THE CITY. enicrearactintTei TRIG STrainict. ACADEMY OF Mnazo—Broad and Locudetreeta.—Mu -40, Magic, 'Ventriloquial. ARCH-STREIT THIUTRII—Arch street, above Sixth.— . "The Irish Ambassador " —" Bandy Andy. " WALNUT - STK/MT THBALTRZ — Ninth and Walnut MIL— " The Merry Wives of Windsor; or, Falstaff in Love " —"The Good for Nothing. " 4303TINISEIS.A. Tamarnis — WaLitut street, above Eighth. —A. tines Tom's Cabin." ASSEMBLY Bual:too—Tenth street, below Oliestuut.—.• 41 Panorama of America and the Great hobellion." CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets.— eiddons among the Poets and Comic Prose Writers. THE PARADE, MEETING, AND IDLE atINATION OF SATURDAY.—Settlfday will undoubtedly be .celebrated with great eclat, as the anniversary of Wash. ingtotes flirt May, and as the occasion of important and ..momentous victories in the Western section of our coun try. On Tuesday evening a fashionable boarding-house -on Chestnut street, opposite Concert Hall, was brilliantly nominated in honor of the recent victories. This pa *sloth: example is worthy of emulation by others, and a ,general illumination should be made on Saturday, when, •we nude stand, a number of private and public edifices will be lighted from the ground to the roof. The old State house and Independence lien should, on that occa iivut be radiant with light. Germantown has taken the lend in making a demonstration. Sono of the reeinents of that time-honor' d borough proposed to illuminate their dwellings last evening, but consented to postpone the eflair, in order that arrangements might be made for a general illumination on the evening of the anniversary of the birthday of Washington. Tide project, we under stand, bids fair to be carried out successfully. The Mesa nensing Rosa Company will the a saint° of one hundred guns on Saturday, at 6 A IL, another at 12 noon, and another at 6 o'clock in the evening. The tiring will lake place before the hose house. City Councils will celebrate Washington's Birthday in an appropriate manlier. Both branches will meet in the morning, in Common Council chamber. Mayor Henry *ill preside. Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter will deliver the opening prayer. It isnot yet known who will read the Farewell Addreaa. It is presumed that the honor will •fall to St. George Tucker Campbell. Est. The workmen of the navy yard fired one hundred guns from «Fort Brown," in honor of our several vic tories, yesterday, at 12 o'clock. " Fort Brown' emtains /the gun of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Committee, foot of Washington street. Atthe Walunt•street Theatre, on Monday night, the play of " Beery IV" was performed, with Mr. Hackett as Falstaff. After Hotspur and his followers have been defeated at Shrewebury, atid Harry Percy has been misfile the King says st Rebellion in this land shall lose its sway, Meeting the check of such another day ; And since this business, so far, fair is done, Let ns not leave till all our own be won." The spsther paused a moment as if waiting for the an •d•.enco to catch the gist of the passage. In a moment they perceived its applicability to the triumph of the truion arms, and, rising simultaneously, gave a thrilling About_ In compliance with an order of Brig. Goa. Frank E. Patterson, Company t 3, First Regiment Gray Reserves, was detailed by Colonel El'maker to Bra a salute of one hundred guns, at twelve o'clock yesterday. The firing took place at Broad and Spring Garden streets. Bob, Andrew Solomon, U. S. Senator from Tennessee, 'has been molested, on behalf of a number of influential gentlemen, to deliver an oration in the Academy of Nu -sic. Several efentes are to be fired in honor of the day .and of our volunteers, who have gained the recent victo ,ries. Among them a salute at the Union Volunteer Be fresEment Saloon. There seems to he considerable spirit manifested among -our military, to make the display equal to any we have ever had. Company It, Girard Home Guard, First Regiment, will celebrate the 22d inet , by joining in the parade with lull ranks, in their new overraata. After the parade they willparteke of a collation which will he prepared at their :armory. The entire staff of the First Regitnent have .been invited to be present. The Ellsworth Zouaves are making efforts to turn out -every uniform, and the Reserve Brigade generally are active in furthering the object of the parade, in addition to celebrating the day, to ascertain what number of men can be relied on in emergency. Governor Curtin will review the parade from the balcony of the Continental Hotel. APPROPRIATION TO THE CITY CON.. TEOLLEIL—The annual expenses of the City Controllor for 1862 are estimated at $17,050. The appropriation bill has been -passed by the Committee , on Wihauce, but Ira not yet been submitted to Common Council. The appropriation is to be expended in the following manner : . . . For the salariesof Controller and chief clerk, g:1,700; for salaries:. of assistant clerks and messenanr, 4,7,700 j for hooks and stadonerP. Stint).l tar advertiaing anginal gait-inept of 1801, in not more titan two newspapers, nor snore than one tune in each, 6.3,00 u: Provided, That the cost of said advertising shall not exceed tae regular advertising rates charged to individuals: And provided further, That this shall net be construed to authorize the printing or publishing of said annual statement in pamphlet form. For cleansing and care of 011100 9 4200 for incidental expenses. 6i280 ; for the solaria& of fsue .clerks for six months in the year 1801, $1,600. MANUFACTURE OF SPRINGFIEUff Bl irt.Et.—The manufacture of Springfield rifles will be con fined to three different establiehments iu the United States—m:o of which, at Bridesburs, wilt be in f ill ope ration in at-out a weok, the other two not .n-fo-e five or six months. The manufacture of these rifles involves IL OVNA atbuuot of tedious and intricate labor. The stock alone, with, of ao barrel, lock, Ac , before rendered per •feet, pasEe., through no less than twenty-three different „machines. An establishment for the purpose of carrying .on the business briskly requires about $150,000 worth of machinery, which cau be put in place and made to , work well. and with satisfaction, in about twelve mouths. Each portion of the rifle is made with care and precision, and is c:osely inspected by competent parties , before fastened tosether. The establishment at Bridesburz in to menuftieturu 60,000 of these fillet, which will gire employment to about BUO men. 'MILITARY MATTERS.—Yesttrclay af tenicon the funeral of James Gilliland. a member of Company F. Colonel Gregory's regiment, took place from his Isle residence, at No. 14Y.1' North Fourth street. The fut eral of Wm. Keys also took ,dace yes erday afternoon. from hie late residence, in Manbeim street. The dereasol was attached to I.l.pta u O'Farrel's corn, gamy l•f Cauarrou Prageone, Company I, He died at Camp Griffin, ti a. This mu nine Alexander Armstrong, of Company GI, Cameron Dragoons, will be Lurie! with martial honors. Ede also died at Camp Grief:•, on the 16th instant. Colonel Eneh's regiment of Lancers have received from the h.dies and gentlemen of this city a thonland new pennons for their lakces. They are made of scarlet cloth, and have been finished with great neatness. LEASING PUBLIC WHARVES.— es ter day ii.termion Mr. James A. Freeman, auctioneer, sold at the Exchange the leas , of tits following wharves and landings, Leloneing to the city : Davis lauding, leased to Daniel McCarty tr. Son, for -V.50 ; rented last year for $360. Noble-street who'd, to G. B. Newton, for $2,800; tart year $:',400. Gretn.sti eet wharf, to Norcross Gshec-t.: for. eo , 0.96 i last. yeAss- =t-'1 1 4.66- Conta*-stiva wharf, to Norcross C Schetta. for 83,0"0 ; last year $3,800. Green-lane taiting, to John C. Grant, for $lO. These buildings are all located on the Delaware Pine street wharf, on the Schuylkill, which rented last year for $175, was leased yesterday for $35, ti Thomas E. PERSONAL.-1-jout. Joseph R Smith, or the Eighty-first Regiment s General Stunner's division, is in town. The Tol:oning are the newly electei officers or the Priercantile Library : President, T. Morris Perot; vice president, John D. Watson i recordiuu secretary, Clias. N. Walton; corresponding a cretary, John Marston. Jr.; treasurer, 'Albert S. Letclivrorth q directors, William L. Schaffer, Joseph C. Grubb, Richard Wood, Warner M. Earin, Olivet R. Wilson, Alfred H. Low,,. Chas. Roads, R_ M. 1-1,./.1.1k, John La.-dm, ' Jr., J. Wistar tyans, kitomd. M. Duffield, William L. Dunglison. ACCIDENT. Yesterday morning, he- twee. it and 12 o'clock, it loaded hay wagon Mu into en iron awning post, in front of a etore in Ninth street, be tween Race and Vine streets, breaking it short off at the pavement, and tearing away the bulk- head. of Um win• dew and meshing the 211195e9. A lady, who was taitAir, was struck by the iron railing and very badly cut on the head She wns taken into the house, where the accident happened, where the wounds were dr, seed by Dr. Landis. The drivers were arrested by Officer. Wood, and taken before Alderman Snyder, who htid them for a furthei hearing. PPOINTA ENTS. — Thc follow ing ap gaintmenta of Clerks of Markets have been made: South & cord .sti rot market. P. Devennny ,• Shi p pem street mar ket, John Murphy; Eleventh-street market, P.. '. Sher ry ; Sixth-ward markets, John Howell ; Ninth and Tenth-ward markets, John Kane and Michael Tracy; Callowhill.streei market, James fdeCourt ; Spring Garden market, Wm. Sides; north Second-strest market, &sum' JLaikton Franklin-144+ , 0et market, nat.t M gikkh 'Thos. O. Beckman, anal west of Sixth street, ()bodes lefeters ; Lehigh-avenue market, Edward Early. FUNERAL OF A CLEROVMAN.—Yester 'day morning, the funeral of Rev. John O'ShaughnesseY, Nebo died, alter a protracted illness, on Monday morning, et St . Je~eph'e lloepital , to k The eeremonlee. which were of unite an impressive character, took place et St. Malachi's Church, in Eleventh street, near Master. The cburchtlisa tilled to overflowing. The altsrs awl pillars of the church were appropriately decorated with mourning. The sanctuary contained about fifty clergy men, who participated in the obsequies of the occasion. K TIIE LADIES' AID OFF` PRIDADEIm PHIS" re.licit contributions in moiler, material, or edi bier, to enable them to carry ml their work of aid and comfort to the sick and wounded. The recent battles create a pressing necessity for contributions, which may be ant to the rooms, N. R. corner of Twelfth and Wal nut streets, on Friday, between 9 o'clock A. M. and 6 P. M. They hare sent twenty-two boxes of hospital stoke. h 026 fa 6 ail! Nine to Mirotil..l. ; Mo. ; four to Reba, Ito ; four to Roanoke, and Ilse to tue army of the Potomac. ANGEROTH'S HEAVY ARTILLERY.