THE CITY. Womtdeil Fennsylvnnia Volunteers in Philadelphia. Tin.' following list exhibit* the names aud the wounds of the soldiers of the Eighty-fourth and One Hundred and Tenth Beginienta Pecnsjlvania Volunteers, with two of the Fourteenth Indiana Keginient, brought to Philadel phia by Surgeon General Henry H. Smith, under the au thority of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Dr. Smith has taken the entire new building of the St. Joseph’s Hospital, an admirably-contrived hospital, with all mo dern improvements, under the charge of the S sterß of Charity—under the excellent care and skillful attention which the wounded receive, the success has been re markable. Assistant Surgeons J. B. Crawford, of Wy oming'. and J. L. Mat-borough, of Johnstown, with Cadets Klfi/S Ahd BftPliilfl. have eh&ygs 6f the wards under the orders of the surgeon general: Jacob Si’icile, private, 84ili Regiment. Company C, se vere gunshot wound . ball passed through lower thine of right thigh. UftYid Price, private, 110th Regiment, Company c, hq. tne gunshot Resit wound in upper thine of left thigh. Mathew* Kerrigan, private, 84th Regiment, Companv A, severe flesh wound in left arm. Cornelius D. Rowers, coloners orderly, 84th Regiment, Company D, buckshot wound in left knee j slight. William A. Davis, private, 84th IhjgWnt, Company A, severe flesh wound in right thigh and arm; ball through knee joint. Thomas Ravtnliill, private, 84th Regiment, Company A, severe flesh wound of left arm and right thigh. Died April IS, 1802, of secondary hemorrhage of femoral ar tery. David S. Baler, private. 110th Regiment, Company D, severe gtiuslfot wound of left foot; fracturing metatarsus. Theodore Hockey, private, 110th Regiment, Company D, ball parsed through lower tliiue of left thigh; severe flesh wound. John C. Foreman, private, llQth Regiment, Company A, bail entered mar middle of left leg: not extracted. John hippie, piivuti, 110th Regiment, Company A, compound fracture of the left radius j bone resected. Abraham Hertzler, private, 84th Regiment, Company C, two slight flesh wuuudß of middle of left Hugh and upper part of leFth-g. Johnl>. Albeit, coiporal 110th Regiment, Company Iv, severe wound of under side of left foot. .lease L. Whteler, private, S4th Regiment, Company 15. wounded in leftgroiu ; ball passing superficially in and out of right thigh. William P. ltamsey, sergean*, 110th Regiment. Com piu»y B, hall eiitmrt upper part of right thigh ; flesh worn d: not extracted. Henry Strickler, private, 84th Regiment, Company G, slight flesu woutd of right arm: ball uot extracted. Franklin liousler, sergeaut, s4th Regiment, Company G, ball through lower part of left leg; severe flesh wound. Fewm? Cliadwitlc. corpora], 84tll Rfgimenti Compmi’ G, ball through lower part of left leg; severe flesh wound. Jacob K. Hcoper, private, 110th Regiment, Company B. slight fieri: wound of right thigh. Ira C. Horn, private, ilOth Regiment, Company A, slight flesh wound of right leg. Samuel, eergeant, 110th Regiment, Company A, severe flesh wound of right leg. Daniel Brown, privato, 110th Regiment, Company E, slight flesh wound at left knee. P. F. Holland, lieutenant, 110th Regiment, Company G, compound fracture of first, second, and third meta carpel lioucs of leltliaiid, ■William Stott, private, llOtli Regiment, Company IC, first finger of left land shot off; amputated. David Lane, private, 84th Regimeut, Company A, se vere flesh wound in neck. Daniel Gardner, private, 110th Regiment, Company K, severe flesh wound of middle part of left leg. John Borden private, 110th Regiment* Company C, ?o» vere fleßh wound of upper part of left thigh. «William Roberts, ordetly sergeant, noth Regimeut, ompany C, severe contusion left knee, br spent ball. De Wight Roberts, private, 84th Regiment, Oouipauy C, compound fracture of left arm by minnie ball. Timothy Sloan, private, 110. h Regiment, Company £, sprain of back by lallii g over the stonewall, in the charge of the enemy. Peter Bones, corporal, 84th Regiment, Company B, buckshot wouud in neck and left arm: severely. James Vallance. private, 110th Regiment, Company A, ring finger of left hand shot off; amputated. Richard Cutchali, corporal, 84th Regiment, Company D, rheinnatam and bruised. J. B. Carr, private, 84th Regiment, Company IC, se vere flesh wound of upper part of left thigh. Win. Litzier, private, S4th Regiment, Company K, se vere wound of knee joint; minnie ball splinter. C. F. Anthony, coiporal, 84th Regiment, Company K, severe flesh wound* of upper part of left tli'gli. John Brooks, private, 84th Regiment, Company A, compound fracture. Robert Taj lor, private, 84th Regiment, Company C, slight wound of leit knee. William Prosser, private, 84th Regiment, Company D, slight flesh wound of arm. Thos. Mcllvaine, private, 110th Regiment, Company E, fleßh wound of left side of neck. Died April 18,15G2, of typhoid fever. William Cassidy, private, 84th Regiment, Company G, very bad compound fracture of lower jaw, right side, with loss of two inches of bone. James Coon man, private, 29 th Regiment, Company B, remitting fever, {nm-so.) Hiram H. Hopkins, lieutenant, 110th Regiment, Com pany A, Fevere flesh wound of left thigh, by minie ball. Paul E. Slocum, lieutenant, 14th Indiana Regiment, Company K, compound fracture of Tight thigh by minie ball. John Lindsey, lieutenant, 14th Indiana Regiment, Company I, ccmponun fracture of right thigh, by minie ball. The last two cases are in fine health, and the effort is being feftde fo save tiie limbs. The wounded wore all placed on beds in freight cars and brought on to Philadelphia from Winchester without change of car?, bearing the transportation remarkably well. Teu cf the dead were exhumed at the same time, and brought home to their friendr* \Y*e regard the action of our Legislature, in seconding the wish of Gov. Curtin in this movement as highly benevolent, and as likely to result in great good to our brave soldiers. Future wounded win be eiimlarly cared for by the surgeon gene ral of Pennsylvania, and this hospital wili offer great facilities for the study of gunshot wounds. Railroad Items.—Proposed Rail- ROAD THROUGH SOOTHERS PENNSYLVANIA.— It ia not a little singular that in thin timo of direct taxes and geneial stringency at money, railroad speculations were never so told and numerous. We have received the report of a survey of the 11 South Pennsylvania, or Gher man’s Valley Railroad,” from J. Worrali, engineer. It pro poses the location of a road from flarrisbarg to Bridge* poit, Bedford couiiiy, and thence to West Newton, on the Tonghingen), u> Y estmorcland county, traversing in addition the coniith s of Somerset, Fulton, Juniata, and Perry. The engineer tlius speculates as to the commer cial importance of the district traversed : A l.raiicli line of some 8 miles would give access to the south tide of Breed Top, where the magnificent coal of These n ensure*—Hbonx 120 square mites in area—would be rendered more accessible to market by from 25 to 30 miles than it now is. As icr iron ore, it U difficult to say where it does not exist in abundance, at points quite accessible to our line; one or two of our railroad excavations being in the very ore itself. Several mineral springs are also quite close to us—the Warm Spring cf Perry county and tire well-known Bed ford Springs among the number; the latter being made by this line but a fr\v hours more distant than Saratoga is from New York, and being easily reached from that city, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, in & rid&. At Weßt Newton some thirty miles of railway would connect us with Washington, Pennsylvania, a point about thirty-five miles from, and now connected by rail T road with, Wheeling, Virginia, the Western terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The face of the country along our line very much re fittutl6B the led thale country of New Jersey, through which the New Jersey Central Railway passes The same licli soil, tht; same occasional limestone dykes, the eame abundant character of forest, which in that part of New Jersey originally existed, but which the more dense populations have thinned and brought under cultivation. The vegetable produce along this road would support it -.he nimer<*l prodneis added would make it highly profitable, even if it should not prove to be the track for traffic between tbo East a*d the West—excolling all others in easy graduation, falling short of all others only in length. Tli«f »» rn TOMrcefi I?th?r than 199 a! sflbgcripti?B» fiom which the roail might be built, namely: ißt. The interest of Ihe Philadelphia ani Reading Railroad Com pany ; 2d. The interest of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and it<*connections. Arrangements are in progress for the opening of a new railroad line to Suntmry and Williamsport, via ScUuyl killflaTtr. Aeblatid, *»Tjd This route diverged from the Reeding Railroad at Schuylkill Haven, and crosses the mountains by inclined planes. The Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, since the time it was leased by the Pennsylvania Central Company, baa been rapidly pu.