THE CITY. The Great Victory near Corinth and its Receipt in Town. PatfcV aflir batn. and I'CCeiH after aaccasa now ranch OF| over the wires, so that we do not exhibit the extreme elation t-r the eatreu.e depression tb&t used to mark the receipt of war intelligence. But yesterday victory eetzned fresh axain; tor, after great solscitudo and loirs detsy, the great arxtves of the Southwest had met Aild ■'niggled, v Hit the Union uppermost in the end, and the auatest hope of tha rebellion prostrate and despairing. About half-past niae o clock, a despatch giving some particulars of the lUht was received, and, upon being pOHtttl upon the bulletin hoards Of ihe newspiper wdices, aoon drew togotberquite h crowd. Extra! were issued from Alt the newspaper officeI', 1 ', and the boyajfound much difficulty in supplying the demand. The contents of these papers were eagfrly dfYPWr«4 and passed rapidly from mouth to mouth, until (he good news was spread almost overt! e eutlrecity within the space of an hour. Flags were displayed in every quarter without any fear of their .being icjuied by the 0i - agreeal>le, drizzling rain, which had been prevailing during the morning. Later advices* received direct from Pittsburg Landing and published in . successive editions, confirmed the first reports relative to the number of killed and wounded, thus showing that the battle liad been very severe, and that the grouud had. >been hotly contested. The valor of the Officers engaged iu the skirmish was variously discussed, and, as imagination tiutedthe several items of the telegraphic report, bo rumor had a thousand tales of chivalry, cow ardice, end heriiffm. The newsboys positively jammed Third street, many of thorn so excited that they could not effect a sale of papers, but contented themselves with screaminglustily. After dark the offices of the morning papers were surrounded, and the news was read to many a family late in the hours of night, so that the children went to bed unwillingly* and thought ovw the battle in their dreams. Many of the participants in the great battle near Coriutli were well known in Philadelphia. Colonel Stvfency, reported wounded in his remaining arm, was an old printer ot New York, and well known in the newspaper offices lidro. ITfi WAS BVoPywheP6 BDOken of admiringly. Country Business Men in Town.— The reports of h&4«l ftmVflk fftF efrVOTDI d&] T S fifttt h%VO been unusually full. Our leadtug holeU are now uncom fortably ciowded with strange merchants, a great pro portion of whom aic from interior Pennsylvania aud the Western States. By reference to our-files of this date of 1551, we find very little discrepancy in the number of arrivals. The usual per centnge of Virginians, Tennesseans, and Cato linians does not appear, but there are quite as many Ohioans, Western Virginians, and good folk from Illi nois. The populous interior of our own St ate contri butes abundantly to the wealth of the metropolis, and scarcely a county in Pennsylvania has not been repre- sented. Moreover, a quantity ot army sutlers, that move with the army, have agencies in town So that, really, we are supplying the South with provisions, dry goods, Ac., as in former days. State Sabbath-School Conven 'l’lOlf,—A State SftlrOfitb'Scliool Convention will beheld in this City, commencing on "Wednesday morning, May 28tb, in the “ First Independent Church,” Broad street, below Chestnut. The object of the Convention is to oh tain an accurate Tie w and surrey of the State in its Sab- Lath*school aspects, and to devise way a aud means by which to impart increased vigor and efficiency to the Sabbath schools, reach the destitutions, and increase tho general interest. The pastors, superintendents, and teachers, and friends Of thß Sabbath-school cause, in the State of Pennsylva nia, are particularly requested to be present* nud to for? ward immediately all the well-ascertained statistics boar ing on this subject, and especially the condition and des titution of the schools in their town and couuty. They are also requested to appoint at least one delegate to re present their school iu the convention, and report by May lot. A general and earnest invitation is extended to all the friends of the Sabbath-school cause to attend; but it is specially desired and expected, thut each Sabbath school will be represented by at least one delegate. Excursion tickets will be issued, at half fare, to dele- A&uson etui ting by the folio ving railroad*—Foimavli vania Central, Northern Central, Reading, North reiin- Byfvauia, and Cumberland Valley. Liberal arrangements will be made for the entertain mint of delegates. will report themselves, on their arrival, at the rooms of the Yoaug Men's Christian Association, Nob. IGO9 and 101 l Chestnut street A Would-be Detective in Trou- BLE.—Yesterday afternoon, Samuel Torrens was Charged before Aldeim&n Utitler with bavins? robbed Anguhfu Ming. 1016 riouth Fourth street, of two gold watches and §SO in gold, on the 14th of March last. A witness testified that on the evening in question he saw Torrent acd another man climbing over the roof of Mr. Ming’fl bouff. Shortly after the robbery t two men were Arrested* but the eTidence against them not being suffi cient, they were diicharged. Torrens would probably have escaped, but lor his having Impudently attempted to make more money' out of the man he had robbed. He wentto'Ming and represented Detective Henderson, tiding that tor a certain sum of money he would recover the watches and rnoutiy which bad been stolen. He explained to filing when and how the money* had bten stole?, and when the latter expressed surprise that so much of his domestic arrangements should be known to any one, said with a knowing air: “ Oh, we detectives know everything.” He talked so much that at last Ur. Ming bad his suspicions aroused, especially after Torrens told him that with the money stolen was a New Ycrk bank note. This brought to the mind of the latter that ho bad been the possessor of such a note, a fact till then forgotten by him. He procured the arrest of the bogus detective, who was fully committed for trial on the Charge of larceny. Lead Mines in Bucks County.— A number of our capitalists have recently had their at tention turned to an alleged rich dopoßitof lead in Bucks County* The lend is supposed to extend through a con siderable r< gicn of country. The purchasers of the farm of Samuel 0. Boneall, in New-Britain township, a short distance northeast of the celebrated lead mines of the Messrs. Niemyer, have organized a company for mining purposes, &Ld l&t&nd to commenco work at ouca. The farm contains about 106 acres, for which they paid $lO,- 000. C. W. Wieand is president of the company, and Mahlon Art man, treasurer. The individual members of the company consist of C. W. Wit-aud, Timothy Shnbert, Samuel EL Sthneid?rt Mahlon Arttnan, Henry G. Schantz, Anthony Shubtrt, Samuel Steinbach, Henry K. Gerhard, John Krause, George Kreible, J. K. Dickeiihhri, Nathan Stahl, Chrisliau Ort, and Levi Yeakle; Edward Artnian, Charles B. Himmelwright, Daniel fc. Heist, and Simon Boeonbergtr, and Enoch Schultz—twenty persons in all. Ab yet* lead to any considerable quantity has not been found upon the premises, though it is believed to exist there in abundance. Young Thieves.—Yesterday after noon, two email boys, named Charles Edwards aud Chas. Jlweld, wtre Bent to thft House of Jtefogft, by Aiderin'in Beitler. It appears that for gome das a past goods have been missed from the store of Tredick, Stokes, &. to.. No. IS South Front street. Yesterday morning the two boys mentioned above were seen to descend iuto the cellar of the store by the back stairway. They were arrested, and before the *U«rrmaa eeid ib«t they mtad& living by Belling papeie, and spend their evenings at the theatro. That they lived with a woman ia Eleventh street above Race, and had never been gnilty of any theft The woman in queetH-n f&id that one of the children had been left with her by his MhVe were called upon yesterday by a former merchant of this city, whose flourishing business in fruit, produce, etc., was ruined by the embarrassments consequent upon the war. Bo is now a sutler in Vir ginia, and informs us that he has located a store at BrentsviUe, and purchased a property. He states that he expects to do business in Virginia permanently, and give up the poet oi sutler. Be giv- sus the names of four Northerners who also intend to locate iti Virginia, and Income the heads of first families. The people of Brents- Yttle have t aken kindly to our Informant, and, as he pur chased Mb property for #l,BOO although its value ts really about $6,000, be thinks that be will do well in any event. Virginia v ill soon be revolutionized in this way l*y Philadelphia shopkeepers. A Pennsylvania inn fcerpMi he iMtks, would do well at BrentsviUe. The First-ward Explosion-An- OTHEB DEATH.—AIIen Knowles, auother of the suf ferers by the explosion at Jackson’s cartridge raauu factory, in the First ward* died on TuewWy afternoon, at the residence or his parents, No. 1399 iffwy street, in the Twentieth ward. He was employed in the moulding room, and was very badly burned about the upper put of the body. Thn deceased was twenty years of age. Bis funeral will take place this afternoon, at threeo’clock. This is the femrieemh death from the eifects of the ca tastrophe. The investigation into the cause of the catastrophe ■will be resumed to morrow evening, at the coroner’s office. The Streets to be Cleansed with MACBINE3.