— lauel Anneroth's Heavy Artillery, now encamped at Diamond Cottage, Camden, H. J., was lilted about ten days ago, and is now awaiting marching ordsr.4. Thras of the companies (Li, G, and H) were ordered to Fort Delaware on the 9th of January, where they are now re ceiving iLstruction in the use of heavy artillery. This place is a splendid school for the instruction of the young artillerist. BALL FOR , TILE VOLUNTEER REFRESH— mbar .I.ov:ie.—The grand ball ny the Philadelphia Fire Drparimeet, in aid of the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons, e kia plaeo on next Monday night at the Na tional Guards' Hall. The committee of firemen having the matter in charge hare epared no pains or trouble to have this one of the finest affairs of the season. It wilt undoubtedly be the largest ball ever held at the Guards' Hall. Ihv T. DEWITT TALLMAGE, of Sy remise, lit.w Yolk, has accepted the call of the Second Deformed Dutch Church, of this city, to take effect in June nest, the cozionittea; appointed by the church having, by appointment of maid gentleman, itc:d en inter view with him on the 11th of December last, in the city of New York, which resulted as above stated. PAYMENT OF INTEREST --Yesterday the secui-annual s intereat on the national loan full clue. At the office of Jay Cooke & Co. a largo number of the coupon holders drew out the interest, which WAR given in epecie. Besides which, twoper cen% premium on the coupons was also given. The credit of the Covarninont, judging from this circumstance, is more substantial than it ever was. THE CASE OF THE BAD SCHOOLBOY.— Yesterday morning, the jury in tho case of Thomas 'Pierce, charged with committing an ILgaanlt and battery upon Louis Eppeisheinur, a scholar under his charge, rendered a verdict of not guilty. It Rowan that Mr. Fierce is a new principal at the school he now hue charge o 1 and is represented ad a very -worthy and intelligent men. SHOCKING DEATlL—YbSterdity morn trig, an unknown white man was found in a lime-kiln. at Race street wharf, Schuylkill. He bad evidently gone Into the plate to sleep, and when discovered his head and one arm and a leg were bornol to a crimp. Evan his clothes are so completely destroyed as to render reeng iYition impos.Pdo. The coroner was notified, and, alter bolding :Ln iLquest, took charge of the body. ACQUlTTED.—Yesterday, in the United 'States District Court, Judge Cad waiader, Andrew Scott was put on trial charged with milking counterfeit coin 'The only evide nee against him was the needing at his house. in Taker street, part of, a milling machine. The ;jury tendered a verdict of not guilty. IN A DANGEROUS CONDITION.—Last evening John Pritchard, who was badly beaten, a night or two since, at a tavern somewhere in Water street, wag still in a critical condit;on at the Pennsylvania Hos pital. FATAL liEgeLT.—The ha named 11111Pe Brt-wptAr. whe wa evt.,, •y thA a , di..l wt be toFpital from the remit of We JAI .romley, the driver. of the tem attached to the ear, has • en arreged anti held for a hearing. SNOW BIRDS.—A correspondent writes no es follows : There is a pleasant paragraph gling the rounds" of the newspapers, setting forth the planner in which an aged couple at Bethel Hill, Mains, yearly On. tertained a number of enow blnls, (Pringilta firma/is, Bonap,) which brings to mind some experience and ex periments had with these birds in our city. Some years ago I owned a property, basin; a large garden attached, which was bounded by a stable, the ga ble end of which, facing the east, was entirely and thick ly covered with ivy. In this covering the snow birds for many successive years sought and found during winter a emus and secure retreat, A portion of the graes plot was kept free of anon, ao.l upon this spot the snow birds were supplied with abund ance of food, which we strewed there every day for their use. The consequence was, that they seldom left the place, and thus we had constantly, during the setteell, a large number throughout the premises, and en familiar ized did they become, as to enter the doors and windows, when opened, for the enjoy meet of a fine •• sun-shinny" day. Their a"nual visit was always looked for by the family with eagerness, and it usually occurred about the 20th of October, in every year, when the birds never failed to respond to the wishes of the faintly, who, ono and all, took special care to receive and treat them with the utmost kindness and attention, and thus our garden be came one of the most charming natural aviaries. They usually left its about the 20th of April for their places of incubation amid the high ranges of the Allegheny mount sins. F. DEATH OF A. G. WATERMAN. ESQ Philadelphia bas lost ono of her most stiumble and public.epirited citizene. Ir. Albert G. Waterman, for. zuerly a member of the City Councils, and in the enjoy ment of much prominence as the originator of the design for u monument in Independence boitere, commemora tive of the original thirteen Colonies, departed this life a few days since. In public, as in private life, his 114110 was held in high esteem, and his friendship everywhere sought. His memory gill survive him. S - EDDEN DEATlL—Yesterday morning, a man named Charles Cook arrived in this city front Bridgeton, N. J., for the purpose of receiving medical treatment. Be was taken by a friend to the water-core institute at No. 202 Franklin street, above Race, wnero he left him, stating that ho would return in a short time. The coon was in a weak and exhausted condition, and died in a abort time after the departure of his friend. The coroner was netiflcd, and proceeded to hold an in• quest. Two physicians wore examined and stated that it was probable he died from consumption. The friends of the deceased turned up at a Isle hour yesterday alter noon and took cher;e of the body. PERSONAL.—Gen. B. F. Kelly arrived in this city on Tuesday evening from Wheeling. The General came over the Pennsylvania Railroad in a spe cial cer provided by the company. Another Pennsylvanian at Fort Donelson. [For The Press.] In the telegraphic accounts of the capture of Fort Donelton, published in The Press of yesterday morning, it was stated that General Lawman's brigade, of General Smith's division, was the lirst to ent?r the upper cud of the let t. This General Lawman is a native of York county, is. nag Moto ibut for She last son or twelve years has resided in Burlington, lowa. At the breaking out of this wicked rebellion, he raised a regiment of lowa volunteers, and has been in service ever since. Re par ticipated in the fight at Belmont, and was severely wounded on that occasion. His mother, a brother, and two sisters now reside in the town of York. General Unman is a man ntundoubted courage and generous im pulses. and we areVad to observe that he is not among the Milos or wournied 'on this occasion. Long may he live to defend our tinie.honored Hag and enjoy the bless ings which it dispenses ! W. [For The Press.] Carawissa, Columbia county, Pa., Feb. 18, 1862. the recent news from Fort Donelson has set this usually quiet town in a general uproar. There is gene ral rejoicing, except in a very few cases. The bells are all ringing, slid, in the absence of cannon, our citizens resort to the firing of guns and pistols to signify-their gladness at the great victory that has crowned our arms. The flags ate all thrown to the breeze, while the town is enlivened by the sound of martial music, and the excite ment seems to be on the increase. J. S. B. [For The Press.] DARBY, Feb. 19, 1862. As you have reports from various parts of our coun try in regard to the rejoicings in honor of our late glo rieueti•ictories, we would like to give you an account of what Happened Iu our patriotic little town on Monday night. An impromptu meeting wag held in front of the But tonwood Hotel, which was addressed by several of our prominent citizens, among whom was Adjutant J. D. Byerly, of the Delaware County Home Guards, who de livered an eloquent and thrilling speech, which was en. thusmetically applauded... The meeting broke up at a late how, and the eitizene went to their homes folly con vinced that the Constitution and our glorious Union must and shall be preserved." Beuscaing as. GOVERNOR BERIAH MAGeFFIN delivered his message to the Legislature of Kentucky on the 13th inst. The Governor draws a sprry picture of affairs throughout the State, and asktowleages that he has no power to remedy the evils. He recom mends the pasiage of some law for the relief of debtors, and yet he seems to fear that the enact ment of any relief measure may deprive honest creditors of their just dues. Ho says, in effect, that one-half the people are unable to pay their tax. 433, and The other half will refuse to do so. and that there is no power to compel them. He does not allude to the_ war now raging throughout the Country. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILAZZLPHIit t February 19,1863 Since the opening of the present year, the advance in the market value or railroad securities, in this state, has been remarkable, and there is no indication of any per manent reverse. On the contrary, the success which is everywhere attending our arms, and the prospect that this success will soon restore peace to the country, with its attendant prosperity in all the pursuits of indnetry, leaves but little room to doubt that our great arteries of trade and travel will become more valuable than they have heretofore been. The Pennsylvania Central, the Beading, and the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Balti more railroads might be instanced as being particularly prosperous at this time; and the business public fully realize their success. 