THE CITY. Meeting of the Board of Con- TBOLT.EHS.—The regular stated meeting of tUo Board of Controllers wan he;d yesterday afternoon, Mr. Dusea berry, president, hi the chair. A communication was received from the Sixth school section, submitting the name of Miss Mary Skaats au tbiitl aesistunt of Primary School No 2. Referred. y y ptn the Eleventh section, submitting the name of a new school*house in rt. John street, aa the iieidman Pub lic School. Agteed to. From the Thirteenth section, asking that a secondary school for girls might be opened in the northern part of the » ction. Referred. From the Nineteen h section, asking for an increase of tphq-y of the housekeepers. Koforreil. From the Twenty second section, complaining about certain det-kt* placed in one of the schools. Referred From the Twenty-fifth section, asking tho confirma tion I dw from Bmj'iofti Dull with wheat to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr J Clark, Scull, from Great Egg Harbor. Schr W li Dennis, Lake, from Great Egg Harbor. Schr R Knight, Eucicott, from Little Egg Harbor, Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, from Denuisviile, NJ. Schr Beulah. Hanson, from Tuckert.m. gsbr Albert Pharo, Lippincott, from Tuckerton. Sciir BG Porter. SmltO, from fiomere’ Point Schr H Warwick, Shropshire, from Mauricetown. Schr Coiner, Nightingale, from Plymouth. Schr M Betts, Vaughn, from Wilmington. Schr B E Sharp, Jerrold, from Fortress Monroe. Schr J Compton, Yates, from Maurice River. Schr G W Cinnaings, Weldin, from Greeuport. Schr 0 V liawiey, Buckley, from Greeuport. gchr E J Scott, Bothell, from Tuckaboe Scbr C M Wilson. Smith, from Tuckahoe. Schr Casper Heft, Shoo, from New York. CLEARED. Brig Ida, Howes, Lagwayra, J Dallett A Co, Schr Only Daughter, Falkeuburg, Key West, Navy Agthk Schr Wm L Springe, Adame, Ship Island, D S Stetson A Co. Schr J Clark, Scull, Fortress Monroe, Bishop, Simona A Co. Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, Fortress Monroe, do Schr Wm II D«ris, Lake, do do Sciir H Warwick, Shropshire, do do Schr 0 \V Wilflou, Smith, do do Scbr Benlah, aaueon, do do Schr A I’haro, Lippincott, do do fichr R G Potter, Smith, do do Schr 11 Knight. Emlicott, do do Scbr M Betts, Vaughn, do do Schr C Heft, Shoe, do do Schr J May, Cobb, Fortress Monroe, A Heron A Co. Scbr B E Sharp, Jerrold, Boston, Wm II Johns. Schr S A Hammond, Paine, Boston, T wells A Co. Scbr Coiner. Nightingale, Plymouth, J B Henry. Schr G W Onmmingp, Weldin, New York, do' Scbr J Comptvu, Yates. New York. J B White. gnhr o F Ilaviluy* Buckley ; N York* R flare Powell. Schr E J Scott, llotheU, New York, Caldwell A Co. Schr B P King, Leeds, New York, D Cooper. Schr G W Krebs, Emerson, Boltimere, T Webster, Jr. SAILED Ships Tranquebar and Moro Castle, both for London, left yesterday morning in tow of City Ice Boat. Cargo Of Trauquebar—3647 bbls dour, OGI4 bushels wheat in bulk, £561 bushels do in bags, 970 bushels corn in bags, 796 bags oil cake. 970 b.igß cloverseed, 390 bbl* pork, 250 tea beef, 124 packages lard, 50 boxes b icon, 125 casks oxide of zinc, 25 hhds lampblack, 7 cks tallow. Cargo of Moro Castle—3B7l bbls refined petroleum, 240 boxes do. Both vessels were despatched by Messrs. Peter Wright & Sons. MEMORANDA. t Ship Manueiri Sutton, Rowland, hence, via Queens town, was off Liverpool 25th ult. Bark David Lapsley, Beadllng, sailed from Falmouth 23d ult. for London. V Bark Oak, Ryder, cleared at Boston Bth Inst, for Phi ladelphia _ Bark Farm**. \\ or«i, hence, was discharging at Dnenoi Ayres 14th J*»i»—an* 7th. Bark .Major Norton, (Br) (Senior, hence for Sagua, was epoken 4*h inst, lat 36 11, long 74 05. Brig Breefte, t'uterbridge, hence, was at Bio de Ja neiro 24th Jimi unc. Schrs John Jones, Corson, and Waujonsa, Hoover, at New York 10th inst. from Milton, Del. Bchr John Pnrruncu, Rice, cleared at Providence Blh inst tor Philadelphia. Schr George Fales, Nickerson, hence, arrived at Pro • vidence 9th inst. . . , _ . Schr Elen Sawyer, Tracy, hence, arrived at Boston Wallace, Scull, for Philadelphia, :tn SALM O N. JUST RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mMO-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. TI/TACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, AYLa. SALMON, Ac.—3,000 bbls. Mess Nos. I, 2, and 3 MACKEREL, large, modium, and small, in assorted packages of choice, late-caught fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice Qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 3,000 boxes extra now No. 1 Herrings. 4,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings. 250 bbls. Mackinac White Fish. 50 bbls. new Economy Mess Shad, 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintals Grand Rank Codfish. 500 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MUBPHY A KOONS, nos No. 146 North WHARVES. HERRING.— 195 bbls. No. 1 Her* ring, for ads b, U. O. SADLER & CO., feB 103 ARCH Street, 2d doer shore Wont TjiOß CHEAP BUTTER, CHEESE, J? Eggs, Poultry, &c., go to tlie NEW STORE, No. 602 North SECOND Slront. inh4-tf TDRESH rOUND BUTTER always Jj on hand at the CHEAP STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Street. mh4-tf riHEfiSE AND BUTTER.—Prune Berkim&r County Cheese. Also, Choice Goshen Button Constantly received, and for sale by RHODES A WILLIAM 9, 107 Snnth WATER Street -in BBLS. FRESH ROLL BUTTER XU for sale at the NEW STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Street. °» M -« Extra family flour, buck wheat Floor, Bye Floor, and Corn Meal, always on hand, at S. Z. GOTTWALb*, No. 812 SPBING GAR DEN street. nihl-tf LARD. —A consigniuent of pure Jersey and Western Lard, lo small gee., just received and mr sule by JUnil.ios a V, ILLI A Mil, fe2o . 107 Sooth WATER Street. -fTTHITE FISH.—I4S half bbls. No. W 1 White Fiah, for sale by 0. 0. SADLER ft 00., fefl 109) jUUiK Street* W floor Mhito Kroot Fresh eggs, roll butter, and Poultry* received daily* at the NEW BTO No. 1139 GIRARD St., Phila., March 8,1862. \ PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 13 o’clock M., March 12,1862, for furnishing, for the use of tbo Unit* d States army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required during the month of March, the following subsistence stores, via: 200 Barrels Mess Bo<:f. 1,000 Barrels Extra Superfine Flour. 400 Bushels new White Beans, in flour barrels. 20,000 Pounds Prime Bice, in barrels. 30,000 Pom da Prime Bio Coffee, in barrels. 45,000 Pounds Light Yellow ougar, in barrels. 1,800 Pounds Adamantine Caudles, full weight, twelves. 