Relief for the Wounded.—Fright tul c*n»ge U eipcctwl to OCTUr M TOrtIOWD. OTOT ODS Hundred thousand well-trained rebels are entrenched there. Thousands of reinforcements are daily arriving Tin Richmond. Generals Lee, Masruder. Johnston* and Jeff Davis, stimulate their toiling troops to desporate ex* crtiona in defence of their capital and lives. Oar brave JdcClellin tud his fearless band are now investing their Stronghold. Myriads of Pennsylvania troops are in the Union army, and nobly will they sustain the honor of their banner and the State in the impending deadly strife. Soon will the ominous long-roll beat \ the bugta’s fibrill S* Forward l * greet the impatient OATS ofthC UOTOOB Of IbO Station j.a hundred standards be firmly borne aloft; sa bres and lances glisten over the farious war-horse; -whilst shouts from battalions of impnUive infantry* the Tearful flash and heavy boom of the artillery* and the ?ftverbuaiifis earth itself attest that the battle has begun! Have we prepared enough supplies for those that ehalt be brought here wounded, with nought beside the torn •and saturated clothes they wear when carried to the ao*ic« tbe CtmTCtly OU ROJ OthCr d9f •of the week. More Donations.—The Cooper-shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon Committee dfSifC U 3 W ceckiio»Us« the fviiowiog donations < Evan Randolph SlOO Charles H. Grant 5 Thomas H. Smith 15 Charles W00d...... 5 DalaWAJ** Mutual Insurance Compauy,,, * ( George W.Carr 5 T. Thompson & Company G f Tbe commit .re also desire to acknowledge, from the perrons* the following ATliclei: From Samuel 11. Hailey, a large lot of jriate. Mr. Bender, 1.000 feet worked boards. Stevens & Haris, 500 feet “ “ Perot & Pyle, 250 ** " R. L. ft C. L. Nicholson, 800 feet worked boards. John Kelly, 250 “ ** Honty A Bowen, 300 •• 11 Thomas'Williams, Jr., 500 « «> Henry Dubois, 500 rough boards. To George Lewis, for the materials* and painting com mittee room. L. B. M. b< ll*y, one door and seven sets of window- Wash. George Birch, for an extension table and fonr chairs. L. Thompson & tio, two centre tables. Wood A Perot, twelve iron spittoons. George J. Henkel*. iix chain. And a rAte*t bedstead • nd bed. William Struthera, sixteen engravings, with frames, : pd ten marble images. B. Jeffries* one large chair. <5- Bittt gm pipes, flktnrofii and putting in. Hi Grier, 70 pounds of naQg. * Mr. Baxter, 100 pounds of nails. Mr. McEliar. directory for 1862. Thomas W.iPrice, two reams of paper* with headings. Themes h. Powers, by the hands of Mrs. Htrnihers* • unrge lot of valuable medicine for the hospital. The Union Volunseer Refreshment Ccnnnttee have received and distributed to the soldiers 3,50 prayer books, and 2.000 tracts, from thn Presbyte- T)ft Boftrd of Publication: also 10,000 soldiers’ prayer Docs and cards from tbe Rev. John Long, through the *it At the wot end of Pearl street* west of Central areoue— Almostizrthe heart of the city. The Indianapolis road is backed by roads leading from IlMlianftDoliß. ftlld •"ten tbis-T'vrk i® qcmplvtea we nhall hftTß a pnworfhl line leadinrfrom this city to the West and Northwest Tree from trammels And for all business. * * * It Is whispered that the ti*le to the right of way—ob tained bythe Ohio aid Utßsiaeippi Company from the d»nt*i Company—is UP( fCgll ftud GH6 Of the firHt acts of the lucianapolis road will be to take ad vantage of this defect. New York city bn# produced the most complete sped* men of a modern Sbj Ipcß fMßrt. We UDOte from a paper or Ui»l cit>, of to-fla, : Samuel ’Whilechurch, a broker, residing at No. 101 V?eai Forty-first street, was arrested yesterday and taken itefore Justice Kelly, at the Jefferson Market PoUce C/onrtyon a charge of violating the usurp law. Yt&m 111* complaint, mad* by E4W&M C. Taylor, it appears thftt he borrowed fiom tbe accused* In November last, the sum of $2OO, for which he was charged $3O for one day: that on the 20th November he borrowed $240, aad paid lor ono day’s nee of its $5O; that on tbe 21st November lie berrewed ffZOO tor one day, anfl paid s3s< Gomp'ntn &nt charges that the accused charged him usury at *>»° rate of 800 per cent, per annum for the use of the sums borrowed.-Whitecbm-b was held for esamioation. The following is the statement of the banks of Now York State, as made to tbe superintendent of the Depart* tnent* showing thrir condition on the morning of the 15th of March: BBSOL'KCKS PiwantaimMii ««•« 810S»ue tom Directors 7,012,606 .. • • Duo from Brokers., 3.456,375 • --- Seal ftaUte »n A 'gpKit 34,301,092 Caahltema ■ Btocls and Promissory Notes 63,5ti6,<02 ‘ Dooda and Mortgages. ••••>.. 82,000 and 6,888,941 Bfllsof Solvent Batiks. , 3 ’ i36 ’S?2 ' Dills of Suspended Banks 852 4bd 648 Xose and Expense Accotint 1,008,583 Add for cents 907 LIABILIMBS. Oapitil...* Circulation tS'tto’iJ? »u* to bwt.., „ —... 89,181.599 Due to individuals and corporations otter than banks, &c .. 1«757,04-* Due to treasurer of the State of Nevr York. 3.597,799 'Due depositors on demand 124,938,259 Amount due, not included in tbe above n ,, beads 3,2U, 552 Add for cents.. * Two hundred anff ninety-nine banka wore doing buM ncse on the day aboTO noted) all of wmcn reported. Tbe ’Clinton Bank, of Buffalo, 3s winding up, conseauently insds no report. . Since the last report tbe Lincoln Bank, Clinton, Oneida county: Palisade Bank. Yonkers, Westchester county, ftnd T. O. Grannie & Co.** Bank, Tltica,have '‘ filed their papers,” and will commence business immediately. The New York Evening Post of to-day says: The stock mark*! presents no new feature to-day. We notice great firmness and activity in Government Mcnritiei, and decided dullness in railway shares, espe cially the Western stocks, which were heavy and ne glected. The three NewfYork stocks—Centra!, Erie old, and Erie preferred—have also lost the animation which liag characterized them for several days past and the only department of the market that show# any marks of speculation on the part of the public is the list or Govern* being dealt in to an enormous extent, chiefly outside of the Brokers* Board. . t . . Tbe heaviest of the Western stocks are Cleveland and •Toledo and Illinois Central. Of the former, over 5,000 ■fcares have changed hands at 40#• _ „' . Galena f.U #, Prairie du Chien #> Burlington and finincy #, Michigan Southern #, the guarantied 1. The railroad bonds are steady, and first-class mort gages are scarce. Erie and Michigan Southorn bonds are strong. Border State bonds are dull. Tennessee* are weak at ss# ®#6, Missouri* 49#, North Carolinas 63#. I We annex a full list of quotations for Government se curities : { Bid* Asked. United States BixeslB62 98# u u Sixes 1864 (coupons)... ...98# « a Sixes 1867 04 05 “ ** fiixos 1808 m 11 in 11 •■ i m * « « Bixeaisos (coupon)....**Bß «* “ Fives 1865... 92# 93 ** « FiveslB‘4 (registered).,. .87 87# *« u Fives 3874 (coupon) 87# 87# , (i u Fives 3871 («r«latfcrt:d)...B6# 87# 1 it ti p{v«> 1871 /coupon). ~,,,86# fi * ** tt Sixes 1981 (registered)....o4# 94# << «( Sixes 1881 (coupon) 94# 94# <« u Treasury notes, large 7.30100# 191# u tt Treasury notes, 7.30, snaalllOO^ «« *• '‘Oregon yyr iv«p, «* ** Oregon war loan, year1y....95 95# •« t> One year certificates...... 98# 98# The 7.30 treasury notes are very firm at 100#©100#. SmiU notes have sold at X pff cent, premium. Thu o Ter cent* certificate* ore wanted at 98# ©9B#* The market Is dull since the Board. Governtnen's, however, are firmer, especially the coupon sixes of 1831, which are now quoted at 94# ©94#. , Illinois Central is very depressed, closing with sellers atnee the Board <4 5? Thu intimation from Washington, yesterday, in refer ence to a change in rate of interest on deposits of tree jsujj notes at tbe United States Treasury, turns ont to na s reduction of 4 per cent, to the -public, while 6 per cent. 1b to b* «Uo6.