—The special committee of Councils, ap pointed to consider the best mode of cleansing tho streets of the city, have agreed to recommend to Councils the accept aico of the prop?Bitinn of Ur. ft. A, Shim, of New York, to cleanse tho streets with machinery, at per month; the thoroughfares most used to be cleansed twice a week, and at night, and the other streets when ever their condition demands it. The proposition of the committee is, Ibat Mr. Smith be employed for two months. The subject will be repotted to Connoila to»riay. Mr, Smith baa bestowed much attention upon the subject of afreet-cleaning, and he has had a practical experience of a number of years in cleansing the streets of New York by machinery. A similar offer was made to tho city several years since, bat was at that time refused, the * voting machine** Leing preferable io any oilier. Assault and Battery. Patrick Mehan and Barnard Gore were before Alderman Ogle, on Tuesday afternoon, charged with having assaulted John ttctlAmis. The complainant is employed by the Fourth and Eighth-street Bailway Company to water The horseß at Eighth and Dickerson streets. The de fendants Quarreled with him, aud used a whip h&udfe, with which they struck McManus upon the head, knock log him doia'ii. Aild Iflillglilig W-VfifS ifijUHAJ TiifiP W£J*d held In 8800 bail to answer at court Location op Contrabands in BUCKS COUNTY.-SeTfral c«itr«VMdaa<3 T Coates Acting AMig’anl Paynmlw—W. W. Goodwin. Acting Matters*-?. Smith, J. D. Barclay. J 1\ Rod gers. Captain’s Clerk—T. M. Budd. Acting First Assistant Engineer—William H. Wright. Acting Second Assistant Engineer—Henry Hill. Acting Third Assistant Day* iTamOfi Fountain, Bernard Kerloy Paymaster’s Clerk—G P. Smith. Acting Master’s Mates—Ed. Sheffield, W. Brandt, C, Y. Kelly, at Port Royal iu charge of a prize.. Gunner—Joseph Smitn. , Can a Soldier Sell iiis Discharge ? —Great ignorance prevails as to the law on the subject of bounty and peneion. Soldiers who have served for a feu- weeks, and have been discharged for one cause OT another, {mag l '”* that the* can sell their discharges. This is a mistake. The bounty of I* only payable to IllAflfi who serve for the war If a soldier be killed in battle, bis widow or heirs are entitled to the bounty and to the pay then due him. if a soldier be wounded' and dis charged for disability, he is entitled to a pension, accord ing W the degree of disability, but in no cose can a sol dier sell his discharge. Shad are selling at prices ranging from 30 to 62 cents a piece. They are said to be plenty, and the belief among fishermen is that the season will prove a profitable one. Shad have been caught at some of tho fisheries on the upper Delaware, though the flak ing season has not yet fairly commenced. Quite a num ber have also been caught in the river below Trenton. PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. SOUDEB, l George l. buzuy, I Ooiuiittm a» «h mamm. EDWARD C. BIDDLE. \ LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 7 Philadelphia. Ship Westmoreland, Dec An, ..Liverpool, S 00& Ship Free Trade, Stover Liverpool, soon Ship Adelaide Bdll, lloberb on. Liverpool, soon Bark American, Christian .....Port Spain, aoon Bark Eliza Ann* Cook Belfast, Ireland, soon BarkObsawsi, Killam Belfast Ireland* soon Bark Helen Maria, Marshall Port Spain, soon Brig Ella Reed, Davis, Havana, soon Scbr Franklin Beil, Robinson. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 10, 1363. SUN RISES ..& 31—SUN SETS 6 32 HIGH WATER 10 46 ABftlVEb. Bark Flore&ta, Welsh, from Bahia March 1, in ballast to John W Field. 22d ult. lat 24 60 N, lon 6L 08 W, boarded scbr W A Griffins, Downs, from New York for Grenada, under jury masts, supplied her with one lower Steering sail, all she required; same date, lat 26 30, lon dl46,*pohe ichr Eclipse, of PArsborn, N 3. from New York for St Kitts. 17 days out From March 24, expe rienced continual gales. Schr Electric Flash, Ayer, 6 days from Edlsto Island, NC, in ballast to captain. Has on board the captain and crew, and evtnc ot the sail?, &c. of the brig Empire, be fore P4p&»tod wrecked off Port Royal, S C. Schr P A Sanders, Somers, 6 days from Kewbern, N C, with 750 bbls rosin, to W B Thomas, collector. Schr Eva Belt, Lee, 6 days from Newberu, NC, with 760 bbls rosin to W B Thomas Schr A Krrell, Higgins, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Tweils A Co. Schr Broadficld, Fisk, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins Schr Martha Maria, Reed, 5 days from Salem, Mass, with potatoes to E A Souder A Co. Schr A M Aldridge, Howell, 8 days from Port Royal, In ballast to captain. Schr Marcia, Munroe, G days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, CaJd well & 00. Stean er Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with md3© to W P Clyde BELOW. Ship Zered, Magonegal, from Londonderry—reported by Henry Long, Pilot. CLEARED. Brig C Heath* Loud, Boston, J R Blakiston. Schr J Selaey, Washington, Tyler l , St Ah 3 A Co. Sohr Jas Blits, Hatch, Boston, C A Hecksher. Scbr A M Aldridge, Howell, Boston, L Audenried A Co. geto E J Munsill* Kelley, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Marcia, Munrce, Boston, Noble, Caldwell A Co. Str H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Ship Clyde, Perry, entered out kl London QStll tilt. fOP Philadelphia. Ship Albeit Edward, McKinney, at London 25th ult. from Calcutta. Ship Walter Scott, GrafFam, at Antwerp 29th ult. for Soderliatrij to load deals for Australia, and thence for Chfncbae, to load gasno for Antwerp, at j£3.lo_ SEflf Ship Northern Crown, Men ill, fat Liverpool 22d ult. for Chincbas, in ballast, to load guano for France at £4. Ship Witch of the Wave, Bramhali, at Sunderland 2ist ult. loading coal for Bombay, at 31s. Ship Gov Langdon. from Liverpool, for Singapore, was spoken 17th ult, lat 46 50 N, lon 0 50 W. Bark Trieste, So wall, from New York for Shanghae, was spoken 2d ult. lat 26 17 N, lon 3916 W. Schr Minerva, Jefferson, hence at Fall River 7th inst. Schr Chief. Champlin, hence for Norwich, sailed from New London 7th ini4. Schr Klpwiui, eU&red at Baltimore Bth inat. for Philadelphia The Baltimore built schooner Saliy W Ponder, 170 tonß carrying capacity, has been bought by several par ties in Now York and Orient for $3,500, cash, and will hail from the latter port, to be commanded by Captain I'ratk Norton. A letter from Capt H B lild‘ r, of schr M R Carlisle, of Newport, states that that vessel has been converted into a mortar boat, having been filled in with timber under deck, and her deck sheathed with four inches of planking. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & GO. a Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. HANTTPA.CTUHKKH OJT WHITE LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTT; Aa. ACXHTB TOB IHB CBLXBRA.TBO FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer, and consumer, .applied at VERT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. el3-2m lea: Bed Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar or Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Ye9«Wi Chrome Bed, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortin, Muriatie Add, Epsom Salto, Bocheße Salta. Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Bub. Garb. Soda, White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, WJSTHBRI Druggists and Mai N 0..« aud 49 HIISIIM KSN NOTICES. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- for 18 years, No. 219 VINE Street, above EtoCQQd) i&tfrto {be most beautiful Teeth of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Piatiaa, Silvee, Vulcanite, So- Tnlite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until latififl&A all ia light. Reference bait famillm. feXSukn TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, tl ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession at SEW CASTLE, DEL AW ABB, fjwBj-9a» JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Boad, is prepared to put on any amount of HOOFING, on thfl most MQPJfRATS TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. Orders promptly attended to. , - myT-ly •VTOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER i hflGby getice that all connection, on his part, with the business at the Minerva Mill, ia Bridgeport, Montgomery county, Pa., has ceased. Any existing authority to purchase goods or make con tracts for the manufacturing business there or elsewhere has been withdrawn. All persona having unsettled accounts connected with the said business, prior to this date, will please present them immediately to HEN BY SHARPLE9S, 47 North FRONT Street. Philadelphia, April 6th, 1862. apB-6t* (CHARLES S. OARSTAIR9, \J 126 WALNUT Etreet, and 21 GRANITE Street, Offers for sale Cognac and Rachelle Brandies, of different brands. Claret Wine in casks and cases. Madeira Wine in Quarter* and octaves. Sherry Wine do do Port and Burgundy Port in quarters and octaves. All in bonded warehouse. mh2B-U TpTERY LADY WHO WISHES TO A!i BE BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUNT’S COURT TOILET POWDER. It Is used by the Court Beauties In Europe, end it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, H, 25, and 60 cents. HUNT’S BLOOM OF BOSES, a beautiful, na tnral color for the cheeks or lips; it will not vaah odor Injure the skin, and remains durable lor yearn Frloe •1. These articles are nuitejew, and can only be ob tained or HUNT A GO., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut All kind, of Fane, Soaps aud Perfo mwy, feiwhm DRAIN PlPE.—Vitrified Stoneware Drain Pipe, a cheap and indestructible material for drains, either for private une or for city drainage. FRIGE LIST. 2 inch diameter, 26c, per yard, 3 inch “ 30c. •* 4 inch “ 40c. 41 5 inch 44 50c. 44 6 inch * 65c. “ 7 inch “ 000. •« 8 inoh ' « 4 $l.lO 44 9,10,11, and 12 inch diameter. . We warrant this Pipe to be equal to any Imported, and luperior to any other manufactured in this country. 