6,000 Pounds good, hard Soap 150 Bushels good, fine, clean, dry Salt. 800 Gallons Syrup or Molasses. • All articles to he of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation Bids will include packages and delivery in the city. Bfllw’fr name aiid date of purchase required on each package. . . Certificates of inspection of meat ana flour will be ro '"ifidH from known dealers or manufacturers only will bo considered, and each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of responsible persons for the faithful ■performance of the contract. «... l’ropotals to be cniloraedi “ Proposals for Subsistence Stores,”, anil directed to tittnir . mhB-tmhl2 Captain Y. N. BUCK Comxnissary'of Subsistence U. S. A ohiUiCOrs. TO CONTRACTORS.- —Proposals will r§?eiy?4 until MARCH 31st, inclusive, at the Engineer’s office, corntr of THlffcTlßTli and MARKET Streets, West Philadelrhia, for the GRADING and BAL LASTING of two and a quarter miles of the Juuction Railroad, between Bridge street and the Columbia Bridge, in West Philadelphia. Plans of the work can be BfVh (M? tfe® Eugireer’s office, and the necessary informa tion obtained, on and after March 24. mhlO-tniL£9 JOHN A. WILSON, Engineer. LEGAL. Letters of administration to tho Estate of JOBS B. W. HAMILTON, lato of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned, all persona indebted to the estate will please make payment, and those having claims or de« mands will present them without delay, to JOSHUA C. CKAYEN. Administrator, feSB-w6t* 504 MINOR Street. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR X THE CITY ANIt COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In th* matter of Estate of Dr. O. H. PARTRIDGE, deceased. . , .. A ,, The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CHABLES SIIIYEF.3, Administrator of Pr, O. H, PABTIIIDGE, iceea-ed, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties iaterested at his of fice, at Southeast corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, on WEDNESDAY- Morning, March 19, 1882, at eleven o’clock. DANIEL DOUGHEBTY, Auditor. mhl-fuiSw-St IN THE OEPHANSV OOUKT FOB I the CITY AND CODNTYOF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM L. NEWBOLD, deceased. Tb© Auditor appoint©! by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WARDaLE G. McALLIS TKB, Esq., Administrator, 0. T. A., of the estate of WILLIAM L. KKWBOLt), deceased, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet the parties inte rested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNES DAY, March 19th, 1562, at 4 o’clock P. M , at his Office, No. 213 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-frrowst* PIERCE A.R''HER, Auditor. Estate of judith heyliger, I)ECE ABED.—Letters of Administration haying been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JUDITH HEYLIGEB, Deceased, by the Bcglster of Wills for the City and County of Philadelphia, all rer uns Indebted (9 paid estate will, therefore, please make payment, and those having claims present the name to HANNAH M. BHABP, Administrator, mh6-wBt No. 248 UNION Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, February 19, 1862.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That writs of scire lacias will be issued upon the following claims, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, unless the same are previously paid to iho undorsigned, at his office, No. 520 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia: The city of Philadelphia, to the use of James McOlos key, vs. James Stroud, owaer, &c. D.C., March T., 3860. No. 3. Claim for *578.16, for curbing arid paviug in front of a iot of ground on the N. E. corner of Thirty fifth and Aepen streets, Twenty-fourth ward. Same vs. Thomas Bracken, owner, Ac. Com. Pleas, March T., iB6O. No. 19. Cluim for $60.90, for curbing and paving in front of a lot of ground on the east side of Thirty-fifth street. Twenty-fourth ward, 155 feet north of Sycamore street. STEPHEN BENTON, felO-wSm Attorney fot Claimant. COPAHT3NBRSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLU'J lON. —The Copartnership heretofore existing between JOHN C. ARRISON and CB ARLES PINGKE, under the style of ARRISON A DINGEE, is tills day diaaolred by mutual consist. The bueiuess will be settled by CHARLES DINGEE, who will continue the business at its old locality a 3 usual. JOHN C. ARRISON, CHARLES DINGEE. Philadelphia, March 10, 3862. mhlt-3t* The special copartnership which existed between the undersigned, under the firm of WILLIAM D. EDSUN, was dissolvent by li mitation on the TENTH day of January last. WILLIAM D. EDSON is authorized to collect all debts due the firm. WM. D. EDSON, JOHN SAUNDERS, mhio-at* MaCPHERSON SAUNDEP.S. Port Richmond iron workb. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick A Towne, haa become a member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS A CO , to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in the conduct of the bußineta, —_ The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, * CO. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J, THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNE. rtOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—IB - MORRIS this day retires from our firm. His sons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the bad ness will be continued as heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, A CO., Iron. Merchants, 1008 MABKJtT Street. Philadelphia, Dee. 81,1881. jal-tf FRUIT. DRIED APPLES.—66 sacks new Western Dried Apples; j bill saw WMtow Dried Apples, just received rad in store For sale by MUBPHY A KOOKS, Vo. 146 NORTH WHABVIB. RAISINS. —300 boxes Layer Raisins 300 half boxes Layer Baisins; 800 baxei M B Bunch Raisins’ 000 half boxes M B Solicit Raisins. Hew and choioe fruit, now lauding and for sale by • MUBPHY ft BOONS, No. 148 NORTH WHABVBB DRIED FRUlT.—Bright new half and mixed Peaches. Choice New York State Apples. Choice New York State Blackberries. New Ohio Apples, part sliced, in white bags. In store and for bp BHODKB A WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. PRUNES.— French Prunes, in kegs and boxes, in store and for sale by BHODES ft WILLIAMS, f„25 107 South WAXEB Street. /"hRANQES AND LEMONS—Choice V/ Meggina Fruit, in'store and for sale by BHODES A WILLIAMS, fe2s 107 Sonth WATEB Street. riHEAP PRODUCE! CHEAP PRO- DUCK! at the NEW STOBE, No. 602 North SECOND Stroet. °»h4-tr DHOVELS AND SPADES. O OEOBOE HALfHAH, MANUFAOTURBB, OOBHEB OF BREAD AND QUABBT STREETS, jal3-Bm* Bet. Arch and Race, and Second and Third. UtJSIINJiSS NOTICES. TOHN A. ALLDERDICE, pj ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice ef his Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWABE. [ja2s-3m* Aoppenheimer, merchan • DISK BBOEEB In all bronchos of trade, and manufacturer of over)' description of Army Goods, No. 48 South THIRD Stroet, wort side, second etory, Phila delphia. • del7 TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE u ROOFER, THIRD Stregt aud GERMANTOWN Road* ia prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING* on the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to snake every Building perfectly Water-tight. Orders promptly attended to All who want good flour anti Buckwheat Meal, should not fail to go to S. Z. GOTTWALS* new store, No. 602 North SECOND Street, as bis celebrated brands of Flour are now used by the best families in the city* and are universally acknowledged to have no superior. mli4-tf Brass grommets and eye- LETS for Military Blankets and Leggings. Manu factured and for sale in any quantity at FIITTH and CO LUMBIA Avenue. [mM-lm*] E. IVIES. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1862. rpo DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known ai the “PHCENIX.” and formorly owned and occupied by SAUL. SMYTH, Esq., rituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BAO* and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bush9li por day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good funning order, and kaa all the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCKE & CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe£2-dtf fYKPQAWV COURT SALE OF V/VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. un TUESDAY, March 26th, IBG2, the undersigned, Executors of the will of JOSKI’U KONIGMAOHER, deceased, in execution of an alias ord- rof the Orphans’ Court <»t Lancaster couuty, will sell by Public Vendue, at the EPIIRATA MOUNTAIN iI'KINGS, tn Ephrata township, iiancaster county t the- following described real estate, late of said deceased, to wit: The well-known aud popular watering place, known as u THE EPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS,” in tho comity of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, 13 miles northeast from Lancaster, IS mill* smithwost from Reading, aud on the Dowmngtowu, Eplirata, uu'l Har risburg turnpike ronil, 59 iillltfii IWSt ot PliiltLlrvlphiiL, 38 miles east of Harrisburg, and 11 mites north of tho Bird in-Hand, a station on tho Pennsylvania Railroad. Tho property con-Uts of 77 & ACRES OF LAND, part of it excellent farming land, covered with flue another Umber, with mmurou# spriu#s of Hie purest water, which are conducted to Douches or Baths. The buildings are extensive and capable of entertaining fiOO visitors. FOR SALE AND TO LET. This Wnt-ring Place and Summer Resort has ever since its commencement, been well patronized, at times to its full capacity, and last Reason had its full proportion jh eMupiiritAn with similar places. The rommbia aud Reading ltadroad, now being con structed, passes within a quarter of a mile of tho Springs, und when complete will make “ Tin Ephrata Mountain Springs ” the most convenient of access of all tbe fushionuhlo watering places The condition of the estate is such that this property rouet be sold, and credits may U benefited by attending tho b*lo. Persons wishing to view tho premises before tho day of side will please call on ADAM KONIGMACfIKK, one of tho undersigned Executor h, residing near Ephrata.— Possession given immediately if desired. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M. of said day, when terms will be made known by At)AM KONTGHACHER, \V. CARPENTER, mhs-w3t Executors. SFOR SALE. OR WILL BE EX changed for good city property,# small VILLAGE, outb© EaeUrh BhttVft of Maryland, at Uio head of Sanaa* fras river, comprising a Grist Milt, with French Burr Btonos: Saw Mill, Spoke Factory, Store House and Post Office, Blacksmith Shop and some seven or eight small Dwellings, and about thirty acres of Ground. The mills are in first-ratworder, having recently been repaired, and new forebai b and Turbine water wheels introduced, The water-power is ample and sufficient, the whole year round. Tho surrounding country is good. Twelve miles from railroad ; five from steamboat landing. Now rented for $1,600 per year, with good security. Price $15,000. Apply to J- H. WACERB, te2s-lf 110 South FOURTH Street. TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, ■linear BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office, Furniture for sale, if de sired. Apply to B- PETTIT, ja2l-lf 1423 WALNUT Street. For sale and exchange— A large number of Farms in the adjoining Coun ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PETTIT, Wo. 300 WALNUT Btreet ga FOR SALE —A Desirable FARM, 3l containing 95 acres of superior laud, near Sands Bun Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with first class Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to K. PETTIT, jal No. 309 WALNUT Street FOR SALE, CHE AP—Valuable Farm, 133 acres, near Willinmetown, Camden _ce., Hew Jersey, with good improvements, only twenty-eight miles from the City. Also, several Forms to exchange. Price only 55.000. Terms easy. Apply to i£. PETTIT, Jfo, 300 WALNUT S rent. fc3 A 30,000 PEACH TREES—ONE -SSyear’s growth from the bud, choice fruit, and very fine trees—will be sold cheap. Apply to fel-tf J. H. WATERS, 110 S. FOURTH St. FOR SALE, CHEaP— Two fine Fruit Farms near Dover, Delaware, convenient to •Railroad Station, with good improvements. Terms easy. Possession this spring. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALK UT Street. f* COAL, J)OBKKT K. CORSON, COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, fe27-3m PHILADELPHIA, pOAL.—THE UNDER SIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH aud WILLOW Street?, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A CO-, Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLUW. mhl-tf WINES AND LIQUORS. Brandies.— Pinet, Castiiion, & Co., Bisquit, Trtcocbe, A Co , J. J, Dupuy, Serin AinJ, A. Seignette, Alex Seignekte. PORT WINES —J, Bampo, Best, BenicarloDe Mul ler Bros. SHERBIES AND MADEIRA WlNES.—Double Pine apple. Oin, Stewart’s Scotch Whisky. For *ale by ' JAYBBTCaE * LAVRRCNB, fe2l 202 »nd 204 South FKUNT Street. 17OUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new m A brand—an excellent article. Imported au.d for sale at apriceto suit the times, by CANTWELL &KEF FER, soutneast comer of GERMAN 10 WN Avonae and MASTER Siieet. Rudeseeimer-bebg, lauben- HEIMEB, and HOCKBEIMEK WISE, in cases ; of one dozen bottles each *, warrauted pure. Imported • and for sale low by CANTWELL Sc KEFFEB, south ; oast corner GERMANTOWN Aveuue and MASTER j Sfcraet. Pure port wine. DEQUE DO POBTO WISE, BOTTLED IN POBTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wine at CANTWELL A KEFFER'9 Southeast corner GERMANTOWN tvenue and MASTER Street. Hennessy, vine-yard pro prietors, Bisquit, Tricoche, & Co., Marett, Pinet, and other approved brauds of COGNAC BRANDY, foe sale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL A KEFFER, Southeast corner GERMANT.OWN Avenue and MASTER Street. CTUAST’S PAISLEY MALT WHIS- O KY. Buchanan’s Coal Ha Whisky* Old Tom Gin. Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Bohlen’s Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & KEF FEB, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. ZIMMERMAN’S DRY CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for «»cobblers, n for sale pure, bot tled and in cases, by CANTWELL & KEFFER, south east comer GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. 5024-6 m Anti-eriction metal, Superior duality, For tale by JAMES TOCOM, Jr., DRINKER’S ALLEY, jalB-2m* Bet. Front and Second, Race and Arch rts> Hanging vases. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flowsn. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantols. Parlor. Rustic said Terra Cot la Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brockets for Busts and Figures. With a great variety of articles suitable tor Christ* mas presents, for sale retail audio the trade. Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. jj e jl 8. A. HARRISON. fIOTTON SAIL LUCK AND CAN \*J VAS, of all numbej b and brands. Raven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers* Drier Felts, from 1 to ¥ feet wide. Tarpauling, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. EVERtf AN A GO., 102 JONES Alley. KEROSENE LAMFS. —W HOL E SAIE DEPOT AND MAS OF AOTOBY, No. 1U South SECOND Street, belotv Chestnut, and No 1 CAB- T£R Street, Philadelphia. Iu consequence of new im provements ,21 202 and 204 South FRONT Street Broomcorn, handles, twine, Ao.; Brooms, Buckets, Ac., for sal* by G. B. BLAKISTON, Commission HerofcMH* lelo-3m 22 Seuth WATER Sorwt INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutual safety INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED BY TUB LEGISLATURE OF .-KNNSYLVaNTA, 1835. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO. > To all parts of the World. FREIGHT. \ INLAND INoURANOBS Ob Goods, by Rivers, Cauala, Lakes, and Land Carriage* to ad parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise grneraby. On Stores. Dwelling bowses^Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOT. 1, 1861. PA». ooif. 1100,000 United States Five per cent Loan. *100,260 00 60,000 United States Six por cent. Trea sury Notes....* $6,000 United States Boven and Three tenths per cent. Treasury Note# 96,000 W 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per «mt. Lo&fi M.MI a* 123,050 Philadelphia City Bix por cent. Loan 119,448 IT 80,000 State of Tennessee Fire per cent. Loan M.OT6 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. 2d Mort* gage Six per cent. Bonds .*..••« 48j130 88 16,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal aud interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 14,687 60 8,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company...... ~»»••* 6,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made 80,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages £5*222 Reed Estato 61,883 86 Balances due at Agoucies—Premiums on Marine Policies. Interest, and other Debts due the company.; r? Scrip and Steak of sundry Insurance and other Companies, sll,B43—estimated va lue Cash on hand—ln Banks ..... In Drawer... DIRECTORS. Bamuel 18. Btokeo, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloau, Edward Darlington, U. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llT&ine* Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, I). T. Morgan* Pitieburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President . HAND, Vico President ;rettrr> •William Martin, Bdmtmd A. Sondor, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Penrose, John O. Davis, Janies Tra^uair, William Eyro, Jr., Jatnos €. Band, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Suorge P, Td«ip e r> Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS C. HENRY LYLBT7RN, Seci rjIHE EELIANCJK mutual insubano* oomfaht, OF FHILADILFKXA) OFFICE No. 805 WALNUT STREET) Tnunrai agaimt LOBS OH DAMAGE BY FUSE) (HI Housesi Stores, and ettier Us!l*d or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mer ' ohandise, in town or country. GASH CAPITAL, £23I,IIO.OO—ASSETS $817,142.04, Which is invested as follows, vis : la Hurt BK>rtgftge on city propirtjr, worth double the amount,,,♦*•,««*••.*•••* HWiWO 0$ Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 0 per cent, first mortgage loan, at pat 0,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 0 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ($30,000) .*«• ST,OOO 00 Huntingdon aud Broad Top Railroad and Canal Ck>.’s mortgage 10an................ 4,000 00 Ground rent, firßtwclaa9i»,»«i*****»f»*i**t« %>m w bilateral loans, well secured... 8,500 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent loon.•«,•«•• 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88. loan* 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 0,185 01 Mechanics’ Bank Block.. 8,812 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s stock.4,ooo 00 The Bellanoe Mutual Insurance Con. Secretary. W! TNSURaNOE company op the A STATE OF PENHSSL VANIA—OFFICE No., * Mil 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North ride of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK and THIKD Street., Phile- SelotaJe. INOGBPPBATED In ITM—OHABTEB PEBPETOAL -04 PIT A To 8200,000 i PBOPEBTIKS OF THE OOMPANT, FKBBUABT 1, 1861, 960T,094.61. mabixx, fibe, and inland tbahspobta- SION QJBUBANOB. DIBBOTOBB. Henry D. Bherrerd, earnne! (franti Jr*, Charlet Macatester, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stnart* Geonge 0. Canon, Edward C. Knight. _ _ HBKBT £>. SHSBBEBPi FreaMeni William HAIM*. Secretary. jy»-g fJIHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. (pIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, 8. W. GORNSB POUBTM AND WALNUT STREETS* DIRECTORS. . P. Batchford Starr, Mordecal L. Dawson, William McKee, Gee. H. Stnart, Ralbro Frazier, John H. Brows, John Dl. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Benj T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Hrringer. F. BATOHFOBD STARS, Preslde&L Oiiuiß W. Coxx. Secretary tali Fire insurance. MECHANICS' INSUBAHO* OOHPAHT OTT PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Bace, Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise gene rally, froth Lou or Damage by Fire. The Company gne« ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIBEOTOBSL Bobert Flanigan* Michael McGeoy, Edward McGovern, ; Thomas B. MoOonnlok, John Bromley, Francis Falls, John Cfttfsady, Bernard H. HMsemanii) Charles Clare, Michael Cabin. 