an inquest upon the body of an unimowo white woman found floating iu the Delaware at Arth,ntrcet what BOBBEItY.—A dwelling house, No. 2126 isr ou .t Vernon *tree!, was entered on Sttarclay eve ning, between nine and ten o'clock, through tne trap door, and robbed of a Bilk drown 'rained at thirty doitare. DECEASE OE N.R. SOH UYLEIX.—Mr. Philip R. Schn)ler, a well-known citiz.m of the Northern Liberties, cried al his residuace, Germantown WS,IIIIO and Infth aireci, vn OPIUMItur isherw,m. DEATH OF A POLICEMAN.—George W. Mahan, a member of the police fore. of the Fourteenth ward, died on Friday night, at him milldam°' Brown strett, below Twelfth, from an attack of typhoid fever. TO BE PAID OFF.—Major Taggart, S. A., has arrived in the city with funds far the pay ent of the selatete Its the vat-tette mill Leer iwapicol.. CITY ITEMS. A FINE BUILDING .IMPROTEMENT.—The vi cinity of Ninth and Chestnut streets is soon to be em belliebt4 with mother insguificent building improve. meat. We allude to the splendid new msrble-iront store about to be erected on the Burd property, by Ildessrs J. F. k E. B. Oree, proprietors of the well-known carpet warehouse, on Obentnut street. ODIDSife the Slate Ileum This edifice, when complet.d, will not be rivalled by any carpet house in the United States. The new store will have a front on Chestnut street of thirty-fire feet, with a depth of two htittdred sail thirty-five feet, The plates in the windows will be among the largestieveilmported, and are to measure nine by nineteen feat. The building will be four stories above ground, and the entire Ninth street side will be of white marble. The Chestnut-street front will be p‘irsupulatva by a aasseificurst block of marble, the cost of which alone will exceed three thousand dollars. The coat-of-arms of the Surd family are to be emblazoned upon the latter In bold relief, and the entire edifice will thoetitute wit Prchite:turol Acquisition to Poi. ladelphia, worthy of her taste and wealth, as w--11 as of the honored associations of that central locality, and the enterprise and spirit of its occupants. The commence ment of this extensive imp, ovetnent at this time is signi- Scat t, and ',shows, among other indications, that the check given to the commercial enterprise of our city by the rebellion has been but temporary, and, as compare with the effect of it in the South, trivial. We are autho rized to state, in this connection, that the preparations of the firm above referred to, to furnish the community s.iti"le i ..atit carpets, will be e0rr.,.. f ......1a, g 1y lusrsassd. One of the partners of the firm, Mr. J. F Orne, wiz soil for the Persia, on Wednesday neat, for the purpose of ordering their fall importations. MR. GOUGH'S LECTURES.—Mr. Gough's lec ture at the Academy of Music on Saturday evening, on Temperance, was a great success. His audieace was large and appreciative, and the great temperance orator never Appeared to better advantage. Mr. Gough is in fact one of the few living orators of whom the plblic can never weary, no matter how Wm or commonplace their theme. ills lecture this evening, which the reader will find ad vertised in another column, to be given at the Academy of Music, is entitled London by Night." This lecture, it appears, has been prepared expressly for the occasion, and by knowing ones is said to be his best effort. His lecture on this theme, delivered in this city some months ago, those who heard it win never forget. It was the most graphic description of men and things as they ap pear to an acute ebserver, that we haveever beard, and if his kctuie to-night equals it, it will be worth hearing a score of times by the same audience. The Academy will no doubt be filled to its utmost capacity, WARBURTON'S lIATS.--111. W. F. Warbllr ter,, the batter, of Chestnut street, has made a great hit with his elegant new Soft Hats. These comfortable Red graceful coverings for the all'tastos, age 3 and professions, are decidedly too greatest success in the batting line of this season. The public will, of course, not be surprised to learn that so decided an improvement in this department should be associated with the name of Warburton. is always aheth SUPERIOR COFFEE AND TEAS.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now he etore the /iota quality of (Moog and other leas, at moderate prices; also, prima Old Government Java, a pure, genuine article, which is mush liked by lovers of this delicious beverage. Cerki--Ofle +Rd Cottl depots on the Delaware hag lust been openei by J. M. Rommel, blo. 959 Delaware avenue, above . Poplar street. Parties about purchasing coal, w hether for family, factory, steamboat, or blacksmith use. wholesale or retail, can go— teat from a large stock of the various qualities of Lohign, Schuylkill, and Bituminous Coals, and at rates that will warrant both a call and a trial. READ the follo*lng from a correspoudent the press before Yorktown, speaking of the skirmish at Lee's Mills, in which the Massachuaett3 First and Fif teenth and Baxter's Fire Zonaves were engagsd. The utter wrrliet- Im r e: i. One v. LJ.e wo44Tc 6 are armor vest was struck three times with rifle naffs, and they all glanced off, doing him no damage I" What was the worth of that vest to that Bailee! Mr_ Chatles Etoies, who furnished that vest. is menus factoring them to order to an extent harthy equal to the demand. To the soldier in the field they are invaluable. Chailes Stokes, No. 824 Chestnut street, under the Continental Hotel, sole agent far this State_ Call end 11/14 them. THE UstnEELLA.—The umbrella has been two from a very remote antiquity, as is evident fro n curvlnge and repreaent.tions found arnong the anoteut ruins of Persia, Arabia, bald China. Nevertheless, it was not used by men in England until during the last centu- ry, and It is said that Jonas Hanwsky, who died in 1.786, tem. the first aarson who misd en tunbsella la th. of London. 'There have been many improvements matte in these " protectors," however, since that early day, as there has also been in the elegant styles of Clothing gotten op at Gratin& stokes' Ono•Drico Mammoth Temple, No. 809 Chestnut street, where the finest spring and summer garments in the country are manufactured. THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS.—Some of the Smash are einem chaps—the mayor of New Orhouse, for instance. In reply to Commodore Farragut's demand to surrender, the mayor gets up a very pretty specimen of unadulterated bosh. After discussing the beauties of ibe 6C.096,101a cv.aee, Iso jyrwdgioe qi Wialflo4ll4ll9 length about the sensitiveness of the Orleans Seceseionists, who had just been shooting down women and children for cheering the old flag, and he goes on to predict a certain. ettaek of paralysis to any inclivichavd who mhould oven think of hauling d'wn the stars and bare. As • sanitary measure, it would perhaps have been as well to allow the mayor to have his own way; but in a different point of o ia we. 0..0.41.1 tL.k Reeeet, eleoold a o ooder_ have not yet beard the response of the Commodore, nor whether he took occasion in hls note to allude to the elegant and substantial garments made at the Brown- Rona Clothing Hall of Rocklill & Wilson, Noe. SOS and 605 Chestnut street, above Sizth MARINE INTELLIGENCE. air 8 YOUBTE PAGE Brig Celestina, Fickett, 10 daps from 111llbridge, Me, with yar am% laths 19 Fi A 14 vigivr at Go, Bohr Persia, (Br) Smith, 18 days from Windsor, NA, with 200 tons Vaster to Van Born, Woodworth A Co Echr Ann Pickrell, Elzey, 8 days from Alexandria, with railroad iron to captain. Schr John Ar Thomas ! Ilynnon, 1 Jay Prom gmyrna, with corn to Jae Etarratt & t on. Ear Petal, Norman, 1 day from Lowell, Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co. Schr Young America, Lawrence, 1 day from Port De neat, with Ma eo J L Powloy do en_ Lehr Ilechatdc, Cf. dies, 1 day from °demon, Dal, with cern to Jas L Bewley & Co. Seim Emma, hunter, 1 day from New Castle, Del, oa•s to Jan Barrett & don. NIAMILLOP Vulcan, _Morrison. 