-hed forward to completion. Gangs of men are at wmk at both ends, but there is no probabi* lity that the cars will be running between this city and the lakes before January, 18GC. The Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, from Har- Tisbiug to Auburn, after having passed through a series of financial mishaps, and been in the hands of numerous parties, is now run by the Reading Railroad Company. The Moutt Carbon Railroad ia now undergoing repairs preparatory to innning locomotives to and from the mines. The road has been under the control of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad Company since the Ist instant. Matters in the Home Guard.— The interest that was formerly manifested in the organi zations of the Home Guard and Reserve Brigade has lagged materially of late, from the successes of our army and the probability of more men not being wanted for our State and city defence. In many of the armories that used to bo crowded to excess on drill nights there now muster but respectable corporals* guards. Another roason for lack of interest is that the aoove-nanwd organizations have lost a large number of their rank and file who have left for the active field of military duty after becoming thoroughly drilled, lhe Giay Reserves will give, on the occasion of their anniversary, on Gaturiw evening next, au entertainment at Hie Academy of Music. Rev. King ston Goddaju will deliver an address on the occasion,'an appropriate pt ent wil* be recited by T. Buchanan Read, and a nlagnificeDt bund, underthedirectionof Carl Seutz, will regale the audience during the evening with some choice music. The proceeds will be appropriated to the relict of the si«.k and wounded soldiers. Catawissa Hailroad Company.— An adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Cata wissa Railroad f.'ompany was held yesterday afternoon, to hear the report or the committee appointed to inves tigate the afiabs of the road. Joseph E. Moss, Esq., president, occupied the chair. The president stated that the committee had not been organized sb early as hod been expected, and, aB the officers of the company desired a most thorough exami nation cf the road h,ni its affairs, the committee had not been able to get through with their business. A sub committee, appointed to examine the road, had started on Monday, and would not return to tbo city until this evening. On motion of F. A. Vau Dyke, Esq., the meeting then adjourned until Friday afternoon at on® o’clock. The California Regiment.—At a meeting, First company of the returned California Regi ment piinanera. held yesterday morning at Muller’B, Sixth, bflcAv Ar£h kiFttd, ths following offioers wors elected: Captain, W. 11. Kerns,late of Company C;Firßt Lieu tenant, H.A. Harding, Company C; Second Lieutenant, W. H. Sloanaker, Company H; First Sergeant, H. J. gpetlbrink, Company A; Second Sergeant, G. W. Miller, Company C $ Third Servant, Chfts. Dogherty, Company H; Fourth Sergeant, J. Reilly, Company H; Fifth Sergeant, Jonathan Childs, Company N; First Corporal, Daniel Xmerick, Company N. The balance of the non-commissioned officer* will be selected immediately TnE Last of a Defunct Institu- TICK.—The assets of the exploded 11 Philadelphia Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company,” which were seized for rent, have Leen add by Alderman McCahen. They comiited of a du»k with drawers, a table, an iron rail* ing* and iron chest, a email counter-desk, five chairs, one clock, two maps, a door-sign, a letter-press, a cur tain, an oil-cloth and old carpet, a picture-frame without a picturo, some coal in a box, a stove and two piecesof zinc, an old scuttle, a twisted poker, two empty ink-bot tles, three one* cent pemiiftiidloi, and a pasteboard box of sand The sum total realized by the sale was #63.23. A Relic of the Past.—The work inexi engaged In digging the trench through indepen dence Square yosteidiiy came across a portion of a stone wall about six feet under ground This puzzled tbo quidnuncs for some time, till it was satisfactorily ascer tained that the wall in question was a portion of the foun dation of a building erected by David Blttenhouse in 1768 for the imrpnfte of observing a transit of the planet •yernia. From the enmii build inn, or a platform eroded on it, the JVclurnron of Independence to the public was read in 1776. Bun away and Collision.—Yester 4*y morning, a horse attached to a milk wagon ran away from Ridge avenue and Wallace street. At Green street, the vehiclo was brought in contact with another milk wagon, and both' were upset and considerably broken. Several cans of milk and cream were scattered about the Btreet. Two other horses wero fright ned by «1 o collision ami started oft* in opposite directions. For tunately, nobody was injured, Funeral of one of the Victims.— Ymli'iibiy mulling, tire funeral of Miss Ellen Lynch, 'Who ditrt on PenilHy, at tlie age of eighteen year., tr.m Mm (ffeiti of in mint rrcriifd at tbo exrlosion at /Ktt pon'H cartridge f.ctory, toot place from her mother, residence, No 8.7 Leonard street, near Eighth and MTiai tou streets. The Causes Preventing the Tran- SHIPMENT OF COAL.—Much speculation continues hr to the reasons which have induced the Secretary of the Treasury to prohibit the shipment of coal southward. The explanation ia thus given: That coal shipped from nnr Northern ports has been going to the Bermudas, the Bahamas, and Antilles, where it has been on sale to any Some of these have bee i ugly customers— to wit, privateers and British steamers carrying arms and munitions to tha rebels—all of whom havy eagerly paid any price .to obtAin anthracite in prefer ence to bituminous coni. AH this for an obvi ous reason. The steamer burning bituminous coal is visible at sea even wheu on the very horizon Its flaring oiunm.of smoke is seen even when the hull of llio ihip is lies and eight, whereas the anthracite coal shows no smoke whatever, the difference in fuel ha* therefore become a distinguishing mark of the American navy, which wes the latter coal, while British and French steamers use the former. It has been a constant practice of the privateers, anil of such enntrabraud vessels as the LUa Wcu'ley And other traders between Nassau, Charleston, and Savannah, to l»y In a stuck of anthracite at the British islands, anil thus add a most important aid to their means of eluding our cruisers. This game it i-s no doubt, the purpose of Govern ment to terminate. Two, and perhaps more, steamers, laden with arms and munitions for the rebels, are on their way from Kngiar.d, designing either to tranship tlicir cargoes at Nansen, or to run thn blockade. It is not the intention of Government to facilitate this traffic by krepit-g np the supplies of anthracite at accessible poinle. It is, on the contrary, the intention to draw the bpe sharply between national vessels on the one baud, unii i eticl and foreign Bteaninhipa on thn other, that the smoke-pipe shall d«cide whether a doubtful vessel is en titled to approach or pass the blockade. Or, to express the formula colloquially, smoking will not be allowed within the lines. Another supposition is, that large quantities of coal are sent from this port to foreign ports convenient to the Fontbern coast. Much of this coal goes iu hogsheads, and the belief in some quarters ia, that if the coal was in tended to remain at the points at which it is shipped di rect, it would he sent in bulk ami not packed in hogs heads. It is believed in well-informed circles that the rebel? Ultimately tlifr bftFF£ll£d S6&l, And that to cut off their supply of the important commodity is the principal object of the recent Government order. An Interesting Case.