Public Amuse incuts. Wal»ut-BTR*bt Thbatrh.— Miss Charlotte Tbomp •oa will repeat) (bis evening, her beautiful rendition ol ld the new dram* of that name. Miw Thomp son has auded vastly to her reputation as a charming •etnas. To-morrow ovening, Mr. Barton mu will £r*fceht his claims to the publie U* 4 be*.«Bt. On Fri daj night Hiss Thompson's benefit takes place, and on Saturday her engagement terminates. ARCH- street Theatre. —uThe Groves of Blarney ” *riw ginn l«tt muiog for the sacond lime, to a fine House. John Drew, U blather Griffin, was very ef fective. Indeed, all the company pUyed with a great •deal of spitU In this piece; but we must particularize 3lr. Frank Lawlor, who, as Conner O' 1 Gorman displayed •bfltty of no common order. The piece will be repeated to-night. Mb. and Mrs. I’hibodt at Howe at thh Musical Tcnd Ball.—A new entertainmeLt of a peculiar con- with itjo soot. title 7 -will ho produced OB Frt •dlay evening. The beauty of this entertainment is that St is calculated to be reproduced in every drawing-room •Among friends, hence it is likely to become popular— Aiid thA II PeAbody pAeiimea* l are iiMytebe (bo (MbiOQ. Tickets for the initiatory representation are to be had at Crould's music store. Comi'LlMestaby. —The complimentary benefit to Mr. John Toy i the 'energetic lessee and manager of the ex hibition of tableaux of India and the Sepoy Rebellion, is fixed for Tuesday evening, May 6. The tickets not used ■on that evening will 1>» good for either of the two follow ing evenings. The limited time for the exhibition in this City is fill iw.U‘ing to a clow. Tbo«e of onr citizens *who have not jet seeu It should avail themselves of tbo present opportunity. From San Francisco. SAN FRASCISOO. April 28.—The ship Joseph Peabody Has been forfeited to the Government for smuggling. Trade has recently revived to supply the demand for Jgood* enitable to the O' eg.m and British Columbia mluts, fin advance of the auticiputoil large emiiinttinn. •JBBueium with thr- inferior of the State continues uq peaeonubly backward ' General Wright Ims Issued an order requiring the •rrest of all persons charged with aiding or ahettiog, by word or deed, the reb» liiou. Such persons are to be cou^ £ned, unless they subscribe in the oath of allegiance. Arrived—Steamer Sonera, f,om Panama: ship Dan 2>Jtiru from Bong Horn:. Sailed—Schooner Endeavor, for Shanghai: whaling Hark Camp, on a rrtiite; willing ship IF. C. .A'ye, on • cruise | ship Jnuuu, foi Callao. j&Aif FRAxcif co. ApiH 28 —The steamer Panama has arrived from Mazatlan, with dates to the 19th. The Confederates in New Mexico and Arizona are making efforts to bring the border States into sympathy With them. General Sibley, wmmaiKUDg the rebel forces* had sent Bo Coi. Beflly to opon negotiations with the Governor of {Sonora. Col. Reilly bad tendered a supply of troops to enter Bonora and chastise the Apaches for which service ha Risked the right of w»y ov»*riand from Guay mas to Arl- ZodAi and also the privilege of purchasing supplies At Mazatlan. The Governor had entered into a long correspondence With Reilly, and sent a special messenger to the Go wernor ol Cinaioa on the subject of bis miasior. No •definite arrangements appeared to be agre-d upon, but Soilly had received h«aiment from th» Go vernment officials, and, at last accounts, had arrived at -Gcayamag, where ho boasted that be had been far more •uccesaful than he bad hoped for. TXbe Troubles of the Overland Mail Co. ST. LOUIS, April aO —A gentleman of this city, who •Has just returned from Omaha, informs us that the re cent troubles which the Overland Mail Company have experienced were not occasioned by the ludiaus, but by •companies of their own employees. It appears tho drivers of the overland coaches and other persons who ‘Wrein the employ of the company have not been p iiil their wages for several months. Disgusted with ihis Btato of affairs, they determined to seize upon the coin- MT’e property, aßd ibns obtaiD what belonged tu them. Jfearly all the available stock of the company has thus Been taken away Our informant says the ludians along £he route are peaceably disposed, and thus far have done Jio injury to the rails or overland telegraph. *Tk6 Capture of 001. Crocker and Major Cassidy. Albany, April 29.—Aletter from Captain McNett, of ftlie Ninety-third New York gives an acceuut of the capture of iiol CrocKfr end Major Uaaaiiiy. Tbo two officers left tho camp on foot at 6jf o’clock ou Thursday, and were last seen in the Hdo* of the pickets. Hallooing was shortly after heard in the worlds where they were walking. They doubtless fell into an ambush £>f the rebels, and were taken prisoners. Blockade Runners.— The Nassau, N. P. Guardian gives the names of 46 vessels, mostly schooners, which have arrived at that port from southern ports, since the commencement of the federal blockade. It also notices the return to fort on the 12th. short- of coni and provisions, of the Thomas L. Wragg s (JVashvi!le) y which had Cleared a few days previously for St. Johns, N. B. Our VonuKJrjKßiss. —Thuriow Weed, In a recent letter from Europe, says that the persistence of our volunteers in facing batteries, and Btorming re doubts, under fire, has won the commendation of veteran military officers in Europe} who IqqJc for UQ guoh results in raw yuluuteers. FINANCIAL ANI) COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, April 29,1861 United Stales seven and three-teoths treasury notes TOSOftt the Stock Board tu»day to the eura of ;881 lo 97and the certificates of debt to 9s. Pennsylvania TKailroad shares gained Schuylkill Navigation sixes of 1862 %, Beading Railroad shares 6 -16, Catawissa pre- Ftrrtd and Long ZsUud . The market is excited and jubilant over the war news, and almost every thing looks up. The money market is unsettled. Capital ia abundant, fend prime business paper scarce. Messrs. Drexel & Co. furnish the following quotations * Slew York exchange .Par tv I>lo pre. Hoston exchange........................ ** to 1-10 ** Baltimore exchange......... “ to 1-10 die. Country funds. # to 6- *0 “ American g01d......'.... to 1 pre. ©COym«rtitic»trB ~98* to9i) 7 3-19 Tieum? uu’.es™ to 102 The following is tna coal tonnage of the Shamokis Talley and Pettsvillo Railroad Company : Tons. Cwt, Tons, Owt. STor week ending April 26....1. 3,9-il 16 40,561 02 6ams time -last year 1,261 14 48,3*1 13 Increase..... Decrease..... The Delaware, Lecteawanae, and Western Railroad eoal tonnage for the week ending Saturday, April 26, is reported as follows: Tons. Cwt. Tons. Owt. .. 5.929 09 76,55 l 10 lB 224,567 17 Chipped North. Shipped South. 24,358 07 301,140 07 JTor corresponding time last year: _ Totib, Cfft, Tons Gwt. aorta 4,00 S IT Oaaio 10 Shipped 50uth.......,,... .15,618 06 218,028 15 22,687 02 283,142 05 18,007 02 T0ta1....,*, Increase The New York Evening -jP#c, Pacific Mail is again 1 per cent, higher. Panama road to 124# ©125. Railroad bonds are in strong demand. Erie Fifths are S per cent, higher, Michigan Central Eighths #, Toledo »nd Wabash Seconds 1, Cloveland and Toledo Sinking •Funds!#. The Southern State Stocks are in better demand. Ten nessee* rose to 57#. Missonris to 50, North Carolines to There is an improvement of 1 p r cent, in Illinois sixes Bud California sevens. Octio sixes of 1660 sold at par. The animation in GovenimeHfei bfw cotnewhftt reriTeil Ihe speculative list, and the railway shares are #©# per cent, higher. New York Central closes firm at 83#: ♦Toledo 42# ©42#. Money continues very easy, at 505# cent, od first vlses collaterals. Jfiime paper ia in aood request, at 5© PH V w=‘ i ‘t>« **»nifl [ln «!v>rt a«epMne;s. Gold is rather firmer, 101# bid. All the tales at the Aboard were at this tigure. Excharge on Europe is firmer, but not active. First xlasß bills on London are selling at -112% ©ll2# ; Paris ts quoted at 605®50n# Hamburg 37 # ©37 ; Bremen BlttSl#; Thalers 74* 074#. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April 29 [imported by b. slajtmakhr, Phils. Exchange.] FIRST BOARD. 3.000 Fenna ss. 3000 Sun & Erie 75.b5 90* 3000 do 90* SOOO do 90* 3000 City 6a Hew cash 93* 300 do mv mji 3800 do New Gas. 95 3000 Phila A Erie 65.. 