THE 'EeI,LT :QUESTIOW.—A final meeting of he committee to take into consideration the pro .riety of prohibiting the salting of the railway tracks, was held.yesterday afternoon. Mr. 'Nathan Taylor was first examined. He was .opposed to the salting 414 streets; he was a menu lecturer of leather, mad contended that salt water would. rot it - very quickly; he had seen new ear -1 riages also injured by the salt slush ; he thought the i system was a grand nuisance, and should be &be ' ted; intßeston the salting of streets is prohibited by the authorities; at one time salting was allowed an NetrYork, but was abolished as a nuisance ; the railway companies in Boston are compelled to cart all their snow away; he had seen thousands of loads deposited on Boston Common. .11r.'"Weiherill, one of the committee, here in tim:lmq, and wished to know why all these ques. lions were asked Mr. Taylor about Boston, when Vr A y heel refused to consult the mayor of that city ? /Mr. Inylor continued, and said he bad aeon the snow removed from the tracks in Boston by moans -of sleds. Ile had made numerous experiments with salt on leather ; and found that whenever the atmosphere became damp the leather rotted. A long discussion relative to the effects of salt -or leather now took place between Mr. Davis, one -Of the committee, and Mr. Taylor, both gentlemen repreitenting the leather trade /fir Taylor thought that salt injures leather, from tits tendency to absorb moisture By greasing the leather it .can be .;eserved, because the grease counteracts the effect of moisture. i t . Mr. • CtIFFiD. soothe of• the committee, took a Somewhat 'different view from Mr. Taylor relative ; itc the ei; , y-of Boston. , Mr. 'llretiterill laid this diversity of opinion Showed the folly of the committee, who had re fused, at the last meeting, to adopt a resolution calling on the mayor of Boston for information which is now being doubted. Dr. J. S. LeConte, of the U. S. Sanitary Commis sion, appeared. He said by using salt the atmos phere Li made wetter and col•ler ; he thought that •sisit anti snow water did not fitter through leather as freely as pure water ; salt water would make 'either more porous, as it tended to tear apart the Ilbres ; salt water is often used in treating patients to open the pores of the skin ; he contended that horses travelling through this salt slush were in- Jured, as their feet came into contact with a colder °4 than the snow itself and which they are not used to, ~ Simon Gartland was called. He exhibited some feather which be bad experimented upon, and _found that that soaked in salt and water was more 'Tomes than that placed in the pure water; he Sound a difference of two degrees in ice water and 'stilt water, the latter being the coldest. Tho public Jleraminntion here closed. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION.—The annual 'reefing of this spirited organization was held last vening at their hall, at the southeast corner of econd and Gold streets. Mr. Alex. Derbyshire, the president, submitted :the annual report, from which we learn that. there VIM a balance in the treasury, January 1, 3661. of $1,168 38 '3l4.ceived since 2,8t9 34 TOO. ,Xxpended 3.995 72 3.121 65 -- Bel an ce on band 8866 07 The reports after referring to the rebellion in the `,Vouch, .eye: "By this deplorable state of the. -country is cannot be said the business in breadstuffs has been positively injured," is somewhat proble timatical. The extraordinary demands upon the railroads, or.the transportation of troops , and munitions of liwar, caused so great an advance in all carrying Ides that, for some time, the shipment of produce, certain localities in the Wen to the FAA, was most prohibited. OA the article of corn, for in - acme, after the payment of freights and other ''.arges, not over seven cents per bushel re , mined as a compensation. Flour, and other kinds produce, it may be presumed. was in a degree ilarly affected, and, in this instance, the flour ,d grain trade, represented by the Corn Exchange ssociation, has doubtlessly suffered an important •gativt lose. But as this difficulty appeared to be avoidable, under all the circumstances, an Min a' to it ought not to be reg rded as an utterance complaint. An agreeable, and at the same time conservative atureof this organization, us evinced in the habits of the members on'" chan g e ," is the absence of all ihitemperate discussions oia political character. This should be observed at all times, but rah liowly so at the present Moment, (Jur country must now realize the power of that grand truism— in "Union is strength," or sutf , r the fatal come ' uences of a people ec , divided against themselves." r The following gentlemen were elected °timers for be ensuing year • President, Christian J. Hoffman; vies prnid en t, rhilip B. Mingle ; treasurer, Samuel_ L Ward eeretary, George Cookrami, , ANNM:I I ` , AIIT OJ THE UNION Sciiool. Aqu) -The twelfth almivergoY of •- . - . HILDREN'S ~c 1 Union School and Children's Home was eels rated evening - before last in the church of Rev obn Chambers, Broad street, below Chestnut fter prn3er and singing.. addresses were delivered ey the Revs. Pavia, Van Meter, Henson, Breed, nd ex-0 ocernor Pollock. 'The annual report was read by Mr. Junkie. Sit.ce the establishment of the home. in 1843, 1,400 children under 13 years of age have been taken in and cared for. Last year 160 were re ceived. 79 placed in families, 45 returned to their parents and friends, 3 died, 2 absconded, and 1 stolen. Of the above number placed in the insti tution, lu3 were sent there by the judges of the court. The financial affairs are not in so prosperous a state as the managers would like them to be, there having been $9,085.89 expended, whilst the receipts were about 53,000 less. COURTS.—SUPREME COURT—Chief Justice Lowrie, and Justices Woodward, 'fnompson, Strong, Read.—The list for Bucks and Montgomery 1 counties was again before the court, and the fol lowing cases were argued : Orem:nun - a appeal; Green's appeal; Satter thwaite's appeal; Skull's appeal. DISTRICT COURT—Judge Sharswood.—Jesse M. Tyson vs. Robert Erwin and Samuel F. Peter son. An action-,,r plain tiff, and asscss damages at $1.25. - Moody vs The Bank of Germantown. Before reported. Veraict for plaintiff. CANAL BOAT ROISISERY.—.A. canal boat lying in the Delaware, below Vine street, was entered on idonda3 night about half past ten o'elock. The cabin was broken into, and a number of articles be longing to the captain were stolen. A colored man tuned Charles Thompson was arrested by the har bor police a short distance from toe boat with the plunder under his arm. The prisoner was commit ted jeeterdey morning by Alderman Batter. GuN CAuntAGEs.—A.bout forty carriages for large siege guns passed through the city day before esterday. They came from Pittsburg. Th e gun arriagc, are made of very heavy timber, and weigh bout two tons each. A large quantity of thirteen 'rich shells pass through the eify almost daily_ These -hells weigh two hundred and fifteen pounds each. PAINFUL ACCIDENT.—Ott Monday evening, a girl named Louisa Snyder, thirteen years of age, while play ing in the Girard-avenue market, slipped and fell from one of the stalls. Her haud caught upon one of the hooks, and a finer was torn out. The little sufferer was conveyed ' to her home by Officer Supplee. FIRE IN TWENTY-TRIRD WARD.—Festerday morning early, a frame dwelling at White Hall. in the Twenty-third ward, was destroyed by fire. The tames originated from the sparks from a locomo tive. SHOOTING JAsE.—A man, named Kelly was shot in the ankle, on Monday afternoon, at the _Richmond coal wharves. It seems that a number of bey s were annoying a man named William Pine The latter told the boys to go away, or he would hurt some of them ; but no attention was paid to bum. Be then obtained a gun and fired. Tne weapon was loaded with buckshot, one of which took effect upon Kelly, as above stated. Pine was arrested, and held to bail to answer the charge of assault and battery. Ctms't.r.n VALLEY RAILROAD.—The report of the etuanittee, proposing a pine for the reorgani zation of this company, by the consolidation of the interests of the stock and bondholders, was adopted There being no further business, the meeting ad journed. - STILL /X TILE CITT. — Thc; Count of Paris and party acre still in the city yesterday, stopping at the Continental. Hotel. The distinguished strangers visited a number of our public institutions, and othir places of note in the city, during yes terday. SENT TO THE lousE OF REPUGE.—Yester -day morning, a boy named Henry Magonigal, aged fifteen years, was sent to the House of Refuge by Alderman Shoemaker. The charge preferred was "dest-rtiog his home and disobedience to his pa -tentS.77 CHANGE OF Mmr.—Postmaster Walborn -announces that the Western wail, which has here tofore closed at SA. M., will close at 2A. M. The •change is made in accordance with a change in the running of the Pennsylvania Railroad trams. BODY RECOVERED.—TLC body of an un known white woman wee found yesterday morn• ing, in the Schuylkill, at Market-street wharf. The deceased was a very large woman, and about .50 years of age. She had apparently been in tho water for several days. Her clothing consisted of a brown figured calico dress, calico underclothing, white stockings, and black gaiter-boots. ACOIDENT.—A woman named Mar- Faret McDevitt, fell in Calicwhill street, above ront, last evening about nine o'clock, breaking a leg. NEW COUNTERFEIT.—..kiI effort was made last evening to pass a counterfeit $3 note on the Columbia Bank, Columbia .county, Pennsylvania. ;Shopkeepers should be on the alert. THE MAYOR'S ANNUAL MESSAGE.—Mayor Henry is now busily engaged in preparing his an nual inee•ege to be presented to City Councils. 'The document will aettbaets 15a highly interesting, And is expected to be finished in Uwe for the meet ing of Councils to-morrow afternoon. New York Stock Lx 'COO S 'Bl, Cp.. 90 7900 U 8 Os 'Bl, Beg. 89 3000 111 Cp Bd '62.... 803ic 2000 .0 Coup '69.... 80); 1000 lil Cp 'TT 5034 1000 ifin S 8 w b... 79 35 1000 Virginia Os 51 1000 Idissorri 42M 7000 California St 7s; 81 5000 do 81M 10000 rlqllll Si 65,'90. 44A 1000 Mich So Skg Nd B,M 1000 0111 &NW'S IP. 87 1000 Chi & N W let,. 413 i 1000 Tol & Web Ist.. 7834 200001111 & Pdit Cl, Ist 90 5000 Sal Sc Chi let m. 103 20 Amer Ex 8k.... 79 5 Continental Bk. 71M .57100 Amer Gold 103 10000 do b 30.10335 20 Del & Bad Co.. 92 126 Pacific Mail 8. 