mm COMESS-FIRST SHOE. 'WftBaiEQTOV, March 6,1862. SENATE. petitions. Mr. HARRIS (Rep.), of Hew York, presented a peti tion in favor of conferring the rank of major geu&ral h ami officers and seamen under him, for their galluut conduct at Roan eke Island. Adopted. PAY OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. .On motion of Mr. SHERMAN of 4Mo,ih« Bill relating io tho pay of members ol Congress whs taken tip. An amendment was adopted, making the mileage of members 20 cents per mile. ( Che bill, as reported, al lowed only 10 cents.) After some discussion, the Semite, at 1 o'clock, wont into executive session. On the (lours being reopened, the Sennit adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. DEPUTY INSPECTORS GENERAL. Mr. DU PFINTON (Rep.), of Massachusetts- introduced a bill authorizing tho appointment ot two deputy in spectors general. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. MEDICAL EFFICIENCY OF THE ARMY. Mt 1 . ALDRICH of Minnesota, reported A bill to increase the medical efficiency of the army. CLAIMS UPON THE WESTERN DEPARTMENT. The House concurred in the report of the committee of COLfereMTC on the disagreeing amendments to the joint TOiolutioi) providing for the pa iuwit a! the awards of lb© communion appointed to ir vestigate the claims growing out ot the military operations of tho Western Depart ment. STAFF ORGANIZATION. The House look up tho .senate bill pi-ovid lag for ilie organization of the staff attached to tho divisions of tho united tegular and volunteer forces. Mr BLAIR (Rep.j, of Missouri, explained that, tho bill proposed no increase of the army, but allowed cer tain oflivvrs to bo detailed to staff duty* mid the passago of ihenu-nnire wagdeemwl essential by military officers. Mr, McPHERSON (Fep ), ot PemiHilvania, opposed the bill on the ground that it would increase the staff of every division, and, proportionately, me expense. Under the present circumstances, tie President cau iffcrVilti? the of any division when a special emergency re quires. Mr. DUNN (Rep )» of Indiana, advocated the bill, arguing that the necessary means and agencies shall be furnished to those charged with the conduct of the ■war. After further debate, the bill was amended and passed. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY BY COMPENSATION. The SPEAKER laid before the House a message from the President suggesting the passage of ft joint resolu tion eo-oporntins with any State for the ab»lttioD of slavery, with pecuniary complication therefor. He proposes this as an initiative, predicting important prac tical results: from It. On motion of Mr. STEVENS (Rep.), of Pennsylvania, the message was referred to the Committee of the Whole on Hie stale ol tho Union PURCHASE OF COIN. Mr. STEVENS (Rep.), from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported a bill authorizing tko purchase of coin, Its consideration was postponed till to-morrow. FRANKING PRIVILEGE. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the state of tho Union on tho bill to regulate the franking privilege. SPEECH OF MB. PERRY. Ml*. DERRY (Deni.), of New* Jersey, spot© m opposi tion to the extreme anti-slavery measures which have been proposed. This was a time for the exhibition of patriotism and the defence ot the Union. He was at a loss to see how it was necessary to set '.he slaves free now as an ally in the suppression of the rebellion. This was not a war for .- th© restoration of the authority of the Uon-rbiuHie. Behind the dark clouds of rebellion ihe sky of the Union wa* clear and bright, and the stars of all the Stums were sparkling in all their beauty; and soon it would he that this dark eland would past u\vaj,aiid one by one the stars WAuld mppe&r iu all (help iAiSty. &hJ the people ■would thank God they w-er* si-1 there. SPEECH OF MR. DAVIS. Mr. DAVIS (Rep.), of Penusylvauia, reviewed the various shades of politics, and the purposes of political orgfluizatiQDß. Hr discussed tho peculiarities and rlicnit; of labor; and, In the courffc of his remarks, said never again would slavery become ihe controlling power of the Government. Let it be known that, while we have here tofore been true to the compromises of tbe Constitution, we bow feel ourselves absolved therefrom by the acts of th? armed slaveholders. Mr. BIDDLE (Dem.), of Pennsylvania, said, in tho course of his speech, that the slave could not be made a soldier. Place arms in lis hands, and ho is rendered an assassin. The employment of the blacks against those in hostility to our Government would drive the Union men ot the South into tho arnu of oup 6b©m>-. H© trusted to soldiers* valor ana tour leaders* skill, and not to the aid of armed blacks. The latter wou-u Jeud to a protracted, devastating war, and be a’-hoi rent to the sentiment of the white race. DEPENCE OF MR. CUMMINGS. Uh KELLEY (Rep-), of Pennsylvania, rose io ftiktUe Bouse to repair, as iar as it could, a wrong done to a friend and constituent of his—a gentleman of character and int* grity—one who, from early life to his present agp, has managed a large public business—a leading uevvs paffr—and has secured the public lespeut by his integrity, and who bus literally fulfilled all bin engagements to hjs fellow men. Ho asked Thai a statement from Col. Alex ander Humming*, which he hod cone him the honor to address to him, be read. In reply to a certuin part of the Committee on Government Contracts. Mr. WICKLIFFE (Union), of Kentucky, referred to the report, quoting certain articles that had been pur chased by Mr Cummin??, i-uch as codfish, cheese, aie, straw hnta. tto. find inquired ahfctJw-H Mh. Kelley ln it-mfrd to dfcfei.d this conduct of Air. Oumiil lig;. Mr KELLEY replied that Mr- Cuimniu?s bad been charged by tbe committee with having 81.40,000, for which vouchers had not been furnished, and as this statement had been given to the press and commented upon by the committee, it was tnu fair that Mr. Cum mings should be heard in his o«vn viud-catjon, [Mr. Cummings’ letter to Mr. Kelley was then real, as follows t] Box. William D. Kellet, Member of Congress, Fourth District, Pa : A. severe and protracted illness, from which I have as yet only partially recovered, has prevented me. until now, from responding to, or to a&, way noticing, the ex traordinary assault upon nr char' cter. contained in the report of what is known ns the “ Van Wyci Committee,” made to the Moose of Representatives on the 17th of De cember last. I embrace the earliest moments of re turning Leeltb to meet and refute the unfounded allega tion B contained in that report- I address you because I am your constituent—long and well known to you—and need no tartber commendation. I ask you. therefore, upou the first fitting occasion, when this subject may be before toe House, to introduce this letter, that it may have the same pub icity with the slanders that have been uttered agaiast me. Towards the middle of Drcvmber, not 1 mg after Con gress had convened, hearing, great y to my surprise, through a friend, that the report of the committee about to be made contained stat-nrents injuriously affecting my reputation, 1 came to 'Washington from a sick bed, against tiie earnest protestor tuy physician, with the view oi teeing the members of the committee, to atoer tftini if tumult. vtlitit « m ili« Question, if an;,in their minds in relition to my 1 . u in person upon a majority of the member* o*’ ihn coai'imie.-, al though scarcely able to leave The hotel ; and. while I ob tained eoinformation, yet Tinferred, troiucertain circatn ataucep, that they were ab«»ut to ajl*Ke some dincrepau cie- In legation to my arcmintr. I know, if the accounts were all brfnrn thtm, that thorp uunlil be no complaint alleged agtiibßt me, and earnestly requested the delay of tte report for a single nay, string to them that X w ;uld despatch, and subsequently that I han snut a special messenger, to New York for Mr. flliitohtord who hal ia his possession facts ai d voucher* winch -Avu-d relieve me from the slightest suspicion in relation to tnr trttUHilCtiQnS which have received the animadversion of the committee, and Which I understood they w«re about tn criticisn. Though refusing, by a vote of the majority of those present, to grant my request on thn-e urgent, specific, and manifestly just grounds, and irutructinc their chair mau to make the report forth fti.b, it happened, by some Accident, lb at the report was delated for the tongth *f time I desired, during which interval Air. Blatchford arrived in Washington, for the express purpose of ap pearing before the committee. I immediately and per sonally couiu-unieated the fact of Mr Blatchford’s pre sence to tbe committee. I was advised by a physician in WHshtofctoftj Wtl? Wfts In constant atteudance upou mu —•mid warur-d by my own knowitdge of my condition—that, if 1 wyull secure or regain my health, I must rpeedily return home. I left Washington, not entertaining a doubt that Air. Blatclifi rd, who remained there, w. uln be called upon bj the con miltee to furnish tbe important iulbrrnatiju I hod Bjoutid them was in Ills poesesduu, uud which would have s wed me from the least suspicion of wrong The public will be surprised, I have been, to learn that Mr. Blatchfoid was not allowed to appear before the committee until after the report , with all its reckless errors and calumnious misstatement*, was launched npoa the House and the country. 3 submit to you whether there ever yybb conduct more unjustifiable. BJy Hints*—a severe attack of gastric feve-—proved of long continuance, and for a considerable portio i of the period of doubtful result, with utter inabilty a>td entire prohibition to even think o! business of any kind what evir. During all this time, unconsciously to myself, the mid hpienentatious ot the committee have been poi soniiig thu public mind. 1. imvu um i;uut- recently beeg able to IvwTc my room, and I have w 'thin iu.