'fence it is that the price of their stock increases steadily; and, based as this increase is, not upon speculation, but upon the fullest confidence in the management of these imprevementg, it is een.d.o.lve evidence that these branches of the industry of Penn sylvania have net been demoralized, or oven seriously deranged, by existing national troubles.. The resources of Pennsylvania are, at this present time, on the eve of full development. For many years we lag ged in the rear of New 'York and the New England Semes, and, an a consequence, Our 1111 bile securities occu pied no enviable position in the ma,ket. But the latent wealth was in the bosom of the Keystone State; all that was needed was the strong hand of enterprise to call it forth. The geographical advantages of Pennsylvania are tell• evident ; all the:: was required was wisdom and enmity to put these advantages to proper use. These ends have now, to a groat extent, been accomplished. Public-spirited no it assumed the leadership iu great iu= tercel improvements, the people nobly seconded them, and the result is that our State now stands in the very front rank or railroad prosperity. A. few years will add sill more to this success ; and the time is not very re mote when, in all protability, we can boast of the most pirrecr, as well as the most siNcOgglii, roilroM opt= on this continent. In referring to this gratifying condition of our grea improvements, we Should not forget the men who hav been principally instrumental in Its consummation. His tory will do justice to those who, years ago, stemmed the strong tide of prejudice, and laid the foundations for these channels of wealth and power. They were trim hermit and genuine conquerors, because they dared the frowns of bigotry and ignorance, and revolutionized the induetry and habits of a nation. But the cyntrol ling intellects of our own day—those who at present manage the mteriee of our trade and com merce—deserve a more especial mention. Bach men 4119 Thomson, Felton, Morehead, Cullum, Smith, Blest., Wil der, Scott, Lembo: it, and many others whom the reader will readily recall, are among the public benefactors, be. cause the power of their intellects is wielded for the pub lic advantage. Years of toil, and anxiety, ani study, have been necessary to qualify these gentlemen for the high positions they hold in the popular estimation, and thar.4.lildli , idindWliCaegil is the best ON - Idenceot thoh- eaps city to 511 propeny the places they occupy. So long as Pennsylvania can boast of such men among her railroad managers, she will haven° reason to regret the enterprise and great expenditure which has levelled her hills, bridged her rivers, tunnelled her mountains, and united the waters of the great lakes and the Mississippi valley with those of the Atlantic. The stock market was rather Inactive to-day, bat prices were well maintained, and in some instances higher. Pennsylvania war loan advanced selling at 99.,44 , and city sixes were firm et yesterday's quotations. Reading Railroad shares seers weaker. The money market is unchanged. Moore. Imlay ,tt Bicknell's Ratik,note Reporter reports that an altered five dollar note is now being circulated in this city, pur porting to be the true issue of the Bank of Beaver coun ty, Pa. Yig. man seated with child, and horses and plough ;on each end 5 V 5. The State arms of Georgia' on lower part of note The following quotations are furnished us by Drexel & Co: New 1r ork exchange, par 011-10 discount; Boston exchange, par OM premium; Baltimore exchange, par cox premium; country funds, %is% discount; gold, erSM premium ; i 3.10 ti easury notes, to 14 dis count; coupons, 19 February of do, S) proooom, 'The following ia a comparative Ffittenont of exports frotn the port of New York to foreign ports for the week end ing February 15, and since Jan. 1: IS6O. 1861. 1862. For the week.... $1,2:39,642 $2,2740102 $2,855,123 Provien:ly 8,783,244 16,066.967 15,311,275 Eiztee,113 OM 188 413078,80 t/8118erh.15 Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, rebruary 19, 1862. BCPCINTED BY S. E. SLAYMILKNE. Philadelphia Exchange. FIRST BOARD. 150 Perim' R.. hi hits 47,v 24 MN LP3erties.c 50 $OOO d0....10t nag, 100 400 d 0... lat radg 100 1000 do. ..2d mtg 1:t236 Behyl PM.. 12,31 8650 Pldi. t i; 135 1000 Penns Coup 00... Var a 1000 Sun & Eris Ts... 85 50 Elmira It 7 120 Spr Pine R.lots 113 i 1200 City 5s July '62. 93 1100 City 65....1( 8 0 92 15 2d & Third-sts IL 51 200 10 92 90 Lehigh 62 500 do 92 1500 N Palma 69...b5 65 100 City de Petals. P.. N. 1000 do .b 5 65 55 Cam 1000 do ........b5 05 0.1.6.W1.0.41 11 PM. .5g 1.41$ 004. ;lox; 4 Norristown R... 41 41 600 do .103 1000 Morris CI 24 tntg WI 1700 do 103, 3000 do 2d mtg 90 100 Reading It 21 _ 3000 d0.....1ed mtg 97% 200 do e 5 2 i3 7. Ulf 00 8 7.30 Trea'y NOO 500 Penns 5s 524 sOOO do 99 100 Long Island 1t,.. 11 2000 du 1.9 EIMER 25 Elmira It 7 1100 Cam&Amb lid 'B3. 84 15 Lehigh Scrip.. .. 373‘ 3000 Phila & Erie s.. 85 3000 Lehigh Val 083 i 1000 Penna R 2d m... 02% BOARD. 25 Beading R 21.56 50 Catawissa ... 50 dO ...... • • • • 5;),t 6 Penns R 474' 6 do 47% SECOND 5 Retina R 47% 5 d 0........... 47,4 4600 Soo & Brit: 711 • we 80 5000 do 85 1000 Philo & Erie Os.. 85 60 00 .. . .. 5% 100 City 6s New 07% 75 Syr& Pine R..b5. 11% 500 N Penna 10a..... 703 1000 do b 5 70) 51 New Creek...... 90 N Pen R /m Sep. 6.1 /60 Long Uhl R.. 66.. 1 t 10 do 11 6000 Penn Coup 65.b6.100 1000 Reading 63 '41... 96 S 5 2dye. 85 3000 Pennst 5s 8234 6000 Penns B 1000 d0....15t mt.loo 00 6cld bar PreG.. 127 i 100 Wading R 21,4 60 d0......55wn. 21X 50 do 21.56 25 do 21-56 CLOSING PR Bell Ask. II E. Tr 7 3-10 N !as 9936; Phila Gs .92 92}g I Phil& 63 now... 97;31 98 CES.-FIRM Bid. Ask. Elmira 75'73... 6914 70 Long Island R.. 1073 11 LIM Cl & Nay.. 5176 52,4," Leh CI & N Sm. 37 37,.1 N Penna. 7 7.3 g N Palma BAL. .. 65 653( N Penna B 10a.. 79 80 Catawiosa R Con 1,4 2 Catawissa Pref.. 5,a1 6 Yr &South'k B. 40 .. MIUM2t= Reading 1i.. 21 21. X Icag 1 8a'69 '93 97 97 Beading Bda '7O 89ji 00. Read 111 6x'86.. 704 7736 Pentlft B 46% 47 Pa It let in 6s, c4%.160 P non R2dru 6s 92) 9231 Iff,res CI Con.. 40 42 21 A; 3d-sta 8... 51 54. Baca & V-eta R. 3 . W R...... 452,1( .54 SPPTICP & Fins.. 11 11),C Greer' & Coates 21,i( 21% .heat R Walnut 3)J( 31 Arch Street..,. 17 18 _ Morro. CI Pref.llo 3.107 i 13 h Nov Reek. 5 6 8.111. Nay Pepe_ 12% 13 6ch Nem 6. '82.. CO% 67)( Elmira 7 73‘ Elmira B Pref.. DX 14% 60 N Pa Chattel Bell 603 5 Di Penua R 7 BOARDS Philadelphia Markets Tho Flour market iv dull, hut without any. quotable change in prico or demand; 200 bbls superfine sold at 80.25e6.37,4 ; 50 bble good Lancaster county extra at 65.75; 1,000 bbls good and choice Western extra family at $5.87% a 6, and 200 bbls fancy Ohio at $6.50 4' bbl; there is some little inquiry for superfine, which Is scarce at our lowest figures, and the vales to the trade have been within the same range of prices, as to brand and quality, and the receipts moderate. Rye Flour it dull; 100 bbls sold at .5.3.25 41T bbl. Corn Meal—There iv very little inquiry ; Pennsylvania is offered at $3, and Bran dywine $3.623 OP' bbl. WHEAT . is less active to-day. and Orions about the same; 5,01)11 bushels have been taken at:134 , 35c, mostly at the latter rate for prime Pennsylvania red in afore, and whine 1400145 c. hye is in steady demand, and 1,000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 73c. Corn continues dull, and about 2,500 bushels new Pennsylvania yellow sold at 56g:1 , 5636c in store. Oats are more inquired fur, Yolainn Ifc, weight, in store. BAlLK.—Quercitron is wanted at 533.60 ton, awl but little offering or selling. COTTON.—Tho market is irregular, and a very small business doing. GROCEIIII±d AND rimy 'slows —The market for the for mer is dull, anti for the latter buyers and:sellers are apart in their views, and prices looking up. SF:el/S.—There is more demand for Cloverseed, and 70 600 bas have /Jett) taken, mostly at .184a4.25 bus. • • • - Wirwer ie .6,11 mnd un.eitled 560 Loh Oltiv nal4l. a* 28 cents PeLusylvania 26027 c, au4 drudge at 24t: New York Stock Ex FIRST 25000 U• S 6s 180 T..... 90 zOOO U N '69 reg.. 90 5000 U S Or 'Bl re"... 90 100(0 U 64'81 &rbil; 9074 46000 do 90 500 U S '6l. 0W L y j yearly 88% . 1000 do 88 1C4.0 IT S 5x'65 88 7000 IT S 5s '74 coup. 793 3000 do 79% 34000 Trea 7 3.10 p c n 99 20000 Ohio Os '00.....100 1000 Kentucky St 6s. 89 1009 do .. ... 88% 5000 111 war 10an.... 81 3000 do 81% 3000 do 81% 1000 'ltion& St 2%.. 55 5000 Tenn 6s '9o_ 55 3000 d0..........54% 370 C-0 do . . . „ 54h 1000 Vir St is 57 20000 K Car St Gs ... 06 0000 Mo St 65....830 48 24000 d0..........48 6000 do ... . .. 48 , 4 1000 do b2O 98.34' 7000 Mc 68 iss to 11 et SttosP 60 1000 California St 18. Sly t VICO 1 1' C.lB 48.... 084 1000 Erie R 4th mtg. 84) 8000 do . . . . . 85 48608uf NY & Elm 80 100081 Ind R s Fd ba.10136 3000 Harlem2d nt bs. 95 1000 T & All 1 nr... 92 1000 Chi & N W 2 m. JO EOOO DL&WRIm.IO4 1000 Mien 'So 2d mtg 7000 Tot& Web 2 m.. 48 4000 Mil F P duC 1 m 89% 90 Chatham Bank.. e 9 30 Shoe& L 8k.... 81 10 Park 8ank..... 94 10 Penn Coal C 0... 88% A PAPER FOR TEE CAMP AND FIRESIDE. FORNEY'S WAR PRESS. A SPLENDID NUMBER FOR SATURDAY, FEB- RUARY 22 RNGRAVINGS.—Tbe Bombardment of Roanoke Is land by the Burnside Expedition—General John A. Dix —General Negley—Brigadier General Pieasonton—lm proved Army Tents—Hon. Hamilton Fish—Bishop Ames —Small Potafoce. _ WAR TALE.—Frank Limigard ; or, An Arm for the Cause. FROM GEN. TIALLECK'S DEPARTMENT.—The Great Victory of the War: The Capture of Fort Douel son—Official Despatch front Commodore Foote—Details of the Victory—Speech of Central Elalleck—Official De witch to Qom' PlcrAellAn—Poopatch from Comtnod re Foot: Clarksville to be Attacked by the Mortar Fleet— Description of Fort Doneleon—Sketches of the Union Generals—The Rebel Generals—Recapture of Springfield —1 he Pursuit of the Rebel Price, 3M. FROM GEN. BUELL'S DEPARTMENT.—The Re bel Force at Bowling Green Before its Evacuation—The battle at Logan'o Groat Ronde c Official Wort of Gene ral Then ac. FROM GENERAL SHERMAN'SDIVISION—Let ter front 'Maori Head—The Expedition to Savannah: Speedy Capture of the City Anticipated: Encounter with Tatnall's Fleet. GEN. BERNSIDN'S EXPEDITION.—DetoIIe of the Military and Naval rorcea Connected with the Burnside Expedition—First Fee oral Report of the North Carolina Victory—The Battle of Roanoke: A Graphic Description of the Affair: The Bravery of the Land and Naval Forces. FROM THE SOUTH.—Rebel Accounts of the Union Feeling in Tenneeeee—The Misery Existing in Mississin pi—Affbire at Eichcoond—Symptoms of Discouragement. TILE LETTILES OF OCCASIONAL."—The Stir kenaer of Mason and SILIell—T he Nationat The Conspirators in Despair—The Downfall of the Seces sion Movement. EDITORIALS.—The Latest War News—The Can tore of Fort Donelson—The Offer of lason and Slidell to Abolish Slavery—The Debate in the British Parliament— The Evacuation of BowliUg Green—Fort Sumpter, &c. SPECIAL DESP ATCHES FROSS THB CAPITAL.— The United States Note /3111—Presentation of Rebel Flags to Congress The Cele nation of the 231—Important Ex ecutive Orders Relative to State Prisoners, &c. MISCELLANEOUS.—A Son of Lord Byron in the Army—Parson Brownlow—Destitute Indians, &c. LATEST NEWS.—The Fort Doneison Victory—The Stars and Stripes Floating in Arkansas—Surrender of Savannah—Later from Europe, ¢m, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.—The Stoney Market—Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. WAR POETRY.