89* £OOO do 90 2000 V B Cp 6s ’Bl crii 96* £OOO do bi>wu 90* 6000 U 8 6i Beg ’81... 96* , 150 Cam& Am bond ’64 97 1000 West Cheater Bs.. 40 15 2d A ft 60 1000 BeadgOa T 44.caafa 97 35 Piiila & Brie 8.. 12* :N BOARDS. 800 F«diia 5» 86 500 City 6b Now 98£ „ 3000 Penua B Ist mt. 101# BKCOND BOARD. 30 Green A Coates.. 23* 80 Lehigh Scrip.iota 37* 3000USDbtCert cadi 98* 800 US7.3oNClean. 101 200 do. 101* BKTWBR ©OOO Fenna Cp 6».. .1)5 87* ©OOO Sun A Erie 7s ... 90* 61 Penna B 46* aoo V S 68 Up *Bl 97* •2000 do 97* 1000 do. b&wu 97* 8 Minchill It 47 £O,OOO USI/btCrt Olu 99 26 Beading B *22 * 60 d 0.... ..bswn 22 44 100 do 22* 60 do.. cash 22* 100 do 22* 4 N Penna B 7 AFTER fi Cam A Am It 1129 9 do. 129 . CLOSING PB Bid. Asked Y 7 8 6fl 1881.... 97* 97* UJ STr 7& 10 N.lOl 301* Phileda 6s. 94* 95 Bid. Asked Elmira B Prf... 10 16# Elmira 7b *73.. 73 X* Inland B 13# 13 V Lic’gh Cl & 2f.v 51 ul LeClAHavScp sa# 30* N Pannft B 7 7* NPenn»BB».. 71X 72 fil Puma 10a... SB 90 1 % % Catawiaaa Pref. 7# 7# Frk A Sthwk B. 42 Whiled* 6e new. Vb * yy !P«idb 65.. 86 86* Reading B 22 * 22* Xteadm6»’Bo’4B 96* .. .'Beadbda 1 70.... 90 IBead rot 6e ’86.. 80 }Peiiuß....«.. 46* 46* tPenna B 1 mOs.loi lu?* IPenna B 2 m 6a 95 ]Horr)s Cnl Con. 43* 45 IMorria Cnl Pref 113 fich Nat Stock* 4 5 ISchNATPref... 11* 12 tSch Nay 6a ’82.. 65* 65* Xlmiimß 8* 8* Philadelphia Markets* Flock—The market continues inactire, and the de mand, both for export and home use, limited at about pndoni ratei. There is no disposition, however, to fovea sales, and the only tr&hs&ctidns we hear of are 590 l)bli good Western extra at $5.60 bbl, at which rate it ds freely offered, and 1,000 bbls fancy Ohio at a price kept private. The sales to the trade range at $505.25 £br common and good auperflne j $5 37*o5<5ti* for ex tra ; $6.6605.75 for family, and ©5 87* 06 66 V bbt for fancy brands, as in Quality, and the receipts and sales light. Bye Flour is scarce, and selling in a small way at 93.37*03,50 W bbl, the latter for better brands. Corn 2,757 04 6,510 11 100 L Island R. .cash 127; ■2OO do 13' 100 s IS# BOARDS. 12000 [JScp6i’gli)swnS7# 25 Pel Diy 33 ICBB—FIBSI. Sec A Thd-st B. 59# 60# RaceAYtae-at R 8 8# W PbUaiaß... 54 54# Spruce & Fine.. 12 12# Green & Goatee. 23# 24 Ghee A Walnut. 30# 31 # Arch Street.... 18# 18# Aran. 29—Evening, Meal remains inactive, and Pennsylvania is dull at S2.TO Vbbl. Wheat—There 1b a good demand for Wheat at fully former rates, and 10,000 bushels found buyers, mostly for shipment, at 127 c for Penn’a red, afloat, and 136 c for white, including 1,600 bushels prime Kentucky at 1450, aud 400 bushels choice Southern at 160 c. Bye is wanted, and ?Mm r a readily commands 7*20. Corn Is also mass* and In request at 65c for prime yellow; there la none afloat to- day; 1,200 bushels white sold at a private bar gain. Oats come in slowly, and a few small lots Penn’a have been picked up at 38c; holders generally ask more. Bark.—There is no change in Bark, and Ist No 1 Quercitron Is steady at 533.60; the receipts are light. Cotton. —There is very little offering or selling, aud the market is firm to day. Grocbbiks and Provisions are firmer, and the latter nlkit more active si tho close, owiog to the advices from the West. Whisky is unchanged, bbls selling slowly at 23)4 A 240 and drudge at 2lX c V gallon. CITY-ITEMS. Smoked and Dried Meats. —Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer In fine groceries. Arch and Tenth street*, has now in store a good supply of tine Jersey-cured hams, large-size tongues, and dried beef of very superior quality, to which we invite the attention of our reactors Gough’s Great Lecture oh Saturday Night.—The Academy of Music will doubtless be thronged, on Saturday evening next, by those who enjoy listening to the native eloquence of this brilliant orator. His subject Is Teniperauco. l ’ ft is his favorite tteme. It will be his only lecture on this subject during his next visit to our city, aud it is expected to be his best. By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that seats may be how reserved. Embroidered Piano and Table Covers, elegant designs, at low figures. Jacquard Lace Curtains, at prices ranging from £1 to £10; they aro a good imi tatim of the genuine, wear and wash as well. Tassels, Cords, Gimps, Fringes, Ac. Kblty & Co., 630 Chestnut street. Men and Boys’ Spring Ciothing.— Men and Boys’ Spring Clothing, Men and Boys’ Spring Clothing, In great variety, at reduced prices, In great variety, at reduced priced, Ie great variety, at reduced prices. At Clias. Stokes’ “one* price” At Chas. Stokes’ “ one-price l ’ At Chas. Stokes 1 “ono-price” Clothing Store, under the Continental Hotel. Clothing Store. Uhderthe Continental Hotel. Clot! ing Store, under the Continental Hotel. The Rebellion.—One of the immediate fruits of the rebellion was to close up ail the common schools South. Its duration for a few years would con sequently have the effect of entirely suspending the pro gress of education. One of the first results of the occu pation of Nashville by the Federal troops was there opening of all the public schools, and the introduction among loyal folks of Urat*claßß clothing of the latest styles from the Mammoth Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 699 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, where the cheap est Spring and Summer garments in the country are manufactured. Queen Victoria and the Esh-eror Napo lhgk.—Queen Victoria has offered to give Buckingham Palace to the Emperor of the French during his visit to sco the International Sxhibition, and the Emperor will occupy it for ten days or a fortnight during the season. The two illustrious individuals wilt havea talk upon the subject of iron-dads during the time, and the Emperor will doubtleßfl refer incidentally to the elegant and subs st&nti&l garments for soldiers and civilians that are got up at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of BockhiU A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Napoleon always patronized that esta blishment during bis visit to this couutry, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. wr SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Scbr Fannie Keating, Snow, from Port Royal, in bal last to captain. Bchr Presto, Robinson, 2 clays from New York) in bal last to Noble, Hammett A Co. Bohr Mary, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, Pel. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. CLEARED. Ship Fanny Fern, Gann, London, T Richards** & 00. Bchr Siak, Ingalls, Salem, Noble, Hammett & Co. Schr Fannie Keating, PilUlmry, Salem, do. Schr Magnet, Sanborn, Chelsea, do. Bchr Alice, Thompson, Washington, do. Schr Presto. Robinson) Rockport) do, Foster, Boston, J It BlakistOD. Schr Bullrusb, Dewey, Providence, do. frehr G M Smith, Mills, do do. Bchr Perrine, Sheffield, Stonington, do. Sclir Anna Maria, Eidridge, Portlaud, C A Peckaher A Co, Bchr Bea Witch, Tyler,'Providence, D Pearson & Go. fc'chr Union, Cheeley, Salem, Castner, Stickuay, A Wel lington. Schr Lizzie W Pyer, McDuffie, Portland, Sinnickson A Glover. Str Beverly, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde. Str Anthracite, Jones, New York, W M Baird A Go. Sir H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. nr TKLKOftAPH. (OorreßDonaence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del, April 29. The large fleet of vessels which were at the Breakwater have gone to sea. Wind N; weather clearing. Tours, &c. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Schr John Compton, Yates, hence at New Bedford 27th inet. Schr John Jones, Corson, sailed from Providence 27th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr William Bement, Parker, hence at New Haven 26th Hint. Scars Island Bello, Butler, from Providence for Phila del phi a, and Harriet Ryan, Staples, from Staunton for do. sailed from Newport iotli iust. Scbr George .Fales, Nickerson, from Providence for Philadelphia, was anchored in Dutch Island flaroor 26th inst. Scbra J J Spencer, Smith, and J F Farland, Gillette, Bailed from Key West 14th inst. for Northwest Pass. Sclir Ben, Hickman, sailed from Key West 15th inst. for Southwest Pass. Schr M a ghinfller, Ireland, Bailed from Kty West loth inst. for Cardenas, Scbr Aid, Gooding, sailed from Key West 19th inst. for Cardenas. Schrs New Hayen, Glovor; J English, Nicholson: R H Dailey, Cash; Madagascar, Mooie, and Mary Johnson, Niekewou, hence at fioatas 29th last. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST KI6BT COjmSBNTA.iI HOTEL—Ninth and Oheatnnt sta. W Horn, New York Calvin Adams, Pittsburg K T fcchultz, Baltimore J Richard, Chicago G G Prugh, Dayton Jas Tri oble «k dau, Fittab’g P S ALcUormiCk, Pittsburg G T McCormick, Pittsburg W 0 Gi#metti r fiuiland A Arnoux. York ED L Wickes, New York Geo W Smalley, Boston B Bryer A la, New York J H Kroeser, Dubuque L L Bill A wf, Hudson, NY 3 A Allen T Elder, New York John Torrer, Jr, N Jersey C A Wileoni Jr, New York A Elrntniorf* Brooklyn Mrs Z D Gilman* Wash, DO John J Black, Dtlawtre CB C Adams & la, Boston Wll Clarke, Pennsylvania Miss Clarke, Pennsylvania John S Boyd & la, N York Mrs Bed path, Boston C *' Knight. Boston C Vf Walton* Maine Mrs J W Soever, Boston Mibb Weld, Boston Franklin Weld, Boston Mrs W B Johnson, Wash Miss Donaldson, Wash Mi a Col Eastman, Wash Eastman, Washington Thos W Leonard, N York Geo M Parsons. Ohio Capt Baesford, Montreal Mr Thomas, Montreal W T H Duncan, New York C W New York B P Judson, New York A A Cobb, Boston H Newhal],Lynn J II Morgan, Evansville Seth Bryant, Boston J B Eastman, Boston Kdw G Park, Boston Mrs Joiux J May. Boston Mr«B F White, Jr, Boston G VV Jlstsillger, Boston J llBerryhiil, Harrisburg Isaac htttße, Massillon, 0 Chas bteeae, Massillon, O G B Qa LeziogWni Sj H K Bell, itcsingten* Ky 3> P Pen, Lexington, Ky J F McCoy, New York A Hollingsworth, Boston J 51 Perry, England Fdw Filley, New York W Nesbit, St Loois J Converse, Connecticut A C Dunham, Hartford IV Cohen, New York F Snow, Boston J A HoYey, New York W Wallace, ltortori Jos Carpenter, Providence Owen Owms, Jr, Cin, 0 H Wheaton A la, Prov 6 P Patterson, New York T P May, New York B Rice, New T ork II Kolkenhorn, Wash Mr Downed, Boston John B Foley, Balt J W Cltudeniiii Baltimore Geo 3 Scott j Floyd, Pittsburg w J Beitcher* Boston Dr A Bawling*' New York Wff Reynolds, Prov, R I W C Simmons, ProT, It I W C Slmmoos, jr, R I 8 P Sanford, Prov R I G Flemot, Prov, ft I J G Bennett, Jr, Prov, RI A M Cady. New York Thos Louis, Boston X A Lovajny, New York E limit, Alexandria, Ya EC Hatl, Boston H P Kidder. Boston Rev E N Kirk, Bostoa J Hayden, Boston G 8 Toby, Boston A II Silvester, Boston P Dodge & la, Baltimore b Gw drier, New York T B Bockir, St Louis S M&?£Ud, Nashville, Teen J Cosier. Jr, Baltimore Dr Walton & lady Mis 3 R Kent John 8 CoPett, New York LLa Farge, New York J Drought, New York JOG Holenshade, Cin, O G»mjß Cramer, Cin, 0 * Mrs Bond, Wash, D C Bon A K McClure, Penna D Woodruff, New York Mrs Hiirnßidfl Jz Sen, Penna Mrs Gamapob, n&rrisburff Muster S Cameron, Penna BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhiti. Jos Miller & w, Penna Miss 3 Hanxman, Pa Feltr Gross & w, Schenksvl Albert Kunkel, 91atiqgtou Beiu Krauso. Allentown Henry S Truiubowor, Pa E B Snyder, Lehighton, Pa T F Kltler, Lebigh co, Pa David Hartman, Pa Ftt Itorneck, Bethlehem A W Potteger, Reading Jacob Clowell, Nazareth J B Humbert, Kutztown Jos F Hummel, Pa fcimon P Baade, Pa David Seem, Freeport, 111 L firing, P* Jos M»rbar«er, Sckl co, Pa Sti phen Kistler, Pa Geo Mulchler, Pa Anthony Lear, Now Jersey A W Loarch, Pa MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Foartn below Arch. J B Proctor, Massachusetts J Striker, Milton, Pa B W McAllen* Virginia W S McAllen, Pa Master J H McAllen, Pa Jona* R Martin, Lancaster W Halfpenny & son, Pa Rev W M Paxton.Pittsburg P H Hunker, Pittsburg S L Mount, Woods&eld A W Patterson, Ohio B N Miller, Pittsburg ft Dietrich, Pittsburg J Hoge, Watertown J A Raum, Bedford 00, Pa J H Ranm, Bedford co, Pa W Young, Mifilinburg L llewd & wf, New Jersey C5l Babcock, Penn Haven W Chapman, Bath, Fa M M Mar pie, Philadelphia Rev J Scliiudle, USA Hl5 McCauloji Wash; DC LP Williams, Pbila W Heiueo, Milton, Pa J G Milner, Mass 8 W Park, Warren, 0 1» Marr, Milton, Pa G L Griffith, 31arylaud A C Wilson, Allog’y co, Fa 51 White, Ohio C G icott, Ohio 1 hoa Morley, Harrisburg W 9 Rutherford, Harris's J E Creamer, Hanover, Pa MW Jackson, Berwick,Pa A WML, Der*T ck, Pa JT> >r Uirrs^arg ft Kear, Mlnersyille B W Foster, Boston N Snow, Chicago, 111 E Packer, Pennsylvania W 8 Peters,Maishall’aCreek J II Breckinridge, Conn J ft Brown, Minnesota David Diberc, Pennsylvania A Thirkield, Ohio O L Griswold, Connecticut JoLu PaoiDiia kew Jerner k K. Nielson, Pnillipsburg D C Nielson, Philllpsburg Geo M»T«orthy, Baltimore F i’ Huixthal, Penna 3 Love, WiUmmiport E B Godfrey, Pittsburg W Davis, Ebensburg, Pa ST. LOUIS atrnsl, almu Third* F D Adams, Massachusetts A D Adams, Massachusetts .1 R Fanshowe J Carroll, St Johns, N B W B Kerlin, Steubenville, 0 J Wituiore, N York W B Loutburg, N York G 3 Stone, Mam ft p Watkins, Brooklyn T Ilojdeg, N Yr J Hayes & la, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut ■*., above Fifth C O'Farrell, Cheater co r P. Wm O Fulton, Pa 1> Ltfu.vcr, Meff York Wm Bolfoid, U.ucb Chunk II G Bond, Mow town, K, J B Oh»mtpkm,Phit»dalfihi» Geo IT Judßoo, Saco, Mftlne Geo A Ford, Her;laud J D Fennell & wf Dr Backeter ft 1», Indian. Adit A H James.n W H Fattanon. Waah,D G W H Bnrradie 4 1., Ohio D 0 Smith. Pottnills M R Nichols Wm P Rsyfieid . H T Milchsack* Bethlehem TBI UNION —Arch street, above Third. L Maitln, Delphi, Ind J S Ebp, .MaMh&UtlllA, O 8 PhilßOD, Berlin, Pa 0 Hlerholser, Allegheny H H Swearingen, Ohio € Wood A wf, N Jersey Miss Wood, N Jersey H A Clark, Middleton J Lerch. Bethlehem P A Fawcett, Ohio L L Fred, Barngrillft 0 J Maginuißi PuttflTilla w l wans, Deerfield, O j Huttoi), CUambersbiirg j GG Evans, Cbambersbnrg J Fraley, Easton, Pa J P Iloff, Easton, Pa II Deals, Pittstowu, Pa 6TATS6 UIUUN=MM*tt Bffeel. idoto Sixth. J V Crawford, Chambertb’g W H Washburn, Boston R Philbrick. Boston L H Ogden, Norristown J Dietrich, Juniata co N Chew, Maryland J A Kaufman, Mar)land Henry Baker, Newvttle Jus K Mazier, Buiubridga J B Knanft'; Now Buffalo C ltvingsion, Nbw ButTulo J Walton, Pittston A Krider, Pittston C Houser, Ohio Geo Smith Ohio T Snider, Stonerstown J T McCartney, Clarkßburg AJt Sloan, Clarksburg J McAyetU, Penna E Phipps, Chester 00 - Tlivs niter, Hanover, O W Biiotoii, Wash’uco.ra Geu Heiicb, l’trrry ci». Pa E W Mc-Jluag, Pittsburg Mies Wiedlaud, Elizabethan G W Covington, Marylaud W Riir«(ll, Cumberiiiud It R Armour, Cumberland A li Shaw, (Aeai field NATIUBad trimsii—isnoe fltroet, »Dove ThlrCL S Black, Wilk< «barre Mrs Degeuhart, Penna Mies Degeuhurt, l’enna Master Degeuhart, Penna Mr» Mdltr. Penna W H Romig, Penna fi J Rbowtai A'leiitovn Gapt A J » bitdeld. USA W e rin.ous, ruuim Geo w Taylor, USA J M Harley, Bucks co VV LindemiUli. Blinersville G J Lasveoii- Minursvillo Mrs Rhoads, Miuersville Mrs Falls. MineraviUe R McDowell, New Jersey Lewis Funk, Chester co. Pa J 8 Wilson, rihester co. Pa ft Montgomery, Cbce cc, Pa V Eves & ia, Middletown JS K Mat.beck, I’enna J Siegfried, Ponna Mies R M Ashelmau, Penna H K Ritter, Seliuigrove BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. H Comstock, Wyoming 13 Fouike, Wilmington O B Sharp, Wyoming G W Carver, West Chester Wm B Stokes. New Jersey A J Meyer, Penna JCalleudcr, Pemia A Diuahower, Bucks co Aiib Cox & la, Penna E Miles, Lhivisvillo J) F Shtlmire, Huntingdon J Heaton, Newtown j Smith, Moreland, Fa D Jarrett, Montgomery S Butts, Jr, Bucks co A Palmer, Herford, Md C Cornly, Byberry, Pa T Smith, 104tb Penua Vols F Lehnen, 104th Pa Vols Wm McCarty, 104th P V Wm Davison, Cheltenham BLACK BEAK —Third street, above CallowbUl, Chas Finney A la, Hartsville Chas Harper, Jeoktatown Wm Hamer, Green Lane Benj I) Long, Herfprd j P Knight, Bucks co MVB Vanartsdale. Penna Abm Creesman, Sellersvillo Chas Lenhard, Berks co John Bftimnerßley, Berks co Jacob Huth, tiutubeylowu Chas Schlerfenbeimer. Pa David R Olen-eus, Penna Miss Millot, Friedouaburg H S Masstetter, Penna COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. Mite Lyon, Maryland Miss Bayard, Maryland A Lyon. Maryland S Mason, Dolaware Jobu Brewster, Pa Wm B Leas, Pa E T Wilton, W’ilm, Del H Lang, Chester co, Pa John J Trip pie. Pa Geo W Feeder, Pa Th Fn?