Speech of Hon. W". D. Kelley. The lion. W. D. Kelley, of this aiSndelivered a speech in the House of ItsprosentatitirePon Friday last, which has attracted a great deal of attention. As our space prevents us from reprinting it in full, we republish some extracts. A POLICY WANTED The Administration would, in my judgment, do well to announce a policy, clear, well defined, and thorough, which should address itself to the sup pression of the rebellion and the punishment of those who aro participating in it. Such a course would reanimate the public mind and heart; it would irspire with invincible enthusiasm onr army, now diminishing by desertion, disease, and death, and deteriorating from long-continued inaction; it would invigorate the publla credit; the people would again pour out their money with confidence that it would bo applied to the preservation of that portion of their property which might remain in their possession. . . Changes have been rung on the words fanatic and conservativoj and the idea has been eingigested that there is such a thing in the world as a dema gogue, and that possibly one may have crept upon this floor. bir, the words fanaticism and conserva tism are much abused Lof the demagogue nothing too vile can be said. Fanaticism is zeal—an en thusiasm in the cause. The fanatic is frank and honest as he is earnest. Fanaticism swells the rolls of heroes and martyrs. The despised fanatic of to day is often the adored idol of the future. With the fanatic the demagogue cannot be compared; they can only be contrasted. Tho business of the demagogue is deception. Artifice, trick, and chi cane are his means. His ways are devious and tor tuous, and you track him by the slime he deposits as he crawls. A fanatic may bless mankind; but a demagogue is an evil here and everywhere. Of the Apostles. eleven were designated by the people of their time as fanatics—the twelfth was a dente gogue. He spoke fair words and kissed, and in creased. his estate by thirty pieces of silver—tho price of Him he kissed. 711 P. POSITION OF TIM PRESIDENT It may be that we have fanatics and demagogues amongst us; but the President belongs to neither class. He is a conservative man, alike loyal to the love of liberty, with which he is so plenteously im bued, and his duty to the Constitution which he has sworn to preserve, protect, and defend. He is a conservative man, not in the sense in which that word is used on the other side of the House—not a Man who came into the World one generation too late ; whose vision is from the back of his head ; who goes through the world as the oarsman does his voyage. looking ever at the land he has passed, never at that which he is passing, or the point toward which he is moving; so timid that he dreads a crisis that would jolt him out of the ruts of routine, and throw him upon his dis cretion, as the mariner upon a lee shore dreads the gales of March and November; whose more gene rous instincts lie undeveloped, or are blunted or perverted ; who mistakes the sobs of the prison house and the groans of the middle passage for the sweet voices of the angelic throng who hymn the beatitudes around the throne. Abraham Lin coln, sir, is a truly conservative man, invested with the power to preserve, and ho will preserve, the Constitution and the integrity of our country, although the army called into being by his words crush out every iniquity which that instrument tolerates under its broad provisions. Ile will not permit the Constitution, laws, ordinances, or in stitutions of any State to stand in the way of the reestablishment of the supremacy, entire and per fect. of the Constitution of the United States over all its territory. PENNSYLVANIANS AND KENTUCKY Sir, the people of the North do not want to throw Kentucky off. The thousands of Pennsylvanians who are there in arms are not there to drive her out of the Union, but to keep her in : and, under the power of God and the Constitution, they and the men of the North will keep her in, and in this patriotic work they will, I believe, have, as they have now, the power of Kentucky to aid them. She has no disposition toga ; and the time has gone past for threatening, in her name, to appeal to any other arbiter than the Supreme Court of the United States to decide upon the constitutionality, or vali dity, or perpetuity of en act of Congress approved by the President. CONFISCATION AND SMANCIPATION Sir, who on this floor has intimated that this war should be converted into a war of emancipation ? Who on this floor has suggested any other object for it than the crushing out of this rebellion ? Men have differed as to the means of crushing it out ; but no man, not @VMS a y felend from Illinois, f Lovejoy,' about whom so much is often said, has suggested any other object for this war than the crushing out of rebellion. We have all said, as the •Pt esident understands, that the way to do it is to deprive the enemy of their resources, and to bring—as the commanders of the army and fleet at Port Royal have done—the services of every loyal man to the standard of his country, although his skin should not be colored like our own. My col leage misrepresented grossly the majority on this floor when, by inuendo or assertion, he sent to the country the impression that we are endeavoring to convert the war into a war for emancipation. He said "Gentlemen have gone so far—l do not stop to in quire whether or not they are in this Honse—npon this question of negro slavery, that if the question were put to them, whom will you have delivered to you to.day they would say, .Barabas,' the negro ; crucify the white man." That is the suggestion of an impious fancy used far the slander of A body bf listiotablo men. No man on this floor has uttered a sentence from which such an inference could be drawn. But, sir, after all this, what becomes of the gentleman's theory? Why, sir, under the probing of half a,dozen gen tlemen, it leaks out reluctantly that ho, too, is in favor of confiscating the property of rebels. Ido not know whether there was joy in heaven over the conversion of that sinner; but I know that a thrill of delight went through this House at finding the gentleman ready to come squarely and steadily into the support of what the President has been doing, and in support of the view which seems to control a majority of this House. AFRICANIZATION AND AMERICANIZATION Sir, brief time is left me, and I hasten to the point of the Africanization of American society and American labor. I have said that we are not the advocates of reopening slave trade; that we are not the advocates of extending the colored institu- tion through the whole free Territories of the coun try ; that we are in favor of opening means by which colored men eau leave our country and find a happier home. Sir, Nature works by invaria ble laws. It is by no freak of Nature that the light of day paints the likeness of our loved ones. It is by no such freak that the wire bears the message of joy or woe over land or under wa ter. Ile who traverses our continent finds on the Pacific slope of the Rocky mountains the grandest arboriferous vegetation of the world, On the eastern slope, divided by a narrow strip, which produces its effects on the clouds, you lose all arboriferous ve,getation. You find only the red sage ; yen find nothing larger growing there. The same skies are over; the same God watches; but He watches through the same wise laws, and teeches wen to look to - him through Nature for guidance. On the Pacific slope the earth is re freshed by ninety inches of rain each year, while on the east but five fall. The negro is the crea ture of the tropics. Submit him to the guidance of his own instincts and volition, and he will find his way to the tropics, or lands lying near them. The cruelest monument of "man's inhumanity to man " that I can point to to-day is that negro colony of fifty thousand American negroes living in the cold wilds of Canada. As well might you expect the tree of the Pacific slope to thrive in the region of the sage, or the sage to thrive under its broad shadow, and with ninety inches of rain fall ing in the year. The negroea will wilt, and dwin dle. and die prematurely there. We know, the gentleman knows, and those with whom he votes—who give kind words and hard blows to the Administration—know that it and its real friends on this floor are in favor of the reeog nition.of the republic of Liberia, of giving to Hayti commercial relations, of procuring within our own tropics lands where the negro, made free by the crimes of his master, may go and dwell as Nature intended him to. This the President recommends, and all this the majority on this floor intend to con summate_ We are for giving the Saxon, the Celt —the Caucasian family—that portion of this conti nent which was intended for them. They who misrepresent us are for infusing black. blood into the veins of the country. Sir, this opens a wide field for discussion. I care not now to enter into it. The hammer will soon fall. The President whom we support honestly, con servatively, or fanatically, but whom we support, recommends us to pursue what has long been the object of those with whom ho has labored politically for years. I would allude to Liberia at the present time only far enough to show that it refutes the theory of the gentleman from Kentucky (Slr. Wadsworth), that the negro's only idea of freedom is relief from labor. There, upon the western mat of Africa, where the white man cannot live, we have sent ten thousand freed bondmen, or the de scendants of such. And what have they done ? Performed a miracle. They have created cities, towns, schools, universities, and churches. They have assimilated, christianized, and civilized those ten thousand freed, poor, illiterate bondmen, and have civilized and christianized two hundred thou sand heathen semi•barbarians. Resolution of the Legislature of New York, In favor of allowing each State to assess and collect such direct taxes as Congress may impose, in acoordanco with its own laws and through its own °Ricers. Resolved, (if the Assembly concur). That our Song- tors and Representatives in Congress bereouosted to pro cure, if possible, such a modification of the acts already passed, and each provisions in acts hereafter to be passed, for the purpose of raisiug revenue,as that the entire amount to be raised in any State, y any mode of taxa tion, except by duties upon imports, may be ascertained by some reasonable method of estimating the same, and that each State be allowed to assume the payment of amount, and to assess and collect the same in accordance with its own laws and through Ifs own officers, Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylva nia Relative to Lake and River Defences in said State. Whereas, The stale of cur relations with foreign pow ers is such as to excite well•fuunded apprehensions for the permanency of our peaceful relations; and whereas, in the event of a war, our sea-uoast and lake frontier would, in their present defenceless condition, be exposed to great danger from our enemies: Therefore, Resolved, by