90 .r.o .to 1,,15 993 00 Ilitilson B 1877 700 .Mich Cent R..e3 5515 150 do 1,30 5535 170 do 55 Bank anode, 8,50,900. New York Funds are .4'st% cent. discount to the setter, and everybody tun of them. Demand notes can he had in quantity at dis count. Nothing doing in 7 3-10 notes. The demand for specie or small bills in Washington is very great. The banks here are prohibited by law from issuing ally notes smaller than fives, and there is also a stringent law against the circulation of small bills from other 'cities within the District. Specie commands a premium of four per cent. The town is full of Govern ment "green backs," as they are called, and since the suspension of specie payments by the Government, no shopkeeper will give change fur them except the trade be of considerable amount. Everybody seems desirous of ge:tiug rid of the Government notes. The postmaster of the _city has Leen obliged to publish a notice that he cannot give change for a Government note except in cases where stamps are taken to the amount of $2.50. Business men arosending North for oae-dollar bills, al though their circulation is prohibited. Ilatfac.stis tar 2. t:greotrefivii•af'diaiind notes. The national finances of Great Britain for the year 1861 showed a falling oft' in the receipts, as compared with 1860. of no less than 516,818,220. The heaviest falling off was in the property tax, on which the present Chancellor of the Exchequer had, as an experiment, enected a redueion. It is thought that when the extra expenses of arming Canada are added to the accoutts of 1861, there will be a deficiency in the budget of about $28,600,E00. It will require all of Mr. Gladstone's dex terity, on the opening of Parliament, to face the difficul ties in his department, and to keep himself and his col leagues in power The annual return of the railways of Great Britain and Ireland, made to the Government Board of Trade, for the year chilling Dec. 31, 1860, has just been published in BradEhaw's Manual for 1862. Prom it we find that in that year the miles of railway in the United Kingdom were as follows: cchaauge—January 28 250 Mich S & N 1..... 20% .50 lliclt s a... 41 100 do 41% 100 111 Cent ecrip..aBo fox au . . ~ 3 35 61%, 200 do 614 500 111 Ceo cam scrip.. 25 6 .0 Clev & Tol 11..81.0 39 1050 do :'o%' 200 do .860 39 500 do ... . .. ....b5 39% too do .dlO 39% , 9.10 CS & Quo 62 1100 do lop 51 s. 1' do 1a p. 75 20 Is J Central 5....119 150 do 9874 1000 N Y Central 83% 1 400 do a 4 83% 100 do .610 83% 50 dn. n3O 83% 659 Brie.. 34% 50 do 1)10 34% 53 Fait" 1C Pref.—LSO as 150 do 57X 150 du 57 % 50 Harlem It 12% 550 do 12% FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28..1602 At the first hoard to-day Pennsylvanialtailroad shares advanced to 40%, recovering the decline noted yester day ; the first mortgage bonds rose to 100 k, and the second mortgage bonds to 92. Reading Railroad shares rose to 20 . ,!,f ; North Pennsylvanialtailroad 6 per cent. scrip sold st62M, and City sixes sold at 97 for the now issue and in for filo old issue Dawson boards, Reading Railroad shares fell to 20, and at the second board to Briji. Penn sylvania Railroad shares advanced at the second board . to 40,4 for two shares, but sold after boards at 407. Schuylkill Navigation preferred sold at the first board at 123. and after the second board at 12N. The news from the Burnside Expedition, though cried upon the streets as the „ wreck" of the Burnsida Ex pedition, had no effect upon the stock or money market. The brokers are full of orders to purchase good paying securities, and all first mortgage bonds are appreciating in consequence. Even Reading bonds of 1849, by no means a favorite security, bare gone to 95, Sunbury and Erie Railroad sevens sold at 93, Morris Canal bonds at 95, and Lehigh Navigation sixes at 10234 . Yesterday.we noticed the sale of West Branch Canal bonds, which to-day advanced to 30M for ten thousand dollars of bonds. With a million of dollars of stock and a half million of mortgage bonds, of ehich $92,000 have been cancelled by the sinking fund, which appropriates $7,500 yearly, and the coupons of the cancelled bonds to the purchase of new bor ds, these bon are considered an entirely re. liable security. Ten thousand dollars of these were sold today at 80M, 'lke following quotation,' are furrilohol no by Room. Drexel & Co.: New York exchange Botton exchange.... Thatimore exchange. Americou gold Coo:yrs. ie busily considering the financial measures necessary for the support of the Government, and tno chairman of the Committee of Wads and Means an nounces his intention to offer au amendment making the semi. annual interest payable in coin, This latter arrangement, if adopted, will do more to keep the value of the Government issues at par than any enactment making them a legal tender in payment of debts. It is very justly urged against the plan making these notes a legal tender, that the very effort to compel their acceptance for debts implies that they are not vo luntarily so taken, and puts the stamp of depreciation upon them in the beginning. They will not pass current of themialres, and therefOre the stamp of tlie groyiert . talent, fixing an arbitrary value, is put upon them. It is certain that people of fixed incomes, men of small means, and depositors in savings banks will all be losers; in fact, all the past accumulations of labor will suffer depreciation if a depreciating paper currency is made a legal tender. Bence, it is argued 14 experienced financiers that the demand notes issued by the Government should be strictly redeemable in coin, and that the issue of such notes should be quite limited in amount. Other notes should be made payable at some future day, and should have a fixed rate of interest, which would bring them upon the same plane with the great mass of promissory paper alms) s afloat in the country, and prevent them from affecting, in any way, the currency of the country, which regulates the exchangeable value of all commo dities. It is further urged that the issue of such in terest-bearing noses will avoid any Inflation of the Cur rency, and will furnish paper that may he issued in set tlement of business transactions; that may bo pledged as collateral for loans, and that will, in the course of a short time, be absorbed as investments. The New York Evening Post of to-day says : The stock market opened very inactive and prices fell tff a trifle, though the general tone was steady, but to wards the close the exaggerated account of the disaster to the Burnside Expedition produced a pressure to sell, and quotations after the Board were 0)3 per cent. lower than on the . 4 first call." After the Board, New York Central sold at 833 f ; Erie 34; Erie Preferred 31%; Bock Island 55; Pacific Mail 98%; Michigan Central 5454. The Governmert list is without special change. The sixes of 1881 are steady at 89 for refdetered, and 90 for coupons. The fires are sparingly offered at our quota tions. There Is more inquiry to-day for 7-30 treasury notes. The money brokers make a difference of Xel per cent. against endorsed notes; but at the Stock Board no dis tinction is made. -We hear of sales of clean notes at 9S, at which there is an investment demand. The speculative movement in gold has taken the up ward turn again, and the news from Burnsides Expedi tion tends to strengthen it. The price is very sensitive to unfavorable news, but not so easily sheeted by coo cneee. it 303.% per cent, spentliatoPa scant to regard gold as a eafe venture. The Main; rate is 10354 with numerous buyers at . 1 9 °. .•A Money is in good ?emend There is and to-day at 6 per cent. on call. - doinginfirst-class paper outside of bank. l '''.7lle mimes go readily at 6 per cent. The foreign exchange market remains dull, but is a Shade firmer on London-113X e 1143 for first-class bdie. The warehousing movement in merchandise during December was as follows : Total value of goods in bond Dec. 1. 1661....515,Q76,469 Entei irne!rn§T from ports ii mx • 2,3 4 0, 3 8 7 EectiTed in bond from other domestic paid, a b4ISS4 Total W7;1 . 77,740 Withdrawn for consumption here 93,561,887 • me•ehipprd to foreign ports Transhipped to other domestic ports 110,762 4,035 200 Lenycs stock in warehouse Jan. 1, 1862 $14112,531 Thie shows a decrease dining the last mouth of up ward of ono and a half million of dollars. The Boston Post of yesterday reports : The Washington correspondent of the New York Evening lost says : England and Wales Scotland Ireland Total The number of miles actually open in the United States on the 31st of December, 1860, was 31,169—m0re than four times that of the United Kingdom. . . 'rho total grosa receipts of the whole number of rail. ways For 1860 were £27.748,486, and net receipts 114,- 561,118, being about 11,920 ($9,645) per mile paean. nUM. The average per, tentage of expenses to receipts as 47 per cent. England and Wales being one above, and Scotland and Ireland two below the average. The per centage of the items making up the total expenses is as follows Maintenance of way - 19 lir cent. Dittmtellance of motive power 20 4. Repairs and renewals 8 •' Traffic charges 28 at Rates and taxes.... 4 Govern:re nt duty 2X Compensation for accidents Miscellaneous expenses.... Ekiladelpinn Stock Exchange Sake, January 28. 1862. am. Philadelphia Exchange 11.1POHTZD HY S. E. BLAVILL 2000 Cam & Am 63'67 90 50 Beading E.... 05 201( 2000 do '75 90 50 do 203‘ 50 2d & ad-st 4936 100 do sswo & int 20 100 , Little Schuyl Nov 10% 100 do 05.201-16 1000 Penna B lot m.. 10011 20 do .... .. 20 2000 do Ist mort —1001( 30 do ...........20 2000 do let nant...100.4 50 do "dye. 20 1000 do 241 mort_... 01% 3000 American C01d..1034 2000 do' 2d snort.._. 02 217 50 do 103% 20 Green & Coates t 10%170 N Penaalt 1 in Sc 621( 15 do ........:.181( 500 do 62% 15 do 13% 85 do 62% 20 do 18% 300 City 6s New 96% 19 do 18% 100 do __New 97 1 do 18% 200 do 91 200 Lehigh Nov 65...102.% 50 Sch Nov pfd each IS% 10 Lehigh Scrip. _O5 36% 30 do cash 12% 10 do 05 26% 100 Norrisen Rin lots 44% 17 do 36% 10000 West Br Bonds. 80% 45 do .......... 3636 50 Arch-street 1t.... 15 2000 Sun & Erie 7e.... 83 50 d 0...... 15 1000 do . 83 31 Cata R.. .iti lots 2 300 Beading - IL-05 20% 10 Elmira leptd.... 111( 50 dub 5 20% 50 Penns R 40% 50 do 05 20% 3 Cam .& Amb R... 121 100 do b 5 20% BOARDS BETWEEN 25 Reading R 20 12 liarriaburg R.... 51X 12 21 & 3d-et R.. 40) lifibOND 2 Pennaß... .. .. 40% 300 City 08 New 00% 200 do ......New 96% 500 do 96% 4 Catawissa R pfd. 5% 10 Elmira 1 01d.... 1354 50 Delaware Div.... 40 50 do 40 AFTEU 50 Benny' Nay prof 1)5 12%1 MOUSING Bid. Ask. Phila fki 91 9135 Phila 8s E. 91 9136 Phila Os new... 96% 963 Penns 68 83 84 Beadingll. 