£U»6b, LaneatlU? tit P W silver, Maryland J E Leonard. Chester co, Pa Th Walter, Chester co, Pa W H Eder, Maryland W H Brewster, Pa G W Price & wf, Pa Jos Wood, West Chester Samuel Johns, West Chester Geo W Lefuver, Pa B J Houston, Lancaster co W Davie, Bell Dale MOUNT VERNON HOTEL —Second *t., »b. Arch. J B Griffis, Trenton, N J M A Smith, Hankins, N Y C Bender, Pa Aaron Beard, Pa B Mitchell, Damascus, Pa W L Wttd, N Yorifi j<4b PfIAA, Eqmhunk, Pa 9 Lincoln, Equinunk, Pa W Twoddoll, Bel co, Pa G BradUy, Walton, N Y" REVERE DOUSE—Third street, above Race. P Borger. New York D AYariuston, Penna SM Eisenbart, York, Pa Geo Bowman, Penna Levi E Bowman, Pinna A M Hawkins, Now York Geo Winans, New York A Kirk, Media B Roeotigurth, Pottsville SPECIAL. NOTICES. New Orleans, BY TEE BARD OP TOWJER HAX.X. When Jackson, the brave, Fought nobly to save That town from the fierce depredators, He nov*r euspectal That the place he protected Would e'er harbor an army of traitors. If that thought had distressed Tho groat patriot's breast. Methinks he bad deemed it hie duty To leave “ Crescent” alone To take care of its own Molasses casks, ** beauty and booty.” If that city had burned While Invasion she spurned, And for freedom and justice contended, No infamy now Would rest on L er brow, But her date would in glory have ended. - Oh people rebellious, Excitably biUensi Your wicked rebellion we quell! And we at Tower Hall Must rejoice at your fall, As we do when cheap Clothing we sell. Onr stock of ready.made Spring Clothing ia tho most extensive in Philadelphia, from which all can be suited in style, price, and size. We have also a fall and choice selection of Piece Goods, which will be made up to order In the best manner. We buy and sell for caih only; therefore, M tho pAaaibU brid6S. TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET St., Philadelphia. BENNETT & Cj. Coughs,Colds, and Consumption.— Thirty years’ experience, and the testimony of thousands who have been cured by its use, prove that Dr. D. JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT Is, without exception, the most -valuable remedy in the world for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, PLEURISY, CROUP, WHOOPING COU3H, SPITTING OF BLOOD, and all PUL MONARY COMPLAINTS. Here ifl ft portion of the evidence: SEVERE COUGH COMPLETELY CURED. Rev. B. F. BEPDEN, Pastor of the First Baptist Church Camden, N. J, writes: t( A few weeks Bince, while sufTeringfrom a vory severe cold, I became so hoarse that it was with great difficulty I could speak so as to be understood. While In this con* dition, your Exfkctorant not only gave mo immediate relief, but, lu three or four days, completely cared my cold, and removed the hoarseness. I, therefore, tak® pleasure in recommending the Expectorant as being, in my judgment, the best cough medicine before the public," A STUBBORN CASE OF BRONCHITIS. Mr. SAMUEL 0. DAWSON, No. 1217 Clarion street, Philadelphia, >vrite§; “ Seme time ago, I was attacked with that most fatal disease Bronchitis, and finding that it was making sad havoc with my constitution, I sought the advice of a physician, and while under his treatment, I must say that 1 seemed to regain my wonted strength almost os Quickly ob I lost it. After an interval of some months, however, I was and, ot course, sought my former rented; ; but this time with no good result, although I gave it a long and patient trial. I next tried Cod LiTer Oil, and this occasionally afforded great relief, hut made no apparent cure. From the oil I went to per haps a dozen other specifics, warranted to cure, etc , but they all failed. I was at last advised by a friend to try Dr* JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT* and the result, I am happy (o say, has been most astonishing, and I am once like my firmer self. It will give me great pleasure to recommend your justly• celebrated Expectorant to any one afflicted with a bronchial complaint.” Mr. JAMES M. KTMBEBLIN, Professor of Lan guages in the University of the Pacific, writes from Santa Clara, California: “ Mrs, Kimberlin (my wife) was taken vioKntly with INFLAMMATION OF THE CHEST, and we alt thought she would not live. She lost her voice so that her friends were fearful that it never could be restored; but by a prompt use of the EXPECTORANT, the in fiummaliou was checked and her voice returned entire. 1 ' Mies MARY BALL, of the Protestant Episcopal Mission, Cape Palmas, 'West Africa, says: «»In our mission families, Dr. D. Jayne’s medicines are a general Bpeeifio* and among the sick poor they enabled me to do much good. Your EXPECTORANT has proved of great value in the case of the Bev. Jacob Bambo, and in that also of Rev. Mr. Green, another of our missionaries.” This expectorant is prepared only at 212 CHESTNUT Street, and may be had of druggists gene rally. ap2B-mw&f One-Pktce Clothing, op the latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Prick System Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET .Street. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, a£ 311 South FOURTH Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, best and cheapest in the City, at 111 South FOURTH Street. MARRIED. PERRY—KCKFORD—On Tuesday, the 29th lost., at St Luke’s Church, by the Rev. Dr. Howe, Marshall Sears Perry, M. D., of Bcston, to Frances Henrietta, daughter of the late Henrv Fckford, of New York. * . SailTH-BUBTT.-putheTUwf UMCbiltf ttev.G. D. Carrow, Surgeaut Bobort G. Smith, Second Regiment Delaware Volunteers, to Miss Fhebe A. Burtt, all of Philadelphia. * DIED. BENNER.—Suddenly, onboard of the Ocean Queen , off Fortress Slonrce, Major Henry L. Benner, U. S. Pay maeter, a&ed &7 years. The relatives and ltiendsare invited to attend his fune ral from liia late residence, No. 841 South Third streot. on Thursday juorning, at 10 o’clock. VANDTKE.—In Germantown, on the morning of April 28,18G2, in the 21st year of bis age, William He bertor , ion of >\ A. Vandyke, Jr. His ftiendr, aid those of the family, are invited to at tend his funeral, on Wednesday, the 3Jth inat,, at 3 t*ctted Siihn, cm : Black Grenadine Bareges, 12# cts; Shepherd's Plaid kttfaair Cloths, 16 and 26 cts; Gray Chene Toils du Kord and Mousfellnes, 12# els, &e. BESSON a SOB, Mourning Store, 80. 918 CHESTNUT Street JG. MAXWELL & BON, • EIKVKNTII »nd CHESTNUT, have now ojwii, *( the i A LADIES’ FAIR* FOR THE BENE lljf FIT of the ** Church of the Immaculate Uoucep ii.,« ,♦» N. J is sow open, and wall continue until the third of May. ap2s-6t* PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL THE LU? CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PENNSYLVANIA. NudPITAL are notified that their Appeal far Twelve Managers and a Treasurer will be held at the HOSPITAL, EIGHTH below Spruce str«et, on Fifth Month, FIFTH, (Monday, May sth) 1862, at 4 o’clock P. M. WIftTAR MORRIS, Secretary. ap2B-tmys nrs=* OFFICE CATATVISSA RAILROAD (J 3 COMPANY. No. 308 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia. April 25, 1802. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.— I The annual ELEC TION, for President and Directors, will be held on MON DAY. the sth day &£ Mir, lßttS, hi the Office of the Com pany, No. SOB WALNUT Street. The polls will be open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M. Tbe Transfer Books will be closed on Wednesday, the 30th day of April, and be reopened on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, IMIS* WILLIAM R. FI3HEIU ap26-10t Treasurer. JOHN B. GOUGH'S GREATEST LEC u3 TUBE, “HEREANDTHERE IN BRITAIN,” will be delivered in the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY EVENING, May 6tb, ai 8 o’eluet. Reserved 8< ats iD tbe Parauet. Parquet Circle, Balco ny, and Orchestra, 50 cents, may be hud at the door of the ACADEMY and MAR’ 1 lEN’S, 6C6 Chestnut Tickets for the Family Circle 25 cents, for sale at Mar tien’s and the Tract House, 929 Clie*tout street. 