—ltoanoke—Evenlng Thoughts After the Battle at Port Royal Ferry—"" T ied in the Camp"— The Sentry—Freemen, Arm Ye !—The Star of the Union In State WAIL WIT AND HUMOR. Single Copies for sale at the Counter of The Press. TEEMS:—One copy, one year, $2; Three copies, one year, 85 ; Five copies, one year, $B. CITY ITEMS. DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS (Con tinued): Cartel—Agreement for an exchange of prisoners. Casenble—The knob at the breech of a gun. Cavalier-6 work in the interior of a baaiital. Cbeek—The timber side of a gun-carriage. Mafia of a Gon—lte length frmn trunione to tiiii le_ CircamTstlation Line—A low parapet and trench of earthwork encircling a besieged place. Camp Colere—Flege eighteen inches square, to mark ovchitions. Commissary—Provision purchaser. Convoy—k detached guard to accompany supplies Corpa—A body of troops under one commander Uniforms for officers of the tt Marine Corps" and others, provided at Chas. Stokes' One-price Clothing Sto e, under the Continental Hotel. THE BACKBONE BROKEN.—It is said that the defeat of the rebets at Fort Donelson broke the bask of the rebellion. lonan'a erotic wads paneled it. head very badly; Beaufort blackened both eyes and bloodied its nose, and Roanoke gave it a stunning kick in the rear. Jeff Davis may say, t• Once more into the breech dear friends, once more !" but there are no breeches availabfe for them to get into ; tbey are help less and i.reeehlese, while we have her an unbounded soars.. e`f eßisfdY la the BP6iViri-giohe Clolldt:,s Hell of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 600 Chnnnut aired, above Sixth. THE EAIPRESS EUGENIE is, according to late gossip, becoming quite a politician ; but her policy Is dl . rectly oppeatil l 9 that c,r the Emperor. She corresponds with me.y. Amen of Um clerical party 4 Vala defends warns- Iy the temporal power of the rope and the cause of the ex-King of Naples. She agrees with her husband in one thing, however, And that is, that decidedly - the neatest and best litthiegiiiist eats in the country are manufac tured at the palatial Clothing Establishment of Granville No, 60 9 chellttll# otrot, whore prim Aro fixed to suit the times. PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES.— Idr. C. 11. Mattson, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on hand a very choice line of old Port and Sherry Wines, suitable for invalids, or any others Rho wish ar. ally pare article of this kind. Ile has also constantly on hand ynre old Brandies for medi cinal purposes. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. lEir SEE 7011ETH PAGE CLEARED. Brig Madeira, Zlorron, Barladoes, J E Baal°, & Co, Bahr Alliance, Ireland, Batteras Inlet, Tyler, Stone it Co. L. Bohr Adelaide, Young, do do Bcbr J L Hess, Webb, do do bcisr C Wiliialne, Golding, do do S,ht. .11 gll [MU% Marta, Port Rota, Jo Ear W G Bartlett, Connelly, do do MEMORANDA Steamship Kennebec, Garton, hence, arrives at Now York yesterday. Steamship Kangaroo, McGuigan, frata Liverpool, ar rived at Nt w York yesterday. . Ship Lord Brougham, (Ham) Harting, cleared at New YgrlC yesterday for Philadelphia, Blip Pacific, lull, for 'locum' As rex, cboarM at Now York yesta Any. Ship Westmoreland, Decan, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool a inst. - Brig J W Woodruff, for Philadelphia, waa discharging at Ponce, PR, inst Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, hence, was going into Rio de Jamie° 21st Dec. Brig West, Rodgers, at New Ifota yesterday from Buenos Ayres. Behr Nero, Goudey, hence, via Queenbtown, at Dublin 33 intst. Ear J C Henry, Love, cleared at New Yoik yetterday for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO MARINER'S. Notice is hereby given that a spar buoy, with red and black horizontal stripes, has been placed off the SW aide of a sunken wreck which has been discovered in the en trance to Buzzard's Bay, Mass. The wreck lies in 13 fathoms water at low tide, and has but from four to six feet water on her mast beads. The following are magnetic bearings or prominent oh , - jecto frQnl the bIIOYI vio Cuttylnink Light fiE X 8. Vineyard Round Light Vessel SW X S. Ribbon Reef Buoy NW. Sow and Pigs Rimy SW by 8. By order of the Lighthouse Board. E. A. LOVE., Clerk to L. H. Inspector, Second District. Boston, Feb. 18,1862. NAYAL. The U S *learner Curlew 'proceeded to the Brooklyn Easy yard yesterday.morning, where *the would take on board one hundred and Edo , sailors, and mail in the even• tug for Boston. Easton, Feb 19—The discovery of a leakage in the boilers of the steamer Kensington will delay her depot, lure. Meet of her coal Lae been taken out, to allow of repairs. Sailing. frigate Vern:oat, storesiiip, 24, Com'r Inddnin i leit het moorings Installing, and was towed down to the Roads, where she waits a convoy to Port Royal. Weymouth, Feb 2-11 m IT S steamer Tuscarora ar rived in Portland Loads about 10 o'clock this morning; sho steamed in from the westward, and remains. CARD PRINTING, BRST AND CIIZAPIST ilt the City, at 84 south THIRD &rad. CIRCULAR PRINTINO, Rant and Obespeut ht the U br. et 84 &putt, THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Bast sad Cheapen In the 014, at 14 South THIRD Street. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1861 FIIIIRUARY 19—Evening haugc—February 19 BOARD. 1(006 American Cold-103% 10000 do ...... —.103% 8000 do b 15,10331 3.5000 do 430.109)( 1500 do 103 28 Del & Hud Cl co.. 96% 30 racilic Mail B._ 95 25 do b6O. 90 55 du 94% 225 do 01% 50 do s3O 94 IGS 44 50 do 45% 580 N Y Cent...... nag 82% 100 do ..p&4 82% 200 do b3O 82% 25 do 82% 100 do ao 824 NO Erie Railway..s6o 344 100 do 800 alit' 90 do 34% 200 do • 34% 10 do 24% 200 do 34% 50 Erie R Pret'd s3O 58% 300 do 5.a% ,100 do AO 58% 300 Beading R. 43 410 Mich Central 1t... 53% 50 do s3O 53% 000 do b3O 53% 15 Mich 0 di Li I It 2.3 1 1 250 do boo 22% so Panama R 119 200 El Cen scrip 62% 50 do b3O 62% 150 do 830 621( 20 Cleve Col &,Cin R. 107% 350 Gal .5 Chic 8.._ 6874 250 Cloy& Tol R.. 44% 109 do i.. 34 44% 200 do s3O 44% 200 do b 4 444 60 Chicago & R 1.... 54% 10 Mil & P D C R... 20 49 New Jersey R.... 1.14% ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOOK LAN. NI9HT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth end Uhontnat W M Stewart, Indiana lion A K At4Clure,liarrisbg H Soother Harrisburg II Pittsburg Mr. N Soother, Cincinnati lion T Jones, Yorke, N J Cut It Taylor ' N Cincinnati, 0 J M nyder, New York F New York J !Stetson, &Mon W Firiustoue la, Roston J Harrisburg Major Floyd Jones, U ii W Putorroy, Cincinnati d W Drown, lialtioivro Copt J Mclntosh, U a A Capt W C Thompson, N Y S Starr, lowa J Dh ern Win Foster, Jr, New York C Anthony, New York Win P Sheffield, Rhode 'Ad Benj M ailson, Newport Time Palmer, Pittaburg Mrs It Walden, Now York J W Walden, New York If N Lawnau & N Y Mite Lannon), New York T P Buchan, Jr, N 'l' S Mom oe„lr, do la,llosten Borneo rioreon, N J Mee ÜBo din, Newark, N J J Ingham, Belem, N J A hire W M slowort, 11.4 G N NeOiitt It la, New York B W Floyd & la, N York .1 A Mellow., U S A .1! B Atterbury, Pitteburg Mr COliliise d: la, Baltimore Mrs Ellis, Baltimore M Ayer A; wf, Maine .1 S Coburn A wf, ?dein° It Canipbt 11, Jr, It Island L K Kramer, Virginia A Spear, Maryland B Trenkely, Cincinnati, 0 kt Feiltheimer, Cincinnati 11 Stix, Cincinnati, 0 U Frost, Jackson co, Va A Kuhn, Virginia Geo &ince , ' Penns A Turp lE.ikkticky Dr C 11 IlaeFeler, Penns P C Pope, U S N Jos Wood, New York Mr Hooper Jc la, Boston Bliss Hooper, Boston T C Halsey, Portland Miss Heiser, Portland M A Zabriskie, New York B K Bud!, Chicago Alonzo Richmond, Chicago C Garber, New York Titus Eddy, Troy, N Y J G Warren, Boston 11 0 Flow D P Studer J G Brown, Now York It IV 'i il6lllllg, California J B Breereary, M. Chunk 3 J Mandl, New York John Bard ar ta ' 'few York Mr Jay & la, New York J Kirkpatrick,New York P IV Scudder, Boston J Davis, Boston II IC Giffin & la, Now York J T Van MU & la, N York M Steck E Aguirre Aguirre A WLowry A la, Erie, Pa Wm Gilpen, Denver, C T R E Whiteitt, Denver, C T W 11 Calvert dt Is, Ohio W H Warner, New York it Porterfield, Now York D Dodd, Now York W B Bennett, New York E C Fisher, New York Geo B Leonard, Boston J Tappan, New York W Bush, New York R Harrington, N York S W Payson, Boston A L Collins, New York it Cornier dc, la, N York Jos Merrifield, Baltimore E K Williams A. hi, Mass Mice Dear , Mails Nice Andrews, Boston Wll Bailey wf, Albany W Niblo, New York George W Band, Boston JIl Mckenzie, New York It it Tracy, New York R Knott, Louisville] 3 Sinieton, New York D NeDonnahltuu, N York Geo T Johnson, Mass B Y liMekley, Cincinnati, 0 J W Blackley, Cin, 0 Thos Drop', New York H W Jonkiss, New York W B Watkins t wt, N York 8 B Pierce, jr, Boston F P Dean, Tipton, Pa Geo C Richardson, Boston AMERICAN HOTEL—tlheetnnt et., above Fifth A Hitchcock, Now York H E Per/ino W Chase, Augusta, Me G S Ballard G F Thompson, New York E Woman k, la, Maryland D .1 Justice, Minnesota T H Mc!liotiu, Delaware J M Carnest, Maryland G W Lehman, U 8 A J Aehcr.ft, Now Yolk A W Frye, New York 11. S Bartholomew, Conn C C Smith, Columbus, Ohio Alex 'awe'', New Jersey ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnat street, above Third. Boy burn, Indiana I Maginess, Indiana W R !term's, Boston W H Wilson, Rhode Island S S Stevens, Penult Mrs Gorham & eon, N Y V Cohen, New York J Small, New York C Gonser, New York M A. Long, Maryland J E Henn, St Louis H C Donovan, Brookl3 n THE 'UNION—Arch street, above Third Jos Shubert, Philadelphia J B Crane, Washington Z L Elettir, Pittsburg Win Semple, Allegheny. P H Kainnuerer, Zanesville Geo Merdet, Wheeling, Va Wm Eielunan, Rai ton A J Whiteley, Maryland Miss Lizzie Lambdin, Del Miss Foster, Delaware Mies Salllo Maggee, Delaware C Id Reynolds, New Jersey A Clarke, Ohio John Harrold H Rerper, Reading MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. A C Robinson, Pittsburg Wilt facUreary, Pittsburg Jae 8 McCord, Pittsburg Hon A K McClure, Penna Eli J Saeger, Pennsylvania Win 8 Young, Allentown Geo W Garretisey, Penna Thos Kear, Minersville Black, Ohio Mr Jameson & la, Reading T S nonapson, Penna Mrs Jackson, Huntingdon Perry J Tate, Gettysburg C B Wilder, Boston STATES 11MTION—Market surest, above Sixth. J J Pay, Williamsburg, Pa G M MeD.)llos, G 1' Deed, Indiana, Pa N E Geld, Emma B McLanghten Jos Elder, Pittsburg W H Watt, Latrobe J Sheaffer. Lancaster W Murray, Williamsport J Maxwell, New York Geo M Biddle J Kennedy, Lancaster co J Watson, Lancaster co Mrs Walker, Chester co . W J Allis in. retina T G Woodward, lowa 11 II Illetitak 7 Pehhit P M (lulu, OaßsaLria co, N. MADISON NOUSE—Second street, above Market, 'l' II Bealoe, Atlantic City E Peck, Stroudsburg J Pratt, Bradford county W Thorp, Delaware W Bill, Delaware H W NeCuilY, Delaware It Jacobs, Bridgeville S Sharp, Delaware J Penney, Penna C N Stone, Penn% Jll Sawyer_ Staten Island 0 Downer, Pouna Bev Dr McLean, Easton J L McLean, Easton Mrs Hughes, New Jersey W F Watson, Yardleyville S 11 Potts COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. SII Baker, Cheater co, Pa S R Carson, Maryland Il N Krouse, Pouna J B Champion W A Atwood, Penpa CaptJno T Potts, Penna W N Hobart, Pottstown T S Smith, Maryland A Spencer, Maryland A G M Prevojt, N J NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. T G It Murphy, York co, Pa A Huffnagle, Penna R Largdon W Kipp J W Royer, Pottstown J Hammel, Maryland B Seeger, Maryland J Kirkpatrick, 9 Haven W Davie, Penna Cei U Oarmany F A Befferinan, l'enna C F Rentschler, Penna J H Hoover, Ashland, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street. above CaHondal. S Broahurst, Bunke co W Enders, Dauphin co, Fa L F Ott, Sellersville A Eshbach, Norristown J Graff, Ridge Valley C Miles, Fox Chase Roads, Southampton D It Clemens, .