the Senate and House of Represeola. lives of the Commonwealth, of Pennsyteaniain Geneeof Assembly met, That the Congress of the United States is respectfully, but urgently, requested to take immediate steps for the complete defence of tho Delaware river and the harbor at Erie, Rini sock other provisions for de fence as may not be inconsistent with our treaty stipula tions with Great Britain; and ,hat a depot for the ac commodation of an adequate naval force be promptly es. tsiblisbrd et Erie. Resolred, That the Governor be requested to send a copy of theseresolutious to the President of the natal States, and to each of our Senators and Representatives n Congress. Resolutions 'of the Legislature of Michigan in Parer el a Speedy Suppression of the Pre. sent Rebellion. Whereas, The Government of the United States is engagtil in putting down a causeless and wicked rebellion against its authority and sovereignty, inaugurated by ambitious men to obtain political power; a Government, the safety and perpetuity ,of which must ever rest upon the loyalty of its citizens and in au adherence to the Constitution ; and whereas, The welfare of mankind, the usefulness and power of the nation, are involyed ja the events and isenes of the present conflict; Therefore, be it Resolved, (the Home concurring,) That Michigan, loyal to herself and to the Federal Governtneut, reaffirms her mid) ing hostility to traitors, her milling love for free dem, and her confidence in the wisdom and patriotism of the 'National Adminietration. Resedred, (the House concurring.) That the people of Michigan deem it the imperative ditty of the Govern. ment to speedily put down all Insurrection against its au thority aid sovereignty by the use of every constitution al means, anti by the employment of every:energy it pos sesses; that Michigan stands firm hi her determination to sustain, by men and treasure, the Constitution and the Union, and claims that the burden of loyal men should be lightened, as far us po_meittle, by confiscating, to the largest extent, the ProPerty of all Minuet:liquids i and that, as between the institution of slavery atiCtbe main tenance of the Federal Government, Michigan does not hesitate to say that, in such exigency, slavery should be ats ept front the land, and our country maintained. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, In favor of such an amendment to the laws for the na. turalization of Foreigners as will secure letters of pm zendhip to foreigners honorably - discharged from the Amy of the Untied States Whereas, Many worthy men of foreign birth, not en joying the rights and privileges of citizenship, have vo lunteered in the service of the United Elates, and are now hazarding their lives and fortunes in defence of our Con stitution and laws: Therefore, be it Resaleed by the General Assembly of the stm 9 f Ohio, That our Senators be instructed, and our Repre sentatives in Congress requested, to use their endeavors to procure such amendment to the laws for the naturali zation of foreigners as will secure letters of naturaliza tion to such tree white persona of foreign birth as may produce, before any court of record in the United dtatos, proof of lawful age, and of service in the army of the roiled Statea, in the present War, and of an honorable tlitcharge therefrom. . . Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit copies of the above resolution to our Representatives in Congress. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. JOHN E. ADDICKS, THOMAS S. FERNON, COMMITTEE Op THE MOSTg, JOHN aPABILIWK. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Robert Cushman, Otis Liverpool, soon Ship Atolento, Whitmore Liverpool, doom Ship Filmic Boult, Mores .....Liverpool, Coon Brig W M Bodge, Anderson Rio de Janeiro, soon Schr Isabella Marla, Card Schr Annie, Le 81anc.... MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 6, 186.2. 7 6 I SUN SETS SUN RISES.... 111011 WATER AR KIN ED Rehr Excelsior, Riley, 3 days from Now York, with todse to D Cooper. Schr Washington, Havens, 3 days from New York, with nidee to rt Cooper. Schr Yashti Sharp, Haley, from Mauricetown. Eau , Jim Steekton.ltedmook, from Boltimore. Schr LOUIFri Frazier, Steelman, from Egg Harbor. Scbr J W Wooleton, Garrison, from New York, CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, II Winsor. Behr L Frazier. Steelman, Key West, Tyler. Stone & Co Behr 31 Blackman, Gandy, Fortress Monroe, do Behr .3 Stockton, Babcock, do do Sebr V Sharp, Haley, New York, L Andenried & Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Feb. 5 The bark Hamilton, for Havana wont to sea this morn ing. The brig "Innerefail" passed in. AU veesele have left the Breakwater. Wind W. Yours, &c MEMOS/kr/DA Steamship Ertropa, Anderson, sailed from Boston yea terday for Liverpool. • fillip Flying Eagle, Weldon, cleared at Boston 4th inst for San Francisco. Brig J EI Iloueton, Russell, sailed from Aspinwall 22d ult. for Cuba. Schra Neptnne, Magee, A Magee, Wheaton, and Ga• melte,. Hoffman, cleared at Now Y(..1.17. 4th meat. fee Bohr Arthur Simpson, Churn, at Providence Sd inst from Toomico, Md. Fehr Telegraph, Rogers, sailed from New London ad lust for Porto Rico. ••• • • . Balk. I A Hazard of New York, went ashore at 8 P BE Sd inst, 150 }ants north of Suzan Inlet. She has a cargo of sugar on board, and was bound to New York. She Hoe store oh the beach, and is perfectly tight and in good condition. The Panama Railroad Company's steamer Columbus, previously reported out of time, was lost on the night of the Bth Dec, on her way up the coast from Panama, and whilst making for the port of Acajutla, striking on a reef known as Punta Remedios, close to the above port, on which there is at ali times a heavy surf, and commenced breaking up so fast, that on the following day nothing was to be seen of her. Crew and passengers saved. She had a cargo of 1050 pkgs mdse on board for Acamtla and Guatemala, valued at about 8150,000, and supposed to be insured, all of which was lost in the steamer. The vessel had recently undergone repairs in Panama to the extent of 840,000, and was at the time of the accident in excel lent order, but, unfortunately, she was not insured, and will be a heavy loss to the company. The 0 was a pro peller, built at Philadelphia in 1847, registered 403 tons, and rated A 2. Punta Remedios Ras in about lat 13 40 N. long 00 W, some three miles ESE from the port of &Asada. Brig Jenny, hence for Sligo, Ireland, abandoned on the 24th ult, was fallen in with on the 26th, lat 37 37, long 74 03. The Jenny had a flag of distress Hying, and was in a sinking condition—the wind at the time was blowing a gale from NW. A letter from Capt Hoxie, late master of whaling bark Ellen Dodge, of New Bedford, dated Cadiz, Jan Bth, states that his vessel was captured by the privateer Sumpter Dec Sib, let 31 N, to,* 56 W, and, after telling on board the crew, the vessel was burnt. The crows of ship Vigi• lent and scbr Arcade were already on board. Captain II was bound to Liverpool, and thence house. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. rOPARTNERSHIP. - BENJAMIN S. JANNEY, Jr., awl B. W. ANDREWS have formed a partnership for transacting the Whelessla Gro cery and Produce Commission business, at N 0.631 MAR NET street, under the firm of JANNEY & ANDREWS. fel-12t • TIM -TheEOLUTION Copartnership _l-1 heretofore existing under the firm of WHITE, KEITH, & Co. is this day dissolved by limitation. The business of the late firm will be settled by F. H. KEITH and J. S. HIBBLER, who continue the Boot and Shoe Jobbing Business, under the firm of KEITH & DIBBLER, at their old stand, Nos. 40 and 42 North THIRD Street, second floor. THODIAS WHITE, JR., F. H. KEITH, J. S. DIBBLER. February 1,1862. fel-fit* MEDICINAL. V II STLACK'S DIPTERIA AND .L'A BORE THROAT LOZENGES, A. safe and efficient remedy in Diptheria . Sore Throat from Scarlet Fever, Quinsy, Clergymen's Sore Throat, Inflammation of the Fences and Palate, Membranous Croup, Enlarged Tonsils, Catarrh, Influenza, Asthma, Hoarseness, or any Bronchial Affections from Colds causing pain, swelling, or redness in the Throat, render ing respiration difficult. Prongrod only by T. ESTLACK, Dititegist, No.lBoo MARKET Street. And sold by Druggists generally. jaalt.at* TO THE DISEASED OF ALL -L. CLASSES.-- Professors BOLLES it STE VENS, Medical Electricians, 1220 WALNUT St., Philadelphia, invite all diseased persons to call; young and old, who have failed of being cured by quacks, old-school physicians, and nostrums. We warrant all curable cases by special contract, and charge nothing if we fail. Consultation free. A pamphlet of great value given to all. free of charge. ja2o-lm G_LUT.EN CAPSULES of PURE COD-r-XV-ER The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer In special cases, but more Often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The ropug nanee; names; kn., to invalids. induced hr disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good re sults from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are mid field:it to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 NV ALNUT Street, Philadelphia IS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRA TED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and this only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La. dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Bette, at her residence, 1089 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeit-.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. ocl6-tuthatf DRUGS AND CHEMICALS WHITE LEAD T I OIL. Red Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Muriatic Acid, Epsom Salts, Duchene Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. CaPh. sada, White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, WEYEER Druggists and Ma. Noe. 47 and 49 jalB4l White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narcotine, Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Sulph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corr°. Sublim., Denarcotized Opium, Chloride of Soda, Wetherill's ext. Clutha Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Crude Borax, lieflava Borax, Camphor, Resin Coprivla. i LL & BROTHER, nufacturing Chemists, 'North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. EENGLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOORS.—Minton's Tiles for vestibules, halls, dining-rooms, hearths, and for public buildings of every kind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington, and in many churches, stores, banks, hotels, and dwellings, hi every part :of the country. Patterns, comnoaed of Buff, Red, and Black, 32c per square foot: with Blue, Green, or White introduced, 34c to 36c per foot Lithographic de- Woe tut by mail, on application. 