— Yesterday, in the District Court, the case of Susan Young vs. Han nah Young and W’m Young, a minor, was heard before Judge Sharswood. This was an action of ejectment, to recover possession of four lots and the buildings erected thereon, situate on Deal street, below Frankford road. The plaintiff claims title as »ho only surviving parent of Benjamin Young, who died seized of the premises in Vlto Gen B U mi inn ptopellor of 600 tons register, 170 feet long, 28 feet beam. feet hold; was built by Messrs Harlan A llolltpgevoith, of Wilmington, D*l, for BF Loper, E*i Hi.d ('apt D L Wicox; the latter will have coinmaud of the t-U'Himhlp, which beau chartered for the use of the V A She in a BuLsmotlaUy-Lmit veaa«l, and htr nmcbinery gave entire eutisfactiou during the tua from Wilmington. AT WILMINGTON. DEL Scbr Chronometer, Pier*on, 6 days from Portland, with plaster to E A Bonder A Go. CLEARED. Bark Ann Augusta, Fletcher, Glasgow, T Richardson & Co. Brig Dunkirk, Johnson, Cardenas, E A Sunder & Co. Sclu- M Maria, Reed, Salem, 9Tl2B CanidoiwNi J. .pi TO RENT A well-furnished StlsalCountry House, of moderate size, ihu grounds in clude Flower, Fruit, and Vegetable Gardens, an Orchard, a pleasant grove, through which a little brook flows, and pasture grounds tor the use of two cows. It is sltuatod a mile and a half from Old York Road Station, North Pimn -6slvania Railroad. Inquire IGIG LOCUST Street. ap7-m\vf tf FOR SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Motitgamury County, cautainifif 88 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone Improvements, fine fruits, &c. Price only $9& per acre. For further particulars, apply to Hi first-glass EIGHTH-STREET NmiLstore aud Dwelling to Rent; handsomely fitted up, with good basement; an old stand; location moat cen tral on the Rtre&t. Goodwill and Fixtures for sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Street. ni’u23-lru* TO RENT. —A Neat Small Country mL Place, with fine fruits and shade, near Beverly Station and Steamboat Landing. Apply to E PETTIT, ap6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. gn FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Desirable FAR M, containing 95 Acres of supe rior land, six miles from Market- street Bridge, in Mont gomery county. Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Lauding. First-class improvements, nicely watered, Ac. For further particulars apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four Houses, on tho west side of BROAD Street,-below Columbia avetme. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH nnil SANSOM gtreoti. a 40;000 PEACH TREES, VERY ZjLL flue, thrifty; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, large and handsome; also, a large assortment of other Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on timo. Catalogues gratia. CHAS. P. PET BBS, mMT-lnv* Concord ville, Delaware county. Pa- jte TO KENT—A desirable COUN 2**TRY PLACE, situate on the Philadelphia and Bris toi turnpike, two minutes* walk from railroad station, and within one mil* of steamboat landing: grounds con taining about four acres. Apply to B. PfITTITi No. 309 WALNUT Street. mh29 m TO LET—A beautiful COHN ■■lbr TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the west side of FRONT-Street road, above Hart laue, within ten mi- Phtos’ walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possession early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH aud SANSOM, second story. mh23-tf fc S3TOR SALE—A FINE FRUIT FARM, one mile from Kailrood Staliou> near Do? ver. Extensive PBACII ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, large Grapery, Ac. Plain improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Farms possession of which can be given this Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, inhSO-tf Na. 809 WALNUT Strwt FOR SALE, OK PART CcSSmSBB exchange—a steamboat, mu chicory in good new boiler, side Wheels, Ac. )Yiil be sold at a sacrifice. Apply tc P[ THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA SAMUEL LEONARD and. ALFRED 0. BAKER, Copartners, as LEONARD k BAKER vs. MAT THIAS BITNER. Testatum Venditioni Exponas to Cumberland county. Maxell Term, 1862.- No. 33, EThe Auditor appointed to distribute the proceods of the solo by the Sheriff of Cumberland county, under the above writ, of all that certain plantation or tract of land situ ate in the township of Silver Spring, and county of Cum berland, containing 10ft acres and ISO parches, be the same more or less* being tbo same tract of land which John H. A. Dunlap and Sarah, his wife, in right of the said Sarah, by deed dated the 11th of March, 1845, sold and conveyed the same to William C. Honser, who with hia wife Elizabeth, by deed dated Ist April, 1546, cou- Teyed the same to George llitnor. who with ills wlfo< by deed dated February 0,1853, cocveyed the same to Mat thias Bitner in fee, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at his office, in tli*» city of Philadelphia, south east corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, on FRIDAY afternoon, APRIL 25, A. D. 1862. at 4 o’clock, when and where all parties are requested to present thoir claims Le debarred From lb fe&ld fund. apU-lOt DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TPBTATE OF JOSEPH A. WEDER, JJJ M. D., Deceased.—Whereas, Letters of Adminis tration, with the will annexed, on the estate of joanr-ir jl. WEDim* M. D., uoucasea, nxv« ueen granted by the Register of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia, to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to WM. S. COTTINGER, Adm’r c. t. a., m North TWELFTH Street, Or his Attorney, *T. G. BBINKLE, N. E. cor. df SEVENTH and SANSOM Streots. mhl9-wßt* Philadelphia, February 19, 1862.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN, That writs of scire facias will be issued upon the following claims, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, unless the same are previously paid to the undersigned, at his office, No. 620 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia: Tho city of Philadelphia) to the use of James McClosr key, vs. James Stroud, owner, Ac. D. C., March T., 1860. No. 3. Claim for $578.16, for curbing and paving in front of a lot of ground on tho N. E. corner of Thirty fifth and Aspen streets, Twenty-fourth ward. Same vs. Thomas Bracken, owner, Ac. Com. Pleas, March T., 1860. No. 19. Claim for $60.90, for curbing pftVihg ih front of a lot of ground on the east side of 'Thirty-fifth street, Twenty-fourth ward, 156 feet north of Sycamore street. STEPHEN BENTON, fel9-w3m Attorney for Claimant. IN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of SAMUEL ZELLER, adminis trator of Jacob .Zeller, deceased, and to make distribu tion of the balance in tho hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap pointment, on MONDAY, April £1,1562, at 4 o ! clock P. M., at No. 128 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. &pll-frmwst H. E. WALLACE, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ANP COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, aud adjust the account of D. 8. BEIDEMAN, guardian of the estate of William A. James, a minor, and to make distribution of the balance, Ac., hereby gives notice that he will fttUnd to the duties of biß appointment on TUBS* DAT, April 22, 1862, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, southeast corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia apll-frmwst D. W. O’BRIEN, Auditor. SALE BY ORDER OF COURT.— THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.—Under an order of the Supreme Courtj of Pennsylvania, for the Eastern District, made iu the cause wherein Elizabeth T. Walker is complainant and Sophia Dunshee et al. respondents. In equity. January term, 18G0. No. 26. Will be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, April 29, 1862, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, in the city of Philadelphia, by the hands of Messrs. Moses Thomas & Sons, auctioneers, the following de scribed property, viz: l. ARCH STREET— AII that three-story brick mes suage and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Arch street, between Front and Second streets, in the city of Philadelphia, (No. 106 5) containing in front 11 )£ feet, and in depth 32 feet; bounded E. with a messuage and lot late of ThOB. Green, 8. with ground late of Caleb Hanßtead, W. with a 4-feet 2 Indies vrido alley* and ft, with Arch street aforesaid*, together with the common use and privilege of said alley, and tiro right to build over the same as far back as the said lot extends, so as not to obstruct the passage of the said alley. Bents for $l5O. No. 2. fP WALNUT STREET—AII that two*Btory messn* Hiiiiage and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Walnut street, in the city of Phila delphia, (No. 211;) containing in front on Walnnt street 18 feet, and extending in depth 51 feet; bounded B by Walnut street, W- and 8. by a messuase and lot for merly of Thonms Proctor, anil E, by a mMBMge and lot formerly granted or intended to be granted to Matthew Whitehead. Subject to a ground rent of $42 07-100 per annum. The house rents for $3OO a year. tNo. 3. QUARRY STREET—AII that two-story frame mSMUagC ffld lot ?f 3 rouud i situate on the north Bide of Quarry street, (No. 221,) between Third street and Bread street or Moravian alley, in tbe city of Phila delphia: containing in breadth, east and west, 18 feet, and in depth 79 feet 3 inches j bounded 8. by Quarry street, W. by ground formerly ot Charles Heiaer, now or late of Daniel Buffer, N. !