„Criest Valley E B Kraus, Mont co, Pa D Ii Bechtel, Bechtelville GI lice, Amityville F K Weldy, Tamaqua J Staudt, Beat:Willa J Miller, Bernville, Pa .1116_RLICY SHESAV—SmAin atettet„ holm. Vino. Wm Headley, Bristol Alex Gathers, N Jersey J Cadwallader, Perm' H Stewart, N Jersey Chas Palmer, Edgewood Mr !tipple, Penult. J Carver II D Banns, Camp Piarpout Mies Fanny Itly, Penns Miss Davis, Penna C D Raiford, Newark, N J BJCVNIIN 1101101-011#a atmot, Muyve Miss Sallie Kirk, Media W %Valera, New York B O'Flackcrty, Pldlade B Newland, Marple, Pa Joe Baldwin, Mass B Dexter, Boston J S Myers, Beading MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et, ab. Arch. W H White, Deana J D Carter, Delaware JD - barren, Delaware T It Fowler, Delaware A Scott 4; son, Ducks county C H Middleton, New Jersey BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowhill. W Jacoby, Camp Patterson L Evans, Camp Patterson BW Bowler, Camp Patterson 0 L Wright, Penna W Litton, Bucks on, Pa J P Berger, Quakertown J !daddy, Clearfield SPECIAL NOTICES. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DTSREPSIk cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! D f SPIPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! p•YSpEPF,TA cored for $l, or $1 returned I WISHART'S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL is a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price 51 per box. Bout by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No.lo North SECOND St eet. feS•2m L. Q, G. WLSRART. ONE-PRIOR CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST, made hi the But Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-Flues SYSTEM is strictly adhered 49, All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO.. 804 MARKET Street. DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV— ous CORDIAL ; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTOR&T/VD. Ths gets[ txeinMy faE all Nervc.t. Complaints, 'DAM ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, &c. Trice For sale by DYOTT Sc CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal-that[ Depot for all Popular Medicines. MARRIED . FABRAN—LOCKHART.—Fob. 16th, 1862, at 242 Hanover street, Kensington, by John G. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. David Wilson Farran, and Miss Elizabeth Mar garet Lockhart, both of this city. * DIED. SLDRIDGE-- , —On the Nth Met_ Anna MM.. aalkAk daughter of Eli IL and Mary D. Eldridge, in the 15th ytar of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, Green street, above Thirteenth street, on Satur day afternoon. 221 inst. at 2 o'clock, without farther notice. To proceed to 'laurel JIM Cemetery. *** WOorl).—On Tuesday afternoon, 1014 Met., Ellen 8., daughter of Thomas and Maria Wood, aged 18 years. The relaterce of the 'amity and her young friends are invited to attend the funeral, from her fathers' residence, No. 820 Arch street, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. ** 11A11.1ILTON.—On the 17th lust, J. B. W. Hamilton, in the .55th year of hisage. he relatives mil friends of the family are Invited to attend his ffldllliite Corner of kleventh and iiiirare genets, this (Thureasy) afternoc n, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Ceme tery. •tr PrillKEL—Suddenly, on the 16th Mat., Mr. Philip Fitiu r, in the 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respsetfully . Invited to attend his funeral, from hit late residence, tfo. /219 CierntatilOyll run!, above Girard i s ivmmi. Thureaav ) morning, at 9 o'clock, without further notice. Proceed to the Mount Vernon Cemetery. N. B.—The undertakers of this city are respectfully invited to attend. Also, his male friends. Baltimore and Chicago papers please copy. * B.A.NDLAND.—SuddenIy, on the 16th inst., Thomath Fandlaud, in the grit 't 3 ear of his age. Teq relAtiyto fAd trionda of tt o family are rosnoctfollY invited to attend the funeral, from Ms late residence, No. 069 Race street, this (Thursday) morning, 20th inst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Glen wood Cemetery. BBYANT.—On the 16th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant, wife nt Captain John L. Bryant, aged 3ti Yam. RESSON & EON MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CUES [NUT Street. (Goods re ceived January 15th to 81st.) Black and white striped and check Silks; Shepherd plaid bilks; black Poult de Soiee and glossy Saks; English Chintzes and Be Lemnos; Balmoral Skirts; Lace and Rivieze Ruffles; Lace Sleeves; Crape Cellars; Blanket Shawls ; Thibe t Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Ruches; bilk and Cotton Blonde Neck Bitches' Large Vriinp English Grapes; Love and Grenadine Veils •, Crape Veils; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Sets; double-width Black ltionsselinee. &c. te7 CrrREPUBLICAN CITY CONVENTION. —Au adjourned meeting will be held at the Count) , Court Holm, TI3IS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at 7% o'clock. runctual attendance is requested. CHAS. HUB? AREVS, lt* &crews% try. Pi OTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the GERIWITO WI( at AR KS. T CONIPANY will be held at their ()Meson T HUSS DAY, February 20, 1802, at 4 o'clock P. M., on business of importance. By order of CHARLES J. WESTER, President. JOSIIPH KING. Secretary. fe11.14.19,20.4t* MISS LAURA DE FORCE, Or WM UL3 CONSIN, one of the most able and eloquent lec turers of the age, will speak on "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," the grand battle-cry of the French Revolu tion, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on FELD 1 1. Y EVENING, the 21st inst., at 8 o'clock. Arlntiminn, 5 cents. fel9-3t* us PEPIN MEDICAL UNIVERS' TY.— The ANNUAL COMMENCE:HP.Ift will in) hold ou THUD:A/AY, the 70th inst., at 3 o'clock. The Vale dictory addrose by Prof. C. A. LEEMI, M. D. The Graduating Class consists of both winos. The public are united. [felB-3tnt] J. S LONOVIIGRE, Dean. F A Gruen, Boston G A`Niculls, Minn btowart, Indiana II Manning ,t; Iw c 5 . ENCAMPMENT TWENTY-EIGHTH BISCIMENT, P. V. POINT or Boca's, Mn., Feb. 14, 1502. At a meeting ef the AMAMI! of the Trimly-eighth Seal merit, Penna. Vole., the following preamble and resolu tions were adopted Whereas, It has pleased Divine Providence to remove by death from our association, Second Lieutenant 11U0f1 HINDMAN, Company IL, the first of our fellow offi oars thus to be taken front our midst ; And, IYhereas, The circumstances under which lie was cut down at the outset of his military career, in the full flush of apparent health. in the gratification afforded by his recent, promotion from the ranks, in the midst of bright and buoyant henna of tha future, render peculiarly appropriate, on this occasion, an expression of regret and sorrow commensurate with the low thus sustained by a bereaved family NO wide circle of friends. Resolved, That we Levi!** tender to the family of the deceased our sincere and heartfelt condolence with them under the afflicting circumstances attendant upon their unexpected deprivation. Respired, That in bin death, the cause in which we are engaged ha, been denrired of • etannch and valiant de fender, the regiinent or an elilelent and faithful officer, and bin company of a good soldier and a true friend. Resolved. That tho regiment pup the last tributo of respect on the departure of his I sooting for his late resi dence, and that the officers wear the customary badge of mourning during the usual period. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be forwarded to Lis family. it* ay. OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD COMPANY, No 308 WALNUT Street, lg . On and after Feb. let, 1862, litileage Tickets will be issued at $4O each, giving the holder a right to travel 2,- 000 miles at any time, b. tween any points. and in No. 1 care of Passenger Train of the Catawissa Railroad Com pany. 'Business men and otkr , haring occasion to travel fre quently between different points, will find this arrange ment convenient and economical. For , said tickets and other information. apply to STANLEY GOODWIN, Superintendent, Wihivnapurt or to WM. It. FISHER., Tretteurer, No. 308 WALNUT Street, Philp fe2o-tbstu-lm OFFICE t'OF • THE FIULTON COAL COMPANY, No. 30 Sonth THIRD Street An Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on the 24th haat, at 13 o'clock 51., for the election of Fire Directors, to terve for the Anteing year. CHAIM - ES S. NOWELL, 1e19.5t SocretarY. EcrNOTICE.—THE ADJOURNED MEET ING and Nlection of tho Stockholders of the QUICKSILVRII MINING COMPANY will be held in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 410 WALNUT Street, Room No. 6, on TUESDAY, March 4.1862, atll o'clock A. M. 'FRANK S. lIOND, tmll4* Secretary. SPECIAL RELIGIOUS SERVICES are being held, EVERY EVILNING (luring the week, in the Chapel of the Fifth Baptist Church, corner of EIGHTEENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. These meetings have proved a blessing to many. The ordinance of Baptism will be administered (D. V.) in the Baptietry of the Chapel, on SABBATH EVENING next, by the Pastor, Bey. JAMES B. $lllllO l lqS, fels-7t* ErOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PH.LADELPHIA, Feb. 10, 1862. NOTICE TO BTOCKHOIDERS.