1 hose who wibh to hear this thrilling lecture should apply early for tickets. ap26*6t OF EMPLOYMENT 113 should prepare themselves for the sphere to which they are beet adapted, and which will contribute most to their Intellectual and moral improvement. PHRE NOLOGY is applied for this, and other purposes daily, at 922 CHESTNUT Streer, by JOHN L. CAPEN, suc cessor to Fowler, Wells, & Co. ap2s-ltn wsa OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL; [tS ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 16,1862 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a semi-annual Divide* d of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State tax, paya ble on end after May ldtb* 1862, Powers rf Attorney Tor collection of Dividends can be had on application, at the office of tbe company. No 238 South THIRD Street. TfiOS. T. FIRTH, ap!7 tjol Treasurer. AVIS AUX LIONS 3>E LA MODE, iJjf Mr. p. Andriot a l’hoscxeur o’laroiuiKß lbs Fkancais et kes strangers qu’il est aujocru’uux OERANT db la maison, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 11 guarautla par aa position aux hommee do gout, quo im vettmena Dorteroua toujoura uu cacMt tion innimitable, et a des prix a 25 pour cent au dessous de n’iroporte quelle Liaison. Sa longue 6tude et ea pra tique l’out mis en rapport avec les artistes las plus habiles dt sa pHitie, taut a Paris qu'a Londres, et aui lui fourai rons toujnurs Ips plus nouvelles modes et les mieux por iees do ces deux pays. Avis a ceux qui tiennent a etre a I'avance des modes. ap4- fw-lm SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA Uss RAILROAD COMPANY-Offiee 227 South FOURTH Street.— Philadelphia, April 3d, I&s2.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and fcix Manaeers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May 6th, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. MoILHENNKY, ap4-tM6 Secretary, WATCHES AiND JEWJBLRY. JKs “ AMERICAN WATCH COM | PAHY GOLD AND STLYEB WATCHES. FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. COMPANY’S SALESROOM, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, Masonic Temple.) I. B. MARTER, Agent. ap3o- 3m Jfr. REMOVAL. J. C. FULLER Having Removed from No. 42 South THIRD Street to No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, 2ad Floor, (Opposite Masonic Temple,) Now offers a Large and Desirable Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, BQGEBS & I3BOTHEB3’ SrOONJ AND FJBKS, FINE JEWELRY, To which the attention of the trade is invited. ap3o- 3m ■ymUANITE RUBBER JE WELRY A beautiful line of GENTLEMEN’S VEST OHAINB, LADIES’ CHA ZALAItiE CHAINS* THIMBLES* CROSSES* STUDS, BUTTONS, &C., Now in Store. J. C. FULLER, No. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Second Floor, (OppoEiite Masonic Temple.) apSO-Im Jts AMERICAN, ENGLISH, fis WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE, AT REDUCED PRICES. JOS- H. WATSON, ap2s-lm 32G CHESTNUT SiREET. WAIL UKY BOOUb. TAS. It. CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET* Have opened this day, Bonnet’s Black Taffetas. Triple Chain Satin Plaid Colored Taffetas, Detached Figured Camel’s Hair Thibet, high lustre. Satin Plaid and Printed Mamuilise. tupiii*e beet block BarcgOß and Bombazmdfl> Rich Plaid Mozambiques, Lupin’s best black, white, and high colored ChallL Organdies and Jaconets, griasaile grounds. Cachemire Stripe Printed Percales, very rich. Foulard Poplins. Foulard Satine, Ac „ Ac. ipl6«tf GOODS ON HARP, DARK AKD LIGHT BLTJK KSBSEY3. STANDARD 6-4 AND 3-4 INDIGO WOOL.DYED BLUE FLANNELS. INDIGO BLUE MIXTURES. COTTON DUCK, 10, 12, AND 15-OUNCE. FARNIIAM, KIRKHAM, Sl CO., »n2fi.2m Q'Ja CHESTNUT BTKEET. AGREEABLE, natural, and life-like Pictures are REIMEB’S Ivorytypes. AU who admire fine Pictures should obtain one of them. Gallery, SECOND Street* above Green. it* T\IBSOLUTION OF COPARTNER JL/ SHIP —Notice is hiroby given that the Copartner ship heretofore existing betweeu the undersigned, under the firm of TAW A BEER 4, is this day dissolvol by mutual consent, The business of the late firm will be uy a Bit mum TAW, who is alone authorized to use the firm’s nanio in liquidation. ABRAHAM TAW, WILLIAM A. BEERS. April 24,1862. fp3o-6t* LOST—On Friday, the 25th, a white and brown BETTER DOG. A large reward will be given for his return to No. 1602 MOUNT VERNON Street. ap3o-3t# pRAY OB DISCOLORED HAIR \JT Dyed a beautiful Black or Brown, at FOURTH and BRANCH. ap3o-iftf T ADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT -1 A 188, BRACES, and other Mechanical AppUaneaa, Qt correct conitraction eMj to the wearer, For and adjustment at O. H. NEEDLES' LADIES' STOBB, TWELFTH Street, first door below Raoe. v Gentlemen reanlring Rupture Truisee will call at thi Southwest corner TWELFTH and RACE, where O. H M. give* attention to this speoialfeatora. mhl2-2mtf RETAIL DRV GOODS. E. & L., FOURTH AND AROH, OFFER FOR SALE, NEAT PLAID SILKS," SHEPHERD'S PLAID SILKS, PLAIN COL’D POULT DE SOIE3, LEATHER COL’D MOHAIR, LAVA COL’D DELAINES, TOURISTS’ DRESS GOODS, 5-4 SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS, NEW, CLOTH SACKS, NEW SHAPE, CLOTHS POR MAKING SACKS. ap3o-wem tf JJAPfisON’S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS, OFFER TO THE LADIES NARROW B UGLE GIMPS. BLACK SILK LACES, BELT RIBBONS. ALL COLORS, NARROW SILK GIMPS. NARROW RIBBONS, SPOOL SILK, A 1.1. COLO ICS. CHEAP. partridge and chinchilla split ZEPHYR. One lot of PARTRIDGE WORSTED, and all the load tag colors, at 12>f cents pei Lank. RAPSON’S TRIMMINGS ft ZEPHYR STORE, COIINEB EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. ~ ap23-lm Black and white check BlLK3.—Raving made large purchases of email CHECK SILKS early in the season, we are still able to sell them at the old prices. Black ai d Check French Silks. Gray colored Check French Silks. Black and White India Silks. Brown and White India Silks. We also offer the GREATEST BARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS. Beautiful Silk* from 50 cents to $1.50. 4,000 yards Plain Mozambique at 25 cents, These goods have a very rich lUßtre, looking T6TT much like silk, and are remarkably cheap, having coat 32 cents to import. 1 case Bareges a Chenille, and 1 case Bareges a Broch* at ?s,cegto, WOfttl 40, 1 lotall-fliik GRENADINES at 25 cents, worth 62, This is the CHEAPEST lot of Goods IN THIS CITY, 1 lot Mode Veils at 75 cents. H. STEEL A SON, ap3o No. 713 North TENTH Street, aoove Ciaiea. raoAKS! \J A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prices that defy all competition, PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. X. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. mti2B-3m load CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES Will open, Every day during the current week, Novelties in Laces, Embroideries, Voile, Hand kerchiefs, White Goods. Linens. &c., received per steamer Asia, among which will be fonnd Choice Poihte L&te Ooltar i auj 9«Hs. ** French Guipure 11 “ 4 ‘ Valencianne “ *« ** Needle- work ** “ “ Emb’d Nette, for Garibaldi Sleeves, Ac. w FroDGh Puffilambrio “ «« “ dotted and figured muslins. tl Valeucienne, Edgings and new style. “ Cambric and Swiss “ Piques, Marseilles, Brilliants, and Fig’d fif children's wear, dreDiuline Veils, io all colors. All of the above are ntw, choice, and desirable goods, and for sale at VERY LOW RATES. ap23-tf 10 24 CHESTNUT STREET. pHECKED SILKS. Vy Black and Whitaof superior quality, Jußt received, &d 29 Blue flannel coatings. 6# Bines of extra fine quality. Regulation weight, Indigo blno. *ps9 SUARPLES9 BftOS. PLAIN BAREGES. Good quality, solid color Bareges. Gross-over Bareges, and thin stuffs, Being a large auction lot received, At bftlf Of the Usual prices. Printed Bareges at very low rates. at>29 SIIABPLES3 BRO 3, TTRENCH LAWNS. JJ A full stock of Luwds and Orgap^i^S] Neat; mmliura, autl rich tfr-afgUß BHABPDSSS BROS., CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets SILK MANTLES AND SACQCJE3. Slack Taffeta Mantles. Black Silk Sacques. Elegant new styles. Light Cloth Sacquea. SHEPHERD'S PLAIDS. New lota bargains, lB#, and 25 ets. Plaid Mozambiques, very desirable. AND BOYS’ WEAR. Silk Mixed Cassitnerea and Coatings. Light colors fancy Cajaimeres. 