19% 19 94 Seadffig &la '7O 88 91 11.'dg 8188'80'48 93% fimad 111 fla '86.. 76 77 Psalm 11 40% 40 36 Penns it 2rlm Os 91% 92 Norris 01 Con.. 39 .. north 01 Pret.llo 115 Soh Kw 6,082.. 87 69 Bch Bev Imp es 74 80 Soh Nair Stock. 6.1 f 6% Belt Nay Pref... 12% 12% 'Elmira It 7 731 B Pret. 1334 1336 Philadelphia Markets. The Flour market is unchanged. Sales include 600 bbls low grade extra at $5.37X m 5.50, 200 4,ble good do at $5.624'05.70, 1,500 bids family at ss.7sa6.l2X—the hatter fur city mills, and 1,000 bids choice Diamond-mills family on private terms. The trade are buying in a small way within the range of $5 2505.37% for superfine, t. 5 .50e5.68,4 for extras, 4-5.75ati 25 for family, and $0.50 for fancy brands, e, to quality. nye l is steady at $3.75, and Corn Meal at $3 Vfi WHEAT.—The market is quiet at previous quotations. 4,000 bus red have been disposed of at 1310135 c tor corn- MOll to good and prime Western and Pennsylvania in store, including white in small lots, at 14081500, as in quality. Rye is steady at 72.873 e for Pennsylvana. Corn is rather lower, but more active i about 13,000 bus new yellow sold at 56)ic in store. Oats are unchanged, with sales of 2,000 bus Pennsylvania at 38)033c in store. Prime New York Batley is held at 85c. BARK.—First 10.1 Quercitron is scarce and wanted at $32 tr ton. enTTON.-111. market continues very firm; but a small business lasing in the way of sales. GROCERIES Aar, Paortsioss.--The is very little doing, and no change to note in either. Scens.-11iece is a fair demand for Cloveraeed. with fratner sales at 64 37,% en 4,62,34 Gue, Fluxneed ie better and selling at $3.20 44''' bus. Witisxv is Min ' with sales of bbls 251625 Xe, slot drudge at :28,,ie 47 gallon. ...1-10e1-5 die .parebM prm parel.lo die. Utah" prm F T Blown, Cleveland hold B Dixon, Ruston, Ma . John B Sardy, New York Jos T Howard, M. D D M Barbour, Pittsburg R Rice, Boston D Buickson, Maryland Win 1; Lamour, Baltimore Wm Drown, Baltimore Dr A Hutchins, U S N Mrs Horntield, New York Wm Thomas Thee Willard, U S N Gee M Miller, New York John B Bonner, Baltimore Copt 5 Gardner . 10 1 a, SN. Pike, eircinr“ti a •.6...a. uY. h. urg 111 la ority, Cmeiona,i. GAY Anderson, Bedford Sarni Laird 211a,NewJersey T Poster, Baldmore 1, Drew, - Vermont A - P19AN1 1 1041 2 4%;;:%' -t v t 7! . EVSinunons, Baltimore R R 14faro&r. R.r. , ...-.-- W R R;.1.,...1.,nr., ir $ N R B McComhe J S Jellott, New York 13 Spencer, New York J C Beaumont, U S N - - Dr V B Lockwood, Albany E U Shield, Cincinnati, 0 R Ricardo, New York W Ii Penrose, U S A It N Foster, Wilmington, Del Miss N Halsted, ALksj J W Track', Baltimore W Renshaw, Jr. & la, N Chas Norton, Boston Mrs 11. J Moore,. Newton J Fisk, Jr, Boston Lieut Col Oliver, Mass Thom Hollis, Milton, Mass I, Bangs, New York Time J Blakeuey J B Carrinatou, Conn Jas L Bailey, New York E R Y Wright, N Jersey Hon F Watt=, Carlisle F Watts, Jr, Carlisle, Pl® 0 W Loll, Chamberaburg D 0 Coke, Chanthersburg E S Beard, Si Louie Chas Hopes, New York Mr Connel, Baltimere Capt C J Miers E G Childs, !oiluecticut P Chrystal, Cahrornia B T Holcomb, Delaware Capt Lee, Washington Mrs Jno Russell, Mass Mrs Geo Dennison, N Y B S Evora', West Chester A A Seinmes. Rhode Island Wm Foster, Jr, New York A B Coleman Cincinnati Miss Smith, Cincinnati Gee B Howell la, Phila M Kaufman & la, Pa H J Roberts, New York Col Shock, Columbia J It Scranton, Scranton J B McCreary, Id Chunk J H Hall, Now York W B Hopkins & la, N Y Wm Atherton, Boston W D Tombler, M. Chunk J Mumper, M Chunk A C Tint, New York A McKim & la, Boston W Bennett &la New York H C Longnecker, Allento'n Mr Bacon & la, Boston Jos Seligman, New York Jos Greenleaf, New York Jno N Pomeroy & la, Vt J C Davis, .Cincinnati Mrs Gallaher, New Yorkli Thos Smith, New York J Houswright, New York J L Cassaily, New York CJohnston, Now York Arrowsmith J McCafferty & la, N Y 7 549 1000 Pa Cp saJau & Ju 87 50 ltaxleton Coat... 4t 3000 Cam &Am 61 7 75 00 BOARD. 4050 Chicago 1 ni Ctrs 77 1000 Cam dc .'75 90 1000 do 00 4000 Penns IL Ist mort.loo,..if 50 Reading B 193 3 Minehill R. 47 g 60 N Pen Chat Scrip 56,4* 1000 Morris Cut Bde.. 95 • VARIM. 50 reana II lOES--FIRM. BIM Ask. Elmira 7a'78... 68 70 Long Island B. 10% 10% Leh CI & Nay.. 614 62 Leh 437 & N Serp 88% 87 IN Fenn% B.—. 7% 8 N Penns B Ba.. 85 66% N Penualo9... 80 82 CatawieeattOon 2hl OitifiWiipa Pear.. b% Fr &Soutlek B. 36 .. 2rl &8d ate 12.3. 49,v 49% Race & Vine•et. 3 .. W Phi% R . &1 Ei3 Spruce & Pine.. 8% Green & Coates 18 18% Chest & Walnut 30 32 Arch Street.... 13 15% JANUARY 2R—Evoning THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, i 862. CITY ITEMS. Recruiting in Philadelphia We yesterday paid a visit to the barracks of the One Hundred and Ninth Regiment, P. V-, in the large Mind ing, No. 533 Chestnut street, and were gratified ' not only with the exceedingly comfortable quarters of the men, and the excellent discipline enforced by the officers, but also with the material of which this growing young re giment is composed, and of which it is officered. The entire building, above the first story, is occupied by them, and fitted up with every convenience that could conduce to health and comfort. The major part of the second and third stories are used for lodging purposes, being amply provided with bunks, benches, and conveniences for washing and cooking. From the savory meal in course of preparation whilst we were !hare Whiell we alltanitiea tasted with A geed relish,) we have reason to know that their fare is ex cellent. A quantity of beef, bought, as we were informed by an officer, at 14% cents per pound, was at hand, reedy for use, and all the necessary utensils for making it available for provender. Cleanliness and Broom are apparent throughout, reflecting much credit upon the energy and administrative capacity of guar- - termasterßodgers. Upon the whole, we may safely Ban that of all the recruiting stations in this city that we have yet visited few aro as Inviting as the barracks of the One hunched and ninth The regiment, which is still incomplete, lint filling up rapid/y, is officered as follows : Colonel, H. J. Stairirook ; lieutenant colonel, C. 141. Barris; major, W. A. Gray. Staff Officers—Ad jutant, W. It MeAditin quartermaster, James B. Rodger.. We were alto informed that a weekly prayer meeting, at which moat of the men attend, is raga larly held in the second story of the bdilditt,s, every Tburgilay evening. LECTURE IN AID OF THE ICINGS - Mika IiOSPI TAL AID SOCIETY.—To-morrow evening' a lecture will be delivered at Concert Hall, by James M. Sommer. vole, Ef, P,, 98 " Pictures—Their Origin and Influeroo." This IS n capital subject fora popular lecture, and the Cause in whose behalf it will be given is worthy of liberal support. The proceeds are to be devoted for the benefit of the Kingeeseing Hospital Aid Society. CANNED SUMMER FRIIITS.—Mr. C. H. Matt son, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streete,has a Ono assortment of preserved summer fruits—peaches, tomatoes, peas, green corn, et cetera The natural flavor of these fruits, we can say from experience, is preserved in great perfection. MR. A. L. VANSANT, manufacturer of the finest fancy and plain Confectionery made in this smithy, has taken, and will soon occupy, the eiegadt new store on the corner of Chestnut and Ninth streets, under the Continental Hotel. His success, as the most artistic manufacturer of tine Confections in America, is without a parallel. His enterprise is a credit to our city. CONSUMPTIVES, ,NOTIVE.-Dr. J. H. SCHENCK would say to his ',atlantic an; all those that called on him last Saturday, and were disappointed ill net seeing him, that he has get next daturday, February Ist, to be at his office, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. H., and will give advice, mid examine lungs with his Respirome ter, free of charge, for that day only. His fee for an exam4etion with the Reepirometer is three dollars, but as so many were disappointed from a distance, he has concluded to We and examine all that Gee fit to cation him that day. Ja29-3t* TILE TUSCARORA AND TIM NASHVILLE•—At the latest a:counts the pirate Nashville was at anchor in the harbor of Southampton, and the Unitsl.l States gun boat Tuscarora was watching her sharply. John Bull was beginning to growl, and some correspondence had taken place between the commander of the Tasearer6 and the British naval auttenities upon the subject. It is said that the correspondence was sharp and racy; but all that is positively known concerning it is, that the Yankee skipper assured the Enghshers that, in his opinion, the best and most elegant garments to be found in the world were those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Han of Bockbill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, .I.ove Sixth. To .IfonN. Weep on, Jobn Bull, but not for us— Oh ! turn thy gaze awhile Where ramine'a goblin incubus Broods o'er the pale Green Isle. Thy deadly blight her fields lay bare, The tears are in her eyes; Thy sighs for us we well tam spare— With hers we sympathize. Our loyal Stalls they know ne want, They've wealth unknown before, The '• OontiLent4l" has increased trade, And Etokes's 66 `one,price" store. TILE BURNSIDE EXPEDITION.—We learn by our telegraphic deapatchea that the Burnside Expedition encountered a severe gale, which for a time threatened destruction to the greater part of the fleet. Through gcod management, however, all the vetsele, with the ex ception of three or four, matte their oar gest r into Pam- Eonrid, and have no doubt before this tim3 taught the rebels ilia; decidedly the beet and cheapest winter garments are nianatlCitilTd M the palatial clothing esta MBfluent of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, (one dour above Harnden's Express Ottice)—a very useful leeron for f ll In learn. EaRIVALN AT TILE HOTELS ITP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut ins Wan A Eartge, 11tcat J A Drake, oincinnati A A Ammo' & la. Boston Mrs B F Andrews, N Y Mrs Runner, New York Mrs Johnson, iSCAV York Geo P Hamilton, Pittsburg J A Hanleletom Halt Dlr Bayard, New Jersey D Ktiyer, Pittsburg ZT Veazy & wf, Connecticut Mrs EXL Clark, Coon . . E Landis & It, Boston W P Robinson, Ma E Pains, New York J M Mozart, Now York E Himpnbalt, New Jersey b Baltimore .3 H Aikman, New York C D Schubarth, Proy, B I Bobt 'Townsend, US N MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth sr., below Arch J Crampton, New York W Chisholm, Cleveland J Jones, Newburg T White, Poulos W Wolf, Centre Hall, Pa J Allison, Pittsburg It A Cochran. Dmlington T Ross. Doylestown II P Rom, Doylestown G B Haefibg T White. 