24 Lours from Naw York, with oldie to W M Baird & Co. OLKARED Ship Congress, Drinkwater, Key Went, J D Healey ilißrig Princeton, Alien, Boston, It N Rathbun Brig Mary B Thompson, Havener, Releases, John Mason & Co. Retch Commerce, Barnee Mat aguez, J Man & Co. tichr M A tiuuld,Philbrook so , Portland, J E BazleY &go. behr Tantamount, Davis, Weymouth, Sinnicasou tt Glovor. Nchr Cherub, Holmes, Washington, Penn Gam Coal Co. kchr Jan Bliss, Hatch, Fall River, W H Johns. tichr Exchange, Bouts, Baltimore, it & Soudor & Co. Str B L Gaw, Bar, Baltanara, 4. droves, Jr. titr lsrtslol, Charles, New t ort, W 1' Clyde. lltr Fire Brick, Fenton, New York, W M Baird & Co. (Correspondence of the Flails,lolphia Exchange.) LIGWES, Dal, May 2. The following vessels have passed to sea: Steamer Now Haven, for Fortress dicaroe; ochre Silver disgust, J B F L, Calista, Honesty, Album, Fair Dealer, Yankee Bird, John Curtin, Hickman, W fi Bowe, Angeline Yough;lill 4'r04 4, WWII Maggio Iran Duson, Sarah Math, Gouxoyl T Williams. May Win. A. Holton. and brig Union, paned' to sea early this awning. Wind SW, and a pleasant breeze. Yours, &c. The prize steamer Bermuda, at this port, reports: Off the Capes of the Delaware, 21 jest, saw ship Rhode Island, from Liverpool, bolter] to Delaware Breakwater, for urticrs; cif Mc Lodge LIM, St lush A AL, saw brig Losugo, from dt Jago, miming up. Balk dea Eagle, Howes, from Matanzas, at Now York yesterday. Brig A Peters, hence, arrived ut Sagas 17th ult. Brig Delmont Locke, Veazie, cleared at Boston 3d hug tor vhii.a.lo.l.. Schr remeliden, Hooper, from Eastport for Philadel phia, at Salem 2d Met. Se r G W Bynsou, Scull, at Now York 3d inst. from 117 orations. Paw. Oflootßetloo, Johh Joheo. eoreoe, owl bkoloea, Wheeler, cleared at New York 3,1 fret. tor Pla int] echr Weehiegton, Barrett, cleared at New. York 3d ihst. for New Castle. D.I. gi1.1111114 II Hurdeit, Lnor, LALCO, arrived N Ybrk Sti iLst. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS—Ex, haunted Nature's Great Restorer. They iuvigorate, strengthen, and purify the aystem, Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the 9tome.ah, Ditarrhoan., by A perfet ap petizer and tonic. They invigorate the body, without stimulating the brain. They are compounded of pure St. Croix Bum, Boots, and Herbs, and are recom mended be all who min them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly reoemmended to the weak and languid. Bold by ail Grocers, DrUggists, Hotels, and Saloom P. H. DRAKE 3; CO.,' roy3.rowf3m 202 Broadway, New York. DEAF MADE TO HEAR —INSTRUMENT TO ASSIST THE REARING, at P. MADEIRA'S. 115 South IENTIL Street, below °kcal:int. noy3-3t* ONE-tRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALM_ I.OWINTi genies. Pelee. meshed le Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM fe strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. tall-ly lONEi l CO_ 6194 MARKET Strad. TIOFFNER—FRYBURG.—On the 20th ult., by Rev. W. A 1.111., 111c_ iloffna its Miti4 ElimA burg, both of this city. * TE/0/tUtid,—On the morning or the 4th inst., at 927 Vine street, Jesse J. Thomas, t. D. His remains will be taken to West Chester on Tues day. the 7th inst., at 7 A. ➢r:. ** HUGHES.—On the dth instant of congestion of the Dignities/ Lliistiesi iu the 324 ysOr of id* age, Funeral terrice at No. 240 South Fifth street, on Tneiday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Cate wiaea, ra. * VETTET.—In Germantown, on the 24 instant, Willie Pellet, eldest eon of William and Carrie Pettet, aged 10 Mall arid 7 months_ His remains will be taken to Milford, libl9El-. for in terment. [Boston and New York papers please cop4•J, Notice of funeral services at the house will be given in to-morrow's paper. * MILLER.—On the lst instant, John Miller, in the 17th year of hie age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1722 North Ninth street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * DACHA RDSON.—On the 2d instant, Mrs. Hannah A. Richardson, widow of the late Cob Nathaniel Richard. ton, in the 69th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son, Nathaniel S. Richardson, No. 524 North Twenty-first street, this (Honda) ) morning, at 10 o'clock. * BRISBANE.—On the 29th ult,, Rev, Wm, EL Brie. bane, pastor of the Green•etreet H. B. Church, aged 33 years. Service in the Church to-day, (Monday.) May sth, at 1 o'clock, precisely. The remains will leave the parsonage this (MOW PIIPI7 94P1 Rod will be interred in BetbSil M. E. - Burial Ground, Cecil county, aid., on Tuesday, 6th ineh, at 11 o'clock. 13 ELLINGS.—On the Ist Instant, Mrs. Letitia, widow • late late Wm. Honing., In 'he 79th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son, Mr. Edward 11,111,,,, No. -NO Coat.. ,drool, (Alecdak) afte'r'noon, at o'clock. ,1' BESSON & SON CONTINUE TO sell MOURNING GOODB at very low Woes for Cash, and have just received Loin's Black Grenadine Barrios, 50 cte Crape Karatz and Tarnmatines, 25 eta ; Lupin's Mirages In Shawl and Dress Widths, at very low prices ; Black Silk Uhallieg, 37% cts Silk Grans dint sr 75 cte ; Black and White !Penland'', C 0 eta ,• Black and White Drat striped and Checked Minh cizx cla Black Grenadine Baregas, 12X Oa; Shnpberd'a Plaid Mohair Clothe, 15 and 25 cts ; Gray Chene Toile do Nord and Mousaelines,l2g eta, &a.- Fa 664/i 4IF IiON, Warning Store, No. via GIIESTNIIT Streak AARON MARSHALL. I - G. MAXWELL & SON, ELEVENTH end OHOTNIIT, two now open, at the lowest cosh prices in the market, maguilicent lines of a great 'variety of new Spring Goods, of their own late importation and manufacture, as well as of careful selections from New York importations. Their Beal And Imitation Thread and Guipure Laces, Fancy buttons, No. I trimming Itit.lxons, Paris Ornaments for Cloaks and Dresses, French Bugle T.immings, Silk Belt g, Silk Gimps, Thomson Freres' Faris Trail Skirts, Spool Silk, new colors, at 2 cents per spool, Fresh Split and Single Zephyr, for summer knitting, Travelling Fans. Mania lllillloe. Ikkl. ell aff,sed M the latiLe eo fitkail tf the most reliable make, and adapted to the require ments of close, discriminating purchasers. The usual liberal allowance to cash buyers. J. G. biAxWELL & SON, 81t0i , 6 and Factory, ELEYRNTII and CHESTNUT ap24-lin ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS or To 12 o'oLoos Lie! mous CONTINENTAL NOTllb—Nbab and Chestnut eta. Nett McKnight, Pittsburg D H Weal tw, ITS A J M Pusan. Alex, Va A Randall, Annapolis bli May, Boston J N Sears, Now Y or k repot' dr in, N T N W Ftiitor, Sloan J N Carbon, New York Joe Stewart, Chillicothe, 0 x Chambers A da, Pittebg Andrew J Joyce, Walsh Da I. Hewitt, U 8 A R Weber, Baltimore PVi ez.-r, Jauonville. Flit E Burley A is. Boston A pe1...-ea tv.-1 4 r. 0 Ormiotie embus W fl-ward, R I J Si C Morton. U S A Wayne McVoagh, W Clam W Norrie, Williams,port C Huchelrode, Dayton, 0 W Goddard, R I Time ti haver A la, Boston W Perron & la, Boston W P H.JI. lit Loots B G Witmer°, RoAiv94-4, 11l J el Mayer L Anderson, Clot 0 Wit Dimmer°, N Y W B Dinsmore, N Ce. 'Mamoru, New York Mr. R Lord, Cleveland, 0 Mrs W W Pratt W W Pratt T W Dews J L Wereea r. Cleeleeeki B Turner A la. Chicago Ni,,, Magraw, Lancaster Litut T Abbot. 117 S N S C Clark,Lake Viilage,NH W P Calbraithoffit licothe,o U L Louis John 9 orrey, Jr. NJe reey B Hillman, Park JoLb New York D A Ph..., J U Homan 0 N Shaunon, Terre Haute W ABarrister New York airs 8 WHale,Newburyport A Hal . , Elusion W Machin Wilmington Berg II Seeat Fort Hamilton Mre Magraw, Lancaster A 0 Webtbattb, Cincinnati * n WhtichYriliht, HUMOII W Hinuia Boston Miss Hilton, Boston Rocs G It Ililtuti, Button John Webster ffira W W. at. r N Burr k la, Auburn. N Y Cape. !Unheard A lady E le Ensign A la, Sheffield Miss Emden, Sheffield L Rawson Cleveland . . Mho- A tomelo Tnratr, Cooporatreirtt J n Mt Isougel , , California M N Latham, Warikington 1.3 l'inclion, Now York Mrs F Pinvhon, New York Duvet Dmitri, New York H L Fuller A: la, Hartford PClntk, Baitonore T JJJJJ ead, Baltimore 1 1 1 1 1 1. U A Bryce, Row- 1. or &- I- J Lewis gton B tI Trull', Baltimore C H W Stbley Buffalo H Y Gliason Gti Or erne,Jr, New York Chauncey Paso, Boston W 3 Wood, Amy York J $ Yorke, Ohio Lima Whittemore {km Crawford, Baltimore It .1 1t0011a3., Baltimore - Lieu W F JOllOll 11 Btitte Washington AT B Mel & wf, N York. Jai; W Bents, New York Dr HMI. U 8 A Mrs Bind, gton, Aew York ,1 Gardner a lady Gaidnrr 'lark, Indiana, Pa J hierinen, Jenny city J Non, Louis i 6 :G Slessbetn, u Leufe 3 M Yownsend, Pittsburg {,ll P Torrnspind, Putsburgy Bingham, New Jersey J Westeet, New Jersey "Mrs Wilson, New York 1iu143 J BA mgRoBANTB . HOTEL--rourth et.. below Aroh. Genßubb,Mentoureville,PaE B Gardner, Brooklyn IV Fettle, Delaware fl R Waiter), Delaware Nathan Beck, Jacksonville Wli Woodward, Jatksovlie .1, nee C. hlweli. U S N Robert Cook, Centre co L Betel err. Indianapolis J Wallace. °relearnle. Pa J T Fobtrr, Pa T F Star mock. Solemn, 0 B 111 Brlabl, Lewittown J F Ulrich, Harrisburg G Rhoden, OMIT CO F E Genicaretz, Baltimore T n Idea Rand, Pittsburg JIC Booties, Indianapolis J Brctiht tat, L ycondog co W Beare. Now York J trinients, Phillip-burg II Merchant, New. York Mr Sandenon, New York J B Bony u, Illionic frit.petmid, TWA C tgurer, Baborsburg J W 10iilrr, obio •ti ADI ckey. Pittsburg James W bite, Pittsburg W H Garrard, Pittsburg P P Blood, Brookville Wm McCabe, Paris, Pa W J Fulton, McKe,sport, Pa HOTlM—Obeetnnt et- above fifth John A Griffith Cineirinaq A Deo° & wife, New York II Randall, Washington. DC Isaac Fisher. Dallas. 