6-4 Mixtures a&d Meltons. Cloth goods to r Htctn follows, BOY’S JACKETS AND PANTS. (NEW SECOND BTORY.) First-class fie&dy.made Garments. Style and Fit unexceptionable. Prices very reasonable. Boys l suits made to order. COOPER A CONABD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. /CLOAKS.—If you want the best value VJ for your money, so to the Oity Cloak StorA 143 Hoitb BICrHTB Htreet. above Cherry. mh2B-3m IAQ NORTH EIGHTH STREET, iuO SECOND DOOB ABOVE ABCH, UP STAIB3 LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ac. The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUFMAN A LONNERSTADTER Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, andAhe trade in general, that be has taken all the up-stairs rt oms of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE ARCH. To continue the manufacturing o fall kinds ef DRESS, CLOAK, AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, GOBP Of all descriptions, Ac., Ac., And will offer inducements in price and quality, as well as prompt attendance to orders, in every article apper taining to his tine. WM. LONNER9TADTER, ap4«2m] No, 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. Fine plaid silks foe BONNETS. Black and White Neat Plaids. Brown and White seat Plaids. Block End White Shepherd’s PliidA Lilac, Blue, and Green Plaids. ftp2B-tf EYRE A LANDELL. FOURTH A ABOH. 071 CTS. STRIPE FOULARDS O i 2 from Auation. roittll Stripe Foulards. Gray Stripe Foulards. Neat Stripe Foulards. ap2B-tf EYRE A LANDELL, FOURTH & AROH. New cloak stoke i The most elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut. jnh26—3m riLOAKS! CLOAKB! CLOAKS! \7 THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN THIS CITY IVENS & CO.’S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. TUB LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST A3SOR TRENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE HOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STTLES, THE BEST WORK, AND DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY, ITBNS “a CO.’S, NO. 23 SOUTH NINTH BTBEET. mb26-3m New goods opening daily. —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilac. Plain brown Foulard** one yard wide. Pianos, white ground and bouanets of Chintz colon. Wool De Lainea, choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De Laines, for children. A large assortment of Ginghams, at 12#, 20, and 36 cents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Cloths* Small figure dark brown Mohairs* choice. Bhepheid’s Plaids, from 18# to 50 cents. Bilk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN H STOKES', No. 702 ABOH Street. N. B Good black Silks, 87#, 91, and 91.19#. Call and examine our 81.12# black Silks. mh2B -\TEW SPRING PRINTS, X> GHOICK STYLUS. MERBIMACS, SPRAGUE, PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A HALT CENTS. A luge lot best .cylee aud feet colon at lOe. COW PERTH WAIT A CO,. mhlß-tf N. W. cor. EIGHTH end MARKET Stfi. pAUZE BUMMER BLANKETS.— \X" The subscriber, bave received an iuvoice of these very deeireble goods, [n fine quality, at lest Beeson's price. SHEPPARD, YAN HARLINGEN, A AHHTSON, »p]9-rptf IUOB CHESTNUT Street. Linens at importers’ prices. —RICHARDSON'S end DUNBAR DIORSON’S celebrated SBIRTING end FRONTING LINENS, re ceived from the monnfecturere direct, end guereulied perfect—to which the attention of buyers end the trade generally is respectfully invi»©d. SHEPPARD, YAN HAJtLINQEN. A ARRISON, e,19-r,tf IWB CHESTNUT Street. rtHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. MATTING, AND WINDOW SHADES—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, V. E. corner ELEVENTH »nd MARKET btreete, will open ihil morning, from auction, Ingrain Carpets* 31,37,44, 50, 62, and 75c.; Entry and btair Carpets, 18, 22,31, 37,50, and 62c.: Bag and Taru Carpets, 20 to 31c.; Floor Oil Clotbs, all widths, at 31, 37, aud 50c. j White and Bed Check Hatting, 30 and 25c. 5 Gilt- Bordered Window Shades* new stylus, 50, 62, 75, and 87#ft.J Green and Buff Window Holland, 12 to 31c.; Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, from 8 to 12# e.: new style Plaid Dress Goods, 15 to 25c.; Shepherd's Plaids, 12 to 22c. apl9*l2t PLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN- V/ TILLAS.—Ladles in want of the above articles will find It lo their advantog vto visit the old established house of Hrs. HENBY, No. 38 Noitb NINTH Street, below ABOH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at vrioes that astonish everybody. ap4-3m new style. SHARPLESS BROS. TJEiMEK’S COLORED PHOTO XV GRAPHS for 81 are accurately-colored Likenesses* Altogether* they are gems of which the possessor map well be pr«md. SECOND Street* above Green. It* pARD PORTR AITS IN IMITATION OF PHOTOGRAPHS.—This day we will have NEW STYLE OF FOBTBAITS* in imitation of Photographs. The following Portraits are now ready, and othwwUi he issued as rapidly as they can be prepared: fcinituiiint Morns, of the Geuerftl Bona, Cumberland} General Fremont) Com. Rowan, PareoD Brownlow, • General Shields, C6»i. L. M. Gdldfttaitetigfc, Price Ten Corns each, or t' lar. For sale by WILLIAM S. A No, fTTAKING Tims by tbs forsloek is to JL take advantage of the offer of REIMER. Life-size Photographs in Oil are now made by him at war prices. SECOND Street, above Green, It* HEAD NETS, MBS. D. FERRIS, 1037 CHEBT NUT Street, has now open a large and varied as - ?f Englitb, rtfdfhi mi Abwlwb STR^W BONNETS, together with a full line of STRAW GOODS suitable for Friends* wear, and the latest styles of Misses’ and Children’s Hats and Caps. ap24-12t REMOVAL. MISSES O’BRYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Street, have removed to HOT WALNUT Street, three doors above Ele venth, north side, and will open PARIS MILLINERY, for the Spring, on THURSDAY, April 17. apl2»2m* AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, CORNER ELEVENTH AND TINE STS E AIL SAJLEI of . anperlor quality, in lots ranging from ICO to tOOj and 5,000 FEET CEDAR SIDING, In lots to anit purchaser,. Also, at the some time and place, THREE FARM WAGONS, ONE FARM CART, with Iron arms; alt new, and of the bee manufacture made by Wilson, Childs, & Co., Henry Simons, and Kess ler £ Bio. i and ONE FALLING-TOP BUGGY, In good order. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock Pa M., when terms wil be made known by rjIHE DRY GOODS JOBBERS, r£IBE LATEST STYLES OF LADIES* CRAPE COLLARS JUBT RECEIVED, DIBIOT FROM TDK MANUFACTURER. THOB. MELLOR & Co, »c2B-et «0 tod 4B North THIRD Htreot TYTEW' BPRING AND BUMMER i.l GOODS. M. L. HALLO WELL & Co, 133 MARKET And ST NORTH FOURTH STB.. Wholesale Dealers in SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Desirous of selling off their stock or goods* prorlous to removing to their New Store, in “JAYNE’S MARBLE BUILDING,” CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for the remainder of the season, at Wholesale only, their ATTRACTIVE STOCK of recently-purchased DRESS GOODS. At prices generally much under COST OF IMPORTATION. They will also offer, at LOW PRICES, A well-selected assortment of other goods in their line, many of which will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. aplP.mwf-tJe5 CLOTHING. DEPARTMENT. We will have arrangod on second floor, and OPEN ON SATURDAY, THE 2GTH INST., A SELECT STOCK BOYS’ CLOTHING. GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, Sonlheast corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. ap24-lm PAPER HANGINGS p HIL ADEL PH I A PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, CORNER OP FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, MANUPACTUHERS OP PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPER?, Offer to the Trado a LARGE AND ELEGANT AS BORTMENT OF -GOODS, from the cheapest Brown Stock to the Finest Decorations. N. E. COB. FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. N. B.—Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW PAPERS of every grade. ftp2?'2nl COOKING RANGES, FURNACES, Ac ROOKING RANGES. ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. This Bongo has affordtd more satisfaction than any yet offered to the public. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. WARM AIR FURNACES, Of tbe most approved and economical patterns, SUITED TO ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Enameled slate mantels. A large variety of Ibesa beautiful Mantels at VERY LOW PRICER, ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. LOW -DOWN AND COMMON GRATES, FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. Hoi-air Registers and Ventilators—a large assortment. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ap23-w£e2txtif PHOTOGRAPHS. Andrew Johnson, Lieutenant Worden* of the Monitor , General Price, General Pillow. twenty portraits for One Dot- ALFRED HARTIEN, . 606 CHESTNUT Street. SPRING MILLINERY. SEWING MACHINES & WIESON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-3m PHILADELPHIA. gATIVE WINES. STRICTLY PURE JUICE OS' THE GRAPE—THE MOST DELICIOUS, RICH, AND FRUITY WINES EYES OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Ths Subscriber will offer for sale, at the HADDONFIELD STATION, On the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, on SATURDAY, May 3, 1862, 1,000 CEDAR RAILS, G. HT- SHINN. nj&h tMS "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., . GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And carers of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 143 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Bate streets, PhiladtlpMa. The justly.celebrated (‘EXCELSIOR” HAMS ere cored by J. H. M. 1 Oo„ (in a style peculiar to then, eelree,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor; free from the nnpleaeani taste of salt, and an prononnoed by epicores snperlor to any now offered (or sale. apl-3m NEW PUBLICATIONS. 'rVYVVVVWVVVVVWWUV.IAAAMAAAAAAARRMW^WVWA NEW BOOKS NEARLY READY. i. ABIEMUS WARD. HIS BOOK. A collection of the richest and most characteristic witting sr this great American IlsaorUt. WITH MANV COMIC TLLUSTRATIONS. One volume. Cloth bound. Price 91. 11. WHY PAUL FEKKOLL KILLED HIS WIFE A Splendid new novel, by the author of “ Peon Fkb- RCILL." PtfiF i&viea 10 easts; elelli hsusd *l. 111. LKS MIbKBABLES. Victor Hugo's great F.euch novel, just out in Paris, where it Is already creating a profound sensation. The American translation will be really in a few days. Paper covets, and cloth binding. CARLETON, Publisher, (Late BUDB A OAKLKTON,) No. 413 BROADWAY, corner Liepenaid street, N. Y, ap3o ws-tf TMcELROY’S CITY DIRECTORY, JUST PUBLISHED, and a few copies re maining, for a»le by E. O. A J. BIDDLE, 509 MINOR Street, and McELItOY A CO., 2f SSBIII SIXTH Stroot. »pSd-Bt.f A. McKLROTt HATS AND CAPS, ISPRING STOCK 1 O£o lOU/We COMPLETE. lOU/4. C. H. GARDEN & Go.. Hannlacturers of and Vf holewde Dealer* in BATS, CAPS, AND FURS; STRAW GOODS, FANCY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artificial Flowers. Baches, Feathers, Ac., So, 600 and 60S MARKET Btreeti 81 W» comero SIXTH Street. A large and complete slock. The best terms and ;be lowest prices. Cash and prompt “ time buyers” are particularly invited to examioe our stock. mhl-2m FINANCIAIi. IJNITED STATES ONE-YEAR LOAN FOR SALE. COUPON BONDS AND 7 3.10 NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS’ RECEIPTS CASHED, COLIiEUTED, OB EXCHANGED, Particular attention given to transactions in Govern meat securities. DREXEL & Co., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. arlMm Money to loan on mort- GAGE, in various amounts, from $4,000 to $20,000. Apply to S. W. TQAOK.ABA Sutlj receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE. ifO. 814 CHESTNUT STREET^ 149-tf Four doors below tbe ConilnenUJ. EDUCATIONAL. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY Y In a beautiful and healthful village, three milee from Media, Pupils recoived at any time for the sum mer. Boarding per week $2.25. Thorough course iu the Mathematics, Languages, English Studies, and all the branches usually taught. Boys prepared fur College or Business. ... REV. J. HERYEY BARTON, A. M. Village Green, Delaware Co., Pa. HOLMEBBURG SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES.—The duties of this School will be renamed, after the Easier holidays, oh the SDiH of APRIL. For circulars, references. Ac., address ills Mlssea CHAPMAN, Principals, Holmesburg, Pa. ap!B-lm* COPAHTMfiRSHIP NOTICES. COPARTNERSHIP. —The un dersigned have this day formed a Copartnership un der the name and etjJe of JONES, WARNER, & 00., for the transaction of a General DRY GOODS Jobbing burinmp> ftl 249 MARKET Street, _ GIDEON F. JONES, RICHARD O. WARNER, DAVID C. GOLDEN. April 21,1862. ap23-12t* OAUTION* The reputation pf FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Has induced the makers of Imperfect balance, to offer them M l! FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and PWfhMeri bare thereby, in many Instance., been subjected tofraud and imposition. FAIRBANKS’SCALES are manufac tured only by the original inventors, B. A T. FAIR BANKS A CO., and are adapted to eyery branch of the business, where a correct and durable Scale* is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, aplO-tl MASONIC HALL, TIS CHESTNUT ST. ■^RUSHES BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN, mh2o-3m No. 331 MARKET Street, Phllada Tl/fEDALS AND COINS.—A large IVI quantity or and Coin, for sala j dec, one •et of Napoleon’s Medal®, one set of Dassier’s Medals of the English Kings, and one set of Medals of the Roman EmpireTApfly to WM. H. BRIDGINS, 189 WILLIAM Street, New York, Dealer in Medals, Coins, and Paint lugs, nfll.lm SyfONUMENTS AND GRAVE IVL STONES at very reduoed price, at Marble Works of A. STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh Street. mhDWbnlf BAY RUM. —A small invoice of Bay Bum, just received, for sale by OH AS. 8. 04BSTAIBS, apS 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Street., JERRY WALKER, AMUSEIHENTB. AMERICA!* ACADEMY QV A MUSIC. GREAT ORATORICAL ENTERTAINMENT, ON SATURDAY EVENING. May 3, ISA*, JOHN B. GOUGH, Who has already oarmd a world-wide reputation for bis thrilling lectures upon TEMPERANCE, has kindly agreed to deliver Aii best eompoiiiien. to aid ■«TJIK NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN/ 1 The wonderful oratorical powers of Mr. Gough btlng 85 well known, we need only say that upon no other subject are bis Lectures so brilliant and attrac tive a* o n ihfri Mi farorite thorns. Tjrhrtp may be reseried for nuy part or th> bouts at 50 centr, at ilie Academy ;or al Marlien’s, 606 Chestnut street Unreserved seats, 86 cents. ap39»4tr MKB. JOHN DREW'S ABCH-BTBBBT THBATBB. XcUng Bt&go Manager ...W. B. FBEDBRIOU. Business Agent and Treasurer. JOB. D. MURPHT. N.'NBTT UtCftH MIGHT OF . JOHN DRKff, And his iast Mlt BOYPD, V LDNEfiDaYr April 30, 1562. Tbe new play, hy Mr*, fl, C. Wblo, entitled THE GUOVKft OF BLARNEY. Old Mother Griffin John Drew* To conclude with MAKEPPA. Mezeppa (with new featuies.). Frank Drew* Seats can be secured for Mr. John Drew's representa tions throe days In advance. Doors open at 7l{. Onr taiu rises at quarter to 8 o’clock. WJLLJV UT-STREET THEATRE— HIHTH and WALNUT fiir»u. MBS. M. A. GARBETTBON. ftola Lessee, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, APRIL 36,1 m. ADELJJKID. AddhfcM Cot rad ArbttU Madame Ilcmbora. customs in Corsica Jerry . .IL Mr Vining Bowor*. Fkiokhss-60, 76, and 26 cent*» Private Boxm, 96 and £3, according to their locale. Door* open at 7 k o’clock. To commence at Ttf. THURSDAY, BARTON HILL’S BENKPST. FRIDAY, MlSd THOMPSONS BENEFIT—LAST WIG Hl* HUT QN’E, rpWENTY-fcEVENTH QUADRILLE X PABTY to the CONTRIBUTING MKMBBBB of the PHILADELPHIA {Beck’s} BAND, No 1, will take pUreon WEDNESDAY EVENING, April tiOlb, at tbO MIJWfIAL FUND HALL. Tickets can be transferred at the Baud 1 * room, Southeast corner of Eighth and Walnut streets, on Tues day. 29th inst., between the hours of 3 and 6 o’clock P. M. Perrons becoming contributing member* will be en titled to ticket* of ttdmiiisiou for Uutta paMl«a. Plum* make early application to JAMES MADISON BECK, No. 746 FLORIDA