- uu mrco p dajs, for the firat time, even wen a copy of the report. It is only since my arrival iu Washington that X have learned of the extent of its injurious character. You ztmy judge, if you can, how I have been as:ounded at its •contents The extraordinary and unprecedented course of the CouimiUte eterned to flow from a desire whimi, wronged as 1 have been, I will not impute to them, to produce an immense eensAtiou with partial ULd unproven facts; and that course Ims given rise to an impression which the committee owe it to themselves and the country promptly to dispel, that they deliberately and of purpose excluded tb£ toktiluony of 086 of IL& hio,t j»r**nib,riit citizens of New York. lest it should in any way conflict with the 'supposed developments with which they appeared to be eager to startle Congres? and tli*- people. For myself, the best replj. ami the most comprehen sive and conclusive defence, will be contained in a sim ple, fr.rief, and impartial recital of ~|t tne transactions referred!*) by the comm ties. So ■ &|ld has been th* current of events and so fleeting is memory, that it is necessary, by way of premise, to recall the exact condi tion r f the country at the pe iod referred to. Rebellion had not only engulpbed all south of the Po omac, but the insuiTectionary spirit hud spread over Maryland, Htdzed its metropolis, and cut off uU communication between thu capital ol tlia mUbu iiud the .oyal portion of tUv jreo ple. The terror wud the panic mr imuuus uie rand for the fortnight succeeding the tragedy iu Baltimore on the 19th of A pril, were appalling, and wuil nigh par tlyzhig to the courage and energies of all. Tbe national authorities at Washington were astonished and perplexed, and scarcely knew which way to turn for relief. They had found the officers ol the regular am y and navy darting them by scores, and enlisting under tv traitor eusigu; and they knew not whom to trust, even aiming those that retained an outward allegiance to thrj **old fla*’ —many of whom, by subsequent desertion, have justified the suspicions then uutertaiued of heir loyalty. In this perilous emergency the corporation oF the city "iArh, pPAhipUd hjr impuitjci ot xhe pnpnUr mind, came forward with au appr >priatmn of £2,001) 000 f.»r the national defence; and tbe authorities at vVusUiuaton, so Boon a* they could in any way couvay a communication to New York, call to (heir aid persons intimately known to them, in whose judgment and integrity they had con fidence. and of whose patriotic loyalty th*ro wan nqfc a tinge of doubt.. In pursuance of this design, muiuuroa were adopted by the Treasury and .War Departments, (and the Navy also,) as set forth in the following com munications: Treasury Depautmknt, April 24 1801. Gexti-iwrn : Belying upon >onr welt-known integrity and devotion 1o the bust iuUresta of the couulry, thy President has this day authorized a>. adv ince to bo made to you • f $2,CG0,000, as a fund from which legal and proper demands upon the treasu y may be met without the delay consequent upon the preannt interruption to all Tegular communication with this l>Hp-*rtm«iit. Two drafts for $1,000,000 each have tnis day gone forward, which will place such sum to your crorit with tbe As flijtent Treasurer at New Y..rh- The purpose of ibis fund is to meet only such requisitions as may be directly consequent upon the military and naval nioaa-irog neces sary for t’ e defence and support of the Government. You are therefore author zed and reqneater! to pay such demands upon you, within the above limit, as are pro eented to you by the duly conethutal ageuts of the Go- Ttrrnni nt. The Department doubts not your witlingaess to render every asMPtfttice in your power iu this unprecedented state of afiaira. When possible, it is hoped that you will all unite ia each act hereby authorized If. however, from any cause, such united action cann’-t be had, a ma jority may axarciM the full auiUrlt, c ive» to the whole and if any extraordinary emergency than create a neces sity Tor it, any on© may do so. Very respectfully, S. P. OHkSK, Secretary of the Treasury. Messrs. John A. Dix, Geoiiue Updtkb, H. M. Blatobford, New York. April 21, 1861. DbAb Sib ; You will receive another letter from me with this. We shall need supplies to a very large amount sent here from New York since tbe interruption to purchases in Rftliimore. They will, I think, much of them, have to come via Easton. Reading, Harrisburg, and tho rest by sea, via Annapolis. I have called on Thomas A. Scott to take charge of tho railroads, and I want you to assist I lie commissaries «bd quarteriuouters in pushing forward their supplies, as well as In mdhig thorn in making purchases at or from New York. We need men here without delay, and supplies should accompany them if pcß&ible. A. CUMMINGS. Department of W t ar, April 23,1861. In consideration of the extraordinary emergencies which demand immediate and decisive measures for tbe preservation of the national capital ;uid tho defence of the nnliODiil 1 hereby authorize Edwin D. Morgan* Governor of tho Scale of New York, and Alex ander Cummings, now in the city of New York, to make all necessary arrangements for tho transportation of troops and munitions of war in nitl and assistance of the officers of the amiy of the United States until communication by mails and telegraph is completely re-established between tho cities of Washington and New York. Either of them, in case of inability to consult with tho other, may exer cise the authority hereby given. SIMON CAMERON, Secrecy \Yur, Under the authority thus conferred, purchases of clothing, anne, and other supplies were made by mo, and ships were chartered to carry troops, &c, to the gross amount of $221,734.40, for winch I have filid in the Treasury Department vouchers in detail—a full flUtOßlfillt Of lilt Oi whicli WUS futuikhcd to the committee in Few York, in September lost. And I told them at the same time that the remainder of tho vouchers ware iu the hands of Mr. Blatchford, for other made by my authority, which would complete the whole account. The balance iu my hands, 63. was sub tiuuvitUy deimciUd with Bln Cisco* the Assistant Tro.u surer Ht New Yoik, Tor which I have his certificate; a copy of which is hied in tho Treasury Depaittnout. The vouchers and certificates together amount to $224»9i8.G1. The vouchers in the hands of Mr. B latch tord. which he had with him, when here, in December, and ready to exhibit to the committee, nix, Blatchford} ninl tipdyhc, pni-jeot to. tit© draft of Governor Morgan and iu) stlf, for tho purposes indicated iu the above letters. Tho vouchers in the hands of Mr. Blatchford, which I lmvc before stated the committee so unreasonable and nitlilesriy refused oven to look At, oontuinad not only tha nutlioriiy of tho mune of . Mr. Blatchford himself, but most cf them are endorsed by the signatures of Moses 11. Grimiel!, Captain Charles 11. Marshall, and Samuel Sloan, &H alike eminent for their integrity and intelligent dev. tiouto the jufeitttfttf tho country, Many of the axticice whose purchase is thus eudorsed by those vouchers, were bought under the direction of General Wool and General Dix; and not a email portion were directly purchased by General Wadsworth in person, for the purpose of freighting tho steamer Kill-von-Kull, winch l»e sent forward wail* iheee stores for tho reHutf of the Government; all of which tbe committee would have Been if they had yielded to my importunity and called Mr. Blatchford, and thus the whole question of tho rightful expenditure of all the money would have been disposed of. It Jo ilnis made evident, by autbenU* and well-attested vouchers, that the money drawn from tbe two-million fund was honorably expended for what was thought to be, and really was, tbe necessity of the Government. It is made equally evident that tbe statement of the report—still more plainly and offensively r£fe£*ied In Congressional speeches by members of the committee—that a large balanco of sl4o,offo was retained in my possession, is destitute of the slightest semblance or shadow of truth, —the only ground for which, at any time, sceiuß to have been a singular mis apprehension or an ingenious and wilful alteration of the lALjaihgO of my note to the OOWbiltto©, and appended Co my testimony. The note, as written to the committee, and which is now in their possession, is literally and legibly as follows. Mark the words: ** There retained—under authority of the Secretary of the Treasury—by Messrs. Dix, Blatchford, and Opdyke, one hundred and forty ihorte-uud dollars, besides wtiat I have staled in my testimony, which is accounted for by the vouchers.” The original draft of the note, still in my possession, is as follows: u fiber© was retained—under authority of the Secre tary of the Treasury—by Messrs. Dix, Blatchford, aud Updybe, one hundred and forty thousand dollars besides what I have stated iu my testimony, which is accounted for by the vouchers.” In copying it very hastily for the committee, I seem to have ond'-ied tho word ‘Mvas;” but tho least inteljifiept render would in nu iogtiuit have supplied It, and indeed without it the meaning is entirely plain. The committee, in their report, printed it as follows, and founded upon their version an argument that I had posstsbiou of $140,010. Their whole line of argument and injurious deductions is thus based upon an alterg^g of iny language : U I have letained, under authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, by Messrs. Dix, Blatchford, & Opdyke, one hundred and forty thousand dollars, besides what L have stated in my testimony, uliich is accounted lor by the vouchers.” It will fhviri be seen ibai, in changing the word “there” to the words * l l Lave.” the report nos only reducer) the language of the note to an absurdity, hut, so far as it left any meaning in it at all, it changeu the depository of tho $140,000 from Messrs. Dix, Blatchford, and Opdyke (by whom it was held by proper authority) to myself, wii9> according io ihtslr insiimsitiom«, retained it without vouchers of any character whatever. But aside from, and independently of, this critical ex position of tbe alteration of my language by the ant lor of the report, from which 1 hav«* been suffering. I hare liuppily at command official papers Sllftftillingi in whole and iu detail, my statement on this point— all of which Mr. Blatchford would have exhibited to the committee if be bad been allowed to appear before them. The original deposit of the $2,000,000 in New York, by Secretary Chase, (made upon the official requisition of tbe S-ccretnry of War aud iSecrttary of the Navy, for tfAcb.) And the authorization, by Secretary Cameron, to use that portion appropriated to the War Department, were procedures growing out of the impe rious necessity of the hour, aud justified by this necessity, as at least partially conceded by the committee in their