111 .10 Cc Eddy, Milton 4, v Y *eon?! Pickcy, Oxford ins A atrowimuico, Q h ce co WI, Borneo. Now York 'Pr James, New York Alf Genwell, Bridgeton DI B Hickman & la. W Chen Miss Hickman, VI Chester" B Wing, New York Geo V &nab, New. York 7a6riskio, New York G G Aiken, ritt.bnrg DrectEenritimv; tivuu S 6 Till - OnY; TEllllOl5llllOOi T Bogue, New York R Dnyie, New York BT. 1.01715 KUTlGL—Otteemut, street, above Third. Mr Harringion, Delaware John Taylor Jc, la, Wash J F Everelin j New Tor% U K Fairchild, Now York Chas W Brown, Bueton Wm Davies John Lebn,an Jos .0 Hunt, Baltimore Arthur 0 Roberta, TT 9 N GL. Bowe, Vermont }3 Ha Cltweland, 0 A llatterbley ? Fort Warne F kfr krtow.7i Avvr York F Gerhard, New York G W Smith, Witrn, Dal S L Tiffany, Tunkannock Levi Towns ' Washington J .1111Jdenheimer 7 Wincbeeter J Revd, Lvaington, Ky TEM UZI 1i.)1.4--Arcia etroet, above Third B Bich, Unionville. ya H Dunbar, Indianabolla Misr U Dunbar, 11 dianapas W F Wood. Honesdale, Pa C Bla.k. Boston S B RohPr, Hagerstown Mrs Schneebh, Hagerstown Miss Hart. Hagerstown Miss b k Hager. Hagerstown B Numbers, Ohio J II Doyle, Ohio O H G,egory, Ohio J EinPey, Delaware I'Plsom, Bogton Mis Fishor, New Jersey E M S Booster, Baltimore W ptmlsott, Hancock, NT EM Sylvester, Baltimore A N Wheeler. lietleock,N Y F Thompson, Phil* W H Johnson, Pbila J J Miller, Gordonsville NATIONAL 110TEL--Itaoe street, above Third, D Price, Pittsburg W 9 James Jnbn Rodenwi sr, Balt H Penuerete, New York II N "..eibberner, Milford T B Swartz, Milford II E PUMP, MOMOUTSTiiIe Thee F Ash'on, Penns Jas Dou Finn, Reading Shorn S pigelair er, Chester David Masters, Eli Vandling, Chester A Pet. re. Jobentown, Ky A P Zimmerman, Boston 11 Wilson, St Louie A Montecleve,St Louie L It Walker, Lebanon D 111 Tice, Lebanon STATES ONlON—Market street, a OOTO Stitt. JBetts, New York J Patron, Chester cc, Pa W Pardaeif, Lancaster J ()abridge, Easton. IA Andrea, Pearl*, Pa Ira A Merritt, Poston JE. Boxlasq J Smith, rs, Clinton, Mass Job', R BK1801), New Jersey Samuel Puteh,n M fuller, Pennsylvania S Johnston. Pennsylvania A Cunoinehan., Nona I. ciamblos 1 - la, Troutoa J. t o Git-svnfi ' N York N McCites, New Jersey E Potter, .New Jersey Jacob Venom:Tier, N Jersey Semi a Shroff, Bainbridge JM S May, Bainbridge OOMMEMIAL—SIit[ etreet, above Uhestent. A G Shover, New Raven I , V Ewing Mies W lien, St Paul J L Maxwell, Maryland J.r M Emery, Newcastle Jas Y Godfrey. Vermont J G Moses, Plnenixville E Martin, Doe Han, Pa C Solna - mad New Castle MADISON Ht/USE—Second street. above Market. D E Dew Fer, Bucks co J H Vamtradalen, Bristol klig, M. Turner, New York 8 J Lowey, New 'York J S Ilsrumar, Utica, N Y A. Mclntyre, Wayne co Lame LEwie, Obio Sam II Johnson, Pa J 11 Drake, New Yolk 11 II Heel, Honesdale Oboe Brat r, Ch.ltenham Mrs M long, Hartsville Mrs N T Clement, Pa V M. Gilbert, Newborn, N 0 F P Gilbert, Dover, Del J Anderson, Abington E H Walton, Stroudebnrg BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Geo Catbers, Maryland M Pierson, Pennsylvania a Gra, Cheltenham F Stapler, Dolicgten Wm Adorns, Broom co, NY J R Ross, Wayne co, Pa Win Pethich, Wayne co, Pa G Melly, Massillon, 0 Br Marrow, Hatboro' J C Rice, Centreville 11 Rice. Centreville If Morris,Willow Grove J T Simpson, Doylestown N G Brinhardt, Penns 11 I' aclaila, Black's Eddy Jti dparlin, Maryland A J Lai no, boring Yttlloy. Copt ti Laskloy. Wriglltat'n W Rapp, New York Win Gaylord, New York T Ogbern Atkinson & la, Pa. Letitia R Smith, Pa MOUNT 1 7211140 A litand.--csecono et., an. Ara. Cr rer6unoo, JOI - 9¢l EHorton,NovoYork M Boca, Hankins, N Y H Morrie, Willow Grove E G Welle, New Yolk F Stover, Jr, Clinton co, Pa F Bienernarni, New York J Brawn, New York A .1 Thomaß, New York B Angel, New York J Hankins, Penna. G H Hamlin. Honnadala BLACK BBAB—Third street, above Callowhill. 1' Herl, Beading W Kddows, Moreland Wm ftuppert, NorthamDtn John Neinineer, Doylestn g VFals, PExsa Ede, ]Lad. goßiiMori J Hill, Somerton BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. Lewin Great', QuAlsertown Jacop liainiclt, Vann W Derry, Pike co, Pa 0 D W heeler, Damen', DM SPECIAL NOTICES. MARRIED DIED. TB ORBECKE.—On the 4th inst., at 3 E. M., in the 28th s ea= of Ler 0 6 0 7 14 re. Eleenore. &fertile t'arer 7 wife of E. Thorbecke, daughter of the late - A. Dolma; of West Chester. THE PRESS.--PH ILA 9 ETYMA, MONDAY, MAY 5. .1862, @TEM T PST—A Certificate for ono Scholar -LA AID in Diekilliloll College, Penne ,in the name of NOBENT C. HICKS. Notice is hereby given that ap plication has been made to the Trustees of maid College [or a renewal or mamma, It* 100 B .l A ., lt in a good EL ba S4A . R nit ß a 2N fo F . 0 .! to the trade. In tote, at 411 COMMil l iOrll:l4 l eet. a,ps• fit* 07 . MIKADQUARTERIa NOME GUARD. ern' OP PHILADELPHIA, May 2, 1802. GENbRAL OitIMOR N 0.4. Pikiiktbdtb6ilLll§l.6lll4l4 elut Amid' of bk.& of latoi mod gal lant eons. Major General Charles F. Smith, Colonel of the Third Regiment of United States Infantry, brevetted far •• gal lant and dirtingniabed conduct in the battles of Palo Alto and Brocade la Palma, in Texan, 311117 OM, arld, again, Tor gallant conduct In the several COMM at Monterey. in Mexico, on the filet, 22d. and 23d of Sep•, 1846;" and, again, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Cherubneco, in 1493i90, 4185714 11411 h 1947 ends recently, moat highlT distioguielun to having sari the succerstui charge which resulted in the Surrender of Fort Condom, in Tennessee, has been elricken down by dinease contracted in his ardu- Otte service, and has yielded hie life, at Savannah, on the Tennessee river, while in the orrice of his country, on the 2011, of April heal. he Councile of his native city having directed tbat big ?melee shall be Interred with honor. befitting his rank and brilliant services, It 1. hereby otd:red, I. that on th+ir arti•^i ilia city tiler shaii he placed, on Monday next, the 4"iih lust., in Independence Ball, and shall lie in state till Tuesday following, at two P M. 2. Captain Chapman Biddle'a Company A, of the First of Artillery, le detail«) a a b.dr guard thereof during its repose in Independence Ball. Re ;rill report to these hes Amprters for instructions. 3. The Home Guard will be paraded on Tuesday next, to participate in the funeral obeequles. It will lit fumed un Broad 'Arent, the right rooting on Seines street. at one o'clock P. PC, punctually, facing east, in the following order: First—Cavalry. Second— A Battery of Artillery. Third—The Regiments of In fantry numerically as they Maud on the roster. Fourth— The Battalions of the two Itille Regiments. 4, IniT.TITV gnur t Correeponding no nun Mer to the yearn of bis life, will be tired from the Howitzer Battery during the march of the procession. Captain B. spencer Miller will report in beau: oarters for coders. 5. The Volunteer Troops o. the First Division Petinsrl- Ildhltm, .ho Oritimde, aro re epccifn)l4 invind to unite with the Home Guard in offer ing theca hut honors to the illustrious dead. 6. °Moos of the Army, Volunteers in Service, Navy tv.d Marine Corrs who may at that tiers be in the city, (Miceli+ of the rind Idyision Pounrylyar ia Militia, sod Of Inc Moms Onaid, not otherwise on ditty, are cordial ly invited to assemble in until rm. at Mecisely half past one o'clock on that day, at Independence Hall, to parti cipate in tbe ceremonies of the day 7. The Drumm of the Evert will be crated, arid the Olbeere thereof will wear crape on their loft arni, above the elbow, and on their sword hilts. 