—The Annual Elec tion for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1562, at the Office of the Company, No. 2.38 South THIRD Street_ The Pulls will be open. from ten o'clock A. X. to six O'clock P. N. No share or shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the election, will entitle the holder or holders thereof to a vote. EDMUND SMITH, fell-dtm3 Secretary.. MILITARY GOODS. NATIONAL FLAGS. - BUNTING AND SILK FLAGS. EVANS do HASSALL, 418 ARCH STREET. fel9-4t SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, (27 by 54 inch.) DARK-BLUE RERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMERES. NEW REGULATION FOR OFFICERS' PANTS. WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, 10az., 1.20 z., & 15oz. TENT DUCE. All warranted United States Army standard. FOE SALE BE ALFRED BLADE & CO., ♦0 South FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, rel9-trayl ARMY SOCKS AND MITTS—Knit by the Blind, for sale, No. 11 South EIG/T.TII Street. fels.3t* ARMY OAP BUTTONS AND OLIDEB manufactured at FIFTH Street sad COLUMBIA Ave k MA. fee-lm* BRASS EYELETS , BRASS EYE LETS! for Blankets and Leggings. FIFTH Street and COLUBIBIA. AVEOIII3. E. 'VMS!. fe6.lmit nirArtciAL. GOLD AND SILVER AND QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES, Bought and sold. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES Furnished at a liberal discount. DREXEL & Co. G EORGE J. BOYD. BANKER, NO. 18 SOUTH THIRD STREET. QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES, Oa/ Warrants, Bank Notes, Specie, dm., dealt in. STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. 311211-lm SI,OOOAND—This amount to LOAN au Mortgage or Groundgent. Apply to E. PETTIT, ja29 No. 309 WALNUT Street. $ 3 300 A e d GRO FIRST-CL ASS SENT 0f A &m i t tor ea l o, of liboto r r cilootnams. Atryir to E. PETTIT, jal No. 309 WALNUT Street. NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.— The steady ineres4e In the demand for Colored not9grapba at RIMER'S Gallery, dIsiOOND Street' above Green, la the beet evidence or their merit. Only 1. 11* FORWARD.- —ln the march of im provement REIMER intends to take the lead— his colored Photographs for $1 are undeniable evidence of the fact. Gallery SECOND Street, aoove GREEN.* BRIGADIER GENERAL MONT GODIERY.—A very fine Card Photograph of Bri gadier General Montgomery. • MoALLISTER & BRO., fe2o-3t 728 CHESTNUT Street. GRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR tomititutly dyed oi I`ol.thTlt !pad brciatni Streets. fe2). tf CHRIST CHURCH LOTTERY TICKET.—A Card Photograph of a Lottery Ticket, issued by Christ Church, Philadelphia, in MI Price No&LLIBTXR & BRO,, 728 CIRESTNUT Street 25 ce nts. f020.8t MASON.. & Co., ENGRAVERS AND STATIONERS, VW CHESTNUT STREET, Raving resolved to close their place of business on SATURDAY, 22n INSTANT, In honer of the day, beg to notify their ea:ten:WS Ott no cards or ranges sill be delivered from Fribty till Mon day. -2i* OLD WHITE BEAR HOTEL- W. caner of FIFTH sod RACE Streets—kept by P. BURGTBA.L. Ample accommodation for Weekly and Transient Boarders. Also, a well-supplied Bar and Restaurant adjacent. Oerman Dinner at 1 P. M. fe:10.,4t NOTICE.— The subscribers have en tered into a COPARTNERSHIP for the transac tion oil+ wholesale Fur, Wool, Silk, and Straw Hat bunt nese, under the fine of JOS. & T. H. SAUNDEfts, at No. 34 North FOURTH street. JOSEPH SALINDEBS, Tilos. H. SAUNDERS. Second month, 10th, Mt fe2o-3t* COLONEL WISTAB, (California Re giment.)—A Yery floe Caro Pi taro of Colonel NV's tar, California Regiment. Price 25 cents. Mailed free MQALLI3TEU & BRO T 2 CHESTNUT Silva of Charge fe2o. iit DR. SPEAR'S PILLS CURE REIEU MATISAT, DYSPEPSIA, and all SKIN DISEASES. Sold only at 33 South FIFTEENTH Street, third door north of Chestnut. Agents wanted. fold-3t* CHARLES S. °AMSTAR'S, NO. ED WALNUT STREET. (Late of the firni of J SiURETWIE & OA RSTAIRS,) OFFERS FOR SALE COGNAC BRANDIES, of the brands of Waivers; Fillet, Coatillion, Otard, Dupuy, &e. ROCHELLE DUANDlES—Yell‘voilln and A. Seig! tiette. BORDEAUX BRANDY—I J. Dopey. CLARET, in casks and cam, of the brands of Rant Mien, be. Jillit , ll,Cliaterin Margaux. PORT WINE—De Muller, Alicante, and Berreeails. .MA D &IRA WINE—OId and New, of various brands. NIIERRY WINE— do do do CHAMPAGNE, of various brands. 'WRITE WINE VINEGAR, &c., fa2A-12t BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SOM STNEETS. nTlittl%L tlitfiN OF BOMBS, ON WAS MOWING, 21st of February,lB62, at 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, Ninth and Sansoni streets, will he sold, without reserve, for cash, THIRTY HORSES, Just arrived in the city, from Colombians counts., Ohio. Among the lot may be found horses adapted for har ne,s and saddle use. fast trotters, and business horses; also, heavy draught and farm horses. b`nll particulars in catalogues at the sale. Sir No postponement on account of the weather. Br' Saturday being the 22d of February ( Washing tt Ws Birthday), no public sale will be held at the Bazaar. it ALFRED N. MEEKNESS, Auctioneer. NEW MOURNING GOODS. BESSON 8c SON Have just received for SPRING SALES, BLACK DRESS GOODS EFGLIBII BOMBAZINE3. FRENCH DOM ISA %INES. SUMMER HOMBAZINICs. MOUSSELINES, TA MINES. BILK Olf A LIES. TAHIM ALOIS, Ac. BLACK THIN DRESS GOODS SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Shepherd Plaid Valencias, Saxony Shepherd Plaids, Striped Taffeta d'Ai4llOBY, Shepherd Plaid Silks. Black and White Neat Check Silks, Black and White Neat Striped Silks, Black and Purple Paris Mousselines, &c. BESS ON & SON, N. B.—Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM. both in buying and selling, we are enabled to purchase and sell our goods at the very lowest possible prices. 11 KID GLOVES. JUST OPENED A FRESH INVOICE _OF EMB'D KID GLOVES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND CAM DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Having organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT In connection with their WHOLESALE TRADE, will ex hibit, at all eeasons, a line of Goode by the yard, piece, or package, at each rates as to commend their stock to the attention of cash buyers. ia2B-tf BLACK SILKS BY THE PIECE. Black Oro de Rhine& Black Gro de Brilliant. Black Corded Gro Grain. Black Figured Double Faced. BYRE & LANDELL, fel3 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. EYRE & LAN - DELL, FOUR T H and ARCH, are opening for Spring 4-4 Bich Light Chintzes. 4-4 Light Spring Brilliants. New Spring Style DeLainee. PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, are opening for Spring Napoleon Blue Plain Silks. Select Shades Brown Silks. Solid Colors Figured Silks. fel3 VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. are opening for Spring Fine Plaid Dress Silks. Fine Plaid Bonnet Silks. Black and White Shepherd Plaid. fen 67 PIECES NEW SPRING PRINTS. New 4-4 Shirting Prints. New Oil Chintzes at 18% cents, worth 25. New Imported Ginkbams. COOPER & CONARD, fe3 NINTH and MARKET Streets. BLACK ALPACAS. One auction lot 3T%, worth 50 cents. One auction lot 25, worth 31 cents. rine Black Wool Delainee, 373§' cents. COOPER a CON&RD, fen Bontbeaet corner NINTH awl 'MARKET. IL IVIST9 LINEN GOODS. Medium and Fine Fronting Linens. Heavy Shirting and Pillow Linens. One lot Red-bordered Fringed Towels, 18% cents; cheap. Linen Sheeting, Diapers, Napkins, Doylies. Damask Table Cloths, Cloy Linens, 4to, COOPER St CONAMD, fe3 Poutheast corner NINTH and Pd. tRKET. 97 AND 24-INCH SKY-BLUE KEE SETS, SUPERFINE INDIGiO•DLUE SATricriS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. IN STORE, AND FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA. feN-32t 10 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET PATENT MeOI.4ELL.A.N TIES. PATENT MCCLELLAN . TEES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT MCLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLA.N SCARFS. PATENT McOLF.T.L.A.N SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S I AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' 5 ATJ. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY OBAYAT STORE IF YHILAONLIIILL P. S. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elsewhere. P. S. N 0.2. Mon's "Furnishing Goods, in every variety P.S. N 0.3. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. 1197.1M010m 'UNION ENVELOPES! UNION EN YELOPM! UNION ENVELOPES! OVER 350 DIFFERENT STYLES. Country Storekeepers eupplied with twenty five or a AT THE VERY LOWEST PRIDES, AT MAGEE'S, Union Paper and Envelope Mandatory, No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, Come( of HUDSON street. REMEMBER, 316 CHESTNUT Street. folfl4t EVERY LADY WHO WISHES TO BE BEAUTIWUL should - purchase HUNT'S COVET TOILET POWDER. It le used by the Court Drautira in Europe, and ii ie the only Powder thai will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, and SO cents. BUNT'S BLOOM of ROSES. a beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or lips; it will not wadi off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price $l. These articles are .infaa new, and can only be ob tained or HUNT 3c CO. 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. All kinds of FaLay Soave and Perfu mery. Telo 2m NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP"ETNA," FROM LIVERPOOL. —Tito "ETNA" railed from Liverpool on the 29th of January, and, in consequence of damage sustained al ass by collision, was compelled to put Leto Holyhead. She afterwards proceeded to Liverpool, wh t wo the orgo w 441 tranehipped on beard the Company a steamer EDIN. BURGH, now due. Consignees are hereby notified that an average bond is at the Company's office, 15 BROADWAY, and one also at the office of LAWSON .t WALKER, 62 WALL Street, and they are requested to call with their bills of lading, and sign the bond, immediately on the ship's ar rival. as no goods can be delivered until the bond is signed. JOHN G. DALE, fel9-34 Agent. OF $l,OOO TitHEEMWAAYOBRDO.ITTKOEFCFITTOEir LADNLPHIA accordance with a Resolution of the Councils of the city of Philadelphia, approved this day, a rewind of ONE THOUSAND DOL Lass will be paid to, or among such person or pontoon, as shall afford the evidence requisite for arrest and conviction of all parties by whom the fabricated papers, purporting to be returns of votes in Companies A, C, and IC of the Eighty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, fur members of City Councils, were forged, uttered, or pinlished. In testimony whereof, I have hereto caused to be affixed the Beal of the city of Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-two. ALEXANDER HENRY, fel9-21 May or of Philadelphia. OLD LEAD-8 barrels just roomed per tiohoormAutaiia, ° for mole by JAUBSTOHE & ABSTAIN!, go? MI lad 901 South FRONT Stroot. RETAIL DRY GOODS. THE FOLLOWING POINT DE VENICE. BAREGE BAREGEB. GRAPE MAirETZ. BILK GRENAIINES, 1,6 BLACK SILKS POULT DE SOLES. POULT DM SOLES MAT. GROS GRAINETTAS. GRO3 GRAINS. GROS DE 11IFINE5. GROS DE lIRILLIANTS. LYONS TAFFETAS. FOULARDS, Ac. MOURNING STORE, No. 908 CHESTNUT Street NEW PUBLICATIONS UE P PUBLISHED BY JOJN CAMPBELL, PUILADBLPIIIA BANK BOOK STOR E. " AUTHORITIES CITED ANTAGONISTIC TO HORACE BINNEI 'S coNimusioNs ON TOE WRIT OF HABEAS COBTILt," by 'Lwow Jackson. Price .0 cents. HORACE EiNNEY'S PAMPHLET, SHERIIAN'S Edition, for title. Price 25 (aai.. (The above two 'pamphlets ought to go together, so that rewiere may judge correctly.) C.19-2t PRESCOTT'S NAVY REVOLVERS. Large Stock of Prestott's NAVY 4-inch and 8-inch Revolvers. Superior in every respect to any other PIS rot. introduced. COMPRISING STRENGTH, GENTILITY, ACTION, and ECONOMY; Or, in other words. containing all the ox.eleneies of COLT'S, SMITH 4 wssroN's, mut m i tom do woR CLOG'S, room:In - WM in ono inglimmont, tlioroby nothing this HS VOL the most f rmi.lable weapon ever offered for sale. The largest napoltment of Cartridges ever offered in the city of Washington. adapted to alt CARTRIDGE PISTuLS A very fine assortment of GOLD AND BILVEIt WATCHES Imported by Fallow? 