>y ground formerly of Edward Turner, and E. by ground formerly of Philip Fehl, now or late of Andrew Scott. Rents for $lBO a year. CHARLES 8. PANCOAST, Master. N. B.—The title papers can be seen at the office of the Master, 416 Walnut street. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,,*i5,2d,£5 139 and 1-41 S. FOURTH Sl. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE OFFICE. Philadelphia, April 12, 18C2. FROP6SALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M. on MONDAY, the 21st inst , for furnishing at tbo Schuylkill Arsenal, viz: 1,500 Sides Wax Upper Leather. to be first-class oak tanned, from slaughter hides weii finished, and to mea sure 14 or more square feet to the side. ] ,200 Sides Sole Leather, best quality oak-tanned, from Buenos Ayres or La Platte Dry Hides, to weigh 14 or nioro pounds to the side. All to be Btampcd with the name of the supplier. Bldd must bo endow'd ((Proposals for Leather." and be directed to G. H CROSMAN, np!4 Deputy Quartermaster General. FOR SALE AND TO LET. E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street. E. PETTITS, No. 309 WALNUT Street. LEGAL. Estate of JACOB ZELLER, deceased. Estate of WILLIAM A. JAMES, a minor, PROPOSALS. SEALED PRO POSALS, ENDORSED “ FBOPQSAIS FQB THE ERECTION OP A HO9- I’ITA L,” are invitee and will be received at til(3 Office of the Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Northeast corner of GIRARD and TWELFTH Streets, until 12 o’clock M., of MONDAY, April 21st, inet, for the erection and com pletion of a temporary hospital for the use of the United States, lo be located upon a lot of ground situate in West Philadelphia beyond Mill Creek, between the old Baltimore turnpike and Spruce street continued, adjoin* ing and west of Forty»fie’ond street, being a part of a dairy farm owned by Messrs. Eyre and Fennel, and at present occupied by Wm. Stockbine Detailed plans and fnll fpecifioations can be seen at tbe officebf JOHN IMc.VJtTHUR. Jr., Architect, SOo CHESTKT3T Street, where any information relative to the proposed building* WilU>e given. Each bidder must name tbe amount of cost for plumb ing and for cooking apparatus, separate from, although in cluded in his general proposal. Each proposal must state the shortest time in which it is pr# posed to complete the entire work, and to be con sidered as a bona fide bid, must contain also satisfactory references and security in the usual form of a bond equal to the whole amount, of the contract. G. H. CBOSMAW, P»pijty Quartermaster General. Deputy quartermaster GE NERAL'S OFFICE. Philadelphia, 11th Aprils 186*2. PROPOSALS will l?e received for the delivery of aeve- I-Al ilifiUßALil bufelu lfl of OATS, in sacks.. lfor particu lars, apply at this office. A.BOTD, apl2*3t Captam aim A. Q. U..» U. 8. A. ILLUMINATING OILS. QIL.I OIL!! OIL 111 HULBTJRT k BRODHEAD, NO. *4O ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refiued ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluoy substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all explosive properties. from City «r torntry promptly at tended to. fe2S-2m « T UCIFER” OIL WORKS. . 1 J 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil en hand. W» BWMWltee this Oil to bo non-explosive, to born all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and bnt slowly. Bbls. lined with glass euamcl. WBIGHT, SMITH, A PEARSALL. fe2l-tf Office 515 MARKET Btreat. riARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona V-/ Oil in store and for Bale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, )Fmhl3-tf 208 MARKET Street. CABINET FURNITURE- riABINET FURNITURE AND BlL yj LIAKD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No, 291 South SECOND Stmt. in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the mOM & CAMPION’S IMFRQYfiP CPgglQNg, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the Quality and finish of these tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their yortei feffi-flro DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. », DRY AND IN WHITE lea: OIL. White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narco tine, Solph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine* Log. Suiphi* Ether Sulphuric, JCthor Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Oorro. Sublim., Douarcotizod Opium, Chloiide of Soda, WetheriU’i ext; Glnohi. Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Resin Gopavla. LL k BROTHER, mufacturing Chemists, > North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. Bed Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil cf Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chroma Red, Chrome Yellow, Aquu Portia, Muriatic Acid, 25-psozn Salto, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Grange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. Carb. Soda, White Vitriol, Rod precipitate, WETHER! Druggists and Mai Eos. 47 and 49 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, gMOKED SALMON. JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN TINE GROCERIES, mhlO-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. CROSSE & BLACKWELLS’ ENG -1 i mli Pickles and Sauces, Quart and pint bottles, just lauding and feu sale l>y RHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South. WATER Street. T>HODES & WILLIAMS, NO. 107 J_\i South WATER Street, offer for sale the following: 20 caeeH French-Brandied Olierriea. 40 coses superior Branched Peaches. 40 cases W. K. Lewis & Bro.’scelebrated condensed Milk* 25 bbls. hermetically-sealed Tomatoes. -Imported Bologna Sausage. W Winston's Green Corn and Pom, 30 cases Sardines, of favorite brands. apT CHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT TER 1 only 12 cts. per pound, at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. mh2s-tf LEAF LARD. —79 tierces prime ket tie*rendered Leaf Lard, for sale by C.G. SADLER & CO., mb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. 0 BBLS. GOOD COOKING BUT= 1/ TBB for Bale very choap at No. 812 SPRING GAR DEN Street. mh2s-tt /~IHEESE.—ISO boxes fine Herkimer OOUUty Olteeae, rv/i auto- Ly ... 0. 0. SADLER & 00.) mb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. Green corn and peas. 50 cases Winslow’s hermetically-sealed Green Corn, SO 44 44 44 Green Peas, 20 Mb ** “ Fresh Tomatoes, fust lauded and for sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, mhl7 107 South WATER Street Yery choice white rye FLOUR, only 2jf eta. per pound, at No, 812 BPRIKG GARDEN Street. mh2s-tf Chemical Sperm Candles KJ for sale by JAURETCHE A LAVEBGNE, 902 and 204 South FBONT Street. mh!4 TF YOU WANT GOOD POUND Abutter, go to s. z. gottwals% no. 812 spring GARDEN Street. mh2s-tf 9(1 CWT. CHOICE WHITE RYE hAJ FLOUR, just received and for sale at No. 813 STRING GAKDKN Street. mh2s-tf SARDINES. —A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES S. CARSTAIRS, ap2 126 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Street. MESS PORK.—2SO bbla Meaa Pork, 111 for sale by 0. C. SADLER & CO., mh2o-tf 103 ARCH Btreet, 2d door above Front. YINE GAR—French White Wine Vinegar, for sale by JAURETCHE & LAVEBGNE, mh!s Nos. 202 and 204 South FBONT Street. MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE SbK AND BOILER WORKS.-NEkFIB a LEVY, PBAOTIOAL AND THEOBETIOAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS,BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yearn, been in fracceeaFol operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac.. &c., rebpectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En gines of *ll, Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beßt' Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of aH sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions ; Ball Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fails, Ac., Ac., tor rais ing heavy or light wolghts. JACOB O. NEAFIB, • JOHN P. LEVY, jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, JOHN *. OOPS, WILLIAM H* MERRICK, HARTLEY MERRICK, QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON SUBSETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines* for land, river, and marine service. Boileis, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of dl kinds, either irou or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Statons, Ac. Retor+e and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Everydeacription of Plantation Machinery, snob ai Sugar, Siw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steen}. Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ao. Sole Igents. for N. Billisux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Neßmytb’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aa tinwall k wolaey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Braining Machine. . auS-tf Morgan, ore, & co., STEAM ENGINE BUILDKRB, Iren Founder., and General machinists and Boiler Mahers. No. 1210 OAL 10WHILL BttMl. Philadelphia. fell Jo BUSINESS NOTICES. fT?LECTHICIT Y ? PROPERLY AP IL PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. Doctor i*. H. STEVENS, late of No. 1220 Walnut street, Phila delphia, hua located himself at No. 1418 South PEI?N SQUARE, a few doors west of BROAD Street. Tl* location is a very desirable one in spring and summer particularly for those who may choose to take bo art In the Doctor's family while under treatment. Having had extensive practice in the treatment »f va-. rious diseases, both of ladies and gentlemen, in this and j other cities, he expects a large Bhare of patronage from bis special friends, and from the diseased generally. All curftblo CftWS Will bo warranted, if desired. CONSUL TATION AND ADVICE FREE. , , _ \ N.B.—One day in each week will be exclusively de- I voted to the treatment of the respectable and worthy | poor, free of charge. I . I Location, No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE, a few I doors west of BROAD Street, Philadelphia. I A. H- STEVENS, / mh7-fmw 3m Medical Electrician.* DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN MW TIST for 18 years, No. 219 VINE Street, above Becunfl, insert* Uie most Teeth of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Patina, BUyer, Vulcanite, Co ralite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reaaouablo for neat and substantial work than any Dentißt in this city. Teeth Flogged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit.' No pay until satisfied nil is right. Befiircnco, beat families. foiFj-?m JOHN A. ALLDERDICE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Has resumed the Practice of his Profeeriim at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. r;*2g-3m« "JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE f) ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on toe most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. 19" Orders promptly attended to. ViYi-17 Every lady who wishes to BE BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUNT’B COURT TOILET POWDER. It la UHOd hr the Court BeantifSin Eurow,«»i it is the only Powder that win not injure the skin or rub off. Fnee, ,I- a , 60 oenta. HUNT’S BLOOM OF BOSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or iipe; it will not waeh off or Injure the akin, and remaina durable for yews. Price *l. Theae articlee are uulte new, and cam only be Ob tained or HUNT A CO.. 133 South SEVENTH stiwt above Walnut. AU kinds 9f Fancy Boapi **£,?** men. fcl9-am RAILROAD lilKtSs miE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X UAILBO4P, THIS GBEAT DOUBLE TKAOK BOOT*. 1862. Brnsnsm 1862. THS CAPACITY OF THE ROAD 10 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT 6HOBT LINK TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of paeeengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Lotus, St. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and ell other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other routs. Keeping ana smoking cars ou all the trains. _ . THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY; Mai! and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 0.00 A. M. Fast Line “ 44 11.30 A.M. Bxpreaa Train« « 10.30 P.M. PorltMburg AooonrniodaUou loavos Fhildi atu12.30 P. Mi Harrisburg 44 41 44 2.30 P. M. Lancaster 44 44 44 .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester passengers will tuko tho Mail Train, the Parkesburg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Paiiengeri for Santanm Williamsport, Elmira, Bnf« falo, Niagara Falla, aufl intermediate points, loaving Philadelphia at B A. SI. and 2.30 F. M., go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, 8. B. corner of ELEVENTH and MABKBT Streets. By this ronto freights of all descriptions can be for wordo-1 to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct , or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsbnrg. The rates of frelght'to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, aro, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting tho transportation of their freight to thiß Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. Far freight contractu or shipping directions apply to or Hldreea tho Agents of tho Company. 8. B. KINGSTON, Jk., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWABT, Pittsbnrg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH Jk Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 Sooth WiUiam street, Now York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MA3BAW & KOONB, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila, I«. L. HOUPT, Oen’l Ticket Agent, Phiia. ENOCH LEWIS. Oen’l Suo’t, Altoona. PHILADELPHIA., WILMI>ON, AND BAL- TIMORE RAILROAD* On and after MONDAY* APRIL 7, 1862. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 330 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.05 A. M. (Fxpreee,) and 11.00 P. M. For Chester 5.30 A. M., 11 35 A. M., 4.15 and 11.00 P. M. For Wilmington at 3.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A.M., 4.15 and 11.00 1». M. For Now Castle at S.lft A. H. and 4 lft P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. Hi. anil 4.16 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at. 8.30 A. fll. (Express), 1.05 P. M. (Express), 5.20 and 7 P. M. (Express). Leavo Wilmington at 6.55 aud 11.33 A. 51.,4«15j 3.45 i and 9 60 P. 61. Leave Salisbury at 2.35 P. M. Leavo Milford at 4 55 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Cheater lit 7.45 A.. M., 12.15, 4.50, and 9.30 P.M. Leavo Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate atar tJoDB at 5.20 and 7 P. M.for Dover and intermediate stations at 1-05 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M,, 12 05 and 11.30 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 9.25 A. M., 12.35 P. M., and 12.30 P. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run an follows: . . . Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5.30 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 710 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Cheater, Wilmington. Stanton, Newark, Etkton, North Bast, Perryville, Havie-de- Grace, and at all stations between Havre* de-Grace and Baltimore. 12.00 M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.45 A. M. Leave Wilmington foi* Philadelphia and intermediate places at 2.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 3.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3.30 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore wiU madaily, Mondays excepted. ap4-tf WM. STEARNS, Superintendent. iTALL AND WlN te',lg!T"*4liji TER ARRANGEMENT.— PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, fend NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday* October 28* 1801* until farther notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Heave Philadelphia, «, 7,8, 8,10.06,11,13 A. M„ 1,1, *, 4,4, 8,7, 8, o,lotf, &Bd U){ P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7*. 8, BJ4, 9V, M>X, 11#, A. M., 1,2, 3,4, 6,6, 7,8, o#, 11 P- M. The 8# A. M. train from Germantown etope at Bay’s and Tioga only. OH SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0.08 A. M., % 7, and lOjf F. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. SI., 1,0, and P. H. OHESTHT7T HILL BiSCLBOAB. Leave Philadelphia. 6,0,11, A. M., 3,4, 0,8, and 10* P. M. Leave Oheetnnt Hill, 7.19,8.10,10.10, A.H., 13.10,8.10, 8,40,7.10, and 0.10 P. 11. OH SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. SI., 3 and T P. SI. Leave Oheetnnt HiU, 7.50 A. SI., 13.10,5.40, and 8.10 P " FOB CONHHOHOOKBN AND NOBBIaTOWN. lioavs Philadelphia, 6JO MS. U. 04 A' M,i IXi Ml. IX, 6.06, and 8.05 P. M. Leave Norristown, 7, », », 11 A. M„ lx, 4*. and* V ' H ' OH SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0 A. 51., 8 P.M. Leave Hometown, 7M A. M., 6 T. M. FOBMaNAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6%s 9 t U A. M.) ljtf* B.W, i#* £.05, end 8.05 F. M. Leave Manayunk, fljf, o#, A. M., S, 9, tod OX P* oh HIINDAYfI. fom NMIMI*» 9Ar M rl 3 and ? ** r g, Leave jdanaynnK> 7k A. m., 6# and 8 p. ai. E. K. SMITH, General Superintendent! >tf Dado! NINTH and OEIIN Streets. NORTH pennsyl- TANIA RAILROAD. JOB BETHLEHEM, DQYLESffOWN, HA I/OH CHUNK. HAZLETON, EASTON, SOKLBT, *O. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINB. On and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1861, Pu leuger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Street* Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 0.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, &o. At 2.45 P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. This train reaches Easton at fl P. M., and makes a WMMflon with (bn New itmf G*atr»l IwNtw Turk. At 3.05 P. M., for Bethlehem, AUsntown, Usuoh Chunk, Ao* At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes oloss connection With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M., 0.18 A. M.« and 1.81 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. LsfcYO Fort WeftM>es ft* M 9 A Mt ON SDNDATg—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.80 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Firs to 8eth18h0m....81.601 Fore to Munch OhnnkiSS-Gfl Fare to Eaaton**,,., 1.50 j Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure toe above rates of fare. All PmwAßgnr Trains /except Sunday Trains) connect »t Berks street with the Filth f»4 Sixth streets, And Se eond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 ELLIS GLARE, Agent. PHILADELPHIA BEADING BAILBOAD PASSENGER TRAINS FOE fOWSVIUU, BEAD ING, and EABBISBVBG, on and after November 4,1861 MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot) corner of BROAD and GALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, ( Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhiil streets,) at 8 A. M., oon- Becttag at Harrisburg *ith the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD 4.167. M. train,running to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. M. train running to Ohambersborg, Carlisle, Ac.: and the NORTHERN CENTRAL BAILBOAD 1.20 P. M. train running to Ban bury, AO. AFTERNOON LINER XiMm New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW* HILL Strati, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger eatranoei on Thirteenth and on GaUowhill sts,,) for FOTTSYILLR and HARRISBURG, at 3.15 P. M. t DAILY, connect* fag at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Snnbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Ao. Express Train from New York via Easton mokes close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect tug at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.16 A> M. Train running west. For BEADING only, at 4,30 P. H., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING BATLHOAS. *‘*9B PllLipix-raiA, Mil** XoPil®n3xvtU©..,,*,,» 29' Beading,6B Lebanon 88 Harrisburg. 112 Dauphin .... .134 MiUeraburg.........143 TreTerton Junction.l6B Bunbury... 109 Northumberland... ,171 Lewisburg 178 Milton 188 Jlnncy ..107 Wi11iam5p0rt.......909 Jersey Shore ...223 Lock Haven.. .236, ®** ston - • • •*** ) Wllllam.port mid Klmlr. Tr0y..... 261 > pSii r*»d. JClmfra .287) Bailroan. Vise S A. H. iil 3.15 J. M. IfillKtllUlMl X Pert Clinton, (Sundays excepted.) with the OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, and RBI* RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada, the West and Southwest DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner ol BBOAD and OALLOWHJLL Streets. W. H. MoILHENHET, Secretary. October SO. XSOL RSiaMMiE PHILADELPHIA WwaCTg AND READING RAILROAD CO., (Office VHt Sooth FOURTH Street) ©u and after May 1,1861) season tickets will be Issued by this company for the periods of three) six* nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also be had at 33 per cent discount. These tickets wilt be sold by the Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where auy further information can he obtained* BBADFOBD, ap2o-tf Treasurer. Mk||B| PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA B. B, LINE. 1863 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1863 for WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and II points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave >epot of Phil*. and Reading R. 8., cor. Broad and Cal twhill street*, at 8 A> Mi, and 816 F> M, dallr, eioeit todays. QUICKEST BOUTS from Phllsdslphla to points In Brthern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New ■lrk, Ac., Ao. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Ntg&ra Falls, or Intermediate points. hrongh Express Freight Train for all point* abort, loses daily at 6 P. M. or lurther information apply to JOHN S. HILLEB, General Agent TBBTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. co*. SETH and CHESTNUT Streets. jaBl-tf WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA BAIL- VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On id after Monday, March 10th, 1982, the trains will lere PHILADELPHIA from the depot, N. E. cor ner of 'IQHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.06 and 10.1 A. M„ and 2,4.30, and 7 P.M., and will leave the cork of THIKTY-PIBST and MARKET Streets, 17 minus after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market reets. ' ON SUNDAYS, LeaveHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M„ and 2 P. M. Leave iST CHESTER at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. The trap leaving Philadelphia at 8.08 A. M., and * *0 Pa Miconuect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia jj Baltimore Railroad for Oxford and inter mediate pcta. HENRY WOOD. mhB i General Superintendent. BiwfoSFm WEST CHESTER ■9BISPBAII.BOAD TRAINS, via PENN SYLYANIJraILBOAD. leave depot, corner ELX TENTH inteAmT atreoto. at B'A. U>, RU noon. amd 4 F. M- (no3-tf TOfiN iJ. MYERS & CO-, AUCTION- U SERB, Nos. 232 &bd 234 MARKET Street. SALE OF FRENCH DUY GOODS. On Monday Morning, April 21, on four months 1 credit— -700 packages French, Gorman, Swiss, end British dry goods. SALE OF CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning' April 26, on fourimnitho’ credit— -860 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian car petingtf, mattings, &c FURNESB, BKINLBY, & 00., 429 CHESTNUT STREET. LABGK SAL’S OF FIIBHOH GOODS. On Friday Morning, April IBtli. atio o’d. ck, by catalogue. 600 packages and lots of fancy and French ury gMda. FRERES KOECHLIN’S PRINTED* ORGANDIES AND JACONETS. To he sold in entire bales, on four months’ credit. On Friday Morning, April 18i at 10 o'clock* cnnßisting* in prorL oJW bales Frereß Koechliu’n Paris printed Jaconets. 4« organdies. u ii cameanx organdies. plain, satin stripe, and plaid organdie*. hales plain solid color jaconets. fslid sstor Irrillinntn ao‘! porssN. Eting the entire balance of Uie importation, and the lust time they will be offered. ALSO, 150 PIECES RICH PARIi PRINTED MOIvBLIN DE Spring stylos, Hinwll patterns, and all wool, just tank'd from steamer. Also, on Friday morning— Paris black lace points, mantillas, and PAN COAST & WAKNOOK, AUC TIONEERS. No. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND ~ IMPORTED DRT GOODS, ESUSRoibKIUK&, BON NET JUBBONS,. HOSIERY, Ac., by Catalogue, This Morning, Philadelphia and Beading and Lebanon Valley B. B Sorthero Centra Railroads 9'cnbory and Erie B. B BALES BY AUCTieii. SALE OF DRY GOODS. On Thursday Morning, April 17, on Tour months credit— -600 pacbagea British, French, &ud American dry goods. BALE OF BOOT 9 AND 9HOE3. On Tuesday Morning, April 22, on four months' credit— -1,000 packages boots and shoes. LaINKS, BOURNOUS. Paris black lace points. 44 4 * mantilla*, ft H buUIJIOIMi In the latest sty leu and extra quality, for city trade April 16, commeucimr at 10 o’clock precisely, ggr- Samp cs ar.d catalogues early on morning of Halo. Jns)\;dtd will be found, viz : * KJUBIiOIDEKIEa. An invoice of choice styles jaconet cambric and muslin embroidered collars and Bets, bands, bouncing, waists, robes, Ac. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. A fuil line of ladies’ 6*B and ger ta’ »• A plains horn- Btitcllfd and hemmed Upon cambric handkerchiefs, freaderfi, hosiery, gloves, fancy goods, ribbons, &c. STIFF NETS. 50 lots assorted qualities l»l»ioU mid wlilte stiff nets. LAIIGK STOCK OF JKWKLIty, FANCY GOODS, STATIONERY, &c, Alf This Morning. .*lBO4 ‘g* lGrli in&t., an extensive *tnck of good.*, comprising clocks, watches, gold and plated jewelry, in single piece* bi,,| lockets, at mis, guard and vest chains, medal lions. pencils, armletSi ami mlYer-plattd and nlbatta toa, table, and dessert spoons; table and pocket cutlery) fancy goods, a largo slock of stationery, &c. LARGE 6FECIAL tALE OF SI RAW GOODS, MEW’S STRAW AND FKLT HATS, &c. By ofitflloflue, On Friday Moniiiui; April 18, commeDcini'at 10 o’clock, precise!:# embra cing a general assortment of first-classgooclß, tor present sales. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a very superior fire-proof safe. Philip eohd & co., auction eers, 625 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Sts. SALE OF 1,090 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning, April 17, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will bo sold, h? catalogue, I,COO cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots; calf and kip, brogans, Con gress gaiters, Oxford ties, walking shoes, Ac ; women’s, misses’, and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocoo heeled toots, 6h«9- galiSM, SUppfiHl, tUflkltta, &t. Also, a large and desirable assortment of first-claaa city-made goods. tff- Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. • Tl/rOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER IVi AND COMMISSION MEJBOHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RAGE Streets TAKE NOTICE. The highest possible prico is loaned on goods at JfS* iX&ni' 1 Principal, southeast corner of Bixth and Race streets. At least one-third more than at any other establishment in this city. AT PRIVATE SALE. One superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with motalllc plate, soft and loud pedals. Price only $3O. One very fins toned piano-forte, price only *5O. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH MENT. 260,000 TO LOAN, In 1 orfi« or small amounts, From oue dollar to thousands, «tl (JiMWSfISi g?M Md 9)!y«F watches, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATES, This establishment has large fire and thief-proof safes, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the promises. ESTABLISHED TtlE LAST 36 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THX « PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT.” CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STORE FRIOMA Gold and silver watches of erer7 description, from on* dillar to one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion able jewelry, diamonds. Ac. M FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, i Aufitlaiifespa, 601 CHESTNUT St, above Sixth. SALES EVERY EVENING, Of Fancy Gcods Stationery, Clocks, Watclies, Jewelry, Cutlery, Silver-platofl Ware, Ao. Consignments solicited. Ov.t-door sales promptly attended to. MARSHAL’S SALES, TV/T ARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of .iVL a WTit or order of sate, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADES, Judge of the District Court of the United States* in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty) to will be soil, at public Bale, to the highest and beßt bidder, for cash, at CALLOW BILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23d, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., 593 barrels Rosin and 329 barrels Tar, being a portion ot the cargo of the brig HERALD. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. 9 Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 11, 1862. ap!2-6t RAILROAD LINES. 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA .TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. fftOH WALNUT-STREET WHARF AND KBN9I2TOTOS DIPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: FAR! At 0 A. M., via Camden ai d A nboy, 0. and A. Ao- commodation SI 2ft At 6 A. M. r via Camden and Jersey Git/, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 2ft At 9# A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At 12# P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo- dation... . 2 2ft At 2 P. M.s via Camden and Amboy, 0. and 'A. Ex- pre55......8 M At 4 F. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express. 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Claw Tictet 2 2ft At 0# P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail 8 00 Ai 12 P. M.| rift Kensington and Jersey City- South- ern Mail 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Catnden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight aud Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 2 2ft Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 160 T!se 9H P . SS . tin? fbbs &Ur> Sundays exceptsd. The 12 F. M., Southern Mali runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A.-M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehom, Belvidere, Bftaton, Lambertyille, Flemingtou, &c„ at 7,10 A, Mg from Kensington Depot, and 2% P, M, from Waluut- Btreet wharf; (the 7.16 A.M. Line connects with train leaving Easton Tor Maucb Chunk at 3.35 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 P. M. WATMMft For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 9% A- M.» and 6, 6.30, and 12 P. M. from Kensington, aud ‘2% F. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11# A. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Sordentown, Ac., 1,4, 5, and ?, M. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and interme diate stations at 2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth jstreet, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run inlo the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passongers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to bo paid for OXtn. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, except by special contract. fa3-tf WM.H.GATZMBR. Axent. E&ISBBBB REOPENING OB' EeHSicaas the BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now open for the trans portation of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all ethgr In formation apply at the CouipanySi Office, corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, President P. W. and B. R. B. Co. EXPRESS COMPANIES, IMPORTANTI X ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should be sent by HARNDKN’d EXPRESS, MT CHESTNUT Street. They charge only HALE RATES, and lend daily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mono roe, and all other point, occupied by onr trooas. feB4-Bm* Siki THE ADAMS EX SWCSBS PRESS COMPANY, Offioa 390 CHESTNUT Street, forward 9 Parcels, PackagM, Mer chandise, Rank Notes, and Specie, either by ita own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United States. X. B. SANDFOBD, felg General Superintendent. Best quality roofing slate always on hand and for sals at Union Wharf, 1411 BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, myT-l» «7 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. HARMONY SHERRY—For aale in bead, by OIIAS. 8. OARBTAIR9. ajio Ho. 126 WALNUT St. and 21 QBAMITE Bt. LARD AND GREASE.—&O tieroe* prime Leaf lard; SO tierces White Grasse, Dlraot from the Wert, and g&£L_ Ho. 14S HOBTH WHARVBB. Adamantine candles.—a job lot of old Adamantine Candles, in store and for ■£i»by r *B6»IS A WILLIAMS, mhlT . 137 Booth WATER Street BALES AOCTIOS. MTHO'MAS & SONS, • Nos ICO iitid 141 feoutli FOURTH fiuittt, wr PUBLIC SALES REAL K9TATI- AN D STOCK!’ AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. MP~ We have a largo amoant oF roal estate m pnv«R •ale, loclodiug every description of city and count*? &v -petty. Printed li«ts may be had at the Auction BtOfft. NINTH SPRING BALK—APRIL 52. Orphans* Court Peremptory Sain, on tne panufaM, t/berttmit rtreet. Estate of flumy Al. FiiUqk Ecu .dop’d. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AtfD FURNITURE. On TtiHKilay Morning, Aprd 1?, at 10 o’clock, at the northeast corner of CLeytuut end Sixteenth Ktreets, ilio elegui t residencu, is feet front, replete with nio.lern conveniences ; also. hHble and cobch house. Full rterfCliptiujJft in handlnlU hiniK-diftKly elterrlio sale «»f tins house will he euM, hy eafulegne, t» <* el gant furniture, mirrors, Ac, TENTH SPRING SALE—APRIL 22. Will include, mirier an order of the Supreme Court of IVnmjlvanbi. thn three following described properties— ajiukE-srony brujr dwelling. No. mxteh idmt. wc-nt of Front. B I.’SIKESS STAND, No 2U Walnut street* west of See oi d. DWELLING. No 221 Qtmrry strcfi, 18 feet front, Ah«. by decree of eanu* court— Till! BARCLAY KiELkoad and coal gom- PANI’S PROPkNTV, comprising several thouatu-4 awes of o*el lunde, nml apparatus for mining, and 41 dwellings, and other Imihtings, engine boti-e, railroads, Ac. THREE* STORY BRICK .DWF FILING, Market fit. T enrt of Thirty sixth, Twenty, fourth wnni, TJIREE-bTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1630 Thomr&on street, west of FllleriilH Trusteed Sale.