018 COOPKB, President stary. oc3g William Morgan* Vrauciß Cooper} George L. Donghertf, James Martin, James Duress, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill} Thomas Fisher, Francis McManus, FBA' Biuriio Bifnm, Be< Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Anthorlrad Capital #400,000 OBABTBB PKBPETCAI..', Office No. an WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gesi* rally* Alan, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and rrelghti. TnlftnJ Tnunrfcnce t© All parts of the PnlOß. DIBIGTOBO, Davis FfittMßt Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum. Wm. F. Bean, John Kotcham, AM ESHXB, President W>S4Ltfi YtotVMMMt apa.w William Esher, D. Lather, Lewis Andenrled, John B. Blakistoa, Joeeph llazfiekt, WILL] wm, ; W. H. BKtn, Secretary. FIBE INSUBANCE EXCLUSIVE LY The PENNSYLVANIA HUE INSCBAHOB COMPANY. Incorporated ISIS. OHABTBB PBB PBTUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Suuare. __ Thli Company, favorably Known to tho oommnnltr for thirty -six yean, continue* to lnanre against Lorn or Da mage by Fire, on pnbUc or private Building*, either per manently or tor a limited time. Also, on Furniture, ■tocke of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal tormia Their Capital, together with * large Borpltui Fund* It Invested in the most careful monner, which enables them to offer to the inoond in undoubted security la IU cite of lost. DIBICTOBB. Jonittaan Patterson, Thomas BoMnSj Qnintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William MonteUns, Thomas Smith, lisas Hsalshnrst, _ JONATHAN William a. Obovsll. American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHABTBB PEKFKTDAIi. Ho. Blo WALHUT Shoot, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, In vested In sound and available Securities, oontinsea to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vcs sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Fro* Mrt,. All Dosses liberally and promptly adjusted. WBIOTPBS. Thomas B. Marla, James H, Campbell, John Welsh, Xdmund G. DutUb, Samuel 0. Morton, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, __ THOMI &LIIBT o, L. Oaawroan, EDUCATIONAL, VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY — SELECT SCHOOL HEAR MEDIA PA.—Tho rough course in the Languagea* Mathematics, Boglißh studies* and ail the usual branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Fine Philosophical Apparatus aud Library. Pupils of all ageß taken. Boarding per week* $2 25. Bev. J. lIEBVKY BABTON, A. M. Village Green* Pa. EXi'FLSIOR NORMAL INSTI TUTE, a Drst-clina Goniitrj School Tor both sexes, located at CARVE RBVILLE, Ducks county, Pa. Tfae next session will commence March 31,1803, and con tinue twenty-two weeks. The school is organized with three departments—the PREPARATORY, the NORMAL, and the ORNAMEN TAL. Students of all a ires, and every stage of advance ravnU are admitted on t«rm» of equality. The healthfulnesß of location anil thoronghness of In struction are unsurpassed. Terms—For hoard and tuition In common English} S 3 per week. For catalogues and particulars, address Rev. F. R. S. HUNBICKEB, Principal, felStlmft OABVBB6VILLK, Pucks co. t Pn. BORDENTOWN FEMALE col lege, Dordentown, N. J. ‘ This institutlou is pleasantly located on the Dwawart river, 1* hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, Sltf awriw advantages are furnisned in vocal and Instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address- ' Rev. JOHN H. BBAKKLEY, A. M., jaOT-2m* President Best quauhx booking- slatk always on hand and for sale at Union Wharf, 1461 BEACH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, my7-l? 217 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, TfliS PJfi JN NS YL VAMA CENTRAL j RAILROAD. ' j THK GItRAT DOUBLK TB»OK ROUT*. 1862. Semi 1862. THK CAPACITY OK THK ROAD 18 NOW EQUAL ; TO ANY IN THK COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and i from PittaVurKi fiiucimiati, flhic&go» St* Idrahb fh» Pffßlv j Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and an other towns • In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed ; tor speed and comfort by any other route. Bleeping and j smoking cars on all the trains. ; TBS EXPRESS RT7NB DAILY ] Mali and Fast j Line Sundays excepted. Mull Train le»T«f PU!ft4»?plM»A. M. | Fast Line *• 44 <••••••*..•.1I.SQ A.M. Express Train (t 44 10.30 P. M. Parkeßhurg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 12.30 P. M. ' Harrisburg “ 44 44 •• 2.30 P. M. j Lancaster 44 “ “ •• 4.00 P. M. ‘ West Chester passengers will take the Mail Train, the P&rkeaburg Accommodation* and the Lancaster Accom modation. ~ , _ _ Passengers for Snuhury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falla, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 F. M., go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, B. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Strait. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of tho West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at ail times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with conntionoe on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or tadresi the Agent* of tho Company' B. B. KINGSTON, Jn., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. , _ . LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor Honse, or No. 1 South William stroet, New York. LEECH A CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGKAW A K.OONS, No. 80 North slrouti Baltimore* H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agont, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen’! Soo’t, Altoona. 40,005 87 00,000 00 1 *,«8*00 .881,098 08 517 38 51,615 36 5860,H6 si WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL- On mul after Monday, March 10th, 1352, tho trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from tho ilnpnt, N. E. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.05 and 10.30 A. M., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. M- and will leave thi» corner of THIRTY, FIRST null MARKET iitrootD, 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market tlieets. The IraJjjß Philadelphia at 805 A. 31 T and 430 P. M.* comiet tat Penndton withtraius on tlio Phi ladelphia aud Baltimore Bailroud for Oxford and intor mediaie points. HENItY WOOD. mtiB Genoral Superintend eat. iBI NORTH PihNISSYIs- TANIA RAILROAD. ■OB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, M A OO H CHUNK, HAZLETON, EABTON, EOKT.RY, Ac. . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On Rod after MONDAY, NOT£MB£B 4,1801. Pm* l«i|er Train" will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sunday b excepted,) ewfottwa? At 6.40 A. M„ (Express,) for Betnlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Ao. At 2.46 P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, AO. This train reaches Easton at 6P. M., and makes a close connection with the New Jersey Central for New At * 0.06 p. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Minch Chunk, Ao. At 0 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Bailroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TBAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M., 8.18 A. M.* and i.BB P.M. Leave Doyleatown at 0.39 A. 31. and 8.20 P. Iff. Leave Fort Washington at 8.50 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.80 A. H. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 r. M. j&oyleatown for Philadelphia St 7 A. M. fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. Fare to 8eth1ehem....31.60 I Fare to Maooh Ghunk.fSAO Fare to Easton...... 1.60 I . • _ Through Tickots must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BEBK3 Street, in order io secure the abdv£ f&U§ tf fora. AH Paweuger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Bailxowbj- twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. M , ELLIS OLABK, Agent. «91T,ia 04 Bftwnel Sliph&m, Robert Steen, William Mnsser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown* Ohariea Loland^ Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, Pittabnrg* ; inraußY, President. far 3pm gin in m ii j WINTER AR BANGEMENT—PHILADBL • mit, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMOB3 BAXEi- BOAD. On and after MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1883. PABBXNGEB TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 3.30 A. M., 8.18 A. M., 11.3* A. M., f>iFTt«a)« and li»05 P. Ur 1 Tor Cheater at B.lft A. tt., 11.85 A. M., 8.45 and 11.00 P. M. * For Wilmington at 8.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., ll.Sft A. M., 14ft and 11.00 V. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M. and 8.46 F. 87. Tor Dover at 8.16 A. JH. and 3.46 P. M. For Hilfatd H Mfr &■' H» Tor Salwbttry at 8.16 A. M. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. 61. (Express), 1.04 F. M. (Express), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Expreiw). Lettv6 W«j?nit>srton at 7.80 and 11.38 A. M.« 4.16, 8.45 t and 9.5tf P. Jft. Leave riallshar? at 2.36 F. M. Leave Milford at 4.55 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. AL. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. Si., 12.16, 4.60, and 9.30 P. U- Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations ft,2o and 7?* P?; f?r P?ver and intermediate station! I*o6 P. 37, TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE PATTERSON, Present •cretary. apt LB B. MARIS, Preddent Secretary. feSS-tf KAiLtioAD lil/«JSO. VIA MEDIA. SPRING AP.RANGEMF.NT. ON SIJNDAVS, Leave PHTLAPKIjPIIIA at 8 A Leave WEST CHICSTEIt at 8 A. M. ljetYQ Chester at 8.45 A. M, t 12.06 and 11.30 P. M. Jjeave r llap.n»?ton at 4.30 A. M., 0.26 A. M.» 12.86 F-, M.* wbA 1210 A‘. M. TBiSIGHT TBAIN, with Faeseuxer car attacbeoi will run as fellows! Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 6.10 P. M. , . Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate places at 7.10 P. H. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark, Klkton, North East, Perryville, Havre-de dtrace, Mid Baltimore at 8.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermediate stations at 8.45 A. M. _ , . ... Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and Intermediate places at 3.05 P. M. _ ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 8.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore, At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3..30 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, M238) WilliamsportandEinJra Troy. •••••*.Ballroad. 51m1ra............,.287 ] . The 8 A. M. 6nd 8,18 Y, tf, Clinton, (Sundays excepted, )witti »e OATAWisba, WILLIAMSPOBT, and XBH BAILBOAD, makinj close connections with lines fc Hls*ara Falls* Canada, the West and Southwest. _ _ . _ PIPOT IN PHILABKLPHIA: Comer of BBOAD and OALLOWHILL Streets. x „ r „ - «nu UoILHIEmT, Secretary. October 80* 1861, SiHISB FALL AND WIN TBB ABBAN QI|M«NT. «>»■.. ...ici.phia. GERMANTOWN, and NOBBIfI TOWN ttATtROAP. “ TIM* TABLX. On aud ■lter Monday i 2®i nntn further neUee. FOB GEBMAHTOWN. Le»T6 Philadelphia, 0,7, 8,9,10.05,11,11 A. M., 1> *j mx. ux, atP.7'. oh SUNDAYS. Lwv. PhUadelphla, B. 0» A. M., % T, and 10X F. M. iMTeGermantown, 8.10 A. M., L?> “J®J( **• CHESTNUT BILL BAILKOAD. Jmtb Philadelphia, 6,9,11, A* M., 1,4* AB, and 10 jf jJJiye Chestnut Hill, 7.10, M 0,10.10, AJL, 1140,140, ..40,7.40, and 9.10 P.M. buotat^ as jssffgh%vs£,*sS? Sr— w« P ' FOB OONBHOHOOKEH AND NORMBTOWN. IIMTO O.OS, 11.06 A Ml. IN, liOli T. 8, *, 11 A. **■, I*. **, -d * P ‘ *' OH SUNDAYS. liaav. PhUvlslrbla, 9 A. M., 8 P. M. Sorrlrto™, T M. LeaT. miadelptua, 0„, 8.11 A. H., IK, 8.08,4^ T **Laan Hanajimk, •#, TJ(i BJf, BJ<> UJ6 A M., I, 8. Ud P. M- QR bonDAYB. 1 Philadelphia, 0 A. M., 8 and T P. M. K?” k. TN A. M-. 8B and BP. M. B. K. SMITH, Q«B«ral BMMlntwfcati mCZB .tf Deant NINTH and BHH BtraeJa. PHILADELPHIA AND BN A DING BAILBOAD 00.. (Office 227 South FOURTH Street) On and ufiop May 1.1861, season tickets will be issued by this company fur the periods of three, six, RIB®, *&4 twelve monlks, not transferable. Beeson scbool-tickeis may also he had at 33 per cent, discount. . _ , „ These ticket* will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 22T gonth FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. S. BRADFORD, *p2o-tf Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA roggyMSg-o AND ELMIRA B. B. LIN*. 1883 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1883 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and N W. Passenger Trains leave Deeot of Pliila. and Beading R. R„ cor. Broad and Oil* lowhlll afreet*, at 8 A. M., and 8.16 P. M. daily, eioefl Sunday*. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to point* In Northern and Western Penuaylranla, Western New York, Ac., Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Fall*, or intermediate point*. Through Express Freight Train tor all point* aboro, leave* daily at fl P. M- For farther information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W.cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street*. j«3l-tf far—r—mn WESTCHESTER tfg TRAINS, via PENN HYLVAN 1A BAILBOAD, leave depot, corner ELE VENTH and MARKET BireeU, at 8 A. M., 12.30 noon, and IP.M. taoS-tf FURNEBS,BRINLEY, & CO., 42ft CHESTNUT STREET BALK OF IMPORTED VKY GOODS. Oh Friday Morning, March 14* at 10 o'clock* by catalogue, tor cash— -400 lotu fancy anil titaplo dr,' gooda. Lb. hoppin & CO., AUCTION • EBBS, 242 MARKET STREET. STOCK PATE OX DRY GOODS, PRINTS, HOSIERY, TB1MMIK&8, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac. On Friday Moruimr, March 14, at 20 o’clock. JnclnJed in sale may bo found » defiralilo. assortment of Biiasonablo goods, to •clinch the attention of the Trade i« invitori. Goods arranged for cxamini!!