report. When the exigency was removed, by the re-es tat-Jistment of communication between tho loyal States Atirt the capita), the deposit of the money was very pro prily witluhawn by Secretary Chase, as will be seen by following letter: Treasury Department, 6th May, 1861. Gbxtlemes*. Regular communications with Now York having been established, although not as frequent nor as r&pid as heretofore, thus removing tne absolute necessity which existed on the 24th April last for special dis bUl Sing officers in the city of New York, aud referring to my letter of instructions of that date, I request that sntli sum as may be remaining iu your hands of the anotu t of $2,100,000 advauced to-you on that date, to meet legal and proper demands upon the Treasury,, may bo deposited with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, to the credit cf the Treasurer of the United States ; and thAfc jou will, aa em 1 y us practicable, render your ac count, with the vouchers, to this Department, that tho same may be promptly settled. There is no <-onbt that your report, when received, will be entirely satisfactory, and that your proceedings will be found to imvo been In accordance with the high estimation entertained of yon by this Department. You will please consider this as a revocation of tho authority given in my letter of tbe 24th ult, and accept tho thanks of this Department for your patriotic services. I am, very respectfully, S. P. OH *SE, Secretary of the Treasury. Messrs. Dix, BbATCHfOftDi atld OffiYKß, New York. To which Messrs. Dix, Blatchford, and Opdyke, re plied, stating that there were outstanding obligations amounting to about $140,000, which amount they had rt tamed, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treamry. Id rejoinder, these gentlemen received Die following Ifcjcgrupln© counuuoication » « Washington,. May YUh. “ Your reservation of fund to meet requisition of War Department, through Mr. Cummings, approved. «S. P. CH \SE, , “ Secretary of the Treasury.” Il was to this sum, and to the action in relation to it, that I referred in my note, bo strangely gapblsd &nd mis- UH-d. I referred to it because it was in adahion to what had been at first expended, as I discovered on examining my papers, having endeavored in vain io induce the committee to allow me to f urnish them the vouchers and papers, instead of relying on my recollection; and I wrote tho note that there might not be the appt-arance of AU Biifc the sot© stated, in rotation to it* that this sum “is accounted for by the vouchers n which seuned to rei.dcr it impossible for any misappre hension ; and I think now that no fair mind could have misapprehended it, and certainly no horn st mind would have Altered it. AM tiiese facts, so perspicuous) so undeniable, and so conclusive, as to the rightful retention and appropriation of «h*j 5r14i.,000-—with the knowledge and sanction of the authorities ot' the Government—could have been had by the con miit- eif they had been willing even to hear the testimony of Mr. Blatchford, who had all the papers jiicessary to a full understanding of the case, aa previous ly Ataiwl. f r It should be remembered that during all my interviews with the members of the committee, I bad not the remo test id*a of what they were about to complain of. I was never once asked to explain a syllable about the SHO.OOff, nor was it hinted to me that that was a question in tneir Hiii'dtr, and, indeed) I had been atsnrod that they had no serious complaint to make against me. The simple statement of these facts convicts the com mittee of such gross and rockless injustice, that I do not feel called upon to stamp ii or characterize it with the de served and appropriate epithets. It it bo alleged that this Alteration of which I com plain was » mistake, unwittingly and not wilfully made,, then, I ask, why did not the committee recall me, to as- ! certain the meaning of the note which their alteration had reduced to nonsense; or, worse still, why did they j refuse so pertinaciously to bear Mr. Blatchford, whoso statement I assured them would make everything per fectly plain? ! Is it 100 much to thAt, however the alteration may have been made originally, the committee, by their bubf-equent conduct toward me, and by the argument of the report, made it wilfully their own ? In further evidenre that this authority to act in New York was regarded as only temporary, and resulting frrma peculiar exigency, the following letter was ad drtfecd by Sftrstw t C«tntron to (ioTcinor Morgan and my&elfat the same time with the letter of Secretary Ootiee withdrawing tbe deposit: War Department, Washington, May 7. 1861. Gentlemen : The extraordinary emergency, which demanded Immediate and decisive measures for 14? pr?“ etPVAlioh of the, national capital and the defence of the naiii.ual Government, rendered it necessary for this do p.»itment to adopt extraordinary means for that purpose; and_ hoviug full confidence in your intelligence, ex perience, and integrity, you wore authorized to make all necessary arrangements for the transportation of troops, etc., in aid and of the officers of the army of the United States until the re-establishment of communi cation, tiy mails and telegraph, between the citio3 of New York and Washington. Inmteirupttd communication between the two cities being now again established, and it being desirable that the duties heretofore attended to by yon should ba h«re after performed by tlto oflicrra of tlto army, to whom they properly belong, I bog to tender you thu thanks of this Dopurtment lor lire very prompt and efficient man ner in which you have discharged the duties assigned you, and to request you to cease making purchases, pro cure (raiigpoits, or attending to other duties uuder au thority given, which could be justified only by the cmer- S unc }'i mi ii? ff happily bo longer existing, Bespcetfully yours, SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. Gov. E. D. Morgan and Alexander Cummings, Esq., New York City. I have liras, by a plain statement offsets, accompa nfrtl by official documents from tha Treasury and War Departments, disposed of the principal calumny of the report. Iu looking back over the history of the last few months, it seems really marvellous that any portion of the public could have believed so preposterous a'story, which lias been so industriously circulated through the agency of this report, as that the inrgo sum of $140,000 Ol 111© public MMIAy WdUld kdVu been allowed by the vi gilant and honest head of the Treasury Department, to remain lu any bauds unaccounted for. 1 nave this satisfactory reflection: that, notwithstand ing the criticisms of the committee about the looseness of these transactions, and the accounts pertaining to them, tiny never could lave been takeu upForsettlenent with nulfl picket vindication of my character iu relation to the whole affair My note, as altered, might have re xnained unexplained, but nothing else. Thu facts and figures are in proper order, and would speak for them selves in all time, with or without my presence, and I so nsamed my friend, to whom T have alladod in the firat part or this letter, who was alarmed for my sake, by the rumor timt eetrmcd to have leaked out of the ceuimittoe. I might close here, but for the labored attempt of tho committee, while admitting, in language, the integrity of my purpose, yet attempting, by insinuation, to fix a stigma upon mo for some of the minor acts connected with the execution of my trust. Of these, the one most harped upon is the purchase of linen pautalocmn and strAw huts for the troqps, It ]» nut alleged that a high price was paid for these artieloA; on tbe contrary, it is well known that they were purchased at a very low rate—being about ninety conta a pair for the psntHlooiis, and sixteen cents a piece for the huts. The most, therefore, rhat can bo charged in this affair, and others of a similar character, is An error of judgment. On that point I am i»ot sensithe: bq\ I liiAP bfc £3toUii6d for bill! believing thut.lnrgu bmlies-of niSi), suddenly transferred from the northerly cliuies of Maine and Michigan, where tho chill of winter was still upou them, to a latitude where the hrat was ranging from seventy-five to eighty degrees, would find great re lief and comfort, and, indeed, an exemption from the danger rf sudden over!eating and miustcoke, many canes of which actUAllyoccured,by thee -awumhto clothing thus provided. These men were not soldiers, in the t> clinical sense of that term, long enured to woollen uniforms, hut thry vern volunteers from all tho walks ot luv.; and jn Nen York, ami iu 'Washington also, at that tim*. it U'Afc HiArijehfc tohldbU* to provide for t}u*m l-ucli olothiDg wsiu similar climate they would provide lor ihewiul-ro s. They were fully tbe equals of, living In like manner with, the members of this committee, adapting their clothing to the change of the Heasouß—a fact which iKtii 8 to have been utterly forgotten by the committee. The eitgeruees with which the arti cles in question were taught by tho troops—who would have been glad to purchase them at the price they were procured by the Government—may be quoted as some pi oof of tbe wleilom of (ho purchase. They Vst-r* no tnoio outside of th© army regulation than tho purchase of winter gloves for tho soldiers on picket duty. The committ* o, it is fair to presume, from their action on this question, would let the soldiers’ fingers freeze fast to their musket locks, rather than have a sound discretion ext rcifctd in such an emergency, to much fur that largo point, which OCfcUbiey k AoiieiJerabl© portion of th© re povt, and whose vaat importance has called forth speeches in both Houses of Congress! With regard to the purchase or ale, about which so much it said, the Hume character of reply, to some ex tent ut nmy by nmilo. No ono will deny that it mf»i» have been nmflo useful both in the hoapitaln aud outof tli«m *, aud I doubt not itwas used advantageously. But if it were not, it is surely no fault of mine. The accusations of the report £ at the opening, and closing bid; 46 asked. Bank are firmer, and United States seven and three tenths per cent, loan advanced to 99^. City loans were dull. The money market shows very little alteration, though improved prospects for business make a slightly increased dea;acd for money* The following quotations are fumlßbed us by Mosers. Diexel & Co.: New York exchange par®l-10 dia. Bofiton exchange. parties prm. Baltimore exchange parajj prm. Country funde 4*lo®Ur §5,000, and 000 with no sum mentioned. This is the'ffrst batch of blank certificates printed. The company will go on printing thorn, and Mr. will continue to is sue them, at the rate of several millions a day, until the entire flouting debt of the Government—now variously 6RtiiT>At*d at from $73,000,000 to $100,000,000 —is Ujoi rialed. The following is a facsimile of one $f SI } Q9Q certificates ; ********************** * $l,OOO U. 8, TREASURY. $l,OOO * g ****** * £ • Certificate of * Vignette* Indebtedness * Sg ****** >■* * "Z The United States Is indebted to -—- & * *I | . L or order, in tho sum of k UNR Thoc- 2»# £. ° | date, or earlier, at the option of the Govern- 3 s,o inent, on the surrender of this certificate, g, * s «j with interest at six per centum- _ * * g-= WASHINGTON, , IS??, ft n * s 1 Treasurer U. S. X.» *oj 5 * f ftt##***#***##********* These $1»000 certificates will necessarily become part of tlie currency of the country, and will bo freely mod* as money in the West. They will be much more conve nient for use than the certificates for 55.000 or irregular sums, and creators will do well to select them in pre ference to the others, if they are allowed to choose. The large cf-rilfleaifey Will go into lh« banka and banking houses as collateral for loans. It is hardly possible to exaggerate the good which this issue of certificates of indebtedness is likely to do in bueiuess circles. For several months a largo portion of our best business firms have been crippled by the impossibility of getting money from Government. They will now- bo at once relieved, and the “noble aimy of contractors 1 ' will begin at length to reap the fruit of tiirir labor. Of tho 5300,« 000.000 spent fay Government in the past year, some 940,000,000 are generally supposed to be profit. This large gain will now be realized, and its owners will naturally begin to look about them for investment for their money. The New York Evening rost of yesterday says The Stock marl et remains inactive, but prices are steady, and in some cases better. The railroad shares are firmly held, especially Erie and New York Central. Ihe principal activity was in Erie preferred, of which some four tbounnnd shares changed hands at CAfihiiwd 68 ft ©s9ft on time. Tho old stock wiisiiuiet at34fta34ft. The securities of tho Michigan Southern Company aro firm. 3he old stock sold at 24®24ft', the guarantied at 48, the second mortgages 72ft ®73. The sinking fund bonds axe held at 91. The fctate stocks are quiet ftpd wiftMltHlfitKlftl tiiftnifi in piice. Ternr wersand Rflssouris are atritlo bettor than yesterday. Ohios fell off ft ©1 per ceul. Nashville, the money market. sani> Collars, payable in one year from Countersigned by direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury. THK PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, MARCH 7. 1862. The Government list is steady, with considerable acti vity in the sixes of 1881 at about yosterday's prices. The coupons remain almost stationary at while the icglstered are a shade lower, soiling at 92% against 93ffP3# yesterday. Demand notes are selling at J,' per cent, discount. Tliei e are orders here from the West. The 7.30 treasury notes are steady at 99?* for email depominatippp, and P9j(f for Ittrgfl. Money is in fnli demand, but tho supply is much freor thau flt the beginning of the week. The ruling rate for call loans is 7 per cent. Philadelphia StocJ Match Bipoxtpd by B.K. Slavmai FIRST I 24 Mechanics’ 8k... 2'2% 6 Lehigh Vdl R... 5o 2QW Lriiigh Yttl R 6s. DOCchuylNaY pruf. 12 33 Penna R ....... 46# 7 do 46 1100 Nonxitn R Loan 100 600 do ....100 8000 PehhA U taU 85 U HO Rending K....h5 20j< 30 do 20* 50 do 20? J 50 do b 5 2U% 50 do cash 26% 1650 Permit On .160 1 111 inchill R 46 1000 Penn Cp 68 «5 86 36 Reading3l....... 20% j 100 fiv SQftl 200 B : g Mountain... 2 I SECOND 50 Beading B..eswn 20 66 50 t-o .......... 2056 50 do 20 56 150 do 20 66 60 do 20 66 500 U Sep 6s’Bl 92£ 10 Croon A'Contes R 21^ 12 do 21 % 800 City 6s New 97 * 329 Sihl Nav 0s ’«C».. 56 2QOO do ’T2 2 dys 80 4 2d Aod-etR 53X AFTER 200 Reading R 20% 100 do 20X CLOSING PRH JSidi Asked . U 5 Trens 7 3*lo 99 X 99& Philnda 6p 62 I'hilada 6s new. 97 97^' PeDna f p. ~.... 833, Remliugß...... 20 56 20^ Read n. 63 ’50'43 95 Itetid lids 3870.. 89 90 Bead mt Os 3886 77# 78 Tennaß 46 Pennaßlst>n6d 99 99j{ PemiaßQumGa 02J4 93 Morris Cnl con.- 40 43 Morris Cul prf. .111 lllK Sch Nav Stock.. 5 Sch Nav prf.... 11* 12 Sch Nnv 6b *B2*. 88)g 67 Elmira B 7 Elmira R prf... 14J4 H There is very Httlo demand for Flour to-day, either for export or homo use, and prices are weak aud in favor of the buyers; about 900 bbls Pennsylva nia and Western extra family sold on private Uri»A* 1,000 bbls do at &5.75. and 066 bbls Pennsylvania do at $5.87 % bbl. Sales to the trade range at 85 for superfine; S 5 44®5.08 for extras; 85*75®6.32 i for family; 56.25®6.75 for fan cy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is soiling in a small way at $8.25, and Pennsylvania Corn Meal is held at $2 750)2.80 without sales. WnEAT.—The dem»nd M is fair, but the market isnot so firm, and only about 5,000 bus found buyers, at 133&134c for Penna reds, mostly at the latter rate, In store; white raDges at 138145c, as in quality. Rya is in steady de mand, and 4,000 bus Penna sold, part to arrive, at 74c. Ccrn is rather more active, and 8,000 bus yellow sold, mostly at 55c, afloat. Oats are unchanged, with sales of 2,600 bus Penna, iu store, »t 38c, weight. Bark.—There is not much offering, and Ist No. 1 Quercitron is firm at @32.60 ton. Cotton is l>*ld for higher prices, but tie stock is light, and the demand very small. Groceries—4oo hags Rio Coffee sold by auction to day at from 39>£&213!£c 4F lb ; and 296 libds Sugar at from 728 08)40; 85 bhds Molasses at 21®23c gallon. tiri»;il icrxnp. Provisions.—The market 13 quiet, ftnd prices without any quotable change; a pale of country Lard is reported at 7)£®7&c, cash and time. Seeds. —There ie a gcod demand for Cloverseed, and very little prime offering; prices range at $4.2604 50 bushel. Whisky is unsettled and dull at the advance; bbls sell slowly at 28029 c, and drudge at 26c & gallon. New York Stock BfiCOJfD 7000 U 86s ’Bl rog.. 92 % 45000 U 8 6s’Bl..coup 92# 500 do 93 1000 U S6s ’74 coup. 85 ICOOO do 85 % 500 Trea 7.30 small 09ft 6000 Tenn 6s ’9O 60* 3000 Missouri 6s 52ft 5000 N Y Sr. 6s ’75... 103 ft 7000 Ohio 6b ’75 95ft 1000 Mich Cen 851m.103 fi(00 Atuoi'icmi Gain.lo2 31 Comii cntal Bank. 80 25 Erie R 34ft 400 Ciev & Pitt? 18ft 25 do 18ft CITY ITEMS. Commencement of Jefferson Medical Col- I.FCK.— The annual Commencement ot this institution will be liuld flt the Musical Fuud Ball to-werww (Satur day ), at 12 o’clock. We have reason lo believe that the occasion will be one of unusual interest, and the ball will doubtless he crowded to overflowing by the numerous friends of the institution and the graduates. An invita tion is extended to tho public ia another column of our P&PM 1 to-day. Tk& charge to th© graduates will be deli vered by Professor Dickson. A large, attentive, and inteVigent audience greeted the Rev. Charles G. Ames, of Illinois, at the Spring Garden Institute, last Tuesday evening, on the occasion ol his first lecture in tbi§ pRy, Hia aabject W&8» ‘•What will become of the Republic 1” and he presented a rncst loyal and encouraging picture, while he taught some sterling truths. His views are fresh, liberal, and sound, delivered iu a frank, bold st)le, which places him among our first minds. The politician can learn §9ffl9 excellent le&son from hearing him, and the patriot feels, as he listens lolum, that we have a Government and country worthy of respect ana perpetuity, which can be made the purest and noblest among nation* by develop ing those sound principles of right and Wbfch B9W aru dimunfflng tho support of our people Mr. Ames has been lecturing in Washington City, and both there and hero elicited the heartiest com commendation. Supebioh Wheat ahpEvckwheat Flour— It may not be known to everybody, though it ought to be, that the finest quality of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour in ibis city is that sold by Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. His celebrated Buckwheat cf the Silver Flint” brand ia odmitted tp f«i superior to tho Betlilehemi or any ether, by all who use it. TTe hate received from our enterprising newsdealer, Mr. Trenwith, copies of Frank Leslie’s Il> lu&tF&ted News, Ac. The New Epidemic —A Cube Discovered.— There is low prevailing in this city, and especially in the district of Kensington, a severe and obs.inate diarrhoea, which occasionally assumes the form of dysentery, and in a very few cases does it yield to the common medical treatment. The Mature of thia disease has certainly been misunderstood, not only by the stiff* rers. but by physi cians likewise \ bonce the latter have been remarkably unsuccessful in tbeir efforts to arrest the progress of the epidemic. For come time it was believed that the dia eace tvaa caused by the bud Quality of the w&tsr iMedby the inhabitants of Kensington, and several circumstances tended to strengthen thia belief. It is more probable, however, that the epidemic originated in obstructions of the liver, which are often prevalent at this season, and particularly At the present tim«. As a proof that thia is the real cause, it may be stated that tho diarrhoea la speedily and almost invariably cured by Schenck’s Man drake Pills, a medicine wLich acts immediately on the liver, and restores it (when in a torpid and diseased stats) to healthy and vigorous action. It is said that a great many of the workmen who have been employed at our foundries and factories in the upper part of the city are now laid up by this dis tressing sickness. Decently the Mandrake Pills pre pared by Dr. Schenck, have bees introduced among allUded people, ami hundreds of them are now using the pills with unmistakable benefit. The medicines previously used were calculated moroly to deck the di arrheua, without removing the eawss. This frustrated the effort of Nature to relieve herself of an acccumula tic n of morbid matter, and thia matter being re tained in thfl system, tho disease, of course, was made worse. Schencfc’s Mandrake Pills follow the indications of Nature by removing the unhealthy secretions of the liver, restoring that organ to a sound and healthy condi tion, and expelling from the body all those foul anl pesti lent burners which are undoubtedly the cause of this epidemic, and all others of a similar character. When such diseases prevail, every family should have a box of Schenck’a Mandrake Pills in the house. They cost only twenty-five cents, and are the best purgative medicine in the world. They act directly on the liver, and it should bo known iliat purgative medicines are seldom required' except when that organ is diseased. Dr. Schenck’a of fice is No. 89 North Sixth strreet, whore air Dr. Schenk’s medicines may be obtained. Schenk’s Man drake Pills are also for sale by all druggists. Remarkable Newspapers.