8. A. HARRISON, 1010 CHESTNUT gtPOflt T abor-baving machine .1 J CLOTBE&-SAVING MACHINE. TIME-SAVING MACBINIS, Haley, Morse A Boydon’s Clothes Wringor bivm labor, time and clothes, and is an improvement which will most certainly he generally adopted. It is self-adjusting) sim ple, and durable, and is Tar superior to every other de vice for the purpose intended. Over five hundred have bwn Bold •within the I»t>t thirty <£&yct in this city. Mo family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. BKOW, at the Office of JOT* COE, A Co, Northeast comer of FItfTJI and CHESTNUT Streets. Ordori from the Country promptly attended to* fcpl-lffl mORTOISK SHELL.— A few boxes of J. TortoUe Shell Tor isle by JAVBSTOHX * LAVBRQNB, Hn 202 Olllt *O4 Smith FBOtfT Sunt T>EST QUALITY ROOFING SLATE J 3 elwayaon hand nl for Mle at Union, 14*1 BXAOH Street, Ren«in*tnn T. TEQMAB, my7-ly H 7 WAhMUT Btnet. rauuoiiua. .Port Spain, soon i, DRY AND IN White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, NatGotiue, Solph. Morphine, Morphine* Acetate Morphine, Lac. Sulph., Ether Sulphuric^ Ether Hi tele. Sulphate Quinine, Corro. Bublim., Deuarcotized dplom, Chloride of Soda, ext, CHneha. Tartar Kinetic, OhlwrideDf Lizno. Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, iL A BBOTHES, ufacturing Cherniaks forth SECOND Street* ILLItMINATINO OILS QILI OIL 11 OIL 111 HULBUBT k BBODHEAD, NO. E4O ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot Tor tho Sale or Extra Refined and Lubricating GOAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, a> it poaaeaees merit beyond anything heeetofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and la free from all explosive properties. Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. fe2B-2m « T UCIPEK” OIL WORKS. XJ 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without Crusting the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with ■lose enamel. WRIGHT. SMITH, A PEARSALL. fe2l-tf Office 516 MARKET 9t?eet, fIARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona Oil iu store and for sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, mhl3-tf 208 MARKET Street. CABINET FURNITURE. PABINET FURNITURE AND BIL VV XiXABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION. No. 261 South SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are DOW mHlUftKtariug ft superior "tide of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the MOORE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED OUSHIONS, Which are pronounced, by all who have need them, to be anporier to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. fe2fl-6m MEDICLNAIi. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES. EXPRESSION FROM THE FOUNDER OF THIS tt\f PH COVERT, PROF. C. H. BOLLEB. More than two thousand invalids have been cured by Prof. BOLLEB, at his Institute, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, fn less than three years, and thirty persons have beeu permanently cured of old long-standing chronic diseases in twelve day's, many of whose certificates are published daily, for the flood of humanity. Prof. Bolles therefore is not compelled ro publish old far-brought cor tificateß, but is dally tmblUhing testimonials of the most satisfactory and reliable character, and all of this city. apl-13t % * another cure of faraly jCX SIS OF THE LOWER LIMBS (PABAPLEGY) AND APOPLEXY COMBINED. BEAD THE FOLLOWING: Philadelphia, March 31, 1562. Professors Bolles and Adams, 1220 Walnut street. Gents. : Tho remarkable tt'lilfili I h&VO dOFiVGd frem your method of applying ELECTRICITY, compels me to thus acknowledge the great obligations I am un der to you for Bnatohing me, as it were, from an imme diate death. About two years ago, while a resident of CiucilUiftti, Ohio, I was visited with' an attaok of para lysis Of the lower extremities, which rendered me almost entirely unable to stand upon my limbs. I employed some of the most celebrated physicians to be found in that section, but received no apparent beuefit, and after a lapse of about eishtecu months was taken with a spasm, which one of my physicians pronounced a fit of apoplexy. Two weeks elapsed from that time before I became the least conscious of anything that had trans pired, nor could I concentrate my mind or converse upon any subject without becoming very visionary and ex cited, until I placed myself under your valuable treat ment "While in Ohio, and after my friends, my family, and myself had forsaken all hopes or my improvement or re covery, my wife proposed that a visit to the fast might possibly benefit mo, and after consulting with our phy sician on the subject, obtained his consent and approval. After my arrival Id Philadelphia ms* attention WftS Called to your treatment by a pamphlet handed me by my father, which contained the names of some gentlemen whom I had been formerly acquainted with, and whoaa statements I could rely upon. I immediately made up toy mlpd to place myself under your treatment. I have HOW been the recipient of four treatments, and I now feel perfectly satisfied that I am restored to a sound con dition, and I therefore feel it my duty to gratefully acknowledge the benefits which I have received through your treatment. Very Ac., WILLIAM H! 9HA.IN, No. 110 Sooth Twentieth street. pURE GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. The special attention of phyeicians fteilitt i? called to the superiority of this article, it la rapidly supplanting ail other kinds, and all those who have used it give it the most decided preference. The following extracts, from certificates in the hands of the manufac turer, “Col. Hallowes,” will Bbow the high estimation in which the Georgia Arrow Boot is held hr those gen tlemen of the medical profession who have fully ex amined it. fisr One pound, 62 % cents, or two pounds for SI. Complete instructions accompany each package, show ing bow to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOB BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT FRED’K BRf WN’B DRUG and CHEMICAL STORE, N. E. COB. of FIFTB and CHESTNUT Streets, v PHILADELPHIA. “I have examined and prepared some Arrow Root, manufactured by Col. Hallowes, of St. Mary’s, Georgia. Ithas the best quality of that variety of ffucula I have met with, being euperior to any Bermuda, or other Ar row Root I have seen. “SAMUEL JACKSON,M D., mh£9-statL3m University of Pennsylvania * TLIRB. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA- J.VX TED SUPPORTERS FOB LADIES, and the indy Supporter? under eminent medical patronage. La nes and physicians cure respectfully requested to call only on Mm. Betts, at her residence, 1939 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and atoo OB the Supporters, with Winoitiila oilAtflOlltl QLUTEN CAPSULES ‘ PUKE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to cop-ltvsb OIL, and the inability of many to take It at dir has In duced various forms jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special canes, but more often theVrehide E4&tHllsM the usual effect of the Oil* proving Quito &i unpalatable and of leas therapeutic value. The repug> nance, nausea* A©., to Invalids, induced by disgust or the Oil* Is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. GOD-LIYEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the goodie suits from their nee in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them* feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1413 ’WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gMOKED SALMON. JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALBB IK FlKfi GBOOBBIB3, mbio-tr COBNEB ELEVENTH AND VINE BT3. CROSSE & BLACKWELLS’ ENG HJi PiVlild* and Sauces, auart and Bint bottles, just landing and for sale by BHODEB A WILLIAMS, apT 107 South WATKB Street. - “RHODES & WILLIAMS, NO. 107 X%l South WATER Streot, offer for sale tho following; 20 cases French-Brandied Oherries. 40 cases superior Brandied Peaches. 40 cases W. K. Lewis ABro.’s celebrated condensed Milk. 25 bbla. hermetically-sealed Tomatoes. ! Imporhd Ilolti&nA S&US&gO. 60 cases Winslow’s Green Corn and Peaa. 30 cases Sardines* of favorite brands. ap7 CHEAP BUTTER! CHEAP BUT TEB! only 12 «(*, per penndi at Ko. 812 spring GABDRN Street. mn2s-tr VTERY CHOICE WHITE RYE V FLOUB- only 2# ctg. per pound, at No. 812 BPRING GARDEN Street. mh'2s-tf 3BBLS. GOOD COOKING BUT TEB for sale very choap at No. 812 SPRING GAR DEN Street. mh26-tf LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ketr tie-rendered Leaf Lard, for Bale by C. C. SADLER A GO., mh2o-tf 103 ARCH Street* 2d door above Front. piHEESE.—ISO boxes fine Herkimer County Cheese* for sale by C. e. SADLER A CO., mh2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. HORSE RADlSH—PureEucklsland Horse Radish, prepared for family use, in pint and half-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by RHODES A WILLIAMS, mbl7 107 South WATER Street. TVyfESS PORK 250 bbla Mess Pork, J,tl for sale by C. C. SADLER & CO., mb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. YINEGAR —French White Wine Vluagar, for ule by JAUBKTOHE £ LAVEBONB, mhl6 No,. 202 and 204 South FBONT Streot. /"IANDLES. Chemical Sperm Candles, Tor tale by JAUBXTCHE A LAYIBBNB, m and 204 Heath FBONT Strut. mm* IF YOU WANT GOOD POUND BUTTKB, go to S. Z. OOTT WADS’, No. 812 BPRI NO GARDEN Street. mh36»tf SARDINES. —A very superior brand for sale by CHARLES S. OABSTAIBS, an" 12« WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Strict. Green corn and feas. SO cases Winslow’s hermetically-sealed Green Corn, 80 11 “ “ Green Peas, 20 bis “ “ Freeh Tomatoes, just liadui and for tale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATEB Street. QHOW CASES kJ FUtd.glaaa.CenDUtiilvAi'i Cryutal-gla*w, ** « 4< “ half German silver “ all walnut.. WM, B. flfiOVK, mnig-ttpl« ill north Twain stmt, Tliilxi*. fIOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN- Vy VAR, of oil Tinmtiei« And brands. _ Bayen*. Dock Awning Twllla, of all doacripttons, Tor Awnlnpß, ffnuilw, nnl tV H^, Q Albo, Paper Manufacturer!)’ Brier tfetts, from lto, fret wide. Tarpaoling, Belting, Bail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. HYKRXAN A 00., myt-tf 102 JONKS Alley QHOVELB AND SPADES. '~™ O SIOISI HALCHAN, MAOTFAOVO***, WRNIR 91 AND QUABBT BTBMTB, ]R4B~9atf* B«t. Mrt &«99) *a4 frwaa f«4 T&lcOt THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1862. rro DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known as tha **PHCJE]VIX” and formerly owned and occupied by BAHL. SMYTH, Esq., iltnated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RACE and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 000 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and Acoom modatiDg terms. la In good running order, and has all the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pro*- mlsea furnishes An unfailing supply of good, pare water. Address Z. LOCKS 6 CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fd2B-dtf FOB SALK OR TO RENT, —An Mil elegant Country Residence, delightfully mi touted ou the sutiiUiK of CHESTNUT HILL. The house fo in complete order, comaiiis all the modern conveniences, gas and water tliroughoiit, ami is within a few minutes’ walk Of the Itailroad Depot. The yard Is large, handsomely laid Mil, and ia well shaded. Wilt ho gold on oasy tcrmt* or will be rented to a good tenant for one or three yoara. Apply to ALFIUD H. ALLEN, apS-3t* 436 WALNUT Street. tb FOR SALE —A Handsome double !iTiiree.Blory Brick Dwelllbg, bijk bllkUi&fij, Aftd let of ground, at the northeast corner of WALLACE And NINETEENTH Streets; 37 feet 8 inches front by 105 feet deep; finished with all the modern conveniences. Terms accommodating. Immediate pos£t* S. W, cor. of NINTH and FILBERT Sis. FOB SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 80 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone improvements, finefruite, Ac, Price only $95 per acre. For further particulersi apply to B. PETTIT, mh7-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO LET—A Germantown Residence, furnished if desired. It has fen rooms, gas, hot and cold wnior baths* &c., coach house, stable, garden; near a railroad station, and every way pleasant and convenient. If any arrangement could be made with a small, genteel, adult family, the rent would be taken in board. Address I’., box 1004, Philadelphia Post Office. aps-stuth3t* g| FIRST-CLAPS EIGHTH-STREET MaLgtore and Dwelling to Sent; handsomely Acted tip, with good basement; an old stand; location most cen tral on the street. Goodwill and Fixtures for sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Street. mh'26 lm* f£i FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four MU ITouscs, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Apply at the Bouthwest corner of NINTH and SAN9OM Streets. mhSd-tf ffe 40,000 PEACH TREES, VERY 3E- fine, thrifty; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, large and handsome; also, a large assortment of other Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. Catalogues gratis. CHAS. P. PETERS, tnhl7-lm* Concordville, Delaware county, Pa. gg TO LET—A House on DEWEY’S Mat- lane, Germantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach House and Stable, first rate Garden, and various kiuds of fruit; within five minutes, by a good walk, to the station. Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. (mhlS-tf] JAMES ORESSON. Mg TP RENT.—A Neat Small Country 2E Place, with fine fruits and shade, near Beverly Station and Steamboat Landing. Apply to E PETTIT, aps ifo. m WALNUT Street. m TO RENT—A desirable COUN mTRT PLAGE, situate on the Philadelphia ahd Bris tol turnpike, two minutes* walk from railroad station, and within one mile of steamboat landing; grounds con* tainlug abeut four acres. Apply to JB. PETTIT, No. 300 WALNUT Street. mh29 MS TO LET—A beautiful COUN «*» TRY-PLAGE, of 10 acres, on the west side of FRONT-Street road, above Mart lane, wllblii tdii fc&l -nutes’ walk of the Frankford and Southwark passenger cars. Possesion early in April. Apply at the south west comer NINTH and SANSOM, second story. tnb23- tf A FOR SALE—A FINE FRUIT 3C-FARM, one mile from Railroad Station, near Do ver. Extensive PEACH ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, large Grapery, Ac, Plain improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Fanis possession of which can be given this Spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. S FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE— A Doßirnblo FARM, containing ft? A their Attorney, FREDERICK HE TER, mb6-tli6t* 241 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Estate of james mcgormiok, DECEASED.—Letters of Administration to the Estate of JAMES McCORMICK, deceased, having been graited to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for the City and County of Philadelphia, allpersous indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to MARY ANN McCORMICK, Administratrix, No. 1717 SOUTH Street, Orto her Attorney, FREDERICK BEYER, IBhe-th6t* No. 241 South THIRD Street. "VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN XI that application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of a POLICY OF INSURANCE, No, 2732 for $1,090, dated Byptnnber 19,1829, and issued in the name of MARGARET Mo CULLY, which has been lost or mislaid. Any informa tion thereof will he received by SAMUEL McCULLY, . S. W. corner of FRONT and MARION Streets. mbll.tuth&s lm TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Tt* Auditor appointed by the Court to audit; and adjust the account of STEPHEN BLATCSHFORD, Executor of Edward Law, deceased, and to make distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, April 16, 1862, at 4 o'clock p. M. t »tU» Office, No. 131 South FIFTH Stre4l. in the city of Philadelphia . GEORGE M. CONABBOE, aps-stuthst Auditor. TESTATE OF CATHARINE STEW jJJ ART, Deceased. 0. C. The Auditor appointed l>>; the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to audit, settle, and adjUßt the first and final account of JOHN CLAYTON, Trustee for Mrs. ADELINE FOS3ARD, Doce&gel, Add KATE A. GAMP, under the will of CATHARINE STEWART, Deceased, ai>d to report distribution, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment on TUESDAY, 15th April, 1862, at four o'clock P. M., at his office No. 725 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. ap3-tbstn 5t M. RUSSELL THAYER. Auditor, QEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN k? YITKD till the 15th day of APRIL, 1852, at 12 o'clock M., for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. The Cattle to bo doUrerod at Washington city, and each animal to average 1,309 pounds gross weight; no animal admitted which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross. The Cattle to be delivered at such times and in such quantities as the Government may require. CaiUe will be r<*iuiw4 under this contrast soon after the contract is closed. Heifers and bulla not wanted. A bond, with good and satisfactory security, will be required. Government reserves to itself the right to pay inTrea- IW J BBtWi . NO bid Vfilt be entertained when pat in by contractor* who have previously, failed to comply with their con tracts, or where the bidder is not present to respond to bis bid, and all bids to be accompanied by two guaran tees. The name* of firms should be stated Id full, with the precise address or all the members of the firm. Bids to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, 0. 8., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. We, - ■. . of the county of —and State of —, and , of the county of ■ , and State of do hereby guarantee that ■ is able to fulfil a con tract in accordance with the terms of his proposition, aud that should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract in accordance therewith.- Should the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become Lie securities. TkU gUAfintaO JUUSt bfi Ab« pended to each bid. apl-13t "VT OTICE. Proposal s from dealers JJy attd millers are invited till the 10th of April, 1862, for FURNISHING FLOUR to the Sub. Deportment, of the same kind which has been received bp the U. S. Go vernment, and known as No. 1 extra. Samples of this Fiour may be seen at the Capitol Bakery, in Washington. It la desired to make a contract for ?*rreis. Should, however, any person desire to furnish » iom quantity, he will state the precise number of barrels in his bid. The contractor will be required to fnrnißh at the rate Of 500 barrels daily) until ilie contract is filled. No Flour will be Teceived which does not come iip t 6 the standard at the inspection made just before the pur chase. The Flour to be delivered at the railroad depot in Washington, or at any of the warehouses in Georgetown, D. G* tM , Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. t Payments to be made in treasury notes, and the bids to be directed to Major A. BECKWITH, C. 8 , U. S. A., Washington, D. O. mh2B-12t Messina oranges and Lemons, in wlme ?rt er t i" 8t roMiv«i.nd for «Jo by RHODES « ’Wiy.y.iAMS, a p7 . 107 donth WATER Street. TYRIED APPLES. —66 moke new .Ld Weriorn Dried Aerlo* 7 bbl« new Western Dried AnlN. duet receired end In store For ulo by HUBPHT A KOOHB, So. WC SOUTH WHABVH EAISINS.