'York. Pa. AP Spinney. Ashland, Pa C H Helfrich, Ashland, Pa H Williams & la, N York J iH Southwick, Roston 0 Rerrer A; la, Carlisle E H Van Cleve, N Jersey L A Exton, Clinton, N J RH Do Forest, N York J Dearslyue, N York Ll.l Sample, New Castle P E Stevenson, N Jersey A Lathrop. Montour, Pa Cid Gore, Montour, Pa G F Cain, jr, Shippensburg C G Drinker, Clifton, Pa R W Drinker, Clifton, Pa J Thompson,Pittsburg J D Robinson, Pittsburg S Seymour, York C L Griswold, Connecticut T H Forcey, Clearfield aMERICAN HOTEL—Ohesuart et.. above Fifth Z R Elmer, New Jersey ES B Newbury, Li 3 A A D Dickinson, Jefferson co A J Brown, Jefferson co G B'Deuuy, Ohio J Worley, Cleveland, 0 W B. Wikoff, Trenton G J Hughes, Pennsylvania E Eldridge, Elmira J W Irwin & la, llarrisb'rg S 0 Poet, Chicago Capt C A Winn LOW T B Guthrie W.B BOWen t New Jersey D Swain, New Jersey Thos Brasher, New York Miss Henderson do sister, Pa W W White, Virginia D B Bay, Ohio C B Eames, New York P H Stone Pros', R I H G Tricker, Prov, R I R B Hutchinson & la, NY J J Manes & la, New York N Canterbury, Mass 11-Flawks, New York D Barrows, Maine 0 Leavy. Maine W G Woodward, New York R P Campbell, New York I' A Curtis Delaware W Mix, Jr, Albany E Taylor,Albany 8 B Brayton, Albany E Abany J A Morris ' Albany C I' Morse, Boston B Coll. y, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Uheidnut et., above Third. Lient Walton, IT S A G W Potter, New Jersey It B Elf I,mend, New Jersey J W Young, Baltimore A Painur, New Haven Cant Fitzsimmons, N York F S Trendy, New Nampaldre TEE lINION—Arch street. above Third. W R Pmyser, Wash, D C Capt John Jameson, Va B Cong,hlin, New Jersey M Edmonds, Pottsville JAMS FOOS, rOttgYine W II Thompson, Bridgeton COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. E W Ricks, Chester co, Pa X Pennock, Delaivare .1 L Richardson, Delaware N Warren, Delaware J L Elliott, DelawareT B Penuebaker, Carlisle C Neide, Pottstown J H Rowland, Maryland Lieut S S Greth, Cal Bgt J W Gibson, California Rgt W II Huddleaon, Penne Sas Entrekin, Penna J Kirk. Lancaster co Pa Ell Brown, Lanc co, Pa J K Brown, Maryland T Walton, Penna. F. Pricer ffi en, Doyleetown J Boyd, Chester co J 11111 es, Jr, Mariland J P Price, Maryland W Dilworth, Coatesville J 8 DeSett, Columbia J Vanderslice, Pluenixville J Lukens, Phomixville W H Eder,'Elkton, Md NATIONAL HOTEL—Rave street. above Third. J Jameson, Cp Plerpont, Va J M Harley, Bucks co, Pa Thom C Abbott, Bloomsburg E Rube, Allentown J Emanuel, Allentown Chas 9 Smith, Towanda George L Frick, Penns S J Brearly, Penna C B Coleman d wf, Lances W M Derr it son, Penna J B Ilimbacb, New Berlin Jos Differ, Greensburg A W Eyeue, Williamsport Gee. Grass, NEM Orlln,Pa BARLEY SHEAF—Elecond meet, below Vine. D N Cook, Maryland A Rue s Maryland A Ott, Bucks J Robbins, Bucks M Eastburn, Bolebury Wm Paisto, Trenton, N J J Hibbs, Newtown, Pa A W Buckman Poona R Janney, Bucks B Betts, Jr, Solebury, Pa J Gieh, Buckingham, Pa T C Bogus, Bustieton W Van Kirk, Princeton, NJ J G Vandegrift, Nana bleb, Montgomery W P Magid, Backs J Hughes, Centreville E. Gillingham, Greenville Mrs Jas M Cat ver, Boyles'n B Moon, Bucks 0 Moon, Bucks L Connard, Ponna J W Gillam, Penne Wm Bablerson, Lahaska Miss G Shaw. Lahaska C Connard, Lakaska L Bradshaw, Centreville MADISON HOUSB--Seeend street, above Market. S R Ferman, U S N Thilworth, Now Dope Johnsen, Ponna J It Bowel Penna W B rzehgel, N Jersey 0 0 &inn, Trenton, N J J Simmons, Wilm, Del Job Silvers, N Jersey Bohr Beans. Docks co Dr J H D Knowles, Del Copt Harrod, Boston 111 Bower, Newark, Del C P Carter. Belfast BLACK BEAU—Third street, above Callowhill. D Brunner, Centre Valley Chas Finney,Hartsville Chas Harper. Jenkintown. W Harrier, enusburg A Ilowirroin, Itlehd Robb, Horsham Lysie Nelson, Dlnalletown John Uereb, renneburg Jae M Thomas, Penns Amos H Engle, Stouersville Aaron B W Knight, Donna STATES UNlON—Market street, above Math. W Evans, Indiana co, Pa P N Honerman, N J Rev .1 Landis, Potretown .1 G Irvin, Centre co, Pa J S Funk, Patterson, Pa Il busman, Pittsburg J Muncie, Pittsburg A Woidlen, New York N Sproul, Chester co, Ca A J Woltkill, Lewistown L Phtt Harrisburg J Martin, Lattenater es, Pa A Pyle. Lancaster co, Pa John SOWN, Lane CO, Pa A Punting. (',Lester co, Pa W J Coffee, Ohio L TI, nts, Burke co, Pa J Heiberg, Ireland A roltz, Harrisburg A Snyder, Georgetown, Pa BALD EAGLB—Third 'street, above Timis 'Venice!, ilennebmg Albert T Donter, Bethlehem Baker, Clinton, N J T S Luisenriusts lttrobe,Pa Jag Waller & la, PPIIII7I B Knbeg & la, Pennn MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sir SE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED Steamship lit Sanford; Sanford, 19. hours from New York, with noise, &c. to James Allderdice. Above the Brandywine Light saw a schooner beating up; bark C W Poultney, flout Plymouth, was off Fourteen-feet Bank; and brig Gitani, from Rio. below the Ledge Light. both beating up; U 8 steamer Hartford, and the ship Tenn. wanda, for Liverpool, the latter in tow of the City Ice BORN were off Rredy Island at 10 A M. acid A 'W Morse. darduer, 12 days from Cardenas, with m010w5,... to Twelle & Co. BELOW. Scbr J R Plater, from Port Royal CLEARED. Fehr L A Deinenhower, Miller, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, 8 • r • & Co tichr 31 .4 G Washington, Douglass, Snow 111111, )lid, captain. Str H L Gar, Der, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BY TELEORAPII. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Jan. 28, 8 P st The U S steam sloop-of. war Hartfovtl, for the Golf, went to sea this evening. She is the Sag ship of Cora. . Farragut's squadron, which VIII consist of twenty-three vessels of various sizes. Tours, lte. P- Df4Ttsu4r4T, MEMORANDA Steamship City of Blanchester, Ilalcrow, cleared at .21 York yesterday for Liverpool. Ship Thee W Sears, Drew, from Singapore, at N York yesterday. Rip Armin, lleagar,fromßristol, via Delaware Break wa•er, at New York yesterday. Bork Time Balled) T li, for fittiadeiptaa, was waiting cargo at Porto Cabello 9th inet. Bark White Wing, Ealing, hence, arrived at Porto Ca bello sth inst. Bark Oak, Ryder, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boston 27th Met. Bark Bananza, Strenach, 71 days trent Rio de Janeiro, at New York yesteriny. Park Eliza, from Rio do Janeiro, with coffee, at New York yesterday. Sell? 8 T Baker, Price, from Buenos Ayres, arrived at New York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE ADAMS lIENIMPO P IIPUT t E COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 27, 1532. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D C., by 'building a Railroad depot, and having acquired addit'ond saPacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash. ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize In large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recsipted fer at our depot, S. E. corner of HitOAU and LOCUST Streets. JOHN BINGHAM, ja2i. tf Superintendent. HAMBLETON'S HAIR STAIN The most reliable article in nee for coloring the Hair and Whiskers black or brown. Does not fade or wash out. Depot, 225 exiction Street. jalo.waTttt ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF• THE LATEST STYLUS, made in the Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Onst-Pluos STSTRY is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. eroM-ly LOSES & CO., 60 MARKET Street. UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS ♦ Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in. etantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. n027-wfram PR. lIGDZIEWON'S OMIT AND RUDD— MATTO PROPS-1110 only relitiPin remedy for Shounia tistu, Gout, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT do CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal-wind Depot for all Popular Medicine& CARD PRINTING, BEST AND GHEAPEEIT to the City, at 31. South THIRD Street.' CIRCULAR PRINTING. Best and Cheapest in the fifty, at al Santh THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the ()ay. at fts. Smith THIRD Street MARRIED . BEATON—R.NOX.—on the 22d inst., by Rey. Wm. Starrett, Mr. Robert T. Houton, of Clamp Marcy, Ya., to bliss Agnes Knox, of this city. BROt 'R ER RA N—H RKNESS.—NOv. 7, by Rev. J. Crowe, Illr Charles Breckorman to Ulm Annie Harkness, both I f EIRE—DA HIE LB. —On the 26th in.t., by the Bev. Luther E. Albert, Mr. Blanchard D. V. Kirk, of Phila delphia, to Mies Mary H. Daniels, of Germantown. * DIED. SBOCII.—On the morning of January 27, 1862, Anna Muria, wife of George G. shoch, and daughter of Irene vlchkaliitraa anti attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1215 North Seventh street, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. it* IN RAY —On the 17th instant, at Linn Creek, Mo., of inflammation of the brain, James Alexituder, only child of Edward and Cornelia C. Wray, aged 3 months and 11 dal e. WALLACE—On the morning of the 27th imtant, in the 42d yenr of hor age, n licf lice, relict of the late Jobbua iii. Wallace, el. D., and daughter of Dr. William uoupp.-o. , 71 t te . re t lati . ees and friends of the family are respectfully what, g. I 4R , V , filueral, from the residence of Dr. morning, the 30th inst., at 734 o'clockL=re,,,on Tfiarsday at 9% o'clock. Interment at Farley, near Bristol *4O - .s.—On Sunday, the 26th, Mias Maria Hen ning. The kinds of the family are respectfully lirfltt4 to, attend the funeral, from the residence of her brother, Wm. D. M. using, at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. LUCAS.—On the 27th inst.. John Lewis Lucas son of Francis and. Cornelia Lucas, in she 12th year of ?Lis age. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 337 South Front street, on Thurs4ny afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BROWN—On the 28th inst., Lewis Frederick Brown, in the 91st Near of his age, Funeral from the residence of his son•in-taw, Samuel. Moser, No 1563 Palmer street, below Fraukford road, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * JOHNSTON .—On the 27th inst., Louisa Johnston, in the 13th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of John. Homan, N 0.920 Race street, on ThurFday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * MAY.