8. The iscort wilt be formed in Walnut street, facing north, with its centre opp.ieite the middle entrance to In depeneence orticr of Brieedier General A. J. PLAIABONTON Wlll. BRADFORD, Accident Adjutant General. iny3-2t LONDON BY NIGHT_ 1.1,3 Secure putt- etate at once 11( 1 .AD'EMY eatTa TE11.3 EVENING. It* rrrTIIE LADIES OF PHILADELPHIA. who feel mtereeted in the welfare of the Soldier, art invitid to meet at , JONCEILT , f ALL, CLIICi ['NUT Btrc44. above Twelfth, on TUESDAY PERNIK/I' next, Mar 6th, at 4 o'cloci. to make arrangements for the nropoßed Floral Fair," for the benefit of the Cooper bop TioePittki cml 05 ,1 diee8 iinme. m]s•tit la. h. 11:141111 bocrotory. JOIII B. GOU(U. LONDoN BY NIGHT. a few Resorrtd Stotts left for TEJI4 EVENING. It* ry ,--- A tilt "U r i' SP THE IL 1:11.+111M1141,-iN 11,3 CLUB of the Fourteenth ward will be liqld at Spring Garden Mill, third story, on TUESDAY EVEN ING, M ay 6, at 8 o'clnek, for .the purpose of electing a Ward Exitcutive Committee. Punctual attendance is ItSk Pietimttd_ DANIEL W. CLARK, Recrelam SPECIAL NOTICE.—TO THE STOCK AND BitNillitit.DEßu it,F THE ELMIRA. AND ITILLIAMPORT RAILROAD COnPiANY, The undereianed le authorized to state that the use of the tames of ELLIS LEWIS. JOHN EARNHN, and ALEX. I. DI IN, on a ticket for &tanagers of the above Company, in connection with those of E. P. BOR DEN, W. P CHANDLER, and S. Y. MERRICK, was wholly without their authority - So far from being „ favorable to a change in the admi nistration and policy of the Company," those gentlemen have expressly assented to an association with the fol toning Ticket of Manag , inon. : FOR PHFRIDURT: THOMAS RIM FIER, JR. MANAGERS: ELLiS L JOHN FARNUM, Wll. LI A,M D LEWIS, BOUEIITJ. THEODORE F RANDOLPH, ALEX. L DIVPL WM. LONGSTRETH, Seerebtry• PHILADELPHIA, Fifth Mouth, 31, 1862. It co — .. PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. lIIE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA, who desire cordially to Emile in SUSTAINING THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION In Its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by every power of the Go vernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethren in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our fathers, are requested to select the number or DELI G ATE S ulna] to the Legislative gapresentation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will beet respond to the spirit of this call, to - meet is STATE CONTENTION, AT HARRIsItURG, On THURSDAY, the 17th day of July neat, at 11 o'clock on said day, to NOMINATE CANDIDATES for the offices of AUDITOR GENERAL AND GUR.V.P.I7OII. 1117.NERAL, and to take ouch measuroo as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Government in this season of common peril to a common country. A. K. McOLIIRE, Chairman of Um People's State Committee. GEO. W. RANEE MILE. 5 my2-tt Secretaries. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, rrripir• NINTH WARD PEOPLE'S ASSOCI- R ATION.—The r.oillar monthly meeting of the Ashociedion sill be held at the Hall, TWELF ell and FILBERT Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING next, May 6, at 8 o'clock. The punctual attendance of all citizens of the ward favorable to sustaining the Admi nistration ieredureted. By order of the Association. JOHN TIIOMPSON, President. DAVID BEITLER, Secretary. my4-2:* rrLONDON BY NIGHT. Secure your seats at once ACADEMY OF LIISIO, THIS EVENING. lt* OF'ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 11031 E FOR DESTITUTE. COLORED CHILDREN isial be held on second day evening sth too. 12th ind at S tr'olvOit, at GLAtisid•Pli HALL, Vestry meet, (Wera Sixth street. An °Nation for Trustees and Eismagers, die., to be held. /SAARI, H. JOHNSON, sth mo. 3d, 1862 to. JOHNT B. GOUGH'S GREATEST LEC TURE, " HERE AND tmckLE IN BRITAIN," Nigl be delivered in the AC,: DRAY ON' DIUSIO, on. TUESDAY EVENINi, May Bih, at 8 o'clock. Reserved beats in the Parquet, - Parquet Circle, Bal cony, and Orchestra, Ott mar, may no had ai tho door of the Academy and Inarben's, 000 Chestnut. Tickets for the Family Circle 25 cents, for sale at Mar tien-s aid the TruoL louse, 929 Chestnut street. Those who wish to hear this thrilling lecture should apply early for tichcie- my3-2t4 Ea. A LECTURE By WM. H. ALLEN, LL. D., President of Girard College MEM AND THE ITISTORT WE isWE, THE PEOPLE. ARE MAKING." Will be delivered IN CONGERT HAUL, On TIIIIIENDAI. May dill, at B o'clocEl P.M, FOR BENEVOLENT PURPO3E3. Tickets, 25 cents; or, to admit a Gentleman and two Ladies, 50 cents. For sale at Ferketipine k Higgins' Book Store, 56 N. Fourth street 1 at the Tract Depoei /16 F, ninth streeti t,y Ma I Committee, W, B. E. corner Rittenhouse Square, W. Brown, Sixteenth and. Filbert street, C. Cooke, 2008 Saneom street and at the nom% my3.stet or JOHN II- GOUGH.. LONDON BY NIGHT. A few Re +erred Seai left for THIS EVENING. 11* Eff'OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND POTTSYILLE RAILROAD CO., 309 A.LN UT Pia-eel. PITTLADELPTITA; May 1, 1882 The annual meeting of the Stock holdera of the Shamo kin Va 11.1; and Pottaville Railroad Company will be held at the 011 Ice of the Comany, on MONDAY, the 6th day of fd uy, 1862, at 12 o'clock 61. niy2.3t JOHN Ti. GODDARD, Secretary. COOPER-SHOP SOLDIERS , HOME-- An Election for Managers of the. Soldiera' Home aid be held on TUESDAY, May 13, 186. between the he ere of 8 and 10 o'clock P. M., at the Cooper-Shen Re freateent Saloon, 1009 OTSEGO Street, below Wash ington avenue. myl-11t E. S. HALL. Secretary. rioTicm—THE GIRARD LIFE IN 11.3 PURANCE ANNUITY AND TRUST COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA --The Animal Election for fourteen ruaoagers of the Company will be held pgreeably tp thp charter, at their Mop e Np 408 quipT DUT S{raet,rn 0102iPAY1Stiv DM day of DI Mental% botween the boure of 10 A. M. and 12 M. noon. rny1.414 JNO. JAMES, iketuary. Tr AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 5, JOHN B. GOUGH'S Great Lecture, 14 1,011D0N BY NIGHT." A new lectnre, prepared for the occasion, and the mod attractive of the season. 7ickets 25 cents, Reeervod mate 50 cents, which can be secured only at the Academy, or at 'Manion% 000 Chestnut street. - Unreserved seat tickets for sale also at above places, and at the drug stores of D. D. Stackhouse, Eighth and Green streets •, Ziegler & Smith, Second and Green cfticp WO, Pctiaser & Pro,' .59 &rib Frcria Meth and at the eloor the evening el the Lecture. ee2,6-90 oa. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.-THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL aro natlfled that their Annual Elo Winn for Twelve Managers and a Treasurer will be held at the HOSPITAL, EIGHTH below Spruce street, on Fifth Month, FIFTH, (Monday, May bth) 1862, at 4 o'clock P. M. WISTAR MORRIS, Secretary. as2l3,tmyi OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD 11.,3 COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, April 25, . 1862. A MOE T 9 dTVVKHQLDSQ6,—Thaw➢opaI inn- TlO2l, for Freeldent and =More, will De held on MON DAY, the sth day of May, 1802, at the Office of the Com pany, No. 308 WALNUT Street. The polls will be open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M. The Treader Books will be closed on Wednesday, the nosh jay of April, and be reopened on Tueeasy, eize Oih day of May, 1602. WILLIAM R. FISHER, ap2.6-10t Treasurer. ErrYOUNG MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT Ilhould Newts themselvee for the sphere to which they are beet adaptedo and which will contribute moat to their intellectual and moral improvement. PHRE NOLOGY is applied for this, and other purposes daily, at 922 CHESTNUT Street, by JOHN L. (JAPE% HOC. celotor to Yowler , W elle, & Co. ap2s-1m arOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, Atirii 16,1162. . . The BOARD OF DIIINCTOBS have this day declared semiannual Divider d of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tar, Para ble on and attar 11lay 16th, 1869. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of the company. No. 238 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH, aprt tiol Treasurer. arSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South yo gimp Stteet.