13. A. HABRISON.,Importer, a 24 No. 1010 ORKSTNIA street. EVERY LADY WHO WISHES TO BR BEAUTIFUL should purchase HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER. It is used by the Court Beauties in Europe, and it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, 12, 22, and SO cents. BUNT'S 13.1&P 4 OF ROSES, a boautifulona. tural Color, for the cheeks or lips ; it will not wash off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price SI. These articles are Quite new, and can only be ob tained of HUNT d; CO., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. AU kinds of Fancy Soaps and Per fumery. jalB-1m TF YOU WANT THE WORTH OF _l_ your money. buy sour Flour at S. Z. GOTTWALSt., No. 812 S PRING GARDEN Street. He sells the very best, and sells positively TEN PER CENT. LOWER than can ho bought anywhere else in the city. Ile delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and in all eases, if it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN BACK, AND TAE MONEY REFUNDED.jaI7-tnthstf PRIZE MONEY PAID TO OFFl entfi find MEN of tpe Hart Jacinto, Constelke, tufa, Dart, Mohican, Mystic, Brooklyn, Sumter, and other vessels. ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. N. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ja22-]mom BEST QUALITY ROOFING SLATE &brays on hand and fur ado at Union witare,i4oi BEACH' Street, Herimington. T. THOMAS, niy7-ly 217 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Q 11 OULDERS-1,500 pieces citr kJ smoked Shoulders; also, 79 hhds. Shoulders in dry salt, for sale by C. 0. SADLER & CO., PA 103 ARCH Street, 2d doer above Front. Q Z. GOTTWALS, N 0.812 SPRING • GARDEN street, sells double extra Family Floor, fancy brand, at $7 per barrel. jal7-tuthatf yERYBODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, because he sells none but the very beat. jarr-tuthatf TF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO J_ to S. Z. GOTTWALEP, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. je.l7-tatheti Q. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING • GARDEN Street, sells the very beet Cora Meal at 2 ants per pound. jal7-tuthatt rdi WILL BUY A BARREL OF tvv.t.,l, extra Family Flour at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN .STREN.T. jart•tuthatt .Demernra, soon Port Spain. soon JOHN P. MARSHALL , DRY AND IN LEGAL. VSTAIE OF HENRY APPLE, SR., .a.:4 DECEASED .--Letters Testamentary noon the Es tate of HENRY APPLE. Sr, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wire For the City and County of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said Estate are desired to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, to present them without delay to HENRY APPLE, 2068, WATER Street, below Walnut, or HANNAH APPLE, 620 PARIaSEI Street, Executors Or their Attorney, JOHN L. SHO sc RIME ER, ja23-thet* 325 North SIX TH Street VSTATE OF SAMUEL MOKMA.N, Deceased.—Whereas Letters of Administration on tile above Estate have been this day granted to the no deralsned, al those Indebted to the said !Mate will please make payment, and these having claims against the same present the same for settlement to WILLIAM 11. HICK MAN, Administrator, or to GEORGE HICKMAN, ja2o-thOt* RIDGE Avenue, above Willow Street TN THE COURT OF COMMON IN PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of tho Assigned Estate of SAMUEL T STRATTON. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the first account of SAMUEL H. DAVIS, Assignee, in trust for the benefit of creditors of SA HUN Li T. N CICATTON. wade, died of aafilniunent executed December 8,188 d, and to report distribution of the balance, will meet all parties interested on WEDNESDAY, February 5, 1882, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 250 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. THORN, ja23-thstust* - Auditor. MARSHAL SALM. ASAREIIAL'S SALE.—By virtue of ..LYJL a Writ of Sale by the Hon. PHILEMON DICK kItSON, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the District of New Jersey, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, on THURSDAY, the thirteenth day of February next, at one o'clock P. M., at the hones of LLOYD JONES, at TUCHERTON, in the county of. BURLINGTO sT, one-fourth part of, the schooner OTTWAY P. BINNS, now lying in Mullica river, near Lower Bank, in said county, being the inte rest of OTT WAY P. BINNS, a resident and inhabi tant of Charles City county, in the State of Virginia. BENAJAH DEACON, U. 8. Marshal Dibtrict of New Jersey. Dated January 27, 1862. ja2B-tuths-tfel3* MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of gale, by the Mu. JOHN CADWALA.- DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Derbyshire's Store, No. 108 North WATER Street, on WEDNESDAY, February 12. 1862, at 12 o'clock 81., the following mer chandise : 17 bags coffee, 22 rolls bagging, 5 tierces hams, bb) as,, 1.5 coils hogging rope, 3 do,, and 1 do,, 5 boxes raisins, being part of the cargo of schooner INGOYME 8A.E.811. . . . WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. S. Marshal E. D. of Penna. Pnitansmirta, January 31, 1862. fol-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By viktue of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA• DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at C ALLOW HILL. Street wharf, on MONDAY, February 17, 1862, at 12 o'clock M. , the schooner R. WATER RAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. Immediately after sale of the vessel, the cargo, consist inept lin bags of coffee, 1 clee, - containing 50 tenth boxes and 9 quarter boxes cigars. Can be examined on the day of the sale, at Derbyshire's Store, No. /08 North WATER Street. - WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. 3 Marotta B. D. of Penn's. PHILADELPHIA, February 3.1862. fe4-6t COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. , —S , DIACICT has this day associated with him Hr. ALEXANDER HOGG of this city, and will continuo the Produce and General Commission Business, at No. 1015 MARKET Street, under the Firm of MACKY & HOGI. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1862. fe4tuths-3t* Dt SSOLUTION.—The Copartnership formerly eniating betweent the iii.aeiggrLea, under the firm of VANDERVEER, ARCHER, & CO., was die eolved Dec. 61, 1861, by limitation. The business will be settled by B. F. ARCHER and F. B. REEVES, at No. 45 North WATER Street. C. P. VANDERVEEB, B. F. ARCHER, F. B. REEVES. Philadelphia, January 10, 1862. COPARTNEN6I3II . tkrilot.—the unoorotgoea have this day formed a Copartnership, under the ftrm of ARCHER & REEVES, for transaction of a WHOLE SALE GROCERY business, at the old stand, No. 45 North WATER Street and No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue. BENJAMIN F. ARCHER, FRANCIS B. BEEVES. Philadelphia, Jan, 10, 1862, ialB.tl COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-18- EARL MORRIS this day retires from our firm. Hie sons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERIOH W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the bud nom will be continued ac heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, & co., Iron Merehanta, 1808 HABITAT Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. 1881. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOHN A. ALLDERDICE 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of hie Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. pa2B-3m* A OPPENHEIMER, MERCHAN DISE BROKER in all branches of trade, and manufacturer of every description of Army Goods, No. 48 South TRIED Street, west ;tide, second story, Phila delphia. del? EOPPENHEIMER,AGENT AND . Manufacturer of ARMY GOODS. Contracts filled for other parties. Terms liberal. Room No. 2, up stain, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Sta. ]a9-1m STEAM -SCOURING AND TAILOR INC done at the shortest Wive, HBNBT B. BASCOM, 187 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. R. BASCOM'S plan for the times is to recommend Gents to bring their old Clothing to him, and have them made new. Also, their Cloths, and have them fashion. ably made up. dao-1y JOHN WELSH, Practical BOOPEII, TRIED Street and GERMANTOWN Reed, le prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty 63 make every Building perfectly Water-tight. 110." Orders nromatly attended to. mu -17 WINES AND LIQUORS. PIIRE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLER IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and invalids lu want of a reliable article of pnre Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wine at OANTWELL & KEPPNWS, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue end MASTER Street. 14 - 2iNNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO- Ll Prietora, Staudt, Tricoche & Co., Morett i Pint, and other approved brands of COGNAC BRANDY, for sale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL & KEEFER, Southeast corns! tAISEMANTOWN Avenue sad MASTER Street. QTUART'S PAISLEY MALT WHIS KY. Buchanan's Coal Da Wldsky, Old Tom Gin, Old Lon4p k ia Gin, London Cordial Gin, BRlen's In bond and store. CANTWELL & HEFFER, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and 111A5TNII eareet. ZOUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale It a price to snit the times, by CANTWELL & net- WEB, southeast corner of GICEXANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. RUDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUREN. REIMER, and ilocwancimEn WINE, in capes of one dozen bAtiee each ; warranted pure. Imported and fee sale low by CANTWELL & WIPER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. r/IMMERMAN'S DRY CATAWBA WINE.—Tble approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for " cobblers," for sale pure, bot tled and in cases, by CANTWELL & REEFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Vrift, 1624 An 110 TELS. A UARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD HOLIEIK, Philadelphia, have Wooed, for fora teem of years, WILLARD'S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this oceaden to return to tbo 414 friend's and customers many mums for Dag favors, and beg to enure them that they will be most happy to see them in their new kmartere. 