—On the 26th inst., Mrs. Lydia Ann May, wife of Capt. Henry May, Sr. WALLACE.—On the 28th instant, Thomas Wallace, in the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, N. E. corner of Tenth and Willow streete, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, ia . 2 o'clock. KLEIN—On the 24th instant, John Christoph Klein, aged 43 ) ears. - Fun..nd from his late residence, 17 Girard avenue, be tween Ft ankford road and Front street, this (Wednesday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. * WILLIP MS.—On the 25th instant, John L. Williams, in the 79th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his son, Robert F. Wil liams. near Germantown, on Fourthtday morning, at to o'clock. . . DYE —On the 25th instant, John N. Dye, in the 46th year of his age, formerly of Ashland, Schuylkill co., Pa. His remains will leave his late residence, No. 224 Crown street. on Wednesday, at 7 A. M., to proceed to ilton. Pa., for interment. * BESSON & SON, MOURNING B STORE, No. 918 CRIS PNU r Street, have adopt ed the "VASIL SIiSTE:SI," both in buying and selling, thee enabling them to purchaeo and eell their goods at the loweet pLpssible or/reg. G 001.6 RECEIVED JANUARY 14th to 18th. Black and White Pin Check and Striped Silks. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 12% cents. Black and Purple Plaid Velour Reps, 37% cents. Block Blanket Long Shawls, $7; Square, $3.50. Balmoral Skirts, roll size, $2.50. Black Foramina Clothe, 25, 317(, 37%, and 50 cents Bla c k Wool Brae, e 244 cents. jal2 rv-77. AN ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING 113 of Stockholders of the Marshall Savings Institu tion of Philadelphia will be held on the EVENING of the 29th inst., at the usual place, to meet at. 73 O'clock. ltd W. M. LEVICK, Secretary. arNOTICE.—HOLDERS OF WILLIAMS pert and Elmira t hattel Bonds and Chattel Scrip are hereby notified io call at the Office of the Trustees, No. 308 WALNUT Street, on and after the lot proximo, in order to receive their dues under the lease of the chat tels to the new Company, in ace nriance with the order of Court. ENOCII LEWIS, Trustees' W. C. LONGSTRETH, Philadelphia, Ist mo. 28th, 1862. ja29-wfrn3t grTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY OF THE UNION TEMPORARY ROME FOR CHILDREN will be held at the HOME, northenst corner of POPLAR and FIFTEENTH Ste., on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 30th inst., at 4% o'clock. IP, V, MCIVA.M4.94, ja2B.3tir Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE U.. 3 STATE OF PENNSYVANIA. JANUARY 25, 1862. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on MONDAY, February 3,1862. at the Company's Of fice, Nos. 4 and b EXCHANGE BUILDING, at 12 o'clock, noon. WILLIAM HARPED, ja27-tfc3 Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 1862. ij3 —The annual meeting of the dtockholdere of the UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, Will be held at No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar building,e on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 11 o'clock A. R) jalt-tfed 0. THOMPSON, Secretary. • OFFICE OF THE NEB► "OBE AND 113 MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company will be held at their Oflice, No. 204 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February 34, 1E62, at II o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing FIVE DI RECTORS, to servo for the ensuing rear, and the trans action of such other business as may be brought before them. HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, January 18,1802.ja18•tfe3 NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING lir of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COM PANY for the election of five Managers, and the transac tion of other business, will be held in roam No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, Philadelphia, on TUEIDAY, Feb ruary dth, 1882, at half past seven °into& P. IL WM. DENNIS, ja2l-12t Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING FGYI. of the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAK GATION COMPANY, for the election of five Directors, and the transaction of other buainess. will be held in room No. 30, Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia, on TUESDAY, February 4th, 1862, at 12 o'clock noon WK. D E NNIS, ja2l-12t Secretary and', Treasurer. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. 1.13 ROAD CO.-1 3 11ILADIMPLII i t Jan. 11, 1862. NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDEES.—The annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY. the third day of February, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the BANSOM- STREET HALL. The annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the third day of March, ldea, at the Ornee of the Company - , No. 238 South TRIED Street. By order of the Board. jal3-tfe3 EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. ory LECTURE AT CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY lICVE NINO, January ssoo,, 11162, by JA MRS M SOMMERYBAS, M. D. Sub)lict: " Pie. turee—Their Origin and Influence." For the benefit of the Ringseeeing Hoepital Aid Society. Tickete to be bad at the door. Price •tO cent... ja234t* EDUCATIONAL. GIRLS' HIGH AND NORMAL SCHOOL. The Semi •annual Examination of Candidates for ad mission at pupils of the Girle' High and Normal School, will lie commenced on MONDAY, February at 9 o'clock A, M. To be admitted, the candidate must be at least 14 years of age, a resident of the city of Philadelphia, and she must have been a pupil of one of the Public Schools of the city for the term of one rear. ' he order of tho examiliatien will boas follows: MONDAY, February 3—Mensuration and Grammar. TOBBITAY, February 4=-Practicol Arithmetic and Orthography. INN v•NEoDAY, February s—Parsing, and Constitu tion of the United States. THURSDAY, February 6—Theory of Arithmetic, and Drfi, ition of Willa. The Reading will be examined dAilr till completed. ja29-3t P. A. OREGAR, Principal. CENTRAL HIGH SOI - lOOL.--,The Raannitiat on of Applicants for it , mieeton into the Central High School will commence on MONDAY, Fob ruary 3d, at 9 A. AI. Candidates meet be at least 13 year. of age, residents of the city of Philadelphia, and, for at least one year, they must have been pupils in the Public Schools of the city. The order el examination will be as fellows: MONDAY, February 3 Mensuration anti belie. graphy. TUESDAY, February 4—Principle. of A i rlthynotio WRDAMDAY, February 3—Practical Aritbw ietio " . TRURSDAY, February 6 Dreamily FRIDAY. February 7— QOUlti lo of the United States and Defining. The new Claes will be ad 'fitted on TUESDAY, Fibril y 11. • N. H. MAGUIRE, ja25.61 Princi pal. FMY:1;(311 LANGIJA9g,—A. man, a native of Paris, having a few pupils, pro poses to open so CLASS f.l.r Gentleman for PRACTICE In Reading and Conversation. With his method, which is entirely new, the Language can be acquired in a very short time. Classes to commence MONDAY EVENING, 3d of February. Ten??? c.critti ptr icHOll, pply to Mr. HENRY DEVREUX, from 2 to 3 o'clock P. M.,1235 CHESTNUT Street. ja29 .3t* BORDENTOWN FEMALE COL LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 1 hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng. lisp, and superior advantages are furnialleti 1n TOGA and instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Bev. JOAN H. DUAKBLEY, A. M., ja29-2m* President. CLA.K3ICAL INSTITUTE, No. 127 NORTH TENTH Street. bo second term begins FEBRUARY let, All Ens, 1151% branches, the Classics, and modern languages taught. • 0. SEIDENSTEIKER. Direct and personal knowledge of the exqrtigite scholar ship of Dr 0. heidensticker, late of the University of Gottingen enables me to recommend him warmly as a MIMICS/ Ascher of the highest order. GEORGE ALLEN, Professor of Latin in the 'University of Pennsylvania. js29f-wfm St* ,„ LT. tiIICKMADt WILL OPEN HER .• select SCHOOL for girls on tho third of Yebrn. ary. N 0.1030 SPRING. &ARDEN Street. 9a23-120 LEGAL. WSTATE OF JOHN POTTER, OE_ flEAFED..—Letterii Testamentary upon the Estate or JOHN POTTER, deceased, having been granted by the Register of Wills of the city and county of Philadel phia to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Eli tale are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same for settlement to STEPHEN A. CAL D WELL, 1112 GIRARD Street. HENRY O. PUTTER, 445 MARKET Street, Executors. Or to their Attorney, JOHN B. CHAPRON, ja27•vBt 204 South PIPT Street. ESTATE OF JOHN F. EPPLE SWEIMAR, A LUNATIC.—First aconunt of WILLIAM H. HORN, Committen of Person and EAttte. COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit,. settle, and adjust The said account, ft., will hold the first meet ing, for the purses of I.lil kppOintmeot, on 'MONDAY, the loth dal of February, 1862, at 4 o'clock P. al t at his No. Tbit WALNUT &root, in the city of ratiadet phis, where all persons interested may attend. ja29 trim st* EDWARD W ALN. Auditor. FINANCIAL GEORGE J. _BOYD, BANKER, NO. 18 SOUTH THIRD STREET 110 , QUARTERMASTER'S CER CIFICATE3, City Wan ante, Bank Notes, Specie, &c., dealt in. STOCK'S ucd BONDS bought and sold on commission. ]a2B-lm CIOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3.40 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SZ ) /D. QUARTERVASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2-lm DREXEL dt CO. AND $3.000'.--This amount $l, 000 to LOAN on Mortgage or Groaad amt. pply to E. P ETTIT, ja29 No. 309 WALNUT Street. $lO 000 TO INVEST IN IRRE DEEMABLE GROUND RENTS. Apply to J. H. WATERS, ja2l 110 South FOURTH Street. $3,300„-A F 1 BST- C L ASS. IM NADT.:IyEteNT of this amount for sate, at a lioe i r ' al rol geo G a ß rr IFACHWire•nt. jsl • ItEMOV ALA. HOWARD & HARNDEN EXPRESS_ REMOVED TO 6(YY - - NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STONES FREIGHT, MONEY, ko., forwarded to all points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST. Having opened an Office in WASHINGTON, we shall give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7,1882, A. FA.HNESTOCK & HAVE B REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. jal.-1m LOOKING GLASSES. ... JAMES S. EARLE & SON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 1..0 OKIN- 4 3 G LASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE-VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA REV. NICHOLAS MURRA.Y, D. D. —Will be ready on MONDAY MORNING, a very fine care photograph of the late Rev. NIuROL MUR RAY, D. D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Price 2.5 cents; mailed free of charge. MCALLISTER St BROTHER, It 72.5 CELESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. NOTICE TO BANKS.