1 1 .4 flog N... 17 14.8:1/10n Title; NOW expressly for the Retail Trade. A very fine ansurtmuut of Ladies' and Gents' DRESSING EASES G. A STARKWEATIIER, fel9-Im* 350 PERKY LVAN f A AVOUIIP, up store. PPUBLISHED THIS DA.Y.-SOME THING NEW IN THE LITERAEY WORLD. TUN HAND AND POCKET LIBRARY, AT T. D. PETERSON A interrniiits•, 306 LIDICSTSUr Street The nubile:kers propose to issue this Library uniform with the Tauchnitz Edi ion of the works of British-Au thors, and while they promise that the paper,print, and binding shall in no particular be inferior to le TatICI!. Bitr. Edition, they intend to issue each !limber of the library complete in itself, at the law price of 2.5 cents. This will enable the reading public to obtain the best works of English fiction, in a convenient and elegant form, at a price which will be within the reach of every one. THE WARDEN, A Novel, AY ANTHONY TROLLOPS. 288 pages. Prico 25 cents This is the first number of Tll E lIAND AND POCK ET LIBRARY ' and will be followed by other first-clas4 novels. "All people who have read ' The Warden'—and if any body has not read • The Warden,' let us counsel them to make up for lost time us soon as may be—will know very well what faineant by the Daily Jupiter, and Tom Tow ers."—Satorday Review. Also, Published this Day , CASTLE WAFER; t. , 11, THE PLAIN GOLD RING. By the author of "bast Lynne; or ; The Earl's Dangtmr." Large octavo. itiedso cents. wEo full of incidents, an exciting in every page, so ad mirably written, that one hardly knows how to go to bed without reading to the Just page." Copies mailed to any address in the United Rates free of postage. Publicbed and for Bale at retail or wholesale ac the Cheap Bookaelling and Publimhing Hollio of T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERi. 806 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. CHEAP BOOKS The cheapeat place in the world to law books of all kinds, is at T. B. PETERSON dr. BROTHERS', Phila• delpbia. Send for a copy of their new catalogue, which is sent away gratis to anybody. Books°tiers, NOWA Agents, Putters, Army Officers, aim all others, will be sup plied with any quantities of any Boa., ribli:shod, at the lowest net cash prices, on sending their orders to them. felB.3t MEDICINAL ELECTRICITY ! WONDERFUL DiscorEi?Y AND WONDER- Fl 7, lIESUL2'S! By Prof. C. H. BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Siroet i Ph Hada phia. The discoverer of this new practice has been In this city more than two years, treating the most obstinate diseases which have baffled the best medical skill in this and other cities. Prof. BOLLS warrants the most obstinate acute and chronic cases by contract, and charges nothing if be fails of a cure in a reasonable Urns. The following report ix nut based on rumors or hear. 6fty, it the teltalk of clonal obbervakion, was arrived at alter u careful observation of facts, trans piring from day to day iu our presence, at 1220 WAL NUT Strict, where Prof. B. was daily testing the result of his Electrical treatment in varions forms and condi- HOLM of disease pronounced incurable by the most skilful medical men in tide city WIJNDEBB OF ELECTRICITY. We have witnessed of late In the wonders performed by Electricity, administered by Prof. Bolles, located at No. 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia. where he has suc cessfully tested his new discovery of the Electrical pola rities of the brain and nervous system, by which he claims to control all curable diseases. Having friends under treatment by Prof. 8., an anxie ty to gain information Las itaincoo us to call and winless many experiments. and to satisfy ourselves ad to the claims of Ms new discovery in the application of Electri city as a therapeutic agent; and we would sty fur the benefit of the SICK who have failed to get relief from medical men, that we have teen such demonstrations in the cure of the most obstinate diseases, that we can, with confidence, speak positively front its effects as a curative agent on our friends and others. We have seen a case of Pulmonary Consumption cured by a few applications of Electricity. We have seen a case of Indurated Knee-joint (immovable), of eighteen menthe' etunding, cured in a few days. We liars seen D 3 spepsin, the most obstinate, cured in a few treatments. We have seen Asthma, of twenty years' standing, considered hopeless, cured in three sittings. We have seen cured a ease of Heart Palpitation, of five years' standing. We have seen many eases of Impotence which have be medical skill, also numerous cases of Seminal Weakness, cured by Professor Bolles; also cases of Di abetes, Rheumatism, Spinal Weakness and other diseases, too numerous to mention Aud we know that Professor Bolles warrants to cure all of the above diseases, and many others, after a thorough electrical diagnosis, by which he claims to decide absolutely whether the cases are curable. Jamee P. Groves, M. D., 72.06 Pine street; C. B. Comp ton, M. D.. 1.573 Vine; Bola. Allen. Third and Monroe; Rdward McMahon. 1237 Front; dtanford Stilwell, 1626 Palmer; Charles D. Cushne3, Western Hotel; C 91e- Bride, 617 south Fourth; J. Beckett, No. 613 Callow- Lill street; J. B. Sawyer, Philadelphia; It, Buist, Jr., 92.2 Market; Caltb Lamb. 1.111 Uli,•stbut ; 11z.-.J Mailer• ; J. F. Bitter,lB north Fourth ; 11. 3. Grier, Philadelphia; T. H. Craig, 49 South Third ; M. M. Lapping, 1523 Cad bury Avenue; C. H. Carmirk, Chestnut and Fortieth streets ; Hugh Harrold, 49 South Third stre.t; Johu Buist, 922 Market street; S. P. M. Taker, 1622 South Fifth. fe2o-3t* BARER & COJS 00 D , LIVk OlL.—Being the first in this country tr procure this remedy for medicinal purposes, our long experience iu its preparation enables us to furnish the purest and most palatable Oil that can be procured. Persons disappointed in its use should make a trial of our own, which, for its unequivocal superiority, has been honored with certificates fro.o several eminent Professors in the Medical Colleges of Pitiledelphia, (Akiitsh# wittnn Is the late Dr. Mutter,) and by many distinguished prac titioners throughout the country, who, using it daily iu their practice, have ample opportunities for observing its uniformly beneficial effects. JOHN C. BAKER t CO., 154 North THIRD Street TRUSSES! BRACES!!I3I3I 7 ronTEmptu O. R_ RIERDLI9, S W: corner BABE and TWEL Pl7l Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical ANA faces, has constantly on hand a large and varied stook o elegant French Trusses, and a complete aseortment of best American. English and American SooPerters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes in Ort4l variety, French Pessaries, Ac. Ladtee' Department conducted by Ladles, TWITiIirTH Stmt. drat door below Rae& libMintio MILITARY NOTICES HEALQUARTERS RESERVE BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION, P. N. PIM annLrtttn,Fobruary 12, 1862, ONDEILS, No. 1 I. in pursuance of General Order, No.l, Headquarters First Division P. M., the Brigade will form on the 221 instant, at 11.30 A. M., on Locust street, right resting on Eighteenth. directing east. 11. To avoid delay, battalions will arrive with snb divisions equalized. M. Commanders of companies will, without delay, transmit through 'trainman Ili ad/MAW A satire.: of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, and a return of (Jump and Garrison Equipage. Commanders ot regiments will see that these returns are forwarded In season, and will, on the 23d instant, transmit the consolidated morning report of the 22d. By order of Brigadier General F. E. PATTBRSON. CHARLES M. rimYver, Brigade Major. fuli4t IHEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVA NIA MILITIA. HARRISBURG, FebIRSIT 8, 1863. SPECIAL ORDER, No. 40. MAJOR GENERAL ROBERT PATTERsON, Commanding lot Div. Pennsylvania Militia GENERAL : The Bernie of Repregentativea of this State baying, by resolution passed on the l inat , directed the Adjutant General to ascertain and report to that body, on or before the 15th day of February inst., the number and description of Volunteer Troupe, whether organized under the general militia Jaw of the Commonwealth, or as Home Guards, in the First division, P. V., which could be relied upon for defence in any sudden emer gency, end how the said troops are armed and equipped ; such number to bo AA6#I.IIVILL.I be t parade foe hi•itoeC 'don of the several brigades, regiments, or corps com prising the First division aforesaid, and Including the Borne Guard and Reserve Brigade, and that the said ad jutant General be further directed to report what legisla tion, if ally, be necessary to promote the efficiency of the said First division.. You will, therefore, without delay ? order a parade for your inspection of the several brigades, roghnente, or corps comprising tie First division Pennsylvania Militia under your command, and make report to these head quarters, that the information desired may be furnished. to the House of Representatives, on or before the 15th Instant. By order of A. G. CUBTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General P. its, HEADQUARTERS, Ist DIV. P. M. I'IIILADELPITIA, Feb. 11, 1862. GENERAL ORDER, No. 1. In obedience of Special Orders, No. 40, hereto annexed, the Brigades of Generals Cadwalader, Reilly, Miles, Pleasanton, and Patterson, will parade for the purnomes 0(1101 mention', on SATURDAY, the 22d day of PRBRITARY, at 12 DI. The division will farm on pROAD Street, right on Walnut, facing west. By command of Major General PATTERSON. CRAIG , BIDDLE, A. D. C. felt ILLUMINATING OILS COAL OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOB THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL om, AND RE ' LINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. F. JOHNSTON, Provident. GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, & DEERS' Patent Olen Cones for Lampe, and wholesale denier hi DM. ridge's Patent Oval (liva-proof) and Eastern Flint-Glans Clhimners, Lamps, &o. Burners to burn Coal Oil without Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectively invited to examine our dock. ja3o-1m ERTLAND KEROSENE 0 I L. R. are now prepared to supply Ode OTANDABD ILLIIIIIINATINO OIL EREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKS & CO., Sou Laws, 1010 IKAKKET STRUT, ,a -lo PnUadelphlik. AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE-- NINTH and WALNUT Streeter. .MBS. M. A. GARRETTBO/11. Bole Lessee... THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Fob. W,, The performance will commence with MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR; Or, Falstaff In Love. Sir John Fahitaff Mr. Hackett. Mr. Ford Mr. Edwin Adama. Wlra, roge kin Anna Cows% Km. Ford 'to conclude with THE GOOD VOA NOTHING. Nan, the Geod for Nothing Miss Jefferson. PRICRB-60, 37), 75, and 25 cents Private Boxek *6 and $3. More open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7X. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARMI•STREET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager W, S. FREDERICKS. illßabtlat A oid...a Treasurer NM D, binktilt; SIXTB WEEK. SIXTH WEEK. Thirty-fourth Night. Thirty-fourth Night. JOHN DREW. JOHN .t.,REW. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Feb. 20, 1 8 8 2 , TIIE IRISH. AMBASSADOR Sir Patrick (PPlenipo, To conclude with HANDY ANDY Handy Andy Trdin Drew. FRIDAY, BENRFIT OF JOHN DREW, lICT Prices sensual. liar Curtain rises at Dj after 7 o'clock. Beata secured three dare advanoe. CONTINENTAL THEATRE,. UNPRECEDENTED EXCITEMENT! CHEAP AND MORAL ENTEaTAINMENT. Patronized by Thousands of our citizens, Giwire and Omy—Old and Young, Whose countenances are suffused with ALTERNATE SMILES AND TEARS. THURSDAY, February 20th, and EVERY EVEE.. INO, the peculiarly adapted moral Drawing Boom Ba. tertainment of NIOLE TOM'S CABIN. The FOURTH GRAND . 4 UNCLE TOM" MATINEE, will ta#9 Pilo° tin OATtritPAI next, (being the Ana, vereery of Washington's Birthday,) commencing at 3 o'clock ant terminating about 5. M. GOTTSCHALK. L Mr. °BAIT has the honor to announce that GOT 7 SCHALK'S ONLY TWO GRAND CONCERTS In Philadelphia will take place on 2110NDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, Feb. 24 and 26. AT TIM DIUSICAL FUND HALL, Mr. GOTTSCHALK Has received from the Now "Ift rk Public and Press the moot nifenfli proofs of their high estimation of his talent, and their warm appreciation of the zeal with which he has cultivated his extraordinary gifts. The Concede he is now giving in that city are meeting with immenne BUCCCEIII. It affords Mr. Gran tha nineorost eiPAIRIPA to ba tßa means of renewing an acquaintance thus happily inaugu rated, and of reviving the triumphs of THE GREAT AMERIUAN PIANIST, Whose RUCCEFSCA in Europe, it in well known, have won for him a position In art second to none. Proud of the confidence already placed in him, Mr. Gran is sure that the public will recognize in this fortunate instance an intention on his part to give them none but the beet ar tiete inns ere now to 1 , 1 . SOIIII4 in the musical world, MR. GOTTSUHALK'S fE•ENTREE Will be attended with ample anil complete arrangements for the amusement and comfort of his patrons. The principal Arttets of the Academy of Nude, New York, including . . . . . MISS ISABELLA HINKLEY, BRIONOLI, DIANCUSL Have been engaged to give first-class prominence to the vocal department.. ben WOLFSOHN, Ito distinvuiehed Piarisl4 hag kindly volunteered to 1111.. slat Mr. Gottschalk on this occasion, And that the entertainment may lack nothing for want of the supervision of an experienced and competent Ma estro, . . MR. MAX MARETZEK Will assume the entire Musical Direction. Tho management have prepared the diagram of the Music., Furl Pion, and roserved seats can ha otaasinod in commencing THIS MORNING at 9 A, M., At Mr. Gould'o Mamie Store, cur. Strittltll and ()RENT NUT Streets. The price of admieelon has been fixed at the uanal standard of $1 to all parts of the house' no extra charge for reserved seats. fel9-51 AMATEUR CHARITABLE CONCERT, AT TAB MUSIOAL FOND HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. FOIL TILE BENEFIT or THE CHILDREN'S HOB. PITAL, AND THE CHURCH OF ST. CIIRYSOSTOM. The instrumental pieces by the AMPLITON AMATEUR AsPc'T&TIO . N. The Total parts by plias or Ms, FERE bIaI, CONDUCTOR Mit. PERDLLL To commence at eight o'clock. Tickets one dollar each. .'or sale at the following places: Andre Lik Co., Music Store, 1104 Chestnut street •; Sa muel Hazard, Jr., Bookstore, 724 Chestnut street; Lee Walker, Music Store, 722 Ctiestaat street: .L E. Gould, Nude Store, S. E. corner Cheetnut and BeVenth greet, fel 6.4 t IDDO•NS "AMONG THE POETS kJ ANT) CONIC PROSE WRITERS"—THIS EVE NING (Monday) TUESDAY, and THURSDAY, at 8 P. ISt , Mr. SIDDONS will give a Series of his most pop ular Readings Iron, Dickius, Lever, Hood, &c., at lb* CONTINETAL HOTEL. Tickets 25 cents. fell-4t ALIF E'S RECOLLECTIONS I , CONTINEATTAL . 1- TOTEL,''—rFI.III9I" FAD boNB will, this Evening and To-morrow, impart his Re. collections cf Distinguished People and Events during the past. Forty-tire Years. Commence at 8 o'clock. 21, cent,. 11* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT.-DAVIS' PANORAMA OP AMERICA AND THE CROAT REBELLION! Fourteen thousand feet of canvas and one hundred sad two scenes. Oven NIOLIT and on Wednesday gad Saturday afternoone, for Ladies And Children. felt-MS G ERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS ovary SATURDAY, at o'clock P. Sl., alike MUSICAL FUND U ILL, Package et Eight Tickets. 81; Single Ticketk2s eta T o Li, hid 1,4 An:A.OO.lO Obetinvti. 1 ;00,4 U. a rms , - b Seventh and Chnetnut, and at the door of the Hell. ocilli4 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Olt THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, k open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. If. till 6 P. M. Admieelon 25 cents. Children under twelve yearn. half price. Shama of Stock. 580. )71 WANTS. PARTNER WANTED, WITH CAPI TAL—To go into the Sutler busitiees. & good op portunity will be offered by addresaing, with real name and where an interview nosy be hadi Butler," Press ofnea. fvlB-4* WANTED.—OId Silvor, Plate, or Coin bought, in large or small quantities, by KRIDER & DIDDLE, Silvererniths, EIGHTH and JAYNE Streets. felo-1m 1;1i - I AN T E D-A second-hand Sta tionary Steam Engine, of from BO to 70-Horns Power. Address, stating parEenlars, 11f4 Waco," doS1.1( UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, immediately, for the United States Marina Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MAE for sea service, between the ages of eighteen sat forty years. AU information that may be mantra' will be given et the Rendezvone, 311 Srlnth FRONT sr.*, below Spruce. JAM GB LiCWIB, Captain fel2-12t Recruiting Officer. BOARDING. 91W0 PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH First•class Boarding, at 1417 LOCUST Street. tt44-lia* FOR SALE AND TO LET. c SPLENDID STORE STAND TO LET. The undersigned offers to lot the well-known and long established STORE, with fixtures complete, situated In MAIN STREET, Opposite the SUN HOTEL Brat:MEIJI:Of, PA, Between the Sinren of JACOB RICE and WILLIAM LUCKENBACII. in the centre of the business portion of the town. This STORE has Limn occupied for a number of sears by A. GRIDER & CO. Favorable terms sill be offered to a good reliable bud atm aiM Apply to WM. LUCKENBACII, BETIIVEHEM, PA grl-11 TO RENT—A modern-built brick cottage, situated nenr Weer Chelitvr, with railroad. communication_ ANA' fur furthgr tufartitalra kit Gill PPITII3, No. 4 . 005 CHEM% UT Si. i010.2t4 SAFES. LILL/E'S SAFE DEPOT DE MOTIC)) to No. at BOutb BNTNNTH Wad, near the F ranklin Institute. The undersigned, than/dui for past favors, and WWI determined to merit future patronage, has securest on elegant and convenient store, and has now on bast e large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought sat Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the 0111 strictly fire and burglar wagered made.) Also, LUMPY Unequalled Beak Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors end Locks trill he fnrntuh Li`det 611 theft betide. Tbill it the dredged, We we. tented, and cheapest Door find Lock yot offered. Also, particular attention is called to Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, ho. This Safe Is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet oi fared for this purpose, and is the only one that I. MO" Ore and burglar proof. SPROUL NOTIOII.-1 kayo) now on hand say twasb• of Farrel, Herrin!, o Co.'s Elafee, most or them nearly Eon and some forty of other waiters, comprising • mld* assortment 113 to Woes, and all lately exchanged tat 110 nOwir prices.Pleue cell celebratedLlllle Bld examin e. Safe. Tin They w be meld Sieen lo ' jack-tylf M. O. 9ADLIIR. Lint cj EVANS & WATSON'S BALANAND/11 MIKA IA SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. I bete mkt, of FIRIM-PROOY BAYU Aran ea Lund. INSURANCE COMPANIES. COMMONWEALTH FIRE mstr. V DANCE COMPANY, OP TI) STATE IlEr PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles R. Rogers, John M. Whiten, John R. Walker Edward C. Knight, Hobert #ll9o4l#l46 Thomas D. Inewario Willi= Struthers, Henry Lillie, Jr., Elijah Jonas. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WRITALL, Via President. SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Mace, Commonwealth Building, RS OILEETNIIT Street. Philadelehla. ella NEW SPRING-SHAPE BON. NET-FRAM S. Mao, 14Ot4NNTS and Ukr Cleaned or Dyed and Pressed. Wholesale and Retail, at the Factory, 40S ASCII Street. felS•l2t* THOMAS MORGAN, Agent. WATCHES.—Our facilities for az procuring the BEST WATOLIES manufacture! are unsurpassed, and we are yelling them at very mode rate prices. Fine , watches repaired by notated work men, and warranted to give entire eatiefeetion. FARR & BROTHER, Impotiere, fe7-if 824 OHRSTNUT Street, below FOURTH. iIWATCHES, FRENCH TIME PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by lor Workmen, sr LEWIS LADOMUB & CO.'S, No. 841 011118TNUT Streets Ma. ST AU salt iimfibted. POUND 'BUTTER, FRESH FROM A- hie country. received dally at the ' , Ohne Stmv * No. Pl 2 SPRING GARDZN Street. id3l-ff 1 . 1 .6 A Aileen arvy, John Drow.