011ADWIOIC, ds 00. Wlenntormr, Jnly 18.1881. anaay EXPRESS COMPANIES. UNITED STATES ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLY AGENCY AND CAMP EX PRESS. TO MANIJFACTITRERS, MERCHANTS, and IN VENTORS, and those wishing to forward Packages to the Camps of the Army, or Navel Stations of the Coast or Gulf: Raving wowed especial privileges for visiting all the lepartmente both of the Army and Navy, and all the camps of the various military stations, and the naval posts of the Coast and Guff, for the purpose of introducing and selling to the Departments, Military Storekeepers, Commissaries, Quartermasters, Sutlers, Officers and Sol diers, and also to Naval Agents and Paymasters of the Navy, alLarticles required for the use, convenience, com fort, and necessity, both of the Army and Navy, we have organized the above-entitled AGENCY AND CAMP EXPRESS, with its headquarters in the city or Wimm limiter'. Under this arrangement—entirely complete, and extending through all the departmentifboth of the Army and Navy,—we can offer unequalled facilities to Mer chants, Manufacturers, and Inventors, in readiness of sale, saving of time, and the many expenses unavoidable through the usual tedious channels of sale to the De partments, Camps, and Naval Stations. Those wishing to avail themselves of the benefits of this thorough and extensively-organized system of agency, can do so by fetwaidlng ',mullion of their geode to our address by express, and prices and explanations by letter. All packages for camp delivery marked to our address, Washington, D. C. All goods, inventions, wares, or merchandise, of whatever nature, ordered by this Agency, will be paid for on delivery. Letters of iaquirY will meet with prompt often ion. Agents well referred, with small means, can find pro fitable emtloyraent in this organization. A fe* are wanted. Office No. fill PIONNUTLYANIA Avenue, op. 0.14. Hotel, WaAlngku, D. O. RI rsuuNoms GNOME LAW, NOW York. ERASTUS CORNING, AIbSOW 11108 Es H. GRINNELL, 44 NORTH & GNAW!, Philada. SHIPLIN & BROS., 44 J. H. TAGGART, 44 ADAMS' EXPRESS, 44 ALEX. CUNNINGS, 44 Hon. HMV WILSON, lifteXliebtitsekte- BUM & Daukere, Watibingtou, D. O. ja7-1m JOHNSON, SWEETLAND, & 00 THE ADAMS EXPRESS OOMPANY, Omce 320 OHNBT2IOI &twat, forwards Parcels, Packager Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by lb own lines or in oonneotfun with other Express Ocsaneniee, to al lthe prinolpel TOM* and Olga of the United State* 0411_ 1 !OBV, %If Soneral fineerintendent LARD AND GREASE.-50 tierces Mims Leaf iardi 80 tierces White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For sale by MURPHY & 'KOONS, bia-ts N 0.140 NORTH WHARVIDii. A NTI -FRICTION METAL, For sale by Superior quality, JAMES YOCOM, Ja., DRINKER'S ALLEN, 1n12.-2m* Bet. Front and Second, Race end Arch eft ... BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINIC, Ise.; Brooms, Buckets, /tr., for sae by 0. B. BLAKUiTON, coma/talon Marabout, 410,1 m Sit B.uth W&TIS THE PRESS.-PHMADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1862. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, NOS. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital $400,000 00 Perpetual Premiums 8924,345 11 Less Five Per Cent .... 46,217 26 8878,121 85 'Unexpired Temporary Pre miums 203,033 95 Less for the portion of time expired on policies over one year 20,085 25 Total 62,320 3 006 76 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE COM PANY ON JANUARY 1. 1662. Published in conformity with the provisions of the sixth seotion of the act of Assembly of Apra sth, 1842. MORTGAGES. On property valued at over $4,000,660, being fold Mortgages on Real Estate In the City end County of Phinutelphta, except $05,- 529 92 in the neighboring emmtie5.......51,991,670 74 RR A L ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's sales under mort gage claims, viz : Eight houses and lot, 8. W. corner Cheat nut and Seventeenth streets. . A house and lot, N, side of SpruCe street, W. of Eleventh. Two houses and lots, S. aide Spruce street, near Sixteenth street. Five houses and iota, Noe. 621, 623, 626, 527, and 529. Dillwyn street. Three houses and lot, E. side Seventeenth street, S. of Pine. Hotel and lot, S. E. corner chestnut . and . Peach streets, Five houses and lot, N. aide George street, W. of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot, E. side Beach street, S. of Chestnut street. A house and lot, N side of Fitzwater street, E. of Ninth street. A gronnd rent of $3O on lot N. side Otter street, W. of Leopard street. 87 lots of ground on Buckley street and Quervolle avenue, Bristol. A house and lot, B. side Stiles street, E. of Sixteenth street. A house and lot, E. side Front street, N. of Cherry street, Kensington. A house and lot, N. side Liberty street, Pitteburg. A lot of ground, S. side Penn street, Pitta berg. Twos houses and lots N. side Filbert street, W. of Eighth street. Five houses and lot, N. aide Dauphin street E. of Coral street. Total surveyed and valued at $125,630 16.: Coat Coat .... $103,991 33 LOANS. Temporary Loans on Stocks as collateral security, (valued at $137,009 50. 583,616 18 STOCKS. $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 6 per cont. (in. terest on.) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 " Northern Bank of Kentucky. 100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 " Southwark Railroad Company. 97 " CalithibV6id and Bank, Vickeburg. 300 ." Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Company. 2 " Mercantile Library . Company. 24 " Union Canal Company. 2 " Continental Hotel Company. $3,000 do Bonds. $10,090 Pennsylvania State 6 per cent. loan of Dirty 180.1., $lO,OOO North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. 52,030 Burlington City . Water Loan. $7OO Philadelphia City Loan.. : $765 50 " City Warrants. Total Market 'Value, 888,861 66. Cost Notes and bills receivable Cash on hand $21,525 39 " in hands of agents 8,845 17 82,294,674 34 - REAL ESTATI. Market value $125,830 16 Coat, ae above 103,991 33 Advance in value ' $21,638 &I STOOKS. Market value ....... ... . . ... .• . • 0 89 9 863 00 Coat aa above a 5 ,111 10 Advance in value.... Total LOSSES BY FIRE By order of the Board. CHAS. N. BANOKER, President Atteet—JAS. W. MoALLISTER, Sec. pro. tem. DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Bancker, David S. Brown, Tobias Wagner, Isaac .I,@R, Samuel Grant, Edward Q. Dale, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. Fates, Geo. W. Richards ' Alfred Pi ll er. CHAS. N. BANOKER, President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vice President JAS. W. MCALLISTER, secretary pro. tem. ja18,20-tuthaSt* FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF FHB PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. 921 CHESTNUT STREET. Published in Conformity with the Charter. Receipts for the year ending Decemtur 21, 1861. For Life Premiums for term of Life 8143,338 " limited Premiums for short terms 1,04488 " Extra Risks, &c 4,471 33 " Interest on Investments and Polley Fees. 50,701 00 Scrip Dividends Received from Policies Purchased Amount . . 52,19,416. 15 LOSSES AND EXPENSES DURING THE SAXE PERIOD. Loewe 18, amounting to $54,500 00 Expenses, Salaries, Advertis ing, Medical Examinations, &C neat. State Wad City TaiLite, &. Agency Charges for Commis. skins. Taxes, Advertising, &a 8,544 48 DISTAIIISEMENTS Return Premiums, purchaaeot Policies 35,726 31 Interest Dividends interest on Scrip Reinsurance, Intmest, dc. Volunteer Aid Fund Added to Capital in 1861 Accumulated Capital Dec. 81, 1860 411,071,128 02 Scrip of the Company received from purchased Policies, aancelled agreeably te, Chat— ter 01,170 00 Accumulated Capital Dec. 310.861 $1,091,489 32 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY LIABLE FOE LOSSES, JANUARY 1 0 20 1 000 0 0 , 1 ;rn_ited Stltt r e r a 7 4-19 Treasury Ante5...4120,000 00 24,000 0 ited States 5 per cent. Loan, 1865.. 23,471 25 100,000 00 United States 5 per cent. Loan, 1871.. 100,212 60 2,000 00 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Lean 40,732 89 reanneylvazda 5 per cent. Loan 36,869 .23 20,000 00 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Coupon Bonds. 18,535 00 31,400 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. L0an,.....:.26,81745 35,000 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, exempt 33,620 50 15,400 00 Philadelphia 6 per en , t. Loan, no tax. 18,084 00 3,000 00 Philadelphia 6 per cauL Loan, Coupon Bonds.. 3,062 50 8,000 00 Northern Liberties 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds 23,000 00 Philadelphia 5 per cent. Loan .. 10,000 00 Pittsburg 6 percent. Coupon 80nd5.... 21,000 00 Allegheny Co. 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds 18,102 50 10,000 00 Washington Co.o per cent. Coupon Bonds 7,525 00 21,000 CO Pennsylvania B. 8., let Meng., 6 per cent. Loan.... 15,000 00 Pennsylvania B. 8., 2d Mortg., 6 per cent. Loan 30,000 00 North Pennsylvania E. R.. let Morin., 8 per cent. Loan.... 22,500 00 600 shares Pennsylvania Rail road Stock 26,442 77 150 Lehigh Coal and Na vigation Co. Stock. 7,817 28 120 Lebigh Coal and Na vigation Scrip ..... 4,183 13 212 ti Girard Life Annuity and Trust C 0...... 5,575 SR 100 ic Western Bank Stock 6,862 60 200 " Commercial Bank Stock 10,585 25 76 a North America B'k Stock 10,188 00 100 " Manufacturers' and Mochanice' Bank Stock 2,784 00 50 " Mechanics' Bank of ___ St. L0ui5....:.....4,950 50 $173.685 32 $255,043 66 Mortgages, all first liens.... 2511;737 69 10,883 34 Ground Rents, all first liens.. 10,013 34 Loans on Policies and 65,140 13 Bills Receivable, Premium 116.267 21 Real 'Estate, (Mon Built Huge, &a 79,855 22 Sevin Dividends of Ins. Co 20,050 00 Agents, balances of their accounts due..... 15,637 61 Quarterly Payments on Policies issued.... 11,453 51 Cash on hand and in Bank 34,639 83 Interest on Investments to Jan. 1, 1862.. 17,653 58 Life Interest and .k s'" onuity 800 25 Office Furniture 2,285 73 Franklin Fire Insurance Co 300 00 v09,5,41n Deduct three Loseee due in 1.802. 1,000 00 PHILADELPHIA, January 25, 1882 At an Election held at the Office of the Company on. Monday, the 6th instant, the following gentlemen were duly elected Trustees far three years: Samuel C. Huey, Edmund A. Ponder, Theophilus Paulding, Samuel E. Stekve, James Traquair, Hera y C. Townsend, Thomas W. Davis ' Jos. M. P. Price, Robert A. Dobbin ' Baltimore. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, JAMES TPA QUAIR was unanimously elected President In place of Dsniel L. Miller, who declined a re-election. SA id L. E. STOKES was elected Vice President, JOHN W. HOBNOB Assistant Vice President and Actuary, and HONATIO O. STEPHENS Secretary. he Bawd have decl.wed a Scrip Dividend or Taint- TY-FIND PER CENT. upon the cash premiums paid in 1861, and have decided to receive the scrip dividends of .1860,1861, and 1852 in payment of premiums from those who pay their premiums in cash, on and after the Ist of March next; and those indebted to the Company for pre- ThillTla notes, or loans on policies, will be credited with the amount of their scrip for those years, on their notes or loans on the let of March next. • JAMES THAQUAIE, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President. JNO. W. 11O1tNOlt, A. V. P. and Actuary. H. 8.. STEPHENS, Secretary. ja23-tu s6t HAIsIGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vase. for Crowing Flosses'. Baskets for Jerdiniers. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers.-.. . Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Cotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Yams. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With a great varlet' of articlea sailebls fore Ckiiat— ams presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 011ZSTRUT Street, Philadelphia. dell S. A. HARRISON. COTTON SAIL DUCK and OAN VAS, of all numbers and brands Raven's Duck Awning Twills of MI for Sento, Awnings, Trunks', awl Wegun Alio, Paper Manufacturers' Drier 1 to I :not will*. Tarpaulins, Belting, sa JOHZ W. LIMB OD., IN JOWLS A/lio. DELAWARE IVITITVAL SkFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, P.urLADsLeers. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1836 ORlce, southeast corner of THIRD and WALNUT Steeple, Philadelphia. Oa Goode, by Rivera, °main, Lake% and Land Carriages to ad parts of the Union. . . $183,540 40 858,329 60 FIRE INAURANOES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling houses, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOVEEHICE 1, UM. PAR. 005?. elOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Loan. 0100.260 00 69,000 United States Six per cent. Trea sury Notes 76i900 United !Rated Berea and Three. tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 26,000 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 123,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loan 119,448 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan. 24,0T9 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mork gage Six per cont. Bonds .. 20,000 00 50,090 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds 441,130 88 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia LON 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Bailroad Company . 6,000 00 Rills receivable for insurances made...... 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages 76,000 00 Real Estate 61,363 36 Balances due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies, Tnt3rest, and other Debts due the Oompany 43,131 97 . Bcri9 and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, s.ll,B43—estimated va lue Owen on hand—ln Banns ..4161,098 03 In Drawer 617 33 Willi/an Martin, - Edmund A. Souder, Theophitha Pnulding, John B. Ponrobe, John C. Davie, James Tracinair, William Eyre, Jr., James C. Baud. William C. Luda - ig, Joseph H. Seal, 'Joshua P. Erre, John B. Senna.. Pittsburg, D. T, IK9rgtm, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. jal4-ff Dr. D. N. Weetea, George G. Leiper• Hugh Craig, Charity Solin THE RELIANCE XIITUAL INSURANCE COMPAPIT Off TLCILADOLffMLII, OFFION No. 805 WALNUT STREET, "sutures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY ruts, on Houses, Stores, and other building', limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, ' Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, In town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 4231,110.00—ASSET8 41317,142.41, Which is invested ae follows, vim : In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount 1102,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. nut mortgage loan at par Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (1130,000) 17,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class 2,461 60 ~,lateral loans, well secured 2,600 00 City or indiadeiphia 0 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Pa. 88. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,136 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock .... . 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook. 26,350 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1.060 00 The Delaware M. S. Insurance Uo.'s steels.. TOO 00 Won Mutual Imitative Co.'. scrip IMO 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrual interest, no . 7,104 44 Cash on hand 11.644 64 585,171 10 1,965 60 26,370 56 88,802 58 ....,162,320,006 76 The lifutttsl principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate la the rikorrns of the Company, -without liability for WAIN& Lome promptly adjusted and pall_ DIRECTORs. Clem Tingley, William B. Thomson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, Z. L. Carson, Robert T01..d, G. D. Boaengarten, Obariee S. Wood, James 8. Woodward, CLE B. M. Enicauten, Berra• , February 16,1881. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorised Capital 5400,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL., Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. Tide. Company will insure against loss or damage by The, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Alec, Marino /neurones on Tomo% Orme& and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Davis Pearson, Peter flierer, J. E. Dawn. Wm. F. Dean, John Kotchar, Al ESHER, President ' DEAN, Vim tresiclent. WWI William ether, D. Luther, Lewis Ardeuried, John B. Blakldea, Josephe WILL WM. W. M. Elvis=, Secretary. $199,556 15 19,890 00 VIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPARE OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below BO", Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise gene. sally, from Loss or Damage by Wire. The Company gua• sant, to adietat all Lemma mmmiptly, an& tbei-ehr Lave to merit the patronage of the public. ' 1 DIRECTORS. William Morgan, • Robert Flanigan, "ramie Cooper, • Michael McGeol't George L. Dougherty, Edward McGovern James Martin, Thomas B. McCormick,: James Durose, John Bromley, Matthew McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard liaffoity, John Osoinaly, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. Halseenann, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis McManus, Michael Cabin. FR 01/3 COOPER, President ow:retail". oe2ll 10.667 94 3,633 02 $77,34e 42 $142,100 73 21,085 50 1,131 52 1,800 00 60,649 43 SZINAID BAIFIIITY, 681,451. 30 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STARE OF PENNSYLVANin_OrwraIt N Mid 0 NICHANNN IfUILDINQ9, North side of With. NOT ntreet, between DO6ll and TRIM) Meseta, Phila. MAU. 1,009,958 02 INCORPORATED In 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $300,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBBILIBT I, 1861, $507,094.61. KARIN'S, TENN, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION DISIIIIANITIL DIRECTORS. Benry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Edvatd C. Knight. HENRY D. SHERBERD, President. WILLIAM HAIPBII,, Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTEE PERPETUAL. No.Blo WALNUT Street, above mars, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Swains, In vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Yes• aels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro- Pert/. All Legates liberally and promptly adjusted. ' DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Maris, James R. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Pauline, ' Patrick Emily, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THOM/ Anima 0, L. 011.W701D6 5.595 00 10,605 00 PENN MUTUAL LIFE INBU BANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE rsorrn DIVIDED AMONG THE IN. BUREN. Insure Live. for short terms or for the whole term of MK gut aunties and Endowmental purchase Life Into. reefs In Real Estate, earl make au **Wrists depending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1,1661. Mortgages, ground rants, real estate $822,981 97 United States stocks, Treeenry notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, City of Philadele able, go 888,705 Id Premium notes, leans or collateral!, /to 237,604 111 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Bail roads, and County 6 per cent. bonds 106,802 40 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stocks, am. 97,641 49 Osah on band, agents' balances, Ac., lto 88,206 14 20,990 00 11,896 48 11,071,181 DANIEL L. MILLION, President. 01 SAMUEL E. ISTOICIB; Vies Preddconi. 101 l W. Howson, Secretary. - EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM -409 WALNUT Street. Tire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, On favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DMINOTOIO3. Thomas Marsh, Charles Thompson, James T. Hale, Joshua T. Owen. John J. GriMths. AH BONSALL, Praddent. GINMODO, Vies President. Mil Jeremiah Bomall, John. Q. Ginnodo, Idward D. Roberts, lanwell G. Smedley, Reuben O. Hale, JERE Haman Clop, Beeretari TEM ENTERPRISN INNUILANOZ COMPANY OF PHILADDLPHIL (FIRE INSUBANDB BSOLDVIVELY.) OONIPANT'S BUILDING, O. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT OTBNNTIL DIMMOTOBEL r . m i t c hf or d Starr, Nordeosi L. Doweont William McKee, tik3o_ K. Stuart, Italbro Frasier John H. Brown , John IC Atwood , B. A. Faluiestt, Benj T. Trediek, Andrew D. Oa*, Uenry Wharton, J. L. Trringer. F. BATOR - 11'0BD STAUB, President. Claaatme W. Cora. &craters telt $1,091,409 32 VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE. J: LT.—The PIGITNSTLYAITIA FINN INSURANCI COMPANY. Lacerporated 1026. MUST= YID, MUM.. tie. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ once Square. Thie Company, favorably known to the oommunlty for thirty-Ma yearn, continues to insure avian Loee or Da mage by . Fire ' on public or private Buildings , either per manently or for a titilitod time. Alm, on furniture, stocks of Goode, or Merchandise morally, on liberal rms. Their Capital, together with a large ittirplos Find, le Invaded in the moat careful moaner, which enables them to offer to the tneured an undoubted security in the CYO of loom. DIBZOTOBS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Denson, John Devereux, William Montelino, Thamu hmao Deslehnrst, JONATHAN Wn.r.Liar G. OIOWIILL. AM 8 000 pieces sugar• cured .1-I.oity-tonoked Hams for polo by 0. 0. SADLEB & stl 108 ARCH newt, 2A door abase "grant. (LLD LEAD-8 barrels just reoeived I L" per schooner Amelia, tor sale by JAMIXTOHE & MISSTATE% rO9 904 and 20L Rooth 'RUNT BtraM IVIED APPLES. —66 sacks new Weeteru Dried fipples' 7 tibia ruvr Western Dried Apples. Just received and iu store For este by MURPHY & KOONS, WA): N 0.144 NORTH WHARVIS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. MARINE INSURANCE On Timed% Cargo. To all parts of the world Freight. INLAND INSURANCES DIREOTOES. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Penieton, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, 111. J6fie§ Brooke, ' Spencer BirllTaine, Thomas U. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James 8. MoVarland, Samuel Ilispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Broom tailariee tolabud, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen ' John Bissell, Pittsburg. TINOLZY, Pre''dent. =B. WLA31713, Prodder's. Beeretdrp. fat/-ef JOHN Q PATTIRSON, Pnmident. • tam wog RAILROAD LINES. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. THE GREAT DOUBLE, TRACE ROUTE 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN TRH COUNTRY, Titt GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, Bt. Louis, St. Paul, Nashville,Memphis, New Orleans. and all other towns in the Wst, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS BENS DAILY i Mail and Fast Line Bundaye excepted, . . . Mail Train leaves Philadelnhiaat Feet Line " 46 Express Train .4 tl .......... .10.30 P. K. Parkosburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at,.12.30 P. M. Harrisburg .. 2.30 P. H. Lancaster ••a .. 4.00 P. M. Meet Chester Mammon will take the Mall Train, tho Parkeablltg Iteeemmodetlon, end the Lomat& Accent. moilation. 49,996 ST Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, FAmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. For harther Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. N. corner or ELEVENTH and AtARKNT Streets: 52,561 25 By this route freights of all descriptions can be for t:carded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wi.consin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the Wost by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad rjouipantea. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidenoe on its speedy transit. 14,687 60 For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or imdress the Agents of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Phihtee'phi& D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William street, New York. LEECH , CO., No. If Washington ut-reot, Boston. hIAGBAW ,t 'KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore, H. H. HOUSTON, Gon'l Freight Agent, FM* L. L. HOUPT, Gon'l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen'l Suo't, Altoona. 61,616 86 $859,128 37 7.,ft NORTH PENNKIEL -0.-- PA NIA. RAILROAD. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, IRA UQ R OHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON. VATILLYT, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. nuivat THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1801, Yee- Imager Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. M., (Exprees,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Ranch Cheek, Ilaeleton, ke. At 2.48 P. 11L, (Exprose,) for Bethlehem, Easton, ko. This tram reaches. Easton at 11 P. IL, and makes deem connection with the New Jersey Central for Now York. At 6.06 Y. M., for-Methletem, Allentown, Mande Munk, kc. At 0 A. M. and 4 P. IL, for Doyleatawn. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes claee connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat deidrable routs to all paints in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem et 7.07 A. 91.. 9.18 A. M., and 5.113 P.ll. Leave Doylestown at 8.30 A. M. end 3.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 8.30 A. N. ON gllNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington t 0.30 a. N. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Wasbiugton for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. rare to Bethlehem...4l.6o Sareto Manch Otturds.s2.6o rare to Keaton 1.50 Through Tickets must e procured at the Ticket emcee, at WILLOW Street, or BERES Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. . . . . . Ail Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Barks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 '67GLE9 %MAME, Agent WINTEIt A it- BANGEMENT.—PI4II.iII.DgL PHLs, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE 'RAIL ROAD. On and after MONDAY, JAN. 6, 1,662. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. VRILAMELERIA: For 80W1304T9 at 3::.30 4, X., et/6 A. M., 11.86 A. M., Express). end 11.00 Y. M. Nor Cheater at 8.16 A. 111.1 11.05 A. 1L,146 and 11.00 For Wilmington et 3.80 A. M., 8.13 A. 11.35 A. N., 45 we 11.00 P. M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. H. and 1.46 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 8.45 P. N. For. Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at 815 A, Itt, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: 11817,142 04 Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express), 1.05 P. M. (Express), 5.20, and 7 P. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 7.80 and 11.38 A. M., 4.15, 8.46, and 9.50 P. M. Leave tialielerwy at 2.95 P. M. Leave Milford at 4.66 P. M. Leave Dever at 9 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. 32.0231, 4.50, and 9.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate station• 15.20 and 7 P. M ; for Dover and intermediate stations 1.06 P. 31. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE : Leave Cheerer at 8.46 A. X, 12.06 and 11.30 P. M. Lowco Wilmington at 4.811 A. M., 9.25 A. M., 1%86 P If., and 12. 10 A. M. IRRIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger ear attached, Leave Phibideinhia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermedLeta placer at 7.10 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark, Nikita, North But, Parrytille, Havre-de Grace, and Baltimore at 8.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.45 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 2.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 3.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3..30 A. N. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore Rill ran daily, Mondays excepted. 902941 B. M. FELTON, President. li ti n ine w PHILADELPHIA READING BA MROAD PAN:SENDER TRAINS FOR POTTSVILLE , BEAD IND, and SARRISISIIIIO, on and after November 4,15@1 MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and °ALLOW /DELL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CallowhM streets ' ) at 8 A. M., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.15 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg ; the GIIDIBEBLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. M. train running to ChambersbnrB, Carlisle, /kn. ; and the NORTHERN MINIMAL SAILBOADY .20 P. 81. train runningto Suns bury, Ro. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave Sew Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW MIL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill ins") for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG, at 8.15 P. M., DAILY, connect. lug at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, &c. Express Train from New York via Easton makes dose connection with (b 9 A.VadiP6 Mail and Accamnledatiell Train!), t913001t. lug at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.15 A. M. Train running west. For BEADING only, at 4.80 P. IL, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Sion PHILADELPHIA, Miles. To Phoenixville 28 $e fling 35 Lebanon 85 Harrisburg 112 Dauphin—. .... ... 124 Millersburg 148 Treverton Junction.lsB Sunbury 189 Northumberland....l7l Lewisburg 173 Milton 188 ?Annoy 197 Williamsport .......209 Jersey Shore 229 Lock Haven 238 Ralston 238 i Williamsport and Elmira TroY 281 Railroad. Elmira 287 The 8 A. N. and 8.15 P. J. trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted,) with the OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making. close connections with Lines to Niagara Palls, Canada, the West and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA Corner of BROAD mid OALLOWHILL Streets. W. H. MaILHENNEY, Secretary. October 30.1881. VALL AND W IN ME E B ARRANGEMENT.— PHILADEL PIMA, GERMANTOWN, and NOBRIO TOWN RAILROAD. - TIME TABLE. On and after Blondai, October 28,1861, until further notice. FOR OEUMARTOWIi. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9, 10.05, 11, 12 A. M.,1,1, 8,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9,10 w, and 11% P.M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7;‘, 8,83 g, 9%, 10%, 11%, A. K.. 1,2, 3,4, 4,6, 7. 8, 9X.1.1 P. K. TM MN M, trite fix= grormantown OOP! O. POT', and Tinge only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 7, an6lOJ P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M., :1, 43, and PX P. BL Pb?11 1 :171da:1, 1, 1 1 :16 1, L A:H il IZ A :1 3:13, and 101( P. N. LINATt Qhcatnatll7l,l9, 19,191 Mn& /3,01 V. 4% 6.40, 7.40, and 9.10 P. N. ON BIINDAYS. __ _ - Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut RIR, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 5.40, and 9.10 P. M. 808 CONSHOHOCKEN AND NOBBISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6N, 9.05, 11.00 A. M., IN, 8.05, 4j; 0.06, and B.oe P. M. Leave 'Hurrhicony 1, 9, 0, 11 A. M., IN, end P. PL. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 P. M. Leave Norristown, 71( A. 81., 6 P. M. YOB MANAYUNA. Leave Philadelphia, 11%, 9,11 A. N.,1%, 8.08, 4%, 16.06, and 8.06 P. N. Leave Manaptuak, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 11% A. N., 2,6, and BM P. 11. Ciili SUNDAY& Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. 111., 8 and I P. N. Lana MensYnnk, 7% A. IL, 5% mid BP. IL H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent, 048 .tt Daunt NINTH and MINIM Streets. allimag WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 26,1881, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. Z. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.30 A.M., 2, 4.16, and 8.45 P. M., and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, (West Phila. delphia,) at 17 minutes after the starting time from the Depot. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 4.18 P. M. connect at Pennelton with Trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, go., go. HENRY WOOD, n025-tf Superintendent maimpaPHILADELPHIA ops-name— AND 8,41)1140 ILMIIOAD 00., I°lncs Booth PHILADt6PHL, ANil 97,1501. SEASON TIUKSTS. On and after Nay 1,1801, season tickets win be isensii by this company for the periods of three, NM, nine, Sall twelve months, not trandtwable. &aeon scbool•tickete may alio be bad at 85 Der omit dbicount. Them tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. ill South FOURTH Street, whore any farther Informatics oin be obtsined. B. 111LiDVORD, alllO4/ Tressurar minirig PHILADELPHIA eim—lt AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points in the W. and B. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phila. and Beading R. R., cor. Broad and Cal lowhill streets, at El A. M., and 3.15 P. M. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, dc., &c. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or iniOrtnediato points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M. For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLIS, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. ja3l.tt nigijoggi WEST CHESTER SAILBOAD TBAINI3 via PENN SYLVANIA itArLBOAD, leave depot, corner ILA VENTII and SUBMIT &recta. at 8 A. H., 19.90 won, and 4 P. /L. mcd-tt o.e.mms 1862. 8.00 A. M 11.30 A. M. will ran as follows rlilladoipbla and Acadia, and Lebanon vaulty . R. U Northen2 Uontrsl Reßroad. Banbury And rte R. it SALES BY AECTION. r . - FURNBSS, BBINLET, tit CO., 429 CHESTNUT STREET • SALE OF IJIPOUTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On FrMay Morning, .7 obrusry 7, at 10 o'clock by cotalosmo, for Garb-- 1 400 iota of French, British; anti American dry wide,. i EOM prißinii a decirablo ahßoTtment of seasonable goort;. Sainplos and eataioirtiee early on morning of dote. FRESH GOOD?. On Friday Morning, I CaStli Turkr y red paints.. do 26x211 inch super Trend, ginglzarna. do Iduck and second-11.1111/iiii( do. on fat.cy London alialliea. do French blue cotton:idea. 1 —do Frenel,fasay do. do Fieney linen drills, slats colon. 1 do French plain Nankinett. (1,, Fiencl, fancy pataloon stuffs. do French linen drills. JAGONET, cAMBRICE4, NA,N.30011,5„ _LUNT& &c.. I An invoice of— Fine to extra•tine jackcnnts. cambric% nansooks, check and SWIPE; spot 1/11181i118 ; 9-8 fine brilliants Sc. i Abn Two littles— t 9.8 ENGLISH WHITE SHIRTING BIUSLEN9. TO BE goLD ON ACCOUNT OF lIWHO3I IT MAY CONCEitN—SLIGHTLY 'DAMAGED ON YOYAGF. OF IN I . OIITATION CASSIMERES, SATINETS, TWEEDS, kc. Fancy and plain ClOlNiniere2, printed and plain Sati. netts, heavy fancy tweeds; clocks, Scc. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AM TIONKEES. No. 213 MARKET Street. FIDST tAito-k, ertstricr tiA LIG OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EM.I3IIOIDERS, WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY, HORDS, On Wednosday Morning, Fed. 12,1862, by catalogue, commencing at .16 o'clock precisely , Goods arranged for examination, with catalogues early on the morning or sale. L B. HO & CO., AUCTION • EI:RS, 242 MARKET STREET. GENERAL SALE OF DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS. FLANNELS, HOSIERY, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, dc., ac. This Morning, January 6, at 30 o'clock, embracing a desirable assort ment of sunk:foible goods, adapted to present sales, and to which the attention of the trade is requested. - BUCK fIaUNTLETi. lb mu Therbany morning will be tonna a full lino of Luck gauntlets, of the very beat manufacture and tinh•lx. air Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of mile. p HILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION fEERS, 5'26 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE Sta. LARGE SITIYE SALE OF 1,200 CASES BOOTS, 6110 ES, BROGANS, AND GUM SHOES. This Morning, February 6, at 10 o'clock, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,200 omen men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, and thick boots,. brogans, gaiters, and Wel. Hasten boots; women'e, !wages', and children's goat, calf, and kip boots, shoes, aid lasting gaiters. Also, qualliy gum overshoes. Geode open for examination, with catalogues, early on the yawning of sale. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MEKOHANT. southeast comer of SIXTH and ISACIE. Streets. TAKE NOTICE. The highest possible price is loaned on goods at Na thans' Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth Mill Ilsce streets. it least one-third more than at any other eistatilialanent in this city. NATHANS' PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH KENT. 260,000 TO LOAN, In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on diamonds, gold and silver plate, watches, Jewelry, merchandise, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, and goods of every description, LOANS MADE A P THE LOWEST MARKET HATES. This establishment has large are and thief-proof safes, for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private rwatclanan on the premises. ESTABLISHED FOB THE LAST 30 TEARS. ALL LABOR LOANS MADE AT THIS, THE " PRINCIPAL EST ABLISIIFARNT." CHARGES GREATLY REDUCED. AT PM - VATS SALE, AT LESS THAN HALF USUAL STORE PRICER. Gobl and silver watches of every deeeription, from one dollar to one hundred dollars each, gold chains, fashion ablejewelry, diamonds, ite. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILA.- - DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LING—SAIL LNG FROM EACH PORT EVERY TEN DAYS—From PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WHARF, Boston. Steamer SAXON, Captain MATTHEWS, will sail from Boston for Philaddohia on MONDAY gOrnoon, Font. ary IS, at 4 o'clock. And From Philadelphia on SATI:RDAY Evening, Febru ary 15, at 7 o'clock Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading and slip receipts with their hoods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations} apply to MONItY & do. ja27-tf 332 SOUTH WHARVES. WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and deepatcheo. Tha Livamal, Nate Yeork, sflil Philfelelptait Steam ship Company's trylondid Clydo-built iron strew steam ships aro intended to sail as follows: FROM. NEW. YOUR FOE LrirEßPool4. ' I "A SH INGTON.... Saturday, Feb. 8, WE:, EDINBUIiGII ETNA Saturday, Feb. 22,1862. And every Saturday throughout the yew, from PIES Ng, 44 N. B. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Q110013140W11. or Liverpool . $75 Do. to London, via Liverpool S3O Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . $3O to London Do. Beturn tickets, available for six mouths, from - Liverpool $OO PAMlehgbivi forwarded to Haire, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York 830 These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with water-tight compartments, and carry experienced Surgeons. Tor freight, or peerage, opply st the oilloe of the Qom• pang, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. 7.NMAN. Tower Btalings. In Glasgow, to WM. INIEAN, *O-0 18 Dixon street. LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA. STE_AMSERH COMPANY. NOME TO PASSENGERS. By order of the Secretary of State, all paeeengen leaving the United States are required to procure pow ports before going on board the steamer. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. zr. THE BRITISH AND NORTE AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEW 011-IPIS PASSPORTS.—AII persons leaving the United States will rcquire to have PASSPORTS from the authorities of their respective countries, countersigned by the Secretary of State at Washington, or bit the Passport Agent it; port of embrurkation. NSW YORK TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage Silt Second Cabin Paoaago Tt FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage SID Second Cabin Passage SO The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork En , bor. PERSIA, Capt. indkine. AFRICA, Crept-she e ns ARABIA, Capt. 3. Stone. CANADA, Capt..T.Lottch ASIA, ()apt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Ilooklay. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Moodie Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Anderson SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-basl green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. CANADA, Muir, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 22. ARABIA, Shannon, t. N.York, Wednesday. Jan. 22. EUROPA, Anderson, t , Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 5. AFRICA, Stone, " N. York, Wednesday, Feb. IL NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb 141. ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, Feb. 28. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on beard- The owners of these ships will not be acoonntaitd• Rl Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stonss, or Metals, unless bal of lading are signed therefor, ad the value thereof therehi expresso& For freight or pis sage, apply to IL CUNARD, 6 BOWLING GREEN. New York. Or to R. C. & 7,0, BATES, 103 STATE Street, Boston. rizl, l , FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware ite Raritan Canal. Thilodulphip And tfelf Turk Sarni! iku9Aulii c.: 4 x piny receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., delis mi ins their cargoes in New York the following data Froishti taken at reasonable rated. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, NO. 14 8011211 WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 14 EAST RIVER, New Yora. =FOR NEW YORK. Th. Philadelphia Steam Propeller Compels? will commence their business for the season on Nondey 18th indent. Their steamers are now receiving freight at Wm* Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. 81. BAIRD a 00., =hilt 254 South Delaware &9011100 RAILROAD LINES. 1862 ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORE LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PIMA DELPIIIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINTS FROM PHILAMPIII4, IV NEW YORK AND WAY PLAOES. FROM WALNUT-STRENT WHARF AND KENSINGTON DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ: At 6 A. M., via. Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation $2 25 At 6 A. DI., via Camden and Jersoy City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 25 At 9,4 A. DL L via Kensington and Jersey City, Morning 4 'O4 At 123‘ P. M., via Clamdcn and Amboy, Accomtuu. dation 2 25 • . At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express 3 00 At 4 I'. AL, via Camden and Jersey City, 21 Class Ticket 2 25 At 6,4 P. 111., via Kensington and. Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. South ern Mail 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accominoda. that, (Freight and Passenger)—let Close Ticket.. 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 150 The 6N P. M. Line rune daily, Sandays excepted. The 12 P. All. ; Southern Mail rune daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, /cc., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. and 3 P. M. from Kensington Depot ‘ ; (the 7.10 A. N. Line connects with train leaving 'Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.35 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 6 A. 'M., 2 and 4 r, IL . F.d . Freehold, at 0 A. 51, and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For. Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 9N A. 111., and 3,5, 6.30, and 12 P. M. front Kensington. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at ng A. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordeutown, Ac., at' 1234, 1,4, 5, and 53i P. M. NW' For New York., and Way Lined leaving }terming ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half au hour before departure. The card run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only'allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited Irons taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to In, paid for extra. The Compeni limit theft respoueilnlitY for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable fur any =cunt beyond $lOO, except by special contract. fe3.11 WM. 11, GATZMUS, Agent. SALES BY 44534.1T/011. M THOMAS & SONS, AMILit Eroo. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Singe. (Formerly Non. d 7 awl 694 ...Saturday, Feb. 15, 1862 rrir- PUBLIC SALEB REAL ESTATE Ain, EITOOIII AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. REAL F.STATF. AT PRIVATE SALE,' . _ Wa have a large afT olp.t of ro.al astatA at private, RI(, incholing Prot') , I , l4.riptini of city and country pro. perty. Printed lietm may bn bud at the Auctiun Stunt. .ALLOF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FIRE.PROOP CRESTS, COUNTER, LARGE GLASS GAMES, AND EIIFLVING. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAV ING?, MILITARY COATS AND JArKE I'S, UAR• II A R .11 Qur Sateto.ni.mrowmornhig, ?it. the Auo - there, wail comprise, 300 Into ur silpsrior furnitnre, a ~ trolll flc.fiilllllg 11.1.m.hplu ping. CARD.—Thi• 800 shares stuck advntisexl for today is 1:101;trODf'd to Oth B'o Mt N O6 , 139 Igo 14 1 INPUIII Street. OUPY4IOii I:V4Ni - runic, PRENU , I•I'LATE ROBS, DIAND•FOR.TVS, BEDS AND BEDDING, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, Off ENA AND GLASSWARE Ae. At 9 o'clock, at thn Auction Store, the superior ford.. titre, itltiste-fetiee, Ittirrtere t , Drat=ln nod other carpet'. &r.,, from famines iledining 11mm/dumping, minim] to ths store f m crat vi.sipmeo of sale. Alio, 2 hetverior fire-proof gatov., Imo% by 'Farrell dic .11Prt ing. LP" Catalogueg really the day pelolom to 4e30, Sale No. 117 North Tenth Street. NEAT 110(28.15/10111) rtlrmtruiti4, 13108811 LS CARPETS, Arc. On Vetter Morning) February . 