—The Subseri beriellorme the tanks that he continues to print Notes hi Bank at $2 per 100, half-sheet, furnish press, etc. Good reference. . BENJAMIN ROGERS, is29-3t* No. 501 MA.ItKET Street. GET COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. —ItEIDER'S, for El, are preferred above all others, on account of their artistic coloring and general excellence. Gallery, SECOND ttreet, ab. Green. lt* WOOD AND COAL CHEAP. 1,000 Cord Oak, $4 to $5. 50 do. Hickory, $4.50 to $6.50. Hauling, 25 to 38 cents. 500 tons Egg and Stone Coal, $4. 100 tons Chestnut, $3 to $3.25. J. S. L IWItY, LODIBARD•I3treet. Limo Kiln Wharf, ja2o.2t* Schuylkill. CIIOICE CUBA HONEY, in tierces and barrels; choice New Crop Cuba Suuari PilEdo White Laguayra Coffee; prime and medium MO do; White and Yellow relined Sugar, and Havana Bo: Sugar, in store and for ado by PHILIP REILLY & CO., ia29-7t* . N 0.7 North WATER Street. LADIES CAN TAKE THEIR Children to FOURTH and BRANCH, for Hair Cutting. jag -if tf AUTRIVS HAIR DYE. 25 CENTS a boy, Black or Brown, 53 TIMID &root, above CHESTNUT. It* JOHN A. ALLDERDICE, ATTORNEY-AY-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. Lie.2B.3inik O LD SILVER PLATE OR COIN bought in largo ore onantitioe, br MILDER & BIDDLE, A 8.7011, EIBBTH & •TATtiti Streets. • ISPECIAL NOTICE.-PHILA DELPHIA CADETS.—AII the members of this Corps have to assemble this and next week, on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, at 4 o'clock P. M. ;Recruits accepted and drilled daily, from 4 until 6 o'clock P. M. ty order of Major 0. BALL. ja2 . l.3t* ALBERT ELAM°, Adjutant. WATCHES, FRENCH TDIE PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by ups rior Workmen, at LEWIS LADOBIUS & CO.'S, No. 802 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. Mfr All work warranted. ja27-Int nIRCITLAR PR INTIN G, N./ and Cheapest In the City. M RINOWSIT N BROWN'S, fN South THIRD Street, sal RETAIL DRY GOODS MUBLINS BY THE PIECE.—Not. withstanding the great rise in Cotton Goods, we will continue to sell our entire ste As at last week's low prices. We offer bleached Minding by the piece at 8,4.1 bleached Muslim 6 c. by the place; bleached Muslim; 734 c by the piece; bleached Muslin, 31,14 Inches wide, Sc. by toe piece; bleached Muslin for 10c. by the niece; bleached Muslin for 11c by the piece; bleached Muslin for 12c.; bleaChed Muslin f,r 123{e. by the place; 40 indite wide, 12)6c.; heavy, 1g yard. wide, 14X.c.; yards wide, Mire.; unbleached Muslin. 61(c. by the puce; unbleached Muslin 100.1 1111b1°4011911 Mgglfne 3.15, 1 ‘-., by the piece; unbleached for 11)6"c.; unbleached (extra good) Muslin 12%0. by the piece; unbleached Muslin, 2g yard wide, 31go. by the piece. We will oiler the same print that le selling for 1434 and The., for 1234 c. by the piece; the same colored Canton Flannel, that JP selling for 17c., for 12gc. by the piece; un bleached for 1234 c.; heavy colored Drilling 124 c. by the Piece; white 12X0,; yenl wide blank Flannel al%e. - Embraced in this stock will be found every th, miriade make and width of Shirting and Sheeting made. We invite an examination of this atock by storekeepers and others, and will guaranty to sell any make of Mut lin at a less price than they cau possibly be bought at any Wholesale or Retail Mouse. D. et . W. 11. PENNELL, ja29-tf 1021 'MARKET St.,.biskm ELEVENTH.. BES6QI•t 4 1 ,i; SON RAPT. OPENED THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF LAST SUMMER'S - MOURNING LAWNS, ENGLISH CHINT ZES, DRESS SILKS, FOULARD SILKS, MAIMING GINGHAM, BAREGES HEENANI, SILK GRENADINES, &c., Whit& they offer, itt present, at the OLD PRICES. MOURNING STORE, ja2B-3t if No. 018 CHESTNUT STREET. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND CASE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No. 72T CHESTNUT STREET. HAVING ORGANIZED A RETAIL DEPARTMENT In connection with our WHOLESALE TRADE, we will exhibit, at all semitone, a lino of Goode by the yard, piece, or package, at such eaten as to commend our stook to the attention of cash buyers, 1a28.11 1013 MARKET STREET IS NOW settled beyond a donot by everybody as be ing the cheapest MUSLIN STORE in the city, where there is the GREATEST and LARGEST ASSORT MENT of every make, quality, and price that can be found. Buying my GOODS entirely for cash, I can offer greater inducements than many are able to do. My stock is boing constantly replenished, so tbat persons can find every variety they may want at prices which I can safely guaranty cannot be undersold; and at present it is, I suppose, one of the largest retail stocks of Domestics in the city. I can sell a very good Bleached Muslin at Bc. ; three or four different kinds at 10c.; 1 case at 10c., by the piece, that is extra cheap; two kinds of very fine, wide, at 12,4 c.; three makes, full yard wide, at 123ic.; these are job lots and under the regular price; also, the Housekeepers', which is heavy the Mendula, Semper Idem, Bartlett, Arctic, Wemsutta, Williamsville, New York Mills, and many other approved makes, now in More; good Pillow Casing, 114 wide, iiheeting, Ig, 2, 23( , 2 , i 2 , and 3 yards wide; a. full line of Brown Sheetings, of all the best makes, and am selling the Utica less than it can be had. The beat 123( cent Canton Flannel in town; this is selling very fast, and no more to be had at the price. Having cleared out a large lot of black-ground Ainorican Prints), I will tio thom Al 123; c. by the piece s ' illcil tp 9 CM , " 4 7: erica. ceretwo in :vent of MUSLINS will &A it greatly to tlkir advantage to call at the Great Dluslin Emporium. GRANFII LE B. HAINES, ja2B-3t 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAYED, In endless variety LIGHT AND DARK CLO T CLOAKS. of every shade ; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every duality; BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLI, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOOK AND ram MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITE IVENS, 0016 No. 23 South NINTH Street. G REAT BARGAINS LADIES' CLOAKS, To tlose out, As the ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, B. W. writer TENTH and ARCH lesta. auBl.4zu JACOB HORSFALL. CLOAKS-- Handsome styles of well-made, serviceable pr. moot& The beet wady, the bait etting, tsud the Dest materials for the price. It large dock from which to select_ COOPER. at CONAED, &IA 8. E. cor. NINTIF and tdAILEET. OLO AK S! In the city. HOUGH & 00., No. 26 South TENTH street, eel& _ Opposite irraniciin ittaricet. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS F INE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The eubecriber would incite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF MUSTS, Which he nightie a specialty in his llueineas. Also, con reCelivtif airw -- TLIOSEN'S WEAR. GENTLEMEN'S FURNIS INII No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ia9-tf Four doors below the iiontinental. ILLIJMIPI ATING OILS I f;El 4:3.1 HULBURT & BRODHEAD, Q. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the speciat attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it poesesees merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in thli Market. Produces no awoke, and is free from ail explosive properties. Sir Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. jals.lm PORTLAND KEROSENE 0 I lA. We are now prepared to wapply thle STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL •f GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCEF. as. CO., Soma Attains, 1010 KARR= STRIWIT, ael-Ste Pnllsdetehla NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants and Public Institutions euvolled with BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, made of the beat LINEN PAPERS, And Warranted durable. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STATIGNERY iu great variety. LETTER, NOTE, and BILL PAPERS. TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY & SONS, PRACTICAL BLANK-BOOK MANIIIAOTIIBERf3, COUNTING-11.0136NSTATIONNO 8 , PRINTERS, AND DITHOODAriIitIA 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de4-w&a2m dn . BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL ING FROM EitCH PORT EVERY TEN DAYFrom PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and S— LONG WHARF, Boston. The new steamer SAXON' /0 106 tone, Captain MAT THEWS, will sail from Philadelphia on WEDEI6.IIPIY morning, February 6, at 10 o'clock. Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by sail veesels. Shippers are requeeted to send Bills of Lading aad allF receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having tine accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOB & CO. in27-itf 332 SOUTH WHARVES. PRIZE MONEY PAID TO °FEL CEEB and MDT of tho Ban Jacinto, Constella tion, Dart, Mohican, Mystic, Brooklyn, Sumter, and other vessels. ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. N. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ia22.lm* RAISINS. -300 boxes Layer Raisins .i. ROO half boxes Layer Salable; 800 boxes hi B Bunch Raisins; 800 bail' boxes hl B Bunch Raisins. New and choice fruit, now landing and for sale by MURPHY it KOONS % N 0.146 NORTH WHAR9IB. A NTI-FRICTION METAL, Superior quality ' For pale by 4 . A.11= Yoqp% DRINKER'S AD LINZ jal9-2mit Bet. Etent and Secoud i Ce and drab eta. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSUR : Din 406 lIIIIESTNUT , FIDE AND INLA DIRIE I Street. ND INAYUBANCE. TORS. N. N. Ruck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Booty Lewis, Jr., P. S. Ju.tice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Jones, Goo. A. West, Chas. btokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Everman. FRANCIS N. A( OK, President. Milt bLES RICHARDBOIi, Vice Presidont. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, JRDII>IYy 27, 1882 The following statement of the VA 61.1 C I higUlt.A. ger. COMPANY of their monition on the nit ilftY of De. cemher, 18131, ii published In accordance with Mk .Act 0, Aeht CA ElTAL—Authorived and aulmeribed .... $lOO,OOO 00 Amount paid in 01,800 00 MeilS! Bonds and Mot igageo Demand Loam on conatersle Phiisidelplitti City ea..... ........ B.tBooo ltienl Ektitte 2.000 00 acertied 2,00240 Bipa Itoceivahle 1,101 98 Palatine dne from Apple, &c 2,208 12 Cash on band 1,590 02 Instalments on Stockinet called in, and for which the Stockholders are todiridually liable 38,110 00 $107,205 10 RECEIPTS FOR Vial. Premiums on Fire Rieke, amount ing to $1,234,031.00 610,233 40 Promiuwe on Inland Rieke, amounting to 850,199.00. ...... . 