— 300 boxes Layer Raisins; 800 half boxee Layer Baidna; 800 boxee M B Bunch Hal aim; 800 half boxee K B Bunch Baidna. ohoio. fruit, bow tandlnt and for ulo bj MURPHT ft KOONB. )»T-tf Ho. 140 NORTH WHABTBB TNNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J) The mbscriter would InCte attention to Ms IMPROVED OUT OP SHI STB, Which he mafcea a ipijpielty In 1U« bnstneae. Alao, eon* hianHn PBAftlvtftS novbltieb fob obhtlrmen’b wbab. ,1. W. SCOTT. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, If,. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Pear doors below the Continental. SOLDIERS’ SEAMEN'S, AND WI DOWS' PENSIONS, Pay. Bounty, Prize Money* &c.« procured by JOBN H> FBICK. Pension Ament* No* tury Public, and Commissioner for the States, 223 DOCK Street. Residinca, LINDEN Blroet, GERMANTOW N. PASSPORTS OBTAINED. Bpo-0t» T?RESB BOLL BUTTER, EGGS, &0., J? redyed dally at S. Z. GOTTWALb’, No. 818 oaasttl .trot. BhlU-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET* LEGAL. J. T. GRAHAM, Executrices, Estate of EDWARD LAW, deceased. FKOFOSAXS, FORM OF GUARAKTRB. FRUIT. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY JL/insubanon company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1836. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT OFFICE 8. E. STREETS PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE • ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, > To all parts of tbs World. FREIGHT, V INLAND INSTTRANOEB On Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, trad bmtf P6rri*f* to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelllnn houses. Ac, ASSETS 07 THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1861. 911. -JOS*. ■lOO,OOO United States Five per cent- bom. 9100,86* 66 50,000 United Stales Six per cent. Trea sury Notes 49,996 07 35,000 United States Seven and Three tenths per cent. Treasury NotOO 96,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania ftve per cent. Loan 89,50136 U 5,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan 119,449 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. L0an............. 84,076 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Six per coni. Ronds * 89,000 90 §O,OOO Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5,46,190 88 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Oil Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia. 14,55 T M 8,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company.... 6,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made.... • • 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages 76,000 00 Beal Estate 61,368 86 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies, Intorest, and other Debts doe the Company. 49,181 97 Scrip and Bto*k of sundry Insurance and other Companies. 811,943 —estimated va in© f. 066 M Owh on hM4—lB Baraks om H IB Drawer mil 1 m Slf6lt 86 DIBEOTOBS. Samuel K. Stokes^ J, r. PeuiatoO) Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Vbomas (J. Siftd r Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jonas, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Byre, John B. Semple, Pittsbnrg, t>. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. lABTIN, President. HAND, Vice President rotary. jal4>tf William Martin, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilns Paulding, John B. Penrose, John O. Da-vis, /funes Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James C. Band, William O. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. fi. M. Boston, fleorge 0, Irf4?«r, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS claae.... 5.465 50 loans, well 5ecured............... 5,500 00 City Of fbiMolp&j* ? p«r cent 10an........ 80,000 00 Allegheny County o per cent. Fa. bb. low. 10,600 65 Commercial Bank stock. 5,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank stock. 5,815 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’a stock.4,ooo 00 The Belianoe Mutual Insurance Oo.’a stock. 55,360.00 The County Fire Insurance Go.’fl fltooh I,OW M The Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co.’s stool. • 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.’s 5crip.......» 880 00 Bills receivable. • •••• 24,309 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, Ac....,... 7,104 65 Gash on 11,544 64 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of a Block. Capital, entitles the insured to participate la the noPiTe of the Company, without liability for LOIBXI. Leasee promptly adjusted and paid. DIMOTORS Samuel Blspham, Robert Steen, ■William ffluseer, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Jobi»on Browns Charles L eland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, PHtsborg. H TIOTLIT, rttfMtßf, fen Olem Tingley, Wllllain B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell) X. li. Carnou, Bobert Tolanii, S. V. Boeengarten, Charles 8. Wood) James 8. Woodward, OUi B. M. Hnonua, Becresarj Febrnarj 10,1801. T7XCHANGB INSURANCE 00M> PANT—Office, He. «0» WALNUT Street Fir* LuaHUt t» Hanses, uul Merchandise IsnenllT, on ft* orable terms, either Limited or PerpetuL DIBICTOB3. Jeremiah Bon sail, Thomas Harsh, John Q. Giwiodo, Oharlea Thompson, SO ward P, Boberts, James T. Hale, Bamnel D. Smedler, Joshna T. Owou, Sashes 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JXBBHIAH BONBALL, President. JOHN Q. OINNODO, Ties President Ml Branian Oon, Secretary. TNSURANCE COMPANY OP THB A STATS OS PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICII Hot. • and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North aide of WAL NUT Street, between DOGK and THIBD Street!, Phila delphia. INUWBPOSATND in ITM—OHABTBB PERPETUAL, CAPITA!,, $2O6,Mb. PROPERTIES OF THB COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 1881, «>OT,QM.«I. MARINE, TIBI, AND INLAND TBANSPORTA- TIOS INBUBABOB* DIBSOTOBS. Hentr V. Sherrod, Bftmnel Grant, Jr., Ohanee Haoalester, Tobiaa Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. WaHson, John B, Austin, Henry G, Freemag. William Hi White, Charles 8. Dewis, George H. Stnart, George G. Garson, Edward C. Knight HENRY D. wtt.t.fAw HAarxa, Boeretar rjIHJS ENTERPRISE IHBURANOI OOMPAHT 01 PHILADELPHIA. (EIRE INBUHAHC* EXCLUSIVELY.) OOMFAHY’B BUILDING, 8. W. OOBNEB YOUBT* AND WAiiriXT STMETfI. DIRECTORS. V. Batohford Starr, Mordecal L. Dewion, William UoKee, dee. H. Stnart, Halbro Frazier, John 11. Brown, Join, U. Atwood, B. A. BihfiutAdE, Benj T. Tredick, Andrew D. Oaeh, Henry Wharton, J. L. Enringer. F. BATOHFOBD STABS, PnaddenL tlaULn W. Oon. Secretary bit TpIRE INSURANCE. J? MECHANICS' INSUBANUI COMPANY OX PHILADELPHIA, No. 1W North SIXTH Street, below Insure Buildings, Goods, sad Merchandise gans* nll7yfrOßZ»9W9rpMDaEgebf Vire. The Company gag. rftfity W MjUt Ml Xipwes jrcmftii, and ihtrsViy Ups io merit the patronage of the publio. BIBZOTOBS. fiobert Flanigan, Michael McGeoy, Bdmud MeGaeern, Thomas B. McCormick, John Bromley, Francis Falls, ■ John Oassady, Bernard H. HnlseaMnßt OkwrUs Clave, Michael CaMlI. rois OOOPES, President ocsa William Morgan, Francis Cooper, Oeorgo 1. Boogherly, James Martin, James Dtzross, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill, Thomas Fisher,' Francis McManus, fra: Biiiiae Birvurr, Bee Anthracite insurance OOMFAWr. AntSortzeO Capital *400,000 OHABTEB PEBrETUAIi.j Offloo No. 311 WAXiNUT Street, between Third na< Fonrth Street!, Philadelphia. Thia Company will ioanre against loee or damage bp Kn, on BnUdlnn, rnmltnre, and Uercbiadlft |»«*- reilr- Also, Marine Inenrenoee on Veaaeli, Cargoes, and Freight!. Inland Ininranoe to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. WJlUam Esher r D&visPeansoit, D« IraQWT) IMer fllegev, Lewis Andeniledi J. K. Baum. John B. Blakiaton, Win. P. D©aa, Joseph HaxfieUt John Kotcham, WILLIAM SBHBB, PreriAent. WH. r. DIAHi YlnFraMnL W. a. mnw, Bwigßrr. »»«-« TjURB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVK- J? LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COUP ANY. Incorporated 1836. CHABTEB PBB PETTJAL. Ho. 610 WALNUT Strut, ftfporfto Indepitld* •ace Square. This Company, favorably known to tho community for thirty-six yean, continues to insure against Lom or Da nube by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, ptocka of flood*, or MorohaiidlM gUMMUf, Ml libera] ■erms. _ . _ Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fond, k Invested in the most careful monner, which enables then to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the ease of loss. iKSiero&g. Jonathan Patterson, Thornes Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, ' John Devereux, William Montelius, Thomas Smith. Inu Hulehurst' JONATSAirrATTSBOCiri FraMsna William G. Ciowsll* Secretary. api AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE jtl COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHABTBB PIRrKTUAL. V 9. nt WALHW SW ibevl Mid, Philadelphia Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, in vested In sound and available Securities, continues to tofure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Herohe&dlee, Tea sola in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Fro* party. All Lossss liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Maris, John WelA» Samuel C. Horton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, THOM Aiiimr Q. I. OaAWtokP. [AS B. HARIS, President. u Secretary. ftM-H ms£ amirican telegraph A . COMPANY Have reopened and refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. CL Tfaia company 1> prepared to accommodate the guwte of that bouse, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMOBE, rmiAPEtrßiA, NEW YORK, And nil Telegraphic Stations in the loyal State*. GENERAL Ot’KICB, Np, 433 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. W. P. WESTERVELT, tnbls-lm Superintendent ■gRUSHESa BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN, mimam No, 331 MAEKEtf Street, PhilLU Adamantine candles.