7, et 10 o'clock, at No. 117 North Tenth street, the heat household furniture of a family declining hotmekeeping. Alen, the kitchen furniture. lifir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the gale. SRI , ' No. 1315 Afarket Strut HANDSOME FURNITURE met'r'es, Oo Tnetaday Morning, Feb. IL at 10 o'clock, b➢ catalogue. at No. 1315, Mar phall t.treet, the eLtltt, furniture, compriming mutt Itnnd eente putter furniture in green plumb, dining•root,t mud chamber furniture. fermtirli plate wirrnre, line plated tea met. elegant n.edulfun velvet etirpetm, Ace. A I.m) [link Itch , n furniture. MACHINERY AND IRON. f it i p- 4 PENN STEAM ENGINB AND BOILER WORKS.—NRAPIPO LEVY, PRACTICAL AND TIIEOKETIOAL NNW. NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-IdAK RAS, BLACK.- SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years. been in succeastal operation, and been exclueively ue gaged in building and repairing Marine and River Ma. ginee, high and low premiere, Iron Boats, Water Teak., Propellant, &e., raseastftilly bffM that itertices ie the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Ihp glues of all sizee, Marine, River, and Stationary, harear sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to sga cute orders with quick despatch. Every deecriptimi se Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High mai Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Bollen. of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Purging" of alr. pees !md killdiq iron and Breen Otnititurei of ail tis , ocriptione .3toll Turning, Screw Cutting, and ail olbro work connected with the above bnainem. Drawinge and Specifiustions for all work done at Had establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for n pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, oaf are provided with !hearth Macke. tails. Ace., &a, au rasing heavy or Welt weights. JAOOI3 0, NIOATiII. JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER fltr.o. a. VAUGSAIIMISIMICII, /101ille, OOPM, WILLULDI E. WERIIIOIr. lIIRTLIIT 1171111010, QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 1.-/ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUM. PHILADBLPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low frosspro at o ft tor loud, riTur, and marine aervinu Boilers, Gasometers Tanks, Iron Boats, &04 Chow Inge of all kinds eithor iron or bran. Iron-Frame goofe for Gee Works, Workshop', Hel. road Stations &c. Retorts and Gal Machinery of the latest wad iense Improved construction. Itlvory description of Plantation lliachtnery, spoon a. , !mar, t 3 1)1Y) @nd Oriet Millet Vacuum Pane, Open Mena Tram, Defecatore, Filters, Pumping Hnginee, &S. Bole Agents for N, Billioux's Patent Sugar Bonin" Apparatus; Hownyth'e Paton ißteorn Hammer, and Aw pinwall & Wolsey'e Patent Centrifuge Sugar Draining Machine. see-sr FOR SALE AND TO LET. ktTO lIENT A Desirable HOUSE, near BROAD and WALrUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de sired. Apply to B. PETTIT, ja2l-if 1423 WALNUT Street et FOR PALE OR EXCEI4NVE-4 • dwellings, Brown street, alum Fifteenth street; 4 dwellings, Pine street, below Second street. Also, farm of SO scree on BiIIiCOCIIS, near the Railroad; one of 34 acres, near Conshohocken; one of 100 acres, between Holmesburg and Frenkford, on the turnpike; 180 scrim, 1 mile from Mount holly; 75 acres, n .ar Northeast Sta tion, Maryland; 160 acres in the oil region, Venango c. 1 4 ,41 Pg.; 1 4)4 uthor prupprtitt, both hi the city and country. Apply to J. IL WATERS. fel 110 South FOURTH . Street, tirl HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE Vaiik by the snbact.lber, at WOODBURY, New Jersey, now doing a good bubinesa. Possession given at any time. ja•",o.lm* JOHN P. PHIPPS. FOI SALE AND EXUHANGE- A large number of Parma to the adjoining 001111- Hee, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farm. Apply to jal-tf E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. VAEN FOR BALE.—A FARM, iD .a: excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ona acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasant!) , situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick !teflon, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price--Five thousand dot Tars (llf.,000). Apply on the premisos. nolti-tfSA 511 - 1 X L H. GRAFT. _ es FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of superior laud, neat Sands ' Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with firer class Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at 6 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, al No. 309 WALNUT Strom PROPOSALS. ARMY () CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE PHILADELPHIA, Jail!WY 29, 1.982 Sealed Proposals wilt be received at this (ghee until FEBRUARY the 15th, for supplying the Schuylkill Ar. sepal with Packing Boxes in such quantities as may be needed until June 30, 1862. They will be subject to in. epeciloi. on delivery al the , Schuy ikill Arsenal, when samples and sizes may be seen. G. 0.60.961 AN, Deputy Quartermaster General ja3o. tfels PROPOSALS FOR STAMPED EN- POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, January 13, 1862. Sealed Proposals will be received until 3 P. M., on the 13th day of February, 1862, for furnishing all the , iStamped Envelopes," "Letter Sheets and Envelopes combined," and "Newspaper Wrappers," which this Department may rtutuire, during a period of four years, commencing lat prii,lB62, viz !_ STA urtt , Ei4vttoPts, No. 1, or note size, 2% by 4% inches, of white paper. No. 2, or letter size, 3% by 6% inches, and extra letter size, 2% by G, Mellen, of white butt', or cream .e. dored paper, or in such proportions of either as may be re quired. No. 3, or official size, 37 by 8% inches, of the same colors as No. 2, and under a like condition as to the pro portion of each. No. 4, or extra official size, 3 1.10 by _0 4.f0 Inches, of the sense color as No. k, and nailer a like condition ae to the proportion of each. Noe. 1 and 2 to be embossed with the three or six-cent postage stamp, No. 3 with six-cent, and No. 4 with twelve, twenty, twenty-four, and forty-cent stamps, all of style 1111.1 color similar to those now in use. Letter sheets and etaniped envelopes combined, of white or blue paper. Note sheets and stamped envelopes com bined, of while or blue paper, both sizes embossed with the three-cent stampp. Stamped newspaper wrappers, not lees than 8 by 10 2-5 ineltea, and of buff paper, embossed with the one cent postage stamp, or any other denomination that may be required. Proposals are also invited for furnishing straw or ma nilla board boxes, or others of equator superior strength, for packing parcels of envelopes, of letter sheets and en velopes combined, and of newspaper wrappers, contain ing from one hundred to five hundred each, and for water-proof wooden cases for packing parcels of four to twenty-live thousand. The envelopes and wrappers ape to be made in the best manner, of paper of approved quality, manufactured specially for the purpose, and with such water-marks as the Postmaster General may direet. They must be gummed for sealing, the former at least 4% inches on the point and ram end of the latter ;. they must be banded In parcels of twenty-11w, packed wtthont charge for peek ing, Inn furnished complete in all mamas; ready for use with all reasonable despatch. and in such quantities as may be required to fill the orders: of postmasters, And must be delivered daily, either at the place of manufac ture or at the Post Office Department, at the option of the Postmaster General, to an agent duly authorized by the latter to inspect and receive them. Au attent of the Department will furnish the address for each parcel, which it to be paoted en the box by the manufacturer without charge. The dies for embossing the postage stamps on the en velopes and wrappers are to be executed In the best style, and they are to be provided, renewed, and kept in order at the expense of the contractor. The Department also reserves tl:o right of requiring new denominations of stamps and ally changes of the dies or colors without ad ditional charge. Bidders are expected to furnish samples of paper with that. bids tel the quality they intend to use in the manns facture of the envelopes whtcli they propose.to supply, and also specimens of the envelopes unstamped, and of boxes. In addition to bidsfor furnishing plain envelopes of the sizes and colors above described, separate proposals are invited to furnish envelopes provided with patent dissolving lines, (indicating the proper position for the superscription,) to substitute the plain or unruled en velopes, in whole or in part, as (he Department may sleet. Proposals are also Invited for devices other than water nutria:, (or additional to such marks,) to afford protection against counterfeiting—opechuens to be sub mitted: The contract wilt be awarded to the bidder whose pro posal, although it be not the lowest. is considered most advantageous to the Department, taking into account the price, the quality of the samples, and hie sufficiency and ability to m isniiffietilee and deliver 811Wg613411 in awed ante with the terms of this advertisement ‘• and no pro posals will be considered unless accompanied by Dmitri. tors. Before closing a contract, the successful bidder may be required to pi epare new dies and submit specimen lin pressions thereof. The use of the present riles may or may not be ratitinned, lint no rattiest change in the de vice of the stamps will be adopted. Bonds and security will be required for the faithful iieef i finsaties of tile mime!, and payments meter it will be made quarterly. The Postmaster General reserves to himself the right to annul it whenever lie shall discover that the same, or any part thereof, is offered for sals In the market for the purpose of speculation, and lie will noh in any case, sanction a transfer of the contract to any party who shall be, in hie opinion, loss able or less quail fled thsn blither or cogtriwtor, The is also reserved to annul the contract fur a failure to perform faithfully any of its stipulations. The number of envelopes of different sizes and of wrappers issued to postmasters, during the fiscal year ending June 30,1881, is fully set forth In the last report of the Postnitieter General. The bids should be marked fit Proposals for Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers," and should he addressed to the "Third Assistant Postmaster General, Post Office Department)) DI BLAIR, jalo.4t th Postmaster General. rrIERRA.PINS, OYSTERS STEWED 1 AND FRIED, AND CHICHEN &MAlL—lnvi tation Cards and otherptieee will be distributed in all parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all time** prepared to Preeerat far the Inspection of Ladle. and Gentlemen; a Het of the 'hinge necessary for a large or email entertainment, as the awe may be, thereby avoiding all unneemeary profusion and waste; and flatters bimeeW, that by hie long expe rience is business, be will be able at all times to give, an heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him wills their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. one South TWIBLIPTII takeout, above SPRUCE. oel.dm .CGRCULAR PRINTING, BEST IL/ old Cheapest hi the Oily, it altillW/klir DROWN% I Ilmath THUD Stroh. MIRRORS, VELVET