264 13 Intoroit to Becurifieg„ „ „ 3.66 OQ $14,161 53 DISBURSEMENTS. Fire LOl36eP 53,578 04 Commissions 839 94 Expenses, rent, advertising, &e... ...." 28244 S'q a r,k 4l sf ,r7:l i 1 !! I ~.. 3, „ 7 ,,. 1 N 9, Telt ideudii. JititiL ,. . y . aLtri jilly!.. • -, ihl ES ;GO ..... $13,114 67 Amount at risk .9F967,458A00 WILLIAMS I. BLANCIIARD, ja27.lintf St Secretary. VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, OFIOICP. No. 4114 CHESTNUT Sirmi. PIIILADIMPUTA, January 6, 1862. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the first day of February, 1862. WILLIAMS I. BLANCIIARD, Secretary. ja7 dal COMMONWEAL IL/ RANCE °OXFAM PNNNOPLITANIA. DIBBOTORS. David Jayne, M. A n Charles H. Bogen, John M. Whit/di, John K. Walker, • Alward O. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Hear, Lewis, Jr- Elijinfr DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Prodder& SAMUEL 8. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 1118 OHISTMUr Eltreet, Philadelphia. sail-if V MEDICINAL. DR J. H. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, for the moo of Gsugha, C 41,15, and Oon- Humptiou. DR. J. H. SCHENCK'S SEA-WEED TONIC, for Dyspepsia and all weak and debilitated state of the Stomach. DR. J. H. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, for disease of the Liver, or a gentle Cathartic. These three medicines are all frequently required in curing Consumption. It to of groat importance to keep the Liver and Stom. ach in a healthy condition ; it the appetite is gone the patiett cannot get strength. The Sea. Weed Tonic as sists the Pnlmonic Syrup in giving a tone to the stomach, then the Syrup ripens the matter and restores the lungs to a healthy condition. ANOTHER RECENT CURE OF CONSUMPTION AND BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS Is Y ENCK'S PULMONIG SYRUP. PitiLlbsLi93li, Pa., January 2, 1861 DR. J. H. SCIIINCK—Dear : As) ou have cured my wife of a well marked consumption, when she was, as It were, in the very jaws of death, justice to yourself. as well as duty to my fellow man, impels me to address you this letter, and detail the condition of my wife and the very remarkable effects of your medicines in her case. More than three years ago, ells was taken with a copious bleeding from the lungs, attended with a very bad cough, loss of appetite, pain between her shoulders, headache, cold feet and a gradual decline of her physical powers. 1 culled in our family physician, who is regarded as ono of the ablest practitioners in this city. He continued to attend it, r for a long time, and during that time she had several attacks of hemorrhage from the lungs, which male her very weak and brought her Met the grave. 4 Wag witch !ER 'lite hat &Wee for life Were Very bail, that lire. Edward French, of Moorestown, New Jersey, who Lad been cilred et consumption and Bleeding from the Lange, and who knew Dr. Schenek when he htd Consumption and came near dying, and knew he was cured with his celebrated medicines, set t word to her by all means to apply to Dr. Schenck, as he would he sure to cure her. At this time my wife was very Wei. She was much reduced in flesh and strength, had no appetite, a very bad cough, which was so distressing as nearly to ! deprive her of bleep. She bad a pain and distress in her Lunge, and it was evident to us all that she was far gone with consumption: in the afternoons she would keys fever and creeping chills, and at night free-sweats. After Dr. Schenck had given her an examination with his Respirotueter, he pointed out to my wife the part of her lunge that was badly diseased. She lied little con fidence At this time in any remedies, as she had used nearly everything in medicine without the least benefit, while her disease was progressing to the destruction of tile vitals, and would doubtless soon terminate in death. She commenced using the Pulmonic Syrup, Mandrake Pills and Sea Weed Tonic, and continued to use them about a month, seeing Dr Schenck once a week, when she experienced a marked improvement. There was this difference in the effects of these medicineefr an all others. Instead i it drying up the secretions and matter, as the other medicines had done, they seemed to ripen the mat ter and expel it in tile form of expectoratimr, which was very copious, at the same time the secretions were re stored to their natural and healthy condition, and the bkod began again to circulate naturally. The medicines were continued a long tints, as the die ease was well seated, and obstinately resisted the action of the medicines. At length the matter began to ripen, and the cough became louse, and a free discharge:of mat ter occurred right !loin the snot where my wife felt that Let lungs were diseased. Her appetite and digoot-kn.. proved, and she eujoyed what silo had tong peen a slimm er to, sweet and refreshing 'deep. The medicines von tinned to act upon her blood and purified it. and alter four or five months she bad regained her strength, sad: felt that her system was purified from all disease. Sire is now well and hearty and sole to attend to the duties of her family, and cannot speak in terms of too great Every boity strati ltilum . . - •zure...,,aoreinaa She is desirous will be glad to direct any one to the reniwil" care that fell destroyer of the human race, Codinaltithttilll I reside at 1301 Lherry street, end Mrs. banning or myselt will be very happy to have Soy 'one call on us, at our re indence, and hear for themselves of the great virtues of our very valuable medicines. G. W. DAWNING. Yours, truly, Place of business, 607 ARCII Street, Philadelphia. A DECIDED CASE OF CONSUMP-• 4 TIUN CURED BY SCHENCK b PM/ RUNIC SYRUP. A &it is doubted . by marry N that Consumption is ever lis Bitch doubts, the reader will tall of IB6lB6llcted I contra aneavy seats! In the dry, backing cough, attended! with • headache, hose of ap petite, constipation, and an increasing debility. I placed myself under the care of an eminent physician of this city, and remained under his care several months, and followed the directions strictly, but kept getting As-esker and worse MI the time. I lest in three or four months twenty-eight pounds of flesh. I was exceedingly sable, bad a very ban cough and pain in my chest, hectic fever, and copious night-sweats. About this time 1 was taken with an exceesive bleeding front the lungs, and raised nearly a quart of blood. In this alarming condition I felt I must die soon if I was not speedily helped, and many of my friends thought there was not much hope for me.' I procured' some of Dr. SoHENCE.'S PUL &lONIC SY Rill., which seemed to agree with me. I then sent for Dr. Schenck, who came over to my residence, in Mantua, and examined my lungs carefully with his Re epirometer, andfound my right lung very touch dileased, and my other lung in an ulcerated condition. He pre scribed, in addition to his Syrup, the free use of his MANDRAKE PILLS AND SEAWEED TONIC. I de termined to give hie medicines a fair trial, as I felt that if be could not cure me, no one else could. It was not long before I felt his medicines were doing me good. I found my appetite and strength improving, and,. beet of all, the Pulmonic Syrup seemed to ilpen the matter in my lungs, and, for days, I would sometimes bring up a quart of matter and corruption. I continued using the medicines fOr it ree or four monitr, until col the matter was ex pelled from my lunge, and they were entirety healed and sound. I regained my flesh and strength, and am well and hearty, and able to attend to my businest as usual. I have recommended Dr. Schenck's medicines to many of my friends who were complaining, always with benefit. I am satisfied I had the Consumption, and was entirely cured by Dr. Schenck; and. I alit fully p.m- Emceed that, if the consumptive would persevere in the use of his medicines, and follow strictly the directions, the majority of them would be cured. I am doing business at the N. W. corner of Seventh and Cherry streets, and will be very happy to give any information I can to all who will call oreme. JOSE P II: B. HAINES. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 2411,1861. Dr. SCHENCK will be at his office, No: 39 N. SIXTH Street, every Saturday, to give adviceand , examine lungs with hie Respirometer. His usual charge for an exami nation is three dollars, bitten Satarday,•Fi;bruar7 let, he will examine everybody that may come free of charge. ja29.3t* DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SH.OEM.A.KER & CO., Northeast Corner FOURTH and MON Strada, niILADELPDIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND , DGMESTIO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. ICANUFACTIIIIZRIS Or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, ao AGENTS TOE IBM GMLBSIATZD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES NOR CASH. orXl43m • WHITE LEA OIL. Ilea Lead, White Lead. Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent YeThaff, Chronic' Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Portia, Murlatic Acid, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Vaange Mineral, Soluble 'fart. Bub Carl), Bedih White Iritriut, Bed Precipitate, Druggists and Mai Nos. 47 and 49 BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, TO. ;Brooma, Bucket!, ay.. fur nolo by IILAIXISTON, 0 0 4, militat 146.6104 . jalo.3m 22 South WATER StrivA PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Looking-Glasses, Engravings, and fine Frames, at GEO. T. BENICEBT'S, No. ISO ARCH Street. -fficaum•- - E. B. EARLEY, FIIRDUSHING I:I2IDIGSTAIKAAs !Southwest con= At T 1 U and CUM gi.eti, nallihaatto NCE COMPANY, .$2.0,825 00 11,431.50 H FIRE INKY . OF THE STATE OP TO LET.— The becormi- story front, NV- and the entire thiCri story of our in:tiding,. FARR A: BROTHER ' , ja29.6t 324 CHESTIFUT Street, below FOURTH. t'OR SALE—The entire STOOK and FIX'!URES of an AlitrouraunAL. and SEED , isusit:Erd ll' 1 G S T-ULASS ;REAM FORE FOR SAT.-B. Will be said, at public sale, at 2 o'clock P. lir:, oa TBESDA' I7 , , the fourth day of February,lB62. at the public bonito of W. L. PeBOR 8011, in the city of Read leg, the property known ae the - READING laTtAllt FORGE, hi mid city. Bahl Forge iirtraTrilfilliiilUilbllgttandeempletely equipped with all the modern IMprovements, including ts seven-ten aemyth lattemer and three Kirk steam hammers, eseh with heating nuances and boilers attached. A. tyre= Leading machine and oven, three paddling furnaces; friielatlarktmlithla forges, two thirty-ton c:aues, otm - One mill, slotting machine, turning lathe, with sheet Trilhelialtet !'