™ °1 morning of sale. ATTRACTIVE S\LE OK SPRING GOODS, SILKS, PRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, LAWNS, &c.. by Catalogue On Tuesday Morning, Df unto 18, fit 30 o’clock. J^rntjcnUrs Philip foul & 00., auction eers, 626 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE Sta BAM OT 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BBOli&SS. Oo ’Fltumutap Morning, March }otb( at JO o'clock, prsciuely, will be told, by catalogue, 1,100 cases men's, boys’, and youths' calf, hip, grain, and thick boots; calf, kip, and enamelled bro gans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, .Wellington and Bal moral boots, women's, mißßcs’. and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled heeled boots, shoos, gniTers, slipper*- Balmorals, Ac, Aloe, a large anflorimunt of first class city-made goods. | y Goods open lor examination, 'with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. -sPMfc PENN STEAM ENGINE i I and BOILXB. WA>BK9. —NKIPIK A LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI - MAUIIINISTfcs,I^OILEU-M.A.KEHS, BLA'JK.. BMITn& and FOUNDERS; having* for masy year#* been in Hucc«!«“» A*. .. Sole Agents for N. Billieax’a Patent Sngar Boiling Apparatus; Nismyth’s Patent Steam ilaminor, and Ai piuwall A Wolsey’a Patent Centiifugal Sugar Draining Machine. • ans-tf IV/rOBGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM XVI BNOIKE BWII.'D'KBS, Iron Founders, and General MAeliihifctfl Mid Boiler Makers, Nu. 1210 OAIi. LOW 111 LI, Street, Philadelphia. fel3-ly Q.LUTEN CAPSULES The repugnance of most patients to COD-LTVEB OIL, and the inability of rnanr t© take it at all, ha 3 in duced various fornix Jof disguise for its administration that are faroilioi' to tho Modicai Profewlon. Som* ?f them answer in special cases, but more often the'vehide neutralizes the übua! effect of the Oil, proving unite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, iuduced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of uor CAPSULES. GOD.LIVEB OIL CAPSULES h»T» bees Mfh b»9 lately in Europe, the experience there of the good’re sults from their nse in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, Manufactured only at FREPEiiIOKBROWN’S I>RI?G AND CHEMICAL STORE, Attention la called to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy it is in dispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, aud is ti certHin preYffiitiye from thi> r any amount beyond fIOO, except by special contract. fWUff WM. H. GATZMKB* Agent EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EX CSsESBS PRVBS COMPANY, Office 329 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by Its own lines or io connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United States. B. 8. BANDKMRD, fe!9 General Superintendent. TE YOU WANT CHEAP BUTTER, Egg*. CheeMi &..* go to S. Z* GOTTWALS’.No. 81, eriONQ GARDEN itrcat. mW-tf SALES B¥ APVTfco*. M THOMAS & SONS, JLtJL* Won. 139 and 141 South FOUBTB Street. (Formerly Nca. 67 and 69.) MT PUBLIC BALES HEAL ESTATE AND STWKft AT TH* EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. BBT 1 Wo have ft largo amount of real estate at private sale, including every description of city and country pro perty. Printed lijito may be hart at the Auction Store. BALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT PIANO* I‘ORTR, MIRRORS, OIL PAINTINGS, LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAKE, CARPETS, Ac. CARD. Onr Sale 10-morow tnornihK, at the Auction Ptisre. will n'hiiri*c» ImhirttM the funiitute, hwlilmg, and carpet* el th« Sumnrt Hona*,th« HUperior |»*rlor ami rltAnihrr fnrnitnrri rti'KAiit roWffw4 HMV 1 * by I Juliet A Duvia, very lurgn fireproof wife» miHnhla ir-rj«-utlL-r«,bfcdaaud be-Miug, BruasrNuud other carpet*, China, glassware, Ac., farming an attractive afjortuiont wmthj the attention ol ladiea and others desirous of pmcha-h-g. *>- Catalogues tuiw ready, and the Article* arranged for examination. SECOND SPRING SALE—SI\BOH 18, BUSINESS STAND.—Valuable four-story brick real* deuce nrd drug etore, southeast comer of Fifth and rrcea afreeta. Peremptory Sale. —TilItRE-STO'IY BRICK. DWEL LING* No, 2001 Ri*iiy»» Street, >v«Ht of Twentieth, with A thmA-riu 1 * brick rtuoiltincr in the mar. Sulu Rhgoluto. MODERN RKdIDENCK, No, 332 South Thirteenth afreet, belotv Spruce. MODERN THRKE-STOUVPRIOR DWELLING, No. 1436 North Thirteenth street. STJPKBIOTi TUTfNITUIVK, FINE FIiKNO 3-FI/AT* MIMIOB9, HEPS A Nil BEDDING. CHINA. AND GLABSWABE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CAB PETS, &c On Thursday Morning, At 0 o’clock, at Iho Auction Store, an assortment of excellent seeond-hand formtnrcs mirrors, carpets, &0 M from ramilißß decliniij* taßekevpMfb %jr Catalognoti ready tlio day previous to *alo Alku, an elegant rosewood piano*forte, made by 11 allot & I>HVii, Ale<», a very 1»rgo fireproof made by Scliftnoinger, suitable for ft ieweU* r or pawnbrokers. SALK 0F A SKLKPT ANP TAXABLE J’BIViTJB LIBRA fiT. On Friday Afternoon, March 34, cuinmoudnir at 4 o'clock, will he noli, ft choice ar.d welNseb'Cted Private Library, which include** rtr-tnlHid, hitt-resting, and valuable aulhors, on various FuhjertH. Also, a number of beautiful illustrated nnd pi< toriul work* Tiift cbii-f portion of the collection in tiiiirtiur ami raptnmvt* bimlinrff’i Pol- particulars ste catalogues ftMil the books, now open lor examination. PANCOABT & WARNOOK, AUC TIONEERS. No. 2ia MARKET Street. BALE OE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED ORE GOODS, EMBROIDERS, LINEN GOODS, HO SIERY, Ac., by Cataioguo Thi* Morning, March 12, cunmu-uciuy at 10 o’clock precisely, com prising » general ittsb'ji of eea*' nabl« good*. IKUSS OfiODSi CLOTHS* &o. A u Invoice of new rtylb reUabtiHblC Jf-Orid £o6dB f black alupacap, CHHibricK, Ax. Ako, BUper black French clothe, ladiefe* cloaking cloths, See. EMBROIDERIES. A full line of choice new style* cambric collars and tfts, bunds. rdizincß; inurtlngii iniantH* waistsi tilth LIS’KN CAMBRIC lIANIIKKIIUIIIKFS AND WIIITIB 1,000 dozeu ladies’ s*B uml #euU’ 3*4 honiatltcbod, hcmmied* and printed-border handkerchiefs, from low to verj high cost goes. AlfeV) an invoice of t%p«» ciiecka. cambrics, jaconets, &o. HOSIERY GOODS. Aleo, Ah invoice of ladies 1 , guiitu’, and children's cot ton hob* anil half hose. CHAPES AND TAIILKTANI2 Also, a line of white anil colored tarletaue, aeropheue crape?, Ac. VKIL9, MITTS, AND LACK GOODS, Also, ladies’ Paris Mack lacw veil.