—a job lot of old Adamantine Gandlee, In store and for ,a]e by BHODEB A WILLIAMS, jhniT 16» South WATER Street The prince of hair-dyers in this country is GUTEKUNST, FOURTH and BBAMCB. • a » 9 - lftt BAY RUM.—A small invoice Of Bay Bum, juet received, for sale by OH AS. S. CAR9TAIBB, ap9 18, WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Streets. SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A mmM Invoice ot Bb&P and Goat Skins for sals by MUBITOHK S LAVIkOMI, (A MINI wen* VSOHX BOmt For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11 H A- M. Horn Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Rivortoni Delanoc, Dorerli'i Burlington, Florence, Borden town, Ac., at 12J<, 1, 4, 0, and 6\ r. i M. tBW,H6 8T *317,1tt 9ft . SH&BBK&D, FtvAfonL ry. JyS9-tf lamaa R. Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilh, Oh arise W. Pooltney, Lweel Monte. RAILROAD JL.IJNx.b- 1862. mmamm ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW FORK LIKES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAGES. tftOM WALFUT-STRRICT WHARF 4HD KBNSrSQTOX DIPOT. WILL LKAVK AS XOLLOWB-VIZ fill. At 6 A. M.» via Gamdon and Amboy, 0. *nd A. Ac commodation ~92 21 Ate A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation... . .* 2 2ft At A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning Mail.* 3 00 At 12# P- M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo- dation.. ...........*••••.. .ty........,,, 2 2ft Ai Q P. M.. via Camden and Amboy; 0. and A. Exa press ..J 3 00 At 4 P. H., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express..., 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camdeu and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticfcet.,,. 2 2ft At6J4 P. M., vl* Eehaington and Jersey City, Evening MaiL «.. 8 00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington And Jersey City South ern Mail 8 00 At BP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 226 Do. do. Qd 01AM do.. i i 160 The 6# P. M. Line runs daily, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M., Southern Mail runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilhosbanfij Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Maucb Chuuk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvlderi, Easton, Lambortville, Flomington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and P. M, from Walnut street wharf j (the 7.10 A.M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for M snob Chunk at 3.35 P. 51,) For Monnt Holly, at 6 A. 51., 2 and 4 P. M, For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 P. M. 1 WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Jtc., at 7.10 and 9# A. M.« and 6, 6.30, and 12 P. M. from Kensington, and ‘2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and interme diate stations at P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. . ■E7~ For New York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, tnkfi the cars onFifth streets aboffl Wulnuti half an hour before departure. The cars ran into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers tiro prohibited from taking ftsr&leg ** bag. gage but their wearing apparel. AU baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. fWbtr WM.H.GATBWEB» A?*"*, ISs MM EBSSBfiga PHILADELPHIA., WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD* Ob end after MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1g62. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA; For Baltimore at 3 30 A. M.> 8.15 A, M., ll.Sa A. M. (Express,) and 11.00 P. M. For Chester 8.15 A. M-, 11 33 A. M., 4.15 and 11.00 P.M. For Wilmington at 3.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A.M., 4,15 and 11.00 P.M. For New Castle at ft 15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.13 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. . TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Erpross), 1.05 P. M. 5.26 aud 7 P. M. Leave Wilmington at G. 53 and 11.33 A. M., 4.15, 8.45, and 9 50 P.M. Leave Salisbury at 2.35 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 55 P. M. LVATV P9Y?F at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at n A. M. and ft. 16 P. M. Leave Chester at 7.45 A. M., 12.15, 4.50, and 0.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 5.20 'and 7 P. M.; for Dover and intermediate stations at 1.05 P- M. XISAIKS FQIi BALTIMORE Ideate Chester at §.43 a. ai n i- o& and ii.oo £. M. Leave 'Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 9.35 A. M., 12.55 P M., and 12.10 P. M. i'BEIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows leavo FhilaJelpliia for Ferry Yilio nod intormedmte places at 5.30 T. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7 10 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Cheater, Wilmington* Slanton, Newark, Elkton, Worth East, Perryville, Havro-de- Gractn and at all atatioca between Mftyre-de-Grace and Baltimore, 12,00 SI. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate btatious at 8.45 A. fil. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places ftt 2.05 P. 51. ON SUNDAYS ONLY! At 3.30 A. M.-and 11.00 P. il. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3.50 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, J/cwc?ays tmpted. ap4'tf Wfil, STBaB'NS, Superintendent. mns PENNSYLVANIA OENTKAL A BAILBOAD. THE GBEAT DOUBLE TBAOK BOUTS. g— 1862. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GBI&AT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passenger* to and fTom Pittsburg, Cincinnati) Chicago, St. Louis, 8u Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Mail and Fast tdse Sundays excepted. Mail-Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.06 A. M. Past Line “ << ~...11.30 A. M. Express Train“ “ ..10,30 P.M. Parkeaborg Accommodation leaves Phila. P. M. HHrts&wg “ “ “ •• f 3 ® £• JJ bancaeter “ ** l * - 4-60 P. M. Wost Chester passengers will take ihe Hail Train,> the Parkesbnrg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo. Niagara Falls! 1 and Intermediate point?} luring Philadelphia at B A. M. and 2.90 Y. M., go directly through. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta« ttou, 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and ptwfth TwP By this route freights of all descriptions can be-Tor warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble riven of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. TL& rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at ail times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies, Merchants andjshippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to thin Company, can rely with oonfldenoe on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company, a. B. KINGSTON. Ja.» Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE ft Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William street* New York. LEECH ft GO., No. 7T Washington street Boston, MAGBAW ft KOONS, No. B 0 North street, Baltimore, H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Genl Sup’t, Altoona. NOETH fnnnsyl. its W »- J VANIA RAILROAD. TOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MADOfi CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, EOKLBY, Ao. WINTER ABBANGEMStfS* THBBE THROUGH TBAH??, On and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1861, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT, and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. H., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, VAiidi Chunk* Eavdeion, Ac. At 2.46 P. m., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Xasfott, dA This train reaches Easton at 6 P. M., and makes a eioeo connection with tho Now Jersey Central for New York. At 6.oft P. M., fop Bethlehem* All tm town* Manoh Chunk, Ac. At 0 A. M. and 4 P. M. t for Doylestown* At 6 P. H*, for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. H. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat desirable rente to all points In the Lehigh coal region* TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bothlobem at 7.07 A. M. v 0.18 A. H., and Ml P. M. Leave Doyles town at 6.80 A* M. and 8.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.60 A. Mi ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 0.80 A. H. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. H. Doyiostown for Philadelphia at 7 A. H. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. H. jfWe io B*AhleLem...-SIJHSI Fare to Maneh OhcnkJlfD Fare to Easton.••••• 1.60 1 Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, In order to secure the above ratoe of fare. All Passenger Truing (except Ssndsy Tr» hu) WWW* at Berks street with the Fifth end Blath streets, eno Be eond end Third-street* Paawnger Railroad*, twenty ml nntee after leaving Willow stmt no 4 BTiLTfI OIiAJKK, Agent. FULAfiSLPSU READING RAILROAD PASSENGER TRAINS FOR POTTSYTLLK, BRAD 00. ud HABRIBBUBG* on and after November 4,2601 HOBHING LINES, DAlLT,(Sfinda7i exeepted.) Imre New Pepot| corner or wOAB and OALXiOW* Ullili BtTWto) PHUiAPStrBIAj cairnoee on Thirteenth and on GallowhiU at 8 A. M., oon« neotlag at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD 4.16 P. M. train* running to Pittsburg; the OUMBEBLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. M. train running to OhAmberaburgi CftrUri*) fco.; and the NORTHERN GENTB&L BADißOAl>l>g>r. M. train nmnlcftp Aa« burr, AO. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave Now Depot* corner of BROAD and OALLOW IULL Streets* PHILADELPHIA, (Paewnger entranoee On Thirteenth and on Oallowhill eta,,) for POTTfIITI LLg and WAKRTSRPRQ, at B.U r. Mil PAIM, corsoo*. inf at Harrlaburg with the Northern eeutrat Bainvao, [or Banbury, Wllllnm»iiort, Ilmira, 4c. Express Train (ram New York via Easton makes close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, cooneot- Inc at Harrisburg with tile Pennsylvania Central S.U aTM. Train mimlhk weet. For READING oily, at 4,30 p. M., DAILY, (Snndan executed.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND RRADINS BAILBOAD. S*BOI( FsH.ASai.raXA, HUM. ToPhwnilTUls • ■ H] Lebanon »••• oO .112 .124 Harrinburg..... JHnphin AgiUerebnrgr. .142 Treverton jn&ction,U9 gnnbury •«•••••*•• .168 Hortbnmberland. • * *l7l Itewiibnrg ljj KUlon «ld2 llaiicr.»t»v 15 WUHamßport 900 Jersey Shore..* 228 bock Haven ..284, “?) WlllUmoort and Kmir* -•"*{ Alml. 'm . *.bJ i'.ii P. It. UUntoDi (Snndayi excepted,) wlththei OATAWIWA4 WXiLIAJJBPOBT, and IBM BAHiBOAB, moUac daw connection, with linea to Hltcnn rnlla, Oanadni the Wem »nil SontLwert. . DEPOT IS PHILADILrBIA! WTOT 9f PSVAP ml CALLOWHILL Street. w H noniH»*H*T, Baontwy. October 80.1M1. fTT mi 11|—I PHILADELPHIA AND SXiUIBA B. B. BIN*, 1862 W INTER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 For WILLIAM SPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and ■ll points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Train. tear* Depot or Philo. and Reading K. R„ nor Broad and (M. lowhUl atresia, at 8 A. and F. M. daily, except Band ay a. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to point* In Northern and Weatarn Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac., it, Baggage cheeked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falla, or Intermediate points. Through Expreaa Freight Train Tor all points abovs, leaves daily at 8 P, M. For farther Information apply to JOHN 8. HILLEB, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and GALLOWHILIi, and H. W.CCI. SIXTH and CHESTNUT BtreeU. PHILADELPHIA and reading railroad CO,, (Office 227 Bonth FOURTH SRcst-) . . 9n and liter May 1* 1861» w>«bdbbe u*u©d by thla company for the period! of three, six, nin«i and twelve months, not transferable. Season « may also be bad at 33 per cent. discount. Th— u«k«u will t* a*U hv the Treasurer it NOi 22T 6oath FOURTH Street, wh«a iuy further information can be obtained. B. BRADFORD, ap2o«tf Treasurer. «SB»ct—a WEST Q HESTER aUKKH RAILROAD TRAINS, TiaI’HNN BYLVANIA RAILROAD, leava depot, corner ELE VENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8 A. H., 12.30 noon, •BdIP.M. pto®** 1862. Y)iiM*lpUa nd End Lebanon Valley B. B. Northern Central Railroad. Banbury Mid Brie B. B. SALEH BY ASt’Ti«ik. TOHN U. MYEKB & CO., ACCTXON- U EBBS, Nos. 282 and 234 MARKET Btroef. SALE OF DRY GOODS. This Morning, April 10* on fonr months’ credits bOO packages British, French, and American dry goods. SALE OF CARPETINGS. On Friday Morning, April 11, on four months' credit -350 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian oar peUngi, matting?! SALE OF FRENCH DEI GOODS. On Monday Morning, April 14, on four months' credit— -700 packages French, German, Swiss, and British dry goods. BALE OF BOOTS Alii) SHOES. On Tuesday Morning. April 15, on four months’ credit— -1,000 package* boots and shoos. I pURNESS, BRINLEY, A 00., . 429 OHEHTNCT STREET. SALK OF FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, April ii, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, for cash— -400 lata of fKhoy And R t*pU Frehih dry gnoiia, com* prising a gtmexal assortment. PRINTED AND RKOCHE BORDER STELLA SHAWLS. On Friday Morning, 35014.4 hroche.borderel Stella brucho shaw) border*. Lions black silk yelvotr. Black gros do Bbines sml fancy silly,. Mozanibirjces, -8 and 3 4 hemstitched do. 6-8 and 3*4 second mourning do, Also, Turkey red madras and polka spot handkerchiefs. Philip p©rd & uo., auction- XXBS, 626 MARKET and 622 OOMHXBOX Bti. SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRWANS, Tins Morning, April 10, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,100 cases men’s, boys*, and youths' calf, kip, grain, and thick boots; calf and kip, brogans, Con* greaa gaiters, Oxford ties, walking shoes, &e ; women's, mines 7 ! and 6&lf, kip goat, feidi ftß TO LOAN, In large or small amount*, from one dollar to thousands, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description. LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATIff. This establishment has large fire and thief-proof safoe, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST 30 YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THI « PBJNOIPAIi EStfA6LI3HMKNT. M CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT LESS TRAIT HALF USUAL STORE P RIO MS GoW and silver watches of every description, from one dollar to one hundred dollars each, gold bhaius, feekibii ablejewelry, diamonds, Ac. EDUCATIONAL. TREEMOUKT SEMINARY. Norris town, I>»., for YOUNG MSN and BOYS.—The situation is high and healthy, and the grounds contain ten acres. The SUMMER SESSION commences Aprils. For circulars, address mhlBtuths-9t JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. pALVARY ACADEMY, GERMAN- X.A TOWN, Phila.—The Principal can receive into Ub family a few boarding scholars, where they will enjoy ail the comforts and discipline of home. They can hp prepared either for business or to cuter any class in college, Reference—Right Rev. Bishop Potter, Rev. R. New ton, D. D. For circulars address B. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Principal, nMQ.thm 2m*_ * WN, Fhilft, QAjtffcY tRia&DWQt SCHOOL— YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, AT POTTfI ’OWN. Montgomery county, Pa. This Institution was established eleven years since, by the undereifrntd, formerly PresirtentofDelaware College; and has been uniformly favored with a high degree of public confidence, and a generous support. The ensuing Summer season will commence on WED NESDAY, May 6th, and continue twenty* one weeks. Circular**, containing testimonial-, references, ind fiill particulars, will be furnished on application, to ap2 9t REV. M. MEIGS, A. M, Principal. ryXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, V/ Oxford, (Tbcatef cotiuty, P», . In a healthful, and easily accessible location, It affords advantages for a thorough and normal education. The course of study includes the Ornamental Branches and most of tfao solid branches taught in our colleges. The next Session will open MAY 7, i 862. For circulars, ad- Sr BAKER, Principal. mhl3-lm COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NO TIG BIS GIVEN, That the partnership lately guhaietlng between SAMUEL J.LEVIOK and JOSEPH SM7N»ebs,under the firm of LEVICK & SAUNDERS, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Either of the undersigned is authorized to use the name of the firm in lliiuidation. The business will ho settled by SAMUEL J. LEVTCK, at QUA.KERTOWN, Pa. SAMUEL Ji LXTICK, JOSEPH SAUNDERS. Quakertown, 4th month, 7th, IS6*2. apB-3t# POUT BIUHMOND IKON WORKS, —COPAETNEESHIP NOTICE, JOH» H, TOWNK, formerly of tho firm of Merrick A Towne, bu become a member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS A CO-, to take effect from and after ike Ist of January, 1962. Isaac P: Morris withdraws from active p&rticip*’ tien in the conduct of the business, The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWN®, ft 00. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNS: COAL. JJOBEET R. CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, ft27-£m PHILADELPHIA pOAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED vV beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STBEET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Btreetf, where they intend to keep the beet quality of LEHIGH COAL, from tbe most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A OO. f office; 112 South SECOND Stmt. Yard, EIGHTH And WILLOW. mbl?tr KAII/KOAIJ LINES. XX B ARRANGEMENT. — PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TIMB TABLE. Oa mi A ifter Honda?* October S8 t 1801, until fartber fttttai. FOB GEBMANTOWH. bm Philadelphia, 0,7,8, 0, 10.08,11, UA. M., 1, f, t, 4,6,0, T, 8, o,lo*, and 11* P. M. Lena Germantown, 0,7, 7*, 8, B*. B*, 10*, 11*, A. 1, S, 8,4, #, 0,7, 8, »*7u T, M. 9i>k H. bain from Germantown itOPf at Dul l and Tioaa only. OK BUHDAYB. liero Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2, T, amd 10K P. M. heavt Qermantown, 8.10 A. Mm It ®i wd F. BL OHBBTNUT HILL BATLBOAD. liepya PUlndelpUs, dj 8,11, A. M., fi, 4,8, 8, And lOjtf F. M. LeaT4 OheetzKzt Hill, 7.10,8.10,10.10, A Jtt., 12.40,8.40, i. 40,7.40, and 9.10 P. M. ON BUNDAYA Lttfl PUtaddßhii‘B.o6' a7b.i IwA T M- .... I>MTe oimtunt HOI) T.W A. u. ( u.«, *.«, •»* F ' FOB OONBHOHOOEBK AH» HOBMBTOWB. puiadolphi#, 0.0 6} 11.06 A. H.f S*oij *, *. » *■ *- «<• *«• “ 4 « tm *■ OH BUNDATH Mm Philadelphia,« A. M., BP. M. Mave Morristown, Tv A. M., 8 P. 1C PQB jaANAVDNK. Mare puiadeipui; **, », ii A. U.,1«, I.W, 4#, S.OS, and 8.09 P. M. Leave Manayonk, #X, Ttf, B#, »#, UX A. M., t, *, and 611 P. H> OK BOMDAYS. Lmti PUM»!I*4», • A,' “a 8 <“ a T TiS' „ lani KasajiurkiTi A,«•, »"?if- H. K. Smith, General SupeHntehdWU, .U Depot NINTH and OHH Bfraata BE k WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL* ROAD. VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, March 10th, 1803, tha traina will u»r. Philadelphia from tha depot, Ni E, core ner of EIGHTEENTH and MABKBT Street*, at 8.09 and 10.30 A. M., and 2,4.30, and 7 P.M., and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market street*. _ ON SUNDAXB, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A Leave WEST CHEBTER at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A* M., and 4 30 ft M,, connect at Ponnelton withtrains on the Phi ladelphia and SaHimero Railroad for Oxford aiid lttUt mediale points. HENRY WOOD, mhB General Superintendent. KZiBMBa BE OPENING OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAB.—This road, being fully HE PAIRED and effectually GUARDED, is now ojien for the trans portation of paasenger. and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all ether in formation apply ftt ill? CvtHPSHf’s Oglce, corner BROAD Btreet and Tf A3BINGTON Avenue, 8. M. FELTON, ap3-tf President P. IV. and B. R. B. Co. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE IVX STONES ai very reduced WtlCtl At Marti# WOrttl of A. STEINMETZ, BIDOE Avenue, below Eleventh Street. ohlS-Snir BROOMCORN. HANDLES, TWINE) Ac.: Broome, Ducket*, Ac., for aale by O. B. BLAK.IBTON, Oommlastou Meichaat, lalO-Sm M Senth WATBB Sb*». M THOMAS A SOxVS, & Nos. Itfi und i«i South FOURTH Street. (Formerly Noe. 67 and 69.) wr PUBLIC SALKS REAL KSTATE AND STOCK* AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUKSDAYS, HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. V We have a large amount of real estate at private sale, Including evory description of city and country pro perty. Printed lists may he had at the Auction Store. A-ioiir.istr»torfe' Sale—Estate if W. Woodnuit. dec'd STOCKS, LOAN'S Af,, 15,h APRIL On Tuesday, April In, at 12 o'clock noon at the Philadelphia Ex rJiHf a*, by order of administrators, tht folioiviug stocts, IobPH. lb ill Navigation Company convertible pmlgHge lnsm. lhS2. 81f*0 Sc-.lisi jlkid oir.pany boat and car t-jau. Ktißredslcjrk b'elmjlkill Navigatiou Gompna/i 13 Hhuroa Reliunre Mutual Insurance Company. Scrip cextiiicah* Reliance Mutual Ijisurance Company for $O2. 40f»hare3 P<-r,nH>lvania Railroad Btock. 20 abtxr*!» Bf-HYi r Miu.b.w Railroad and Coal Company, pnfumiUtock, n shares Reaver Meadow ltailrowl and Coal Gjnipauy, comtnim slorit. 50 .shatDK Manufacturers' aod Mechanics’ Hank, Phi ladelphia. 22 rtiarm Jr>«s2>rarce Company State of Pennsylvania. 500 thareg Long Isltud RttHroad Company. 242aharea Mount Carbon Hiiilrr K3o feet on Wdatoioruiaoa street—2 valimMe fronts. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. b‘£9 North Thirteenth street. Exfcntor'a SaIo—HANDSOME NEW BROWN STONE RESIDENCEi Nn 2021 Walnut street, replete uith nicdern'ntfnces. Peremptory SaIe.—MODERN FOUR*STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 11l Vine street, between Front aud Second streets. Sale absolute. LARGE. STONX STORE AND DWELLING, G*r mantown and Ferkiomon turnpikei Chestnut Uilli 00 tir 250 feet Bale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FOUR MAHOGANY PIANO-FORTES. FBKNOa-PLA'iE MIRRORS, GAS OHANDKIJBKS, BAGAfELLE TABLE, FIRE*PROOF SAFES, CARPETS, Ac. This Morning. At 9 o'clock, at the An tion 6tore, superior fumitaw, superior mahogany piano fortes, made by Gilbert; supe rior fine 'Frencli-pWte mantel minors in rich carveil Irauivßi French? ptote pifr tin 4 oval mirror elegant bronze and gilt gan cn»nae»lorn» bagatelle table, large and mipeiior fire-proof safe, made by Evans & Wateon, Lillie’s burglar-proof safe, large bookcase, beds and beddinc, Urussels carpets, As. STATUARY, MARBLE YAfcES. UAJiDSOMB CHINA. Aa This MoNdtig, In the Second story. Salesroom of the Auction Store, % largo assortment of statuary, basso relievos, faucy china, marble vases, Jtc. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CHANDELIERS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &o. On Tuesday Morning, 15th Inst, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 927 Clin ton fifrrs*fi N‘|o W Trp|h, t^ e suprior parlor, dining room, ami chamber furniture, pinr.wLjrte, P.r.a t'r©wb£- plate mirrors gits chamlt-lierr, tapestry carpets, Ac. • May be examined at 3 o’clock on the morning of the sate. PAJVOOABT & WAENOO&- AUU TIONEEBS, No. 313 MAERTST Ssroov LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW .GOOD?, MIL LINERY GOODS, Ac. Ou Friday Morning, April 11, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, Oooili fif eiAtoifi&tlcn, with CAtiloguM. Borlr on morning of sale FRENCH FLOWER*. Included in sale of Frida/, au iuvoica of choice spring elyltw artificial flowers. COGNAC OIL. Ob PridAy MoFHlfii l . At 10 o'clock precisely, 90 lbs tdgu&d oil, WAfPAtitdJ pure. Samples may be bad for examination. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a ve.-y superior fire-proof safe. M FITZPATRICK & BROTHERS, • Auctioneers, 604 CHESTNUT St., above Sixth. SALE OK FANCY'GOODS, STATIONERY, CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, CUTLERY, SILVER* PLATED WARE, Ac. On Friday Morning, April 11, at 10o’clock, at ibeStore, GO4 Chestnut street* will be soM, without reserve, for cash, a targe and ax tenriTe Btock pf ... PAPER, STATIONERY, AND BLANK BO<>K3. Includirg a general assortment of letter, cap, note, and bill paper, envelopes of all sizes and patterns. Union paper and envelopes, blank books, steel pens, pencils, penholders, writing inks. Ac. CLOCESt >VA?CaE3 r AND JEWELRY. A general assortment of cioc? e, gold and sliver watchas, in open and hunting cases, jewelry of all styles and pat terns, bracelets, pins, ear drops, fingor rings, lockets, studs and buttons, guard, vest, and neck chains, armlets, pent*’ pins, watch keys, gold and silver pencil esses, and a genera? assortment of gold and plated jewelry. WARE, CUTLERY, Ac. A hue stock of silver-plated urate, cutlery, fancy goods, potto.monnaies, portfolios, daguerreotype cases, photo graph frames, thermometers, and Yankee uotiona gone* rally. Tbs whnlo to bo soldt without reservft for pub to which 1b solicitor the attention of city and w'iort dealers. BALES EYEBY EVENING, Or Fancy Gcods Stationery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry* Cutlery, Silvertpliitiid Were, Ao, Consignments tollcitedi Out-door ealee promptly attended to. DANIEL Hi BURDBTT, AOCnOirBBU, "DY BURDETT, JONES, & 00., J3> STORE 109 WALL STREET, NEW YOBS. At 12 o’clock, at the Wall-street Salesroom, corner WaH (By {order and under the direction of Hiram Barney, £m(. t Collector of the Fort.) LABGI2 SALE OF SEA ISLAND COTTON. 600 bales superior Sea Island Cotton, choice brands, «H in perfect merchantable order. ALSO* GULF COTTON.—23 bales superior Gulf Cotton, all la prime order. Saiuplm per catalogue oan lie examined at the Wafl? street Salestooin. on and atter Monday, 7th inst. The bake of SEA ISLAND can be seen at the AUanlfe Dock Store, No. £4. The bales of GULF COTTON can be soenatNo.€ Stone street. The Sate will take place in Now York* at the Wai2« street Salesroom, per SathplS. TePffli OABH. GTEYENS HOUSE, KJ (LATE DELMONICO’S,) Ho. 25 BROADWAY, HEW YORK. Fiv. wJlii Fall Hive/ boat landing. Chamber, street, and feat of Cortland street. mh2B.3m GEO. W. STEPHENS, Proprietor, AOABD.— THE UNDERSIGNED, lain Of tho GIRARD HOUSE, Layi leased, for a term of years, WILLARD’S hOTHL, u Washington. They take this occasion to retnra to tbsff Did friends and onstomora many thanks for past favors, and bag to assure them that they will be most happy So iaa them in their new Marten. , „ NYSSB, GBADWIOK, A W. WABliaovoa, July 16,1861. au2d-lr EXPRESS COMPANIES. POTim. SOLDIERS Should be sent by HARNDEN’S EXPRESS, dor CHESTNUT Street. They charge only HALF BATHS, sad send dally to Baltimore, Washington, Fertreee EM> aoe. and Ml other points occupied by onr troops, feawnrw THE ADAMS BX FBESB COMPANY, OOoe 8M CHESTNUT Street; forwards Parcel), ravages, hr ehondteA, Bonk Notes, and flpocie* either br it» vwm lines or in connection with other Rzpress Companies, It •U the principal Towns and Cittos of the United Statst. E. S. BANDFOBD, fell general Superintendent- BOSTON AND PHILADEL- Sa&SfeSrillA STEAMSHIP LI UK—From PIN* Street. Philadelphia. awl LONG Wharf, Boston, Ac. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sal from Boston for Philadelphia on SATURDAY, April 6» Did from Philadelphia for Boston on FRIDAY Morning, ApriUJi »U 9 A, Mr . „ , , Inanraßce ene- half vhnt bj &*«> -?«*«■? Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their goods* For freight or passage (hating fins accommodations for passengers), apply to HENRY WINBOR A 00,, mh23-tf ai2 SOUTH WHABYXB, -.a,rr*-u. FOR NEW YORK—THIS MMsaS^fcDAY—via Delaware and Raritan OanaL —The Propeller MARS. Nichols master, la now loading at third Pier above WALNUT Street, and will sail at 12 M. For Height, which will he taken on accommadating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD A 00,, as* 132 Bonth Delaware Avenue, M„ and 2 P. M. - -It—M FOR NEW YORK. MhiBANfW DAILY LINK, via Delaware aa* Baritan Caual. Philadelphia and New Turk Express Steams?.9°*- pany receije freight and leave daily at 3 P. M,< dcMTW lug their cargoes in Now York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, PUUadelHda. JAMBS HAND, Agant, mnl-tf Ploi. U and 15 EAST BIVBB, New Tffi*. - .It—a. for BALTIMORE, HR WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND 808. TBKBS MOSBOS» VAJL?, AT 3 0 CLOCK P. M. ? BALTIMOBI ANB PHILADELPHIA BTIAKBOAS COMPANY, (EBICBSON LINN,) e„. if Ul4 gfauunoM ef tfall Company IMTM tin srrlf •U* of OheiteßUMMAt Wharf flail! (Bnnilßll aiVtpMM •t 3 o'clock P.M., end ftirivM In BalUmoraearir M morning. Freight! for Wellington end Fortran IbnN rooelred end forwarded with all poMlble deapetoh, aad ari rsanlred to be vrwftlfl f!B9?gh : Freiguti or all klnda onrrle* at th* teww? r""- . A. QBOVEB. Jr., Agon*., No. 34 Booth WHAftVM. fell-Sm* BALES BY ADLTIO.Pt. REAL KbTATE SALE—APRIL 15. No. 1*27 Cllttioa btr^fc. PIANO, tttft&OßS, NEW YORK. THURSDAY. APRIL Iff, and Front Mreets. U. S. GOVERNMENT SALE. HOTELS. SHIPPING.