!'''--11Ailig;.300 by 100 feet, with fire proof, &c.,.0n the premises, wheah - Ziit`..2ffic°" acres. Said Forge is most conveniently located flrbusiness,aiy. • joining the Beading Railroad, and so conucettsl therewith' that locomotives can Mite away and delivcrtars of iron, coal, and other freight, without cost for hadllng. Shute run outride the building,by which coal. ecru, • iron, &c., can be dumped close to each foresee, withrut extra cost for battling or labor. Thin Forge is capable of-executing the heaviest work, havinp. , forged and finished the main shafts of the ' , Adriatic, believed to be the largest ever made,) besides complete sets of forgiugs for numerous steamships tor Government raid others, The city of Read ing presents peculiar advantages for the successful opera tion of such u forge, It is whine a lull. sof Philudetptita, 4alibeaksil thrtewith by the Reading Railroad, and the Schuylkill (100 ton) canal, 123 miles by rail ddrectfmn New 10rk,1.38 from Baltimore, 54 from Harrisburg, and 34 from the Schuylkill coal region. whence the beetan thracite coal can be placed at the furnace doors for about 82.25 per ton. Reacting is situated in one of the finest agricultural districts of Pennsylvania, has a population of x 5,000, and is noted for its general health and the purity of its water. As Berks county contains more furnaces than any other in the United States, iron of every description Call be Ordbned by the Idtge at the lowest prices. Title clear of all incumbrance Posses , Edon given immediately, mid terms made easy, to suit. purchasers. The Forge is in complete order, and is fur nished with every necessary tool and appurtenance to commence work immediately on taking possession. It is a property well worth the attention of those engaged in the above busitese. For any further information ' apply to H. 11. MUHLEN'IIERG. Cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Reading, Pa. j -, fee • DRY AND IN White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narcotine, Ralph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Sulph, Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corro. Sublim., Denarcotized Opium, Chlo, ide of Soda, Wetherill's ext. Cincha Tartar Emetic, Chloride or Limo. Crude Borax, Relined Borax, Camphor, Resin Copavis. LL & BROTHER, nufacturing Chemists, North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AUCTION SALE. BY BURDETT, JONES, & CO. Store 109 WALL Street, New York. ON WEDNESDAY, NEIL 5, At 12 o'clock, et Who!Gee !Morel], Atlantic Dock, (No. 51 Atlantic Dock,) V. S. GOVERNMENT BALE OF COTTON, By order and under the direction of Hiram Barney, ERII Collector of the Port of Now York. SEA. ISLAND COTTON. 175 bales superior n nallty of Bea Island Cotton, in per fect merchantable order. Ba r apkii per crwtiilogue can be seen at oar omco va and after Rfonday, 27th January, until day of nalm ja24-fmwitu St AMUSEMENTS. MRS. JOHN DIIEW 7 5 AROII-STRIMT Acting and Stage Manager ' W. S. FANDAIRIOLA Rudman% Agent and Treaanrer JOB. D. MDEPDY FIFIEENTH NIGHT OF JOHN DREW. TO-NIGIIT, (iVed tepidity ' ) January 29,1862, THE; ISltll ATTORNEY. Pierce O'Hara_._ To conclude with the IRISH 31111 - 106 ANT, O'Brian, th. Tr;!tyrant Previous to the Comedy. TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME. Ilfir Prices as usual. lltir Curtain rises at „yf otter I o'clock. sir Seats secured three days in wimps. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOOIETY, with a P awarr. e; chorus of ono ltondrod select voices, 1211 ' . .,1cAL - FUND HALL, TOTS EVENING, in et the Uuksi Volunteer anti Cooper Shoo Rofrosh• Saloons.ment Saloon 7 he Piano nand on this oyTt . sion lefr.— the manufactory of G, Steck, N. Y an kindly tunnel by Mr. J. M. Gould ! kOlitteaNt corner or Seventh and Chestnut etrente. IL* WALNUT -STREET THEATRE NINTH snit WALNUT Streets. , 1.11 ilia& PI, A, go/BM= _ MR. ''''' BARNEY WILLIABIA. THIN (WEDNESDAY) EVEN/NU, January 20, The performance will commence with THE FAIRY CIRCLE. ..Mr. Barney Williams. Mrs parziey WiIIIBILM Con O'Carolan i:J." 814 v% To be fOilar t 'l PVB Q. To conclude a itli INRLAND AS IT PRIOZB-60, 87), 76, and 26 cents; ?rivate lioasd. 065 and $3. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7 ONE HUNIRED SELECT VOICES, DIUBIGAL FUND HALL, THIS EVENING, for the benefit ot Mimi Sr°lunteor awl tinnier Shop Sofrogh ment Saloom It* CONTINENTAL. THEATRE. THE GREAT 111 T OP THE SEASON/ HOUSES CROWDED NIGHTLY! Second Week of the great Drams. of WNCLE TOkk'S CABIN; Or. Life among the Lowly. NOTICE TU FAMILIES A GRAND UNCLE ToM hiattikkE Will be given on SATURDAY next. Doors open k past I; to commence at 2 o'clock. Admission 15 and 25 cts. Orchestra Chairs 50 cent 4 Doors open A( before 7; to commence past 7. ONE HUNDRED SELECT VOICES, MUSICAL FUND HALL, THIS HYMN°, ftli benefit of Union Volunteer and Cooper Sbop Nefrelh mrnt Saloom its W OLFSO HN & THOMAS' SECOND CLASSICAL SOIREE, THURoDAY, January 30th, 186 2, AT THY. FOYEE OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ' Madame JOHANNSEN will assist. Subscribers will be admitted to the lagt Rehearsal. For particallre see Programmes. Single Tiekete 814 or iceete admitting three perfume $2; eon he had on the evening at the door. jail.3t* TEMPLE OF WONDEIiB - and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ In his New, Popular, and Anluiting Entertainments', EVERY EVENING, commencing at half past 7 o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTZE. NOOKS at 3 Grand Combination of Attraction, Thanitiattirfidnal Psycological Experiments, Magical Moor- Bons, Ventrilonnial Oddities; Comicstitles, and Boa Mote, and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Learned *Ms nary Birds. Admission 25 cents ; Children 13 cents. joiLti GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC ItEI4EASSAI.B covery NVTUBDAY, •t Sk o'clock P: M.; at the MUSICAL FUND II ALL, Package of Eight Tickets, 81.; Single Tickets:, 2 at To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, 3. E. Goold'h Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. oa9B•N pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Mt JIL TUE !TV ARTS, 1949 LIHRSTRUT Street, t. open daily, Sunuayo exCeptod, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. Y. Admininn AI canto. Obildten snder twelve pm Ulf price. Marco of Stook, 6M). INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, Exhibition on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. al half past 3 o'clock. Admission, TEN Cents. Store. 1.1 South EIGIITII Street. jrcls-w4t WANTS. lgT ANTE D— A second-hand &a , tioriery Steam Engine, of from 50 to 70-Etorrt Address, stating particulars, ,1 Boz 1155 Non de2l-ff UNITED STATES MARINES.-- Wanted, immediately, for the United Staten Marino Corps, SEVEN IIUNDIMD ABLE•BODIFD MEN for oea Stnice, between the ago or eighteen Leg f:Acy yoeec. All Information that may be required wilt be given at the Rendezvoue, 311 South EDON r Streets below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jalg•l2t Recruiting ()nicer. BOARDING NO. 15 21 WALNUT STREET- Hanclsogiely-furnished ROOMS TO LE:T, with itr2B.3t* FOR , VEALE AND TO LET- TAN -YARD TO RENT.—Situate on the Old LANCASTER Turnpike, opposite the Spread Eagle Tavern, near the Eagle Station on the. • Pennsylvania Railroad, about fifteen tulles from Phila. • delpida, where a good supply of Bark, Ride?, and Calf- Fdiills can be obtained. A Stone Dwelling, Out-buildings, . and about eight acres of Fenn Land, an abundant supply of soft water, the necessary Tate, Bates, for diate use. Possession to lie had Apctl ht, For tbikar. apply to SUSANNA WORItELL, On the p.emises, Spread Eagle P. 0., Delaware county, Pa. jalEtsw4t* Or address her, Jairmary 18,1862 nea WALNUT. TO BENT A Desirable modern HOUSE;, War BROAD and All conve niences. Beserring Office. Furniture for sale, if de— sired. Apply to B. PETTIT, M2l-If 1423 WALNUT Street. /IR FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE .=A large Store and Dwelliug on MARKET Street, on, a prominent corner, and suitable for u Diner sore. App ply to J. H. WATERS, jalo•tf 110 South FOURTH Street. VCR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR Improved Property, Forty !three of GROUND, In the. Twenty-second Ward, fronting on the Mount Airy Turn.. lake and the County-111!0 Read, onr 4 f alt Pll9M— brance. Apply to J. 11. WATEI7,3, ja2o 110 South FOURT LI Street. FOR SALE AND EXCFjANGE- A large number of Farms in the adjoining Conn. ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New. Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of laud. Thom wishing to exchange or purchase would do woll to • ceti and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jai-tf E. PET f IT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. VARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, is, .12 excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-on• acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated! in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and ss half miles from the Limerick station, on the Readlna Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol. Tars ($5,000). Apply on the promises. n 016.11 SAMUEL H. caterr. in FOR BALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandy Bun El atl 9l,rrllP : eateylvaniajfa ilro t l t agostonebuigerrigipalpotte money can remain at 6 per cent. Apply to B. PETTIT. al No. 90D WALNUT Street. rpßussE 8! BRA.OES ! ! PORTERS! ! O. H. IVESDLES, B W. corner RABIC and TWZIM•fIi Streets, Phila.. Practical Adjuster of Truants and SittlAllitbi files, has constantly on band a largo and 'varied stoat of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and Americas Supporters sad Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Springy/8 variety, French Pessaries, to. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladles, TWSLFTII Street, first door below Race. no2l-Iflot QHOULDERS.-1,500 pieces city— emoted ilbouiders also, i tio iahas. Shoulders in salt, for sale by C. O. SADLER & jag 103 ARCH Street, 9 , 1 doer above frog. TTA M S .-1,000 pieces sugar aura(' 00y-smoked Sam forae by 0. S&DLIW, & CO., a 9 108 ARCH Street, 2d door saws trent. etARD PRINTING, R t3A-ND chiAikeillo OA COY, M RIAMWALT h BROWN eh SI South VIM Shook so% John Drew John Drew