— There are four newspapers published in Sh&ngbae, about which there are at least four things remarkable: They seem all printed in. one office: they are all marked as edited by one man; one of them is printed in Chinese ; and, last, but not least, they all unite In saying that the cheapest and moot superior garments, of the latest spring styles, are manufactured at the Fashionable and Palatial Cloth ing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, where prices are twenty-five per cent, lower than any other establishment in the city. An Indefatigable Reporter.— The repre sentativeof a metropolitan journal is stated to have run up to a wounded officer at the battle of Fort Donelson, and bogged him not to die yot, for the sake of the ■. which he had the honor to represent, remarking, if he had BDf last wprdg to uttor, Hint they should Mwear to the best form, in the earliest possible issue of his widely-cir culated and highly iniluential journal. The officer soon rallied and finully got well of his wound; but before leav ing the battle-field, he whispered in the ear of tho “in defatigable” that, iu lus private opinion, “tho best gar* for citizens and soldiers 4o be found in the country, were those mode at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bcckhilt & Wilson, Nos. 608 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia.” A Card.—The undersigned respectfully takes pleasure i n announcing to his friends and former patroDß, that, in connection with his fashionable stock of Military and Citizens* Beady-made Clothing, he will open, on March Ist, 1862, one of the best-assorted stocks of Boys’ Ready-made Clothing ever beforo offered in this city, all of which will be sold at ono low, uniform price. A portion of the Store has booh furnished fortius department exclusively, in good style, and particularly private for ladies and children. We cordially invito all to cull and examine the stock beforo purchasing. All goods sold at 824 Cheetnut street, under tho Continental Hotel, warranted to givo perfect satisfaction. Cloths, CftBftlMWSU, V££titig6, &1 vf&ye on band, direct from the beet Importing Houses In America. Clothing made to order at abort notice, and in the most fashionable styles, Also, will he kept on hand, a large and complete assort ment or Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, from the most fashionable Importing Houses in N?w York, and will receive our special attention, in ovder fo be ahead ef all competitors. Price low, R U d uniform iu all cases Umbrellas, Bilk, Alpaca, Ging ham, and all cither styles, will be found m No. 824 Chestnut street, under the Oonr'mental Hotel. * Chaklks Stokes. *,k Exchange Sales. A 1862. iKrh, Philadelphia Exchange- BOARD. 700 N PaßChftt Sep 60 43.52 N Pa hit m Sep.. 62ft WO Hnm'flb’g B Loan 98 2090 rinm A Erie 08.. 86 2(00 City 60....K80 9lft 5800 do New 97 200 do 93ft 50 Cata U pref. 6ft R R... 51 27 Apr* Pino-st R. 10ft 25 Girard Col K ~.. 17 1000 U 8 7 30 Trea N. 99ft 5000 U 9 Up 6s »81 Shift 5000 Reading 6s ’86... 78 7 Gam ie Am R,. , . IflSft 10 Delaware Div.... 40 BOARDS. BKTWEfc 100 Mity CS-...K SO 01ft WVB7 8-W Tr N. Wft 13 Sp A Pine ft 10ft Board. 5 Miuehill R 45ft 1 do ....3days 45ft 3 do .. ..3 days 45 1000 Pa 6s transf 2 ds.loo 56 Lvblgh Sitae..,.. 11 5 do 12 5000 Phil Si Sun 75.... 80 110 Sp & ?ine R .... 10ft 25 fechl Nav prefbs lift 283 do . .in Its b 5 lift 600 US 7.30 TN.... mi 22 Arch-street R... 17ft BOARDS. 3 Green & Coates.. 22 IBS—STEADY. Jli’d. ASM. Elmira 7s ’73... 72 73 Long laid 8.... lift lift Lehigh Ci & Nav 51ft 51ft Le Ol Sc Nnvscp 36 36 N Penuaß...,. 7 7ft ST Penna ft Os.. 67 69 N Fonna It 10s. 81 83 Catß Con 2 2ft Catawissa pif... 6ft Cft Frk A Sthwk R. 45 Soe It Thd-st R. S 3 ft 54 Race A Vlno-stR 3 4 West Phila d... 53 54 Spruce k Pino.. 10ft 11 Green Sc Coatos. 21ft 22 Chert Sc Walnut 31 31 Arch Street.... 17 ft 17ft Philadelphia Markets. BIiRCH o—lveningi Exchange—March 6. BUAfiD 200 Pacific MS C.... 94 50 do b3O 94 50 do slO 94 50 do b3O 94 50 Brie R Pref 59 135 do 68ft 100 do b!io 64ft 150 Mich Central R... 54 100 do b6O. 54ft 100 Mich S&N la R... 23ft 100 Mich d & N 1G... 47ft 000 do s9O 47ft 100 IU Cen scrip...... 64ft 250 do 64ft 100 do bOO 55 100 do 64ft ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS top to 12 o’clock last hioht. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut ih A W Leieenring, M Chunk Capt II 0 Evans S Z Martin, Kcutucky hire J W Stokes, Ky K Riddtet Boston 11 W Murphy « wf, N J C Yf Bradsti eet, Boston G G Larkin, Mabs J L Hammer, Harrisburg C A Biorris, New York E J Whitlock, Now York J H Smith, Bath F H Craesons A la, Yonkers John J H Wentworth, Cal C C Hewett. California Gardner R Colby, N Y II D RaurjC)-, fil D, N Y J 6 Fotfori liortuu Gyi Drown, Denver City O S McComb, Delaware D Curroy, Delaware Dr C F Leanrig & la, N J \V Cook, New Jersey S G Laws, Delaware C Paulson, New York F J Grund, Chicago G B Kaymond, New Jersey 31 UollisUr & la, Wash B KoklllHflll h lA. Wslali. BOAR Bonaldson, 51 Louis V Barber, Decatur, lil F B Vogel, Ft Wayne, lad W T Bi))ith, Cleveland, Ohio A Ross, New York F Williams, Boston A Lent, New York Mrs Fucker Ach, Now Fork J L Sutton, Baltimore >V £ Ojjyey A In, N Y J»R 8 Ungerty, Balt VV S Hinds, Balt tr W Ksteil, N York C B Tyson, Pottsvillo W Louthc-r, Pa Mrs Amodto A son J Rider, New York J G Stohl, Aurora, 111 J Bigger St wf, Balt John Burgoss, NY W Moakin, England A J MUlmnk, N Y iTasMnrrisnn A la. N Y H Ondeidonk, N Y Jas Lee, Now York John J Patten, N Y Cbas VY' Noyeß, N Y J F Cole A lu, Cin, O L C Hopkins A la, Cin, O N H Ames, NY C B Farnsworth,‘Prov, R I StcphtD 31 Crane, N Y 3lr Newton, N Y 31r Whipple, IU JR Grave©, H Y K G Holland, N Y Mrs S L French, Boston A J Fitch, Jersoy city E DolufiolJ a la, N Y N F Blanchard A la,Newark J W CrossUnd, Boston Thus Hutchiinon, Trenton 3IiBB T E Burroughs N J S II PliiPijH, N J Misa Sftllio La Rowo, N J Cl;ni) L Hnrt, N Jfreoy Miss Ella YYalcrt, N J F Burroughs, N J Miss Anna Dickinson, N J John Shay, New York Bobt Middleton, Now York Geo L Nichols, New York T B Coddinßton, New York B L Fahnestock, Pittsburg E L Ferry, New York E Mnplctem, New York G D Baldwin, Boston J II 31 ansure, Boston L J Campbell} Boston T IV Price jfe wP, Roslou Jaa B Henry, Del City L Parrish, Pennsylvania S C Brown, New York \V S Anderson, Baltimore John D Van Buren, N Y T II Jenkins, Marylaud A G Mart, Havana Hon T Jones Y'orko, N J H Ridgley. Delaware JohnE Parsons, New York A S Hewitt, New Jersey J P+rUer, Jr, Baltimore i>B SojHll, York, Pft R Valentino A la, Bellcfonto 31 H Avery & ia \V K BlcCleos, Delaware R H Tucker & wf, Brooklyn L E Cary, New York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. K A Beardslce Bon A K McClure, Penna Lit ut F A Schmuckcr, Pa A J Bellows, USA IV S Haven, Pittsburg S J Adams, Pittsburg J Obeiliolser, Akrou, O J P Gray, Ciuciimati) O IV H ll6&&Hhah, NewpH.Pa Jas M Burchfield, Pittsburg Jas Hemphill, Pittsburg H Gaines, New York D Lawenberg, Bioomsburg C B Wilder, Boston J Patterson, Allegheny W \V Mankcj, Rjploy, O Capt 0 0 ftcbiiisoTi; USA Patrick Sharkey, 51 Ohuak Thos B Toy, Baltimore Jaß C Clflrko,Weatmoreland Cliaa McFadden,Downingt’n B C Montgomery, Cal C 15 Walker, California R McDowell, Slatington, Pa H A Foster, Minerva, O J A Eystor, Ohambersburg J E Koch, Mullensburg, 0 Win H Davis, Easton, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut ft., above Fifth G P Rochburn, Maryland H Ritcbie, Delaware C K Davis, New York G Newkirk, Jersey City G Gardner, New York J C Wycut, Now York 9J! QifllHt tlti ffew Tcrlt V A Smitli, Fottsrille J K Smith, Beading A C IlewliDgs, Moorestown T H Tarr, Baltimore S M Crawford, ftlnryland 3lrs J Merritt & cb, Md C Dorsey IV West Lieut N L Noker, N York J Parker & la, Boston Com Mout«oruery, XT S N Mrs Montgomery HISS M Uontgomorj i> e Montgomery Miss H Montgomery THE UNION—Arch street* above Third. E Goulding. Sherborn, Mass L Daniels, Sherborn, Mass Chas HHamm T L Benford, Somerset, Pa J P Kauffman, Pittsburg G E Gviest, BtlUfoate, Pa W Jones, Columbus, O HR Morgan, W Havon W ijwarlz, Hagerstown Stephen Abbott, Pa 3frs Samuels, Pennsylvania W H Grimes, lowa H 1* Jones. Buffalo J Graham, Delaware W P Lord, Dover, Del N B Knight} Dover Del J 31 care, New York Hugli o'Connor, Balt A Yoke, New York STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. W W Thompson j Wilni, Del W Preston & wf, Wiltn, Do! Jns Thompsoiii Mifflin co SO Bitcbioi Wilm, Del Jas Bolton, Fottsville C Hart. Pottsville J Houser, New York H Pell, Pittsburg A J Woirkill, Lewistown Jos Leland Lancaster Mbs N K Force, Yerdleyv’e Miss 8 G Cheston, Tulleyt’n A Force, Yardley ville John D Bigg, Oxford E UliiTOi Jirsey City N P Brower t Doyloatown A Yf Heston, Mass COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. S 3lason, Delaware H C Dickson, Wash, D C Lieut Weeks, Penna H Thurgalond, Richmond W W Grubb Sl wf, W OhilUP Geo L Lloyd, Wilm, Del Sami Cornett, Phoemxville W E Eder, 3faryiand A B Sloanaker NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. ThOßPfnrce»lVilmingtoiuDelß Martin* WasUington* DC C C Tiding, Easton D Olwine, Lehighton H j Rhoads F J Miller Mrs D O fcegrief, Lebanon Miss Scgrist, Lebanon John W Bojer, Reading MADISON HOUSE—Second street* above Market Sam Stephenson, Delaware W Conrad, Pennejlvanla J H Boozer, New Jersey J Culberson, Stnudsburg G H Nicholson, Concord, Del C H Joues, Coucord, Del B Jai ney, Pemipylvania J Fell. Mechanicsville M F "Wickcrshaux, SpriDgfield, 111 REYERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race, Chas II Pollaid, Cincinnati IV Backus, New York A Fuckman, New Jersey Dr D P Boyer, Myerstown C Wtldy Myeislown DALP EAGLE—Third street* above Callowhilh Peter Haas, Kortbampt’n co D A Fetma 1/Humphrey, Prnna J M Kauffman, Penna John T Berger, Quakertown, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above OallowhiU* A StoTer, Exeter, EC Moore, Sellersvilto Rev S K Brohflt. Allentown D Davis Mr Morris Jno Hieatand, Altoona Geo *W Yl olf, Dantoro Isaac Wolf, Danhoro Jno Risnel, Centre co, Fa BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. J E Bunting* Bristol, Pa Wm Penrose, Pennsylvania R Meyer* Penna) Irania G Brooks* Dolington, Pa J Taylor, Dolington, Pa C Johnson, New Jersey F Cbfadle, Pennss lvania Jno Blackfan, Bucks, Pa Wm Thompson, Doylestown, Pa MOUNT VBBNON HOTKA—Second st., mb. Arch. M H Williamson, Bncka co S Jones* PenDiylvama Wm Depuy, Bucks co. Fa Chas Nice, Maryland MARINE INTELLIGENCE. *9” BEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Schr Caroline, Fox, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr B B Bsscomb, Williams, 4 days from New York, in balls,! *o captain. Schr E C Knipht. Whirlow, from Port Rey&l, in bal last to T W Parker. Schr W P Houck, 2 days from 3lorris River, in ballast to Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr Pauline, Brown, 4 days from New York, with mdsp to D Cooper. Schr Jas L Heverin, Bonsai!, 1 day from Dover, Del, with corn to JasßaFratt A Son. Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr El Dorado, Williams, 3 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Baeon. City Ice Boat, Schellinger, from the Buoy on the Mid dle. . Come up ii^br—towed whip Win Cummings, fur Pott Reysl* id Bombay Hook, where she was at anchor at 10 A M on Wt dneßday; towed to the Buoy on the Middle ship John Leslie, for Liverpool, where she remained at anchor at 6PM on Wednesday. Passed tbe bark John Trucks off Delaware City at 9 o’clock A M oa Thursday, coming up. CLEARED. Bchr H B Bascomb, Williama, New York, XT S Quar termaster. Scbr W P Cox, Houck, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Btono & Co. Scbr J OfldwftlaHer, Clayton, Potomac Hirer, do Sir H L Gaw, Her* Baltimore A Grovaii Jr. MEMORANDA. Steamship Nortberp Light, Tinklepaugb, from Aspin wall, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Congress, Luoing cleared at New York yes terday for London Steamship Cit> of New York, Petrie, fiom Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Panline & Cornelia, (Dutch) Hogedorn, for Phila delphia, at Botterdam 11th ult. NATAL. For Ket West and tite Gulp Squadron The aehr Abigail, t’apt Haley, for Key West and the Gulf Squa dron, will sail on Saturday, 3th iußt. All letters and' packages will be forwarded, if left at the Foreign Letter Office, Philadelphia Exchange, on or before the above date. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that, a first-class nun buoy hav ing been placed to mark Trunpy’s Beef, entrance to Port land harbor, Me, the spar buoy temporarily placed to mark this danger will be removed aa soon as possible. By order of the Lighthouse Board. J. D. SEAVEY, Clerk First Lighthouse District. Portland, March 4, 16i>£. SPECIAL NOTICES. J 25 M fewnwHuraagl OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT BTEEKT, Philadelphia, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., by building a Railroad depot, and haviDg acauired additional capacity for transportation, are dow prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, aud Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, AdamstoWD, Fortress Monroe, and other placos 9onth occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandise in large lots. Sutlers* goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers* parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and roedpted-fer at our depot, S- X. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets. Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! DYSPEPSIA, cured for Sl* or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for #1; or $1 retnmod;!'. DYSPEPSIA cared for sl* or SI returned! 1 DYSPEPSIA cured for Sl* or SI returned '/ WISHABT’S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL Is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case ; no matter if of twenty years’ stand* lng, or the money returned. Price SI per box. Sent by mall, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot*. No. 10 North SECOND Stieet feB-2m ONfrPaiOß Cl&thiko, of tub Latbst Bttlxs, made in the Best Manner, exsreselv for mETAUt. SALES. LOWEST Selling Prlcsa marked in Plain. Vigors*. All Goods mads to Order warranted saUsfao tory. Oar Ohb-Pbios Svstbm h strictly adhered to> All are thereby treated-alike. •*22-1? JON3O A CO., Mi MARKET Street. Dr. Eobesitson’s Vegetable Nrav ons Cordial; ez, KA.TURXS GBAND BES.TOBATIYB, tliu ureut ranedy for &24 Nervous Complaints, Debill* ty, Lowness of Spirits* Ac. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT A 00., No. 282 North SECOND Street, Be pot lor all Popular Mediciuea. jal-tbsU I)i. Kobirtsos’s Gout and Rheu- Mi'iJO Props—TUe only reliable remedy for BUeuma ttsm, Gout, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SKCOND Street, Pepot for ull Popular Medicines. jal-wmtf Hj'xm'bold’b TJniversaixy Approve® Bemkdt.— Gommnnd Extract Bnnhu cures Diatm.os of the Bladder* Kidney** Gravel* Dropay* Weakness* &o. Bead the advorrisemont in another foV.iiTUJ. nofi-thi J O Wallace, Pittsburg J Grabill, Shippensburg JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. L. Q, 0. WIBHART. MARRIED BATES ACKERMAN.—In B*66klyfi, Ah the sth instant, by Rev. A. Etinendoif, D. D. t John A. Bates, of Baltimore, Bid., to Mary E., only daughter of the late John Ackerman, of Brooklyn. * HART—BBBNER —Dec. 10, 1861, by Rev. W. H. Brisbane, Sir. L. S. Hart and Miss ftlartha Hebnor, both of Norrislowiu Pa* [Norristown and West Charter papers pleoeo copy.] * DIED. FERGUSON.—On Wednesday, tho 6th instant, M»s. Jane C. Ffrsuaon, wife of Jlebtri Ferguson, In tbe 45Ui year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the ramily are respect* fully invited to attend the funr-r<*l, from the residence other husband, Frankford road,bt-low flartvwgate lane, on Saturday, the Bth instant, J o’dyclfi Without flir* tbt-r notice. To proceed to Monument C/UinCtcry- ** " DONALDSON.—At Lasawude, near Edinburgh, Scot land, oi the 14th February, Mr. James Rotmltlson, aged about 75 years. # M AGARGK.—On the 4th instant, Josiah Magarge, ngert 44 yt'Miß. Funeral front his late reeidence, Butler place, near Rrsnchlowu, on Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock. * FRALEY.—On the 4th instant, Thomas F. Fraley, in tho 37th year of his ago. . .. Bis male fitends are invited to attend tho funeral, from hist kto midimee. >rs 51UMapkhall street, this afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * JAQUES. —On the 4LU instant, Jane M. Jaquos, in the 76th year ot her ago. Her relatives atd friends are respectfully invited to her funeral, from her late residence, No 709 < 3ytyth TcfJth eirect, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. To pro ceed to Ron&ldeou’s ground. # DUNCAN.—On tho 4th instant, of disease of tho brain, Joseph 11., infant son of Capt. 11. P. aud Sallie Duncan, aged eleven months and twenty days. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral. Ibis (Friday*) uiorulug, i'toin No. CJB North Seventh street, at 7 o'clock, to proceed to Southampton. * DOUGLASS.—On the 4th instant, Mrs. Emma P., wife of the Rev. J L- Douglass, pastor of the Blockley Baptist Church, and late missionary to Burmah. Frieudß and brethren in tho ministry are respectfully k v ltfd t q mb nd the fnnrrali from rho Pamonagot Fifty* firth street, between Arch and Race, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Funeral services at the Church at 2)f o’clock. * BTILLE.—On tho 4th instant, Mrs. Mary Stillo, aged 80 5 ears. Funeral tills (Friday) morning, at 734 o’clock;from tho residence*or her son, John A. Stillo, 620 Federal street* JIOFFEK.—On Old 4th instant, John Holler, in the B6ili year of his ago. F&Fumral from his late residence, Twenty-third street, above Coates, on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * Besson & so n, mourning STORE, No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. (Goods re ceived January 15th to 31at.) Black and whito striped and check Bilks; Shepherd plaid silks; black Poult do Boies and glossy Silks; English Chintzes and De Lakes; Balmoral Skirts; Lace and Riviere Ruffles; Lace Sleeves: Crape Collars; Blanket Shawls; Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Ruches; Silk and Cotton Blond. Neck Ruck..; Lftrß? Crimp English Crajms; Love and Grenadine Veils: Crape Veils; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; hlnll and Piping Seta; double-width Black Mousselines, &c. __ • fe7 lOGAA-SQIARE PRESBYTERIAN [LS GHDRCHi—SPEtJI&Ii SERVICE*.—The Rev. ROBERT ADAIR will preach THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock. It* rysa MASONIC NOTICE —THE OFFICERS [| j and Members of EASTERN STAR LODGE. No. a. v, bi,, ansi vhs Member) of tlie Order morallfi are fraternally requested 10 meet at the HALL, on SA TURDAY next, at 2 P. M., to attend the funeral of their late brother, JOHN C. HOWELL. By order of the W. H., GEO. P. LITTLE, n>b7-2t* Secretary. •y— a JOHN L. CAPJEN WILL. DELIVER [[ the closing Lecture of the Course, before hia class, on MONDAY EVENING, 10th inst., at 7# o’clock, at the Cabinet, 922 CHESTNUT Street. Sub ject—Tho Practical Application of Phrenology to the purposes of Life. Admission —Gentleman, 25 coats; Lady, IS cents. Examination?, witb important advice, made day and evening. mh7-3t no APPRENTICES' LIBRARY COMPANY UJ* OF PHILADELPHIA Tho Annual Meeting of the Apprentices’ Library, Company of Philadelphia ‘will he held on TUESDAY next, Utb xnst., at § o’clock P. M., at the Library rooms, at the southwest corner of FIFTH and ARCH Streets. Tho Annual Report of the Board of Managers will be submitted, and an election will be held for Officers to serve for tbe ensuing j ear. THOMAS nt6CWA¥, Secretary ftiW. 41# JOHN B. GOUGH'S LECTURES AT IL3 the ACADEMY OF MUSI *, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, March 13 aud 14. Re served Seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Orchestra, Fifty (tents. Unmenud fee&faiti HaLwkj.