£o fir fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour is scarce and li demand, with sales at $3.25©3.37# 4F hbl. Coin leal continues dull and neglected; Pennsylvania Is held AS27O4T bhl i Whbat Is not so plenty, and holders are asking an ad- lance of previous quotations. About 3,000 bus have leen token for milliDg, mostly at $1.25 for good Penn- Jylvanla red in store, and $1.37©1.45 for white, the latter for Mime Kentucky. Bio is batter; 500 bus Fannsri- PASiI gold at 72c, in store. Corn comes In slowly \ 5,000 jbua Southern yellow sold at 53054 c, mostly at the latter /rata for prime yellow afloat 5 and 1,600 bus white, at 62c. ' / Cats are firmer and held for higher prices: about 8,000 P hill PlUlflMaU «oid ml stf« rnaraiv. ) Blax—There is nothing doing in Quercitron, and Ist 1 Mo. lls dull at ton. Cottom.—Holders are firm, and about 100 hales sold at 26©30c cash \ the latter for good middling!, 6»<>c,*wB as» FaovioiofiSi—Tbcmii a firm mwkvf for both, and rather more activity In Sugar, which com mands full prices. Snug.—There is very little Oloverseed offering or sell ing. Prices range at $4 A0©4.70 4T bbl. market is Inactive at tic for bbla,*»x»*i f22c gal for dntdgs- PATER FOR TEE CAMP AND FIRESIDE, FORNEY’S WAR PRESS. FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS OF READING A SPLENDID KDUiftfik fqr BATUBDAT, ILLUBTHATlON9*—Yorktowu—(Shown on the right of the Engraving* with Unian gunboat* In th* for Aground —Fort Pulaski after it waß captured by tho Union ; troops. WAB STOBIES.—Ye Terrible Adventures of a Home Guard. EDITORIALS.—The New Battle- Fields—The Terri tory of Lanniwa—The Telegraph and tbe War—Parson Brownlow—The Negroes and the Northern States. THE LETTERS OF '* OCCASIONAL.” LATEST NEWS—Latest from Pittsburg Landing— Tbe Army Unable to Move in Consequence of Bad DoaJe From Cairo—Bombardment of Fort Wright— The Arkansas Levee Cut by the Rebels—From Mem phis—From Fort Pulaski—A Desperate Skirmish on Wil mington Island—The War in Missouri—ltems from Re* bri Newspapers—Reported tfapqlne of Bumaide at Eliza* beth City—From General Banka’ Command—Official De spatch—Beauregard’s Despatch for Reinforcements— Expedition up the Rappahannock River—Gov. Harvey, of Wisconsin, Drowned—From Newbern, N. C.— SflJ CftlAlttitr h BoU«nU llegSmedt j Several of ficers and Forty or Fifty Privates Drowned—Later from General Banks’ Column—lmportant from Yorktown— Lfet of the Killed and Wounded in the Late Skirmish— Movements of General MilchelWViotory in New Movie* Tbe Hebei Force at Corinth. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Columbia, Tenn. —Letters from Florida—Letters from Pittsburg Landing A VWt to the Battle-Field. MISCELLANEOUS.-Tbe Fight Near Lee’s Mills— The Advance of McDowell’s Army—Our Forces at Fal mouth Commanding the City or Fredericksburg—lmpor tant from Fort Fiiiow —From Yorktown—General Mit chell’s Advance Into Alabama—The Particulars of the Capture of Huntsville—Late Southern News. WAR POETRY.—Aceldama—The Sword-Bearer—A Soliloquy or Beauregard after Iho Battle of Pittsburg Landing—” Under tho Snow”—The Soldier’s Funeral. WAR WIT AND HUMOR. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.—Tha Money Market—Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets, TastMS:—Ono copy, ono year, $2; Three copies, one year, $5; Five copies, $B. Single Copies for sale at tbe Counter of The Prest. CITY ITEMS. Gough on Ci London by Night.” —On Mon day evening. Map Mb, Mr. John B. Goiast, the world renowned temperance lecturer, is announced to deliver, at the Academy of Music, his celebrated lecture, entitled *• London by Night.” Mr. Gough has given a lecture on thifc theme before* bnt it has been rewritten &uA so varied, as it naturally would be in the hand of Its genins-author, as to render it essentially a new lecture. From present indications, the house will be filled to its utmost capacity. The sale of reserved seat; for the occasion has already commenced at the Academy, and at Martien’a, 606 Chestnut street, and tbe rush for them is said to oe un precedented. Those wishing desirable seats will do wisely, therefore, to apply for tbem early to-day. The advertisement -vs-ill be found in WUQYhCV COUUUQ* Cabd Portrait op Parson Brownlow.— Among the large number of cartes de visite of distin guished men, now being bought by nearly everybody for ibe popular “ Album,” the odd of Parson Brownlow* advertised by the Messrs. Martien* in another column, this morning, will have a great sale. It is finely engraved, in the usual excellent Btyle of tbe series published by this bouse* and is copied from tho only accurate picture ex tant of this martyr hero of Tennessee. We may state, in this connection, that these neatly-engraved caries of Martien's have tbe celebrity of being absolutely Correct lifcenetstß, and being sold at a lower price than the pho tograph, tbeir sale is enonnona, a single customer having ordered as many as forty thousand in a month. The Photograph Albums of this bouse also are very popular, bring made In great variety, in superior Style, and BOld very cheaply. With their extensive facilities for manu facturing these albums, they find it almost impossible to supply the demand at their counter, which, we take it, is sufficient proof of their being Appreciated. A New Enterprise*— A special effort in tbe production of Fine Felt Hats is now being made in this c»ty, 1 y Warburton, the Hatter, of Chestnnt street, wild, bit lieln« any longer f|*f jljg OTtp plies of these articles upon the overgrown manufactories of tbe Eastern States, (whose cheap l&oor and indefinable compositions now flood every State and city*) has deter mined to rriynpOD bis own resources and facilities. His aim is evidently to make his Undress Felt Hats -worthy of the same universal favor which, is now accorded to his inimi table Silk Press Hats, which we take leave here to say, from expeilmental knowledge, ia the greatest hat of age For comfort and every other merit. With this view, Mr. Warburton has made such arrangements as will in sore the greatest possible excellence in workmanship and materialß—^using only furs of tbs utmost purity, entirely free from adulterations of any kind. H2s Bands and Bindings will be of the best French manufacture, and the interior linings vrill be chaste, rich* and of a quality corresponding in excellence to the rest of {lft bftti Hid models are to be fashioned agreeably to the wants and tastes of this community, so that the merchant, the pro fessional man* the young man of fashion, the plain gen tleman, the artist, the traveller, and the mechanic will And tbe article for their respective requirements. A passing dance at tbe display in his show windows, of these Soft Hats, will satisfy any observer, (at least, if be be a connoisseur of hats,) that great superiority has already been Attained in their production while a closer inspection inside hia elegantly-stocked wareroonn, and tbe luxury of making a practical trial of one of his hats, wi 1 establish, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that War bnrtou’fl Frit Hatfl arc all that tba most elooueat could Tcpre&ctat them to be, or that the most f&stidoous taste could desire, in points of quality, style, finish, and price. We really regard this hat as an indispensable article to ev«ry gentleman’s dreßs, whether from consi derations of comfort, appearance, or economy. Clark’s New Refrigerator, “Dr. Hayes’.” As the season is now opening, when house keepers and otters will be in want of Refrigerators, we have token a glance at the Refrigerator market. In this department, Mr. J. S. Clark, Kd. 1008 Market street, will this mason carry off the palm. He has not only had a large force at work, for months in getting up an A No. litoek of tliew inflispßDßame household articles, hut he has brought out an entirely new refrigerator, which, will Btrike every intelligent purchaser as the best thing of the kind yet given to the public in this department of the mechanic arts j we allude to lus splendid new “ Dr. Hayes’ Befrigerator,” the superiority of which consists in its economical consumption of ice , and its uodoubted excellence in preserving meats and other provisions the longest period of time with the least exaense. The prin ciple upon which it is constructed will be readily under stood and appreciated upon examination. Besides, as Mr. Clark is one of the largest manufacturers of these Oiltetefe in this oouutoy, ho hA6 f&6lllU®a tor Bailing them far lelow the ordinary prices. Go to headquarters to make your purchases is a good rule. Mr. Clark, more over, being himself a skilful mechanic, and superintend ing the manufacture of his stock personally! has advan tages which enable him to furnish a better article for the money than any of his competitors, and, whatis more, in view of tbe unsettled state of affairs, he has deter mined, during the coming season, to retail his refrigera tors at wholesale prices. We m»y state, in conclusion, that these refrigerators are manufactured in all sizes, for all purposes, and at prices varyiag from the low figure of $4 to $2O each. $330)913,859 $320,948,869 Fair im Aid of St. Paul’s Church.