—DnuAnniral4, ApT . 4, 1862.—The Animal Notting or she EiteellhOlcilen of ;he company, and an election for President and Mx Managers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May Sth, at 12 o'olock M. W. H. MoILEUIIIINEY, sa,l-015 Secretary. THE BUN L) AN]) SEMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD Favorable to a change In the administration laid polio, Of the Gompany, Will please vote on Ills OM ineeent for the following ticket : WILLIAM E. MORRIS. R. CAStpLELBEhItY No. 45 North J MIORTIR &root, bag now open, and will opon IBIS MORNING, the following lot of Goods, the game befog auction purchases of the various Now York and Pibiladelphia sales during the past work: MATTINGS—N ; 4.4. 5.4 6-4-25 per ennt, lees than regular prices Open for Bale iu second etorr• BLACK BILKS. BL tkOK SILKS. rive pleas 24 inch Black Silks. 75c. Black Silk& 244 28. 28, 30. 32, 34, 30, and 40 inchea wide. 155,000 dock of Black Silks. Also. Black Mourning Silks, cheap. Feveral udditional kW Fancy Silks, 57x, c. i 5 Nom Fnnrr Silks, loft from last etatligTh relittc.94 from 81.1236 to The. Two additional lutr Todia Silks % wide, 440. SFIEPTIE R D'S PLAIDS. 1 cape GO vicces SlA , pbeiti's both sides alike, 25 cents. Two additional 8.111/411, 4-1 Phephsrilis Plaid Oath_ mores.. 6-4 Mcsambiques„ small Plaids, 6 4 37X C. 6.4 striped . 39) c. al Mom .4 Embroidered Peelle, at 1 .2.5 emits. 3( wide. We sold precisely the same thing last season at 60c. Blue all-wool !Manisa, the shade, 37.4 c. All-wool Plaid Delsines. high colors. 26e. Supenor quelity and new designs Figund Wool Do htiiiitt 37)5 c, 00100 01 tae Marra goods cost boo to import FLANDIELS AND LINENS. All. wool Flannels, yord• wide, fine, at 37% to 15c. Flannels from 18 to 137%c. Linen Hnekaback, and all kinds of Towels, very ohrap. Also, Table.Linens, in great variety. 37 %c. 3 cares Williamsville Muslin,' just opened, at our usual low prices. All other Mutllns in proportion. I.Aptilo• c)Lthl. is:l74V cLoras, The light, new shades. at 95c. J. It. CASSELBERST'S, Mammoth Dry Goods House, No. 45 North NIG Street, hel4w. Ardh. P. SI —Doper. fro , the Patent Ileahlit-astion PM. Ora Skirt, Cr staining eighteen hinges. Having the agency for the city for the genuine Patent Hinged tikirt, I am prepared to sell th.-m to the trade at manufacturers' prices [lt] J. IL C. MUSLIN S AND LIN - hAtiB--Open ed this morning, one case fine yard Wide Barlett which I will sell at 1234 by the pi. ce ;14 cents is the lowest it has been sold at for a long time ; it is one of the oldeet makes in the market, and will wear as well as Williamsville or Wamsuita; one ease fresh from the mill, just opened, at one cent 4tr yard less than I have sold them; Bleached Sheeting, 2N yards wide, 33%, and other widths and qualities equally cheap. There is not a width made but what I have now in store. Also, one of the best assortments of String Chintzes, at 1.2. M, in the city From a late importa tion. I have received a fresh lot of Richardson's heavy. Linen, for fronting purposes and family use generally, from 87.% up, and rill guarantee the prima to be lower then the same numbers can be Wight. Also, several other btandaid makes, of Alit grades, that I will telt very low; five patuerus hand loom Table Linen, of different widths, uhich I think are heavier than any I have had a full line of other Table Linen ; one lot kterk .1 %" 0 ", .it WWI Too ',puler nit • around, $1.50 per dozen ; m e lot do.. $1.05 ; one lot Brown do., 75 cents per dozen ; 3 bales Russia Crash, at 9, 30. and 1235, (this is getting quite scarce;) 2 caves superior Linen Bandkerchiefs. at $ 1.50. These aro worth looking after, for they are a great bargain. _ _ _ SPECIAL TO THE LADIES. E. M. NF'E fILF No. 1024 CHESTNUT . STBEET, Has net opened a choice Int of FRRI,CEI PUFFED CAMBRIC, FOR GARIBALUIS. Alao, BLACK AND WHITE DOTTED NETS For the same. n03.3t GLOSSY 13L A.CK SILKS , JAI AT REDUCED PRICES, All widths and grades. Wholesale net cash buyers NH I find cheap and desirable goods in our stnck. CIIRWEN STODDART A BROTHER, 450,452, and 454 North SECOND St., above Willow. my3-3t NEAT FIGURE DOUBLE-FACED BLACK SlLKS—Just from Auction. Wholeeale net cash buyers yin tlnd cheap and desirable goods in our stock. CURWEN STODDA.RT & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND St , above Willow. ny33 3t F ANCY DRESS SILKS , 50 cts. Fancy Dress Silks, 56M cts. Fancy Dress Silks, 62M cts. Fancy Dress Silks, 76 cts. Willi a large stock of superior grades, at reduced prices CUR wEN SToDDART A BROTHER, 450, 452, and 451 North ZEc'Oti D Shy ala9TO Willow, toy 3-3 t PLAIN BAREGES. 1 Good quality, solid color Baregee. QrosS•syer fiateget, ftpci etUfret Doing a large auction lot received) At bell of the - usual prices. Printed Baregea at vary low rates. SHARPLESS BROS. Secretary of 'Tr ustt ea. m 3 3. 5, 10, 12-4t* VRENCH LAWNS. A full stock of Lawns and Organdies, Neat, medium, and rich &signs SHARP LESS ENOS., OHEEITITEIT and ZIGHTII Streets SILK MANTLES AND SACQUES. Black Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk &toques. Elegant new styles. Light Gloth Oacquath SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS.. New lots, bargains, 1234, 18%, and 26 eta. Plaid Mozambinues, very detuable. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Oils - Maud Cassimores and Voittingsi Light colors fancy Cataimeres. 6-4 Mixtures awl Muttons. Cloth goods for little fellows. BOY'S JACKETS AND PANTS. B LACK AND WHITE CHECK SlLlCS.—Haying made large purchases of email CLIECIL GILIC.B early in the memo% we are Mal Aldo to eell them at the old prices. Black aid White Check French Silks. Gray colored Check French Bilks. Black and White India Silks. Brown and White India Silks. We also offer the GREATEST BARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS. Beautiful Spire from 50 cents to $1.50. .4,000 yards Plain 'Mozambique') at 25 cents. Thew, sorade haefe , TO T.4'l nob htotrv, 17 , 14.6 Teri' much lake silk, and are remarkably cheap, haying coat 32 cents to import. 1 case Baregee a Chenille, and 1 ease BaregeP a Broche at 25 cents, worth 40. I lo! GRENADINES at IS a ote, workla att. This is the CH EAPEST lot of Goods IN THIS CITY. 1 lot Mode Voil&at 75 cent*. H. STEEL & SON, nun° No. 713 North TENTH Street, above4)oaten. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, 727 CHESTNUT STBEE Have opened this day, Rennet's flack Taffeiae. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas. Detached Figured Camel's Hair Thibet, high lustre, Satin Plaid and Printed Marouilise. Lupin's beet black Bat eges and Bombazines. phaa Lupin's best black, white, and high colored Chalk Organdies and Jaconets, grissaile grounds. Cacbemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Fenl.rd 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, SECOND DOOR ABOVE' ARCH, UP ESTAIBSI LADIES' DlMgg ke. The Copartnerehip heretofore extettng between KAUFMAN & LONNEBbTADTKE . . . Having been dissolved by mutual conseut, the under eigned reepectfully informs the patrons and Mende of the old firm. and the trado in genorfili that he hu taken ail the up-stairs mom of NO. 108 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE ARCH. To continue the manufacturhig o all kinds of DIMS, CLOAL ♦ND /BINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, OORD Of all descriptions, dia., Ao., And will offer inducements in price and quality, as well ae prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper talailm to lila Hoe. WM LONNIIIIISTADTRE, 61441411 No. IN North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. VINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. Black and White Neat Plaids. Brown and White Neat Plaids. Elwcic and Winito thapio,i-d`a Lilac, Blue, and Green Plaids. spa.," ETRE & LANDELL. FOURTH & AEOH. Q 1 CTS. STRIPE FOULARDS CI 1 2 trona NUGINICI. Small Stripe Foulards. Gray Stripe Foulards. Neat Stripe Foulards. RYER R LANDELL, FOURTH A ARCH. LINENS AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. RICHARDSON'S and DUNBAR DICKSON'S celebrated SHIRTING and FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the manufacturer' direct, and guarantied perfect—to which the attention of buyers and the trade generally Is respectfully invited. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, apl9-rptf 1008 CHESTNUT . Street. EW GOODS OPENING DAILY. N —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilac. Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Pique., white ground and bouquets of Chintz colors. Wool Da LAINAI. theirs abodes. Plaid and Mall figured Wool Do Lena, for children. A large assortment of Ginghama, at 12%, 20, and 21 Bents. A fresh assortment of Gloating Cloths. Small figure dark brown Makers. choice. Shepherd's Plaid', from 1111{ to 50 cents. Silk and Wool Poplins In groat variety, at JOHN H STOKNIP, No. 702 &BCH t3treet. N. B.—Good Mick Silks, 87J a Sl, and SLUM. Vall and examine OUT 51.12% Nan MM. 011136 STOCKHOLDERS IN THE COMPANY ritESIDENT DIRECTORS: BAMBEL V. hIERSICE, ELLIS LEWIS. JOHN FARNIM, WILLIAM. P. CHANDLER, E. P. BORDEN, A.i,MIN. RETAIL DRY 041095. 56 PIECES CANTON INATTING3. BED CHECK CANTON MATTINGS 10 PIECES JAPANIVM MA.vriNa. M==l IMMTI CHIA NI - 1M B ILVITES. No. 1013 M. ARKET street, above Tenth 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E_ M. NEEDLES Would call SPECIAL ATTENTION To hie assortment of White Goode and Linens. Auhipted to the requirement. of the preoeut se.,soo PLAIN, PLAID, AND STRIPED JAOONETS, CAALBNIOS, MULL. NAINSOOKS, SWISSES. FRENCH MUSLINS, PILLOW, SHIRTING. AND SHIRTING LINENS. :ire All varieties and novelties in the above at VERY LOW RATES. Also, A Choice Assortment LACE GOODS, EURROIDERIES, HANDKER CHIEFS AND YELLS. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET sscoan ovoav4 }lna-clues Be,dy-made Garment,. Style and Fit unexceptionable. Pricer, very - reaminable. Boys' suits made to order. COOPIP.II 00 WARD, L E. corner NINTH and tiAItHET Streets MANTILLL TRIMMING/0, E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH, NEAT PLAID BILKS, OBEPIIERD'S PLAID SILKS, PLAIN COL'D POULT DE SOIES, LEATHER 00L'D MOHAIR, LAVA COL' ll DEL/VINES, lOURISTS' DRESS GOODS, 5.4 SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS, NEW, CLOTH SACKS, NEW SHAPE, CLOTHS FOR SACKS. ap3o•wem tf POPLINS. POPLINO POPLiNS. Black and Whita Chen° Poplin. .7g eta par yard. Black and White Plaid Poplin+, 31 eta. per yard. Mack and Whits Striped Phplins, 31 cm yer yard. Rich Chene Poplins, 62,56 ctn. per yard. Rich Striped Poplins, 62 , 4 Ctil. per yard. Ooot pt-r ywrd. Wholesale net cash buy era will find cheap and desirable goods in our stock. CIMWEN STODD A 131T.OTHER, 460,452, and 454 North SECOND St., above Willow. rot 3-tretnnt 625. NEW SPRING GOODS. 625. Cl_ SOMERS & SON. CLOT H HOUSE, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET, UNDER JAYNE'S EAU., Have new in atara. and am 'waiving nanatantiv a largo and desirable assortment of CLOTHS, CA SSIMERE 3 COATINGS, SILK MIXED AND PLAIN. bstinaa. Tailors' Trirnmino, and al anode adapted to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. RAPSOWS, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, OFFER TO THE LADIES NARROW BUGLE GIMPS, BLACK SILK LACES, BELT RIBBONS. ALL COLORS, NARROW SILK GIMPS,' NARROW RIBBONS, SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS, CHEAP. PARTRIDGE AND CHINCHILLA SPLIT ZEPHYR. One lot or TeiBTRI DOE WORSTED, end en the lead• tng colors, al 12% cents per hank. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS & ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. ap2,3.lin C.LOAK.S ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN THE CITY IT IVENS & CO.'S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST WORK, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY, AT IVENS it CO.'S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mh2B.3m (4 . 14).A.K5.—1f you want the best value N./ for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. mh26.3m CLOAKS ! A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE NEWEST STILES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the very beet manner, at pricee that defy all competition, AT THB PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. mh2B-3m NEW CLOAK STORE! Tke moat elegant assortment in the city. mb26-3m MEW SPRING . PRINTS, .11 CHO (CH STYLES. MERRIMACS, SPRAGUE, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS. A large lot boat ocylea and fast colon) at Dc. mblb-t7 N. W. co U r ° . I E V IL E B B T T EPa W aNTAtai Bt. CLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILLAS_—Ladias in want of the abava articles will find it to their advantag .+ to visit the old established house of lira NENItY, No. 68 Noah NINTH Street, below ARCH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at prices that astonish everybody. apt-3m GAUZE SUM NER BLANKETS.- The subscribers have received an Invoice of these very desirable goods, in fine quality, at last season's price. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN,R ARRISON, apl9-rptf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. a REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Having Removed from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT street, 2nd Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Laree and Desirable Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ROGERS & BROTHERS' SPOONS AND EJRKS, AND To which the attention of the trade ie invited, ai3o-3m A tk i c. AMERICAN WATCH COM &IA PANY." GOLD AND STLYER WATCHES, FOR LAHR. ANP 94147.P.P1NK, COMPANY'S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (oppoeite Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. sp3o- 3m VULCANITE RUBBER JE WELRY A beautiful line of GENTLEMEN'S VEST CHAINS, LADIES' ORA TALAINE CHAINS, THIMBLES, CROSSES, BPI:1LS, BUTTONS, Now in Store. J. C. FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (Oanoeito Masonic Tamale.) ap3o-3m A • AMERICAN, ENGLISH, l b AND SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND DILYERWARE ' AT REDUCED PRICES. JOS. H. WATSON,_ a - 1)25. - /m ORD UtiESTNUT Dim-BET. NEW DEPARTMENT. We will have arrangml on second floor, and OPEN ON SATURDAY, THE 26TH INST., BOYS' CLOTHING. COOPER & CONARD, Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET Streets a,24-Ire CLIFTON ROUSE, NIAGARA YALU, (cituada Side,)—Tbia ;late' fronting 1110 American and Horse•tiboe Falls, will open for the season on THURSDAY, the 15th blatant. Parties wishing board by the week can be accommodated with cottages, or rooms in the house, on most LlBlitlt&L TA R, Quinthut, wet 1111 trfgnti at khlepentlion Oridge gtation, Pare to norm, tnancitng bridge Soil and baggage, only 25 cents. JOBLIN & DUNKLEE, Proprietors. Niagara Falls, Nay 1, 1862. myls.6t HEAD NETS, STEVENS HOUSE, (LATE DELMONIOO . 2O No. 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Pima relents& walk from Fall River hest landinx Chambers streA and foot of Cortland street. mh25.3m GZO. W. i3TEPHENe, Proprietor. A OARD.-THE UNDEMIGIVED, late of the GlitkllD 1101381, Phlladelehts, hiM Maned, for • term of years, WILLARD'EI HOTEL, hi Waahlagton. They take this, ooesdon to return to that, old friends and anatomies many thanks for put favors, 1114 beg to Yore them that they will be most him Is ON Mot In Mir new den. Hi% ORADW/016, le 00. WAIINIMBIPOM Jlehr 16. 1861. anfl-la CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. BOYD & iiimouii, NO. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREIT' (Four doors below the Merchants' Hotel,) Now offer to country merchants a large stook EC CHINA, GLASS, & QUERNSWARE. ap9•lm MEDALS AND COINB.--A large quantity of Medals and Coins for sale ; also, one set of Napoleon's Medals, one set of Dassier'a Medals et the English Kings, and one set of Binds& of tke Homes Empire. Apply to WIC H. BRIDGENS, 189 WILLIAM Street, New York, Dealer in Medal, Qolas, and Nat* lnya apTil4ni RETAIL /MY 41001 - ,,,,,,„. OFFER FOR SALE, No. •L 9 South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut. FINE JEWELRY, CLOTHING A SELECT STOCK GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER hnilu ll' NEW PUBLIUATIONS. TWO NEW NOVELS UT TUN •0711011 07 14 UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." PUBLISHED THIS DAY, THE PEARL OF ORE'S ISLAND. An American Btory. 1 vol. 91.25. AGNES OF SORRE gTO. An Italian Story. 1 vol. 61.25. BY MRS. TIMRIIIET WENCHER STOWI4, A T4 4 11.4'.. off' Tm 4 0.04 e,” to,'iit4l4r'4 IVooing," etc Thee() 41 . 