*, Va&UI? Cir cle, and Amphitheatre, Twenty-five Cents. For sale at 929 Chestnut street, aud at Martien’s, 006 Chestnut street. Also, Unreserved Soats at the Tract House, Chetmit street. N B.—The TICKET OFFICE at the ACADEMY will be REOPENED ab MONDAY Best. ffikG-4t#r ms» JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— 113 The ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT will be held at tbe MUSICAL FUND HALL on SATURDAY next, the Bth inst., at 12 o'clock. The charge to the graduates will be delivered by Prof; DICKSON. Tbe public ore invited to be present. mL6-3t BOBLRY DUNGLISON, Dean. THE BLACK POPULATION WITHIN Lk3 GENERAL SHERMAN’S LIN KS.—Extract Hum tbe minutes of the Pormnneut Committee! Resolved., That, in accordance with the resolutions pafgf-d at the Public Meeting at which we were appointed, we recognize the cluims which the free blacks of South Carolina, now withiu the military lines of Gen. SHER MAN,and at ether places in tho paths of our armies, have upon Die sympathies and the charity of benevolent people, end that we shall exert onrseirfs a-5 we may be enabled to contribute to the relief of their prosont press ing wants, by suppling them with food and raiment, and by sending suitable persons to assist in their pro per tuition in the artg of social life, and in tbeir proper religious instruction, regard being had to their special necessities and peculiar circumstances. All contributimia in money for the above object may ho sent toE. W. CLARK, Esq., Treasurer, No. 35 Smilli THIRD Street, or to either of the utidernigned members of the Committee. AU contributions of clothing food, or otber articles, may be sent to Messrs. OOPS BROS., Walnut.street Wharf, or Messrs. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut Street. ELLIS YARN ALL, Secretary, Stephen Colwell, 1( SI Arch street. James L. Clagborn, 1604 Arch street. Jas. A. Wright, 115 Walnut street. Benjamin Coates, 127 Market street. Rev. Dr. Newton, 251 South Thirteenth street. Rev. J. Wheaton Smith, 514 South Tenth street. J Funtingden Jones* 625 Walnut street. Philip P. Randolph, 321 South Fourth street. Mordfcai L. Dawson, 1420 Spruce street. J. M McKim, 106 North Tenth street. E W. Clark, 35 South Third stro=t. Charles Rhoads, 513 Pine street. Francis R. Cope, Walnut street. ElHs Yarnall, 418 South Delaware avenue. mhfi-ot **==■ THE PENNSYXiYATVIA FIRE IN LLS SUBAKCE COMPANY, March 8, 1862. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER SHARE on tho Stock of the Company for tho last hiohtLy, which will he paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, after the 13th instant. WILLIAM G. CROWELL, mbs-tmhl4 Secretary. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. THE Uof Spring Course of Lectures Mid Plftuticai Demon* strattone will bee In on MONDAY, Match 3di, amli con tinue four months. Application for admission should 1 be made at. ihe College Building, West PENN SQUARE, from 9'to 10 o’clock A. M. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, W. D„ President of Faculty, AVIS AUX LIONS DE LA RfOMh Ikj Mb. P. Akuriot a l’honnsur lbs- FBaNOAJH ST ; LBS STRANGERS QC’IL EST AVJGURD’HUI GKRAST n& LA maison, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA 11 guarantis par ea position aux hommes de gout, que spa vctemeiiß porterons toujours un cachet de distinc tion iunimitilblA et a des ppax »2S pnqr C«nt (Hi' dtWSOUS' de n’importe quelle Tuaisou. Sa longue etude et sa pra tiquo I’ont mis on rapport avec lea artistes les plus habiles de sapnrtie, taot a Paris qu’a Londres. et ijui lui fourni rons toujoura les plus nouvelles modes et lea mioux por tees de ces deux pays. Avis a ceux ciui tiennent a etre a I’avacpQ des modes, mhl-3 m « GERMANTOWN HOME GUARD. —A Stated Meeting of tho Germantown Homo Guard will be held at their Armory, THIS (Friday) EVEN ING, at & o’clock. [lt*] B. B. SMITH, Secretary, « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, immediately, for the TTnitod States Marine Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED A’JLB-BODI’BD MEN for aea service, between the ages of eighteen nud forty years. All information that may he roquired will be givi-B fit tL© Behdeisroai3, 211 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMBS LEWIS, Captain, mhfi-tf Recruiting Officer. / T7LEGTRIGITY, PROPERLY AP / jLU PLIED, TRIUMPHANT. —Doctor A. Hi / STEYEKS, Into of No. 1220 Walnut afreet, Philo- I delphia, h:ts located himself at No. 1416-South PENN I SQUARE, -ft few doors west of BROA D-Street. Tho I location la a very desirable one in-spring and summer,. * particularly for thoso who may choose to take-board in the Doctor’s family vliilo under troatmont. Having had extensive practice in the treatment «f va rious Uiß» ascs* both of ladies and Gentlemen, in this-and rthcr cities, ho expects a largo sliaro of patronage from bis special friends, and from the diseased - generally. All 1 curable cases will he warranted, if - desired. CONSUL* TATION AND ADVICE FREE. . N. fi.—One day in each week will'be exclusively, de- 1 voted to the treatment of the respeo.-üble ambwoitby I ponr ; free ofcbargp. I I Location, No. 1418 South PENN- SQUARE,.a few* I doors west of-BROAD Street, Philadelphia'. I A. Hi S-fRVENS,. / mbTifmw 3m Mei-lical Electrician.' CITY AUCTION MART, FIUBgST STREET The City Unction Mart will reopen And have the first public sale on WEDNESDAY MORNISG. the 19th inst., and continue to havo regular public salos every week. The first sale will* comprise some good Hones,. Wagons, Jenny Linds, Bockawaya, Harness, Ac., iic. ALSO, A number ef good Draught, Farm, and Driving Horses. ALSO, Two pairs extra heavy Draught-Horses. FuH pirticu- Iftrs in-.a few days. 4 N. B.—Advances made on Cam ages, Jenny Linds,, Bockaways, Harness. Ac., «fec. WILLIA&I Di STEItTL Anclinneeri mh7-2t. No., TIOsFILBERT Street. T& THE DISEASED OF ALL GLASSES.—AII gub-acote and chronic diseases cured by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street,. Fliiladelpbin, and in case of-failure no charge• wfll be made. Pnofeesor BOLLEB, the FOUNDER. of this NEW PRACTICE, will SUPERINTEND the treatment of alb cases HIMSELF. A pamphlet containing a. multitude of-certificates of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions frvuiraiedical men, will ba giveu to auy |>vr«ou free. Ltotureg are constants sivon at 12.20 to.medical man. and others who desire a knowledge of-my discovery im applying Electricity aa-aaeliable-therapeuticagent. Consultation free. nihT-lgt*' A MARVEL—.The wander; inecoiuses u|xm examination how art can accompliishso RfilMEB'S Anibrafjpes are » miiveixor beauty. »E* GOND Street, abo?© GREEN. Ifc* PJUiE OYSTER HOUSE, SOUTHWEST CORNER FOUBjTH AKPi LIBRARY STKRRTS, BELOW CHESTNUT. HOTELS Ait© FAMILIES SUPPLIED All orders promptly delivered. RAW OYSTERS CANNED, SPICED OYSTESS, IN JABS AND CANS, FICKLKD OYSTERS IN CANS. Dealers and others In the interior con be supplied from this establishment on reasonable terms. All the bust varieties of Oysters constantly on hand, Including the celebrated SADDLE- ROCK OYSTERS, from New Y *rk. S. B. WOOLMAN. TF YOU WANT CHEAP RUTTER. _L Eggs, Cheet>e, Ac., go to S. Z. GOTTWALS’, No. 812 bPltlMt GARDEN street.' mh4*tf TO PRESERVE THE UNION OF SENTIMENT prevailing in regard to REIMKR’3 Colored Photographs for $l, the artists engaged upon tlicm will exert their talents to please with unfailing en ergy. SECOND Street, above GREEN. . It* riBEAP PRODUCE! CHEAP PRO BUOE! at the NEW STORE, Ho, 003 Xorth SECOND btreet. “ tnh4-tf IU’ETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Q.LEN ECHO MILLS. GERMANTOWN, PA. McOALLUM & Co., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS 500 CHESTNUT STREET. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, fee. We have now on hand an extensive stock of Carpetings, of our own and other makos, to which wo call the atten tinn of ca«h and short-time buyers. mh7-3m RETAIL DRY GOODS. gPRING IMPORTATION. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR FIRST IMPORTATION OF CHOICE SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING NEW DRESS SILKS, PARIS GOODS ON NEW TEXTURES OF DESIGNS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, CHINTZES, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &0., With a variety of new Goode, forming one of the best assortments they hare ever offered their customers. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT Street. mhs-8t WIRE! FIRE) FIRE'—WET F GOODS, AT IMMENSE BARGAINS’—S. V. R. HUNTER has concluded to sell the balance of hia Stock, aa well &a a variety of Drees Goode, Embroideries, Ac. /damaged by the late flro in the adjoining store), at decided Bargains. Purchasers frill fiafl tV MlPjr ttdr vantage to give him a call, at mh7-3t* No. 40 South SECOND Street. pALICOES! CALICOES! I American Calicoes, at 1'2% . Manchester O&HoofcS, at 12 Pacific tialicocti, at 12# English Calicoes, at 12#. Calicoes, the best in tlie market, for 12){. J. H. STOKES’, mhGtf 702 ARCH Street DRV-GOODS JOBBERS. BUYERS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Would invito tho attontjyj) yf THE TRADE TO THE LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS Will find it advantageous to examine this assortment, as it is principally of T. W. E. & CO.’S OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION, Selected personally in the BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS, and unsurpassed for TASTE ASSORTMENT, OB PRICE. Koa, 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. And 815 SANSOM Street. SPRING GOODS. M. L. HALLO WELL & Co, 333 MARKET and 3T NORTH FOURTH STS., Wlioieiala Dealers in SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have opes a large variety of freshly-imported SPUING DRESS GOODS, To which, with a handsome assortment of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS. MANTILLAS, WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, And other goods in their line, they invite the attention of city and country dealers, mh4-tf 1862. SPBINa - 1862. W. S. STEWART Sc CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. Buyers um Invited to call and examine afreeh stock of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, bought exclusively for CASH* and whioh we will offer on the most favorable terms. Our stock comprises, in addition to a complete assort ment of BLACK AND OTHER STAPLE SILKS, a variety of Seasonable DRESS GOODS, IN NEW AND APPROVED STYLES, specially adapted to City