— Wo b»TG been request*! to state that a fair, to aid in the rebuilding of St. Paul’a Church, which was destroys! by Ore last November, is now open at Concert Hall, and will cwtlnac ©P«, watil to-morrow week. The exhibi tion is highly attractive, and the object or it Is worthy ol generous recognition on tbe part .of the public. Oakfobd’s Spring Hats and Children's Head Gear, are nnivtrsallr admired. His beautiful salesrooms, under the Continental dotel, wore yesterday crowded with customers, at wholesale and retail, in both of which branches Oakford & Son staod pre-eminent. In addition to the vlegant »tyhw »or erring H»i» and Caps for gentlemen, they offer the finest stock of children’s Hate In the city; also, a splendid assortment of Gents’ rumiehing Goods. Their fine stock or Ladies’ Farts Blnrcs they «r» now ceiling great?jf freietv the tot? oj importation, with a view to relinquishing this branch of their business. The ladies should bear this in mind. rvBE RHIHE "WIHE MP iiIWRSj FWI ItSPI CINAL PcuroSES.—Mr. 0. H. Mattson, (baler in flue fa mily groceries, Arch and Tenth street*, has constantly on hand a supply of genuine liquors, of the purest quality) exprtfcfily for medicinal purposes, such as fine quality old Brandy, »fl Fort, Sherry, and Madeira Wines. Mo has also now in store a genuine article of Rhine Wine, said by connoisseurs to bo a very superior article. Thy French Minister ax Riohmond.^All ports of speculations are indulged as to the object of M. Mercler, in paying a visit to the great headquarters of rebtldom. Some fancy that it relates to tobacco; some brg£ that It 1* with a view to tb» reeAgnUtoa of the Con federacy ] while not a few are of opinion that tlie emis sary of Louis Napoleon is bent upon advising Jeff Pavia lo give it up for a bad job. Our private despatches as sure us that tbe last sunnico ia the nearest to the truth. Ills ambfteaadowhlp is endeavoring to persuade Jeffer son P. to yield to manifest destiny, to restore the 'coun try t * peace, and to enable bis deluded followers an op- Tortunity to procure their Sunday clothoa at the Brown* g.tuie Clothing Hall of Sockhill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and gPS Chestnut street, above Sixth. Variety in the Animal Creation.—There have actually been ascertained in the animal kingdom about 60,000 species of living creatures. Tbere are 600 species of mammalia. Of birds, there are 4,000 species'; of fishes, 3,C00 species; of reptiles, 700, aid of insects, 44,0t0 species. Besides thesa* there are 3»000 spsoies of shell-fish. and not less than 80 or 100 species of animal cults invisible to the naked eye There is, however, but one establishment in the country like tliatkeptby Gran \Hh» Stokes, the Faß Clothier, at No. 509 Cheenut street, where the best and finest spring and summer garments can be obtained at greatly reduced pricer. Prentice and the “Seoesii 73 Lady.— Prentice, it appears, has re -eh ed a note from a woman, thr Charles Stokes, under the Continental Hotel, in this city That will effectually protect the region most vulnerable to female attacks—that is, the heart. . A New Counterfeit Note.—A new oowrtvmw firt-dollar note on tlw ifr®*’* o ** Qywr papy of New Jersey was put in circulation Ust evening. The following Is a description of the note: Vignette, the Ktate Capitol; figure 6 In red on both upperco»iiers: titling female on lower left corner; white 5 on black gronod on lower right corner. Tbe paper of thee© ujlea i. v.ry I'S* l ! i. color. MATTER! ABRIL 26. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS OP TO U O’CLOCK lax kiokt. OOHTOTNTAL HOTKL—Ninth and Ohestant «ta. J 6 McCreary yM&nCh Cb*k « M t-ftwrence, HarrlShUTg A Do Greni, NT V Harding, Washington, Pa T L Birch,Washington, Pa A Herckbield, Ohio W Smith, Washington W H Kerr, N Y Morris Fisfael, Cincinnati H H Collins, Pittsburg W B Jaclsboii. Boston J D Phillips* Dayton. 0 4 V Bieeie, W T W M Lewis A wife, Boston I) Bor ton A* danghter W P Klliion A lady. Boston D Lamb, N Y Mrs Fitzgerald, N Y Miss Jarvis, NY W A Cathcart, Harrisburg P r W H White, Dd w 8 Bert, Philrtßlutii* Wm C Fiaher, uunitbtirg Q OTUUOi H T MineHrane, N V Miss Her, ld, N T C W Hicks * la, St Louis G Van Clulinfo A son, N T H Waidcn, NY. Mrs Warden, N Y Then Dreer, NY W A Allen A lady, Del K Q Hunting The P V unnj Midfl L 0 Young Mrs J 8 Ely Mr Armstrong, New York A H Hall A wf, Alex, Ya Wm P Dole A la, WA»b, DC S M AUison, Ohio G Y Blanton, Chicago Jos A Ja»oe4on, St Louis W W Stone Jt la. Haw Yirk J a PUUtmr 9 Mtfll M McCttne, St Louis Miss A McCone, St Lonls H Jones, Boston F Hay, Washington, D C Mrs J B McKean, Wash,DO B Strode A la. Pa John McWilliams, Pa Miss E L Minster, Pa M Pelsno A uj. Now York Allan -Jlatis, New Park B W Mowry, Prov, R I F Ktiowlaud, Pittsburg Caleb New bold A wf, N J Mrs T Morris Mrs Butt Mrs Murray Mr Valentine G E Ilall. Boston H P Kidder, Boston J Abbott & wf, NSW York J C judmomi A la, N York Miss Frost, How York W F Proctor X wf, JS York Mrs J J May, Boston Mrs B F White, Jr, Boston G W Messiager, Bostou 1j 1> Brayr, New Jersey S H Mead, New Jersey J Terror, Jr, New Jersey W G Ouse, Columbia, Pa Mifffl 01 Ti Gnrluirti Pe.nim J W FuUot, Catoaftuua Mr ClftcKwt-il, England Mr Girtwood A la, Kng H W Graves, Now York G W Smioneou, New York A G Coffin, New York T T Richards, New York Chits Winslow, Boston CoLL G B Canna, USA R R Christman, Jersey City L Burgaman, Jersey C|(jr W G Nlabet, Hew York B eodgnrieir, Syracuse V Blanchard & la, Wash,DC Miss Blanchard, Wash. D C A S Patrick, Wash, DC HP Chandler A son, Wash 8 N Chittenden, New York D Blodgett, New York J A Potter, Prov, R I A K Beach, New York O C WooKvorth, Denver H R Tcvrle Hew York A J Daniels, Cincinnati, 0 E W Johnson, Cincinnati M P Revely, Kansas 8 E Bproulis, New York Lieut Chesborongh Mrs Ervin. New York O S Ha&lett, Jr, N Jersey W M Simpson, New Jersey A Retd. Chester, Pa M CogswaH, USA £ L Dllbftrry, USA 8 8 Wharton, Huntingdon D 8 Hammond, Lebanon A Wiltn !m, Cornwall, Pa K P Wilcox, 8t Louis Alf R W T ootton, Wilm, Dal filaj L K Pangbora, 8 C Capt 'A Raryllnga, N York fc D Benton, U S N Chfw Knhn* Newport j Brandt, Jr, Baltimore If A WMteborn# N York T K Selmes C 0 Greene, Fort’s Monroe H McCallum, Tittsburg G 8 Greene A W, N York J 0 Price. Maryland F Walters, Maryland Geo H C Neal, Baltimore Wm Corliss, Prov, fi I Gt-o II OorUse, Prov, II I H Huaton, New York R McCook E K Willard &U, N Y . J Fanshowe, New York W \V Sweetson, lowa H L Dyer, New York Ira D Coover A la, Penna ’Xhoe Dyer, Chicago, 111 MBBOHaNTS’ HOTBL— rourtu «t„ below Arob. J M ISarrett, Richmond C K Greiner, Ohio G W Klkius. Fesna A Ernst, Petersburg, 0 H Miller, Ohio J Schillinger, Ohio 7 Winters J Campbell, Bqfter, P* ,T McKelvey, Pittsburg E Longs Caff, Pamaseng, O J M 15unbfie!d t Pittaborg S H Zabrn, Lancaster P HpDderson, Bhippensburg MJI _ B Welsh, York, Pa J B Welsh, York, Pa A J Lesinton, Ey 0 H Brody, taucwter 99 P E flaoderson, Boston D P Newball, Boston CSteese, Ohio J P