—2 TWO-STORY BUIOB DWELL INGS, Bnltonwood street, uett of Fourth. Lot 55 foot from. TW© BRICK DWELLINGS, MtdOH AtPS&t, UHISSIk Thirteenth arid Broad. THREE NEAT MODERN RESIDENCES,'Not 1524, 1626. and lfi?H Rrou n street. NEAT TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 71* Marshall street. Bale at Noe, 130 and 141 South Fourth Street, SALK OF t-UPEBIOJi FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY PIaNO FORTES, FRENCH PLATE MASTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, TWO SUPERIOR FIRE PROOF SAFES, BILLIARD TABLE. BAGATELLE TABLE* BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPHTA, CHINA ANL ULASSWARE, Ac. Our Rale to morrow mnniittg, at 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, will comprise, ImaidfH 500 lota of superior furniture, tleganl ntewooa piano-forte, four miuogauy piai.-o-fortcH, two large and BUpcrior fire- proof cheats-. fine* Frcindii jilato rumtoi mid pitr mirrors; sunurior biU liaid table, bagatelle table,china and glajawnrn, itniHel* and other carpets, Sc. ALSO, Elegant rosewood piano tnrte, made hy Schorr. Four Blip? rior mahogany piano-fortes. Very Inrun lira* proof Ghost* miulo by Farwll & Horriag. Large do do Evans A Wa*aoa. A fine lille, Sale No, 617 North Tenth Street ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIaNO, MIRRORS. VEL- VET CARPETS, fa On Friday Morning* Am il 18, at 10 o’clock, by tnmiogiu*, at No. 617 North Tenth street, above Green, the entire furniture, em bracing a buU of elegant drawing-room furniture, covered with *re*u plush, superior rosewood piiiuo-forte, hiuid eouie pier mitrors, superior dining-room furniture, ole gsut rwfifiwopS sii'l WidmfiiHi} 1 di, tuber fumiture, Hue mattiegsea, Ac. Also, the kitchen furniture. *GP" May be examined at 8 o’clock on tho murnlug of sale. Qj.LtitEisr OAPSULES PURE OOD-LIVEK OIL. The repugnance of most paiienta to GOD-LIVRR OIL, and the inability of many to take it tt all. has in* daeed various forms {of dlsguist) for li? admiolsiranon that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer In special cages, but more often the'vehteto neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving Quite os unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust of Kba Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of on? OAPSULEg. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the good're sults from their use in both hospital and private praotioe, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant, our claiming the g? fgg tbi*m, feeling assured their use will result In' benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, BKOWN’B ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGKK, Manufactured only at FREDEnIOKBROWN’S DRUG AND CUE MICAL STORE* Northeast corner of FliiTH and CHESTNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Attention Is o&liud fo thin vuluitblo remedy which aHauM be in every family, and for thn Army ami Navy It is In dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and iB a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steol Engraving) exeoated at greaj cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, (ft order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectaUa Druggists in the United States. fes bHow Ms s!mr»6tsr for ski!! w? ?ftr?fnl to prescribe only such remedial agents as should secure restoration without producing subsequent evil, it will be welcomed as a real good. Under tho guidance of a Phy sician (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known), it will always be found very beueficiaL and in cases where a medical adviser is not at baud, it may be iiaed With safety, according L> the directions* ta all cases of short or long duration. For sals at FREDERICK BROWN’S, Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Sts., oclfi-s&w 6m Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PHILADBL- STEAMSHIP LINE—From PM Street, Philadelphia, and LONI? Wharf, Boston, Ao. The steamship SAXON* Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston for Philadelphia on WEDNESDAY, April 16 at 4 P, M., acd from Philadelphia for Boston on MONDAY Evening, April 21, at 7 o'clock. Insurance one- balF that by sail vessels, Freislt taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send Lilia lading with their goods. For freight or passage (having ftno accommodation* for pasßengerß), apply to HENRY WINBOB * 00., 832 SOUTH WSABYIBB. London exhibition—return TICKETS TO LONDON AND BACK: First* class ..., $lOO. Second-class 69. WEEKLY COMMUNIOA- Sm«M* TIOH BY STEAM BETWEEN NMW YORE. AND LIVERPOOL, ftMU&i ki QUEBHfI TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark paaeshgew toad despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Stem*- ■hip Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw ste— ghipg are intended to sail as follows: fbom’new YOBs roi liyskfool. CITY OF NEW YORK, KANGAROO And every Saturday throughout the rear, from Priß Ho. UH.3. BATES OF PASSAGE THROCGR FROM PHILADELPRIA. 1862. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool lift Do. to LondoQ, via Liverpool. 999 Bteeragoto Queenstown, or Liverp001............... 99$ Do. to London 9M Do. Return tickets, available for siz months, from Liverpoolm 1111lit1itmini«*m**iHitt* Ml Pasienners forwarded to Band, Parlu, Hwobor*, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York*. 949 Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York,... 999 These steamers have snperier MMmmaUfciMW lot paa- Bengers, are constructed with water-tight cenipartnNMfc and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the office of the Ooca pany t JOHN Q. PALS, Agent, 111 Walnut Philadelphia, la Liverpool, to WM, INMAN, Tower BolkUhflpa. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 18 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH aaspt B oiiii ma rh«- h VBOU NEW TOBK TO LIYIBPOOIi. Chief Oebin Fuwge *tt* Second Cabin Passage TO ROU BOSTON TO LIYEBPOOL. Cblef Osbln Passageum llllttlslllSliJllSlif Second Cabin Passage., *4..*...#* 99 The ships from New York calJ at Cork Harbor. The ahipa from Boehm oali at Halifax and Oort: Mm* bor. PERSIA, Oapt Judkins. AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. ARABIA, Gait, J. Stone, CANADA. Gant, J, MMh ASIA, Gift X. G. Lott AMEBIOA, Cart, Uolr, AUSTBAIiASIAN, NIAGABA, Oapt Moodfe. Oapt Cook. BUBOPA, Oapt AoAfflA. SCOTIA) CHINA. Th«a« tmmli carry a dear white light at nuiUllli men on starboard bow j rod od port l??wi _ . CHINA, Anderson, “ N. York, Wednesday, April «. NIAGARA, Cook, " Boston, Wednesday, April 1* ASIA,' Shannon, « N.York,Wednesday, April m. CANADA, McCauley, «« Boston, Wednesday, April M. PERSIA, Lott, “ N. York, Wednesday,May T. EJT&OPA, Slope, Boston, Wednesday, May 14. CBINA," Anderson, «» N .Vork. Wednesday, Uay 9L NIAGABA, Cook, “ Boston, Wednesday, May M, SCOTIA, Judkins, “ N Yorki Wednesday, June 4. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tbs mnmtfSKK !*!** w«i “ Sow, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelrr, rreelonaßom, or Hetala, nnleea bllle of lading are eigned therefor, Mi the value thereof therein expreeeed. Por fright or ■Me. apply to *■ OUNABD, •CO, »PP‘» " t BOWLIBG OBESN. Nevr Tortu Or to E. 0. A.J.G.BATES, 145 STATS SIMM. HAMM. FOR NEW YORK—THIS BAY—Via Delaware and Baritau Canal. —The new Steamer “IBONSIDYS,” 1 andeveer, ia now loadini at third wharf at WALNUT street, »Bd will ilil at IS M, Fortreight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to _ . . . WM- M. BAIRD A CO., Agents, It No. 132 South Delaware Avßnne. - .ic—a. FOR NEW YORK. ■HEBBBbNXW DAILY LINE, via Delaware an* Bari tan Canale . . „ Philadelphia and New York Expreee Steamboat OoM- Mny tgcslyg freight and lobvb daily at 2 P ■ M», lag their sergws i n New York th 6 iollt>wln * day. Xrefght.tMena»«a^n 3 b.eraW Yi)S _ No. 14 SOUTH WHABVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piero 14 and 16 EAST BIYEB. Hew Toth. - -it—.. FOR BALTIMORE, ■■BiHr WASHINGTON) D. 0., AND ro*. TBESB MONBOK, DAILY, AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M„ BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY) (ERICSSON LINN.) On* of the Steamer* rf thl« Company leave* tin nwa ■ld* of Cbeetnut-Btreet Wharf dally (Sunday* exoayM,) ■t 3 o’clock P. M., and arrive* In Baltimore early nMd morning. Freights for Washington and Fortran Moaro* reoelyed and rprwardod with all possible despatch, *ai are required to be prepaid through. Freight* or all kind* carried at th* loweat rates. A. GROVBB, Jr., Agent, No. 34 Sooth WHARYIB. fel4-3m* nOTTOW SAIL PUUK AWD CAW TAB, of «U numbers and brands. Haven's Pock Awning Twills, of all descriptions, Cor Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Prior Felts, from 1 to t feet wide. Tarpanling, Belting. Sail Twino, Ac. JOHN W. XVHRWAN ft 00.. lea jolhes saW* HOUSE RADlSH.—PureE uck lsland Horae Badiah, prepared Tor family use, in pint and balf-pint bottles, for aale to tlie trade by UHODE3 A WILLIA.M3, ' 137 South WA.THR Street MEDICINAL. 1412 WALNUT Street* Philadelphia SHIPFIN®. .Saturday, April 19,1861 Saturday, April 20,1001