0 stories by the perder Arathorerm Erneln Tom's CM , in," are now for sale, together or eeparately. as the pure taxer may wish. They are uniform in size and style of Mnding. One 30 a Romance cif America, and the other a ro,manco of Italy. TICKNOR & FIEL.EOS, 1171)LISHEBA No. 135 WA,SHILIVI.TON Street, 'Boehm, Mess. It HA }SEAS COMITS . PAMPITI E - BE hti.-IBINNEY ATM A.NTI•TIN E YS. That the truth lien in the" Nita Moine was , never mots clearly exemplified than in the controversy ?low raging! between the above parties Darken Rainer 50,4-nds that :in the Executive lies the ritrht to anspenathe Writ of Ilataes tloppes, ;a ttic) nth Section of Article let of the fmnialtutlcse His opponents as ardently advocate tSat the power 3iea in Congress. Lawyer-like, them gentlemen plead EMIT re rpectlve views with special arignmenta, and ignore the fset thniisl. It h. teem- ths anveral CORlVPluitlisfl, that our forefathers considered Cast the rower was to be invested in Congress, yet the grant was not made, asis clearly shown by Mr Bieney in Irk. Second Part, lately issued. Fee pages 12, Sco. New; it is alto evident that no such power wee granted to the Expeutive. Where, therefore, flees it lief If not granted, it surely remain!' in the State Governments, who bad this right pror to Federation, subject, of course, to each restrictions as were contained in their respective Cnnatitutiuns, Thin in ARTIOYVi TIAN( or thi4 man' in eobtroverny, but that It is entitled to consideration will be proven by reading the many pamphlets written on the subject, einetesu in all, which can he purcheged at my store. JOHN CAMPBELL. ITI 3.3 t PHOTOGRAPHS. pAR SON }SRO WNLOW.—Ready this morning avers fine Oard Phiitneraeh of Parson DROWNLOW, photographed akafetlSlY foe ui by Cintekunst, May 1. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. McALLISTER myfi•2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. T O PROGRESS with the tilllol9, BEIDIER offers, at reduced prices, his famous life rize Photographs, a rare opportunity em brace it. SECOND strest, above Green. 1* CCEIUCIi IN 1785.- A. V R Card Picture of the interior of Christ Church in 1785, from the original C1321 - 21titIllif. Price 25 cents. Jut publikted. na,ILLISTER & BROTHER, VIIP.4I4HIPP 41 MBE SUCCESS of REIMER'S Co -11 lolls] Photographs, for $l. illustrates a fact, that skill and permmono, in It twin) t plow, will be itPPTlO stated, 61fUOP1➢ Streets allato green. The ANOTHER NOVELTY IN PHOTO GRAPH .A.I.BI4MS.—To-day we Anil introduce ALBUM FOIL 300 PORTRAITS, "Richly, bony] in the 'following mice i Turkey Antique, with two flue clasp , 518 00 Turkey Antique, panelled sides and two fine clasps.- 22 50 Also, AN ALBUM FOR 400 PORTRAITS, Richly hound in the following etylier; Turkey Antique, with two tine clam !20 00 Turkey Antique, panelled sides and two clasps.... 21 00 Thee. Albums have been prepared with great care, are eleeantly bound, combine all the improvements, and are offered at very low prices. Publiehed by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, No. 606 CHESTNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. riIHE FIRM OF HESS & LEHMAN 1_ is this day dissolved by intim' consent t the busi ness will be stilled by ()HAS. LEIHAN. Ja., who is alone authorized to use the name of the late firm in liqui dation. JOHN J. H&93, CHAS. LEHM&N, JR PIIILADRLPIIIA, May 2, 1862. fillAS. LEHMAN, JR., WILL CON kJ firma the bunNees, at the old stand, No. 218 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. m93-3i.* SPECIAL NOTICE.—The partnership heretofore watering between LYMAN HOPKINS and THOS. FIT'LItIBDON (under the name of flookma & Fitzhibbon) ie On eolved by mu ual coneent THIS DAY. April 30, 1662. Witness: JNO. H. MAITLL, May 1, 1862. P S.—l will. Lot be responsible for any debts con tracted by the above firm after this date April 30, 1862. m)2-31 THubittB iiTZGIBBON. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER biIiP —Notice is he rehy given that the Copartner ship heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of TAW it BENIti, is this day dissolve:l by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by AliP.AllA 51 TAW, who is 40139 authorised to rum the firm's name in liquidation. ABRAHAM. TAW, WILLIAM. A. BEERS. ep3o-6t* April 24, 1862 fIOPARTNERSHIP.—The un dersigned have this day formed a Copartnership un der the name and et' le of JONES, WARNER. & CO., for the transaction of a General DRY GOODS Jobbing Imatuaisoi wt 240 ItiAllatET skre4, GIDEON F. JONES, RIOIIARD 0. WARNER, DAVID 0. GOLDEN. ap23-12t* APRIL 21, 1882 INSURANCE COMPANIES., `GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL g 200,000 This company continues to take risks on the safer classes of Property at low rates. The nubile can rely anon ire reeponelbllity; and ty to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, a sceed 8500. 0 0 0 , and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future DIBICOTOIIB CHAS. L DUPONT, JERRY WALKER. JOHN W. CLAGEIORN, JOHN.THORNLEY, 0 7. TIEAZLITT, ABRAHAM HART, PAM: , BOYD, Jr., PETER S. HOE, oIN. Y WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. LAwaßainc, WM. C. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. tIiOMA4 ctiAlt4ti, President, A. S. GILLETT, Vice President. JAB. B. ALYORD, Secretary, np2B•tt FAME INSUR. N 0.400 CHEbTNIIT FARE AND INLA DIREO treat. ND INSURANCE I TORS. B. N. Buck, B. D. Woodruff, Ches. Iticlicedsce, John Iteectle, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, • Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, Chas. Stokes, 0. W. Davie, John W. Everznan. FRANI:HS N. 813 K. President _ . . RDSON, Vim President. MID, Secretary. [mhlD-i[ tl CHARLES RICH WILLIAMS I. BLANC: H IRE INSIP • Ulf TLUI DIATII 9/ InOMMONW, IL. , RANCH thillril/111 PHNNBYLVANLA.. DDIEUTOIII3, David Jayne, H. D., Mariam H. Bogen, John M, Whitoll, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Entglit, 'Boum; 6i2Ve513.11C0c, Thomas 8. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Eah Jones. DAVID JAY E, H D., President. JOHN H. WHITALL, Vies President. PAM: UM 0, HOOK, Socrotary, Whoa, Commonwealth Building, 813 OHIEBTHIPI Street. tf THE "EXCELSIOR " HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. 3 H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL PBOYI2/011 DEALIBB I And curers of the celebrated "EXPELSIOR" SUGAR•CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North PEONT Eetwecti Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The iturtly-celebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured lay J. ft. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves,) expresdy for FAMILY USE; are of delicious Savor; free from the unpleasant tide of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for ssle. CAUTION• The well•earned reputation of FAIRBANKS' SCALES Hag Induced the makers of imperfect balsam to offer them as " FAIRBANKS' SCALES," and purchasers have thereby, in many Instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. FAIRBANKS' beALES are manufac tnrva ordy by the original brvaatore, 1. A- T. PAIR BAIGIB a 00., and are adapted to every branch of the badmen, where a correct and durable Scales is required, FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplOM MASONIC HALL, 715 CHESTNUT ST. Army int-ooDs ON HAND_ DARK AND LIGHT BLUE KEHNEYS. STANDARD 0.4 AND 3.4 INDIGO WOOL-DYED BLUE FLANNELS. 1141f100 SLUE OOTION DUCH, 10, 12, AND 15.0UNOE. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & CO., T.pO4-2na 203 SHEATIIIIT .411111 E- VORYTYPEB.—REIMER'S type, bear undeniable evidence of superior artistic the/ oro culortd In €ir otyi9 MrYOll9u.4 l Y beautiful. DEVVIW Wroth %Imp (imp. it* L. HOPRIN9, THOS. FITZGIBBON LE OQmPANZI AIMUNIEBIZINITS THE CONCERT OE TO-NIGHT.- MUSICAL FUND HALL, MONDAY EVENING, MAT 6. RIRCIFELD'S BRIGADE BAND CONCERT. . TICKETS KITTY CENTS EACH. For sale at the MUSIC STORES, where Pregrammee may be haul. to commence at a (AMEX' li MUSICAL FUND HALL. TO - MOBBOW (TUESDAY) EVENING tiOTTS(HIALICS ONLY CONOP,IIT. Ma sk ; When, to miler it ntokt attractive, he will bee by the ernicent Stamm, CARLOTTA Peru. Re mare of RR I, the great Barham), mod 9,47 pp peat ; and debuted S 1? 