Keefer, Ghambersburg L G Kessler, Phillipa'burg Hon W C Reynolds Al, Fa Mrs Tubbs, Wilkesbarre Mrs Reed, Bedford, Pa Mrs Frank, Bedford. Pa Mlea B Robinson. Wash J R Crawford, Wash, DC J Taylor. Williamsport C Hampshire, Jeanesville LII Coolbroth Chas Tete, Penna T M Faser, Wilkesbarre S Oliver A la, Easton, Pa Miss M Oliver, Easton, Fa M ntg Bunt, Baltimore J T SeiNDfiQ,' Boston AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st.. above Fifth. J Wbelpley, New York A H Griffith, Wilm, Del \V B Tiuker, Baltimore C Bishop F F Ilttrral J G Phillips, Kentucky Jai F Smith, Beading Chas Fitzroy, Will&rd, Miss N F Potter, Providence, RI N B Buckmaster, Virginia Tbos Buckmaster, Virginia Sami Dickey, Oxford John Goforth, Pbilada Mrs J Clark, Csrbondale R Buckly, Wash, D 0 Miss J Glark, Cftrbondttifl & \v Mustard, Delaware C Q Young Jos WEdwards TR Sftgreaves, Penna W Stainshy, New York Geo W Knight. Newburyp’t A Lester, Few York A A Mason, Prov, R I T GMttcaif, Mass J A Griffith, Cincinnati, 0 inciara, PC » w ßarnlo, Wash, DS J C Beies, Wash,D C BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. J Huaecn, Baltimore A Hyatt, New York A T Reed, Lexington, Ky W T Smilhitt, Illinois N L Price & wf» Brooklyn T J Wolfe J H Dorsey, Milford, Del W W Mitchell, Milford, Del S Wilson, Norwalk, Conn L Hubba d, Baltimore Q B B ten, Hew York AY B Cowden. Wilm. Del H j Horton. Trenton. S J X Crawford. Trenton, N J THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. G W Fee & w!, Indianapolis M Mentz&r, Pittsburg Joi Wibidal, lowa Jaa 0 Mallia. Ohio A Jerome, Ohio Geo Carpenter, New Jersey J D Beahtn, Lancaster B M Bunting, Pottstown John W Zanders, Ohio Robt A Church, New York W Miniztr, PottSvoan L T Park, Mt Union. 0 Cbg R LftiicHsier, St'Louia Mra Rich, Wash, D G H Sntmeyar, Alleghany, Pa w S Von ey, Camb’ge City J J Johnston, New York COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Ohaatnut. g A Cr.opcr, Chester co S Mason, Delaware WM Wilson, Newark, Del L P WorralU.Chsßterae J E Davis & la, Wilm, Del T A CtaaTChniwijDaL, Isaac Slack L RKirk, CLvjftrco J Lancaster, Bedford co C Harrway, Penna E Gray, Chester co Bobt Hodgson; Oxford D Siubbs. on« Bier co W H Eder, Maryland N B Hammond, Chester co F W Thornhßl, Ohio J P Kicks, Chester co Mrs Hicks, Cheater co W H Manifold, York co P Brown, Pottsville Mrs Tarr Wilm, Util Misa Chambers, Wilm, Del W Everhart, W Chester BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CaUowhtll. J J Vandersloot, York, Pa L Schlnnch, Siegersville J S Lpivensjwrfifir. Penna B Troxlet*. Lons Swam* A Bachman, Penna Mrs Bachman, Peuua S Smith. Weisenburg 8 Goldsmith, Penna Lieut E R Artman, Penna J Snyder, Snydertown G Snyder, Snydertown D Snyder, Snydertown IP Howland, Penna J E Snyder, Snydertown D H BnjUer, Snydertown 0 0 Hiestana, St Louis MOUNT VEBNON HOTEL—Second at, ab. Arch. T J Barnes, New York C L Gardner, Peons J llaitollAA, PehiiA Geo Boawick, Pen a a S Pennington, Luzerne co J H Bacon, Maryland TFlanagan, Wash, DC J McGinnis, Georget'n,D C Job P Leslie, Penna J A Stanton, New York J»9 Devlin, Nevy Vgrk C B flxU£n*vUew'Y«>Tk ISmUh, A*wJe«ey V & I*, PotUiAWA RATIONAL HOTEL—Bw»,Wr»t, .Love TMrd. ■ T J Bertolet, Rending W P Jwm, Luzerne co J J Swartz, Lebanon B Segner, Lebanon ,co F Vnr«, Miucrevlllo BHattranW, PoCTelown J P Jackson, (Jen!Wall Mias S Hummel, Orwigsb g Mies X Hnmmel, Orwigsb’g J GLShinfiel, Penna Master B B Shindel, Peqna J Everett, DanviUe, Pa W Bnasinger, Pain Alto J W Langdon. S Ambor ntej W Siesu, Dioemsburg J W Miller, banpiua co STATEB UNION —Market street, above Blitn. J E Watt, Pittsbnrg Mrs Hnnclibarger, Harcisbg MiBB Lewis, Harrisburg Jas Hoopes, Delaware r H Mooieliena, onto J Hampton, Fcnun B Manning. Cookstown W H Watt, Latrobe S M McClung, Allegheny B Cochran, Cochransyule J Morrison & am Fenna D Hetrick, Mexico, Pa MADISON HOUSB—Second street, abeve Market. A B Lair, Maryland H W MoCossey, Delaware H C Jones. Wilm, Del J A Van Horn, Wash, D 0 y P Harvey, Doylestown J Burson, New Jersey J W Gilbert, Bucks co J W Case, Bucks co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Csllowhill. Solomon Boyer, Penna Miss Sarah Garrett, Penna F K Kaufftnan, Allentown W Harling, Bucks co. Pa C Hittle, Lehigh ca, Pa P Reaae, Jr, Now Jfiisoy C Hager, Qnakeitotvn BARLEY SHEAF—Beoonfl street, below Vine. J B Stemple, Pennsylvania W H Blxler, Easton H Kane. Deoota, N J J Horner, IlattiviUei Pa Mrs M Connard, Penna Mrs Jonth Ely. Panna Miss Sarah Lee, Penna „£.Gnikin» Sullivan co. Pa J Simpson Large, Penna Ilf C Baddiff, Wash, D 0 F Hindenock, Wash, DO Y Closson, Doylestown E Wildman, Trenton, N J MAKIN£ INTELLieENCB. W BEK FOUBTS PAGE AIIItIYED. Ketch Commerce, Bwnea, from Mayaguez, PR, 12th Inst, with sugar and molasses to John Masom* Go. Lert barks Kirweod, (Br) dtschg coal; Addison ChHd, Smith, from Marseilles, ldg; brigs Candace, Snow, from Boston, Jimhi* Echo, Benson, tor Baltimore in ft few days; sehrs Martha, Nichols, for Philadelphia next day; Amelia, Bag ley, for Newbury port, ldg, and Amelia, (Br) McDonald, from the Provinces, diechg. . • _ ‘ ... Scbr Mariel, Tar box, 8 days from Portland, with plas ttBchr*lGrand MjJndl’Short, 4 daysfrom Hd-buryport, with mdee to Geo'E Kerfoot. ■ - Schr J L Geroty, Miller, 3 days from E«w York, Inbal last to I> S Stetson A Co. „ Schr L B Smith, Smith, from Fortress Mon ioe. iu bullßHt to J E Ba'/tiey & Go. __ . Bcbr Joseph Bedding, Henry* 3 tlaya from Newtown, Md» with lumber lo J W Bacon. CLBABBP* BchP j B t i l Parker) YfftßljlDgtoni Tylor» Qtouo A Co. Schr J, Bowen, Port Boyal, Jo Schr E A Cummings, Kelly, Washington, Noble, Cald. Ytll&Co. „ Schr American Eagle, Bamsev, do do Schr J B Milchell, Tuttle, Norwich, Beppller ft Co. Schr War Steed, Smith, Providence, B Milnes A Co. Schr D G Floyd, Wiggins, New Bedford, Baucrott, Lt fM,r Hickman, Diclsoroou, Newport, J R Blakiston, Str H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMOBANDA. , . ~ Ship Hornet, Mitchell, from Iqnhuw for Philadelphia! sailed from Valparaiso ITth tilt, . . Bark E H Varrington, Gorman, hence, arrived at Bos *°Bark l Washington Butcher, from Matanzas for Cork, was BDokni 12th Inst, lat S 7 W, long 43 30, IS tlarnout. Brig Oiison Adams, Tork, henco, was at Barbados 11th inst, to sail for St Thomas next day. Schr A Hammond, Paine, cleared at Boston 23d inst. Hradrik Hudson, Lincoln, hence for Bath, sailed from Newport inst. . 4 , Scbr Defiauc«y Barrington, cleared at Portland 224 mat f °sibr Sec* Knfght, Whitlow, hence, arrived atCienfue- BfU.vttik, Darharlo, eloaiod at fit John, Nfi, lflUl iußt. for Philadelphia. _ . Schr Trader, Eaton, hence, arrived at New York yea- Bteamer Anthracite, Jones, hence, arrivod at N York ‘’tldo’joi.u Sydney, Southard, at Belfast From Philadel phia. reports: Feb 21, in » tremendous westerly gale, lat 2* 10 N, long 46 W, lying to, shipped a tremendous sea, staving In bulwarks, carrying away sUuncheons on Port side, also spare soars on deck, and lifting cargo to port side. On the UM, the gala nba.inj a little, oponed fore and after hatches, and broke out cargo to leeward, throw ing a portion of it overboard to right the ship- Imme diately after the gate, commenced pumping out 8™”- Vn m Feh 25th to March Ist, pumos constantly chokea. March 1, Faj ai bearing 68E distant about 406 miles, hauled ship by the wind, and ran for that port. March 2. wind hauling strong to the southwerd, lee bilge pumps constantly choking, thought it best to keep the ship be fore llie Wind and rnn Tor the Channel The ship made less water and pumped out but little S™ in ln jmqoth water Supposing ship’s limbers choked, broke on. cargo In forward hold, so as to drop sounding roil to skin. NOTICK TO MARINERS.> LlsktkAiu* waft llgkted on lhft 17th InaL SPECIAL NOTICES. One-Price Cmthino,o» the Liatebt Btt&ib, made In the Best Maimer, Mpreedyfor UTAH) BALES. LOWEST SeUing Price* marked la Flam lipM, All Hoed. ,o«J. L. Oe*»w*»»»ted utlsfaa tosr. Onr On-Fiioi Brena ia stricUy adhered to. AU are thereby treated alike. ftos-iy JONES * 00., 604 MARKET BtrML Cahd Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at IU South FOURTH Btrert. CIRCULAR PRINTING, beat »n 4 cheapsst in the City, at. ill Sonth FOURTH Street. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1862. flSffc——gc Orrwi or the Adams EXPRESS COMPANY, 930 CHESTNUT STREET, PBILADILMtiA, Janaary 3T, IW. The Adimi lur«M Company having enlarged their fhcllltlea at Washington, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Ezpveea freights, Packages, and Parcels, "to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstows, Fortress Monroe, and other places Soath occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lota. BntlerS 1 gOOdB And Ariliy rappl!«a ai lailsfaoicry prioW] on application at our office. Soldiers 1 parcels taken at much less than our ostial rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and roeelpted far m depot) 8,1, corner of DBOAD and LOCUST Stmts. JOHN BINGHAM, jaST-tf Superintendent. EAGLETOK—POTTS—On the 24th instant, by the Rev. Dr. May, James M. Eaglrton, M. D., to Mary Anna, daughter of t*amuel Potts, Esq., of this city. * BREWER—LOCKE.—On Tuesday' morning, April fiQJ, at il>« re»Menc« of the bride**) uncle, Z. CiWKe, Emi.. by the Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., Mr. Isaac P. Brewer, of Clinton, lowa, to Miss Matilda H. Locke, of this city. * NOBRIS—LAMB.—On Thursday morning,'the 24th or Aprilt at St. Mark’s Church) by the Kh Rov. flwhon rotter, Dr, Isaac Norris to Clara, daughter of the late Lemuri Lamb. # OTIS—HARRES—On.tbe 22d instant, by the Rev. George Briughimt, Alfred G. Otis, Esu., of Atchlsou, Kansas, to MUlie Harres, youngest daughter of Gebhard Hanoi. Ebi. of this ally. * HODGDON.—On the 23d instant, of disease contracted in the service cf the United States, white Attached to the Gull MlU&dfOh, flaptrtih James H, Hodgdon, aged 38 years Ilis friends are invited to attend the funeral services, at the Alexander Presbyterian Church, corner of Nine teenth and Green streets on Sabbath next, at half past Q o’clock F M., precisely. ## McKINNEY.—On Thursday morning, 24th instant, Daniel McKinney, in the 70th year of his age. His relatives andlnendsare invited to attend the fune ral, from his late residence) RKtenhousetown* near Her umutowu, cn Monday nermug next) at 9 o’clock, with out further notice Funeral service at St, John’s Church, Manayunk. ### SOWERS Suddenly, on the 224 inst., David Sowers, son of the late Henry and Christiann Sowers, in the 46th y*iar of h»a Ago. Funeral from bis late residence, No. 1318 Heath street, west of Thirteenth, below Girard avenue, on Monday afternoon. At 3 o’clock # DENNEY.—On tlie 23d instant, Annie Foster, wife of Thomas W> Dcimey» and daughter of Oliver and the laie baiinah n. YvUdin, in the 24th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 850 fiouth Second street, on Saturday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. * " DILLON,—On Che 23d iostant, Mrs. Margaret Dillon* m the 28t>i year or her nge, daughter of the late Mrs, Jane Monahan. Funeral from her late residence, No. 918 Randolph street, above Poplar, on Saturday morniog, at 8 o’clock. BOBSEKT.—On the 23d instant; Joseph F. Bossert, ix»Ybe Bbih year of bis age. Funeral from bis late residence. No. 1235 Vine street, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * LEONARD.—Otn the 23d instant, Julia Virginia, daughter of Professor John M. and Annie E. Leonard, fiUd gy&hJJfiiishter of Rev. W. Kenney, D. 8,, in the 4th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of Dr. Kenney, 533 Chat ham street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o’clotk. * YALLANCE.—Un the 21st April,lB62,UharlesVaU lancp, in tbe47ih ytftrofhlsage. Funeral from his late residence, in Coral street, third door above Cumberland, Nineteenth ward, thh£{ Friday) afternoon, the 25th inst., at 5 o’clock. ** GIBSON.—On the evening of the 21et instant, John f. Gib6on. in the 34th year of Bg9i Tunerat from bis late residence, Noble (Street, east Of Sixth, this ( Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. # BREWSTER.—On the 2*2d inst, Miss Nellie Antoin ette Brewster, in the 2lßt year of her age. Funeral* from her late residence, Fulton street, first T>EBS6W * SON CONTINUE TO .J_Jsell MOURNING GOODS at very low prices for Cash, and have just received Lupin’s Black. GrsnodLna Bareges, 50 cts; Crape ftlaretz and Tammatines, 25 cU; Lupin’s Bareges in Shawl and Dress Widths, at very low prices ; Black Silk Challies, 37# ctß; Silk Grena dines, 75 cts ; Black and White Foulands, 50 cts ; Black and White neat striped and Checked Silks, 62j£ ce*; Black Grenadine Bareges, 12 % cts; Shephard l ! Plaid Mohair Clotbs, 15 And 25 cts; Gray Chene Toile du Nord ami Mousselines l T2k' cts, As. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, &p 22 No. 918 CHESTNUT Strut. J G. MAXWELL & SOX, • ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT, have now open, at the lowest cath prices in the market, magnificent lines of a great variety of new Spring Goods, of their own late importation and manufacture, as well as of careful selections from New York importations. Their Beal »ud Imitation Thread and Guipure Laces, Fancy Buttons, No. 5 Trimming Ribbcnit Farii Ornaments for Cioatre and Presses, French Bugle Trimmings, Silk Belt* ing, Silk Gimps, Thomson Freres’ Paris Trail Skirts, Spool Silk, new colors, at 2 cents per Bpool, Fresh Split Mid Single Zephyr, for summer knitting. Travelling Fans, and Magic R ufflee, are all offered to the ladies as goods of the most reliable adapted io Ike re NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING ILQ of the Stock ftnd Bonahilder* of the EtiUI&A AH® WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY will be tield at their office, No. 808 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. May Sth, ym., at IQ o’eldek M ? In aeeeM. ancfi with tlie jsrovisioiiN of the blmrtot 1 . * The Beportoof the Manaeera **.tni«i_ year, enatng the TrAWPr*»box, wfl be presented; alter which an Election will be duly held for President and six Mana gers for Hw ensuing yew» _ _ For information of the Stock and Bondholders! the following extract from fbe act of incorporation of this Company is appended—viz; «t At all elections and m the proceedings of said Com pany, each shore of stock shall be entitled to one vote; and any holder of each bend vf ene hundred doltoTO and upwards, authorized by the third section of this act, shall be entitled to two votes for each one hundred dol lars of such bond or bonds. 1 ’ By order of tbe Board of Managers WM. C. LONG9TRETH, ThiladclphUfvyourth Month, 24th, 1862. ap2s-3t "*==»■ A LADIES' FAIR, FOR THE BENE II FIT of the “ Church of the Immaculate Ooncep tion»” Nt J i i 8 now open) and will continue until tbe third of May. • aoto-Bt* A. P. A.-THE MEMBERS OF (|¥ LIBERTY LODGE. No. 9. ore reaaested to be punctual in attendance THIS (Friday) EVE KING, it bein£ Quarterly Night, aad Rlectiorx lor OPR Gera. Delinquents will please notice, as the by-laws wul be strictly enforced. By order. JOHN DEVINE, It# B Secretary. a GOUGH’S GREAT LECTURE ON lLh TEMFEBANGB, atihe AOADEMT OF MUSIC, onSATUEOAY EVENING, May 3a, will be one or the richeßt oratorical treats that our citizens have ever en joyed It is sparkling with brilliancy of aoscriptiDn, vigorous diction, gonnine wit and thrilling illustrations. Beeervtfl Beats may be secured every day at the Academy of Mueic, and at Marfien’a Book Store, 606 Gheetnnt street.- Ticketsso cents; unreserved scats 25 cents. To aid the “ Northern Home for Friendless Children.” ap2s 4tr - ~s==. YOUNG MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT li g should prepare themselves for the sphere to which they are best adapted, and which will contribute most to their intellectual and moral improvement. P j “ NOLOGY is applied for this, and other purpoaos daily, at 044 CHESTNUT Street, br JOHN 1.. CAPES, suc cessor to Fowler, Wella, & Co. »p25-lm GOUGH’S GREAT LECTURE ON IT ij TEMPERANCE, at the ACADEMY OF MUBIO, imSATUBPAY EVENING, May 3d. ap24 3t , OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- Dj boad company, , , pBiLADXLPniA, April 16,1862. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a sahi-aiinual Dividerd of FOUR PER CENT, on thi Capital Stock of the Company, clear of Skate tax, paya ble on end after-May 15ti»i 1862. . Powers cf Attorney foT collection of Dividends can be had cn application, at the office of the company. No 238 South THIRD Street. THOS. T, FIRTfI, apntjcl Treasurer. JOHN B. GOUGH WILL, BY SPE [[5 cIAL REQUEST, repeatliisgreat lecture '■' Here and There in Britain” in tlie Academy of Mns^c n ou TUESDAY BYfiNING) May at 8 o’clwcki This lecture is ac>noTvledged by all who have heard it to bo Hr. GOUGH’S finest effort Ho will give, on this oc casion, those perilous omitted on its first delivery, which incudes his stirring account of the Loudon Times. Ttje gale of reserved seats at GU oenw for the rwaueti rardn< t Circle, Balcony and Orchestra, will commence on WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 284 inst., at 9 o’clock, the iioxth Bidoof the Uouse a °9r9UN AcadenistBw\ tlie south side at iue iiGoa uiOfe 01 TIEN, 606 (JHESTNUT Street, and he continue! daily until further notice. Not a single ticket will De gold or engaged until 9 o’clook on WEDNESDAY Mi)RNIN(L Unreserved seats 25 cents, for SAlo on WEDNESDAY and afterward*, at MARTIEN’S and the Tract 929 CHESTNUT Strrtti ap2 no SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHAKSA \LW RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH Street— Philadblphia, April 3d, 1862.—The f Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of ibU company, and an election for President and Mx Managers will take place at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, May 6th, at 12 o’clock U. W. H. McILHEN N EY, ap4-tM6 Secretary. AYIS AD# LIONS DE LA MODE* IL3 Mb. P. Asukiot a l’uossbdr d’isformbr lbs FkANCAIS KT JJKS »TIIASOKR3 Qll’ll. KST AU-TOORD’HOr OEKAST nn la maisok, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 11 guar&btis par e& position auy homttiea da gout, BY GQQIfS JOBBERS, \TBW SPRING AND SUMMER An goods. M. Ti. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET and 37 NORTH FOURTH BTB-, WholMal, Dealer, In SILKS AND BANOV DRY GOODS, Desirous of selling off their stock of goods, previous"to removing to their New Store, in “JAYNE’S MARBLE BUILDING,” CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for the remainder of the season, at Wholesale only, their ATTRACTIVE STOCK of recently-purchased DRESS GOODS, At prices generally much Tinder ‘ COST OF IMPORTATION. They will aleo offer, at LOW PRICES. A well.selected anortnunt of other « M., "when terms wil be made kiwra by C. H. SHINN. np2s tU3 T' L A. Q- S . ■fr_ Of THE FOLLOWING SIZES, 3 FEET, 7 FEET, 10 FEET, and 21 FEET, FOB SALE AT LOW PRICES, ET ALFRED SLADE & CO., ap2s*3t 40 asp 418 SOUTH FRONT STBEET. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT Of PENNSYLVANIA. SOT. THE PRESIDENT Of THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, "WHERE AST The Dietrict Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania* rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in rebfcrel who bavo T er pretend to have, any right, title, or in terest m five hundred and twenty barrels of Bosln, one hundred and one barrels of Turpentine, three hundred and eighteen casts of Rosin, and thirty-two thousand six hundred and fifty dressed Shingles, captured as prize by the Naval Forces of the United States, in the Sounds of North Carotin*, under command ox Flag-Officer S. U. Rowan, at Newbern, on the Neuse River, to be monish ed. cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to tbe effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so requiring). You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Lendl Intelligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to he moniehed and cited, peremptorily, all parson# m general who have, or pretend to have, any Tight, t«»» or : Interest in the said five hundred and twenty barrels of Rosin, one hundred and one barrels of Turpentine* three hundred and eighteen casks of Bosio, ana thirty-two thousand six hundred aud_fiftydreased Shingles, to appear iiroretasHoa. JDJIN cadWaLaLEr, the said court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents. If it bs a eou't day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of I.Ai-lnp causes, Ilian aud these la shew, as allege, m due form of law, a reasonable and tawfut excuse, u any they hare, why five hundred and twenty barrels o. Rosin, one hundred and OBe barrels of Turpentiae, three hundred and eighteen casks or Rosin, and thirty-two thousand „!, b„„J,ed end arty SAtiigUsihiuia net be re nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same. to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their fnemies or otherwise, liahlo and sstjecj to tioni n •>"« lipSiel m 3 «ms«biw4 ¥ g tfo(l m 4 lawfnl pmes; arid further to do and reodiro in this bohWf ns to justice shall appertain. And that you duly innmatei or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, gene rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is a PROPOSALS will be received at this office, untfl 42 o’clock M. on the 20th day of April, for furnishing for the use of the United States Army, at such times and in such Quantities m may be required during the month of May, the following Subsistence Stores, viz; §5O barrels prims mess nsw P6rfc. lb usw, wsll-essp ered barrels. 1,500 barrels extra superfine Flour. 500 bushels n,w white Deans, in barrels. 26,000 pounds prime Rice, in barrets. GO,COO pAUhilit pria.c Bi.v it* tuirrelii. 25,(00 potlhds hugar, In barrels. 10,000 pounds white Sugar 2,000 pounds Adamantine Candle*, full weight, twelves. 6,000 pounds good, hard Soap. 2.000 gallons Yiacgar* 1,000 gsiioni syrup or Molasses. . , a An articles to be of the best Quality, securely packed, UDd in perfect order for transportation. Bids will include packages and delivery in the city. Seller’s name and date of porchafe required on each package 9f inspection of Moat ant flour wilt bo required Samples in boxes, distinctly marked, must accompany bids for all articles, except meat. Bids from known dealers or manufacturers only will he considered, aid each bid must be accompanied by the written guara&tto ef respectable piribbs for ike faithful nerA>im*nce of the contract. Proposals to Ve endorsed « Proposals for subsistence Stores,” and dirictod to F. N. BUCK, ap2s-4t Capt. and O.’s Vot Service. PiQRT \TINE.—An invoice of Do ? Muller aul Benecarlo, in quarters and oct»TM» inat weired andfor sale* from Guatom House Stores* by 3 i GH4S.B. OARSTIIEfIi 120 V A.LNUT, surt 21GR INll*l2 PRIME HERKIMER-COUNTY : CHEESE, i-ISO bona prim* Heifcimer-conntr from eeleited ‘lmtlcs, tn .lore for by apM RHODES A WIIUAKI COMMISSION HOUSES. 'JELLING, COFFIN, k CO., SIO CHESTNUT OTBSHT, AfMito for the following mkefl of foods: PRINTS. DUHNXLL MFQ. CO DBEXNE MTS. 00. LAMS, SUNNILL MFQ. 00. BLEACHED COTTONS. rsnuMatet Antmnii SlattHTllk, (JuttMAtls, JimeMovn, Blsdutoae, Hope. Bed Bunk. Dorchnter, Newbury port, Naiunug, Zouave, Burton, Omen. Mf|. Co.’. A. A., B. A. t O. A., am} other .tries, BROWN "COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Gleavfile, Hecbanice’ and Farmers*. (JdfidlV —, y. 11 ” Watches by first-claM workmen. apa-tt GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS qeorge grant, JIANUrACTUBEB or AND DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHKSTOTT STREET. whOILSm ' OVER-SHIRTS FOB. THE ARMY. fine shirts. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND wraffers. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. HO. 606 ABOH STREET. Iff a full Una of TIES, SCARFS, QLQYES, SUSPENDERS, HOBIEBY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always OB baud. 11,1,5 3mlt Fine shirt manufactory. Tbe subscriber would Invite attention to hi* IMPROVED COT OF 8BI&T8, IfUcbjM Rikei a spedtltr In Mb bnaineee. Also, cob *UCHOVELTTES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. w. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, Nb. 11l CHBSTHVT STRMT, Itlrtf loir doora bolow the OonttnonUL HATS AN 1862. “’ B S.^ OK 1862. O. H. GARDEN & Co.. Manufacturers of and D holeaale Bealera in HATS, CAPS, AND FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Arms! Flmm S'K’w* So. 600 and 60S MARKET Street, H. W. cornero SIXTH Street. land and complete a lock. The beat term* and the lowest prices. Cash and prompt “ time buyer* •re jarticpiirly teitted to eiamliw oar itock. mfllrBca^ SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mtui-am rHiiiAPELrmA. SPRING MILLINERY. H EBT -9«r BUT Street, baa now open a large and varied ae- SJmieut or English, Trench, and American STRAW BONNETS, together with a full line of OTBA.W GOODS suitable for Friends’ wear, and the latest styles of aliases itnJ Children** Hita *bd Oap*- apBA-lgt REMOVAL. 9F MISSES O'BRYAN, 9il OHRSTNUT Street, have Miiovcd to!107 WALNUT Street, three doora above Mo- Vcntb, Bvnh aide, and vritt vpva PARIS ttILWHBRYt for the Spring, on THURSDAY, April IT. aplZ-Zm* gRUSHEb Aim BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, TCKTVTRT iTC & VAN HORN. K«. aai HABKIT BfaWrt. PMI*A» _ MONUMENTS AND GRAVE JXL STONES at wr reduoed prio.l «t "Wortj of a. bteihmeto, bibop a™»«, »**>» fitnieta •' . SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A ■nail invoice ot Sheep and Goat Skins for aaU bp JAUKBTOHE A LAY RHONE, . Ml HBUdSOtaonai FRONT MB Pamphlet printing, Best and ek..p~u=tkiOUr,»twMawAi.* A»a. A. Hum phrey s and Lieut. Henry L. Abbot, upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi river, upon' the pro. tectionof the alluvial region against overflow and upon tbs deepening of the mouttJßi Ffrepared by theauthora of the livpurti noßioted by Edwin Hale Abbot, A. M. Illustrated witir Maps. (In press.) ap24-3t J. B. LI'PPINCOTT & COi PHOTOGRAPHS. PARSON BROWNLOW.—THIS MORNING we will bare ready a fine engraved' Card Portrait of PABBON BROWNLOW, Being the only correct Ukoness that has yetappeared. Complete Catalogues of our Portraits, comprising nearly ONE HUNDRED* AND FIFTY CE&EBIUTfE6,. tt&y b«otbkiattij^fttig, Afcw Portrait? arc addict daily. PHOTOGRAPH 4 ALBUMS. Complete catalogues of our superior Photograph-Al bums. embracing OVER FIFTY VARIETIES, may be obtained gratis. # New designs and- styles are constantly intro* duced. Published by WILLIAM a A ALFRED MARTIEV. »PSG NO. 606 OHEBTNUT Street, rPHAT IMPARTIAL UMPIRE, THE J- people, have decided that RKIMEK'S Colored FlMilrgrmbs are uitbout euu&l in eetutity or W„W.. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. it* A GREAT INDUCEMENT IS NOW oflVred to patrons ot art by REIB&ER. Life-size I’botographfl In Oil are being executed at war prle&«,.t.i meet the exigencies of the time. SECOND Street, above Green. it# SAFES. gj- A NEW VICTORY. THE LATEST- ROHttSBDIUJ, Columbia co., Pa„ April 18,1862. Messrs. Evans <£ Watson, Philadelphia ; Gentlemen— At my earliest opportunity, I hasten to inform you of one of the mpst destructive fires that has occurred in our town. On the morning of March 26 la*t our three*and-a*half-£tory brick and frame store and dwelling was entirely destroyed by fire, It burned with' such violence and inhujgjfy of beat that it was ton or twelve hours before we could reach the Safe. In the meantime, it could be seen gtowing.with a red heat, but, after securing tho Safe from tbe ruins, on opening it, in the presence of a groat fflftny people, all our boohs, bank notes, and valuable papers, with which it was closely filled, were discovered in a perfect condition , and, con sidering tbe long and severe exposure, every one admit ted, with glad surprise, the value and triumph of your improved Salamander. This evidence fkgaiu of tfcC Qlo* tit of your Safes will secure for you thousands of friends In our Bfcction. I shall very soon require another of your Safes, as my confidence in them Is stronger than ever. I remain, very truly, yours, WILBON ACER; EVANS & WATSON Have always on hand, at their Btore, NO. 16 south fousts Street, below Market, A largo assortment of FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, warranted to stand tbe most severe test. ap22-tf ■gm. LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT Rfi. ■SPHOYED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, nett tne Franklin Institute. Tbeundersigncd, thankful for pMt favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, tjutgemud-e*-- elegant end cuDTenwniatar#. Mil SHT’ilsoTLUlU’t etiictly lira »uZ miWHr'Frool eaiee mws-i ’ UnaiueUtdßsrk WUie’B the etrongert, beet pro. to order on short notice, ioi offered, £ ehUed to Lillie’S HW Also, l*rticjw jjf jewelry, Ac. Thia Safe is ©on* Cabinet Safe, tor elegance anything yet * St one that., .triett, fc„ lafelar er oo *- . now on uwd r»y twenty «J 8 "f* Co’» of them nearly new, sysasiSsSCS Bl1 ® | in* prices *le™ BC#u “ ae *s? o .BAlHi*®, [ jags-lytf iiivjns *■ w VZ\.«wakd»r um - - gxOBBi 16 BOOTH rUUHTH BTBSOTi . ' PHILADELPHIA. PA. A large variety ot PIBE-FEOOF SAFES aWraraoi band ', DRUGS AMD CHEMICALS. dobert shoemaker & COv Northeast Corner FOUBTH and BLOB Streets, PHILADSLPUIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND BEALERS H FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. naawriwvaaai *l* WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, *a. Uml FOR *EE CgLIBSATBO FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERT BOW fRICSS TOR CASH, apM-an LEAD, Bed Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Bngar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Bed, Chrome Yellow- Aina Forte, Mulatto Add, Epsom Salta, BocheUe Salts, Tartaric Add, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart, Bnl>. Oarb. Soda, White Vitriol, Red Precipitate, WETHHRI DnegleU and Mai Hoe. 47 and 40 ialS-tr AGRICULTURAL. EMLEN, & PASS. SC more, 627 MARKET BTBEET, BOLE AGENTS FOR WOOD'S LITTLE MOWER THE LITTLE uIaNT MOWEB. , Tfcece Machinea »r« nnturwswd for fcgMoeia <* druuilt, efficiency, flurabniiy, and choupamo, apl9-tit* PRICE, B 8- IJIH E "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & Co., GENERAL FBOYIBION DEALERS, And cnrera or the celebrated “ EXCELSIOR ” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Hoi, 142 and 144 North FRONT Btreeti Between Arch and Race etreeU, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated 11 EXCELSIOR ” HAMS are cored hr J. H. M, A Co., (in a atr le lectdlar to them aeWee.) exbreadr for FAMILY USE • are of delloiona gSTor; tree from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for aale. w* l - 3 ™ QAUTION- The well-earned revntatton of FAIRBANKS’ SCALES Baa Indsesd ths makers of Imperfect balancea to offer them as -FAIRBANKS’ SCALES,” and purchaser# bare thereby, In many Instances, been subjected to fraud and imposition. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES ara manufac tured only by the original Inventors, S, A T> FAIR BANKS k CO., and are adapted te every trench of the business, where a oorrect and durabla Scales Is roauired. FAIRBANKS & EWING, General Agents, apio-tf MABONIC HALL, TIS CHESTNUT BT. T ADIEB’ TRUSSES, SUPPQRT- I i w»n BRACES, and other Meehanieal ApplUneee, l!fMmetoonstraetlon and eaar to the wearer. For aale idSSiSSfMaH. NEEDLES’ LADIES' STORE, TVIL7TH Street, flret door below Bin. T g Vf&BiM will BontbwMt oomer fWILITH jj t gj TM BHEption to thle «y»dilf»*tnr». ndilHaK HAIR BEAUTIFULLY DYED, End Children's Hair cut, at TCVBTH art ap2**utf GRAND OPENING OF 1 TMII NEW LOWER SALOON. CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH, DT Tin* CKT.PJMUMD HUTCHINSON PAMILI, BOH TlinXE NIGHTS ONLY, '** Commencing THURSDAY, April 24th, and SATURDAY AFTERNOON. On tim. occasion they wilt introduce all of their new and popnlar sonce. TiclietS'S& cente, or Ay® for 91. Saturday Afternoon, Children 10 cents. ap22>fit CPEGIAL NOTICE.