-', hculton and MaU ti-se collars, Ac. HOOP SKIRTS. ‘JOO dozen ladies’, n»Uf*f»\ and children's, tied and woven tape btee! sprhisc hoop skirts. I’UBSF.S AND NOTIONS. Also, buck ami morocco purser, porle-monnales, combs, brushes, beiubdrm-ch, fauns sends, notions, &«► STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Al*o, the stick of it uiiy retail dry seeds store, corns prising tho tihual assortment of staple ami fancy ory por.dt<, rie laiues, prints, munlics, nhipacns, merino nbawls, linens, white goods, cloths, cashmeres, satinets, Ac., the entire stock of a city retailer. PARIS FLOWERS. Also, an invoice of Pntia artificial flowers. ' ’ i>AMA tlO’iilS. Also, in continuation, a lot cf damaged goods. SUPERIOR FUUS-PUOD7 SAFE. At private 6»lo, a very superior firo-proof safe. Moses nathans, auctioneer * AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, sonthoaet corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. TAKE NOTICE. The highest possible price is loaned on goods at tha ns' Principal JSstabliikm&nL, southeast corner off Sixth and Race streets. At least one-third toote than el any other establishment in this city. NATHANS 1 PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH- MENT. 260,000 TO LOAN, In tango or email amounts, from cne dollar to thousandti on diamonds, gold and bllycf plat©, WMsHSS, merchandise, clothing, fnrnituro, bedding, pianos, ana goods of every description, __ LOANS MADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET BATES. This establishment has large fire and thief-proof safes, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a privet* watchman on the premises. ESTABLISHKD FOB THE) LA£T SO YEARS. ALL LARGE LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE i* PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT." CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT PRIVATE SALE, A T LESS THAN HALF US UAL STORE PRICES, Gold and silver watches of every description, from os# dollar to one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion able jewelry, diamonds, Ac. SHIFFINC4. BOSTON AND PHIIjA- SfirVAv JJJJLPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL - ISO PHOM EACH POET EVKItT TKN DAYS—Prom PINE-STBEET WHABP, PliilftdelpM., Mid LONG WHABF, Boston. ' Due notice will bo. given of the sailing ot the next steamer. , . „„ WEEKLY OOMMUNICA TION BT STEAM BETWEEN NEW t OAK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN) (Ireland)) to land and embark &&d Now York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company’# ppicndld Clyde-built Iron screw steam ihiM are intended to sail as follows: FBOM NEW YOKE FOB LIVERPOOL. ETNA Saturday, March 8, 1861 CITY oi' NEW YOBKu.i.SilUirdfty, Mrtrch ISi IWt CITY OS WASHINGTON..Saturday, filarcli 22* 1832. And .Tory Btttnrduy throughout th» year, from PIKB Ho. M N. B. BATES OF PASSAGE THBOOGH FBOM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Qnoenstown, or Liverpool JTft Do. to LondODi Tift LlYdri>OOli«««ai««iM«MaMli vvV fiteerage to Queenstown, Of Liverpool * S*W Do. to Louden...« • Do. Be turn tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool.... ®W Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg. Bremen, and Antwerp ot through rates. Uertificfttofl of pAbaagu issued free to Tork ..... 5W Certificates of passage Issued from Queenstown to New Fork 880 These steamers have superior accommodations ror pas sengers, are constructed with water-tight compartments, and carry experienced Burgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the omoe or tne Uom many; JOIJN tt. DALE, Agrtfc, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 18 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMSSIOM boyai. mail btaam- BmrS ¥BOM NEW YOBK TO MVMBPOOIi. Chief Cabin WJJ Second Cftbln Passage Tt FBOM BOSTON TO liIVSBPOOU Chief Cabin Passage __Second Cabin Pmsm®*,*<<•,.•• • m«h“ «i.d&fo*„ The shiie from Boston rail »t Halifax end Oorts H bOfe FEBBIA, Oept Jndkina. AFBIOA, Oapt. Shannon. ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone. CANADA, Oapt. J. LertcA, ASIA, Oapt. X. O. Lott. AMERICA, Oapt Mnlr. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAOABA, Oept. MeodSi oait Caek. EUROPA, CapL Anltnob SCOTIA, OSINA. Theee peeeele carry a clear white light at mast-head green on starboard bow; red on portbow. ABABIA, Shannon, leaves N.Tork, Wednesday, Mar. U. CANADA, McCanley, >• Boston, Wednesday, Mar IS. CHCVA. Cook, “ N.York, Wednesday, Mar.2S. tMPHIOA, Hoodie, » Boston, Wednesday, April 2, ASIA, Lott, “ N.York, Wednesday, April 9. Berthe not secured nntll paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. ... m The owners of theca ships will not be aeeountable ief Bold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Pretrtotu Btonea, or Metals, nnleea bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed, ease, apply to E> OUNABD, ( BOWLING GBXEN, Haw Yotfc K. 0. AJ.O.BATES, 108 STATE Street, Boston, STEAMBOAT TRENTON. LCIurfiNTOWN, ROBINS, IIURLIXIiTON", BEYEEI/i i AND TACUXY, TO PHILADELPHIA, TO COMMENCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, 1862. The 1 RENTON, Capt. Horublower, will, on and after WEDNESDAY, the l*ith inst., leave BORDESTOWN at 7 10, BRISTOLM 7.SG, BIIKMNfiTON At 8,07, and TACONY #t 0.12 A.M., for PHILADELPHIA RETURNING, will leave WALNUT-Street Whaif at FARM—Bonlentown to Philadelphia 25 conta. ,< Brihtol and Burlington to Philadeipbta..l3 “ Excursion Tickets from and below Bristol to and Bolttfa.. - » Freight taken on accommodating terms ana delivered at Walnut-street Wharf. Freight from Philadelphia received at Walnut-street Wharf Jar above Landings. TRENTON WAY LINE: The Trenton Way Line (Qulntln, Conductor,) leaving Trenton at 8 A. M., will, 01, and after the 12th Instant. Uho the! St TitOBV, RstllPUlUK; Wilt IoSTO IT ltiniUr street Wharf at is* I‘. M., and take the eats at Tueony. BELVIBEBE, EASTON, AND FLBJIINGTON LINE. The above Line will, on and after the 12th Inst., leave Walnut*atreet Wharf at 2.30 I>. M., and take tl» Cars at Tacony. _ _ _ Th« Train now leaving Kensington Depot ftt 3 P. M., with Trenton Way Line, ani Belyider*, Kinlon, and Kleminrrton Lino* will be discontinued after TUESDAY, the 11th instant. WM. H. O.VTKMKB, mb!o-6t Ag&nt. - aJC— a. FOR NEW YORK. JKBSBLnEW DAILT LINE, via Delaware and CraiJ. Philadelphia and New York Express Om pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M.» deliver ing their cargoes in Now York tho following day* Freights When at reasonable) rates. * Wll. P. CLYDE, Agent, No 14 SOUTH WHARVES. PhilaSelehia. JAHRS HAND, Agent, Tiota 1* ana 16 BAST KIYBK, Hew York. - -it—w for NEW YORK.- Thr JgßaSSSßm Philadelphia Bteam>FropeUer ) > awn* will commence their business for the season on Mood ap 13tli Instant. jfceir «termers are now receiving freight at oeooiu Pier* above 'Walnut iririetV Terms accommodating. Apply to W. M. BAIRD k 00., 224 South Delaware Avenoe. - .It— - FOR BALTIMORE, HBK Washington, D. o„ and fob- IBEBS HONRO3, VAILY AT 3 0 OLoOIt P. M.. BALTIMORE AMD PHILADELPHIA BTEAMBOAT (ERICSSON LINK.) One of the Steamers .f this Company leaves the upper side of Choslnut-etreet Wharf daily (Sundays excepted,) at 3 o'clcii F, 31 ■, and arrives in Baltimore early next tnorniDg Freights for Washington and Portress Morion roccived and forwarded with all possible despatch, and are required to bo prepohl through. Freights of all kinds carried at the lowest ratee. * A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, No. 34 South WHARVES. /CIRCULAR PRINT Iff G, BIST \J «ad Oheapeat in th» Oily, At RINQWALT ft BBOVB% M Booth THUD BfeMt mBI H.WINSOR k OO t 332 SOUTH WHARVES.