4j It TOMOESI, Tho fatuous new tenor, from the Talton Opera 'louse, Ilavana. Tile Itie appearance of these great artistes, prior to their deprirtnre for Europe H Itlfitil,ENH AVER, thOtelebratcd Vioionoettist. MON OE MUZIO, MIIBICIII Director and f' duator, Adnd•pion ONE DOLIJAR. Prate can b. secured (without extra charge) at Gould's MIMI; Molt. Ho. fia2 th•Fitout street: DPI7II open at T. Commence at H. M lid. JOHN I)H.E W'S ARCE•STREET THEATRE. Acqng 4tPBP MARROW W. 8 FEIETMEirtig I , nninrin fl not and Tram:lllw" :JOH. D. MURPIIV. .7111iltrY•trtVaNTH NJNHT ASV !ANT BE'? rOVir, 0? JOIN DREW. JOHN DREW. TO-213081T. MONDAY, May b, 1862. TP?; 00111/MY ON' 11R11028. Vlll7llio Or ISplica - a ;r414 4111 New. ronclude Kt }HOU& FAMILY. Dantai:f Murphy a John Drew. nu DA 4, PARE Vril:LL BPsNIC PIT opJUHN DREW, BOX noak mituip Btatikalti ilAerrat gnar7,r to W AL: rIVIJT-STREET THEATRE-- NINTH and WALNUT Stroaa, Bbl Lags --EvAR- 6!, llonlil6t7oo/1 1 1N (INM•tbAY).I....vE:4I.IG, Dv, 5, 1352 ...NIY. MRS N. II: r 0 WA . Y. Tlae'performance will commmace with alb tragedy, entitled. 1.• 0 '3l. 7/n_ ii Ilftic-,lit'n,,, , _, ,•+.0 ,1, .. ,P. c.mwll7, AA ra , 4 UP ? it: iikg ot Argos . ^lr. F, B, Con only. ClPmnottw Mtn Anna tiovrolL To conclutio - with tt (I .erMinting after Ripen, on titlarl THE' WAN Ill: RI!.•:Gr bIINAT EMIL • . Jon) Bang -14 Ur_ Vining ItaahsPA: PRIONa---50. 87g, VS, fttld A 5 Prtvate tioaaa ab and 83, according to their locale. Doors open at 7y, s o'clock Tn commence at 75.. A DIEBIUAN ACADEMY or MUSIC_ Ifoh ED‘VAI!If I , IVItftIVIIT IlsP kindly vnlubteertd to deliver itin cflehr %led Marais , ou the ~ O BARkeTAIR OF THE WAIL:" On FRIDAY EVENING.i 111 , 0 9 , 1). nt B'n' t ock, I''l/8 TUB 131tiNFiFIT fiF TOLUIVTIGYitt SAIIIJOITSt ADMIASIONAPIFTY GENTS: Tickets, with oveured beat& for ease lit tl:e following places, viz: m. B. Ptigh'o, S. W. corner SI eth.and J, E. thiulthi, @ E cur, dnynnth And Ohnttnta efe.4 IV. F llazanni No. IA I Uheetnilt RL, mv.J.otio _ A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. LAST WEEK` OF TIM GREAT SEPOY REBELLION. With MI ita BRILLIANT 80EN'Es,AND,T1111.11,L ING EFFEOTN. TUESDAY EVENING, May 6th, Complimentm7 Bfl.. fit to JOHN TOY. .....FAID N IN (1, ?WM nonsfit ineimeinor, SATURDAY, play 10th, last aftersoln and night. Admission 2' tomita. Children, 10 cents. Commence—Evenings at 8 ; A tternoons at 3 o'clock: 5.6 t .A U 6 B 6.A 8.- DR.. COLTON, LI who gave the Exhibition iti the Cooper Institute, New Tort. wig give a LW:ITUE, WITEI A GE %ND EXHIBITION of the NITROUS OXIDE, EXUMA.- EATING or LAUGHING. GA9. AT CONCEET (large) HALL. TUESDAY EVENING, AERIE, Gth - . . A ETRONG RAILING 'wad bo erected around the Stripe, to prevent time under the ititluence of the. G. from coming in contact with the audience. TWELVE STOUT MEN will occupy the Stage. to guard aaalnat aectdonta or iRJUPW. TWELVE GENTLEMEN Lave volunteered to Inhale the GBP. SIXTY GALLONS of Goa will be made awl admin. Wend. AS NONE bnt Gentlemen of the first respectability wil be allowed to inhale it, there need be no appreheneioa of fichting or other improprieties. THE ItFFECT of the Gas le to develop the leadfw, Irene of character. Some will laugh, sing, dance, de claim. etc. Dr. C. will he the first to inhale it, Dr. COLTON wilt endeavor to manage the Exhibition in Elich a manner as to deserve the patronage (aa in Nen York) of the beet clean of ladies and gentlemen. MODS who love en evening of -hearty laughter will be gratified. To add variety to the entertainment, Dr. 0. has-en gaged the celebrated TRIMMER BROTHERS. who will comm.-nee the evening with a inlet and brit. Bent Concert. in which they will slog a selection of pa triotic, sentimental, and comic songs. Iricnit.snerrsu Ges.—Dr. Cotton's entertaining exhi bition of the effects of the Nitrous ()ski , Gas was attended. 1,7 a large ani 6Traily amused nwiionon, in the vapor Institute, on Monday evening,—.X. Y. Observer. TICKETS 25 CENTS. Doors open at 7; conanenos at 8 preciw4y•; my2-4i* TDB ENNSYVLANI,.4 ACADEMY' OW . 11E VINE ARTS. Thirty-ninth Annual Exhi bition of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 011E3TtfUT Street. Open from- 9 A. M. till 6 P. M., and from T P. M. till 10 P. M. kiiroitt.ovv was j Scum/TichPf7 0 gouts, Stockholder', Artists, anti Contributors will receive their tickets at the Academy; no admissions without. at,2B TEREOSCOPTIOONS Ql' TH E 1 L S. BELLION, for public exhibitions i vieweint all nig prominent Battles, Incidents, and Men. Full priced sal Illustrated catalogues sent free, by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., Opticians, apll4m N 0.924 OHEEiTNIIT Strait. PMiladalehll W ANTS. A II.OUSEKEEPER WIIHES Situation in the Counhy ; is an experienced per eon; will give the beater reference. A contreable how the most desirable consideration. Address If Mrs. IL S.VP Press office. mys.3t* 17VANTED—Light, active, day=time mostly outdoor RINIPLOYMENT, by a you'll. [minted roan. References obtainable. Address L. Hey, office of The Press. my2.3t* UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, for the United States Marine Corns, for !ea eervice aboard of men-of-war, SEVERAL HUN DRED AISLE-BODIED MEN, between the my of eighteen 000 Cony Team - Young men from the comm. try not lose than 5 feet 4% inches high, who shall paw the medical examination, and enlist, will receive three cents per mile for the distance travelled in coming , to th• Rendezvous. at 311 South FRONT Street. below Spruce, Philatialtslsia_ All isthar Infartaatiar that asap ha vs_ Quired will be given. JAISIRFI LIWIA, Captain, aprl2-12t and Recruiting tofflom rim MLE AAP TO LET, e tv FURNISHED HOUSE TO IJET-- . South side WALNUT, Dear TENTH C. H. MUIRHELD,• No. 2P3 south SIXTH trod. _ FINANCIAL. UNITED STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE: COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS? RECEIPTS• CASHED, COLLECTED, OR EXCHANGED. rigllWPOkr itii94lM9l/ 61T9fi Si/ iIItHIMONTII7 IR 01011111— meat securities. DREXEL it cc'', 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. &pi,- lm $15 , 000 $l2 000, $5 7 500, $5i000 , , WANTED on flist an clty s aniTc lm ou h n ° t r ryloc 4 n ni rftt r . " Ap na p4. to E. PETTIT, 1033 N 0.309 WALNUT Skeet. -S EVERAL SUMS SS.OOO .this amount to invest In first mortgno security in the city. Apply to B. A MITCHELL,. my3.3t* 134 lionth THIRD Street. $2O 000 TO LOAN ON MOW TO ; will be divided . Also other eume. Andy - to O JOSEPH B. BARRY, Goovcsanoer, 439 WALNUT etrool. my2/31#1' $6OO —GROUND RENT of this e amount FOR SALE, en an Improved pro perty, at a discount. Apply to E. PETTIT, st,2o No, 809 WALNUT Street. FROM $3 000 TO $6 600 TO LOAN on Mortgage. CHARLES RHOADS.. No. 4911 WALNUT Strext. ar.20,41t* IN HAIR DYEING TIM MT IMI TATIONS of nature are matte at the Faehionable Bathing Saloon, FOURTH end BRANOEt. zuy3•lftf rIPBNI.10:1 OF A BUMMER GAR MEN.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public that he bee opened for the Beason his ME GUI DEN Bud HOTEL, at the toot of COATM Street, ()M -elte Fairmount Part. Famine§ are particularly invited. Ice cream, Cakes, excellent Lager Beer of Baltal brew ery, Wines, &c., always on hand. 11101 BY FliaoKA, my3-Stn TWENTY-SEVENTH. and COILTES SW T ADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT IRS, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliance% of correct construction and COSY to the wearer. Tor ads and adjustment at O. H. NEEDLES' LADIES' STORR, TIV Urn Peet, drat door below Race. evutioulou requiri.s Itvrtur• asses 'An con 14 Ow Southwest corner mg GPM and RAGE, triter* 0, R N. liven attention to Shia ammialfeatura. mhl2.3mit HRM ON X SHERRY—For sale in band, by MIMI L CLILMILIIIR. 141.11211 WALMIT and 41 warm et. BAY RUM —A small invoioe of Bay Bum, itiet received, for side by 1111.411. LBSTA.Ine, vied t WATAnt'Y end 9i *mown Atr,-4,14. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE BTONBI3 at tern reduced prim at Marble Wow et Or pipes .116.... a Mama .4.11-111.11 ('SAVE ORANGE SEED.—Prime NJ Fre' Ow@ groom INNO, IN.W. 140 1114)9 to suit Nurserymen, vs ofhoro, Rr AO Oorg QT r, S. MINGLE a 00., 108 MANICIT Meet, my2.Bof MORGAN, ORR, CO., STEAM PFO/NZ Bill.LDlßgil 494 7911P0111 among Dtpchisiwag awl DpikwLokaril M 49 LOWHILL atm*. Plailidelphls. OUTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN YJVar..of " 11 n umber! Dren4t, WWI, D 1390 , Twins, of ell Geemiptione, Ivf Tents, Awning', Trunks, mid Wit= 001 , 01111. AlllO, Patter Manniegituren' Drier Fel% from 1 to rem wide. Terpondinr, Belting, Bail 'Twine, &o. ral4-it JOV*I 4.1114,