—The subscriber AJ raspectrait) inure the attention or Ilia friend* and tho public to fata new and handsomely Jilted up LAGER BEER and CONCERT SALOON, 431 HUT Street Escgt A Wolf’s Cki.ruhitcd Lacgg Burnt on drangbt; Choice Wiues and BkprkshMBNt9 . A FREE OO.VCIiM EV«i(V ETEBmB. Big. ACttHhbl, Leader. Please give us a call. »p2o-3t Si. BLSAnSER, 431 Chestnut street EUILDINGS. u iii *w „ wTEDNBSDAT’ AfTKHIIOOM. 11KBB “™" AdmiMiob 26 Q&ftta. Six ticket., *l. oh “^*{ M . l# ' C«UtH. , —* “T* Also, Porfri STEBEOSCOPTICO&S OFTHK RE BELLION, for M blW«on«i vlew»V prominent Battles, Incident., and Mon. FuU Pticeo illuetreAed '^yj ee w Q UBKN ft OOu OiStlctafil, aoll-lm Mo. 934 CHESTNUT Street, PhitadelpM^ >, PRY AND IN wnite Freotpltstbi Lunar Oaostic, Nor co tine, Bulph. Morphlnt* Morphine, Aoetate Morphine* Lao. Bulph., Ether Solphnrio, Ether Hitrio, Sulphate Qnlniaa, Boblim., Denar coil zed oplaD* Chloride of Soda, Wethertii’s ext. einoha Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lima. OrnJ® Borfti, Refilled BoTUi Camphor, Badn Coparia. LL ft BBOTHBB, nn&etsaifin Ohamiata, North SECOND Btreet, PHILADELPHIA. AMUfr’SIHiEWTS. Amateur concert Ar\_ BV BBS « AMPIIIOH MUBICAL ASSOCIATION," In aid of the COOPEB-BHOP REFRESH MKN J BALOOIf, AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, On FRIDAY EVKN Itre , April 20, JS62, FAHT I, 1. AMPHION QUICKSTEP. 2. SELECTION—“ErnBDI,". Verdi. 3. SOLO—“Balloin Masehera”—(Vocal) Yeidi. 4. WALT2-«NyinpbifHlA 5. »< VWa L'America”—(Vocal,), Millard. 6. DUETTO FROM ITEBCCO., Verdi. fa mi It. 1. MARCH—«En Arant” Qungl. 2, QUARTETTE- h PBlUlaa" Dapvlmhl a, DUKTTE—" Manha,’’—/Vidal) Floioar. 4. ALBUM OAtOV Kuhner. S* RUSSIAN HYMN Arranged by C. Sentz. 0. QUARTETTE—•* II Croclato”—(Tor .I)..Myerbeer, 7. HAIIONAL AfRS... AnaBSAJ by M. AIA. To ceranicrmn it g o’clock. Sign. RONDIHELL A will preside irt the Plano. Thd Grand Plane. Forth,, made by Nteintray ft Bona, in from theirarertiom of Meatra. Blaeini A Brother, 100 ft Chestnut street. Tickets can lb olitararil at tie* ft Walktr'o.OooU'e, and Amlre’ff Music Stores', and' Wietb'H drug etore, and at the doer of the llairoz v th!„■, • .huhjhibt BhftfS Cfsrt at 7 o'clock, To coiaaiencc at O'o'clocF* ap2t-36* MBS. JOHN DBEW’S AEOH-HTIIEET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager. W. S. PItfcDFRIOKB. Redness Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MI7BPHT, arOHTT-SIttTJI NIGHT—EIGHTY-NINTH NIGHT OF JOBS DREW. JOHN DREW. TthNIOHT. FRIDAY; APRIL 25, 1882. HIS LAST LEGS. o'Callaghan.. ... To conclude with HANDY ANDY. Handy Andy,John DfWP. in Xtobewmal—Tßß GKOYfiB O IT BLABNEY. Seats cm be secured for Mr. John Drew's represent** tions throe days in advance. Doors open at 7 o'cleokj performance commonses at 7# precisely. CONTINENTAL TIIEATBE. I/AST NIGHTS Of the great Irish Drama, entitled “THE MACABTHYOB, THE PBEP O' DAT. MEW ANp SWAVTirUIi BCBNEBTi and SPLENDID CAST OF CHARACTERS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On M-ONDAY NEXT, by apeciat requ^nf, The great Entertainment of “UNCLE TOM'S 0A» BIN” will Leaved. av«»va» Admission 25, SQ r and-15 conia. Orchestra 50 cent*. WALNUT-BTBEJBT THEATRE— II NINTH an* WALNOT Street. Bole hutm....... MBS. M.A. Qisunut, BENEFIT OF MISS CHAMOTTE I'IIORpSON? THIS (FRIDAY)' EVENING, APRIL 2S, 1863, ELLINOR OF OLEVES. Eilinor of Glevee. .... ....Aliee Charlotte Thom peon. Pan], Coimlde St UsuriCßiw,Mr. Barton HIE. I’ulre do Lorraine; ,,,,. Mr. J. B. WHght Caibaiine de Mcdiceß Jlies Alice Geer. To conclude with M.c Cmuedjr of FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. DucbesadeTorrenueya,,,,,,,tflm Charlotte Tlwmomn. P»,o*o—So, 97)4,761 and 26 cenHj Private Boiaa, #6 and 83, ocoording to their locale. Doore open at 7}j o'clock. To commence at 7)4. MOBS HOTELTJES. STBIKtBC VIEWS oc rat MONITOR AND /~1 EBMANIA ORCHESTRA.. '•'tatUge «I Bight Tickets, SI; Single Ticnem, » rata, la he had at Andre’a, 1104 Ohertnnt itreet, J.E. Ooola'h. Seyepth pnd Obeetnst, jujdat ttodoprv? fke Hall, oc2B-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Of the FINE ABTS is now closed, but will r&opeo on MONDAY, the 28th inst. WANTS. A YOUNG MAN, well acquainted with the Retail Dry Goods business, w ishes a. SITUATION in this elty,or In some Western town;, the West preferred. Address a No. 27 North TENTH Street. lt * riOOD BOILER MAKERS AND VJT FLANGE TURNERS WANTED.—AppIy to I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, & 00., Port Bichmend Iron Works, ap24.3t Cor. LEHIGH and BICIIMOXP Streets, At FI Cl OF MILITARY DI- U BECTOB AND SDPEEINTEDENT OP ItAIL BOADB, U. 8. Washipotoit, April 22, 1862. Wanted. Immediately, by tbe Uiitod Stales C, McOALLUjfi HiliUry ano BnpurtuwM tt. s. ap23-» TO SHOWMEN AND OTHERS.— An Attractive DIORAMA—tf Waahington and tba Wnr n —with other Sconon, nearly completed* w onorttt for sale at a bargain, or an arrangement coula be made for a partnership, pei haps. Managing capacity apd some rash means rfquired. Address A. M. R.» OfliC' i O- ap23»3t* II UNITED STATES MARINES.— II Wanted, for the United States Marine Corps, to* IF see efcrvice aboard of men-of-war, SEVERAL HUH *DRED ABLE-BODIED MEK, between the age* of eighteen and forty year*. Young men from the coun try not lew than 6 feet 4){ inches high, who shall pui the medical examination, and enlist, will receive tbra* cents per mile for the distance travelled in coming to the Rendezvous, at 311 Bonth CBONT Street* below Spnid, Philadelphia, or at 108 MARKET Street, Wilmington, Delaware. All other information that may pe gulred will be given. .JAMES LEWIS, Captafap ap22-12t and Becmiting Officer. a* PE PUTY QUARTERMAS- SbS TICK OKMKKAIi’B OKFIOS, Philadelphia, April 3. 1803. WAKTED IMMEDIATELY—VesseIs to load with Coal lor Port Monroe, Va. r A. BOYD, aplrlf giptftla A» St jXx deputy quartkrmXs- SS TETt GENERAL’? OfBIOB, ' pHii-AnaLmi., April 3, loo*. WANTED IMMBDIAI KLY-YsiMli totoad wi» co»i lot AiiMnaum VB. a. bo yd. Captain and A. Q. M, FOR SALE AND TO LET. WEST PHILADELPHIA—TO *»RNBT—HOUSE No. 4 HAMILTON Terr.ce; » wya«i'niW»r«i3»?»iUß? X! ft? n»«SP encrsi Apply to s» A» HABaISOw, ap2s.St 1010 CHESTNUT Street. HOUSE 1 0 LET, IN GERM AN ■i. T9WS, 9B SAIN StwD fowft how? item'VS nut lane* and fire minutes’ walh or the depot* Modern improvements, with large yard, fruit, &c. to GEORGE WISE, Ho. 408 MARKET Street ap25.3t» .mg, FOR SALE—A BAROUCHE, Carriage, and Yamlly CoacU t ihe last two made by Watson, and very little used. Witt be eold a barga’n. Apply at the “ West-Bod Stable., BROAD and FINN Street.. BOARDING. BOARDING. —Three or four desirable liMl 4Uk b» pfoiatJA for tb& smuuf. {«■*■*• iionae Lane. Fur particulars, apply at No. 140‘. WAL NUT Street. »«*•»•■* BOARD WANTED, by a gentleman, In a plain, neat, rwpootapic, wnall Iwnilr, bvfwvw Third and Eighth and Gbeetnnt and Fine. Any geuttw man or widow lady baying .pare room can addna “ Bonte Agent,” nnUl 12 o'clock, Tneeday, Apru w, Philadelphia F. O. ‘ nh3l INSURANCE COMTANIES. .nob company, i^imvßAtfex. HOBS. _ - N Tlnr lr *• D. Woodmff, ChS' Richard*-", Jr -’ SS[wihiudiii, r '' OW A »^r»". t ’ SbtoW.KTinwui. *' FRANCIS H. BUCK, Prealdant. CHARLIES RICHARDSON, Tic* Praridant WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, BMMtMir. [mhllMfll Fame insuba Mvi-m * ntCB AND INDA. PIBJCC COMMONWEALTH JIBE INSO LE RANGE COMPANY, OY TK* SEATS 0» PENNSYLVANIA. DIBIOTOBS. David Jum, U. D., Otarl«H.Boi« JohnM. Whltall. John K a- W«Um, Xdward 0. Knight. Bobert Shoemaker, Thomaa 8. Stewart. SSlSjonS?®* l * l Hfnrr liswlli Jra Xtl]A #OTWfi BCBIT , AT I x, M D., Freeldent JOHN M. WHITAIiIi, Tio. PreeMent. BAMTTXL 8. MOON, Secretary. ' , Office. Commonwealth Building. MS UHBBttalJ* street, pmudurhiA mbtw - -it— - FOB NEW FOBS THIS PAY-»BBr ATOM D»SNw>YI!h PILAW ABB AND B ABIT AN OANAL.—The eteamer H. BUBPKN, Loner, meater, it now receiving freight, end will leave THIS DAT, at 12 M. Tor reteof freight, which will be taken on accommodating term*, anpir to WILLIAM «. &AIB» * c r