Street, Above Eleventh, below Fitzwatar. ap29-2t* Musical fund iiall. I'IiIDAY EVENING, May M. GBaND PRIVATE AOIKEE, Introducing a new drawingroom entertainment* MB. AND MBS. FEABODIf AT HOMS. AduininDi 25 cents. Itoierod Real*, 60 cents. Tickets at Gould’s Music Store, 032 Chestnut street. ap23-3t Assembly buildings. LAST WE DR BUT ONE bV THE GREAT SKPoY REBELLION, GORGEOUS SCENES IN INDIA. Portraits of Captain ERICSSON and Lieutenant WOR DEN and Views of the MONITOBaud ME RBI MAO. MplipAY, April 29, AM) DUBIKG TUB WEEK. Commence iu tbe Evening at 8, and WEDNESDAY anil SATURDAY AFTEBNOUMS at 3 o’clock. Admission 26 cents. Six tickets, 81. Children, II cents. a028.1t PENNSYVLANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINK ARTS. Thirty-ulnth Annual Exhi bition of Paintings and Sculpture, 1025 CHESTNUT Street. Open from 9 A. M till 5 P. M.. and from T V. M. till 10 I\ M. Admittance 26 cents,* Season Tickets oO cants. Stockholder*, Arlists, and Contributor* will roceiv# their tickets at the Academy; no admissions without. op2B QTEJiEOSCOFriGP>S QFTjSE BEr M IJEL.LION, for public exhibitions; viewa’nf all the prominent Battles, Incidents, and Moo. Full pi Iced aafl Illustrated catalogues sent free, by JAMES W. QUEEN A 00., Opticians, aplUlm No. 984 CHESTNUT fitnafc. PWIUMpUi. Germania orchestra. OABIi SKNT2S, Conductor. PDBIiIO REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 8U O'clock F. M.i »t th* MUSICAL FUND lIALL. - Package *f Eight Tiekot*, SI j Single TiokeM, il eta. To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, J. K. Gould'., Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the liall. oc2B-tt WANTS. 'YXT’ANTED.—A Lady wishes a Situa- Y Y tion as Travelling Companion to a lady, or to da plain sewing. Address “ C. Xu II.,” Press Office, for three days. U* \\! ANTED—Light, active, day-time, YY mostly out-door EMPLOYMENT, by a voting married man. References obtainable. Address »i K%y,” oflice of Tht Pvass. aptly rirww.'H* 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United States Maiine Corps, toff flea service aboard of men-of-wur, SEVERAL HUN DKKD ABLXiBODIED MBS. bntwyeu thy tujsa of eighteen and forty years. Young men from the conn, try not leas than 6 feet 4# inches high, who shall paa* the medical examination, and enlist, will receive three Ceuta per mile for the distance travelled iu coming to the Rendezvous, at 311 South FRONT Street below 3pm co* Philadelphia, All other information that may be re. guired will be given. JAMIES LEWIS, Captain, ap22-12t and Recruiting Offlner. <£& DEPUTY QUAETERMAS 3—£ TER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PMLHUtj.PUU, April 3. 1339. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—VesseIs to load wiifc Coal lor Fort Monroe, Ya. A. BOYD, ap4-tf Captain and A. Q. M. . PKf U TV QUAE TERM AS- SsSTfiß GENSBAL’S OFFICE, Phil a drl fiii a* Aprils, 1861 WANTED IMMEDIAI ELY—Vessels to load with Coal for Alexandria, Ya. A. BOYD, ap4-tf Captain and A. Q. M r FOR MALE AND TO LET. ga TO RENT —GERMANTOWN Em. HOUSE—Cohvpnlt hily located,’‘modcrtvle size, anA in good order. Apply to WILLIAM H. B ACOST, 23 North FOURTH Street TO RE!NT—A convenient Dwel- M - ling, Southeast Comer of TWENTY-SECOND and GREEN Stitets. Apply to JAMES GRE33ON, 23 North FOURTH Street. QCHOOL FOR SALK.—Unfeurpaaeed lO location* large income, well fur Bished, gymnasium, Ac. An excellent position tor an enterprising gentleman. Address JAMES McGOWAN, 325 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ap3o-4t* ket. Address T. B. M.,” this office. ll* FOR SALE—A good Route on The Press- Address ** Route,” JPrcss office, ap2?-3f* GERMANTOWN.—TO RENT— ■HaA medium»sized furnished HGUSK, with stable, if desired, for the Summer months. Apply sixth house on LINDEN Street, Germantown. ap29«3t* rpo BE LET—Tho Second, Third, and J. Fourth Floors of 427 MARKET Street) well adapt ed for the Boot and Shoe, and Straw badness. Apply to M. PATTON, ft south EIGHTEENTH Street, ap2B 3t* 45 TO LET. —COUNTRY STORE ■lift and FORWARDING WAREHOUSE, Lumber and Coal Yard ; good railroad siding, Ac., in a first-rate Luuineea locality, and wealthy neighborhood. (Situated on the Central Pennsylvania Railroad. For further par ticulars, apply to E. PETTIT, ap26 No. 309 WALNUT Street. T?QR SALK—A VALUABLE CUBS- J} TER COUNTY FA RM. Railroad station upMi the place. Containing 73 acres of prime valley land, nicely watered, with large and tubsiantial stone improvements srringebouse, ice house, «£c. Two apple orchards, and other fruits. Apply to _ E U PETTIT, 8 p26 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET.—A Ka pleasant house In the suburbs of Media, nearly an acre of ground, abundance of shade and fruit. Rent lowt Apply at No: 16k SOUTH FOURTH second story. ap26»lm SAFES. mm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE isp MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near theFrauklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured oa elegant and convenient store, and has now ondiand ft large aasurimeni of Lillies Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only staidly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie** Unequalled Bank Yault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vanlt Doors and Locks will be furnlahe4 to otder on short notice, This is the strongest, bgfs pyp“ tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe Is ooo cedod to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. , , Special Notice. —l have now on hand ray twenty of Farrel, Herring, A Co *s Bates, most of them nearly ntv, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete aesortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for tho now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please coll and examine. . ju2s-iytf M. <3. BApLBb, Agoni Bn EVANS & WATSON’S BU SALAMANDXB BA FEZ. - - STOBX, 1$ SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PBILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on band iStUBBI THJfi a DAMB EX COMPANY Will BOW Receive and Forward Goods, not contraband, to Nash* ville and other accessible points in Tennessee. Correct invoices must accompany the Goods in all cases. ap2B*3t mo THE DISEABED OF ALL X CLASSES All Bub-ecute and ebrouio dime— cured by ypeciid guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no chargo is made. Frnffiior BOLLESi th* founder of this new practice, will superintend the treatment or all ca«e* himself, A pamphlet containing a multitude of certificates of thosa cured, alao letters and complimentary resolution* from medical men and otbere will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220, to medical mea and others who deßire a knowledge or my discovery, in applying giectricity a. a reliable therapeutic agent. Con sultation free. ap26-2m T ABOR-SAVING MACHINE. A-i OLOTHES-SAVING MACHINE. imS-SAYING HAUBINSi __ Holey, Morse 9t Boyden’s Clothes Wringer saves i**>or» time and clothes, and is an improvement which will mote certainly be generally adopted. It is self-adjusting, sim ple, and durable, and is far superior to every other da vice tor the purpose Intended. Over five hundred hava been fold within the last thirty dan in thii city, fl* family should be without one. They are warranted te give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOY, COM, A 00., Northeast corner or FIFTH end CHESTNUT Streets. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. ftpi-lm ASTERN MARKET DINING RESTAURANT, FIFTH STREET, ABOYM OBESTNUT, OPPOSITE SMITH’S BREWERY. This establishment hayiag been refitted regsrdless at expense, is now ready te serve It* patron* with break fist, dinner, and supper at moderate chargee, oombined with the best the market affords, (and only the beet.) The bar ie furnished with the choicest liquors awl cigar. \ in short, the Eastern Market Dining Restaurant is the maximum of Philadelphia. Tbs subscribers respectfully solicit the patronage oc their friends and the public. P B.—Tree Lunch from 10 W to 13 o’clock. L. HOPKINS, t Prourinton. T. FITZfIIBSON, { rro » n “ wl » •pIT-lm Alls* ChAFlAtte TliAffiJSc*. Mr Barton Hill. Mrs. Thayer.