Sales. fe'is-3m & Co., Hoe, MT CHESTNUT and 614 Sireut*. Have now open their SFItINCf IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY ftSESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &o. Bought in cf the firm. Th which the Attention of. trade is particularly? in- fo2l gELLINO OFF gycaa of CASSIMEEES,. VESTINGS, DRIL LINGS, MARSEILLES, Jbc. Twenty-five pec cent, under former prices. A. H. GIBBS, fe2l-ltn No. 531 MARKET Street JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, II WHOIIBIU AHP ftSTAIS, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Having organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT In oonneotian with tbeir WHOLESALE TRADE, will ex hlblt, at all seasons, a luie of Goods by tins yard, piece, or package, at such rolys as to semmeud th&ir stock to the attention of cash buyers. ja2B-tf (PqO(\(\ OLD MORTGAGE FOR iJ/t/jOv Vs SALEi on a valukh)& farm in Mxmtao tnery county. Aisi>i 4 number of first-class oity Mort, gages nud Ground Rents, of different amounts, at a tlis < omit. Apply to K. PKTTIT, Dih7-tf No. 809 WALNUT Street. TATAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES, Vf REIMER'S Oil-cohred lire*size Photographs are clawed first amongst works ol art, t n be had at a redurrd price. SECOND Street, above GREEN. It* TRIMMINGS T£o THE LADIES. J. G. MAXWELL, Jr., Has opened the now Store, No. 133 NORTH NINTH STREET, OKU DOOR ABOVE GHERRY, EAST SIDE, FRESH AHD COMPLETE STOCK STAPLE TRIMMINGS, To which he invitee attention. am era's. (To t t slTuTiTk:'” AT «'>N''KBT HALL, THIRD CRAND CONCKRT, L. ■ ON MONDAY KVKNINQ. MAItOH 10, AHigtiHl by Mina BINKLEY, BUIUNOLI. SANA/EBSON, and M A.X M iItKTZEK. I'KOOKAMME, 1. Duot—li’Elieir d’Aruore—Urlgiioli, Sushii. Dmizotti. 2. Ari«—Vcdrai Cariuo —Mias Hiubloy,Mozait. S. OmtiiiT of ilic CbnflQ of ftiojj Ilmirv; tning* ucnbid for two pianos by GotWdiUlk, hud pi-rfojmcd by SumJeraon and Gousuhalk. 4. Ann—Belly—Ptisini .Donizetti. 5. In teriftci divißero—Brlgnoli ..Mercmlante. 6. Transcription of Misereru of Trovatoro.. .Gottnchalk. 7. Madnmina, Aria, Don Giorannij diislni.. t Du«Uo— : Traviata—Miss Brignoli,,,, Yunli, f. ( (o) Marche de Nnjt. J * ? (5) l'olonio. Composed and pcrfoimed by Gott sol alk. 10. Kathleen Mavourneen, Miss Uinkloy...,..,Kucken. 11. Ketiiiimle—Composed expressly for Brjgijgjj j>j 'and on vfiift avconui accompa nied b> tho Author. 12. La Favorlla—by Gottschalk. Director atio Conductor Mr. MAX MAIM3TZRK. Price of Tickets, One Dollar. No extra charge for iworvi-d guttts. Tho BHio of Suats at J. E. GOULD'S Mttslc Store, cor ner of Seventh and Cluntnut htructn The Grand Pianos used hy Mr Gottsclmlk aro from the celebrated manufactory of hloasrs. Chickering A Son. TlyfßS. JOHN DREW’S i.»A arch.btrket tiieatrb. Acting Stage Manager W. S, FBJ3DEBIOILB Boeineos A«tmt ami Tronßaror.-.n nJOB. D. MURPHT BENEFIT AND 47th NIGHT OK JOHN ’DUE*. JOHN I>RKW. TO-NIGHT, (Friday,) MARCH 7th, 1802, TUB COMEDY OF ERRORS. Dromio, of Ephesus. .John Draw* Dromio, of Syranisn,,,,.i;; Mr. Fpaak Dpw To hr followed by ‘'EUIaNUS O'DRIEN," by JOHN DREW. To conclude with THE SERIOUS FAMILY, Capt. Murphy Maguire.... Mrs. Oraißbj Delmaiihun S7~ Prices as usual, WST Curtain rises at after 7 o’clock, IGT Scats secured three days in advance. CONTINENTAL theatbb. crowded nntr«Es. DELIGHTFUL AUDIENCES. LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE. CHEAP KNTERI'AINHBNT. LAST WEEKS .. Gf lie GREAT MORAL ENTERTAINSIBItISrf WNO Lit Ilia'S it A Biii. • 07; LIFE AMONO THE LOVfLT. Admission 15 and 25 cents To commence at 712 o’clock. A GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY, cuuimencina at 2 o’clock. mb? WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Stroeto. SoloT,eBHO« MBS. M. A. GARRETTWVJ. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, MARCH 7th. 1882. BENEFIT OF DAN jNIOB. A prognuuinn jailiont with wouiKlro gam*. To commence with the wonderful trick PASHA. Peifonnancts on the T rapt* sw by tho BOLLAND Bro thers. Principal Act, Miss JKNNIK ZOYAUA, The Equestrian Comedy of MOSS. AND 51* JIB DKNNIE. ?WiA fiOYAIiA mu] tbn ontiru KiuuKrinn Tronno. The famed and bountiful blind HoreO EXCELSIOR* J&. and the COMIC MULES. Prices—so, 37#, 15, and 25 cents; Private Boxes, £5 and S 3, according to their locale. Doors open at quarter to 7. T* commence at 7^. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH ami CHESTNUT. DAVIS' PANORAMA OB' AMERICA AND TUE ORE AT REEK LUOS I Fourteen thousand foot of canvas and orm huadrod ar>4 two peenen. Open EVERY' NIGHT aud oa Wedaegd^ kr.f Eight Tickets, 01; Single Ticket?. 2d OS*. To tie had at Andro’e, 1104 Chestnut otreet, J. E. Gvolc'iu Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of tVellall. wtt -li PENNSYLVANIA AQAPEMX Of THE FINE AJITB, 1025 CHSJJTNUT P-tU*k. J| Open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. !U! 6 P, 3i Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve year*, half price. Shares of Stock, 930. jyl WANTS. TI7ANTE D—An office for a- Physician,. r t with Board ; on Frankford roml preferred. Ad-- drees “8.,” Poet Office. mhT-St* Wf ANTED—By a Young, Married i V Man, having fourteen years' experiHnec on Mar ket Street, a Situation as Salesman, and to mike himself generally useful Unexceptionable reference* cab- bo given. Please address “B.P, 8 ,* at thei olfiCo of this' paper. It* 1 WANTED— At this- PffiOO' all the numbers- of The Press for June, 1861, for which the price of three niimtlis’ subscription will be given. inha,*tf WANTED. —Old Silver, Plate, of Celn tongliti In large or small auniititiosi by KRIDEB ik BIDDLE, Silrcrsßtitha, felO-lm* EIGHTH and JAYNE Street!. BOARDING. tflWO pleasant booms, with A First-class Boarding, at 1417 LOCUST Street fel4.lnj* FOR SALE AMD TO LET. 6 TO RENT—Store,lie. 219 MAR KET Street, fmr stories high, an 1 extending back to Church Altoy- baying two good fronts, with hatchway to each. Rented loeetber or separatt-lv. TOWNSEND 811 A BPLESS, EIGHTH nnd OIiES-TNUT. It** F“"0R SALE— A', desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres cf sup-rior iand, nicely wateied. Large stone improvements, fine fruits, Ac. Price only §95 per acre. For further par:icu]t»ia, apply to FOR SALE The handsome three- Ibllb story Brick Dwelling, with office attached, No. 1822 GREEN Street. LoL 30 by 197- feefc Price low and terms very easy. Apply to ALLEN south east corner of-FOURTH and Scruetß» second floor. miiT-Gt* TO BENT—A small FABM in county, N. J, .six miles from tlio city, by turnpikt. A medium* size comfortable old fraiu© honsfi, fWns and «» acres of land* more or less, as may be desirable. Possession March 25th. WIIiI*IASt PAKHY, Cianamiusou, N. J iu]’.6'3l* fm CONCORD'GKAPES FOR SALE —Three-year old Bearing Vines* SO ctb* each. Three- year old Diana Vines, f>o Gents ea>li. £ The great Miami Black R-»spb*rr>\ from tlie West, large and lu« ions, perfectly hardy withor.S«rot®ction, produces abundance of fruit, but no s+p*»r hundred. Belle D’Fanteimy. bears two crops* S 3 par hundred. Triumph® D Gaud aud Sl?&wb6Prit-s. rit-s. Also, a general variety of Prwit aud Ornamental* Trees. WULLIaM-IMRRY. n)ho.3t# CinnaminHon, N. J.‘ ggr TO LET—THE GIKARO HO IH TBL, on the northeast corner vIGIRaRD Aveaua and PRMsKLIn St., with stables and sheila. mh4 Bt* LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS COURT FOR; _L THE CITY AND COUNT .Id)* PHILADELPHIA. In thA matter of Estate of -3r. O. H. PABriItDGB, deceased. The Auditor appointed to-radit, settle, and Adjust the account of CHARLES SHIVERS. Administrator ,of. Dr., O. H. PARTItIuGE, drcea cd, and to report distribution uf H»p 1/Rlmicei »iil,nient the wtif* dnterrstpil ftt hia of* i lice,at Southeast corner EjQSHTH and LOHUST Street!,, on WEDNESDAY Morning, Murcn iD.-I.SG2, nt.eleven •. o’clock. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. 5t 1 N THE ORPHANS? COURT FOR _Li JUE CITY AND OOiUNTY im'PHSLADBLPHU. Ettnie of WILLIAM*L. NEWBOLD, deceased, The Auditor appointed by the audit, settle, nod adjust the account cf WARDaLSC G. ; McAt.LIS TJBi Eeq., Adininiats&h>i v , 0. T. A., of the estate of WILLIAM L. NKVr'S-ALD, deceacad, and to report, dastrlbiniou of tho brCaace, will mecV the intrties into* TPkUd for tho liuj’poseaaf his amvnntfii&nt’, on WEDNESU DAY, March 10th, 130&, at d.oVlock.P. &1-, at his Office, No. 1113. South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. mh7-rmiwst* PIERCE /jR-SUER,;Auditor. INBUKANCE CO£U*ANIE». /SoMMONWEALTII JIftJB INSU-. tL? KANCK COMPANY, CJ, TUB STATE Ollf PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayue, M. D„ Charles 11, Rogers, John M. Whitah, Jolua Kj, Waller, Edward 0, l&.Sgbt, , Robert Shpeutf&eri Thomas S. Siewart, 'William Struthers, HeDry Loviis, Jr., Elijah Jcnas. DAVID JAYtNB, M. D. K Present. JOHN M. ftfIITALL, Vice BroalOwt, SAMUEL-MOON, Secretary. Office, Siironronwenlth Buillingi ilft CHEffiitnT* Street* Phiiadelphia. tf SAFES. ggj.l LILLIES SAFa DEFOE RE* to Mo. Si, South SiYRNTii street, nou the Ssaukliu ljndJuta- The undersigned, thankful fey past fayc*3, apd heiaj determined to nurit future patrquago, haa. secured on elo.i&ut aipl coiw.euleul etora, and haa. now. on hard % large HRrtoilaieril of LiUio’a Celebrate cY Wrought- cp4 Ctillcd Iron Ffire and Biutftar Proof Safas* (tha only utiictly fire a*j& burglar pKQf< safes Also,UUia’ft Unequalled Dunk Vault, Safe, apd Back Locks. Lillie’s Punk Vault Acts and Locks will be fttfitfshed to order on short notice. This la tins ait routes t, fcwii pro tected, anuchcapoßt Dear and Lock yot ujl'orod. Also, particular aquation is to LiHie’a New Cabinet Safe, for Pinto, Jowvlry, Ac. This Safe i» con ceded to surpaßß in stylo And a*mHJji3 yot at* fered St/r thia purpose, and is th«ooly one thoitw strictly tire ipid burglar ysoof. Social have n&.w on hftwlPAX twenty ol Parrel, Herrinj, A Co’s Baf«a,taoBt of them.nearly newi and some forty of other makers, conuNfisiafl a complete assortment u to and o)l latoly for the now crieUiiiktl liillia Hai.. Htuii will Im wld »l v.r, low prion*. I4emie call «al axauiis,. j»2&.3jif Ai. O. SAPTiBB. Agent. Bgn EVANS k WATSON’S |gS SMANANDBB BAVX& STOKK, ig south vouivrn street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of FIBK-PIIOOY SAFES nlwaya on hattil. HA]R-CUTTING and dyeino, at OUTEKUNST’S olegsmt ml..™, FOURTH an* JiRANOH, mh^rtf nih7»retatb*st ....... John I>rew. ...Mrs. John Dmw. E PETTIT, Ho. 309 WALNU C Street.